25 - 36

Chapter 25: Point Covenant (1)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

After crying for half a day, Shangguan Bing'er still had not stopped. Zhou Weiqing looked at the brightening skies, and couldn't help reminding her: "Battalion Commander, isn't it time to head back? If we don't head back, we might be discovered by others."

Shangguan Bing'er naturally knew that this fellow had come back just now, and she raised her head, looking at him with her tear stained face, "None of your business. I thought I asked you to get lost?"

Zhou Weiqing was exceptional at reading expressions and cues, and he could tell that after the long cry, the anger and hate in Shangguan Bing'er's eyes had considerably lessened. Although her voice was still severe, there was no longer any killing intent.

"I'll get lost immediately now!" Seeing that Shangguan Bing'er had stopped crying, Zhou Weiqing took off and ran away. Although her anger had lessened considerably, but it was still likely she would give him a beating.

Looking at Zhou Weiqing fleeing in a sorry state, Shangguan Bing'er bit her lip before standing up slowly and returning to the camp.

When Zhou Weiqing returned to his tent, he was given a fright. Previously when he had just awakened, he had been distracted by Shangguan Bing'er as well as the threat to his life, and had not looked around at the scene in the tent closely. Now, in the daylight, he couldn't help but feel a chill down his spine, feeling glad it was the kind Shangguan Bing'er last night.

The tent was a total mess, with torn clothes strewn everywhere – mostly the purple clothes that Shangguan Bing'er had been wearing last night as well as her underclothing. There was blood on the mattress, showing how crazy last night had been.

Zhou Weiqing quickly gathered up the mess around, then wrapped them in the bag he had earlier. He then carefully tore out the bloodstain on the mattress, folded it up and stowed it away carefully. This was after all a symbol of their consummation and he wanted to keep it. If Shangguan Bing'er was willing to accept being with him in the future, he would give it to her. Of course, whether she would accept it or not was another matter.

After he had finished clearing up, Zhou Weiqing had broken out in cold sweat, as he had not been able to find his Immortal Deity Technique Manual; it had likely been taken by Shangguan Bing'er. It was not that he was unwilling to give it up, but he was actually afraid that Shangguan Bing'er would follow him in trying to learn it. When he was cultivating the Immortal Deity Technique last night, he had realised how domineering the Technique was, how nigh impossible it was to learn it. If it had not been for the black pearl helping him, he would probably have died long before Shangguan Bing'er had came. No, this would not do. He had to find a chance to warn her not to train this technique. Although, even if she wanted to learn it, it would likely be after 2-3 days, since she had to recover first.

As Zhou Weiqing looked at the Jewels on his wrist that had not disappeared throughout the whole time, he was slowly overcome by a bout of sleepiness, and gradually fell into a deep sleep.

As the recruitment was still going on, and furthermore Shangguan Bing'er had assigned him to such a remote area to punish him, thus he was not disturbed by anyone. Zhou Weiqing slept all the way til the sun was setting.

"En… so comfortable." He stretched lazily, hearing a soft creaking sound from his bones, and he felt a comfortable feeling, as if he was fully suffused with strength and free of inhibitions. As he looked down, the Heavenly Jewels were still around his wrist, doing a slow orbit.

"Why am I unable to retrieve the Heavenly Jewels back into my body like others do? How do I do that?" Since Zhou Weiqing had been considered a trash since young, he had not studied in a Jewel Master school, and thus only had a very basic understanding of the profession, and as a result he now did not know what to do.

Nevermind, I shall not care about that now, time to eat first before thinking further. After sleeping for a whole day, coupled with his 'exertions' last night, he had totally been awoken by his hunger. Putting on the army uniform, he covered his arms with the sleeves to hide his Heavenly Jewels, before running to the mess to have a large meal.

Having filled his stomach, he was now filled with spirit. Zhou Weiqing was pleasantly surprised to find out that he seemed to have grown in stature. He was originally around 1.7m tall, which was already extremely tall for his 13 years of age. However, after last night, he seemed to have grown a few centimetres taller, and his entire body's muscles also seemed to have developed further.

Besides feeling heart-pain for Shangguan Bing'er, his mood today was actually pretty good. He had finally gotten his own Heavenly Jewels that he had dreamed of for so long. Not to mention his legendary Elemental Jewel, even an ordinary Heavenly Jewel Master status would let him be extremely satisfied. If not for Shangguan Bing'er, he might have just gone home immediately to tell his dad this good news, and also let Difuya who had always looked down on him know that he was already a Heavenly Jewel Master.

Zhou Weiqing returned to his tent in a good mood, but as soon as he opened the flap, his heart was suddenly alarmed, and he shouted out: "Who's there?"

That sense of alarm was totally subconscious, and he didn't even know what was happening. At this moment, the sky was darkening, and he did not have vision into the tent.

However, Zhou Weiqing's expression quickly changed into a fawning one as he saw the person in the tent. With a foolish grin on his face, he said: "Oh it's you, Lord Battalion Commander, why are you here?" As he said that, he only stepped one foot into the tent, the other foot was refusing to step in. How knows what Shangguan Bing'er came here to do.

Shangguan Bing'er had by now changed to a set of blue attire, which was very matching to her azure hair. Zhou Weiqing saw that his uniform had been folded neatly onto his bunk, and when he entered the tent, she had been staring at the bunk blankly.

"Come in." Shangguan Bing'er said coldly.

Zhou Weiqing looked around, just verifying that she had no weapons on her, before entering the tent gingerly. Still, he didn't dare to step too far in, just near the entrance and he looked at her in a bashful expression – almost as if he had been the one taken advantage of.

Looking at that rascal's expression, Shangguan Bing'er blushed, scolding in her heart, How could I have been taken advantage of by this damn rascal!

"Where's the cloth?" she asked curtly.

"What cloth?" Zhou Weiqing did not understand.

Shangguan Bing'er was flushed red in embarrassment, and she glanced at the bunk. Zhou Weiqing instantly understood, and said carefully: "I kept it… as a momento."

Shangguan Bing'er's shapely bosom rose and fell more rapidly, "You… give it here." She was afraid she would not be able to control herself and kill that rascal.

Zhou Weiqing reluctantly took out the few pieces of cloth that he had kept carefully, and passed them to Shangguan Bing'er. Of course, she couldn't bear to look at such a shameful thing now, so she quickly stashed it away. Little did she know that the sly rascal Zhou Weiqing had kept a piece still.

Chapter 26: Point Covenant (2)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

Shangguan Bing'er pushed Zhou Weiqing away, and headed to the entrance to open the tent flap, allowing the cool fresh air to enter. She took deep breaths as she calmed herself down.

It had been a day, and with the help of Heavenly Energy, her body had mostly healed. However, how could the wounds of the heart heal so easily? After thinking about things for a whole day, finally her reason overcame her anger, and she decided to come look for Zhou Weiqing.

"Little Fatty Zhou." As she closed the tent flap once again, she turned back around to face Zhou Weiqing.

"Yes." Upon hearing her call him, Zhou Weiqing quickly replied, the lowered eyed, puppy dog look he had on made her want to give him a beating.

Taking another deep breath, Shangguan Bing'er said solemnly: "Remember, yesterday never happened. If I hear any rumours spreading, you know the consequences…"

"Ah?" Zhou Weiqing widened his eyes as he looked at her. At this moment, although he put on an expression of obedience, but inside he was feeling rather pleased. He knew that Shangguan Bing'er wouldn't kill him, and looking at her beauty now, he couldn't help but think that she had been under him last night, and his heart was aflame.

"Did you hear what I said clearly?" Shangguan Bing'er said, pouting.

"I heard… heard clearly. But, Battalion Commander, I… I… " Zhou Weiqing put on a hesitant look.

"You what you? Why are you mumbling? If you have something to say, say it." Shangguan Bing'er said exasperatedly, and couldn't help but to step forward and give him a kick.

Zhou Weiqing immediately shook his head, "I better not say, I'm scared you will hit me."

"Say it. I won't hit you." People were curious by nature, and after all Shangguan Bing'er was merely fifteen. Although she was still angry with Zhou Weiqing, but she still wanted to know what he wanted to say.

Zhou Weiqing looked at her secretly, then said in a low voice: "You really won't hit me?"

"Are you going to say?" Shangguan Bing'er's face turned cold.

"All right, I'll say, okay?" Zhou Weiqing had an aggrieved face, almost as if he was the sacrifice last night. "Battalion Commander, it was also my first time, how can I forget about last night! Although you won't take responsibility for me, but I won't blame you. But, I still can't help but to remember you. Battalion Commander, don't look at me like that, I'm scared. I'm just speaking the truth. Ahh! Help! Murder!"

As Zhou Weiqing said the first line, Shangguan Bing'er had already realised that this rascal was not going to say anything good. As expected, the more she listened the angrier she got, and at the end, her beautiful face was green and white from anger, and with a flash she was beside him, pinching the meat at his waist, she gave a hard 180 degree turn, instantly the screams like that of a pig being butchered sounded out.

Shangguan Bing'er raised her hand and covered Zhou Weiqing's mouth, she did not want her other subordinates to know that she was in this rascal's tent so late at night.

"If you speak any more rubbish, I'll castrate you!" Shangguan Bing'er was both angry and embarrassed, and she finally threatened him.

Zhou Weiqing was immediately silenced, his hands carefully covering his lower body, looking at Shangguan Bing'er with an alarmed expression. This time he was really afraid of that threat.

"You… sit down." Shangguan Bing'er was really glad she did not bring her sword along, or she really couldn't guarantee that this rascal would still be alive.

Zhou Weiqing sat down on the bunk, this time he was well behaved. Although he liked to look at her angry look as he teased her, but he also knew that he could not overdo it. Furthermore, they had a lot of time together in the future; it was likely this would be his only joy to look forward to in his army life.

"Little Fatty Zhou, let me ask you. How much do you really know about Heavenly Jewel Masters?" Shangguan Bing'er sat cross-legged at the other end of the bunk, keeping a metre distance between Zhou Weiqing and herself.

"Errr… Basically what you told me yesterday." Zhou Weiqing said without hesitation.

With a *piak* sound, a leather book was thrown at him. Zhou Weiqing fumbled to catch it, and found that it was his Immortal Deity Technique manual.

