1186 - 1193

Chapter 1186: Politely Declining

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

If he told others about all the secrets, he was an idiot!

If he cheated them in a perfunctory way, he was treating others as idiots!

Zhang Tie was not an idiot; neither were the other elders of Huaiyuan Palace and the clan head.

Facing these elders and the clan head of Huaiyuan Palace, Zhang Tie knew that he could barely explain it only by lip service. Therefore, he directly displayed his talents in front of the others.

People needed to change according to the situation. On the premise of not exposing the secret that he was cultivating an emperor-level secret method King Roc Sutra , Zhang Tie told the others that he had grasped a top secret method called Chaotic Treasure Body; he even accomplished the shift between Fire Dragon Sutra and Five Elements Ground-look Sutra in 30 minutes in front of the others, causing them to be speechless once again.

Actually, it would take Zhang Tie less than 1 minute to accomplish the shift between two familiar secret methods. However, Zhang Tie didn't feel that it was appropriate to shift between two secret methods too fast in front of the other elders of Huaiyuan Palace; therefore, he performed it in a seemingly difficult way on purpose.

After witnessing how Zhang Tie changed his looks, absorbed a water-element crystal at a high speed and shifted his battle qis casually, all the other elders of Huaiyuan Palace became dumbfounded.

It took Zhang Tie about 2 hours to display all of his talents. It might be longer in normal times; however, it was as fast as blinking their eyes for the other elders and clan head of Huaiyuan Palace in the conference room at present. Zhang Tie had performed all of his talents before the others recovered their composure.

"Elder Mushen, you mean Thousands of Beads Mentality Sutra originates from the Mental Arithmetic by Abacus ?" Elder Muan who had been silent since the beginning couldn't stand to ask Zhang Tie.


"Does it mean that the other elders and I might also reach your realm if we cultivate Mental Arithmetic by Abacus from now on?"

Elder Muan's question attracted all the other elders' attention.

"Theoretically, yes. If you could reach the level of carrying out 10 tasks at the same time by Mental Arithmetic by Abacus, you could indeed absorb elements crystals 10 times faster. However…"

"Go ahead!"

"Besides Thousands of Beads Mentality Sutra , my current achievement is also related to the experience that I was struck by a lightning bolt…" Zhang Tie used the same almighty trick, which would never be exposed at all; neither did need he to explain about it, "After being struck by the lightning bolt, my spiritual energy increased very fast. I couldn't reach such a realm without the help of the great spiritual energy and the Thousands of Beads Mentality Sutra . I'm afraid that it's a bit difficult if you just depended on Thousands of Beads Mentality Sutra without the great spiritual energy!"

"Cui Li was born in Youzhou Province. We've heard that Cui Li had returned home to meet his old servants before heading for Earth-elements Realm; the local officials even built a knight's imposing memorial archway for Cui Li. As you've not been to Taixia Country before, how were you so familiar with Cui Li's bygones?" Elder Muan asked.

"The real Cui Li was actually one incarnation of Zhu Liang the poisonous wolf on the wanted list of Supreme Court. Before returning to Youzhou Province, I met Zhu Liang in an unpopulated isle in the open waters of Qiongzhou Province. He wanted to kill me; however, he was killed by me. Before his death, I read his memory by a secret method and knew that he had an incarnation of Cui Li in Yongzhou Province!"

"Memory reading method, this…this seems to be a secret method of Bloody Soul Temple of Taixia Country!"

"Right, it's indeed a secret method of Bloody Soul Temple. When I was in Selnes Theater of Operations, I gained a secret method called Soul Forbidden Method , I learned this memory reading method from it!" Zhang Tie explained as he directly took out the book of Soul Forbidden Method and displayed it to all the others. "I will donate this book to our clan. If elders are interested in it, you could learn it. Sometimes, it might help you a lot. I was told that some sects in Taixia Country also grasped some secret methods of Bloody Soul Temple. It's normal for Huaiyuan Palace to grasp one too!"

As Zhang Tie had already got the complete version of Bloody Soul Sutra, it was nothing pitiful for him to gift Soul Forbidden Method to Huaiyuan Palace. No matter what, they were of the same family.

Those in the conference room had just been shocked too much by Zhang Tie's secret immortal bloodline and secret methods. Therefore, they did not feel strange that Zhang Tie had grasped Soul Forbidden Method .

Elder Muan suddenly let out a long sigh as he watched Zhang Tie, "At the beginning, Elder Muyu and I were well known as Double Jades of Huaiyuan Palace. I'm afraid that we don't need to talk about it later on!"

Elder Muyu shook his head as he revealed a bitter smile. Closely after that, he nodded.

Elder Muray suddenly patted his thigh forcefully, causing a loud, crisp sound in the conference room, scaring all the other elders so much.

"Elder Muray, what do you want to say?"

"Hahaha…" Elder Muray burst out into laughter, "Body-changing immortal bloodline, Soul Forbidden Method, Chaotic Treasure Body. Do you realize what do they mean? With these immortal bloodlines and secret methods, Elder Mushen could almost change whoever he wants below knight level. It's even more terrifying than shadow demon. If this news is exposed to the public, I will see who else dare screw Huaiyuan Palace. Even if Huaiyuan Palace was exterminated, as long as Elder Mushen was still alive, our Huaiyuan Palace's bloodline would definitely last and reinvigorate once again. As long as those people who want to screw Huaiyuan Palace think about that Elder Mushen might lurk on their side to kill them at any time in the incarnation of their familiar ones, they would not sleep well!"

"However, after Elder Mushen exposes your real identity to the public, your secrets such as body-changing immortal bloodline, Chaotic Treasure Body Secret method and Soul Forbidden Method would be barely covered…" Being different than Elder Muray who was very excited, Elder Muyuan who came from the same branch of Goldensea City with Zhang Tie looked sad as he continued, "If so, the mortal enemy of Huaiyuan Palace would definitely treat Elder Mushen as the eyesore. If I were the enemy of Huaiyuan Palace, I would kill Elder Mushen first if I wanted to exterminate Huaiyuan Palace!"

After Elder Muyuan mentioned it, the entire conference room became quiet once again. The other elders could easily understand it. If they were the enemy of Huaiyuan Palace, they had to kill Zhang Tie first; otherwise, they would beat the grass and frighten away the snake.

As Zhang Tie came back to Huaiyuan Palace in the public, it was equal for him to stand in the front of Huaiyuan Palace as the shield.

Of course, Elder Mushen had realized it. However, he still came back to be the target of the enemy of Huaiyuan Palace, what a responsible hero!

Zhang Tie told the world at the risk of his life——Huaiyuan Palace would survive on as long as Elder Mushen was alive!

Watching Zhang Tie's calm and extremely young face, Zhang Taixuan sighed as he stood up from his chair and bowed deeply towards Zhang Tie, followed by all the other elders.

Zhang Tie stood up and bowed towards them at the same time as he said, "Don't be that polite. We have the same ancestors and bloodlines, we're of the same family. We're closely related to each other. I will just be myself frankly!"

Zhang Taixuan's face turned extremely solemn at this moment. As he was standing, everybody else just stood up. Zhang Taixuan glanced around before throwing a deep glance at Zhang Tie and saying, "Huaiyuan Palace is founded by Lord Huaiyuan. When Lord Huaiyuan was alive, he left 8 branches of descendants along with the ancestral doctrine. The position of the clan head of Huaiyuan Palace and Count Long Wind should be inherited by the most excellent one; instead of being occupied by the eldest son of the eldest wife of the branch in Yiyang City. The return of Elder Mushen counts most in Huaiyuan Palace. Elder Mushen is not only young and talented but also willing to fulfill his responsibilities. His secret methods, battle skills and reputation are far greater than me. As all the elders of Huaiyuan Palace are at present, I propose to reelect the clan head for Huaiyuan Palace according to the regulations of Huaiyuan Palace. I vote Elder Mushen, what do you say?"

Zhang Taixuan's words shocked all the other elders, including Zhang Tie.

Watching Zhang Taixuan's generous and righteous face, Zhang Tie wondered whether Zhang Taixuan was probing or sincerely wanted to abdicate his clan head position to him out of other considerations. All in all, Zhang Taixuan's words were indeed unimaginable.

All the other 5 elders exchanged a glance with each other with a confused look.

No matter what Zhang Taixuan was thinking about, Zhang Tie would never promise it. The simplest reason was, if Lan Yunxi's dad abdicated the position of clan head to him, the marriage between Lan Yunxi and him would be impossible. Zhang Tie would never take the position of clan head at the cost of losing a perfect wife…

Honestly, was the position of Huaiyuan Palace's clan head more powerful than the throne of Tsar in Ice and Snow Wilderness?

Additionally, the position of Huaiyuan Palace's clan head was just a count. He had already abandoned the reward of the dukedom, not to mention the hereditary position of Count Long Wind.

Zhang Tie let out a long sigh, "I've already been satisfied to be an elder of Huaiyuan Palace at such a young age. Clan head, please don't say such words in the future; otherwise, I would have to leave Huaiyuan Palace!"

Zhang Tie expressed his "firm stance" immediately…

Chapter 1187: Foreign Affairs Agency of Zhang Family

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Before the two airboats arrived at Jinwu City, Zhang Tie had already accomplished the first communication with the other elders and clan head of Huaiyuan Palace.

Undoubtedly, this communication was necessary for both Zhang Tie and the entire Huaiyuan Palace. Through this communication, three things were confirmed. First, Zhang Tie's real identity. Second, the position of Zhang Tie or the branch of Zhang Clan in Jinwu City in Huaiyuan Palace. Third, a major event relevant to both Zhang Tie and Huaiyuan Palace——All the other elders of Huaiyuan Palace and Zhang Tie had agreed to hold the secondary rotating chakra ceremony for Zhang Tie after the first lunar month in the next year.

After this rotating chakra ceremony, everyone in the world would know that Zhang Tie had promoted to an earth knight and was innocent.

The elders of Huaiyuan Palace had already predicted about the shocks of Zhang Tie's secondary chakra rotating ceremony to the rest of the world. Although they had over 1 month to prepare for this rotating chakra ceremony, they still felt it was not enough given its unprecedentedly large scale.

