498 - 505

Chapter 498: Being Urgent

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

The grey eagle tribe heard about the events in Eschyle City and Zhang Tie's performance on the morning of November 12th. O'Laura and Setton arrived at Eschyle City to unite with Zhang Tie at noon on November 13th, when everything had passed.

Because Zhang Tie was heavily wounded, O'Laura just stayed there to look after him. At this moment, O'Laura had already picked off her mask, revealing her cold yet delicate face.

"No, I'm not sick. I'm afraid that one day I might turn into the kind of people that I hate!" Zhang Tie said in a muffled voice.

"How come?" O'Laura comforted him.

Zhang Tie slightly revealed a bitter smile, "Nobody deteriorate in one day. People were not born to be greedy and hypocritical; people were not born to be familiar with game rule, shrewd and indifference; people were not born to criticize things; people were not born to cheat others for their own benefits."

Previously, Zhang Tie hated such persons very much; however, at this moment, when he covered the cause of the catastrophe and the strategy of the event in Eschyle City where over 1 million people were killed, Zhang Tie realized that he was right in the very position that he hated and despised before. If he was still that one in Blackhot City, he must have hated the one who covered the truth. He couldn't wait to tell everyone about the truth. However, he became an important member of the community of interest who covered the truth. As a result, Zhang Tie felt blue at once.

O'Laura who always hid herself and was not good at peeping into others' inner hearts, she didn't find Zhang Tie's changing mood. However, Sabrina, on Zhang Tie's side, glanced at him after hearing his low voice.


"Defeat the demons; fight for our relatives; rejuvenate Eschyle City..."

"Defeat the demons; fight for our relatives; rejuvenate Eschyle City..."

Numerous residents of Eschyle City had been full of hatred and spirit by the last words of Elder Rodolfo. Therefore, they started to shout slogans loudly.

When the slogans declined, Elder Rodolfo opened his mouth once again in another affectionate and solemn tone.

"Hundreds of years ago, Elzida, the greatest prophet and Pontiff of Slavs left a prophecy that a great figure would lead all the Slavs in Ice and Snow Wilderness to prosperity and magnificence!"

"One month ago, out of the plot of the demons and their lackeys, all the soldiers of the eastern tribes alliance and tens of thousands of pioneers were trapped in the underground relics ruins of Haidela Glacier Crack. When everyone ran out of ammunition and grains and was going to fight each other for the limited water resources out of despair, this person appeared. He manifested the God's will for many times. He let the sweet spring flow out of the kettle and cured the wounds of soldiers immediately; he even led over 100,000 despairing people out of the underground world..."

"Pontiff Sarlin of the huge bear tribe knew his arrival and confirmed his identity. Therefore, he led 100,000 soldiers of the huge bear tribe towards Haidela Glacier Crack to welcome him. This man opened the key box left by Elzida!"

"Several days ago, people in Eschyle City appeared to be in a great trouble. He led Thor's Hammer to break through the safe roads in Eschyle City, allowing numerous residents to escape out of the dangerous place. On November 12th, he rushed ahead of his army of the huge bear tribe and those young adults to eliminate hundreds of thousands of demonized puppets in Eschyle City.

"He is the first clan elder of the huge bear tribe and the very hero who saved Eschyle City out of the demons' plot. From today on, our Spencer clan will follow the expectation and will of Elzida, our great prophet. In order to realize the rejuvenation of the entire Slavic race, we will hand over Eschyle City to this person. From today on, this man becomes the patron and ruler of Eschyle City!"

"This man is standing behind me. I think all the people in Eschyle City have already heard about his name. Right, he is Peter Hamplester!" after saying that, Elder Rodolfo moved aside.

Those people down there surged, agitated and swarmed; however, they were blocked out of the cordon by the strong warriors of the huge bear tribe.

Under the gaze of everyone, Zhang Tie slowly walked forward.

Zhang Tie silently glanced at the dense population, then the biggest alchemist equipment under his feet, which was a loudspeaker made by alchemists.

In Zhang Tie's glance, the crowd gradually became quiet. Everyone was staring at him and waiting for him to say something.

After a long while, Zhang Tie raised his head, "Actually, I don't want to stand here at this moment! If I could save the 1.37 million people, I prefer to abdicate. "

After hearing Zhang Tie's words, everyone became silent when Zhang Tie's voice spread to the distance and resonated in the wild.

"I was pushed here to stand on this huge alchemist equipment which is more expensive than the same volume of gold of the people, the hope, the responsibilities and the force behind me.

"Before coming to Ice and Snow Wilderness, I've not imagined that I could stand here. I wonder if it's my fate to stand here. The so-called fate is the most illusory and marvelous trace in the maze of time and space. Even if Elzida was also just a passerby on this trace. He came, saw and left something; then he was gone..."

"Elder Rodolfo said that I was the very person who led Slavs onto the brilliant road. I don't agree with him. Due to his respect for Elzida, he believed that the prophecy left by the great prophet and pontiff must have a magic, which would send everything back onto the brightest track. However, what could push the fate of the Slavic race back onto that bright track? Nothing. I tell you. Nothing could do that. Neither do I nor others have such an ability. Even the Almighty God doesn't have such an ability!"

"Do you want to know what Elzida left to us in the key box? That's a letter. On the letter, Elzida told me that he saw the destiny of Slavs in the third holy war between humans and demons. In the future, the last Slav would be killed by the army of demons in Ice and Snow Wilderness. Like those human races disappeared in the former two holy wars between humans and demons, all the Slavs would be killed in the 3rd holy war!"

Zhang Tie said calmly. However, the contents of his words shocked everybody at present like a lightning bolt. Not only those common residents of Eschyle City, even the elders of the huge bear tribe and Spencer clan behind Zhang Tie had changed their faces. Those standing behind Zhang Tie moved their eyes onto Pontiff Sarlin, whose look made their heart pound.

At this moment, Pontiff Sarlin lowered his head and became silent.

"Elzida saw your fate; however, he could not see my fate. He only knew that I would arrive in Ice and Snow Wilderness at a certain time. Therefore, he shouldered me the responsibility for your lives in that prophecy. He expected me to change the fate of the entire Slav race using my unknown fate. He requested me to bring hope to the rejuvenation of Slavs at the most dangerous moment. Because of this reason, he left the huge bear tribe to me and made me the leader and clan elder of the huge bear tribe!"

"The fate of each Slav is not a brilliant avenue, but a mysterious road interwoven between death and unknowns. I'm not born to be dignified. Neither do I know whether I would be used to tell a lie. I don't want to lie to you here. I only want to tell you the fact that I don't know how to lead you to the brilliant road; I'm even not sure whether I can save you in the future. I can only tell you that the third holy war between humans and demons is very close. Next year, the 3rd holy war would break out in an all round manner. This war would be even crueler than the former two holy wars. Nobody could escape from it. The battle fire of the coming holy war would cover the ground, the sky and the oceans. Hundreds of millions of living beings would die in the war."

"If the army of demons truly arrive at Ice and Snow Wilderness one day, in front of the 1.37 million souls here, I promise you that I will accompany you to the end as long as the last Slavic fighter who's loyal to me is fighting on this ground!"

"Meanwhile, I will also tell the other tribes in Ice and Snow Wilderness and those who are watching me in a terrifying way, the huge bear tribe and the iron bear tribe will keep the current situation. We will prepare for the coming holy war; however, we won't allow Slavs to slack Slavs. When the holy war is coming, any war between tribes in Ice and Snow Wilderness would be a betrayal to the whole Slavic race!"

"This is all I want to say!"

"Wish the dead to rest in peace; wish the alive ones to prepare well for the coming holy war!"

After saying this, Zhang Tie turned around and bowed towards that monument...

When Zhang Tie watched the ground, he recalled the bloody words on the wall of Pears' basement once again.

——The demonized puppets in Eschyle City are set to mature at the beginning of the next February.

After combining with the key information that Zhang Tie had obtained in Heavens Cold City, Zhang Tie knew that the holy war would arrive in next February. This meant they only had at most 3 months to prepare...

"I have to go back to Blackhot City and help my friends out of there..."

Chapter 499: Preparation

Translator: WQL Editor: KLKL

Of course, Zhang Tie was serious about the preparation for the coming holy war. On the second noon since the Eschyle Victim Cemetery was founded, the five elders of huge bear tribe and Spencer clan sat together with Zhang Tie and started to discuss officially about how to respond to the coming holy war.

What Zhang Tie said yesterday outside Eschyle City not only shocked common people but also 4 of the 5 elders who were sitting on Zhang Tie's sides. Elder Sarlin was the only one who stayed calm.

This conference was held in a manor of Spencer clan outside Eschyle City. After leaving the cemetery, they arrived here.

This place was once the vacation center of the clan elder of Spencer clan. But it became Zhang Tie's sanatorium now.

Superb white pine wood floor and the ceiling lamp of a pile of class-IV pyramid crystals made this place low-key and luxurious. In winter, the superb white pine wood floor would radiate a wild pale fragrance of pine needles. As long as you sniffed it, you would feel relaxed compeletly. However, the crystal ceiling lamp above their heads formed a special natural energy which filled the room with a pleasant and energetic environment.

Zhang Tie admitted that the former ruler of Eschyle City really enjoyed his life.it would take them at least 10,000 gold coins for the layout of this average-look room.