"Tell me what happened last night? In the day, I did not sense any Heavenly Energy at all from you, why did you manage to Awaken your Heavenly Jewel at night, and furthermore being one of multiple elements. Don't tell me it's because you learnt this Immortal Deity Technique. That thing, although it isn't absolutely impossible, but it's nigh tantamount to suicide. With just that technique, no matter how lucky you are, it's not possible for you to jump 4 levels of Heavenly Energy from a totally startpoint of zero."

Zhou Weiqing said: "It might be because of this weird black pearl that I swallowed. Before I joined the army, I was playing around in the Stars Forest. After a while, I got tired and fell asleep in the forest. Who knew, the sky then suddenly darkened, and I found that I couldn't move at all. A crack opened in the sky, and this black pearl surrounded by green, blue and silver colours emerged from the crack and flew into my mouth. At that time, I just felt my whole body turn cold, then I fainted. When I came to, I didn't find anything wrong with my body and returned to the city. As I reached the city, I just happened to see the army recruitment, and so I joined. Last night, I really was trying to learn the Immortal Deity Technique, and was breaking through the first Death Acupuncture Point, the Clavicle Point, and I managed to break through it. However, I immediately felt my whole body go numb and unable to move, then a strong burst of cold emerged from my dantian, and I seemed to see this winged black tiger before I lost consciousness. I don't know what happened after that. When I woke up, I saw this naked girl in front of me, and after that, I realised that 4 of my Death Acupuncture Points had successfully broken through…"

"Shut up." Shangguan Bing'er said with a livid face, and with a wave of her hand, a green light flashed in front of Zhou Weiqing, and with a BAM sound, a crack appeared in the bunk right in front of him. That scared him into silence – if that blow had been a few inches to the front, the little bird in his pants would no longer be there.

After a vicious quick glare at Zhou Weiqing, Shangguan Bing'er lapsed into deep thought. She had never heard of such circumstance that Zhou Weiqing had described, but with this rascal's mode of talking, could she believe it? But, if she didn't believe what he said, there was no possible way to explain what happened yesterday. Furthermore, when he had been talking just now, she had been looking into his eyes, and she realised that that fellow had a genuine look in his eyes, and it seemed that his words were at least relatively believable.

"What's your origin?" Shangguan Bing'er asked solemnly. She wasn't just asking for her own curiosity, but more importantly because of his unique legendary Elemental Jewel. Such a person, even though he had an unbelievable innate talent, but if he had an unknown origin, she wasn't sure if she should teach him the cultivation ways.

Zhou Weiqing hesitated a moment, then said: "Bing'er, do you want to hear the truth or have me make up a story?"

Hearing him address her by her name*, Shangguan Bing'er sweatdropped, and said angrily: "Call me Battalion Commander, and of course I want to hear the truth."

Chapter 27: Point Covenant (3)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

Zhou Weiqing gave a bitter smile and said: "But, if I were to say the truth, I'm afraid I won't be able to join you in the army. Actually I am of quite high birth status, and my family is considered rich, but from young, my father has always been angry with me for being a trash. I was angry and decided to join the army, to walk my own path and forge a name of my own before returning home in glory. Bing'er… no… Battalion Commander, can you trust me this once? Please don't ask me what's my origin, I swear upon my life that I'm not a bad person, and I will always treat you well in the future."

"Who wants you to treat me well?" Shangguan Bing'er's anger was once again ignited, but she also realised that when Zhou Weiqing was saying that previously, his expression was unprecedentedly sincere. Without knowing why, her heart softened a little.

"Okay, I will not ask you about your origin, but from now on, I'll have a 3 point covenant with you. You have to swear upon your Heavenly Jewels, then I'll start training you in the cultivation methods of Heavenly Jewel Masters. Are you okay with that?"

Zhou Weiqing nodded repeatedly, "Yes I am, definitely." The thing he needed most now was the cultivation method of Heavenly Jewel Masters, furthermore it was Shangguan Bing'er who would be teaching him, how could he not be willing. As for making oaths, he had never really cared about such things.

Shangguan Bing'er's expression finally cleared a little, and she said: "Firstly, you must swear that you will always be loyal to Heavenly Bow Empire, no matter what level you reach in the future, you will always be part of Heavenly Bow Empire."

Zhou Weiqing immediately nodded his head, and made the oath. After all, he had already made a similar oath a few years back in front of of his father and King Di Lingfeng, and he didn't mind doing it again.

"Secondly, from now on, without my permission, you are not allowed to show anyone that you are a Heavenly Jewel Master. Unless it is a matter of life and death, otherwise you cannot even reveal your Jewels."

"Ah? Not allowed to use my powers? Then why am I training for?" Zhou Weiqing asked in puzzlement.

Shangguan Bing'er said exasperatedly: "You fool, do you think that having the legendary Alexandrite Cat's Eye is really a good thing for you now? If any other country hears about this, they will send countless assassins to kill you off. Before you have reached a certain level of power, you must hide your true power."

Zhou Weiqing saw the light, and hurriedly said: "You still care for me, I will make the oath." As he said that, he quickly made the oath.

Shangguan Bing'er looked at him coldly and said, "Lastly, no matter what your future power level is, you can never force me to accept you against my will."

Zhou Weiqing was taken aback, "You are afraid that I will overtake you in power level and force you to be with me?"

"Yes." Shangguan Bing'er said solemnly.

Zhou Weiqing's face changed, the every-present smile on his face vanishing. "Shangguan Bing'er, what kind of person do you take me for? Yesterday was my fault indeed, but I did not plan or do it on purpose. Having taken advantage of you, I will definitely find a way to repay you in the future, but you can't insult my character. I Zhou… Little Fatty Zhou, no matter how bad I am, I will never ever resort to forcing a girl into submitting to me. I swear, no matter what, unless it is of Shangguan Bing'er's own free will, otherwise, I, Little Fatty Zhou, will never ever force her to do anything against her will."

Looking at Zhou Weiqing's anger, Shangguan Bing'er was slightly apologetic, but she also heaved a sigh of relief, thinking to herself, This rascal might be irritating, but he does have his own good points.

Alas, she did not know that, this rascal Zhou Weiqing, although he was sincere in swearing the oaths, but he also gave himself an escape route; after all he had sworn the oaths under the alias Little Fatty Zhou, not his real name Zhou Weiqing.

As their eyes met, Zhou Weiqing saw the sorrow hidden in the depths of Shangguan Bing'er's eyes, and instantly softened. After all, no matter what, it was his responsibility, he had taken the most valuable thing to a girl from her.

"Battalion Commander, don't be angry anymore, in the future I'll listen to everything you say. If you ask me to steal a chicken, I definitely won't go touch a dog*, I'll do whatever you ask of me."

*TL: 偷鸡摸狗 is a chinese idiom literally translated to Steal Chicken Touch Dog – basically meaning petty crimes. Zhou Weiqing is just making a pun here.

Looking at the care in Zhou Weiqing's eyes, then listening to his crazed words, Shangguan Bing'er's cold face finally softened as she couldn't help but laugh, "Who asked you to 'Steal Chicken Touch Dog', what do you think I am to you?"

Seeing that Shangguan Bing'er had laughed, Zhou Weiqing was excited, he was about to carry on when he heard Shangguan Bing'er say with a straight face and solemn voice: "Alright now, sit properly. Now I will teach you everything I know about Heavenly Jewel Masters. You must remember to work hard and cultivate."

Hearing that she would be teaching him the arts of cultivation for Heavenly Jewel Master, Zhou Weiqing instantly sobered up, and nodded seriously.

Shangguan Bing'er said: "We humans pride ourselves as an intelligent race, and we call our bodies as Heavenly Bodies. Through cultivation, we are able to activate our innate talent, and the energy gained is called Heavenly Energy. Heavenly Energy is the basis of everything, no matter Physical, Elemental or Heavenly Jewel Masters, all of us need Heavenly Energy to do anything. For ordinary Physical and Elemental Jewel Masters, their first Power Jewel is Awakened when they reached the 3rd stage of Heavenly Energy. The next 2 Jewels only require 2 levels of Heavenly Energy each in order to awaken. However, from then on, each Jewel will require another 3 levels of Heavenly Energy, all the way til all 9 Jewels are awakened. However, for us Heavenly Jewel Masters, we need much more Heavenly Energy in order to support our Heavenly Jewels."

"For Heavenly Jewel Masters, we require 4 levels of Heavenly Energy to Awaken our first Jewels. This is also the reason why I previously knew you were already at the 4th level of Heavenly Energy. From then on, every Heavenly Jewel needs another 4 levels of Heavenly Energy to awaken. Which is to say, for us Heavenly Jewel Masters to master the highest amount of 12 Jewels, we need to cultivate our Heavenly Energy to the highest Heavenly Dao Energy stage, 12th level, before we can do so. This is why it is so difficult to cultivate as a Heavenly Jewel Master, and our cultivation process is also called 12 Heavenly Jewel Change, or Heavenly Jewel 12 Changes."

Zhou Weiqing was concentrating earnestly on listening, he was very eager for any information on Heavenly Jewels, and as he listened to Shangguan Bing'er's explanations, his gaze never left her.

When she spoke up to this point, Shangguan Bing'er lit up the oil lamp that she had brought, lighting up the dark tent. Looking at her beautiful features so close to him, Zhou Weiqing couldn't help but quaver in his heart; he was only 13 years old after all, and his self control was not very strong; especially since he had already had that sort of 'connection' with her previously, his heart was beating fast like a capering monkey and a mind wandering like a galloping horse. Luckily, the knowledge of Heavenly Jewel Masters was very attractive to him, allowing him to not show his thoughts.

Shangguan Bing'er continued saying: "I examined your Immortal Deity Technique earlier. You said that after last night, you already managed to break through 4 Death Acupuncture Points?"

Zhou Weiqing nodded.

Shangguan Bing'er furrowed her brow, saying: "Did you know that once you have chosen and started training a cultivation method for Heavenly Energy, you can no longer change it. Since you have already started on the Immortal Deity Technique, you have no choice but to carry on with it. This technique is extremely unique, also also rather dangerous."

"Ah? I'm unable to change cultivation methods?" Zhou Weiqing asked in surprise.

