291 - 297

Chapter 291 – INVIDIA (3)


It wasn't just her pupils that had changed. Whenever Veronica breathed in and out, a cloud of hot steam emerged from her nose and lips. This was a phenomenon that was normally only seen in the snowfields. It was caused by the extreme difference between Veronica's body temperature and the temperature of the atmosphere.

If Theodore were to compare an ordinary human body to a hot water circulating system, Veronica's body was a boiling furnace.

The steam emerging from the respiratory tract was just the aftermath. The blood of a red dragon could reach hundreds of degrees Celsius, and it was now evaporating the moisture around her.

Every time her heart pounded, Veronica's body became closer to that of a dragon than a human. The quarter blood of a dragon regained its strength by using the eight circles as a substitute for a dragon heart.

Scales grew on Veronica's white skin, and a pair of small, pointed horns popped up on her head.

Judging from the appearance, she was a dragon person.

"You want to reproduce the power of a dragon with the lineage of a quarter dragon? The idea is quite interesting, but it won't last a long time with your flesh which is closer to a human's." Invidia instantly saw through the situation.

This caused Veronica to snap her sharp fangs as she retorted, "That much, I know as well…!"

So, this would only last for three minutes. Her heart was beating like it would burst, and her blood was boiling hot. This was a double-edged sword for her.

In exchange for acquiring magic power and physical abilities far beyond that of a human, Veronica's body was quickly breaking down. Her bones that were stronger than steel and her muscles that were tougher than an ogre's couldn't handle the power of a dragon. It was only possible for a pure-blooded dragon or a high ranking demon.

Invidia guessed the limits of this transformation and was interested. So, instead of attacking, he observed her mutation.

15 seconds later, Veronica's transformation was over.


Now, flames came out when she breathed. The king of fire that could swim in lava… The red dragon's unique violence shouted fiercely, 'Use your power!' She formed a fist and looked ahead.

'…From now on, it is three minutes.'

Her body was already creaking. Veronica smiled bitterly and faced the monster in front of her. Was it because she was closer to a dragon than a human in this state? Her eyes penetrated through Invidia, who was disguised as an elderly human. He was ridiculous. She couldn't conserve her energy and had to fight him with the resolve to die.

Once Veronica's change was over, Invidia raised his sword and said, "Don't give up, come."

Veronica was unshakable before his declaration.

"Get lost―――!!" She let out a terrifying roar and punched.


It was like the earth was bursting apart. The sonic boom that accompanied her fist caused Invidia's body to fly back. He had managed to completely block the attack, but the impact caused his legs to lose their balance.

Invidia laughed as he flew back hundreds of meters. He had confirmed one thing. "Hmm, I can't play around with this level."

The power of 'Adamantine Might', which blocked great magic, had been destroyed by Veronica's strength, indicating that Veronica might currently be stronger than an adult red dragon. Her pure physical abilities lagged behind a dragon's, but her eight circles made her combat force superior.

Breaking the speed of sound with one step, she destroyed his defense with one fist. Invidia flew through the air and recalled the enemies he had faced in the past.

Peeng! Peeng! Peeeong!

There were a few sonic booms, and Veronica appeared.

"I think I will finish this in one blow!"

She jumped beyond the walls of the speed of sound, clinging to him with four pairs of burning wings. It wasn't an elegant trick like flying magic.

The flames propelling her from behind ran wild, and she could barely control the direction. Even though she was lacking control, it would cause a catastrophe if they just fell to the ground. She was moving at a speed that was several times the speed of sound, so even a body made of mithril wouldn't be able to withstand the impact.

Veronica's aim was shocking. She focused on the wings on her back and aimed toward the still flying Invidia. Unlike magic, it was a power that dominated the flames itself.

"Dieeee!" Veronica reached hypersonic speed and dropped like a falling comet. Her afterimages couldn't even be recognized as the physical properties of the air changed rapidly. Invidia couldn't avoid her attack, and the kick that was like a crashing meteor struck his abdomen.


The entire mountain range was shaken by Veronica's blow.


It didn't end with just the crash. With her feet deep in Invidia's abdomen, Veronica continued to push deeper into the ground, traveling a few kilometers below the surface. She demolished the solid granite and the limestone beneath it. The strata contained enormous heat and pressure. It wasn't an environment where living organisms could live.

In this hell-like environment, the skirmish between the two monsters ended.

'This isn't enough! A little more explosive power…!'

Her scales became clearer and her horns grew larger as she sucked in the mana of the environment. The deep heat and pressure of this underground world was an ideal environment for a red dragon. The flames near Veronica's body became incandescent, and the olivine in the area melted.

"…Interesting. Is this enough to match the firepower of the 9th circle?"

'Envy' of the Seven Sins pointed his sword at Veronica, who had become the incarnation of white fire, and declared spitefully, "Why don't you try it and see, hybrid?!"

Shortly after that, the Nadun Mountains suffered greatly.

* * *

Kururung! Kukukung…! Kukukukung…!

The earth kept shaking. It was the vibration caused by Veronica's fight with Invidia.

'She is enduring desperately. I also have to surpass my limits.' Theodore kept moving his hands, despite the shaking.

He needed to reduce the task that would take five minutes to three minutes, preparing for it with Gluttony's advice and Satomer's wide knowledge. The two tower masters remained silent at his desperate appearance.

No, Orta approached the magic circle without hesitation. "I'll help you. What should I draw on the edge?"

"Thank you. The crown and sword marks…"

Blundell also wanted to help, but he was at his limit.

"Cough." Black blood emerged when he coughed. It was proof that his body's organs were already dying. His heart rate was slowing down and his lungs weakening. He looked anxiously at the two people and sighed.

Then he looked down at the jeweled ring on his left hand. The jewel which had looked like a ruby when he first got it had now turned dingy like coal.

'Hrmm… I have spent it. I wanted to live until Sylvia was all grown up, but the world didn't let me.'

It had been 10 years since Kurt had given Blundell this ring. For a magician who could control the flow of magic, Blundell had known that his life would be over in a few more years. This ring was a national treasure, another 'heart' that contained life force. However, the remaining lifespan of several years had now flown away after continuously using Time Stop.

Rather than lamenting his fate, Blundell muttered, "Damn… A young magician who plays around."

This was Blundell's perception of Theodore. Having watched Theodore since he won against Sylvia in the tournament, Blundell had become vexed. Theodore left Sylvia and went into the world to associate with other women? If it hadn't been her request, he might've made a big decision as a grandfather.

'Well, I know why you did it.'

As a man who could take steps toward the uncertain future without hesitation… Theodore was charming as a man and as a magician. In that case, an old man shouldn't grab his ankle.

Blundell faced his impending death and asked Theodore, "So, what are you going to try against that monster emperor?"

"Summoning magic."

"…Summoning magic?" Blundell was dumbfounded. There was no magician who didn't know that the golden age of summoning magic had passed. When he was younger, he had also tried summoning magic and had only gotten a few turtles. Yet, in this situation, Theodore wanted to use summoning magic?

Blundell was prepared to withdraw all his praise when he saw the magic circle drawn on the ground.

"Hah…" He was deeply impressed with the absurd perfection.

'Four-dimensional calculations superimposed over three-dimensional craft…! The idea is new, but his skill at completing this magic circle in a few minutes is more amazing. Is he better than me and Veronica when it comes to magic circles?'

This was the combination of Theodore's brains and Satomer's knowledge, a magician with a genius talent and one with a passion for summoning magic. As Blundell admired the magic circle, Theodore placed his left hand on the ground without hesitation. "I will use this sword as the medium for the summoning."

Then a sword emerged from the palm of Theodore's left hand.

"Ohh…! T-That sword…?"

"This dense power…!"

Ellaim and Edwin were sensitive to the movement of mana and responded first. The sword shone brightly, light reflecting off the sacred blade. Even a person not familiar with swords could tell the greatness of this sword.

It was the god sword, Claimhb Solais. This was the loot Theodore had acquired when he took down the 6th Sword, Hyde on the Sipoto Plains.

"…Indeed, this sword can call a strong presence," Orta acknowledged it. Then he asked Theodore, "Captain, what are you planning to summon?"

If this sword was used as a sacrifice, he could summon even the evil demons who had been expelled from this material world. Orta was going to stop him if he intended to call a tiger to fight a wolf.

Theodore started talking like he had guessed Orta's thoughts, "At first, I was thinking about the dragon, Fafnir. Randolph, as you know, it is hard to find a summons with more destructive power."

However, that thought was soon overturned. Fafnir was certainly powerful, but this wasn't the middle of the sea. His power could sweep over the entire continent. The continent would become like the Red Plateau, a wasteland where life can't grow.

It would be a catastrophe bigger than this perpetual war in the Northern Continent.

Furthermore, Invidia wasn't an opponent to be pushed with pure firepower like Superbia. He could get away through space, and as someone who had already reached the 6th stage, there was a possibility to reverse the situation since Fafnir was limited by the summoning.

"So, I thought about the biggest and strongest."

"That is?"

Theodore placed the god sword in the middle of the circle and pointed at it. "The master of this sword."

The people present still didn't know the truth of the god sword and were confused. Meanwhile, Theodore spoke with a serious expression, "The forgotten king, Nuada Airgetlám."

He who was praised as the left arm of God, the king of the Tuatha Dé Danann. A warrior who won with an invincible sword, he was the god of victory who shed blood on the battlefield, bringing the gods to victory in two great battles.

"From now on, I will call a divine summon."

A god descending to destroy evil…

There was nothing more suitable! Theodore's hands moved as he made up his mind, and soon after, a spell started to flow from his lips.

