1819 - 1828

Chapter 1819: Who Are You?

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Only after a short while, Bian Heng had appeared at the gate of the parlor. After striding in, he started to gaze at Zhang Tie who was drinking tea with a pair of small eyes.

The former old man didn't follow Bian Heng in; instead, he just waited outside.

"Senior…" Zhang Tie stood up politely as he cupped his hands towards Bian Heng.

"Is it yours?" Bian Heng went straight to the main seat before putting the gold coin on the desk and asking Zhang Tie straightforwardly.

After sitting down, Zhang Tie nodded, answering, "Yes!"

"Where did you get it?"

"Senior, won't you ask me why I'm here?" Zhang Tie asked with a smile.

Bian Heng became shortly stunned as he realized that Zhang Tie was specifying terms with him. Bian Que had not seen a man as audacious as Zhang Tie for too many years. In the past, all the people who could be received by Bian Heng would respect him very much and meet all of his requirements. It was his first time to meet Zhang Tie.

In this world, few people dared bargain with doctors, not to mention famous doctors. Almost nobody dared bargain with Bian Heng who was a top doctor and a supreme-level immortal general.

"Although this item is made of a special metal that doesn't exist in Motian Realm, it's not useful at all. It's neither edible nor drinkable. Do you think that you could specify terms with me only with this item?" Bian Heng's face turned cold at once. Even though he knew the special meaning of that gold coin, as a sage-level knight, he had to maintain his dignity and social status.

"Senior, you must have misunderstood me. Just keep it. I know it's far from enough to let you help me…" Zhang Tie said as he shook his head. That gold coin was meaningless for Zhang Tie. He had tons of golds in Castle of Black Iron, not to mention gold coins. That gold coin was just a stepping stone for Zhang Tie. As long as he could meet Bian Heng using that gold coin, he had almost attained his goal.

After hearing Zhang Tie's words, Bian Heng's face looked a bit better as he had a good impression on Zhang Tie.

"Go ahead."

"Senior, how about checking my problem first?"

Bian Heng rolled his eyes at Zhang Tie before saying straightforwardly, "Your guts, meridians, veins, organs, skeletons and muscles are pretty good. You don't have any health problem. Now that you said you have some problem, it must be related to cultivation. I cannot see it by eyes…"

Bian Heng the Yama was indeed something. Unimaginably, Bian Heng had already known that Zhang Tie had no health problem and only had some problem concerning cultivation the moment he took a look at Zhang Tie. Zhang Tie admired him so much.

"Great! Great! Senior, I really admire your perception…" Zhang Tie complimented Bian Heng sincerely.

"Look, listen, ask and touch are the basic skills of a doctor. If one gets sick, it could be judged from his look. As for the average diseases, as long as I take a look at the patient, I would know it. Only charlatans don't know people's health problems even in every means he could…" Bian Heng waved his hand casually. After that, he waved his hand towards Zhang Tie, saying, "Come over here, I need to touch your pulse…"

Zhang Tie moved closer to him and reached out his hand. He just stood there instead of sitting down. Bian Heng put three fingers on Zhang Tie's wrist…

Zhang Tie had shown his sincerity. If Bian Heng wanted to know more secrets, of course, he needed to show his marvelous diagnostic skill to Zhang Tie. Just like how traders should check goods first before bargaining about the price. Otherwise, it was just tantamount to wasting time.

Bian Heng's fingers felt a bit cold. When Bian Heng put his fingers on Zhang Tie's wrist, Zhang Tie felt warm and special energy entering his meridians from Bian Heng's fingers. In less than 1 second, the special energy had already reached over Zhang Tie's body like a drop of ink falling in a water vat and a fishing net being spread.

Bian Heng raised a finger as he knocked it on Zhang Tie's pulse once. Zhang Tie immediately felt his surging points all over rocking once which appeared responding to Bian Heng's knock and resonating to the special energy.

Closely after that, Bian Heng's hand quivered once as his eyes shone and opened widely like seeing a ghost with deep shock and surprise.

Zhang Tie didn't know what Bian Heng got as he asked the latter calmly, "Senior, did you check out the problem?"

Bian Heng still watched Zhang Tie with his little eyes silently. At the same time, he waved his hand while an invisible strong qi shut all the doors of the room. Meanwhile, the soundproof block of the room was also activated. As a result, this parlor became a secret place where nobody else could eavesdrop their talk.

"You… you were not born in Motian Realm?"

"Senior, what do you mean?"

"All the people have lit up all of their surging points on their spine when they came to this world. Those surging points carry congenital vigor. However, the surging points on your spine were lit up after you were born. Of course, you were not born in Motian Realm…"

Zhang Tie continued to pretend to be innocent as he asked, "Senior, don't you feel it too assertive to make such a conclusion only given this point? What if I have a special physique?"

"Nonsense…" Bian Heng directly swore at him, spraying his saliva towards Zhang Tie, "If not have lit up their surging points and have strong vigor when they were fetuses, they could never absorb qi and blood from their mothers. This goes against the heavenly laws. Therefore, they would definitely have died before they came to this world, not to mention grow up like you…" After saying that, Bian Heng looked a bit composed as he squinted at Zhang Tie, adding, "Additionally, the qi core in your qi sea had been struck and was almost detonated. Across Motian Realm, only Versatile Demon Emperor's Demon-Kill Skill could cause this effect. How did you survive the demon emperor's fatal skill? Who the hell are you?"

Chapter 1820: A Weirdo

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Zhang Tie had not imagined that Bian Heng could find out so many of his secrets only after touching his pulse.

'This Bian Heng the Yama is really something.'

As Bian Heng could see through the seriousness of his injury, Zhang Tie was thrilled at once.

On this occasion, Zhang Tie was not afraid that Bian Heng knew his background. If Bian Heng didn't know that, it would take him some time to explain it to him; additionally, he might have made a futile trip.

As for some secrets, even Versatile Demon Emperor who was the most dangerous to Zhang Tie had known them, Zhang Tie didn't feel unacceptable that more people knew them.

"Now that you've known that I was injured by Versatile Demon Emperor, you should know that Versatile Demon Emperor and I are not on the same boat. I would not do any harm to humans; nor would I make troubles in Tigerback Mountain…" Zhang Tie said as he watched Bian Heng calmly, "As for my true name, due to some reason, in case of bringing trouble to you, I don't want to reveal it. You can call me Jin Wu!"

Now that Zhang Tie wanted Bian Heng to help him recover his qi sea, he should establish the basic trust with Bian Heng. Therefore, Zhang Tie tried his best to not cheat Bian Heng. As for those secrets that he couldn't expose, he didn't say them. Zhang Tie didn't believe that Bian Heng knew that he was the incumbent Dragon Emperor Zhang Tie.

"Jin Wu?" Pondering his name, Bian Heng couldn't help standing up from his chair, circling Zhang Tie for a short while and glancing over him from head to toe with shiny eyes as if he was watching a rare animal, asking, "Do you really come from another world?"

Zhang Tie almost showed the white of his eyes as he replied, "Didn't you know that after touching my pulse?"

"Unbelievable, unbelievable, unbelievable…" Bian Heng muttered out of excitement. Then, he gradually recovered his composure, saying, "Previously, I've only heard that someone could enter Motian Realm from another world. Unexpectedly, I am seeing a living man from another world who had even survived the fatal strike of Versatile Demon Emperor!"

"What? Someone had entered Motian Realm from another world before?" Zhang Tie asked out of curiosity.

"Yea, of course. But it's rare. There're many legends about such kind of people in the history of Motian Realm. One or two people would enter Motian Realm out of some reason in each thousand of years or tens of thousands of years. However, all the people who entered Motian Realm from another world were emaciated and couldn't live long. None of them had ever cultivated. Even though they entered Motian Realm, they would die soon. The latest alien came to Motian Realm, according to my knowledge, over 1,000 years ago. He died only after living in Motian Realm for a few years…"

"Oh, I see!"

'Previously, I wondered why Versatile Demon Emperor soon accepted the fact that I came from another world. It turns out that I'm not the first one who has come to Motian Realm from another world. It's comprehensible. Perhaps there are many space cracks like that above Yinhai Desert in the world where I came from.'

'In the long course of history, some people might be sucked into the space crack and come to Motian Realm coincidentally. It's also recorded in the books before the catastrophe that I've read. As humans' ability to explore space and nature increases, some planes and ferries would always disappear in some bizarre places or coincidentally enter open space cracks. Then, one or two of them would come to Motian Realm. It's nothing strange at all. However, those lucky dogs didn't have my ability; nor were they cultivators; therefore, they might not be able to adapt to the environment here.'

"For how long have you been here?��� Bian Heng asked Zhang Tie with strong interest.

"A few years!"

"Are there many people in your world?"

"Many, many people. Our population is dozens of times greater than that in Moitan Realm…"

"Is it large?"

"Large, very large. It's endless and contains numerous planets and galaxies. Nobody knows how large it is precisely."

Bian Heng asked Zhang Tie about his world like a journalist out of great curiosity. Zhang Tie could understand Bian Heng's feeling. Therefore, he just answered him patiently. If it were him who encountered an "alien", Zhang Tie might also ask him various questions out of curiosity.

"None of those people who came to Motian Realm had any cultivation at all. Why are you different than them? Do you come from the same place?"

"I've not seen those people whom you've mentioned. Therefore, I don't know whether we're from the same world or not. Did the one you mentioned come to Motian Realm over 1,000 years ago?"

Bian Heng tilted his head and thought for a short while before answering, "I've read some information about him. I remember that guy said that people in the world where he came from could produce various strange machines. Some machines could fly in the air; some could swim in the water; some could run on the ground. They were pretty emaciated and didn't know cultivation at all. However, he said that their most powerful weapon could easily destroy 100 cities. I feel it's exaggerated. Even though immortal battle formation-breaking thunder is not that destructive. How could those emaciated people control such a powerful weapon?"