Shangguan Bing'er nodded, saying: "Yes, but you do not need to worry so much. Although this technique is very domineering, but the most difficult stage is actually breaking through the first Death Acupuncture point. You have already broken through 4 of them, I believe the ones later should be relatively easier. Furthermore, if what you said previously is true, the black pearl that you absorbed has the ability to protect you. However, when cultivating, it always gets more difficult as your level is higher, you have to prepare yourself for that.

Zhou Weiqing nodded, and said positively: "I will definitely continue working hard and cultivating." His chance had finally come, and he swore that he would never go back to being a trash.

Chapter 28: Profound Secrets of the Immortal Deity Technique (1)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

Listening to Zhou Weiqing's firm tone, Shangguan Bing'er suddenly generated a strange thought in her mind – This fellow has some of his own good points, at least he is diligent and knows how to exert himself. Furthermore, he has that legendary Alexandrite Cat's Eye. Since he has already taken advantage of me, with his status as a Heavenly Jewel Master, perhaps he is at least somewhat worthy of me…

She then shook her head strongly, scolding herself in her heart. What am I thinking about! No matter what, I need to observe this Little Fatty Zhou's disposition, his moral character being so irritating is a big problem, I can��t just observe a day or two to make up my mind.

"Little Fatty Zhou, remember this, when you are cultivating Heavenly Energy, you can just do so in accordance to your Immortal Deity Technique. However, whenever you are attempting to break through Death Acupuncture Points, you must make sure that I am there with you to protect you, you must not try to attempt it on your own."

Zhou Weiqing was more than happy to have it that way, and he immediately said: "Heh… Understood, understood, thanks Battalion Commander for your care and concern." As he said that, he leaned forward.

Seeing that he had resumed his normal ways after barely two minutes of being serious, Shangguan Bing'er was overcome with helplessness. "Little Fatty Zhou, sit properly or I'm leaving!"

Zhou Weiqing quickly sat back upright, resuming the serious look he had on previously. Unfortunately, though someone meeting him for the first time would be fooled by that, but Shangguan Bing'er who had a few days of experience with him knew for sure that this rascal would have strange thoughts no matter what outward expression he was showing.

"Just now I talked about the basics for both us Heavenly Jewel Masters as well as ordinary Jewel Master, now I'll teach you the basic usage of the Physical and Elemental Jewels. It's already quite late now, so I'll first show you how to keep and release the Jewels. The method is split into 2 parts; to keep your Heavenly Jewel back into your body is called Receiving, while to use the Jewels is called Releasing. Both Receiving or Releasing require Heavenly Energy. When we have cultivated our Heavenly Energy to the first stage, it will gather in your Dantian, which is in your lower abdomen, you need to use your will to manipulate your Heavenly Energy and meld it with your Heavenly Jewels, then guide them to either Receive or Release. You can start practicing that tonight, and I'll teach you something else tomorrow.

After saying that, she stood up. It was already dark outside, and she was not willing to stay in such a place with sorrowful memories for a long time, as such she was preparing to leave. Zhou Weiqing stood up hurriedly, but as he did so, Shangguan Bing'er immediately stepped back, keeping a safe distance from him.

Giving him a quick glare, Shangguan Bing'er left.

Zhou Weiqing kept his eyes trained on her as she left, looking through the small gap in the tent flap, thinking to himself: That ass, how pert! However, he had learnt his lesson now, he wouldn't dare to voice out such thoughts, but just enjoying inside silently, at least that way she wouldn't know.

Shangguan Bing'er did not take along her oil lamp when she left, and Zhou Weiqing sat back onto his bunk and opened the Immortal Deity Technique manual to the fifth page. He had already broken through the first four Death Acupuncture Points, and if he wanted to cultivate further, he naturally had to start on the fifth page of the first part.

The fifth Death Acupuncture Point for the first part was the YongQuan Point, which was located on the sole of the feet, and it would cause damage to the Dantian on being hit, injuring the functional activities of body's vital energy.

Calming himself down, Zhou Weiqing could immediately feel the energy whirlpools which had opened up in the four Death Acupuncture Points that he had previously broken through. According to what Shangguan Bing'er had told him earlier, he understood that the energy that they were absorbing was the Heavenly Energy coalesced from the atmosphere.

The method of cultivating Heavenly Energy in the Immortal Deity Technique was rather simple, consisting of just one line – When the energy in your Dantian is full, it means it has peaked, break through the next Death Acupuncture Point means a level up ; failure means death.

From the words, it could be understood as the following : After breaking through a Death Acupuncture Point successfully, it was just a matter of cultivating and storing Heavenly Energy. Once the Dantian was full of Heavenly Energy, it would be time to break through the next Death Acupuncture Point – in which case success means getting to the next level of Heavenly Energy, while failure means death. As for the actual cultivation method, there was no other hint.

However, since his testing in the morning, Zhou Weiqing had already started to understand the profound mysteries of this Immortal Deity Technique. No doubt, training this technique was tantamount to suicide, but once successful, the cultivation process would be easier than other cultivation arts.

Zhou Weiqing had tried many different cultivation arts since he was very young; you had to cycle your Heavenly Energy around the meridians in a cyclic rotation, and was usually very complicated. Completing a whole heavenly circuit revolution, all of the various arts had made his head ache just looking at them. Now, this Immortal Deity Technique was so much easier in comparison. Just the whirlpools which had formed after breaking through the Death Acupuncture Point were extremely invaluable, as they would automatically draw in Heavenly Energy from the atmosphere to strengthen his body. Even if he did not intentionally concentrate on cultivating, his Heavenly Energy would still grow slowly by itself. When he focused his will on the whirlpools, the speed of drawing Heavenly Energy would grow by a large amount. Such a cultivation method was extremely simple.

The truth was, there was always two sides to every coin. This Immortal Deity Technique that Zhou Weiqing had gotten was indeed a miraculous technique, and was created by a true crazy genius; however even that crazy genius himself had only mastered it to around ten plus Acupuncture Points before failing to break through and dying. After that, there had not been anyone else who had even managed to break through the first Death Acupuncture Point. The unique thing about this technique was that it was extremely difficult to break through bottlenecks, but the usual cultivation was very easy. As for what happens after breaking through all 36 Death Acupuncture Points, even the creator could only guess according to his own estimations.

As such, Zhou Weiqing was now focusing on the whirlpools, hastening its absorption of Heavenly Energy. At the same time, he was also checking out his Dantian's circumstances.

As he did so, he realised that his Dantian was empty of energy; the Heavenly Energy absorbed from the surroundings had barely filled even a tenth of it, and his consciousness was able to make the energy start moving. With the experience from breaking through the Clavicle Acupuncture Point, he started to move the Heavenly Energy into two paths, slowing heading towards both his arms.

This process was extremely slow, after all Zhou Weiqing was new to moving substantial amounts of Heavenly Energy. Although this mount of Heavenly Energy was little compared to the total amount in his Dantian, but compared to the amount he had used to breakthrough the Clavicle Acupuncture Point, it was almost more than a hundred times. As the Heavenly Energy passed through his meridians, he felt a cool comfortable feeling at the area.

Chapter 29: Profound Secrets of the Immortal Deity Technique (2)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

However, at the same time, Zhou Weiqing could clearly feel that his emotions were being changed, as his Heavenly Energy cycled, he could feel a rising feeling of fierce bloodlust.

What was going on? Obviously, it was not from Heavenly Energy, as Shangguan Bing'er had not mentioned it when she was explaining things to him just now.

Suddenly, inspiration struck, and Zhou Weiqing remembered the huge black tiger from that night – wasn't that fierce bloodlust the same aura that the tiger gave out in his memory? Even the cold feeling from that night has also appeared. Luckily, these unique auras did not seem to be hurting him, in fact when they appeared it seemed like his Heavenly Energy started moving faster.

Finally, the two streams of Heavenly energy reached the Clavicle Acupuncture Point, unavoidably touching the energy whirlpool which had formed there.

As the two streams of Heavenly Energy both touched the respective whirlpools at the Clavicle Acupuncture Point, they suddenly accelerated, rushing down Zhou Weiqing's arms, and giving him a fright. The next moment, the twin streams had reached the Taiyuan Acupuncture Points in his wrists, and flared up there, melding together with his respective Jewels.

A sense of complete harmony descended on Zhou Weiqing's mind, and he felt like his Heavenly Jewels were part of his body. With a single thought, the Jewels entered his body through the Taiyuan Acupuncture Point, settling firmly in his meridians. He could still sense the presence of the Jewels, but they did not have a substantial feel.

I succeeded just like that? It seems like it was not as difficult as I had expected. Zhou Weiqing was delighted to have succeeded in Receiving his Heavenly Jewels on the first try. Actually, how was he to know that the real reason why it seemed so easy for him was because he had already broken through to the Taiyuan Acupuncture Points on his wrists, which was extremely good for Receiving and Releasing Heavenly Jewels. Otherwise, how else would such a cultivating newbie like him succeed so easily! This point was also something that Shangguan Bing'er had not expected, and it was also just the tip of the iceberg for the benefits that the Immortal Deity Technique would grant him.

With a thought, manipulating the link between his Heavenly Energy and Taiyuan Acupuncture Point, the 2 Heavenly Jewels sprang out of his wrists. Another thought caused them to be kep within again, the whole process seemed so easy.

If Shangguan Bing'er knew about the process of his training, she would definitely be shocked. She was already considered a genius, but it had taken her half a month before she could Receive and Release her Heavenly Jewels so easily, while Zhou Weiqing had managed that feat in just a single try.

Zhou Weiqing was very curious about his own Heavenly Jewels, and since his training target for the day had already been met, he decided to investigate the exact benefits that his two Heavenly Jewels brought to him. Not even mentioning the fact that he was only 13 years old, even a steady, mature adult would also be hasty to find out what his Heavenly Jewels could do if they just Awakened.

He chose to examine his Icy Jade Physical Jewel first, after all his Alexandrite Cat's Eye Elemental Jewel had been praised so much by Shangguan Bing'er that he was rather nervous about it.

Earlier on, when he was trying to control the Receiving and Releasing of his Heavenly Jewels, Zhou Weiqing had used his Heavenly Energy to wrap around the Jewels, letting them meld with his Energy and they were easily moved through his Taiyuan Acupuncture Point. At this point, he carefully used his Heavenly Energy to enter his Physical Jewel.