Previously, when Zhang Taixuan promoted to an earth knight, Huaiyuan Palace could have prepared a rotating chakra ceremony for him; however, as Zhang Taixuan had been the provincial governor of Youzhou Province, they couldn't do that. According to the laws of Taixia Country, all the officials above Class 9 in Taixia Country were forbidden to hold any ceremony in the name of themselves during their term of service, including the birthday, promotion, home move, delivery of children, marriage and rotating chakra ceremony. Even the official's parents could only celebrate their birthday every 30 years. Although officials below Class 9 were not strictly requested, they were also restricted to do that. Because of this regulation, Huaiyuan Palace didn't hold the rotating chakra ceremony for Zhang Taixuan.

Of course, Zhang Tie was not limited to this regulation. Meanwhile, Huaiyuan expected to drive away the haze over Huaiyuan Palace these years through this rotating chakra ceremony.

When they were less than 350 miles away from Jinwu City, under the respectful gaze of all the other elders of Huaiyuan Palace, Zhang Tie flew off the deck of Zhang Taixuan's airboat towards Jinwu Airboat.

The moment Zhang Tie landed in Jinwu Airboat, Zhang Taixuan's airboat had turned around and flew towards Youzhou City. Zhang Taixuan and the other elders of Huaiyuan Palace knew that Zhang Tie was longing for reuniting with his family members; therefore, they didn't go back home with him in case of disturbing them.

Zhang Yang, Bai Suxian and Zhang Gui were all waiting for Zhang Tie on the deck of Jinwu Airboat. Only after 2 hours, Zhang Yang had already got acquainted with Bai Suxian and Zhang Gui. Zhang Gui regarded himself as Zhang Tie's servant; Bai Suxian dared not give herself airs in front of Zhang Tie's elder brother; Zhang Yang treated Bai Suxian as Zhang Tie's wife. Therefore, they soon got acquainted with each other.

"How's everything going?" Zhang Yang asked at the sight of Zhang Tie coming back.

"Let's talk about it inside!" Zhang Tie smiled as he raised his right hand. At this moment, one more quaint remote-sensing finger ring appeared on one finger of his right hand. On the two opposite sides of the ring, there were two tiny top-class remote-sensing crystals, with which Zhang Tie could contact Huaiyuan Palace and Zhang Taixuan at the same time. After coming to Taixia Country for 5 years, the elders of Huaiyuan Palace had updated their remote-sensing finger rings for one time. Previously, their finger ring could only be integrated with one remote-sensing crystal; now, they could be integrated with two remote-sensing crystals.

"Fine, let's talk about it inside!" Zhang Yang nodded.

The four people then entered the airboat. Zhang Yang led them into his study room.

Zhang Tie and Bai Suxian both followed Zhang Yang in; however, Zhang Gui didn't enter the study room; instead, he just stood outside the door like a loyal dog.

"Zhang Gui, you come in too. As you will serve Zhang family from then on, you should know some things!"

"Yes, Master!"

After receiving Zhang Tie's order, Zhang Gui entered the study. Zhang Yang, Zhang Tie and Bai Suxian sat down; however, Zhang Gui insisted on standing on Zhang Tie's side.

Zhang Yang threw a glance at Zhang Tie. Zhang Tie then nodded towards Zhang Yang. As they were brothers, of course they understood each other well. From then on, Zhang Gui's position in Zhang family had been fixed. Zhang Yang admired Zhang Tie's power very much once again.

Zhang Tie told them about the details of the negotiation between him and the other elders of Huaiyuan Palace. After hearing that Zhang Taixuan would like to abdicate the position of clan head of Huaiyuan Palace to Zhang Tie, Zhang Yang frowned at once; Bai Suxian revealed a speculative look.

"Didn't you agree with him?"

"The position of clan head of Huaiyuan Palace is nothing attractive to me at all. Therefore, I refused him immediately. Additionally, I expressed that anyone who wanted me to be the clan head of Huaiyuan Palace would drive me away from Huaiyuan Palace. Therefore, Zhang Taixuan didn't urge that anymore!" Zhang Tie rubbed the finger ring that was especially matched for the elders of Huaiyuan Palace with a doubtful look, "I don't know why Zhang Taixuan could suddenly have such a thought. To be honest, his words shocked me!"

"Given the current power of our Zhang family, we'd better not take the position of clan head!" Zhang Yang said before thinking for a short while, "We are alone in our generation of our family, our children have not grown up yet. I spend my full efforts in Jinwu Business Group. Even if you could become the clan head of Huaiyuan Palace, we don't have too many reliable subordinates. Therefore, we couldn't really take Huaiyuan Palace under control. The position of the clan head would just be nominal. If you really want to take this position, you could consider it when our children have grown up and could fulfill responsibilities in Huaiyuan Palace. By then, you might enjoy taking this position. I'm afraid that Zhang Taixuan was afraid of domestic conflicts when he found that you had greater influence and battle strength than him; therefore, he pretended to be that righteous and generous and wanted the other elders to express their stances to you!"

Zhang Tie threw a glance at his elder brother. After a few years of practice, Zhang Yang had been more imposing. Previously, the two brothers were afraid of meeting a clan elder; now, Zhang Yang talked about the position of the clan head of Huaiyuan Palace calmly as if he was talking about an ordinary business.

'Actually, when I was young, I was less interested and ambitious about the so-called power and influence than my elder brother…'

As Zhang Tie was thinking about it, he nodded and said, "Hmm…I also think so!"

"Huaiyuan Palace only has one prefecture in Youzhou Province. It has fewer than 10 cities. It might be smaller than Fire Dragon Territory. The rank of the nobility of clan head is just count. If you want a title of nobility, you don't need to ask it from others. Given your meritorious services in Earth-elements Realm, you could easily get a title of nobility when the Heavens Fortune List is exposed to the public. If you want cities, you could build as many cities as you like in the south border of Taixia Country, large or small; instead of having to consider about others' moods. Who favors those cities and the title of nobility of count? As if he was showing his great leniency to you…"

Compared to Zhang Yang's attitude, Bai Suxian's tone sounded a bit dissatisfied. As the princess of Lord Guangnan's Mansion, she really didn't treasure the position of clan head. In Bai Suxian's eyes, Zhang Taixuan's behavior was like having her would-be husband state his stand about the ownership of the real estate as the elder of the family before her husband saw his parents-in-law as if Zhang Taixuan was afraid that the would-be son-in-law would share his real estate with a foreign aid. Of course, she felt unhappy.

With different stances, people would make different conclusions about the same topic.

After exchanging a glance with each other, Zhang Tie revealed a faint smile as he passed a message to Zhang Tie with his eye light——your wife is tricky.

Zhang Tie replied with his eye light——don't worry, she's under my control.

Zhang Yang threw a glance at Zhang Gui. Zhang Tie understood Zhang Yang's meaning at once as he looked around and asked Zhang Gui, "Zhang Gui, what's your opinion?"

"Master, please forgive this old slave for my offense!"

"It's fine, there're only 4 people here; we're just taking the matter on its merits. Just put it straight!" Zhang Tie waved his hand.

"Yes, Master!" Zhang Gui bowed towards Zhang Tie before straightening up as he said with narrowed eyes, "In the opinion of this old slave, Zhang Taixuan the clan head of Huaiyuan Palace was malicious, one stone for two birds!"

Soon after Zhang Gui's words, the atmosphere in the study froze at once. Zhang Tie also narrowed his eyes as he looked at Zhang Gui calmly before asking, "How?"

"If Master accepts the position of Clan Head of Huaiyuan Palace, what about your amazing secret methods? Would you share them with Huaiyuan Palace or not? If you don't, you will have a bad reputation; besides, you might be blamed for despising the other members of Huaiyuan Palace. If you give someone a bit of rice, you're helping him; if you give him a lot of rice, you're drawing animosity. As Master favors Huaiyuan Palace now, all the members of Huaiyuan Palace would appreciate that and show their awe to you; if Master doesn't preach your secret methods to them, as long as someone foment disunity and dissension in the dark, being driven by desire, they would hate you and be dissatisfied about you. If so, you would not keep the position of clan head for too long; additionally, there would be some potential threats!"

"If Master preaches all your secret methods to the other members of Huaiyuan Palace, Master might gain a good reputation in Huaiyuan Palace; however, you would lose your largest reliance in the chaotic world. Even though Master gains a good reputation, like what the eldest young master said, as the next generation of Huaiyuan Palace has not grown up, the lineal bloodline in Jinwu City couldn't fully control Huaiyuan Palace. Finally, you are just a nominal clan head. By contrast, you would lose too much. Additionally, after Master's secret methods spread over Huaiyuan Palace, the biggest benefactor would be the branch of Yiyang City which have the most population. Later on, when the juniors of the branch of Yiyang City grow up and there are some outstanding ones, it would be hard to say whether Master's lineal descendants could succeed to the position of clan head anymore! It's just one reason!"

"What about the 2nd reason?" Zhang Tie asked calmly.

"Second, if Master expressed in the public that you would not succeed to the position of clan head from then on, you would pose no threat to Zhang Taixuan in Huaiyuan Palace. As a gentleman, of course, Master would not break your promise. If Master wants to take the position of clan head later on, you would become a despicable man who breaks the promise for power and influence. How could a despicable man win the trust of members in Huaiyuan Palace and the rest of the world and be qualified to be the clan head of Huaiyuan Palace?"

"Therefore, no matter whether Master agrees with Zhang Taixuan or not, Zhang Taixuan is always the winner. He would gain one bird at first; as for the other bird, he would gain it slowly! As Master's secret methods and the position of the clan head of Huaiyuan Palace are both unusual, someone would like to gain them in whatever means he could. Even disciples of the same sect or the same clan even father and sons, brothers would hurt each other every day across Taixia Country for secret methods, power and influence."

"Of course, it's just this old slave's individual opinion. This old slave has witnessed too many despicable tactics and plots. I always treat people with the most malicious mentality. I don't know what is kindness at all. This old slave didn't acquaint with Zhang Taixuan; perhaps Count Long Wind is also a gentleman who always considers the wellbeing of Huaiyuan Palace and admires Master faithfully. This old slave might have blamed him wrongly by the mentality of a despicable man!"

After Zhang Gui finished his words, the entire study became quiet. Even Zhang Yang and Bai Suxian looked at Zhang Gui with widely opened eyes. They wondered where Zhang Tie found such a figure. Zhang Gui's words were shocking and frightening. After his words, the atmosphere in the room became a bit colder.

When Zhang Gui spoke, Zhang Tie's eye light became increasingly acute and heart-wrenching. Not until Zhang Gui finished his words did Zhang Tie close his eyes. After being silent for over 10 seconds, Zhang Tie opened his eyes while his eye light and voice both recovered composure.

