144 - 151

Chapter 144: Iron Flow

Translator: WQL Editor: DarkGem

Only after four hours, the sky above Zhang Tie brimmed with dozens of vultures. The scavengers of prairie were hovering in the sky and crying happily in terrifying voices, their eyes fixed on the yummy food on the ground. Some brave ones had even already landed on the ground, gawking with their gleaming eyes at the wolf corpses all over the grass. At the same time, they swaggered their fat bodies and stealthily fluttered their wings while gradually jumping towards the corpses.

By now, the one hundred square meters over the hill where Zhang Tie was standing were covered with dead wolves. There were roughly 70 corpses sparsely lying on the ground.

Compared to the past few days, Zhang Tie had achieved most today. But if more than 70 wild wolves had rushed towards him altogether, he feared that he would have been forced to escape to the vast prairie. Thankfully, they arrived in batches, which granted Zhang Tie the chance to destroy them one group by another.

This also explained how delicate this trap was. The moment the male wild wolves smelt the odor of female wolves, they would definitely rush towards them immediately. They would never choose teamwork in such a situation.

'Probably even male wild wolves would not accost female wolves or make piston-like movements together,' Zhang Tie decided.

Looking at it that way, wild wolves were actually akin to human beings. Since humans, even if they wanted to spend money to f*ck girls, they would never go there in groups. Take Zhang Tie himself for an instance, besides the guys of Hit-Plane Brotherhood, he would hardly go to such a place with anybody else.

He kept waiting, expecting more wild wolves...

The last wave was composed of roughly 20 wild wolves. At the beginning, Zhang Tie only used his hands to kill them. In the end, seeing that some of them were about to escape, he had to use his lance.

Currently, his lance's attacking range had reached as far as 80 steps with his increasingly growing physical strength and spiritual energy. In this range, Zhang Tie was confident to hit a fly with his lance.

This was a horrifying and strange talent. And Zhang Tie still didn't know how he could master such a terrifying skill so abruptly. He had no idea where that weird funnel-shaped locking state between him and the target would come from whenever he wanted to throw out his lance.

Having common sense, of course Zhang Tie knew that it was not a common thing. At least, in his surroundings or at school, although having heard a lot of weird things, he had never heard that anyone could suddenly get such an ability. But for him now it was less of a skill to pierce through his target and more of something as instinctive as taking a breath or walking. It was as if he had been born with the ability.

'Donder knows a lot, perhaps he'll know something about this.'

Zhang Tie decided to ask Donder after the survival training. Although that guy was a bit narrow-minded, he was the still the most reliable person Zhang Tie knew besides his parents and elder brother.

Female wolves' urine spread through the air, mixing with the increasingly stimulative odor of wild wolves' fresh blood. Smelling this, more and more vultures hovered above, many of which landed, uttering 'Gu wo...'. They were carefully observing the dead wild wolves lying on the ground, checking whether they were completely dead or not.

In the past days, these guys had already enjoyed food several times. If they were requested to rate who was the most welcome person on the prairie, Zhang Tie felt that he was definitely qualified to be the No. 1.

While vultures were observing the dead wolves, Zhang Tie was observing them. These days he had found that these guys weren't actually not that disgusting. Although they had a bad reputation, they were the real peace-keepers as they only ate rotten meat and rarely killed other live beings.

Additionally, before eating, they would confirm that the target was really dead. If it was still alive or had one last breath in them, they would then stay aside and wait patiently. They only carefully observed their target, never attacking the almost dead animals.

"Hey, buddy, don't be afraid, we are good people. We will not attack you while you're still alive. We're waiting to eat your dead body. I think you'll agree to that, right? If not, you'll definitely chase us away. And since you didn't, it means that you've agreed."

This was how these guys greeted the other animals on the prairie.

Because of these vultures, Zhang Tie reconfirmed his previous belief that a person's reputation and what was said about him rarely represented the kind of person he really was. Someone with good reputation was not definitely a good person; conversely, a person with a poor reputation was not definitely a bad person.

Although vultures had a bad reputation, none of them had ever hurt other animals in their whole lives. They hadn't even ever hurt a stalk of grass. Even though they were ferocious beasts, they actually chose the loneliest and most misunderstood way of living, and also the most kind.

In contrast, the wild wolves would always attack human beings. Each year, there would be students attending the survival training and people living outside the city getting killed by these wild wolves. However, vultures never attacked people. Although they looked ugly with pitch-dark feathers all over and curved yet long necks which would even drop feathers, Zhang Tie truly liked these guys who never hurt others.

Landing on the ground, the vultures kept uttering 'Gu wo...', seemingly warning the lying wild wolves about their arrival. After doing that for awhile, they noticed that the wild wolves didn't make any response. Finally, a brave vulture just moved forward and tried to give one wolf a peck as the last warning and confirmation.

After that, it fluttered its wings and jumped off. However, the wild wolf remained still. Then another vulture moved forward to give the same wolf a peck and jumped off as the first one had. The wild wolf still didn't move. With this, the vultures finally confirmed that the wild wolves were dead and had already agreed to being eaten by them.

Therefore, the two vultures fluttered their wings and uttered 'Gu wo...' to announce it to the others. Hearing their signal, all the other vultures charged at the dead wild wolf and started to enjoy the yummy food.

When the vultures started to enjoy their meal, Zhang Tie had already prepared to leave. By then, he had also finally confirmed that no more wild wolves would be attracted here today.

Today's achievements made Zhang Tie very satisfied. He knew that the latest Wild Wolf Seven-Strength Fruit on the small tree would be ripe by now and would be waiting for him to enjoy it tonight. Tomorrow, Zhang Tie would have five wild wolves' strength in his body and would have improved his fighting force greatly.

A lance's handle was covered with wolf blood. The polished handle had become dark after several weeks' fighting, the color coming from the wood soaking up blood.

Zhang Tie put all of his lances back into their container and went to a nearby pond. He wanted to clean them. Since because of all that blood, if it wasn't cleaned, he would always smell gory. Although not being obsessively tidy, Zhang Tie still preferred to be clean.

The lances felt fitting before, but recently they've come to feel as light as straw sticks. It made them harder and harder to use. Zhang Tie shook his head. It seemed that he would have to go back to the Wild Wolf Castle tomorrow and ask Peter and his colleagues to build a new set of heavier lances. These ones were starting to feel just too light.

He reached a small pond. When he arrived there and squatted down with lances in hand, Zhang Tie became stunned as the water in the pond was rippling in a certain rhythm.

'Is this an earthquake?' Zhang Tie became slightly puzzled.

Additionally, the ripples in the pond seemed to be coming into being faster and faster, while small water drops directly jumped out of the pond. At this moment, Zhang Tie thought he heard thunder from afar. His face immediately turned pale, and he threw down his lances, rushing towards the tree on the hill.

The several female wolves tied to the tree became really scared when they saw Zhang Tie running towards them.

Zhang Tie climbed onto the crown of the tree at his fastest speed and started to look northwest of the prairie. Far off, there seemed to be thousands of rolling thunders rocking the earth.

Several minutes later, the sounds gradually became louder, and the whole earth started to heavily rock like a big drum. At the same time, numerous birds were scared off and took flight, covering half of the sky, and moving away from the black cloud in the northwest. Even the vultures in front of Zhang Tie seemed to have sensed danger and rose into the air one by one!

Several minutes later, that sound of thousands of rolling thunders grew louder. From the northwest of the prairie, packs of animals—including wild wolves, huge wolves, antelopes, rhinos, magical leopards, hares, lions, jackals, and wild ox—started to rush away in all directions to get as far away from the booming noise.

Several golden wolves and huge wolves and even a lion were escaping, passing by the tree in a panic. However, Zhang Tie had no mood to hunt them at this moment. He just fixed his eyes on the northwest of the prairie.

Soon after these animals disappeared in the distance, several pioneers on horses came in their tracks. Although some of these pioneers were very powerful, they looked like hares in a panic. With their bodies low, close to the horses' backs, they rode without daring to raise their heads...

"Hurry up, escape, the Iron-Horn Army of Norman Empire is coming..." a pioneer screamed in a panic, his voice shrill, as he passed 50 m of Zhang Tie...

Chapter 145: The War Broke Out

Translator: WQL Editor: DarkGem

Iron-Horn Army of the Norman Empire?


Hearing his voice, Zhang Tie didn't hesitate before directly jumping off from the 3 m high tree. After landing, he intended to escape right away; however, at the sight of the poor watery-eyed female wolves tied to the tree, Zhang Tie stayed and pulled out his dagger, quickly cutting off the ropes and letting them escape.

After obtaining freedom, the female wolves didn't even dare to glance at Zhang Tie. Once the ropes on their mouths and necks became loose, they escaped right away with tails between legs.

In the past days, Zhang Tie had gotten used to killing wolves, however, he still felt reluctant to kill those female wolves which had provided him with the urine to hunt male wild wolves for no reason. Donder had said that thieves also have their own principles. So Zhang Tie cut off the ropes and let them go. After all, the female wolves had helped him a lot.

After setting the female wolves free, Zhang Tie didn't even pick up his lances. Instead, he directly dashed towards the Wild Wolf Valley. At this time, he immediately accelerated to his maximal speed...

In less than one minute, his speed had already surpassed that of the horse's that the previous guy, who had shouted at him loudly, was riding, and he gradually enlarged the distance between himself and the rider. Seeing someone running faster than his horse, that guy was really shocked, his mouth hanging wide open. He became stunned behind Zhang Tie's back...

