88 - 95

Chapter 88 – Sword and Magic Confrontation (2)

'Battle Song. Sonata of Speed. Allegretto.'

As the duel progressed, Gluttony's mouth was chanting the spells under the glove which covered Theo's left hand.

Theo had triggered Sonata of Speed as soon as the duel began, allowing him to respond to Rebecca's preemptive strike. Compared to Randolph's swords, she was lacking power, and compared to Superbia, she lacked speed.

Before Rebecca could move again, Theo cast his magic hurriedly, "Chain Lightning!"

A net of lightning instantly covered dozens of meters. Regardless of one's speed, there was no way to escape from the chain of lightning. Just the power of one stream of lightning was enough to fry a person. If Rebecca hadn't raised her aura reflexively, then the match might've been decided here.

Pajijik! Paijijik!


However, receiving damage was inevitable. The lightning penetrated the gaps in Rebecca's armour and struck against her aura, causing smoke to rise from her armour. It was pure destructive power, one of the reasons why aura users found it hard to compete with magicians.

Therefore, knights always tried to avoid a magician's attacks or went for preventative measures. They had to stop Chain Lightning and other magic before they were activated. Thanks to this, Rebecca was one step slower.

"Lightning Spear."

A brutal attack came from Theo just as she managed to escape from the lightning. Lightning Spear focused on one point, so it could cause deadly damage to a body protected by aura. Theo called five lightning bolts in mere seconds and aimed for Rebecca's abdomen. Simultaneously, the five streams of lightning struck horizontally.

It was possible to respond to one lightning bolt. Three would be difficult even if she was fully prepared. By the time it reached five bolts, even elite knights couldn't avoid a serious injury. This was impossible to defend, and trying to avoid it would also be meaningless.

Therefore, Rebecca boldly grasped her double swords and struck the lightning bolts head on. "Hap!"

Blue aura leaked from the blades, and the two swords broke through the lightning bolts. The remnants of the lightning, which weren't completely eliminated, struck her fingers, but she never let go of her swords. No, her hands actually held on tighter.

There were three more Lightning Spears. Even if she took care of two more, there would still be one remaining.

Rebecca gritted her teeth with a determined expression.


The moment that her two swords struck two lightning bolts, the remaining one hit her abdomen.


It was awful. Rebecca swallowed the blood which had risen into her mouth and put strength into her legs. Her concentrated aura defense had burst, and the impact was transmitted inside her. Fortunately, there was little impact on her combat strength.

As she returned to herself, Rebecca pointed the tips of her swords toward Theodore.

Theodore couldn't help admiring her fierce fighting spirit. 'She is fairly familiar with pain. Additionally, her body is hard enough to block a Lightning Spear. I don't think she can be defeated by an ordinary blow.'

In fact, he had restricted his own abilities to a certain extent in this duel. It was too dangerous to show the power of Umbra, a national treasure, to another country's delegation, let alone the empire's Seven Swords. He had various hidden cards, so he decided not to use any skills related to Umbra.

The case of Magic Bullet was a little special.

'…I can't control the strength.' Theo was worried about the power of his index finger.

After regaining the original strength of Magic Bullet, he had only shot it once against a human. Despite the fact that he had suppressed the output, the power had still been enough to leave a wound on Veronica's cheek. If it hit a vital point, the person would die before a healing spell or potion reached them. He didn't want to kill someone who might be related to Randolph.

Theo's aim was to knock her down thoroughly. The determination in his eyes deepened, and he ran toward Rebecca.

"What, he's approaching?!"

"A magician going into close range…"

"Once again, those guys from the Red Tower have strange heads!"

Buzzing chatter could be heard from the stands.

Theo stared at the double swords pointed at him and accelerated toward Rebecca. For a magician to enter a knight's close range voluntarily… This was an effective method of provocation.

Rage sparked in Rebecca's green eyes.


Her scimitar blades disappeared like they had melted into the air. This acceleration, which used the power of aura, had the ability to disrupt the laws of physics, which in turn caused the swords to move faster than the air resistance. That speed exceeded even Theo's enhanced eyesight.

The duration was short because it consumed aura rapidly, but it was a secret technique which increased her speed by a few times. A storm of steel raged around Rebecca. Even an ogre famous for its sturdy muscles and solid skin would be turned into minced meat if it got close.

The audience started screaming when they saw that Theo was heading into that storm. Rebecca's technique was a terrible weapon.

Theodore felt in awe as he jumped into her storm. 'Truly fast. Is it speed-focused swordsmanship like Randolph's?'

The tips of Rebecca's swords came down and aimed to cut his waist into pieces. Lee Yoonsung's experience was essential as he used Shift Energy to turn away the blades. The robe with defense magic was turned into a rag, but the result was that Theo was only bruised.

The storm of steel didn't touch him, as he moved through it like a light feather. Of course, the reason was also due to the difference in their abilities. Theodore was much stronger than before.

'It is lighter than Randolph.' More than anything else, there was a difference in the weight of the falchions and scimitars, as well as their arm strength. If the strikes had been as heavy as Randolph's and at the same speed, Theo would be cut easily.

Due to the lack of weight on the swords, it was easy to shift the orbit by hitting the sides of the blades.

'She is slower than Superbia.' Superbia had a bizarre form and was able to shift to the traits of powerful creatures. Among them, the caracalos tail was one of the feared threats, and the speed and sharpness of Superbia had been enough to beat Alfred.

However, that comparison wasn't proof that Rebecca's skills were lacking. After the Pupil Tournament, Theo had gained Lee Yoonsung's book and absorbed all of Alfred's abilities, so he had a definite advantage. That said, Rebecca certainly had enough talent to be chosen as a disciple by one of the Seven Swords.

Theodore calmly deflected her swords until the end. No matter how efficiently the swords were swung, the human body didn't have an infinite capacity. Inevitably, it would reach its limit. It might be different for a sword master who transcended the limits of life. However, Rebecca was still at the level of an elite knight, and she was unable to maintain the storm.

"Su…suaa…" She had a shortness of breath and a pale complexion, and her muscles were trembling as she held onto her swords. The perfect storm of swords became weaker and began to collapse. Theo calmly waited for her to reach her limit.

He didn't care about his arm which had become bloody after deflecting the swords and simply stared on with ice-cold eyes. Finally, the moment came.

"Haack!" She reached the limit of her breathing and a tortured gasp burst out from Rebecca's mouth.

The movements of her two swords stopped completely, and Theo stepped into that gap. He used a winning technique; the palm of his hand touched the defenseless body naturally.

'An ordinary blow won't deal much damage…!

'Memorize. All Slots Open. Shock Impact. Penta United.'

The shock wave attack magic, Shock Impact, was contact magic normally used to break down walls. However, Theodore had excellent melee skills, so he could use it this way. The five accumulated shock waves would exert a destructive power which could penetrate aura.

Shortly after that, the huge shock wave hit Rebecca's breastplate.


Rebecca's body was thrown back with a tremendous sound. She bounced a few times along the ground before barely stopping at the edge of the duelling stage. This was a good chance, so Theo didn't hesitate to call some Lightning Spears.

If Rebecca tried to counterattack, then he would intercept immediately. However, before she could stand up, a person jumped down from the stands. Theo stopped the lightning reflexively and stared at the person with a tense face. It was a situation where only one person could intervene.

"Sir Pan Helliones?"

"That's right." The big knight, Pan Helliones, nodded as he hoisted Rebecca onto his shoulder.

Pan Helliones didn't seem angry, so Theodore withdrew the lightning spell. Although Pan Helliones had jumped down here, Veronica was clearly visible behind him. Everybody had a hunch that the duel between the two countries had ended.

"I admit defeat, Meltor's young hero. Your abilities are certainly beyond my disciple's, and I am grateful that you didn't take her life." Despite the shameful verdict, his voice contained a clear respect.

The empire was a place where they believed what they saw with their own eyes, not through words. The man before Theodore truly acknowledged him.

"What does that mean?"

"This duel is the Andras Empire's defeat! I will accept this result in the name of the empire's Seven Swords!"

One of the empire's Seven Swords declared defeat! The audience realized the weight of this result, and the air around the delegates grew heavy. The empire's logic of communicating with strength had always been victorious.

It was only once in several generations that they would be defeated like this in a public duel. This was clearly a big event which would be mentioned in the history books.

Then Kurt III clapped his hands, and the unnatural silence of the audience was shattered.

"…!!!" The magicians and courtiers yelled, causing the voices to echo. The loud cheers were enough to cause shivers. In the center of this, Theodore and Pan Helliones stared at each other. He couldn't read any emotions in Pan's black eyes.

Therefore, Theodore couldn't understand his identity. No, it was more accurate to say he wasn't sure.

'…That guy.'

The moment Theo had stepped toward Rebecca, just before he'd used the shock wave magic… He wouldn't have felt it without his sixth sense, but there had been a terrifying killing intent. Due to that murderous feeling, the timing of his magic had been delayed by one beat.

That killing intent had been from the imperial sword, Lloyd Pollan.

Looking at the back which had already turned around, Theo went down from the stage with a grim expression.