In the instance that his Heavenly Energy entered his Physical Jewel, Zhou Weiqing's whole body shuddered, as a jet of pure, incomparable strength seemed to originate from his right hand to encompass his whole body; his muscles, bones, meridians, all seemed to be filled with that same strong feeling. He felt as though he could easily lift a large bull if it were standing in front of him.

After his Heavenly Jewels had Awakened, although Zhou Weiqing had felt that his body had gone through much change and improvement, but it was definitely far from the obvious feeling he had now. Previously, it had only been a slight improvement in strength and agility, with his body feeling lighter. However, at this moment, the sheer explosive strength that coursed through him felt so real and unparalleled. He just felt like unleashing the explosive power within him.

However, at the same time, Zhou Weiqing also found that while this burst of strength was active, the Heavenly Energy within his body was slowly being consumed. Even though the rate of consumption was not fast, but it was a constant outflow. By now, he had already broken through 4 Death Acupuncture Points, Clavicle, Taiyuan, ZhuSanLi, SanYinJiao, whose energy whirlpools had increased their absorption rate when his Heavenly Energy had entered his physical Jewel, an increase even greater than when he focused his attentions on the whirlpool alone. However, though the absorption rate was fast, but it still wasn't enough to offset the consumption of Heavenly Energy, but could only slow down the draining rate.

Zhou Weiqing did not think much of this, and thought it was normal. However, if Shangguan Bing'er knew about this, her jaw would definitely drop in shock. No matter Physical, Elemental or Heavenly Jewel Masters, whenever they made use of their Jewels, they needed to sustain the usage with Heavenly Energy, and that Energy had to be accumulated through cultivation. Although some advanced cultivation techniques were able to slowly recover Heavenly Energy even while not cultivating, but it was definitely unlike Zhou Weiqing who could still absorb the Heavenly Energy even when he was using his Jewels!

This was another secret of the Immortal Deity Technique, after all, by risking one's life to breakthrough the Death Acupuncture Points, after going through so much danger how could there not be any advantages? The creator of the Immortal Deity Technique had accidently broken through one Death Acupuncture Point and discovered all the various amazing powers, which was why he continued developing the technique and couldn't resist recording it down, despite its danger.

One could imagine, as the amount of Death Acupuncture Points broken through increased, the strength of the Immortal Deity Technique would grow exponentially as the automatic absorption rate of Heavenly Energy while using the Heavenly Jewels would be even faster, thus allowing Zhou Weiqing to have greater sustainability during fights than any other Heavenly Jewel Master. Of course, that is on the premise that he can survive breaking through more Death Acupuncture Points.

Withdrawing the Heavenly Energy from the Physical Jewel, the feeling of great strength also vanished, and the sudden loss made Zhou Weiqing lick his lips involuntarily – that feeling of great strength was just so addictive, unfortunately it required the continued consumption of Heavenly Energy.

After his successful trial of his Physical Jewel, Zhou Weiqing grew in confidence and picked up the nerve to focus his Heavenly Energy to carefully enter his Alexandrite Cat's Eye Jewel.

This time, Zhou Weiqing was even more careful and meticulous, moving his Heavenly Energy slowly into the Alexandrite Cat's Eye. Just as his energy entered it, a curious phenomenon appeared.

Chapter 30: Profound Secrets of the Immortal Deity Technique (3)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

Zhou Weiqing saw a flash in front of him and felt his surroundings blur and change as his Alexandrite Cat's Eye gave out a strong burst of light. It was night time now, and the Jewel was now bright red, and the burst of light caused the whole tent to be illuminated in red. At the same time the silhouette of a wheel entered Zhou Weiqing's vision. It was transparent, yet distinctly having 6 parts, and was just hovering right in front of him, keeping in its vision even when he moved his body or turned. He raised his hand to try and touch it, but realised that his palm was behind the wheel.

After trying a few times, and waving his hands in front of his eyes without blocking the wheel, he finally realised that it was not in the world, but was rather just appearing in his eyes, and only he could see it.

There were 6 parts to the wheel, and each part was of a different colour – green, blue, silver, black, grey and a transparent colourless part. When he focused his attention on a certain part, the wheel would turn until that part was right on top.

A strange feeling then appeared right then when Zhou Weiqing focused on the green portion. He felt his entire body brimming with a brisk agility, making him feel as light as a feather, as if he could fly. Lifting his left hand, he could vaguely see a green glowing between his fingers. This should be the wind element like Shangguan Bing'er.

What Zhou Weiqing didn't know was that it was exactly because Shangguan Bing'er's Elemental Jewel was of the wind attribute that was why she was able to become his sacrifice the previous night when it was extremely dangerous for him during his Heavenly Jewel Awakening. If at that point, Shangguan Bing'er did not share a similar element with him, the final result would have been him dying via self-implosion, and Shangguan Bing'er would have also been ripped apart by that explosion.

As the wheel spun towards the blue portion, he instantly felt a sense of numbness as bolts of lightning appeared. The green light at his left hand was replaced by thick and rough blue electrical lights snaking around, and the whole tent was lit with a flickering glow. Zhou Weiqing blinked and thought to himself: So, my second elemental attribute is lightning. Do Elemental Jewels have such an attribute? I've never heard of it before; looks like I'll have to ask Shangguan Bing'er tomorrow.

With a thought, the status wheel spun and changed to the silver portion. Immediately, the numbness and the electricity disappeared, and the tent's flickering light was replaced with a soft silver light which was extremely stable. Strangely, this silver light was not just around Zhou Weiqing's hand, but surrounding his body. Furthermore, he could clearly feel that when the wheel was at this portion, the drain on his Heavenly Energy was a lot higher. However, he was not clear on exactly what element this silver portion signified. Since he did not know what the elemental attribute was, he just casually called it the unknown element…

Turning to the 4th portion, the black colour, without question it was the Darkness attribute he had inherited from his father. The dark and gloomy aura filled the entire tent, causing him to be unable to even see his hands in front of him, and the Heavenly Energy consumption was almost equal to the silver unknown element earlier.

Zhou Weiqing vaguely realised what the unknown element could be – after all the Darkness attribute was one of the 4 Great Elemental Attributes. Since they both drained an equal amount of Heavenly Energy, it stood to reason that the unknown element was also one of the 4 Great Elemental Attributes. Besides Darkness, the other 3 Attributes was Light, Life and Spatial. It was unlikely to be Light, since Light and Darkness were opposing attributes. It also did not feel like the Life Attribute, as that had a rather obvious feel. As a result, by the elimination process, it could only be the Spatial Attribute.

Out of the 4 Great Attributes, he had already possessed 2 of them, this made Zhou Weiqing rather pleased with himself. Along with the wind and lightning attributes, he was extremely strong. Furthermore, there were still 2 other attributes!

The wheel spun once again, reaching the 5th portion. Upon reaching this portion, Zhou Weiqing only stopped for a very short period before quickly turning to the next portion. The reason for that was simple, as soon as he reached the 5th gray area, the cold aura that had appeared several times for him appeared once again, bringing along the fierce bloodlust and other negative emotions along with it, swarming his mind and almost causing him to lose control.

As he reflexively spun to the 6th part of the wheel, the next instance the remaining third of his Heavenly Energy had been consumed, vanishing into thin air. Zhou Weiqing felt his body twisting, and his vision blackened as a sense of frailty invaded every part of his body. The vision of the status wheel disappeared, and the light of the Alexandrite Cat's Eye also dimmed.

Panting heavily, Zhou Weiqing was really afraid in his heart. The earlier attributes were still okay, but what exactly were those last 2 attributes? The fifth attribute was still slightly describable, that evil and bloody aura, it was likely the Evil Attribute. However, what was that last attribute? Why did all my remaining Heavenly Energy get drained instantly when I focused my attention on that portion?

The 4 energy whirlpools from the 4 Death Acupuncture Points already broken through was already absorbing Heavenly Energy from the atmosphere to replenish his reserves, making him feel slightly better. After a while, his emotions had finally calmed down, and Zhou Weiqing also had some possible judgement on the sixth attribute. Although he wasn't able to guess the actual attribute, but at least he knew it definitely existed.

The Alexandrite Cat's Eye was a unique Elemental Jewel which required the Heavenly Jewel Master to have more than 4 attributes. Although he was unable to detect what attribute it was, but it was somewhat similar in nature to the Spatial Attribute, in that there were no revealing traits. However, from the fact that it instantly consumed so much Heavenly Energy, there was only one possibility – his current level of Heavenly Energy was not sufficient to sustain the power and ability of this Attribute.

Having thought through this, Zhou Weiqing's heart was placated. Having insufficient Heavenly Energy now did not mean that it would always remain so forever; as long as he kept up training and cultivation and continued breaking through the Immortal Deity Technique, one day he would be able to make use of that attribute.

Chapter 31: Profound Secrets of the Immortal Deity Technique (4)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

As he thought up to here, Zhou Weiqing Received his Heavenly Jewels back into his Taiyuan Acupuncture Point, before falling down backwards. Since cultivating Heavenly Energy was a matter of focusing on the whirlpools, there was no difference between sitting and lying down – he sure gave himself a good reason for lying down lazily, closing his eyes and focusing on the energy whirlpools. Unfortunately, although the Immortal Deity Technique was able to cultivate while lying down unlike other cultivation techniques, this position was way too comfortable, and before long he was fast asleep. Luckily, the 4 energy whirlpools still continued absorbing energy from the surroundings even without his focused will, though it was at a slower speed.

"Little Fatty Zhou, Little Fatty Zhou, wake up." With a *Shuah* sound, a strong light focusing on Zhou Weiqing's face, causing him to wake up from his beauty sleep.

"What? Let me sleep a while more." Zhou Weiqing turned around and said lazily.

There was a loud bang as a kick landed on his buttocks, and Zhou Weiqing got a big fright and flipped up to stand upright, only to see Company Leader Mao Li standing in his tent, and the strong light was the sunlight shining in from the open tent flap.

Mao Li said exasperatedly: "You're still not up yet? You better get up now, what time is it already? Such lazy soldiers like you will have to be properly moulded by me."

Zhou Weiqing had no choice but to get up, saying, "Company Leader, let me go eat breakfast first."

