1955 - 1963

Chapter 1955: Decision and Defense

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

The entrance of Golden Crown in Garby City was on a mountain inside the city.

That mountain was actually a gold mine hundreds of years ago. When miners reached the deep place of the mine, they discovered that karst cave and the towers of time in the karst cave. From then on, the mountain which had three average peaks became the encampment of the national defense department of Sterland Republic and was heavily guarded all the years round. After hundreds of years, this mountain had been utterly different than that hundreds of years before. It was verdant everywhere. Additionally, guards could be seen in each a few steps.

Zhang Tie took a car which was dispatched to Moonlight Hotel by the national defense department of Sterland Republic especially for them with Bordili and a colonel all the way to the entrance of Golden Crown smoothly.

Being on the hillside, that entrance was higher than 5 m and thicker than 2 m like a round alloy gate of the vault in a bank. After checking the document presented by the colonel, that officer asked his men to open the entrance.

There was a long downward tunnel being reinforced with steel rails and steel plates behind the gate. On both sides of the tunnel were eternal fluorescent lamps. The entire tunnel was dimly green like a secluded backroom of the knight. Besides their footsteps, they could hear no more sound inside.

After walking over 1,000 m in the underground tunnel, they saw another same gate. That colonel then presented the same document to the guard before being allowed to access it. There was another reinforced 1,000 m long downward tunnel behind the gate. After passing the third protective gate, they saw a crude elevator that looked like an iron cage at the end of the tunnel. After entering the elevator, the three people started to descend rapidly with squeaks and slight tremble.

"Many objects inside Golden Crown are mining facilities. Only these mining facilities are available here. This steam elevator is especially for miners hundreds of years ago. Although it looked crude, it was safe as people provide regular maintenance for it!" Sitting in the elevator, that colonel of the national defense department of Sterland Republic introduced it to Zhang Tie and Bordili as if he didn't want the two "foreigners" to look down the power of Sterland Republic.

"If demon knights launch a sneak attack towards the entrance and collapse the tunnel, won't people be trapped downside?" Bordili asked him.

"We've already considered this possibility. Therefore, there's an emergency tunnel in the karst cave below. However, that alternative emergency tunnel's location is confidential. Even I don't know about the location of its entrance or exit. That emergency tunnel couldn't be used until this tunnel is closed!"

Bordili then nodded. After taking a look at Zhang Tie who remained silent, he didn't speak anymore.

Zhang Tie remained silent today. As he was going to enter the tower of time, he had been absolutely reassured.

No matter how bad was the situation facing Taixia Country, it wouldn't deteriorate too much in a couple of days. It was not late for him to deal with that when he left the tower of time. It was time for him to clean up those evil forces and trashes in the three major clans, even Taixia Country as a whole.

This 'frail' period was a rare experience for Zhang Tie. In this short period of time, Zhang Tie returned to the frontline of the battlefield and experienced the brutality of the holy war again as an ordinary fighter.

Since ancient times, the middle- and low-class commoners and grassroots always suffered the greatest losses in each war, turmoil and crisis. Watching the Coldwater City which had turned into ruins and been covered with the blood of humans and those rotten skeletons in the mountains outside Coldwater City, Zhang Tie made up his mind for the first time——to end the holy war and drive all the demons back into the underground abyss.

7-8 minutes later, this elevator came to a stop with a squeak. That colonel of the national defense department of Sterland Republic then pulled open the door of the elevator. The three people then walked out of this elevator and entered another elevator for further discussions as they couldn't enter the very deep underground space with only one elevator.

After taking 5 elevators, the three people traveled in the underground mine cave being covered with rails by bogie truck for over half an hour. Finally, they came to the front of a huge protective door as same as before. The colonel then presented the last document to a guard. After that, the thick door was opened, revealing another tunnel behind it.

"It's the karst cave of No. 3 tower of time right at the end of this tunnel. According to the rule, I must stop here," the colonel said as he took a look at the watch on his hand, "As long as you leave the tower of time and enter this tunnel 5 days later, the protective door will be opened. By then, I will pick you up!"

"Okay!" Bordili nodded with a stern look. After that, he walked towards the tunnel together with Zhang Tie.

When Bordili and Zhang Tie was going to access the last protective door, the colonel opened his mouth again.

"The code name of our troop here is Golden Crown. All the fighters of Golden Crown are the most loyal and fearless warriors in Sterland Republic. They are ready to sacrifice themselves for Golden Crown. Additionally, they're the most reticent ones in this country. After joining Golden Crown, they must defend this dark underground space all year round; they must leave their family members, friends, and honors. The comrades-in-arms could even call each other by code names; instead of their real names. They didn't have an opportunity to enter the tower of time; neither are they qualified to enter it. They are not allowed to take a glance at the tower of time which they defend until they're going to leave here. When they return to the surface of the ground, their memory about the period when they were in Golden Crown would be erased with medicine. The image about towers of time that they defend could only stay in their mind for a few hours…"

Zhang Tie instantly stopped his foot as he turned around and looked at that colonel.

When he saw Zhang Tie coming to a stop, Bordili stopped too.

After noticing Zhang Tie's response, that colonel instantly moved his eyes from Bordili to Zhang Tie as he looked straight into Zhang Tie's eyes fearlessly and talked to him in a low tone, "The reason that these fighters wish to defend towers of time here and bury their youth underground is that their duty is meaningful. They're firmly convinced that each person leaving any tower of time here would kill more demons in the battlefield above ground. Each knight who grew more powerful here would become the hardcore of humans and the guarantee for humans' existence. They wish to defend here for such people, even at the cost of their own lives!"

Zhang Tie glanced over the calm faces of that colonel and the two rows of fighters in silence. After that, he nodded and entered the tunnel. That colonel then gave a military salute to Zhang Tie.

The thick protective door was slowly closed from outside, leaving two people's footsteps in the tunnel.

"Sigh…" Bordili didn't maintain his majesty and arrogance anymore when he faced Zhang Tie alone. He suddenly sighed. "Perhaps humans could finally survive on the former two holy wars because of the sacrifice of these people!"

"Do you think it is righteous for Holy Light Empire to establish Sword of Brilliance at the cost of so many people's lives in that means?" Zhang Tie suddenly asked Bordili after taking a glance at the latter.

After considering it for a short while, Bordili answered, "Not righteous; but it's necessary. Because righteousness couldn't kill demons; however, powerful fighters could!"

After taking a look at Bordili, Zhang Tie didn���t speak anymore. Because a huge karst cave had already appeared in front of them.

This colossal karst cave was higher than 10,000 m. It was giving out golden lights everywhere because of raw gold ore. A tower of time higher than 1,000 m was standing loftily right in the middle of the karst cave.

The exit of that tunnel was above the karst cave. Standing on the platform at the entrance of the karst cave, they could well overlook the entire karst space. The huge tower of time was right under their foot. Additionally, there was a tunnel on the stone wall which connected the platform to the bottom of the space.

It might also be the first time for Bordili to the watchtower of time. He was greatly shocked by the flowing rune light over the tower of time.

"See you 5 days later…" Zhang Tie left one sentence to Bordili. Closely after that, he flew off the platform and came to the entrance of the tower of time with a flash. When he pushed open the gate of the tower of time, a streak of white light instantly poured out of the crack between the gate and its frame. When Zhang Tie entered the tower of time, the gate closed at once.

Standing on the platform at the entrance, Bordili was stunned by Zhang Tie's movement. Not until then did he find that Zhang Tie was a knight. Additionally, Zhang Tie's moving speed was far from his imagination.

This tower of time was very similar to that one which he entered in Ice and Snow Wilderness before.

There was a long and profound crystal tunnel being covered with flowing odd runes behind the gate of the tower of time. As it gathered the energy of this tower of time, it felt pretty comfortable when Zhang Tie took a breath…

Chapter 1956: Dark Clouds Bearing Down On the City

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

After coming to the end of the crystal tunnel, Zhang Tie instantly entered the light film. Closely after that, he appeared in the center of a colossal space.

This space was surrounded by crystals. When Zhang Tie entered it, the runes in those crystals started to flow at an increasingly higher speed. Gradually, those runes turned into streaks of light and covered the entire space with a thick light cocoon. Closely after that, a brilliant Milky Way appeared above Zhang Tie's head.

Meanwhile, many lines of words appeared in front of Zhang Tie.

——Tower of time starts. The space-time torsion force is equal to the standard difference between rotation time and revolution time of this planet; namely, one year in this space is equal to one day outside.

——After 1/3 period of lunar phase change, namely 5 days outside or 5 years in this space, the space-time torsion force would return to zero. By then, the tower of time will enter the silent energy storage period again.

——During this period, the essential vigor inside this space will meet all the essential necessities for the entrant and prevent the entrant's cells from aging or degeneration.

——If you want to leave here in advance, you could rotate the time ball on the ground in an anti-clockwise manner.

——After 20 standard years outside, the tower of time will restart.

Reading this message, Zhang Tie recalled the scene when he entered the tower of time for the first time.

After coming to the front of the time ball of this tower of time, Zhang Tie injected some spiritual energy into it; then, he saw the same sentence.

——Ants gather up for survival; powerful ones are accompanied by loneliness and the starry sky.

"Hahahaha…" After being silent for a few seconds, Zhang Tie burst out laughing inside the tower of time.

If the tower of time was built by engineers, this tower of time and that one which he entered for the first time must share the same builder; because the two time balls shared the same "autograph".

Zhang Tie felt that a mysterious force was helping him enter the same kind of tower of time at the most critical moments.

When he stopped laughing, Zhang Tie sat in front of the time ball and started to improve his spiritual energy, legs crossed and eyes closed.

As for a powerhouse like Zhang Tie, 5 years in the tower of time was just a short period of time which would soon elapse through secluded cultivation.

He could use the first three years to fix his "frail" state. As for the following two years, he could start to form his immortal chakra…

On the same evening, an airboat arrived at Embracing Tiger City, Yanghe Prefecture, Youzhou Province in the brilliant sunset glow. It slowly landed at Embracing Tiger City.

Lan Yunxi, the owner of Huaiyuan Palace, Zhang Muray and Zhang Muyu were welcoming the special guest at the airport.

Time was merciful to knights; especially female knights. Over 20 years didn't leave any trace on Lan Yunxi's face. It was just like 3 years for her. Lan Yunxi remained as same as before. However, her personality became much more profound and distant. Those deacons and disciples of Huaiyuan Palace in Embracing Tiger Mountain had not seen any expression which represented her mental activities for many years. Even casual eye contact with her would bring very great stress to them. Therefore, everyone behaved meticulously in front of her.

