113 - 120

Chapter 113: A Personal Decision

Translator: WQL Editor: Geoffrey

Because it was forbidden to reveal what had happened in the mining cave to the public, no trouble arose. After reaching an agreement, they just told the others outside the cave that Zhang Tie was sharing his mining experience with them in the cave.

Unexpectedly, on the same day, the group of more than 64 zealots who were as close as blood brothers kept their oaths and the mysterious agreement in mind, aiming to join the Ancient God Church.

This was the result of Zhang Tie's trick. With the exception of Zhang Tie, all the others were deeply moved by the inheritance ceremony of the mysterious and sacred Big Blessing Skill. For Zhang Tie, although this Big Blessing Skill was purely fictitious, it was not completely meaningless, as what Zhang Tie had recited was the Chinese Sutra "no cross, no crown". Additionally, the reason that Zhang Tie dared to fabricate the illusory "Big Blessing Skill" was because of his experiences as a flesh-bag in the Iron Thorns Fighting Club. Zhang Tie knew that it was very painful when one was ferociously beaten yet not allowed to fight back. Similarly, when you learn to accept and understand it with a new point of view for a new perspective, after receiving benefits from the most unlikely of places, Zhang Tie felt it was very cool, as he could feel a happiness within his heart.

What happened was not truly the most important, but rather, what was most important was how you view and understand what was happening. Everything had two sides; the good side and the bad side. It completely determined how you viewed it. If you felt it was good, then it would be good and could make you feel happy. If you felt it was bad, it would be bad and could cause your mood to be bad. When he opened his soul, abandoned the constraints from traditional perspectives, and focused on those good aspects, Zhang Tie found that he would feel refreshed. Just like a water faucet being opened, the moment you opened it, water would flow across your body. This was what Zhang Tie's experiences had summed up to and was what the ultimate meaning of the Big blessing Skill was—whenever and whatever you were facing, if one pays attention to the positives, then you would feel joy and that would be your biggest blessing!

Zhang Tie had completely made up the Ancient Gods Church. He felt that nobody would keep such an illusory thing in their minds after the survival training, as they would have their own things to deal with then. To turn the fabricated Big Blessing Skill's effects into reality, to help them form devoted beliefs, and to allow them to reach the lowest requirement of the Ancient Gods Church… all of these things were just small tricks that Zhang Tie had made up in order to get himself out of his situation. Zhang Tie didn't believe that the trick could be exposed by others, and since it was something that was fabricated, besides allowing the followers to positively face the difficulties in their lives, the Big Blessing Skill was not considered, even by Zhang Tie, to be able to awe people and make them devoted.

'What happened in the cave could be considered a white lie and a blessing to those guys,' Zhang Tie told to himself.

Before, there were only a bit more than ten people in the cave; however, after that day, 50 to 60 new miners joined, causing the cave to be noisier than before. Even the tunnel where Zhang Tie worked was crowded with several more people.

Completely different than those who had submitted to their fate and were just dejectedly working hard here, those guys who had been successfully brainwashed by Zhang Tie declared to the public that they had learned the mining experience from Zhang Tie, and the way they acted caused them to be seen as a group of lunatics in the eyes of others.

Different than those who would immediately begin to mine the moment they arrived with their mining basket, these guys would always first kneel down on the hard and cold mining bed and ores with hands folded to recite a prayer filled with devotion and gratitude.

"I thank the Gods for bringing you to me. I know you are not just cold ores, but rather, the biggest blessing from the Gods. Every time I devoutly wave my mining hoe and carry you through that long tunnel as I am full of gratitude, I was receiving your great blessing and gift. You have made my veins and bones exhausted and ache, but you have also given me excellent strength and decisiveness. You have created ores that were hard to break in order to temper my decisiveness and braveness when breaking through difficulties. Because of you, I am able to obtain food. Because of you, I am able to obtain strength. Because of you, I am able to be resolute. Because of you, I have the decisiveness to break through all difficulties. I know that top quality wine always tastes bitter at first taste. I also know that the outward forms of the biggest blessings are always difficulties and troubles. From today onward, all the complaints will leave me, and I will see through all the troubles and difficulties and never be puzzled by their outward forms. Like enjoying wine, I will open my heart to accept this blessing. The troubles and difficulties are the blessings the Gods have given to me. I receive this blessing out of my devotion and gratitude. I will definitely constantly absorb the powerful strength from this blessing! May the Ancient Gods be with me!"

After praying, those guys even touched and kissed those cold stones in a very kind way before waving their mining hoe to mine. As if they were digging for gold, they mined with a very satisfied and pious expression.

Potter was the first one who did this. Gradually, his actions were followed by several "fire-bearers", and then before they would begin to mine, everybody would start to silently pray for the blessing of the Big Blessing Skill. Even the four "sacrifices" led by Wood, who had not experienced the "sacred" ceremony, began to pray and said these words. Through praying, Wood and the other three "sacrifices" also faintly felt the essence of the Big Blessing Skill and became gradually resolute and pious.

Throughout the whole night, Potter was thinking about how to pray. After he thought it through, on the second day, he even devoutly asked Zhang Tie, the Enlightener, for suggestions. After reading the words of the prayer, Zhang Tie was immediately shocked and felt perturbed.

"Did you think it out by yourself?" Zhang Tie curiously stared at Potter, confused as to how such an unlucky fellow who submitted to his fate of digging in the mines yesterday had suddenly become so talented. Zhang Tie was truly shocked by the prayer, especially the part that talked about the wine. That was truly f*cking meaningful.

"Yes!" As he said the words of the prayer, Potter became slightly excited and his face started to turn red. "I don't know either. I was so excited last night that I couldn't sleep well, and these words just came to mind one by one!"

"It seems that the Big Blessing Skill has already started to take effect on you..." Zhang Tie solemnly said to Potter. "Your words of prayer are very good, as it completely combines the Big Blessing Skill with your inner feelings; however, there is one flaw. If you add one more sentence to the end, then the prayer would be perfect!"

"Where do I need to improve?" Potter nervously asked.

"If you add 'May the Ancient God be with me' at the end of the prayer, then it would be more powerful and effective!" Zhang Tie "suggested" like an expert.

Thus, in the next afternoon when someone found Potter, the "fire-bearer", kneeling down on the ground as he prayed after his "exchange" with Zhang Tie, in merely one morning, the prayer had already silently spread among the 64 people. Every one of them treasured the prayer a lot, especially the last sentence that was added by Zhang Tie, "May the Ancient God be with me", making them more firmly convinced that the mysterious deities of the Ancient Gods Church were the Ancient Gods.

In Age of Black Iron, human beliefs exploded greatly. In this world, although nobody has seen a true god, people who worshiped various deities could be seen everywhere. Regardless of other places, Zhang Tie knew that merely in Andaman Alliance, even if under the covetous eyes of the Sun Dynasty, there were more than seven sects and groups using the sun as the totem and the source of their belief. There were also numerous other sects and groups, each of which claimed that they were the followers of the true deity. However, in the end, more of these groups and sects turned out to be controlled by liars in order to make money and sleep with women, and they became bankrupt and failed more frequently than registered business groups and companies. The deities also came and went with the sects and groups, making people dazed and easily forget them. In this case, Zhang Tie felt that it was also reasonable and acceptable for him to fabricate Ancient Gods.

In Andaman Alliance, people who fabricated a deity would be less guilty than fabricating a corporate legal person. The latter might be given trouble by the officials of the tax bureau, while the former would not even arouse the attention of others.

After trying his best to mine together with the guys who had received the blessing of the "Big Blessing Skill" in the mining cave for three days, Zhang Tie had almost collapsed. Although the Leakless Fruit had already been ripe for three days, during the past three days, Zhang Tie couldn't even find one chance to enter the Castle of Black Iron and complete the promotion to LV 2 warrior. The moment he entered the mining cave, he would always be the most eye-catching guy. Compared to before, the amount of miners in the mining cave now was four or five times more. The mining cave could no longer act as a hidden location for Zhang Tie to enter the Castle of Black Iron, and neither could he add any more basic energy storage to the Castle of Black Iron.

Almost half of this survival training had already elapsed, and Zhang Tie knew that if he remained in the mining cave like this, then he truly might stay with these guys and mine for another month. This was definitely not what Zhang Tie longed for.

Thus, after he finished mining on the third day since these guys joined him, Zhang Tie declared his righteous decision towards those guys who were mining in the cave—he wanted to leave the mining cave and complete the remainder of the survival training alone in the harshest of environments. He wanted to obtain greater strength from more adventurous and harsher environments...

Chapter 114: Loner

Translator: WQL Editor: Geoffrey

When Zhang Tie returned to the cabin that was marked with the words "Logistics administration", despite his clothes being the same as before and him still looking as rugged as before, he felt as if he was treated completely differently than before.

At the same office desk that was placed in front of the cabin, the same two girls from before were sitting there. At the sight of Zhang Tie walking towards them, they both showed a big smile with great warmth, causing Zhang Tie stunned.

"I'm Emily, what can I do for you?" One girl took hold of this chance to introduce herself. As for the other girl, who was about to stand up, Zhang Tie saw her pouting in dissatisfaction.

