396 - 402

Chapter 396: A Forgotten Option

Translator: WQL Editor: EbonyFrost


When Zhang Tie walked across the messy area intending to check the wounds of the guy whom he had saved, he caught sight of Sam and Gerri. At the same time, Sam and Gerri also saw Zhang Tie. With a scream, Sam then walked towards him with Gerri.

"It's great to know that you're safe!" Sam revealed a big smile. However, he also felt a bit embarrassed as he scratched his head. "When we came out just now, we saw the monster's tentacle right in front of us, so...so..."

Zhang Tie then smiled as he patted Sam's shoulder. "I know, it's okay, I was also out there to watch the fight instead of fighting the monster. Therefore, I didn't need your help as I could simply dodge the monster's attacks."

Hearing Zhang Tie's reply, Sam and Gerri both let out a sigh. No matter what, although Zhang Tie ran out himself, it was not a righteous deed for them to turn around and escape.

"Oh, where's the monster?" Gerri looked around out of curiosity...

Zhang Tie then pointed at the fore. Standing beside the guardrail of a destroyed shipboard, Gerri then pulled a fixed item as he looked outside before he screamed.

At this moment, more and more people poured out of their cabins and started to look out of the shipboard. At the sight of the dead body of that huge deep-sea monster, they all screamed one after the other. Someone picked up its broken tentacles and watched them carefully.

Seeing Sam and Gerri being that curious, Zhang Tie didn't talk with them too much. "Enjoy yourself, I've got something to deal with. See you later."

"Argh, okay!" Saying this, Gerri then ran towards the fore while pulling Sam's arm.

Zhang Tie then came to the position where the man he had saved was. Although this area had been completely destroyed, the man could already stand up reluctantly while a sailor and a doctor were dealing with his wounds. At the sight of Zhang Tie, the man immediately struggled to hold Zhang Tie's arm in an excited manner as he shouted, "That's him, that's him, this young man saved my life. If he wasn't here in time, I would've been smashed to pieces..."

Hearing his voice, all the people in the destroyed cabin glanced at Zhang Tie, including that sailor and that doctor who were tending to his wounds. Although saying nothing, they all looked at him with admiration. What Zhang Tie did at the critical moment was so noble and brave that everybody would praise him if they knew.

Hearing this praise, Zhang Tie felt a bit shameful. Although it was critical at that moment, before action, Zhang Tie had calculated the movement speeds of himself and the monster's tentacle. After knowing that he would not encounter any danger, he directly rushed towards the man and saved him. Therefore, although it looked very risky in others' eyes, Zhang Tie felt being safe.

However, it was unnecessary for Zhang Tie to clarify this to the public. Although he was not a righteous swordsman who especially did good things for the benefit of the average people, he wasn't an idiot either. Additionally, he had truly saved the man's life.

"Argh, I'm just here to take a look. It's good to know you're safe."

"Young man, do you know that you've just saved the life of Gelomof. May I know your name?" That man being saved by Zhang Tie asked solemnly.

"You can call me Peter."

Hearing Zhang Tie's reply, Gelomof instantly opened the collar of his coat. After that, he undid that heavy gold necklace and gave it to Zhang Tie.

"If encounter any difficulty in the Ice and Snow Wilderness, remember to find me in Bearman's Inn of Eschyle City. If I've already died, go to my sons, if my sons have died, go to my grandsons. I will tell them that anyone who presents this gold necklace is the savior of my family. I'm sure that they will exert their utmost efforts to help you!"

That man was so sincere that even Zhang Tie felt reluctant to refuse his good intentions. After glancing at that gold necklace with a bear head which was almost as heavy as 0.5 kg, Zhang Tie directly took it.

"I'll remember it. Bearman's Inn of Eschyle City. If I meet any difficulty, I will come for your help!"

Hearing Zhang Tie's words, the man burst into waves of laughter.


Because of the huge deep-sea monster's attack, the Polar Light anchored on the sea. At this moment, the sailors were all busy repairing the damaged parts of the ship and treating the wounded.

As the huge deep-sea monster only attacked them for a few seconds, only the exterior structures and the upper structure which was close to the shipboard were damaged. Therefore, after several hours' maintenance, all the passengers were told that they only needed to wait for one night before moving ahead.

Hearing this, all the passengers recovered their composures, especially when everybody was told that Samaranth, the Star and Moon Sword Sage was also on board, they finally felt reassured.

Besides damaging a part of the hull, the huge deep-sea monster also caused high casualties——over 70 people were killed or injured. Additionally, 20 more people were missing. Everybody knew that the alleged 'disappeared' was just a euphemistic way of speaking. Being attacked by that monster, they must have entered its stomache or have dropped into the sea and would not come back.

Those who lost their friends or relatives were extremely grieved at this moment. In contrast, all those surviving the attack changed the tragedy into a comedy——after being told that Samaranth, the Star and Moon Sword Sage was also on the ship, some passengers who thought they were influential then queued up in the VIP area. They wanted to appreciate this legendary figure and dreamed to befriend him.

In contrast, more average passengers, especially those who lived in economical and average cabins were queuing up at the fore. They were taking photos together with that floating dead body of the huge deep-sea monster on the sea. As a result, the price of a photo soon rose to 30 silver coins from 15 silver coins. Even then there were many people still excited about taking photos.

The photographer on the ship then benefited the most from this event.

Sam and Gerri were also posing a charming gesture at the fore.

Not until Zhang Tie, Sam and Gerri finished taking their photo did Zhang Tie see Isle, the one living next to him, coming back from the gambling house of the Polar Light. What made them speechless was that Isle didn't even know what happened till now.

When being asked why the Polar Light anchored, Sam widened his eyes at once. "You don't know what happened?"

"I truly heard warnings in the gambling house but nobody cared about that as we were so immersive. Additionally, those guys in the gambling house told us to not go out until the ship sank. What? Did it run on rocks or an iceberg?" The small furrier asked out of curiosity.

Gerri told Isle what happened briefly. Hearing that, Isle widely opened his mouth before running out. After a short while, he ran back with a pitiful look. "What a pity! Such a huge body would contain tens of thousands tons of flesh. Being similar to that of octopus, its flesh is very good food. Additionally, as the price of food on the continent grows day by day, if we could process this flesh into canned fish or store them, we would make a lot. When food is insufficient, we could even save a lot of people using its flesh."

Hearing this, Sam and Gerri both felt pitiful while an idea appeared in Zhang Tie's mind...


Although it was already dark, the clamour caused by the dead monster still didn't fade away. After ensuring that he would not be disturbed by anyone else, Zhang Tie returned to his narrow average cabin. He then closed the steel hatch door before entering the Castle of Black Iron.

As it was already dark outside, the Castle of Black Iron also became dark inside.

Some torches were burning around the small tree and the houses. The torches were not too dazzling but could illuminate the surroundings.

Heller had long waited for Zhang Tie's arrival respectfully. As per usual, the 3 coolies would go to bed the moment the night fell and got up to work the moment the sun rose.

"Castle Lord, welcome to the Castle of Black Iron." Heller bowed elegantly.

"Good work." Zhang Tie nodded.

"I know Castle Lord has a lot of questions to ask. Let's talk about them in the house." Heller stretched out his hand to invite Zhang Tie in.


Zhang Tie directly followed Heller in the only double-storey log cabin.

The parlor had been furnished. However, compared to that of Jinwu Castle, this was only a clean place which was suitable for deliberation.

A plate of strawberries and a plate of other berries were placed on the desk. At the sight of them, Zhang Tie realized that the Castle of Black Iron could provide him more and more materials now.

"Tell me about the function of the flesh of that huge deep-sea monster." Throwing himself onto a chair beside the desk, Zhang Tie grabbed 2 scarlet strawberries and threw them into his mouth. Tasting the refreshing and sweet strawberries, Zhang Tie instantly felt pretty good all over.

Hearing this question, Heller only replied with a smile as he put his hands in the air and separated them in a cool manner. Then, Zhang Tie saw a menu in the air.

——Basic Attributes of Castle of Black Iron

——Space and Terrain Transformation

——Living Beings and Species Administration

——Forming Special Seeds and Fruits of Manjusaka Karma Fruit Tree

This was the main menu of the Castle of Black Iron

"Have you remembered that?" Heller smiled as he watched Zhang Tie. He then moved one hand up in the air, causing the top 3 lines gradually fade away, leaving the last option that Zhang Tie had not used before.

——Forming Special Seeds and Fruits of Manjusaka Karma Fruit Tree.

Chapter 397: Flower of Life

Translator: WQL Editor: EbonyFrost

Gazing at the last option for a while, Zhang Tie realized that he hadn't touched it for over a year. After skimming over this option when he obtained the Castle of Black Iron at the beginning, which almost made him suffer from a heart attack due to excitement, Zhang Tie had not checked this option at all.

Zhang Tie could still remember the astronomical figures of basic energy storage, merit values and aura values required by those "special seeds and fruits".

"Am I able to grow some special seeds and fruits now?"

Zhang Tie asked.

"The wealth accumulated in Castle of Black Iron has been able to grow a few special seeds on the small tree." Heller confirmed. "Why not give it a look."

Of course, Zhang Tie knew what the word 'wealth' meant coming from Heller's mouth. It actually referred to those basic data. Zhang Tie then pressed the last option in the air before seeing a wholly new interface.

Being the same same as the first time Zhang Tie opened the option, there were various rotating three-dimensional patterns and descriptions of strange seeds and fruits on the interface. The only difference was that a few of those patterns were bright as they were activated.