"Count Long Wind is the clan head of Huaiyuan Palace. He's selfless and is the pillar of Huaiyuan Palace. He deserves the respect of tens of thousands of people. Your words are too excessive. I don't hope that to be heard by the 5th person!"

"Yes, Master, this old slave was muddle-headed and talking rubbish. I didn't know what I was talking about on the earth!" Zhang Gui replied. Without argument and dissatisfaction, he just slightly lowered his body and stood behind Zhang Tie silently while lowering his eyes.

After being silent for a short while, Zhang Tie told Zhang Yang, "From then on, our family should establish a Foreign Affairs Agency. Zhang Gui will be the general steward of the Foreign Affairs Agency. With his help, we could be reassured when working outside. Old brother, you'd better allocate some people to the Foreign Affairs Agency…"

Zhang Yang threw another glance at Zhang Gui before nodding slowly…

Of course, they didn't need to negotiate over everything in details.

After their talk, the airboat had already arrived at Jinwu City…

Chapter 1188: Returning Home

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

From the sky, the entire Jinwu City was covered with silvery white in the heavy snow. Due to the bad weather, few people were on the streets. However, there were more airships setting off and landing at the airport outside Jinwu City just like that a few months ago.

The sudden catastrophe of bloody figures across Taixia Country caused a surging increase of demand for the all-purpose medicament. The value of all-purpose medicament could only be manifested in real wars and turmoils. Even if it was raining sabers, nobody would like to give up the huge profit under the great demand, not to mention that it was just snowing.

The bloody figures across Taixia Country had already cut off the ground traffic in some regions. Bloody figures were all intelligent and smart. They always destroyed the railway system in their regions first. The moment the railway system was destroyed, Taixia Country would have a problem in dispatching corps to encircle and annihilate bloody figures. It would be more difficult for local people to escape outside. After the local regions became more chaotic, the commercial and logistics hubs of Taixia Country being connected through railways would be influenced greatly. At this moment, airships would be used as the top means of conveyance.

However, as air-sac airships and vacuum airships were driven by steam power. Facing the wuthering wind and snow, these airships would become tottering. Compared to those airships flying southward from Jinwu City, those flying from south to Jinwu City would be more struggling.

The moment Zhang Tie's group arrived at Jinwu City, they had seen a large airship having a fault in its steam equipment. The engine room of the airship was emitting black smoke. After losing its driving force, the airship was blown far away in the north wind like a kite. The crew of the airship was exclaiming about adopting emergency measures. Some crew members were climbing onto the dozens of meters high air sacs by a rope while swaying in the wind and snow. They would empty some air sacs on their initiatives so that the airship could decline after losing its buoyancy in case of losing its control completely.

When the airship declined, its huge body even scraped over some houses on the border of the town, causing some damages. Finally, the airship landed on the farmland near the town. Most parts of its airsac had been emptied. Besides, the huge body of the airship even left a 200 m longer swarthy muddy, snowy ditch.

From the sky, the moment the airship landed, it had left an eye-catching trace on the snow-white land; meanwhile, some black points ran out of those damaged houses as if they were going to negotiate with the owner of the airship. Additionally, a team of cavalries was rushing out of the town by rhino-dragon horses towards the landing spot of the airship on the thick snowy land.

When they arrived at Jinwu City, Zhang Tie, Bai Suxian, Zhang Yang and Zhang Gui stood on the deck of the airship and watched the scene of bustle below.

Although this airship had a problem, thanks to the timely response of the crew of the airship, nobody died except for some damages on the airship and some houses.

"They should be the last batch of airships that come from south to north. These days, it's becoming increasingly windy and snowy. It's always the north wind. Therefore, most of the airships coming from the south would have an increasingly bigger trouble. Now, another batch of airships is waiting to load outside Jinwu City. After they leave, the Iron-Dragon Airboat outside Jinwu City would be blocked by the heavy snow too. Jinwu City would be in tranquility for 1 month. It would not recover its boisterous scene until next February." Zhang Yang introduced the situation facing Jinwu City.

Zhang Tie was thinking about something else although he was gazing at the airship on the farmland.

"Is Huaiyuan Palace still producing airships?"

"Yes. Airship manufacturing is also an important industry of Huaiyuan Palace. Although we have many competitors in Youzhou Province and Huaiyuan Palace of Taixia Country and we're marketing 70% of our own products; many people of Huaiyuan Palace are surviving themselves in this industry. As the holy war already broke out, this industry is very important. It's not a problem of making money or not; even though we survive those engineers and workers while suffering a loss, Huaiyuan Palace have to preserve this industry and the ability to produce airships!"

After hearing Zhang Yang's words, Zhang Tie nodded. The accident of the airship reminded him that he could design high-power alcohol driven airships first to expand the market before slowly developing high-power alcohol driven large and medium-sized transport airplanes.

'After applying the new type internal-combustion engine and high-power alcohol to the airship, the airship could have a stronger driving force; adapt to worse weather and fly farther. This would be a revolutionary reform for traditional steam airships.'

'If I want to produce large and medium-sized transport airplanes, I have to train pilots step by step; additionally, I could not reach a large scale at once. It might take us a few years to produce large- and medium-sized transport airplanes. Additionally, we need longer time and more cooperation from all parties to spread this pie. The situation facing Taixia Country might not spare me such a long time.'

'By contrast, airships exist everywhere in Taixia Country. I could have ready professionals and manufacturing capability wherever I want. As long as the new type engine was in place, it would be relatively simpler to produce high-power alcohol driven airships with the internal-combustion engine.'

'We should produce airplanes sooner or later; however, we need to first produce battleplanes that could deal with wing demons in the sky. Airships have advantages in huge clients base and talents storage than airplanes. Before the Catastrophe, even though human sciences and technologies were so advanced and airplanes could be seen everywhere, airships were still not be completely eliminated as they were still playing their roles in military and civilian regions. It's unnecessary for me to open a new path while abandoning airships.'

'Step by step!' Zhang Tie thought.

The airboat slowed down at once as it declined and slowly entered the air territory of Jinwu City and finally landed on a square in the internal city of Zhang family.

The square had been crowded with people. Everybody was raising their head and watching the airboat to slowly decline.

Over 200 people were looking up and waiting for Zhang Tie to come back, including Zhang Tie's parents, elder sisters-in-law, wives, youngsters of Zhang family, Zhang Tie's grandparents, uncle, aunt, Zhang Tie's cousins, male or female, old or young.

Zhang Tie's return was a major event for the entire Zhang family. The moment Zhang Yang received the message, he had summoned all the people of Zhang family to Jinwu City. In the beginning, Zhang Yang just told them to unite in Jinwu City to celebrate the new year's festival.

Of course, it was a normal reason. In Zhang family, Zhang Yang's words indeed carried the weight. After hearing that Zhang Yang invited all the members of the Zhang family to attend a family party, how could they not agree with it? Especially Zhang Tie's uncle and cousins, who couldn't wait to draw a relationship with Jinwu City.

Even Zhang Haitian and his eldest wife were invited over there by airboat by Zhang Yang as they had the highest seniorities.

Not until they arrived at Jinwu City did they know that Zhang Tie was coming back today. After hearing this news, all the people were shocked so much that they almost jumped up.

If it were 2 years ago when Zhang Tie was wanted across the country, some relatives might hesitate whether they should meet Zhang Tie or not; however, as the Supreme Court of Taixia Country had long canceled off Zhang Tie's order for arrest. Additionally, it was said that the Supreme Court had confirmed that Han Zhengfang was the culprit of the tragedy in Fuhai City and that the entire tragedy in Fuhai City was designed by the remnants of Heavens Reaching Church to revenge Zhang Tie as Zhang Tie had inflicted a heavy loss to Heavens Reaching Church.

The chief justice of the Northeast Military Region had apologized to Zhang Tie's family in Jinwu City by airboat a few days ago.

After the truth of the tragedy of Fuhai City was exposed, Zhang Tie's case was redressed. Besides, Zhang Tie's reputation was known across the country as he enjoyed a greater honor in Huaiyuan Palace.

After hearing that Zhang Tie was coming back after his case was redressed, of course, all the family members of Zhang Tie jumped up due to the excitement.

What shocked them more was another news that Zhang Yang told them——Cui Li and Zhang Tie are the same; Zhang Tie had long promoted to an earth knight in Earth-elements Realm due to a coincidence.

The latter news scared Zhang Tie's relatives, even his uncle and cousins.

'Who's Cui Li, the heroic earth knight who had made meritorious services and even killed demon earth knights in the Earth-elements Realm; the owner of Fire-Dragon Bounty Territory; the master of Iron-Dragon Sect in Northeast Military Region? Even the clan of the provincial governor in Northeast Military Region would draw a relationship with him. It's said that he's even the would-be son-in-law of Lord Guangnan's Mansion in Taixia Country. The princess of Lord Guangnan even came to Fire-Dragon Bounty Territory for him from thousands of miles away!'

'Cui Li is Zhang Tie!'

After hearing this news, all the relatives of Zhang Tie became flurried. Even Zhang Tie's uncles didn't know how to face him.

At this moment, watching the airboat slowly declining, all the family members were expecting to see Zhang Tie so much. Zhang Tie's parents and wives' eyes had already turned red. Although Zhang Tie's uncles looked relaxed, their eyes indicated that they were a bit intense. Even Zhang Haitian tried to straighten up his body while moving his juniors' hands from his arms and watching the airboat with a strange look.

After the airboat landed, the hatch door was opened. Zhang Tie was already standing at the hatch door. Watching so many familiar faces, Zhang Tie directly walked towards his parents and kowtowed 3 times before looking up, "Dad, mom, Zhang Tie is back!"

Zhang Tie's parents dropped their tears at once. Wiping his tears, Zhang Tie's dad revealed a tearful smile as he pulled Zhang Tie up, "Hurry, stand up, stand up. It's fine as long as you're back; it's fine as long as you're back…"

Zhang Tie stood up as he pulled closer Bai Suxian who was standing behind him with an intense look before saying, "Call dad and mom!"

After hearing Zhang Tie's words, Bai Suxian's eyes turned red too. Although being a princess, Bai Suxian was neither hesitant nor bashful; instead, she immediately knelt down and kowtowed towards Zhang Tie's parents lightly before saying, "Daughter-in-law Bai Suxian has come, dad and mom!"