Chapter 292 – INVIDIA (4)

"「 I speak to you, the god-king who has fallen asleep on the Mag Tuired Plains―」"

Simultaneously, the magic circle under Theodore's feet emitted a gentle light and pulled in mana. However, it wasn't actually necessary to provide the power needed for summoning magic. This was a type of osmotic pressure, a phenomenon that happened because the world's mana concentration on this magic circle was too high for this material world.

"「 You have golden hair like the sun, and your red cloak flaps to guide you to victory. You, the honored king whose lost arm was replaced with silver, once wielded a sword that destroys wickedness. 」"

It was a story that didn't exist in this day and age. This was a summoning spell based on the biography of the god-king of the god clan, Nuada Airgetlám. Theodore had to consume most of the Library's remaining points in order to create this spell.

An ordinary person might not know this, but the value of a forgotten myth was literally endless. The spell that borrowed the power of a forgotten god was actually 9th circle magic.

Keraunos, a lightning god descended from Zeus.

Gungnir, a blessing destined to always hit the target.

The bow that could shoot down the sun with one arrow.

Now, Theodore was trying magic that went beyond those.

"「 You, who have welcomed the three women of destiny as wives, who once withdrew from your place and regained your throne… A warrior with more fairness and courage than anyone else, Lia Fail shouted at your coronation, and the noon sun was your crown. 」"

A forgotten god was still a god. Even a great magician who achieved the ultimate magic couldn't arbitrarily call upon such a mighty existence. Normally, at least one million people and four dragon hearts were needed. This wasn't a lower level god but the king, the most famous of them all.

Unlike black magic summoning, Theodore and any other summoner would have to pay a fair price.

'…If I didn't have Claimhb Solais…'

Funnily enough, the sword he'd taken from the empire's Seven Swords was the key.

'One of the four treasures of the Elin, a sword that symbolizes Nuada Airgetlám… A treasure that no one has escaped once it is pulled from its sheath, a treasure that they have to respond to.'

The god clan was a contradiction. They were part of the material world and disappeared after death, but remained behind in the world to respond to calls and prayers. However, it wasn't easy to contact a god.

A divine message and calling a god down were national events, where only the wills of many people praying together would make it succeed.

"「 I swear, this is to fight against evil. 」"

Thus, this summoning was a foul.

"「 I swear, this is a just fight. 」"

A monster that had been gathering absolute power for 500 years was also a foul.

"「 I swear, this is a fight to save the world! 」"

The pressure from the magic circle became stronger as Theodore shouted to Nuada, who still showed no signs of coming. The promised time was three minutes. If Veronica was killed because he was a few seconds late, Theodore would swing his fist even if the god-king appeared next to him.


Was Theodore's desperate cry heard?

–Hahahaha! An excited laugh rang out in his head. It was clear, cheerful, and no evil could be felt from it. The happy and pleasant laughter soared into the sky.

The voice of God-King Nuada was truly great.

–Yes, that's it! Rather than defeating evil or carrying out justice, a woman is more precious than saving the world! Well, yes. If you are a man, you should save a woman who loves you! That honest aspiration, Nuada Airgetlám admires it!

Theodore was puzzled and asked hesitantly, 'Are you really the god-king?'

–Yes, you summoned me with my sword. There have been many who have tried to borrow my strength so far, but this is the first time there is a mage who wants to manifest my body directly.


Of course, it was natural. It was possible to obtain the blessing of a god or receive some of its power if he sacrificed Claimhb Solais. There wasn't a lunatic like Theodore who used it directly to summon Nuada.

It wasn't unreasonable for Nuada to wonder why.

'The enemy has to be killed at any cost.'

That was enough. Summoning magic opened up Theodore's soul, attracting the existence of another world. In the process, information about 'Envy' naturally flowed into the consciousness connected to him.

For this reason, Nuada fell silent for a while.

-…Invader, who was left behind in this world.

Theodore read the deep burning hatred and anger flowing from Nuada, and felt confused.

Did Nuada Airgetlám have an antagonistic relationship with the Seven Sins which stemmed back to the Age of Mythology?

Before Theodore could express his question, a hand emerged from the light of the summoning circle. It was white like marble but different from a statue, and its forearm was wrapped in silver armor.

Gripping Claimhb Solais with a divine hand, Nuada Airgetlám whispered in a low and cold voice, –Indeed, now I understand your words. Fighting evil, saving the world, fighting for justice. There is no stage more suitable for this Nuada.

The last step of the summoning magic… the other party's consent! The God-King Nuada accepted the summoning to this material world.

Then at that moment…

* * *


The surface of the ground opened with a loud explosion. It came from several kilometers beneath the surface.

There was an elderly man wielding a sword and a white flame. Every time Veronica punched out, it would hit Invidia's blade, and the ground would shake. The lava that could melt metal wasn't much different from lukewarm water for both beings.

In this flow of magma, Veronica thought despairingly, 'Dammit, this monster…! It seems to be getting stronger and stronger…?'

Veronica realized that she was becoming disadvantaged with every blow. The dragon scales on her body were covered with blood from the wounds all over her body.

"Your pre-motions are too much. Your breathing is simple. Do you have no experience learning martial arts?" Invidia remarked.

However, unlike her guess, Invidia wasn't pulling out more power. He was simply using the battle experience taken from all the sword masters to move one step ahead of Veronica. If she tried to punch him, a sword would end up at her collarbone. Her speed and power were superior, but it was clear that her battle experience was lacking.

"You are on the defensive, but your strength has a limit." Invidia narrowed the gap and stabbed his sword.

Roland's Rapier Sword.

Penetration – Reverse Thrust.

The power of 'Penetration'—the ability to half-neutralize physical strength—pierced Veronica's shoulder. Her fist flew from the other side and Veronica opened up the distance, grunting nervously as she touched the wound. "Ouch! How many Aura Abilities are you capable of, you monster…!"

The 'Rapid' ability that made her speed look slow, the 'Penetration' that made it through defense magic and dragon scales, and the 'Super Heavy Sword' that matched the destructive power of magic… they were the best abilities of this age.

It wasn't an exaggeration to say that Invidia's strength, which collected dozens of Aura Abilities and used them freely according to the circumstances, had reached the same level as a transcendent.

「 пламя нож (Flame Sword)! 」 She used Dragon Words to gather four scorching swords and merged them into one. It was an application of magic that would run wild, but it wasn't impossible with the strength of Dragon Words. Four destructive 7th circle spells were compressed into a sword shape.

Veronica gathered her remaining power and released it in order to overturn the situation. "Turn to ashes!"

She unleashed a flaming storm that seemed to burn the sky and the earth!

"You want to rely on the advantage of your destructive power? It is a foolish judgment." In response, Invidia swung his greatsword vertically.

Quadruple Compound Hidden Technique.

Heavy Sword – Style 0, World Break.

Severe Earthquake – Great Strike.

Storm Force – Decisive Storm Bringer.

Amplification – Transcendent Power.

One of them was from a sword master that symbolized the current Andras, while the others were from sword masters in the past. The four powers were combined, and their power amplified to a terrible degree.

The strong flames were cut in two and couldn't even touch Invidia's armor before collapsing. There was too much power for Veronica's force to have an influence. Veronica and Invidia were already living natural disasters.

Shortly after that, a terrible explosion occurred.


Once she regained consciousness, Veronica felt a sense of defeat. "…Ah, ahh…"

The red scales on her skin were all gone, and she could feel that her horns no longer remained. Her body had determined that it couldn't maintain the draconic state anymore and released it.

Her heart, normally filled with magic power, was empty, and she couldn't even move a finger, making her feel helpless. She wanted to lose consciousness, so she bit her tongue and barely regained her focus.

'This place…?'

The wind that tickled her skin and the warm sunshine meant that she was above ground. They had been fighting several kilometers underground, but her body had been thrown out by that last explosion. She was freed from her draconic state shortly after that.

Otherwise, Veronica would've been destroyed without a trace.

"You've opened your eyes?" Invidia looked down at her, speaking with his sword at her neck. "It would've been more comfortable if you fell asleep."

"…Don't… make me… laugh!"

"What, don't be so clueless. You did well. It is the first time I have consumed so much power since the founding of Andras. I praise you, Meltor's Red Tower Master, Veronica."

Veronica looked up at her approaching death that couldn't be overturned by anything. Invidia acknowledged her strength in this short battle. He acknowledged that 'Red Tower Master Veronica' could become an obstacle and decided to kill her to remove this variable. In a sense, it could be called an acknowledgement.

'…Ah, I am going to die here?'

Veronica wasn't someone who would beg for her life. She looked up at the clouds in the distant sky and felt the blade getting increasingly closer to her neck. There were 15 seconds left in the three minutes she had promised to Theodore.

She felt uncomfortable and barely opened her trembling mouth. 'The kid will somehow be able to do something. I did my best, so don't be too disappointed.'

Veronica closed both eyes and felt a final regret, 'Damn, if I knew it would be like this, I would've kissed him once.'

Then she prepared herself for it. Invidia didn't say anything as a blue aura gathered on his blade. Then as he was about to cut Veronica's neck―


There was a divine light. A majestic pillar of light rose a few kilometers away from where the two beings were. Lairon's strength was like a firefly compared to this light. The glory of the gods, which had vanished after the Age of Mythology, had returned to this material world.

Veronica's weary body was fast regaining its vitality, while Invidia stared at the pillar of light.

"…This presence, this light! It is impossible. It can't be! What are they trying to do?" The confused Invidia forgot about the presence of Veronica under his feet and walked away. If 'he' was being summoned, Invidia couldn't delay for even a moment. There were few existences that could destroy a 6th stage Seven Sins, and the owner of this presence was one of them.

