592 - 600

Chapter 592: Endurance

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

With a crispy sound "Pah..." on Huwen's back, Huwen uttered a shrill cry. At the same time, a bloody mark appeared on his back even being covered by his shabby clothes.

The rock almost fell from Huwen's hands. Zhang Tie, on his side, hurriedly stretched out one hand and took it steadily.

"You b*tches, don't dream about killing time. Hurry up. Clean out this region..." the slave supervisor swore loudly while standing on a piece of rock, "If not find those escaping b*tches for me, all of you have to keep working here till death..."

Zhang Tie turned around and threw a glance at that slave supervisor. The slave supervisor instantly slashed Zhang Tie while glaring at him, "Brat, if you look at me one more time, I will dig out your eyes..."

Zhang Tie trembled. However, that whip was nothing serious for Zhang Tie at all. Over the past one month, Zhang Tie had eaten three more iron-body fruits after being hammered constantly by the crew members of the Idiots. Now, Zhang Tie felt that his strike-resistance ability had intensified a lot.

Zhang Tie could stand being whipped when in Heavens Cold City, not to mention now. The penalty which was unbearable for others was just like being patted by flyswatter for Zhang Tie.

It was not the right moment to argue with these scumbags. Zhang Tie didn't speak as he just lowered his head and continued to pretend to forcefully carry that 50 kg's rock and dropped it off that slope over there like the others.

"Thanks..." Huwen drew in a cold breath.

The two people walked to that slope and dropped it off there. Huwen threw a glance at that slave supervisor in the distance and that guy didn't pay attention to them; therefore, he stealthily took out of a kettle from his clothes and passed it to Zhang Tie, "Drink some, it's already over 10 hours, but you've not even drunk a bit..."

"Thanks, I don't need it..."

"Ah, you're really strong..." Huwen threw an admiring look at Zhang Tie as he rapidly opened his kettle and had a small mouth of water. After seeing some human captives, who wore human teeth, walking towards them, he hurriedly hid his kettle and continued to walk towards that pile of rocks in the distance with Zhang Tie.

Those human captives who wore human teeth walked towards here with some smaller rocks. Although they were also doing labor work, they could have some special treatment. Sometimes, they could even take a rest. Additionally, those slave supervisors would rarely slash them.

"Stay away from these people..." Huwen whispered to Zhang Tie when those guys who wore human teeth passed by, "They have started to eat human fleshes and become wild beasts. As long as they could survive, they would do anything. Once these people become slave supervisors, they will treat us more acrimoniously than demons..."

Zhang Tie nodded. As long as some people succumbed to evil, they would be the accomplices and thugs of evil. They would further show the dark side of their personalities. Demons and b*stards of Three-eye Association had been used to classify human captives and make them fight each other so as to weaken their own fighting strength.

Under the intensified ruling of slave supervisors, human captives had been working over 10 hours. However, they still didn't find any hidden underground tunnel or ground crack. Zhang Tie found that all the demonized puppets had rushed into those dark caves to seek for those missing human captives.

Zhang Tie knew that they could never find those missing people in the underground space. This was a good news for Zhang Tie. At least it meant that nobody had found what he did.

As demonized puppets left in large groups, the camp of demonized puppets became relatively vacant. Before leaving here, Zhang Tie had determined to give those b*stards of Senel Clan a surprise.


Fiery mushroom looked like an average mushroom on the ground. Being red all over, the fiery mushroom was like a little scarlet umbrella. In this underground space, especially those wet and backlit places such as the gaps between rocks, as long as the conditions fit, they would sprout from underground in 1-2 days.

Previously, there were too many fiery mushrooms in the underground space; now they gradually disappeared. The most important reason was that human captives would pick up all the fiery mushroom regardless of their size. Even those fiery mushroom which was not ripe yet had been picked up, causing them to lose the ability to reproduce anymore.

One hour later, after moving a piece of rock, Zhang Tie saw a red canopy in the soil.

Before Zhang Tie moved, Huwen and the other human captives on one side had already charged at those fiery mushroom and foisted them into their mouths. Huwen also crammed one in his mouth and started to chew it hurriedly. By the way, he passed one to Zhang Tie.

"Hurry, eat it..."

Watching them engulfing the fiery mushroom, Zhang Tie also put one in his mouth after a second. It tasted as bitter and cold as unripe bagasse.

"You b*stards, keep doing your work..." seeing the chaos over here, a slave supervisor instantly rushed towards them with a kurbash and slashed them crazily.


After another 7-8 hours when above 80% of human captives didn't even have the strength to walk no matter how crazily they were slashed by slave supervisors, the bitter labor work finally came to an end.

Although many human captives escaped, which infuriated those people of Senel Clan, in order to keep the rest human captives alive, they had to let them take a rest after gaining no achievement.

Zhang Tie then returned to a mountain cave with over 40 human captives including Huwen. Lying on the ground, they could only pant.

The others didn't care about having one more person inside the cave. It seemed that the population here always changed.

Zhang Tie felt these mountain caves were like underground cells in Blackhot City. The air in the cave was polluted and smelt weird. Some red lights of lava river were reflected on top of the inside of the cave, causing a little brightness in the cave.

After resting for a while, some people who had recovered some physical strength struggled to fumble out of the mountain cave to seek for food. Some of them took out some weird, dried food from their clothes and started to eat them.

Watching a person on his side forcefully chewing a mouse's tail, Zhang Tie almost vomited.

After resting for a while, Huwen also left the mountain cave. He then fetched a bottle of water from a water source outside the cave.

Huwen also went out to find some food. When he came back, given his look, Zhang Tie knew that he had gained nothing. Thankfully, he had eaten some fiery mushroom several hours ago and didn't feel hungry now.

Zhang Tie felt the fiery mushroom which tasted like bagasse started to ferment and expand in his stomach, making him feel full. However, he didn't get too many nutrients.

"Peter, do you think there's indeed a secret tunnel or ground crack here?" Huwen asked Zhang Tie.

"Maybe!" Zhang Tie replied briefly, "No matter what, they had left out of here!"

"If we find any clue, never expose it..." Huwen whispered.

Zhang Tie nodded as he stared at him.

"We could find a fewer fiery mushroom and edible things here. I wonder whether we can survive tomorrow!" Huwen said in a pessimistic mood.

"You don't believe that you could survive on?"

"Unless being demons' lackeys and wild beasts who eat human fleshes, nobody else could leave here." Huwen urged as he took out of a small piece of black-brown thing to Zhang Tie, "I prepared it for myself. As I've got one, you can take this one!"

"What's this?"

"An arrow-poison mushroom. I found it several days ago by chance. It contains extremely toxic muscarinic substance and a hemolytic toxoid. As long as you eat a small piece of it, you will die in a few minutes. Additionally, after you die, your corpse will also contain the extremely toxic substance. Those beasts will not eat your corpse. Therefore, you could remain complete after death. When you have to die, take one bit of this, and you will suffer less pain."

"How do you know that?" Zhang Tie asked Huwen out of curiosity.

"I was a botanist..." Huwen revealed a bitter smile.

Zhang Tie took that dried thing and rubbed it into pieces in front of Huwen before blowing them off...

"You..." Huwen glared at Zhang Tie.

"I promise, you will not have to use this, neither will I!"

"How?" Huwen watched Zhang Tie like watching aliens.

"Do you believe in miracle?"

"Miracle had died since we were taken in here!"

"Perhaps, when you open your eyes after you fall asleep, you will see a miracle; you should never lose your hope and dream!"

"Sleep, save some strength for tomorrow..." Huwen let out a sigh as he huddled up on the ground.

Zhang Tie also laid there. After swallowing some all-purpose medicament and water from Castle of Black Iron, he silently closed his eyes to recover his physical strength and spiritual energy. Meanwhile, he filled those god's runes in his mind so as to maintain his optimal state. He then just waited for most of them to fall asleep...

Chapter 593: The Pledge

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Zhang kept his eyes closed and maintained his spiritual energy; meanwhile, he paid attention to the situation inside and outside the entire mountain cave.

Two hours later, both the inside and outside of the mountain cave became quite as the snoring sounds filled the mountain cave. At this moment, Zhang Tie opened his eyes.

Huwen had been in a sound sleep on Zhang Tie's side. He didn't sleep well last night. After being woken up in the midnight and doing another one day's heavy work, he had been extremely fatigued. Unless someone shouted loudly in front of him, he would not wake up, like the others in the cave.

Besides snoring sounds, there was another special sound, "Gulugulu" from those hungry guys' stomachs. Without getting sufficient food, they could only have one method to prevent hunger by drinking a lot of water before sleeping.

After slightly touching Huwen's shoulder, Zhang Tie had teleported him into Castle of Black Iron. After that, Zhang Tie stood up and flashed around the inside of the cave, teleporting all the others into Castle of Black Iron.

After doing all this, Zhang Tie sneaked out of the mountain cave.

There were some more caves where human captives slept in closer to Zhang Tie's cave. With his dark vision, all the mountain caves were as bright as daytime.

Senel Clan didn't expect that the same event could happen on the second day; additionally, after one day's hard work, all the human captives had been in a sound sleep. Even those slave supervisors had become relaxed after one day's busy work. Therefore, it was much easier for Zhang Tie to teleport all the human captives into Castle of Black Iron.

When in work, Zhang Tie had been familiar with the situation and terrain of this underground space. He knew the caves of those human captives who insisted on not eating human fleshes. Therefore, after applying a rapid moving skill and hiding skill, Zhang Tie swiftly moved among those dark caves and spaces like a ghost and teleported human captives into Castle of Black Iron one after another in the fastest speed.

