1295 - 1304

Chapter 1295: The Power of the Emperor-Level Sutra

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

It was Zhang Tie's first time to sense the great power of the real body of the virtual image of a shadow knight…

The moment Zhang Tie was swallowed by the giant boa, he felt like he was sucked into a hole in an oceanic trench by a great undercurrent and swirl. As a result, he couldn't even use the capability of divine dominator for the time being.

After being dizzy for a short while, Zhang Tie felt like falling into the liquid. In a split second, Zhang Tie felt being tightened all over while he was covered by bloody water.

The bloody water's density was absolutely greater than that of mercury. As dense as the melting iron, the bloody water was squeezing Chaos. Besides, the bloody water had strong corrosiveness as Zhang Tie could hear the fine sound of "tsi tsi" like that when water dropped onto a hot iron plate.

Before his Chaos was broken by the bloody water, Zhang Tie didn't need to worry about his health for the time being. Additionally, he could release his protective battle qi. However, now that the bloody water could corrode the Chaos which was made of abyss iron, Zhang Tie was afraid that his protective battle qi could also be corroded.

Numerous black snake-shaped runes were floating in the bloody water. Zhang Tie found that those snake-shaped runes were connecting with each other like real snakes and chains. They wrapped Zhang Tie's limbs, waist and neck tightly so that he could not move. Additionally, those snake-shaped rune chains were tightening up constantly. Zhang Tie tried to move as he found that his strength was rapidly sucked by those rune chains. It was completely opposite to the function of vitality ring which could help him recover his strength rapidly. Therefore, Zhang Tie was so sad that he almost wanted to spurt out blood.

Zhang Tie was still holding Thor's Hammer; however, the dense corrosive bloody liquid was like a bizarre barrier as Zhang Tie found that his spiritual energy as a divine dominator could not penetrate through the liquid.

'Where am I? Principally, I should be in the stomach of the incarnation of Gao Tianzhao. However, it doesn't look like that. When in the winding, narrow tunnel, the giant boa's size was limited; however, I feel being in a large water pond and losing my direction in it. It's like a terrifying fatal trap. The bloody, glutinous liquid and my encounter remind me of the scene when Meng Shidao fought Han Zhengfang in his semi-sage realm.'

'Is this also a realm? No way. Gao Tianzhao is just a shadow knight. How could a shadow knight have the strength of the realm? But what else?'

A lot of questions occurred to Zhang Tie's mind; however, it was not the right place for Zhang Tie to think about it carefully and calmly.

'No, I have to leave out of here. If not, when I become extremely weak or my protective battle qi is fully corroded, I would die here for sure.'

'Open…" Zhang Tie roared as he used his full efforts by his limbs.

Although Zhang Tie had great strength, the moment he exerted his full effort, the rune chains over his limbs, waist and neck were tightened up at once, causing Zhang Tie's limbs to be closer to each other. Due to the great strength of Zhang Tie and the binding effect of the rune chains, the entire Chaos started to creak.

When those rune chains were going to be broken by Zhang Tie, many more snake-shaped runes came into being in the bloody liquid before swimming over here, restoring those breaking rune chains at once, making them thicker and thicker. Gradually, Zhang Tie's arms were pulled apart once again while the rune chains became more and more powerful as if they were going to separate up Zhang Tie…

Zhang Tie roared as he exerted his full efforts to resist the increasing binding strength of the rune chains. At the same time, the bloody glutinous liquid which was squeezing and corroding Zhang Tie's Chaos started to rock, causing ripples around Zhang Tie which gradually spread around in all directions…

"Hahahaha, you have a great battle strength; however, it doesn't work, there…" Gao Tianzhao's voice resonated around this place which directly entered Zhang Tie's ears secretly. Given Gao Tianzhao's sound, he had been weak. It seemed that he wouldn't stand too long. Additionally, Zhang Tie identified a complex feeling of hatred and pleasure from Gao Tianzhao's voice. Gao Tianzhao continued, "The binding strength comes from the power between the Elements Realm and my earth chakra and water chakra. If you're a heavenly knight, you might break out; pitifully, you're not. If not swallow you, I've almost been cheated by you. You're a divine dominator. Are you from Penglai Immortal Realm and came here together with Zhang Tie? I"ve not imagined that even Penglai Immortal Realm has favored Fiery Oil…"

"Where am I?" Zhang Tie asked as he forcefully resisted the binding strength from the rune chains.

Through his body-changing immortal bloodline and the special sound-producing device of his Chaos, Zhang Tie's voice sounded tinny. Gao Tianzhao couldn't identify that was Zhang Tie at all. Not until now did Gao Tianzhao feel that this one was not Zhang Tie. He even brainwashed it and connected Penglai Immortal Realm with Zhang Tie with evidence. Zhang Tie didn't feel like explaining about it at all…

"You're in the stomach of the real body of the virtual image of Heavens-eaten Boa. Although shadow knight couldn't grasp the strength of the realm, the stomach of Heavens-eaten Boa could form a Heavens-eaten Bloody Realm which was similar to that of the realm. As a shadow knight, I could use the strength of earth and water here. As long as you're swallowed by the Heavens-eaten Boa, your life will be under my control unless you're a heavenly knight or above…" Gao Tianzhao said icily.

"Really?" Only after having such a short talk with Gao Tianzhao in Chaos, Zhang Tie had been oozing sweat heavily. Additionally, Zhang Tie found something more terrifying. The more strength he used, the faster the rune chains would suck his physical strength. Thankfully, Zhang Tie had super great strength which didn't even seem like being owned by humans. As a result, the rune chains couldn't suck his strength faster than the speed that he recovered his strength. Therefore, although the rune chains' binding strength was terrifyingly great, Zhang Tie could still bear it.

"You will know it soon. Don't expect that someone else could come to save you here. No matter how powerful you're as a divine dominator, you will turn into a puddle of bloody water in the end. Hehehe, it's my first time to devour a divine dominator…"

After Gao Tianzhao finished his words, Zhang Tie had felt this giant boa was moving. It seemed that it was moving forward and evacuating away from their battlefield rapidly. As long as Gao Tianzhao left here, if a shadow knight wanted to hide somewhere in the underground space, even the powerhouses assigned here by Blackwater Base could barely find him.

When Zhang Tie was resisting the corrosion of the bloody liquid, he kept thinking about the solution. Although it was very dangerous, Zhang Tie was not running out of his ability. Zhang Tie felt that Gao Tianzhao couldn't kill him in a short period even though Gao Tianzhao trapped him with this real body of the virtual image of the giant boa. They were actually in a stalemate. It depended on who could last longer.

In this case, Zhang Tie felt that he underestimated the real power of a shadow knight. Now that shadow knight was higher than earth knight in level, he must have powerful battle strength. Additionally, the secret methods cultivated by shadow knights absolutely had reached a wholly new level. At least Zhang Tie had not imagined that a shadow knight could form a space which was close to the realm in the real body of his virtual image previously.

It should be the unique ability of the real body of the virtual image of Heavens-eaten Boa. It could be judged by the words "Heavens-eaten". The secret method that Gao Tianzhao cultivated must be something even in Taixia Country as a whole.

Shadow knights were indeed terrifying in power; however, Zhang Tie felt lucky that Gao Tianzhao was only a shadow knight. Given the power of the real body of the virtual image of Gao Tianzhao, as long as Gao Tianzhao promoted to a heavenly knight, the realm in the stomach of the Heavens-eaten Boa might be more terrifying.

The giant boa rapidly flew in the underground space. Even Zhang Tie didn't know where it was. Zhang Tie just attempted to tear apart and break those rune chains. However, as was told by Gao Tianzhao, the power of those rune chains was connected to Gao Tianzhao's chakras and the Element Realm, which represented the earth strength. No matter how Zhang Tie struggled, he could at most transform those rune chains; instead of breaking them.

After almost 3 hours' struggle, Zhang Tie felt the giant boa suddenly stopped. It seemed that Gao Tianzhao had already hidden somewhere.

In the past 3 hours, although Zhang Tie had not used up his strength, he was still resisting the great strength of the rune chains. However, his Chaos had long been severely corroded by the bloody liquid with many pits on it. The bloody liquid which was denser than mercury was indeed terrifying.

"In the Heavens-eaten Bloody Realm, you could survive at most 2 days. I've already hidden somewhere. I have enough time to deal with you. If you want to survive yourself, we could make a deal…" Gao Tianzhao's voice sounded once again.

When Zhang Tie was thinking about the countermeasure, he heard Gao Tianzhao's sound once again. Therefore, he asked, "What deal…"

"You give me the cultivation method that Penglai Immortal Realm uses to train divine dominator…"

"Fine, you let me out of here. I will tell you about the cultivation method of divine dominator…" Zhang Tie replied without any sincerity.

"Don't be that stubborn; I will see how long could you stand there…"

"Really? I will see how long could you remain the real body of your virtual image. When your virtual image collapses, do you think that you could trap me?" Zhang Tie sneered as he said dauntlessly.

At this moment, Zhang Tie had not fully released his protective battle qi. From the beginning, Zhang Tie was resisting the corrosion of the bloody liquid using his Chaos. Even though the Chaos was completely damaged, Zhang Tie was still confident to stand a few more days inside with his protective battle qi. However, Gao Tianzhao was severely injured too. Could he maintain the real body of his virtual image for a few more days?

"Do you think that's all I have?"

"Just use them all…"

"Although I've not fully formed my wind chakra, I could have you taste different flavors in the Heavens-eaten Bloody Realm…" Gao Tianzhao said while hundred more bizarre silver runes suddenly appeared in the bloody glutinous liquid around Zhang Tie. The moment they appeared, they had stabbed onto the Chaos like snake's fangs, causing several times heavier burden on Zhang Tie's Chaos in a split second…

Being corroded and attacked by the sharp spines, only after half an hour, a fingernail-sized hole had been caused on the most fragile joint of Zhang Tie's Chaos. Soon after that, the bloody glutinous liquid and those fangs had poured into the hole as they started to attack Zhang Tie's protective battle qi and body…

"Hehheh, it's just the beginning. Enjoy it…" Gao Tianzhao's ruthless voice entered Zhang Tie's ears.