In Huaiyuan Palace, Lan Yunxi became more and more majestic. Even those clan elders dared not offend this clan owner easily.

Today, Lan Yunxi looked more distant, arrogant and domineering in a black pleated skirt made of golden boa silk and a tall uighur bun. Her dignity as a clan owner was almost overwhelming.

Watching the airboat slowly descending, Lan Yunxi's eyes stayed calm as if she was watching a white cloud floating by or a tree leaf falling off.

By contrast, Elder Muray and Elder Mu Yu on her side watched that airboat with a bit complex expression.

The others might not recognize that airboat; however, as elders of Huaiyuan Palace, they recognized it. Actually, they bore it deep in mind.

Because that airboat once belonged to Huaiyuan Palace. Precisely, it belonged to Elder Mushen. Elder Mushen won it from Taiyi Fantasy Sect through bet in the Earth-element Realm. Later on, Elder Mushen returned it to Taiyi Fantasy Sect for the sake of the overall situation and the fame of Taiyi Fantasy Sect. Although it had happened dozens of years ago, at the sight of this airboat, Elder Muray and Elder Muyu still clearly recalled how Elder Mushen returned to Youzhou Province by this airboat for the first time…

However, when the same airboat arrived at EmbracingTiger City, there was no Elder Mushen in Huaiyuan Palace anymore. Time flies. Everything had changed.

Not far from Lan Yunxi, Elder Muray and Elder Muyu, clan deacons and disciples of Huaiyuan Palace were waiting for the special guest with respect. By contrast, these clan deacons and disciples were watching the airboat with animosity.

The mark of Taiyi Fantasy Sect on the airboat was too easily identified. All the people in the mountain could see it clearly. However, in the hearts of many deacons and disciples of Huaiyuan Palace, Taiyi Fantasy Sect was their No. 2 enemy, closely after demons or in the same position with demons.

It was the black invitation cards of Taiyi Fantasy Sect and the other two sects which led to the death of Elder Mushen.

Although Huaiyuan Palace and Jinwu Palace sounded like two clans, their blood ties couldn't be fully separated by their names. Over dozens of years, under the gaze of the new clan owner, although Huaiyuan Palace and Jinwu Palace didn't communicate with each other superficially, their exchanges were actually unavoidable; especially between those at the bottom.

Over dozens of years, Jinwu Palace made a lot of progress and had become a top clan in Taixia Country. Meanwhile, Jinwu Palace took care of Huaiyuan Palace very much on many aspects including the provision of fiery oil and all-purpose medicament. Those businesses and benefits that the other clans could get from Jinwu Palace would also be acquired by Huaiyuan Palace. The latter even enjoyed more. Without Jinwu Palace's concern, all these were impossible.

When disciples of Huaiyuan Palace left Youzhou Province to handle affairs, they would usually receive the concern of Jinwu Palace. Even though they didn't mention Jinwu Palace, those who knew Huaiyuan Palace would also regard it with special respect given the contribution of Elder Mushen. In the territory of Youzhou Province, even the entire Northeast Military Region, nobody dared do harm to disciples of Huaiyuan Palace. Although clan owner and top powers of Huaiyuan Palace might not feel these deeply, deacons and disciples who were on the middle-and-low class of the clan had deep feelings about them.

Although Elder Mushen had already died at Yinhai Desert for more than two decades, those old men in Huaiyuan Palace were still educating those juniors in their clan with the heroic deeds of Elder Mushen and always recalled the prosperity of Huaiyuan Palace when Elder Mushen was alive. After hearing too many stories about Zhang Tie, many young disciples in Huaiyuan Palace hated Taiyi Fantasy Sect, Heavens Holding Pavilion and Qionglou Pavilion very much.

Watching the airboat of Taiyi Fantasy Sect slowly descending, many deacons and disciples of Huaiyuan Palace had a big question.

They had not seen any airboat of Taiyi Fantasy Sect, Heavens Holding Pavilion and Qionglou Pavilion entering Youzhou Province for over two decades after the battle at Yinhai Desert on the 907th year of Black Iron Calendar. The entire Youzhou Province almost became the forbidden area of the three major sects. Not only airboats, but even the disciples of the three major sects also dared not appear in the forbidden area. Not knowing why, the airboat of Taiyi Fantasy Sect suddenly arrived at Youzhou Province today. What was more, the airboat was once used by Elder Mushen. It was of great significance from all perspectives. Which people in Taiyi Fantasy Sect dared behave such presumptuously in Youzhou Province…

When the airboat landed and the hatch door was going to open, Lan Yunxi glanced around her deacons and disciples, causing them who were watching the airboat with animosity to lower their eyes.

At this moment, the hatch door opened outward as a staircase reached the ground. Feng Yexiao, the grand elder of Taiyi Fantasy Sect then walked out of the airboat.

Over two decades, Feng Yexiao looked a bit thinner; his hair became silver; some more wrinkles appeared on his forehead and cheeks. He looked sharper than before.

"My respect to you, Elder Feng." Lan Yunxi bowed towards Feng Yexiao as a disciple of Taiyi Fantasy Sect!

"Nice to see you, Elder Feng!" Elder Muray and Elder Muyu greeted Feng Yexiao calmly. Although being a shadow knight, Feng Yexiao couldn't cause the elders of Huaiyuan Palace to succumb to him.

"Hahaha, I've not been in a remote place like Youzhou Province for over two decades. Embracing Tiger City looks much more prosperous than before." Feng Yexiao opened his mouth with a fake smile. After hearing his words, Elder Muray's and Elder Muyu's face became temporarily frozen.

Of course, the two people knew that Feng Yexiao came to Youzhou Province to send a black invitation card to Jinwu Palace over two decades ago. Elder Mushen also died because of it.

"I've already prepared some drinks for you, Elder Feng, please…" Lan Yunxi invited Feng Yexiao with the same calm look as if she had not heard Feng Yexiao's words.

"No need. I'm not here for a drink. I've got something to negotiate with you!" Feng Yexiao said as his face turned solemn. Meanwhile, he waved his hand and talked to Lan Yunxi in a domineering way, "Let's talk somewhere privately!"

"Well. Now that Elder Feng has something to negotiate with me, let's talk about it in the Shrine Palace of Huaiyuan Palace!" Lan Yunxi directly turned around and walked towards the Shrine Palace of Huaiyuan Palace with Feng Yexiao.

When he came to the entrance of the Shrine Palace, Feng Yexiao took a glance at Elder Muray and Elder Muyu before talking to Lan Yunxi, "As the affair is only about you, I think the others don't have to follow us in…"

After hearing Feng Yexiao's words, Elder Muray's face instantly turned red in fury as he stared at Feng Yexiao and wanted to lose his temper. However, he was stopped by Elder Muyu.

"I'm a disciple of Taiyi Fantasy Sect, also the owner of Huaiyuan Palace. All that I could know about Taiyi Fantasy Sect and Huaiyuan Palace should also be known by the two elders…" Lan Yunxi said calmly.

"Whatever." Feng Yexiao replied with a sneer and he swung his sleeves and entered the Shrine Palace ahead of Lan Yunxi which looked such rude.

After sitting well in the Shrine Palace according to etiquette, Lan Yunxi asked a deacon to serve them tea. After unveiling the lid of the teacup, Feng Yexiao didn't drink it; instead, he directly covered it with a clear sound 'pah' as if he disliked the tea leaves or the tea water. He even shook his head and said, "It seems that Huaiyuan Palace is really going to decline. Everyone knows that top-quality bloody spirit tea in Youzhou Province is the best tea in Taixia Country. Doesn't Huaiyuan Palace prepare some for your guest?"

"Top-quality bloody spirit tea is a specialty in Iron Dragon Sect. Its yield is very less annually. Additionally, few of them flow outside. Neither is there any stockpile in Huaiyuan Palace!" Lan Yunxi took her teacup and had a sip before saying calmly.

"Really? But Huaiyuan Palace also has a lot of all-purpose medicament and fiery oil which are the specialties of Jinwu Palace…" Feng Yexiao continued ironically as he gazed at Lan Yunxi with a smirk.

"Fiery oil and all-purpose medicament are available across the world. Not only Taixia Country, but even the other continents and sub-continents also have them; so does Taiyi Fantasy Sect. It's the normal commercial intercourse between Huaiyuan Palace and Jinwu Palace. My subordinate is in charge of it. I rarely care about it. If Elder Feng is interested in it, I could call my subordinate here. Elder Feng could ask about him…"

Of course, the grand elder of Taiyi Fantasy Sect, also a shadow knight with 6 changes would not like to discuss this trifle with a subordinate of Huaiyuan Palace for the sake of his fame. Although Lan Yunxi's words sounded respectful, it instantly caused Feng Yexiao to become mute. He could only reply with a cold harrumph, "I'm actually not here to negotiate with you; strictly, I'm here to notify you!"

"Please go ahead."

"Since the third prince was assassinated, you're still unmarried. The owner of our sect has found a good husband for you!"

"I wonder who's the good husband that Taiyi Fantasy Sect has found for our clan owner!" Elder Muyu asked Feng Yexiao with a poker face.

"Xuanyuan Lie, the ninth prince of Emperor Xuanyuan!"

"Doesn't Xuanyuan Lie already have a wife? How could our clan owner marry him?" Elder Muyu continued.

"Of course, she's not going to be his wife; but Xuanyuan Lie's concubine…" Feng Yexiao smirked as he took a disdainful look at Elder Muyu.

Elder Muyu and Elder Muray instantly changed their faces as they sprung up and released their fierce battle qi…

Chapter 1957: The Sudden Arrival of Dark Clouds

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

"No, never. The owner of Huaiyuan Palace could never be anyone's concubine!" Elder Muray looked straight into Feng Yexiao with a red face out of great fury. He didn't fear Feng Yexiao's power as a shadow knight at all; instead, he just pointed at Feng Yexiao by finger out of fury and said seriously, "Even if I, Zhang Muray, had to die here, I would never allow anyone to insult Huaiyuan Palace!"

"Although our owner is a disciple of Taiyi Fantasy Sect, she's also the owner of Zhang Clan. Across Taixia Country, if any order from a person's sect violates the benefits of the person's own clan, it will be regarded as a reasonable order. Any disciple could refuse to accept it!" Elder Muyu said with high spirits as he watched Lan Yunxi.

