11 - 20

Dealings with a Black Market Trader #3

Theo started to explain about the 'deal' he had envisioned.

Right now, he was offering a chance to turn meaningless products into a viable commodity. In return, he would take a certain amount of low-grade artifacts and merchandise. In other words, it meant paying for appraisal of genuine products with defective goods.

The black market trader thought about it before giving Theo a look of caution. He didn't understand. No, it was incorrect to say that he didn't understand.

"So… you will appraise the goods in my store, and the cost will be for you to take the defective or low-grade artifacts?"

For the black market trader, it was a suspicious proposal.

The cost of hiring appraisers was expensive. The price of appraising a genuine produce was around three to five gold, and the profits obtained from selling it was only around one gold. By the way, the fee for a non-genuine item was 50 silver. If he called the appraiser in vain, 50 silver would go flying into the sky.

Of course, the story was different if it was genuine, but… how likely was a genuine item at a black market trader to be worth the expense? If there were 10 items appraised, would there be any good ones?

Let's say that eight of the products were deficits. The hole made by the eight defective artifacts would be larger than the profit from the two genuine artifacts. Thus, he had been selling off genuine products like cheap lottery tickets. However, he would be able to reduce the cost significantly with Theo's suggestion.

"Yes, I will take some of them."

The black market trader's poker face finally cracked as he smiled at Theo. Theo was well aware of how expensive appraisers were. He guessed that the black market trader wouldn't be able to cover the costs.

'This is an offer that a black market trader absolutely can't refuse. I am the only one in this world who would offer such a deal.'

This was actually the case.

In the black market trader��s head, an abacus was calculating frantically at the thought of such a jackpot. What seemed like a boring day had turned into a drastic change in the store's books. Anybody would be confused. Before long, the abacus in the trader's head gave a result.

'No matter how I look at this, it is an enormous profit!'

Even if nine out of ten items were defective, it was enough to pay for the appraisal. The largest damage would be 50 silver, while the profit would be several times that. Besides, what if he got not one but two genuine products? Or three? The money the black market trader could earn would vary.

He wanted to agree to the proposal right there. However, the black market trader cleared his throat and shook his head.

"Hoo, I am at a loss. I don't know what to do."

Theo frowned at his words.

"How come? These are exceptional conditions."

"Of course. It is because I am well aware of that. This is an offer that can't be refused… So, I am worried."

A smile flashed over the black market trader's face.

"It is strange no matter how I think about it. What benefits will Young Master receive from these conditions?"

"You don't need to know that."

"I see."

The black market trader stared at Theo with snake like eyes. It was like the eyes could see into his head. Quite a few people would jump at those eyes, but Theo didn't look away. The black market trader smiled as he assessed the response and explained the reason.

"Since I was a child, I learned not to accept one-sided profitable deals. I never know what I will have to pay afterwards. In fact, the person who taught me that was killed for not keeping his word."

It was worrisome since the black market trader didn't know what the other person was intending. In this world of humans, he couldn't believe in anyone but himself. That was why the black market trader hesitated. He couldn't guess the reason why the appraiser had suggested this proposal.

'It is too wasteful to reject but too good to accept.'

Should he give up a good deal due to a few doubts or place priority on earning a profit?

The black market trader was accustomed to a rough life, so he thought calmly.

"I'm sorry, but if you can't answer, it will end here."

Theodore stiffened at the unimaginable resistance.

'No, he's refusing because it's too beneficial? Is this the world of the black market traders?'

Should he go and find other black market traders?

Theo hesitated for a moment before shaking his head inwardly. He wouldn't have known this place even existed if he hadn't visited here three years ago. Theo had no proper information to look for other black market dealers, and the likelihood of closing a deal was close to zero.

Somehow, he needed to close the deal with this black market trader.

'But I can't reveal Gluttony's existence… How do I convince that guy? A lie created hastily won't convince him.'

Simply put, it was difficult to instill trust in others, especially if he had to hide the reason. It would be nice if there was a notary, but a black market store wasn't the type to have a notary. His attempts to hide his identity might prove futile.

At that moment, something passed through his head.

'…No, wait a minute.'

Theo's face brightened as he remembered something. He looked at black market trader and said without hesitation, "I'm sorry, but I can't say why. I can only tell you to trust me."

"Is that so? Then this conversation…"

"Come on, don't be too hasty."

The voice of the black market trader was cut off.

As he looked at Theo with a confused expression, the concept of a notary emerged.

"If you are a black market trader, illegal transactions aren't uncommon. You will often come across untrustworthy people."

"What are you trying to say?"

"…Do you have a Geass Scroll?"

A Geass Scroll was, in other words, a scroll which forced a geas. They were items mass produced by the Tower of Magic. The black market trader's face stiffened at those words.

He asked in a nervous voice, "Young Master, are you serious?"


"…Then the story is different."

The trader got up and walked towards the counter, pulling out a small box from underneath it. He opened the box and pulled out a piece of parchment. Even from a distance, the noticeable reddish colour and magic circles on the surface proved its authenticity.

This was the first time Theo had seen a Geass Scroll.

"Is this it?"

"Yes, it has been a while since I took it out. There aren't many great things that require writing on this."

The red parchment between the two people shone brightly. Just like its name, the function was to force a geas. There would be a compulsion to adhere to the contract written on the parchment. If the contract was broken, then they risked blindness or losing their lives.

Thus, a Geass Scroll was more reliable than any notary.

"…Let's start. My name is Canis. Young Master?"

"Theodore Miller."

"You truly are a noble. Then I will write down the terms of the contract as you described earlier. Don't regret it later."

The black market dealer started drafting the contract. If this deal failed, then he would be seeing a loss. The Geass Scroll got rid of any lingering doubts, but he needed to make certain. As a result, it took a long time for half of the parchment to be filled with clauses.

Theo quietly looked at the parchment and added one thing.

"Canis, I would like to add one provision."

"What is it?"

"Silence about me and this transaction. If you can't accept this clause, then the deal will be over."

In fact, Theo had no room to step back, but he maintained a calm face. It was counterproductive for humans to appear weak, so he should seem like he had the advantage.

A strange expression appeared on Canis' face before he smiled. He thought it wasn't a big deal.

"Ha, is this revenge for before? Well, okay. This is why we are using the Geass Scroll. I will accede this much."

This would prevent any information from leaking out. Theo couldn't help sighing with relief. Although he had a good head, bargaining with a black market trader was a different story. He didn't have an aptitude for dealing with people. He could only hope that this didn't happen next time.

"Hey, Young Master."


This time, Canis was the one who wanted to say something. Theo buried any annoyance when he replied.

"Can you appraise cursed items? If possible, I would like to ask that as well."


Cursed items?

It was an unexpected question. Gluttony was a grimoire which ate magic books. He hadn't verified if Gluttony could distinguish magic curses separately before eating. However, the black market trader had many things that could be used to verify this.

"I'll try it once."

Canis brought out an item without saying anything. He was agile when it came to his own benefits.

'Well, I'm not in a position to speak about that.'

Theo grabbed the ring with his left hand and closed his eyes to focus.


The tongue could be felt within his closed fist. The visualized information entered his head, dispelling any worries.

[+2 The Widow's Wail (Accessory)]

[A ring made of high purity silver. The first owner of this ring lost her husband early on, and soon followed afterwards from an illness of the heart. The widow's sorrow remained in this ring and turned into a strong curse. If the wearer of this ring is a woman, the 'depressed' state will occur. If the wearer of this ring is a man, there is a low probability that the 'depressed' state will occur.

* The grade of this ring is 'Normal.'

* When consumed, a very small amount of magic power will be absorbed.

* When consumed, the digestion time is 8 minutes and 22 seconds.

* When worn, the owner of Gluttony isn't affected by the curse.]

However, this wasn't the end.

The following sentences were enough to make him forget his tired mind and body.

[You have appraised a cursed item. The faint curse has shrunk back at the presence of a predator.]

[Curse magic is a mysterious phenomenon. When you feed Gluttony a cursed item, there is a low probability that the owner may learn the memories, experience of skills of the person who left the curse behind. The more powerful the curse, the greater the probability.]

[Gluttony's owner isn't affected by the curse.]

The result was more than he expected. Theo accepted the request without any hesitation. Of course, he didn't forget to extract a price. The distribution of cursed items instead of artifacts was added as a better condition.

After that, the process went smoothly.


Once the two people added a bloody thumbprint, the parchment absorbed the blood and shone with a red light. It meant the Geass Scroll had activated successfully. Canis placed it in the original box and sealed it tightly. Since the clause had a condition of silence, the existence of the contract itself became an absolute secret for Canis.

"Now, since the deal is established…"

Theo, who was feeling tired, raised his left hand with a gentle expression.

"Let's start immediately."

From that moment, it was time for him to fill up his magic power.

Dealings with a Black Market Trader #4

The city of Bergen was famous for its beauty. As the sun set over the Nadun Mountain Ranges which spread widely throughout the west, the people living there realized the day had come to an end.

The same was true for the guards at the academy's main gate. Jason, who was waiting for the shift change with his colleagues, watched the glow of the sunset as always.

'I don't like winter vacation… It is comfortable because there is no work, but I am bored without any people.'

Only a few students stayed in the dormitory during summer vacation and even they went home during winter vacation. If he included the professors who remained in their offices, there was a total of approximately 10 people who came and went in one day.

It would be worse if someone heard him say this, but Jason's boredom was severe.

At that moment, someone was approaching in the distance.

"Pant, pant. Not, pant, not late?!"

The panting and sweat on the person's forehead showed that he had been running without any rest.

Jason nodded, and Theo sat down with a sigh of relief. The business with the black market trader had taken longer than he'd thought it would, so he'd almost broken curfew. No, if he hadn't run hard, he would've been late.

'It is okay because it was a good trip.'

He had signed a contract with the black market trader and completed his first work. The things he received in return were enough to cause the backpack on his shoulder to swell. Thanks to that, sweat flowed down but the weight added to his sense of accomplishment.