"Gluttony! Do you think I will let you do this?" Invidia expressed his nervousness, anger, and resentment as he jumped through space with all his might.

Zest's Footwork Hidden Technique.

Kill Interval.

Invidia's body traveled a few kilometers, appearing in the middle of five men standing before the summoning circle. It was just after Nuada agreed to Theodore's summoning request.

"You dare to act so foolishly in front of me…?!" Invidia���s face distorted like a demon from hell as he headed toward Theodore who stood within the summoning circle.

It was truly a narrow difference. If Invidia had arrived even 10 seconds later, the summoning would've succeeded first. The owner of the hand holding Claimhb Solais was undoubtedly the God-King Nuada, someone who could destroy a 6th-stage Seven Sins.

Even so, the five masters didn't feel despair. Only 10 seconds, they thought they could somehow block the way. Exactly 8 seconds after that easy judgment.


Randolph was thrown out with both arms crushed.

"Kuoock, urgh… Avoid it!"


As soon as Edwin grabbed the bow, his left arm was cut off, and he keeled over from a huge wound on his abdomen. Ellaim couldn't even stab the spear as blood poured out from a cut on his neck. Orta had long since fainted.

They'd risk their lives to block Invidia? That they could do it somehow?

The masters regretted the stupid thoughts they had a few seconds ago. Once Invidia was serious, it wasn't even a fight. Theodore, Blundell, and Veronica were the only ones who had known the truth from the beginning.

There were only 2 seconds left, 2 seconds until the summoning was completed. Invidia could strike Theodore more than a hundred times in those seconds.

"―Haha," Blundell laughed bitterly.

"No?!" It was Time Stop. The sword aiming at Theodore's neck got caught in a black and white space. Invidia's power was great, but even he couldn't ignore this ultimate magic. As Gluttony had said, the 'standing' was different, so the Time Stop could be released after a few seconds.

A few seconds later, it broke.

[The dedication that you showed at the end of your life, I will remember it.] 'He' walked out of the summoning circle and praised Blundell in a majestic voice. He had golden hair and a red cloak flapping behind him.

An existence that all people would feel awe toward praised the dying magician. However, the words just reached empty air. Even the ancient king, Nuada Airgetlám, didn't have the power to revive a dead man.


The moment that Blundell stopped Invidia with the last of his life, he greeted the grim reaper who had been waiting for a long time. Even so, there was no regret on his face.

In honor of the end of the great magician, Theodore's eyes filled with a fierce anger. "This summoner, Theodore Miller, will dare to petition the king of the Tuatha Dé Danann."

Filled with resentment of the reality that couldn't be overcome with his power, Theodore shouted angrily, "Please destroy Invidia, Envy of the Seven Sins!"

[…The forgotten king, Nuada Airgetlám…] A righteous anger aimed a sword toward the source of evil. [From now on, I will punish this evil!]

Chapter 293 – Reproduction of Myths (1)

Once Nuada answered Theodore's call, a divine light flowed out and filled the area.

This was the body that was the symbol of victory. Nuada's divine power covered the greatly wounded masters and revived their vitality, to the point where fighting again was possible. Most legends admired him as a war god, but there were a few where he was a healing god.

The king of the gods wasn't almighty, but he was close to all-powerful. He protected the fishermen in the sea, healed all diseases on the ground, and was the sun god who ruled from the sky. There was no god as powerful as Nuada, and he also had an army of followers. In the second battle of Mag Tuired, the guardian who risked his life to overthrow Crom Cruach was Nuada Airgetlám.

He spoke to Invidia in a voice filled with dignity, [You look different from that time, Invader.]

As Theodore had guessed, the two beings knew each other.

Nuada looked coldly at Invidia, who was in the shape of an old man. [No, I don't think the shell means much to you. The shallow need to take away the power of others to fulfill that desire remains the same.]

"…Nuada Airgetlám. A ghost is insulting me?" Nuada's words seemed to have struck a nerve as Invidia stiffened from the insult.

Even though Nuada had died, he was the king of the god clan and couldn't be compared to simple ghosts.

However, instead of falling for the provocation, Nuada laughed like Invidia had made a funny joke. [Huhaha! If I am a ghost, what are you? You might split into 10,000 pieces, but you can't become one by collecting 10,000 pieces. It has been thousands of years, and you are still walking in the wrong place.]

"Don't talk as if you know everything!"

It was a conversation that couldn't be understood. Theodore could sense profound principles in their words, but he lacked the ability to understand the conversation between the god-king and the Seven Sins grimoire.

However, there was one thing Theodore was able to know for sure. It was Nuada who took the lead in this struggle, while Invidia was falling prey to his provocations.

Nuada shrugged at the hedgehog-like response. [Well, okay. You haven't changed your method even after falling down a few times. I will praise you for not knowing how to give up.]

As he looked down at his prey, Nuada sneered, [This seventh or eighth attempt, I will score it with my sword.]

It literally occurred in an instant.


At the next moment, Invidia stepped back with a sword mark on his face. Theodore couldn't see the attack or how it was avoided.

This was the power of Claimhb Solais. According to legends, it was said to produce black flames and emit light. However, this was an absurd remark made by people who had never seen Nuada fight in person.

[Hoh, you only got a light wound? I'll give you 60 points.]

The essence of Nuada's sword was that it couldn't be recognized.

"Light Speed Sword, is it?" Invidia muttered as he barely dodged a serious blow. However, Nuada denied it, [That answer receives 0 points. If you can only think about that, you should give up on your unskilled attempts.]

"What would you know…?!" Invidia roared, drawing his sword. He used four types of Aura Abilities when dealing with Veronica, but now it exceeded 10 abilities.

Acceleration, Enhancement, Special Talent, Operating System, Discharge…

All types of Aura Abilities came together, distorting the space around the blade. If it were just the output, this would already be more than that of a grandmaster. 1+1=2, but Aura Ability wasn't constant. If the abilities were well-balanced, it was possible to cause a synergy of four times, maybe even 10 times.

In a few cases, the synergy of the Aura Abilities was multiplied by 16.

The ability of the 6th stage, to combine all abilities to the maximum, was now being freed. It was a dimensional interference that could only be seen with ancient dragons. This power was undoubtedly the domain of the transcendents.

"Insignificant personification, go back to where you came from!"

Simultaneously, Invidia's sword crushed the construct of time and space.

16 Compound Hidden Technique.

Six Paths to Kill a God.

World Breaking Emperor Strike.

The essence of swordsmanship was extracted from dozens of sword masters, and the 16 synergistic abilities combined. Theoretically, it could separate the walls of the dimension…

[A swordsmanship that is just a shell, with no depth of power…] Nuada looked at the fearsome swirl of power, evaluating it in a mocking tone, [It really is useless.]

Then the god sword flashed once again.

"…Kuheook?" Blood flowed from the arms, legs, and many parts of Invidia's body as he rolled on the ground in an unsightly manner. World Breaking Emperor Strike… A technique with such a powerful name crumbled from one flash of light.

It was useless compared to the total amount of power contained within it.

There was a huge difference, like comparing a mountain to a grain of sand, or a lake to the sea. Of course, it was Invidia who had the dominant power in his attack, and Nuada was the inferior one.

In that case, what was this ridiculous result?

[Hmm, I tried to kill you, but you survived. Is it due to the extra power you put in your defensive abilities?]

According to Nuada, Invidia had just barely survived a fatal blow.

"You… you, you, youuuuuu―!!"

Invidia's broken ribs and torn lungs were recovering at a rapid rate. The exposed bones from his right collarbone to his left hip were being covered up. 'Adamantine Might', 'Immutability', 'Restoration', 'Joining'… It was thanks to the countless Aura Abilities that protected his body.

However, Invidia's pride had long been torn to shreds. It had been a long time since he was knocked down by a person. If he were 'Pride', it wouldn't be strange for him to be brain-dead from the shame.

Finally, a dull madness filled Invidia's eyes. "You died, forgotten god who is a ghost…!"

[Ah, thank you for that fact, Invader,] the god-king said, nodding lightly. Then he declared, [If this was my divine body, you would be dead already.]

* * *


The sky was torn. It wasn't an exaggeration. The sky was torn apart by the swords, revealing the black universe. It was evidence that 1,000 kilometers of the atmosphere had been destroyed. It hadn't been the aim, but it was the aftermath.

A sword that could cut down a mountain? The capturing of a fortress? Such sagas weren't even worth discussing under that eerie sky.

"Hey. I was fighting with that guy up there?" Veronica recovered some strength and looked up at the sky, where two colored beams were colliding.

Her body's condition was a mess, and their movements were too fast for her to even catch afterimages. She had no confidence to block three of those attacks in her draconic state, and evasion was out of the question.

When she thought about it now, her actions had been truly reckless.

"…Invidia didn't think of this as a fight from the beginning," Theodore replied while moving his hands. He roughly joined together Edwin's severed left arm and bandaged the neck of the barely breathing Ellaim.

Thanks to Nuada's power, there was no need to worry about any life and death injuries. However, half the people here had lost their combat capabilities.

Randolph had his arms cured by Theodore's potions, but the two elves were severely wounded. Orta had lost consciousness earlier and was in the best state, but space magic couldn't be a threat to Invidia.

'No, everyone is helpless in this situation.'

The masters realized it when watching the battle between Nuada and Invidia. They couldn't get involved in this fight. Blundell's Time Stop had only lasted a few seconds, and Veronica's rampage seemed like child's play. The only role left for them was to wish for Nuada's victory.

