797 - 803

Chapter 797: Breaking Through Kalay Mountain Range

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

On September 3rd, south of the Kalay Mountain Range...

Watching a team of hundreds of demonized puppets in the woods, Zhang Su sprung up and rushed towards those demonized puppets as fast as a lightning bolt with a battle call. When he was 10 m away from them, he had already released his battle qi. Before the front row of demonized puppets realized what happened, they had been exploded into pieces by Zhang Su.

The demonized puppets shrieked and rushed towards Zhang Su dauntlessly...

Closely after Zhang Su, the other 7 elites of this demon hunting squad charged out of the brushwood from both sides of the hillside and darted into those demonized puppets with weapons in hands like tigers entering the flock of sheep.

In a split second, a fierce battle broke out on that hillside, which was filled with shrieks of demonized puppets and roars of human fighters...

Over the past two months, such ambush operations would break out many times a day for these senior fighters above LV 9 dispatched by Hurricane Corps in Kalay Mountain Range. However, no matter how many demonized puppets did they kill, they would always see more and more demonized puppets. As a result, they had to retreat, retreat, and retreat. During the past two months, the special elite troops of Hurricane Corps retreated all the way from the northernmost part of Kalay Mountain Range to its southernmost part. After retreating another 100 miles, they would enter the south of Blackson Humans Corridor...

During the past two months, this demon hunting squad of 10 elites had lost 2 members when they met a squad of demon corps. They collided with each other in less than half a second. In a split second, the woods were filled with shiny blades.

The squad of demons was composed of 10 LV 9 iron-armored demons. By contrast, the demon hunting squad was composed of 9 LV 9 fighters and 1 LV 10 strong fighter.

The result of that battle was that the demon squad was cleared at the cost of losing 2 members of the demon hunting squad.

After the battle came to an end, before they started to collect their battle companion's corpses, numerous demonized puppets had appeared in the woods. Therefore, Zhang Su had to issue the order to leave. Before leaving, the only thing they could do was to light the "glorious bombs" on their battle companions. "Glorious bomb" was like a super tiny white phosphorous gel bomb, which was carried by the elite squads of Hurricane Corps. With them, the members of the squad could set a fire when needed. In this case, the "glorious bombs" would turn the corpses into ashes as soon as possible in case of being profaned by demonized puppets.


Like each ambush that happened before, this time, it took the elite squad less than 10 minutes to kill over 100 demonized puppets on the hillside. After that, Zhang Su had to issue the order to retreat.

More and more demonized puppets were rushing out of the woods, followed by the endless demonized puppets corps.

"Retreat!" Zhang Su issued the order while he released his battle qi and exploded some demonized puppets in front of him into pieces.

When Zhang Su brought up the rear, the other members of the elite squad quickly sprung up and broke the encircling demonized puppets while stepping on their heads and shoulders and evacuated towards southwest...

With weird shrieks, the demonized puppets kept chasing after the elite squads. However, they were gradually lagged behind. Therefore, they could only roar towards the back of the squad...

When the following demonized puppets corps arrived, the sparse corpses of demonized puppets on the hillside became the rations of the demonized puppets corps. After picking up the bloody flesh, those following demonized puppets with grim, bloody eyes kept chewing them while blood flew out of their mouth. Meanwhile, they moved towards the south.

After the elite squad disappeared behind a hill, the over 1,000 demonized puppets who kept chasing after the elite squad finally slowed down and started to move towards the south at a normal speed. These demonized puppets became the vanguard of this troop then...

After two hours, this hillside where the battle broke out just now had been covered with demonized puppets. Numerous demonized puppets moved out of the woods and poured towards the south while releasing a disgusting and terrifying smell. No living being was left wherever those demonized puppets passed by.

The same horrifying scene was happening in many places in the thousands of miles of long Kalay Mountain Range from west to east.

About 200 million demonized puppets would move out of Kalay Mountain Range and enter the south of Blackson Humans Corridor...


After 3 hours, Zhang Su's squad arrived at a secret supply point about 50 miles away from the battlefield just now. While the two members stood sentry, the others started to take a rest and eat food.

Zhang Su checked the wounds of the members of the squad one after another; at the same time, he shared the remaining all-purpose medicament and pressed meat with them.

Even LV 9 fighters would also suffer wounds in such a fierce battle. Those demonized puppets showed their extremely undying vitality in such a battle. Thankfully, they were just bruised. Only one squad member had a deep wound on his shank.

After 3 hours, the periphery of the wound had started to turn black. Taking a deep breath, the wounded member cut off those black skin and flesh from his shin.

"What's the matter, Brad?" Zhang Su walked towards him and gave him a vial of all-purpose medicament. After that, he started to clean the wound for that battle companion.

"Si..." The man gritted his teeth as his forehead was oozing sweat, "A demonized puppets' head had been chopped off for quite a while so I thought it was already dead. However, when I moved to its head, I got a bite on my shin. F*ck, it bit off a piece of flesh..."

Although being a white tough guy, he could speak Hua language very fluently.

As demonized puppets carried a special biotoxin, whenever being bitten or scratched by them or being sprinkled by their blood on one's wounds, humans would suffer a risk of being infected. Although they would not die at once, their battle force would be sharply weakened as a result.

After daubing a vial of all-purpose medicament onto Brad's wound, Zhang Su dropped his own vial of all-purpose medicament to Brad.

"Ahh, head, what about you then?" After catching the medicament, Brad asked with a bashful look.

"It's okay, I don't need it for the time being..."

Brad didn't say anything. He just raised his head and bottomed up that vial of all-purpose medicament.

"After resting for half an hour, we will evacuate..." Zhang Su issued an order after taking a look at the watch on his wrist.

Everybody knew what did the word "evacuate" mean. Therefore, they all let out a deep sigh.

It was indeed the time to evacuate. Based on the moving speed of demonized puppets, the vanguard of demonized puppets corps would enter the south of Kalay Mountain Range by the next sunrise.

After issuing the order, Zhang Su leaned against a rock and started to gnaw his pressed meat.

After fighting over 2 months in Kalay Mountain Range, the entire squad understood that they had to keep their minimal battle force so as to survive themselves no matter how many demonized puppets were in front of them. With the minimal battle force, they should at least be able to handle super iron-armored demon squads or escape. Compared to those demonized puppets, the iron-armored demon squads were real tricky forces of the super demon corps. Sometimes, iron-armored demon squads were mixed in demonized puppets; sometimes, they acted independently. Therefore, they were very tricky.

Over the past two months, Zhang Su's beard had been as long as 3 cm. His skin became a bit swarthy. Besides, he turned thinner than before. His combat uniform was so dirty that its color could almost not be identified while releasing a dense smell. All the other members of the elite squad were like him. They had not taken off their clothes during the past two months at all. Fleas could be seen on them while their hair contained white flea eggs. Even immortals would look like beggars after fighting over 2 months in such an environment.

All the elites looked like savages and beggars. However, they became more capable and vigorous than before.

By this chance, the members of the squad started to catch fleas and insects by fingernails. They would squeeze those fleas and insects to the death. Although his eyes were closed, Zhang Su always heard faint claps "Pah" "Pah" "Pah" "Pah" beside him.

It became this squad's only interest to squeeze fleas and flea eggs by their fingernails when they were relaxing themselves during the past two months.

Only after less than 10 minutes, they had heard two cries of chickadees from afar.

The moment they heard that had all of them sprung up at once and entered the combat mode. After seeing Zhang Su's gestures, they silently formed a combat formation and moved towards the far while lowering their bodies...


Zhang Su and his team members ambushed behind a thorn bush at the end of the reeds on the riverside. Everybody held their breath and watched the swaying reeds silently...

Some living beings were moving towards here from the reeds. As there was a supply point in the nearby, if the arrivers were also an elite squad of Hurricane Corps, they should have sent a secret signal so as to confirm their status in case of misunderstanding.

However, there was no secret signal.

Having just cut off more than 0.5 kgs of flesh from his shin, Brad seemed to forget about the pains. Narrowing his eyes, he licked his lips and grasped tightly the black matte long sword. Meanwhile, he faintly lowered his body and prepared for launching the fatal attack towards his target.

According to the swaying reeds, they realized that the opponents might contain 5-10 living beings.


When the first person drilled out of the reeds, all the onlookers became stunned.

Six people drilled out of there in total, instead of being iron-armored demons or demonized puppets. In combat uniforms, they all looked extremely fatigued.

Zhang Su's squad didn't rush towards them; instead, they just observed them in the hidden place...

A thin and short guy raised his head and sniffed forcefully before murmuring something. The other 5 people with collars over their necks then became intense at once as they prepared for defense.

"We're demon hunting squad of Guang Republic, I'm Lieutenant Colonel Prague, the head of the squad. Can the surrounding friends show yourself? As we're all humans, please give way to our brothers." A tall, tough guy muffled as he kept glancing around with shrewd eyes and ax in hand.

After making a gesture, Zhang Su and the other members stood up one after another.

"We're the 27th squad of the special elite squad of Hurricane Corps, Huaiyuan Palace, Jinyun Country. I'm Zhang Su, the head of this squad..."

Out of military etiquette, Zhang Su also revealed their background as he stood up.

Watching Zhang Su and the surrounding guys and hearing their background, those guys became reassured at once as they hushed and put away their weapons.

"Son of a b*tch. One of your squads set a fire in the mountain over 600 miles from here. Thankfully, we ran faster than those demonized puppets; otherwise, we've long been charred flesh!" The tough guy with ax swore as he gazed at that supply bag at Zhang Su's waist and forcefully swallowed his saliva.

Zhang Su directly threw that supply bag to him, which still contained some pressed meat.

That tough guy instantly caught the supply bag and opened it. He then shared some pressed meat with his brothers. After that, he put one piece into his mouth and chewed it.

"Any more?" The tough guy asked unclearly as he chewed forcefully.

Zhang Su threw a glance at the other two team members. Two more supply bags flew towards them.

"What about your partners?"

After hearing this question, those guys became silent for a second as they stopped chewing. The tough guy replied with red eyes, "They've gone!" After that, he started to tear off his pressed meat while gritting his teeth...

