1203 - 1210

Chapter 1203: The Counter-measures of Huaiyuan Palace

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Through negotiation, the elders and clan head of Huaiyuan Palace figured out the plot that Heavens Reaching Church made in Taixia Country. Later on, they discussed the counter-measures.

Speaking of counter-measures, Huaiyuan Palace had to appreciate the Gobbling Party. When Huaiyuan Palace's main force transferred from Waii Subcontinent to Youzhou Province, Huaiyuan Palace behaved meticulously in case of being screwed by the powerful enemy of the Gobbling Party in Taixia Country. After Huaiyuan Palace transferred to Taixia Country, all the grain seeds that Huaiyuan Palace planted in the reclaimed land of Yanghe Prefecture came from Huaiyuan Palace's storage in Waii Subcontinent.

Therefore, Huaiyuan Palace must be not contaminated by the demonized grains.

Nobody could imagine that Huaiyuan Palace's meticulous deed at the beginning could become their asset to respond to the crisis facing Taixia Country as a whole. How life affairs changed!

"In the ancient book History of Wu State and Yue State in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period , on the 13th year since Goujian ascended to the throne of the Yue State, he cheated Wu State with the reason that Yue State suffered from a severe natural disaster and borrowed 1 million kg millets from Wu State. On the second year, Yue State's millets became ripe. Goujian then dispatched people to select fine millets, steam them and dry them before finally returning them to Wu State. At the sight of fine millets, the king of Wu State was very happy as he had people delivered the millets to his farmers; however, they got no millet that year, causing a famine across Wu State. When clan elders returned to Taixia Country, you all suggested carrying grain seeds from Waii Subcontinent in case that Youzhou Province was controlled by others due to the problem of grain seeds. I've not imagined that such a trivial decision of elders could have such a great effect today and earn a bit hope for our Huaiyuan Palace in the chaotic world!" Zhang Taixuan let out a sigh with emotion. After that, he stood up and said, "At that time, Taixuan was fighting demons in the Earth-elements Realm. Thanks to your considerate arrangement, our clan was relatively safe, you're so intelligent and considerate, please accept my bow!"

"It's our responsibilities. As members of Huaiyuan Palace, of course, we should think for the sake of Huaiyuan Palace. Clan head, we dare not accept such a solemn rite!" As the other elders said in unison, they hurriedly spring up to bow deeply towards Zhang Taixuan. After being polite for a while, they all sat down once again.

"When the spring arrives, we need to reclaim more wasteland and sow more grain seeds in Yanghe Prefecture in case of danger. In the chaotic world, we would not feel flurried with grains in hand. As long as we have grains, our Huaiyuan Palace would not be afraid of the demons and Three-eye Association as we would be more confident to respond to crises! As for expanding people for reclaiming wasteland, I suggest Huaiyuan Palace to recruit or receive refugees from Chaosang Subcontinent or other subcontinents. It's time for us to put our accumulated fund in such places. As long as our capital and personnel were in place, we could reclaim over 700 million square meters' wasteland in 1 year." Elder Muen suggested.

"I agree with Elder Muen very much, but I'm afraid that we couldn't easily manage so many outsiders!" Elder Muyu added.

"The former Hurricane Corps have been disbanded after they arrived at Taixia Country; however, after being disbanded, the Hurricane Corps maintained their overall strength; they just turned into armed guards of business groups under the control of Zhang Clan. It's easy to call them together. Nominally, they could be the guards of our business groups; actually, they could serve as a stationed military force. If Hurricane Corps is responsible for managing the reclamation of wasteland in semi-militarized means next year, it would be much faster!"

"I agree, it's a good method!"

"This plan counts most in our clan. We have to assign able men to manage well the stationed military force and the reclamation of wasteland! Additionally, they have to report the progress to clan head and all the elders of Huaiyuan Palace in each season."

"After the catastrophe of bloody figures broke out, the prices of grains across Taixia Country had been higher than it was last year. Now, Huaiyuan Palace should expand our granaries in all of our cities; additionally, we should speed up purchasing grains from other places. When in an emergency, people would even buy one steamed bun with one gold coin!"

"Elder Muyu is right. We'd better execute it as soon as possible. Longwind Business Group and all the other business groups of Huaiyuan Palace should take action as soon as possible. Now that we could figure out the problems, the other major clans in Taixia Country could figure them out too sooner or later. All the major clans in Taixia Country are collecting grains at relatively slower speeds. When everybody realized the importance of the issue and started to collect grains, the prices of grains in Taixia Country would at least rise by a few times than now. At this time, the private cities of Huaiyuan Palace should collect as many grains as possible!"

"I don't think that we should be busy building granaries outside cities. We'd better build new battle fortresses outside the cities in Yanghe Prefecture. Battle fortresses could be installed rapidly. On one hand, battle fortresses could assist cities to defend enemies and reassure the public; on the other hand, we could use these battle fortresses as temporary granaries and store a part of grains in the battle fortresses. One stone for two birds!"

Only after more than half an hour, the elders had already worked out many suggestions and decisions through discussion.

Besides constantly expanding reclaimed land in Yanghe Prefecture, Huaiyuan Palace would constantly purchase land; receive refugees; expand army; regulate well grain seeds; increase the storage of grains; intensify the training of domestic troops; strengthen intelligence and information collection work tentatively and coordinate well with the other major clans in Youzhou Province in a few years.

The entire battle strength of the other elders of Huaiyuan Palace might not be greater than that of Zhang Tie's; however, all the other elders were as wily as Zhang Tie facing similar crises.

Zhang Tie just listened to the other elders' words silently, which benefited him a lot. If Huaiyuan Palace were 10 more timers stronger, they would definitely have more means and different counter-measures. However, what these elders proposed had been the optimal plans.

"Elder Mushen, what's your opinion?" Zhang Taixuan moved his eyes onto Zhang Tie who was being silent while asking him politely.

"Clan head and all the other elders are experienced, mature, wise and considerate. you've considered all the situations. Therefore, I have nothing to say. It's Huaiyuan Palace's great honor to have a clan head and all the other elders!" Zhang Tie said modestly and politely.

After hearing Zhang Tie's praise, Zhang Taixuan revealed a smile; all the other elders also touched their beard in a pleasantly reserved way.

There was one sentence that the other elders didn't say. Actually, they all felt that it was Huaiyuan Palace's honor to have Zhang Tie as their grand elder, who was not greedy about power and influence besides being modest and young. In other major clans of Taixia Country, there were always grand elders who misused their power and elbowed out their clan heads and the other elders only for power and profits. By contrast, Zhang Tie, who was young, polite, powerful with a lot of secret methods and could have the princess of Lord Guangnan's Mansion be docile to him while being not greedy for power was popular no matter where he was. Although these elders didn't disturb Zhang Tie in Jinwu City these days, they had heard that the princess of Lord Guangnan's Mansion directly called Zhang Tie's parents father and mother.

In the eyes of all the elders, the marriage between Zhang Tie and Bai Suxian was fixed. The moment Zhang Tie became the son-in-law of Lord Guangnan's Mansion, his position in Huaiyuan Palace would be more special and honorable.

If Zhang Tie said the same words before, the other elders would feel it was reasonable because Zhang Tie was indeed the youngest clan elder; however, after Zhang Tie promoted to the grand elder of Huaiyuan Palace, his words satisfied those elders so much.

"Now that, the plans have been fixed!"

Zhang Taixuan made a decision while all the other elders nodded. After that, this Clan Elders Meeting came to an end officially.

"Elder Mushen, are you free to accompany me to visit Embracing Tiger Mountain?" Zhang Taixuan asked Zhang Tie.

After hearing that, all the others realized that Zhang Taixuan had something to talk with Zhang Tie. They then bade a farewell to Zhang Taixuan and Zhang Tie before leaving Ancestral Shrine Palace one after another.

"Glad to do that!" Zhang Tie replied.

After that, the two people walked out of the Ancestral Shrine Palace and went towards the top of the mountain along the stone steps behind the Ancestral Shrine Palace.

In winter, the dark fell earlier. When Zhang Tie arrived at Embracing Tiger Mountain, it was not dark yet; however, after the conference, it had already become dark outside.

Under the green fluorite lamps, the stone steps looked hazy. Although there was no accumulated snow on the stone steps, there was some vapor. It took Zhang Tie and Zhang Taixuan a short while to come to the best pavilion near the top of the mountain from the back of the Ancestral Shrine Palace.

From here, they could see the brilliant and warm lamplight over Embracing Tiger City and the vast sea outside Tiger Embracing Harmor.

"I wonder whether Tiger Embracing City could still maintain such a scenery after this holy war!" Zhang Taixuan suddenly let out a sigh with emotion as he watched Embracing Tiger City at the foot of the mountain.

When Zhang Tie was guessing what Zhang Taixuan wanted to talk with him, Zhang Taixuan turned around after letting out a sigh with emotion as he asked Zhang Tie, "Elder Mushen, do you know the relationship between Huaiyuan Palace and Taiyi Fantasy Sect?"

Chapter 1204: Whose Choice?

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

'The relationship between Huaiyuan Palace and Taiyi Fantasy Sect?'

After hearing Zhang Taixuan's question, Zhang Tie became stunned. To be honest, Zhang Tie really didn't know about that. He only knew that Huaiyuan Palace got along well with Taiyi Fantasy Sect. He discovered it when Lan Yunxi promoted to a knight in Taixia Fantasy Sect soon after she joined them. Besides her exceptional talent and efforts, Lan Yunxi could enjoy better cultivation resources than the other disciples in Taiyi Fantasy Sect.

"I really don't know about the relationship between Huaiyuan Palace and Taiyi Fantasy Sect. Clan head, please go ahead!" Zhang Tie answered Zhang Taixuan frankly.

"The relationship between Huaiyuan Palace and Taiyi Fantasy Sect could date back to Lord Huaiyuan. When Lord Huaiyuan was in Taixia Country, he had some bosom friends, one of whom came from Taiyi Fantasy Sect. This was the earlier relationship between Huaiyuan Palace and Taiyi Fantasy Sect!"

"Ahh? Our forebear Lord Huaiyuan had a bosom friend in Taiyi Fantasy Sect?" Zhang Tie asked Zhang Taixuan while blinking his eyes.

