1850 - 1859

Chapter 1850: A Great Risk

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

There were many kinds of marine organisms in Yaohai Ocean. The two immortal generals of Emperor NvWa City and Versatile Demon Emperor who came here with a time span of more than 10 minutes didn't notice or didn't care that a mutated big octopus who disguised itself as a reef was staring at this place from 1,000 m away.

After the two immortals of Emperor NvWa City left here for half an hour, the big octopus started to move rapidly at the bottom of the sea.

Cuttlefish could reach over 100 miles per hour in the water, not to mention a mutated big cuttlefish which could move over 150 miles per hour in water just like a torpedo. Therefore, after swimming for more than 2 hours, the mutated big cuttlefish came to a block of wood with dense tall corals. After traveling across the wood leisurely for a short while, the cuttlefish entered a coral cave.

At first glance, there were only colorful, beautiful fish swimming leisurely in the cave. Only the mutated big cuttlefish knew that one person was in this coral cave.

Of course, that person was Zhang Tie.

After sensing the coming cuttlefish, Zhang Tie opened his eyes as he reached out one hand and touched the big cuttlefish's head. Closely after that, what the big cuttlefish saw just now appeared in Zhang Tie's mind sea.

Besides high speed and being able to change its color to adapt to the surroundings, few people knew that big cuttlefish's sight also ranked first in the ocean. Its sight was terrifyingly great. It could even change its pupils' shape in order to observe the surroundings like a telescope in water. If a marine organism was selected to be scout or agent in ocean, mutated big cuttlefish was definitely the best one.

Boldness of execution stems from superb skill. After leaving that waters, he didn't enter Castle of Black Iron immediately; instead, he hid his qi and stayed in this coral cave. In order to not arouse the attention of his enemy, he didn't even activate his lotus-flower eyes to observe the waters; instead, he delivered the mission to this mutated big cuttlefish near this waters.


When he saw Versatile Demon Emperor again in the memory of the cuttlefish, Zhang Tie's heart trembled once.

Although Zhang Tie had guessed that Versatile Demon Emperor was waiting somewhere outside Emperor NvWa City for him, he was still startled by the reappearance of Versatile Demon Emperor. Meanwhile, he confirmed that he was ranked first in the blacklist of Versatile Demon Emperor. Otherwise, Versatile Demon Emperor would never wait for him patiently outside Emperor NvWa City.

Zhang Tie felt lucky about his fast prompt decision of leaving that waters immediately. If Zhang Tie wasted time to save the beauties out of righteousness, he must have been in the same poor situation like last time. If Versatile Demon Emperor launched a strike towards him again, Zhang Tie knew that he could definitely not survive Versatile Demon Emperor's strike anymore.

'The five immortal generals were not demons; nor were they affected by Golden-Soul Runed Virus. Their task was not to kill me; but to postpone my time leaving there. Meanwhile, they could confirm my direction. They probably not even know that it was Versatile Demon Emperor who was following them…'

'If I really saved the two beauties, I might have already been dead.'

The mutated big cuttlefish couldn't hear the words of Versatile Demon Emperor and the two immortal generals of Emperor NvWa City. However, as it could see them clearly, Zhang Tie could easily figure out what they were talking about through the images in its memory.

After reading these images from the memory of the mutated big cuttlefish, Zhang Tie input some reinforcing energy into the body of the mutated big cuttlefish as a reward.

Closely after that, a whim occurred to Zhang Tie, causing him to frown, 'when I left Emperor NvWa City, I've already changed my look; additionally, I've made a trick to bamboozle them. How did they discover me? How could those people position my whereabouts?'

With this question, Zhang Tie returned to Castle of Black Iron.

"Welcome back, Castle Lord…" Heller's voice sounded. Zhang Tie felt dizzy as he had already been in the lobby of the palace tree.

"Finally back…" Zhang Tie heaved a deep sigh. Although it was risky today, it was almost equal to taking a circle around the gate of the netherworld. If he made one mistake, he would have been killed.

"Castle Lord, you showed up…"

"Ah, well, I almost forgot about it…" After being warned by Heller, Zhang Tie discovered that he was still invisible. Therefore, he ran his spiritual energy and exited that state at once.

"Castle Lord, please take a look at this…" Heller said as he gave an item to Zhang Tie.

It was a smooth metal shell without even grains on its surface as large as a pocket watch.

After taking it, Zhang Tie asked, "What's this?"

"I got it from each of the space-teleportation equipments of the five immortal generals that you teleported into Castle of Black Iron. It might help you solve your puzzle!"

"Oh!" Zhang Tie took a look at it as he found it could be opened. Therefore, he opened it.

At the sight of its internal structure, Zhang Tie almost mistook it as a compass.

There was a piece of crystal stone inside the metal shell. Zhang Tie saw a blood drop flowing in the center of the crystal stone; besides, dense runes were flowing in the small piece of crystal stone. Additionally, a tiny red needle was floating above the crystal stone.

The feature of the piece of crystal stone reminded Zhang Tie of Golden-Soul Rune Virus. When Zhang Tie opened the metal shell, he found that the tiny red neelde was pointing at him…

Chapter 1851: Making Use of Versatile Demon Emperor's Trick

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Watching the small needle which was pointing at him, Zhang Tie thought it was a coincidence at the beginning. However, when he moved it a bit farther, he found the needle was still pointing at him. After changing another two directions, he found the needle was still pointing at him.

'Motherf*cker!' Zhang Tie swore inside.

At the same time, Zhang Tie's face turned black as he gave that thing to Heller, asking, "What's this?"

After taking that item, Heller replied, "According to my analysis, I found it could sense your existence within 25,000 m…"

"You mean I was discovered by others because of this when I left Emperor NvWa City?" Zhang Tie asked in an unbelievable way as he widely opened his eyes.

"Yes!" Heller answered as he nodded, "Castle Lord, when you left the city gate, as long as someone was near this thing, they would be able to position and discover you!"


"Castle Lord, have you forgotten about the effect of your tracing feather?" Heller asked. After receiving no response, Heller added, "Castle Lord, your tracing feathers could sense the whereabouts of your targets within 600 miles. Therefore, it's not strange for this item to sense your whereabouts within more than 20,000 m!"

"I mean did they make it?"

"Castle Lord, look at this drop of blood in the crystal stone…" Heller said as he pointed at the drop of blood inside the crystal stone, "This drop of blood is actually yours…"

"How could it be mine?" Zhang Tie asked. However, before Heller answered, he had understood it. 'It must be Versatile Demon Emperor. When I fought Versatile Demon Emperor, I lost almost a barrel of blood in his realm. Only Versatile Demon Emperor could get my blood.'

'Those dense runes in this item are also consistent with the style of Golden-Soul Rune Virus. It means that it was made by Versatile Demon Emperor.'

'When he found that I went to Tigerback Mountain for medical treatment, Versatile Demon Emperor must have made a lot of items like this. After that, he had people deliver them to his subordinates using the network of Dark Emperor Immortal Palace and told them to stay at the gates of Emperor NvWa City. When I left Emperor NvWa City, this item would sense my whereabouts at once; then those agents outside the gates of Emperor NvWa City would deliver the intelligence to their superiors. After receiving the intelligence, Versatile Demon Emperor would go there to kill me as fast as he could.'

Only in this way could it be explained.

Previously, Zhang Tie even wanted to trap Versatile Demon Emperor and Dark Emperor Immortal Palace. But after what happened today, Zhang Tie started to feel the craftiness of Versatile Demon Emperor. Previously, Zhang Tie wanted to play tricks with Versatile Demon Emperor; unexpectedly, he was almost killed by Versatile Demon Emperor.

If this item could really sense my whereabouts, it would be difficult for me to move in Motian Realm in the future.

Feeling a bit cold, Zhang Tie swallowed his saliva as he looked at Heller, asking, "You mean this item could completely position me through my blood?"

"Not exactly!" Heller shook his head under Zhang Tie's gaze, "Through my analysis, I found that the drop of blood inside this item was just an indirect media. What counts most inside it is these runes. Castle Lord, did you see this little red needle? It's made of a very special material which doesn't exist in Taixia Country at all. It was very sensitive to the energy inside people's surging points. It cannot position you only through this drop of blood; instead, it has to depend on the energy of the surging points on your spine!"

Heller's explanation sounded a bit incomprehensible. After thinking about it for a short while, Zhang Tie asked Heller solemnly, "You mean this drop of blood only meets one condition for discovering me. The other condition is that the energy in the surging points on my spine is not congenital. Only by meeting the two conditions could it discover me."

"Exactly!" Heller nodded as he added, "Given its structure and design, based on the expertise of Versatile Demon Emperor in runes, if he could constantly acquire your fresh blood, he would absolutely make an item which would sense your whereabouts from tens of thousands of meters away or farther. Pitifully, Versatile Demon Emperor couldn't acquire your fresh blood at any time. Even if he acquired it, it would only be available for 1 week. One week later, the blood that leaves your body will lose its precious activity and energy. Therefore, the item will lose its effect…"

Blinking his eyes, Zhang Tie said, "Therefore, he made this kind of items. Although it couldn't discover me directly through my blood, it could also sense the special energy inside my surging points on my spine through my blood and help him discover my whereabouts."

"Correct!" Heller replied as he nodded, "Additionally, this item is available for a long time. As long as the drop of blood inside it is not completely used up by those runes and this small needle, it could even be available for more than one decade…"

"If so, will it continue to sense my whereabouts after I take those soul-washing pills?" Zhang Tie hurriedly asked out of concern.

"If soul-washing pills could really be as effective as it was described by Bian Heng, after you take those soul-washing pills, this little item will not be able to sense your whereabouts anymore, Castle Lord…" Heller said affirmatively.