This morning, Zhang Tie made an investigation about huge industries of Spencer clan in Eschyle City by car. Yesterday, the ownership of all the properties of Spencer clan in Eschyle city had been officially transferred to Zhang Tie.

Under the supervision of some influential figures in huge bear tribe, wild bear tribe and Eschyle City, Zhang Tie, Elder Rodolfo, Elder Turin, Elder Gouras, Elder Toles and Pontiff Sarlin respectively signed their name on a document, which represented that Zhang Tie, Spencer clan and huge bear tribe officially confirmed his ownership, position and the right of succession of this city in the future, etc..

Spencer clan transferred 75% of the whole Eschyle City and its ownership of clan industries to "Peter Hamplester", namely Zhang Tie. Spencer clan only kept 25% of its ownership to its clan industries.

In future, the above ownership and property of Spencer clan that Zhang Tie owned would be succeeded by a kid between Zhang Tie and a Spencer woman. That kid would also be the clan elder of Spencer clan in the future.

All the elders of huge bear tribe agreed with the document.

In a sense, this was only a symbolic document, especially for the top decision makers of two tribes. However, sometimes, such a symbol was unnecessary as those words on white papers could make people reassured and reduce a lot of troubles.

After signing that document, Elder Rodolfo read a book like an account book for more than 10 minutes when Zhang Tie finally understood what did it mean by 75% of the properties of Spencer clan.

Eschyle City alone would have over 2.8 million gold coins of tax revenue and over 1.7 million gold coins of property fee and wharf annuity a year.

Moreover, Spencer clan also had dozens of business groups and commercial firms, hundreds of factories and workshops, dozens of manors and farmlands and thousands of square meters of land of different exploitable value and more than 10 mines...

Zhang Tie felt confused after listening to them.

"You tell me, how much can I use each year and how many people can I mobilize?" Finally, Zhang Tie had to interrupt Elder Rodolfo.

"Except for the expenditures and accumulations for the normal operation of Eschyle City and Spencer industries, 7.8 million gold coins and over 13.4 million people are available each year. Except for the organs of violence like city guards and policemen, 1.26 million people are employed by you in various industries. After the policemen and city guards are re-organized, you have 250,000 city guards and over 40,000 policemen. All the others would follow your order."

Zhang Tie finally understood. He only remembered two figures, 7.8 million gold coins and over 1.5 million people that could be mobilized by him. The two figures were great. After having the people and resources of Eschyle City and Spencer clan, Zhang Tie genuinely felt the great power of a bear tribe in Ice and Snow Wilderness.

In order to deepen his impression on these things, Zhang Tie especially took a round in Eschyle City this morning.

Zhang Tie paid special attention to three places, Eschyle Steel Plant, Iron Bear Steam Power Corporation and North Wind Shipyard. All of them belonged to Zhang Tie now.

The three companies were the most important industrial enterprises under the affiliation of Spencer clan. Except for Iron Bear Steam Power Corporation which was located in Eschyle City, the other two companies were in an industrial park area called Spias Gulf 30 km away in the east of Eschyle City, where gathered most of industrial enterprises of Eschyle City.

The main products of Iron Bear Steam Power Company were some locomobiles whose power ranged from 5 horsepower to 100 horsepower.

In this age, locomobiles which connected steam engine with boiler was almost human's best friend. This machine could play a great role in rural areas, cities or plants. As long as it was connected with the proper equipment, it would be used to irrigate farmlands, saw wood, mill rice, drill well, extract oil, thresh, build roads, process and forge machine. Its steam exhaust could also be used to dry, evaporate and warm up as a heat source.

Locomobiles could be fed with both firewood and coal. Besides a heavy weight and a slow start-up speed, this was one of the most perfect machine that humans could produce in this age.

The locomobiles produced by Iron Bear Steam Power Corporation were famous across Ice and Snow Wilderness. One or two locomobiles could always be seen in tribe agglomerations. Even in Kurgan village, Zhang Tie had also seen a small low-speed 5-horsepower locomobile. The machine was used to drill well in Kurgan village.

Iron Bear Steam Power Corporation produced about 3000 sets of various locomobiles a year, which were mainly sold in Ice and Snow Wilderness; few of them were sold to Ewentra Archipelago. Those average buses in Eschyle City were also produced by this company. However, they could only produce a limited number of buses.

The Eschyle Steel Plant could produce 280,000 tons of steel a year as the largest and only steel producer in Ice and Snow Wilderness.

The Eschyle Steel Plant was supported by an iron mine over 40 km away in the east of Spias Gulf which covered about 15-16 square kilometers. This iron mine area contained 940 million tons of high-quality open-air iron ore, which were easily exploited. There was a coal mine about 210 km away in the north of Eschyle City. It contained above 2 billion tons of coal, which was enough to support the demand for coal of the steel industry in Eschyle City.

Of course, the coal mine and iron mine both belonged to Zhang Tie.

Each year, North Wind Shipyard would consume about half of the total production of steel products in Eschyle City. This shipyard was much bigger than the Milky Way Shipyard of Zhang Tie's grandpa in Golden Sea City. It was already able to build huge steamers of tens of thousands of tons. Whereas, being restricted by the poor industrial development across Ice and Snow Wilderness from various reasons, North Wind Shipyard and Eschyle City didn't have the ability to build key equipment for steam turbine of large ships. North Wind Shipyard purchased the key parts of steam turbines from Gantyadu Island and assembled them on Eschyle City.

This was the Eschyle City in Zhang Tie's eyes and the overall industrial development situation across Ice and Snow Wilderness. According to Zhang Tie's knowledge, due to extremely rigid living environment and the scarcity of various materials, life styles of tribes across Ice and Snow Wilderness were divided into three categories, 1/3 for farming work, 1/3 for nomadism and 1/3 for hunting.

Each bear tribe in Ice and Snow Wilderness had their fixed territory. They lived a relatively poor life in their own territory. Except for bear tribe in Eschyle City, almost no other tribe had a well-developed industrial system.

Facing such a situation, Zhang Tie felt pretty frustrated. For Zhang Tie who grew up from Blackhot City, he clearly knew about the importance of steam and steel to human living and prosperity. It could be said that without steam and steel industries, people would never sustain to the end in the former two holy wars between humans and demons.

Xiphodons were fierce; cavalries that rode xiphodons were also tough men and powerful fighters; however, neither could each one have an xiphodon, nor be a fighter above LV 6. For most of commoners, if they could drive a high-performance steam tank or armored vehicle towards a demon, they would not play a weaker role than xiphodon cavalries on the battle field...

"It's the most reliable and effective way for us to face the threat from demons by using steel and steam. I wonder how the industry of Eschyle City and huge bear tribe would develop?" Zhang Tie determined the theme——To Respond to the 3rd Holy War between Humans and Demons through Industrialization at the beginning of the conference...

Chapter 500: Industrialization

Translator: WQL Editor: KLKL

"Costari Plain where huge bear tribe lacks major steel and coal resources which are necessary for industrialization. There's no major coal mine and iron mine across Ice and Snow Wilderness except for the coal mine and the iron mine near Eschyle City!"

Elder Gouras who was responsible for civil affairs in Ice and Snow Wilderness opened his mouth after being silent for a while.

"There's no major coal mine and iron mine in other places of Ice and Snow Wilderness?" Zhang Tie felt unbelievable about this. From the map, Ice and Snow Wilderness occupied more than 20 million square kilometers. Previously he only thought that the weather here was worse. Unexpectedly, it also lacked natural resources.

"There are resources. However, we cannot exploit them. Due to the very severe climate and living conditions, many resources could not be exploited in a large scale. Take the Fire Dragon Coal Mine outside Eschyle City as an instance. We need at least 70,000 miners to exploit such a coal mine. It's easy to feed such a great number of people near Eschyle City; however, if they were dispatched to the wilderness in the north of Eschyle City, a bear tribe might be dragged down. This is equal to supplying an guerrilla of 70,000 soldiers all the year round. It requires a very terrifying daily expenditure which is far more than the value created by these workers." Elder Gouras added.

"Large-scale industrial development has to depend on sufficient population. However, people have to survive on enough grains and suitable living conditions. Workers need to get married and live. It's impossible for them to exploit ores constantly. What's more, Ice and Snow Wilderness severely lacks grains and suitable living conditions. When each tribe chooses their living territory, they have to solve the food problem firstly, instead of directly choosing a place with ores. Only when everyone is full could tribes attempt to find and exploit some ores so as to meet their basic demand. However, they dare not exploit too much ores considering the cost. "

"Whether it was experience from the development of human society before the Catastrophe or the objective conclusion in this age, over 40 million population is the priority for a country or region to complete industrialization. However, even though huge bear tribe has the most population among all the tribes in Ice and Snow Wilderness, we only have less than 20 million people. Such population could hardly complete industrialization in Ice and Snow Wilderness."

Zhang Tie rubbed his forehead as he had to face the reality, "You mean we could only depend on the coal mine and the iron mine near Eschyle City based on the current condition?"

"That's true. Before these fundamental living conditions in Ice and Snow wilderness are improved and enough grains could be produced to meet the basic demand of people, we have to maximize the use of the current resources!" Elder Rodolfo answered.

After thinking for a short while, Zhang Tie said, "However, less than 300,000 tons of irons a year is too low for Eschyle Iron Plant. What's the highest capacity of Eschyle Steel Plant?"

