72 - 79

Chapter 72 – Convoy from the Capital #2

Regardless of Theo's and Ellenoa's intentions, the procedures of the convoy proceeded at a rapid pace. The magicians shook away the fatigue of the massive space movements and were ready to leave in an instant.

They would be accompanied by a high elf. High elves were symbols of the elves, and there were said to be less than 10 in the whole world. If Ellenoa died in the Meltor Kingdom, there would be repercussions from Elvenheim.

It was confirmed that it had been the Austen Kingdom which had tried to capture the high elf, so they still had a grace period left.

Herman gave a formal goodbye to Earl Bergen, "…Thank you for your cooperation, Earl Bergen. His Majesty will keep your loyalty in mind."

"Ohh, such glorious words! I was just doing my duty as a servant of the Meltor Kingdom. Herman, you don't need to give such flatteries."

Indeed, it was the eloquence of a noble family. The earl's smooth answer humbled himself without losing his dignity. However, Herman merely waved his hands. "Hmm, I understand. Excuse me."

Unfortunately, Earl Bergen wasn't aware that Red Tower magicians didn't care about things like that. Instead of giving the anticipated answer, Herman indeed left the earl's office, and only the sound of the wheelchair's rolling could be heard. There was no time to build up a relationship.

Dururuk… dururuk…

Herman's wheelchair rolled at a fast pace until it stopped in front of an old man. There was no need to mention the identity of the old man wearing white robes.

Elder Shugel of the White Tower looked down at Herman and clicked his tongue. "How can a conversation end in less than five minutes? Did you just throw a few words at him? A person should use his mouth to get good treatment."

However, Herman didn't agree and scoffed at him. "Stop talking nonsense. If I keep talking with that guy, we will be delayed at least for two hours, and won't that be foolish?"

"What is? Aish, it is no use talking to you. How can I teach manners to this ignorant man?"

"At any rate, we can use teleportation. Don't you know the importance of time? I'll think about it if you give me a pair of useless legs."

Herman knocked on his loose pants, and Shugel was forced to step back. How could he refute someone who didn't even have legs to walk around? Even excellent healing magic wasn't enough to regenerate lost limbs. The two elderly men were always arguing like this.

It would've continued for 10 more minutes if Vince hadn't intervened with a bitter smile. "Elder Herman, I need to talk to you."

"Oh, Vince!"

The two elders stopped quarreling as if they had been waiting for this. The fierce frowns and wrinkled expressions went away. They didn't actually have any bad feelings toward each other. After doing this for almost half a century, it had become like a daily routine.

Shugel turned away first. "Hmm, then I'll return to the capital first and we'll meet again there. The wind power may be a bit burdensome for you… Well, at this age, your joints probably feel sore. Isn't that right? Hahaha!"

"That damn old man…!" Herman stared at Shugel's back but didn't try to catch him to start another fight. They were elders of the Magic Society and knew how to partition things.

This was proven by the fact that a calm expression appeared on Herman's face. "Yes, what did you need?"

Vince started to tell the story he'd heard from Ellenoa the other day. He had been accompanying Theo when she told them. Despite a 'question and answer' with Gluttony, they hadn't been able to find out the truth behind the incident. More than anything else, the information they had was too lacking.

Herman's expression became serious as he heard the story.

"I roughly understand." Herman accepted the information with a tense expression. "It is true that the agents from Austen kidnapped the high elf, but something separate killed her guards?"

"Yes, that's correct."

In the first place, abducting a high elf wasn't that easy. Any mutant high elf would be noticed by Elvenheim as soon as they were born, and it was a rule to send elite warriors to escort the high elf to Elvenheim. The elites were of a warrior class among the peace-loving elves and were equal to aura warriors.

They weren't at the level that a unit with only one Janissary could kill. Yet Ellenoa hadn't been able to meet her guards.

"The escort from Elvenheim were eliminated without anyone knowing?"

"Perhaps. Ellenoa was caught by the Austen agents while waiting for her escorts. It would be simple for her to escape, but her friends were captured as hostages, so she couldn't help being caught."

"Hrmm… It is hard to judge. There are too many things we don't know."

The two people contemplated it for a while but couldn't come up with any answers.

"It can't be helped." In the end, Herman came to a conclusion. "We need to move quickly. It might've been quiet for a few days, but if they haven't given up on the high elf, just the power here can't guarantee her safety."

"Isn't it better to stay here?"

"I would do that if there are no reinforcements coming."

Herman didn't lose his calm despite finding out about the threat. He noticed Vince's confused expression and tapped his forehead. It might be different for the other magic towers, but there was only one person which a magician of the Red Tower would trust with their lives.

"The Tower Master has been sent somewhere, but she is hurrying to join the convoy. If we move toward the capital, we can meet up with her sooner."

"Ah…!" Vince nodded at Herman's words.

If they joined Veronica on the way, there was no need to be afraid of anyone. If the enemy were strong enough to kill Veronica, they would all be dead no matter where they were. Otherwise, Veronica would turn the enemy into chunks of charcoal.

Vince had been full of concerns about his disciple, but he could now calm down.

"Why are you feeling assured? Aren't you leaving your disciple here?"

"I can't do that." Vince smiled bitterly at Herman's question. "If 'that bastard' is tracking the high elf, it is likely they will come to Theodore. It would be safer for Theo to join the convoy and head to the capital."

"I understand, but you will stay here?"

"I will grab the ankles of the enemies aiming for my disciple. If they come to me, I can hold on for a few minutes."

Vince was ready to die at any time. However, he didn't want to die in front of Theodore. Additionally, if his disciple were killed, then it would be the worst shame of Vince Haidel's life. A wounded person was a burden on the battlefield, so Vince couldn't join the convoy.

He was determined to remain alone in Bergen and risk his life to slow the enemy down.

Herman nodded vigorously at this attitude. "I can't stop someone who has already decided. Do your best to defend yourself. We will safely escort your disciple along with the high elf."

"Thank you."

The two of them shook hands. Rather than acting like senior and junior, they respected each other as war mages who lived in the same era. Both of them might have withdrawn from active service but the pride engraved inside was still the same.

Thus, the two war mages split apart at the crossroad.

* * *

Unlike normal wagons, the White Tower magicians climbed into the back seat and shouted in a loud voice, "Now then, let's go!"

Simultaneously, the three wind turbines moved the wheels in turn. The wind coming from the magicians at the rear caused the sails to blow up halfway, as it started to move at a speed similar to a horse-drawn carriage.

Theo was astounded as he watched the process. "Wow, almost one hundred magic spells are used to drive this wagon… What is this obsession?"

Magic to adjust friction of the wheel, magic to balance the body of the carriage, magic to reduce air resistance, magic to automatically adjust the direction with wind…

Theo was convinced that he could buy dozens of artifacts with the money and effort used to make the wagon. This was the crystallization of the madness which desired that wagons ran on wind power.

Theo looked back and forth while watching the wind power. 'Moreover, there is tight security. It would be hard to come within 50 meters even with Canis' level of stealth.'

As the wind blew, Herman and the Red Tower Magicians proceeded around the border while also sticking closely to Theo and Ellenoa. They could buy some time even if a Master level enemy attacked.

Due to Vince telling them about the enemy, the vigilance of the convoy was at its peak, and they would continue moving with maximum vigilance until Veronica joined. As the wind increased, the wagons created by the magicians of the White Tower started to reach its full speed.


'What is this?'

After hearing the strange wind sound, Theo and Ellenoa cried out as they looked out the window.


"Oh my god…!"

There was hardly any inertia inside, but the landscape outside the window was passing by at a truly terrifying rate. It was a speed which quickly distorted the trees and bushes. Theo now understood why they had been warned not to reach their hands out. If they hit something at this speed, there would be enough force to break their bones.

Mitra was also shaking as she looked out the window.


Her eyes spun around like a vortex, as if she was dizzy by the scenery passing at a fast pace. Theo grabbed hold of her small body while analyzing the principles of the wind. The more he looked, the crazier the wagon seemed.

'I understand the principles behind it, but I can't follow it.'

Theo was convinced after a short moment that this was a feat only possible for those who devoted their lives to wind magic and were at least of the 5th Circle.

It was easy to blow wind into the sails and accelerate. However, they needed to take care of the air resistance and headwind while making sure that the power didn't scatter. It was like using five different spells at the same time.

Rather than using magic, it was a technique closer to controlling magic power.

"…Maybe we really will arrive in one day?" Theo had honestly thought it was a bluff, but it wasn't impossible if this speed was maintained.

The distance covered would normally take a week for a top level company. If this ridiculously fast method were to be known, the Meltor's Merchants Association might go on strike. Theodore looked at the receding Bergen with half admiration and half anxiety.

He prayed unconsciously in his mind. 'Please let this convoy reach the capital safely.'

Then he would be able to reunite with his master, Vince.

Chapter 73 – Convoy from the Capital #3

The three gust wagons rushed down the mountains.

Transformed into the wind itself, the wagons occasionally ran into monsters obstructing the way. The wagons slammed into kobolds and goblins with huge destructive power and turned them into blood on the wheels of the wagons.

Even big monsters like trolls and ogres couldn't escape dying.


It seemed like the number of those killed by the wagons had increased by one.

'Wow, isn't it completely shattered?' Theodore clicked his tongue as he watched the blue blood scattering outside the window. Since the blood was blue and there were the remains of an insect, it must've been a giant mantis which was crushed.