It was not strange that some good fighters above LV 6 could easily run faster than a galloping horse when they exerted their utmost effort. However, those fighters could only last several minutes. What made the pioneer stunned was that the one in front of him was only over ten years old. He had never heard of someone who would've reach LV 6 at such a young age in Blackhot City.

But what made him even more surprised was that the boy kept sprinting forward at this speed without even feeling exhausted. After surpassing his horse, the young boy kept rushing toward the Wild Wolf Valley without any deceleration. In a short while, the distance between him and that boy had increased greatly. The rider could see his gradually growing smaller back. He checked his own horse which was sweating all over. In a split second, he felt sad and started to shriek in a shrill voice once again.

"Hurry up, escape, the Iron-Horn Army of the Norman Empire is coming..!"

A common horse could run 40 km/h with a person on its back, but Zhang Tie could run above 50 km/h at this time, causing the distance to increase between him and that guy on horse.

He kept running, running, and running, using up all his power...

He moved across the Crescent Prairie like a heavy wind. Seeing his shadow, many pioneers were shocked.

It only took Zhang Tie roughly 20 minutes to rush onto the range that was extended from the Wild Wolf Valley. He then rushed onto the hillside, passing the woods and stayed behind a very hidden rock on a high place on the hill. He heavily breathed while looking at the northwest of the Crescent Prairie.

This time, Zhang Tie was pretty shocked by what he saw.

Far off in the prairie, a red-iron tide surged out like great flooding rivers and lakes.

It was striking the ground, causing thousands of booming sounds over the entire Crescent Prairie. Those sounds rolled towards Blackhot City in an overwhelming way.

That iron tide moved really fast. Just moments ago it was only a red line, but after several winks the front line had already become clear.

That tide was a cavalry battalion dressed in red, advancing at an extremely fast speed. The ridden beasts were not common horses, but weird animals with a horn on their foreheads. Although looking akin to rhinos, they were taller and stronger than rhinos, and had longer legs. They galloped like horses, but were faster than them.

On the backs of the ferocious beasts were knights wholly dressed in red armor. They looked like gloomy iron fortress with a row of air holes for their mouths and another for their eyes, making them pretty terrifying.

Common people would be terrified by seeing even a single one of those ferocious beasts standing in front of them. But right now, this many knights had appeared on the Crescent Prairie, advancing forward like huge dragons in an overwhelming manner.

At this moment, Zhang Tie was deeply impressed by the cavalry's handsome looks.

The front knight was firmly holding a banner in his hand, on which was the icon of the head of the iron-horned beast that they were riding on. This icon was the very symbol of the North Border Iron-Horn of the Norman Empire.

Those slower pioneers were caught up with by the knights from behind. Standing on the hill, Zhang Tie thought a massacre would come. Unexpectedly, the knights on the iron-horned beasts didn't care about the pioneers at all. They didn't even glance at those running people who had already jumped off the horses as they were afraid of running in front of the Iron-Horn Army. The Army kept rushing towards Blackhot City.

A lion in hunting would never feel like glancing at the ants on the roadside!

The red-iron tide divided into two in front of the Wild Wolf Valley. Half marched to one side of it, while the other went to the other.

It was really an endless iron tide. When it passed by, the leaves on the hill started to quiver. The sounds of tens of thousands galloping iron-horned beasts were really like rolling thunder that passed by under your feet.

Under Zhang Tie's gaze, the iron tide divided into two on the border of the Wild Wolf Valley and the Crescent Prairie, then kept galloping for one hour like a red flood, without stop.

At this moment, Zhang Tie's face completely turned pale.

After the iron-horn cavalry came endless iron war-chariots. The steam chariots were following in a very grand way. Upon dividing into two at the entrance of the Wild Wolf Valley, they also rolled towards Blackhot City.

After the steaming tanks were numerous steaming trucks with infantries inside.

One hour later...

Suddenly the birds hovering in the sky were scared and flew away again as a terrifying giant moved out of the clouds and showed itself in the sky.

With his mouth slightly opened, Zhang Tie fixed his eyes on that giant thing in the sky, recognizing it as an airship 500 m long. Just like a cloud's, its huge shadow was cast onto the ground which then slowly moved over the valley and the hills below.

It took the airship roughly one minute to fly over Zhang Tie's head. During that time, its huge shadow kept covering him.

His head raised, Zhang Tie was awed by that giant thing.

Soon after, huge airships closely drilled threw the clouds one by one. They were like a huge centipede that lasted dozens of kilometers in the sky. Such a scene deeply shocked Zhang Tie.

He knew that Blackhot City would be over soon. Not only Blackhot City, but even all the armies of the entire Andaman Alliance if they moved out. There was just no way for them to resist the North Border Army of the Norman Empire in Zhang Tie's eyes.

Only in an hour, at least 100,000 soldiers had passed in front of him. Zhang Tie then cast his eyes onto the Crescent Prairie and found an endless iron tide coming towards him like the flood of great rivers and lakes. Iron cavalry, armored vehicles, soldier-transporting vehicles, material-transporting vehicles, and airships of the Norman Empire above his head, all pushed forward like locusts and floods that knew no exhaustion. Such a scene kept Zhang Tie in shock, even making his nerves go numb...

Not only was Blackhot City over, even Andaman Alliance might be so. Such a large-scale army was definitely not here for merely Blackhot City.

Sometimes, c'est la vie.

When sitting under a tree, someone might throw their dining plates before you and find you endless trouble; sometimes, when you were jubilantly hunting and doing survival training,thinking about eating fruits soon, the huge wheels of history would not care about whether you had eaten dinner yet. They would just roll by you instead, changing the destiny of you and your beloved people.

The Crescent Prairie still brimmed with the iron tide...

At this moment, Zhang Tie thought back to his parents in Blackhot City, his elder brother who was serving in the army in Blackhot City, and the girls and his brothers of Hit-Plane Brotherhood. Then he rushed down the hill and continued running to the Wild Wolf Castle.

The moment he reached the foot of the hill, he had already seen a wisp of red smoke rising from the Wild Wolf Castle. That was the decree of greatest emergency which was used to summon all the students attending the survival training back to the Wild Wolf Castle at once. It could be seen for dozens of kilometers.

Actually, before seeing the rising red smoke, all the other students had already stopped what they were doing and started to run back to the Wild Wolf Castle.

A huge war-time airship of the Norman Empire had already flown by the Wild Wolf Valley, moving towards the Wild Wolf Castle. Unless blind, everybody would see it. At the sight of that huge airship marked with the Norman Empire's icon, all the students only had one thought in their minds: 'That's not good, something really bad is going to happen.' Of course nobody would have the mood to continue their survival training after seeing such a thing.

That huge war-time airship didn't fly very fast. So before it had reached the Wild Wolf Castle, such a giant moving thing was noticed by all the people in the castle. In the watch tower at the top of the Wild Wolf Castle, if you used a telescope, you could see more airships appearing in the sky above the Crescent Prairie.

"It's the Crazy-Shark war-time airship of the Iron-Horn Army of the Norman Empire. Attention, please, the war between the Norman Empire and the Andaman Alliance is breaking out!"

Captain Kerlin put down his telescope and calmly said as a complicated expression flashed across his eyes...

Chapter 146: Arrival of the Turmoil

Translator: WQL Editor: DarkGem

The teachers of the Temporary Supervision Committee used the telescope to observe the sky above the Crescent Prairie in turns from the watch tower. After seeing the sights, their faces all turned pale. Being different from students, most of the teachers could surmise how many soldiers were in the Iron-Horn Army of the Norman Empire's airships by merely identifying the number and level of the airships in the air via the telescope.

"How long will it take for us to start the main boiler of the Wild Wolf Castle? Do we have enough time?" some teachers asked helplessly.

"If we rely on the students, it will take us at least three hours to start it, and only then will we be able to trigger the air-defense weapons of the castle using the pressure in the main boiler. However, during the time we increase the pressure, the enemy airships could just throw a heavy, white, phosphorous bomb to destroy the entire Wild Wolf Castle into debris. We have no chance to fight back at all..." another teacher replied calmly.

Hearing that, all the other teachers became quiet.

"I suggest to lift the blue-green flag as we have no right to sacrifice these innocent students! We all know how many soldiers are in the airships. In a saying of the Eastern Continent, is it necessary for us to be a mantis that intends to hold back a train by lying itself under the wheel of the train? To be honest, those students are still commoners. They're neither qualified nor bound to get involved with this upcoming war..." Saying this, Mr. Zerom fixed his eyes on Captain Kerlin. "Let's raise our hands to vote!"

After saying that, Mr. Zerom raised his hand. Soon after him many other teachers did the same. Finally, Captain Kerlin also raised his hand. Seeing that, the remaining teachers raised their hands too.

Several minutes later, along with a red smoke, a blue-green flag was raised on the top of the castle. This was a more graceful way to avoid war compared to raising a white flag. According to the Conventions of Human Clan Wars in this age, blue-green flag indicated that the Wild Wolf Castle was a non-military target and not fortified.

As was expected, after raising the blue-green flag, the airships flying towards the Wild Wolf Castle slightly changed their course and shifted their attention to Blackhot City.

Looking in the direction of the city, Captain Kerlin looked a bit dejected. At this moment, Mr. Zerom pushed open the door and entered with two glasses and a bottle of wine in his hands.

Captain Kerlin looked at him, amazed. "Where did you get this?"

"Castle Commander's Office!"

"That place is locked. You'd be sent to military court if you entered without permission..."

"I unlocked it!" Mr. Zerom carelessly replied. "Do you think the room's owner still has a chance to come back to open the door? Or do you want to leave these items to the bastards who will come here to take over the Castle..."

