1381 - 1389

Chapter 1381: The End of the First Frontal Battlefield

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Being held by the endless wires and the flames of incendiary mines and incendiary bombs that fell off the airships, iron-armored demons gradually shrunk like an ice cube that fell into hot water. After jumping and surging forward dozens of miles resolutely and bravely, only a dozen of them survived.

Among the alive ones, those with the highest level was a battle spirit.

At the final hopeless moment, over 10 iron-armored demons were still breaking forward dauntlessly which was really touching. However, their destiny would not be altered.

After a flame fell onto the last high-level iron-armored demon, thousands of square meters instantly became a fire sea, submerging the demon fighter. The most powerful iron-armored demon didn't break out of the fire sea like before with the protection of his battle qi. After the flames died out, a large patch of wires had melted down, turning the ground black. The final iron-armored demon had been burned into ashes. Its final location of existence could even be barely seen on the ground…

Although protective battle qi could resist ordinary physical strikes, it couldn't withstand high temperature. Only knight-level protective battle qi could prevent them from being hurt by magma. However, the temperature of the flames of incendiary bombs and incendiary mines were both above 1,500 degree Celsius, which was even higher than many sorts of magma. Even battle spirits' protective battle qi couldn't protect them from such a high temperature…

In the air battlefortress in the distance, Sagus the Monarch Abyss of demons was gazing at the extermination of iron-armored demons that had rushed over Weishui River. During the process, Sagus was always clenching its fist. However, when the last iron-armored demon was killed, Sagus loosened its punch while its scorching qi turned chaotic and deadly which was forbidding.

After throwing the last glance at the wing demons above Weishui River wrestling with human air cavalries and the knights of both parties; especially at the brilliant battlefield between Zhang Tie and the shadow demon knight, Sagus the Monarch Abyss finally uttered its muffled voice from below its mask.

"Be stationed on the west bank. Call back the knights and fighters…"

Sagus waved its arm as it continued when a subordinate heavenly knight moved one step forward, "The holy war has just come to a start. The wrestle between us and Taixia Country would not end within one day or one year. If Taixia Country could be conquered so easily, it would not be our turn to do that…"

The heavenly demon knight then became silent as it slightly bowed and returned to its original position.

Sagus' order was soon passed down.

Demons were also something. Before the demon army completely collapsed, they were always in order even in evacuation.

After receiving the order, 20,000 wing demons set off at once. To respond to such a sudden change, the second batch of air cavalries also set off the airport on the east bank of Weishui River and prepared to fight the enemy.

However, the second batch of wing demons didn't fly over Weishui River; instead, they hovered in the sky above the west bank and covered the first batch of wing demons which evacuated from the battlefield.

Noticing the wing demons' evacuation, the first batch of air cavalries didn't chase after them; instead, they returned to the airport on the east bank while the second batch of air cavalries started to patrol in the sky above the east bank in case of demon's tricks.

After wing demons evacuated, black iron demon knights started to leave the battlefield, followed by earth knights. Shadow demon knights stuck to the last moment.

"Bang…", before the shadow demon knight's off-hand battle qi strike fell onto Zhang Tie's protective battle qi, it had been shattered by the light surrounding Zhang Tie's protective battle qi. It was a natural response in a high swordsmanship realm that Zhang Tie had just reached and consolidated that shattered the off-hand battle qi strike of the shadow demon knight.

At this moment, Zhang Tie didn't even know the name of the powerful battle skill that he had just got and consolidated. He only felt a strong strength staying glued to his body. As long as he thought about it, he would release great strength in a terrifying manner. Sometimes, he didn't even think about it. Whenever it sensed a potential threat, it would release automatically and eliminate the threat.

The special strength on Zhang Tie's side was a bit like sword qi. It could be both rigid and soft, coming from and going to void like Zhang Tie's shadow and magnetic field. It had already become a part of Zhang Tie's body. After being released outside Zhang Tie's protective battle qi, this special strength provided one more protective cover for Zhang Tie. By comparison, protective battle qi just sustained the strike of the enemy negatively and purely enhanced his anti-strike ability; however, this special strength could both bear others' strike and launch a strike at its discretion to diffuse the enemy's strike.

Zhang Tie didn't know about this special strength; however, this strength reminded him of the active reactive armor over tanks before the Catastrophe. At that time, active reactive armor could sense incoming shells and missiles before their arrival and detonate the latter where they were near.

If a knight's protective battle qi was regarded as the armor of traditional tanks, in some sense, this new skill was like Zhang Tie's active reactive armor. Of course, it was much more powerful than the so-called active reactive armor.

Zhang Tie stretched out his hand while the Devouring Dragon sword qi turned into a 100-m long light sword and slashed towards the shadow demon knight in an overwhelming manner.

Zhang Tie slashed against the shadow demon knight, causing its protective battle qi to quiver. Half of it collapsed almost in a split second. However, the shadow demon knight instantly separated from Zhang Tie and flew back towards the demon camp on the west bank. Before leaving, this shadow demon knight even turned around and glared at Zhang Tie with full killing intent.

Zhang Tie didn't chase after it; instead, he hovered there and saw the shadow demon knight and the other demon knights returning to their camp. The 4 heavenly demon knights also returned to their camp. Such a short fight was just a warm-up for heavenly knights. In the 2nd holy war, the duration of the fight between a human heavenly knight and a demon heavenly knight ranged from 1 week to 47 days. The world of heavenly knights was out of the imagination of commoners.

Zhang Tie knew that this fight had come to an end for the time being.

The virtual image of Devouring Dragon was dozens of meters long silver dragon, which was circling around Zhang Tie in an imposing and brilliant manner. Every detail of the dragon was like the real one, including its scales, buckhorn, long beard and fishtail. Zhang Tie was standing in the sky while this silver dragon protected Zhang Tie by circling around him. If this virtual image showed up in front of ordinary Hua people, it would win the worship of them for sure because this dragon had been an admirable immortal beast of Hua people since ancient times. Hua people regarded themselves as the descendants of the dragon. Among Hua people, dragon represented authority, dignity, mystery and strength.

At the same time, Zhang Tie also received the command to return to Xuanyuan Fortress.

"Let's go…" The shadow human knight who blocked another shadow demon knight at the critical moment for Zhang Tie asked Zhang Tie as he threw an extremely strange glance at Zhang Tie and that virtual image circling around Zhang Tie.

Even though this shadow human knight was not hostile, his approach also aroused the response of the virtual image of the Devouring Dragon. The 3-claw silver dragon bared fangs and brandished claws while one of its head was targeting at this shadow human knight as it was ready for a strike.

As the shadow human knight was a bit afraid of the Devouring Dragon, he didn't approach Zhang Tie too close.

Zhang Tie's heart raced while the dozens of meters long virtual image instantly minified and turned into a 30 cm long snake before finally drilling into Zhang Tie's sleeve…

Previously, Zhang Tie didn't know that the virtual image of a silver secret item could be so inscrutable. After this fight, Zhang Tie really understood the subtlety of silver secret items. From then on, Zhang Tie opened the gate of a wholly new world. The virtual images of silver secret items were inclusive which didn't exist for good look and fashion. The moment Zhang Tie got the head or tail of it, he'd become thrilled inside.

In the sky, Zhang Tie fought demons in a heroic way and hid a dragon in his sleeve, which made him pretty alluring.

After fighting a shadow demon knight and returning to Xuanyuan Fortress, Zhang Tie finally knew what was it like being eye-catching…

Chapter 1382: Giving No Concession

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

All the 100,000 more human knights in Xuanyuan Fortress were keeping their eyes on Zhang Tie when Zhang Tie returned. Their eye light contained admiration, shock, reverence, pure jealousy and favor and worship from female knights. Zhang Tie glanced over them and kept most of their expressions in mind.

For instance, Feng Yexiao and his disciples of Taiyi Fantasy Sect looked like how a group of misers behaved when they saw someone on their side hit the jackpot of 5 million gold coins; especially Feng Yexiao whose expressions really made Zhang Tie feel cool. Those disciples of Taiyi Fantasy Sect who dared sneer at Zhang Tie previously almost dared not look straight into Zhang Tie's eyes at this moment.

Although Zhang Tie had not promoted to a shadow knight, his heroic deed of killing an earth demon knight in a split second by sword scared those people of Taiyi Fantasy who disliked him before. Now that Zhang Tie could kill an earth demon knight as easily as slaughtering livestock, it would not be difficult for him to kill them.

As for Feng Yexiao, he just tightly pursed his mouth as he pretended to be dismissive; however, he still couldn't hide his jealousy and a bit fear in his eyes when he looked at Zhang Tie.

Zhang Tie felt pretty cool…

The first one who rushed towards Zhang Tie was Bai Suxian.

Under the gaze of the public, the red-eyed princess of Lord Guangnan's Mansion directly threw herself into Zhang Tie's arms as she put her arms around Zhang Tie's neck and said, "You scared me too much…"

"I'm fine. Look, I'm back." Zhang Tie comforted Bai Suxian as he patted Bai Suxian's back.