Chapter 89 – Sword and Magic Confrontation (3)

After accomplishing a perfect victory in his duel with Rebecca, Theodore didn't head toward the dinner venue. Instead, he headed to the infirmary of the royal palace.

Theo came down from the stage in a much better state than Rebecca, but that didn't mean he was without damage. The power of the blade which was literally like a storm had leapt beyond the defensive power of 'Battle Song.'

The healer clicked his tongue when he saw Theo's tattered forearm. "…How terrible. It isn't easy to heal injuries caused by aura, but this is more than that. Simple treatment using potions or herbs would be more effective than magic."

Basically, the mana which passed through a person's body was altered according to the person's inherent nature. In order to resonate with that nature, magicians minimized the degree of deterioration by forming an artificial circulation organ called circles, but knights were different. For them, their inherent nature was merely a good thing. Since aura strengthened physical abilities, the closer it was to the user's own nature, the greater the efficiency and power would be. However, this left behind traces which interfered with magical healing.


"Yes. Knight Rebecca… the density of her aura is already reaching the level of a pro-knight. If you suffered a serious injury, you might've been lying in bed for months."

"Then how long will it take for this wound to heal?"

"Please wait a moment." The healer carefully examined the stab wound on Theo's forearm. There was occasional pain, but it wasn't enough to make a fuss about it. Theo's behaviour was like that of a veteran soldier.

The healer used his magic power to heal the wound before lifting his head again. "Fortunately, the blade didn't enter too deeply. I will use a healing spell, apply a medicine and then a bandage. The wound should be healed in three days."

"Three days…"

"Oh, please avoid any heavy exercise or movements for a week. The wound might reopen."

Theodore had no reason to refuse, so he nodded gently.

The healer proceeded to start the full-scale treatment. First, he removed the aura remaining in the wound with healing magic, then he connected the muscles in the blood vessels which hadn't healed yet. Subsequently, the blood completely stopped flowing out. After the bleeding stopped, the healer performed a simple treatment with potions and herbs.

The healer's workmanship was truly worthy of a healer working in the royal palace. A white bandage was wrapped around one of Theo's arms, and the pain from the wound was away. Theo moved the arm wrapped in the white bandage and said, "It is much better. Thank you very much."

"…It is nothing. Rather, I should be thanking you." The healer checked the bandage's knot meticulously and laughed at the gratitude.

He had been employed as a royal healer for several decades. Once the war broke out, the number of patients he treated had been in the thousands, and hundreds of them hadn���t been able to be saved. Their lives had been taken by the Andras' blades.

"It was always a victory if we returned from the battlefield, and a defeat if we returned with the bodies of our colleagues. So, there were times when I regretted being a healer. I couldn't fight, and sometimes I blamed myself for choosing who to leave behind."


"But today, I knew what it felt like to win for the first time."

It was too early to call him an old man, but wrinkles could clearly be seen on the hand which gripped Theo's. Perhaps he had also been sitting in the audience and had seen with his own eyes the imperious and rude demands of the empire.

The healer bowed his head and thanked Theo once again, "Meltor's Hero, it is an honour to treat you with these hands."

"…It was my pleasure." Theo was forced to accept the fierce praise.

He felt burdened by the healer's emotions and left the infirmary after a brief goodbye. Most of the crowd was at the dinner party, so the corridor was a few times darker and emptier than usual. As soon as the door closed behind his back, a cold silence fell.

"Hoo, it is too burdensome."

Whether it was positive or negative, it didn't fit Theo's nature to attract the attention of others. He was able to put on a firm face after absorbing the experiences but encountering such sincere praise made him feel itchy.

'What should I do now?' He walked down the corridor while locked in thought.

The soft sounds of his footsteps rang out amidst the silence of the corridor.

Veronica had encouraged Theo to go to the dinner party when he was available, but he didn't want to go to such a burdensome place. He also didn't think he could rest comfortably in a place where the two sword masters were.

It was much more attractive to use his injury as an excuse to return to the tower, as a political place would obviously be uncomfortable in many ways. Furthermore, there was a destination he hadn't thought of.

Theo advanced a few steps before stopping and breathing lightly. He looked over at a shadow in a corner of the corridor and said, "Why don't you come out now?"

The shadow was faint like fog. Despite his senses being refined to the limit, he only grasped the hiding place after a few minutes. As Theo's voice rang through the corridor where nobody was present, 'he' naturally appeared. It was like he had been there from the beginning.

Lloyd Pollan, one of the empire's Seven Swords, shrugged and said, "Oh, I followed you unintentionally."

"…I thought you were attending the dinner party?"

"I'm sorry, but Meltor's food and alcohol don't suit my tastes. I was going around on a walk."

It was nonsense, and Theo regretted that he couldn't dismiss it. Theo stared at Lloyd with cold eyes. Although it was a separate building, a sword master wouldn't be allowed to wander around the royal palace by himself. Besides, a walk? It was a pathetic excuse for following the winner of the duel.

��What did you come to me for, Sir Pollan?" Theo struggled to suppress his indignation. It was pointless to be rude here. Theo lacked the power or position to be rude. Lloyd also knew this fact. If Veronica or Blundell were near, then he would've disappeared quietly.

'A sly human.' Theodore had an accurate insight into Lloyd's nature.

"The purpose… I suppose it is an apology."


"As you already know, I made a mistake during your duel with Rebecca. I didn't know that your senses were so sensitive. You responded to my killing intent that I accidentally let out, and I admire that," Lloyd praised with a smile, but his eyes weren't warm.

On the other hand, Theodore paled as he noticed the meaning of the words. Lloyd was saying that he didn't mean to disturb the duel, but his killing intent had leaked out accidentally leaked.

It meant that… this sword master wanted to kill Theodore Miller.

"Well, you don't need to be tense here." Lloyd smiled and continued saying, "I was scolded by Number 4 because he read my killing intent. At the very least, it is impossible to cut off your head here. It is regretful, regretful."



Theo spoke the words he had been repressing, "Why do you want to kill me?"

This wasn't an order from the Andras Empire or from Pan Helliones. He wondered why Lloyd Pollan was so eager to kill him. Murderers killed people for no reason, but it was unlikely for a sword master. Theo was more curious than afraid of the master.

Lloyd sincerely sighed at the bold question.

"Hoo, it really is a pity. Why wasn't someone like you born in the empire?" He grumbled in a low voice before continuing, "10 years, that is the deadline of this truce."

The emotionless face started to spout terrible facts, "In the next 10 years, you will become an enemy of the empire. My senses have never been wrong even once."

"Your senses… You want to kill me for such an uncertain reason?"

"You… Did you use more than 30% of your power in that duel?" There was conviction was in Lloyd's voice, so Theodore remained silent. "You have the potential to match the Seven Swords in the future, so I think I should kill you here, even if that causes a war."


There was an eerie killing intent. The killing intent pressing down on Theo was different from Superbia's. It felt like a sharp blade was being held against his neck. Still, the sword never came flying. Lloyd just passed by, like he meant his words about not killing Theo here.

His voice gradually moved further away, "10 years later, I won't let you live like today."

Theo couldn't move from his spot even after Lloyd had completely disappeared. The killing intent of a sword master was indeed terrifying. He would've fallen down if he hadn't built up tolerance in the fight with Superbia.

In retrospect, it was fortunate that he hadn't exposed Umbra and Magic Bullet. Lloyd would have rated Theo higher and might've ignored the command given to him in order to kill Theo. Theo wouldn't go obediently, but there was no chance of winning.

"Yes, 10 years," Theodore murmured in a low voice.

10 years… it was both a long and short period of time. After that, he would be sentenced to death by a sword master. Hearing that, anybody would feel fear. However, Theo just laughed at the words. "I won't be relaxing."

He had jumped from the loser of the academy to Meltor's hero in one year. Things which would take magicians a month only took a few days for him. Then weren't 10 years for Theo like a hundred years for ordinary magicians? Common sense didn't apply to the owners of grimoires.

A sword master was definitely a great existence. 'But I don't think that it is an insurmountable wall.'

Theo took a step forward. He regained his original stride and left the place where he'd met Lloyd. It was yet to be decided as to who would be the one to fall 10 years later.

* * *

Kkiiik. The doorknob turned with a small noise.

Theo arrived at somebody's room and looked inside it carefully. As soon as he entered, the smell of herbs and potions hit his nose. He removed the smell with simple wind magic and looked in the direction of the occupant.

With golden hair, green eyes, and vivid features, Rebecca, the duelist for the empire, looked at Theo from where she lay on the bed. Her ribs, which had been broken by the shock wave, were bandaged and traces of herbs were visible on bruised skin. Her condition was completely different from that of Theodore, who was wandering around.

He was confused by the situation as he sat down in the chair beside Rebecca's bed. Theo had no other choice.

'…No, what is going on?'

Theodore had entered Rebecca's room because he wanted to ask about Randolph. However, the guard standing in front of the room had let him in easily after his identity was proven.

'Why did they just let me in?'

