735 - 743

Chapter 735: Bet on A Duel

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

The two who came to propose conditions to Zhang Tie on behalf of the major clans across Ewentra Archipelago were both influential figures in Ewentra Archipelago: Connar, the head of Rainald Clan in Akray Island and Brightman, the head of Willies Clan in Gantiadu Island.

They were both above 60 years old. In this era, such an age was the heyday of men.

If Zhang Tie didn't appear, Connar and Brightman were both hot candidates for the speaker of the Ewentra Parliament. Actually, Connar, the head of Rainald Clan was even the most important person on the back of Ewentra Parliament.

Zhang Tie watched this guy seriously——ash brown hair, raised hooknose, sunken eyes and thick and plain jaw. Given his special look, he must not be average.

By contrast, Brightman, the head of Willies Clan looked like a harmless, gentle, dignified engineer in eyeglasses.

Of course, Zhang Tie didn't treat Brightman as a harmless engineer. As Willies Clan in Gantiadu Island was a bosom ally of Spencer Clan in Ewentra Archipelago. Of course, Willies Clan was not average, not to mention Brightman, the head of the clan.

"Your Excellency. This is the condition proposed by all the major clans across Ewentra Archipelago. If you can adopt this condition, we will proceed according to it. Otherwise, we have to fight Ice and Snow Wilderness at any price for the sake of Ewentra Archipelago!" Connar said as he put one document, which had been signed by all the attendants of this conference, in front of Zhang Tie.

Zhang Tie turned open the document politely. Actually, he had long known the contents of the document. As the owner of Navyblue Castle and Zhang Tie's liaison with all the major clans across Ewentra Archipelago, Ms. Olina had contacted the major clans many times these couple of days and figured out their bottomlines.

If Zhang Tie disagreed with their condition, more than 70% of major clans would evacuate from Ewentra Archipelago and establish an exile Ewentra Parliament in Western Continent. After that, they would always find Zhang Tie trouble. It would be very tricky.

It was Connar, the head of Rainald Clan, who proposed to establish an exile Ewentra Parliament overseas.

"Make a duel between 1/2 of North Wind Fleet and the same scale of the allied fleet of Ewentra Archipelago on the sea. If North Wind Fleet wins the battle, all the major clans and islands across Ewentra Archipelago will pay allegiance to me. If the allied fleet wins the battle, besides Saint Herner Island which maintained its current situation, all the other islands across Ewentra Archipelago will also maintain their current situations. Additionally, Ice and Snow Wilderness will not seek to annex other parts of Ewentra Archipelago." Zhang Tie skimmed over the contents of the document before watching Connar and Brightman, "I have to admit that your condition is considerate!" Zhang Tie revealed a faint smile, which was confirmative or ironical.

Although the condition seemed fair, it was unfair to North Wind Fleet. Actually, based on the battle experience and drilling level of the fleet, the North Wind fleet, which had been established for just less than 5 years could still not match the allied fleet of Ewentra Archipelago which lived and trained on the ocean all the year round.

'It seems that this condition is especially designed for the possible loss of North Wind Fleet. Even if I was defeated, I would only lose half of the battle force of Ice and Snow Wilderness. Additionally, I would also keep the control of Saint Herner Island. In this way, I wouldn't look too much embarrassed or arouse more casualties and damages due to extreme fury.

"This is a bet on the duel between two fleets without the participation of knights from Ice and Snow Wilderness!" Connar added frankly, "Ewentra Archipelago worships ocean, where each one has a special feeling about the ocean and respects the real brave who could conquer the ocean. Therefore, you could not make us succumb to Ice and Snow Wilderness faithfully unless you show an overwhelming power to conquer us on the sea. If you want to conquer Ewentra Archipelago by pure force then the only outcome is to see Ice and Snow Wilderness turn into ruins! I think you've already heard a proverb in Ewentra Archipelago!"

"What's that?"

"Knights could conquer the land, yet they could not conquer the ocean!"

Zhang Tie replied with a faint smile. 'It's true for common knights. The area of ocean is broader than that of land. Even though knights can fly, their flight ability weakens sharply above the ocean. Because most of the knights can only fly a bit longer than 1,000 miles at most. By contrast, the fleet has better maneuverability and the ability to conceal themselves, which pose greater deterrent force to traffic routes on ocean and ships [on the ocean]. Therefore, this proverb spread in Ewentra Archipelago. However, this proverb is not completely true. It's just a self-consolation of an archipelago community. However, it's just a joke for me.'

Facing the joke, Zhang Tie replied with a smile. He didn't care or wanted to argue something. He just threw a glance at Brightman, "Do Willies Clan also think like this?"

"As we are not only defending the interests of Ewentra Archipelago, but also the dignity of Ewentra Archipelago through this bet. If Your Excellency could allow major clans across Ewentra Archipelago to lower their heads in front of you in a dignified way, I think it would be nice for all of us. Otherwise, we could only destroy each other in the end!"

"Dignity?" Zhang Tie revealed a smile, "Alright, I agree with your condition. I promise that none of the knights from Ice and Snow Wilderness would attend this duel, including me. Just let the two fleets make a duel in the public. The remaining fleet would be the winner! But I've also got a condition..."

"What condition?"

"I hope it is Rainald Clan's fleet which fights the North Wind Fleet. I know that Rainald Clan's fleet will be able to participate in such a bet based on its scale and battle force!"

A light flashed by Connar's eyes. However, he still maintained a smile, "I agree! But there's one thing that I have to remind you. For the fairness of this bet, the major clans across Ewentra Archipelago have already submitted 0.2 billion gold coins as the caution money of this bet and invited Golden Roc Bank as the warrantor of this bet!"

After hearing this, Zhang Tie swore inside, 'What f*cking rich clans! In order to prevent me from regret, these guys have already gathered 0.2 billion gold coins as the caution money so fast. Additionally, they even roped in Golden Roc Bank as their warrantor. What cunning guys! It seems that they've already won the duel. However, if I win, Golden Roc Bank will also supervise these clans to perform their bet.'

'Generally, Golden Roc Bank will not interfere with such a battle which strive for territory and power unless the parties of the battle sigh a contract.'

'What a valuable contract!'

After pretending to consider it with a solemn look, Zhang Tie said, "No problem, I agree!"

After hearing this, Connar revealed a faint smile at his mouth corners. Even Brightman's eyes contained something else, which was more like a faint sigh towards Zhang Tie's young age, low intelligence and false judgment than contempt.

Seeing Connar and Brightman leaving the room, Zhang Tie revealed a faint smile which gradually turned bright...

'If you want to play, let's play something big!'

Zhang Tie's eyes instantly turned extremely profound...


At this moment, a side door opened slowly while Ms. Olina entered twisting her butts with a sad look. She was auditing in a neighboring room just now.

"This bet is very dangerous!" Ms. Olina told Zhang Tie.

"Is this where you usually work in Navyblue Castle? It's nice." Zhang Tie asked as he looked around.

Ms. Olina's face blushed instantly, "Aren't you worried about that?"

"Why?" Zhang Tie smiled as he put his arm around Ms. Olina, "Do you want to make money? Make a lot of money?"

After being silent for a second, Olina watched Zhang Tie with a confused look, "What are you talking about?"

"Hmm, if I'm your boss and you're my beauty secretary and a commercial spy who wants to steal commercial intelligence from me, what will you do?" Zhang Tie asked seriously as he threw himself on the chair with open legs.

Olina blushed as her eyes turned watery and enchanting...


After 2 hours, Elder Turin and Elder Gouras stood in front of Zhang Tie, who looked pleasant, with sad looks. Zhang Tie only told them, "I don't want to explain anything. I just want to tell you that, from now on, you go fetch as much money as possible in the name of the huge bear tribe or iron bear tribe in terms of gold coin, loan, mortgage or gold delivery right. There's an opportunity for you to make money. It depends how much you can fetch. And I promise to have your money at least doubled in 10 days."

The two elders were both stunned...


On October 2nd, the moment this bet was released to the public, it had shocked the entire Ewentra Archipelago and Ice and Snow Wilderness. Everyone wondered which party would be the winner, Ice and Snow Wilderness or Ewentra Archipelago...

On October 3rd, Golden Roc Bank accepted the wager from both Ice and Snow Wilderness and Ewentra Archipelago.

The bet, which shocked the entire Blackson Humans Corridor, took effect from then on...

Chapter 736: Convergence

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

From October 4th, the entire open water of the Saint Herner Island had started to become boisterous. Besides the major clans across Ewentra Archipelago that converged in Saint Herner Island, all the influential and talented figures had arrived by airship or steamer. Batches of people from all walks of life started to converge in Saint Herner Island so as to witness the rare duel on the sea.

In Ewentra Archipelago, duels always happened due to animosity or love. Duels were not forbidden in Ewentra Archipelago. As long as the two parties agreed, they could sign a contract on duel when the notary and their friends and family members were at present. Such duels were usually considered as bright and brave deeds, which would even be praised by residents here.

Even barbarian tribes in Sinaira Island and old major clans in Akray Island paid special tribute to such a duel and the outcome of such a duel.

In Ewentra Archipelago, even two guys' duel would become a local hot news, not to mention such a large-scale duel between two fleets. The shock was like a super tsunami caused by Richter magnitude 10 earthquake, which spread across Ewentra Archipelago in the shortest period.

As for the parties of the duel, one of them represented the most powerful force in Ice and Snow Wilderness, the other one represented the power of the local major clans of Ewentra Archipelago. This duel would determine the belonging of the entire Ewentra Archipelago, the fates of numerous people, even the future of the entire north water. Of course, such a large-scale duel would cause a shock.

