216 - 222

Chapter 216 – The Swirl of a Civil War (3)

As Theodore watched Sylvia's eyes flash with determined resolve, he replied, "Yes, I'll be expecting it."

Nevertheless, it wouldn't be easy. Theodore supported Sylvia's determination, but he also looked at her with the sober eyes of a magician.

Considering her age, she was a genius for having reached the 6th Circle without a cheat like Gluttony. That talent was a blessing which made Blundell Adruncus welcome her as a daughter, and also made her treasured by the blue tower.

However, the wall of the 7th Circle was solid and thick.

Unlike the previous circles, the 7th Circle was the path to leave the realm of 'humanity.' As Gluttony had said before, it was building up dharma and throwing off the restraints of karma. A mortal who relied only on their innate talent would come to a standstill.

It was up to Sylvia's mind and luck to see if she could cross the wall.

"Ah, I truly don't have any face. I'm just listening to my juniors talk like this…" At first glance, William was speaking to Theodore, but he was actually blaming himself.

He had been a prodigy since childhood, and his confidence had grown greater as he showed his skills in the white tower. William wasn't a master yet, but it was very rare for someone to become a master in their early 30s. He thought that he could achieve it in the next 5~10 years and become the next White Tower Master.

Yet Theodore wasn't even 30, and he had already surpassed William.

'It is too unsightly,' William thought. He had been idle for too long. Although he spent 10 hours a day practicing magic, the fierceness of his apprenticeship days had been forgotten. William needed to work hard from now on. His vision was no longer cloudy as he decided this.

Only Paragranum was consistent with her usual attitude.


She glanced over at William and Sylvia with a frown. Then once they left, she smiled brightly. Theodore felt the usual chill down his spine as she stepped closer. Para exclaimed, "You are finally alone!"

Theodore was surprised by her hasty approach and asked carefully, "Y-Yes, why?"

"I told you. I would explain once we were alone!"


Was it when he asked if something good had happened? Theodore belatedly remembered and gazed carefully at Paragranum, who didn't look like her usual self. Her outward appearance was a cute girl in her late teens, but her essence was something which transcended humanity.

'Sigh, I need to be prepared.'

The relatively moderate Gluttony had no hesitation in recommending 'human sacrifices.' He couldn't imagine what a grimoire who repeatedly did human experiments was like. Theodore sighed tiredly and kept his eyes warily on Paragranum. It was creepy just looking at her flushed face.

"You will definitely like this!" Paragranum cried out as she touched a bracelet on her right wrist. It was similar to the bracelet which was used to call the living armor. Unsurprisingly, a summoning spell was used, "Summon Automaton!"

Simultaneously, there was a flash from the bracelet. Normal people couldn't see through the magic light, but Theodore gradually perceived a moving shape.

'A human?' It wasn't a coincidence that Theodore thought this.

The object Paragranum had summoned had an appearance no different from that of a human male. It had skin, physique, hair, and weight like that of a human. Dressed in gorgeous armor, the object was like a knight from a storybook.

Then Theodore flinched as the light faded away. "Lloyd Pollan?!"

The hair wasn't the only thing which gave it a shallow resemblance. Lloyd Pollan was fully armed and looked just like when he had tried to invade Paracelsus' laboratory. It was because Theodore didn't feel any sensation coming from the body that he didn't take knee-jerk actions.

Theodore grasped the identity of the uncomfortable feeling he had and muttered, "Corpse…?"

"No way!" Paragranum, however, denied it with a loud voice. "Have you already forgotten? There was the golem that you gave to me from the laboratory."

"…Come to think of it."

It was a model of a knight in full body armor. Theodore remembered the same and looked at Paragranum. That hadn't just been an empty armor. It consisted of metal parts and artifacts. In that case, how could the model have recreated Lloyd Pollan's appearance?

"Magicians of this era don't know about automatons." Paragranum noticed Theodore's doubts and banged on the automaton's face. It was a signal to appraise it. Theodore didn't have any other way, so he complied.


The slippery tongue touched the automaton's cheek. Theodore frowned at the sight of the tongue licking the cheek, but it didn't last long. That was natural.

[Automaton – Sword Master 'Lloyd']

[The apex of the automatons: the earliest form was the 'android' which the dwarves, who were familiar with mechanics and ancient civilizations, created. The Earl of Saint Germain, the late alchemist of the Age of Mythology, tried to make an artificial god in the final form of an automaton. However, it was said that he failed the experiment and lost his life. This automaton contains the soul and central nervous system of the sword master, Lloyd Pollan.

* This automaton is rated 'Treasure.'

* It isn't possible to use predation on this automaton.

* This automaton currently doesn't have an owner.

* The automaton has limited autonomy in 'battle' and can't make decisions on its own without the owner's instructions.

* The Aura Ability, 'Pathfinder,' can be used in a limited manner.]

"Crazy!" Theodore cried out. "This is no different from a necromancer's undead!"

Using the body as material, it was like creating undead from corpses. This was black magic which was taboo on the entire continent.

However, Paragranum smiled and shook her head in denial of Theodore's words. "You fool! How can you compare the nasty undead to an automaton, when their compositions are completely different? Do you treat goblins and ogres as the same species because they both have two legs?"

"Please explain it properly. What is different?"

"The automaton isn't vulnerable to divine power like the undead, and it can function semi-permanently as long as magic power is supplied. The later automaton models can fuse the egos. But this is an early type, so it isn't possible."

Anyway, Para didn't care since it was an enemy, so she kicked the shin of the automaton. Was it due to her enmity toward Lloyd?

Theodore's thoughts were complicated. According to Paragranum, this automaton wasn't an undead. However, it was clearly an existence which was very similar to the undead. This was a combat weapon made from a body, and it was absolutely obedient to its master's will.

Theodore knew the cause of his reluctance. 'Isn't it outside humane standards?'

When it came to one's purpose of existence, grimoires and humans were different. In the past, Theodore had received a deadline, but he hadn't hesitated to refuse human sacrifices. It might be Paragranum's work, but wouldn't Theodore be complicit if he took advantage of her creation? This question troubled his conscience.

"So? Will you accept my gift?" Despite knowing Theodore's anguish, Paragranum pressed him for an answer with an innocent expression. To the grimoire who longed to create a human, the automaton was just a piece of data.

Theodore didn't take long to make a decision. "…I will accept."

"Hoh, is it okay? You look quite worried."

"Strength is power. The problem is how to utilize it. If I can use it in the right direction, I will have created a means."

"I've seen many hypocrites make up excuses. What about you?" Para's red eyes looked Theodore up and down with devilish interest. Theodore got a chill down his spine as she took the bracelet off her wrist and threw it at him.

"Pour in your magic power and state your name. Then give that guy a name. That will make the automaton move like a puppet according to your commands."

As such, Theodore injected magic power into the bracelet.


There was intense magic resonance, and Theodore could sense the automaton before him. It was similar to back when he made the contract with Mitra and Hugin.

'Connecting the souls.'

The moment he was convinced the string of the contract was established, Theodore opened his mouth, "Theodore Miller."

Then the automaton's information window was updated.

[* The automaton is currently owned by 'Theodore Miller.']

A strong demand was passed down through the contract link. The automaton was like a doll which had lost all freedom, but it wanted a name. Theodore didn't sympathize with Lloyd. Lloyd was an enemy and had lost his life. He had come to a one-sided end by messing with a grimoire.

So, Theodore would give the automaton a new name. After receiving the name, Lloyd would be Theodore's puppet, losing his name and status.


It was just 'sword.'


The eyes of the automaton lit up in response to the word. A deep aura flowed from the still body, and it regained its vitality. The pressure filling the surroundings was the remnant of Lloyd Pollan, one of the empire's Seven Swords.

However, Theodore watched it with an expressionless face.

'The sword master called Lloyd Pollan no longer exists.'

It was a relationship where the soul was subjugated. Lloyd's ego had already been scattered as dust, and now the automaton with a mechanical will would execute Theodore's commands. This was the moment when Lloyd Pollan died and the battle weapon, automaton 'Gladio,' was born.

Kiik, kik, kkiiik.

Gladio was stiff in the beginning, but it eventually moved in front of Theodore. Then it naturally flowed into the proper etiquette, which was evidence of the great loyalty Lloyd had to the emperor of Andras during his life.

Then a voice came from their soul connection, [Gla—dio sees mas—ter.]

Theodore looked at the knight kneeling before him and eventually nodded. It was a power he had chosen and a responsibility he had to bear.

Chapter 217 – All-out War (1)

While the expedition was stowing away at Piris, there was a banquet in the mansion of Duke Cornwall, who was the head of the nobles faction.

Anyone else would shake their heads at this.

This was a time when a battle over the throne of Soldun was going to break out, yet he was holding a banquet? No matter how superior his side was, victory and defeat couldn't be known until the end. Duke Cornwall was smart enough to know that much.

However, the biggest issue was that it was the guest who had wanted the banquet. The crusader who came from Lairon had said his name was 'Ruben.' Then this paladin had gone on to demand luxurious treatment without regards for virtue. He directly demanded young noble beauties and the best wine from the warehouses. People naturally scattered in every direction to avoid the paladin.

Regardless of whether Ruben knew it, his excesses didn't stop.

"All this abundance is due to Lairon's blessing, and this fact shouldn't be forgotten! Hahaha!"