Additionally, the weight of this backpack would soon lead to an increase in the amount of magic power! It was pleasant, so there was no reason for him to feel displeased.

Jason checked the permit and gave it back.

"Third grade, Theodore Miller… Yes, I have confirmed it. You can go inside now."

"Hah, yes, thank you."

Theo was still panting as he crossed the threshold. He had a staggering gait but managed to somehow cross the grounds without falling over.

Jason watched the scene from the entrance and muttered to himself, "What the hell did he do?"

From behind, he couldn't even see Theo's hair. It was because Theo kept on wobbling from the weight of the backpack. Jason thought about it for a while, but then he met his colleagues who would replace him and soon forgot about it.

'Well, who cares?'

In the end, it had nothing to do with him.

* * *

Theo skipped dinner and headed straight to his dorm. Normally, he would've gone to the library, but today, there was something more important.

It was an opportunity to increase his lacking magic power! He couldn't buy magic reagents due to his thin wallet, so he couldn't miss this chance. The reason he'd skipped dinner was to raise his concentration.

Theo first opened his bulging backpack.


The objects in the backpack poured out onto the ground. Gloves, necklace, broken cooker, worn out staff… objects of various weights and length filled the room. Although their appearances were humble, they were artifacts which contained magic power. If he found the right item, then it could be worth at least a few gold.

Unfortunately, Theo only had one such item.

'Still, there were five winners out of 20, so it is pretty good. Not every day will be like today.'

Today, Theo had appraised a total of 20 items for the black market trader. It was a quantity which matched the limits of an 'average' level appraiser. It would be dangerous to show the black market trader an ability to appraise over 20 items.

Although he did appraise curse items, it didn't raise any doubts in Canis. As a result, today's income was fifteen defects and one common artifact.

"Then… shall I feed it one first?"

According to the previous explanation, the 'simple eating' function was different from feeding it magic books. Thus, he needed to look at what the difference was.

Theo sat down and picked up one of the defective products. It was the magic gloves enchanted with 'Grease' magic.

"Eat, Gluttony."

The tongue responded to Theo's call and swallowed up the gloves.

['Clumsy Hands of a Fool' has been consumed. The amount of magic power it possesses is very marginal.]

[It will take 3 minutes and 12 seconds to digest it fully.]

3 minutes and 12 seconds passed by. The moment the clock hands spun exactly three laps and moved 12 spaces, a voice was heard.

[Your magic power has increased slightly.]

[Proficiency with the 1st Circle magic 'Grease' has increased.]

At the same time, changes took place within Theo's body.


An unidentified magic power was boiling up. The amount wasn't large, but it moved through Theo's body like it was his magic power. The two circles on his heart turned like cogs which had just been oiled. Additionally, a narrow area of the application of 'Grease' magic entered his mind.

'This… It is different from magic spells. It is more like pouring knowledge into my head rather than it being engraved. If that is the case, I don't need to worry about a headache like last time.'

This wasn't like when he fed Gluttony magic books. When a book was eaten, he felt like the magic was being burned forcefully into his body. However, with the artifact, it felt like he was being taught how to handle the magic. Above all, learning was Theo's specialty. Even if he fed Gluttony a few at a time, he could accept it without any problems.

Theo found some confidence and swallowed the artifacts in succession.

['The Tightening Necklace' has been consumed. The amount of magic power it possesses is very marginal.]

[Proficiency with the 2nd Circle magic 'Hold' has increased.]

['Angry Pot' has been consumed. The amount of magic power it possesses is very marginal.]

[Proficiency with the 1st Circle magic 'Freeze' has increased.]

['High-speed Hourglass' has been consumed. The amount of magic power it possesses is very marginal.]

[Proficiency with the 2nd Circle magic…]


[It will take 45 minutes and 12 seconds to digest fully.]

Despite swallowing 14 items, Gluttony's tongue moved as always. There was so much food that the voice was heard continuously. Theo paused as he listened to the last sentence.

'The digestion time is determined by the sum total of the food.'

The digestion time had increased until it was up to 45 minutes. If he added the digestion time of all the items eaten before that, he would get a similar number. It was hard to think of this as a coincidence. Ultimately, it seemed like it was necessary to have a lot of free time when eating the artifacts.

"45 minutes… It is an ambiguous length."

He could focus on other things, but he was unsure if he should leave this place or not. Thus, Theo waited in his spot silently. After 45 minutes, his magic power boiled again.

'Ohh, this is…!'

The magic power in his body was raging differently from when he ate one artifact. The two circles creaked as they accepted the magic power, since it was close to the limit that the two circles could accommodate.

Theo sensed it intuitively and immediately concentrated on it. There was a response to his call.


The voice of magic which could only be heard by Theodore Miller started resonating. It was the sound of magic power flowing through his blood vessels. This was the sweetest sound to a magician, and it proved that Theodore wasn't wrong.

As Theo's consciousness sank to the bottom of a lake…


He started spinning the magic power gathered in his heart. In a space which contained nothing, he had to draw a perfect circle.

He would add a third circle to the current two circles. The magic power moved around according to his will. If this image collapsed, then everything would be in vain.

His lack of sensitivity meant he had to use all of his concentration power. As usual, Theo's mental prowess was already beyond that of a 2nd Circle magician. A senior magician would be no match for him when it came to concentration power. Theo's spirit had unintentionally been tempered by his extremely low sensitivity.

Soon, the third circle started to take shape. Unfortunately, it was up to there.


Theo breathed out and opened his eyes. The result was that it was a half-success. The magic power gained from the artifacts was amazing, but it was a bit short to complete the third circle. Despite his fierce concentration, his limit was just forming the shape.

He would need to consume artifacts one or two more times to achieve a perfect third circle.

"…Was it originally that easy to reach the 3rd Circle?"

There was still more than a month left of winter vacation. If he increased his magic power regularly, even if it was difficult for him to reach the 4th Circle, Theo could reach the 3rd Circle safely. He didn't need to worry about the academy's diploma anymore now.

Theo wondered just how far he could go with this help. The owner of this ridiculous monster would never be able to live as an ordinary magician. If so, Theo would go as far as possible.

'Well, shall I start by cleaning up the knowledge inside my head?'

The story of the future would be postponed until later. Theodore Miller once again made his way to the library.

Here comes the Mutiny #1

The two months winter vacation was coming to an end.

The students, who had gone home, gradually began to return, while the professors were already preparing the class materials. The campus, which had been empty and cold, soon regained its usual warmth.

However, the wind was still chilly, so there weren't many people outside. In the midst of that, one student was running around the campus grounds.

"Pant…! Pant…!"

Theo heaved as he moved around the grounds. This would be his 32nd lap. When he first started exercising, he couldn't even do 10 laps. At least he hadn't vomited up what he ate after the first day. He used the knowledge he had to exercise properly. His body, which he had trained systematically for two months, was gradually becoming more manly.

'With this… 40!'

As soon as he completed his 45th lap, Theo fell to the ground instantly. It was the basic strengthening method of placing his palm against the floor and pushing up and down. He'd read in a book that it was a method the northern knights used.

As his arms trembled, Theo thought about why he was doing this. It started from when he accepted Alfred's memories.

-From [Ballistics magic], the magic is an arrow and the magician is the bow. The magician not only needs to hone the magic but also to train the body.

In fact, he remembered that Alfred Bellontes' body had been as conditioned as a knight's. In particular, the arm which shot the Magic Missile had been like a log. It was clear that physical training was necessary to withstand the recoil and release of magic.

Since then, Theodore had added working out to his routine. He didn't miss a day of running every morning, and he conditioned his muscles steadily. Although his body was fatigued and screaming with pain, Theo didn't give in. Rather, he doubled his usual food intake and immersed himself in the training.

"1…90, 2…00!"

Theo fell down after fulfilling his quota.

Despite the fact that his forearms had thickened compared to two months ago, it was difficult to increase the amount he did everyday. This much training was possible because a magician's body recovered faster than an average person. It couldn't be compared to the knights who refined mana, but it was enough to allow him to not struggle to get out of bed the next day.

'Uhh, this is why studying is the easiest part.'

It would be hard to find someone who agreed with him, but Theo was sincere in his own way. Since he'd been born, his memory had been good.

His active wear was sticky with sweat and his limbs were rubbery to the point where it was hard to stand up. Still, there was a sense of accomplishment like when he was studying magic, so he was able to endure for another day.

Every time he looked in the mirror, his appearance which was different from yesterday was a big motivation for Theo.

'…Get up.'

Despite the sweat, his body was cold due to the chilly wind. It would be bad if he caught a cold. He got up and brushed away the dirt on his hands. Ordinary people would need to go to the bath, but Theo was different.


With a simple spell, the dirt on his body was stripped away. Other students often ignored this method since they lived well, but Theodore understood the practicality. As the magic power wrapped around his body gently, he became cleaner than before.

'Is this the 3rd Circle? It feels cleaner than when I used it before…'

It wasn't a simple feeling but the truth.

Any magic required magic power to maximize its performance. 1st Circle magic could be made more efficient by inserting more magic power. Therefore, the difference between a 2nd Circle and 3rd Circle magician was obvious.

There was a difference between the 2nd Circle Theo and the 3rd Circle Theo.


The third circle around his heart was still strange. He touched his chest unconsciously. However, the number of circles didn't change. This was a state he had accomplished after visiting the black market trader three times and feeding on 40 artifacts.

3rd Circle magician…

Theo was now at the same starting point as the other students.

* * *

"Oh, cold. It is finally worth living."

Unlike the outside where the cold wind blew, the air inside was nice and warm.

The heating had been turned off during the vacation. Theo was more sensitive and realized that artificially created heat was seeping from the walls and corridor tiles. He raised his cold hands and let the warmth penetrate his skin.

'Applying Heat magic, simple but efficient.'

He admired the person who designed this heating system. It was at this moment that…

Tak… tadak… tak…

Theo, who was warming his hands on the wall, opened his eyes he heard the sound of footsteps. He unconsciously counted the number of steps which could be heard.

