1049 - 1056

Chapter 1049: Flames of War in the Immortal Province (II)

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Those residents were exerting their full strength to escape, leaving billowing wheat fields behind them. A 30-year-old tough man pushed forward a woman who was carrying a baby when he heard the miserable shrieks were approaching him from behind. At the same time, he roared, "Take Xiaocheng away, hurry..." while holding tightly his walking saber on one side of his waist. Closely after that, he turned around and charged at a bloody figure.

Meanwhile, a virtual image of a black spider appeared behind this tough man, which indicated that he was a LV 6 fighter.

Given the uniform of the man, those who were familiar with the regulations in Taixia Country would know that this man should be a bowman being subordinate to the local constable of the town. Bowmen were used to protect the safety of the local place. According to the demand, they would assist the constable to govern the local place. Bowmen were not officials, they just ranked exiled Class VI. In Zhongzhou Province, a constable would have 3-5 bowmen. Each bowman would have some assistants. Besides the constable, all the judicial agencies even local garrisons in Taixia Country could assign and command these local bowmen.

This bowman's surname was Liu. This morning, after having some breakfast at home like usual, he was preparing to go to work. However, before he left home, he had heard the increasingly louder cries and shrieks from the streets. He went outside and saw many naked bloody people rushing into the town and killing anyone they saw.

His house neighbored a martial arts school. The master of the martial arts school was surnamed Xiang, who was a Class 8 fighter. He used to teach his disciples how to fight. When this bowman rushed out of his house, Master Xiang also rushed out of the martial arts school with some disciples. However, they met a naked bloody figure at once. In only a few seconds, Master Xiang's and his disciples' heads had been blown up by that naked bloody figure.

Soon after the bloody figure rushed into the martial arts school, shrill shrieks drifted from the martial arts school. The bowman could identify that the shrieks came from Master Xiang's family members. Oozing sweat all over, this bowman hurriedly returned to his home and started to escape away with his wife and kid.

When he escaped, this bowman had some questions inside, 'Isn't Zhongzhou Province an immortal province in Taixia Country? It's always peaceful. Even holy war could not affect this place. How could it become so chaotic all of a sudden? Where do the bloody figures come from? How could they behave like mutated fierce beasts?' However, this bowman didn't have time to figure them out. He only thought about escaping out of here with his wife and his kid.

Thousands of bloody figures covered Fuan Town like a bloody flood in the blink of an eye. Soon after this tough man and his family members entered the farmlands outside the town, those bloody figures had caught up with them.


When this bowman turned around and charged at one bloody figure, he saw more and more bloody figures rushing out of the town. Only after a short while, these bloody figures had found clothes in the town and put them on. Although being not tidy, they were not naked anymore; additionally, some of them even held weapons that they found inside the town.

"Go die..." The bowman slashed towards a bloody figure with his full strength...

The bloody figure flickered his red eye light when he dodged away easily by leaning to one side. At the same time, another bloody figure flashed out and punched through the tough man's chest at once, drawing his heart out...

This tough man spurted out a mouth of blood over the surrounding yellow wheat...

What a sharp difference in battle strength! One LV 6, the other LV 9. In face-to-face close combat, the result could be identified in a split second; not to mention that the LV 6 fighter had two opponents...

The bowman fell down; however, before he loosed his grip, his saber had been grabbed away by that bloody figure.

Before falling down, the bowman threw a glance at the direction where his wife was escaping to. He found that the emaciated frame was still tumbling in the wheat field but in another direction. However, his son was not at her side. He knew that his wife must have hidden his son somewhere or let his son lie somewhere in the field. A kid could easily hide himself; however, she changed one direction and continued to escape so as to induce away those bloody figures...

Parents would make the same choice in this situation.

The bloody figures had been chasing after his wife. Before he lost his consciousness, the bowman had the last doubt in his mind, 'Has the flames of war reached Zhongzhou Province?'


On the top of the north city gate of Huian City, those people watched those bloody figures killing those people who were escaping in the field with pale faces. Big fires could be seen everywhere in Fuan Town while more and more bloody figures poured out of Fuan Town. Crossing the fields outside the city, they were rushing towards Huian City like a bloody tide.

Those bloody figures moved too fast; additionally, all the battle-qi totems of these bloody figures indicated that they were LV 9 fighters.

At first sight, over 20,000 bloody figures were rushing towards Huian City, which was very terrifying.

At the same time, the airships in the airship base in the northwest outside the city flew off like a flock of flurried birds in the reeds. All the airships were sending distress signals by releasing colorful smokes into the sky...

Some airships dove downwards the moment they flew off...

Needless to say, these bloody figures must have rushed into the airship base outside the city.

"Are these things...humans...or demons?" A young soldier who had not experienced any battle stammered at the sight of this scene.

Like that dead bowman, all the soldiers and officers standing on the top of the city gate had one question inside, 'How could so many people like fierce beasts appear in Zhongzhou Province, one of the nine immortal provinces in Taixia Country?'

"Listen, it's time for us to contribute to our country at the cost of our lives. As long as we're alive, we will never allow these fierce beasts to break into Huian City. Brothers in Huian City, think about your family members. We only need to stand here a short while before the arrival of knight-level powerhouses..." The officer who kicked the steward of the Double-well Brewery out of the city gate raised high his sword and exclaimed.

After a short while, the steam city-defense equipment on the city gate of Huian City wuthered, shooting bolts outside the city...

When those bloody figures entered the effective distance of the city-defense weapons at the city gate of Huian City, they immediately scattered like having been trained. At the same time, they accelerated towards the city gate dauntlessly while dodging away from the strikes of the steam city-defense weapons.

Bloody figures were hit one after another by the ceaseless strikes of the city-defense weapons of Huian City, spurting out blood and falling down with shrill shrieks and roars; especially those being hit by the over 2-m long huge bolts would be broken into two halves at once...

However, those bloody figures moved too fast. Although they constantly fell onto the fields facing the strikes of the city-defense equipment of Huian City, it only took the rest of them 1 minute to arrive at the foot of the city wall. In such a short period, the city-defense weapons on the north city wall of Huian City made very limited achievements facing the loose formation of those bloody figures, their super fast speed and flexible movements...

After arriving at the foot of the north city wall of Huian City, those bloody figures immediately jumped over 10 m high and landed on the city wall before making a massacre over there...

Those common garrisons of Huian City were just LV 4 warriors, how could they defeat these LV 9 bloody figures.

The city wall of Huian City could block commoners and common soldiers; however, they were ineffective to those bloody figures at all.

As more and more bloody figures jumped onto the city wall, the attacking frequency of the city-defense weapons on the city wall decreased too, causing more bloody figures to jump onto the city wall...

The entire city wall of Huian City was filled with battle calls while the jarring alerts had long been ringing across Huian City...

As it happened too fast, there was even no omen. Therefore, when the shrilling alerts rang in Huian City, most of the people in the city were still confused about what happened. They didn't care about it at all...


The officer who raised high his sword and exclaimed was also a LV 9 fighter. After killing 3 bloody figures, he was also covered by more bloody figures on the city wall...


There was no knight among the 20,000-odd garrison soldiers. The garrison general in Huian City was just a LV 13 battle general. There were some strong fighters, battle masters and great battle masters below the garrison general. These people were all exerting their utmost efforts to fight those bloody figures on the city wall. However, as more and more bloody figures jumped onto the city walls, all of these officers were surrounded...

Even ants could bite an elephant to death. Those LV 9 bloody figures were wolves instead of ants.

Except for knights, even battle spirit-level powerhouses who had formed protective battle qis would not resist over 1,000 dauntless LV 9 fighters' ceaseless strikes, not to mention over 10,000 LV 9 fighters. Even knight's protective battle qi might be broken after reaching the critical moment facing constant strikes of so many LV 9 bloody figures, not to mention battle spirit-level protective battle qi. After their protective battle qis were broken, how long would they stand?

The garrison general was waving his huge sword while over 50 bloody figures had fallen down on his side with incomplete limbs. In the end, a bloody figure seized the opportunity to stab his saber into this LV 13 garrison general's back. When this garrison general became a bit still, five more sabers and swords were stabbed into his body at the same time...

The garrison general widely opened his furious eyes as he roared and swept across the 5 bloody figures in front of him with his huge sword, splitting them into 10 halves.

After killing 5 more bloody figures, the garrison general of Huian City immediately fell down onto the ground...

A bloody figure picked his sword and peel off his armor before putting it on its own body...

After the city wall of Huian City only resisted the contingent of bloody figures less than 10 minutes, more and more bloody figures grabbed the sabers and swords from the garrison soldiers on the city wall and peeled off the clothes and armors of those dead soldiers and officers before jumping off the city wall and sweeping across Huian City like a bloody wave...

The entire Huian City was filled with screams and cries...


In the mayor's mansion of Huian City...

"What...what...how could it happen in Huian City, Zhongzhou Province, an immortal province in Taixia Country..." After hearing that the north city wall of Huian City was broken through by bloody figures and the cries and screams of commoners across Huian City, the mayor directly threw himself onto the chair.

"Lord, hurry up, you'd better leave now..." The steward of the mayor's mansion persuaded the mayor with a pale face, "Those who have airships in the city have already boarded their own airships, our airship is ready too..."

However, the mayor seemed to have not heard the words of the steward; instead, he just watched the chief justice of Huian City in uniform with an absent-minded look and asked, "Has...has Lord Meng long known about the event today...whether these people are the rebels of Heavens Reaching Church..."

The chief justice of Huian City didn't look as good as the mayor. After hearing the mayor 's words, he just replied in a low voice, "The Huian Municipal Court has just received the intelligence from Zhongzhou Provincial Court. They told us to close the city gate right away. As for the concrete...reasons, and where does...these bloody figures come from? Whether they're humans or demons, I have no idea..." After saying that, the chief justice of Huian Municipal Court looked determined as he cupped his hands towards the mayor, "As people's lives and properties were destroyed wantonly in Huian City, this humble officer has to investigate it and kill enemies instead of dragging out an ignoble existence. I have to leave, mayor, see you..."

After saying that, the chief justice of Huian City left the mayor's mansion decisively with two criminal hunters...

"Lord..." The steward persuaded anxiously once again. Huian City was just a small city; therefore, the cries and roars soon approached the mayor's mansion.

"Let my wife and daughter board the airship!" Watching the chief justice of Huian City leaving, the mayor of Huian City revealed a bitter smile as he waved his hand and said, "In this situation, if I escaped away instead of fulfilling my responsibility for the time being, I have to be killed in the end; additionally, my family members would be involved with my death penalty. In the earlier two holy wars, few mayors had escaped away from their cities in Taixia Country, I don't want to be the shameless one..."