Ruben had baron's daughters in both of his arms, and he crossed his legs casually with a smirk. Who would think that a paladin could be so rude?

If it wasn't for his shining sword and armor, he would've been a bandit in the mountains. The daughters, who had been brought to this spot without knowing anything, couldn't budge when he touched their bodies. Meanwhile, the paladin's loud and vulgar laughter echoed throughout Cornwall's banquet hall.

In the midst of this, there was one person who felt the most uncomfortable.

"I'm glad you are liking the banquet, Crusader Ruben."

It was the number two of the Soldun Kingdom. The ambitious Duke Cornwall was the one who wielded the most power after the king, and he coveted the throne. Yet such a person was being humiliated like this? Even the current king of Soldun, Elmore IV, couldn't disparage Cornwall's name in public. There were fewer than five people who dared to not bow stiffly to him. Regrettably, one of those people was the crusader in front of him.

"Oh, Duke! I didn't know you would show such great hospitality to this Ruben!"

"…Thank you for saying that." Duke Cornwall didn't know where to look as he gritted his teeth and gripped the sides of his seat.

He was the one who would lose if he chased Ruben away. The duke had to be patient, just a little more patient. He would act after obtaining the Soldun crown. In the meantime, he had to put up with it, at least until he took care of Prince Elsid.

Still, Duke Cornwall had some pride left, so he couldn't help muttering with some dissatisfaction, "I don't doubt Sir Ruben's dignity, but it is okay to be drinking? You need to use that blade to cut the neck of the Eastern person."

"Cough." Ruben dropped his cup onto the table like he felt upset and then turned to Duke Cornwall. "Do you think that I can be defeated by those who come from the land of barbarians?"

"That is impossible. Crusader Ruben, Lairon's sword, will surely win. I just want the process to be smooth."

"Hrmm… Then I will forgive you. Duke, you have no idea."

What didn't he know? Duke Cornwall felt uncomfortable and looked at Ruben. However, Ruben just picked up his alcohol glass and didn't explain any further. Alas, the atmosphere was colder than it had been before.

The nobles' daughters almost screamed as Ruben's hands squeezed, then the pressure of a master class pressed down on the minds and bodies of the people in the hall. Duke Cornwall's eyes widened as he felt his breathing clog up.

'This is crazy…?'

He had deluded himself with his authority. This pressure was ridiculous for Duke Cornwall, who had never learned magic or swordsmanship.

This year, the duke was 60 years old. Placing such pressure on an elderly body could be life-threatening. If it lasted for one minute—no, 30 seconds, he would be killed by a heart attack before he could even wear a crown. Duke Cornwall would've died if a third party hadn't intervened.


The momentum of two masters resonated temporarily, causing the pressure to disappear. Ruben's eyes narrowed when he saw the phenomenon. Crusaders were masters, so the only one who could offset his pressure was another master.

Everyone's gazes turned to one place. A knight in full plate mail was leaning against the wall of the banquet hall. The knight's face was covered with a thick cloth, and he hadn't said anything from start to finish. He had stopped Ruben's actions, but the knight had no intention of coming forward.

"… What is this, imperial dog?"

The unidentified knight replied to Ruben, "Better than being a dog of the church. Did you grow up like a horny bastard?"

"Ha, ha, ha."


The momentum of the crusader and sword master tangled together in the air, producing a gust of wind. Duke Cornwall couldn't even think of mediating between them, while the two beauties on both sides of Ruben turned pale.

If two masters collided in such a narrow place, there would naturally be casualties among them. Suddenly, the air of battle in Duke Cornwall's room stopped.



Fortunately, or unfortunately, the two masters lowered their momentum at the same time. It would be different if they could overwhelm each other, but their skills were about even. They realized that if they sincerely fought, one of them would surely die.

"You are lucky, imperial dog."


Unlike the angry Ruben, the imperial knight was calm, and he turned away without answering. He completely ignored Ruben.

Duke Cornwall felt a strange pleasure at seeing Ruben being treated like this, but on the other hand, this situation was very unpleasant. It was the duke who had laid out this whole situation, yet he could control neither the crusader nor the swordsman.

'No, this humiliation won't last long.'

Elmore IV was lying in bed, and he would die soon. Duke Cornwall had the support of the Lairon Kingdom and the Andras Empire, so the prince who had accepted the Eastern family would just become a stepping stone.

His ancestors had kneeled down to the royal family, and now Duke Cornwall was one step away from his wish. He would restructure the royal family in the name of Cornwall.

"It is starting now."

Darkness filled Duke Cornwall's eyes.

"It won't be long until the crown enters my hands…" Duke Cornwall murmured in a quiet voice which no one else in the banquet hall could understand.

* * *

Exactly four days afterward…

Coincidentally, it was exactly three years after Elmore IV collapsed from a serious illness. So, this was truly perfect. It hadn't been because of a poison, nor had there been assassins involved. In addition, it hadn't been because of a magic spell.

Then Elmore IV died on the dawn of the third year. The crowd rushed over, and the doctor shook his head with a deep sigh. A black flag was flown from the top of the palace in honor of the king's death. Then everyone, from the nobles to the poor, began to panic.

The royal family and the noble faction… The small nobles who didn't belong to either faction noticed that a spark was being lit between them. Then the two forces moved at the same time.

"His Majesty has died! My contact in the royal palace has confirmed that he has died from his illness!"

"Earl Halsun and 12 other nobles have reportedly returned to their estates!"

"Duke Cornwall had left the castle!"

The dozens of spies in each estate and the cities took action.

Elmore IV had died.

So, the forces belonging to the nobles faction moved, while the prince's side joined Baek Jongmyung. Information shouldn't be exchanged, but it poured out like a flood. Toward which direction should they prepare and respond to?

In that part, the royal faction was one step ahead of the nobles. The royal faction, led by Marquis Piris, moved quickly according to the plan they'd devised at the strategy meeting a few days ago.

It was because Meltor's commanders had a lot of practical experience. Among them, one combat troop arrived at the border between the two forces at the fastest speed.

* * *

[Vince Haidel's unit, 332 troops. We have arrived at the border of Earl Halsun's estate.]

[Bors Carter's unit, 332 troops. We have arrived at the border of Viscount Kerun's estate.]

Orta, with 200 magic soldiers behind him, nodded at the reports of the two commanders which came in through the communication magic ball.

"Okay. Magic soldiers, charge your magic power," Orta said as he gazed at the horizon with cool eyes.

Earl Halsun was in the west.

Marquis Reista was in the middle.

Viscount Kerun was in the east.

Those areas were inevitably the fiercest battlegrounds where the royal and noble factions would face each other. Everyone would think so and tighten up their positions thoroughly. They had to build up their defense firmly before attacking the opponent. This was a law that was the essence of the Central Continent, which focused on retaining what they had rather than using a momentary explosive force.

'It has long been considered antiquated in the North.'

This was shown in the difference in the composition of troops. Unlike the Central area where general soldiers made up the majority, the North had a number of elite troops such as magicians and magic soldiers. Their explosive power couldn't be blocked by high walls or thick gates. So, the Northern tactic was that it was better to attack than defend.

It couldn't be blamed on the incompetence of the nobles. Unlike the Andras Empire which had experienced this crazy mobility, the Soldun nobles were accustomed to the pace of normal armies. They couldn't imagine that infantry would move faster than cavalry, or that a hundred troops could take down a castle.

The nobles tried their best, but the incomplete defensive line proved to be a gap.

"…The rest is finished." Orta looked at the magic soldiers and raised his hand. "Follow behind me and use the circle formation. The top priority is killing the knights and commanders."

Despite his low voice, there was no one who couldn't hear the instructions. They pounded on their chest loudly before rotating their circles. They were one to three magic circle users. It was awkward to call them magicians since they had only learned a few secondary magic and attack magic spells, and were primarily warriors.

However, the momentary burst of magic power caused the earth to shake.


Dust, smoke, and fires rose from the forts. Their approach had been noticed, but at this point, it was already too late. With the desire for victory and the determination to not allow defeat… Meltor's elites weren't weak enough to be defeated by soldiers who had been drafted without any pride.

"Go," the magician in the white robe said shortly before he flew.


His goal was Marquis Reista's estate. The sight of a lone magician heading toward a fort seemed reckless, but the soldiers following him knew it wasn't.

Supreme Orta of the white tower, before he became the tower master.

His career had already been legendary even before the reign of Kurt III. Orta had killed one of the empire's Seven Swords, and he was a secret agent and assassin who never failed in his operations. It wasn't uncommon for him to break a siege by himself.

"Elimination Sphere."

A huge amount of magic power boiled over, and a few black spheres appeared around Orta's body. The spheres were so ominous that anyone in the area could sense it, as they seemed to suck away at all light.

There were some magic soldiers who looked confused at what the spheres would do. However, the veterans who had participated in the last war were different.

"T-This is…!"

"No doubt! It is the Destruction Bead!"

Destruction Bead…? While the rest of the soldiers were confused, Orta fired the black spheres at the estate. Was it an explosive type magic? Or was it an attack magic that could penetrate steel?

Hundreds of eyes filled with anticipation as a total of eight spheres struck the estate's defenses. Then there was silence.


"What? Is it over?"

"Did he make a mistake?"

"No, you idiots! This…!"

