1101 - 1109

Chapter 1101: What a Large City!

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

"We are arriving at Xuanyuan Hill?"

Standing on the deck, Zhang Tie and Bai Suxian were looking at the ground below through the crystal grilles.

It was a boundless vast lake downside there, even in the distance.

Under the sunshine, the lake was shimmering while waterweeds were wavering inside. Reeds and wetland almost reached the sky in the far. On the location where reeds and wetland were close to the land, there was a large area of woods and undulating mountain ranges. Numerous aquatic birds were flying and gathering in flocks over the lake. The flock of white swans that had just flown over the airboat immediately dove towards the lake. At the same time, tens of thousands of wild ducks suddenly flew off, which looked pretty splendid...

The wings and most of the feathers on the back of wild ducks looked bright green, shiny and vigorous under the sunshine. When those wild ducks flew off the lake, it looked like a green cloud.

There were so many aquatic birds over there.

An exotic brilliance flashed across Zhang Tie's eyes when Zhang Tie watched these aquatic birds.

Bai Suxian didn't notice the bizarre brilliance in Zhang Tie's eyes. She just pulled Zhang Tie's arm out of excitement as she pointed at this lake and introduced it to Zhang Tie, "This is Heavenly Qin Lake in the northernmost part of Xuanyuan Hill. In the other directions of Xuanyuan Hill, there are another 2 crisscrossed lakes. Heavenly Qin Lake is medium in size. If the airboat could fly at a bit higher speed, we will be able to see Xuanyuan Hill in less than 1 hour after flying another 500-odd mile over Heavenly Qin Lake."

Because Zhang Tie had recovered his composure and become completely relaxed in the "slow" living state, even though he could see Xuanyuan Hill from 500 miles away with his lotus-flower eyes on the airboat, Zhang Tie didn't use that ability. Zhang Tie didn't care whether he could see Xuanyuan Hill a few minutes earlier or later. In many cases, if he relied on his ability too much, he would lack too many fun and surprises. If he watched Xuanyuan Hill in advance, he would feel bored when he arrived there. Therefore, Zhang Tie was not anxious about that.

Touching his bald head, Zhang Tie asked Bai Suxian, "You mean there're two lakes beside Xuanyuan Hill?"

"Hmm, the other two lakes are called Fair-sounding Lake and Fairy Lake respectively!"

"The Fairy is playing a fair-sounding music by heavenly qin. They're easily remembered. If so, Gold and Power Market should be in front of us!"

"Hmm, we will see it after passing Heavenly Qin Lake!"

"Hahaha, speed up; I cannot wait to take a look at it..." Zhang Tie burst out into laughter as he waved his hand and shouted towards his disciples in a secret way, "Are you ready? We're arriving at Xuanyuan Hill!"


In the following couple of minutes, the movable metal protective plates above the two swimming pools slowly slid over and covered the space above the two swimming pools, only revealing a row of non-opaque portholes. Additionally, the water in the swimming pools had been sucked into the inside of the airboat. After that, the swimming pools were covered with solid metal decks once again. Everybody returned to their cabins to change clothes cheerily, including Liu Xing and the other 6 black-armored fighters.

Iron-Dragon Airboat also sped up and approached Xuanyuan Hill. On the way, they could see more and more airboats and airships as well as over 100 knights in the sky. Besides, Zhang Tie could see large cruises and ships on Heavenly Qin Lake.

Zhang Tie sensed a bizarre qi blowing over.

1 hour later, when Zhang Tie saw Xuanyuan Hill, a prosperous dreamlike painting scroll entered his eyesight.

Zhang Tie had seen the world; however, when he caught sight of this city which was called the city of cities, the lighthouse of humans and the capital of countries, he was still deeply shocked.

Class A cities were pretty large and prosperous in Taixia Country; however, the prosperity of Xuanyuan Hill completely subverted Zhang Tie's imagination about the scale of a city.

Zhang Tie didn't know how large Xuanyuan Hill was. Standing on the airboat, he could not see its border. There were various styles of buildings here.

It was unimaginably prosperous in Xuanyuan Hill in this age.

Under the guidance of the ground lamp signals, Iron-Dragon Airboat slowly approached an airport, which contained thousands of airboats in different sizes. Additionally, airboats were flying off and landing there constantly.

Zhang Tie had seen an airport which contained thousands of airships; however, thousands of airboats were as shocking as a fleet.

It was just on the periphery of Xuanyuan Hill.

After being stunned for a short while, Zhang Tie suddenly realized that there wasn't any airboat or knight in the front air territory except for white clouds. He then turned around and asked Bai Suxian.

Bai Suxian threw a glance at him with a smile, "This is a no-fly zone like that of Lion Fortress. However, this no-fly zone is stricter than that of Lion Fortress. In the air territory of Xuanyuan Hill, neither airboats nor knights could fly. Only birds, sage-level knights and airships that are driven by floating air sacs could still fly above Xuanyuan Hill. Although this kind of airship could fly over there, they have to land at the airport over 130 miles away from Xuanyuan Hill, from where passengers could enter Xuanyuan Hill by ground traffic tools. All the airships within 60 miles around Xuanyuan Hill will be shot down. By contrast, airboats could enter the periphery of Xuanyuan Hill. But If they entered the no-fly zone of Xuanyuan Hill, they would fall off!"

"Even heavenly knight could not fly here?"

"If you see anyone flying in the no-fly zone, he must be a sage-level knight. Only sage-level human knight could enjoy such a privilege to fly above Xuanyuan Hill. As for others, even the top three chancellors have to go to the imperial court by ground traffic tools!"

"How large is Xuanyuan Hill?"

Bai Suxian threw a glance at Zhang Tie with a smile before replying, "The radius of the no-fly zone above Xuanyuan Hill is 380 miles. It's Xuanyuan Hill below the no-fly zone."

"436670 square miles!" Zhang Tie immediately worked out the area of Xuanyuan Hill with the powerful calculating ability of mental arithmetic by abacus.

This was the core region of human civilization which covered over 600,000 square miles. It was almost as large as Zhang Tie's Fire Dragon Bounty Territory...


Chapter 1102: The Disease of Uncle Zhong

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Iron-Dragon Airboat slowly parked in a huge berth. The moment the hatch door was opened, Zhang Tie and Bai Suxian had seen a kind and shrewd old man in a fine long gown and grey beard welcoming them on one side of the gangway outside the airboat, followed by 8 steady bodyguards in uniforms.

Zhang Tie immediately identified that this old man was a black iron knight while the 8 bodyguards were all brave LV 13 battle generals who had rich battle experience.

Bai Suxian got off the airboat while naturally linking Zhang Tie's arm. The old man threw a glance at Bai Suxian's movements stealthily while a shrewd light flashed across his face. Closely after that, he revealed a genial smile as he hurriedly walked forward.

"Thank God, Miss, you've finally arrived..."

"Uncle Zhong, why are you here? You could have just dispatched someone here..." At the sight of this old man, Bai Suxian also revealed a genial smile as she hurriedly pulled Zhang Tie two steps forward.

"I've long been told that Miss is going to visit Xuanyuan Hill these days. When I saw you last time, it was the birthday of the grand madam of Lord Guangnan's Mansion. As I've not seen Miss for a few years, I'm afraid that if I don't come here this time, I will have fewer chances to meet Miss..." Uncle Zhong blushed suddenly as he took out a piece of the white handkerchief and covered his mouth with it before forcefully coughing a few times. Closely after that, he silently crushed it up and put it into his sleeve.

Even though Zhang Tie didn't use his lotus-flower eyes, he could still see the dark red color that diffused on the white handkerchief. Additionally, the coughs of Uncle Zhong sounded like breaking alveoli as if throwing a handful of iron sands into an air leaking bellows.

"Uncle Zhong, are you all right?" Bai Suxian hurriedly moved a few steps forward and supported Uncle Zhong with her hands. At the same time, she patted his back for a short while, "You've suffered this disease for so many years. Haven't you recovered yet?"

"Thanks for your concern, Miss, I'm afraid that my disease would not recover anymore..." Uncle Zhong replied in a relaxed tone with a faint smile like talking about someone else, "This disease was caused when I followed Lord Guangnan to a punitive expedition for the 18 mountain caves on Dragon Mountain in the south border of Taixia Country. These years, Lord Guangnan had me stay in Xuanyuan Hill to seek better medicament treatment so that I could survive a few more years. I've not imagined that the witchcraft of those barbarians in the south border is really something. After staying in Xuanyuan Hill for so many years, I've not met anyone who could cure my disease yet!" Uncle Zhong waved his hand as he continued, "Aww, I'm too old and flippant; I almost forgot about greeting this noble guest. This must be Fire Dragon Hermit, the very one Miss got acquainted in the Earth-elements Realm and made Miss leave the Lord Guangnan's Mansion for Youzhou Province..."

Uncle Zhong's eyes immediately fell onto Zhang Tie's body.

"Hoho, I'm Cui Li, only outsiders call me Fire Dragon Hermit. If Uncle Zhong likes, you could call me Cui Li!" Zhang Tie didn't put on his airs at all.

"You're too modest; you're too modest. I was told that Fire Dragon Hermit had made remarkable military exploits in the Earth-elements Realm. You've killed more than one earth-level demon knight. This old man is just a myrmidon of Lord Guangnan's Mansion, I dare not be that presumptuous in front of you!" Uncle Zhong hurriedly waved his hand.

"Uncle Zhong, take his advice, just call him Cui Li. If you continued to call him Fire Dragon Hermit, it would sound too strange..." Bai Suxian suggested in a bit bashful way.

Uncle Zhong looked around Zhang Tie with an exaggerated expression on purpose as if he was looking at his son-in-law. Closely after that, he patted his head forcefully as he burst out into laughter, "I see, I see, Miss, Fire Dragon Hermit indeed sounds too strange, too strange. Look at me, I'm too muddle-headed. Miss, please forgive me..."

"Uncle Zhong!" Bai Suxian raised her voice unconsciously.

"Okay, okay, that's all, that's all; let's get on the vehicle. We can talk about it later in the manor. After knowing that Miss is coming today, I've already had the cooks prepare your favorite Yunluo Banquet for Miss and Childe Cui..."

Uncle Zhong then led Bai Suxian and Zhang Tie to the fleet on one side of the airboat.