Heller then pointed at one of those activated seeds. Zhang Tie then touched its pattern. In a split second, its three-dimensional pattern became enlarged and clearer.

——Seed of Flower of Life

——Aura Values: 530000

——Basic Energy Storage: 1358000

——Merit Values: 90000

——Planting Area for LV 1 Flower of Life: A Square with a side length of 66 m.

——Flower of Secret, also the flower of taboo which was usually mentioned by some human clans. It figured out the fundamental secrets of the existence of life. With one bioactive cell, the flower of life could clone another living being.

The seed of this flower of life required astronomical amounts of aura values, basic energy storage and merit values which were out of Zhang Tie's imagination.

"What's clone?" Zhang Tie asked Heller.

"Simply put, a clone is a duplicate of another living being."

"Duplicate a life?" Zhang Tie was shocked by this answer greatly.

"That's it. It could duplicate a new life, including flesh and blood. If you have learned a lot about the scientific development of mankind before the catastrophe, you would know that people have already mastered the technology of cloning technique before the catastrophe. It's one of the most high-end techniques that people have mastered during that age."

"What do you mean by taboo?"

"With only one drop of your blood, the flower of life will clone a person who looks the same as you, including all the physical features and genes. If so, can your parents identify which one of you was the original if the both of you stood in front of them at the same time?"

"Of course I'm the real one!"

"Yes, you are the real one. But who will be the one who looks the same as you? From bloodline, as he originates from you, he also originates from your parents!"

Zhang Tie was then confused.

"As this technique would bring a huge impact to human ethics, it has been treated as a taboo. Actually, for many human races and living beings in the universe, they could not accept this."

"Wait, you mean a few races and living beings didn't think it was unacceptable. Don't they treat this as a taboo?" Zhang Tie figured out something from Heller's words.

"The reason lies in the difference in understanding the essence of life among different races and living beings. If you think that this body which contains various elements, blood and fleshes is all of you, you will then take the cloning technique as a taboo. Whereas, if you take this body as a garment, will you treat those people who wear the same garment as you on the streets as taboo?" Heller said meaningfully.

"You mean it's nothing to worry about that?"

"I've told you that this depends on your understanding of life. If this body is all of you, then, will you think that you are different from those people with incomplete bodies essentially? When you see them wearing ragged clothes, do you think they are still as same as you? If this body is all of you, then, who's the one in the trouble-reappearance fruits? Is that just your illusion and conscious activity?"

Heller stared at Zhang Tie who was slightly frowning his forehead, "Don't worry about that anymore. Everything in Castle of Black Iron now exists for you. You are the absolute ruler here. Therefore, you don't need to change your world outlook to adapt to the things here. On the contrary, they will adapt to your existence and viewpoint! If you feel that you could hardly accept them, you can't choose them. If you feel it is nothing different than a garment worship, it is a garment workshop!"

After thinking for a short while, Zhang Tie ridiculed it. 'What a bullsh*t taboo! I've not planned to do anything weird with it at all. I'd better consider something more realistic.

"Therefore, you asked me to bring in a piece of flesh of that huge deep-sea monster?"

"Yes. That powerful mutated living being is very valuable. If you can afford it, with the help of the flower of life, you could constantly produce huge deep-sea monsters in the Castle of Black Iron."

"I don't think it is very powerful at all. The Star and Moon Sword Sage killed it in only a few minutes. Additionally, what do I need that disgusting thing for?" Zhang Tie crooked his mouth.

"Based on my analysis of that piece of flesh, I find that the huge deep-sea monster was going through puberty. Such a creature has a great potential for growth. If it was an adult monster, it would be at least twice the size of the one you saw. If so, it would not be killed by people so easily as an adult deep-sea monster is one of the most powerful lords in the sea. What's more, as these cloned creatures sustain their lives by consuming your resources, they will be closely related to you and treat you as their owner."

"You mean I can treat these cloned things as my pets?"

"As you will, they will definitely be much more docile than average pets." Heller confirmed.

Hearing this, Zhang Tie's heart raced. With his eyes fixed onto that seed of flower of life, Zhang Tie suddenly thought of something.

"You mean people have already mastered cloning technique before the catastrophe? Is this flower the product of human science at that age?"

Heller replied with a smile, "Besides the human race, there were numerous living beings and species in the universe. The flower of life is just a living being. Humans always dreamt of conquering the whole world with high-end science. Did you ever imagine that some other races and living beings could conquer everything by planting various plants? Those plants were born to have all the functions required by the human race, which were more senior than the top achievements of human science."

"That's unbelievable!"

"Fishes are born to swim and dive. However, how many difficulties have humans experienced diving deep into the sea? Birds are born to fly, however, how long had humans spent before being able to fly in the air? Treatment of water and soil pollution was a hot topic of human society even till the catastrophe, however, many plants are born to be able to purify water and revitalize the soil, which is much more powerful than human's scientific civilization. Humans are always dreaming about eternal prosperity through sunlight, however, plants are born with that ability."

"When did humans start transmitting messages through electromagnetic signals? All the plants in a forest naturally have the ability to transmit threatening warnings of invaders thousands of kilometers away through electromagnetic signals in a second. Receiving their signals, their partners would respond to it as soon as possible. Do you feel their instincts are strange? Do you feel that human civilization before the catastrophe is really that powerful? Living beings are born to have various strange instincts. Now that plants are born to have unimaginable super instincts, how could there not be a plant that could accomplish duplication and clone of life?"

Hearing Heller's words, Zhang Tie touched his head. 'This steward not only dwarfs me in looks but also has excellent eloquence and wisdom.' Compared to Heller, Zhang Tie found that he was totally an innocent kid.

"Wait..." Zhang Tie suddenly recalled that in many Chinese myths and legends, many people and living beings were bred in flowers. Are those myths and legends real?" Zhang Tie then told Heller about these myths and legends.

"Human myths and legends contain many memories and knowledge from far ancient times. Of course, many of them were fully fabricated by descendants based on their imaginations. As for the myths and legends that you mentioned before, I could only tell you that some of the Chinese might have a flower of life on this star long time ago." Heller explained to Zhang Tie seriously.

"What? You mean there's another Castle of Black Iron?" Zhang Tie was slightly stunned.

"There is only one Castle of Black Iron. But the flower of life is only a single member of a huge special plant population."

"Why could the small tree bear the seeds and fruits of the flower of life?"

"Because the Manjusaka Karma Fruit Tree is the king of that huge special plant population, which carries the life potentials of all the members of this population. When the conditions became mature, the Manjusaka would release all the life potentials of those members. This is its fate and instinct. You can also take the flower of life as a subordinate of the Manjusaka Karma Fruit Tree."

"You mean the option 'Forming Special Seeds and Fruits of Manjusaka Karma Fruit Tree' is essentially the reproductive channel through which the small tree releases the life potentials of that huge special plant population?" Zhang Tie widened his eyes.

"You can take it as a contract or an appointment, based on which, you bring them into this world through your own efforts and they serve you as a payment instinctively. The most perfect and harmonious relationship in the universe is established on this reciprocity, cooperation, and interdependence." Heller confirmed.

"You mean, this space of the Castle of Black Iron might be a big botanical garden at the beginning which would bring various subordinate strange flowers and plants to that small tree while I am that diligent gardener who's selected to look after this botanical garden?" Zhang Tie pointed at his own nose.

"I don't think you are wrong. Because I'm also a subordinate of this space, I could only tell you that as I've told you, the most perfect and harmonious relationship in the universe is established on this reciprocity, cooperation, and interdependence. The fundamental rule in the universe is that one party could not casually determine the life or death of the other party, casually harm the other party or pay with no gain, which is applicable anywhere, especially in people's social life. Any relationship that violates this fundamental principle can't be sustained. However, relationships that violate this principle exist everywhere, like friends that become enemies, regime changes and the changing relationships between nations." After saying this, Heller asked Zhang Tie, "Do you think that mysterious existence who created the Castle of Black Iron has not considered this simple thing?"

Zhang Tie was numb...

Chapter 398: Making Progress

Translator: WQL Editor: EbonyFrost

Of course, the powerful flower of life which could clone a new living being was very useful for Zhang Tie. With the genes of huge deep-sea monster, the moment he realized that he could have such an "assistant" in the sea, Zhang Tie was very excited.

Certainly, the flower of life's ability was limited. In order to clone a living being, the flower of life could only clone one time with one gene although it required an astronomical amount of basic energy storage, aura values and merit values. Being similar to most plants, it would not produce 2 flowers that were the exact same. The creature produced by the flower of life was also unique.

Therefore, with the gene of the deep-sea monster, Zhang Tie could only clone one huge deep-sea monster. If he wanted more, he had to obtain the genes of other huge deep-sea monsters.

However, Zhang Tie was already very satisfied with this.


"To produce a seed of the flower of life, you need 53000 aura values, 1358000 basic energy storage and 90000 merit values. Do you agree to produce the seed of the flower of life on Manjusaka Karma Fruit Tree or not?"

"——Yes or No"

After seeing the familiar words once again, Zhang Tie instantly chose "Yes". The moment he touched the button, Zhang Tie felt that the small tree started to radiate a faint but colorful light that covered its leaves. Meanwhile, the small tree's leaves slightly shook and uttered the sound of "Ring ring ring...", which was pleasing to Zhang Tie's ears.

Zhang Tie felt that the small tree was very happy at this moment.