Zhang Tie didn't explain the concept of civilization development to Bian Heng at all; nor did he feel like comparing the differences between the two worlds; because he couldn't figure out these things at all. Additionally, it happened thousands of years ago and could absolutely be taken as a story or myth. 'I'm not an old scholar. It's useless for me to study them. I only need to live well now.'

"You mean, that man who came to Motian Realm over 1,000 years ago was from the same world as me. The weapons that he mentioned indeed have existed. However, later on, due to a sharp change in that world, those weapons became useless. Therefore, everyone is thinking about being stronger and paying more attention to cultivation so as to survive themselves!"

"Oh, I see!"

"Are there demons in your world?"

"Yes, many. When I came to Motian Realm, humans and demons are fighting in my world!"

"Can… you come back?"

"Even immortal-emperor level powers couldn't do it, not to mention me!" Zhang Tie refuted.

"It seems that the legend is true!" Bian Heng sighed all of a sudden.

"What legend?"

"This legend has been spread in Motian Realm for tens of thousands of years. It's said that Motian Realm was connected to another world. Due to the wars between deities, the two worlds were separated!" Bian Heng suddenly gazed at Zhang Tie as he asked, "Why does Versatile Demon Emperor want to kill you?"

With a smile, Zhang Tie replied briefly, "Because I want to kill him. He felt my threat and wanted to kill me. Previously I should have been dead; unexpectedly the God didn't want me to die so fast. Therefore, due to an accident, I survived the fatal strike of Versatile Demon Emperor fortunately."

"You really have guts!" Bain Heng instantly thumbed up as he spoke highly of Zhang Tie, "It's the first time to hear someone wants to kill Versatile Demon Emperor!"

"Pitifully, I cannot do it anymore. According to you, I was struck by Versatile Demon Emperor's Heavens-breaking fatal skill. I'm almost like a crippled person. That's why I came here for you!"

"Who said you couldn't. Hehheh, if you're dead, I indeed couldn't cure you; as long as you're alive, I promise I could help you recover your qi sea." Bian Heng said pleasantly as he patted his chest.

"Senior, you could help me recover my qi sea?" Zhang Tie became spirited as he realized that his honest communication with Bian Heng had worked.

"Of course, Versatile Demon Emperor's means were unusual; of course, ordinary means couldn't work; however, as long as you could bear hardships, I will be able to cure your disease!"

"Thank you so much, senior!" Zhang Tie appreciated Bian Heng as he felt relieving a deep burden.

"But…" Bian Heng started to glance over Zhang Tie again as he reiterated his classic words, "You know my rule. I never help people without benefit!"

"Senior, what do you want?" Zhang Tie asked Bian Heng calmly.

"My request is simple…" Bian Heng smirked as he added, "As long as you agree to be my disciple, of course, I will not ignore your disease as your master!"

Zhang Tie became shortly stunned. After recovering his composure, he said, "Thanks for your favor, senior; but I don't know nothing about medical science; nor do I have any talent…"

Bian Heng waved his hand generously as he said, "It doesn't matter. I don't care whether my disciples know medical science or not; no matter what, they don't know it better than me. Someone would be arrogant after knowing a bit; as a result, they won't learn from me seriously!"

When Zhang Tie recalled Zhao Yuan's face, Zhang Tie shook his head again. "I've already got a master. If I admit you as my master, it would be a great mistake."

"You've already got a master?" Bian Heng asked Zhang Tie as he blinked his little eyes.


"That would be tricky. If you deceive your master, even heavens and earth couldn't tolerate that!" Bian Heng muttered as he paced to and fro in the room, scratching his messy hair with a pretty fretful look.

"Senior, why do you favor me?" Zhang Tie shrugged as he asked Bian Heng.

Blowing his beard, Bian Heng stared at Zhang Tie, saying, "If you become my disciple, I would be the first one in Motian Realm who could accept an alien as my disciple. Even Force Emperor, Star Emperor, Rune Emperor, Emperor NvWa and Dragon Emperor couldn't match me. I think you're fortunate. When you become famous in this world, I would become famous too. I would win greater reputation than Force Emperor, Star Emperor, Rune Emperor, Emperor NvWa and Dragon Emperor. If so, they would never be that arrogant in front of me anymore…"

Zhang Tie goggled out his eyes. However, after thinking about it carefully, Zhang Tie felt it was a bit reasonable. Perhaps a person like Bian Heng was pursuing a different realm than that of ordinary people.

"Haha, it's easy. Now that I cannot become your disciple, I could become your sworn brother. By then, you will be my elder brother. If I become well-known in the future, you would be the first one who had admitted an alien as your sworn younger brother in Motian Realm; you could also become famous forever. By then, your reputation could also be greater than that of Force Emperor, Star Emperor, Rune Emperor, Emperor NvWa and Dragon Emperor…"

Zhang Tie was joking as he wanted to see whether Bian Heng was lying or not. Unexpectedly, after hearing Zhang Tie's suggestion, Bian Heng became still at a stroke. Closely after that, he knocked his forehead forcefully with a thrilled look, saying, "That's a good idea. Why didn't I think about it…" However, in the blink of an eye, Bian Heng had changed his face as he hurriedly shook his head, adding, "No, no, it's not proper. In that way, your dad would become my dad; your mom would become my mom. When I touched your pulse, I found your bone age is not long, your parents' age must not be old. How could I admit two younger aliens as my parents? That would be a great shame! No, we can never do that…"

Chapter 1821: Butler

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Hearing Bai Heng's words and watching him shake his head constantly, Zhang Tie almost burst into laughter.

"Senior, what do you want? How about gifting you something like the others do as your compensation!"

Raising his head, Bian Heng watched Zhang Tie arrogantly, saying, "I have all kinds of things. I've been fed up with human-level immortal outfits. I don't even treasure average earth-level immortal outfits. Rarities are almost meaningless for me. As long as I ask for them, a lot of people would queue up to gift them to me. I don't think you could gift me Nine Heavens Immortal Spring and 10 billion population so that I could promote to an immortal emperor!"

Zhang Tie became helpless as he shrugged, "What do you want then, senior?"

"Let me think about it. Let me think about it. Coincidentally, I met you. I could never waste this opportunity…" Bian Heng continued to pace to and fro in front of Zhang Tie as he took a look at Zhang Tie every once a while. Given his look, he might have determined to make full use of Zhang Tie.

Zhang Tie could only wait aside as he also wondered about Bian Heng the Yama's solution.

After a few minutes of walk, Bian Heng suddenly patted his head as he became thrilled. Closely after that, he turned around and squinted at Zhang Tie in a bit obscene way, causing Zhang Tie's butt to shrink at a stroke.

"Ahem, ahem… erm… what could you do?"

"Senior, you mean what jobs could I do?" Zhang Tie asked him while pointing at his own nose.

"Cut the crap!"

Scratching his head, Zhang Tie replied, "I could do a lot of jobs. I cannot list them all. Senior, which job are you referring to?"

"Can you be a butler?"

"Butler?" Zhang Tie was shocked as he thought he had misheard it. "Senior, do you want me to be your butler and help you cope with chores and do odd jobs…"

"Yes!" Bian Heng's face turned extremely vivid at once as if his eyebrows were dancing, saying, "I've thought it through. Disciple or sworn brother couldn't match this way. Think about it. If you're my butler, when you become famous and powerful in the future, you're still my butler and should still call me master and do chores and odd jobs for me. Isn't it better than being my disciple and sworn brother? If so, I would be more well-known than Force Emperor, Star Emperor, Rune Emperor, Emperor NvWa and Dragon Emperor. They would not look that arrogant in front of me any longer…"

Zhang Tie became speechless. Previously he had heard a saying——patients with mental disorder always have train of thoughts. He could really not understand what Bian Heng was thinking about.

"Senior, why do you think that I will have a bright future?"

"Nonsense, you're just a wind immortal general; however, you escaped away from Versatile Demon Emperor. Even I couldn't ensure that I would make it. How could such a person not have a bright future?" Bian Heng said as he took a glance at Zhang Tie with a bit jealousy and admiration, adding, "Additionally, your spiritual energy has already been real and as surging as an ocean. It's the most powerful spiritual energy that I've ever seen. Even my spiritual energy couldn't match yours. Given this point alone, I know that you have the confidence and trump card to have a bright future even if your qi sea is empty now. How could you be unknown in Motian Realm? Do you think I'm blind?"

Watching Zhang Tie slightly changing his face, Bian Heng continued with a bit arrogance, "Don't worry. Only I know your situation. Even if we couldn't make an agreement, I would never leak this information to anybody else. I always have great medical ethics. Although I'm greedy, I always keep my word. I never leak any information about my patients to the public. You could ask about it outside!"

"Of course, I believe in you, senior!" Zhang Tie became slightly reassured as he heaved a deep sigh. Bian Heng was really something. Although Zhang Tie had prepared for it mentally, as long as he thought that he had exposed so many secrets the moment Bian Heng touched his pulse, Zhang Tie would feel a bit intense. "Senior, for how long do you want me to serve you?"

"How long? Heh heh, of course, for the rest of your life. As long as you're still alive, you will serve me as my butler. It would be meaningless if you only serve me a couple of years or dozens of years…"

Bian Heng's words startled Zhang Tie at a stroke. 'F*ck, given his words, I have to sell myself to him.' Zhang Tie finally understood why he was called Bian Heng the Yama. 'This guy is too sinister and greedy…'

"No. No way…" Zhang Tie hurriedly shook his head decisively.

