129 - 135

Chapter 129 – Kargas' Underground Auction (2)

Once again, Theodore was a model student. When other students had been going out after school, drinking and meeting friends, he had stayed in the library and stuck faithfully to his duties as a magician.

He had never stepped foot into a tavern or entertainment house out of curiosity. In that sense, this place was an unknown experience for Theodore.

In the center of the auction house, a gentle-looking middle-aged man raised his hand.

[No. 176, 50 gold has come out! Is there anyone else? After 10 seconds, the item will be awarded to customer No. 176!] It wasn't loud, but the voice of the host resonated through the wide auction house.

This was because the necklace around his neck was enchanted with 'Voice Amplification' magic. The artifact transformed a small whisper into a loud shout, allowing the auctioneer to speak for hours without worrying about a hoarse neck.

However, there was no choice about his busily moving eyes.

Despite the crowd around him swarming like ants toward a cake, the host cried out in a cheerful voice, [Yes, No. 238! A bid of 60 gold! Any more? There are still three more bidding opportunities!]

The bidding method of the underground auction wasn't too different from other auctions. Participants had a sign with their number and would raise it showing they wanted to bid, then they would raise their fingers to indicate the bid amount to the host.

However, this place was outside the boundaries of the law, so the rules of the underground auctions weren't exactly the same. Gibra whispered to Theodore in a tense tone, "The underground auctions have additional rules that don't exist in ordinary auction houses."

"Additional rules?" Theodore asked with a strange expression.

He knew about the ordinary rules, but he didn't know there were additional rules.

Rules and morality were no use in a lawless place like this, and those gathered at the auction house knew this better than anyone else. Would they concede to new rules being added? Theo couldn't understand it.

Gibra smiled bitterly at his question and replied, "As Employer said, when the underground auctions first began, all sorts of struggles occurred. Making a bid in order to raise the price or colluding with others to increase the burden on the competitors… There were even cases of using poison or assassins to reduce the number of participants."

"How common."

"Well, yes. It was 30 years before this auction when a major incident occurred."

Theodore's ears pricked up at the mention of a large incident. This wasn't an ordinary person but the branch direction of the Information Guild on the central continent, the 'King of Mice.' In order words, it would definitely be a major incident and not exaggerated.

Unsurprisingly, Theodore found it hard to maintain his expressionless face at Gibra's next words.

"To sum it up, a member of the royal family was killed."


"Come now. It is an open secret, but don't make a loud sound. There are those who hate hearing about what happened." Gibra took a drink from a passing servant and drank from it before explaining.

At that time, the underground auctions had been a lawless place, so it had been rare for people to reveal their identities. Kargas' 4th Prince, Musica, had found out about the auction house and entered disguised. He'd been able to conceal his identity as planned, but it would've been better to reveal it.

At the very least, he wouldn't have received a glass filled with poison.

"Since then, there have been a few more stringent rules in the underground auctions. Be careful of touching an opponent when you don't know who they are."

"Hah, this place is still standing after that?"

"Fortunately, he wasn't the heir to the throne but the 4th Prince. If he were the heir, all of Sipoto would've been accused of treason."

The 4th Prince might have died, but the amount of money the Kargas Kingdom earned through the underground auction was too great. It was enough to conceal the fact that a member of the royal family had been killed and to execute the assassin. The king of Kargas saw more value from the underground auctions than one of his useless sons.

Theodore was able to accept this based on his understanding of the Kargas king. Thus, this was the origin of the unnatural rules in the underground auctions.

Then Gibra changed the topic as he pointed to the next auction item. "Oh! Employer, over there. It is today's first original book."


"Huh, just forget about what I told you. It has already happened, so there is no point wasting time worrying about it."

Theodore smiled at the words. "I understand. Then let's focus on the auction."

* * *

The special rules of the Kargas underground auction were like this:

The minimum bid starts at 90% of the market price.

Participants may increase the bid by at least 10%, and it can't be over 100% of the minimum bid amount.

One item listing may be bid on 10 times.

Each participant can bid five times per item.

Each participant can bid up to 50 times.

The winning bid can't exceed the the minimum bid price by 10 times.

In some ways, they were better than the rules of a general auction house. The sellers were able to sell the item at least at the market price, and buyers were able to bid without making it a price competition.

It would be difficult to set fair rules in an auction house where collusion often occurred. Therefore, participants of the underground auctions often hired professionals. In order to not fall for any tricks, hiring a professional for auctions was the best way to go about it.

Theodore quickly arrived at the same conclusion. '…It is tricky. I read a few books about auctions, but it isn't something that an amateur can get involved in.'

Despite his genius brain, he would find it hard to compete with experts in the field since he had no experience.

This was especially the case if he was going against the auctioneers of Sipoto who knew the rules and trends of the underground auction houses better than anyone else. If Theodore was participating in the underground auction by himself, it was clear he would've wasted a lot of money.

However, Theo had a different purpose, so he hired someone who was better than some auctioneers.

[N0. 381 has won the original book [Applications of Lightning Arrows] for 50 gold! My sincere congratulations!]

Akan's resourcefulness didn't just end with acting. He was someone with skills worthy enough that Gibra had chosen him! Akan easily beat another professional auctioneer and won another original book for Theo.

Just like the other four original books they'd bought in this auction so far, this one didn't have a 'Rare' rating, but it wasn't a bad profit. If this continued, Theo would be able to obtain more than 20 original books by the time the auctions ended.

"Hahaha! How is it? It wasn't a waste of money to hire us."

"Yes, truly wonderful skills."

It might be patronizing to say something like this, but Gibra was clearly in a good mood.

Servants brought [Applications of Lightning Arrows] to Theodore, who placed it in his inventory. He felt a little bitter about hiring three agents at 10 gold per day, but this was enough to show him that the money was worth it.

Theo had simply wanted an assistant from the Information Guild, so this was a pleasant surprise.

At that moment, his right temple tickled from someone's gaze.


It was a little bit annoying, but Theodore suppressed the emotion and met the gaze calmly. There, a fat man was staring at Theo with a heated expression. The fat man's body reminded him of Professor Balloon from the Bergen Academy.

According to the Information Guild, he was the nouveau rich 'librarian' called Coulson.

"Ah, he doesn't operate a real library. He doesn't like reading books. He just likes collecting books in order to prove his status. He made a collection with all the books he bought, giving him that nickname. Well, if he thinks it will damage him then he will hand it over."

However, Theodore had directed Akan to buy as many original books as possible, so Akan had taken all of them from Coulson. However, Theo didn't feel the least bit guilty. He didn't buy books to read but to live. As a magician, he disliked fools who placed a value on information.

Coulson hurriedly turned head away from the cold light in Theo's eyes. Theo's wasn't the type of spirit Coulson could dare go against. Theodore turned away from Coulson's unsightly appearance toward another person.

'The only real contender is that man.'

The man had white hair and a white beard, along with so many wrinkles on his skin that he looked like tree bark. Despite that, the old man's posture was a straight as a pine tree, and the intensity in his gaze wasn't any less than that of a young man

The nickname given to him by the Information Guild was 'Old Books Maniac,' and his name was Heinrich. He was a scholar who would read books until he died. Although he didn't hoard books like Coulson, Heinrich never backed down when it came to getting a book he wanted.

This meant that he was willing to spend as much money as it took. It was an image which Theodore didn't hate, but it made it hard for him. Theo looked at the upright profile of the old man and turned his head away.

The sound of the cart carrying the next sales item tickled Theodore's ears.

At that moment, the host cried out, "Oh, No. 107! No. 107 has increased the bid by 100%! The minimum bid for this item is 20 gold, so from now on, you will have to bid over 42 gold!"

The Old Books Maniac, Heinrich, raised his sign faster than anyone else. A few people who had already visited the auctions reluctantly gave up after seeing Heinrich's action as it meant that Heinrich's obsession was great.

It was common sense that they would have to pay five times the price if they competed with the old man who wouldn't give up.

However, at that moment…

"N-No. 381! 100% has been bid again! 60 gold!"

Theodore's agent, Akan had raised the sign. It was beneficial to withdraw and allow Heinrich to gain the book, but he couldn't refuse his employer's instructions. That's right. It was Theodore Miller himself who put in the second 100% bid.



"You must buy it. The budget for the item is 200 gold, so I will allow you to go up to that limit."

Akan's eyes showed that he couldn't understand, but he just nodded shakily. The money was coming from Theodore, so the Information Guild wouldn't receive any damages. Gibra tried to stop him, but Theodore couldn't resist buying this original book. It was natural since the item was meaningful for him.

The title of the original book was [Introduction to Elemental Magic II]. It was an elemental magic theory book written by Myrdal Herseim. If Theo bought the original book, he would be able to talk to Myrdal again.

Furthermore, the fragment of soul from a sage was worth a few times more than others. It was an item he absolutely couldn't miss.

"N-No. 107 has come back with 100% again! Now it is 80 gold!"