Zhang Tie knew that plants had emotional responses. It was said that the human race gained inspiration from plants' emotional responses while studying lie detectors. It was really out of his imagination that this small tree's emotional response could be that intense.

Feeling that the small tree was happy, Zhang Tie also became happy himself. In the past year, Zhang Tie had picked off so many fruits from it, yet, he didn't give anything to the small tree at all. Realizing that the small tree was very pleased with his choice, Zhang Tie was secretly overjoyed.

Although Zhang Tie input the largest amount of basic energy storage, merit values and aura values in producing the seed of flower of life he had ever saved up in the past year, he felt it worthwhile.

Perhaps in others' eyes, this was just a marvelous tree, however, for Zhang Tie, the small tree was his best friend and close partner as it had accompanied him throughout his growth.

"How long will it take the small tree to create the seed of flower of life?" Zhang Tie asked Heller.

Enjoying the sound of the small tree, Heller closed his eyes until he heard Zhang Tie's question. "It would take the Manjusaka Karma Fruit Tree 1 hour and 40 minutes to breed a seed of flower of life. It's a seed, a fruit and the first subordinate of Manjusaka Karma Fruit Tree."

"Oh, what's the name of that strange plant species that the flower of life belongs to?"

"You are familiar with it as you even registered your exclusive label with it." Heller looked serious.

"You mean that strange plant species is called Manjusaka?" Zhang Tie widened his eyes.

Heller then nodded, "You got it. It is!"

"But isn't it a strange flower of legend?"

"The Manjusaka flower truly exists. As it is also a member of the strange plant species known as Manjusaka Karma. Just like the flower of life, the Manjusaka flower is born to enable people to seal their memories or memorize what happened. It could enable you to forget your sadness and comfort you."

If Zhang Tie was told this by others, he probably wouldn't believe them. But since it was told by Heller, Zhang Tie believed it deeply.

Before the small tree bred its fruit, Zhang Tie checked his accumulated resources in the Castle of Black Iron by touching the basic attributes panel.

——Castle of Black Iron

——Length: 1 Kruso

——Width: 1 Kruso

——Aura Values: 111598

——Merit Values: 45127

——Basic Energy Storage: 1529100

——Special Output: Basic Reiki Yeast.

Only a few aura values were left while only 1/3 of merit values were left. What made Zhang Tie a bit reassured was the basic energy storage. After consuming 1358000 values of basic energy storage, there were still more than a half left in the Castle of Black Iron. This indicated Zhang Tie's fruitful achievement when he traveled in the sea for consecutive 3 days.

During the 3 days, Zhang Tie's basic energy storage surged 3 times. This also indicated indirectly that all the payment was valuable.

After checking these items, Zhang Tie checked the logs of merit values. He found that the merit values during this period mainly came from those sand scale fish that he employed people on Hidden Dragon Island to set free.

Nowadays, the slave responsible for setting free sandscale fish on Hidden Dragon Island was Paul, the alternate muling of the Sun Dynasty whom Zhang Tie bought from Stars Viewing City.

Without explanation, Zhang Tie just told Paul to buy some sandscale fish from the fish market on the wharf of Hidden Dragon Island before pouring them into the sea. Although Zhang Tie left Hidden Dragon Island, he didn't arrange anyone to supervise Paul's work every day. However, Zhang Tie could see Paul's work every day in the Castle of Black Iron.

If Paul set free sandscale fish, Zhang Tie's merit values would increase on the same day. As it was Zhang Tie who spent money and employed people to set free the sandscale fish, the merit values all belonged to Zhang Tie like how he arranged people to set free earthworms in Blapei.

By the way, Zhang Tie would like to test whether that person is reliable in an unconstrained environment. If that person could finish this job very meticulously even in such a scenario, it indicated that he was valuable. As was appointed between Zhang Tie and him, if that person could show his value to Zhang Tie, he will get Zhang Tie's support for his revenge plan.

The latest 2000 merit values came from Glomof whom Zhang Tie had just saved from the terrifying tentacle of that huge deep-sea monster. As an old Chinese saying went, "To save a person is better than building a 7-story pagoda[1]"

The small tree was still gleaming while playing a nice score of music with its shaking leaves. Zhang Tie then left the house together with Heller and walked towards the small tree.

It would take some time for the seed of flower of life to come into being. Zhang Tie then planned to eat fruits during this period. Before eating fruits, Zhang Tie walked around the small tree. When he caught sight of the trouble-reappearance fruit, Zhang Tie threw his glance at Heller.

Of course, Heller knew what Zhang Tie wanted to know.

"Right, this trouble-reappearance fruit contains the scene where Castle Lord fought that huge deep-sea monster. The very living being that could be activated inside is the huge deep-sea monster. You've had good fortune today. Closely after Star and Moon Sword Sage opened its head, your bolt directly penetrated through that wound on the monster's head and gave it a fatal strike. Without your strike, that huge deep-sea monster could still stand for 2 minutes before dying.

"Ha...ha..." Zhang Tie became excited as he burst out laughing. What a fortune! He only thought about sealing the huge deep-sea monster in the trouble-reappearance fruit at that time. He hadn't imagined that he was that lucky and had really made it.

Zhang Tie could not obtain such a precious chance to fight a huge deep-sea monster at sea anymore no matter how much he spent. Although Zhang Tie knew that he had rare chance to fight the huge deep-sea monster with his current ability, he still wanted to strengthen his swimming and fighting skills through fighting such an unrivaled opponent.

Additionally, after killing that huge deep-sea monster, he saw a huge passenger liner in the trouble-reappearance scene. With this super great toy, Zhang Tie could really enjoy himself.

Zhang Tie was thinking about removing the huge deep-sea monster and replacing it with some sea serpents.

Zhang Tie felt that it was his lucky day as so many achievements were waiting to place themselves before him.


He then constantly digested 4 fruits under the small tree.

Being affected by the 2 leakless fruits, the 16th surging point gradually turned from red to blue. With 2 barriers left, it would be ignited.

After eating the new trouble-reappearance fruit, Zhang Tie gained a new scene and an unrivaled opponent.

After eating that fruit of redemption——gratitude from sandscale fish, Zhang Tie's sensitivity to cold and water flows rose by 8.7% respectively, which was over 12 times greater than that of commoners respectively.

This made Zhang Tie more curious. After setting free earthworms, he gained the preliminary recovery body. Zhang Tie really wanted to discover how his body had evolved after setting free so many sandscale fish.

After eating 4 fruits, Zhang Tie went off the stages from that high platform where the small tree was while Heller was waiting for him to the side.

The fruit of flower of life was still hanging over the small tree. It seemed to be growing fast while the small tree was still gleaming with swaying leaves.

"How long has it been?"

"It only took Castle Lord 1 hour and 20 minutes to digest the 4 fruits. 20 minutes are left before the fruit of the flower of life grows ripe." Heller watched that latest fruit with an eager look.

Zhang Tie then recalled a question that he had considered outside the Castle of Black Iron just now.

"Do we have a place to store food in here?"

"Yes, we have. But it's almost fully loaded. I'm thinking about having Agan to build another warhouse to store food these days. The daily grains supply in Castle of Black Iron could support the daily demands of one hundred. We need to solve the problem of lack of laborers and arable land."

"That huge deep-sea monster is still floating at sea. What a huge piece of flesh! Its body weighed at least thousands of tons. I was told that its flesh was a top food material. It would be a great waste to leave it floating at sea in this way. Do you have any method to deal with it?"

Zhang Tie asked this purely out of his sense of crisis. Zhang Tie knew that when the holy war broke out in the future, food would be in urgent demand. Since the event in Heavens Cold City, the prices of grains across Waii Sub-Continent had been surging rapidly. Everybody had a sense of urgency as they increased their stockpiles. Now that Zhang Tie knew that food would be very scarce in the future, he would feel uncomfortable by just leaving it flowing away at sea based on his personality. Given Zhang Tie's family background in Blackhot City, he would definitely treat it as a great waste if he just watched such a big piece of flesh floated away.

"You want to bring the flesh of huge deep-sea monster inside?" Heller narrowed his eyes. From his look, Heller seemed to be interested in Zhang Tie's thought.

"Right. If it was on land, I might not able to bring it inside; but, as it is at sea, I could bring it in. However, the problem is how to store them?" Zhang Tie scratched his head, "If we just put it in Castle of Black Iron, it would go bad in only a couple of days!"

"I don't think it would definitely go bad in Castle of Black Iron. Have you forgotten about the space and topographical transformation function?"

Being reminded, Zhang Tie instantly thought up something as he looked at Heller in surprise. "You mean..."

"We can enlarge the northern area of Castle of Black Iron. Why not directly create a huge ice cave underground to store those flesh? Additionally, reproduction and growth of microbes and bacteria which can cause food go bad will be restrained in the icy cave. In this way, we can store the flesh underground as long as possible..."

Hearing this, Zhang Tie directly jumped up from the ground.

"You will be responsible for building an underground ice cave and breeding the flower of life. For the ice cave, the larger, the better. I have to go out to get the flesh back now!"

After saying that, Zhang Tie left the Castle of Black Iron immediately...

[1] Pagoda is a kind of Buddhism tower.

Chapter 399: Collect the Booty

Translator: WQL Editor: EbonyFrost

In the evening, the wind grew heavier with the surging waves. It became colder outside. Sailors were busy repairing the damaged facilities. As the greater part of the metal guardrail on the left shipboard of Zhang Tie's floor had been destroyed, sailors were knotting nets with ropes in case that someone fell into the sea.