"I've not finished my words…" Bian Heng shrugged with a pleasant look as he added, "Nominally, you need to serve me for the rest of your life and we need to sign a bloody pledge. However, I would not let you do chores. White Dragon Gulf was close to Tiger Back Mountain. It's a fishing ground gifted by Emperor NvWa's Palace. I've not cared about that place at all. As my butler, you will be responsible for that fishing ground. No matter what, you will take care of it, I will not intervene with your freedom. You could do whatever you want. I will not let you do other jobs. After you recover your qi sea, you could leave there too. But nominally you're responsible for that fishing ground on behalf of me. How about that? Additionally, after becoming my butler, you shall call me master wherever you're and whatever your identity is…"

'Are you serious?' Zhang Tie was a bit moved as he wouldn't suffer any loss. Additionally, it was not shameful for him to be a butler of Bian Heng the Yama. Perhaps in many people's opinions, it was even a great glory to strike up an acquaintance with Bian Heng. 'I only need to call him master. It's not a big deal. I have even become a flesh bag at the beginning, am I afraid of this? Furthermore, if Bian Heng could really cure me, it's not a big deal for me to call him master publicly…

But Zhang Tie had one more question…

"Senior, why do you believe in me so much. What if you regretted it?"

"Hehhehheh, do you want to know why I believe in you so much?"

Zhang Tie nodded.

Bian Heng replied with a mysterious smile, "Because I know you've not told a single lie since I entered this parlor. Of course, I believe in you. If you've told even one lie, I would have asked for more conditions to cure you…"

After hearing Bian Heng's words, Zhang Tie's heart raced as he was indeed not telling any lies just now. 'But how did Bian Heng know that?'

Zhang Tie glanced over Bian Heng. Finally, he caught sight of a bizarre finger ring on Bian Heng's finger. Zhang Tie slightly squinted his eyes, 'Is it…'

"Hahaha, although this finger ring is bizarre, it's not as marvelous as you imagine. Stop guessing about it. After all, as long as someone is telling a lie in front of me, I will know it…" Bian Heng replied as he watched Zhang Tie, asking, "How do you feel about my condition?"

"Well, I agree!" Zhang Tie nodded.

Bian Heng then burst out laughing…

Chapter 1822: The No. 7 Figure

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

The bloody pledge was prepared quickly. When Bian Heng let his old servant took the bloody pledge, Zhang Tie even doubted that Bian Heng always blackmailed his patients in this way.

The process of the so-called bloody pledge was similar to that he made when he joined Dragon Emperor Immortal Palace. The only difference was that this token, being used for the bloody pledge, was a little crystal dragon while the contract was a bizarre piece of semi-transparent paper being covered with dense runes.

Bian Heng soon wrote rows of words on the contract by cinnabar which gave out bizarre light. It was an employment contract. After writing it, Bian Heng cut his own thumb slightly and pressed his fingerprint on it before passing it to Zhang Tie.

After taking the bloody contract, Zhang Tie read it seriously. The contents of this bloody contrast mainly contained the following four contents, which specified the relationship between him and Bian Heng.

——From today on, the employee (hereafter refer to Zhang Tie) would become the butler of Tigerback Mountain. He couldn't pose to resign for the rest of his life. As long as Zhang Tie is alive, he would be the butler of Tigerback Mountain.

——Zhang Tie is responsible for the fishing ground in Whitedragon Gulf of Tigerback Mountain. Bian Heng the employer doesn't make any requirement on the management of the fishing ground. Everything regarding the fishing ground will be determined by Zhang Tie. Additionally, Bian Heng shall not delegate other tasks and affairs to Zhang Tie. Zhang Tie enjoys the freedom of movement.

——As for compensation, Bian Heng agrees to help Zhang Tie recover his qi sea in one year. If Bian Heng couldn't do it, this bloody contract would be null and void.

——Both parties shall keep secret for this bloody contract.

"Do you really need one year to help me recover my qi sea?" Zhang Tie asked Bian Heng as he took the bloody contract.

"Humph, it's already the least period of time. If anyone else could help you recover your qi sea in one decade, that person would almost have no rivals in Motian Realm. If someone across Motian Realm could help you recover your qi sea, I would even call you master instead of making you my butler!" Bian Heng said confidently as he raised his head.

'Alright, just make it one year. It's neither long nor short. If he could really eliminate the trauma left by the demon emperor in one year, It shall be something. Many knights would suffer their traumas and sequels for dozens of years.'

Zhang Tie then left his bloody fingerprint on the contract, too.

Soon after that, the contract had given out strong red light while numerous runes were traveling across it. Closely after that, it burned up and disappeared. At the same time, two bean-sized runes flew into the central foreheads of Zhang Tie and Bian Heng respectively with a bit glow just like that when he promised to join Dragon Emperor Immortal Palace.

"My respects to you, master…" Zhang Tie cupped his hands towards Bian Heng as he said with a smile without feeling embarrassed at all. As for Zhang Tie, a master was just like a boss or a general manager. It was just a polite appellation. By calling Bian Heng master, he would not suffer any loss. After signing the bloody pledge, Bian Heng would get his reputation as Zhang Tie would recover his qi sea. They just took what they needed.

"Hahaha, from now on, you will be my butler of Whitedragon Gulf…" Bian Heng said happily as he burst into laughter, watching Zhang Tie.

"Err… master, when will you help me recover my qi sea?"

"Don't be anxious. It's a bit complex. I need to prepare something. Three days later, we could start medical treatment. You should get familiar with Tigerback Mountain first in case of laughingstocks.' Bian Heng said. Closely after that, he waved his hand and the gate of the parlor opened. The old man who took Zhang Tie up here just now entered again as he bowed towards Bian Heng.

"This is Qin Mu, my old slave, also the general manager of Tigerback Mountain. He's been following me for hundreds of years. When I'm not around, you could tell him if you need something…" Bian Heng told Zhang Tie as he pointed at the old man; closely after that, he pointed at Zhang Tie and told the old man, "This is Jin Wu. From now on, he would be the butler of Tigerback Mountain. He's only responsible for me. He's in charge of the entire fishing ground of Whitedragon Gulf. From now on, he could access to Tigerback Mountain freely. After a while, take him to see the other people on the mountain. Don't forget to give him an ID card…"

"General Manager Qin, nice to meet you!" Zhang Tie greeted the old man with a smile.

The old man appeared having been used to see butlers of Tigerback Mountain. He just nodded towards Zhang Tie silently as he looked a bit kind.

"Oh, I remember there's a courtyard in Whitedragon Gulf." Bian Heng asked Qin Mu as he scratched his head.

"Yes, owner, Tideviewing Courtyard is at the seaside near the foot of Tigerback Mountain. It's close to Whitedragon Gulf, you've not been there for many years…"

"Is it still habitable?"

"I always have people clean it; it's still habitable!"

"Good!" Bian Heng then watched Zhang Tie as he said, "After a short while, let Qin Mu take you to Tideviewing Courtyard. You can live in there. A couple of days ago, I will treat you in that courtyard. As it's close to the ocean, it's convenient…"

Zhang Tie nodded as he muttered inside, 'Why is it convenient for treatment because it's close to the ocean…'

After saying these words, Bian Heng left there hurriedly as he scratched his head, leaving Zhang Tie and Qin Mu alone…

After Bian Heng left there, Qin Mu watched Zhang Tie, saying, "Butler Jin, let me show you around the mountain. You need to meet someone…"

"Sure, thank you, General Manager Qin…"

Qin Mu nodded as he left the room, followed by Zhang Tie.

Qin Mu took Zhang Tie straight to the complex where many people were busy working. They then walked around that place as Qin Mu started to introduce important figures to Zhang Tie.

There were totally four important figures on Tigerback Mountain besides Bian Heng. As Bian Heng's four disciples, they were respectively responsible for managing herbal gardens, herbal medicine processing center, medicinal powder center and workers' dorms.

After walking around, Zhang Tie realized that he was the No. 7 figure in Tigerback Mountain. Of course, Bian Heng was ranked first in Tigerback Mountain. Under Bian Heng was General Manager Qin, then the four disciples of Bian Heng. Then, it came to Zhang Tie. Although there were many other people in the mountain, they were just doing odd jobs and were not even qualified to approach Bian Heng.

As for those people who did odd jobs across the mountain, Zhang Tie was told that they were all enrolled for learning medical science from Bian Heng through strict tests. Some of them were famous doctors across Motian Realm. When they came to the foot of Tigerback Mountain, they were told that Bian Heng posed very strict requirements on selecting his disciples. Therefore, they made an inferior choice to do odd jobs on Tigerback Mountain. As for them, as long as they could enter Tigerback Mountain, even if they just did odd jobs, they would also learn a lot that they couldn't get from other places being imperceptibly influenced by what they saw and heard. In the future, when they left Tigerback Mountain, as long as they publicized that they had stayed in Tigerback Mountain for a few years, their social status would surge immediately…

Noticing how those people who were doing odd jobs watched him with admiring looks, Zhang Tie didn't know whether he should cry or smile.

'Tigerback Mountain is really a sacred land for learning medical science across Motian Realm!'

After figuring out the position of Tigerback Mountain across Motian Realm, another whim occurred to Zhang Tie——Now that Versatile Demon Emperor knows that I'm still alive, does he know that I will come to Tigerback Mountain for medical treatment?

'As it's in Emperor NvWa City, although demons couldn't enter it, would those people being controlled by Golden-Soul Runed Virus like Si Dan enter it?'

Zhang Tie became vigilant at once…

Chapter 1823: Just Stay

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Tideviewing Courtyard was at the foot of Tigerback Mountain near Whitedragon Gulf. A path led straight to Tideviewing Courtyard from Bian Heng's residence on the mountain.

Being a small courtyard of five rooms, Tideviewing Courtyard was leaning against a mountain and facing the ocean. Being covered by a mangrove forest, it looked pretty tranquil. It was as large as Zhang Tie's courtyard in Apricotblossom Village. It was a silver sand beach over 300 m away from Tiderviewing Courtyard. Therefore, Zhang Tie could even hear surging waves in the courtyard.

With the guidance of General Butler Qin, Zhang Tie looked around Tiderviewing Courtyard as he felt pretty satisfied.

"This courtyard and the sandy beach are all behind Tigerback Mountain. Nobody else would come here. Previously, Tideviewing Courtyard was prepared for our master. When master visited here for the first time, he spoke highly of the scenery here; therefore, we built Tideviewing Courtyard for him. After it was completed, master lived in here for a couple of times. However, master has not been here for over 3 decades. Even so, there're still people taking care of this place. You won't lack anything here. Butler Jin, do you like it?"

