192 - 199

Chapter 192 – Around the Desert (2)


The carriage followed the trail of Veronica's breath straight through the middle of the desert.

It was better than traveling through sand which went up to the height of an adult male's chest, but it was hard to say that the path was smooth when it had suddenly become melted igneous rock.

Despite bouncing over stones, and traveling up and down steep slopes, the carriage was still moving somehow. Fortunately, it wasn't bad inside the carriage. It was because there were all types of magic covering the carriage to prevent external shakes or shock.

Rather, there was an unnatural stillness. The landscape seen through the windows on either side of the carriage was just sand, while the people inside it didn't break the silence.

There was the great magician who was notorious in many ways, the Red Tower Master Veronica…

Meltor's four top prospects gathered together, Quattro…

And the guardian of Austen who had been captured by them, Mujak.

Mujak was guilty of unauthorized entry, so he wasn't in a position to speak first. Meanwhile, William and Sylvia found it hard to act freely in the presence of Veronica, their superior. Para never spoke unless she had to, and Theodore wasn't good at socializing either.

Therefore, there was only one person who could break this silence—Veronica. Veronica was bored and spoke in a husky voice, "Ah, it is too boring. And we have to continue for a few more days like this."

She stretched out her legs while complaining. It was a considerable distance that they had to travel, even if this was just the outskirts of the Meuse Desert. As such, the expected arrival time was three days.

Veronica was bored after looking out the window for a while and spoke to Theodore, "Since I have to do it anyway… Shall I start the promised class on Sorcery?"

Theodore was surprised by the sudden offer and questioned, "Huh? In here?"

"Isn't it okay? The rest are still young, but they are tower master candidates, so they should learn it."

"That's right, but…"

It was fine for Quattro to hear it. However, the problem was the outsider, Mujak. What if a sword master learned something key about Sorcery? There was no reason to take the risk. However, Veronica waved off Theodore's concerns.

"It doesn't matter. The Aura Ability is different from Sorcery. No weaknesses will be revealed just from knowing the theory, and it is hard for people who aren't high-level magicians to understand."

"Then we will listen."

"Okay, pay attention. I won't tell you twice."

The others might not have seven circles like Theodore, but they were magicians who were more enthusiastic about learning than anyone else. With the exception of Para, the prospective tower masters focused their attention on Veronica.

As three pairs of eyes gathered on her, Veronica created a few fire circles in the air and started explaining. "I'm not sure as to the extent of your knowledge, but you know that a magician's circles are slightly different for each person, right?"


"They are the same as muscles and bones. Nutrition and discipline… Their composition and form will change with several variables and environmental conditions. Specialization in specific attributes is formed largely from the efficiency of magic power circulation. In special cases, it can deviate from the existing magical system. Sorcery is a term referring to the phenomenon that is this change."

Veronica's index finger moved, and the circles tangled together, merging into a curious shape which was neither circular or spherical. They were dual spheres in an oval shape. At a dizzying speed, this soon changed into a cube, a triangular cone, a disc, and others shapes.

"No one knows what the final shape will look like. It depends on the inherited lineage, the method of training, the process of growth… There are too many variables for it to be determined. Regarding this part, I can say that it is somewhat similar to the aura ability." Then Veronica joined her palms together. "If Aura Ability is waking a sleeping ability, then Sorcery is realizing that something inside has changed. Awakening and awareness are similar, but they mean completely different things."

"Awakening and awareness…"

"Hmm, is it a little vague? If you take my case for example, I took an hour to realize my Sorcery."

"A-An hour?"

The cries of three magicians resounded in the carriage. The difficulty of learning Sorcery was low compared to the Aura Ability, but that didn't mean it was easy. Some people took a few months or even a few years. There was a record of a genius doing it in a week, so Veronica's one hour was truly ridiculous.

However, she laughed like it was nothing. "Well, I didn't tell you that to boast. I wanted to ask you something. What do you think 'heat' is?"

"Y-You are asking us?"

"That's right. Heat doesn't just have to do with being hot."

The three magicians were troubled by the sudden topic. Paragranum, the grimoire who possessed a lot of knowledge about science, would be able to answer the question in more detail than anyone else. However, she didn't reply because she didn't feel the need to.

The three people thought about the concept of 'heat.' Then surprisingly, Sylvia was the one to open her mouth first. "Invisible fire, the force that moves the phenomenon."

"Hoh, why?"

"Ice stops every phenomenon. Then heat must be the force that drives all phenomenon."

"Proof by contradiction, it is an inspired approach," Veronica remarked. Then she continued with a charming smile, "It is comprehensive, but not wrong. Yes, heat is the power to move phenomenon, a power that can't be seen with the human eye."

Then the next moment…

She added, "They can't be seen with 'ordinary eyes.'"

Veronica's golden eyes were bright.

Humans couldn't observe the phenomenon which was happening around them. However, having inherited the blood of a red dragon, Veronica broke the wall of the 7th Circle and stepped into this area. Her eyes could grasp the 'movement of power' and control it. She went beyond the boundaries and became the ruler of the superthermal realm!

The reason why she was capable of awakening the dragon blood, which was weak in her body, and exhibiting a strength equal to a pureblood was due to Veronica's Sorcery.

"You know, my case is very special. A dragon's bloodline has a greater impact on the circles than any other variable, so I was able to roughly guess the result of Sorcery."

Even with numerous variables, a dragon's blood was something which could survive the most challenging circumstances. Veronica had inherited the lineage of a red dragon and was also a genius of magic, making her the youngest Red Tower Master ever. What she could do well and what she wanted to do well…

These two perfectly matched elements caused Veronica's growth rate to be unprecedented. It was why she could comprehend Sorcery so quickly. In other words, this was what she wanted to tell Theodore.

"There is no need to be hasty. Take a look at yourself. Theodore Miller's magic, Theodore Miller's strength… You are more aware of the possibilities inside you than anyone else. Instead of trying to change yourself, look at yourself in the mirror and think."

The advice of an experienced person was better than anything from a book. Theodore felt like he was on the edge of capturing a clue, so he didn't hesitate to bow his head.

"Thank you, Tower Master."

"…Don't thank me. One day, you have an obligation to teach this to someone else."

The essential principle of the Magic Society was to pass on their knowledge. Theodore smiled faintly as he was reminded of this. Maybe it was because his smile was charming, but Veronica's cheeks turned faintly red.

Meanwhile, the carriage fell into silence again. However, this time it wasn't awkward. This was a silence caused by the magicians thinking about the story on their own.

Theodore gazed up at the air and contemplated deeply.

'My own magic…'

Theodore Miller slowly looked back on his 20 years of life.

* * *

Exactly three days later…

Every time the road ended, Veronica would use Dragon Breath, and they would make their way again. Then the wagon, which had been rolling well without stopping, suddenly stopped. As the successor of the White Tower Master, William examined it but couldn't find any problems.

Mujak watched him and said, "It is no use. We will probably have to walk from here."

"Ah, there was that. I forgot." Veronica didn't wonder why they would have to walk and nodded easily.

As confusion filled everyone else's eyes, she pointed to the distant horizon and briefly explained, "I don't know why, but whenever there is a drought, the duration of magic is greatly reduced in the Meuse Desert. Artifacts like this carriage will stop working. Think of it like pushing magic power into a broken jar."

"Then we can't use secondary magic?"

"Spells like 'Battle Song' are okay, but 'Haste' will be blocked."

This was a troublesome terrain. Theodore wasn't the only one to think so, as William grumbled at the now obsolete carriage. Due to the nature of the White Tower, the carriage had cost an enormous amount of money to make.

"Damn, you know how much this costs…"

"Can't we take it on the way back?"

"It will be covered in sand and leave no traces in just an hour. It is regretful, but it can't be helped."

It had been easy to travel up to this point, but it was now time to taste the harshness of the terrain. As soon as the six of them left the carriage, they were greeted by the sandy breeze. They triggered the magic on their robes, but sand had already entered the gaps.

Veronica's brows furrowed. "Damn Imperial bastards, making me come here…"

This was an irrational rage toward the Andras Empire, but no one was idiotic enough to point it out. They were fairly close to the destination, so Veronica didn't shoot a Dragon Breath. It was to save her magic power in case of misfortune or an unexpected event.

In this situation, there was one larger issue.

"Um… My detection magic isn't working. No matter how much magic power I use, it doesn't go beyond 20 meters."

"It can't be helped. This is one more penalty." Veronica looked around with a hard expression after William tried detection magic. The sand wasn't at a constant height, which made their visibility limited.

First of all, the Andras knights were at the ruins, so this wasn't a good environment to approach in. Unlike the neutralized detection magic, aura was still working. At that moment, Theodore thought of a method.

"Can you wait a minute?"

"Huh? Do you have a method?"

"Yes, perhaps…"

The party stopped moving while Theodore concentrated. He was looking for the contract Satomer had given to him. This was the connection with the crow 'Hugin.'

'I would like to borrow Mitra's strength if possible.'

Unfortunately, it wasn't possible. Maybe it was because Meuse Desert wasn't naturally created, or it was due to the power of the sand dragon. Either way, this was an environment where elementals couldn't be called.

Fortunately, summoning seemed to work regardless of environment.

"Come, Hugin!"

As soon as Theodore moved his magic power, a crow popped out of thin air.


"A s-summon?" Veronica was surprised by this magic and examined Theodore. The effectiveness of summoning magic had decreased over the past hundreds of years, making it difficult to be seen now. When had Theodore learned summoning magic?

"Summoning magic… You have learned a fairly minor branch of magic."

"It was by chance." Theodore smiled wryly as he guessed her meaning. Was it because he hadn't used summoning magic in quite a while…? Hugin was enjoying the sky after having not appeared in the physical world for a while.

'Do you see this, Senior?' Theodore briefly thought about that skinny face, the face of the summoning magician who had handed over all his knowledge and dream to Theodore. Everyone in this era remembered him as a loser, but he was the summoner who had managed to call Fafnir.

