1554 - 1566

Chapter 1554: Coalition

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Flying in front, Swords Immortal launched strikes for consecutively a few times in an overwhelming manner, forcing Zhang Tie to detour, offsetting the latter's vantage point in speed at a stroke.

In this case, Swords Immortal approached the totem first.

The moment Swords Immortal stretched out his hand to take the totem of two snakes which was giving out brilliant, golden and silver light with an ecstatic look, another light caught up with him from behind, hitting the totem at a stroke. As a result, the totem was sent flying far away while rotating, sliding away from the tips of Swords Immortal's fingers, breaking the ecstasy of Swords Immortal at once.

The light was carried by Zhang Tie's bolt-in-palm. It moved so fast that even Swords Immortal didn't catch its existence. Additionally, its angle was erratic. Before it touched the totem, it made a turn in the air. Therefore, after being hit, the totem rotated and flashed downwards with an inclination.

"Zhang Tie…" Swords Immortal roared as his face turned purple, adding, "Do you mean to oppose Taiyi Fantasy Sect?"

"Hahaha, it's a ritual to exchange gifts with each other. Immortal, can't you stand it? If so, what do you mean by striking me just now?"

Zhang Tie burst into laughter as he neglected Swords Immortal's feeling and chased after the totem. However, Swords Immortal hated Zhang Tie so much at this moment that he instantly launched a fiercer swords aura that covered Zhang Tie. Zhang Tie and Swords Immortal brawled with each other at a stroke.

They were soon caught up with by Celestial Treasureflame, Celestial Clouddragon and Celestial Reflectingmoons. Watching the treasure of Great Wilderness Sect flying downwards, the three people sped up after it at the same time.

Celestial Woodbuilding arrived in this space a bit later than the other heavenly knights before Zhang Tie released his bolt-in-palm. When Celestial Woodbuilding appeared, he saw everyone chasing after the totem of snakes. Only after a short thought, he had given up scrambling for the treasure of Great Wilderness Sect; instead, he rushed towards the two towers of time on the ground.

Although there were hundreds of birds in the wood, it's no better than having one bird in your hand. As for Celestial Woodbuilding, he preferred to occupy one tower of time rather than scrambling for an unknown treasure with the other extremely powerful heavenly knights.

As he was here a bit later than them, he had already lost the vantage point in time. Even though he joined the scramble, he would have a very low possibility to get it. When none of the other heavenly knights couldn't get the treasure, some of them might head for the towers of time, by then, it would very difficult for him to scramble for one tower of time. Therefore, Celestial Woodbuilding made such an unexpected, yet reasonable response.

After all, Celestial Clouddragon, Celestial Moonsreflecting Moons and Celestial Swords were partners who had reached many secret agreements. In this case, the moment Swords Immortal wrestled with Zhang Tie, the three heavenly knights had already reached a tactful action.

There were only 6 heavenly knights here, besides Celestial Woodbuilding who didn't join them, only Zhang Tie and Celestial Treasureflame could threaten three of them. That was to say, as long as Zhang Tie and Celestial Treasureflame were prevented, the treasure of Great Wilderness Sect would belong to them.

"Celestial Treasureflame, easy…" Celestial Clouddragon said with a smile as he released a "meteor" battle qi, blocking Celestial Treasureflame at once.

With a sound of "boom…", Celestial Treasureflame launched a counter-strike as his eyes turned cold. The first close collision between the two heavenly knights sounded like a thunder in the Dongtian while the vigorous battle qis swept over dozens of miles. Besides, the entire space was brightly lit as if fireworks were launched.

"What do you want?" Celestial Treasureflame reproached as he threw a distant glance at Celestial Clouddragon in rapid flight.

"I've long heard about the Six-yang flame of Celestial Treasureflame. Coincidentally, I want to try it here…" Celestial Clouddragon said as he burst into laughter.

Celestial Treasureflame threw a glance at Celestial Reflectingmoons while Celestial Clouddragon had already blocked him. Celestial Reflectingmoons then chased after the brilliant totem of snakes.

The privity displayed by the three major sects of Taixia Country shocked Celestial Treasureflame while Celestial Clouddragon became his biggest obstacle…

In the blink of an eye, Celestial Treasureflame disappeared at once; closely after Celestial Clouddragon. The space was then filled with wrestling lightning bolts while thunder-like collisions resonated across the entire space like firecrackers.

When these heavenly knights scrambled for the totem, Bai Runshan, Immortal Deyang and the other shadow knights of the major sects had poured in the space, closely followed by earth knights. At the sight of the boisterous scene in the space, almost all the shadow knights shot over there.

Celestial Woodbuilding flew towards the two towers of time in a low height; unimaginably, the happy lot fell towards him. After being touched by Zhang Tie's bolt-in-palm, the totem was flying towards Celestial Woodbuilding at a high speed, closely followed by Celestial Reflectingmoons.

The moment Celestial Woodbuilding felt ecstatic, he had heard the icy voice of Celestial Reflectingmoons, "Is Jiang Clan going to imitate the extermination of Great Wilderness Sect?"

After hearing that, Celestial Woodbuilding's heart pounded as he saw the berserk battle qi strikes and the icy eyesight of the old witch of Qionglou Pavilion, which after crossing thousands of meters, cascaded towards the head of Celestial Woodbuilding like that in a real duel…

Chapter 1555: The Coming Crisis

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Even clay figurine carried the feature of fire, not to mention heavenly knights.

If the old witch didn't say the last sentence, Celestial Woodbuilding might have already left; however, the old witch's crankiness and ruthlessness irritated Celestial Woodbuilding at once.

Facing the coming berserk strikes and the treasure of Great Wilderness Sect, Celestial Woodbuilding didn't yield; instead, with a flash of eye light, he made a hand gesture as he roared, "Break…" while facing the strike of Celestial Reflectingmoons by two hands.

In the loud collisions, one of Celestial Woodbuilding's battle qis struck against the totem of snakes, causing it to change its direction once again alongside the vigorous qi at a greater speed towards the dome while a lot of knights were pouring out of the tunnels over there.

Celestial Reflectingmoons was infuriated so much that she accelerated towards the dome with a roar, leaving Celestial Woodbuilding alone. Watching her back, Celestial Woodbuilding sneered as he continued to dash towards the towers of time.

The rest knights had not imagined that they could have a chance to get the treasure of Great Wilderness Sect.

At this moment, all the barbarian knights and independent shadow knights had already swarmed in. At the sight of the coming totem of snakes, over 10 shadow knights rushed towards it at once at their full efforts.

At this moment, only two shadow knights at present were a bit hesitant: Immortal Deyang, who paused when he recalled the manifestation of divination about this travel in front of the coming totem; he then flew towards Zhang Tie; instead of that treasure.

Another one was a barbarian shadow knight. In a bizarre hat made of an unknown animal's horn, with tattoos on the face, when he saw the totem of the brilliant head-to-end snakes, he didn't reveal ecstasy like the other shadow knights; instead, he looked shocked and extremely scared as he uttered a shrill sound, "Hagusira…" Closely after that, he escaped away as fast as possible.

After hearing the barbarian shadow knight's shriek and seeing him escaping backward as fast as possible, Bai Runshan who was rushing forward with sparkling eyes quivered all over as he retreated at his full efforts as well.

Growing up in South Border, Bai Runshan was very proficient in the language of barbarians in South Border. He knew that barbarian shadow knight who was a barbarian overlord in South Border called Serila, who ruled Insects Mountain and had negotiated with Lord Guangnan's Mansion for more than once; despite the two parties didn't get along well with each other, they didn't turn completely hostile against each other. What Serila shrieked just now meant the snakes of destruction.

Bai Runshan might not care about it if it was shrieked by others; however, Serila was the former outdoor disciple of Great Wilderness Sect and later on the outdoor elder of Great Wilderness Sect. When Great Wilderness Sect was exterminated, Serila was not there as an outdoor elder; therefore, he survived that catastrophe. All of his accomplishments were learned from Great Wilderness Sect. Serila who had contacted some secrets of Great Wilderness Sect must know more about Great Wilderness Sect than anyone else at present.

Additionally, Serila was of great ambition. Since he ruled the Insects Mountain for so many years, he used to call his men the direct affiliate of Great Wilderness Sect and made destructions with the aftermath of Great Wilderness Sect. Moreover, he was thinking about hefting the great banner of Great Wilderness Sect once again. However, such a person instantly escaped away while changing his face at the sight of this treasure of Great Wilderness Sect.

When he thought about this, Bai Runshan made a decision to evacuate from here as well; instead of charging at the totem-like the other shadow knights…

The other knights were constantly rushing downwards from the six entrances…

"Impossible!" Celestial Woodbuilding muttered when he tried to push open the gate of a tower of time. The gate on which runes were flowing remained still. At the same time, he received a message from the gate of the tower of time——Not received All-spirits Tower yet; great wilderness seal couldn't be connected to confirm your identity; forbidden in.

The tower of time was actually a rare tower of great wilderness seal, which was only accessible to disciples of Great Wilderness Sect who have cultivated Great Wilderness Sutra . As a result, Celestial Woodbuilding wasn't accepted in.

'What the hell?'

Celestial Woodbuilding hurriedly charged at the gate of the second tower of time. When he put his hand on the portal and intended to push it open, he was transfixed by the same message.

'Impossible! If they are towers of great wilderness seal which requires identity verification, how could one of four sage freaks enter the tower of time on the first floor easily?' Celestial doubted as he had already checked the tower of time on the first floor, which didn���t need any identity confirmation at all.

'What the hell!'

Celestial Woodbuilding was flurried inside in front of the tower of time.

Almost at the same time, those knights who served as watchdogs outside the portals of the six full-moons gates of the first floor of Dongtian were also flurried.

According to the information displayed on the full-moons gates, it would take the six full-moons gates at least 1 month to close when one of the two moons outside turned into crescents.