"If these soul-washing pills didn't work, I would go back to Tigerback Mountain to ask Bian Heng to make effective ones for me…" After hearing Heller's words, Zhang Tie totally figured out Versatile Demon Emperor's tricks. Therefore, he finally became reassured. Although it was risky today, the adventure was worthwhile. "When I step out again, I will see how they look for me around the world with this item…" Zhang Tie said as he burst out laughter…

"Castle Lord, this small item could indeed cover you…" Heller said with a smile, "Castle Lord, I really admire your bravery!"

"I've not imagined that Versatile Demon Emperor could play such a trick. But now that we've checked it out, I will be reassured in the future…" Zhang Tie said. Then, he suddenly thought up something as he answered, "Oh, what about those people that I've just sent inside?"

"I've already dropped them into the dungeon. As for those who were heavily injured, I've already dealt with their wounds in case they were dead. They're very stubborn. If you want to get some information from them, you have to wait for a few more days…"

"It's fine. Step by step. I'm afraid that they're just trivial roles being used as cannon fodder. I don't think they knew who I was; nor did they know that it was Versatile Demon Emperor who arrived there after receiving their intelligence. In the final analysis, they were just made use of!" Zhang Tie said casually as he waved his hand. At the same time, he walked towards the small tree. After waiting for half a month, he could finally enjoy fruits…

Chapter 1852: The Road Towards Greater Strength

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

It had been one month since Zhang Tie entered Castle of Black Iron on July 15.

During the past one month, too many things had happened. Through observing shrimps, Zhang Tie got the essence of Immortal Fist Skill. As a result, his battle strength recovered.

During those days when he comprehended Immortal Fist Skill, Zhang Tie didn't continue to quench his body. Therefore, it had been only 9 King Kong Fruits on the small tree since August 6.

Besides King Kong Fruits, there were also a lot of fruits of redemption from the gratitude of gulf shrimps, hairy shells and earthworms.

However, among those fruits, the most eye-catching one was the new one——the fruit of redemption from the gratitude of spike shrimps.

When he imagined about the terrifying explosive force of spike shrimps, Zhang Tie came to the small tree with excitement as he touched the new fruit.

——Fruit of redemption——the explosive force of spike shrimps; not ripe yet.

——After this fruit became ripe, if Castle Lord takes it, the explosive force of the 700-odd pieces of muscles and over 300 million muscle fibers of your body would increase by two times.

——The explosive force of mutated spike shrimps could reach 240 times that of the total physical strength of their bodies. Therefore, the maximal number of the fruit of redemption from the gratitude of spike shrimps was 240. Each fruit will activate 1/240 of the gene segment of your body which was as same as the gene segment of golden uangs which represented strength.

——The current number of this fruit——0/240.

——The current total explosive force of Castle Lord is 6 times that of your total explosive force. After taking 240 fruits of redemption from the gratitude of spike shrimps, Castle Lord's total explosive force will reach 246 times that of your physical strength. Castle Lord will promote to a body with complete immortal strength.

Watching this raw fruit, Zhang Tie finally burst into laughter. As a result, the entire lobby of the palace tree was filled with Zhang Tie's laughter.

The fruit of redemption from the gratitude of spike shrimps could increase Zhang Tie's explosive force by 240 times. Zhang Tie's current explosive force was 6 times that of his physical strength. That was to say, when Zhang Tie took 6 fruits of redemption from the gratitude of spike shrimps, his explosive force would increase by two times on the basis of the current data. As long as he took 240 fruits of redemption from the gratitude of spike shrimps, his explosive force would increase by 40 times on the basis of the current data.

What did that mean?

Even spike shrimps could scramble for brilliance with the sun by punching out in the ocean. As long as Zhang Tie's explosive force broke through 240 times that of his physical strength, he would be able to output 40 times that of the current physical strength, which meant a new height.

If a person's physical strength was too small, even if he had hundreds of times greater explosive force, his battle strength would also be limited. Take spike shrimps as an instance, even though they had the most terrifying explosive force in the world, because of the small cardinal number of their physical strength, they didn't pose threat to most of living beings in the ocean; instead, they were usually caught and became people's food.

However, Zhang Tie was different than spike shrimps. At this moment, Zhang Tie's physical strength was already terrifying. Actually, none of the human and demon powers that Zhang Tie recognized could match Zhang Tie in physical strength.

Besides the great power granted by Infinite King Roc Sutra in the level of heavenly knight, he also had the strength of 1,800 golden uangs and the fruit of source. With these strengths, Zhang Tie was already unrivaled; however, due to his body with 1/2 immortal strength, his physical strength had increased by 2 more times. Besides, after activating his Kua'e Bloodline when fighting Versatile Demon Emperor, Zhang Tie's physical strength increased by 120% again…

All the above data were just the most conservative estimates. Because the body with 1/2 immortal strength could also enable Zhang Tie's physical strength to increase without limit. Additionally, Zhang Tie's basic strength would increase with his growth and exercise, not to mention that when he acquired the body with complete immortal strength.

Zhang Tie dared not imagine about the situation when his explosive force reached 240 times that of his physical strength…

Zhang Tie suddenly realized that he had already started the road where the greatest strength was proved to be the truth. Spear strikes, kinetic strikes and Immortal Fist Skill were all the extension and usage of the most basic and purest strength…

When Zhang Tie recalled it, he found that this road of cultivation had been fixed since he opened the book Iron Blood Immortal Fist as if everything was predestined…

As for how to reach further on this road in the future, Zhang Tie had to consider and plan it seriously now.

Raising his head, Zhang Tie watched the raw fruit of redemption from the gratitude of spike shrimps as his mind had long flown far away…

After quite a while, Zhang Tie became composed as he revealed a smile and picked a fruit of redemption from the gratitude of earthworms. Then, he sat under the small tree with crossed legs and started to take the fruit…

The vial of soul-washing pills that Bian Heng gave Zhang Tie contained 35 pills in total. According to Bian Heng, Zhang Tie could eat one soul-washing pill per day based on his great physique. 35 days later, even immortal emperors could barely notice that there was any problem with Zhang Tie's surging points.

Many people might still be wandering with that "compass" near Emperor NvWa City. Versatile Demon Emperor should be near there too. Therefore, Zhang Tie determined to eat all the soul-washing pills so that Versatile Demon Emperor could never discover his whereabouts anymore. Then, he would leave Castle of Black Iron for Mountain Ruins.

That was to say, Zhang Tie had to stay in Castle of Black Iron for over 1 month.

As he had enough time to eat fruits, Zhang Tie was a bit relaxed.

After taking one soul-washing pill and covering one surging point, Zhang Tie would take one or two fruits leisurely; then, he would quench his body for a few hours.

Despite being relaxed, Zhang Tie's overall strength was surging; especially whenever he took a King Kong Fruit, he would feel gaining greater defensive strength. Previously, his defensive strength was already amazing. But now, his defensive strength had been developing towards a terrifying level.

Previously, Zhang Tie was worried about becoming an intimidating monster if he took too many such fruits. Therefore, he always cared about any change in his body whenever he took a King Kong Fruit.

Someone might not care so much in order to be more powerful; however, if the price of being powerful was to be a monster in the eyes of his family members, Zhang Tie preferred to not be powerful. Zhang Tie once gave up the powerful demon body for recovering his human body; but now, if King Kong Fruit brought him any bad side effects, Zhang Tie would also abandon it decisively.

However, the fact proved that King Kong Fruits didn't bring Zhang Tie any bad side effects at all; unimaginably, after taking those King Kong Fruits, Zhang Tie found that his skin became whiter and shinier; his eyes became brighter; his bones became more agile and firm; his muscles and blood vessels became more flexible. King Kong Fruits' side effect was that it could make him more handsome. Therefore, Zhang Tie became completely reassured.

After staying in Castle of Black Iron for 8 days, Zhang Tie fetched Edward and gave a draft that he drew these days to Edward.

"Castle Lord, this is…" Edward asked Zhang Tie with amazement after taking a look at the draft.

"They are used for exercise. Just make it and apply some consolidating runes to it. No need for decorations. We've got enough golds in Castle of Black Iron. As gold's density is large, it's suitable to be bodyfitting tools…"

"Are you going to use it?"

"Yes!" Zhang Tie nodded.

Edward took a look at Zhang Tie with great admiration as if he had understood a bit why Zhang Tie would ask for this odd thing. "Okay, Castle Lord, when do you need it?"

"The faster the better…"

"Castle Lord, give me 3 days. I promise to make it in 3 days…" Edward nodded forcefully with excitement. He almost made a military pledge.

"Hmm, thank you…"

"It's my great honor to serve you, Castle Lord!" Edward bent over his body. Closely after that, he took Zhang Tie's draft and left.

3 days later, after taking a King Kong Fruit and digesting it, Zhang Tie opened his eyes when he saw Edward standing in front of him.

"Castle Lord, I've made it!"

"Hmm, show me!" Zhang Tie picked himself up and went off the sacrificial altar.

"Please come with me, Castle Lord!"

Edward led Zhang Tie to his workshop under the palace tree.

With high-temperature underground fires, Edward's workshop was giving out golden light as two huge things attracted Zhang Tie's attention…

Chapter 1853: The Terrifying Mode of Exercise

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Agan and Aziz were both helping Edward in his workshop. Heller was also watching the item that Zhang Tie asked Edward to make. At the sight of Zhang Tie, the three people hurriedly came over here to greet him.

"Castle Lord, this item is really… really amazing…" Heller got a proper adjective after taking another look at the item.

That item was indeed amazing; it was at least unprecedented.

If a pair of golden locks weighing 1,200 tons was not impressive, nothing else in the world would be impressive anymore.

Yes, it was a pair of golden locks weighing 1,200 tons.

Given its look, the pair of golden locks was nothing different than ordinary iron locks and stone locks which was used for improving one's strength at home. It was just many times bigger. There were two golden locks, each weighing 600 tons, 1,200 tons in total.

At this moment, facing those surging fires, the pair of golden locks were mesmerizing.