"Yes, our forebear Lord Huaiyuan met that bosom friend of Taiyi Fantasy Sect when he had just promoted to a black iron knight and entered the Earth-elements Realm for practice. At that time, they were both black iron knights. Later on, Lord Huaiyuan joined God's Will Army, one of the top 4 armies of Taixia Country and finally promoted to West Expedition General. That bosom friend of Lord Huaiyuan also made a spurt of progress and became one of the top 4 elders in Taiyi Fantasy Sect today!"

It was really out of Zhang Tie's imagination that Huaiyuan Palace and Taiyi Fantasy Sect could have such a relationship.

"Is that bosom friend of Lord Huaiyuan Feng Yexiao?"

"Not Feng Yexiao, but the only female elder of the top 4 elders of Taiyi Fantasy Sect, Zhu Qianqian!"

'I've not imagined that Lord Huaiyuan could have another female companion in Taiyi Fantasy Sect.' At this moment, Zhang Tie felt absurd as he didn't know whether he should cry or laugh.

Zhang Tie had already understood what Zhang Taixuan was going to talk to him. Therefore, before Zhang Taixuan mentioned it, Zhang Tie had shaken his head with a big smile as he said on his own initiative, "I know what you want to say, clan head. I will return that airboat to Taiyi Fantasy Sect. I don't feel pitiful at all. Clan head, you could have someone take away that airboat when you're free. It's just an airboat!"

Zhang Taixuan watched Zhang Tie carefully and found that Zhang Tie was not lying. Therefore, he let out a sigh with emotion, "It's good if you think so. As Taixia Country is in chaos, it's unworthy for Huaiyuan Palace to be on unfriendly terms with Taiyi Fantasy Sect only for an airboat. It's good for you to receive the airboat in the identity of Cui Li; however, after you recover your original identity, based on the relationship between Huaiyuan Palace and Taiyi Fantasy Sect, it's a bit improper for you to win an airboat from Taiyi Fantasy Sect as an elder of Huaiyuan Palace!"

"I see!" Zhang Tie replied with a smile, "Since I decided to expose my real identity to the public, I've been considering this problem. I'm okay. After all, Yunxi is still in Taiyi Fantasy Sect. If the relationship between Taiyi Fantasy Sect and I, an elder of Huaiyuan Palace, were worsened, Yunxi might hear some gossips in Taiyi Fantasy Sect. She might be screwed by someone!"

Zhang Tie was saying sincerely. Compared to Lan Yunxi, that airboat was nothing. Zhang Tie would never make Lan Yunxi embarrassed in Taiyi Fantasy Sect only for an airboat. The airboat was nothing but a traffic tool. In Zhang Tie's eyes, even Lan Yunxi's one hair was more valuable than the icy airboat. When Zhang Tie spoke, he didn't notice Zhang Taixuan's expression. After saying that, he noticed that Zhang Taixuan looked a bit strange. Zhang Tie realized immediately that he had called Lan Yunxi in an intimate way just now. If not being in special terms with Lan Yunxi, how could Zhang Tie call her in such an intimate way?

"Erm…I've long known senior sister apprentice Lan in Hidden Dragon Island…later on…later on we were comrades-in-arms in Selnes Theater of Operations…erm…therefore, we're familiar with each other…" Zhang Tie rubbed his face with an embarrassed look as he explained which sounded like nonsense.

Nobody in Huaiyuan Palace knew the love affairs between Zhang Tie and Lan Yunxi. It was like "secret" romance. Facing Zhang Taixuan, Zhang Tie felt being caught by a young girl's father while falling in love with her.

Zhang Taixuan cleared his throat twice as he moved his eyes away from Zhang Tie's face towards Embracing Tiger City, "Animosity is more easily defused than being formed. The misunderstanding between Taiyi Fantasy Sect and you had better be defused. I will invite Taiyi Fantasy Sect's representatives to attend your Rotating Chakra Ceremony as a means of reconciliation. After that, they will drive away that airboat. If you need an airboat, just use mine!"

"As you wish, clan head!" Zhang Tie replied as he tried his best to recover his composure along with his red face, "Clan head, as the Youzhou provincial governor, of course, you need an airboat to keep up appearances; if I need an airboat, I could use the one in Jinwu Business Group. Never mind that, clan head!"

Zhang Yang and Bai Suxian both had an airboat. Even if he returned the airboat to Taiyi Fantasy Sect, it didn't pose any influence to Zhang Tie. It was just a lip service if he wanted to use their airboats. Would Bai Suxian and Zhang Yang feel inconvenient about that? When he didn't have an airboat, Zhang Tie felt that airboat was a rarity; when he had one, he found that it was just so-so. If Zhang Tie wanted an airboat, it was no exaggeration to say that people would queue up to send him airboats in a few days. Therefore, he didn't treasure such an airboat at all. Additionally, his own flight ability and the flight ability of his pet Little Thunder were both greater than the airboat. He didn't even need one. The airboat was just used to keep up appearances as it was a bit more comfortable than an airship.

"As the finance minister of Taixia Country, Han Zhengfang had a supreme power. Nobody knew what other plots he had made and how many landmines he had buried in Taixia Country besides bloody sea and demonized grains. They might be gradually exposed. At this moment, it's not good for Huaiyuan Palace and Iron-Dragon Sect to be hostile against Taiyi Fantasy Sect!"

"I see, ahem..ahem…clan head, do you have anything else to talk about?" Zhang Tie felt increasingly embarrassed the longer he stayed beside Zhang Taixuan. He couldn't wait to leave.

"Nothing else. We are just having a free chat. Elder Mushen, do you have anything else?"

"I've promised my mom to have supper tonight!" Zhang Tie replied seriously.

After hearing Zhang Tie's words, Zhang Taixuan's eyebrows jumped up as he was almost choked. However, he still nodded as he said kindly, "If so, I will not waste your time, Elder Mushen…I hope Elder Mushen does not forget about the Rotating Chakra Ceremony!"

"It's good…erm…I will leave then…see you!" After saying that, Zhang Tie had disappeared before Zhang Taixuan replied. Closely after that, with some sparkles in the sky, he disappeared into the sky.

Zhang Taixuan looked at the direction where Zhang Tie was heading for as he unconsciously stroke that odd-looking colorful finger ring with a faintly bizarre look. At the same time, he murmured, "Yunxi…Yunxi…"

Not until Zhang Tie flew hundreds of miles away from Embracing Tiger City and was blown by a strong night cold wind did he recover from that slightly embarrassed and flurried state when he discovered that he had deviated from the right direction a bit.

Zhang Tie shook his head as he revealed a bitter smile. When you did something stealthily, you would also feel guilty, whether old or young, strong or weak. When he realized that Zhang Taixuan might have guessed the love affairs between him and Lan Yunxi, Zhang Tie had become a bit flurried. Zhang Tie recalled that he really had not bullied Lan Yunxi besides failing to occupy the "shortcut leading to the soul" of Lan Yunxi. Zhang Tie believed that Lan Yunxi would not tell Zhang Taixuan about that experience. 'I really don't know why I am so flurried.'

After mocking himself for a while, Zhang Tie adjusted his direction and flew towards Jinwu City.

The intelligence that Zhang Tie received from Embracing Tiger City made him realize the possible dangerous situation facing Taixia Country in the future.

'If a famine and civil strife really break out in Taixia Country on a large scale, what should I do?'

Zhang Tie was thinking about it on the way towards Jinwu City.

The answer to this question made Zhang Tie understand one law once again, namely, he was not God even if he had Castle of Black Iron. In such a general trend which couldn't be resisted by individuals, he could only save as more people as possible.

If he had enough time, he could indeed do a lot of things with Castle of Black Iron. The problem was that Heavens Reaching Church and demons didn't spare too much time to Taixia Country at all. 'If I were Han Zhengfang, I would detonate the crisis of demonized grains in the last 1 or 2 years. When the crisis of demonized grains ferments, I would detonate the catastrophe of bloody figures. The two forces would definitely be terrifyingly destructive to Taixia Country. By then, Taixia Country might have long been chaotic. However, I disrupted the plan of Han Zhengfang and demons carelessly and had the catastrophe of bloody figures break out in advance.'

"Based on the land-building speed of Castle of Black Iron, when Taixia Country become completely chaotic as a whole, Castle Lord could teleport more people into Castle of Black Iron. Those entering Castle of Black Iron could at least not be starved to death. Additionally, many grains are stored in Castle of Black Iron. Castle Lord has the optimal mutated grain seeds in the world. The overall chaotic situation of Taixia Country might mean a chance for Castle Lord…"

Heller's voice sounded in Zhang Tie's mind sea which sounded a bit strange…

Zhang Tie shook his head as he told Heller, "Such a chance is too miserable for commoners. I don't want such a chance…"

"It's not you who chose this age, but this age had chosen you…"

Chapter 1205: Rotating Chakra Ceremony

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

On February 2nd, the dragon raised its head.

In February, the spring was approaching in Youzhou Province.

Since last night, the entire Embracing Tiger City had been boisterous. Embracing Tiger City had not been so boisterous since it was founded. The commoners in Embracing Tiger City had not seen so many airboats in the sky.

On the early morning of February 2nd, the clan warriors of Huaiyuan Palace had appeared in the streets of Embracing Tiger City in wholly new armors and helmets and festive red cloaks. The moment they appeared in the public, the entire Embracing Tiger City had been boisterous.

Before the day broke, many commoners had gathered at the foot of Tiger Embracing Mountain. They all looked up at the top of the mountain. Most of these commoners were members of Huaiyuan Palace, male or female, old or young. Many people especially arrived here from all the other places across Youzhou Province for attending the Rotating Chakra Ceremony. Given their identities, although they were forbidden to enter Tiger Embracing Mountain, they were still passionate and proud.

Huaiyuan Palace finally had another earth knight. This was the major event for each member of Huaiyuan Palace. The more knights a clan had, the more powerful it would be, the more glorious and decent would the descendants of this clan be and the greater the chances they would have for development.

The entire Huaiyuan Palace had not held Rotating Chakra Ceremony for an earth knight for many years.

Although Zhang Taixuan the clan head of Huaiyuan Palace promoted to an earth knight a few years ago, as he was already the Youzhou provincial governor at that time, his rotating chakra ceremony was forbidden according to the regulation of Taixia Country's officialdom.

However, this time, the rotating chakra ceremony was held for Elder Mushen, the youngest elder in Huaiyuan Palace.