"I'm here to hand in the mining basket and the mining hoe..." When Zhang Tie said this, he glanced over their breasts. Feeling Zhang Tie's absent-minded eyes, the two girls sitting behind the desk consciously raised their chests. 'Hmm… although they are not as extravagant as Alice's or Beverly's, their breasts are big enough. At least, they're much bigger than Pandora's.' When he thought of Pandora, Zhang Tie felt a slight headache. Not knowing why, Zhang Tie felt that Pandora has been acting weirdly lately, especially when he asked Pandora to "pound" him using her fists to help form the Iron-Body Fruit. Whenever he asked Pandora to do this, Pandora, while gritting her teeth, would pound him so fiercely that it was as if she wanted to beat him to death, causing Zhang Tie to be a bit frightened.

"Are you Zhang Tie? Hmm, please sign your name here!" The other girl also seized the opportunity to stand up. With a big smile on her face, she passed a notebook to Zhang Tie.

"You know me?" Being called by name by a girl who he didn't know, Zhang Tie was slightly surprised.

"Of course, everybody knows you. You are the hero student who had exposed Samira's status as a mole of the Norman Empire and had defeated a LV 3 warrior!" As she said this, the girl cast a sheepish glance at Zhang Tie, causing Zhang Tie to be a bit dazzled as his vanity was satisfied once again.

Finding the student number he had registered with in the notebook, he then signed beside it before handing it back to that girl.

"Can I leave now?"

"Yes, you can!" This girl kept staring at Zhang Tie with eyes wide opened. After taking the notebook, she slightly hesitated before bravely asking Zhang Tie, "Do you still need a partner for the survival training?"

"A partner for survival training?"

"Yes, Emily and I have not formed a team with the boys yet!"

For such an obvious and bold intent, Zhang Tie could naturally understand what she meant. Zhang Tie forcefully swallowed his saliva as he looked at the two big and beautiful smiles that hung on their face and their half-matured figure and breasts. The untamed thing in his crotch became like an animal. Over the past few days, Zhang Tie had realized he really couldn't withstand the flirting from girls. Every time, that untamed thing would turn hard in the face of any sex appeal. Was this the boredom in the puberty ?

"I… I already have a partner in this survival training!" When he told a lie, Zhang Tie hurriedly used his "right hand covering method" to press down on that untamed thing.

"It doesn't matter. Excellent boys usually have many partners in the survival training," Emily replied as she lovingly blinked her beautiful eyes a few times.

Seeing the two beauties, Zhang Tie had already burst out into tears inwardly. 'My god! Is this punishment for not having accepted the circumcision surgery? This is too much torture. After this survival training, when I return to Blackhot City, I will immediately get a surgery. I can't stand it anymore!'

"Sorry, I can't. I have to accept the toughest of challenges alone. During that kind of survival training, I may encounter many dangers, and under these cases, I can't take care of you. That's why I'm really sorry. I can't bring you into danger just because of my selfishness!" Although he couldn't eat[1], he still pretended to be righteous and gentle in front of them.

Zhang Tie's excuse had truly increased the favor the two girls had towards him. Hearing that Zhang Tie was going to challenge the harshest environment alone, the two girls' eyes immediately began to shine, much like shiny stars. In such training, anyone who dared to face troubles alone would usually receive the nickname "Loner". Those who received this nickname were considered to be one of the most able students by the public. Currently, there was only one person who was awarded the title of "Loner" and that was the boy who excelled in archery. Unfortunately, Zhang Tie had not seen him before.

"I'm Sharapova, and I live in No.198, Musan Avenue in Blackhot City. Remember to find me when you come back!" As she said that, that girl took out a notebook and wrote down her name and address in the notebook before tearing off a piece of the paper and handing it to Zhang Tie.

"I live in Iron Vine Alley, and my family owns a small hotel. Once you come to Iron Vine Valley, you will immediately be able to see it!" Not willing to be defeated, Emily also told her home address to Zhang Tie before adding a sentence full of implications and seduction: "I have a lot of free time during the holidays!"


Seeing Zhang Tie leaving, they even waved their hands towards him, feeling reluctant to part from him. Zhang Tie had to say it—having the favor of a lot of girls felt really cool.

As for the reason why he was favored by so many girls, Zhang Tie thought back to Hista's, that obscene guy's, conclusion—all women liked excellent men; however, a man who is already favored by excellent women would be even more appealing. Seeing this kind of man, all women would have the impulse and instinct to snatch him away from the other woman's hands, thus in that night party when he was grabbed by Alice and Beverly, other girls had begun to favor him even more.

'Heh… heh… I like it!' Zhang Tie became a bit happy as he put away the notes from Sharapova and Emily.

Walking out of Wild Wolf Castle, since he wasn't planning to mine anymore, Zhang Tie felt pretty relaxed. Standing in that small square outside Wild Wolf Castle, Zhang Tie felt completely different than when he had just arrived here less than a month ago. Not knowing why, Zhang Tie felt that his real life had just begun.

"Wild Wolf Valley, here I am!"

After howling, regardless of how many people had been scared, Zhang Tie took long steps and trotted down the mountain from the small square outside Wild Wolf Castle towards the tree base in a very deft way.

When he arrived at the tree base, Zhang Tie found the other members of the Hit-Plane Brotherhood practicing the Lying Tiger Move, one of the basic skills from the Iron Blood Fist Skill. Crawling on the ground like a tiger, they all panted as they were covered in sweat as their faces were turning red and their arms were shaking like strands of noodles.

When the boys were practicing the fighting skills, the girls were happily watching them from the side and pointed to them as they made comments every once in awhile. How the boys practiced fighting skills was very attractive to the girls. Girls watched boys practice fighting skills and sports in the same manner as guys watched girls dance. This was something that they would never get bored of.

Seeing that Zhang Tie has returned, Barley immediately found that Zhang Tie was not carrying his mining basket this time. After raising his head, Barley's Qi dissipated, causing his hands to feel soft before throwing himself onto the ground like a ball of twisted noodles, causing a sound of 'Pa Ta'. He then started to pant heavily.

"This time… how long was I able to hold on?" Lying on the ground, Fatty Barley barely raised his head and asked the girls who were watching them.

"Less than one section!" One girl replied.

Since they had no tools to calculate time, whenever they practiced fighting skills, they would fill several sections of bamboo with water. With this bamboo, they would open a small hole, causing water to drip out one droplet after the other. It would roughly take five minutes for one section of the bamboo to clear out all the water. According to , they had to hold on to the Lying Tiger Move for half an hour to meet the basic requirement of the Lying Tiger Move. After meeting this requirement, they were to increase the weight on themselves. With each additional load of weight on their back, if they were able to hold on for half an hour while doing the Lying Tiger Move, then they would have reached that threshold. If they were able to remain for half an hour while having 200 kg weight on them, they could be considered to have basic mastery; if they were able to remain for half an hour while having 500 kg on them, then they could be considered to have mastered most of the skill; and if they could remain for half an hour while having 1000 kg on them, then they could be considered to have successfully mastered the skill.

Currently, among the members of the Hit-Plane Brotherhood, with the exception of Bagdad and Zhang Tie, everyone else could only hold on for enough time to have the water in one section of the bamboo be drained. Bagdad was barely able to hold on for enough time to have two sections of water from the bamboo be drained off, which was almost the same as Zhang Tie. None of them had even met the basic requirement of this move. From this, they could see how difficult it was to practice Iron-Blood Fist. During the past days, they could only keep the contents and moves from the book in mind. As to which level they could reach in the future, it would depend on their own talent and efforts.

Soon after Barley collapsed, the next was Hista, Sharwin, and Leit, while Doug was able to last a minute longer than them. The only person remaining in the posture of the Lying Tiger Move was Bagdad, whose sweat had covered all over his robust muscles, causing them to glisten.

After looking around, Zhang Tie found that the three girls who gave him headaches were not in the tree house.

"Where's Pandora, Alice, and Beverly? Where did they go?" Zhang Tie asked Barley...

"Heh… heh..." Picking himself up from the ground, Barley made an obscene smile. "They are over at that stream washing your clothes. For a man to be cared about by women, that is true happiness. They even fought over washing your clothes..."

Before Barley finishing talking, a high-pitched scream suddenly drifted over from the stream in the distance—it was Alice! Hearing the scream, Zhang Tie didn't hesitate and immediately grabbed a spear and darted towards that stream...

"Girls, climb onto the tree. Sharwin and Leit, you two stay here to protect the girls. The others, follow me..." Fatty Barley didn't even put on his clothes. Holding onto a spear, he also rushed forward. Springing up from the ground, Bagdad also instantly grabbed a long sword beside him and dashed forward...

[1] He can't have sex with them.

Chapter 115: Awakening

Translator: Editor:

Although it was more than 50 m away, it only took Zhang Tie several seconds to get there.

As he darted through the bamboo grove with the fastest speed he could muster, the scene Zhang Tie saw almost made his eyes pop out from fury.

Alice and Beverly were hurriedly rushing towards Zhang Tie, and closely following behind was the thin Pandora. In addition to them, there were four wolves closely chasing after Pandora, and the wolf closest to Pandora was only 2.5 to 3 m away from her.

Pandora's face was covered with fear. The wolf chasing after her had already jumped into the air and widely opened its mouth in preparation to bite Pandora's neck.

Time seemed to stop at this moment. If her neck was bitten by the wolf and torn apart by the sharp canines, her artery and trachea would likely be injured within a second, which may prove to be a fatal injury.