"When did your swordsmanship become so powerful? I've not seen that before." Bai Suxian asked out of curiosity. Since she got acquainted with Zhang Tie, she only saw Zhang Tie use his punches and spears in front of her. However, he barely presented his swordsmanship in front of her.

"Haha, you will know that in the future…"

As it was on the battlefield, it was impolite for them to show off their love. Only after having a brief talk with Bai Suxian, Zhang Tie had returned to the army of knights in Xuanyuan Fortress by pulling her hand.

The moment Zhang Tie returned, he had seen Guo Hongyi being taken away by two law enforcement knights. Before leaving, Guo Hongyi turned around and threw a glance at Zhang Tie. Although Guo Hongyi looked calm, it seemed that she had a lot of words to say…

"Harrumph, foxtrel. She's always looking for a chance to entice my man…" Bai Suxian whispered to Zhang Tie.

Just now, Zhang Tie only saw Guo Hongyi break into the battlefield; however, he was confused about the details. After hearing Bai Suxian's words out of jealousy, Zhang Tie seemingly understood something, "What's wrong with Guo Hongyi?"

"Don't you know that?"

"Do you think I'm a telescope, clairaudient or a heavenly knight?" Zhang Tie pinched Bai Suxian's waist as he added, "I was fighting so many demon knights just now; how could I know everything within hundreds of miles?"

"Well, don't care about it. Someone disobeyed the command on the battlefield…" Bai Suxian smiled as she shifted the topic right away instead of talking about Guo Hongyi with Zhang Tie anymore.

Zhang Tie knew that Bai Suxian and Guo Hongyi disliked each other and it was almost impossible for him to hear anything good about Guo Hongyi from Bai Suxian. However, he couldn't put her to 'torture' in the public, therefore, Zhang Tie didn't ask Bai Suxian about Guo Hongyi anymore.

The demon army was experiencing a change. On the land covering thousands of miles about 120 miles away from the west bank, those war giants started to transform into war trees while rooting in the earth, covering the entire sky over 120 m away from the west bank with grey mist…

Only after a short while, those war trees had started to grow out leaves and trunks. Among those leaves and trunks, dense bizarre fruits gradually came out, which served as the portable supply of the demon army.

Given the morphological transformation of demon war giants, they were going to be stationed here for a long time. As the morphological transformation started, some floating battle fortresses of demons also gradually moved backward to the center of the camp of hundreds of millions of demons.

Zhang Tie was shocked too much by the morphological transformation of the war giants of demons. Zhang Tie knew that Chinese caterpillar fungus could change its morphological existence between plant and animal. However, demon's war giants were much bigger than Chinese caterpillar fungus. Those war giants being transformed from war trees were like skyscrapers. As a sharp war weapon, war tree's crown was as large as a cloud as it covered several square miles' land.

After seeing demons' encampment and the evacuation of floating demon battlefortress, Xuanyuan Fortress and those floating human battle fortresses also slowly moved back to over 120 miles away from the east bank of Weishui River. With a distance of about 300 miles, two parties started a confrontation with each other.

The war had not come to an end. However, the demons' attack had been shattered in Weishui River today. Therefore, it was not easy for demons to break the firm line of defense of Taixia Country on the east bank of Weishui River in a short period.

Watching the retreating demon's floating battlefortress and the safe return of Xuanyuan Fortress and the other human battle fortresses to the air territory above the east bank of Weishui River, hundreds of millions of Taixia fighters cheered up on the ground. Since demons started to invade Taixia Country, Taixia Country finally won a battle in the frontal battlefield.

Although being a small triumph, it was of great importance for Taixia Country as a whole as the morale of all the Taixia troops was raised.

The news of the victory was instantly sent to Xuanyuan Hill. Xuanyuan Hill then spread the good news to all the provinces in Taixia Country officially. On the same night, Xuanyuan Fortress and the other human battle fortresses in the sky were a scene of jubilation…

In such a scene of jubilation, Zhang Tie and Zuoqiu Mingyue were looking straight into each other's eyes in the latter's office of Xuanyuan Fortress while banging their fists on the desk.

On the way to Zuoqiu Mingyue's office, all the knight-level officers and subordinates on Zuoqiu Mingyue's side in the headquarters treated Zhang Tie much politer than before. However, after closing the door and expressing his intention, Zhang Tie soon irritated Zuoqiu Mingyue.

"Let her go now…" Zhang Tie said while strengthening up his neck.

"Guo Hongyi set off the formation without my consent. According to the military decree, she should be beheaded; however, I've only sentenced her to 3-month detention given her gender and dauntless deed in the battle. Additionally, she's killed a black iron demon knight. Therefore, I didn't give her a severe punishment…"

"You won't make any concession, right?" Zhang Tie took in a deep breath.

"I won't!" Zuoqiu Mingyue refused Zhang Tie's proposal right away.

With a sound "Pah!", Zhang Tie dropped his seal of Weiji General and remote-sensing communication finger rings onto the desk as he turned solemn at once, "I resign. You'd better find someone else to supersede me, commander-in-chief…"

Zuoqiu Mingyue widely opened his eyes as he watched Zhang Tie furiously. Pointing at Zhang Tie by finger, he raised his beard while quivering all over, "You resign? Do you know what you're talking about? You're proud because of my favor. You've made a great military exploit today and gained a high reputation, you should be the good role model for the entire army. How could you become so frivolous? Are you afraid of being derided by the public?"

Zhang Tie looked straight into Zuoqiu Mingyue's eyes dauntlessly as he replied, "I don't care about the military exploit. I prefer to offset Guo Hongyi's violation using the military exploit. As for being proud due to your favor. If I, as a Weiji general, couldn't even protect a woman from been punished for me, I prefer to resign. I agree if you say I'm proud due to your favor. As for being derided by the public, so what? Previously, I was even a scapegoat and wanted by the Supreme Court. Even Heavens Reaching Church and the Supreme Court of Taixia Country wanted to kill me. By comparison, it's nothing serious for me to be derided by the public. Whatever, I would not lose a hair or take one meal fewer…"

Zuoqiu Mingyue revealed a smile out of extreme fury, "How dare you threaten this old man?"

"Whatever, I've expressed my stance. It depends on you, commander-in-chief…"

Zhang Tie behaved like a rascal in front of Zuoqiu Mingyue.

The two people just looked straight into each other's eyes without giving any concession…

3 minutes later, Zhang Tie opened the door of Zuoqiu Mingyue's office as he walked out of there with a glassy-eyed look.

The moment Zhang Tie closed the door, a loud sound had drifted from inside the office while the desk was shattered instantly.

After hearing such a sudden noise, the subordinate of Zuoqiu Mingyue awaiting outside the door was startled too. After following Zuoqiu Mingyue for so long, it was his first time to hear Zuoqiu Mingyue lose his temper. As Hua people caused a heavy loss to demons today, everyone was so happy, why did commander-in-chief lose temper at this moment? Therefore, the subordinate moved his eyes onto Zhang Tie with a dubious look.

"Ahem…ahem…" Zhang Tie pretended to cough twice. After that, he rubbed his face softly as he looked at the knight-level subordinate solemnly and said, "I've got a lot of gnosis on swordsmanship on the battlefield. I was asking for commander-in-chief's guidance just now. I'm afraid that the commander-in-chief is deducing the mysteries. Don't bother him now. After a while, change the desk for him…"

After leaving the highest tower, Zhang Tie touched that pardon decree in his clothes as he walked towards the Law Enforcement Center of Xuanyuan Fortress…

Chapter 1383: Visiting Guo Hongyi

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Xuanyuan Fortress was pretty boisterous tonight. Besides those on duty, the fortress' avenues were full of passers-by. All knights and ordinary officers converged in the avenues. Some had a cool drink; some sang loudly. All the bars in the fortress had almost been full. The entire Xuanyuan Fortress seemed to hold a festival…

Since demon army invaded Taixia Country, the nerve in everyone's mind finally loosened today.

Learning to be intense and relaxed at the right moment was the law of yin and yang and could enable people to carry on longer on the battlefield. Even the most powerful knights couldn't be intense for 100 years constantly in the holy war. Zhang Tie didn't look down upon the boisterous and relaxed crowd on the streets because Zhang Tie also became relaxed inside now.

Since in Selnes Theater of Operations, Zhang Tie had been intense. Until today, a sea tortoise in a corner of Zhang Tie's heart finally rose to the surface of the sea and started to breathe fresh air over the sea.

Strictly, what counted most today was not the battle between heavenly knights, between tens of thousands of knights or Zhang Tie's heroic deed on the battlefield but the triumph of the human ground troops and air cavalries against demon corps. Such a triumph was of great importance. Without exaggeration, today's triumph was historical and a milestone.

On the ground, 200,000 iron-armored demons had been completely annihilated by endless mines and airship troops before they touched the ground troops of Taixia Country.