"Lord..." The steward dropped off his tears.

"You too. Remember to look after my wife and daughter in the future..." The mayor waved his hand as he picked off his walking sword from the wall and said, "I will stay here..."


2 minutes later, a mini airship flew off the mayor's mansion. All the guards and soldiers inside the mayor's mansion were mobilized as they were ready to protect the mayor's mansion together with the mayor...

In the lobby of the mayor's mansion, the mayor just sat on the main seat. He put one hand onto his sword handle as he touched the golden official seal of the mayor of Huian City by the other hand...

The official seal of mayor in Taixia Country was not only a symbol of authority but also an alchemist equipment. At the critical moment, it would have a special function. Such a small official seal was the beacon tower of Huian City.

The mayor of Huian City had not imagined that he could use the other function of this official seal. He might be the first one who used that function among the nine immortal provinces in Taixia Country...


Only after about 7 minutes later, the battle calls and screams of guards of the mayor's mansion had sounded. After another 2 minutes, with a loud sound "bang", the gate of the mayor's mansion was broken while a bloody figure broke in...


At this moment, a bloody light beam shot into the sky from the mayor's mansion like a signal. After reaching about 70 miles high, it turned into two burning words——Huian City, which lasted for a long time and could be seen clearly within 700 miles...

Meanwhile, the official seals of all the mayors in Zhongzhou Province started to rock and turn scarlet; even so, they could still vaguely see the two words "Huian City" on their own seals.

Half an hour later, when two knights of Zhongzhou Provincial Court hurriedly arrived at Huian City, they found that the entire city had turned into a bloody and dead city. All the streets, alleys, houses, hotels, schools and stores had been covered with blood and corpses. After rushing into the city like killers and fierce beasts, over 30,000 LV 9 bloody figures soon turned this small city into hell...

The greater part of Huian City was burning in fierce flames, including corpses and the famous liquors...

After seeing this, the two knights widely opened their eyes due to fury; however, the contingent of bloody figures had long escaped to all directions...

When those bloody figures ran out of Pingsha Valley, they were naked; however, at this moment, they had long put on clothes, armors and helmets and held weapons...

On the same day, four other cities around Pingsha Valley encountered the similar catastrophe. As a result, dozens of towns and villages turned into ruins; over 500,000 people were killed or wounded. Longxi Prefecture in Zhongzhou Province was in an emergency situation...

The flames of war rose in the immortal province plunged so many people into misery and suffering in one day and shocked the entire Taixia Country...

Chapter 1050: Guests from Neighboring Provinces

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

On August 18, Xuantian City, at the foot of Yangui Mountain Range, Fire Dragon Bounty Territory...

From yesterday, the number of airships accessing to Xuantian City had increased abruptly. This early morning, with the arrival of airboats, the entire Xuantian City became boisterous. Being covered with airships and airboats, the sky outside Xuantian City was as boisterous as a marketing place.

It was very difficult for commoners in Xuantian City to take a look at an airboat; however, this morning, they had seen 4-5 airboats in total. It was said that one of them belonged to the provincial governor of Youzhou Province. It was definitely a major event for the provincial governor of Youzhou Province to come to Xuantian Cheng. However, the biggest event in Xuantian City today was that Cui Li, the Fire Dragon Hermit and the owner of Fire Dragon Bounty Territory was going to hold the opening ceremony of his Iron-Dragon Sect.

Xuantian City had not been so boisterous before. That day, all the residents in Xuantian City felt proud as they were living in Fire Dragon Bounty Territory for the first time. It seemed that all of them enjoyed the glory of being native residents. As a result, the entire city became spirited today.

All the major clans in Youzhou Province, Tongzhou Province and Yanzhou Province within Northeast Military Region which were qualified to receive the golden invitation cards had converged in Xuantian City on that day.

As Fire-Dragon Bounty Territory neighbored the three provinces, according to the etiquette of Taixia Country, all the major clans in the three provinces had received Zhang Tie's golden invitation cards.

Of course, If Zhang Tie was already a shadow knight, he was qualified to deliver his golden invitation cards across the Northeast Military Region. If he advanced to a heavenly knight, his invitation cards could reach across Taixia Country.

On that day, Zhang Tie's Iron-Dragon Golden Invitation Cards absolutely implied the arrivers' statuses. All those major clans in the three provinces who could receive Zhang Tie's golden invitation cards had clan knights. As for the other clans, even if they were rich, they had no clan knight and they were not qualified to receive Zhang Tie's golden invitation cards.

How could commoners receive the golden invitation cards of an earth knight? Zhang Tie's golden invitation card was almost as important as that of a provincial governor, which would be popular wherever it was.

Actually, many clans which had not received the golden invitation cards had arrived in the three provinces these days. After knowing that Iron-Dragon Sect was going to hold an opening ceremony, the major figures in these clans had arrived at Xuantian City with their clan disciples on the early morning of that day and were patiently waiting for the opportunities and asking for intelligence.

Now that Fire Dragon Hermit was going to establish a sect, he would definitely enroll apprentices on the day. The news that an earth knight was going to enroll his apprentices was very attractive to the clans which had no knight. Additionally, everybody had known that Fire Dragon Hermit had a great battle strength as he was cultivating the precise marquis-level classic "Fire Dragon Sutra". With his great battle strength, Fire Dragon Hermit had killed more than one demon knight and knight of Three-eye Association in the Earth-elements Realm. Due to his remarkable military exploits, Fire Dragon Hermit was rewarded with Fire Dragon Bounty Territory.

As for those clans which had no knights, if they could find such a reliance and enable their clan disciples to have a chance to touch the marquis-level cultivation classic, these clans would almost like to pay any price for that.

Yesterday, the gate of the manor of the official mansion in Xuantian City had been hung with a new plaque. The bottom of the plaque was made of gold while the words on it were made of gold which looked very overbearing——Xuantian Courtyard of Iron-Dragon Sect. The plaque was 2.3 m in length and 0.67 m in width.

Since this plague was hung outside, it indicated that Iron-Dragon Sect had officially rooted in Fire Dragon Bounty Territory. Before the site of Iron-Dragon Sect was officially completed, this Xuantian Courtyard of Iron-Dragon Sect would become the temporary window and stronghold of the sect.

On the early morning of August 18, the street outside Xuantian Courtyard of Iron-Dragon Sect had been overcrowded like rabbits in a warren. As for commoners in Xuantian City, even if they could not enter Xuantian Courtyard, they might feel worthwhile to take a look at those big figures and airboats which they might not have a chance to ride for the rest of their lives.

Especially for those people who had kids, they had to join in the fun. If Fire Dragon Hermit enrolled his disciples on the day the Iron-Dragon Sect held its opening ceremony, they might help their kids seize an opportunity for a shortcut towards wealth and reputation. Such plots always existed in novels and stories. When a master passed by somewhere, he suddenly found a brat who looked special; as he valued the high talent, he intended to enroll the brat as his apprentice. Similarly, if their kids were valued by Fire Dragon Hermit when he passed by them, they would make a mint. Nobody could ensure those common clans would have no knights.

So many families had kids, not to mention those juveniles. Those young people who were ambitious about learning battle skills in the 10 cities of Fire Dragon Bounty Territory had come to Xuantian City by batches many days ago. They were raising heads, waiting for the opening ceremony of Iron-Dragon Sect and seeking for an opportunity to join in Iron-Dragon Sect.

As too many people were gathering outside Xuantian Courtyard of Iron-Dragon Sect, all the landlords and despotic gentries in Xuantian City became spirited at once as they mobilized their subordinate people to maintain the order outside the Xuantian Courtyard of Iron-Dragon Sect on their own initiative.

At this moment, Xuantian City was as boisterous as the grand occasion that major clans competed for the position of provincial governor of Youzhou Province 4 years ago.

Almost all the major clans and clans with knights which were invited to attend the opening ceremony arrived here by airboats or airships. Those airboats or airships directly landed at the airship base in Xuantian Courtyard of Iron-Dragon Sect. Some people outside the Xuantian Courtyard would scream after they identified the backgrounds of the airships or airboats, causing the surrounding people to exclaim...

After 8 am, another dark red airboat longer than 200 m arrived and slowly landed in the Xuantian Courtyard of Iron-Dragon Sect. At the sight of that airboat and the special clan slogan on it, someone in the courtyard immediately shouted the background of this airboat.

"Ahh, it's the airboat of Zhu family, the family of the provincial governor of Yanzhou Province. Zhu family also assigned people to attend the opening ceremony in Xuantian City..."

The scream aroused many people's exclamations.


In the courtyard, when the airboat landed, the hatch door opened; a well-dressed old man then got off the airboat followed by over 10 disciples of the Zhu family while raising their heads.

"Zhu Xudong, the elder of Zhu Clan of Jinghong Palace in Yanzhou...arrives with Zhu disciples..." A receptionist from Wang Clan of Yushun Palace reported the name and background of the arrivers loudly. Hearing that, everybody in the courtyard would almost know that the representatives of the clan of the provincial governor of Yanzhou Province had arrived.

The moment Zhu representatives arrived, disciples of Wang Clan who was responsible for the reception immediately led them to the main venue of the opening ceremony politely and considerately.

It was the most welcome opportunity for the disciples of Wang Clan of Yushun Palace in Ningan City to meet the influential figures of major clans in the three provinces. After receiving this task, Wang Clan had put this task into the first place of the entire clan. Many elites of Wang Clan had been called back. Those disciples of Wang Clan in Xuantian Courtyard today included male and female servants, stewards and many young disciples of Wang Clan. All of them were specially selected. They had assigned people for each detail. As they had to satisfy Fire Dragon Hermit and glorify Wang Clan, Wang Clan had regarded this reception task as an honor.

The main venue of the opening ceremony was in an open land, which was a former training field in Xuantian Courtyard. Through careful renovation, this place had already become the most brilliant place in Iron-Dragon Sect for the time being.

The arrivers were led to their own seats by the receptionists of Wang Clan.

On this venue, the locations of clans being invited were strictly arranged according to power and reputation.

As Zhu clan's team walked towards their own seats, they kept hailing people in the surroundings who stood up one batch after another.

Those arrivers were all led by clan elders or knights. According to the etiquette, they had to come; however, the elders and knights who came here didn't look as relaxed as that when they attended similar opening ceremonies before. Even if they looked relaxed, they didn't mean it faithfully. Most of the people at present looked a bit worried. As they hailed each other, they were whispering about what happened in Zhongzhou Province and exchanging their news.