"Pandora!" Zhang Tie roared.

At this moment, Zhang Tie, who was rushing towards them, was still more than 20 steps away from Pandora.

At the sight of Zhang Tie, although she did not know the reason, all the fear that was on Pandora's face disappeared and was instead replaced with a tranquility.

At the same time, Zhang Tie started his counterattack. He had never thought that he would one day start an attack from more than 20 steps away from the target.

In Zhang Tie's eyes, time seemed to have stopped...

He saw the wisp of tranquility on Pandora's face...

He saw the dripping saliva at the corner of the midair, wild wolf's mouth...

He even saw the mud and broken stones that were dispersed into the air as he dashed forward and the slight waving movements of the weeds due to the breeze.

Glaring at the wolf that had jumped into the air, each strand of fur on that wolf became clear in Zhang Tie's eyes.

With eyes fixed on the fatal point of the wolf's neck, Zhang Tie felt as if something had lit up in his mind. At the same time, he felt a weird connection between the spear in his hand and the fatal point on that wolf's neck. A channel that was invisible yet could be sensed seemed to come into being at that moment. The channel was funnel-shaped and the most pointed spot was on the neck of that wolf.

It was a mysterious feeling. At that moment, Zhang Tie thought that even if his eyes were closed, as long as he threw his spear, he would definitely hit that wolf. This was not confidence but certainty. It was much like how a naughty kid could casually take glass beads and flick them into a large, upright funnel. No matter how the glass beads move, it would, in the end, arrive at the most pointed exit of the funnel.

Thus, Zhang Tie exerted all his strength and threw his spear along with the huge momentum of him dashing forward...

The moment Zhang Tie threw his spear, everyone, including Alice, Beverly, and even the people following Zhang Tie like Barley, felt their hearts pounding. At that critical moment, Barley and the others had even thought that Zhang Tie had lost his mind. Although they had learned how to use the spear at school, the throwing skills that they had learned required team work. In special occasions, they could defeat their enemy using a high density of spears; however, given its precision, no single student in the entire school dared to show off their throwing skill alone. Unexpectedly, the spear that Zhang Tie had thrown was directly flying towards the three girls rushing towards him and the wolf closely chasing after the three girls. Even if there was a throwing angle and Zhang Tie didn't actually target at the girls, it was still too dangerous to launch an attack in such a manner...

Considering that it was an emergency, nobody had time to think about the outcome if Zhang Tie failed to hit the wolf precisely. However, in a split second, the situation was reversed.

The spear flew over a distance of 20 steps as a sharp wind blew past Alice and Beverly's panic stricken faces and passed Pandora's ear by the width of a hair. Previously, the wolf had opened its bloody mouth, intending to bite Pandora's neck; however, the spear directly pierced through its neck and nailed it to the ground five steps away, causing the wolf to instantly die.

Following that, Zhang Tie flew over to Alice, Beverly, and Pandora and rushed towards the second wolf, which had jumped into the air and charged towards his arm.

The moment the second wolf had jumped up, Barley and the others who were closely following Zhang Tie had already surrounded the three girls in order to protect them before Bagdad and Doug rushed towards Zhang Tie to help him. After slightly recovering their composure, the three panting women, whose faces had turned pale, looked back at Zhang Tie.

The moment they saw the wild wolf charging at Zhang Tie's arm, the three girls cried out in unison once again. They wanted to warn Zhang Tie to be careful, but what they saw next had seriously shocked them.

Although that wolf moved extremely fast, Zhang Tie was faster. The moment that wolf opened its mouth as wide as it could, Zhang Tie's two hands had already grabbed hold of its mouth, and using his hands, he was stretching its mouth. With one hand clasping onto its upper jaw and the other clasping its lower jaw, Zhang Tie exerted all his strength to tear them apart.

Everyone then heard the high-pitched cry of the wolf, who had its jaw opened so wide that its upper jaw and lower jaw was forced opened beyond 180 degrees. Zhang Tie ferociously threw the wolf onto the ground before kicking the wolf's neck, breaking the neck bone and causing a "Ka Cha" sound, causing the short yet high-pitched cry to stop.

Not even just the people, but even the two other wolves in front of Zhang Tie was shocked by such a bloody scene.

"Come on..." As he stepped on the corpse of the wolf, Zhang Tie, with red eyes, shouted towards the other two wolves.

Bagdad and Doug, who were rushing forward, soon arrived by Zhang Tie's side. At the sight of this, the two remaining wolves had no choice but to turn around and escape. After dozens of steps, one of them even turned its head and glanced at Zhang Tie once again before drilling into the bushes beside the stream, causing Bagdad and Doug to have come in vain.

Seeing the two wolves escape, Zhang Tie then turned around, wanting to check if Pandora and girls had suffered any injuries.

"Are you guys okay?" Zhang Tie said as he nervously circled the girls a few times, checking them from head to toe. Even though the others were looking at him weirdly, with his eyes fixed only on the girls, he didn't realize. When he saw several drops of fresh blood on Pandora's neck, Zhang Tie was so frightened that he almost jumped up. Within a split second, using his sleeve, he helped Pandora wipe off the blood, and thankfully, he found no injuries after wiping it off. He figured that the blood was probably left behind by the wolf he had killed using his spear. Letting out a sigh, it seemed as if he was relieved of a heavy burden.

The three girls didn't say anything as Zhang Tie checked them for injuries; instead, they all seriously watched Zhang Tie's performance. The anxiety and concern on Zhang Tie's face and the funny look when he looked around them to check for injuries were all out of sincerity. Despite this, the three girls didn't laugh out loudly. They all kept in mind Zhang Tie's series of actions, including the suddenly anxious expression on Zhang Tie's face when he saw a couple drops of fresh blood on Pandora' neck. When he had seen that, he had hurriedly used the sleeve of his coat to wipe it off, but when he realized that his sleeves were not clean, he hurriedly pulled out the sleeves of his shirt to wipe it off.

"It's great that you guys are fine!" Soon after, when Zhang Tie let out a deep sigh, he was tightly embraced by the three girls. This feeling of being hugged by three girls at the same time was really stimulating, especially because Alice and Beverly had such hot bodies. In a split second, Zhang Tie felt his armpits and the two sides of his arms were glued onto four soft yet firm balls of flesh. Although there were several layers of clothes between them, Zhang Tie still turned weak all over from feeling an electric current course through his body at the touch of those balls of flesh. That untamed thing in his crotch had also become as hard as a stick, immediately poking Pandora's stomach.

Lifting his hands, Zhang Tie became a bit embarrassed, as he did not know where to put his hands. He then looked at Barley and the other guys, who were staring at him with envy and admiration. Hista had even thrust his waist forward and silently pointed at the three girls as he raised his thumb towards Zhang Tie.

Even now, he didn't know where to put his hands and decided to directly embrace all of them. His two hands almost couldn't deal with so many girls at the same time. "Okay, okay, it's fine now, it's fine now..."

Pandora felt something hard poking at her stomach. Mistaking it for a dagger, she stretched out a hand and touched it, aiming to put it back to its rightful place; however, upon touching that "dagger", she realized that Zhang Tie had become stiff all over. At the same time, the feeling through her hand had allowed Pandora to figure out what was happening. Like a frightened rabbit, Pandora, who had been hugging Zhang Tie, instantly jumped back as her face turned red all over.

The moment Pandora jumped back, Zhang Tie shouted inwardly, 'That's too bad!' As Alice and Beverly hugged him on both sides, causing him to not have a chance to even cover his embarrassment, it resulted in that troublesome thing supporting a high tent in his trousers being displayed right in front of everyone.

Everybody was shocked by Zhang Tie both inside and outside.

"Wow, Zhang Tie! What's that thing hiding in your crotch? It looks like it wants to jump out of there!" Hista weirdly shouted to the side.

Hearing his weird shout, Alice and Beverly both turned their heads and took a look at Zhang Tie's trousers. Even if they were fearless, they still felt very shy when they were under the gazes of the other people, and within a split second, they had loosened their arms and had taken several steps backwards. Before Alice stepped back, she even ferociously pinched Zhang Tie's arm.

Seeing the three girls watching him with mixed expressions, Zhang Tie, who was heroic just now, immediately became so embarrassed that he hurriedly used his "Right Hand Covering Method" to press down on that untamed thing in his crotch. Although it was his instinctual reaction to use his "Right Hand Covering Method", at the sight of Zhang Tie doing this move, the three girls' eyes became widely opened as they covered their mouths with their hands and took two more steps back in fright.

Zhang Tie faintly felt that he had made another mistake and felt exceptionally embarrassed with his right hand on that untamed thing. Finally, Bagdad, who walked over, changed the topic with one sentence, which also instantly relieved Zhang Tie of his embarrassment. With one hand on Zhang Tie's shoulder, Bagdad curiously stared at Zhang Tie. "Since when have you mastered the spear throwing skill so perfectly? You should know that what you have done just now almost scared me to death..."

Seeing that everyone was staring at him, Zhang Tie also found it hard to answer. 'That's right, since when did I master spear throwing skills so perfectly? What was that mysterious feeling just now...' Zhang Tie doubted himself inwardly.

Chapter 116: Getting Equipped with Lances

Translator: Editor:

After more than an hour since he left the Wild Wolf Castle, Zhang Tie returned, holding the spear that he had used to kill the wolf.