In the air, less than 15,000 out of over 20,000 wing demons could finally survive back. By contrast, about 6,000 of 20,000 airplanes were hit down by wing demons. Perhaps, some people didn't feel it was something great. However, as for Zhang Tie who had joined the battle in Selnes Theater of Operations, this result had already ended the unrivaled history of wing demons in the former 2 holy wars. This result was definitely much better than that human corps faced in Selnes Theater of Operations. When in Selnes Theater of Operations, so many airships and human fighters were hit down and killed by wing demons… Additionally, wing demons had caused too many other losses to humans. Besides Zhang Tie himself, human corps could barely kill any wing demons in Selnes Theater of Operations. Wing demons almost became the nightmare of humans in the sky of Selnes Theater of Operations. If there were 20,000 air cavalries in Selnes Theater of Operations at that time, the history of Waii Subcontinent might have been rewritten and the nightmare caused by wing demons might have long been ended.

However, "if" didn't exist. Today's battle meant the start of a bright new future of humans.

The Age of Fiery Oil had arrived!

The age belonging to human air cavalries had arrived!

This was the signance of today's battle.

The number of wing demons couldn't match that of iron-armored demons and ox-headed demons. They were even fewer than spider demons. If shadow demons were not included, wing demons were the rarest species among demons. However, human air cavalries came from ordinary people. Although they required a paid training, as long as humans could last forever and could produce planes constantly and Fiery Oil, wing demons would not be a threat. Perhaps one day when wing demons' consumption overreached their birth rate, human air cavalries would gain an advantage in the air.

Maybe others didn't know that; however, Zhang Tie felt that he was the most intense person across Xuanyuan Fortress before today. This triumph also made the Military God of Taixia Country relaxed.

Therefore, Zhang Tie seized the opportunity to behave like a rascal in front of this sage-level knight and finally got his decree of pardon.

Because Guo Hongyi was put behind upon bars due to him, Zhang Tie couldn't just leave her to stay inside the jail. Therefore, Zhang Tie aimed to scoop her out of there even on the risk of stirring up Zuoqiu Mingyue.

There were so many people on the streets of Xuanyuan Fortress. Zhang Tie knew that he had been renowned across Xuanyuan Fortress. When he came here just now, he almost aroused a turmoil, causing so many people to block the way as onlookers. Therefore, Zhang Tie became a bit low-key on the streets this time. The moment he left the highest tower where Zuoqiu Mingyue was, Zhang Tie had put on his hood, covering half of his face. Additionally, he lowered his height by 3 cm using his body-changing immortal bloodline. In this way, very few people would be able to identify him.

The Law Enforcement Center of Xuanyuan Fortress was also a high tower. As this place was to regulate illegal knights coming from all provinces of Taixia Country, the Law Enforcement Center was especially imposing while 4 black iron knights were standing outside the tower.

After coming to Law Enforcement Center, Zhang Tie presented his identity card; closely after that, he showed the decree of pardon which had been issued by Zuoqiu Mingyue. Then, he came to Guo Hongyi's cell under the leadership of a knight-level officer.

Now that it was a jail, it would not feel comfortable even for holding knights. Otherwise, custody would be meaningless. This jail was beneath the high tower of Law Enforcement Center. The underground tunnel was clean, yet there was no sunshine. Besides, there was some restrictive equipment inside the jail, making it a bit repressive.

"This is the Guo Hongyi's cell!"

After passing by many corridors and restrictive equipment, the officer guided Zhang Tie to the front of a small alloy door through the narrow tunnel under the gloomy lamplight of everlasting fluorescent lamps. After that, he took out a key and inserted it into the keyhole on the door. After rotating his key for two circles, he opened the door with a crack.

Zhang Tie saw Guo Hongyi instantly.

There was almost no light inside the cell. There was only a palm-sized window on the iron door. After opening the door, the lamplight of the everlasting fluorescent lamps in the corridor slightly lit up this cell along with Guo Hongyi's blurry red skirt.

Guo Hongyi was sitting on the iron bed with crossed legs. She opened her eyes when the door was opened.

Zhang Tie lowered his head and entered the cell. Watching Zhang Tie entering it, the officer of Law Enforcement Center left out of there in case of being an eyesore. Anyone with a bit EQ would not watch aside at this moment. Although it was a bit dim inside the cell, an onlooker was always disgusting…

Chapter 1384: Being Sentimental

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

After meeting Guo Hongyi once again, Zhang Tie felt a bit embarrassed. He didn't know what to say. Nothing had ever happened between Guo Hongyi and him. Neither had he thought about marrying her. However, since he got acquainted with Guo Hongyi in the incarnation of Cui Li, their relationship had been blurry and ambiguous; especially after fixing the love affairs between Yan Feiqing and him.

'Hongyi, we will be a family from now on… Actually, you should call me…master's husband!'

After thinking about it, Zhang Tie finally didn't dare say it out. If he said it at this moment, he might drive Guo Hongyi mad if not dead.

'Ahem ahem…Qing'er. From today on, you and Hongyi could warm up bed for me together. Whatever, you're familiar with each other and could look after each other. We're a family…'

If Zhang Tie told Yan Feiqing about this, he dared not guarantee whether Yan Feiqing would beat him to death or not. However, Zhang Tie really pitied Yan Feiqing from inside.

Scratching his head, Zhang Tie dared not imagine about the two scenes at all.

'Who the motherf*cking said that one wife and one concubine is enjoyable?'

"Erm…are you all right?"

After thinking about it for a few seconds, Zhang Tie finally squeezed out such a sentence.

Guo Hongyi revealed a bashful smile as she turned especially enchanting at this moment although she used to be indifferent and arrogant. She said, "Do you know that you really look like a kid when you scratch your head?"

Watching Guo Hongyi under the dim lamplight of the cell, Zhang Tie finally knew why photographers would like to take photos and portraits for beauties in the wilderness or ruins. Because these places which didn't feel nice would become especially outstanding, brilliant and distinctive due to the existence of beauties.

"I've not imagined that you could be that brave today. How dare you rush towards the battlefield of tens of thousands of knights?" Zhang Tie let out a sigh.

"Beloved ones are rare in the world. As Hongyi's beloved one was in a dilemma, I would dare to go save him even if it was more dangerous than that. Although we were not born on the same date, I expect to die together with him on the same date. I could even die for my beloved one!" Guo Hongyi said as she soon looked into Zhang Tie's eyes fervently with widely opened eyes although Zhang Tie's words made her slightly lower her head bashfully, "However, I don't know whether that man also has Hongyi in his heart and also treats Hongyi as his beloved one…"

Zhang Tie was not an idiot. Guo Hongyi was expressing her love to him. All the indifferent beauties were ice-capped volcanoes. As long as they erupted, it would be earth-shaking…

'Holy sh*t! What the hell! Am I that manly?' Zhang Tie felt depressed.

"Let's leave out of here. It's not comfortable here…" Zhang Tie could only shift the topic as Guo Hongyi's question was hard to answer.

"That man was unrivaled on the battlefield and could kill one earth demon knight by sword in the blink of an eye. Is Hongyi's question trickier than a shadow demon knight? Could he only escape from it…" Guo Hongyi still looked straight into Zhang Tie's eyes. However, her hot eye light gradually became dimmer. She then revealed a miserable smile as she lowered her head. After a tear dropped onto her red skirt, Guo Hongyi said, "Hongyi had understood it. It turns out that I'm just self-sentimental since the beginning. it seems that Hongyi would face green lamplight and the cold moonlight for the rest of my life without any excessive expectation…"

Watching such a beauty lowering her head and dropping off her tears, Zhang Tie swore inside. Regardless of the result, he strode towards her bed. He then cupped Guo Hongyi's jaw by one hand as he lowered his body and heavily kissed onto her plump and sexy lips, tasting the scent on the lips of this mature woman.

Kissing required skills. After being baptized by so many women, Zhang Tie's kissing skills were definitely master-level. As a result, Guo Hongyi became soft all over while her face blushed. Later on, Guo Hongyi directly fell into Zhang Tie's arms as she put her arms around Zhang Tie's waist. Raising her pretty face, she closed her eyes and sought for more kiss out of control.

The kiss lasted 5 minutes.

After separating their lips, Guo Hongyi opened her eyes as she looked at Zhang Tie with a fascinating expression. At the same time, her chest rose and fell.

Zhang Tie lowered his head as he watched this woman who had completely opened herself to him in an overbearing expression, "What the motherf*cking green lamplight and cold moonlight? Stop having a bee in your mind. You're my woman. Am I clear?"

"Hmm…" Guo Hongyi tightly embraced Zhang Tie as her hot face stayed glued to Zhang Tie's chest. If it was a commoner, he would have been strangled to death by her. They hugged each other for about 2 minutes when Zhang Tie felt that Guo Hongyi gradually calmed down.

The kiss witnessed their love. After that kiss, Zhang Tie felt that their relationship had been different than before.

It was another debt of love!

"Let's leave out of here…" Zhang Tie whispered tenderly while patting Guo Hongyi's back.

"I can't…"

"Ahh, why?" Zhang Tie asked out of amazement.