Zhang Su and his team members became silent too. Over the past two months, far more than these guys of Gung Republic had sacrificed in Kalay Mountain Range...

In less than 2 minutes, those guys had eaten up their pressed meat as they looked a bit more spirited.

Watching them finishing the food, Zhang Su opened his mouth, "Where are you going? Back to Gung Republic?"

Lieutenant Colonel Prague became silent for a second before replying, "One month ago, our demon hunting squad received a piece of domestic information for the last time when Gung Republic was experiencing a large-scale riot. The president disappeared overnight. The greater part of the congressmen had escaped away. I'm afraid that Gung Republic has already perished. Since the riot broke out, our supply has been cut off. Therefore, we don't know where to go. As human fighters, we've already been conscientious and responsible. The demons will break through Kalay Mountain Range in two days. We just want to leave out of this motherf*cking place..."

Watching their frustrated faces, Zhang Su suddenly asked, "Do you want to join Hurricane Corps?"

"Do you want to keep fighting here?" After exchanging a glance with the others, Lieutenant Colonel asked.

"No, we will also evacuate from here. We've tried our best. We will go back to Huaiyuan Prefecture!"

"What about the future? Do you plan to fight demons to the death or leave Waii Sub-continent?"

"Leave first. We will have a chance to fight demons in the future. The holy war has just come to a start!" Zhang Su replied without any hesitation.

Prague threw a glance at his partners. After exchanging a glance with each other, they faintly nodded.

"Well, we're in!"

"After joining Hurricane Corps, the corps will make an investigation about your background. If you're innocent, you will be the official soldiers in active service of Hurricane Corps. After that, you will take the positions which could match your abilities. However, now, we have to leave out of here. You have to follow my command for the time being. Am I clear?"

"Do we have food?"

"Of course, enough food!"

"If we encounter demons, who will fight?"

"Together, I will bring up the rear!"

"I agree!" The Lieutenant Colonel Prague gave a salute to Zhang Su solemnly. Zhang Su gave one salute to him too.

After making brief introductions to each other, the two squads converged into one and evacuated towards the south...

"By the way, how did you find us just now?" Zhang Su asked Lieutenant Colonel Prague.

"Jessie, his nose has saved us more than once in Kalay Mountain Range!" Prague patted the short guy's shoulder.


At midnight, after 8 hours of rapid march, Zhang Su finally led the 10 people out of Kalay Mountain Range.

The moment they left Kalay Mountain Range had they felt something flying over their heads. Closely after that, they heard rumbling thunders...

All of them raised their heads as they saw six colorful meteors colliding in the sky...

'Knights' combat?' Zhang Su instantly led all the others to a hidden place as they held their breath and watched the fierce battle in the sky with widely opened eyes...

The 6 meteors were fighting in two groups, 3 ones in one group. They moved so fast just like two groups of triangles which constantly changed its shape. The colorful knight's battle qi and battle skills shot into the sky, making all the stars lose their brilliance...

After one hour, the two groups of meteors separated from each other. One group moved towards the north while the other became a bit stagnated before moving towards the south. However, when the three meteors flew above the heads of Zhang Su and the other guys, one of them suddenly lost its brilliance...

Before Zhang Su and the others realized what happened, the meteor had already appeared right a few meters above them.

"Ahh, fight them to the death!" After knowing that he was discovered by a knight, Prague became stiff all over as he was going to pull out his saber. However, he was stopped by Zhang Su at once.

In the next second, all the members of special elite squad of Hurricane Corps including Zhang Su walked out of the woods and gave a salute to the knight, "Corps leader!"

'Corps leader?' All the other guys who had just joined Hurricane Corps were so shocked that they widely opened their mouths.

Zhang Tie had not imagined that he could see Zhang Su here. Therefore, he became reassured. As he descended and watched those elites of Hurricane Corps like savages and beggars, he gave a solemn salute to them.

"Well done. The No. 7 evacuation point is not far from here. There's an airship waiting for you. The 27th squad is the last batch of Hurricane Corps in Kalay Mountain Range. Hurry up. As I'm here, demons and wing demons would not arrive here for the time being. You can have a good sleep in the airship tonight!"

After hearing that Zhang Tie was going to bring up the rear for the elite squad of Hurricane Corps in the south edge of Kalay Mountain Range, all the elites became moved, including Zhang Su. With red eyes, they felt something rolling in their throats; however, they could not say it.

Everybody gave a military salute to Zhang Tie once again before continuing to evacuate towards the south.

Since the beginning, Zhang Tie and Zhang Su exchanged a glance with each other.

Zhang Tie saw them off...

With a sound of the wind, Elder Lan of Lan Clan who had met Zhang Tie in Selnes Theater of Operations and an elder of Ou Clan had arrived at Zhang Tie's sides.

They both watched Zhang Tie with a dubious look.

The two elders also noticed the squad of soldiers downside here just now; however, they didn't understand why Zhang Tie came down here.

Zhang Tie revealed a smile towards the two elders, "Zhang Su, my cousin was here. I came to greet him and let them go back as soon as possible!"

Although it was not difficult for a knight to identify people downside there; however, Zhang Tie did it when he was in a 3-in-1 state. It was amazing.

Elder Lan and Elder Ou found an amazed look from the opponent's eyes.

"The vanguard of demonized puppets would enter the south of Kalay Mountain Range tomorrow. After staying in the south edge of Kalay Mountain Range for over 2 months, it should be the last night we stay here. Two squads of Lan Clan are still inside. I'm afraid they've already sacrificed. After tonight, we will go back to Jinyun Country and arrange Lan's corps to evacuate from Waii Sub-continent. We should leave out of here sooner or later!" Elder Lan let out a sigh.

Elder Ou faintly nodded, "As we've lost the support of humans, we should leave out of here as soon as possible."

Watching the gloomy Kalay Mountain Range in the far, Zhang Tie faintly frowned as he nodded. Over the past two months, the situation in the southern human countries had been deteriorating. When the vanguard of demonized puppets corps entered the south of Waii Sub-continent tomorrow, it would be the last straw which crushed the camel...

Zhang Tie didn't know what would happen after tomorrow. There was one point that he was sure of that more and more people would die after tomorrow...

Chapter 798: Secondary Mutation

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Zhang Tie and the other two knights of Jinyun Country had already encamped on the south edge of Kalay Mountain Range for over one month.

At such a critical moment, as knights on Waii Sub-continent, although they would not fight demon corps and demon general to the death, they also had a lot of things to do. They could at least prevent some knights of demons and Three-eye Association clans from passing over Kalay Mountain Range and threatening southern human countries in a period.

As the demon general had suffered losses twice from humans in front of Nein City and Upton City, it chose to steadily push forward with demonized puppets as the vanguard of the corps this time. Besides, the knights of demons and Three-eye Association became relatively prudent in actions. As a result, the knights of humans and the knights of demons and Three-eye Association had been in a stalemate for over one month.

As the demon general felt that he would definitely win the battle this time, he didn't expect to risk dangers with precious knights and soldiers of demon corps in case of falling in the trap of humans once again.

In the eyes of the demon general, the corps of about 200 million demonized puppets could overwhelm everything. Therefore, the minimal cost for them to occupy Blackson Humans Corridor was to have its elites follow the demonized puppets corps.

For human knights in southern countries, few of them would like to fight the knights of demons and Three-eye Association clans to the death.

If not because of the special honor and responsibilities of knights, most of the human knights might have left Waii Sub-continent.

On September 4th, the vanguard of demonized puppets had exited Kalay Mountain Range completely, which indicated a worse situation facing southern countries...

Right on the same day, Zhang Tie and the other human knights started to evacuate from the south edge of Kalay Mountain Range...

After retreating hundreds of miles, Zhang Tie, Elder Lan Yuchen and Elder Ou Geqing finally boarded a fury-level airship and returned to Jinyun Country.

Like how knights of Zhang Clan of Huaiyuan Palace used the character " 穆 1 " as the exclusive middle character of their official appellations, knights of Lan Clan of Banxin Palace used " 玉 2 " as the exclusive middle character of their official appellations while knights of Ou Clan of Chuixue Palace used " 戈 3 " as the exclusive middle character of their official appellations. None of the other clans' knights could use characters "穆", "玉" and "戈" as the middle characters of their official appellations.

Although Zhang Tie could fly all the way to Jinyun Country, he was not that stupid to expose such a shocking ability to the public at this moment.

The airship which would carry the three knights back to Huaiyuan Prefecture was waiting for them in Silverpine City, the capital city of Riska Duchy, a small country in the south of Kalay Mountain Range. When they left Silverpine City by that airship, the entire city had become empty except for the 40,000 city guards.

When the airship lifted off, all the 40,000 city guards then saw off this airship while chesting out and giving a salute to the airship.

Standing on the deck of the airship, Zhang Tie watched the city guards in Silverpine City with complex moods.

These city guards had to sacrifice themselves here. They stayed here to fight demons to the death so that their family members could have a chance to leave Waii Sub-continent.

Each one who stayed here could have 5 of their family members leave Waii Sub-continent. There were 20 days'grains left in this city for these city guards. As long as they blocked the demonized puppets for 7 days, they could escape.

Many soldiers saw a faint hope of "7 days". Actually, as Zhang Tie had experienced the battle in Selnes Theater of Operations, he knew that these city guards could at most stand 3 days even if they used the city-defense facilities of Silverpine City to resist demons, not to mention 7 days. Therefore, these guys could barely survive themselves. Additionally, they could only stop a small part of the total demonized puppets. More demonized puppets would continue marching southwards while ignoring the existence of this city.

All the other human cities in the south of Kalay Mountain Range adopted the same simulative policy to encourage their soldiers to stay in their cities to fight demons even in the previous two holy wars.