'Someone is nearing… roughly three people?'

This ability was closer to an ability of an assassin or tracker than a magician. It was a type of sensory perception in which he could sense the movement of magic power. Theo had gained the ability after experiencing Alfred's memories from [Ballistics Magic]. As a war hero, Alfred Bellontes had conditioned his senses to the level of tracking magic. Theo, who had obtained a little bit of the hero's memories, awakened a similar sense of perception.

Unsurprisingly, three students wearing uniforms appeared in the corridor leading to the dormitory. The four pairs of eyes met in the middle.

'These guys…?'

He glanced at his opponents reflexively. They had loose ties and rolled up sleeves…. Accessories and shoes with heels which were technically going against the school rules. Theo could tell what type of people they were just by the way they were dressed.

This led to the next development.

"Hey, isn't he that bastard?"

"It seems like it? It is obvious just by the face."

"Whoa, we are now in the same dormitory. Now I can finally feel like I'm in the third grade."

Indeed, they spoke loudly to make sure he heard it. Theo moved his feet as he suddenly felt like laughing. This much wasn't enough to be called harassment. Last year, there had been someone who had shot at the back of his head with shock magic. There had also been someone who created a hole in his bag with a magic arrow.

It was a very good level if they were just talking.

Trudge. Trudge.

Theo passed by the three people calmly. Was it because they didn't like this response? It was at an angle where the three people couldn't see his eyes.

The long-time dunce of the academy, the one who was the symbol of a loser since they entered school… Why was he so confident? He didn't even ask them to move out of the way with a subservient expression. The three people's sense of superiority boiled over.


Theodore stopped moving as he sensed the movement of magic power. Magic… The magic was only 1st Circle at most, but the epicentre was right under Theo's feet. If he took one more step, then he would've fallen.

'This magic… 'Grease'? What a trivial trick.'

It was a trick he was familiar with. Everyone who attacked from behind was the same. They wanted to laugh while watching him fall. It was to ridicule the loser who was older than them but considered inferior. If it was last year, then Theo would've been numb to it, but…

'The suffering ends here.'

As a 3rd Circle magician and the owner of Gluttony, Theodore Miller was a completely different person from before. Theodore identified the position of Grease using Alfred's detection ability and immediately counterattacked. At the very least, he should return what they were trying to do.

He didn't hesitate to point his fingers behind him and cast 'Grease'. The three idiots didn't know what was happening at the soles of their shoes.

"Idiots," Theo said softly before moving again. As he stepped over the area where Grease was, he heard a loud sound from behind him.

The three people shouted loudly from the ground. but Theo didn't turn back. He would see countless of these idiots in the future.

"The opening ceremony… is in a week," a cold voice emerged from Theo's mouth.

A new semester had begun again. It was time to pay back the three years of scorn from the professors and taunts from the students. He knew it was simple, but he couldn't stop his mouth from curling upwards.

Then a week later, Theodore Miller's final year in the third grade began.

Here comes the Mutiny #2

Long-time dunce…

The presence of the long-time dunce was a feature of Bergen Academy which was known not only amongst the existing students but the new freshmen as well. Everybody knew the fact that Theodore Miller had to repeat the same year three times. Someone said that this would be his final year, while others said he would drop out.

None of the countless people at the academy thought Theo would be able to graduate. Professor Bernard Wheeler, who was in charge of the third grade's alchemy classes, was the same.

'I don't know why he decided to step foot in the academy… Although he endured four years of it, that impudent fellow will soon return to the countryside.'

He looked at Theo, who was staring outside the window like he wasn't aware of the gossip.

The relationship between the two of them hadn't been so bad in the beginning.

Although Professor Bernard was a narrow-minded person who judged a student's worth by their status, Theodore Miller was from a noble lineage, no matter how low his family had fallen. There was a separate reason for Professor Bernard's hostile attitude.

It was perhaps two years ago…?

Theo, who had received his first repeater letter, had still been working enthusiastically in class, and Professor Bernard had still been treating him as a student. The relationship between the two had changed due to something which had occurred in one of the alchemy classes.

-Professor, I'm sorry, but that paper you quoted from was withdrawn from the Magical Society two years ago.

-…What? Are you saying that my class is wrong?

-No, the Magic Society said it.

–How dare someone like you say such a thing?!

Maybe it wasn't such a big deal. If an ordinary student like a duke or earl had made the same comment, he might have accepted it quietly. However, Theodore was a baron from the countryside and a poor student who had repeated a year. Such a person was finding fault with Bernard's class…

Bernard was proud of his status and authority, so he hadn't been able to endure being shamed like that.

Since that day, Bernard shook every time he looked at Theo. He had spent many nights worrying about how to remove him from the academy. However, Theodore's conduct was exemplary, and there was nothing to be faulted except for his practical performance. Therefore, Bernard came up with another approach.

"The combination formula you will be learning today is 'Full Moon Bead', which is more complicated than you might think. If you make a mistake, then the precious ingredients will crumble. On the other hand, too much magic power will turn it into a poison, not medicine. But the effect is amazing, enough to allow a half-dying person to catch their breath."

Bernard kept writing on the board while watching Theodore. He was staring at the blackboard without writing anything down. Even so, that gaze was extremely annoying. Knowing that he had already crossed a irreversible river, Bernard forgot his conscience and laughed.

"Then the question… Theodore?"

"Yes." Theo answered the call with a gentle expression.

"Explain why 'Full Moon Bead' is difficult to combine. Haven't you been taking my class for three years?"

Some of the students giggled at the taunt. There were a few students who remained expressionless, but they weren't able to hide their side glances of interest.

The day was the same as always, with the same taunts. It was only Theo who had changed.

"Each of the ingredients of the 'Full Moon Bead' has strong magic power and can't be dealt with unless the person is a magician. If you can't control the magic power precisely, then the material will be corrupted. For this reason, the 'Full Moon Bead' is very difficult to make."

Although Bernard was secretly laughing at the answer, he gestured to the other students.

"Yes, you know it. Everybody clap!"

Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap…

The insincere applause rang out through the classroom. What else was there? Theo was almost afraid to look at Bernard.

Bernard pointed to the podium where the ingredients for the 'Full Moon Bead' were placed and said, "But anyone can do it with their mouths. Theodore, please combine one 'Full Moon Bead'."

"…You mean?"

"Yes. If you have studied in this school for five years, then you should be a model for the other students."

This was what Bernard had been aiming for.

Theo clicked his tongue inwardly as he understood Bernard's intentions.

Bernard was probably convinced that Theo would fail this combination formula. The 'Full Moon Bead' was the most difficult combination drug in the third grade. A task of such difficulty wasn't something to be given to the 2nd Circle Theo, who often failed.

However, Bernard wanted to show his incompetence to the other students and throw him out for wasting expensive ingredients. If Theo refused, then he would be mocked for the five years he had spent here.

The academy's professor had a pretty good plan.

'Well, I can also use my head.'

However, Theo was different compared to before the winter vacation.

"I understand."

Theo got up from his seat and headed to the podium where the ingredients were placed. Bernard thought that he had made a mistake when he saw Theo's confident attitude. However, his logic decisively denied his intuition. He believed there was no way it was possible.

After a moment, a brilliant light filled the classroom.


"That is the 'Full Moon Bead'!"

The glass which Theo was holding contained a liquid medicine with tiny granules in it. Bernard watched the scene with blank eyes before grabbing the glass with a disbelieving expression. He had already forgotten about the other students.

"T-This is ridiculous. Y-You… how…?"

Even if he checked it a few times, it was clearly a perfect 'Full Moon Bead'. No, Bernard couldn't even make such a perfect combination. As someone who was a magician before a professor, Bernard's face turned pale.

Theo added a few words, as if to drive in the wedge, "Professor, I'm sorry, but it is better to add one more moon grass to the formula on the blackboard in order to increase the efficiency."


"It was in a paper published by the Magic Society last year."

It was the same situation and same voice as two years ago. Bernard, who faced the revived memory of a nightmare, sank into his chair. After that, he didn't even look in Theodore's direction.

The full-fledged change began the day after this incident.

The news that the famous dunce had succeeded in combining the 'Full Moon Bead' spread throughout the academy.

All the professors, except for Vince, didn't believe the rumour, and each one prepared a task for Theo. In particular, Professor Claude who taught magic circles prepared a task which even the other professors would find hard to do.

The task was to execute a triple compound magic circle. Apart from the amount of magic power, they had to understand the meaning and circulation of the magic circle.

In the old days, Theo had understood the secret, but he hadn't been able to succeed because he hadn't had the minimum level of sensitivity required. However, for him, it was now at the level of a mere headache.

Theo smiled silently at Professor Claude who was internally aghast.

'I was fed up because I didn't have much sensitivity… To think just this slight difference is so big.'

As a result of the steady feeding throughout the winter break, Theo's talent had jumped almost four or five times.

He learned most of the magic which he'd only had knowledge of and his magic power reached the middle of the 3rd Circle. If he continued growing like this, he would reach the 4th Circle before the first semester ended.

However, in the meantime, the rise of his sensitivity was minimal. According to Gluttony, it was at most [Mana sensitivity +30]? It was still lower than the average figure.

Even so, Theo's magic skills had developed brilliantly. Compared to the past, where he had almost no sensitivity, this was like water washing onto a dry land. Did those born with high magic sensitivity feel like they were flying around in the sky?

Theo walked back to his seat while thinking about this, and many pairs of eyes followed after him.

* * *

People who witnessed Theo's change often responded in three ways.

"That person is called a dunce? No way."

"Yes. Is there something wrong with the professors?"

"That might be the case. Or he really was a dunce until last year."

"Hey, does that make sense?"

First, there were people who questioned the existing evaluation of Theo. They couldn't understand why such an excellent person was called a dunce. There were even conspiracy theories that he had intentionally stayed in the academy.

Then came the second reaction.