Given the low temperature of the sea in the Oro Strait, if commoners were to fall in, even if they could swim, they would be freeze to death in only 5 minutes.

After being anchored, the Polar Light was bumpier than when it was in motion. Therefore, sailors were very careful on deck.

Tonight, the stars were sparse while it was pitch dark over the sea. The fluorescent lamps hanging on the shipboards could only illuminate the area within 10-odd meters. The surging waves were blocking people's vision like the rising and falling of large black mountains.

Certainly, darkness only affected commoners. For Zhang Tie, after activating his night vision, he found nothing different between the day and night. The only difference was one layer of golden light when he activated his dark vision.

Now, Zhang Tie could not see the dead body of the huge deep-sea monster and its 100-m long tentacles that were floating not too far from Polar Light several hours ago. Due to the heavy northeast wind and the surging waves, it had been blown away.

Zhang Tie came downstairs to the bottom deck from the left side of the top deck.

At this moment, a manager was surrounded by 50-60 infuriated passengers at the entrance of the bottom deck. It took Zhang Tie a lot of effort to push through the crowd.

It was really noisy over there. Many people were screaming loudly while some were weeping.

"I'll say it again. No insurance service is provided for any ship that heading for the Ice and Snow Wildness from Saint Herner Island. No business group or insurance company would be able to guarantee the safety of ships and passengers on this most dangerous route. This custom remains unchanged for hundreds of years. For those passengers who were killed, we can only give our condolences. We can't compensate them anything they've encountered. Your shipping tickets don't include insurance fee. You can see it at the ticketing center."

The manager was explaining loudly which was soon drowned by furious voices.

Zhang Tie could not give any help to the relatives and friends of those victims, neither was it related to him. Therefore, he just kept walking downstairs. Those above floor 3 were common cabins while those below floor 3 were economy class cabins and cargo cabins.

The hull below floor 3 was also attacked by the huge deep-sea monster. Thankfully, the damage wasn't as severe as that above floor 3.

It was the same as above, the bottom area was also very noisy. A great number of sailors were gathering in the center of the ship as they were pulling up a 50-m long tentacle by tower cranes, steel ropes, and pulley blocks.

Among those tentacles, this one was the shortest as it was only half of its full length even though Zhang Tie found that it still weighed over 100 tons.

Many people living in economy class cabins were watching them work. Some even gave them a hand. Therefore, over 100 people were busy working over there.

A fat man in a chief's uniform was commanding them.

"Take care, guys. The huge deep-sea monster's flesh is a top seafood ingredient. It's much more delicious than any octopus you've ever eaten. Those rich people prefer to spend much money on this. What a pity! Our ship is already at full capacity. Even if it wasn't, it would go bad in a couple of days on the ship. If we can move its body back, we will be rich!"

"Chief Hegel. Is the flesh of this huge deep-sea monster really as delicious as you've said?" A sailor asked loudly.

"Of course!" The fat chief said proudly. "Although its tentacle is sturdy, it tastes as tender and fresh as a sea cucumber. Additionally, the flesh of this huge deep-sea monster is high in nutritional value. Additionally, its qi and blood are very beneficial to people's health. If one always eat the flesh of huge deep-sea monster, one could be very robust. I was told that some powerhouses in Slav tribes like Mr. Samaranth would regularly hunt for huge deep-sea monsters and cultivate powerful fighters with the flesh of huge deep-sea monsters!"

"Haha, we will have yummy food!"

"Come on boys! I will show you my skills on roasting sea monster, trust me, you will bite off your tongues..." The chief waved his hands. Hearing this, all the sailors cheered up and started to work harder.

Hearing Hegel's words, Zhang Tie made up his mind. If he just let the food float away in front of him, it was no different than committing a crime.

The engine room was under the deck at the stern of the Polar Light. It was so noisy inside the room while the air was filled with stimulating smell of turpentine. Therefore, few people would usually come here, especial in the evening. There were only 2 dim fluorescent lamps at the stern, which reluctantly illuminated a small piece of area, leaving the surroundings shrouded in darkness. Almost no one was close to the deck and shipboards at the stern. Surging waves collided against the stern as sprays flew over the shipboards and fell onto the deck.

Zhang Tie came to the stern. After checking that nobody was there, he directly jumped into the sea without making a sound.

The moment Zhang Tie dived into the sea, he had activated a rune of the rapid moving skill. Meanwhile, he felt an undercurrent being pushed by the powerful north wind.

In a small range, when the undercurrent flew southwards, some other undercurrents were flowing oppositely as compensation.

Although it was an interesting circulation of water flow in such a small range, Zhang Tie knew that in a wider range, being opposite to the most famous flow driven by north wind was an ocean current that moved northwards.

The ocean currents here also formed a system. Under big ocean currents, there were medium-sized ocean currents, under these there were also small undercurrents. Under small undercurrents, there were smaller ones. Although of different sizes, these ocean currents formed an organic entity as they were linked with each other. Additionally, they had the same structure. Ocean currents that lasted thousands of miles and small undercurrents behind Zhang Tie both presented the same feature.

At this moment, Zhang Tie had a strange feeling. He thought about the Taichi pattern, which was from traditional Chinese culture. Zhang Tie felt that the circulating ocean currents formed a perfect Taichi pattern. Additionally, such circulation presented weird geometrically fractal laws.

'Some secrets seems to be hidden inside.' some thoughts flashed across Zhang Tie's mind.

However, when Zhang Tie wanted to considerate it, he lost his inspirations at once. Therefore, he could only give up temporarily.

Although Zhang Tie was wearing a thin piece of cloth, he could still freely move like a fish. After slightly sensing the surrounding sea flows, Zhang Tie turned around and dived towards the south.

The huge deep-sea monster was a territorial creature. Generally, no other sharp monster would be seen within hundreds of miles from a huge deep-sea monster. Therefore, Zhang Tie was brave enough to dive in the sea at this moment.

Although Zhang Tie was very confident about his great swimming speed in the sea and didn't think it was possible to see any sea monster swimming faster than him, he didn't know what surprise this mysterious ocean would bring him. Perhaps, this monster was a male while there was a female near it. Zhang Tie really didn't want to meet another huge deep-sea monster.

With this thought, Zhang Tie became alert as he started to look for the dead deep-sea monster.

He started from the stern and searched towards the south in the shape of a "Z". Based on his intuition, Zhang Tie judged that the dead body was at most dozens of miles away at this moment. Additionally, the huge deep-sea monster and its tentacles were so great in size and length. If Zhang Tie kept searching towards the south along the wind and ocean current, he definitely wouldn't miss it.

Zhang Tie moved very fast. After leaving the Polar Light for several minutes, he had already been moving as fast as when he traveled in the sea several days ago. After eating a lot of fruits, his endurance had increased a bit. Gradually, Zhang Tie's moving speed exceeded the maximum that he reached several days ago.

Zhang Tie felt like he was driving a supercar in the sea while his body was that supercar. Similarly, the size of the sea flow that he absorbed into Castle of Black Iron with his spiritual energy was like an accelerator. It felt pretty cool. Additionally, with the help of his night vision, he could see this colorful underwater world. The whole ocean was golden while various fishes and shrimps and other marine life passed by him.

Although there were heavy winds and surging waves over the sea, it was relatively peaceful underwater.

Only after swimming a couple of minutes in the sea, Zhang Tie had already heard Heller's voice in his mind——Space and Topographical Transformation of Castle of Black Iron is completed.

After using up the basic energy storage, merit values and aura values of Castle of Black Iron, Heller had already built an ice cave which was about 600 m in length and over 100 m in width and height.

Because this ice cave was purely for storing food, Heller adopted regular geometrical patterns for this standard building. The whole ice cave was a square warehouse, the inside of which was divided into 21 rooms with different sizes. The temperature inside was kept lower than -18 degrees Celsius while the other indicators like moisture inside the ice cave were most suitable to store food.

After faintly sensing it through the teleportation gate of the Castle of Black Iron, Zhang Tie had known the situation inside.

"Oh, do we need lots of energy to sustain this ice cave?" Zhang Tie asked Heller in his mind. After using the Castle of Black Iron so many times, Zhang Tie had learned one law——there's no free lunch in this world.

"It only requires a bit of energy. Because the Castle of Black Iron has a relatively closed and efficient energy circulating loop, absorption, and release of energy both happen in the Castle of Black Iron. I mean, you only need to throw some bricks into the Pool of Chaos. The energy converted from these bricks would enable this super large underground ice cave to run for hundreds of years with this low temperature. It is similar to the magma cave which was used to plant the fiery-flame red lotus."

Hearing Heller's explanation, Zhang Tie finally understood.

Only after a few minutes, Zhang Tie had noticed a broken tentacle of the monster, half of which was floating on the sea.

That tentacle was almost 100 m. Its thickest part was even greater than Zhang Tie's height. With a glance, Zhang Tie knew it weighed at least hundreds of tons.

Back on the continent, Zhang Tie could never bring such a huge thing into the Castle of Black Iron as he could not carry it at all. However, he had a much easier solution in the sea. After locking onto the huge tentacle with his spiritual energy, Zhang Tie grabbed one end of that huge tentacle. After that, he opened the teleportation channel of Castle of Black Iron and absorbed that huge tentacle in together with a great amount of seawater.

Zhang Tie obtained this technique when he traveled in the sea several days ago. If an object could float in or on the sea, it meant that its weight equaled to its buoyancy. Although it was there, it was in a special state of zero weight for the Castle of Black Iron. Therefore, Zhang Tie could move it into the Castle of Black Iron using this method.