From here on out, it was war. The old man's fierce gaze stared at Theodore. The young magician would never give up, so he also stared back with powerful eyes.

The bidding war at the northern auction house began.

Chapter 130 – Kargas' Underground Auction (3)

"The current bid is 80 gold! A bid by guest No.107!"

Beneath the surface of the host's calm facade, he was completely bewildered. It was because he had never experienced such a fight for an original book.

He didn't know about the past when there had been no duplication magic, but now that copies were scattered all over the world, the value of the original books was forced to fall. Only the wealthy wanted original books to decorate their libraries. However, that wasn't enough for the bidding war between the two participants to go so high.

The price of 80 gold, which was more expensive than jewellery, made the agent of the Information Guild hesitate. However, Akan gripped the sign and looked at Theodore, who nodded without hesitation. It was an expression that showed his determination to acquire the item without caring about profit or loss.

Akan closed his eyes and spread out all 10 fingers.

"Yes, 100 gold! 100 gold! Guest No. 381 has bid 100 gold, and the countdown will start again! 10 seconds remaining!��

The host and the audience, who initially had no interest in original books, were now excited about the sudden prosperity.

To put it bluntly, the northern auction houses were smaller than the ones in the other areas. So, the limitations of miscellaneous goods such as jewellery were clear when compared to weapons which could be traded at high prices. Rare artifacts might appear occasionally, but most of them were usually shown at the auction on the last day. For that reason, it had been a long time since the auction houses in the north had competed with bids over 100 gold.

Theodore glanced at the old gentleman sitting far away. 'Will you follow? It has already passed 100 gold… Will you offer more than this just to read a book?'

To be honest, Theo was skeptical. If he just wanted to read the book, there were many copies on the market. It was strange that a scholar, not a magician, would spend 80 gold on this book. Theo didn't know the old man's purpose, but it seemed like the old man had a strange commitment to original books.

Unsurprisingly, the old man hesitated for a moment before lifting his sign. However, the bidding amount was different from before. It wasn't 20 gold but 10 gold, half his other bid amounts.

"No. 107! 110 gold, this time the bid has increased by 50%! I am really curious about this sale now that it has already exceeded today's maximum bid price!"

The reactions of those watching the host were divided in two. There were those sorry about the fact that the 100% bidding hadn't continued, while the others were interested in Theodore's group. Theodore's eyebrows twitched faintly as eyes gathered on him. No, it wasn't because of them. It was because of the look in the eyes of the old man, Heinrich, as he looked at Theo.

What would he do now? Those eyes seemed to be asking.

"Yes, No. 381!"

Theodore's 10 fingers were spread wide open as he held up the sign.

"Once again, a 100% bid! It is now 130 gold! An original book has never sold for this much before! I can assure you that it hasn't happened in the last 10 years!" The host's mouth expressed his excitement.

A bid of 130 gold was uncommon in the eastern or southern auction houses. He was certain that they would fall short of this amount. With excitement in his eyes, the host looked at No. 107, Heinrich. Even if it stopped here, it had already exceeded his expectations. However, a person's greed was endless.

Unfortunately, the overflowing greed couldn't be rewarded. Heinrich bowed to Theodore before placing the No. 107 sign on his lap. It meant he wouldn't bid anymore. The host swallowed his regret as he saw this and counted down. Understandably, there were no more participants who bid over the 130 gold.

"The winning bid! The original book, [Introduction to Elemental Magic II], written by Myrdal Herseim has been awarded to Guest No. 381 for 130 gold!"

There was a small round of applause in response to the loud voice. The sound was partly out of gratitude for the entertainment provided, as well as mocking Theodore for spending 130 gold. However, Theodore didn't respond. No, it would be more accurate to say he couldn't respond. The joy of obtaining the book he wanted crushed all of weak vibes of unpleasantness.

[Introduction to Elemental Magic II] had finally entered his hands.

[Introduction to Elemental Magic II]

[This book describes the four elementals in more detail than any other book. It is a book written about the relationship between a magician and elemental, as well as how to manipulate the power of the elemental. The author, Myrdal, has been called the greatest elementalist of the century. He is the only one who has succeeded in calling an elemental ruler.

* Your understanding is high. (87.5%)

* This magic book is rated 'Precious.'

* When consumed, the proficiency of 'elemental magic' will increase.

* This is the original copy which was personally written by the author. When consumed, the elemental affinity which suits you will be opened. There is a low chance that you may form a contract with an elemental.

* You are immature as an elementalist. It is recommended that you increase your capabilities before consuming it.]

Theodore was delighted as he checked the information window. He had obtained a way to contact Myrdal in a place he'd never thought of. It might take a while until he could consume it, but it was only a matter of time.

The mysterious magician, Myrdal, who had contracted with an elemental ruler, was literally a living legend. 130 gold for an opportunity to contact him was really a pittance.

After putting it into his inventory, Theodore shifted his gaze.

'Thank you very much.' He looked at Heinrich and bowed respectfully.

According to Gibra's information, Heinrich's assets slightly surpassed Theodore's. A few generations ago, Heinrich's family had been a noble family in Kargas who built up their assets, unlike others who squandered it.

Nevertheless, the old man had nicely given up on this book. Had he seen something in Theodore's eyes, or did he not think it was worth 200 gold? The reason was unknown, but it was clear that Theodore had won [Introduction to Elemental Magic II] thanks to Heinrich taking a step back.

"Heh." Heinrich grinned and nodded.

Then Theodore had the thought that he wanted to be like that old man when he was older. As he gazed at the image of the undaunted elderly man, the auction continued.

Was he imagining it? The atmosphere of the auction house seemed lighter.

* * *

After gaining [Introduction to Elemental Magic II] on the first day, Theodore moved steadily through the auction houses.

The agents employed by the Information Guild could buy the books, but there was no guarantee there wouldn't be a special book like Introduction to Elemental Magic II. The auction experience was also more interesting than he'd thought it would be.

Of course, the profit from the first day didn't come again. Aside from that, it was mostly smooth. The number of original books being sold was fewer than it was supposed to be, but he still collected over 20 books from the three auction houses.

The vast majority of them were 'Common', but there were two 'Rare' ranked original books mixed in. It was a big jackpot considering it hadn't even been a month since he'd left Meltor.

'Well, I didn't buy all of them.'

The two competitors Theo met on the first day, Coulson and Heinrich, competed with him several more times at other auction houses. Although he conceded several unnecessary books to Heinrich, who had given him Introduction to Elemental Magic II on the first day, he always competed in a bidding war with the sleazy Coulson. It was money Theo had brought to use anyway, so he didn't hesitate to bid.

The result was that 23 original books were now in his inventory.

"Kuooh… Employer, what are you thinking about doing with them? It is a principle not to ask about the purpose of the commission, but I am curious."

"It is a secret."

"Uhh, I guess I'll have to do a follow up later…"

There were pros and cons of having Gibra and Akan watch him closely.

Theodore had calmly spent a few hundred gold at the auction houses. He had given up on a few items and suffered enormous damages on others. So, it was bound to make anyone who knew money curious.

The people of Meltor knew this clearly, but a magician's sense of money was different in many ways. Theodore couldn't free himself from this aspect of a traditional magician.

In the end, Gibra folded his arms and grumbled, "Nevermind, I don't know what else to say. Anyway, it looks like our request is roughly finished, so what do you think?"

"Isn't there still one day remaining?"

"I told you. On the last day of the underground auctions, a big auction will be held. There won't be any small sales of things like original books. Why bother attracting the eyes of those high up?"

If someone who knew the situation heard this, they would nod their heads. The information of the Information Guild's branch director was always accurate. The people participating in the big auction were the bigwigs in Sipoto, no, Kargas. They had the power to break someone if they were offended, and Theodore shouldn't attract their attention since he was concealing his identity.

Thus, it was the right choice to skip it. However, Theodore worried about it for a moment before shaking his head. He couldn't explain it logically, but his gut instincts were telling him that he shouldn't miss this auction.

"No, I will participate."

It was a type of sixth sense. After obtaining Umbra and the Ring of Muspelheim, Theodore's senses had already reached a high level. He had Alfred's sensory perception and an amplified sensitivity. So, his intuition was already like taking one step into the future. If his intuition said it was correct to do this, then it was most likely right.

Theodore asserted firmly to the still concerned Gibra, "You don't have to worry. There isn't anything I would buy from the big auction, and it is dangerous to scratch the nerves of the bigwigs."

* * *

The very next day, Theodore collided head-on with the Orcus Company.

Chapter 131 – Duel Bid (1)

Theo didn't want to cause any unnecessary disruptions either. He had a reason for stepping out. Actually, it was because his opponent was the Orcus Company. Regardless of the cause and process, Theodore had done something irreversible as a result.

The agent of the Orcus Company, who made even the Information Guild step aside, had declared war.

Theodore felt sweat flow down his spine.

'Damn… If only I hadn't come here today…!'