��He has studied for five years, so I guess this is the outcome."

"Wasn't there a saying in the east about a 'late bloomer'? Maybe Senior grew like that."

"I think the top graduate this year will be him."

Some people accepted the reality they saw with their own eyes.

Theo was a man who had succeeded with 'Full Moon Bead' and a 'Triple Compound Magic Circle'. The students who had watched the process from beginning to end began to talk publicly about Theodore Miller's excellence. Some students even came up to him during break time to ask questions.

Finally, there was the third type of reaction.

"Look at the failure showing off…"

"Isn't he just a senior with some good luck?"

"A baron from the countryside who knows some things."

Despite the rumours, there were people who were convinced Theo was still a failure. Their sense of inferiority or discrimination rose to the surface as they stared at Theodore's back with hostile eyes.

The academy's strict rules made fighting almost meaningless, but some tried to find a method.

"Isn't the next class battle magic?"

"Yes, and it is clearly the first lesson…"

In the third grade, students started learning how to fight using magic.

During the first class, sparring was conducted under the professor's supervision in order to find out the levels of the students. The method they came up with, for the purpose of fighting Theo, was that spar.

"I'll do it. I'll crush the pride of that dunce."

"No, it is my role if it is battle magic."

"My family has received awards for magic."

Each one spoke in a confident voice. They would defeat the arrogant loser and show him who the poor one was. A smile appeared on their faces at the thought.

…Of course, it was doubtful that they would be as good as they thought.

Here comes the Mutiny #3

Battle magic was the most popular subject in the academy. Additionally, having achievements in battle magic was equivalent to being first when academy graduates were assessed for their value. There was even a competition for students of various academies to recruit the graduates.

It was the same with Bergen Academy, Therefore, the professor in charge was naturally the best magician in the academy, Vince. In fact, he had a distinguished career as a war magician and had received a noble title for it.

However, that was just annoying to Vince.

"Since ancient times, magicians have had a very close relationship with war. The reason for this is very simple. Magicians are extremely efficient soldiers. While a well-trained knight can cut down more than 10 people, a 4th Circle magician can burn 100 people."

Some of the students paled at the realism in his cold voice. For them, murder and war were overly heavy topics. The expression 'efficient' was simply too cold. However, not everyone responded that way.

Some students' eyes shone at Vince's words and became eager to try the magic right now. There was no other greater route to success than being a combat magician. Rather than refusing to kill, they were the type of people who wanted their abilities to be recognized. In any case, this type of personality was much better. At the very least, they wouldn't throw up.

'Either way, they are just young chicks.'

Vince assessed the students' reactions with a sober eye. According to his experiences, those who could fight in battle didn't respond that way. Rather than being lighthearted, their emotions wouldn't be exposed on the surface. For an ordinary person capable of becoming a separate person on the battlefield… That was the talent needed to be a war magician.

"This academy was once a facility to raise magicians who would be sent to the battlefield. It isn't obligatory to enter the army now, but the battle magic course is left to develop a sense of real warfare."

There were a few references in the curriculum he used to teach the students. The one-on-one spar in the first class was a product of those days. Although a few steps had been erased, there was no better way to identity a student's qualities.

Two students would alternate between the roles of attacker and defender, and the one who was superior would be decided as the winner. Even if it was a structured, this was a proven training method.

Vince started explaining the rules of the spar.

"Well, the rules are simple. I will keep watch, so don't worry about getting injured. Just do the best that you can… However."

For a moment, magic power flashed in his eyes.

"If you commit a foul, such as disregarding the order of attack or an unexpected strike… I will use my name to get you expelled from the academy. Understood?"


Professor Vince was famous for being strict and fair. Knowing that warning wasn't a bluff, the students replied with stiff voices.

Vince then took out the attendance sheet and pointed to the first person who would do the spar.

"Then we will begin immediately. Number 1, Evans. Pick a person."

* * *


A fireball exploded against a shield with a loud sound. Dozens of magic missiles then flew through the air, causing the shield to lose its shape. Lightning was shot into a curtain of water, and wind deflected an arrow.

At first, the students were nervous, but they now used the magic naturally. The presence of Professor Vince and the pleasure of using magic like this for the first time started to draw out the students' potential.

The students watching the sparring students didn't stay still. They watched the exchanges of magic closely and discussed areas to be fixed as well as their own assessments.

Some of the students gave harsh assessments.

'What a mess. The vast majority don't know about the details of the attributes, and the magic they use is too obvious. Why are they taking 10 seconds to use 2nd Circle magic? If the roles weren't being alternated, they would have been attacked and finished already.'

There was no end to the problems. Theo pressed against his temples as he tried not to sigh.

To be precise, Alfred's memories were giving him a headache. In the eyes of the legendary magician who had spent his whole life on the battlefield, Alfred Bellontes saw all the flaws. Having absorbed his experiences, Theodore had the same opinion.

Some time passed by.

The remaining number of students left to fight each other decreased until the students who hadn't yet dueled could be counted on both hands. Then Professor Vince called someone's name, "Number 25, Garcia Carter. Choose your sparring opponent."

As soon as his name was called, the students suddenly became quiet. Garcia, the second son of the famous Carter family, got up from his spot. This caused the faces of the students, who had yet to fight, to harden.

Thanks to the support of Garcia's family, his amount of magic power was close to the 4th Circle and he was a combat magician with high sensitivity. It was obvious that they couldn't defeat such a person.

–Don���t choose me, not me…

–Stick to some other guy…

As if he knew the students were praying earnestly, Garcia looked around leisurely like a wild beast searching for his prey.

Then he noticed Theodore Miller who was looking at him with a calm expression. With neither fear nor curiosity, it was a gaze with no emotions.

Garcia opened his mouth and said the name impulsively, "Theodore Miller."

Professor Vince raised his eyebrows as he heard it. "…Um?"

Theodore casually got up and moved to the other side of Garcia. It meant he accepted the nomination.

Vince paused for a moment before stepping back. It was ridiculous to stop them when the other person had already accepted the nomination. Above all, Theo was a student who never acted without thinking.

'No, I don't know why but…'

Vince felt strangely like Theo would be the dominant one.

However, that was impossible. Theo, a dunce who was close to the 3rd Circle, was going against someone who was from a prominent family and was almost at the 4th Circle. The balance would clearly lean toward the latter.

Had his intuition become rusty after leaving the battlefield?

"…The both of you, start as soon as you are ready."

After the moment of hesitation, Vince stood between the two people and started the spar. Thanks to the coin toss, Garcia Carter was the first attacker. He was from a family of prestigious battle magicians, so he aimed for Theo without hesitation.

"Lightning Bolt!"

Blue lightning shot out from Garcia and flew toward Theo at a terrifying pace. Lightning was the best attribute to use in an actual fight against people. It was at a student's level, but the general aim wasn't shaken.

Indeed, it wasn't bad. Theo created a wall of magic power.


The lightning blazed as it struck the translucent barrier before losing its momentum and fading away.

Lightning Bolt was a practical and brilliant magic, but its strength was limited to its speed and destructiveness. The output itself wasn't very high and if the timing of the defense wasn't too late, it could be blocked easily.

This time, it was Theo's turn to attack.

"Fire Bolt."

A total of 12 fire arrows appeared in the air. It was the maximum number he could implement at one time as a 3rd Circle magician. However, Garcia's defense was completed before Theo could shoot them.


It was much thicker than a conventional shield and had a tight texture. Even if there were 24 fire arrows instead of just 12, its defense wouldn't be shaken. Garcia was confident in his defense and smiled fiercely.

Theo smiled as well.


The 12 fire arrows shot through the air.

The strength and disadvantage of bolt-based magic was that it poured out randomly within a certain range. It was good when dealing with a large number of people, but there wasn't enough power to break through a tightly fixed defense.

Thus, Theo added some things to the magic formula.


Instead of there being a time difference, they all focused on one point.

"Keuk…! What is this?!"

Garcia stepped back at the unexpected firepower. The perfectly raised shield became half-crumbled, and there was a shockwave which pushed his body back a few steps. Eyes filled with surprise and suspicion stared at Theo on the other side. That wasn't the power of a mere Fire Bolt.

However, Garcia wasn't able to see through it with his capabilities.

'After adding to the rotation and acceleration, it is pretty usable.'

Theodore's Fire Bolt was upgraded to a level which was completely unrelated to the existing magic formula. The arrowheads rotated; they were concentrated on one spot and the speed was increased. The Fire Bolt, with these three supplementary magic, was already at a level which Garcia's shield couldn't handle.

"Then what about this?!"

The troubled Garcia couldn't understand why he was inferior, and a ball of fire appeared on his palm. It was the 3rd Circle attack magic, Fireball. Since Garcia's magic power was close to the 4th Circle, the scale was three or four times that of the other students.

'I can't stop it head on… A magician should also use their head.'

A shield wouldn't be able to take the full impact. For this situation, something more efficient and optimized was required.

In Theo's mind, dozens of magic formulas mixed together until he created one which met those conditions.


A triangular shaped shield appeared in front of Theo. Simultaneously, the Fireball shot from Garcia's hand with a frightening momentum. If there was a direct hit, then a three meter area would be damaged!

It was literally a collision of power and technique.


The result was that technique obviously won.


The fireball struck the triangular shaped shield and lost its shape, scattering over the edges and creating scorch marks on the sides of the shield.

It was a perfect defense which even Vince marvelled at. If the creator of [The Application of Defense Magic] was here, he would praise the accomplishment with enthusiastic applause.

Theo then became the attacker, and a Fireball appeared in his hand.


Compared to Garcia's, the size was insignificant. However, its inherent power was comparable to Garcia's larger Fireball. It was an improved Fireball which compressed the strength on the inside rather than the outside, greatly increasing the explosive power. It was difficult to block with the existing Shield, which was vulnerable to a one-point attack.

Therefore, it would be better to block it with a wall of dirt instead of Shield.


The confused Garcia used Shield reflexively. Shortly after that, a gigantic wave of heat hit.