"White Tower Master," Theodore said, making the best decision he could, "Take the Blue Tower Master's body and the two elves out of here. If Nuada wins, we will follow after you. However, you must be prepared for the worst."

"In other words… I am running away alone?"

"Yes." Theodore ignored Orta's uncomfortable expression as he looked at the people around him. "I would like the other two to go with you as well, but… they don't look like they will go."

"Of course! How can I leave you alone?"

"Do I look that unsightly? Besides, that son of a bitch will just chase after me to kill me. It will only be delayed a few minutes if I ran away from here."

They were already prepared to die. Theodore looked at the two smiling people and gave up on persuading them.

Orta remained silent for a moment before eventually nodding. "…Be sure to come back alive. Red Tower Master and Sir Randolph as well."

"Ohh! Who knew you could say such sentimental things?"

"Let's have a drink when we return."

After fixing his mask, Orta picked up Blundell's body and laid it beside the elf guardians.

It didn't move. The body had sturdy muscles and a calm face. Orta stopped moving as he gazed at Blundell, who seemed to be asleep, before acting again. The teleport circle finished quickly, maybe because there were fewer people.


There was a bright light, and only three people remained.

"Okay, we will be watching from now on? Which one is our side?" Randolph worried as he looked up at the sky.

"The silver light is probably Nuada." Hearing Theodore's words, Randolph and Veronica gazed at the silver light in the sky.

The universe visible beyond the torn apart sky, the starry sky in daylight, was spectacular. The two rays of light constantly facing each other against that backdrop were reminiscent of fireworks at festivals.

Nuada's silver glow and Invidia's blood red light…

Theodore, Randolph, and Veronica couldn't fathom the fight, but most of the light filling the sky was silver. Sometimes, a bloody vortex burst out, but it always disappeared without a trace due to the silver glow. It was clear who had the initiative.

Veronica had the same thought as Theodore. "It seems like that guy called Nuada is dominating. What do you think?"

"I had a similar thought, but we still don't know."

That's right. They didn't know yet.

'Nuada called Invidia 'Invader'.'

The Seven Sins grimoire was colliding with a god from the Age of Mythology. Theodore couldn't forget that Nuada had accepted the summoning due to personal emotions. It meant that the grimoire was an enemy of the gods, similar to the demons.

However, unlike the gods and demons, who no longer remained in this era, the Seven Sins were still active. In this area of survival, they surpassed both the gods and demons. Invidia had been active for 500 years, so it wouldn't be strange if he had something hidden up his sleeve.

He wasn't an opponent that Theodore could relax against until the very end.

Chapter 294 – Reproduction of Myths (2)

Silver and red tore through the sky.


As the wall of sound was broken several times, the god-king accelerated with silver wings. Physical dynamics and inertia laws were nothing more than meaningless limits to a divine being. Acceleration and stopping were freely repeated up and down, left and right, and in any direction.

S turn, Z turn… Even a dragon would get a concussion from the acceleration, but Nuada moved freely.

[Hrmm, you are running away well with human flesh.]

Rather, it was strange that Invidia could keep up.

[Suspension, Acceleration, Release, Refraction… There are three more. You have quite a few tricks to play.]

Nuada didn't hesitate to evaluate the acceleration that combined seven Aura Abilities. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to find, let alone escape from, the god that wasn't bound by the laws of physics.

"Ugh, you! How long are you going to follow me?" Invidia climbed up to the stratosphere in less than a minute and finally swung his sword as he gave up on running away.

This would be an injury that Nuada wouldn't be able to avoid. The Aura Ability to see the future had allowed him to see it. An incredible amount of aura twisted the space around him and ripped the clouds apart.

Kesein's Breaking the Sky Sword—this was the sword of the man who was respected by all swordsmen in Andras.

Sky Slash—the symbol of the founding king of Andras, Kesein Fernado, showed its power after centuries. It was a transcendent attack that tore apart the sky! According to Invidia, who had seen grandmasters, this was a power that Nuada wouldn't be able to endure.

[This is a good one.]

Like blood pouring down from the torn sky, the bloody flash of the aura blade approached Nuada. There was no room to avoid or block it, the ultimate sword of one who saw beyond the peak and peered at the end.

It hadn't reached transcendence, but Invidia's immense power made up for the shortcomings. If this fell to the ground, it would pass through the mantle and outer core of Earth. Thus, Nuada raised some of his saved strength.

Claimhb Solais shone brightly. It started collecting the mana, light, and heat from around it. This sword was a treasure, a light in the dark that would bring victory. It was the symbol of the god-king, who had magnified the name of the gods and led the Elin to victory.

The moment that Nuada struck with the brilliant sword in his hand, there was a golden blast, like the roar of the sun.


Then the golden light rushed off. It was sacred and beautiful, a wave of overflowing light that broke the ominous blood. The blood split apart rapidly, with the golden light digging into every piece.

It wasn't just the power that was different. The degree of completeness was different as well. As Nuada was a god and a warrior, his sword was able to strike down Kesein's ultimate technique.


Maybe it was because he lacked strength, but the golden light broke through the sky slash and lost its sharpness, turning into a shockwave.

The golden light's form wasn't a blade but a barrier.

The wall of gold grazed Invidia's head and threw him back into the mountains, like a pebble struck by a big hammer. No, it was obvious that he had gone underground and penetrated into the bedrock.

The body of the host was indispensable for a parasitic grimoire. It took a few seconds for Invidia to recover from the damage received and to reach the surface.

[Let's finish it here.]

Nuada called out in the name of the god of light, and all of the light responded.

Ku kwa kwa kwang!

Light poured down toward the area where Invidia had crashed. It contained more destructive power than a 7th circle great magic.

For Nuada who was the god of light, this power wasn't much different from snapping his fingers. One side of the mountain collapsed, and one of the mountain peaks disappeared. The land melted, becoming a lake of lava.

Even the red dragon, who was almost completely resistant to fire, wouldn't be able to endure it. An enormous amount of dust and heat rose from the shocked land. The shock was big enough to be delivered to Theodore, who was dozens of kilometers away!

The cloud of dust rose into the air like a volcano eruption, and Nuada's eyes suddenly widened. He was convinced of the opponent's death, so the result of the attack was unexpected.


A translucent shield could be seen on one side of the mountain where Claimhb Solais had hit. It wasn't even cracked despite taking on this onslaught. This wasn't a level of defense that was possible with Invidia's abilities. At first, the face of a woman with snakes for hair could be seen, but it soon vanished with the shield.

However, Nuada's wisdom saw through it right away. [Aegis, Pallas Athena's shield.]

This was the god-weapon that took away the power of a gorgon, a legendary monster. It was a shield that petrified all opponents facing it, as well as reflected most attacks. No, there was something strange about this.

[Invader, you aren't its legitimate owner and can only use it once. Do you plan to use a divine artifact as a disposable item?]

"…God-King Nuada, I understand why you were called that," Invidia responded to the question with a non-answer as he walked out from the protection of the shield. "The sword that brat, Fermut, took was Claimhb Solais. Your summoner stole it and used it to call you."


"How funny. If I wasn't involved, I would laugh. But now that I am in this situation, my anger is rising." Invidia didn't want to talk. He was just trying to spit out his anger. Fermut, that brat, had grabbed his ankles. The item that Invidia collected was just used to call his worst enemy, and now he had to consume other collectibles that were in short supply. So, it was natural for him to be furious.

"…From now on, I won't consider holding back for my own interests."

His anger reached the boiling point, and Invidia reached out in a calm manner. Then he pulled out a sword from somewhere.

[―What?] Nuada's expression hardened.

The shape of the straight steel blade, the bluish light―


Fearsome lightning bolts emerged from it. The absurd power of the 'hard lightning bolts' which had destroyed mountain peaks in the past… Nuada couldn't help crying out the name of the sword, [Caladbolg?!]

It was the sword of Fergus mac Róich, Elin's honorable hero! Nuada covered his sword with divine power and blocked the lightning bolts.

Invidia's Aura Abilities might be crude, but he was holding divine battle gear that could kill a god. He wasn't the legitimate owner, so the gear would disappear after one use. However, that one use was threatening enough.

This was the reason why Andras had been exploring the ruins from the Age of Mythology since its founding. The relics that Invidia monopolized for centuries started to finally shine.

"Kill, Dainsleif."

It was a cursed sword that increased in strength when blood was steeped in blood. The curses were 'Retribution', 'Retaliation', and 'Destruction.' The consumable sword was broken the moment the curses were released, but Nuada received an injury on his left side.

"Come down, Moralltach!"

This was a sword that, once brandished, emitted a wave of light. This time, Nuada received the attack with his sword. The aftermath was so intense that the ground sunk down by dozens of meters.

Indeed, this was the power of the Age of Mythology. If Nuada hadn't been using Claimhb Solais, any other blade would've broken because it couldn't cope with the power.

[―Don't climb up!]

Even so, Nuada Airgetlám was the god-king.


Nuada's sword was one step ahead and shattered the sword that Invidia pulled out. It wouldn't have been so easy if Invidia was the legitimate owner, but the sword chose to be destroyed by the god-king, rather than lend power to the 'collector.'

Four swords were broken in succession, then the light from Claimhb Solais pierced Invidia's body. No, it was more accurate to say that it looked like it was pierced.


The pieces of broken armor disappeared without a trace. That pure white gloss… it was Witege's Armor. It was too late for Nuada to notice that Invidia was wearing it. However, this could only buy time.

Invidia barely survived and pulled out another sword, but it was rare that any sword could compare to the god-sword, Claimhb Solais. It was fortunate if Invidia could block a single attack. There were even cases where he needed to use two swords at once.