In the fleet, three lengthened "Faerie-Dragon-Elder" limos with two small exclusive banners of Lord Guangnan's Mansion on the head of each vehicle were followed by two deluxe buses. The buses were used to carry Zhang Tie's disciples. There were also small banners of Lord Guangnan's Mansion on the heads of the buses.

Zhang Tie, Bai Suxian and Uncle Zhong got on the same vehicle in the middle of the three limos. Previously, Uncle Zhong wanted to get on the front vehicle; however, he was called in the same vehicle by Bai Suxian. Whatever, it was spacious enough for even a few more people inside the limo.

Zhang Tie's disciples then got on the two deluxe buses at the end of the fleet.

This was the private berth of Lord Guangnan's Mansion. There were exclusive, integrated replenishment facilities beside this private berth, which could provide various supply services for the airboat. Besides, there was an exclusive underground driveway beneath this private berth, through which they could directly leave the airport of Xuanyuan Hill.

Both walls of the underground driveway were mounted with senior longlasting fluorite lamps, which made the exclusive underground driveway as bright as day.

Zhang Tie was sure that this was the most advanced airport that he had ever seen. Undoubtedly, it was one symbol of a major clan in Taixia Country to have a private berth in this airport.

Of course, Lord Guangnan's Mansion was the top clan in Taixia Country. Besides private berth in the airport of Xuanyuan Hill, they also had a private mansion and manor over there.

When they left the airport, they entered the 16-driveway highway. Watching those vehicles on the highway, Zhang Tie suddenly felt entering a time tunnel.

As he had seen too many steam vehicles with black smoke, when Zhang Tie saw those vehicles burning alcohol on the highway of Xuanyuan Hill, he felt being on the driveway of a prosperous city before the Catastrophe.

The fleet of Lord Guangnan's Mansion moved very fast. There were not too many vehicles on the road. Only after a short while, they had entered the territory of Xuanyuan Hill.

When he entered Xuanyuan Hill, Zhang Tie felt a bizarre strength and wave blowing over his chakras. He attempted it and found that his chakras could run as normally as before. However, the ability granted by his chakras which could enable him to float up and balance the force of gravity disappeared at once. Besides losing his flight ability, his battle strength as an earth knight was not weakened at all.

After confirming this effect, Zhang Tie became more strong-willed.

Only sage-level knights could fly in the air territory of Xuanyuan Hill. Of course, the 9 ministers in Taixia Country were not sages. After losing his flight ability, a knight would lose half of his moving space, which indicated that he could probably kill that finance minister in Xuanyuan Hill if he made a proper plan.

When Bai Suxian and Uncle Zhong were talking in the limo, they could not imagine that Zhang Tie on their side was thinking about how to kill a dignified minister in Taixia Country, an influential figure who could shock many subcontinents only by stomping on the ground in Xuanyuan Hill.

From the talk between Bai Suxian and Uncle Zhong, Zhang Tie gradually knew the identity of Uncle Zhong and some affairs in Xuanyuan Hill.

Uncle Zhong was Lord Guangnan's trusted subordinate and the myrmidon of Lord Guangnan's Mansion. In the early days, he followed Lord Guangnan to guard the south border of Taixia Country and was injured. Bai Suxian's dad then let him live out his life in retirement in Xuanyuan Hill and seek for medical treatment by the way.

Uncle Zhong suffered from a bizarre witchcraft in the south border, which was called Gold Broken Witchcraft . Over these years, he had sought for medical treatment from many famous doctors; however, none of them could cure his disease. Even if his disease could be cured for the time being, it would soon have a relapse in a few days. The toxicity of Gold Broken Witchcraft was hardly cast off like worms attaching to his bones.

Only after a short while since the vehicle started, Uncle Zhong had started to cough once again.

Therefore, Bai Suxian was concerned about the disease of Uncle Zhong.

"My disease could not be cured. Miss, don't worry about me. It was said that the witchcraft in the 18 mountain caves of the Dragon Mountain in the south border of Taixia Country originated from the Great Wilderness Sect. Since the Great Wilderness Sect was exterminated, the 18 mountain caves of the Dragon Mountain terrorized one region and gradually showed their ambition to overthrow the regime of Taixia Country. Finally, Lord Guangnan dispatched troops to encircle and annihilate them. In that battle, the heads of all the masters of the 18 mountain caves were chopped off by Lord Guangnan and buried on both sides of the road in the form of a pyramid. I discovered that I was poisoned with the Broken Gold Witchcraft in a few months after the battle. However, as the Great Wilderness Sect and the 18 mountain caves of Dragon Mountain had been exterminated one after another, there would be no solution to cure my disease anymore. In recent years, the toxicity of Broken Gold Witchcraft gradually entered my lungs, causing my health to deteriorate. Miss, I was not kidding with you just now. If Miss came here a few years later, you might not be able to see me any longer..."

Uncle Zhong talked about his life or death situation with a smile. Bai Suxian kept dropping off her tears as she comforted him, "No, even if there's no solution in Xuanyuan Hill, there must be a solution somewhere else!"

"I've been over 100 years old. Although it's a short lifespan among knights, it's much better than commoners. I've forgotten that how many people have I killed with Lord Guangnan; I've enjoyed almost all the privileges in the world. I've seen through everything. Before death, I'm already satisfied to know that Miss has a good husband!" Uncle Zhong said as he threw a deep glance at Zhang Tie.

Hearing Uncle Zhong's words, Bai Suxian became more upset. She suddenly thought about the unusual man on her side who grasped various secret skills. Therefore, she asked Zhang Tie with a hopeful look, "Can you help Uncle Zhong?"

Chapter 1103: The Secret of Great Wilderness Sect

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Zhang Tie gained some message about the Great Wilderness Sect in the south border of Taixia Country for the first time from the conversation between Bai Suxian and Uncle Zhong.

Zhang Tie didn't know about the 18 mountains caves of Dragon Mountain in the south border of Taixia Country. However, Zhang Tie knew the Gold Broken Witchcraft Parasites . The witchcraft parasites were just small tricks in the "Gains Section" and the "Controlling Section" in the Great Wilderness Sutra. As the process was a bit weird and trivial, Zhang Tie didn't pay too much attention to it. Zhang Tie could easily modify species in Castle of Black Iron and had taken a great number of source fruits, which granted him a powerful source of spirit and soul; furthermore, he had no limit on using incarnations. As for Zhang Tie, the secret skills in the "Incarnation Section" was the essence of Great Wilderness Sutra, those tricks in the "Gains Section" and the "Controlling Section" were just auxiliary.

Zhang Tie had not imagined that the superficial witchcraft about raising poisonous parasites in the "Gains Section" and the "Controlling Section" grasped by the 18 mountain caves in the south border of Taixia Country could dominate a region in the south border of Taixia Country and had to be encircled and annihilated by Lord Guangnan's troops. After being poisoned by such a trivial witchcraft, even a black iron knight could not bear it and could only deteriorate day by day until death...

Zhang Tie realized that he had underestimated the power of those "small tricks" in the Great Wilderness Sutra .

'It was reasonable for the Great Wilderness Sect to become the unrivaled force in the vast south border of Taixia Country with the classic Great Wilderness Sutra . As I gained Great Wilderness Sutra easily by accident, plus so many trump cards, I didn't pay much attention to those small tricks in Great Wilderness Sutra . Perhaps, these "small tricks" which I disdain to cultivate have become the supreme secret skill and the capital for the others to be tyrannical in one region.'

'No wonder Cloud Crane mentioned that he wanted to return to the south border of Taixia Country in his letter. It seems that the south border of Taixia Country is really a big stage of Great Wilderness Sutra .

Bai Suxian's question was just a piece of cake for Zhang Tie. It was too simple for Zhang Tie to relieve the toxicity of the witchcraft parasites. According to the Great Wilderness Sutra , there were 12 kinds of witchcraft of insects above LV 6, which were respectively "attached witchcraft parasites", "drilled witchcraft parasites", "bloody witchcraft parasites", "force witchcraft parasites", "bow witchcraft parasites", "broken witchcraft parasites", "fighting witchcraft parasites", "incarnation witchcraft parasites", "changing witchcraft parasites", "dragon witchcraft parasites" and "immortal witchcraft parasites". As Broken Gold Witchcraft Parasites were headed by broken parasites, it was a sort of broken witchcraft parasites. Broken witchcraft parasites were LV 11. Only by injecting a LV 11 great wilderness seal into Uncle Zhong's body, Zhang Tie would be able to control those witchcraft parasites inside Uncle Zhong's body and relieve the toxicity of witchcraft parasites.

However, if he relieved the toxicity of witchcraft parasites inside Uncle Zhong's body in a few seconds, even idiots would find that he was cultivating the Great Wilderness Sutra . The great wilderness seals in the Great Wilderness Sutra were the most advanced and ultimate means. Zhang Tie estimated that those who could touch All Spirits Tower and the cultivation of great wilderness seals in the Great Wilderness Sutra should be elites and management among the Great Wilderness Sect . Commoners in the Great Wilderness Sect could only gain a bit superficial knowledge about Great Wilderness Sutra .

'As I gained the complete Great Wilderness Sutra by accident, I could integrate with the various methods and the cultivation method of All-Spirits Pagoda in the Great Wilderness Sutra in the most direct method. Therefore, I simplified the process of the cultivation of the Great Wilderness Sutra and could cultivate it only through reciting endless great wilderness words. Actually, there were hundreds of secret methods on different levels in the "Summon Section", "Amulet Section", "Gains Section", "Controlling Section" and "Incarnation Section".

Take forming All-Spirits Pagoda as an instance, with the assistance of Bright Enlightenment Sutra, he could only impart the secret skill on forming one storey of All-Spirits Tower to his disciples each time. However, it was more sophisticated than forming the entire All-Spirits Pagoda once like how Zhang Tie did. By contrast, the former cultivation method was more twisted and would the cultivators more time.

As Zhang Tie's disciples could not touch the complete Great Wilderness Sutra in the former cultivation method, they would think that their own cultivation method was the best and most correct one. Besides, they would appreciate Zhang Tie pretty much and spend greater efforts in cultivation...

After establishing Iron-Dragon Sect, Zhang Tie could consider humanities as a master of a sect. He could think through how the Great Wilderness Sect carried forward its secret skills and realized that it was too fortunate and unbelievable for him to gain the complete Great Wilderness Sutra .