At this moment, right in the eyes of those knights of major sects, the six full-moons gates closed up within a few seconds firmly and slowly in an irresistible way…

Chapter 1556: The Fall of a Celestial

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Watching the full-moons gates of the first floor of Dongtian closing themselves while all the patterns on the gates gradually faded away like words on paper being erased, all the knights guarding the gates widely opened their eyes.

However, something more terrible had not happened yet.

"Ahh, look…" a knight of Heavens Holding Pavilion suddenly shrieked as he pointed at the entrance of the first floor of Dongtian.

The other knights nearby raised their heads as they saw that the entrance to the first floor of Dongtian gradually shrunk like shrinking intestinal tracts of an animal. The entire metal dome appeared to have become alive as the hard metal started to change its shape like a huge piece of jelly. When the dome stopped wriggling, the entrance leading to the first floor of Dongtian had disappeared as if it had never existed before.

"Ahh, what happened?" some knights didn't believe their eyes as they tried to strike the metal dome by their battle qis fiercely in vain.

All the knights in the first floor of Dongtian turned pale at this moment…

Nobody could enter this space anymore; nor could over 10,000 human knights of Taixia Country exit this space; instead, they were all isolated in the second floor of the Dongtian.


Those knights who were pouring in the second floor of Dongtian didn't know that the full-moons gates and the portals accessible to the Dongtian of Great Wilderness Sect behind them had already closed and disappeared as they were all rushing downwards for the possible benefits.

"Those in front of me will die…" Celestial Reflectingmoons of Qionglou Pavilion revealed a grim look like a real old witch as she roared and launched a battle qi strike towards the heavenly knight who was not backed by a major sect yet was scrambling for the totem of snakes. Only with one strike, she had already driven away some shadow knights who were also rushing towards the totem.

Those shadow knights were all frightened by the terrifying deputy head of Qionglou Pavilion as they hurriedly dodged away; instead of confronting with her battle qi strike.

The other knights of Demons-kill Valley were hauled by the knights of Qionglou Pavilion and Taiyi Fantasy Sect while knights of Heavens Holding Pavilion coordinated with Celestial Reflectingmoons to scramble for the treasure. All the other knights and forces were dwarfed by the combined strength of the major sects of Taixia Country. Only after a short and fierce moment, the brilliant treasure of Great Wilderness Sect in the air had been seized by the old witch of Qionglou Pavilion.

"Quack, quack, quack, quack…" Celestial Reflectingmoons cackled in an extremely pleasant way as she held the totem of a golden snake and a silver snake.

After seeing the treasure falling in the hand of Celestial Reflectingmoons, Celestial Swords burst into laughter as he relieved his sword qi strike and extended the distance between him and Zhang Tie. At the same time, he watched Zhang Tie with doubtful sparkling eyes, "I've not imagined that the world-renowned Immortal Qianji couldn't even use your battle qi now; even your ability as a divine dominator appears to have been severely declined; you even need other's spiritual energy. What a surprise!"

Due to his wound, although he could cheat others verbally, as long as he joined a fight; especially with a heavenly knight, it was almost impossible for him to cheat such an experienced and cunning person. During the short period of close combat, Celestial Swords instantly discovered the problem facing Zhang Tie——Zhang Tie couldn't use his protective battle qi; nor could he launch battle qi strikes. Even his ability as a divine dominator was only limited to rapid movement, which required Bai Suxian's help. If Celestial Swords still couldn't figure out Zhang Tie's problem in this case, he could go die; instead of being the deputy head of Taiyi Fantasy Sect.

Zhang Tie remained silent as he just smiled and watched Celestial Reflectingmoons who was cackling with that "treasure", letting out a sigh. The combined strength of the other major sects was really overwhelming on the premise that he had not fully recovered. The cooperation of the three heavenly knights could almost determine the final result of this scramble.

At the same time, he saw Immortal Deyang rushing towards him while Bai Runshan was catching up with a shadow knight and saying something. Celestial Treasureflame and Celestial Clouddragon had also separated as they rushed down towards the towers of time together.

Right in front of the two towers of time, Celestial Woodbuilding was still striking the entrance of one tower of time fiercely by battle qi. Although he had gained the initiative, he was still outside the gate till now.

More and more knights were pouring into this space. A large number of black iron knights had already shot inside, who then instantly started their treasure exploration in a pretty fanatic manner.

Immortal Deyang and Bai Runshan almost arrived at Zhang Tie's side at the same time. Celestial Swords' words shocked everyone in the space within 600 miles, including Immortal Deyang.

"Are you all right?" Immortal Deyang flew towards Zhang Tie with a concerned look.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me!" Zhang Tie replied with a smile as he knew what Celestial Reflectingmoons would like to know, "Let's talk about it when we get out of here…"


Just now, Celestial Swords must have bad intention by spreading loudly Zhang Tie's current situation. However, it was not the right moment for Zhang Tie to argue with him on this point.

"Hahaha, like what Celestial Qianji has said, only people with great mores could occupy the treasures across the world. This treasure of Great Wilderness Sect has already got its owner. The two towers of time downside there might also not belong to you. Immortal Qianji, if you try your best to search, you might get something else here before the arrival of all of the other knights…" Celestial Swords teased Zhang Tie as he cackled on one side.

The moment Bai Suxian wanted to refute him, she was stopped by Zhang Tie by raising his arm. At this moment, Zhang Tie was fixing his eyes on Celestial Reflectingmoons and that "treasure of Great Wilderness Sect" in her hand as he had a complex feeling inside.

Just now, when Zhang Tie used his bolt-in-palm to hit and deflect the "treasure of Great Wilderness Sect" with the ability of divine dominator. In fact, when the bolt-in-palm almost touched the 'treasure", Zhang Tie felt it hitting onto an extremely powerful protective battle qi. Before his bolt-in-palm touched that item, that item had already flown away alongside the direction of the strength of his bolt-in-palm.

'How could an object have the powerful protective ability like protective battle qi?'

Zhang Tie was shocked.

Celestial Reflectingmoons guffawed as she held high the brilliant totem of a golden snake and a silver snake. Watching the surrounding knights who were looking at her with admiring and jealous eyes, she said in an extremely unscrupulous and cold tone, "Come over here if you want. This grandma has not seen the blood today. I'm waiting for it…"

Nobody dared move in the surroundings.

After looking around, Celestial Reflectingmoons became satisfied.

Right then, Celestial Reflectingmoons received a message delivered by watchdogs of Qionglou Pavilion outside the gate of the first floor——The full-moons gates have already closed themselves; even the entrance leading to the first-floor of Dongtian on the dome had disappeared.


After being slightly stunned, Celestial Reflectingmoons swore inside. When she entered the first floor of Dongtian, she had checked the entrance on the dome, which was composed of special metal. Even sage-level knights couldn't destroy it. How could it disappear? Does it mean that the watchdogs have been killed?

In case of trouble, after throwing a glance at that brilliant treasure in her hand, Celestial Reflectingmoons was going to teleport it into her portable space-teleportation equipment; however, when she ran her spiritual energy, she found that that treasure remained still. Right then, she felt a sharp pain on her palm…

The golden snake had already become alive as its mouth had already left the tail of the silver snake and was biting her right hand. Besides sharp pain, Celestial Reflectingmoons watched her right arm gradually burning into ashes from her palm to her wrist, all the way to her elbow and shoulder like burning mosquito-repellant incense…

It was a sharp pain both physically and psychologically. Even a heavenly knight would suffer a great wallop when she saw her arm burning into ashes in the air.

"Aah…" Celestial Reflectingmoons' eyes almost popped out of her eyesockets as her shrieks shocked the entire space.

All the surrounding people were stunned, more were transfixed.

When she opened her mouth, the silver snake instantly lurked into her mouth in terms of silver light, freezing Celestial Reflectingmoons as a whole at once.

A few seconds later, Celestial Reflectingmoons immediately turned into ashes as a whole as it spread over the sky. Like having just woken up, the golden snake and the silver snake gradually recovered their original looks. As they started to wriggle in the air, they grow increasingly larger…

Chapter 1557: The Power of the Two Snakes

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

As Celestial Reflectingmoons perished, the treasure of Great Wilderness Sect instantly turned into sheer fierce beasts. The process underwent too fast.

The face of Celestial Swords who was jeering at Zhang Tie just now had already frozen and turned pale.

The death of a heavenly knight was enough to scare off all the onlooking knights near her, breaking their gall bladders and souls.

What the f*ck! These people were here for the treasure. They had never imagined that such terrifying monsters were hiding here even after the extermination of Great Wilderness Sect.

"Mamma, what are those f*cking things? Hurry, go…"

"Devil snakes, devil snakes; those are devil snakes…"

"Quick, run…"

In the earth-shaking wails, all the knights nearby Celestial Reflectingmoons escaped away in all directions at their maximal speed while complaining that they were not granted with two more legs.

Despite Celestial Reflectingmoons didn't release her protective battle qi, she was always a heavenly knight. Now that the two snakes could perish a heavenly knight in this case, not to mention the other knights.

Watching the two weird snakes who were gradually enlarging their sizes, Zhang Tie felt Bai Suxian's palm full of sweat. Women were born to be afraid of snakes, not to mention such terrifying creatures who could even kill a heavenly knight.

"What…what are they?" Bai Suxian asked Zhang Tie in quivering voice.

"I have no idea. They should be treasures of Great Wilderness Sect. However, they're alive instead of being dead objects. Let's leave out of here first…" Zhang Tie answered. As he was not aware of anything at present and had not recovered his power, it was not his primary option to be showy facing such an unknown danger. Additionally, it was a member of the Imperial Alliance who was killed, Zhang Tie had been benign enough as he didn't applaud for her death. Instead, Zhang Tie just threw a glance at Celestial Deyang before pulling Bai Suxian's hand and flying far away, intending to leave out of here through the tunnel from where they entered here.

Under the gaze of everyone at present, the two small snakes who were only about 1 m in length soon grew into overwhelming boas as long as 50-60 m, swimming in the air.

In such a short period, the knights of the three major sects who surrounded the two bizarre snakes were not too far away. The fastest one was only thousands of meters away. Closely after their transformation, the two bizarre boas, one golden, the other silver, had flown towards the knights of the three major sects with red eyes.