The three girls were definitely attacked not without any reason.

According to Alice, the four wolves had attacked them without any provocation. When the three of them were washing clothes for Zhang Tie along the stream, all of a sudden, a wolf rushed out of the brushes which were at the lower reach of the stream.

She was very scared at the sight of it, and they all turned to run. After getting a bit farther away, Alice had looked back and found that it wasn't a single wolf, but four of them chasing after their trio.

Since the beginning of the survival training, packs of wolves had been rarely seen within five kilometers of the Wild Wolf Castle. The whole ordeal became even stranger when Zhang Tie realized that the four wolves this time were the ones from the seven that had chased after him last time.

He could remember it clearly that one of the escaping two wolves was slightly bigger and had a circle of red-brown fur on its neck while one of its ears had a defect. These features were identical to the head wolf's that had attacked him last time.

That wolf also had the same animosity in its eyes when it glared at Zhang Tie which he could never mistake.

Why would such a pack of wolves appear twice in his surroundings, seemingly targeting him? It was weird. What was most unbearable was that this time the four wolves had almost killed his three beloved girls. Therefore, Zhang Tie made a decision to kill all the wolves. He swore to not stop until he had killed the two escaped that escaped and figured out the reason as to why they had attacked him and his beloved ones.

Previously, Zhang Tie had also intended to start the survival training alone, but out of his desire for a quick increase in strength due to Castle of Black Iron; however, now, Zhang Tie found another reason that forced him to do that. His individual survival training seemed to be just be beginning.

When the other members of Hit-Plane Brotherhood and the girls were preparing for tonight's wolf meat barbecue with vicious glee, Zhang Tie carried off one dead wolf to the Wild Wolf Castle.

He didn't stay in the small square outside the Wild Wolf Castle for a long time. Instead, he directly carried that wolf into the Iron Melting Workshop.

It was as boisterous inside the Workshop as before. Since there were four or five times more ores supplied in the past couple of days than usual, the guys in there who had complained about insufficient materials became very excited.

After a casual glance, Zhang Tie saw that a steam machine had almost been completed. 'That's really a hard job for these guys,' he mumbled inwardly

Upon entering the Iron Melting Workshop, but before he could open his mouth, a guy called Peter, who was familiar with him, shouted out, "Ah, here comes our great hot person of the bonfire night party..."

Peter walked out of the Iron Melting Workshop and hammered onto Zhang Tie's shoulder. "I heard you've become very eye-catching in the bonfire night party by having too big-boob beauties! How did they feel?"

"Their embraces felt great!"Zhang Tie also laughed out loudly.

"Just embracing?" Peter lecherously asked.

"What else do you want?"

"Have you..." Peter made a hand gesture that was understandable to every man.

"We've not reached that level yet!"

Oozing sweat all over his forehead, Zhang Tie found that men were all the same when they talked about women no matter how socially reclusive they were, even if they were those guys staying in the Iron Melting Workshop all day long.

"Come on, brother, in case of regretting it later!" Peter seriously said before he noticed the wolf tied to Zhang Tie's back with ropes.

Zhang Tie then found him forcefully swallowing his saliva with eyes fixed onto the wolf. The guys working in the Iron Melting Workshop, they could only get a bit more dried rations than the miners. They might have a chance to eat meat, but less than once a week. Therefore, at the sight of that wolf on Zhang Tie's back, all of their eyes turned green. People who had eaten wolf meat knew that it tasted almost the same as dog meat. If you were good at cooking, you could also cook it with various seasonings and in different ways, like how you would cook dog meat.

Under Peter's amazed gaze, Zhang Tie threw the wolf from his back directly at him. "I've just slaughtered it one hour ago, so it's still fresh. If you deal with it now, the brothers here will have meat to eat tonight. There is also enough of it for tomorrow!"

"This… this is for us?" Peter asked with surprise.

"Of course, I took care of it just now and brought it for the brothers here to ask them for a favor!"

"Brothers, we have meat to eat tonight!" Peter burst out into laughter as he shouted towards the inside of the Workshop. Hearing his exclamation, a group of guys rushed out with gleaming eyes.

"Meat? Where..."

"Where is the meat?"

Seeing the thirsty looks, Zhang Tie realized that these guys in the Workshop were truly wolves themselves.

Seeing the wolf in Peter's hands, a few guys immediately rushed forward and grabbed it. They were closely followed by another group.

"Remember to take some meat to exchange for some wild vegetables from the girls. We need to stew a pot of soup!"

"We need some wild pepper and spices, we will roast a wolf's leg..."

"The wolf's penis, remember to keep it..."

Hearing it, Zhang Tie sweated all over again...

Knowing that they were going to eat fresh wolf meat tonight, the whole Iron Melting Workshop cheered up.

"Brother, what favor do you want? Just say it!"

Peter had feared that Zhang Tie might regret his decision, so he let the others take away the wolf before patting his chest and asking what Zhang Tie needed.

After Zhang Tie finished saying his request, Peter let out a sigh. "Just that? Okay, follow me in, I promise to satisfy you!"

After gifting them the wolf, undoubtedly, Zhang Tie had become the most popular person in the whole Workshop. Many guys greeted him.

Peter took him directly to the area where a pile of finished goods were placed. Pointing at those goods carried over from the Iron Melting Workshop, he said, " These are all made of low-carbon steel. They're much better than the first batch of goods. Despite the fact that we cannot control the carburization technique to a high degree, there is still a difference between these weapons and those from the factories in Blackhot City; despite our products having some defects, they're qualified enough to be used as short spears for throwing!"

In the finished products area there were mainly goods like cutlery, swords, and protective equipment produced by the guys from the Workshop. The weapons had both poor looks and poor quality, causing few people to be interested in them.

Lying about, there were also several lances. Because of their simple processing method, the group of long lances really looked like something; however, it was estimated that few people would like to exchange for lances anymore here. Therefore, these products were just piled up here in great quantities like scattered straws to be bundled.

Here was exactly where Zhang Tie's target lay—he sought a throwing lance.

The lances were most easily produced, and the most popular products in this Iron Melting Workshop during the survival training. For commoners, when they were alone, these lances weren't too powerful; however, when going hunting in groups, especially in groups of dozens of people or more than one hundred, these lances could be very effective and aggressive. Based on the chance that even a blind cat could meet a dead mouse, these lances could play a great role in sieges.

Peter pulled out of one of the lances from the pile and put it into Zhang Tie's hand.

Holding it, Zhang Tie felt that it was truly much better than the long spear that he had used to throw at the wolf. Besides, this lance was only 1.3 m in length. In hand, it would be much easier to control.

The entire lance was mainly just an amplified embroidery needle. Its streamlined pointed head was directly connected to a wooden rod without any decorations. The only confusing point was that the wooden rod connected to the lance head was not completely straight, instead, it was composed of four sections of different thickness: thicker, slimmer, thicker, slimmer. Glancing over the other lance rods, Zhang Tie found that they were all in the same shape. It made him a bit confused.

"Why do your lance rods look like this? Shouldn't they be as straight as those of long spears?"

"You've not used a lance before?"

"Not yet!"

"You should know that this design method had been accepted by people before the Catastrophe. Based on aerodynamics, this kind of rod with sections of different thicknesses would suffer less from air resistance when sent flying and so will fly stabler. Besides, it will fly farther and be more powerful than one whose rod was of the same thickness. More than that, not only are lance rods produced this way, but even the arrow rods that require the strictest processing method would be produced in this way!"

Zhang Tie had never expected that the production of a lance rod could require so much knowledge. However, hearing it had existed before the Catastrophe and was related to aerodynamics that he had never heard about, Zhang Tie didn't pay much attention to it any longer so as to avoid being called illiterate. These guys who were good at smelting and producing weapons in the Iron Melting Workshop truly had some talents in some aspects.

"How about that? Do you want to have a try in the field behind the Workshop..."

"No need. Just select some good ones for me!" Zhang Tie said, shaking his head. He didn't want to expose his real strength in front of the public.

Holding the lance, he suddenly thought about something and silently fixed his eyes onto a lamp cover forty steps away from the gate of the Iron Melting Workshop. Then he sensed that mysterious connection between him and the lamp cover forty steps away like the one some time ago between him and the wolf's neck.

He was not confident about it, but he surely knew that he could immediately hit that lamp cover using his lance. As long as he had enough strength, he could then precisely throw the weapon in his hand at the target. This skill seemed to have become instinctual, as simple as taking a breath or walking.

Even Zhang Tie himself was confused about the reason behind it. He only knew that some weird changes had happened to his body. If he considered his own body as a machine for a moment, he felt that one hour ago, a switch on his body was suddenly turned on, causing him to become instinctually aware of how to throw lances. It seemed that with any item in hand, after a simple estimation of its weight, he could throw it wherever he wanted...

God knew what had happened to him!


"Is one bundle of them enough?" Peter asked generously.

"No, it's too much, I only need six of them!" Hearing Peter's words, Zhang Tie was almost frightened as a bundle would contain 12 lances at the least. He didn't need that many at all.

"Well, it depends on you. The heads are easily produced. They need very little steel. The wooden rods are also easily made. We have tools here. If they don't work, just take them here; I'll exchange them for new ones for you..."

"Fine, next time when I get some more meat, I'll share it with you guys too!".