Elder Mushen's experience was legendary; especially after the tragedy in Fuhai City was redressed, Elder Mushen was well-known across Youzhou Province, even in Taixia Country.

Outsiders might not know who was the clan head of Huaiyuan Palace; however, they must have heard about Zhang Tie, Zhang Mushen.

Many commoners didn't know that Elder Mushen had returned to his clan until the last couple of days. A more shocking news was that Cui Li the Fire Dragon Hermit of Iron-Dragon Sect was an incarnation of Elder Mushen. What was more, Elder Mushen had awakened a unique immortal bloodline.

Elder Mushen, who had been screwed for 4 years, had returned to Huaiyuan Palace; additionally, he had promoted to an earth knight and awakened up a unique immortal bloodline. Even though the catastrophe of bloody figures was still like a raging fire across Taixia Country, the news about Zhang Tie still shocked the entire country. This was why Embracing Tiger City was so boisterous today too. All the major clans across Youzhou Province, the entire Northeast Military Region even the Military Province in the far had assigned representatives to attend the Rotating Chakra Ceremony in Tiger Embracing Mountain.

Besides those major clans, 4 of the top 7 sects in Taixia Country had assigned representatives here today, they were Taiyi Fantasy Sect, Gold and Power Law, Heavens Fortune Sect and Demons Killing Valley.

Even Lord Guangnan's Mansion in the southwest of Taixia Country had assigned a royal highness to attend the Rotating Chakra Ceremony.

What was more exaggerating was that even Supreme Court of Xuanyuan Hill and Northeast Military Region who didn't like to attend similar ceremonies had assigned important officials to attend it.

At this moment, the Tiger Embracing Mountain was covered with knights and VIPs. Major clans' representatives arrived one batch after another.

It was the most glorious moments in the history of Huaiyuan Palace, even when Lord Huaiyuan was alive. Such an occasion had been as grand as top major clans in Taixia Country.

At the foot of Tiger Embracing Mountain, those descendants of Huaiyuan Palace were so thrilled. Someone even dropped off tears. As a result, the prestige of Elder Mushen who brought all these to Huaiyuan Palace reached a new high among the disciples of Huaiyuan Palace.

Being similar to the situation at the foot of the mountain, the square outside the Ancestral Shrine Palace of Huaiyuan Palace in Tiger Embracing Mountain was also extremely boisterous.

This time, over 2,000 VIPs were at present.

All the influential clans in Youzhou Province had assigned their representatives here, including those clans which had attended the opening ceremony of Iron-Dragon Sect, Zhang Tie's disciples, Mountain Lifting Hermit, representatives of Zhao Clan and Yang Clan in Military Province, the couple of Lu Zhongming and their disciples, the representatives of the other major sects and Supreme Court of Taixia Country and the royal highness of Lord Guangnan's Mansion, etc..

Zhang Tie's family members also appeared in the square outside the Ancestral Shrine Palace. As the family members of the main character of this Rotating Chakra Ceremony, of course, they could also attend this Rotating Chakra Ceremony and share Zhang Tie's glory. Zhang Tie's parents, elder sisters-in-law, Zhang Yang, his nephews, Linda, Beverly, Fiona, Aimei and Aixue, Zhang Tie's kids, Zhang Tie's grandparents, Zhang Tie's uncles, aunts and cousins were present in a rich dress while sitting square and enjoying the gaze of thousands of people.

Linda, Beverly and Fiona were most attractive among Zhang Tie's wives. Many people in Youzhou Province and Northeast Military Region had heard that Zhang Tie had three foreign wives; however, very few people had met them. It was the first time for Linda, Beverly and Fiona to show up in the public. Among those people with black hair and eyes, of course, the three foreign women were eye-catching.

Linda, Beverly, Fiona, Aimei and Aixue had prepared almost one week for this day. At this moment, all the 5 women had dressed up well and were in the grandest ceremonial robes. Being brilliant, elegant and beautiful, they were all full of pride and arrogance while their kids were sitting in front of them.

"Ahh, do we look like the legendary duchesses?" Fiona whispered to Linda and Beverly.

Beverly and Linda revealed a faint smile towards her at the same time…

"If in Waii Subcontinent, even queens and princesses of ordinary countries might have to bow to us!" Beverly tilted her head as she whispered to Fiona, "We illustrate the line that Hua wives are precious because of their husband!"

"Those girls in Rose Association dare never imagine our current looks!" Fiona stealthily stuck her tongue out. When others paid attention to her, she hurriedly pretended to be elegant once again.

As Fiona and Beverly knew that there were many knights at present, they just whispered in the Hebrew language. After coming to Taixia Country, they found that Hua people wouldn't like to learn the Hebrew language except for some businessmen. Hua people were too arrogant. Zhang Tie was the only Hua knight who could speak the Hebrew language in their memory. In that age, Hua language almost dominated the human language. Therefore, people could barely understand what they were talking about even if they eavesdropped their talk.

At this moment, Zhang Tie's glorious moments were Zhang Clan's glorious moments.

This scene was not strange for Zhang Tie's relatives on the side of his grandpa. However, it was the first time for his parents and wives to experience such an eye-catching grand occasion. When Zhang Tie held his first rotating chakra ceremony in Yiyang City, his family members had already arrived at Taixia Country. They were in Fuhai City, Yingzhou Province. Therefore, Zhang Tie's family members could only see the boisterous scene in the first rotating chakra ceremony through the photos left by the private photographers of Zhang Clan. However, all of them could experience such a grand and fervent clan rite at present this time.

As the ceremony had not come to a start yet, the auditorium of over 2,000 people was not quiet. Many guests were whispering to each other while stealthily glancing around the most glorious family at present.

Zhang Tie's dad looked a bit intense with a faint blush. Sitting in the first row with the old man, Zhang Ping's muscles all over tightened up as he smoothened his clothes corners every now and then. It was still a bit cold in February; however, Zhang Ping's forehead and temples had been covered with fine sweat beads only after he took a seat for a short while.

"Papa, it's okay. Just feel like home. It's Zhang Tie who will come out, not others. Don't be that nervous!" Zhang Yang slightly leaned forward as he comforted his dad in a low voice.

Zhang Ping turned around with a smile. Meanwhile, he moved his stiff neck and told Zhang Yang, "I don't know why. I always feel like living in a dream. It was fine at home; however, when I come here, I always feel dizzy!"

"Zhang Tie is your son, no need to be that anxious. You have a good son. It's worthwhile for my life to witness my grandson holding 2 rotating chakra ceremonies…" The old man in the first row let out a sigh satisfactorily before continuing, "You might see such a rotating chakra ceremony for the 3rd or the 4th time in the future. They would grow increasingly grander. But I'm afraid that I cannot wait until Zhang Tie holds his 3rd rotating chakra ceremony. However, I would have no regret anymore after this ceremony, ahem…ahem…"

The old man couldn't stand coughing twice as he lowered his upper body at once. Zhang Tie's eldest uncle hurriedly patted the old man's back. However, the old man stopped him by raising his hand. Closely after that, the old man straightened up his body as he waved his hand to tell the surrounding family members that he was fine.

"Papa, don't say so. Zhang Yang has bought an isle in the south, which only has spring all around the year. The winter in Youzhou Province is a bit cold and does harm to old man's health. Later on, you can pass the winter in the south!" Zhang Ping hurriedly comforted the old man.

"I'm clear about my health…" The old man revealed a smile with a faint blush, which indicated that he was spirited. He then added, "Additionally, I always dreamed about Zhang Tie's grandma these days. Previously, when I dreamed about his grandma, I couldn't see her face clearly; these days, her look grew increasingly clearer…"

After hearing the old man's words, all the family members in front rows exchanged a glance with each other. Zhang Tie's eldest uncle then called lightly, "Papa…"

"Everyone will die, don't be afraid of that day. It's the universal law and the metabolism of our Zhang family…" The old man waved his hand in an imposing manner, stopping everyone's further comfort. Although being poor in health, the old man's dignity in Zhang family was sacred. He said, "Alright, don't talk about that. It's Zhang family's festive day. I want to see my grandson's glorious moments in the public…"

All the VIPs formed a small fan-shaped area around the venue. On the opposite of Zhang family's seats were sitting Bai Suxian and another man.

That man looked a bit elder than Bai Suxian. In boa silk robe and jade belt and a crow being embroidered with two dragons playing with a ball, he looked similar to Bai Suxian. However, his face was a bit broader. He looked a bit resolute, noble and dignified with two beautiful masculine black beards and a pair of dark, profound and sparkling pupils.

"4 of the top 7 sects in Taixia Country and 7 provincial governors' clans of Northeast Military Region are at present. Even Demons Killing Valley assigned people here. The elders of Qin Clan and Fan Clan in Yingzhou Province arrived here too. Young sister, you're really visionary. Zhang Tie is indeed unusual. No wonder he could be so famous across Taixia Country only after coming to Taixia Country for a few years!" The royal highness of Lord Guangnan's Mansion glanced around Zhang Tie's wives and kids while talking to Bai Suxian in a secret way who was sitting on his side with a mature, fascinating smile, "What counts more, Zhang Tie's wives are all commoners. If you marry him, you might still have a right of speech in Zhang Tie's family. If so, dad will be reassured. I'm not here in vain…"

"Cut the crap. It's none of your business. Have you carried enough gifts?" Bai Suxian replied ferociously in a secret way while maintaining the demeanor of a princess with a smile.

"2,000 water-element crystals, 20 million gold coins, 2,000 pairs of jade ivories and earth-element rhino horns, 2,000 cases of gems, 5,000 kg starry violet gold, 200,000 kg top-class sandalwood, 2,000 cases of various top-class medicines and tribute tea in the south border, 80,000 m gold boa silk cloths, 2,000 domestic craftsmen who were trained as men of sacrifice and Heavenly Star City near the Heavenly Star Lake in the south border. The old guy dispatched 6 purple-cloud airboats to transport these gifts from the southern border. It seems that this old guy is satisfied with this son-in-law…"

"So few…" Bai Suxian pouted as she said discontentedly.

After hearing Bai Suxian's words, the royal highness of Lord Guangnan's Mansion was choked by his saliva as he started to cough at once, arising the attention of those people on their sides.

Chapter 1206:

A Shocking Phenomenon

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

When the others were paying attention to the boisterous scene on Tiger Embracing Mountain, Zhang Tie was silently watching something in his hand in his Elder's Pavilion on the top of the mountain behind the Ancestral Shrine Palace…

Zhang Tie was holding two extremely ordinary black mulberry seeds.