The density of gold was very large. One cubic meter contained 19.32 tons of golds. The volume of the barbell weighing 1200 tons was less than 62.112 cubic meters in total; the volume of each golden lock was only a bit more than 31 cubic meters. The length, width and height of each cube was about 3.15 m respectively.

Being different than ordinary iron locks and stone locks which only had one handle, the two golden locks were covered with handles. Being in pits, each black handle was covered with fine anti-skidding grains. The handles were made of abyss iron and affected by consolidating skill; otherwise, given the density of gold, the handles could never bear such a great weight despite being affected by consolidating skill.

After being put together, the two golden cubes became an extra-large tool of exercise which even shocked Heller.

Although Zhang Tie requested Edward to make it simple, the golden locks were still covered with beautiful grains on each side. Even though the anti-skidding grains on the handles were very delicate. Zhang Tie revealed a smile.

Under the gaze of the four people, Zhang Tie walked to the front of a golden lock which weighed 600 tons. Without squatting down, he just reached out one hand and held a handle. Then, Zhang Tie took a deep breath as the image of Kua'e hefting a mountain appeared behind him again in the dense light.

"Get up…" Zhang Tie roared as the single golden lock was lifted by him horizontally under the amazed looks of the other four people.

This was the most difficult movement. It was much more difficult to lift it horizontally than vertically. Even Zhang Tie had a hard time lifting one object weighing 600 tons horizontally by one hand.

When he was lifting it, his feet made deep footsteps on the hard ground; meanwhile, Zhang Tie's face turned red.

The other golden lock with the same weight was a few steps away. Zhang Tie then moved towards the other one step by step while keeping this gesture. When he reached there, he stretched another hand and held a handle on the other golden cube. Then he bent his knees and lifted the other golden lock horizontally at the same time.

At this time, the hard ground instantly sank until the surface of the ground reached his crus.

Zhang Tie kept this position for 10 minutes. Not until his forehead and neck were covered with dense fine sweat drops and his face turned red did Zhang Tie slowly straighten his body up. He then started to wave the two huge golden locks up and down like moving two huge fans. The air flows aroused by the golden locks caused the other four people to close their eyes.

After playing it for half an hour, Zhang Tie felt the heat streaming up all over. His clothes were almost wet. He then put down the two huge golden locks.

He found his feet had entered the pit.

"Cool… cool… it's too cool…" Zhang Tie exclaimed, "I've not been so thrilled since a long time. Hahaha…" Zhang Tie laughed as he wiped off the sweat on his face and strode out of the pit. Meanwhile, his bones and muscles cracked.

Watching Zhang Tie's pleasant look, Heller, Edward, Agan and Aziz revealed a smile at the same time.

"Edward, there's another thing in which I need your help. I feel that I could eat for a whole day. Please prepare a bumper supper for me…"

"No problem. After taking a bath and changing my clothes, I will prepare it for Castle Lord right now…" Edward said with a big smile. After taking a pleasant look at Agan and Aziz, he ran upward jubilantly.

"Castle Lord, actually, if you want a tool to improve your strength, I could make it even if you give me a mountain…" Agan hurriedly moved close to Zhang Tie as he talked to him.

"Well, I know the abilities of you and Aziz; but this tool has to be made of metal with super high density. If it's made of stone, it would be too large; additionally, it would be easily broken. Don't worry. When I need your help, I will let you know…" Zhang Tie took a look at Agan and Aziz as he said with a smile. After hearing Zhang Tie's promise, the two loyal servants finally became reassured.

"Castle Lord, it seems that you've got a new sports item in Castle of Black Iron from now on…" Heller said with a smile.

"I've thought through many things these days…" Zhang Tie said as his face gave out a special light, "After acquiring the body with 1/2 immortal strength, I've been training myself by carving patterns on a piece of bean curd using a huge ax. However, although it could improve my precise control of strength, it's not enough. Additionally, it wastes the greatest effect of the body with immortal strength. With a body with immortal strength, my strength would not only increase by 2 times; but, it could constantly increase through doing exercise and other modes!"

"Castle Lord, you finally thought it through!" Heller replied with a smile.

"I didn't realize it until I thought about how to cultivate these days! If there's a bank which could enable you to gain a profit of 240 gold coins in the future by depositing one gold coin today, will you deposit your money in it? I don't think that anyone could refuse such a high return. Besides depositing all of your money in it, you would deposit as much as possible, even if you had to borrow money and sell all of your property. The fruit of redemption from the gratitude of spike shrimps is that bank. Every bit of strength that I gain now would bring me 240 times more strength in the near future. Of course, it's a valuable investment…"

"What an anticipated future…" Heller sighed with emotions.

"I also think so…" Zhang Tie watched the two huge golden locks and the two deep footprints on the ground as he continued, "But the two locks couldn't be put here. I should find another place to store them…"

"Castle Lord, do you need my help?"

"Haha, no need. Heller, don't forget about that. Besides great strength, I've got another ability to move them. Perhaps the two huge things could not only improve my physical strength, but also my spiritual energy…" Zhang Tie said as he gazed at the two huge golden locks. At the same time, he triggered his ability of divine dominator and started to output a powerful invisible spiritual strength, 2 times, 3 times, 10 times…30 times…50 times…100 times…

When the spiritual energy that Zhang Tie output reached 220 times that he output in normal times, the two huge golden locks slowly left the ground. At this moment, the quantity of spiritual energy that Zhang Tie consumed per second was even greater than that he consumed in 4 minutes in the past. It was his first time to feel hard even with the ability of divine dominator…

However, Zhang Tie was still spirited; because he felt that his spiritual energy was also recovering at a high speed with the fast consumption of his spiritual energy.

With a roar, Zhang Tie instantly left the workshop with the two huge golden locks for the training ground in Castle of Black Iron…

In a few hours, Edward prepared the delicious food over the table in the canteen. Zhang Tie then came to the canteen with his tired and grossly sour and painful body being soaked in sweat and started to gulp down food.

After supper, Zhang Tie took a bath and threw himself onto the bed.

It was a sound and sweet sleep. It felt as comfortable as how he felt when he returned home and fell asleep after being a punching bag in Blackhot City…

When he got up on the second morning, Zhang Tie was pretty spirited as the fatigue and aches had disappeared after having delicious food, Dragon Emperor Medicament and a night of sound sleep with the help of his great resilience…

Starting from this day, Zhang Tie came to the training ground covering 1,300 square miles in Castle of Black Iron every day. He brandished his huge golden locks which weighed 1,200 tons in total in various patterns. As long as he arrived there, the training ground would be filled with rumbly thunders.

After Zhang Tie stayed in Castle of Black Iron for 21 days, the first fruit of redemption from the gratitude of spike shrimps finally became ripe.

After Zhang Tie took it, the rumbly thunders in the training ground sounded much denser…

When Zhang Tie was eating, exercising and resting freely in Castle of Black Iron, some major events took place in Motian Realm…

Chapter 1854: Breaking into the Mountain Ruins

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

At noon of October 2, the 3586th year of Emperor NvWa's Calendar, the sun was hanging high in the sky. At a high altitude of an air territory of Motian Realm, a sturdy shadow was heading straight for the highest dome of Motian Realm like a rocket at a speed of nearly 1,000 m per second, penetrating through clouds one after another.

At such a high-speed flight, a fiery air hood came into being in front of the shadow due to the sharp frictions between thin air and his protective battle qi. Additionally, there was a trail behind the air hood like a comet, making it pretty eye-catching even in the daytime.

"Grandpa, grandpa, look, what's that…"

A formation of airboats was slowly flying above Yaohai Ocean. On the deck of one of the airboats in the middle of the formation, a 7-year old little boy was looking at Yaohai Ocean out of curiosity. When he looked up at the sky and caught sight of the glow caused by that meteor, the little boy pointed at the glow and exclaimed out of shock.

After hearing his exclamation, an old man hurriedly walked out of the cabin behind the deck. In the beginning, the old man was a bit intense. When he saw the person heading straight for the heavens, he gazed at it for a few seconds before heaving a deep sigh, "Grandson, some immortal generals are breaking into the Mountain Ruins…"

"Breaking in the Mountain Ruins?" the little boy rolled his eyes smartly as he asked, "Grandpa, what do you mean by breaking in the Mountain Ruins? You're also an immortal general, can you break into the mountain ruins?"

"Breaking into the mountain ruins means to break into Mountain Ruins from the lower strata of Motian Realm! Ahem… ahem, I'm only a water immortal general. I cannot break into Mountain Ruins. Additionally, I'm already old and could make further progress in cultivation. If one wants to break into the Mountain Ruins, one has to be a wind immortal general at least…" the old man said with great admiration as he watched the blurry light and shade in the sky.

"Ah, it's already something to be an immortal general, why do they have to break into the Mountain Ruins?"

"It's indeed something to be an immortal general. However, only after breaking into the Mountain Ruins could an immortal general become a real power. Breaking into the Mountain Ruins is a test to the real power. The Mountain Ruins is also the battlefield between real powers. Meanwhile, there're many rarities in the Mountain Ruins. Do you remember what you should do if you want to be a superb power like an immortal emperor?" The old man seized the opportunity to encourage the little boy to be self-striving.

"I remember that. Grandpa, you said one has to drink Nine Heavens Immortal Spring if one wants to be an immortal emperor…" the little boy said instantly out of excitement.

"Yes, Nine Heavens Immortal Mountain is in the Mountain Ruins!"

"When I grow up, I will also break into the Mountain Ruins and become an immortal emperor…" the little boy said immediately.

"You have to study and cultivate very hard. Additionally, you need to suffer a lot. When the other kids are playing, you should endure your loneliness to light up your surging points. Only in this way could you be more powerful than me in the future. Can you do it?" the old man said with a smile as he touched his grandson's head.

"I can!" The little boy answered with a firm will as he nodded forcefully.

"Have you finished your homework today?"