Zhang Tie didn't know whether this policy was fair or not. All those human soldiers who stayed here to fight demons had common family conditions. None of the rich or powerful guys would like to stay to fight demons to the death. Additionally, policymakers had to make a decision when not everyone could leave out of here safe and sound. In such a critical moment, they had to follow the purest survival of law by exchanging lives for lives. It was icy yet realistic. No sacrifice, no new lives. Everything complied with the simplest numbers game——as one soldier could at least eliminate 5 enemies with the advantage of city-defense weapons and city walls, they could have 5 of their relatives leave.

Those commoners or their family members, who would not like to stay to defend cities, would have a rare chance to survive themselves if they wanted to leave Waii Sub-continent. They would be killed by demons or had to escape to the wilderness which was not marked on the map or had not been explored by humans for good luck.

The so-called phrases like priceless life or life's dignity became especially ridiculous at this moment.

In holy wars, humans realized that lives could be bought at the lowest prices. The poorer the humans were, the cheaper their lives would be.

As a knight who grew up from a grassroot, Zhang Tie couldn't recover his composure for a long time when he realized that numerous grassroots were destined to be killed by demons.

"Come on in the cabin. It's their own choice. Even though we are knights, we can do nothing for them. An individual's strength is too trivial in the holy war. If you want to master more people's fates, you have to be more powerful!" Elder Yuchen persuaded Zhang Tie in a low voice as he seemed to have sensed Zhang Tie's complex moods.

Tightly clenching his fists, Zhang Tie took a deep breath. Closely after that, he entered the cabin together with Elder Lan.

'If you want to master more people's fates, you have to be more powerful!'——Zhang Tie kept this word deep in mind.

After entering his own berth cabin, Zhang Tie instantly entered elements realm to start his cultivation.


After 3 days, the fury-level airship landed in a city for supply. At midnight, Zhang Tie suddenly heard a rustle outside the airship. Therefore, he exited the elements realm. After that, he pushed open the hatch and walked out to take a look.

Almost at the same time, Elder Lan Yuchen and Elder Ou Geqing also ended their cultivation and walked out of their own cabins. The three knights then exchanged a glance with each other.

"Let's take a look on the deck!" Elder Geqing suggested.

When they came to the deck, they saw the night was tinged with a glow of flames. The entire city was in a chaos while a riot and a killing spree were fermenting in the night. Like fangs of poisonous snakes, they stabbed into the nerve center of this city while injecting their venom in it, causing everything to go berserk.

The captain of the airship hurriedly rushed to the deck with a solemn look.

"Sir, a riot is breaking out in Xinwu City. More and more mobs were gathering outside the airship base!"

"How long will it take the airship to finish its supply?" Zhang Tie asked.

"1.5 hours!"

"Tell the crew to prepare for the attack. Finish the supply and set off as soon as possible!" Zhang Tie issued the order.

"Yes, sir!" The captain gave a salute to Zhang Tie. Closely after that, he rushed back to convey Zhang Tie's instructions.

"Sometimes, humans are more terrifying than demons!" Elder Ou Geqing shook his head as he watched the grim flames in the distance.

"Many people would die in each holy war. In the second holy war, 1/5 of the total number of corpses were from humans. Greed, fear, desire, hatred, all this made humans more terrifying than demons!" Elder Lan Yuchen said with full wisdom, "Facing demons, if humans don't have a cohesiveness, the greater part of them will kill each other before the arrival of demons!"

"Therefore, we have to go back to Taixia Country!" Ou Geqing put it straight, "This young generation is not qualified to cooperate with."

Elder Lan Yuchen nodded.

Narrowing his eyes, Zhang Tie watched the flames outside the airship base silently...


One hour later, before the airship finished its supply, the periphery of the airship base had been broken through by mobs. When the walls were pushed down, over 10,000 mobs poured in with torches and weapons.

Under the leadership of a commissioned officer, a team of soldiers blocked those mobs.

Watching these full-armored soldiers, those mobs became stagnated.

"Outsiders are forbidden in this prohibited military zone..." a commissioned officer in glasses shouted towards those mobs. Closely after saying this, he turned around and issued an order to his subordinates, "These people are citizens of Xinwu City. They are not demons. You're not allowed to move without my consent!"

Those armored soldiers with spears exchanged glances with each other.

The mobs slowed down; however they still kept moving closer towards these soldiers.

"There are airships and we also have the right to leave..." A leader of the mobs shouted to instigate others to swarm up.

"You can leave. However, this airship is not available to you. You have no right to use it..." That young commissioned officer in glasses reproached with a solemn look, "Please stop, don't move closer!"

"We just want to survive ourselves. We're the citizens of Xinwu City. We're also entitled to leave out of here..." The leader of mobs tore off his buttons and exposed his chest. Closely after that, he patted his chest and kept moving forward, "You've not even killed one demon. Do you think it is reasonable to let us bleed for you? Come on! Kill me! Kill us! We're all citizens of Xinwu City. Come on! Kill us..."

"Repeat. Please stop. This is the prohibited military zone..." The young commissioned officer in a pair of glasses shouted once again with sweat all over his forehead. He attempted to make more people hear his words. Watching those mobs moving closer, those soldiers behind him became restless.

When they were only a few meters away from each other, the young commissioned officer in glasses still stretched his arms and shouted...

"Take easy, easy. As the demons have not arrived here, you also have a chance to leave. Xinwu City should not be chaotic at this moment..."

With weird eyes, the head of mobs suddenly sprung up with a dagger in hand. In the next 0.1 second, he forcefully stabbed into the commissioned officer's heart. Widely opening his eyes, the commissioned officer watched that mob, who patted his chest with a generous look and had just stabbed into his heart with a dagger with widely opened eyes, spurting out blood.

Although the young commissioned officer wanted to say something, he failed to do that.

With an extremely grim look, the head of mobs drew out his dagger and stabbed into the neck of that young commissioned officer, who didn't allow soldiers to attack him just now. He then fell down together with that commissioned officer.

Blood spurted out of the commissioned officer's neck and sprayed over the face of the head of mobs. Watching someone launching the attack, all the other mobs swarmed up and covered those soldiers in the airship base all of a sudden.

In such a short distance, as long as the soldiers who were holding spears lost their initiative, they were destined to experience a miserable loss facing the mobs whose number was many times more than that of theirs.


After stabbing dozens of times over the body of that young commissioned officer in glasses, the face of the head of the mobs was completely covered with the blood from the neck of that young commissioned officer.

The mob head got up and broke the pair of glasses into pieces by his foot. After that, he wiped off the blood over his face. He then drew out the sword from the waist of that young commissioned officer before roaring, "Go get them. As long as you get the airships here, you will leave. Keep the crew alive and have them serve us. Kill all the others!"

The head mob raised his arm as numerous citizens rushed towards those airships.


Standing on the high deck of one airship, Zhang Tie just watched the chaotic scene in the far. He saw how that young commissioned officer was killed and fell down in front of those people whom he wanted to protect.

Zhang Tie's face gradually turned gloomy...


The huge body of fury-level airship looked outstanding among all those small and medium-sized airships in the airship base.

At the sight of fury-level airship where Zhang Tie was in, some head mobs' eyes brightened. After exchanging a glance with each other, they ran towards here at once.

The retinue of that airship had formed a cordon around that airship.

This airship was the war airship of Hurricane Corps, which was the exclusive traffic tool of the corps leader. Each one of the crew was a powerhouse. There were many fighters above LV 10 inside the airship. Sensing those guys' iron-blood battle qi and shiny weapons, those mobs who ran over here became stagnated at once.

"We're citizens of Xinwu City. This city has been taken over by the Citizens Committee. We will expropriate your airship!" The head mob watched that beautiful fury-level airship with greedy eyes as he slowed down.

"Stop!" A black-face commissioned officer shouted icily.

"I've told you, this place has been taken over by our Citizens Committee..." The head mob shouted as he moved forward with greedy eyes.

"Ready!" The black-face commissioned officer of Hurricane Corps just raised his arm and ordered those soldiers to get ready for the coming combat.

With a sound of "Huala", all the soldiers around that airship strode one step forward and targeted their bright weapons towards those mobs who were moving towards them.

At the sight of this, those mobs stopped.

"What? You want to slaughter the citizens..." The head mob kept urging in the same trick as he tore off his clothes and exposed his chest, "Come on, come on, come on..."

Those mobs echoed.

Elder Lan and Elder Ou then looked at Zhang Tie...

With a glassy-eyed look, Zhang Tie just raised his hand while a battle qi flew off his finger and blew up this head mob into pieces.

Zhang Tie issued an order icily, "As they are influencing the supply of the airship, kill those within 50 m range of the airship!"

Soon after Zhang Tie's words, those soldiers of Hurricane Corps had charged towards those front mobs like how a tiger entered a flock of sheep. In a split second, those leading mobs had been chopped off their heads.

In less than 2 minutes, all the mobs being less than 50 m away from the airship had been swept while their corpses covered the periphery of the airship. All the other mobs just cried and ran away. When they found those guards of that airship didn't chase after them, they started to watch those dead partners who had turned into corpses within 50 m of that airship. Nobody of them dared approach that airship again...

After half an hour, the airship finished its supply. All the crew and guards boarded. Under the gaze of those mobs, The fury-level airship left for Huaiyuan Palace...


After passing by Kalay Mountain Range, the demon corps rolled towards the south like a fierce flood...

As a result, human cities were collapsed one after another; human countries perished one after another. The entire Waii Sub-continent quivered under the overwhelming attack of demons. Men and beasts were involved in calamities...

The Hurricane Corps in Huaiyuan Prefecture started to evacuate by batches...

By the latter part of October, the greater part of countries and regions in the south of Kalay Mountain Range had collapsed.

By the end of November, some major Hua clans in the north of Jinyun Country had evacuated completely...

Zhang Tie had also made preparations for the final combat.


On November 23, in the temporary palace of the corps leader of Hurricane Corps...

"The 1st company of the vanguard of the demon corps has already arrived at the north bank of Yuanjiang River one hour ago..." The director of the temporary palace hurriedly came to the office of the corps leader and reported it to Zhang Tie calmly.

Zhang Tie put away his remote-sensing crystal. Just now, he had contacted his elder brother. His family members were concerned about him very much. In the late month, Zhang Tie's mom requested Zhang Tie's elder brother to contact Zhang Tie three times a day for the sake of Zhang Tie's safety.