Chapter 193 – Around the Desert (3)

After the crow flew through the desert sky for an hour, Theodore was forced to fix his perception. He couldn't use Mitra's power, so he called Hugin as a substitute. However, it was far superior to what he had expected.

'Indeed, it is bigger when the eye level is higher.'

Theodore shared the desert scenery with Hugin and soon discovered the reason.

Mitra's ability was moving through the ground, while Hugin could look down at the ground from the height of the clouds. The sandy winds of the desert couldn't reach that height. Unlike the party that could barely see 50 meters ahead, he could see a wide scenery.

Then something soon entered Theodore's eyes. It was four hours after the carriage stopped, just as the sun started to fall below the horizon. Something glowing in the opposite direction of the sun entered Hugin's eyes.


"Kid, what happened?"

At the front of the party, Theodore suddenly grabbed his eyes and Veronica hurriedly helped him. It might be due to the crow's habit, which liked sparkling things. The silver which entered Hugin's eyes was difficult for Theodore to endure.

However, Theodore restored his balance and looked at the landscape again. There was a building which maintained its shape in the desert caused by the sand dragon, Desertio. Additionally, the radiant silver which hurt his eyes matched Paragranum's previous description.

The hemisphere shape, which was 300 meters in radius, protruded from the ground, and it was made of a metal that was hard to scratch with master level auras.

"I've found the ruin."

The faces of the investigation team became tense at Theodore's words. They were glad to reach their destination, but they knew that people were occupying it. So, from then on, the party's gait became more cautious.

They narrowed the distance toward the scenery which Theodore had seen.


The investigation team could see the outline of the ruins Theodore had seen from the distant sky. There was a flag with two swords flying. The flag symbolized the sword empire. The black knights from Andras were also patrolling the ruins.

"300 meters ahead, a patrol of Shadow Knights will pass."

"How many?"

"There are 12 people on patrol and based on the barracks, there are 40 people in total."

"It is a considerable amount. Isn't the value of this set of ruins quite high?"

Unlike Quattro who had no experience, Veronica had run into them several times, so she knew the meaning of this number.

The Shadow Knights were the hidden swords of the Andras Empire, who committed all types of deeds in the darkness. The fact that 40 people had been sent to this distant desert was proof that these ruins had a lot of value.

However, shortly after that, Theodore's expression hardened. "…One of the empire's Seven Swords is present."

It was a familiar face. With black hair and legs which were stretched out in a relaxed manner, this was the appearance of a knight who looked cunning. He was Andras' 7th Sword, Lloyd Pollan.

Theodore Miller didn't have a good impression of him. He was the sword master who had found him in the royal palace and threatened to kill him at the end of the armistice.

"The 7th Sword, Lloyd Pollan."

"What? That opportunist bastard?"

However, Veronica's reaction was unexpected for Theodore.


"Yes, it is strange. He never comes when there are traps, but if there is something to gain, he will appear like a ghost. Additionally, he never shows up on a battlefield where either Blundell or I are present. He is trickier than the 4th Sword."

Therefore, Veronica���s eyes were blazing at this chance to kill him. It wasn't just her but the others as well. Quattro had a great attachment to their kingdom, so they wanted to take this opportunity to shatter the power of the empire.

In the end, only Mujak and Para moved along with casual expressions.

"Okay, this hill is adequate."

Before long, Theodore's group arrived at a sand dune near the ruins containing the Andras team. It was a suitable place to secretly monitor the Andras team. The approach of the six people hadn't been exposed yet.

"The Shadow Knights… It is my first time seeing them with my own eyes." William looked over the sand dune and gulped. He knew about the special forces of the Andras Empire, but he didn't know he would encounter them in this way.

Sylvia couldn't help tightening her grip on her staff, while Theodore was staring at the man called Lloyd Pollan. At that moment, Veronica looked at the Andras knights and muttered, "But what are they doing now?"

The question soon spread to everyone. It was inevitable for the Meltor war mages to be curious about the strange actions of the shadows. A group of five people was digging at the ground, while another pair was burying something in the ground. Silver liquid was flowing from the large pits they'd made.

Paragranum was the first to notice their intentions.


"What, explosives?"

'I know that the Andras people are using all types of means, but even explosives?'

Veronica and the others turned to Para with surprise, but she didn't pay attention to them. She continued muttering to herself. What was the Andras team doing?

On the contrary, there were several possibilities as to why they were laying down explosives. Should the Meltor group let it go or interfere? If they were confident of winning in a frontal battle, it was more realistic to choose the latter.

"If they are planning to blow it up, should I use my breath?" Veronica offered a radical suggestion.

However, Theodore considered it seriously. As Paragranum had described, the ruin wouldn't be broken by Veronica's breath. The Andras group, who hadn't grasped their approach yet, would be hit and burn to death without knowing. The explosives would blow up, and even Lloyd would find it difficult to survive. It was a chance to get rid of everyone with one attack!

However, the moment when Theodore was about to nod with agreement, there was a voice which interfered with the decision.

"No, you can't do that!" Paragranum, the grimoire in the shell of a girl, suddenly shouted at Veronica. Veronica stopped in surprise, just as the explosives burned up on the other side of the sand dune.


There was a massive explosion accompanied by a huge roar. The party wasn't prepared and quickly covered their eardrums, while the sky darkened with smoke.

Kukukukung, the earth also trembled.

The ground shook like an earthquake was occurring. A great shock wave burst out, and the sandy field shook. Theodore barely recovered from the shock and instantly realized. '…No, isn't the shaking lasting too long to just be the aftermath of the explosion?'

The impact of the explosion should've ceased already. So, why hadn't the shaking stopped yet? This meant the shock wasn't caused by the explosion but from something under the ground. Was it a coincidence or inevitable? Theodore looked at Paragranum for clarification.

Then he got his wish.

「Mercurius… woke up.]

Theodore couldn't hear it because his ears were still ringing, but he read her lips.


Simultaneously, a white liquid emerged from underneath the ruin. Mercury had been placed beneath the laboratory for the purpose of stopping any intrusions. There was a large volume and it started taking the form of something huge.

This was an autonomous maneuver-type guardian that Paracelsus had created out of mercury. The name was Mercurius…

This was the name which had been given by the best alchemist in the Age of Mythology to a man-made embodiment of Hermes. The guardian didn't have a nucleus, which was the weakness of all existences with an indefinite form. It had the ability to multiply again and again, as long as there was a drop of mercury left.

Paracelsus's guardian appeared in the image of a snake and declared in a loud voice, 『This is Mercurius' 76th autonomous movement. It is due to an intrusion attempt without going through the procedures.』

Mercurius gazed at the Andras excavation team. 『Power annihilation..』

Although the sun had only fallen a little bit to the west, the serpent was big enough to cover the sun, casting a huge shadow. As the knights stiffened at the sight before them, Mercurius struck ruthlessly.

Its estimated length was tens of meters, while its estimated weight was several tons. Mercurius' body, which was entirely made of mercury, was a terrible mass weapon in itself. From top to bottom, left to right…

As the massive mass of mercury crashed into them, many Shadow Knights were crushed to death.


The simple movement wasn't enough to destroy all of Andras' barracks, but it did reach the sand dune where Theodore's party were hiding. Even the wind was an attack! Mercurius waved its tail lightly, but it was almost equal to magic of the 7th Circle.



"This damn snake!"

Fortunately, Veronica managed to offset the wind pressure. Otherwise, the six of them would've been blown away. One scholar had said this, 'A massive mass is a power in itself.'

The six people hiding at the sand dune quickly thought about what to do next. There were still a few of Andras' Shadows remaining, while Mercurius was already moving its body for the next attack. If they didn't move quickly, they would be late.

"Yellow Tower Kid, why did you stop me?"

Didn't it seem like she was aware of Mercurius' existence? Five pairs of eyes stared at Para with reasonable doubt.

She explained in a matter of fact manner, "That is Mercurius, a guardian of the laboratory that Paracelsus created. Its entire body is made of mercury. If Tower Master had used your breath, this entire area would have become filled with poison gas."

"Poison gas?"

"Even a sword master can't escape from the poisonous influence of the mercury. Additionally, if it evaporates, it will just return to liquid again."

It couldn't be defeated. That was the common thought in the minds of those who heard the explanation. Veronica's breath would only threaten the body. Even if it evaporated from powerful magic, it would just return to its original state. This wasn't an opponent they could face.

They wondered why Para had omitted the mention of such a dangerous existence.

"But Mercurius is a defender who will only use force if people don't enter through the door in a legitimate way. It is safer for us to stay back until all of the Andras group are dead."

"…That would be reasonable.��� Veronica nodded at Para's explanation but then pointed toward something. "Though, isn't it hard to leave this situation alone?"

The investigation team looked at where Veronica was pointing. On the battlefield, the Shadow Knights were being trampled on like ants. Behind Mercurius, a man was trying to enter the laboratory through a drainage tunnel that had been exposed.

"Lloyd Pollan?!"

"Well, this is what happened. We can't retreat now. That bastard is going in alone," Veronica said and then looked at Mercurius, which was like a mountain.

Despite being a sword master, Lloyd didn't hesitate to run away from such a monster. It might be different if his Aura Ability was focused on destruction… but Mujak's 'Illusion' ability was just like an ant before Mercurius.

So, a magician was needed to deal with that mercury serpent. However, the person needed to be of the master level and able to cooperate with Veronica.

"Come, Kid. It is our turn."

Chapter 194 – Mercurius (1)

Theodore's judgment was correct. There was almost no possibility of doing a general strike against Mercurius, which was like a moving fortress.

It was like how water would just split apart when cut. Mercurius didn't even have a nucleus which could be a weak point, so the right strategy to handle it would be to utilize a magician's high amount of firepower.

This didn't exactly mean that it would be advantageous.

"No way. Only two people are going to block that monster?"

"It isn't possible. It is too dangerous!"

"We'll go as well!"

Mujak, Sylvia, and William all opposed the Veronica and Theodore's opinion.