A threatening monster which even first-class mercenaries were afraid of had been destroyed by the wagon. On the contrary, the wagon didn't feel the impact at all.

'Maybe this could be used as a weapon?' Theo rejected it as soon as he had the thought. '…No, it is impossible.'

The wagon had great power and speed, but the workforce required to get the most out of the wind power was too advanced. Rather than assigning a few 5th Circle magicians to a wagon, it was more efficient for them to fight directly.

He shook off the thought and turned to Mitra who was playing in the seat next to him.



She was playing with the sylph Ellenoa had summoned. The elemental, which looked like a translucent sparrow, spread its wings at Mitra's signal. The scene of a little girl and a bird playing together happily was like an illustration from a fairy tale book. Theo's heart calmed down slightly at the sight.

At that moment, he felt a soft touch as fingers entwined with his.

"Eh, Ellenoa?"

Theo looked down at his hand and was shocked as he realized the identity of the other person. It was because Ellenoa, sitting across from him, was holding his hand. The pleasant sensation of her slim, soft hand was vividly transmitted through the palm of his hand. This was despite him knowing that Ellenoa was a neutral gender.

However, her voice was as calm as always as she said, "Are you worried about your mentor?"

Those words pierced right inside of Theo.

His blushing complexion instantly turned pale. His thoughts turned grim as soon as he thought about his mentor, Vince, volunteering to stay behind in Bergen. They had talked a few times about the decision, but Theo still couldn't fully understand it.

To Theodore Miller, Vince was his one-of-a-kind mentor, and his value was immeasurable.

"Yes, that's right." Theo nodded with a bitter smile.

It was funny that he was worried about his mentor, but Vince was in an injured state. According to Shugel, Vince's injury would worsen if he moved using space magic. Theo was reluctant to let such a person act as bait.

Then Ellenoa squeezed his hand and whispered in a small voice, "Don't be too concerned. His fate has yet to reach the time when the knot will be tied."

"Huh?" Theo's eyes widened at the words.

He would've ignored her if she were a fortuneteller on the streets, but Ellenoa was a mysterious high elf. Furthermore, elves were a species famous for not being able to tell lies. Theo mulled over the meaning of Ellenoa's words before asking in a trembling voice, "…Ellenoa, can you see the future?"

Seeing the future—or in other words, Foresight—was a type of power given to gods, demons, and ancient dragons a long time ago. The weakness of mortals was always time, as they feared the future. So, the prophets who could see the future were considered as gods.

Ellenoa was a descendant of an ancient species, but could a high elf really see the future? In response, Ellenoa shook her head with a subtle expression. "It isn't anything so tremendous. I can just understand when the 'end' comes. It is a half-power that appears when I'm in danger."

"No, but…!" Theo tried to say something more, but he soon fell silent.

Ellenoa wouldn't lie just to reassure him. As long as his mentor was safe, there was nothing more to ask. Besides, there was something he should say first before questioning Ellenoa's abilities.

"Thank you for your concern."

��It is nothing."

It was an appreciation for exposing her ability in order to comfort him. As Theo's face brightened a little bit, Ellenoa smiled and shook her head. Then Mitra leaned back and fell to the floor of the carriage.


The awkward air in the wagon broke.



The atmosphere inside the wagon became brighter, and as the two people laughed at Mitra's behaviour, Mitra hit Theo's feet with a sulky expression. Her gesture was telling them not to laugh, but it just made the duo laugh even more.

As the pleasant sound emerged from the windows, the wagons passed by the middle point of the mountain range thanks to the wind power.

How long had they been on the mountain trail? Around this time, the sun was going down, so the magicians lowered the pace and handed Theo a package. The identity of the small bag was soon revealed.

"This is your meal with Ellenoa."

"Ah, thank you."

Theo picked up the bag and placed it on a table in the center of the wagon. He hadn't realized it, but he was really hungry. Theo opened the bag and pulled out a few fruits, baked sweets, jerky, and two bottles of water. The fruits were probably prepared for Ellenoa as the conventional wisdom was that elves didn't enjoy eating meat.

However, Ellenoa denied it outright. "Well, it isn't that we don't enjoy meat. It's just that living beings are all the same, so is there a reason to discriminate between plants and animals? Rather, our bodies will weaken if we don't consume meat at all."

"Uh, then why do the Elvenheim elves only eat fruits on their missions?"

"I'm not sure." She ate an apple and thought about it for a while before answering the question. "Maybe there is a problem with the way the meat is cooked?"

"The way it is cooked?"

"An elf's tastebuds is a few times more sensitive than that of humans, so it is hard to eat food with a lot of spices. I guess they only ate fruits that weren't cooked separately." Ellenoa proved her words by eating the jerky. "We basically eat raw food, so there isn't much food that is cooked using fire. It is common to eat a fresh and lean cut of meat."

Theodore involuntarily imagined the elves eating meat.

An elf hunter running through the forest, shooting a boar, and then cutting its flesh with a dagger and eating it…

He imagined the elf's mouth covered in blood and felt like his fantasies about elves were being broken. It had been imagined that elves were graceful beings who enjoyed fruit and tea leaves, as well as playing with wild beasts.

However, that was just a fantasy of humans.

* * *

It happened around the time when Theo had finished his meal and Ellenoa was putting down the last apple core.

"2nd Car, 3rd Car, stop!"The wind power stopped after a yell was heard from outside the window.


Simultaneously, the door of their carriage opened, and a magician entered. The blue robe indicated he was a Blue Tower magician, and he was powerful enough to make Theo's sensory perception tingle. The magician came from the third car which was attached as an escort role and explained why the carriage had stopped so suddenly.

"The 1st Car that is 250 meters ahead has started to engage with something. We will go again as soon as the 'Clear' signal is received, so Ellenoa shouldn't worry."

"Wait a minute. You aren't joining the fight?" Theodore asked with a strange expression.

He was questioning a senior, but the magician replied calmly, "That's right. The formation of the Red Tower is so unique that is it different for other towers to fight with them. Elder Herman is there, so there is no reason to join."

"But what if—"

"If it can destroy the 1st Car in a short amount of time, there is no way to win even if we join. And the important thing isn't winning."

They were escorts, not combatants. It was the duty of the convoy to deliver the high elf, Ellenoa, safely to Mana-vil Capital. Even if they could defeat the enemy, they had to first eliminate any possibilities of Ellenoa being harmed.

However, Theo had just been thinking about winning. The experiences he'd absorbed were all about 'fighting and winning,' not escorting someone. Theo was convinced by the difference and fell silent. No, he was forced to shut his mouth.


It was a Heat Wave Chain. As a pale red pillar rose in the distance, the earth started to cry out.

It shook like an earthquake. A part of the dim sky became brighter. Clouds were torn apart by the strong flames and explosions rang out. Despite the interval of a few hundred meters, the mana in the atmosphere was struggling like crazy.

It was the aftermath of a magic collision which was at least of the 6th Circle!

"Kuk…!" Even the air touching Theo's eyelids felt hot. A wind shield was opened in a reflexive manner.

After using the cold magic, he felt the ambient temperature going down a little bit. If there was this much heat from the aftermath, the center must be as hot as lava. It was proof that Herman's group was literally pouring out their power.

The total number of magic power detected with his senses were eight. 'Five 5th Circle magicians and three 6th Circle magicians.'

One of the 6th Circle magicians was half a step away from the boundary. It was without a doubt Herman, who used to be at the 7th Circle. Just him alone was a huge threat. No matter who the opponent was, they absolutely couldn't be safe. Even if the opponent was of the master level, this much firepower would be enough to take care of them.

However, Theodore frowned instead of feeling relieved. Why? It wasn't because of a chill down his spine but cold air flowing from his left hand which tickled his bones. Was it a warning from the sleeping Gluttony? Or maybe a feature he didn't know about had been triggered? Either way, there was no way to resolve the question immediately.

Kukung…! Kururung! Kung! The thunderous sound rang out repeatedly.

A fire pillar tore apart the clouds, and smoke which looked like a mushroom covered the sky. It was magic which would tear apart any defenses Theodore had. Despite such fearsome attacks being launched, the battle still hadn't finished.

Shortly after that, all sound was cut off like it had been sliced by a sword.


Silence covered the night sky, and the burning flames were overwhelmed by the darkness of the night. A few burning treeS were the last remaining traces of the battle. The silence was so clear that the sound of someone gulping could be heard.

"…Is it over?" Someone asked.

The signal indicating the end of the battle hadn't risen yet. As the magicians of the 3rd Car waited for instructions, 'it' fell from the night sky.

Tok, todok, tok…

It was dark red and round. The ungainly shape rolled forward between the two wagons. Someone used 'Light' magic reflexively as the shape gradually grew clearer.

White hair turned to ashes, wrinkles distorted by burns, and eyes which were filled with fear…

A name escaped from Theodore's mouth, "…Elder Herman."

It was the head of Herman, who had been brutally murdered.

Chapter 74 – SUPERBIA

The magicians from the magic towers looked at each other and wondered if they were seeing a nightmare.

The sight of Herman's head rolling on the ground didn't feel like reality. He had lost a circle due to injury, but his capabilities was still equivalent to the 7th Circle. Yet eight war mages, including Herman, had been wiped out in just 10 minutes?

It was an opponent they absolutely couldn't afford to go against.

"2nd Car, get ready! 3rd Car, get down and enter the 6th Combat Formation! Don't hesitate!" A thunderous shout emerged from the person who regained their mind first. It was Anton, a veteran of the Blue Tower and the next highest ranking person in this convoy after Herman.