Guo Hongyi raised her head once again as her eye light was still affectionate though her calm and wise eye light reappeared a bit. She explained, "I set off without the consent of commander-in-chief today. I've violated the military regulation in the public and was sentenced to 3-month imprisonment. It's already a light punishment. I know that you've already appealed to his mercy. However, the commander-in-chief is always selfless and would never agree with you. If you take me away from here. Over 100,000 human knights in Xuanyuan Fortress would definitely think that you're so arrogant due to the favor of commander-in-chief that you asked the commander-in-chief to mitigate Hongyi's punishment. You're Weiji General and have made such a great military exploit on the battlefield today. You're in your heyday and won the admiration of the public. However, someone must be jealous of you. If they seized your loophole, they would definitely publicize it. That would be greatly disadvantageous to your prospect. Hongyi would never let you suffer such infamy for me. Therefore, I would not leave before 3 months. As a knight, I could enter closed cultivation here quietly. It will be alright soon…"

Zhang Tie watched Guo Hongyi with a confounded look as he felt that this woman could never be matched by ordinary women given her dauntless spirit of rushing into the battlefield of tens of thousands of knights, her identity as the owner of Guo Clan in Youzhou Province and her decisiveness even being sentimental. Additionally, this woman was also far-sighted. She preferred to be in the imprisonment for 3 months than to ruin his reputation for a bit peace and happiness.

Zhang Tie let out a sigh with feeling, 'How could I win the favor of such a good woman? As a man, what else could I say?'

Zhang Tie remained silent. He pulled Guo Hongyi's right hand. After that, he took out a space-teleportation finger ring from his clothes and put it on Guo Hongyi's fourth finger.

"Keep this space-teleportation finger ring. It contains a silver secret item, some medicaments, water and food. If you take it, I will be a bit reassured…"

Looking at that finger ring, Guo Hongyi felt pretty happy. As for Guo Hongyi, this finger ring was the token of love between them. Even if it was just an ordinary iron or copper finger ring, it was also very precious for Guo Hongyi, not to mention that it was a precious space-teleportation equipment…

Yan Feiqing had "confiscated" many of Zhang Tie's space-teleportation equipment and silver secret items. She was indeed clear of Zhang Tie's personality. Yan Feiqing knew that Zhang Tie was sentimental. With precious equipment, he would easily gift them to others. It was okay for him to gift them to men; if he gifted them to women, it was nothing different than finding sisters for Yan Feiqing. Therefore, Yan Feiqing took away some of his precious equipment in advance. Even so, Zhang Tie still had some "case-dough", which took effect at this moment.

Zhang Tie didn't care about it for the time being. As for the love affair between Guo Hongyi and him, Zhang Tie prepared to explain it to Yan Feiqing when he saw her next time. 'Whatever, the master and her apprentice should have some common words to share with. Additionally, I remember that I got acquainted with Guo Hongyi ahead of Yan Feiqing. Therefore, it's uncertain whether it's the master who robs away her apprentice's husband or the apprentice robs away her master's husband. I don't care about others' opinions. No matter what, I will not lose one hair…'

Zhang Tie entered the Law Enforcement Center of Xuanyuan Fortress and left there alone. Zuoqiu Mingyue's decree of pardon didn't work.

After exiting the Law Enforcement Center, Zhang Tie found that the streets in Xuanyuan Fortress were still boisterous. However, Zhang Tie didn't feel like joining the fun; therefore, he directly left Xuanyuan Fortress for Blackwater Base.

As so many knights and Taixia fighters were living in Xuanyuan Fortress, the residences inside it were in urgent demand. After taking the office as Weiji General, Zhang Tie could have a residence in Xuanyuan Fortress; however, Zhang Tie didn't care about that. Therefore, he didn't change his room. He still lived in the Fantasy No. 76 room of BlackDragon Airboat.

Soon after Zhang Tie entered the hall of Blackwater Base, he had heard someone screaming.

"Ahh, Qianji Hermit is coming back…"

Zhang Tie was so scared by it. After looking around, he found thousands of knights were gathering in the hall, male or female. The noisy hall instantly became quiet while thousands of pairs of eyes instantly moved onto Zhang Tie, causing goosebumps all over Zhang Tie's body.

'What are they going to do?' Zhang Tie muttered inside…

"It's my great honor to meet you, Qianji Hermit. This humble man is Guo Zhongyin, the owner of DragonMountain Swordsmanship Sect in Yunzhou Province. As I admire hermit's swordsmanship, I especially wait here for your instructions…" A handsome earth knight with long beard moved forward and bowed towards Zhang Tie as he said respectfully.

"Ahh, you're…" Someone else shouted unsatisfactorily as he rushed forward to Zhang Tie's front before Zhang Tie finished his question.

"I'm here first. It's my pleasure to see you. I am Tang Bohu, an elder of JadeFantasy Swordsmanship Sect in Zhongzhou Province. I'm especially here for your instructions…"

The second man was as sturdy as Cui Li. He was also an earth knight. In whiskers, he looked ferocious with a fiery huge sword on his back. The black hair on his chest was 30 cm long. With such a look, he would scare passers-by away while dropping off their properties if he walked out of the mountain pass in the daytime. However, he was called Tang Bohu.

Zhang Tie became speechless.

"Nice to meet you, Qianji Hermit. This lady is Gongsun Lirong from Gongsun Clan of Dragonfly Palace. I'm especially here for your instructions…" A beautiful female knight said as she approached Zhang Tie while twisting her waist. In short hair, she looked beautiful and enchanting. Additionally, she even ogled Zhang Tie. Her waist really looked beautiful. Therefore, Zhang Tie couldn't help paying more attention to her waist. But…but this woman looks a bit familiar…

Before Zhang Tie opened his mouth, thousands of knights had swarmed up…

"This humble man is…"

"This humble man is…"

"This humble lady is…also, who steps on this mother's foot. Are you seeking for death…"

"F*ck, queue up…"

Zhang Tie became stunned. Before he made any response, he had been inundated by the surging crowd…

Chapter 1385: Making an Inspection Tour

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

On the second early morning, when the sun rose, those knight-level officers of Xuanyuan Fortress were inspecting the battlefield and checking combat readiness on the east bank of Weishui River…

As Weiji General of the theater of operations, Zhang Tie was among the group of inspectors.

Zuoqiu Mingyue was in the front of the team. Zhang Tie stood on his side, followed by some other people. Besides Zhang Tie, all of them were heavenly knights in the Western Theater of Operations. Among them, Zhang Tie, as an earth knight, was a bit special.

Earth knights were great; however, it depended. In such a case, an earth knight was really not something. Because Zuoqiu Mingyue was a sage-level knight, all the other 7 inspectors were heavenly knights.

It was also Zhang Tie's first time to stay with a sage-level knight and 7 heavenly knights. Although being low in level, Zhang Tie didn't feel uneasy. Because he knew that these counterparts were the most powerful existences among humans. Such a grand scene could be barely seen even in Xuanyuan Hill. If demons didn't invade Taixia Country and called for such an occasion, ordinary knights might not see such a grand scene for the rest of their lives, not to mention commoners.

Without exaggeration, any one of them could change the overall situation facing Taixia Country.

Among them, Zuoqiu Mingyue was the chairman of Military Committee of Taixia Country and the Military God of Taixia Country. As for the other heavenly knights, Ye Qingcheng was the former commander of BlackArmor Army. 5 of the other 6 heavenly knights were the incumbent or former commanders of the top 4 armies of Taixia Country. The remaining one was an elder of the imperial household of Xuanyuan Hill.

Besides Zuoqiu Mingyue and Ye Qingcheng, over half of these people were strange to Zhang Tie even though Zhang Tie had come to the theater of operations for almost 2 years.

To be honest, if not Zhang Tie's duty as Weiji General, the fact that they were checking the combat readiness of the battlefield and the Military God's insistence, Zhang Tie was not qualified to stay with these people at all.

One could be austere if he had no selfish desires. As Zhang Tie didn't require their help, he maintained mediocre and relaxed even if he stayed with these most powerful ones in this age. Zhang Tie's attitude won higher praise from these heavenly knights who had been observing him stealthily. However, these people didn't know that Zhang Tie had already slept with a heavenly knight for dozens of years in the tower of time. Of course, he wouldn't feel restrained staying with such a group of heavenly knights.

The biggest achievement that Zhang Tie made in the tower of time was that he had been clear that heavenly knights were also humans who had emotions and mental puzzles. Although heavenly knights were powerful, they still preserved their humanity. Actually, they were more sentimental, such as Yan Feiqing and Zhao Yuan. Some heavenly knights felt eccentric because of their lofty position and the fact that they had long experienced life or death situation and prosperity. What commoners pursued for was not treasured by them anymore. They only treasured something that was out of the imagination of commoners.

Only in one day, the sky over 120 miles away from the west bank of Weishui River had been gloomy, which was caused by the black smoke that those demon war trees were sprouting out. At the same time, in the open land where demon knights and human knights were confronting with each other in the west bank of Weishui River, some battle qi smokes and tornadoes were tangling with each other, which meant that the sentinels and guerrilla knights of both parties were fighting over there. However, compared to the overall battlefield of tens of thousands of elite fighters, these were just normal skirmishes.

It was a mess on the battlefield. Some scorched corpses of iron-armored demons were lying on the ground in front of the group of inspectors. The corpses of iron-armored demons had already shrunk by 2/3 like scorched old trunks while their original looks had been unidentified, leaving a looming scorching taste in the air.

They then passed by those scorched corpses of iron-armored demons leisurely and confidently.