The two boas moved much faster than ordinary knights in the air. Only after a few seconds, the two boas had already caught up with a disciple of Taiyi Fantasy Sect and Heavens Holding Pavilion respectively.

The moment the golden boa opened its grim mouth, it had sent off a golden flame, charring a black iron knight of Taiyi Fantasy Sect hundreds of meters away at once. Similarly, when the silver boa opened its mouth, it had shot out a silver storm, turning the disciple of Heavens Holding Pavilion into shattered ice scums in a split second.

The two weird snakes were really fierce. Despite being far away from them, Zhang Tie was still dumbfounded by them. As each of the two boas could kill a black iron knight immediately, Zhang Tie estimated that they must have already reached the power of heavenly knights.

After killing two knights of a major sect, the golden boa coiled itself in the air, making it like a cylinder and covering one knight of Qionglou Pavilion, who was an earth knight. In panic, the earth knight exerted his all efforts to strike at the 1 m thick body of the golden boa. However, the strike of the earth knight didn't work at all. Actually, it felt itchy and didn't even drop a scale. As the golden boa tightened up its body, with the roars of the earth knight, his protective battle qi and whole body were broken as his blood and flesh poured down…

At the same time, the silver boa swept its tail at a speed many times that of sound, causing a shrill air-splitting metallic sound across the Dongtian. Its strength was so enormous that the moment it touched two slower black iron knights of Taiyi Fantasy Sect, it had turned the two into powders in the air, who didn't even leave any shriek.

Watching it, all the escaping knights sped up in a flurried manner.

"Ruinous beasts…" Celestial Swords the deputy head of Taiyi Fantasy Sect finally woke up as he roared and flashed towards the two weird boas after knowing that three of his disciples were killed.

As a confident heavenly knight and the top figure of Taiyi Fantasy Sect, Celestial Swords couldn't shirk his responsibilities so as to maintain his reputation when he saw his disciples being slaughtered by two weird boas.

The second floor of the Dongtian of Great Wilderness Sect was in complete chaos as over 10,000 knights who had not been organized flew here and there disorderly in the space.

Pulling Bai Suxian's hand, Zhang Tie stayed far away from the two weird boas together with Immortal Deyang. After making a detour, they converged with Bai Runshan at a place.

At this moment, Bai Rushan was flying towards them with that barbarian shadow knight Serila, whose lips were quivering as his face turned completely pale.

As it was not the right moment for them to greet each other, Zhang Tie instantly made a decision before Bai Runshan introduced that barbarian shadow knight to him, "Quick, follow me, we should leave out of here along the tunnel where we came from. If we continue to stay here, we might face other dangers…"

"Just now, knights of Lord Guangnan's Mansion who were left outside the gates of the first floor sent a message…the full-moons gates of the first floor had been closed all of a sudden!" Bai Rushan said as he looked pretty gloomy. When Zhang Tie told him that there might be dangers here just now, Bai Runshan doubted that; he had not imagined that Zhang Tie's judgment was confirmed so fast…"

Chapter 1558: A Fatal Trap

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

"What, the full-moons gate above have already closed up?" Zhang Tie was shocked inside.

"Yes, besides the full-moons gate where we entered just now, all the other five full-moons gates have closed up. In addition, the entrance leading to the first floor of Dongtian of Great Wilderness Sect has disappeared too…"

"Aah, disappeared? But how?" Celestial Deyang almost jumped up flurriedly before Zhang Tie opened his mouth.

In such a short period, the location over 60 miles away had been filled with golden and silver flashes. When they turned around, they saw some more disciples of the three top sects turning into ashes and ice scums in front of the two boas. Celestial Deyang's eyebrows kept jumping.

"They just disappeared out of the void. Knights had been dispatched to guard the entrance of the first floor of Dongtian and the full-moons gates of the first floor. Just now the two teams of knights both sent me a message that a huge area of metal ground appeared to be softened suddenly as it started to wriggle. In a few seconds, the original entrance had been inaccessible. After a few more seconds, the entrance directly disappeared…"

"Does it mean that none of us could leave here?"

"Unless we could break those portals; otherwise…" Bai Runshan said bitterly.

How could those portals be easily destroyed? Otherwise, they had long entered them. Such portals were never produced in this age. Even sage-level knights could barely break them.

After hearing such an answer, Immortal Deyang didn't know what to say. He could only look at Zhang Tie along with all the others besides Zhang Tie.

The moment Zhang Tie wanted to speak, he felt a bizarre wave as the All-spirits Tower in his mind sea rocked. Closely after that, Zhang Tie looked up at the six stamens in the middle of the huge lotus flower which were six tunnels from where they came in. Right then, he found the open lotus flower gradually closing up with flashing light and looming runes, covering the six tunnels at once.

Many knights had noticed such a change. If the news that above tunnels had closed up was only known to very few people, the disappearance of the six tunnels downside there aroused a panic that instantly spread across the entire space of the second floor of the Dongtian.

"Aah, why did these entrances suddenly close up…"

"Can't we leave out of here?"

"No, I want to leave out of here…"

Some knights close to the dome of this space noticed the chance at once as they instantly rushed over there before launching colorful battle qi strikes onto that huge lotus flower. However, what they had done was like how ants tried to shake a giant tree.

At this moment, more knights realized that the gates of the two towers of time downside there couldn't even be opened. Besides Celestial Swords, Celestial Clouddragon also flew over there to fight two boas.

As heavenly knights, Celestial Swords and Celestial Clouddragon could both strike enemies over 10,000 m away. The two weird boas couldn't make this point; however, their defensive capability was amazing. Even though Celestial Swords and Celestial Clouddragon both used their silver secret weapons, they couldn't hurt the two boas at all; instead, the strikes of the two heavenly knights irritated them, causing the two boas to speed up towards them.

In a split second, the entire space was filled with the battle qi light of heavenly knights and the flames and storms of golden and silver boas, which scared the rest of people.

To be honest, Zhang Tie felt a family of mice drilling into the same cage at the same time. Over 10,000 knights were trapped in this cage.

At this moment, everyone's heart pounded out of fear; except Zhang Tie who remained calm both inside and outside.

Such an accident was within Zhang Tie's imagination. Because he had already felt something wrong here before he came down. If everything went normal, Zhang Tie would doubt his feeling and intelligence.

Zhang Tie tried Castle of Black Iron at this moment as he found that he could still access to it freely. Therefore, he became much reassured and was not afraid even a bit of the two weird boas, nor the Dongtian which was full of crises; instead, he felt somewhat intimate and safe, which was resonance to the Great Wilderness Sutra that he cultivated.

Zhang Tie's calmness affected many people in the surroundings, which couldn't be disguised at all; instead, it was a message released by Zhang Tie's qi field. Watching Zhang Tie's calm look, Bai Suxian, Immortal Deyang, Bai Runshan and that barbarian shadow knight who was flurried just now became much more reassured. Additionally, they had great confidence in Zhang Tie as they all felt that they would be safe as long as they were with Zhang Tie.

The battle in the distance would not affect them for a short period. Neither did Zhang Tie move without a destination. No matter what, he couldn't get out of here for the time being. Therefore, he preferred to think about the solution. After being silent for a few seconds, Zhang Tie asked Bai Runshan, "Besides the sudden closure of the six full-moons gates and the disappearance of the entrance to this Dongtian, is there any other abnormal phenomenon?"

"Ohh, there's one more. With the closure of the full-moons gates, those patterns of stars gradually faded away too…"

'The patterns on the full-moons gates disappeared? Does it mean that those patterns were not on the gates at the beginning? No wonder I found something wrong with those patterns.' Zhang Tie realized it at once…

"Ahh, puppet fighters…"

All of a sudden, louder shrieks filled the space while all the reliefs on the metal walls opened their eyes as they became alive and started to attack people here.

Like what Zhang Tie had predicted, those metal sculptures were really puppet fighters.

At this moment, watching the disappearing tunnels, the rampant weird boas and those live puppet fighters, the other knights had long been in turmoil…

Celestial Woodbuilding flew over here flurriedly followed by a team of knights of Jiang Clan as he shouted at Zhang Tie loudly, "It's a trap. Only disciples of Great Wilderness Sect could access to the towers of time downside there. We couldn't have any chance to escape away unless cooperation…"

Chapter 1559: The Chaos

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Like that on the first floor of Dongtian of Great Wilderness Sect, there were thousands of totems of bizarre beasts on the metal walls of the second floor of Dongtian in this floor of Dongtian, most of which could fly. Not until these totems started to move did everyone realize that they were not just useless metal sculptures; they were also terrifying puppet fighters in the shape of various fierce beasts that none of people could have imagined.

At this moment, the walls were simply like dens from where puppet beast-shaped fighters flapped their wings and constantly charged out before fighting those human knights who were bumping around aimlessly, causing casualties among humans at once.

All the puppet beasts were close to black iron human knights in battle strength. Besides enormous in quantity, they almost remained alive forever. Even if they were shattered, for the time being, their broken metal pieces would also converge and recover their original complete forms in a split second before continuing their fight with human knights. Such a scene was as same as that Zhang Tie encountered in the lobby of puppets in the bloody sacrifice hieron.

However, what the puppet lobby that he saw before to this scene was what a guerrilla to a corps.

In a split second, the space of the second floor of Dongtian covering hundreds of thousands of square miles had been filled with roars, miserable shrieks, exclamations of human knights and the sonic booms caused by beast-shaped puppet fighters as well as various metallic growls and colorful battle qis. When all these were interwoven with each other, it was as earth-shaking as the battlefield at Weishui River between humans and demons.

As puppet beasts couldn't release battle qi; therefore, they could only carry out close combat. Although human knights could release battle qis and realize distance strike, most of them couldn't fight incessantly. Whereas, puppet beasts could realize endless fight in their territory once they were triggered.