"Its highest capacity could reached above 2 million tons. Previously, as there was no such a market and demand in Ice and Snow Wilderness, each tribe could almost solve their own demand about steel. Therefore, we didn't expand our capacity. Additionally, it requires a lot of money for expansion of capacity. If we want to expand the capacity of Eschyle Steel Plant, we have to expand the mining scale of the coal mine and the iron mine outside the city! Besides money, we also need a lot of workers and technicians to ensure the smooth operation of the steel plant!"

"Don't worry about money. Get people to make the plan first. We will make further plan after knowing the demand!" Zhang Tie glanced at the elders, "My principle is that I would not spend any cent of the 7 million gold coins per year in Eschyle City, neither would I spend them in other places outside Ice and Snow Wilderness. We will spend all these money in the preparing for the coming holy war. We will use them to lay the foundation of huge bear tribe and wild bear tribe!"

All the elders nodded inside.

"Now that, we will soon start to expand and optimize the capacity of Eschyle Steel Plant. This might take us about 2 years and over 10 million gold coins..."

"Even if it's completed a bit late, it's always better than the current situation! This is just the prior program. I will spend my money in such a place at first. However, if we want to play the role of steel and steam, it's not enough to just increase the steel capacity. What's more, we need to turn steel into something and put them in certain places so as to enhance our strength to the utmost. Now I want to ask you about a key question. where about do you think the demons would arrive here, if possible, sky, sea, above ground or underground? I heard about some answers about this, but I still want to confirm."

"From sea, for sure!" Elder Toles confirmed while the other elders nodded, "The geological position of Ice and Snow Wilderness is very special. The deepest place under Ice and Snow Wilderness is full of lava. Therefore, demons would never enter here from underground. We have demon north wind belt in the sky which would isolate all the airships. Ice and Snow Wilderness is adjacent to sea in three directions. Only our north is an Ice-Capped Continent. Ice-Capped Continent is a vast depopulated zone, which is hundreds of times bigger than the entire Blackson Humans Corridor. Many places in Ice-Capped Continent have extreme climates. Most areas of Ice-Capped Continent are below 50 Celsius degrees and suffer from ice storm in the evening. Even though knights might not come back alive if they deepen into the Ice-Capped Continent, not to mention major troops. Therefore, demon troops have to come here by sea!"

"If demons are doomed to come over here by sea, we have to do something to stop them. After expanding Eschyle Steel Plant, we need to expand the capacity of North Wind Shipyard too. The North Wind Shipyard cannot produce steam turbine now. We cannot just import steam turbine. When demons arrive here by sea, we will not be able to import any thing any more. Therefore, I think we need to learn the technology by spending money, inviting people or directly moving the factory of steam turbine from Gantyadu Island to Ice and Snow Wilderness. Steam turbine is the most sophisticated steam power equipment. As long as we get this technology, we will improve the overall technology strength of Eschyle City greatly!"

"I have some friends in Gantyadu Island. I will go there in a couple of days. I will bring back the equipment and technicians of steam turbines!" Elder Turin talked in a calm way like it was very easy.

"Didn't Spencer clan want to master this technology before?" Zhang Tie asked.

"The relationship between us and Ewentra Archipelago is very special. Most of the big clans and business groups in that island are our business partners. Whereas, they are also worried about suffering a loss firstly if we want to leave Ice and Snow Wilderness one day; therefore, they keep the key technology for manufacturing huge ships. There's even a confidential agreement among those great powers and big clans who have great sea power in Ewentra Archipelago. The moment Spencer clan or Slavic armored fleet pass by Oro Strait, they would join hands with each other to eliminate this fleet. Therefore, in order to avoid stimulating them excessively, Spencer clan always purchases steam turbine from them. Although we could obtain the manufacturing technology and equipment of steam turbine through other channels. They also know that we are compromising to them. Therefore, they always sell the products to us at a relatively reasonable price, which is even cheaper than that we can produce, if possible." Elder Rodolfo answered Zhang Tie.

However it would be different now. The 3rd holy war between humans and demons were urgent while demons and their lackeys were growing rampant. Additionally, Spencer clan were sharply weakened. As long as those people were normal, they would never believe that Eschyle City would fight them with armored fleet. Furthermore, although the technology of steam turbine was expensive, it was not unreachable, neither it was a patent. It could be produced in many countries. Now that Elder Turin had promised, this problem would be solved for sure.

In the following minutes, Zhang Tie made his 3rd decision, sending everyone at present in silence.

Zhang Tie wanted to build a railway from Eschyle City to Costari Plain, which penetrated through the entire Ice and Snow Wilderness from south to north. The railway was over 9000 km in length, the two ends of which were respectively linked with huge bear tribe and iron bear tribe. Besides, the railway would connect too many small and medium-sized tribes.

This was Zhang Tie's real plan, which he named as——Tribal Axis!

The moment the elders heard about this ambitious plan, they had been shocked.

"It requires at least 50 million gold coins to build such a railway!" Elder Rodolfo swallowed his saliva, " It's too hard to support such a plan by huge bear tribe and wild bear tribe!"

Zhang Tie smiled, "Don't worry. The two tribes don't need to pay a single cent!"

Hearing Zhang Tie's words, the others glanced at him with a dubious look, 'It's impossible even by the God's will...'

Chapter 501: The Tribal Axis Plan

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Zhang Tie was not bragging. He indeed didn't need the huge bear tribe and Eschyle City to spend even a cent in building the tribal axis.

The greatest ability that Zhang Tie mastered in Donder's grocery store in the past years was that he understood customers' mentality and could sell the items in the counter to the customers in their favorite ways.

Zhang Tie thought he was a small figure as he grew up with small figures. Therefore, he knew how did small figures think.

The core of the Tribal Axis Plan that really aroused the attention of small figures was not the railway, the tribe or its prospect but Ice and Snow Wilderness.

In the eyes of many big figures and rich men, Ice and Snow Wilderness was nothing attractive at all. They ignored such a place. Even if they felt Ice and Snow Wilderness was attractive, it must be because of some chances here that could bring money or reputation to them, instead of Ice and Snow Wilderness itself. Additionally, this place was barren and full of savage Slav aboriginals. There was only one city across Ice and Snow Wilderness. When it was winter, people could even be frozen to death. Nothing else was attractive!

From the perspective of small figures, Zhang Tie saw the potential value of Ice and Snow Wilderness. When the 3rd holy war between humans and demons broke out, if demon troops were irresistible, Ice and Snow Wilderness would be the last place across Blackson Humans Corridor that demons could break in.

Before occupying all the continental countries, demons would not be able to start a expedition towards Ice and Snow Wilderness by sea. This implied the great value of Ice and Snow Wilderness. This would be the last fortress of Blackson Humans Corridor. The sea, the Ice-Capped Continent and the wuthering demon north wind belt formed the best natural chasms for demons.

When demons arrived, big figures and rich men would escape to foreign countries and Western Continent, even Eastern Continent by airship. How about small figures? Do they have the condition, the ability and the capital to escape away like this? Impossible! This is the real portrayal before each catastrophe. All the big figures would escape away, leaving small figures to taste the bitterness of the catastrophe with tears and blood.

Zhang Tie planned to provide an opportunity for those small figures of Blackson Humans Corridor using the Tribal Axis Plan within their ability.

The Tribal Axis Plan was a financing plan towards these big figures. Zhang Tie decided to organize a railway corporation for the Tribal Axis Plan. The railway corporation would deliver 3 million shares, subscription amount of each share was 40 gold coins. These shares would be sold to the commoners in those countries across Blackson Humans Corridor, instead of in Ice and Snow Wilderness. With each share of the Tribal Axis, one could not only enjoy the bonus of the railway corporation but also have a right to take another two people to Ice and Snow Wilderness; additionally, he or she would be entitled to settle down and live within 50 km of the new railway.

This was not only the shares of the railway corporation, the certificate of the shareholders and bonus but also the right to migrate and settle down in Ice and Snow Wilderness.

"If I was still that small figure in Blackhot City, if my parents don't have Huaiyuan Palace on their back, if there's a place that has been confirmed as the last shelter of humans in the coming holy war between humans and demons and it only takes you 40 gold coins to enter it, what would my parents do?"

Zhang Tie was sure that his parents would buy one ticket no matter how difficult it was so as to keep him and his elder brother alive till the end.

"Not only me, if there's truly such a ticket, even average families like that of Bagdad, Leit, Hista would try their best to buy one ticket for their kids. As Barley's home is rich, if they have to escape, his dad might transfer him to a safer place; however, if his dad could prepare one more safer place for Barley only at cost of 40 gold coins, I'm afraid that he would immediately spend 40 gold coins without a frown."

The bonus of the shares could eliminate the last concern of most average families. Even if they could not find a job in a few days and had no income, they could also have one more guarantee through the bonus of the railway corporation. Additionally, railway, a product of industrial civilization, would also reduce their strangeness and fright about Ice and Snow Wilderness.

This was the biggest desire of most of commoners before the arrival of the catastrophe——to have a shelter and survive there.

The shares could rightly meet the demand of commoners. Zhang Tie considered the very details of commoners' mentality.

40 gold coins could be afforded by most of the medium-class families across Blackson Humans Corridor. It was neither too much nor too little. It could allow commoners to find the last shelter on Blackson Humans Corridor.

When the 3rd holy war arrived, compared to the miserable loss caused by demons, the poor living standard in Ice and Snow Wilderness was acceptable. After experiencing the cruelty of war and witnessing the catastrophe in Heavens Cold City and Eschyle City, Zhang Tie was sure that as long as there was no flame of war, it would be the paradise.

