969 - 978

Chapter 969: Promoting to an Earth Knight (I)

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

On the evening of December 17th, the 902th year of Black Iron Calendar...

Although Zhang Tie had not contacted the outside world for a long time and could not sense time elapse through daily repetitive cultivation, he could still see the precise time of the outside world through the delicate table clock in the lobby of the palace tree of Castle of Black Iron which was made by Edward.

This table clock was made according to Zhang Tie's requests purely by hand. Higher than 1 m, the purple-red metal table clock was a perfect artwork. Its elegance and qi field matched the palace tree pretty well.

The time in Castle of Black Iron was synchronous with that of the outside world, daytime or evening. Zhang Tie especially told Edward to make such a table clock and put it in the lobby of the palace tree one year ago in case that he forgot the time in the outside world. It could remind him that many people and many things in the outside world were waiting for him even though he was in the pyramid and the Castle of Black Iron.

When in cultivation, time flew, Zhang Tie was even worried that he would forget the disputes in the outside world.

4 months ago, Zhang Tie had broken through the encirclement of the battle puppets in the lobby alone. It was the first time for him to break through the lobby and pass by it steadily by foot alone.

It was his first time to stop the strikes of those battle puppets without using the crystal ball since he entered the pyramid.

Zhang Tie had entered the 9 changes black iron realm by then.

The higher his realm was, the more reassured was Zhang Tie.

Actually, since he reached the 6 changes black iron realm, Zhang Tie had purposefully slowed down his speed in absorbing the earth chakra of the demon baron by extending the frequency of one time per month to one time per 1.5-2 months...

This spared more time and opportunities for Zhang Tie to lay his foundation. He did everything in an unflurried way. In each realm, Zhang Tie would have a different and deeper gnosis about the over strengths of knights.

The lobby, which was covered with battle puppets, was his best training field. The training field matched Zhang Tie's schedule of absorbing the earth chakra of the demon baron pretty well.

When he advanced to the 5 changes black iron realm, in order to coordinate with the cultivation of "Fire Dragon Heavens Burning Spear Battle Skill", the most powerful battle skill of "Fire Dragon Sutra", Zhang Tie consumed 67 points of bloodline energy to activate his ancestral bloodline "spear affinity".

It was a fundamental ancestral bloodline being similar to sword affinity. After activating this ancestral bloodline, Zhang Tie's "Fire Dragon Heavens Burning Spear Battle Skill" entered a higher realm like fish in water.

After deducting 67 points of bloodline energy, Zhang Tie still had 1717 points of bloodline energy left.

The energy points brought by the bloodline fruit which could activate ancestral bloodlines were very precious; therefore, Zhang Tie didn't casually squander them.

'Although I'm going to promote to an earth knight soon, I lack experience in fighting earth knights, not to mention the experience in fighting shadow knights. As the old saying goes, genuine knowledge comes from practice.' Zhang Tie kept these energy points because he didn't know which bloodlines to activate before having experience in fighting earth knights even shadow knights after promoting to an earth knight.

By then, he could further fix his shortages or play his strong points when fighting earth knights or shadow knights; namely, he could maximize the value of the bloodline fruit.

Out of such a rigorous consideration, Zhang Tie only used 67 energy points of this bloodline fruit.

In September, Zhang Tie finished the last round of absorption of the demon baron's earth chakra.

After that, Zhang Tie didn't recover the demon baron's earth chakra anymore; instead, he directly ignored it.

Over the past 3 months, Zhang Tie broke through the lobby of battle puppets time and time again in an increasingly shorter time.

Since October, Zhang Tie started to wander in the Weapons Mountain once again and broke the last pearls which contained silver secret items over there. Till then, the entire Weapons Mountain was ransacked by Zhang Tie.

By late November, Zhang Tie completely relaxed himself. He spent much time in sleeping, bathing and traveling in the immortal mountain or incarnating into the little black beetle to experience the lives of those residents in Castle of Black Iron; occasionally, he would spend 2 days in digging a beautiful pearl of secret item out of the soil in Weapons Mountain before teleporting it into the portable Xuanwu Secret Warehouse of Bloody Soul Temple as a collection.

Through such an adjustment, Zhang Tie's overall condition reached its peak in December.

On the evening of December 13, according to Heller's suggestion, Zhang Tie didn't complete this round of promotion in the pyramid for the time being; instead, he left the palace tree for the top of the main peak of the immortal mountain and started the last step for him to promote to an earth knight...

4 days passed in the blink of an eye, on the evening of December 17, Heller walked out of the palace tree and came to the hillside. Raising his head, he watched the top of the main peak being covered with white snow with an eager look.

Edward, Aziz and Agan had also arrived behind Heller. They were also looking at the top of the main peak of the immortal mountain in the distance.

"Castle Lord should promote to an earth knight today..." Aziz asked Heller with a concerned look.

"Yes, it should be tonight..."

"Earth knight. I'm really happy for him..." Edward said sincerely.

Edward, Aziz and Heller who were most unlike servants became thrilled; only Agan twiddled with his fingers with a shameful look, "I spent the least efforts this time, I only made a cell..."

"Don't worry, you will have chances!" Heller comforted Agan as he turned around to watch the top of the main peak of the immortal mountain while a light flashed across his eyes, "It will be soon..."


On the top of the main peak, Zhang Tie filled the last complex triangular pattern of the earth chakra of King Roc Sutra with earth elements...


At the same time, a powerful energy wave rose up from the top of the main peak and swept over the entire space of Castle of Black Iron in a split second.

At the same moment, all the residents in Castle of Black Iron felt flurried, no matter what they were doing...

Therefore, all of them stopped what they were doing and walked out of their rooms, watching the immortal mountain in the far...

Chapter 970: The Raging Tide

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

The moment the last pattern on the earth chakra of King Roc Sutra was filled with earth elements, the entire earth chakra of Zhang Tie had uttered a thunder-like sound, "Ka..."

The blare spread over all the surging points of Zhang Tie and resonated all the surging points. At the same time, Zhang Tie's body quivered a second.

Closely after this blare, a strong wave swept over the entire space of Castle of Black Iron centered by Zhang Tie. As a result, all the living beings in this space sensed the terrifying strength from the top of the main peak of the immortal mountain, humans or animals.

This blare was similar to that when the last component of a set of a powerful machine was assembled.

After the last component was assembled, the entire earth chakra rocked a bit before radiating a dazzling golden light and starting to rotate slowly...

The earth chakra and the black iron chakra then started to rotate in a coordinated way like two gears of a machine, one outside, one inside.

As the earth chakra started to rotate, a wholly new and strong strength was spread over Zhang Tie from the chakra in terms of waves. It started to reorganize Zhang Tie's strength system. Zhang Tie felt being pushed by an overwhelming strength while his awareness started to rise like a rocket physically and spiritually...


Under the gaze of everyone else, an overbearing virtual image of golden king roc started to appear on the top of the main peak of the immortal mountain in Castle of Black Iron.

It was a 4-wing king roc. Over its golden body, each feather was radiating brilliant golden light like gold. Its eyes were as hot as two suns. When they opened and closed, they were like sunrise and sunset. The moment the two pairs of wings stretched out, the entire immortal mountain was covered under it.

With another blare "Ka...", the entire Castle of Black Iron rocked again while everybody found it was uttered by the king roc.

When the virtual image of king roc flapped its wings for the first time, it rushed into the heavens right away. When it flapped its wings for the second time, its entire virtual image started to fly across Castle of Black Iron like the ruler of the sky while its huge shadow covered the land below...

As for this virtual image, Castle of Black Iron was so small that the king roc could fly across this space several rounds as fast as lightning bolts only by flapping its wings one time...

Many residents in Castle of Black Iron were shocked by this scene. When the virtual image of king roc covered the land, an old man in a robe screamed, "It's the incarnation of the God...". Closely after him, all the others started to kneel down towards this enormous virtual image piously.

These people in Castle of Black Iron were all commoners from Waii Subcontinent. There was no earth knight across the Waii Subcontinent. Of course, they didn't know about the virtual images of earth knights. Even if some of them knew that, they must have not witnessed the abnormal phenomenon when the emperor-level virtual image appeared in the sky. Facing such a scene, all of them could only attribute everything in front of them to their God.

"Ka...", with another blare, the virtual image of king roc ascended while the colorful clouds in the entire space of Castle of Black Iron started to roll.

When the rolling colorful clouds brought the king roc a higher and broader air territory, they also started to suppress the virtual image so that the king roc could only fly in the limited air territory of Castle of Black Iron...

The virtual image of king roc was furious as it felt its dignity was being challenged. "Ka...", with the third blare, the king roc's two pairs of wings stabbed into the colorful clouds like a sharp sword. It seemed that it was going to tear apart the heavens and invisible barrier in front of its eyes...

'Nothing could stop me from being free; if the land stops me, I will break the land and lowest location; if the sky stops me, I will tear apart the sky and break the void!

'Free! Free! Free!'

It was what the rocs were pursuing for in their whole lives.


At the same time...

When the virtual image of king roc flapped its wings for the first time, the surging elements in the elements realm outside Castle of Black Iron became restless in a split second, causing powerful elements to tide which rolled over the entire elements realm like a tsunami which could not even be met in 10,000 years. Those black iron knights' spiritual tentacles which were catching up with elements in the elements realm were instantly torn apart by the powerful elements tide like dinghies in the tsunami. As a result, all the black iron knights were forced to exit the elements realm...

Although earth knights and those above earth knights stayed in the elements realm, they were also greatly impacted by the elements tide. As the chaotic and surging element crystals were hard to catch, they had to stop what they were doing.

"Ahh, what's happening..."

All the gates of the knights' towers in the Lion Fortress were opened while all the knights exited their towers and exchanged glances with each other with confused looks...

As it was the first time for almost all the black iron knights to experience such a change in the elements realm. They didn't even know what was happening at all.

In the highest knight's tower in the center of the Lion Fortress, an old man with a white beard and eyebrows opened his eyes which were as brilliant as stars in the sky. He then looked at the ground with a dubious look...


Wu Guanhai the team leader of Black Armor Army in Lion Fortress who had also been forced to exit the elements realm spiritually also walked out of his room. With heavy dense eyebrows, he exchanged a confused look with the other knights of Black Armor Army who had also walked out of their room almost at the same time.