Bai Suxian's movement scared Zhang Tie's dad and mom and the surrounding people too much. Zhang Tie's dad and mom had already known Bai Suxian's identity from Zhang Yang. How could they imagine that the princess of Lord Guangnan could make such a solemn etiquette towards them the moment she saw them?

"Ayo, hurry up, get up…" Zhang Tie's mom hurriedly pulled Bai Suxian's up without even wiping her tears.

Only by saying one sentence could Zhang Tie turn a princess of Lord Guangnan into a tame kittie. It was said that this princess was also a knight who dared fight in the Earth-elements Realm alone, Zhang relatives; especially Zhang Tie's cousins watched Zhang Tie like watching their idol…

The man was a good example for his wife!

Chapter 1189: Boîte

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

After Zhang Tie came back, Zhang family in the internal city of Jinwu City became fervent at once…

Although it was raining and snowing heavily outside, Zhang Mansion in the internal city of Jinwu City was in a festive atmosphere. As the night gradually fell, the internal city of Jinwu City was covered with red lanterns. From a distance, the internal city of Jinwu City was covered with fiery trees and silver flowers, making it especially brilliant.

In a boîte being not far from the outer city of Jinwu City, the tables had almost been occupied. The guests were watching Zhang Mansion through the glass lattice windows of the boîte as they clicked the tongue in wonder.

"Waiter, why is Zhang Mansion so boisterous today?" A potbellied businessman asked as he watched the hot scene in the far when the waiter served him the steaming dishes, drinks and hot pot.

Many businessmen who were wholesaling all-purpose medicament in Jinwu City were gathering in the boîte, including those staff in big business groups, stewards in small trading companies even small pedlars. It was already late December. The new year's festival was soon coming. However, it was a bad weather in Youzhou Province lately; therefore, most of them being stagnated in Jinwu City were locusts being tied onto the same commercial chain of all-purpose medicament. They were waiting to take goods before the end of this year. These people treated Zhang family as their God of Wealth. Therefore, they paid special attention to everything about the Zhang family. When someone asked the waiter about Zhang family, all those on the surroundings tables pricked up their tears as they turned around and listened to the waiter's reply.

The waiter quickly arranged well the things on the table as he replied with a smile, "Sir, this humble man is just a waiter in the boîte, how could I know what's happening in the Mayor's Mansion?"

Jinwu City belongs to the Zhang family. Zhang Tie's dad was the mayor of Jinwu City; therefore, many residents had been used to call the internal city of Jinwu City as the Mayor's Mansion so as to outstand the ruling position of Zhang family in Jinwu City.

After the waiter left, all the others in the boîte were watching that hot scene in the internal city with dubious looks. Right then, a long-bearded middle-aged man sitting on one side of the stairs touched his beard and said, "Whether childe Yang is marrying the daughter of Zhu family in Yanzhou Province today?"

"Chide Yang is marrying the daughter of Zhu family in Yanzhou Province? Where did you get this news, bro?" A man who looked like a steward on the neighboring table put down his glass as he asked out of curiosity after hearing the words of this middle-aged man.

In places which were occupied with businessmen, they would like to communicate with each other. Although this place was not a clubhouse or a courtyard, the customers could still talk to each other. As businessmen, their profits were mainly based on intelligence and human relationship. Therefore, they were very interested in everything about the Zhang family which controlled the sales volume of all-purpose medicament.

Of course, the "childe Yang" referred to Zhang Yang, Zhan Tie's elder brother.

"Hoho, when I arrived here from Yanzhou Province last time, the news that Zhu family would unite with Huaiyuan Palace through marriage had been spread over Zhu family. I was told by a steward in Zhu family. It���s said that Zhu family's daughter would marry childe Yang; meanwhile, a grandson of the provincial governor of Yanzhou Province would also marry a daughter of Zhang family. In this way, the two families would have a pretty close relationship!"

"Hoho, thanks!" The one who looked like a steward nodded towards that middle-aged man. Closely after that, he told the waiter while pointing at that table, "Add one bottle of top-class flower-carving liquor for that bro; it's on me!"

That businessmen who revealed the news also smiled as he extended his thanks by nodding his head.

"However, it's not a good day. I don't think that childe Yang would choose today to get married!" Another tall and thin guy said while rubbing goat beard.

"Haha, bro, you're a fortune-teller?" The other businessmen on the neighboring tables laughed at the same time.

With a sound of "pah", the tall and thin businessman swayed his sleeve as he took out a palm-sized lunar calendar from his sleeve and raised it pleasantly, "Honestly, I've been doing business for dozens of years. I would always carry a lunar calendar no matter whether I leave home, return home, settle down or open a business. Therefore, I have not met any big trouble. I even have many experiences in choosing a day. Take last mid-month as an instance, in the evening, I passed by Sifang City by airship; at the beginning, I wanted to settle down in Sifang City for one night; however, after checking the lunar calendar, I found that if I settled down there, I would miss the fortunate day when I arrived at Jinwu City. Therefore, I didn't stay in Sifang City. Coincidentally, after I left Sifang City for 1 day, I had heard that Sifang City suffered from the attack of bloody figures. If I stayed there that day, I would have big trouble. Today is Hai day, it's featured by increasing yin. Marriage is forbidden on this day. If one gets married on this day, he would suffer from being disturbed. As childe Yang and Zhu family have powerhouses who are proficient in fortune-telling, they would never get married on this day…"

"Master, master…" All the other businessmen at the neighboring tables cupped their hands towards the businessman who was holding his lunar calendar. It was also great for a businessman to reach this realm.

"Now that childe Yang isn't getting married today, why are they so boisterous?"

"Are they celebrating a birthday of the mayor or the old madam?"

"If they're celebrating a birthday, I'm afraid that the road outside the boîte has long been crowded with visitors' vehicles from all directions. Look over there, the road is as same as usual. There're not too many airships or airboats either. How could they celebrate a birthday? Even if they're celebrating a birthday, it should have been boisterous from this morning!" Another businessman at a neighboring table said while shaking his head.

All the others felt that his words were reasonable as they all nodded.

"Whether childe Yang has new babies?"

"I don't think so. A few days ago, childe Yang's wives were providing free porridge together with the old madam at the east gate. They didn't look like they were pregnant!" Someone replied as he shook his head.

Neither getting married, nor celebrating a birthday, nor having new babies. Those in the boîte become more curious about the boisterous scene in the internal city of Jinwu City.

"Pfttt…", a sneer suddenly sounded. All the others turned around and found that it was a young man at his 20s at a private room. His screen had been taken away; therefore, his table was connected with the other tables. He didn't look more like a hereditary childe than a businessman. After noticing that all the others were looking at him, the young man raised his head at once as he glanced around in an arrogant expression and said, "If Zhang Yang's wives didn't have new babies, Zhang Tie's wives might have!"

How dare this young man call Zhang Tie's name in Jinwu City? Those who were close to Zhang family in Jinwu City would call Zhang Yang the "eldest young master"; even businessmen would call him childe Yang, not to mention Zhang Tie, as an elder of Huaiyuan Palace, whose case had been redressed and the culprit of the tragedy in Fuhai City had long been exposed.

Few people across Youzhou Province dared call Zhang brothers' names in the public, not to mention inside Jinwu City.

All the businessmen in the boîte slightly frowned. The entire boîte became quiet for over 10 seconds when a customer at his 50s explained, "Childe, you might not know that, Elder Mushen of Huaiyuan Palace was framed and had to leave home a few years ago. Although the Supreme Court has already canceled off the order for arrest of Elder Mushen and dispatched people to apologize to Zhang family, Elder Mushen didn't come back home these years; of course, his wives could not give birth to new babies!"

"It depends…" That playboy looked at his glass in hand as he replied with a sneer, "It's said that Zhang Tie's wives delivered babies after Zhang Tie was wanted and left home for 10 months. What a coincidence! Elder Mushen is really something. How could he get his wives pregnant without returning home? This time, Elder Mushen might make that come true once again. And, I was told that the families of the two brothers Zhang Tie and Zhang Ping were living in the same internal city of Jinwu City. Zhang Tie and Zhang Ping respect each other so much…"

Soon after he finished his words, all the people in the boîte changed their faces. As a result, the boisterous boîte became pretty silent.

Even two guards beside this young man had changed their faces. One of them even stealthily drew the young man's sleeve. All the businessmen at the neighboring two tables immediately sprung up before settling accounts and leaving the boîte silently as if they were escaping from the plague.

The remaining businessmen at the other tables also looked at that young man with icy eye light. At this moment, that customer at his 50s threw another glance at this young man calmly. Although he didn't look furious, he was like watching a lifeless corpse or a firewood that was going to be thrown into the bonfire. Someone else also watched the three guys in the private room with the same expression.

After feeling something was not right and the terrifying atmosphere, a guard beside that young man swallowed his saliva as he whispered, "Childe, we'd better go…"

"Nothing to be afraid of. Now that Zhang brothers could do it, why are they afraid of being talked about?"

Chapter 1190: The Reason

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

After the young man finished his words for less than 5 minutes, hundreds of people's tidy footsteps and armor frictions had drifted inside from outside the boîte.

Given the sound, although hundreds of people were running over here, their footsteps were consistent. Only elites could have such rapid, constant and extremely shocking footsteps.

After hearing the tidy footsteps outside the boîte, some customers who were watching the young man in the private room revealed a sneer as they were waiting for a good performance.

The two guards of the young man became intense evidently. Even the young man slightly changed his face. He had not imagined that the troop of Jinwu City could arrive so fast. Although he slightly changed his face, the young man might have a reliance as he picked up his glass and had a mouthful of liquor in a calm way. Closely after that, he said loudly. "Morality, ethics, mercy and righteousness are the four basic demands for humans. If one couldn't comply with them, one is nothing different than an animal. There's a saying on the Far-ancient Moral Stele…"

The tidy footsteps stopped outside the boîte and surrounded it at once. In less than 10 seconds, the stairs of the boîte had started to rock. Under the leadership of a waiter of the boîte, a red-face tough man in black armor, a team of armored soldiers had clattered upstairs while their footsteps interrupted the young man's words.

"Where's the rumormonger? Who dared slander Elder Mushen?" The tough man in the red face with a pair of dense machete-shaped eyebrows asked with full of killing intent as he glanced around.

