704 - 711

Chapter 704: Tower of Time

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

As a man who was too frugal to eat a bowl of rice brew made by his own family at the cost of 3 copper coins, how could Zhang Tie let go such a giant's skeleton which was worth at least 1 million gold coins? Otherwise, Zhang Tie would not even forgive himself. No matter how rich he was, he would never be such wasteful.

Therefore, after taking a round rapidly and finding nobody was in the neighborhood, Zhang Tie started to excavate the complete giant's skeleton which was as long as 20 m out of the soft soil in the shadow of the woods at the fastest speed.

Although the greater part of the giant skeleton was buried in the soil, as long as Zhang Tie moved away from the layer of mud, he would see the original skeleton which was radiating white luster.

The giant's bones were as dense in texture as that of white marble. As long as he slightly moved some mud away from above, Zhang Tie would see the faint metallic luster.

Zhang Tie moved as fast as a steam excavator. However, it still took Zhang Tie 2 hours to finish the excavation of the complete skeleton.

Watching the complete giant's skeleton in a huge pit, Zhang Tie was dumbfounded. Even though it was just lying there, it was still almost as tall as Zhang Tie. Zhang Tie could not imagine how powerful it would be when it was alive. It would be even more terrifying if the giant could cultivate.

In legends, humans once lived in the same age with giants. Giants were also a branch of humans. There were many Hua stories about giants.

In far-ancient times, there was a big flood. Hua emperor ordered one hundred human clans to regulate rivers and watercourses. There was a giant couple called Pufu. Although they received the order to deal with the flood and drain rivers and watercourses, due to their laziness, they were punished to stand still. Without any food to eat, they could only drink dew until the river turned clear. Due to such a "tender punishment", the giant couple finally succumbed to Hua emperor and started to do labor work diligently...

After that, another Hua emperor came to the world who ruled the whole world. At that time, 12 giants appeared in Tao river's bank. The Hua emperor liked them and had people build 12 gold statues for each of them.

Later on, 2 more giants played major rules in the history of Hua people.

One was called Weng Zhong. After surrendering to Hua people, this giant became the general of Hua clan. He assisted Hua people to conquer all the alien clans and was well-known across the world. Due to his braveness on the battlefield, Hua clan even built a statue for him to commemorate him. In many Hua regions, Weng Zhong referred to bulky copper or stony statues.

The second giant who left his name in the history of Hua people was called Wu Ba. This giant once assisted a Hua man Wang Mang to usurp the throne. He was the best general of Wang Mang. Due to his bulky figure, everybody would like to call him Big Wu Ba. Even today, Hua people would say the term "Big Wu Ba" which was derived from this giant.

Giants were deeply related to Hua people.


After recalling those stories about giants in Hua people, Zhang Tie put his hands on the huge skull of the giant's skeleton and penetrated his spiritual energy into it. Closely after that, he moved it into Castle of Black Iron.

With 1 million gold coins as a reward, Zhang Tie felt pretty good. He refilled the huge pit and cleaned all the traces before returning to Castle of Black Iron. After that, he flew out of Castle of Black Iron in the incarnation of a little black beetle and started to discover this region..

After activating the senior hiding rune, Zhang Tie straightly flew 100 m high along the coastline.

Although the thunder hawk could fly higher and faster, it would be too eye-catching for an animal above the ground to appear in such an underground space. It would definitely arouse the attention of the demon knight if he came here. Therefore, the little black beetle was much safer. Although the beetle could not match the thunder hawk in speed, it was also very swift.

The land in the underground ocean seemed to be a huge island with mountain ranges on it. The entire island looked pretty vast. It was as broad as tens of thousands of sq km. After flying for 2 hours, Zhang Tie found that he was still in a small corner of the island.

When Zhang Tie wanted to fly towards the middle of the island, he saw a figure flying over 500 m above his head.

Zhang Tie was shocked inside, 'It's the demon knight. It's also flushed over here. It seemed that the demon knight fell off from the other cave.'

Although the demon knight was flying high, it kept its eyes closely on the ground so as to seek for Zhang Tie's trace.

Zhang Tie hushed, 'Thankfully, I've already incarnated into a beetle. If I kept loitering over there in my original body, I might have been caught by that demon knight.' However, Zhang Tie knew that this demon knight was not sure whether Zhang Tie was also flushed over here. 'Due to the complex underground watercourses, I might be flushed to other places.'

'At this moment, I'm invisible while the enemy is visible. This seems to be an opportunity to launch an attack.'

A glimmer of hope rose in Zhang Tie's heart once again. Zhang Tie just stayed 1 mile away from the demon knight.

Because the demon knight was seeking for Zhang Tie's trace on the ground, he didn't fly too fast. Therefore, Zhang Tie could follow him up.

4-5 hours later, after finding no trace of Zhang Tie on the coastline and in the ocean, the demon knight abandoned his mind as it turned around and flew towards a mountain which was as high as 5,000-6,000 m on the side of this island, closely followed by Zhang Tie.

Zhang Tie found that the demon knight almost fell off when it flew over the mountain range. Therefore, he instantly followed up it at a speed several times faster than that of before.

Watching the demon knight hurriedly disappearing on the back of the mountain range, Zhang Tie immediately rushed towards there.


When he flew over that mountain range, Zhang Tie finally knew why that demon knight almost fell off just now. Even Zhang Tie himself had forgotten to flap his wings and almost fallen off when he saw the item in the distance.

On the plain behind the mountain range in the middle of this island, Zhang Tie saw an extremely magnificent pyramid which almost made him suffocated.

That pyramid was larger than any other pyramid that Zhang Tie had ever seen or heard. It was about 3,000 m in height. It was more like a mountain peak than a building. If not flying over this mountain range, Zhang Tie could never see such a pyramid.

The pyramid was completely made of crystals. Even being more than dozens of km away from it, Zhang Tie could still see the color and texture of the crystals.

A huge pyramid completely made of crystals. Such a pyramid could never be made in this age, even through the concerted efforts of all the human countries across Blackson Humans Corridor. The technique that required to build such a huge pyramid had been out of the limit that humans could reach in this age.

A term occurred to Zhang Tie's mind——Pre-historical cultural relics.

How could such a marvelous pre-historical cultural relics exist in the underground space?

After being stunned for a second, Zhang Tie hurriedly sped up towards that pyramid.

Compared to Zhang Tie, that demon knight almost exerted its full strength that he used to suck nipples to fly towards that pyramid, which really shocked Zhang Tie.


When Zhang Tie was 20 miles away from that pyramid, Zhang Tie sensed a powerful energy enshrouding the space. If he cultivated in such an atmosphere, he would light his surging points much faster than before.

The closer he was to the pyramid, the more evident the energy field of the huge crystal pyramid would be. With the effect of that energy field, the plants nearby the pyramid grew much better than those in other places. The palm-tree like trees and the fungi on the ground were too huge. Those trees were 200-300 m high while those fungi were completely like booths.

Besides those plants, there were more animals. It seemed that those animals had also sensed that this place was special...

At this moment, a loud boom drifted from the front. At the same time, Zhang Tie saw some huge odd-looking birds [whose wings were as long as 3 m] smashed into minced fleshes and sprayed over.

All the animals seemed to have been used to the long-term tranquility. After hearing such a loud boom, all the animals were so flurried that they instantly escaped in all directions. Batches of colorful little birds flew off the woods and escaped to the distance; some small beasts were escaping everywhere in the 2-m high brushwood.

The moment Zhang Tie saw those small animals had Zhang Tie known that there were no fierce animals or magical beasts here. Otherwise, there would never be so many small animals here.

Those odd-looking birds might be the fiercest animals here. After feeling that their territorial airspace was violated by the demon knight, they wanted to warn the demon knight; pitifully, the front two birds were instantly killed.

Before Zhang Tie reached the pyramid had he heard the demon knight's extremely blatant laughter.

"Ha...ha...ha...thanks, Demon God...it's the legendary tower of time...it's the tower of time. Bingo...Everything in this tower of time belongs to me...belongs to me..."

Zhang Tie moved closer and found that this pyramid was not made of crystals at all; instead, it was completely a super huge, ink-colored piece of crystal. There were even some complex runes in the crystal which enabled the crystal to display a bizarre color...

Zhang Tie was so shocked that he almost turned stonified...

There were also two giants' skeletons below the stairs towards the entrance in the middle of the pyramid.

The two giants' skeletons were also well preserved as they shined a metallic luster. They were sitting on two huge chairs made of crystals below the stairs like two dignified concierge gods. Each of them was supporting a terrifying battle sword which was as high as 10 m like two huge pillars rooted in the ground. After throwing a glance at them, Zhang Tie knew that they were at least weighed tons.

If there wasn't that demon knight, Zhang Tie even wanted to land here and take a look at this place carefully. Everything here was too shocking.

"Open..." The demon knight's roar drifted into Zhang Tie's ears from the middle of the pyramid.

"This opportunity could not be met in 1,000 years. The first one entering it would get this opportunity. Never let that demon knight in..."

Heller, who used to be silent, warned Zhang Tie at this moment.

Zhang Tie then flew forward. He found the demon knight was trying to push open the 40-m high gate while withstanding it forcefully.

The knight's physical strength was unrivaled; however, no matter how much strength it exerted while raising its battle qi, he only gradually opened a narrow crack of the gate while a powerful, milky light pillar leaked out of the crack. There seemed to be another splendid world behind the gate...

Watching that crack, the demon knight was driven so excited that it kept exclaiming. Meanwhile, it exerted all the strength that he used to suck its mommy's nipples...

Gradually, the crack expanded, 1 cm, 2 cm...

The demon knight almost became mad as it kept roaring...


Before the demon knight responded, Zhang Tie had already flown inside through the 2 cm crack.

The gate suddenly became heavier. Finally, it did not move no matter how much strength the demon knight used. The demon knight then became flurried. Closely after that, the gate closed up tightly just like joking with him.

'What's wrong?'

The demon knight was driven infuriated. Gradually, he became hopeless; finally, he was driven as resentful as a grumbling woman.

With a growl, the demon knight exerted its full strength to launch a punch onto the gate.

However, its strike became completely ineffective just like how a mosquito wanted to push down a huge tree. It didn't even shake off any dust...