"The garrisons of Hurricane Corps boarded right away. Be ready to leave in 2 hours..."

"Yes, sir!" The director of the temporary palace gave a salute to Zhang Tie before turning around quickly.

Zhang Tie stood up and glanced over this office for the last time as he prepared to leave...

Right then, Heller, who had not contacted him for a long time, uttered in Zhang Tie's mind, "Castle Lord, there's a news I think you should know!"

Zhang Tie kept walking forward as he asked Heller in mind, "Go ahead?"

"The mutated ptomaine miasma that you sent in Castle of Black Iron last time has already accomplished its secondary mutation..."

Zhang Tie was shocked as he stopped his footsteps...

Chapter 799: Leave and Return

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

It was quiet and solemn at the piers of Yiyang Harbor. Besides the last batch of soldiers of Hurricane Corps, tens of thousands of citizens of Yiyang City would leave by the fleet. After leaving, the entire Yiyang City and the three cities in Huaiyuan Prefecture would almost become empty.

If demons could arrive here, it meant that the entire Waii Sub-continent would collapse by then. Zhang Tie felt that it was meaningless to see over 100,000 people die in the three hopeless cities only to consume a few times more demonized puppets. Therefore, Zhang Tie didn't arrange "volunteers" to safeguard the three cities. He had all of them transported away.

A row of huge ships which varied from 10,000 tons to 1 million tons were anchored at the piers while passengers were walking towards their targeted ships silently.

After all of them boarded, the ships left for the east with whistles.

In front of some 1 million-ton huge ships, passengers were boarding in long queues. They were not holding tickets which had certain prices; instead, each one of them was holding a contract in Hua and Hebrew languages with their fingerprint on it. In this contract, they agreed to give up a part of their freedom and rights, to live in some lower provinces or remote places on the Eastern Continent and follow the partial arrangement of Party A.

Everything had two sides. Although it was a disaster for Waii Sub-continent, it was the best chance for numerous major clans, business groups, even local governments in lower provinces and remote places of Taixia Country to gain labor resources at the cheapest price and carry out fundamental development in their wild and barren land.

This policy was called "serving the border areas" in Taixia Country.

As a national policy in Taixia Country, in each holy war, Taixia Country would gain a lot of foreigners from other Sub-continents. These foreigners would be used to reclaim their wastelands.

Most of the wastelands were in lower provinces of Taixia or more primitive, wild provinces.

Taixia Country had already formulated a complete package of laws and mechanism so as to ensure the smooth implementation of this national policy.

In holy wars, the labor force was also a special, powerful resource. Those foreigners who headed for border areas of Taixia Country might not be able to fight on battlefields; however, as long as they were alive, they would be valuable by doing labor work or delivering babies.

In Taixia Country, whenever the holy war broke out, "serving the border areas" would become a big business. Those major clans which were ambitious to expand their clans' territories in Taixia Country and make a pile would focuse on these foreigners.

When they arrived at Taixia, although these foreigners were not slaves, they were only one level higher than slaves. They were inhabitants in border areas of Taixia Country.

It was a trade for these foreigners to become inhabitants in border areas of Taixia Country. Those major clans and business groups took them away from dangerous sub-continents and avoided them from being killed by demons. As a compensation, they needed to serve those people on the contract as members of the "serving the border areas" contingent in Taixia Country. They would contribute their loyalty, sweat, wisdom even lives to Taixia Country.

Since the start of this holy war, those huge ships had been constantly arriving at Yiyang Harbor to do the business of "serving the border areas". Half a year ago, this phenomenon reached its climax. They left Yiyang Harbor each day with 10,000-100,000 non-Hua people towards Taixia Country for "serving the border areas".

About 700,000 non-Hua people were transported to Youzhou Province of Taixia Country from Huaiyuan Palace. Most of them were talented workers, technicians, engineers and handicraftsmen.

Over the past half a year, as the corps leader of Hurricane Corps, Zhang Tie's most important responsibility was to ensure that those "serving the border areas" ships could return with full loads smoothly.

Those "serving the border areas" ships had made agreements with Huaiyuan Palace. In this business, Huaiyuan Palace made great profits.

Zhang Tie's responsibility was to save as more people as possible while ensuring the interest of Huaiyuan Palace.

Not everybody could serve the border areas of Taixia Country as they would. In such a critical moment, it became an extravagant desire, a welfare which could save their lives and a special treatment for many commoners to become inhabitants in border areas of Taixia Country. Those who could have the access to serve the border areas in Taixia Country were those whose family members were left to resist demons in their own cities. These people hated demons; meanwhile, they knew that it was a rare chance for them to leave Waii Sub-continent. Therefore, they would especially treasure the chance to serve the border areas of Taixia Country. For those people, they would be satisfied as long as they could arrive at Taixia Country and live steadily and safely with the protection of Taixia Country, the most powerful human country in this age.

Compared to those commoners displaced by the war, the hard work that they should do in the border areas of Taixia Country was nothing serious at all. They had long deleted the words "hard work" and "tired" from their life dictionary.

As long as they boarded the "serving the border areas" ships, the kids would be separated from their parents. Take a 1 million-ton huge ship Flyingwhale as an instance, the moment the ship set off, those kids would be taken into different classrooms in different sizes. Each kid would get an exercise book and a pencil when they entered the classroom. A 60-year-old black-skinned teacher in glasses with gray hair wrote two Hua characters on the blackboard by chalk——太夏!

After experiencing so many troubles with their family members, these kids were maturer than those of the same age. Although hundreds of kids were in this classroom, it was pretty quiet.

After writing down the two characters, that black-skinned teacher turned around and watched those kids whose age ranged from 7 to 15 years old and spoke in Hebrew.

"When the ship sets off, each inch of the deck and cabin in this ship belongs to Taixia Country. You're already standing on the land of Taixia Country. Taixia has become your homeland. From today on, you have to learn everything about Taixia Country from me before you disembark. After disembarking, you will find that the more Hua words you learn, the better life you will have than others in the future and the faster you will upgrade from your current class to the mainstream society of Hua people and gain more social respect and approval. I hope you to upgrade from your current status as inhabitants in border areas to the official citizens of Taixia Country. I hope you could expand broader space for your families and your kids in the future." That teacher said as he watched those kids. He knew that these kids might not understand his words for the time being. However, they would understand it sooner or later. He then turned around and pointed at the two characters on the blackboard by his pointer, "Read after me——TAIXIA..."

"TAIXIA"——Hundreds of kids read after him in a non-fluent way.

"This is where we're heading for. The greatest and most prosperous human country in this age and the only human country which could defeat demons. Without Taixia Country on the back, there would be no human. If you left Taixia by chance in the future and if someone asked you which country did you come from, you could tell him loudly that you come from Taixia Country. Read after me——TAIXIA"


This time, these kids had a more accurate pronunciation.

After half an hour, the teacher started to check the two Hua characters "太夏" on their exercise books. The one with the best characters and the most accurate pronunciation would gain an apple as a reward.

Watching that red apple, all the kids' eyes brightened up.


At night, the last huge ship where Zhang Tie was in left Yiyang Harbor, which meant that the entire Yiyang City was deserted.

Standing on the deck, Zhang Tie watched this city which was going to be occupied by demons with a strange eye light.


After the fleet had set off Waii Sub-continent and sailed 3 days on the vast ocean towards the Eastern Continent being escorted by Zhang Tie, Zhang Tie knew that the fleet would not be raided by demon knights anymore. Therefore, he declared his decision to the commissioned officers of Hurricane Corps.

After declaring this decision, Zhang Tie revealed a smile towards the confused and shocked commissioned officers, "I've already contacted the other elders of Huaiyuan Palace and told them about my decision. It was my honor to be the corps leader of Hurricane Corps these couple of years and stick to the end on Waii Sub-continent with you. Your performance is perfect. Honestly, I don't think that I'm a good corps leader. Thankfully, I'm reassured after taking you out of there. When you arrive at Youzhou Province, you will have a new corps leader and a new start. I have one sentence for you, "With your fists, you could launch a more powerful strike tomorrow!"

After saying that, Zhang Tie stood up and gave a military salute to all the commissioned officers of the corps.

Facing the silent gaze and solemn salute, Zhang Tie put his tiger-shaped military plate of Hurricane Corps on the table of the conference room before turning around to leave.

After leaving the conference room, Zhang Tie found Donder who was also in this huge ship and told Donder about his plan, as a kind of farewell.

After hearing Zhang Tie's decision, Donder sprung up at once. Being driven extremely furious, he directly pointed at Zhang Tie's nose with a red face and swore him regardless of Zhang Tie's current noble status, just like how he blamed Zhang Tie in Blackhot City as Zhang Tie's boss, "Do you know how many knights do demons and Three-eye Association have? Do you know that the demon general could kill you multiple times by just one hand? Do you really think that you're unrivaled after becoming a bullsh*t knight? Do you think you're the incarnation of the savior or what? Or do you think that you've already formed 3-5 chakras? How could this father have such a stupid student like you? How could you make such a stupid choice?"

Zhang Tie wiped off the saliva that Donder sprayed on his face and gave a big hug to Donder. As a result, Donder could not even move. He then forcefully patted Donder's shoulder and told him in a low voice, "Don't worry. I will not die. I've not even seen my wives and kids on the Eastern Continent yet. How could I die on Waii Sub-continent?"

"Why do you..."

"Trust me!"

Watching Zhang Tie's face seriously, Donder finally let out a sigh, "If you really want to go back, I have one sentence to tell you. You'd better always keep it in mind!"

"What's that?"

"If you die, another man would definitely make love with your women and have your kids!"

Zhang Tie's face twitched as he replied, "Why not say something good?"

"Good words cannot hurt your soul!" Donder said with a solemn look.


Zhang Tie almost wanted to give up his plan after hearing Donder's words. However, after struggling for a while, Zhang Tie finally stuck to his plan. 'I have to do this.'