As the official opening ceremony had not started yet, Fire Dragon Hermit was not here. Therefore, the atmosphere at present was a bit casual for the time being.

The opening ceremony of Iron-Dragon Sect was more like a meeting among the major clans from Youzhou Province, Tongzhou Province and Yanzhou Province within the territory of Northeast Military Region in the special period.

These days, what happened in Zhongzhou Province had been spread over Taixia Country; perhaps, those commoners outside Xuantian Courtyard were too far away from what happened in Zhongzhou Province. Even though they had heard some details, they didn't have deep feelings about it. Many commoners just treated the event in Zhongzhou Province as a rebellion. However, what happened in Zhongzhou Province was a matter of life or death for these major clans with knights which had deeply rooted in Taixia Country.

The mansion of Zhu Clan was close to Huaiyuan Palace and the mansion of Qian Clan, the clan of the provincial governor of Tongzhou Province. As the provincial governors' clans which had earth knights and ruled the provinces, of course, these clans' representatives were in the front.

Elder Muyu arrived here on behalf of Huaiyuan Palace; Elder Qian Haichao arrived here on behalf of Qian Clan. When Zhu elder led their team here, Elder Muyu and Elder Qian Haichao were whispering to each other while being surrounded by the knights and elders of the other major clans from the three provinces.

Everybody in this circle looked a bit solemn...

Only after a few days, the entire Zhongzhou Province had become increasingly chaotic...

Chapter 1051: The Background of Bloody Sea

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

"Elder Zhu..." Elder Muyu and Elder Qian stopped talking and greeted Elder Zhu when they saw elder Zhu and the youngsters of Zhu Clan walking towards them.

"I've not imagined that Elder Muyu and Elder Qian have arrived ahead of me!" Elder Zhu revealed a faint smile as he waved his hand, letting the youngsters of Zhu Clan take seats over there. He then walked towards this circle.

The lowest level and rank in the circle was a knight and elder from the three provinces. Although each of them was followed by many clan disciples, those clan disciples were not qualified to join the fun in this circle.

"I was told that Huaiyuan Palace provided the intelligence about the demon's nestle in Pingsha Valley." Elder Zhu put it straight the moment he came over here.

After hearing this news, all the surrounding knights became shocked. All of them watched Elder Muyu with unbelievable looks, including Elder Qian. Although they were caring about what happened in Zhongzhou Province these couple days, they had not imagined that the intelligence in Pingsha Valley of Zhongzhou Province was passed from Huaiyuan Palace, Youzhou Province.

However, Elder Muyu was not too amazed. Because this news should be exposed to the public sooner or later. Even though Elder Zhu didn't ask him about that, he would also disseminate this news at a proper moment today because this news was closely related to the interests of Huaiyuan Palace. Now that Elder Zhu asked him about that at this moment, it implied that Zhu Clan had long guessed that Huaiyuan Palace would release this news on its own initiative; additionally, if Zhu elder asked Elder Muyu about it, it could indirectly raise Zhu Clan's position in Northeast Military Region.

Yanzhou Province was not only one of the 36 upper provinces in Taixia Country, but also the most prosperous place in Northeast Military Region. Additionally, it was the core province the Northeast Military Region and the station of the Northeast Military Region Headquarters. As Yanzhou had a higher position than other provinces, of course, the provincial governor of Yanzhou Province was closer to the commander of Northeast Military Region and it was reasonable for Zhu Clan to know this news earlier than the other clans.

The clan elders were all very shrewd. In this occasion, they would not utter without consideration. Although this occasion seemed casual, the moment the influential figures of major clans gathered here, it would become an invisible arena full of competitions. Seriously, it was like a diplomatic reception among countries on other continents and subcontinents. Actually, even luxurious diplomatic receptions on many subcontinents couldn't gather so many major clans.

Elder Muyu nodded and admitted Elder Zhu's words directly, "The intelligence in Pingsha Valley of Zhongzhou Province was indeed revealed to Supreme Court in Xuanyuan Hill by Huaiyuan Palace!"

"Huaiyuan Palace is in Youzhou Province; how could it get hang of the secrets in Zhongzhou Province?" Elder Qian asked, which resonated with the other knights and clan elders.

They were all shocked by Huaiyuan Palace's overall strength. How could Huaiyuan Palace's tentacles reach Zhongzhou Province, which was far away from Youzhou Province? It was unimaginable!

"All of you must have known that the castellan of Jinwu City was almost assassinated one day before the event in Zhongzhou Province!" Elder Muyu looked around as he knew immediately what they were thinking about, "Zhang Ping, the castellan of Jinwu City is the father of Elder Mushen of Huaiyuan Palace. When the assassinator launched a raid, Zhang Ping was saved by a hero who was passing Jinwu City and survived that assassination. Later on, Jinwu City carried out a large-scale search and caught one accomplice with the help of the hero. Through interrogation with torture, Huaiyuan Palace got the background of the assassinator. The culprit of that assassination was the very force that framed Elder Mushen in Fuhai City 4 years ago. They might have colluded with demons; additionally, they have a base in Pingsha Valley in Zhongzhou Province. After receiving this intelligence, Huaiyuan Palace reported it to the Supreme Court at once. With the arrangement of the Supreme Court, the Zhongzhou Provincial Court assigned a lot of powerhouses to raid Pingsha Valley in the same evening, arousing the chaotic situation in Zhongzhou Province..."

Elder Muyu's words were not completely true; however, the fake part would not be known by anyone else except for Zhang Tie and Zhang Yang. Even Huaiyuan Palace believed that it was the truth, not to mention others.

After hearing Elder Muyu's words, everyone became suddenly enlightened. None of them could imagine that the culprit of this tragedy in Zhongzhou Province could be involved with the tragedy in Fuhai City 4 years ago. The details made people faintly scared.

"Thankfully, the key intelligence provided by Huaiyuan Palace enabled Zhongzhou Provincial Court to launch a raid and destroy the layout of the culprit in Zhongzhou Province timely; otherwise, when the opponent prepared to launch an attack, the corps of over 100,000 LV 9 bloody fighters might cause much greater trouble in Zhongzhou Province!" Elder Zhu also nodded with a solemn look as he continued, "The knight-level powerhouses from Zhongzhou Provincial Court killed over 40,000 LV 9 bloody figures underground Pingsha Valley and in its surroundings; although the Bi'an Camp of Zhongzhou Provincial Court suffered a loss of over 4500 people, it was fortunate that the knight-level powerhouses of Zhongzhou Provincial Court could kill 1/3 of the corps of bloody figures in the nestle of bloody figures in Pingsha Valley. Besides, Zhongzhou Provincial Court found an arsenal under Pingsha Valley which had not been used yet. The weapons inside could easily arm all the bloody figures to the teeth..."

Of course, it was a great meritorious deed to inflict a great loss to the enemies in their nestle. If hundreds of thousands of LV 9 fierce murderers suddenly appeared in any province; even if these people could not break in a Class A city, the surroundings outside the Class A city would be scared too much. Many villages would deteriorate into slaughterhouses everyday; the provinces would also be destroyed rapidly...

That was what Zhongzhou Province was suffering now. All the LV 9 bloody figures had separated. Additionally, many bloody figures had run out of Longxi Prefecture and were committing murder and arson everywhere, causing great chaos. Like a virus in a human body, it's growing more and more destructive in Zhongzhou Province. Zhongzhou Province and two neighboring provinces had assigned all of their local corps. However, it was impossible for them to suppress the chaos in Zhongzhou Province in a few days.

Lately, the Supreme Court had offered a reward, many bounty hunters in provinces and prefectures of Taixia Country had poured into Zhongzhou Province...

"Elder Zhu, I was told that the corps of those bloody figures came from a bizarre place beneath Pingsha Valley. Is it called Bloody Sea?" A knight of a clan in Yanzhou Province asked a question which all the others at present were concerned about, "I'm really curious about the Bloody Sea."

Not every knight in Taixia Country had heard about Bloody Sea. As the secret methods of Bloody Soul Temple were involved with the interests of the top 7 sects in Taixia Country, very few people knew about Bloody Sea.

However, now that the tragedy had happened, the secret method could never be concealed anymore; therefore, Zhu Elder started to introduce it to the public after being silent for a few seconds.

"Bloody Sea is the No. 1 secret method of Bloody Soul Temple. According to the legend, the Blood Sea of Bloody Soul Temple could enable knights who were dying or suffering fatal wounds to gain new lives only by squeezing one blood drop into Bloody Sea. After gaining the new lives, they would have the battle strength of a black iron knight the moment they woke up. Additionally, their soul and spiritual energy would never die. As long as the Bloody Sea was established, it almost indicated that the knights of Bloody Soul Temple became eternal. As Bloody Sea violated the universal laws too much, Bloody Soul Temple failed to build it even in 100 years. Additionally, the intelligence was exposed; therefore Bloody Soul Temple was exterminated together with the building method of Bloody Sea by the top seven sects in Taixia Country!"

"Ahh, do you mean that the Bloody Sea has been built by someone?"

"The Bloody Sea beneath Pingsha Valley was a simplified or incomplete version as this Bloody Sea could only produce LV 9 fighers instead of knights. Now that Bloody Soul Temple couldn't make it in 100 years, not to mention others. However, this simplified Bloody Sea was special. It might have combined with the parent puppet worms of demons. Through autopsy, they found the trace of combining with demon's puppet worms in the brains of those bloody figures according to the message from Zhongzhou Province. That's the most terrifying point..."

Hearing this intelligence, all the others became silent.

Zhu Elder watched Elder Muyu with a solemn look as he said, "According to the remaining information of Bloody Soul Temple, Bloody Demon Imitation Method and Bloody Sea both originated from Bloody Soul Temple and were closely related with each other. The one who could build Bloody Sea must have mastered the Bloody Demon Imitation Method in advance!"

"Elder Mushen, through this event, we know that Elder Mushen was evidently wronged. The one who framed Elder Mushen and mastered Bloody Demon Imitation Method must be on the side of the Heavens Reaching Church which colluded with demons. Previously, we were not sure whether this man indeed existed; however, this time, the Bloody Sea beneath Pingsha Valley could definitely prove that that culprit indeed exists; additionally, he is a member of Heavens Reaching Church. As Elder Mushen inflicted a great loss to the Heavens Reaching Church in Youzhou Province, he incurred the hatred of Heavens Reaching Church; therefore, the remnants of Heavens Reaching Church framed Elder Mushen's family a couple of times. We wonder what the Supreme Court would explain it to Elder Mushen and Huaiyuan Palace?"