An 8th Circle magician and a 7th Circle magician were people who could sweep through the continent, but this monster was beyond ordinary standards. Since Veronica couldn't use fire magic, her combat power had dropped by half.

How could they leave the two people alone in such a situation? Three people weren't convinced, with only Para agreeing.

"That is a good judgment."


"What are you talking about?"

Para didn't care about the reactions of the party and continued speaking indifferently, "Mercurius calculates the priority of its actions based on the mana of the target. The density of magician, who is of the 7th Circle and higher, is completely different, which means it will attack them with the highest priority."

"B-But if its attention is on the Andras group…"

…Couldn't they sneak past like Lloyd Pollan? In response to the unsaid question, Paragranum calmly pointed out, "Everyone is dead. Look."

It was just as she said. The trembling of the earth stopped, and the Shadow Knights had already been turned to blood. Every one of them had been an excellent aura user, but that hadn't been enough to deal with a legacy from the Age of Mythology.

This hadn't even been a fight. They had simply been slaughtered. Additionally, Mercurius was wriggling around while complaining about having missed Lloyd. Mercurius seemed to be looking for another target to destroy.

In this atmosphere where everyone seemed convinced, Para secretly called out to Theodore, "Captain, this way for a moment."

"…?" He approached her reflexively

Then Para moved her mouth to his ear and said, "Don't worry."


"I know how to enter, but that guy dared to break in? I assure you that the rude man won't come out alive."

"Oh, a trap?"

Theodore realized her meaning at once and Para nodded with a cold smile. For a grimoire, their creator was a god who should be cherished. For that dirty being to dare step into her creator's dwelling, she couldn't stand it.

"With the sub-master privileges, I can't stop Mercurius, but I can control the laboratory's security system. I'll enter and capture him."

"…Then I'll leave it to you." Theodore felt slightly sorry for Lloyd, who made a grimoire his enemy. Then Paragranum reached out at an angle which wasn��t visible to the others and pushed something into Theodore's pocket.

"This…?" Theodore uttered.

"It is the thing I promised you. I wish you can hold onto it without using it, but it is there if you need it. I can just make it again."


'The Foolish Philosopher's Stone!'

Theodore nodded as he touched it and confirmed what it was. He had been worried about not having a means to deal with Mercurius, but this gift gave him another option. After Para finished speaking with Theodore, she moved away from him.

Then Veronica, who was watching them with strange eyes, spoke, "Now, shall we begin?"

It was time to face Mercurius, the artificial guardian.

* * *

Mercurius was an artificial guardian which had been inadvertently created by Paracelsus. Was it because the divinity of Hermes had been used? Or maybe its intelligence had grown after living in the world for so long. Paracelsus couldn't return alive, but Mercurius was currently very angry.

It was because it had missed a small intruder right before its eyes.

『Mission performance, 98.2% progress… This is insulting. 』

Since Creator Paracelsus hadn't considered 'emotions' in his designs, Mercurius twitched around without knowing how to soothe the irritation inside it. Despite having been born ages ago, its mental age was still in infancy. It had been designed as a tool which couldn't move arbitrarily unless a trigger was pulled.

…Yes, unless someone pulled the trigger.


A strong impact suddenly struck Mercurius' head. It contained a mighty power which could blow up thousands of gallons of mercury! Mercurius' head was turned the other way because of the blow, and stirring up a blazing emotion inside it.

It was being irritated by the enemy buzzing around its head.

『The 1st shot from the target, the means of use is 'force bound.' 7th Circle magic…』

Toward the south of the ruins, the sun was setting. With red hair and a red robe, Veronica raised her magic power to the maximum, dyeing her body in red. She used magic to float and then smiled at Mercurius. "Oh, there was an effect. I wanted to get close."

This smile unintentionally touched on Mercurius' nerves. 『Obliterate.』


The massive weight crushed the ground as dust was kicked up and shaking occurred. The land seemed to be screaming every time the huge snake moved its body. Even Veronica couldn't help feeling impressed despite being accustomed to large-scale destruction.

It wasn't easy to go against Mercurius. After all, it weighed more than 13 times the weight of the same volume of water, and Mercurius probably consisted of more than 100,000 gallons, perhaps even millions of gallons.

The tail was a natural means of pure devastation.

"Kid!" Veronica stared calmly at the figure before calling out to Theodore, who was concentrating underneath her. "I'll leave all the ice magic to you! Freeze it when it comes!"


"The rest of you will take advantage of that gap! Count it carefully!"

Mercurius made a lot of noise as it approached. Theodore ignored his increasingly pained ears and waited for Veronica to enter the full range of Mercurius' body.

At 600 meters, the dust was so thick that it was hard to get a sense of distance. At 470 meters, it was faster and more flexible than he thought. This might be difficult. At 320 meters, he analyzed the zigzag pattern that it was moving at. At 150 meters, his range overlapped with Mercurius.


In a situation where a hundredth of a second couldn't be missed, Theodore's concentration was fine enough to be threaded through a needle. This was a tactical magic which was 50 meters in radius and 100 meters in diameter.

Mercurius' body might be bent, but it was within Theodore's range of effect.

"Over the sky, under the sky! Blow unceasingly in the sky, Ymir's white fog!"

Theodore used the genius ice magic invented by Sylvia Adruncus!

"Diamond Dust!"

Within a limited range, the silver storm which was worse than Blizzard created a wall around Mercurius. It was different in scale from that of Sylvia, who was only at the 6th Circle.

The cold crystals floated about like there was a blizzard, and they froze the mercury which had a much lower freezing temperature than water. Mercurius was surprised by the attack, since it had only been aiming for Veronica.

Jjejejeok…! Jjejejeok…!

Unsurprisingly, Mercurius tried to escape the trap. However, it was too late as more than half of its body was already frozen. It was frozen from its head to some of its tail. There was a frozen snake statue in the middle of the desert. The rest of the investigation team used this gap to pass Mercurius and quickly entered the ruins. Their distant voices were heard in Theodore's ears.

"I pray for your luck!"

"Theo, take care of yourself!"

"Try not to die, Captain! Tower Master should also be careful!"

They were very noisy. Theodore couldn't help laughing, then he met Veronica's gaze. It was a good blow, but the damage to Mercurius wasn't significant. Theodore, who had become accustomed to fighting beings from the Age of Mythology, sighed.

'This time will be quite annoying as well.'

Resignation filled his eyes as he saw the ice on Mercurius had started to melt. If Theodore calculated the magic power he used, it should've been frozen for another hour. However, Mercurius' magic resistance was so strong that it only lasted for three minutes.

If this was its response to ice, which should be its weakness, then the other attributes wouldn't be the answer either. Was it best to buy time until Paragranum secured the ruin?

As Theodore was busy thinking, Veronica attacked without worrying. The 1st commandment of the Red Tower was that the one who struck first had the advantage!

"Force Comet!"

The 7th Circle attack magic, which used force that combined all attributes equally, struck Mercurius' frozen body.


It was in a solid state where viscosity was weak, but the shock couldn't be completely absorbed.

Veronica's blow literally shattered its body. The body which was over 100 meters in length broke into pieces and scattered all over the place, along with the magic circle that generated Diamond Dust.

It was a power which was suited to be named as the god of destruction.

"Ugh! What are you doing suddenly?" Theodore scolded her as he hurriedly avoided the debris. He was almost caught up in that unexpected shock wave. However, Veronica was looking at the shattered pieces of mercury with a serious expression that was unlike her usual self.

"…Hrmm, such massive destruction is meaningless." She sensed it.

Veronica had thought the timing of the previous attack was perfect, but it had no meaning. As if to confirm her intuition, Mercurius survived.


No, survival was a term for living things. The shattered fragments gathered in one place and merged together.

Was it turning into a giant snake again? It might've fallen into Theodore's trap, but the flexible and strong body of a snake was an advantage. No defense magic or aura defense could endure the mercury's weight of hundreds of tons.

However, their speculation was betrayed in an unexpected way.


"It seems like it."

The shape didn't look too different from a human being, except for the fact that its two arms and legs extended beyond 50 meters. The two of them tensed as Mercurius transformed from a snake and into a giant.

Then at that moment…


It was the eyes. They were eyes consisting of white corneas, white pupils, and white iris. Eyes had appeared on the giant's body. If that was all, Theodore and Veronica wouldn't be surprised. However, the problem was the number of eyes. They covered its body from head to toe.

"Wow, disgusting." Veronica frowned at the unpleasant sight.

Meanwhile, Theodore's company woke up and spoke to Theodore, -It has reproduced the watcher, Argos, who has hundreds of eyes. It wasn't just nonsense that Mercurius had Hermes' divinity.

'Gluttony, tell me what you know.'

–Argos is the name of a giant who appeared in an old myth. Thanks to the hundreds of eyes covering its body, it was an expert at watching. Then it was killed by Hermes, who was trying to obtain something Argos was protecting.

Gluttony briefly explained about Argus and analyzed Mercurius, who was about to move. It might not be Paragranum, but Gluttony had a lot of experience with the Age of Mythology and explained the situation.

–An artificial creature made with Hermes' divinity… Fortunately, it can't use caduceus' strength. Indeed, if it could use it, Mercurius would be a god.

Then Gluttony spoke like it was interested, -Well, try to think of a method.

'…No, is there anything I can do? Is this the end?'

–Can you afford to not be looking ahead?

'Ahead? What is in front… Damn.'

While Theodore was listening to Gluttony's words, the hundreds of eyes had turned toward him. The eyes on Mercurius' body became red. Theodore didn't know their function, but he had an ominous feeling. He felt a chill run down his spine as he jumped back. Simultaneously, Mercurius took a big step forward.

"-It's coming!"

A giant and two magicians who could destroy a mountain with a fist… This was the moment when a legend began in the middle of the desert.

Chapter 195 – Mercurius (2)

Understandably, the priority of the attack was on Mercurius. The arms which stretched out from its massive body were dozens of meters long. Before the giant, the two magicians were nothing more than flies.