During his speech, Zerom opened the bottle of wine and put the glasses on the table. He filled the two glasses with wine. After the sanguine liquid became level, the two teachers observed it quivering slightly.

"At least 200,000. Not only the iron-horn cavalry, even the armored troops have set out this time. Otherwise, it would never be this overwhelming!" Zerom sighed like what he was talking about had nothing to do with him. "The Iron-Horn Army has left the Kachiton defense line that had been managed by the Andaman Alliance for two dozens of years and appeared at the back of Blackhot City. They directly cut into the abdomen of the Alliance from the Crescent Prairie. This is really a nice and ferocious left hook..."

Captain Kerlin cast a fierce glare to Zerom and swore, "Bastard!" It was hard to say whether he was cursing the Iron-Horn Army of the Norman Empire or Zerom. After that, Captain Kerlin didn't take his glass but, rather, directly grabbed the wine bottle and started to swallow deep, making a sound of 'Gulu gulu'.

"Even now the Norman Empire dares to do this so blatantly! They've definitely made a compromise with the Sun Dynasty. Perhaps at this moment the Sun Dynasty's army is also marching on Cilanca City!" After sipping a mouthful of wine, Zerom slightly narrowed his eyes. "Even if they gather together by hundreds, the guys doing business in Andaman Alliance are still rabbits; even if small businessmen gather together by tens, they would still do small business!"

"The city wall of Blackhot City will not be that easily broken. The Coal, Steel, and Iron Federation has done a lot of work to strengthen it. If the Norman Empire really wants to launch a war, it will not be able to take down the Blackhot City without paying a miserable price!" Captain Kerlin said in a low voice.

"Kerlin, don't you know that this is not a matter of can or cannot, but a matter of dare or dare not for those people in the Coal, Steel, and Iron Federation. Forget your honor as a soldier!" Zerom started to be incisive. "Trust me, those guys doing small business would never think about any damn respect or honor at this moment, but instead how to negotiate with the representatives from the Norman Empire, striving to guarantee the safety of their own property to the utmost degree.

"They would never dare to fight the Norman Empire at this time. With only one excuse, the commander of the North Border Army of the Norman Empire would deliver an order to break them into pieces and take over all of their private properties that they had used dozens of years to accumulate. Just wait, once the Norman Empire besieges Blackhot City, we'll soon see many citizens of the Norman Empire in a few days..."

"Damned!" Captain Kerlin turned gloomy. After swallowing a couple more mouthfuls of wine, he stared at Zerom. "How many have you got?"


It was Zerom's turn to be confused this time.

"No matter how many bottles of wine you've pilfered from the Office, I want half of them!" the one-eyed man said arbitrarily...

Not until the vanguard of the iron cavalry of the Iron-Horn Army had come to only 15 km from Blackhot City did the only airship in the sky above the city notice the iron tide and those huge airships rolling closer at a rapid pace.

The shrill war alerts and air-defense alerts immediately resonated through Blackhot City. At the same time, several city gates of Blackhot City closed up.

On the city wall, all the soldiers and officers, including Zhang Tie's elder brother, who had rushed into the defense posts turned pale when they caught sight of the cavalry flooding towards.

"The army from the Norman Empire is coming! The Iron-Horn Army of the Norman Empire is coming!"

When the war alerts rung, Zhang Tie's father was still working in the factory while his mom and elder sister-in-law were at home. Many citizens were standing and gawking in the street.

The moment Zhang Tie's dad heard the alerts, he immediately left his work and ran outside the factory. Seeing two confused youths within the building, he pulled them out by their arms.

"What happened?"

"Those are the war and air-defense alerts. Come on, leave the factory..." Zhang Tie's dad shouted out loudly.

Hearing that, everybody else turned pale and rushed outside the factory. If the air attack started, the plant areas would be the first targets. At this moment, they would be safer in a spacious area.

Recognizing the alerts, Zhang Tie's mom and elder sister-in-law immediately hid in their family's refuge chamber.

Everybody in the street became flurried, so did the Blackhot City as a whole...

At this moment, Zhang Tie was darting back to the Wild Wolf Castle...

Chapter 147: Prelude to a Chaotic World

Translator: WQL Editor: DarkGem

When Zhang Tie came back to the Wild Wolf Castle, it was already in chaos.

Before returning here, he had passed by the tree house. Seeing the line: 'We are in the Wild Wolf Castle!', Zhang Tie knew that Barley's group had already went back.

The words were of course written for Zhang Tie. Since Barley's group had predicted that Zhang Tie would definitely come back to the tree house to check on them after seeing the signal, they left this line for him.

At this time, many students' faces were covered with helplessness and fear. When the huge war machines of the Norman Empire came to fly above their heads, all those who had never seen them before were really shocked. Everyone felt dwarfed.

Although Blackhot City had its own airships, they were just dozens of meters in length. Floating above the city, they were mainly used as watch towers by the City Guard. However, compared to the airships of the Norman Empire, they were just rabbits in front of lions. And of course a rabbit and a lion would bring completely different emotions in people.

It was noisy in the Wild Wolf Square as students had already gathered to discuss about what was happening. Although many people could see the huge airships, they hadn't yet figured out what was happening right now.

Before coming to the Wild Wolf Valley, they were taught military education for many years at school, so although they were afraid, they still remained disciplined.

Additionally, the flying blue-green flag on the top of the castle also relieved their tension. So even though the sudden appearance of the Norman Empire's army was terrifying, they all kept calm, knowing that they wouldn't be attacked. So what worried them right now were not themselves but their family members in Blackhot City.

The moment Zhang Tie came to the Wild Wolf Castle, he was noticed by Leit who was waiting on the path leading to the valley from the square.

"Bighead..." Leit rushed toward him through the noisy crowd. Hugging him, he said, "Nice to see you back, we were worried that you might not be back in time!" Saying this, Leit looked around carefully and drew slightly closer to Zhang Tie. With his voice lowered, he said, "Glaze also started a loner's survival training several days ago. Learning about it, everybody started to worry for you..."

Leit's concerned expression and his excitement at the sight of him made Zhang Tie warm inside. Facing Leit's concern, he patted his shoulder.

"Trust me, I'm okay. How about you guys?"

"Fine, Pandora, Alice, and Beverly are fine too. Oh, have you met Glaze?"

"Glaze? I've not seen him for a long time. He might have disappeared from this world!" Zhang Tie replied straightforwardly with a big smile.

Somehow, Leit could sense that Zhang Tie was obviously different from before, even though not that many days had passed. His friend's appearance hadn't changed, but his temperaments was quite different compared to earlier. He had become more confident, calm, and mysterious. Besides that, he presented a certain feeling of hidden sharpness to others.

'Could a loner's survival training really bring about such great changes to a person in a short time?'

Leit became suspicious.

There were many people in the square. Not only were the other members of the Brotherhood waiting for Zhang Tie, but even his mining brothers were paying attention to him.

Potter, Wood, Gandhi, Jones, Franca, and other mining brothers had gathered together and formed a small group. Seeing Zhang Tie, they all revealed smiles and were a bit moved. Compared to other groups in the square, the small group composed of the mining brothers became less chaotic. Many of them frankly sat on the ground with calm expressions.

Zhang Tie greeted Potter's group by nodding his head instead of going towards them.

They looked understanding: the Ancient Gods Church was still a huge secret.

"You know those guys?" Leit asked with a bit of curiosity after seeing Zhang Tie greet those guys.

"Yea, we're mining friends!"

"Oh, I thought you've joined the Gods' Bliss Association."

"Gods' Bliss Association? Gods' Bliss Association?"

Zhang Tie was confused.

"It's an association organized by those mad guys. They treat mining as cultivation. I heard they even implement a mysterious prayer before mining by kissing the icy mining bed. So the previous miners in the mine were scared off by them.

"A couple of days after you left, the Gods' Bliss Association had taken completely control of the mine. They're very united with a powerful fighting force and are really good at mining, just as if they were born-to-be miners. As long as one of them meets with some trouble, the others will rush to him in aid.

"One week ago, when a small association of more than twenty people was bullying one of their members, the other more than sixty members of Gods' Bliss Association all rushed forward regardless of their own lives.

"As a result, on the side of the Wild Wolf Square, they beat over ten guys so ferociously that those guys even knelt down in front of them to beg for forgiveness. After Glaze's Male Lion Association was disbanded, these guys of Gods' Bliss Association have become a popular emerging association in the Wild Wolf Castle."

Leit explained it to Zhang Tie as they walked, not even noticing that Zhang Tie's eyes had almost popped out while listening.

Zhang Tie had never imagined that after confounding them with his "Cave Barbarian Living Style", these guys would unite, bursting with creativity like having found the direction of their futures. Several bad luck miners had started to play the game of associations too. Additionally, Zhang Tie felt that Gods' Bliss Association was somewhat related to that Ancient Gods' Church which he had fabricated.

Barley and the other members of the Brotherhood were gathered in the square. Seeing Leit accompanying Zhang Tie back, their spirits rose, and they all heaved a deep sigh of relief.

"You wait here for me, I have an emergency to report to Captain Kerlin and the other teachers of the Temporary Supervision Committee!"

After greeting the other members of the Brotherhood, Zhang Tie intended to leave for Captain Kelrin.

"What's the matter? Bighead, why are you in such a hurry?" Barley asked.

After glancing over these guys who were still confused, Zhang Tie greeted and motioned for them to get closer. "I met the Iron-Horn Army of the Norman Empire in the Crescent Prairie!"


The others almost jumped up from the ground.