Given the others' dumbfounded looks, Wu Guanhai knew that the other team members also didn't know what was happening.

"Is it aroused by demons?" A black armored knight asked out of curiosity.

"F**t, if demons could drive us out of the elements realm, what are we here for?" Wu Guanhai swore at once.

"What's happening then?"

"Who knows?"

Right then, a logistical personnel who was responsible for taking care of those underground dragons hurriedly ran over here, sweating all over his forehead.

"Ahh, emergency, something is wrong with those underground dragons."

As these knights treasured those underground dragons so much, the moment they heard this, they immediately ran towards the stable of the underground dragons.

In the stable, the most bad-tempered underground dragons which had just been captured a few days ago were kneeling down on the ground and quivering like chicks. Meanwhile, they were burying their heads under their bellies...

The underground dragon was a sub-dragon, which had the bloodlines of dragons in far-ancient times. That explained why underground dragons were so powerful.


In the endless dark of the first abyss, numerous demon knights were becoming flurried too...

Because the elements tide would drive any alien species out of the elements realm, humans or demons.


The third abyss of the earth-element realm which was abundant in underground dragons became as silent as a dead region. The irritable roars of underground dragons completely disappeared in the third abyss...


Youzhou Province, Taixia Country, on the earth' surface...

Elder Muyuan, who was cultivating, walked out of the shrine palace in Embracing Tiger City. Frowning, he looked up at the stars over the sky.

In the dark, a weird, brilliant, twisting polar light appeared in the sky.

Such a polar light should only be seen in the north polar or the south polar instead of appearing in the air territory of Taixia Country. However, at this moment, the brilliant polar light was like a fantastic veil in the night sky. With a bizarre sense of beauty, it appeared in front of the eyes of Elder Muyuan and shared the brilliance with the sky and the ground.

The influence of the elements tide in the elements realm also presented in the material world.

The entire Embracing Bear City was filled with exclamations; many commoners who had fallen asleep woke up and walked out of their doors or stood in their balconies or on the roof, watching such a weird and brilliant scenery.


In Xuanyuan Hill, being hundreds of thousands of miles away from Youzhou Province...

In an average courtyard, beside the same pond, the old man who was feeding golden fish looked up at the polar light above Xuanyuan Hill with changing eye lights.

Being different from others' dumbfounded looks, when this old man watched the polar light, he kept twiddling his right fingers rapidly in his long sleeve and practicing an extremely profound divination.

Wise men would know the precise season through a leaf, not to mention such a wide-range abnormal astronomical phenomenon.

Perhaps commoners didn't know that, but in the eyes of this old man, the extremely surging elements tide in the elements realm indicated that someone was cultivating an emperor-level method and had just promoted to an earth knight.

The same thing happened over 7 decades ago. However, that elements tide in the elements realm was not as fierce as this one and there was not such an abnormal phenomenon in the sky at that time.

After twiddling his fingers for a while in his long sleeve, when his thumb touched one finger, he felt a great resistance like an invisible mountain between the two fingers. He could not press down his thumb anymore.

Even though it was a mountain, the old man could lay it flat by one palm; therefore, the old man pressed his thumb down forcefully...

When a breeze blew, his right sleeve suddenly exploded into pieces and fell onto the ground. The old man felt like vomiting, but he controlled it and finally recovered his look in half a minute.

The old man shook his head and let out a sigh while his face turned a bit pale.

"If the crown prince dispatches someone to ask what happened. Just tell him there's a powerful item which could cover the heavenly fortunes on the stranger's body. It's out of my ability!"

After saying that, the old man turned around and returned to his room.

Before entering his room, he threw a glance at the east palace of Xuanyuan Hill.


After a while, someone indeed came to the outside of this courtyard with a question, "Who's that?"

A servant in the courtyard retold the old man's words to the arriver.

The arriver came back with the answer.


On a gold platform of hundreds of meters in height, a broad-foreheaded people in a robe with dragon patterns were holding the jade handrail of the gold platform and watching the changing polar light in the sky with a complex eye light.

"Third brother, is that you? or ninth brother? You're still thinking about taking my place. You formed the earth chakra of Xuanyuan Celestial Being Sutra so fast! It seems that you have a wonderful experience!" That man murmured.

After a short while, a servant in the primitive high crown and dark black clothes came to the back of the man and lowered his body before uttering.

"Your majesty, your teacher said this man has a powerful item which could cover heavenly fortunes. It's out of his ability!"

"Pah..." the jade rail was broken into ash in a split second while the face of the man in the robe with dragon patterns turned ghastly pale...

Chapter 971: Promoting to an Earth Knight (II)

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

The colorful mist in the Castle of Black Iron was blurred, changeable and irresistible. No matter how the virtual image of king roc tore it furiously and attempted to break the heavens; it was always limited in the space of Castle of Black Iron.

After an hour, with furious and unwilling blares, the virtual image of king roc flew back to the top of the immortal mountain. Closely after that, it turned into a light rain over the sky and finally entered into Zhang Tie's body.

Zhang Tie then opened his eyes and stood up.

'Is that the feeling when one promotes to an earth knight?'

Zhang Tie felt each cell in his body was releasing a surging strength while being tranquil inside.

At this moment, if the black iron chakra was regarded as a steam engine for an automobile, the earth chakra could be taken as a large set of the steam turbine, which could drive a train or a steamer.

After promoting to an earth knight, one could experience a subversive change. That implied the power of earth knights.

Although Zhang Tie was closing his eyes just now, he had sensed the abnormal phenomenon of the virtual image of king roc in the space of Castle of Black Iron.

If not in Castle of Black Iron, the moment the virtual image of king roc flew out of the pyramid and traversed in the earth-element realm at a super high speed, or on the earth surface, it would be the target of both humans and demons.

At the sight of such a unique virtual image of golden king roc, perhaps many people could guess that someone was cultivating the "King Roc Sutra". This would arouse a tempestuous storm and bring him a lot of unpredictable troubles and dangers. If some powerhouses saw the virtual image returning to the pyramid in the magma sea, Zhang Tie's identity might be exposed.

This was why Heller suggested Zhang Tie to promote to an earth knight in Castle of Black Iron. He had to limit the abnormal phenomenon which might expose his cultivation method to the minimal space.

Zhang Tie retrospected and found the two chakras were slowly rotating, a silver one inside, a golden one outside. The new earth chakra was like a brilliant astrolabe while all the vertical and complex geometrical patterns on it had been activated and integrated with each other. When it was rotating, it was constantly providing a great strength. In the periphery of the earth chakra, a larger, empty shadow of water chakra had presented.

The water chakra required more water elements, which were at least 60% more than that of the total amount of earth elements required by the earth chakra.

Zhang Tie revealed a bitter smile.

The number of earth elements required by the earth chakra of king roc sutra was already astronomical. The water chakra's requirement was more terrifying. This meant that Zhang Tie's road towards a shadow knight would be tougher and more time-consuming.

Whatever, he had already become an earth knight; no matter how difficult it was in the future, he had to face it step by step. It was already out of his imagination that he could promote to an earth knight from a black iron knight in less than 10 years due to good luck. Zhang Tie was very satisfied with that.

The top of the immortal mountain was covered with thick snow. Standing there, Zhang Tie had complex moods. He watched the land and the palace tree in the distance while the Heavenly Waterfall of snow water fell off Zhang Tie's foot, creating a beautiful scenery which was a mixture of misty clouds and water.

Standing at the top of the main peak of the immortal mountain after promoting to an earth knight, Zhang Tie looked at the surroundings and felt pretty vacant. Enjoying this world created by himself, Zhang Tie had a special feeling and gnosis.

Why the top of main peaks of all the tall mountains in the world were always accompanied by snow all the year round?

The mountain was rigid and firm and was taken as yang; the snow was soft and easily melted and was taken as yin. When the yang was below, it tended to move upwards; when the yin was above, it tended to move downwards. The universal rules of yin and yang existed everywhere.

If one thing was extremely rigid, it would be easily broken; therefore, all the high peaks in the world were covered with snow and gentlemen should have the good moral integrity to embrace everything in their hearts.

As yin could not be preserved, even though the north polar of Ice and Snow Wilderness was abundant in snow all the year round, there was no mountain being covered with snow all the year round. The yin would finally recover to tranquility. Therefore, gentlemen should exert themselves constantly.

The higher the mountain was, the more destructive it would be. However, the higher it was, the thicker and softer the snow would be and the more tolerable it would be. Snow on the top of the high peaks would not collapse easily; instead, it would melt itself, turning into water and flowing downwards, which would lubricate all living beings tenderly. Therefore, the higher position or level one was in, the more powerful one would be and more soft-hearted one would be, this should be the gnosis about yin and yang in the world as an earth knight.

After promoting to an earth knight, Zhang Tie's overall strength reached a new high. With the gnosis about yin and yang in the world on the snow-capped top of the main peak of Immortal Mountain, Zhang Tie's cultivation base in both soul and intelligence advanced to a new level.

The powerful strength matched such a powerful soul and intelligence in a harmonious way.

When Zhang Tie woke up from his gnosis on the top of the mountain peak, the day had broken in Castle of Black Iron.

Zhang Tie revealed a smile. Instead of activating his Kuafu bloodline, he just fumbled and went down the main peak of the immortal mountain and returned to the palace tree.

"Congratulations, Castle Lord. You're an earth knight now!" Heller hailed Zhang Tie together with Edward, Aziz and Agan.

"Hohoho, it's sheer good luck. I'm afraid that I will not have such a good luck in the future!" Zhang Tie replied in a pleasant voice with a smile; however, he was not flamboyant; instead, he maintained a modest, indifferent and calm look.

Zhang Tie stood overnight on the top of the main peak of the immortal mountain last night. Heller knew everything in Castle of Black Iron except for Zhang Tie's spiritual gnosis. Heller felt that Castle Lord had changed a bit. After promoting to an earth knight, Castle Lord didn't become presumptuous; instead, he became calmer and more steady.

"It seems that we should not only congratulate Castle Lord for promoting to an earth knight but also for gaining a higher gnosis about the strength and existence of an earth knight. Your soul and intelligence have reached a new high! I'm really happy for you..." Heller replied with a solemn look as he bowed towards Zhang Tie once again.