As the Great Wilderness Sect carried forward its secret skills step by step, it was exterminated due to the Great Wilderness Sutra; after the Great Wilderness Sect was exterminated, some secret skills of Great Wilderness Sect were still carried forward in the numerous mountains in the south border of Taixia Country. Therefore, Cloud Crane warned Zhang Tie in the letter that he could seek for an opportunity in the south border of the Eastern Continent if he was ambitious to be a dominator in one region...

Bai Suxian and the disease of Uncle Zhong reminded Zhang Tie of many things. He thought through many problems about the Great Wilderness Sect at once...

Noticing that Zhang Tie was silent, Bai Suxian thought that Zhang Tie was thinking about how to cure the Broken Gold Witchcraft Parasites of Uncle Zhong seriously. She could not imagine that the Broken Gold Witchcraft Parasites enabled Zhang Tie to have a higher insight about the current situation facing the south border of Taixia Country and the history of the Great Wilderness Sect...

Wise ones could observe the overall situation through details.

Perhaps, Zhang Tie had not discovered it that his experience and wisdom had entered higher realms after so many years of practice.

Zhang Tie was indeed thinking about relieving the broken gold witchcraft parasites. The relationship between Uncle Zhong and Bai Suxian was unusual. Additionally, Zhang Tie knew that Uncle Zhong was really concerned about and liked Bai Suxian. Therefore, he determined to give a favor to Uncle Zhong.

Being different than how Bai Suxian thought about, Zhang Tie was not considering how to relieve the toxicity of witchcraft parasites of Uncle Zhong rapidly; conversely, he was thinking about how to postpone the effect of the toxicity of witchcraft parasites...

Actually, Zhang Tie could relieve the toxicity of Broken Gold Witchcraft Parasites in less than 1 minute; however, he couldn't do that.

After recalling the contents in the Great Wilderness Sutra , Zhang Tie found a solution among the secret methods of the "Amulet Section" which could relieve the toxicity of Broken Gold Witchcraft Parasites. Although he didn't need to use a great wilderness seal, this solution was still too effective.

According to the secret method in the "Amulet Section", he could relieve the toxicity of witchcraft parasites inside the body of Uncle Zhong within 3 days by a secret recipe. However, Uncle Zhong had stayed in Xuanyuan Hill so many years. So many famous human doctors could not relieve the witchcraft parasites inside his body, including those in the Lord Guangnan's Mansion in the south border of Taixia Country. If he cured it in 3 days like treating common influenza, it would be too eye-catching...

Actually, Zhang Tie had a plan in Xuanyuan Hill, he didn't want to be too eye-catching in this situation; otherwise, it might ruin his plan.

"There might be a solution about this Broken Gold Witchcraft Parasites!" Zhang Tie said with a solemn look purposefully while frowning.

After hearing Zhang Tie's words, Bai Suxian became spirited at once. Even Uncle Zhong became amazed. Previously, he thought that Miss just asked Cui Li about the possible solution out of concern and felt warm about that; however, he had not imagined that this man could relieve the toxicity of Broken Gold Witchcraft Parasites casually. If it could be cured so easily, he didn't need to stay in Xuanyuan Hill so many years at all. If a naughty boy said this, Uncle Zhong would just treat it as a f*art; however, it was told by an earth knight, who had great military exploits in the Earth-elements Realm and just established Iron-Dragon Sect. Such a person would not open his mouth easily. Therefore, Uncle Zhong became amazed.

"Ahh, really?" Bai Suxian immediately grasped Zhang Tie's arm.

Zhang Tie slowly nodded as he laid out his opinion, "I met some friends, one of them is a powerhouse of the Church of Patron in the Western Continent who excels at controlling animals and various secret methods of the Church; the other one is a voodoo pharmacist. When I stayed with them, I've learned too much from them, plus that I'm interested in this aspect and have some insight about it, I might be able to cure the toxicity of witchcraft parasites inside Uncle Zhong!"

This time, Uncle Zhong widely opened his mouth out of amazement as he watched Zhang Tie with a bizarre eye light. Someone had told Uncle Zhong about what Zhang Tie had just told him. After treating Uncle Zhong for about half a year in vain, that person told Uncle Zhong that very few people could relieve the toxicity of witchcraft parasites unless bringing a new life to the one who executed the witchcraft parasites; otherwise, he should seek for help from a powerhouse who excelled at controlling animals and voodoo skills. Because witchcraft parasites was an inter-disciplinary secret method of animals controlling and voodoo skills. Those who excelled at controlling animals and voodoo skills might have a solution to relieve the toxicity of Broken Gold Witchcraft Parasites .

The one who told Uncle Zhong about this was an imperial doctor of Taixia Country. After treating him for about half a year, the doctor reached the above conclusion. However, this man in front of him could tell him about the essence of the solution only after meeting him for less than half an hour. Therefore, Uncle Zhong had a bit confidence in Zhang Tie at once...

Chapter 1104: Saving People

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

After a consideration, Zhang Tie wrote a prescription for Uncle Zhong in the vehicle as he warned Uncle Zhong about the tips of the prescription. This was the first prescription. Later on, Zhang Tie would write some more prescriptions for Uncle Zhong. Zhang Tie planned to extend the treatment period by a few months in different prescriptions in case of others' suspicion.

"Attention, the age of soul-recovery grass should not be less than 10 years. Otherwise, it would be ineffective. Neither should it be too old; else, it would have a strong side-effect. It should be 12 or 13 years old. The soul-recovery grass mainly works on witchcraft parasites; instead of you..."


"Additionally, the purer the golden and bloody saliva sense was, the better it would be. You'd better find an expert for some left by mutated bloody dragon whale..."


"The blood of hell black spider should be fresh. It's used as guiding drug when you take the decoction of the medicinal ingredients. I wonder whether you could get hell black spiders in Xuanyuan Hill..."

Zhang Tie emphasized some tips to Uncle Zhong. Uncle Zhong listened to Zhang Tie's tips seriously as he nodded from time to time. Bai Suxian just watched Zhang Tie with sparkling eyes and a tender look. In her heart, this man was all-mighty and could always bring hope to others at any time.

Speaking of the hell black spider, Uncle Zhong revealed a smile, "Fresh hell black spider might be rare in other places, but in Xuanyuan Hill, we could get everything with money!"

"Can we get these things easily from Xuanyuan Hill?"

"There's a Colosseum in the Gold and Power Market. These hell black spiders are frequently seen in the Colosseum. Many major clans rooted in Xuanyuan Hill would also purchase some hell black spiders for training domestic young disciples or forming soul flames. The Pharmacists Union would also buy some eccentric medicinal ingredients. Many business groups in Taixia Country are selling medicinal ingredients to Xuanyuan Hill. Lord Guangnan's Mansion would occasionally carry some rarities from the south border to strike up an acquaintance with Xuanyuan Hill. As long as we have money, we could even get LV 16 mutated beasts here, not to mention LV 6 hell black spiders!" Uncle Zhong replied with a smile.

Zhang Tie understood that it was nothing difficult for the powerhouses here to find some underground living beings.

"These days, the Gold and Power Market is holding a Treasures Meeting. It's very boisterous. I was told that Golden Roc Bank brought here a piece of God's Star from a subcontinent a few days ago and was going to sell or exchange it in the Treasures Meeting. This item is a rarity. If Miss and Childe Cui is free, you both could join in the fun!" Uncle Zhong put away Zhang Tie's prescription meticulously as he revealed a news to Zhang Tie and Bai Suxian with a smile.

Uncle Zhong saw a bit hope from the prescription. Therefore, he felt a bit better.

Zhang Tie and Bai Suxian were both shocked by this news.

"Someone is going to sell or exchange the piece of God's Star? Is that a fool?"

"It's said that it's a collection of an imperial household on a subcontinent. Because of demon disaster on that subcontinent, the country was exterminated. That imperial household couldn't keep his prestige anymore. In the chaotic world, such a rarity could only incur him trouble; therefore, with the guarantee and suggestion of Golden Roc Bank, that imperial household determines to sell or exchange it in Taixia Country so as to survive himself..."

"Is there anything special with the piece of God's Star?"

"I don't know about it yet. If Miss is interested in it, I could have someone inquire it from Golden Roc Bank!"

"No need. If the piece of God's Star was really something special, it might have been propagated by Golden Roc Bank before the official auction. We would know that from gossips without having to inquire it purposefully. We need to stay a few more days in Xuanyuan Hill and would like to take a look around there. Uncle Zhong, please have someone prepare two VIP Cards of Treasures Pavilion for us..."

"I've already prepared that for Miss and Childe Cui!" Uncle Zhong replied as he explained to Zhang Tie, "The VIP Cards of Treasures Pavilion could only be distributed to the masters or knights of major clans. I'm afraid that those disciples of Iron-Dragon Sect could not go there with you!"

"No problem. I will have them play a few days for free in Xuanyuan Hill!" Zhang Tie revealed an understanding smile. Right then, Zhang Tie saw an area of the architectural complex being composed of high towers in the distance. The highest tower in the center of the architectural complex was over 1,000 m high, which was very splendid, "Where are we?"

"It's the Humans Pharmacists Union Headquarters!"


After over 1 hour's ride, their fleet finally arrived at the private manor of Bai Clan in Xuanyuan Hill.

This manor covered about 20,000 square meters, which was a common area in other places; however, in Xuanyuan Hill, such a private territory was definitely the symbol of identity. None of the land in Xuanyuan Hill could be purchased; instead, they could only be gifted by the imperial households of Taixia Country. If nobody inherited the land here, they would take it back.

Since Taixia Country was established over 800 years ago, after the two holy wars, besides a small part of the land in the hand of the imperial households, all the rest land in Xuanyuan Hill had been awarded to others. Therefore, it was very hard for a commoner even a knight to gain a piece of land and a position in Xuanyuan Hill today.

That was why Zhang Tie could see time-honored buildings since he entered Xuanyuan Hill. Many buildings in Xuanyuan Hill aged above 500 years on average. Even the trees on both sides of the streets were elder than 100 years.

The vicissitudes and the brilliant civilizations of humans were reflected in the buildings on both sides of the streets in Xuanyuan Hill like frozen painting scrolls.

On the way, Zhang Tie caught sight of the Humans Pharmacists Union Headquarters, the Humans Mercenary Union Headquarters and the Humans Artisans Union Headquarters. Through the brilliant and distinctive architectural buildings on the way, Zhang Tie finally understood why Xuanyuan Hill enjoyed the reputations such as the capital of countries, lighthouse of humans, holy city, core of civilization and human fortress.