Then at that moment…

"Spread." Orta looked at the spheres evenly spaced around the gate and then moved his fingers. It was a simple squeezing gesture.


The gate disappeared.

No, to be precise, a certain range of the gates centered around the spheres had been 'deleted.' The estate's gates which were made of high quality cast iron and steel, and the walls which were made of solid rock, as well as the soldiers who were pulling bowstrings, had all vanished without a trace. A part of Reista Estate had been cut away unnaturally.

This was the power of the 7th Circle magic, 'Clear Space.'

"A-Ahh… Ahhhhhh!"


"W-What is this?"

"D-Demon! This is clearly a demon's work!"

It wasn't unreasonable to think like this after witnessing such a sight. The commander and soldiers jumped from the walls or killed their allies in an attempt to escape. Orta's magic was unrealistic and gave rise to fear which went beyond common sense.

This was literally hell.

Orta looked down at the frantic soldiers of Marquis Reista and declared, "Strike."

Chapter 218 – All-out War (2)

This was a frontal breakthrough! It could be said that victory or defeat had already been decided by the magic attack which had destroyed common sense in a siege war.

Their opponent was a monster who had destroyed the gate and four walls of the estate simultaneously. Unless there was a sword master or great magician in Marquis Reista's estate, there was no one who could interfere with Orta's magic.

Additionally, 200 magic soldiers had come at the same time. The circle formation surrounded the front and rear sides of the estate perfectly, maintaining its form while still keeping its terrifying mobility. By smashing the soldiers and knights in the front, the magic soldiers entered Reista Estate without much difficulty.

"Report if you find the commander!"

"Kill instead of capturing the knights!"

"I have found a senior knight on the right side! The 2nd group will handle this!"

"The 3rd group is on the left side!"

There were clear voices in the midst of the confusion. The magic soldiers broke into groups of 20 with each having their own role. They rushed through the estate and destroyed the enemy soldiers.

The gap between the elite soldiers and the untrained farmers could be seen clearly.

'It is over.'

A short time after arriving at Reista Estate, the command system of the defending soldiers had long since collapsed. The commander hadn't been caught yet, but it was a meaningless survival if all the knights were killed.

A man in a white robe and mask floated in the sky like a ghost, then he descended toward the ground. It was because he was convinced of their victory, but it was also because of another reason.

"You came?" A calm voice spoke from under the mask. As Meltor's best space magician, Orta's senses already transcended physical limits. He didn't miss a single breath from behind the collapsed walls.

Unsurprisingly, a haggard-looking knight appeared.

"…You can't win."Orta declared.

It was Marquis Reista's knight. The middle-aged man pulled out the sword at his waist with a detached expression. Then the other hidden knights raised their bodies from the wreckage. One, two, three, four… There were 14 altogether. It wasn't much. Even so, Orta couldn't underestimate the flames of resolution burning inside their eyes.

"Still, we will die as Reista's knights."

"Well, okay." The white-robed magician raised his white-gloved hands. "Come."

The knights fought with all their power.


They rushed forward with an unusually strong determination. The knights cut out any unnecessary movements, and their combined aura swelled to double that of Orta's power. The proud knights of the Soldun Kingdom awakened with the crisis they were facing.

The 14 knights wielded their swords with a sense of unity, and the burning aura blades poured out like a shower.

"-Not bad." Orta turned his head and lifted a finger.


There was an eerie sound and then a fountain of blood. Human body parts were scattered, and the surrounding debris was turned red. The dizzying smell of blood spread about, and one drop of blood fell on Orta's robe. With just one bloody drop on a pure white robe, all of the Reista knights were killed.


The bloodstain would be easy to get rid of with Clean magic, but Orta left it. It was a reflection on himself and a last honor for the knights. Orta looked around at the battlefield and the battle which was almost over.

Then he pulled out the communication ball and demanded, "Left and right wings, report your current situation."

Three estates had been attacked almost simultaneously. The Reista base lost, so now there were only Halsun and Kerun remaining.

The first answer came from the left wing, Vince Haidel. [Reporting. Currently, the army has completely wiped out the Halsun knights. We are using this momentum to enter the castle, capture the earl, and calm the general public.]

"This is much faster than expected. Did you provoke them?"

[That is correct. They ran out onto the plains several times and couldn't survive the fire arrows. It was simple."

In any case, Earl Halsun's knights seemed much worse than Reista's. It had been planned for Vince's side to act weak, but for the knights to fight a plains battle against fire magicians… It was obvious that they wouldn't be able to escape the 300 magic soldiers and 32 war mages.

Their aura defense wouldn't be able to endure the fire magic, and their armor would've melted. It was right to say that an incompetent commander was the worst.

As soon as Vince stopped talking, Bors replied, [Reporting. We have destroyed every watchtower and opened the gate. Now, we are endeavoring to destroy the remaining troops. Additionally, Viscount Kerun has escaped using a teleport scroll. The destination is presumed to be the Cornwall Estate.]

Magicians had attacked the estate. A wall which didn't even have anti-magic defenses installed lost all meaning before a magician.

The magicians could create shields to defend against arrows and jump over the walls with Float magic, so there was no way to block them. In fact, they jumped like a flock of sheep. Viscount Kerun's soldiers wouldn't be able to hold on for long.

"It is straightforward. By the way, the rats are quite thorough to have prepared teleport scrolls."

[Isn't it an item given by Duke Cornwall? It isn't an object that a viscount would have.]

"I agree. It is just a guess, but the possibilities are close enough."

After organizing the report, Orta put the communication sphere away. Earl Halsun's estate was already taken over, Reista was almost finished, and Viscount Kerun had fled first before anyone else.

Orta flew into the sky as he thought about what to do now. It had been six and a half hours since Elmore IV died, and three key areas in the nobles faction had been taken down by the royal faction's surprise raids.

* * *

The news obviously entered the ears of Duke Cornwall, who had prepared the teleport scrolls.

"…Halsun, Kerun, and Reista were taken at the same time?"

With an absurd expression, he looked down at the knight who brought him the report. Viscount Kerun might've escaped, but Earl Halsun and Marquis Reista hadn't been able to survive even half a day?

The estates had been thoroughly reinforced a few years ago just for today, but the reinforcements hadn't been effective at all. Duke Cornwall frowned for a moment before shifting his gaze elsewhere.

"The prince had that much firepower reserved? Or did he bring in reinforcements like I did…?"

Looking at it rationally, it had to be the latter option. There was no way that the number of troops needed to capture three estates at once could escape the duke's intelligence network. Just like how he had accepted support from Lairon, the crown prince must've called for support from elsewhere.

The duke wasn't stupid. Lairon and Andras were attached to him, so there was only one place left which would support Prince Elsid.

"Indeed, it is Meltor."

A master magician was a superpower who could be called an army. The duke had seen Marquis Fergana's power, so he was well aware of how terrible they could be. There had to be at least one, maybe two masters. The masters were the foundation of the Northern powers. Therefore, it would be difficult to dispatch three masters.

Duke Cornwall's guess was almost perfect. He had the capabilities to be king. However, although the duke accurately guessed the truth, he didn't feel fear. The three estates had been important, but there was something more important than those.

That was Marquis Atron's estate which the army was currently advancing toward. The army was a large one, with a total of 30,000 troops.

"It will be soon."

"Yes, My Lord. Our objective is Marquis Atron."

Shapes became clear on the horizon. It was Atron Estate, the land which had recently been given to the Eastern person. Originally, it should've gone to the duke's faithful subordinate, Brahms.

Duke Cornwall made a disgruntled expression as he stared at Marquis Atron's walls.

"It is a terrible place for a man who isn't from here."

Marquis Atron had died without any kin. It had been a rare chance to swallow up an empty piece of land, but the prince had taken it. However, the duke hadn't come to strike this place because of his personal feelings.

It was because Prince Elsid was inside! The nobles would win if the center of the royal party, the heir to the throne, were captured or killed. The loss of three estates was painful, but the duke could recover from that damage. It was more urgent to take care of the Eastern sword master with the prince.

Duke Cornwall turned toward a splendid carriage which didn't fit on the battlefield.

"Crusader Ruben." The duke's words were soft, but a master could still hear them.

"Duke, is it finally my turn?" The fully armed Ruben descended from the carriage. He couldn't hide the smell of alcohol and perfume.

Duke Cornwall didn't look at him as he nodded and pointed at Atron Estate. "That's right. The lord of that estate is the one who was born in the land of the barbarians."

"Oh, I won't show any mercy," Ruben spoke with fanaticism in his sharp eyes. "The heretics who rejected God's mercy, I will slice their necks."

According to the Lairon Church, people from the East were unclean existences. They were born heretics in the eyes of God and weren't part of God's providence. For them, Easterners were the number one targets to be killed.

For this reason, not a single Easterner lived in Lairon. They killed anyone who looked like they were from the East. Ruben suddenly turned and asked, "You are quiet today, imperial dog. Are you scared?"


"Bah, how annoying."

There was still no response. The sword master from Andras remained silent after the friction on the first day. He had no intention of being active.

Duke Cornwall thought about when he had first met the knight.

–I won't step forward unless it is absolutely necessary.