Senel Clan treated this underground space as a huge prison where they adopted very cruel and extensive management measures. In the opinion of those Senel Clan members, as long as they blocked the exits on two ends of the underground space, they would prevent those human captives from escaping. Therefore, after ending one day's labor work, the Senel Clan's surveillance on this human captives center loosened. This was then more convenient for Zhang Tie's move.

Those members of Senel Clan might never imagine that there was a person like Zhang Tie who could teleport human captives on his side into an independent time-space.

Additionally, as those demonized puppets who were mainly responsible for managing this place had low intelligence, the number of slave supervisors was also very limited, those people of Senel Clan could not register a holistic management over this place. Furthermore, those demonized puppets were good at destruction and killing while those slave supervisors were only excelled at slashing human captives and licking the boots of those commission officers.

Even Zhang Tie didn't know how many people had he teleported in Castle of Black Iron. He only remembered some guys who got up and peed when he instantly moved them into Castle of Black Iron before they made any response.

He even met some guys wearing teeth over their neck. Before those guys exclaimed, they had also been teleported into Castle of Black Iron. As to whether these people could survive or be beaten to death by other humans in Castle of Black Iron, Zhang Tie wouldn't care about that. Zhang Tie had witnessed thousands of people die, he didn't feel pitiful about seeing some more.

Zhang Tie knew that this was his last time to save people. Therefore, he worked very hard at a faster speed. After losing his rapid moving effect for consecutive three times, Zhang Tie applied the rapid moving skill to himself for the fourth time; however, at this moment, he found no more people who didn't wear teeth over neck anymore.

After running for such a long time, even though he constantly supplemented his physical strength with all-purpose medicament, Zhang Tie still felt a bit fatigued.

"Heller, how many people do we have in Castle of Black Iron?"

"21679!" Heller replied with a pleasant sound, "Castle Lord, if you're free, you can take a look inside. It has never been so boisterous inside. Those people think they are taken into the paradise by the God from the hell!"

"Not until I leave out of here. And, how about those guys who wore human teeth?"

"The moment they entered have they been beaten to death. The others thought these people were gifted by the God for them to revenge!"

After hearing Heller's explanation, Zhang Tie became speechless. However, after sending those guys wearing human teeth into Castle of Black Iron, Zhang Tie found that if he could touch his enemy, he could also control the enemy's fate by teleporting him into Castle of Black Iron.

"Can I teleport my enemy inside Castle of Black Iron by touching them?" Zhang Tie asked with full desires. If Heller replied yes, Zhang Tie would feel that he had one more trump card. The moment Zhang Tie thought that he could teleport a powerhouse like Master Abyan into Castle of Black Iron and have him under his control only by touching him had he been thrilled all over.


After hearing Heller's answer, Zhang Tie almost sprung up, "Is there any limit?"

"Of course there is. I thought you could understand the secret when you teleport them in, it seems that you haven't. You mainly teleport those people in through the special link between your special energy and the arch door of Castle of Black Iron. The person that you teleport in Castle or Black Iron is actually being covered by a special energy field formed by your spiritual energy, which was featured by your unique energy fluctuation frequency. It was like an access certificate to that arch door. Am I clear?"


"Actually, it's a transient holistic coverage to that person. In order to reach this effect, you have to light more surging points than that of the person you want to teleport in. Those who have lit more surging points than you will have a higher frequency of spiritual energy. Therefore, you cannot form a holistic coverage towards those people, which means that you cannot teleport them into Castle of Black Iron.

Zhang Tie became stunned, "You mean I cannot teleport those who have a higher level than me into Castle of Black Iron and have them under control inside?"

"Yes. If you meet those who have a higher level than you, you could only deal with them based on your fighting skills. Castle of Black Iron would not give you any favor. Actually, when you reach LV 10, you will know that real powerhouses could rarely touch each other when in the fight. If the opponent had determined to kill you, you could barely touch them. Of course, you could not teleport them into Castle of Black Iron and crack down them inside."

"But my spiritual energy is greater than theirs. Doesn't this work?"

"The size of spiritual energy is different from its frequency level. One refers to quantity while the other refers to quality. You might feel the faint change in your spiritual energy each time you lit a surging point. In that change, even if the total quantity of your spiritual energy didn't increase, you could still feel your spiritual energy grow a lot. That is both a growth in the frequency and quality of spiritual energy."

"What if they are not my enemies? Can I take those with a higher level in Castle of Black Iron?"

"The only condition for those whose spiritual energy frequency is higher than yours is that they are completely relaxed physically and spiritually and believe in you very much!"

"Do you have any method for the old man?" Zhang Tie knew that Heller would understand what he referred to.

"Sorry. That old man's limbs have been chopped off. Additionally, he had watched his limbs being eaten by demonized puppets; he had been collapsed both physically and spiritually. He might die in any second. It's out of my ability to save him!"

When Zhang Tie asked Heller about this, he had already left the place where the human captives slept and came to the open land on the side of the lava river which gathered all the human captives about 20 hours ago. Thankfully, nobody paid attention to this place at this moment. Nobody could imagine that any human captive dared to check or save this old man at the risk of their lives.

The fiery light of the lava river brightened up the riverside. Right there, an old man losing his limbs was lying on the ground, facing the top of the underground space miserably and lonely. At this moment, he even had lost his ability to commit suicide. Those slave supervisors didn't worry that he would escape or commit suicide. Lying there, he was sensing the arrival of death in the most anguished manner.

Watching the old man, Zhang Tie's heart raced. He instantly checked his artery and found it was still faintly pulsing. Therefore, Zhang Tie hugged the old man and left rapidly.

Zhang Tie moved the old man back to a dark place. The old man was still breathing faintly. However, his mouth had been completely destroyed. His face looked extremely terrifying. Some ants were gnawing the old man's fleshes through wounds.

After driving away those ants, Zhang Tie put his hand on the old man's chest and directly injected all-purpose medicament and some clear spring water into his stomach from Castle of Black Iron, allowing the effect of all-purpose medicament and water to gradually spread over his body.

One minute later, the old man slowly opened his eyes. Watching Zhang Tie, he slightly moved his mouth. However, he could not utter one word, except for some weird voice. With a vacant look, the old man dropped off tears.

From the old man's eyes, Zhang Tie got two messages: he appreciated Zhang Tie; he wanted Zhang Tie to end his pains right away as he felt pretty painful both physically and spiritually in each second.

"I took those missing people away. Now, I've already taken away all the human captives who don't eat human fleshes in the entire underground space. They are in a safe place which the demons could never find. What other requirements and wishes do you have?" Zhang Tie whispered to the old man.

After hearing Zhang Tie's words, the old man's eyes started to glitter as the voice in his throat grew louder. Zhang Tie moved his ear closer to the old man's mouth for a while before figuring out what did the old man repeat in hoarse, obscure and trembling voice.

"...survive on..."

"...survive on..."

"...survive on..."

"Do you want I and everybody to survive on?"

The old man revealed a reassured look as he nodded hardly.

Watching the old man nodding, Zhang Tie dropped off his tears at once. At this moment, this respectful old man's biggest wish was to make all those who escaped away survive on.

Zhang Tie's tears fell on the old man's face, causing the old man's face twist painfully once again. He stared at Zhang Tie with a beseeching look and hoped Zhang Tie to end his pain.

"I promise you we will survive on no matter what."

After saying that, Zhang Tie closed his eyes as he moved his hand on the old man's chest. However, Zhang Tie's hand started to quiver as he felt difficult to release his battle qi.

At this moment, the old man uttered some voice. Although Zhang Tie closed his eyes, he had understood the old man's meaning at once.




This was the last imploration of the old man.


Zhang Tie finally gritted his teeth and broke the old man's heart vein by faintly releasing his battle qi.

The old man's voice stopped in Zhang Tie's arms. Zhang Tie opened his eyes as he saw a smile of being relieved.

"I swear to destroy the entire Senel Clan and have their dirty fresh blood with all those who died here...!" Zhang Tie made a solemn pledge towards the old man's body, which remained a bit warmth. After that, Zhang Tie teleported the old man's corpse into Castle of Black Iron and had Heller bury it well.

Zhang Tie mopped off his tears as he stood up. After throwing a furious glance at the camp of demonized puppets corps, Zhang Tie darted towards that camp as fast as a strand of smoke while being covered by the dark and the terrain.

Chapter 594: Demonized Puppets' Camp

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

The camp of the demonized puppets corps under the control of Senel Clan was not surrounded by too many defensive devices. Besides some stallions which were taken in from outside, the entire camp was covered with dense tents. It felt like a tribal agglomeration zone in Ice and Snow Wilderness.

There was a brazier at a few meters in the camp. Some crude fluorescent stones were erecting sparsely. Additionally, there was a lava lake near the camp. Being effected by the three light sources, the region of the camp near the lava lake was a bit brighter; by contrast, the part being far away from the lava lake became dim.

In the dark, patrolling demonized puppets passed by one squad after another.

In this planet, even sun would rise in the east and set in the west. Therefore, although demonized puppets could constantly fight in special conditions, they also needed to take a rest. Precisely, the puppet worms in the heads of demonized puppets also needed to take a rest.

Demonized puppets also slept in tents. Those dense tents were like bleak tombs and woods in a ghost city in the dark, which revealed a stink everywhere.

The stink were from the demonized puppets' mouths when they breathed. When a place was crowded with demonized puppets, the air of that place would make people suffocate.

Therefore, the moment Zhang Tie drew closer to the camp of the demonized puppets corps, Zhang Tie felt like entering a closed room which was filled with rotten fleshes. He almost vomited.