From October 4th, as so many people poured in, all the hotels and inns across Saint Herner Island had been reserved. Even the rent had increased by 10 times. In such a case, all the common households across Saint Herner Island had hung out billboards so that they could rent their own houses at lower prices than that of inns. Due to the developed commercial trade across Ewentra Archipelago, all the residents here had a sensitive commercial awareness.

Similarly, the prices of berths for ships below 5,000 tons at the dock of Saint Herner Island also surged to 2,000 from 160 gold coins per day. However, the berths had also been occupied by deluxe private yachts.

For commoners, the berthing cost of 2,000 gold coins a day was astronomical. However, such a bit of money was nothing but sh*t for those rich maritime traders. Even if they stayed in Saint Herner Island for one month, it would cost them about 60,000-70,000 gold coins. However, it was too cheap for them to witness such a great duel.

In this case, numerous luxury cruises and private yachts arrived from all directions. They just wanted to witness such a historical moment. As no vacant berths were left at the dock, those luxury cruises and private yachts just loitered in the open water of Saint Herner Island. As a result, the entire open water of Sainter Herner Island had been covered with cruises and yachts in a couple of days as dense as woods. When those cruises and yachts needed a supplement, they would anchor at the temporary dock.

In such a case, being required by almost all the passengers, the Narwhal also changed its route and left Akray Island for Saint Herner Island.

Being different from last time, this time, Narwhal could not find an available berth at the dock of Saint Herner Harbor anymore. The Narwhal could only anchor in an eastern water being close to the island. If passengers wanted to join the bet, they would be transported to Saint Herner Harbor from Narwhal by small ships. After that, they would be taken back.

Similarly, besides the major clans of Ewentra Archipelago which started to converge in Saint Herner Island, a lot of big figures in Ice and Snow Wilderness also wanted to witness this duel which could influence the future of the entire Ice and Snow Wilderness and the entire north water.

Almost when the news reached Ice and Snow Wilderness, Peter Hamplester had raised 270 million gold coins from Golden Roc Bank with his ownership of the Tribal Axis Railway as a mortgage and thought he would win the battle, which completely boiled the stalemate situation in Ice and Snow Wilderness.

5 years ago, the most valuable place across Ice and Snow Wilderness might be Eschyle City, which was the only city in Ice and Snow Wilderness. However, the most valuable city across Ice and Snow Wilderness now was Tribal Axis Railway.

After 5 years of development, this railway artery that connected the south with the north almost bore its fruits.

The resources developed by the migrants less than 100 miles away from the railway such as forest farm, mines, pasture and farmland made many people drool, not to mention the great value of the railways itself.

The region along the Tribal Axis Railway had already become the most developed and active place across Ice and Snow Wilderness. Such a situation made people both envious and fearful.

They were envious about the constant gold coins and more and more available resources brought by the Tribal Axis Railway. They were fearful because huge bear tribe and iron bear tribe became the largest benefactor of the Tribal Axis Railway Plan. As a result, the two tribes developed much faster and gradually surpassed all the other tribes.

Because of Tribal Axis Railway, the situation of Ice and Snow Wilderness turned intense. Being instigated and colluded by the commissionary group of Sacred Light Empire, the bear tribes started to covet the Tribal Axis Railway. They wanted to change the pattern of the Ice and Snow Wilderness basically.

Frankly, since Zhang Tie took the Tribal Axis Railway as the mortgage, this duel had not simply been involved with the future of the entire Ewentra Archipelago, but also the future of the entire north water including Ice and Snow Wilderness.

All the major clans across Ewentra Archipelago were driven mad by Zhang Tie's action. It meant that as long as they won the battle, they could not only keep their position in Ewentra Archipelago, but also control the economic artery of Ice and Snow Wilderness. They had never imagined about such a rare opportunity before.

If Golden Roc Bank didn't participate in such a duel, nobody dared accept Zhang Tie's mortgage. Because they were afraid that Zhang Tie would break his words. Nobody dared rob away the Tribal Axis Railway from a knight. However, with Golden Roc Bank as the warrantor, they didn't have to worry about the credit as they knew Ice and Snow Wilderness never dared repudiate a debt from Golden Roc Bank, no matter how powerful they were.

In the odds 1:1.1, the major clans across Ewentra Archipelago chipped in 297 million gold coins in the blink of an eye.

As for the same event, some people were happy while some people were sad. When all the major clans across Ewentra Archipelago were frenzied, mountain bear tribe, black bear tribe and demon bear tribe in Ice and Snow Wilderness felt unhappy. If Peter won, he would occupy the entire Ewentra Archipelago and make astronomical gold coins. Besides, he had the huge bear tribe and wild bear tribe on his side. Peter would have everything like people, money, fleet, territory, reputation and authority. By then, nobody dared oppose him. They had to be low-key and look at Peter's face. Of course, they could not accept it.

If Peter lost the battle, with Golden Roc Bank on his back, the Tribal Axis Railway would fall in others' hand. If so, all the efforts that they had made would be in vain. The three tribes would deteriorate to laughingstocks and crowns across Ice and Snow Wilderness and north water for at least 100 years.

When Peter took Tribal Axis Railway as the mortgage, the three tribes were put on the grill!

The huge bear tribe and iron bear tribe also chipped in after Peter.


On the noon of October 8th, the exclusive 10,000 ton-luxury cruise Chief of the head of Spencer Clan finally appeared in front of Saint Herner Island after 5 days of travel.

Gangula, the head of wild bear tribe was watching so many cruises and ships in the open water of Saint Herner Island with greedy eyes as he rubbed his hands and drooled, 'F*ck, so many deluxe yachts, so many rich people...'

Chapter 737: Big Figures!

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

For many commoners in Ice and Snow Wilderness, they might not be able to cross Oro Strait and wander in Ewentra Archipelago in their whole lives. It was not Gangula's first time to come to Ewentra Archipelago. As a childe of the wild bear tribe, Gangula had already traveled across Ewentra Archipelago at a young age when he broadened his vision through learning the folklore of the north water.

Gangula had been to Ewentra Archipelago two times. However, it was his first time to see such a splendid scene while tens of thousands of ships converged on the north waters.

Watching those cruises and yachts, Gangula felt like watching a herd of cattle which had no master.

Gangula felt unhappy, 'Why could such guys of Ewentra Archipelago live so well? How could they be so rich? By contrast, the tribes of Ice and Snow Wilderness only have powerful battle force, but we live a poor life. How unfair it is...'

'What if I robbed them?'

"My darling younger brother. Can you wipe off your saliva? Look at you, you must be thinking about robbing them with our soldiers."

A lazy, female voice drifted from Gangula's side. The moment he heard the voice, Gangula revealed a brilliant smile as he turned around, watching his elder sister Sabrina, who had the same father with him and was known as a notorious slut across Ice and Snow Wilderness, walking towards him. She was watching him with a languid look.

"Heh...heh...you think too much, my darling elder sister!" Gangula revealed a brilliant smile as he did not admit that he was thinking this just now, "If I dared do that in this water, that old wild bear would break my legs!"

"No. If you were caught by others, the old wild bear would break your legs. He would punish you for not running fast enough. If you were not caught by them, that old wild bear would even praise you for your diligence. If you could clean a major clan in Ewentra Archipelago that converged in Saint Herner Island and get 10 million gold coins from them, that old wild bear might even pass the crown to you!"

After hearing Sabrina's harsh words which were really destructive. However, Gangula had to accept it. Perhaps Sabrina's words were closer to the truth. Gangula had always been admiring his elder sister, especially when Sabrina hit on Peter. Previously, he felt a bit uncomfortable about this elder sister who was known as a notorious slut across Ewentra Archipelago; however, since Sabrina became the virgin mary of Ancient God School and made Peter, the lord of Ice and Snow Wilderness as his elder brother in law, Gangula had been completely overwhelmed by Sabrina. As a result, not only Gangula, even Sabrina gained a greater freedom from that old wild bear.

"Aww, my darling elder sister, erm...can you lend me some money..." Gangula asked with a shameless face.

Money was another reason that made Gangula admire his elder sister Sabrina. These years, Sabrina had made too much money through monopolizing the sale of all-purpose medicament in Ice and Snow Wilderness. She was a famous rich woman in Ice and Snow Wilderness now. Not only Gangula, even that old wild bear drooled towards Sabrina's wealth. With those money, Sabrina roped in so many people in wild bear tribe. Even all the tribal elders were standing on her side. Gangula and his brothers always sighed, 'Thankfully, there's no tradition in wild bear tribe that woman could be the head of the tribe; Sabrina also had been used to be free and doesn't want to go back to the tribe. Otherwise, the head of the tribe will have nothing to do with Gangula and his brothers.'

After throwing her blue eyes onto Gangula, Sabrina knew what Gangula wanted to do with the money? She then revealed a faint smile at her mouth corners, "Don't you have your own cash-dough?"

"I only get a bit more than 100,000 gold coins per year. Additionally, I have to spend a lot of them to buy all-purpose medicament for my women. Without all-purpose medicament, they would sigh with sad looks in front of me. A small part of my expenditure on all-purpose medicament has flown into your pocket. Furthermore, I have to feed so many subordinates. How come I have any money left?"

Gangula didn't lie to her. As a childe of the bear tribe, he could at most get a bit more than 100,000 gold coins a year. In Ice and Snow Wilderness, Gangula was relatively smart. Therefore, he had more chances to make money these years. By contrast, childes of mountain bear tribe, black bear tribe and demon bear tribe were so poor that they would even drool for one copper coin.