Mao Li was both angry and exasperated, thinking to himself: This rascal is sure a piece of work, no wonder the other day after he had been frivolous with the Battalion Commander he still behaved as if nothing had happened, making her so angry.

"Did I wake you up just to eat? Who asked you to wake up so late. Eat.. eat your own farts, there's nothing to eat anymore. Come with me, the Battalion Commander has summoned you." As he was talking, Mao Li grabbed Zhou Weiqing by the shoulder and pulled, trying to drag him out of the tent. However, he was surprised – he had originally thought that he could easily drag Zhou Weiqing out of the tent, but when he actually tried doing so, he found that his body was as heavy as a mountain, even exerting his strength, he could not move Zhou Weiqing at all.

"En?" Mao Li said as he looked at Zhou Weiqing in surprise, "Brat, you have cultivated Heavenly Energy?"

Zhou Weiqing said proudly: "Yes indeed." After his body had been evolved from the Awakening of his Heavenly Jewels, he barely felt the strength that Mao Li applied on him. Of course, due to his promise to Shangguan Bing'er, he immediately shut up after that.

Even so, just that simple two word answer made Company Leader Mao Li's look towards him change drastically. After all, in the commoner world, barely a hundredth of the population could even start to cultivate Heavenly Energy, and of that number, a hundredth could cultivate enough to become a Jewel Master.

Of course, the other portion of people who only managed to cultivate to the first or second stage of Heavenly Energy by the age of 16, although they were not able to Awaken their Power Jewel, they were still a lot stronger than ordinary people.

in terms of cultivation of Heavenly Energy, the first 3 stages of the Heavenly Jing Energy was the most important, and also the most difficult. Every stage was tantamount to a new rebirth – remoulding and evolving the body. For someone like Zhou Weiqing who directly broke through to the 4th stage, thus melding all the rebirth and remoulding stages together as one, it was previously unheard of!

As such, even if it were those who had only cultivated up to the first two stages of Heavenly Jing Energy, they were still highly wanted in the army. After the recruit phase, most of them would likely be promoted to a role of Squad Leader, and they definitely had greater combat capabilities than any ordinary soldiers. Mao Li himself was someone who had managed to cultivate up to the 2nd stage of Heavenly Jing Energy, and had almost been able to become a Jewel Master. As soon as he found out that Zhou Weiqing also had Heavenly Energy, his attitude towards him warmed considerably.

"Alas, we are in the same sorry boat ah! Being able to cultivate Heavenly Energy, yet unable to become Jewel Masters, in a way such talents like us are the most tragic, seemingly having the chance yet ultimately failing to become a Jewel Master. It might be better off not having the chance at first, to be an ordinary person." Mao Li said with much feelings.

In truth he was not wrong, if one had always been a commoner, having not felt the strength and power of Heavenly Energy, they would not have an inkling of the true power of a Jewel Master. Yet for those who had tasted the benefits of Heavenly Energy, they were the ones who truly lusted after the strength of becoming Jewel Master. Ignorance was indeed bliss sometimes.

Zhou Weiqing had no choice but to shrug his shoulders. After all, he couldn't just reveal to Mao Li that he was already a Jewel Master, and Mao Li would also never suspect such a thing. After all, who would join the army as a common soldier as a Jewel Master. In any country, Jewel Masters were considered nobility.

"Let's go, looks like these two days the Battalion Commander has still been kind, at least she didn't torture you and you aren't missing any limbs. You better be careful next time! But you're my part of my 4th Company Bros, I will look after you." Mao Li patted Zhou Weiqing on the shoulder, he did not try to drag him along anymore, but turned and walked out.

Zhou Weiqing put on an overcoat and followed him out of the tent, and followed Mao Li to Shangguan Bing'er's Commander's Tent.

As soon as he entered the tent, Zhou Weiqing spotted Shangguan Bing'er who was seated on the seat of honor. Even though he had seen her several times previously, and had even had intimate relations with her, but the sight of her still gave him an intense jolt.

Today, Shangguan Bing'er was dressed in a martial attire, the Battalion Commander's Silver Mail she was wearing made her look especially valiant and heroic in bearing. She wasn't wearing a helmet, and her long hair was braided in a pony tail behind her head. Although she was only 15 years of age, she looked very much the part of a General seated on the Commanding Officer's chair, .

To the left of her sat a handsome youth of about the age of twenty, black hair to the shoulders and a face with a complexion like jade. Unfortunately he seemed to have a pair of bewitching, seductive eyes like peach blossoms. He was dressed in light armor, with a yellow feather topping his helmet, showing that he had the same rank as Mao Li – Company Leader. The other side of Shangguan Bing'er was empty; this time round there were two companies recruiting men, obviously the other seat was meant for Mao Li.

Behind those 2 seats, each sat ten Squad leaders dressed in leather armor. In Heavenly Bow Empire, only officers of the rank of Company Leaders and above would have differences in their armour, either by the feather in their helmets or by their armor design or colours. As such, the Squad Leaders who were in charge of ten men were also jokingly referred to as "No Feather Squad Leaders"

Mao Li brought Zhou Weiqing into the tent, and everyone's gaze immediately turned to them.

Mao Li gave a sharp salute to Shangguan Bing'er, "Reporting to Battalion Commander, I have brought Little Fatty Zhou here."

Shangguan Bing'er said in cold clear voice, "Company Leader Mao Li, thanks for your efforts. Please take your seat."

Chapter 32: Purple Dawn Bow (1)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

"Yes." Mao Li walked to his place at the right hand seat of Shangguan Bing'er and sat down.

Zhou Weiqing looked on critically, realising that Company Leader Mao Li did not have much liking for the handsome youth Company Leader, not even giving him a look but instead just sitting down in his seat expressionless.

Shangguan Bing'er and Zhou Weiqing looked at each other, and he raised his eyebrow gently at her; this small action seemed very natural, and most others would likely not pay attention. However, Shangguan Bing'er was a Heavenly Jewel Master, and more importantly, an archer, how good was her eyesight? Furthermore, she was so familiar with Zhou Weiqing's character – a thread of hatred flashed in her pupils. Sometimes, she really wished she could give this rascal a good beating.

"Little Fatty Zhou, you stand behind me. From today onwards, you are the Battalion Commander's Personal Aide." After she glared once more at Zhou Weiqing, she ordered with a tranquil expression.

"Yes."The Zhou Weiqing said compliantly, and started walking towards Shangguan Bing'er's back. It would be good to be her Personal Aide, not only would it be convenient to continue learning the more about Heavenly Jewel Masters, just being able to spend more time with her would make him satisfied. Luckily he did not dare to go too far when he in front of so many people, but his eyes still revealed his happiness.

"Wait." At this moment, an inharmonious sound appeared suddenly, though Zhou Weiqing had to acknowledge that the voice was clear and melodious, sounding quite good – it actually belonged to that handsome young Company Leader.

"What's wrong? Do you have any questions, Company Leader Xiao?" Shangguan Bing'er turned to look at him, the bitterness in her eyes vanishing as she assumed a tranquil, even gentle countenance.

The handsome youth Company Leader Xiao nodded his head slightly, not hiding his ardent look at Shangguan Bing'er, saying: "Battalion Commander, with your status you definitely should be assigned a soldier as a Personal Aide. However, your Personal Aide doesn't need to only be able to handle the simple everyday routine business for you, but should also be able to shoulder the responsibility of protecting you. This Little Fatty Zhou is just a fresh recruit, won't it be difficult for him to shoulder such a heavy responsibility?"

Shangguan Bing'er, who was easily able to maintain her cool as long as she wasn't facing Zhou Weiqing, showed a faint smile and said: "Company Leader Xiao, do you really believe that I need the protection of my Professional Aide? What candidate do you have to recommend instead?"

Zhou Weiqing had halted his footsteps when Company Leader Xiao started speaking, feeling a sense of foreboding and vigilance in his heart, it was rather clear to everyone that Company Leader Xiao was looking at Shangguan Bing'er with an admiring expression. Zhou Weiqing couldn't help but stare at him, secretly critiquing to himself : This fellow why does he have such a gigolo face? They say handsome gigolos like that do not have good intentions, one look at him I can tell he is a bad egg.

Originally, he did not have much hope for wooing Shangguan Bing'er, but when he became a Heavenly Jewel Master, our dear Zhou Weiqing, Little Fatty Zhou, had just 'righteously' regarded Shangguan Bing'er has his. Of course, that scheming mind of his that rightfully should not appear in an ordinary 13-year-old youth would not let him display those feelings outright.

Hearing Shangguan Bing'er's question, Company Leader Xiao said in a serious tone: "Naturally, with our Battalion Commander's strength, you do not need the protection of a mere Personal Aide, but as a fresh recruit can he even shoot arrows? By following you into battle, wouldn't it be a loss of face for you*? Furthermore, even if you do not need the protection of a Personal Aide, but he should still be able to follow your steps in the battlefield. I, Xiao Se, am willing to resign from my commision as Company Leader to follow Battalion Commander about, I pledge to fight to the death to protect the Battalion Commander's life."

This Company Leader Xiao said it with such a strong sense of righteousness, with such an appearance that is unafraid of death, that Zhou Weiqing was almost moved by him. Yet, in the heart he was criticizing: If he doesn't act, will he die?

Shangguan Bing'er said with a lovely smile: "Many thanks for your good intentions Company Leader Xiao, but you are our 3rd Battalion's pillar of strength. How can I let you hold the mere post of a Personal Aide? As for Zhou Weiqing, although he is a recruit, but I have tested him these few days, and he is indeed has the talent to be developed. He also has had some previous practice with shooting, and should be competent enough to be a Personal Aide."

Xiao Se wrinkled his brow, saying: "Battalion Commander, how about this? Let's get Little Fatty Zhou to demonstrate his ability to us, at least we can all set our minds at ease."

Shangguan Bing'er still had unfazed appearance, facing Xiao Se's persistence, she did not pull rank. "Okay, let's do as Company Leader Xiao said. But how does Company Leader Xiao plan to test my Personal Aide?" The composure she was maintaining did not truly represent her thinking in her heart, but in the third battalion, although she was the Battalion Commander, but Company Leader Xiao actually had greater influence than her. Even though his noble title was lower than hers, but he had a background that Shangguan Bing'er could not ignore.