However, the moment the bloody glutinous liquid and fangs touched Zhang Tie's protective battle qi and body, an extremely furious and dignified voice had sounded in the hot sun of Zhang Tie's qi sea as if an unrivaled person's authority was challenged and despised by a clown. In that voice, Zhang Tie's body rocked heavily all over. At the same time, the virtual image of king roc in the "King Roc Sutra" manifested itself in the hot sun of battle qi. Closely after that, the image of this king roc turned into a huge golden rune in a split second as it rushed up and exploded in Zhang Tie's mind sea…

In a split second, Zhang Tie finally knew why the virtual image of king roc was driven mad.

Rocs ate dragons. As the king of rocs, king roc ate 300 big dragons and 500 small dragons. The entire dragon species would be scared by king roc. At the sight of king roc, dragon king would become weak, sore and lose all of its strength…

King roc was nuts for dragons. Imposing dragons were just like noodles in front of king roc, not to mention the Heavens-eaten Bao which was even inferior to dragons and hated that it couldn't turn into a dragon due to the height of the sky.

However, a Heavens-eaten Boa wanted to swallow a king roc. When the Heavens-eaten Bloody Realm touched Zhang Tie's body, the "King Roc Sutra" that Zhang Tie cultivated took effect at once. In a split second, Zhang Tie mastered a new skill…

All this really happened in a split second…

"Break…" Zhang Tie suddenly opened his eyes under the Chaos as his eyes shone while uttering this voice unconsciously. At the same time, Zhang Tie's 10 fingers turned straight or bend like how a roc stretched out its wings.

Soon after Zhang Tie uttered this voice, the entire Heavens-eaten Bloody Realm had been frozen. Closely after that, all the rune chains and fangs turned into ashes. The Heavens-eaten Bloody Realm then blew up into endless fiery flames with Gao Tianzhao's earth-shaking screams…

Chapter 1296: Aftermath

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Zhang Tie gained his freedom in the fiery flames of Gao Tianzhao's broken Heavens-eaten Boa…

The moment Zhang Tie escaped away from the trap, Zhang Tie had been able to use his Thor's Hammer once again. In a split second, Zhang Tie called two silver secret longswords out of Castle of Black Iron and prepared to give Gao Tianzhao a heavy blow. Kill him when he was sick! However, after seeing everything in front of him, Zhang Tie stopped at once.

He was in a hidden mountain cave. The dull red magma in the magma pond made the entire mountain cave look red. The mountain cave was closed in the surroundings. Only that magma pond led to outside. On the earth near the palisades, there was some magma. Given the current situation, the Heavens-eaten Boa should arrive at this place through that magma pond. Zhang Tie really wondered how Gao Tianzhao found such a secret place. The magma pond must be connected to a magma lake or a magma river. It was as hard as finding a needle in the ocean by finding such a secret place in the underground space.

Due to the existence of the magma pond, the temperature in the mountain cave was about 50-60 degrees Celsius. Besides making people suffocated, the air in the mountain cave was also thin. Commoners could barely survive this place or stay here for a long time. However, such an environment was just so-so for a shadow know or an earth knight.

Gao Tianzhao was lying on the ground naked. He was scorched like a roasted duck which was tossed out of the oven. Crouching on the ground, Gao Tianzhao was showing the white in his eyes and spitting black blood. Additionally, he would twitch time and then.

Zhang Tie was really startled by Gao Tianzhao's look. If not fight Gao Tianzhao all the way here, Zhang Tie couldn't believe that the one who looked more miserable than a beggar could be Gao Tianzhao.

'Is this guy dying? He's got a complete water chakra. I will suffer a great loss if he just dies in this way.'

When he thought about that, Zhang Tie hurriedly put away his Thor's Hammer and two silver secret items. Being vigilant, Zhang Tie walked over there and squatted down before checking him carefully.

'Thank God, he's alive. His water chakra doesn't seem to collapse. However, Gao Tianzhao has already lost his battle strength for the time being.'

Watching Gao Tianzhao who was as poor as a chick whose hair had been plucked up, Zhang Tie poured some all-purpose medicaments into Gao Tianzhao's stomach so as to prevent his injuries going worse. After that, he threw Gao Tianzhao into Castle of Black Iron like picking odds and ends from refuse reaps before standing up…

Right then, Zhang Tie's remote-sensing crystal finger ring rocked. Zhang Tie found it was a message from Blackwater Base…

——No. 136, powerhouses of Blackwater Base have already arrived at the coordinates that you marked on the map in Helan Mountain Range and are searching for you. How're you? Do you need any help? Waiting for your response…

When Zhang Tie was thinking about how to reply it, he received the same message once again.

——No. 136, powerhouses of Blackwater Base have already arrived at the coordinates that you marked on the map in Helan Mountain Range and are searching for you. How're you? Do you need any help? Waiting for your response…

A few seconds later, he received the same message for the third time.

Although being not in Blackwater Base, Zhang Tie could almost feel the anxious look of the Hua official who was texting him from Blackwater Base.

When in the stomach of the Heavens-eaten Boa, Zhang Tie didn't pay attention to his remote-sensing communications finger ring. Therefore, he didn't know how long had Blackwater Base insisted on trying to contacting him. Zhang Tie realized that Blackwater Base wondered whether he was still alive or not.

The moment Zhang Tie wanted to reply to Blackwater Base, he suddenly became hesitated as he thought about his thunder hawk. He realized that there might be some moles of demons and Heavens Reaching Church in Blackwater Base. If someone was keeping a close eye on Zhang Tie, Ye Qingcheng might not be the only one who saw Zhang Tie leaving the base by riding a thunder hawk. As Ye Qingcheng was gazing at him as a heavenly knight at that time, Zhang Tie could sense it; however, if someone watched him by telescope in a room of Blackwater Base or on the nearby ground, Zhang Tie might ignore that because there were many ground-to-air observation posts in Blackwater Base at that time.

When Zhang Tie thought about that, he made a reply after a consideration.

——I'm still alive. I've got enough medicaments and materials with me. But I need to recuperate myself. I'm in a hidden place and might not be able to execute the mission as a scout in a short period anymore.

Zhang Tie and Blackwater Base communicated in terms of independent and special codes. Besides Zhang Tie himself, even though the others gained his remote-sensing communications finger ring, they could not pass the message in the correct way. Of course, they could not decipher the messages received by this finger ring. Now that Blackwater Base could receive the correct information, it indicated that Zhang Tie was still alive.

After receiving Zhang Tie's message, Blackwater Base waited for half a minute before sending another message.

——How long will it take you to recover?

——About 1-2 months!

Zhang Tie dared not make it too short. The difference in battle strength between an earth knight and 8 demon knights was greater than 10 times. In such a case, it was already fortunate for Zhang Tie to keep his life. If not have so many trump cards, Zhang Tie might have been killed this time. Even if he told them that he could recover in 3-5 days, they would not believe in that.

Actually, it was already amazing for a knight to recover in 1-2 months after fighting a knight who was higher than him in level. It indicated that Zhang Tie was at least not completely passive facing the ambush of a shadow knight. It proved Zhang Tie's great power and fitted the powerful image that Qianji Hermit left to the public.

——Fine, please contact Blackwater Base after you recover! End!

——Received, end!

In the communication, Zhang Tie didn't tell them where he was. Blackwater Base also didn't ask him about that tacitly. Zhang Tie knew that Blackwater Base had already paid attention to the contents in his last message.

After contacting Blackwater Base, Zhang Tie sent a message to Bai Suxian and Mountain Lifting Hermit respectively and told them that he was safe. After that, he looked around that space before entering Castle of Black Iron while rubbing his hands.

If those people in Blackwater Base knew that Zhang Tie was safe and sound and had caught Gao Tianzhao and all the 8 demon knights alive. The entire Blackwater Base might be in an uproar at once.

"No. 136 received the message and replied: received, end!"

A female Hua official in short hair was putting her hands on a mini pyramid-shaped remote-sensing communications device in a safety communications room of the control center of Blackwater Base. After receiving Zhang Tie's last message, she turned around and reported it to some guys behind her.

Ye Qingcheng and two knights of Blackwater Base were standing behind this female official who was responsible for contacting Zhang Tie. After receiving Zhang Tie's messages, they all became reassured.

Ye Qingcheng listened to her reply as he asked her with a slight frown, "How's the situation over Helan Mountain Range?"

"General Zhao has already sent a message. They have found a lot of corpses of human scouts and sentinels in that maple woods that Zhang Tie reported. Meanwhile, they found the combat traces of knights in that underground tunnel. The entire underground tunnel was collapsed. The combat was very fierce. It should at least be caused by a shadow knight. Additionally, at least 5 demon knights' qis were discovered in that tunnel. However, all the demon knights and Gao Tianzhao have disappeared and could be barely traced." A knight who looked gentle beside Ye Qingcheng replied kindly.

Even in the room, Ye Qingcheng was also talking with the knight beside him secretly. Even though the female officer who was responsible for contacting Zhang Tie on one side didn't know that No. 136 is Zhang Tie's byname in Blackwater Base. It was classified. Commoners could not know that. It was a confidential method adopted by Taixia troops which had passed the test of two holy wars.

"At least?" Ye Qingcheng turned around at once as he accented unconsciously as if he was not satisfied with this blurry word.

"Yes, besides the traces of combats between powerful knights, there were also a lot of explosive traces of alchemist's bombs in the underground tunnel, the two regions mixed with each other, causing great destruction. Therefore, we could barely identify the highest battle strength level among them. It should be at least a shadow knight!"

"Alchemist's bomb?" After hearing that word, Ye Qingcheng became slightly stunned. Closely after that, he became relieved, "It's not difficult for Zhang Tie to get some alchemist's bombs!"

"Jinwu Business Group have started to stockpile alchemist's bombs a few years ago. Zhang Tie probably escaped away from the fatal trap of Gao Tianzhao with the help of his portable alchemist's bombs. Qianji Hermit should have preventive measures!"

"It's your turn. Before Blackwater Base arrived at Helan Mountain Range, I want to know who else has seen Zhang Tie leaving the base by riding his thunder hawk…" Ye Qingcheng said with a sort of killing intent, "Now that he has revealed his tail, catch him out of there…"

"I see!" The gentle knight replied as a shrewd light flashed by his eyes.