The shockwave shattered the shield and threw Garcia's body back a few meters. If Professor Vince hadn't reduced the impact using magic, then he might've been seriously wounded. This was proof that there was a clear difference in skills.

A member of the Carter family was defeated by the dunce!

The students, who witnessed the shocking sight, couldn't help crying out.

Here comes the Mutiny #4

"No way! Theodore won!"

"He defeated Garcia in battle magic…!"

"How is he a dunce?"

The students were truly very noisy. It was difficult for them to accept that Garcia, one of the best in their year, had been defeated. The even more frustrating thing was that the man who defeated him was Theodore Miller.

He had studied for an extra three years, but the gap in talent couldn't be that much. The students knew that better than anyone else, so their surprise was greater.

Professor Vince was the most surprised person.

'Great… Fire Bolt aiming at one point, a shield with a variation in shape, and a compressed Fireball… It's already at a good enough level to be an active war magician.'

No, maybe even more than that. Theo's face never showed any tension, and he didn't take a step from his first standing position. It was literally a one-sided win. Vince raised a hand in order to calm the students and declare Theo's victory.

However, at that moment…

"…Not yet, not yet! I'm not backing down yet!"

Garcia's eyes were wild as he awkwardly raised his body from where he had fallen. Clearly, he wasn't in a normal condition. His magic power was running out of control outside his body, and his distorted face revealed his wounded pride.

'If Father and Big Brother know that I've fallen in such an unsightly way, they will never forgive me!'

His father, Viscount Carter, was famous. His family was several times stricter and more hierarchical than other families. If rumours spread that he had lost to not just any student but to the famous dunce, he would never be able to leave the Carter estate.

That was something that could never happen.

"This is the last one. If you can take this spell, then I will admit defeat, Theodore Miller!" Garcia shouted wildly toward Theo, who still had a casual expression on his face.

Garcia knew it was nonsense, but he couldn't retire like this. He started preparing the spell before Theodore even replied.

'Tsk, this is why children of prestigious families…'

In the end, Professor Vince clicked his tongue and stepped back. If Theodore had rejected it, then he would've interfered. However, Theo didn't seem to have any plans to resign either. Rather, he was carefully observing Garcia's boiling magic power with cool eyes. His eyes, which were as sharp as blades while concentrating fiercely, gave the illusion that he was standing on a battlefield.

Thus, the final confrontation between the two students began.

"「Red light streaking across the sky–」"

A strange voice emerged from Garcia's mouth. It was a chant which accompanied a magic spell and displayed a different power compared to magic with only one or two starting words. Even if the same amount of magic power was used, the power was increased overwhelmingly. Once it was high-level magic, it could be used as a tactical weapon.

Additionally, there was a function hidden behind the chant.


The jeweled pendant hidden in the uniform began resonating with its owner's will. It was the artifact, Roaring Flames, which was only give to a legitimate child of the Carter family. This artifact greatly increased the magic power of the contracted owner as well as the output of fire magic.

It was because Garcia trusted in this power that he requested for another round with Theo.

'Now, I can use 4th Circle magic. No matter how hard the three-time dunce tries, it will end with this!'

Simultaneously, Theodore's face stiffened as he sensed the suspicious magic power. Alfred's sensory perception sensed a sudden increase in the opponent's magic power, and he knew it was 4th Circle magic. Theo frowned at the difference in the magic flow.

'What? The amount of magic power in his body has suddenly increased. Is it a Carter family secret technique?'

Theo could suspect that it was due to the use of an artifact. However, if he made the accusation and it was wrong, then it was likely to backfire on him. Therefore, Theo prepared his defense instead of objecting. Anyway, Professor Vince would stop him from getting hurt.

Thanks to Garcia's crude control, the magic formula was read and Theo found an effective means to stop it.

The material was dirt, and he would created a spherical barrier to withstand the heat and shock.

'If I had to name this, it would be Earth Dome.'

He could load the formula with magic power at any time to create it. So, now, he just needed to match the timing. If he stacked a few layers of magic power, then it should be enough to stop a single 4th Circle fire magic. Theodore believed in his calculations and collected his trembling emotions.

Garcia soon completed the magic. It was a crimson fireball, a magic bullet which would turn a person into charcoal if it touched them.

"Blaze Shell!"

Garcia called out the name of the magic with a confident expression. It was a high-ranked fireball and was considered one of the greatest spells to use against a person in the fire attack magic. The slow speed, destructive power of the flames, and penetration power were supplemented for military use.

It was a fire spell capable of easily destroying a Shield of the same level.

"How about it, will you surrender now?"

Garcia was sure of his victory.

There was no way that Theo, a 3rd Circle magician, would be able to beat the 4th Circle magic. While the other students became restless because they didn't know what would happen, Vince's expression grew colder as he watched on.

However, Theo just replied with a blank expression, "Shoot."

"…What?" Garcia asked in disbelief.

"The class needs to finish, so shoot it." As Theo spoke, his voice didn't shake at all.

Briefly, Garcia was lost for words. Then a thick vein bulged and the halted shell started to move through the air. The 4th Circle magic, Blaze Shell…

'It's coming.'

As soon as Theo confirmed it was moving, his magic power responded. He poured magic power into the pre-designed magic formula and placed the greatest amount at the point where the shell would hit.

Luckily, Garcia was limited in making the Blaze Shell and couldn't control its trajectory. Needless to say, there were no improvements such as rotation or acceleration.

"Earth Dome!"

Theo placed his two palms on the ground, and the floor of the academy wriggled like it was alive. The ground crumbled, and the dirt and stone mixed together were hardened by magic power. A spherical dome, with Theo in the center, formed in an instant. The improvised magic spell was truly genius.

Then once the Earth Dome was completed…

The fire shell collided with the earth barrier.


There was a loud rumble.



The students covered their ears and, belatedly, their eyes as the dust fell down. Indeed, it was a mess.

Only Vince was walking around with a wall blocking the dust, wind, and sound. It was common to use things such as smokescreens on the battlefield, so he was used to such measures. Soon after, the dust settled down, and the scene within was revealed.

"N-No way… This—ridiculous…" Garcia Carter was sitting there with a pale face,

"…This, isn't it just laundry magic?"Theo muttered as he cleaned his clothing.

'How interesting. Where did I hear something similar?' Vince laughed at the sight.

Blaze Shell and Earth Dome…

If he compared it to weapons, it was like a spear and a shield. Today's battle wasn't a contradiction but the victory of a shield which boasted a stronger defense.

* * *

"Okay, it is over."

Vince clapped after he finished cleaning up the playing field.

The students, who had gathered in one place according to his instructions, looked around with disbelief. Just five minutes ago, the academy grounds had been ravaged. However, Professor Vince had reset that destruction in five minutes.

'He has truly amazing skills.' Theodore was also filled with admiration. These were the skills of Bergen Academy's top magician.

He understood the formula and application of restoration magic, but he wasn't confident he could produce the same result. Perhaps it was a trick to control magic, his experience, or the difference in techniques.

Professor Vince returned to the front of the students and frowned as he called a person's name.

"Garcia Carter, get up."


Garcia, who was still stunned by his defeat, got up from his seat. He was confused about why he was called, but the answer didn't come back in words.


Vince's fist hit Garcia's chin.

"Keok, P-Professor?"

A war magician also knew hand-to-hand combat. As proof of that fact, Professor Vince's hands were callused and Garcia's lips were bleeding.

Garcia trembled from the pain and shock as he grabbed his chin.

"You idiot. Did you think I wouldn't know?"

"W-What are you saying…?"

"Roaring Flames."

The colour drained from Garcia's face because he had secretly used an artifact.

This was a serious violation of the school rules. There was the possibility that Garcia would have to repeat a year or he might even be expelled. No, he had attacked another student with an unregistered artifact, so he was likely to face further punishment.

Vince then briefly explained why he knew about the artifact, Roaring Flames. "I served in the same unit as your father on the northern front. I thought he would've raised his child better. What a mess."

Garcia despaired after hearing the reason. "P-Professor! That isn't…"

"Shut up!" At Vince's yell, the other students flinched. Some students even lost control of their bladder.

"You will follow me as soon as the lesson is over. I will review your situation at the faculty meeting. Understood?"


"And Theodore Miller."

Theo raised his head at the sudden call.

"After class, finish your dinner and come to my laboratory. Understood?"

"Ah, I understand."

"Yes." Vince nodded after hearing the answer and looked at the frozen students. "Today's lesson ends here. Next time, I will teach you about the attributes of magic. Dismissed."

After his words, Professor Vince immediately headed toward the faculty members' office with Garcia. The rest of the students didn't know what to do, but they soon started moving toward their next class. They managed to melt the frozen atmosphere by wondering why Garcia was taken away.

'After school, the professor's laboratory…'

Only Theodore remained in place as he worried about why Vince had called him.

At the Crossroad of Trust #1

After school, Theodore finished his dinner, like Professor Vince had said to do, and walked with a sunken expression.

He didn't have a chance to enjoy his victory over Garcia because he knew why Vince called him. In the academy, there was no other person who knew Theo better. He realized that Theo's abilities had increased abnormally.

'Plus, he knows that I don't have the money to buy magic reagents or hire a tutor.'

Vince had cared for him more than anyone else in the past three years.

Theo had talked about his miserable money situation, which was almost like a poor peasant's, and his horrible mana sensitivity.

Vince was different from the other professors who didn't pay much attention to Theo. This situation was more dangerous because it was Professor Vince, who always regretted seeing Theo's talent go to waste and tried to open up another path for him. Professor Vince would be able to grasp the authenticity of Theo's words.

Above all, there was the problem of coming up with a way of hiding Gluttony's existence.

'Damn, there is no answer no matter how I think about it. I can't make up excuses to Professor Vince. It will cause a misunderstanding, and I might not be able to salvage this.'

Gluttony had said that there were over 100 ways to increase magic power, but it had only told him one.