"No..." An extremely miserable shriek sounded outside the pyramid.

At this moment, the demon knight was like a beggar who had expended all of his money to buy a lottery ticket. When the beggar found that he hit the jackpot of 10 million gold coins, he went to ask for the reward while dreaming about living in an empire. Pitifully, those workers told him strictly that the computers in the lottery center were attacked by hackers last night and the winning numbers were changed temporarily by the hackers. Therefore, the beggar's lottery became ineffective. How the beggar felt at that moment was coincidentally how the demon knight felt.

The most terrifying thing was not to have nothing; what was more terrifying was that you lost what you were going to get right away.


Watching the huge crystal gate being closed, the little black beetle returned to Castle of Black Iron. Zhang Tie himself then walked out of Castle of Black Iron.

It was a distant and deep crystal tunnel. Breathing the vigorous energy in the tunnel, Zhang Tie felt comfortable all over while each of his pores became relaxed.

Walking in the tunnel, Zhang Tie looked around and found no crack on the walls. The tunnel was covered with the light shadow of crystals which contained running runes. Zhang Tie's shadow was reflected in all directions of the crystal tunnel. Zhang Tie felt like walking in a kaleidoscope.

Zhang Tie chatted with Heller when he was walking inside.

"Heller, will that guy break in?" Zhang Tie asked as he looked back.

"No, only one person is allowed at one time. Additionally, that demon knight cannot destroy this place."

"How do you know that?"

Heller's chuckles drifted from Zhang Tie's mind sea. Zhang Tie knew it was Heller's answer; therefore, he didn't ask him anymore. Whereas, another question occurred to his mind.

"Umm, I heard the demon knight shouting "tower of time", what's that?"

Heller became silent in Zhang Tie's mind sea for a couple of seconds before replying, "In a far distant age, powerhouses of clans cultivated here. Have you heard an ancient saying that has been spread for thousands of years——humans are afraid of time; yet time is afraid of the pyramid!"

"Yup, I've heard it when I was in Blackhot City. But is there any relation between it and this pyramid?"

"That old saying exists because of this pyramid!"

"What do you mean?"

"You will know it when you leave out of here, castle lord. There's a time barrier in front, the great time and space torsion which would cut off the links between you, Castle of Black Iron and me. But, don't worry, castle lord. Everything will recover back to normal when you come out of here. Until then, enjoy your time here!"

Zhang Tie didn't know what was a time barrier. He only saw a bright yet not dazzling light film in front of the tunnel as was told by Heller. Without any hesitation, he just walked in...

Chapter 705: Being Accompanied by Lonely Stars

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

After penetrating through that light film, Zhang Tie came to a huge space which was like the size of a football field. He was in the geometrical center of gravity of the magnificent crystal pyramid.

After hearing the sound, Zhang Tie looked back and found the gate that he entered through had disappeared and turned into a huge piece of crystal. The entire space was sealed from outside, leaving Zhang Tie alone inside.

'What happened?' Zhang Tie became surprised while numerous runes appeared in those crystals and started to run fantastically. The runes ran faster and faster. In a couple of seconds, Zhang Tie, although with his knight's consciousness, had found that he could not identify those runes. After a few more seconds, those runes turned into the light.

The countless light was running in the crystals. The entire space was gradually wrapped in a layer of a light cocoon. Inside the light cocoon, the crystals gradually became obscure while a brilliant river of stars appeared above Zhang Tie's head...

Zhang Tie was completely stunned by such an exotic scenery.

However, before Zhang Tie asked the question, he had received a group of spiritual messages from this space.

——The tower of time starts. The time torsion in this space is the standard difference between the rotation time and the revolution time of this planet. That is to say, one year in this space is equal to one day outside.

——After half-monthly phase change period, namely 15 years in this space, 15 days outside, the time torsion value would recover zero, when the tower of time will enter silent energy storage period once again.

——During this period, the vital aura value filling this space will naturally maintain all the daily demands for the incomer and prevent the incomer's living cells from aging.

——If you want to leave in advance, you can rotate the time ball on the ground in the anti-clockwise direction.

——After 60 standard years outside, this tower of time will restart.

Zhang Tie finally understood the meaning of "tower of time". When this tower opened, it would enable the incomer to cultivate 15 years in this space without eating or drinking. However, it was only equal to 15 days of outside.

After closing his eyes, Zhang Tie then sensed an extremely pure, tender, delicate and vigorous energy filling this space. Being immersed in such a natural energy, each cell in Zhang Tie's body was in a very cozy state. Almost one day had passed since the dawn of September 1st. After experiencing the high-intensity battle with demons and being chased by a demon knight, Zhang Tie also was a bit fatigued and hungry. However, at this moment, the exhaustion and hunger were gradually disappearing.

Even fine dust could enter human's blood and body through skin cells, not to mention the life energy here.

After thinking through it, Zhang Tie instantly felt relieved.

The alleged golden time ball was on the ground in the distance which was as high as Zhang Tie.

Zhang Tie walked over there while the entire space was resounding with Zhang Tie's clear footsteps. The feeling could only be described with one word——peace.

After coming to the front of the time ball, Zhang Tie found it was a complexed rune or an alchemist's structure made of an unidentified metal. The entire time ball was slowly rotating on the ground in a clockwise manner. Zhang Tie noticed the circles of scales outside the ball, which seemed to represent the time elapse of this space.

A whim occurred to Zhang Tie's mind as Zhang Tie injected some spiritual energy inside the ball. As was predicted by him, he indeed got a precise time since the tower of time started and how much time was left in this tower.

Besides the precise time, this time ball also contained a line.

——Ants gather to seek for survival while the powerful ones are accompanied by loneliness and the stars.

After reading the line for a short while, Zhang Tie looked more decisive.

Besides this time ball, Zhang Tie also saw some square crystal platforms in this huge space. One of the square crystal platforms looked like a bed with nothing on it. Some platforms looked like an operating platform very much. Strangely, those platforms reminded Zhang Tie of someone fabricating various pills and medicaments and cast tools on them. If he had made full preparations, Zhang Tie could have brought many useful items inside and forged his own skills here.

Thinking of skills, Zhang Tie instantly had an idea. He then closed his eyes and hurriedly attempted to activate a trouble-reappearance situation in his mind sea by running his spiritual energy.

In the blink of an eye, Zhang Tie had appeared on the sea beach of Hidden Dragon Island while the poor little sea snake was swimming towards Zhang Tie forcefully and wanting to bite Zhang Tie.

Zhang Tie smiled. Because he ate the trouble-reappearance fruit which naturally contained the trouble-reappearance situation. Therefore, the trouble-reappearance situation was not influenced inside this space. Otherwise, he could only constantly light that stick of spiritual feather and store the ammo to light surging points instead of promoting to new levels inside this space.

Zhang Tie pointed at that small sea-snake using one finger while the entire trouble-reappearance situation disappeared in light dots.

After opening his eyes, Zhang Tie took a round in the space. Closely after that, he walked to the stony platform and started to polish that stick of spiritual feature in his Shrine.

From then on, Zhang Tie entered his deep meditation.

After 2 days, Zhang Tie's cultivation rhythm was fixed in the tower of time.

Each day, he would spend 12 hours to polish the stick of spiritual feather in the Shrine, 5 hours to read the endless great wild true words and cultivate the mysterious methods in the "Great Wilderness Sutra", 2 hours to enter trouble-reappearance situation and 2 hours to forge his battle skills in the vast space of the tower of time, where he could release his battle-qi and battle skills in the most violent and shocking way. As to the remaining 3 hours, he would sleep.

Actually, besides sleeping, he almost used all the time to cultivate.

In the tower of time, being nourished by the pure life aura energy of pyramid, Zhang Tie wouldn't feel thirsty or hungry. He didn't need to go to the toilet either. Besides sleeping, he could always maintain a very vigorous state. Additionally, Zhang Tie found that the quality of his sleep was really unimaginable. Only after 3 hours of rest, he could recover his spiritual energy and physical strength completely just like sleeping more than 10 hours outside.

As to the 2 hours in the trouble-reappearance situation each day, Zhang Tie would determine the next surging points to light, read mysterious books in the Secret Knowledge Pavilion or Breaking Heavens Library or take a walk on the seaside to listen to the sea waves and the waving tree leaves...

Being blessed by the great energy of the crystals, he could light surging points two more times faster than that before. On the 4th day since he came in here, Zhang Tie had already lit the 146th surging point with his great spiritual energy...

From then on, Zhang Tie gradually made progress towards LV 13 battle monster at the speed of lighting 1 surging point per 4 days...

In such a cultivation, Zhang Tie almost forgot about time...


After 350 days, sitting on the crystal bed with crossed legs, Zhang Tie opened his eyes as he had just lit the 233rd surging point...

The moment he lit the surging point had he felt his qi sea vibrating while the entire qi sea expanded two more times. At the same time, the battle qi rolled in his qi sea and gradually became more condensed. After filling the entire qi sea, his battle qi overflew his qi sea and covered his whole body. By then, Zhang Tie could release battle qi attack from every part of his body. Additionally, his battle force rose to a new high. Once he was promoted to LV 14, his battle qi would condense and form a powerful protective battle qi outside his body.

Not only that, when the battle qi rolled all over his body, Zhang Tie felt his eyes turning cold abruptly and as comfortable as being covered with two pieces of ice cubes. By contrast, his ears felt warm like being wrapped in a hot-water bag. After sustaining this feeling about half an hour, Zhang Tie felt that he had gained a great improvement in his visual sense and auditory sense. Undoubtedly, this was the reward gifted by the King Roc Sutra when he promoted to LV 13.

Having the experience in incarnating into a thunder hawk, Zhang Tie knew it clearly how sharp visual sense did a thunder hawk have. However, at this moment, he found that his visual sense became even sharper than a thunder hawk. His visual sense got a qualitative improvement on the basis of dark vision...

Zhang Tie picked up himself from the ground and moved his limbs. At the same time, all of his muscles cracked once again.

Zhang Tie shot out a punch, which was more like a bloody, fierce tiger than a mass of battle qi. The tiger roared as it flashed over 50 steps of distance and disappeared on the mysterious crystal wall of the tower of time...

Zhang Tie didn't become disappointed about that. Even the knight's strike towards the tower of time was like a tickle, not to mention Zhang Tie himself.