Black mulberry seeds were brought by the elder of Demons Killing Valley. The elder told Zhang Tie that Pandora was cultivating a secret method in a hidden place of Demons Killing Valley and couldn't leave for a period. After knowing that Zhang Tie's case had been redressed and Zhang Tie had returned to Youzhou Province, Pandora just told the elder to give the two mulberry seeds to Zhang Tie.

It was enough for Zhang Tie.

The black mulberry seeds were picked by Zhang Tie in the wild when he attended the survival training in Wildwolf Valley. He sent them to Pandora at that time. Now that Pandora had people brought back the two black mulberry seeds, it indicated that she was still missing Zhang Tie!

Watching the two black mulberry seeds, Zhang Tie felt like seeing Pandora's black pupils. Therefore, he was grief-stricken before the start of the ceremony.

It was hard to find beloved ones in the world.

The more successful and the higher position one was, the better he would understand what was most precious.

"Elder, the lucky moment is coming!" Deacon Yu's voice sounded behind Zhang Tie.

Everything in front of his eyes was like that when he held the first rotating chakra ceremony in Yiyang Mountain. Even Deacon Yu whom Zhang Tie had not seen for a long time seemed to have not changed too much.

Previously, Deacon Yu looked after Zhang Tie in his elder's pavilion on the top of Bowang Peak of Yiyang Mountain. At this time, she was also following Zhang Tie's order in his elder's pavilion on the top of the Tiger Embracing Mountain. After Zhang Tie returned to his clan. His elder's pavilion in Tiger Embracing Mountain was matched with enough deacons at once. As Zhang Tie was more familiar with Deacon Yu, he let Deacon Yu manage the daily affairs in his elder's pavilion on Tiger Embracing Mountain.

Now, Zhang Tie's elder's pavilion in Tiger Embracing Mountain was different than the pavilions of the other elders of Huaiyuan Palace in the specification. The other elders' pavilion were three-storey; however, Zhang Tie's elder's pavilion was a higher five-storey building as he was the grand elder of Huaiyuan Palace. After being selected as the steward of Zhang Tie's elder's pavilion, Deacon Yu had one more source of income and a higher position in the Zhang Clan.

These days, Deacon Yu became the most enviable person among the clan deacons and disciples. After being silent for a long time, this Deacon Yu's position also skyrocketed together with the return of Elder Mushen. The gate of the premier was opened by Class VII officials. All the other clan disciples and deacons were longing for serving the grand elder.

"Elder…" Deacon Yu moved one step forward and called lightly when she found Zhang Tie was absent-minded at the sight of the black mulberry seeds.

"Can we plant black mulberry seeds in Youzhou Province?" Zhang Tie turned around as he asked Deacon Yu which was out of her imagination. It seemed that Zhang Tie did not care about the coming ceremony at all. When the lucky moment was coming, he was talking about something irrelevant.

"Yes, we can!" Deacon Yu threw a glance at Zhang Tie's hands with her beautiful eyes before nodding.

"When the spring arrives, plant black mulberry seeds in a garden outside Jinwu Pavilion!" Zhang Tie said as he stood up and passed the two black mulberry seeds to Deacon Yu. "Use them. One year later, when the black mulberry grows mature and bears seeds, you could plant more!"

"Yes!" Deacon Yu received the two black mulberry seeds from Zhang Tie carefully.

Black mulberry was not a precious plant. Its leaf was not beautiful; its flower was average; therefore, major clans wouldn't plant black mulberry at all. Only rural farmers might plant some in their own courtyards or around their houses for watching head with the molar black mulberry seeds instead of appreciative purpose.

However, Zhang Tie liked black mulberry seeds. If Zhang Tie wanted to plant them, even if he ordered to replace all the trees over Tiger Embracing Mountain with black mulberry seeds, nobody in Huaiyuan Palace dared say no.

"Kuang…", a melodious and loud bell ring drifted from the bell tower on the highest place of Tiger Embracing Mountain. Along with this bell ring, all the other bells aross Yanghe Prefecture rang at the same moment.

The moment the bell rang, no other sound across Tiger Embracing Mountain could be heard anymore.

The bell ring indicated that the lucky moment had arrived and the ceremony started officially.

"Let's go!" Zhang Tie waved his hand as he strode out of the gate of the elder's pavilion.

The general process of this ceremony was similar to that of his first rotating chakra ceremony. Besides being short of the link of "Selecting Character by Rotating the Chakra", this ceremony was much grander than the first one in all aspects.

Zhang Tie was still wearing a violet gold crown which indicated a good luck in battle strength. However, compared to that in the first time, this violet-gold crown was greatly different in specification and pattern. When he was a black iron knight, his crown was 23 cm in height; when he promoted to an earth knight, his crown was 30 cm in height. Additionally, the number of bars on his crown also increased from 1 to 3. On both sides of the violet gold crown, there were totems of white tigers, which was an immortal beast in Hua people and symbolized the realm of earth knight. If Zhang Tie promoted to a shadow knight, the number of bars on his violet gold crown would increase from 3 to 5 while the totem on his crown would turn to the immortal beast Xuanwu.

Zhang Tie was wearing a special suit, which was called the seal of the earth. The entire ceremonial robe was made of golden boa silk, which symbolized the golden chakra of earth knight. The ceremonial robe was embroidered with various propitious patterns which carried special meanings. It took over 800 female weavers over 1 month to make this ceremonial robe according to the strict requests on a propitious robe.

The 4 m-longer cloak behind the ceremonial robe was dragged by Zhang Tie on the red carpet. As Zhang Tie walked forwards steadily, it rose and fell on the stone steps at the foot of the mountain.

Two rows of warriors were leading the way with ceremonial vessels in hands; additionally, 8 pairs of young male and female virgins were scattering items such as "perfume", "refined salt", "five cereals" and "sandalwood flowers" in front of Zhang Tie. Those boys and girls were at most 12 years old. They had rehearsed it many times for this ceremony. It was the beginning for them to have a bright future by showing up on such a grand occasion. Zhang Tie's eldest uncle asked Zhang Yang to have Zhang Tie spare 2 places for his grandson and granddaughter. All the other boys and girls came from the other cities across Huaiyuan Palace.

Zhang Tie was followed by two rows of deacons of Huaiyuan Palace.

This time, Deacon Yu had tasted the fruit for serving Zhang Tie through selecting 2 people from the 6 female and male virgins provided by Huaiyuan Palace. Many people who had relationship and ability in Huaiyuan Palace had made their full efforts to have their juniors join the team for purifying the road for Zhang Tie. By doing that, their juniors could show up in the public and see the world; what counted most, they could strike up an acquaintance with Zhang Tie. In the future, if those kids had good prospects, when they met Zhang Tie and reminded Zhang Tie that they were those kids who purified the road for him when he held his rotating charka ceremony, they might be favored by Zhang Tie and lead a much brighter future. If so, their positions at home even family and clan would be utterly different from then on.

Everybody knew that Zhang Tie would be the grand elder of Huaiyuan Palace after this ceremony; additionally, Zhang Tie was the founder of Iron-Dragon Sect, whose battle strength and secret methods both ranked first in Youzhou Province. Zhang Tie had a definitely bright future!

These days, all the people in Huaiyuan Palace firmly believed that Elder Mushen could hold his 3rd rotating chakra ceremony in his life and he would become the first clan elder in the history of Huaiyuan Palace who could promote to a shadow knight. Even Lord Huaiyuan had not made that.

Although Zhang Tie felt a bit melancholy due to the affair of Pandora, he had almost recovered his composure.

When the bell rang for the 9th time, Zhang Tie recovered a bit resolute look. After that, he released a powerful battle qi tornado which appeared above Tiger Embracing Mountain like a huge, fiery, boundless tornado. Even though it was in the daytime, the clouds above the entire Tiger Embracing Mountain had been dyed into fiery. As a result, the clouds looked like burning. The surroundings of the Tiger Embracing Mountain changed color at once.

The moment Zhang Tie's battle qi tornado rushed into the sky, the audience in the Ancestral Shrine Palace had been in a turmoil. Many knights changed their faces at once. Even those elders of Huaiyuan Palace at present were raising their eyebrows with amazed looks.

This battle qi tornado was really powerful. Given it, Zhang Tie must have promoted to an earth knight for a long time.

The moment the royal highness of Lord Guangnan's Mansion recovered his composure from his shock caused by Bai Suxian's words "So few…", he had shot out shrewd eye light at the sight of the battle qi tornado which shot into the sky from the top of the mountain.

"Fire Dragon Sutra", this is the battle qi tornado of "Fire Dragon Sutra…" Someone in the auditorium couldn't help but exclaim.

As if it was to verify these exclamations, a huge fire dragon rose up in the battle qi tornado and started to wheel in the sky.

After a short while, the ferocious fire dragon and battle qi tornado hovering in the sky disappeared at once. When the audience was recalling the shocking scene, a few minutes later, another battle qi tornado rose up. This time, the battle qi tornado was resplendent and colorful with the same amazing qi field. Right in the colorful battle qi tornado, the bizarre landscape of the entire Tiger Embracing Mountain gradually unfolded like a mirage…

"Is this…'Five-elements Ground-looking Sutra'? No way…" a guest shouted unbelievably, "Doesn't Elder Mushen alone promote to an earth knight? Why are there two kinds of battle qi tornadoes? How could one person cultivate 2 classics at the same time?"

The entire Ancestral Shrine Palace became quiet at once. The royal highness of Lord Guangnan's Mansion and the representatives of the 4 top sects of Taixia Country, including those of Taiyi Fantasy Sect were shocked; some of them became restless…

Before Zhang Tie arrived, he had shocked everyone at present…

Chapter 1207: Different Thoughts

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

In the rhythm of 45 bell rings, Zhang Tie appeared in the spot of the Ancestral Shrine Palace.

All the guests in the auditorium unconsciously turned around to see Zhang Tie slowly walking towards them in a casual and confident way like the moon being surrounded by a myriad of stars.

Many guests had seen Zhang Tie before. Therefore, when they saw Zhang Tie once again, they were not shocked too much. However, at Zhang Tie's look which was as young as that of a teenager, all those who had not seen Zhang Tie before widely opened their mouths.