An open land had been created by over 90,000 iron-armored demons yesterday in the minefield in the east bank of Weishui River. Therefore, this early morning, an engineering corps of Taixia Country had already entered this minefield for intense work.

The open field was covered with scorched corpses of iron-armored demons. However, the engineering corps of Taixia Country didn't move these corpses; instead, they started to deploy mines from the east riverside once again. Although it was a dangerous task, these engineers had a general impression about the distribution of mines here as they were the same engineering corps who buried the first batch of mines here. After entering this region, everybody was pretty meticulous while those engineering fighters were looking for those remaining mines which had not been detonated inch by inch. After that, they set white cordons around the place where there was mine along with a red warning banner. Then, they buried new incendiary mines over the open land and restored the ruined wires. Wires could effectively delay the offensive speed of ground demon forces like a huge quagmire. When demon ground corps bogged down in this quagmire, the airship troops of Taixia country would play their great role…

Zhang Tie knew that heavenly and sage-level demon knights could definitely see how the engineers deployed mines here, though being 240-300 miles away. However, Taixia Country didn't care about it at all. Even if the commander and heavenly demon knights of demons could see it, they wouldn't impart that to those demon vanguards whom these incendiary mines were mainly targeted at.

Previously, engineering corps of Taixia Country was just an auxiliary corps; however, the appearance of incendiary mines turned it into a frontline combat corps. They didn't need to fight demons face-to-face; instead, they only needed to deploy mines in order to kill demon fighters. Yesterday, most of the late 200,000 iron-armored demons were actually killed by these mines. Such a victory raised the morale of the entire engineering corps across the Western Theater of Operations. As a result, these engineers were full of vigor to clear the battlefield and bury new mines. Being not far away, some engineers were singing happily while burying mines, arousing laughter from surrounding people. The victory yesterday improved the atmosphere across the Western Theater of Operations greatly.

"We need to intensify the engineering corps!" Zuoqiu Mingyue said after observing the battlefield seriously for a short while, "As for the rearrangement of the provincial army in the rear end, besides turning a part of them into air cavalries, each rearranged corps should include at least 2 engineering divisions; some special corps could include 3 divisions. Frontline engineering troops should be mechanical. All the vehicles and airships of engineering troops should be allocated according to the standard of Class A corps among the top four armies. Frontline corps might not have to run faster than demon troops; however, frontline engineering troops have to run faster than demon troops!" Zuoqiu Mingyue said as he moved his eyes onto Zhang Tie, "How many incendiary mines are in stockpile in the rear end?"

"By yesterday, there're still 25 million incendiary mines in the four provinces of Taixia Country…" Zhang Tie answered, "Because too many mines were deployed in the frontline of Weishui River and Helan Mountain, we've consumed a large amount of inventory. Additionally, the productivity of those arsenals in the rear end couldn't catch up with it for the time being!"

When Zuoqiu Mingyue saw Zhang Tie today, he was glassy-eyed; however, at this moment, the moment Zuoqiu Mingyue opened his mouth, Zhang Tie had known that Zuoqiu Mingyue had already forgotten about the quarrel between them yesterday. That decree of pardon finally didn't take effect.

"Only such a bit?" Zuoqiu Mingyue frowned.

Although over 20 million mines were too many for others, it was too small for the hundreds of millions of demons in the Western Theater of Operations. Actually 2 months ago, Taixia Country had deployed over 170 million mines on both banks of Weishui River and Helan Mountain…

Through yesterday's battle, the power of incendiary mines had been evident. Everybody had recognized the importance of this sharp weapon. Before this, who could imagine that incendiary mines could kill such a great number of LV 9 demon fighters? In yesterday's battle, Zhang Tie's performance was imposing on the battlefield; however, very few people knew that it was Zhang Tie who insisted on deploying incendiary mines on a large scale over the theater of operations before the battle.

"The arsenals in the rear end are gradually expanding their production capacity of incendiary mines. Additionally, after yesterday's battle, I've already had Heavens Fortune Sect distribute a batch of incendiary mines to the theater of operations. They would arrive in about 1 week!"

"How many incendiary mines did you have Heavens Fortune Sect distribute to us?"

"200 million at cost price…"

After hearing Zhang Tie's answer, besides Zuoqiu Mingyue, all the other 7 heavens knights slightly changed their expression as they all threw a deep glance at Zhang Tie. Besides Zhang Tie, who else could enable Heavens Fortune Sect to distribute 200 million incendiary mines here at the cost price from thousands of miles away even at the request of Zuoqiu Mingyue. After yesterday's battle, various incendiary weaponry became hot across Taixia Country. Except for the imperial court of Taixia Country, all the major clans and sects started to stockpile such weaponry. Zhang Tie was absolutely providing timely assistance to the theater of operations by having Heavens Fortune Sect distribute 200 million incendiary mines here at the cost price.

Everybody knew that Zhang Tie was cooperating with Fiery-Dragon Bounty Territory on the production of Fiery Oil and various incendiary weaponry. Additionally, Heavens Fortune Sect could even produce Fiery Oil a bit faster than those arsenals in the Western Theater of Operations. However, nobody could imagine that Zhang Tie could influence Heavens Fortune Sect so much.

After hearing Zhang Tie's answer, even Zuoqiu Mingyue nodded towards Zhang Tie and said, "Thank you so much…"

"It's my pleasure. In the holy war, it's my commitment to serve Taixia Country and humans, not to mention that it's my duty to do that!" Zhang Tie said modestly without any complacent expression.

Even though Zhang Tie "threatened" him in his office for a woman, he instantly had Heavens Fortune Sect distribute 200 million incendiary mines here. It meant that he still had the public interest in mind. Additionally, Zhang Tie was farsighted to expand the productive capability of incendiary mines across the country. Such an elite was really an able assistant of Zuoqiu Mingyue and the pillar of the country. After recalling that his junior couldn't marry Zhang Tie but be his elder sister-in-law, Zuoqiu Mingyue let out a sigh with emotions inside…

After having a quarrel with Zhang Tie, Zuoqiu Mingyue valued Zhang Tie more inside.

"Air cavalries and wing demons were on even in yesterday's battle. Undoubtedly, you have made great military exploits in organizing air cavalries in the theater of operations. I will report it to the superior for rewarding you!" Zuoqiu Mingyue 'comforted' Zhang Tie while looking at him.

However, Zhang Tie sighed with emotions, "In yesterday's battle between air cavalries and wing demons, many air cavalries chose to perish together with wing demons after running out of their incendiary bolts or crash the iron-armored demons on the ground by plane. Fewer than half of them baled out. Hopefully, the commander-in-chief could issue an order to have air cavalries survive themselves the moment they lose their combat ability in the air instead of seeking for death…"

Chapter 1386: Giving Tit for Tat

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

"It's the greatest honor for a fighter to die on the battlefield, not to mention that they perished together with their enemy while the latter was more powerful. They actually died for their country. By killing one more demon, they will save hundreds even thousands of commoners. Any courageous fighter would not retreat in that case. Neither should they retreat. I feel that we should encourage and publicize their heroic deeds; instead of preventing them from sacrificing themselves together with wing demons and iron-armored demons. We need to make more fighters determine their mind to fight demons to death…"

The heavenly knight elder of the imperial court of Taixia Country had opened his mouth calmly before Zuoqiu Mingyue expressed his opinion.

In silver beard, he had a high nose and narrow, long eyes. Given his look, Zhang Tie couldn't identify his age. Additionally, he had a super great vibe. Previously, Zhang Tie had heard about him in Xuanyuan Fortress. According to Zhang Tie's knowledge, this man was employed by the imperial court of Taixia Country. He was called Ning Taisheng and was assigned by the crown prince. In the theater of operations, this man was actually on behalf of the crown prince and the imperial court of Taixia Country in some sense. Even Zuoqiu Mingyue had to treat him politely. Zhang Tie didn't see this person until yesterday. He didn't have a chance to exchange with this person in such a short distance until this morning.

Since he saw Zhang Tie just now, Ning Taishou had been gazing at Zhang Tie in an unscrupulous way from his head to his toe. Therefore, Zhang Tie became a bit unpleasant inside; however, he didn't show his unsatisfaction given their identities.

"Courageous and ferocious fighters don't have to perish together with enemies!" Zhang Tie started his contradiction now that Ning Taisheng expressed his opinion which was opposite to that of his, "In my opinion, if fighters always choose to die, they're actually not confident about their future. Soon after the air cavalry troops were established, they had been able to draw a tie with wing demons. LV 9 wing demons don't have too much potential to tap; however, the air cavalries still have a great space of growth. The operational performance of our planes could be further improved. The tactics and strategies of air cavalries, especially that of large-scale air cavalry troops when they encountered a multitude of wing demons in the air, could be further fumbled and improved. As long as they have enough time, I believe that the air cavalries of Taixia Country would definitely defeat wing demons one day. All the air cavalries who have experience in fighting wing demons are the most precious resources of our country. As prospective kindling, it would be more valuable for them to be alive than to be dead!"