Zhang Tie's iron-blood fist officially entered the realm of turning battle qi into real shape as was featured in LV 13. This realm was described as "punches are tigers which can sweep over an army of thousands of soldiers" in the mysterious book "Iron-blood Fist".


Zhang Tie entered the shadow demon cell once again. This time, Zhang Tie found that Master Abyan turned much clumsier than last time. Not only that, Master Abyan even looked hilarious. Without activating a senior rapidly moving rune, Zhang Tie just collided with Master Abyan face to face based on Kuafu bloodline and his great battle force. Only after a bit more than 10 minutes, Abyan had been torn into pieces by a flock of bloody, fierce tigers...

Watching Abyan struggling in front of his iron-blood fist, Zhang Tie felt Abyan became aged for the first time.

The trouble-reappearance situation then broke into light dots...


After banging the gate for almost one day, the demon knight finally panted wearily. Being driven extremely mad, the demon knight could not think through how the gate of the tower of time closed after almost being pushed open. It tried its best to think about the possible reasons. Closing its eyes, it racked its mind to recall all the details...

After a long while, the demon knight seemed to get something with his super great spiritual energy and memory. When it was forcefully pushing open the gate, an insect seemed rapidly drilling into the gate through the crack. However, it didn't pay attention to that insect due to the great excitement...

When the demon knight remembered the rules to access the tower of time, it gritted its teeth.

'What? I was defeated by an insect?'

The demon knight roared which could be heard within dozens of squares miles...

From then on, all the plants and animals in this underground space were in trouble...

Chapter 706: Promoting to a Knight

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

As Zhang Tie had eaten too many fruits, he was cultivating at an unprecedented high speed.

To promote to LV 14 from LV 13, it required him to light 144 surging points. This process took Zhang Tie almost 580 days.

If he did not have a trouble-reappearance situation, Zhang Tie even wondered whether he could stand such a tough cultivation in such an isolated space. He might have been driven mad in less than 1 year.

However, during the past 584 days, Zhang Tie learned to sing songs. He always hummed songs alone.

Previously, Zhang Tie didn't know how to sing songs. Nobody taught him either. He could only whistle at most or hum one or two lines. As there were music books in Breaking Heavens Library, Zhang Tie read some and learned to sing songs. He could even identify music scores.

The imitating bloodline granted him an excellent talent in learning music which originated from humans' far-ancient ancestors; plus Zhang Tie's precise control about his singing skills and his long-lasting qi, he could dwarf all the human singers before the Catastrophe. When he heard his own song, Zhang Tie was so excited that he almost burst into tears. Zhang Tie had never imagined that he could sing so well.

After that, Zhang Tie always killed time by singing songs in the tower of time.

Zhang Tie found that singing songs was the simplest way to make the singer and others forget about loneliness which was least limited to tools and conditions. As long as he input his emotions and feelings, he found that he could release his loneliness, express his ideas, entertain himself and others by singing songs.

Zhang Tie smoothly gained his protective battle qi before promoting to LV 14. Additionally, his defensive ability was also intensified by the "King Roc Sutra". He also gained a complete fulfillment on his "Soul Capture Skill".

Zhang Tie promoted to LV 14 while singing songs. After that, he put all the demons and Master Abyan that he had killed into the same trouble-reappearance situation and mistreated them fiercely. This time, he felt the battle rather insipid. He could not seek any pleasure with them. Therefore, Zhang Tie remembered that huge deep-sea monster. He finally found back some feeling of freshness by fighting that huge deep-sea monster which had been killed by Stars and Moons Sword Sage in the trouble-reappearance situation.

However, such a battle became boring once again after a few months when Zhang Tie promoted to 2-star battle monster.

As he had realized a complete fulfillment of his "Soul Capture Skill", Zhang Tie found two more secret books from Secret Knowledge Pavilion when he was free. At this moment, Zhang Tie was tapping his interests rather than cultivating in such a lonely space.

The two secret books were both about how to release hidden weapons. They were not advanced secret books. Due to limited destructive force, hidden weapons were devalued by humans. Therefore, the two secret books were placed on the 5th floor of the secret knowledge pavilion, one was called "Nets Above and Snares Below", the other was called "One Thousand Hands and One Thousand Fingers". The two secret books were not too attractive to commoners. However, for Zhang Tie, the two secret books could raise his original advantages to the utmost. After combining with his strength and his extremely precise throwing skill, Zhang Tie grew stronger. This was how Zhang Tie chose to cultivate himself. He chose those secret books that could raise his advantages to the utmost instead of just choosing advanced secret books.

It was a distant and lonely journey from LV 14 battle monster to LV 15 battle spirit. Zhang Tie spent 2 years and 7 months on this process...

It was a tougher test about Zhang Tie's will and soul from LV 15 battle spirit to a knight. During this process, Zhang Tie almost couldn't stand to move closer to the time ball.

——Ants gather to seek for survival while powerful ones accompany with loneliness and stars.

Each time Zhang Tie read this would he grit his teeth and stick to his cultivation. Due to his persistence, Zhang Tie completed the most important metamorphosis in his life from inside to outside.

After tiding over the toughest 2 years of test, Zhang Tie felt that he had completely become purified inside. He felt like experiencing a sacred baptism as he started to sense a beautiful loneliness and silence under the stars. At the same time, he had a strong, brilliant life experience and recognition about his existence, which surpassed all the subjective senses and the bond in time and space. In such an experience, Zhang Tie knew that he could be free wherever he was and whatever he was doing...

Zhang Tie knew that this experience was the foundation for him to be a real powerhouse.

From then on, Zhang Tie completely forgot about time. He just cultivated, cultivated and cultivated...

Not knowing how long had passed, after lighting the 987th surging point calmly, Zhang Tie watched the 987 burning surging points. He found that those burning surging points had linked with each other and formed a marvelous chakra. A seed rune of "King Roc Sutra" then flew out of his Shrine from the chakra and displayed an image of a golden roc king who stretched out its huge wings...

Zhang Tie's qi sea and the Shrine surging point exploded at the same time like how the universe came into being and turned into a void universe. Closely after that, his battle qi turned into solid and became a hot sun whose bright rays endlessly provided a powerful knight's battle qi for him...

At this moment, surging waves aroused in his mind sea, from where a bright moon rose up. The All-spirits Pagoda was above the bright moon. The moonlight cast off, breaking the qi sea at once.

Sunlight surging upward while moonlight pouring down. The two lights converged in Zhang Tie's chest, where the Chakra's core rested. Closely after that, the entire Chakra started to rotate like a machine that absorbed the sheer terror in the universe. At the same time, the overwhelming strength entered Zhang Tie's body. Zhang Tie gradually floated up as he radiated strong luster. Meanwhile, each of the cells in his body started to change qualitatively...


On September 1st, the battle of Upton City shocked the entire Blackson Humans Corridor...

On that day, 10 human knights from Norman Empire, Jinyun Country and Qilan Country, the three powerful human countries in the south and the north of Blackson Humans Corridor, raided the super demon corps outside Upton City. Assisted by over 10,000 human battle airships, the entire battlefield lasted over 1,000 miles from outside Upton City to the north after over 20 hours of fierce battle. The powerful super demon corps suffered a loss for the first time...

In this battle, one demon knight disappeared, one demon knight was heavily wounded. The entire corps suffered a loss of over 20,000 members. As a result, they had to evacuate towards the north...

The news that the allied forces of three human countries heavily mauled the super demon corps spread to the entire Blackson Humans Corridor at once.

On the same day, another elite force of the major clans of Jinyun Country led by knights raided Angus Clan of Free Commercial Federation. Angus Clan's status as the member of Three-eye Association was exposed. The entire clan was exterminated. When everyone was shocked by the real status of Angus Clan, they also admired the wealth being plundered away by Angus Clan. It was said that the wealth of Angus Clan filled more than 50 airships...

After the human defense line in Selnes Theater of Operations was broken through by demons, humans finally won a battle in the north of the Blackson Humans Corridor through the battle of Nein City and the battle of Upton City. After drawing out a hidden force of Three-eye Association in the south of Blackson Humans Corridor, demons' aggressive momentum seemed to curb temporarily. Many humans saw the beach of hope.

However, through this battle, the Demon General's three-in-one strength also shocked everyone. As a result, one of the ten human knights was killed, two were heavily injured. Being blessed by the Demon General's three-in-one strength, although the super demon corps paid a price for this battle, the super demon corps still slid away from the thick airship encirclement of the three human countries.


September 11th, 10 days after the battle of Upton City, Huaiyuan Palace, Jinyun Country...

Elders of Huaiyuan Palace were sitting on cattail hassocks with solemn looks in the magnificent palace.

"Do you have any news about Zhang Tie?"

"No news yet! We've had Zhang Yang contact him. But there's still no response from Zhang Tie on Elder Muyuan's side..."

All the elders then let out a sigh inside while bending their brows.

Right then, they heard a noise outside the palace.

After seeing Zhang Tie being chased by a demon knight and disappearing into the river, Elder Muray was feeling pretty bad. Therefore, after hearing the noise outside the palace, he roared, "Zhang Shun, who's outside there. Shut up!"

"Elder...there...there's some abnormal phenomena outside the palace. At the sight of the abnormal phenomena, the apprentices couldn't help but exclaim, "A shadowy figure appeared in front of the elders while his words were full of amazement."

"What abnormal phenomena?"

"Erm...please take a look outside, honorable elders!"

After exchanging glances with each other, all the elders walked out of the palace. Some deacons were watching the sky while widely opening their mouths. After looking up, the elders were left too stunned to utter any word.

Millions of fowls were hovering in the sky in the shape of a huge circular ring. They were twittering joyfully and circling around the sun. New birds joined them.

Even the elders had never seen or heard such a bizarre scene. What a great strength was behind those birds!

"Ah, elders, look!" A disciple abruptly shouted as he pointed at the pool outside the palace.

There were some golden fish and some precious golden huge turtles in the pool. However, at this moment, all the golden fish had shrunk to the bottom of the water and did not dare to move, they seemed to be scared of something. Being different from the tortoise, golden huge turtles were always high spirited and mighty. It was rare to see golden huge turtles bury their head and limbs in their shells. What was happening?