Tideviewing Courtyard was filled with triangle plums, yellow oleanders and crape myrtles. When the sea wind blew by, the faint fragrance filled the entire courtyard. Additionally, the entire ground of this courtyard was full of shadows of flowers and trees. Zhang Tie realized that this was indeed a good residence for viewing tide, listening to the sound of billows and cultivating oneself…

With Qin Mu's guidance, Zhang Tie looked around the entire courtyard. When he found there was a high-level backroom for cultivation in this courtyard, Zhang Tie nodded inside. If such a courtyard was located in Tigerback Town, it would cost all the properties of ordinary people for one night.

"I like it. I like it pretty much. Thank you so much, General Butler Qin!"

"We provide 2 meals a day for free. Butler Jin, if you're hungry, you could go to the main courtyard or Tigerback Town. You could also cook food here. Given your identity, if you feel inconvenient to live here alone, you could recruit two servants to look after you. Your monthly compensation is 30 blue crystal coins, being exclusive to the reward of our master. Additionally, you should be responsible for the expenditure of employing your servants. As for grains, you could get them from the main courtyard or purchase them yourself…"

Qin Mu told Zhang Tie as if he had already absolutely treated Zhang Tie as a butler of Tigerback Mountain. Zhang Tie just listened to it.

"I will not invite any servant anymore. I feel free alone here. It's fine. I could take care of myself. I could cook food myself or eat in the town!"

"Good. Butler Jin, you will get your identification card tomorrow. Do you have any question?"

"Oh, I was told that our master had 8 disciples. But why I only saw 4 on the mountain?"

"Our master indeed has 8 disciples. The other 4 have already left the mountain, one in Star Emperor Immortal Palace; the other in Force Emperor Immortal Palace; one in Emperor NvWa's Palace as their employed elders respectively. The other one is traveling across the world…"

3 of his 4 disciples leaving the mountain had become the employed elders of those major emperor-level immortal palaces. Zhang Tie really felt speechless about their positions and abilities. Not until then did Zhang Tie realize why so many people were here for learning from him. As long as they could be employed by Bian Heng, they would reach their heydays sooner or later.

"Is there any more questions, Butler Jin?"

"No more, thanks, General Butler Qin…"

"Hmm, I gotta get going. Butler Jin, you could live in Tideviewing Courtyard first. Here's the key of Tideviewing Courtyard…" After giving the key to Zhang Tie, General Butler Qin left, leaving Zhang Tie alone.

Zhang Tie then came to a pavilion of Tideviewing Courtyard. Watching the sand beach and the shimmering sea level and listening to the billows every once in a while, Zhang Tie felt open-minded abruptly as he felt that fate was really marvelous. Yesterday, he had nothing to do with Tigerback Mountain; however, one day later, he had become the only butler of Tigerback Mountain besides the general butler.

Zhang Tie found that some fishing boats were catching fish on the sea level. They might be fishermen from Tigerback Town. Although they were catching fish in the private waters of Bian Heng, Zhang Tie didn't want to stop them at all. The title of the butler of the fishing ground was just an excuse that Zhang Tie used to settle down in Tigerback Mountain. Although this fishing ground belonged to Bian Heng, now that Bian Heng didn't care about it, Zhang Tie would not care about it either. Zhang Tie didn't even have an interest in the Emperor NvWa's City which covered such a large area, not to mention such a little fishing ground. Otherwise, Zhang Tie would not have left Dragon Emperor City.

Zhang Tie knew that Tang Mei must be in Tigerback Town. However, Zhang Tie didn't know how to help them. After all, they didn't lack money nor were in trouble. Additionally, it was out of Zhang Tie's ability to ask Bian Heng to save her.

Of course, Zhang Tie had a solution. For instance, if Zhang Tie gifted the two golden secret items to Bian Heng, he might enable Bian Heng to save her. However, it was too stupid if he determined to gift two golden secret items to Bian Heng and asked the latter to save this girl out of mercy whose face was still secret to him as he felt that he was destined to marry her. Perhaps such a silly plot only existed in novels of knights. In reality, such an event was neither rational nor sensible. Without a proper reason, he might even be mistaken as a playboy with evil intent.

'I shall not tell them about the fact that I've become the butler of Tigerback Mountain. After all, some secrets are involved in this case. Otherwise, they might think that I'm showing off in front of them, on which occasion, they would feel disgusting about me and I would not be able to help them successfully.'

'I could only figure out Tang Mei's disease first. When I become familiar with Bian Heng, I will find an opportunity to ask Bian Heng for the treatment. Given Bian Heng's ability, he might be able to save Tang Mei with only one sentence.

'The preoccupation is that I have to recover my qi sea as soon as possible so as to promote to a semi-sage level knight.'

After thinking it through, Zhang Tie settled down calmly.

Although Zhang Tie couldn't use his battle qi to light up his chakra and cultivate, he could still use his spiritual energy to cultivate various secret methods such as Mental Cultivation by Abacus or the Great Wilderness Sutra ; especially the secret method of gathering two special energies in the air using his spiritual energy to attack others…

All in all, Zhang Tie would never be free in the Tideviewing Courtyard.

On the second early morning, Qin Mu had already had people send Zhang Tie's identification card in Tigerback Mountain to him. Besides being his identification card, it could also be used to contact Qin Mun and Bian Heng for the sake of convenience.

Besides his identification card, Zhang Tie also got some sets of official uniforms in Tigerback Mountain. As the butler of Tigerbck Mountain, of course, he should not look poor.

Zhang Tie put away all the items. At noon, he left Tigerback Mountain for Tigerback Town…

After checking out the inn, Zhang Tie started to stroll around Tigerback Town.

When he separated from Tang Mei, Zhang Tie remembered their direction. Additionally, their uran carriage could be easily identified outside if they lived in an inn. Therefore, it was not difficult for Zhang Tie to find them…

Chapter 1824: Cancer

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

In the evening, Tigerback Town was full of drinkers accompanied by whistling. However, in the daytime, Tigerback Town was also very boisterous.

Those doctors who couldn't become Bian Heng's disciples and those patients stayed together for sure.

As for those doctors, now that they couldn't go up the hill for the time being, they preferred to help those patients and make some money so as to increase their medical skills and experience.

As for those patients, now that they couldn't get medical treatment from Bian Heng, they didn't refuse to see other doctors in Tigerback Town. Although there was not such a saying that two heads were better than one in Motian Realm, the common wisdom of doctors would bring confidence to patients more or less.

Therefore, a huge and vigorous medical service industry came into being across Tigerback Town besides so many inns.

There were many community clinics in the town. If those doctors wanted to diagnose patients, they could stay in any community clinic for free. Those patients could also causally choose clinics for medical treatment.

In community clinics, doctors and patients could move freely. Doctors could diagnose patients in any clinic. Patients could also choose their patients at their own will. The one who opened the clinics only asked for some room fee and tea fee from doctors.

In Tigerback Town, many counters in clinics were shared by more than one doctors. These doctors were all good friends. In normal times, they discussed medical skills. When they had patients, they would diagnose patients together. If they met any difficult and rare symptoms, they would communicate with each other for a possible solution.

In the daytime, the atmosphere in Tigerback Town was pretty good. Although Bian Heng didn't leave Tigerback Mountain, Bian Heng's disciples would go downhill by shifts and communicate with the doctors there about the symptoms and solutions. Zhang Tie felt that Tigerback Mountain and Tigerback Town were like a spontaneous university and an academy with a strong learning atmosphere respectively that gathered doctors from the other regions of Motian Realm, various patients and odd diseases. Bian Heng the No. 1 doctor of Motian Realm was like a president of the university.

Even those people that came to learn medical science in Tigerback Town couldn't enter Tigerback Mountain, as long as they learned diligently in Tigerback Town for a few years through communication with people of their kind and diagnosing patients, they could definitely acquire more knowledge here than anywhere else.

As for many patients here, even though they couldn't enter Tigerback Mountain, they might also meet doctors who could cure their diseases; especially some odd diseases which would be known by all the doctors in the town in a couple of days. Through communication and study, these doctors might get wise thoughts in their mind.

After taking a look around Tigerback Town, Zhang Tie even doubted that this atmosphere was what Bian Heng had expected. Although being eccentric, even a bit ruthless, Bian Heng was actually kind-hearted. Without Bian Heng's acquiescence, his disciples might not come to Tigerback Town to diagnose patients or communicate with doctors by shifts at all.

As Zhang Tie walked on the street and enjoyed the boisterous scene in the community clinics, he looked for the uran carriage of Tang Mei. Meanwhile, he was vigilant about dubious people in the town——Since Versatile Deon Emperor might know that he had come to Tigerback Mountain for medical treatment, Zhang Tie would never be careless about such a potential threat.

Even now, Zhang Tie still couldn't confirm whether Versatile Demon Emperor had assigned people here to kill him. Meanwhile, he didn't know whether the powerful defensive system of the city wall of Emperor NvWa City could discover the puppets being controlled by Golden-Soul Runed Virus. Therefore, Zhang Tie could only stay vigilant.

Zhang Tie estimated that Versatile Demon Emperor must assign the heads of the four branches of Dark Emperor Immortal Palace if possible as others couldn't kill Zhang Tie at all. Therefore, Zhang Tie only needed to pay attention to sage-level knights near Tigerback Mountain.

After traveling around Tigerback Town for quite a while, Zhang Tie didn't see any suspect; however, he found the uran carriage of Tang Mei in the stable outside the inn Safecome.

Zhang Tie was sure Tang Mei was inside. After taking a look at the inn, Zhang Tie was going to enter it. Unexpectedly, at the gate, Zhang Tie saw Aunt Wu coming out with a bamboo basket.

"Aunt Wu, what a coincidence! Do you live here?"