"The Iron-Horn Army divided into two at the border between the Crescent Prairie and the Wild Wolf Valley, avoiding going through. They chose a route that's more suitable for the great numbers of their troops to charge at Blackhot City. Their routes were almost horizontal to the Wild Wolf Valley with two ranges of the Wild Wolf Valley between them. They were at least 10 km away from each other."

Those who attended the survival training in the Wild Wolf Valley wouldn't know that. And even if some of them had felt something, they could never imagine how truly terrifying were the troops of the Norman Empire when they moved together.

"How many people?" Barley asked in a low voice.

"The troops that passed before me consisted of more than 100,000 people. The amount of cavalry on the iron-horn beasts would surpass 50,000. There were also large batches of armored troops. Before I came back, the other troops of the Norman Empire were still marching endlessly to this place from the Crescent Prairie. I have to report this situation to the Temporary Supervision Committee now..."

Hearing Zhang Tie's description, every member of the Brotherhood turned pale. Facing such a dire change in their situation, everybody became worried, and felt weak. What could a few youths do in front of such great power?

The moment Zhang Tie separated from the other members of the Brotherhood, he darted into the Wild Wolf Castle. Coincidentally, he almost hit Captain Kerlin and Zerom.

Seeing them, Zhang Tie hurriedly drew close and reported what he had seen about the Norman Empire's army. He was then surprised that both Zerom and Captain Kerlin showed no excessive surprise during his report. They only asked him for some extra details on a few parts.

"You've long known about it?"

"No, we didn't know it but assumed such. When we saw the war-time airships of the Norman Empire, we counted their numbers using a telescope and knew that the Iron-Horn Army had dispatched a great number of soldiers this time!"

Zerom forced a faint smile.

"Mr. Zerom, do you think that the Blackhot City will be in trouble? My elder brother is still serving in the City Guard!" Zhang Tie urgently asked Zerom about what he was concerned most. "Can I go back to have a look now?

"I'm afraid that Blackhot City has been besieged by the Iron-Horn Army of the Norman Empire. Do you think you could break through its blockade? The city gates of Blackhot City must be closed shut by now. Even if you could get close to the city's wall, do you think the City Guard would open the gates for you?" Zerom rebutted.

Thinking back to all those troops of the Norman Empire and the critical situation facing Blackhot City, Zhang Tie shook his head.

"Don't worry, I estimate that the war will hardly break out in Blackhot City. Your elder brother should be safe!"

Zerom's admiration of this youth in front of him rose as he watched him.

Zhang Tie had dared to attend the loner's survival training in the Crescent Prairie, which meant that he had a powerful fighting force. Then after discovering the Norman Empire's army, he immediately rushed back to report the critical situation to the teachers of the Temporary Supervision Committee, proving his loyalty to Blackhot City. Of course teachers would favor such an excellent student.

Hearing Zerom's words, Zhang Tie was reassured. He asked then, "Mr. Zerom, is the war coming?"

"It has already come. However, it will probably end very fast..." Zerom sighed. He then patted Zhang Tie's shoulder and told him solemnly, "In this war, the two parties' military force is very different. It's like a fight between a lion and a rabbit. Tell me, if Captain Kerlin took a knife to rob an elementary student of his candy bar, dare the elementary student not submit to him? What's more, that elementary student is an orphan which has no one to rely on..."

Zhang Tie peered at Captain Kerlin and noticed this one-eyed man's extreme dissatisfaction with the metaphor. Captain Kerlin then glared at Zerom. "Dare he not!"

"That's it! This is how war goes. The Norman Empire aims to rob, instead of to eliminate. But do you know what it means when a powerful guy like Captain Kerlin starts robbing kids of their candy bars or old men of their wine bottles that they had spent great effort to get, regardless of losing his face?"

"What does this mean?"

"It means the world is gonna turn chaotic..." Zerom let out a deep sigh as he shifted his eyes to stare in the distance. "This war is just an appetizer of the bloody and chaotic banquet that's begun in this world..."

Zhang Tie was stunned by the words. Chaotic world? This was his first time hearing such words so close together...

Chapter 148: Being Ready

Translator: WQL Editor: DarkGem

The outer castle of the Wild Wolf Castle was in chaos. When the Temporary Supervision Committee declared that they would open the barracks and allow the students to live in there, many people became busy moving their belongings.

This was an emergency countermeasure. Besides opening the barracks to the students, the Temporary Supervision Committee even opened the reserve materials' warehouse and allocated the war reserves to students. Every student would obtain an emergency rescue kit and two days' worth of standard military dried rations. The Temporary Supervision Committee declared that from today on, the Wild Wolf Castle would implement food allotment system. All students attending this survival training would be able to obtain some rations each day at a certain time.

In order to respond to emergencies, the Temporary Supervision Committee soon issued a series of measures that brought tension to the entire Wild Wolf Castle.

From today on, female students could only move in the Wild Wolf Castle. They could freely access the inner castle and the outer castle. However, without the approval of the teachers of the Temporary Supervision Committee, no female student was allowed to leave the Wild Wolf Castle. Realizing this was a protective measure for the female students, nobody protested it.

Everyone knew that when the war truly broke out, women that had less power to protect themselves would be easily hurt and violated. This was especially so when the surroundings of the castle were brimming with 100,000-200,000 soldiers of the Norman Empire.

Nobody dared to be careless at this moment. If female students were still allowed to go out of the Wild Wolf Castle at this moment, even if a small squad of soldiers were patrolling or executing missions nearby, they would bring disaster to them. Nobody would allow the girls to risk something like that happening.

When girls were restricted to moving only in the Wild Wolf Castle, many boys begun to strive to join the contingent of on-duty students which had expanded more than 10 times. Previously, there were less than 40 on-duty students under the direct guidance of the Temporary Supervision Committee. But right now, the contingent had been expanded to 500 people, who took charge of the defense of the Wild Wolf Castle under the guidance of the Temporary Supervision Committee.

After joining the on-duty contingent, the animals all became highly spirited. Especially since everybody received a whole new set of protective equipment, armor, and weapons from the reserves of the Wild Wolf Castle. Soon after that happened, people in new light armor, which was produced in Blackhot City, could be seen everywhere around the castle.

For some reason, Zhang Tie always felt that the guys wandering around with their new weapons looked like they were sharing booty before facing an incoming disaster.

'Hopefully it's just my imagining,' Zhang Tie mumbled inwardly.

Besides the main boiler in the Castle, all the six sub-steam-boilers that were responsible for ground defense of the Wild Wolf Castle had been heated. The social recluses in the iron-melting workshop also became busy. Peter's group were assigned with a heavy task. They were ordered to supervise the normal running of the sub-boilers. Many animals were recruited to the boiler room.

Unexpectedly, those guys of Gods' Bliss Association asked to do all the most dirty and tiresome coal shoveling work in the boiler room, winning themselves the Temporary Supervision Committee's great praise.

Half an hour after the sub-boilers were heated up, the first steam ballista platform started running. Captain Kerlin then carried out the first trial shot. It was an over 2-m long metal bolt shot directly out of the mouth of the ballista, which hit a big tree as thick as a girl's waist 300 m away. The tree broke and fell on impact.

When Captain Kerlin was trying out the steam ballista, all the boys were standing on the walls of the outer castle while all the girls stood on raised platforms and next to high windows of the inner castle. They all stretched their necks, intending to enjoy the effect of the heavy steam-drive city-defense weapon which represented the highest level of human ingenuity in this age.

Seeing that great bolt fly for several hundreds of meters, directly hit the big tree, and break it, everybody cheered up and felt somewhat reassured.

It was also Zhang Tie's first time seeing the power of these city-defense weapons. Like others, he was convinced by the amazing power it possessed.

When Captain Kerlin finished testing the steam ballista, the sun had almost set down. Head count started then. Seeing the rising red smoke from the Wild Wolf Castle, all the students came back including Blues whose whereabouts were unknown to everyone.

However, Glaze still hadn't come back yet.

When Zhang Tie came back in the morning, besides the members of the Brotherhood and the guys of the Gods' Bliss Association, Glaze's three lackeys—Sharon, Zuhair, and Garner— had also noticed his arrival. That sight made the three people a bit surprised and agitated.

Zhang Tie noticed their expressions at that moment. Only after glancing over them briefly, he knew that they had known about Glaze's plans. After waiting for so long and yet seeing Zhang Tie come back instead of their leader, they had to be thinking of all possibilities.

When the head count finished and Glaze still hadn't shown up, the three people's faces filled with fear when they saw Zhang Tie once again. However, the latter looked as calm as before, not paying them a single glance.

Since Zhang Tie came back to the Wild Wolf Castle, he had not seen any girls walking out of the inner castle. He heard that all of them were forbidden to leave the inner castle once the red smoke had risen up. Teachers from the several national female middle schools were comforting them inside and imparting them some necessary knowledge and matters needing attention during war.

When he was standing on the wall of the outer castle, Zhang Tie thought he saw the shadows of Pandora, Alice, and Beverly standing on the platform of the inner castle. This led to Zhang Tie missing them more by the second, like how male wolves had missed the female wolves on the Crescent Prairie the past few days.

If you had no experienced with life or death situations, you would never know how precious life is!

After seeing the trial shooting, when the girls were still standing on the high platforms or next to windows, Zhang Tie suddenly decided to do something impulsive. He ran downward the wall at his fastest speed, passed the space between the outer castle and the inner castle, and finally arrived below the towers of where the girls lived.

When an old virgin standing at the entrance of the inner castle saw Zhang Tie rushing inside jubilantly, she stared at him icily. But before she could open her mouth, intending to scold Zhang Tie, unexpectedly, he stopped by her side and raised his head towards the towers above them.