'Numerous birds are hovering in the sky while aquatic living beings are hiding at the bottom of the pool, what does this indicate?' The elders of Huaiyuan Palace exchanged glances with each other before revealing a shocking look at the same time...

The same shocking scene happened in all the places where birds and aquatic living beings existed, such as; Qilan Country, Norman Empire, Ice and Snow Wilderness, Taixia Country, even the entire Western Continent.


After accomplishing his cultivation, Zhang Tie yawned as he fell asleep. He woke up 3 days later...

After waking up, Zhang Tie continued to cultivate as usual like nothing had ever happened. Being different from before, Zhang Tie kept stabilizing and consolidating his realm with the time that was once used to light surging points. Gradually, the sunlight in his body grew more brilliant while the moonlight grew denser. Besides, the Chakra's rotation gradually became stabilized and more powerful like a huge millstone...

Chapter 707: Off the Tower

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

After promoting to a knight, Zhang Tie's cultivation pattern didn't change essentially in the tower of time. From one perspective, Zhang Tie just jumped out of a deep well and could see the outside world more clearly. The sky at the bottom of the well was not the entire world. It was more like a window. This world was much bigger than that Zhang Tie could imagine. The well mouth was not the highest point in this world; instead, it was just equal to the distance from the bottom of the well to the ground. The ground was called Black Iron Age. All those who could stand in this age by feet steadily had climbed out of the well. Those people had a common name——Black Iron Knights! They could control their own fates and the fates of others who were still in the well in this age.

However, that was just a beginning. From the ground outside of the well mouth, black iron knights could overlook all the living beings in the well who were still trying their best to jump and climb out of the well. Besides, black iron knights could also look to the distance. Naturally, they would look up at peaks in the far. Each peak represented the climax of the powerful civilization that had ever existed on the ground. The highest peak even deepened into the clouds and broke the heavens into the immortal nation that was built among the mysterious stars by gods.

Zhang Tie didn't overlook; neither did he look up. He chose to look at the front horizontally. After looking at a peak in the distance, Zhang Tie, who had just climbed out of the well mouth, slowly adjusted his breaths as he gradually straightened up his body. Closely after that, he walked towards one peak in his vision firmly step by step. Compared to the distance from the bottom of the well to its mouth, the following trip was longer and more difficult.

Those levels below knights could be divided by the number of surging points being lit; however, above knights, each peak represented the Chakra of a new element and domain. It was pretty complex to form a new Chakra, which was over 100 times harder than lighting all the surging points. Many black iron knights were limited to this rank in their whole lives for hundreds of years because they could not form the 2nd Chakra.


5 years elapsed...

One day, when Zhang Tie woke up, he found one exit on the crystal wall which had been enclosed for 15 days. It was the entrance from where he came in 15 days ago. The runes on the crystal wall stopped running.

After blinking his eyes, Zhang Tie sat up from the crystal bed. Patting his a*s, he walked towards the exit.

When he passed through that energy film, a whim occurred to his mind. Closely after that, he launched a punch towards the wall abruptly. The room then reverberated with a muffled thunder while vibrating for a second. At the same time, the runes in the crystal wall radiated strong luster and offset Zhang Tie's terrifying strength after quite a while.

Zhang Tie looked around before yawning and stretched out his limbs. Closely after that, he walked in that crystal aisle once again which looked like a kaleidoscope.

After coming to the crystal gate of the tower of time which was dozens of meters in height, Zhang Tie stretched out one hand and slightly pushed it open.

After Zhang Tie walked out of the tower of time, the crystal gate closed automatically. It would take 60 years to open the crystal gate again.


Nothing changed in this underground space. It was still how it looked 15 years ago...two weeks ago. Standing at the entrance of the tower of time, Zhang Tie watched the mountain range in the distance and the glow at the top of the space. He then felt that he returned to the real world. Therefore, Zhang Tie felt refreshing once again. Like sprouted seeds and butterflies breaking out of cocoons, he faced this real and living world once again.

A long-lost smile reappeared in Zhang Tie's face.

'Previously, I slept 3 years in Castle of Black Iron like 1 day; recently, I lived 15 years in the tower of time which were equal to 15 days of outside. What a wonderful world!'

Being excited, Zhang Tie straightly sang a song loudly. With special tones of ancient Hua language, his song was fervent and passionate about how he felt at this moment. The underground space was like a big theater which could spread Zhang Tie's song into all directions...


In the underground ocean, the demon knight who was extremely infuriated was wresting with a huge monster in the ocean.

Over the past two weeks, almost all the animals had been killed by this demon knight. Therefore, it transferred its battle field to the ocean. 3 days ago, it met a huge monster in the ocean.

That huge monster was a bizarre long, narrow fish longer than 50 m. It was covered with thicked-scales. Besides, it had a pair of bulged icy blue eyes and sharp teeth. With a strong killing qi, the water arrow being shot out of its mouth could reach over 1000 m away and penetrate through metals and stones. Additionally, its scales were very defensive. Common strikes could never hurt it. Moreover, this monster could move swiftly in the ocean. It was very smart. Even the demon knight could not catch up with it in the ocean. As long as it was in the disadvantageous situation, it would escape away by drilling into its narrow cave. Meanwhile, it would release rank poison, making the demon knight helpless.

After wrestling with this huge monster for 3 days, that demon knight still failed to kill it.

In the beginning, the demon knight just wanted to beat this monster; when it found this monster was very tricky who could release a rank poison to corrode its protective battle qi, another whim occurred to the demon knight's mind.

'Such a magical beast must have lived in the underground space for many years. It must have a high level. Its flesh and blood must contain a very high energy of qi and blood. It is a great supplement for demon knights who were not choosy in food. Additionally, its toxins or poison gland was a rare raw material for Demon General's cultivation of his all-poisonous battle qi.' Thinking of this, the demon knight determined to kill this magical beast.

After concluding the former two days of experience, this demon knight prepared a new set of tactics today. If it went smoothly, this magical beast would not escape today.

Realizing that the monster had shot out over 100 water arrows towards him at a decreasing speed and power, the demon knight knew that the magical beast had almost exhausted its strength. The demon knight became thrilled inside as it estimated that the magical beast would slow down its speed when it escaped away. Right then, a song drifted over here...

" Wild gooses come back welcomes the spring 1 ,"

"Younger sister has one person in mind yo 2 ."

"Yellow and green grasses on the hillside hai 3 ."

"Your younger sister is waiting for you here again yo..."

After hearing the song, the magical beast who was wrestling with the demon knight quivered all over before diving into the water and exerting its utmost effort to escape towards its nestle as fast as a lightning bolt...

The demon knight was also stunned. As it didn't know about songs, it could not identify the quality of this song. It only knew that it was a special language of Hua people, the No. 1 enemy of demons. Additionally, it sensed a great strength in this song. Like thunders, the song bounced back from the dome. What was more amazing was that there was someone else in this space, who was even singing a song.

The demon knight instantly recalled the person that he chased two weeks ago. With narrow eyes, he straightly flew towards the source of the song like a meteor.

"Morning glory blooms in night yo 4 ,"

"Your elder brother has a little secret hai 5 ."

"Sunrise brightens the ground yo,"

"You shine in my eyes hai."

The song was the best navigation. Flying in the air, the demon knight gradually became amazed about the source of the song——tower of time.


Singing the song, Zhang Tie frankly looked up while the demon knight flew towards here like a meteor.

"Wild gooses fly towards south yo, twitters miserable hai,"

"After deserting your responsibility field, you have fertilized household plot."

"White legs yo, watery holes 6 hai,"

"Why you still leave yo."


"Why you still leave yo..."

At the end of the ancient Hua song marked as "xintianyou", Zhang Tie raised his voice passionately.

Soon after he finished the discourse filler "yo" had the demon knight arrived in front of the tower of time. Watching Zhang Tie standing in front of the tower of time safe and sound, the demon knight was pretty shocked.

The demon knight suspended over 20 m above Zhang Tie and overlooked Zhang Tie while radiating a cruel glow and a bit amazement.

"As you're lucky enough to be the first audience of my nice song, you should applaud!" Zhang Tie teased casually.

The demon knight didn't realize that Zhang Tie was teasing him; instead, it just looked around rapidly. After finding no abnormal situations in the surroundings and ensuring that Zhang Tie had nowhere to go, the demon knight jeered, "I will see where you go this time."

Zhang Tie just watched that demon knight calmly as he smiled, "Hmm, it should be my dialogue."

The demon knight ignored Zhang Tie. It was also afraid that Zhang Tie might play tricks once again. Therefore, it appeared in front of Zhang Tie in a split second and punched towards Zhang Tie's head at once...

After being flushed over here and being replaced by an insect from entering the tower of time, the demon knight was always furious these days. When it caught sight of Zhang Tie, it couldn't wait to mistreat Zhang Tie blatantly.

The demon knight had determined to have Zhang Tie watch himself being shattered one piece after another...

However, the demon knight's terrifying punch didn't hit Zhang Tie; instead, it was blocked by Zhang Tie's palm, causing a muffled loud sound. Whereas, Zhang Tie's palm remained unchanged.

Before that demon knight responded, Zhang Tie had already kicked onto its lower abdomen. Like a shell being shot out, the demon knight was sent flying backward 100 m. It didn't stop until knocking down some huge trees.

At this moment, Zhang Tie gradually floated in the air and stood still. After that, his eyes gradually turned icy while a strong qi covered his body...

After its protective battle qi was almost collapsed by Zhang Tie's punch, the demon knight widely opened its eyes...

"Boom..." Zhang Tie rushed towards that demon knight, causing a loud sonic sound in the air.

"No way..." The demon knight roared as it rushed towards Zhang Tie face-to-face once again.

The fierce collision between two knights started in the air...

Chapter 708: The Battle of Knights

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

In the eyes of people below knights, the battle of knights was more like fierce collisions between two meteors. Actually, knights moved and attacked too fast to be captured by commoners' eyes. Therefore, many people thought that battle of knights was just constant collisions in the air. Whereas, in each split seconds, two knights had already moved and struck over 100 times.

After promoting to knights, movements and skills were abandoned first. In many battle skills, even if the cultivator had reached 15 LV, the movements and skills were still important in the battle. However, as long as the cultivator reached a knight, all the movements and skills would be nothing but laughingstocks.