"Hoho..." Zhang Tie revealed a smile, "I'm overpraised. I just have some gnosis about my surroundings and faintly adjusted my mentality. It's not that exaggerating."

"This is the process that Hua people pursue for the universal law. The universal law is right beside you. However, only when you have intelligent eyes and pure souls could you have an insight into it and have a bright future!"

After hearing Heller's praise, Zhang Tie felt a bit embarrassed. Touching his head, Zhang Tie revealed a smile. He then realized that he was not bald-headed anymore. As he had been used to be Cui Li, he couldn't forget about some habits easily.

"Well, bring me the demon knight!" Zhang Tie told Edward.

'It's time to kill that poor guy or make use of the waste for the last time.'

After receiving Zhang Tie's order, Edward, Aziz and Agan hurriedly went to fetch the crippled demon baron jubilantly.

"Castle Lord, do you prepare to leave the pyramid?"

"Almost like that. After dealing with that demon, I will spend some days in absorbing some fiery-flame lotus roots so that I could bear high temperature. Then, I will leave the pyramid. It's boring to stay inside it!"

"Castle Lord, when you leave, don't forget to take away the most important and the most valuable item in the pyramid."

"Ahh, which item?" Zhang Tie became a bit startled as he didn't understand whether there was something left in the entire pyramid. Although those battle puppets were not bad, they were integrated with this pyramid. This pyramid provided energy to those battle puppets constantly. Zhang Tie had tried it. When a battle puppet was teleported into his space-teleportation item and Castle of Black Iron, it would lose its response to the pyramid. In the space-teleportation item and Castle of Black Iron, the battle puppet couldn't move at all; it was nothing but an iron statue. Unless Zhang Tie could build a far-ancient hieron in Caste of Black Iron or the space-teleportation item, those battle became useless even if he took them away...

"The joss being connected to the bloody sacrifice furnace in the hall!" Heller replied with a smile.

"That...can be taken away?" Zhang Tie asked while his eyes almost popped out.

"That joss is not connected to the hieron. Castle Lord, you would have known it if you studied it carefully. Additionally, that joss is not exaggerating in height and weight at all. Although others could not take it away, Castle Lord could take it away for sure. Additionally, you could put it in your Xuanwu Secret Warehouse of Bloody Soul Temple and use it whenever you want in case of exposing Castle of Black Iron. If Castle Lord would like to establish a sect in the future, you could put it in the shrine as the No. 1 treasure of your sect!"

After Heller's suggestion, Zhang Tie became thrilled all over. 'If I could really take away that super large machine, anyone who wants bloody sacrifice has to earnestly beg me for that. By then, I could even ask for payment from them. It's completely a big, profitable business in Taixia Country. Who else in Taixia could have a bloody sacrifice furnace...'

Chapter 972: Taking Full Advange of the Demon Baron

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Edward, Aziz and Agan soon brought the demon baron to Zhang Tie's front.

Like usual, the demon baron was still limited in the exoskeleton semi-automatic prisoning cabin.

Although with a depressed and hopeless look, the demon baron looked a bit fat these couple months through the careful nursing of Agan, Aziz and Edward; however, its qi was not as perilous and aggressive as that before.

At this moment, the demon baron was completely like a lion whose teeth had been pulled away and claws had been broken. What was more, through consecutive bloody sacrifice rites and absorption of its earth chakra, the demon baron had long collapsed spiritually and physically.

In the myths and legends on Western Continent, those selfish and narrow-minded irritable deities would punish the angels who brought light to humans by constantly digging out their guts and having them carried off by wild beasts and raptors before healing them, causing them endlessly painful.

Of course, the demon baron had nothing to do with angels; however, after falling in Zhang Tie's hands, the demon baron's outcome was nothing different than those angels.

The metal stopper had been taken away from the demon baron's mouth; however, the demon baron had lost its ability to scream; instead, it drooled and watched Zhang Tie with a glassy-eyed look and stammered, "Ear...earth knight..."

When Zhang Tie promoted to an earth knight, his qi swept across the entire space of Castle of Black Iron. Of course, the demon baron who was prisoned in the dungeon of the palace tree had also felt that.

Even though its earth chakra was destroyed, it was still an earth knight, who could still acutely sense the qi of another earth knight.

"I have to appreciate you. Without you, I would not have promoted to an earth knight so fast!" Zhang Tie said in a calm tone as he revealed a smile towards the demon baron.

"Will...will I die today?" The demon baron asked Zhang Tie. When it mentioned the word "die", its eyes suddenly turned bright as if this word made it thrilled.

Previously, the demon baron might be afraid of death; however, at present, death became a relief for the demon baron. If it could commit suicide, the demon baron would have long done that. Sadly, it was unable to commit suicide even now.

"Not bad. You're going to die today. Because I've almost squeezed out all of your value till now!"

If Zhang Tie could have an earth demon knight as his bully and a mole in Castle of Black Iron, Zhang Tie was really unwilling to kill him. However, it was too exaggerated to have a black iron demon knight as humans' mole in the former two holy wars, not to mention an earth demon knight. As nobody could do it before, Zhang Tie didn't think he could do it either. Additionally, neither Heller and the small tree could do it; therefore, this earth demon knight had to die.

"Who...the hell are you? Where am I?"

The demon baron would not close his eyes even if it was dead without figuring out the two questions.

"I'm Zhang Tie. You're in my portable space-teleportation equipment, I call it Castle of Black Iron!"

Facing a demon knight who was going to die after sacrificing itself to help Zhang Tie promote to an earth knight, Zhang Tie replied patiently.

In this aspect, Hua people always had a nice tradition. Before being chopped off their heads, even condemned prisoners could enjoy a good meal in case of being a starved ghost, not to mention demons.

Zhang Tie's name was as meaningless as bynames such as Sam. Although it was wanted by the supreme court of Taixia Country, the demon baron had not heard about it at all. In its eyes, Zhang Tie was just a small figure. The demon baron only paid attention to big firues with deep backgrounds in Taixia Country, even black iron knights instead of common knights from Huaiyuan Palace like Zhang Tie.

Although the demon baron didn't know anything about this name, it kept murmuring "Castle of Black Iron" with flickering eye light.

"I picked up this space-teleportation item from roadside. It was wrapped in a common pyrite. After picking it up, I integrated with it. I could access this space at any time no matter where I am. I don't know where it came from. I think it should be a treasure left by a great person from far-ancient times!" Zhang Tie shrugged as he touched the demon baron's head, "What else do you want to know?"

"Immortal item...an immortal item in a common pyrite..." The demon baron murmured. Suddenly, its eyes were filled with jealousy and madness. After struggling for a short while, it suddenly laughed in a weird manner, "Even though you have the immortal item...you cannot change the destiny that humans are destined to be exterminated. You humans will finally become our slaves and bloody slaves..."

It was Zhang Tie's first time to hear the word "immortal item". Zhang Tie thought that this term should be used to describe a treasure which was above silver secret item in far-ancient times by demons. The piece of common pyrite which was used to wrap that exotic crystal of Castle of Black Iron should have a history of hundreds of millions of years. At that time, nobody knew what the world looked like. Perhaps, it was really under the rule of deities.

The term "immortal item" was really precise.

"I don't care whether humans are exterminated or not. I will just bring my beloved ones into Castle of Black Iron before the extinction of humans so that they could live in here happily. I will teleport people in Castle of Black Iron as many as possible. As for the rest of the humans, it's out of my ability. However, it depends whether humans would be exterminated by demons or not. After the former two holy wars, humans are still there. Additionally, Taixia is growing more and more powerful. But you are going to die..."

After saying that, Zhang Tie ran his purgatory samsara method and destroyed the part of water chakra of the demon baron...

As an earth knight, the demon baron had started to form its water chakra so as to promote to a shadow knight. In the past two years, Zhang Tie was absorbing the demon baron's earth chakra. At present, after promoting to an earth knight, he could absorb its water chakra.

The demon baron had not fixed its water chakra. Therefore, its virtual water chakra could not be restored after being absorbed according to the rule of bloody sacrifice.

Even though the virtual water chakra could be restored, Zhang Tie doubted that the number of low-level demon fighters which were required to restore the virtual water chakra would grow by geometric progression. Even a part of the virtual water chakra would require a terrifying number of low-level demon fighters. Nobody could afford it...

'If I were able to capture dozens of demon corps and sacrificed all of them, I had long been unrivaled in the world, what do I form my chakras for?'

'Therefore, it was just something of a fluke, I'm afraid that I would not have such a fluke in the future.'

After its virtual water chakra was destroyed by Zhang Tie, the demon baron passed out once again due to an extreme pain while quivering all over...

In a few seconds, the water elements in the virtual water chakra of the demon baron had been absorbed by Zhang Tie.

Zhang Tie felt that the water elements in the virtual water chakra of the demon baron could not even light 2 scales of his water chakra.

Previously, the number of earth crystals required by his earth chakra almost made Zhang Tie collapse. However, the number of water elements required by his water chakra was much more than that of earth crystals required by his earth chakra. It was absolutely an astronomical quantity. If he only relied on purgatory samsara method, he should at least absorb 200 earth demon knights like this one.

200 earth demon knights? If such a number of earth demon knights poured out of the earth-element realm like mad dogs, they could bulldoze a provincial court of Taixia Country. 'If earth demon knights were so weak, the holy war had long come to an end and it would never be my turn to show off.' After thinking about it, Zhang Tie realized that he would have great troubles on the way towards a shadow knight.

After absorbing the water chakra of the demon baron, Zhang Tie moved the insensible demon baron out of the exoskeleton semi-automatic prisoning cabin for the first time. After that, he caught its neck and lifted it like lifting a chick and returned to the bloody sacrifice hall on the top of the main peak of the Weapons Mountain in a split second.

Zhang Tie had long been familiar with everything in the hall; therefore, he soon started the bloody sacrifice furnace.

Being different than before, the one stood on the bloody sacrifice altar was not the demon baron anymore, but Zhang Tie himself.

Zhang Tie stood in the glow which radiated from the middle eye of the joss and rapidly chose the purpose of this bloody sacrifice——break through the bottlenecks of the secret battle skills of the "Fire Dragon Sutra" at the cost of the earth demon knight's blood and life.