'He's too young. What an excessively young earth knight!' Zhang Tie had just celebrated his 30th birthday last year. After one more month, he would be 31 years old. A 30-year old earth knight was definitely rarely seen among the top 7 sects of Taixia Country, not to mention that Zhang Tie's look was much younger than his actual age. Given his look, he was just a teenager, who didn't look like a clan elder at all.

Being shocked by Zhang Tie's excessively young look, many people even forgot about the shocks caused by the two battle qi tornadoes just now.

At the sight of Zhang Tie, Bai Suxian's eyes gleamed. By contrast, the royal highness of Lord Guangnan's Mansion revealed an unbelievable look as if he had seen a ghost.

"Young sister, after this rite, please help me ask Zhang Tie how he maintains his young look. As long as he tells me how to be that young in the next decades, when you marry him, I will gift another two cities to you as your dowry!" The royal highness told Bai Suxian in a secret way.

Bai Suxian rolled her eyes to her elder brother as she said in a secret way, "He's innate!"


"Yup, he told me that he had been struck by a lightning bolt when in Waii Subcontinent. His body has experienced some exotic changes; therefore, he could always be so young…"

After hearing Bai Suxian's explanation, the royal highness of Lord Guangnan's Mansion became speechless. Whatever, he couldn't try the effect of being struck by a lightning bolt. Although being an earth knight, he couldn't guarantee that he was fine after being struck by a lightning bolt. Lightning bolts had different power, ordinary lightning bolts might not be fatal to commoners; most of the lightning bolts would not do harm to an earth knight; except for some lightning bolts, which were really ground-shaking. There was such a terrifying forbidden air zone in the south border of Taixia Country. Even shadow knights would become ashes and smoke in that air zone. After abandoning the thought of being struck by lightning bolts, the royal highness could only watch Zhang Tie slowly walking towards them with a bizarre yet slightly admiring and regretful look.

Zhang Tie walked calmly under the gaze of thousands of people. He was familiar with many people in the auditorium. He had even seen many people for more than once; especially the representatives of the local major clans in Youzhou Province. At the sight of Zhang Tie here, those who had attended the competition for the position of provincial governor of Youzhou Province and the opening ceremony of Iron-Dragon Sect looked splendid.

With a smile, Zhang Tie showed his respect to those familiar ones in the auditorium by lowering his head slightly.

Zhang Tie saw Gu Qingyun in the seats of Gu Clan once again. This Gu knight who was known as former top cultivation talent in Youzhou Province was also watching Zhang Tie with a bizarre look. After looking straight into each other's eyes, Zhang Tie kept his look unchanged; however, Gu Qingyun lowered his eye light as he lacked in self-confidence as he looked a bit frustrated. When in White Tiger Platform, Gu Qingyun was qualified to fight Zhang Tie; after all, they were both black iron knights at that time; however, only after 5 years, they had been utterly different in position, power and reputation. Who dared say that they were cultivation talents in front of Zhang Tie?

Gu Qingyun returned to Youzhou Province on January 30th as if he was especially here to attend Zhang Tie's rotating chakra ceremony. Zhang Tie received this news from Huaiyuan Palace. At the sight of Gu Qingyun, Zhang Tie guessed that Gu Qingyun might be here on behalf of Heavens Holding Pavilion. 'As I have no relationship with Heavens Holding Pavilion, if the knights and elders of Heavens Holding Pavilion suddenly came here, they would respect me too much. I'm afraid that Heavens Holding Pavilion is paying special attention to me; especially this time. Besides such a great influence, there are also various gossips about me. Therefore, Heavens Holding Pavilion assigns Gu Qingyun here to confirm some news; coincidentally, he's going back home.'

Zhang Tie silently felt a bizarre sense of achievement when he saw his former opponents being stepped onto his foot on such a grand occasion.

People were growing powerful by stepping on the shoulders and heads of these people who were once arrogant in front of them. Finally, these people who were once arrogant in front of them could never catch up with them anymore.

After feeling a bizarre eye light thrown into his face, Zhang Tie turned around as he noticed that Guo Hongyi was looking at him by a complex eye light.

At this moment, Guo Hongyi was in a red brilliant longuette which made her beautiful and hot figure prominent. Additionally, she had dressed up well with especially delicate makeup. The hot figure and brilliant look matched her hot temperament pretty well, making her very charming; even some young men from major clans of Yanzhou Province and Tongzhou Province were throwing a glimpse at her.

Guo Hongyi's eye light made Zhang Tie's heart pound.

When he remembered that Guo Clan ruined the Morality Association across Threespring Prefecture and listed Huaiyuan Palace's all-purpose medicaments into the storage of some cities in Threespring Prefecture, Zhang Tie's heart raced as he told Guo Hongyi in a secret way.

"Elder sister Guo is becoming more and more beautiful. I didn't mean to cheat you when I met elder sister Guo in Xuantian City in the identity of Cui Li. I couldn't help but do that. Please don't blame me, elders sister Guo!"

Zhang Tie's mouth remained still; however, he had passed his words into Guo Hongyi's ears through his battle qi.

It was out of Guo Hongyi's imagination that Zhang Tie could talk to her in a secret way and still call her elder sister Guo like how he did at White Tiger Platform when he met her for the first time without putting on airs. Guo Hongyi's brilliant cheeks blushed at once in a bashful way, causing the others in the surroundings who were stealing a glance at her swallow their saliva. Two elders of Guo Clan on Guo Hongyi's side seemingly noticed something as their eye light started to swim between Zhang Tie and Guo Hongyi.

"I'm already satisfied as long as you still call me elder sister!"

Guo Hongyi's sound drifted into Zhang Tie's ears with hidden bitterness.

After hearing Guo Hongyi's reply, Zhang Tie who had rich experience in love affairs immediately understood what did she mean. Zhang Tie revealed a bitter smile as he really didn't know when Guo Hongyi fell in love with him. 'We have only met 3 times and said a few words in total, plus this time. Additionally, God knows that I've not accosted her at all. I wonder why she could fall in love with me?'

As Zhang Tie thought about that, those familiar or strange looks flashed in front of his eyes one after another.

Nan Gongsheng who had found him trouble in his opening ceremony of Iron-Dragon Sect revealed a cordial smile as if he was Zhang Tie's old friend. All the disciples and the other elders of Immortal Fist Position Sect were looking at Zhang Tie in an awestricken manner…

Lu Zhongming and Linhuanxi were also in the auditorium. Besides being curious, they all looked at him with sincere and kind eye light, including their disciples behind them…

Zhao Clan and Yang Clan from Military Province also assigned Zhao Youxian whom Zhang Tie got acquainted with in the Earth-elements Realm and a strange Yang elder and some disciples here. Those Yang disciples looked similar to Yang Zhenjun; given their looks, they must be the juniors of Yang Zhenjun.

Fan Clan and Qin Clan from Yingzhou Province also assigned their elders here. Zhang Tie didn't see any animosity from their eyes; instead, he saw a bit flattery from Qin elders and a little pity from Fan elders. 'If not the accident, this young earth knight might have already married the daughter of Fan Clan and become the son-in-law of Fang Clan. Isn't Household Register Director Fan unfortunate?'

Mountain Lifting Hermit was nodding towards Zhang Tie as he congratulated the latter in a secret way. The disciples of Iron-Dragon Sect were so excited at the sight of their master.

Donder in the ceremonial robe was also sitting on the region of Gold and Power Law while being accompanied by 3 people. Zhang Tie had met 2 of the 3 people. One of them was Guan Xiyi, the CEO of Golden Roc Bank, the other was Gongsun Liniang, a female knight whom Zhang Tie had once met in Waii Subcontinent. The rest one looked more dignified; sitting there steadily, his qi field was greater than that of Guan Xiyi and Gongsun Liniang; this guy was a dragon-head level mogul of Gold and Power Law. 'Now that this man attends my rotating chakra ceremony, it means that Gold and Power Law want to beg for my forgiveness. Because it was Han Zhengfang, the major dragon-head of Gold and Power Law who knew my information and screwed me in Fuhai City. After Han Zhengfang's real identity was exposed, his conspiracy was figured out too. Gold and Power Law has to give me an explanation; if not, I will have to ask for an explanation from them.'

Donder was blinking his eyes towards Zhang Tie; he would peep at Gongsun Liniang in an obscene way every now and then. 'This guy has been growing fat these years in Jinwu City. He has a corrupt life. As he grows heavier, it seems that he's becoming more lascivious. He even dares accost female knight…' Zhang Tie thought.

Chapter 1208: The Grand Elder of Huaiyuan Palace

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

It seemed that women knew better how to maintain their health and youth than men. After many years, Gongsun Liniang still looked that capable and distant. Strangers could barely approach her.

Gongsun Liniang might have not discovered Donder's lascivious eye light or realized that it was inconvenient for her to lose her temper on this occasion. This beautiful female knight with short hair just looked at Zhang Tie in a bizarre way as if she discovered a pre-historical dinosaur which jumped out of the rock.

The more people were familiar with Zhang Tie, the more they would be curious about Zhang Tie's current achievement and position.

Heavens Fortune Sect also assigned their representatives here. Zhang Tie noticed the elders of Heavens Fortune Sect whom he had met in the White Tiger Platform in Youzhou Province and Feng Cangwu who looked shocked together with his 3 sons Zhang Chenglei, Zhang Chengting and Zheng Chengpei among the audience.

After 5 years, Zhang Tie's 3 sons had been 9 years old. They all inherited the genes of Zhang Tie and their moms and looked pretty handsome. With black hair, black eyes, straight noses and snow-white skin, they looked half-blooded more or less. Before Zhang Tie appeared, his 3 sons were also the most eye-catching ones in the auditorium.

Although being only 9 years old, they looked as tall and straight as 12-year-old teenagers. Given their looks, they were undoubtedly elites. As there were so many knights at present, the moment they threw a glance at the 3 kids, they had known that Zhang Chenglei, Zhang Chengting and Zhang Chengpei had lit all the surging points on their spines. In another word, they were LV 9 fighters.

LV 9 fighters at 9 years old? They were definitely geniuses in cultivation among the top 7 sects of Taixia Country. Such a talent in cultivation was really enviable.