"Ah, Master Jin!" Aunt Wu became shortly stunned at the sight of Zhang Tie. Closely after that, Aunt Wu glanced at Zhang Tie's expensive robe; she became vigilant at once as she watched Zhang Tie as if he was a thief, "Master Jin, do you live nearby?"

Of course, Zhang Tie didn't live nearby. Meanwhile, he understood Aunt Wu's meaning——if you don't live nearby, what's your purpose here?

"Ahem, ahem… I don't live nearby. I'm especially here for Miss Tang!"

Aunt Wu's face turned cold at a stroke as she glanced at Zhang Tie from head to toe, saying coldly, "Miss Tang has left here just now. I'm going to buy food ingredients to cook a meal for her. Master, you'd better go back. You should know that Miss Tang has come here for medical treatment. She's physically unwell. Therefore, she doesn't receive any guests for the sake of her health. Master, please don't disturb Miss Bai."

Zhang Tie said with a smile, "If Miss Tang is not here, Aunt Wu also works!"

After hearing Zhang Tie's words, Aunt Wu's face flushed immediately out of fury as she lifted her bamboo basket and threw it onto Zhang Tie's head, revealing her vixenish temperament as a middle-aged woman. "Jerk, how dare you! When this mother fed someone, you were still in split pants. Go die…"

Aunt Wu immediately started to beat Zhang Tie by her bamboo basket at the gate of the inn.

Zhang Tie hurriedly dodged her.

Watching Aunt Wu's angry look, Zhang Tie felt muddle-headed. 'What have I done to her? Does she think that I want to… f*ck!'

Aunt Wu's movements aroused the attention of people on the roadside at once.

"Aunt Wu, you must have misunderstood me. I've got something to ask you…" Zhang Tie urged as he grasped Aunt Wu's bamboo basket.

After struggling a short while in vain, Aunt Wu watched Zhang Tie dubiously as she asked in an icy tone, "What do you want to ask…"

After taking a look around, Zhang Tie drew Aunt Wu to one side with a bamboo basket between them, saying, "I met Uncle Guan at the foot of Tigerback Mountain yesterday. However, Uncle Guan didn't seem too smooth yesterday. I want to ask about the disease of Miss Tang!"

Aunt Wu said with an unbelievable look, "It's none of your business. Don't think that I don't know what you're thinking about. You could never get any message about Miss Tang from me. You'd better give up…"

"After Uncle Guan left Tigerback Mountain yesterday, I found a job there. I could see Bian Heng. I just want to know Miss Tang's disease. If possible, I could ask Bian Heng about the medical treatment of Miss Tang's disease. Perhaps, Bian Heng's brief answer could safe Miss Tang…"

Aunt Wu became petrified as her face turned red and pale alternately. However, she was still suspicious about that. "You've found a job in Tigerback Mountain, is that true?"

"Of course!"

"But I heard all those who could enter Tigerback Mountain are elites, even the ones that do odd jobs there!" Aunt Wu asked Zhang Tie immediately vigilantly.

"I don't have any job on the mountain; precisely, I'm just responsible for taking care of the fishing ground. I couldn't even match those who do odd jobs in the mountain. I don't learn medical science; nor do I have any ability. Look at my clothes, it's delivered by the general butler of the mountain…" Zhang Tie said as he pointed at his clothes.

Aunt Wu finally believed in it as she became shameless at a stroke, "I'm sorry. Master Jin. Just now, I thought you were like those people before. Please forgive me… could you really see Bian Heng?���

"Hmm, I've already seen him yesterday. But it's rare. It depends. Bian Heng's temperament is a bit eccentric. I think I might get a chance to talk to him if I stay long in the mountain…"

Aunt Wu finally relaxed her vigilance as she sighed gloomily. "Miss is too poor. She's suffering from cancer. When she was young, she looked fine. However, after 18 years, her disease gradually aggravated. In the beginning, family members thought that it was just a common disease; later on, after seeing many doctors, we found out that she's suffering from cancer. All the doctors said that she wouldn't survive long. God really envies her good look and would take her away. Miss is kind since young. She doesn't even kill an ant. She's always kind-hearted for the sake of others. How could she suffer from such a severe disease…"

Aunt Wu said with a sorrowful look as her eyes turned a bit wet…

'Cancer?' It was Zhang Tie's first time to hear such a disease. With a slight frown, Zhang Tie asked, "I wonder about her symptoms when the disease shows effect…"

"When this cancer shows effect, Miss would feel fatigued all over and cough heavily. It would show effect almost once every day routinely. Previously, it lasted 20 minutes; recently, it has started to last longer and longer…"

"Hmm, I know. When I get an opportunity, I will ask Bian Heng about the medical treatment for Miss Tang!"

"Thank you so much, Master Jin!" Aunt Wu watched Zhang Tie appreciatively. Just now, she misunderstood Zhang Tie's intention. Now, she found that Zhang Tie was really just here for asking about the disease of Tang Mei. Nothing else! Therefore, aunt Wu then completely changed her feeling about Zhang Tie.

"Will Miss Tang leave Tigerback Town right now?"

"No, after leaving Tigerback Town, Miss will not have any hope anymore. Therefore, we would live here for long. In Tigerback Town, even if we couldn't see Bian Heng, we could also see other doctors. Maybe the other doctors could save her. We've already rented a courtyard in this inn…"

"Fine, I will inform you when I get some good news…" Zhang Tie said as he intended to leave.

"Ah, Master Jin, are you really going to leave? How about waiting here for a short while? I will buy some food ingredients to cook a meal. I'm afraid Miss will come back soon. Master Jin… just stay and have a meal with us…" Aunt Wu said as she watched Zhang Tie bashfully.

"Sorry to disturb you, Aunt Wu, I gotta get going…" Zhang Tie said as he waved his hand towards her, leaving Aunt Wu standing there alone, watching his back in a daze.

After a while, Aunt Wu slowly let out a sigh as she walked towards the nearby market with a bamboo basket…

Chapter 1825: The Start of Medical Treatment

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

After knowing the reason why Tang Mei came to Tigerback Mountain, Zhang Tie returned to Tideviewing Courtyard and settled down there, waiting for the first medical treatment.

To be honest, Zhang Tie didn't have a crush on Tang Mei; however, he felt that it was predestined for him to meet Tang Mei; now that he came to Tigerback Town with Tang Mei, he didn't feel anything wrong about giving favor to her. In many cases, even commoners would do that. Zhang Tie didn't feel noble doing that at all; of course, he didn't feel selfish or distant either.

After living in Tideviewing Courtyard for 2 days, on the noon of the third day, when Zhang Tie was in cultivation in his backroom, Bian Heng arrived as scheduled.

As the gate of Tideviewing Courtyard was closed from inside. After hearing Bian Heng's voice, Zhang Tie came out of the backroom and helped Bian Heng open the door.

Even after three days, Bian Heng was as unkempt as before. He didn't even change his clothes; instead, his clothes carried the smell of herbs. Additionally, he was carrying a wooden case.

"You're in cultivation?" Bian Heng asked as he glanced over Zhang Tie from head to toe.

"Would I just wait here if not cultivate?�� Zhang Tie replied as he let Bian Heng come in and closed the door. After taking look at that wooden case in Bian Heng's hand, Zhang Tie asked, "Can I receive medical treatment today?"

"Of course!" Bian Heng raised his head at once as he entered the room.

"Where do we do that?"


After entering the backroom, Bian Heng opened his wooden case and took out of a longan-sized fiery pill which smelt spicy and pungent from the first layer of the case before giving it to Zhang Tie, saying, "Take it…"

After taking a look at the pill, Zhang Tie instantly took it before asking Bian Heng, "What's this…"

"It's fiery-dragon qi-gathering pill that I've made. Its effect is over 100 times greater than that of ordinary qi-gathering pills. Ordinary people would feel as if their guts being burned like committing suicide; however, it's the best aiding medicament for you!" Bian Heng then squinted at Zhang Tie, adding, "You took it without demur. Aren't you afraid of being poisoned?"

"Hahaha, senior, if you're that kind of person, I must be blind!" Zhang Tie burst out into laughter as he continued, "The others said you're Yama; but after traveling around Tigerback Town for 2 days, I realized that you're merciful and kind but a bit weird in temperament. Senior, your arrangement around Tigerback Mountain is really saving people invisibly. You're really a life-giving spring breeze and rain. Even ordinary people could notice that…"

"Humph…" Bian Heng replied with a cold harrumph.

Bian Heng didn't care that Zhang Tie called him senior.

After taking the fiery-dragon qi-gathering pill, Zhang Tie instantly felt his lower abdomen burning. Gradually, Zhang Tie's skin started to turn red.

"Take off your pants and clothes and lie on the bed, face up…"

After hearing Bian Heng's words, Zhang Tie took off his clothes rapidly, only in a pair of short pants. Then he lay on the stone bed in the cultivation room, face up. Bian Heng then took out a bundle of cloth from the second layer of the wooden case. When Bian Heng spread over the bundle of cloth, Zhang Tie saw hundreds of dense fine needles in different colors and shapes.

Bian Heng took out a 20-cm long needle which was as thin as cattle's hair. After that, he lightly shook it, uttering a 'hum'. Like how a sharp sword came out of its sheath, the tip of the fine needle became intense and straight at once. Additionally, a bizarre light started to flow on it.

Closely after that, Bian Heng dabbed it into the Shrine surging point as fast as a lightning bolt. Although being a fine needle, Zhang Tie felt being stabbed by a dagger from his lower abdomen. Therefore, his face slightly turned pale.

"The process would be very painful. If you cannot stand it, just bite this…" Bian Heng suggested as he took out a piece of wood for biting and gave it to Zhang Tie.

"No need, I could stand it. Just do it at your will, senior…" Zhang Tie replied with a smile.