Even an injured earth knight would bring him enormous benefits as it was a senior life and individual.

'It would be better if I could break through them. Otherwise, it doesn't matter, it will take me some time to cultivate them.' Zhang Tie didn't pose excessive requirements on it.

"Whether do you confirm to use this bloody sacrifice to help you break through the secret battle skills of your "Fire Dragon Sutra" or not?"

The joss's awareness occurred in Zhang Tie's mind.


"Okay, you've confirmed to use this bloody sacrifice to break through your cultivation bottlenecks. The breakthrough of your cultivation bottlenecks is a matter of probability. The more advanced lives you sacrifice, the lower your cultivation bottlenecks will be and the more possible it will be for you to succeed..."

After being thrown into the bloody sacrifice furnace, the demon baron disappeared in the black flame in a split second.

The heavy glow completely covered Zhang Tie...

Chapter 973: Leaving the Hieron

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

The abyss hurricane was still raging above the boiling magma sea. It was the January of the 903rd year of Black Iron Calendar...

Since the human teams left the hieron ruins two years ago, this place had become a depopulated zone. Besides some people who would come here in a specific period each year, most of the time, nobody could be seen here at all.

An iron-skinned newt drilled out of a dark cave and sought for its food meticulously. After fumbling in the dark for almost 1 hour, it finally found its tasty food near the bank of the magma sea based on its specific smell.

The so-called tasty food was some totally dried flesh and watermelons. Beside these food, there was an empty wine bottle. Even though, those dried flesh and watermelons could still be eaten by iron-skinned newts.

In the underground world, all the living beings had their own talents. Strong living beings could catch sufficient preys by their sharp claws while weak living beings could develop more complex food chains and corresponding digestive capabilities. Undoubtedly, iron-skinned newts belonged to the latter ones.

Although being as hard as rocks, the newt could still swallow those dried flesh. After entering its stomach which was full of gastric acid, the dried flesh was gradually digested while providing the iron-skinned newt with the necessary nutrients and energy.

When the iron-skinned newt was eating food, it raised up its head and looked around time and then with vigilant eyes. The moment it heard something abnormal, it would immediately escape to the shadows of rocks and cliff at the fastest speed.

According to the impression of the iron-skinned newt, this magma sea and the abyss hurricane above it was a barrier that no living being could break through; therefore, it only paid attention to the other side.

Therefore, when a caliga moved out of the magma sea and walked towards the seaside step by step, the iron-skinned newt didn't pay attention to it for the time being. However, when it caught sight of that man walking out of the magma sea, the iron-skinned newt was scared so much that it instantly bowed its body and sprung up from the ground like a flurried cat. Closely after that, it escaped to the shadow between two rocks in a very embarrassed way.

Perhaps, when this iron-skinned newt escaped away, its small head was still wondering about what kind of living being could live in the boiling magma sea. Undoubtedly, such a living being was very dangerous...

Zhang Tie saw the iron-skinned newt escaping away flurriedly.

It was like a lizard and a giant salamander. Its skin was highly toxic.

Of course, Zhang Tie ignored such a tiny underground living being.

When he walked out of the magama sea, Zhang Tie had put the shield into his portable space-teleportation space.

Strangely, Zhang Tie found a shield as same as that he gained from the demon general after searching over the Weapons Mountain these couple years. The two shields were both silver secret items in the same pattern and size. It reminded Zhang Tie that perhaps in the far-ancient times, these so-called silver secret items might be popular uniformed equipment that were produced in a large scale just like the weapons being equipped in the armies of Taixia Country.

Because of this discovery, Zhang Tie mocked himself that he had been too meticulous before. If he knew that there were so many such shields in the world, he would not worry about being doubted from gaining the shield from the demon baron.

Thieves would always have a guilty conscience.

Because of this shield, his protective battle qi as an earth knight and so many fiery-flame lotus roots that he had taken over the past month, Zhang Tie accomplished one thing that he could never imagine about before——swimming to the seaside from the underground space of the boiling magma sea.

This was how Zhao Yuan did when Zhao Yuan presented his power in front of Zhang Tie for the first time. At that moment, Zhang Tie had thought that Zhao Yuan was a celestial being. It was out of his imagination that Zhang Tie could also barely make it after so many years.

This indicated that Zhang Tie had made a great progress. A few years ago, even Zhang Tie himself could not imagine that he would swim in the magma sea one day.

At this moment, Zhang Tie had recovered his look as Cui Li. Being disheveled and bearded, plus his tower-like figure, Zhang Tie looked pretty terrifying and malicious.

When the iron-skinned newt hid in the dark, Zhang Tie came to the place where the iron-skinned newt stayed just now and stopped.

The empty bottle on the ground aroused Zhang Tie's attention.

There was some dried food beside the empty bottle. In the gap of the rocks, there was some ash. Zhang Tie squatted down and took a look at it carefully. After rubbing the ash by fingers, Zhang Tie revealed a weird look.

The ash should be the residue of joss paper. The joss paper had been covered with gold powders. Therefore, the ash was different than that of common joss paper. When in Blackhot City, Zhang Tie burned such things with his parents. It seemed that someone had just offered a sacrifice here a few days ago.

'Sacrifice? Here?'

'But why? Who will come here to offer a sacrifice?'

Zhang Tie felt a bit strange as he shook his head and walked ahead. However, after a few footsteps, he caught sight of the large bloody characters on a cliff. It was an elegiac couplet, the characters were as handsome and amazing as dragons which were full of grief and indignation.

——That's how heroes should behave! That's how good men should die!

Above the elegiac couplet, there was a line——Wish you live forever, Brother Cui Li.

Below the elegiac couplet, there was also a line——Left by Mountain Lifting Hermit with tears.

Chapter 974: The Lotus-Flower Eyes

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

How preposterous it was for one to read an elegiac couplet about himself which was left by someone else.

Watching the elegiac couplet and those remains of sacrifice, Zhang Tie knew that he had died in the minds of those knights who entered the hieron ruins together with him. It was nothing strange at all. It was what he expected the others to think. If the others knew that he was still alive, they would try their best to save him. If so, how could he accomplished his promotion to an earth knight and gain so many benefits in the pyramid?

Given the remains of sacrifice, Zhang Tie knew that these sacrifices were offered two months ago. It should be the 2nd anniversary of him since he entered the hieron ruins.

'I wonder who's that one.'

Some faces flashed through Zhang Tie's mind. Finally, he shook his head and revealed a smile. Closely after that, he flew off towards the familiar entrance of the mountain cave.

It was dark in the underground cave. Zhang Tie ran his spiritual energy while the entire world became refreshed as the underground cave immediately turned as bright as daytime. It was benefited from his dark vision effect. Zhang Tie's dark vision capability was too much better than that before. He could not only see everything clearly but also have a farther visual range.

As Zhang Tie had experience in incarnating into a thunder hawk, he clearly knew about the vision of the bird with the best visual sense. Honestly, after taking so many fiery-flame lotus seeds, Zhang Tie's vision had been far better than the thunder hawk that he had incarnated into before.

Under common circumstances, Zhang Tie's vision was almost like that of a thunder hawk, which was not too much greater than that of an average earth knight. However, in particular cases, if Zhang Tie wanted to see things clearly in farther places, he only needed to slowly inject his spiritual energy into some surging points near his eyes. In that way, his vision could increase sharply and would be many times greater than that of thunder hawks; as a result, all the other earth knights even shadow knights could not match him.

Although his vision could not reach 1,000 miles away, it was much greater than a high-power military telescope.

Zhang Tie ran his spiritual energy once again while this bright vision was refreshed for the second time, presenting colorful images with different temperatures in a multi-layered manner.

The gloomy underground cave then became vigorous and colorful.

Zhang Tie saw the iron-skinned newt crouching behind a rock. Over 50 m away from that iron-skinned newt, there was a small dark mouse inside the huge greyrock mushroom's umbrella. A few meters beneath the ground where the roots of the greyrock mushroom reached, there was a nest of red-eyed termites. The diligent red-eyed termites were opening a road towards the stem of the greyrock mushroom along the roots.

Over 20 m beneath the nest of red-eyed termites, there was a live groundwater. Between the rocks on both sides of the cave, there were black coppers whose color temperature was different than that of common limestone. On the earth's surface, black coppers were valuable; however, in the underground cave, the black coppers were sparsely distributed in some hundreds of meters long ore belts. Of course, it was not valuable to exploit them.

When Zhang Tie gazed at that iron-skinned newt, with his increasing spiritual energy, the iron-skinned newt gradually turned transparent, present its complete skeleton, guts, jumping walnut-sized heart, flowing blood and secretory gastric acid in front of Zhang Tie's eyes in clearly different color temperatures.

With such a visual effect, Zhang Tie returned along the way where he came from 2 years ago as fast as a lightning bolt.

Zhang Tie didn't radiate his battle qi luster as an earth knight. He just integrated himself into the dark like a drop of water entering the ocean. However, he flew silently at a speed higher than 900 km/h.

If black iron knights wanted to reach this speed, they had to activate their battle qis and turn as eye-catching as meteors. However, Zhang Tie, after promoting to an earth knight, could reach this speed very easily.

The valley where tall far-ancient giants' statues sat on both sides of the cliffs soon flashed by Zhang Tie.

In flight, Zhang Tie constantly adjusted and sensed his visual ability and felt that it was pretty funny.

The surging points surrounding his eyes were symmetric. Over the past 2 years, as he further explored the special visual abilities of his eyes, Zhang Tie found many interesting things.

At this moment, 6 of the 12 surging points surrounding Zhang Tie's eyes were evidently different than the others.

With 3 surging points around the left eye and 3 around the right eye, the 6 flames composed a blossoming fiery-flame lotus flower.

The 2 surging points being close to his nose could provide Zhang Tie with a super strong dark vision when Zhang Tie injected his spiritual energy into them; as for the 2 surging points below his eye sockets, when being injected with spiritual energy, could provide him a pretty far visual range; as for the 2 surging points at his eye corners, when being injected with spiritual energy, enabled Zhang Tie to see different color temperatures of objects.