It was very normal for a city to have some unions. None of those unions were exclusive to Xuanyuan Hill. However, when they were headed by "Humans" and followed by "Headquarters", the dignified and time-honored sense made people breathless.

It could be said that each place in Xuanyuan Hill contained the time-honored history of a major clan, even humans...

Who could imagine that such a grand city had been penetrated through by demons and Heavens-reaching Church silently...

Chapter 1105: Peach Flowers in the Spring Wind

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Xuanyuan Hill was a time-honored and vigorous city.

This city could bring light to humans. Meanwhile, it was silently invaded by the invisible dark.

In the light and the dark, everything in this city became three-dimensional instead of monotonous.

There were peach trees on both sides of many roads in Xuanyuan Hill. Most of them were old peach trees. With twisted trunks, they looked especially beautiful. Although fluorescence of peach flowers had passed, Zhang Tie could imagine the grand scenery when those peach flowers were in full bloom each year.

Uncle Zhong said that when the peach flowers were in full bloom in each March or April, Xuanyuan Hill looked most beautiful. If one looked at it from the sky, one would find that the entire Xuanyuan Hill was as brilliant and beautiful as fire in that period.

It was said that Emperor Xuanyuan met the mother of the crown prince today in the peach woods when he was young and fell in love with each other. Therefore, Emperor Xuanyuan planted many peach trees in Xuanyuan Hill.

It was a romantic love story among the people. Zhang Tie would believe in this story if it were before; however, when he heard it today, Zhang Tie doubted about this story very much. Because he knew that many so-called non-governmental legends were of deep significance, especially those about the current ruler. This love story was probably fabricated by someone. As long as this love story was spread among the people, the peach trees in Xuanyuan Hill almost meant the unshakable position of the crown prince in the east imperial palace.

People's heart was unfathomable.

When he thought about the lackeys of Heavens Church and demons in this magnificent city and looked at those time-honored buildings and peach trees which accounted for the greater part of the city, Zhang Tie felt complex inside.

'Will this place still be covered with peach flowers in full bloom in the spring wind after this holy war?' Zhang Tie wondered because holy wars usually ended those beautiful and magnificent cities.


When their fleet arrived at the manor, all the guards and servants were welcoming them in two rows outside the gate of the manor.

There were over 1,000 guest rooms in this private manor. Previously, Lord Guangnan always arrived at Xuanyuan Hill, followed by many servants and guards. Therefore, it was easy for them to receive Zhang Tie and his disciples.

Zhang Tie was arranged to rest in a guest room of the main manor. Bai Suxian had her own suites there. Zhang Tie's disciples were arranged to rest in the subordinate manor.

After coming to Bai Clan's manor, Uncle Zhong led Zhang Tie to his own guest room. Bai Suxian returned to her bedroom. She was going to change a new set of clothes and dress herself up for the supper as she usually did at home as a princess.

Zhang Tie's room was very considerate and luxurious. No matter how scrupulous a person was, he would not find any minor fault in this room, not to mention Zhang Tie who was not censorious.

"Childe Cui, are you satisfied with this room?"

"Hoho, I'm very satisfied with it, thank you so much, Uncle Zhong!"

"Feel like home, feel like home!" Uncle Zhong replied. When Uncle Zhong saw Zhang Tie for the first time, he found Zhang Tie was pleasing. Now, Uncle Zhong felt Bai Suxian was discerning. A powerful earth knight could match the princess of Lord Guangnan's Mansion pretty well. Therefore, Uncle Zhong almost treated Zhang Tie as the son-in-law in Lord Guangnan's Mansion as he became more genial, "Just tell me if you need anything. Don't behave pretentiously in front of your Uncle Zhong!"

"Sure!" Zhang Tie nodded as he looked around the room, "Is there a map of Xuanyuan Hill? As it's my first time to visit Xuanyuan Hill, I don't know about it very well. I want to look around Xuanyuan Hill these days!"

"Map? Yes, we have. I will have someone bring it to you after a while!"

"Thanks, Uncle Zhong, by the way, please have someone call Liu Xing to my room!"


Uncle Zhong soon left Zhang Tie's room after telling Zhang Tie about the supper time. When he left the room, he even closed the door from outside. At the sight of Uncle Zhong's behaviors, outsiders might think that he was a steward of Lord Guangnan's Mansion; who could imagine that he was a knight.

In Xuanyuan Hill, for the safety of Emperor Xuanyuan, only sage-level knights could fly in the sky. As a result, black iron knights became very average here. After hiding their qi, any commoner in the street might have a terrifying background in Xuanyuan Hill.

Standing in the balcony of his suite, Zhang Tie looked outside. Two manors as magnificent and large as the manor of Lord Guangnan neighbored the latter with peach woods in between. One of them had a classic Hua castle; the other manor looked very boisterous with a high traffic flow. Although Zhang Tie didn't know about the masters and clans of the two manors, he knew that their manors must have a great background in Xuanyuan Hill like that of Lord Guangnan.

Zhang Tie watched the undulating pavilions and edifices in the distance while a thought occurred, 'Where's the residence of the finance minister in Xuanyuan Hill?'

'It's a pretty cool experience for me to exchange the roles with my enemy between prey and hunter.'

'Ahh, and the residence of the leader of the Gobbling Party also the very master of the crown prince in the Eastern Palace who usually dreams about stomping Huaiyuan Palace to death.'

'Now that the two people served as supreme officials in the imperial court of Taixia Country, they would definitely have a chance to meet each other, what if...'

Zhang Tie's eyes flickered as he revealed a mysterious smile.

At this moment, he heard the sounds, "Bang...bang..." as he knew that Liu Xing was outside the door.

Knocking at the door twice with an interval of about 0.8 seconds. Such a detailed demeanor reflected a person's invisible culture and connotation. Over these days, Zhang Tie found that Liu Xing knocked at the doors of his junior fellow or sister apprentices as same as he knocked at Zhang Tie's door. Unless an emergency, Liu Xing would never knock at the door for the 3rd time. Therefore, Zhang Tie was more satisfied with Liu Xing. The first senior fellow apprentice of Iron-Dragon Airboat was growing more and more qualified. This also indicated the difference between those who had battle experience and those who didn't. The former ones usually looked calm and move effectively. By contrast, the latter ones might make a false judgment in emergencies.

"Come in!" Zhang Tie opened his mouth as he turned around.

After pushing open the door, Liu Xing entered as he cupped his hand and said, "Master!"

"Are you satisfied with this place?"

"It's not bad. All the junior fellow and sister apprentices have already found their own rooms just now. Our rooms are neighboring; therefore, we could look after each other. As junior fellow apprentice had been to Xuanyuan Hill, he said that our rooms could even match the top hotels in Xuanyuan Hill!" Liu Xing replied with a smile.

Zhang Tie had imagined that Zhu Dabiao had been to Xuanyuan Hill. It was not strange for a juvenile who was born in a provincial governor's mansion to have a chance to visit Xuanyuan Hill. Zhang Tie estimated that most of his disciples should have been to Xuanyuan Hill along with their clan elders even though they didn't live here for a long time. Whatever, it was his first time to come to Xuanyuan Hill.

"What's your plan?"

"I will follow your arrangement!"

After being silent for a short while, Zhang Tie said, "I'm going to deal with something in Xuanyuan Hill. Therefore, I could have you on my side all the way. You could have a few days' leave. You don't need to report your schedule to me these days. After dealing with my affairs, when I plan to leave Xuanyuan Hill, I will notice you one day earlier..."

"Yes, master!" Liu Xing replied in a bit excited mood.

As young men, of course, they would feel most happy by enjoying themselves for free here. If Zhang Tie were on their side, honestly, his disciples would feel being a bit restrictive. As for these disciples, Zhang Tie's dignity was too terrifying and overwhelming although he always hid his qi in front of them. Zhang Tie's motif always made them feel as careful as treading upon eggs.

Previously, Zhang Tie almost knelt down in front of Elder Muen's coercion; not to mention his disciples in front of Zhang Tie as an earth knight.

"Hoho, you must feel pretty happy without me ruining the atmosphere on your side..."

"Erm...this disciple dares not think that way!" Liu Xing lowered his head in an embarrassed way.

"Haha, don't be that restrictive. I'm your master, not your babysitter. Do you really think that I don't know what you young men think about because of my age?" Zhang Tie burst out into laughter as he teleported a pile of gold checks from his portable space-teleportation item, the amount of which was over 1 million gold coins. "Take this, it's your expenditure in Xuanyuan Hill. You couldn't do anything here without money!"

Liu Xing hesitated a bit as he didn't take the money at once. Because it was a great amount of money for anyone...

"This amount of money is nothing serious. As the disciples of Iron-Dragon Sect, you will soon know that money will come and go. Iron-Dragon Sect might not be the most powerful sect in Taixia Country for the time being. After a short while, Iron-Dragon Sect would be the richest sect. As the first senior fellow apprentice of Iron-Dragon Sect, you need to learn how to spend money. You need to spend all of this amount of money with the other disciples in this holiday..."

"Yes, Master!" Liu Xing finally took the gold checks after hearing Zhang Tie's explanation.

"Hmm, it's okay!" Zhang Tie threw a glance at Zhang Tie before warning him, "You need to learn to relax yourself in cultivating both culture and battle skills. Although Fire Dragon Sutra is good, you need to know that more haste, less speed. You need to cultivate constantly and diligently and behave calmly in your life. It's my gnosis. You should taste it slowly!"

"Thanks for your lesson, Master!" Liu Xing's heart raced as he bowed deeply towards Zhang Tie.


After a few minutes, Liu Xing returned to his own guest room. Although being over 100 m away, Zhang Tie could still hear the cheers from the guest rooms of his disciples. Someone even exclaimed, "Longevity, Master..."

At this moment, all the disciples of Iron-Dragon Sect felt that their Master's decision was really exciting and thoughtful although he always looked dignified and solemn.

Chapter 1106: The Golden Water River

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

On the map, the city Xuanyuan Hill was a huge circle with a radius of about 400 miles. Being located on the plain, this city was surrounded by Fairy Lake, Heavenly Qin Lake and Fair-Sounding Lake. All the three lakes were fresh lakes. The total area of the three lakes surpassed that of Xuanyuan Hill. The irrigation of three lakes led to over 600 square miles' fertile soil around Xuanyuan Hill.

