935 - 944

Chapter 935: A Bloody Battle in the Lobby

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

The battle puppets could not be killed...

After Mountain Lifting Hermit, Old Monster Qi and the grand elder of Tianlu Palace, Zhang Tie was the 4th knight who penetrated through a battle puppet with abyss battle spear and broke the battle puppet into metal fragments and parts.

Zhang Tie thought that the battle puppet would die for sure; however, the fragments and parts of the battle puppet assembled once again automatically and recovered the original look of the battle puppet in less than half a minute.

This scene reminded Zhang Tie of his favorite game at home when he was young——find an empty box of leather shoes and threw some nails and screws in it. After that, move a piece of the magnet at the bottom of the box slowly. Gradually, those nails and screws would move and gather together...

Zhang Tie was obsessed with this game when he was 5 years old. At this moment, watching those parts assembling like being manipulated by a huge piece of magnet underground, Zhang Tie felt goosebumps all over. He finally understood why Mountain Lifting Hermit organized a team to explore this hieron ruins together with him.

Although those battle puppets' battle strength could almost match that of knights and their bodies could be damaged or shattered into pieces, their finest parts could never be destroyed, even by earth knights.

Knights might be killed; however, those parts of battle puppets could only be separated temporarily. In less than 10 minutes, they would assemble into a new battle puppet and join the battle once again.

They were not fighting battle puppets but thousands of indestructible fine parts and gears.

Besides the battle puppets, the entire palace seemed to be able to "heal" itself. The traces on the ground caused by Zhang Tie gradually faded away in less than 10 minutes too...

It took them more than 2 hours to march in 1/3 of the lobby.

Many battle puppets were rushing towards them all the time...


With an explosive sound "boom", Zhang Tie penetrated through a battle puppet's chest after causing a special, shrill sound in the air. With his vigorous battle qi, the battle puppet exploded while thousands of parts scattered like how a heavenly maid scattered blossoms.

It was the 6th battle puppet that Zhang Tie had killed...

When a spider's leg flew off, Zhang Tie immediately caught it by his hand.

Noticing that Filton and the other two team members were being besieged by 7-8 battle puppets, Zhang Tie rushed to their side as he wove his spear to strike the 7-8 battle puppets' bodies and shields in a split second. After a tempest-like collision, the formation of the battle puppets was broken by Zhang Tie, resolving the crisis facing the group of three at once.

Only at this moment did everybody else feel being lucky to have Zhang Tie as their team member.

After Zhang Tie broke the formation of the battle puppets, two battle puppets rushed towards Zhang Tie at a high speed at once.

"Piss off!" Zhang Tie lifted up one battle puppet by his right hand and sent it flying away. At the same time, he fiercely smashed the spider leg onto the other battle puppet's shield, causing that battle puppet to slide over 10 m away.

The spider's leg weighed over 200 kg. It worked as an odd-looking wooden club in Zhang Tie's left hand. Even though being a club, it was also intimidating with the terrifying strength and battle skills.

With a spear in the right hand and a spider's leg in the left hand, Zhang Tie was surrounded by wild air-splitting shrieks and howls. He then rushed into the formation of the battle puppets and caused a great chaos at once like a fierce lion coming down a mountain.

Filton rushed to Zhang Tie's side and made a head-on collision with a battle puppet.

During this process, Filton asked Zhang Tie, "What do you take a leg of battle puppet for?"

Zhang Tie replied, "I want to see whether the battle puppet could recover while lacking one leg. Don't you feel it is interesting?"

"What the hell!" Filton replied.

Among all of them, perhaps only Zhang Tie felt that it was interesting to do an experiment with a broken leg of a battle puppet at this moment.

If he was alone, Zhang Tie even thought about throwing this broken leg into the abyss of chaos in Castle of Black Iron to check whether this battle puppet would still be that sharp or not after its broken leg was completely melted.

Besides being unable to use battle qi strikes and fly, these battle puppets' battle strength was really terrifying. A corps of 100,000 battle puppets outside the hieron in the pyramid could definitely be unrivaled in the world.

Right then, the first human knight was wounded...

He was from the team of Old Monster Qi.

The knight jumped higher than 30 m as if he wanted to jump over some battle puppets...

However, when he jumped up, some battle puppets in front of him lowered their bodies and jumped up at the same time; meanwhile, two huge swords and one spear pricked towards that human knight.

Actually, when a human knight lost his flying ability, it was very dangerous and stupid for him to jump up and fight his enemies in the air due to gravity.

Even the three earth knights who had greater jumping abilities than him were fighting step by step on the ground, he definitely had to bear the corresponding result for his jump.

It seemed that he had not imagined that these battle puppets could jump so high.

In the air, he was startled. After blocking three battle puppet's strike hurriedly, his protective battle qi was broken at once; meanwhile, he started to decline rapidly towards the ground.

At this moment, a battle puppet raised its head and threw out a spear towards him when his protective battle qi was broken.

It was out of his imagination that battle puppets could throw out a spear.

The target of the spear was his lower abdomen. The battle puppet wanted to kill him. In a panic, he used his instinct to strike the long spear by palm from a few meters away. Although the spear's head lowered and didn't hit his lower abdomen, it penetrated through his thigh. After spurting out a lot of blood from his thigh, the man uttered a muffled harrumph...

The moment he landed, he had rolled aside and poured a vial of all-purpose medicament into his mouth at the fastest speed.


In a few minutes, a battle puppet with red eyes and one leg jumped towards Zhang Tie at a speed which was just a bit slower than that of normal battle puppets.

At this moment, the broken leg in Zhang Tie's left hand started to expand and contract forcefully. It felt like a living, running hind leg of a robust ox. The broken leg had a very great strength. Commoners could not hold it fast at all, except for Zhang Tie. However, the strength of the broken leg was dwarfed by the strength of Zhang Tie's hand.

Watching Zhang Tie holding fast its broken leg, the battle puppet chased after Zhang Tie like a lunatic. It seemed that it swore to kill Zhang Tie.

After a while, the broken leg started to get warmer. Gradually, it turned as hot as a red piece of iron. After that, with a sound "Pah", the broken leg automatically separated into many finer parts and dropped off Zhang Tie's hand. Closely after that, those parts started to bounce towards the very battle puppet like hopping beads. Gradually, a new leg formed...

'How great these battle puppets are! On this occasion, they could almost be unrivaled.'

'However, the one who created these battle puppets tens of thousands of years ago was greater.'

Zhang Tie sighed with emotions inside as he kept fighting those battle puppets...

After recovering its leg completely, the battle puppet rushed towards Zhang Tie once again...

In a few minutes, the battle puppet turned into pieces over again...


Everyone was marching on as they fought battle puppets fiercely.

It was a bloody battle. Since the first human knight in the team of Old Monster Qi was injured, more and more people in the teams of Tianlu Palace and Mountain Lifting Hermit started to get injured consecutively. Even Gong Ziyao's shoulder was injured by a battle puppet's spear...

Thankfully, nobody was killed in this course.

After about another 4 hours' bloody fight, they finally drew close to the other end of the lobby. The arch doors on the fan-shaped walls could almost be reached in less than 100 m.

However, by then, above 90% of them had been exhausted.

"Hahahaha, see you. Wish you're safe..." Old Monster Qi burst into laughter as his battle qi suddenly surged. An image of a huge bloody toad rose up and beat back a row of battle puppets in front of him at once. At the same time, he dodged from the sharp weapons in weird movements and broke the final ring of encirclement. Closely after that, he disappeared behind an arched door...

Chapter 936: Woman's Heart

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Now that he was called Old Monster Qi and was not favorable, he would always do something that made people abhorrent, exposing his selfish temperament sharply.

Take this moment as an instance, when the others were fighting battle puppets bloodily, Old Monster Qi suddenly broke out the encirclement and left all the others behind.

Zhang Tie wondered what Old Monster Qi and his team members had agreed with; however, at this moment, Zhang Tie felt that the other team members became Old Monster Qi's tools. As long as they could help Old Monster Qi pass this lobby, they would lose their value.

Although Old Monster Qi left without any hesitation, an earth knight's sudden departure severely weakened the overall battle strength of human knights; especially the battle strength of Old Monster's team.

After almost 6 hours of bloody battle, when they were going to pass this terrifying lobby, most of the knights had been exhausted. Old Monster Qi's departure immediately made his team suffer a great loss. As a result, one of his team members was injured at once.

Bai Suxian moved as agile as usual. Her soft steel whip was both sharp and crafty, which could be as hard as steel and as soft as water. Her ability was definitely above average black iron knights. Since they entered the lobby to the present, 3 of their team had been injured; however, the "young sister" was still safe and sound.

However, as a woman, even though her battle strength was not bad, after 6 hours of a tough endurance race, she had also almost run out of her physical strength. At this moment, Bai Suxian's face had turned abnormally pale while oozing sweat at her temples. Facing the fierce attack of so many battle puppets, she gradually became stagnated while her protective battle qi was only 1/4 of the original thickness. At the same time, it was undulating very unsteadily. For many times, the battle puppets' battle swords almost scraped her neck and nose tip. The remaining protective battle qi actually could not guarantee her safety anymore, which would be easily collapsed.

The battle puppets would not die; however, knights would die for sure. If the passage of this lobby was 1.5 times longer and only two earth knights broke in, perhaps even earth knights would be killed.

Mountain Lifting Hermit and the grand elder of Tianlu Palace had not exerted their full strength. Since the beginning of this battle, they had not shown their real strength. Besides, only Zhang Tie among all the other knights was still vigorous while being circled by a fire dragon. Holding an abyss battle spear, he was like a battle god. Wherever he went, he would sweep over his weapon as if he had determined to have a head-on fight with the battle puppets. Zhang Tie didn't look fatigued at all.

"Ah..." An exclamation drifted from Bai Suxian. Zhang Tie turned around and found Bai Suxian's long whip was twining around a battle puppet's neck. However, that battle puppet suddenly dropped its shield. At the same time, it suddenly stood up its lower body and started to draw the long whip forcefully. Having been very weak, Bai Subxian, after losing her balance, instantly flew towards the battle puppet. Right then, the battle puppet stabbed its spear towards the "young sister"'s breast forcefully with a shrill sound in the air.