Nobody else knew that Zhang Tie would leave except for Donder and those senior commissioned officers of Hurricane Corps...

After leaving the fleet, Zhang Tie returned to Waii Sub-continent without any concern...

Chapter 800: The Reappearance of Gorath

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

The winter grew increasingly colder. In late December, it was snowing heavily. The river in the upper reach of Yuanjiang River in the territory of Qilan Country had already been frozen. The cold wave spread over Blackhot Humans Corridor. Additionally, the demonized puppets corps which had wandered in the south bank of Yuanjiang River for over one month finally stepped on the frozen river and rushed into the territory of Qilan Country like black locusts.

When the first batch of demonzied puppets rushed over Yuanjiang River, the demon general was standing on a hill in the south bank of Yuanjiang River. The bloody cape of demon general flew in the chilly north wind and sounded like fierce flames, which looked terrifying. The snowflakes had been vaporized by its invisible battle qi before falling on its body...

Watching more and more demonized puppets crossing over Yuanjiang River, the demon general became extremely ambitious.

He finally conquered this sub-continent.

The current situation was not the best one as was designed by the demon general. According to the best design, at least over 300 million humans were preserved on Waii Sub-continent at this moment. Under the rule of Three-eye Associations, the 300 million humans would release a great war potential. Under the rule of demon general, the demon corps and those Three-eye Association clans would constantly occupy the entire Waii Sub-continent and all the nearby human territories and countries; turn this sub-continent into a fortress that could constantly confront humans and consume humans' strength on the ground.

However, all these illusions vanished at this moment.

Everything had to be paid.

The price of gaining 200 million demonized puppets was to overdraft and consume the war potential across this sub-continent under the rule of demons and Three-eye Association.

Demonized puppets were the best gears of war. However, they could not be created without humans as raw materials or deliver to babies. To put it straight, they could not even match the lowest-end beasts. By contrast, humans had endless creative thoughts and imaginations which were what demons lacked.

Humans could smelt metals and invent various machines and tools. They could also build cities and make overall yet detailed plans about everything. They could even create poems, music and beautiful drawings. However, demonized puppets could not do it. More than that, demonized puppets could not do many other things that humans could do. All the demons were very jealous of all these instincts of humans.

Through the so-called holy wars, demons and their human agencies would force humans to be their slaves and take humans' wisdom and talents even secrets in their bloodlines and genes whenever they wanted. Only in this way could demons grow brilliant and powerful and restore the honor of their ancestors. This was the most solemn pledge that each demon had made towards the supreme demon god. It was the mission and fate for each knight of demons and Three-eye Association to conquer humans.

The demon general moved its eyes away from Yuanjiang River and looked to the east. Waii Sub-continent was just a beginning of the holy war. The most powerful enemy of demons was on the vast Eastern Continent.

The north bank of Yuanjiang River was just a corner of the southernmost part of Waii Sub-continent. However, as the power that once occupied this corner came from Eastern Continent, it was of a special importance for demons knights and demon corps to occupy this corner.

As for the demon general, only when they could drive all the forces of Hua people away from Waii Sub-continent or exterminate them would they really win the war on this sub-continent and the demon general itself have a sense of achievement and pride.

Like a ritual, it was of a special importance for demonized puppets to cross over Yuanjiang River in the eyes of the demon general.

At this moment, all the major clans of Three-eye Association and the remaining 16 knights of demons and Three-eye Association were standing behind the demon general.

All the clans' heads and major figures of Three-eye Association clans just watched the demon general silently. Although they had long dreamed of this day, they didn't feel happy at this moment.

Compared to rule humans, it was much boring and meaningless to rule beasts. They didn't even regard it as a real victory. As long as they thought that they would only have a few domestic slaves to serve them, even need to use a lot of their own subordinates to do a lot of things, it became an extravagant hope for them to build large-scale luxurious palaces and residences. Their hearts pounded as such a living standard could not even match that before the holy war.

'Is this the so-called power? If there's no servant, what is such power used for?'

"When we consolidate our rule in Waii Sub-continent, we will transport humans slaves from other demon areas and have this sub-continent thrive once again. In only dozens of years, you will enjoy your high position and great wealth once again..." The demon general didn't turn around; however, he knew what these Three-eye Association clans were thinking about.

Those Three-eye Association clans became shocked. Almost at the same time, they all bowed towards the demon general in an impassioned way, "Compared to the great undertakings of the holy war, such a bit sacrifice and payment was nothing. It would take us less than 100 years to conquer all the humans. By then, we will reach our heyday!"

"Hahahaha..." The demon general burst out into laughter as he turned around and asked, "How many people are resisting us in Qilan Country on the south bank of Yuanjiang River?"

"Qilan Country is much smaller than Jinyun Country. It's ruled by only two major Hua clans. This country only has 11 cities. Among those cities, besides a bit more people left in the capital city of Qilan Country, each of the other cities has about 30,000-50,000 people. They want to consume our strength with the city-defense equipment. Besides Qilan Country, 3 cities of Norman Empire are still resisting on the south bank of Yuanjiang River..." A Three-eye Association clan head bowed and replied.

"What about Huaiyuan Palace? Are there any people in Huaiyuan Palace's cities resisting us?" The demon general released a shrewd eye light.

"Hua people are too cunning. Huaiyuan Palace's strength had been evacuated from Jinyun Country last month. Nobody was left except for some empty cities!"

"Isn't there a young knight of Huaiyuan Palace called Zhang Tie?" the demon general suddenly asked.

"Yes! It's said that Zhang Tie is the youngest knight in Huaiyuan Palace. Because he discovered a tower of time underground Kalay Mountain Range and stayed inside it for a period, he promoted to a knight at a young age! However, after promoting to a knight, this guy seemed to have no achievement. He was just appointed as the corps leader of Hurricane Corps by Huaiyuan Palace. He's always in cultivation. A few months ago, he cooperated with each of the other two clans' elders of Jinyun Country in the south edge of Kalay Mountain Range to block our knights from going southwards. His battle force is common. He's cultivating the "Five-elements Ground-look Sutra". It seems that he has just entered a stable state. This guy had even been captured by Senel Clan in Selnes Theater of Operations. Later on, he escaped away..." The clan elder who replied to the demon general in a despised way didn't understand why the demon general would care about such a common human knight.

'Common battle force?' The demon general faintly frowned. There was always one concern in its mind. Outside Upton City, its subordinate knight chased after Zhang Tie and had been disappeared from then on. It would never believe that a guy who had just promoted to a knight and cultivated "Five-elements Ground-look Sutra" could kill its man. It was also a miracle for that guy to escape away from a knight. Although its subordinate might be trapped underground, the demon general preferred to believe that the Hua knight called Zhang Tie had some secrets.

'At that time, Zhang Tie had not promoted to a knight. It seemed to be a bit abrupt for him to appear on the battlefield outside Upton City. Additionally, he seemed to be excessively powerful than he looked.' The demon general didn't know whether that guy had gained the special treatment from Huaiyuan Palace. As Hua people had so many trump cards, even demons were afraid of that. Not knowing why, every time Zhang Tie came to its mind, the demon general would feel fretful.

The demon general's fret finally turned into a killing intent. Its eyes instantly turned bloody. Watching his subordinate knights, he pointed at the south bank of Yuanjiang River and issued his destructive order, "There're 14 human cities resisting us. Today, we will sweep over those human cities and draw a period for the battle on this sub-continent!"

Those knights behind the demon general exchanged a glance with each silently. Closely after that, they shot into the sky and flew towards the south bank of Yuanjiang River.

With three demon knights in one group, they flew towards the capital city of Qilan Country. The remaining 13 Three-eye Association knights flew towards different human cities respectively.

In the eyes of the demon general and all the other knights of demons and Three-eye Association clans, they would win the last victory smoothly. Based on the battle forces of knights, each knight could conquer a human city which was only defended by tens of thousands of common soldiers. Additionally, it was time for the knights of demon corps and Three-eye Association to lose their temper which had accumulated over the past half a year. In order to prevent from being raided by Gorath, all the knights under the rule of demon general moved in a relatively conservative way over the past half a year; especially those knights of Three-eye Association, who had been driven mad by Gorath. If not lose their temper at this time, they might even shake their conviction.

'Gorath!' The demon general gritted his teeth as he thought about this name...

Over the past half a year, Gorath didn't appear anymore. Based on Gorath's style, everybody guessed that Gorath had long left Waii Sub-continent after realizing that demons had destroyed the entire north territory of Waii Sub-continent and had poured in the south.

So did the demon general.

The demon general made his decision that he would definitely eat Gorath alive if he saw him in the future.

After those knights flew off, the demon general, Three-eye Association clans and that super demon corps slowly crossed over Yuanjiang River. Following after tens of millions of demonized puppets, they just walked towards the first city of Qilan Country like having been the winner.

The demon general didn't know that when his subordinate knights flew towards different cities on the north bank of Yuanjiang River, a thunder hawk also flew off a mountain range from afar towards the south bank of Yuanjiang River...

In winters, birds would barely find their preys. There were many kinds of eagles hovering in the sky; especially in the wild; therefore, the demon general was unable to trace each bird's movement.

Only after two hours, the demon general was slapped loudly once again; meanwhile, all the Three-eye Association clans became depressed once again...

A knight of Three-eye Association who was raiding Qihai City sent an SOS through the remote-sensing crystal. It met Gorath who was thought to never appear again.

After sending that SOS, the knight of Three-eye Association lost its contact with the demon general...

When they realized that Gorath was always hiding on their side, all the Three-eye Association clans were shocked and looked pale. The demon general roared while snowflakes within dozens of meters flew backward.

At this moment, the demon general acted like a horny beast whose erecting genital was chopped off by someone when it wanted to mate with a female beast. After that, the opponent even sprayed a handful of salt over its wound.

What an extremely insidious, vicious and shameless Gorath...

"I will kill you, kill you..." The demon general shot to the sky. At the same time, he ordered all the other knights of demons and Three-eye Association to hunt for Gorath in all directions...

This time, the demon general swore to tear Gorath into pieces wherever Gorath escaped to...