Xuanyuan Hill was surrounded by the 9 immortal provinces of Taixia Country. The entire Xuanyuan Hill was in the center of Eastern Continent. The core of Xuanyuan Hill was the emperor's imperial city, namely the residence of Emperor Xuanyuan, also the heart of Taixia Country.

Being in the center of Xuanyuan Hill, the emperor's imperial city was like the red region in the center of a target.

The radius of the emperor's imperial city was 130 miles. Its area was almost equal to the size of 12 standard Class A cities in Taixia Country.

Xuanyuan Hill was the center of humans. Similarly, the entire emperor's imperial city was the center of Xuanyuan Hill.

The imperial palace of Emperor Xuanyuan, the bureaucratic agencies, the residences of top 3 chancellors and 9 ministers, as well as the imperial households and nobles of Taixia Country, were all in the emperor's imperial city.

There were three kinds of people in the emperor's imperial city: the imperial households and officials of Taixia Country; the clansmen and family members of imperial households and officials; their servants. Besides the above three kinds of people, even the top clans and lords such as Lord Guangnan couldn't have any private manor in the emperor's imperial city. This regulation was made by Emperor Xuanyuan. The emperor's imperial city was the authority center of Taixia Country. There was only one master here, namely Emperor Xuanyuan. Everyone in the emperor's imperial city was serving Emperor Xuanyuan, from imperial clansmen to the servants.

Therefore, the largest backbone authority group in Taixia Country, even among humans came into being in the entire emperor's imperial city.

Xuanyuan Hill did not have any city wall. Emperor Xuanyuan said that if Xuanyuan Hill needed to be protected by city walls, humans would be exterminated. Therefore, there weren't any city wall or city defense facilities across Xuanyuan Hill.

The emperor's imperial city and Xuanyuan Hill were not separated by city walls; instead, they were separated by Golden Water River, which was an artificial circular canal surrounding the emperor's imperial city. This canal had three sources, respectively in Heavenly Qin Lake, Fairy Lake and Fair-Sounding Lake. The fairy played a fair-sounding music by a heavenly qin around the emperor's imperial city. There were 12 huge bridges named by the 12 earthly branches including rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, chicken, dog and pig crossing Golden Water River precisely like the scales of 12 two-hour periods on the sundial, which were used to communicate emperor's imperial city with Xuanyuan Hill.

Unless one had a special pass that was usually tied onto one's waist or a token, nobody could pass any of the 12 bridges and enter the emperor's imperial city. Those who violated the rule would be killed right away.

On the 3rd day since they arrived at Xuanyuan Hill, it was already November 1st, the 903rd year of Black Iron Calendar.

On that day, Zhang Tie and Bai Suxian watched the emperor's imperial city in the distance by a boat on the Golden Water River.

These days, Zhang Tie and Bai Suxian were traveling Xuanyuan Hill and visiting places of interest; however, they had just traveled a small area of Xuanyuan Hill. Famous places like Xuanyuan Hill were filled with humanities and love stories. There were widely praised stories and legends everywhere. Perhaps in a time-honored and tranquil roadside teahouse, they could hear the allusions about the top 3 chancellors and some big figures who were once commanding the wind and the clouds. The old trees in the lanes might be souvenirs planted by a top figure from a subcontinent. On the riverside of Golden Water River, there were many love stories about heroes and beauties, childes and misses.

The boat was not long. It was delicate in details. The boatman was a swarthy tough guy. Sitting at the prow, Zhang Tie and Bai Suxian were drinking peach flower spirit which was the local specialty and taking dried plums as they enjoyed the scenery on Golden Water River.

Golden Water River was about 1.3 miles in width. The cruises came and went on the river, making it very boisterous. One side of the Golden Water River was close to the emperor's imperial city; all the manors and other buildings on the opposite side of the river looked solemn and inviolable with hall walls and vermilion gates. Additionally, very few people were over there. Soldiers in helmets and armors were passing by the riverside from time to time...

On the other side of the Golden Water River, it was completely different. Dense cruises were covering the riverside. Additionally, there were many hotels and stalls over there. Many skiffs and gaily-painted pleasure-boats were parking on the roadside jetties. Many people were drinking and having food with their friends while singing songs loudly and taking liberties with female dancers. What a boisterous scenery!

Although it was already November, the willows on both sides of the Golden Water River still looked green and didn't look like withering at all. It was said that the willows were a new species that the private imperial living affairs and finance ministry introduced from a subcontinent. It was evergreen round the year. It would replace its leaves when new buds were born in spring...

"I've not imagined about such a prosperous scenery on the Golden Water River in Xuanyuan Hill!" Zhang Tie told Bai Suxian at the prow.

When Bai Suxian traveled with Zhang Tie these couple days, she didn't wear brilliant imperial longuette anymore; instead, she dressed up like a common neighboring elder sister in a skirt with long hair swaying in the air. However, Bai Suxian was born with a beautiful look, plus her hot figure, she looked unutterably dignified. Although being graceful and restrained, she looked extremely coquettish; besides being charming, she looked a bit arrogant and distant. Every twinkle and smile of Bai Suxian was extremely seductive.

Bai Suxian's unique and charming look attracted the attention of so many people on the cruises and gaily-painted pleasure-boats. If Zhang Tie was not on the boat, many playboys who thought they were rich and romantic would have accosted Bai Suxian. However, Zhang Tie's bald head and tower-like figure scared them away.

Chapter 1107: Average Life

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Bai Suxian was sitting next to Zhang Tie and making spirit for him attentively. After hearing Zhang Tie's words, Bai Suxian revealed a faint smile as she threw an amorous look at Zhang Tie by her beautiful eyes silently.

Bai Suxian became silent. The boatman said generously at the stern while paddling, "Childe Cui, you might not know that. There are many major clans in Xuanyuan Hill. However, commoners like me accounted for most of the people here. Of course, commoners have to survive themselves by making money. Most of the commoners don't feel like leaving Xuanyuan Hill; however, they don't have crafts; therefore, they could only provide recreational services and the basic needs for the travelers. Take this Old Zhou as an instance, I have to survive on this boat in Xuanyuan Hill!"

As a boatman, Old Zhou survived on this boat on the Golden Water River. Zhang Tie and Bai Suxian rented his boat for enjoying the scenery on the Golden Water River. By the way, they hired Old Zhou to paddle the boat. Zhan Tie and Bai Suxian didn't tell Old Zhou about their identities. When they caught sight of Old Zhou in a wharf in common clothes, Zhang Tie immediately found that Old Zhou was special with a strong figure; additionally, the boatman was a LV 8 fighter with a kind look. After inquiring Old Zhou about the rent, Zhang Tie immediately determined to use Old Zhou's boat. They only told Old Zhou their surnames. Therefore, Old Zhou called Zhang Tie Childe Cui and Bai Suxian Miss Bai.

"Hoho, Old Zhou, what do you mean by saying that you do not feel like leaving Xuanyuan Hill? Does it mean that someone dared force you to leave in the public?" Zhang Tie asked out of curiosity. Others might be not interested in these trivial affairs after reaching Zhang Tie's position and cultivation base; however, Zhang Tie was especially interested in these trivial affairs as he also lived an average life before.

After visiting some places of interest in Xuanyuan Hill, Zhang Tie felt a bit bored of those legends and allusions about heroes and influential figures. Although those high buildings and decorated archways were magnificent, Zhang Tie didn't have any feelings about them. Not until Zhang Tie watched those cruises coming and going on the Golden Water River, smelled the fragrance of spirit on the riverside and heard the sounds of hawking did the image of Xuanyuan Hill gradually become vivid in his mind.

"Not being forced by anyone!" Old Zhou explained while paddling the boat flexibly in the Golden Water River. At the same time, they passed by a two-storey gaily-painted pleasure-ship while the music and the elegant song of a female drifted out of there. When those men on the second storey of the ship passed by the boat, they widely opened their mouth at the sight of Bai Suxian who was smiling full of tenderness. Even though they were moving far away, they still turned around and watched Bai Suxian.

After hearing the song "The Beloved Ones" from the ship, Bai Suxian revealed a smile at Zhang Tie while blinking her eyes.

As an artificial canal, the Golden Water River linked the three lakes and Xuanyuan Hill. Although this river was wide, it didn't have any strong wind and big waves. The boat could move steadily on the Golden Water River like walking upon the flat ground as long as the boatman had proficient paddling skills.

After hearing Old Zhou's words, Zhang Tie became more curious, "Not being forced by anyone? As long as one settles down here, will he leave?"

"It's said that Xuanyuan Hill is the most prosperous place among all the human cities. If I could live a graceful life in Xuanyuan Hill, of course, I would not feel like leaving such a treasure land. But I have to leave!" Old Zhou paddled the boat as he let out a sigh, "I have to make money to survive my family members!"

"Right, living affairs are trivial. Although money is not almighty, people could not survive in Xuanyuan Hill without money!" Zhang Tie laughed before saying.

"Yup! It's difficult to survive in Xuanyuan Hill..." Old Zhou clapped his hands out of excitement, causing a clear and crisp sound, "All the real estates in Xuanyuan Hill were gifted by the imperial households of Taixia Country. According to the regulation, we could not sell them. If nobody could inherit the real estates, they would be confiscated by the imperial households. I mean that if I could leave Xuanyuan Hill and let out my manor in Xuanyuan Hill, I could have a profitable income per year. With this rent, my family members would live a wealthy life even in the 9 immortal provinces; instead of having to work hard here every day. So many business groups would like to strive for a residence in Xuanyuan Hill. The rents of houses in Xuanyuan Hill rank top among all the human cities; the rent of a room covering 10 square meters at a remote place would cost over 1,000 gold coins a year. Even so, it's still very hard to rent one house here!"

"Take my home as an instance, my ancestor was the chief of the capital guard in Xuanyuan Hill. With the meritorious service, he was awarded a small manor in Xuanyuan Hill. Our Zhou family was also dignified at that time. According to my grandpa, when our ancestor returned to Xunzhou Province for sacrificing our predecessors, even the Xunzhou Provincial Governor had held a banquet for welcoming him. After our ancestor passed away, with his protection, our Zhou family became prosperous for another dozen years. Nobody among the descendants could match my ancestor. Since the generation of my grandpa, our Zhou family started to decline. When it comes to my generation, I have three brothers. I'm the eldest one. We inherited the ancestral manor in Xuanyuan Hill. It's just a small courtyard. Other two brothers of mine have left Xuanyuan Hill to seek a livelihood!"