Bian Heng revealed a smile. "Let's see it. I've seen a lot of tough men in Motian Realm. My acupuncture skill was called heavens-fixing immortal needles. Less than one in a million people could stand 10 needles without a cry. Additionally, your injury was caused by Versatile Demon Emperor. If not suffered a lot, you could never recover. The process of setting needles is more painful than the strike. I thought you would have wailed just now…"

"I will show you how many needles could I stand…"

"Humph, I will see how long could you stand…" Bian Heng said before putting the piece of wood for biting to the head of the bed so that Zhang Tie could reach it by hand. Almost at the same time, he stabbed another needle into a surging point at Zhang Tie's chest.

It felt like a hot and red spike.

However, as Zhang Tie was ready for it, he didn't even change his face at all; instead, he just slightly frowned before recovering…

Bian Heng didn't know that this pain was not a big deal for Zhang Tie at all. Long ago, Zhang Tie had already experienced all kinds of unimaginable, overwhelming pains in his trouble-reappearance situations. Therefore, Zhang Tie's nerves, pains-resistant ability and physique had long been much greater than that of commoners.

As for Zhang Tie, this process was not more painful than being gulped down alive by a pack of wolves in trouble-reappearance situations.

In the beginning, Bian Heng thought that Zhang Tie just pretended to be something as he wanted to see how long could Zhang Tie's stand. However, as he set more and more needles, Bian Heng gradually changed his face. Bian Heng was aware of the sharp pain that each needle would bring to Zhang Tie. Some needles felt like being stabbed by saber; some felt scorching; some felt like being nibbled by tens of thousands of ants; some felt like being bone-broken and pulled out of tendons. He said that less than one of one million people could stand 10 needles without wail. He was not bragging…

However, after being stabbed 30 times, Zhang Tie still looked as normal as before even though he would frown a bit each time.

Watching Zhang Tie being covered with needles, even Bian Heng started to appreciate him as he said, "I finally know how you were able to survive the fatal strike of Versatile Demon Emperor. You have more lives than ordinary people…"

If Zhang Tie knew that Bian Heng had not spoken highly of anyone for dozens of years, Zhang Tie would be proud of being acclaimed by Bian Heng.

"Srrr…" With another stab, Zhang Tie felt numb and itchy across his upper half body as if numerous ants were climbing over there. Zhang Tie took in a deep breath. However, he soon recovered as he revealed a bitter smile. "My parents hope me to have more lives. How could I let them down…"

"Tell me about the world where you came from? Is it bizarre…" Bian Heng asked as he took a look at Zhang Tie. Closely after that, he set another needle.

Zhang Tie knew that Bian Heng wanted to transfer his attention and make him feel better through talking to him. Therefore Zhang Tie just asked Bian Heng straightforwardly, "Senior, what do you want to know?"

"What's the name of your country?"

"Taixia Country…"

"Taixia Country. Hmm… you must be special in your world!"

"Actually I was born in an average family. Previously, we lived in a small town. My dad worked in a factory. My mom made and sold rice brew. I did odd jobs in a grocery. The boss of the grocery was an iron cock…"

"What? Iron cock? Is that a legendary monster?" Bian Heng asked out of curiosity as he stopped his hands.

'Monster?' Zhang Tie almost burst into laughter. However, he frowned again unconsciously due to the splitting pains. Not until then did Zhang Tie realize that the term "Iron Cock" might be unknown to people in Motian Realm as he explained, "Iron cock is not a monster; it means that man is mean. I worked for him for a few years; however, that guy didn't pay me anything; he even made me a punching bag for others, I mean, a training partner of rich kids… srrr…"

"Iron cock, interesting, interesting. What an interesting term…" Bian Heng smacked his lip as he smirked. Closely after that, he set another needle. Zhang Tie's experience appeared arousing his resonance. Therefore, his eyes looked a bit tender…

"Senior, how did you become a doctor…" Zhang Tie asked Bian Heng.

"I don't know. All I remember is that I was adopted by an old guy. He said he picked me up. When I was 5 years old, he started to teach me. If I couldn't remember anything, I would be forbidden to eat. I was almost starved to death by that old guy for a few times…"

Bian Heng said with complaint. However, Zhang Tie could see that he was missing that period of time…

"Ah? I've not heard that you have a master, senior…"

Bian Heng sighed with emotion, "When I was in my 20's, the old guy gave me 2 books. Then he told me that he was going to look for Nine Heavens Immortal Spring in Mountain Ruins. However, he didn't come back since then…"

"Sigh, my master also behaved like that. Generally, my master and I only stayed together for a few days. When he appeared last time, he saved my life and taught me a secret method. Then, he said he was going to a dangerous place. From then on, I didn't receive his message anymore…"

As they chatted, Zhang Tie was gradually covered with over 100 needles like a hedgehog…

Chapter 1826: Burning

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

With over 100 needles over his body, Zhang Tie was like a hedgehog. However, it was not over yet. After doing that, Bian Heng started to brush over those needles like playing zither.

Those long needles seemed to be strings. Each of them was corresponding to a surging point or some meridian or an organ. When Bian Heng brushed over them, he would pass a special energy and battle qi to Zhang Tie's body through the long needles, causing the latter's surging points and meridians all over restless at once.

In Zhang Tie's eyes, Bian Heng was just brushing over the needles disorderly. At first glance, he was just like an innocent kid who didn't know how to play the piano casually. However, Zhang Tie felt his body, surging points and meridians were completely opened by Bian Heng's long needles like a safe being input code.

With Bian Heng's control, the strong heat from the fire-dragon qi-gathering pill started to travel across Zhang Tie's meridians and surging points in a marvelous order before gathering in Zhang Tie's qi sea repetitively…

The wisp of battle qi that Bian Heng injected into Zhang Tie's body appeared to be the battle qi of Aimei and Aixue which was especially used to nourish others' water and wood attributes; however, it was absolutely more advanced than the battle qi cultivated by Aimei and Aixue. After entering Zhang Tie's body, the battle qi could nourish and smoothen one's qi instead of destroying one's qi.

Only after half an hour, Bian Heng had oozed fine sweat, given which, Zhang Tie realized the medical treatment of the disease caused by Versatile Demon Emperor was not as easy as Bian Heng had said.

Zhang Tie was really shocked by Bian Heng's medical skill. Zhang Tie could only describe Bian Heng's secret method of heavens-fixing immortal needles as extremely skillful! Perhaps, this term was improper, it was Zhang Tie's true feeling at this moment.

In the circulation of that heat, Zhang Tie's qi sea almost caught fire as his surging points and meridians all over started to boil. Lying on the stone bed, Zhang Tie was steaming through his red skin like a red sweet tomato whose skin was peeled off. The temperature in the cultivation backroom also rose a few degrees due to the rise of Zhang Tie's body temperature. There seemed to be a furnace in the room.

The pain caused by internal combustion was too tortured. However, Zhang Tie just gritted his teeth and withstood it. Such a scorching feeling came from inside. Therefore, even though Zhang Tie had eaten so many fiery-lotus roots and was very resistant to fire and high temperature, it was still useless; because the fire came from Zhang Tie himself which burned internally. It was a sharp response of his battle qi to external stimulation; instead of being imposed externally.

Zhang Tie really felt like being burned as his surging points, meridians, blood, bones, battle qi even spiritual energy started to be restless under that special high temperature. Even those long needles on his body slowly turned hot and red…

Just now, Zhang Tie was talking to Bian Heng. At this moment, Zhang Tie could only withstand it at his full efforts. He even felt being burned into ashes in the next second.

After a few hours, Bian Heng suddenly thrust his hands in the air as over 100 long needles flew out of Zhang Tie's body at the same time before being caught by Bian Heng.

"Hurry, jump into the sea and stay inside. Only water could help you dissipate the heat. If you keep burning up in this way, there must be some problem with your mind sea and brain…" After saying that, Bian Heng wiped off the sweat drops on his forehead before adding, "Don't tell me that you cannot swim…"

At this moment, Zhang Tie felt that even the qi that he exhaled was going to burn; additionally, he started to feel dizzy. Zhang Tie didn't care whether the last sentence of Bian Heng was just a joke or not, soon after Bian Heng's words, Zhang Tie had sprung up from the bed as he strode out of the door of the cultivation backroom by one step. with the second step, Zhang Tie had jumped onto the roof; with the third step, Zhang Tie landed on the sand beach dozens of meters away; then, he sped up and rushed into the ocean, causing a white billow higher than 10 m, leaving shadows on the sand beach.

Zhang Tie was the king of ocean. It was not Zhang Tie's first time to jump into the ocean; however, he had never felt that icy seawater could be so comfortable.

Zhang Tie instantly swam thousands of meters forth the moment he entered the ocean. Closely after that, he reached dozens of meters deep so as to cool himself down.

It was as effective as using ice water to dissipated heat for a patient. Zhang Tie felt a bit cold and comfortable the moment he reached that depth as he gradually became sober-minded.

Although being in the water, Zhang Tie was like a hot and red soldering iron, causing bubbles and vapor near him…

At this moment, Bian Heng flashed over here. The seawater of Whitedragon Gulf was transparent; especially being close to the seashore. Even though Zhang Tie stayed dozens of meters deep in the water, he could also see blue sky, white clouds and Bian Heng. Meanwhile, Bian Heng could also see Zhang Tie who was staying in the water comfortably. He could even see clearly the fine sands and seaweeds below Zhang Tie and those swimming fish around Zhang Tie.

Watching Zhang Tie staying there so leisurely, Bian Heng finally became reassured. Although it was almost impossible for Zhang Tie to not able to swim, Bian Heng was afraid that Zhang Tie was not good at swimming and directly lost his consciousness due to scorching heat. If Zhang Tie was drowned here, it would be a laughingstock and harm Bian Heng's reputation.

"Hoho, you're really good at swimming. That's great!" Bian Heng spoke to Zhang Tie using his battle qi.

"I feel freer in water than on bank…" Zhang Tie replied secretly too. At the same time, Zhang Tie started to sit in water, legs crossed, revealing his superb swimming skill.

"Just stay in the water for a few more hours then. The heat won't completely dissipate until the sunrise. Therefore, you have to stay in seawater in this period of time.