"Okay!" Peter smiled widely. "Brothers, did you hear that? We will always have meat to eat from today on. This black-haired tough man could easily kill three wolves!"

Hearing Peter's praise, Zhang Tie also smiled. He felt that although these guys were introverted and not talkative, they were really easy-going. If you treated them well, they would treat your well too. He felt very comfortable getting along with them since, in a way, he was a similar person.

When he left the Iron Melting Workshop, he carried six lances with him. Peter had even gifted a container for him to hold his lances. With this lance container on his back, he could move with ease.

However, when he returned to the tree base, Zhang Tie saw an uninvited person - Burwick.

Chapter 117: A Fierce Counterattack

Translator: Editor:

The arrival of Burwick startled all the members of Hit-Plane Brotherhood. However, his goal for coming here made them even more surprised as was here to invite all the guys of Hit-Plane Brotherhood to join the "Male Lion Association", including Zhang Tie.

When Zhang Tie arrived, Burwick, with sun-like brilliant blonde hair, was bragging about the bright future of the Male Lion Association to the members of Hit-Plane Brotherhood.

"We, the Male Lion Association, have almost 200 people now and are already the biggest team in this survival training. The achievements of Male Lion Association can also be seen by all of you. This time, I'm here with sincerity, hoping that you will join us. You might not know that Glaze's fighting force has improved very quickly. Someone noticed him killing three huge wolves at once. He might have already gone to the marginal region between the Wild Wolf Valley and the Crescent Prairie to continue his survival training..."

"Isn't Samira gone? Doesn't Glaze know that?" Doug curiously asked.

Burwick replied with a brilliant smile, "Thankfully, Zhang Tie has exposed that guy's true status, causing him to leave. That guy was both cunning and mean, even we, the Male Lion Association, were almost set up by him. However, although Samira is gone, the demands for golden wolf marrow and Goose-neck Grass in Blackhot City will never change. After all, these are necessities for Master Abyan to refine recovery medicament which is urgently needed in Blackhot City. Therefore, Glaze will stick to hunting golden wolves and picking Goose-neck Grass. Maybe in a few days, new missions and rewards will be delivered from Blackhot City. As long as the city will be willing to raise its rewards for the missions a bit, many people will try the Crescent Prairie. We, the Male Lion Association, are also preparing for that moment!"

"Haven't you prepared well last time? Why do you want to prepare for it again?" Leit, who was tricky, asked.

"What happened to Samira greatly influenced our morality. As you know, morality is very important in battle. These couple of days, we were waiting for the news from Blackhot City. Once the new missions and rewards are delivered, we will set off again! Even if Glaze dares to set off with his lackeys, we, the Male Lion Association, have no reason to be timid. I heard there was a resentment between you and Glaze. There is also a resentment between Glaze and us. This is the right moment for us to unite to fight against Glaze and press him down. He's narrow-minded and won't let anyone get away even for a hostile look. If he gains the chance to be recommended in this survival training, we might have to be very meticulous from then on for a long while to escape his revenge..." Burwick righteously said. "However, if we can unite, we will be able to fight him!"

"We will never join the Male Lion Association!" Zhang Tie exclaimed, reaching them from the path before Barley and the other guys could even open their mouths.

"Zhang Tie!"

Many guys turned back and greeted him, even Alice and Beverly immediately rushed over without caring about the gossip that it might cause. They hugged Zhang Tie's arms on both sides, letting him enjoy the feeling again. Seeing this, Pandora made a cold harrumph and turned her head.

Discovering that Zhang Tie had already returned, Burwick kept the smile on his face, but the corners of his eyes twisted slightly. Before the arrival of Zhang Tie, he felt that he was the center of attention. However, after Zhang Tie arrived, he found that everyone's focus had immediately transferred to him, causing Burwick to feel like he was being poked inwardly.

"How about you, the Male Lion Association, joining our Hit-Plane Brotherhood? We feel that the structure of Male Lion Association is too loose, far less cohesive than our Hit-Plane Brotherhood's. Like what you said, if we want to fight Glaze, we have to unite to raise our fighting force. How about that? Think about it..."

Zhang Tie strode towards him.

Taking off the lances from his back, he threw them to Doug. Afterwards, Zhang Tie threw himself onto a tree stump beside Burwick, accompanied by two girls on his sides. Hearing what Zhang Tie had said, the other guys in the Brotherhood all smirked.

"You're a bit hilarious, I have intended to have you in the Male Lion Association and let you be our vice head!" Burwick replied with gleaming eyes and a smile, still acting like a gentleman.

With surprise on his face, Zhang Tie pointed at his own nose. "Once our brotherhood joins your Male Lion Association, you will let me be the vice head of your Male Lion Association?"

"Of course, I mean it!" Burwick said with a sincere expression.

"Have you considered the outcome?" Zhang Tie looked solemn and seriously stared at Burwick.

"I feel the other members of Male Lion Association will agree to be led by one more able person!"

Burwick thought that Zhang Tie was a bit moved. At the same time, he glanced over to notice the disappearing smiles on the other members of the Brotherhood headed by Barley. He felt that he had already reached his target.

"I don't mean this..." Zhang Tie smiled as widely as Burwick had. "I mean, you come to the tree base of our Brotherhood, wanting to devour us and let us be your stepping stone so as to maintain your authority in the Male Lion Association. After realizing that we don't agree with you, you keep using your tricks in front of us to destroy the affinity between us brothers, aiming to isolate me from them. I mean, have you considered the outcome of setting me up in front of everyone? Have you considered the outcome of treating me as a dead person, as well as an idiot?"

"I… I don't know what you mean!" Burwick, who always had a wide smile, started to be a bit anxious.

Just now, when the other guys heard that Burwick would like to provide Zhang Tie with the position of vice head of Male Lion Association, their faces had all turned blue, and they started to feel uncomfortable, which caused the smiles on their faces to disappear. However, after Zhang Tie's explanation, everybody suddenly realized that Burwick had isolated Zhang Tie from the other members of Hit-Plane Brotherhood just by using that one sentence. As a result, they all cast their glares towards Burwick.

Still smiling, Zhang Tie, who had not made any prior moves, directly jumped up from the tree stump and punched Burwick in the face. As a result, Burwick's nose immediately started bleeding, and he fell backwards. Zhang Tie then quickly charged at him like a cheetah, without saying any words. Before Burwick could respond due to his dizziness, Zhang Tie fiercely kicked his stomach, which rolled him two meters away like a football ball. Curling up on the ground like a shrimp, Burwick could not even pick himself up from the ground.

Zhang Tie didn't stop there, instead, he surged forward. Lifting his big foot, he ferociously stamped onto Burwick for quite a while.

At the beginning, Burwick could hold it back using his hands or rolling himself to avoid Zhang Tie's attacks, however, in 30 seconds, he had completely lost all his ability to resist. He then gritted his teeth and gave a choked cry. Later on, he simply shrieked miserably. Finally, he rolled here and there on the ground like a mouse being toyed with by a cat.

Before the ignition of the second burning point, Zhang Tie and Burwick were both LV 1 warriors, being close to each other in aspects like actual strength and physical qualities. Even if Zhang Tie had greatly improved his fighting skills in recent days, he would not be that advantageous against Burwick in a real fight. What caught Burwick unprepared though was that Zhang Tie dared to assault him in front of so many people without even a warning. With that fist, Zhang Tie did a preemptive move. With that kick, he made Burwick temporarily lose all his fighting force.

One lay on the ground, the other stood and kept ferociously kicking his opponent. The result was evident.

During those two minutes from when Zhang Tie had jumped up from the stump to make Burwick roll here and there on the ground like a mouse being played with, not only those girls in the surroundings, but also the animals of Brotherhood had their eyes and mouths wide open, even drooling without knowing.

Zhang Tie kept stamping on Burwick, throwing him, who already looked like a broken sand bag, into convulsions as he shrieked louder and louder. Such a scene was really shocking. Could it be an illusion?

Barley shook his head and closed his eyes. When he opened them again, he found that Zhang Tie was still ferociously kicking Burwick. He then realized that what was happening was not illusory, still, the roles played by the two really made it hard for him to accept it.

"In school, when you used the conflict between my brothers and Glaze to set up Glaze, I let it go since it was your true ability. You then instigated those idiots who believed you to be your stepping stone by accompanying you to Crescent Prairie, I let it go then too. This father has assumed my own responsibility and what happened to those idiots has nothing to do with me..."

Zhang Tie kept ferociously kicking Burwick as he cursed, "You think I don't know you sold me to Samira..." He stomped directly on Burwick's face. "When the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Blackhot City arrived here, Samira poured out everything. Without your cursed instigation, Samira would have never known who I was. I let it go too since I destroyed his plan. But you dare to come here to set up my brothers and frame me in front of my women by isolating me from my brothers? You treat me as an idiot and a dead person, and still want me to ignore it? How could I do that? Aren't you good at deceptions? I'll let you deceive! I'll let you deceive! I'll let you deceive! I'll let you deceive..."

After each "I'll let you deceive", Zhang Tie would ferociously kick Burwick. After each of these kicks, the guys of Hit-Plane Brotherhood all heard the sound of ribs being broken. At this moment, Burwick could not even shriek, instead, he coughed out blood...

Everybody in the Brotherhood was startled. If Bighead beat Burwick to death, that wouldn't end well...