"Don't you have a seabuckthorn chateau? All of your seabuckthorn wine has been sold to Ewentra Archipelago each year. Additionally, I heard that you and a business group in Eschyle City have discovered a copper mine near Haidela Glacier. Don't complain of being hard up in front of me." Sabrina revealed the truth mercilessly.

Gangula then replied with a bitter look, "I've not got the payment of my seabuckthorn chateau back this season. The remaining money had been used to expand the chateau. Although we made a bit of money by that copper mine, it was used to build the road that links the copper mine with the Tribal Axis Railway. I only have tens of thousands of gold coins for the time being!"

"You want money to chip in?"

"Heh, heh, heh, heh, of course, as Peter spared me a chance to make money, how could I miss it. However, I have very less money available for the time being."

Since he witnessed Zhang Tie manifesting the "God's will" in the dilemma of the underground ruined relics, Gangula had blind faith in Zhang Tie. Although it looked that Zhang Tie was in the disadvantageous position for the time being, Gangula was still full of confidence about Zhang Tie. He believed that Zhang Tie would be the winner.

'If a person could manifest God's will, it would be not difficult for him to create some marvel and surprises.' Gangula thought.

"Well, darling younger brother. Your reason is legitimate. As I've just bought a castle, I don't have too much money available. I could only lend you 200,000 gold coins. You owe me now." Sabrina put it straight.

Gangula grinned.

As Sabrina replied, she directly took out her gold check clip...

When Gangula was waiting for Sabrina's gold checks, he found Sabrina became still as she looked in the distance...

Gangula turned around and saw a huge ship with a special banner in the distance. The banner was a brilliant golden mace that hung in the void...

"The commissionary group of Sacred Light School..." Gangula slightly changed his face.

"I've not imagined the Saint Herner Island will become more boisterous now. Darling younger brother. I heard you chopped off the heads of Sacred Light School. You'd better not run about in Saint Herner Island. If you died, that old wild bear and I would feel painful for sure." Sabrina sighed faintly as she took out of 200,000 gold checks and passed it to Gangula. After throwing another glance at that huge ship with the banner of the mace muling of Sacred Light School, she entered the cabin.

Gangula's face slightly changed and looked a bit solemn. At this moment, everybody could imagine the heads of mountain bear tribe, black bear tribe and demon bear tribe were in that huge ship.


The old wild bear and the head of fire bear tribe were sitting in a top cabin of Chief while watching that huge ship which was hanging the banner of the mace muling of Sacred Light School.

"Old fire bear, did you see that? Someone has already forgotten about the honor of Slavs for the sake of profits. They would flatter any party as long as they could share profits. It's said that the creed of Sacred Light School was that everything in the world was created by their God, including the followers' wives and daughters. If Sacred Light School could root in Ice and Snow Wilderness one day, those jerk clerks and mulings would be entitled to enjoy the followers' wives and daughters on behalf of the God. I wonder whether the wives and daughters of the heads of those tribes have been enjoyed or not!" Old wild bear Dali said scornfully. As he gnawed a fat fish, he wiped the fish oil onto his mustache. Closely after that, he blew his nose using the hand.

The head of the fire bear tribe blushed as he felt this old wild bear had some implications. If not the last message from Elder Turin which woke up fire bear tribe, he might have been the one who flattered Sacred Light School.

"Come on, enjoy yourself!" The old wild bear heroically tore apart the fish that had been touched by his hand which had just been used to blow his nose and put one half of it into the plate of the old fire bear.

Watching the half "juicy" fish in his plate and the old wild bear's oily hand, the old fire bear then forced a smile, "Hmm, I've eaten breakfast, I'm not hungry for the time being..."


On the ship of Sacred Light School, the mace muling was holding a golden mace in a golden, brilliant robe that was embroidered with a complex religious pattern which represented sun and brilliance. Meanwhile, he also watched the Chief while a sharp light flashed by his golden pupils...

"Those in that ship have abandoned the opportunities spared by the God of Brilliance. Therefore, they have to take the punishment of the God of Brilliance!" The mace muling told the other 3 people in the room after turning around.

"We've not seen God at all. However, the duel will start soon. We only want to know what can we get from this bet." One bad-tempered guy couldn't help but ask.

Narrowing his eyes, the mace muling of the Sacred Light School accented, "Ally!"

"Ally?" The three guys repeated as they exchanged glances with each other.

"After Peter loses the bet. Golden Roc Bak can ensure Peter to perform the contract. However, they cannot ensure whether someone would find the winner some troubles after Peter performed the contract. Doesn't the winner require some allies from Ice and Snow Wilderness to ensure their rights and interests along the Tribal Axis Railway? Isn't that what we're seeking for now?" The mace muling of Saint Light School explained with a profound look.

After hearing that, the other 3 guys understood it right away. One of them had one more doubt, "As there are 8 bear tribes in Ice and Snow Wilderness, why should the winner choose us as their ally? We're not the most powerful ones."

"Because we can help them win the battle; of course, we can share the fruits of the victory with them. This is the condition for us to be their allies!" The mace muling explained calmly.

"But no other party is allowed to join the battle apart from the two fleets!"

The mace muling didn't say anything; he just clapped his hands twice.

A person in the cloak of ascetic slowly walked out of a shadowy corner of the room...

Meanwhile, an invisible vapor spread over the entire room...

Chapter 738: Another Gathering

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Besides the two heads of the wild bear tribe and fire bear tribe and their entourage, 6 women who were gifted to Zhang Tie by Spencer Clan along with great hopes also arrived here by Chief.

Seeing Zhang Tie being always together with Ms. Olina and the increasingly shiny skin of Ms. Olina these days, Elder Turin told the 6 women of Spencer Clan to gather with Zhang Tie in Saint Herner Island. The longer they stayed with Zhang Tie, the more likely they would have Zhang Tie's babies and the safer the Spencer Clan would be in the future.

The Chief directly anchored in the exclusive berth of Saint Herner Harbor. Closely after that, all the passengers disembarked and headed for Navyblue Castle by cars.

The moment the luxury fleet set off the dock, Gangula had seen a row of huge rolling numbers on a high building outside the dock.

When he caught sight of that number plate, it stopped at 715987240.

"What's that number?" Gangula asked the driver.

"It's the total amount of cash being used for this bet from all parties!" The driver replied.

'Seven hundred and fifteen million, nine hundred and eighty seven thousand, two hundred and forty gold coins?' After counting that number seriously, Gangula almost passed out. He knew that those major clans on Ewentra Archipelago were rich after hundreds of years of accumulation; however, he had not imagined that they could be so rich.

'F*ck, compared to those major clans in Ewentra Archipelago, those bear tribes in Ice and Snow Wilderness are simply beggars. If Peter won, he would become the richest guy in the north water; the Tribal Axis Railway could bring Peter a bonus of 270 million gold coins. Additionally, among the over 700 million gold coins, the Tribal Axis Railway alone could stimulate at least 70% of the total amount of capital. How terrifying it is! Such an unrestrained gambling could not be met for a millennium. No wonder why so many people arrived here. Even though being just onlookers, they've felt it proud to talk about it for the rest of their lives.

Gangula's eyes turned red in a split second, even his nostrils expanded.

"Where to chip in?" Gangula gritted his teeth while touching the 200,000 gold coins that he borrowed from Sabrina.

"You can do that in Navyblue Castle. Golden Roc Bank set a chip-in point especially in Navyblue Castle!"

When he recalled the huge ship which hung the banner of mace muling of Sacred Light School, Gangula controlled his impulsion.

The streets of Saint Herner Island had never been so boisterous before. Barbarians who heft huge axes and young masters of major clans followed by a lot of bodyguards and retinue were crowded closely. Few people had seen such a scene before.


The huge ship of the mace muling of Sacred Light School didn't gain a berth at the dock. Therefore, it only anchored in the open water. Soon after it anchored, a large airship from Saint Herner Island landed on the deck of the huge ship and carried those passengers to the Saint Herner Island...


10 minutes later, two big pitch-black ships with sharp steel-clad rams drove in the open water of Saint Herner Island and queued up for the vacant berth. Someone recognized that they were flagships of two pirate forces near Sinaira Island. It seemed that even pirates couldn't help but watch the battle.

However, at this moment, Saint Herner Island was converged with powerful forces. By contrast, the two pirate ships were as docile as wolf pubs entering a tiger's den.


After half an hour, over 20 freaks stopped near the dock by mutated billhead sharks.

The moment these freaks appeared, a small turmoil was aroused in Saint Herner Harbor. Many people poured in and watched those people who rode mutated billhead sharks, each of which was longer than 10 m with frightening dark blue tiger stripes.

Those freaks just wore a waterproof hide while being covered with grease. Under the gaze of the onlookers, those guys got off the billhead sharks and took off their waterproof package. Closely after that, they took out the clothes from the package and changed their looks soon.

After changing their clothes, those guys left the dock.

Soon after those guys left, those mutated billhead sharps that were swimming near the dock sunk in the water and disappeared.

"These guys are all from sea bear tribe in Ice and Snow Wilderness. Only powerful fighters of sea bear tribes could tame mutated billhead sharks!" Someone shouted.

With the arrival of the duel on October 10th, more and more people poured into Saint Herner Island.


The group of people in Chief soon arrived at Navyblue Castle.