Theodore was famous, but the Andras Empire and the Meltor Kingdom were still enemies. Why would they obediently let in a visitor from an enemy country? He just wanted to tell the guard to mention Randolph's name to Rebecca and see if she responded to it. However, the empire's delegation didn't hesitate to let him in to see Rebecca.

The atmosphere was awkward. Rebecca's eyes stared at Theo without blinking, increasing the burdensome feeling. He didn't know how to start. In the end, Theodore opened his mouth to say a simple greeting, but Rebecca spoke first.

Her voice was like a clear bell which resonated clearly, "Have you come to exercise the rights of the winner?"

Chapter 90 – Sword and Magic Confrontation (4)

Theodore's expression became grave at her words. He came here because he had business with her, but it felt like he was being misunderstood. The same was true for the guards who left the two people alone in the room.

Therefore, Theo decided to ask what the winner's rights were. "What are the winner's rights?"

"…I'm sorry. Of course, Sir Theodore wouldn't know the concepts of the Andras Empire." Rebecca stared at him and explained, "The empire doesn't guarantee the loser's life. Only the winner can spare the loser's life, and the loser must hand something over in return. This is done regardless of the clauses in the conditions of the duel, and there will be severe punishment from your family if you reject."

"..." Theodore was speechless at the harsh explanation.

It wasn't an exaggeration to say that the barbarian empire spoke with swords and strength instead of words. The winner was strong, and the loser was weak. It was a food chain of violence which wasn't related to ethics or morality. A society with a system where the strong could do anything simply because they were strong wasn't a society but a group of animals.

Theo was astonished at how a nation with such a primitive system had become an empire.

'No, this might be what made it possible.'

The people had to survive intense training during their childhood. Then once they joined the society, they had to survive in the competition called the duels. The harsh process would inevitably create seasoned killers. From the most powerful army in the northeastern continent to the empire's Seven Swords… The custom of blood and tribute might just be the driving force behind the Andras Empire maintaining its huge size. In many ways, it was a country beyond common sense.

Theo became dizzy from the culture shock. However, he soon regained his sanity and continued the cut off conversation. "This place isn't Andras. Will you still listen to my request?"

"Yes, I am Andras' knight."

"…It is hard to understand. I don't know what is the upper limit of the demands."

Rebecca was silent for a moment before opening her mouth to say, "It is possible to demand wealth, statue, and even skills. Slavery doesn't exist, so it is impossible to become a slave, but you can hire the other party for free one time. If the two parties have different genders, there might be a special request."

"Special request?"

"…A one night stand." The subject naturally embarrassed Rebecca and her voice was subdued. Her face flushed as she gazed down.

Theodore was at a loss on how to respond. He examined her figure lying down unconsciously before clearing his throat a few times. However, Rebecca couldn't help noticing his eyes.

Rebecca gazed at Theodore with cold eyes and said, "I'm sorry but I have no experience. My body is also in this state, so if you want me, you'll have to take care of everything. My clothes are thick, so you'll have to take them off yourself.

Theo became embarrassed by the blunt words and hurriedly waved his hands. "No, I have no intention of doing that!"

"Is that so? I guess Sir Theodore can't be satisfied with someone like me. I'm sorry."

"…Dame Rebecca, please don't tease me." Theodore belatedly realized she was joking and dropped his head with a sigh.

"Ah, I'm sorry. You are more innocent than I thought."

From their first contact till now, Theo had thought Rebecca was an old-fashioned knight, but she could actually joke this way. The smile on Rebecca's face was very mischievous, and her light smile really caused her to resemble Randolph.

Then Theo recalled what he wanted to ask, "Rather, I wanted to ask Dame Rebecca something."


"Do you know a man called Randolph?"

As the name flowed from his mouth, the smile on her face faltered.

Rebecca looked at Theodore's face like she was seeing a demon, and the colour of her skin was so pale that it was like she was a statue. The reaction which she couldn't hide was proof that she knew Randolph.

She stammered as she asked Theo, "T-That name, where did you hear it?"

"First of all, I want to know his relationship with you. I can't disclose it prior to knowing that."

"…I see." She was excited for a moment, but she quickly restored her breathing, and her complexion returned to normal.

Her composure was similar to Theodore's. This was the talented mind and body of someone accepted as a disciple of a sword master. Rebecca gazed at Theo silently before making up her mind. "Sir Theodore, can you make it so that sound doesn't leak out of this room?"

He quietly created a wall of silence.

* * *

The Andras Empire was a country where everything was determined through violence. The empire's Seven Swords reigned at the apex and could be called the leaders of the people. In fact, they had the right to rule over everyone except the emperor.

Assets like estates or property were meaningless. What value would that have to a sword master who was like a walking storm? They had omnipotent power within the empire.

The clans which the Seven Swords came from could be called the heart of the Andras Empire.

"Our family, Clovis, was once prestigious within the empire as we had produced one of the Seven Swords."

According to Rebecca, around 130 years ago, the Clovis family had risen due to the presence of a sword master. For the first time, their house had been filled with chandeliers and luxurious furnishings. They had believed it would lead to hundreds of years of trust.

However, that belief had been shattered.

"One day, His Majesty gave a decree. Track down the warlock disturbing the empire and cut off his head."

The Seven Swords were absolutely obedient to the emperor. The sword master ancestor of the Clovis family received the order and crossed the border. However, he never returned.

The clan's downfall had begun from that time. The sword master hadn't been able to fulfill his emperor's order, causing the jackals to descend upon them, and the Clovis name had been dropped in an instant.

Randolph and Rebecca had been born into that dying family.

"My father had his own skills. He didn't have enough strength, but he searched for talented women and sowed his seed."

"You mean…"

"Randolph and I are half siblings." Her cold eyes stared into the distance, like she was gazing at someone who wasn't here. "Most of the children he created were failures. Apart from Randolph and I, the others were sold to other families. In order to raise a sword master, the family needed to put all their strength into one person."

Magicians were born, but the empire had their own way of fostering aura users. Genius children were selected and elixirs poured into them. Then they would be fostered by one of the Seven Swords, and there was a high probability they would become the next generation of sword masters.

Randolph and Rebecca had both met the criteria of a genius. However, Clovis hadn't had the power to strengthen both of them. It was a situation where the clan had to abandon one of the two people. At that time, there had been tests to inspect the quality, so Randolph and Rebecca had been forced to be on opposite sides.

Then Randolph Clovis had gone on to leave the house in the middle of the night. It had been for the sake of his sister.

"He left a letter saying he would see me again, but… since then, I haven't heard any news about him," Rebecca spoke up to there and looked at Theo quietly. Her green eyes were a little bit wet. Her story didn't seem to be false. Additionally, she had no reason to lie. Why would she need to create a detailed soap opera for Theodore, who didn't even know the climate of the Andras Empire?

That was why Theo decided to talk. "I met Randolph half a year ago."

His voice flowed in the room surrounded by Silence magic, and Rebecca became much brighter as she listened to the story.

She was surprised to hear that Randolph had been searching for their ancestor's double swords and then delighted once she heard he'd found them in the elder lich's dungeon. At that moment, she looked like a girl her age.

"I see. He is still my brother."

Rebecca listened to her favourite parts again before burying her body back into the bed with a satisfied expression. She seemed to have forgotten about the pain of the broken ribs. The conversation between the two people as well as the Silence magic was almost over.

Ding! At 9 p.m., the bells rang through the royal palace, signaling the start of the night.

It wasn't an appropriate time for an adult male and female to stay in a room together. Theo hadn't realized how much time passed and quickly got up from his seat. This had been a pleasant time in many ways.

"Then I will be going. It is funny for me to say this to a person I wounded, but please be careful."

"Ah, Sir Theodore—" Rebecca tried to call out to him, but her ribs hurt, so no voice emerged from her parted lips.

In the end, the door closed, leaving her alone. The room grew quiet as Rebecca carefully stretched out a hand toward the door. She hadn't paid the price of defeat yet.

"…Let's promise to meet in the future, Sir Theodore."

She vowed that she would repay this debt someday as she closed her eyes.

* * *

The thing which happened after that was really ridiculous.

Theo left the room and stared at the guard with lukewarm eyes, before returning to his room with a feeling of uncertainty. As always, he fed two books to Gluttony and made a training schedule before falling asleep.

Then he was pounced on the next day. Theo had been planning to ask Veronica for some training when he was suddenly turned several times in the air, with the source being Sylvia and Blundell.

It was then that Theodore realized a rumour had spread, and he recalled Rebecca's playful smile.

'That pair of hateful brother and sister are both the same!'

He had never expected a blow from Randolph to return this way. Theo struggled to escape from Blundell's clutches but eventually gave up.

Chapter 91 – Leap in Sensitivity (1)

The two countries' discussion continued for a few more days.

Using the pretext of goodwill from Theo winning the duel, the Andras Empire was forced to sit at the negotiating table in an unfavourable position. It wasn't just because Rebecca had been defeated by Theodore. After it was revealed that Lloyd Pollan had snuck away from the dinner party, the delegation was forced to bow their heads in apology to Meltor for the trouble they had caused.

Four days later, the new agreement between the two countries was settled.