Having many years of experience on the battlefield, Anton knew that unexpected events could occur at any time. Thus, he made a cold judgement after the 1st Car was suddenly annihilated. He didn't forget to look ahead with observation magic while giving instructions.

However, Anton couldn't see beyond a physical barrier. "Tch, this is why fire-based magic is so annoying…!"

The flames from the fire magic were blocking his sight. The battlefield contained a distorted atmosphere due to the high temperatures, and the smoke rising from the trees and the flames paralyzed his sight. It would take at least 30 more minutes until it returned to normal.

Anton abandoned the task of identifying the enemy's shape and moved quickly towards the 2nd Car. Then he grabbed the shoulder of Theodore, who was sitting next to Ellenoa.

"Hey, Newbie!"


'What?' The reaction was better than Anton had expected. In this situation, Theodore's voice wasn't shaking at all. His calm eyes, breathing, and magic power didn't fit his age. Above all, Theo had the atmosphere of a person who had experienced 'real life.' The rumours about him being a great rookie seemed plausible.

After evaluating Theo, Anton spoke in a decisive voice, "Newbie, don't think about anything other than keeping her safe from now on. We will stay and buy as much time as possible at least until Veronica comes. Do you understand?!"

"I will do my best."

"You are an unusually careful person for a Red Tower magician. Okay, I'm going." Anton knocked against Theo's shoulder several times, then he pushed them into the wagon and shouted to the four magicians steering the 2nd Car, "Start right away! The direction doesn't matter, as long as you get as far as possible!"

At Anton's words, a terrifying gust of wind emerged from the palms of the drivers. The sails inflated again, and the wagon started running in the direction of the wind. As expected from the White Tower, they confidently increased the pace.

It dug roughly into the ground before disappearing from Anton's field of view. This was all he could do.

"Now, then…" Anton looked around at his colleagues, who were gathered in the formation unique to the Blue Tower.

Although their relationship with the Red Tower wasn't good, it was never malicious or hostile. Rather, it was closer than the relationships they had with the other towers because of their arguments.

In the 1st Car, there had been someone who came to the capital at around the same time as Anton. That man was a proud person, but Anton didn't hate him.


Unlike the Red Tower magicians who focused on firepower, the Blue Tower taught mainly about working in conjunction with each other. They had the ability to share magic and create a synergy which would maximize their strength. It was different in a one-on-one fight, but in a fight with many people, the Blue Tower absolutely didn't fall behind the Red Tower.

'The enemy is coming.' In the centre of the formation, Anton stared at the front with a firm expression.

Oddly enough, the mana was thinning. This was the sense of incongruity he felt before. This existence was on a totally different dimension from senior magicians and sword masters, as it could overwhelm the world with just its presence. His intuition noticed the enemy's greatness before it even arrived.

Soon, 'something' came out of the darkness.

Anton gazed at it and spoke with a bitter smile, "…Hah, this place is my grave."

None of the other magicians refuted him. Just the fact that he could still open his mouth meant that Anton deserved to be called the best magician here.

The intense fury they felt froze, but none of the seven magicians stepped back.

They began the battle where the outcome was already determined.

* * *

Dududududu…! The gust wagon moved at a tremendous speed.

This was different from when they conserved strength for long-distance traveling. It was literally an acceleration using all their strength! The four 5th Circle magicians drew out all the magic power in their blood vessels, and this was the direct result of that.

Every time the wagon hit a stone, their bodies would go up a few meters, but the wagon continued running at full speed. There was no moment to spare for the high-speed driving.

The atmosphere inside the wagon was cold as well.

'An opponent that can kill Elder Herman is at least of the master level… There are few kingdoms which could such such power for a dangerous infiltration operation.' Theodore analyzed the situation calmly. When he faced a crisis, the experiences he absorbed were worth their weight in gold.

An unidentified opponent had appeared at the head of the convoy, blocked the path, and instantly annihilated the elite troops, including Elder Herman. A person who could do such a thing should be a sword master from the Andras Empire, one of the Seven Swords.

However, why would the Andras Empire take such a risk?

Based on the international situation, Theo immediately denied that possibility, 'No, even if one of the Seven Swords penetrated into Meltor, there is no guarantee that they can return. Why would they risk one of the pillars of the empire? That is crazy.'

Additionally, the Andras Empire couldn't get any benefits from a high elf, unlike Austen. Their relationship with Elvenheim would get worse, and they could even lose one of their precious sword masters. However, when he excluded the Seven Swords of the Empire, there was nobody left. It was preposterous that an unaffiliated master would be mobilized.

His logical reasoning couldn't reveal the shadows behind this situation. While Theo was frustrated over not finding an answer, the quiet Ellenoa opened her mouth, "That… Is something scary happening because of me?"


"If I hadn't left the village… if I wasn't a high elf… this wouldn't have happened, right?"

It was a very cruel question to affirm. More than anything, Ellenoa already knew the answer without needing to hear Theo's reply. However, Theo didn't nod. Fortunately, he was still young and had the innocence of looking at the world through good and evil, not cause and effect. So, he was able to comfort Ellenoa.

Theodore grasped Ellenoa's hands gently like she had done to him before. "Don't blame yourself."

At the very least, she shouldn't feel guilty.

"You are just a victim. You are the victim who is being chased after by evil just because you are a high elf! Don't act like you are the perpetrator of this."


"Or just feel sad. Don't feel guilty."

Even if all this happened because she was a high elf, the positions of perpetrator and victim couldn't be reversed. No, it shouldn't be. According to that logic, the ones in the wrong were the person scammed or the person murdered. It was something which Theodore could never agree to.

Ellenoa was astonished by his hard-line attitude, but she immediately nodded with a slight smile. At this moment when the atmosphere was about to loosen up…


Theo ran desperately and hugged Ellenoa.

"T-Theodore!" Ellenoa blushed as she suddenly entered his arms, but that quickly faded away.

Theo was so pale that he almost looked bloodless. With a face that seemed like he wasn't breathing, Theo quickly got up. His sensory perception told him that danger was nearing!

'Impossible! It caught up already?!'

Not only had it broken through the elites of the 3rd Car, it had caught up with the wagon which was moving at the maximum speed!

A sword master's physical abilities might be called strange, but the enemy approaching this wagon was a monster which deviated from common sense. It wasn't possible with the legs of a human. Then a cold chill on his neck pierced that thought.

There wasn't even time to speak a word of warning.


The illusion of the reaper's scythe was at his neck.

"Protection!" Theodore screamed the spell and jumped out of the gust wagon. Within his arms, Ellenoa was surely protected as Theo threw himself out of the fast-paced wagon. The damage from the drop and collision with the ground was huge, causing the 5th Circle defense spell to be half broken.

However, his judgement was correct. The moment the two of them escaped from the gust wagon, a huge shadow fell on top of the roof.


It was like a meteor had fallen from the sky as the gust wagon was smashed. A large shock wave spread from the impact of the collision with the trees nearby, forcing Theo to use defense magic again.

'What is with that shock wave…!?'

The shock wave wasn't magic but a phenomenon generated due to a surge of pure physical power!

Theo's stricken face looked at the dust which had risen at the point of collision. He could even believe it if this shock wave were the enemy's attack. If he hadn't used defense magic, Theo's and Ellenoa's guts would be crushed like rotten tomatoes.

Theo managed to survive the attack and stepped back a few meters with Ellenoa.

He had no thoughts about running away. Theo was just overwhelmed by the eerie presence which could be sensed from within the cloud of dust. Whatever it was, it wasn't something which could be faced with the power of the duo.

A sharp fear pushed down his curiosity. He would rather have that dust cloud cover his eyes forever. However, the wind blew it away.


As the dust settled, the first thing he saw was the crushed wreckage of the gust wagon. There were traces of blood from the drivers everywhere as well as a gruesome shape in the corner.

Theo clenched his teeth as he faced the wriggling shadow. Finally, the identity of the assailant was revealed to the two people.

'…Ah.' Theodore Miller understood now.

This was the incarnation of death, the materialization of fear in a solid form. It wasn't a human. No, it wasn't like any creature he knew. The ugly and powerful monster was too ambiguous and disorderly to name. It couldn't be called anything but chaos.

With eight twitching legs, the lower half of its body resembled a spider. The body itself consisted of a mixture of leather and carapace. There was a scorpion-like tail which scattered blue lightning, and four different claws bit at the air.

No, that was wrong too. The strange body changed its appearance to the parts of other creatures. It now had the arm of an ogre and the horns of a minotaur. Like a wyvern, wings sprouted from its back, but scales covered its skin.

The unidentified monster turned Theo's and Ellenoa's minds blank.

However, there was a separate existence which responded to the appearance of the monster.


A hole appeared on Theo's left palm, and a low voice was transmitted in a low-frequency range which insects could hear. The greedy grimoire, Gluttony, growled in a voice which was several times more unpleasant than usual.

-Pride, that disgusting appearance of yours still hasn't changed.

The monster approaching them suddenly stopped in place. It looked confused by Gluttony's voice, then it suddenly hit its head with a sharp claw. The behaviour looked like an act of self-harm, but a mouth appeared in the previously smooth head. Then like Gluttony, it started to talk in a low frequency.

–You still have the habit of being attached to inferior species like humans, Gluttony.