Even mud men had soil's attributes, let alone the demon general.

After being humiliated and deceived by Gorath for so many times, the demon general finally had enough.

Very few of people who were standing on the medals podium or in the winner's position could stand being slapped mercilessly at this moment.

After releasing its battle qi completely, the demon general flew towards Qihai City like a burning meteor even in the daytime...

Only after half an hour, before he arrived at Qihai City, the demon general had already received another message sent from his subordinate——soon after Gorath killed the knight of Three-eye Association who raided Qihai City, he had been noticed by the other knight of Three-eye Association who came from Yunzhou Province on his back. Gorath didn't mean to fight the second knight. Being chased by that Three-eye Association knight, he was flying towards the ocean.

After receiving this news, the demon general and all the other knights of demons and Three-eye Association clans became spirited. Taking a vial of medicament in the air, they accelerated once again at the same time...

Chapter 801: Being Trapped Once Again

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

What a risky experience!

In order to trap the demon general, Zhang Tie actually had been wandering near the core area of the demon corps for about one month. During the past one month, he had been waiting for the very chance patiently. There were two times when Zhang Tie almost wanted to attack by force so as to attract the attention of the demon general. However, given that the demon general was very cunning and might not be trapped if he did that too excessively, Zhang Tie didn't do that.

When Zhang Tie returned to Waii Sub-continent, this sub-continent had already become his hunting ground. As a qualified hunter, besides hunting beasts, he should also be patient enough for the optimal chance to launch an attack.

Here it came.

When the demon corps were crossing the Yuanjiang River and almost occupied the entire Waii Sub-continent, the demon general was so ambitious and arrogant that it dispatched his subordinate knights to raid those remaining human cities respectively——That was the chance that Zhang Tie had been waiting for.

As long as those knights departed from each other, Zhang Tie would get his chance.

Everything was in Zhang Tie's plan.

That knight of Three-eye Association who raided Qihai City was not powerful at least for Zhang Tie.

In close combat, Zhang Tie was confident to end the battle in 20 minutes; especially when Zhang Tie appeared in the branded black robe and raided that guy fiercely, that knight of Three-eye Association had long been scared too much and only wanted to escape. Therefore, that guy could only exert 80%-90% of its total battle force. In such a case, the battle could have come to an earlier end; however, according to his plan, Zhang Tie purposely delayed the battle process by about 7-8 minutes. Until Zhang Tie felt the second knight of Three-eye Association came here to rescue the first guy did he pretend to kill that knight of Three-eye Association in a very narrow way. After that, he released long-distance attacks twice towards the second knight before turning around to escape.

The second knight of Three-eye Association knew that as long as it kept Zhang Tie in its vision, a lot of knights would arrive soon. Therefore, it tried its best to chase closely after Zhang Tie.

The black-robe Gorath had already become the heart disease of all the knights of demons and Three-eye Association clans. If it could chase closely after Gorath until the demon general arrived and killed him together with the other knights, it was definitely a great meritorious deed for it.

Zhang Tie flew towards the ocean, closely followed by that knight of Three-eye Association.

Soon after Zhang Tie flew less than 200 miles away from the bank had the number of meteors behind him increased to four. The opponents had outnumbered him absolutely. With three enemy knights, they could use 3-in-1 battle skill and smash Zhang Tie's teeth, not to mention 4 of them.

At the sight of the black-robe knight Gorath, all the other knights became thrilled.

"Gorath, you cannot escape this time..." a knight's furious voice drifted from Zhang Tie's back, which reverberated in the sky.

Zhang Tie only replied to them with a weird laughter "Jye Jye Jye..."

Soon after the weird laughter, a fiery meteor had sped up and narrowed the distance between it and Gorath. Given the aggressiveness of that meteor, Zhang Tie knew that it was the demon general.

Zhang Tie was shocked inside. He knew that it was time to risk his life and test his talent in performance.

As the demon general arrived, all the other knights became spirited; however, Zhang Tie changed his face at once. Right under the gaze of those knights, he hurriedly took out of a vial of medicament and poured it into his mouth. Closely after that, Zhang Tie accelerated by 10%.

Hidden Dragon Island was right on the sea in front of him.

The demon general passed by the other knights in a split second and narrowed the distance between it and Zhang Tie to about 200 m. It kept gazing tightly at the black robe.

"Go die!" The demon general roared as it released a battle qi in the shape of a huge round brilliant ball towards Zhang Tie like firing a shell.

Of course, the battle-qi attack was faster than the people's moving speed. After feeling the unrivaled strength drawing close to him from his back, Zhang Tie rapidly turned around and punched out a fierce boa-shaped battle qi towards the demon general's attack with a widely opened mouth.

The brilliant ball torn apart Zhang Tie's fierce boa and constantly rushed towards Zhang Tie at the same high speed. Zhang Tie roared as he split towards that brilliant ball by his hand with swaying silver hair.

A huge, 10-m higher machete-shaped sharp light torn apart the air and collided with the demon general's battle qi once again.

Huge Blade Splitting-Air Palm, a powerful battle skill of knights, was simulated by Zhang Tie according to the King Roc Battle Qi. Zhang Tie exerted 70-80% of the total strength of that battle skill.

Closely after that, a thunder-like loud boom reverberated through the air...

The demon general's brilliant ball was shattered. Zhang Tie quivered all over for a second. At the same time, his protective battle qi started to vibrate like a pitchfork in a high frequency. Closely after that, Zhang Tie spurted out a mouthful of blood.

This was not a performance. With this strike, Zhang Tie had already figured out the demon general's real battle force. Zhang Tie changed his face.

At this moment, Zhang Tie finally understood how the demon general fought three powerful human knights' 3-in-1 tactic alone outside Upton City. The demon general was overwhelming towards a black-iron knight of the same rank.

With his current strength, Zhang Tie knew that he could never defeat the demon general except for speed.

High speed was Zhang Tie's trump card and what he was relying on at this moment.

Zhang Tie just pretended to escape with his full effort. Actually, he could move faster but he didn't use his super rapid moving skill yet. Without a trump card, Zhang Tie didn't dare risk his life doing this so as to manifest his greatness.

"You're really something!" The demon general further narrowed the distance between it and Gorath with two bloody flames in its eyes.

In the next second, Zhang Tie made a sudden turn and dove into the ocean. The demon general faintly changed its face; however, it also followed Zhang Tie immediately.

Only 2 of the rest knights followed them in. As for the others, at the order of the demon general, they continued to monitor the situation above the sea in case that black-robe Gorath played any trick and escaped again.

The demon general was always meticulous in front of Zhang Tie as it had already learned about Zhang Tie's cunning and tricky temperaments.

If Gorath escaped again this time, the demon general would feel extremely embarrassed.


After 10 minutes, Zhang Tie rushed into the sky from underwater being close to Hidden Dragon Island...

After 2 seconds, the demon general also followed him out.

Noticing this, those knights who were patrolling above the sea hurriedly rushed over there.

All the 15 knights of demons and Three-eye Association had already arrived here.

As Zhang Tie fought the demon general in the air quickly, he flew towards Dragon Cave in the Hidden Dragon Island.

After 1 minute, the huge hollow of Dragon Cave appeared in front of Zhang Tie. Zhang Tie immediately dove into it.

Honestly, the demon general hesitated a bit when he followed Zhang Tie in the Dragon Cave. He doubted that this might be a trap set by Gorath. However, that whim was soon denied by it. The demon general convinced itself with the following 3 reasons, 'First, Gorath didn't know that my subordinates would attack the remaining human cities respectively today. Therefore, it was almost impossible for Gorath to set a trap here; second, almost all the knights across Blackson Humans Corridor have already left. With the strength of me and my subordinate knights, we don't need to fear about any ambush; third, even if he had any other tricks or traps, Gorath would not escape under my gaze. Selfish guys like Gorath would never fight knights of demons or Three-eye Association to the death. Obviously, Gorath is not an idiot or a lunatic.'

'Apparently, Gorath wants to escape with the complex, dim terrain of the underground world.'

After making this conclusion, the demon general accelerated towards Zhang Tie. As for all the other knights behind the demon general, although some of them became a bit hesitated, after seeing that demon general entering it, they also followed it in with the same thought. Totally 15 knights including the demon general were chasing after Zhang Tie.

The demon general was right; however, it was not the almighty God. He failed to realize three points: first, it didn't realize that the so-called Gorath was the very Zhang Tie who had escaped from the knight who was dispatched by it; second, it didn't find that Zhang Tie had been observing the actions of all the knights of demons and Three-eye Association over the past one month only for this chance; third, it could never imagine that Zhang Tie had a marvelous item——Castle of Black Iron. With Castle of Black Iron, Zhang Tie could tide over any dangerous and hopeless dilemma easily.

Besides a wild and sluggish scene, nobody else was in Hidden Dragon Island at this moment. If someone was here, they would see many meteors falling into that bottomless Dragon Cave one after another.

Chapter 802: A Fatal Strike

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Zhang Tie remembered a thing called film among the rich entertainments of humans before the Catastrophe.

If what happened today was made into a film, Zhang Tie had already got a name for this film——Crossfire——Fight of Caged Beast.

After 2 hours, Zhang Tie had already reached over 100 miles under Dragon Cave while being closely followed by the demon general and the 14 knights of demons and Three-eye Association.

Zhang Tie had almost been encircled more than once. However, whenever that happened, he would reveal his extremely sharp side and find a chance to break out their encirclement.

The demon general thought that he was right. In such an underground environment, knights' flying ability was restricted to the complex terrain; therefore, they had to fight on the ground. The black-robe Gorath became more tricky and terrifying; with the unpredictable moving skill and high speed, Gorath was able to enlarge the distance between him and all the other knights of demons and Three-eye Association except for the demon general. If not the demon general, Gorath would have escaped once again this time even though he was chased after by over 10 knights.

Gorath had broken out of their encirclement twice. In the first time, Gorath showed his powerful hidden weapon skill and wounded a knight. In the second time, he showed his terrifying poisoning skill, which scared all the other knights so much. Even the demon general was shocked by that black-robe Gorath's battle force. At the same time, the demon general became more decisive to kill Gorath.