When seawater poured into the Pool of Chaos, that huge tentacle was thrown into the largest room in the underground ice cave.

As it was his first time to move such a long tentacle into the Castle of Black Iron, Zhang Tie felt it a bit difficult to do despite his great physical strength.

However, everything he did for this was worthwhile. The moment he thought that he could add hundreds of tons of flesh into the warehouse of the Castle of Black Iron, Zhang Tie would be very energetic in doing that.

In the next half an hour, Zhang Tie found another 2 broken tentacles and teleported them into the Castle using the same method.

1 hour later, Zhang Tie saw the hill-like body of the huge deep-sea monster 70 km away to the south of the Polar Light.

Some of its 8 tentacles had been broken while its body was covered with wounds caused by the Star and Moon Sword Sage. Only 5 tentacles of different lengths were left with it. Zhang Tie took a look at the huge deep-sea monster and found that its eyes had been dug out. Zhang Tie didn't care whether its eyes had special functions, he only cared about its flesh.

It was so huge. Even with the method that he used before, Zhang Tie could still hardly move it into the Castle of Black Iron. Staying in water, Zhang Tie thought about it for a short while before taking out of his double-carp swords. He firstly chopped off all the tentacles and teleported them into the Castle of Black Iron, leaving a hill of flesh.

It was the most tiring thing that Zhang Tie had ever done since he was born. It took him 4 hours to dismember the huge deep-sea monster and move them into the Castle of Black Iron.

After doing this, Zhang Tie was exhausted. It was really a great test for Zhang Tie both spiritually and physically to teleport all of its flesh into the underground ice cave of the Castle of Black Iron.

Commoners could never make it. During this process, the sharp and long double-carp swords helped Zhang Tie a lot. Holding the swords' handle, as long as Zhang Tie released sword qi several meters in length, he would leave a huge wound on its body and tentacle. After circling around a tentacle with his double-carp swords, Zhang Tie would soon break it off. If it was a shorter sword, it would be much harder.

After doing this, Zhang Tie felt pretty satisfied and safe. This time, Zhang Tie finally understood the old Chinese saying, "With grains in hand, one would not be flurried". 'Old Chinese sayings are really wise!' Zhang Tie sighed inside. He estimated that the flesh as high as a hill in the Castle of Black Iron and would weigh at least 4000 tons. No matter how long the holy war would last, Zhang Tie knew that he wouldn't worry about meat to eat anymore. This huge deep-sea monster would enable Zhang Tie, his family members, and friends to survive longer than 100 years.

'What a worthwhile trip!'

Thinking of that trouble-reappearance fruit and the flesh as high as a hill, Zhang Tie burst into peals of laughter.


After leaving the Polar Light more than 5 hours, Zhang Tie silently climbed back onto the deck of the Polar Light wearily from the gangway ladder. He was wet all over.

When he was aboard, some passengers on the deck were almost stunned to death. They even took Zhang Tie as a monster in the legend. Otherwise, who could climb on board from the sea in the middle of the night? Pointing at Zhang Tie, one of them even stammered, "Who...who...who are you?"

"Don't worry, I'm also a passenger of this ship. I dropped off into the sea just now. Thankfully, I'm good at swimming and survived..." Zhang Tie said with a fearful look as he took off his shoes and poured out the sea water. After that, he lifted his shoes and returned to his own cabin in wet clothes under the amazing looks of those people, leaving them glaring at each other.

When Zhang Tie was out of his cabin, he found Isle going out to the washroom. At the sight of Zhang Tie, Isle widened his eyes and seemed to be wake up instantly. "Peter, what are you doing?"

"I dropped into the sea just now when I was sleepwalking, so I swam for a while in the sea." Zhang Tie smiled, revealing his white teeth. Before Isle replied, Zhang Tie had opened his door and entered his room. Closely after that, he shut up his door, making a loud sound, "bang".

"Dropped into the sea while sleepwalking and swim back?" Looking at Zhang Tie's door, Isle muttered, "Lunatic!"


In the next 5 days, Zhang Tie ate food made of the flesh and tentacles of the huge deep-sea monster in the dining room. To tell the truth, it was really fresh, yummy and tender. Although it was not the staple food, after eating it for 5 days, Zhang Tie still liked it. Especially when it was cooked with spices, Zhang Tie felt it was pretty good.

Thinking about his storage in the Castle of Black Iron, Zhang Tie almost burst out laughing in his sleep.

On the 6th day, the scarred Polar Light finally arrived at Eschyle City, the only city on Ice and Snow Wildness, one day later than the estimated time of arrival.

During these days' travel by ship, Zhang Tie was told that Eschyle meant "The place where my lord is coming!" in the local language, which was hilarious and strange.

On August 2nd, 890th year of the Black Iron Calendar, it sprinkled in Eschyle, making the port hazy.

After taking a deep breath, Zhang Tie left the deck of the Polar Light and landed on the Ice and Snow Wildness on foot after 8 days of bumpy travel on the sea.

Chapter 400: Being Tracked

Translator: WQL Editor: EbonyFrost

At the sight of Eschyle City, Zhang Tie began to recalled Kalur City. As the only city in the Ice and Snow Wildness, Eschyle was qualified to be a magnificent city.

Eschyle was also a huge city being built against a mountain. Standing at the wharf, Zhang Tie caught sight of the tall grey city wall in the drizzling rain while facing the special wild feeling from the Ice and Snow Wildness.

Besides being shocked by the size of Eschyle City, Zhang Tie also sensed something tough and wild.

Those pioneers disembarked and rapidly left the wharf, boosting the taxi industry and animal-driven vehicles industry present in the city. Some high-end black cars were parked by the gangway. The moment some influential figures disembarked, they had rushed into the black cars. With a slight shake, those cars disappeared in the drizzling rain.

Watching the Star and Moon Sword Sage leaving by car, Zhang Tie narrowed his eyes. "Can pieces of the Star of God truly be found in the underground of Haidela Glacial Cracks in the south of the Ice and Snow Wildness? If not, how come even legendary figures like Samaranth came here from afar?'

Samaranth's intention here had been spread all over Polar Light these days. Everybody believed that Samaranth was here for the pieces of the Star of God. Additionally, Samaranth didn't deny it, which made more or less confirmed the speculations.

Zhang Tie felt the turbulence of the airflow through the fine hair over his neck as he also heard the familiar footsteps. Therefore, Zhang Tie didn't dodge, instead, he stood still and waited for the hand being placed on his shoulder.

"Peter, how about going together with us?"

Sam and Gerri carried a high pioneering luggage and wearing a waterproof cloak respectively as they walked out from behind Zhang Tie.

"Are you going to Haidela Glacial Crack?" Zhang Tie asked.

"Of course. Aren't all the pioneers coming here for the relics and the pieces of the Star of God?" Sam answered confidently.

"I'm afraid that we cannot share any of the pieces of the Star of God, but if we can find the relics, we might able to earn a bit!" Gerri added.

"I want to improve my fighting skills in some other places! As Haidela glacial crack is too boisterous now, I might not able to make any gains if I went there." Zhang Tie smiled. As he was already the target of Magical Snake Island, he didn't want to bring dangers to his new friends.

Additionally, he was not here for any relics or pieces of the Star of God at all. Although they were very attractive, especially the pieces of the Star of God which had many marvelous effects, Zhang Tie knew that he could not share any part of the pieces of the Star of God with his limited abilities. The moment he watched Samaranth's great fighting strength, Zhang Tie had known that it was no different than seeking death by competing with Samaranth.

'If Samaranth is here, the other powerful ones who are as powerful as Samaranth might also come. If so, it's not the business of a newbie like me. I'd better focus on forming seven-strength fruits. People can't always survive on luck.' Zhang Tie mumbled inside.

"All right. Hope to see you later. We will go to Haidela Glacial Crack now. When we finish our task there, we will come back to Eschyle City and stay here for a long time. Sam and I both plan to breakthrough to LV 6 before leaving the Ice and Snow Wildness. Therefore we'll be heading to some entrances in Ice and Snow Wildness leading to the underground world where we can form our battle qi! If you want to look for us, just go to the Pioneers' Bar in Eschyle City!"

"Wish you good luck. Oh, here are my gifts for you!" Saying this, Zhang Tie took out 2 vials of all-purpose medicament and gave 1 to each of them. Considering that the all-purpose medicament had been sold across the continent, Zhang Tie was not afraid of exposing his real status by gifting 2 vials of all-purpose medicament.

"What's this?" Sam and Gerri looked at them with curious looks.

"All-purpose medicament gifted by my friend!"

"All-purpose medicament?"

The two young pioneers' faces were filled with doubts. At the sight of their looks, Zhang Tie knew that they must not have heard about all-purpose medicament at all. For most of the pioneers, all-purpose medicament was still a bit far from their daily lives as a new medicament. If not Zhang Tie, they might have to wait several months before knowing this new medicament.

"You can take it as a preliminary antidote. When you are wounded or need to increase your physical strength or when you catch a cold, you can use it!"

"Hehe, sounds great. Its package is also not bad. Thanks, buddy!"

Sam and Gerri then put away the medicament as they were still dubious about Zhang Tie's words. They felt that Zhang Tie was boasting to a certain degree. However, considering Zhang Tie's kindness, they extended their thanks to him.

They then bid farewell at the wharf. Isle was still dealing with his goods and could not disembark at the moment. As Zhang Tie had said goodbye to him just now, he didn't wait for him anymore.