Chapter 75 – A Traditional Hero (1)

Ellenoa was surprised by the monster's sudden stop, but as Theodore shared senses with Gluttony, he could hear the conversation between Gluttony and Pride. The voices which spoke in the low-frequency range were not at all gentle. The disgust they had toward each other was clear and out in the open.

In particular, Pride (Superbia) spoke with outright disdain, –You are still obsessed with inferior monkeys. It is shameful to classify you as one of the Seven Sins. What is the value of those who rely on time and luck?

–Beauty and intellect is a concept that a mass of flesh like you won't understand.

Gluttony didn't back down and gave as good as it got.

–No matter how you collect and combine genetic factors, you are still limited to living creatures. You are nothing but a loser who has given up on surpassing the limits of a species. Gathering the best parts of creatures, isn't that nothing more than a chimera?

–Nonsense! Pride dismissed Gluttony, speaking with the arrogance it was named after.

Now, the vocal range was lowered even further. The sound caused Theo and Ellenoa to feel discomfort as they sat down. The unheard shout broke the spirits of the two people. It was a terrifying threat associated with Dragon Fear, something which appeared in forgotten legends.

"Cough!" Theo coughed up some blood. Following the series of shock waves, his circles were strongly shaken by Pride's shouts. If a human didn't know magic or aura, their heart would've stopped.

The enemy's very existence was different, allowing Theo to feel the gap directly with his body.

'Damn it. What the hell is this monster? Why is it attacking us?!' Theo's hysterical question was thrown out without him expecting an answer.

-The autonomous maneuver type grimoire, Superbia. Like me, it belongs in the Seven Sins set. If the attribute I symbolize is [Gluttony], then it is [Pride]. It is a 'species usurper specialist' and is made up of the species it eats.

Gluttony returned with a clear answer as always.

Theo quickly picked out some keywords and asked another question. He had a feeling that this information would determine the life and death of the two of them. 'Usurping species? Is that Pride's power?'

–That's right.

Theodore listened without missing a single word.

-Just like I am a grimoire that collects magic books, it is a grimoire that collects creatures. It has the ability to store the genetic information of a species, regardless of the individual performance of the organism. Once it eats a sample of a species, it can reproduce the innate traits of that species.

'The innate traits?'

–For example, a troll's regeneration or an ogre's muscular strength.

That was enough. Theo's expression turned into one of fright as he understood Pride's power.

Pride had the ability to eat a species and gain its best traits! It wasn't inferior to Gluttony's ability to extract essences from magic books or magic power from artifacts. No, it might even be superior when it came to fighting.

Moreover, based on the horrible creature, the traits which could be reproduced didn't stop at just one or two.

'How many traits can it use at the same time?'

–Hmm. Gluttony looked at Pride for a moment before replying. –It has already unlocked four seals. Right now, it can use five combined… User, do you mean to fight Pride?

'What choice do I have?'

–There is no need. He didn't come to eat us.


The one who answered Theo's question wasn't Gluttony, but Superbia who had been thinking about something.

–Well, it is good. It is a waste of time to chat like this.

The eight legs started advancing. As the ugly form leapt forward, Theo naturally stepped out in front of Ellenoa and raised his magic power. Theo's sensory perception was telling him to run away, but his human instincts made him act. He couldn't seem to run away after thinking of the sacrifices the senior magicians had made.

Then Superbia asked in a strange voice, –What are you doing, Gluttony? I came to eat a high elf. I have no interest in a monkey.

"…Don't make me laugh." Theo ignored his spasm of fear, and while staring at Superbia, he declared firmly, "I won't give anything to you."

It was a courageous action which deserved a standing ovation.

-Then die. The predator sentenced him to death without any hesitation.

Pride changed in an instant. Its eight spider legs turned into four horse legs, while the upper body became a weird mixture of a locust and grasshopper. It quickly shifted to three traits which would produce results: a centaur's lower body; a storm locust's wings; and a spriggan's acceleration ability.


It moved beyond the barrier of sound as the hooves, containing enough destructive power to crush steel, slammed toward Theodore's body.

'Ah, I'm doomed.' Theo was sure he would die from the blow.

His body couldn't even grasp the timing of the acceleration of the huge body, let alone respond to the attack. So, it wasn't Theodore who responded to the death blow, but the instincts of Lee Yoonsung who was sleeping inside him.


The skill, Protection Bangle, was activated. Three shields unfolded around Theo's body in a reflexive manner, then Theo used his magic power.

'Battle Song.

'Last Requiem.


Battle Song revolved all five circles and improved his reaction speed to the maximum for a moment.

The monster's horse hooves were crazy fast, and Theo sank deep into his consciousness in order to use a secret technique to survive. It was one of the most advanced techniques in the eastern martial arts, Force Dispersion. (TL: literal meaning is using 4 taels of force to win against 1000 jin, or using a little amount of force to win over a greater force)

Theo's two arms moved at a dizzying speed.


Despite alleviating a lot of the damage, Theo was thrown back like his arms were broken. The shock wave, which threw Theo, shattered seven trees and the rocks behind him. If the shock wave had hit him directly, it would've wreaked havoc on his body!


Although the the attack hadn't even hit Theo, it snapped several of his ribs. While sitting down, Theo used healing magic. He was pushed to Ellenoa's side due to the shock wave, but he was too shocked to be aware of it.

It was commendable that Theodore had managed to defend himself, but he couldn't do it again. He couldn't afford to be hit by Superbia even once.

'If I get hit one more time… I will die.'

Putting aside winning or losing, Theo would just die. Superbia's resistance was at least of the master level. Considering Theo's luck, winning wasn't even an option. He would just struggle desperately until he died like a bug. There was a terrible gap in strength between Superbia and Theodore.

However, Superbia laughed at Theo on the ground before giving one last ridiculing remark.

–You are quite good for a monkey. I will forgive this once.

It didn't say anything else as its eyes stared at Theodore. There were six pairs of compound eyes which could observe 360 degrees. The red light coming from the eyes induced a horror which humans couldn't face. Their minds would likely be broken by the sight.

As for Theo, he could stay as he was. Then he could survive. It might be cowardly, but survival was his first priority. Gluttony had advised Theo that he could survive if he just stayed still. Gluttony whispered like a snake for Theo to turn away from the high elf shivering by his side. It wasn't a bad thing to run away.

'…I'm crazy.' Theodore smiled and slapped his cheeks hard.

Jjak! Blood filled his mouth, but that was good.

Theo didn't have to listen to this voice. The magic, which had subsided due to fear and powerlessness, began to boil again. Still, there was no chance of winning, so Theo asked his companion for advice, 'Gluttony.'


'Tell me how to defeat it. No, it is okay if I can't win. Teach me how to beat up that son of a bitch.'

Despite being a grimoire like Gluttony, the opponent was an independent monster which didn't need a user. If so, Theo wouldn't be able to catch it unless Gluttony cooperated.

Feeling Theo's strong intentions, Gluttony asked in an uncomfortable voice, –Why User? Why try so hard? This high elf isn't that precious to you.

'I'm not fighting for that reason.'

If Theo compromised once, it was easy to do so a second time. The third time would be even easier. Theodore Miller would become someone who was alive due to his cowardice. He would rather die of his own will than become a cowardly bystander.

Theo's voice, filled with a determination to die, was transmitted strongly to Gluttony, whom Theo was connected to.

This was a foolish, irrational judgement. However, Gluttony drawn to the unknown choice. -…Okay. I will pay the price in advance. This is the first time I've had a user like you.

Gluttony's previous users had always been cold, and their goal in life had always been to become a master of magic. There had been many magicians who filled these pages to the end and died without leaving a name behind. However, none of them had tried to fight to the end for their own beliefs. Perhaps this strange user might show Gluttony what it hadn't found in the meantime.

The original sin, which collected wisdom, made a gamble for the first time.

[Error! Error! Unauthorized request. The 4th Seal has been released through an unusual means.]

[Gluttony's function has been opened forcibly. The user should check the information window of the corresponding function immediately. However, this function was unlocked via an abnormal path.]

[Grimoire "Gluttony" / C Rank]

[Gluttony's 4th Seal was released through unusual means. From now onward, the user can borrow the power of an author which Gluttony has extracted. However, once the author has been overwritten, the author can't be loaded twice.]

[The C Rank 'Overwrite' has been triggered!]

[The object 'Alfred Bellontes' has been loaded into the user's body.]

Alfred Bellontes was the war hero who had murdered thousands of soldiers during the Bellontes Empire's Revolutionary War half a century ago, and his reputation had become widespread.

Even master level opponents had avoided fighting him, and he had been called a genius of battle. As Alfred's ego, who had been sleeping deeply, overwhelmed Theodore's body and soul, a blue light appeared at Theo's fingers.

This was the fourth function of Gluttony, the greedy grimoire.

At that moment, a hero from the history books returned to the present age.

Chapter 76 – A Traditional Hero (2)


Simultaneously, Superbia noticed the changes happening to Theodore's body.

Its senses exceeded a human's by dozens or perhaps hundreds of times, so it could catch even the slightest differences. The analysis was completed instantly, covering the amount of sweat, the speed of the pulse, the body temperature, and the expansion and contraction of pupils.

'Oddly enough, the fear in the monkey's body has disappeared.' Superbia was puzzled.

–You… What type of trick are you playing?

Any creature had to be afraid of Superbia, since it was at the apex of the food chain. It didn't matter what the creature's individual strength was as they would be filled with an instinctive fear. Magicians and aura users were no exception, even for those beyond a certain level, and it was the same with monkeys. Unable to understand the phenomenon, Superbia felt uncomfortable.

