81 - 90

Chapter 81: Surprise Attack 1(1)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

In that instance when Shangguan Bing'er lifted both arms and embraced him, Zhou Weiqing felt a warm fuzzy feeling swell up in his heart. Though he was usually a little perverted and rascally, at this moment his brain was unexpectedly in a blank.

To Zhou Weiqing, this hug was like a sign of approval. Yes, approval. Since he was young, up until now, he had always been a trash in others' eyes. Even after he had become a Heavenly Jewel Master, the shadow and darkness of the past had not faded from his heart, and deep inside he felt a sense of inferiority. This was why he had always had a mask in place, using his cynicism and teasing to hide his feelings of inferiority. Previously, whenever he had spent time with Shangguan Bing'er, this was the main reason for why he acted like that.

She hugged me. She actually hugged me of her own accord. The feel of being hugged in a warm embrace was an amazing, beautiful feeling, that warmed his jaded heart. Finally, there is a girl, such a beautiful wonderful girl, who really thinks that I am someone is is worth something, someone who is reliable. At least, at this moment. A hitherto unknown feeling of pride and satisfaction welled up his his rapidly beating heart.

After Shangguan Bing'er had embraced him, her beautiful face had also flushed a deep red. In the instance when she hugged him, she had been in a state of agitation and been touched deeply, and now she awoke a little, and felt a sense of nervousness welling up. That rascal was always so bad, will he seize this chance to…

However, very quickly, surprise quickly entered Shangguan Bing'er's feelings. She realised that Zhou Weiqing was just standing there in her embrace, without playing any tricks or trying anything funny, without a sign that he was going to try to do anything further. Slowly, the sense of nervousness vanished, and a sense of peace and security filled her heart.

Although he took away my first time, but today he also saved my life. With that, let's wipe the slate clean. Shangguan Bing'er thought to herself in her heart.

When a woman hates a man, no matter what he does for her, how much effort or how many things he does, that hatred will not diminish a whit. However, the reverse is also true, when a woman has acknowledged a man, even if he does not do anything, she will still think the better of him.

The two of them just stood there silently. They were after all still very young; one was a boy with an inferiority complex after being called trash all these years, and the other was a girl who was shouldering too much responsibility and was unable to take it. At this point in time, their two hearts seem to be close together. Even without speaking, their auras seemed to be comforting each other.

"Thank you, Little Fatty, I feel much better now." After some time had passed, Shangguan Bing'er spoke first. She let go of Zhou Weiqing and looked up at him, only to see him staring blankly and foolishly at her, and she couldn't help but let out a peal of laughter.

"Bing'er, you look so beautiful when you smile." Zhou Weiqing said in a rather foolishly sounding tone. At this time, his mind was a little short circuited, but the shadow of darkness in his heart had been eased a lot by Shangguan Bing'er's embrace.

Shangguan Bing'er could feel the hot breath from him, and she blushed even more, biting her lower lip. Such a look, made her look unbelievably cute.

Zhou Weiqing felt blood rush into his head, and almost subconsciously, he lowered his head towards her. His movement was very slow, at this time he did not want to ever violate this girl who had saved him. If she showed any sign of resisting, he would immediately stop.

As their faces got closer, Shangguan Bing'er's blush grew even deeper, but she did not try to dodge. Just a moment ago, their hearts had met and melded together, and her anger towards him had faded away.

Just as their faces were barely an inch away from each other, all of a sudden, the tent flap was shoved upwards and an urgent sounding voice sounded out: "Little Wei, Shangguan Bing'er actually resigned from the post of Battalion Commander… Ehhh…" 2

Xiao Ru Se charged in from outside, giving Shangguan Bing'er a scare as she jumped away like a startled little bird.

"I… went to the wrong tent. You guys continue…" Xiao Ru Se had a strange expression on her face as she quickly gave a weird excuse and fled the tent.

Zhou Weiqing was speechless, and sweatdropped. He had just been about to get his first real kiss. Elder sis… you really came at a wrong time.