Battle puppet didn't have a good taste. They only knew enemies instead of cup sizes.

As it occurred so abruptly, Bai Suxian had no chance to dodge at all. With a despairing look, Bai Suxian was going to be penetrated through by the spear and be severely injured in the blink of an eye...

Right then, Zhang Tie rushed over there and hugged her; at the same time, he bore the strike of that battle puppet with his back directly.

Zhang Tie found that he was genuinely soft-hearted. As that woman was not that vicious, he really couldn't stand watching a woman being severely injured or killed by a battle puppet in front of him.

Such a strike was very powerful. Although it didn't break Zhang Tie's protective battle qi, it rocked his protective battle qi. Additionally, Zhang Tie was sent flying backward together with Bai Suxian.

As Zhang Tie flew backward horizontally. The moment he fell onto the ground, he had hugged Bai Suxian with one arm and started to roll on the ground.

In such a case, even knights were disadvantageous while lying on the ground.

The surrounding huge swords were fiercely stabbed towards the two people. At the same time, the spider feet stomped towards their bodies mercilessly like sharp forks.

The battle puppets launched a tempest-like strike towards Zhang Tie and Bai Suxian.

As the old saying went, when you helped a person, you had to help him to the end; when you see off a Budda, you'd better send the Budda to the West. Now that Zhang Tie had determined to save Bai Suxian, of course, he would prevent her from being injured. If the one whom he saved was injured at this moment, he would lose his face greatly, 'No matter what, this father has experienced hundreds of battles and is cultivating an emperor-level secret method. Aren't I qualified to save her?'

When those swords, spears and spider feet fell, Zhang Tie protected Bai Suxian with his body while some swords and spears were directly stabbed onto his battle qi, causing his qi and blood to roll inside.

However, as Zhang Tie was strike-resistant and had a self-recovery body; even if he was stabbed and chopped a few times, he could still bear that. He was not afraid of that at all.

In others' eyes, such a fierce and thrilling attack would solve the battle in a split second.

The other knights just saw Zhang Tie rolling on the ground with Bai Suxian so as to dodge from the brutal and terrifying blades and spears. As a result, those ineffective blades and spears stroke the ground, causing booms across the lobby.

Gong Ziyao, Zhou Shufan and Filton were startled at the same time as they hurriedly came here to save Zhang Tie.

Zhang Tie didn't notice that Bai Suxian whose face turned pale just now was raising her head and looking at him without blinking her eyes while her fearsome look had disappeared.

Bai Suxian unconsciously leaned against Zhang Tie's chest lightly with her face and listened to Zhang Tie's surging blood and heartbeats. At the same time, she embraced Zhang Tie's waist with closed eyes...

"Go die!" Zhang Tie finally found a chance to launch a counter-attack by sweeping over his spear while lying on the ground, breaking 4-5 spider legs within a radius of 4 m besides blocking those spears and huge swords.

Zhang Tie sprung up from the ground once again. At the same time, he caught the waistband of the imperial longuette of Bai Suxian. In the next second, he threw Bai Suxian towards the other end of the lobby like throwing a javelin.

Zhang Tie's strength was really great. Not until Bai Suxian landed on the other end of the lobby steadily and opened her eyes did those battle puppets respond to that.

Therefore, Bai Suxian became the second person who passed the lobby after Old Monster Qi.

There was an evident line of demarcation on the ground while the colors and grains of the floor on two sides of the line of demarcation were different. It seemed that those battle puppets within the line of demarcation didn't see Bai Suxian at all.

Standing outside the line of demarcation, Bai Suxian watched Zhang Tie while panting heavily. At the same time, she took out a vial of all-purpose medicament and drank it up...


Previously, Gong Ziyao, Zhou Shufan and Cecilia were thinking about breaking the encirclement to save Zhang Tie and Bai Suxian; however, before they arrived, they had seen Zhang Tie spring up from the ground vigorously. At the same time, he threw Bai Suxian out of the battlefield.

At this moment, a battle puppet whose neck was circled with a soft whip rushed towards Zhang Tie. Watching this battle puppet and recalling his embarrassed look just now, Zhang Tie roared as he jumped up and fiercely struck the battle puppet's head with his spear by two hands like lashing a stick.

The battle puppet raised its shield to block Zhang Tie's strike; however, Zhang Tie's strike was evidently out of its endurance capacity.

As a result, its shield turned into pieces and scattered over the ground. Closely after that, one of its arms was broken. Finally, Zhang Tie's abyss battle spear smashed onto its head, breaking its head into parts and sending them flying in all directions...

The battle puppet didn't die; even though its head was chopped off, it had just lost its sense of direction, sense of judgment and striking capability for the time being while circling on the ground...

'What a man!' Everybody took a deep breath at the sight of this scene.

"Is that a man?" Filton roared what the others were thinking about...

Before the others came to save him, Zhang Tie had swept over once again.


At this moment, Zhang Tie felt a white shadow flashing by. Zhang Tie was stunned as he had not imagined that Bai Suxian who had been thrown out of the battlefield could return.

Bai Suxian caught her long whip and protected Zhang Tie by waving it like a tempest.

Zhang Tie didn't appreciate her; instead, he was driven mad. He felt that he had borne hundreds of times of strikes for her in vain, 'Is she crazy?'

Zhang Tie roared towards Bai Suxian, "Are you motherf*cking sick? You've been out of the battlefield, why are you back? As a female, why are you flaunting your superiority at this moment?'

However, Bai Suxian didn't say anything; she just wove her steel whip more frequently.


It took them almost 10 minutes to break through the last 100 m.

When everybody rushed out of the line of demarcation, the battle puppets in the lobby stopped their strikes. After wandering in the lobby for a while, the battle puppets returned to their original positions. When they stood still in two rows like statues, the glow in their eyes faded away like nothing had happened...


The moment they passed the lobby, most of the knights threw themselves onto the ground and started to pant heavily like having escaped from a catastrophe...

Chapter 937: Crossing the Lobby of the Hieron

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

After about 6 hours of fierce battle, although nobody died, most of the 3 teams of knights threw themselves onto the ground as if they had survived a catastrophe.

They took a rest by drinking medicament and treating their wounds.

At this moment, even though there were so many portals near them, they didn't have the strength and spiritual energy to explore them for the time being. As they were safe temporarily, what counted most was to hurriedly recover their battle strength.

At this moment, besides Mountain Lifting Hermit and the grand elder of Tianlu Palace, there were only 3-5 people who were still standing, including Zhang Tie.

Zhang Tie was concerned about the injuries of Gong Ziyao and Bolam. After confirming that the two people's injuries were not severe and they had drunk up a vial of medium-recovery medicament respectively, Zhang Tie became reassured.

"Brother Cui...aren't you tired?" Zhou Shufan asked Zhang Tie when he found the latter was still vigorous like nothing had happened. Zhou Shufan who would always remain his demeanor also looked a bit embarrassed at this moment——sweat all over his forehead; panting heavily; two broken parts on his soft armor.

"Ho...ho...I'm okay..." Zhang Tie revealed a smile.

"Oh, I heard Elder Zhang Anguo saying that you were using the fire dragon heavens burning spear skill, it might be..."

Zhou Shufan finally got a chance to ask this question.

"Yup, I'm cultivating "Fire Dragon Sutra!" Zhang Tie replied frankly.

It was a good moment to expose the secret that he was cultivating the "Fire Dragon Sutra". To be honest, Zhang Tie had to appreciate Zhang Anguo of Tianlu Palace, who was really an informed earth knight. The moment Zhang Tie showed it, it had been identified by Zhang Anguo. Therefore, Zhang Tie didn't need to find another moment to explain it to others.

Nobody could imagine that Cui Li who was cultivating the "Fire Dragon Sutra" and Zhang Tie who was being wanted in Taixia Country were the same person.

After hearing that Zhang Tie frankly admitted that he was cultivating the "Fire Dragon Sutra", all the surrounding knights were shocked inside. In a split second, some more "admiring" eye lights focused on Zhang Tie. As a complete marquis-level classic, "Fire Dragon Sutra" was very precious even in Taixia Country. It could never be touched by a common clan or sect. It was really out of their imaginations that Zhang Tie was so lucky to cultivate the "Fire Dragon Sutra".

Even Lord Huaiyuan who wanted to seal the Far-ancient Immortal Stele founded Huaiyuan Palace and left remarkable exploits in Taixia Country only with a count-level "Breaking Sun Sutra", the significance of "Fire Dragon Sutra" which was a marquis-level cultivation method would be clear.

Although there were duke-level, throne-level and emperor-level cultivation methods above marquis-level classics, only Emperor Xuanyuan was cultivating an emperor-level cultivation method called "Xuanyuan God Sutra"; there were totally less than 10 throne-level cultivation methods in both the Eastern Continent and the Western Continent; there were less than 20 duke-level cultivation methods, most of which were mastered by super clans and sects. Such cultivation methods were the greatest treasures of huge empires in the Western Continent. Therefore, marquis-level cultivation methods were the highest level cultivation methods that most of the knights could touch, which had a very significant role.

"I've not imagined that brother Cui could be so lucky. I feel very happy for you. It's said that by cultivating "Fire Dragon Sutra" people could be very powerful and be as vigorous as a dragon. It seems to be real..." Gong Ziyao and Zhou Shufan both felt happy for Zhang Tie as they treated Zhang Tie as their friend although they both admired him.

"7 decades ago, Fire Dragon Hermit was unrivaled and known as one of the top 10 powerhouses in using the spear in Taixia Country with the cultivation method "Fire Dragon Sutra" and the secret battle skills and fire dragon heavens burning spear skill in the "Fire Dragon Sutra". His heroic deeds were admirable. However, Fire Dragon Hermit suddenly reclused 6 decades ago and disappeared. I wonder about the relationship between young brother Cui and Fire Dragon Hermit? "The grand elder of Tianlu Palace walked towards them and asked Zhang Tie with a kind look after checking some injured members.