When your opponent could smash you into bullsh*t from 100 m away, who cared about your movements and skills?

The battle of knights would return to the combat between the most basic battle elements, namely; strength, speed, defensive power, power of battle qi and off-hand striking distance, senses and the sensitive control of the relative relationship between space and time from knights' heart. Due to differences in such elements, knights' battle pattern and style were different. As a result, knights with different battle styles would lead to fiercer and more mystical collisions.

Knights didn't fight on the ground. Because knights thought that they could suppress the ground and gain faster speed and wider moving space from the air. When on the ground, they could only move horizontally or upwards. Additionally, there was a disadvantage on the ground. Even though others' battle qi could not hit them, the shattered gravels and broken objects might cause the secondary strike to them; therefore, knights only fought in the air.

Zhang Tie had never experienced such a battle or had such an enlightenment before. However, the moment he started the battle with this demon knight had he grasped the essentials of the battle of knights.

The demon knight who chased after Zhang Tie was definitely the top one among the demon knights under the hand of the Demon General, who had rich battle experiences. 15 days ago, when this demon knight hurt the human knight and started to chase after Zhang Tie, it had become the first powerful opponent, the best sharpener and teacher of Zhang Tie after he promoted to a knight.

If Zhang Tie had promoted to a knight just now, honestly, he might not be able to defeat this trump card demon knight. However, it had been 5 years since Zhang Tie promoted to a knight. After 5 years of assiduous cultivation, Zhang Tie had completely consolidated his knight's Chakra. Therefore, he displayed his super powerful and steady battle force in this battle and gradually dominated the battle.

Because each knight's protective battle qi was as resistant as a natural armor, the first step for Zhang Tie to pose an essential harm to the demon knight was to break its protective battle qi. Even if the protective battle qi was broken temporarily, it would be gradually fixed from the demon knight's body. That was to say, each knight had a super great ability to resist strike by constantly recovering their protective battle qi. This also interpreted the sheer terror of knights. In such a case, the battle of knights could not be easily solved within a short period if not exerting their utmost effort; instead, knights would always wrestle with each other for a long time.

They had to fight in close quarters when entering the fiercest state or at the risk of their lives.

Knights could release long-distance strikes; however the most effective way was to fight in close quarters, in which case, knights would strike each other with naked punches, weapons, and battle qi. Fighting in close quarters would be more destructive to knights' protective battle qi than pure long-distance strikes. Meanwhile, it posed a higher request to knights.

If knights were striking each other from a long distance, after one party's protective battle qi was broken, due to the long distance, the weaker party would have enough buffering time to recover his protective battle qi; however, when fighting in close quarters, if one party's protective battle qi was broken, the weaker party might face another dozens or hundreds of strikes on the same point before recovering his protective battle qi because of a transient negligence. The result would be very risky in a split second.

For knights, fighting in close quarters was like how commoners fought with bayonets.

The knight of Three-eye Association being killed by Zhang Tie outside Mocco City also defeated its opponent in close quarters.

After the battle really started, the battlefield of Zhang Tie and that demon knight soon moved to the woods from the tower of time. After destroying a wide area of forest, they flew over the mountain range and transferred to the underground ocean. Closely after that, they fought in close quarters.

The demon knight realized that Zhang Tie was learning to fight. As a knight, Zhang Tie's battle style was a bit immature at the beginning; however, Zhang Tie soon grew up in the battle. The demon knight clearly knew what did this mean.

"You're the one who entered the tower of time?" The demon knight immediately understood it while its eyes turned bloody.

However, there was one point that the demon knight had not thought through, 'How did he enter? Is there another gate of the tower of time?' However, no matter how it racked its mind, the demon knight never realized that Zhang Tie was that little black beetle who flew in the tower of time through the crack. Even though Zhang Tie was an animal controller and could control the little beetle to ruin its good plan, the demon knight didn't believe that Zhang Tie could incarnate into a beetle, who, although might be able to change his look. However, although Zhang Tie was a new knight, his performance was utterly different from a newbie who had just promoted to a knight from aspects such as strength, speed, response and knight's consciousness.

Zhang Tie just accelerated his movements silently while the leaking battle qi boiled the sea level within 400-500 m.

After 20 minutes, Zhang Tie roared as he broke the defense of the demon knight's hands and retreated quickly. Within 0.01 seconds, he broke its protective battle qi using 20 punches. When the demon knight launched the final counter-attack towards Zhang Tie, Zhang Tie just bore it frankly with his own protective battle qi. At the same time, he broke through the demon knight's chest with one punch, exposing his punch from its back.

The demon knight's body exploded into pieces while its fleshes fell into the ocean...

Zhang Tie instantly grabbed its storage bag in the air...

Chapter 709: A New Start

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Standing in the void, Zhang Tie watched that demon knight's flesh falling into the ocean, gradually disappearing in the bloody ripples.

This was the terror of close combat of knights. If it was a long-distance combat, given the agility and maneuvering ability of knights in the air, Zhang Tie sensed that their battle might not come to an end for a whole day. However, facing such a bayonet-charge, the combat had come to an end in a few hours the moment the demon knight's protective battle qi was broken through. No matter how majestic was the demon knight before and how many difficulties had it experienced on the road towards a knight, all of its honors and brilliant bygones became bygones the moment its protective battle qi was broken through by Zhang Tie.

At the critical moment, the demon knight wanted to escape or just intended to enlarge the distance between them so that its protective battle qi could be fixed. But how could Zhang Tie allow that to happen?

As a combat between two species, mercy didn't exist.

'What if my protective battle qi was broken through by a demon knight one day?"

Through this battle experience, Zhang Tie realized the cruelty of the combat between knights. He had to consider about counter-measures in the critical situation. 'What if my opponent was the Demon General?' Zhang Tie had to consider it as it was related to his life during the critical situation.

The Chakra slowly rotated in Zhang Tie's body, which offset the gravity from the core of the planet, enabling Zhang Tie to suspend in the void.

Various thoughts occurred to Zhang Tie's mind. Those basic elements in the combat of knights revolved in Zhang Tie's mind like burning lanterns. Each distinctive battle element would develop into different battle styles and be used to respond to different dangers. Zhang Tie felt that each whim was either right or wrong...

Finally, watching the clear ocean, Zhang Tie let out a deep sigh as he forgot all the whims. 'As I've just promoted to a knight, in Knights' ranks, at this moment, I'm nothing. There's a long way to go and many things to learn in the future. Just take it easy.'

After thinking it through, Zhang Tie started to fly around this underground space to discover the situation. Since he came to this underground space, he had not made a complete investigation of this space yet.

After a few hours, Zhang Tie finally had a general recognition of this underground space.

The entire underground space was about 250,000 sq km. The entire underground ocean covered about 500 sq miles, 1/5 of the entire area of the underground space. In the big island where the tower of time rested, there were 13 waterfalls. All the water that flew into this space penetrated into the earth naturally. Some plants and woods in the island were severely destroyed while many animals had been killed. At the sight of the scene, Zhang Tie had already realized that who did it. 'What a mad!'

The entire underground space was like an isolated underground bubble, which had no exit at all.

After flying to the dome, Zhang Tie picked off some stones that were radiating glow. It was a special, pure ore. Given its luminosity, it might be a fluorite. However, it was not as icy as fluorite; instead, it touched a bit warm. Zhang Tie didn't know its name, neither did he know whether it was valuable or not. As there were so many such ores on the dome, with the great ability as a knight, Zhang Tie casually dug about 7-8 tons of them and threw them into Castle of Black Iron.

After doing all this, Zhang Tie returned to Castle of Black Iron.


"Congratulations, castle lord, you've promoted to a knight!"

Watching Zhang Tie appearing in the palace of the palace tree, Heller greeted Zhang Tie as if he had long expected that Zhang Tie would come in.

The palace was actually a hollow on the palace tree. However, it was really a magnificent hollow. The entire palace tree was natural, which was full of exotic natural aesthetic feelings. The ground of the palace was paved with a layer of natural, crystal material which was similar to quartz. A string of exotic fruits like huge grapes hanging off the top of the half-round dome about dozens of meters. Of course, they were not grapes, but an exotic nestle of fireflies which were naturally carried by the palace tree. Fireflies drilled into the nestle and danced around the nestle while the string of huge grapes started to radiate tender light and brightened the entire palace like a string of huge crystal lamps.

No artificial traces such as right angle, squares, cubes and strictly symmetric geometric patterns could be seen in the entire palace tree. Everything here complied with natural rules. Everything here carried a harmonious, natural aesthetic perception. Even the front gate of the palace was in the shape of a tree leaf. At the sight of it, Zhang Tie felt a bit strange; however, the longer he looked around here, the more comfortable he would find everything here to be.

In the daytime, the fireflies didn't come out. Two sea-tortoise-sized cute beetles were cleaning all the wastes inside the palace tree with a terrifying appetite.

The few cabins had now become more than 300 rooms in the palace tree. All the houses were distinctive as they all distributed on the trunk and twigs of the palace tree. Bigger rooms were on the trunk while smaller ones were on the twigs. However, due to different spatial locations, the rooms were not interconnected. The palace tree grew out those rooms naturally along with odd-looking types of furniture and utilities. Zhang Tie's big bed was a huge shell while Zhang Tie's costume room was a huge pumpkin that was completely hollowed out and was divided into some layers. All the rooms had different sceneries both inside and outside.

The palace tree rooted deep in the hinterland of the immortal mountain. Being crisscrossed, they formed an underground maze, there was also a tunnel towards the underground space.

There weren't any magnificent ornaments inside here. Everything here could only be seen in fairytales for kids, which was out of humans' imaginations. Each time Zhang Tie came back would he feel relaxed. If he built such a building in the shape of the palace tree in the outside world, he would arouse a great shock for sure.

The most marvelous thing was that this palace tree was alive as it could constantly grow out new rooms...

Zhang Tie felt that he had not come here for 15 years.

After greeting Heller, he threw a deep glance around before walking towards the small tree.

The small tree was in the middle of the palace while being tightly surrounded by pedal-shaped stairs, which indicated a sacred aesthetic.

Zhang Tie walked upstairs and came to the small tree.