"Then I will check the final version." Meltor's chief delegate, Karlov, read through the new agreement slowly. "Both Andras and Meltor have extended the deadline of the existing armistice agreement to 10 years from now. Furthermore, Andras will transfer the Purth, Begul, and Hergen estates to the Meltor side of the border. Additionally, the management of the three iron mines and one gold mine, of which the ownership is unclear, shall be taken over by the estates concerned. The ratio of tariffs…"

The dozens of great and trivial clauses were read in a loud voice, with none of them in favor of the Andras Empire. The longer his voice continued, the more the faces of the delegation wrinkled. No, the Meltor side was inwardly grinning as they looked at those crumpled faces.

How many opportunities would they get to negotiate a favourable deal with Andras, the strongest military power on the northern continent? In Meltor's long history, it was a rare case which couldn't even be counted on five fingers.

Karlov continued for nearly 10 minutes before stopping.

"It is accurate. The Andras Empire agrees with Meltor's proposal and will extend the armistice agreement with such conditions." The surprising thing was Pan Helliones' reaction. He accepted the agreement, which was disadvantageous for his country, without any objections.

Meltor had prepared many countermeasures in case the empire refused, so they couldn't help being taken aback by the easy agreement. However, as a result, Meltor had obtained what it wanted.

Having lost the excuse of negotiations, the delegation was forced to leave the capital city of Mana-vil six days after arriving.

* * *

'Six days is really too quick.'

Theodore laid down the book he was reading and looked at the delegation moving through the gates.

It was a sight which could only be seen from the highest buildings in Mana-vil, the tall magic towers. He looked at someone using 'Hawkeye,' but unfortunately, she still wasn't recovered enough to use a horse.

'If she really was riding, then I would be more scared.'

Afterall, she had received five Shock Impacts from a close distance without dodging.

Theo looked at the bandage which was still wrapped around his forearm. He knew that aura was excellent for defense, but the defensive power of a skilled knight was beyond imagination. He didn't use all his power, but only a few of her ribs were broken?

If it hadn't been a situation where most of the aura had been deflected, it might not have ended with just a scratch on his arm.

A day would come when he would feel the attack power of an aura user again. If they reunited someday, Rebecca would be several times more terrible than she was now. There was no spare room for Theo to enjoy the short victory.

In the past six months, many nobles had tried to court him which was why he hid in the library.

"…It should be okay if I move." Theo moved his arms several times and gradually loosened the bandage wound from his wrist to his elbow.

Fortunately, the skin beneath it was neat, and there was just a single trace of a scar. According to the healer's advice, it was still too early for strenuous exercise, but Theo could move it. Thus, Theodore moved his body lightly while reading a book.

"Theodore! Theodore Miller!" Somebody's voice rang out in the hallway.

Theo responded to the call by raising his body. "Yes, did something happen?"

"Ah, here you are! I am Andy from the Magic Society. I have been directed to bring Theodore to the society's main office."

"The society's main office?" Theo asked with a strange expression.

It was at the top of the central magic tower and was a room which magicians normally didn't have access to in their lifetime. By default, tasks were solved by the four towers, and the society just handled the legal procedures. The society's president was normally the only one in the room.

"Yes, the president of the Magic Society called you directly. He wants you to come as soon as you can."

"Well, I understand. I'll go straight away."

The Magic Society's library was located at a fairly high level. Theo had to climb up several floors from this library, so he put the book away. Then he started walking behind the messenger, Andy. The office wasn't far away, so the two people stopped in front of a door after five minutes.

As always, Theo was soon left alone. He then touched the society office's door carefully. The door was lighter than it looked, and a soft light shone from inside the office.

"Oh, you came," the old man he'd seen at the gathering last time, the president of the society, greeted Theo in a pleasant voice.

Veronica waved from where she was standing beside him. Theodore stepped forward and bowed. Neither of them were people he could treat comfortably.

"Red Magic Tower's Superior, Theodor Miller greets the President and Tower Master."

"It is good to see you. Sorry for my sudden call but there is something that we need to do."

"It's okay. I was just finishing what I was doing."

"Then I'm glad. Now, sit down."

Theo took one step further at the words.

"Ah?" However, he was shocked to see something behind them. No, it was more accurate to say that he freaked out.

The shape of the 'thing' which appeared in the soft lighting was so shocking that he almost reflexively shot out a Magic Bullet. Maybe he didn't feel its presence because it wasn't a living creature? It looked like a statue of a bald troll.

'A statue, a statue.' Either way, it wasn't a decoration that the Magic Society would place in its office. The dynamic nature of the awful appearance made it seem like the troll could come alive at any moment.

However, as the surprised Theodore sat down in a chair, the two people didn't explain what he was seeing.

The president of the Magic Society opened his mouth with a wry smile, "The work this time turned out really well. I didn't think the people of Andras would accept the proposal. You were the high elf's escort, and you're now the main contributor of this agreement."

"You're overpraising me."

"No, not at all. Don't you know it yourself? The reason why I called you here."

Frankly, he did have an idea. "A reward, isn't it?"

The president's mouth stretched widely at Theo's hesitant answer. "Correct. His Majesty and I discussed it with the tower masters and decided to give you a reward. The problem is that it is still top secret, so there will be a lot of controversy if we award it externally."


"Keep this in mind. It is an item not even known in the Yellow Tower except for me and the tower masters. Therefore, you won't be able to avoid punishment if the information leaks."

The president tried to warn him, but the listening Veronica immediately cut off his words. "Old Man, why are you trying to scare the kid? We decided to give him the reward, so we will take responsibility."

"No, it is still…"

"Kid, you know this much, don't you?" Veronica cut the old man off again and grinned at Theodore.

Theo nodded hurriedly, and the president swallowed his words. He wanted to grumble about people not respecting the elderly these days, but it would seem like he was bullying a pretty girl. More than anything else, he wasn't the senior in this place.

[From there, can I explain?]

At that time, a scraping sound like wood being scratched resonated through the room. The president and Veronica didn't react much, but Theodore instinctively sprung up from his chair. The flowing voice irritated his nerves.

Theo moved 10 meters away from the direction of the sound, then he looked at the source. Once he saw it, an absurd expression appeared on his face. "…The statue, it spoke?"

It was as he said. The bald-headed troll-like statue was moving like a living creature. It rubbed its neck several times before sitting down on the floor. Then the eyeballs carved of stone stared at Theo and it started laughing.

[Kuha, ha, surprised? Long time, see, reaction.]

Of course, Theo was surprised. Even the legendary gargoyles didn't flap their wings like they were real. The same went for golems created by ancient magicians and dwarves combining their strength. They moved roughly like dolls and exerted a powerful destructive strength. That strength was wonderful, but there were no records of any golems which acted like real people.

The bald troll transcended modern magic. However, it didn't transcend the laws of physics.


Veronica couldn't stand the jarring laughter and kicked the bald troll in the shins. The statue was half-crushed by the blow and thrown to the floor of the office, cutting off its laughter. In many ways, it was an unusual situation.

Veronica spoke with her foot on the statue, "Didn't I tell you a few times not to laugh out loud, you gremlin? Don't scare the kid."

[This, strength, old lizard…!]

"What?" A vein throbbed on her forehead as she shouted and moved her feet a few more times.

Kwaang! Kwaang!

One hit and then two hits to the arms and legs. The statue was beaten up and had no limbs. Veronica's kick could smash a heavy door, so even the statue which was beyond modern magic couldn't withstand it.

The president sighed heavily at the sight and looked at Theodore. Maybe he had seen this sight a few times.

Theo looked at his attitude and asked carefully, "President, that statue…?"

"Hmm, I didn't want to do the introductions in this messy situation, but it can't be helped." The president pointed to the statue which had been turned to scrap metal. "As you can see, that statue is extraordinary. The way it moves and the materials it is made up of are unidentified. It is an unknown golem that only a 7th Circle magician can control."

This was one of the undiscovered mysteries of the magic towers.

"Yellow Tower Master Norden… He is controlling that statue."

Chapter 92 – Leap in Sensitivity (2)

Theodore swallowed a breath.

In fact, he had guessed it before the Magic Society's president replied, but the feeling after it was confirmed was different. The only possible existence was the Yellow Tower Master. He was the mysterious tower master whose age and gender was unknown.

According to rumors, he had the right to refuse any summons, and no one other than the tower masters and the king could meet him. The top floor of the Yellow Tower was literally a forbidden area.

According to the president of the Magic Society, even he had only seen the Yellow Tower Master once or twice in 100 years.

"Wait, did you say 100 years?"

"That's right. I understand your surprise, but it doesn't end here."

Theo was amazed by the large number.

"According to the central office, the magic towers were built according to his designs, and he contributed to the prosperity of this country more than any other tower master. Norden's position in pharmacy, alchemy, metallurgy and architecture is already equal to a god's. He is the reason why the northern continent boasts of more superior artifacts than other regions."

"The design of the magic towers…?! But President, according to your explanation, the Yellow Tower Master should be-"

"At least 600 years old."

It was an answer beyond imagination, so Theodore finally became speechless.