However, as a fighter instead of being a dude, Zhang Tie had to bear it.

Those tents and dark covered Zhang Tie well. Zhang Tie gradually drew closer to the center of the camp after dodging from squads of demonized puppets many times as fast as light.

Those b*stards of Senel Clan lived in the central region of the camp, where the parent worm of puppet worms of the hundreds of thousands of demonized puppets should stay in. If the army chief of this demonized puppets corps was here, Zhang Tie would never risk his life to find trouble here. However, according to the human captives and what he observed yesterday, that powerhouse Koze of Senel Clan might not be here. Therefore, Zhang Tie wanted to have a try.

Zhang Tie was indeed risking his life. Even if this army chief was not here, there were still many powerhouses among the demonized puppets corps, who were more powerful than Zhang Tie. Zhang Tie might lose his life due to any mistake.

However, Zhang Tie was decisive. He would not leave out of here so easily. Before leaving out of here, he wanted to do something. That 'hooknose' of Senel Clan had to die today. Given that guy's qi, Zhang Tie estimated that he was about LV 10. "If I could get the chance, I might kill him easily." Zhang Tie had a crazier thought, "If possible, I can find that parent worm and kill it. If so, the entire demonized puppets corps will collapse."

Zhang Tie felt it valuable to risk his life due to the above two reasons.


At this moment, the door of a tent in front of him was opened from the inside, exposing some fluorescent light from the inside; meanwhile, someone walked out of the tent.

The moment Zhang Tie saw that person had he hidden himself in the shadow of a tent.

The person came out of the tent and undid his trousers. After finishing his pee, he quivered his crotch a few seconds. He then muttered and walked back towards his tent.

When the person opened the tent, Zhang Tie instantly flashed out of the dark and struck that person with a binding chain before that person made any response. That person became stiff at once. Zhang Tie then rushed in front of him and rapidly dragged that person into the tent before closing the door curtain of the tent.

There was a fluorescent lamp inside the tent. Therefore, that person could see clearly Zhang Tie's look. Meanwhile, his eyes were full of fear.

Given his look, Zhang Tie was totally a human captive in the lowest class. However, Zhang Tie's strength was so great that that person could only move his eyes. Because of such a sharp contrast, that person became extremely fearful.

Zhang Tie glanced over his tent rapidly and found nothing else but a kurbash, a dagger, clothes and bedding. Therefore, Zhang Tie estimated that this guy was a small head of slave supervisors.

Zhang Tie instantly seized the guy's neck as he relieved the binding chain.

"I ask and you answer. If you want to die, you can have a try. If you understand my words, blink your eyes." Zhang Tie said grimly.

That person rapidly blinked his eyes.

"Where's Koze?"

"The army chief...is still not back yet!" that guy hurriedly replied as he felt the grip slightly loosened over his neck.

After hearing this reply, Zhang Tie became reassured, "It seems that they have not paid special attention to the recent event."

"What's the name of that 'hooknose', who chopped off the limbs of the old man a day ago?"

"Cambo, that person is called Cambo, Senel Cambo!" the slave supervisor forcefully uttered.

"What's the relationship between him and Cambo?"

"He's the 3rd son of Koze!"

"Where does he live?"

"I don't know...I only know that many powerhouses of Senel Clan are living in the tents near the center of the camp. As I am not qualified to be there, I don't know where Cambo lives!"

"Where's the parent worm of puppet worms?"

"I...I don't know."

"Where's the warehouse of the camp?"

"Near the center of the camp!"

Zhang Tie tossed a lot of questions in a line. When he couldn't get any more useful information from that person, Zhang Tie slightly strengthened his force and broke that guy's neck, causing a cracking sound. Closely after that, he threw the corpse into the Pool of Chaos in Castle of Black Iron in case of exposing his own trace.

After doing all this, Zhang Tie listened to the outside carefully and found nobody was in the neighborhood. Therefore, he left the tent rapidly and headed for the center of the camp stealthily.

The entire demonized puppets corps might have never considered that any person could slide into their camp; neither have they imagined that what threat could those human captives pose to them. Therefore, their defensive facilities were not very strict. All this was just a matter of routine. In such a case, it only took Zhang Tie a few minutes to reach the center of the camp.

In the center of the camp, there were indeed a bigger tent surrounded by two rows of smaller tents. Those tents were remarkably more advanced in regulations. Zhang Tie observed it in the dark and found there were dozens of tents at least over there. It was very difficult for him to find that guy called Cambo among so many tents. It would be too dangerous if he met any real powerhouse.

After thinking for a short while, Zhang Tie focused on the warehouse which was piled up with a lot of materials over 200 m away from the biggest tent in the center of the camp. He then worked out a method.

The warehouse was evidently matched with more guards than other places. Zhang Tie found two teams of demonized puppets were patrolling around the warehouse constantly. Before doing something to the materials, he had to kill those demonized puppets. As long as what happened here was founded by others, all the powerhouses of Senel Clan near the center of the camp would come here.

After counting the population of those demonized puppets and observing the terrain near the warehouse, Zhang Tie gritted his teeth and chose to hide in a shadow a bit far away from the center of the camp; meanwhile, he filled all the binding chains in his mind sea using his spiritual energy.

Where Zhang Tie hid was the closest place to the patrolling route of those demonized puppets. It was over 30 m away from the demonized puppets' patrolling route.

Each team contained 11 patrolling demonized puppets. It would take two teams of demonized puppets less than 2 minutes to pass the same region. Zhang Tie counted time silently. When one team passed by where he hid, Zhang Tie instantly rushed forward at the fastest speed.

The distance of over 30 m instantly narrowed to 20 m. When Zhang Tie reached 15 m away from those demonized puppets, a head of those demonized puppets had found Zhang Tie as it twisted its grim head towards where Zhang Tie came from at once.

When it turned around its head, Zhang Tie moved another 7-8 m ahead. When that demonized puppet narrowed his eyes and wanted to roar, Zhang Tie had pushed ahead another few meters.

Right then.

The moment the team of demonized puppets were within the attacking range of binding chains had Zhang Tie released 11 binding chains and struck them.

Those demonized puppets became stiff at once...

Chapter 595: Killing Cambo

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

If possible, Zhang Tie really hoped to kill all these grim and disgusting demonized puppets. However, if he did that, the parent worm of those puppet worms would feel someone breaking in at once. If so, he would not continue his plan.

Therefore, after fixing those demonized puppets with binding chains, Zhang Tie knocked them down quickly; instead of killing them. After that, he filled his mind sea with binding chains by constantly driving his spiritual energy towards the god's rune of binding skills in his mind sea at the speed of one binding chain per second.

After hearing the footsteps of the other team of demonized puppets, Zhang Tie supplemented his binding chains once again. Like what he did previously, before the team of demonized puppets made any response, they had been frozen by the 11 binding chains.

Zhang Tie then dragged the 22 demonized puppets into a hidden place which was close to the warehouse before rushing into the warehouse.

After freezing another two demonized puppets in the warehouse using the same method, Zhang Tie finally occupied the entire warehouse.

Among all the military materials, kerosene was the necessity for both demons and humans. In that warehouse, Zhang Tie had found where the kerosene was placed only by sniff.

The kerosene was put in about 1000 1-m high tin buckets, which were piled like a hill. The moment he saw those kerosene buckets had Zhang Tie taken out a dagger and stabbed hundreds of times in each of them.

The moment he stabbed in those tin buckets had the kerosene gurgled out of them.

When those buckets were leaking kerosene, Zhang Tie lifted a kerosene bucket which weighed hundreds of kg as he opened its lid and started to run in the warehouse, spreading kerosene everywhere.

In this warehouse, besides kerosene, there were some other materials such as food, timbers, weapons and military uniforms. Zhang Tie poured kerosene over all of them. After using up two buckets of kerosene, he used another two...

Until after pouring 10 buckets did Zhang Tie run outside of the warehouse.

"B*stards of Senel Clan, are you ready for the bonfire?" watching those tents in the center of the camp, Zhang Tie sneered as he triggered his lighter and threw it on the kerosene line.

As the flame of the kerosene line spread towards far, Zhang Tie hid in the dark once again.


2 minutes later, with a huge explosion, a fiery flame higher than 50 m rose from the place where the kerosene buckets were placed, which chocked the entire camp.

"What's the matter?" a roar sounded from a tent in the center of the camp. At the same time, a member of Senel Clan rushed out of the tent.

At the sight of the flame over the warehouse, he instantly darted towards there.

Only after a few seconds, when he arrived there, the entire warehouse had started to burn. That person roared, "Have people put out the fire, hurry...". Soon after sending the order, that person released a punch, which instantly broke a pile of burning crates into pieces over 30 m away. After that, the flame outside the crates became smaller.

In a blink of an eye, other powerhouses arrived. Seeing such a big fire, the entire camp became chaotic. Many people started to put out the fire.

There were so many fire sources in the warehouse. Fiery flames grew bigger and higher. Even those fireproof items had started to burn; especially those burning kerosene at the corner of the warehouse. It was so hot over there. Although being dozens of meters away, people could already not draw close to that place. All the tents closer to that place had been burned.

At this moment, those demonized puppets being froze by binding chains had been burned into ashes. When they died, all the other demonized puppets across the camp uttered crazy shrieks.

After feeling the abnormal behavior of those demonized puppets, a middle-aged man who was putting out the fire was shocked at once as he seemingly realized something.

"Rouben, take a division of demonized puppets in line 1 m away from the camp and prevent those pariahs from making troubles here!"

"Yes, sir!" a strong powerhouse of Senel Clan left right away.