As was imagined by him, due to the great time torsion, the connection between him and the small tree was cut off; although he had passed 15 years in the tower of time, he only got three leakless fruits on the small tree, one of which just became ripe today.

One iron-body fruit might come into being when he escaped from the demon knight in the subterranean torrents.

The iron-armored demons' fruit of source had already grown ripe.

One trouble-reappearance fruit was also hanging over the small tree.

The fruit of brilliance of the 287 b*stards of Three-eye Association in the hunting castle of Angus Clan also became ripe. At the sight of the fruit of brilliance, Zhang Tie had felt the surging spiritual energy inside. Although the greater part of the 287 b*stards were below LV 6, the total of their spiritual energy became very considerable.

There were two fruits of judgment, one contained medium "soul consolidating rune", the other contained medium "tracing rune".

Zhang Tie blinked his eyes twice as he thought that he had a blurry vision. After circling around the small tree, he didn't see any more fruits. 'These fruits should be formed before I promoted to a knight. But what about the later fruits? After promoting to the knight, I killed a demon knight. Why is there no fruit?'

Zhang Tie became hopeless when he found no more new fruits on the small tree.

"Sorry, castle lord, manjusaka karma fruit tree could not produce any fruit concerning the demon knight!" Heller's voice sounded.

Zhang Tie turned around and watched Heller, "But why? When I killed that knight of Three-eye Association last time, I was also rewarded with some kinds of fruits, including the rare fruit of bloodline."

"Any demon, once they became a knight, would follow some powerful rules. Each fruit of manjusaka fruit tree is the result of a rule. It confirms to the rules when there are fruits; it also confirms to the rules if no fruit is produced!" Heller watched Zhang Tie with a kind and wise look, "Manjusaka karma fruit tree won't create rules; it only comply with and display rules!"

"What are the rules?"

"Castle lord, if you grew powerful enough that even the manjusaka karma fruit tree could not produce any fruit for you one day, you would know what are the rules!"

'If you grew powerful enough that even the manjusaka karma fruit tree could not produce any fruit for you...' Zhang Tie became stunned after hearing Heller's words. He had never heard this before. Therefore, the moment he heard this, Zhang Tie felt terrified inside.

"Of course, any existence has its own limit in strength. Nothing could break its limit in strength. A person could only raise an item as high as his height plus the length of his arm. There was no exception. Certainly, manjusaka karma fruit tree also has its limit. However, the limit is still far away from your current ability, castle lord. Therefore, castle lord, you don't need to worry about this problem for a long time. It's my great honor to see you reach that limit!" Heller explained respectfully.

"You mean I would not get any fruit no matter how many demon knights could I kill in the future?"

"You got that!"

Zhang Tie drew in a deep breath as he accepted this fact...

After that, Zhang Tie accepted another fact, namely, he felt the small tree could provide him less assistance abruptly.

The 3 leakless fruits soon integrated into that sun in the void of his qi ocean silently in the form of three strands of energy, making the battle-qi luster to radiate from the sun a bit brighter.

After eating the iron-body fruit, Zhang Tie didn't have any special feeling.

Zhang Tie knew that this was the necessary stage in the process of his growth. After promoting to the knight, those things which had a remarkable effect on improving his battle force turned trivial. When he was in the school of Blackhot City, with 3 leakless fruits, he could light one surging point and become outstanding among his classmates.

Among those fruits, only iron-armored demons' fruit of source and that fruit of brilliance could remarkably increase Zhang Tie's battle force.

After eating the iron-armored demons' fruit of source, Zhang Tie felt that his energy, being triggered by his surging points, increased by 1/12 once again while his Chraka rotated in a more powerful way. After eating that fruit of brilliance, Zhang Tie felt that his spiritual energy increased by almost 1/10.

'It seems to be the last supper. Although I could still have a chance to take fruits of brilliance in the future, it's less effective to me. Because the base of my spiritual energy has been very huge at this moment, the spiritual energy being increased by the fruit of brilliance becomes relatively less. As for the other fruit of source, it depends. I've already eaten the fruits of source of wing demons and iron-armored demons, which are the most popular species of demons and the main arm of services among demons. Other demon species are relatively fewer in quantity. As for rare species such as shadow demon, I could barely eat their fruit of source. There might even not be 360 shadow demons in total in this world.'

With medium "soul consolidating rune" and medium "tracing rune", Zhang Tie gained a new high in the two skills.

The trouble-reappearance fruit also became useless. The trouble-reappearance situation was that Zhang Tie chased after demons outside Upton City. Over 1,000 demons existed in the trouble-reappearance fruit. Before Zhang Tie promoted to a knight, such a trouble-reappearance fruit would be very useful for Zhang Tie; however, after Zhang Tie promoted to the knight, the trouble-reappearance fruit became useless to him.

"Knight" was a new platform, starting from which everything was new.

It took Zhang Tie 1 day to digest those fruits.

On the next day, Zhang Tie took a bath in Castle of Black Iron for the first time after staying in the tower of time for 15 years. After that, he laid in his huge bed and had a sound sleep. When he got up, he put on a set of clean warrior's clothes that he plundered from Upton City and left Castle of Black Iron in a refreshing way.


Zhang Tie then came to the tower of time.

He moved the two giants' skeletons, their weapons and the two huge crystal chairs into Castle of Black Iron completely. He put them outside the gate of the palace tree. The moment he put them there, the entire palace tree became majestic. Those items were much better than any ornaments.

As for the tower of time, although Zhang Tie dreamed to put it away in Castle of Black Iron, he finally gave it up after making attempts for a while. Even though he had become a knight, it was also out of his reach to move such a mountain-sized item.

After glancing at the marvelous crystal tower hundreds of times pitifully, Zhang Tie finally left this underground space.

There was no other exit in this underground space except for that cave behind the waterfall where he fell off. Therefore, Zhang Tie could only return to the cave while lifting against the current.

It was out of others' imagination to do this; even knights could barely overcome such turbulent current. Not every knight could accept such a challenge. However, it was easy for Zhang Tie who had just promoted to a knight.

Zhang Tie opened the tunnel leading to Castle of Black Iron in front of him. As long as the speed of sucking water flow in Castle of Black Iron was greater than that of the water flow flushing downward, Zhang Tie could be easily pushed upward by the great thrust.

As Zhang Tie walked in the underground tunnel, he kept leaving marks that could only be identified by himself. When he came down here, he didn't have time to leave marks. As it was a watercourse at the beginning which was twisted and familiar in many places, even with knight's consciousness, he could still not remember it clearly. Therefore, when he returned, he had to leave marks. 'As the tower of time would open again after 6 decades, I might come here again then.'

After promoting to a knight, Zhang Tie felt that he should go back to Huaiyuan Palace and clearly explain everything. 'As Huaiyuan Palace is benevolent to me, I should be grateful...'

Chapter 710: A Shock

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

With a splash, Zhang Tie exposed his head out of the water. Watching the skyline and the surrounding ridges, Zhang Tie let out a deep sigh, 'Wuh, finally came out of the water.'

That was a deep pool in the valley, right on one side of a river. There were flourish woods in the surroundings. A waterfall flushed off in the distance. A brook flew by this place. A subterranean river was under the deep pool. It was 8-9 o'clock in the morning when the sun had just risen up. The thin mist in the valley had not completely faded away.

Two small beasts like David's deer were drinking on the side of the deep pool. At the sight of the ripples caused by Zhang Tie, they hurriedly ran away.

As was imagined, after Zhang Tie rushed out of that huge underwater swirl and circled around the watercourse system which was as complex as a three-dimensional maze, he finally got lost although he racked his mind.

In that case, as long as he swam against the current and moved upwards, he would get closer to the ground. Therefore, after determining his mind, Zhang Tie rushed upwards along one watercourse.

On the halfway, the water flow converged into a new surging subterranean river and flew towards the south. Watching this, Zhang Tie became reassured. He just rushed as fast as a bolt along the flow. 2 days later, after seeing a new water flow above the subterranean river, Zhang Tie chose to move upwards once again. After repeating this a few times, he finally saw the sunlight under the water. Therefore, he accelerated towards the sunlight and finally exposed his head out of the deep pool.

The distance of this journey might match that when Zhang Tie went to Ice and Snow Wilderness by sea-route for the first time. The scenery in the subterranean river was really fantastic.

With the protection of his protective battle qi, Zhang Tie was still dry all over even though he had traveled 2 days in the water.

After looking at the surroundings, Zhang Tie instantly flew out of the deep pool like a rocket before the Catastrophe. In a split second, he had already flown 3,000-4,000 m in height, from where he could see everything below his feet clearly.

At the sight of the undulating mountain range, Zhang Tie knew it was Kalay Mountain Range. However, its location should be the southern edge of Kalay Mountain Range. Therefore, Zhang Tie could see the plain and the outline of a city in the distance from here.

Zhang Tie bore the surrounding terrain in mind. Besides, he made marks all the way out of the underground space. If he wanted to return to that underground space, he only needed to follow his marks back.

After identifying the direction, Zhang Tie straightly flew towards the city in the distance.

As long as he was close to that city, Zhang Tie would be able to identify his precise location after referring to the urban map on the south of Kalay Mountain Range in his memory. After that, he would be able to choose the proper route to go back to Huaiyuan Palace...

Whereas, Zhang Tie didn't know that after he appeared in the sky for less than half a minute, his movement had been caught by a pair of bright and sharp eyes.


On the top of a bald mountain being covered with gravel and weeds over 10 miles away from Zhang Tie, there was a trivial rock. Two low bushes were on the side of the rock. A pair of sharp eyes were gazing tightly at Zhang Tie behind a high-powered military anti-reflective telescope. Some soldiers in mountainous camouflage uniforms were hiding in a narrow space beneath that rock. They kept gnawing dried rations while gazing at Zhang Tie. They all looked a bit nervous and excited.

After staying here over 1 month, they felt bored every day. The appearance of Zhang Tie made them spirited at once.

This was the significance of these soldiers here. Even though they had not found anything useful over the past months, once they found it, they would enable human countries in the north of Kalay Mountain Range to make a response in advance.

After the human defense in Selnes Theater of Operations collapsed, especially after the battle of Upton City came to an end 2 weeks ago, many human countries close to the south of Kalay Mountain Range and Blackson Central Nations Federation had arranged a large number of scouts and observation posts in Kalay Mountain Range so that they could monitor the situation here around the clock. This observation post was a hidden post arranged by the Blackson Central Nations Federation in Kalay Mountain Range.