[Stolen power, stolen techniques, and now stolen weapons,] Nuada ridiculed as light emerged from behind him.

"Kuk, try and stop all of this…!" Invidia threw out many swords. The 34 blades were hit by a ray of light and disappeared without leaving any traces.

Increasing the number of weapons couldn't win against these two qualities of Nuada, the instincts of a warrior and the acumen of a strategist.

[What will you bring out now? Almace? Or Beagalltach? Balisarda and Morglay are also not bad. You might be able to breathe longer if you have Tyrfing. You might not be struggling if you brought them out earlier.]

"Mocking me till the end!"

[Ridiculous. You don't even deserve my mocking. Invader, this low nature of yours is grabbing at your ankles.]

It was time. Nuada raised his sword. Theodore had given him a non-standard offering, but Nuada couldn't bring out the unlimited power of the god-king. Nuada would be evicted from this material world in 12… 13 seconds?

He, the god of victory, was sure this was enough.

[Maybe you have no more weapons to take out. If so, die here.]

Claimhb Solais drew in the light. The silver sword burned up as the light became close to the density of an artificial star. This was equivalent to an ancient dragon's breath or even more.

Hyde had once wielded the god-sword to destroy the warlocks, but this was more than a thousand times more powerful. It was far from its prime, but this was still enough to completely kill Invidia.

A pseudo-sun was called. Claimhb Solais lost the shape of a sword, and a second sun emerged in the sky. The gold and radiant light, like the old sun, was the symbol of Nuada Airgetlám. It was the supreme light that warmly embraced all of its people and defeated the enemies!

[Annihilate the enemy, Claimhb Solais!]

According to the will of God-King Nuada, the pseudo-sun fell on Invidia's head. A mortal's Aura Ability couldn't endure this for even a moment. Any shield would be destroyed. No armor could defend against this sun.

The only enemy who survived the power of this sword had been the evil Crom Cruach. The majestic and divine light of the sun enveloped the world.

Chapter 295 – Reproduction of Myths (3)

The wind stopped blowing for a long period of time, and there was a huge vacuum of calm bathed in light. The light that couldn't be recognized by the eyes of mortals, the light of the God-King Nuada, spread out all over the world.

Before long, the brilliant light subsided.

The sky, which had been bright enough to prevent people from opening their eyes, recovered its color. Claimhb Solais had already lost the shape of the sun and returned to Nuada's grasp.

[…This.] Nuada looked down at the thing penetrating him. [Manannán mac Lir's god sword, Fragarach.]

As the sun settled down, the sword had penetrated through the glare and lodged into Nuada's heart. It was a blue-black short sword, similar to a dagger. This was a sword which couldn't be blocked by any armor or shield, never missing. It was a sacred sword that the elf king in the past had been reluctant to part with, despite the many treasures he had.

It could be used to attack, but its true value was revealed in counterattacks.

[Sigh, was I too hasty?]

Fragarach was a famous sword, but Nuada was also a god-king. He wasn't an opponent that could be defeated with one god-weapon.

In this case, the mistake Nuada had made was the problem.

Fragarach was a counter weapon which absorbed the power of the opponent's attack and returned it with more power. The 'revenge' that was added to Claimhb Solais's mighty power wasn't something the summoned Nuada could endure.

The limit of the summoning time and the last trump card that Invidia had prepared caused this result.

However, Invidia wasn't entirely lucky. At the point when Claimhb Solais had fallen, Invidia's body had turned into a charcoal-like mass of human form. It was because Fragarach's counter ability couldn't bear all of Nuada's power. If Nuada was in a more complete form, this outcome might've been reversed due to Invidia's current state.

[In the end, everything is an excuse.]

It was ugly to make excuses when the match was over. Nuada accepted his defeat. Anyway, his time limit was over the moment he got his heart pierced by Fragarach. He had been invited by an unexpected call, and it was now time for the guest to leave.

Nuada's body started fading from his toes upward. He touched Fragarach which was stuck in his chest and muttered with a bitter smile, [You were used to defend a coward. It is a tough fate for you as well.]


As if in response, Fragarach cried out once and was destroyed first. Then Nauda turned his eyes proudly toward the person he hated. [First of all, congratulations, Invader. It is your victory.]


[Well, don't be in a rush. I will leave a prophecy.]

To the person whose vocal cords were badly damaged, Nuada left his last greeting and disappeared. It was a curse under the name of a prophecy.

[This is the last victory that you can enjoy.]

* * *

At that moment…

"Nuada. He was defeated?" Theodore was able to tell straight away when Nuada disappeared from the material world. The light of the summoning circle under his feet scattered, and the recoil from the summoning momentarily paralyzed his circles. It would take 5 seconds for his magic power circulation to recover normally.

The two masters heard Theodore's words and reorganized their postures, staring in the direction of the explosion. Even at that moment, they didn't know what would happen next. Their response was commendable.


However, it had no meaning in front of their opponent.


Randolph reflexively responded to the approach, but he was thrown away along with his two swords. With one kick, his two arms were bent and his ribs broken. Even if the attack was blocked, it was a deadly hit.

Setting aside as to whether it was good or bad, the unit of power was just too different. Randolph realized the cruel reality as his consciousness became blurred.

'…R-Run aw…ay, Theo…' Randolph flew back several hundred meters and barely gasped out before fainting. However, his condition was good compared to Veronica's.

"Keok, kuuock, ah, kuoooock…"

Both of her shoulders and thighs were cut deeply. Her flesh and muscles were split apart, and it was serious enough to reach the nerves and bones. Additionally, Invidia was holding the helpless Veronica by her neck.

A vein appeared on the back of his hand as he increased his strength. Veronica gathered her magic power to fight back. However, she wasn't in her draconic state, so she hit her limit by protecting her neck bones.

It was an annihilation.

Theodore barely recovered from his paralysis and roared wildly as he saw his companions being brutally trampled on by Invidia.

"You've ruined my task up to here, Gluttony!"

Theodore saw Invidia's face and stopped breathing. '…It is a horrible appearance.'

His face was half melted, and his armor had lost its shape. He still hadn't recovered from fighting with Nuada. Based on his presence, he only had 3% of his power left. Nevertheless, Invidia's power was absolute. Whenever he growled with fury, the space around him twisted, cutting off the connection between the circles and mana.

This monster was still transcendent! Theodore was unable to move as he looked at the captured Veronica with bitter and sad eyes.

"Hu, I see." At that moment, Invidia's low and venomous voice rang out. "It seems like this hybrid is important to your host."


"This is the punishment for hindering this body. Enjoy the taste of despair."

It happened before Theodore could reply.


A blade pierced through Veronica's heart.



After thrusting his sword several times, Invidia threw her body away like it was garbage. Blood flowed from her mouth and chest as she flew in a parabola. Theodore immediately grabbed her body, but Veronica's eyes were blurring rapidly. Her golden eyes were clouded as she gazed up at him gently.

"…Ah… Kid…"

"Don't say anything! Your injury is severe!"

Theodore forgot about the presence of Invidia before him and quickly moved his hands. There wasn't a specific injury site. Veronica's heart and surrounding blood vessels were torn like rags. A lethal amount of blood was flowing out in seconds. It wasn't possible to regenerate even if a cardinal was present.

'I don't have healing magic! If this continues…'

Invidia was just watching. They couldn't escape from him even if Theodore revived Veronica. Then Theodore came up with the idea of using an elixir.

After a moment, Theodore reached out his hand. "Veronica, open your mouth."


He carefully brought the edge of the bottle to her mouth. It was a mortal wound, so he had to be very careful when pouring in a drop so that she could swallow. This was an elixir, a legendary remedy that could buy a castle with just one drop.

Theodore didn't hesitate to pour the whole bottle into Veronica's mouth. He understood the pros and cons, but he couldn't leave her to die. What did Gluttony think about this decision? Did it think Theodore was stupid?

However, Theodore couldn't care less.



Veronica's flesh was growing back in real time. The blood pouring out from the hole in her chest stopped, and her torn heart recovered its original shape.

Indeed, the elixir was a miracle medicine which could restore any injury as long as there was one breath left in the body. Just when he was feeling deeply relieved at the sight of color returning to Veronica's cheeks, Theodore heard a voice.

"Hoh, an elixir. You have a rare thing."

"What are you going to do?"

"What?" Invidia laughed like he heard something funny. "Didn't I kindly teach you? I told you to enjoy the taste of despair."


While Theodore was confused by the words…


Blood surfaced from Veronica's wound again. Her body started twitching from the shock, and Theodore looked at Veronica's injury to figure out what had happened.

The heart repaired by the elixir was once again torn apart.

"The soul of the hybrid was specifically cut with the 'Destruction' Aura Ability," Invidia mocked Theodore's devastating face, telling him the whole story. "The elixir is a great remedy, but its healing power is ultimately limited to physical damage. Once the soul is broken, the body can't be fixed anymore. Do you realize your plight now?"

"You—You son of a bitch…!"

"How do you feel now that you can neither save a dying woman nor retaliate against me? Are you resentful? Are you miserable? Do you know how stupid it is to face this body? Either way, it is good. This is punishment for not knowing your place."

Theodore felt nauseous as he confronted the nature of 'Envy' and gave up.

It was better to commit suicide than to beg for mercy from this damn monster. This was the same for Veronica. The elixir still remained, so the wound was healing repeatedly. However, it had a time limit of 10 minutes.

He hadn't realized it at first because of the urgent situation, but the wound was the same as Zest's injury. An injury caused by the power to destroy the soul… it required a 9th circle magician to heal it.