He couldn't close his eyes once he knew. Theodore sighed as he looked at the 'item.' It was an average white gold item, which looked like one of the many sold at ordinary stores. The necklace, silver jewellery with a red jewel hanging from it, was the source of the commotion.

The name of the necklace was 'Charlotte's Necklace.' It was a relic famous for being worn around the neck of Charlotte, the last princess of a kingdom destroyed hundreds of years ago. Why had the necklace caused Theodore to do such a reckless thing? Now, one would have to look back in time to find out the reason…

…Back to exactly 30 minutes ago, when the atmosphere had been calm.

* * *


A huge amount of money was mentioned casually. 800 gold… That was enough money to buy a few small estates. It was a world which couldn't be understood by a young master from the countryside.

Theo thought he had collected a lot of money while living as a magician, but it was nothing compared to the people gathered here. It would've cost all of Theodore's money just to bid on 'Heart of the Lake' which had just been won.

Theo couldn't help sighing deeply. Gibra glanced at him and asked, "Huhu, how is it? Didn't I say it was better not to come?"

"Did you mean this?"

"Well, halfway." Gibra nodded before continuing, "Employer, think about it. Those guys have too much, so that in itself is unpleasant. The watches on their wrists, the clothes they are wearing, their words and actions… it all seems designed to mock us for being poor."

"…That."Theodore stopped breathing for a moment. He was conscious of the deep-rooted inferiority that he had forgotten about.

Theo had suffered a lot at Bergen Academy. Not every students had bothered him, but Theodore had hated all of them. He had hated those who were born with a talent he didn't have but wasted their lives by lazing around.

Now that wealth was swirling about in front of him, Theodore was silent as he found common ground in an unexpected place.

However, the host suddenly raised his voice, [Dear customers! As half the items in this auction have found an owner, we will give you a moment to breathe! This is from the distant past, a legacy of a kingdom that was destroyed for an unknown reason!]

As he stretched out both arms, the host looked around like he was trying to make eye contact with all the audience members. Satisfied that majority of the guests were interested, the man pointed to the object on the stage.

It was a square object covered by a piece of cloth, and there was probably a glass box inside. The host skillfully pulled away the cloth.

Then at that moment…

–Hoh? Gluttony woke up from its sleep.

'What, is it a big deal again?'

–Very interesting. User, it seems that luck has been following you around these days.

'Luck? That necklace?'

Gluttony agreed with Theo.

As the host revealed the silver necklace in the glass box, Gluttony continued talking in a relaxed voice, –That is an impressive item, so make note. The princess of Antioch… Charlotte's Necklace is a special cursed item intended for one country.


–The necklace transforms any spirits nearby into 'specters' and 'banshees.' In the hands of a skilled necromancer, it can demonstrate the power of a national treasure.

Then Gluttony showed Theo the information window about the necklace.

[+16 Charlotte's Necklace (Accessory)]

[This is a necklace left behind by Charlotte the last princess of Antioch, a kingdom destroyed by a sinister mind. It is a seemingly simple accessory, but the curse contained in it is fearsome. It curses those who are still alive, and any spiritual body with even a little bit of attachment will be turned into powerful evil spirits. However, the seal left by a saint is blocking that power.

* The rating of this necklace is 'Treasure.'

* When consumed, a very large amount of magic power will be absorbed.

* When consumed, it can cause serious damage to the mind.

* When consumed, 'Antioch's Curse' will be applied.

* When consumed, the digestion time will be 11 days.

'Dangerous!' Theodore noticed the terrible nature of this cursed necklace in just a moment.

Magicians learned from childhood that there were many things in this world they couldn't see. Just because they couldn't see it, didn't mean it wasn't there. Due to this, Theodore was immediately aware of the dangerous nature of the necklace.

There were countless ghosts roaming around this material world. Of course, most of them couldn't be seen nor could they inflict harm on people. However, those who were deeply drawn to evil in life were reborn as things like specters and banshees.

Such beings were classified as non-corporeal creatures on which physical attacks were effective. They were tricky enough to require aura users or magicians of at least the 4th Circle, but they weren't a big problem because there weren't many of them.

However, this necklace could cause a disaster!

Regardless of whether he knew about the crisis, the host began the auctioning off Charlotte's Necklace with a casual expression.

[Then I will start! I told you this was to help you take a break, right? As such, the bidding for this item will begin at 30 gold! In other words, the maximum bid is 300 gold! It is a preserved old relic, but it wouldn't be bad to buy it as a souvenir!]

300 gold was a huge amount for the common people, but the majority of those gathered were the richest people on the continent. Some nodded at the host, while others whispered sweet words into the ears of the girls they brought with them.

However, there was an unexpected bidder. The agent of the Orcus Company, who hadn't showed any interest in any item from the start of the auction, raised his sign.

[N-No. 133 has bid by 100%! Therefore, the current bid is 60 gold!]

The crowd didn't care about the words of the host. The people gathered here had considerable power, but they couldn't ignore the name of the Orcus Company. Additionally, this was the first 100% bid at the auction today, so it was tantamount to a declaration. If someone bid in such a situation, it would be accepted as an unspoken declaration against the Orcus Company.

Unsurprisingly, Theodore was bound to hesitate as well.

'Damn, coming out here. Orcus Company…!'

If someone other than the Orcus Company had bid, Theodore might've given up on the necklace.

The necklace contained a dangerous curse, but according to the information window, it couldn't exert its power due to a seal. The person who bought the necklace wouldn't imagine that it had any abilities, so it was likely to be used as ordinary jewellery.

However, the Orcus Company was suspected of being involved in black magic, so Theo couldn't just let the agent win the bid. If a disaster arose here, Theodore wouldn't be able to forgive himself when he could've prevented it.

Before that, he asked Gluttony one last thing, 'Hey. What did you mean by that necklace is lucky for me?'

–Have you already forgotten? In the dungeon created by the host of Death's Worship, I ate the specters.


It was a memory Theodore had forgotten. He recalled the evil spirits that had entered the cramped passage and the information window which had floated up after Gluttony ate them.

[The user still hasn't unlocked the function yet.]

The more he thought about it, the more the matters were tied together. As he thought of the relationship between 'vessel,' 'specter,' and 'Charlotte's Necklace,' Theo's brilliant mind instantly gave him an answer. He understood why Gluttony told him that 'luck' followed him.

'Make evil spirits with the necklace and feed them to Gluttony.'

The process of capturing souls in original books was several times simpler and easier to eat. It would be inefficient to find and eat specters and banshees. However, the efficiency would reverse if he got his hands on Charlotte's Necklace.

Theodore took a deep breath and raised his right hand, which clutched tightly onto the sign with his participation number.

[N-No. 472! Guest No. 472 has also bid 100%! The current bid is 90 gold!] The host stuttered with surprise. He hadn't thought there would be someone who would bid against the company.

Fortunately, no one cared about his mistake. The gazes of all the auction house guests were focused on the agent of the Orcus Company and the young man who stopped the agent's winning bid. Theodore could feel the gazes pouring in from every direction.

The Orcus agent was staring up at him from an oblique angle, with a faint red light glowing in his brown eyes.

* * *

As a result, the auction house placed the two bidders in a solitary room.

It was a rule of the Kargas auction: The winning bid can't exceed the the minimum bid price by 10 times. In other words, it wasn't uncommon for there to be joint bidders. There was a separate way to solve it, but this incident was a special case.

The auction had advised them to settle it through conversation, if possible.

"…So, what do you want?"

"Huh?" Theodore was surprised by the question.

The agent raised his eyebrows and said, "I investigated a little bit while on the way here. Your name is Theo. You're a 4th Circle magician from Meltor's Magic Society. Didn't you come to Kargas to meet distant relatives? You got a plaque from Bear of the Polonell Company, and you are a very promising young man."

"You're overpraising me."

"Bah, it isn't a compliment. I said it so you will understand what I mean." The agent didn't want to waste time acting politely and asked, "How much do you want? No, I will give you the item you want. Of course, it is on the condition that you yield the necklace to me."

"Umm." Theodore realized the misunderstanding.

The agent didn't know that Theo was actually aiming for the necklace. He thought it was just a bait for Theo to get something else he wanted.

Indeed, that was a more realistic possibility than the actual truth. Aside from the fact that the necklace was old, it was just an ordinary accessory. So, it was senseless to go against the Orcus Company and bid 300 gold for it.

The agent took Theo's response as a positive answer. "By the way, you are truly bold. Daring to make this type of bargain at your age. You aren't a magician but a genius trader-"

"I'm sorry," Theodore interrupted the agent's words. "I need that necklace."

The atmosphere froze with his one sentence. The agent's gaze became cold while his hands twitched like they itched to grab something. However, after the momentary response, the agent calmed his shaking body and opened his mouth to speak. His voice carried a different tone from before. "…I see. Are you saying that you won't withdraw the bid?"

"Yes, you heard correctly."

"How bold. Truly bold," the agent murmured before lifting his head.