"Hughs, go to inspect the camp; maintain the order over there."

"Yes, sir!" another powerhouse of Senel Clan left with two hands.

"Bartee, safeguard the main tent with the other powerhouses of demonized puppets above LV 9. Send the warning right away if there's something wrong!"

"Yes, sir!"

"All the others put out the fire here as soon as possible with me..."


Hiding in the dark, Zhang Tie was shocked by this man's decisions in such a short period. Zhang Tie didn't know who was he; but he was sure that that person was a big figure as he could command this demonized puppets corps and have those elites of Senel Clan follow his order.

Zhang Tie found that person's purple battle qi was rolling like waves when he sent the order. Any punch of him could put out a flame or break any burning item into pieces more than 30 m away. That was an unrivaled fighting strength. It was estimated that he was at least at the level of master Abyan. In front of such a person, Zhang Tie could not stand more than 10 seconds.

However, besides this person, there were some more people whose level was between 12 and 13, which was far greater than that of Zhang Tie. Zhang Tie knew that, he could never beat them face to face.

Being limited to level, a LV 9 guy was not qualified to be proud in front of a corps, no matter how talented he was and how many wonderful experiences he had.

Through this point, Zhang Tie knew better about the power of Senel Clan. This clan might be more powerful than Zhen Clan in Heavens Cold City.

Zhang Tie focused on the hooknosed guy called Cambo among those powerhouses and those people's shadows under the reflection of the high rising flames since the beginning. When those people of Senel Clan drilled out of their tents, Zhang Tie had already kept Cambo's tent in mind.

In that chaos, Zhang Tie sneaked in the tent of that guy called Cambo and waited for him to come back silently.

At this moment, the most dangerous place was the safest place.

Nobody could imagine that the fire-raiser was not in the camp, or breaking in the main tent which contained so many secrets or leading those human captives to rebel, but hiding in a tent near the center of the camp.


With the efforts of so many powerhouses in Senel Clan and tens of thousands of demonized puppets, the fiery fire was finally put out in 40 minutes. As a result, over 70% of materials in the warehouse had been burned into ashes. Additionally, hundreds of demonized puppets were burned to death.

After putting out the fiery fire, all the powerhouses of Senel Clan gathered in the main tent. Everyone felt that this fire was a bit weird.

"Rouben, what about the situation on your side? Have those pariahs dared stir up trouble here?"

"No, none of those pariahs dared to watch what happened here. After working for the whole day, many of them might be snoring like pigs. They don't know what happened at all!" Rouben sneered as he shook his head.

"What about you, Houghs?"

"Everything is normal in the camp. Besides those demonized puppets who became restless at the beginning, nothing special happened. "Houghs replied calmly with two swords on his back, "But dozens of demonized puppets who were responsible for safeguarding the warehouse have been burned to death. It's a bit weird."

"Nobody else entered the main tent. Everything is normal here." The guy called Bartee looked very grim. When he talked, a killing qi could be sensed.

After hearing these words, the middle-aged man frowned at once.

"Scala, do you think this event is related to those missing pariahs?" Cambo looked at the empty main seat in the main tent as a light flashed across his eyes. That position belonged to his father. Now, the one who was qualified to sit beside it was his elder brother, Scala. "In the future, that seat must belong to me." Camboo thought.

Scala also noticed the desiring look of Cambo as his mouth corners twitched once, "We can not reach such a conclusion now..." Scala denied Cambo's presumption right away while Cambo's hooknose looked a bit grim, "But I also feel what happened these couple of days are a bit weird. As the army chief is not here, we need to strengthen the patrolling force of the camp. Tomorrow, we have to have those pariahs find out that secret underground tunnel or ground crack. Additionally, the lost materials should be supplemented through the tunnel from the north as soon as possible."

After saying that, Scala watched Cambo, "Cambo, now that you feel the two events are related with each other, you're responsible for the investigation of the two cases since tomorrow. When the army chief comes back, you can report to him!"

"Yes, sir!"

"If there's nothing else, adjourn. Remember to do your own jobs well!"

When everybody left, Scala sneered towards their backs.

Rouben was complaining about his overreaction.

Houghs was tossing a problem.

Bartee was also mocking him for his overreaction.

Cambo wanted to make it more complex.

None of the four people were loyal to him. "So what? Don't they know that they have to depend on fist instead of mouth if they want to have a right of say in Senel Clan. As long as my level is higher than them always, they are determined to be under my rule and follow my order for the rest of their lives."

'If you have hard punch, you don't need to be clever. This is an ancestral proverb of Senel Clan. Have they forgotten about that? Additionally, are they really cleverer than me?"


After leaving the main tent, those members of Senel Clan exchanged a glance with each other before returning to their own tents.

Cambo looked grim as Scala was more tricky than he could imagine. If he did well what Scala ordered him to do, Scala would have a good reputation of using a good person. If not, Cambo would be regarded as incompetent and whimsical. What waited for him was nothing but mocks.

To be honest. What Cambo said just now was indeed intending to find trouble to Scala. However, he truly thought the two events might be linked with each other. Although no abnormal situation was found, it didn't mean there was no abnormal situation. It would be unreasonable if the fire was completely owed to be an accident. Because there were truly many doubtful points.

"Scala's performance was too calm just now. Why?"

Cambo was raving his mind; suddenly his heart raced. "Did Scala think that the fire raiser was one of those in the main tent?"

"This...this is really possible..."

When he was filled with plots and tricks, Cambo came to the front of his tent. After opening it, he walked in...

Right then, a series of punches struck him with terrifying battle qi as destructive as a pile of hot blades . He had no time to dodge away anymore. Even though he was already LV 10, he had no time to make any response in front of such a sudden attack, especially when the punch had already touched his body.

In a split second, Zhang Tie had launched 7 punches on Cambo's throat, chest, heart and lower abdomen as fast as lightning bolts. Although the punches were silent, the first punch had already made a LV 10 strong fighter lose his ability to move and exclaim.

Cambo laid on the ground as soft as a pool of mud. However, he didn't die. With his eyes widely opened, he watched this figure who looked like a pariah.

"Peh..." Zhang Tie squatted as he took up Cambo's sword from his back. After that, he stood up and drew the long sword out of the sheath.

"Did you use this sword to chop off that old man's limbs that day?"

Cambo could not utter any word. Opening his mouth, it seemed that he wanted to say "wait"...

Zhang Tie waved his sword, causing Cambo's head roll off his neck with an opened mouth. After catching this head and throwing his storage bag into Castle of Black Iron, Zhang Tie disappeared in the dark once again...

Chapter 596: Animosity and Return

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Two days later, all the powerhouses of Senel Clan were gathering on the bank of an underground lava river silently. The atmosphere was extremely depressive.

A tall and strong man in faintly grey hair and a suit of dusky golden armor was standing there and watching the head, which had run out of its fresh blood silently.

As this man didn't speak, all the others felt a great fear.

The man also had a very cruel and grim hooknose, which was as same as that of the head on the ground. However, the only difference was that one head was alive while the other was already dead. The dead head maintained an amazing look as it was faintly opening its mouth, seemingly wanting to say something.

"Can anyone tell me what happened?" the man turned around and watched the other members of Senel Clan with a calm look, "Why Cambo's head is here, but yours are still on your neck?"

Everyone felt a killing qi from his words. Rouben and the other guys then threw their glances at Scala. They were very jealous and admiring about the position of army chief assigned by Scala yesterday; however, now, they all felt lucky as they let out a deep sigh inside——thankfully, I'm not in that position.

Scala walked one step out of the crowd with a solemn look, "Cambo was assassinated in his tent. We found that he was assassinated yesterday; then we found his head here. I think dad have the right to see Cambo's miserable look after being assassinated, therefore, I let them protect the crime scene."

"Before Cambo was assassinated, the warehouse of the camp was on fire, causing a great loss. One day before he was assassinated, thousands of pariahs escaped away. After Cambo was assassinated, we found another 10,000 people were missing. All the missing pariahs insisted on not eating human fleshes. Another two slave supervisors are also missing. We've searched each corner and nook; however, nobody found their hiding place. We could not find any underground tunnel or secret underground space."

"As the agency army chief and Cambo's elder brother, I will shoulder the responsibility!"

After saying this, Scala lowered his head bashfully.

"You've not figured out what happened until now?" Koz asked icily.

"Yes!" Scala forced a word, "I just..."

Koz didn't speak. Before Scala accomplished his words, Koz had already punched onto his chest. Scala uttered a muffled harrumph as his chest armor had been broken into pieces completely. After being sent 20 m away, he started to spit out blood forcefully. Whereas, he still struggled to pick himself up from the ground and walked back.

Before Rouben and the other members of Senel Clan said anything, Koz had already slapped them, causing all of them spit out blood at the same time. Meanwhile, they were all sent flying backwards.

After falling on the ground, they didn't even dare to utter a voice. After picking themselves up from the ground, they continued to walk back silently while lowering their heads.

Koz gazed at them with killing qi, "You are my most excellent sons. The one who will rule the Senel Clan in the future must be one of you. I only want to tell you, although jackals are ferocious, they won't kill their family members. The future of Senel Clan won't be limited in Titanic Douchy either, am I clear?"

They exchanged glances with each other before nodding at the same time.

Koz closed his eyes and opened them after a few seconds, "Gather all the pariahs here, select one of ten, regardless of age, and chop off their heads for Cambo's death!"

If this order was implemented, it meant that at least 10,000 people would be killed. However, someone executed it right away.

Koz then moved his eyes onto that head on the bank of the lava river with a dense sadness."That person who killed Cambo must have some reason to take his head here. It seems like a sacrifice."