Theodore slowly raised his body. He lifted his right hand, which was ridiculously small in comparison to Superbia's claws. Then…

Paang! A flash emerged from his index finger and broke into Superbia's skull.

"…Ah?" Ellenoa, who wasn't breathing well, couldn't help opening her mouth. It was because the sight of the head being broken wasn't realistic. For a normal creature, it would be an instantaneous death blow.

Theodore—no, Alfred looked down at the body with clear eyes after striking the blow.

He nodded and clenched his fingers. 'Wise. You realized that it was better to pick me.'

At the present time, there were only two authors Theo could summon with [Overwrite], Alfred and Lee Yoonsung. In the case of Myrdal, the option to use the Overwrite function with him never came up, so Theo only had one of two choices. Theo was torn between Lee Yoonsung and Alfred, but he eventually made his decision… and Magic Bullet's Creator, the war hero Alfred Bellontes, was loaded.


However, a monster which had killed dozens of elite magicians couldn't fall to such degree of damage.

The flesh at the bottom of the head started growing back, and the bones rising from the neck were completed. The regeneration was almost like a reversal of time. There was a cold light in Alfred's eyes as he watched the bizarre phenomenon in front of him.

'It is more than a troll. This isn't regeneration but closer to immortality… It isn't an enemy I can win by killing.'

That was the mistake Herman and the other convoy magicians had made. In order to completely destroy the monster, a master level or someone with Veronica's or Blundell's firepower was needed. If they had just focused on tying up its feet thoroughly, the magicians in the 1st and 3rd Cars wouldn't have been killed.

–You bastard. Monkey, you…! A horrific low frequency scream emerged from Superbia, whose face was already half recovered.

The flesh the monster now had was different, but it still stared at him with six pairs of compound eyes. The fact that it had been attacked by a mere monkey scratched its pride. The will to kill was immediately reflected in its form.

'Ogre's power. Minotaur's power. Cyclops' power.'

Superbia's body suddenly swelled up.

It grew beyond three meters and was twice as wide, while the muscle fibres rose above the skin to cover the whole body. Red tendons and muscles tangled together like rope to create a form boiling with murderous impulses.

The incarnation of violence raised an arm which was thicker than a log.


The monster's four fists struck the ground with a furious roar.


It was literally a great destruction! The earth cracked and shook in the places where Superbia's fists hit. The sound of the world crying out rang loudly as Alfred jumped up while holding Ellenoa. The shock wave was transmitted through the ground and would explode their insides if it hit them!


"Yes, yes!?!" Ellenoa replied involuntarily to the powerful voice.

"I will blow you away! Take care of your landing!"

There was no time for a reply. Alfred pulled out wind magic from Theo's memories.

He used Gust Wind, a blast which could blow a person away like a leaf. Combining that with Superbia's shock wave, it wasn't difficult to fly a few hundred meters. He needed to use this interval to shift Ellenoa to a safe distance away.

So, Alfred blew Ellenoa away without any hesitation.

"Kyaaak!" Ellenoa shrieked with an absurd expression as she was pushed and sent disappearing into the night sky. Alfred was anxious about the landing, but it wouldn't be a problem for a high elf who was loved by nature. He also kicked away from the epicenter of the destruction as he continued to think.

However, as soon as he landed on the ground…


A huge fist emerged from the dust cloud. It was enough power to push away the dust using wind pressure alone!

This hit was three times more powerful than the first. If he were hit with this, he would disappear without a trace. So, Alfred gave up on attacking and concentrated all his strength on his chest. This was the body technique received from Lee Yoonsung—the Iron Board technique.

A red pillar stretched up before his upper body at 90 degrees.


He got a nosebleed as the huge fist hit him. However, he raised a hand to his nose while throwing himself to the right. It was overwhelming just being near the violence. As he attempted to open the gap, the monster stretched out the other three fists at the same time.

Aldred smiled coldly as he faced the wall of death. "Fool."

His body accelerated, momentarily appearing like a haze.

'Battle Song. Sonata of Speed. Vivace.'

Moving one beat faster meant he would die. Moving two beats faster also meant he would die. If that was the case, then he would move three or four beats faster.

Alfred dispersed the force of the three fists more precisely and accurately than the inexperienced Theodore would have done. He penetrated the gap, which was the size of a needle hole, without any error. Alfred moved like he was dancing and dug toward Superbia's chest.

Then his hand, which was sharp like a spear, pierced the monster's chest.


The four Magic Bullets, fired from every digit of the right hand, except for the thumb, cut through the muscles covering the monster's heart.

–■■■■■――!! Superbia's body started glowing from the terrible pain.

One attack from Superbia would break down the human body instantly. It would be over in one blow. Just a light scratch would cause a severe injury. Then the human's breath would be cut off in the following attack. On the other hand, Alfred had the battle penalty of not being able to kill his opponent.

Despite that, the hero was dancing like a storm in front of the monster.

–This rat bastard!

Neither of Superbia's attacks with its fists or feet worked. Alfred avoided the punches and kicks, and then brutally attacked any gaps which were exposed. It was the essence of a marksman to pierce the vital points. With simple attacks, Superbia was just Alfred's prey.

Alfred sent Superbia a look of derision. 'If you can't die, I'll just turn you into a living beehive.'

If it continued like this, Alfred would be able to endure for an hour or two. Every time a flash was fired from his fingers, the monster struggled while the hero firmly defended his superiority.

However, that thought was soon overturned.

* * *

Exactly five minutes later…

-….Indeed, I know your trashy trick now.

Its pride was more important than anything else, but Superbia's intelligence was absolutely not low. Just as Alfred observed it, Superbia was also watching Alfred. This was the type of prey which should be hunted.

As Superbia transitioned into another form, Alfred felt a chill run down his spine.

Crunch… crunch…

Its front legs were like that of an octopus while the tail was like a blade. This was a shape which completely deviated from the human form.

Alfred was able to overwhelm Superbia because he had anticipated its behaviour. It wasn't difficult to know the timing by reading the movements of the muscles, joints, and cartilages since they resembled humans, no matter how strong they were.

However, he didn't know the characteristics of the monster. so his responses would be delayed.


Shortly after that, the space was cut horizontally. It was Caracalos' blade tail!

Alfred jumped backwards reflexively, but blood still sprang from a cut in his chest. He didn't receive a scar due to most of the power being blocked by the fabric, but if his response had been a bit late, his heart would've been split in two.

This time, Theo's knowledge had saved him. Caracalos was a dangerous A rank monster which inhabited the southern swamps. Its tail was small but contained mithril, so it was well known as a weapon which could slash through any metal or defense spell.

'Damn it, that is more than an aura user.' Alfred clicked his tongue as he came to know the information belatedly. He had lived in the north all his life, so he'd had no interest in the southern creatures. Moreover, he hadn't read books like Theodore.

If surprise attacks like this kept on happening, it would be difficult to hold out for 10 minutes, let alone an hour.

Therefore, Alfred talked to 'him,' who was watching. 'Boy, can you hear me?'

–I can hear you. Speak. It was Theodore Miller, the owner of the body.

The two men, who were like the front and back of a coin, finally looked at each other.

Although Alfred was using Theodore's body, he couldn't fully utilize his abilities as the skills acquired by Memorize or the artifacts thoroughly belonged to Theodore Miller. Alfred Bellontes was a stranger in Theo's body, so there were limitations.

'From now on, I will deeply connect to your consciousness. I need your consent to do that.'

–Sure, I agree.

'That is a fast response. Is it okay to decide so quickly when you don't even know what side effects there will be? Connecting my consciousness to yours can be dangerous, even if I am inferior when it comes to magical knowledge.' The blonde man looking at Theo with an anxious face.

Alfred's appearance remained unchanged in the world of their consciousness. He had the majesty of royalty and the dignity of a warrior who had been called a hero.

Theo felt strangely impressed as he slowly nodded. He was determined from the moment he decided to fight that monster.

'…I respect your will, Boy.'

There was no way to withdraw anyway. It had reached the point where Theo needed to rush to the end… at least until Ellenoa's safety was guaranteed, or when Veronica arrived. Until then, he needed to protect himself from the death appearing before him. Gambling with the hero's soul was better than having a worthless death.

Then at that moment…

[Object name 'Alfred Bellontes' and the user 'Theodore Miller' have perfectly harmonized their consciousness. The Overwrite function has been stopped. The user's self might become contaminated.]

[Hidden feature 'Transmission' has been activated.]

[If Transmission is successful, the fragment of Alfred Bellontes will be completely restored. If you fail, you will lose all the skills you have acquired from the essences. The mental shock can also cause the self-destruction of your ego.]

[Are you sure you want to approve 'Transmission'? – Y/N]

Theo didn't hesitate, even with the creepy advice.

"Transmission!" As he answered, two flashes of light sprang from the dark mental world. One was the soul of the majestic and brilliant hero, while the other was the soul of a body not yet fully grown. The two lights danced erratically in the air before becoming one stream.


It seemed like a lightning bolt struck Theodore Miller's head.

Chapter 77 – A Traditional Hero (3)

Gluttony's 4th stage function, Transmission, was the core of Overwrite, and it was literally a double-edged sword. If it was successful, it would give Theo more of the author's ability, beyond the little which had been extracted from the essence. However, if it failed, he would lose all the abilities he had obtained previously and, in turn, receive a mental blow.

Theodore was currently standing on a perilous cliff.