However, Feng Yexiao just ignored the two furious elders of Huaiyuan Palace. After glancing at them, he fixated onto Lan Yunxi, saying, "The 9th prince is going to ascend to the throne of Xuanyuan Emperor. Even though the concubine of the 9th prince couldn't take charge of the imperial harem in the future, she will also be a highest-ranking imperial concubine. Many women in the world dream for that position. Huaiyuan Palace shall be wise!"


'9th prince is going to ascend to the throne of Xuanyuan Emperor?'

After hearing Feng Yexiao's words, Lan Yunxi, Elder Muray and Elder Muyu felt their hearts palpitating once.

"Huaiyuan Palace is not qualified to intervene with the disputes in Xuanyuan Hill; however, the owner of Huaiyuan Palace shall never be a concubine!" Elder Muray stuck to his opinion with the same fury.

"Yea, even Xuanyuan Emperor could make our owner as his concubine, not to mention his 9th prince!" Elder Muyu said in a muffled sound.

"What's your opinion?" Feng Yexiao asked as he watched Lan Yunxi.

"Yunxi is inauspicious. I've already prepared to stay alone for the rest of my life for the sake of Huaiyuan Palace. Thanks for your kindness, but I cannot take it…" Lan Yunxi said calmly as she lowered her head.

Lan Yunxi's father and master were both killed. Even her fiance Xuanyuan Wuji who was going to be engaged to her was also killed. Her sufferings had long been spread across Taixia Country 30 years ago. According to a fortune-teller, Lan Yunxi was so inauspicious that she would cause her husband to die. Therefore, over 30 years, none of the major clans across Taixia Country dared to propose marriage to her.

After hearing Lan Yunxi's opinion, Elder Muray and Elder Muyu finally relieved a sigh.

"You also know that you're inauspicious. It means that you've not forgotten about Elder Zhu's kindness towards you. Previously, Elder Zhu always protected you in Taiyi Fantasy Sect. Finally, she was killed by Yun Zhongzi for the protection of Taiyi Fantasy Sect. Don't you want to avenge your master?"

When she heard her master Zhu Qianqian, Lan Yunxi finally revealed a grieved look. Zhu Qianqian treated Lan Yunxi like her daughter. However, she was killed by Yun Zhongzi. As for Lan Yunxi, such a strike was as painful and impressive as losing her father. She could never forget about that.

"Is there any connection between marrying the 9th prince and avenging my master?"

"Yun Zhongzi is already a sage-level knight. You could barely avenge Elder Zhu even in 200 years. Additionally, even though you could promote to a sage-level knight, you will find that Yun Zhongzi is more powerful than you. It could be said that you have no hope to avenge your master for the rest of your life. However, if you marry the 9th prince and give birth to a son, as long as the 9th prince ascends to the throne, he will have people bring Yun Zhongzi's head to you. It's tantamount to avenging your master…"

"Does the 9th prince know where is Yun Zhongzi?"

"Of course!"

"Where's Yun Zhongzi?"

"Where do you think he is?" Feng Yexiao sneered as he watched Lan Yunxi in a profound look, adding, "Yun Zhongzi is a member of Great Wilderness Sect. When the Great Wilderness Dongtian in the southern region of Taixia Country was discovered, it fell in the hands of Immortal Qianji together with its top rarity. When Taiyi Fantasy Sect sent a black card to Immortal Qianji with the other two major clans, Taiyi Fantasy Sect suffered a sneak attack by Yun Zhongzi on the same day so as to reduce our battle force in the battle of Yinhai Desert. Do you think it's just a coincidence?"

Feng Yexiao's words hit Lan Yunxi's heart like a heavy hammer. In an instant, Lan Yunxi's calm face turned pale, dreadfully pale!

Elder Muray and Elder Muyu changed their faces greatly.

"Impossible… impossible… he wouldn't do that… he wouldn't do that…" Lan Yunxi mumbled as she shook her head.

Zhang Tie had already killed her father. As for the detailed reason, Lan Yunxi didn't want to think about it anymore. However, she couldn't accept the fact that even her master's death was because of Zhang Tie.

Feng Yexiao's words rove Lan Yunxi's scar in her deep inner heart, poked it ferociously and scattered some salt on it.

Some place in Lan Yunxi's heart had completely been shattered into pieces. This world was too cruel to her.

"Nothing is impossible. You're too naive. According to Yun Zhongzi's flagrant crimes in the holy war, he shall never be forgiven. Additionally, he shall be severely punished. He's already the No. 1 criminal being wanted by the Supreme Court in Taixia Country. If Huaiyuan Palace hides such an important criminal, Huaiyuan Palace shall be exterminated as a whole!" Feng Yexiao then took a look at the sky outside the Shrine Palace of Huaiyuan Palace with a sneer, "At this moment, I'm afraid that the supreme justice, one of the nine cabinet members of Taixia Country and the 13 censors of the censorate might have already arrived at Irondragon City. Additionally, thousands of knights of Taiyi Fantasy Sect, Heavens Holding Pavilion and Qionglou Pavilion have already arrived at Yanzhou Province. They've not entered Youzhou Province yet. As long as Jinwu Palace dares find trouble, our three major sects will exterminate Jinwu Palace and Iron Dragon Sect, leaving not a single tile."

Elder Muray and Elder Muyu finally knew why Feng Yexiao dared come to Youzhou Province by that airboat.

Iron Dragon City that Feng Yexiao mentioned it was the region where Irondragon Sect's mountain gate was located. Since the 907th year of Black Iron Calendar, as Jinwu Palace developed rapidly, Iron Dragon Sect had started to build a city according to Zhang Tie's opinion based on Xuantian 18 mountain peaks. With almost constant financial assistance, Iron Dragon City's construction almost carried on every day without any stop. Even so, it still took nearly 20 years to complete its construction.

After Iron Dragon City was completed, it became the biggest city in Youzhou Province, even in the northern region of Taixia Country.

At this moment, Iron Dragon City was already famous across the world. With the popularity and promotion of fiery oil, this region where fiery oil and the first airplane in Black Iron Age were created had long been the most famous, sacred region for rune equipment manufacturers and machine craftsmen with the halos of Immortal Qianji and the financial assistance of enormous gold coins of Jinwu Palace; especially after Military Province was collapsed and Craftsmanship City was occupied by demons when all the craftsmen and technicians had been moved to Iron Dragon City by Jinwu Palace by airboat and settled down there. The rune equipment and various quality machinery produced in Iron Dragon City had already become the third brand and "fist" product of Jinwu Palace after all-purpose medicament and fiery oil…

The dark clouds which had long been schemed finally arrived, making the atmosphere in Iron Dragon City intense at this moment…

Chapter 1958: The Fatal Trick

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Bang, bang, bang…

When the night was going to fall, neat and muffled sound of footsteps suddenly drifted from the main road inside Iron Dragon City which hit the hearts of people on the roadside like hitting battle drums.

Many people looked outside through the windows of roadside stores, boites and houses one after another. All the passers-by stopped their footsteps and looked at the direction where the sound came from. They found that a brigade of soldiers of the Fiery Dragon Army were trotting neatly and solemnly on the main road.

All the soldiers were in fiery full-body alloy outfits and carrying various weapons as if they were going to fight.

The brigade of over 10,000 people marched forward silently like a fiery dragon. They raised and landed their feet at the same time. As a result, the entire brigade only made one neat sound of footsteps at the same time. With heavy outfits and battle boots, their sound became more shocking as if a giant was walking in the city.

Behind this brigade were many latest Iron-Armor 3 multi-purpose caterpillar armored vehicles.

The same scene appeared on different roads of Iron Dragon City at the same time.

A part of the Fiery Dragon Army had started to enter the city.

The passers-by and those people who looked outside through windows were surprised first; then they became dumbfounded; finally they became confused——is that another drill…

They had only seen such a grand scene twice since Iron Dragon City was founded. However, both times were drills. Additionally, a few days before the drills, the officials in Iron Dragon City had already noticed the citizens in the city. The two drills were all for responding to the sneak attacks of demon knights.

However, this situation became abrupt as nobody had noticed them in advance.

When people looked up at the sky, they found that air cavalries became dense over there. Additionally, they saw brilliant meteors flying towards somewhere inside Iron Dragon City one after another. Of course, those shiny meteors were the battle qi responses of knights at their full speeds. They all flew towards the same direction, where the mountain gate of Iron-Dragon Sect was located…

When everyone inside Iron Dragon City was shocked, confused and guessing various possibilities, the soldiers and armored vehicles of Fiery Dragon Army entering Iron Dragon City started to control main roads and intersections while declaring to enforce martial law.

On the city wall of Iron Dragon City, ballistas' coverings had been unveiled while centrifugal cannons had been lit and pressurized. Soldiers of Fiery Dragon Army were running everywhere on the city wall.

Not only Iron Dragon City, all the cities across Fiery Dragon Bounty Territory and Jinwu Palace started to enforce martial law at the same time. All the corps outside the city started to set off their encampments. Those airports for air cavalries were in a shocking commotion. Air cavalries and ground crew were running rapidly between runways and hangars. Battle airplanes started to fly off one after another.

Jinwu Palace had already started an emergency plan.

Of course, such a sudden action aroused the attention of commoners. As a result, the entire Youzhou Province was startled.

Everyone knew that Iron Dragon City was going to have a big trouble.

'Are demons coming? Not like that. Why does Iron Dragon City suddenly feel so intense?'

Nobody knew what was going to happen.

According to the intelligence from the Yanzhou Provincial Government, the airboats of Taiyi Fantasy Sect, Heavens Holding Pavilion and Qionglou Pavilion suddenly arrived at Yanzhou Province. They were hovering on the border between Youzhou Province and Yanzhou Province.

However, Youzhou Provincial Government didn't receive any intelligence about the arrival of the airboats of the three top sects. It was those patrolling air cavalries who found over 10 airboats without any marks of clans or sects in that air territory. As they felt those airboats were a bit weird, they reported it to Yanzhou Provincial Government. The Cheji General of Yanzhou Province went there to check them when he found that they were airboats of the three top sects which carried over 1,000 knights in total.

The atmosphere inside the lobby of the headquarters of Iron Dragon Sect in Xuantian Mountain Peak, the main peak of the 18 mountain peaks, had long been at daggers drawn.

Nobody across Iron Dragon Sect could imagine these uninvited guests who came from the airboat, which suddenly arrived at the mountain gate of Iron Dragon Sect, could pose such a requirement.