"Pandora, Alice, and Beverly, I'm back..."

Zhang Tie's voice was much louder than a normal person's. Although it wasn't akin to a thunder, his exclamation was at least as loud as a pack of wolves howling; it shocked the entire Wild Wolf Castle.

After hearing the call, all the girls inside the inner castle bustled, moving to stretch their heads out of the windows and high platforms to see who was shouting so loudly below. Not only girls, even boys cast amazed looks at Zhang Tie; they had never seen such a blatant guy before.

"Pandora, Alice, Beverly, I miss you everyday, I miss you all everyday..."

Seeing the three girls show their heads from the high platforms of the inner castle, Zhang Tie became more excited.

The three girls had never imagined that Zhang Tie could express his longing for them in front of so many people below the building of the inner castle. They then waved at him, wishing they could say something in reply. However, since they were too high up, Zhang Tie could never hear them, so they didn't utter a sound.

The moment the aged woman with an icy expression stood up, ready to scold Zhang Tie, she was immediately stunned by what he was saying...

"I found some wild mulberry seeds in the Crescent Prairie..." Zhang Tie exclaimed, continuing to shout loudly. "My mom said that wild mulberry seeds can make girls' hair more beautiful. Therefore, I brought them here for you. I will throw them up to you..."

After saying that, Zhang Tie retreated several steps back. He then pulled out a small cloth bag and tried his best to throw it up to the girls with his eyes fixed on where they were.

Nobody could imagine that Zhang Tie would be able throw a bag to such a high place. Under the gazes of numerous girls and boys, he positioned the pouch in his hand and then with great precision threw it up to the 40 m high windowsill from which Pandora, Alice, and Beverly were looking down.

This was too precise!

After throwing the bag to them, Zhang Tie waved at them and quickly ran away with jubilation evident in his steps...

At this moment, seeing Zhang Tie's happy look, all the girls, including that woman with an icy expression at the entrance of the gate were silent. All of them were thinking about an identical scene: a youth attending a loner's survival training, seeing a patch of wild mulberry seeds, which reminded him of their hair. So that youth packed those black mulberry seeds and put the bag close to his chest in his coat. When he saw them, he would hand it to them. Even if he could not see them, the youth would still feel no fear of being stared at by thousands of eyes as he stood in front of the tall tower where they were in and expressed his longing for them loudly...

From a windowsill of a tall tower in the inner castle, Miss Qili suddenly thought back to something when she saw Zhang Tie and slowly let out a sigh.

In the tall tower, Pandora, Alice, and Beverly were deeply moved, their eyes fixed on the roughly sewn cloth bag and the heavy black mulberry seeds inside.

The cloth bag was made from Zhang Tie's shirt. The three girls noticed it immediately when they saw the bag. There were even obvious blood stains on the threads of the white linen. Seeing that, they imagined how Zhang Tie had clumsily injured his fingers when he sew the cloth bag.

"Pandora, Beverly, I beg you, please give him to me!"

Alice raised her watery eyes and stared at Pandora and Beverly seriously.

"I've told you, he's mine. No matter how many women he would have, he's mine..."

Pandora shook her head.

"We're still young, why not be absurd and share him at this time. Maybe when we're old, our actions now could be reminiscent about for the rest of our lives!" Moving the cloth bag with the black mulberry seeds inside close to her nose, Beverly took a deep breath. "There's his smell on it!"

At this time, Blackhot City was in an extreme fear as the Norman Empire's army was arriving in endless numbers in an overwhelming manner. Before the people in Blackhot City realized what was happening, the four city walls had already been tightly besieged by the Norman Empire's army.

Soon after, Blackhot City became an isolated island. Several representatives ruling the Coal, Steel, and Iron Federation immediately came to the Norman Empire's commanding barrack to ask for an audience with the commander. However, the person who met them was not the commander of the Norman Empire's army, but a young lieutenant.

Those representatives didn't even get to come close to the commanding vehicle of the Norman Empire's Army. Instead, they were held back outside that iron wall built in the wild. Standing on the ground under the sky, they met a solemn military officer of the enemy army.

"Commander Schneider ordered me to tell you three things: first, you still have the chance to surrender yourselves. If you surrender during the period from now to the time when the first ray of sunlight shines onto Blackhot City, all the members of the seven clans dominating the Coal, Steel, and Iron Federation will survive. You will also preserve your own properties; second, if you don't surrender during this period, after the sunrise tomorrow, we will break into Blackhot City.

"When the city walls are broken, all 1139 people of your seven clans will be killed, not one will be left alive. And third, the first clan to open the city gates to welcome the arrival of the Norman Empire's army will be seen as our friend.

"After toppling all the other clans, this clan then could choose to inherit the properties of any one of the other clans in the city." Saying this, the solemn lieutenant glanced over the representatives of Blackhot City. "Although commander Schneider would always like to fight ferociously, as we are all humans, I can tell you the news that several hours ago the Brilliant Feathers Army of Sun Dynasty have already passed the borderline between it and the Andaman Alliance..."

Hearing the three requests, and especially the latest news, the two representatives of Blackhot City immediately turned pale and returned into their vehicles, rushing back to the City.

Eventually, while the Wild Wolf Castle was still concerned about the situation in Blackhot City, the Coal, Steel, and Iron Federation had already told everybody using their own actions that an isolated city like Blackhot City could only stand for four hours under the lightning-fast attack of the Norman Empire's army. They didn't resist even for a night.

Four hours after Blackhot City was besieged, it surrendered. At the same time, the news that Lance City, another city of Andaman Alliance, was taken over by the Brilliant Feathers drifted over.

In one day, the great Andaman Alliance had been split into two pieces: one in the south and one in north, by the Norman Empire and the Sun Dynasty who were now in the middle...

Chapter 149: Growing Up

Translator: WQL Editor: DarkGem

On the second day, before dawn, people in the Wild Wolf Castle already knew that Blackhot City had surrendered to the Norman Empire. To be precise, they hadn't surrendered, but joined it.

The message falcon had brought the latest news from Blackhot City to the Wild Wolf Castle: the Coal, Steel, and Iron Federation that ruled Blackhot City had declared that from today on Blackhot City would separate from the Andaman Alliance and would join the Norman Empire as a LV 4 city of Brunswick Province under the management of the governor of the Norman Empire's North Border.

After delivering this declaration, the Coal, Steel, and Iron Federation that ruled Blackhot City for dozens of years officially declared its disbandment.

In this age, when chaos arrived to the world by the way of war, big fishes started to eat those smaller than them, and lions begun to hunt down hares. It was hard to say whether it was a tragedy or a comedy for small figures with little force behind them, but many would find that they had already changed their nationality between going to sleep and waking up next morning...

As citizens of the Andaman Alliance, everyone in the Wild Wolf Castle became citizens of the Norman Empire when the sun rose up the next morning.

After realizing that his destiny was casually toyed with by a huge hand, and learning of what had happened to Blackhot City, Zhang Tie just calmly left the Wild Wolf Castle, and ran off at his full strength. He didn't stop until reaching the highest point of the mountain in the border between the Wild Wolf Valley and the Crescent Prairie. With his eyes fixed on that vast Crescent Prairie, he stood still until the the sun set off.

Nobody knew what he was thinking about at that moment.

When the sun set off, Zhang Tie returned to the Wild Wolf Castle.

From today on, people in the castle started to eat from the same big pot. After opening the barracks to the public yesterday, the canteen in the castle was also opened up.

It was much larger than the one at school. Everybody received their dining plates and food in the castle's canteen like soldiers. After eating, they would wash their own dining plates and hand them back.

The atmosphere in the castle was really gloomy.

After eating, when the members of the Brotherhood intended to wash their own dining plates, Zhang Tie collected them all and said he would deal with them.

"What's wrong, Bighead?" Doug asked like a dumb ass.

"I feel like that guy was a bit weird today. He's not that diligent before!"

Barley shook his head.

Everyone in the Brotherhood then cast their eyes on Zhang Tie who was lifting a pile of dining plates and walking towards another side instead of the water faucets.

He was walking directly towards where Sharon, Zuhair, and Garner were sitting.


Loudly, Zhang Tie threw the seven metal dining plates in front of Sharon. The noise caused by the dining plates crashing onto the wooden table, startling everybody else. They all turned their heads and watched what was happening over here. As a result, the gloomy canteen became even quieter.

Zhang Tie had thrown the dining plates directly onto Sharon's own, causing the soup in his plate to splash all over his body.

Seeing this, Sharon, Zuhair, and Garner immediately turned pale and stood up.

With such an obvious aggression being displayed, all the other students sitting on the same table with the three guys hurriedly stood up and moved away.

Zhang Tie was definitely one of the most famous people in the Wild Wolf Castle. At the same time, Barley and the other members of the Brotherhood had quickly rushed over, rolling up their sleeves. Knowing that Zhang Tie was going to beat up Sharon and the other two lackeys of Glaze, all the other members of the Brotherhood had prepared to fight.

"Wash the dining plates and hand them back to the kitchen!" Zhang Tie ordered with an icy expression. "I think you don't need me to tell you how to do that. You try it by yourselves for once, having bullied others so long at school by asking them to wash your dining plates!"

Those people who felt that Zhang Tie was being too aggressive before, immediately knew what was happening after hearing his words. They then remained quiet. Especially since many animals in the canteen were from the Seventh National Male Middle School.

After some quiet murmuring at first, there was no more sympathy in the onlookers' eyes for Sharon, Garner, and Zuhair.

"Zhang Tie, you... you... Don't go too far!" Zuhair pointed at Zhang Tie, his face turning pale. He had never imagined that Zhang Tie would dare to be so aggressive against them. "After Glaze comes back, you'll be in great trouble!"