Xiao Se stood up and with quick motion of his hand, he took out a longbow from beside his seat. His longbow was similar to Shangguan Bing'er's, its body was entirely purple, and Zhou Weiqing was very clear on this quality material.

The wood from the Stars Trees from the Stars Forest could be used to create bows after the trees were at least ten years old, but generally speaking, the wood that the army uses was at least over 30 years of age. This was because the wood would be strong enough by then. The purple longbow that Xiao Se and Shangguan Bing'er used was also made from the wood of the Stars Tree, but it was made from trees of over hundred years old.

The wood from Stars Trees was a dark red colour, and when they grew to beyond a hundred years of age, they would transform into a deep purple, with thin, tiny surface trace lines like ox hairs present. If one examined it carefully, they would be able to see golden luminous spots as well. This is also one of the origin of one of the Star Woods' nicknames, this kind of hundred-year old Stars Wooden characteristic was called Ox Hair Venus*.

When Stars Wood's growth surpassed a hundred years, its would experience a substantial qualitative leap, its strength and tenacity increasing by a large margin. A longbow that was created with the Hundred Years Stars Wood had a tensile strength of at least three times that of an ordinary longbow, needing over 100 kilograms of pulling force to be able to draw it to the max. As such, its firing distance was also a lot further, the effective striking distance reaching 500 yards. If one were to further add Heavenly Energy, the effective striking distance would be even farther. Therefore, the longbow was also known as the Purple Dawn Bow, each one having the value of at least a hundred gold or more depending on the quality. This longbow was definitely not something that an ordinary Company Leader could use; even if the Heavenly Bow Empire was renowned for their bows and archery, it was rare enough that it usually warranted a rank of Battalion Commander to be given such a high quality bow.

Xiao Se took his Purple Dawn Bow and walked right in front of Zhou Weiqing, and with a faint smile said: "Little Fatty Zhou right. As long as you can draw my Purple Dawn Bow, it will show that you have qualification to be the Battalion Commander's Personal Aide. Go ahead and try, use all the strength that you possess, but be careful do not overstrain yourself, if you wet yourself in the pants it will not be too good."

Xiao Se's words immediately caused those "No Feather Squad Leaders" to burst out in raucous laughter, especially the ten who were under his command, they were doubled up in laughter, not showing Shangguan Bing'er the respect the Battalion Commander seat warranted.

Chapter 33: Purple Dawn Bow (2)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

Zhou Weiqing looked at the Purple Dawn Bow in Xiao Se's hands with a face full of curiosity, then took a look at Shangguan Bing'er again with a face full of confusion: "Battalion Commander, what kind of bow is this? How different is it from our bows? Are we allowed to varnish our own bows so casually in the army?"

Shangguan Bing'er looked at Zhou Weiqing with exasperation: "If Company Leader Xiao wants you to try then you should just go ahead and try, stop with all the useless idle talk."

Zhou Weiqing received the Purple Dawn Bow from Xiao Se, sneering secretly in his heart. In truth, he was much more familiar with the Purple Dawn Bow than an ordinary Stars Bow. Initially, in order to draw a Purple Dawn Bow, he had practiced hard for two years; in the Admiral's Mansion whenever he practiced, it was usually with the Purple Dawn Bow. This was also why the other day when Shangguan Bing'er had tested him on his shooting accuracy that day. he had been slightly off target. The reason was that he was not used to the ordinary Stars Bow. After all, for the whole of those two years, he practiced drawing with it every day, his arm had been swollen countless times, despite wind and rain, Admiral Zhou would not let him rest. In Admiral Zhou's words: "Even if you are a waste, you are also I, Zhou Shuiniu's, trash son. If you can't even use a bow, this father of yours will punch you til you arch into a bow shape."

The weight of the Purple Dawn Bow was almost two times that of an ordinary Stars Bow, fully 20 kilograms, and was quite heavy. Zhou Weiqing seemed lift it with much difficulty, and asked Xiao Se questioningly: "Company Leader Xiao, your purple bow is quite heavy! How do you even use it?"

Xiao Se gave a humph of disdain, "Just depending on your own strength, you still dream to draw my Purple Dawn Bow? Even if you were to reborn and drink milk all over again, you still won't have that strength. You better hold it carefully, if you drop it, do not blame me for being impolite."

"Oh." Zhou Weiqing's simple and honest expression on his face made him seem like a simple youth from the countryside, uncontaminated by city life.

As the same time as he was replying, he grasped the bow and pulled back the bowstring, only to have it remain entirely still. His face turned red, as if he was exerting all his strength with every fibre of his body.

Xiao Se was not even deign to take another look at Zhou Weiqing, turning his head Shangguan Bing'er and said: "Look Battalion Commander, how can this Little Fatty Zhou have the qualification to be your Personal Aide when he can't even draw my Purple Dawn Bow?"

Before Shangguan Bing'er could say anything, Company Leader Mao Li couldn't resist and said, "Company Leader Xiao, Little Fatty Zhou only just joined the army, being able to use the ordinary longbow is already quite good. As for the Purple Dawn Bow, let alone him, even for those seated here, not everyone can actually draw it right."

Xiao Se shot a look at him, a chill in his eyes, but did not bother replying him, instead treating him like air. His gaze remained on Shangguan Bing'er, waiting for her reply.

Shangguan Bing'er only wanted to do one thing now, which was to rush forward to give Little Fatty Zhou a beating. Although she did not know that Zhou Weiqing was already able to activate his Strength Physical Jewel, but knew that he had already gotten a large increase to his physical abilities after Awakening his Heavenly Jewels. Let alone is a Purple Dawn Bow, even if it were two and three he could also draw them all. After all, his Physical Jewel would boost his strength. However, this rascal's acting was so realistic; looking at his face that was flushed with exertion, with an expression that showed such anxiety, Shangguan Bing'er was so angry that her face turned green.

"Company Leader Xiao, Little Fatty Zhou has not given up yet, why don't we wait and see." While speaking, she also stood up, though she did not walk forward, instead looking at Zhou Weiqing with a fierce glare.

Zhou Weiqing felt a slight itch in his ear, a voice as soft as a mosquito sounded out in his ear, "Damn Little Fatty Zhou, you better stop acting or I'll punch you till you won't be able to take care of yourself."

Shangguan Bing'er thought that Zhou Weiqing wouldn't dare to continue acting after her threat, but who knew that right after she had said those words, Zhou Weiqing actually let go of the bow. Furthermore, that rascal was panting heavily, taking in big gulps of air, giving the appearance of being incomparably exhausted.

Xiao Se said with scorn: "Battalion Commander, look and see for yourself, it is impossible for him to draw the Purple Dawn Bow, I think that you should also withdraw your order."

Shangguan Bing'er gripped her fist tightly, if she did not have to keep up her image as befits her rank and status, she would probably have rushed over and hit him by now.

"Who said that I am unable to draw this Purple Dawn Bow, it's just that just now my body was not warmed up yet. I can definitely do it if I try again." Zhou Weiqing was saying in an unconvinced manner while still panting heavily. There was even a thin sheen of perspiration on his forehead.

Xiao Sa laughed, putting both hands behind his back, showing a natural and elegant state, saying: "Even if I let you try a hundred times you still will not be able to draw this bow. Did you think that the Purple Dawn Bow is meant for you, this kind of third-rater, to use?"

Zhou Weiqing said with a face filled with grief and indignation: "Third-rater? Aren't third-raters also human? Who said I can't draw it, I will definitely be able to! Let me bet with you, if I cannot draw it, I will commit suicide right here."

This time, Mao Li did not speak up, because, even he had noticed something awry. Although he did not have as much contact with Zhou Weiqing as Shangguan Bing'er, but he did also know that this young rascal was not as good or naive as he seemed. Furthermore, earlier that morning he had already witnessed Zhou Weiqing's strength for himself. Even if he could not fully draw the Purple Dawn Bow, he should still be at least able to pull back the string a little.

Xiao Se said with a cold humph: "Then you can try pulling again, I definitely want to see if you really dare to commit suicide here." In his eyes, the death of an ordinary soldier is nothing.

Zhou Weiqing took up the Purple Dawn bow again and was just about to start pulling, but just as he was about to exert strength, this fellow seemed to suddenly remember something, and he turned his head to look at Xiao Se, saying: "Since we made a bet, we need to have the stakes on both sides. If I draw the bow, will you also commit suicide here?" With his honest and simple looks, coupled with him asking such a question now, gave the people around the feeling that he was very naive and childish.

Xiao Se said proudly: "What do you think you are, can your life be compared with mine? I have the title of Viscount. Hmph, this Purple Dawn Bow will be my gambling stake. If you cannot draw it, I also do not want your life, you'll have to kneel here and call me three times "Grandfather", then I'll let you off."

Zhou Weiqing listened to Xiao Se's words and shook his head vigorously, "No, that will not do, I will lose out that way. My father told me that for men, we have gold under our knees. Your bow is so heavy, but it is still inferior to the gold. If you lose, you must kneel down and call me Grandfather in order for things to be even."

Xiao Se did not believe that he would lose, and looking at Zhou Weiqing's obstinate face, he said with disdain: "As long as you can draw the bow, why won't I call you? Quickly, stop wasting our precious time."

"Good." Zhou Weiqing smiled. Perhaps in the eyes of others, his smile would seem simple and honest, but in the eyes of Shangguan Bing'er, it was an incomparably sly and deceitful one. However, she did not prevent Zhou Weiqing from continuing, as in heart even she felt it was truly funny.

Chapter 34: Purple Dawn Bow (3)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

Before Zhou Weiqing could even begin to try drawing the bowstring, the squad leaders under Xiao Se had already started to make a scene, shouting: "Don't waste your energy boy, quickly called your Grandfather. Being able to recognize our Company Leader to be your grandfather, it's your, this brat's, good fortune."

Zhou Weiqing turned his head to look to at the squad leader that had called out, pretending that he had not heard clearly, asking: "What did you ask me to call out?"

The squad leader subconscious replied: "Grandfather."

Zhou Weiqing smiled, and said happily: "Ohh, such a good boy. However, having such a grandson like you, your ancestor must have been lacking virtue."