In this day and age, only three or four methods were known. Other methods included black magic or fraudulent techniques, but it wasn't rare for the magic power to decrease instead. In a situation like this, there was no hole to escape to.

How long did he worry about it? Theo had already arrived in front of Professor Vince's laboratory.

"…I've arrived."

It was his first visit here since coming for the permit. Theo looked at the brown door before him. At that time, he had come out of this room with a gloomy face, and he now returned with entirely different worries.

The position he was in had changed a lot. The one-time 2nd Circle dunce now had the best marks in the grade. This was the result of facing his difficulties without turning back.

'It is the same this time as well.'

He wouldn't run away. Theo decided he would face it as he raised his hand.

Knock, knock.

"Professor, it is Theodore."

An answer came from behind the door, as if he had been waiting.

–Come in.

Theo turned the doorknob, and he could smell the usual scent of coffee. The parchments and books spread out on the desk showed Professor Vince's diligence. He put down the parchment he was reading and looked at Theo with a face that was difficult to read.

"You came right on time. The faculty meeting took longer than I expected, so I just got back."

It was as he said. The handling of Garcia Carter was a difficult problem for the academy. Viscount Carter was famous, so they didn't want to punish his son and cause a problem. The professors were so concerned that Vince was eventually forced to give up on expulsion or repeating a year.

After the meeting ran for two or three hours, it finally came to an end with Viscount Carter's showing up personally in a crystal ball.

–I'm really sorry that my foolish son was such a nuisance.

As an upright and honourable nobleman, Viscount Cater didn't try to make excuses for Garcia. Rather, he asked Vince to punish him strictly. As a result, the principal of Bergen Academy decided to leave the decision to Vince.

"It is unsatisfactory. The principal was afraid of the possible future troubles if he made the wrong decision."

Vince described the situation up to there and stopped talking for a moment. Then he took a sip from the coffee cup on his desk, dissatisfied that the professors at the academy were bureaucrats who only cared about their own well-being.

On the other hand, Theo hadn't expected much from the professors, so his expression was still calm. Vince saw his reaction and put down his cup.

"I spoke for too long. Should I go straight to the point?"

Before that, Vince pulled something out. It was an impressive pendant on a silver chain. Theo could feel a considerable amount of magic power coming from the red jewel in the middle.

Theo's eyes naturally widened when he saw the pendant.

'It's an artifact! I've never seen such a high quality one before.'

Thanks to spending two months at the black market trader, Theo quickly noticed it. The silver pendant was something which couldn't be compared with any of the goods from the black market trader. Its configuration of the magic power was completely different.

It might be possible to shorten the path to the 4th Circle by more than half if he swallowed it. The pendant was like an à la carte dish. Then Professor Vince told him the identity of the pendant.

"Roaring Flames is the name of this pendant."

"Roaring Flames…?"

"Yes. Garcia, that idiot, used this artifact during the spar with you."

Indeed, it had been due to the power of the pendant. Theo nodded unconsciously. This answered the question of how Garcia, a 3rd Circle magician, had been able to use the 4th Circle Blaze Shell. It was possible with the magic power of 'Roaring Flames'.

However, his surprise didn't end there.

��Now, take it."


Professor Vince suddenly threw Roaring Flames at Theodore.

An artifact, which would be worth at least 100 gold and treasured by magicians, was being thrown through the air. Theo raised his hands reflexively and grabbed it.

Before Theo could ask anything, Vince said, "You won't receive an apology from the academy. However, you were attacked by this artifact. I think this pendant, Roaring Flames, was sent as an apology by Viscount Carter."

"No, even so…"

Handing over an artifact like this as an apology… no one in the Meltor Kingdom would do it. At the very least, Viscount Carter wasn't known for his wealth.

Theo knew this and wasn't convinced, but Vince casually explained the story behind the incident.

"Instead, Garcia will receive a one month suspension. I chose his punishment without consulting you, so if you have any complaints, give back the pendant and he will be expelled."

"…I have no complaints, Professor!"

"Well, I thought so."

As Theo was stunned by his sudden windfall, Vince smiled and picked up his cup of coffee again.

No matter what punishment Garcia received, Theodore wouldn't receive any benefits. No, Garcia might hold a grudge if he received a severe punishment. Whereas, accepting the Roaring Flames would give Theo a benefit.

'Okay, it might be possible for me to become a 4th Circle magician before graduation.'

For a moment, there was a peaceful silence. Theo's hands were tingling because he wanted to use Appraisal straight away, while Vince closed his eyes and savoured the smell of coffee. However, the silence between the two of them was broken shortly afterwards by Vince's voice.

"From here on, it will be my personal question."

The inevitable checkmate had arrived. The relaxed tension was pulled tightly like a rubber band, and Theo's expression grew grim.

He lost the false sense of security Professor Vince had given him by handing him the artifact, and a hypothetical dialogue of how this conversation would go popped into his head. The atmosphere in the room seemed to cool within a mere 10 seconds.

"I don't doubt your capabilities. No, anyone who understands your nature wouldn't feel doubt. Haven't I told you a few times already? Theodore Miller, if you had a little more sensitivity, then you would've been the top graduate three years ago."

Theo's expression didn't soften even with the praise. Rather, it became more tense. Theodore was afraid of that splendid reputation. Nobody in the academy knew, but one person had guessed about Theodore's talent. That person was Professor Vince.

"However, that is the limit. There is no way to increase one's sensitivity, and I felt regret for you."


Vince looked at him with sharp eyes.

"Since the winter break, you have changed. No, the word 'change' is lacking. You have become completely different."

It was a bit of a relief that no animosity was obviously visible. Theo might have absorbed some of Alfred Bellontes's talents and experience, but he wasn't a match for the Vince. Vince was a person who had been a war magician for decades and was a powerful person with the 6th Circle in sight. If Theo fought Vince 100 times, then Theo would die 100 times.

Fortunately, Vince was just questioning Theo and didn't seem to have any hostile feelings.

"It is okay if you don't want to answer. You are sincere and not a personally flawed student. I know you wouldn't use a dirty method for such a development."


"But if you think of me as your teacher, I wonder if there is anything I can do to help you."

'I want to teach you' was the conclusion. At that moment, Theodor Miller had a hunch.

'Here, this is a crossroad.'

His life would change depending on which side he chose. Should he tell Vince or should he hide it?

If he concealed it, then his days would continue like they were now. He would continue eating books from the library and receive his diploma as an elite student. No, would it really be like that?

There was a limit to how many books he could take from the library. Over the past two months, Gluttony had already eaten over 100 books. He had somehow concealed it by changing the layout of the collections or moving the desk positions, but if someone looked closely, then it would soon be clear.

However, if he had Professor Vince's cooperation, he wouldn't need to take such risks.

'No, that doesn't matter.'

In the end, that was a secondary matter. He had to look at the essence of the situation.

What was the meaning of this crossroad?

Theo stared solemnly at Professor Vince. In retrospect, it was a simple question…

…Should be believe or not believe in Vince?


After a period of silence which was both long and short, Theo finally made his decision.

At the Crossroad of Trust #2

Having spent five years at Bergen Academy, Theo had realized one thing: he shouldn't judge people by their light words or temporary actions.

Classmates who pretended to be friends had turned away from him, while the professors treated him like a fool. It would be foolish to trust people like them.

However, Professor Vince was different.

–Are you the long-time dunce? I don't know what idiot created that nickname.

–The answer to this final exam was excellent. If you don't mind, come to my laboratory after school. I will teach you a little more.

–Don't mind those playing tricks on you. You are a better person than anyone at this academy.

-Theodore Miller, do you want to try being a magic scholar?

Theo remembered all of their conversations. They were words which had saved the frustrated, disappointed, and ashamed Theodore.

Vince was the only one who recognized Theo's value. The academy's best magician had said that he believed in the talent of the long-time dunce.

His words had created the present Theodore.

'Professor Vince… the only person in this academy that I trust and can confide in…'

If even Vince wasn't trustworthy, then he would never been able to tell anyone in the future.

Theodore's eyes sank as he realized something; he couldn't live like this forever. Eventually, someone would notice books were missing from the library, and people would raise doubts about Theo's sudden skills and performance.

In that situation, he was a mere student with neither the power nor the status to preserve his rights. However, it was a different story if he had Professor Vince as his ally.

'Obviously, I can try to stop that situation from happening… but like this, I can get help. It will also be easier to get the necessary books.'

There was the possibility that he wouldn't get caught before graduation, or the probability that Professor Vince wouldn't betray him. Either way, the indefinite future couldn't be quantified.

The scales in Theodore's mind were leaning toward the latter.

"Professor, I'd like to show you something, so please don't be surprised."

"I'll try."

Vince, who was watching him quietly, nodded with a serious expression. It was just for a moment, but the weight of the worries which appeared on Theo's face was really heavy. After such distress, it was a secret he would tell Vince. So, he needed to be dignified.

Theo took a few deep breaths before placing Roaring Flames, which he was holding in his right hand, onto the table. Then he placed his left hand above it.

"Gluttony, come out."

As always, it responded faithfully to his call.


A tongue protruded from the open hole in the palm of his hand. Professor Vince jumped, but he didn't cast a spell thanks to what Theo had said earlier.

As the eyes of the two people met, Gluttony's tongue wrapped around its prey as usual. Its prey was the pendant, Roaring Flames, which was emitting an intense magic power.

[+7 Roaring Flames (Accessory)]

[As a silver pendant containing a small amount of mithril, it is a high-grade magic stone. This pendant was produced by Viscount Carter, and the way to create it doesn't exist anymore. The owner can form a contract by dripping blood on the pendant in order to use all the functions. When this pendant is activated, magic power will temporarily increase and affinity to fire magic will also increase.

* The rating of this pendant is 'Precious'.

* When consumed, a considerable amount of magic power will be absorbed.

* When consumed, the digestion time is 1 hour and 38 minutes.

*Current contractor: Garcia Carter.

* Starting spell: Red light streaking across the sky]

'Precious rating…?! It is truly different from the other items.'