Chapter 1052: A Chance of Reversal

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

"Supreme Court didn't give me an explanation until I left Huaiyuan Palace today; neither did they contact Huaiyuan Palace!" Elder Muyu answered Zhu Elder calmly.

"Before coming to Xuantian City, our master told us that if Supreme Court didn't revoke the arrest order of Elder Mushen and declare Elder Mushen's innocence these days, our master would write a letter to Supreme Court for revoking it in the identity of the provincial governor of Yanzhou Province!" Zhu Elder said out of rage.

After the informed clans in Taixia Country got the intelligence about the event in Zhongzhou Province, they all sensed that the tragedy in Fuhai City might be reversed. It was just a matter of time to withdraw the arrest order of Elder Mushen from Huaiyuan Palace.

Over the past 4 years, Elder Mushen had won one-sided sympathy in the folks. Many people felt that Elder Mushen was a remarkable, affectionate man, who had made meritorious deeds in fighting demons in both Waii Subcontinent and Taixia Country. How could such a person be driven mad and do such a terrifying thing in Fuhai city only after being refused for a proposal of marriage?

Public opinions caused a great stress to the Supreme Court; however, before gaining any latest evidence, the Supreme Court stuck to its original judgment. After the event in Zhongzhou Province broke out, if the Supreme Court still stuck to the earlier evidence and judgment, it was nothing different than jumping into a firey pit themselves. How could the Supreme Court bear the furious public opinions across the country?

If the conspiracy was not discovered timely, Zhongzhou Provincial Court would suffer much greater loss. Seriously, the Supreme Court of Taixia Country and the Zhongzhou Provincial Court didn't fulfill their responsibilities for inspection; therefore, Heavens Reaching Church and Wen family could have a chance to build the simplified Bloody Sea in the territory of Zhongzhou Province and arouse a great trouble.

The culprit on the back of Heavens Reaching Church had revenged Zhang family a couple of times. After their conspiracy was exposed, the culprit's trace was revealed; a province had been chaotic. The one who mastered the Bloody Demon Imitation Method had revealed his trace. If the Supreme Court still wanted to arrest Elder Mushen, many people would doubt that the Supreme Court was on the same side with Heavens Reaching Church; otherwise, how the Supreme Court could not discover the conspiracy of Heavens Reaching Church and arrest the culprit on the back of Heavens Reaching Church? Why the one who discovered the conspiracy of Heavens Reaching Church was still being wanted by Supreme Court...

Facing such a great stress and strict condemnation, even the top three chancellors in Taixia Country could not sleep well.

"Elder Mushen's case is most wronged in Taixia Country. If Elder Mushen's case was not reversed, who would dare to fight Heavens Reaching Church in the future? If the Supreme Court didn't reverse Elder Mushen's case, as a member of Northeast Military Region, our Qian Clan would also write a letter to the Supreme Court to ask for fairness for Elder Mushen!" The Qian Elder also clarified his position at present.

After two clans with provincial governors determined to support Elder Mushen at present, all the other knights and elders in the circle hurriedly echoed.

Elder Muyu cupped his hands and bowed towards them around him as if he was moved by them pretty much, "Thanks for your righteousness, Huaiyuan Palace will bear it in mind for sure!"

"After attending the opening ceremony of Fire Dragon Hermit, Zhu Clan will assign clan disciples and knight-level powerhouses to Zhongzhou Province. We will make our efforts for the safety of Zhongzhou Province; meanwhile, we could gain the first-hand news. I wonder about your plans..." Zhu Elder opened his mouth again.

As Zhu Clan was most powerful in the crowd, the others faintly treated Zhu Elder as the most prestigious one in this circle. Even Elder Muyu and Elder Qian didn't mean to steal the show.

"Huaiyuan Palace also has this plan..."

"To tell the truth, as the leader of Qian Clan's team, considering the fierce flames of war in the holy war, I think it's not bad for the younger generation to practice themselves on the battlefields..." Although Qian Clan also had a provincial governor, it had just moved to Tongzhou a bit more than 2 decades ago. Besides an earth knight-level provincial governor, the entire Qian Clan only had 3 knight-level elders, which could not even match that of Huaiyuan Palace. After the master of Lu Clan in Spiritualmaple Prefecture of Youzhou Province promoted to an earth knight, even Lu Clan had more knights than Qian Clan. Therefore, in this situation, the Qian Elder had to be low-key.

"We also have this plan. It's a long trip from here to Zhongzhou Province. I'm afraid that Zhu Clan needs to go there by airboat. If so, we might have to bother Zhu Elder and take a ride of your airboat..." Another knight on one side said.

Elder Zhu watched those who agreed with him with a faint smile. Zhu Clan's reputation and power definitely ranked first in the Northeast Military Region. Although Commander Cheng Honglie was powerful, his base was actually in Yaozhou Province instead of Northeast Military Region.


At this moment, a loud report drifted from the receptionist outside the venue, "Guo Hongyi, the master of Guo Clan of Threespring Prefecture...is coming..."

Closely after the report, a woman in scarlet longuette had entered the venue being accompanied by some guards.

There was more than one female knight in the venue; however, Guo Hongyi was the only female knight-level master of a clan across Northeast Military Region. Additionally, Guo Hongyi didn't take any clan disciple but some guards. Being especially eye-catching, her qi field could immediately defeat the other clans' knights and elders.

After arriving at the venue, Guo Hongyi raised her head and threw a glance at those knights and elders who were gathering together and nodded towards them. After that, she came to the seats of Guo Clan under the guidance of Wang Clan's disciples.

"Lu Dingzhi, the master of Lu Clan of Spiritualmaple Prefecture in Youzhou Province...is coming..."

After the report, personable Lu Dingzhi entered the venue with two clan elders and Lu disciples...

After Lu Dingzhi lost the competition for the provincial governor of Youzhou Province 4 years ago, he had been cultivating at home. Later on, although it was said that he had promoted to an earth knight, Lu Dingzhi didn't show up. Honestly, it was Lu Dingzhi's first time to show up in the public after the competition for the provincial governor of Youzhou Province.

As Lu Dingzhi had promoted to an earth knight, all the black iron knights and elders at present nodded towards him on their own initiative out of etiquette and regulations.

Lu Dingzhi didn't hold any office; therefore, he could come here; if not, it was improper for an official of Taixia Country and an earth knight to attend the opening ceremony of another earth knight.

In the later short period, all the influential figures from the major clans of the three neighboring provinces arrived consecutively. All the clans which competed for the provincial governor of Youzhou Province 4 years ago had assigned their representatives here, including Gu Dashou, the master of Gu Clan. How boisterous it was in the Xuantian Courtyard of Iron-Dragon Sect!

What was a bit unimaginable was that the representatives of Li Clan, which was closest to Xuantian City arrived a bit later. As all those at present were shrewd, only after thinking about it a second, they had understood it right away. Li Clan's representatives arrived a bit later purposefully. Li Clan also had knights; additionally, Li Clan's Miyun Prefecture neighbored Fire Dragon Bounty Territory. Actually, Xuantian Cheng was divided from Miyun Prefecture. Among the major clans' representatives at present, maybe Li Clan' representatives had most complex moods. As a power suddenly appeared on Li Clan's side, Li Clan might not have thought through how to make contact with this new power. If Li Clan's representatives arrived too early, others might think that Li Clan was trying to flatter Fire Dragon Hermit; if they didn't come, Li Clan would offend Fire Dragon Hermit; therefore, Li Clan' representatives arrived a bit late purposefully. Whatever, it was not impolite as long as they arrived before the opening ceremony.

After more and more people arrived, they started to gather in groups as they exchanged intelligence and news in low voices. Those talkative disciples chatted here and there in the venue. Only after a little while, the intelligence about the event in Zhongzhou Province which was talked by Zhang Clan, Zhu Clan and Qian Clan had spread over the other clans' elders and masters, including the secret method of Bloody Sea and that the case of Elder Mushen of Huaiyuan Palace was going to be reversed soon. These intelligence were indeed what they were concerned about.

After Li Clan of Miyun Prefecture arrived, masters and elders of some clans and small and medium-sized sects in Yanzhou Province and Tongzhou Province such as Longwind Sect, Huge Saber Sect, Immortal Fist Position Sect arrived too. By then, almost all the influential clans and sects in Youzhou Province, Yanzhou Province and Tongzhou Province had arrived. It was just a bit late than 9 am, about 20 minutes away from the opening ceremony of Iron-Dragon Sect.

Immortal Fist Position Sect had already been founded for over 100 years in Yanzhou Province. The team of Immortal Fist Position Sect here was led by Nangong Sheng, Strong Cloud Hermit, the master of this sect, which shocked all the guests at present.

Nangong Sheng, Strong Cloud Hermit founded Immortal Fist Position Sect in Yanzhou Province 100 years ago. After so many years' development, the sect had been very famous across the Northeast Military Region. As Strong Cloud Hermit promoted to an earth knight 20 years ago, the Immortal Fist Position Sect became the only major sect with an earth knight within Northeast Military Region. Benefited from this, Immortal Fist Position Sect became more popular and always thought that they could rank first among so many sects in Northeast Military Region; at the same time, all the other sects in Yanzhou Province felt suppressed in front of Immortal Fist Position Sect.

Nangong Sheng, Strong Cloud Hermit came here with the only two knight-level elders of Immortal Fist Position Sect and some core disciples. Such a team was a bit over "luxurious"...

Watching the solemn looks of all the team members of Nangong Sheng, many guests thought, 'Is there a good show today?'

Chapter 1053: An Uninvited Guest

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

"Nangong Sheng, Strong Cloud Hermit, also the master of Immortal Fist Position Sect is well known in Yanzhou Province. A Wang disciple told me that an elder of Immortal Fist Position Sect said something before getting off the airship..."

"What did he say?"

"The elder said that even Immortal Fist Position Sect and Strong Cloud Hermit did not have an airboat, how could Fire Dragon Hermit have the qualification to own an airboat? When Strong Cloud Hermit heard it, he just replied with a cold muffled voice. Additionally, through my observation, I found that the master and two knight-level elders of Immortal Fist Position Sect looked not good, Hermit, you need to pay attention to them..."

"Which secret method does Strong Cloud Hermit cultivate? Is he very powerful?"

"Strong Cloud Hermit founded Immortal Fist Position Sect in Yanzhou Province 100 years ago. He promoted to an earth knight 30 years ago. It's said that Strong Cloud Hermit cultivates Strong Cloud Sutra, a viscount-level secret method and Thunder-like Immortal Fist Position..."