"Previously, a nobleman from subcontinent wanted to rent that ancestral manor about 20 years ago at the price of 20,000 gold coins a year. He wanted to renovate it and live inside all the year round. Our Zhou family were in trouble economically at that moment; with 20,000 gold coins a year, our family could improve our living standard right away. However, my father didn't agree with it. Before passing away, my father even warned us to safeguard the undertakings of Zhou family in Xuanyuan Hill!"

Zhang Tie's curiosity was aroused once again, "Sorry, sorry, I've not imagined that you're a descendant of a guard chief. 20,000 gold coins a year was not a small amount of money, why didn't your father agree with it at that moment?"

Old Zhou revealed a smile as he said unlike a boatman at all, "It's very easy for me to survive myself after leaving Xuanyuan Hill; however, after leaving here, it would be impossible for my descendants to be outstanding in Xuanyuan Hill. As long as I stayed here, there would be a hope for my family. If one of my descendants could become an official in Xuanyuan Hill, my family would be glorious and prosperous at once. Hehehe, although 20,000 gold coins sound like a good reward, nowhere else could have as many powerhouses as that in Xuanyuan Hill!"

"There're the best human schools, the most powerful knights and most opportunities for people to be outstanding in Xuanyuan Hill. As long as I stayed here, if someone among my descendants could become an official here, the relationship paved by my ancestor would become active at once. By contrast, the bit of money is nothing at all! As a common family, if we want to create chances for the juniors to be officials in Xuanyuan Hill, I have to find a way to survive my family members. Actually, the peach flower spirit that you drank was made by my wife at home using the peach flowers in our courtyard every year..."

Zhang Tie didn't deride Old Zhou and his wife; instead, he respected them pretty much. What this old couple did was almost as same as what Zhang Tie's parents did in Blackhot City. Hua parents could sacrifice everything for the sake of their children. From the point of view of Old Zhou, his courtyard in Xuanyuan Hill was almost like a school district housing, which could provide a chance for the descendants of his clan to be gradually influenced by the atmosphere in Xuanyuan Hill. So many parents across Xuanyuan Hill like Old Zhou gave up their opportunities to be rich parents in other places; instead, they just stuck to do humble works in Xuanyuan Hill until their children became outstanding and glorified their ancestors.

Of course, not all the parents could behave like Old Zhou. Each family had their own situation. However, given the scale and population of Xuanyuan Hill, there must be a lot of families like that of Old Zhou. Actually, most of them should be like that of Old Zhou. Few ancestors' meritorious services could last over 100 years. Xuanyuan Hill had been founded for over 800 years. Few clans in Xuanyuan Hill could enjoy their ancestors' meritorious services for over 800 years.

These clans' ancestors were once glorious and brilliant; otherwise, they would not stay in Xuanyuan Hill. Therefore, many clans dreamed about having their descendants become outstanding in Xuanyuan Hill so as to glorify their ancestors.

"Old Zhou, how many kids do you have?"

Speaking of his kids, Old Zhou's face turned a bit glimmer as he unconsciously raised his voice, "I have 8 kids, 3 daughters and 5 sons. 3 of my sons are average; 2 of them are a bit talented. My 6th son excels at making instruments; he's working as an apprentice in the Humans Rune Instruments Craftsman Union Headquarters and could learn a lot of knowledge. My eldest son is good at fighting. I pulled a few strings that were established by my ancestor. Therefore, he became a leader of a military unit in the imperial guard and has already known about sending money to my home!"

Through several generations' efforts, Zhou family finally got their return in Old Zhou's next generation. People could not easily enter the Humans Rune Instruments Craftsman Union Headquarters and the imperial guard of Xuanyuan Hill in other places.

"According to you, those families whose real estates have been taken back must suffer a great loss..."

"Hehehe, regulations are made by humans. How could living people be suffocated by urine? Childe Cui, as you've just been to Xuanyuan Hill, you might not know that. You can inquire about it casually. Whose real estates in Xuanyuan Hill have been taken back over the past hundreds of years?" Old Zhou smirked...

Chapter 1108: Working out a Scheme

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

"It's easy. If a family doesn't have descendants, they could adopt a son from their same clan. If they don't have clansman, a lot of outsiders would like to be their adopted sons. It's a major event to keep the family line alive. Those who don't have sons could adopt a son and rename the surname of their adopted son before registering his name in their own pedigree of a clan. Anyone who dared interfere with it would offend the public. After the old man passed away, their adopted son would inherit their real estates in Xuanyuan Hill. Who would spit out the flesh that they have taken in like an idiot?"

"Take that Lame Liu in my neighborhood as an instance. Because he was injured in his childhood, he couldn't deliver babies. Neither could he get married. Liu's relatives arrived here from Zhongzhou Province so as to send their own kids to Lame Liu as his adopted son. Liu's clansmen almost started a battle due to this thing. Finally, Lame Liu selected a niece as his adopted son. The niece treated Lame Liu even better than his father who gave birth to him. In this way, Lame Liu doesn't need to worry about his old age and funeral affairs. "

"If so, many families could have outsiders settle in Xuanyuan Hill in the name of their adopted son or stepson. Wouldn't those adopted sons and stepsons enjoy many treatments and opportunities in Xuanyuan Hill?" Zhang Tie asked out of curiosity.

"It was indeed like this hundreds of years ago. I was told that many families had adopted sons and stepsons in a period previously. Some families would even have 10-20 adopted sons and stepsons. Actually, the so-called adopted sons and stepsons are just kids of their brothers, sisters or relatives. Gradually, the schools in Xuanyuan Hill become crowded. Later on, the imperial court had to deliver a strict command that the stepchildren of people who had descendants were forbidden to register in Xuanyuan Hill, male or female. Those who had no descendant could only adopt one child. As a result, the bad atmosphere of the society was improved from then on!"

After hearing Old Zhou's words, Zhang Tie became happy, "Hahaha, I've not imagined such a funny thing in Xuanyuan Hill!"

"Yup, in the beginning, there wasn't any forbidden command; therefore, they all availed themselves of loopholes. As all the others behave in such a way, if you don't, aren't you a fool? If some relatives who are on speaking terms with you and beg you to take their sons as your stepsons, who could refuse it?"

After hearing Old Zhou's words, Zhang Tie became dumbfounded. Indeed, it was not because others were too cunning. Everybody pursued wealth. Now that there was a method to have their kids register in Xuanyuan Hill and enjoy the top educational resources, opportunities and treatments among humans, those who had relationships would definitely try their utmost efforts to seek for such an opportunity.

However, the forbidden command delivered from Xuanyuan Hill could only block half of this loophole; it didn't work for those families which didn't have descendants. They could only allow those families without descendants to adopt sons because it was the tradition and custom of Hua people. Therefore, the land in Xuanyuan Hill became increasingly precious. Fewer of them could be taken back. Besides some flexible lands in Xuanyuan Hill which were in the hand of the imperial households of Taixia Country, it would be very difficult for others to cram into the circle of Xuanyuan Hill. As a result, the threshold for settling in Xuanyuan Hill gradually rose.

'Even though I've made a lot of military exploits in the Earth-elements Realm, I could only gain a bounty territory outside Xuanyuan Hill. It would be more difficult for others to settle in Xuanyuan Hill. No wonder Bai Suxian said that there were only two kinds of nobles in Taixia Country: first, those who could wedge their way in Xuanyuan Hill; second, those who are outside Xuanyuan Hill. Her words sounded a bit reasonable.'

Zhang Tie pointed at a gaily-painting pleasure-ship crossing the river as he asked, "What are those gaily-painting pleasure-ships? Are they also flowing brothels in Xuanyuan Hill?"

"Hehehe, such a profession is forbidden to go ashore in Taixia Country. It's a regulation that has lasted for hundreds of years as a feature of Xuanyuan Hill. These gaily-painting pleasure-ships could enter the Golden Water River of Xuanyuan Hill in the daytime; in the evening, they would enter the surrounding three lakes. Childe Cui, although these gaily-painting pleasure-ships look small, they could make a lot. Those gaily-painting pleasure-ships with famous prostitutes could make mountains of golds a day. Those who visited those gaily-painting pleasure-ships are all nobles and rich people, who would treat gold coins as nothing but sh*t. Those who could do such a business in Xuanyuan Hill are all related to big figures in the emperor's imperial city more or less. Without such a background, such gaily-painting pleasure-ships are forbidden to enter the Golden Water River..."

"Does anyone participate in such a business in the emperor's imperial city?"

"Those who could settle in Xuanyuan Hill are all followed by a lot of family members, subordinates and clansmen, whether they are the top 3 chancellors or the 9 ministers in Taixia Country. These people have to live at a high cost in Xuanyuan Hill. If a clan wants to maintain its decent life, it has to establish relationships with influential figures. Even though a person could have a compensation of tens of thousands' kilograms of gold coins a year, tens of thousands of people might be waiting for that. Although the dissolute business in gaily-painting pleasure-ships doesn't sound good, it's also a legal business at least with a high profit. By the way, they could collect a lot of intelligence. Of course, those decent families in the emperor's imperial city don't need their family members to do such a business. They only need to have a trusted steward find an agency to do it, which would bring them a great amount of money each year. Then, why not?"

When Old Zhou said that, he glanced at Zhang Tie and Bai Suxian for a few more times while revealing a steadfast smile, "According to Childe Cui, Childe Cui should not pay attention to money in daily life. If you two are juveniles, it's normal for you to not know about the expenditure at home. However, given the looks of Childe Cui and Miss Bai along with your demeanors, you must have seen the world and could treat heavy winds and waves as unimportant. Those who have seen the world and known the universal laws must be born in rich and noble clans. You must pretend to be low-key today. Given your background, I dare say that you two at least come from provincial governors' clans!"

'I've not imagined that a boatman on the Golden Water River could have such an insight.'

After promoting to a knight; especially after plundering the wealth of those clans of Three-eye Association, Zhang Tie indeed didn't care about money anymore. Money was merely a worldly possession for Zhang Tie. Besides, Zhang family's business of the all-purpose medicament was pretty hot due to monopoly, which would create mint of money for Zhang family every day. Neither Zhang Tie nor his clan lacked money. Additionally, Zhang Tie and his elder brother didn't have too many descendants in Jinwu City. Although only a few clans had knights across Taixia Country, very few of them lacked money. In order to make money, Huaiyuan Palace also had a lot of clan businesses. Similarly, Zhu Clan, the clan of the Yanzhou provincial governor also had a lot of clan businesses.