"That's him!" The situation that nobody dared be the witness in the film would never appear at this moment. Over 10 fingers pointed at the 3 customers in the private room in a split second, including the waiter who led the team of Jinwu guards upstairs.

Closely after that, over 10 spears and 6 heavy crossbows targeted at the 3 people in the private room and besieged the 3 customers.

At this moment, besides that young man who was still sitting on the chair, his two guards had already stood up in a vigilant manner. The two guards both had sharp eyes. At the sight of the heavy crossbows, they had known that the safes of the crossbows had been opened. Such heavy crossbows could penetrate through common armors and helmets, unless battle demon-level powerhouses who had formed protective battle qi or heavy armor. Given their cold eye light and stable hands on the crossbows, these crossbowmen were all experienced elites, who didn't care about killing a person at all.

The red-face tough man squinted at the 3 people; especially the young man who pretended to be calm before saying in a colder voice, "Heavens Reaching Church colludes with demons and are causing troubles across Taixia Country. Besides, Heavens Reaching Church fermented the tragedy in Fuhai City in order to slander Elder Mushen. I doubt that you 3 are colluding with Heavens Reaching Church and cooking rumors in Jinwu City so as to ruin the reputation of Elder Mushen. Please coordinate with our investigation. I count 3, you'd better kneel down on the ground with your hands on your head. If anyone of you dares resist, you will die, 1…"

"Hoho, Zhang family of Jinwu City are really imposing. Do you really think that this childe could be scared so easily…" The young childe sneered.

"2…" The red-face tough man uttered like a pendulum while putting his hand onto the handle of the sword at his waist.

The young childe changed his face once again as he sprung up at once, "How dare you be that presumptuous? My grandpa is…"


"Watch out, childe…"

Soon after the 3 words, before the red-face tough man sent the order, those crossbowmen had triggered their weapons while shooting 6 bolts towards the 3 people.

The sonic boom caused by the strong bolts and the roars of the two guards of the young man and the miserable shriek of the young childe.

The 2 guards blocked 5 bolts, while the rest one penetrated through the gap and nailed onto the thigh of the young childe, causing a punch-sized bloody hole on his thigh.

The young childe fell down while shrieking in a heart-wrenching way.

Over 10 sharp spears formed a cluster and stabbed towards the two guards like a cluster of steel spikes. The two guards were both above LV 10. However, at this moment, they dared not hurt those Jinwu guards. They both knew that they would never leave Jinwu City alive if they killed any Jinwu guard. There were knights in Jinwu City. The entire Youzhou Province belonged to Huaiyuan Palace. However, the two guards had just promoted to battle generals. When one of them blocked off the cluster of spears by one palm, the other one was blocked by the red-face tough man who was rushing towards him.

In the blink of an eye, they had collided 3 times, causing loud sounds, "bang, bang, bang". The table and chairs in the private room were shattered at once. Additionally, that guard of the young childe was sent flying backward. The other guard noticed that the spears soon targeted at the 3 of them once again and were ready for the second round of attack while the red-face tough man who had defeated his partner was evidently a battle-demon level powerhouse, he immediately made a decision. He hurriedly moved backward and came to the side of that young childe. After that, he raised his hands as he shouted, "Stop, we would like to surrender. We're not members of Heavens Reaching Church. We came from Shengzhou Province and stayed in Jinwu City for a short period. Our childe is the grandson of the provincial governor of Shengzhou Province…"

The chaos in the boîte was soon appeased. In the blink of an eye, the former private room had been messed up. Additionally, 2 of the 3 people in the private room had lain on the ground while the other 1 was kneeling down.

Two fighters walked forward and stabbed a fine, long needle into the shrine surging point of each guard. After that, they put on a set of special shackles for the two guards. The two guards looked depressed at once. Closely after that, they were taken away.

"You…are dead…how dare you to treat me in this way…you're dead…my grandpa is…"

The young childe still swore on the ground with a huge hole on his thigh. The red-face tough man couldn't stand it any more as he directly slapped the young childe's mouth by his long sword together with the sheath. As a result, at least half of the young childe's teeth had been sent flying away. Closely after that, he tilted his head and passed out before being drawing away like a dead dog by two fighters.

After the 3 people were taken away, the boîte became boisterous once again. Curiously, the greater part of customers didn't leave. This also indicated the general mood in Taixia Country. Unless when they really met demons or members of Heavens Reaching Church, generally, a great number of people would like to stay to watch the fun on such an occasion.

"I've not imagined that these b*stards come from a clan of the provincal governor!"

"So what? They're just b*stards of the Gobbling Party. Pah, even a b*stard of the Gobbling Party dare not be so presumptuous in Youzhou Province, doesn't he know that the Gobbling Party don't have a market in Youzhou Province? How dare he break wind here?"

"Yup, everybody in Jinwu City knows that Elder Mushen has an exceptional aptitude. Elder Mushen's 3 sons in Fuhai City were all delivered by three madams after being pregnant for 1 year. The 3 sons of Elder Mushen were given birth to on the same day. They were born with leakless bodies; additionally, they had awakened some great ancestral bloodlines. It's said that when they came to this world, the entire delivery room was full of special fragrance, which even shocked the entire Fuhai City. As someone of Fan Clan in Yingzhou was working as the household register director in Fuhai City. After seeing such a special phenomenon, household register director Fan posed to unite by marriage. Later on, Elder Mushen was screwed and wanted across the country; however, everybody in Huaiyuan Palace knew that it took his 3 wives 1 year to deliver his 3 sons…"

"If not being born to be special, how could Elder Mushen's 3 sons be recruited as apprentices by an elder of Heavens Fortune Sect at a such a young age?"

"Is that b*stard blind? How dare he slander Elder Mushen in Jinwu City? Does he think that our Jinwu City could be easily bullied?"

The upstairs was in an uproar at once. Seeing the 3 trouble-makers being taken away in the blink of an eye, everybody else felt pretty cool.

At this moment, another constant clatter sounded while the boss who was a bit fat ran upstairs and hailed the red-face tough man with a smile, "General Lin, I told a waiter to report to Jinwu Guards; I've not imagined that General Lin could come here so fast. It's cold outside. Please have brothers outside the boîte to have a hot drink in my boîte. I've already had people arrange well two courtyards downstairs. The drinks and dishes are ready!"

"No need. Just now, I was patrolling with my subordinates; coincidentally, we met the waiter. Therefore, we came here so fast. Jinwu City tonight is different than usual. I will not waste time here. I have to look around with my brothers in case these blind b*stards find us trouble. Damn, how dare they find trouble in Jinwu City? Are they seeking for death…"

The red-face tough man was a general of Jinwu Guards, no wonder he had such a great battle strength.

"General, why is it so boisterous in the internal city today?"

The red-face tough man burst out into laughter. He glanced around before chesting out and saying loudly, "Elder Mushen has come back today. He's in the internal city. Besides, Elder Mushen has promoted to an earth knight…"

The red-face tough man's reply shocked all the others. The boss' fat face quivered for a short while. After that, his voice became shrill as if he was yelling his lungs out, "What? Elder Mushen has come back? He's promoted to an earth knight?"

"Yup, The Fire-Dragon Hermit who had established the Iron-Dragon Sect in Fire-Dragon Bounty Territory a few days ago was an incarnation of Elder Mushen. Elder Mushen's secret methods had already entered an unpredictable realm. I will see who dare find Jinwu City trouble later on…"

After saying this, the red-face tough man directly left the boîte. After being silent for a few seconds, the boîte became boisterous in a split second. Closely after that, a great number of people rushed out of the boîte. Some of them were rushing back to their residences; some were hurriedly seeking for remote-sensing equipment. All in all, they would pass this important message back as soon as possible.

In less than half an hour, everyone across Jinwu City had known that Elder Mushen had come back and had already promoted to an earth knight. The entire Jinwu City was in an uproar. The news that Zhang Tie had come back to Jinwu City was soon spread across Youzhou Province, the entire Northeast Military Region and Taixia Country as a whole, causing a great shock…

Chapter 1191: Home Affairs

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

On the next morning, Zhang Tie woke up surrounded by the white and plump butts and breasts.

Linda was sleeping on his left; Fiona was lying on his chest; Beverly pushed her head against his right hand; Aimei and Aixue leaned against his waist and thigh. Zhang Tie's whole body was pressed by his wives.

As it was Bai Suxian's first time to visit Zhang Mansion, she needed to be reserved; additionally, as a princess, she felt it was improper to strive for Zhang Tie's favor with the other women. Therefore, she didn't join the chorus last night. Linda, Beverly, Fiona, Aimei and Aixue felt like having good rain after a long drought. After the home banquet came to an end last night, Zhang Tie returned to his own courtyard. Since they started to help him take a bath, Zhang Tie had been surrounded by an endless affection. After having 7 rounds of fights in the tenderness, Linda and the other 4 women finally fell asleep satisfactorily due to fatigue.

As the room was matched with heating units, although it was heavily snowing outside, it was as warm as spring in the room. The entire room was filled with sweetness and love. Although they were crisscrossing on the huge bed in naked, they would not catch a cold.

Beverly's blond hair caused Zhang Tie's ear itchy. Zhang Tie turned around and saw Beverly's mature and beautiful face on his right side as he felt pretty tranquil inside.

After over 10 years' hardships, the little girl that he had acquainted with since in Wild Wolf Valley had become a beautiful, grande dame and the mother of two kids. Previously, Beverly was very beautiful; now, she became more enchanting. This woman was still fascinated and spoiled by Zhang Tie.

So were Linda and Fiona.

Zhang Tie lightly kissed Beverly's forehead. The moment his lips left Beverly's shiny forehead, her long eyelashes had moved. Closely after that, she opened her eyes and watched Zhang Tie silently.

"Baby, you're tired. take another nap!" Zhang Tie whispered.

"Please don't leave us alone. We want to see you on our side when we wake up. We want to know that it's not a dream!" Beverly mumbled as she pushed closer to Zhang Tie's side. Meanwhile, she put an arm around Zhang Tie tightly with eyes closed.

After hearing Beverly's request, Zhang Tie abandoned the thought of getting up. As an earth knight, Zhang Tie had reached another peak physically and spiritually. No matter how many times had he "fought" those women last night, only after taking a 2-h nap before the daybreak, Zhang Tie had already recovered once again.

Zhang Tie then closed his eyes once again as he just waited quietly to get up together with his wives.

Although lying on the bed, Zhang Tie's spiritual energy had covered the overall internal city of Jinwu City since he woke up just now.