Only after inquiring about that out of amazement, they had known that the 3 kids in the auditorium were Zhang Tie's 3 sons. Because they were learning battle skills in Heavens Fortune Sect, according to the regulation of Heavens Fortune Sect, they were not qualified to leave the sect yet, including asking for a leave to go home. This time, they were allowed to attend the rotating chakra ceremony in the identity of disciples of Heavens Fortune Sect.

Last night, when the airboat of Heavens Fortune Sect parked in Jinwu City, the three boys had already returned home and met their moms. Since 2 days ago, Zhang Tie had taken a bath and changed his clothes in his elder's pavilion on the top of Tiger Embracing Mountain and entered meditation while burning incense for the preparation of this rotating chakra ceremony. Therefore, his 3 sons didn't see Zhang Tie last night. It was their first time to see their dad.

When Zhang Tie approached them, Zhang Chenglei, Zhang Chengting and Zhang Chengpei almost dropped off their tears.

"You're men. You didn't let me down these years. Your dad is very happy about your achievement. Men should not cry at this moment!" Zhang Tie threw a deep glance at the 3 boys as he told them in a secret way.

After hearing Zhang Tie's words, Zhang Chenglei, Zhang Chengting and Zhang Chengpei threw a glance at each other; meanwhile, they wiped off their tears as they chested out and accepted Zhang Tie's review like soldiers. In their hearts, their dad was always their hero…They didn't believe that their dad could do such a lunatic thing in Fuhai City. Now, Zhang Tie's case had been redressed; additionally, he had promoted to an earth knight. Therefore, Zhang Tie's image in the minds of his 3 sons became more supreme.

'My 3 sons have already promoted to LV 9 fighters?' Zhang Tie shook his head and revealed a bitter smile inside. When he was 9 years old, Zhang Tie was still playing mud in Blackhot City. At that time, cultivation was a fairy tale for him. However, his 3 sons had become LV 9 fighters in Heavens Fortune Sect, one of the top 7 sects in Taixia Country at 9 years old. What a sharp contrast!' Zhang Tie even felt embarrassed to compare himself to his 3 sons.

After a few years, Feng Cangwu looked a bit thinner while his facial skin became a bit coarse. Zhang Tie couldn't find any arrogance from him anymore; instead, Zhang Tie found that he became more profound and steadier. Besides the dashing spirit between his eyebrows which looked as sharp as an unsheathed sword blade, Feng Cangwu had completely changed. Zhang Tie wondered what Feng Cangwu had experienced in the Earth-elements Realm these years.

"Have a drink with me tonight!" Zhang Tie told Feng Cangwu in a secret way.

Feng Cangwu revealed a faint smile.

True friends didn't need to talk too much.

Taiyi Fantasy Sect assigned some strangers to attend this ceremony under the leadership of an earth knight. Watching Zhang Tie coming over here, although they all revealed smiles politely, their eye light looked unscrupulous. They just glanced over Zhang Tie freely as if they wanted to discover Zhang Tie's secrets.

Zhang Tie didn't feel like caring about these guys of Taiyi Fantasy Sect. The reason that he would like to return the airboat to them mainly lay in that he didn't want Lan Yunxi to be embarrassed in Taiyi Fantasy Sect; neither would he want to destroy the relationship between Lord Huaiyuan and Taiyi Fantasy Sect. Additionally, Taixia Country was more and more chaotic, it was necessary to ease tensions between Huaiyuan Palace and Taiyi Fantasy Sect. He had already made a compromise to Taiyi Fantasy Sect. Zhang Tie didn't even care about the grand elder of Taiyi Fantasy Sect, not to mention the thoughts of the disciples of Taiyi Fantasy Sect.

Zhang Tie just threw a casual look at those representatives of Taiyi Fantasy Sect before passing by.

Those officials assigned by Northeast Military Region were in official uniforms. The Supreme Court of Xuanyuan Hill directly assigned a supreme court justice and an earth knight with a dark face. Their people were watching Zhang Tie out of curiosity; however, they didn't behave as freely as those from Taiyi Fantasy Sect.

The officials of the Northeast Military Region were here to confirm the identities of Zhang Tie and Cui Li. Whatever, Fire-dragon Bounty Territory was under Cui Li's name. If Zhang Tie couldn't prove that he was Cui Li, he couldn't prove that he was the owner of Fire-Dragon Bounty Territory either, the ownership of Fire-Dragon Bounty Territory would then have problems. The officials of the Supreme Court of Taixia Country were here to apologize to Zhang Tie for that he had been wanted by Supreme Court for a few years.

The most excited ones in the audience were those clan representatives whose disciples had been enrolled by Zhang Tie as his disciples in Xuantian City a few months ago. As the happiest ones, their smiles were sincerest and most enthusiastic. Because Zhang Tie's powerful performance and great fame meant bright future of his disciples and profits for his disciples' clans.

When Zhang Tie approached his family members, Zhang Haitian, Zhang Tie's parents, Zhang Yang, Zhang Tie's wives, elder sisters-in-law, uncles, aunts and cousins looked pretty spirited as they all bathed the glory of the clan brought by Zhang Tie.

The eyes of Zhang Tie's parents and wives were already wet unconsciously. Zhang Yang was watching Zhang Tie with a smile as he tried to not drop off his tears. Zhang Haitian's face had blushed as he chested out constantly. Zhang Su, Zhang Tie's cousin revealed a smile and he held up his thumb in approval towards Zhang Tie.

Under the gaze of everybody else, Zhang Tie revealed a brilliant smile towards his family members.

All the others were looking at Zhang Tie with different expressions, such as admiration, jealousy, discontent, restlessness and gossip…

After passing by the audience, Zhang Tie burned 3 incenses for his forebears and inserted them into the incense burner solemnly. After accomplishing the tedious process, he returned and officially took a golden mace which represented the authority of the grand elder of Huaiyuan Palace and a new remote-sensing finger ring from the hand of Zhang Taixuan, who looked solemn. After that, he sat on the golden chair.

"Elder Mushen has formed his 2 chakras. From today on, Elder Mushen becomes the grand elder of Huaiyuan Palace. He could use his golden mace to beat muddle-headed clan head and unworthy descendants of Huaiyuan Palace…" Elder Muyuan's sound reverberated around the square outside the Ancestral Shrine Palace, "Descendants of Huaiyuan Palace, please show your respect to Elder Mushen…"

Chapter 1209: Being Dwarfed by Comparison

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

It was time for the representatives from the major clans and sects to show up.

This process was similar to Zhang Tie's first rotating chakra ceremony. Those who came to congratulate him were all juniors from major sects and clans. As it was an earth knight's rotating chakra ceremony, it would not be bashful for some disciples of major sects such as Taiyi Fantasy Sect to congratulate him in the public.

Huaiyuan Palace's hundreds of disciples entered the stage first under the leadership of the castellan of Goldenlight City of Huaiyuan Palace. Goldenlight city was the former Goldensea City of Huaiyuan Palace. Zhang Tie's family was in Goldensea City. As the elder in the branch of Goldensea City promoted to an earth knight, all the descendants of Goldensea City became very spirited. The current castellan of Goldenlight City was the descendant of Elder Muyuan; of course, he should speak on behalf of all the disciples of Huaiyuan Palace in the first row at this moment.

When Zhang Tie held his first rotating chakra ceremony, it was Zhang Taibai who led the clan disciples to congratulate him. This time, it was Goldenlight City's turn to lead the clan disciples to congratulate him. This also implied that the position of the branch of Goldenlight City had improved because of Zhang Tie.

"Huaiyuan Palace congratulate Elder Mushen on having a great and long fortune in cultivation base and eternal chakras. In order to congratulate Elder Mushen to promote to an earth knight, Huaiyuan Palace especially gift 200 water-element crystals, 800 tons of gold, 300 crates of bright pearls, 200 crates of gems, 60,000 m golden boa silk and 60,000 square miles' land outside Jinwu City." The castellan of Goldenlight City resounded over the square outside the Ancestral Shrine Palace. This congratulation also kicked off the curtain that all the other major clans and sects entered the stage one batch after another.

Besides showing up themselves in the public, it was a good chance for the major clans and sects to show off their wealth. The overall strength of a clan or a sect could be easily identified by their gift. It was like gifting red purses. For instance, when others sent gifts to Huaiyuan Palace on the rotating charka ceremony, Huaiyuan Palace should send more gifts to the others on their rotating charka ceremony.

This was the etiquette pursued by Hua people.

Holding the golden mace, Zhang Tie was sitting straight on the silver throne which represented the power of earth knight and accepted the others' congratulations frankly.

Zhang Tie had reviewed the gift of Huaiyuan Palace in advance. He had refused all of them except for the 60,000 square miles' land. They were just going through the motions at this moment.

Zhang clan in Jinwu City was the richest clan in Youzhou Province. Zhang Tie felt it was meaningless to accept their gift and send the gift back to them as they were all members of Huaiyuan Palace. Zhang Tie had power and wealth; however, he didn't have enough land. What he had owned had been out of his imagination. Wealth and power merely meant pure figure and burden for him.

Closely after Huaiyuan Palace's team was the representative of Taiyi Fantasy Sect, the head of the top 7 sects of Taixia Country.

Taiyi Fantasy Sect only assigned a young disciple here, who looked younger than 20 years old. However, he was already a battle spirit. When the audience saw that Taiyi Fantasy Sect only assigned one person here, they all slightly frowned, 'That's too insolent! It's a rotating chakra ceremony of an earth knight. They should at least assign 2 disciples.'

Zhang Tie just looked at this young disciple of Taiyi Fantasy Sect with a normal expression, just like Zhang Taixuan who was sitting on the other side.

"Taiyi Fantasy Sect congratulates Elder Mushen on having a great and long fortune in cultivation base and eternal chakras. In order to congratulate Elder Mushen on promoting to an earth knight, Taiyi Fantasy Sect especially gift 1,000 water-element crystals, 1,000 tons of gold and 1,000 Taiyi Soul-Building Pills…" The young disciple of Taiyi Fantasy Sect glanced around the surrounding audience arrogantly when he mentioned the Taiyi Soul-Building Pills. The audience evidently took in a deep breath. It seemed that Taiyi Soul-Building Pill was not ordinary.

"Taiyi Soul-Building Pill is the secret medicament of Taiyi Fantasy Sect. It could help ordinary fighters to light their surging points as soon as possible. Taiyi Soul-Building Pill could be barely gained in Taixia Country no matter how much money one paid; it barely enters the market, plus 1,000 water-element crystals and 1,000 tons of gold, Taiyi Fantasy Sect's gift is great…" Elder Muen explained to Zhang Tie by a secret means.