If they were ordinary knights, given their frivolous words and behaviors in the base of Iron Dragon Sect, they might have long become sh*t.

However, these uninvited guests were of significant roles. What was more, they were here on behalf of Taixia Country and Xuanyuan Hill, the power center of the country.

Strangely, Iron Dragon Sect didn't receive any message about their arrival in advance.

Therefore, Iron Dragon Sect became passive.

'Did anything happen to Xuanyuan Hill?'

Watching the supreme justice, one of the 9 cabinet members of Taixia Country, with a solemn look, Zhang Tie said decisively, "Even if you want to catch the important criminal, it's nothing to do with Iron Dragon Sect. In the base of Iron Dragon Sect, the backroom being exclusive to the owner of Iron Dragon Sect in Xuantian Peak could not be casually searched even by the Supreme Court of Taixia Country!"

"Presumptuous, unscrupulous!" An old sergeant in official uniform with a black face and gray hair stood straight as he roared in the lobby of the base of Iron Dragon Sect. "The Supreme Court is investigating the case and chasing after important criminals. Do we have to notice Iron Dragon Sect in advance for that? This old man has long heard that Iron Dragon Sect and Jinwu Palace are shutting out the heavens with one palm in Northeast Military Region and Youzhou Province when in Xuanyuan Hill, even Youzhou provincial governor would be in a blue funk in front of Iron Dragon Sect and Jinwu Palace. I've not imagined that it's true. Open your eyes and look at what's in the hand of supreme justice?" the old sergeant pointed at a token in the shape of a bizarre beast in the hand of the supreme justice as he continued, "This is golden xiemao token. People who hold it could even search the imperial palace in Xuanyuan Hill, not to mention Iron Dragon Sect. Does Iron Dragon Sect want to rebel?"

"Motherf*cking break wind. Do you think that you can frame Iron Dragon Sect only by speaking nonsense?" Sun Tiancheng, the herbal king, jumped out as his saliva shot onto the imperial sergeant's face. "When Immortal Qianji was killing demons at the bank of Weishui River, where the f*ck were you? When the Fiery Dragon Army fought demons, where the f*ck were you? Open your f*cking eyes and look at the sky of Taixia Country, without Iron Dragon Sect or Jinwu Palace, there wouldn't be any air cavalries? Without our help, old useless things like you have long been demons' snacks. Do you think that you could frame people up casually in the uniform of imperial sergeant…"

Chapter 1959: The Looming Crisis on Iron Dragon Sect

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

After receiving the news, the knights of Iron-Dragon Sect hurriedly rushed towards the main palace of Iron-Dragon Sect in Xuantian Peak constantly like meteors from all the places across Youzhou Province. Closely after that, they entered the main palace with solemn looks and surrounded those people of the Supreme Court and imperial officers.

Even Liu Xing and Zhao Bing of Iron-Dragon Sect had come back from the other cities within the territory of the Fiery-Dragon Bounty Territory.

Over three decades, Liu Xing had already promoted to a black iron knight. Iron-Dragon Sect was full of talents and knights. Even Zhang Tie's disciples had become masters.

At this moment, Liu Xing was already an intelligent and capable middle-aged man. As he cultivated Fiery Dragon Sutra, his pupils emitted strong light which looked like flames. As the first one who promoted to a knight and became one of the second generations of elders of Iron Dragon Sect among Zhang Tie's disciples, he was qualified as the No. 1 senior fellow apprentice in Iron Dragon Sect.

"Sister Yu, what happened?" Liu Xing asked Yu Xiaoai secretly, who was waiting in the square, the moment he landed in the square outside the main palace with a glow.

Among Zhang Tie's female disciples, Yu Xiaoai had the best flair. She was also the first female disciple who promoted to a knight over three decades.

Yu Xiaoai was a maiden over three decades ago. But now she was already an intelligent, beautiful knight with an exceptional personality.

"About 1 hour ago, the president of the Supreme Court of Xuanyuan Hill suddenly arrived at Xuantian Peak with a lot of knights and imperial censors. He said that they were going to search the backroom of suzerain in Xuantian Peak and catch Yun Zhongzi. Elders are negotiating with him about that in the main palace…" Yu Xiaoai made it clear in a few words.

After hearing Yu Xiaoai's words, Liu Xing strode towards the gate of the main palace. When he approached the gate, he heard a passionate voice from the inside.

"I, Yuan Hua, was appointed as the imperial officer by Emperor Xuanyuan on the 857th year of Black Iron Calendar. I've been working as an imperial officer for over 70 years. I don't feel regretful about my compensation. As I receive compensation from the country, I must be loyal to the country. Although I didn't kill enemies on the battlefields, I'm also determined to die for my country. If demons approached Xuanyuan Hill, all the 178 people of my family will fight demons on the battlefield regardless of age. We all know that the meritorious deeds of Immortal Qianji shine through history. Therefore, we've followed the Youzhou Provincial Court's officers here to catch the top criminals. We intend to supervise the Youzhou Provincial Court's deeds. We dare never overstep our authorities for the sake of the fame of Immortal Qianji, Jinwu Palace and Iron Dragon Sect as a whole. Unexpectedly, you dare behave such presumptuously and despise the nine ministers. Do you want to rebel? If all the major sects in Taixia Country behave presumptuously and break laws forcefully like you, how could Taixia Country and Hua people be in peace? According to your deeds, you're like demons; you're the culprit of the world-wide disaster. You deserve death; you deserve death! Immortal Qianji was also the chief justice of the Youzhou Provincial Court. After being framed as the murderer of the tragedy in Fuhai City, Immortal Qianji still implied with Taixia laws even though he concealed his identity and had to leave his hometown. He was always frank and straightforward until the real murderer was found and he was claimed to be innocent. He didn't break any law at all. However, you, as disciples of Immortal Qianji, don't carry forward his patriotism; instead, you've already defied the law in the public before being wronged. If Immortal Qianji knew it, he would definitely feel ashamed of you!"

When he roared 'deserve death; deserve death', he almost used his full strength. Therefore, the entire main palace reverberated with his words. As a result, all the people of Iron-Dragon Sect here were in dead silence.

Even though Liu Xing only stayed in Xuanyuan Hill for a few days, he also heard about Yuan Hua, an imperial officer of Xuanyuan Hill.

When Emperor Xuanyuan went to Weizhou Province to investigate the civilian's situation in plain clothes, he met a case——a major clan outside Weizhou City encroached the mountain forest of over 100 households of the same village and wanted to take that mountain forest as their ancestral graveyard. As that major clan had established marital relations with the provincial governor of Weizhou Province, local officials always preserved their interests. Therefore, victims dared not accuse them in fear of their power. However, a poor, diligent scholar outside Weizhou City who could barely afford his three meals a day claimed justice everywhere for the sake of the civilians by beating the drum in fear of threats and didn't succumb to lure by the promise of gain. He wanted to punish that major clan who encroached the mountain forest of civilians; he even wanted to submit a written statement to a higher authority to accuse the officials of Weizhou City of harboring the major clan.

Therefore, the poor scholar had a hairbreadth escape. He didn't die; instead, he encountered Emperor Xuanyuan. What he did was greatly favored by Emperor Xuanyuan. Emperor Xuanyuan instantly promoted him to a 5-class imperial officer in Xuanyuan Hill. As a result, due to Yuan Hua's charge, the provincial governor of Weizhou Province was dismissed from his post; dozens of officials and the powers of the major clan who were in charge of encroaching the mountain forest were put behind the bars. From then on, the name of Yuan Hua spread across the country and was praised by people. Emperor Xuanyuan investigated the civilian's situation in plain clothes and appointed Yuan Hua as an imperial officer also became a good story on everyone's lips with great educative significance.

Over these years, Yuan Hua had paid an inspection tour across the country. His memorials could reach straight to the desk of Emperor Xuanyuan. Too many major clans, officials and evil gentries across the country had been accused by him. Therefore, many major clans were afraid of him very much as if he was a tiger. Due to his great achievements, Yuan Hua had accumulated sublime fame of being frank and straightforward and abhorring evils as deadly foes among the people.

Unexpectedly, this man also arrived. Liu Xing became greatly shocked. When he came to the front of the crowd who were surrounding the main palace, Liu Xing saw a gray-haired elder in the uniform of imperial officer reproaching Elder Sun with righteous words.

"Old stale and pedantic scholar, you make me so angry, so angry." Sun Tiancheng, the herb king was panting heavily like an ox as his eyes almost popped out of his eyesockets with fury. However, he didn't know how to refute Yuan Hua.

The duty of imperial officers was to find faults; of course, his words sounded reasonable.

The other elders and grand elders of Iron-Dragon Sect were all here. Liu Xing then stood aside with a solemn look. After exchanging a glance with those elders and grand elders, he just saw them coping with the current situation.

"As it's in the holy war, Hua people should unite with each other to defend demons. However, Yun Zhongzi broke laws by force. He acted recklessly in the territory of Taixia Country like burning, killing and pillage. Over dozens of years, hundreds of innocent Taixia knights have been killed by Yun Zhongzi. Yun Zhongzi has already become the No. 1 criminal in Taixia Country. The number of Taixia knights that he killed was even greater than that Abyss Monarch once killed. According to the intelligence of the Supreme Court, Yun Zhongzi is already severely injured and is recovering in Xuantian Peak of Iron-Dragon Sect. Iron-Dragon Sect is frank and straightforward. Why not allow the Supreme Court to search him?"

Another imperial officer stood out as he roared with righteous words.

"If Iron Dragon Sect doesn't coordinate with the Supreme Court's investigation, I will hit my head against the pillar today in no fear of spraying my brains over the ground. I will sacrifice myself for the country!"

"Yun Zhongzi might have already surrendered to demons; therefore, he caused damages across Taixia Country. Don't you fear being blamed by people across the world? Or maybe Iron-Dragon Sect is really colluding with that ghost?"

All the imperial officers here were innocent and had a distinguished reputation. Most of them were gray-haired. They were even well-renowned in Xuanyuan Hill and Taixia Country as a whole. At this moment, all the imperial officers were reproaching Iron-Dragon Sect with high spirits and eloquent words.