From what he remembered, the magic towers had been built around 500 years ago and had completed their structure over several generations. The prosperity of the Meltor Kingdom was said to have taken a few steps as soon as the magic towers had started functioning.

The Yellow Tower Master was the foremost pioneer of the Meltor Kingdom! It was no wonder as to why the royal family had kept the secret of his identity. His extraordinary lifespan and transcendental capabilities would be burdensome if exposed.

'More than 600 years old… he is definitely not human.'

A sword master or magician couldn't live that long. Elves boasted a long lifespan of 200 years, but even the high elves who inherited the ancient linage only lived up to approximately 300 to 400 years old.

If he had to choose a candidate as beings that lived forever, it would be the demons or gods, or the dragons that were praised as the strongest creature. However, it was too much to accept them as the correct answer.

More than anything else, their species couldn't become magicians. Magic was a skill tailored to the human species, and they learned it from other species. For those innately born with magic, they had no desire to learn such an inefficient system. It was absolutely impossible to have the magic ability to lead civilization into new types of fields while living as a tower master.

The magic society's president picked up on Theo's thoughts and laughed. "It is useless."


"The things you are thinking about right now have already been covered by numerous magicians. As long as he doesn't reveal his identity, it will be pointless to make any assumptions. So, don't worry too much about unnecessary things."

As if to confirm those words, the fighting between the two tower masters finished. The banging sound from a corner of the office stopped, and something appeared. Veronica had completely crushed the arms, legs, and body of the Yellow Tower Master, so only the head of the bald troll remained. The head which shone yellow rolled to Theodore's feet.

As it rolled, the troll head mumbled, [Huge, recovery function, not working. That's why, from the beginning, make it again.]

"Will you stop whining?" Veronica walked behind the head and placed it on her palm. "The Red Tower will pay for the costs of the repairs, so quickly give it to the kid."

[Hmm, just a thing, it's not. This.]

"Explain it to the kid, not me."

[Cough.] The troll head turned toward Theodore at Veronica's words.

Suddenly, the face melted down as the eyes, nose, and ears disappeared before appearing again. It was a magic phenomenon of which Theo couldn't guess the principles. The previous cut off voice changed completely as it said, [The reward given to you is 'Sensitivity Amplifier – No. 37.']

"Sensitivity Amplifier…"

[That's right. You should know how large of an existence sensitivity is to magicians. No training or items can increase your sensitivity.] However, the voice then declared triumphantly, [But with this amplifier, you can go beyond your limits!]

Then he poured out a jewel box from his mouth.

"Ah." Theodore was amazed by the action and took the box.

This caused the Yellow Tower Master to speak in a surprised voice, [Ah right, sorry. I forgot that my limbs were broken.]

"No, it's okay," Theo responded as he naturally placed the box in his left hand. It was made by magic, so could Gluttony eat this?

The thin tongue crawled through a gap in the box, and the phenomenon he wanted occurred soon afterwards.

[Sensitivity Amplifier – No. 37 (Remedy)]

[This is an elixir born as a result of combining eastern alchemy, western alchemy and pharmacology. It has gone through 36 failed attempts, so the number 37 was included in its name. It was completed with rare ingredients, ancient alchemy, and the workmanship of a high-level magician. It is a remedy which greatly increases the sensitivity to mana.

* The rating of this remedy is 'Treasure.'

* When consumed, sensitivity is dramatically increased.

* When consumed, there is no digestion time.

* When consumed, understanding of alchemy will increase by two steps.

* It is more efficient to consume this through the mouth than by using Gluttony's eating function. Once taken, immunity to this remedy will build. It will become invalid after two doses.]

'This is real.'

It wasn't that he didn't believe the Yellow Tower Master's explanation, but Theo was able to truly realize the value after seeing the information window.

In the past, he had a lack of self-confidence due to his poor sensitivity. It was said that sensitivity couldn't be increased at all. So, a remedy capable of doing that would be truly expensive. Not just dunces but ordinary students would be able to make a few steps of progress. If it could be supplied in large quantities, the national power of Meltor would increase by several times.

[By the way. From the idea to its completion, the amount of ingredients consumed is worth 350,000 gold. Yet I can't even sell the finished product. It is ridiculous.]

"…?!" Theodore stiffened at the words that the Yellow Tower Master grumbled.

64 years of research and ingredients worth 350,000 gold had been placed in his hand. The light jewel box was now like a heavy gold coin box. Indeed, there was no need to keep it a secret if they could mass produce it.

Veronica didn't know his feelings and said, "Now, Kid. Take it right here. It is cleaner in many ways."

"Here? Now?"


"…Ah, I see. It shouldn't be kept or sold. Right?"

"Truly amazing, Kid." She laughed and patted Theo on the head.

As she said, the upper echelons gave him this medicine for the purpose of 'taking,' so they wouldn't tolerate the act of selling or keeping it. This was a national secret, so the amplifier had to be consumed while the president of the Magic Society and two tower masters were present.

Of course, that wasn't the only reason why the tower masters gathered.

"Besides, isn't it better to have masters watching you? We can't help, but we can ensure your safety. It is why I called you here."

It was definitely like she said. Veronica was a master magician of the 8th Circle, and the president had reached the 7th Circle. There were no humans who could touch Theo with the two of them guarding him.

Theodore was finally convinced and opened the lid of the box.


A sweet and sour scent flowed out. Just smelling the fragrance made him feel like his lungs had cooled. The smell was coming from a blue bead lying in the center of the box. Theo picked up the remedy carefully, and…


He swallowed it.

['Sensitivity Amplifier – No. 37' has been consumed. The power is stimulating your potential.]

[The user's mana sensitivity will be adjusted to the maximum value.]

[You can experience a temporary sensation of the sensitivity running wild. Maintain a strong spirit against it.]

The remedy was amazing in many ways. It melted as soon as it reached his tongue, and the texture was like licking fog. The water vapour flowed down Theodore's throat. A refreshing aroma hit his nose, and he could feel it go down his esophagus.

After he finished consuming it, a mysterious expression crossed Theo's face.

'I wonder… is this all?'

However, the full-scale reaction happened after this.

"......…..!?" Theodore fell off the chair and rolled about on the ground.

He didn't feel the pain from hitting the floor or hear Veronica's and the president's voices calling out to him.

Theo was familiar with pain, but this sensation was something which couldn't be described as pain.

It was difficult to explain, but let's look at a simple example. If a person's nose suddenly became as sensitive as a wolf's, would they be able to smell like a wolf? If a person's ears suddenly became as sensitive as a bat's, could they move freely in the dark? The answer would be 'no.'

Sometimes, sensory information going beyond the limits was like violence. Just like how eyes adjusted to darkness were pained by light, the five senses were based on a person's everyday self. Mana sensitivity was the same. They were some who felt a crisp sensation like they caught it in their hands, while others struggled to pursue a feeling which was fainter than dust.

The usual Theodore perceived sensitivity as a light water vapour around him, but it was now a big iceberg. The forcibly extended sensitivity blocked his breathing.

'I-I can't breath… this situation…!' He felt like he was dying under the non-existent pressure which pushed down on him.

Then at that moment, the hand of salvation grabbed his neck.

"Kid, wake up!"

The fingers wrapped around his neck were hot. Veronica's heat momentarily allowed him to regain his senses.

His five senses came back, and he could breathe despite the mana still pressing on his body. However, he couldn't escape despite knowing it was an illusion. As Theo struggled to overcome it somehow, he heard Veronica's sharp voice.

–Don't refuse the mana! The mana crushing you has always been around you! You just didn't feel it until now. There is no reason to refuse it just because you didn't know it until now. Use some magic!

The unconscious acceptance of the advice was probably the result of living for years as a magician.

"…Light…ning… Bolt." It was the beginner magic which hadn't succeeded even once until Gluttony had awoken the first time. Theo's disturbed mind pierced through the faint memory. It was a 2nd Circle magic which could, at best, produce dozens of lightning arrows.

However, the result was far beyond his expectations.


100 or 200… Several hundred streaks of lightning appeared inside the society's office. The papers which were grazed by them ended up burning, and soot appeared on the floor. The havoc proved that his power was several times larger than what it had been before.

The phenomenon of sensitivity running wild was close to a disaster.

"Good! You're doing well!"

Nobody present would get hurt by something like this. Veronica had been hit by several dozen lightning bolts at close range, but there wasn't a single burn mark. The basic 4th Circle defense magic around her body bounced it off.

Rather, she placed a hand on Theo's shoulder and encouraged him to use more magic. In the end, the statue was the only thing which shattered in the office. Was it because of that…?

Theo gradually regained his sanity. '…Ah.'

The fog-like mana was now like mud, and it weighed down on his skin.

'So, this is the feeling of mana.'

Unlike before, his breathing wasn't blocked. Mana didn't exist, so it wasn't a real weight. It was just proof of his increased sensitivity. Theo got up slowly and waved his hands in the empty space. There was something in the air where there should only be air resistance.


Some said water. Some said earth. Some said fire.

Theo had never felt it until now. He'd thought it was just an exaggeration or the senses of a genius. For Theodore Miller, mana had always been a mirage mocking him in the distance or a cloud in the sky he couldn't reach with his magic.