'…Gluttony, please.'

–Are you serious? Gluttony, who had been silent until now, finally spoke up.

'You know that this is the only way.'

Gluttony didn't respond to Theodore's words. Instead, it began to prepare for the task planned out in advance. Theodore Miller was going to bet it all on the gamble of a lifetime.

'…Well, Sister will surely be angry if she knows.'

Theodore stroked her face, that was struggling with the pain, and decided.

In order to save Veronica and Randolph… In order to destroy the bastard in front of him… For Blundell, who sacrificed his life to earn a few seconds, and for the magicians who died terrible deaths…

Theodore would bet his life this time.

"Why are you so quiet? Did you give up?"

The biggest mistake Envy made was giving Theodore time because he wanted to inflict more pain on Theodore. It was coincidence, but it was inevitable. As Nuada Airgetlám had warned, Invidia's nature led to his deadly predicament.

Theodore continued with his silence, while a mouth appeared on the palm of his left hand.


"You are finally speaking, Brother? But it is too late. Even if you beg me to save your host…"

–Think in advance, my foolish brother.

What was Invidia's response? Then the moment he was about to speak…

['Death's Worship' has been consumed.]

[Jerem's spirit has awakened. The mental suppression has failed, and the flesh is taken over by the object name, 'Jerem'.]

[Understanding of magic and mana control has greatly increased.]

A black fog emerged from Theodore's body after he consumed Death's Worship, which had always been in a corner of his inventory. Theodore gained the power of death to kill all living things, the magic of the end.

The confused Invidia reached out with his sword, but the dark fog swallowed up and polluted the area. The darkness, like an abyss, sat heavily on the earth. It was a 'land of death' Invidia shouldn't be in contact with since he was a parasitic grimoire that relied on the host's body.

This was the 8th circle domination magic, Erebos. And at the center of the fog, Theodore opened his eyes.

"…Huhat." It was unpleasant laughter. He was like a malicious spirit as he spat out phlegm and laughed.

Then Theodore's lake-blue eyes became bloody.

The two powers, Aquila's blood and the Ring of Muspelheim, still circulated in his heart. However, unlike before, there were now eight circles. After accepting the soul of the 9th circle magician Jerem, this wall was forcibly broken.

Theodore's body shook a few times before Jerem expressed his ecstatic joy, "Hahahahaha! You finally called me! This is me! The king of the end! Good. This Jerem will grant your wish!"

This was the best. Jerem was completely revived after a few hundred years, but this flesh was a dish truly worthy of turning into an undead. Divinity, dragon's blood, Umbra, and two grimoires…!

If Jerem used this body, he could restore his full capabilities in a month. Unlike Theodore, who didn't fully utilize his powers, Jerem was a transcendent magician of the 9th circle.

"Come, gather! My faithful servants!" Once Jerem raised his voice, four figures emerged from the shadows around him.

They were the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

The four riders��a beauty in white robes, a young man in red armor, an old man leaning on a staff, and a monster with his body wrapped in bandages—ignored Invidia and prostrated themselves before Jerem.

"White Knight Hipatia greets the king."

"Red Knight Elohim greets the king."

"Black Knight Delos greets the king."

"…Pale Rider greets the king."

Jerem's eyes flashed with madness as he accepted the greetings of the four horsemen.

Then he glanced at his enemy, Invidia, without shaking.

A few years ago, it had been the same in the Miller Barony. In order to completely dominate the host's body, the fastest and most efficient way was to eliminate all grudges left behind by the host. Theodore wanted to save his two companions and destroy Invidia, so…

"Make that insolent fellow kneel before me!"

The moment that Jerem spoke, the four horsemen raised their heads.

"I permit the manifestation in the name of Jerem!"

Simultaneously, the four riders regained their original strength which had been sealed for centuries.




The body of the White Knight, the beautiful Hipatia, became half-transparent, and she let out a terrible scream.

This was the apex of the undead, the terror-wight!

It was the scream that could destroy the minds of thousands of people and even turn the bodies of sword masters into puppets. Even Invidia got goosebumps from the scream.

Hipatia wasn't the only one who changed. Red Knight Elohim turned into a vampire lord, and Black Knight Delos became an arch lich. They were senior undead that could threaten even 8th circle magicians. The Pale Rider's appearance didn't change, but the evil energy flowing from him increased even more.

"Kill him."

In front of the four monsters, the worst warlock of this material world sentenced Invidia to death.

Chapter 296 – Reproduction of Myths (4)

"Kihihihihit! For the king!"

As soon as the command was given, the red knight, Vampire Lord Elohim, moved first. The bat wings and pointed fangs proved he was a vampire, a species that couldn't use half of its power under the sun. However, it was a different story now that Erebos' fog occupied the area.

Vampire Lord Elohim took two steps, moving faster than sound and without any afterimages, as a bloody aura wrapped around Invidia.


There was a loud sound, and Elohim deflected. His arms were badly shattered, but his regenerative power, based on all the blood he had accumulated over the centuries, meant he was close to immortal. He acted without caring about his body. Thus, even Invidia couldn't cope easily.

"Damn Gluttony! Do you intend to deal with me by borrowing the power of a low ranking warlock?"

However, it wasn't a human voice that answered.


It was White Knight Hipatia's scream! A terrible mental wave filled the area, attacking without regard for friend or foe. However, the undead's spirits had long decayed, meaning only Invidia received a substantial blow. The sound struck accurately, rattling his nervous system. Invidia's mental state was close to invincible, but his host was just a human body. The confused host temporarily escaped from Invidia's control.

「Death… follows behind… you…! 」 The arch lich's 8th circle curse magic wrapped around Invidia's body. After feeling his body grow heavy rapidly, Invidia's eyes turned bloodshot, and he raised his strength.

He had consumed more than half his power in the fight against God King Nuada, but he still had many sword master abilities left. A bloody aura flashed, and the curse on his body exploded.

"―Good, I will play with you! The one who gathers the remnants of the deceased, I will make you regret stumbling in front of me!"

Invidia's aura soared into the sky.

The four riders all stiffened for a moment. They were monsters with a considerable amount of experience, but the opponent was a grimoire that had existed since the earliest days of history. It was hard for even the four riders to win against him.

"A clown is speaking such funny words." However, Jerem chuckled without any fear. "You don't even know the mistakes you have made, lost in fear after being driven to the extremes. Aren't you just a clown?"


"I'll teach you personally. I will teach you with your life."

The riders accepted their king's will and raised their magic power again. Invidia took on a fighting posture, twitching as the ominous power swept toward him like a wave.

The four riders, including the pale rider, rushed in.

The terror wight screamed, the vampire lord used his blood, and the arch lich launched curses when there was a chance. The aura of death coming from the pale rider's hands and feet was also terrifying.

This was the second round between the four riders and Invidia.

"They should last a few minutes without my help."

After letting his riders face Invidia, Jerem looked at Veronica who was collapsed at his feet. 'This is a quarter-dragon hybrid?'

Veronica was still at the border of death due to the power of the elixir and her own strength. An average person wouldn't have been able to endure the shock and would've died already.

"Let's see… Hrmm, this is a little annoying."

Black magic, including necromancy, was a magic that dealt with death. Therefore, they had a high sensitivity towards the 'soul.' A 9th circle warlock like Jerem would be able to see it instantly. Theodore's body only had eight circles, but Umbra was enough to make up for the lack of power.

Based on Jerem's judgment, Veronica's wounds couldn't be healed with 8th circle magic.

"Tsk, I have to patch it up first."

Umbra shone on Theodore's right hand, and a string of green magic power penetrated Veronica's body.

An 8th circle magician couldn't cast magic that directly interfered with the soul. However, Jerem's deep understanding of magic and Umbra's ability raised that impossibility into the realm of possibilities.

The astral-like magic power transformed into a needle, and Jerem roughly stitched Veronica's soul together. Then he shifted his gaze toward Theodore's other companion, Randolph.

"Over there… the wounds are serious, but he should be fine. A sword master's recovery will handle it."

It was as he said.

As long as it wasn't a deadly wound, the body of a sword master would recover quickly with time and nutrition. There were a few broken ribs and damaged lungs, but they would help with a few days of nursing. His injuries couldn't compare to Veronica, whose soul was torn apart.

In case something might happen, Jerem moved Veronica and then looked at the battlefield, which was becoming more disadvantageous. His four riders were quite busy, but they were being pushed back after Invidia opened the lid of his power.

"Indeed, this is one of the Seven Sins despite being a non-combatant."

Invidia had already spent most of his power against Nuada. If Invidia were at full strength, Jerem would be at a disadvantage. Therefore, Jerem needed to kill him here. Jerem smiled evilly with Theodore's face. It was burdensome to confront Invidia with a body that was only at the 8th circle and possessed insufficient strength.

Therefore, he needed to add more power.

「Answer me, pillars of the underworld! 」

It had been a few centuries since the legitimate owner opened the door. The barrier to the back of the material world opened its mouth.

Named after a mythical record, Tartarus, this was the space where Jerem had placed the undead he created in his prime: a bone dragon, made from the body of a black dragon; a death knight lord, made from a grandmaster's body; a chimera daemon, created from the fusion of a human and demon body; and a hydra, a legendary creature in this era.

If he released even just one of them, it would be a disaster on a continental scale. It had been different during the Age of Mythology when there had been nearly 100 grandmasters. In this era, his undead were invincible monsters.

They were so powerful that only a few 8th circle magicians together could control them.

"Ghoul prince, helix ogre. These two should be enough."

Both undead answered Jerem's call and rose from the abyss.