In the eyes of all the other knights, Gorath had been heavily wounded after breaking out of their encirclement twice as his black robe had been soaked by his blood.

Zhang Tie was truly wounded; however, his wound was not as severe as was imagined by others. A small part of those blood was caused by Zhang Tie himself. If he was indeed making a film, Zhang Tie felt that he could be regarded as a movie king due to this trick.

Right then, Gorath showed his sharp, fierce temperament like how a caged beast would do. His attacks were more terrifying and weird in a life for life way.

Except for the demon general, all the other knights were afraid of losing their life at this moment; otherwise, it would be a great misfortune.

After breaking out the secondary encirclement, Zhang Tie confronted the demon general's another punch and spurted out another mouth of blood. One of his sleeves was burned into ashes by the demon general's battle qi. At the same time, he staggered faintly.

"Gorath will be over soon..." The demon general roared, "Watch out, he might have other tricks!"

If one or two knights were still killed by Gorath while so many knights were chasing after the latter, the demon general would feel very shameful.

As Zhang Tie accelerated on the ground, he swore inside; meanwhile, he became shocked. He had not imagined that the trap that he set for the demon general could be available to 15 knights at the same time. In another word, Zhang Tie had not imagined that those knights of demons and Three-eye Association hated the role black-robe Gorath so much and would kill him the moment they got a chance.

The role Gorath was really a success.

It was the second time for Zhang Tie to be chased in Dragon Cave as embarrassed as a stray dog since the last time when he was chased by that b*stard of Zhen Clan. When he recalled that despaired dilemma, Zhang Tie's performance became more vivid.

None of the other knights realized that Zhang Tie had been camouflaging since the beginning.

Zhang Tie rushed downwards in a flurried way. After a few minutes, he passed a distant, low underground tunnel, closely followed by the demon general and the other knights of demons and Three-eye Association.

That tunnel was too narrow and a bit risky even for knights. When the demon general entered it, it hesitated a bit. As it was vigilant about Zhang Tie's tricks and ambush, the demon general kept his eyes closely on Zhang Tie. After passing that tunnel safely, the demon general found that nothing happened; therefore, he became completely reassured.

After rushing out of that distant tunnel, the demon general felt pretty bright in front of its eyes. It was a space behind that tunnel. Although it was not spacious, it could almost cover two football fields. Besides this tunnel, there was no other way out of here.

Watching Gorath rushing out of this tunnel with a dumbfounded look, the demon general burst out into laughter while an unspoken cool sense spread over its body, "Hahaha...Gorath, keep going!"

At this moment, all the other knights rushed out of that narrow tunnel.

Gorath turned around and threw a fierce and forlorn glance at the demon general before flying into the air once again.

All the other knights flew off and started to besiege and intercept Gorath from all directions.

After a short, close combat, Gorath's moving space kept shrinking while more and more wounds appeared over his body.

Gorath released a fierce boa-shaped battle qi towards a knight of Three-eye Association. After that knight of Three-eye Association dodged away, the battle qi hit a piece of rock wall on the top of this space. As a result, that piece of rock wall collapsed and exposed a cave.

At the sight of that cave, Gorath shot out a shrewd eye light; almost at the same time, he poured in a vial of medicament. Closely after that, he roared and grew berserk as he immediately released over 20 fierce boa-shaped battle qi, causing an undifferentiated large-range attack. When his opponents' movements were delayed, he darted towards the cave as fast as a meteor.

After breaking the surrounding fierce boa-shaped battle qis, the demon general also noticed that cave on the top of this space. It became shocked inside. At the same time, it accelerated towards Gorath.

In the eyes of the demon general, Gorath had been an arrow at the end of its flight and had no more tricks. Of course, it would not let him escape away at such a critical moment.

After entering the final cave, Zhang Tie let out a deep sigh.

That cave's entrance was less than 2 m in width. After extending upwards for less than 100 m, it came to a dead end.

Floating in the air, Zhang Tie leaned against the wall on the top of the cave and panted heavily as he watched the demon general moving closer with a grim look.

At this moment, the demon general was not anxious anymore. After coming to the point over 50 m away from Zhang Tie, it also floated in the air as it watched Zhang Tie who was quivering all over in a commanding, brutal smile, "I was always wondering where did you come from; from now on, I will not be curious about you as I will draw out each bone, each piece of muscle and your guts from your body. I will chew you alive. You should feel honored to be the first human knight being eaten alive by me in this holy war."

Zhang Tie was indeed quivering at this time; however, it was not because of fear or weakness as was thought by the demon general; but because of the excitement in Zhang Tie's heart which almost drove him to howl.

If possible, the demon general could only hear one repetitive sentence in Zhang Tie's mind——f*ck, I'm rich, I'm rich...f*ck, I'm rich, I'm rich...

Zhang Tie watched the demon general as he erected his bloody middle finger towards it and swore, "F*ck you!"

Closely after that, Zhang Tie disappeared right in the eyes of the demon general like a bubble that suddenly broke out and disappeared in the air...

For the time being, the demon general had not figured out how Zhang Tie disappeared in front of its eyes. Before it revealed a dumbfounded look, its body had been reached by shock waves of the terrifying explosion...

The other knights who had just entered this cave were also pushed out of this cave.

After hearing the loud explosion, those knights who had not entered the cave were so scared that they hurriedly moved backward.

Two explosions occurred at the same time, one from that cave at the top of the space, the other from the long and narrow tunnel from where they entered this space...

Due to the violent explosions, the entire underground space vibrated heavily while a lot of rocks fell off the surrounding walls and the dome, which was really frightening...

"F*ck, it's alchemist's bombs. We fell into an ambush..." A knight shouted as it kept moving backward quickly.

"Is demon general okay?"

When the 8-9 knights who were not affected by the first round of explosions changed their faces and appreciated for being lucky, they heard a strange sound from above their heads.

A knight looked up and saw a thick, red waterfall flushed off the dome of this space while radiating a white brilliance.

That was the high-temperature magma in the underground space. In less than 10 seconds, more and more caves and walls over the entire space collapsed while hundreds of billions of tons of magma poured down, making the entire underground space hotter and hotter and increasingly crowded...

The knights of demons and Three-eye Association started to shriek miserably like flies in bottles which was being filled with boiling water...


In Castle of Black Iron, Heller was standing in front of Zhang Tie with a set of clothes in hands. Instead of putting on that set of clothes at once, Zhang Tie slightly raised his head and closed his eyes, allowing his blood to drop off his body. Meanwhile, he was sensing the situation in the space outside Castle of Black Iron.

Zhang Tie knew what would happen after those alchemist's bombs were detonated as all this was designed by him.

3 alchemist's bombs were used to collapse the long, narrow tunnel leading to this space while the remaining 6 alchemist's bombs were buried in the tunnel in the dome. When the 6 alchemists' bombs were detonated, the demon general, who followed him into the tunnel in the dome, would be heavily wounded. More than that, when the 6 alchemist's bombs were denoted, they would break the dome of this space and cause that huge magma lake in the dome to pour down. In 10 minutes, the high-temperature magma would fill this space and turn it into a hell...

Zhang Tie had tried it himself. In such a high-temperature magma, black iron knight's protective battle qi could at most stand 3 minutes. None of those black iron knights who had entered this space could escape from this space in half an hour, upward or downward.

The terrain here was like a gourd which was placed upside down. Its upper space was larger than its lower space. However, a greater part of the upper space was filled with magma which was about 1,000 degrees Celcius.

What a dragon cave! What a dragon cave of Huaiyuan Palace...

All these had been calculated precisely. Many parameters had been considered, such as the sizes of the upper and lower space, the temperature of the magma, the capacity of the space, the velocity and impact force of the magma flow, knights' bearing capabilities, escaping time, time to detonate the alchemist's bombs and the locations of the alchemist's bombs, etc....

Through precise calculation and design, it took 800 elites of the engineer troop of Hurricane Corps two months to accomplish this trap according to Zhang Tie's request. After that, Zhang Tie either changed or wiped off the memory of this task of all those who had participated in this task. In the memories of those engineers, they indeed had been dispatched to execute a confidential task by Zhang Tie in Hidden Dragon Island; however, it was not setting a trap using alchemist's bombs in Dragon Cave, but building a secret place for soldiers of Hurricane Corps to hide and some supplies storage bases which could be used at crucial moments in Hidden Dragon Island.

Soon after they accomplished this task, those people had been transported away from Waii Sub-continent by Zhang Tie. Except for Zhang Tie, nobody else knew that he had set a trap for the demon general inside Dragon Cave.

In this trap, both the destruction caused by the alchemist's bombs and the impact force of the high-temperature magma were fatal to common knights.

In the beginning, Zhang Tie only thought to blow up the demon general using alchemist's bombs; however, the engineer troop of Hurricane Corps posed a plan that could exert the destructive power of alchemist's bombs to the utmost. Zhang Tie immediately adopted the optimal plan which could strike his enemy for two consecutive times.

This trap was set for the demon general. However, 15 knights were trapped, including the demon general, 4 of them were demon knights, 11 of them were from Three-eye Association. As long as Zhang Tie thought about this, he would quiver all over due to the extreme excitement.


After half an hour, Zhang Tie put on a new set of clothes and poured in a vial of precious, senior recovery medicament. After that, he told Heller, "Let's start pumping!"

Heller replied with a faint smile as a waterfall of magma started to dive into the Abyss of Chaos.

As long as it was a liquid, it would be pumped into Castle of Black Iron, whether it was sea water or magma.

Only after a few minutes, Heller had nodded towards Zhang Tie while the waterfall of magma came to a stop.

"Watch out!" Heller reminded Zhang Tie.

Holding a long sword, Zhang Tie took a breath and walked out of Castle of Black Iron...

Chapter 803: Showing All the Trump Cards

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Only after half an hour, the entire underground space had changed greatly.