"After Glaze comes back, just point him to in my direction. I'll be waiting!" Zhang Tie revealed a cold smile. "Now, answer me, are you going to wash them or not?"



Zhang Tie moved so swiftly that Zuhair hadn't even finished swearing when he was slapped in the face. He then wanted to withstand it, only to feel like he was crashed into by a running rhino. His movements and wishes didn't influence Zhang Tie's attack whatsoever. With the feeling of one's bones fracturing, Zuhair was slapped by Zhang Tie's ferocious move and sent flying. After several rolls in the air, he fell heavily onto the ground.

Almost at the same time, Zhang Tie kicked Garner's, who was sitting in the middle, abdomen, and sent him flying as well.

Sharon was too weak. The moment he punched at Zhang Tie, his fist was patted away like a fly, which, however, felt like an iron plate slapping his hand back. In a split second, Sharon was in so much pain that he almost teared up. But before he could utter a sound, Zhang Tie had already grabbed his hair and driven his face down onto his dining plate with great ferocity. The newly born shrill shriek was cut off short, and Sharon's face was turned into a bloody pulp.

Before the other members of the Brotherhood could rush in to help, the fight was already over. In front of Zhang Tie, the three guys hadn't even stood for three seconds. They were all beaten up and were now lying on the ground, unable to pick themselves up.

All the onlookers were shocked by Zhang Tie's fighting force. A LV 1, even a LV 2 warrior could never do this as easy as Zhang Tie had done it. This was definitely how an adult would beat up a toddler, leaving the latter in no position to fight back.

"Washing, or not?"

Gripping Sharon's hair, Zhang Tie pulled his bloody and dirty face out of his dining plate and asked with an icy expression.

Sharon kept silent, his fierce glare a clear enough answer!

Zhang Tie hit his head onto the dining plate once again, causing another shrill shriek.

"Washing or not?"

Zhang Tie tightened his grip onto Sharon's hair and pulled his face out of the plate again.

Sharon looked a bit scared as he sensed something calm, emotionless coming from Zhang Tie's voice.

But he didn't answer. And thus, his head was brought into close contact with the dining plate for the third time.

"Washing or not?" Zhang Tie's voice was heard once again. Before Sharlon uttered a voice, Zhang Tie had ferociously crashed his head onto the plate for the fourth time...


When Zhang Tie smashed Sharon's head for the sixth time, a furious voice finally reverberated through the quiet canteen.

"Zhang Tie, what are you doing?"

Miss Qili appeared behind Zhang Tie, glaring at his 'atrocious behavior'. She couldn't understand how such a soppy youth who had run to the bottom of the tall tower to send black mulberry seeds to his beloved girls last night could turn into a thug in such a short period of time.

"Miss Qili!"

Zhang Tie put down Sharon's head and turned back calmly.

The moment Zhang Tie loosened his grip, Sharon slipped off the dining table and straight to the floor. Seeing the three groaning guys lying on the ground, Miss Qili looked even more infuriated.

"What were you doing here? Why did you beat up your classmates?"

"I wanted them to wash my dining plates for me. They didn't agree, and swore at me, so I beat them up!" Zhang Tie explained straightforwardly.

At his words, Miss Qili frowned, but the other onlookers, including the other members of the Brotherhood, felt that Zhang Tie was really great. This was their first time seeing a person who considered bullying others as reasonable.

Upon noticing the teacher, Zuhair, who had lain on the ground for quite a while, immediately moved towards Miss Qili and complained, "Miss F*...Li, I... want to appeal to the Temporary Supervision Committee..."

The fierce slap had sent Zuhair's three teeth flying along with him before. The moment he opened his mouth, he found that air was leaking in through where his teeth had previously been. It drove him even more furious at Zhang Tie.

At this critical moment, Miss Qili was definitely the savior of Glaze's three lackeys. However, clearly, Zuhair felt happy too early. The moment he moved towards Miss Qili, a bench fell from the sky and hit him straight on the head, forcing out a miserable scream.

Of course, it was a bench thrown by Zhang Tie. When he threw it, he was also stamping onto Sharon's back, producing another shrill shriek.

Seeing Zhang Tie daring to beat up others before her, Miss Qili was driven mad. At the same time, the onlookers' eyes on him widened in amazement.

"You..." Miss Qili couldn't stand it anymore and wanted to stop him. For some reason, each time she saw Zhang Tie, she would feel like losing her temper. "From now on, if you dare to make any more aggressive moves, I'll break your limbs!"

She walked toward him and said in an icy voice, "You leave with me, or I'll force you to come with me."

"Miss Qili, although I respect you very much, sadly, I'm afraid that you cannot force me to do anything!"

"What did you say?" Miss Qili glared at Zhang Tie. "Do you think that you can go rampant in the Wild Wolf Castle?"

"Miss Qili, don't you understand it?" Zhang Tie looked with pity at this woman who was still confused. "Now, the Wild Wolf Castle is following the survival training rules of the Norman Empire instead of the war-time decrees of the Andaman Alliance or Blackhot City's survival training rules.

"From last night, when Blackhot City declared to join the Norman Empire, the game rules have changed. As a traditional monarchical nation which still preserves its slavery, it has laws that are greatly different from those in Blackhot City. As a teacher of the Norman Empire, I think you should know the rules followed by students who attend survival training!"

When Zhang Tie said that, Miss Qili immediately stopped walking forward, casting her sharp eyes onto him...

Chapter 150: To Take Revenge

Translator: WQL Editor: DarkGem

Zhang Tie started to argue with Miss Qili...

"Miss Qili, I didn't mean to challenge your authority. But if you want to interfere with the affair between them and I by punishing me, you would then challenge the authority of the Norman Empire and the barbarous survival training rules that it had persisted with for more than 600 years, as well as its dominion over Blackhot City.

"Since Blackhot City is already the territory of the Norman Empire, of course all the laws and regulations of the Norman Empire are applicable here, including the barbarous survival training rules. Do you know what is the barbarous survival training of the Norman Empire? Do you need me to interpret it for you..."

With her eyes fixed on Zhang Tie, Miss Qili took a deep breath.

Zhang Tie also stared at her straightforwardly. For some reason, Zhang Tie's eyes fell directly onto her undulating breasts. He then forcefully swallowed his saliva and licked his lips.

Seeing Zhang Tie moving his eyes to her breasts, Miss Qili, whose face had turned pale due to irritation, became a bit red. She then cast her glare at Zhang Tie once again. After that, she turned back and left the canteen without saying another word.

Upon turning back, Miss Qili even felt Zhang Tie's blatant eyes fall onto her bottoms, causing a part in her lower body a bit dumb. It was almost like there was a current flowing inside her body, and Miss Qili became a bit flustered...

Eventually, under the gaze of all the onlookers, she clumsily stumbled out of the canteen...

At this moment, all the students in the canteen only had one phrase in their minds: 'barbarous survival training'! Why would Miss Qili leave when she heard this phrase? What was this barbarous survival training of the Norman Empire?

Stepping on Sharon's back, Zhang Tie didn't care about the guy's miserable scream. Instead, he just grabbed one of Sharon's hands and twisted it to his back. After that, he took hold of one finger and said, "Do you know what is the barbarous survival training of the Norman Empire?

"In it, whatever happens, even killing in revenge between students, regardless of casualties, would be allowed. The Norman Empire's laws would never look into who's responsible during the barbarous survival training. Of course, as for the family members of the person killed, any of them have the right to ask for a duel with the killer in the name of revenge for the clan and the kin. More importantly, anyone who has killed a person in the barbarous survival training is forbidden to forfeit such a duel.

"This is the barbarous survival training of the Norman Empire. Based on this rule, even if I kill you three now, I won't face the interrogation of the laws of Blackhot City, but will duel with your family members that come forth. Do you want to have a try?"

Saying this, Zhang Tie tightened his grip on the other's hair.

Sharon started to scream loudly.

"I'm asking you one more time, will you wash the dining plates? If I hear no again, I'll break your fingers one by one here!"

"Washing, or not?"

"I'll wash, I'll wash, I'll wash..."

Howling and crying, Sharon beat against the ground using his free hand.

Zhang Tie then let go Sharon and walked towards Zuhair. Hit by a bench, Zuhair was still groaning on the ground. Seeing Zhang Tie come to Zuhair, all the other animals in the canteen gave way to him willingly.

When everybody thought that Zhang Tie would deal with Zuhair using the same method he did to Sharon, they saw him squat in front of Zuhair and grab his head with his hands: one above, one below. Seeing his actions, everybody turned pale, including the other members of the Brotherhood.

"I've been to the mountain cave where you killed the den of the female wolves and their cubs. I also found the rags of the towel that I lost at school. Everybody said you're the most poisonous snake beside Glaze.

"When I was attacked by the seven wild wolves, I was almost killed. That plot was definitely conceived in you head.

"First, you stole my old towel. Second, you found a wolf den. When the male wolves went out to hunt, you hid your body odor and killed all the female wolves and cubs inside the den. Third, you threw one of my towel rags into the wolf den, leaving my smell there. Fourth, you used other towel rags as landmarks to lure the male wolves onto the path which I used to take when coming back after mining to take revenge on me. Am I right?

"But I am still alive, it's your turn to die now..."

Hearing Zhang Tie's words, Zuhair's face twisted. He wanted to argue with him, however, Zhang Tie didn't even give him a chance to explain. Then, under the gazes of over 1000 people, he increased his strength and broke Zuhair's neck like breaking a cucumber, causing the head to turn upwards after moving half a circle with a sound of 'Ka cha'.