The silver body of mercury shook, and Mercurius soon began attacking with its big arms.


It was literally a whirlwind. Unlike the tail which had caused a sharp shock wave, the wind pressure caused by the blast was overpowering.

Floating in midair, Theodore and Veronica bounced backward. Due to the nature of flying magic which controlled airflow, it was impossible to stay in place against this wind pressure. No matter how well a captain steered a ship, it would be overturned by the power of the sea.

Theodore was pushed almost a hundred meters away and barely corrected his posture.

'…Ugh, I never expected to experience motion sickness in a place like this.'

Was this the feeling of being caught in a storm at sea? This concept of being pushed around to the right and left was unknown to Theodore.

"Wake up, Kid!" It was Veronica's voice which woke him up from his dizziness.

Her voice was more urgent than usual, stirring Theodore into movement.


At that moment, the mercury arm, which was more like a pillar, brushed past Theodore's feet. If the arm hit Theodore directly, his body would burst like a rotten tomato. Even with defense magic, it was a death blow.

Theodore grabbed his neck at the belated warning and hurriedly flew over to Veronica. Instead of reprimanding him, she nodded. "Kid, I guess you don't have a lot of experience in air combat?"

"Yes, I've only experienced it once."

"I knew it. How much aerial combat is there in this age?"

Theodore's immaturity couldn't be blamed. Even top magicians like Veronica didn't have much experience in air combat. It was a bit harsh to ask for that of a young man who wasn't even 30 years old.

Veronica had never fought against something the size of Mercurius while in the air. She couldn't use fire magic, and the opponent was an immortal monster.

"So, what should we do?" Theodore asked.

However, Veronica just laughed wildly and formed a fist.

Her eight circles revolved and pulled all the mana in the area into her fist. Even though they were both masters, her dominance was far beyond that of Theodore. Mana which couldn't initially be felt by human senses was forcibly materialized.

"Enchant-Force Meteor!"

This was the technique of converting magic power into physical force, followed by a few auxiliary spells.

"Striking! Amplification!"

The duration of the technique was significantly reduced in the Meuse Desert, but Veronica was a great magician who could hold onto it for a while. Theodore paled every time Veronica cried out a spell, and he felt a thrill as over 10 auxiliary spells were placed on her fist.

Her physical abilities already far surpassed a normal person without the assistance of aura. Then what would happen if 8th Circle magic enhanced her physical power? Now, Veronica could crush a mountain with a fist!

Mercurius momentarily stiffened at the violent atmosphere which emerged around the red dragon.

"Die, you monster!"

Power burst from Veronica's fist. It was a blow which contained pure force. Anyone who knew a bit of martial arts wouldn't be able to breathe after seeing this.


The wind let out a loud sound as it was torn apart by the fist. There was an empty voice, and the enormous power turned into light. Veronica's right arm was blocked by the mercury giant's arm and went through without any resistance.

Then shortly after that, it exploded.


Once again, the two people were pushed back dozens of meters, reaching a place where the set of ruins looked small. Theodore's robes flapped in the wind as he gazed at the mercury giant's location.


There was no upper body.

Mercurius' 30 meter long lower body was still present, but its upper body had disappeared without a trace due to Veronica's strike. Theodore saw it and recalled something a veteran had said. It was so unrealistic that he hadn't believed it.

In the last war, Veronica had broken an enemy fortress with a fist.

'…That was a true story.'

This power was enough to make a fortress fly away. Theodore inwardly decided to buy a drink for the senior whom he thought had been a liar. However, Veronica's expression was dissatisfied despite the successful attack. Apart from fire magic, the previous attack contained the maximum power that she could use.



Something was emerging from Mercurius' lower body. The regeneration speed was like the speed of a lizard's tail growing back. Theodore frowned at the sight for a moment, before denying his own judgment.

'No, the volume has definitely reduced. It did have an effect.'

The original height of 50 meters was reduced to 40 meters. It meant that the amount of mercury forming Mercurius' body had decreased. It might be possible to completely destroy it with three or four more blows.

"Tower Master."


"That attack you just did, how many more times can you do it?"

Veronica gave a long sigh and replied, "If I use it once or twice more, I will be out of combat."

"Hoo, this won't work."

"I never thought I would be in a situation where I run out of firepower."

It was just as she said. Veronica had awakened the red dragon's blood, so her firepower was a step or two above that of the other 8th Circle magicians. Even Blundell couldn't surpass her when it came to combat power.

Now, only a 9th Circle magician would be able to match Veronica's firepower. As Theodore and Veronica were thinking, Mercurius started to show some movements.

Kururuk… kurururuk…


"Dammit, this is another transformation."

The reduced volume was gradually restored. 42 meters, 45 meters, 48 meters… Once Mercurius' body reached 50 meters again, hundreds of eyes appeared on its body and emitted a sinister light. A silver body and red eyes… When Theodore saw it, his senses cried out loudly.

"Tower Master!"


As Veronica turned with surprise at his urgent voice, Theodore approached and hugged her.

"Eh? W-Wait a minute, Kid?"

"Hold your breath!"


Theodore's right arm gleamed the moment that the hundreds of eyes on Mercurius' body released a flash of light. The two bodies stepped away from this material world while a white flash emerged from Mercurius' eyes and penetrated through the air and into the ground.


The sand turned to silver. No, it was mercury. The sandy field touched by the light turned into a puddle of mercury. Some people would say that the scene was wonderful, but Theodore could only get an eerie feeling when he saw it.

"Conversion of material ray…? That is 9th Circle magic."

"It wasn't uncommon in the Age of Mythology."

"How annoying. Magic resistance would be useless if hit by that, and poison will spread from that area."

This wasn't a curse of petrification. Instead, the blood flowing through one's body would be turned to mercury, and one's bones and flesh would be separated from the body. Theodore didn't know that Mercurius had been concealing such a terrible weapon.

It was good that they had avoided the first attack, but how long could that last? Theodore felt sweat flow down his palms.

'…I have no choice.'

The Azoth Sword was sleeping in the space in his left hand. Theodore might be able to break through this situation if he used it and the Philosopher's Stone. It was regrettable to consume the treasure in this place, but nothing was more precious than his life.

The Azoth Sword left the inventory and entered his left hand.

* * *

Was it because the two magicians had successfully attracted attention…? The rest of the investigation team arrived at the ruins without any interruptions and entered the hole that Lloyd had hidden in.

Lloyd had entered approximately 10 minutes ahead of them. Given the speed of a sword master, it wasn't an exaggeration to say that the difference had already exceeded several kilometers. However, that speculation was proven wrong shortly afterward.

"Hoh? You followed me quickly. I thought I would have more time to spare." Lloyd Pollan, the empire's Seventh Sword, appeared at the beginning of the passage like he had been waiting for them.

He cast an appraising gaze over Mujak, Sylvia, William, and Para and soon realized how they had gotten here.

"Indeed, you must've used two masters to bind that monster's feet. You must've thought it was a priority to block me. How great."

"….Why are you so relaxed?" Mujak stepped forward.

In this narrow space, sword masters had an advantage over magicians. It was true even if the other person was a 7th Circle magician. This was because it was difficult to use wide-area magic in this terrain, and there were a number of other disadvantages.

In the end, Mujak was the only one who could stop Lloyd.

"Andras' dog, all of your men are dead. Aren't you ashamed to crawl into this hole alone?"

"I should be asking you if you feel ashamed," Lloyd sneered in reply. "What is a loyal dog of the Sultan doing attaching yourself to Meltor? You are like an old fox."


"Well, the king of Meltor does have more prospects than an old man in the desert. It is a good decision." Lloyd started clapping, causing Mujak's anger to soar silently.

The fact that Mujak didn't curse or act was proof of how angry he was. Before they could stop him, a turquoise aura surrounded his blade. It was an urgent situation. The Quattro members read the atmosphere between the two sword masters and stepped back, while Mujak opened his mouth.

He growled, "Bark as much as you want. You will die here."

"Hrmm, you still don't understand."

The two voices echoed in the air, and their owners disappeared.


Ocher and turquoise, the two different aura colors collided with each other, causing a shock wave in the area. Thousands of years of dust was stirred up as the two swordsmen moved back and forth, leaving faint afterimages.

They slashed at the top, bottom, left, and right, while bending over to avoid their waist, neck, or heart being cut. They moved 10 to 20 times in the blink of an eye. Clearly, there was a storm of two swords in the narrow passage.

King! Kakang! Kak! Kiiing- Kaaang!

"Damn, there are no gaps!" William tried to give support, but he ended up shaking his head and lowering his outstretched hands.

The two masters were so fast that there was no room for magic. Was his experience that different from a sword master? He had been treated as a prodigy since childhood, so this was the first time William had felt so helpless.

However, Sylvia casually stretched out her staff. "Wind, freeze."

Frost Fog, a chill emerged from the end of her staff and wrapped around the two sword masters. This was an action which affected both people! William was astonished and tried to stop the magic.

However, he quickly understood her actions. "I see! You placed cold resistance on him in advance!"

Unlike Lloyd who didn't have any magic defense, Mujak had the cold resistance which Sylvia had placed on him. Even if both of them were hit by the cold air, there was bound to be differences in the damage.

Unsurprisingly, Lloyd's sword was delayed by half a beat, and he was pushed back by Mujak.


The three magicians reacted at the same time.

Frost Spear.

Chain Lightning.

Gravity Bound.

Ice spears and a net of lightning bolts stretched out to Lloyd's location. The gravitational pull was just a bonus. These were attacks from the next tower master candidates, so it was impossible for their target to avoid serious injuries.

However, Lloyd's response was just like a god's. Lloyd took two and a half steps forward, with his body moving like a dancer's through the ice spears and lightning bolts. Then he penetrated through the net of lightning bolts, as well as through the center of the gravitational field, and moved his sword.