Especially at this moment when they found their route of the retreat was cut off and they were enclosed in this space, all the knights became flurried as they didn't mean to fight at all. Even though they outnumbered puppet beasts, most of the human knights were in small teams and couldn't coordinate with each other in such a short period. In this case, they could only barely draw a tie with puppet beasts. In addition, their space was constantly narrowed by puppet beasts. When puppet beasts were shattered one after another, some low-rank black iron knights were also torn into pieces.

After being shattered, puppet beasts could still recover their original looks; however, dead human knights couldn��t revive.

In the distance, Celestial Swords and Celestial Clouddragon were still fighting fiercely the two boas. Even though they felt having vantage points in battle strength as heavenly knights, they couldn't hurt the two boas substantially as the latter appeared being resistant to all strikes even from heavenly knights; instead, they could only cause them to fly away or stagnate their movements. The two boas' battle strength was too terrifying that any one of them would far surpass shadow knights.

Watching the result of the fight between the two heavenly knights and the two boas, all the others stayed far away in fear of being involved in it.

Conversely, more and more knights gathered around Zhang Tie.

With the help of Celestial Woodbuilding, Bai Runshan and that barbarian shadow knight Serila, Zhang Tie's combination could easily shatter all the puppet beasts that approached them.

Watching their excellent performance, all the other aimless knights instinctively approached Zhang Tie��s group.

Zhang Tie's reputation, personality and moral standing automatically attracted the surrounding knights like a piece of magnet in this case.

Although Celestial Swords revealed Zhang Tie's "secret" in the public out of malicious intention——Zhang Tie had almost lost his battle strenghth, his words had long been forgotten by those knights on Zhang Tie's side when they saw Zhang Tie's valiant performance.

Zhang Tie's performance was so valiant that he was simply more reassuring than the two heavenly knights. As light appeared in Zhang Tie's hand constantly, Zhang Tie released spears one after another like lightning bolts, shattering all the grim puppet fighters within 10,000 m who were rushing over here in a split second as if they were toys. None of the puppet beasts could resist Zhang Tie's strike. Of course, such a scene strengthened the courage and confidence of those human knights. A great number of knights were constantly gathering around Zhang Tie for the sake of protection.

Watching a pterosaur-shaped metal bird flashing over here from over 7,000 m away who was going to break through a black iron knight's back using its meters long sharp peak, Zhang Tie squinted his eyes as a spear appeared in his hand before shooting it out.

After detouring some human knights like a lightning bolt by drawing some arcs in the air, the spear penetrated through that puppet bird before it was about to peck through the knight's back, shattering it into pieces before falling off with a boom.

The black iron knight who survived such a sneak attack realized that he was saved by Zhang Tie. After throwing an appreciative glance at Zhang Tie, he instantly flew towards the latter.

Zhang Tie launched another strike as another lightning bolt flew off and shot into the big mouth of a flying snake over thousands of meters away. With a loud boom, the snake collapsed into pieces and fell off too…

"Quick, quick, gather around Immortal Qianji…" those knights near the dead snake exclaimed as they rushed to Zhang Tie's side…

Chapter 1560: Troublemakers

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Unlike regular human knights, puppet fighters didn't have protective battle qi. Because of this difference, those puppet fighters became standard targets of Zhang Tie, whose body could be easily penetrated through by Zhang Tie's spears.

Based on Zhang Tie's terrifying strength, even though he didn't use his ability as a divine dominator, he could easily kill those puppet fighters although he might not kill black iron knights who could release protective battle qi by spear.

Therefore, spears flashed out of Zhang Tie's hand one after another; after being granted with dexterity and spirituality like birds and Zhang Tie's terrifying strength, they turned into lightning bolts and displayed horrible destructive ability within thousands of meters.

The spears that Zhang Tie threw out were not golden spears, but those alloy spears which were stored in Castle of Black Iron. Each alloy spear weighed 360 kg, which was lighter than a golden spear, yet was heavier than ordinary bolt-in-palm. So was its destructive power between that of the other two. Over these years, Edward who had made over 10,000 alloy spears for Zhang Tie besides making golden spears so as to kill time in Castle of Black Iron.

Zhang Tie's spear could realize distance strike while Celestial Woodbuilding and some shadow knights could easily clean up the puppet fighters within 1,000 m. Bai Suxian and Immortal Deyang stayed on Zhang Tie's side like his guards. As a result, Zhang Tie's group occupied a relatively safer place.

Watching Zhang Tie's valiant performance, almost no knight believed that Zhang Tie had lost his battle strength while a big array of people poured towards Zhang Tie. In 3-in-1 battle formation in various scales, they gradually stabilized the situation while fighting those puppet fighters.

Not only that, even those knights of top sects unconsciously approached Zhang Tie. If not joined hands with the others, the knights of top sects might be isolated and precise targets of those puppet fighters, who could never defend the endless strike of the latter.

Celestial Treasureflame also rushed over Zhang Tie with the disciples of Demons-kill Valley as they formed a battle formation facing the endless strike of puppet fighters.

"Immortal, may I know your countermeasure? If we continued like this, our knights would be exhausted sooner or later. By then, the entire army of us would perish…"

After punching a flying dragon over 1,000 m away into pieces, Immortal Treasureflame turned fiery all over and flew towards Zhang Tie before asking Zhang Tie about his plan.

In this case, even Immortal Treasureflame possessed great anticipation for the reputation of Immortal Qianji.

Among the top sects, besides Heavens Fortune Sect, only Celestial Treasureflame faintly understood that Zhang Tie was a bit worried about the safety here before coming down. That also explained why none of the members of Lord Guangnan's Mansion came down except Bai Runshan and Bai Suixian.

Even Celestial Treasureflame previously had to admire Heavens Fortune Sect. Heavens Fortune Sect might have already forecasted something. Therefore, they only dispatched a grand elder here, who even closely followed Zhang Tie so as to reduce loss. When Celestial Reflectingmoons was exterminated, Celestial Treasureflame remembered that Immortal Deyang didn't scramble for the treasure first; instead of converging with Zhang Tie. What a great Heavens Fortune Sect!

"We're dishes on the kneading board. Celestial, watch out yourself. Calm down; let's stabilize the situation first…" Zhang Tie told Celestial Treasureflame secretly as he threw out another spear, shattering a puppet fighter over 5,000 m away.

Celestial Treasureflame was really shocked by Zhang Tie's words, which revealed too much information. It appeared that Zhang Tie had already discovered and confirmed something.

Zhang Tie indeed had already discovered something. When he shattered those puppet fighters one after another which then recovered, his All-spirits Tower had already sensed the faint waves over those puppet fighters, which came from the secret method of "controlling" in Great Wilderness Sutra . Being mysterious and weak, the electric wave-like qi filled the entire Dongtian. If not Zhang Tie had reached a high realm of Great Wilderness Sutra , he couldn't sense it at all. Additionally, the qi must be many levels higher than that of Zhang Tie concerning the secret methods of Great Wilderness Sutra . Thus, Zhang Tie was not sure where the mysterious qi came from.

Combining with the abnormalities in the former floor and the new situations in this floor, Zhang Tie had already got a conclusion. However, as it was too terrifying, Zhang Tie could barely accept it for the time being. Meanwhile, he was racking his mind, thinking about the countermeasures.

"The two monsters are too powerful; Celestial Woodbuilding, Celestial Treasureflame and Immortal Qianji, please come over here to defend them with us together…"

As Celestial Clouddragon said, he was flying rapidly towards Zhang Tie's group with Celestial Swords, closely followed by the two boas.

"Shameless…" Bai Suxian couldn't stand swearing on Zhang Tie's side when she saw Celestial Clouddragon and Celestial Swords coming over with the great trouble.

When the three top sects scrambled for the treasure, they were so scrupulous as they wanted to occupy the treasure of Great Wilderness Sect alone; when they found it was fatal, in fear that Celestial Woodbuilding, Celestial Treasureflame and Zhang Tie got the benefits after they and the two boas were both hurt, Celestial Clouddragon and Celestial Swords directly came over here to have more people share burdens with them…

Zhang Tie turned around as he looked into Celestial Swords's vicious and weird eyes despite the distance…

Chapter 1561: Zhang Tie's Choice

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

It was hard to say when a divine dominator who had lost his battle strength fought two bizarre boas who could match heavenly knights. During the fight, if anyone else screwed him, it was not impossible for him to fall.

Even though the two heavenly knights who came over here with such great trouble didn't fully target at Zhang Tie, as long as over 10,000 ordinary knights on Zhang Tie's side were involved in such a fight, they would suffer a great loss for sure. Those knights of top sects could form tacit and coordinated battle formations which could never be matched by those ordinary knights who were not backed by top sects. If the two boas rushed into their camp, knights of top sects might escape easily; however, the reminders might be in a miserable situation. Similarly, when some ordinary people were chased by two tigers; they didn't need to run faster than tigers; instead, they only needed to run faster than their partners.

That might be how Celestial Swords and Celestial Clouddragon thought about. As long as the two people didn't face the two boas alone, they thought the situation facing them would be better more or less even though many people were killed. It would be better if they could have Zhang Tie killed by the two boas in the chaos.

Zhang Tie didn't regard himself as a very noble person. However, he still had bottom lines in many aspects. Although being erotic, he didn't force women to make love with him. He would never bully the weak. Although he loved money, he didn't take dirty money. Although he was not broad-minded, he was never narrow-minded. Although he was concerned about his family, he didn't mean to hurt anyone for his family. In many cases, he would think carefully before saving people like how he did at Weishui River. He would never rush forward at the cost of his life.

Take this moment as an instance, Zhang Tie was not great enough to sacrifice himself for these strange people. However, at least Zhang Tie would give them a favor within his ability in case of more casualties. Neither would Zhang Tie sacrifice these people for himself. No matter what, these people were all human knights, the elites among humans and the source of the confidence of humans against demons. They were here just for treasure, despite a few of them were very vicious and cunning.

However, in the eyes of Celestial Swords and Celestial Clouddragon, these human knights of Taixia Country even Zhang Tie could die at any time; they would instantly do it if they could kill Zhang Tie here.