Theo admired the value of 'Roaring Flames'. Until now, most of his items had a Normal rating, with an occasionally Rare emerging. However, 'Roaring Flames' was beyond that limit.

It was also the first time that the digestion of an object exceeded one hour. The stronger items would probably take longer to digest.

"C-Can I ask for an explanation?"

Professor Vince belatedly regained his spirit and pointed to the tongue with his finger. However, Theo looked down at Gluttony instead of answering his question. It was waiting for his permission like a well-trained hound.

"It isn't over yet… Eat."

The tongue instantly wrapped around Roaring Flames, and it was sucked Theo's left hand. As always, it made a sound, expressing that the food was delicious.


At the sound, Professor Vince sank back into his chair with an agitated expression.

"Huh, huhuhuh…"

"Professor, are you okay?"

Theo wanted to take a moment for the shock to wear off, but Vince's eyes were shouting at him to explain. Originally, magicians emerged amongst those who couldn't refrain from their curiosity.

To do this to the curiosity of a 5th Circle master, who was almost at the 6th Circle, was like throwing a thirsty man into the desert.

In the end, Theodore started explaining what had happened to Roaring Flames.

* * *

The story ended earlier than expected.

Vince was a magician as well as a genius scholar. If Theo explained one thing to him, he could grasp three or four other meanings, and Vince soon understood Gluttony's existence.

"Indeed, it is a greedy grimoire."

Professor Vince shook his head as he let out a cry of amazement. He was much wiser than Theo, who had absorbed the knowledge in the library, so he knew how ridiculous it was. It was possible to obtain the magic or magic power of the owner just by eating…?

This was something which modern magicians couldn't imagine.

Vince, who was excited for a while, calmed down and smiled at Theo.

"But as a professor, I can't praise the fact that you fed it library books."

"I'm sorry…"

"Well, it can't be helped if your life is at stake."

It was either the books in the library or his life. Anybody would have made the same choice as Theodore. So, instead of reprimanding him, Vince made a joking remark, and Theo responded like that.

It was a story which could be laughed off because the price of books had dropped a lot 150 years ago, with the advent of the book copying magic.

After Vince's questions were over, it was Theo's turn to ask something.



"Excuse me, there is one thing I would like to ask."

However, Vince already knew the question before he even asked it. "I think I know. Do you want to ask why I'm not greedy for the grimoire?"

"I-I'm really sorry."

"There is no need to apologize. It is an obvious question."

He took another sip of his already cold coffee and explained about grimoires. "Magicians who don't major in archeology won't be familiar with it, but anyone who studies ancient magic like me would know. Theodore, the grimoire stuck in your palm is useless to me."

"Huh?!" Theo's eyes widened at the unexpected words.

"Although it is unusual to have a grimoire that takes the form of the name of the book, they tend to choose their masters themselves. If a person kills the owner, they would be lucky if the grimoire doesn't steal something or retaliate against them. Actually, there are a few cases of magicians being killed by grimoires that they tried forcibly to take away."


"Of course, it is also impossible to transfer it. Rather, it would be better to study the grimoire by the owner's side."

'Ah.' Theo raised his head. He now understood what Vince was saying.

He nodded with a satisfied expression. It didn't need to be a one-sided relationship. Theo could negotiate using 'studying' the book as a bargaining chip. It wasn't an exaggeration to say that the two people were on equal footing.

As a seasoned person, in comparison to someone who wasn't even in their 20s, it wouldn't be difficult to fool Theo. However, Vince taught him without concealing any information.

Additionally, Vince bowed deeply toward Theo.

"Thank you for telling me. I, Vince Haidel, will reward your trust as a teacher and fellow magician."


"Then shouldn't something be done to maintain this trust in our relationship?"

There was no time to say anything.


As Theodore lifted his head with surprise, a red light shone around Vince's hands. It wasn't attack magic nor defense magic. This was the Oath magic which only magicians who reached the 5th Circle could use.

'It can't be…!'

Vince's voice resonated due to the the magic power.

"I, Vince Haidel, make this oath. I will be quiet about any secrets that Theodore Miller doesn't allow me to share. This oath will be observed by the rules of magic."

It was a magic used in trials and interrogations.

The magic couldn't be triggered through the coercion of others. The user had to make the decision on their own. Additionally, it was a magic which couldn't be canceled once activated.

Compared to the 'Geass Scroll' Theo used, this was a higher-ranked restriction. As the red light around Vince's hands faded away, Vince stretched out his hand.

"I look forward to our relationship in the future, Theodore Miller."

Theo was no longer seen as a student or child, but a fellow magician. Theodore grabbed Professor Vince's hand excitedly. Now that he was recognized as a magician, he wasn't a child anymore.

"…Thank you."

Somehow, he couldn't shed any tears.

Theo closed his eyes as warmth came from Vince's hand. It was the first time that the academy's long-time dunce, Theodore Miller, made a true ally.

Outside the Academy #1

It had been a week since then.

"If you put the ingredients in the triangle drawn in the center of this magic circle and insert magic power—"

As always, the professor was standing in front of the chalkboard, giving an explanation on magic circles.

Theodore had already studied this three years ago. So, instead of wasting ink on writing down something meaningless, he was looking back on his conversation with Vince.

A relationship filled with trust had been established with Professor Vince, but Theo's routine didn't have any major changes. He still attended classes as a student and the fed Gluttony's hunger with library books.

However, he didn't have to worry about the aftermath now.

–In the future, submit a list of library books consumed on that day to me. There aren't any teaching staff managing the library, so it won't matter if I say that I am in charge.

Indeed, Vince was a professor at Bergen Academy, and his position was very different from Theodore, who was a repeat student. It wouldn't be difficult for Vince to supplement the library books which had been consumed.

No, there would be no shortage of money even if he bought out the whole library. As a 5th Circle master, he had the prospects and income of a senior magician.

Vince's face had also distorted when he heard that Theo had been visiting a black market trader.

-…I won't deny that it was a good method for you. But the black market is a much more dangerous place than you think. I would recommend that you don't go anymore.

–Even though I used the Geass Scroll?

–Yes. A Geass Scroll is just a forced pledge between you and the black market trader. It isn't uncommon to be caught in other places. The darkness of that world is deeper than what ordinary people know, and the black market trader is only at the entrance.

Professor Vince hadn't shown a single smile as he spoke. It was the face of a man who had looked into the darkness seriously and experienced the madness of that world. Facing such an expression, the only thing Theodore could do was nod quietly and retreat.

'Besides, there is no reason to go to the black market trader like before.'

If he needed artifacts to increase his magic power, he could get them through Professor Vince. The price of artifacts was relatively high, but it was cheaper compared to conventional magic reagents and the ratio of magic power was also excellent. Furthermore, there was the advantage of absorbing the magic skills.

That wasn't all. Theo looked at the visual information in his head again.

[Grimoire "Gluttony"/ E Rank]

[Skill: Magic Power Amplification, Attributes Affinity

One of the seals containing Gluttony's power has been removed. From now on, Gluttony can save a few spells and cast them freely. This ability can be further extended depending on the amount of magic power. The previous owner called this feature 'Memorize.' As the current owner, you can change the name if you want.

* Incomplete state. Most of the functions are sealed.

* Once a day, it will wake up to relieve its hunger.

* Immediately after relieving its hunger, it will answer one question.

* The abilities it feeds on will be given to its owner.

* Extracts an essence from eaten books or items. The higher the owner's understanding, the greater the efficiency.

* Absorbs some magic power from an item which contains magic power.

* The Memorize function has been activated.]

This change was triggered a week ago when he ate 'Roaring Flames' in Professor Vince��s room.

The amount of magic power rose from the beginning of the 3rd Circle to more than half-way, and one of Gluttony's seals was lifted. The activation of the Memorize ability was enough to make Theodore's mouth drop open.

'Magic can be saved and then used freely…?! That is a difficult ability to find even in higher ranked artifacts!'

Theo's astonishment was indeed correct.

Even the Carter family's 'Roaring Flames' had been an intermediate ranked artifact. Once an artifact reached a higher rank, it wasn't something that a family or person could possess. It was common for the artifact to go directly to the kingdom and be designated as a national treasure.

Just the 'Memorize' function was enough for it to be considered a national treasure. However, Theo had acquired the ability just by feeding Gluttony.

'Only three spells can be stored at one time, but… the explanation means that there can be more.'

Since he had three circles, a simple calculation was one magic spell per circle. Even so, the momentary firepower had quadrupled, so he would be able to exert more power. Professor Vince had called the grimoire a 'book of unprecedented power.'

As fear rose up inside Theo while he thought about it again…

Ding~! The bells of the wall clock rang.

Chatter instantly spread through the quiet classroom, and the professor put down the chalk as he noticed the lively atmosphere. It was the professor who had been humiliated last time due to the 'Full Moon Bead.' In the end, Professor Bernard left the classroom silently without ever looking in the direction that Theo was sitting.

'Phew, pitiful human.'

Theo thought as he stared at the professor's back before raising his body from his seat. Professor Bernard wouldn't apologize for his harassment, so Theo would never apologize for embarrassing him. It might stay like this until graduation.

Theo sighed and left the classroom. It was time to find a book to feed Gluttony.

* * *

Theo stopped by the library as usual, pulling out a few books and placing them in his backpack. Until a week ago, he would wait for Gluttony to wake up first, but now, he could just take the books. The written permit from Professor Vince solved a lot of things.

'Well, there are several things that I need to do.'

It was nothing compared to what Theo received in return. Apart from submitting a list of eaten books to Professor Vince, there was nothing else he needed to do.

So, he moved toward Professor Vince's laboratory as usual. Soon after, he arrived at the laboratory. Theo knocked politely on the door.

"Professor, it is Theodore."

–Come in.