Zhang Tie was sitting in an old-fashioned wooden armchair in a brilliant robe made of boa silk in a room away from the venue in Xuantian Courtyard. At the same time, he touched his bald head and listened to the report about the information in the venue from Wang Chongde, the master of Wang Clan.


It was said that "Xia Ping" had disappeared after receiving the reward of millions of gold coins from Jinwu Business Group.

After Xia Ping disappeared, Zhang Tie returned to Xuantian City silently and prepared for the opening ceremony of Iron-Dragon Sect. At the same time, he paid close attention to the situation in Zhongzhou Province.

Previously, Zhang Tie thought that Pingsha Valley was just a nestle of a killers' organization. He didn't know that there was a time bomb under the ground of Pingsha Valley. The culprit and those b*stards of Heavens Reaching Church were overconfident. They thought that their killers would not leak any intelligence even if they failed the task; however, they could never imagine that their killers could meet a freak who had almost reached the supreme realm of Soul Forbidden Method, a secret method of Bloody Soul Temple.

'It seems that the God really favors me. The secret method of Bloody Soul Temple that I cultivate could expose the Bloody Sea of Bloody Soul Temple in Zhongzhou Province. Even I've not imagined about the series of chain reactions.'

'However, there's one point that I could confirm, namely, the Supreme Court of Taixia Country might soon revoke the order for arresting me according to the intelligence that my elder brother got from Xuanyuan Hill lately. It also means that the identity of Zhang Tie might return to Youzhou Province aboveboard only in a few days.'

Zhang Tie had not imagined that he could hear this good news so fast.

Previously, Zhang Tie made great efforts to prepare the identity of Fire Dragon Hermit for reuniting with his family members in Youzhou Province. However, he had not imagined that soon after he returned to Youzhou Province, the series of events had brought a chance to reverse his case.

After what happened lately, Zhang Tie felt that the secular world was like a pot of assorted porridge, which contained many ingredients. Everyone was trying their best to add something in this pot so that the assorted porridge could become more similar to the flavor that they favored. However, the fact was that nobody could figure out the flavor of the assorted porridge as many people added ingredients to the pot. Nobody could have the assorted porridge to taste absolutely as same as that they wanted.

Only knights were qualified to add ingredients into this pot.

'I cannot acquire the flavor of the assorted porridge; if not, I will not be wronged and have to escape.'

'Neither could the culprit and those b*stards of Heavens Reaching Church. If not, they would not have exposed the secrets in Pingsha Valley after assigning some killers to assassinate my dad.'

'Even Emperor Xuanyuan couldn't do it; if not, he would never f*cking disappear for so many years.'

'Even Elzida the great prophet couldn't do it...'

'Heavens Fortune Sect couldn't do it either...'

'Even weirdos and freaks like me couldn't do it, not to mention Strong Cloud Hermit, the master of the damn Immortal Fist Position Sect.'

'It took him 7 decades to promote to an earth knight by cultivating a viscount-level secret method. He has just promoted to an earth knight for about 30 years, at most the 6 changes realm viscount-level earth knight. I'm afraid that he has not even joined the large-scale battle between human knights and demon knights in the Earth-elements Realm. He's just a bit better than a passer-by in front of me. How dare he cause me trouble? Does he really treat himself as something?'

'Is he here to enliven the atmosphere for the opening ceremony of Iron-Dragon Sect? I swear to God, I've not employed such a performer!'

Zhang Tie yawned. After receiving 10 batches of candidates of local representatives of the 10 cities in Fire Dragon Bounty Territory, he felt a bit bored even though each batch of people cost him only a couple of minutes.

"That's fine, don't care about that. The elder of Immortal Fist Position Sect purposefully said that so that the Wang disciple could report it to me!" Zhang Tie waved his hand like chasing off a fly, "Is there any relation between Immortal Fist Position Sect and Taiyi Fantasy Sect?"

After hearing this question, Wang Chongde, the master of Wang Clan threw an amazed and awe-stricken glance at Zhang Tie. Although Zhang Tie always looked indifferent, his question cut to the heart of the matter. Actually, Wang Chongde had considered about this question for a long while. He had even carefully negotiated it with some elders of Wang Clan. However, he had not imagined that the Fire Dragon Hermit could cut to the core so fast.

"Immortal Fist Position Sect is closely related to Taiyi Fantasy Sect. When Nangong Sheng, the Strong Cloud Hermit promoted to an earth knight and held a chakra rotating ceremony in the territory of Immortal Fist Position Sect, the elders of Taiyi Fantasy Sect even traveled a great distance to congratulate him with a lavish gift. From then on, Immortal Fist Position Sect had laid its foundation in Youzhou Province and Northeast Military Region. It's said that one son of Nangong Sheng is a disciple of Taiyi Fantasy Sect..."

'I see, he's assuming the authority of Taiyi Fantasy Sect as his own so as to show off the prestige of Immortal Fist Position Sect.'

Zhang Tie understood it right away, 'Nangong Sheng might have already known that Taiyi Fantasy Sect lost the bet the moment my airboat arrived at Fire Dragon Bounty Territory. Perhaps, Taiyi Fantasy Sect have contacted him and told him to do something; additionally, my Fire Dragon Bounty Territory is in the territory of Northeast Military Region and I'm going to open a sect here; therefore, Strong Cloud Hermit arrived with most of his elites with bad looks.

'Hoho, interesting!'

"Have all the guests on the name-list arrived?"

"Yes, Immortal Fist Position Sect's representatives were the last one to arrive!" The master of Wang Clan replied respectfully.

After hearing it, Zhang Tie stood up from his armchair as he said, "Let's go. I will meet the heroes and powerhouses in the three provinces of Northeast Military Region in the venue!"

"Ahh..." The master of Wang Clan became faintly startled as he suggested, "But the lucky time has not arrived. It's still 20 minutes left!"

"Never mind. Honestly, the opening ceremony of Iron-Dragon Sect is to actually invite some people to have a dinner and know each other like how a store opens. By the way, we will see who's on which side and whether there're good business partners. Now that all of them have arrived, I don't have to stay here, let's go..." Zhang Tie said as he exited the room.

The master of Wang Clan trotted after Zhang Tie as he asked, "What...what about those gifts?"

"Push them out now so as to enliven the atmosphere. When a store opened, the boss would always carry out a promotion such as drawing lots for a prize or hitting gold eggs for a prize. Now that Iron-Dragon Sect is going to open, we have to be more boisterous than a new store. We need to warm up the atmosphere, hahaha..."

After hearing these words, Wang Chongde became silent. Because only Fire Dragon Hermit could do that. After knowing what were those gifts, Wang Chongde was too shocked to utter any word for quite a while. What was more, those gifts were used to enliven the atmosphere in the venue. He had not ever heard anyone who could be so luxurious in an opening ceremony across Taixia Country, not to mention within Northeast Military Territory.


In the venue, Zhang Yang was faintly frowning and listening to a disciple of Immortal Fist Position Sect speaking loudly and proudly in the far.

Zhang Yang's seat was next to those of Huaiyuan Palace. He came here with his two sons, Zhang Chengxu and Zhang Chengze, who were a bit younger than Zhang Chengan. However, it was time for them to broaden their horizon. According to the agreement between him and Zhang Tie, Zhang Yang brought the two boys here.

In the venue, there were many kids at the age of Zhang Chengxu and Zhang Chengze. All the clans' representatives were clear in mind that it was a rare opportunity for them to gain the guidance of an earth knight, even the major clans within Northeast Military Territory.

The seats of Immortal Fist Position Sect were beside those of Huaiyuan Palace, which were the most eye-catching ones in the venue. This indicated that Iron-Dragon Sect paid special tribute to Immortal Fist Position Sect.

However, Strong Cloud Hermit's team members didn't pay respect to Iron-Dragon Sect at all. Some disciples of Iron-Dragon Sect were talking about something with those disciples of the surrounding clans. Hearing their talks, Zhang Yang frowned.

However, the master and the two elders of Immortal Fist Position Sect fully ignored their disciples' words as if they had not heard that.

"Isn't there any good place for Iron-Dragon Sect to hold an opening ceremony? How could they choose the formal official mansion of Xuantian City? That's too simple and crude..."

"Yea, of course, the so-called opening ceremony of a sect should be held in a magnificent palace. I remember that the Immortal Fist Palace where the opening ceremony of Immortal Fist Position Sect was held was really magnificent..."

"I was told that the servants here were even borrowed from other clans. That's too hilarious!"

"Haven't you found that Fire Dragon Hermit only invited the heroes in the three provinces within Northeast Military Territory? There's not even a knight outside Northeast Military Territory. It seems that Fire Dragon Hermit has been used to live alone. How could he have no friends and relatives to help him in such an important situation? None of the knights from other provinces came here to congratulate him..."

"3 decades ago, when my master promoted to an earth knight and held his chakra rotating ceremony, all the elders of Taiyi Fantasy Sect had arrived..."

"Yes, it's said that Fire Dragon Hermit has just promoted to an earth knight a couple of years ago..."

Not only Zhang Yang had heard the talks of the disciples of Immortal Fist Position Sect, but even those knight-level powerhouses in the venue had also heard that. Hearing the talks, the disciples of Wang Clan didn't look good while those guests further confirmed their speculation, namely Immortal Fist Position Sect's representatives came with evil intent. They might want to stir up trouble here. Many people at present had thought that it should be related with Taiyi Fantasy Sect...

When the other guests were concerned about that, a louder and longer report sounded from all directions...

"Fire Dragon Hermit...is coming..."

Chapter 1054: The Appearance of the Host

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

After hearing this louder and longer report, everybody at present was shocked. Because the lucky time had not arrived, many people were still whispering to each other in a group of two or three. Many guests were not in their own seats, which looked a bit impolite...

However, the moment they heard this report, all the guests had responded to it. The younger ones rapidly ran to the front of their clans' seats. As for those dignified knights and elders, after being faintly dumbfounded, they whispered to each other a few more words before walking to seats of their own clans and sects too.

Even those disciples of Immortal Fist Position Sect who were talking free in the venue just now had closed their mouths. No matter what, these small figures below knight level were not qualified to speak in front of an earth knight. If they were still speaking ill of Fire Dragon Hermit when he was at present, it was equal to posing a challenge to Fire Dragon Hermit and profane the dignity of an earth knight. They dared never be such presumptuous.

After exchanging a glance with each other, the master and two elders of Immortal Fist Position Sect remained silent.