Spellbreak was a stunning feat only possible for some people of the empire. It was the nemesis of magicians, used to break down the spells by inserting aura into the gap of magic. This was the power which had allowed them to fight against magicians for decades.

Lloyd sneaked through the linked attacks of the three magicians, but there was another person who blocked him.

The sword master, Mujak, appeared before Lloyd.

"-This isn't cowardice."

Mujak's eyes blazed as he held his swords in a strange shape. This was his 'Illusion' Aura Ability. It was useless for trying to break through something like Mercurius, but it was very effective when fighting against a human. Then Mujak used his special move which was capable of killing another master.


Dozens of swords appeared in the empty space. They were illusions, but they became real blades the moment Mujak's aura filled them. Materialization of an illusion… This was the secret technique of Austen's guardian which had never failed him so far!


With that word, a shower of swords rained down on Lloyd.

Chapter 196 – Mercurius (3)

The reaction took place in a single moment. Against Mujak who had formed dozens of swords, Lloyd jumped forward without hesitation. The vivid turquoise blades shook like leaves in a sandstorm.

It was a phenomenon caused by being pushed by the great amount of aura released. Mujak's Mirage was a decisive skill which could deal dozens of attacks at the same time.


The blades released sharp screams as the two swordsmen crossed each other.



They both groaned, but the depth of their groans was different. Mujak stared with disbelief at the sword piercing his abdomen. This was a technique which had never betrayed him until now. It was an ability that gave him a one-sided superiority, allowing him to corner his opponent.

The pained Mujak expressed his doubts, "…Ho-w?"

His questioning eyes swept over Lloyd's body. There were a few wounds from 'MIrage' on Lloyd's body, but none of them were serious. Lloyd was the one who benefited from the dozens of swords and managed to damage Mujak. Mujak couldn't understand it.

Then Lloyd muttered, "An ability that makes swords real… it is a threat. If there were four or five more, I wouldn't be able to avoid a mortal wound." Lloyd let out a ridiculing snort. "This is a bad technique to use against me. I don't know if all the illusions can be materialized, but I have the ability to tell illusion from reality."

"Ugh…" Mujak groaned as pain shot up from his abdomen. How could he be defeated in this favorable situation? Blood emerged from between his lips.

However, unlike his mocking words, Lloyd recognized his opponent's capabilities. As proof, his usual relaxed atmosphere had disappeared.

'You aren't easy, master of the Central continent.'

It was too big a variable to overlook. Lloyd pulled out the sword that he had stabbed into Mujak. His aura flowed back to him. Then while his opponent was still recovering, he tried to kill Mujak. However, Lloyd couldn't achieve his purpose.


Ice spears and wind blades poured toward the place where he had just been standing.

"…Ah, I forgot about you."

It was a mistake. Lloyd retreated a few steps with a bitter smile. Mujak coughed up blood after the sword was pulled out, but he wasn't dead. Lloyd looked at the magicians lined up on either side of Mujak and retreated with a shrug. "I am at a disadvantage against four people. I will stand down first."

"What, wait…"

"I promise to meet you later."

William's attempt at restraining Lloyd didn't concern him as he disappeared around the corner. Despite the injuries he suffered, he was still a sword master. He had a strength which far exceeded the capacity of the human body.

"Damn, we have to chase him before he heals…!"

"No, chase him later."

"What?" William glanced at Sylvia after hearing her words.

"If we follow him without Mujak, the three of us will just be defeated. It is better to focus on healing Mujak here. We can just track him and attack him again."

"Uhh, your judgment is correct. You are also brilliant."


His head might be too heated up right now, but William was also an outstanding figure. He understood right away that Sylvia's words were right. So, before sitting down, he examined the passage a few times.

Then he used every detection magic that the White Tower had. "Hoo, it can't be helped. Then the decision is easy."

Mujak's wound was deep, but fortunately, it wasn't life-threatening. The combination of healing potions and healing magic placed him in a stable state. If Lloyd's plan had been to tie up the feet of his pursuers, it worked out perfectly.

Mujak, who had unknowingly become a burden to his party, apologized with a heavy sigh, "Hmm, this old man has become a burden. I'm sorry."

"No, you got injured."

"I would be happier if I had cut off one of his arms… This just makes me mad."

Mujak had pride in his own abilities, but the north had too many monsters. There was also Veronica, who could cut his head off as easily as peeling an apple. While Mujak was feeling ashamed, his eyes felt a strange sense of discomfort. He felt like a person had disappeared from among them.

"Um, I would like to say one thing if it isn't impolite."

"What is it?"

"T-That person isn't there."

The two of them didn't see anyone when they followed Mujak's finger. That's right. The two of them couldn't see anything.

"Where did the girl with yellow hair go?"

It was the sudden disappearance of the Yellow Tower candidate, Para.

* * *


Lloyd moved quickly and slowed down as he noticed there was no one following him. He thought there would be at least one person, but no one had chased him. They were fairly good despite their young age, truly worthy of being called the elite forces of Meltor. If possible, he wanted to reduce the group by one person before he was hit again.

'It was quite a dangerous situation,' Lloyd thought as he poured potions onto his wounds.

The higher the density of aura, the slower the recovery of the wound. These cuts from a master would probably take a month to heal completely. Mujak's stabbed stomach was more severe, but it wasn't a comforting thought.

"I am the loser only because he lacks practical experience," Lloyd muttered as he continued walking. "It would've been different if he had turned it into a fight of attrition. I would have had no way to escape. No, I won because I provoked him."

He analyzed the previous fight. This was Lloyd���s hobby and habit, and the basis for his tactics.

Lloyd's win over Mujak was actually due to Mujak's self-destruction. Instead of taking advantage of the favorable situation, he had blind faith in his Aura Ability. If Mujak had maintained the siege with the three magicians, it would have been Lloyd who was killed.

That's why he had taunted Mujak until Mujak couldn't endure it any longer. For the Janissaries, the Sultan was their idol, so insulting him would cause their minds to empty. The taunt had worked, creating a 'chasm' in Mujak's perfect advantage.

This had been the winning factor. Lloyd was always faithful to his tactics, and the victory matched his abilities.

"…Hmm, the road still isn't visible. Is there no way to break inside?"

He had been walking for several kilometers. No matter how large the ruin was, a doorway should've appeared by now. However, Lloyd couldn't find anything. His Aura Ability was very useful, but he couldn't see anything other than short-term results. It had told him how to enter the ruins, but he didn't know how to break inside.

At that moment…

As if hearing Lloyd's inner thoughts, a voice echoed inside the dark passage, "You are interesting. I never thought I would see a master with the 'Pathfinder' ability."

"…Who?" Lloyd couldn't determine the location of the voice.

He hid his annoyed expression and looked around warily.

The voice seemed to be coming from the other side of the passage, giving an intimate feeling. "It allowed you to know how to wake up Mercurius, find the tunnel, and see the illusionary sword. If so, it isn't hard to understand. Pathfinder, the power of guidance, is the ability to see the conditional future."

"…You, who are you?"

Unlike a magician, the essence of the Aura Ability was like another life. Some abilities were unavoidable, but there were those like Lloyd's which were hard to determine. So far, he had used his ability to overcome dozens of adverse situations and reign victorious over strong enemies. It was literally his joker, his last trump card.

However, this voice knew his secret! Fear filled Lloyd's eyes as he raised his sword. Reading someone's mind and manipulating their behavior, this was the natural enemy of those with abilities such as his.

As Lloyd trembled with fear for the first time, a seemingly adorable girl appeared before him. She said, "Don't be afraid, it has been a long time since I've had so much fun."


The girl was one of Meltor's three magicians. Her presence was vividly clear now, unlike earlier when she had been hiding it. Lloyd raised his sword reflexively, but he was curious about the other person's true identity.

"Didn't you hear me ask who you were?"

"There is no reason to answer. You just have to listen to me talk."

It was absurd. Lloyd grew speechless at the reply. Meanwhile, Para opened her mouth again and said, "At first glance, Pathfinder looks like a universal power, but it has a fatal drawback. Previous users of the ability were ignorant of the weakness and died."

The ability to see the future was treated as a powerful ability in any age, and Lloyd's Pathfinder was a type of ability which saw the future. It told him the way to accomplish his purpose in the form of a 'road.'

He could make the impossible possible, as well as succeed when the probability was low.

However, Paragranum ridiculed his ability, "You are too short-sighted. You rode the ladder up but didn't realize that the end is a dead end. You crawled into this set of ruins without knowing anything."

"…Is that so?"

"Hoh?" Para was surprised by the reaction.

On the other hand, Lloyd held his sword with a cold and firm face. "Why are you saying such words when standing alone in front of me, Witch?"

"Witch… It has been a long time since I've heard that." While facing the sword master, the 24-year-old Para smiled brightly at his provocation. The girl's face was beautiful, and the declaration which emerged from her pink lips didn't match her outward appearance.

"Where is your confidence coming from, Mortal? How dare you place your dirty feet in my creator's place? I won't kill you. Instead, I'll play around with you for 10,000 years."


It was the first time Lloyd Pollan had felt this type of chill. This was an evil which was outside the standards of humans. The sincerity of the grimoire, Paragranum, caused the sword master to freeze. This was enough to wake up the survival instinct he thought he had forgotten.

"Kuoh, waaaaack!" Lloyd screamed with terror and attacked with his sword. Mortals usually chose one of three options when facing death. They would give up resisting or run away, or they would struggle meaninglessly, like Lloyd.

This response wasn't worth a penny to Paragranum.

"In the end, you all have the same reaction. It isn't interesting-" She yawned like a girl her age and ordered, "「Identification code PRGRN3681214, space freeze.」"

The world stopped. As Lloyd took a step, the area 1 meter around him froze. This was 9th Circle space magic from the Age of Mythology. Lloyd's eyes carried an expression of shock as he stopped moving.

Paragranum laughed at Lloyd's ridiculous frozen expression. Then while enjoying the power of the laboratory, she spoke, "You are like a child compared to my master."