"What did you say?" That squad leader realized that he had been fooled by this seemingly simple and honest recruit. He stood up fiercely, but at the same time, Zhou Weiqing sneered, and exerted his strength with both arms, and the 'Ox Hair Venus' Purple Dawn Bow was instantly drawn to a full crescent.

The squad leader who had just stood up had wanted to curse angrily, until he suddenly saw that Zhou Weiqing had fully drawn the Purple Dawn Bow to its max. His jaw dropped, an expression of sheer disbelief written on his face. He was not the only one, all the squad leaders under Xiao Se had similar expressions. Even Xiao Se looked as if he had seen a ghost, shock written all over his face. One must know that for normal humans who did not have any Heavenly Energy cultivated, it is almost impossible to draw the Purple Dawn Bow.

Zhou Weiqing did not let lose the bowstring after drawing it, instead maintaining the posture without moving. The simple, honest look, the indignation, all the various expressions he had earlier all disappeared, and only scorn remained in his eyes, and he looked toward Xiao Se and gave a loud cry, "Kneel down, call me Grandfather."

After Zhou Weiqing said that, with a crashing sound, all of Xiao Se's squad leaders immediately charged forward, encircling him. Looked at their appearances, they were about to attack Zhou Weiqing.

However, at this moment, an evil light flashed in Zhou Weiqing's eyes, under and cover of his sleeves, the Icy Jade Physical Jewel swirled out quietly like fog in the night, appearing out onto his right wrist right, and instantaneously melded with him.

Heavenly Energy and Physical Jewel melded in an instant, and Zhou Weiqing suddenly felt as if the Purple Dawn Bow in his hands was as of negligible weight, his whole body feeling full of indescribable great power. Subconscious, both his hands exerted strength once again, and a cracking sound issued out, as the Purple Dawn Bow in his hand was pulled until it snapped apart unexpectedly.

With an idle toss, Zhou Weiqing threw the Purple Dawn Bow to the ground like it was a piece of trash, then lifted his gripped right fist in front of his eyes, blowing on it before saying with disdain: "I thought it was such a good thing, I didn't expect it to break so easily upon pulling. Do you call this a bow?"

The "No Feather Squad Leaders" who were preparing to attack Zhou Weiqing were completely startled by his actions. That was a Purple Dawn Bow made from hundred year old Stars Wood!! As Company Leader Mao Li had said earlier, few amongst them could even draw the bow, let alone draw it until it snapped. What sort of terrifying strength was required to be able to achieve such a feat? Complete silence filled the room, as none of them dared to make a move.

"Enough. What are you all trying to do? Do you want to be charged under military law?" Shangguan Bing'er voice resounded in the air in icy cold tones, and the "No Feather Squad Leaders" took advantage of the opportunity to quickly back down.

Shangguan Bing'er took a glance at the broken Purple Dawn Bow lying on the ground, and a flash of surprise appeared in her green eyes. She then turned towards Xiao Se, saying: "Company Leader Xiao, I thinks there isn't any further need to prove anything else right?"

Xiao Se's face was ashen, turning absolutely green and white. He had never expected to get fooled by Little Fatty Zhou, a mere recruit, furthermore it was done so in front of Shangguan Bing'er, and his own Purple Dawn Bow had even been destroyed.

However, he finally managed to suppress the rage in his heart, giving a forced smile and said: "So Brother Zhou is such a hidden talent, I have misjudged you. Congratulations Battalion Commander for finding such a qualified Personal Aide. Being able to draw a Purple Dawn Bow to breaking point, naturally he does not need to prove anything further. Battalion Commander, the new barracks for recruits will be open a few days later. I will go and handle the recruits first." After saying that, he lead his ten "No Feather Squad Leaders" away.

"Company Leader Xiao, I seem to remember that you have not kept your promise yet, you have neither knelt down nor called me 'Grandfather' yet, yet you are walking away already?" Zhou Weiqing said mockingly.

Xiao Se looked at him, then suddenly this fellow also has smiled rather unexpectedly, with a rather deceitful sly looking smile. "Brother Zhou, earlier I said that the Purple Dawn Bow can be my gambling stake. Afterwards, what I said was why won't I call you?' I never agreed to kneeling down. Since you really want to hear me call you, then I'll just call you 3 times of 'Little Fatty Zhou'. As for the gambling stake, the Purple Dawn Bow, it was destroyed by you, so I have no relation with it any further. Let's go." As he was speaking, he waved his hands fiercely, and lead his men to turn around and leave.

"Bah! What thing is that?!" Zhou Weiqing looks at Xiao Se's retreating back, saying somewhat exasperatedly, and with some anger. He was still young after all, and had not previously noted noted the word game that Xiao Se had been playing, it looks like this fellow was more sly and deceitful than he had imagined.

At the other side, Xiao Se who had left the Command Tent no longer had a smile on his face. With an ashen face and gritted teeth, he said. "Go check out this Little Fatty Zhou. I must have a look and see where Shangguan Bing'er this girl managed to find such a fellow. Could he be from the royal family?"

The Squad Leader who had been tricked in calling Zhou Weiqing 'Grandfather' said in a low voice: "Boss, looking at that rascal, he just has a greater natural strength, there is no need to mobilize the forces right Tonight, I will go to his tent and help you to get revenge and vent your anger."

"Humph." Xiao Se said coldly, "Do you think that any mere individual can break the Purple Dawn Bow? If I have not guessed wrongly, that boy should be a Physical Jewel Master, with his Physical Jewel gives a majority boost to strength. I know almost all of Heavenly Bow Empire's Jewel Masters, yet this boy isn't one of them. You better go and search carefully, do not miss any clues, however minute they are."


After Xiao Se had left, Shangguan Bing'er also dismissed Mao Li and his squad leaders. Just before leaving, Mao Li gave Zhou Weiqing a big thumbs up from a hidden position, the expression in his eyes showing his approval. It was clear that Xiao Se taking this minor made him extremely happy.

After everyone had left, only Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Bing'er were left in the command tent."Little Fatty Zhou, you can meld with your Heavenly Jewels already?" Shangguan Bing'er asked, her surprise on display markedly. With no one else around, she no longer needed to hide her earlier thoughts.

Zhou Weiqing said in a natural, matter-of-fact manner: "Yes, of course! I could do it after yesterday evening, the method you taught me was very simple, I managed to pick it up after some practice, then I just tried to link up with my Elemental and Physical Jewels, and it went quite smoothly as well."

Shangguan Bing'er was very silent. Was the practice of Jewel Masters really that easy? Certainly not, especially for Heavenly Jewel Master, it was even more difficult to practice and cultivate. There was a reason why she was called the Heavenly Bow Empire's top genius talent of the younger generation, It was because initially when she practiced Receiving and Releasing her Heavenly Jewels, it had only taken her five days to be skilled in it, but linking up with her Heavenly Jewels had taken ten whole days. Yet, this upright honest looking, yet truly sly fellow unexpectedly only used one night to master all of that. Although she was not willing to acknowledge it, but she also understood that it was now time for her to give up her title of Top Genius.

Chapter 35: Purple Dawn Bow (4)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

After all, how was she to know that all those accomplishments were not because of Zhou Weiqing's talent, but rather it was just some of the amazing things that were granted to him because of the suicidal-art Immortal Deity Technique, the miraculous skill that had let him master the basic skills of Heavenly Jewel Masters so smoothly.

Seeing Shangguan Bing'er staring at him in a daze, Zhou Weiqing stepped in closer and grinned, saying: "I know that I am very outstanding, but if you keep staring at me like that, I will still be embarrassed."

Shangguan Bing'er awoke from her daze, flushing red in embarrassment, and with a flying kick onto Zhou Weiqing's buttocks, she said with clenched jaws: "Little Fatty Zhou, I have been waiting for a very long time to punch you ..."

Zhou Weiqing immediately understood that trouble was about to befall him, and quickly exhibited a panic-stricken appearance. Alas, how could Shangguan Bing'er possibly be swindled again? Her movements were like the wind as she descended upon him with fiery anger.

"NNOooooo ..."


Ten minutes later, our dear Little Fatty Zhou was curled up on the ground, like a boiled shrimp, his whole body trembling as he groaned incessantly. He looked so pitiful, as if he would die at any moment.

Shangguan Bing'er looked at that rascal, speechless. In truth, she had barely punched him at all, but this fellow's acting skills were truly top notch. Even when she obviously knew he was acting, she still could not continue her beating.

Shangguan Bing'er could not help but to burst into an exasperated laugh. "Stop acting already, get up quickly, I'll let you off for today."

On hearing that, Zhou Weiqing, who seemed to be on the verge of death just moments ago, immediately somersaulted from the ground, jumping up in a burst of energy. Although there were still a few bruises on his face, but he was clearly full of spirit and vigor. From young, he had taken many a beating, his physical resistance was naturally something an average person could not compare to. Previously, at the Ice Spring Lake when he had run into Difuya, if not for the fact that he did not imagine that Difuya would dare attack him with her Elemental Jewel, he wouldn't have been injured so severely. Therefore, he had learnt that no matter what, he had to always be on his guard. Difuya's attack had gave him the valuable lesson, that nothing in this world was impossible.

Shangguan Bing'er stared at him, saying "Who asked you to break that Purple Dawn Bow? Do you know the value of that kind of high quality bow? Xiao Se already lost it to you in the bet, you should have just taken it for your use." As she was from common birth, where the poor person's child usually learnt to manages finances early, looks at the broken Purple Dawn Bow on the ground, she felt a pain in her heart.

Zhou Weiqing shook his head, assuming an air of self approbation: "I do not want his bow, I'm afraid I will dirty my hands. One look at that gigolo, I know that he is not a good thing. If it were your bow given to me to use, I will definitely take good care of it and keep it as my collection. Every day, I can smell your residual fragrance on it, I will be re-energized!"

Shangguan Bing'er once again clenched her the fist, "You are asking for a beating again?"

Zhou Weiqing's body shrank back immediately, staring at her with widened eyes and said: "Didn't you just say that you will let me off for today? If you really want to hit me, then come."

Shangguan Bing'er was realising more and more that she just could not easily deal with him. You truly could not judge this rascal with conventional thinking, his slyness was truly at another level.

"Less idle talk. Since you have linked with your Heavenly Jewels, so what attributes do your Elemental Jewel contain?"