In late weeks, the vanguards of demons aggravated their strikes in Wuzhou Province, Zhuzhou Province and Yinzhou Province. More and more demons were discovered in Helan Mountain Range and Weishui River in an increasing frequency. After the 11 advanced bases of humans completed their gathering steadily and consolidated the defense line in the rear of Peacewest Military Region, in order to prevent Wuzhou Province, Zhuzhou Province and Yinzhou Province from be fully isolated by the vanguards of demons and for less loss, the 11 advanced bases of humans had been thinking about officially pushing the defense line of the advanced bases to Helan Mountain Range and Weishui River…

Chapter 1297: The Secret Skill "Break"

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Zhang Tie didn't know what happened in Blackwater Base. Zhang Tie had just entered Castle of Black Iron and prepared to stay for a period over there so as to completely digest his achievements.

Almost the moment Zhang Tie entered Castle of Black Iron, he had seen a smile as Heller said, "Castle Lord, congratulations on your new achievements…"

With a sound of "Huala…", Zhang Tie quivered all over for once as the Chaos left his body and returned to the armor stand in the lobby. After looking at so many pits and broken parts on Chaos, Zhang Tie shook his head. He didn't lose his mind due to triumph; instead, he looked a bit solemn, "It was a bit dangerous this time; let Edward mend the Chaos…"

When he defeated Ockham and absorbed Ockham's water chakra, Zhang Tie promoted to 5 change earth realm and gained an overall increase in his strength. He thought that he would not be afraid of shadow knights. However, he had not imagined that he almost suffered a great loss from Gao Tianzhao. If not the manifestation of his emperor-level cultivation method at the critical moment, Zhang Tie really dared not imagine about the outcome of this battle.

Although he was to be congratulated for defeating Gao Tianzhao and making a great achievement; after the battle, Zhang Tie was deeply impressed by Gao Tianzhao's ability in the stomach of Heavens-eaten Boa which was close to the realm and the terrifying power of his emperor-level secret method.

After this combat, Zhang Tie knew that the difference in levels would always be insurmountable in many cases. 'Shadow knights, heavenly knights, sage-level knights, all these people have greater power than me. Although I have a lot of trump cards and a great power, it's not the right moment for me to be pleased. I still have a long way to go. More and more powerful opponents would appear.'

'If I want to be more powerful and defeat enemies and opponents unconditionally, I have to improve my level and overall strength. The ability of divine dominator is limited; however, the power of higher level is most effective. If I've long promoted to a shadow knight before this combat, I could even defeat Gao Tianzhao without exposing the trump card that I'm a divine dominator.'

When he thought about the manifestation of King Roc Sutra in the stomach of Heavens-eaten Boa, Zhang Tie couldn't help but raise his palm and look at it. Not until now did Zhang Tie feel that what happened just now was as unbelievable as a dream. All of a sudden, he had grasped the secret skill "break" in King Roc Sutra , which was especially used to curb the real bodies of virtual images of dragons, snakes and all the mutated beasts in the sky, in the underground space and in the abyss realm which had the bloodlines of dragons and snakes. This secret skill was the manifestation of the dignity and killing intent of king roc. With the imposing power of the secret skill "break", all the real bodies of virtual images of dragons and snakes, all the species which shared the bloodlines with dragons and snakes would be easily destroyed whether they were special species in the wild or mutated beasts no matter how high level was the cultivation method practiced by that knight.

Zhang Tie was really shocked by the power of the secret skill "break" of the emperor-level cultivation method. Not until then did Zhang Tie realize how unrivaled was a complete emperor-level cultivation method. 'If I had the complete version of King Roc Sutra , I should have long grasped the secret skill "break" instead of gaining such an insight in the extreme environment in the stomach of the Heavens-eaten Boa responding to the qi of King Roc Sutra .'

Of course Zhang Tie was happy that he could grasp the secret skill "break"; however, when he realized that King Roc Sutra must contain more than one secret skill "break", Zhang Tie felt faintly regretful and disappointed. It was completely fortunate for him to grasp this secret skill "break"; however, what about the next time?

Now that an emperor-level cultivation method could have such a terrifying power, how powerful would be Emperor Xuanyuan who had grasped the complete emperor-level sutra Xuanyuan God Sutra and had long promoted to sage-level knight? Even so, demons were still invading Taixia Country and Emperor Xuanyuan was missing. Did it mean that some powers were greater than sage-level knights who cultivated emperor-level secret method? It seemed that even sage-level knights who cultivated emperor-level secret method could not be free-will and almighty; otherwise, demons should have long disappeared in the world; neither could Han Zhengfang hide his real identity for so many years.

'All the powers have their limits. In another word, the powers that humans could control have their maximal limit. Even Emperor Xuanyuan couldn't eliminate demons, not to mention me.'

Zhang Tie watched his palm as a lot of thoughts flashed in his mind. He gradually thought through something and became relaxed.

Only when a person looked at the stars in the sky while standing high could he find that he was trivial.

Sometimes, if a person could admit that he was trivial and weak and desert his arrogance and illusion, he might live in a more comfortable and freer way.

Because of being trivial, humans would pursue immortality and greatness; because of being trivial, it would be meaningful for humans to struggle and fight.

Zhang Tie let out a long sigh as if he had cast off a heavy burden.

Zhang Tie was clear what a great stress he was sustaining inside in the last few days.

When Zhang Tie was in meditation, Heller just stood aside quietly as he kept watching Zhang Tie's face with profound and wise eyes.

"It's demons who are making disasters and massacres in the western provinces of Taixia Country; instead of Castle Lord. Even if Castle Lord didn't participate in it, it would happen too. All this doesn't exist because of you. Even though Castle Lord has Castle of Black Iron, you still couldn't change anything; additionally, Castle Lord has exerted your utmost efforts to do what you could. Because of Castle Lord, many people have survived in Taixia Country; additionally, Taixia Country and humans could have greater abilities to fight demons. Cheer up, Castle Lord. Sometimes, if you bear too much stress and a sense of responsibility due to excessive kindness, it might not be good! Demons would not kill fewer people or make less trouble because of you…"

After hearing Heller's words, Zhang Tie realized that Heller knew what he thought and what great stress and remorse he was sustaining these days…

Chapter 1298: The Dungeon in Castle of Black Iron

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

"You're right. After seeing too many refugees in Taixia Country and finding that I couldn't help them a lot, I felt a bit depressed!" Zhang Tie replied with a smile. Closely after that, he shook his head and said, "Whereas, I've already thought it through. I don't need to consider too many things. It's better to form my water chakra as soon as possible than thinking about so many uncertainties in the future. In this world, many problems couldn't even be solved by Emperor Xuanyuan. I only need to try my best. No matter what, I'm the greatest winner in this combat. 1 shadow knight, 5 earth knights and 3 black iron knights came to increase my cultivation base as if they were virgins of wealth. That's amazing!"

After hearing Zhang Tie's words, Heller revealed a smile as he replied, "It's nice that Castle Lord could think in this way. Speaking of increasing your cultivation base, Castle Lord has not entered Castle of Black Iron and taken any fruit for a long time."

After hearing Heller's implication, Zhang Tie turned around and looked at the small tree in the far.

Under his naked eyes, the entire small tree was covered with fruits of redemption, which almost made Zhang Tie dizzy. Before walking to the front of the small tree, Zhang Tie had identified the properties of those fruits of redemption.

The fruits of redemption from the gratitude of golden uangs counted most. At the sight of them, Zhang Tie found that there were dozens of fruits of redemption, which also included gratitude from earthworms, sea gulfs and hairy shells.

Zhang Tie immediately knew that Paul who had always been busy outside had finally found stable channels to purchase and set free golden uangs and earthworms once again after the termination of the supply side.

Zhang Tie felt pretty good at once as he burst out into laughter. To be honest, these fruits felt more genial than demon knights. All the demon knights looked disgusting; however, these fruits felt pretty intimate. A single fruit might not be more effective than a single demon knight; however, if he took these fruits day after day, he would gain an unquantifiable improvement in his battle strength. One fruit of redemption from the gratitude of golden uangs would be able to increase Zhang Tie's overall strength by over 70 kg.

"Castle Lord, which do you want first, the water chakra of those demon knights or the fruits?" Heller asked.

"Hahaha, of course, step by step. I will digest the water chakras of those demon b*stards first. As for these fruits, leave them here for the time being as good scenery. I've not been so happy for a long time…" Zhang Tie said as he threw a glance at the small tree for a couple of times before walking towards the dungeon beneath the palace tree with a big smile. All the demon knights that he had just teleported into Castle of Black Iron, Ockham and Gao Tianzhao were locked up in the dungeon beneath the palace tree which was specially designed for them. A corner of the lobby of the palace tree led to the dungeon.

It was brightly-lit in the tunnel. Although the dungeon was beneath the palace tree, it was not gloomy and dirty at all. It was at most a bit cold and solemn.

As long as these demon knights and knights of Three-eye Association fell in the hand of Heller, they would never escape away no matter how powerful they were. Therefore, Zhang Tie was not worried about it at all.

Each cell in the dungeon covered about 30 square meters which independently locked up those knight prisoners that Zhang Tie had caught. As Zhang Tie made such a great achievement today, Edward, Aziz and Agan were all busy doing their work in the dungeon by "disarming" the knights who were in coma and sent them to their "exclusive guestroom", making them Zhang Tie's "live bears" or "sacrificial offerings"…

This process might be pretty cruel; however, Zhang Tie was ruthless about those demons, members of Heavens Reaching Church even Ockham who came from Sacred Light Empire; because these b*stards had caused much more pains than what they were suffering at this moment. Zhang Tie was actually doing a good deed by crippling these b*stards. On the contrary, if Zhang Tie fell in their hands, they would also be ruthless to Zhang Tie.

The moment Zhang Tie's footsteps resonated in the tunnel of the dungeon, a sound of drawing iron chains had drifted from a cell in the dungeon. Before Zhang Tie reached that place, two arms had been stretched out of the iron rails as they were waving crazily as if they wanted to grab a life-saving straw. At the same time, a miserable voice drifted from the cell, "Let me out, please, let me out…I'm the sacred light chief priest of the eastern parish of Sacred Light Empire…as long as you let me out, I could meet all your demands…"

Zhang Tie approached it as he turned his head and saw a beggar with messy hair and weak qi screaming loudly in his cell while watching outside with a poor and mad look. The previous supreme sacred light chief priest of the eastern parish of Sacred Light Empire had been on the brink of collapse only after he was teleported into Castle of Black Iron and his water chakra was absorbed by Zhang Tie for a few months.

"I know you…you're Zhang Tie…you're the king of Ice and Snow Wilderness…as long as you let me out…I could do everything for you…" Ockham stretched out his hands and wanted to grab Zhang Tie as he roared in the cell like he was mad. Besides his water chakra which had not been completely collapsed, his battle strength had been reduced to LV 9 when he couldn't even release his battle qi.