Most of the pioneers directly called a car nearby the wharf and left.

Haidela Glacial Crack was in the south of the Ice and Snow Wildness on the map. It was in the wild 2000 km away to the northwest of Eschyle City. There was a small town called Sciatta about 300 km away to the west of Eschyle City. It was the farthest place that wheeled vehicles could reach in Eschyle City.

All the pioneers who dreamt of wealth in the Haidela Glacial Crack chose Sciatta as their first destination after they reached the Ice and Snow Wildness. From Sciatta, they would then set out for the Haidela Glacial Crack based on their own abilities. As for whether they could survive their or not, it depended them.

As it was only 300 km away from the wharf to Sciatta, if everything went smoothly, they would arrive at Sciatta at night.

Zhang Tie watched Sam and Gerri and 10 more pioneers bargaining with a truck driver and getting on his old truck before disappearing rainwater the rain.

Soon after Sam and Gerri left, the rain became heavier. The drizzling rainwater flowed down along Zhang Tie's neck, causing him to shiver. After glancing at that high city wall of Eschyle, Zhang Tie tightened his waterproof cloak and left the wharf...


5 minutes later, Zhang Tie queued up outside the south gate of assistance City. After being checked, he paid the entrance fee.

Despite the heavy rain, all the people were still queuing up orderly outside the city gate because of the 2 lines of fully-armored robust soldiers standing outside the city gate who were all taller than 2.2 m.

The soldiers were wearing eccentric iron bear-head helmets, making them very terrifying.

A tall fighter was standing in front of Zhang Tie, who was also carrying a leather container which contained 6 metal javelins.

The 2 lines of soldiers seemed to pay special attention to this person who was carrying a container of metal javelins. Zhang Tie noticed that many people among the soldiers had already focused on this fighter since the guy queued up.

Feeling this, the fighter became a bit nervous as he glanced at himself several times to see whether something was not wrong.

Compared to that fighter who was carrying a container of javelins, Zhang Tie was in a worse situation. The moment he left the Polar Light, Zhang Tie had found that he was watched by someone. The man kept spying on him all the way from the harbor to their present desination. Although hiding among the crowd, the spy still didn't move his eyes away from Zhang Tie.

As he was queuing up, Zhang Tie touched the ring with common look on his fourth left finger. If not for this ring, Zhang Tie might not have realized that he was spied on by someone the moment he disembarked.

The finger ring was gifted by Olina when he left Saint Herner Island. It was a rare rune equipment which was called the "Ring of Awareness".

2 rune effects were added onto the Ring of Awareness——an 8% increase of Zhang Tie's sensing ability, gaze alert. As long as someone looked at Zhang Tie with bad intentions for over 20 seconds from behind, this ring would warn Zhang Tie.

Few people would gaze at someone from behind for over 20 seconds, strange or not. Additionally, people's eyesight was a media possesed special spiritual energy which could carry one's emotions and mentality. With this ability, the ring could receive and sense this spiritual energy thrown from others before warning the one being gazed at.

This was a very rare effect, which created an invisible security blanket over Zhang Tie. With this effect, Zhang Tie knew that this rune ring must be very precious. Rune equipment like this one which could grant the wearer with some special ability were always rare goods which could even be hardly seen in auction houses.

When he left the dock, Zhang Tie's finger with the Ring of Awareness felt numb. He then realized that he was spied on. The person in question was very skilled and knew how to hide in different situations. If not for the ring, Zhang Tie wouldn't even notice he was being spied on at all.

However, after being warned by his finger ring, Zhang Tie sped up. When he arrived at the city gate, he finally found out who was following him.

With a wisp of cold smile over his mouth corners, Zhang Tie realized that the spy must be from Magical Snake Island. If not, how could such a trivial person like him be followed by someone the moment he landed in the Ice and Snow Wildness?

'Based on the power of Magical Snake Island, it's normal for them to arrange some assistance and intelligence centers in Ice and Snow Wildness. When he was on the Polar Light, Magical Snake Island must have notified their people here through long-distance communication means. It's not difficult for them to find a person who looks like me from the passengers.'

Those b*stards!

When it was that fighter's turn to be checked, one head-like guy walked towards him from the 2 lines of soldiers and glanced at him carefully.

"Is it your 1st time here?" The man's voice sounded oppressive yet kind, which was in sharp contrast to his personality. In Zhang Tie's opinion, this guy should roar as he might always do.

"Yes!" That fighter replied.

"What are you here for?"

"I was told an animal tide occurred somewhere in the Ice and Snow Wildness, therefore, I came here to improve my fighting skills and make some money!"

"Hmm, you can enter for free!' After glancing at the fighter for a short while, the head waved his hands.

That fighter was stunned for a second. Holding a silver coin, he didn't know whether he should put it inside the box in front of him, "You mean...I don't need to pay the entrance fee?"

"Right. All the warriors with javelins would enter Eschyle City for free from then on. This rule was made several days ago!"

Receiving the confirmation, the fighter revealed a big smile as he said, "Thanks!". Anyone in any place when receiving such special treatment would be very happy.

"If you are confident about your throwing skill, you can attend the eagles hunting meeting on Ural Lake a few days later. The winner would win a set of rune javelins made of aerolite!" Before that fighter left, the head added.

Hearing this, the fighter turned around with his eyes widely opened as he forcefully swallowed his saliva, "What? You mean a set of rune javelins made of aerolite?


"Anybody could attend it?"

"Yes, anybody, regardless of age and race. If you think you are able to do that, you can attend it. Additionally, I was told that the winner might even gain the favor of the holy virgins of the tribes in the Ice and Snow Wildness!"

Hearing this, even Zhang Tie had realized that the head was urging him to attend it. However, that fighter only took a deep breath twice before nodded and left with his container. He seemed to be contemplating participating.

A set of rune javelins made of aerolite and being favored by holy virgins! The rewards were really attractive. Any man who liked money, women, privilege or sharp weapons would be restless as they heard this news.

Even Zhang Tie's heart raced as he was thinking about having a look at the throwing skills of those powerhouses.

'He said this special treatment was released a few days ago. But why? Ice and Snow Wildness is really boisterous these days!'

However, Zhang Tie could never imagine that this might be related to him.

When it was Zhang Tie's turn. The head glanced at Zhang Tie with a frown as Zhang Tie's boy-toy face and pioneering look made him disgusting.

"You are a pioneer?"


"4 silver coins!" The head replied in a cold voice.

"What? why do you ask for 2 silver coins from others, someone free, yet 4 from me?" Zhang Tie rebutted loudly.

"All the pioneers are here to make money. You only want to take away goods away from here without contributing nothing to us. How come that happens! Therefore, all the pioneers need to pay twice the entrance fee!" After saying this, that man waved his head impatiently while those surrounding soldiers were staring at Zhang Tie with malicious looks. It seemed that as long as Zhang Tie dared to jump up, they would beat him up.

Zhang Tie then threw 4 silver coins into the box silently. After that, he sped into Eschyle City without even looking back.

When Zhang Tie left the city gate, he heard someone muttering behind him, "Why such a young man prefer to be a pioneer? Are they dreaming of gold coins dropping off the sky, humph!"

"These pioneers are no different than hyenas. When they find rotten meat, they would rush over there. However, when they meet troubles, they would escape as soon as possible. I should suggested to the lord that he should forbid these pioneers in from then on. These guys are nothing but crap!"

"I don't agree with you. These guys contribute to the improvement of maps. As so many remote areas are waiting for them to explore, they are not useless!"

"If not, I truly think that we should not allow any pioneer to step in Ice and Snow Wildness..."

"Mind our own business!"

Zhang Tie then started to run. He looked like seeking a shelter. Therefore, he was far away from those comments very rapidly. After leaving 50 m away from the city gate, he saw another figure hurriedly following in through his eye corners.

Zhang Tie then narrowed his eyes. At the sight of an alley not far from him, Zhang Tie directly flashed inside...

In half a minute, another figure arrived and flashed into the same alley without any hesitation...

It was a very heavy rain while the day turned gloomy!

Rainwater fell down from the roof and eaves of the buildings on both sides of the alley, forming 2 fine waterfalls. The ground of the alleyway had been covered with 1 cm high rainwater.

Zhang Tie was standing against the wall under the eaves in the corner. Narrowing his eyes, he watched the waterfalls pouring off the eaves over his head.

With a lightning bolt across the sky, it turned white in a split second in front of him. After a few seconds, a series of booms drifted from afar. At the same time, with a series of rapid footsteps, a guy flashed in this alley...

The moment he flashed in, he saw Zhang Tie while the latter was also watching him with a smile. The man's face instantly changed as Zhang Tie launched his attack...

Along with spraying raindrops, Zhang Tie moved as fast as lightning bolt...

That person was also good at fighting. Zhang Tie estimated that he was about LV 6. However, compared to Zhang Tie, he was nothing but crap.

Zhang Tie moved both in both a quick and fierce manner. Two seconds later, with a muffled harrumph, Zhang Tie had already grabbed his neck and fiercely threw his back onto a stone wall on one side of the alley.

Feet in the air, that person sprouted a mouthful of blood when he was pounded onto the wall by Zhang Tie. After the blood fell into the rain water on the land, it was soon flushed away into the drainage system with swirls.

Not until then did the thunder disappeared...

"Don...don't kill me, I...I will give you all of my money!" Before Zhang Tie asked, the guy had already started to explain in a flurried look like when a commoner met a bandit.