As soon as the practice of Heavenly Jewel Masters was mentioned, Zhou Weiqing immediately became serious, a rare sight indeed. He said: "After my Heavenly Energy and Elemental Jewel melded, I saw several different colours, when I focused on each color, my body would have a corresponding change. I have five different colors, and I have judged what they likely are: Green which should be Wind attribute, blue which should be the Lightning attribute, black which should be the Darkness attribute, silver being the Spatial attribute. The last one is grey in color, when I focus on it, I am immediately consumed with bloodlust and have the urge to kill. My Heavenly Energy is also consumed very rapidly, it was very strange. I have temporarily called it the Evil attribute." He did not mention his last attribute, not because he did not trust Shangguan Bing'er, but because he was sure that even Shangguan Bing'er would not know what attribute that was.

Upon listening to his words, Shangguan Bing'er's pupils constricted, in the heart she mused: I do not understand why this rascal has so many good attributes. Moreover, because of him I also ...

Shaking her head, Shangguan Bing'er tried to make herself stop dwelling upon the events of the other night, and the way she looked upon Zhou Weiqing became somewhat strange.

"Follow me." As she said that, she carried her Purple Dawn Bow on the back, took two quiver of arrows and walked out.

Zhou Weiqing followed her out of the command tent, towards the outskirts. Very soon, both of them had exited the camp area, and Shangguan Bing'er turned to look at him, saying: "Use your wind attribute."

"How do I use it?" Zhou Weiqing asked blankly.

Shangguan Bing'er said: "Focus your will on the green colored portion of the status wheel."

Zhou Weiqing stopped, and Released his Heavenly Jewels. He then slowly moved his Heavenly Energy into his Elemental Jewel, and immediately, the six color wheel of light appeared once again, and he focused his will onto the green region as asked. Almost instantly, he felt his body becoming very light, as if a swirl of flowing air was revolving around his body, making him feel extremely comfortable and buoyant, as light as a feather. Amongst the various attributes that his Elemental Jewel contained, the wind Attribute was the one which consumed the lowest amount of Heavenly Energy. While he activated his Elemental Jewel, the four Death Acupuncture Point energy whirlpools that had formed also accelerated, speeding up their absorption of the Heavenly Energy from the environment.

Shangguan Bing'er waited for Zhou Weiqing patiently as he started wielding his Elemental Jewel. The entire process took almost two minutes, until she saw a layer of dim green light started surrounding Zhou Weiqing's body; she then started her own movement, and in a flash of green light, she also activated her own wind Attribute, leading Zhou Weiqing along at an extremely high speed.

This was Zhou Weiqing's first time making use of his Elemental Jewel's ability, and he felt like his body was so light and buoyant, and everything seemed so effortless. He only needed to lightly touch his feet on the ground, and he would naturally float three to four metres ahead. This method of running was not only several times faster than normal, and also did not take much effort.

No wonder so many people want to become Jewel Masters, the ability of Jewel Masters is really miraculous! As Zhou Weiqing curiously examined the various advantages that the wind Attribute brought to him, he couldn't help but exclaim that in his heart. However, at the same time, he also could see the huge disparity between his abilities and Shangguan Bing'er's. She had activated her wind Attribute instantaneously, not requiring the long preparation time which he needed.

After a while, they had almost travelled ten miles from the military compound, reaching the outskirts of Heavenly Bow City, entering the Stars Forest.

"Bing'er, you wouldn't be trying to silence a witness of a crime* right?" Zhou Weiqing said jokingly with a laugh as he followed Shangguan Bing'er.

Chapter 36: Elemental Jewel Stored Skills (1)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

Shangguan Bing'er controlled her own speed at a pace which allowed him to keep up, and did not even look at him as she said, "Address me as Battalion Commander. Anyway, if I wanted to kill you, would I have waited till now?"

After continuing for a while more, she stopped at one of the more spacious clearings in the Stars Forest.

"Okay, this place will do. There is some time before the recruit training starts, and during this period of time, I will be teaching you some of the cultivation and training methods of Heavenly Jewel Masters, as well as my own experience. After the recruit training starts, you do not need to train together with the ordinary recruits, but you need to practice by yourself. I have a lot of things to handle then." Shangguan Bing'er said coldly.

Looking at Shangguan Bing'er's aloof expression, Zhou Weiqing was also very helpless. This was also the idea that Shangguan Bing'er had came up with which she felt was the best way to handle him. No matter what he said or did, she would just give him a cold emotionless face, so that the rascal wouldn't reach out for a yard after taking an inch*.

Shangguan Bing'er said coolly: "You currently have your first set of Heavenly Jewels, and have become a true Heavenly Jewel Master. Your title should be called Lower Level Shi Stage Heavenly Jewel Master. I have two sets of Heavenly Jewels, so I'm currently a Mid Level Shi Stage Heavenly Jewel Master. The cultivation for us Heavenly Jewel Masters is very difficult; if you want catch up with me, then you need to practice hard and cultivate to the eighth level of Heavenly Energy, and have your Heavenly Jewels split. Naturally, I can teach you all this when the time comes. Now, I will teach you more about the usage of the Heavenly Jewels."

Zhou Weiqing's spirit perked up when he heard that, and he listening carefully and respectfully.

Shangguan Bing'er said: "I am also a Heavenly Jewel Master, yet I have chosen the occupation of an archer. Do you know why I have done so?"

Zhou Weiqing instantly said with much certainty: "It must be because you fear death just like me, as an archer, we can hide in the shadows and do sneak attacks by shooting arrows, which is definitely much safer. After all, safety first."

Shangguan Bing'er sweatdropped, unable to even maintain the ice-cold expression on her face, and said angrily: "Do you think that everyone is as shameless as you? The reason why I choose to be an archer is because I am very poor, even our Heavenly Bow Empire is unable to fully support the training of a Heavenly Jewel Master."

Zhou Weiqing was surprised, "How is that possible? Besides Admiral Zhou, you are our Empire's only Heavenly Jewel Master! If you are lacking money, I would think the imperial Family would give it to you unconditionally?"

Shangguan Bing'er sighed lightly, "Things aren't as easy as you think, the amount of money and resources to fully develop a Heavenly Jewel Master is an unfathomable, astronomical figure. To explain why comes down to the basics of the Elemental and Physical Jewels. When we have both the Elemental and Physical Jewels, the Physical Jewel may strengthen the attributes of our body directly, and the Elemental Jewel can also give us the element attributes, allowing us to have much greater abilities than the average person. However, if we do not go further, it's only restricted to this. For example, the Wind Attribute that we used a while ago can only increase our speed a little. When our Heavenly Energy and the Wind Attribute is merged, it can be called Wind Type Heavenly Energy, when using a weapon or just your own physical attack, you can get an increase in attack speed. Another example is your Lightning Attribute will imbue your attacks with some lightning attributes. For ordinary Jewel Masters, this might be enough, but as Heavenly Jewel Masters, it is insufficient. For the Heavenly Jewels that are so difficult to cultivate, we want to maximize their strengths, we need some additional external assistance to improve both our Elemental and Physical Jewels."

Zhou Weiqing was rather puzzled: "I don't really understand what you mean."

Shangguan Bing'er said: "Let me cited a simple example for you to understand. The ability of our Elemental Jewel's Attribute, before adding on the external assistance, can only affect yourself, you can't actually discharge it externally to wound your enemy. However, once we've completed the special way to add the external assistance, it can form skills which allows us to unleash the element externally onto our enemies. You just need to remember these eight words, that is: Physical Jewel Consolidating Equipment, Elemental Jewel Storing Skills. These eight characters state the basis of how we can improve our Physical and Elemental Jewels."

"Physical Jewel Consolidating Equipment, Elemental Jewel Storing Skills?" Zhou Weiqing repeated Shangguan Bing'er's words. Although Admiral Zhou was very strict with him especially regarding education, but due to the fact that his meridians were blocked, he had not been taught much regarding Heavenly Jewel Masters. At this moment, Zhou Weiqing had the clear feeling, as if a mysterious door was slowly opening wide for him.

Shangguan Bing'er continued saying: "Every additional Physical Jewels we manage to cultivate will always give our bodies an additional large boost, this is especially so for us Heavenly Jewel Master's pure Physical Jewels, with a boost as high as 150%. However, the power and mystery of Physical Jewels are actually not limited to this. Look at this."

As she was speaking, she lifted her left hand slowly, where two glittering and translucent Dragonstone Jewels were circling. As Zhou Weiqing looked on, he saw the first Dragonstone Jade Jewel suddenly let loose a bright light, and it actually flew away from Shangguan Bing'er's wrist! After which, the green light surrounding it gentled, and the Physical Jewel started changing shape in midair.

After a short while, the Dragonstone Jade Jewel had unexpectedly changed form into a long arrow, its entire body seemingly made from Dragonstone Jades, glittering and translucent, but its size was in no way different from a normal arrow with the exception of a green light surrounding it.

"So, this is Physical Jewel Consolidating Equipment?" Zhou Weiqing was staring dumbfoundedly as he said. He had never known that Physical Jewel could actually have such wondrous uses.

Shangguan Bing'er nodded, and with a wave of her left hand, she gripped the Purple Dawn Bow, the index finger and middle finger of her right nocking the Dragonstone Jade Arrow to the bowstring.

"Pay attention."

With that reminder, she drew the Purple Dawn Bow into a full crescent arch, and in the next instance, a flash of green light accompanied with the buzz of the bowstring appeared momentarily, its sheer speed made it seem like an illusion. The strangest thing was, after the Dragonstone Jade arrow was released, Zhou Weiqing did not hear any sound, and the only thing he saw was the quick flash of green light. Furthermore, it did not fly in a straight line, instead flying with twist and turns in the forest, as if it was able to see, dodging the Stars Trees ahead.

"This is possible?" Zhou Weiqing shuddered. In this rascal's mind, the first thought was that if Shangguan Bing'er used this Physical Jewel Consolidated Equipment to shoot at him, even if there was 100 of him, he would still die.

"This is my first Physical Jewel's Consolidated Equipment, the Silent Tracking Arrow, it is controlled by my will until the attack lands, and it will then return." As she spoke those words, the Dragonstone Jade Arrow reappeared in her fingers with a twinkle of green light.