Zhang Tie could inject his spiritual energy into the 6 surging points at the same time or respectively. In the first situation, his two eyes could see completely the same scenery; in the second situation, his left eye could maintain the normal vision of commoners while his right eye could be granted with a dark vision or a super long visual range.

By freely combining and allocating with the visual effects and abilities of his two eyes, Zhang Tie could have different marvelous visual senses through two eyes or combine with them freely and perfectly.

Zhang Tie had been fed up with everything in the pyramid. After coming to the outside, he felt pretty amused by viewing the surroundings with different visual effects.

Meanwhile, the discovery that different surging points surrounding his eyes could grant him with different visual abilities had approved Zhang Tie's presumption about surging points a few years ago——If the human body could be treated as the most marvelous machine in the universe, different surging points are equal to the switches and buttons of different functions of the human body. Sometimes, when your physical condition could allow you to use that switch and button, you could activate different functions or adjust the effects of the functions of your body.

As to the three special surging points around each of his eyes, the first surging point could grant his eye with dark vision, the second could grant his eye with a super long visual range like that of a super-power telescope while the third could allow his eye to see different color temperatures and colorful lights.

The fiery-flame lotus seeds had injected a special energy into Zhang Tie's body so that he could fully activate and start the three switches around each of his eyes.

As to the rest 6 surging points around his eyes, Zhang Tie was not sure whether did they have marvelous visual abilities too. 'Perhaps the 6 surging points' visual abilities have been activated which just correspond to his eyes' senses about normal lights, or they had other marvelous visual abilities, who knew?

Before the Catastrophe, one important reason that demons and those bastards of Three-eye Association treated Hua people as their public enemy might be that only Hua people carried forward the precious knowledge from far-ancient times. The medicine of Hua people was the gathering of these knowledge. For instance, acupuncture and massage for specific body parts could be used to deal with some diseases. As for the principle, perhaps those surging points with specific functions and effects could be stimulated through acupuncture and massage.

Before the Catastrophe, Hua medicine was slandered as pseudoscience. Under stresses from all aspects, it almost went extinct. However, in this age, it became the common sense of humans that Hua medical system carried forward the super civilization of far-ancient times.

The three surging points around each of his eyes had lotus blossom-shaped flames, which special ability originated from fiery-flame lotus; additionally, Zhang Tie saw his pupils being surrounded with lotus flower-shaped marvelous beautiful golden images in the mirror of Castle of Black Iron. Therefore, Zhang Tie named his visual ability "Lotus-flower eyes".


After one day's flight, Zhang Tie smoothly flew out of the mountain cave and came to the extremely vast and dark first abyss.

As the first abyss was covered with abyss vines, it was still enshrouded by a dense black mist.

Two years ago, Zhang Tie couldn't see through the black mist even though he had a great dark vision. However, two years later, suspending in the void, as the lotus flower-shaped golden images in his eyes blossomed one layer after another, the entire first abyss became transparent while each grass or wood within hundreds of miles became as clear as palm grains...

At this moment, Zhang Tie felt especially satisfied as his vision could penetrate through the heavens and the ground.

Over 35 miles away, a woman in black palace longuette flew towards him as fast as light, while a demon knight was chasing after her from thousands of meters away...

Zhang Tie lowered his head and saw their shadows.

Even though she was far away from him, Bai Suxian's unique coquettish black palace longuette still made Zhang Tie's eyelids jump——f*ck, what a coincidence!

Bai Suxian was chased after by a powerful black iron demon knight. Given its flight speed, the demon knight could match the demon general, who must have reached the later stage of 9 changes black iron realm and was going to promote to an earth knight.

Bai Suxian was darting towards Zhang Tie with her full efforts.

Unless Bai Suxian also had lotus-flower eyes, she must have not noticed Zhang Tie in the dense black mist. Therefore, the only possibility for her to dart towards Zhang Tie's location was that she wanted to escape from the demon knight's pursuit based on her familiarity about the terrain in the mountain cave where she had been to when she explored the hieron's ruins.

'What a pity!' Zhang Tie sighed inside.

Zhang Tie was not pitying Bai Suxian but the demon knight.

The demon baron was not an earth knight; if not, Zhang Tie would make full use of it.

In Zhang Tie's eyes, any black iron knight was useless, no matter how powerful he was...

Chapter 975: Meeting Young Sister Once Again

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Before Bai Suxian entered the familiar mountain cave, she had been caught up by the demon knight. "Where are you escaping?" The demon knight asked with a sportive and grim sneer.

It seemed that the demon knight had realized Bai Suxian's plan; how could it let her slide into the maze-like mountain cave?

The demon knight then released its bright battle qi. It flashed forward with a wake flame. In a few seconds, it could launch an attack towards Bai Suxian.

An especially powerful shock wave which could be barely resisted by black iron knights attacked Bai Suxian from her back. Bai Suxian twisted her slim waist and dodged it.

Although she dodged this strike, as she had changed her direction, her speed slowed down a bit.

In such a time gap, the demon knight narrowed their distance once again.

The demon knight fleered. Gazing at Bai Suxian's back, he launched dense strikes towards Bai Suxian.

There was a tactic called magnet tactic. The moment the one being chased entered the largest striking radius of the chaser, the chaser could constantly strike the other party in the air so as to change the opponent's flight path and stagnate the opponent's flight speed. It was similar to the principle of operation of the magnet, which would slow down the opponent's movements and finally catch up with the opponent.

After being forced to detour, her speed could never match that of voluntary detour or going straight. As long as the chaser started magnet tactic, the party being chased would be caught up with sooner or later in most cases if not having an overwhelming speed or battle strength.

Bai Suxian responded fast; her overstrength was above average among black iron knights. However, facing a demon knight who had entered 9 changes black iron realm and was going to promote to an earth knight, she was slightly dwarfed.

The demon knight's flight speed was much faster than that of hers; the moment it started the magnet tactic, it soon caught up with her when Bai Suxian dodged its strikes.

Bai Suxian made a decision immediately. When she found that she couldn't escape anywhere, she released a battle qi smoke at once.

In the first abyss, the disadvantageous party would always release her battle qi smoke in battle so as to seek for help from nearby knights on her side.

If not release her battle qi smoke, the nearby knights might not find them until approaching a few miles away from them; however, after releasing her battle qi smoke, someone might notice the battle here from over 20 miles away.

Battle qi smoke was the most eye-catching signal that knights could release in the first abyss.

Of course, the unluckiest possibility was that her battle qi smoke might attract the opponent's assistants and accelerate her death.

The first abyss was filled with crises. Even earth knights were almost blinded here, nobody could confirm that those within dozens of miles were on their side.

"Hehehe, I've not f*cked a human woman yet. I, Salas will taste such a beautiful human knight today!"

The demon knight who chased Bai Suxian was an ox-headed demon. Ox-headed demons were born to be brutal and lascivious. If the female knight could commit suicide in the elite ox-headed demon's hand, she must be lucky enough.

When the ox-headed demon said this, its eyes flickered greed and excited glow while glancing over Bai Suxian's plump and sexy figure. At the same time, it increased its striking frequency, sparing no surplus time to Bai Suxian at all. Additionally, it kept drooling while a part below its waist under its skirt armor raised high at once.

This ox-headed demon was even one head higher than Cui Li, the current look of Zhang Tie. Therefore, the raising part below its waist was also as amazing as that of a donkey.

Bai Suxian narrowed her eyes at once while a long whip appeared in her hand. Closely after that, she fiercely whipped towards the raised part between the ox-headed demon's legs with a qi as sharp as sword qi.

The demon knight instantly tossed out its battleax which was made of abyss iron. With a bang, young sister's sharp strike was broken.

They soon carried out a close combat.

As Bai Suxian's overstrength was much weaker than a demon knight who was going to promote to an earth knight. Therefore, after a short while, Bai Suxian had been in the disadvantageous position completely.

Bai Suxian temporarily dodged the demon knight's strikes many times based on her agile movements. However, before she escaped, she was soon struck by the demon knight in magnet tactic.

Only after a couple of minutes, Bai Suxian had been oozing sweat all over.

On the contrary, the ox-headed demon knight felt gradually easier while drooling more and more saliva; especially the special female qi released from Bai Suxian's body when in combat which drove the ox-headed demon knight more thrilled.

The ox-headed demon knight hit her harder and harder but carefully. It seemed that the demon knight didn't want to break Bai Suxian's body.

Bai Suxian gritted her white teeth and bore it hardly...

'It seems that I cannot escape without using that item. After using it, even if I couldn't kill this ox-headed demon, I would hurt it for sure and create a chance for myself to escape. However, it is too precious. I only have one. After using it this time, it would be hard for me to find another one...'

'Well, whatever, it's better than falling in the hand of this b*stard. It's really disgusting...'

At such a critical moment, when Bai Suxian felt reluctant to reach her hand towards her waist, a dreamlike voice sounded at her ears.

It sounded rude, straightforward, indolent and a bit rustic. Before coming to the earth realm, if Bai Suxian heard this voice, she might dodge far away; however, after coming to the earth realm, the moment she heard this voice, she would feel soft all over...

"Young sister, what are you performing? Is that the beauty and the beast or you're training a rutting buffalo in the circus?"

Closely with the voice was a man darting towards here at an unimaginable high speed with an abyss battle spear. At the same time, he fiercely whipped the abyss battle spear onto the raised part between the demon knight's legs...

It was such a powerful strike that Bai Suxian thought that she was dazzled.

Because the abyss battle spear bent over as it couldn't bear the great strength of the abyss battle spear. It was a natural physical reaction. Similarly, a slim bamboo strip would transform slightly if a kid forcefully whipped it. The strength passed to the bamboo strip from the kid's hand, then to the other end of the bamboo stripe, causing a natural bend.

If the strength and speed didn't surpass the endurance limits of the bamboo strip, the bamboo strip would not bend over even though being whipped.

However, the bamboo strip could never match the endurance limits of an abyss battle spear.

Even an abyss battle spear could not bear the strength, how great the strength was!

Bai Suxian was shocked at once. She thought that she was dazzled.

However, the demon knight soon realized what happened.