"Hahahaha, I don't agree with you, general!" Ning Taisheng burst out into laughter as he pointed at the encampment of the demon army and said in a domineering manner, "Time works for everything. But the problem is that the demons might not spare us time. In that case, how could we prevent the attack of demons without the sacrifice of our fighters? If each fighter on the battlefield were thinking about surviving themselves on the battlefield, how could they serve our country? It's said that the general once stayed in a dare-to-die camp in a remote country on Waii Subcontinent and behaved very ferociously and dauntlessly over there. You were even awarded by your army. How could you become so hesitated and soft-hearted in Taixia Country? Do you think that our fighters are not as brave as those barbarians?"

Zhang Tie didn't know where did Ning Taisheng acquire his "events" from while naming Iron-Blood Camp as dare-to-die Camp; however, these events were not confidential to the public. Given his reputation, it was hard to get his past experience. If not Zhang Tie was always dauntless on the battlefield; especially his heroic deed yesterday which was known to the public, Ning Taisheng must have already denounced Zhang Tie as "timid"…

Zhang Tie looked straight into Ning Taisheng's sharp eyes without making any concession as he said, "It's not easy for the theater of operations to cultivate a qualified air cavalry. It would be too pitiful if the air cavalry died the moment he joined the battle. Besides killing the enemy, an air cavalry should also learn how to survive himself on the battlefield. It's the basic quality of a fighter. If they could survive themselves, they would also create more opportunities for killing an enemy in the future. It's not necessary for us to lose an air cavalry so easily on the battlefield…"

"I was told that the general had founded many pilot academies in the four provinces in less than one year, which could already easily cultivate a lot of air cavalries. After learning 3 months in a pilot academy, a qualified fighter of the provincial army would be able to master the driving skills and basic combat skills in the sky. An air cavalry only costs us less than 20 gold coins. The shooters on planes are much easier to be trained. A qualified fighter of the provincial army could join a battle only after 2 weeks' training as long as he doesn't have airsickness. Additionally, it only costs us dozens of gold coins to produce an air cavalry I airplane in mass production. If we could kill a LV 9 demon fighter by one or two ordinary fighters plus equipment which was worth fewer than 100 gold coins in total, I think it's an economical trade. In this way, we could exploit the advantage of Taixia's resources and population. We could actually suppress the wing demon troops now. Don't need to wait until tomorrow!" Ning Taisheng said as he revealed a faint sneer as if he was deriding that Zhang Tie was too innocent, "General, you'd better be not as compassionate as women in the holy war!"

'An economical trade?' Zhang Tie was infuriated by these words at once. Zhang Tie didn't feel angry about the words "as compassionate as women" as he would not even lose a hair due to it. However, he couldn't accept the three words about ordinary fighters. Therefore, his words instantly became much more acrid, "Now that Elder Ning advocates dying together with the enemy, I'd like to see how you behave as a good model next time. I believe that demons don't have more heavenly knights than us. If Elder Ning would like to be a good model for the air cavalries of Taixia Country, you would definitely enjoy a high glory forever along with my admiration…"

"You, unscrupulous…" Ning Taisheng, who behaved leisurely just now, instantly turned angry as he pointed at Zhang Tie and stammered.

"Elder Ning, didn't you say that it's the greatest glory for a fighter to die on the battlefield? Do you take it as a f*rt or what?"

Of course, Ning Taisheng didn't break wind; instead, his battle qi instantly became undulated.

Zhang Tie just raised his head and watched him icily without any fear.

All the 7 heavenly knights watched Zhang Tie out of amazement as they had not imagined that Zhang Tie could offend an elder employed by the imperial household of Taixia Country for such a "trivial thing"…

Chapter 1387: Being Gifted with A Secret Book

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

"Ahem…ahem…" Zuoqiu Mingyue pretended to cough twice at the critical moment. Closely after that, Ning Taisheng hid his battle qi. After throwing a glance at Zhang Tie and Ning Taisheng, Zuoqiu Mingyue opened his mouth calmly, "Stop arguing. All the air cavalries that fought to death yesterday were martyrs of Taixia Country. We have to comfort and compensate their family members accordingly and reward them with the glory that they deserved. It's great and courageous for fighters to sacrifice themselves for our country. We should pity them. As human lives are not as trivial as straws, we should love our fighters like how we love our sons. We couldn't encourage our fighters to die or sacrifice themselves with the enemy on the battlefield. However, Hua people are always full of heroes. Since ancient times, there have been so many heroes. In each holy war, a great number of heroes would build the halos of Hua people and write the history of Hua people at the cost of their own blood and lives. It's a heroic deed for fighters to kill demons at the cost of their lives. We should not denounce that. If we issue an order to forbid fighters to do that, we might not gain the prospective effect; besides, even the morale of the troops would be declined…"

Zuoqiu Mingyue said while all the heavenly knights at present nodded.

"I agree with us, commander-in-chief…"

"Elder Ning and General Mushen are both pillars of the army. Although you have different angles of view and concerns, to be honest, you're both concerned about Taixia Country and Hua people selflessly. Don't hurt the harmony because of it…"

"Yes, yes, if you hurt the harmony because of it, demons would laugh at you…"

All the other heavenly knights started to persuade them. Ning Taisheng then threw a cold glance at Zhang Tie before turning around quietly.

Now that Zuoqiu Mingyue had expressed his opinion, Zhang Tie didn't speak anymore either, though he still felt a bit bitter inside.

Zuoqiu Mingyue's attitude looked neutral. Although he faintly warned Ning Taisheng to not say anything that might decline the morale of the army, he actually didn't agree with Zhang Tie's words; instead, he preferred Ning Taisheng's opinion. All the other 6 heavenly knights' opinion was approximate to that of Zuoqiu Mingyue. Of course, Ning Taisheng was not wrong. As heavenly knights were at the top of the pyramid in Taixia Country, they could overlook all the living beings in the world and talk about life or death with laughter. The fury of heavenly knights would cause bloodstream. In their eyes, those ordinary lives might be as trivial as ants and birds and were not even qualified to be their pieces. From the angle of view of a heavenly knight, it was the cost-effective advantage for Taixia Country to consume the advantageous corps of demons at the cost of some people and gold coins, which were purely figures. Perhaps 100 corps' loss might faintly influence the mood of a heavenly knight, these heavenly knights would not even blink their eyes about the loss of those air cavalries in air combat; instead, they felt that Zhang Tie was too compassionate.

It was an economical trade for consuming wing demons using air cavalries. Of course, the more the better. Ning Taisheng's words were straightforward and acrid. However, it was almost what all the other moguls thought about in the theater of operations. However, as the other moguls were generals, they wouldn't put it so straightforwardly. As Taixia Country's commander-in-chief and Military God, Zuoqiu Mingyue had already experienced two holy wars. Compassionate people could never be generals. Zuoqiu Mingyue would never hesitate in such a case.

In the final analysis, neither Zhang Tie nor Ning Taisheng was wrong. They just had different ideologies. As for Zhang Tie, even though he was in a high position in the theater of operations, he still couldn't view these things from the angle of view of those heavenly knights by treating fresh lives as figures for exchanging with demon fighters. Zhang Tie remembered that the eldest brother that he had not ever seen fought to death on the battlefield. Although many years had passed, this event was always a scar in the hearts of his parents. Even now, his father would still always sigh with emotions and his mom would weep, "How good it would be if our eldest son was still alive…" in the deep night in their bedroom.

In the eyes of those heavenly knights, a group of simple figures might only be combat that involved tens of thousands of people; however, they actually involved the life or death situation and endless lament of tens of thousands of ordinary families.

'Perhaps I'm really as compassionate as women and not proper to be a general on the battlefield' Zhang Tie mocked himself.

After such a short quarrel, although Zhang Tie still accompanied Zuoqiu Mingyue to inspect the battlefield, he remained silent in the whole process unless being asked by Zuoqiu Mingyue.

After finishing the inspection, all the 7 heavenly knights returned to their own battlefortress. Zhang Tie also wanted to leave. However, he was stopped by Zuoqiu Mingyue, who said he had something to negotiate with Zhang Tie. Therefore, the two people returned to Zuoqiu Mingyue's office in Xuanyuan Fortress.

After one day, a new desk had been moved inside. Given the environment of the office, it didn't seem that Zuoqiu Mingyue had lost his temper yesterday here.

Like yesterday, after Zhang Tie entered the office, Zuoqiu Mingyue had told his subordinate to leave. Since Zuoqiu Mingyue fixed the marital relationship between his female junior and Zhang Tie's elder brother, he had been treating Zhang Tie much more kindly in private as he looked at Zhang Tie like watching a junior of his own family.

"Who do you think has the greatest military exploits in resisting demons in the Western Theater of Operations?" The moment Zuoqiu Mingyue entered the office, he had turned around and asked Zhang Tie while gazing at the latter. However, evidently, Zuoqiu Mingyue didn't mean to have Zhang Tie answer this question. Before Zhang Tie opened his mouth, Zuoqiu Mingyue had continued, "Do you think it's you? No. Is it me? No. Only one person has the greatest military exploits, namely, the crown prince, who's ruling the country in Xuanyuan Hill. Am I clear?"

Zuoqiu Mingyue's reply was acrid and impressive, shocking Zhang Tie's mind.