His reddish brown eyes seemed even deeper, perhaps because of his mood. No, it wasn't Theo's imagination that the colour changed. Instead of reddish brown, the agent's eyes had become the colour of a full red, like the colour of blood.

The agent stared into Theodore's eyes and declared, "This is my last bit of advice. Let go of that necklace."

Simultaneously, a light sparked in the agent's eyes. Red eyes… They had been known as demon eyes in the past, possessing the power to deceive or exert a special power.

However, it was useless today. Gluttony, who had fallen asleep again, snorted at the gaze which hindered its sleep. In the Age of Mythology, the number of monsters who had been able to overcome Gluttony's mental defenses could be counted on three fingers.

As the red eyes tried to penetrate Theodore, the greedy grimoire spoke condescendingly, –How trivial. Even using the evil eyes.

Then it kicked the agent's presence out.

"Kuaack!" The agent suddenly shrieked and covered his eyes.

"What happened?!"

"-Don't come near me!"

Theodore, who was unaware of the struggle within himself, had approached to give support, but the agent chased him away.

The agent's actual eyes were okay, but it was the first time he had received a shock in the spirit world, making him greatly upset. To think that his demon eyes didn't work, and there was even a retaliatory mental blow? Additionally, the young man acted like he didn't know what was going on.

The agent wanted to get out of this place, so he screamed instantly. "It can't be helped! A duel bid! Three days later, I will fix your cocky attitude!"

"That- Why all of a sudden…"

"I no longer have anything to say to you!"

After saying that, the agent ran out of the room. It was because he couldn't understand what had happened and it didn't seem like the young man would release the necklace.

'In any case, I'll win if it's a duel bid.' It would be delayed for a few days, but the necklace would eventually enter the agent's hands, so there was no need to rush.

He was going to kill that person. The agent's face distorted as he walked down the passage with a rough gait. On the other hand, Theodore was meeting up with the waiting Gibra.

"W-What happened?" Gibra asked in a small voice due to his anxiety.

Theodore smiled at him and replied, "It is a duel bid! The agent has left."

"What!? Employer, have you really lost your mind?! I clearly told you that you must not accept a duel bid!"

A duel bid was an additional rule of the Kargas underground auction that only applied when an item reached the maximum bid. The two sides would pick warriors to participate in a duel, and the winner would obtain the item.

The problem was some of the rules set for the duel bid.

"Employer, I know that you are a good fighter, but you can't participate in it yourself. Why accept the duel bid?"

"Well, it is something that I need to obtain."

"That isn't it! Going against the Orcus Company… What sort of lunatic warrior would accept your offer? If you are thinking about me, then please stop. Participating in the duel bid wasn't part of the commission."

Gibra might sound heartless, but it was a line he couldn't cross. Theodore had commissioned the Information Guild to obtain information of the sale goods and purchase the original books. There was nothing about risking themselves to go against the Orcus Company.

However, Theodore's complexion stayed the same. In the first place, he had no intention of nominating Gibra. He already knew the person he wanted to hire for the 'duel bid.' Theo dismissed Gibra's worries. "There is no need to worry. I have already decided on a warrior."

"What, is that true?"

"Yes. I'll have to send him a message, but he will meet us sooner or later."

Gibra couldn't help feeling curious. As branch director of the Information Guild, he couldn't repress his curiosity and asked, "Cough. So, who is it? He will need to be a great warrior."

According to rumours, the Orcus Company had a monster who could cut down huge trees with a blade as well as kill an ogre with his bare hands.

Rumours tended to get exaggerated, but no one doubted the skills after the person broke a knight a few years ago. It was a person entirely covered in black armour, so their face and voice were all unknown. However, it was obvious that the Black Knight would be the one participating in the duel bid.

Even though Theo didn't know the rumours, he was confident that the person he picked would be able to win against the Black Knight. Amidst the wide lands of Sipoto, Theo picked his strongest hand.

Without looking back, Theodore spoke in a voice which was filled with a strange nostalgia, "The leader of the 'Wandering Wolves' mercenaries, Randolph Clovis."

It was a name he'd found while exploring Sipoto a few days ago. Randolph was the top-notch swordsman who had broken through thousands of undead at the Miller Barony.

If Theo hadn't known of Randolph's presence, he might not have accepted the duel bid. There had also been the encounter with Randolph's sister Rebecca, so the siblings seemed to be deeply involved with Theo in many ways.

Theodore declared confidently, "He isn't a master, but he will surely win against the Black Knight."

1. ..9…10! No. 64! Guest No. 64 has won 'Heart of the Lake' at a bid of 800 gold! Congratulations! This jewel has finally found an owner who matches it!

Chapter 132 – Duel Bid (2)

Most of the guests who visited for the specialty of Kargas, Sipoto's underground auctions, often left at the same time.

This was one of the reasons why the auctions were located in a border city; it was so they could take illegal routes to quickly return home. No matter how superior the border guards were, they couldn't chase foreigners from other countries across the border, giving Kargas justification for closing their eyes.

However, this year, there was an extra three days added to their schedule. It was because the agent of the Orcus Company and the unknown young man had caused a stir with the 'duel bid.' The distinguished guests and famous people from various countries expressed an interest in it.

"A duel bid? How many years has it been?"

"It was probably five years ago, when Duke Soldon took on the king of mercenaries and won the elixir."

"Ahh, this is the first time since then."

"This is an agent from the Orcus Company. It will be fun."

The small uproar which had occurred in the auction house spread all over Sipoto.

Some laughed at the recklessness and foolishness of the young man, while others bet on the duel bid in hopes of reversing their lives. The result was decided from the beginning. Everybody thought this, and some expected wouldn't gain much money.

Then after three days, the day of the duel bid arrived. The place where the duel bid would take place was the location of the central auction house. The number of audience members had decreased considerably from the day of the auction, but still, many had arrived and were seated.

Those with money had drinks and women at their disposal. What they were lacking was thrill, so they came to enjoy the sight of another person bleeding. Some of them raised their voices.

"Ohh…! The black armored man standing next to Agent Isaac is the famous Black Knight!"

It was as they said. The Black Knight's body was covered entirely in black armor so that not one piece of skin could be seen. It was so creepy that some found it burdensome to even look at him. The Black Knight stood proudly beside Isaac, who was sitting on a colourful chair. If the Black Knight were standing in a corner of a palace or mansion, he might be considered an elaborate decoration.

The crowd gulped and drooled over the Black Knight.

"Indeed, I feel a great dignity exuding from him."

"I don't see any gaps at all."

"…It might be my imagination, but he doesn't feel alive."

While some people were evaluating his capabilities and atmosphere, others said…

"I would like to see him without his armour. There is no doubt that his face will be handsome to match his dignity."

"Countess Dale, there is no guarantee the Black Knight is a man. Maybe it could be a woman."

"A woman over 190cm?"

"Among the barbarians in the south, it is said that such women are common."

"Oh, my! Really?"

They discussed his appearance, body, and origin. Although it might seem uncomfortable, the Black Knight just stayed silently by Isaac's side. The silence made him feel like an executioner waiting to deal the fatal blow.

It was said that he'd killed two ogres with one slice of the sword. It was said that he was the owner of a fist with enough power to break a rock. It was said that he was a slaughterer who had killed hundreds of enemies alone.

All those rumors were true. Isaac smiled inwardly as he looked sideways at his Black Knight. The knight was strong enough to kill an ogre in one strike, to break a rock with his bare hands, and to annihilate hundreds of enemies alone. The list of terrible things he'd done was extensive. For whomever came out to fight him, it would be a public execution.

Then someone's cry entered Isaac's ears, "He's coming! That guy!"

'It seems like he found a warrior,' Isaac scoffed inwardly and looked in the direction of the voice.

This was the confidence of the Orcus agent who believed in the Black Knight and wanted to see the bidder die. Of course, he couldn't kill the bidder here, but it was possible once they went outside the city. Isaac's eyes darkened at the thought and turned to face Theodore.

Theodore confronted the Orcus agent without any hesitation, "It has been three days. Agent Isaac."

"…You didn't run away. I suppose you have the talent for surprising me more than just once."

"I don't think this is the end of the surprises."

"No, it ends here." Isaac's voice was indifferent. It was a voice which didn't care what the other person was talking about. To him, Theodore and his companions were already dead. The Orcus agent would cut off the head of the idiot who had accepted this proposal and then send the rest on their way.

The notary felt the atmosphere and stepped back. "T-Then we will start in two minutes. Agent Isaac, your warrior is the Black Knight? Is that correct?"


"I understand. Then who is Theo's warrior?"

Theodore stepped back and called out for him, "It is your turn from here, Captain Randolph."

"…Ah, I have to suffer under you again. You aren't planning to decrease the price by half this time?"

The man with golden hair had scars all over his face and body, proving that he didn't live an easy life. The two falchions at his waist swung smoothly in their leather sheaths. They were the items he'd obtained during his adventure with Theodore at the Miller Barony. His two brown eyes, wild like a wolf's, gazed sharply at the Black Knight.