"You could swim away from Emperor NvWa City through Whitedragon Gulf. You'd better not swim too far away though. Now that Versatile Demon Emperor wants to kill you, he will not give up. He couldn't enter Emperor NvWa City. With the territory of Tigerback Mountain, I could protect you; but if you swim out of my territory, it would be hard to say…"

"Thanks for your concern, senior, I will take care of myself…"

"Humph…" Bian Heng replied with a cold harrumph, "I just feel you're something as you could withstand so many needles without a cry. It would be pitiful if you die. Additionally, if you die here, you will ruin my reputation. Therefore, I warned you about that. When I cure your disease, if you really want to seek death, it's none of my business…"

After saying these words, Bian Heng flashed away, leaving Zhang Tie at the bottom of the sea.

Seeing Bian Heng off, Zhang Tie revealed a smile at the bottom of the sea as he knew Bian Heng was kind-hearted despite being ruthless superficially. If it was the first time for Bian Heng to meet Zhang Tie, he would never say that…

Chapter 1827: The Song of Ice and Fire

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

After Bian Heng left, Zhang Tie stayed at the bottom of the ocean alone, waiting for the heat to dissipate.

As long as he didn't lose his mind, Zhang Tie didn't worry about it at all. Additionally, Bian Heng told him to wait in the water until the sunrise. Even though he was requested to stay in the water for 10 more hours, Zhang Tie could only do that.

When Zhang Tie recalled Bian Heng's warning, he looked at southwest Whitedragon Gulf. With lotus-flower eyes, Zhang Tie saw the thousands of meters high city wall of Emperor NvWa City once again.

The city wall was directly built above sea level. Beneath the city wall was the heavenly-level gate of the western city wall of Emperor NvWa City. Being more than 7 miles in width, the heavenly-level gate formed a huge arch. Like an aperture of a cross-ocean bridge, seawater was surging in the heavenly-level gate and just reached half of the gate. Inside the heavenly-level gate was Whitedragon Gulf; outside the heavenly-level gate was Yaohai Ocean. Besides, some earthly-level gates and human-level gates were also beneath sea level…

Enormous seawater, numerous fish, people and ships could access to those huge portals. Because of the city wall, the entire Whitedragon Gulf looked especially tranquil and peaceful…

Of course, Zhang Tie didn't want to travel outside the gate. He just wanted to move to a deeper place where it would feel a bit more comfortable due to lower temperature.

The temperature of seawater where Zhang Tie was in was about 18 degrees Celsius. According to Zhang Tie's experience, the deeper it was, the cooler the water would be. On average, the temperature of seawater would drop 1-2 degrees Celsius in each 1,000 m deeper. Concretely, it varied with the concentration of salt in water and the longitude and latitude of the waters.

Whitedragon Gulf covered over 600 miles. Within 60 miles, Zhang Tie found the deepest place was over 10,000 m in depth. Of course, the deepest place was 10 degrees Celsius cooler than the place where he was now.

'It would feel more confortable over there!'

Zhang Tie then swam towards the deepest place as fast as a torpedo. It only took him a few minutes to finish half of the distance. Gradually, he reached over 3,000 m deeper as the surrounding water became increasingly cooler. Of course, Zhang Tie felt more and more comfortable.

All of a sudden, Zhang Tie stopped in the water. As a light flashed across his eyes, he hit his head by his hand forcefully.

——Sigh! Sigh! Did you lose your mind? If you want a lower temperature, why do you have to go to the bottom of the ocean? Did you forget that you're a divine dominator? As you're in the water, isn't it easy for you to lower the temperature of the surrounding water?

'After all, Bian Heng has already left there; additionally, I'm thousands of meters in depth. Even if I use my ability of divine dominator, it would not be discovered here.'

After looking around, Zhang Tie saw a mountain at the bottom of the sea not far from him. The mountain was covered with many oceanic plants. Additionally, there were some secret caves on the mountain. Shoals of fish were swimming over there. Zhang Tie then headed for a mountain cave.

It was an area of colorful corals outside the mountain cave. A patch of long green seaweeds was swaying with seawater above the mountain cave and covered the entrance. The entrance was over 10 m high. The mountain cave was dozens of meters in depth. It was vigorous here. Fish were swimming around in the corals and the mountain cave, making it an aquatic museum.

Coincidentally, there was a smooth egg-sized boulder in the cave which was as large as a car. Zhang Tie came to the surface of the boulder before crossing his legs over there. At the same time, he ran his spiritual energy, cooling down the surrounding seawater in a split second as a piece of 30-cm thick ice surrounded Zhang Tie like a huge cocoon.

It felt pretty nice just like drinking a bowl of icy, sweet-sour plum infusion in the hot days.

Another whim occurred to Zhang Tie——if the solid ice could flow, it would definitely bring me a better effect of heat dissipation and feel better.

Zhang Tie then ran his spiritual energy again. Besides the ability to control water, Zhang Tie even used the ability to control wind. In an instant, the 30 cm thick ice around Zhang Tie broke into ice liquid as it started to flow around Zhang Tie. Zhang Tie felt more comfortable at a stroke.

After 2 minutes' comfortable experience, another whim occurred to him——the ice is zero degree Celsius; I wonder whether it would feel more comfortable at a lower temperature.

Zhang Tie then ran his spiritual energy instantly as the icy fluid surrounding him started to become cooler.

Minus 2 degrees Celsius, minus 4 degrees Celsius… minus 8 degrees Celsius, minus 10 degrees Celsius, minus 20 degrees Celsius… minus 40 degrees Celsius…minus 60 degrees Celsius…

When the icy liquid declined to a degree Celsius below minus 60 degrees Celsius, Zhang Tie suddenly felt that the scorching heat inside his body and the icy liquid around him reached a perfect equilibrium. He didn't feel cold or hot anymore; instead, he just felt bathing in warm water, being airy all over. Additionally, he felt extremely comfortable. As a result, Zhang Tie almost started to groan due to excitement.

When Zhang Tie tried to decline one more degree Celsius, the perfect equilibrium was broken in a split second as the airy feeling disappeared. When it returned back to the equilibrium, he got the airy feeling back.

Zhang Tie didn't know why. However, it should not be bad for him to feel good at this moment. Therefore, Zhang Tie continued to immerse himself in this icy fluid at such temperature so as to maintain that airy and comfortable feeling…

With such a marvelous feeling, Zhang Tie gradually forgot about himself and the surroundings as if he had fallen asleep…

All of a sudden, a cold feeling woke Zhang Tie up.

After waking up, Zhang Tie found that the heat in his body had started to dissipate. Therefore, he felt cold at a stroke.

After taking a look upward, Zhang Tie found that a red sun had just risen. He couldn't imagine that more than 10 hours had already passed, just like how he became absent-minded when attending the class of Miss Diana in the 7th National Middle School of Blackhot City.

Zhang Tie ran his spiritual energy. In an instant, the icy fluid around him disappeared…

When Zhang Tie felt his qi sea, he became thrilled in a split second——there was a tiny sparkle.

Of course, this sparkle was dwarfed by the former hot sun in his qi sea. However, it brought Zhang Tie a hope for the recovery of his qi sea.

'He deserves his honor!'

When Zhang Tie became thrilled, he heard his belly sing…

Touching his belly, Zhang Tie felt very hungry as if he had been starved for half a month.

Zhang Tie revealed a brilliant smile. Closely after that, he came out of the mountain cave and shot towards the bank as fast a lightning bolt…

Chapter 1828: A Super Surprise

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

"Eh…" Bian Heng knitted his eyebrows at once the moment he put his fingers on Zhang Tie's pulse. Closely after that, he took a look at Zhang Tie out of curiosity.

It was June 30, the 3586th year of Emperor NvWa's Calendar. Bian Heng had started the first medical treatment for Zhang Tie in Tideviewing Courtyard since June 24th. It was already the 3rd medical treatment.

The first two medical treatments were very smooth. Bian Heng visited here at noon once every three days. After that, he let Zhang Tie take a bath in the ocean so as to dissipate his heat. Zhang Tie just did accordingly. After taking a bath in the ocean, he would return to Tideviewing Courtyard and change his clothes before having a big meal in Tigerback Mountain. After that, he would go back to his courtyard and continue to improve his spiritual energy or cultivate* Great Wilderness Sutra*. When he felt bored, he would take a walk at the seaside or climb the mountain to enjoy the mountainscape. When he became spirited, he would take off his clothes and rush into the ocean before having a free swim and enjoying the bizarre scenery at the bottom of the ocean.

Besides a bit of suffering in medical treatment, Zhang Tie felt pretty nice. He didn't need to pay anything to secular affairs; instead, he only focused on cultivation and recovery. During these days in Tideviewing Courtyard, Zhang Tie felt like having a vacation. He had not been so relaxed since he came to Motian Realm.

"Is that okay?" Zhang Tie asked Bian Heng with a bit concern when he heard Bian Heng's exclamation and watched his strange look.

In the previous two times, he bathed in the super-low icy fluid. However, at this moment, Zhang Tie started to worry about the side effect of his decision.

"You're okay!" Bian Heng replied as he shook his head and took a look at Zhang Tie out of admiration, "I've not imagined that you could recover so fast. You would receive medical treatment in every 2 days!"

"Ah? Isn't it 3 days a time? Why did you make it shorter?"

"Previously I felt we needed to fix the interval at 3 days; but given your unexpectedly fast recovery, we only need to make it 2 days…" Bian Heng said as he took out of a vial of fiery-dragon qi-gathering pill from the little wooden case and gave it to Zhang Tie.

"Let's make it 2 days then…" After being told that he was okay, Zhang Tie became reassured as he took the vial and poured one pill out of it. After that, he gulped it down and lay on the bed.

Bian Heng then took out of his set of long needles and prepared for the medical treatment. When the fiery-dragon qi-gathering pill started to take effect inside Zhang Tie's body, Zhang Tie's qi sea started to burn, Bian Heng inserted the first long needle into his shrine surging point in a split second.