"Don't roll your eyes at me. 「Isolation.」"

Lloyd's fate was determined with those syllables. The frozen space containing Lloyd literally disappeared. He would now be stored in a corner of the lab's warehouse which was only known to Paragranum.

A necromancer would turn him into a death knight, but he would be a perfect experiment in an alchemist's hands. Maybe he would become a chimera or a homunculus. Para's smile was that of an alchemist.

At that moment, the giggling Paragranum turned her head. It was due to the sudden stoppage of the vibrations caused by Mercurius. Since she still hadn't taken full control of the lab, there could only be one cause.

"It is over."

It was only known to Paragranum, but the fight in Paracelsus' laboratory was over.

Chapter 197 – Mercurius (4)

While the party was engaged with Lloyd, a strong wind was blowing outside the ruins. The wind was coming from the oversized Mercurius. Due to the high density of mercury, Mercurius' weight shook the area, and the aftermath produced a vortex in the air.

It was literally heaven-and-earth shaking! The clouds in the sky had long since been torn apart by the vortex produced by Mercurius, and every time it took a step, the land would change. Was the desert god angry? Austen might call the sandstorm covering the sky a god and fear it, but Mercurius was more than that.

"Kuk, what is this sandy wind…?"

These were strong winds moving at more than 100km/hr. It was inevitable for it to carve off people's flesh and bones. Theodore threw off his torn robe and focused on maintaining his shield magic.

'Damn, mercury is mixed in with the sandstorm. If I let go of the shield, I will be poisoned by it!'

The giant Mercurius was indeed a tricky opponent. The combination of its destructive power, its immortality, the ray of light from a distance, and the sandstorm was deadly. Without Theodore's senses and Veronica's mobility, Theodore wouldn't have lasted for a minute.


Theodore felt a chill and immediately yelled to Veronica, "Tower Master, go up!"

"Up!" Veronica quickly embraced him, and wings of flames emerged from her back.

This was Wing Blaze, flying magic which could only be used by Veronica, who harmonized her dragon's bloodline and magic.


At an unsurpassed speed, the two people flew from the storm and up toward the blue sky. As they exhaled, dozens of rays brushed underneath their feet.

In the beginning, Mercurius shot the rays of light at the same time. However, as the battle continued, the shooting pattern was becoming more sophisticated. As such, they had to move in different directions to evade the dozens of rays.

In addition to that, the error range shrank, and the rays kept getting closer to them.

"Isn't this pretty dangerous?" Veronica, who was pushed to the edge, started sweating anxiously for the first time. The next strike might actually hit them somehow. How long had it been since she'd fought something stronger than her? Her spine tingled with the sense of crisis that she had forgotten.

However, Theodore didn't shrink back as he muttered, "…2 minutes and 12 seconds. The error range is a minimum of 2 seconds to a maximum of 5 seconds."

"Huh? What?"

"The interval between the rays of light. I don't think it can shoot an unlimited amount of 9th Circle magic."

According to this calculation, they were safe for 1 minute and 58 seconds, but there was no time to spare. It would be a checkmate if they couldn't come up with a countermeasure before the next cycle.

'Checkmate.' Theodore thought of this word and reflexively looked down at the dagger in his hand. 'I have to use the Azoth Sword.'

He'd learned how to use the sword from Paragranum. Theodore just needed to attach the Philosopher's Stone to it and touch the target. In a sense, it was like the ray which changed anything it touched to mercury. However, compared to Mercurius, the possibilities of the Azoth Sword were endless.

The true power of the Azoth Sword was substance substitution. The sword had the ability to convert the object which the blade touched into any substance desired by the user. This was a truly divine ability that Paracelsus had.

It was even possible to change worthless mud or bad iron to mithril, orichalcum or gold. Additionally, it was said that Paracelsus had used the Azoth Sword to supply the materials needed for his experiments.

However, there were limits to the power.

Theodore shared this knowledge with Gluttony, who calmly advised him, –Every substance has a corresponding 'value.' Even though they might have the same mass, the value of Substance A is different from that of Substance B. Changing a high-value substance to a low-value substance won't be a big problem, But in the opposite case, it can throw causality off. He made the Azoth Sword and Philosopher's Stone in order to resolve this reaction.

'What exactly is a 'value?''

–An ancient civilization explained it as the concept of entropy. Just know that it is something like that.

Gluttony spoke to the master magician like he was a primitive person, but Theodore had to accept it. Theodore didn't know alchemy, but he could tell that it was deep and complicated. It was a knowledge beyond the extremes of each field.

Therefore, Theodore brought it back to the usage of the Azoth Sword. 'Then can you compare that value? Tell me if it is high or low, based on mercury.'

–Hrmm, okay. I was getting bored.


As he flew without Veronica's arms, Theodore looked at Mercurius below him.

What substance should he change that monster into so that it would be less threatening? The Azoth Sword could only change it into a substance he knew. Theodore thought of a few candidates.

'How about gold?'

–…User, did you become an idiot when I wasn't watching? The density of gold is even higher than mercury. Do you want to increase its weight?

'Ah, I see. A substance that can defeat it…'

Of course, it didn't mean that gold was more threatening than mercury. It was solid at room temperature, and the gold giant could be easily melted. It would buy them some time to escape from this one-sided situation.

However, it wasn't a fundamental solution. The ray of matter conversion was threatening regardless of whether it was gold or mercury, and they needed to enter the ruins as soon as possible. He needed a substance which could neutralize Mercurius and wasn't burdensome.

Theodore worried about it before seeking an answer from Veronica.

"Tower Master, can you still shoot a breath?"

"I can do it twice more, why?"

"Please be prepared. I will make an opportunity for you."

Veronica made a strange expression at his words, but she had no time to question him. It had already been 1 minute and 30 seconds since the last ray had been fired. There were 40 seconds left until checkmate, so she was forced to believe in him.

Veronica nodded at his earnest eyes. "Okay! I won't ask anything and just follow your lead."

"Thank you!"

"What do I need to do?"

He described it briefly. Her eyes shone yellow, and the wings of fire fluttered as she smiled excitedly. Then the arms which embraced Theodore, they let go-


Down he went. At a height several kilometers above sea level, a magician started to fall.

It was at a rate of dozens of meters per second. Thanks to the instant acceleration, Theodore realized that Mercurius' body was getting closer. At almost the same time, Mercurius' hundreds of eyes noticed his approach.

The moment that the gazes of the two beings met,


A pillar of mercury soared. Not one, but both arms aimed at the falling Theodore. The falling Theodore rapidly approached the fists. Against an attack which would turn him into a bloodstain, Theodore calculated the timing with wide eyes. He couldn't fail this reckless challenge simply due to an error of a few seconds.

Exactly two seconds later, a green light flashed on Theodore's right arm. It was Dimensional Leave. His body took one step away from this material world and pushed through the mercury punch. Not even divine power would have an effect against him in this state.

Theodore's gamble was completely effective. As a result of extending both arms, Mercurius was wide open and defenseless.


Theodore stabbed the Azoth Sword into Mercurius.

"Ars Magna!"

This was the activation chant of the Azoth Sword. It was a term which referred to the feat wherein alchemists changed lead to gold. Paracelsus had arrogantly borrowed that term as the trigger word for this tool.

If someone could change worthless lead into noble gold, he would be able to change all the laws of the world at will.

"Become water, you sacred creature, Mercurius!"

At Theodore's order, the Philosopher's Stone attached to the hilt shone gold. Simultaneously, Mercurius melted. No, the statement of melting wasn't appropriate. Mercury was a liquid in the first place, so it was appropriate to say that it flowed down.

The 50-meter-long mass of mercury collapsed as water.

…And Veronica didn't miss this chance. The sky was red. It was fire magic which surpassed even 8th Circle magic, the red clan's favorite Fire Breath.

Until now, she hadn't been able to use it because of mercury vapor. However, that mercury was currently water. As if to express such feelings, the breath burned up the wet sand with a fearsome momentum.


The fight against Mercurius came to an end with the scattered flames.

It was a battle ending which wouldn't have been possible without the Azoth Sword. The fight which deviated from common sense finally ended with the victory of the two magicians.

* * *

After the fight against Mercurius ended, the Theodore and Veronica barely managed to return to the ground. It was a battle which had lasted less than 30 minutes, but they felt a sense of stability from the ground.

It was thanks to the sand hardening from Veronica's breath.

"By the way."


Veronica, who was walking ahead, suddenly spoke to him, "Where did you get that sword from before? It has a completely ridiculous ability. Is it a mysterious national treasure that you received from His Majesty?"

"Ah, this is something that the Yellow Tower Master let me borrow."

"What? Yellow Tower Master?"

Theodore changed it to being borrowed, but Veronica was more focused on the Yellow Tower Master than the Azoth Sword. It seemed like their relationship wasn't that good. As she tidied up her disheveled hair, she grunted in a mocking voice, "I don't know what that raccoon is thinking…"

The goal was to create a human being with alchemy! However, Theodore didn't answer her and just followed behind her carefully.

Moving past the Andras Shadows who had been turned into blood, Theodore and Veronica were able to enter the tunnel without any resistance. Then after taking a few steps, he sensed something. There were two people breathing calmly and one breathing roughly.

'Three? Why only three?'

Mujak and the Quattro members should make four people. Before the two puzzled magicians could speculate on the reason, the party who had entered the ruins first welcomed them. Theodore didn't know if the threat of Lloyd had disappeared, so he was still on guard.

"Theo! You're safe!"

"Oh, as expected of Tower Master! Did you kill that monster?"

"Kuoong… I am showing you an unsightly appearance."

Sylvia and William were delighted, while Mujak smiled wryly. As Theodore grasped that a person wasn't there, so did Veronica, who questioned, "But where is that kid called Para? I don't see her."

The expressions of the three people changed subtly. It was because Para had disappeared. They had been concentrating on Mujak's injuries and didn't know where she had gone. The two people, who arrived late to this indescribable atmosphere, looked around at the group, but there was no answer.