As powers, they were arrogant, grim and self-important.

Watching Celestial Swords and Celestial Clouddragon flying towards him, a killing intent rose in Zhang Tie's heart.

Only after a short while, Celestial Swords and Celestial Clouddragon had already arrived there and converged with the knights of their own sects, closely followed by the two boas.

Many knights on Zhang Tie's side started to exclaim when the two boas approached them.

"Boas, the boas are coming…"

"Quick, run…"

Facing the two boas, the knights who had just formed battle formations hurriedly evaded. As a result, the battle formations constantly collapsed. Besides heavenly knights, who dared challenge the two terrifying boas.

Watching the two boas approaching them, which would cause great casualties right away, Bai Suxian couldn't stand asking Zhang Tie, "What should we do?"

After throwing out another spear and shattering a puppet fighter in the distance, Zhang Tie immediately made his decision.

"Do you believe in me?" Zhang Tie asked.

Bai Suxian nodded forcefully.

Pulling her hand, Zhang Tie directly rushed towards the two boas.

Watching Zhang Tie and Bai Suxian flying out of the great battle formation towards the two boas, everybody was stunned as they wondered what Zhang Tie was about to do.

Facing the two destructive boas which could match heavenly knights, Bai Suxian constantly injected spiritual energy into Zhang Tie's body as she forcefully held his hand without any panic.

In this case, Bai Suxian completely handed her life to Zhang Tie without demur.

Zhang Tie then stopped on an eye-catching location. Watching the two destructive boas, he opened his mouth using his spiritual energy as his words spread across the entire space with rumbles.

"Forebears of Great Wilderness Sect, please receive my bow!" Zhang Tie said as he bowed towards the void.

After hearing Zhang Tie's words, all the knights who were fighting puppet beasts and were preparing to fight the two boas were transfixed.

——What is Immortal Qianji doing? Is he making a performance or having a dream? Is there anyone alive of Great Wilderness Sect? Perhaps, he mistook the two boas as the forebears of Great Wilderness Sect? That's too ridiculous!

The same thought flashed by many people's mind as they saw Zhang Tie bowing towards the void.

However, Zhang Tie just looked around with brilliant eyes as if he had not seen the two destructive boas. Chesting out, he said loudly, "Most of the knights are only for the treasures and secret books of Great Wilderness Sect, we never mean to offend Great Wilderness Sect. Because Great Wilderness Sect was thought to have been exterminated many years ago, we don't believe that there's any alive disciple of this sect; therefore, many knights think the items here have no owner. As it's in the holy war, demons are killing living beings outside, forebear, please forgive us and don't kill us; please leave some aura for Taixia Country and humans!"

After Zhang Tie finished his words, the two destructive boas had already approached him as they widely opened their bloody mouths, changing the faces of Bai Runshan and Immortal Deyang immediately as they exclaimed in unison, "Watch out…"

Clenching Zhang Tie's hand, Bai Suxian's palm had been sweaty. Facing the hollow destructive mouths, Bai Suxian was so scared that she directly closed her eyes. However, Zhang Tie still watched the two boas calmly without a blink. He didn't even mean to dodge. In a split second, the two boas had come to Zhang Tie's front as their piercing destructive qis almost touched Zhang Tie and Bai Suxian…

Chapter 1562: The Sage-level Knight of Great Wilderness Sect

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Watching the two destructive boas approaching them with huge, grim mouths, not only Bai Suxian, even those people in the distance oozed sweat for Zhang Tie.

However, Zhang Tie just watched the two destructive boas calmly with a faint smile while remaining still.

When the two destructive boas were a few meters away from Zhang Tie, their mouths suddenly closed as they rushed over Zhang Tie and Bai Suxian by the corners of their garments, causing Bai Suxian's longuette to fly in the air.

After rushing over Zhang Tie and Bai Suxian, the two destructive boas turned around and flew back; instead of attacking Zhang Tie again, they started to circle around Zhang Tie.

At the same time, thousands of puppet beasts who were fighting those human knights also stopped their attack; instead, they just circled around those human knights, leaving the space, which was filled with a myriad of battle qis, calm in a split second.

Everybody became stunned.

"Alas…", a distant sigh suddenly appeared on the second floor of Dongtian, which, although being not loud, was very clear in each human knight's ears. Ordinary knights were confused while those heavenly knights at present changed their face greatly. As heavenly knights, they could directly sense the strength carried by this sigh.

In this sigh, a figure as fantastic as one under painters' brush and as visional as one in dream gradually showed up near the dome above their heads.

Given the stranger's look, he was almost at his 30's or 40's; however, his hair had turned fully white. Additionally, he smelt pretty old. He was looking downwards at all the human knights at present without any mercy in eyes; instead, only cold flames were jumping in his eyes. As for Zhang Tie, his qi was pretty strong, which was at least much stronger than that of King Abyss and Zuoqiu Mingyue. The moment he appeared, his qi had filled the entire space which was as brilliant and forbidding as a hot sun in the dark.

Undoubtedly, this person was a powerful sage-level knight.

The moment he showed up, the two destructive boas who fought heavenly knights just now had flown towards him. Only by moving one step, he had disappeared from where he stood and came to the head of the golden boa as if space didn't exist for him at all. Circling around by the silver boa, he was like a deity descending there while his strong qi field made the entire space quiet. Everyone in the space including Zhang Tie fixated onto the stranger.

"I've not imagined that someone among you could still discover me and call me forebear even after the Great Wilderness Sect had been exterminated for so many years!" Standing on the head of the golden boa, the stranger threw a glance at Zhang Tie. The moment Zhang Tie looked straight into his eyes, Zhang Tie had felt the All-spirits Tower in his mind jumping suddenly. With a humming sound in his mind sea, Zhang Tie felt his head numb while the body of the All-spirits Tower below 16 floors was giving out light and many great wilderness seals were rotating rapidly in the tower.


Zhang Tie swore inside as he immediately realized that it was a resonance brought by the same secret method. The sudden change of Zhang Tie's All-spirits Tower reminded Zhang Tie that the secret that he was cultivating Great Wilderness Sutra had known by that person. Additionally, that person must have reached several levels higher than Zhang Tie on Great Wilderness Sutra . He might have already reached above the 20th floor. Otherwise, Zhang Tie couldn't sense such great tension.

When Zhang Tie was concerned that the person would expose this secret to the public, that person shortly squinted his eyes before recovering to normal.

"As you've called me forebear, you and your company could leave here safely. I won't make you embarrassed…" that person told Zhang Tie as his voice reverberated around the space.

"Thanks, forebear!" Zhang Tie let out a sigh as he said, cupping his hands towards the stranger.

After hearing the stranger's promise, Bai Suxian on Zhang Tie's side, Immortal Deyang in the distance and Bai Runshan let out a sigh immediately. Although they didn't know how Zhang Tie discovered this sage-level knight, it was absolutely a good piece of news that they didn't have to fight an unpredictable sage-level knight in such a perilous environment.

After Zhang Tie's group received the good news, someone else had to face their nightmare.

"As for you…" that person threw a glance at those knights of Taiyi Fatasy Sect and Heavens Holding Pavilion as he pointed at Celestial Swords and Celestial Clouddragon, adding, "have to die…"

After hearing his words, Celestial Swords and Celestial Clouddragon changed their faces at once while all the knights nearby the groups of Taiyi Fantasy Sect and Heavens Holding Pavilion escaped away like avoiding from sheer terror in fear of being involved. In a split second, the two groups of knights of Taiyi Fantasy Sect and Heavens Holding Pavilion were isolated as they stood alone in the air.

"Who are you? How dare you be so presumptuous in front of Taiyi Fantasy Sect and Heavens Holding Pavilion? Is everything here your trap?" Celestial Swords asked loudly. With the background of Taiyi Fantasy Sect, Celestial Swords was not afraid of even a sage-level knight at this moment, "The two bizarre boas have already killed many disciples of our sects, you have to give us an explanation!"

"Explanation?" that person burst into sheer, miserable and grim laughters after throwing a glance at Celestial Swords and Celestial Clouddragon, replying, "If I have to give you an explanation after killing some of your disciples, why didn't you give us an explanation when you joined hands to exterminate Great Wilderness Sect by killing numerous elders and disciples of us, causing their blood flow into river?"

"What are you talking about? Don't frame us!" Celestial Clouddragon urged loudly.

"I'm framing you?" that person watched Celestial Clouddragon as he continued, "That night, you two were just shadow knights in black clothes and masks. Although I couldn't recognize your look, I bear in mind the features of your battle qi. The moment you launched a strike, I've already recognized you…" that person said as he suddenly revealed an extremely icy smile, "I know that you want the Great Wilderness Sutra ; however, you might have not realized that I especially prepared this trap for you. Over these years, I knew as long as there was any news about Great Wilderness Sulra, those who exterminated Great Wilderness Sect and didn't get Great Wilderness Sutra must rush over there. Now, look, you've all been here. Taiyi Fantasy Sect and Heavens Holding Sect; very good, very good…"

After hearing his words, all the knights around became astir and ablare. The case of the extermination of Great Wilderness Sect shocked the entire country of Taixia Country then and had become one of the largest pending criminal cases in Taixia Country over the past 100 years. None of the knights here could imagine that this pending criminal case could be completely exposed to the public today.

"Great Wilderness Sect has already perished for dozens of years. At that time, all the members of Great Wilderness Sect had been killed. Why do you disguise as a reminder of Great Wilderness Sect to frame Taiyi Fantasy Sect and Heavens Holding Pavilion?" Celestial Swords refuted as he didn't admit any relevance between Great Wilderness Sect and Taiyi Fantasy Sect.