"These f*cking laws of the Norman Empire are really adorable. If there is a resentment, you just go and kill the other; no need to go through any tedious procedures!"

After putting down the head of the dead Zuhair to the ground, Zhang Tie then walked towards Garner.

The sight of him killing Zuhair had left Garner dumbfounded. Before Zhang Tie could even draw close to him, he had already collapsed inwardly. He burst out crying.

"Don't come here, I'll tell you... I'll tell you everything... since you stirred up Glaze at school, he was irritated by you. He wanted to get back at you. It was Zuhair and Glaze who wanted to kill you. It was Zuhair's idea! It was Zuhair's idea! Because Glaze wanted to kill you, he set the wild wolves on you. It really had nothing to do with me. At the beginning, I even didn't agree with them as I felt it went too far. However, Glaze threatened me by pinching my neck... wooh wooh... mom, I want mom..."

Having lost it, Garner poured out everything. Such a scene made everybody else quiet down. They then became irritated after hearing Garner pour out how they've stolen Zhang Tie's towel, found a wolf den, and set the plan to let the wild wolves kill Zhang Tie in motion. They had set such a meticulous plan to kill their own classmate just because he had refused to be bullied and made them lose face in public. This kind of an evil deed surpassed everybody's tolerance.

"Kill them, kill them!" all the onlookers shouted out loudly.

Their voices could be heard in the entire Wild Wolf Castle. Hearing such a loud noise, the teachers of the Temporary Supervision Committee also came over. Seven or eight of them arrived including Captain Kerlin and Mr. Zerom. After figuring out what was happening, the teachers also fixed their eyes on Zhang Tie without saying anything. The moment Captain Kerlin wanted to move forward, he was pulled back by Zerom. He slightly shook his head when meeting eyes with Captain Kerlin, then narrowed them to observe Zhang Tie.

At this time, under the groundbreaking calls of "Kill them, kill them...", all the onlookers fixed their eyes on Zhang Tie.

Gazing at Garner who was now a crying a mess and Sharon who was scared into dumb shock, Zhang Tie slightly raised his hands. Seeing his hand gesture, the surrounding calls died down in a bit.

Zhang Tie walked to stand before Garner. Facing his quivering body, Zhang Tie pulled out a piece of paper and threw it onto Garner's hand. "Clean your tears first. If you promise me one thing today, I won't kill you!"

Crying so heavily that tears and nasal mucus flowed down his face together, Garner took Zhang Tie's paper and hurriedly wiped it. "What's that?"

"Can you promise me, even if only for your mom's sake, that you won't continue doing bad things? Can you promise me to be a good man from now on? Can you do that?"

"Yes, I can, I promise you..."

Seeing a chance to survive, Garner almost burst into laughter instead of tears. He hurriedly nodded.

"Fine, then let's call it an end. As long as you don't find me trouble, I will not find you trouble from now on!"

"Yes, yes! I promise to be a good man!"

Zhang Tie then nodded and stood up. He then walked to Sharon, who was already as weak as a sand worm. If there was a crack on the ground, he wouldn't hesitate for a heartbeat before going into it.


Hearing Zhang Tie calling his name, Sharon, for the first time, felt that his voice was terrifying, and he started to quiver all over. Glaze was terrifying; however, no matter how terrifying he was, Sharon still didn't feel that he could match Zhang Tie. He simply couldn't understand how this classmate of theirs could be this horrifying.

"Are you still going to kill me?"

"No... no, I was wrong. I dare not do that again..."

Sharon almost burst out into tears. It would be a nightmare to go against Zhang Tie as this guy was even more terrifying than Glaze.

Zhang Tie carefully looked into Sharon's eyes. "I don't want to kill anyone else today as I don't want my hands to be drenched in my classmates' fresh blood. So you've got good luck. I won't kill you! Do you remember which classmates you've bullied at school by letting them wash your dining plates..."

Sharon raised his head and stared at Zhang Tie, not knowing why he would ask this.

"From today on, until the end of the survival training, your task is to wash dining plates. You should wash all the dining plates in this canteen. Will you do that?"

"I will, I will..."

After peering at the dead Zuhair, Sharon hurriedly nodded. Compared to having his neck broken, washing dining plates was really not a severe punishment at all.

When the confrontation in the canteen finally came to an end, Zhang Tie found that wherever he walked in the castle, he would always receive many gazes filled with admiration.

He had killed Zuhair, gaining the reverence of many students. Glaze was dead, and Zhang Tie had almost died himself. As for Zuhair, who always played the role of a poisonous snake setting up vicious plots, why would he be alive? Therefore, Zuhair had to die.

Letting go of Garner was to express Zhang Tie's mercy. Among the three lackeys of Glaze, Garner's reputation was not that bad. He at most had the role of banging the drum for Glaze while standing behind him. When he cried mom, Zhang Tie was especially moved. So he let Garner go since he didn't want to be regarded as a butcher in the eyes of teachers and students.

In contrast, he punished Sharon as he didn't want to kill any one else in public. Another reason was that if he treated Sharon and Garner in different ways, it would draw a line between them, and the two would never gather together like before to set any plots. After Glaze and Zuhair were dead, if there was a misunderstanding between Sharon and Garner due to different treatments, if Sharon was put on the opposite side of all the other students attending this survival training, he would definitely become a stray dog. And if he ever dared to bite Zhang Tie alone, the latter would have hundreds of methods to play him to death.

As Glaze had a great dad and Zuhair had an elder brother who was already a LV 4 warrior, after the survival training ended and they all returned to Blackhot City, Zhang Tie would definitely face unavoidable duels.

This was the road he had chosen. Now that he had made the decision, he had to walk on it bravely.

Although everything in Blackhot City had changed, a notice came from it to the Wild Wolf Castle

saying that the survival training here would continue...

On the next morning, Zhang Tie left the Wild Wolf Castle once again...

Under the admiration filled gazes of the animals of the Brotherhood, Pandora, Alice, and Beverly hugged Zhang Tie and kissed him one by one, letting him enjoy the enchanting taste of several golden fishes once again.

When kissing the three girls, Zhang Tie thought about Miss Qili's undulating breasts and the weird feeling when her bottoms slightly quivered under her skirt. That was how a mature woman felt, completely different from girls.

"When we return to Blackhot City, come to my home, I'll leave you full!" Beverly mumbled in Zhang Tie's ear, forcefully pinching that thing as hard as iron below, and slightly licking his ear after.

"Watch yourself!" Alice also confided in Zhang Tie's other ear.

Pandora then twisted her waist to show her protest. Pushing away Alice's roaming hands, she tightly embraced Zhang Tie with her hot face on Zhang Tie's chest. "I'll wait for your return!"

If he kept staying with these three girls, Zhang Tie really feared that he would soon be unable to stand it and would just f*ck them right here. So with a wolf-like howl, Zhang Tie strode away and left the Wild Wolf Castle...

This time, Zhang Tie decided that he wouldn't come back until breaking through LV 4 by eating enough Wild Wolf Seven-Strength Fruits.

In a room in the Wild Wolf Castle, Zerom and Captain Kerlin were standing before a window with their eyes on Zhang Tie, who was leaving the castle again. He had just come back yesterday and was now leaving once more. Only after one day, everything seemed to have changed in Blackhot City. Same as Zhang Tie's impression on them.

"Kerlin, I feel that Zhang Tie might become a person that you and me cannot even imagine now!"

The one-eyed man had not yet recovered his composure from how Zhang Tie was accosted by the three beauties at the same time. Thinking back to how he himself pursued Miss Daina, he even started to be a bit jealous . Hearing Zerom's praise for Zhang Tie, the one-eyed man rebutted, "How so?"

"For how this guy was accosted by the beauties, he would never be unknown in the future..."

Hearing Zerom's words, Captain Kerlin realized that he could not even find an excuse to rebut any more...

"That guy ran so fast..." Zerom murmured after seeing Zhan Tie's swiftly disappearing back.

Chapter 151: Returning to Blackhot City

Translator: WQL Editor: DarkGem

At dusk, Blackhot City was both the same and different than before.

Zhang Tie stood among others returning from the survival training before the gates to Blackhot City, through which he had left two months ago. With his eyes narrowed, he started glanced over the city. The walls were still tall and firm while the powerful city-defense machinery and equipment were still grand and magnificent under the light of the sun. Everything seemed to not have changed; yet everything had changed.

The seventeen-star flag of the Andaman Alliance, representing its authority by hanging on top of a high wall, was replaced by a scarlet-dragon flag that represented the ruling authority of the Norman Empire.

Flying in the heavy wind, that scarlet-dragon flag brought a solemn atmosphere to the entire city.

That dragon was a holy animal of the Chinese clan. It was said that after the founding emperor of the Norman Empire returned from his travels to the East, he raised this flag and punched down the territory of the Norman Empire using his own fists. Therefore, this scarlet-dragon flag with rich eastern features became the symbol of the imperial household, even the Norman Empire as a whole.

What was known by all the people in the entire Blackson Human Clan Corridor was that until now the imperial household of the Norman Empire was still closely related to the mysterious and powerful eastern continent as it had already mixed blood with the eastern Chinese clan.

Thinking back to how the animals in the survival training, including Zhang Tie himself, were worried about a war breaking out between the Andaman Alliance, Norman Empire, and Sun Dynasty, he mocked himself inwardly. When they left Blackhot City, who could have imagined that two months later upon their return they would have already become citizens of an imperial nation, the Norman Empire.