Chapter 118: Wisdom and Determination

Translator: Editor:

"It's enough, Bighead. If you keep kicking him like that, he might be beaten to death!" After realizing the severity of the event, Barley hurriedly moved forward to pull Zhang Tie away.

"Don't worry, he won't die. I know he just has several broken ribs, which aren't even poking into his guts..."

After another glance at Burwick, who was groaning on the ground, Zhang Tie took a deep breath and started to suggest to Barley and the other guys, "Do you want to kick him for a bit more? I found it's really cool and funny to kick this guy. He really deserves to be kicked!"

Seeing Burwick's miserable look as he lay on the ground, the other brothers hurriedly shook their heads. At this moment, if they kept kicking him, it would be akin to bullying a handicapped person. They didn't feel like losing face. However, seeing that Zhang Tie fiercely kicked Burwick, who had been arrogant to a high degree, everybody felt exceptionally excited.

"Then… that guy… how do we deal with him?" Barley pointed at Burwick lying on the ground.

"It's him who came to our base to frame, instigate, and irritate me. However, he could not match me in fighting force, and so was ferociously beaten by me alone. You didn't beat him, but you all saw what happened. Whatever, just let him roll back to where he came from. If he can't do that, let members of the Male Lion Association carry him back!"

Zhang Tie winked at Barley. For mean people like Burwick and Samira, you should never let them climb onto your head and be insatiable. He felt that once he got a chance, he should beat them all to death without any hesitation. If you could kill them, you should never let them breath. Thus, if he could kick them to the 18th hell, he would never just kick them to the 17th hell; if he could break their bones, he would never just hurt their veins.

The above was imparted by Donder, and also what Zhang Tie had realized in the past few days. In this age, once you became enemies with someone, you should be ferocious enough to kill them and make them tamed. If you were polite to those people, you would suffer from their aggression every time since they would know that even if they lost, the outcome would not be serious.

So if a person wanted to live comfortably with the mean guys detouring him, he had to let them know that it would be very dangerous to find trouble with him. The outcome would be so severe that they could not even imagine it.

The effect of this rule had been seen on Samira and Burwick.

Seeing Zhang Tie wink, Barley immediately understood that he wanted to directly stop Burwick from having the chance to be outstanding in this survival training. According to Zhang Tie, even if Burwick appealed to the Temporary Supervision Committee, he would not get any advantages as the law would stay on Zhang Tie's side.

Since all the teachers of Temporary Supervision Committee were shrewd, they would clearly know what had happened. Additionally, there were many witnesses on the site, so Zhang Tie didn't fear it at all.

In contrast, Burwick didn't have enough face to appeal, nor could he dare to let anyone else know. He also was aware that the only result of letting the Temporary Supervision Committee deal with this event would be making Zhang Tie even more well known while making himself infamous.

The main problem was that Zhang Tie had beaten him so ferociously. Burwick was a LV 1 warrior like Zhang Tie, so being this outmatched in fighting skills without any third party's assistance - he could blame nobody else but himself. If this thing was exposed to the public, he would lose his face too.

More than that, Zhang Tie would never suffer any blame since the winners were never put at fault. When Burwick had completely lost his ability to fight back, Zhang Tie had even left him alive, which represented his generosity.

As for his miserable look, and him being ferociously beaten by Zhang Tie, Burwick could never keep it a secret as the girls at present were all gossipy. Therefore, it meant that the tall and heroic image Burwick had built for himself since the school would collapse.

Perhaps even Burwick himself hadn't expected that he would suffer from such an outcome in his trip to the tree base.

Seeing Zhang Tie, the good brother's face, Barley became startled. Did it mean that he had already expected this result before even jumping up from the ground and starting the attack? Did Zhang Tie just pull Burwick from the supreme point with such a perfect yet unexpected fight?

As for the fight itself, if Zhang Tie had lost it, he would only suffer from some bruises as he had his brothers by his side who would help him at the critical moment. Burwick, who always kept his perfect image, would not hurt him too severely either, at least, he wouldn't beat him so miserably. However, if Zhang Tie was the winner like now, Burwick would lose everything he owned.

Zhang Tie then smiled at Barley. After exchanging glances, they both knew what the other person was thinking about.

"Leit, brother, I have to bother you to visit the base of the Male Lion Association, letting the guys there know to carry away Burwick. As we have to eat supper after a while, seeing him lying on the ground this way, it would really decrease our appetite. But it wouldn't be proper for me to go there by myself..." Zhang Tie told Leit with one arm around his neck.

Rolling his eyes, Leit smiled and nodded. At this moment, a good brother like Zhang Tie made him very proud.

"I will go with Leit for the sake of safety!" Bagdad said, standing up.

"Fine, we'll wait for you to have supper!" Barley also smiled before turning his head to those girls who had not waken up from the reality that their idol had collapsed and deteriorated from a prince to a frog. "Beauties, hurry up and prepare the supper now, we need to celebrate tonight!"

This time, all the girls moved at an unexpectedly fast speed. They all strove to take a part. No matter what, the one who could stomp an idol with his feet was naturally a greater idol, which was rightly the game rule of men world in the eyes of women. After this event, Zhang Tie's image became taller in the hearts of all the other guys of Hit-Plane Brotherhood and all the girls present.

Nobody would care about Burwick who was already in a coma. Several minutes ago, the girls felt that he was covered with a brilliant golden sunshine. However, this moment, the brilliant sunshine was transferred to Zhang Tie. Girls were smart. Even if they were confused at the beginning, after seeing it for a while, they could also realize something through the fight between Zhang Tie and Burwick.

"What did you say when you beat Burwick just now?" Alice and Beverly asked after drawing close to Zhang Tie.

"Who's your woman?" Beverly opened her red mouth with a wisp of a smile on her face.

Although Pandora didn't come here, she was standing nearby with ears erect, clearly listening to the conversation.

Scratching his head, Zhang Tie replied in a foolish way, "Have I said that? But I can't remember that!"


They all burst into laughter...


Within an hour, the aroma started to drift off from that big pot under the Dragon-Claw Tree. When the wolf meat kebab on bamboo prods started to drip oil, Leit and Bagdad came back with six students behind them. Compared to the relaxed expressions of Leit and Bagdad, the six guys all had their heads lowered. With faces turning blue, they looked like refugees and felt that they were losing face so much that they almost put their heads next to their crotches.

As the boss of Male Lion Association, Burwick had come to others' base to persuade them to serve him by isolating one of the brothers. But unexpectedly, he fought against Zhang Tie due to improper words. It would've been still okay if he had won—he would've keep the honor of Male Lion Association.

However, he was beaten like a dog, even having to wait for others to carry him back and clean his butt. What the hell was he doing. That was too shameful, really losing face. They had never imagined that Burwick could lose face in such a foolish way.

When the guys of Brotherhood were cheerfully chatting and talking with the group of girls, Burwick was lying on the ground to the side like a dead dog. Such an obvious comparison was really expressive, and the six guys following Leit and Bagdad didn't even dare to raise their heads. After taking out a portable stretcher, they put the unconscious Burwick onto it and hurried to leave.

Taking out six pieces of barbecued wolf meat, Barley covered them with tree leaves and handed them to each of the six people. "Brothers should have not eaten supper yet, take it and eat on the way back. Alas, as we are all schoolmates, we didn't want this happen, however, Burwick is really good at playing tricks. The Male Lion Association has really been just a stepping stone for him to climb up. Watch out, brothers!"

"Zhang Tie, have you beaten Burwick so ferociously just by yourself?" one of the six guys asked loudly.

Sitting by the bonfire, Zhang Tie nodded. He then stood up. "As for this question, you can ask Burwick when he wakes up. By the way, also tell him that if he wasn't convinced and wants to avenge himself, he can come for me at any time in any place, even a public fight agreed in the Wild Wolf Castle. However, if he dares to use any other mean methods to set me up, or the people beside me, I'll beat him up ten times as badly as now. I'm not as smart as him, so if I want to kill him, I'll go directly at him with a dagger! You'd better not let him disguise himself as a savior while stealthily doing dirty things. It's really tiresome doing that..."

Hearing Zhang Tie's words, the six guys didn't doubt any more. After exchanging glances, they lowered their heads and carried Burwick away.

When supper came under the Dragon-Claw Tree, everybody cheered up.

While eating, Barley suddenly thought of something. He then asked Zhang Tie, "You've not carried the mining basket back, does it mean you don't want to dig mines any longer?"

"Yes, I'll stop mining from tomorrow!"

Zhang Tie smiled, then turned his head and bit into the fish that was put in front of him by Alice.

"You should've done that long ago!" Doug patted his thigh, and all the other brothers nodded.

"I decided to continue the survival training alone from tomorrow onward. Do you remember the two wolves that had escaped in front of us this noon? They were from the same pack that had almost killed me last time. They would have never escaped if I had not jumped into that black hole. Therefore, I will always feel unsuccessful in this survival training if I don't deal with them and figure out this thing..."

After Zhang Tie stated his plan, it became so quiet that even a needle dropping on the ground could be heard.

Chapter 119: You are All My Babies

Translator: Editor:

The last sentence of Zhang Tie's gave away a lot of information. First, he was prepared to start a loner's survival training, and second, the three girls being suddenly attacked by the four wolves today was an unexpected event, which shocked the public a lot.