It was not a battle between knights; however, it was fiercer than a battle between knights. If an imperial censor really died here by hitting against the pillar with his head, the prestige that Iron-Dragon Sect and Jinwu Palace had established over the decades might be destroyed. If Iron-Dragon Sect didn't coordinate with these imperial censors, these imperial censors would submit written statements to Xuanyuan Hill and arise public condemnation about Iron-Dragon Sect and Jinwu Palace. By then, Iron-Dragon Sect and Jinwu Palace might really be accused of rebelling or colluding with demons. On that occasion, the prestige of Iron-Dragon Sect and Jinwu Palace would also be destroyed. Besides, it would even arouse a series of severe outcomes.

"Damn! Who dare find trouble in this f*ther's territory…" Right then, they heard a thunder-like growl from the gate of the main palace of Iron-Dragon Sect.

After hearing this voice, those disciples and knights of Iron-Dragon Sect in the main palace instantly gave way to him.

With a black face, Cheng Honglie, the commander-in-chief of Northeast Military Region, Lu Dingzhi, the Youzhou provincial governor and a youth entered. Being similar to Zhang Tie, that youth was Zhang Chenglei, Zhang Tie's eldest son. Over three decades, the teenager had already become a real man with a powerful qi field. Even though he entered with the commander-in-chief of Northeast Military Region and the Youzhou provincial governor, he also released terrifying qi.


"Provincial governor!"

"Young suzerain!"

Those disciples, knights and the three elders of Iron Dragon Sect hurriedly came over here to greet the three people.

Cheng Honglie's face was always black; however, at this moment, his face turned shiny black with fury. When he entered the main palace, he glared at the president of the Supreme Court and complained, "Lord Li, what do you want? You take people to my territory stealthily and want to overturn the table without even noticing me in advance. Do you think that my place is not chaotic enough? Do you know that the entire Youzhou Province and Northeast Military Province have become chaotic because of your action? Only after such a short while, many owners of clans, leaders of armies, provincial governors and cheji generals in the territory of Northeast Military Territory have already contacted me and asked me whether demons are approaching us. Do you think it's funny to do that…"

Chapter 1960: A Sudden Reversal

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Lord Li was the president of the Supreme Court, a major official in Xuanyuan Hill; Lord Cheng was the commander-in-chief of the Northeast Military Region. They were both shadow knights with independent responsibilities. Even though Lord Li's agency was in Xuanyuan Hill, he couldn't subdue Cheng Honglie with his official title either.

After hearing Cheng Honglie's words, the president of the Supreme Court who was in the main palace instantly turned gloomy as he refuted, "Lord Cheng, what do you mean? Couldn't Supreme Court handle cases and chase important criminals without your consent?"

"I don't care how you handle cases or chase important criminals in other places, but your deed has already declined the stability of the entire Northeast Military Region and made everyone panic-stricken. You did that without my consent; however, you want me to clean your butt. Never dream about that!" Cheng Honglie urged with a black face in a very domineering way. He didn't spare any chance for Lord Li to refute. As a result, the president of the Supreme Court instantly changed his face.

"Which is more authoritative, Taixia Law or you?" the president of Supreme Court roared, "Do you want to rebel?"

"Hahaha, don't frighten me with that word. Do you think that I, Cheng Honglie, am afraid of threat? If you're something, try to let those lords in Xuanyuan Hill take off my black gauze cap!" Lord Cheng burst into laughing shamelessly like meat with thick tendons that could barely be cut off. Closely after that, he took a glance at those imperial officers, pointing at their noses and cursing them aloud in fury, "You think you're good men. You think you're righteous, abhorring evils as deadly foes and enforcing justice on behalf of Heaven, right? You must have been stupid after reading too many books. You think you are upholding awe-inspiring righteousness while being taken as a gun by someone else. Do you know what situation would face Taixia Country without Jinwu Palace? Do you know how many hundreds of millions of people would die and how many provinces and prefectures would collapse in order to stop demons without Iron Dragon Sect? Who could defend the army of overwhelming LV 9 demon fighters? You… you… you… or you…"

At this moment, those imperial officers who were roaring and cursing aloud just now were absolutely subdued by Cheng Honglie as they all trembled their lips and couldn't utter any word. Finally, Cheng Honglie pointed at Yuan Hua who spoke just now.

"Although you could impeach a provincial governor with a memorial to the throne, your memorial is nothing but sh*t in front of demons. Why not impeach a LV 9 demon? Let's see whether the demon cares about you or not? Let's see which is more powerful, demon fighter's saber or your memorial? You can present your memorial to the hundreds of millions of generals and fighters in the frontline. Let's see which is more useful, the great truths in your memorial or the inflammable grenades of Iron Dragon Sect and Jinwu Palace? Do you know how many vials of all-purpose medicament, inflammable weapons, grains and chariots will Jinwu Palace and Iron-Dragon Sect provide for the generals and fighters in the frontline for free annually over the past decades?"

Listening to Lord Cheng's furious words, Yuan Hua, the imperial officer, became silent. The duty of the imperial officer was to find faults. However, he didn't know how many materials had Jinwu Palace and Iron-Dragon Sect donated to the generals and fighters in the frontline of Taixia Country last year. Although he had heard about it before, he still couldn't remember the concrete figures.

"Let me tell you about that. Last year, Jinwu Palace and Iron-Dragon Sect donated 120 million vials of all-purpose medicament, over 180 million inflammable grenades and bolts and over 370 million tons of grains to the generals and fighters in the frontline. Do you know their value? Do you know how many lives could they save? Do you think all of your lives could match 1/10,000 of the value of these items? You're imperial officers; however, you don't maintain the reputation of Jinwu Palace and Iron-Dragon Sect which are pillars of Taixia Country; instead, you're instigated to show your righteousness, loyalty and dauntless spirit in Youzhou Province. When the generals and fighters in the frontline are drinking all-purpose medicament and fighting demons at the risk of their lives with fiery-oil weapons in order to protect stale and pedantic scholars like you from being beheaded; however, you want to stir up trouble in the rear end and have fighters in the frontline run out of grains. Without any sharp weapon, you even claimed to do all these for the sake of Taixia Country. How dare you talk about righteousness and law here? Do you know what is righteousness and law? This father will tell you about that, anyone who could kill demons would be righteous; anyone who props up fighters in the frontline would be law! If this father were the emperor, I would chop off all your heads and feed dogs with them in case of trouble. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Idiots!"

"Who said that you were going to ram against the column with your head in no fear of spraying your brains over the ground? Give way to him. Spare that column over there to him. You stale and pedantic scholars, queue up and ram against it one after another. I, Black Face Cheng, would like to see how many drops of blood do you have. Motherf*cker, even this father has chopped off so many demons' heads since I was a LV 9 fighter, I still dare not say such words. The corpses of demons that Immortal Qianji killed at the bank of Weishui River were like mountains; their blood almost formed an ocean; however, when Immortal Qianji woke up, he still didn't say that he would die for the country; how dare trashes like you who could only wait for death with closed eyes in front of demons dare say such heroic words in the place where Immortal Qianji founded his sect? Hurry, do it! If you're not able to kill yourself, I could give you a push. Today, this father will see you die here. President of the Supreme Court and all the others here will be the witnesses. If you die here, this father will assume responsibility for that… life for life in the worst scenario…"

Cheng Honglie cursed those imperial officers straightforwardly while pointing at their noses, causing them to tremble all over in fury. They almost spurted out blood.

However, nobody really hit it. If someone rammed against the column just now, they might get a good reputation of being not afraid of major clan and dying for Taixia laws; additionally, their lives would be assumed by Iron-Dragon Sect and Jinwu Palace. However, if they rammed against it now, they would be regarded as committing suicide out of spite with Black Face Cheng, the shameless guy. As it was in the holy war, how could the commander-in-chief die for those scholars. Therefore, they would die for nothing.

When scholars met a general, their reasons would become useless. As a result, after Cheng Honglie arrived, those imperial officers who absolutely subdued Iron-Dragon Sect just now immediately declined their morale and dauntless spirit and wilted like eggplants being covered with frost…

"Was that you who wanted to ram against it just now? Just do it! Don't wait. Be a good model for them. Hurry, die as fast as you can! This father will definitely bury you in a place with good Fengshui in the territory of Northeast Military Region!" Cheng Honglie said as he pointed at that imperial officer who urged to die for righteousness just now.

"You're too rude! You're too rude! You're impervious to reason; impervious to reason…" That imperial officer who was impassioned just now mumbled a few words as his face changed colors with shame and fury. Closely after that, he swung his sleeves and turned around in an innocent way. He avoided from Lord Cheng's condemnation like an ostrich who buried its head in sands in order to ignore what happened outside. Of course, he would never commit suicide at this moment.

"Lord Cheng, enough is enough…" The president of the Supreme Court finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Enough? Alright. Go back where you come from!" Cheng Honglie followed the trend and seized the opportunity.

"Lord Cheng, I mean don't you consider your future by behaving such unreasonable? Even though it's Northeast Military Region here, you're still unable to shut out the heavens with one palm!" The president of the Supreme Court threatened.

"Hahahaha, I, Cheng Honglie, never care about my future. On this point, I know that I cannot match you. Lord Li must have considered your own future well and made proper arrangement before coming to Youzhou Province. Therefore, you behaved such dauntlessly. Lord Li, you know that one's future could never be determined by oneself. If the relief that Jinwu Palace and Iron-Dragon Sect provide to the frontline is declined and cause any severe outcome, do you think that there're no dauntless men among those hundreds of millions of generals and fighters in the frontline who dare not avenge their brothers' death in the name of cleaning up evil forces in Xuanyuan Hill?"

After hearing Lord Cheng's words, Lord Li's face turned gloomy as he clenched his teeth and determined his mind before saying, "No matter what, I must search Xuantian Peak today. Supreme court has already received a certain message——Yun Zhongzi is hiding in the backroom under Xuantian Peak. It's supreme court's responsibility to preserve laws across the country. We don't mind offending someone!"

"Iron-Dragon Sect is founded by Immortal Qianji. Due to the marital relations between Immortal Qianji and late Royal Prince Changying, Iron-Dragon Sect is a royal clan. Even though Lord Li is the president of Supreme Court, you still couldn't search this place casually. Lord Li has mentioned about laws just now. As the president of supreme court, do you want to break the laws?"

The president of Supreme Court sneered as he thought that he finally seized the opportunity to strike back Cheng Honglie. He then took out the golden Xiemao amulet from his portable space-teleportation finger ring and asked, "Lord Cheng, do you know this item? It's made by Emperor Xuanyuan. Nobody dare say no to it. With this item, I could even search the imperial palace of the emperor, not to mention Xuantian Peak!"