Zhang Tie lowered his head and became silent for a few seconds before nodding slowly, "Thanks, commander-in-chief, I see!"

"Hmm, you'd better see!" Zuoqiu Mingyue nodded too as he slowly sighed, "People are not different than grasses and woods. How could we have no emotions? However, in such a chaotic world, the higher our position is, the less soft-hearted we should be. If one person's life could save ten people, in my opinion, it would be valuable and must die. You're so soft-hearted that you don't even look like a knight who has experienced life or death situations. In peaceful days, it's okay; however, in the holy war when so many evil forces behave unscrupulously in the world, your mercy would be your biggest shortcoming. As long as your enemy take advantage of your shortcoming, they might kill you…"

Zhang Tie revealed a bitter smile, "I might not be as merciless as commander-in-chief and the other generals for the rest of my life!"

Waving his hand, Zuoqiu Mingyue said, "Alright. You don't have to eliminate your original intention. Perhaps you will see through it at my age. You've already done what you could. You're impeccable. However, after the battle yesterday, you've already become sore in demon's eyes. The demon general has been determined to kill you. It has already ordered two shadow knights to kill you in the fight. I'm talking to you about it!"

"Glad to hear commander-in-chief's instruction." Zhang Tie's face turned solemn. As it was concerning his life, Zhang Tie would not treat it casually.

"From today on, you're forbidden to fight demon knights on the battlefield without my consent. As you're too eye-catching, if you joined combat once again, you would bring dangers. Even heavenly demon knights might be assigned to kill you. You have to be alive. If you were killed by demons, it would be a great loss for the entire Xuanyuan Fortress. The rear end of the Western Theater of Operations might also be in troubles. As for you, being alive is equal to making military exploits…"

"Being alive is equal to making military exploits." Zhang Tie became dumbfounded as he had not imagined that Zuoqiu Mingyue could say that and that he could reach this step on the battlefield. What an "auspicious" treatment!

"Yes, like what I said, if one person's life could save 10 people. I prefer that person to die. Similarly, if one person could help hundreds of millions of people live better, I would guarantee his safety. Therefore, you'd better stay on my side lately. As you're the secretary of commander-in-chief, others would not make idle talk about it…"

Zuoqiu Mingyue, as a sage-level knight, kept a close eye on Zhang Tie so that demons wouldn't have a chance to kill him.

Zhang Tie became hesitant as he had to consider Zuoqiu Mingyue's words well. However, Zhang Tie always felt unwilling staying on Zuoqiu Mingyue's side and thought that he could still do something…

Only after thinking about it for a few seconds, Zhang Tie's eye light had turned resolute, "Commander-in-chief, I want to join air cavalry corps."

"What…" Zuoqiu Mingyue almost thought that he had misheard it.

"All the flight and battle skills that the current air cavalries have mastered are based on my conclusion in Selnes Theater of Operations. These skills are partial to individual air combat experience. After seeing the battle between air cavalries and wing demons yesterday, I found that the coordinated air combat tactics of air cavalry troops in the air could be further improved when they fight the troop of wing demons. Therefore, I want to join air cavalry troop as an ordinary air cavalry and further improve the air cavalry troop's coordinated tactics in the air. I expect for your approval, commander-in-chief!"

"As an ordinary air cavalry…" Zuoqiu Mingyue became hesitant.

"I have body changing immortal bloodline. I only need to change the face. Additionally, I would fight wing demons below knight level. No demons above earth knights would be aimed at me especially. No matter what, it's always good for me to do something for the theater of operations rather than staying on your side, commander-in-chief…"

Zuoqiu Mingyue knew that it was another choice that Zhang Tie had made when he couldn't prevent something. Zhang Tie still didn't make a compromise; instead, he still exerted his utmost effort to do something. If Zhang Tie couldn't prevent those air cavalries from perishing together with wing demons after running out of their incendiary bolts, he wanted them to kill some more wing demons before they ran out of their ammo so as to reduce casualties.

What a stubborn guy!

Watching Zhang Tie's young and eager face, Zuoqiu Mingyue suddenly sighed with emotions inside as a piece of purple crystal appeared in his hand. Zuoqiu Mingyue directly handed it to Zhang Tie as he said, "It's a secret book of swordsmanship that I got by accident when I was young. It's already useless for me now. Therefore, I gift it to you. As you've just got the gnosis of sword song, you could verify your sword song with the contents in this book. It might be useful to you…"

After taking it, Zhang Tie injected his spiritual energy inside it. A sword light instantly flashed in Zhang Tie's mind. Closely after that, the chaos was split open while some words gradually appeared in Zhang Tie's consciousness——Big Sword Sutra …

Chapter 1388: A New Identity

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

At noon, the sun was hanging high over the sky. An SUV was moving forward at a high speed, leaving the golden wheatfields on both sides behind…

The Jasper SUV was painted with military camouflage. It had just set off a large-scale airship base from Ningshui Prefecture, Ningzhou Province. Besides the driver, there was only a common-looking young man at his 20s in an azure uniform of major in the vehicle.

The uniform was provided by the new air cavalry troops in the theater of operations. It was a bit eye-catching for a young man to wear such a uniform. After picking up this young man at the airport, the driver had been peering at that young man who was sitting on the back seat through the rearview mirror with great admiration.

The driver was a teenager in the ordinary corporal uniform of the air cavalry base. According to his armband, this driver was affiliated with the logistics system of the base. Therefore, the major's uniform was full of temptation to him as the most attractive uniform in the world.

The young passenger was a man of few words. Since he got on the vehicle, he had been watching the rich scenery in the farm fields with military luggage on his side.

After leaving the airport for almost 5 minutes, the driver finally couldn't stand opening his mouth.

"Sir, is it your first time in the Western Theater of Operations?"

After hearing the driver's words, the young major fixated onto the driver in the rearview mirror with a smile as he replied, "Well, almost like that. I've been here before; however, I didn't wear this uniform at that time…"

The major's voice was tender and calm instead of being icy or ostentatious. After hearing this voice, the driver became reassured at once as he continued.

"Sir, do you drive planes?"

"Yes, I do…"

"Did you learn it in the pilot academy of the theater of operations?"

"No, I've already learned it before…"

After hearing this answer, the driver instantly became dumbfounded as he widely opened his mouth, "Before? You mean you've already learned to drive airplanes before the establishment of the pilot academies in the theater of operations? If so, you must be the most orthodox air cavalry as you've learned it in Fire-Dragon Bounty Territory…"

"You know Fire-Dragon Bounty Territory?" The major asked with an interest.

"Sir, don't look down upon me. Of course, I know that Fire-Dragon Bounty Territory is the holy land for air cavalries. It's said that all the coaches of the pilot academies in the theater of operations derived from Fire-Dragon Bounty Territory…" The driver said before letting out a sigh, "Sir, if only you came here 1 week earlier, you could have encountered the first large-scale battle between our air cavalries and wing demons. In that fight, we killed over 10,000 LV 9 wing demons. Previously, wing demons were always unrivaled. After this battle, those birds finally know that we're something…"

The driver made the achievement two times greater. However, the major didn't mind it; instead, he just replied with a smile, "Really?"

"Of course, when I promote to LV 3 warrior in a couple of years, I will not drive the car anymore. I will also apply to learn how to drive an airplane. I will also f*ck those demons by plane. That's cool…" The young driver said as he punched the wheel out of excitement.

"Cool?" The major turned slightly solemn as he threw another glance at the driver through the rearview mirror, "It's risky. After setting off, you might not even come back. Your family members expect you to serve the country and survive back!"

"Sir, aren't you here too? Even you're not afraid of death, why do I fear about it?" The young driver said in an undaunted manner.

"I came here because I've already mastered great battle and driving skills. I'm here to kill wing demons, not for death. It's far from being 'cool'…"

The young driver slightly opened his mouth as he felt the major was pretty pretentious and overbearing. However, he sounded reasonable.

"Ahh, sir, do you have an orderly? If not, how about me? As you've got the driving skills, I could learn from you…" The young driver rolled his eyes as he said wisely.


"Yup, I'm serving the logistics department of the No. 46 air cavalry base. I know that you will register in the base today. If you want me to be your orderly, the logistics department would definitely agree with you!"

"What's your ability?"

��Driving, cooking, dealing with internal affairs, making inquiries, setting traps and keeping secrets. I know everything that the other orderlies know!" The young driver said confidently.

The major replied with a smile, "What's your name?"

"I'm Stone!"


"The name was given by my grandpa. He said this name would extend my life expectancy…"

"It seems that we're destined to know each other. My name would also extend my life expectancy!"

"What's your name, sir?"

"Zhang Tie…"

"Ahh…" The young driver widely opened his mouth as if there was an egg inside, "Sir, your name sounds really…really…how to say…a bit…a bit….that…"


"Yes, pretentious. Those who dare share this name is too pretentious and motherf*cking great!" The young driver sighed as he punched the steering wheel once again.

"Whatever, it's named by my parents. Too many people share this name in Taixia Country…"

The young air cavalry major was the real Zhang Tie. After changing his face, Zhang Tie changed his identity while maintaining his name. After making a round, he directly came to the No. 46 air cavalry base in Dragonwater Prefecture, Ningzhou Province for registration.