"On the evening when Great Wilderness Sect was exterminated, I had just mastered the incarnation skill and was cultivating in a hidden place as a lark. I was fully immersed in it. Therefore, I forgot to attend the conference. When you were executing a holocaust, I could only watch aside helplessly. It's too late for you to make any explanation today…" that person said as he jeered at Celestial Swords and Celestial Clouddragon, "Are you contacting the sage-level knights in your sects and urging them to come here as fast as possible? It's useless even if they could arrive here in a short period. This Dongtian of Great Wilderness Sect was a far-ancient treasure whose portals could be barely broken from outside once being closed. I will take some interests today, using your lives to console the spirits of the later members of Great Wilderness Sect…"

After finishing his words, that person immediately charged at Celestial Swords and Celestial Clouddragon.

When that person charged at them, a green light beam extended behind him. After rushing into the sky, the light beam extended over 60 miles in the sky like a heavenly curtain. Closely after that, it fell off like a huge pot upside down. In the blink of an eye, it had fully covered Celestial Swords and Celestial Clouddragon.

"Sage-level knight realm…" Immortal Deyang who had already come to Zhang Tie's side exclaimed while the other onlooking knights were scared so much that they all escaped away as far as possible like ducks being driven away.

Celestial Treasureflame and Celestial Woodbuilding had already come to Zhang Tie's side as they found all the knights of Taiyi Fantasy Sect and Heavens Holding Pavilion were covered by that realm.

"What should we do now?" Celestial Woodbuilding asked Zhang Tie and Celestial Treasureflame secretly, "We're not sure whether that person is our friend or not. Would he be…"

Zhang Tie knew what Celestial Woodbuilding was about to say. Therefore, he interrupted him.

"Celestial, have you seen the two flying boas outside the realm? Even if you two rush over there, which do you want, having a fight with the two snakes or being involved yourselves in that sage-level knight's realm…" Zhang Tie let out a sigh as he shook his head, "This is the vendetta between Great Wilderness Sect and them. Do you want to be involved…"

Celestial Treasureflame and Celestial Woodbuilding remained silent.

Watching Celestial Swords and Celestial Clouddragon being covered in the realm, although it was not right for him to delight in the misfortunes of them, Zhang Tie still wanted to guffaw. This time, if that person didn't mean to fight them, Zhang Tie wouldn't let them survive here either. The current situation was the best for Zhang Tie…

As the old Hua saying went, anyone entering the secular world had to pay it back sooner or later.

The others might not know what was happening in the realm; however, Zhang Tie squinted his eyes with looming lotus flowers inside, reflecting everything in the realm onto his eyes.

Being in the Dongtian of Great Wilderness Sect, the realm of the sage-level knight was full of green mountains. All the knights of Taiyi Fantasy Sect and Heavens Holding Pavilion were surrounded by the magnificent mountains. Unknowingly, all the people inside the realm appeared to have lost their flight ability including the two heavenly knights while various fierce beasts were pouring towards them. In a split second, all the knights below two heavenly knights of Taiyi Fantasy Sect and Heavens Holding Pavilion had been surrounded while the realm was full of flying blood and flesh.

Only after a short while, Zhang Tie had seen Celestial Clouddragon's virtual image clouddragon struggling to fly off. However, before it flew off, the dragon in the cloud had been seized by a 1,000 m high giant ape before being torn into pieces.

As the virtual image collapsed, Celestial Clouddragon had already broken one hand as he was spurting blood all over. Before he shrieked miserably, he had been stomped onto the ground by the giant ape. With an earthquake, Celestial Clouddragon's fat body directly exploded into a blood mist and flesh like a balloon being popped…

'Motherf*cker; that's too violent and bloody!'

The massacre in the realm of the sage-level knight was too shocking that even heavenly knights were like clay chickens and pottery dogs. Being utterly different than the Han Zhengfang's fight in the semi-sage realm of Meng Shidao that Zhang Tie saw in Xuanyuan Hill, this fight was totally one-sided. As a result, Zhang Tie couldn't help swallowing his saliva forcefully.

"Why are you here?"

Hearing Bai Suxian's hostile cold harrumph, Zhang Tie saw Fang Xinyi flying over here with a miserably pale look.

"You owe me. I met you in Xuanyuan Hill when the turmoil broke out. I'm sure that Han Zhengfang and his two sons were killed by you. Don't deny it. I didn't mention it to anyone else, even my master. Therefore, you have to take me away today…" Fang Xinyi directly told Zhang Tie, neglecting Bai Suixian.

'What a motherf*cking debt!'

'But this woman is really something.'

Zhang Tie watched Fang Xinyi calmly.

"I'm Lord Guangnan's woman. If I died here or was humiliated, would Lord Guangnan's Mansion feel glorious?" Fang Xinyi opened her mouth as she told Bai Runshan and Bai Suxian, which forced Bai Suxian, who was going to say something, to close her mouth. As a result, Bai Suxian could only throw a glare at Fang Xinyi; Bai Runshan threw a glance at Zhang Tie as if he didn't want Fang Xinyi to die here either.

The current situation here was too perilous. If Fang Xinyi mingled with the other members of Qionglou Pavilion, it was hard to say whether she could leave out of here alive.

"From now on, don't talk or move on my side. If you dare stir up trouble for me, I don't care who's your husband as this father will rape before killing you…" Zhang Tie threw a glare at Fang Xinyi as he warned her.

Fang Xinyi nodded as she stood still not far away from Zhang Tie quietly.

Zhang Tie then fixated onto the realm of the sage-level knight again.

Only after such a short while, there were less than 5 people alive in the sage-level knight's realm…

"I don't care whether you believe me or not, but Lord Guangnan has never slept with me at all. I'm just executing my task on his side…" Fang Xinyi's voice entered Zhang Tie's ears, causing Zhang Tie's heart to race. Zhang Tie then turned around and threw a glance at her. Fang Xinyi also looked straight in his eyes. Closely after that, they moved their eyes away at the same time…

'What does she mean?'

Chapter 1563: Karma

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Only after a few minutes, when the green light curtain dispersed in front of them, Celestial Clouddragon the deputy head of Heavens Holding Pavilion, Celestial Swords the deputy head of Taiyi Fantasy Sect and hundreds of knights who followed them here including some shadow knights had perished…

In this case, everybody else had long forgotten about exploring for treasures; instead, they were just thinking about how to survive themselves.

Everyone knew that they had got big trouble this time. Over hundreds of years, top sects like Taiyi Fantasy Sect and Heavens Holding Pavilion had never suffered such a great loss. When Alchemist Devil Zhaoyuan who was renowned in the world swept over Mojiang City in Songzhou Province, Taiyi Fantasy Sect only lost one heavenly knight-level deputy head while Heavens Holding Pavilion only lost one junior head and five more ordinary knights.

By contrast, this time, excluding the late Celestial Reflectingmoons of Qionglou Pavilion, Taiyi Fantasy Sect and Heavens Holding Pavilion lost over 100 knights respectively, including heavenly knights, shadow knights, earth knights and black iron knights. Despite being members of top six sects, Taiyi Fantasy Sect and Heavens Holding Pavilion still suffered a great loss this time. From then on, the two top sects would never stop until they killed that culprit.

Zhang Tie had just witnessed the entire process of the extermination of the bands of Taiyi Fantasy Sect and Heavens Holding Pavilion. After the death of Celestial Clouddragon, Celestial Swords was almost dismembered by that giant ape by holding his limbs. Watching this scene, Zhang Tie could only let out a sigh inside.

That was how karma went. No matter how Celestial Swords and Celestial Clouddragon refuted, Zhang Tie knew that the two people deserved their death. They had never imagined that someone could survive that extermination facing Great Wilderness Sect and promote to a sage-level knight. The discovery of this Dongtian of Great Wilderness Sect was totally a trap preset by him.

The power of the two bands was definitely great if they could join the battle at Weishui River as they could save a lot of people there. They could even enjoy a great honor after death. By contrast, they were all dead here silently like stray dogs with neither dignity nor benefit. Besides being used as the materials for people's topics, they were totally valueless. What a pity!

After killing so many people of Taiyi Fantasy Sect and Heavens Holding Pavilion in his sage-level knight's realm, that person stood in the air still, looking up at the depth of the dome as if he was recalling something or thinking about something. He looked lonely and experienced while the two destructive snakes were circling around him.

Almost all the people alive in the Dongtian were holding their breath as they widely opened their eyes, heart racing and feeling thirsty.

Right then, a voice appeared in Zhang Tie's mind sea through his All-spirits Tower.

"Where did you learn Great Wilderness Sutra from?"

It was the voice of that sage-level knight of Great Wilderness Sect.

This was a secret technique for people who cultivated Great Wilderness Sutra to pass the message. Through this method, people who had formed All-spirits Tower in their mind sea could communicate with each other within a certain distance. It was more secret and safer than transmitting voice through battle qi. Since Zhang Tie started to cultivate Great Wilderness Sutra , it was Zhang Tie's first time to sense this secret technique. Previously, it was impossible for Zhang Tie to communicate with people using this secret technique even if he wanted to.

"Previously, I was hunted by people in Ice and Snow Wilderness in the north of Waii Subcontinent and entered a deep valley. Fortunately, I got Great Wilderness Sutra in that deep valley. I even saw the skeleton of forebear Cloudcrane and his letter…" Zhang Tie answered honestly as he passed the message through All-spirits Tower.

"Cloudcrane…Cloudcrane didn't die either?"

That person exclaimed out of a bit excitement as his voice entered Zhang Tie's mind sea.

"Yes, Forebear Cloudcrane didn't die at that time. He just escaped to the wilderness with Great Wilderness Sutra . He found a den of mutated rats in that valley and wanted to cultivate them so that they could be used to restore Great Wilderness Sect. Pitifully, he failed until death!"

"Who else have you imparted the Great Wilderness Sutra to besides you?"

"Nobody else. In his letter, Cloudcrane mentioned the event of the extermination of Great Wilderness Sect; he also told me to not leak the Great Wilderness Sutra unless necessary; otherwise, it would bring me great unknown troubles. Therefore, I didn't impart Great Wilderness Sutra to anyone else these years. Even those on my side don't know that I'm cultivating it…"

"Have you thought about restoring Great Wilderness Sect?"