"What happened during the period I left the corps?"

"Cambo...Cambo...threw some pariahs into the lava river. Additionally, he chopped off a pariah's limbs to feed demonized puppets!" Scala panted.

"What?" Koz widely opened his eyes as if he wanted to eat people.

"I...I was also doubting that...maybe a powerful scout of the allied human forces have already found this place...the person who killed Cambo might be an outsider. When Cambo killed those pariahs, that human scout might be hiding among those pariahs. Additionally, given Cambo's wounds, it seemed being caused by a powerful battle qi..."

"Contact our moles in the allied human forces. If some human really had found this place, let me know who's that..." Koz gritted his teeth as his battle qi started to roll in spite of himself, "He dared kill my son, I will chop him into pieces."


Soon after that, the underground space was filled with human heads while a dense bloody smell started to suffuse the entire underground space...


Actually, Zhang Tie returned to the airship troop of Jinyun Country a bit later. Although he had already left that underground space in Misty Moon Woods yesterday, he came back today.

It was still heavily raining yesterday. In such a weather, Zhang Tie's glider could not fly off with the help of ascending airflow. When it became sunny today, Zhang Tie seized a strong ascending airflow nearby the hillside where he hid his glider and flew off.

After flying for several hours, Zhang Tie finally found the airship troop of Jinyun Country which was hovering in an airspace.

When they saw Zhang Tie's glider once again, many people in the airships cheered up. This time, Zhang Tie disappeared for 4 days, which made people worried about him.

Zhang Tie found Lan Yunxi's flagship airship. After flying around it for two circles, Zhang Tie sent a request to land on it. After that, Lan Yunxi's flagship airship adjusted its direction and speed along the wind direction. Meanwhile, a huge tuck net was released out of the bottom of the huge airship like catching fish.

Glider drivers described this process as falling into a tuck net.

This was indeed falling into a tuck net. No runway could be matched for gliders on airship. Therefore, the gliders could only return to the airship in this way. When they flew against the wind, they could slow down their gliders for the convenience of being captured by the huge tuck net.

If the glider driver was not excel at driving, they might encounter various events when falling into the tuck net, such as crashing onto the airship, breaking the tuck net or directly dropping off the air due to a sudden deceleration. Therefore, to successfully fall into a tuck net became an important standard to test an excellent glider driver's driving skill.

However, although other glider drivers felt very nervous when they finished this process, it was as easy as drinking water for Zhang Tie.

Zhang Tie drove the glider into that tuck net rapidly and softly. Soon after the two crew members of the airship fixed the glider with cable wires and hooks, Zhang Tie had already climbed out of the glider. At the same time, he erected his thumb towards the two crew members in goggles. After that, he climbed up by the net.

After returning to the airship, Zhang Tie directly headed for the airship command module where Lan Yunxi was in.

Lan Yunxi was discussing at a chart table with the other commission officers. At the sight of Zhang Tie, Lan Yunxi let out a deep sigh remarkably.

"It's nice to see you back!"

Watching Lan Yunxi's relaxed look, Zhang Tie felt warm inside as he also responded with a smile. Soon after that, he changed his face, "I've got a major information to report to General Lan".

After hearing Zhang Tie's words, other commission officers and other people in the command module exchanged glances with each other before leaving the command module silently. When the last person left, he even closed the door.

According to the requirement on keeping confidentiality in the army, if Zhang Tie was going to report major information to Lan Yunxi alone, the others are not qualified to listen to it. Therefore, they had to leave out of here in this case.

Seeing Zhang Tie's solemn look, Lan Yunxi's face turned solemn too.

"Have you found the trace of the demonized puppets corps?"

After hearing Lan Yunxi's question, Zhang Tie didn't speak; instead, he directly came to Lan Yunxi's side and pointed at a location on the map with his finger.

"They are here."

Watching that location, Lan Yunxi frowned, "I've already dispatched airships over here these days; however, we have no any discovery."

"That demonized puppets corps is not above ground; they are in an underground space. An entrance to the underground space is here."

"Ah? Underground?" Lan Yunxi revealed an amazing look, "What are they doing there?"

Zhang Tie drew two lines on the south and the north of that point, "They plan to break through an underground tunnel so as to pass Selnes Human defense line. Starting from this point, the northern part of this tunnel had been linked with the Titanic Douchy while its southern part had been broken through dozens of kilometers. Once this tunnel passed human's defense line in Selnes..."

Zhang Tie didn't need to say the rest words as Lan Yunxi had realized the outcome. She drew in a deep breath as her face turned extremely solemn at once.

"Have you entered that tunnel?"

"Yes!" Zhang Tie then told Lan Yunxi what he had learned about in that underground space. Of course, he didn't mention that he had saved over 20,000 human captives out of that underground space. In holy war, nobody would be interested in studying why 20,000-30,000 human captives of hundreds of thousands of human captives in total disappeared after being driven into the underground space.

"I have to report this event to the alliance command. The move plan of Jinyun Country's airship troop should also be altered..." Lan Yunxi said with an absolute certainty. After that, she went to a voice conducting pipe and sent an order, "This is Lan Yunxi, notice all the main commission officers, this move is cancelled. All the airships returned to the base. Flagship airship heads for Mocco City..."

After sending the order, Lan Yunxi walked back and glanced over Zhang Tie seriously. After being silent for a few seconds, she said, "Next time...you'd better not enter that dangerous place alone, okay?"

Zhang Tie instantly put his hand on Lan Yunxi's waist, "You're concerning about me?"

Lan Yunxi's face blushed as she instantly looked aside.

Zhang Tie moved her head back as he forcefully kissed her lips.


The war in Selnes Theater of Operations continued. After accomplishing the reconnaissance of Misty Moon Woods, Zhang Tie returned to the Crystal Battle Fortress with the airship troop of Jinyun Country. They had a few days' holiday once again. They had to take a rest after executing a high-intensity task in the air over 10 days. No airship troop could stand long-time flight.

Zhang Tie didn't need to concern about how human alliance command would deal with that demonized puppets corps of Senel Clan which was hiding in the underground space. It was out of his ability. Someone would naturally work out how to deal with such a huge demonized puppets corps and their plot to pass the Selnes human defense line. Some human troops would fight that demonized puppets corps and prevent demons' plot for sure. Zhang Tie only needed to do his best when necessary. As a LV 9 guy, Zhang Tie didn't need to consider too much about that.

What shocked Zhang Tie most during this reconnaissance task were the cruelty of the Three-eye Association and the miserable fate of those human captives.

Therefore, Zhang Tie started to cultivate crazily. He wanted to accomplish the gold seed planting process of "King Roc Sutra" as soon as possible.

When in cultivation, Zhang Tie even forgot about time. He entered a mechanical circulation of battle and rest——task——cultivation——task——cultivation...

Chapter 597: Breaking Through the Bottleneck (I)

Translator: WQL Editor: EbonyFrost

In the following months, although Zhang Tie didn't participate in the battles in the Misty Moon Woods, he had heard about the allied human forces' method and the progress of the warfare over there.

What Zhang Tie hadn't imagined was that the measure adopted by allied human forces to deal with demons' plot would be so simple. They dispatched a corps of fewer than 100,000 people into the Misty Moon Woods. The corps was the well-known Jungle's Leopard Corps from Barl, the country of the jungle.

This corps was the most powerful corps-level jungle combat troop in Selnes Theater of Operations. They could play a great role in the Misty Moon Woods.

It was said that this corps could fight for over 1 year in the jungle without any supplies.

Zhang Tie even started to doubt that the task might be specially prepared by the human alliance command for this jungle leopard corps.

Although the jungle leopard corps entered the Misty Moon Woods, they didn't enter the underground space. Only one female entered the underground space. She was a voodoo pharmacist, the rarest advanced profession among pharmacists.

It was so rare that Zhang Tie even didn't hear about it before. They excelled at refining various poisons and killing people in various secret methods as the darkest existence among pharmacists. If common pharmacists could serve as doctors par- time, voodoo pharmacists were totally aiming at destroying lives.

After the voodoo pharmacist left the underground space, that demonized puppets corps of Senel Clan had to leave the underground space too.

Because the only water source of the underground space had been contaminated by the severe poison released by the voodoo pharmacist. There were also various fatal poisons in those closed underground tunnels which had been excavated by human captives. Even demonized puppets could not stand that, not to mention human captives.

In the words of the "Holy War News", that voodoo pharmacist turned the entire underground space into a "huge poisonous vat", including those underground tunnels which were excavated by the demonized puppets corps. In the next decade, demons would not organize the same thing again.

The underground space was in a special environment. Even the largest water source was an underground lake. Additionally, the air flow condition was poor over there. Although there were great differences between the underground space and that above ground on many aspects, it was really great to destroy the demons' plot with only one person's strength.

Compared to what meritorious deed Zhang Tie had made, this was also a very exciting and inspiring achievement. Therefore, the human alliance command delivered the second order of commendation to her and rewarded the voodoo pharmacist with the honor "Selnes Snake".

Although commoners disliked snakes, voodoo pharmacists really regarded any honor with word snake as a reward.

Additionally, besides being very mysterious, that voodoo pharmacist was a woman called Tirsyris.

A woman obtained an honor in Selnes Theater of Operations and aborted the plot of a demonized puppets corps. This aroused shock across the theater of operations at once. Many people started to match her contributions with that of Zhang Tie.

With one more hero, the others' confidence rocketed once again. They seemed to be seeing the twilight of victory. However, for Zhang Tie, the tough battle had just begun.