Among 900 million population across Blackson Humans Corridor, even if 1/100 of them wanted to hide in Ice and Snow Wilderness, it indicated 9 million people. Therefore, it would be no problem to deliver the shares of the Tribal Axis Plan.

Of course, Eschyle City and the huge bear tribe had no ability and channels to deliver such shares; however, Golden Roc Bank had.


In the evening, Zhang Tie was interpreting his Tribal Axis Plan to O'Laura calmly while lying in a hot spring pool in a hidden yard of this manor...

This yard was surrounded by rockeries and white pines. It looked very serene. Well-designed crystal fluorite lamps were inlaid below the roadside parterre of pebbles, revealing a pale green light and making this place dimmer and serener.

The hot spring was steaming. The temperature was proper. However, it was snowing heavily. Zhang Tie was lying on a smooth stone, only exposing his head and shoulders. O'Laura in a gauze skirt was making physical rehabilitation massage carefully for Zhang Tie on his back.

After using a vial of senior recovery medicament, plus Zhang Tie's abnormal preliminary recovery ability, Zhang Tie had almost recovered only after 4-5 days. Many smaller wounds of the total 100-odd wounds had disappeared exposing light red skin on some bigger wounds.

O'Laura kept massaging the muscle tissues around his wounds and the joints tenderly with her slim fingers. As a LV 10 strong fighter, O'Laura, who was very familiar with human body, knew how to help a fighter recover his wounds as soon as possible better than commoners.

At this moment, in this scene, when enjoying the delicate and tender massage of a cold and brilliant beauty, Zhang Tie felt being in the paradise.

After hearing that Zhang Tie prepared to entrust Golden Roc Bank to deliver 3 million shares for him, O'Laura behind him stopped her movement. 3 million multiplied by 40 was an astronomical figure, which had been out of O'Laura's comprehension.

"How much it that?"

"120 million gold coins in total. After deducting a part of the distribution fee, we can still raise about 110 million gold coins!" Zhang Tie signed satisfactorily. Until then did he truly understand what Donder meant by a person's ability to accomplish the most important integration and utilization of resources at a certain position. This Tribal Axis Plan was an integration of resources by hand. In this plan, he integrated Eschyle City, Spencer clan, the huge bear tribe, his current status, even the changing situation facing Ice and Snow Wilderness and continents.

If someone told him that he could fulfill an investment plan of above 100 million gold coins a year ago or even months ago, Zhang Tie would never believe in it. That amount of money could kill him for one hundred times. However, this time, Zhang Tie had a strong sense of pride. He didn't disguise as a scum father using the functions of Castle of Black Iron and Heller's help or made a success with the help of others, clan or reliance; instead, he integrated and utilized his resources by hand using his own intelligence and ability.

He knew what commoners and small figures thought about. Therefore, he provided a satisfactory commodity and service for commoners and small figures. This was a multi-win plan which would benefit himself, the huge bear tribe, Eschyle City, even numerous commoners.

For Zhang Tie, this plan was more important than jumping into the ruins of Iron Bear Castle from airship. He felt that he could realize a sublimation in this plan.

"Can you further implement this plan if the other bear tribes in Ice and Snow Wilderness also entrust Golden Roc Bank to deliver such a stock?" O'Laura asked.

"When entrusting Golden Roc Bank to do this, I will let them fulfill exclusive commercial codes. That is to say, nobody else is allowed to do the same thing in my mode in Ice and Snow Wilderness without my consent!"

"Whom will the railway belong to in the future, those shareholders?" O'Laura asked as she was unfamiliar with this sophisticated commercial mode.

"Nominally, it belongs to them. They occupy most of shares of railway corporation; however, they only have the right to share the bonus; they have no right to make operating decisions. Therefore, the railway corporation is actually my individual property being independent of the huge bear tribe and Eschyle City!"

"How come that be? You've not paid for that!"

Zhang Tie revealed a smile as he turned over his body, "As the initiator, I am investing in my invisible assets such as my intelligence, ability, human relationship and my integrated resources. I don't have to pay for it. Therefore, I could have the majority ownership of the railway corporation by having a great proportion of shares as an initiator. It would be no problem as long as I'm not too excessive!"

"This is not snatching a white wolf with empty hands. This is a normal commercial game rule in the outside!" Zhang Tie stared at the plump "white rabbits" behind the gauze and the looming area below her lower abdomen as he felt thirsty and silently swallowed his saliva, "Come on, I've not recovered here, please massage here in another way!"

"How!" O'Laura asked seriously as she didn't recognize Zhang Tie's trick.

"Like this..." Zhang Tie pulled over O'Laura immediately.

"Argh..." O'Laura exclaimed...


Two hours later, six Spencer women appeared beside the foggy hot spring pool in semi-transparent gauze. Seeing the rhythm ripples, the six women's faces turned red. Finally, they walked in the pool slowly and elegantly while gritting their teeth...

Chapter 502: Leaving the Ice and Snow Wilderness

Translator: WQL Editor: KLKL

On November 18th, all the representatives of the bear tribes across Ice and Snow Wilderness converged in Eschyle City. They signed the Eschyle Declaration, which symbolized the arrival of a truly peaceful time among Slavic tribes across Ice and Snow Wilderness before the third holy war between humans and demons.

Since the signing day of the Eschyle Declaration, all wars between Slavic tribes were forbidden in Ice and Snow Wilderness. Any military action involving over 50 participants targeted at another tribe, ranging from the minimal rat tribes to the most powerful bear tribes, would be severely punished by bear tribes who had already signed the Escyle Declaration.

Although the Eschyle Declaration could not eradicate all the conflicts in Ice and Snow Wilderness, it could minimize the destruction caused by those conflicts. As long as bear tribes could remain in peace, the entire Ice and Snow Wilderness would not break out in huge turmoil. Additionally, the conflicts between small tribes could remain on a very small scale.

As he knew what other bear tribes within Ice and Snow Wilderness were concerned about, Zhang Tie posed such a plan which could make everyone feel reassured. Thus, all the representatives of fire bear tribe, wild bear tribe, mountain bear tribe, sea bear tribe, black bear tribe and demon bear tribe, who'd come from afar, signed the Eschyle Declaration at once. For those tribes, as long as the huge bear tribe and iron bear tribe didn't plan on unifying the entire Ice and Snow Wilderness and all the Slavs, they would let out a sigh of relief.

The representatives and teams of the six tribes entered Eschyle City on November 17th. In a sense, this was like an alliance. Before arriving at Eschyle City, the representatives of these tribes had already heard of Zhang Tie's speech at the Eschyle Victim Cemetery and became much more reassured. After signing this Eschyle Declaration, they became completely relaxed.

Although some fierce and powerful people tended to always treat a signed agreement as a piece of waste paper, now that Zhang Tie had made such a public declaration and had signed such a solemn agreement, unless he wanted to have his credit declined across Ice and Snow Wilderness, the effect of this declaration would be guaranteed.

Additionally, after witnessing the casualties of over one million people, even the most radical Calvinism Slavs in huge bear tribe had become quiet. They knew that the biggest crisis facing the Slavs was not the tensions between tribes, but the coming holy war between humans and demons.

After the signing of the Eschyle Declaration and the news about the first railway in Ice and Snow Wilderness was exposed to the public, Zhang Tie's reputation rose to a new height. Although many people were still doubtful that Zhang Tie had the capital and ability to build such a railway in Ice and Snow Wilderness, now that the news was exposed they were always inspired.

Everyone was clear about the benefits of a railway, especially a railway that could penetrate through the north and south of the entire Ice and Snow Wilderness. If this railway was truly built, it would have an immeasurable effect in aiding Eschyle City's foreign trade.

In a few days, although the distress caused by the catastrophe in Eschyle City had not completely faded away, the Eschyle Declaration and the Tribal Axis Plan posed by Zhang Tie had brought a wisp of brilliance and hope back to the people. Therefore, the whole city gradually recovered its vitality.

The destroyed buildings and blocks started to be cleaned.

The schools, especially polytechnics in Eschyle City, started to expand and recruit students who were not talented as fighters.

Police stations and city guards of Eschyle City started to recruit freshmen and carry out rehabilitation training.

Although the capital for the railway was not in place yet, at Zhang Tie's order the engineers for early prospecting and preliminary designing of the railway, recruited by the foreign agency of Spencer clan, had already boarded on ships headed for Ice and Snow Wilderness.

The large-scale expansion plan of Eschyle Steel Plant and its supporting programs and facilities had started.

The blueprint plan of the entire Spias Gulf Industrial Area made every industrial worker in Eschyle City spirited as the area of Spias Gulf might reach above 100 square kilometers in the future.


On November 18th, after confirming that Zhang Tie had fully recovered, O'Laura left Eschyle City and returned to grey eagle tribe. As the clan elder, she had to shoulder many responsibilities for the rise or fall of grey eagle tribe.

O'Laura was both proud and independent. She'd come to Eschyle City for Zhang Tie, and she'd left Eschyle City also because of Zhang Tie. She didn't yield to Zhang Tie too much because of Zhang Tie's changing status. She even disdained to use Zhang Tie's money.

When O'Laura left, Zhang Tie went with her over 50 kilometers away from Eschyle City by xiphodon. Additionally, Zhang Tie gifted her two xiphodons, one for her and one for Setton, and two bags of seeds, one of buckthorn seeds and one of potatoes.