However, the Black Knight didn't respond to his killing intent.

"This piece of tin is my opponent? What a strange guy."

"Ah, warrior? What is your name…?" The notary asked.

"Oh, excuse me. My name is Randolph Clovis. I am a warrior hired by Young Master over here."

"Ah, thank you."

After confirming the designation of both warriors, the notary began to explain the rules of the duel bid.

The warriors hired by the bidders would participate in the duel bid, and the warrior who collapsed first would lose. If both warriors couldn't fight, the right to abstain would be given to the two bidders. The warriors were literally the swords of the bidders.

With each believing that their warrior was stronger, the two bidders settled into the audience to watch the duel bid.

The stage had a radius of 30m from the center, so it had a diameter of 60m. The footsteps of a peak swordsman would be able to travel from one end to another in two or three steps. In other words, it was a stage with no room to breathe.

"Ha, this is my favourite place. It is cheap compared to the Colosseum in Andras, but it is nice to have no place to run away."


Unlike Randolph, who revealed his teeth like a beast, the Black Knight remained silent and pulled out his sword.


There was no liveliness in the Black Knight. Randolph's eyebrows twitched as he felt something strange from the figure. Randolph had never seen the Black Knight before, but his movements seemed familiar. It wasn't the swordsmanship or footwork, but Randolph couldn't help feeling uncomfortable.

Additionally, it was true that the opponent was unresponsive to Randolph's killing intent. Any swordsman who had reached this stage would be sensitive. Randolph's killing intent was enough to make even a sword master gather power at their fingertips.

A living person couldn't suppress a response—

…No, wait a minute.


Randolph had a suspicion and raised his senses. If he focused the distribution of aura properly, his sense of hearing could temporarily hear even a needle dropping onto sand. His hearing was so sensitive, but he didn't hear the Black Knight breathe at all. There was no inhalation or exhalation, or signs that the Black Knight was holding his breath.

Randolph became sure of the Black Knight's true identity.

[Young Master, is it because of 'that'?]

[…An undead?]

Randolph communicated with Theo by using Hidden Voice, a technique which secretly transmitted sound by silently vibrating mana. Theodore's face hardened as soon as he heard the words, after which he sent back a reply with message magic.

During the clash against the elder lich, Randolph had taken down the undead made from his ancestor. It wasn't the senior undead, the 'death knight,' but it wasn't much different. This meant that Randolph's intuition was reliable.

Then Theo had two choices. Theodore could storm into the fight and reveal the identity of the death knight facing Randolph. If successful, it might be able to trace the relationship and prove that the Orcus Company was dabbling in black magic.

However, that method was too risky. If they failed to defeat the Black Knight, it was likely the Orcus agent and the Black Knight would escape from Kargas, and the Orcus Company would then use their power to hide.

'What should I do? What is the best choice in this situation?' Theodore started thinking frantically.

There were only dozens of seconds left until the duel began. There was no room to think too deeply, so he should rely on his intuition. Should he believe in Randolph's victory and wait, or defeat the death knight together and expose Agent Isaac?

It was Randolph's voice which ended Theo's troubles. [Hah, I'm caught again. It is a problem that I accepted the moment you told me about my sister.]


[Well, it's okay. I owe Young Master, and this way, I can repay the humiliation of the past.]

Randolph's falchions emerged from the sheaths at his waist. A blue aura flowed around the edge of the blade, like a beast's fangs aiming for the neck of the opponent. This terrible aura was incomparable to that of a year ago! Despite the considerable distance between them, Theodore's neck was tingling.

It was a warning given by his sixth sense!

'Don't tell me, Randolph has already…!'

Before Theodore's speculation could be completed, the flag in the notary's hand descended toward the ground, signifying the start of the duel bid. This was a dance of death which wouldn't stop for a moment until one person was defeated.

Once the duel began, Randolph's swords moved like lightning bolts.


Space was severed, with the two streaks of blue slashing through the air like it was butter and arriving before the Black Knight at a terrific speed.

Randolph's movements were awfully fast. Even Theodore's enhanced vision, which was superior to aura users, couldn't keep track of it. During the past year, Randolph's strength had increased, and the speed of his lightning sword was already close to the speed of light.

However, the Black Knight didn't panic and swung his greatsword.


A colorless aura covered the sword, causing the atmosphere to distort from the slight pressure flowing from it. The important thing wasn't speed but the endless destructive power coming from the sword.

If Randolph's swords seemed like lightning, then the Black Knight's was like a landslide. The strong sword versus the fast sword…

Once they collided, a thunderous sound rang out.

Chapter 133 – Duel Bid (3)


There was a large shock wave. If the destructive power from the two swords had been pushed to one-side, the audience sitting in that direction would be crushed like a frog hit by a stone. The the body of the lightning-fast swordsman, Randolph, bounced back.

This was evidence that the Black Knight had the advantage in power.

'No, it can't be helped.'

Theodore watched the duel with sober eyes. It was different if it were a low ranked undead, however, the Black Knight that Randolph was facing now was a senior undead, the death knight.

The body had several times the physical ability of a living person, and it didn't feel any pain. In a simple struggle of strength, it could compete against a cyclops. It was also possible for the Black Knight to destroy a wall with his bare hands.

Randolph realized this as well after directly experiencing it with his body.


Confronting the opponent in a competition of strength was pure suicide. Randolph had to accept that his opponent had the advantage in power.

In the first place, dual swordsmanship wasn't a technique designed to compete with strength. The advantages of having two swords was the ability to use multiple combinations of sword techniques freely.

Randolph took a deep breath and his appearance distorted.



No, Randolph hadn't disappeared. It just meant that the speed of Randolph's movements surpassed the eyesight of the audience. The speed of acceleration was so extreme that it made Theodore's eyes hurt!

The aura overflowing from Randolph's blades drew blue lines in the air, like comet trails. Then Randolph's swords once again turned into lightning bolts which smashed the Black Knight from all sides.


As sparks flew, Randolph's falchions scratched the Black Knight's arm and peeled off the surface of the Black Knight's shoulder like it was potato skin.

Kakang! Kakiing!

Randolph attacked again. His next stab scratched the edge of the Black Knight's kneecap. Even the solid armour couldn't endure the sharp aura, causing metal fragments to burst out. However, it didn't end with just one or two. 10 times, 20 times, 100 times, 1000 times…


The Black Knight was tough too. He swung his sword around him and endured Randolph's encirclement. One hit of his would kill Randolph. Randolph was a swordsman who only focused on speed. His body danced gloriously like it was on the edge of a reaper's scythe. A single mistake would send Randolph to hell.


"It is really amazing…!"

The audience let out low sounds of admiration. They had expected it to be a casual entertainment, a one-sided slaughter, but the fight surpassed their imagination. Confrontations between swordsmen were usually dry. Iron and iron would collide steadily with one another until one side found a crack in the other's defense. It was rare to see a proper fight between aura users.

No, rather than rare, it was more accurate to say it couldn't be done.

'Fools. If I hadn't been here, don't you know that you would've died five times over already?' Theodore sighed as he looked around while fending off the shock waves.

He could tell because he had encountered master level people many times. Right now, both existences in front of him were almost at the level of a master. Neither was a complete master, but they were still dangerous to ordinary people.

Shock waves continued to occur as the high-density auras collided with each other. They were strong enough to turn rocks to dust. This wasn't a phenomenon which the weak could watch. Theo wanted to release the protective shield and just focus on watching the duel bid, but a catastrophe would happen if he did that.

In such circumstances, Theodore was forced to endure patiently.

"Hah, such a great ability…! Employer, where did you find that swordsman?"

On the other hand, Gibra was stunned by the abilities of the shabby mercenary. He'd thought his employer had just hired someone who was his acquaintance, but the mercenary was actually on par with the Black Knight!

Gibra was a powerhouse in Sipoto, but he could never win against the Black Knight or Randolph. The even more shocking thing was that he had failed to identify Randolph, despite seeing such a powerful figure.

Theodore answered in an evasive manner, "I won't tell you."


"Just keep watching."

Theodore turned away from Gibra's bitter expression and continued watching the duel. A death knight was something only high-level necromancers could create with black magic. Randolph's expression was grim as he faced the disadvantageous odds.

Like a lie, the flow of the match headed in Randolph's favor. Therefore, it wasn't difficult for Theodore to see that… 'He isn't at the master level yet. If Randolph had awakened Aura Ability, this fight would already be over.'

Aura Ability was a miracle exclusive to sword masters which could even transcend magic. Somebody could cut through space, another could control gravity, and somebody else could remove one's spirit. If there were 1,000 sword masters, there were 1,000 types of abilities. A person would be judged as a sword master based on whether they awakened this ability or not.

If Randolph was a complete sword master, this fight wouldn't have dragged out for so long. The Black Knight would've lost his head and collapsed onto the floor 10 minutes ago. However, the death knight wasn't in optimum condition either.