However, that wasn't the case from now on. The overwhelming talent which Sylvia had showed previously… the level of sensitivity which didn't even require a chant…

Finally, Theo got his hands on what he hadn't been able to obtain.

Chapter 93 – Leap in Sensitivity (3)

"Ah, the kid's reaction to consuming it is too sudden," Veronica spoke, sighing with relief, while Theo was feeling thrilled.

They knew that the increase in sensitivity was accompanied by some side effects, but Theo's reaction was much worse than they had anticipated. There was a chance that he might've really suffocated. Even the Yellow Tower Master who created the remedy hadn't expected the situation.

He stared at the empty box and muttered seriously, [Strange. For that much reaction, the sensitivity should be near the bottom… but a person who climbed to the 5th Circle at age 20 wouldn't be like that… Is the stability still insufficient? I should review it once again.]

It was the right answer, but the Yellow Tower Master didn't realize that it was right. The young hero of the Meltor Kingdom, who was already mentioned as a candidate for becoming a master magician, truly had bottom-level sensitivity.

In the end, the Yellow Tower Master would carry out months of research without any idea of this.

"Kid, have you regained your mind?" Veronica reached through the remaining lightning around Theo and grabbed his shoulder.

Theodore was startled away from the mana. Despite the fabric, the heat coming from her was considerable. Like mana, it wasn't real, but it was intense enough for him to confuse it as a real tactile sense.

His neck which had been grabbed a while ago was still hot.

"Thank you for your help, Tower Master."

"It isn't a big deal."

A stuffy feeling still remained, but Theo thanked Veronica for her help. Her furnace-like presence had awoken his senses so that he could endure the crushing mana pressure. In some sense, Veronica was the most appropriate helper.

As Theo's complexion returned to its original state, Veronica started speaking, "For the moment, you should be cautious when using magic. Your sensitivity is now greatly increased, so the speed and power of your magic power will increase greatly. However, your ability to control it will be a mess. There may be a catastrophe if you use wide area magic."


Theo just needed to look at the Lightning Bolt from before. The power had been several times larger than the maximum power of his original spell. Even if it didn't work on Veronica, the spell's power was more than that of the 3rd Circle. If it hit ordinary people, then they would go to the Underworld.

It felt like wings had suddenly appeared on his legs! However, it was impossible for Theodore, who had just started to fly, to deal with his senses completely. So, he paid careful attention to Veronica's next words.

"If your magic so far has been forcing bottled water into a cup, from now on you will have to control the water level by opening and closing a reservoir. You'll need a lot of concentration."

"I can't just excel in sensitivity."

"Of course. Sensitivity or magic power is like a weapon, so it depends on the user's skills. A fool who is good at sensitivity only appears a few times in one generation."

Veronica laughed at those faceless fools. They were lazy people who depended on their innate talent and didn't know the rigors of magic. So, they didn't realize why it took them years or decades to cross the 'wall.'

The majority of them became frustrated and stopped in front of the first 'wall' they encountered, while a moderately talented person who worked hard was a greater magician than some geniuses.

Talent might come from the sky, but the spirit was tempered by hardships.

The five years of being shackled by a total lack of capabilities had refined Theodore Miller's spirit into steel. It was the reason why his growth rate was exceptional after receiving the grimoire. He had worked hard and expanded his capacity beyond his limits.

"Additionally, if you jump over the wall of the 7th Circle and become a master, you will reach the limits of sensitivity. So, don't indulge in your senses and continue doing what you've been doing so far. This concludes Sister Veronica's advice. How is it, isn't it helpful?"

"Yes, very much so." Theo gazed at her with heartfelt gratitude.

Veronica's advice was worth a thousand gold. In this age, there were only two people who had reached the 8th Circle, so one thousand gold for her advice was really cheap. However, Veronica who gave him such kindness couldn't look in Theo's eyes. If it had been anyone else, they would've laughed.

Instead, the mood was ruined by the Yellow Tower Master's voice coming from the troll's head, [Don't turn your head away, lizard girl. Why are you acting like this toward a much younger child?]

"Ugh, I will deal with you at a later time." Veronica fell into anger for a moment.

However, she then shook her head and handed the head over to Theo because she wanted the Yellow Tower Master to stop joking. Of course, she would beat him up later, but that unfortunate future was delayed.

The troll's head looked at Theo and said, [Hrmm… a truly interesting guy. Additionally, I can smell an enormous elemental from you. I thought the Red Tower Master was being an alarmist when she said you would be the next great magician.]

"Ah, thank you…?"

[I just judged you objectively. Congratulations for being the first subject… no, beneficiary of my remedy. I will remember your name.]

Then he said a few words only to Theo, [I won't see you for a while, but we will meet again someday. Theodore Miller, when that time comes, I will discuss the secrets hidden in you.]


[Then, it ends here.]

While Theo was astonished, the troll's head turned into dust.

Theodore eyed the dust remaining in his hand, but it didn't change into something else. In any case, the magic power of the Yellow Tower Master seemed to have reached a high level, regardless of the number of circles.

'No, maybe he has stepped beyond the 7th Circle.'

The existence of the Yellow Tower Master was a top secret. In fact, it was enough to say that he had the abilities of a magician which exceeded the 7th Circle.

Theo had that thought in mind just before he blew away the dust. He wouldn't be able to take any countermeasures to anything the Yellow Tower Master did, so it was ridiculous to strain his mind with anxiety. Indeed, it was a judgment made by an efficient mind.

So, the voice he heard then was surprising.

–User, be careful of that person called the Yellow Tower Master.

Gluttony woke up from its sleep and cautioned Theo. Before Theo could ask for the reason, Gluttony continued speaking.

-The remedy that User ingested… the entity that made it is likely the descendant of an ancient species or the owner of another grimoire.


–The alchemy procedures and techniques used in that remedy were performed more than 2,000 years ago. Not only obtaining the knowledge but applying it to pharmacology… I can guess a few grimoires, but I can't confirm it now.

'A grimoire's master.'

Theodore's face stiffened at the reminder of the past devastation caused by the 'Death's Worship' grimoire. The legion of undead under the elder lich was a terrible disaster. However, Theo soon regained his composure.

'The owner of a grimoire… Does that mean the Yellow Tower Master isn't eroded by the grimoire?'

–If he actually is a grimoire owner, that is correct. Rather, he is taking full advantage of its features.


It wasn't necessary to be afraid of or evade the Yellow Tower Master at this time as it was unlikely Theo would be attacked like that time with the elder lich. If the Yellow Tower Master had been such a person in the first place, he wouldn't have contributed to the prosperity of Meltor for hundreds of years.

Moreover, there was also no reason for Theo to boast about his secret. Right now, the information that Theo had was too little.

The magic kingdom, Meltor… There truly were many secrets hidden at its heart. Along with the secrets of the Yellow Tower Master and the masked White Tower Master, there were also many mysteries sleeping in the magic towers. Someday Theo might reach those secrets but not today.

"…I'll see you again someday," he repeated the Yellow Tower Master's words.

There were many things he couldn't imagine about Meltor, and it was overflowing with mysteries. He shouldn't reach out rashly towards them. It was currently time to confront the challenges and devote himself to training.

'First, I need to fix this.' Theo's eyes shone as he felt the mana pressure again.

The talent he had been longing for was right in front of his eyes.

* * *

From then on, Theodore's routine changed a bit. After half a year, he had already learned the magic of the 5th Circle. There might be a difference in proficiency for each magic, but he was proud to say that he had learned everything properly.

From then on, Theo had to accumulate experience in practice. He continued his training, despite his falling efficiency. At the same time, a challenge arrived to knock him off that plateau.

Kwarurung! The fire, which exploded with a fearsome rumble, knocked roughly against the barrier of the practice room.

Its power and shape looked like the 5th Circle attack magic, Fire Blast. This was a powerful ranged spell which would burn dozens of meters around a single point. Only Superiors of the Red Magic Tower could use it properly.

However, Theo's face didn't brighten at the success of the magic.

"…This… Blaze Shell."

The magic formula and timing of the spell were perfect. However, the result was different from what he had intended. A 4th Circle magic turned spontaneously into a 5th Circle magic? It was a mistake a rookie just learning magic would make.

Theodore sighed as he looked down at his palms and then the messy practice room. He didn't know how many times he had failed already.

'I know why I failed. The reason is…'

The speed of mana flow had been too fast, and the amount of mana he had drawn had been too much. Additionally, the power of the mana had become too strong in response to his emotions. In summary, it was because his sensitivity had increased too rapidly.

The problem was that it was difficult to correct the errors caused by his own effort. Theo hadn't been born with abundant sensitivity, so he couldn't help finding this abundance annoying. More mana than necessary responded to his call, then the magic had become unintentionally tangled up with the mana which hadn't been called.

'It is necessary to learn the tricks.' It didn't take long for Theodore to realize this.

However, he had limited people to seek advice from. Masters exceeded their sensitivity, but the tower masters and Magic Society's president couldn't become Theo's tutors. Veronica gave him a few tips occasionally, but the senses of a quarter dragon were very different from that of ordinary humans.