The focus completely disappeared from his eyes, and his body lost its vitality. The whirling memories swirling in his head forced him to cut down his five senses. He couldn't tell where Alfred Bellontes' memories ended and where Theodore Miller's memories began. As the boundaries between their egos collapsed, their memories mixed together into a mess. Theo's mentality didn't fit his age, but it was hard for him to completely accept the hero's soul.

Somehow, Theo managed to form a mental structure which captured the broken egos, but the mental challenge caused his eyes to become bloodshot.

'This… Hang on…!'

If he didn't look back on himself constantly, it was likely that he would forget who he was. Even though it was only a fragment, Alfred's soul overwhelmed Theo's consciousness, and the memories and abilities drove Theo's body to the brink. His senses expanded, producing what seemed to be short-term visions of the near future, and it also made him feel dizzy.

However, if this continued, he wouldn't even last five minutes before being overwhelmed. It was a reality which couldn't be reversed through will and determination; it was the predicted ending for an idiot who couldn't figure out his limits.

Funnily enough, it was Pride who rescued him.

–How dare you ignore me when I'm right in front of you!

While Theo was engulfed by the confusion of his mind, Superbia became furious and attacked him.

The flesh of the predator unintentionally stimulated Theo's survival instincts. The heart which had stopped moving started beating again, while his loosened nerves and muscles became taut and filled with tension.

]Focus returned to Theodore's empty eyes as the sound of the tail sliced through the air. This time, it was aiming for Theo's neck instead of his heart. It was a blow which even Alfred couldn't avoid completely, so the willpower of the two people facing death became perfectly matched up.


Theo moved one beat ahead. The tail, which was capable of tearing steel apart, fell before him. Even if he managed to deflect half the trajectory, his neck would still get sliced. Nevertheless, Theo was confident he could avoid it as he ducked and the sound passed over his head. A few strands of hair were sliced off and scattered around.

–It is a useless effort! Superbia stretched out its forelimbs, which looked like tentacles, at a terrifying speed.

They didn't reach the speed of sound, but there were 27 of them. It was a 360-degree attack which made evasion impossible. The number and range completely surpassed Theo's mobility.

However, Theodore observed the tentacles with a calm expression. 'This is the acid roper from the western swamps… Its tentacles will melt the human body immediately.'

The tentacles, which emitted strongly acidic slime, came from a predator in the swamps. They were light, so getting hit by the tentacles wouldn't hurt, but the slime which melted bones and muscles was a really terribly weapon.

However, Theo had read about the weakness of the acid roper in the encyclopedia before, so he raised both his arms up without retreating.

'Battle Song. Rhapsody of Power. Forte.'

Simultaneously, one additional magic wrapped around his arms. "Enchant-Burning Hands!"

From his fingertips to his elbows, Theodore's arm burned with a red flame. The focused magic power would turn anything it made contact with into charcoal. It was enough to evaporate the acid before it touched the skin!

The blazing fists hit the tentacles aiming for him. Papang! Bang! Papang!

This was different from the fluidity of Lee Yoonsung. Alfred had learned practical fighting techniques directly. They were strikes which utilized the fists, back of the hands, and the elbows. His strikes left behind a dim haze as he knocked away the 27 tentacles.

-What?! Superbia hadn't expected its attack to be overcome, so it couldn't hide its surprise.

If Theodore hadn't used Transmission, then he might have died right then. Alfred lacked knowledge and magic, while Theodore lacked the boldness and combat senses of a warrior. So, this was a response made possible only due to the combined abilities of the two.

After defending against the tentacles and blade tail, Theo received a clear view of Superbia.

'Memorize. Two Slots Open. Volcanic Shell.'

The Volcanic Shells hit its upper body directly.


There was a large shock wave. Theo used the momentum of that shock wave to widen his distance from Superbia. He was able to gain a temporary advantage, but he didn't have a chance of winning this battle. The next time, Superbia could come up with a creature he didn't know about.

Once Theodore was 20 meters away, he saw the mass of flesh taking on a new form.

'Its regeneration is pretty fast even though the upper body was completely crushed… Seems that master level destructiveness is truly required to defeat it.'

He couldn't deal the final blow. Theodore bit his lips as he realized this once again. Inferno was the only magic he had which surpassed the destructiveness of Volcanic Shell, and he didn't think that it could completely erase Superbia's whole body as it had survived the bombardment of Elder Herman and the other war mages.

Unsurprisingly, Superbia quickly recovered. After the damage areas of the head were restored, Superbia glared at Theo. Magic Bullet, Burning Hands, Volcanic Shell… they were the means of attack which worked against it.

–I see. Your style is shock and fire, Superbia muttered in small voice, then it started to reassemble its traits accordingly. Its nickname of 'peak predator' wouldn't fit it if all it used was violence. The true power of Superbia was its ability to eliminate its own weakness and neutralize the opponent's strength.

The use of flames as a weapon had appeared all over the world, along with the means to neutralize it.

'A red drake's scales, a chroma turtle's carapace, a salamander's heat-proof skin, and a hellhound's body.'

Crunch…. Crunchhh… Crunch….

Three traits were applied to the body of a hellhound which was emitting heat. The red drake's scales appeared on top of the salamander skin that shone with a light red, while a black shell wrapped around Superbia's fragile face and joints.

This was the form which had slaughtered the eight war mages, including Herman.

–I made you wait, Monkey.

A red light shone in Superbia's eyes. Once it took this form, even swimming in lava was possible. The combination of the three qualities could neutralize 6th Circle fire magic, making it a deadly enemy for Theodore.

If Theo's attacks didn't work at all, it would be nothing but a public execution. The only thing which could break through was Magic Bullet, and that depended on pure destructive power.


As he thought this, a blue light emerged from Theo's index finger and struck Superbia's head.


The black shell wrapped around Superbia's face split slightly.

–Kuhuhu, that tickles.

Not a single drop of blood emerged. It was evidence that Magic Bullet couldn't pierce the carapace wrapped around it. Theo stiffened as his intuition felt it. That wasn't the maximum output, but it still contained a considerable amount of power. The shell of the unknown creature was simply too hard.

The monster roared with the assurance of its superiority.


The noise also caused a vibration. The huge roar caused the earth to shake, and any beast which heard it froze. Theodore's eardrums burst as he used healing magic, and he momentarily frowned from the pain.


The monster kicked off against the ground and plunged toward Theodore.


Its movements was several times faster than that of a human or beast. The monster was over 5 meters in length, but it crossed a few dozen meters in the blink of an eye. Indeed, in just three steps, Superbia erased that gap Theo had opened.

Its long sword-like claws were now lunging toward Theo.


Three lines were drawn at the spot where Theo had just been standing, and the cut stones split apart. The claws were as sharp as swords and contained a massive weight. It was horrifying to see leaves split apart just from the wind pressure.

Every time Superbia swung its claws, a few trees were cut to pieces, and empty spaces appeared in an instant. In the end, four claws sliced at Theo.


However, that Theo scattered like a mirage. As the illusion of Theodore faded, his form could be seen breathing heavily in the distance.

It was a skill he had saved until now—Illusion Track. It was the ability to leave an illusion of himself. This was a successful trick because Superbia had concentrated all its traits on physical abilities.

'Perhaps I can do it twice more. Damn, it's too good to waste like this.'

He didn't have time to take measures and ended up using one of his hidden cards. Illusion Track had saved his life, but it had wasted one of Theo's hidden cards.

Just like how Magic Bullet and fire magic lost their usefulness, the ability would become irrelevant once it was shown to Superbia. He needed extraordinary tactics and methods which hadn't been displayed yet.

…Yes, there was one tactic and method he had yet to show.

Theodore looked down at his hands and spoke in an uncertain tone, "Is it possible?"

Right now, his body was in an extremely unstable state. It was the limit of Alfred and Theo's strength as their memories and spirits continued to mix and scatter. If the two people hadn't united to take care of Superbia, their egos would've collapsed together already.

However, neither Theodore nor Alfred had thought of this tactic until now. If it were successful, even that monster couldn't escape a deadly injury.

"Well, let's try it once, Prince Alfred."

Theo nodded and smiled as he heard, 'A man shouldn't avoid a challenge.'

It was the temperament of a hero. The innate qualities of Alfred Bellontes were blooming inside of Theodore Miller. Heroes always won at the crossroads of fate and did what people deemed were impossible.

If so, his victory would be decided at this moment.

As Theodore gathered up all of his remaining magic power, a relentless heat rushed through him.

Chapter 78 – A Traditional Hero (4)

That body's length was over five meters and its weight was estimated to be in the tonnes. Just being hit by that body would turn a human body into chunks of meat. The creature roared wildly while jumping forward.


The huge roar caused Theo's already burst eardrums to throb. However, he didn't have time to care about such minor pain. Theo stared at what was before him without moving a single strand of hair on his eyebrows.

Judging by its movements a while ago, Superbia's power was two steps ahead of Theo's vision. So, Theo couldn't afford to blink even once. The monster took two steps on the ground.


Then the shape of the monster expanded suddenly. No, it only appeared to be growing because it was approaching so rapidly. As Superbia's body neared Theo, it pushed off from the ground.


The solid ground became broken like a grilled pancake. The spot where Theodore had been standing split apart like a spider web as Superbia landed. The shock caused a small earthquake, and Theo's body wobbled for a moment. Superbia's claws didn't miss this moment and tore his body into dozens of pieces.