Then at that moment…

「Identification code PRGRN3681214, checked the sub-master's login. Five non-enemies have been approved for access. They will go straight to the waiting room in area B-13.」

The unknown language echoed in their minds. There was no chance to respond. Theodore and Veronica couldn't understand the situation, then the five people disappeared. It was a forced space transfer which didn't require the other person's consent. Silence filled the space as the people disappeared from the tunnel.


The warm floor was the only evidence that people had been present here just a moment ago. Then as the dust rose up again, there was no longer anyone around.

Chapter 198 – Traces from the Age of Mythology (1)


The investigation team disappeared from the tunnel and appeared again in a strange room. There was a white floor with a lattice pattern, and lighting fixtures floating in the air.

The investigation team, including Theodore, responded swiftly. It was a space transfer which Theodore, Veronica, and the injured Mujak hadn't been able to resist. The five people quickly backed up against each other and looked around.

This was a ruin from the Age of Mythology. If it was a trap, not one of them could afford to be careless. However, that tension was scattered.


The girl, Paragranum approached them with a calm expression. "I'm sorry for the delay, Captain. It took some time to gain control of the laboratory."

"…Please give a detailed explanation."


Theodore was aware of her intentions, and Para used the prepared excuse.

He couldn't help smiling bitterly as the grimoire explained, "Immediately after the engagement with the empire's Seven Swords finished, I was transferred to this lab by the power of this ring. According to Master's words, this is like a key to this set of ruins."

"It is the power of the ring that moved us here?"

"That's not it." Para hid the ring on her index finger and shook her head.

After all, an artifact which allowed 9th Circle magic to be used freely would've been designated as a national treasure.

"The carriage that we rode relied on the power of the magic crystals, and it isn't really a carriage. Likewise, this ring is just a vehicle to deal with the power of this laboratory. It is useless scrap metal outside this ruin." Para gave a contrived sigh. "Unfortunately, the authority given to this ring can't control Mercurius, and it is impossible to access some areas. However, I am able to open up the warehouse district."

"Okay, I got it."

Then Veronica, the head of the party, stepped forward and looked down at Para. Veronica was quite tall for a woman. Para. whose body was smaller than average, had to look up to see Veronica's face.

Although Para was a highly intelligent grimoire who wouldn't slip up, Theodore felt an unknown tension.

"But Yellow Tower kid, don't you think there is a more important problem than this boring explanation?"

"What do you mean?"

"Are you sure you don't know?" Veronica looked at Para's emotionless face and brought up a topic which no one else had mentioned. "Lloyd Pollan. Did you get rid of that rat?"

The rest of the party were suddenly reminded of Lloyd's presence. Maybe it was because they were dizzy from the sudden space shift that Sylvia, William, and even Mujak, who had been injured by Lloyd, had forgotten about him.

Of course, it was good to obtain the ruins, but there was a bitter taste from having missed one of the empire's Seven Swords. As Veronica was quick-witted, she noticed this. However, Para just smiled effortlessly. "Oh, that rude person."

She raised her thumb, and there was a loud sound. Simultaneously, an image appeared on the black wall. The party reflexively looked over, and their faces stiffened at the sight.


"…One of the empire's Seven Swords."

It was Lloyd Pollan. He was scowling until he met Para's eyes. Unlike his brave stance, his eyes were tinted with fear. The unstable shaking of his eyes was enough to make the viewers feel an eerie chill.

Veronica was the only one who remained unshaken as she asked Para, "What is going on?"

"He seems to have triggered a trap while wandering around."

"Trap? Is that what this is?"

"Yes, it is a trap which freezes that space. Perhaps even a grandmaster can't get out."

"…9th Circle magic is popping up like household items," Veronica grumbled, and the others couldn't help nodding in agreement.

Space freeze was the peak of space magic which even White Tower Master Orta couldn't reproduce. In fact, it was only mentioned in old records. However, such a spell had been used as a trap? Did the creator think a dragon was going to invade or something?

"Can you turn it off?"

"I don't have the authority."

"Tch. It can't be helped then. Anyway, it was an unofficial battle, and he is like a prisoner of war." Veronica gave up.

Then Para erased the image on the wall and said, "There seems to be an accommodation area. Shall I guide you to it?"


Veronica wasn't the only one enticed by it. Theodore was tired from the fight in the sandstorm, while the remaining party members also wanted to rest. There was sand in their clothing, and their dry skin hurt. Furthermore, nobody wanted to keep looking dirty.

Sylvia raised a hand in agreement, and the rest soon followed.

Through the unanimous decision, the next move of the investigation team was decided. Veronica, Mujak, William, and Sylvia were moved through space magic, leaving only Theodore and Para behind in the room.

Theodore wanted to go as well and looked at Para, who whispered to him, "Wait for my call at night."

Then her fingers moved.


* * *

The laboratory of Paragranum's creator, Paracelsus, was a place worthy of being called a new world. Its principles were simple, but the unfamiliar facilities, plumbing, and food which was made with one button seemed like miracles, not alchemy.

Then shortly after Theodore washed in the unfamiliar facility and finished a satisfactory meal…

The grimoire, Paragranum, kept her words.

「Confirmed the sub-master's call, I will guide you from area D-1 to area L-21. 」

It was in the same unknown language as Theodore had heard in the tunnel. As soon as the voice finished speaking, Theodore's surrounding landscape changed.

This was compulsory space movement. Despite having experienced it once before, Theodore felt uncomfortable from the forced transfer. After all, it completely ignored the resistance of a 7th Circle magician!

If Paragranum had been harboring malice, Theodore wouldn't have been able to respond and would be stuck in a space gap.

"Why are you so tense?"

Theodore was surprised by the voice he heard come from behind him.

"…Paragranum," he uttered.

"In this laboratory, I am equal to a grandmaster. You shouldn't be surprised by this."

Grandmaster…! A grandmaster was a person who was closer to a god than a human, someone beyond the boundaries of mortals and transcendents. Theodore had already guessed this, but he couldn't help feeling wonder at Para's words.

While Theodore was feeling surprised, he soon realized that it was oddly dark. With his excellent vision, he was only able to see what was right before him. Yet, ordinary people wouldn't be able to see anything at all.

"It is too dark, can't you brighten it a little bit?"

"This is an area where light isn't supposed to enter. Well, it doesn't matter now."

Soon afterward, a dim light came on. Then the shapes before Theodore and Para soon became clear. When the lights came on in full, Theodore didn't even look at Para.

"…W-What is this?"

His surprise was natural. There were green water tanks surrounding the two people, and horrible monsters and people sleeping in them. A six-headed snake, a three-headed dog, a centaur with wings on its back… There were dozens of water tanks containing disgusting things.

"Biological manipulation, chimera," Paragranum answered the question as she stroked the glass wall of a tank.

Did she remember the days of studying with her creator, Paracelsus? Para looked through several tanks and shook her head. "It can't be helped. The corpses are all rotting and can't be recycled. How could Creator's chimera endure for thousands of years?"

"Thousands of years…"

"If they were alive, we could've unified the Northern continent with them. It is regretful as Meltor's tower master. No one would be left alive."

They were terrible words. He might've laughed it off as a bluff if someone else had said it, but there was no reason for Paragranum to bluff.

'…Indeed, she is dangerous.'

Theodore shook away the creepy sensation of power and hastily followed behind Para. Even though he knew they were already dead, the monsters still seemed like they were alive. After moving past dozens of tanks, the landscape around them suddenly changed.

It was an application of space magic which Theodore couldn't even guess. However, he wasn't surprised by the change. Despite the fact that thousands of years had passed, items were neatly arranged on shelves.

"Let's see… What do I have to take…" Paragranum started to sweep up the things she needed from the shelves.

Her hands moved incessantly until she reached some oddly colored reagents and metals which Theodore had never seen before. It was a large warehouse, and she had filled about half her space bag.

"Oh." Para suddenly stopped moving her hand and looked back at Theodore. "Here is the thing I promised you. The rest will be given a little later."

She threw him a slab. Theodore hurriedly accepted the slab and asked, "This…?"

"As I told you before, it is the Fairy's Book."

This piece of stone was a book? He touched it with his left hand and whispered. There was a clearer way of finding out than asking Paragranum.


Gluttony's tongue proved its effectiveness as always.

[Fairy's Book]

[-This book explains the deepening knowledge of the elemental world, including the four major elementals and their utilization. The great alchemist and author of this book, Paracelsus, was the first to distinguish and name the four elemental spirits. He also tried to create artificial elementals based on the ancient elementals. However, the results of that experiment aren't recorded in this book.

* This magic book is rated 'Treasure.'

* When consumed, your proficiency with 'elementals' will increase greatly.

* When consumed, your understanding of the 'four elementals' will increase greatly.

* The soul of the great alchemist Paracelsus inhabits it. You must be at least the 7th Circle to eat this book. Even if the conditions are met, contact activities such as Synchro might not be possible unless Paracelsus is interested.]

It had a 'Treasure' rating which exceeded the anticipated 'Precious' rating. Theodore's eyes widened in shock. The stone slab didn't seem like a real book, and the value of it was higher than he had expected.

'Maybe I really can unlock the 5th seal…'

Every time a seal was released, Gluttony revealed a great ability. From Memorize which could store magic in advance, Another which allowed parallel casting, and to Override which called the author of an eaten book, Gluttony's abilities were almost a foul.

What would be the function of the 5th seal? He shouldn't just depend on Gluttony's power, but he couldn't help feeling expectant. At that time, Para finished her work and called out to Theodore, "Theodore Miller! Take a look over here for a moment."

"What happened?"

"Can you lend me the Azoth Sword?"

Theodore handed the Azoth Sword to her without any doubts. If Paragranum wanted to seize it, he wouldn't be able to stop her. However, he also wanted to know why she needed it. Paragranum received the Azoth Sword, took a deep breath, and shouted softly, "「Ars Magna! Open the door to your master!」"

Then she pointed the blade at a spot in the air.