The little boy spat out as he answered, "Grandpa, I will go to polish my surging points right now…"

"Hmm, hurry…"

The little boy returned to the cabin. The old man looked up at the blurry shadow with a sad look as he muttered, "It's already the 4th one on the way. As Mountain Ruins is going to open, the powers have been ready to break into Mountain Ruins one after another. Dark Emperor Immortal Palace is raising winds and waves across Motian Realm, is Motian Realm going to be in great chaos?"

"Master," a butler walked out of the hatch door as he came to the back of the old man, saying, "The eldest young master is still in Suian City. According to the news from Suian City, Qi Clan who has agreed to purchase our properties suddenly regrets. Qi Clan urged to decrease the purchasing price by 30% more…"

"It's okay. Let the eldest young master come back to Emperor NvWa City immediately after handling the affairs over there!" the old man said with a calm look as he added, "It's just about money, not important at all…"

"Yes, master. I will notice the eldest young master right now!"

"Report my words to Zhi Heng. The survival of Hong Clan is most important. In the future, we could make 10 even 100 times more properties…" the old man said calmly.

"Yes, master!"

"We're going to arrive at Emperor NvWa's City soon. Let all the patrollers and observers to prick up their ears. After arriving at Emperor NvWa's City, we will have a good rest!"

"Yes, master!"

After saying that, the old man took another look at the sky before slightly shaking his head and entering the cabin.

Only after such a short while, a cloud had flown by, covering the shadow which was clear just now at a stroke…

The person who was heading for the dome of Motian Realm might not know that his behavior was commonly called breaking into the Mountain Ruins by some immortal generals across Motian Realm.

The term breaking into the Mountain Ruins was as special as " braving the journey to the northeast 1 " and " going into the ocean 2 ". It almost became the byname of power, braveness, decision and risk.

Of course, if someone in Youzhou Province of Taixia Country was here and had a lot of ears and eyes in Youzhou Province, that person must be shocked by the look of the tough man who was breaking in the Mountain Ruins.

With a bald head, dense eyebrows, sturdy frame and his surging qi field, this man was definitely Cui Li who once became pretty popular in Taixia Country.

Of course, almost all the knights in Taixia Country had known that Cui Li was just the armor of Zhang Tie the head of Iron-Dragon Sect and the lord of fiery-dragon bounty territory.

All the people in Taixia Country knew that. However, people in Motian Realm didn't know that; especially Versatile Demon Emperor. Therefore, after leaving Castle of Black Iron, Zhang Tie changed into Cui Li and headed for the Mountain Ruins as he was ready for promoting to a semi-level sage knight.

After taking soul-washing pills for 35 days, it was September 20, the 3586th year of Emperor NvWa's Calendar. There were still some days left before the first day of October when Zhang Tie could leave Castle of Black Iron. Therefore, Zhang Tie stayed in Castle of Black Iron for another 10 days…

In total, Zhang Tie stayed in Castle of Black Iron for 45 days.

Of course, for the sake of safety, before exiting Castle of Black Iron, Zhang Tie even tried it using the "compass" made by Versatile Demon Emperor. After finding that compass didn't work even right in front of him, Zhang Tie finally sneaked out of Castle of Black Iron and entered the dark ocean at the midnight of October 1…

Chapter 1855: An Unexpected Person

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

During the 40-odd days when he stayed in Castle of Black Iron, Zhang Tie ate more than 50 king kong fruits and two fruits of redemption from the gratitude of spike shrimps. Benefited from that, his explosive force increased by 2 more times. Additionally, with the baptism of the pair of huge golden locks which weighed 1,200 tons, his physical strength and spiritual energy both improved rapidly. What was more, he had already reached 7 change realm of the heavenly knight. Therefore, this Cui Li was far more powerful than the former one.

It was no exaggeration to say that Zhang Tie had reached a new height after leaving Castle of Black Iron. It was also the process that power should experience. Powers referred to those who ascended to one peak from another.

It was a distance of about 200,000 miles from the land to the Mountain Ruins. Zhang Tie had already experienced it before. If Zhang Tie activated his ability of Divine Dominator, it would just be a few hours of flight. However, now that he wanted to pretend to be an average heavenly knight who looked harmless to others, he had to move towards Mountain Ruins slowly.

Of course, the speed of about 1,000 m per second was as slow as that of a snail for Zhang Tie. However, in the eyes of the other immortal generals, it was already a pretty high speed.

Theoretically, if he stuck to this speed, it would take 4 days to reach the bottom of Ice and Fire Heavenly Wind Layer. Actually, most of the heavenly knights couldn't do it; because such a "high" speed meant a great consumption of one's battle qi. As Zhang Tie cultivated Infinite King Roc Sutra , he could acquire battle qi constantly and wouldn't worry about running out of his battle qi in flight no matter how long he flew. He was absolutely a freak. By contrast, the other heavenly knights who cultivated other secret methods had to consider the consumption of their battle qi at any time in such a long flight.

Mountain Ruins was the battlefield of powers. It contained a lot of unexpected dangers. All the people who rushed towards Mountain Ruins would keep a high battle force when they entered Mountain Ruins. Therefore, it would take most of the wind immortal generals over 10 days, even longer time to reach the bottom of Ice and Fire Heavenly Wind Layer. Most of them would choose to replenish their energy on the 1st day or the 15th day of one month so that they could enter Mountain Ruins in the best states.

As for most of the heavenly knights who prepared to enter Mountain Ruins for the first time, the process of rushing towards Mountain Ruins was a tough test for them. During the long flight, they had to consume a lot of energy yet without any reliance.

Zhang Tie flew at an average speed. When he entered the airspace of 6,000 miles high, everything in front of his eyes was uncovered. At such a height, besides cold heavy wind, there was nothing else, airboats or air-floating mountains where people could have a rest in. Additionally, immortal generals below heavenly knights couldn't reach such a height at all. Therefore, the continuous clouds became endless white carpets under his foot, which covered all the domains, no matter big, medium-sized, or small.

After reaching the high airspace, Zhang Tie felt as if he had entered into another world. Besides loneliness and cold wind, nothing else could be seen in the sky.

After entering the high airspace, Zhang Tie started to control his flight speed like other wind immortal generals. He spent half a day in flying at a speed of 1,000 m per second and the other half a day in flying at a speed of about 200 m per second so as to "recover his physical and spiritual strength".

If he wanted to enter Mountain Ruins, he had to repeat this boring and monotonous flight process.

In this way, Zhang Tie believed that even Versatile Demon Emperor couldn't recognize that he was Zhang Tie even if Versatile Demon Emperor passed by him.

Previously, Zhang Tie thought that he would arrive at the bottom of Ice and fire Heavenly Wind Layer alone in this way; unexpectedly, on the 5th day since he entered the high airspace, he had met a partner.

In the beginning, that guy just flew at a speed of about 200 m per second hundreds of miles away. At this speed, that immortal general could take a rest and recover his mental and physical strength. Strangely, that guy just went around in circles horizontally; instead, of moving upward.

When Zhang Tie caught sight of him, that guy also noticed Zhang Tie. In the beginning, Zhang Tie just ignored him. However, after seeing Zhang Tie, that guy changed his route and slightly sped up towards Zhang Tie.

'Is that a trap of Dark Emperor Immortal Palace? Impossible! Those surging points at my shrine palace and spine have been mixed with some primordial energy with the effect of soul-washing pills. The small item that Versatile Demon Emperor develops couldn't sense my existence anymore; nor could he have people wait for me here…'

As some whims flashed by, Zhang Tie continued to fly towards Mountain Ruins silently; meanwhile, he kept an eye on that stranger who was approaching him.

The stranger was an old man in white beard and hair. With a red, healthy face, his hair was neat. Given his qi, he should also be a heavenly knight. Given his look, he was like a mortal being; yet in a colorful robe which looked like the ragged robe of beggars. He looked weird with individuality. Additionally, a black hairpin was inserted into his hair obliquely. Additionally, this old man's eyes felt very energetic… which looked a bit like… how Donder lay on his sling chair outside the gate of his grocery store and observed the passers-by on the street…

"Ahem… ahem… friend, are you also heading for Mountain Ruins?" The old man opened his mouth from 1,000 m away which was taken as a "safe distance" between the two strange heavenly knights.

"Yes, I'm heading for Mountain Ruins…" Zhang Tie took a look at the old man as he said in a muffled sound.

"Hahaha, what a coincidence. I'm also heading for Mountain Ruins. Friend, do you mind going there together with me? We could look after each other on the way…" the old man said as if he was familiar with Zhang Tie.

As Zhang Tie was confused about this old man's intention, he just flew silently.

After receiving no response, the old man appeared recalling something at a stroke as he continued with a smile, "Erm, do you think I'm a shadow demon? Friend, I've not imagined that you're so meticulous. It's good to be meticulous. You will not be cheated. If you recognize the wrong person in Mountain Ruins, you might lose your life," the old man muttered as he took out a demon-detector needle out of his sleeve and stabbed it into his finger. He then dripped blood onto his demon-detector needle. The demon-detector needle didn't make any response to it. After that, he continued to talk to Zhang Tie, "Friend, now you know I'm not a shadow demon…"

Zhang Tie just watched his performance silently. It was Zhang Tie's first time to see someone prove his innocence by dripping his blood on a portable demon-detector needle. Therefore, Zhang Tie became confused. It was like how those salesmen who knocked at your door and promoted their products or those liars nearby railway stations. Those people would like to prove their innocence the moment they started a talk with you for the sake of your trust.

To be honest, this was an odd trick.

Zhang Tie just felt weird about this heavenly knight who behaved that eagerly in front of a stranger.

"Alright, I believe that you're not a demon…" Zhang Tie opened his mouth like an innocent muscular guy, "But I was told that those being affected by Golden-Soul Rune Virus couldn't be detected by a demon-detector needle. Don't try to cheat me…"

"You know Golden-Soul Rune Virus?"

"What? Why not?" Zhang Tie glared at the old man.