Zhang Tie threw an icy glance at Ockham. Without saying anything to him, Zhang Tie continued to walk forward…

"I know many secrets of Sacred Light Empire…I've got many subordinates in Sacred Light Empire…The entire eastern parish of Sacred Light Empire belongs to me…" Ockham shouted exhaustively behind Zhang Tie which resonated in the tunnel. Zhang Tie just walked forward like hearing nothing as he asked Heller, "Can this guy be another Zhang Gui?"

Heller revealed a faint smile as he said, "As long as Castle Lord recover his water chakra and destroy it once again, it would be easy to do it. Greedy people are always more afraid of death than commoners. As a religious organization, now that Sacred Light Church could dominate 10 billion followers in one region of Western Continent and manage the entire country strictly, they must have unique secret methods, which might match Soul Forbidden Method in some aspects. As the sacred light chief priest of Sacred Light Empire, Ockham must know the secrets. Besides his water chakra and wealth, Castle Lord could extract more things from him step by step…"

Chapter 1299: A Great Return

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Heller's words made Zhang Tie's heart pound. If he could really control Ockham spiritually and physically, it would be very meaningful. If a secret method could control a shadow knight like Ockham, not to mention earth knights and black iron knights.

However, Zhang Tie was a bit suspicious whether Sacred Light Empire really had such a secret method which could match Soul Forbidden Method in some aspects. Nevertheless, Zhang Tie didn't care whether there was such a secret method or not; it was good if he could find one; if not, it didn't matter. Because he had already got the Bloody Soul Sutra and the Great Wilderness Sutra . Although such kind of secret methods might make others drool, they were just so-so for Zhang Tie. Zhang Tie realized that it was better to make himself stronger than controlling others.

"It's good if there's such a secret method; if there isn't, it's okay. Before lighting the last scale on my water chakra, I should get one fruit of bloodline and one fruit of brilliance by killing a shadow knight. I'm sure I will make full use of him!" Zhang Tie responded to Heller's words. Zhang Tie suddenly thought about something as he asked, "Oh, I always forget it. Does Gao Tianzhao carry some good items? The real body of the virtual image of Heavens-eaten Boa is something that I could learn from…"

"Gao Tianzhao only carries an ordinary space-teleportation equipment. I've already helped Castle Lord put it in the equipment warehouse. His space-teleportation equipment only contains some food, medicaments, millions of gold coins and some weapons made of abyss iron. Perhaps, he knew the danger of ambushing Castle Lord; therefore, Gao Tianzhao didn't carry regular cultivation method with him."

"Alright!" Zhang Tie shook his head as he didn't care about it. Heller's words were reasonable. Real battlefields between humans and demons were covered with dangers. Even though knights carried a portable space-teleportation equipment, they barely carried any important secret methods when in missions. It was similar to commoners who would not carry their passbook when going to the battlefield.

As for the new space-teleportation equipment, Zhang Tie didn't even feel like taking a look at it. Nobody else across Taixia Country might have such a temperament of mushroom.

Cells in the dungeon were a bit far away from each other. Additionally, Heller had Edward, Aziz and Agan set rune tricks between cells in order to control these prisoners. Even though there was a tunnel beside cells, the sound would also be isolated by the devices in the middle line of the two cells. Therefore, even though two knights were neighboring each other, they couldn't make any communications. Heller said that such an environment would easily make people collapse mentally.

As expected, when Zhang Tie and Heller passed by the middle line between Ockham's cell and the other cell, Ockham's voice had disappeared at once, leaving the footsteps of Zhang Tie and Heller alone.

The direct descendant of Augulas Clan that Zhang Tie captured from Earth-elements Realm was neighboring Ockham. From this guy's mouth, Zhang Tie knew that one of top 9 ministers in Taixia Country colluded with demons and finally figured out that it was Han Zhengfang who framed him in Xuanyuan Hill.

Zhang Tie felt this guy was a bit special. It was Zhang Tie's first time to see a demon knight who was afraid of death. Given that this guy would be useful in the future, Zhang Tie just locked it up in the dungeon.

Compared to Ockham, this black iron demon knight was more afraid of Zhang Tie. Watching Zhang Tie coming over here, it directly hid in a corner of the wall of his cell as it lowered its head and quivered all over. The longer it stayed in Castle of Black Iron, the clearer this demon knight would be about Zhang Tie's terror and the outcome of those demon knights in Zhang Tie's hands…

Zhang Tie threw a glance at it as if he was watching a bizarre clown. After gazing at this black iron demon knight for half more second than Ockham, Zhang Tie directly passed by without leaving any word.

Edward, Aziz and Agan were soaking Gao Tianzhao who had completely lost his resistance with special medicaments. It would take them some time to keep Gao Tianzhao alive and crippled. At the sight of Zhang Tie, they hurriedly came out of the cell to bow towards Zhang Tie. Zhang Tie directly waved his hand as he asked them about the locations of those earth demon knights. Closely after that, he walked towards the cells of those earth wing demon knights.

When Zhang Tie came to the front of the cell of the first wing earth demon knight, the cell's door opened automatically. The earth wing demon knight was completely in a coma. Zhang Tie directly walked over there as he put his hand on its head. At the same time, he started to trigger his Purgatory Samsara Method to refine the water chakra of this earth wing demon knight…

In a coma, the earth wing demon knight suddenly woke up due to great pain. However, under Zhang Tie's hand, the earth wing demon knight just struggled weakly like a chick or duck whose neck had been broken by a butcher by flapping its broken wings…

A few minutes later, Zhang Tie opened his eyes.

When Zhang Tie opened his eyes, it meant that the water chakra that this earth wing demon knight had been trying to form over these years had been broken and refined by Zhang Tie.

Zhang Tie nodded satisfactorily. The water elements in the water chakra of this earth wing demon knights were very dense which felt greater than half of the number of water elements in the water chakra of Ockham. It seemed that this earth wing demon knight should be at least in 6 change earth realm.

After dropping the paralyzed earth wing demon knight, Zhang Tie changed another cell with a big smile like a hyper pimp.

The earth wing demon knight in the second cell was different than that in the first cell. This earth wing demon knight was slightly injured. When Zhang Tie entered its cell, it had already woken up. Watching Zhang Tie coming in, although being fastened by rune chains, this earth wing demon knight still struggled to charge at Zhang Tie with red eyes.

Watching this earth wing demon knight, Zhang Tie sneered. 'It couldn't defeat me when being a healthy earth knight, not to mention now when it's almost like a LV 9 fighter. Zhang Tie almost completely ignored how it bared its fangs and brandished its claws. Like how an adult bullied a toddler, Zhang Tie directly walked over there and broke its hand easily, causing a cracking sound. Closely after, he put his hand on the head of this earth wing demon knight…

With the effect of Purgatory Samsara Method, the earth wing demon knight felt that his water chakra started to be shattered. In great pain, the earth wing demon knight who was pretty fierce just now revealed its fearful look for the first time as it screamed, "Purgatory Samsara Method…you grasped Purgatory Samsara Method…kill me…kill me…everything of me belongs to the demons' god…including my chakra…you mean human…dirty burglar and blasphemer…kill me if you have guts…kill me…argh…"

Zhang Tie continued to run his Purgatory Samsara Method without even blinking his eyes. Only after a few minutes, when Zhang Tie started to absorb its water chakra, the earth wing demon knight finally widely opened its bloody eyes with anger, breaking its lips by teeth and passing out due to the great pain physically and spiritually when its water chakra was drawn away by Zhang Tie.

If this earth wing demon knight was a human knight, he must be an admirable tough man based on his performance. Actually, most demon knights could be so dauntless. Pitifully, Zhang Tie was on the opposite stance with demons. The dauntless spirit of the demon knight didn't move Zhang Tie at all. Zhang Tie still did what he wanted without any halt.

A few minutes later, Zhang Tie opened his eyes as he walked to the other cell, which was then filled with the furious and hopeless swear and painful screams of the earth wing demon knight…

Half an hour later, Zhang Tie left the 5th cell. As he absorbed too many water elements at once using Purgatory Samsara Method, his face turned red while oozing sweat heavily. He even felt being drunk when he left there. It seemed that he needed some time to digest these water elements. It was Zhang Tie's first time to encounter such a situation. Previously, Zhang Tie had not imagined that it could have such a "side effect" by absorbing too many elements using Purgatory Samsara Method at once.

"Castle Lord, are you all right?" Heller felt ridiculous about Zhang Tie's look.

"I'm fine. As I've attached too many water elements to my water chakra at once, I've not fully digested these water elements. It's out of my imagination that too many water elements could influence the work of the other two chakras and the circulation of my qi and blood. I will come to refine Gao Tianzhao's water chakra next time…" Oozing sweat all over his face, Zhang Tie told Heller while panting, "I will digest and form these water elements first. Take good care of these earth wing demon knights. I will offer a bloody sacrifice with them when I come back. 5 earth wing demon knights and some black iron wing demon knights could recover Ockham's water chakra for sure…"

"Fine, don't worry, Castle Lord!"

After telling Heller about that, Zhang Tie left the dungeon and returned to his cultivation room in the palace tree. Regardless of those fruits on the small tree, he immediately entered closed cultivation and started to digest and form the enormous water elements that he absorbed from the 5 earth wing demon knights.

That's really a bumper harvest. Besides providing enormous water elements to Zhang Tie, the 5 earth wing demon knights could work as top-class sacrificial offerings to the bloody sacrifice furnace. With these materials for bloody sacrifice, Zhang Tie could extract the gall from an alive bear once again…

Before this enclosed cultivation, Zhang Tie had only lit less than 181 scales on his water chakra after absorbing the water chakra of Ockham and had just entered 5 change earth realm. In this enclosed cultivation, Zhang Tie felt that he could definitely make much greater progress than any time before…

Chapter 1300: A Terrifying Leap in Battle Strength

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

It took Zhang Tie 5 days to completely digest the water elements that he drew from the 5 earth wing demon knights and made them a part of his water chakra.

Zhang Tie had just made an improvement in his overall strength after promoting to 6 change earth realm a few days ago. As he absorbed too many water elements from the 5 earth wing demon knights, after Zhang Tie fully absorbed the water elements and made them a part of his water chakra, he found that he had lit 63 more scales. With 8 more scales, he would be able to break through 7 change earth realm and gain the secondary improvement in his overall strength during this closed cultivation.