However, Theodore's body once again scattered like a haze. This time, it wasn't just a single use of Illusion Track. A total of 12 Theodores appeared around Superbia. The sophisticated illusion that couldn't be distinguished from reality was the power of the artifact which symbolized the legendary thief, Orwell.

However, Superbia just laughed instead of panicking.

–You… I knew you were going to do this again.

The ability of the peak predator, Pride, allowed it to form countermeasures for anything it saw once. As such, it now had flames which could melt rocks, a tail which was sharper than a blade, and a shell which was harder than steel.

However, it was the same for countering the illusions. The ability to deceive the eyes of other creatures was unexpectedly common, while the ability to see through deception was rare but not impossible to find.

Another red eye appeared in the middle of Superbia's face—the eye of the observer.

It was the eye of a famous creature known as the 'magician killer.' The one eyeball could see any magic which entered its field of view and counter it. Without magic power, Superbia could only reproduce its insight ability, but that was enough.

Soon, Superbia's vision revealed the truth of the illusions. Among the 12 people, the real Theodore…?


Superbia stiffened. The 12 figures were all illusions, and there was no sign of the body which had created them. Before Superbia could understand the situation, it felt something underneath its chin. It was a really light sensation. However, above all, it gave Superbia a frightening chill.

"…It took me a while."

It was impossible to amaze Superbia with anything new. So, Theo had used a lavish spectacle as bait.

Pride was used to being the strongest, so it had never expected a counterattack to come when its opponent was in a clearly disadvantageous position. What could Theodore do when his flames as well as his greatest weapon, Magic Bullet, were blocked?

'I can't break through the normal way. But…!'

The expression on his face proved this wasn't a meaningless struggle or approach.

'Battle Song. Rhapsody of Power. Sforzando.'

Theo only strengthened his right arm. As the muscles swelled, his sleeves were torn apart, exposing the raised blood vessels. The effect of forcibly strengthening his body was revealed, but it was still good. If he didn't do this, he wouldn't be able to withstand the shock.

[In fact, Magic Bullet is an incomplete magic. To be more accurate, it is a magic that can't be completed.] Alfred Bellontes had said so.

There was a limitation because his fingers couldn't cope with the strong backlash of Magic Bullet. However, if he used his palm, then the pressure and range of Magic Bullet would be greatly reduced. The bonus was that the arm he used would be destroyed by the enormous repulsion. It was a defective spell which could only wreak havoc at a medium distance.

Therefore, he plunged into the monster's arm and used a desperate method.

'Memorize. All Slots Open. Magic Missile-Penta United.'

All five Magic Bullets stored at maximum power gathered in the palm of his right hand. Even though Theo felt like his right forearm was going to burst, he was able to somehow endure it thanks to the strengthening. In addition to this, he compressed one more Magic Bullet into his palm.

There was now a huge six shots in his palm. One blow concentrated at six times the power would be able to penetrate any 6th Circle defense spell.


His muscles were torn as blood flowed from the skin. This was a strong blow which wasn't possible unless he sacrificed an arm. Theodore stared into Superbia's eyes and used all his strength.


There was a blue flash of light which surpassed even Alfred's prime.

* * *

A flash of light soared into the night sky of the Nadun Mountains. In contrast to lightning which fell from the sky, the flash of light rose from the ground and penetrated straight through the clouds. Of course, this light was the trail left behind by Theodore's Magic Bullet.

Theodore lay on the ground and looked up. 'Succe…ss.'

The body of the beast which had lost its head was struggling. Black blood sprayed like a fountain, covering the scales and carapace. Despite its fearful defense, it couldn't withstand Magic Bullet which had been amplified six times. In the end, Superbia's body fell to the ground.

Theodore chuckled when he saw it. "One blow, I did it properly."

[Yes, well done.] Alfred smiled from inside Theodore and knocked on his shoulder.

It was a power which would've been impossible to achieve if they hadn't worked together. They had fought well against the monster which was a Seven Sins grimoire. If he had made a wrong judgement, then it would be Theodore with his head missing right now.

As a result, the winner and loser had been decided. Of course, the loser was Theodore who couldn't kill Superbia, and the winner was Superbia who had survived a number of fatal blows.

Kududuk…! Kudu…! Kududuk…!

With an unpleasant sound, a skull rose up in the empty space, and flesh, muscles, and nerves covered it as the head started to regain its original shape.

As Alfred had said, this wasn't in the realm of regeneration but immortality. No matter how well the two people fought, they couldn't beat it. In the first place, Theodore and Alfred lacked a way to destroy that huge body without leaving a trace of it behind.

–Your last hurrah ends here. Superbia's voice was convinced of its victory.

Why did it need to be agitated in front of its food which had already lost strength? Superbia laid a sharp claw at Theo's neck. It wasn't dumb enough to leave this threat alive. Superbia would tear off the head of the being which irritated it and then eat slowly.

'Well, it is just up to here. I fought well.' Theodore closed his eyes in the face of death. He felt a bit sad about his parents, but he believed that his mentor would take care of them.

Finally, Superbia's sharp claw moved.


It was quite a cheerful sound for someone's head being cut off. As he thought this,

"…Kid." It was a cold but beautiful voice.

"T-Tower Master…?"

"Sorry, I'm too late."

Theo opened his eyes hurriedly and saw Veronica, whose red robe was flapping in the wind.

She had spoken in a heavily subdued voice, which made him wonder what she'd seen on the way. Blood was dripping from Veronica's firmly closed fists, and Theodore thought the blood almost looked like her tears.

Veronica moved forward, toward the monster before her.

"Wait a bit. I'll end it quickly."

Shortly after that…


Something was waving like a worm from Superbia's crushed head. The half skull and crushed eye looked like a frog which had been hit with a hammer. Superbia was one beat too late to recognize the damage. Then as it opened its mouth to scream…

"Be a sword, fire of purgatory." Veronica summoned a sword of fire—Inferno Blade. She used a spell which compressed Inferno into the form of a sword.

No matter how fire resistant the monster was, it couldn't withstand a temperature which would melt it in an instant. It was impossible to block this fire sword with pure durability.

However, Superbia started to regenerate when it was sliced apart. Its speed was faster than a troll, and there were no traces left of the wounds Veronica had inflicted upon it. Nevertheless, Veronica gazed at the scene with cold eyes and suddenly jumped from the ground.

No, the moment she jumped, she was already punching out.


It was a huge blow. The slender fist of the beautiful woman contained the weight of several tonnes, and the creature was thrown back into the air.

–A-A monster like you…! This mixed-blood monkey!

"What?" Veronica had the dragon senses, so it wasn't difficult for her to hear Superbia's low-frequency voice.

She then pointed to the creature which was 100 meters away and sentenced him to death. It was the worst attack magic of the 7th Circle, a flame of the Demon World which couldn't be erased with the usual method.

"Hell Fire." A black fire storm appeared without a sound and wrapped around Superbia.

–■■■■■■――!?! It was a scream, not a roar.

The senses of Superbia, who focused on the traits of creatures, were extraordinarily sharp, so its perception of pain was different. The sensation of its body's cells burning was hell. Superbia couldn't endure this. The firepower exceeded its regeneration, so Pride, who had encountered few monsters in this age, decided to escape.

Simultaneously, Veronica decided to deal the last blow.

"Suuuuop…" She used a great suction power to swallow the air around her.

"Huwaaaack―――――!" Then a fearsome jet of fire blew from her mouth!

'D-Dragon Breath?!' Theo didn't know why a quarter dragon like Veronica could use that power, but the red dragon's breath was famous for having a destruction equivalent to the 8th Circle.

She blew her breath toward the airborne Superbia and destroyed any clouds in the way. The power of it truly couldn't be described in books. Nothing was left in the place where the breath passed.

"Huuuu…" As the breath died, Veronica let out a tired sigh and took several deep breaths while steam emerged from her mouth.

"Tch. It ran away? It is more annoying than a master level aura user," she grumbled in an annoyed voice.

Veronica had definitely missed out on the kill. She didn't know what creature it was, but it was more difficult than she thought.

"Indeed, he wouldn't have died if it wasn't that much." A bitter expression crossed Veronica's face as she thought of Elder Herman's body which she had passed by along the way. Elder Herman had been one of the elders who had known Veronica for decades and treated her like a daughter or granddaughter despite her mixed blood. She had never thought he would die in a place like this.

Even though death didn't belong to a time or place, she couldn't help feeling regretful.

After a moment of silence for her dead colleagues, she turned toward Theodore. "You did well, Kid."


"Don't answer and stay still. Your wounds are deep."

It wasn't easy for Theo to speak. As the sense of urgency and tension faded away, a heavy fatigue came which seemed like it would cut off Theo's consciousness right away. Veronica realized this and placed his head on her lap while calling to someone, "Hey, you can come out now."

Who was she calling? His heavy eyes found green hair among the trees. She had probably met Veronica while fleeing and guided her toward the location of the fight. The high elf, Ellenoa, came out with Veronica's permission and grabbed Theo's right hand gently.

"Theodore, Theodore…!" Her glad calls echoed in his ears a few times.

Vitality flowed from her fingertips and gradually improved the condition of his right arm and body. He wanted to reply to her call, but the damage accumulated in Theo's body didn't allow him to remain conscious any further.

'Ah, how long will I sleep this time…?' He could sense it. This was the aftermath of forcefully having Alfred 'transmitted' to him.

Theodore fell unconscious as the two beauties called his name. Shortly before his vision and hearing cut off completely, he heard a voice.