He turned the doorknob as soon as he received permission. After the conversation last week, it wasn't burdensome to go to Professor Vince's laboratory like before. As always, there was the familiar smell of coffee, and Professor Vince would be covered by the thickly stacked books and papers…


Theo looked around as he felt a subtle sense of discomfort. He looked for something different than usual and quickly realized the difference.

"Professor, did you do some cleaning?"

The cause of Theodore's discomfort was simple. Professor Vince's lab was unusually clean. The parchment and books scattered on the floor were neatly organized. The other part was the laboratory equipment, but those were left alone by Vince.

Vince laughed lightly and answered Theo's question, "Something has happened. It isn't unrelated to you, so our talk today might be a little longer."

"Yes? What…?"

"Please sit down."

Theo sat down in the chair he had become accustomed to. Vince pulled out a pile of paper from his drawer and rummaged through it until he found two sheets of paper. He then handed them to Theo.

Theo looked down at them reflexively. A few letters on the top of the first page filled his vision.

"Meltor Kingdom… 126th annual… magic contest?!" His initially quiet voice grew louder as he exclaimed with shock.

Meltor Kingdom was famous for its magicians.

The magic contest held every year in the capital attracted magicians from everywhere in the continent. Magicians from the kingdom, as well as foreign magicians, would swarm to Mana-vil, the capital of Meltor. However, magicians who couldn't prove their credentials weren't allowed to enter the contest, so there was a long line of people waiting to be tested.

Yet, the sheet of paper Professor Vince just gave him was a letter of invitation allowing Vince to enter the magic contest. Although Theodore was a student, he was also a magician. He knew the value of this invitation.

"Professor, you've been invited to the magic contest?"

"It isn't a big deal. I get it every year."

In contrast to the excited Theo, Vince was sitting down and sipping his coffee calmly.

Until last year, he had been busy with his research and hadn't paid any attention to the invitation. He had also planned on staying at the academy this year to focus on his research, but the situation had changed.

He asked with a casual expression, "Do you know the reason why I showed you this invitation?"

Theo looked at Vince's face with expectation.

"You can probably guess. The invitation states that I can enter accompanied by one assistant. Normally, I would throw it in the trash but…"

As anticipation filled Theo's eyes, Vince trailed off and laughed. Normally, Theo's expression was stiff for his age, but what about now? Theo looked no different from the excited peers of his age.

Vince presented his gift with a pleased mood.

"How is it? Do you want to go to the magic headquarters with me?"

The answer was already fixed.

Outside the Academy #2

Theo nodded at the irresistible words, and Vince immediately handed him the application form to fill in.

It was an event which people couldn't attend unless they proved their identities clearly. For this reason, Theo spent a long time trying to recall the name of his great-grandfather on his mother's side. However, he eventually managed to fill in all the blanks.

Vince received the application form from Theo and nodded.

"…Okay, this is fine. Last year, a magician misspelled the name of one of his family members and was dragged out by the guards. So, if you can, it is better to put everything down."

"Hoo, it is thorough."

"The magic contest is a symbol of the kingdom. This level of security is justified for this event."

There were quite a few foreign spies or magicians who tried to sneak into the affairs of the kingdom, so they had to be thorough. Theo checked the application form again; there were no parts which needed to be fixed.

Theo's face was tired from spending nearly two hours on the application form, but the conversation wasn't over yet.

Vince smiled at him and said, "Theodore, do you know why I am taking you to the magic contest?"

Theo tried to answer but soon fell silent. Professor Vince wouldn't ask about obvious things. Perhaps there was something Theo didn't know or couldn't guess. Indeed, his reaction was satisfactory as Professor Vince smiled.

"It is important to distinguish between knowing and not knowing, but understanding what you don't know is the most important thing. You have a talent for the path of a magician."

"Thank you."

"Then I'll explain."

There was a thud as a thick book hit the desk. Theo looked at the familiar cover and soon realized the identity of the book. It was the guidebook which contained all the rules of Bergen Academy. Theo had read the book once when he'd been admitted to the academy, then he'd stuck it in his dormitory's closet. There was no test on the book, so it was enough to just look through it.

Vince laughed at Theo's bewildered expression.

"You must be wondering why I brought out this old book. Well, don't worry. I don't intend to teach a class on it."

Then he opened the book and pointed to the corner of one page. Theo unconsciously chased his finger and read the words. It was a recently revised Article 38, Clause 12. Looking at the year, it had been changed approximately 10 years ago.

[Section 38.12. Students of this academy are eligible for graduation after completing three and a half years of studying. However, there is an exception if the student wins a level 3 prize or higher at an contest organized by the Magic Society. The winners can obtain their diploma whenever they want.]

Theo had read it, but he couldn't understand.

"Professor, this…?"

"You might have guessed already. I don't think you can obtain anything else from this academy."


Theo stopped because he couldn't deny it. Vince's words stabbed straight at the boredom he'd been feeling these days. In fact, Theodore's theoretical knowledge was already comparable to the professors. This was already the third time he was repeating the third grade, so he couldn't help getting tired of it.

He could only relieve his boredom briefly with the library books. However, the level of the books in the academy weren't very high, and he hadn't been able to find a single magic book over the 4th Circle.

"Additionally, you have become a controversial subject in this academy."

To Professor Vince, Theo wasn't a student but a fellow adult.

"Do you remember the professors who tried to expel you? They are people who live for the sake of their pride and authority. Those idiots will never regret their actions. They will just blame the other person."


Theo couldn't help recalling Professor Bernard. He was a middle-aged man who never looked in Theo's direction, and sometimes an unknown expression would cross his eyes. Perhaps, malice was growing behind that expression. It was quiet now, but Theo didn't know what Bernard might do someday.

"It would be better to put some distance between you, rather than get tangled up in something dirty. Anyway, I will soon be going to the capital. If you graduate early, you can practice in an environment better than this place."

"I understand what you are saying."

The capital of the Meltor Kingdom, Mana-vil…

It was a place with four magic towers and a central magic institute. There was no magician on the continent who hadn't heard about it, and there was nobody who dared not to feel respect for it. Mana-vil was overflowing with all types of artifacts, magic books, and talented magicians…

However, Theodore couldn't help but ask, "But can I win the contest? I might have the grimoire, but I am still just a 3rd Circle master."

"Well, normally, it would be impossible." Vince agreed with Theo's words. "But the story is a little different when it comes to you. Garcia can't be compared to them, but with your skills, you should be able to deal with 4th Circle magicians. Against another student, you will win."

"The battle magic division?"

"That's right. The magic contest has a division where only the assistants of the magicians invited can participate. They are students like you."

At that moment, Theo had a hunch. 'Indeed, it is worth a try.'

Even though the difference between the 3rd and 4th Circles was large, Theo's situation was a bit unusual.

He had the 'Memorize' ability and his perception had risen thanks to Alfred's experience. It was a sensory perception which other magicians could only achieve by spending years or decades on the battlefield. If it had been so beneficial in a spar, he couldn't imagine what it would be like in a contest.

Vince, who had once been a war magician, must have realized this and made the proposal. If Theo had expert-level experience, then he would be able to overcome his magic power difficulty. Truth be told, if Theodore could use Alfred-style Magic Missiles at will, then he would have no reason to fear 4th Circle magicians.

"I will try it."

"Well, I can fill in some of the lacking parts."

As if Vince had been waiting for it, he opened a chest of drawers.

"The Magic Society prohibited the distinction of the original and copies of books 50 years ago. Therefore, distinguishing between an original and a copy can't be done using an ordinary method. But people are always looking for methods. Do you know what this is?" He laughed and handed over the book to Theo.

"A duplicate can't be made from another duplicate. So, you will know if you use duplication magic on it. It is a simple and reckless trick, but there are some people who go around collecting original books. For reference, this one is worth 50 gold."

The price of a normal magic book was around 1 silver, so this was a huge price. It proved that people had a strong lust for collections. However, Vince didn't care about such things. He would never have bought this book if it wasn't something that Theodore needed.

However, Theo's reaction was more intense than Vince had expected.

"C-Can I appraise this?"

"Of course. This was the deal."

Theo reached out cautiously and picked up the book on the desk. If this was an original, it likely had a special ability like Alfred's [Ballistics Magic]. He took a few deep breaths before touching the book with his left hand.


The tongue stuck out and licked the cover of the book.

[Introduction to Elemental Magic]

[This book describes the four elementals in more detail than any other book. It is a book about the relationship between magicians and elementals, how to call and make a contract with elementals, and the concept of elemental magic. The author, Myrdal, has been called the greatest elementalist of the century. He is the only one who has succeeded in calling an elemental king.

* Your understanding is very high. (95.4%)

* This magic book is rated 'Rare'.

* When consumed, the proficiency of 'elemental magic' will increase.

* This is the original which was directly written by the author. When consumed, the elemental affinity which suits you will be opened. There is a low chance that you might form a contract with an elemental.]

'Elemental affinity!'

Theodore's mouth dropped open as he discovered what he had been hoping for. He didn't know how many times he'd read the books on elemental magic in the library. [Introduction to Elemental Magic] was a book that he had read many times.

However, it wasn't the original book, and he had given up on eating it due to having no elemental affinity. Yet Professor Vince was giving him a gift like this?

"This is one book. What is the rating?" Vince murmured in a low voice.

Theo finally realized the meaning of this gift.

One week ago, Theo had confided his secret to Vince and signed a contract with him. It was in order to obtain the infinite wisdom which the owner of Gluttony had available to him.

–Vince Haidel will provide Theodore Miller with magic books or artifacts.

–Theodore Miller will give Vince Haidel the right to ask a question and receive an answer.

"It is Rare."

"Then there are two books left. I'll give them to you soon."

It would be either three Rare grade items or one Precious grade. That was the decision which Theodore and Vince had made. The Precious rating was difficult for even Vince to find, but Rare grade items could be obtained through just a little difficulty.

Even so, receiving one book after a week was really very resourceful.

"That's it for today."

It seemed like it was over.

Vince picked up the parchment he had laid down and spoke while picking up his pen, "We are departing for the capital in three days, so be ready to leave."