Would it be enough with just Ruben? It was true that Lairon and Andras were different. If the Andras' knights identity was revealed, it could cause a problem with the entire Central Continent. Furthermore, it wasn't good to owe a debt to Andras. From Duke Cornwall's standpoint, it was better for Ruben to solve all of this alone.

'If possible, I would also like to have Marquis Fergana here…'

Unfortunately, Fergana had refused, saying that he couldn't leave his estate. Marquis Fergana was a 7th Circle magician and considered family, but the duke couldn't force him. It had only been possible to become allied with Marquis Fergana because the duke was an in-law.

Duke Cornwall shook his head and shouted, "Full force! From now on, we will prepare to siege Atron and enter the estate! Each unit should move quickly according to the commander's orders!"

"As My Lord commands!"

Simultaneously, the nobles returned to their respective armies. The troops present weren't conscripts but elite soldiers of each estate. In addition to their training, their performance was several times better than that of farmers.

At Duke Cornwall's orders, the tens of thousands of soldiers became one.

"Move quickly while being on guard against the marquis' troops!"

"Set up the barricades!"

"The depth of the pits should be uniform!"

"Where are the anti-teleport artifacts?"

They set up barricades and dug trenches. In the meantime, the cavalry looked around in case of ambushes. During the next two or three hours, the preparations for the siege would be completed. The nobles, including Duke Cornwall, watched the process and smiled with satisfaction. It would be really 'soon.'

However, the nobles didn't know one thing. A crow was flying above them, and a magician shared its vision.

"…It looks like I'm not too late." A young man dropped down behind Marquis Atron and the duke's military camp. It was a feat possible for him because he had teleported over a long distance with lightning.

This was the emergence of Theodore Miller, who could be called the greatest variable in the Soldun civil war.

"Now, how should I turn this board upside down?"

A single Joker had dropped down behind the nobles faction.

Chapter 219 – All-out War (3)

'The quickest way to end the civil war will be by assassinating Duke Cornwall.'

Just like how the center of the royal party was Prince Elsid, the center of the nobles faction was Duke Cornwall. He was also the person in charge of negotiations with Lairon and the one with a relationship with Fergana.

In other words, it was all over if Duke Cornwall died. Additionally, there was no other noble who could take the king's seat as they would just be torn apart by infighting. The problem was whether it would be possible to assassinate Cornwall.

"It is hard. I have too many skills," Theodore clicked his tongue and muttered.

There were around a hundred knights and 30 magicians of the 4th Circle in the vicinity of the elderly man who seemed to be the duke. Additionally, the man in the silver armor was probably a crusader.

In order to deal with this situation, he needed a magic spell like Abraxas. However, the process couldn't go unnoticed due to the tremendous amount of magic power which would be generated.

Above all, the power of the crusader was unknown.

As a result of observing through Hugin's eyes, Theodore found out that the crusader was called Ruben. There was a long sword at his waist and an impressive shield at his back. It was difficult for someone to find suitable weapons after reaching master level.

It was because a weapon couldn't bear the destructive power of a master class unless they were legendary grade.

They would hit without being damaged…

And cut without being cut back.

For that, it was more useful for masters to move quickly and flexibly, rather than wear thick armor and wield a shield. Low-rated aura shields had long ceased to exist in Andras.

'Maybe this is the difference between a crusader and a sword master…?'

The difference between the two jobs, a sword master who only used Aura Ability and the crusader who used divine power, might be larger than he had thought. Theodore didn't know if his guess was correct and continued watching Ruben.

It was the first time he had seen a crusader, and the crusader's presence was different from the fierceness of aura and the grandeur of magic. Was this called 'faintness?' The crusader seemed to be reachable yet unreachable, like he was both close and distant. In a sense, this might be the essence of a 'god.'

Theodore felt a yearning from Dmitra and Aiolos inside of him.

"Um, the crusader…" Theodore muttered when he heard a voice.

–A crusader, what is this?! Gluttony woke up and exclaimed. –It isn't possible for a new divinity to be born after the collapse of the Pantheon, so how does a crusader still exist?

"Pantheon? What is that?"

–The cradle of the gods. It is a fixed temple for gods who became too close to humans. I heard that it was destroyed at the end of the Age of Mythology… The frustrated Gluttony spoke incoherent words to Theodore.

The existence of a 'crusader' was unexpected in many ways, but Theodore could feel a connection to Gluttony's consciousness. However, that unstable consciousness didn't last long, and the reason soon became known.

-…What… User, are you saying that half-trash over there is a crusader?

If the party involved had heard it, he would be furious at the insult.


–No, it is my mistake. I said too much. Gluttony relaxed and picked his words carefully. –That half-man is trash. If he saw a 'real' crusader, he would commit suicide from shame.

"Wait, then that man called Ruben is a fake?"

–Of course. A true crusader is an agent of the gods, a superhuman who is a demigod.

This time, it was Theodore who stopped breathing. A demigod was like Paracelsus, who had been a grand master during the Age of Mythology. Demigods were transcendents who could smash a mountain with one blow, tear the sky apart, and turn the sky upside down.

If Gluttony was right, not just Ruben but all the crusaders were fakes. If they possessed such a large number of transcendents, the entire continent would��ve already been unified by the Lairon Kingdom.

As Theodore thought about it, he realized, 'No, the crusader's authenticity doesn't matter right now.'

It was certain that a crusader could exert the power of a master, regardless of whether they were genuine or fake. Right now, Theodore needed to think about how he could lead this battlefield in favor of the royal faction.

"Should I wait for the battle to begin before ambushing from behind?"

It wasn't a bad tactic. A 7th Circle magician alone had the power to collapse an army. Needless to say, an army was unfamiliar with fighting a master magician. However, Theodore shook his head and rejected the idea. It was thanks to Alfred Bellontes' experience which remained in his head.

"The military power is too great for me alone. It is hard to pursue an attack within the estate, and the duke will probably be surrounded even in the rear… It won't work."

Additionally, his senses were warning him that there was another danger besides the crusader. Theodore didn't realize the reason yet, but his instincts unconsciously filtered it out. He went through the standard procedure, thinking of how to defeat as much people as possible and how to mitigate as much damage as possible…

Then at that moment…

"…Eh?" A short question emerged from Theodore's mouth as he watched the two camps. A familiar person jumped down from the walls of Atron Estate just as a crusader walked forward from Duke Cornwall's side.

"A one-on-one confrontation in this situation?"

Baek Jongmyung and Ruben, a sword master and crusader… The masters of the two camps met exactly at the midpoint. At first he couldn't understand the situation, but Theodore soon realized the thoughts of the two commanders.

'The prince is short on power, so he doesn't want to waste his troops. Meanwhile, the duke doesn't want to waste time.'

If the crusader won, Duke Cornwall wouldn't have to fight anymore, and he would win the war. Moreover, there was a difference in the number of masters. Even if the crusader lost, Duke Cornwall had Marquis Fergana, so he would still be even with Prince Elsid.

"This might be a good chance for me."

As the confrontation between the two masters became fiercer, Theodore moved from his spot. He needed to change his position in order to implement his envisioned method.

…How could he let the father of his fellow disciple die?

* * *

Baek Jongmyung, now Marquis Atron, looked a little bit different from before. He wore a chest piece of a mithril-like material as well as all types of artifacts to enhance his body. Baek Jongmyung didn't like it, but he knew it wasn't his place to fight 'unarmed.'

So, Baek Jongmyung pulled out his sword with a slight sigh.

"I don't like competing in a place like this… but I will duel according to the will of my master." Baek Jongmyung greeted his opponent first, "It is nice to meet you, foreign religious guardian. In my hometown, there were people like you who defended the doctrines of God."

"What?" Ruben uttered.

It had been spoken without any malice, but this stabbed at the Lairon fanaticism. They didn't admit the existence of any god other than Lairon. People who didn't serve the will of Lairon would be judged. It was blasphemy that a heretic from the East, a land of savages not recorded in the temple, would dare refer to a 'God.'

Ruben's expression hardened. "A heretic from the land of barbarians… You dare to mention the existence of God with that filthy mouth? An infidel dares speak such rubbish to me, Ruben? I will tear you apart a thousand times!"

Woong woong woong woong!

Due to his fury, power rose from his body like steam. The white power was different from aura or magic. It was the power of a god that had long since vanished from the material world. The power became a golden haze which dyed Ruben's silver armor, sword, and shield. It was truly a fantastic sight.

"First, I will cut off that tongue!" Ruben's eyes became bloodshot.

"…Um, he is insane." As he watched the rabid Ruben, Baek Jongmyung clicked his tongue. He didn't know what mistake he'd made, but Ruben didn't look like he was in a normal state. This was close to the demonic state of madness which sometimes appeared in Eastern martial arts.

Kakiing. Baek Jongmyung started using his Soft Sword.

"Atone with your life, heretic!" Simultaneously, Ruben jumped forward.


The air currents exploded, and a shockwave occurred, causing the soil on the ground to scatter.

The principle behind it was unknown, but Ruben launched into a godly acceleration with just a single step. His speed was faster than that of a flying arrow and was closer to that of a lightning bolt, making the gold armor look like a comet.

His charge contained enough destructive power to smash a gate! In response, Baek Jongmyung stood still while raising his sword. He pointed the tip of his sword toward Ruben, as if responding to a frontal match. He closed his eyes and muttered, "Pierce the Moon Style."