The human soldier who was holding the telescope asked his partner who was gazing at the optical velometer.

"0.6 Mach!"

"Send the warning right away. An unidentified knight is breaking through D16 observation area and flying towards Barlin City at the speed of 0.6 Mach from the north..."

Another human soldier in the narrow observation post instantly took out a portable remote-sensing crystal communication device and sent out the message at once.

Closely after he sent out the message had Zhang Tie got rid of this observation area and turned into a blurry black spot.

"Knight!" The soldier holding the optical velometer swallowed his saliva and said excitedly, "I've not imagined that we could really discover a knight in the sky. It's my first time to see a knight!" After saying that, the soldier found that his team leader was still gazing at the telescope, "Boss, what are you looking at?"

The guy, who had just commanded the other scouts to send out the message in the observation post, moved his eyes away from the telescope as he let out a deep sigh, "I was watching whether that guy was flying towards us. If so, we have to escape in different directions! If we're lucky enough, one of us might survive."

"Ah? No way. That guy is so far away from us. How could he discover us?" The soldier who was holding the optical velometer asked out of amazement.

The team leader didn't say anything. He just pointed at a terrifying scar from his left face all the way to his neck and explained, "Last time, we were 5 miles away from the demon knight. When we gazed at him, we were sensed. That b*stard flew towards us and attacked us from 100 m away like patting flies. As a result, only 1 of all the 24 scouts survived. That was me. I was almost buried alive..."

After hearing this, everybody in the observation post became shocked.

"This is...too exaggerating."

"Dawson, remember, unless you could promote to a knight one day, run away as far as possible when you see a demon knight flying towards you, no matter whether you're a regimental commander, division head, army commander or corps general. Never think that demon knight could not discover you; never think that you could survive a demon knight's punch. Small figures like us had better not be too eye-catching in front of a knight. If we could survive a knight's strike unfortunately, we'd better remain still. In that case, the only way to save ourselves is to disguise to be dead on the ground. In that case, even if the demon knight knew that you're not dead, he would not waste a strike on small figures like us."

Everyone in the observation post nodded solemnly at the same time.

"Alright, hurry, prepare for it. We will transfer to No. 2 observation post. I don't know whether that knight has discovered us or not. Perhaps he had discovered us, yet he didn't feel like wasting time on us. Those who can fly at the speed of 0.6 Mach are always tricky among knights. If it's a demon knight, it might move back to exterminate us all!"

After hearing the team leader's words, everyone in the observation post became flurried. They hurriedly prepared to evacuate from the observation post. Before leaving, they set a small colorful smoking jar in the observation post. When this smoking jar was attacked by the demon knight, the smoking jar would crack and release the smoke. They would know that the knight was coming back.

Scouts always used this trick. Although being trivial, it was very useful.


Zhang Tie indeed had sensed that he was being observed by someone, who might be hunters in the mountain, scouts dispatched by human countries in the south of Kalay Mountain Range or wanderers. He ignored them. Because demons' force had not reached here for the time being, it was unnecessary for him to waste time on killing them.

Zhang Tie flew at the speed of about 200 m per second, namely 720 miles per hour. Zhang Tie felt that he could fly all the way to Huaiyuan Prefecture at this speed easily.

At this moment, Zhang Tie didn't know how amazing his ability was among all the knights. After promoting to a knight, Zhang Tie thought that all the knights had such a long-distance flight ability. He thought that all the knights were accomplishing long-distance movement in this manner.

At this speed, the city soon appeared in front of Zhang Tie. On the east side of the city, there was a big river. After matching the big river to the terrain surrounding the city, Zhang Tie immediately remembered a city called Barlin City among the countries in the south of Kalay Mountain Range.

Barlin City was still 10,000 miles away from Huaiyuan Palace. After confirming his own coordinates, Zhang Tie slightly adjusted his flight direction and flew towards Huaiyuan Palace.


Zhang Tie didn't know how many people had he scared on the way towards the south. After the observation post in the south of Kalay Mountain Range sent out the first message, the intelligence center of the headquarter of Central Nations Federations in Blackson Humans Corridor had become busy. Messages were constantly sent to member nations from the intelligence center one after another. Those member nations gave more feedbacks to the intelligence center. Zhang Tie didn't know how many eyes were gazing at him wherever he passed.

The moment he flew over Barlin City had a commissioned officer hurriedly ran off the observation post and sent out another message as fast as possible.


"An unidentified knight is flying over Barlin City at the speed of 0.6 Mach per hour; direction angle 14 degrees southwest..."


40 minutes later...

"Investigation airship outside Sedina City of Nio Kingdom finds an unidentified knight flying towards the south at the speed of 0.6 Mach in the direction angle of 14 degrees southwest..."


20 minutes later...

"Observation post on Campbell Mountain, Saint Cru Alliance finds an unidentified knight flying towards the south at the speed of 0.6 Mach in the direction angle of 14 degrees southwest..."


30 minutes later...

"Bronique Star Observation Platform finds an unidentified knight flying towards the south at the speed of 0.6 Mach in the direction angle of 14 degrees southwest..."

All those who paid attention to this message were shocked inside. 'Flying over 1,000 miles in less than 2 hours. What for?'

After drawing a straight line along Zhang Tie's flight route, they found a major city on the line being aligned with the flight direction of that unidentified knight, the capital of Raymlan Empire being not far from Bronique City.

Given from the map, after leaving Barlin City, that unidentified knight was rushing all the way towards the capital of Raymlan Empire like a sharp bolt!

After figuring it out, many people became startled.


Zhang Tie didn't know how many people had been scared on the ground. After flying over 1,200 miles over the past 100 minutes, Zhang Tie found that his way forward was blocked by almost 1,000 battle airships in different sizes and a knight.

The knight looked as old as those elders in Huaiyuan Palace. Being strong in a navy blue armor and snowwhite mustache, he was holding a brilliant battle sword while suspending in the sky with a solemn look.

"Jaray, the No. 1 knight of Raymlan Empire invites the arriver to stop!" The knight said solemnly as he waved his long sword, releasing a sharp sword qi across 200 m in front of Zhang Tie.

Chapter 711: A Misunderstanding

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

The alleged No. 1 knight was similar to a nationwide employed knight. The only difference was that nationwide employed knights served a nation or royals while employed knights served clans that had not established countries. If demons completely occupied Blackson Humans Corridor in the future, Senel Clan might be rewarded with a nation. If so, that knight employed by Senel Clan might be the No. 1 knight of their nation or a corps leader.

Any knight would be at least a corps leader in Blackson Humans Corridor if they took an office in the army. However, there were many human countries in Blackson Humans Corridor, none of their armies contained more than 400,000 soldiers. None of the countries were able to establish and sustain the needs of a corps. Therefore, if one country could have one knight on their side, even if the knight could not take the office as a corps leader, he would become the alleged No. 1 knight of the country.

The No. 1 knight of a country was like a lifetime marshal, which was the supreme battle force of a country. Countries with one No. 1 knight would be much more powerful than those without and weaker than those countries which could establish corps. These countries were the pillar ones with the greatest battle forces in Blackson Humans Corridor.

The Symbian Republic and Raymlan Empire were both such countries. However, the No. 1 knight of Symbian Republic sacrificed himself outside Mocco City while the No. 1 knight of Raymlan Empire was standing in front of Zhang Tie.

Some countries and powers had hundreds of thousands of soldiers; however, they still could not attract knights to serve them. Over 70% of the human countries in Blackson Humans Corridor were like this, such as the former Andaman Alliance, the current Free Commercial Federation, Cross Star Commercial Federation, Holland Republic, Titanic Duchy and that Holy Golden Orchid Empire, etc..

Countries like Norman Empire and Jinyun Country which could establish corps all ranked first in Blackson Humans Corridor, especially Hua countries like Jinyun Country. In Jinyun Country, all the major Hua clans could cultivate knights. The number of knights in the major Hua clans in Jinyun Country also ranked first across Blackson Humans Corridor. The mighty Jinyun Country was also a powerful epitome of Hua people in this age.

Zhang Tie had not imagined that the No. 1 knight of Raymlan Empire could block his way.

Given the knight's sword qi, Zhang Tie knew that he was not weak. Such a sword qi could exterminate anyone below "knight" from 200 m away. However, for Zhang Tie, it was just not bad. Compared to the demon knight that Zhang Tie had just killed, this one might even be weaker.

After promoting to a knight, Zhang Tie's perception also rose to the level of knights. He started to treat everything with the insight and mentality of knights.

Although Zhang Tie was flying at the speed of about 200 m per second, at the sight of the sword qi crossing his way, Zhang Tie stopped instantly. He transiently completed his conversion between extreme high-speed movement and extreme static.

Seeing how Zhang Tie stopped, that knight called Jaray frowned as he made his decision to kill Zhang Tie...

Zhang Tie's extremely young look made Jaray more alert.

Besides being taller and stronger, Zhang Tie's look remained unchanged. He was still as same as that at the age of 16 in Blackhot City. Those who were familiar with Zhang Tie wouldn't feel that Zhang Tie's look was special. However, in the eyes of Jaray, Zhang Tie looked extremely "monstrous", 'A 16-year old knight? No way!'

Therefore, Jaray was sure that this unidentified knight had hidden his true look purposefully. 'It's already evil for such a powerful knight to disguise himself as a Hua man; additionally, he wants to raid the capital of Raymlan Kingdom. It will be more dangerous.'

If such a powerful knight was allowed in the capital of Raymlan Empire, it would be a real catastrophe.

Similar events once happened in former holy wars. This also indicated the terror of knights. Nothing else could stop a knight except knights.

Right then, the royals in Saint Maner City, the capital of Raymlan Empire had already started the evacuation procedures. All the royal members were in an emergency evacuation...


"What do you want?" Zhang Tie muffled his voice unpleasantly when he was blocked by someone forcefully.

"Your Excellency, although Raymlan Empire is a small country, you're still not allowed to enter Saint Maner City, the capital of Raymlan Empire unless you step on my corpse..." Jaray said solemnly as he put his long sword horizontally. Meanwhile, his cyan battle-qi totem rushed to the sky.