Several days ago, the potatoes that Zhang Tie had planted in Castle of Black Iron finally completed their first mutation and evolution. The new potatoes not only produced a greater harvest, but also had a greater ability to resist drought and cold. Zhang Tie had Heller accelerate the ripening of some of these new kinds of potatoes in Castle of Black Iron and gave them to O'Laura.

After kissing Zhang Tie, O'Laura left.


On the second day after the Eschyle Declaration was issued, Zhang Tie finished negotiating the stock financing issuing program of the Tribal Axis Plan with Xu Tao, the manager of Golden Roc Bank, in a parlor of the Rose Manor by signing an official cooperation document.

The issuing fee of Golden Roc Bank was five percent, which meant they would ask for two gold coins for each share as payment. Therefore, the issuing cost of the shares of Tribal Axis Plan would reach 6 million gold coins. However, Zhang Tie had gained much more than that. If all the shares were sold, Zhang Tie would raise 14 million gold coins, which was an astronomical figure wherever in the world you were from.

Besides, the document included exclusive items, which meant that Golden Roc Bank would not undertake a similar business in Ice and Snow Wilderness without Zhang Tie's consent. That was to say, this business was Zhang Tie's patent.

As Zhang Tie's partner, Golden Roc Bank had another condition in the business of stock issuing—to ensure the reputation of Golden Roc Bank. Golden Roc Bank would dispatch its professional accountants to supervise the use of the raised funds so as to ensure that all the funds were applied in the Tribal Axis Plan in Ice and Snow Wilderness instead of being squandered. Of course, Zhang Tie agreed with this delightedly. Additionally, he even employed Golden Roc Bank as the financial counsellor of the Tribal Axis Plan.

Previously Zhang Tie didn't plan to use the raised funds in other places. Although it was an unimaginably huge amount of money, it garnered too many people's hopes and was going to be used to prepare for defending demons in the coming holy war. If this amount of money was squandered in other places, Zhang Tie felt that he had already surpassed his bottom line.

Each person had his or her own desires and ambitions. Gangsters wanted to occupy more streets; beggars wanted to occupy more rubbish dumps. Even Zhang Tie had his desires and ambitions. However, Zhang Tie's desires and ambitions were not that extreme. The great achievement brought by Ice and Snow Wilderness stimulated Zhang Tie's ambition too much. Therefore, Zhang Tie was very satisfied. If he needed money, Zhang Tie felt it would be more reassuring to use the money brought by his all-purpose medicament. As to the money from Spencer clan, Zhang Tie felt uncomfortable spending it.

Zhang Tie had once mocked himself, for it was a common disease among small figures like him to only dream about a well-off life. However, they only dreamed about being the richest one in the country.

If they had to do bad things for money, most of them would struggle inside.

"Lord, whether in the relics or Eschyle City, underground or above ground, your popularity and deeds win my sincere respect. It's the pleasure of Golden Roc Bank to serve you. After signing this document, you will be promoted to a top-end, golden star guest of our bank in Blackson Humans Corridor. You will be able to enjoy more private services!" Manager Xu expressed this sincerely as he shook hands with Zhang Tie after signing two agreements.

"Thanks for your appreciation. Actually, I'm just doing what I should do. I know what I can do and what I cannot do," Zhang Tie said modestly. This Chinese Golden Roc Bank was still very mysterious, as if it was covered with a veil in Zhang Tie's eyes. Meanwhile, the more he contacted this bank, the more unpredictable he would feel this bank was.

Even a manager of Golden Roc Bank in Eschyle City could be so calm, which really startled Zhang Tie.

"Thanks to you, our prospecting team survived the ruins and left safe and sound. We've not extended our thanks to you for that. We know that everything that you do in Eschyle City was to defend against the demons. Therefore, I want to present you with a gift!" Saying this, Manager Xu Tao glanced at a man by his side. That man then moved forward. He put one black suitcase on the table in front of Zhang Tie before moving several steps back politely.

"What's this?" Zhang Tie asked out of curiosity as he watched the suitcase.

"It contains the formulas and processing procedures of some high-performance alloys. Based on the capabilities of Eschyle Steel Plant, after some technical transformations, it will be able to produce these high-performance alloys. With such alloys, sabers and swords would be sharper, armor would be firmer, and machines and fleets would perform better."

Zhang Tie let out a slight sigh. He knew the formulas of alloys were very expensive wherever they were. In this age, such things were kept as A-class secrets of a country or a clan, and would never be exposed. Some big clans in Blackhot City had developed by mastering the formulas and processing procedures of some high-performance alloys at the beginning. As the Steel Plant in Eschyle City was weak in technical power, having these things would be able to make up for their shortcomings.

"Thank you so much. Ice and Snow Wilderness need these things urgently!" Zhang Tie shook Manager Xu's hands.

"If you need, we can freely provide you with the whole set of design maps for high-performance tanks, steam armored vehicles and over 100 large-scale military ships, which are suitable to the environment and territory of Ice and Snow Wilderness, as well as some experts and engineers in the relevant fields. These maps would weigh dozens of tons in total. Those military experts and engineers could teach you how to turn these maps into real objects."

"Yes, we need them, we need them too urgently!" Zhang Tie revealed a big smile. 'This is nothing other than being gifted with a pillow when one wants to go to bed. The steel of Eschyle Steel Plant is not useful unless it is turned into these objects!' Zhang Tie asked, "Can you tell me why you'd want to help me?"

"First, we extend our sincere thanks to you. Second, as a member of the human race, before the arrival of the holy war, we'd like to do our best to help you defend against the demons. Golden Roc Bank is not only an organization that focuses on money. Third, we believe that you can use these things reasonably!"

'Is this the legendary popularity bonus?' Zhang Tie was almost moved by himself.


Zhang Tie saw off Manager Xu Tao outside the door. After that, he returned to the parlor. Sitting on the sofa, he became stunned while gazing at that black leather suitcase.

After being moved by his own popularity for less than one second, Zhang Tie started to think about the motives behind why Golden Roc Bank would be doing this. This decision could never be made by a manager of Golden Roc Bank. This decision must have been done by higher management.

Gradually, Zhang Tie started to feel chilly. Golden Roc Bank had a good intention for doing this. What made Zhang Tie feel cold on the inside, though, was Golden Roc Bank's precise judgment about the overall situation of the continents. Only when Golden Roc Bank knew that all the countries on all the continents on the other side of the sea were going to be completely destroyed by demons would they decide it was meaningful to help him at such a high cost.

Although the six Spencer clan women had brought Zhang Tie a new understanding about dissolution these days, they helped Zhang Tie manage everything well in Eschyle City. Therefore, Zhang Tie felt a new recognition for the talent and abilities of Spencer women. However, Zhang Tie knew that he had to go back to Blackhot City as soon as possible. Otherwise it would be difficult to find his friends when the western continent became chaotic.


On November 21st, after arranging affairs in Ice and Snow Wilderness, Zhang Tie set out by sea. At Zhang Tie's request, two elders of Spencer clan and three elders of huge bear tribe followed him onto the 10,000-ton luxurious private cruise ship of Spencer clan.

The north wind howled on the sea, whipping up incessant huge waves. However, it did not feel bumpy on the cruise at all.

Hearing Zhang Tie's words, the elders gazed at the trivial buckthorn seeds and fresh potatoes on the two big plates in front of them. After Zhang Tie finished his words, the elders exchanged glances with each other silently.

"In short, I have to leave Ice and Snow Wilderness alone. When I solve my affair, I will come back. These are seeds. Don't ask me where I got them from. These seeds will be useful to Ice and Snow Wilderness. You will find out after planting them!"

"You are going to leave? We can arrange for a team of powerful fighters to accompany you!" Elder Toles said, "I can also accompany you!"

"No need. This is my personal affair. I will manage it myself!"

"Are you going to leave now?" Elder Rodolfo asked out of curiosity.

"That's right!"

"Do you want to go to Saint Herner Island on this ship?"

"No, I will swim to the continent and I won't stay on Saint Herner Island!"

'Swim? Can a man swim across Oro Strait and Demon North Wind Belt towards the continent tens of thousands of miles away?' Hearing Zhang Tie's reply, all the elders had odd expressions, like they'd just heard Zhang Tie was going to fly over there himself. If not for Zhang Tie's majesty and his extremely normal behaviour today, the elders would have really wanted to check whether Zhang Tie was getting a fever or not by touch his forehead.

"Well, I have to go now. I will come back when I have to!"

After these final words, Zhang Tie left at once.

Under the gazes of the elders, Zhang Tie jumped off the ship and disappeared in the vacant sea...

Chapter 503: Returning to Kalur

Translator: WQL Editor: KLKL

In Kalur, the city of machines, the first snow arrived several days later than in previous years. Nevertheless, after snowing for two days, the whole city was covered with a ten centimetre thick layer of snow.

The snow even impeded the normal operations of the railway leading to Kalur. Many factories in Kalur were also influenced as they failed to deliver their goods or receive their raw materials. Therefore, a great number of people started to clean snow in the streets and railway lines.

Only the large-scale airship center was uninfluenced as it was an airborne hub across Kalur. Even though it had heavily snowed at night, the ground crew still cleared the airship center with snow cleaners once every few hours. Therefore, while the roads and railway lines were severely impeded in winter, the airship center in Kalur became especially busy.