A silver colored aura gathered like moonlight on one point and then…

Chaaeng! A metallic sound rang out.



Two people made a sound at almost the same time. Ruben, who had performed the mysterious acceleration, also received a corresponding shock from Baek Jongmyung's sword. It was probably a coincidence, but the two incidents coincided.

They weren't able to break through?

Ruben was someone who destroyed the fortified walls of a fortress with a single dash, while Baek Jongmyung was someone who killed his enemies with a single blow. Both of them were in shock at having their attacks blocked because they were confident in their own strength.

Baek Jongmyung had fought against several masters in his hometown, so he recovered from the shock first.

'If he blocked my first blow, how about this?'

There was a rain of sword energies. As soon as the sword blurred, a silver showdown between the two masters began.


There were horizontal and vertical slashes.

36 strikes stabbed with the accuracy of a needle stabbing through a hole. It was more powerful than what he had used while competing with Theodore in the past. Once he activated his Aura Ability, this stabbing was close to invincible.

It was faster and sharper than before. The terrifying sword technique contained the essence of the Baek Family. Ruben seemed like he would be turned into a beehive. However, instead of having a triumphant smile, Baek Jongmyung's expression was dark.


Despite attacking relentlessly, he was the one pushed back.

It was as he said.

Ruben stepped forward one step at a time while facing the shower of death, while Baek Jongmyung had to step back. Due to the nature of his Soft Sword, it was necessary for him to secure a certain distance with Ruben.


Once again, Baek Jongmyung's stab was blocked by Ruben's golden shield. It was a stab which contained the power of a master, yet it couldn't pierce through the metal. Baek Jongmyung's eyebrows twitched as he was forced to go on the defense.

'That shield is a problem!' He could tell with his discerning eyes.

Baek Jongmyung was able to tell with one glance that all of Ruben's equipment was unusual. The equipment must be part of Ruben's body. Otherwise, it wouldn't be able to defend against his Aura Ability.


It might be a coincidence or a trap… but the shield which defended Ruben's entire body was momentarily pushed outward by a few centimeters. The gap was only a few fingers wide and couldn't really be called a gap, but it was good prey for Baek Jongmyung.

Baek Jongmyung was troubled for a moment. He wondered if he should take advantage of this gap, and if it would cause him to win or lose.

'I can do it.'

He felt an instinctive anxiety and confidence that he had accumulated over the decades. In the end, the latter won. Baek Jongmyung breathed in and gathered the momentum for a deadly blow.

Piii-ik. The sound pierced through the air. At a speed not even visible by a master's eyes, a single strand of silver struck the gap between Ruben's golden shield and longsword. This was a blow he had trained for half a century.

Baek Jongmyung thought reflexively about his victory because his timing was too precise. Then Ruben's sword shone gold half a beat later.


Chapter 220 – All-out War (4)

The collision of the white flash and golden glow caused an explosion to occur.

However, it was a noise too complex to be grasped by a human. The sword master's aura and crusader's divine power poured out, and the struggle of the two powers caused the space to be disturbed.

The expression 'piercing the moon' was accurate in regards to Baek Jongmyung's sword technique. Meanwhile, divine power was known as 'God's Hammer' in the religious kingdom.

These two aimed at each other.


Blood splattered. There was a clashing sound, like the strike of a hammer, and armor was broken, causing blood to splatter from the gap. This was natural. As mentioned before, a master's attack power was much higher than their defense. So, even a master would suffer a serious injury when facing another master.

"Cough!" The middle-aged Baek Jongmyung was thrown back, and he grabbed at his left shoulder which was bleeding. It was an injury that he shouldn't have received initially. 'Speed' was an absolute strength when it came to a battle between masters since it could control the game. Baek Jongmyung was leading as he had pierced through Ruben's gap perfectly.

He looked at his opponent with a confused expression. 'Surely he didn't ignore defense in order to counterattack…!'

That's right. Lairon's crusader, Ruben, had revealed his upper body beyond the shield and received the stab.

Of course, he had managed to smash Baek Jongmyung's left shoulder, but it was definitely Ruben who received the more serious injury. Baek Jongmyung could still continue fighting despite his left arm being neutralized, while he had clearly pierced Ruben's right rib and lungs.

As his wound bled moderately, Baek Jongmyung continued to think, 'That said, his swordsmanship doesn't make sense. The shape of his weapon is a sword, but he uses it more like a hammer or an axe.'

Ruben hit instead of cutting, so his swordsmanship was more like a bombardment, rather than slashing. It was a meteor-like swordsmanship which wielded the blade with an enormous amount of power, capable of blowing away the space where the target was located.

It couldn't be called excellent, but it was absolutely effective in terms of killing his opponents. After all, although the technique might be sloppy, it had managed to crush Baek Jongmyung's shoulder.

"…It seems as though the match is over."

However, Baek Jongmyung was sure of his victory. A master might be more resilient, but they were still human. Damage to areas like the lungs was fatal. If it wasn't treated in time, dying would be unavoidable.

"I don't think that you will respond, but you may be able to save your life if you surrender."

This wasn't Baek Jongmyung's own thought but what Prince Elsid had said to him. Lairon supported the nobles faction, but this relationship would collapse if Duke Cornwall failed. However, the situation would change if a crusader were killed. The Lairon Kingdom might use his death as a pretext to fight the winner of the civil war. If possible, Prince Elsid wanted to win with the best scenario.

"-Hah," a sound emerged from Ruben's mouth. "Ha, haha." It wasn't a moan. It wasn't even the sound of a human who had difficulty breathing through his right lung. "Hahahahaha!" It was a burst of laughter. Ruben laughed like he was crazy.

As such, it wasn't unreasonable for Baek Jongmyung to get an ominous feeling and step back. This was because the madness didn't seem like the bluff of a seriously injured person. Ruben shouted with a distorted face like a laughing demon, "The battle is over? Surrender? Heretic! The barbarians seem to have a talent for joking!"

Once again, the golden energy emerged. It was a force which never compromised in its strength, as a vast halo of divine power wrapped around Ruben.

'Dangerous.' Baek Jongmyung gulped. He didn't know why, but Ruben seemed fine. There were no signs that showed Ruben had consumed a lot of his stamina. In fact, he seemed even more formidable than before.

"I am Ruben, who has received Lairon's grace! A mere savage like you… You think you can beat me?"

Ruben became a mass of light and raised his sword, causing the long blade to turn into a 10-meter-long pillar of light. The crusader was overtaken by fanaticism.

"I won't leave a single piece of flesh remaining on your blasphemous body!"

* * *

Duke Cornwall declared with a satisfied face, "Victory."

It wasn't baseless confidence. The crusader was indeed overwhelming the Eastern sword master. It wasn't unusual to feel worried at the sight of Ruben's blood spurting out. However, the duke had been made aware of the crusader's strength a few days ago.

Despite his injury, Ruben continued to attack.

"It seems it is true that Lairon's crusaders won't die unless their heads are destroyed."

Unlike magic which changed a human body structurally, divine power greatly amplified the body's inherent vitality. Ordinary people would die from a few cuts from a sword, but the owner of divine power was like a half-immortal.

Unless they were killed at once, the battle duration would be forcefully dragged out, especially when they were at the master level. If Baek Jongmyung had known this, he wouldn't have chosen the attack he'd used. This was a disaster arising from his ignorance of the continent, as divine power and crusaders didn't exist in the East.

As a result, Baek Jongmyung had made a mistake which was difficult to turn around, and he was being pushed closer and closer to the edge. If this continued, he wouldn't be able to last for even an hour more.

"The rest of his troops aren't great… It seems like I can clean up with the prince today. This is a truly silly fight." As he spoke, Duke Cornwall's face was beaming with joy.

This was a checkmate. If the forces who occupied the three estates continued to march, Marquis Fergana would block them. Then Meltor's troops would lose their cause as soon as the prince was captured.

Duke Cornwall had prepared anti-teleport artifacts in preparation for this. So, Prince Elsid wouldn't be able to escape and would die. A smile of joy emerged on the duke's face.

'Today is the best day of my life. The wind is cool, the shadows are just right— Wait, shadows?' Duke Cornwall thought up to here and looked up at the sky with bewilderment.

When he thought about it again, the shadow shouldn't be there. Due to the construction work, there were no trees around and the sky had no clouds. Considering that it was just after noon, the sun shouldn't have declined yet. If so, where did this shadow come from?

The duke and the other nobles looked around curiously. However, they immediately regretted it at the next moment.

'Ah, I shouldn't have have looked back,' they thought.

"G-Giant…?" Someone's voice emerged.

However, Duke Cornwall didn't blame them. That reaction was natural, as before their eyes, there was an earth giant that was more than 50 meters tall. It was a situation which would freak anyone out. The whole army started to murmur at the appearance of the earth giant.

"C-Captain, how do we deal with that?"

"Should we shoot it with archers?"

"Stupid! What if that makes the giant attack us? Don't move until you receive a command!"

"B-But we can't do nothing…"

It was a mistake not to address the situation immediately. The airtight defense line became a mess, and the soldiers left their spots, causing the perfect formation to collapse. In the distant sky, a crow was watching the army which had become a mess. Naturally, the crow was Theodore's familiar, Hugin.

"Okay, the first stage worked better than I thought."