'If I didn't see it, then I might be eager to run out and interfere… but I don't think this bastard will be a help to Isaac.' Theodore laughed as he looked at the Black Knight.

The Orcus Company would become the target of the entire continent if it were known they were mixed up with black magic. It was why three of the death knight's advantages were sealed: the undead's immortal resistance; the white aura which symbolized death; and the black magic which was naturally added to senior undead.

Now, with such a huge penalty, Randolph's incomplete power was enough to win the battle!

"…Please, Captain Randolph."

Randolph had the advantage, but it would be best to win this duel in the cleanest way possible.

This way, Theodore could obtain Charlotte's Necklace and block the Orcus Company. Theodore, who didn't like his burden being carried by another person, formed a fist as responsibility and impatience intertwined together.

10 minutes after that, the winner of the duel bid was decided.

* * *


Randolph's tactic was extremely simple. He moved continuously at a super fast speed, accumulating a small amount of damage, while his constant attacks weren't fatal enough to cause death. However, if he focused on attacking and defending himself as his two swords and the Black Knight's greatsword clashed, he wouldn't be able catch the massive greatsword with his falchions.

Meanwhile, the Black Knight's plate mail had turned into a rag. However, when asked if the offensive was effective against the Black Knight…

"Stupid, you are the one wearing yourself out," Isaac muttered with a smile as he read Randolph's intent.

Unlike a human, the Black Knight didn't have the concept of fatigue. No, the accumulated damage was of no use because the Black Knight didn't bleed. The only places where the regenerative power was restrained were the parts which couldn't be hidden, like the arms and legs. However, the skeletal muscle covered in armour could always regenerate.

So, it wasn't unreasonable that Isaac would have a ridiculing expression on his face.

However, Isaac's relaxed face distorted when he noticed an unexpected situation.


Once again, Randolph's swords struck, and the Black Knight's breastplate broke off in big pieces. It was effective. The plate mail had been struck continuously and reached its limit. Of course, the Black Knight's flesh was fine, but that wasn't the problem.

"N-No. This can't continue…!" Isaac turned pale as he noticed the situation one step late.

Obviously, the death knight was an undead. The body with white skin like a corpse lay underneath the armour, and anybody could recognize the colour. What if Randolph's sword stripped off all the armour? No, what if the helm broke? Rumours that the Orcus Company was associated with a warlock would spread everywhere.

It was a situation which he needed to stop no matter what.

[God of Death, knight who serves Thanatos!] Isaac hurriedly sent a message to the Black Knight. He wanted to entrust it with autonomous action as much as possible, but the death knight couldn't be revealed to the public.

[Kill him as soon as possible!]

Randolph was a swordsman who had no talent except for running away, so Isaac believed the death knight could cut him down without difficulty if all his power was used.

However, Isaac overlooked one thing. The tactics of a death knight, a first-rate swordsman when he had been alive, weren't something a warlock should be meddling in. If the death knight's ego was still intact, he would've snarled at the foolish command.

Unfortunately, the death knight was an undead who followed commands, and Isaac was a warlock giving the command. According to the command, the Black Knight raised his greatsword above his head. The pressure of the sword, which had been defending intently, suddenly reversed its direction. The air became heavier as pressure was emitted from the death knight's head and shoulders. The pressure became a few times more terrible than before.

"…Indeed, just a tin can." Randolph laughed at the foolish judgment.

Kakiing. Randolph's arms moved at an eerie rate and chopped out.

This was a skill which couldn't be used if the Black Knight had continued the defense from a while ago. Randolph took advantage of the mistake that Isaac, not the Black Knight, had committed. The perfect defense was disrupted, creating a fatal gap.

Any swordsman would accept that gap pleasantly.

"-Rain Sword."

It was the name of the pair of swords Randolph had obtained from the elder lich's dungeon, which had originally belonged to his ancestor, Adolf of the Clovis family. Randolph now reproduced the technique which had been lost in the void for two centuries.

He used Thunder Stroke, in other words, triple lightning strikes. The first one was a straight thrust.


Randolph's left sword turned into a lightning strike. It was aimed at the fatal points like the brain and heart, even if the fatal points were blurred for a death knight.

The Black Knight responded by reflexively lowering the greatsword, but he was a beat too late. The falchion had arrived before the claymore and retreated.

The second strike was a diagonal split.

Since ancient times, the most powerful technique had been a diagonal slash. The drawback was that it was a simple trajectory, and there was a big gap after it was completed. So, it was hard to use unless you were sure that you could hit the target.

The blue lightning strikes aimed in succession at the Black Knight's neck.

Kwakak! Kwaduduk…!

Even so, the Black Knight blocked the strikes. The greatsword in his right hand blocked the left sword, while his left hand blocked the sword aiming at his neck.

Of course, the price of doing that was disastrous. The death knight's index finger was cut off, and Randolph's blade went right into the death knight's wrist, tearing it from the forearm. After shattering the arm with aura, the falchion smashed against the Black Knight's elbow.

Randolph grinned at the horrific defense and said, "There is still one remaining."

It was a possible technique for a dual wield swordsman. Blocking the enemy's weapon with one sword while striking at the weak point with the other… A third attack didn't exist in normal swordsmanship.

The third strike was a horizontal slash.

With rapid acceleration from a stopped state, the left sword, which had stopped after finishing its role of blocking the greatsword, suddenly moved. The big sword, which had been thrown far out, had yet to return. This meant there was no way for the Black Knight, who lost his right arm, to stop the incoming attack.

Indeed, without any resistance, Randolph's aura blades bit into the defenseless sides of the Black Knight, cutting from both ends!

Randolph's blow, which couldn't be blocked or avoided, eventually split the body of the Black Knight into two pieces.

Chapter 134 – Duel Bid (4)

The tense match ended in an instant. Randolph's trio of lightning strikes had been fast enough to be invisible to the audience. Even the last blow, done from a standstill, had been so fast that an afterimage remained.

"V-Victory!" The voice of the notary rang out one beat later.

The two swordsmen were still standing on the duel stage, but anyone who had seen the previous scene nodded in agreement. Then a frightening sound was heard. Chwaaaak!

Randolph's falchion dug into the right side of the Black Knight, before emerging on the left. There was no one who didn't understand the meaning of that. It was thick plate mail, so this meant the body hidden inside had been sliced in half.


"What? Didn't he only strike twice?"

"My eyes could only see one…"

There was no way to survive from being cut having one's waist cut through completely. The upper half hadn't fallen off yet, but as soon as it did, there would be a fountain of blood. Everyone except for three people were convinced of the Black Knight's death.

'Now, how will you get out of this?' Theodore questioned as he stared at Isaac.

This much damage wasn't enough to kill a senior undead, a death knight. He had suffered quite a lot of damage from the almost master level aura, but the skull, where the death knight's soul was stored, was still intact.

The Black Knight could keep fighting if it so desired. Of course, from now on, Randolph would have a one-sided advantage. If Isaac judged all of this rationally, there was only one conclusion he could make. Unsurprisingly, he reacted as Theodore expected.

"…Dammit! Attendant!" Isaac shouted, rising from his seat.

Then his attendants rushed to cover the body of the Black Knight, who still hadn't collapsed, with a rug. Isaac's intention was to end this situation before someone pointed out that no blood was flowing out from the knight's body.

Theodore knew this, but he didn't want to challenge it and make the situation bigger.

[Hey, Employer.] At that moment, Randolph, who had lost his opponent, walked toward Theodore. [Are you going to leave it alone? Isn't this a chance to expose what that agent is?]

[Well, your words aren't wrong.]

However, Theodore didn't choose that option. It was possible to claim a connection between the Orcus Company and black magic, but that was just cutting off Isaac's path of escape.

Would a rat cornered by a cat bite back? However, the problem was that Isaac wasn't a rat.

[The risk is too large. The death knight hasn't lost strength yet. There is no guarantee that Isaac only has one Black Knight. Additionally, you probably spent a lot of energy in that duel, Captain Randolph.]

[Umm, I can't deny that.]

[It is better to take a step back. I've attained the item I wanted, and I don't know how they will react if I accuse them.]

It was a realistic point. Although there were no apparent injuries, Randolph's physical condition wasn't good since he had used aura without a break.

If the death knight was in a position where he no longer had to hide his power, then Randolph would face a more unfavourable battle without an Aura Ability. Additionally, both Randolph and Theo were dead if one more death knight emerged.

The gamble was too risky, so they should be satisfied with this much.

[…Che, it can't be helped. I understand.] In the end, Randolph stepped back.

Theodore's words were correct, and Randolph was also worried about the actions of the cornered Isaac. So, Randolph descended from the duel stage and placed his falchions back in his sheaths while staring at Isaac. Despite his shabby clothing, Randolph was the winner.

'The skirmish was won, although it was a close call.'

By tacit agreement, the duel between the two bidders ended.

* * *

The attendants of the Orcus Company carried the body of the Black Knight away, while the spectators, who enjoyed the exciting spectacle, vacated their seats. The result was obvious, so they had no interest in the following announcements.