Since June, with the arrival of the long-term rainy forest of summer in Selnes, Zhang Tie's responsibilities became heavier. In July, August and September, the times that Zhang Tie executed tasks by glider and the period that he lasted in the air refreshed the entire Selnes Theatre of Operations.

In the same period, the confrontations and battles between wing demon troops and human airship troops grew fiercer across the Selnes Theater of Operations.

During the three months, human airship troops lost over 1400 airships, whereas, human airship troops also broke through demons' air defense line many times and seized the opportunity to make a large-scale air strike towards the northern regions under the rule of demons, which caused a severe blow to some demonized puppets corps.

In July, under a delicate plan, Lan Yunxi's airship troop abruptly entered the airspace of the collapsed Titanic Duchy and raided Erie, a major city in the south of Titanic Douchy under the rule of demons. As a result, the entire city was destroyed along with a large batch of military materials being stored in Erie by the demons' corps in the frontline. Additionally, a demonized puppets corps in Erie suffered casualties numbering at least 200,000.

Since the confrontation between allied human forces and demons in Selnes Theatre of Operations, this was a rare overwhelming triumph of human airship troop and the first time for a human troop to destroy a city under the rule of demons. The successful air strike being named "Double-Arc Move" by Lan Yunxi also made her one of the most brilliant generals across the Selnes Theatre of Operations.

Both parties had made triumphs in the air and on the ground in the three months.

Zhang Tie mainly executed his tasks in the sky. Over the past three months, Zhang Tie found the wing demons became more difficult to deal with. He was gradually losing his advantage in fighting wing demons by glider in the sky.

Now, he could rarely meet a wing demon in the sky or directly met a troop of wing demons. After killing a common wing demon, he would soon become the target of LV 11 wing demons in the troop of wing demons and be chased by them.

Zhang Tie met the latter situation once. It was very risky. In order to dodge from that LV 11 wing demon, he directly dove into a big river with the glider.

This was because a LV 11 wing demons' fighting strength and speed had made Zhang Tie's javelins ineffective.

That time, Zhang Tie was injured. Additionally, he lost a glider. Thankfully, he returned to the Crystal Battle Fortress. After returning to the Crystal Battle Fortress, Zhang Tie made a serious analysis about this battle and finally reached a conclusion, 'It seems to be tricky in the air from now on.'

Zhang Tie knew that his events and name must have been known by the management of demonized puppets corps. Additionally, wing demons had already worked out the method to deal with him based on his ability——average LV 9 and LV 10 wing demons would descend at the sight of him and escape along the direction of the air flow based on their agility in the air. They could soon dodge his attacks and hunt in this way. However, high-level wing demons, at the sight of him would immediately rush forward to kill him.

In such a situation, although Zhang Tie increased his frequency to execute tasks, he could hunt fewer and fewer wing demons over three months. From the beginning of July to the end of September, Zhang Tie hunted less than 10 wing demons in total. However, he almost lost his life many times in the air.

As the number of wing demons that he could hunt decreased sharply, the fruit of source of wing demons that Zhang Tie had desired for a long time still wasn't ripe. Therefore, his military exploits on the Military Exploits Rankings remained unchanged. At the same time, the military exploits of the other elites from six clans started to rocket, causing a fiercer competition on the Military Exploits Rankings in Crystal Battle Fortress.

This was the upper limit that a LV 9 fighter could reach. Like the border between stratosphere and troposphere, it separated two worlds. Zhang Tie felt that he had already reached the bottleneck. Only those above LV 10 could enter the world above this ceiling.

If he didn't break through this ceiling, Zhang Tie knew that he could hardly change such a situation. He would still be chased by LV 11 wing demons in the sky. Those b*stards of Three-eye Association could still casually arrange some killers in the illegal demon hunters market so that he dared not wander in the market casually. This was an urgent survival crisis caused by a low level of power.

Because of this bottleneck and survival crisis, Zhang Tie started to cultivate harder. As long as he was free, he would enter cultivation. He dared not waste any time.

When Zhang Tie proceeded to the first step of the "King Roc Sutra"——planting a golden seed in the Shrine, he constantly strengthened and consolidated his fighting strength and basic fighting skills in all aspects.

In the three months, Zhang Tie obtained 11 iron-body fruits after being beaten by his crew members crazily. Benefiting from those iron-body fruits, Zhang Tie felt that his bones were growing more compact and harder. Additionally, his muscle fibers were growing stronger and more resilient, which could provide a greater explosive force and bear greater resistance. Even his innards had become more stable while being filled with vigorous and agile vitality. Zhang Tie gradually felt that there was an invisible, powerful protective film over those organs.

What was more unimaginable was that Zhang Tie's skin had become better as it looked as shiny as jade, which looked very pleasant and noble.

Chapter 598: Breaking Through the Bottleneck (II)

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Benefited from the leakless fruits, Zhang Tie had improved greatly on physical strength and the other aspects. In the trouble-reappearance situations, Zhang Tie's iron-blood fist and various fighting skills were further improved.

Before coming to the Selnes Theater of Operations for the second time, Zhang Tie's marks in shadow demon cell were 6,6,10, namely surviving 6 seconds in shadow demon cell, being collapsed 6 times physically and activating shadow demon cell 10 times.

In August, Zhang Tie had made a great progress in fighting data in shadow demon cell when he came to Selnes Theater of Operations for the second time.

7,9,11, the latest marks of Zhang Tie. He could survive over 7 seconds in shadow demon cell, sustain collapse 9 times consecutively in the trouble-reappearance situation and activate shadow demon cell 11 times after several months' hard cultivation.

In October, the rainy season of Selnes Plain had passed when the autumn flavor started to cover this land full of flames and smoke of war.

Autumn was the season of harvest after sprouting and brilliance.

Zhang Tie also made a harvest in this season. Since he obtained 'Robust Ox Skill', the incomplete version of 'King Roc Sutra' on June 11th, he would finally finish planting the golden seed in his Shrine after over 100 days.

On the evening of October 4th, Zhang Tie was sitting on the bed in the Captain's room of the Idiots with his legs crossed.

Since he returned to the base by the Idiots on October 2nd, Zhang Tie had been in the Captain's room. All the crew members knew that Zhang Tie was in cultivation; therefore, nobody disturbed him.

In the Shrine surging point, that huge golden egg had been covered with dense classic, feather-like runes. There were totally 986 runes over it.

The last rune was like a rotating spiral with a beautiful tail. The moment Zhang Tie completely manifested the last rune on the top of the golden egg using his spiritual energy and battle qi had he felt relaxed all over. After that, before letting out a sigh, Zhang Tie had quivered all over. In Zhang Tie's mind, the Shrine surging point started to rock heavily.

When the Shrine surging point vibrated, the golden egg which was covered with 987 mysterious runes started to float and emit out colorful, brilliant lights, making the entire Shrine surging point as bright as an imperial palace. Meanwhile, Zhang Tie's lower abdomen became as warm as a thermos flask.

Its color changed from red to orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue and purple...

These colorful lights appeared alternatively. They seemed penetrating through the Shrine surging point as they started to brighten everywhere inside Zhang Tie's body. Zhang Tie started to feel that his body became as transparent as glass as his fleshes, blood, bones, veins and organs gradually disappeared, causing his body void inside and outside and pretty pure. As the golden egg alternatively changed its color, Zhang Tie's body became a huge, solemn and sacred piece of glaze.

In such a nice feeling and realm, Zhang Tie suddenly heard a groundbreaking chirp. At the same time, the golden egg broke into pieces and emitted out bright colorful lights. After that, 987 runes started to float from the golden egg and converged in the air. Finally, a huge bird completely composed of lights whose look was blurrily manifested in the Shrine.

Although it was virtual, at the sight of the bird, Zhang Tie felt an indescribable, powerful energy and qi which could destroy the universe. He almost knelt down for that out of worship.

That huge bird composed of lights flapped its wings as a light feather fell off its body and flew out of the Shrine. It finally landed on a place inside Zhang Tie's body...

The huge bird constantly flapped its wings as light features constantly flew out of his Shrine and headed for everywhere inside his body...

In the end, Zhang Tie felt that the inside of his body was covered with the lights feature from that huge bird.

The huge bird chirped loudly for four times...

When it chirped for the first time, Zhang Tie felt his body was as massive as land.

When it chirped for the second time, Zhang Tie felt his body was as dynamic as water.

When it chirped for the third time, Zhang Tie felt as light as wind.

When it chirped for the fourth time, Zhang Tie felt as hot as fire.

After four chirps, Zhang Tie obtained a greater mass, a more agile body, a broader sense of space and a great passion.

Finally, the four elements and feelings mixed with each other and filled Zhang Tie's empty body once again like coloring a painting. Zhang Tie then felt the existence of his blood, fleshes, bones and organs and felt his heart beating and blood running once again.

At this moment, the heart beats sounded like a giant hammering a battle drum.

Additionally, the sound of the running blood in Zhang Tie's vessels was also like a jubilant brook.

The sounds of battle drums and running brook resonated in Zhang Tie's body, bringing him a new, strange feeling. How blood flew over spine was like how brook flew over the mountain ridge. Resonating in his chest, the heart beats were like sonorous and elegant songs in the serene valley. Being combined with his innards, they performed a delicate piece of music.

Livers, heart, spleen, lungs and kidneys; green, red, yellow, white and black; 1,2,3,5,6 (musical notes); wood, fire, soil, gold and water; fury, hatred, complaint, angry and boredom...

Zhang Tie had never had such a feeling before. He seemed having enlightened something. He felt having everything, including the mountains, rivers, stars and universe.

When the true feelings recovered, Zhang Tie finally woke up and opened his eyes.