Based on the status of the grand elder of Tianlu Palace and his battle strength as an earth knight, Zhang Anguo was definitely respecting Zhang Tie too much by calling him a "young elder".

Zhang Tie's performance in the battle and his background of "Fire Dragon Sutra" could win him respect for sure.

After hearing Zhang Anguo's words, Zhang Tie realized that the sitting skeleton in the mountain cave of Lianyun Mountain must be Fire Dragon Hermit. As for why Fire Dragon Hermit suddenly reclused and died there, it was a mystery.

Zhang Tie touched his bald head and said, "Honestly, I don't know anything about the relationship between me and Fire Dragon Hermit either."

Zhang Anguo was stunned by Zhang Tie's reply, "What do you mean..."

"I found "Fire Dragon Sutra" and a sitting corpse in a mountain cave. If nobody else in Taixia Country has "Fire Dragon Sutra", that sitting corpse must be Fire Dragon Hermit. As I inherited the knowledge of Fire Dragon Hermit by accident, I should be his disciple in the secular world!"

'Is this the so-called marvelous experience? Many youngsters in Taixia Country could only read such a marvelous scene in novels. Is that real?'

Hearing Zhang Tie how he gained the "Fire Dragon Sutra", all the surrounding knights became dumbfounded.

Zhang Anguo gazed at Zhang Tie's facial expressions and movements with a pair of sharp eyes. After hearing Zhang Tie's explanation, Zhang Anguo knew that Zhang Tie was telling true...

'He found a marquis-level "Fire Dragon Sutra" in a mountain cave by accident? I remember that Zhang Clan in Tianlu Palace has sacrificed at least 10 knights after almost 100 years of efforts of so many clan members only for a count-level "Early Universe Sutra" which could be the No. 1 treasure of Tianlu Palace.' Zhang Anguo sighed with full emotions inside.

People could not be compared with each other; otherwise, someone would be driven mad for sure.


The moment Zhang Tie turned around, he had seen the "young sister" who was watching him with a pair of amorous, watery eyes, causing goosebumps all over Zhang Tie.

After finding that Zhang Tie had noticed her, Bai Suxian walked towards him.

With a faint blush, she looked a bit bashful.

"Why...did you save me?" Bai Suxian muttered in a tender voice while lowering her head.

The moment Bai Suxian asked, all those beside them became quiet in a weird manner. Gong Ziyao, Zhou Shufan, Filton and Cecilia turned around at the same time; even Mountain Lifting Hermit prick up his ears. They had witnessed how Zhang Tie saved Bai Suxian just now. Not only roadside moms who bought vegetables were gossipy, even knights were curious.

It seemed that Bai Suxian had forgotten the lesson that she had learned when she talked to Zhang Tie at the beginning. After a few seconds, she had regretted asking Zhang Tie this question.

"Young sister, your breasts are as large as papayas. They must be juicy; how pitiful would it be if they were pierced by that battle puppet using a spear. If so, you would have a problem to feed your babies..." Zhang Tie shouted with a righteous look, "If you really appreciate me, when you give birth to a baby, let him call me Godfather. No matter what, I've kept this pair of feeding bottles for him!"

After hearing Zhang Tie's words, even Mountain Lifting Hermit and the grand elder of Tianlu Palace twitched their faces...

All the others who were waiting for the good result between a hero and a beauty were left dumbfounded by Zhang Tie at once.

Even Filton was stunned so much, 'According to the customs of Hua people, shouldn't this be a good marriage? How could Cui Li turn the romantic scene of butterflies flying in a pair in front of flowers under moonlights into a dialogue between a vulgar man and a female farmer who sells vegetables?'

Bai Suxian's face turned red and white as she didn't know how to react to him at all...


After a few minutes, when most of the knights were still cultivating, Mountain Lifting Hermit and Zhang Anguo couldn't stay here anymore. Otherwise, Old Monster Qi would have entered the rear region ahead of them. As they were here for treasures; of course, they should not lag behind.

As for Mountain Lifting Hermit, he had been merciful enough by leading his team members across the lobby. As for the rest time, it depended on themselves.

After talking something to their own team members, the two earth knights rushed into a portal respectively. As for the rest team members, they didn't fully recover and thus entered the region behind the hieron 3 hours later...


At this moment, the demon baron appeared far away from the island above the magma sea...

Chapter 938: An Uninvited Guest

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

When the demon baron who had been following the three teams of human knights drew close to the island in the magma sea, those human knights had already landed on the island for a long time. It was not because that the demon baron didn't want to come here; instead, it was because of the utter difference between the environment above the magma sea and that in the mountain cave.

As it was very spacious and highly visible above the magma sea, which was radiating glow everywhere, if a knight flew above the magma sea alone, it would be very eye-catching. As there was almost no object that could cover the demon baron above the magma sea, the demon baron would be discovered from dozens of miles away. If someone among the human knights was watching through a telescope, the demon baron might have been discovered from 70 miles away.

Of course, the demon baron could also move in the magma sea. As an earth knight, it could also stay a few hours in the magma. However, it would cost its physical strength too much in magma; additionally, its moving speed would be heavily reduced. Therefore, it preferred to fly above the magma sea.

In the beginning, the demon baron followed up the human knights purely for revenge by killing them.

Later on, the demon baron found three teams of human knights of over 20 black iron knights under the leadership of 3 earth knights were getting together. It was a great power even in the first abyss. After knowing that so many human knights had flocked together, the demon baron's curiosity was aroused.

If not a major event or something related to interests, such a great power could not be easily gathered by humans or demons.

A few days ago, the demon baron seized the chance to kill a black iron human knight decisively.

It was an attempt.

After killing that human knight, the demon baron hid somewhere and started to observe the movements of the other human knights.

He found that the other human knights didn't evacuate or change their foothold; instead, they were still stationed near that valley.

Did it indicate that the other human knights were very confident about their power? Of course not, it only indicated that these human knights were going to do a major event, which was considered more important than facing the threats of demon knights.

After confirming that the other human knights were still stationed in the valley, the demon baron realized that they must be waiting for something.

'Are they waiting for more human knights?'

The demon baron was confused about their intention. However, he knew that it was a good chance. As long as he could destroy human knights' movements and make humans feel unhappy, he would regard it as a good chance.

The demon baron became thrilled.

When the abyss hurricane disappeared, the demon baron finally knew what the human knights were waiting for.

This magma sea was located on the other ends of underground tunnels and mountain caves. In normal times, few people could arrive here; fewer of those who arrived here knew that the abyss hurricane would stop. As the abyss hurricane above the magma sea would stop 3-5 days in every 3 years, those who came here might have a probability of 1/200 to meet the situation when the abyss hurricane disappeared. Therefore, the demons didn't know what was hidden in this magma sea.

'However, human knights should know that; otherwise, they would not wait until the abyss hurricane came to a stop. There must be something valuable in the magma sea!'

The demon baron sniffed something special.

In the Earth-elements Realm, there were three situations that would stimulate a lot of human knights to move together: first, fierce combats and military actions between humans and demons; second, the opportunity to gain a lot of element crystals; third, the abyss secret items that were buried underground.

The first possibility could be excluded.

When the demon baron caught sight of the island in the magma sea and the pyramid in the middle of the island, it excluded the second possibility.

The demon baron was driven wild with joy from being thrilled.

The flat-roof pyramid looked like a hieron.

The world on the earth's surface was predominated by humans, the underground world was predominated by demons. Demons had learned about the history of the underground world much better than humans. Over the past tens of thousands of years, a lot of knowledge had been lacking among humans, which was caused by breaking-up human civilizations. However, among demons especially those high-level demons who had promoted to knights, these knowledge were carried forward.

The demon knight felt that the temperature surrounding the island was dropping sharply. After flying around the island and finding no ambush on the island, it knew that this island might have a no-fly zone. Therefore, the demon knight lowered its flight altitude and landed on the island steadily.

Mountain Lifting Hermit's concern that the demon knight would fetch its partners after finding their target here was right. However, it was out of his imagination that the demon knight who was following them up was not an average black iron knight but an earth demon knight, a powerful demon baron.

The boldness of execution stems from superb skill, this proverb was also suitable for demons.

After a few minutes, when the demon baron came to the entrance of the pyramid, it injected its spiritual energy into the remote-sensing crystal finger ring and prepared to send a message to its partners.

If it sent the message successfully, a team of demons which would be more advantageous than human knights in battle strength would arrive in 4 days at most.

Just like how humans would destroy demons' action when they found that demons were doing the same thing, demons would do the same to humans.

Before sending the message, the demon baron raised its head and caught sight of the symbol above the gate of the pyramid.

It was a time-honored, mysterious triangular symbol composed of three scales in different sizes.

At the sight of the symbol, the lizard-like jujube core-sized vertical pupils in the golden eyes of the demon baron expanded with a shrewd eye light. At the same time, the demon baron exclaimed, "Bloody Sacrificial Hieron!"

Those human knights didn't know the meaning of that symbol; however, this demon baron knew it.

Only after thinking about it for less than 2 seconds, the demon baron had revealed a faint, grim sinister. At the same time, it stretched out its tongue and licked its lips. After exiting its spiritual energy from the remote-sensing crystal, it strode into the hieron at once.

Besides being brutal, another feature of demons was greed.

The demon baron didn't notice that when he strode into the hieron, an invisible tracing feather had blown up like dandelion and stuck to his boots silently.

The tracing feather was much lighter than a speck of dust. As long as it didn't attach to the skin of high-level knights, it would not be easily noticed.

The moment the demon knight moved, the tracing feather moved too...


At the same time, Zhang Tie stopped his footsteps in the underground space of the pyramid.

"What's wrong?" Filton stopped and turned around to ask Zhang Tie.

The moment Filton and Zhang Tie stopped, all the other 4 members of their group turned around to watch Zhang Tie. They thought that Zhang Tie had found something.

At this moment, they were walking among deserted palace-like rooms and a maze-like cloister and expecting to find something.