"Ahem, ahem, you must have misunderstood me. I mean you must know that Emperor NvWa Palace, Star Emperor Immortal Palace and Force Emperor Immortal Palace had already developed something that could be used to discover Golden-Soul Rune Virus. But I don't have that widget. So I can't prove my innocence by it even if I want to…" the old man shrugged while he said helplessly.

Zhang Tie kept flying upward silently. The old man then followed Zhang Tie upward silently too. When the old man sped up, he could also reach about 1,000 m per second as same as Zhang Tie.

At the same time, the old man started to glance at Zhang Tie's sturdy frame and face as he kept rolling his eyes. Nobody knew what he was thinking about. After over 10 minutes of silent flight, as he found that Zhang Tie didn't urge him to stay away, the old man opened his mouth again, "Oh, my surname is Jiang, my given name is Hu. May I know your name, friend?"

Zhang Tie just took a look at the old man as if he was still a bit vigilant. After a few seconds, he replied, "I'm Cui Li!"

"Hahaha, Li, at the sight of you, I've know that you're a tough man!" After knowing Zhang Tie's name, the old man instantly called him "Li" as he continued with a solemn look, "Look at you, you could even match an ox-headed demon. Li, don't blame me for having a big mouth, I was born to be talkative. I like to make friends. Don't worry, I'm not a bad guy. I used to stay in Iron Cloud Medium-sized Domain. I have a nickname Immortal Being in Clouds. Li, if you have any friends in Iron Cloud Medium-sized Domain, you could ask them about my popularity. I didn't cheat you…"

Chapter 1856: Going to Mountain Ruins Together

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

The Name of Immortal Being in Clouds sounded otherworldly. However, the old man Jiang was like a salesman who knocked at your door. He kept talking like the surging Yangtze River.

Zhang Tie didn't know whether this person was a chatterbox or had been lonely for too long. Given the personality of the role of Cui Li, even though he was simple, honest and reticent, he still felt intolerant after hearing the old man talking about his glorious image in Iron Cloud Medium-sized Domain for half an hour.

"What the hell do you want to say?" Zhang Tie glared at that old man impatiently who was 1,000 m away as he reproached, "I'm going to the Mountain Ruins. If you want to talk about your stories, you'd better talk about it in teahouses in the downtown. Stop being so garrulous. I prefer to fight you here rather than listening to your chatters."

"Hehhehheh, Li, I was afraid that you didn't believe in me. Therefore, I just made it clear!" Immortal Being in Clouds said with a hollow laugh as he stopped chattering.

Zhang Tie ignored him as he continued to fly upward.

Half an hour later, when Immortal Being in Clouds found that Zhang Tie was not angry at him anymore, he rolled his eyes for two circles before opening his mouth again.

���Li, is it your first time to go to Mountain Ruins?"

"Yes, so what?" Zhang Tie took a look at Immortal Being in Clouds as he replied.

After hearing Zhang Tie's words, Immortal Being in Clouds' eyes shone at once. Closely after that, he asked Zhang Tie carefully, "Li, are you going there for friends?"

"Haha, I've been used to be alone. I don't have any friend in Mountain Ruins!"

After finding that Zhang Tie didn't refuse to answer his questions about Mountain Ruins, Immortal Being in Clouds became instantly spirited as if he had found the breakthrough to start a talk with Zhang Tie.

"But, Li, it's very dangerous to go to Mountain Ruins alone…" Immortal Being in Clouds warned Zhang Tie sincerely.

"Not dangerous at all. It's just some demons!"

"Mountain Ruins is dangerous for every person. Even immortal emperors or demon emperors might lose their lives in Mountain Ruins, not to mention wind immortal generals like us!" Immortal Being in Clouds turned solemn at a stroke as he added, "In the domains under Mountain Ruins, wind immortal generals are glorious powers and could be unrivaled in one region; however, we're the bottom class in Mountain Ruins. Above us are fire immortal generals, supreme immortal generals even immortal emperors and demon emperors. Even many human immortals are scheming against each other, not to mention demon immortal generals who want to chop us into pieces at the sight of us. Many human immortals like you were framed by the other human immortal generals. As a result, with great remorse, they were not killed by demons, but humans. If some become dark, they will be eviler than demons…"

"Your words sound a bit reasonable…" Zhang Tie relieved his composure as the last words of Immortal Being in Clouds resonated around his ears. Over these years, after experiencing so many hardships and life-or-death situations, Zhang Tie could understand Immortal Being in Clouds' words very well.

"Li, when I entered Mountain Ruins for the first time like you, I was almost framed by a human immortal general. I still have a lingering fear even now…" Immortal Being in Clouds said with a fear.

"Thanks for you warning. I will take care of myself!" Zhang Tie said in a gruff voice, "You know Mountain Ruins so well. Have you gone there before?"

"To be honest, I've accessed to Mountain Ruins for dozens of times since I promoted to a wind immortal general. Except the center of Mountain Ruins, I'm sure that I know it better than most of people…" Immortal Being in Clouds said with a pleasant look.

Scratching his head, Zhang Tie suddenly recalled a question, "I've got a question, why I can't buy the map of Mountain Ruins across Motian Realm?"

Zhang Tie didn't know too much about Mountain Ruins.

There were mainly two reasons.

Firstly, Zhang Tie had just come to Motian Realm for a few years. It was almost impossible for him to understand this world. Additionally, ordinary people even average immortal generals couldn't get the information of Mountain Ruins. Therefore, there were very few channels to known Mountain Ruins.

Secondly, after becoming dragon emperor, Zhang Tie spent most of his time in secluded cultivation. Even though he was free occasionally, he still had a lot of worries about exposing his real identity by learning about that. If others knew that the disciple of grand dragon emperor didn't know the situation of Mountain Ruins and had to ask others about that, it would be ridiculous.

Therefore, over these years, Zhang Tie only had little information about Mountain Ruins. Comparably, even average wind immortal generals knew more about Motian Realm than him.

"Hahaha…" Immortal Being in Clouds burst out laughing after hearing Zhang Tie's question.

"Why do you laugh?"

"How could the map of Mountain Ruins be sold? Given your question, you must have not come to Mountain Ruins before!"

"Why not?"

"If you have a treasure map, will you sell it?"

"Of course not!"

"Yup. Although Mountain Ruins is very dangerous, it's also a huge treasury. There're numerous immortal outfits and rarities inside Mountain Ruins. Most of them are in secret realms and immortals' relics. An immortal general might not travel across Mountain Ruins even in his whole life, not to mention figure out all the secret realms and immortals' relics. As for most of the people, if they could discover a secret realm or immortal's relics in their whole lives, it was already incredible. Additionally, those secret realms and relics couldn't be taken away. Many rarities in secret realms and relics could be used repetitively such as immortal springs and immortal palaces. Besides using these rarities themselves, they could also provide them to their sons and grandsons. Besides some influential immortal palaces, nobody dares expose the locations of secret realms or immortal relics to the public after discovering them; nor do they want anyone else to know about them. Do you think they would mark the locations of those secret realms and immortal's relics on the map?"

"No, I don't!" Zhang Tie shook his head resolutely after thinking about it for a short while.

"What's more, everything in the Mountain Ruins is changing all the time. Like sand dunes in deserts, the items and sceneries in some places or spaces might be utterly different in a few years. Even though someone knows the complete terrain of Mountain Ruins and would like to draw a map of Mountain Ruins, when the map is completed, it would be out-of-date and wrong basically. If you take a still map to explore Mountain Ruins, you might die a very miserable way!"

"Isn't there only Nine Heavens Immortal Spring inside Mountain Ruins? You mean there're other immortal springs inside it?"

"Hehheh, Nine Heavens Immortal Spring is in the core area of Mountain Ruins. It's said that a supreme immortal general might promote to an immortal emperor after drinking a mouth of Nine Heavens Immortal Spring. Of course, Nine Heavens Immortal Spring is the most precious one inside Mountain Ruins. However, according to my knowledge, besides Nine Heavens Immortal Spring, there're many more immortal springs with different functions inside Mountain Ruins. Some of them could increase one's strength; some could increase one's defensive power; some could increase one's spiritual energy; some could help people break through the bottleneck facing their cultivation or realize the universal laws. It's said that some immortal springs could help old men renew their youth, enlive a dead person or grow muscles on their white bones. I once saw an immortal spring. It's said that people could live 100 years longer only by having a sip of it…"

"Is that real?" Zhang Tie's eyes sparkled as he couldn't stand licking his lip. Zhang Tie had long heard that there were numerous rarities and treasures inside Mountain Ruins. Unexpectedly, there were so many marvelous immortal springs inside there. 'If there's really an immortal spring where I could increase my strength by two times only by taking a bath inside it or drinking of it, won't I become grossly powerful?'

"I didn't cheat you. As long as you enter Mountain Ruins, you will know this information only by asking around casually. However, these immortal springs are all in secret realms or immortals' relics, at least half of which are in the hands of demons. It's almost impossible for humans to enjoy them. Some immortal springs are in the hands of some major human immortal palaces. Even though someone knows them, they would never expose it to the public. It's as difficult as going to the heavens for ordinary immortal generals to enjoy them. I prefer to take a look around for free in Mountain Ruins. Maybe we could have other discoveries…"

As they chatted with each other, they gradually flew towards Mountain Ruins shoulder to shoulder…

As for Zhang Tie who was a freshman in Motian Realm, with Immortal Being in Clouds on his side, he could really know a lot of information. At least, he could know something about Mountain Ruins. Therefore, he didn't refuse to go there together with Immortal Being in Clouds any more.

Of course, Zhang Tie knew that Immortal Being in Clouds was not finding pleasure in helping him, especially on the way. He had already realized that Immortal Being in Clouds might approach him for some other purpose.

Even so, as Zhang Tie had met numerous people, he was sure that this old man was neither a demon nor a member of Dark Emperor Immortal Palace. Even though he was a bit selfish, he was definitely not an evil person.