Elder Turin and Elder Gouras were waiting for those people from Chief in Navyblue Castle. Due to their dignificed status, Elder Turin and Elder Gouras would not go to welcome them at the dock unless the knight elders of the wild bear tribe and the fire bear tribe arrived. However, due to the intense situation in Ice and Snow Wilderness, the knights of the wild bear tribe and fire bear tribe had to stay in their nests in case of an emergency.

In a backroom of Navyblue Castle, the heads of the wild bear tribe and fire bear tribe were talking with Elder Turin and Elder Gouras.

"The mace muling of Sacred Light School and the three stupid old bears are on the way!" Dali introduced what he had seen just now to the two elders in a restrained way.

After hearing his words, a killing qi flashed by Elder Turin's and Elder Gouras' eyes at the same time.

"Does Sacred Light Empire really think that we dare not kill their knight?" Elder Gouras said with a killing intent.

After knowing that three knights in Saint Herner Island were hostile towards him, the mace muling of Sacred Light School still dared to lead his commissionary group here in Saint Herner Island. If he was not extremely powerful, he must have felt that Ice and Snow Wilderness dared not deal with the mace muling of Sacred Light Empire. What a presumptuous guy!

Elder Turin also narrowed his eyes, "Let's talk about it when Peter comes back!"

"What? Peter is not in Saint Herner Island?" Korman, the head of fire bear tribe asked with an amazed look. He thought that Peter, as the most important person, should stay in Saint Herner Island at this moment.

After exchanging a glance with Elder Turin, Elder Gouras nodded, "Our head has left Navyblue Castle 3 days ago. We declared that he's in cultivation these days!"

"Where has he been?" Dali asked out of amazement.

The two elders shook their heads.

"When he left, he said he would come back tonight!"


In a parlor of Navyblue Castle, feeling the weird atmosphere, Gangula, whose nickname was "mad dog", shrugged and slipped away as it was not a proper place for a man to stay.

8 women were sitting in the parlor. 7 of them were looking at the female owner of Navyblue Castle, Olina, who was known as an enchanting fox. Ms. Olina also watched the rest 7 women. The atmosphere was subtle.

Probably, when all the women who established connections with each other due to a man would be in such a subtle atmosphere when they saw each other for the first time.

Those women just tried their best to show their elegance and beautiful look by chinning up and chesting out; meanwhile, they glanced over the other women and made comparations stealthily on the figure, breasts, skin, face, temperament, and skills on the bed. At this moment, no women would refer to bullsh*t talents.

"Now that you are here, Peter is yours tonight. I cannot stand him any longer after these days of torture!" Ms. Olina put it straight firstly as the host of this castle and the one who had a close relationship with Zhang Tie.

"Given your enchanting look, if he came back tonight, he would never let you sleep alone. How about finding a bigger bedroom?" Matia, the one who looked more like a dowager in Spencer Clan revealed a faint smile.

"Hmm, good!" Ms. Olina nodded frankly.

"Sabrina, do you like to join us tonight?" Matia watched Sabrina with a faint smile.

After hearing this, Sabrina felt bashful, "I'm uncomfortable these days, I will sleep alone!"


Zhang Tie really returned to Navyblue Castle quietly in the deep night.

Elder Turin and Elder Gouras felt that Zhang Tie was a bit fatigued. However, he looked calmer than before. It seemed that he had been fully relaxed about the coming duel.

It was Zhang Tie's first time to see the two elders of the wild bear tribe and fire bear tribe. After knowing that Zhang Tie had promoted to a knight and mastered a powerful gentle strength——supreme protection, the old wild bear and that relative of Spencer Clan showed their respect to Zhang Tie so much that completely transcend the estrangement of age. In this age, power meant everything. Even a 2-years old knight could win the respect of everybody else, not to mention a 20-years old knight.

After talking with the other 4 people in the backroom for about 2 hours, Zhang Tie left.

Before he left, the old wild bear stealthily drew Zhang Tie to one side as he told Zhang Tie with a mournful look, "Sabrina once told me, since she fell in love with you, she could not accept others in her heart any longer. Alas...she's very regretful about her previous shameful experiences. She's hoping that you do not mind her past. However, she felt bashful to tell you about that herself; therefore, she was very anguished...As her father, I don't know what to say...I only hope...you could console her and expect you two could have a complete result!"

After hearing these words, Zhang Tie became stunned for a couple of seconds. After that, he glanced over this old jerk from his head to toe seriously. No matter what the gossips were, he was the only one who knew Sabrina's secret. Although they had a close relationship with each other, they had not gone to bed. Actually, Sabrina was still a virgin...

'How could Sabrina tell this old jerk about this? Obviously, it's fabricated by the old wild bear so as to trap me...'

Looking at the average look of Dali, Zhang Tie finally understood that people could not be identified from his look.

'Jerk! What a jerk!' Zhang Tie swore Dali inside hundreds of times...


After leaving the backroom, it was already too late. Under the guidance of a maid of Ms. Olina, Zhang Tie came to the bedroom of Olina. The moment he opened the door and entered, Zhang Tie, even being a knight, almost spurted out his noseblood...

Chapter 739: Take the Bull by the Horns

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

On the next morning, Zhang Tie saw Sabrina whose eyes turned swollen. After 5 years, Sabrina still remained unchanged. Her change could not match that of Zhang Tie, who had triggered his body-changing bloodline.

"What's up? Didn't you sleep well?" Zhang Tie asked her with a big smile.

Among those women, although Sabrina was the only one who had not made love with him, the two people had a very tacit understanding. Therefore, after 5 years, Zhang Tie could still greet her in a casual way like how they did 5 years ago.

"I slept on someone's neighboring room last night and enjoyed a symphony overnight!" Sabrina rolled her eyes towards Zhang Tie.

Zhang Tie burst out into laughter as he put his arms around Sabrina, "You've not changed at all!"

Sabrina let out a sigh before she cupped Zhang Tie's face and looked into his eyes seriously, "You've changed so much. You were a sunny big boy 5 years ago; however, you're a real man now!"

"Isn't it good?"

"No, it's not good at all!" Sabrina shook her head as she added, "I treated you as a naughty younger brother several years ago. I could play with you at that time; however, I dare not play with you now!"


"I'm afraid that I will fall in love with you. After that, just like other women, I will treat you as the center of my whole life. From then on, I will lose freedom and be slaved by love. I will treat your sorrow and happiness as mine. This is not the life that I expect for!" Sabrina stroke over Zhang Tie's lips with one finger as she added, "Each woman is an angel; if a woman falls in love with a man, it's equal to cutting off her wings. I don't want to have my wings cut off for the time being!"

Zhang Tie watched Sabrina seriously before faintly kissing her face. Closely after that, he let off his hand, "You know that I will never force you to do anything. In my heart, you're always that mermaid who can swim in the river freely!"

Sabrina responded with a smile.

A warm feeling surged in their hearts at the same time.

"And, I saw your father last night. Guess what did he tell me?"

Before Sabrina opened her mouth had Zhang Tie imitated what the old wild bear told him last night in front of Sabrina. After awakening his imitating bloodline, Zhang Tie's tone and expression were very vivid when he imitated the old wild bear.

Hearing Zhang Tie's words, Sabrina gritted her teeth, "The old jerk!"

"I also felt so at that time!"

After exchanging a glance with each other, the two burst out laughing once again.

"Do you know that I've chipped in over 1 million gold coins for you? It's all of my wealth. If you lost it, you would have to compensate it for me!" Sabrina said as she pointed at Zhang Tie's chest.

"The opponent is too powerful. That mace muling of the bullsh*t Sacred Light School arrived here yesterday. I'm afraid that he's here to find me trouble. It seems that I have to compensate for you. If I went bankrupt, could I compensate you with my body?" Zhang Tie sighed with a grevious look.

"No way!"

"If not, accompany me to watch the North Wind Fleet in the afternoon!"


"I found that you've changed a bit!" Zhang Tie said with a solemn look.

"Ahh, what has changed?" Sabrina became amazed as she wondered whether it was Zhang Tie's trick or not.

"Previously, it's E-cup, now, it's bigger. I wonder how it feels!" Zhang Tie lowered his head and watched her breasts.

Sabrina's face blushed at once as she instantly pushed Zhang Tie away, "You're also a jerk!"

Zhang Tie burst out into laughter...


In the afternoon, Zhang Tie, Elder Turin, Elder Gouras, the two heads of the wild bear tribe and fire bear tribe, Ms. Olina and the head of Bell Clan left Navyblue Castle for the dock of Saint Herner Harbor. They then embarked the flagship of North Wind Fleet——Snow Bramble Battleship. After that, the entire North Wind Fleet set out for the open water of Saint Herner Island.

In less than 1 day, the number on the notice board in Saint Herner Harbor had already reached 800 million gold coins.

Zhang Tie had no feeling about that terrifying number. As to others' expressions, only the head of Fein Clan looked a bit anguished.

Olina and old Bell had chipped a lot in Zhang Tie. In order to clarify his instance, Fein Clan also had to chip a lot in Zhang Tie. However, honestly, Fein Clan looked good on the battle force of the allied fleet of Ewentra Archipelago. As the old saying went, it took 10 years to establish the land army and 100 years to establish the navy. Navy could never be improved simply by steel and gold coins. This could be indicated by the odds in Ice and Snow Wilderness, which was always 10% higher than that on Ewentra Archipelago, no matter how many knights were in Ice and Snow Wilderness.

The 10% was determined by the difference in the battle force between two fleets such as firing rate per minute, firing error, comprehensive strength of sailors, commanding and judging ability of commander...

The difference of 10% in both literature and military was decisive in a real fight.