On December 25th, a medium-sized airship landed on runway number B06 in Kalur airship center. This airship was available for both passengers and freight, so it wasn't very comfortable. Goods were in the lower cabin while many common travellers were crowded in the upper cabin.

Noble travellers would always choose to ride dedicated passenger airships between Carol Federation and Kalur City, on which they could enjoy a high degree of comfort and the quality service of stewardesses. Those who took such airships could always engage in lots of love affairs. Therefore, few rich people would prefer to travel by an airship which was both available to passengers and freight. Instead, they all chose this professional passenger airship.

Most of the taxi drivers outside the airship center had sharp eyes. After seeing which airship had landed on runway B06, the taxi drivers just ignored the passengers. In their previous experiences, most of those who took the airship for both passengers and freight were as mean as Grandet [1]. These kinds of people would simply ignore the taxis, the starting rate of which was two silver coins. Even if one or two of them wanted to take a taxi, they would bargain sharply with the drivers for a few copper coins. This always made drivers doubt whether they had a decent job. Otherwise, how could they bargain with others for half an hour over a few copper coins?

In the indifferent eyes of a bunch of taxi drivers, Zhang Tie finally walked out of the hatch door of the cabin where he had been crowded in with so many people on chairs for the last few days.

Zhang Tie had already gone back to his original appearance at this moment.

After leaving Eschyle City, Zhang Tie stayed on an uninhabited island in the Ewentra Archipelago for a few days. During this period, he had digested nine huge wolf seven-strength fruits in Castle of Black Iron, he lit 21 surging points and officially became a LV 8 fighter. After that, he came to the continent. After seriously making a plan while on his travels, he hunted a kingsnake in an underground space of a small country called Bastille for two days. After gathering the soul fire of the LV 8 kingsnake, Zhang Tie finally completed his advancement.

After leaving Bastille, Zhang Tie moved westward and had arrived at Carol Federation a couple of days ago. After that, he came to Kalur City on the earliest airship.

Zhang Tie was wearing a set of common cotton linen clothes, which had wrinkled after sitting on the seats for a few days. Underneath that his upper garment was a shirt. He was lifting a common canvas backpack. This set of clothes didn't look so shabby previously. However, since it was winter and he didn't wear an overcoat or fur coat, he looked shabby.

After taking in a deep breath of chilly air, Zhang Tie revealed a smile. After that, he walked towards those taxis.

Amazingly, although he waved towards those taxis, he found he was ignored. After glancing at the passengers beside him who were surrounded by so many taxi drivers, Zhang Tie then glanced over his own clothes and the pair of slightly worn leather shoes. After that, he rubbed his nose, forcing a bitter smile and walked in front of the nearest taxi.

"Pah...Pah..." Zhang Tie slightly tapped on the glass of the mini bus. The driver, who was staying in the warm car, rolled down the window reluctantly and looked at Zhang Tie with a pair of unwilling eyes.

"The starting price is three silver coins!" The driver asked for one more silver coin from Zhang Tie in order to scare him away as soon as possible.

"No problem!" Zhang Tie smiled, "I will go to Blapei, is that okay?"

The driver became a bit hesitant. Meanwhile, his unwilling look disappeared. He replied with a slightly better attitude, "Blapei is over 100 kilometers away from here. It will take us more than 3 hours from here to Blapei. Additionally, I cannot get a guest on my way back from there. Therefore, the fee is very expensive. It will cost you at least...15 silver coins. No bargaining!"

"Fine, let's go!" saying this, Zhang Tie pulled open the rear door and threw himself in the back seat.

The driver turned around and watched Zhang Tie, "Erm...you need to pay me first!"

Zhang Tie then fumbled in his pocket for a short while before taking out a gold coin. He then flicked the gold coin to the driver. Catching it right away, the driver found it was the locomotive gold coin issued by Andaman Alliance. At the sight of this gold coin, the driver instantly became relaxed as he started the car.

Watching the strange city outside the window, Zhang Tie sighed inside slightly as he didn't know whether this city could be preserved in the coming holy war. Because he knew no one in this city, he headed directly for Blapei, from where he planned to set out for Blackhot City by train.

"Have you been here before? Andaman Alliance's gold coin is rarely seen here..." the driver started the conversation.

"I lived in Blackhot city before!"

"Alas, Blackhot City is a LV 4 city under the affiliation of Brunswick Province, Norman Empire. Our Andaman Alliance has been cancelled. All the cities have been separated except for Kalur!" The driver sighed with a nostalgic tone. After discovering that Zhang Tie was a resident within the Andaman Alliance, the driver's voice had become tenderer.

"We have to show our appreciation for that powerful alchemist of the Iron Gate Clan. The other cities are not that lucky!"


"How's Kalur now?"

"It's more boisterous than before. A great number of orders from Sun Dynasty and Norman Empire satisfy those mill owners so much!"

Through the talk with the taxi driver, Zhang Tie learned of many things that had happened in Kalur over the past year. Brilliance Feathers and Iron Horn Corps had retreated from the surroundings of Kalur city at the beginning of this year. Therefore, the tense situation facing this region had been eliminated. However, skirmishes still always happened on the borders between two armies. But this was all gossip in Kalur, which had not been confirmed through any official channel.

Norman Empire already revoked their division and establishment that had been in Kalur theater. However, a part of Iron Horn Army Corps was still stationed there.

After hearing that this region was still in the control of Iron Horn Corps, Zhang Tie let out a deep sigh inside. He knew that what he would do in Blackhot City was a bit against the laws of the Norman Empire. If this region was under the control of other forces, it would be difficult for him to move so many people away. But if it was still in the control of Iron Horn Corps, many things would be easily solved.

As they chatted, the taxi left the territory of Kalur City after a short while. Seeing that so many sentry posts on the road in the front and so many vehicles leaving Kalur City were queuing up in front of the sentry posts, the driver slowed down the vehicle and joined the queue after a truck.

"After passing that sentry post, we will enter the territory of Norman Empire. The sentry post will not check goods entering Norman Empire too strictly. However, they do check people entering it very seriously. You cannot enter Norman Empire without a legal identification certificate admitted by Norman Empire. Norman Empire doesn't admit people with the identification certificates of some countries and regions. If you're not allowed to enter, I will just take four of your fifteen silver coins. Additionally, I will send you back to Kalur City," the driver reminded Zhang Tie kindly.

Zhang Tie smiled, "My ID card should work!"

Two soldiers in dark red millitary uniforms of the Norman Empire climbed into the carriage of the truck and glanced inside quickly before jumping off. After that, they raised the road bar to let the truck go. Then a soldier standing in front of the sentry post made a hand gesture towards the taxi. Seeing the hand gesture, the taxi driver hurriedly drove his car forward meticulously.

At the same time, two tough men with long swords walked over. Before the soldiers had even knocked at the window, the taxi driver had hurriedly handed over his certificate. After checking his certificate, the soldier gave it back to the driver. Meanwhile, he asked the driver to open the trunk.

"Please show me your identification certificate," said another soldier icily as he stood outside the door of Zhang Tie's car and slightly lowered his head to look at Zhang Tie with solemn eyes. Single male youths, like Zhang Tie, were the key targets of this sentry post.

Zhang Tie passed his ID card to the soldier. After glimpsing Zhang Tie's identification certificate from the rear view mirror, the taxi driver quivered all over for a second.

In the middle of the dark green booklet was a shiny, delicate, yet ferocious looking silver-plated dragon relief, below which were a pair of crossed long swords and tree-leaf like grains. Given this identification certificate, this passenger must be a military officer of the Norman Empire...

Chapter 504: A Dramatic Encounter

Translator: WQL Editor: KLKL

Even though Zhang Tie was wanted by the secret police of Norman Empire, his qualification as a military officer wasn't cancelled by Iron Horn Corps. The military party of Norman Empire didn't admit that Zhang Tie was wanted by their secret police. Even if Zhang Tie left the Norman Empire, he was still a military officer of Iron Horn Corps.

Franca's chase revealed a deep conflict between the North Border Military Region of Norman Empire and the North Border Order Review Committee of Norman Empire. Secret police had chased Zhang Tie while the military party of Norman Empire chased Major Franca. When the conflict broke out between the two parties, Zhang Tie and Major Franca became attractive chess pieces. As a result, few people paid attention to the truth behind the conflict between him and Major Franca.

'However, the event reversed itself in the end. When Huaiyuan Palace appeared suddenly, the secret police disappeared right away. Although the secret police have not revoked their order to have me captured, as long as I don't surrender myself to the headquarters of the secret police, I will be ignored by them.'

It was much safer for Zhang Tie on the side of the North Border Military Region of Norman Empire. If Iron Horn Corps admitted that Zhang Tie was a criminal, it was no different to slapping their own face, as it meant that they admitted they were beaten by the Order Review Committee. This event was related to the reputation of the military of Norman Empire.

Therefore, nobody would give Zhang Tie any trouble as long as he was a bit low-key. He didn't even need to hide himself or change his name.

The moment the soldier saw Zhang Tie's military officer certificate, he instantly turned solemn as he took it with his hands hurriedly. He skimmed it over before forcefully swallowing his saliva. Written on the certificate were Zhang Tie's job positions and rewards—

Second lieutenant of Iron-Blood Camp, division number 39...

Iron-Blood medal winner of Norman Empire...

Promoted to first lieutenant due to military exploits, dispatched to the number 9 Equipment Center at the same time, Comprehensive Logistics Relief Division of the Logistics Department, Iron Horn Corps director due to heavy wounds.