The notary, who watched the two swordsman compete fiercely a while ago, looked between the two bidders and declared, "The 57th underground auction, the duel bid for 'Charlotte's Necklace,' has been won by Bidder Theo's representative, Randolph Clovis. Therefore, the winner of this duel bid is Theo. Do both of you recognize this result?"

"I recognize it."

Unlike Theo, Isaac didn't answer immediately. "..."

"Agent Isaac?" The notary asked him one more time.

Then the answer fell from Isaac's heavy lips, "…I recognize it."

Isaac's bloodshot eyes showed that he didn't like this ending. If a passing child saw the scene, they would burst into tears from fear. His expression was dark, but there was something else it contained which incited a feeling of fear.

However, the notary's declaration wasn't over yet. "In accordance with the rules of the duel bid, the price for 'Charlotte's Necklace' must be paid by Agent Isaac. 300 gold please."


Isaac made a loud noise before pulling out 300 gold and handing the gold over to the notary. It seemed like he wanted to lash out at the notary, but he maintained his patience. This was a common sight for the notary… The losing bidders always screamed or glared angrily at him.

The notary turned to look at Theodore with a weak expression and said, "With this, the duel bid is over. Theo, 'Charlotte's Necklace' is now yours."

After that, a box was placed before Theodore. Just like the first time he saw it behind the glass box, this was the necklace which contained the curse. Charlotte's Necklace… If it entered the hands of a warlock, it would be able to demonstrate the power of a national treasure. After a moment of hesitation, Theodore held the necklace.

However, at that moment…

"Think well."

Agent Isaac's red eyes were staring at Theodore and Randolph with dark emotions flashing in his eyes. This was a warlock who was suppressing the urge to kill both of them right now.

"If you take the necklace like this, one day you will pay for it. It is too late for you to regret it."

Theodore didn't ignore him and nodded. "Those words are correct."

The confused Randolph and Isaac listened until the end, expecting there to be something more. However, Theodore laughed and smashed their expectations. "You should've just let me win the bid. Didn't you suffer big damages because of the duel bid? I am thankful for the lesson that you taught me."

"You cheeky fellow!" Isaac finally reached the limits of his patience and turned away. His reaction proved that Theodore's words had stabbed him. The Orcus Company's budget was huge, but Isaac would be responsible for the 300 gold he lost.

The notary joined Theo and Randolph in giggling at Isaac's embarrassed retreat.

"Kuhat, this is pretty interesting for a half price commission. That agent's face became as red as tomato."

"Kukukuk, who wouldn't?"

"Huhu, it is fun to laugh."

The two men, who savoured the victory, started to talk seriously after the notary left.

Randolph, who had experienced the death knight's combat power directly, asked Theodore with an unexpectedly serious expression, "Young Master, what will you do from now on? Is the Orcus Company's black magic at a scale we can handle?"

"I have to inform the Magic Society," Theodore replied without any hesitation.

Even if Randolph was almost a sword master and Theo was a 6th Circle magician, it wasn't a problem the two of them could afford to deal with.

The Orcus Company was one of the top three companies in the central continent, and they used taboo black magic. There were all sorts of ways for the warlock to increase the strength of their warriors, so it was better for a national force to be mobilized.

Fortunately, Theodore remembered that he had a liaison. "I will leave a passphrase for an information source of the White Tower. It might take a little bit of time, but the Magic Society will send an investigation team to survey the Orcus Company within a fortnight."

Randolph felt assured and laughed as he knocked on Theodore's shoulder. "As expected from Young Master. You don't have any gaps."

"That isn't true. To be honest, it was a mess." Theodore sighed at Randolph's praise.

This wasn't a false humility. It was by chance that Randolph was in this city, and he hadn't expected the opponent to be a death knight.

The operation had been full of holes from beginning to end. If Randolph had lost this duel, Isaac would've acted to confine him more thoroughly. Numerous possibilities had joined together to give Theodore this victory.

So, Theo couldn't say that it was due to his own skills.

When Randolph saw Theodore's gloomy expression. He quickly changed the topic. "Well, at least we won. Isn't that right? You must've gone through some hard times. Let's have a few drinks and exchange some of the stories that have accumulated."

"…I'm sorry, but I'm afraid that isn't possible."

"Eh? How come?" Randolph was confused by Theodore's grim facial expression.

"We will leave as soon as the sun rises tomorrow. We can't rest easily after poking the Orcus Company."

"I shattered that piece of tin, so isn't it okay for a few days?"

"No, that isn't the case."

The fearful thing about a necromancer was the strength of the undead. An undead which was not completely destroyed would be restored to its original state once it had enough time and black magic power supplied.

If a living person was supporting it, the death knight would be able to recover from the damage Randolph had dealt it in just a few days. There were all types of limitations in a duel, but the undead could exert all its power in a raid in the middle of the night.

This meant they had to get out of the city before the death knight recovered.

"Hoo, then are we just going to wait in the inn tonight? Then it can't be helped."

However, Randolph's grumbles changed Theo's mind. Randolph was a great warrior, so maybe the Orcus Company wouldn't act so easily. Couldn't Theo afford to exchange a few drinks with the one who had brought him the difficult victory?

Theodore made a decision and stated, "Come on, guide me."

"Huh? What?"

"Didn't you want to have a few drinks? Perhaps you don't know any taverns?"

"No, Young Master just…"

Theodore shrugged at Randolph's expression and walked ahead. "Aren't we leaving tomorrow?"

Randolph understood Theo's curt words, and a big smile emerged on his face. He had been born as the child of a prestigious family, but his nature was of a wolf who loved freedom. Now, he would relieve his throat which was dry from the hot fight.

"Okay, then will Young Master be paying?"

"Of course. Thanks to the 300 gold saved today, you can drink until you pass out."

"Kuoh… As expected from Young Master!"

At that moment, Gibra who had been waiting in the distance interrupted them. "Cough! E-Employer, can I join as well?"

Theodore laughed. It was quite awkward to see him acting like this despite his two-meter-tall size. Frankly, Gibra had watched from a distance ever since Theo accepted the duel bid. However, he didn't turn his back on Theo even to the very end. Despite being from the backstreets, Gibra kept his loyalty to Theo.

"I will buy for you too because you didn't run away in the end," Theo said.

Then Gibra, who normally looked at others with a threatening expression, smiled brightly and cheered, "Ohh, thank you. Employer is truly magnanimous!"

"What, this person was hired by Young Master as well? Then we have one more friend to drink with."

"There is a lot to talk about! You must've suffered in the meantime."

The two people, united by their stories about Theodore, walked through the streets of Sipoto.

They had entirely different appearances and voices, but the conversation between the two people was quite good, as their involvement with the stormy Theo acted like the mediator between them. Therefore, the alienated Theodore just laughed and followed behind the two gossipers.

'…This is a good way to end the day.'

It wasn't efficient, but he couldn't enjoy life if he always pursued efficiency.

Theodore thought about Charlotte's Necklace in his pocket and placed his left hand over it. Soon after, it was placed in a blank space. This was the [Inventory] that not even a legendary thief could steal from.

With a more relaxed mind, Theodore decided to enjoy the night of fun.

Chapter 135 – The Goal is the Port (1)

As the sun rose the next morning, Theodore watched the horses get attached to the carriage in preparation to leave.

The two horses naturally had luxury pedigrees. It wasn't comparable to the limited express carriages of the big companies, but it was the best that individuals could afford. He would've been able to obtain it if he used the Polonell Company, but that would mean exposing their tracks.

It was natural for Theodore, a foreigner, to be extra careful.

'…It won't mean much if they've already found me.'

Fortunately, there were no signs that the watchdogs had caught up yet. However, Theo had to hide until he left the gates. Until then, he focused his senses carefully. This was how Theo knew about the shadow that had appeared behind him while he was stroking a horse's mane.

It was affected by the angle, but the shadow was extra long.

"Good morning. Have you come to say goodbye?" Theo looked back to see the gigantic Gibra standing there with a shrug.

Last night, Gibra had drunk more than half of the tavern's casks, but his complexion was just as good as that of a master level aura user. A common person would have to lie down for a week, or they may have even died on the spot.

Gibra nodded and opened his mouth to speak. The commission was over, so his tone was the same as when they first met. "Well, something like that. I would've just sent you off, but the request this time turned out bigger than I thought."

"Do you have useful information?"

"It is called the after sales service. Be thankful."

Theodore was interested and listened obediently.

"You said that you don't have a designated destination right now?"

"Yes, I was supposed to stay longer."

It was now an old story, but Theodore was originally planning to spend at least three months in Kargas. However, there was the variable called the underground auction, where he had clashed with the Orcus Company.

Of course, the original books he collected were more than expected. He had expected to be stuck here for a few months, but he exceeded his target slightly and gained an unthinkable extra income. From now on, it was time to worry about the backlash caused by the jackpot.

"If possible, go to the east."

"The east?"

"Yes, the east."