Snow Bramble Battleship was a steel giant whose displacement was 86,000 tons. Its maximum speed was 21 nautical miles per hour while being driven by 4 steam turbines. Its main firepower was three 37 cm-wide supervoltage steam centrifugal cannon; each cannon could fire 2 shells at the same time. Additionally, it was matched with many steam ballistas.

In the command center of the battleship, the commander and the captain of the North Wind Fleet were reporting to Zhang Tie about the preparations of the fleet during the past few days with solemn looks.

After knowing that they shouldered such a great task, the North Wind Fleet prepared and trained around the clock these days like having taken viagra.

"How's your preparation?" Zhang Tie asked the commander of the fleet.

"All the crew members of North Wind Fleet have tried their best from the captain to the boilersmith for this duel!" The commander replied.

"Are you confident to win the battle?"

After being silent for a second, the commander opened his mouth, "If I tell you that I'm confident to win the battle, it's like cheating myself. Although Slavs are not the best sailors, we are the bravest sailors for sure. I won't promise you that we will win the battle, but I can promise you that each soldier of North Wind Fleet will fight to the death for victory!"

After making the promise, all the captains in the command center of North Wind Fleet looked highly spirited.

"Good!" Zhang Tie nodded satisfactorily, "As long as we have such a dauntless spirit, North Wind Fleet is always the winner in my heart!"

Having not imagined that Zhang Tie could comment North Wind Fleet in this way, all the commissioned officers in the command center of North Wind Fleet became spirited as they chinned up and chested out.

"Have you carried out live-fire drill these days?"

"We carried out live-fire training every day during the past few days. Navyblue Castle prepared us some targeted ships for us every day so as to ensure the effects of the drill. Please allow me to extend my thanks to Ms. Olina!" The commander faintly bowed towards Ms. Olina who was on his side.

"Hmm, nice!" Zhang Tie nodded as he threw a faint smile towards Olina. 'What a virtuous woman! She has already taken care of everything well for me.' When Zhang Tie was going to say something, he suddenly caught sight of the banner of the mace muling of Sacred Light School hanging on a ship in the open water miles away.

Watching that ship, Zhang Tie revealed a faint smile over his mouth corners. He pointed at that 10,000-ton ship in the distance and asked the commander, "Have you tried such a huge targeted ship?"

The commander shook his head. Of course, the targeted ships were not complete 10,000-ton ships. If they used such a huge ship as their target, Navyblue Business Group might have already gone bankrupt.

"Now, that ship is your target, show me how long does it take for you to sink it!" Zhang Tie issued the order which shocked everyone at the present.

After hearing this, the head of Fein Clan changed his face, "Tha...that is Sacred...Sacred Light Empire's..."

Zhang Tie changed his face instantly as he pointed at the commissioned officer of North Wind Fleet, "As an old Hua saying went, soldiers are the braveness of the general. If my soldiers are not afraid of the death, do you think that I'm afraid of the death? Do you think that I'm afraid of Sacred Light Empire?"

The head of Fein Clan became silent. By contrast, all the commissioned officers of North Wind Fleet became spirited as their faces turned red.

After saying that, Zhang Tie turned around and watched the commissioned officers of North Wind Fleet as he issued the order, "You can move closer to it and target at it precisely. Just f*ck those b*stards; remember not to have other ships involved!"

After making a military salute to Zhang Tie at the same time, the commander and all the commissioned officers instantly returned to their own posts. Only after a few seconds, the active alert of the Snow Bramble Battleship had sounded...

The huge ship with the banner of the mace muling of Sacred Light School could never imagine that they would almost be destroyed in a few minutes before they made any preparations in such a remote area, which lagged behind the western continent so much; although they could be unrivaled in the waters of the western continent...

Chapter 740: Decisiveness and Strength

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

It was a good day with an azure sky and white clouds; seabirds could be seen everywhere...

The Snow Bramble Battleship issued the combat order to the entire fleet through lamp signals. After receiving the signal, the entire North Wind Fleet silently changed their formation. The four most powerful iron-blood battleships changed their formation into longitudinal from horizontal before cutting into the peripheral of the entire fleet. In this way, the fleet could register the greatest firepower output.

The key manufacturing techniques of the 4 iron-blood battleships and the 8 cruisers of North Wind Fleet were provided by Golden Roc Bank for free.

Although iron-blood battleships were not the most powerful battleships in this age, they could match the mainstream battleships of most countries in the Western Continent, besides those in Eastern Continent. In some special performance such as ice breaking ability, wind and wave-resistant ability, they were even better than common battleships.

After completing its formation adjustment, North Wind Fleet gradually moved towards the 10,000-ton ship of Sacred Light Empire. However, none of the ships in the entire open water of Saint Herner Island had realized its aggressive intention. Because North Wind Fleet always carried out the drill in the open water. It was normal for it to change its formation.

At this moment, so many luxury cruises were converging in the open water of Saint Herner Island. Many passengers were sunbathing on the cruises as they watched the formation change of North Wind Fleet. Meanwhile, they discussed the wager and the odds.

The distance between North Wind Fleet and the huge ship Sacred Light Empire gradually narrowed from 7-8 miles to 2 miles.

At this moment, some people who were watching North Wind Fleet by a telescope on deluxe yachts felt something was wrong.

They found that all the four battleships of North Wind Fleet were targeting at one direction with killing qi. Additionally, they were on the horizontal line of the formation "T", from where the fleet could output its firepower to the utmost. They all had the same target——the huge ship hanging the symbol of Sacred Light Empire which arrived here yesterday.

'What's this for? Are they...'

In less than 2 minutes, North Wind Fleet had already been less than 1,000 m away from the huge ship of Sacred Light Empire.

For such battleships which could destroy their target from over 20,000 m away, 1,000 m was almost like the bayonet charge between two people from 1 m away. The moment the bayonet was thrust, it would arrive at the opponent's stomach.

The crew on Sacred Light Empire's huge ship didn't notice anything was wrong though...

Nobody could imagine that North Wind Fleet would dare fire towards the ship of Sacred Light Empire under the watchful eyes of the people at this moment...

With a loud "boom", the entire open water of Saint Herner Island was disrupted over dozens of square miles.

Common steam centrifugal cannons would not make such a loud noise. Take steam centrifugal cannon for the purpose of city defense as an instance, its shell was driven by the great momentum and speed brought by the carrying flywheel driven by the steam turbine. However, the steam centrifugal cannons on battleships were different than that of common steam centrifugal cannons. After the first acceleration brought by the flywheel, the shell gained the second acceleration through the super high-pressure steam pressure regulating valve inside the turret of the battleship.

The first acceleration of the shell was granted by the linear velocity through rotating flywheel actuator. The second acceleration of the shell was due to the transient release of the super high-pressure steam inside the long snout. Such a transient release principle was similar to the explosion of boiler due to excessive carrying load, which would also cause a loud boom. Compared to the explosion of a boiler, the release of super high-pressure steam from the snout of the turret was actually imitating an artificial exploding effect by using a complex actuator inside the snout. The secondary acceleration, plus the initial speed and power could grant the shell weighing above 700 kg of the main cannon with a speed of at least 800 m/s, which was very destructive.

In this age, the super high-pressure centrifugal cannons being matched on battleships were very destructive. Besides, the loud boom could almost match that of the main cannons on battleships before the Catastrophe.


All the battleships of North Wind Fleet shot the huge target at the same time. If they missed such a huge still target in the best formation "T", those cannoneers would better commit suicide by jumping into the sea.

Closely after that loud boom, the huge ship of Sacred Light Empire was hit by 24 armor piercing gel shells, each of which weighed 734 kg, causing fierce flames rising from that huge ship.

With a great momentum, the armor-piercing gel shells penetrated through the hull of the huge ship before burning it everywhere. The combustibles in the shells were same as the substances in the white phosphorous gel firebombs used by airships. When they were attached to steel, they would keep burning until they melt the steel.

After being struck, the glass fragments of that huge ship sprayed over 100 m away. The casualties were inestimable...

In the daytime, the open water of Saint Herner Island seemed like setting off a huge firework.

All the onlookers on the luxury cruises and deluxe yachts became stunned. At the same time, someone exclaimed due to the excitement.

After 20 seconds, the battleships of North Wind Fleet shot off another 24 armor-piercing gel 734 kg firebombs towards that huge ship of Sacred Light Empire once again.

The flames on the huge ship grew fiercer while the high temperature caused by the armor-piercing gel firebombs boiled the surrounding seawater. Closely after that, seawater poured into the cabin through the big holes on the hull. The huge ship started to incline. After only 2 minutes, the huge ship of Sacred Light Empire had disappeared...

The heavy cruisers of North Wind Fleet warmed up; instead of saving people, they kept shooting off dense high-speed steel beads by the distributed striking weapons on the vessel around the place where the huge vessel had sunk...

After doing all this, the North Wind Fleet adjusted its direction and headed for the open water like nothing had happened...


"Ballsy, motherf*cker ballsy..." Watching all this, a rich guy in a pair of sunglasses and a floral shirt being surrounded by a lot of model-level beauties from Ewentra Archipelago forcefully threw his cigar into the sea as he shouted, "Steward, chip in 2 million gold coins on North Wind fleet for me in Saint Herner Island. F*ck, even if I lost the bet, I would adopt it given that North Wind Fleet dared to fire towards those jerk priests..."

'North Wind Fleet sank the flagship of the mace muling of Sacred Light Empire!' All the onlookers were shocked by such a heroic and dauntless deed...

Saint Herner Island was shocked all over...