Her ears burning red with embarrassment, Shangguan Bing'er gave him a quick glare and said: "It's all your fault. I'm going back now." After which, she quickly tried to move off.

"Bing'er, wait a while." Zhou Weiqing took a step forward and held onto her.

"You… what are you trying to do?" That gentle atmosphere earlier had vanished as soon as Xiao Ru Se barged in, and Shangguan Bing'er couldn't help but ask in alarm as she lowered her head.

"Bing'er, don't leave yet. Don't you want to take revenge for our men who died today?" Zhou Weiqing said softly.

"En?" Only then did Shangguan Bing'er realise that she had mistaken his actions, and she raised her head to look at him. "Revenge? How?"

A cold look flashed in Zhou Weiqing's eyes, and he said softly: "This is a war between two countries. Since they killed and injured over a hundred of our men, then we should also do the same to them. Wouldn't that would be a temporary revenge for those of our men who had lost their lives? How far is the closest Kalise Military Camp from here?"

Shangguan Bing'er said: "It is about 300 li away, though this 300 li is filled with complicated terrain, and is considered a demilitarized zone for both sides. What, are you thinking of doing a sneak attack on the enemy stronghold?"

Zhou Weiqing nodded his head and said: "Yes. Didn't you want to know what Skills I had stored in my Elemental Jewel? Let me tell you tonight. Indeed, you are correct; in terms of commanding and leading troops, we are definitely unable to compare with Company Leader Xiao. However, we are Heavenly Jewel Masters. Our purpose on the battlefield can be easily described with just three words. Sheer destructive power. That is the true value of us Heavenly Jewel Masters. Since the enemy can cross over to our borders to assassinate you, why can't we do the same and teach them a lesson?"

Shangguan Bing'er took a deep breath, and in her beautiful eyes, a resolute look appeared. She said: "Alright. Let's do that. I will go back to restore my Heavenly Energy first. After dinner, I'll look for you, and we can discuss a plan of action."

Zhou Weiqing escorted her out of his tent, then returned to his own bed and continued cultivating. A young bull does not fear the tiger 3, the young always easily give in to impulse as they do not fear consequences as much. For him, the only thought was that wanted to make Shangguan Bing'er feel better, and be happy. On her part, Shangguan Bing'er wanted revenge for her slain men, and so the two easily agreed on such a wild plan.

As smoke started rising over the military compound, the red glow of the setting sun reflected across the horizon. The military cooks were busy preparing food as dinner time neared.

In the Heavenly Bow Empire army, there was a rule that clearly stipulated that all military officers, no matter what rank, had to dine together with the soldiers, unless any peculiar circumstances arose. This stipulation was set by Zhou Weiqing's father, Admiral Zhou. As such, this was always the time when the men of the Third Battalion were the most excited, as it was at this time that they could see the beautiful female Battalion Commander, who was also known as the most beautiful woman in the Empire.

Chapter 82: Surprise Attack (2)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

However, the atmosphere at today's dinner was obviously somewhat strange. Company Leader Mao Li's face was full of anxiety and he spoke for a long time with Shangguan Bing'er. However, her face seemed as calm as usual. On the other hand, the one with the most prestige in the Third Battalion, Company Leader Xiao, who normally had the most disagreements with the beautiful female Battalion Commander, unexpectedly sat at the same side as her, seemingly spending the entire dinner discussing something with the other Company Leaders.

Without question, Shangguan Bing'er had already started turning over her power as Battalion Commander to Xiao Ru Se. Zhou Weiqing did not join in the conversations, instead staying in a corner and eating as much as he could. The food in the mess was definitely inferior to what he normally ate at home, but it was a different flavor and experience after all. This was especially so for Zhou Weiqing, who had after all spent time in the wilds surviving by himself, and had even eaten grass and tree bark for survival before. To him, being able to eat his fill was already considered pretty good treatment. When Admiral Zhou had started training him, the first few words he said was: "No matter when or where, you should never ever waste food."

After eating, Zhou Weiqing returned to his tent. Before long, there was a flash of a silhouette, and surprisingly without any movement of the tent flap, Shangguan Bing'er appeared beside him. In her hands, she held a sheepskin map.