Zhang Tie raided the demon knight. Now that he was treating a demon, Zhang Tie preferred to raid it rather than a head-on attack. Because he didn't need to launch a head-on attack towards a demon knight. Zhang Tie only stuck to one principle when fighting demon knights——kill them in the most unexpected manner at the fastest speed and the minimal cost and consumption. All the others are nothing but bullsh*t.

Before being raided, the demon knight had not fully released its protective battle qi when fighting Bai Suxian because it didn't think that another human powerhouse could give a favor to Bai Suxian at this moment. In the opinion of the demon knight, it only needed to resist the female human knight's strike with his protective battle qi. It was wasteful if it released too much protective battle qi.

Being extremely stimulated by Bai Suxian's beautiful look and female qi, the demon knight had not imagined that it would encounter such a powerful blow. However, when it realized what happened, it was already too late for it to release all of its protective battle qi.

In a split second, the demon knight's protective battle qi had been broken like a watermelon being hammered by a pneumatic hammer on the steam forging machine...

The strike was too fast and destructive. Before the explosive strength of its protective battle qi touched its body, Zhang Tie's abyss battle spear had fiercely whipped onto the raised thing below the demon knight's skirt armor.

Of course, the hardest spear was the abyss battle spear in Zhang Tie's hand.

A bloody mist exploded between the demon knight's legs.

With an earth-shaking roar, the demon knight was sent over 700 m away by Zhang Tie as fast as a lightning bolt like a baseball...

Zhang Tie immediately caught up with it. Before the demon knight launched its first counterattack, it had been covered by Zhang Tie's dense thunder-like strikes...

Chapter 976: Partner

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Previously, due to a sharp gap, Zhang Tie was almost mistreated by the demon general like a dog...

Now, due to a remarkable gap, Zhang Tie mistreated a knight as powerful as the demon general who was going to promote to an earth knight like a dog.

If in another scene, this demon knight called Salas might not become so embarrassed in such a transient time; however, as it was only obsessed with Bai Suxian's beautiful look and female qi, it was raided by Zhang Tie successfully and was destined to die.

Salas was not a gecko, who would not survive itself by abandoning its tail. Zhang Tie's strike almost broke the 'third leg" and the part above the thighs of the other two legs of the demon knight at the same time.

The abyss battle spear was amazingly powerful. Besides crippling Salas' three legs, it severely shocked its guts, causing the demon knight to spurt out blood while being sent flying over 700 m away.

Being very experienced in combats, how could Zhang Tie miss such a golden opportunity? Of course, he kept up striking the demon knight tempestuously.

Watching how Zhang Tie mistreated the demon knight crazily from afar, Bai Suxian thought that she was dreaming. She forcefully pinched her thigh while the sharp pain reminded her that it was not a dream.

This voice and this figure belonged to the very man whom she thought that she would never meet again in her life.

2 years ago, Bai Suxian thought that she had been familiar with Cui Li pretty well; however, when she saw Cui Li once again, she abruptly felt strange about this man.

Cui Li's power was out of Bai Suxian's imagination.

It was the demon knight's turn to release its battle qi smoke.

While being struck by Cui Li, the demon knight finally chose to release it battle qi smoke which served like the SOS that humans universally used before the Catastrophe. At the critical moment, the demon knight also expected a miracle.

Pitifully, the miracle didn't occur. No shadow demon knight could give Zhang Tie a "surprise" at this moment.

Only after a few minutes, with Salas's earthshaking shriek, its body was vaporized by the hot sun-like light that was released from Zhang Tie's palms, causing a bloody rain over the sky and finally disappeared into the dark mist.

The battle came to an end.

Under the gaze of Bai Suxian, the battle finally came to an end when Cui Li performed the movement "Overturn rivers and seas" of "Big Sun Fire Dragon Palm Skill". How overbearing and manly was Cui Li!

Zhang Tie caught the pair of ox horns that he especially kept and returned to Bai Suxian's front.

"Are you a man or a ghost?" Bai Suxian asked Zhang Tie as she watched the latter with a pair of watery eyes before Zhang Tie uttered.

"Haha, of course, I'm a human!" Zhang Tie burst out into laughter, "If humans could kill demon knights after becoming ghosts, demons have long been exterminated and the holy war has long come to an end!"

After hearing such a rude reply, Bai Suxian reconfirmed that he was Cui Li.

After hesitating for a short while, Bai Suxian asked another question, "When...when in the hieron ruins, didn't you die with the demon earth knight...we...we thought you were dead!"

"I didn't. But the earth demon knight died. Your brother Cui has trump cards; plus some wonderful experiences in the hieron!" Zhang Tie explained loudly and straightforwardly.

"Wonderful experiences?"

"A loss may turn out to be a gain. Your brother Cui killed an earth demon knight at the risk of his life!" Zhang Tie explained faintly.

After knowing that Zhang Tie didn't want to explain what he experienced in the hieron ruins explicitly, Bai Suxian didn't ask him about that anymore. As for a knight, the so-called trump cards and the details of wonderful experiences were as important as the contents of their cultivation methods, which were closely related to his life. No knight would like to expose his secrets. Wise people also knew the rules in the knight's world and didn't ask too much about that. Even commoners had secrets, not to mention knights.

Watching Bai Suxian being silent with a blush, Zhang Tie gave one ox horn to her, "Here's one ox horn as your booty. We chased the demon knight and killed it together, is your brother Cui fair?"

Even though only one ox horn could be exchanged for the corresponding benefits. This regulation was very human-friendly which was also beneficial to the coordination of knights in the fortress.

"You killed this demon knight. Of course, you should take the booty. Additionally, you saved my life, how could I take your booty?" Bai Suxian shook her head as she looked at Zhang Tie with a blush. She refused to take the booty.

Watching Bai Suxian's embarrassed look, Zhang Tie would not waste time on this trivial thing. He then directly teleported the pair of ox horns into his portable space-teleportation item.

Zhang Tie really made a bumper harvest in the hieron ruins. The two space-teleportation items that he gained from Old Monster Qi and the earth demon knight were both legitimate. Of course, he didn't need to hide them at all; additionally, after promoting to an earth knight, Zhang Tie's overall strength could never be matched by that before. Even in Taixia Country, an earth knight was also qualified to be a provincial governor. Of course, he didn't need to be that meticulous like before.

Seeing the pair of ox horns disappearing in Zhang Tie's hands, Bai Suxian became startled as she woke up from her dreamlike thoughts.

After putting away his booty, Zhang Tie took a look at his abyss battle spear, which had bent over a bit. Holding the head of the battle spear by one hand, Zhang Tie slid over its rod which was as thick as a duck egg by the other hand, straightening it smoothly, together with Bai Suxian's eyes.

'It's a battle spear made of abyss iron. How could it become as soft as a noodle in this man's hand? How powerful is his hand?'

Bai Suxian was really scared by Zhang Tie's strength. When she recalled Zhang Tie's magnificent and casual movements when fighting and killing the demon knight in only a couple of minutes, Bai Suxian suddenly understood something. With her eyes widely opened, she watched Zhang Tie with an amazed look and asked him, "You...you've been an earth knight?"

"He...he...I'm too lucky, I'm too lucky!" Zhang Tie became modest as he put away his abyss battle spear into his portable space-teleportation item. At the same time, he told Bai Suxian straightforwardly, "It's safe here. I have to go. Young sister, take care of yourself..."

After saying that, Zhang Tie turned around and prepared to fly away. However, the moment he turned around, he had heard a painful groan...

Zhang Tie turned around once again when he saw Bai Suxian's face turning pale. Shaking in the air, she was covering her breasts with two hands, presenting a "heart" posture. Faintly frowning, she turned weak instantly...

Bai Suxian had plump breasts; plus her current posture, the pair of "white rabbits" under her palace robe became more outstanding, which almost popped out of her robe. Therefore, Zhang Tie couldn't stand staring at her breasts a longer while. At the same time, he felt his throat dry.

"Ahem...ahem...young sister, what's the matter with you?" Zhang Tie asked what all the other men would ask under such a circumstance.

"Just now...this humble lady has been injured by the demon knight!" Bai Suxian replied with an emaciated look. Meanwhile, she watched Zhang Tie with a pair of watery eyes in a coquettish way, "Brother Cui, can you pity this humble lady this time and allow me to follow you a few days so that I could recover my injuries in case of encountering any other demon knights..."

Watching Bai Suxian's poor look, Zhang Tie touched his bald head as he felt pretty hard to refuse her, "Erm..alright!"

After staying in the hieron ruins over 2 years, Zhang Tie also wanted to ask a familiar person about the current situation in the earth-elements realm and the Lion Fortress. Now that he had met Bai Suxian, he would then give her a favor.

Bai Suxian flickered her eyes as she asked, "Brother, where are you heading for?"

"I've just come out of there. I've not fixed my destination yet. I'm going to survey the situation outside first!" Zhang Tie pointed at the entrance of the mountain cave in the far where Bai Suxian was going to escape from the demon knight's pursuit just now.

"Right in the mountain cave, I know a place to hide ourselves. How about having a rest there temporarily before making a further negotiation? As we've just fought the demon knight here, some enemies might be attracted here!" Bai Suxian inquired about Zhang Tie's opinion.

"Fine, young sister, you take the lead!"

Bai Suxian then revealed a charming smile to Zhang Tie before flying towards the entrance of the mountain cave by swinging her sleeves, followed by Zhang Tie.


Given Bai Suxian's moving speed, Zhang Tie knew that she indeed was very familiar with the terrain here. Only after entering the mountain cave for 20 minutes, Bai Suxian had made a turn and entered a bypass which was strange to Zhang Tie. After taking turns in that bypass about half an hour, a patch of huge and high mushrooms appeared in front of Zhang Tie's eyes...

Chapter 977: Treatment and News

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

It was an underground karst space which covered tens of thousands of square miles in front of Zhang Tie. This karst space might be very large on earth's surface; however, in the earth-elements realm, it was as trivial as a bubble in the ocean.

Clouds were floating near the dome of this space, which indicated that a small climate had come into being in this karst space. The ground here was covered with huge mushrooms, which looked as spectacular as a red virgin forest.

Each huge mushroom was at least over 30 m in height while the biggest one was almost 100 m in height. The umbrellas of the huge mushrooms were as large as clouds.

In earth-elements realm, such a patch of huge mushrooms might have existed for tens of thousands of years safe and sound.