In the end, the candidates were narrowed down to one person. It was one of Theo's peers and a person who had acquired the highest level of sensitivity since birth, and then cultivated magic in a blessed environment.

She was a genius who wasn't as good as Theodore but had built a number of achievements and was going to be promoted to a Superior next quarter.

"Please take care of me!" She, Sylvia Adruncus, spoke to him shyly.

Chapter 94 – State Guests of Elvenheim (0), End of Volume 4

In retrospect, it was hard to find a more suitable person than her. Sylvia could talk at the same level as Theodore, and she was a top prospect who received Blundell��s teachings. Compared to the masters who were difficult to understand, she was a good match for his level.

"Yes, please take care of me as well." Theo felt strange as he accepted the greeting.

It had been a long time since he'd met Sylvia, but they had a friendly relationship. No, he hadn't seen her often except for the time when they'd traveled together by carriage to the Miller Barony. After that, they had been more busy than anyone else in the past six months.

That period of time was long enough for them to notice the changes in each other.

'Uh, her hair is longer?'

Sylvia was 18 years old. She was still growing and had become more feminine than she'd been half a year ago, making Theo moderately confused. Her hair, which had been cut around her neck, now flowed down her back, and the smooth curves of her body were revealed despite her straight posture. Additionally, her previously round, childlike eyes had become curved, and her chin line was also more defined.

The difference of six months had also affected Theodore.

'…Theo, you've grown.' Sylvia look up carefully at Theo, who was a head taller than her.

During the carriage ride, the difference had been just a few fingers. The muscles revealed under his loose clothing made Theodore seem like a strong young man instead of a boy.

In fact, Gluttony and Lee Yoonsung should be credited for this growth. Theodore was a baron's son who had grown up in the countryside, so his physique was at a mediocre level. He didn't have the blood of a warrior, and both parents were only averagely sized. Theo had grown up in such an environment and yet reached a height of 6 feet.

The reason for this was that after learning 'Battle Song' and extracting the essence of the original, his innate framework had been reconstructed. Lee Yoonsung hadn't been able to learn aura, but his physical condition absolutely hadn't been normal. No ordinary boy of 15 years would be able to traverse the continent alone. His body had been extraordinary as it had contained the blood of hundreds of years of martial artists.

Well, for whatever reason, Sylvia and Theo felt uncomfortable with each other.


The eyes of the two people finally met, and Sylvia instantly turned bright red. The action was quickly followed by the movement of her long silver hair.

Her introverted nature was still present. Theo was glad to realize this for some reason. Perhaps it was because he had only seen Sylvia look like this.

"Then shall we start?" As Sylvia spoke in a small voice, her slender fingers clutched her staff.

* * *

Chants were words that a magician cried out more often than the names of family and friends, and it contained the power to activate magic. A few words would cause a lightning bolt to pop out or for flames to soar. For those who didn't know magic, they were really mysterious words. However, if asked whether there was any special power in the chant itself, every magician in the world would deny it.

Casting was merely an autosuggestion.

"Fireball," Sylvia muttered, and a fireball appeared in the air.

It was the 3rd Circle's most famous attack spell, Fireball. This was a magic to summon a fireball and explode it toward a target.

She moved the fireball around and continued explaining, "[Basic Magic Theory] teaches that magic and chants can't be separated like this. A chant is definitely amazing. It isn't an exaggeration to say that a new history of magic appeared once chants were developed. …Kuk."

Sylvia grabbed her staff and looked in the air.


In the place where she looked, the same fireball as the one she had just called suddenly appeared. It was clearly a 3rd Circle Fireball.

"Prior to that, no one used chants. Now, it is common to consider no casting as special. The appearance of chants greatly expanded the power of a magician, so all magicians were captivated by the magic chants."

"Chants… are they a restriction?"

"Yes, Theo should know a bit about chants. Putting a certain amount of magic power into a magic formula is a type of 'chant'."

In other words, it was a type of association work. It was like recalling the texture, smell, and shape of a tree when thinking the word 'tree', just like how 'rock' reminded people of the texture, rigidity, and weight of a rock.

Likewise, Sylvia unconsciously calculated the magic formula, deployment method, and amount of magic power consumed when thinking of the word 'Fireball.' The speed and completeness were the advantages and disadvantages of a chant.

"In other words, casting is a habit. A habit we created ourselves and nestled it inside us. It is difficult to rewrite a habit that has been ingrained for a few years up to several decades. I think it is the reason why Theo's magic keeps failing."

"Amazing, I never thought about it that way," Theodore admired involuntarily.

Sylvia's advice was an insight difficult for anyone else to have given him. From the moment of her birth, she had been overflowing with sensitivity. Due to this, she had to 'constrain' it in the normal casting method which everyone else used.

'She has a point. The feeling and calculation is the same, but the power to control it has suddenly changed. It may be a conflict between the unconsciously calculated contents and the consciously calculated contents.'

At the novel advice, Theo felt like a wall inside his head was collapsing.

"Okay! Then I'll move onto the next topic." On the other hand, Sylvia was excited about this situation.

It was her first experience of talking like this with a peer. Only the elders of the magic towers and her grandfathers could be a match for her. Having met the person she had long been waiting for, Sylvia poured out the knowledge in her head. Even when Theo refuted some of her words, it made her happy.

How many hours had they spent sitting on the floor of the practice room? After digging out everything in each other's heads, the two people somehow managed to find a solution.

"…Is it truly no casting?"

"Yep, I think this is the case."

The conclusion reached by the two geniuses was simple. From now on, Theo was to use no casting for all magic!

It was possible to fix the habit of 'casting,' but it was calculated that it would take Theo three months to learn up to the 5th Circle again. This was on the premise that he devoted day and night to training.

However, the situation would change greatly if he got used to not using the casting method.

'It might take more than three months, or less than three months.'

The crossroad depended on Theo's own learning ability, so he didn't hesitate. He was confident that he could do it. That was because of the girl in front of him. He would do this, with the pride of a magician and a man.

Theo got up from his spot and reached out to Sylvia while saying, "I will try it once that way."

The path of making a habit out of not casting was a thorny road which no one had succeeded in except for Sylvia. Maybe the difficulty would be worse than recovering his chants one by one. However, if Theo was successful, his magic abilities would take a step closer into the master's realm. It was a cliff which stretched out before him.

The girl smiled brightly at Theo's determination. "Yes! Theo can do it!"

At first he led her, and now it was her turn to lead him. Sylvia ignored the pounding of her heart and grabbed Theo's hand. As always, she was grateful to him for coming to where she was.

From that day onwards, the special training of the two people began.

* * *

It had been a month since then.

After deciding to use every magic with no casting, Theodore literally saw hell. The training to deal with his expanded senses wasn't easy.

Using an analogy, it was similar to having three or four arms on his body. Still having both arms didn't mean he could skillfully control his new arms. No, instead, it just confused his pre-existing arms.

'At first, 3rd Circle magic took a few seconds.'

The no-casting method Sylvia taught Theo was different from what he was used to. It wasn't just a quick oral formula. He had to calculate it using his growing sensitivity while trying to complete the magic faster. It was here that Sylvia's magic was faster than Theo's.

The difficulty of the technique she established was murderous, and Theodore's head hurt for the first time while learning. However, the culmination of his efforts didn't betray him.

Hwaruruk! A huge fireball appeared above Theodore's head without any precursors. It was the 4th Circle Blaze Shell that he had failed a month ago. As soon as Sylvia's nod confirmed its completeness, he used the next magic.

His magic power pushed at the surrounding air roughly.

4th Circle ice magic, Frozen Orb…

4th Circle lightning magic, Lightning Spear…

4th Circle wind magic, Gale Force…

Including Blaze Shell, Theo completed four magic spells simultaneously, and they were in a stable state. This meant that Theo could maintain 4th Circle intermediate magic without any parameters.

Sylvia nodded and ordered another magic, "Erase everything. Last one."

The four terrible magic spells faded into the air. It was evidence that he could do both activation and cancellation well. Perhaps he could use magic under the 4th Circle in the blink of an eye. However, Theodore's and Sylvia's capabilities didn't end there.

The very next moment, the air distorted strangely.

"Ah." Theo's head hurt.

However, Theo didn't lose his concentration and completed the magic. It was fire magic which pushed the limits of the 5th Circle. The two people simultaneously looked up at the ceiling where a red flame was blazing.

"…Minor Force-Inferno, perfect," Theo placed strength in the declaration.

Swiiik… The 6th Circle flickered, and Theo sighed as he released his concentration.

It was amazing that he had almost completed it in a month, but the improved magic was a burden. He couldn't maintain it for even 10 seconds. Still, it was a success, and both of them clapped with joy.

As Theodore was about to express his gratitude…

[Hoing!] Mitra suddenly popped up under his feet.

"Mitra? What's going on?"

Perhaps due to Theodore's higher sensitivity, she could freely appear in the material world whenever she wanted. Usually she played with Sylvia or with the dirt in a corner of the practice room, but her current attitude was strange. She tried to tell them something as she tapped on their shoes.