However, there was one point that Old Zhou had not imagined or could not imagine based on his former insight. Besides making money, major clans had one more important purpose by doing business or involving in an industry——expanding their influence! Even those clans which didn't lack money were still doing various businesses and involving in many industries, such as Zhang Yang. For what? For those besides money! The so-called major clans were definitely not only rich; they should also be influential. Even they had mountains of gold coins in the warehouse, they couldn't gain influence. They were just a pile of metals. After investing them in various industries and using them to bind more people's interests and deepen into people's daily needs, they would gain a strong influence and controlling force.

Influence was what the major clans paid special attention to.

Whether a clan was doing business for money or for expanding its influence was the most important criteria for judging a clan's power. The significance of this criterion was nothing less than testing whether a major clan had a deep foundation in Xuanyuan Hill. The second sort of clan might do something beyond their means in order to be impressive; however, the first sort of clan must be powerful. At least in Zhang Tie's opinion, Zhang family was not doing business for money anymore. When they made enough money, money would be meaningless for them. All of their businesses would work for higher clan purposes. For instance, those major clans and syndicates in the Western Continent and the other subcontinent started to control public opinion, military-industrial complexes and grains circulation. They were definitely not doing that for money. Emperor Xuanyuan didn't establish Gold and Power Law for money, either.

Although the gaily-painting pleasure-ships looked like dissolute, they served as recreational sites. From there, people could disseminate and ask for information as well as establish relationships with people from all walks of life. To a certain extent, these gaily-painting pleasure-ships could influence the cultural and recreational circle in Xuanyuan Hill and create some public opinion and specific pop culture among some high-end population. The latter effects might be pursued by these major clans in the emperor's imperial city who controlled these gaily-painting pleasure-ships. Even if these gaily-painting pleasure-ships' real boss was the Supreme Court of Taixia Country, Zhang Tie would not feel strange about that, not to mention that they were major clans in the emperor's imperial city.

The small gaily-painting pleasure-ships and Old Zhou's words reminded Zhang Tie of many things. Zhang Tie's heart raced as he suddenly took out a gold coin. After pinching it slightly, Zhang Tie tossed it towards Old Zhou.

"Old Zhou, catch it!"

After catching that gold coin proficiently, Old Zhou grinned, "Childe Cui, you can pay me when we go ashore!"

"Hahaha, I like you. We can be friends with each other. If you want to make money, you or one of your sons could come to Fire Dragon Bounty Territory in Youzhou Province 3 months later. By then, I promise your Zhou Clan a unique business on the Golden Water River and let you enjoy the feeling of having a mint of money one day too. You can also be a rich man in Xuanyuan Hill by then..." Zhang Tie burst out into laughter.

Old Zhou lowered his head and saw a deep fingerprint on the gold coin, which must be left by Zhang Tie.

Old Zhou then took a deep breath as he thought, 'The good fortune of Zhou Clan is finally coming; no wonder I always dreamed about catching a fierce fire at home these nights. It's the lucky omen of a prosperous clan.'

Additionally, given Zhang Tie's look, Old Zhou realized that Zhang Tie was not having shot from the hip. Although Old Zhou couldn't guess about the unique business mentioned by Zhang Tie, he was clear that it was just a lip service for someone to reward a good fortune to Zhou Clan.

Old Zhou meticulously put away that gold coin as he treated Zhang Tie more respectfully, "Childe Cui, Miss Bai; if you like, after going ashore, I invite you two to have a meal at my home. I will have my wife prepare some dishes and spirit for you!"

"Haha, Old Zhou, you're too polite. If you really want to appreciate me, when you really do that unique business well in the future, I will feel reassured by having food and drinks at your home for free..."

Old Zhou revealed another smile on his swarthy face as he had long noticed that Zhang Tie was not a commoner. However, he didn't imagine that Zhang Tie could treat him so politely as he was just a trivial figure.

At this moment, Bai Suxian had prepared well the peach flower spirit as she served Zhang Tie the spirit with a big smile.

"What unique business have you thought about on the Golden Water River?" Bai Suxian asked Zhang Tie in a secret way.

Bai Suxian knew that Zhang Tie would not make fun of a commoner. However, she wondered why Zhang Tie would introduce a unique business to a common boatman.

"Haha, you will know that!" Zhang Tie told Bai Suxian after having a sip of her peach flower spirit.

Zhang Tie indeed thought up this business after hearing Old Zhou's words about the gaily-painting pleasure-ships.

'Now that others could do business on the Golden Water River of Xuanyuan Hill, I could also have one. After Fire-Dragon Bounty Territory produced the high-power alcohol and various engines, would it be difficult for Old Zhou to find a unique business on the Golden Water River? As long as Old Zhou's boat could be installed with an engine and a propeller, it would be a speedboat.'

When Zhang Tie thought about Old Zhou driving his speedboat on the Golden Water River of Xuanyuan Hill, leaving a white line behind it, he couldn't stand to giggle inside.

This might be the best advertisement for Fire-Dragon Bounty Territory!

Peach flower spirit was a local specialty of Xuanyuan Hill. This spirit tasted soft, sweet, fragrant and glutinous. People used peach flowers from Xuanyuan Hill to brew spirit. The spirit looked rosy and smelt as fragrant as that of peach flowers. In Xuanyuan Hill, many families would pick peach flowers in their own houses to brew spirit. After coming to Xuanyuan Hill, peach flower spirit almost became one of the necessary "tourism projects" on the Golden Water River. According to the legends, if the beloved ones could have a cup of peach flower spirit face-to-face on the Golden Water River, they would be able to have a mutual affinity and never leave each other.

This explained why Bai Suxian made her utmost efforts to make the peach flower spirit at the prow. Indirectly, it explained why the Golden Water River was one of the most romantic places in Xuanyuan Hill. Besides those dissolute gaily-painting pleasure-ships, couples and lovers could be seen on other cruises and boats everywhere across the river.

While standing at the prow and drinking peach flower spirit with Zhang Tie, Bai Suxian blushed as beautifully as a fairy. As a result, Zhang Tie couldn't stand to glance at her for a few more times.

"Childe Cui, Miss Bai, the bridge in front of us is the Horse Bridge..." Old Zhou's voice drifted from the back.

Actually, Zhang Tie had already seen it without the warning of Old Zhou. A steel bridge crossed the Golden Water River thousands of meters in the front.

The bridge was very magnificent. The arches below the bridge were even available for ten-thousand tons' huge ships. On the side which was close to the emperor's imperial city, there was a wharf which was covered with many steamers with special banners.

After entering the arch on the outer flank of Xuanyuan Hill, Zhang Tie saw a gate tower like the arch of triumph. There was a shiny statue of a golden horse at the highest point of the city gate under the sunshine. The entire bridge guarded an entrance of the emperor's imperial city in the periphery of Xuanyuan Hill.

The 12 bridges over the Golden Water River were named by the 12 earthly branches in Hua culture, which corresponded to 12 Hua Zodiac. Each bridge had the corresponding totem and statue of one of the 12 Chinese Zodiac. Gradually, commoners in Xuanyuan Hill called these bridges Hua Zodiac bridges.

Watching the Horse Bridge in the distance, Zhang Tie was recalling the map of Xuanyuan Hill.

After passing the Horse Bridge, as long as he kept walking forward, he would enter the Horse Avenue of emperor's imperial city. After entering the Horse Avenue for about 20 miles, he would see the mansion of the finance minister, one of the 9 ministers in Taixia Country.

All the 9 ministers of Taixia Country had fixed official residences in the emperor's imperial city. The official residence of the finance minister was close to the Finance Minister's Mansion, right on the side of Horse Avenue.

Zhang Tie unconsciously felt that the 12 official residences of the top 3 chancellors and the 9 ministers of Taixia Country corresponded to the avenues in the emperor's imperial city which were linked with the 12 Hua Zodiac bridges.

Watching the Horse Bridge in the distance and the flock of sparrows that were flying over the bridge, Zhang Tie's eyes sparkled...

Xuanyuan Hill had most kinds of birds across Taixia Country. In the three surrounding lakes, there were over 100 kinds of aquatic birds. Additionally, in Xuanyuan Hill, sparrows and pigeons accounted for the most. The willows made pleasant shades alongside the Golden Water River. This place was the favorite place of sparrows. The pigeons mainly gathered in some squares and parks. After living there for a long time, those sparrows were not afraid of people at all...

The boat drove towards the Horse Bridge. When it was less than half a miles away from the Horse Bridge, an extremely brilliant gaily-painting pleasure-ship moved towards them and brushed against their boat with a distance of 100 m in between.

Some young male and female were talking about something on the open delicate deck of the gaily-painting pleasure-ship.

Zhang Tie didn't pay attention to those people. Because there were too many such gaily-painting pleasure-ships on the Golden Water River, Zhang Tie just threw a glance at that gaily-painting pleasure-ship before moving his eyes away onto the scenery on the riverside close to the emperor's imperial city. However, Zhang Tie had not imagined that Bai Suxian immediately became icy all over like a hedgehog with standing spines at the sight of those people.

"Fang Xinyi..."

Those young men almost caught sight of Bai Suxian and Zhang Tie at the same time as they stopped talking and watched this boat at once.

Chapter 1109: Women

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

It was as normal as encountering a lot of rural nouveau riche in high-end consuming places in the downtown. Besides Lion Fortress, Xuanyuan Hill must rank top with the most number of knights among human cities on the earth surface.

Knights had sharp senses about the qis of each other. Almost the moment Bai Suxian recognized her "good ladybro" on that gaily-painting pleasure-ship, that young female over there also discovered Bai Suxian and Zhang Tie at the same time.

Standing on the prow of the boat, Zhang Tie and Bai Suxian looked pretty elegant and dignified with clothes swaying in the air. One was a woman of a woman, the other was a man of a man. They were definitely like an immortal couple.

There were 4 young men and 3 young women on the deck of that gaily-painting pleasure-ship. Besides the woman who hugged a lute in the middle of them, all the other 6 ones were black iron knights at a young age with outstanding looks.

When Zhang Tie was watching those women on the gaily-painting pleasure-ship and guessing who was Fang Xinyi, Bai Suxian had already flown off the boat with beserk battle qi like an aggressive hen. She directly charged towards that gaily-painting pleasure-ship by stepping on the water.