Castle of Black Iron sucked in most of the magma, leaving 20-m high magma residue on the ground. Additionally, all the walls were radiating a dull, red glow in a high temperature like a brick kiln which had just been opened after finishing a round of production of bricks.

Half an hour ago, it was indeed like a closed kiln.

The closed kiln was used to make porcelain or bricks. 15 knights were trapped in here.

Few bloody magmas were flowing off the rock walls on both sides from the broken dome. The huge magma lake above the dome led to a geographical position of magma. By now, three-quarters of the magma had flown out of the magma lake. However, the magma was still gurgling like spring water. It might take the geographical position a few weeks to completely fill the palace downside there and refill the magma lake.

The partial topographic feature of this underground space had completely changed.

The entire space was filled with a strong smell of sulphur.

After coming out of Castle of Black Iron, Zhang Tie took a look around and started to look for the trace of demon general carefully.

Zhang Tie believed that those common black iron knights had already been killed. Even though those guys could survive the explosions, they could barely survive the high-temperature magma. Whereas, Zhang Tie was not sure whether the demon general could survive the magma.

Zhang Tie had learned one thing from the demon general——when you cannot do it, don't think that others cannot do it either. Each one has trump cards. Never think that you could control everything.

'The demon general was trapped again by me due to the following two main reasons: first, he was over-confident; second, he lost his reason due to his animosity about Gorath.'

In the magma of over 1,000 degrees Celcius, those knights' bones might have been melted into ashes. Aluminum's melting point was 660 degrees Celcius, silver's melting point was 962 degrees Celcius, the melting points of gold and copper varied from 1,000 to 1,100 degrees Celcius, steel's melting point was above 1,200 degrees Celcius. Those guys' rune weapons, medicaments or rune equipment must have been melted, softened or been completely destroyed by the magma within half an hour. If rune equipment's physical structures were destroyed, their rune effect would be lost or sharply weakened.

Zhang Tie felt pitiful when he thought about the equipment of those knights. If he could get their rune equipment, he would make a pile for sure. However, it was already a great achievement for Zhang Tie to allure them into this trap. 'People cannot have all the benefits.'

'The demon general was wearing a black armor, If it died, its armor should be left, at least a part of its armor would remain, even after having been softened or broken. As armor was always made of an alloy, which had a relatively high melting point. It would not disappear in only half an hour.

'I will look for the demon general and its armor!' Zhang Tie would never allow the demon general to survive on at this moment.

Zhang Tie started to search over the space.

Zhang Tie noticed some broken weapons of knights floating on the magma partly or completely. However, he didn't see any item from the demon general.

After taking a round, Zhang Tie's face gradually turned solemn as he watched the magma below his feet.

Zhang Tie took a deep breath. Standing in the air, he started to slash towards the magma by his autumn-frost gold sword.

In a split second, he had already slashed over 100 times.

Over 100 sword qi formed a sword qi net as they ferociously exploded the magma.

The magma rose dozens of meters high. Even the magma at the bottom was exposed. Right from the rising magma, a figure flew out of the magma at the bottom and suspended in the air with a yellow brilliance.

With a sound of "Hualala...", the magma fell down like the rain. In the air, Zhang Tie and the demon general watched each other silently with a distance of 100 m between them.

Narrowing his pupils, Zhang Tie just watched the demon general silently.

As was judged by Zhang Tie, the demon general didn't die. However, it looked extremely miserable as its body was covered with wounds. One of its hands had been broken. Its armor had been severely damaged. The demon general's body was wrapped in a yellow light. The yellow light came from an odd shield in his hand. Zhang Tie didn't know where did that shield come from. He remembered that the demon general didn't hold a shield when it chased after him. Neither did the other knights have. However, the yellow light from that shield reminded Zhang Tie of the scene when a long bow with the same brilliance appeared in the hand of Elder Muray with which he killed the head of Senel Clan in the demon corps.

A term occurred to Zhang Tie's mind——"Silver Secret Items".

In the knights' world, "silver secret items" made every knight drool. They were almost the best items that knights could get. It was said that there were "gold secret items" above "silver secret items". However, as of far, Zhang Tie had not seen any black iron knight who had a "gold secret item" even in Mountain of Brilliance.

It required a great power and an unusual fortune for a knight to get a "silver secret item" somewhere in the underground world. It was said that "silver secret items" were products of the brilliant silver age which existed a long time ago. The most important feature of "silver secret item" was that all the "silver secret items" could combine with their owners besides their powerful, special abilities. When their owners needed them, they would show themselves.

Those who had "silver secret items" were all lucky dogs among knights.

Zhang Tie had not imagined that the demon general also had a "silver secret item"——the shield.

With this shield, the demon general survived the high-temperature magma. Zhang Tie guessed that demon general might fail to call out its shield timely; therefore, the demon general suffered from the damages of the alchemist's bombs.

Everyone had their own trump cards. Zhang Tie knew that the shield was the trump card of the demon general. A guy who had almost promoted to a land knight was really something.

The demon general watched Zhang Tie who appeared in front of him in the look of Gorath. Besides animosity, its eyes were radiating a weird light. Behind the weird eye light was some fear and greed which was even hotter than magma.

"You're not dead!" Zhang Tie said calmly as he watched demon general. Closely after that, he took a deep breath and released his battle qi, which grew more and more aggressive.

The demon general revealed a grim, yet genial smile like a crocodile who opened its bloody, big mouth, "Gorath, I've not imagined that you could have such a secret. You have the last chance. As long as you surrender to demons and be loyal to me, I will grant you with supreme power and influence. You can rule all the Three-eye Association clans across Waii Sub-continent!"

Zhang Tie revealed a ridicule, "Your benefits would be more persuasive if you told me earlier instead of being reluctant like now!"

The demon general's smile grew extremely grim. It stretched out its long tongue like that of vipers and licked around its mouth rapidly. At the same time, its eyes turned bloody, "Innocent human, wisdom is utterly different than timidity. Do you think that I cannot defeat you with my current look? You will soon know about the great difference between a common black iron knight and a guy who will soon promote to a land knight. Even though I only have one hand left, I will kill you easily. I will explore your secrets one after another."

"Let's start then!" Zhang Tie roared as his battle intention surged to the highest level. Closely after that, he accelerated towards demon general as fast as a lightning bolt.

'Kill it when it's injured, it's the best time to try my best to kill demon general.'

After shooting out a shrewd eye light, the demon general put away its shield immediately and rushed towards Zhang Tie.

They chose close combat, the fiercest collision mode.

In the first collision, Zhang Tie's wounds which had not been healed were broken once again while spraying his blood over the magma; so the did demon general's wounds...

The moment their blood touched the magma, it had been evaporated.

With the first collision, Zhang Tie's protective battle qi rocked for a while. By contrast, the demon general's protective battle qi just rocked one time. They were both sent flying backwards by the opponent's sheer animal strength. In a wink, they roared and flew towards the opponent once again. They collided for over 100 times in a split second, causing constantly loud sounds in the air...

It was definitely the toughest combat that Zhang Tie had experienced since he left Blackhot City at 16.

After being severely wounded by alchemist's bombs, one of the hands of the demon general had been broken. Even in this case, the demon general's battle force was still as awful as a mountain peak in front of Zhang Tie.

It was Zhang Tie's choice. In one's whole life, one had to face some combats. Even if it was a mountain peak in front of him, Zhang Tie still chose to collapse it even with his broken bones while gritting his teeth.


At this moment, neither the demon general nor Zhang Tie knew that the last knight of Three-eye Association had arrived at the underground world.

This knight was Quintin, the employed knight of Senel Clan whom Zhang Tie had met twice, the very one who should have been killed by Elder Muray's longbow and the one who survived to the last among all the knights of Three-eye Association.

The sharp collisions between Zhang Tie and the demon general reverberated in the underground like thunders.

After hearing the reverberating sounds, Quintin stopped at once as a brilliance flashed across his eyes.

Standing in the dark underground cave, Quintin just listened to their fight quietly. After staying there for half an hour, he revealed a sinister smile. Closely after that, he disappeared into the dark cave...


Zhang Tie's autumn-frost gold sword was sent flying backward by his opponent...

At the same time, Zhang Tie's right arm became numb all over from his fingers to his shoulder. After uttering a hum, the autumn-frost gold sword flew off as fast as a light nail and nailed onto the cliff over 100 m away.

For the first time, Zhang Tie's another hand broke the demon general's protective battle qi and ferociously exploded demon general's body. He even tore off a piece of bloody muscle fiber from the demon general's body through the wound on its shoulder.

The demon general also struck into Zhang Tie's chest ferociously...

With a roar in unison, the demon general kicked Zhang Tie forcefully; before Zhang Tie was sent flying back, he turned around in the air and kicked the demon general's head heavily in a movement called 'lying dragon facing the moons'...

They both spurted out blood and fell into the magma lake, arising a magma wall of dozens of meters in height...

After a couple of seconds, they both flew out of the magma.

"You're seeking for death!" Demon general glared at Zhang Tie with bloody eyes. All of a sudden, a light beam rose from his body. At the same time, a complex, geometrical light ring appeared below his feet. The demon general looked complacent.

However, the demon general's fierce and complacent look lasted less than half a second, it turned into a shock; because it saw the same light beam and light ring rising from Zhang Tie's body.

The knight's aiding strength could increase the strength for both others and themselves.

In the next, it was a duel between knights' aiding strengths on both speed and defensive ability...

When he triggered his aiding strength, Zhang Tie also triggered his super rapid moving skill.

Roars and fierce collisions sounded once again...

The demon general accelerated its speed. However, as one of his hands had been crippled, his attacking frequency was limited. Additionally, Zhang Tie's counterattack was very fierce; especially Zhang Tie's terrifying sheer animal strength. As long as the demon general was hit by Zhang Tie's sheer animal strength, it would feel a steel plate being broken through by Zhang Tie.

Zhang Tie's defensive and recovering ability intensified in a split second. However, facing the powerful strike of the demon general, in each collision, Zhang Tie's protective battle qi would rock and almost collapse. Besides, the demon general's battle qi kept drilling into Zhang Tie's body as erosive as weird poisons.