After absorbing the water chakra of Ockham, Zhang Tie had just lit about 20 scales on his water chakra; however, the 5 earth wing demon knights helped him light 3 times more scales. Except for that he lit after absorbing the water elements from Han Zhengfang, he lit most scales on his water chakra this time.

Zhang Tie stood up and warmed up his body. Besides sensing the changes in all aspects after reaching the 6 change earth realm, he also had a sensation of hunger. Therefore, he walked out of his cultivation room.

Heller and Zhang Tie's 3 servants had long prepared a lot of nutritious food and drinks for Zhang Tie in the dining hall of the palace tree.

During this closed cultivation, Zhang Tie had entered 6 change earth realm. He updated his body in all aspects once again. Therefore, after leaving his cultivation room, Zhang Tie urgently needed to replenish nutrients and energy. He could only gain them from food.

It took Zhang Tie 2 hours to finish his first dinner after leaving the cultivation room. After consuming delicious food full of vital essence produced in Castle of Black Iron as much as that of 6 tough men and drinking two dozens of vials of all-purpose medicaments, Zhang Tie burped as the faint sense of hunger that he felt after promoting to 6 change earth realm and the slight tension that had existed for over 2 months since he entered the theater of operations finally disappeared.

When Zhang Tie was eating, Heller just stood behind Zhang Tie in a black ceremonial robe corresponding to his status. In front of Zhang Tie's table, Edward in the snow-white uniform of cook was standing in front of a circular kneading board which was covered with various ingredients. Edward would make food for Zhang Tie on the spot when he saw which dish Zhang Tie liked. Aziz and Agan in the clothes of waiters were busy serving dishes and drinks to Zhang Tie or helping Edward to prepare for the ingredients.

The best ingredients, the best cooks, the freshest delicious food, the best drinks, the most considerate steward. All was so comfortable and pleasant here. That was a living style that Zhang Tie pursued for, whether it was a feature of nobility or the enjoyment of a mushroom!

After having food, Zhang Tie let out a sigh inside satisfactorily. 'If people could live such a pleasant life every day, who the motherf*cking would like to fight on battlefields at the risk of their lives?'

"Heller, whether those demon b*stards are lunatic? Humans live on the earth's surface; demons live in the underground space. We just live our own lives respectively. The subterranean layer between demons and humans is so thick. Additionally, there're abundant materials on both earth's surface and in the underground space, each party could live well. But why demons always think about having a fight, ruling and eliminating humans?" Zhang Tie said with a helpless sigh after cleaning his mouth by a snow-white napkin.

"Everything has a reason. Castle Lord could only seek for it yourself!"

Zhang Tie was just complaining about that casually. However, he had not imagined that Heller could reply him in such a solemn and profound manner. Therefore, Zhang Tie turned around and threw a glance at Heller. Heller told Zhang Tie with a slight smile, "Gao Tianzhao has been stabilized. Castle Lord, do you want to refine his water chakra right now?"

"No need to be that hasty. I will do that after adapting to the 6 change earth realm!" Zhang Tie replied as he looked at his palm. Only after lightly clenching his fist, a boom had happened in the air, causing the tableware to jump up. After promoting to 6 change earth realm, Zhang Tie felt that he had reached a new height in all aspects. He had made great progress in spiritual energy, strength, speed, defensive capability and the perception of his knight's consciousness. As a result, his overall strength had increased by another 10%.

Sometimes, if one's battle strength improved too fast, his body and combat consciousness had to adapt to such a change; otherwise, he would make silly mistakes in combat.

"Castle Lord, Gao Tianzhao could wait; however, those fruits on the small tree couldn't wait anymore; otherwise, new fruits would have no place to bear…"

"What does that mean?"

"Castle Lord could take a look over there!"

When Zhang Tie came to the lobby of the palace tree and caught sight of the small tree, he widely opened his mouth at once. Zhang Tie had not imagined that he could see such an exaggerated scene.

Before Zhang Tie entered the closed cultivation, Zhang Tie had been shocked by over 40 fruits of redemption from the gratitude of golden uangs on the small tree. It was out of his imagination that there were 5 times more fruits of redemption from the gratitude of golden uangs only after less than 1 week. Zhang Tie found the small tree was fruitful and was almost bent over. There were at least 160 fruits of redemption from golden uangs on the small tree.

Zhang Tie was so pleased with the bumper harvest.

After making a circle around the small tree, Zhang Tie found that there were 177 fruits of redemption from the gratitude of golden uangs. That was amazing!

'Did Paul buy all the golden uangs across Taixia Country and set them free? How fruitful it is!'

Zhang Tie almost took out his remote-sensing crystal to contact Paul; however, when he realized that he was in Castle of Black Iron where remote-sensing communications could be isolated, Zhang Tie stopped.

'Something happened for sure!' Zhang Tie thought. However, it was a good thing for him because these fruits would finally enter his stomach.

"Wait until I digest the food…"

Watching those fruits, Zhang Tie touched his belly. After saying that, Zhang Tie directly flew out of the palace tree.

After a short while, dense booms had drifted from the training ground which covered over 1,200 square miles.

In order to adapt to the overall strength of 6 change earth realm and digest the food that he had just taken, Zhang Tie immediately started a fierce live drill in the training field of Castle of Black Iron; instead of entering the trouble-reappearance situation.

6 hours later, Zhang Tie flew back to the lobby of the palace tree while oozing sweat all over. Closely after that, he came to the side of the small tree and started to engulf those fruits one after another.

After taking one fruit of redemption from the gratitude of golden uangs, he could immediately increase his strength by 71.5 kg.

Zhang Tie had not imagined that he could enjoy so many fruits once. After eating 177 fruits of redemption from the gratitude of golden uangs, Zhang Tie felt that his body was almost broken by a great strength from inside. The blood in the vessels that covered his muscles all over his body was as hot and powerful as magma.

Besides his blood that started to turn hot, Zhang Tie's muscles, tendons and bones all over started to slightly rock. Zhang Tie's boa silk robe had already been broken into pieces by that great strength from inside unconsciously.

Besides increasing Zhang Tie's strength, the fruits of redemption from the gratitude of golden uangs also helped Zhang Tie adapt to this strength.

After taking the last fruit of redemption from the gratitude of golden uangs, Zhang Tie felt a dragon was running here and there inside his body. He uttered a long exclamation. Closely after that, the Thor's Hammer appeared in his hand once again as he flashed out of the lobby of the palace tree.

Only after a short while, louder booms drifted to the palace tree from the training field outside immortal mountain once again.

After a few more hours, Zhang Tie in rags flashed back to the lobby of palace tree as he screamed, "It's not enough; it's not enough; the 6.8 ton Thor's Hammer is too light, too light…" Zhang Tie looked around as he asked, "Where's Edward? Where's Edward?"

"Castle Lord, your loyal servant is here." Edward immediately flashed out of Heller's back.

"Build a proper weapon for me as soon as possible. It should be at least 15 tons in weight…"

"Castle Lord, what type of weapon do you want? Do you have any requirements on the materials?"

"A hammer. No request on its materials. The firmer the better. Can you finish it before I leave my cultivation room next time?"

"No problem, all as you will!" Edward hurriedly replied as his eyes turned squint.

After assigning a task to Edward, Zhang Tie walked towards the dungeon excitedly once again, regardless of his rags. When he reached the entrance of the dungeon, he stretched out his hand to draw the door; however, as his strength was too great, the entire iron gate was pulled off from the wall. The copper knocker was completely transformed. Zhang Tie was startled by himself.

That was the result of increasing over 12 tons' strength once.

"Castle Lord, don't worry. I will deal with it, let me do it, let me do it…" Edward hurriedly ran over here.

Touching his head, Zhang Tie put aside the door.

"Castle Lord, as you have too great strength, you'd better control your strength in case of pinching Gao Tianzhao to death. Gao Tianzhao has no ability to resist you at all. Otherwise, it would be too wasteful…" Heller reminded Zhang Tie.

Zhang Tie nodded his head forcefully.

When Zhang Tie saw Gao Tianzhao once again, he found Gao Tianzhao was much better. His wounds had almost been cured. The big hole on his chest had disappeared. Additionally, he wore a set of clothes. Otherwise, it would be too embarrassing for Zhang Tie to absorb his water chakra as they would make physical contact…

"Zhang Tie…" At the sight of Zhang Tie, Gao Tianzhao felt like watching a ghost as he changed his face right away. Even the black pigmented nevus between his eyebrows started to quiver. He shouted, "Where am I? How could you be here? That divine dominator from Penglai Immortal Island is really on your side. What did you do to me? Is this the dungeon of Blackwater Base? Why didn't Ye Qingcheng come here? I warn you…"

After his real body of the virtual image of Heavens-eaten Boa was broken by Zhang Tie, Gao Tianzhao had been in a coma. He didn't know what happened afterward. He even didn't know that he was in Castle of Black Iron; neither did he know that the divine dominator he was referring to was Zhang Tie. He still thought that he was in the dungeon of Blackwater Base…

What a poor guy!

In this case, Zhang Tie didn't even feel like explaining it to Gao Tianzhao. After all, this guy had been destined to die like the fish on the kneading board.

In the widely opened eyes of Gao Tianzhao, Zhang Tie immediately put his huge hand on Gao Tianzhao's head.

"Don't dream about capturing my soul. I've long known that you've grasped Soul Forbidden Method , but it doesn't work on me. Soul Forbidden Method originated from our Bloody Soul Temple. When I grasped Soul Forbidden Method , you were still a baby in diapers…" Gao Tianzhao revealed a scornful sneer.

"Idiot…" Zhang Tie threw a cold glance at Gao Tianzhao.

Only after a few seconds, Gao Tianzhao's eyes had almost popped out as he quivered all over. At the same time, he changed his face greatly while uttering, "Argh…" At that time, Gao Tianzhao finally understood why Zhang Tie treated him so well. "Purgatory Samsara Method…you're using Purgatory Samsara Method…how could you grasp it…what's the relationship between you and alchemist's demon…ahh, you're alchemist's demon's disciple…"

In crazy screams, Gao Tianzhao passed out at once while foaming at the mouth.

After refining and absorbing the complete water chakra of Gao Tianzhao, Zhang Tie smacked his lips as he dropped Gao Tianzhao who had been in coma once again.