If not the holy war, many places in the earth-element realm would be filled with fairytales and romance. If tourism could be developed here, many people would like to pay a visit here by airboat at a high cost.

"We've almost arrived there!" Bai Suxian turned around and revealed a sweet smile at Zhang Tie.

"Hahaha, young sister, you're really romantic. What a romantic place!" Zhang Tie burst out into laughter.

Knights who chose to fight in the first abyss were all smart. They always prepared some places to hide themselves in case of emergencies. No matter what reason it was, a woman who could come to the earth-elements realm to fight demons was exceptional; therefore, Zhang Tie admired Bai Suxian more or less.

After hearing Zhang Tie's praise, Bai Suxian's eyes turned bright at once, "You also feel it's nice here?"

"Young sister, you have a good insight. This place is clean and unique. Even if other knights broke in, they could not find you easily. Undoubtedly, it's a safe place!"

Bai Suxian felt pretty happy about Zhang Tie's comment.

10 minutes later, they flew into the depth of the huge mushroom woods. Bai Suxian then landed on the ground.

There was a brook on the ground being surrounded by some clusters of crystals. Some fish were swimming in the brook. Fish in water could adapt to the environment of earth-elements realm much better than most of living beings from the earth's surface. Most of the fish on the earth's surface could be found in the earth-elements realm.

Bai Suxian came to the foot of a huge mushroom. After clapping her hands, a palm-sized red spider had declined to the front of Bai Suxian from the top of the huge mushroom with a thread from its tail.

Bai Suxian stretched out her palm while the spider climbed onto her hand. It twisted its forelimbs and body as if it was expressing something. Bai Suxian watched its performance for a short while before putting it back.

"I've not imagined that young sister could control animals!" Zhang Tie became shocked. As an expert in controlling animals, of course, he knew what Bai Suxian was doing just now.

"Just a bit. I tamed a common red spider in the underground space so that it could be my watchdog. That spider told me that nobody had ever been here over the past couple of days!" Bai Suxian explained.

After hearing Bai Suxian's explanation, Zhang Tie admired her consideration. That underground red spider was not even a LV 1 living being. Therefore, it's very easy to tame it. However, if this red spider could be made use of properly, it was much more useful than a LV 15 battle spirit at the critical moment. No matter what it was, as long as it could be used properly, it would play a great role. Bai Suxian had the red spider play its great role by being a sentry for her.

After putting the red spider back, Bai Suxian moved a few steps forward and jumped over 30 m high. She then pressed a place below the huge and sturdy umbrella. Closely after that, a cave was exposed to Zhang Tie. Bai Suxian floated inside before waving her hand towards Zhang Tie.

Unconsciously, Zhang Tie felt like having a date with a mistress in the wild when he flew towards that cave.


The moment Zhang Tie entered the stem of the huge mushroom, he had felt going back to the tree house when he attended the survival training in the Wild Wolf Valley. The stem of the huge mushroom was hollow, leaving a small space which covered over 10 square meters. There was a portal in this space, which could lead to the space below. It seemed that Bai Suxian had opened two rooms here.

The stem of the huge mushroom was a bit softer than those big trees on the earth's surface; therefore, a knight could open a room here easily.

The room inside was pretty clean and refreshing. There were a bed and a table. A whole set of beddings were put on the bed while some teacups and a delicate lotus-flower shaped glazed fluorite lamp was put on the table. The room was filled with realgar powders, which indicated a perilous signal for all the worms and snakes.

The moment Zhang Tie entered it, Bai Suxian had closed the door of the entrance. The entire room was then immersed in the romantic and warm light radiated by the pink crystal fluorite lamp.

The moment she closed the door, Bai Suxian had sat beside the bed and started to take off her black palace robe. Zhang Tie became dumbfounded, "Young sister, what are you doing..."

"What are you thinking about?" Bai Suxian threw a bashful glance at Zhang Tie. Closely after that, she turned around by twisting her butt and lay on the bed. At the same time, she covered her plump breasts by one hand and exposed her snow-white back to Zhang Tie. Right below the left shoulder of her snow-white back, there was a palm-sized blue area, "This humble lady was injured a bit by that demon knight. It's inconvenient for me to daub medicine on it, can you help this humble lady to daub some bloody jade ointment to stop bleeding, brother..."

Bai Suxian explained while a white jade vial appeared in her hand.

When he entered just now, Zhang Tie doubted that Bai Suxian carried a portable space-teleportation item. Because many items in the room were very delicate and luxurious, which might not be purchased from the Lion Fortress. A knight who went to the earth-elements realm for battle could not carry so many items. At the sight of the white jade vial which appeared in Bai Suxian's hand out of the void, Zhang Tie confirmed his presumption.

As a female knight, she could control animals with a precious portable space-teleportation equipment and dare come to the earth-element realm alone, Bai Suxian must have a noble status on the earth's surface!

Watching that Bai Suxian was waiting for him on the bed, Zhang Tie then strode towards the bedside and took her jade vial.

After opening the lid, he saw a red ointment inside, which gave out a bizarre fragrance, making Zhang Tie spirited all over.

It seemed that this bloody jade ointment was not common. At least Zhang Tie had not heard about this commodity as an elder of Huaiyuan Palace.

Zhang Tie dug a bit bloody jade ointment by finger and daubed it onto the blue area on the back of Bai Suxian.

Bai Suxian's skin was as snow-white as bitty cream, plump and carried a special fragrance. When Zhang Tie's fingers touched her skin, his fingers quivered a bit like being struck by the current. Zhang Tie's heart pounded unconsciously.

Zhang Tie forcefully spread the ointment over the blue area, causing Bai Suxian to utter a groan, being comfortable or painful. Zhang Tie was stimulated by her groan too much.

'What a spirit!'

Zhang Tie was not a virgin anymore. The moment he heard Bai Suxian's groan, he had known that this woman was alluring him and expecting him to do something.

At this moment, the beauty was lying on the bed, exposing her alluring skin. It seemed that she was waiting for Zhang Tie to sleep with her. Few men could bear such an allure. Zhang Tie even had to move his eyes away from Bai Suxian's snow-white back in case of being obsessed with her.

"Oh, young sister, how did you meet that demon knight?"

"...Hmm...the Tiewei Mountain in the first abyss is very boisterous at this moment...ahh...I was heading there...unfortunately I met it in the periphery of the Tiewei Mountain...hmm...brother...lighter...." Bai Suxian replied as she kept acting in coquetry.

'Tiewei Mountain? This place sounds a bit familiar.' Zhang Tie remembered that the three knights that he met with Mountain Lifting Hermit two years ago warned them that Tiewei Mountain was in an abnormal situation and persuaded them to be careful over there.

"What's happening in Tiewei Mountain?"

"A super large earth-elements crystal mine is discovered in Tiewei Mountain...hmm...humans and...demons...hmm...are competing for it...hmm...human knights and demon knights have started a large-scale battle in Tiewei Mountain..."

'A super large earth-element crystal mine? A large-scale battle between human knights and demon knights? This is indeed a major event.' Neither humans nor demons could do anything but watch the opponent to gain a super large earth-element crystal mine. As for knights, earth-element crystals were a strategic resource. Any party which could gain it indicated that they could cultivate more earth knights and have more resources. Undoubtedly, this would be a catastrophe for the other party.

"Oh, do you know about the message of Mountain Lifting Hermit, Gong Ziyao and Zhou Shufan?"

"Mountain Lifting Hermit...hmm...has left the earth-elements realm two years ago and returned to the earth's surface...hmm...Gong Ziyao and Zhou Shufan...might...hmm...be near the Tiewei Mountain..."

Through Bai Suxian, Zhang Tie acquired some messages that he was concerned about and the major event in the earth-elements realm at this moment...

Tiewei Mountain had been the focus of humans and demons in the earth-element realm. At this moment, there were definitely over 20,000 human and demon knights near Tiewei Mountain while combats broke out all the time...

Chapter 978: Irresistible Beauty's Love Potion

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

After helping her daub the ointment on her back, Bai Suxian had been panting and soft all over on the bed. Zhang Tie's forehead was also covered with sweat. It seemed that he was more tired than that demon knight who had been killed just now.

It seemed that Bai Suxian was expecting something; however, Zhang Tie didn't make any excessive movement.

After daubing the ointment for her, Zhang Tie helped her zip up her clothes and cover her back and the sides of the pair of snow-white and plump white rabbits. After that, he moved a couple steps back and said in a dry and hoarse voice, "It's okay, young sister..."

Bai Suxian got up and put on her clothes well with a blush and disordered hair. After that, she threw a resentful glance at Zhang Tie, which looked like sobbing and wailing. As a result, Zhang Tie felt soft all over and almost fell down on the ground.

'What a spirit!' Zhang Tie swore her inside once again as he took a kettle out of his portable space-teleportation equipment and quaffed some limpid and sweet mountain spring.

"Young sister, your external injuries have been examined but you still have some inner injuries. You need to take a rest here for a couple of days. It's tranquil here. Nobody would disturb you. This brother Cui will..." Zhang Tie wanted to escape away as he felt that he might have a great probability to lose his consciousness if he stayed one more day here. When a man and a woman stayed together alone, such a situation would be unavoidable.

"Brother, if you want to leave, just leave. This humble lady is too old and ugly to be favored by you!" Bai Suxian suddenly started to complain as she sighed faintly on her bedside, "This humble lady heard that demons have many weird means to trace someone. When I fought the demon knight just now, I didn't know whether it had left any marks on my body. If brother left, some demon powerhouses might kill this humble lady. By then, this humble lady will not complain anymore that this humble lady is destined to die at such a young age!"

Zhang Tie opened his mouth as he touched his bald head. After hearing Bai Suxian's words, he really felt sorry to leave. If he just left her soon after acquiring the messages that he wanted to know from her, Zhang Tie felt like burning the bridge after crossing it. Additionally, Bai Suxian's concern was reasonable. Demons indeed had some weird means. If someone used a soul-chasing butterfly to chase after her, Bai Suxian was destined to die if she was left here alone.

"Erm...young sister looks like a fairy. If you're old and ugly, there would be no beauty in the world. Alright, this brother Cui will stay a couple of days with you. But it's your bedroom, it's inconvenient for a man and a woman to stay with each other alone. I will find a nearby huge mushroom and stay inside for the time being!"