In the venue, Nangong Sheng the master of Immortal Fist Position Sect and Lu Dingzhi the master of Lu Clan were the only two earth knights. Being different than Lu Dingzhi who was like a personable uncle, Nangong Sheng had a square, faintly black face with slim eyes and snow-white long beard in a towering crown which was made of violet gold being inlaid with alchemist's gemstones. Additionally, he wore a grand robe which was embroidered with sun, moons, stars, flowers, birds, fish and insects and a pair of 3-level boat-shaped shoes with tiger head which was made of golden silk. Two beautiful female twins were standing behind him, one was holding a sword by two hands, the other was holding a long vase by two hands. However, the two female twins both looked like tender yet enchanting boys. They looked like kids on the sides of the legendary immortals. Given that grand ostentation, it was absolutely an immortal hermit and one of the masters of the top seven sects in Taixia Country.

All the others turned around to see Zhang Tie; however, Nangong Sheng just slightly inclined his face to see Zhang Tie. He just touched his snow-white long beard and looked at Zhang Tie in a restrained and arrogant way.

When Nangong Sheng touched his long beard, the finger ring on that hand became especially eye-catching. A nanobead was clearly inlaid in it. The finger ring was a rare space-teleportation item.

Within the expectation of everybody at present, Zhang Tie strode out alone.

The moment Zhang Tie appeared, his height, sturdy figure and that symbolic bald head had won the applaud of many guests inside——What a tough man!

Compared to Nangong Sheng, the master of Immortal Fist Position Sect, Zhang Tie didn't wear anything surplus.

Zhang Tie directly came to the center of the main stage of the venue. At first, he cupped his hands towards all the guests at present with a solemn look silently. At the sight of this, all the knights, elders and masters at present cupped their hands towards Zhang Tie too. Nangong Sheng and two elders of Immortal Fist Position Sect also cupped their hands towards Zhang Tie in a casual way; instead of making trouble at once.

When cupping his hands towards them, Zhang Tie had noticed all the people at the present. He had almost seen 1/3 of those at present when he competed for the provincial governor of Youzhou Province for Zhang Taixuan. As for those whom he had not met before, he could guess their identities according to the seats of the clans and sects.

Of course, Zhang Tie had noticed the bad looks of the team of Immortal Fist Position Sect.

At the sight of the immortal look of Nagong Sheng, the master of Immortal Fist Position Sect, Zhang Tie burst out into laughter inside at once, 'F*ck, are you acting in an opera or telling a story? This dad has seen so many earth knights in Earth-elements Realm; however, none of them are as extravagant as you. Even shadow knights could not match you. If you dress like this in Earth-elements Realm, they would think that you're a heavenly knight, f*ck!'

After touching his bald head, Zhang Tie burst out into laughter as he said, "Now that this Cui has arrived, although it's still 20 minutes away from the official appearance time, I think it's unnecessary for me to waste your time here. Therefore, I just came out to talk with you for a while. After all, it's the first time for me to open a sect just like a bride entering the palanquin. If I offend you due to lack of consideration, please forgive me."

"Fire Dragon Hermit, you're too modest!"

The moment Zhang Tie uttered, all the others started to reply with a smile. The atmosphere was very relaxing.

The moment they heard Zhang Tie's words, most of them at present had felt that Fire Dragon Hermit was generous and kind-hearted. Such a kind of person could easily win people's favor. However, it was just their feeling about Zhang Tie according to his prologue. As the old saying went, nobody could promote to a knight without hardships. Even those people who could promote to black iron knights were uneasy, not to mention an earth knight.

Zhang Tie continued, "It's my great honor that you could attend the opening ceremony of Iron-Dragon Sect. I'm very happy. Therefore, I should be polite to you. However, it's too boring only by speaking politely. This Cui doesn't like boring things. Whatever, the opening ceremonies don't have a fixed pattern across Taixia Country besides having a dinner and knowing each other. Therefore, I want to make the opening ceremony of Iron-Dragon Sect festive like how those stores would do when they opened by holding a promotion or stuff for a good fortune. I also brought you an activity to please you after you traveled so long to Xuantian City. Isn't it good enough if we could solve things happily?"

After hearing Zhang Tie's words, many knights at present exchanged glances with each other, except for Elder Muyu and Lu Dingzhi who looked at Zhang Tie seriously. Given their looks, all the female knights at present were interested in Zhang Tie; especially Guo Hongyi, the master of Guo Clan had fallen in love with Zhang Tie the moment he strode out with a great qi field.

Actually, women were like men in many aspects. Different men would like different types of women; similarly, different women would also like different types of men. Some liked gentlemen; some liked cynical ones; some liked shy ones; some like immortal ones; however, Guo Hongyi liked masculine ones. Pitifully, few men were masculine in Guo Hongyi's eyes. Compared to this woman, many men felt that they were like women, not to mention masculinity.

Soon after Zhang Tie finished his words, an elder of Immortal Fist Position Sect had sneered, "Fire Dragon Hermit, you're really funny. Do you mean that we can enjoy a discount or draw lots for a prize here like what those pedlars did in the opening ceremony of Iron-Dragon Sect..."

Although the words of the Immortal Fist Position Sect sounded like an inquiry, it was more like an irony.

After hearing the words of the elder of Immortal Fist Position Sect, the venue became quiet at once. Everybody at present confirmed that Immortal Fist Position Sect's representatives arrived with evil intent. Now that they dared find trouble at the beginning, they were definitely here to ruin the opening ceremony.

When the elder of Immortal Fist Position Sect opened his mouth, Nangong Sheng was still touching his long beard as if he had not heard it. Therefore, everybody at present understood that the master and the elders of Immortal Fist Position Sect had long reached an agreement.

In Taixia Country, it almost became a tradition that someone would find trouble in the opening ceremonies of fighting clubs in towns or sects in some mountains. If someone disliked you, they would find you trouble. The opening ceremony and washing hands in the golden basin would become the best place for them to do that. In Taixia Country, there were examples that the opening ceremonies of some sects founded by knights were ruined by someone. However, it was Fire Dragon Hermit's first time to come to Northeast Military Region in the bounty territory rewarded by the central government; additionally, he had no animosity with local major clans; therefore, nobody at present could imagine that someone dared find him trouble here at the beginning.

Everybody was waiting for Fire Dragon Hermit's response. It was the best moment for them to understand Fire Dragon Hermit's temperament just like that unyielding grasses would be identified in heavy wind and real gold could be identified in raging fire.

Many people felt thrilled inside.

"That bro in the seat of Immortal Fist Position Sect, may I know your name?" Zhang Tie still asked with a big smile as if he had not noticed the irony in the elder's tone.

"I'm Mo Qi, an elder of Immortal Fist Position Sect!"

The elder of Immortal Fist Position Sect answered with a faint sneer. He didn't even stand up.

"Hahaha..." Zhang Tie burst out into laughter as he pointed at Elder Mo Qi of Immortal Fist Position Sect and said, "Elder Mo Qi, how could you be so smart with such a tiny head? You're really the worm in my maw. How could you hit my mind so easily only by moving your tiny mouth a few times? Not bad. This Cui is really preparing to hold a game by hitting golden eggs in the opening ceremony..."

"Tiny head", "Tiny mouth", hearing the two phrases, most of the knights twitched their facial muscles and tried their best to not burst out into laughter. Some female knights couldn't stand giggling; however, they hurriedly stopped...

Elder Mo Qi looked a bit thin. He was indeed smaller than Cui Li in terms of figure. No matter what, the phrases "Tiny head" and "Tiny mouth" sounded weird and made people simmer with laughter...

Elder Mo Qi didn't know that he was seeking stigma by quarreling with Zhang Tie who had practiced it with so many people from all walks of life in different groceries. He was not even in Zhang Tie's league...

Chapter 1055: Shocking Golden Eggs

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

After hearing the words "tiny head", "tiny mouth" and "worm in my maw", Elder Mo Qi of Immortal Fist Position Sect felt that Zhang Tie was standing in front of him, bowing his body and touching his head by hand genially.

Although Zhang Tie's words sounded like "praise", Elder Mo Qi of Immortal Fist Position Sect blushed in a split second; especially the "painful" looks of the surrounding people made Elder Mo Qi feel like being a clown in the venue...

"Fire Dragon Hermit, you..." Elder Mo Qi stood up as he watched Zhang Tie with a blush. He wanted to lose his temper; however, he found that he had no reason or excuse to do that. Therefore, he almost had "internal injuries". Whatever, Elder Mo Qi was evidently "smaller" than Fire Dragon Hermit on both figures and knight ranks.

"What, do you want to say something, Elder Mo Qi?" Zhang Tie watched Elder Mo Qi with a smile.

Elder Mo Qi threw a glance at Nangong Sheng on his side.

"Sit down!" Nangong Sheng moved his facial muscles while uttering a hoarse voice, "After traveling a long way here, we're guests. We will see what game is Fire Dragon Hermit going to play with us. As those at present are all elders and masters of clans and sects; all of us have rich experiences. I think that Fire Dragon Hermit is definitely not joking with us. It's not late if Fire Dragon Hermit really dares make a joke with the heroes in the three provinces of Northeast Military Region!"

Nangong Sheng would like to see how Zhang Tie would lose his face. In his opinion, all the influential figures at present had rich experiences; although there was not a fixed pattern for the opening ceremony of sects in Taixia Country, it had better be solemn. However, Zhang Tie was going to play a game such as hitting golden eggs for a prize like how those pedlars would always do, wasn't it a joke? Nangong Sheng just wanted to watch Zhang Tie make a fool of himself. When the others felt unhappy about the game, Nangong Sheng would seize the opportunity to make difficulties for Zhang Tie. By then, fewer people would like to stand on Zhang Tie's side.

Of course, Zhang Tie knew what Nangong Sheng was thinking about. Hearing Nangong Sheng's words, Zhang Tie revealed a faint smile. Instead of looking at the mincing Nangong Sheng, he asked Elder Mo Qi with an amazed look, "Elder Mo Qi, who's that well-dressed actor..."

Hearing Zhang Tie's words, all the others almost burst out into laughter. With eccentric looks, they felt that Fire Dragon Hermit was really talkative. His words made Nangong Sheng unable to lose his temper...

'Well-dressed actor?' After hearing that comment, Nangong Sheng's face turned blue at once. Feeling suffocated, his hand on the long beard became stiff. Before Elder Mo Qi opened his mouth, Nangong Sheng had replied Zhang Tie, "I'm Nangong Sheng, the master of Immortal Fist Position Sect in Yanzhou Province!"