The day had not broken yet. The guards who were on duty outside the internal city had started to make shifts; some servants and maids in the Zhang Mansion had prepared to get up and work; some servants of Zhang Mansion were checking some fresh vegetables and food ingredients and loading them onto vehicles in the back gate of the internal city before pushing the vehicles to the refrigerators of the kitchen in the backyard under the leadership of a steward.

In winter, the boiler in the kitchen of Zhang Mansion worked around the clock. The boiler firemen in the kitchen were busy making the fire fiercer so as to heat up the water in the pots. Some female cooks were preparing for the first round of breakfast for the servants and maids. Some porridge and bones had been stewed since last night.

A steward was making an inspection in the kitchen as he gave directions every now and then.

"Watch out, second young master has come back, followed by the princess of Lord Guangnan of Taixia Country. As she's born in an influential major clan, she has seen the world. Our kitchen couldn't make any mistake on dietary in case of incurring jokes and losing Zhang Mansion's face; otherwise, even I can't bear it. It's jubilant across Zhang Mansion. The old man and the old madam are both happy. As the new year's festival is coming, last night, general steward Zhang whispered to me that our year-end bonus would increase at least 2 times. Be more careful!" The steward said as he made an inspection in the kitchen.

After hearing his words, the atmosphere in the kitchen heightened at once. As Zhang Mansion always treated their servants mercifully, if the year-end bonus could increase 2 more times, it definitely meant a great amount for those servants and maids.

"Steward Liu, it's said that the princess who followed second young master back directly called old man and old madam dad and mom. Is that true?" A female cook who was adjusting the temperature of the water and washing dishes asked in a low volume.

"Of course, it's real. Yesterday, I've heard it from the crowd behind the square. Our second young master is not a commoner. Even the princess of Taixia Country would behave tamely in front of our second young master. Later on, Zhang Mansion will grow increasingly more prosperous. It would be increasingly harder to enter Zhang Mansion. Therefore, you're fortunate to work in Zhang Mansion!" The dietary steward said in a high spirit.

In a pinewood in the backyard garden of Zhang Mansion, some little cute squirrels were wrapping themselves using their big furry tails and sleeping leisurely in the tree holes being filled with pine nuts. Zhang Gui was slowly walking in this wood in a thin fur and checking the safety layout in Zhang Mansion seriously…

The heavy snow in the wood was already thick. When commoners stepped on it, they would cause sounds "pffft"; however, when Zhang Gui walked on the snow, he only left half-inch thick footprints.

There were two hidden posts beneath the snow, which couldn't be discovered from outside by commoners. When Zhang Gui was close to the two hidden posts, he took out a token that he received when he came to Zhang Mansion yesterday from his waist and waved it towards the two hidden posts before continuing to walk forward…

The hidden posts were matched with heavy crossbows. Not until they caught sight of the waist token did they move their sight bead of the crossbows away from Zhang Gui's body.

The pinewood was still as quiet as usual.

Zhang Yang also got up early. Before it broke, he had already cleansed up and put on his clothes tidily. After that, he went to his study to deal with affairs. Over these years, Zhang Yang had been used to get up early. He even got up earlier than most of the servants in Zhang Mansion. Perhaps Zhang Yang didn't have an aptitude in cultivation, he was always more diligent than anyone else.

This also explained why Jinwu Business Group constantly developed over these years.

One subordinate of Zhang Yang was reporting something to him.

"…I've figured out the background of the three rumormongers in Heavenly Fragrance Building last night. They indeed came from Shengzhou Province. That young man is called Tang Jiyao, a grandson of Tang Gaolin the provincial governor of Shengzhou Province. He's not outstanding in Tang Clan. He always has a great ambition but little talent. He didn't have any great achievements. Tang Jiyao just imitated literati across Taixia Country to travel in Youzhou Province, followed by his two guards. Tang Gaolin the provincial governor of Shengzhou Province attaches to the Gobbling Party; therefore, the Gobbling Party have a great power in Shengzhou Province. All the members of Tang Clan are the loyal fans of the Gobbling Party in Shengzhou Province. Tang Jiyao is just a timid guy. After some torture, he had admitted that what he said in Heavenly Fragrance Building were imagined by him by combining the gossips in Youzhou Province. There's nobody on his back. Besides a remote-sensing communications device, we find nothing else valuable in the hotel where the three people lived…"

"He didn't need to be told how to do this!" Zhang Yang who was sitting behind the office desk revealed a sneer, "Tang Clan is thoughtful. Soon after Meng Shidao is said to promote to the prime minister, Tang Clan has dispatched a lame duck to Jinwu City to bring trouble to Huaiyuan Palace and express their loyalty to Meng Shidao. Tang Clan has so many people. Even though this unworthy descendant is Tang Gaolin's grandson, his life is nothing pitiful. I'm afraid that even Tang Gaolin couldn't remember him among hundreds of grandsons. As long as this event is heard by Meng Shidao and has Meng Shidao bear Tang Clan in Shengzhou Province in mind, it would be a worthy business for Tang Clan!"

"Do I…need to report it to the castellan?"

"These dirty words could only make the listener upset. It's unnecessary to let my father know about it. Just put the 3 d**chebags behind the bars. Ignore that!"

"Just put them behind the bars? Do we need to set one free to report to Tang Clan so that Tang Clan could assign representatives here to take them away?"

"Yup, just put them behind the bars, all of them. No need to interrogate them. Lock them up in another place stealthily. Nothing has happened. Now that Tang Clan want to throw a stone to clear the road, I will not make them satisfied!" Zhang Yang said with a resolute look. Even though he was talking about a clan of provincial governor, he didn't look fearful at all; instead, he only looked vicious and resolute. "If an elder of Tang Clan comes here, have the subordinates pretend to know nothing about it. We will solve it in official procedures. I wonder what Tang Clan could do to Youzhou Province. If Tang Clan don't show up, just lock them up until they die. Now that Tang Jiyao is talkative, let him talk about his mercy, righteousness, morality and ethics to those vicious convicts awaiting execution in the prison. Don't let them die easily…"

'Yes, sir!" Zhang Yang's subordinate replied while lowering his body.

"Oh, check the business groups and clans who have trade ties with Tang Clan. From now on, Jinwu Business Group will stop cooperating with any business group, commercial organization and firms who are affiliated to Tang Clan. Make sure that Tang Clan could not gain any vial of all-purpose medicament. Let those business groups make choices themselves. If they want to cooperate with Tang Clan, they don't need to do business with Jinwu Business Group! Additionally, check the competitors of Tang Clan's business groups; give me a name list of them. As for these people who dare turn up their noses at us and promote themselves to higher levels by treating Zhang Clan as tools, we have to let them feel some pain."

"Yes, sir…"

When Zhang Yang was dealing with the event in his study, Knight Liu was who employed by Zhang Yang was guarding outside the room.

Some maids in the main mansion had already got up and made preparations; however, Zhang Tie's dad and mom had not got up yet. In the basement of the main mansion, there was a cultivation room. A knight at his 50s was sitting on a cattail hassock with crossed legs in a dull look. This knight was assigned by Heavens Fortune Sect to protect Zhang family a few years ago.

In normal times, this knight didn't leave the cultivation room. He just cultivated quietly in the cultivation room. Zhang Clan only needed to have people send him some fresh water and fruits regularly each month. This knight didn't even come out to meet Zhang Tie yesterday.

Zhang Tie extended his spiritual energy over there and wanted to see what this knight was doing.

The moment Zhang Tie transferred his spiritual energy over there, the knight suddenly opened his eyes while shooting out shrewd eye light like how a ferocious tiger opened its eyes. Closely after that, this knight looked towards Zhang Tie's courtyard. At the same time, he made a strange hand gesture while uttering lightly, "Block…"

As his invisible spiritual energy quivered for a short while in the underground cultivation room, Zhang Tie's observation was blocked at once. Zhang Tie felt that his perceptions had been covered by a piece of black curtain. As a result, he could see nothing at all.


Lying on the bed, Zhang Tie opened his eyes at the same time with a faintly shocked look.

'Didn't elder brother tell me that Heavens Fortune Sect assigned a black iron knight here? But that guy below there is absolutely an earth knight.' Zhang Tie exclaimed inside.

'This earth knight is not an average earth knight; he's much more powerful than Zhang Gui. When I looked at Zhang Gui using my spiritual energy, I was not discovered; when I threw a glance at the knight of Heavenly Fortune Sect, I was discovered at once. Additionally, he could block my perceptions about the cultivation room in a secret method.'

Zhang Tie revealed a bitter smile, 'An earth knight of one of the top 7 sects has been protecting my family for a few years? I owe Heavenly Fortune Sect too much. Let an earth knight be our watchdog? Damn! Only people inside the Emperor's Imperial City of Xuanyuan Hill could enjoy such a special treatment!'

Chapter 1192: Making a Promise

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

As the day was gradually breaking, Zhang Mansion was becoming increasingly boisterous.

Zhang Tie and the 5 wives didn't stay on the huge bed for too long; especially his wives. As Zhang Tie had just come back, if his wives got up too late, they would be ridiculed. Therefore, they got up as early as usual. After cleansing themselves together with Zhang Tie, they had a breakfast with Bai Suxian. After that, they went to Zhang Tie's parents' main mansion to wish them good health.

In the morning, wish parents good health; in the evening, help parents cleanse themselves and go to bed. This was a regulation followed by many major Hua clans. Therefore, Linda, Beverly, Fiona, Aimei and Aixue had been used to it.

"Are Shini, Shixia and the other children still sleeping at this moment?" Zhang Tie asked Linda on the way towards the main mansion when he found that his 5 children had not got up.

It was Zhang Tie's 2nd time to see his 5 children. It was also Zhang Tie's 5 children's first time to see Zhang Tie's original body yesterday. The 5 children's ages varied from 3 years old to less than 4 years old. Zhang Tie was like a stranger to them. Besides calling Zhang Tie's dad, the 5 little guys almost ignored Zhang Tie. After supper, they played for a while under the guidance of the babysitters and nursery teachers before falling asleep.

3 boys, 2 girls. The little girl delivered by Linda was called Zhang Shini; the little girl delivered by Fiona was called Zhang Shixia; Beverly, Aimei and Aixue delivered boys, whose names were respectively Zhang Chengba, Zhang Chengxiao and Zhang Chengbing. Therefore, Zhang Tie had got 8 children in Taixia Country, 6 boys and 2 girls. Besides the 5 little guys who were still in Zhang Mansion, Zhang Chenglei, Zhang Chengting and Zhang Chengpei had already entered Heavens Fortune Sect.