He was still sitting in the Captain's room of Idiots. However, one night had already passed. He saw the twilight of dawn through the closed window. However, he was spirited like having recuperated several days as he felt flying in the air.

Zhang Tie looked inside his body as he almost dropped off his tears.

At this moment, all the invisible surging points had manifested in his senses clearly. Like clearing off the clouds and seeing the sun, each surging point was an energy core in his body. They spread in Zhang Tie's body like 987 stars. Besides 34 surging points on his spine, all the other 953 surging points had manifested themselves.

At this moment, all the 987 runes of 'King Roc Sutra' that he spent almost 100 days to visualize reappeared. Each rune matched each surging point. The image of runes clearly appeared in the cores of those surging points.

Of the 34 surging points on his spine which had been lit, the 34 runes were as brilliant as flames. Comparatively, the runes in the 953 invisible surging points which had not been lit looked a bit dark.

From then on, the gate from LV 10 to LV 16 opened to Zhang Tie completely.

At the same moment, Zhang Tie indeed felt the power and the terror of the emperor-level secret knowledge. Soon after he finished planting the golden seed in his Shrine had all the invisible surging points in his body been completely manifested. That was too marvelous.

Although Zhang Tie had not cultivated other secret knowledge, he had already heard about the cultivation effects of the other secret knowledge in these couple of months. According to Zhang Tie's knowledge, even the Zhang Clan's 'Breaking Sun Sutra' could not manifest invisible surging points until later phase. Some viscount-level or baron-level secret knowledge would cost the cultivator more time to manifest invisible surging points. Some of them even needed the coordination between outside force and medicine to manifest invisible surging points.

However, soon after you planted the golden seed of 'King Roc Sutra' in your Shrine, you would manifest all the invisible surging points. What Zhang Tie needed to do was to light all the invisible surging points one after another and witnessed the nirvana.

"Powerful, that's too powerful. What an emperor-level secret knowledge!"

Perhaps this is the realm of this sutra. The one who cultivated the 'King Roc Sutra' would be like a King Roc. As long as it stretched its wings, it would break through air and clouds. In a split second, it would pass tens of thousands miles as there were only stars in its eyes. No obstacles existed anymore. The road in the front would be clear and the road in the back would turn into dust under the feet.

In the Shrine surging point, the golden egg had completely disappeared. The one being left in the Shrine was only a brilliant King Roc Seed Rune, which had been a stick of spiritual feature.

Now that it was 'King Roc Sutra', the method to light surging points would not be as stupid as before. That stick of spiritual feather was the key to cultivate 'King Roc Sutra' and light those invisible surging points.

Although Zhang Tie wanted to rush in Castle of Black Iron, burning that stick of spiritual feather with those leakless fruits which were accumulating in Castle of Black Iron for a long time, and promote to LV 10 in the fastest speed, more haste, less speed. Because he had just broken through an important pass after cultivating for many days, he needed to take a rest.

Thinking of this, Zhang Tie got off the bed, opened the door of Captain's Room and walked outside.

At this moment, it was early morning. As it was a holiday break, besides some people on duty and some guards, most of the crew members on the Idiots had not woken up.

It was a nice weather today. Zhang Tie came to the deck of the airship and found the sun had just come out of the horizon, tinting the eastern sky and the entire Selnes Plain into golden color.

"After planting the golden seed in the Shrine, it was all clear in front of his eyes. There were no more mountains in front of his eyes from then on."

A line flashed across Zhang Tie's mind as Zhang Tie felt extremely heroic. He felt very bright in front of his eyes. The sense of depression and frustration that had accumulated in his mind for several months disappeared in a second. Demons? Three-eye Association? F*ck you...

Chapter 599: Beating Training and Promotion

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

The kitchen of the Idiots opened only when the airship landed on the ground. By then, crew members might have a hot meal in the kitchen. When the Idiots executed tasks in the air, no matter how long would the tasks last, no open fire was allowed across the airship except for the boiler in the engine room which was under strict control. During the process of executing tasks, crew members could only eat dried rations and preserved food.

In such case, whenever the airship landed for supply, the kitchen would always be crowded with people, like today.

However, the situation today was a bit different than before. Although the crew members were eating, they were all focused on old John, the chef of the Idiots who trotted between the kitchen and the dining hall.

Old John was very excited. As long as old John became excited, his nose would turn red. Today, old Join's nose was as red as a made-up clown.

Of course, the one who could make this chef of a 5-star hotel so busy was the captain of the Idiots.

As the captain was always busy, he rarely ate in the dining hall. Even though he came here, he would finish the meal and leave rapidly. It was said that old John even complained about that before; today, old John became very excited and diligent.

The one who was more attractive than old John in the dining hall was Zhang Tie. At this moment, Zhang Tie's table had been covered with so many plates. What he ate was more than that of three tough guys in the airship. Additionally, he was still eating. It seemed that he wouldn't feel full.

All the crew members didn't find that their captain had such a good appetite until now.

"Hurry, give me a way, give me a way..." old John shouted loudly, scaring away some crew members who were queuing up to fill dish far away. Lifting a plate, he trotted all the way in front of Zhang Tie as he lowered his body and served that plate on the table in front of Zhang Tie. After that, he unveiled the cover of the dish and said, "Captain, try this one, golden roasted fish. This is my best dish when I served as a chef in Cyrink Empire. It took me half an hour to cook this dish..."

When the cover was unveiled, everyone in the surroundings smelt an alluring aroma. Many people started to raise their nose to sniff.

When old John was introducing his 'well-known dish' to Zhang Tie, Zhang Tie couldn't wait to pick up the golden roasted fish and engulf it. As Zhang Tie's teeth were as hard as steel, he soon ate up the entire dish.

Until he ate up that golden roasted fish did Zhang Tie find old John was staring at him like being wronged.

"What?" Zhang Tie asked with an amazed look.

"Erm...captain, you forgot to paste my sauce on it. Golden roasted fish tastes better with sauce!" old John looked like how an artist watched a bricklayer spoiling the first-class painting.

"Ah? Is that real?" after saying that, Zhang Tie saw a saucer of sauce beside that plate. He then revealed a bashful smile, "I will try. Hope it's not late..."

Zhang Tie replied as he poured that saucer of sauce into his mouth and engulfed them at once. After that, he smacked his lips twice, "Hmm, it really tastes good. Well done!"

Old John widely opened his mouth. This was his first time to see someone eat golden roasted fish in this way. However, he revealed a happy smile, "There's one more dish in the kitchen. Wait for a second, I will serve it to you..."

After saying that, old John ran jubilantly towards the kitchen.

Zhang Tie didn't know why he had such a good appetite today. Even though he didn't eat food for a couple of days when in cultivation, his appetite was still out of Zhang Tie's imagination. Zhang Tie felt that he could eat at least twice the food of that before.

After planting the golden seed of 'King Roc Sutra' in the Shrine, Zhang Tie felt so hungry. This was indeed out of Zhang Tie's imagination. However, Zhang Tie also knew that great hunger represented a sharply increasing demand for energy and digestive ability. This seemed to be one of the changes that his body had experienced after planting the golden seed of 'King Roc Sutra' in his Shrine.

There were some more changes that Zhang Tie didn't know how to describe. He didn't find these changes at the beginning. After planting the golden seed of 'King Roc Sutra' in Shrine for over 1 hour, he gradually adapted to the changes.

Zhang Tie found his body became lighter.

Zhang Tie thought that he lost his weight at first. He especially weighed himself on a scale; however, his weight remained unchanged. It was still 79 kg. As a result, he found that his fast moving skill was much improved. He could move in a more agile way. Sometimes, Zhang Tie felt being as light as a stick of feather.

Besides being more agile, Zhang Tie found his strength also increased by 10%, which really shocked him.

In legends, when roc was a super magical beast which ate dragons like eating earthworms. It was said that when dragons saw roc, they would be too scared to move. A roc would eat 500 young dragons and a king dragon a day. Additionally, this magical beast was as long as thousands of miles. After flapping its wings once, it could travel 80,000 miles at a super fast speed. To drive such a huge body, its strength was of course extremely terrifying.

Thinking of his great appetite and those improvements in his body, Zhang Tie realized that these were benefited from 'King Roc Sutra' for sure. As for such an emperor-level secret knowledge which had manifested a great effect since he planted the golden seed in his Shrine, Zhang Tie could say nothing but praise.

Zhang Tie started to become more desiring about the effects after LV 10. Only from the name 'Robust Ox Skill', Zhang Tie had realized that this 'King Roc Sutra' would bring him a great strength for sure in the process of promoting to LV 10, If not, those people would never name this incomplete version of 'King Roc Sutra' as 'Robust Ox Skill', with which, they could only promote to LV 10.

When old John served a fish-flavored shredded pork with Chinese characters, Zhang Tie ate another two bowls of rice and drunk another two bowls of soup. Finally, facing the satisfactory smile of old John, Zhang Tie felt that he was almost full.


After eating the breakfast and resting for a short while, Zhang Tie started his beating training.

This beating training had become the most boisterous scene in the airship base of the Crystal Battle Fortress since it started. Whenever Zhang Tie prepared to be beaten, he would instantly be surrounded by a lot of common fighters in the Crystal Battle Fortress and the airship base.

"Ah? Our Selnes Eagle is ready to be beaten once again..."

As someone exclaimed outside the Idiots. Soon after Zhang Tie and those crew members got off the Idiots had they been surrounded by many guys who were rubbing their hands with glittering eyes.

Zhang Tie didn't know why those guys were so positive until the first mate of the Idiots explained it to him.