An ogre with four horns, magma-like eyeballs, dark leather, and a mace in its hands emerged, with the ghoul prince following him. Each of them was the incarnation of disaster, like an adult dragon. For Jerem to set a target for them, it was comparable to sentencing the target to a death penalty.


Two monsters that could collapse the balance were released.

* * *

This was an earth-shaking fight. Only a short amount of time had passed, but the amount of power exchanged between the opponents was enough to destroy a kingdom several times over. On one side was a notorious grimoire from the Age of Mythology, and on the other side was a warlock who had almost turned the entire continent into a living hell.

Either way, it would clearly be a disaster regardless of who won. In the end, a winner was produced.

"Kneel. The circus is over, so the clown has no right to raise his head in front of the king."

The red knight acted as soon as Jerem spoke.


Invidia's face was pushed into the ground. Invidia wanted to resist, but his limbs had been cut off, and his stockpile of Aura Abilities was depleted, leaving him powerless to fight back.

Of course, the damage that Jerem's undead received was enormous.

The red knight consumed 80% of the blood he had collected over the centuries, while the white knight and black knight wouldn't be able to move until their bodies were restored. The ghoul prince and helix ogre were in the same state as they returned to Tartarus.

If Invidia still had all his divine artifacts, Jerem would never have won this fight.

"Well, I can't call you cowardly because I also used an external force. It is time to end this Seven Sins grimoire, who built up a futile thing."

"…Do it."

"Hmm?" Jerem wanted to listen to what Invidia had to say and nodded to the red knight. Then the red knight removed his foot, and Invidia raised his head to say, "Tell me. You said that I made a mistake, and you would teach me with my life."

"Ah, there was that." Jerem nodded as he was reminded. "It isn't a big deal, clown. You chose the wrong path from the beginning."

"What does that mean?"

"Judging by my intuition, you are trying to gather Aura Abilities and fit them together like a puzzle, right? You thought to reach transcendence by filling up all these deficiencies and going backward to achieve it."

Invidia's body shook at the words. He wasn't angry. Rather, he felt awe and envy that Jerem had noticed all of this despite meeting him only once.

Jerem continued talking like he didn't know Invidia's feelings. "Your idea was wrong, idiot. Transcendence isn't like a puzzle. It is fundamentally different. Just like a solid surface can't become a three-dimensional surface, your thousands of years were worthless."

For a mortal to walk on the path of transcendence, they needed to tear down the surface and cross the wall. In order to cross that wall with the power of a mortal, the power needed to be concentrated on one point. Invidia's 'puzzle' was the complete opposite answer.

Perfection and transcendence had nothing in common.

All transcendents understood this fact, but Invidia didn't know it. He had infinite time and resources, but he had been carried away by his own beliefs instead of listening to others. Indeed, it was the reason why Invidia was responsible for the 'envy' sin.

Invidia stiffened when faced with the truth.

Meanwhile, the king of the end spoke in a low voice, "Now, it is time to pay the price."

Jerem placed a hand on Invidia's head and 'ordered,' 「Death.」

This wasn't magic. It was much closer to the source, a power which had left the mortal realm and was adjacent to the realm of the gods. One of the great magicians of the Age of Mythology had defined it as this—Order.

It was the expression of one's own will, a power that carried out the will to the world. The closest thing to it was Dragon's Words. The Order could spark a natural disaster with just one word. Many magicians had researched into it, and not one of them had succeeded.


"I… Am I going to disappear…?" Invidia spoke with astonishment. It was then that Jerem realized that he had succeeded.

"Nonsense, this is nonsense. You aren't Sloth or Wrath. Even if you have Gluttony, for a human warlock…!" The parasitic grimoire, Invidia, could find another body if this host died. So, he was calm before death.

However, what if the grimoire itself disappeared? While Invidia faced an unforeseen crisis, Jerem used the power again.

"Death Sentence. No, Power Word Kill would be great." It was a power that Jerem hadn't been able to use in his prime. However, it was possible to reproduce it by utilizing the knowledge of Dragon Words gained from the sea dragon's blood inside Theodore's body.

'Death' was the concept most familiar to warlocks. Unfortunately, Invidia became the test of this 'Order' and was suddenly in a position to be destroyed.

"N-No! I can't disappear like this! I will make note of this error and in the next experiment―…" He struggled until the end, before Invidia's elderly voice was cut off.

It was the last of 'Envy' of the Seven Sins, a grimoire from the Age of Mythology. Of course, the information would be passed to the real body outside the dimension, but it would take at least 10,000 years for the grimoire to return.

Jerem was convinced that he would never see the grimoire again.

"―Kuhuk." The joy that was hard to restrain boiled up inside him as his mouth opened. "Kuhahahaha! Excellent, truly excellent! Divinity, dragon blood, Umbra! There is even this Jerem's soul! If I use this body, I can become a god without the help of a great demon!"

Who wouldn't savor a host with so many things gathered in his body? No, not just that. Jerem was reminded of something he had forgotten. There was one more, apart from the grimoire Death's Worship where his soul was sealed.

Any magician who knew the power of the Seven Sins desired the grimoire, Gluttony.

"I wish to talk to you, Gluttony," Jerem spoke in an excited voice as he felt the bottomless presence in his left hand.

A few seconds later, a dark voice was heard from within, -…You know me?

"That's right. Any magician would want to be with you. It is the same with this Jerem, who wants to be recognized as your user."

This was the grimoire with infinite wisdom, Gluttony. Jerem looked at the palm of his left hand with a dark greed.

It wasn't just the knowledge from the Age of Mythology. According to the rumors, this grimoire contained even the magic of other worlds. In the past, Jerem had treated it as just a rumor. However, after receiving Theodore's memories, he became almost certain of it.

This grimoire contained the truth that all magicians must obtain!

Gluttony was silent after receiving the suggestion.

However, the nervous Jerem persevered, "Gluttony, I was told that your purpose is to achieve the 10th circle in magic. Is that true?"

–It is true.

"Then shouldn't I be the best fit?" Jerem called himself the 'best' and summed up the reasons why he should be Gluttony's master. "The child who was your former user can't even compare with me, who has already reached the 9th circle. And I don't have the unnecessary sense of justice that will hold back a magician."


"I am different. I learn magic for my own cause and am seeking the same destination as you. I will reach the ultimate form, even if I have to consume all life in this world. Is there anyone in this age who is more qualified than me?"

No, Jerem was filled with confidence and believed that Gluttony would choose him.

It was natural.

There had been two 8th circle magicians in this age, and now only one remained. If Jerem didn't follow up on treatment, that one remaining magician would die. A grimoire wouldn't choose that person as a host, so Jerem had no reason to worry about it.

Unsurprisingly, Gluttony responded to his proposal, –Certainly. Your proposal is reasonable.

"A magician should pursue rationality."

–That's right. My user was quite immature and had many stifling morals. Compared to him, you are a perfect magician.

Jerem listened up to there and felt delighted.

…Until he heard Gluttony's next words.

–I refuse.

"…What did you just say?"

–I won't accept you as my user.

"Why? What am I lacking? Or did you like the previous user?"

–Everything is wrong.

While Jerem was thinking that it was ridiculous, Gluttony revealed his reason, –I don't like Theodore Miller. It isn't because you lack anything. I just don't want to tolerate this situation.

"What nonsense…"

–I'll get my user back, Gluttony spoke these words and ordered an artifact to be melted into him. It was the king's flagpole that Theodore had received from the royal family during his involvement in the Soldun civil war.

At that time, Theodore hadn't been able to swallow it.

[Poseidon's Trident has been consumed. The status of the divine artifact isn't perfect.]

[The divinity of the water (small) has been acquired. The flow of water will move in a direction favorable to the user. You can interfere with currents, including ocean currents, as your proficiency increases. Regardless of elemental affinity, you can contract with water elementals.]

[Your understanding of the flow has greatly increased. You will be able to grasp the flow of the world with your senses, rather than just touch.]

Jerem's expression changed at the sudden notification windows. What was going on? He didn't know what connection consuming this divine artifact had with taking back the user. If even a 9th circle magician had no clue, then it was impossible to find an answer.

In the end, Jerem gave up trying to deduce the reason and opened his mouth, "What are you doing? This body is already mine. It belongs to me, Jerem!"

-You don't need to know, Gluttony said, ignoring Jerem. Then it spoke to someone in a frosty voice, –Get started.

Someone who was hiding in secret answered vigorously, [Hoing!]

Chapter 297 – Victory Scar (1)

This was a fact that Theodore didn't know, but the ancient elementals were proof of the similarities between gods and spirits.

They were fragments of gods that had lost their power and divinity for some reason.

It was the same for Mitra, born from the ancient Mother Earth—Demeter. At the end of the Age of Mythology, after Titanomachy ended and Olympus was trampled on, this little girl was born.

While it was bored inside of Theodore, Gluttony had come up with a hypothesis.

This material world is subject to the law of circulation. If a fallen god took the shape of an ancient elemental, there was no law which said an ancient elemental couldn't return to being a god after regaining strength and divinity.

Maybe the ancient elemental could become a 'god's egg.'

Of course, it was difficult to prove this hypothesis. How many ways were there to obtain divinity in this age? Wouldn't it be difficult to regain the divinity that was equal to a god's? It wouldn't have been possible if Theodore hadn't met certain conditions.

[Hoing!] Mitra responded vigorously to Gluttony's signal.

"What, who is it? Whose voice is this?" Jerem looked around with shock, but he couldn't find the source of Mitra's voice.

That was natural as Mitra had currently been summoned inside Theodore's body!

–Wind of Aiolos, water of Poseidon, earth of Demeter, fire borrowed from Nuada Airgetlám. Based on the four elements, a 'temple' is built in the body.