Therefore, in the second half of the supper, the atmosphere became a bit depressed. Although Zhang Tie would have liked to make it more relaxed, none of them was in a good mood.

Dusk fell soon, and it was time to accompany the girls back to the Wild Wolf Castle.

When they arrived at the castle, the other brothers were keeping a distance from Zhang Tie to give him some space to talk with the three girls.

Zhang Tie prepared himself to undo the makeshift package that he was carrying on his back. It looked really large and heavy. As Zhang Tie was not good at packaging items, he just wrapped each one of them with some tarpaulin and kraft paper. All bundled on his back, the items looked pretty cumbersome and were akin to a mining basket full of ores inside.

Since they left the tree base, Zhang Tie had been carrying this huge load. On the way to the Wild Wolf Castle, the three girls didn't care about it at all. In the depressed atmosphere, they all kept silent, including Zhang Tie. Once he started his loner's survival training, it meant that the relationship between him and the three girls would come to an end.

After carrying a big load of items from the tree base to the Wild Wolf Castle, even if Zhang Tie had greater strength than before due to mining, he was still sweating all over his forehead.

Before departing, Alice finally opened her mouth to break the silence. "Do you find us boring?" she asked.

"What are you talking about? Hurry up, help me undo the load. I'm so tired, almost dea..."

"If we're not that boring, why do you prefer to attend the loner's survival training?" Beverly asked, full of complaints. "No boy would choose a loner's survival training when he has girlfriends, no matter how great he is!"

Scratching his head, Zhang Tie realized that girls really thought differently than boys. How could they have such weird thoughts? How could he explain this to them?

Seeing Zhang Tie being silent, Alice seemed to become even more angry. Looking pretty cold, instead of having her usual sweet expression, Alice continued, "I know, you think Beverly and I are bad girls because we initially accosted you? You also complained about Pandora's bad figure. You want to find a girl with as good a frame as that of Beverly and I's and as good a temperament as that of Pandora's, am I right?"

"Wench, what are you talking about!" Seeing tears filling their eyes, Zhang Tie, who didn't know what to say, lost his temper and cursed. "Alice, Beverly, do you know how worried I was about you when I saw wolves chasing after you? The fear on your faces at that moment were deeply engraved into my heart. And you, Pandora, do you know what I was thinking about when I saw a wolf was going to bite your neck? Do you know why I dared to throw my spear towards the wolf at that critical moment? Have you thought about why I was not afraid of hurting you by mistake? Is my throwing skill so perfect?

"If you don't believe me, you can go ask Barley and the other guys how I've performed in throwing before. Pandora, at that moment, I was thinking that if the wolf really bit you, you would definitely lose your life. So I had no other choice but to bet with your life and my own as the wager. If I killed you by mistake, I would also commit a suicide after killing the wolves. However, no matter what, I would never let those beasts just kill you. I could even sacrifice my own life at the critical moment for you, so how can you say that I find you boring?"

"Really? Did you really think that?" Hearing Zhang Tie's explanation, tears in Pandora's eyes flowed down like a collapsed river bank. She was really moved. "Did you really want to sacrifice your own life at that moment for me?"

"Really, in my eyes, you are the best. At that moment, I preferred to be bitten by wild wolves instead of you. I would never allow you to be hurt, even slightly. You are all my babies!"

Seeing the three girls full of tears, Zhang Tie embraced them like what he had done at noon. He loudly poured out his genuine thoughts, "Alice, do you know, with you on my side, I felt that it was my happiest night in that bonfire night party. You let me realize that I could be that happy in my life.

"And Beverly, I feel so lucky to have you. I like your nifty and sexy short hair, your smooth skin, and your cute large breasts. Do you know how sexy you are when you show the whites of yours eyes in front of me? Alice and you are the most sacred goddesses in my dreams. These days, I could not help but do many disgusting and terrifying things to you in my mind. I feel too bashful to pour out what I have dreamed to do with you.

"I like how you treat me. Really, I really like your exceedingly fascinating and charming behaviors. I like you flirting with me. You are not only my goddesses, but also the most fascinating and alluring women in my dreams.

"Pandora, you are the angel of luck gifted to me by the God. I swear that you were the first woman whom I had a crush on ever since I was born. Do you remember that day when Hista made a joke about you and me when we were bringing our items back. You peered at me and left. At that moment, I was really enamored by you, and that thing below instantly became hard. No other women could do that to me, and what Hista that bastard said was really what I wanted to say. I even wanted to make love with you at that moment. I didn't feel like your frame was not good at all, I felt like there was a special charm to you..."

Embracing the three girls, Zhang Tie kept pouring out what he wanted to say. He didn't know how to say sugared words. In his mind, men's sugared words should be their true emotions about their beloved women. Men should express their admiration and adoration to their beloved women. Only when they were expressing their true emotions were they using sugared words, which were rightly what women liked. All the other words were crap and untrue.

Slightly farther back, the other boys who had accompanied them here were all standing shocked. They kept stealthily glancing at Zhang Tie like watching a god. They had seen tough men, but they had never seen one like Zhang Tie. How could a man embrace three girls and express his love to them one by one? That was too great! That was so great that it could never be matched by anyone else. They really had witnessed a miracle and a legend today!

The move that Zhang Tie had used to embrace the three women was not the most powerful. What was truly powerful were the words that he used to express his love for them.

All the guys who heard what Zhang Tie was saying were shocked so much that they even twisted their mouths and eye corners and spat white foam. They could never believe that a man could express his love to three girls at the same time...


That night, Kristine and her sisters were also accompanied back to the Castle by a group of boys with whom they had formed a team. In the past few days, these girls had formed a good relationship with these boys. They had grown closer to each other. When they arrived at the small square outside the Wild Wolf Castle, many boys and girls automatically separated into groups of two, looking for a place in the square to say something.

The boy who was walking together with Kristine looked handsome, elegant, and kind. He also had a good fighting force as he would soon become a LV 1 warrior. From the first sight of Kristine, this man had already been fascinated by her. He took care of her in all aspects.

Kristine also knew the boy's intentions. To tell the truth, she also had a good feeling about him. However, not knowing the reason, it was just a feeling which could not develop further. She always felt that there was something lacking between them. No matter what, she didn't feel that expected pounding of the heart.

It was that black-haired boy that she had met in the railway station that had made her heart pound in the past couple of days. She always thought back on how she had kicked him, and that person's shocking decisiveness when he jumped into the black hole after killing the three wolves. What made her impressed and resentful was that bastard's pleased look when he had embraced two sexy girls during the bonfire night party.

Unconsciously, Kristine started to grit her teeth, feeling regret about not having kicked him more ferociously back then. She thought that she should have just broken that bastard's shin so that she wouldn't need to see his pleased look now.

"Kristine, do you know, since the first time I saw you, your beautiful frame has already fallen into my soft heart like rose seeds. Gradually, they rooted and sprouted, causing each of my spontaneous thoughts of you to smell fragrant..."

The boy who pursued Kristine finally plucked his courage to express his love for her. As for these words, the boy had thought about them for many days, considering them for hundreds of times. At this moment, he felt they would be powerful enough to move her. Unexpectedly, after waiting for quite a while, he still had not received any response. He then glanced at her only to find her recalling something and gritting her teeth.

"Kristine..." The boy hesitated before waking her up.

"Ah, what? What were you saying..." Kristine seemed to have immediately returned from the dream. "Did you talk to me just now? Said anything?"

Seeing the response, the boy immediately stepped back and cried internally. He felt completely wordless, and that sprouted rose seed in his heart withered away...

Right then, they found numerous people gathering in front of them, seemingly watching something...

Chapter 120: One Arrow for Three Birds

Translator: Editor:

Many people were quietly watching something in front of them. The moment Kristine and that boy walked over there, these guys even put their index fingers onto their mouths, requesting them to keep quiet. Lowering his voice, one guy uttered, "No noise, a brother is so great, he could flirt with three girls at the same time. He's not a person, definitely a god. Don't disturb us so we can learn from him..."

Flirt with three girls at the same time? Not only that boy, even Kristine was shocked. The two people could only think of two words - 'No Way!'. After exchanging glances, they reached a tacit agreement for the first time. Therefore, they both slowed down their steps and moved forward.

They then heard Zhang Tie's most shameless words to the three girls, "Really, you are all the best in my eyes..."


For some reason, his words made the three girls begin crying even harder. As he was embracing them with his hands, he could only kiss their tears away. At this moment, Zhang Tie swore inwardly that he truly treasured and loved them.

When he was kissing their tears, he felt that he was kissing flowers with dew on them. Those flowers were so beautiful, tender, and lovely. Like a gardener who loved flowers so much that he would even turn himself into sh*t to fertilize them, Zhang Tie was also using his most humble fashion to treasure them.

The salty and hot tears became an icy small fish, which started to stiffly swim in his mouth. At some point, Beverly had already bravely kissed Zhang Tie. She stretched her tongue into Zhang Tie's mouth which really shocked him and made him stiff. He couldn't do anything but start to suck on her tongue. All in a sudden, Zhang Tie felt Beverly in his right hand became soft all over, followed by her gradually heating up face.

Such an enchanting taste made Zhang Tie so intoxicated that he even closed his eyes. Beverly's long eyebrows then niftily rubbed Zhang Tie's face, causing him to feel itchy and become lost in her tenderness.