"I did before. However, as you have killed the deputy heads and so many knights of Taiyi Fantasy Sect and Heavens Holding Pavilion, you've already offended them. Unless that you could clean up the top sects of Taixia Country, it's no different than further offending them and seeking for death if anyone wants to restore Great Wilderness Sect at this moment. I still want to live a few more years. Therefore, I've abstained the thought of restoring Great Wilderness Sect. Additionally, I'm already the head of Iron-Dragon Sect in Youzhou Province. There're a lot of affairs to be solved by me across Iron-Dragon Sect. I can't restore Great Wilderness Sect alone…"

Zhang Tie put it frankly.

"It's reasonable for you to think so. However, I'm afraid that some things don't depend on you!"

"What do you mean, forebear?"

"As you cultivate Great Wilderness Sutra , you should belong to Great Wilderness Sect. As only you and I in this world have mastered Great Wilderness Sutra , according to the rule of Great Wilderness Sect, the one who had Great Wilderness Sutra have to shoulder the responsibility for the rejuvenation of Great Wilderness Sect. As you're already the head of Great Wilderness Sect, don't you dare think about not restoring Great Wilderness Sect!"

After hearing the words, Zhang Tie swore inside frenziedly.

"If so, could I give Great Wilderness Sutra back to you? I don't want it!"

"Yes, you could; but if I become the head of Great Wilderness Sect, as you've cultivated Great Wilderness Sutra and are already a knight, you should be the elder of Great Wilderness Sect and follow my order!"

'What the f*ck!' Zhang Tie goggled. Although he sighed about the karma facing Celestial Swords and Celestial Clouddragon, now he got his own…

Those in the secular world should pay it back sooner or later…

Chapter 1564: The New Head of Great Wilderness Sect

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Zhang Tie felt like being drawn into a pyramid selling organization as he could only bear his dissatisfaction…

"Forebear, you mean I'm already a member of Great Wilderness Sect whatever!"

"Since you started to cultivate Great Wilderness Sutra, the relationship between you and Great Wilderness Sect had been fixed. Therefore, you only have two choices, to be the head of Great Wilderness Sect or be an elder of Great Wilderness Sect. No matter which title you choose, you have to contribute to the rejuvenation of Great Wilderness Sect…"

"What If I don't like it?"

That voice sounded like a pure threat, "If so, I will tell everyone at present that you've cultivated Great Wilderness Sutra, which is right with you!"

"If I wish to be the head of Great Wilderness Sect, will you be the elder of Great Wilderness Sect?"

"Yes, if you're the head of Great Wilderness Sect, of course, I will be the grand elder of Great Wilderness Sect!"

"Does it mean that you have to follow my order?"

"It is if you could prove that you're greater than me in battle strength!"

"If so, what's the significance of the title head of Great Wilderness Sect?"

"As the head of Great Wilderness Sect, you could determine everything about Great Wilderness Sect. You could decide the method and the time of restoration. Additionally, I could negotiate with you about anything concerning Great Wilderness Sect; but it depends on you!"

Zhang Tie understood that the opponent had determined to have him join Great Wilderness Sect; if Zhang Tie disagreed, the relationship between him and Great Wilderness Sect would be fixed too because this sage-level knight would expose this secret to the public. Therefore, Zhang Tie only had one choice, to shoulder the heavy responsibility of restoring Great Wilderness Sect voluntarily or to be forced to shoulder this heavy responsibility by that old b*stard. As for the prior choice, he still had the freedom to a certain degree; as for the latter choice, he would completely lose his freedom.

When Zhang Tie was thinking about it, that person's words made Zhang Tie's heart pound completely.

"If you could be the head of Great Wilderness Sect, I could hand all the resources in this Dongtian to you. As you've already formed All-spirits Tower, you should know that the pattern of this Dongtian is as same as that of All-spirits Tower. All-spirits Tower has 21 floors. By contrast, this Dongtian has 7 floors, which respectively represented the top 7 floors of All-spirits Tower. There're totally 28 towers of time in this Dongtian. The entire Dongtian was a top treasure that was created in Far-ancient times. It has a myriad of marvelous functions. Although I've not entered the Dongtian of Taiyi Fantasy Sect and Heavens Holding Pavilion and don't know the difference between ours and theirs, I'm sure that the Dongtian of Great Wilderness Sect could definitely match that of any existing top sect. Additionally, this Dongitan is definitely safer than any other Dongtian…"

"28 towers of time?"

Although Zhang Tie had long heard about the legends concerning towers of time of Great Wilderness Sect, Zhang Tie was still startled by the number of towers of time in it. 'Motherf*cking 28 towers of time! That's too crazy! I'm longing for towers of time so that all the people on my side could improve their battle strength as fast as possible. Here they are! 28! It's so considerate!'

By then, Zhang Tie started to doubt that he was destined to be involved with Great Wilderness Sect; he didn't believe that it was so accidental.

"Right! 1 tower of time on the first floor, 2 on the second floor, 3 on the third floor and so on. Everything in this Dongtian is under control. Even if this Dongtian was exposed, sage-level knights could barely break inside…"

'If I abandon such great resources, I would definitely be an idiot. Additionally, as I've long been intolerant about Imperial Alliance; if I didn't become the head of Great Wilderness Sect, I would turn hostile against them sooner or later. If I became the head of Great Wilderness Sect, besides various rich resources, I would also gain a lot of benefits at present. Why not?'

What was more, Zhang Tie was confident that the sage-level knight couldn't do harm to him. Even if he became the new head of Great Wilderness Sect, as long as he recovered his battle strength and promoted to a heavenly knight, he would probably surpass this sage-level knight in power. By then, everything of Great Wilderness Sect would be determined by Zhang Tie substantially. Nothing to worry about. By then, even if Zhang Tie told the people of Taiyi Fantasy Sect and Heavens Holding Pavilion that he had Great Wilderness Sutra, dared they grab it from him or frame him?

After having all situations in consideration, Zhang Tie made a decision right away, "Sure, I will be the head of Great Wilderness Sect. However, how do you plan to deal with the current situation? Don't you want to kill all of them! If so, you would offend too many forces. Later on, all the knights in the world would be the enemies of Great Wilderness Sect. By then, Great Wilderness Sect would really become mice crossing the streets like demons and Heavens Reaching Church and could barely realize its restoration…"

"As you're the head of Great Wilderness Sect, you could determine everything concerning our sect. What should we do now?"

As a light flashed by his mind, Zhang Tie instantly got an opinion.

"How about this? Let's make a performance here…" Zhang Tie expressed his thought——what should you do and what should I do, then…

"Great, that's the deal!" The moment Zhang Tie finished his words, that man had agreed before letting out a sigh, "If the former head of Great Wilderness Sect could be so smart, how could our sect deteriorate to such a miserable situation. It seems that you're the proper one to take the throne of Great Wilderness Sect…"

"Haha, thank you, forebear. Ohh, I should call you elder. May I know your name…"

"I am surnamed Xi, literally Yun Zhongzi. You could call me Elder Xi!"

As Zhang Tie and Elder Xi were communicating with each other through All-spirits Tower, the entire process was unknown to the public. Even though Celestial Treasureflame and Celestial Woodbuilding on Zhang Tie's side had not discovered any abnormality about Zhang Tie; nor did spiritual wave exist in the surroundings. Additionally, the entire process of communication was short. Being face-to-face communication between knight consciousnesses, it was one hundred times faster than that of verbal talk. They could actually exchange much information within one second. Therefore, the entire process only cost them 5-6 seconds despite rich and decisive contents.

The others in the Dongtian might not imagine that Zhang Tie had already become the new head of Great Wilderness Sect after the sage-level knight of Great Wilderness Sect killed Celestial Clouddragon the deputy head of Heavens Holding Pavilion and Celestial Swords the deputy head of Taiyi Fantasy Sect for a few seconds.

Chapter 1565: A Super Wonderful Performance

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

During this short period, everybody in the Dongtian was still immersed in the shock caused by the death of two heavenly knights as they dared not even breathe smoothly. However, as Yun Zhongzi opened his mouth, the entire space froze like having been blown by a cold wind.

After hiding his experienced and lonely look, Yun Zhongzi looked around at those knights who had escaped far away, saying, "Only two kinds of people could enter the Dongtian of Great Wilderness Sect; first, disciples of Great Wilderness Sect; second, dead. You've already seen how deads are. Therefore, you have 3 minutes to consider whether to join Great Wilderness Sect, serve Great Wilderness Sect and rejuvenate it together with me or die!"

Closely after Yun Zhongzi's words, the qi of the two destructive snakes circling around him instantly became precarious as they opened their huge grim mouths and stuck out their tongues. In the brilliant light, the boas expanded once again. At the same time, all the puppets which had just calmed down became restless and alive again as they flew around those human knights and were ready to attack them.

In this case, it was absolutely possible for one sage-level knight, two bizarre boas which could match heavenly knights and thousands of undying puppets to kill all the human knights here. As the bands of Taiyi Fantasy Sect and Heavens Holding Pavilion were exterminated as a whole, none of the rest doubted the decisiveness of this sage-level knight of Great Wilderness Sect to kill all of them; nor did they feel that their lives were more dignified than that of deputy heads of two of top six sects in the eyes of Yun Zhongzi.

As a result, those knights turned astir and ablare at once due to shock. Actually, both choices meant dead ends for them. If they joined Great Wilderness Sect, it denoted that they were about to turn hostile against Taiyi Fantasy Sect and Heavens Holding Pavilion. However, the power of Taiyi Fantasy Sect and Heavens Holding Pavilion were much greater than that. The total number of sage-level knights of the two sects was definitely greater than that of Great Wilderness Sect, not to mention others. If they joined Great Wilderness Sect, it was nothing different than to be killed by powerhouses of Taiyi Fantasy Sect and Heavens Holding Pavilion. However, if they didn't agree, they could barely pass it for the time being.

"Ahh, what should we do? What should we do…"

"Ahh, how about fighting him…"

"We can't defeat him. If we would like to have a duel with him, before he launched a strike towards us, the two boas and these puppets would have already killed us all…"

"Do you have to join Great Wilderness Sect?"