The giant was an improved version of the Earth Worm that he had made a long time ago while travelling with Sylvia. At that time, Theodore had gotten a headache from the attempt, but he was different now. Mitra's growth to a top-grade elemental also helped with that.

Now, she was able to control even a huge giant over 50 meters tall. The moving dirt which weighed thousands of tons was a mass weapon in itself.

"Well, I don't plan to attack with this guy."

Theodore closed his eyes. He didn't want Mitra to be covered in human blood, so he came up with a more effective method.

'Mitra, can you hear me?'

As soon as he called, he heard a little voice respond, [Yes! Deo's words clear!]

'Yes, well done. Then shall we go to the next step?'

Since the flowering of the bud, Mitra developed another power. It was proof that she had thrown off the divinity of earth and was acquiring a new divinity, just like Paracelsus had said. Then Theodore ordered the use of the 'technology' that he had talked about with Mitra previously.

'Let's go, Mitra! Sow the seeds!'


This was the moment when Mitra gave up on the earth giant.


The earth giant collapsed, scattering hundreds of thousands of seeds in every direction.

"W-What are these grains?"

"Captain! It is impossible to avoid!"

"They don't seem toxic…"

"Maintain your positions! Those who move will be punished!"

The soldiers were bewildered, while the knights swung their swords at the seeds several times before giving up. The curious magicians were busy analyzing the seeds. The commander's voice echoed as he tried to control the camp, but it was clear that it was already too late.

Something happened as the seeds hit the ground.

Kukukung… kukung… kukukukung…

First, there was an unknown vibration. The soldiers heard the noise coming from the ground and looked at each other with uneasy expressions. The commanders were also struggling because they didn't know what was going on. The vibrations covered a range which couldn't be avoided just by moving.

Before the leaders of the troops could understand the situation, the event started.


Beautiful trees began to grow. Roots sprouted from the tiny seeds, and the trees grew to a size which could be seen in a jungle. That wasn't all. Zelkova trees, oaks, camellias, willows, ginkgo trees… A huge number of trees grew from the ground, with no difference between softwood and hardwood trees.

One tree, ten trees, one hundred trees…

The plains where Duke Cornwall's army was camped became covered with thousands of trees.

The trees grew among the adult humans, breaking their bones. Some people got caught in the branches and were sent soaring into the sky, while other soldiers struggled against the mysterious phenomenon… The area had turned into a terrible mess.

Theodore watched the situation quietly and said with a smile, "Ah, Mitra. I'm sorry, but I have to make another request."


The seeds flew in the wind. Those seeds, blown along by the wind, soon reached their destination. It was the midway point in the battle between and Ruben.

Kukukung. Kukukung!


"No!? What is this?"

The trees grew as if to separate the two people. Ruben brandished his sword and cut down several trees, but there was no end to the growing trees.

Unlike Ruben who had missed a favourable situation, Baek Jongmyung realized that this was an opportunity for him. He didn't cut down the trees like Ruben was doing. Instead, he quickly retreated toward the estate. It was imperative that he get away.

"This guy! You don't know honour! Come back!"

Theodore watched the situation and couldn't help laughing. He didn't know that a crusader could behave so unsightly. This was proof that Lairon had rotted long ago, just like Marquis Piris had said.

However, Theodore's laughing expression soon hardened. He had achieved everything he intended, but then he sensed something.

'This presence… a sword master! Who is it?' Theodore sensed the presence and prepared for battle.

He was several times stronger than when he'd fought against Hyde, but he couldn't help worrying when had to fight another master. Moreover, the person was approaching him at a fearsome speed. This person wouldn't be an easily dismissed opponent.

'This is a very annoying situation.'

This area had anti-teleport artifacts in place, so space transfers weren't allowed. In order to escape from this area, he would have to use lightning which burdened his body. While staring at the approaching sword master, Theodore decided to leave escaping as a last resort.

Soon, an uninvited guest in body armor dropped down before Theodore.


The guest wore heavy armor, and the speed at which he dropped down was no greater than that of a flying arrow. It was proof that he had complete control over his own center of gravity and inertia. He was entirely covered in armor and seemed to have no intention of revealing his identity.

Theodore rotated his seven circles and muttered, "…Andras' sword master… Is he one of the empire's Seven Swords?"

Chapter 221 – All-out War (5)

The empire's Seven Swords were the only sword masters who would emerge at this stage.

The swords which represented the empire, Andras' Seven Swords… Hyde and Lloyd had died, so two seats were empty. However, considering the size of the empire, they could easily fill those seats. Additionally, there were five sword masters remaining, so it wouldn't be difficult for them to infiltrate the troops.

Theodore was taut with tension as he thought about it. 'Let's say the person is one of the empire's Seven Swords. Then… which one is he?'

It might seem like a trivial question, but it was the most serious problem. According to magicians, the Seven Swords possessed a power equivalent to their number. The 7th Sword Lloyd and the 6th Sword Hyde were considered the weakest among them if there were no errors in the order.

Theodore decided to start a process of elimination.

'It isn't the 4th place.'

Pan Helliones was so impressive that Theodore couldn't forget it. However, even compared to Pan Helliones, the 1st and 2nd Swords were much greater. In that case, this sword master could be everyone except for number 4, 6, and 7.

Theodore recalled Veronica's words about them, –Ah, Kid. It doesn't matter if it is No. 1 or No.2. The two of them might be the strongest in Andras, but they shouldn't affect you.

Theodore had questioned her, 'Why?'

–Both of them don't move outside Belfort, the capital of Andras. Even in the last war, they never crossed the borders unless the emperor ordered them.

'If it happened in the past, they could act now…'

–No way. Well, if it does happen, you will be in big trouble. You won't be able to survive an encounter with them.

Veronica's advice was ruthless and decisive.

'It was cold, but she makes a lot of sense.'

He would definitely die against an opponent who was on her or Blundell's level. Theodore had only just awakened his Sorcery, so he wasn't on a level to face them. They were monsters when it came to fighting. As such, the peak swordsmen of Andras were too powerful for the present Theodore to face.

Then this meant the only ones remaining were No. 3 and No. 5.

Either way, Theodore's artificially raised senses could catch even a grain of dust. He would attack if the sword master took one step further. A strong power rattled around the body of the determined Theodore.

As his string of tension was pulled tightly, the unidentified sword master made an unexpected action.


The sword master placed his hands at the swords hanging from his waist.


Then he didn't hesitate to release the swords. The two swords fell to the ground, producing a heavy metal sound. His intent was unknown, but he had disarmed himself.

Even if he was a sword master, picking up dropped swords involved unnecessary movements. A magician with exceptional mobility like Theodore would be able to attack the sword master a few times before the swords would be picked up.

Theodore's expression became one of dumbfoundedness. 'Is this a trick?'

His opponent's strange actions didn't end here. The knight in black armor raised a hand to the faceguard wrapped around his face. Theodore didn't feel any hostility, so he watched while maintaining a certain distance.


Finally, the faceguard was peeled away.

"Ah!" Theodore let out a cry of amazement when he saw the face of the sword master. The sword master had a patchy beard but his face was familiar.


"It has been a while, Young Master." Randolph shrugged with a familiar smile. "There are many things I want to share, but I can't afford to. Still, there is some time to explain. How about it?"

"…Please be as detailed as possible." Theodore didn't doubt Randolph and lessened his magic power. His extremely sensitive senses were telling him that Randolph was innocent. They had traveled together for a long time, so he could tell when Randolph was lying.

"Okay, where should I start…?" Randolph sat down at a nearby tree and frowned while picking up his words. Then he sighed and started talking, "I will start from when I separated from you in the wilderness."

Shortly after separating from Theodore in the Sipoto wilderness, Randolph had crossed Andras' border. The level of the empire's guards wasn't low, but mere soldiers couldn't detect a sword master's stealth.

As such, he had successfully passed into Andras and arrived at the capital, Belfort, where he had encountered an obstacle—the empire's 4th Sword, Pan Helliones.

"I was supposed to secretly sneak my sister out… but he is extremely sensitive. As his disciple, she was always near him, and it seemed impossible to bring her out without a fight."

Randolph had been forced to choose. Should he cause friction and try to pull his sister out, or wait for a chance to appear in the long-term? He had secretly hidden on the roof of the knights' area and found a reason to make his decision.

"I saw the empire's 2nd Sword, Zest Speitem." Randolph's voice trembled involuntarily. He had only seen Zest from a distance. However, before Randolph had even been able to blink, Zest's sword had already arrived at his throat.

If Rebecca hadn't been there to prove his identity, Randolph would've died right there. There was a huge difference between their skills. They were in a metropolitan area, but he would've died no matter what he did.

"So, I decided to wait. I became Andras' knight and waited for an opportunity to escape with Rebecca. That was the only option I could make in that situation."

"…You have gone through a lot of trouble."

"Well, I didn't know that chance would come so soon!"

Hearing the depressed voice suddenly become cheerful, Theodore was confused. "Huh? Opportunity?"

"I met Young Master again! I wanted to, but I really didn't know we could meet," Randolph said. Then before Theodore could reply, Randolph continued speaking, "Listen to me, I'm not the only one sent here from Andras. I am accompanied by Pan Helliones, who is trying to test my loyalty, and Rebecca is accompanying him."

"Are you serious? Is it because she is his disciple?"

"I guess so. I can't do this alone. But the story is different if both of us work together."