Zhang Tie then replied with a smile, 'What a smart guy! He has long thought about fabricating a lie!'

"Who else is in Eschyle besides you are from Magical Snake Island?" Zhang Tie put it bluntly.

"I...I don't know what are you talking about!" That man looked innocent until he heard "Magical Snake Island" when his pupils narrowed out of control.

Although people could tell a lie through mouth, they could not cover it with their eyes. This was how Donder taught him before. If this guy had nothing to do with Magical Snake Island, when he heard Magical Snake Island, his pupils would remain unchanged or enlarge. Instead, his pupils narrowed, which meant that he was extremely nervous inside.

"I'll ask you one last last time. I don't want to waste time on you. Who's sent from Magical Snake Island to kill me? Tell me all of their names. Then, I will save your life. After that, you can escape from Eschyle without worrying about MSI's revenge on you..." Zhang Tie said calmly.

"I really don't understand what are you talking about, my money..." Before he finished, he looked extremely anguished. He looked down as he saw Zhang Tie poking a dagger into his body from below his left armpit. He wanted to groan yet he couldn't as his neck was being held by Zhang Tie. Before he closed his eyes, he glanced at Zhang Tie regretfully and amazingly. He didn't seem to believe that Zhang Tie had seen through his trick, made up his mind, and mind and was that merciless.

"I've told you that I don't want to waste time on you!" Zhang Tie loosened his grip while that guy slid onto the ground like a pile of mud. At the same time, a lot of blood flew off his body and dyed the ground.

Zhang Tie then quickly disappeared in the curtain of the heavy rain...

Several minutes later, another person flashed into the alley. The moment he flashed in, he had caught sight of that guy being killed.

"Damn it!" That person swore loudly...

Chapter 401: Good News

Translator: WQL Editor: EbonyFrost

In Eschyle, buildings that were made of rocks or cut into mountains existed everywhere. This city was built on the mountain. As a result, the most common bluish white dolerites became the primary raw material of all the buildings here. Many people even directly chose to build buildings on huge dolerites.

Those buildings ranged from small roadside stores with a size of 10m high to skyscrapers 100 m in height which rested between the mountain bodies.

Being different from those made of reinforced bars and cement, these buildings cut from rocks maintained the exterior lines of rocks or mountains. If not for the doors and windows, people would barely be able to distinguish them from common rocks or mountain bodies.

With these buildings, this city was filled with a wild and exotic ambiance.

Corresponding to this exotic motif, there was a wild feeling to the heavy business atmosphere and barbaric civilization. On the roadsides, people could see brands of firms and commercial organizations everywhere. Even though it was raining heavily, people carrying various weapons could still be seen all over the streets. Most of the men on the streets would carry a very remarkable weapon. Even women and kids were carrying sabers and swords. It was really Zhang Tie's first time seeing such a city.

In the heavy rain, Zhang Tie flashed through the relatively quieter alleys and streets. Being covered by the sound of raindrops, he didn't catch anyone's attention. It was too common for a traveler to move hurriedly in the rain to seek shelter in Eschyle City.

Knowing that he had been tracked by people from Magical Snake Island, of course, Zhang Tie would not simply wander around without any target. Instead, he needed to find a place to change his appearance.

In about 10 minutes, Zhang Tie had already found a barber shop in a relatively quieter and narrow street.

Because of the heavy rain, there were few people on the street. As no guest was in the barber shop, the 40-odd-year old year barber was sitting inside the store lazily and watching the lines of raindrops flowing down the eaves with a glass window in front of him.

When Zhang Tie came to the door of the barber shop, he shook off raindrops from his waterproof raincoat before walked inside.

"Do you want to take shelter from the rain? Take a seat at your will. If you want to read a newspaper, take it from the table. But be warned, its three days old." At the sight of Zhang Tie coming in, the barber told him casually.

Zhang Tie replied with a smile as he undid his raincoat and his luggage before putting them behind the door, "I need a haircut!"

"You need a haircut?" After glancing at Zhang Tie, the barber immediately became spirited. He then asked Zhang Tie to sit in front of the mirror as he covered a cloth over Zhang Tie.

"Which hairstyle do you want?"

"Just make it look common. But it should be remarkably different than my current look. I like new things!" Zhang Tie replied casually.


Under the barber's flying scissors, Zhang Tie's hair became much shorter than before. Now, Zhang Tie looked much more energetic.

After looking in the mirror, Zhang Tie nodded then asked, "Can you dye hair?"

"Yes, I can!"

"Dye my hair then!"

"But your blonde hair looks nice!"

"Hmm, I want a new fresh color." Zhang Tie scratched his head as he explained. People from Magical Snake Island might not have his photo. Additionally, fewer people knew him here. Therefore, it would be very difficult for people from Magical Snake Island to find him based on his look or hairstyle. According to his rich experience, after slightly changing a part of his look, he would easily avoid their spying.

"You young people really like being distinctive. Tell me, which color do you want? My dye is made of the juice of special colorful peals and rootstocks from the Ice and Snow Wildness. It'll cost 4 silver coins. Plus the hairdressing fee, you need to pay me 4 silver coins and 50 copper coins!"

"No problem."

"Which color do you want? Any color is available here!"

Zhang Tie remembered that many people had beige hair. Therefore, he answered, "Beige!"

"It might require 2 hours to dye your hair!"

"No problem. I have enough time." Zhang Tie revealed a smile as he picked up a newspaper in front of the mirror. At the same time, the barber started to make dye for him.

When the barber started to dye Zhang Tie's hair, Zhang Tie saw an alarming title on the 4th page of the newspaper "Eschyle Daily"——

——Animal Tide Threatened the Rhizotomists on Grey Hill, Felt Mongers Rubbed their Palms

It had been a long time since the animal tide broke out last time. Packs of iron-teeth Hyenas also started to wander around the Grey Hill. In the latest 2 weeks, Adelais Business Group which owned the most of the medicine business of Grey Hill had lost 40 more rhizotomists because of the attack of iron-teeth hyenas. Some rhizotomists of other business groups on Grey Plain are also missing. According to the witnesses, people have found the tracks of the iron-teeth hyenas in the regions where those rhizotomists went missing. Some rhizotomists who survived claimed that they had been attacked or followed by iron-teeth hyenas. At the same time, it was also heard that some villages near the Grey Hill also have missing people and domestic animals.

Because of the animal tide on Grey Hill, the prices of snow ginseng, golden knotweed, red grass, cinnabar and bloody caltrop started to rise in different degrees this week in Eschyle Herbs Trading Center. According to an insider of Eschyle Herbs Trading Center. Because of the changing continental situation recently, herbs trading grew hot in the Ice and Snow Wildness as the demands of various medicines started to increase greatly. If the animal tide on Grey Hill was not curbed, many business groups would suffer losses.

However, when many people in the Eschyle Herbs Trading Center were worried about the animal tide, the felt mongers became excited. Because the fur of iron-teeth hyenas was always the best raw material of quality leather-armor and lining of senior helmets. In this month, the supply of its fur also surpassed its demand.

Adelais Business Group was reaching an agreement with the Eschyle Herbs Trading Center and some felt mongers to recruit pioneers and free warriors to deal with the animal tide on Grey Hill. After killing an iron-teeth hyena, a pioneer or a free warrior could not only sell its fur to felt monger but also gained extra 6 silver coins from Eschyle Herbs Trading Center.

The only condition was above LV 3.

Those who'd like to apply for it could inquire it from Adelais Business Group on Iron Bear Avenue. The first batch of applicants would set off from Eschyle on August 13th.


Zhang Tie skimmed over the news. Even the barber behind him had not noticed that Zhang Tie was reading the newspaper. After reading it, Zhang Tie looked unchanged yet his heart raced. 'Hah, good news from a good place! I'm craving the taste of Iron-teeth hyena seven-strength fruits. Animal tide! Heihei, I love it...'


Two hours later, the rain stopped. With a new colorful hairstyle, Zhang Tie dropped 5 silver coins before left the barbershop. When he reached a hidden place, he put his water-proof raincoat, package and sleeping bag into Castle of Black Iron before he took out a common long sword and carried it.

The status as a pioneer was just a nominal cover for him in the Ice and Snow Wildness. Now that this cover had been identified, if he remained a pioneer, he would put himself in a greater danger. Therefore, Zhang Tie had to change his mind.

After doing this, Zhang Tie was only carrying a common long sword around his waist and looked like a young free warrior. After asking for the whereabouts of Iron Bear Avenue, he started to walk towards where the Adelais Business Group was located.

Actually, it was very necessary for Zhang Tie to cover his status in these 2 hours. He had not noticed that it was 2 people who were tracing him, instead of 1. It was safer and more skilled to trace a person by 2 people. One was responsible for gazing at the target while the other was responsible for gazing at his partner. In this way, even if one was exposed, the other one could pass the news.

After knowing that Zhang Tie had killed 2 LV 9 roundtable warriors of Magical Snake Island, the 2 spy who received the order to trace Zhang Tie chose this safer and more skilled way.

After the second spy realized that he had lost the target, he became very flurried. Thinking of Magical Snake Island's punishment to those who failed their tasks, he gritted his teeth and set Zhang Tie into a greater trouble...

When the rain stopped, a team of policemen of Eschyle Police Office had arrived at the location in the alley where the guy was killed..

Chapter 402: Being Wanted Once Again

Translator: WQL Editor: EbonyFrost

As the only city in the Ice and Snow Wildness, Eschyle's ruling system was as established as that of other cities. Additionally, its ruling system was very powerful as this city was also where the civilization collided with savagery in this age.