At this moment, it seemed that Elder Muen was afraid that Taiyi Fantasy Sect's insolent demeanor irritated Zhang Tie and could be hardly dealt with in the end.

Taiyi Fantasy Sect's gift was not bad; however, they put on their airs more or less. Zhang Tie immediately got hang of the attitude of Taiyi Fantasy Sect. They wanted to show off the power and position as the first sect in Taixia Country while not being looked down upon by others.

'No need to be that complex. It's just your elder's airboat. Are these things more valuable than an airboat? You just want to take back that airboat from here. No need to put on airs! So boring!'

Zhang Tie complained inside; however, he still looked kind. Because Zhang Tie knew that the boring and narrow-minded things in his eyes might be related to the honor of Taiyi Fantasy Sect. Due to different stances and perspectives, people always had different conclusions.

"Please extend my thanks to your clan head and elders on behalf of me. The friendship between Huaiyuan Palace and Taiyi Fantasy Sect started from Lord Huaiyuan. As the posterity of Lord Huaiyuan, of course, I also hope this friendship to last forever!"

After hearing Zhang Tie's polite words, the other elders of Huaiyuan Palace let out a sigh at the same time. Those powerhouses in the auditorium also exchanged a glance with each other as their intense looks became relaxed.

After the young disciple of Taiyi Fantasy Sect left, it was the representatives of Heavens Fortune Sect.

Zhang Tie's 3 sons, Zhang Chenglei, Zhang Chengting and Zhang Chengpei were chesting out and opening their mouths loudly at the same time, "Heavens Fortune Sect congratulate Elder Mushen on having a great and long fortune in cultivation base and eternal chakras. In order to congratulate Elder Mushen on promoting to an earth knight, Heavens Fortune Sect especially gift 1,000 water-element crystals, 1,000 tons of gold and the right of 20 years' cultivation in the tower of time of Langya Cave of Heavens Fortune Sect!"

After hearing the great gift of Heavens Fortune Sect, the audience in the auditorium exclaimed once again. The right of 20 years' cultivation in the tower of time in the Langya Cave of Heavens Fortune Sect? What a debt of gratitude! Zhang Tie's 3 sons congratulated him on behalf of Heavens Fortune Sect plus this special gift. What a much-told tale! This gift was much more valuable than that of Taiyi Fantasy Sect for an earth knight.

Zhang Tie threw a glance at the auditorium of Heavens Fortune Sect. The elders of Heavens Fortune Sect were also looking at him. Zhang Tie just cupped his hands towards the elders of Heavens Fortunes Sect solemnly. The elders of Heavens Fortune Sect nodded towards Zhang Tie with a smile.

Closely after Heavens Fortune Sect were two disciples of Demons Killing Valley.

The gift of Demons Killing Valley was 1,000 water-element crystals, 1,000 tons of gold and 1,000 sets of rune battle armors being produced by Demons Killing Valley. The rune battle armors of Demons Killing Valley were definitely more valuable than 1,000 Taiyi Soul-Building Pills of Heavens Fortune Sect. Therefore, another round of exclamations sounded in the auditorium.

At this moment, those powerhouses of Taiyi Fantasy Sect didn't look good anymore. As the first sect in Taixia Country, they felt a bit frustrated as their gift was defeated by that of Heavens Fortune Sect and Demons Killing Valley in value.

However, it was not the fault of Taiyi Fantasy Sect. Taiyi Fantasy Sect had not imagined that Demons Killing Valley could arrive with such a great gift because they didn't know that Zhang Tie had any relationship with Demons Killing Valley after Zhang Tie came to Taixia Country. Although Taiyi Fantasy Sect had imagined that the Heavens Fortune Sect would arrive, they didn't imagine that Heavens Fortune Sect could have such a deep relationship with Zhang Tie and could even provide the right of 20 years' cultivation in the tower of time in Langya Cave of Heavens Fortune Sect.

Zhang Tie didn't look at the faces of those representatives of Taiyi Fantasy Sect anymore. Just now, he was not furious because he had long known that the other clans would slap Taiyi Fantasy Sect's face for him.

The third group of people who would slap the face of Heavens Fortune Sect entered the stage, it was the Guan Xiyi, the CEO of Gold and Power Law and Donder.

"Gold and Power Law congratulate Elder Mushen on having a great and long fortune in cultivation base and eternal chakras. In order to congratulate Elder Mushen on promoting to an earth knight, Gold and Power Law especially gift 2,000 water-element crystals, 2,000 tons of gold, 2,000 vials of senior recovery medicaments, Lanjing City which is a Class I City in Yingzhou Province, 120 square miles' land in Youzhou Province, a customized heavenly-cloud airboat and a purple-cloud airboat…"

"Hua…" The entire auditorium was in an uproar, even the elders of Huaiyuan Palace exchanged a glance with each other while widely opening their mouths. What a great gift!

Zhang Tie's family members were dumbfounded too. Such a great gift had not been seen for many years across Taixia Country.

After being slapped by Gold and Power Law on the spot once again, the face of earth knight of Taiyi Fantasy Sect turned black at once. He moved his eyes onto Zhang Tie with a vacant look as he didn't know why Gold and Power Law could flatter an earth knight in this way. After this gift was reported, the gift of Taiyi Fantasy Sect, the first clan of Taixia Country was dwarfed by that of the other clans at once…

The airboat that Zhang Tie returned to Taiyi Fantasy Sect was also a Heavenly Cloud airboat; the representatives of Taiyi Fantasy Sect could not imagine that a sect could gift Zhang Tie 2 airboats the moment Zhang Tie returned the airboat to them…

Previously, the representatives of Taiyi Fantasy Sect had a superiority complex as they were here to drive that airboat back. However, as long as Gold and Power Law's gift was reported, all of them felt that they were like small pedlars who came here to accept and deal with a second-hand abandoned car. They found that the airboat of Taiyi Fantasy Sect was nothing but a sh*t in Zhang Tie's eyes…

Chapter 1210: The Halos of Gentleman

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

After hearing Donder's gift, Zhang Tie became a bit shocked; however, it was still within his imagination.

Taiyi Fantasy Sect and the others might be dumbfounded by such a great gift; however, Zhang Tie was clear why Gold and Power Law was so generous this time. To put it straight, this gift meant that Gold and Power Law or the imperial court of Taixia Country wanted a reconciliation with him.

The culprit of the tragedy in Fuhai City was the major dragon-head of Gold and Power Law; when Zhang Tie was screwed, his identity was the dark gold manager of Gold and Power Law. Han Zhengfang made advantage of Zhang Tie's trust to Gold and Power Law and gained some key information about Zhang Tie in Waii Subcontinent. Therefore, he set a plot in Fuhai City and almost killed Zhang Tie. This case was not an ordinary frame-up; it was more like a betrayal, the most despicable, shameless and chilling betrayal and sniper's shot. As Han Zhengfang was the representative of the imperial court and imperial households of Taixia Country, it was the fault of the imperial court and imperial households of Taixia Country for not discovering Han Zhengfang's real identity. Therefore, seriously, even the imperial court and imperial households of Taixia Country should be responsible for the tragedy in Fuhai City. Zhang Tie made a great meritorious deed for Taixia Country by inflicting a heavy loss on the Heavens Reaching Church in Youzhou Province; however, he was struck, framed and wanted by the strength of the internal system of Taixia Country. If it was exposed to the public, Taixia Country would definitely lose its support among the people.

That was why Gold and Power Law presented such a "sincere" gift to Zhang Tie in his rotating chakra ceremony. If Zhang Tie had no belongings, he could establish a powerful clan with Gold and Power Law's gift.

The relationship between Zhang Tie and Gold and Power Law was a secret. The so-called Dark Gold manager was his secret identity in Gold and Power Law. Zhang Tie had not exposed this secret to anyone except for Zhang Yang. He didn't even tell it to the other clan elders of Huaiyuan Palace, not to mention Taiyi Fantasy Sect.

Therefore, after hearing the gift of Gold and Power Law, those who didn't know the reason were shocked at once. Even if Gold and Power Law wanted to apologize to Zhang Tie, they didn't need to send such a great gift. Therefore, the audience wondered about the motive of Gold and Power Law by doing this.

The earth knight of Taiyi Fantasy Sect moved his eye light between Zhang Tie and the representatives of Gold and Power Law for quite a while as if he wanted to discover the secret between them.

The other elders of Huaiyuan Palace also responded to this gift with strange expressions. After calculating Zhang Tie's private land area and cities in Youzhou Province, the elders of Huaiyuan Palace became stunned at once.

Zhang Tie's Fire-dragon Bounty Territory occupied over 800,000 square miles' land. After Guan Clan bought the rest part of the entire Yangui Mountain Range and gifted it to Zhang Tie, Zhang Tie's land area reached over 1,700,000 square miles' land. Previously, Zhang Tie had bought the Zanggu Plateau in Youzhou Province, which covered over 1,800,000 square miles' land; plus the 1,200,000 square miles' land that Gold and Power Law had gifted, Zhang Tie had over 4,800,000 square miles' land in Youzhou Province, which was 8 times greater than that of Yanghe Prefecture of Huaiyuan Palace. Besides, Zhang Tie had 10 cities in his Fire-dragon Bounty Territory. Zhang Tie's private land area and cities were greater than that of the entire Huaiyuan Palace.

No wonder Zhang Tie didn't feel like taking over the position of the clan head. With so many land and cities, Zhang Tie could build another Huaiyuan Palace. Based on Zhang Tie's temperament, he didn't need to compete for the position of clan head with Zhang Taixuan at all. Given Zhang Tie's properties and power and the position of the grand elder of Huaiyuan Palace, nobody in Huaiyuan Palace dared say no to Zhang Tie. Additionally, they all wondered when did Zhang Tie establish such a close relationship with Demons Killing Valley; plus Heavens Fortune Sect which was also on Zhang Tie's side, 3 of the top 7 sects in Taixia Country got along with Zhang Tie. Elder Mushen's human relationship, resources and prestige could not be matched by any other members of Huaiyuan Palace, including the clan head…

All the other elders of Huaiyuan Palace thought that they had understood what Zhang Tie was thinking about. Zhang Taixuan also flickered his eyes as he watched Zhang Tie quietly.