Now that Immortal Being in Clouds didn't mention about his purpose for the time being, Zhang Tie didn't ask him. No matter what, Zhang Tie had the initiative; therefore, he was not afraid that this old man could do harm to him. Whatever, just chat with him to relieve boredom…

Chapter 1857: A Severe Situation

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

After flying over 200,000 miles in over 10 days, they finally arrived at the bottom of Ice and Fire Heavenly Wind Layer near the border of heavens of Motian Realm.

Like a border, the thousands of miles thick Ice and Fire Heavenly Wind Layer divided Motian Realm into two utterly different worlds.

The world under Ice and Fire Heavenly Wind Layer belonged to commoners. The world above Ice and Fire Heavenly Wind Layer belonged to powers, which had numerous secrets, rarities and unimaginable dangers and tests.

When he came here last time, Zhang Tie was only in the 5 changes realm of shadow knight. Despite his powerful ability as a divine dominator, Zhang Tie had to stop under the Ice and Fire Heavenly Wind Layer. This time, Zhang Tie was already in the 7 change realm of the heavenly knight. The natural chasm couldn't become Zhang Tie's barrier anymore.

Of course, this time, Zhang Tie got a partner called Immortal Being in Clouds.

Suspending under the Ice and Fire Heavenly Wind Layer, Zhang Tie looked up as red and blue lights flashed across Zhang Tie's pure pupils like meteors and rainbows.

When he observed the red and blue dreamlike border, Zhang Tie pretty much felt heroic. It only took Zhang Tie 2 years to promote to the 7 change realm of the heavenly knight from the 5 change realm of shadow knight. However, it was not an end; instead, it was a start towards a new height. This time, after entering the Mountain Ruins, Zhang Tie intended to promote to a semi-level sage in 10 months.

In the 600 miles thick void at the bottom of Ice and Fire Heavenly Wind Layer, it was misty blue. Different shapes of icicles appeared and disappeared every once in a while. Some icicles were like fine sands; some were like stones; some were like sharp blades; some were like spears. These icicles appeared in the void like meteors and disappeared like flowing sands in wind. It was the icy zone at the bottom of Ice and Fire Heavenly Wind Layer.

Above this icy zone, it was as fiery as faint rouge as thick as about 600 miles too. In that air zone, it was fire which appeared and disappeared every once in a while. Some were sparkles; some were flames; some were blazes and fire rains. It was a zone with the manifested fire element.

"It's already October 14. It will be the 15th day of this month tomorrow. We'd better not enter it for the time being. After replenishing our energy and battle qi tomorrow, we will penetrate through Ice and Fire Heavenly Wind Layer…" Jiang Hu continued to impart his experience to Zhang Tie as he looked up at the Ice and Fire Heavenly Wind Layer solemnly, "We should penetrate through it as fast as possible. It's a taboo for people to stay inside for too long. The ice and fire heavenly wind could match the battle qi strikes of wind immortal generals. As long as we enter it, our protective battle qi will be hit by the ice and fire heavenly wind at any moment. The longer we stay inside, the more energy we have to consume. As long as our protective battle qi collapses, we will become sh*t in a split second. If we stay inside too long, we will consume too much energy. On this occasion, if we were ambushed by demons, we would suffer a great loss…"

"Will demons ambush us over there?" Zhang Tie asked as he moved his eyes away from the Ice and Fire Heavenly Wind Layer after a light flashed across his eyes.

"Of course, when an ordinary wind immortal general penetrates through the complete Ice and Fire Heavenly Wind Layer, he will lose at least 30% of overall strength. At that moment, he is in his weakest state!" Immortal Being in Clouds nodded as he continued, "Demons ambush humans; humans also ambush demons. It's full of tricks. It depends who is ambushed. Sometimes, the one being ambushed will trap his enemy at the same time. Sometimes, the one being trapped will continue to trap the one who traps him. For instance, if I'm a supreme immortal general, I could follow you up secretly. When you fall into the trap of the enemy and find that a wind demon immortal general wants to hurt you, I will rush inside to kill the demon. If that wind demon immortal generals is followed by two supreme demon immortal generals, we could only escape…"

Zhang Tie stroked his chin as he nodded, "Hmm, let's rest one day then…"

After saying that, Zhang Tie sat in the air with crossed legs, eyes closed. So did Immortal Being in Clouds. With a distance of dozens of meters, the two people started to adjust their qis and recover their energy as fast as possible.

If commoners didn't sleep for 100 hours continuously, they might die at any moment. As wind immortal generals, the two people had not eaten or drunk anything in the past half a month. Besides, as they were flying constantly, they had consumed a lot of energy. Even though Zhang Tie didn't care about it, Immortal Being in Clouds looked a bit tired.

Only after a few hours, it had been the 15th day of this month. The two people then took out their food and fresh water from their own space-teleportation equipment so as to replenish their energy.

After drinking water and eating food, the two people started to recover their energy rapidly. Immortal Being in Clouds even took a medicinal pill. After replenishing enough energy, Immortal Being in Clouds' face gradually turned red.

Zhang Tie contacted Dragon Emperor Immortal Palace and enquired about the situations facing Woods Medium-sized Domain and Dark Valley.

It was Elder Hou Moyuan who was on duty in the Qianji Agency of Dragon Emperor Immortal Palace. After receiving Zhang Tie's message, Hou Moyuan quickly gave feedback to Zhang Tie.

In only a few days, the situations facing Woods Medium-sized Domain and Dark Valley turned worse.

When Zhang Tie was eating fruits and soul-washing pills in Castle of Black Iron, some places in Motian Realm had been turned upside. The development of the situation rushed towards unknowns like derailed trains.

Star Emperor Immortal Palace, Force Emperor Immortal Palace and Heavenly Sunshine Immortal Palace broke out a fierce war in Woods Medium-sized Domain. As a result, the entire Woods Medium-sized Domain became the battlefield of the three immortal palaces.

As for the fuse of this war, the two emperor-level immortal palaces and Heavenly Sunshine Immortal Palace held different opinions.

The two emperor-level immortal palaces condemned Bu Qianchou the Heavenly Sunshine King of Heavenly Sunshine Immortal Palace for raiding the residences of the two emperor-level immortal palaces in Woods Medium-sized Domain and killing 37 powers including the deputy heads of Force Emperor Immortal Palace. Therefore, they started the war. However, Heavenly Sunshine King accused the two emperor-level immortal palaces of carrying out a bloodbath in the headquarters of Heavenly Sunshine Immortal Palace in Goldensunshine City in the same day and killing over 50 powers who were attending a conference over there, including many branch heads in Woods Medium-sized Domain and over 3,000 immortal soldiers and guards. As a result, half of Goldensunshine City was destroyed in the battle flames…

Force Emperor Immortal Palace, Star Emperor Immortal Palace and Heavenly Sunshine Immortal Palace couldn't ever bear such sufferings. Therefore, the conflicts between the three immortal palaces expanded in Woods Medium-sized Domain in an instant like how sparkles spread over a prairie…

Actually, as long as they found those people being involved in this event, they would know who was the culprit. As a mediator with special status, Emperor NvWa Palace also prepared to do that. Pitifully, since September 14, when the war broke out, Bu Qianchou the Heavenly Sunshine King, head of Heavenly Sunshine Immortal Palace had been missing.

According to Heavenly Sunshine Immortal Palace, as the two emperor-level immortal palaces were bringing pressure on Heavenly Sunshine Immortal Palace step by step, Bu Qianchu had long arrived at Woods Medium-sized Domain so as to stabilize the overall situation facing Golden Sunshine City. On September 14, some immortal generals that were assigned by Heavenly Sunshine Immortal Palace to keep an eye on the current situation facing the two emperor immortal palaces suddenly disappeared. Bu Qianchou felt it was unusual; therefore, he went out to look for them. Unexpectedly, after Bu Qianchou left Golden Sunshine City for a few hours, a lot of powers of the two emperor-level immortal palaces suddenly launched a sneak attack towards Golden Sunshine City and caused a bloodbath.

Force Emperor Immortal Palace and Star Emperor Immortal Palace announced that Bu Qianchou had escaped away due to fear after killing so many powers of the two emperor-level immortal palaces. However, according to Heavenly Sunshine Immortal Palace, Bu Qianchou was enticed to leave his base first; then almost all the powers of Heavenly Sunshine Immortal Palace were swept over by people. The two emperor-level immortal palaces were all ruthless and greedy. As for Bu Qianchou, he must have been killed by Force Emperor or Star Emperor. With this opinion, all the remaining ones of Heavenly Sunshine Immortal Palace were in grief and indignation. Holding high the banner of avenging Bu Qianchou and the damage of Golden Sunshine City, the entire Heavenly Sunshine Immortal Palace had mobilized all of its members to launch a holistic war like a powder keg being lighted.

These days, the war between Star Emperor Immortal Palace, Force Emperor Immortal Palace and Heavenly Sunshine Immortal Palace in Woods Medium-sized Domain had already shocked the entire Motian Realm. When everyone was dumbfounded by what had happened in Wood Medium-sized Domain, except for Dragon Emperor Immortal Palace which didn't take a stand, almost all the supreme immortal general's immortal palaces namely king-level immortal palaces joined in hands with each other and prepared to support Heavenly Sunshine Immortal Palace. In only a few days, those powers of king-level immortal palaces had been ready to leave for Wood Medium-sized Domain facing the great stress from the two "aggressive" emperor-level immortal palaces.

At this moment, of course Star Emperor Immortal Palace and Force Emperor Immortal Palace were reluctant to show weakness; especially the latter whose deputy heads had been killed assigned a lot of powers to Wood Medium-sized Domain.

At this moment, refugees were escaping in all directions in Wood Medium-sized Domain. As a result, people could apprehend danger in every sound. If not Emperor NvWa's Palace which was mediating this case, both parties might have long broke out a holistic war…

However, in the past September, Wood Medium-sized Domain was not the only place that shocked Motian Realm. In Dark Valley, many immortal generals who went to Dark Valley for Runed Emperor's immortal outfit and Tadpole Runes Sutra were said to disappear a few days ago.