"I want it too..." Alice, who was on the side, expressed her dissatisfaction by a cold harrumph. Closely followed that, the first small fish swam away, and the second small fish swam in niftily. Being different from the first fish, Alice's small fish clumsily swam across Zhang Tie's gingiva, causing him to become numb all over as if an electric current had flown through his body. Then, Zhang Tie turned his own tongue into a small fish too. As a result, the two small fishes started to play in their mouths.

Beverly's small fish and hot lips just stayed at Zhang Tie's ear, slightly playing with his earlobe. Her hot breath fanned his face. All of a sudden, Zhang Tie felt that he was going to explode, and that hand around Beverly unconsciously fell onto her sexy buttocks, starting to rub them.

That untamed thing in Zhang Tie's crotch had long poked onto Pandora's soft abdomen like an infuriated dragon when Beverly started to kiss him. After knowing that thing was not Zhang Tie's "dagger", Pandora also became soft all over. Gluing onto Zhang Tie's chest, she started to quiver all over and became slightly hotter.

Young boys and girls being seduced by sex would all be fascinated by the pleasures brought by such fascinating swirls and senses. They would forget where they were. They were each other's only world.

At least Zhang Tie felt like this. At this moment, he had forgotten that he was in the Wild Wolf Square. Although dusk had gradually fallen, there was still a large audience near the square.

At this moment, many male animals and girls were not simply viewing Zhang Tie as a common god; they viewed him as the great creator and the only God. They had never expected to see such a great person like him.

It was really quiet in the surroundings!

It really felt great to kiss them!

Zhang Tie almost forgot time!

"What are you doing?"

Only when the solemn and angry shout reverberated in their ears did the four wake up from that dreaming swirl, faces turning red. Hearing the shout, Zhang Tie was startled all over. He then looked around and found Miss Qili glaring at him with eyes wide open.

If it was anyone else, Zhang Tie might have felt shameful; however, at the sight of this f*cking woman, Zhang Tie immediately became annoyed.

"Miss Qili, we are kissing, haven't you seen such an obvious fact..." The moment the three girls became restless and wanted to move, they were tightly embraced by Zhang Tie. He raised his head and looked at Miss Qili full of aggression. "You're a teacher, not a queen; if you want to punish me, you'd better have a proper reason. I don't remember any law of Blackhot City, any school regulations, or any wartime decree of Andaman Alliance that forbids kissing!"

After saying this, Zhang Tie ignored Miss Qili and said to the three girls, "Come on, babies, let's continue; let me see, who's turn now..."

Face turning as red as an apple, Alice was not as brave as Zhang Tie. Seeing Miss Qili staring at him, she immediately pinched Zhang Tie's waist. Beverly also hurriedly stomped on his foot before moving his hand from her butt.

Zhang Tie didn't mean to kiss them; instead, he just disguised the kissing by pouting his mouth. He did this to make Miss Qili angry.

Unexpectedly, Pandora became braver than him at this moment. The moment he moved his pouted mouth in front of Pandora, she truly started to kiss him. Putting her arms tightly around him, she stood up on her tiptoes. As a result, another small fish drilled into Zhang Tie's mouth without any hesitation while her saliva flowed down from her mouth's corner.

The two of them were so devoted that a "Zi Za" sound could even be heard. The scene really made Alice and Beverly stunned.

So did it make the audience.

Zhang Tie was really shocked at that moment as well. 'Is this the same bashful Pandora? Her small fish is both shameful and brave, much braver than that of Alice's and Beverly's."

"Pandora?" Like a cat who's tale been stepped on, Miss Qili immediately raised her voice.

Even hearing her shriek, Pandora's small fish felt reluctant to leave Zhang Tie's lips. Finally, in front of all the others, she even cleaned all the saliva around his mouth using her tongue. After that, she smiled at him before using her sleeve to kindly dry his mouth's corners and kissed his face. Only after doing this did she turn back and calmly faced that woman who had been driven mad. She then politely greeted, "Miss Qili!"

"What were you doing?" Miss Qili angrily shrieked.

"I was kissing my beloved man with all my heart. Isn't it one of the goals for each girl to find her beloved man in this survival training?" she answered, looking very calm.

"He?"Miss Qili pointed at Zhang Tie and angrily said, "He's just a shameless, lecherous guy!"

"Miss Qili, you're wrong. In my heart, he's a true tough man. He's kind, responsible, brave, sincere, and not hypocritical. To save my life, he was even ready sacrifice his own. I feel most happy with him. I, Pandora, have never felt that happy before! I could do anything for him!"

"You girls are really muddle-headed. He's just playing you. Look at the other girls, you'd better not be cheated by him!"

Miss Qili stared at Pandora full of pain, like looking at a lost sheep.

The skinny Pandora revealed a smile. "What if you're right?

"Even if he has 100 girls, or 1000 girls, I still would like to be played by him and to please him. He's my beloved man. If he's happy, I'm then happy too! Alice, Beverly, don't you agree?"

After exchanging glances with Beverly, Alice also moved her face closer to Zhang Tie's and started another long kiss. When her mouth left his, a shiny wisp of saliva was even pulled out.

Then, like how Pandora had done, Alice also used her tongue to clean the saliva around Zhang Tie's mouth. Closely after Alice was Beverly. Being different from the earlier two, this beauty even niftily bit his nose tip after kissing him.

Hearing Pandora's words, Zhang Tie almost teared up. Alice and Beverly's braveness also made moed him, causing his tears to come finally come out. Ignoring Miss Qili's attitude, he bent over Pandora's body in his arm and fiercely kissed her face after laughing out loudly. The same scene happened with the other two women.

Driven mad, Miss Qili turned back and left without saying anything.

"We were completely on your side, are you satisfied now?"

Beverly the enchanting girl, who had been fully relaxed, lightly bit his face.

"Let us go now, my waist is almost broken!"

Alice also gave him a white eye.

Laughing loudly, Zhang Tie loosened his arms. "At most one month. Wait for me for that time. The next time when you see me, I'm sure you'll be greatly startled. Believe me, your man will never let you down!"

After saying this, Zhang Tie ignored the surrounding whispers and took out three packages wrapped in oil paper, one for each girl. They were so heavy that the girls could not even hold them without using two hands.

"What's this?" Alice curiously asked.

"This is the food I've prepared for you. It's enough for one month's time. Even if I'm going to leave, I won't let you be hungry!"

"Since they were for us, why didn't you give them when we were at the tree base. You don't need to carry such heavy things alone!" Beverly said.

"It's too heavy, I've prepared about 20-30 kg of food for each of you. How could you bear such a load during that long path? Of course, I would carry them for you..."


Thinking of Zhang Tie's sweating look on the way here, Alice's eyes were filled with tears once again. This man had silently carried 80-90 kg of packaged meat for 5 km of mountainous path only to give them that food. Yet they had thought that the items in the package were prepared for his loner's survival training and needed to be processed here in the Wild Wolf Castle.

"Oh, yea, and this..."

Saying this, Zhang Tie pulled out three well-polished wolf canines.

"In Chinese belief, the canines from a wild wolf killed by a man using his own hands and worn on that man's woman's body would prevent evil from happening. I've prepared them for you. I killed that wolf today using only my hands to prepare a canine for each of you..."

Recalling the risky scene whre Zhang Tie had killed the wild wolf using only his hands at noon to prepare a canine for them, the three girls were really moved.

After carefully putting away the canines that Zhang Tie had delicately prepared for them, they hugged him once again, kissing him crazily.

"Well, it's getting late now, I'll accompany you in!" Zhang Tie patted the three girls' shoulders as he accompany them to the outer castle. Standing outside the gate of the inner castle, he confided in them various things before bidding farewell and seeing them off to the inner castle with a great amount of items.

Seeing Pandora's thin frame disappearing last, Zhang Tie recalled something and shouted loudly, "Pandora..."

She turned back and stared at him.

Zhang Tie only opened his mouth, yet did not say anything—eat more, wait for me to come back!

Pandora seemed to understand it. She then also moved her mouth and replied with no voice—bastard!

Beauty was really the source of happiness!

Zhang Tie became very excited. Humming a tune, he left the Wild Wolf Castle. The moment he walked out of the outer castle, planning to converge with Barley and the other members of the Brotherhood, he suddenly found himself surrounded by many animals. With shiny eyes and excited expressions, these animals stared at him which really startled him.

'What's happening, are they going to beat me?' Zhang Tie wondered inwardly.

"What do you want?" Zhang Tie he asked with a raised voice.

"Master, save me..." An animal rushed forward with cries, hugging Zhang Tie's leg. He raised his head with tears welling up in his eyes. "I've not have a chance to touch a girl's hand since the start of this survival training. Woe is me, please give me even a single instruction, I don't want to be alone..."

Wordless, Zhang Tie scratched his head. "Do you want to know why the three girls can love me at the same time?"

Everybody then crazily nodded.

"As men, we should not ask why a girl doesn't love us; instead, we should ask ourselves, which aspect of us is worth their love."

Saying this, Zhang Tie felt that his expression was akin to that of Burwick's.

He hadn't come up with this phrase himself; instead, he had learned it from Donder. Zhang Tie felt it was proper to use it at this moment. He couldn't even explain why. He only remembered that he had given away his first kiss to the three girls tonight. Until now, he still didn't understand how it had developed to this degree.