In a hotel outside Saint Herner Harbor, all the fighters of sea bear tribe threw their scorching eyes towards one person among them.

"Check out the rooms of the hotel tonight. We need to go to Navyblue Castle!" That person took in a deep breath before saying, "The prophet pontiff is right, this is the decisiveness and strength that the lord of Ice and Snow Wilderness should have! Only such a person could bring honor and dignity to Slavs!"

Chapter 741: The Arrival of the Airboat

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Zhang Tie and North Wind Fleet didn't return to Saint Herner Harbor until evening. After destroying that huge vessel of Sacred Light Empire, all the crew of North Wind Fleet were in a high morale. They performed extremely high battle skills in today's training. Of course, they won Zhang Tie's praise.

Zhang Tie paid an exclusive visit to the turrets of the main cannons and the core functional areas such as engine room on the battleship Snow Bramble so that he could have an overall recognition about the operation of the battleship. Zhang Tie then verified the name-list of the battleships that would attend the duel on behalf of the entire fleet tomorrow. After that, the fleet returned to the Saint Herner Harbor.

Zhang Tie watched the afterglow in the distance on the head of the battleship Snow Bramble while facing the sea wind.

He suddenly missed his family members, his dad, his mom, his elder brother, his wives and sons.

If possible, Zhang Tie really didn't like to be involved in such a massacre and conspiracy. 'If it was peaceful across the world, I could build a city on the Eastern Continent and pass it to Zhang's offsprings so that they could live like a landlord without any concerns. I could live a carefree life with my wives and those girls in the Hidden Dragon Island such as Lan Yunxi. We can go wherever we want and play, eat and buy whatever we want. In the evening, we will try our best to prepare for having babies. After that, I will have my parents be the heads of a kindergarten and teach the babies of mine and my elder brother. What a nice life it would be!'

'Pitifully, the damn holy war broke out so fast. Demons and those human b*stards who want humans to succumb to demons have everything involved in such a chaotic world. I could barely find a tranquil place in this world anymore. Therefore, I have to struggle forcefully.'

At this moment, Zhang Tie heard footsteps drawing closer to him from his back. 'It's Elder Turin.'

"The mace muling of Sacred Light School dispatched a person to Navyblue Castle to ask why North Wind Fleet would sink his flagship to the bottom with a very stern look. He even asked whether Ice and Snow Wilderness wanted to fight Sacred Light Empire?"

"Now that he can stand us sinking his flagship to the bottom, it seems that he has made preparations to handle us tomorrow. Therefore, he doesn't show himself up right away in case of more loss!" Zhang Tie smiled. Before he turned around had he combed off his train of thought.

Elder Turin became faintly stunned as he had not imagined that Zhang Tie had such an intention by ordering North Wind Fleet to sink the flagship of mac muling of Sacred Light School. By doing this, Zhang Tie was displaying the decisiveness and strength of Ice and Snow Wilderness and testing the mental bottom line of his opponent. Compared to that juvenile 5 years ago, Peter Hamplester was more formidable from both battle force and mode of thinking. This was what a real lord should have.

"Do we need to reply to him?"

Zhang Tie replied with a casual look, "Just fabricate a reason. Just tell him that one of our cannoneers made a mistake and aroused a chain reaction. We're very sorry about this. That cannoneer was forbidden to eat meat tonight. Hmm...how jerks of that Sacred Light School would be punished after their crimes were exposed...ahh...I got it, confess...raise high the birch for corporal punishment yet fall down slightly. We've already had that cannoneer confess about that..."

Hearing this, Elder Turin frowned. Although it seemed to be an explanation and apology, it was actually nothing different than smacking the face of that mace muling of Sacred Light School. After destroying the flagship of mace muling of Sacred Light Empire, North Wind Fleet just told one cannoneer to confess about it. It was nothing different than insulting them.

"If we do that, we're going to be the enemy of that mace muling completely!" Elder Turin reminded Zhang Tie.

"So what? We're not friends either." Zhang Tie's eyes gleamed as his voice turned icy, "After the duel, I will chop off that b*stard's head. I will see how many missionary groups would be dispatched to Ice and Snow Wilderness by Sacred Light Empire. Maybe they will dispatch a powerful expedition corps composed of over 10 mace mulings to revenge for that b*stard?"

After taking a deep breath, Elder Turin slightly bowed towards Zhang Tie before leaving with a reverent look.


On the distant sea level, a familiar luxury cruise ship appeared in Zhang Tie's vision——Narwhal!

'Even Narwhal are interested in that?"

Touching his nose, Zhang Tie entered his exclusive lounge in Snow Bramble.

The moment Zhang Tie entered, the 8 women who were chatting inside, turned around with tender and enchanting looks.

"What are you talking about?" Zhang Tie came to one side of a sofa and sat between Ms. Olina and Matia.

Actually, Zhang Tie had already heard what they were talking about outside the room. They were talking about professional topics about trade and commerce between Ice and Snow Wilderness and Ewentra Archipelago. Right in the chat, Navyblue Castle had already reached some commercial agreements with the business groups of Sabrina and Spencer Clan.

All the 8 women were smart.

"We're talking about you." Matia peered a small fruit using her tender and slim fingers and faintly pushed it into Zhang Tie's mouth.

The moment Zhang Tie came back, those women had transferred their attention to Zhang Tie.

"What are you talking about me?"

"We are talking about what other tricks would you play tonight." Matia replied with an alluring voice.

"Ahem..ahem..." Zhang Tie coughed under the teasing gaze of Sabrina before turning to Olina on his side, "Do Navyblue Castle have commercial relations with Western Continent?"

"Navyblue Castle will sell some spices and high-end coral products to Western Continent!"

"The relation between Ice and Snow Wilderness and Sacred Light Empire might be intense after a short while. You need to prepare for it in advance!"

Ms. Olina replied with a smile, "Navyblue Castle Business Group's trading partner in Western Continent was Grymes Republic, whose navy is even more powerful than that of Sacred Light Empire. Sacred Light Empire dare not find Grymes Republic trouble!"

"That's fine. Erm...does Navyblue Castle Business Group need more people now? I mean female graduates in commerce and accounting who have few internships."

After hearing Zhang Tie's question, all the women popped out their eyes. Closely after that, they blinked their eyes as they thought they were mistaken.

"How many?" Ms. Olina watched Zhang Tie with a faint smile, making Zhang Tie embarrassed.

"Three, right in the distant ship Narwhal. They're doing part-time jobs in the bar of Narwhal, their names are Veronica, Dalina and Wallies..."

With Zhang Tie's introduction, the other women watched Zhang Tie like having caught a love affair stealthily...

"Hmm, I need some female assistants. When I disembark, I will have people ask whether they would like to work for Navyblue Castle Bussiness Group or not!" Ms. Olina answered.

"Neither let them know that I'm helping them nor have them involved in a complex circle. As they live in Sinaira, just give them better jobs with higher treatment..." Zhang Tie hurriedly "rectified" his intention in case of being mistaken. If the 3 girls knew that he was the very Peter, the lord of Ice and Snow Wilderness, everything would change; perhaps he would barely see any passion, naivety, romance and shyness from the 3 girls. However, for Zhang Tie, these qualities were most precious in this world. He didn't mean to occupy all of them. Therefore, he just wished them and himself to take this as a good memory.

"Hmm, Navyblue Castle Business Group has a branch in Sinaira Island. I will arrange it for them!" Ms. Olina immediately understood Zhang Tie's meaning as her eyes turned tender.

Actually, Zhang Tie could give them more than that. However, for some female students who had just graduated from school, they might not be able to bear some sudden surprises. It might not be good for their later development. They would not feel happy by having so many brilliant things suddenly.

For each one, the proper luck with some surprises was the best and the most suitable.

Numerous young people would like to seek for jobs in big business groups such as Navyblue Castle Business Group which could rank among top places in Ewentra Archipelago. It was many young graduates' dream to enter such great platform and enjoy such good treatment.


When North Wind Fleet returned to Saint Herner Harbor, all the people in Saint Herner City, including those on the luxury cruise ships and deluxe yachts raised their heads and watched that object suspending in the air above Saint Herner Island with shocked looks.

It looked like an airship; however, it had no air sac. Additionally, it looked like a steel battleship in the air.

Because of that object, the entire Saint Herner Island was shocked...

After hearing the report, Zhang Tie and the other two elders walked out of the cabin of Snow Bramble. Standing on the deck, they glanced at that object.

The moment Zhang Tie saw that did he remember a thing that his elder brother told him——Taixia's Airboat!

Chapter 742: An Encounter between Acquaintance

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Even Zhang Tie, who had known airboats before, was shocked at the sight of it for the first time, not to mention those commoners.

Since the airboat appeared, there had been over 100 traffic accidents in the urban streets across Saint Herner City in the next few hours. The moment those drivers caught sight of such an object in the air, they became stunned. As a result, they crashed into neighboring cars.

The moment Zhang Tie's group went ashore had he received the report that Golden Roc Bank dispatched a knight and some major figures by an airboat to supervise the duel between North Wind Fleet of Ice and Snow Wilderness and the allied fleet of Ewentra Archipelago for the sake of the fairness of the duel and the effective execution of the agreement after the duel.

Holy sheer terror!

At this moment, the power of Golden Roc Bank was well displayed while the airboat suspending above Saint Herner Island became the best showcase of the wealth and background of Golden Roc Bank.

Soon after Zhang Tie returned to Navyblue Castle, Connar, the head of Rainald Clan, Brightman, the head of Willies Clan and all the representatives of major clans across Ewentra Archipelago had converged in Navyblue Castle once again.