After dealing with Gao Tianzhao, Zhang Tie immediately brought Ockham back to the lobby of the palace tree. Like Gao Tianzhao, Ockham also wondered what Zhang Tie wanted to do with it. However, now that it was in such a magnificent lobby, it must be not a bad thing.

Ockham even thought that Zhang Tie had finally "realized its value" after listening to what it told Zhang Tie yesterday…

However, Ockham soon became fearful when it saw Zhang Tie taking the bloody sacrifice furnace out of the void in the lobby of the palace tree and some demon knights being brought here by Zhang Tie's subordinates. When Ockham itself was put on the altar of the bloody sacrifice furnace by Zhang Tie, it almost collapsed spiritually.

Although it had not seen a bloody sacrifice furnace, Ockham didn't feel good on the altar.

"Ahh, don't kill me…I'm the sacred light chief priest of Sacred Light Empire…if you kill me…Sacred Light Empire will revenge you…" Ockham started to talk rubbish.

"Don't worry. How could I kill you? I'm just curing your disease!" Zhang Tie said as he manipulated the bloody sacrifice furnace adroitly. Closely after that, Agan, Aziz and Edward put those demon knights into the furnace one after another.

When the first earth wing demon knight was put into the bloody sacrifice furnace, a warm glow fell on Ockham's body. Compared to the pains when Zhang Tie refined its water chakra using Purgatory Samsara Method a few days ago, this process was so comfortable that Ockham almost started to groan.

After putting 4 earth wing demon knights and 3 black iron wing demon knights into the bloody sacrifice furnace, Zhang Tie stopped after receiving the message from the bloody sacrifice furnace.

It would take Ockham some time to recover his water chakra once again. After doing all this, Zhang Tie had Agan and the other two servants brought Ockham back into its cell.

When Ockham was immersed in the warm glow at the beginning, it was a bit happy. however, later on, it found that the glow could only work on its water chakra which had been refined and destroyed by Zhang Tie, Ockham immediately knew why Zhang Tie would cure him. Therefore, when it was taken back into the dungeon, Ockham started to wail mournfully once again with a pale look.

"Let me out, please, let me out…I'm the sacred light chief priest of the eastern parish of Sacred Light Empire…as long as you let me out, I could promise you everything…I've got a lot of subordinates in Sacred Light Empire…the entire eastern parish of Sacred Light Empire belongs to me…"

Zhang Tie ignored Ockham. After doing this, he started to enter closed cultivation once again.

It took him 3 days to digest the water elements from Gao Tianzhao's water chakra.

Gao Tianzhao's water chakra was much greater than that of Ockham's with more quantity of water elements. As a result, Zhang Tie lit 26 more scales on his water chakra and had reached 270 scales in total. In only 3 days, Zhang Tie had entered 7 change earth realm and gained another improvement in all aspects.

Like how he left his cultivation room last time, Zhang Tie enjoyed dinner at first. After that, he took 51 more fruits of redemption from the gratitude of golden uangs. Then, Zhang Tie started his training on the training field outside the immortal mountain with the new 15-ton battle hammer that had just been built by Edward so as to adapt to his new strength and abilities.

Because Zhang Tie took 51 more fruits of redemption from the gratitude of golden uangs, his strength increased by another over 3,600 kg. As he had not completely adapted to the strength that he gained last time, this round of training and adaption took him 2 days. When Zhang Tie changed the 15-ton battle hammer into a 3 kg' ordinary longsword which was made of high-quality steel and didn't shatter the longsword while launching a casual strike with the longsword, he had basically adapted to his new strength.

After that, Ockham experienced the same pain when its water chakra was drawn and refined by Zhang Tie once again; it even wanted to die.

3 days later, Zhang Tie left his cultivation room after entering 8 change earth realm…

Chapter 1301: Exiting Castle of Black Iron

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

When a 680 kg golden spear hit onto the ground which was covered with holes at a speed of over 9,000 m per second, it released over 27 billion Joules' kinetic energy. As a result, it caused an earthquake and a terrifying big hole on the ground in a split second. Its impact wave reached over 2,000 m away with great destructive power.

Before the golden spear's impact wave completely disappeared, a figure in pitch-dark battle armor had hit 3 over 100 m higher mountain peaks forcefully with his 6.8-ton battle hammer at the speed of over 6,600 m per second, releasing over 140 billion Joules energy once again.

The impact of the later strike was much greater than that of the golden spear. The entire earth was quaking. Additionally, a huge mushroom cloud rose up. After everything became quiet, the figure in pitch-dark battle armor nodded in the sky before shaking his head.

"Alas, it still feels as light as a kid's wooden stick. However, a hammer which weighs over 20 tons couldn't stand such a great impact. I wonder whether there's any heavier silver secret item. Well, I prefer Thor's Hammer…" The figure in the sky looked down before looking up as he muttered, "If I have such a great force of attack when I met Gao Tianzhao, I would never spare any chance for him to launch a counterattack. 2 months flew. I've already adapted to the 8 change earth realm; however, after eating over 600 fruits of redemption from the gratitude of golden uangs, it's really troublesome for me to adapt to my strength. After staying in Castle of Black Iron for so long, I should take a look outside. I really wonder about the current situation facing the theater of operations. I will take those fruits of redemption from the gratitude of golden uangs slowly later on. If I ate too many at once, I would have to spend a long time adapting to it. How's Paul? I've not imagined that even the fruit of redemption which could grant me a medium recovery body will become ripe because of what he did…"

After saying that, the figure stood still in the sky for a short while. Finally, he threw a glance at the distance before shooting towards the immortal mountain in the far…

The fruits of redemption from the gratitude of golden uangs were indeed alluring. After eating at least 8 fruits of redemption from the gratitude of golden uangs each day, Zhang Tie's strength was steadily growing. After taking fruits, he would adapt to his growing strength and improve his battle skill. Even though Zhang Tie had entered 8 change earth realm, he still couldn't help staying for a longer time in Castle of Black Iron while being allured by the strength of golden uangs.

In the beginning, Zhang Tie thought that these fruits wouldn't continue to grow on the small tree. However, after staying almost 2 months in the Castle of Black Iron, he still could gain fruits every day. Zhang Tie even dreamed about eating up all the fruits of redemption from the gratitude of golden uangs before leaving there. By the way, he wanted to see whether there were some other rewards on the small tree.

The fact was that the small tree could totally bear over 1800 fruits of redemption from the gratitude of golden uangs. Zhang Tie had eaten fewer than 700. If he determined to the eat up all these fruits, he had to wait for another 4-5 months in Castle of Black Iron.

However, after considering the urgent battle situation outside, Zhang Tie gave up this thought as he decided to leave Castle of Black Iron.

Half an hour later, a figure flashed out of the void in the hot underground space.

Everything remained as same as that 2 months ago. However, Zhang Tie had changed a lot. Compared to that person 2 months ago, Zhang Tie was full of a shocking qi at this moment. With a sense of surging strength and great confidence, Zhang Tie felt overwhelmed while standing there.

Zhang Tie had entered 8 change earth realm. After taking over 600 fruits of redemption from the gratitude of golden uangs, Zhang Tie's strength increased by 42,000 kg. A weapon weighing dozens of tons could be brandished freely and rapidly by him. Additionally, he finally promoted to medium recovery body from preliminary recovery body, which meant a sharp improvement in his invisible power.

Soon after exiting Castle of Black Iron, Zhang Tie had contacted Fire-Dragon Bounty Territory instead of paying too much attention to the surrounding environment.

Only after 1 minute, Zhang Tie had got his answer as he let out a sigh and muttered, "I see…"

The reason that the small tree could bear fruits of redemption from the gratitude of golden uangs constantly over the past 2 months lay in that Paul had finally found the stable supply channels of golden uangs. Paul established long-term trade ties with three major clans in Taixia Country which raised golden uangs on a large scale, namely Lu Clan of Yunzhou Province, Peng Clan of Qingzhou Province and Song Clan of Huizhou Province.

The number of golden uangs raised by the above 3 major clans occupied over 50% of the total supply of golden uangs across Taixia Country. Previously, Zhang Tie purchased golden uangs from a local clan in Taixia Country. Later on, that clan ended the cooperation with Paul facing the stress from the Gobbling Party. At that time, Lu Clan of Yunzhou Province, Peng Clan of Qingzhou Province and Song Clan of Huizhou Province told Paul that they had no quota for Youzhou Province as they were afraid of the power of the Gobbling Party too.

A few days ago, after Paul returned to Fire-Dragon Bounty Territory and met Zhang Tie's wives in Iron Heart Palace, they planned to allure the three major clans by the interest of Fiery Oil. After hearing that, Lu Clan of Yunzhou Province, Peng Clan of Qingzhou Province and Song Clan of Hui Zhou Clan immediately forgot about the stress facing the Gobbling Party and shifted to the side of Fire-Dragon Territory as they started to provide golden uangs to Fire-Dragon Bounty Territory with the largest quotas.

Although Zhang Tie's wives didn't know why Zhang Tie told Paul to set living beings free, they all supported him whatever he wanted unconditionally. During the past 2 months, they even established an exclusive agency called Setting Free Group under the leadership of Paul. There were already over 200 members in Setting Free Group, who were responsible for setting living beings free at the order of Zhang Tie. Iron Heart Palace would support them at full efforts from manpower, material resources, and financial resources. With the support of Zhang Tie's wives and the concerted efforts of over 200 members of Setting Free Group under the leadership of Paul, fruits of redemption from the gratitude of golden uangs were produced every day. Not only setting free golden uangs, the Setting Free Group even paid higher attention to setting free earthworms in an amazing high efficiency.

Zhang Tie was shocked by the high efficiency of Iron Heart Palace and Setting Free Group. Previously, Zhang Tie just set living beings free stealthily out of many concerns. He didn't prioritize the production of fruits of redemption; therefore, his schedule proceeded slowly. Actually, he should have long established a Setting Free Group.

When the small tree could bear fewer and fewer kinds of fruits, the functions of the fruit of redemption grew increasingly more outstanding. Additionally, as long as he put into enough financial resources and manpower, he would gain fruits of redemption at an amazing speed and increase his strength sharply in a short period. It was a shortcut to increase his strength sharply…

'Based on my fame and overall strength, I don't care even if someone knows that I'm setting living beings free on a large scale. I have too much money and just like setting living beings free, so what?'

After thinking through it, Zhang Tie became spirited at once as he realized the significance to have a lot of virtuous wives at home.