As for many people, the second news was more bone-chilling…

Chapter 1858: Entering Heavenly Wind

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Although he had not got any evidence about the connection between the events in Woods Medium-sized Domain, Dark Valley and Versatile Demon Emperor, Zhang Tie strongly felt that Versatile Demon Emperor and Dark Emperor Immortal Palace were on the back of the two events.

Previously, Woods Medium-sized Domain was the sphere of influence of Cyan Dragon Palace of Dark Emperor Immortal Palace. There were more stories about Dark Valley. Versatile Demon Emperor had spent a lot on the two regions. Given the periods of time that the events happened in the two regions, they were closely after Versatile Demon Emperor's failure outside Emperor NvWa City and Zhang Tie's disappearance.

Would Versatile Demon Emperor continue to stay outside Emperor NvWa City after losing his target? Of course, he might continue to stay there. However, he probably would leave Emperor NvWa City rapidly and start his actions in Woods Medium-sized Domain and Dark Valley, which was exactly what a superpower would do in this case. Now that he was unsuccessful in the plan of killing Zhang Tie outside Emperor NvWa City, as a superpower, Versatile Demon Emperor preferred to carry forward the next action as soon as possible instead of wasting time.

Big figures' time was very precious. No matter how threatening was Zhang Tie to demons, Versatile Demon Emperor would not continue to waste time after losing his target.

As for what had happened in Woods Medium-sized Domain, even though Versatile Demon Emperor and Dark Emperor Immortal Palace were on its back, in the final analysis, it was the outcome of the long-term conflicts between emperor-level immortal palaces and supreme immortal generals' immortal palaces. If there were no such conflicts between these immortal palaces in Motian Realm, Versatile Demon Emperor could never instigate such major events easily no matter how powerful he was.

What did Versatile Demon Emperor want to do? Did he only want to instigate internal frictions and turmoils among humans?

Zhang Tie always felt it was not that simple. However, he couldn't figure out the real purpose of Versatile Demon Emperor for doing these. Even so, due to Versatile Demon Emperor's terrifying, unprecedented tricks, Zhang Tie still felt a great threat from him.

Versatile Demon Emperor had already known that Zhang Tie came from another world and pretended to be dragon emperor. However, Versatile Demon Emperor didn't expose it to the public. It was like a stone suspending above Zhang Tie and Dragon Emperor Immortal Palace. As Zhang Tie had escaped away, he would not be hurt by that stone anymore. Even though Versatile Demon Emperor exposed Zhang Tie's real identity, he could not hurt Zhang Tie even a bit. Whereas, Dragon Emperor Immortal Palace was still there. After two traitors were discovered among the elders of Dragon Emperor Immortal Palace, Versatile Demon Emperor was crystal clear of Dragon Emperor Immortal Palace's power. In this situation, why didn't Versatile Demon Emperor expose the current situation facing Dragon Emperor Immortal Palace and attack it?

After Xia Yangming and Shi Zhongyu betrayed Dragon Emperor Immortal Palace, their lackeys in Dragon Emperor Immortal Palace were cleaned up. As a result, Dragon Emperor Immortal Palace was heavily inflicted. Given the overall battle force of the powers in Dragon Emperor Immortal Palace, excluding Zhang Tie, Dragon Emperor Immortal Palace was even weaker than that before Zhang Tie joined Dragon Emperor Immortal Palace. The others might not know it; however, Versatile Demon Emperor must be crystal clear about it.

Even so, Versatile Demon Emperor still didn't attack Dragon Emperor Immortal Palace. Therefore, the reason was worth pondering.

No matter what, even though Zhang Tie didn't know what Versatile Demon Emperor was going to do, he was sure that Versatile Demon Emperor would never treat Dragon Emperor Immortal Palace well.

Since the center of Mountain Ruins was going to open, Motian Realm had started to be chaotic. In order to respond to the possible threats, through considerations, Zhang Tie delivered three orders to Dragon Emperor Immortal Palace through Qianji Agency.

Firstly, speed up the site selection and construction of many auxiliary production bases of Dragon Emperor Medicament in Dragon Emperor Big Domain. As long as Cloudriver Valley was damaged, the other production bases could be put into production at any time. At the same time, contact Emperor NvWa Palace as soon as possible and try to build a production base of Dragon Emperor Medicament inside Emperor NvWa City. Later on, the Dragon Emperor Medicament being sold to Emperor NvWa Palace would be produced in Emperor NvWa City. Within a short period of time, all the capacity of production of Dragon Emperor Medicament could even be transferred to Emperor NvWa City. After the production base in Emperor NvWa City was completed, 2 of the 5 elders and some immortal generals in Earthly Treasures Department could stay in Emperor NvWa City for long on duty like that in Qianji Agency, who would be responsible for the management of the production of Dragon Emperor Medicament.

Secondly, from that day on, the 5 elders of Dragon Emperor Immortal Palace didn't need to appear in the same place or gather together if not necessary. Additionally, the duty system of the elders in Qianji Agency should also be slightly adjusted. From that day on, only one elder was required to stay in Qianji Agency for one time. All the others should find some safe places to cultivate secretly outside Dragon Emperor City.

Thirdly, Zhang Tie asked Dragon Teeth Army to shorten the reaction time. Additionally, Zhang Tie forbade the heads and directors of the branches of Dragon Emperor Immortal Palace in Dragon Emperor Big Domain to convene their subordinate immortal generals in a large scale without the order from Dragon Emperor City. Earthly Treasures Department, Supervision Department, Personnel Department, Heavenly Craftsmanship Department and Military Department which worked in the Forbidden City separated again. Besides Qianji Agency which continued to work in Dragon Emperor City, all the five departments should move out of Forbidden City as soon as possible and find another city as their station respectively…

Zhang Tie's three orders were very unusual. Apparently, he wanted to break up the complete battle readiness and top powers of Dragon Emperor Immortal Palace into parts. Such an arrangement was only suited to unfavorable situations when Dragon Emperor Immortal Palace faced a powerful enemy and was in passive defense.

Zhang Tie didn't explain too much about his decisions. After delivering his orders to the elder in Qianji Agency, he contacted Huang Baimei and the other elders respectively and asked them to follow his requirement. After doing that, he cut off the contact with Dragon Emperor Immortal Palace.

Later on, as long as the elders and powers of Dragon Emperor Immortal Palace were not caught together, even if there was some loss and his real identity was exposed to the public by Versatile Demon Emperor, Dragon Emperor Immortal Palace could continue to survive on with stable element crystals from selling Dragon Emperor Medicament.

After doing that, Zhang Tie heaved a deep sigh in relief.

After arranging the future of Dragon Emperor Immortal Palace, Zhang Tie could finally focus on promoting to a semi-level sage knight.

In the blink of an eye, half a day had passed…

Zhang Tie's resilience was superb. As long as he got enough water and food, he could recover in the shortest period of time, not to mention that he drank some Dragon Emperor medicament that was brewed in Castle of Black Iron. By the evening of the 15th day of this month, Zhang Tie, sitting with crossed legs in the air, had opened his eyes at a stroke. As a shrewd light flashed across his eyes, he stood up and stretched himself as he watched the Ice and Fire Heavenly Wind Layer in front of him.

In the evening, red and blue lights flashed by inside Ice and Fire Heavenly Wind Layer, making it more brilliant. Being reflected by the colorful lights, Cui Li's bald head became a neon…

After feeling that Zhang Tie was awake, Immortal Being in Clouds also opened his eyes as he watched Zhang Tie with a confused look.

"Let's go!" Zhang Tie suggested.

"Ah? Now?" Immortal Being in Clouds asked while blinking his eyes.

"Of course!"

"But I've not completely recovered. Won't it be better if we enter it tomorrow���"

"Let's enter Mountain Ruins now. Even if some demons are ambushing there, they won't believe that someone entered Mountain Ruins today. Additionally, you could stay by my side. I will block off the greater part of Ice and Fire heavenly wind for you. Therefore, it won't cost you too much energy…" Zhang Tie said in a domineering way.


Zhang Tie then burst out laughing and broke into the azure blue zone at the bottom of Ice and Fire Heavenly Wind Layer as fast as a lightning bolt before receiving Immortal Being in Cloud's response. With a deep frown, Immortal Being in Cloud hurriedly followed him in.

Zhang Tie still remembered how he entered Ice and Fire Heavenly Wind Layer last time: his flight ability of divine dominator became ineffective for the first time. Besides, the high-speed wind elements as dense as mercury prevented him from extending his spiritual energy. Therefore, the moment he entered Ice and Fire Heavenly Wind Layer, he had lost the control of his own body like a leaf in a hurricane.

The fact proved that only wind could be accepted by the wind!

This time, it was much better when Zhang Tie entered it with the ability of his wind chakra.

With the drive of wind chakra, Zhang Tie instantly rushed into the blue torrent like a motorboat being installed with a powerful engine…

At the same time, dozens of blue icicles started to cut and hit Zhang Tie's protective battle qi at a terrifying, high speed like flying sabers. Their destructive power and penetrating power were definitely not weaker than that of a heavenly knight's strike.

Soon after these flying sabers disappeared, tens of thousands of sharp icy sands had appeared beside Zhang Tie. Like how raindrops hit a palm tree leaf, they caused dense cracks on Zhang Tie's protective battle qi…

"Wait for me…" Immortal Being in Cloud shouted behind him. Zhang Tie slowed down a bit as the latter caught up with him at once…

The wind elements in Ice and Fire Heavenly Wind Layer flew directionally. Therefore, those icicles and icy sands also attacked them directionally. When Zhang Tie entered it, all the strikes came from Zhang Tie's right side. Therefore, Immortal Being in Cloud instantly came to Zhang Tie's left side and march forward with Zhang Tie side by side. Zhang Tie's huge body and outflowing protective battle qi immediately blocked off over 80% of Heavenly Wind like an irresistible wall…

Chapter 1859: The Mysterious Land

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

The heavenly wind which flew at a super high speed in Ice and Fire Heavenly Wind Layer was a great test to the protective battle qi of any immortal general. Zhang Tie's protective battle qi was almost hit by heavenly wind per second. Therefore, he had to sustain great stress.