Previously, as Zhang Tie didn't come back, Golden Roc Bank didn't arrange the communication between all parties; after Zhang Tie returned, in order to display Golden Roc Bank's impartial stance, the airboat landed as the big figures in the airboat would meet both parties on behalf of Golden Roc Bank.

In order to welcome all the parties, Navyblue Castle prepared a grand banquet tonight.

When the dusk almost arrived, under the gaze of all the major clans across Ewentra Archipelago and all the big figures of tribes across Ice and Snow Wilderness, that airboat slowly descended.

Everyone, including Zhang Tie, were raising their heads and watching that airboat descending slowly with all sorts of shocking eyes on the side of the airship base outside Navyblue Castle.

When the airboat was in the air, it made people on the ground less suppressive. However, when it slowly descended and showcased its complete body to the public, many people on the ground felt breathless.

Superficially, that airboat was completely like a steel battleship which was longer than 200 m. How magnificent it was!

With a raising, grim golden roc's head, the airboat's 4 sharp and beautiful streamlined waistlines and 2 wings were covered with golden plume-shaped grains. Like the relief "four-winged golden roc" of Golden Roc Bank, it was so brilliant that it made people dumbfounded. Meanwhile, it made people greatly depressed like the entire heaven was covered. At the bottom of the airboat were auspicious blue and white clouds which were featured by Chinese characters.

The airboat slowly descended silently like a stick of light plume.

"How powerful are Hua people!" Elder Gouras who was standing on Zhang Tie's side was shocked by that airboat.

"In front of such a giant, any airship is just a balloon. This airboat can destroy any kind of airships only by hitting them without having to use any weapons." Elder Turin let out a faint sigh.

In this age, the main raw material of airships, even battle airships was light wood. Even though the armors on the air sacs of hard airships could only be defensive to common bolts and light ballistas outside a certain distance. However, any airship was just like a balloon in front of steel spike.

All the onlookers showed an awe-stricken look, including Zhang Tie; however, Zhang Tie was more proud of being a Hua people.

The airboat suspended when it was about 2 m above the ground. Under the illuminance of a lot of fluorescent lamps, the entire airboat became still. Closely after that, a metal hatch door slowly opened outward and finally landed on the ground, providing a ramp for passengers to disembark.

Zhang Tie walked over there firstly, followed by many big figures of Ice and Snow Wilderness and Ewentra Archipelago. In such a case, of course, Zhang Tie walked ahead of all of them.

Xu Tao, the manager of Golden Roc Bank's branch in Eschyle City, who had met Zhang Tie twice appeared at the hatch door and walked downstairs firstly while being followed by a Hua woman who was wearing a set of brilliant female armor and carrying a pair of swords on her back.

At the sight of that woman, besides widely opening his eyes, Zhang Tie was shocked because he felt a familiar sense——Knight!

That woman was a knight. It was Zhang Tie's first time to see a female knight; precisely, a female Hua knight.

Besides long, beautiful hair, she looked as tranquil as water with slim eyebrows, raised nose and a hot figure. Her age was unidentifiable. She might be at her 40s or 30s like Ms. Olina. She might also be several times elder than Olina. Knights could live as long as 400 years. As long as one promoted to a knight, one's physical functions would be activated completely. Knights would grow old very slowly. If that knight paid attention to daily maintenance using some rarities, her real age would be unidentifiable. Therefore, although she looked about 30 or 40 years old, that woman might actually be 130 years old or 240 years old.

It was Zhang Tie's first time to see a female Hua knight. Therefore, he couldn't help but gaze at her for a longer time. The female knight sensed it as she also threw a glance at Zhang Tie. The moment she caught sight of Zhang Tie, the female knight's eyes gleamed instantly. However, when she found that Zhang Tie moved his eyes onto her breast and stared at it for a short while, she became furious.

'Huge boobs. Additionally, they look very elastic.' Zhang Tie commented. When he moved his eyes back, Zhang Tie sensed the female knight's killing qi. Zhang Tie then felt a bit embarrassed as he transferred his eyes onto that person behind the female knight.

The one behind the female knight was an odd-looking man at his 60s in a cyan Hua robe. Zhang Tie noticed that the sleeves of the old man were embroidered with three ancient Hua coins which were round outside and square inside. Given his qi field, Zhang Tie knew that he was definitely a big figure in Golden Roc Bank.

The old man was followed by some retinues.

Zhang Tie then moved his eyes back from the hatch door. Closely after that, Zhang Tie saw a very familiar face that he could never imagine among the retinues.

That face looked a bit rounder after such a few years. It indicated that that guy lived well these years. However, no matter what, Zhang Tie could still identify the extremely familiar crafty and dreadful look.

In the clothes of the retinues of Golden Roc Bank, Donder looked forward seriously. However, when he caught sight of Zhang Tie, he rapidly blinked towards Zhang Tie.

'F*ck!' Zhang Tie almost sprung up.

'How could Donder be here? How could he stay with the people of Golden Roc Bank? Additionally, that guy blinked towards me just now. Obviously, he had identified me. No way! Even Huaiyuan Palace don't know about my real status, how come Donder know that?'

A series of questions occurred to Zhang Tie's mind. Zhang Tie became puzzled immediately.

"Your Excellency, this is Gongsun Liniang, the knight who's responsible for the execution of the agreement of this gamble on behalf of Golden Roc Bank..." Zhang Tie recovered his composure instantly when he heard Manager Xu Tao's introduction.

Besides Zhang Tie and the other two elders, all the others were shocked when they knew this beautiful Hua woman carrying double swords was a powerful knight.

All the rustics from Ewentra Archipelago were shocked so much that their mouths were widely opened. The heads of tribes from Ice and Snow Wilderness also popped out their eyes as they shrugged. A female knight, with her powerful qi field, made all the men below knights tongue-tied.

Zhang Tie cupped one hand with the other as all the other people around him made the same hand gesture towards Zhang Tie——Shaking hands was the greeting rite of Hebrews while cupping hands was the greeting rite of Hua people.

After throwing a faint glance at everyone else, Gongsun Liniang cupped her hands towards all the others.

"This is Guan Xiyi, the CEO of Golden Roc Bank who's responsible for all the affairs across Waii Sub-continent!"

Zhang Tie cupped his hands once again.

Compared to Gongsun Liniang's cold look, Guan Xiyi's smile was more comfortable when he cupped towards Zhang Tie's party.

Seeing such a big figure, all the representatives of major clans across Ewentra Archipelago looked honorable.

Manager Xu Tao then introduced all the major figures across Ice and Snow Wilderness and Ewentra Archipelago to that female knight and the CEO of Golden Roc Bank.

After this process, Zhang Tie welcomed the group of people of Golden Roc Bank into Navyblue Castle.

On the way, Zhang Tie peered at Donder in the retinue of Golden Roc Bank, who looked less attractive. Zhang Tie then threw a glance at Manager Xu Tao, who revealed a profound smile towards Zhang Tie...

'F*ck! How could Golden Roc Bank know my real status?' Zhang Tie was still puzzled by this question until now...

'However, I'm sure that this group of people of Golden Roc Bank is here for me, instead of the battle...'

Zhang Tie became very depressed about his secret being exposed.

Chapter 743: Gold Power Law

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

The welcome banquet in Navyblue Castle lasted over 1 hour. Guan Xiyi, the CEO of Golden Roc Bank, Zhang Tie, Connar the head of Rainard Clan and Brightman the head of Willies Clan who represented the major clans across Ewentra Archipelago, exchanged their opinions kindly in the public. In this banquet, Golden Roc Bank showed its great decisiveness to be the warrantor of the performance of this agreement. At least Golden Roc Bank had performed fairly superficially. Because of this, the representatives of the major clans across Ewentra Archipelago grinned when they left Navyblue Castle. It seemed that they were destined to win this battle.

Tomorrow, Ice and Snow Wilderness and Ewentra Archipelago would dispatch 100 people respectively to embark on the airboat of Golden Roc Bank and supervise the combat situation.

Everything would be clear tomorrow.

Zhang Tie looked absent-minded as Donder's look always flashed across his mind.

At an interval, Zhang Tie drew Ms. Olina's hand to one side and whispered in her ears. Ms. Olina looked at Zhang Tie and then peered at Donder who was staying with a representative of a major clan from Ewentra Archipelago. After that, she faintly nodded.

The key figure in the entire banquet was Guan Xiyi, the CEO of Golden Roc Bank and that beautiful female knight called Gongsun Liniang. Besides, Golden Roc Bank had dozens of retinues. Besides some managers like Xu Tao were a bit eye-catching, all the other retinues were low-key. Therefore, just 10 minutes before the end of the banquet, Donder received a glass of wine from a waiter of Navyblue Castle. After noticing that brief note under the glass, he left the banquet silently.

When the entire banquet ended and all the people left Navyblue Castle, Zhang Tie recovered his composure before returning to a backroom on the 2nd floor of Navyblue Castle.

After standing a few seconds in front of the door of that backroom, Zhang Tie took a deep breath and entered.

The moment he entered, Zhang Tie saw Donder enjoying drinks alone near the gradevin with a bit blush. All the glasses of quality wine collected by Ms. Olina had been taken out by this guy. Some were already empty.

'What a jerk!'

After walking over there, Zhang Tie took a glass and grabbed away that bottle of wine from Donder's hand. After making a full cup of wine for himself, Zhang Tie finished it up.