"The doctor said that kids need to sleep more in winter so as to raise their vitality and grow better. They don't need to get up too early!" Linda replied genially.

"In different seasons, one's vitality indeed changes. Kids indeed don't have to get up at the same time around the year. When I was young in Lord Guangnan's Mansion, I would also get up late in winter. This is also the manifestation about the coexistence between the universe and human in details!" Bai Suxian said.

Although Bai Suxian had just come to Zhang Mansion yesterday, at Zhang Tie's request, Bai Suxian and the other 5 women had called each other sisters, regardless of age. They could also get along well with each other. At least they would not lose temper in front of Zhang Tie. As Bai Suxian was new here, by contrast, Linda and the other 4 wives had already delivered babies; of course, Bai Suxian would not strive for Zhang Tie's favor. Based on Bai Suxian's temperament, she also disdained to strive for a favor in front of all the other women. Similarly, Linda and the other 4 wives knew that Bai Suxian had a dignified identity and was Zhang Tie's helper on the battle field; of course, they treated her politely. Therefore, they all got along well with each other.

Among the other elders of Huaiyuan Palace, Elder Muray had the fewest wives; even so, he still had over 20 wives. Each knight-level elder had a lot of children and grandchildren. By contrast, Zhang Tie only had less than 10 wives, which indicated that he was "a bit meticulous" in sex among knights. Of course, all of his women felt very satisfied.

After hearing the words of Linda and Bai Suxian, Zhang Tie shook his head as he revealed a bitter smile. 'As the undertaking grows larger, there would be more regulations at home. I didn't even know these regulations when I was young. However, even these kids' daily lives have been guided by counselors.'

When Zhang Tie and his wives came to the main mansion, Zhang Yang and Zhang Tie's three elder sisters-in-law Wang Huizhen, Lu Shiyun and Wang Huayin almost arrived there at the same time. After that, Zhang Tie's parents took their sons and daughters-in-law to wish Zhang Haitian and old madam good health. As the old man had the highest seniority, of course, the juniors should wish him good health on their own initiative. After that, Zhang family saw the old man and their relatives off until they boarded the airboat. These relatives would return to Tiger Embracing City by this airboat of Jinwu Business Group.

Zhang Haitian's undertakings were all in Tiger Embracing City. After accomplishing the merger and acquisition of the clan's shipbuilding enterprise under the affiliation of Huaiyuan Palace, Jinwu Business Group, Zhang Yang and Zhang Tie had owned the most of shares of Jinwu Shipbuilding Plant. The two brothers had absolute right of speech about the shipbuilding plant. However, Zhang Yang and Zhang Tie handed the management right of the plant to their uncles and cousins. Actually, the entire clan of Zhang Haitian was headed by Zhang Tie and Zhang Yang in Jinwu City.

Not until the Jinwu Airboat flew off did Zhang Tie let out a sigh slowly as he turned around and asked Zhang Yang, "When did the old man start to use a walking stick?"

After a few years, Zhang Tie found that Zhang Haitian had grown much elder and less spirited than before. Additionally, he started to be humpbacked and use a walking stick.

"The old man started to use the walking stick 2 years ago!" Zhang Yang replied with a sigh too, "When the old man was young, he spent his full efforts in the affairs of the shipbuilding plant; therefore, he didn't spend too much time in cultivation. Only after 80 years old, his health grew much worse. It's useless even though we have the best doctors, medicines and alchemist's equipment; especially during the period when you were screwed and left home, I was told that the old man didn't smile all the year round. He even let out deep sighs every day and would ask about your information in each a few days. Therefore, he grew much elder in only 2 years. When the old man knew that you were coming back, he became unprecedentedly happy…"

Zhang Tie became silent for a second before saying, "We'd better notice the eldest uncle. After a few days, let's send the old man to the warm south to pass the winter. As the old man has a poor health, he'd better not pass winter from then on. It's too cold in winter here, the old man could barely tide over it! Elder brother, you can pay attention to the southern isles and buy a proper one. Later on, our family can pass winter in the south."

Zhang Yang threw a glance at Zhang Tie as he nodded.

The whole family then returned to the main mansion. At this moment, the steward of the main mansion came here to report that the knight of Heavens Fortune Sect had already come out and would like to see second young master alone.

The knight of Heavens Fortune Sect had been in a secluded cultivation in Zhang Tie's family for a few years. However, on the 2nd day since Zhang Tie came back, he had come out.

This news was out of the imagination of Zhang Tie's parents and Zhang Yang, except for Zhang Tie.

However, they were not shocked too much. Because the relationship between Heavens Fortunes Sect and Zhang family was based on the friendship between Zhang Tie and Heavens Fortune Sect. If not, Heavens Fortune Sect would not assign a knight to protect Zhang Tie's family a few years ago, not to mention that they enrolled Zhang Tie's 3 kids as their disciples.

In the parlor of the main mansion, Zhang Tie saw that knight from Heavens Fortune Sect.

This knight was short and sturdy with a dull look in a cyan robe which had turned a bit white after being washed too many times and a pair of ordinary cloth shoes. Given his look, he was about 50 years old with some gray hair like an old farmer entering the city in a set of clean clothes. How could such a person look like an earth knight on the street?

"Hermit, thanks for protecting Zhang Clan over these years!" Zhang Tie sincerely bowed deeply towards that knight from Heavens Fortune Sect.

"Elder Mushen, don't be that polite!" This knight replied with a simple and honest smile.

"Hermit, may I know your name and position in Heavens Fortune Sect?" Zhang Tie sat beside this knight from Heavens Fortune Sect as he asked.

Until now, Zhang family only knew that this knight from Heavens Fortune Sect was surnamed Zhou and was a black iron knight. Since this person entered Zhang family and met Zhang Tie's parents, he didn't make too many exchanges with Zhang family. They were both clear about the "exchange" between them this morning; therefore, it was unnecessary for them to mention about that at this moment.

"I'm Zhou Hongbang, a wild cultivator in Simpleness Embracing Palace of Heavens Fortune Sect. I like being tranquil. My secret method grants me a sensitive perception. When Elder Mushen was wronged and left home a few years ago, none of the members of Heavens Fortune Sect believed that Elder Mushen could do such a conscienceless thing in Fuhai City; therefore, our Elders Council determined to assign one person to help Zhang family in Youzhou Province tide over this difficulty. I offered my self here!" This earth knight's words were as simple and honest as his look. When one communicated with him, one would feel tranquil and comfortable.

"It's my great honor to be favored by Heavens Fortune Sect!" Zhang Tie let out a long sigh.

Zhou Hongbang turned solemn at once, "Elder Mushen, no need to be that humble. Your 3 sons are really top talents in cultivation; additionally, they have already joined our Heavens Fortune Sect. They're destined to promote to knights and make our sect more prosperous. As the good model of righteousness among humans, how could our Heavens Fortune Sect allow our disciples' family to suffer from such a big trouble? In the competition for the position of the provincial governor of Youzhou Province, Elder Mushen gave out your gentle light, all of the elders in Heavens Fortune Sect and my master nephew Cangwu had witnessed that. My master nephew Cangwu even guaranteed that Elder Mushen could never do that in Fuhai City with his own cultivation base. When a Hua gentleman like you was screwed helplessly by the possible demons and b*stards of Heavens Reaching Church, of course, our Heavens Fortune Sect would not just ignore that. Over these years, Heavens Fortune Sect had been looking for the culprit of the tragedy in Fuhai City so as to redress Elder Mushen's case. Unexpectedly, only after we found some clues, the culprit had revealed himself. We could not imagine that he was hiding in Xuanyuan Hill.

"It's easy for us to add brilliance to one's present splendor; however, it's difficult to help a lame dog over a stile. Zhang Tie has bore Heavens Fortune Sect's sincerity deep in mind. Later on, if Heavens Fortune Sect need my help, I, Zhang Tie would go through fire and water at the cost of my life!" Zhang Tie said as he clenched his fists with a solemn and resolute look…

Chapter 1193: Stealing Leisure Time from a Busy Life

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

When you got a drop of water; you should repay with a fountain. This was what Zhang Tie's parents taught him since he was young, not to mention this time when Heavens Fortune Sect really helped Zhang Tie's family tide over the toughest period. Therefore, Zhang Tie appreciated Heavens Fortune Sect sincerely with such a decisive promise instead of being perfunctory. It was Zhang Tie's first time to make such a sincere promise.

Although Zhang Tie's family hadn't experienced any big trouble during those years when the knight of Heavens Fortune Sect was over there; neither did this knight fight for Zhang family once. Actually, at that critical moment, only by enrolling Zhang Tie's sons as apprentices and assigning an earth knight to Zhang family could Heavens Fortune Sect frighten those evil forces who wanted to find Zhang family trouble.

It was also out of Zhang Tie's imagination that Feng Cangwu would like to guarantee that Zhang Tie was innocent with his cultivation base. Like Mountain Lifting Hermit, Feng Cangwu was also Zhang Tie's bosom brother who would like to sacrifice himself for Zhang Tie at the critical moment.

If it came to that day, Zhang Tie would really fight for Heavens Fortune Sect and such a bosom friend at the cost of his life.

Watching the sincerity and fortitude on Zhang Tie's enviably young face, Zhou Hongbang was moved. Just like a gentleman, who would never go back on his words, he realized that Zhang Tie's words were real.

"Elder Mushen, no need to be that polite!" The earth knight of Heavens Fortune Sect cupped his hands towards Zhang Tie with a solemn look as he said, "As Elder Mushen came back to Jinwu City with a powerhouse, I think I should leave Zhang family. As Taixia Country is suffering from the catastrophe of bloody figures as a whole; especially the provinces near Heavens Fortune Sect, all the knight-level powerhouses in my sect have been assigned to those afflicted provinces by turns to exterminate the large units of bloody figures, I have reported to my sect that I would leave Zhang family yesterday. The elders of our sect have already allowed me to return to Heavens Fortune Sect and exterminate all the bloody figures that I met on the way!"

Although Zhang Tie didn't know what secret method this knight of Heavens Fortune Sect had, he estimated that this earth knight had already known the real battle strength of Zhang Gui. Therefore, he prepared to leave the Zhang family. 'Now that Heavens Fortune Sect is decisive, I don't need to keep him or behave affectedly.'