There were still very few battle puppets standing at the doors of one or two rooms, which were evidently outnumbered by Zhang Tie's group.

Zhang Tie's group was composed of 6 people, namely; Filton, Bolam, Cecilia, Gong Ziyao, Zhou Shufan and Zhang Tie. It was easy for them to defeat one or two battle puppets.

Besides the team of Tianlu Palace, the teams led by Old Monster Qi and Mountain Lifting Hermit had dispersed the moment they crossed the lobby.

In Zhang Tie's mind sea, the tracing feathers on Mountain Lifting Hermit, Zhang Anguo and Old Monster Qi had long left this region and been over 70 miles away. They were still rapidly moving towards afar. The latter tracing feather was also rushing downwards the pyramid at a high speed.

Given the moving speed of that tracing feather, Zhang Tie had confirmed that this one must be an earth knight.

It moved so fast that even Zhang Tie was shocked.

'I wonder whether that one is a human or a demon.'

"Nothing..." Zhang Tie shook his head as he tried to recover his composure, "I was justing thinking that this region might not be valuable. As it's close to the lobby, it should have been explored by people. We would have a very low possibility to find any good item here. Why not speed up to take a look at the Weapons Mountain?"

"I agree with you. If we're lucky, we might get a silver secret item..." Gong Ziyao nodded.

After fighting some battle puppets outside the rooms in vain, Gong Ziyao also thought that there was no good item left here. Perhaps, there might be something good in a room; however, it would take them more than 3 days to explore all the rooms.

At this moment, two shadows flashed by them——Lu Zhongming and his wife had overtaken them...

Chapter 939: The Weapons Mountain

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Zhang Tie thought that the earth knight behind them might hardly pass the lobby alone; however, the fact was out of Zhang Tie's imagination...

It took the demon baron less than 10 minutes to arrive on the last step at the bottom of the pyramid.

The moment it stood on the other end of the lobby, the demon baron stopped at once. With flickering, shrewd eye lights, he observed this lobby attentively and seriously.

The demon baron swept over the ground of the lobby and found that the battle traces were gradually recovering on the smooth and tidy floor. No single part of battle puppets was left on the floor except for some broken protective armors and fresh blood of human knights.

None of the human knights entering the lobby had imagined that their battle traces left a key information to the demon baron. Through the battle traces, the demon baron knew that those human knights didn't know too much about this heiron although they had keys to open the gate of this hieron——At least they didn't know as much as demons. If the human knights knew a lot about this hieron, they could completely pass this lobby without activating those battle puppets.

At the sight of this scene, the demon baron further strengthened its belief to take a risk. If human knights didn't know too much about this hieron, even if the demon baron failed its adventure, it could also leave here safe and sound.

At this moment, the eyes of the two rows of battle puppets in the lobby turned red once again. The battle puppets then moved their necks and watched the demon baron at the same time.

The demon baron looked at the ground seriously one inch after another.

Besides the previous battle traces, there were some exotic grains on the ground. When it observed them carefully, it found that those grains were faintly undulating and flowing like ripples under the sunshine in a rivulet.

Even demon knights knew many things that human knights didn't, not to mention demon nobles.

Although the grains on the ground looked irregular and meaningless in the eyes of human knights, they were meaningful in the eyes of the demon baron. They were like cipher turntable safe.

Most of the bandits and thieves would open safes by force; however, for those who knew cipher turntable of safe, they only needed to adjust the cipher turntable properly.

This was Bloody Sacrificial Hieron. If a bloody battle was unavoidable whenever humans passed the hieron, how did flamens and monks enter this hieron in that far-ancient age?

Zhang Tie had thought about this question; however, he couldn't think it through.

By contrast, the demon baron knew how.

After gazing at the grains on the ground seriously for 5 minutes, the demon baron went down the last step and stood onto a certain place of those exotic grains.

Although the battle puppets moved a bit, they basically stayed in the original places.

The demon baron let out a sigh as it stood still and watched the grains seriously.

The battle puppets didn't move, it indicated that the demon baron's judgment was right. It realized that the knowledge that he mastered still worked.

In less than 5 minutes, the demon baron strode out once again...

It took the demon baron a bit longer than 4.5 minutes to finish three footsteps.


When Zhang Tie felt that the tracing feather had slowed down when it came to the lobby, Zhang Tie thought that the latter one was in a fierce battle.

Zhang Tie soon knew that he was wrong.

In the beginning, the tracing feather moved one time in every few minutes; gradually, it moved faster and faster, which startled Zhang Tie.


After 1 more hour, when Zhang Tie's group passed through the palace complex and entered a wood, the tracing feather also passed through the lobby.

It took the latter one almost 1/5 of the time used by the three teams of human knights to pass the lobby. What an amazing speed! The reason that Zhang Tie was startled was that he thought that even two earth knights could not pass the lobby in such a short period jointly.

'What did such a high speed mean?'

'Did I make a wrong judgment? The uninvited guest is a heavenly knight?'

Zhang Tie's heart raced when this whim occurred to his mind.

"Ah, it's too motherf*cking cold..." Filton couldn't stand crying while running.

It was indeed growing colder. Zhang Tie felt that it was at least -80 degrees Celsius.

It was purely cold without wind or snow. Zhang Tie felt that everyone had entered a huge space being similar to that of "refrigerator" before the Catastrophe.

What did 80 degrees Celsius below zero mean? It meant that if Filton spat out a mouth of saliva, before the saliva reached the land, half of it would have been frozen. Not only that, their leather armors also turned stiff.

Even in running, everybody was still releasing a thin layer of protective battle qi so as to maintain their own body temperature.

Perhaps, there were indeed plants in this wood very long time ago; however, they had fully turned into crystal, ice sculptures or fossils.

The current scenery was very brilliant and dreamlike. However, it was not funny at all.

"I feel that we've made a circle around that architectural complex..." Gong Ziyao said as he was running.

"Yes, I think so..." Bolam nodded.

When they talked, they exhaled masses of white air, which instantly dispersed the moment they left the range of their protective battle qi.

"Are we in a maze?" Cecilia asked.

"It's not a maze. We're in the hieron. Tens of thousands of years ago, it didn't exist for the posterities to make circles. We were just in a common architectural complex in the hieron, which might be the dwelling place of flamens or monks. It was just a bit special in design and a bit large in size. All the designs in the hieron are functional which won't be too complex. We've just passed through that architectural complex and entered a garden in the hieron..." Zhou Shufan replied calmly, "Didn't you feel that we were still in the pyramid? The staircase was spiral; therefore, the lobby should be located at the edge of the bottom of the pyramid. I think we're marching towards the center of the bottom of the pyramid..."

"Ah, how is it possible?" Filton shouted, "We've already deepened dozens of miles below the pyramid!"

"The part above the ground is just a small part of the top of the pyramid. Most part of this pyramid is deeply buried underground. Each step I ran forward, I would release a battle qi towards the ground; I found that the ground would give me a feedback on my battle qi each time. The part below the ground here was same as that in the lobby. You can have a try..." Zhou Shufan explained which shocked everyone else.

The others sensed it seriously and found it was like how Zhou Shufan said. The strand of battle qi met a layer of powerful and plain obstacle after deepening into the ground for dozens of meters. The obstacle felt similar to that they sensed in the lobby.

If they were still at the bottom of the pyramid at this moment, this hieron was too huge. It was out of people's imagination that who could create such a marvelous hieron.

Zhou Shufan's explanation was soon verified. They found a fully frozen lake in front of them. Both sides of the lake were surrounded by handrails.

After crossing the iced lake, Zhang Tie caught sight of the team of Zhang Clan of Tianlu Palace.

All the members of Zhang Clan's team were over there. It seemed that they had not stayed in that architectural complex too long either. Additionally, they had a very clear target. Clan teams were usually featured by consistent actions wherever they were.

That team also caught sight of Zhang Tie's group who were catching up with them from behind.

As they were all safe and sound, they kept running forward.

"Brother Cui, why are you silent?" Gong Ziyao threw a glance at Zhang Tie as he asked the latter.

When they were engaged in a hot discussion just now, Zhang Tie remained silent, which was a bit abnormal; therefore, Gong Ziyao asked Zhang Tie out of concern.

Actually, Zhang Tie was sensing the whereabouts of the tracing feather behind them.

"Ah, it's okay, brother Gong; I was just wondering If someone else would come in!"

"Don't worry, young brother. Even if a demon knight enters, we've got three earth knights to resist it! Even if we could not defeat it, we would escape. In the Earth-elements Realm, it's very normal for demon knights and human knights to escape if they could not defeat the other party. It's not shameful at all." Gong Ziyao comforted Zhang Tie.

Zhang Tie found that he became a bit intense because of the tracing feather behind him. It was good for him to have a tracing feather; however, it was really torturing after knowing that an unknown powerhouse was following him up. He felt like waiting for one boot to fall on the ground upstairs.

'F*ck, even If it's a heavenly demon knight, I don't need to be scared. After all, it's not coming only for me. Even if it was coming for me, this father would hide in Castle of Black Iron in the worst scenario. I don't believe that it could bite off my butt. Whatever, now that I've been here, I will see whether I could get some benefits first...'

Zhang Tie determined his mind!

"It's the Weapons Mountain..." A member of the team of Zhang Clan of Tianlu Palace in front of Zhang Tie's group suddenly exclaimed...

Chapter 940: Pearls of Silver Secret Items

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

The moment the knight of Tianlu Palace shouted, he had accelerated his speed.

Closely followed by Zhang Tie's group. They rushed out of the wood at once.

They then caught sight of a mountain in front of them.

At the sight of the mountain, although he was always steady, Zhang Tie couldn't stand swearing——F*ck.

It was a black high mountain which was at least 10,000 m in height. It was very magnificent. From its hillside above, it was misty. As a result, people could not see clearly the Qingfeng Peak.

This mountain absolutely verified the judgment of Zhou Shufan, namely, they were still at the bottom of the pyramid. Because the top of the mountain and its surrounding space formed a very regular dome. Of course, such a dome could not appear in the natural environment.