"Ahh, don't waste such a rarity. Such top crystal tequila should be tasted at least half a minute in the mouth before you swallow it down..." Donder shouted as he instantly grabbed away that bottle from Zhang Tie's hand. Closely after that, he directly had one mouth of it, some of which were even dropped back into the bottle. He then put down the bottle and watched Zhang Tie pleasantly while raising his eyebrows, "Heh heh, nobody will grab it from me now!"

'Jerk! He is still unchanged. He's still a miser and always likes to occupy good items in disgusting manners.'

Zhang Tie revealed a smile, "How did you know it was me?"

"Do you think that only I know the ear-identifying skill?" Donder sparkled his eyes, "We've already known your status when you showed your talent in Ice and Snow Wilderness for the first time!"

"Manager Xu Tao?" Zhang Tie realized it at once.

Donder nodded, "Previously, Manager Xu Tao didn't know that you were Zhang Tie. After he passed your message to Taixia Country, we discovered that you were Zhang Tie!"

"Ahh, no way!"

"Your 'mental arithmetic by abacus' helped me make a great meritorious deed. Previously, I was thinking about gifting you some wealth and a bright future when you came back to Taixia for me after a few years. Therefore, I handed your complete information to the organization when I came back to Taixia so that you could register there firstly. That information contained your earprint code!"

Zhang Tie knew what was an earprint code. When one observed an ear using the ear identifying skill, one would find distinctive features and structures displayed in different parts and regions of the ear, which could actually be depicted by certain numbers. After the numbers were connected, they would form one's earprint code. In the eyes of experts, as long as they could see the earprint code, they would be able to paint the ear for details. Each one's earprint was distinctive. The chance that two ears had the same earprint was dozens of times lower than that of two people with the same fingerprint.

Donder sighed, "Although you used disguising medicament when you came to Ice and Snow Wilderness for the first time, your ear features and structure remained unchanged. Hua people's earprints are different than that of non-Hua people on some key parts. Therefore, the moment Manager Xu Tao saw you, he had doubted that you might have another status. Manager Xu Tao then passed Peter Hamplester's earprint code back to the organization for further analysis and confirmation. After Peter Hamplester's earprint code was input into that huge set of difference engine of our organization, it only took the engine a couple of seconds to identify that Peter Hamplester was actually the teenager called Zhang Tie in Blackhot City..."

After hearing such a reply, Zhang Tie became wordless. He had not imagined that his real status had been exposed when he came to Ice and Snow Wilderness for the first time. He finally understood what Donder had warned him before, "No matter how skilled the liar was, he could only cheat everyone at some time or someone at any time; however, he could never cheat everyone at any time."

Zhang Tie also sighed as he took out a bottle of wine from the gradevin. After opening it, he drank a short while like what Donder had just done.

Donder watched Zhang Tie's face seriously, "Hmm, you might have used some advanced disguising medicament which slightly adjusted your facial muscles and skeletons. Honestly, if I didn't watch you carefully, I might not be able to recognize you!"

After hearing Donder's words, Zhang Tie recovered a bit confidence. 'Thankfully, no matter how powerful was the organization on Donder's back, they could not know everything about me. They have not known that I've awakened my body-changing bloodline. This leaves a figleaf to me at least.'

"Is the organization on your back is Golden Roc Bank?" Zhang Tie asked Donder.

"Actually, Golden Roc Bank is just a part of our organization!"

Zhang Tie was stunned as he widened his eyes, "Then, what's the organization on your back?'

Watching Zhang Tie's dumbfounded look, Donder revealed an obscene smile. It seemed that he enjoyed Zhang Tie's current look, "Have you heard about the seven major sects of Taixia Country?"

"Seven major sects?" Zhang Tie was confused.

"Heavens Fortune Sect. Demon Killing Valley, Taiyi Fantasy Sect, Heavens Holding Pavilion, Gold Power Law, Jade Building and Immortal Penglai Realm. Golden Roc Bank and I both belong to Gold Power Law!"

'Gold Power Law? How domineering and rich! Compared to other sects which sound like artists, Gold Power Law is more like a nouveau riche.'

"Is Gold Power Law very powerful?"

"I can only tell you that 20% of all the properties of Taixia Country are traded through Gold Power Law's business groups and banks."

'What?' Zhang Tie widely opened his mouth. Even in Jinyun Country and Norman Empire, an organization that could run 20% of the total properties of the country was already terrifying, not to mention that of the entire Taixia Country. Zhang Tie could not imagine how powerful was Gold Power Law. 'No wonder why they dared add the word Law behind Gold and Power, because the extreme strength was close to the law. When the wealth of an organization could reach a great degree, it would be close to the law.'

"What's your purpose here?"

"You should have guessed it!" Donder smiled as he took out a brochure and put it in front of Zhang Tie, "Take a look at the introduction of Gold Power Law and the rights and obligations of its members."

As there was no word on its cover, Zhang Tie skimmed over the contents of the brochure. Due to his powerful memory and browsing ability, Zhang Tie finished the brochure of over 30 pages in less than 2 minutes.

After skimming it over, Zhang Tie was really shocked as the power of Gold Power Law had been out of his imagination completely. 'The boss, also the big dragon head of Gold Power Law is the finance minister, one of the top 9 chancellors of Taixia Country, who's responsible for the finance and trade of the country. The objective of Gold Power Law was as follows: Increase national wealth and absorb foreign wealth. Zhang Tie faintly felt that royal households were on the back of Gold Power Law...

The entire Gold Power Law was divided into different levels, big dragon head, dragon head, mountain lord, token lord, CEO, manager, deacon and disciple, etc.. 22 levels in total. Besides the big dragon head, all the other levels were further divided into copper, silver and gold; additionally, its members were divided into visible and invisible ones. Those who were exposed to the public were visible members; by contrast, those who were not exposed to the public were invisible members and could only be known by some people in the organization.

What was amazing was that one could join the other organizations and sects even if one had joined Gold Power Sect. The members only needed to keep the secrets of Gold Power Law. Of course, if you couldn't keep the secrets, someone would be dispatched to "help" you keep them.

"What was your status in Blackhot City?" Zhang Tie asked Donder.

"Invisible silver disciple!"

"What about now?"

"Visible gold deacon!" Donder replied with a proud look. After all, his current position was benefited from that "mental arithmetic by abacus" gifted by Zhang Tie. Otherwise, even though having stayed in Blackhot City for so many years, he was at most a visible gold or invisible gold disciple.

"What would be my level if I joined your organization?'

"If you joined in, you would be invisible gold CEO and enjoy the same rights with CEO Guan Xiyi. The only difference was that Guan Xiyi is visible gold; however, you are invisible gold!

"How many people among these arrivers know my real status?"

"Nobody else besides CEO Guan Xiyi and me! Manager Xu Tao provided some clues to the headquarter; however, the headquarter didn't give him the feedback. Therefore, he only knows that this trip is related to you; however, he doesn't know your real status. Of course, if he sees those members in Huaiyuan Palace who have blood-ties with you, he may discover something about you. However, he will not expose your information to the public as the organization has forbidden it."

Donder's answer was out of Zhang Tie's imagination as he thought that at least Manager Xu Tao and Gongsun Liniang had known his secret.

"Can I join it?"

"Okay, it's up to you!" Donder replied casually as he rapidly grabbed back that brochure from Zhang Tie's hand. Closely after that, he started to dig his nostril like a ruffian, "If you really joined in, this father would have to bow to you. How uncomfortable it would be! If not for the public affair, this father would not come here!"

"Heh heh heh heh..." Zhang Tie smiled, "Stop, don't play this trick with me. I will consider it!"

"Alright. After the public affair, it comes to my private affair now!" Donder clapped as he revealed an obscene smile, "Erm, as you've promoted to a knight so fast, you must have your secret. I won't ask you about that. But you only need to help me a bit. After staying a few years in Taixia, I found some resources and have already promoted to LV 5; if I could be one level higher, I would have a greater physical strength. As you have so many women on your side, you must understand what I mean...look, can you help me promote to LV 6?"

"Hmm, it's easy. You could attempt to be struck by thunderbolt a few times. If not being killed, you might obtain some special ability. You might directly promote to a knight!" Zhang Tie replied seriously.

Donder watched Zhang Tie with a dubious look, "Really?"

"Of course? But before you go there, you'd better tell me about that. I would buy you some more insurance. You taught me that. Even locust's legs are flesh. I cannot waste this chance to make money from a dead man, right?"

Donder watched Zhang Tie while gritting his teeth, "You've got so many big beauties around you, don't you know how to respect the old? Have you forgotten how this father helped you before?'

Zhang Tie also stared at him, "You old jerk, do you think the surging points on your body is my lanterns? Do you think that I can light your surging points whenever I want? If you want to have a good physical strength, I have a recipe for you. Run 50 miles and do 10,000 push-ups per day and don't think about making love for 3 years. When you lose your weight, I'm sure you will be as ferocious as a tiger on the bed!"

The two people stared at each other for a couple of seconds.

"You jerk!"

They swore at the same time. Closely after that, they became stunned for a second and burst out into laughter...

Although so many years had passed, their friendship remained unchanged.


After accomplishing the task, Donder silently returned to the airboat which landed outside the Navyblue Castle.

'Now that even outsiders know my secret, I should find a proper time and chance to explain it to the elders in Huaiyuan Palace. If I kept covering it in this way, I would be blamed as being unable to identify who's closer to me.

After this event, Zhang Tie also understood one thing, some things in the world could not always be under control. Nobody in this world could have everything proceed according to his own will.

Similarly, those major clans of Ewentra Archipelago who expected that the result of the duel would proceed according to their will tomorrow might be disappointed.