"Ha, it's Master Nangong of Immortal Fist Position Sect. Sorry, sorry. Now that Master Nangong wants to take a look at the game, I will show it to you!" After saying that, Zhang Tie clapped his hands twice. After receiving Zhang Tie's order, the servants of Wang Clan immediately pushed rows of four-wheeled carts into the venue, 4 people for 1 cart.

The servants of Wang Clan were very careful. The round items had been fixed on the carts. Each item was higher than 1 m while being covered with a red silk cloth.

Watching these items being pushed into the venue of the opening ceremony, all those at present were dumbfounded as they exchanged glances with each other. At the same time, they whispered, 'Does Fire Dragon Hermit really want us to hit golden eggs like what those pedlars would always do? This...this...is too hilarious...'

All those at present were prestigious. Those knight-level elders were thinking, 'Am I going to join the fun on the stage if Fire Dragon Hermit really wants to play such a naive trick?'

Nangong Sheng revealed a faint sneer as he swore inside, 'Naive! I've heard that Fire Dragon Hermit was born in a small family, which had no deep background; it was at most a rural well-off family. He's rustic and gained "Fire Dragon Sutra" by accident. Look at what he shows us, what a child's play...'

"Elder Muyu, what do you think Fire Dragon Hermit is going to do?"

Zhu Elder asked Elder Muyu in a secret way. Lately, Zhu Clan and Zhang Clan was going to unite by marriage; Zhu Dabiao the grandson of the provincial governor of Yanzhou Province was going to marry the granddaughter of Elder Muray of Huaiyuan Palace; additionally, Zhang Yang, the representative of Zhang Clan in Jinwu City would also marry a female junior of Zhu Elder. Because of this relationship, the elders of the two clans were closer to each other and the provincial governor of Yanzhou Province was going to write a letter to Xuanyuan Hill to ask for reversing Zhang Tie's case after the event broke out in Zhongzhou Province.

It was normal for major clans to unite by marriage in Taixia Country. Even though they were not for pure interests, such marriages could serve as a lubricant for the relationship between two major clans. As they were of the same family, it would be much more convenient for them to communicate with each other on many occasions. It was just a beginning. As for major clans which had hundreds of thousands of people even over 1 million people, if they confirmed to deepen the relationship between two parties, over 10 pairs even over 100 pairs of juniors from the two clans might get married. Through marriage between two clans, the relationship between two clans might be deepened; additionally, the genes of two clans were valued by the clan elders, which after being combined could make their posterity more excellent.

"I find Fire Dragon Hermit is not rude. I want to see what game is he going to play. As we're old enough and don't want to move; but we can let our juniors to warm up on the stage..."

"Hoho, I agree with you, Elder Muyu..."

At this moment, many knights and elders were communicating with each other in a secret way; however, apparently, they didn't move their mouths at all; instead, they just watched Zhang Tie very elegantly; meanwhile, they were guessing what was inside the "golden eggs".

There were 18 carts in total. After all of them were pushed inside, they formed a circle in the center of the venue. After putting them in the right places, the servants of Wang Clan left. Each cart was only accompanied by one servant who was ready to unveil the silk cloth by pulling the rope on it. Zhang Tie stood in the center of the venue as he said, "This Cui has just come back from the Earth-elements Realm. I've got nothing good but some specialties in Earth-elements Realm. I'd like to share it with you for fun. Given its limited quantity, I could not take care of every single one of you at present. Here are 18 golden eggs. All the clans and sects could have a chance to draw lots for a prize. There's a number on each golden egg. Therefore, you could only hit the golden egg with the specific number that you will draw. Try your best to hit them. Even if you don't want to hit them for the time being, you could bring them back home for a decoration like a fengshui. As we're all neighbors, you will gradually know the temperament of this Cui. I dare not say that I'm a gentleman; however, I've not done anything that harmed others to benefit myself or went against reason and nature..."

After saying that, Zhang Tie waved his hand, telling the servants of Wang Clan to pull off the red silk cloths on those balls in different sizes, unveiling the golden eggs, which left everyone at present dumbfounded...

18 "golden eggs" were all colorful secret pearls in different sizes. These secret pearls radiated brilliant lights which were similar to that of gold and jade. Under the morning sunlight, they looked pretty brilliant being similar to the effect of the reflection of cat's eye gems. The 18 secret pearls were in different colors. The moment the silk cloths were unveiled, they had given out brilliant lights, which included red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue and purple lights. As a result, it became colorful within 100 square meters which froze the curious or contemptuous looks of the people at present...

Being buried in the Earth-elements Realm hundreds of millions of years, these secret pearls could barely be exposed under sunlight. However, under sunlight, each secret bead was as resplendent as beautiful gemstones...

With a sound of "Huala", Zhu Elder stood up at once as he watched those "Golden Eggs" with widely opened eyes. With an unbelievable look, his voice began to quiver, "These...these are...secret pearls in Earth-elements Realm which might contain silver secret items..."

"Hoho, Zhu Elder is really knowledgeable, these are indeed secret pearls that this Cui brought from Earth-elements Realm. I will gift some of them to you today so as to bring good lucks for the opening ceremony of Iron-Dragon Sect. Thanks for coming here..." Zhang Tie said with a calm look.

'What? Secret pearls?' The moment Zhang Tie finished his words, all the other knights, elders and masters of clans and sects had sprung up, causing a sound "Huala". They just wanted to see how secret pearls looked like.

At least half of knights in Taixia Country, especially black iron knights had never seen secret pearls. As for the rest knights, even though they had seen secret pearls, they might have not seen so many secret pearls at the same time.

However, everybody was clear what secret pearls meant. They all knew that there might be a precious silver secret item in a secret pearl...

Those at present had not even heard that anyone could provide so many secret pearls at the same time.

Chapter 1056: A Conflict

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Facing the chance that they might get silver secrets, even those elders from clans with provincial governors became restless as they all stood up.

Even Lu Dingzhi, the master of Lu Clan who had always been calm became thrilled and stood up at once.

As Lu Dingzhi served as coins producing supervisor in Goldenrock Subcontinent previously, he didn't have a chance to practice in the Earth-elements Realm. Although he had seen secret pearls sometimes on special occasions, he didn't have one yet. 4 years ago, Lu Dingzhi lost the competition for the provincial governor of Youzhou Province; although he had promoted to an earth knight, he still felt his battle strength was not great enough. He was thinking about looking for a silver secret item in Earth-elements Realm lately. It was really out of his imagination that he could have a chance to gain silver secret item now.

The moment the red silver cloths were unveiled, the female knights at present immediately fixed their eyes onto the 18 secret pearls. Most of the women had no resistance to beautiful and resplendent gemstones. Of course, female knights didn't lack jewelry; however, the 18 secret pearls were as attractive as irresistible gems to those female knights.

Watching people's thirsty looks and the slightly chaotic seats, Zhang Tie revealed a big smile as he said, "These items are just used to spice up the atmosphere, if you want to take a closer look at them or touch them, help yourselves. As for those who could take them away, it depends on your luck..."

After hearing Zhang Tie's words, the elders of clans with provincial governors in the front of the auditorium including Lu Dingzhi and Elder Muyu immediately strode towards those secret pearls with flickering eyes. They started to touch, knock and comment those secret pearls one after another.

At the sight of this, all the other knights, elders and masters of clans and sects rushed over there at the same time.

Some of them moved so fast that they even knocked down their chairs, causing chaos.

Even elders and knights had rushed over there, not to mention those juniors of clans and sects.

As for these disciples, they were too far away from silver secret items. Many people were destined to dream about it for their whole lives. Now that they could have a chance to touch them, of course, they didn't want to miss it.

However, when those young disciples rushed over there, the 18 secret items had long been surrounded by the elders and knights of clans and sects. Therefore, the young disciples could only stand in the periphery and watched the resplendent secret pearls with admiring looks.

In a split second, there were only two groups of people who were still seated in the auditorium. One of them was the team of Immortal Fist Position Sect.

The representatives of Immortal Fist Position Sect could never imagine that the so-called golden eggs that Zhang Tie presented were the precious secret pearls in the Earth-elements Realm. Damn it! It was too terrifying! Even in the opening ceremonies of the top seven sects in Taixia Country, nobody had seen so many secret pearls. The so-called local tyrants were nothing but sh*t in front of Zhang Tie's game.

The disciples of Immortal Fist Position Sect who said the opening ceremony was too simple and crude blushed at once. Nangong Sheng and two elders on his side became restless too. They also wanted to take a closer look at those secret pearls; however, they felt it was improper. Sitting there, they felt being too special; therefore, they all felt embarrassed.

The other group of people who didn't move was Zhang Yang and his two sons. Finding that their dad didn't move, Zhang Tie's two nephews didn't move either; they just watched those hot secret pearls with flickering eyes.

Zhang Yang didn't move because he was shocked by Zhang Tie's game. Among so many people, only Zhang Yang knew that Fire Dragon Hermit was Zhang Tie, his younger brother.

As Zhang Tie had been escaping for 4 years, Zhang Yang thought that Zhang Tie must be living a poor life; however, at the sight of the 18 secret pearls, Zhang Yang realized that Zhang Tie might live much better than he could imagine in the past 4 years.

Zhang Yang gazed at Zhang Tie. Zhang Tie also blinked his eyes to his elder brother.

"Dad, can we take a closer look at those secret pearls?" Until Zhang Chengxu, the second son of Zhang Yang opened his mouth did Zhang Yang make a response, "Erm, fine, fine, we will take a look over there. So many secret pearls almost scared your dad..."

Zhang Yang whispered to his two sons in order to cover his inactive behavior.

Of course, even though Zhang Yang was the boss of Jinwu Business Group, he might not be able to force his way in. However, Zhang Yang was not anxious about it because he knew that Zhang Tie could definitely bring more secret pearls than these if he or his sons needed them in the future. With such a rich brother, he didn't need to worry about that at all...

Zhang Yang was even firmly convinced that Zhang Tie would find a chance to gift one secret pearl to Huaiyuan Palace in later programs. However, Zhang Yang didn't know how Zhang Tie would do that in front of so many knight-level powerhouses without exposing the loophole.

Zhang Tie looked at those guys of Immortal Fist Position Sect with a smile. He ignored them; instead, he just turned around and walked to the center of the crowd. As for Zhang Tie, those guys of Immortal Fist Position Sect were just seasonings, who were trivial roles. He didn't need to care about them at all. Whatever, those guys couldn't make big trouble.

Watching Zhang Tie throwing a glance at them before leaving with a smile, Nangong Sheng looked more furious as he felt being belittled. He had not been treated like this for over 100 years since he promoted to a knight and founded the Immortal Fist Position Sect.