This was a military officer who had retired from the frontlines due to heavy wounds, and who had made great military exploits in Kalur theater.

Zhang Tie's military officer certificate was too heavy for the soldier. However, Zhang Tie's age seemed dubious. This common soldier had never had the chance to touch a true military officer certificate since entering the army and could not identify whether it was real or not. Therefore, he could only look at a second lieutenant stationed near a sentry post a few meters away and made a hand gesture silently towards him.

The second lieutenant noticed the situation unfolding and he came over with another two soldiers. The common soldier then passed Zhang Tie's military officer certificate to the second lieutenant.

After checking it for a few seconds, the second lieutenant confirmed that it was true. Closely after that, he stood at attention and gave a military salute towards Zhang Tie which made a "Pah" sound.

"Welcome back, sire. Are you going to Blapei? Do you need us to escort you there?" As the second lieutenant said this, he passed the military officer certificate back to Zhang Tie through the window in a very respectful way. In the army of Norman Empire, anyone who had been awarded with an iron-blood medal due to his military exploits on the battle field could enjoy some special treatment wherever they were in the country. If the rank of first lieutenant was not too eye-catching, the iron-blood medal made him utterly outstanding.

"No need, I will go back by taxi!"

"Fine, bon voyage!"

Seeing the military officer making a military salute towards the passenger, the other soldiers hurriedly raised the road bar, letting Zhang Tie's car pass through.


The second lieutenant, who was on duty at the sentry post, had just been dispatched to Iron Horn Corps after graduating from North Border Military Command College of Norman Empire at the beginning of this year. As the war between Iron Horn Corps and Brilliance Feathers had just come to an end, he didn't know Zhang Tie. Seeing the taxi disappearing in the distance, this second lieutenant frowned slightly.

He remembered that someone had mentioned the name "Zhang Tie" to him before. However, he could not connect the name with Zhang Tie's image. 'Such a young first lieutenant who had obtained an Iron-Blood Medal would be recognisable within the Iron Horn Corps. How come I can't recall him?

The young second lieutenant felt fretful. It wasn't until 20 minutes after Until Zhang Tie had left that the second lieutenant glanced at that wanted circular poster at the sentry post. He then quivered all over as he remembered where he'd heard this name.

'That was the most famous young military officer, who killed dozens of secret policemen and caused a mighty uproar and is wanted by the secret police? He's back?'

The second lieutenant forcefully smacked his head. Closely after that, he confided something to his assistant before jumping into a car which had already been started up beside the sentry post and sped up towards Blapei.


Although it was not hot in the car, the taxi driver still kept dripping with sweat. After discovering Zhang Tie's status, the driver remembered his conversation with Zhang Tie just now. Thinking especially how he'd sworn at Norman Empire army as "red-hide dogs" and "devils", his face turned blue with extreme fear.

'I'm done for.' Imagining the brutality of the Norman Empire army in the legend, the taxi driver felt like dropping into hell right away.

It grew gloomier inside the car. Realizing that the taxi driver was extremely frightened and closing his mouth tightly, Zhang Tie also kept silent. Leaning against the back seat, he kept his eyes closed and pretended to take a nap.

As it was snowing heavily, the vehicle drove at a slow speed. Although some roads had been cleaned, their accessibility had sharply declined. It took the driver over two hours to arrive at Blapei after a 100 kilometers of travel. They arrived at Blapei at six in the evening, when dusk had already fallen.

The taxi parked in a street. Before Zhang Tie opened the door, the driver had hurriedly gotten out of the vehicle and opened the door for Zhang Tie.

"Sir, it's my...my great honor to serve you. You don't need to pay me. Please take...take your money back!"

Seeing the driver taking out that gold coin with a tense look, Zhang Tie revealed a smile. "I have poor hearing. I couldn't hear clearly what you said in the car. Therefore, you don't have to worry about that. Keep the tip. It's late. Your family members are still waiting for you at home. Blapei's bear and sausage are great. You can buy some for them. Drive slowly on the way home. See you..."

Zhang Tie waved his hand before leaving with his canvas backpack.

Watching Zhang Tie's shadow walk off, the driver stood still for quite a while with mixed feelings. Finally he decided he was sure that he'd met a good person just now and would not face any trouble. He then squeezed into his car. After that, he truly went and bought some beer and sausages before returning to Kalur...


There was also some snow piled up in the streets of Blapei. It was a bit slippery. Due to the cold weather, many roadside stores had already closed. Only a couple of people could be seen in streets wearing thick coats. Zhang Tie decided to find a place to take a rest.

He then turned into a street in downtown Blapei. When he caught sight of a female costume store, Zhang Tie became stunned at once as he remembered that he had been here before.

Compared to what he saw there last time, the clothes in the showcases facing the street had already become thick female clothes. The necks of the models in the showcases were circled with some furry scarfs. Additionally, there were high-heeled shoes, beautiful boots and shiny ornaments.

Under the light of the fluorescent lamps, the showcase was filled with a strong feminine quality and emotional appeal. Beside the door was a pile of snow which had been moved there by spade. In contrast, the lamplight in the store felt warm.

After rubbing his face and revealing a smile, Zhang Tie pushed open the door and entered.


After a crispy and sweet sounding bell ring, the man who was saying something over at the cashier desk turned around and caught sight of Zhang Tie. The three people were shocked at the same time. Zhang Tie had never imagined that he could encounter the same people in the same place and almost at the same time as before. The whole thing was like something from a drama.

"What a coincidence, Mr. Perth!" Zhang Tie grinned while revealing his white teeth.

At the sight of Zhang Tie, Perth's face turned pale as he quivered all over. In Perth's eyes, Zhang Tie's white teeth were as ferocious as an evil dragon when it was going to eat people. "Erm...erm...I just... was just passing by here...and buy something for my wife...this is the first time...really...I promise..."

"Have you bought your things?"

"Yes, I have...I have...you continue, you continue..." Saying this, Mr. Perth hurriedly left with a paper bag without daring to glance at Zhang Tie again. When he passed by Zhang Tie, he even moved inch by inch along the wall while holding his breath. The moment Mr. Perth rushed out of the door, he had thrown himself onto the ground, face down. After climbing up, he instantly rolled away as he dared not even look back.

Then, there were only two people left in the store.

Zhang Tie exchanged glances with the female boss behind the cashier desk, who had beautiful, wavy hair. They smiled at each other at the same time...

Chapter 505: Gain and Loss

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Suppose O'Laura was an ice cube, Zhang Tie preferred her to melt into water. By contrast, Linda was water; therefore, she could only become a tender and muddy swamp and wrap to Zhang Tie. After that, Zhang Tie would indulge in her softest place under her depressing groans.

This was a gentle and mature woman who was excellent, womanly and beautiful. When she was pressed under Zhang Tie's body, she still looked embarrassed as she closed her eyes and inclined her head.

On the same Greens' building. After Zhang Tie moved away, Linda had moved from the 3rd floor to the 4th floor. It was the room where Zhang Tie lived. Like how Zhang Tie sent Linda back last time, after drinking a bit, Zhang Tie sent her back again. After that, it happened naturally.

Well, Zhang Tie had to admit that he didn't stand it first.

On the dark stairs, Linda was walking ahead of Zhang Tie. Watching her twisting, plump butts under the tight purple kilt and the pair of beautiful snowwhite legs in high-heeled shoes and smelling the alluring fragrance of this mature woman, Zhang Tie couldn't stand to touch her butts on the 3rd floor.

Linda remained silent. She just turned around and glanced at Zhang Tie in a slightly embarrassed way. For Zhang Tie, this was an encouragement.

Walking in the dark passageway, Linda had some premonition as she started to hold her breath.

When they walked in the dark passageway outside the room on the 4th floor, Zhang Tie hugged her. They then started to kiss each other.

Being extremely stimulated in the dark, Zhang Tie forcefully pushed the gentle and beautiful female boss to the corner. Meanwhile, he lifted her snowwhite leg and started to fumble, push and rub his thing on her leg; he finally pricked into the swamp-like wet and soft place through the narrow crack on the side of her lace.

Zhang Tie still remembered that Linda was like a fire while her tongue was icy.


On the next day, Zhang Tie woke up on time by his biological clock. When he opened his eyes, he found Linda was crouching at his chest like a kitty. The woman's hair was spreading over Zhang Tie's neck and shoulders in a disordered way. Her plump 'white rabbits' [1] were pushing closely beside Zhang Tie's ribs and chest. The moment Zhang Tie moved, he felt itchy over his neck.

Zhang Tie then looked outside through the chink of the curtain. It was snowing. It was still dark outside although this small bedroom looked very warm.

Linda's fair face remained a wisp of blush and luster after the romantic affair with Zhang Tie. She looked very charming. Their clothes spread over the carpet, making it a bit disordered. The door of the bedroom was open. Right on the handle of the door was Linda's black 36E bra. There were even Zhang Tie's milky body fluid on the bra which had already dried.

Linda was a mature and charming woman. Once being conquered by a man, she would become very obedient on the bed like how a fair lady served her man at her age. As a result, Zhang Tie's desire for conquest and gratification was greatly met. By conquering such a woman, a man would feel satisfied both physically and mentally.

Watching her sweet sleeping look, Zhang Tie could barely imagine how poor this woman was on the same time last year when she did not encounter him. The God seemingly always brought more troubles to these kind yet beautiful women, making them suffer from men's betrayal and greed.