"Hahaha…" Watching that golden Xiemao amulet in the hand of the president of the Supreme Court, Cheng Honglie suddenly burst into laughter. "Lord Li, how could you show off your power in Youzhou Province with a fake golden Xiemao amulet?"


"I mean your golden Xiemao amulet is fake!" Cheng Honglie said with a stern look.

"Nonsense. How could my golden Xiemao amulet be fake?" the president of the Supreme Court yelled.

"Of course, it's fake; because the real one has long been sealed up somewhere by the late His Highness royal prince!" Cheng Honglie explained. He then looked up at the beams in the main palace and sighed, "Before being assassinated, His Highness royal prince felt that the Supreme Court was too authoritative; if Supreme Court is taken advantage of by evil forces in the holy war, the entire country would be in great trouble. Therefore, His Highness wanted to decline the authority of supreme court. He has long taken back the golden Xiemao amulet that he once gifted to supreme court. When I went to court before, I saw His Highness leaving a mark on the golden Xiemao amulet in Xuanyuan God Sutra. This one doesn't carry that mark at all; of course, it's fake…" After saying these words, Cheng Honglie directly talked to the elders and disciples of Iron-Dragon Sect in the main palace, "The golden Xiemao amulet in the hand of the president of supreme court is fake; if he dares tread on Xuantian Peak today, Iron-Dragon Sect could kill him immediately. I will assume all the responsibilities!"

The young owner of Iron-Dragon Sect took a glance at those elders and disciples in the main palace silently. Those elders and disciples then promised in unison, "Yes, Lord Cheng!"

"Lord Li, I've not imagined that you could show off your power in Iron-Dragon Sect with a fake golden Xiemao amulet today. If not that your fake golden Xiemao rune was identified by Lord Cheng, I was almost cheated by you. Given that we're fellowmen of Taixia Country, Iron-Dragon Sect will not make you embarrassed today. Please leave here. If you don't know what's good for yourself, don't blame for our merciless deed…" Zhang Chenglei warned the president of the supreme court in a muffled tone.

"Good… very good…" The president of the Supreme Court shuddered all over with fury. After looking at the solemn looks of those members of Iron-Dragon Sect and Cheng Honglie, he pointed at Cheng Honglie with a quivering finger and said, "We will know whether the golden Xiemao amulet is real or not when we come back to Xuanyuan Hill… Cheng Honglie, how dare you commit such a capital crime here for the sake of Iron-Dragon Sect? Even your nine generations will be sentenced to death. You will face a poor outcome! Many heads will be chopped off because of you. Let's see it…"

Chapter 1961: A Vicious Trick!

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

At this moment, the golden Xiemao plate in the hand of the president of the supreme court was actually not important anymore. What counted was that Cheng Honglie the commander-in-chief of the northeast military region, as an influential official in Taixia Country, had pointed out publicly that the golden Xiemao plate was "fake". Iron Dragon Sect and Jinwu Palace had believed in Cheng Honglie's words too. On this occasion, if the president of the supreme court insisted on searching over Xuantian Peak with the "fake" golden Xiemao plate, even though Iron Dragon Sect killed the president of the supreme court, they would not shoulder any responsibility for that.

On this occasion, the president of the supreme court only had two choices: first, to continue searching across Xuantian Peak at a high price even at the cost of his life; second, to leave here first and prove that his golden Xiemao plate was real; arrest Cheng Honglie the commander-in-chief of northeast military region; search across the entire territory of Iron Dragon Sect; make Jinwu Palace disgraceful; finally, completely ruin the reputation of Iron Dragon Sect.

The president of the supreme court wisely chose the latter between committing suicide and killing Cheng Honglie and Iron Dragon Sect in a few days.

Now that he had made a decision, the president of the supreme court left there fast with those sergeants and powerhouses of the supreme court.

"Lord Cheng, you've made a capital offense. Hopefully, you don't feel regretful of your decision today," the president of the supreme court told Cheng Honglie with a gloomy look when he left there.

"Hahahaha, hopefully, Lord Li doesn't feel regretful of your decision today. I remember that Immortal Qianji once said that everything in this world had a price. You cannot rely on someone without any cost!" Cheng Honglie said as he burst out laughing.

The president of the supreme court then swayed his sleeves and left there with fury.

However, when he left there, the president of the supreme court suddenly had a question——Why did Cheng Honglie show up at this moment and force me to delay it for a few days at the cost of his life and future?

The president of the supreme court and those sergeants then boarded their airship and left the base of Iron Dragon Sect. After Zhang Chenglei left some words, those knights and disciples of Iron Dragon Sect who had just surrounded those people from the supreme court also left the main palace of Iron Dragon Sect. Cheng Honglie, Lu Dingzhi, Zhang Chenglei and some core elders of Iron Dragon Sect then came to the backroom in the palace of the sect.

A person was waiting for them in the backroom.

He was Feng Cangwu.

Before entering the main palace of the Iron Dragon Sect, Cheng Honglie, Lu Dingzhi and Zhang Chenglei were actually with Feng Cangwu. When they arrived at Xuantian Peak, given that it was inconvenient for Feng Cangwu to show up in that situation, he just waited for them in the backroom of the main palace.

After about 30 years, Feng Cangwu, who was once young and handsome, also got his beard. He looked much more mature now. However, he still maintained his debonair nature. As time passed by, he carried an indescribable, profound demeanor. If those maidens, who preferred elder men, caught sight of Feng Cangwu, most of them would screech with excitement.

"Uncle Feng…" Zhang Chenglei greeted Feng Cangwu with full respect when he entered the backroom.

"What's going outside?" Feng Cangwu whispered.

"They've gone!"

Feng Cangwu then nodded.

They then sat down in the backroom.

After taking a seat, Cheng Honglie, who behaved like a hero outside just now, suddenly heaved a deep sigh. "I've already taken my life as the stake. If Heavenly Fortune Sect screwed me, my name might rank among the top 10 in the supreme court's wanted list after a few days. Immortal Qianji had a body-changing immortal bloodline and could travel wherever he wanted in the identity of Cui Li without being recognized; however, I don't have that skill. My black face is like my brand. I will definitely be recognized wherever I am. I could only hide in Heavenly Fortune Sect. I will never leave the Dongtian of Heavenly Fortune Sect until I promote to a heavenly knight.

"Commander-in-chief, don't worry! The owner of Heavenly Fortune Sect has deduced the result and delivered the verbal order. No matter what, as long as we could delay it for a few days i.e., 5 days to 7 days, we will have good luck and be able to reverse the situation!" Feng Cangwu explained in a low tone.

"Hope so!" Cheng Honglie nodded. Closely after that, he looked at Zhang Chenglei. After being hesitant for a second, he asked, "Is Yun Zhongzi…"

"Senior Yun Zhongzi is in the underground backroom of Xuantian Peak…" Zhang Chenglei said frankly.

After hearing Zhang Chenglei's confession, Cheng Honglie was still startled although he had already guessed it. If those people of the supreme court didn't have great confidence, they would never come to Iron Dragon Sect's base for Yun Zhongzi suddenly; because it was meaningless; not to mention that they took action with the three major sects. Apparently they were ready to frame up Iron Dragon Sect and Jinwu Palace with the event of Yun Zhongzi.

"Why is Yun Zhongzi staying in Iron Dragon Sect?"

"Senior Yun Zongzi suffered heavy injuries. He's recuperating in Iron Dragon Sect…"

After hearing his words, Cheng Honglie widened his eyes in amazement. "Who could heavily injure Yun Zhongzi? Did Taiyi Old Man and Grand Master Shenkong fight him together?"

"Taiyi Old Man, Grand Master Shenkong and Meng Shidao!"


After hearing this reply, everyone in the backroom was greatly shocked.

"Meng Shidao has already promoted to a sage-level knight and has already finished his secluded cultivation. Additionally, he has many unpredictable, odd tricks. Previously, Senior Yun Zhongzi always paid attention to the situation of the three major sects; meanwhile, he also restricted Old Man Taiyi and Grand Master Shenkong. He had not imagined that his trace was discovered by Meng Shidao who had promoted to a sage-level knight. A few days ago, Senior Yun Zhongzi fell in the trap of the opponents. After Meng Shidao restricted him by launching a sneak attack towards him, Old Man Taiyi and Grand Master Shenkong suddenly arrived. Senior Yun Zhongzi broke the siege of the three sage-level knights in the end; however, he also suffered heavy injuries…" Zhang Chenglei explained in a low voice.

This piece of news was too shocking. As it was the first time for Cheng Honglie and the others to hear about it, they remained silent for quite a while. Cheng Honglie suddenly understood why the opponents dared launch an attack towards Iron Dragon Sect and Jinwu Palace all of a sudden. It turned out that they had long prepared for it.

"There should be secret tunnels in the backroom of Xuantian Peak. Actually, as long as Senior Yun Zhongzi could leave Iron Dragon Sect secretly and hide somewhere for a few days, even though the president of the supreme court comes back, he won't do any harm to Iron Dragon Sect and Jinwu Palace anymore!" Lu Dingzhi said with a frown.

As the provincial governor of Youzhou Province, Lu Dingzhi had long been marked as a bosom friend of Jinwu Palace; Lu Clan had long been sharing weal and woe with Zhang Clan. They were inseparable from each other.

"Uncle Lu, you don't know that. Senior Yun Zhongzi's situation is special. The wounds that Meng Shidao left on Senior Yun Zhongzi are very odd. When the people of the Supreme Court urged to look for him in the underground backroom of Xuantian Peak, my eldest aunt has already guessed that someone could sense the wounds of Senior Yun Zhongzi. If Senior Yun Zhongzi leaves Iron Dragon Sect and Jinwu Palace at this moment, he would definitely be killed by the three major sects. As Iron Dragon Sect and Jinwu Palace have been under the protection of Senior Yun Zhongzi for dozens of years, of course, we should return his kindness. This time, Zhang clansmen of Jinwu Palace swear to protect Senior Yun Zhongzi even though we have to fight the three major sects at the cost of our lives…" Zhang Chenglei said firmly.

"Meng Shidao and the three major clans are too vicious…" Feng Cangwu sighed suddenly.

Chapter 1962: Life or Death

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

In the backroom under Xuantian Peak which was exclusive to the Suzerain of Iron-Dragon Sect, Yun Zhongzi was being lingered with bloody mist as his face turned pale golden. Golden sage and silver sage were flying around him and gnawing the bloody mist and those carps which were coming out of Yun Zhongzi's body every once in a while…

Carps in different sizes being absolutely made of black battle qi were indeed coming out of Yun Zhongzi's chest, back, nostrils and ears and swimming back every once in a while.