Through the former two tests, Zhang Tie was becoming more and more resistant to the sharp pain caused by the long needle. As he had long prepared for the coming pain, Zhang Tie didn't even frown; instead, he started to chat with Bian Heng.

"Senior, your set of heavens-fixing immortal needles could really shock the heavens and cause deities and ghosts to wail. That's amazing…" After rolling his eyes, Zhang Tie started to flatter Bian Heng.

It was Bian Heng's first time to hear such an extolment. Therefore, he felt pleased. Additionally, it was Zhang Tie who flattered him. Therefore, Bian Heng replied with a slight harrumph which seemed to be his symbolic response. Although he appeared to have not heard it, he still revealed a bit pleasant look as he asked Zhang Tie reservedly, "Ahem, ahem… isn't there such a secret method in Taixia Country?"

"Of course not. Senior, your skill ranks first among humans even in the world I came from. Nobody could match you in medical skills…" Zhang Tie continued to flatter Bian Heng.

"Of course heavens-fixing immortal needles are unrivaled in the world!" Bian Heng replied as he raised his eyebrows arrogantly, revealing his true thoughts, "It was a top-secret skill left from far-ancient times. I got it from a secret region in Mountain Ruins. This set of needles are able to survive the dead with the marvels of the mother nature. Therefore, it's called heavens-fixing immortal needles. No secret skill could be named as heavens-fixing casually. If this set of immortal needles is not that great, how could I stabilize my position in Emperor NvWa's City?"

"It's said that cancer could be healed. Senior, given the marvelous effect of your heavens-fixing immortal needles, I wonder whether it could cure cancer or not?" Zhang Tie finally revealed his true thought…

"Although there's no drug for cancer, cancer could still be cured. But…" Bian Heng said. However, he instantly realized Zhang Tie's true thought as he turned around and fixated onto Zhang Tie with his little eyes, saying, "I've walked into your trap…"

Closely after the word "trap", Bian Heng had forcefully stabbed Zhang Tie with another long needle. Not knowing whether he was doing that on purpose, Zhang Tie felt many times more painful in a split second as he almost cried out. Meanwhile, his face turned dreadfully pale…

"Ah, senior, gentle…" Zhang Tie hurriedly shouted. It was not the right moment for him to pretend to be a tough man. "On the way here, I met a girl. She was suffering from cancer. The servants of the girl told me that there's no drug for cancer. Therefore, I asked you about that out of curiosity…"

Bian Heng revealed a sneer as he stabbed forcefully once more, causing Zhang Tie to wail poorly and exaggeratedly, "Humph, you're still arguing for that. I think you're fascinated by her beautiful look and want me to help you save her so that you could leave a good impression on her, right?"

"I'm wronged! I'm wronged! On the way here with that girl, I didn't even see her face. How could I be fascinated by her beautiful look…"

"Didn���t you come here together? How could you not see her face?"

"That girl always wore a veil. I really don't have a crush on her…"

"Oh, I see…" Bian Heng looked a bit better after knowing that Zhang Tie was telling the truth. At the same time, he injected the needles a bit gently. The former two needles caused Zhang Tie to ooze sweat heavily all over as his face turned dreadfully pale.

"Well, it's not a big deal for me to tell you about that. I could indeed cure her. Besides me, nobody else in Motian Realm could cure that disease. However, it would take me a lot of time to cure her. It would be more difficult for me to recover your qi sea. That girl is neither my friend nor my relative. Additionally, she and her family don't have the ability to let me help her. Therefore, she's not even qualified to go up the hill. I couldn't break my rule for a person who's nothing to do with me. There're so many people who're suffering from cancer in Motian Realm. If I spend time on saving her, how would I explain it if the others requested me to do the same time…"

Zhang Tie didn't refute Bian Heng as he understood him. It was already a big achievement for him to know that the girl could still be cured. As for whether Bian Heng could save her, it depended on Tang Mei's fate. As Zhang Tie was not Bian Heng; nor was he Tang Mei's friend or relative, he had already done as much as he could given that he got a hitchhike from her carriage.

"You're right, senior, nobody's life is more important than that of others. However, it would take you time and resources to cure her. It depends on her fate…" Zhang Tie said with a sigh.

The third medical treatment went smooth too. After a few hours, Bian Heng drew out those needles. Being scorching all over, Zhang Tie jumped out of Tideviewing Courtyard once again as he rushed into the ocean as fast as he could so as to lower his body temperature.

After entering the ocean, Zhang Tie came all the way to that secret cave at the bottom of the ocean where he continued to wrap himself with the super cold icy fluid. Not until the next morning when his body heat completely dissipated did Zhang Tie leisurely wake up.

It was already July 1st, when he could access to Castle of Blak Iron again…

The cave at the bottom of the ocean was pretty secret. Zhang Tie didn't return to Tideviewing Courtyard immediately; instead, he continued to stay in the cave and took out a crystal plate from the cave in order to contact Dragon Emperor Immortal Palace.

Dragon Emperor Immortal Palace was still cleaning up remains of Xia Yangming and Shi Zhongyu recently. All the others remained normal. However, Zhang Tie received a message——during these days when Zhang Tie was in Tigerback Mountain, Woods Medium-sized Domain was not peaceful. Dark Emperor Immortal Palace's force directly disappeared in Woods Medium-sized Domain. None of those remains of Si Clan who were wanted by Force Emperor Immortal Palace and Star Emperor Immortal Palace were caught; instead, the relationship between the people assigned by the two emperor-level immortal palaces to Woods Medium-sized Domain and Heavenly Sunshine Immortal Palace became intense. After Si Clan was destroyed, Woods Medium-sized Domain became a cake. In the name of victims, Force Emperor Immortal Palace and Star Emperor Immortal Palace were holding high the banner of cleaning up Dark Emperor Immortal Palace and annexing regions in Woods Medium-sized Domain. As a result, Heavenly Sunshine Immortal Palace which had long treated Woods Medium-sized Domain as its own region started to show its dissatisfaction…

After knowing all these, Zhang Tie only told those elders to continue to protect Dragon Emperor Immortal Palace.

The swirl of Dark Emperor Immortal Palace was involved with Versatile Demon Emperor. Therefore, Zhang Tie himself couldn't solve it. As a human and the incumbent Dragon Emperor, Zhang Tie felt that he had exerted his utmost efforts. He almost lost his life for that. The trauma caused by Versatile Demon Emperor had not recovered yet. If the human forces in Motian Realm continued to fight Dark Emperor Immortal Palace, the ones in the frontier should not be a wind immortal general like him but top powers like Star Emperor, Force Emperor and those powerful immortal palaces. Even emperors were not worried about that, not to mention him. Additionally, Versatile Demon Emperor might be waiting for him.

Therefore, the preoccupation for Zhang Tie was to recover his battle force. He only needed to watch the show aside.

After finishing contacting Dragon Emperor Immortal Palace, Zhang Tie heard his belly rumbling which sounded like a protest. Therefore, he immediately entered Castle of Black Iron where he prepared to have a big meal before taking fruits.

Soon after entering Castle of Black Iron and appearing in the lobby of the palace tree had he shouted, "Heller, hurry, prepare some food for me. I'm almost starved to death. The food and drinks on Tigerback Mountain could never match ours…"

"Castle Lord, welcome back. I've already had Edward prepare well the food and drinks for you…" Heller watched Zhang Tie with a smile as he replied.

After hearing Heller's response, Zhang Tie almost drooled. He directly passed by Heller and walked towards the canteen, saying, "You're so considerate…"

Normally, Heller would definitely follow Zhang Tie all the way to the canteen. However, he didn't move at this moment; instead, he still stood under the small tree as he suddenly warned Zhang Tie, "Castle Lord, don't you want to take a look at the new fruit on the small tree?"

"I will check them after having a meal. After all, they couldn't run away themselves!" Zhang Tie shouted without even turning around.

Heller became silent with a smile. After taking a look at the small tree, he followed Zhang Tie into the canteen.

These days, whenever Bian Heng finished his medical treatment and the heat in his body dissipated, Zhang Tie would find that he was starved and could eat many times more food than usual. Therefore, Zhang Tie started to enjoy food and drinks in the canteen the moment he entered Castle of Black Iron.

"Castle Lord, it turns out that your mentality has already reached a new height. Congratulations!"

Heller said after a few minutes when Zhang Tie's mouth was full of delicious food.

Zhang Tie turned around as he watched Heller with confusion. He didn't know why Heller said that. After swallowing his food forcefully, Zhang Tie looked at the food over the table, then his hands, before mumbling, 'Heller's flattery sounds too weird. I was just eating food here, ignoring my image, is there anything to do with my mentality? Is that an irony?'

"Ah, err… I'm too hungry. Therefore, I don't pay special attention to table manners. Sorry about that…" Zhang Tie uttered a bitter smile as he took the napkins, knife and fork and started to chew carefully and swallow slowly.

Heller revealed a smile as he explained, "Castle Lord, you must have misunderstood me. I was just shocked by a wholly new fruit on the small tree. After entering Castle of Black Iron, Castle Lord directly ignored it and kept eating food here calmly, I really admire you about stable mentality!"

"Pufff…" Zhang Tie spurted out the sweet juice of mutated peach as he coughed and cleaned his mouth corners by napkins. Then he watched Heller with a great shock, asking, "What, you mean there's a wholly new fruit on the small tree…"

"Yes, Castle Lord, I thought you would have a lot of questions after catching sight of the new fruit…"

"Are you kidding me?"

"Of course not, Castle Lord…" Heller replied solemnly as he shook his head.

When he recalled how Heller waited for him under the small tree, Zhang Tie instantly disappeared. Almost at the same time, he reappeared under the small tree…

Watching the wholly new fruits behind some leaves, Zhang Tie's mouth became agape…

There were 3 new fruits, all of which were hiding behind the dense tree leaves. If not be careful, he could never discover them.

They were three heavy black fruits…