After slightly kissing her face, Zhang Tie carefully moved away her arm from his neck before getting off the bed silently. After that, he pulled a quilt over her body.

Zhang Tie walked to the window side and revealed a narrow aperture. After that, he glanced downwards and found two people were standing outside the Greens' house and slightly stomped their feet as they looked at the house before daybreak.

They were wearing dark red military uniforms of Norman Empire. Being not far from the two people, two black sedans parked on the roadside. From Zhang Tie's side, he could rightly catch the white license plates.

Zhang Tie revealed a wisp of smile over his mouth corner. "The military reacted so fast. They've already found me over one night." If not being so efficient, Zhang Tie would doubt Iron Horn Corps' ability to control Blapei.

After putting down the curtain, Zhang Tie took a cold bath in the bathroom using the water in the water tank. After that, he returned to his bedroom, picking up his clothes and put them on.

Linda was still sleeping. After a glance at her, Zhang Tie silently left the room.

Zhang Tie had not imagined that Linda opened her eyes the moment he closed the door of the bedroom...


As it was still early, Greens and their other guests had not gotten up yet. Therefore, Zhang Tie left the Green's building and walked towards the two soldiers who were standing at the cross of the lane.

Seeing Zhang Tie walking out of building, the two soldiers became spirited. However, before they uttered, Zhang Tie had already opened his mouth.

"Thanks. Take me to your officer!"

After glancing at each other, the two soldiers nodded before leading Zhang Tie to the vehicle outside the lane. After opening the door, they invited Zhang Tie in; after that, they entered the vehicle in the front.

A military officer with the rank of lieutenant colonel of Norman Empire was sitting in the car with a solemn look and was waiting for Zhang Tie's arrival.

"Hi, First Lieutenant Zhang Tie. I've really not imagined that I can see you again in Blapei. I'm Labelli, a lieutenant colonel of the Ministry of Supervision of Iron Horn Corps!"

After shaking hands in the car, Zhang Tie sat on the opposite chair of lieutenant colonel.

"Hello, lieutenant colonel. I'm sorry for bringing trouble to the brothers in Ministry of Supervision in such a weather!"

After hearing the words "brothers in Ministry of Supervision", Lieutenant Colonel Labelli looked a bit mild, "First Lieutenant Zhang Tie, although I hate those red gloves too; individually, I admire what you've done in Blapei very much; no matter what, you're still wanted by the secret police. The relationship between the whole Corps and North Border military region and Order Review Committee of Norman Empire was strained because of you. You should know that you're a sensitive person. If you appear in the public, you might arise some problems. May I know your purpose back?"

"I have some friends in Blackhot City and Blapei. I'm back to visit them. If not, I'm afraid that I might not see them in the future." Zhang Tie put it straightforward.

Narrowing his eyes, lieutenant colonel Labelli asked, "What do you mean by you're afraid that you might not see them in the future?"

"I witnessed the event in Heavens Cold City. The military of Norman Empire must have predicted some key information about Heavens Cold City through analysis. I think that some major information should have been delivered to field officers confidentially from Iron Horn Army. If it's delivered a bit later, it would be too abrupt. Am I clear!" Zhang Tie explained calmly.

Those lieutenant colonels in Iron Horn Corps were at least smarter than commoners. Therefore, after thinking for a second, Lieutenant Colonel had already gotten Zhang Tie's meaning.

If this was told by a common first lieutenant of Iron Horn Army, Lieutenant Colonel Labelli would instantly arrest the first lieutenant and had investigated where did he get the message. However, the event in Heavens Cold City was predominated by Huaiyuan Palace. Norman Empire could not gain the key information and evidences without the consent of Huaiyuan Palace. Now that Zhang Tie was a member of Huaiyuan Palace and was a participant of the event, he must know some information.

Lieutenant Colonel Labelli nodded.

"In order to maintain normal social order, the Norman Empire have not delivered some messages officially. You should know what big problems would be arisen if those messages were revealed. As you are still a soldier of Norman Empire, I hope you can stick to the codes as a soldier of Norman Empire. Remember to not do anything excessive!"

Zhang Tie smiled, "Of course. I'm going to see some old friends in Blackhot City. As Huaiyuan Prefecture of Jinyun Country is adjacent to the sea, it's very beautiful over there. My friends have not seen sea ever since they were born. Therefore, I want to take them to watch the sea if they like!"

"How many friends do you have there?"

"Plus their family members, I'm afraid that an airship would be required to carry them!"

"Norman Empire is implementing a very strict control on population migration. If you want to take your friends out, each of them need a migration certificate. This might be a bit difficult!"

"No problem. I will manage it for them like how those riches of big clans do. I will not cause any trouble to others!"

"How long will you stay in Blapei?"

"It depends. I have to leave tomorrow. I will go to Blackhot City by train!"

"Where else are you going to except for Blackhot City?

"Blackhot City is my destination. As long as I manage it, I will leave with my friends!"


After talking with Lieutenant Colonel Labelli for over 20 minutes, Zhang Tie got off the car, putting a special pass of Iron Horn Corps into his pocket.

"First Lieutenant Zhang Tie. I have to say, it's very lucky to be your friend. Wish you a pleasant trip with your friends!" Lieutenant Colonel Labelli told Zhang Tie through the window.

"Thanks!" Zhang Tie replied with a smile...

After a slight quiver, the two vehicles left.

Zhang Tie saw off the vehicles before revealing a smile and returning to Greens' building.

When he was back to the 4th floor, he knocked at the door as he had no key.

Linda opened the door with a slight amazement and surprise.

"What?" Zhang Tie asked with an amazed look.

"I thought...though you've already gone!" Linda said in a embarrassed way.

Zhang Tie revealed a smile before entering the room and closing the door.

"Have you eaten breakfast? If not, I will make breakfast for you."

Under Zhang Tie's gleaming eyes, Linda looked a bit embarrassed as she hurriedly turned around and walked towards the kitchen. At this moment, Zhang Tie pulled her hands as he sat on sofa. After that, he patted his legs, "Come on, sit here!"

Biting her lips, Linda sat on Zhang Tie's one thigh in a shameful way.

"Not like this, you need to split open your legs..." Zhang Tie 'ordered' while his arms around Linda's waist...

Sitting on Zhang Tie's thigh in an intimate gesture, Linda's skirt was raised up, revealing a snowwhite thigh root. The 30-odd female boss then blushed.

"Is...is that like this?" Linda asked Zhang Tie in a low voice as she thought that Zhang Tie wanted her to do some weird things.

"Look at my eyes!" Zhang Tie said while holding his arms around her waist.

Turning around her head, Linda looked at Zhang Tie in a coy pattern.

Seeing such a mature woman, especially her coy look after sleeping with her, Zhang Tie almost lost his control again. In Zhang Tie's eyes, such a woman was really marvelous. He couldn't understand how her former fiancee thought. How could he drop such a good woman only for a few gold coins. What an idiot! By comparison, even Perth was a bit more discerning.

Zhang Tie couldn't stand to take a deep breath of the alluring fragrance of the woman. He knew that he was not the God and could not save all the people; however, he could keep this woman here. It would be too cruel for her if she suffered another catastrophe in her life.

"Linda, do you have relatives in this city?"

Hearing this question, she shook her head after a wisp of gloomy look.

"If so, do you want to live in other places?"

"Where can I go? I have a job here so I have to live here. If I'm in a strange place, I don't know what else I can do." The woman shook her head in a confused look.

"Even if you're in other places, you can still do whatever you like. You can continue if you like to open a store and sell female clothes and ornaments. Nobody would force you to do what you dislike!"

"Do you want to take me away from here?"

"Yes, I'm back to take some people out of Norman Empire, because this place might be in danger; I don't want to restrict you as my goods, neither would I abandon you at the critical moment. When you leave here, you're still free. You can do whatever you want and live your life. Do you believe in me?" Zhang Tie watched this woman sincerely.

Linda also watched Zhang Tie with mixed moods. After being silent for a few seconds, she suddenly covered her mouth with a hand and burst out tears at once as she nodded forcefully...


It took Zhang Tie a little time to realize why Linda cried and became so thrilled at this moment. After the death of her father and the betrayal of her fiancee, Blapei became a sad for Linda. She always dreamed that one day she could meet a man who could take her away and wouldn't abandon her at the critical moment.

Zhang Tie became the very man...


In the afternoon, Zhang Tie came to Chevli Village on the thick snow, where he got a message that he wanted to know without having to ask others.

One month ago, Hanna got married. The one who married the most brilliant Beer Queen of Blapei was a young master of a big business group in Nordingburgh——a tall, rich and handsome first lieutenant of the Logistics Department of Iron Horn Corps. Hanna's family and the recipe of beer followed Hanna to Nordingburgh.

Hanna became the golden phoenix that flew out of Chevli Village. All the villagers in Chevli Village sighed as they could barely drink a cup of that delicious beer anymore from then on.

Because of this unexpected message, Zhang Tie stayed in the snowfield for quite a while. Each one had their own life. Nobody was the center of the whole world, even Zhang Tie himself. If he missed something, he would miss it forever. Zhang Tie could only bliss Hanna sincerely.

On the next morning, Zhang Tie asked Linda to sell his store in Blapei and made preparations to leave out of here. After that, he got on the train from Blapei to Blackhot City.

"Are you all right, my brothers...?"