If someone could realize such a magical effect on the stage, he could definitely make the audience feel fresh and win universal applause. However, this scene was not a magical performance; therefore, it looked very terrifying. When people saw it, their hair would definitely stand on the ends with fear.

Yun Zhongzis' body appeared to be a carp nest. Whenever a carp came out of his body, Yun Zhongzi would knit his brow once slightly as if he was suffering a sharp pain. Meanwhile, the surrounding smell would be much bloodier.

Yan Feiqing was sitting in the air in the opposite of Yun Zhongzi, legs crossed. There was a fist-sized scarlet bead in her hand. Yan Feiqing was injecting her spiritual energy into that scarlet bead. Meanwhile, a wisp of scarlet qi was flying out of the bead and entered the top of Yun Zhongzi's skull.

That scarlet bead was becoming smaller at a speed that could barely be noticed with human eyes.

When those black carps came out of Yun Zhongzi's body, a wisp of odd energy came out of the scarlet bead and entered his body. Therefore, the balance between consumption and replenishment was maintained…

After one hour, the scarlet fog that lingered around Yun Zhongzi's body gradually became thinner and finally dispersed. No more carps came out of his body anymore. That bead stopped releasing scarlet qi as well.

"Wuh…" Yun Zhongzi spewed out a mouthful of black blood. When the blood splashed onto the ground at lightning speed, it directly caused thousands of holes on the floor which was made of rocks. The black blood could even erode rocks.

"I must leave Iron-Dragon Sect…" Yun Zhongzi urged as he panted and wiped the blood froth off his mouth corners. Although being a bit weak, he could already speak, "I feel the wounds that Meng Shidao left on me are unusual. His battle qi was poisonous and could form constantly. I cannot eliminate it. Additionally, I feel that his battle qi was undulating in my body strangely recently. He might have already sensed my location. I'm afraid of bringing trouble to Iron-Dragon Sect and Jinwu Palace…"

"Two hours ago, the president of the Supreme Court has already come to Iron-Dragon Sect with many imperial officers. They requested to search Xuantian Peak. The knights of Taiyi Fantasy Sect, Heavens Holding Pavilion and Qionglou Pavilion have already converged in the border of Youzhou Province. They have already known that you're in Iron-Dragon Sect. They've already known your location," Yan Feiqing said calmly as she teleported her scarlet bead in her portable space-teleportation finger ring, "Your concern is reasonable. The wounds that Meng Shidao left on you could indeed help him find you!"

After hearing Yan Feiqing's words, Yun Zhongzi changed his face immediately as he sprung up and said decisively, "I will leave right now…"

"Those people from the Supreme Court have already gone. They will not come back in a few days!" Yan Feiqing explained calmly, "Additionally, you should never leave Iron-Dragon Sect at this moment. Now that they have known that you're in the backroom of Xuantian Peak and could know your location at any time, they must have to take precautious measures to prevent you from leaving here through a secret tunnel, given their shrewdness when they ask powerhouses of the Supreme Court to search Xuantian Peak aboveboard. " Yan Feiqing then let out a sigh. "I'm afraid that at least two people of Meng Shidao, Taiyi Old Man and Forebear Shenkong have already come to Iron-Dragon City. They might be waiting for you to leave the mountain gate of Iron-Dragon Sect through a secret tunnel and directly kill you on the spot. Once you die, the three major sects will treat Jinwu Palace and Iron-Dragon Palace more unscrupulously. They will definitely have more means to deal with us. The Supreme Court is just a piece that was used to help them cross the river on the checkerboard. They just want to use the Supreme Court to force you to leave Iron-Dragon Sect superficially…"

Yun Zhongzi was not stupid. After hearing Yan Feiqing's words, he instantly realized that Yan Feiqing's judgment was correct; additionally, he figured out the current situation——if he didn't leave here, the three major sects and Meng Shidao could only use the Supreme Court to force him to leave there. When the Supreme Court confirmed that he was in Iron-Dragon Sect, someone in the three major sects and Xuanyuan Hill would launch an attack towards Yun Zhongzi and Jinwu Palace at the same time. If Yun Zhongzi left Iron-Dragon Sect, given his current situation, once being discovered, he probably was killed by Meng Shidao and Taiyi Old Man.

At this moment, even though they knew that Yun Zhongzi was in Iron-Dragon Sect, Meng Shidao and the three major sects dared not blatantly attack Iron-Dragon Sect and Jinwu Palace; because Iron-Dragon Sect and Jinwu Palace were top sect and clan respectively in Taixia Country and had marital relations with royal households. They were related to Taixia Country on many aspects and had a very deep background. If the three major sects and Meng Shidao launched an attack, once Yun Zhongzi determined to detonate himself, they would not get any evidence of his existence here. By then, the three major sects and Meng Shidao would have big trouble. By attacking Iron-Dragon Sect and Jinwu Palace aboveboard and arousing civil strifes in Taixia Country, they committed a felony and would incur condemnation across the country. Even the three major sects and Meng Shidao could barely bear such a consequence. Therefore, they could only take the Supreme Court as their shield.

As for the three major sects and Meng Shidao, Yun Zhongzi was a turtle in a jar. There were only two results: Yun Zhongzi left Iron-Dragon Sect and was killed by them; they would further deal with Jinwu Palace and kill Yun Zhongzi in the end…

After figuring out all these, Yun Zhongzi closed his eyes and looked calm. After a short while, he opened his eyes and let out a sigh lightly in a pretty calm way although his voice still sounded a bit frail, "Mistake after mistake! I've not imagined that Meng Shidao has already promoted to a sage-level knight and would collude with the three major sects. Therefore, he seized the opportunity and involved Jinwu Palace in this predicament!"

"Senior, it's not your fault. Nobody could predict that Meng Shidao has promoted to a sage-level knight and colluded with the three major sects. They indeed have made use of you; however, it's not your fault. Nobody is almighty. Senior, never mind it!"

"Previously, I was just the only disciple of Great Wilderness Sect. Actually, it doesn't matter whether I'm alive or not now; because the secret methods of Great Wilderness Sect have already been carried forward by someone else; I've almost satisfied my dream. Over these years, I've killed enough knights of the three major sects. Even though I die now, I will have no regret either!" Yun Zhongzi then stroked golden sage and silver sage who were still flying around him and said, "The spiritual bonds between golden sage and silver sage and master have not disappeared. It means that the master is still alive. He will come back sooner or later. Even if I die, Jinwu Palace will definitely rejuvenate again after tiding over a short period of time. I feel that the master will be much more powerful than before when he comes back. He can definitely take revenge for the Great Wilderness Sect and I and return a bright day to Taixia Country by wiping out all the evil forces in the three major sects. Therefore, I'm not afraid of death. If Jinwu Palace could chop off the claws that they reached towards Jinwu Palace at the cost of my life, I will regard it as a valuable death!"

At this moment, Yun Zhongzi was not afraid of death at all. He was just thinking about dying in the most valuable way.

"Senior, if you didn't constrain the three major sects and the two sage-level knights alone and prevented the three major sects from dealing with Jinwu Palace at their full strength, how could Jinwu Palace and Iron-Dragon Sect reach this scale so smoothly? Senior, although you're an elder of Great Wilderness Sect superficially, you have already been taken as an elder of Jinwu Palace by all the members of Jinwu Palace over the decades, not to mention the bosom relationship between you and my husband. You even taught and took care of some juniors of Jinwu Palace well. They have absolutely treated you as their teacher and grandpa. Therefore, Jinwu Palace and Iron-Dragon Sect would never allow you to die in the hand of the three major sects and Meng Shidao. Otherwise, the members of Jinwu Palace would feel ashamed staying in Taixia Country!"

"But, if so, Jinwu Palace will be involved in this predicament…"

"The three major sects have been thinking about devastating Jinwu Palace for long. Without your case, Jinwu Palace has long been totally incompatible with the three major sects. Additionally, senior, do you think that Meng Shidao only wants to deal with you and Jinwu Palace this time?"

After hearing Yan Feiqing's warning, Yun Zhongzi knitted his brows and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Their ultimate target is neither you nor Jinwu Palace, but that throne in the royal palace of Xuanyuan Hill. By dealing with you, they're actually dealing with Jinwu Palace and the direct descendants of the royal prince that we prop up. However, they're overambitious. They want to shut out the heavens with one palm only with three sage-level knights. Of course, they cannot meet their demands in all aspects. When they care for this, they must lose for that. Jinwu Palace is not afraid of any tricks. Senior, you only need to recuperate here without any concern. Even if the president of the Supreme Court couldn' access to Youzhou Province casually. Additionally, Heavenly Fortune Sect says that this case will see a favorable turn in a few days. Let's see what's that favorable turn. In the worst scenario, even the royal prince of Taixia Country could be assassinated, it's not a big deal for a president of the Supreme Court who left Xuanyuan Hill to be killed by demon powerhouses…" Yan Feiqing's face turned a bit cold in the end…

Half an hour later, Wu Dingtian, the owner of Demon-Killing Valley arrived at Iron-Dragon Sect alone. He said that he favored the winter landscape in 18 Xuantian peaks of Iron-Dragon Sect; especially the rime which was the No. 1 scenery in Youzhou Province. Therefore, he wanted to live in Iron-Dragon Sect for a few days…

However, it was just August now. He needed to wait at least 4 months for the rime.

Only after a few hours, the news that the president of the Supreme Court of Taixia Country suddenly arrived at Iron-Dragon Sect and intended to catch Yun Zhongzi had spread over the country and aroused shock from all parties. In an instant, all the forces across the country focused on Iron-Dragon City in Youzhou City…

Chapter 1963: A Long, Hard Trip

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Li Yunji, the president of the Supreme Court, knew that Jinwu Palace and Iron Dragon Sect were tricky. He was stirring up hornets' nest for someone else. After Black Face Cheng suddenly came out and turned the contradiction between the Supreme Court and Iron-Dragon Sect into that between the Supreme Court and Northeast Military Region through threat and argument, Li Yunji had left Youzhou Province by airboat for Xuanyuan Hill as fast as he could.

Given the current situation, if he didn't subdue Cheng Honglie, he would not carry out the following plan.