After speaking highly of the Setting Free Group and the Iron Heart Palace and telling Setting Free Group to continue to run in this way, Zhang Tie ended his contact with Fire-Dragon Bounty Territory.

After that, Zhang Tie wanted to contact Blackwater Base. However, after looking around, Zhang Tie didn't even know where he was. After staying in the belly of the Heavens-eaten Boa for a few hours, he estimated that he had been over 1,000 miles away from the winding, narrow tunnel. 'It would be funny if I couldn't tell Blackwater Base about my precise location. How could I not know where I am recuperating?'

'I will go back to the earth surface first.'

When Zhang Tie made up his mind, he immediately jumped into the magma pond while releasing his protective battle qi.

There was indeed an underground magma lake outside the magma pond. After exiting the magma lake, Zhang Tie found a hole that led to the earth surface. Therefore, Zhang Tie flew upwards through that hole…

10 minutes later, Zhang Tie flew out of a cave which was surrounded by mountains.

After looking around, Zhang Tie saw a miserable scroll painting of war…

Dense columns of smoke rushed into the sky from the earth outside these mountains. A large city was burning all over in the fiery flames. Besides, the villages and fields outside the city were also covered with dense smoke…

There were thousands of airships in the sky, whose formation had been disrupted. They were escaping in all directions. When Zhang Tie flew out of the cave, as the greater part of air sacs of a war airship was burning, the large airship was frothing smoke as it dove all the way towards the earth. Like a fiery phoenix, it crashed onto the earth heavily and broke into parts in the flames. In this process, only some crew members who responded fast jumped off the airship while opening their parachutes in the sky.

The moment a crew member opened his parachute, he had been shattered into bloody foam while his blood made the pure white parachute red.

At this moment, a wing demon knight flashed by and punched another Hua crew member who jumped off the airship by parachute into blood foam. After that, it accelerated towards the closest airship. In the distance, dozens of columns of battle smoke and 4 battle qi tornadoes rushed into the sky as knights of Taixia Country were fighting a group of wing demons in the sky…

Chapter 1302: Seckill

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Coincidentally, the moment Zhang Tie flew out of the mountain cave, one of the escaping airships had rushed towards him, which was also the target of the wing demon knight.

The airship was firing steam bolts towards that wing demon knight.

Honeycomb-type steam ballista could fire hundreds of bolts at the same time. The huge bolts fired by the main ballista at the stern were as powerful as whale-hunting harpoons.

However, due to the great difference in levels, the counterattack of the crew members looked pretty weak.

The honeycomb-type steam ballista and the main ballista might threaten demons below battle spirits, but they couldn't even break the protective battle qi of demon knights, not to mention a wing demon knight. Without the protection of human knights, it was impossible for human airships to defeat wing demon knights who were dominating the sky.

The crew members on the airship were roaring as they kept firing at the wing demon knight. The captain seemingly had known the fate of this airship. Therefore, he drove the airship downwards the earth at a great angle of inclination. Before the wing demon knight destroyed this airship, the closer this airship was to the earth surface, the more crew members would survive.

The wing demon knight directly rushed towards the airship without even dodging away from the bolts. In front of the wing demon knight, hundreds of bolts turned into dandelions as they were all blocked by its protective battle qi easily. When an over 1 m longer huge bolt fired by the main steam ballista came to the front of the wing demon knight, it was patted away by the wing demon knight casually.

When the crew members launched the first round of strike towards the wing demon knight, they were over 2,000 m away; however, when they started the 4th round of strike, the wing demon knight had been 700 m away from the airship. Additionally, the wing demon knight didn't even lose a hair.

"Brothers, it's time for us to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of the country by spraying our blood into the sky…" A military officer of Taixia Country roared on the deck at the stern as he released his battle qi totem "king snake". Fixing his eyes onto that wing demon knight, he spurted out a mouth of blood into the air before firing his bolt towards that wing demon knight through his own blood…

It was not an ordinary bolt. When the bolt penetrated through the blood mist in the air, it absorbed all the blood at once; at the same time, it gave out a glow; closely after that, it burned and turned into the shape of a phoenix. The phoenix then stretched its wings and accelerated towards that wing demon knight abruptly.

This military officer had already activated his ancestral bloodline; therefore, his bolt became absolutely special.

When the burning phoenix reached over 100 m before the wing demon knight, the wing demon knight finally changed his look a bit; however, it still kept its route unchanged. The wing demon knight immediately punched out its bat-shaped battle qi towards that phoenix. After colliding with each other over 50 m ahead of the wing demon knight, they broke out a fierce flame and battle qi wave in the air. Before the flame disappeared, the wing demon knight had accelerated once again as it immediately narrowed the distance to 300 m. Additionally, it had fixed its eyes on that military officer who was standing on the deck at the stern of the airship with a grim smile.

Wing demons hated human powerhouses who excelled at archery most. In the former 2 holy wars, human powerhouses in archery; especially Hua people who had awakened their ancestral bloodlines would be targeted by wing demons for sure.

As he had just spurted out a mouth of blood, the Hua military officer looked pale. However, seeing the wing demon knight approaching him with full killing intent, the Hua military officer prepared to fire another bolt. Right then, he suddenly heard a voice, "Leave this wing demon knight to me. You have a nice ancestral bloodline…"

After hearing the orthodox Hua language, the military officer immediately realized that it was the secret sound transmission skill of a knight-level powerhouse. Therefore, he gave up fighting the wing demon knight at the cost of his life…

Zhang Tie moved too fast to be recognized by the military officer. When Zhang Tie's sound reached the ears of the military officer, he had arrived in front of the wing demon knight while holding high his Thor's Hammer…

The wing demon knight didn't notice Zhang Tie just now at all. After sensing that a human knight was approaching him rapidly and was only dozens of meters away from him, the wing demon knight was shocked too much as it used its instinct to punch a surging battle qi towards Zhang Tie.

In Zhang Tie's eyes, this wing demon knight's movement was too slow. When the wing demon knight's battle qi was going to touch Zhang Tie's body, Zhang Tie immediately flashed away and came to the side of that wing demon knight. Closely after, he swung Thor's Hammer at it…

Zhang Tie used his ability as a divine dominator; therefore, he reached a high speed in a split second. At such a high speed, the Thor's Hammer actually had carried great energy before it was swung at the wing demon knight. It was already a kinetic strike.

A black iron wing demon knight was actually a piece of cake for Zhang Tie. In this case, how could it resist the destructive power of Zhang Tie's kinetic strike? When the Thor's Hammer touched the wing demon knight's protective battle qi, its protective battle qi was immediately shattered as if it was as fragile as an eggshell. Closely after that, Zhang Tie's Thor's Hammer blew up the wing demon knight's body, spraying over a blood rain.

Under the gaze of so many people, it was not proper for Zhang Tie to knock it out and teleport it into Castle of Black Iron. He should save people as more as possible. Therefore, he killed the wing demon knight as soon as possible.

After this wing demon knight was killed, no other wing demon knight was hunting airships in this air territory anymore; therefore, Zhang Tie directly flew towards the air territory above the city in the distance where human knights and demon knights were fighting ferociously.

Chapter 1303: An Unrivaled Strike (I)

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

In the air territory covering hundreds of square miles, over 30 knights were fighting ferociously. As battle qi tornadoes and battle qi smoke rushed into the sky one after another, the fiery flames and rumbling thunders caused by knights' off-hand booms reverberated in the sky. As knights were chasing after each other above the city, their battle qi would always involve the buildings below, collapsing a lot of buildings and causing a blazing fire.

Across the battlefield, demon knights were taking the initiative.

Even commoners could identify the number of knights given the number of huge battle qi tornadoes and battle qi smoke in the sky from afar.

The battle qi tornadoes and smokes of demon knights could be easily identified. The battle qi tornadoes and smokes of all the demons would look purple-black in the periphery even though they cultivated the same secret method as human knights.

All the demons at present were wing demons, including 5 earth wing demon knights and 13 black iron wing demon knights. As for human knights, there were 3 earth human knights and 16 black iron human knights. Given the number of knights, human knights had an advantage; however, given the overall battle situation, human knights were disadvantageous and were on the edge of collapse. Because demons had two more earth knights than humans. Given the current situation, the two earth knights were enough to influence and break the balance of this battlefield.

2 earth human knights fought 2 earth demon knights; 9 black iron human knights fought 13 black iron demon knights. There were 2 black iron human knights who fought 2 black iron wing demon knights respectively. A more powerful black iron human knight's battle qi restricted 3 black iron wing demon knights in the shape of a huge net. 2 earth demon knights were restricted by 7 black iron demon knights temporarily, 1 versus 3, 1 versus 4…

The black iron wing demon knight whom Zhang Tie had just killed didn't find any human knight; therefore, it started a massacre among the airship troops of Taixia Country.

Only after throwing a glance at the battlefield, Zhang Tie had understood the current situation facing those human knights. They were on the verge of a life or death situation…

Given such an urgent situation, Zhang Tie realized that he had to spirit up these human knights; otherwise, the team of human knights might collapse at any time. Actually, the 3 black iron human knights who were besieging an earth demon knight were already on the verge of collapse. Even though the 3 black iron human knights were sharing the stress from the earth demon knight, any casual strike of the earth demon knight would cause the wounds on the bodies of 3 black iron human knights to bleed heavily.

As long as an earth demon knight broke a 3-in-1 formation of black iron human knights, the scale would incline towards demons completely. As a result, a domino effect would be aroused and the balance would be completely collapsed.

It was a very urgent battle situation. After killing a wing demon knight by Thor's Hammer in a split second, Zhang Tie immediately gave out an extremely brilliant golden light beam which was like a huge golden pillar between the heavens and the earth. Closely after that, the golden light beam turned into the brilliant, rotating holy geometric halos being covered with complex geometric patterns over Zhang Tie which represented his aiding strength. Then, the halos swept over the battlefield like a mysterious huge wheel. At the same time, golden halos covered all the 19 human knights at present. With the aiding gentle strength of Zhang Tie, the entire battle situation stabilized at once as all the human knights at present gained a much stronger defensive ability and recovery ability in a split second…

After releasing his aiding strength, Zhang Tie accelerated towards the earth demon knight who was besieged by three black iron human knights. In a split second, he had cut into the battle. Only with a sharp off-hand battle qi strike, he had set free the 3 severely injured black iron human knights.