Zhang Tie felt that Mountain Lifting Hermit, Old Monster Qi and the grand elder of Tianlu Palace were trying their best to climb upon the Weapons Mountain. Zhang Tie wondered what was on the peak.

Zhang Tie felt that the higher they were, the slower the three earth knights would move. It seemed that they were facing a great obstacle on the Weapons Mountain.

When they caught sight of the mountain, some rainbow-like colorful lights were circling around the mountain like satellites. After a few seconds, they lurked into the enshrouding mist and didn't come out of there anymore.

"Silver secret items..." Even Gong Ziyao exclaimed this time while everyone else accelerated towards there like having taken drugs.

The closer they were to the Weapons Mountain, the colder it would be. However, they felt blood boiling all over.

Zhang Tie also followed up the team towards there rapidly. At this moment, Zhang Tie had totally forgotten about that tracing feather. He had made his determination that as long as that guy didn't appear in front of him and his friends, he would ignore it. 'When the sky collapsed, the taller ones would prop it up. As I'm not the tallest and most powerful one, I will focus on searching for the benefits first.'

'If concerns work, what punches are used for? I only need to be vigilant.'

Zhang Tie's group moved very fast. The team of knights from Tianlu Palace was soon caught up by them. The knights of Tianlu Palace accelerated once again and caught up with Zhang Tie's group. The two teams kept rushing towards the Weapons Mountain in this way.

Although they had not touched any silver secret item by now, the two teams of knights had already faintly become competitive.

According to the rule, anyone who could get one silver secret item first would have it. Of course, they needed to make their full efforts to strive for that.

Silver secret items! They could also be available to heavenly knights. The more the better! In Huaiyuan Palace, Zhang Tie knew that only Elder Muray had one battle crossbow which was a silver secret item, even Zhang Taixuan didn't have one.

Actually, there were bronze secret items below silver secret items. Bronze secret items were also rarities. The Full-moons Dragon Soul Waistband and the first elements-gathering matrix that gifted by the imperial household of Raymlan Empire in the Castle of Black Iron were both bronze secret items. As for most of the black iron knights even earth knights, bronze secret items were their popular equipment. Silver secret items were greater than bronze secret items. The strong function that silver secret items could automatically appear out of the void and their powerful light and shadow effects of silver secret items were definitely the best choices of some guys who would like to show off themselves.

Secret items could never be produced in this age.

At this moment, Zhang Tie heard some sounds from the back. Zhang Tie turned around and found Lu Zhongming and his wife rushed out the wood from the other side, who were also rushing towards the Weapons Mountain. After the couple, Bai Suxian was the fourth one who rushed out of the wood.

It seemed that many people were clear-minded or desperate. Compared to making circles in the palace and maze-like architectural complex and fighting those battle puppets meaninglessly, they preferred to come to the Weapons Mountain for a silver secret item.

At their full speeds, the knights of Tianlu Palace and Zhang Tie's group of 6 arrived at the foot of the Weapons Mountain at the same time.

The pitch-dark Weapons Mountain looked pretty solemn and depressive. Right at the foot of the mountain, there was a thin mist. If it was a few degrees lower here, their salivas would turn into ice scums before falling onto the ground.

The Weapons Mountain was definitely different from common mountains. There was no plant across the Weapons Mountain. It seemed to be completely composed of bulky, odd-looking metal lumps. As for the parts of the metal lumps being exposed to the air, some of them looked like brilliant geometrical crystal structures of metallic ores. Growing up in clusters, they formed odd-looking black metal flowers.

With the eyes of a great artisan master, Zhang Tie could not identify the metal in this Weapons Mountain.

It seemed to be an exotic, natural alloy. At least Zhang Tie had not seen it on the earth's surface with "Master Jiang".

After the knights of Tianlu Palace arrived at the foot of the mountain, the 9 knights instantly rushed in 9 directions upwards the Weapons Mountain.

As silver secret items were very precious, the number of which was far less than the number of the knights who had come here. Additionally, it was very hard to get silver secret items. Therefore, they could only move in different directions like spreading a fishing net and attempt to gain silver secret items by chance. If a lot of people gathered together, they were not fishing but angling. If so, they would definitely not have as many chances as the first one. Additionally, even if two people like Lu Zhongming and his wife cooperated to successfully gain a silver secret item, which party would the silver secret item belong to? Not to mention if a group of people worked together.

Zhang Tie's group of 6 stopped at once.

"Let's separate from each other too!"

Gong Ziyao proposed while everybody else nodded.

"If any of you is in trouble, remember to release your battle qi. The others will catch sight of it right away and arrive there soon. If someone dares to rob our achievements, we will f*ck him!" Filton said with a furious look as he had already been ready for a fight, "After all, we've been clear about each other's battle qi!"

Although they would separate from each other, they could also gather rapidly if there was any trouble.


"Wait for a second..." Zhang Tie touched his bald head with a bashful look as he asked, "Erm, what's the look of the silver secret item? How could I gain it?"

The moment the others heard Zhang Tie's question, they threw their amazed looks at Zhang Tie at the same time.

Gong Ziyao watched Zhang Tie with a dumbfounded look just like how he saw Zhang Tie using his abyss battle spear at the beginning, "Don't you know that?"

"As I've just been in the Earth-elements Realm and joined in such an action for the first time, nobody told me about that!" Zhang Tie shrugged as he replied helplessly.

Honestly, Zhang Tie thought that the so-called silver secret items in the Weapons Mountain would be excavated from the ground like how grave robbers dug items from the graveyard. However, when he came here, he found that it was utterly different from his imagination. Take the rainbow-like colorful lights that he saw just now as an instance, he didn't know what were they.

All the others felt being struck by lightning bolts. They had not imagined that Zhang Tie didn't know how to gain silver secret items. What a joke!

"Haven't you seen the rainbow-like lights just now?" Zhou Shufan asked Zhang Tie.

"Yes, I have!"

"That are the lusters of silver secret items!"

"Did all the silver secret items in the Weapons Mountain exist in that manner?"

"Not exactly. In the Weapons Mountain, silver secret items could move. Before having their own owners, all the silver secret items will exist in the form of virtual images of secret items, which are virtual, colorful animals being composed of numerous mysterious runes. They will fly around the Weapons Mountain. If you see illuminant animals in the Weapons Mountain, congratulations, you've caught sight of the virtual images of silver secret items! No matter what animals come into being, they are not aggressive at all. However, they could dodge and escape from you. You could follow them up and find their origins!"

"What then?"

"Silver secret items will always hide in the colorful pearls of secret items in the metallic crystals in the Weapons Mountain which are easily recognized. When you see a silver secret item entering a pearl of a secret item, you just stay there and smash the pearl of that secret item. Then, you will see the virtual image of that silver secret item. After that, you only need to squeeze a drop of fresh blood onto the virtual image before becoming its owner. At the same time, the virtual image of the silver secret item will start to become a material object, which is the real look of the silver secret item in the material world!"

"So easy!" Zhang Tie blinked his eyes.

"Yes, so easy!" Zhou Shufan continued to explain it to Zhang Tie, "However, there's one point that you should pay attention to. The structure of pearl of a secret item is very special; it's very hard to smash. Even if you've discovered a pearl of a secret item, you could not break it in 1 or 2 days. What counts most in the Weapons Mountain is that not all the pearls of secret items contain silver secret items. Most of the pearls of secret items are empty. You'd better not start to break it until you're sure that there's a silver secret item in it. Otherwise, even though you've found a pearl of a secret item and had smashed it in a couple of days exerting your full efforts, you would probably find nothing inside. It's equal to a gamble by trying to smash a pearl of a secret item without seeing a virtual image of a secret item entering it!"

Chapter 941: A Weird Cloud of Mist

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Before going up the mountain, it took Zhou Shufan 2 minutes to explain the most important thing to Zhang Tie.

It was out of Zhang Tie's imagination that the process to gain a silver secret item from the Weapons Mountain was so bizarre.

After thinking for a short while, Zhang Tie asked the last question, "As silver secret items are different in qualities and levels, if two silver secret items appeared in front of me at the same time, how could I select the better one?"

"Generally, the fiercer and bigger the virtual image of the animal was, the more advanced and rarer the material object would be!" Filton answered the question ahead of Zhou Shufan, "In other words, the bigger and fiercer the virtual image was, the rarer it would be!"

Zhang Tie nodded as he said, "Wish you good luck then!"

"If there's no accident, we will assemble here and leave out of here 3 days later!"


"If you're powerful enough, you can have a try upside there. However, the higher it is, the colder it will be. Basically, only earth knights could stay a bit longer above 6,000 m of this Weapons Mountain. It's said that the pearls of secret items on the top of the mountain might contain space-teleportation equipment such as nanobeads!"

"I am not that greedy. I only expect to get a silver secret item this time!"

After chatting for a short while, they cupped their hands towards each other. After that, they separated from each other and rushed into the misty Weapons Mountain as fast as shells. Even Gong Ziyao and Zhou Shufan who used to be partners had separated at this moment.

As for whether they could gain a silver secret item in the next 3 days, it depended on their own luck and power.

Zhang Tie moved too. He directly rushed into a deserted path.

Even tens of thousands of people could not be easily found in the Weapons Mountain, not to mention the 20-odd human knights.

Before entering the mountain, Zhang Tie sensed the whereabout of the tracing feather behind them once again.

The tracing feather had also entered the palace-like architectural complex; however, it dodged from all the knights in that architectural complex on the way. Given the moving trace of the tracing feather, Zhang Tie realized that it had intended to dodge away from the other knights on purpose. The nearest distance between the tracing feather and a knight of the team of Old Monster Qi was less than 200 m. It seemed that the tracing feather which had been moving straight ahead had already found someone in front of it; therefore, it made a detour. Neither did the member of the team of Old Monster Qi chase after it or escape. It indicated that that person didn't notice the latter one at all...

Within a fixed distance, if one knight found the other while not being found, it indicated that the two knights were sharply different in battle strength.

The tracing feather rushed all the way towards the Weapons Mountain.