He soon contacted the one who assigned him to Youzhou Province and received a decisive response——Now that Cheng Honglie is so stupid that he wants to bound himself to Jinwu Palace till death, we could only clean up the weeds to beat the rabbits. After cutting off Jinwu Palace's wing in Northeast Military Region by controlling Cheng Honglie, we will continue to carry out plan A. By then, we will deal with Jinwu Palace easily.

When they left Youzhou Province by airboat, those imperial officers who came there with Li Yunji had already started to write memorials to impeach Cheng Honglie's presumptuous deeds and ignorance of laws. Their memorials reached the censorate in Xuanyuan Hill earlier than their airboat through remote-sensing crystals and started to whip up public opinion in Xuanyuan Hill which served as a preparation to arrest Cheng Honglie.

Li Yunji knew that Jinwu Palace would never do anything but wait for death. Therefore, when he boarded the airboat, he instantly ordered all the local courts on the way to assign their forces to escort him and those imperial officers in case of any accident. However, he could never imagine that the accident happened so fast. When they just entered the territory of Gaozhou Province on the second day, they had met an accident.

The day had just broken. When Li Yunji was sitting on his bed and cultivating, legs crossed, he felt that the airboat suddenly decelerated. Before he asked about the reason, he had heard a loud "boom". In an instant, he had been tossed in the air with great shock.

Thankfully, he was a shadow knight. When he was tossed in the air, he instantly floated in the air in case of hitting anything. Meanwhile, he changed his face greatly as he found that their airboat was descending rapidly.

Li Yunji rushed out of his room immediately. He then saw an imperial officer lying on the floor with a fist-sized lump on his head, who was groaning and couldn't pick himself up anymore.

These imperial officers were not knights. Most of them were scholars. Very few of them could surpass LV 9. Therefore, as for them, the great shock felt like that their vehicle was suddenly crashed by another car on the road. Many people among them didn't feel good about it.

"What happened…"

"What happened…"

"What happened just now…"

At this moment, all the hatch doors on both sides of the corridor were opened from inside as many imperial officers who looked untidy looked around with great panic and asked each other about it, heads bleeding.

Li Yunji ignored these imperial censors' responses; instead, he rushed into the command module of the airboat at the greatest speed and roared, "What happened?"

"Lord! We… crashed another airboat just now!" the captain reported to Li Yuni with a gloomy look, "The main body and flight system of the airboat have already been damaged and couldn't work anymore. The airboat is descending in emergency…"

"How could our airboat crash another airboat when we're flying according to the regular route in the air?" Li Yunji asked him.

Airboats compiled a set of complex flight rules. To put it simply, airboats in different directions were on different altitudes. Even though airboats in the same direction complied with established avoidance and intersection rules. Therefore, airboats could barely crash in the air, less than two times per decade. However, it happened right in front of Li Yunji.

"We don't know. Just now, we found that the airboat was flying towards us from our flank on the same altitude. It invaded our route. We sent a signal to let them avoid; however, they ignored it. When we're going to crash them, we hurriedly decelerated to avoid them; pitifully, we still crashed them…"

Due to the visual angle in the command module, they couldn't see the overall look of the airboat which crashed theirs. Therefore, after hearing the captain's explanation, Li Yunji directly flew out of the airboat with some knights of local court through an exit beside the command module in fury so as to check the situation.

The two airboats were crashing above the wilderness and woods in the territory of Gaozhou Province. The airboat that crashed the airboat of the Supreme Court was also slowly descending at thousands of meters high in the air. The two airboats' hulks were both damaged to a certain degree. The section between the middle part and the stern of the airboat of the Supreme Court was distorted and damaged. Maybe the water pipes inside the airboat had already been damaged; because water being stockpiled was flowing out of the airboat constantly.

The other airboat was also damaged and distorted from the flank to the middle at its bow. However, it didn't look as bad as that of the Supreme Court.

At the sight of the other airboat, Li Yunji's face instantly turned gloomy; because that airboat was not common. Given its grey color and pattern, it was a purple-cloud airboat which belonged to the military of Taixia Country. Given the mark on the airboat, it belonged to the God's Will Army, one of the top four armies in Taixia Country.

That airboat of God's Will Army had already parked on the ground.

Li Yunji and the powerhouses of the local court then flew over there. At that moment, the hatch door of the airboat was opened as a major of God's Will Army in outfit walked out of there. Watching those knights flying towards him, the major didn't look fearless at all; instead, with his hands on hips, he stood on the ground, looked up and reproached them. ���Audacious! Who're you? Which sect do you come from? How dare you block my way? How dare you disturb military affairs by damaging God's Will Army's airboat?"

Li Yunji was so furious that his nose was almost crooked.

"Audacious! This is Lord Li Yunji, the president of the Supreme Court. Why did you crash Lord Li's vehicle?" A knight beside Li Yunji hurriedly condemned with fury.

"Don't cheat me with a lord in Xuanyuan Hill. This father doesn't know Lord Li; neither did I meet him before. Don't think that you can pretend to be members of the Supreme Court in official uniform. Who's Lord Li, show me your official badge!" That major urged with a fearless look.

Of course, Li Yunji would not show him the official badge as he didn't need to argue with and prove his identity to a major of God's Will Army. When a knight on Li Yunji's side showed his portable ID card of the Supreme Court to the major, the major finally believed in their identities to a certain degree. Even so, he still argued verbally. "In order to prevent demons and the b*stards of Heavens-Reaching Church from launching a sneak attack towards us, yesterday God's Will Army has already declared to carry out temporary air control in Gaozhou Province starting from this morning. We're going to transport military materials to the frontline from Gaozhou Province. How dare the airboat of the Supreme Court ignore the military decree and break in the military control air zone? I will definitely report it to my superior. You must take responsibility for all these!"

It was a typical military tactic of using a low-quality horse to deal with a high-quality horse. Despite being one of the 9 ministers of Taixia Country, he had no right to deal with the top four armies. As for the major, it was useless for Li Yunji to kill him; instead, it would bring him big trouble. Of course, it would be beneath his dignity to quarrel with the major.

Therefore, Li Yunji's face turned gloomy at once. Eyes beaming, he left one sentence to a knight subordinate beside him secretly. Closely after that, he turned around and returned to his airboat, leaving his subordinates to deal with it.

After returning to the airboat of the Supreme Court, Li Yunji called the captain of the airboat.

"Could it continue to fly or not?"

"Lord, it could continue to fly; however, its speed would be at most 1/10 of that before. Additionally, we've lost too much water. Therefore, water consumption must be fixed!"

"Can you fix it?"

"We can; but not here. At least in Class A cities. Additionally, it will take us at least half a month to fix it!"

Li Yunji clenched his teeth as he waved his hand and let the captain leave. After that, he contacted the Gaozhou Provincial Court with remote-sensing crystal and asked them to assign an airboat to take over him. However, according to the reply from Gaozhou Provincial Court, they didn't have any airboat available for the time being. All the airboats of Gaozhou Provincial Court have been taken over for use by the Gaozhou Provincial Governor yesterday. They must coordinate with God's Will Army to transport important military materials to the frontline. Actually, all the airboats of local courts across the Northeast Military Region had almost been taken over for use by the Headquarters of Northeast Military Region or Gaozhou Provincial Governor's Mansion last night or this morning…

In the end, Gaozhou Provincial Court even asked Li Yunji with concern, "Lord Li, do you need us to dispatch an airship for you?'

'Airship? Sh*t airship…'

If he really took an airship to Xuanyuan Hill from here, it would take him years; instead of days to come back.

Li Yunji smashed the desk in front of him with fury with one slap.

However, some major sects and clans in the Northeast Military Region had relationships with the Supreme Court more or less. Some major sects and clans would even present bountiful gifts to the Supreme Court in Xuanyuan Hill annually. Take Mo Clan of Fraternity Palace in Mozhou Province as an instance, Mo Clan's machinery was delicate. Some products of Mo Clan were very suitable to the criminal hunters in local courts across Northeast Military Region. The Supreme court would purchase a lot of products from Mo Clan annually. Therefore, both parties always maintained a nice relationship.

Li Yunji had his assistant contact the Supreme Court in Xuanyuan Hill. After that, he let the Supreme Court contact Mo Clan and ask Mo Clan to dispatch an airboat here to pick him.

However, Mo Clan's response was… no response…

After a few hours' hard work, the Supreme Court finally found an available airboat nearby for Lord Li. However, that airboat was in Quzhou Province. Given the 40,000-odd miles distance between Quzhou Province and Gaozhou Province, it would take that airboat at least 2 days to arrive here…

As one of nine ministers in Taixia Country, Lord Li was isolated in the territory of Taixia Country. He could even barely find an airboat available.

Everyone on the airboat of the Supreme Court felt bone-chilling when they knew their predicament. Even those imperial officers didn't clamor anymore.

Just now, Yuan Hua, the most dignified one among the imperial censors was directly tossed in the air and hit the ceiling. One of his legs was broken…

Soon after leaving Youzhou Province for one day, they had met these tricky affairs, not to mention that on the way back to Youzhou Province from Xuanyuan Hill.

After staying in the wilderness of Gaozhou Province for 2 days, the rescue airboat finally arrived at Li Yunji's side from Quzhou Provincial Court.

In the 2 days, two elders of Heavens Fortune Sect also arrived at Iron-Dragon Sect with 300 knights. So did knights of Demon-Killing Valley.

On one side, it was Heavens Fortune Sect and Demon-Killing Valley; on the other side, it was Taiyi Fantasy Sect, Heavens Holding Pavilion and Qionglou Pavilion. As a result, the atmosphere in Youzhou Province became more and more intense.

After boarding the airboat from Quzhou Provincial Court and starting to leave for Xuanyuan Hill, Li Yunji felt a bit better. However, this good mood only lasted a few hours.

At night, when Li Yunji returned to his berth cabin and was going to bed, he discovered something beneath his pillow. He reached out his hand and took out an envelope. There was no word on the envelope. However, he could sense a letter inside it.

Li Yunji opened the envelope and took out the letter. There was only one short paragraph on the letter——

Taixia Country is troubled with demons. Even Royal Prince Chang Ying was assassinated in Jinzhou Province which was close to Xuanyuan Hill for the sake of national affairs. It's a long trip from Youzhou Province to Xuanyuan Hill. Lord Li, as a major official in Taixia Country, take care of yourself. Bon Voyage!

Watching the simple lines, the president of the Supreme Court, also the minister of justice, slowly quivered his hands with fear…