"Leave this earth demon knight to me, you go support the others…"

The 3 black iron human knights were respectively a grey-haired old man, a young man at his 20s and a tough man in half-body armor. After Zhang Tie entered the battle, the 3 black iron human knights immediately felt relaxed as they hurriedly left the earth wing demon knight.

It was not the right moment to chat. After confirming that Zhang Tie was a powerful Hua knight and the very person who released the aiding strength, they knew that Zhang Tie would never suffer a loss facing this earth wing demon knight alone. Therefore, the 3 black iron Hua knights immediately flew towards another earth wing demon knight who was besieged by 4 black iron human knights…

Although there was one more black iron human knight over there, they were also on the verge of collapse.

"A Hua knight who grasped aiding strength…" The earth wing demon knight watched Zang Tie with a grim look. Closely after that, it flew towards Zhang Tie and stabbed its pitch-dark steel fork which was made of abyss iron towards Zhang Tie's head as it said, "Your brains must taste very good…"

"Idiot.." Zhang Tie swore inside. 'If this earth wing demon knight chose to escape the moment it saw me, it might be a bit difficult for me to deal with this guy; however, this guy rushed towards me and would like to try close combat with me. It's nothing different than seeking for death.'

With a loud sound "boom…", Zhang Tie had knocked his Thor's Hammer onto the steel fork; besides hitting the steel fork away from the earth wing demon knight's hand, he even injured its hand.

As Zhang Tie's strength was too terrifying, the moment they collided with each other, the earth demon knight had suffered a small loss.

After feeling the great strength from Zhang Tie's Thor's Hammer; especially Zhang Tie's relaxed and easy look, the earth wing demon knight slightly changed its face. Ignoring the wound on its hand, it hurriedly flashed backward so as to enlarge the distance between Zhang Tie and it. However, it was already too late. The earth wing demon knight felt dizzy as Zhang Tie who was over 10 m away from it just now had already appeared in front of it. Facing the irresistible strength, its protective battle qi was collapsed in a split second. When the great strength passed to its body, half of its bones and muscles were shattered immediately. What was more, it was directly hit onto the earth, causing a huge pit on the earth. As a result, it was severely injured…

Before the earth wing demon knight released its protective battle qi once again, Zhang Tie had flashed downwards. With another strike, the earth wing demon knight's head smashed up like a watermelon while its battle qi tornado disappeared at once…

Not until death did this earth demon knight understand why it felt dizzy when the human knight launched the second strike towards it. It seemed that this human knight could realize instant transfer. Additionally, that human knight's hammer was even more powerful than a blow of a shadow knight at his full efforts.

When the earth demon knight's battle qi tornado disappeared in a split second, all the Hua knights and demon knights at present were startled.

Especially the 3 black iron human knights who had just been liberated by Zhang Tie, who almost looked backward at the same time. However, they only saw a huge pit and the headless corpse of the earth wing demon knight and Zhang Tie who had already flown away from the huge pit.

The moment Zhang Tie left the huge pit, he immediately reached the speed which was close to the speed of sound in air as he flashed towards the city. From hundreds of meters away, he had punched a battle qi fist towards a black iron wing demon who was chasing and fighting a black iron Hua knight and hit it onto the ground. The moment the black iron wing demon knight flew off, Zhang Tie had arrived there. In the close combat, only after two movements, Zhang Tie had shattered that black iron wing demon by Thor's Hammer. Another battle qi smoke of demon knight exterminated at once…

When Zhang Tie killed that earth wing demon knight, all the knights at present didn't see the concrete process; however, all of them almost saw how Zhang Tie killed the black iron wing demon knight.

When Zhang Tie rushed towards a nearest earth wing demon knight, the earth wing demon knight only did one thing——escape, escape away from the battlefield as fast as it could.

Not until then did Zhang Tie release his battle qi tornado. Additionally, he killed wing demon knights so fast; therefore, all the knights at present, including those human knights mistook Zhang Tie as a shadow knight.

Now that a shadow human knight had arrived, this fight didn't need to continue anymore. What counted most for demons was to escape from here. Although demon knights were dauntless, they didn't feel shameful to escape when they faced a human knight who was on a higher level; neither would they be blamed by their partners…

The overall situation was reversed at once.

When the earth wing demon knight turned around and escaped, it was actually sending a clear signal to all the other demon knights at present. Therefore, all the other demon knights turned around and escaped at once too.

The earth wing demon who was besieged by 4 black iron human knights became berserk at once. When it broke through the encirclement, it tore apart a Hua knight's body in front of it while bearing the common strike of the other 3 black iron Hua knights. Closely after that, the earth wing demon knight flew far away…

Chapter 1304: An Unrivaled Strike (II)

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

The overall situation reversed too fast. The entire process only cost a few seconds. That was the battlefield of knights and the manifestation of the dignity of a real powerhouse.

Besides being able to fly with their chakras, wing demon knights were born to be good at flying with their wings. Therefore, the flight ability of wing demon knights would be much greater than that of human knights on the same level. Additionally, as demon knights were taking the initiative just now, if they wanted to evacuate, most of the human knights couldn't block them at all.

The evacuation of wing demon knights was not towards a particular direction; instead, they escaped towards the 3 directions except for the east in a split second like birds whose nest had been broken. It was a standard tactical evacuation action that all the knights would choose when they encountered a knight on a higher level. In the pursuit of a high-level knight, if they all escaped towards the same direction, they were seeking for death as a whole. If they escaped in different directions, besides one or two unlucky guys, most of the people might survive.

However, humans were not idiots. Although they didn't know who was Zhang Tie, none of them would miss such a good opportunity. Human knights responded as fast as demon knights.

The 3 earth human knights didn't chase after those escaping earth demon knights; instead, they chased after a black iron wing demon knight respectively. Although black iron wing demon knights could fly faster than ordinary black iron human knights, they couldn't match the speed of earth human knights.

As to the other black iron human knights. Except for some severely wounded ones who couldn't fly fast anymore, they were all at least in a group of 3 and chased after the black iron wing demon who was nearest to them. The black iron human knight who fought 3 wing demon knights alone directly entangled a black iron wing demon knight who was escaping…

The moment the overall battle situation was reversed, an anguished sound drifted into Zhang Tie's ears, "Elder brother…"

In the distance, a black iron Hua knight was shaking in the sky as his hands quivered. He was cupping the head of a Hua knight.

When the earth wing demon knight broke through the encirclement of the 4 black iron human knights, it blew up one of the 4 black iron human knights.

After breaking through the encirclement of the 4 black iron human knights, the earth wing demon knight flew towards the west at the greatest speed among all the demon knights in this battle. In the blink of an eye, it had reached miles away.

After hearing the anguished voice, Zhang Tie turned around. Closely after that, a killing intent flashed across his eyes. He directly let go another earth demon knight whom he had fixed his eyes on and chased after another earth wing demon knight who had killed a black iron human knight.

Zhang Tie almost reached his limit in speed without using the ability of divine dominator. It was near the speed of sound in the air. It was also the maximal speed of an earth knight. Before promoting to a shadow knight, over 99% of earth knights who had entered 9 change earth realm couldn't break the sonic barrier in flight, humans or demons.

Including that earth wing demon knight, whose speed was almost 300 m per second.

Zhang Tie moved faster than this earth wing demon knight. When in flight, Zhang Tie could clearly sense that sonic barrier which was like a bubble in front of him. It was easy for Zhang Tie to break this bubble; however, as long as he broke the sonic barrier, he would expose his flight ability of divine dominator too.

In the previous close combat, Zhang Tie used the kinetic strike with the ability of divine dominator. However, it couldn't be identified by the others just like an inch punch. He could increase his speed to the level of divine dominator in over 10 m, a couple of meters even 1 m. With such a great speed, although it seemed like an ordinary strike by hammer, Zhang Tie actually had released the enormous strength of kinetic strike. Therefore, he could kill a black iron demon knight or an earth demon knight in a split second.

What counted most was the short distance and millisecond level explosive time. Besides Zhang Tie, almost nobody else in this world could adopt such a kinetic strike in close combat. At least, Zhang Tie had not heard that someone else could adopt such a combat mode in close combat. His opponents couldn't figure it out. Even a heavenly knight couldn't figure out his secret, not to mention those onlookers. They could only believe that Zhang Tie had grasped a terrifying close combat skill with which he could release a great power in a split second or Zhang Tie's silver secret heavy hammer was too destructive…

It was also why Zhang Tie dared kill demon knights in close combat in this way under the gaze of so many onlookers. Besides feeling that Zhang Tie was as fierce as a shadow knight, none of the onlookers could figure out the reason.

Zhang Tie's flight speed was about 10% greater than that of the earth wing demon knight. Therefore, only after flying over 150 miles away, Zhang Tie had blocked that earth wing demon knight in a mountainous region by launching a battle qi towards it.

Closely after that, Zhang Tie approached it and started a close combat.

Even though he didn't use the ability of divine dominator, his Thor's Hammer still carried a terrifying strength. Although that earth wing demon knight could resist Zhang Tie's strikes, its protective battle qi would also quiver heavily. Each time Zhang Tie swung his Thor's Hammer towards it, the earth wing demon knight would be hit onto the earth or the mountain, causing a huge hole or breaking a mountain peak…

Only after a few knocks, the earth wing demon knight had spurted out a mouth of blood as it couldn't have a strength to resist Zhang Tie's strike anymore.

"Who're you…" The earth wing demon knight roared.

Zhang Tie remained silent with a cold look as he didn't need to explain anything to a demon b*stard who was going to die.

After suffering another kinetic strike, the protective battle qi of the earth wing demon knight collapsed in a split second as its body was severely injured. The moment its protective battle qi collapsed, Zhang Tie had cut across its neck by his palm horizontally like a using a dagger, causing the earth wing demon knight's neck to spray out blood column which was several meters high. Closely after that, its head flew off. Zhang Tie immediately caught its head while its headless body dropped into the stream between mountains…

In this situation, Zhang Tie could have a chance to knock it out and teleport it into Castle of Black Iron. However, when he heard the anguished voice, "Brother…", Zhang Tie was moved as he determined to kill this earth wing demon knight and behead it as soon as possible.

As the western border of Taixia Country had been the fiercest battlefield between humans and demons, Zhang Tie didn't need to worry about having any earth demon knights to kill.

Lifting the bloody head of the earth wing demon knight, Zhang Tie returned to the battlefield where he heard the anguished voice of the human knight…