The heavenly wind was composed of the wind element, water element and fire element. Heavenly ice wind was under heavenly fire wind. They both flew towards different directions. Like two big rivers, they were neighboring each other; however, they didn't disturb each other. Such fantastic scenery in the world!

At this moment, Zhang Tie was traveling in the heavenly ice wind at more than 1,500 m per second like a dauntless man crossing turbulence. It was a great speed for common wind immortal generals.

Zhang Tie also felt the power and stress of the heavenly ice wind. The others might have to treat the power and stress meticulously; however, Zhang Tie's protective battle qi could bear it easily. The brilliant sun in his qi sea was constantly releasing battle qi so as to replenish the protective qi that he had consumed in flight. Therefore, despite being in the Ice and Fire Heavenly Wind Layer, Zhang Tie still had a strong interest in viewing the surrounding scenery.

There were many heavenly winds in different shapes in the heavenly ice wind layer, no matter large or small. The heavenly ice winds at the bottom were as small as fine sands and saber edges. As he reached higher places, Zhang Tie found the heavenly ice winds gradually become larger. Some heavenly winds could even reach hundreds of meters long which flashed by like an ice belt or a train. In the blink of an eye, they had disappeared. Some heavenly ice winds looked like fish in water, no matter large or small. They looked pretty airy. However, they also disappeared in a wink. The wonders of the Mother Nature were well reflected in the Ice and Fire Heavenly Wind Layer.

By contrast, Immortal Being in Cloud looked a bit nervous. Being a few meters away from Zhang Tie on the left, he maintained the same speed with Zhang Tie. At the same time, he kept observing Zhang Tie in case that Zhang Tie couldn't stand it.

However, when he found that Zhang Tie looked very easy, Immortal Being in Cloud became a bit frustrated. He had accessed to Mountain Ruins for more than once; however, it was his first time to see someone behave so freely in the Ice and Fire Heavenly Wind Layer.

If not that he had already stayed with Zhang Tie for a few days and had confirmed that Zhang Tie was a wind immortal general, given Zhang Tie's current performance, Immortal Being in Cloud even doubted that Zhang Tie was a fire immortal general.

"Li, doesn't your protective battle qi feel any stress? I found you're flying very easily." After a short while, Immortal Being in Cloud finally broke the silence.

"Hahaha, it's fine…" Zhang Tie replied simply.

"Li, have you cultivated a body-strengthening skill? I know that those immortal generals who have cultivated body-strengthening skills have especially strong bodies and more powerful protective battle qi…"

'Body-strengthening skill?'

After hearing the words of Immortal Being in Cloud, Zhang Tie's heart palpitated once as he nodded, "Yes, I've indeed cultivated a body-strengthening skill. My master suggested me to cultivate a body-strengthening skill; otherwise, I won't live up to my frame…"

"I see…" Stroking his beard, Immortal Being in Cloud revealed a pleasant expression which meant that "I've long guessed that"…

At this moment, a 10-m longer blue heavenly ice wind appeared over 100 m ahead like an oarfish in water. Zhang Tie became suddenly stagnated so as to avoid it; however, Immortal Being in Cloud who was pleasant just now instantly rushed in front of Zhang Tie and almost hit the long heavenly ice wind. He was scared so much that his face instantly turned pale. He then hurriedly gazed at various heavenly winds in front of him attentively instead of showing off any more…

What Immortal Being in Cloud said just now reminded Zhang Tie of a possibility in an instant——I wonder whether ice and fire heavenly winds could help me strengthen my body and stimulate the growth of King Kong Fruit or not.

Closely after that, Zhang Tie couldn't stay calm anymore as he instantly started to consider the possibility.

'Although these heavenly winds are different than the ice and fire created by my battle qi and spiritual energy, to be honest, the heavenly ice winds and the heavenly fire winds were the purest ice and fire in the world; because they were directly manifested by the two elements.'

'As long as I could control the number of heavenly ice winds that hit my body in a limited period of time, I could have a try. I would stop it once I couldn't bear it…'

Zhang Tie instantly exposed a crack on his protective battle qi on his right side. In a split second, a bit of invisible heavenly ice wind penetrated through that crack and slammed onto Zhang Tie's palm…

Despite his great physique, Zhang Tie still felt being hit by a bullet. When the bit of heavenly ice wind hit his palm, his entire arm felt numb in an instant. Closely after that, the bone-chilling cold spread over his whole body in a split second, causing him to tremble once.

This happened too fast and quietly. Even though Immortal Being in Cloud on Zhang Tie's left didn't discover that; instead, Immortal Being in Cloud was focusing on the heavenly winds ahead. Additionally, Zhang Tie's protective battle qi was a good shelter which could isolate sound. Even though Immortal Being in Cloud couldn't imagine that a "fool" dared test the power of heavenly ice wind using his own body in the world…

Zhang Tie took a look at the palm being hit as he found the bit of heavenly ice wind had long disappeared. His palm looked a bit red; however, it didn't bleed. If it were before, when Zhang Tie's palm was struck by such a bit of heavenly ice wind, there must have been a wound. However, after eating so many King Kong Fruits, Zhang Tie's anti-striking ability had enhanced a few levels. Therefore, he would bear the bit of heavenly ice wind which could kill any fighters below knights.

After finding that his palm was not hurt, Zhang Tie became much more confident at once. When the bone-chilling cold faded away, Zhang Tie let in a bit more heavenly ice wind through the crack in his protective battle qi and made it hit onto his hand…

10 minutes later, Zhang Tie and Immortal Being in Cloud penetrated through the heavenly ice winds layer and entered the heavenly fire winds layer. Because the direction of heavenly fire winds was opposite to that of heavenly ice winds, Immortal Being in Cloud came to Zhang Tie's right side so that Zhang Tie's sturdy frame could continue to resist the strikes of heavenly fire winds.

In the heavenly fire winds layer, there were fire rains, sabers and bolts at the bottom; as they gradually elevated, those heavenly fire winds would turn into animals like jackals, wolves, tigers, leopards and the other fierce beasts. Sometimes, they could even see hundreds of meters long fire dragons and snakes.

In the heavenly fire winds layer, Zhang Tie continued to open a crack on his protective battle qi on the left and let in a bit heavenly fire wind and have it hit onto the other hand…

It was not a real exercise, it was just his brave attempt. If this attempt was feasible, Zhang Tie planned to quench his body in Ice and Fire Heavenly Wind Layer after promoting to a semi-level sage knight. If the result proved that this idea was in vain, he would adopt the former method.

It depended on whether it could strengthen his body or not.

It only took them over 20 minutes to penetrate the entire Ice and Fire Heavenly Wind Layer. Soon after adapting to this method a bit, Zhang Tie had felt the stress on his protective battle qi disappear. He then found that he had already exited the Ice and Fire Heavenly Wind Layer. A bizarre world was right in front of him…

Everything in front of him was slowly flowing. They were mountains instead of water, no matter large or small.

After entering Mountain Ruins, Zhang Tie took a cursory look as he saw mountains everywhere within thousands of miles. There was no ground here but floating mountains which varied from hills to mountain ranges which lasted dozens even hundreds of miles. They were flowing quietly like leaves in rivers and revolving galaxies in the sky.

All of a sudden, a lightning bolt crossed the sky and hit a mountain peak. The dazzling light made the entire air zone bright and reflected some dark sunken places in the space…

If it were before, Zhang Tie might not know the dark sunken places in the space; but after the battle at Yinhai Desert, he was familiar with that thing too much.

They were space cracks…

Watching the evident space cracks in the sky, Zhang Tie's heart palpitated twice due to excitement.

After the lightning bolt, there was no rain but rumbling thunders. The mountain peak being hit by the lightning bolt also slowly changed its direction and trace and floated towards the far while pushing away two mountain peaks nearby like a boat in the water as if someone was pushing it from behind.

Zhang Tie finally knew why Old Jiang said there was no map of Mountain Ruins. In this case, map was nothing but sh*t. With one lightning bolt, the terrain in Mountain Ruins would change. Additionally, everything here was moving…

Coincidentally, an over 100 m high mountain peak being pushed away by the bigger mountain peak just now was floating towards Zhang Tie. He found that it was covered with thick moss and some verdant grasses. After scanning over it spiritually, Zhang Tie widely opened his mouth.

It was full of purest air-floating metal inside the mountain peak, which could become the key ingredient of airboat…

All the floating mountain peaks in the Mountain Ruins contained the purest air-floating metal which was grossly precious in Taixia Country.

If a fist-sized piece of air-floating metal could be taken back to Taixia Country, it could guarantee a person to live a happy and wealthy life. However, precious air-floating metal was as normal as sands in the desert here…

'F*ck!' Zhang Tie was petrified——what the hell is Mountain Ruins? How could it be so weird and filled with air-floating mountains? Additionally, there're fatal space cracks everywhere in the sky…

"Eh…" Immortal Being in Cloud uttered as he instantly flashed towards the 100-m longer mountain peak. After picking a green grass at the hillside, he flew back rapidly with excitement, exclaiming, "Haha, I'm really lucky today. Soon after entering the Mountain Ruins, I've got a nine-leaf dendrobium. It's an immortal grass. It's worth at least 1,000 earth-element crystals in the Watercloud Secret Realm of Emperor NvWa's Palace…"

Immortal Being in Cloud showed it to Zhang Tie pleasantly. Closely after that, he teleported it into his portable space-teleportation equipment as if he didn't mean to share profits with Zhang Tie at all…