Closely after that, all the battle airships behind him started to change their formation as if they had already received the signal to fight. The huge net gradually transformed into a huge ball. Having served in airship troop for a long time, of course, Zhang Tie knew what did the ball formation mean. It meant that the airships were going to collaborate with each other and fight him to death. So many battle airships in different sizes were going to fight a knight, what a tragic scene!

Honestly, if this knight Jaray said a jargon such as, "This mountain belongs to me, this tree is planted by me; if you want to pass by, leave your money", Zhang Tie would never feel strange. However, when Jaray thought that Zhang Tie was going to invade Saint Maner City, the capital of Raymlan Empire, Zhang Tie became dumbfounded and almost cried, 'What the hell! I'm just in a rush. How the hell can I be framed in this way?'

Now that it was a misunderstanding, Zhang Tie's unpleasure faded away at once.

"Your Excellency, you must have misunderstood me. I'm just in a rush!" Zhang Tie explained calmly.

"Hahaha..." Jaray burst out into laughter before glaring at Zhang Tie, "You're in a rush? That's the best joke that I've ever heard. As a knight, why do you fabricate such a laughingstock? You really think that nobody in Raymlan Empire could stop you? 2 hours ago, you flew over Kalay Mountain Range and Barlin City before flying 1,000 miles towards Saint Maner City in such an aggressive way. You call it "in a rush"? It was Goddess Lake behind Saint Maner City which lasts 2,000 miles. You tell me you're going to fly over 3,000 miles only "in a rush?" I've never heard that any knight across Blackson Humans Corridor could fly over 2,000 miles without a stop. You flew over 1,000 miles in only 2 hours towards Saint Maner City, dare you say it is not a raid?"

After hearing Jaray's words, Zhang Tie became stunned as he instantly found the problem, 'Erm...erm...can't all knights fly forever? I didn't find any problem in the flight yet. It's so easy. According to Jaray, it's uneasy for a knight to fly over 1,000 miles. I just flew at a normal speed, why did it become aggressive in others' eyes? Why do they think I am targeting Saint Maner City?'

'Does it mean that other knights could not have such a great flight performance? Saint Maner City is a major air traffic hub in the south of Blackson Humans Corridor which is closest to Kalay Mountain Range. Therefore, my flight route aroused their misunderstanding.'

Zhang Tie realized that he had made a low-end mistake. As he had just promoted to a knight, he thought all the knights could have such a great flight performance. Therefore, he just flew wherever he wanted.

Zhang Tie almost forgot that he was cultivating an emperor-level secret knowledge, the "King Roc Sutra" that nobody else had cultivated in this world.

In the world, there were totally 2 emperor-level secret books, "Xuanyuan God Sutra", which was cultivated by Xuanyuan Emperor's clan members in Taixia Country. As to "King Roc Sutra", Zhang Tie was the only one who reached above LV 11.

'After returning to Huaiyuan Palace, I have to report to the elders that I've promoted to a knight. Additionally, after promoting to a knight, I became more confident to return to Huaiyuan Palace. I could face the elders frankly. However, if the secret that I am cultivating "King Roc Sutra" is exposed to the public, it will arouse an earthquake.

In a split second, various whims occurred to Zhang Tie's mind, 'It seems that I have to give up the mind to fly towards Huaiyuan palace in case of arousing the attention of the public. If I just flew over 10,000 miles back to Huaiyuan Palace arrogantly, I might never live a peaceful life in the future.'

Seeing Zhang Tie being silent, Jaray confirmed his hypothesis. Watching Zhang Tie's young face, Jaray sneered, "Now that we're going to fight, why not show your real look. It's heard that the Three-eye Association also have some powerful knights. If you still hide your real look at this moment, it would ruin your dignity as a powerhouse. You're really whimsy, how can you disguise as a young man."

Being wordless, Zhang Tie just rubbed his face, 'When I disguised as others, nobody had ever identified my real look; however, when I'm showing my real look, nobody believes in me. How dramatic!'

Zhang Tie sighed as he watched the No. 1 knight of Raymlan Empire calmly, "Your Excellency, you must have misunderstood me. I'm Zhang Tie. I'm in my real look. I'm from Huaiyuan Palace, Jinyun Country. I want to go back to Huaiyuan Palace by the airship in Saint Maner City!"

After hearing Zhang Tie's reply, Jaray became stunned as it was completely out of his imagination.

In a split second, Jaray recovered his composure as he burst out into laughter, "Is there any young elder like you in Huaiyuan Palace, Jinyun Country? Now that you're a human knight, please show me your knight plate."

"What is a Knight plate?" Zhang Tie became amazed.

"You're really good at disguising!" Jaray sneered, "Now that you're a knight from Huaiyuan Palace, don't tell me that you've not been to the Mountain of Brightness."

Having just promoted to a knight, Zhang Tie knew nothing about the world of knights. He didn't know anything about the Mountain of Brightness and knight plate.

"I've just promoted to a knight and I'm about to rush back to Zhang Clan. I'm not an elder of Huaiyuan Palace yet. Therefore, I don't have a knight plate!"

Watching Zhang Tie's calm look and hearing his stable reply, Jaray became dubious...

'If Zhang Tie was really a knight on the side of Three-eye Association or demon, he should have started the fight as soon as possible. He doesn't need to waste time with me here. The longer he stays here, the more disadvantageous it would be for him and the more possible that he might be caught up by other human knights behind him. As a result, he might finally be surrounded in Saint Maner City. I'd also talk with him so as to prolong time. After a few more hours, one of my friends would arrive.'

Jaray gazed at Zhang Tie with an experienced vicious look as he suddenly asked, "Now that you want to go to Saint Maner City, do you mind us giving you a favor by an airship? In Hua language, Raymlan Empire should show the rite to you as the host."

Zhang Tie replied with a faint smile as he got Jaray's intention. 'Now that we're not enemy, I want to ask this human knight some questions by this chance in case of loopholes.'

"Alright. I wonder which is your flagship airship, Your Excellency. After traveling so long, I'm a bit tired. I also want to take a rest!" Zhang Tie replied frankly.

Jaray threw a deep glance at Zhang Tie. Although he was still alert about Zhang Tie, he had already put away his battle-qi totem.

"Come with me!"

Saying this, Jaray flew towards the airship troop in the distance at the speed of about 100 m per second.

Zhang Tie just kept about 100 m away from Jaray.

As Jaray flew, he kept noticing Zhang Tie. After finding that Zhang Tie was still not anxious, Jaray doubted, 'Is he a real knight of Huaiyuan Palace? But he's too young. I've not heard about such a young knight in Huaiyuan Palace these couple of years. It's heard that Lan Yunxi, the princess of Huaiyuan Palace is just LV 12. She's even served in Selnes Theater of Operations as the commander of the airship troop of Jinyun Country. Zhang Tie, hmm, I remembered that someone had mentioned about this name before...'

"Your Excellency, do you know Lan Yunxi?" Jaray asked tentatively.

Zhang Tie became stunned as he had not imagined that Jaray also knew about Lan Yunxi, "She's my elder sister!"

'——and my reserved wife.' Zhang Tie didn't pour out the latter half.

"You know each other?"

"Very familiar!"


Watching Jaray and Zhang Tie flew towards them, one after another, the airship troop of Raymlan Empire didn't open fire towards Zhang Tie——of course, even if they opened fire, their strike would almost be ignored by Zhang Tie. The steam bolts on the airship could never break knight's protective battle qi at all. Among all the steam weapons, only large-scale city-defense steam weapons such as steam centrifugal shells could pose a bit threat to the knight.

Zhang Tie was directly led to a deck of a huge fury-level airship. Due to his great battle force, Zhang Tie was very confident. He didn't worry that these people of Raymlan Empire could play any trick in front of him.

The moment the two knights landed on the deck, some commissioned officers had rushed out.

At the sight of Zhang Tie, one commissioned officer of Raymlan Empire widely opened his eyes, "Ahh? Your Excellency Zhang Tie?"

The moment that commissioned officer uttered had Zhang Tie became stunned. So did Jaray and the other commissioned officers in the surroundings. They all gazed at that young commissioned officer with a strange look.

"You know me?" Zhang Tie asked as he pointed at his nose.

After drawing in a deep breath, that commissioned officer explained, "When in Mocco City, after the failed bomb attempts of Three-eye Association towards you, I saw you wander around the city with a carriage of wing demons' heads. I remember that the entire depressive Mocco City had been boiling that day. Later on, when I led the airship relief team of Raymlan Empire to Selnes Theater of Operations, we encountered the ambush of wing demons. At the critical moment, Your Excellency appeared by a unique Wind Talker glider and cleaned all the wing demons. I was in the airship at that moment. Before leaving, Your Excellency even waved the wings of the glider. It's deeply imprinted in my mind from then on. Your Excellency might have forgotten about what you did in Selnes Theater of Operations, but my brothers and I would never forget about that. Later on, you were framed by those b*stards of Three-eye Association. They said you had surrendered to demons after being captured. However, none of the brothers who had served the airship troops and glider troops believed that. None of those who had seen you wander in the streets with a carriage of wing demons' heads, who had fought together with you, who had seen the wrecked glider which could never fly off would believe that the Selnes Eagle who had safeguarded the entire air territory of Selnes Theater of Operations could be conquered by the mean conspiracy of Three-eye Association by lowering your arrogant head to demons and Three-eye Association."

After hearing this commissioned officer, Zhang Tie almost dropped his tears. All the other commissioned officer and Jaray were deeply moved. Even the human defense line in Selnes Theater of Operations had been broken by demons, the Selnes Eagle who once hovered above the entire Selnes Theater of Operations was still an immortal legend in the human airship troops across Blackson Humans Corridor and the pride of all human soldiers who could drive gliders.

After saying these words, that commissioned officer stood at attention and made a salute to Zhang Tie solemnly, "Your Excellency, welcome to visit Goddess Lake, the flagship of the royal airship troop of Raymlan Empire..."

Zhang Tie also made a solemn salute to this commissioned officer without saying anything...

Jaray scanned the faces of Zhang Tie and that commissioned officer before bursting out into laughter...

"Distribute my order, cancel off the warning. Return to Saint Maner City..."