Being only 130 miles away from Weishui River, the No. 46 air cavalry base was one of the frontline air cavalry bases. An air cavalry regiment was encamped inside. This air cavalry regiment was directly affiliated to Xuanyuan Fortress. All the 5,000 air cavalries in this base joined the air battle that broke out 1 week ago. As a result, 1,200 of them died. The base was now supplying air cavalries. Zhang Tie then came here in a new identity and a new look.

Besides Zhang Tie and Zuoqiu Mingyue, nobody across Xuanyuan Fortress knew Zhang Tie's real identity, including Bai Suxian.

At the same time, when Zhang Tie set for this base, Zuoqiu Mingyue had arranged a stand-in to leave Xuanyuan Fortress by airboat in Zhang Tie's look. The stand-in would make an inspection tour of autumn harvest in the grain-based areas of the four provinces and leave the sight of the knights in Xuanyuan Fortress for the time being. Everybody knew that it was because that Military God treasured Zhang Tie. Of course, nobody felt that Zhang Tie was timid by leaving Xuanyuan Fortress at this moment. Because Zhang Tie had long proved his braveness on the battlefield.

Battle was actually a matter of craft. None of the knights in Xuanyuan Fortress knew that Zhang Tie who already left Xuanyuan Fortress by airboat had already joined land forces as a major in air cavalry base. In fact, Zhang Tie still stayed in the frontline. Even though demons wanted to kill Zhang Tie, they might not even be able to find him.

Chapter 1389: Registration

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

As an air cavalry base in the frontline, the no. 46 air cavalry base covered about 6 square miles. Looking down from the sky, this base and the other air cavalry bases were close to the human line of defense in the east bank of Weishui River like dense pearls. The distance between two air cavalry bases near Weishui River was about 120 miles. Each ordinary air cavalry base contained an air cavalry regiment. Some large air cavalry bases were directly renovated from airports, where more air cavalries were encamped.

In fewer than half an hour, they had already approached the no. 46 air cavalry base.

The no. 46 air cavalry base was surrounded by farm fields. As it was an autumn harvest, it was golden all over the farm fields. Two farm villages were near the base. Famers were busy reaping wheat by machines in farm fields. Some air cavalry I airplanes would fly across the farm fields in a formation from time to time.

Being fewer than 1.2 miles away from the base, when Stone was introducing Zhang Tie to the situation in the base, one guy suddenly flashed out of the pile of straw on the roadside as he waved his hand towards Stone. Stone slammed on the brake at once, leaving two black lines on the road.

"Damn it, do you wanna die…" Stone stretched his head out of the window as he started to swear that person.

The guy who stopped the vehicle looked languish. He was a bit elder than Stone. He was wearing a blue uniform of air cavalry while one of his arms was fixed by a bandage around his neck. When this guy stopped the SUV, Zhang Tie saw a foreign girl drilling out of a nearby roadside pile of straw. After smoothing her dress, she ran towards a farm village in the far along the ridge…

"Stop it, Stone. This elder brother has a pair of sharp eyes. I've long spotted your driving plate. I believe in your driving skills. Give me a ride. If there're good girls, this elder brother will introduce them to you…" That guy told Stone with a big smile as he came to the door of the driver.

Stone peered at the young major through the rearview mirror while feeling guilty. Closely after that, he insinuated that guy to leave out of here right away.

"Wuh, you've got a passenger…" That guy looked at the back seat after seeing Stone's eye light as he found that Zhang Tie was also looking at him. At the sight of Zhang Tie's uniform, that guy's smile froze at once as he stammered, "Si…sir…"

Any human army was a hierarchical organ of violence, including those in Taixia Country. Zhang Tie's military rank was major; however, that guy was just a sergeant. There was a sharp difference between them. In the army, Zhang Tie could easily send him into the hell by one word. However, this guy was not sure that Zhang Tie didn't see anything just now.

"Do you want a hitchhike? Get on. There're a few miles to go…" Zhang Tie said calmly.

After hearing Zhang Tie's words, that guy could only make a detour as he sat in the co-pilot's seat. After that, Stone restarted the car and headed for the base.

The moment that guy got on the vehicle, he had tipped Stone a wink as he wanted to get some "tip" from Stone. However, Stone dared not make any petty action in front of Zhang Tie at all. He stared blankly forward as if he had not seen that guy's impression.

"How's that girl?" Zhang Tie opened his mouth.

"No…not bad…" That guy instantly became spirited as he kept twisting his body restlessly.

"She doesn't look Hua!"

"Right, she…she came to Taixia Country from Fengyang Subcontinent 4 years ago. She's living in a nearby farm village…"

"How do you know each other…"

"When I flew over a farm field by plane, she was waving her towel towards me…I also waved my hand to her. From then on, we knew each other…"

"Oh, you indeed have sharp eyes. You could flirt with girls even in training…" Zhang Tie said as he revealed a smile.

"Our air cavalries have good eyesight. Of…of course…" That guy wanted to show off; however, he instantly realized that it was not the right atmosphere. Therefore, he slowed down his voice…

"Did you force her to do that…"

"Ahh, of course not. We're voluntary!" That guy almost sprung up as if his butt had been branded by a piece of searing iron. "Erm…She said her dad didn't feel good lately…As I'm injured, I've got 2 vials of all-purpose medicament from my camp…I…I gave one to her…later on…as you've all seen…"

"I've not imagined that you're a Casanova!" Zhang Tie let out a sigh.

"No, no, I'm not!" That guy replied with a smile.

"However, the all-purpose medicament that your camp delivered to you were for curing your wounds. After curing your wound, you need to go back to your troop for the fight. The all-purpose medicament is a military good. Even if they were delivered to you, they didn't belong to you, just like the airplane that you drive. You gift military good to others, do you know what crime have you made and what punishment would you face?"

Zhang Tie's words froze the atmosphere inside the car at once while that guy who was smiling just now instantly turned completely pale. Anyone who dared trade or embezzled military goods privately would be beheaded. In the theater of operations where military laws took effect, as his superior, Zhang Tie could even directly kill him at present without the trial of the Military Trial Center.

After hearing Zhang Tie's question, Stone swallowed his saliva forcefully. He wanted to say something; however, he dared not. Because Zhang Tie's calm voice was overbearing, that guy was also too shocked to utter a word…

"How did you get wounded?"

"Ahh…One week ago, when I fought a wing demon, the wing demon broke the cockpit and pierced through my hand by its spine. Thankfully, I survived myself by returning to the base by one hand…"

"Given your wound, I will pretend to not know about what happened to you today. No more! If you were caught by the Military Trial Center, you might barely escape from their punishment…"

"Ahh, thanks, officer; thanks, officer…" That guy was so happy that he had not imagined that he could survive the criminal punishment. After experiencing such mood fluctuations, his back had been wet all over.

Stone who was intense all over just now relaxed his muscles on the hands and the back at once as he let out a deep breath.

The SUV soon arrived at the gate of No. 46 air cavalry base. After checking, the SUV entered the gate. Stone soon parked it somewhere and let off the guy on the co-pilot seat.

"Wait a moment…"

Watching that guy getting off the vehicle, Zhang Tie stopped him, causing the guy intense once again.

"Return to your troop as soon as possible!" Zhang Tie raised his hand as he threw an item towards him through the window. That guy instantly caught it dexterously as he found that was a vial of an all-purpose medicament…

"Let's go…" Zhang Tie ordered Stone to continue driving. From the rearview mirror, Zhang Tie found that the guy was seeing off the SUV blankly with a vial of all-purpose medicament in hand…

"Sir, you're a good man…" Stone finally opened his mouth seriously after being silent for a short while.

"We've all been young…" Zhang Tie sighed with emotions.

Stone stared at Zhang Tie with a weird look through the rearview mirror as he wondered why Zhang Tie let out such a sigh. Because Zhang Tie was still very young given his look; why did his words sound as if he was an elder?

Zhang Tie just replied with a smile silently as he shook his head. That guy reminded Zhang Tie of his past experience. When in Kalur Theater of Operations, Zhang Tie was also that free. At that time, he got acquainted with Hanna, Linda and reached his heyday using earthworms. Zhang Tie thought that that was really a rare free, leisure and happy period since he joined the army…

This air cavalry base occupied a wide area, being filled with soldiers in blue or pale blue uniform. Besides that high observation post, the base was full of low buildings, which were at most 3-storeyed. The oil warehouse was underground. All the other buildings such as plane warehouses, material warehouses and dorms were low in the same style. Even those plants in the base were shorter than people. Although it was Zhang Tie's first time to visit here, he was very familiar with this base. Because all the air cavalry bases in the theater of operations referred to the air cavalry base in Fire-Dragon Bounty Territory. Zhang Tie even participated in determining the specifications and construction standards about various facilities in these air cavalry bases. Actually, all the air cavalry bases in the theater of operations were founded with Zhang Tie's support. This base proved Zhang Tie's "meritorious services" as Weiji General in one aspect…

Stone directly parked the car outside the regimental headquarters of the base. Zhang Tie then went to the regimental headquarters for registration alone.