In the past month, under the 'lightning attack' of the armies of the Norman Empire and Sun Dynasty, the Andaman Alliance, which had existed for over one century, was about to die in the span of five days. It was cut into half like a piece of meat, and then was engulfed by the Norman Empire and Sun Dynasty.

As for the seventeen cities that had formed the Andaman Alliance, the Norman Empire had gained eight and a large territory in the north, while Sun Dynasty had also gained eight and a large territory in the south. With the exception of the City of Machine Kalur, all the cities of the Andaman Alliance had been occupied by the two powers.

The southern cities were more prosperous with more advanced commerce. The Andaman City, which was previously the capital of the Andaman Alliance, was also in the south. In contrast, the northern cities like Blackhot City, had abundant resource reserves and advanced manufacturing industry.

Based on the results, the Norman Empire and Sun Dynasty's move was more akin to robbery than a war. As early as before the move, they had already decided on how to share their booty.

Compared to when they left the Blackhot City, when the animals came back, they were all obviously much quieter, mostly because they became uncertain and lost about their future. Unless deciding to leave Blackhot City, everybody had to swear to be loyal to the supreme emperor. This made the animals perplexed since they were used to being ruled by businessmen and factory and mine owners from birth.

Zhang Tie was not as shocked as others about this change. Perhaps others didn't have this feel, but the moment he saw the scarlet-dragon flag that represented the authority of the Norman Empire, he had already accepted the new rulers of Blackhot City inwardly. Since dragon was the totem of the Chinese clan, with dragon as the national symbol, of course the Norman Empire could obtain Zhang Tie's consent.

In the Norman Empire, the proportion of Chinese people was also much higher than in the Andaman Alliance and Blackhot City. It was said that almost 1/20 of more than 200 million population of the Norman Empire were Chinese.

At this time, the standing posts at the entrance of the city gate were manned not by the City Guard of Blackhot City but the soldiers of the Norman Empire. These soldiers were taller, stronger, and looked more stubborn compared to their predecessors. Many people's armors were even with slash marks of daggers and swords. After comparing them with the City Guardof Blackhot City, even Zhang Tie had to admit that these soldiers of the Norman Empire looked even more dauntless and aggressive.

Perhaps this explained how different it was between the army ruled by businessmen and the army ruled by an emperor. People could clearly sense that solemn atmosphere of the imperial nation through the comparison between the two armies.

Without any obstacles, the students who had attended the survival training entered Blackhot City. However, the moment they entered, many girls burst out with exclamations as a row of high gibbets were erected in a place not far away from the city gate. A row of bodies hung from those gibbets, flying in the air like cloth puppets.

In taking over Blackhot City, the Norman Empire hadn't killed anyone. However, after gaining control, it started to kill people who preyed upon others, fattening themselves, or were ambitious, ready to take chances at gaining power in the new situation. After the Norman Empire's army entered the city and took over the ruling power of Blackhot City, the latter had their heads chopped off or were hung on the gibbets not far away from the city gates as examples.

With long swords and the fresh blood of insurgents, the Norman Empire's army taught everybody in Blackhot City a lesson of being under the rule of the Norman Emperor: 'Be docile!'

The streets in Blackhot City looked a bit sluggish. Fewer walkers and vehicles could be seen on streets. Many stores had not opened their business yet. Patrolling soldiers could be seen everywhere on the streets. Some tanks and armored vehicles of the Norman Empire's Iron-Horn Army were parked at several junctions.

In sharp contrast to the sluggish scene, in front of the doors and windows of each household, red flags could be seen flying in the air, including the scarlet-dragon flag and Iron-Horn Army's military flag. At the first sight of them, you would know that they were made by the commoners themselves. Even slogans that could rarely be seen before had appeared over the streets which would make young people's faces turn red: 'We Welcome the Norman Empire's Army in the City', 'Congratulations to Blackhot City Becoming a LV 4 City of Brunswick Under the Administration of the Norman Empire', 'Long Live Norman Empire', and 'Long Live Iron-Horn Army'.

Without being told how to, after the Coal, Steel, and Iron Federation's surrender of the city, the residents had quickly learned how to please their new urban ruler.

At this moment, Blackhot City had become strange to everybody.

After entering, the teachers of the Temporary Supervision Committee chose a route most convenient for sending all the girls back home; girls from two female middles schools all lived in the neighboring two blocks. As for boys, although they were tired after walking for an entire day and craved to go back to their own homes, in order to send back all the girls safely, they instantly agreed to change the route.

It seemed that the discipline in the Norman Empire's army was strict. At least none of the soldiers whistled at the girls. However, nobody wanted to imagine what would happen if the girls were going back home alone.

On the way, the girls were constantly leaving the large group when they came close to their homes and trotted over. At the same time, parents were standing in front of their house door's for a long time now, waiting for their children to come back.

Although having not seen each other only for two months, many students burst into tears together with their parents...

From the morning till now, Zhang Tie had carried the three girls' luggage along with his own the whole walk of almost 60 km. Although many students were exhausted by this point, Zhang Tie was still highly spirited and felt no tiredness at all.

He was not the same boy that had left Blackhot City.

When Alice, Beverly, and Pandora arrived at their homes one by one, Zhang Tie gave them back their luggage while making sure to remember their addresses.

"You have to come here for me!" Alice said to Zhang Tie in her farewell.

"I'll be waiting for you at home! My mom will definitely like you!" Beverly said to Zhang Tie in her farewell.

"I seem... to have grown up a bit..." Pandora said to Zhang Tie in her farewell.

He almost wanted to howl towards the sky...

When the last girl returned home, all the remaining animals immediately scattered towards their own homes.

After agreeing with Barley and other members of the Brotherhood on the next meeting time, Zhang Tie ran back to his own place.

Seeing Zhang Tie darting so fast even now, Barley's and the other members's of the Brotherhood eyes almost popped out.

"F*ck, is he a human or not? Zhang Tie is definitely a human-like magic beast!" Hista exclaimed with only one breath left in his lungs.

"That guy really treasures his women. He carried their luggage for the entire day. The three women's luggage plus his own would weigh over 100 kg, and he carried such a heavy load throughout the whole day. And he can still run. Am I dreaming?"

Leit also became dumbfounded when he saw Zhang Tie disappear in the corner of the street.

Zhang Tie was really not tired. In case of being too terrifying and bringing trouble to himself, he couldn't dash at his fastest speed back home no matter how much he wanted to do so. Thus, he controlled his speed to be almost the same as his sprinting speed at school.

Only after five or six minutes, he had already passed by several streets and caught sight of his home.

At the sight of his parents' shadows standing on the roadside waiting for him, Zhang Tie was moved and almost broke down.

When he noticed the happy smiles on their faces, his tense heart finally eased off. Thankfully, nothing had happened to his family members.

"Mom, dad, I'm back!" Zhang Tie greeted his parents from far away like before. As his parents liked to see his naughtiness, Zhang Tie performed before them.

After reaching home, he kissed his mom first. Then, he directly hugged his dad, lifting him up in the air and twirling for a circle.

"Hurry up, let me off..." Scared by Zhang Tie's move, his dad fiercely flicked his forehead with a finger. "It's not good if we're seen by others."

Zhang Tie then put his dad onto the ground. "Dad, how about that? Have you noticed that I am stronger than before?"

"Ye, it feels true. You really have become much stronger!"

Hearing the question, his dad also noticed the difference.

"I seem to have grown taller too! Look, my clothes had become smaller..."

Zhang Tie stretched his sleeve's end. When he left home, it could reach over his wrist. However, now, it stopped before it. This meant that Zhang Tie had grown 3-4 cm during the past three months.

"Remember, don't lift me in the air in the street anymore!" dad told him solemnly.

"Okay! How about when nobody is around?"

Zhang Tie got one more flick on his forehead...

He was really a bit different from when he left. After three months, his parents thought that he had changed because of the survival training.

When he played jokes with his dad, his mom revealed a happy smile.

"All right, all right, don't play jokes anymore. Come on, go back home and eat dinner!"

"Is my elder brother home?"

"He's making dinner, having been on vacation for a long time. It's unknown when he'll received the notice to go back to work!" his dad answered.

Zhang Tie nodded and thought inside, 'Since the Iron-Horn Army of the Norman Empire entered the city, the City Guard of Blackhot City was ordered to put down their weapons and take a vacation at home. As there is still no notice of when to go back to work, it seems that the disarmament of the City Guard will definitely happen. However, it's nothing serious. It's better to disarm the City Guard. Additionally, my elder brother has almost finished his service term. Now that my elder sister-in-law is pregnant, he should stay to look after her.'

When he walked inside the house together with his parents, Zhang Tie saw two book-sized flags attached to their door: one was a scarlet-dragon flag of the Norman Empire, and the other was the military flag of the Iron-Horn Army. Compared to those flags he'd seen on the way, Zhang Tie found that the two here were much more delicate.

"Mom, did you make these flags?"

"Your elder sister-in-law and I made them together. She's really good at needle work. We even sold some of them!" his mom replied, from which Zhang Tie knew that his mom was very satisfied with his elder sister-in-law. Of course, every mom-in-law would be satisfied with such a woman that was frugal.

When Zhang Tie wanted to praise his mom, he caught sight of a person that should not have been here: Samira.

In a silk hat, Samira looked as spirited as before. He was followed by a squad of armored soldiers of the Iron-Horn Army.

"That's him!" Samira pointed at Zhang Tie and screamed. "This person is the enemy of the Norman Empire, a potential insurrectionist who's hostile to Iron-Horn Army!"

Hearing what Samira said, the squad of soldiers of the Norman Empire all fixed their eyes on Zhang Tie with their hands on sword handles...

What happened really made Zhang Tie's parents' face turn pale!