The body of a magician was a world, meaning it wasn't impossible to reproduce the divine hierarchy and fertilize this world.

In a voice that Jerem couldn't hear, Gluttony repeated the contents of the arrangement.

If the hypothesis that an ancient elemental was a 'god's egg' was correct, certain conditions needed to be met to hatch it. Temperature, humidity, and so on were important with all eggs. Of course, the difficulty was literally the difference between heaven and earth.

However, Gluttony filled the gap between heaven and earth.

–All materials in this world are made up of the four elements of fire, water, earth, and wind. The unique properties of these four elements—dry, wet, hot, and cold—are used to form all things. Paracelsus built the system of the four elementals by substituting the elementals into this theory, but I have a higher goal.

There was no concept of right and wrong when it came to theories of the world. Muspelheim which was filled with flames, Cocytus that was frozen, Pandemonium where demons resided… In this universe, many dimensions existed, each with their own unique origin.

The four elements theory was just one branch of this infinite world.

In addition to the framework of the four elementals, Gluttony laid down the foundation of the 'temple' that would support Mitra as a god. Since ancient times, Mother Earth had been a goddess representing the world itself.

Now, Mitra was a representative of 'Theodore Miller's world,' and she recovered the past when she had existed as a goddess.

[Hoing? H-Hoo…ee, ahhh…]

In Theodore's mental world which no one else could see, Mitra's body was growing little by little.

Her wheat-colored hair fell to her waist, and her small arms and legs grew. Her two eyes, that shone with an innocent light, were now filled with wisdom. Cracks in her body were filled, and her skin glowed with a divine light.

The goddess, Demeter…

Compared to her prime, this was at the level of one flower. However, the light was real. At this moment, Mitra climbed to the rank of a lower god.

"What? Don't tell me… This power…?" Jerem paled as he realized it.

The power of a god, born from the circles inside Theodore's body, started to overflow.

It might be different for a divinity without a master, but a proper deity was the enemy of warlocks. For Jerem who was stigmatized as the enemy of the world, the power of a god would deal a fatal blow even if it was only a light touched.

For Jerem who had it inside his body, it was like an extreme poison spreading from his heart. It was the first time Jerem had suffered like this.

[…You, who are you?] Mitra asked in a clear voice. [Uhh, I am drowsy and feel bad. Get out of Theo's body right now!]


Pure divine power exploded in Theodore's body. Mitra had released a powerful force without thinking, but as Jerem was connected to the body, it felt like his soul was being torn apart by the rage.

He would've only received a small blow if it were an external force. However, now that they shared the same body, it was a fatal blow. This was similar to exorcising an evil spirit by pouring holy water directly onto the patient's brain.

'I-I will die. This Jerem, the king who should cause the end…? But I can't give up this flesh…'

A moment of hesitation caused a crisis.

[Get out now!]

"Kuaaaaah!" Jerem's soul was brutally torn apart. There was no more time for him to worry now. One more blow would kill him completely. Holding the tattered pieces of his soul together, Jerem barely cried out, "P-Pale Rider, come here!"

The unidentified bandaged undead responded to his call. Then Jerem reached out with one hand and grabbed the monster's neck, ordering with bloodshot eyes, "Give your body to me!"

"…As you please."

"I'll take it!" Simultaneously, Jerem's soul flowed out of Theodore's hand.

The soul fled from Theodore's body through Theodore's right hand that was holding onto the pale rider. In addition to ownership of Death's Worship, half of Jerem's vast amount of knowledge had been lost.

Jerem stared poisonously at Theodore after taking over the pale rider's body. However, he didn't have the ability to fight against Mitra, who was protecting Theodore. His connection with Tartarus had also been cut off, and his knights had consumed a lot of power.

"…Don't think I will give up so easily," Jerem said before changing his body into a blue fog. Then he vanished without a trace.

-A defeated dog barks in every age, Gluttony ridiculed. Then he spoke to Mitra, –Now, it is time to go back.

Mitra didn't speak, but she pouted like she understood the meaning of the words.

[I don't want to return to being a puny kid.]

–It can't be helped. User's vessel still can't contain a god.

He might've unintentionally reached the 8th circle, but it was preposterous for a mortal to become the vessel of a god. Even a lower god was more transcendent than a dragon. As an entity that could manipulate the material world at will, the current Mitra could cause an earthquake just by breathing.

[…I understand.] Mitra, who became a beautiful woman, let out a long sigh. [Then give my best regards to Theo, Uncle Tongue.]

She disappeared into Theodore's body with a mischievous smile.

-…Uncle Tongue?

For the first time in thousands of years, maybe longer than that, Gluttony was shocked by someone's words.

* * *

Theodore's consciousness emerged shortly after that.

"…Um…" He let out a groan and raised his throbbing upper body. His blurred vision cleared immediately, and he sorted through his confused senses and thoughts. A few seconds after regaining consciousness, Theodore finished looking at the situation and said, "Thank you, Gluttony."

-…What are you saying all of a sudden?

"From your position, it would've been more efficient to choose Jerem instead of me."

Gluttony was silent for a moment before speaking in a rarely used, surprised tone, –User, you remained conscious? Wasn't your body taken over?

"A little bit, it wasn't clear. I know how things went, but it isn't detailed."

–I-I see, Gluttony felt relieved for some reason and continued speaking, –There is someone you should greet before that.

"Ah." That's right. Theodore stretched out his hand, and a little girl appeared on top of it.

She was the ancient elemental who had lost the power of a lower god and returned to the appearance of a child.

[Hoing! Deoo!]

"Mitra, thank you for saving me."


It seemed like Mitra had no memory of when she had been a god, as she looked at him with a strange expression. Theodore just chuckled and tickled her head. One day, he would tell her these words when they could communicate properly.

Theodore recalled that memorable sight and choked down his emotions.

After a moment, Gluttony spoke again, -User. It is okay to relax your mind and body, but don't you still have something to do?

"Something to do… Ah!" Theodore belatedly recalled his two companions, and a fearful momentum rose from within him.

Just one step…

He only moved his legs once, but he leaped over a hundred meters.

'This is the power of eight circles!'

The impact Jerem left behind, the eight circles multiplied Theodore's magic power and physical abilities by several times.

This was the path to transcendence beyond the human framework.

Theodore might not have red dragon blood like Veronica, but he was the vessel of divinities and Aquilo's blood. Now, his strength and reflexes reached a level where he could have a close combat fight with a sword master of the same level. In the past, he couldn't use lightning and Dimensional Leave for long because his body hadn't been able to bear the burden, but the application of those two magics would be much easier now.

Before long, Theodore reached the two people. "Sister! Randolph!"

First, he pulled out Randolph, who was stuck in a rock wall, and laid him down next to Veronica. He opened his hands, and his detection magic was activated much faster than before. Theodore diagnosed the two unconscious people.

'Randolph… He is still okay. His wounds are pretty heavy, but they should heal quickly when combined with magic potions. The problem is Sister's soul was stitched together by Jerem…'

Theodore's face stiffened. "Shit. His magic is being released now that he has been kicked out of my body! The collapse of her soul will soon begin!"

The damage Invidia's 'Destruction' ability dealt onto Veronica's soul wasn't something that could be cured with an 8th circle body.

Thus, Jerem had sewn up the soul as a temporary measure. Now that Jerem's magic was being released after Theodore regained his body, the crack in Veronica's soul would widen and her body would be torn apart in the aftermath.

Theodore could see Veronica's soul with his eyes. The efficacy of the drug was going away, and Veronica would soon be lost.

'What should I do? Is there a way? I don't have time. Hurry!'

Heat was spreading in his head. As the heat rose, blood dripped down from his nose. This was a rapid acceleration of his thinking power that even an 8th circle magician couldn't endure.

He went through all the magic and shamanism knowledge he had in his mind at super speed. Saving Veronica couldn't be done by any one magic. Theodore sensed this and looked through rituals.

'Not just magic or shamanism alone. I have to try combining magic and shamanism.'

There was no room for Gluttony to speak. Theodore's eyes turned red. His blood-red vision meant that was Veronica's life was fading. It was proof that the vitality of her dragon blood was at its limit.

Then at that moment…

"…Yes, there is that method!"

Theodore shifted his hand, bringing his palm to the middle of Veronica's chest. He didn't shake at all as he calmly moved his magic power. From now on, there couldn't be any errors. The mark of Umbra on his right arm shone with a green light, the light becoming sharper due to his eight circles.

'Normally, I would seek permission from her, but it can't be helped now…!'

Veronica's wound was fatal because an injury of the soul couldn't be healed. In order to heal a destroyed soul, the person needed to be at a transcendent level or have healing abilities equivalent to a god.

At least, that was the limit for 'normal' methods. Therefore, Theodore went through all the eastern and western methods and came up with a shortcut—a spirit contract!

It was a forbidden magic which bound the soul of the master and slave together, forcing a vow of allegiance that couldn't be betrayed. However, Theodore intended to apply this technique to Veronica's treatment.

This was a binding magic where the soul of the slave would die if they disobeyed the master. In some cases, the personality of the slave could even be manipulated.

–Do you still want to do it?

'…I will apologize to her and pledge myself to her. I can��t think of a method other than this. And if this continues for much longer, it will be irreversible.'

–Well, good. The method that User thought of is much more efficient than any measures that I envisioned. There is a high likelihood of success.

Theodore felt a little reassured as he took a deep breath and cried out, "「метемпсихоз (Soul Reversion)!」"

Borrowing the power of Dragon Words, Theodore started the unprecedented soul treatment.