"When they have a chance to beat Selnes Eagle, it sounds great! Later on, even if they leave Selnes Theater of Operations, when someone asks them what is the coolest thing that they've done in Selnes Theater of Operations, they will swear that they've beaten Selnes Eagle many times. Additionally, he never dared to fight back. How cool!"

After hearing such a reason, Zhang Tie forced a bitter smile. However, Zhang Tie knew that was real. If he was still a small figure in Blackhot City, he would do this too so as to show off back in the home.

However, Zhang Tie didn't mind that. After being familiar with everyone, each beating training was like playing with friends. He didn't have any mental burden at all.

After several months' beating training, Zhang Tie's strike-resistance ability gradually improved. Gradually, Zhang Tie posed new requirements on those people who beat him. They were requested to attack him with clubs and wooden sticks. Those weapons were made of longan wood and ashwood which were not too hard.

Zhang Tie had tried that. On the premise of not using battle qi, when the longan wood and ashwood were broken on his body, it was just close to the attack limit that he could stand without any injuries. This was a sort of protection to himself; by doing this, those guys could fully enjoy themselves. Additionally, he could perceive the best training effect in this way.

"Fine, as you've waited for this chance for several days, you can beat me now!" Zhang Tie stood in the middle of the training center in a training velvet, a pair of military pants and a pair of training leather shoes. The moment he opened his mouth had the others burst out into laughter.

"Zhang Tie, when it's my turn, can I have people take a photo for us?" a guy kidded with Zhang Tie.

"Of course, but my portraiture right is very expensive. You have to pay 100 gold coins for each photo with me." Zhang Tie burst out into laughter, followed by the others soldiers once again.

Zhang Tie then waved his hands towards them as 7 guys in clubs and wooden sticks instantly swarmed up and ferociously struck Zhang Tie.

Zhang Tie didn't fight back. In a split second, some clubs were hacked on his body...

At this moment, Lan Yunxi and a man with the rank of major general walked over there. Standing outside the crowd, they were watching the training between Zhang Tie and those fighters.

That man only watched Zhang Tie being beaten several seconds before drawing a mouth of cold breath. Those innocent people thought that Zhang Tie was just dodging from being beaten; however, in the eyes of powerhouses like the major general, Zhang Tie's training pattern really shocked him...

Chapter 600: A New Task

Translator: WQL Editor: EbonyFrost

Zhang Tie was surrounded by 7 people, all of which were average soldiers below LV 6. Although they were not powerhouses, they had very rich fighting experiences. They attacked Zhang Tie's different parts ferociously in different attacking frequencies. As Zhang Tie could not fight back, Zhang Tie had a very limited space to move.

However, in the limited space, Zhang Tie's performance was really shocking in the process of being beaten by clubs and wooden sticks.

Commoners might not figure out Zhang Tie's intention, however, in the eyes of that powerhouse who watched that together with Lan Yunxi, Zhang Tie was unconsciously controlling the attacking frequencies by moving his feet. Furthermore, he even chose where to be beaten.

Through Zhang Tie's movements in the limited space, the parts of Zhang Tie's body which would be beaten by those weapons were not determined by those soldiers, but by Zhang Tie.

After a short while, the major general found that a soldier had attacked Zhang Tie 8 times consecutively, each time on a different part like hindneck, left shoulder, right shoulder, lower abdomen, forebreast and arm.

In the end, that person's stick fell on the subscapular position of Zhang Tie's left shoulder.

The same to all the other soldiers.

An average LV 9 fighter could easily realize this when facing a LV 5 or LV 6 soldier's attack. However, Zhang Tie faced 7 soldiers.

That meant that Zhang Tie had to judge 7 opponents' attacking speeds, locations and constantly change his movements so as to have the disorderly attacks develop according to his own will at each second.

As those soldiers could attack several times a second, actually, Zhang Tie had to deal with over 10 attacks from all directions each second.

Those soldiers who attacked Zhang Tie didn't change. But Zhang Tie changed, causing everything change.

Additionally, Zhang Tie's movements were not from advanced secret knowledge. After watching it carefully, the major found that Zhang Tie had five kinds of footsteps, namely bow step, sliding step, side step, jumping step and quick short step. However, the five basic footsteps became marvelous under Zhang Tie's foot. Even though soldiers who attacked Zhang Tie had not found that Zhang Tie didn't even move his hand through the entire process. However, their attacking frequencies had been regulated and controlled by Zhang Tie's footsteps.

Controlling the opponents' attacking frequencies with changing footsteps?

In such a relaxed state?

Such an ability could only be described as terrifying.


"Ah, don't beat my face. Are you jealous about my handsome face..."


"Buddy, even though I want you to beat me, you cannot knock that place with your stick, that's my heirloom!"


While being beaten, Zhang Tie was still joking with his partners. A lot of onlookers burst out laughter. Some soldiers, when tired, would be replaced by another one at once.

Lan Yunxi realized the difference between Zhang Tie and her while watching him playing jokes with those soldiers while being beaten by them.

She couldn't do this. Nobody in Hidden Dragon Palace could do this, not to mention her. None of the fighters above LV 9 in the Crystal Battle Fortress could do it. However, Zhang Tie made it although having won an honor in Selnes Theatre of Operations.

In Zhang Tie's eyes, he indeed treated these commoners as the same as him. No matter what to do with these people, he would neither feel embarrassed nor feel being humiliated about that. Instead, he could enjoy it.

Although she would not discriminate against these commoners, she knew that she was different from these people. She knew it since she was young. Perhaps no high-level fighter or guy with a bright future who had awakened their ancestral bloodline would feel as same as these commoners, except for Zhang Tie.

This was also the biggest difference between Zhang Tie and all the others.

For the sake of those strange commoners, he even violated clan regulations and suffered in Heavens Cold City.

Here, he was enjoying being a human flesh bag of those commoners.


Lan Yunxi sighed inside. At the sight of Zhang Tie's jubilant look which had not been seen in recent months, Lan Yunxi's looked also turned mild.

Zhang Tie had long noticed Lan Yunxi and the man in a major's military uniform. The moment Zhang Tie glanced at that man's military uniform had he knew that there was trouble.

However, Zhang Tie didn't stop. He kept training until oozing all over. When he felt okay, he finally stopped and walked towards Lan Yunxi and that man.

Seeing Zhang Tie stop, the other soldiers exchanged glances with each other and knew that Zhang Tie had something to deal with, therefore, they all left.

"Senior sister apprentice Lan!" Zhang Tie came to the front of the two people.

"This is Ford, major general of the alliance command." Lan Yunxi introduced the man to Zhang Tie.

"Nice to meet you." that man reached out of his hand before Zhang Tie gave a salute to him, "I've long heard about the name of Selnes Eagle. Nice to meet you!"

Zhang Tie then shook hands with that man, "Major general, what can I do for you?"

After looking around, major general suggested, "Let's change locations."

"Fine, let's talk about it in my airship."

Zhang Tie then invited the two people into the airship.


After making a cup of tea for Zhang Tie, Lan Yunxi, and the major general, the crew member left, leaving the three of them in the command module.

Major general watched Zhang Tie for a second before getting straight to the topic.

"There are some new situations about the demons' occupied zone in the north, which made the alliance command very concerned." The major general threw a glance at Zhang Tie. "If we don't confirm it and obtain some information in time, the human's defense line in Selnes might collapse in a very short time."

Lan Yunxi might have already known about this. Therefore, after listening to major general Ford's words, she didn't look too amazed, instead, she just faintly frowned.

"What's that?" Zhang Tie turned solemn.

"Demons might produce demonized puppets in a large scale in the occupied zone in the north. Many people could not escape out of the collapse zone in time. Therefore, most of them might have been killed and become demonized puppets. Now we're facing 2 or 3 millions of demonized puppets. In the future, we might face 20-30 millions of demonized puppets, even above 30 million. Do you know what that means?"

If we had to face 20-30 millions of demonized puppets, Zhang Tie knew that the Selnes defense line would collapse for sure. Demons only needed to dispatch all of those demonized puppets here. They would beat the allied human forces of 5-6 million people. Now, the most important reason for Selnes human defense line to sustain was that the human forces outnumbered the demonized puppets. As long as this advantage was lost, even though humans had air superiority in a short time, it was still meaningless.

Because airships had to land on the ground sooner or later. Additionally, airships' air-to-ground striking ability was limited.

After being silent for a few seconds, Zhang Tie asked, "Doesn't it take a puppet worm egg of a parent worm a long time to hatch after entering a person's body? How come demons cultivate so many demonized puppets in the occupied zone so fast?"

"It was true in the 2nd holy war. It took demons at least 6 years to occupy a place before obtaining a demonized puppets corps. But it's different now." The Major General watched Zhang Tie with a worrying look. "We got some intelligence. Demons might have already mastered a new ability, with which, they could realize the large-scale production of parent puppet worms. Additionally, they could stimulate humans being infected by parent puppet worms to turn into demonized puppets in a very short period."

As Major General Ford said this, he took out of a photo from his suitcase and placed it in front of Zhang Tie, "We obtained this photo at a great cost."

Zhang Tie looked over the photo.

That photo was taken in the evening. The photographer was a bit farther from the target. Therefore, the photo looked a bit blurry. However, Zhang Tie recognized a huge pyramid-sized object in the photo. However, it was not a pyramid, because pyramids were made of stones. It looked more like a mountain of flesh, which was covered with dense holes like honeycombs while disgusting mucus flew out of the holes.

There were numerous humans below that object, who were queuing up and moving into that dark huge entrance of that pyramid-sized object like walking dead.

At the sight of this photo, Zhang Tie felt chilly as goosebumps formed all over his back.