The most startling thing to Zhou Weiqing was that Shangguan Bing'er had once again resumed her icy demeanor, with a tranquil look on her beautiful face. It seemed a rather huge divergence from the gentle look she had in the afternoon.

"What are you looking at? Come here?" Looking at Zhou Weiqing's blur appearance, Shangguan Bing'er was finding it funny in her heart, but she maintained the ice cold expression on her face.

Zhou Weiqing walked over to her side, asking tentatively: "Bing'er, did you lose your memory?"

Shangguan Bing'er had thought about what Zhou Weiqing might have possibly said, but she truly never expected those words. She finally couldn't resist and let out a giggle: "Fool." 1

"You did that on purpose?" Zhou Weiqing came to his senses, and with his hands spread out lecherously, he leapt towards Shangguan Bing'er.

���Do not move." Shangguan Bing'er said with a stern expression.

"Er…" Zhou Weiqing stopped himself forcefully in mid-pounce while still in the posture.

Shangguan Bing'er said sternly: "You are still in my testing period, so you're not allowed to touch me without permission." As she said that, the corners of her mouth twitched upwards in a little smile.

"Bing'er, when did you became so bad!" How could Zhou Weiqing not see that Shangguan Bing'er had said all of that intentionally once more.

Shangguan Bing'er gave a humph and said, "You've already taken the biggest advantage of me. The shadow in my heart is still very deep, of course I must test you a lot more."

Zhou Weiqing grinned and said: "Test? Of course you must test. Let's get on with proper business first though." He was not anxious at all. Now that Shangguan Bing'er was at least willing to give him the opportunity to be tested, it was already a substantial improvement for their relationship. He enjoyed the feeling of pursuing her very much. In truth, this fellow had quite a high EQ 2, now that the relationship between the two of them had improved, he did not want to destroy it by being overeager.

Shangguan Bing'er rolled her eyes, saying: "Why do I have the feeling that the present you is even more dangerous than before, when you were being a rascal."

Zhou Weiqing blinked, "Should I return to my original state then?"

"Hmph. No way, you better not." Came the reply. As she said that, she continued to spread the map in her hands on the table. "Little Fatty, look, here we are." Shangguan Bing'er pointed to a spot on the map.

As she moved her fingers along, she continued saying: "If we move ahead along this line, there will be a hill region, which is covered with mass vegetation. The terrain is quite complex, and there are also Heavenly Beasts in the region. In fact, there have been rumours that Zong Stage Heavenly Beasts have appeared there. As such, that hill region has formed into a natural blockade.

"In order for us to enter the Kalise Empire, there are three possible routes; a main road and two smaller paths. The military might of our three Regiments are mainly focused on holding the main road, while the smaller paths each have two Battalions guarding them respectively. Since the distance from the camps are not very far, as long as enemy troops appear, reinforcements can arrive at a quickest possible time."

"The Kalise Empire has stationed the military strength of approximately four Regiments here, which is a larger total force than we have. Furthermore, besides our archery units, their equipment for their other units surpass ours. The four regiments are also stationed together, but similar to us, they have large amounts of patrols surrounding the hills and the paths. If we want to get through to their side, I think that it is best we take one of the smaller paths. In the night, we should be able to conceal ourselves and sneak through."

To Shangguan Bing���er's surprise, Zhou Weiqing started looking very carefully at the map, gesticulating at it with his hand as if he were calculating something, looking very serious and earnest.

"Little Fatty, what are you doing?" Shangguan Bing'er asked curiously. Although Zhou Weiqing was not specially handsome, but he was tall and of good stature, with broad shoulders and a broad back, his whole body filled with a sunny cheerful aura. His honest looking face was simple but pleasing to the eye. At the moment, when he was focused and serious, he seemed steady and dependable. As the saying goes, men are the most attractive when they are focused. Furthermore, Shangguan Bing'er's innermost feelings' of anger against him had been relatively soothed earlier today, and at this time she felt that he was not that bad after all.