Besides sage-level ones, common knights could not fly here. However, their battle strengths remained unchanged. It was already something for her to step on the water.

'What a beauty!' Zhang Tie could never imagine that Bai Suxian dared fight another woman on the Golden Water River close to the emperor's imperial city.

However, someone knew Bai Suxian's character better than Zhang Tie. When Bai Suxian flew off, another figure also flew off the gaily-painting pleasure-ship and also rushed towards Bai Suxian on the water.


The two women jumped into the sky and collided against each other. At the same time, the berserk battle qis caused a wave higher than 30 m like detonating an alchemist's bomb. When the wave fell down, it started to spread over, driving the calm water level berserk at once.

Watching this, exclamations drifted from all the cruises and boats in the far.

The first 2-m high wave hit the opposite gaily-painting pleasure-ship and Zhang Tie's boat almost at the same time.

As a result, the gaily-painting pleasure-ship as long as dozens of meters started to rock heavily in the water. The youths on the deck of the gaily-painting pleasure-ship used their strength by foot at the same time and stabilized the ship. At the sight of this, the female who was hugging a lute became scared too much.

When the wave arrived at Zhang Tie's boat, Old Zhou changed his face at once. Before Old Zhou made a response, Zhang Tie had stepped onto the deck at the prow, causing a white wave to rise from below and cupped the boat to over 4-m high in the air in the shape of a water lotus flower like a huge hand, avoiding the first wave steadily and safely.

At the sight of such an amazing scene, more exclamations drifted from the boats and gaily-painting pleasure-ships in the distance in unison. Someone faintly shouted, "Arhh, the water god is manifesting his power!"

Such a scene also made Old Zhou's face turn pale. However, he still tried his best to stabilize the boat at the stern while holding his paddle.

The nearest boat was over 300 m away from Zhang Tie's boat. Within 100 m, there was only one cruise and a gaily-painting pleasure-ship. The two ships were both huge. Therefore, the two ships were not capsized although they rocked heavily on the river and caused passengers to become flurried. As for that boat in the distance, when the first wave arrived, its height and power had declined greatly. Additionally, the boatman directly turned his boat and used the stern to bear the first wave. Besides making the inside of the boat wet, the surging wave pushed that boat over 100 m away.

Before Bai Suxian and that figure who flew off the gaily-painting pleasure-ship started the second round of the fight, a roar had drifted over here from the Horse Bridge, "Who dared be that excessive on the Golden Water River?"

With that roar, a fully-armored knight jumped off the Horse Bridge and darted towards them like a lightning bolt on the river.

When the male knight arrived, he directly stood on the water as he looked at Bai Suxian and the other woman, those knights on that gaily-painting pleasure-ship and Zhang Tie on the prow one after another. When he caught sight of Zhang Tie whose boat was cupped by a ripple, he slightly narrowed his eyes.

"Did you two fight here just now?" That male knight asked Bai Suxian and the other woman.

The two women replied with a cold harrumph at the same time as they turned around and ignored the knight's question.

"F*ck..." The earth knight was driven mad. He looked at Bai Suxian and the other woman before losing his temper on everybody at present, "All of you, all the knights here follow me for the investigation. If anyone of you dares to oppose me, I will kill you..."

After delivering this command, the earth knight even threw a deep glance at Zhang Tie. Among all the knights at present, Zhang Tie was the most unfathomable. Expert's movements were always outstanding. Although the other earth knights might also be able to cup the boat by water using the battle qi, he could never do it as easily as Zhang Tie. Besides posing a high requirement on the power of his battle qi, this effect also required an extremely great controlling ability of water flow.

Zhang Tie had not imagined that his trip to the Golden Water River could come to an end in this way. However, what happened this time reminded Zhang Tie of the nature of women. If Bai Suxian and that woman were just commoners instead of knights, Zhang Tie believed that the two people must have started to scratch faces and stretch hair.

After throwing a glance at that woman carefully, Zhang Tie had known her identity without Bai Suxian's introduction.

Honestly, given her look, Fang Xinyi was not that kind of top beauties which would attract men's attention for the first time. She was just as beautiful as Bai Suxian. However, this woman looked even whiter than Bai Suxian like milk. Additionally, this woman had a very special temperament. She was tender, cold and brilliant. At the sight of her, Zhang Tie felt that a delicate and charming rose was lying on a layer of frost tenderly and felt like pitying her.

No wonder Bai Suxian's dad was fascinated by her. Such a special temperament was especially attractive to old men. Even Zhang Tie's heart raced.

When Zhang Tie looked at Fang Xinyi, Fang Xinyi also looked at him. They then exchanged a glance with each other.

After Bai Suxian noticed that Fang Xinyi was glancing at Zhang Tie, she became intense at once as she hurriedly moved and blocked Fang Xinyi's sight in case that Zhang Tie was robbed away from her.

Fang Xinyi turned her head once again.

Another two knights came over here on water and surrounded them with solemn looks while putting their hands on the handles of their swords at their waists. Although the other guys on the gaily-painting pleasure-ship felt unwilling to do that, they could only tell the boatman to turn the ship towards the wharf beside the Horse Bridge.

"Old Zhou, thanks for your ride. Please carry us over there too. Bear my words in mind. If you want to have a try, you can find me in the Fire-Dragon Prefecture in Youzhou Province!" Zhang Tie told Old Zhou as he hid his battle qi, causing the boat to steadily decline while being cupped by the ripple.

Bai Suxian returned to the boat by stepping on water. After that, she watched Fang Xinyi going back to the gaily-painting pleasure-ship with fierce eyes as she swore her in a low voice, "B*tch!"


In the gate tower at the bridgehead of the Horse Bridge, Zhang Tie, Bai Suxian and those knights on that gaily-painting pleasure-ship were respectively brought into different rooms for the time being. Even Old Zhou and some irrelevant personnel on the gaily-painting pleasure-ship were requested to write a testimony.

After glancing around the equipment in the room which common black iron knights could not escape from, Zhang Tie revealed a smile, 'Looks like I'm not the first visitor here.'

"Ahh, who are those guys on the Horse Bridge?"

"They are earthly branch guard under the affiliation of Recreational Affairs Ministry, also known as Hua Zodiac Guard. They're responsible for guarding the 12 bridges and the portals of the emperor's imperial city on the Golden Water River!" Bai Suxian threw a glance at Zhang Tie in an embarrassed way as she said, "Forgive me for that. At the sight of that foxtrel, I wanted to kill her..."

"It's alright. Everybody gets impulsive at some moments. We will just rest here..." Zhang Tie waved his hand generously as he added, "It's fine as long as you don't suffer a loss!"

Bai Suxian revealed a sweet smile directly...


The fact proved that women, especially beautiful women with deep background would always receive some special treatment in this male-dominated world.

One woman was the princess of Lord Guangnan's Mansion; the other was an excellent disciple of Qionglou Pavilion, one of the top 7 sects in Taixia Country. In this situation, after confirming that there was no severe outcome, Zhang Tie and Bai Suxian were only requested to stay there for a few hours. After being warned, they had been set free.

All the knights besides the two women had been implicated and imprisoned for a few hours.

According to the regulation, if knights had a fight and broke the peace in Xuanyuan Hill, they would be imprisoned for 3 months at least or be killed on the spot.

Therefore, Zhang Tie and Bai Suxian were almost not punished.

When they walked out of the gate tower at the bridgehead of Horse Bridge, it was already dark. Zhang Tie and Bai Suxian met Fang Xinyi outside the gate tower once again.

When Fang Xinyi and Bai Suxian caught sight of each other, they uttered a cold harrumph in unison before turning around their heads.

Fang Xinyi was related to her father Lord Guangnan; therefore, Bai Suxian regarded it a family scandal and preferred to keep it a secret. As for Fang Xinyi, no matter what the relationship was between her and Lord Guangnan, it seemed that she didn't want to reveal it to the public either. Therefore, the outsiders were still confused about their fight until now.

Those young knights staying with Fang Xinyi didn't feel good. When they were enjoying the lute music on the Golden Water River and commenting on the current political affairs. All of a sudden, a woman rushed towards them like a maniac. If not Fang Xinyi stopped her timely, their gaily-painting pleasure-ship might have been capsized by that lunatic. If so, it would be a bit embarrassing.

Compared to their face, the gaily-painting pleasure-ship became trivial. As "victims", they were even imprisoned for a few hours in the cells especially for knights by the Horse Guard under the affiliation of Recreational Affairs Ministry in Xuanyuan Hill and were not set free until evening. Therefore, everybody lost their interest in this place.

At the sight of Zhang Tie and Bai Suxian once again, a domineering and evil guy among those furious young knights sneered at once.

"Princess of Lord Guangnan, you are really domineering. You dared even start a fight on the Golden Water River. However, this is not Xuanyuan Hill; instead of remote places such as Zhaozhou Province. A lord's mansion is nothing here. If Lord Guangnan's Mansion wants to make a show of authority, why not exterminate the barbarians in the south border of Taixia Country and establish another military region in the southern border? Why do you show off your battle strength in such a prosperous place?"

After hearing that, Fang Xinyi looked distant while Bai Suxian raised her eyebrows and was going to lose her temper once again. However, Zhang Tie revealed a smile as he shook his head and pulled Bai Suxian away.

No matter what, Bai Suxian started the fight; therefore, she was wrong. It was reasonable for those who suffered losses to complain about that. Therefore, Zhang Tie just pretended to not have heard that.

As Zhang Tie didn't care about that, Bai Suxian became silent as she threw a glare at that male knight before following Zhang Tie away.

When Fang Xinyi watched Zhang Tie and Bai Suxian walking away, her eyes gleamed at once. As Bai Suxian's former ladybro, nobody knew Bai Suxian's temperament better than her. Since she acquainted with Bai Suxian, it was her first time to see Bai Suxian becoming so well-behaved in front of a male.

Zhang Tie was very merciful; however, he forgot that one's mercy was usually regarded as being afraid of troubles and timid.

In Xuanyuan Hill, many things could not be handled by even an earth knight.

"I've long heard that the princess of Lord Guangnan's Mansion is pretty beautiful; it seems real. With one earth knight on your side, you don't even respect the top 7 sects in Taixia Country..." Another voice sounded.

After hearing these words, Zhang Tie suddenly stopped...