The command from the Andras Empire was simple: intervene in the Soldun civil war to prevent Meltor from taking advantage, and don't allow them to take any further action. Randolph's persistently passive attitude was also due to this order.

However, what if there was a variable which could force Pan Helliones to move? A crusader and Randolph should be sufficient, but what if the situation turned disadvantageous?

'Pan will have to get off that heavy butt of his.'

The emperor's orders were the highest priority, so Pan Helliones would place intervening in Soldun's civil war above watching Rebecca. Meanwhile, Randolph could use that chance to free his sister from the empire.

Theodore looked at the premise of the operation and nodded. "It is possible. Do you have any means of communication?"

"No, that…"

"Take it." Theodore threw over to Randolph an earring which was attached with communication magic. "You can just hold it in your palm without wearing it."

"Oh, is that so? I will use it well."

"Let's talk longer next time."

Randolph said goodbye before putting on his faceguard again. He picked up his swords and looked exactly like a knight once more. Then Randolph ran in the opposite direction. The black armor receded in an instant, and Theodore sighed.

The serious situation had happened so fast that his breath was taken away.

"Ah, my body is very exhausted."

However, this wasn't the end. Theodore now had to enter Atron estate and convey word to the prince. He sighed heavily and flew toward the estate. It was a complex and tiring day.

* * *

"Ohh, Sir Ted! No, now it is Sir Theodore!"

"Are those trees from you? Thank you in the name of the king."

Theodore arrived at Atron Manor and received great hospitality from Baek Jongmyung and Prince Elsid. It wasn't surprising since they had been contacted by Marquis Piris in advance. It seemed like they had more questions about the suddenly rising trees, rather than Theodore's appearance.

In particular, Prince Elsid's attitude was very different from before. Was it because Theodore's identity was clear? Theodore was now approached with a friendly attitude, different from when he had been an uninvited guest.

"Sir Theodore, I would like to say one thing if it isn't impolite."


"There are a lot of strategies that can be developed when looking at the forest that you created. What is the limit of that power?"

"It is difficult to say in detail but…" Theodore said and then worried for a second before replying with a half-truth, "Except for the trees that fit the ecosystem of the land, everything else will soon wither away. My elemental has also consumed too much power today, so I can't use the same method for a while."

It wasn't a lie. Mitra had a limit in controlling the power of life, no matter her divinity. The forest, which was growing at present, was just a temporary measure and probably wouldn't last for more than a few days. Additionally, Mitra had fallen asleep, and Theodore's magic power was quite exhausted. It was too risky to use it again when he had to engage with the empire's Seven Swords.

Elsid made a regretful expression when he heard the decisive answer. "Umm, it is too bad."

"I'm sorry that I can't meet your expectations, Your Majesty. Then what about your wound, Marquis Baek?"

Baek Jongmyung looked at his bandaged left arm with a grim expression and sighed. "It… Isn't it obvious without needing to speak?"

"I understand." Theodore understood the meaning from Baek Jongmyung's heavy tone and entered the manor. It was difficult to speak about it in front of the troops. A sword master was a force which could control the morale of the entire army. If such a person were known to be seriously injured, morale would fall instantly.

Unsurprisingly, the wound underneath Baek Jongmyung's bandage was terrible.

"…This is serious."

The left arm had broken bones as well as torn ligaments and muscles, while the nervous system was just on the verge of necrosis. It was a wound which seemed to have been caused by the hammer of an ogre, rather than a human swordsman. Proper treatment from a magician would take more than a month, and there would still be aftereffects.

He wasn't in a state where he couldn't fight, but he wouldn't be able to last 10 minutes against Ruben with this body. Theodore's expression hardened at the sight. Meanwhile, Baek Jongmyung sighed. "This is my fault, Your Highness. I knew my opponent was an expert in the sword but…"

"Don't blame yourself, Marquis. It was my decision that sent you there, so I must bear the burden."

"Your Highness…!"

The two people were being melodramatic, but Theodore didn't like this atmosphere and looked at the palm of his left hand. He saw that the two people weren't paying attention to him, so he took something out.


[+16 New Advanced Recovery Potion (Medicine)]

[-This is a new potion made by the hands of the alchemist, Paracelsus. It is possible to rejoin cut areas or revive a nervous system which experienced necrosis. It will restore all injuries, except for brain damage and central nervous system defects. Currently, there is no way to produce it.

* The rating of this potion is 'Treasure'.

* When consumed, the body will greatly recover from any damage.

* When applied, the damage at that site will heal rapidly.

* In order to create this potion, the 'Alchemy (Best)' skill and 'Paracelsus' Research Laboratory' is needed.]

This was a potion Paracelsus had made. It had been common in the Age of Mythology, but it was impossible to determine its value in this age. The potion was rated Treasure and could be compared to an elixir.

Nevertheless, Theodore handed the potion to Baek Jongmyung without any hesitation and said, "Drink half and sprinkle the other half on your wounds. It will be effective in a minute."

"…This is clearly not an ordinary potion!��� As a sword master, Baek Jongmyung could tell the value of the liquid that Theodore handed him and wondered if he could drink this. However, Theodore had more in his inventory, so he just waved his hands like it was nothing.

Right now, a sword master was more important than a potion.

"You can pay me back later. Right now, Lord Baek's power is needed."

"Well, it will be awkward to keep refusing. I will receive Sir Theodore's grace."

Baek Jongmyung bowed his head and healed his left arm, while Prince Elsid and Theodore continued talking about the battlefield. Before leaving Piris, Theodore had heard about how Orta would move in the future. Theodore's purpose was to pass this information to the Atron Estate and protect Prince Elsid.

Theodore delivered Orta's words, "The White Tower Master is planning to start at the three captured estates and will move to deal massive damage to Duke Cornwall's forces. Atron simply needs to hold out until then."

"Will the duke's forces before us really retreat?" Elsid was skeptical. He knew his value. As the King in a chess game, the civil war would be over if the prince was caught. So, the duke would try to catch him here, even if his forces took a lot of damage. Otherwise, there was no reason for him to have dragged a large army to Atron in the first place.

Theodore would've made the same judgment, but this time was different.

"The troops will definitely retreat."

"I'm curious. How are you so sure?"

"Wait a few more days. In any case, the duke's troops won't be able to approach until the trees disappear."

Theodore could understand Elsid's doubts, but he could answer with conviction because he realized something. After awakening his 'Sorcery,' Theodore realized that less than half of the competency of White Tower Master Orta, the leader of the white tower, had been revealed.

* * *

Theodore's prediction came true after seven days. Duke Cornwall's forces were able to approach the estate when the forest disappeared. However, they retreated suddenly. Atron sighed with relief, but it was a huge loss for Duke Cornwall. The loss of troops was small, but there was an enormous cost associated with moving such a big army.

This battle shifted from checkmate to an ordinary check.

It took exactly six days. In that time, eleven estates, which were around the three estates on the border area, fell. Orta and the magic troops dug precisely at the estates' vulnerabilities and killed the knights at each estate.

Using his excellent mobility, Orta attacked the next goal before they could receive news of the attack. Then he left troops at the rear to build up defenses and kept advancing while repeating this.

It was Orta's unique military style.

In the end, the duke was furious and forced to retreat to Marquis Fergan's estate. From the position of the nobles, there were two mice, and one of them was stealing from their rice bowl.

Following this, both camps were quiet. The first full-scale battle of Soldun's civil war entered a short lull after a few surprises from the royal faction.

Chapter 222 – Babarino Plains (1)

The nobles who hurried away from the Atron Estate managed to recapture six out of the eleven occupied estates.

That was possible due to their 30,000 troops. There were also the elite knights and magicians of each estate. It wasn't at a level where their enemies could endure for long. After all, it was only because the elite troops had been missing that 11 estates had managed to be taken, so it meant that the royal faction's strength wasn't overwhelming.

However, Duke Cornwall soon ran into a problem.

"No… Those bastards took all the supplies?"

This was an act from Meltor's tactics manual, but it was a culture shock for the nobles who were experiencing it for the first time. It was due to the dimensional pockets!

The war mages who entered the battlefield kept their supplies in their dimensional pockets, and it was possible to use them differently according to the orders of the commander. Depending on the situation, there were cases when the pockets could be used for 'plunder.'

Orta had known it would be difficult to defend the estates from the nobles, so he chose to plunder rather than occupy. He took everything, including food from the warehouses, the military supplies, and the secret safes in the mansions.

The lords of each estate screamed at the cruel act of their enemies leaving no lumps of gold behind. Moreover, nobody was compensated for the damages due to the current situation. The nobles of the six estates would now be pushed to the corner of the political circles because of this sabotage.

Duke Cornwall knew this and cajoled them, "Don't worry. I will make sure you receive no damages from this once I rise to the throne."

"I-Is that right? We will only believe in My Lord."

"You are really our only angel!"

These morons were destined to become consumables, but the duke had another problem. He needed to persuade Crusader Ruben, the madman of Lairon, who was furious after his duel with Baek Jongmyung was interrupted.

Ruben had missed a chance to decapitate a heretic. Therefore, he was furious and made the atmosphere uncomfortable in many ways. Ruben murmured to Duke Cornwall, "Duke, look. A fortnight has already passed since I missed the chance to kill him. Isn't this an embarrassment to Lairon?"