Although Zhang Tie had already entered the mountain, when he sensed the destination of the tracing feather, a whim occurred to his mind.

As the old saying went, no profit, no early rise. This proverb fit both demons and humans. As the tracing feather rushed all the way towards the Weapons Mountain, it was definitely not here for an entertainment.

However, Zhang Tie didn't even know whether that guy was a human or a demon.

'I will see whether the latter is a human or a demon!'


Benefited from the tracing feather, Zhang Tie could monitor the ongoing direction and whereabouts of the new arriver at any time.

Zhang Tie hid somewhere and checked the location of the tracing feather. After ensuring that nobody was near him within 1.5 miles, he directly entered Castle of Black Iron.

In a few seconds, a black, little beetle emerged out of the void.

After that, the little beetle started to fly leisurely at the foot of the Weapons Mountain.

After 20 minutes, the little beetle landed in a multi-layered metallic crystal. Through the gap of the crystal, he started to glance at the valley under the foot.

In less than 5 minutes, Zhang Tie had already caught sight of that person.

If not the tracing feather, Zhang Tie wouldn't even believe that he was watching a living being.

It was a grey cloud of mist. Zhang Tie could not see any figure at all.

The grey mist twisted as if it would be blown off by the wind at any time. Being close to the ground, it flew all the way from the distance into the valley and up the hill very fast. In a few seconds, it had disappeared in front of Zhang Tie and integrated into the mist over the Weapons Mountain.

After the cloud of mist completely disappeared in front of his eyes for a few minutes, the black, little beetle returned to Castle of Black Iron. Zhang Tie reappeared behind that metallic crystal luster.

Zhang Tie then walked out of the metallic crystal. While frowning, he watched the direction where the cloud of mist was heading for.

No living being could look like a cloud of mist, neither human nor demon. Therefore, Zhang Tie realized that it was not a cloud of mist, but a high-level secret method which could hide one's qi.

However, Zhang Tie didn't know who was that one in the weird mist.

Mountain Lifting Hermit, Old Monster Qi and the grand elder of Tianlu Palace were still rushing towards the top of the mountain. The weird cloud of mist also rushed towards there. They might encounter over there. Perhaps, the cloud of mist knew that something was on the top of the mountain and was not afraid of encountering the three earth knights.

This action turned more and more interesting.

Touching his bald head, Zhang Tie thought it for a short while before following up that weird cloud of mist all the way towards the top of the mountain...

All the other knights behind him had already come to the Weapons Mountain consecutively.


Only after 10 minutes, Zhang Tie had caught sight of the first pearl of a secret item.

The pearl of a secret item grew in metallic crystal clusters covering over 100 square meters whose diameter was over 1 m. Among these metallic crystal clusters, Zhang Tie caught sight of a big, blue, smooth metallic ball which looked like a fruit in the metallic crystal flowers.

Honestly, these metallic crystals and this pearl of secret item felt like an abstractive sculpture in urban squares. Zhang Tie had seen so many sculptures being composed of metallic balls.

1/3 of this pearl of the secret item was deeply buried in the mountain which could barely be shocked.

After circling around the pearl of the secret item for a short while out of curiosity, Zhang Tie stretched out his hands, pushing and embracing it; however, the pearl didn't move at all like having grown into the Weapons Mountain.

The pearl of the secret item was very cold. The moment Zhang Tie touched it, his two palms almost stuck to it.

Zhang Tie drew out his abyss battle spear and forcefully slashed onto the pearl of the secret item with 40% of his battle qi. After a bang, only a small part of the surface of the pearl of secret item fell off.

The inside of the small patch of the surface was still smooth.

Zhang Tie understood it that the so-called pearl of the secret item was like a super large and hard onion. It would really take him a lot of efforts to open it.

'Even if I broke it in 2 days exerting my full efforts, I would probably not get anything at all. Will I do that? Of course not. Many black iron knights would have a try if it was another place or enough time. However, it didn't work here. Everyone entering the hieron ruins would have very limited time. It's a gamble with very minor possibility to win. I would consider making a gamble 1 day later if I couldn't find any virtual image of the secret item. It's still too early to do that now.'

Only after staying beside that pearl of the secret item for a few minutes out of curiosity, Zhang Tie had continued to go up the mountain.

The higher it was, the colder it would be. In the mother nature on the earth's surface, this place must be a standard forbidden area for living beings. Therefore, the knights would consume a lot of their strength physically and spiritually by moving into the mountain. They released their protective battle qis at any time. Additionally, they needed to maintain the normal running of their battle qis so as to warm up and protect their organs, qi and blood all over. The higher they were, the greater consumptions they would make. There was no road or tunnel on the Weapons Mountain at all; therefore, even Zhang Tie slowed down his speed unconsciously.

If they did not release their protective battle qis, even knights' skeletons and muscles would become stiff in only a few minutes at such a low temperature. In such an environment, commoners might not bear 3 minutes even in thick clothes before their blood all over became frozen.

Of course, Zhang Tie's first target was a silver secret item. After all, those coming here were all trying their own lucks whether they were circling around the mountain or going up the mountain. Therefore, the so-called target was always uncertain.


After 2 hours, Zhang Tie who was going up the mountain suddenly felt a colorful light flashing by while a golden, brilliant pheasant with a beautiful tail flew in front of Zhang Tie...

The virtual image of a secret item!

Zhang Tie was thrilled for a second. He instantly sped up by a few times and chased after that beautiful bird...

After passing by a ridge, Zhang Tie saw that the beautiful huge bird lurked in a red pearl of a secret item in a cluster of metallic crystals.

The cluster of metallic crystals covered thousands of square meters. 7-8 pearls of secret items were in those metallic crystals like some brilliant lotus flowers in a lotus leaf. The beautiful, huge bird lurked in one of the pearls.

The moment Zhang Tie entered the metallic crystals, he had heard an air-tearing sound from behind while a female knight appeared from afar...

At the sight of Zhang Tie, the female knight changed her face at once...

Chapter 942: An Aggressive Male Knight of Tianlu Palace

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Zhang Tie didn't feel that this female knight was strange as he had seen her at the entrance of the Earth-elements Realm. At that time, this woman was on the airboat. Although Zhang Tie was not sure about her full name, he only faintly heard Zhang Anguo the grand elder of Tianlu Palace call her Shuzhen.

This age was predominated by males. Therefore, the step of selecting characters only targeted at male knights. In Hua clans, even though female knights could attend the chakra rotating ceremony, they could not select characters. Female knights had to get married. According to the regulation of Taixia Country, after getting married, female knights had to follow up their husbands' surnames. Therefore, it was useless for them to select characters.

It seemed that this female knight of Zhang Clan was a bit afraid of Zhang Tie. These days, this female knight always kept away from Zhang Tie and dared not to look straight into his eyes.

After all, the words that Zhang Tie told Bai Suxian last time shocked this female knight too much. Before meeting Zhang Tie, she almost didn't believe that there was such a person in this world.

Neither of the two people had imagined that they could encounter here once again. Therefore, after seeing each other, they were both stunned.

The female knight of Zhang Clan blushed as she oozed sweat all over and panted a bit. It seemed that she had been chasing after that beautiful, huge bird for a long time. Therefore, she consumed her strength physically and spiritually a lot.

Zhang Tie pretended to be solemn. He had just chased after that beautiful, huge bird for less than half a minute before watching it to lurk inside the pearl of a secret item.

The two people just watched each other.

"That...that colorful bird is mine!" The female knight finally plucked up her courage, "I've already chased after it for a long time!"

"Hoho, young sister, have you forgotten our rule? The one who takes the silver secret item first will keep it!" Zhang Tie reminded the female knight with a solemn look. Given her naive face, Zhang Tie estimated that her real age might be similar to that of him. Therefore, he felt like teasing her. Now that she had already chased after the colorful bird for a long time, Zhang Tie really didn't mean to compete with her shamelessly. He was always soft-hearted to women. Actually, this woman reminded Zhang Tie of his elder sister Lan Yunxi. If she could promote to a knight at such a young age, she must be an elite in the Tianlu Palace. "Only when you catch it, you could have it. Even if you have seen it and have chased after it for a long time, it doesn't necessarily belong to you. Am I clear?"

Zhang Tie was telling the truth. Unless the woman had caught the silver secret item or had locked the pearl of the secret item and prepared to smash it, this woman could not say that the silver secret item belonged to her.

If one could have a silver secret item only after catching sight of and chasing after it, who that colorful bird would belong to if someone else suddenly jumped out and said that he had also caught sight of that colorful bird and chased after it ahead two of them? What if Zhang Tie sent a message to Gong Ziyao through his remote-sensing crystal finger ring and played a trick at this moment, how would this female knight respond to that?

The three earth knights had long considered these questions. Based on their rich experience and crafty temperaments, of course, the three earth knights would not leave a chance for others to play such a performance when they made the rule. Therefore, after entering the hieron, although they could compete with each other and strive for silver secret items, they had to follow the principle that the one who took the object first instead of catching sight of it and chasing after it first could have it.

After hearing Zhang Tie's words, the female knight bit her lips. Although she wanted to dispute, she didn't know how while she revealed a helpless look on her delicate face.

The great excitement caused by encountering the virtual image of a silver secret item, the hardship of chasing after it for a long time and the hopelessness in the end made her bright eyes turn crystal at once.

Zhang Tie had not imagined that this female knight's face was so thin. Only after a few words, she had dropped off her tears.

Since Zhang Tie promoted to a knight, he had met a few female knights such as Gongsun Liniang, Guo Hongyi and Bai Suxian; the first two were tough women while Bai Suxian was simply a spirit. These women left an impression on Zhang Tie that female knights would never drop off tears until he met such a tender female knight who dropped off her tears so easily.

Actually, a female's tear was more lethal to Zhang Tie than her battle qi.

The moment Zhang Tie wanted to explain that he was joking and wanted to expose which pearl of the secret item had the colorful bird lurked in, another knight of Tianlu Palace flashed between the two of them.

He was much elder than both Zhang Tie and the female knight with a whisker and pair of narrow and long eyes. He looked pretty aggressive and cunning.