When Zhang Tie came here, those juniors of clans and sects watched Zhang Tie with awestruck and admiring looks. They hurriedly gave a way to Zhang Tie.

As for these disciples of clans and sects, they had known the opinions of their own elders before coming here. This time, these elders were actually seeking opportunities to have their disciples be enrolled by Fire Dragon Hermit. Previously, Fire Dragon Hermit was just a strange and dignified name; however, since Zhang Tie appeared; especially after he presented so many secret pearls generously, all the juniors at present felt that it was pretty fortunate for them to learn from such an earth knight.

When Zhang Tie came to the center of the crowd, some knights and elders were speculating which one of them had a silver secret item.

Any complete secret pearl might contain a silver secret, which might be a weapon or an extremely precious nanobead or space-teleportation equipment.


"I feel this secret pearl probably contains a silver secret item..." Zhu Elder told the others, "Look, this secret pearl faces the south; its attribute is fire; additionally, this pearl looks as yellow as soil, which is rightly consistent with the south. I feel this secret pearl probably contains a silver secret item..."

"Ahh, Zhu Elder, you're proficient in Learning of Secret Items ?" One knight asked with an admiring look.

"No, no, this old man is not proficient in that at all. I just learned a bit from a powerhouse of Five-elements Mentality Sect, just a bit, just a bit!" Zhu Elder replied modestly; however, given his restrained look, he was very satisfied with it. The "Learning of Secret Items" occupied a high position among knights. Those who were proficient in the "Learning of Secret Items" were all something. When one said a knight was proficient in the "Learning of Secret Items", it was like praising a soldier that he could be a general and a woman who could remain young and beautiful forever.

After hearing the others' praise, Zhu Elder pointed at Lu Dingzhi who was seriously gazing at a secret pearl which was as scarlet as an agate while being covered with sparkling grains, "Look at younger brother Lu, he's really proficient in the "Learning of Secret Items"; does younger brother Lu think that secret pearl contains something?"

Lu Dingzhi turned around with a smile, "When I served as the coins producing supervisor in Goldenrock Subcontinent, I used to touch various stones. I learned how to identify secret pearls according to their energy from the Financial Ministry of Xuanyuan Hill. Because this secret pearl contains pretty high energy, it might contain a space-teleportation equipment such as nanobead..."

When Zhang Tie approached them, he heard the words of Zhu Elder and Lu Dingzhi. When he heard Zhu Elder's words, Zhang Tie laughed inside, 'It seems that Zhu Elder has not mastered the essence of the "Learning of Secret Items" of the Five-elements Mentality Sect. The secret pearl that he selects contains nothing. It just has a good look. After hearing Lu Dingzhi's words, Zhang Tie spoke highly of Lu Dingzhi inside, because the secret pearl selected by Lu Dingzhi was picked from the top region of the Weapons Mountain. The secret pearls in that region of Weapons Mountain probably contain a space-teleportation equipment. That was why Mountain Lifting Hermit and the other two earth knights directly sought for space-teleportation equipment on the top of Weapons Mountain in the hieron ruins.'

'The Learning of Secret Items from the Financial Ministry of Xuanyuan Hill is really something; no wonder they serve the imperial households; however...it's just so-so...'

"Ahh, Fire Dragon Hermit..." Watching Zhang Tie coming here, all the knights and elders greeted Zhang Tie with big smiles, which was much more enthusiastic than that at the beginning.

"Fire Dragon Hermit, your generosity in the opening ceremony of Iron-Dragon Sect must become a much-told tale in Northeast Military Region. It's our great honor to attend this opening ceremony..." Qian Elder touched his beard as he said with a big smile. All the surrounding knights nodded.

If Zhang Tie really brought here some eggs made of pure gold, even if they could really carry the golden eggs away, the opening ceremony of Iron-Dragon Sect would also become a joke. However, as these golden eggs were actually secret pearls, it became a much-told tale. That explained the difference between a joke and a much-told tale.

It was a joke for the poor to chase after girls in a romantic way; however, it was a much-told tale for the rich to chase after girls in a romantic way. Whether it was a joke or a much-told tale, it had nothing to do with one's mentality; it just depended on one's overall strength. Zhang Tie had long thought it through when he was in Blackhot City. Therefore, Zhang Tie prepared such a game. The style of this game was not important; what counted was what were the golden eggs.

For instance, a shy boy used lichee and other fruits to make a pattern of a bolt penetrating through a heart on the ground so as to affirm his loyalty to a girl and a playboy used diamonds to make the same pattern on the ground so as to affirm his loyalty to a girl; although it was the same pattern, which could confirm that the result was the same...

In others' eyes, the first one was a joke while the second one was a much-told tale. The difference between a joke and a much-told tale was similar to that between lichee and diamonds. Pitifully, many shy boys didn't understand it.

"Hahaha, glad that you're happy. As we're all neighbors and this Cui has just come to the Fire Dragon Bounty Territory like moving to a new home, I have to invite my neighbors, relatives and friends for a dinner out of etiquette..." Zhang Tie replied generously.

Zhang Tie's words won him too much praise, 'What a generous man!'

"Hermit? Did you get all these secret pearls from Earth-elements Realm?" Elder Muyu asked respectfully.

Zhang Tie sighed with emotion inside, 'Look at the difference between knights on different levels? How could Elder Muyu know that it's Zhang Tie who talked with him?'

"These secret pearls came from the Weapons Mountain in a heiron's ruins in the Earth-elements Realm. I gained them when I made an exploration over there!"

"Ahh, it was said that Fire Dragon Hermit indeed entered a hieron's ruins when you made an exploration in the Earth-elements Realm; it was said that the process was very dangerous. I wonder whether it's the same exploration!" Another knight from Tongzhou Province asked him.

"Yes, an earth demon knight and a human knight who surrendered to demons attacked us at the crucial moment. As a result, all of us had almost been killed!"

"Ahh, what about the two earth knights?"

Zhang Tie replied with a smile frankly, "Hehheh, I killed them both..."

After hearing Zhang Tie's reply, many people around him became shocked; however, many people were not sure whether Zhang Tie was telling the truth or not...

"I wonder about the process of hitting golden eggs. Whether each one of us has a chance to participate in it?" The master of Huge Saber Sect asked. As a new sect, Huge Saber Sect had a weak foundation. The master of Huge Saber Sect had just promoted to a black iron knight a couple of years ago. Therefore, such sects with weak foundations paid special attention to how to gain these secret pearls in case of missing the opportunity.

"Of course, each one of you has a chance to participate in it. One golden invitation card means an opportunity. All the clans and sects that have received the golden invitation cards could have a try. After a short while, you should draw number twice; the first number determines the order for you to draw lots; the second number determines which secret pearl will you have. Each clan and sect will have a chance; this Cui makes no exception..."

When they were thinking about Zhang Tie's method, Nangong Sheng's icy sound drifted from outside suddenly.

"I was told that Fire Dragon Hermit has an excellent battle strength. You even killed an earth-level shadow demon in the Earth-elements Realm. I really admire you. In the grand ceremony, I feel like learning from you here. Will you receive my request..."

After hearing these words, those who were circling around the secret pearls became silent at once. They had sensed that Immortal Fist Position Sect arrived with an evil intent; however, they could not imagine that Nangong Sheng was here to ruin the opening ceremony of Iron-Dragon Sect...

When he arrived, Nangong Sheng had some worries; after saying these words, he must have been ready for a fight.

Facing such a challenge, the other party could only have two choices: first, to admit that he couldn't match the challenger on battle skills; second, to accept the challenge. To a certain extent, it was the regulation for opening a sect in Taixia Country. If one wanted to open a sect, he should be ready to accept the challenge from the those on the same level. If not, such a sect would not be widely accepted.

Zhang Tie and the master of Immortal Fist Position Sect were both earth knights. Although it looked fair, many guests at present faintly frowned. All of them knew that Fire Dragon Hermit had just promoted to an earth knight for a couple of years. It was said that Fire Dragon Hermit killed the earth-level shadow demon in the Earth-elements Realm by accident. The shadow demon wanted to undermine Fire Dragon Hermit in the shape of a severely injured woman. However, it was undermined by Fire Dragon Hermit. Therefore, Fire Dragon Hermit was rewarded with Fire Dragon Bounty Territory. By contrast, Nangong Sheng had promoted to an earth knight for over 3 decades. Evidently, Nangong Sheng wanted to make Fire Dragon Hermit embarrassed.

'Shameless!' Many knights swore inside.

However, all those at present knew that Immortal Fist Position Sect was related to Taiyi Fantasy Sect. Therefore, they just waited for Zhang Tie's response silently.

Even Elder Muyu became silent at this moment. Actually, Huaiyuan Palace also had a good relationship with Taiyi Fantasy Sect. Lan Yunxi was in Taiyi Fantasy Sect. Zhang Taixuan had already predicted this emergency before Huaiyuan Palace's representatives set off. He told Elder Muyu to not interfere with the conflict between Fire Dragon Hermit and Taiyi Fantasy Sect.

As for the conflict between Fire Dragon Hermit and Taiyi Fantasy Sect, it was said that Fire Dragon Hermit made a bet with Feng Yexiao, the grand elder of Taiyi Fantasy Sect and won an airboat from the latter. After losing their face, of course, Taiyi Fantasy Sect had to do something for the reputation of Taiyi Fantasy Sect.

Zhang Tie turned around. All the others behind him gave a way to him so that Zhang Tie could directly see the representatives of Immortal Fist Position Sect...

"Do you want to have a fight with me here?" Zhang Tie asked Nangong Sheng while pointing at his own nose.

"Yes!" Nangong Sheng said while gritting his teeth. If he didn't launch an attack at this moment, it would be late when the other guests began to "hit golden eggs". By then, all those who gained the benefits would stand on Zhang Tie's side. As a result, nobody would support him. Therefore, Nangong Sheng made a decision to undermine Zhang Tie's power and prestige right away before the others hit the golden eggs.

Nangong Sheng also knew that Zhang Tie cultivated a marquis-level secret method "Fire Dragon Sutra". However, given that Zhang Tie had only practiced it for a couple of years and had just promoted to an earth knight, he didn't think that it would do any help to Zhang Tie. In his opinion, after practicing a viscount-level secret method for over 30 years, he would never be beaten by a junior who had just promoted to an earth knight.

'It's hard to find a chance to ruin an opening ceremony of a sect. After missing this opportunity, I would barely find another one.'

'Additionally, Taiyi Fantasy Sect has promised me a reward for it...'

Watching Nangong Sheng's expression "I will beat you for sure", Zhang Tie revealed a smile...