Theo leaned down to listen and heard the soft voice saying, [Deo! Jun! Jun!]


He was trying to understand what she was saying when there was a sudden tapping on the door of the practice room.

Chapter 95 – State Guests of Elvenheim (1)

The magic kingdom, Meltor, had more magicians than any other country on the northern continent, and each magic tower acted as an axis. This magic system they had which integrated with science could be called the root of Meltor's prosperity. Compared to the combat focused aura, magic was an all-rounder versatility, allowing Meltor to rival the Andras Empire despite their scarcer land and resources.

However, there was one area which magicians avoided which was politics, where schemes and deceit abounded.

'I was called for a political reason.'

Theodore looked at himself in the mirror as he dressed in the now familiar robe.

Magicians were used to wearing robes on the outside, but the minor ornaments and complicated fabric didn't fit Theo's tastes. Did it have to take a few minutes to get dressed? If it wasn't because of etiquette, he would've just worn the robe over his casual clothes.

"Well, this is enough."

He tied the last knot and pulled the cord hanging from the ceiling.


Then an attendant entered the room like he had been waiting. His keen eyes examined Theo's clothing quickly. By default, an immature young man wouldn't know all of the court etiquette.

If Theo made a mistake, then the attendant wouldn't be able to avoid responsibility. Theo had refused his help and said he was going to dress by himself. However, the attendant could see that Theo's clothing was completely perfect.

"…Theodore, I will guide you to the audience room."

At first, the attendant was surprised, but he then remembered that the person in front of him was a noble and regained his composure. It was both true and false, but the man was able to keep calm by making his own excuses. The Miller family was now a great noble family.

Theodore didn't know about the assumptions the attendant was making and walked through the corridors of the palace he was now familiar with. It was the path he had walked when he had been called half a year ago, and he still remembered where the statues were located. Frankly, he could walk without the help of the guide. Apart from restricted areas, he could make a map of everything else. It was an ability separate from ordinary magicians.


"Oh, we've arrived."

They had arrived while he was pondering. The door, on which an eagle was engraved, was the area where the king presided. The eagle was a mark given only to some areas, including the audience room.

In contrast, the important areas of the magic towers were marked with animals known for their wisdom. Did the tower masters have a turtle or an owl? Theo would find out at a later date as the door was currently opening.


It wasn't a very loud sound. Maybe it was because it was well greased, but the noise was soft for such a heavy door. Still, the heavy silence inside the room made it seem like a loud sound, and all eyes focused on the one who opened the door—Theo.

Theodore stiffened as he faced dozen of eyes.

'What, why is the mood like this today?'

Theo had certainly become a celebrity in his own way, but he wasn't special when compared to some of those gathered here. It was a place where the real power of Meltor had convened. Anyone he picked out would be a high ranking noble or court official.

Theo was interesting, but they weren't the type of people who would be interested in him. Yet the weight of their gazes were now different from usual. It was beyond the level for the court ball or duel.

His questions increased at the following words.

"Theodore, you will be sitting here today."

"…A senior seat?"

"Yes, I was ordered to seat you here."

Theo looked around with confusion. He was forced to do so while most of the lords were sitting in lower seats. Theodore couldn't see any viscounts, and there were only a few marquis where he was sitting. Even a magician had to be at least an elder to sit here.

It was unprecedented for Theodore to be sitting in such a high ranking seat. So, it wouldn't be unusual for him to receive resentment from the people sitting in the lower seats. However, none of them protested Theo's position.

This was his first experience sitting in such a luxurious seat. The silk material of the chair wasn't much different from the others, but the air felt different.

At that time, someone placed a hot arm around his neck. "Hi Kid. Have you been well in the meantime?"

"…Tower Master."

His skin tingled. There was only one person who drove mana so crazy.

The red hair of the Red Tower Master, Veronica, tickled Theo's ears. It was a voice he hadn't heard in a month due to dedicating himself to the special training. He moved back reflexively, and Veronica laughed.

"Come on, is this your first time sitting in a senior seat?"

It still wasn't a good enough distance for his heart. Theo spoke to her as he tried to calm down, "It has been a long time… but Tower Master?"


"Do you know why I was placed in a senior seat? I don't know why since this is my first time."

Veronica's eyes widened at his words, then she nodded like she understood. "Aha, you came without knowing anything? Indeed, it isn't a matter that would be passed on. It seems like the others used their methods to know in advance."

She looked around as she spoke and coughed when she saw the pressure from the eyes of some people. It was because Veronica had pierced right through them. That was indeed the reason why the nobles silently accepted Theodore's seat.

Veronica looked at them like they were pathetic and said, "Obviously, your position isn't high enough to sit here yet. I think it will be soon, but at the moment, it isn't the case. However, today you are the most eligible person to sit here."


"Yes. They didn't come for Meltor; they came to see Theodore Miller."

Before he could realize the significance of those words, the royal knight near the throne raised his voice, "His Majesty―! The king is coming―!"

Simultaneously, dozens of people got up from their seats. They bowed as Kurt III appeared from beyond the curtain. As always, Kurt III omitted the formal procedures and sat down on the throne. He waited until everyone was seated before talking.

"First, I want to thank everyone for coming at the sudden call. This situation is unexpected, but I want you to know that it is an important turning point for this country. Perhaps there are people who have already heard the story and some who haven't. So, I will summarize it simply."

He turned toward the upper seats. To be exact, he turned toward Theodore.

"An envoy from Elvenheim has arrived. For the first time in history, it is for the purpose of friendship instead of trade. After this moment, we will be meeting the envoy."

When the explanation ended, the noise in the room gradually rose as people talked excitedly.

The country of elves, Elvenheim, wasn't completely cut off from the outside. The elves maintained a moderate mutually beneficial relationship with the human species on the continent, but the humans didn't have a friendship with the elves.

The specialties of Elvenheim were so great that they couldn't be produced anywhere else, and the elves accepted the rapidly developing human civilization. However, friendship had always been rejected.


"If this is true, the climate in the north will change!"

"I didn't think that Elvenheim would come out with this…"

Elvenheim didn't ally themselves with any country, nor did they become enemies with them. They stayed neutral and just watched the wars or alliances of other countries. The Great Forest at their borders made it possible for them to exist as a third power.

Andras or Meltor could advance into Elvenheim, but they couldn't afford to risk crossing their border with enemies on the other side. However, that balance was now going to collapse.

Once the people settled down, Kurt III clapped several times and looked toward the entrance of the hall.

"Come in."

Everyone remained silent. This was the moment when Elvenheim's envoy, the person who could change this era, would be revealed. They couldn't help being tense. Someone pushed up their glasses while another person tightened their tie. Even Theodore couldn't help gulping due to the tension which had spread in the room.

A few minutes or maybe a few seconds of silence followed. Finally, the envoy from Elvenheim appeared.


"Is that the envoy…?"

Blonde hair which was close to silver flowed down the envoy's shoulders, while their nose and eyes were as perfect as a statue. The person matched the nickname elves had for being a species of beauty. Their skin was transparent, and their clothing and armour were made of unknown metal and cloth. All eyes were taken by the shining appearance, but Theo admired the person in another way.

It was because he could see the elementals dancing around the elf.

"23? No, more than that…"

"The kid noticed as well."

Veronica showed interest in Theo's soft muttering as she looked at the elf with narrowed eyes.

"A Spiritual Sentinel, the guardians of spirits? The cowards in the forest sent quite a big shot."

"Sentinel? What is that."

"It is a title used among the elves. Elite elementalists who can handle senior elementals and the highest ranked elven warriors are called by that title. In other words, a master."

Veronica's voice was calm, but the contents of what she said shocked Theodore.

The Spiritual Sentinel was a presence which was equivalent to a sword master or a 7th Circle magician! If Veronica was correct, it made sense that the envoy came alone. A master was enough to represent the country.

The envoy stood in place and bowed respectfully. "I recognize the owner of Meltor, the magic kingdom. Edwin, the son of the third Beech Clan in Elvenheim greets you. Forgive me for any rude manners."

"We don't know the courtesies of the forest either. Edwin, I sincerely welcome you to Meltor."

It was a gracious greeting, unlike with the Andras Empire. The envoy introduced himself as Edwin without losing any grace, while Kurt III showed his dignity as the king, but he never pressed the other person.

Edwin ceremonially gave a tribute, and Kurt III accepted the tribute. Thus, the basic greetings were completed.

As the atmosphere turned toward a conversation, Kurt III carefully sent out feelers. "Elvenheim is our neighbour, but it is still a distant land. You don't intend to get close to humans for purposes other than trade, and I think we have respected that."

"Yes, Your Majesty's words are correct."

"So, I have to wonder. For what reason did my neighbour come such a long way?"

Edwin raised his head like he had been waiting for those words.

There was no need to look in separate directions. The elementals around Theo let out a scent. It was a fragrance which all elves could smell, irrespective of their power.

Edwin looked at 'him' and opened his mouth to say, "Then I will tell you. I have come here to pay back the person who saved the clan's sixth dancer, Ellenoa, and to invite him and his companions to become state guests of the Elvenheim kingdom!"