"9th young sister. I saw you chase after the virtual image of a silver secret item just now. Have you caught up with it?" The moment he landed, he had asked about it with a concerned look.

The female knight didn't speak. After throwing a glance at her face, Zhang Tie and the cluster of metallic crystals which exposed out of the ridge behind Zhang Tie, he rolled his eyes a few times before figuring out what happened.

The male then moved his eyes onto Zhang Tie as his mouth corners moved a bit, "Does young brother Cui want to be hostile to Zhang Clan of Tianlu Palace only for a silver secret item? How about giving a face to Zhang Clan of Tianlu Palace and leaving away by yourself so that we could still be friends?"

Hearing the man's words, Zhang Tie immediately swallowed his words.

Evidently, this man wanted to make Zhang Tie admit defeat in the name of Tianlu Palace. Given his words, he was going to rob it and force Zhang Tie to exit.

As there was a cluster of metallic crystals behind Zhang Tie and the "9th young sister" who stopped here with a sad look, evidently the virtual image of the secret item that the "9th young sister" had been chasing after had lurked into the pearl of the secret item in that cluster of metallic crystals. At the critical moment, this guy surnamed Cui blocked her way.

After throwing a glance at that female knight, Zhang Tie revealed a smile which contained a bit jest meaning which could not be observed by others, "Well, I will give a face to Zhang Clan of Tianlu Palace!"

After saying that, Zhang Tie directly turned around and left, leaving the man and the woman to stand still with a dumbfounded look. It seemed that they didn't believe that Zhang Tie could leave the silver secret item to them so easily.

After Zhang Tie walked away from one side of the ridge, the two people hurriedly jumped over there.

At the sight of it, the man became startled. Although there were metallic crystals behind the ridge, they had never imagined that there were 8 pearls of secret items in the cluster of metallic crystals.

Apparently, only 1 of the 8 pearls of secret items contained the colorful bird while all the others might be empty.

"Hold on..." The man turned around and intended to stop Zhang Tie...

Chapter 943: The Conflict

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Zhang Tie turned around and left right away right because there were 8 pearls of secret items in the cluster of metallic crystals.

It would take one about 2 days to open a pearl of the secret item; however, they could only stay here 3 days at most. That was to say, except for Zhang Anguo, the other 8 knights of Tianlu Palace had to make their full efforts in 3 days, 1 for each pearl of the secret item so as to ensure that Tianlu Palace could get the silver secret item in the end.

Tianlu Palace organized 9 knights to explore the hieron ruins not only for one silver secret item.

For any knight and clan, silver secret items were rarities. By contrast, as Zhang Tie had gained a shield from the demon general which was a silver secret item and had the Castle of Black Iron which was much sharper than silver secret items, plus his emperor-level cultivation method and his master Zhao Yuan who was known as the No. 1 criminal in Taixia Country, Zhang Tie was experienced and knowledgeable; therefore, he was greatly immune to the allure of silver secret items.

Due to these reasons, realizing that this guy of Zhang Clan of Tianlu Palace was like a donkey in a lion's hide and frightening him in the name of Tianlu Palace, Zhang Tie didn't feel like arguing with him.

Given that they all were surnamed Zhang and originated from the same family thousands of years ago, Zhang Tie indeed saved the face of Tianlu Palace.

It was just a silver secret item, Zhang Tie would like to see whether Zhang Clan of Tianlu Palace wanted it or not.

If the knights of Tianlu Palace had made their decision, they could get that silver secret item for sure. But the problem was that would these knights be satisfied by only one silver secret item?

Additionally, how did the 8 people share one silver secret item? It might bother Tianlu Palace.

The two knights of Zhang Clan didn't notice that there were 8 pearls of secret items in the cluster of metallic crystals just now. They thought there was only one; therefore, they were left dumbfounded at this moment.

As for Zhang Tie who knew where was the "bird's nestle", the silver secret item in this cluster of metallic crystals could be easily got; however, as for the two knights of Zhang Clan of Tianlu Palace, the 8 pearls of secret items made the silver secret item tricky at once.

Although 1/8 was a high possibility, Zhang knights were apparently not satisfied with it.

Zhang Tie ignored the male knight's voice and kept walking forward.

After realizing that Zhang Tie ignored his words, the male knight who was blinded by the lust for the silver secret item and the face of the "9th young sister" immediately jumped over there and intended to stop Zhang Tie by catching his back.


Perhaps Zhang Tie was so kind just now that this male knight of Tianlu Palace thought that Zhang Tie was a "big lug" and he could be a bit more excessive.

At this moment, the female knight hesitated a bit as she felt it was a bit improper. She wanted to stop the male knight; however, it was too late...

After hearing the shrill sound from his back, Zhang Tie was driven mad as he immediately drew out his spear and lashed back with 80% of his full strength.

It was not a prick, but a lash like how he beat a dog with a stick.

The moment Zhang Tie moved his spear, the air beside him had gone berserk while uttering a sharp, shrill sound like a piece of steel being cut open.

Hearing this sound, the two knights of Tianlu Palace changed their faces at once as this sound indicated a great, terrifying physical strength...

The spear was lashed onto the hand of the knight precisely.

Zhang Tie just used his animal's sheer strength without running his battle qi.

That person's protective battle qi vibrated heavily while being reduced to the extreme. Although his protective battle qi was not broken, the overwhelming strength from Zhang Tie's spear was completely transferred to the latter's hand and full body after being buffered for a second.

With a cracking sound, that male knight's wrist was broken at once. With a muffled sound, he was sent flying over 50 m away like a baseball.

With a sound "Chuang...", the female knight of Zhang Clan drew out her long sword at once; however, she didn't launch an attack; instead, she just prevented herself from being further attacked by Zhang Tie.

However, Zhang Tie just watched the two people with a cold look with crossed arms.

After his wrist was broken, the knight picked himself up in a groggy way while his face turned abnormally pale. At the same time, he watched Zhang Tie with a hateful look, "Well...well...I saw another one who'd like to be hostile to Tianlu Palace...I'll remember you...Cui Li, don't you regret!"

Watching Zhang Tie lashing the battle puppets into pieces in the lobby was different than tasting the terrifying strength from his spear. After his wrist was broken, the male knight was a bit scared. What the two knights of Tianlu Palace had not imagined was that Zhang Tie who looked kind suddenly became so vicious.

"Peh, piss off!" After hearing that guy's vicious words, Zhang Tie instantly spat out a mouth of saliva onto the ground, which instantly turned into ice scums the moment it touched the ground. Zhang Tie then looked at the male knight with a domineering eye light and asked, "Do you Zhang Clan of Tianlu Palace guys have one more d*ck than others or what? Is the Weapons Mountain your household plot or the Emperor Xuanyuan comes from your home? F*ck, you think if you want this father to leave, this father will leave; if you want this father to stop, this father will stop? Who the motherf*cking are you? This father doesn't want to argue with you because we have the same ancestor; this father is not used to rob items from a female; motherf*cker, are you not satisfied with it? You know what, this father will never tell you which nestle did the colorful bird hide in even if I knew it. So what? Come to bite off my butt?"

The female knight was dumbfounded. Although she wanted to say something, after listening to Zhang Tie's vulgar words, her face blushed as she couldn't utter a word.

The moment the male knight of Tianlu Palace wanted to say something...

Zhang Tie widely opened his ox-like eyes and frightened his words back, "Motherf*cker, if you dare make another f*rt, this father will fetch all the people and gift the bird's nestle to others. I guarantee you that Tianlu Palace will get nothing!"

If Zhang Tie really did this, Tianlu Palace couldn't stop him. Legally, the one who was most qualified to gain this silver secret item was actually Zhang Tie. If he wanted to gift this right to others, how could Zhang Clan of Tianlu Palace stop him? Just like how Zhang Tie argued just now, this was not the household plot of Zhang Clan of Tianlu Palace. Neither did the Emperor Xuanyuan come from Zhang Clan of Tianlu Palace.

Finding the two knights being silent, Zhang Tie turned around and left.

When he left, Zhang Tie hummed a weird song unconsciously.

"I'm a little dragon...little dragon...little dragon...little dragon...how many secrets do I have...secrets...secrets...secrets...I've got so many secrets, but I won't tell you, I won't tell you, I won't tell you..."

Hearing Zhang Tie's weird song, the female knight's look turned weird too. The male knight gritted his teeth as Zhang Tie's hoarse voice drove him mad. He felt that Zhang Tie was teasing him; however, he had to stand it.

Until Zhang Tie's back and song disappeared did the female knight put away her sword and hurriedly come to the male knight's side, "Senior fellow apprentice, are you okay?"

"My wrist is broken..." The male knight let out a long sigh as he unconsciously frowned due to the sharp pain. Zhang Tie's overwhelming strike frightened him a lot, "This Cui Li has a terrifying, sheer animal's strength..."

The female knight hurriedly took out her recovery medicament and daubed it over the male knight's wrist.

"It's not the end..." The male knight said hatefully as an insidious and malicious eye light flashed by his eyes.

"Senior fellow apprentice...I feel...I feel...Cui Li has given a compromise to us. It seems that we're a bit excessive..." The female knight whispered, "When I chased after the virtual image of the secret item, I almost lost it. Right then, this man passed by accidentally and appeared in front of me. He didn't mean to rob it from me..."

The male knight frowned once again as he replied in a muffled voice, "9th young sister, you don't know that. Human hearts are insidious. If I was not here, you might have suffered a great loss. Additionally, it's a silver secret item, a silver secret item! As you were always cultivating in the cultivation room of our clan, you're too innocent. You don't know that many knights would even kill people or eliminate a clan only for a silver secret item. Now that we've already seen it and it was right in front of us, how could we let it go so easily? We should never give it to others..."

When the male knight's wrist slightly recovered and didn't ache anymore, the two people revealed sorrowful looks towards the 8 pearls of secret items at the same time...

'Do we really need to fetch all the others of Tianlu Palace?'