Theodore made a vaguely puzzled expression. Then Gibra explained, emphasizing the reason, "The base of the Orcus Company is to the southwest of the central continent. Therefore, its influence is particularly strong in the south and west, while it is weaker in the east. You will be able to breathe easier if you go the coastal kingdom."

"Thank you for teaching me, but is it okay for Gibra to be giving me this after sales service?"

"No, I think this is just right." Gibra was pleased that a blow had been dealt to the Orcus Company. "There have been a few times when my jaw dropped open, but it was a fun request."

Theodore noticed that Gibra had his own ulterior motives, but he could also tell that Gibra's answer wasn't a lie. It was because Theo's developing senses were gradually improving his intuition. It was also true that Gibra's advice was helpful.

So, Theo bowed sincerely. "…Thank you."

"I hope to see you at a later time. I will collect a few original books and sell them to you for a high price."

"Yes, then next time."

After the short goodbye, the two men turned their backs to each other. They might meet again, or they might never meet again. Everyone in the world knew this fact, but they continued to move on with a vague expectation.

As Theodore climbed onto the driver's seat, Gibra entered the much more familiar back alleys. Then Akan appeared from where he had been waiting in the shadows.

"Thank you for the good work, Branch Director."


The positions of the two people were the same as always. Gibra walked first, while Akan followed behind. They had been working together for several years, so Gibra could tell that there was something suspicious in Akan's stride. It wasn't difficult to guess the reason for that.

"Akan, are you curious about why I helped 'him'?"

"T-That… I'm sorry."

"There is no need to be sorry. It is natural to be curious when thinking about it. The Empire's intelligence network has placed a bounty for information about 'Meltor's Hero,' so why did I miss the gold coins lying before me?"

The atmosphere of the alley cooled as soon as those words, 'Meltor's Hero,' were mentioned. The power of the Information Guild might not stretch to the northern continent, but they were the best information guild in the central continent.

They was no reason why they wouldn't hear about the reputation of the hero, who had rescued a high elf from slavery and created the alliance with the neutral Elvenheim. They were also aware that the Andras Empire would pay a lot of money for information about him.

Nevertheless, Gibra had kicked away his chance.

"Well, I would've gained a lot of gold if I sold the information. The empire is filled with barbarians, but they aren't ones to break their promises. Perhaps it is true that they will give the gold."

"Then why…?"

"Hey, Akan," Gibra's chilly voice interrupted, "We are rats in the gutter, but we are still rats that live in the gutters of Kargas. Earning a few extra gold coins isn't worth risking the whole country. If we sell this information to Andras, we will become enemies of Meltor."


"The Andras Empire is a country that has no interest in alliances. Our help is only worth a few gold coins. Once we are thrown away, the armies of Meltor will come down to the central continent."

Once that happened, they were screwed. Unlike the north which had experienced war for hundreds of years, the central continent was weakened by a long period of peace.

They only had one or two master level people, compared to the north which had more than six or seven. Meltor and Andras… either one of them was a power the central continent couldn't afford going against. However, more than anything else, Meltor wasn't a warmonger like the Andras Empire.

The grace he was giving Theo now could be paid back for an expensive price later. It wasn't about a personal favour to Theodore Miller. These thorough calculations were Gibra's real intentions. He had expected Akan to have some reservations, so Gibra had come to this alley.

"-So, you can't be left alive."

Akan's body fell to the ground. He died before he even noticed the black dagger stabbed in his neck. This was the remarkable ability of the man assigned as the branch manager of Sipoto, the 'King of Mice.'

As he looked at the face of the man he'd killed with one attack, Gibra muttered, "…You are competent, but you are a cheap bastard. I know that you won't be able to keep your mouth shut in the face of gold."

So, Gibra killed him. He pierced his the neck of his subordinate, whom he had known for several years, to prevent the possibility of this information leaking. As always, there was a bitter aftertaste. Gibra spat out a mouthful of phlegm in attempt to shake off the bitter taste.

He couldn't reverse what he had already done. From now on, he could only look forward.

Today's investment would be returned several times over in the future.

* * *

Without knowing about the murder that had just taken place, Theodore's carriage ran aggressively out of the city. Theodore, sitting in the driver's seat, was in the midst of drawing something.

"30 degrees on the right… 42 degrees on the left again… add a triangle to the hexagon and a pentagram to the circle…"

To outsiders, it would be mumbling with an unknown meaning, but any magician would be surprised to hear it. Theodore's mumbled words were dozens of equations and hundreds of arithmetic operations being completed. It was also done during the rough carriage ride. There were more impacts than there would be when riding in a high class carriage, but Theo didn't feel any nausea.

Instead, he successfully completed his calculations. "Okay, this is done."

With satisfied eyes, he looked down at the magic circle he drew in minutes. It was a magic circle used to call a summon, which he pulled from Satomer's absorbed knowledge. Originally, this spell required an offering which would act as a catalyst to summon something, but Theodore didn't need to have one. It was because of the 'contract' handed over by Satomer.

One drop of blood was enough for the call.


There was a bright light as the drop of blood fell. Light flowed along the magic circle drawn on the parchment, and as mana flowed near it, a gate was created which the summons could access. After signing the contract, he could just call the summons by using its name. However, this process was inevitable since he wasn't the contractor yet.

Eventually, all the preparations were over, and Theodore recited the name of the summon.

"I call you as your name contractor, the crow who thinks-"

It was the summons he'd gained from Satomer.

"Your name is Hugin!"

Simultaneously, something black emerged from the magic circle. A few feathers fluttered as the wings staggered, and a crow soon rose up before Theodore's eyes. Theodore looked at it with admiration, then the crow's beak opened. Was it going to cry out like an eagle? Theo was filled with expectations.

After a moment, the crow called Hugin cried out, Kyaack-!


Kuwaaack-! It was a small cry. Theodore, who had been expecting a lot, let out a long sigh, while someone appeared at the sound.

"Hey, Young Master. What was that sound? It sounded like a drunk person was vomiting."

"…Over there."

"Eh? A crow?" Randolph's expression changed the moment he heard it was something Theodore had summoned. It was because the crow didn't fit Young Master's image at all. He covered his mouth while he hunched over like he had cramps.

"P-Puah. I laughed very well. I didn't know you could summon such a thing."

"I thought it was time to do so."

Theo could feel some of the frustration that Satomer had felt all throughout his life. As Theodore felt like he was chewing shit, Randolph sat down beside him. For an aura user who was close to a master, nausea was a distant story, and he had no interest in reading books like Theodore.

After a minute of silence, Theodore opened his mouth first. "…I'm sorry I got you caught up in something so annoying."

"Hmm?" Randolph looked over at the abrupt apology.

"You became enemies with the Orcus Company because of me. If I hadn't done this, you wouldn't have to run away-"

"Stop there, Young Master." It was a fair apology, but Randolph shook his head firmly and denied it. "Do you think I did this just to help you? I had my own thoughts when I decided to follow you. So, you don't have to feel sorry for a decision I made."


"No, I wasn't honest. I actually am fortunate to be accompanying Young Master."

'Fortunate?' Theodore's eyes became bigger at the unexpected answer.

Randolph became the enemy of a warlock and even fought against a death knight. Still, he was sincere. He was genuinely delighted that he got to meet Theodore again. It might be the intuition Randolph got when he found his ancestor's swords in the Miller Barony.

Fun things always happened around this person.

"I regained the heirlooms and trained my skills for a year, but I couldn't get that feeling of urgency or improvement from that time. Then I met Young Master and experienced a fight that made my blood boil. It has been a long time since my hair stuck up like that."

Randolph realized it while colliding with the death knight. His stagnant skills had started to experience a breakthrough in that fight. The back of his neck cooled as he moved around the boundary of life and death. It wasn't easy to meet these types of opponents.

That was why he had decided to accompany Theodore. It was in order to reach the master level shimmering in front of him.

"This is a journey to complete my sword. So, don't worry or feel sorry, Young Master." Before Theodore could reply, Randolph changed the subject. "By the way, where are we going now?"

Theo laughed at the clumsy method and replied, "I am thinking about going to the east. The influence of the Orcus Company is less in the Soldun Kingdom, so we can breathe and sort things out there."

Theodore needed a break now. He had obtained more than 20 original books and needed to experiment with 'Charlotte's Necklace.' If he arrived at the coastal kingdom in the east of the continent, he would be able to secure some time.

However, Randolph's expression changed subtly at Theo's words. He looked at Theodore uncertainly before muttering, "Well, will it turn out that way?"

"What do you mean?"

"In the meantime, wherever Young Master goes, incidents happen. I don't think Soldun will be an exception…"

Theodore had no choice but to smile wryly. "No way… I have to believe that won't be the case."

"Is that so?"

The two men sighed and looked at the broad grasslands of Kargas.

If they maintained this speed, they would be able to leave the Kargas Kingdom and cross the border of Soldun in a week. As to whether the Orcus Company's hands would reach them by then… there was such a bet.