After hearing Zhang Tie's praise, Bai Suxian's face instantly turned brightly pink. Touching her face, she watched Zhang Tie womanly and asked, "Brother Cui, you mean I look good?"

"Of course, you're pretty beautiful..."

"But why did you..." Bai Suxian looked bashful as she hesitated.

Zhang Tie burst out into laughter as he revealed the straightforward temperament of Cui Li once again, "Honestly, this brother Cui couldn't stand pressing onto the bed to f*ck you. However, this brother Cui was not used to bully weak ones. Given your emaciated figure, you might not be able to bear the torture. Therefore, I didn't do that..."

Having experienced Cui Li's "straightforward" temperament so many times, Bai Suxian had been a bit immune to Zhang Tie. After hearing Zhang Tie's explanation, Bai Suxian revealed a bashful smile. Although she was not completely used to do that, she didn't feel it was shameful anymore. On the contrary, she felt that Zhang Tie was frank and sincere and was just a weirdo.

After talking with Bai Suxian for a short while, Zhang Tie wanted to find another hiding place nearby; however, the moment he wanted to leave, he heard a thunder from outside. Closely after that, he heard increasingly more dense rustling sounds on the stem and the umbrella of huge mushrooms only in a couple of seconds...

'It's raining! F*ck!'

At this moment, Bai Suxian rolled her eyes and suggested, "This humble lady's place is not a lion's den. Why not stay inside for a while, brother?" It's not late for you to find a huge mushroom to settle down when it stops raining!"


"Are you cheating me? As you've saved my life twice, why not stay inside for a longer while? Do you feel that this humble lady is a shameless slut..." Bai Suxian said as she walked towards Zhang Tie. At the same time, she almost burst out into tears with her watery eyes...

Honestly, this method was really effective. Watching a woman crying in front of him was the last thing that Zhang Tie would like to do. He directly put up his hands and surrendered, "Well! I will take a seat here for a short while. You just deal with your injuries and leave me alone!"

After hearing Zhang Tie's reply, Bai Suxian's tears turned into smiles at once, "The room downside there is my cultivation room. If you want to have a rest, why not go downside there?"

After hearing Bai Suxian's words, Zhang Tei directly went to the other room in the huge mushroom.

It indeed looked like Bai Suxian's cultivation room. Because the moment Zhang Tie entered it, he had seen an elements-gathering matrix, which was even larger and more advanced than that of Zhang Tie's.

'Such a precious elements-gathering matrix in a temporary site? That's luxurious!' Zhang Tie confirmed that Bai Suxian must have a deep background.

Now that everything had been prepared well here, Zhang Tie just sat beside the elements-gathering matrix with crossed legs and started to cultivate.

The water chakra of king roc sutra required more water elements than the number of earth elements required by the earth chakra. Therefore, it was more difficult for Zhang Tie to promote to a shadow knight as the process required him more efforts and payment. He could only complete it step by step.

Although the purgatory samsara method was powerful, it was a matter of chance than a choice for him to absorb the water elements from an earth demon knight. If not the karma in the pyramid, Zhang Tie would never promote to an earth knight so easily. He could not have such a rare chance anymore.

Therefore, Zhang Tie had been ready to promote to a shadow knight step by step like dripping water wearing through a stone and cutting a wood with a rope.

In the elements realm, the number of Zhang Tie's spiritual hands had grown to 21. Those hands being composed of his spiritual strength were moving rapidly in the elements realm by capturing the aqua blue multi-faceted water element crystals, pulverizing, refining and pouring them onto the complex patterns on his water chakra.

The elements-gathering matrix arranged by Bai Suxian was indeed much more effective than that of his.

After absorbing Old Monster Qi's spiritual energy, plus his cultivation during the past 2 more years, Zhang Tie made a breakthrough in multitasking skill once again.

Now, Zhang Tie could visualize and control 21 abacuses in his mind at the same time. Nobody could do that among all the humans except for Zhang Tie.

Although Zhang Tie was cultivating and absorbing the water element in the elements realm, he still had a sharp perception of the surroundings due to his strong knight's consciousness as an earth knight.

Soon after Zhang Tie started his cultivation, he had heard someone playing water in his neighborhood.

Bai Suxian had taken out a big bathtub from her portable space-teleportation equipment and was taking a bath in his neighborhood.

Zhang Tie couldn't stand throwing a glance at the neighboring room through a wall...

Only after running his spiritual energy, the wall being composed of the stem of the huge mushroom had turned as transparent as glass. Bai Suxian was lying in a golden bathtub and highly raising her beautiful, slim and plump legs out of the bathtub. She was enjoying her enchanting figure with a faint smile...

Only after throwing a glance at the next room, Zhang Tie had hurriedly moved his eyes away; meanwhile, his heart pounded for a short while heavily.

'F*ck, this girl came to the first abyss with a bathtub.' Zhang Tie was shocked too much.


After 3 hours, it was still raining outside. Zhang Tie felt Bai Suxian entering the cultivation room and coming to his side. She moved her lips close to his ears and slightly rubbed his earlobe. Closely after that, Zhang Tie heard her tender, sweet voice, "Brother, this humble lady has prepared some food and drinks, how about taking some..."

After saying that, Bai Suxian even blew air into Zhang Tie's ear...

Under this circumstance, Zhang Tie had to stop cultivating.

Opening his eyes, Zhang Tie turned around and caught sight of Bai Suxian who smelt as fragrant as the essence of daffodil after taking a bath.

This girl wore a black sleeveless short gown and a skirt, which were thinner and more transparent. It was completely a set of the diaphanous garment. There was an undergarment covering her breasts and abdomen, looming her plump breasts. Under her skirt was a pair of snowwhite legs...


Bai Suxian had prepared well a table of food and drinks in the neighboring room, which might not be bumper on the earth's surface; however, it was a big meal in the earth-elements realm.

Besides drinks, there were some jerkies, fruits and dried fruits on the table. Bai Suxian filled 8 plates with them.

After taking a seat, Zhang Tie became faintly stunned at the sight of the bottle of liquor; because this bottle was completely as same as the deserted one on the seaside which he had just seen.

'Was Bai Suxian the one who paid homage to me over there?'

After comparing the jerkies and dried fruits on the table with the residue at the seaside, Zhang Tie confirmed his presumption.

'I've not imagined that this woman could be so affectionate. I still lived in her mind even though I was already dead...'

Watching Zhang Tie gazing at the bottle of liquor, Bai Suxian revealed a sweet smile, "This is the "flowers drunk" that I preserved. Brother, are you worried about being dugged by me?"

As she said, she made a cup of liquor for herself and bottomed it up. Closely after that, she made a cup of liquor for Zhang Tie.

Zhang Tie watched Bai Suxian with a bit complex moods. When he was going to take the cup, his hand was pressed by Bai Suxian as the latter played the woman, "Now that the brother doubted this humble lady, I have to propose a toast to you!"

Zhang Tie revealed a smile, "Alright!"

Bai Suxian replied with a smile as she bottomed up the cup of liquor too. Closely after that, she stood up and moved closer to Zhang Tie. Lowering her body, she directly kissed Zhang Tie's mouth.

Her agile tongue then slid into Zhang Tie's mouth along with the liquid which smelt especially fragrant...

What a hot cup of liquor!

After all the liquid flew into Zhang Tie's mouth from Bai Suxian's tongue, Bai Suxian even circled her tongue around the inside of Zhang Tie's mouth twice and twisted with Zhang Tie's tongue a bit. Finally, she licked Zhang Tie's lips and returned to her own seat with a blush.

"How about this humble lady's cup of liquor?"

"Not bad, if you gave me some more, this brother Cui would not be able to bear it anymore!" Zhang Tie smirked in a heroic manner.

"I prefer that!" Bai Suxian covered her mouth by hand with a faint smile...

Zhang Tie then made two cups of liquor, one for Bai Suxian, one for himself. After that, he raised his cup with a solemn look and told Bai Suxian, "I have to propose a toast to you too. I did not expect you to be so affectionate cause you look uninhibited. I admit that I've made a wrong judgment about you. Mountain Lifting Hermit wrote an elegiac couplet for me and young sister offered a sacrifice to me at the seaside of the magma sea on the anniversaries of my death; the affectionate ones are the most precious in the world. I've borne your friendship deep in mind!"

The two people then bottomed up at the same time...


Zhang Tie had not imagined that Bai Suxian could drug him.

After drinking only for an hour with Bai Suxian, Zhang Tie should not be drunk as this "flowers drunk" could never match the unrivaled dragon marrow liquor. Acutally, "flowers drunk" was more like the champagne which female ususally drunk. It was hard to get drunk with it.

Neither Bai Suxian nor Zhang Tie was drunk.

After the meal, Zhang Tie returned to the cultivation room and continued to cultivate. However, in less than 1 hour, he had felt hot all over while the place below his lower abdomen felt like being on fire. Even his mind turned manic. His mind was filled with Bai Suxian's snowwhite legs and the deep groove between her plump breasts when she was taking a bath.

It's a love potion! A colorless and tasteless love potion which could not even be resisted by knights.

This love potion would not harm one's body; instead, it would trigger one's qi, blood and essence in the short period so that one's glands could secrete more unconsciously. Therefore, Zhang Tie didn't find that he had been drugged by Bai Suxian when drinking.

In Blackhot City, Zhang Tie had heard that some ruffians and scumbags in the city liked to drug women in bars. He had not imagined that he could be drugged by a beauty after promoting to an earth knight.

'F*ck you!' Zhang Tie really wanted to beat Bai Suxian's butt dozens of times forcefully so as to tell her what she was doing.

When Zhang Tie tried his best to resist the effect of the drug and wanted to ask for Heller's favor, he heard another thunder.

Closely after the thunder, Bai Suxian broke in, drilling into Zhang Tie's cradle and putting her arms around his neck.

"Ahh, it's thunder again. This humble lady's heart always runs unconsciously when I hear thunder. Brother, you touch it..." Bai Suxian felt hot all over as she caught Zhang Tie's hand and pressed it onto her breasts while panting tenderly.

Zhang Tie was on fire at once...