After leaving the two knights, Zhang Tie had forgotten about that event. He didn't mind if Zhang Clan of Tianlu Palace troubled him. After all, Cui Li was single, who had no family. He didn't believe that the Zhang Clan of Tianlu Palace would treat him excessively. Actually, if the clan knights and elders of the Zhang Clan of Tianlu Palace were all overbearing and arrogant, they might not gain such a remarkable social status...

However, soon after he walked away, Zhang Tie had heard a sound from his back.

'Is Zhang Clan of Tianlu Palace coming to revenge me?'

Zhang Tie turned around and saw that the female knight was catching up with him...

Chapter 944: A Condition

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Crossing his arms, Zhang Tie stopped as he watched the female knight of Tianlu Palace who caught up with him with a glassy-eyed look.

"What? Do you want to revenge me?"

The female knight stopped 2 m away as she threw a bashful glance at Zhang Tie, "No, I'm not here to revenge you. I'm here to say sorry to you on behalf of my senior fellow apprentice..."

After hearing her answer, Zhang Tie looked at this female knight from head to toe seriously.

With long hair reaching her butt, the female knight wore a delicate rose-colored half-body metal armor. She looked slim and elegant; especially her long, beautiful legs; with the coordination of her high metal battle boots, she looked pretty charming and young.

The female knight also had a good look. Although she was not as brilliant as Lan Yunxi or as coquettish as Bai Suxian, her five sense organs were very delicate. With large eyes, snow-white skin, a straight nose and a tiny mouth, she was featured by the special elegance of Hua women in the Eastern Continent.

If he were still in Blackhot City, the female knight's look would easily remind him of the beautiful neighboring elder sisters who had accepted higher education.

At the beginning, this female knight reminded Zhang Tie of Lan Yunxi. After observing her carefully, he felt that she looked similar to Linda on temperament.

Under the straight eye light of Zhang Tie, the female knight became a bit intense as she moved one step back. In her eyes, Zhang Tie was even more dangerous than those mutated beasts.

"No need, if your senior fellow apprentice takes it amiss, just let him come for me here!"

After hearing that the opponent was not here for trouble but for an apology, Zhang Tie's look turned better.

"Generally, senior fellow apprentice Anshi is not such a kind of person. As the silver secret item is very important, he..."

Zhang Tie wove his hand as he interrupted her words, "I don't care what kind of person is your senior fellow apprentice. You don't need to explain it to me either. Anything else? If no, I have to go..."

"One...one more thing!" The female knight became a bit embarrassed.

"Go ahead."

"Would you...please...tell me which pearl of the secret item did the colorful bird lurk in?" The female knight lowered her head when she realized that this request was a bit excessive.

Watching this female knight for a short while, Zhang Tie suddenly burst out into laughter, "Why do you think that I will tell you its whereabouts only by your one request? Are you dreaming? Why should I tell you that?"

"I know it's a bit excessive; however I will appreciate you if you tell me that!" The female knight raised her head as she watched Zhang Tie's eyes bravely.

Watching this woman, Zhang Tie realized that she was really innocent; instead of daydreaming. She was really a fresh-faced. It was Zhang Tie's first time to see such a naive female knight.

"How do you plan to appreciate me?" Zhang Tie looked at this female knight with a weird eye light as he touched his jaw.

"How much do I pay you?" The female knight asked seriously after thinking about it for a few seconds.

"How much do you want to pay?"

"2...no...300 million gold coins. I will give you 300 million gold coins as a compensation!" The female knight nodded with an affirmative look. In the beginning, she wanted to say 200 million gold coins; however, she felt that 200 million gold coins were too less; therefore, she added another 100 million gold coins.

Honestly, Zhang Tie was really startled by her casual tone which felt like buying fruits on the roadside instead of the amount of money.

In Huaiyuan Palace, even Zhang Taixuan the head of Zhang Clan would not deal with 300 million gold coins in such a casual way.

"Do you have so much money?" Zhang Tie looked at her with a dubious look.

"The total amount of lucky money during the lunar new year, my pocket money given by my mom and my dowry left by my grandma these years should be enough..." The female knight answered seriously after thinking about it for quite a while.

Hearing her reply, Zhang Tie wanted to die!

As a man who was loath to eat his mother's rice brew for the sake of some copper coins when he was young, he really didn't feel that he was living in the same world with this woman after hearing that this woman's lucky money and pocket money was as much as hundreds of millions of gold coins.

'F*ck, what a sharp difference!'

Zhang Tie's eye corners twitched for a short while before he shook his head, "If I needed money, I would make it myself. Additionally, I don't lack money. Money is not that important for knights!"

"If so, I can give you 2,000 earth-elements crystals, what do you say?" The female knight didn't give up her mind.

"Did you bring so many earth-element crystals with you?"


"Why do I believe you then?"

"But I can give it to you when we leave out of here..."

The female knight's words were interrupted by Zhang Tie once again, "After leaving out of here? After leaving, Tianlu Palace would outnumber us. If you want to disavow it, would I fight you to death only for 2,000 earth-element crystals? If you hid yourself, I wouldn't even have a chance to fight you to death. Do you think this brother Cui is so stupid?"

"What do you want?"

"What's your name?" After looking at her from her head to toe, Zhang Tie's voice suddenly turned tender as he revealed a weird smile.

Although she was not frightened by Zhang Tie's rudeness, she was startled by Zhang Tie's sudden tenderness. Therefore, she moved one step back once again.

"I...I'm Zhang Shuzhen!" The female knight watched Zhang Tie with vigilant eyes.

"I've got a condition. If you promise me, I will tell you the whereabouts of the colorful bird."

"What condition?"

"Hohoho, let this brother Cui kiss you enough right here. This brother Cui has not kissed a female knight yet." Zhang Tie revealed an "evil" laugh as if he was a timber wolf who had caught sight of a small white rabbit.

Zhang Shuzhen's face turned pale and red consecutively, "You said...kiss...kiss me here?"

"Don't waste my time. If you promise me, I will tell you that. If not, you'd better leave right away!"

"Just kiss...kiss my face?"

"Nonsense. Of course, I have to kiss your mouth. It's boring to just kiss your face." Zhang Tie said with an evil facial expression, "I don't want anything else, ho...ho..."

Zhang Shuzhen's breasts undulated while her face changed colors sharply as if she was struggling inside. After being silent for more than 10 seconds, when she saw Zhang Tie turning around and intending to leave impatiently, she finally made her determination. With the spirit of sacrificing herself to feed a lion, she closed her eyes as she raised her head and said, "I agree...you can..."

'Just one time, it will be okay after standing it a few seconds. By comparison, the silver secret item is more important...'

The female knight comforted herself.

"Don't bite my tongue!" Zhang Tie warned her when he moved closer to her. When she recalled Zhang Tie's rudeness and terror, the female knight's body quivered...

'Will he reach his tongue into my mouth?'

'It's just a kiss. Why does he kiss my tongue?'

The female knight felt disgusted about Zhang Tie's warning...

Watching Zhang Shuzhen clenching her fists and raising her delicate, stubborn face with quivering eyelashes, Zhang Tie smirked and moved his face closer to her. After sniffing her fragrance, Zhang Tie blew towards her face. The female knight became as stiff as a steel plate in a split second...

Zhang Shuzhen had already sensed Zhang Tie's heat while her heart pounded like beating a drum; meanwhile, her mind was completely blank like lying under the scaffold...

Zhang Shuzhen waited for a while; however, Zhang Tie didn't move...

After another a few seconds, Zhang Tie still didn't move...

Zhang Shuzhen then opened her eyes and found nobody in front of her at all.

Zhang Tie had already disappeared while his voice reached her ears in a secret way, "One of the two pearls of secret items is real, the one on the highest point of the cluster of metallic crystals and the one on the direction of 7 o'clock from where I stood on the ridge. If your motherf*cking senior fellow apprentice wants to pretend to be a hero, let him open the two pearls of secret items with you in 2 days! Young sister, you smell good, ha...ha..."


Zhang Tie belittled those who took advantage of others' difficulties, especially of women. Therefore, he only made a joke with this female knight of Zhang Clan, Tianlu Palace.

Because it was not Zhang Tie's temperament to give concession to a woman only because of the latter's few words on the premise that the two parties had a conflict just now. At this moment, how come Zhang Tie directly tell her the whereabouts of the colorful bird?

The reason why Zhang Tie told her two pearls of secret items was that he wanted the male knight of Tianlu Palace who pretended to be a hero to pay for his rudeness.

The period that they would stay in the hieron ruins was only enough for each knight to open one pearl of the secret item. In order to verify whether Zhang Tie's words were true or not, one knight of Zhang Clan of Tianlu Palace had to spend longer than 2 days on a meaningless object or have each of the 8 knights of Zhang Clan of Tianlu Palace waste 6 hours. This was the punishment for the male knight who had pretended to be a hero in front of Zhang Tie.

Zhang Tie felt that he had done good enough.

After locking the two pearls of secret items, the possibility for them to find the right one would rise from 1/8 to 1/2.

Zhang Tie could imagine the fake hero's poor look.

'I will see whether you will continue to pretend to be a hero for the sake of a beauty at the risk of my benefits in front of me...'


On the way to the middle of the mountain, namely, above 5,000 m, Zhang Tie didn't have any chance to meet any virtual image of a silver secret item any longer...

From the halfway above, the mountain was covered with a cloud of mist while its temperature declined sharply.

The cloud of mist was actually composed of fine icy crystals suspending in the air. Without releasing the protective battle qi, anyone would suffer a cruel torture of being stabbed by tens of thousands of needles.

It was cold and almost air-free. As a result, it's hard for black iron knights to move and stay long in such an environment...

At this moment, two people appeared in the cloud of mist in front of Zhang Tie and disappeared in a wink.

The two people didn't see Zhang Tie; however, Zhang Tie caught sight of them.

They were Lu Zhongming and his wife.

Zhang Tie became stunned, 'Why are they moving towards the top of the mountain too?'


At the top of the Weapons Mountain, a magnificent hieron was standing there in a majestic way...

Old Monster Qi was the first one who reached the top of the mountain and caught sight of the hieron...