[The 4th Seal which unlocked through an unusual path has been resealed. The user won't be able to use 'Overwrite' until the 4th Seal is released normally.]

[You were mentally hurt by Transmission. Time is needed to restore your mental state.]

[At the present time, there is no knowing how long it will take.]

[Entering a forced dormancy.]

Chapter 79 – Silver Medal of Merit (1)

Two days later, the upper echelons of the Meltor Kingdom were literally overturned after finding out that the high elf's convoy had been almost completely wiped out.

It was truly a catastrophe!

Five 6th Circle magicians, sixteen 5th Circle magicians, and three gust wagons formed a tremendous loss. It wasn't a damage which couldn't be recovered from, but it would be hard to fill their vacancy for the next 10 years.

If Veronica hadn't been able to protect the survivors of the convey, Theodore Miller and the high elf, then the damage might've expanded by several times.

Kurt III praised Veronica's achievement publicly while convening an emergency meeting to deal with this case.

"Listen carefully. The Tower Masters, heads of the Magic Society, and members of the court must gather in the meeting room without anyone being absent. This issue has an enormous impact, and it is strictly forbidden to leak any information to the outside world. This is an edict I proclaim in the name of Kurt III."

An edict in the king's name…! The meaning of such a thing was never light. If a person rejected this edict or broke it, they could immediately be hung on the gallows for treason. That was why they all headed to the meeting room of the royal palace after receiving Kurt III's order.

Among the people present were the Tower Masters, who rarely gathered in one place.

"Huhu, it has been a long time since I've seen some of the faces gathered here," Blundell Adruncus, the Blue Tower Master, muttered while still carrying his staff.

"Oh, what is all this? I am young, but I feel old when gathering in this place," Veronica, the beautiful Red Tower Master muttered in a petulant tone.

"..." The man wearing a white robe and a plain mask which covered his eyes, nose, and forehead was the White Tower Master, Orta.

As always, the position of the Yellow Tower Master remained vacant, but no one questioned this. He was the only one qualified to refuse any call, and this was an open secret at the heart of Mana-vil. More than anything else, he had no interest in national affairs.

Blundell settled his big body in a chair and opened his mouth to speak, "Now, let's all sit down first. It is awkward to talk while standing."

As three of the four seats around the throne were filled, the rest of the people started to sit down.

On the right side of the round table was Kurt III's court, who were responsible for state administration. It included the household department, the military, foreign affairs and so on. Meanwhile, the left side of the table was for the nobles present in the capital. There were a few earls and dukes waiting for the king.

Not long after that, Kurt III entered the meeting room.

"Presenting His Majesty!" Unlike other times, the king's knights declared the presence of the king directly. It meant this meeting had such an important agenda that it was impossible to even approach him.

Kurt III opened his palm and restrained them before they bowed. "The bowing will be omitted today. Please be seated."

Nobody dared refuse. They quickly followed his order and sat down.

Kurt III nodded and headed to the throne in the center. He sat down on the throne covered in white leather and looked next to him. "Veronica, summarize the case briefly."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Veronica wasn't playful like usual. She got up from her seat with a cold expression and spoke as the attention of the people focused on her, "Two days ago, the convoy passing through the Nadum Mountains was attacked by an unidentified monster. All the gust wagons mobilized for the mission were destroyed, and 21 magicians killed. The high elf was unharmed at the end of the engagement, but the monster escaped."

Silence fell for a moment before a storm exploded in the meeting room.

"W-Wiped out!"

"Red Tower Master, the monster got away from you?!"

"Surely this will become bigger…!"

Each reaction was different, but they were all shocked. The 21 magicians dispatched as the convoy were a strong power. They had been veteran war mages from the time of the war against the Empire. It was an elite group which could even grab the ankles of a sword master when working together.

However, the convoy had been wiped out suddenly? Did it mean that master level monsters existed in the world? Perhaps Veronica was lying?

Dismay, horror and disbelief filled the eyes of the people in the room.

"Stop," Kurt III spoke and calmed the atmosphere at once.

The attitude required in this situation was to find the best countermeasure for the outcome of this event, rather than them being shocked. The people gathered noticed the chilly look in the king's eyes and quickly got into the right mindset.

"It is fortunate that the high elf is safe. We avoided the worst case scenario somehow."

The people nodded at Kurt III's words. What would the damage be if the high elf had also been killed? Meltor would've suffered at least three times as much in the future. They would lose the chance to gain a good relationship with Elvenheim.

The damage this time was painful, but there was some small comfort.

"Provide compensation to the families of the magicians who were sent as part of the convoy. And we must thoroughly receive compensation from Elvenheim. Isn't that right, Blundell?"

"The elves are a species who consider silver as a sign of gratitude and no grudges, so it will be done according to Your Majesty's will."

"Right. No, it would be difficult if that wasn't the case." The wooden arm holder of the throne was crushed by Kurt III's grip.

Due to international relations, he had lost more than 20 elites. If the value of the high elf was lower than this, there would be no point in them sacrificing their lives. No matter what, he had to obtain a price for them.

After a while, Kurt's face returned to that of the sober ruler. "Blundell, escort the high elf to Elvenheim. I'm sorry since you've just returned from a long distance mission, but you know that the elves don't like Veronica."

"I would be delighted. By the way, Your Majesty."

"Hmm?" Kurt III looked puzzled by Blundell's additional words.

"I have a request to ask of you from the high elf."

"A request? For me?"

"Yes, that's right."

The king made a gesture to allow the message.

Blundell grinned and delivered Ellenoa's words. "She asked to stay until the healing of Theodore Miller, the survivor of this incident, is over. She doesn't know about the other injuries, but his right hand is in a serious state. If it isn't healed with the power of the high elf, she predicts there will be aftereffects."

"I have no reason to refuse the request. Rather, I would like to ask that from my side." It was a warming story. Kurt III's stiff face loosened as he heard it.

Whether the myth about the silver was true or not, the high elf hadn't left Theodore alone after being escorted to the capital. She had hugged the bloody and bandaged right arm and continued using her healing power on Theo.

The cold atmosphere of the room became a little warmer.

"Hoh, this young man has earned the grace of a high elf."

"Isn't he 20 this year and already at the 5th Circle? Brilliant. Why wasn't this talent known until now?"

"Look carefully. He took first place in the Pupil Tournament recently. It was just a few months ago."

"I see that he has no sponsors."

They read about Theodore enthusiastically and expressed their appreciation for him. The court fought over which department the young man would fit into, while the nobles wondered what conditions they could use to recruit him.

However, the fierce debate was once again stopped by Kurt III. "…Theodore Miller, that young man again."

Kurt III looked at the paper which contained Theodore's history with his distinctive purple eyes.

Theo had won the Pupil Tournament and taken care of the elder lich, and now, he had even survived the convoy. It was a rare case where a 20-year-old magician would end up facing the king three times in less than half a year.

Naturally, the king was forced to develop an interest Theo.

'Is his talent luck or does he have the qualities of a hero? Or maybe he has something extraordinary.'

There was something unknown which couldn't be discovered from the information written on the document. It was clear that he had helped the kingdom a few times, and it was the king's role to make the most of it.

According to Veronica, within the next 10 years, Theo would grow enough to be able to threaten her. Then the right thing to do was spray water and fertilizer on the ground to help the tree grow.

Kurt III decided on the way to treat Theodore. "Listen carefully."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The king refused to allow any arguments as he announced in front of everyone present, "To the only survivor of the convey, Baron Miller, I will present the title of Viscount and, in addition, reward him with a Silver Medal of Merit. This decision is an edict in my name, meaning it can't be overturned."

"Y-Your Majesty!"

"What? If you didn't hear it, then I will tell you one more time."

The court officials, nobles and tower masters couldn't hide their surprise. The title of viscount was good. An honorary nobleman didn't have a manor, and magicians belonging to the Magic Society weren't likely to care about title anyway.

However, the Silver Medal of Merit was a reward that none of them had imagined.

The nobles who tried to suggest it was too much soon fell silent at Kurt III's harsh voice. They knew this tone meant that no objections were allowed and that the decision couldn't be overturned.

"There are no objections. Then it is time for the next agenda."

30 years after the last recipient, the next recipient of the Silver Medal of Merit was decided in a secret spot.

* * *

Theodore didn't know he was the protagonist of a glory which hadn't appeared in the last 30 years, as his eyes hadn't even opened yet when the decision was made.

Thanks to Ellenoa's dedicated healing, all of Theo's external wounds, including his right arm, were recovered perfectly. However, she couldn't heal the crack in his mind which had arisen from Alfred's 'Transmission.'

In the end, Ellenoa couldn't wait for Theodore to open his eyes and was forced to leave Meltor. Blundell, who was assigned as her escort, scratched his head with an apologetic expression when he saw her sad face.

"Hmm, I'm sorry but we can't afford to wait any longer. The ambassadors from Elvenheim are urging for your return."

"…Yes, I understand."

Still, Ellenoa couldn't help feeling disappointed as she kissed Theodore's forehead gently. The kiss of a high elf was like receiving the blessing of an elemental. It was a blessing which would prevent any elementals belonging to enemies from getting close to Theodore.

"Will we meet again someday, Theodore?"

Ellenoa said goodbye, and the forest dancer returned to Elvenheim.

Then exactly 10 days later… After the battle with Superbia, Theodore Miller had been collapsed for three weeks due to his mental fusion with Alfred.

The topic of conversation in Meltor finally woke up.