It was an unrealistic sight. The space in front of the Azoth Blade split in two. There was an emerald gleam in the cleaved space, and Para grabbed it with her left arm. Then Paragranum rummaged in the pocket before exclaiming, "I found it!"

The moment the grimoire pulled out her hand with blissful eyes, the cleaved space was covered up again. Theodore could understand because he had a better understanding of dimensions due to Umbra. The space which Paragranum had approached was impossible to open without the Azoth Sword.

'Then this means that jewel…?'

Paragranum was holding an emerald in her left hand. Unlike jewels, this emerald cube had a perfect symmetry and didn't refract light.

–Yes, it is as you guessed, the invisible Gluttony whispered. –That is the Emerald Tablet, the treasure from the Age of Mythology that all alchemists praised as the 'Gate of Truth.'

Chapter 199 – Traces from the Age of Mythology (2)

As Gluttony talked to Theodore, Paragranum's hands were moving while she held the Emerald Tablet. This thing had been a treasure even in the Age of Mythology. The value of it couldn't be determined in this age.

Even Theodore, who wasn't interested in alchemy, was briefly attracted to the glitter, but it was literally just for a moment.

Para stared at the Emerald Tablet in her arms.

"…I have accomplished my first purpose," she muttered with a loud voice which was rare for her.

However, Theodore had a question as he looked at her back.

According to Para's actions, the key to this research facility and the dimension containing the Emerald Tablet was clearly the Azoth Sword. However, she had handed over such an essential item as a down payment? Not even a dumb human would make that mistake. A grimoire had an intellect surpassing humans, so she wouldn't make such an obvious mistake.

Theodore faced Paragranum and spoke in a more rigid voice, "Paragranum, I have something I want to ask."

He was already 70% certain, and the remaining 30% wasn't really him being doubtful. However, he couldn't leave here without checking. After all, it was easier to deal with someone who was classified as an enemy, than someone who wasn't.

In any case, Para's dominance in this set of ruins was absolute. Unsurprisingly, Para acted like she knew his question. "I can already guess your question. Well, just speak."

"It wasn't a mistake." The remaining 30% disappeared as Theodore became convinced. "Why did you hand me the Azoth Sword? It isn't just the key to obtaining the Emerald Tablet. If this dagger is Paracelsus' favorite, it must be worth more than that. It can be used in several ways in this set of ruins."

"For example?"

"It is the key to controlling Mercurius."

This part was purely Theodore's speculation. It might be possible, but it wouldn't go toward a level beyond speculation. If Paragranum denied it, his speculation would end here. He had no evidence to back up his hypothesis.

Theodore's heart was hoping that Paragranum would laugh at his words. He didn't want to become hostile toward a monster who was equal to a grandmaster in this set of ruins. However, Para clapped and exclaimed, "Correct! As expected of Gluttony's host, you have a good head."

"You…!" Theodore was about to curse, but he barely stopped himself and lowered his voice, "Answer me. Why did you hand me the Azoth Sword?"

"Why do you mean? It was your choice."


That was true. Theodore was the one who had chosen the sword when presented with the option of the Azoth Sword or the Philosopher's Stone. Even if Paragranum had induced it, there had been no compulsion which forced him to choose it.

Para looked at the temporarily speechless Theodore and opened her mouth again, "The Philosopher's Stone or the Azoth Sword. At that time, I only respected your free will. As a result of your choice, you fought Mercurius. Life is continuously climbing the ladder, so I can't have a companion who can't endure it."

Theodore immediately recognized the meaning of what had happened. "… Did you test me?"

"In a sense."

"What if I had been killed by Mercurius?"

"Unfortunately, I would then have to do it alone. It isn't a big deal for me to retrieve the Azoth Sword after securing this laboratory."

Theodore heard up to here and gave up on understanding his opponent. Even if she looked like a person, she was still a grimoire. It would be fatal if he thought of her actions as those of a human.

Above all, he didn't gain anything from this stand-off. After confirming that Paragranum had no intention to fight, Theodore stepped back and changed the topic. As it happened, the excuse was in his hand.

"Do you have anything to say about this Fairy's Book?"


"This slab."

It was a slab with a dark shine and made of an unknown material. The Fairy's Book had been handed over to him as promised, but he didn't know how to read it. Paragranum understood belatedly and scratched her head. "Whoops, I forgot there are no more in this age."

"How do I use this?"

"Grab any part and inject it with magic power. At your level… Yes, can you use 3rd Circle magic once?"

Theodore made an uncertain expression and poured the proper amount of magic power in the Fairy's Book. Simultaneously, a dim light spread from the slab and eventually formed the shape of a letter. It was a strange and mysterious letter which Theodore had never seen before.

Then at that moment…


A light suddenly shot up from the slab. No, the trajectory was too exact. The ray of light flew accurately toward the middle of Theodore's forehead. It exceeded the speed of light, and the light from the slab couldn't be avoided or blocked.

「Checking the user's magic power pattern. I will start. 」 As before, Theodore heard an unknown voice. 「From page 1 to page 50. Introducing the concept of the elemental world and the four elementals to the user.」

Knowledge from the Age of Mythology was forcibly entered into Theodore's brain.


As soon as 50 pages of knowledge were transferred over, Theodore held his temple due to the terrible headache. He had been prepared, so the sudden rush of information wasn't enough to make him unconscious.

However, this was several times stronger than what he had previously experienced. It was the pain he had felt when he consumed a large amount of books in a short period of time and the processing power of his brain had reached its limit.

Para saw it and grinned at him. "Ahahaha! As expected of Gluttony's owner, you have a really good head. This is a primitive character used in the Age of Mythology which can compress dozens of letters into one character. Most people won't be able to read the character and will have their brain fried."

"So. how many characters are there in this book?" Theodore asked through the headache and she answered without hesitation.

"36 characters. Creator had a habit of storing 50 pages in one character, for a total of 1,800 pages."

"… You should give me a warning beforehand next time."

"If it makes you feel better."

…She didn't say she would. Theodore turned his gaze away anyway. Then Paragranum pointed to a shelf that was still half full and said, "Now, shall we handle the balance?"

She had promised to give him everything except for the Emerald Table and a few materials.

There were 33 kilograms of platinum, 65 kilograms of gold, and 300 kilograms of precious materials, as well as 182 bottles of various potions ranging from recovery to attribute resistance. There were also five 8th Circle magic scrolls and twelve 7th Circle magic scrolls, along with special items including two bottles of elixir and one Philosopher's Stone.

Lastly, there was a golem in the corner. Para pointed to the knight in full body armor and suddenly paused. She made a strange expression before looking like she got a good idea. Then Para turned toward Theodore with sparkling eyes and asked, "Hey, can I take that golem?"

"Is something the matter?"

"It's not like that. The ego has died a long time ago. I just recently got a decent material. I want to try remodeling it."

"Decent material? What… Ah." Theodore reflected on the answer and closed his mouth.

It was Lloyd Pollan, the enemy whom the grimoire had captured. Para planned to use him for her experiments. Even though he was an enemy, Theodore couldn't help feeling sympathetic. However, Theodore had no intention of going against the grimoire, so he turned his eyes away with a disgruntled look.

'It isn't worth quibbling over.'

Didn't Theo have to fight Mercurius because of him?

"Go ahead. I hope it isn't too late."

"Okay, I finally have something to do in the tower after a long time."

Para didn't hide her cruel joy as she laughed and pointed her finger at the items. This was just the remaining balance, but it was a huge amount. It wasn't an amount which could be put in a box.

"How will you take all this? Ah, will you put them in your dimensional pocket?"

"There's no need," Theodore answered bluntly and held out his left hand. It was safer and bigger than the dimensional pocket, so the entry to the inventory opened in the palm of his left hand. The tongue was attracted by the pleasant smell and emerged, then Theodore gave it permission, "Swallow everything and put it all in the inventory."

After thousands of years, the warehouse of Paracelsus' laboratory was emptied.

* * *

After completing the secret deal, Theodore was returned to his room. The fluffy bed and books he had been waiting for looked exactly the same. There was only one thing which had changed. It was the new presence of the Fairy's Book in the books in his inventory.

Theodore sat on the bed instead of the chair and sighed,"Hoo… My head still hurts. Gluttony, do you know about this slab beforehand?"

–I thought that it wouldn't be a big burden for you.

"Then why didn't you say anythin- No, forget it. You are a grimoire. I had forgotten."

It was meaningless to blame it for something which had already passed, and grimoires didn't feel sorry or apologize for anything. The grimoire would just be more careful next time and focus on the road ahead.

'This is a primitive character? It is quite efficient.'

The Fairy's Book had dozens of pages were stamped into one character, and the 50 pages of knowledge naturally became Theodore's. He had done it once, and the understanding of this book increased to 2.7%. In other words, he had acquired understanding just by reading.

The 'primitive characters' on this slab was a technique which could change the concept of studying. However, it was a big risk to the user.

–Your reasoning is correct.


–The computing ability of humans in the Age of Mythology is superior to current humans. Therefore, learning using the 'primitive characters' was easier. However, as time passed, the functions of the brain deteriorated, and the 'primitive characters' were banned.

'Humans have fallen behind technology… How scary.'

The technology from the Age of Mythology was tantalizing to present humans, but they couldn't endure it. Theodore looked down at the slab in his hand. The stinging headache was still annoying, but he could ignore it if he focused.

As long as the act of reading was straightforward, he could have Gluttony eat the book before the next morning. Theodore could decide to not overdo it, or he could endure the pain.

He hesitated for a moment before pouring magic power into the slab. Although he didn't want to be in pain, he didn't like this situation either. Theodore was drawn in by Para's intentions and had no power to resist.

However, no matter how great Para was, that wasn't an excuse for powerlessness. Such an excuse wasn't suitable for the owner of a Seven Sins grimoire.


Just like before, a ray of light struck his forehead and knowledge flowed in from the Fairy's Book. The great alchemist, Paracelsus…

Theodore would see his face before the sun came up tomorrow.