"But it's nothing different. It's just a matter of the location of death, here or outside…"

Many kights had lost their mind at such a critical moment.

At this moment, Celestial Treasureflame and Celestial Woodbuilding had both released their battle qis in case of being attacked by Yun Zhongzi.

"Forebear, you said you would not make me and my partners embarrassed and could have us leave here safe and sound, are you serious?"

Zhang Tie's sound started to reverberate around the space when everybody's heart raced.

Disguising to be unpleasant, Yun Zhongzi watched Zhang Tie with a frown, "Of course, gentlemen never go back on their words!"

"That's good. I've got too many partners with me. This is my wife the princess of Lord Guangnan's Mansion; this is my second uncle; this is Immortal Deyang from Heavens Fortune Sect. They're all my partners!" Zhang Tie said as he pointed at those people on his side.

"No problem, all of them could leave!" Yun Zhongzi spoke frankly.

"Thanks, forebear!" Zhang Tie made a deep bow towards Yun Zhongzi as he triggered his trivial disguising talent again. It was so vivid that nobody else could identify that he was making a performance with Yun Zhongzi, "I've got some more. This is Celestial Treasureflame of Demons-kill Valley. I've long appointed with the little princess of Demons-kill Valley to marry her one day. Therefore, Demons-kill Valley is also my relative. Additionally, we've already coordinated with each other before coming down. Therefore, disciples of Demons-kill Valley are also my partners!"

The moment Zhang Tie opened his mouth, all the disciples of Demons-kill Valley including Celestial Treasureflame looked at Zhang Tie with appreciative eyes. None of the disciples of Demons-kill Valley were afraid of death as they all stuck to the principle of seeking for truth through killing. Even so, given the sharp contrast in power between the two forces, it was nothing different than seeking for death if they just rushed forward. Of course, disciples of Demons-kill Valley and Celestial Treasureflame were rational as they didn't want to die here out of no reason. After hearing that Zhang Tie treated them as their partners, they all held that Zhang Tie was righteous. It was really useful for Demons-kill Valley to get along well with Zhang Tie these years.

After looking around Celestial Treasureflame and the disciples of Demons-kill Valley, Yun Zhongzi nodded, "Hmm, now that they're your partners, they could leave too. I won't make them embarrassed!"

Zhang Tie threw a glance at Celestial Woodbuilding as he found the latter was looking at him appreciatively as if the latter had too many words to say.

After Celestial Treasureflame left, there was only one heavenly knight Celestial Woodbuilding of Jiang Clan among the explorers, who would be more lonely and could never defeat Yun Zhongzi. Therefore, Celestial Woodbuilding's mood could be imagined. Compared to others, Celestial Woodbuilding actually had to face greater intentions. As the founder of Jiang Clan, once Celestial Woodbuilding fell, the entire Jiang Clan would deteriorate and lose its current position.

"This is Celestial Woodbuilding of Jiang Clan. Jiang Clan has already engaged one of my elder brother's kid. Just now, Celestial Woodbuilding was also fighting puppets with me just now. Forebear, you must have seen it. This celestial is also my partner. Hopefully, forebear could also promise the Jiang celestial to leave with me!"

Of course, Jiang Clan had not engaged with Zhang Yang��s kid. However, Celestial Woodbuilding was clear about Zhang Tie's meaning. Closely after Zhang Tie's words, Celestial Woodbuilding had hurriedly nodded, "Yes, yes, yes, Jiang Clan and Jinwu Palace are already a family. We're partners; we're partners…"

Yun Zhongzi then fixated onto Celestial Woodbuilding and the other Jiang knights around Celestial Woodbuilding silently for a few seconds while icy flames were jumping in his eyes, causing great tension to them. It appeared that Yun Zhongzi had already seen through Zhang Tie's "trick". As Yun Zhongzi looked at them, the two destructive snakes appeared to have sensed his thought as they both turned around at them and intended to charge at them…

As Yun Zhongzi didn't express his attitude, Celestial Woodbuilding and those knights of Jiang Clan became so intense.

"Besides Jiang knights, who else are your partners…" Yun Zhongzi asked Zhang Tie with a bit discontentment.

Chapter 1566: Elder Sanguang

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

According to the agreement that Zhang Tie and the sage-level knight had agreed on, Zhang Tie was about to say no. Right then, a person suddenly flew out of over 10,000 knights towards Zhang Tie at his full effort as he exclaimed exhaustively, "Master, master, and me, and me Fang Sanguang. Don't you remember me…"

'What is he doing?'

The sudden appearance of this person caused Zhang Tie to forget to reply Yun Zhongzi; instead, Zhang Tie kept his eyes on that strange human knight who was flying towards him.

All the others beside Zhang Tie were shocked as they watched Zhang Tie and thought whether Immortal Qianji had arranged moles among those standalone so as to acquire the latters' intelligence in case of emergency. It was not a big deal.

Only after a short while, that person had already arrived in front of Zhang Tie.

He was a strange black iron knight whom Zhang Tie had not seen before. Only after throwing a curious look at that guy using his lotus-flower eyes, Zhang Tie had found that he was wearing a disguising mask, beneath which was also a strange look. Although his figure looked normal, in fact, his muscles and bones were abnormal when Zhang Tie looked at them seriously. Zhang Tie judged that this person might have applied a secret method similar to bones shrinking skill to himself.

This stranger didn't possess any perilous qi while his battle qi could also be neglected by Zhang Tie. 'Who's that guy?' Zhang Tie became puzzled.

"Who are you? I don't think I'm familiar with you." Zhang Tie asked as he stroked his jaw after throwing a glance at him.

"Head, you must have forgotten about it. I'm A'Guang…" Fan Sanguang grinned brilliantly as his passionate gesture and sweet words made Bai Suxian and Immortal Deyang quiver a bit. Zhang Tie felt goosebumps all over.

"But I don't know you. You must have mistaken the wrong person!"

"I've mistaken the wrong person? No, I would never make such a mistake…" Fan Sanguang became thrilled as he instantly burst into tears and sobbed, saying, "Aren't you the world-renowned Immortal Qianji and the head of Iron-Dragon Sect? Since head fought demons at Weishui River, you have always been my idol and lifetime beacon. I miss you day and night and couldn't wait to join your sect one day. Fortunately, when I was about to set for you, I was told that you have arrived at South Border. Therefore, I followed you all the way here. It's my lifetime dream to join Iron-Dragon Sect. As long as I could join Iron-Dragon Sect, I would be happy even guarding the mountain gate for you. To tell you the truth, after knowing what you had done at Weishui River, I had already treated myself as a member of Iron-Dragon Sect. I've long determined to serve and die for Iron-Dragon Sect…"

Fan Sanguang's words made Zhang Tie dumbfounded. Even Immortal Deyang and Bai Runshan had felt goosebumps all over. Watching Fang Sanguang's face being covered with tears and nasal mucus, Bai Suxian who had been holding Zhang Tie's hand was scared one step back in fear of being touched by Fan Sanguang's tears and nasal mucus.

All the others beside Zhang Tie had figured it out that this guy was absolutely a shameless guy who came here for a relative at the critical moment. His face was even thicker than the protective battle qi of heavenly knights.

Celestial Treasureflame frowned as he squinted at Fan Sanguang with a disgusted look as if he was looking at a puddle of mud or sh*t. Given his look, as long as Zhang Tie agreed, Celestial Treasureflame couldn't wait to kill this guy by palm at once.

Zhang Tie was also wondering how to deal with this guy as he remained silent…

Looking straight into Zhang Tie's eyes, Fan Sanguang directly unveiled his mask, revealing a swollen face like that of a pig. Meanwhile, his skeletons and muscles transformed with abnormal sound, completely revealing his original look. Fan Sanguang tried his best to look at Zhang Tie sincerely as he pointed at his swollen face, asking, "Head, do you remember me? It's not our first time to meet each other. A few days ago, we've already met each other on the way. At that time, you were with Princess Bai. You two flew over the sky like a celestial couple at a pretty high speed, scaring me off all the way from the sky to the earth. I had already recognized you at that time, from when I followed you all the way to the Centralpillar Mountain to express my love…oh, pah, pah, pah…" Fan Sanguang spat out saliva for consecutive three times as he corrected his words, "to express my sincerity. I've not imagined that I could finally get such a rare opportunity until now…"

Zhang Tie thought for a few seconds as he really remembered such a thing. When Bai Suxian and Zhang Tie flew towards Centralpillar Mountain, Zhang Tie indeed remembered that a guy appeared being scared so much by their great speed who then lost his balance and fell off. 'Could it be this guy…'

"Erm, you look much fatter…"

"Aah, head, you finally remember me; you finally remember me…" Fan Sanguang burst into tears once again. However, this time, his tears were caused by extreme pleasure. The fast change of his expression could even match a film star, making Zhang Tie who had awakened his disguising talent embarrassed. "After falling off the sky, I was bitten by a venomous animal. Therefore, I look swollen now. However, in order to follow you, head, and express my sincerity and admiration to you, I kept moving after you. Even at the risk of losing my life, I would still stick to your footstep which symbolizes brilliance, not to mention such a bit injury…"

Zhang Tie stood him quite a while. When Fan Sanguang spoke the last sentence, Zhang Tie finally couldn't stand him anymore as he felt this guy was definitely a top weirdo among knights.

Zhang Tie threw a deep glance at Fan Sanguang before asking, "Do you want to join Iron-Dragon Sect and be restricted to me?"

"Yes, I do; I do…" Fan Sanguang kept nodding his head like how a chick pecked rice as he appeared relieving a heavy burden, "I do even if I'm only requested to hack firewood and cook food for Iron-Dragon Sect every day…"

Zhang Tie nodded as he told Yun Zhongzi, "Besides Jiang knights and this…Elder Sanguang who has just joined Iron-Dragon Sect, I have no more partner here…"

The moment Zhang Tie finished his words, all the other knights had abruptly realized that it was too late for them to imitate Fan Sanguang…