"Hah, I'm also sorry about this."

However, how could the duke have predicted this situation? All of a sudden, an earth giant had appeared and thousands of trees had grown out of nowhere.

The forest which had been built in 10 minutes was gone in a few days, but the chance to capture the Atron Estate had already disappeared. The crusader called it a pagan tradition, but the truth was still unknown.

"But Crusader Ruben, think about it."

"What do you mean?"

"This is a chance to elevate Lairon. Isn't that estate a terrible stage to mete out justice?"

"Hrmm-?" A sound emerged from Ruben's mouth.

Then Duke Cornwall continued, "There will soon be a massive battle. The center of the battlefield where people are paying attention, isn't that the stage to show Lairon's judgment?"

"It doesn't sound quite right." Ruben's eyes shone viciously. "Duke, this is the last time. I will stand by your side and exercise the power of Lairon. But if I miss the infidel once again, I will have to tell the bad news to His Holiness."

"…I will keep that in mind."

"Then I'll be going. Don't disappoint me." Ruben didn't seek permission and exited one-sidedly.

The duke tried to look unconcerned. but he reached his limit when he couldn't hear Ruben's footsteps anymore. His stylish mustache shook, and a large number of blood vessels protruded on his flushed face. Unable to suppress his anger any longer, he kicked the table in front of him.

Crack! Kwatang!

A master's senses were extremely keen. The duke knew this and barely swallowed the ridicule he was subjected to.

He couldn't stand it. Until now, he hadn't had any thoughts in his mind about anything other than being king. Even if the other person was a crusader, did a future king have to behave like this?

Duke Cornwall kicked the table several times.

'I hate fanatics! I wonder if I should even borrow their hands again!'

He held hands with Lairon for a sure victory, but he might die of irritation before even getting his crown. The most rigid country in the Central Continent was Lairon, so he could surely find a better ally if he turned his gaze a little bit.

Yes, the Andras Empire could become a shield for him that Lairon couldn't deal with.

Duke Cornwall could barely breathe. It was at this moment that…

Knock knock knock. There came knocking sounds.

Then the duke spoke with a half-irritated, half-fatigued expression, "What? Didn't I say not to let anyone in?"

However, an answer wasn't given from outside the door. Instead, the answer was the doorknob turning. Was it another crusader?

Duke Cornwall was at a loss for words when the door finally opened. The duke had no energy left to be angry and just watched. He met the eyes of a man who was over 2 meters tall.


"Nice to meet you, Duke Cornwall." The man with the eyes of a tiger, Pan Helliones, looked down at the duke with an expressionless face. "I am the Great Andras' 4th Sword, Pan Helliones. I will join your army in accordance with the emperor's orders."

"Ah, indeed! You are the 'super heavy sword'…?"

"I have been called by that name. Correct."

It was the empire's 4th Sword, Pan Helliones! His name was well-known in the north and central parts of the continent. The bloodshed he had caused was enough to make a river, and he had once knocked down a cliff. The reputation of the 4th Sword was far superior to the top ranks, whose abilities were unknown. The fact that the duke could recognize his identity just from his appearance alone was proof of his fame.

"I will speak bluntly. Our empire has confirmed that Meltor has added two masters to the royal faction."

"T-Two of them? Is this true?"

"Yes. However, you don't have to worry. We will handle Meltor's masters."

The duke involuntarily squinted at the word 'we.' Indeed, there was a knight in full body armor with a fearsome momentum standing behind Pan Helliones. With this, the dominance of the nobles faction was more certain.

It was because the nobles had two masters, the crusader and Marquis Fergana, while the royal faction only had one master. The marquis hadn't been present last time, but he promised to fight in this battle.

Then if they made a deal with Andras…?

It would be more difficult for the crusader to act as he liked.

"It seems like this conversation will go for a bit longer, Sir Helliones."

Nevertheless, it was clear that the heavens were helping the nobles, and energy returned to Duke Cornwall's face. Andras was a nation famous for war, but it was better than insane fanatics. The smile of Duke Leonardo Cornwall thickened.

* * *

At the time when Duke Cornwall was meeting with two sword masters, a strategic meeting was in full swing in the secret room of Marquis Reista's estate, which was in the hands of the royal faction.

Orta and the magic soldiers might've captured 11 estates, but only half of them were occupied by the royal faction. Duke Cornwall had the majority of troops, and even if they included the five newly acquired estates, the power of the royal faction was still weak.

The chances of victory had yet to tilt to one side. Theodore had helped the balance with the potion he gave to Baek Jongmyung, but the royal faction was still standing at the edge of the cliff…

Right now, the two factions were in the same situation. How should they move to win the war? The attendees were racking their brains while filled with such anxiety.

"The odds are lower if we enter a war of attrition."

"I agree."

Everyone nodded at the words.

A war of attrition should only be chosen when both sides were on an equal footing.

There was no reason to drag it out when the duke could overwhelm them with military power. It was even more so now that they had seen the fearsome mobility of Meltor's troops. This was a situation where guerrilla strikes would be the best.

"Why don't we try dispersing the troops for guerrilla warfare?"

"That won't work. Meltor has a lot of experience, but magicians are originally people whose power is fully exerted on the plains. There is no way to fill up the gap if the duke pushes forward."

Every person tried to persuade the others with their own logic and theory, but the other people weren't easily persuaded. The place where the leader of the Soldun Kingdom and the Meltor Kingdom were meeting became very heated from the debate.

"The only way to break this situation is to act safely…"

"Even if it is possible to gamble…"

"We are chasing after two rabbits…"

A few hours passed by, but a decision still couldn't be made. Their reactions were natural.

It was good to take a risk in order to move forward, but neither was it wrong that they should move carefully. As long as they didn't know the future, everyone wanted to take steps which they believed would be the best.

Unfortunately for them, Theodore was there.

"-A decisive battle."

The words popped out unintentionally. After Alfred's experience had been engraved into his body, Theodore's intuition was several times sharper than before. He was perplexed by his lips parting, but he could immediately see why he had spoken.

"Perhaps Duke Cornwall will try a decisive battle," Theodore said with confidence and looked at the other men who were surprised by his remark.

However, the silence didn't last long and someone objected, "But Sir Theodore, why would he try a decisive battle while knowing that Meltor is on our side? I don't think the sneaky duke will do something so disadvantageous."

���That is certainly true."

However, Theodore shook his head. "Still, there is the master level magician called Marquis Fergana on the other side. Moreover, considering the anti-teleport devices… there is a strong possibility that he will have defense artifacts."


"That is certainly true, but…"

This wasn't enough. They still weren't convinced, so Theodore rolled his head a bit more. His brain was several times quicker than usual and soon came up with an answer. "We shouldn't forget the crusader either. The duke will push forward as long as Lairon is behind him."

The White Tower Master had spread spies throughout the recaptured estates, and they supplied information to the royal faction. One of the benefits of the estates returning to the nobles was that the amount of information increased.

"I heard that the priests of the Sacred Order have magic powers. If they help the duke, magic will no longer be an absolute advantage for us."

The other members belatedly had a fire lit under them.

"Will they smuggle the priests in…? That power?"

"Cornwall, that traitor really is no good!"

"If Sir Theodore's words are true, a decisive battle can't be avoided!"

The duke hadn't made a big move so far because he lacked measures to deal with the war mages on the plains. Clearly, information about the power of war mages who burned hundreds and thousands of people was famous enough to even cross the border between continents.

However, what if the duke obtained a means to counteract this destructive power? There was no reason for the duke to hesitate since he had 50,000 troops, much more than Prince Elsid's 30,000 troops.

The leaders instantly agreed and laid out a map. There was only one place where Prince Elsid and the duke could have a decisive battle. Someone pointed to it with their finger and shouted, "Babarino Plains!"

It was a land that was the largest area in the Soldun Kingdom, but it was left untouched due to its desolate soil.

Since crops almost never grew, there were no lord or residents living there. There were no underground resources either, so the barren land had no value. This wasteland was the only place where 80,000 people could collide.

"Attendant! Go and bring me a topographic map of the Babarino Plains!"

"Call the geographers—no, the meteorologists! Figure out the weather of this fickle land!"

Theodore wasn't interested in the rest of the conversation, so he took a few steps back. Alfred's fragment had been handed over to a magician, but that didn't mean Theodore was good at developing strategies. He had used his intuition to find loopholes, and now he would leave the rest to experts.

'Well, there is also the White Tower Master.'

Orta had a long career as a commander and practical experience, so he would be able to lead the meeting proficiently. Theodore thought so and turned his gaze. Shortly after that, he met Orta's eyes.



There was an awkward silence for a moment. Orta spoke with magic so that no one else could hear. [As mentioned earlier, I will leave the work related to Andras to you. But is that person called Randolph reliable?]

[Yes, I guarantee it with my name.]

[If so, I will trust you. However, don't forget to report back.]

[I understand,] Theodore replied to Orta in a concise way and moved out of the room to an uninhabited place.

Then he pulled out a small bead. Looking closely, it was the earring which paired with the one he had given Randolph. Theodore infused it with magic, and the earring started to flash. It was proof that the communication magic on the earrings was working properly.

'Randolph, do you hear me?'

Once an answer returned after several trial and errors, a grin emerged on Theodore's face. It was finally time to hunt the bear.