"If Hermit Zhou wants to leave, Zhang Tie will not urge you to stay. I will send a gift to Hermit so as to increase your battle strength and help you kill more demons and bloody figures and protect a region!" Zhang Tie said as he threw a glance at the trivial traces near Zhou Hongbang's hand wrists and parts between his thumbs and index fingers. Closely after that, a grim long saber that gave out red light appeared in Zhang Tie's hand in a split second. A burning image of saber-toothed tiger loomed in the light. Additionally, the moment this long saber appeared, the temperature in the parlor increased by a few degrees Celsius. The saber slightly quivered and rang itself as if a fierce tiger was going to break out of the shackle while roaring. As an earth knight, Zhang Tie could clearly sense the strong surging fire strength over this long saber.

'This is a silver secret item-level treasure saber; definitely a top-class good among silver secret items.'

As he was too close to this treasure saber, Zhou Hongbang's face turned red while being reflected by the glow of this treasure saber as if he was sitting beside a fireplace.

"No, it's too expensive!" The earth knight from Heavens Fortune Sect hurriedly declined. Honestly, very few earth knights in Heavens Fortune Sect could present such a top-class silver secret item.

"Does Hermit think that Zhang Tie and Zhang family's sincerity couldn't even match such a lifeless object?" Zhang Tie's face turned solemn at once as he continued, "We���re sincere friends. It's just a piece of silver secret item. If Hermit doesn't take it, it means that Hermit and Heavens Fortune Sect look down upon Zhang Tie and feel that Zhang Tie is not even qualified to make friends with you; otherwise, Hermit doesn't think that Zhang family's safety could match a piece of silver secret item. Now that, Zhang Tie will pick my sons back from Heavens Fortune Sect tomorrow. From then on, we will not expect to claim ties with Heavens Fortune Sect."

Zhou Hongbang gazed at Zhang Tie seriously for a few seconds before nodding solemnly and silently and accepting this silver secret treasure saber.

After Zhou Hongbang accepted it, Zhang Tie revealed a smile, "Now that Hermit is going to return to Heavens Fortune Sect, Zhang Tie wonder whether Brother Cangwu is in the base of Heavens Fortune Sect now?"

"Master nephew Cangwu cultivated in the Earth-elements Realm a few years ago. After the catastrophe of bloody figures broke out in Taixia Country, Heavens Fortune Sect called back all the knights from Earth-elements Realm. Master nephew Cangwu might be on the way back to Heavens Fortune Sect!"

"If so, Hermit, please give this item to Brother Cangwu!" Zhang Tie said. At the same time, he moved his hand, giving out a light. This time, a silver secret longsword appeared in his hand. Being different than that treasure saber, this longsword in his hand was like a visional light and shade. Given its look, it could definitely match that treasure saber. It might even carry some special ability.

Even though Zhou Hongbang had rich experience in Heavens Fortune Sect, he still became a bit dumbfounded at this moment. It was already out of his imagination that Zhang Tie could present a silver secret item. He had not imagined that Zhang Tie could present another one without even blinking his eyes.

'They are silver secret items, silver secret items. They are not rune weapons that could be bought in the market. How could an earth knight casually present two silver secret items to others? What a rich knight!' The earth knight watched the two silver secret items as if he was dreaming.

However, Zhou Hongbang finally accepted both silver secret items. After that, he took out a finger ring and a small piece of crystal and passed them to Zhang Tie as he said, "With this remote-sensing telecommunications finger ring, you could contact Elder Qingfeng of Heavens Fortune Sect. Elder Mushen's 3 sons are instructed by Elder Qingfeng!"

The crystal contained the telecommunications code and the secret code that could be used to confirm both identities. It was a purely strong spiritual information. The moment Zhang Tie injected his spiritual energy into the crystal and established connections with the information in the crystal, he had captured the content of the spiritual information automatically. At the same time, the spiritual energy in the crystal disappeared and the crystal also broke into pieces. It seemed to be a secret method of Heavens Fortune Sect. The information in the crystal contained the mark of the spiritual energy wave of the one who injected his spiritual energy into it. After being reviewed once, it would disappear. If another one stealth a glance at it, he would not restore the crystal; neither could he copy the same information. Bloody Soul Sutra contained the similar means; however, this means could only be learned by a shadow knight who had formed his water chakra.

Zhang Tie accepted this remote-sensing finger ring. From then on, he had one more remote-sensing equipment.

A few minutes later, after talking with Zhang Tie alone and bidding a farewell to Zhang Tie's parents and Zhang Yang, this earth knight directly shot into the sky from Zhang Mansion before flying towards the south of Jinwu City in the heavy wind and snow under the gaze of the entire Zhang family.

Not until that grey point gradually disappeared in the sky did Zhang Tie's family draw back their sights.

Zhang Tie turned around and watched his parents. All of a sudden, he revealed a smile as if he was greedy, "Mom, this weather is suitable for us to have a hot pot. How about eating hotpot today?"

Zhang Tie's mom became stunned for a second. After exchanging a glance with Zhang Tie's dad, she revealed an affectionate smile like how she saw her son over 10 years ago in Blackhot City, "You want a hotpot?"

"Yes!" Zhang Tie revealed a bitter smile as he rubbed his belly, "Previously, I thought that I could eat full at home; I've not imagined that I would also be hungry at home. Last night, I was not full at all. In the beginning, I had to talk with the old man, my eldest uncle and my youngest uncle; later on, so many cousins and 70-80 children of my cousins proposed toasts to me and called me uncle by turns. I couldn't ignore them; neither could I just have food. Therefore, I was not full. My belly is still rumbling now. At this moment, when I remembered the hotpot made by mom in Blackhot City in winter; plus the rice brew, I couldn't help but drool!"

Bai Suxian watched Zhang Tie with an interested look. It was her first time to see Zhang Tie's idle look at home. When she compared Zhang Tie's imposing look in the Earth-elements Realm with his current tame look, Bai Suxian felt pretty fresh.

"Right, let's eat hotpot then!" Zhang Tie's mom replied as she and Zhang Tie's elder sisters-in-law and wives burst out into laughter at the same time, "I will make a hotpot for you at home!"

"Coincidentally, I'm at home, Jinwu City have an annual leave, I will help your mom!" Zhang Tie's dad also said with a smile.

"I will prepare the food ingredients!" Zhang Yang said as he revealed a smile too.

"I will be responsible for firing as usual…" Zhang Tie said with a smile. At the same time, he threw a glance at his eldest sister-in-law before saying, "Eldest sister-in-law is good at making chili sauce and cold dish. I've not enjoyed eldest sister-in-law's food for a long time!"

Wang Huizhen replied with a smile; meanwhile, she threw an appreciative glance at Zhang Tie. Wang Huizhen knew that as long as Zhang Tie called her eldest sister-in-law and remembered what dishes were she good at, the positions of she and her two sons in this family would be indestructible and unshakable.

Among the 3 wives of Zhang Yang, Wang Huizhen had the most average background and look. Additionally, after the new year, Zhang Yang would marry his 4th wife from Zhu Clan in Yanzhou Province. It was the clan of the provincial governor. Now that the 4th wife came from such a major clan, she must have an outstanding look and figure. Therefore, as a woman, Wang Huizhen had a deep sense of crisis at Zhang family. After having more and more wives, even if Zhang Yang wouldn't live up to Wang Huizhen, Wang Huizhen was clear how to be an influential eldest sister-in-law in Zhang family.

Lu Shiyun and Wang Huayin exchanged a glance with each other before revealing a smile at the same time, "Elder sister Huizhen's chili sauce and cold dish are yummy. We two will help elder sister Huizhen make them!"

"What about us?" Fiona asked as she pointed at her own nose in an innocent way.

"You…" Zhang Tie looked at Fiona from her head to her toe before saying, "You're good at eating, Just do that. Linda and Beverly could help mom!"

"Nuisance, I'm not a pig. You're a foodie!" Fiona blushed as she stomped to the ground.

Everybody burst out into laughter.

"Bai Suxian is good at roasting meat. You should show your talent!" Zhang Tie told Bai Suxian.

Bai Suxian revealed a sweet smile towards Zhang Tie…

This day, Zhang Mansion was filled with cheers and laughter…

Since he returned home, Zhang Tie didn't leave his family members anymore. He just played with his children, accompanied by his parents, walked and chatted with his wives or directly watched the snow-covered landscape by airboat in the wild. Each morning, Zhang Tie would make up various snowmen in his own courtyard with his 3 sons and 2 daughters. In the process of making odd-looking snowmen, Zhang Tie's kids grew more and more intimate with him and called him papa more and more naturally…

When Zhang Tie returned to Zhang Mansion in Jinwu City and enjoyed the long-awaited slight warmth of his family, the news that Zhang Tie had returned to Jinwu City had spread over Taixia Country and shocked everybody.

Actually, it was not shocking that Zhang Tie returned home. What was really shocking was that the news that Zhang Tie had promoted to an earth knight in only a few years. The more unbelievable news was that Zhang Tie had been rewarded with Fire-Dragon Bounty Territory and the very Cui Li who founded the Iron-Dragon Sect was Zhang Tie's incarnation.

In only a few days, the entire Jinwu City had been as boisterous as a pot of boiling water. A lot of people arrived at Jinwu City from the other provinces in the Northeast Military Region, even further places every day. They wanted to see Zhang Tie by sending the formal visit requests or lavish gifts; however, Zhang Tie declined them all.

Zhang Mansion almost received over 100 formal visit requests every day from all parties. However, Zhang Tie ignored them all.

During the few days at home, Zhang Tie only met three batches of people: first, Donder; second, Barley's group from all the others places across Youzhou Province; third, Zhang Tie paid a visit to the parents of Beverly and Fiona in a simple way. After Jinwu City was established, the parents of Beverly and Fiona also moved to Jinwu City and lived wealthy and leisure lives. Besides Zhang family, few people knew the relationship between them and Zhang Tie.

In this way, Zhang Tie welcomed the new year's eve of the 904th year of Black Iron Calendar at home.

After the new year's festival, Huaiyuan Palace released the news to the public that they would hold the rotating chakra ceremony for Zhang Tie to celebrate that he had promoted to an earth knight on February 2nd of the lunar calendar.

February 2nd was the best day of the year for holding rotating chakra ceremony…