Those powerful tribes in the Ice and Snow Wildness were formed by the righteous swordmen who came here for business from the Ewentra Archipelago and people from all walks of life with different ambitions. In order to rule this city, they had to establish a powerful ruling system. However, in the complete ruling system, the most powerful, threatening deterrent was obviously the deterrent of violence.

As a deterrent to violence, the police station of Eschyle City was different from policemen in other places. Policemen of Eschyle City were also called bounty hunters. Few people who committed crimes in Eschyle City could escape from those bounty hunters. The complete Eschyle City and the port area were under the management of policemen of Eschyle City. After leaving this territory, even if one killed a person, one would have nothing to do with them.


After the rain, the alley had been surrounded by yellow cordon while a team of policemen in black uniforms were investigating the spot of the murder. From the scene, they could conclude that the killer was definitely a powerhouse. After realizing that a LV 6 fighter was killed so easily, all the police felt they were facing a powerful enemy.

"It's tricky..." After squatting beside the dead body for a short while, a police in black boots finally waved his head as he stood up. "Someone grabbed his neck before stabbing him. The lethal wound was between the 5th and the 6th ribs..." After picking himself up, the police imitated Zhang Tie's movement precisely. "The dagger was thrust through here, causing a 4 cm-long wound. However, it didn't touch the bones inside his body. He moved very fast and smooth and almost reached his heart. The killer is experienced who must have killed a lot of people. Given from his fighting strength, he should be at least LV 8, or even LV 9!"

Hearing these words, the head police frowned. "It's truly chaotic in Eschyle City recently. As too many foreigners arrive here. Few of them are docile..." After saying this, the head police turned around and asked one person beside him. "You say you've seen his look and his name?"

The guy being asked was that person who followed his partner in the alley.

"He's a pioneer that's about 18 years old. After knowing that a ship would reach the harbor this morning, Perse and I then waited at the harbor. You know, sir, we jewelers like to cooperate with these pioneers who always sell us good things. Additionally, most of those pioneers coming to the Ice and Snow Wilderness these days would not enter Eschyle City. Therefore, Perse and I came here to try our fortune. We waited at the harbor for an entire morning..." As he explained, the person rolled his eyes.

"Tell me the key part..." The police waved his hand impatiently.

"Yes, sir; yes, sir..." The guy licked his lips. "That person disembarked the Polar Light. As he caught sight of Perse and me, he went directly towards us..."

"Did you know each other at the beginning?"

"Of course not. He had seen our gestures which indicated that we were here to purchase pieces of jewelry and valuables. That's why he walked towards us. You know those pioneers are very smart. They always communicate with each other through a set of special gestures. After doing business with them for a long time, we also learned a bit."

"What's next?"

"Then, he told Perse that he wanted to sell something. Being afraid of robbery, he requested for the trade to be performed downtown. When he walked towards us, I heard some pioneers call his name, Peter Hamplester."

"A 17-year old pioneer call Peter?"

"Right. At the beginning, given his young age, Perse and I didn't take precautions against him. Therefore, I told Perse to trade with him downtown while I wanted to stay in the harbor for other business. Finally, all the passengers had left in several minutes. By then, the rain grew heavier. Therefore, I hurriedly ran into downtown to seek for Perse and take a look at the new item that he purchased. When I was queuing up outside the city gate, I caught sight of Perse and that person walking into this alley. At the moment, I predicted that something bad would happen. When I came here, I have seen Perse lying here. However, the killer had disappeared together with Perse's 100-odd gold coins..."

"You mean you've not seen the one killing your partner and you are the only witness?" As the police investigated, he slightly narrowed his eyes.

"Erm...as you say!"

"Do you remember what that person looked like?

"Yes, I remember! If you can arrest him, I'd like to provide 1000 gold coins as a reward!"

"According to your description, the pioneer called Peter could only be wanted as a criminal suspect. As to whether he had committed a crime, we need a further investigation. You go back to the police station together with police Posse. Remember to describe the suspect's look carefully so that we could send the order for an arrest..." The head police waved his head as he arranged another person to bring him back to the police station.

The moment that guy left, the police had moved one step forward, "The guy was lying. I found many problems in his words!"

"I know, but at least one point was right. This incident is definitely related to that young pioneer called Peter. However, as so many foreigners come to Eschyle, we need time to look for him. No matter what, we can have a reward!"

"But that guy might be tricky!"

"Tricky?" The head police revealed a proud smile. "This is the Ice and Snow Wildness, the territory of the Slav bear tribes. Only figures like Samaranth could enjoy the word "tricky". That guy is just a small pioneer. Do you think he's a knight? I don't care whether he's LV 9 or LV 10. As long as he dares to challenge the rules of the Ice and Snow Wildness, a great number of people would like to deal with him!"

"I heard a news from Elzida Mountain..." After looking around and seeing nobody, that police lowered his voice.

"I don't know! At the beginning, Elzida said the man who could reunite our bear tribes would come here first the moment he arrived at Ice and Snow Wildness. Therefore, the IronBear tribe chose to build Eschyle City here. No Slav wanted to present wilderness to him when he arrived here. This legend has been spread in the Ice and Snow Wildness for several hundred years. However, nobody had seen that man at all! Go prepare the order for arrest! Oh, what's the name of that pioneer being wanted?"

"Peter Hamplester!"

"Another one called Peter? What a sh*t name!" The head police tilted his mouth.



The efficiency of the police station of Eschyle was very high. Only after 1 hour, an order for arrest with the image of "Peter Hamplester" had been distributed to all the other places of the city.

It was a class 3 arrest order, which was mainly targeted at those criminal suspects whose crimes had not been confirmed. Therefore, the police requested to catch Zhang Tie alive, instead of "dead or alive" on a class 2 arrest order or "kill on sight" on a class 1 arrest order.

The reward on the order for arrest was 1050 gold coins, 1000 of which were provided by the party of the victim while the remaining 50 were from the fixed subsidy of the security tax for such pernicious cases in Eschyle City. The person who provided a clue could gain 80% of the reward. If anyone who could catch the criminal suspect alive, he could gain 90% of the total reward. If he killed the criminal suspect before sending him to the police station, he could only gain 40% of the total amount.

1050 gold coins was not the highest reward in the history of Eschyle, yet it was definitely not a small figure. The highest reward in the history of Eschyle was 1,250,000 gold coins on a class 1 arrest order. Rewards on arrest orders usually ranged from dozens of gold coins to hundreds of gold coins. Even seeing the least amount of reward, most of commoners and policemen across Eschyle would be excited with racing hearts and widening eyes.

The one said he remembered Zhang Tie's look truly told a lie. When he was in the yard, he only glanced at Zhang Tie once from afar. Although he could remember Zhang Tie's back and clothes very clearly, he could not remember the details of Zhang Tie's look at all. As a result, the image on the arrest order drawn by professional in the police station was only 70-80% similar to Zhang Tie's previous image.

Zhang Tie didn't know that he was wanted on the same day.

In order to deal with the animal tide on the Grey Hill, Adelais Business Group employed many low-level warriors. The iron-teeth hyena was a low-level mutated wild beast which was only 1 level higher than a common wild wolf and hyena. Therefore, this wild beast's attack power was limited. With a weapon, even a LV 3 warrior could deal with several iron-teeth hyenas at the same time. Additionally, as the reward was very low, fighters with higher levels would never do this job at all. Therefore, only those pioneers and warriors who were under LV 6 would do this job for that bit of money.

Now, almost all the pioneers across the Ice and Snow Wildness were heading for the Hadela Glacial Crack, including some low-level fighters. As a result, the Adelais Business Group could employ fewer people to hunt iron-teeth hyenas on Grey Hill.

If a person with a high level attended such a task, it would be too attractive. Therefore, in front of the recruitment point, Zhang Tie fabricated a lie.

"I'm LV 4!"

"Young man. I have to warn you that, iron-teeth hyenas are not that easily dealt with. We are recruiting people above LV 3. Although we provide you benefits, if you are killed, we will not compensate. Even if you are injured, the Adelais Business Group could only compensate you for some medical expenses"

Hearing this, Zhang Tie stayed still for a second before revealed a smile, 'Do I look too young to be LV 4? Perhaps, for most commoners, a LV 4 person who looks 17 or 18 years old is truly too outstanding. If I keep staying in Blackhot City, I could at most reach LV 2. I'm afraid that only Glaze could reach LV 3.'

"But I'm truly LV 4 now. Additionally, I've hunted dozens of wild wolves. I'm responsible for my decision!" Zhang Tie explained confidently.

"Well, here's the employment agreement. Press your fingerprint here!" After glancing at Zhang Tie for a short while, the director pushed a form in front of Zhang Tie.

"Do I need to show my ID certificate?"

"Hah, nobody needs that in the Ice and Snow Wildness!" The director responded with a sinister smile.

Hearing this, Zhang Tie pressed a fingerprint on that form without any hesitation.

"Oh, what's your name?"

"Hoy!" Zhang Tie instantly fabricated another name, 'I'm here for seven-strength fruits. All the other things are not that important. As I don't need to pay tax for a new name, neither do I want to be found by others, I will change myself completely then...'

Zhang Tie soon realized his intelligence.

After application, Zhang Tie was arranged to be placed in a small inn in downtown by the Adelais Business Group. He would set off next morning. Soon after he came to the inn, Zhang Tie had seen some police investigating guests in the inn with orders for arresting "Peter Hamplester"...