Zhang Tie's uncles and relatives on the auditorium were shocked too much that they couldn't even utter a word. Zhang family's shipyard was dwarfed by the gifts. At the same time, Zhang members realized Zhang Tie's prestige and great influence outside.

The moment Gold and Power Law's gift was reported, the auditorium was in an uproar at once. Closely after that, it became quiet again while everyone just watched Zhang Tie.

After being silent for a second, Zhang Tie opened his mouth. Without gratitude or refusal, Zhang Tie just watched manager Guan Xiyi and Donder of Gold and Power Law calmly as he said easily, "I will take the great gift of Gold and Power Law. As it's in the holy war, let the bygones be bygones. As knights, we should unite with each other to resist the enemy together!"

After hearing Zhang Tie's words, manager Guan Xiyi, Donder and all the others on the auditorium revealed a smile as if they had felt a sense of relief.

Zhang Tie had accepted the apology of Gold and Power Law. The overall situation of Taixia Country counted most. Now that Zhang Tie had forgotten about the personal grievances, he had saved the faces of Gold and Power Law and the imperial court of Taixia Country and didn't make them too embarrassed in the public. Although the gift was great in the eyes of the others, it was nothing compared to the overall strength of Gold and Power Law, the richest sect among the top 7 sects of Taixia Country.

After making a deep bow towards Zhang Tie, Guan Xiyi and Donder left and returned to their seats.

It was Zhang Tie's first time to receive other's great gift while having them appreciate him and feel that he was personable, open-minded and aboveboard.

Zhang Tie could even understand Taiyi Fantasy Sect by returning the airboat to them, not to mention Gold and Power Law and that he had killed Han Zhengfang with a great achievement. The real man should be able to take something up and put it down with equal ease. Additionally, the great gift of Gold and Power Law was really thoughtful. When he met Donder a few days ago, he mentioned that he would return the airboat to Taiyi Fantasy Sect; it was out of his imagination that Gold and Power Law could gift him 2 airboats today. Now that Gold and Power Law respected him so much, he also showed his respect to Gold and Power Law so that both parties could be satisfied.

Everybody at present was pleasant except for the representatives of Taiyi Fantasy Sect.

After the representatives of Gold and Power Law retreated, the 4th batch of people who slapped the face of Taiyi Fantasy Sect entered the stage.

It was 2 stewards from Lord Guangnan's Mansion.

"Lord Guangnan's Mansion congratulate Elder Mushen on having a great and long fortune in cultivation base and eternal chakras. In order to congratulate Elder Mushen on promoting to an earth knight, Lord Guangnan's Mansion especially gift 2,000 water-element crystals, 20 million gold coins, 2,000 pairs of jade ivories and earth-element rhino horns, 2,000 crates of gems, 100,000 kg starry violet gold, 800,000 kg top-class spirited sandalwood, 2,000 crates of various top-class medicaments and tribute tea leaves, 26,000 m long golden boa silk cloths, 2,000 domestic servants and Heavenly Stars City near Heavenly Stars Lake, which is a scenic spot in the south border of Taixia Country!"

After hearing this gift, the auditorium was in an uproar once again. Even the earth knights in the top 7 sects couldn't receive such great gifts in their rotating chakra ceremonies one after another.

Many people who didn't know the reason hurriedly asked others why Lord Guangnan's Mansion "flattered" Elder Mushen so much. Soon after being hinted by those who knew the reason, everybody had understood it as they all threw their glance at Bai Suxian who was the most beautiful one on the auditorium——it turns out that Elder Mushen has convinced the princess of Lord Guangnan's Mansion and will establish a connection with Lord Guangnan's Mansion through marriage. No wonder Lord Guangnan is so generous; he's sending this gift to his son-in-law.

At this moment, many people had the same thought when they watched the beautiful wives of Zhang Tie and Bai Suxian, 'Elder Mushen is really the most romantic man in the world!'

By contrast, the faces of those representatives of Taiyi Fantasy Sect had turned black. Being fully confident, Taiyi Fantasy Sect had completely deteriorated into minor roles. Even though their gift ranked last among the gifts of the other major clans and Lord Guangnan's Mansion, they couldn't lose a temper.

In the eyes of the audience, Zhang Tie became more dignified and mysterious on the silver throne. In the eyes of these people, even though Zhang Tie just sat there, he was giving out light all over. At the same time, he was releasing a strong surging qi in a formidable way.

After the representatives of Lord Guangnan's Mansion returned to their seats, more and more guests congratulated Zhang Tie on the stage, including the representatives of Zhu Clan the provincial governor's clan in Yanzhou Province, Qian Clan the provincial governor's clan in Tongzhou Province and the major clans in Youzhou Province. Although these clans' gifts couldn't match that of the 3 top sects and Lord Guangnan's Mansion, they were also prepared carefully and could match the identities of those clans themselves.

Lu Zhongming and Lin Huanyi's disciples also sent a great gift to Zhang Tie on behalf of Minling Swordsmanship Sect in Guzhou Province.

As Zhang Tie once saved Lin Huanxi's life, Lu Zhongming's and Lin Huanxi's gift was really expensive, including 400 water-element crystals, 400 tons of gold, 4 bronze secret items, 400 crates of precious specialties in Guzhou Province and a secret book about the joint attack that the couple received by accident.

The disciples of Nangong Sheng, the founder of Immortal Fist Position Sect also congratulated Zhang Tie with a great gift.

Even Zhao Clan and Yang Clan in Military Province had sent their gifts, not to mention those major clans whose disciples were in Iron-Dragon Sect.

When Yang Clan's juniors entered the stage, there was an episode. Previously, Yang Clan in Military Province only had one knight-level elder Yang Zhenjun. After Yang Zhenyun lost his life in the Earth-elements Realm, Yan Clan's situation declined greatly over these years. All the representatives of Yang Clan entered the stage to congratulate Zhang Tie; additionally, their gift was greatly dwarfed by that of Zhao Clan in Military Province. Actually, Yang Clan's gift couldn't even account 1/5 of that of Zhao Clan. Yang Clan only gifted 1 million gold coins, 2 rune equipment which had just broken through the bottleneck of black iron effect and 20 crates of specialties in Military Province.

The clan head of Yang Clan reported the gift himself, which aroused the discussion of the audience at once. Compared to the shocks caused by the gifts of the top 3 sects and Lord Guangnan's Mansion, Yang Clan's gift was also shocking to another extreme. Such a cheap gift was even enough to congratulate a black iron's rotating chakra ceremony, not to mention an earth knight's rotating chakra ceremony. The clan head and all the disciples of Yang Clan felt bashful as they just lowered their heads.

Under the strange looks of the audience, Zhang Tie left his silver throne and deeply bowed towards the clan head and disciples of Yang Clan. Zhang Tie's movements not only made the audience dumbfounded, but also made the clan head and disciples of Yang Clan perplexed.

"Zhang Tie is bowing towards the martyr of Yang Clan. Zhang Tie got acquainted with Elder brother Zhenjun in the Earth-elements Realm and experienced life or death situations together. We were comrades-in-arms. I've not imagined that Elder brother Zhenjun had fought demons to death in the center of Tiewei Mountain in the first abyss of the Earth-elements Realm when Zhang Tie came out of the dilemma a few years later. Elder brother Zhenjun was dauntless in front of the large formation of demon knights and finally sacrificed himself for the sake of humans and Taixia Country, leaving nothing but his clothes. When I heard that news, I let out a deep sigh too. Elder brother Zhenjun was full of zeal with imperishable noble spirit. He lived and died for humans. He should be the model of our peer knights. With such a heroic forebear, Yang Clan deserve Zhang Tie's bow!"

Soon after hearing Zhang Tie's words, all the representatives of Yang Clan dissolved in tears. As a result, all the juniors knelt down in front of Zhang Tie and kowtowed towards Zhang Tie. By then, all the "strange" looks on Yang Clan's representatives turned deferent. How could the clan members of a late hero be despised by people because of a poor gift?

After Yang clan's representatives stood up and straightened up with tears over their faces, Zhang Tie told the clan head of Yang Clan, "Although the opening ceremony of Iron-Dragon Sect has passed, I want to enroll another two disciples today. Would disciples of Yang Clan like to join Iron-Dragon Sect?"

After hearing Zhang Tie's words, the clan head of Yang Clan surged out more tears. Yan Clan indeed expected that Zhang Tie could enroll some members of Yang Clan as his disciples given the friendship between Zhang Tie and the clan head of Yang Clan so that Yang Clan could see a hope to reinvigorate. They had not imagined that Zhang Tie had known their intention before they asked for that. Therefore, the clan head immediately intended to kneel down towards Zhang Tie; however, Zhang Tie stopped him by grabbing his arm.

"Tiecheng, Tieqiang, hurry up, kowtow towards your master!" The clan head of Yang Clan turned around and shouted towards two members of Yang Clan as he caught Zhang Tie's arm tightly with tears all over his face.

Two 18-year-old young men knelt down in front of Zhang Tie once again as they immediately knocked onto the ground with their foreheads forcefully. When they raised their heads, their foreheads had already turned red.

Zhang Tie helped the two disciples stand up on his own initiative. Closely after that, he pointed at the area of the representatives of Iron-Dragon Sect before saying, "You're my disciples today. Take a seat over there after talking with your family members.

This episode didn't take Zhang Tie too much time. After Yang Clan's representatives returned to their area, the rotating chakra ceremony continued. However, after such an episode, many people watched Zhang Tie with more curious and awestruck eye light.

The halos of a gentleman were educational, pitying and upholding the justice.

'If Zhang Tie's deeds were regarded as buying popularity, hypocrites are expected to spread over the world. Because everyone expects their hearts to be bought in this way.' Many people let out a sigh with emotion inside.

The process of congratulations took them 2 hours. Zhang Tie also received numerous gifts.

After the link of congratulations, many guests felt that the grand occasion of Elder Mushen's rotating chakra ceremony and so many much-told tales in the ceremony would definitely be spread over the world. The fame of Zhang Tie, Zhang Mushen would reach a new height in Taixia Country.

"It's said that Elder Mushen has awakened an immortal bloodline and could change your look casually like shadow demons; additionally, the means that Elder Mushen used to convert between two secret methods is really rare. May you show us that talent today?" A distant voice drifted from the auditorium of Taiyi Fantasy Sect after the last congratulant left…