"Wait a while." Zhou Weiqing replied simply to Shangguan Bing'er, as he continued fiddling with the map for some time. After a while, he finally relaxed, before closing his eyes as if in deep thought. At last, he said to her: "Let's go. As you mentioned previously, it's better that we go by the smaller path."

"En." Shangguan Bing'er acquiesced. Both of them carried their Purple Dawn Bows on their backs, and brought two quivers of arrows holding 100 arrows respectively, before leaving the tent.

Shangguan Bing'er made use of her status as Battalion Commander, and using the excuse of patrolling at night, she circled the camp once before quietly sneaking out together with Zhou Weiqing.

Only as they were leaving the military compound did Zhou Weiqing realise how strict the security of the campsite actually was. All along the way, there were several sentry posts visible, and even greater number of hidden guard posts as well. With her status as Battalion Commander, Shangguan Bing'er just told the guards that she was inspecting the defences, and thus they easily passed through the defense lines. In doing so, they continued heading towards the smaller path, moving on towards the Kalise Empire's closest military camp.

After a while, they stopped. "There are no longer any more sentry posts in front of us. Let's get ready." As Shangguan Bing'er said that, she unexpectedly started to strip off her armor.

Zhou Weiqing blinked, "Bing'er, that isn't good right…"

"What isn't good?" Shangguan Bing'er asked as she removed her chainmail and helmet, giving him a doubting look, only to see that Zhou Little Fatty had both his hands intertwined together, unexpectedly standing there drawing circles 3. His head was lowered, and his face also is a little red as he said: "Bing'er, are we advancing a little too quickly? Furthermore, this is in the wilderness, doing 'field operations' 4, we might catch a cold."

Three black lines appeared instantaneously over Shangguan Bing'er head, and she said in mix of embarrassment and anger: "What is your brain thinking off! Keep your dirty thoughts to yourself. How could we possibly sneak through and pull off a surprise attack on the enemy's camp if we are dressed in armor?"

"Ehh…" Zhou Weiqing raised his head and looked, and saw that she had taken off her armor, revealing a jet black, tight fitting leotard.5

Chapter 83: Surprise Attack (3)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

Although Shangguan Bing'er was only 16 years old, but her body was quite well developed. Wearing that tight fitting leotard accentuated her beautiful curves, causing Zhou Weiqing to gulp down large amounts of saliva, and his gaze couldn't help but wander a little.

"Hey, what are you looking at?" Shangguan Bing'er flushed a little, slapping his shoulder. "You walk in front, you're not allowed to stare." Zhou Weiqing's scorching gaze had made her a little flurried.

Zhou Weiqing's heart was racing, and he couldn't help but think to himself. Such an amazingly beautiful girl, and she had already been mine? That day… why can't I remember anything? How sad.

Under Zhou Weiqing's control, his attribute wheel once again turned into the green area demarcating the wind attribute. His right wrist was now surrounded with the Icy Jade Physical Jewel, while his left wrist was surrounded by the Alexandrite Cat's Eye Jewel, which had turned into a rosy hue in the night. With the boost to his speed, Zhou Weiqing started moving ahead once again at a high speed.

At the same time, Shangguan Bing'er also released her Heavenly Jewels and followed behind him.

Originally, Shangguan Bing'er had thought that for such a long distance travel, Zhou Weiqing's speed might not be sufficient. Her plan was that if he was too slow, she would just have to help him along. However, when both of them had released their Heavenly Jewels and started moving at top speeds, she was surprised to find that Zhou Weiqing's direct linear movement speed was actually comparable to her own, a dual agility type Heavenly Jewel Master.

Since she could observe him from behind, Shangguan Bing'er quickly found the reason why. Although Zhou Weiqing's movement was not slow, but there was still quite some difference between his maximum speed and hers.

However, the true secret behind why he could travel so fast now was actually his right leg! Every time his left leg tapped onto the ground, it was merely as a fulcrum, and his body moved at a rather normal pace. However, once his right foot touched the ground, his whole body seemed to shoot forward like an arrow. As such, although his running speed was extremely fast, it was actually with a lot of sudden bursts, and was not a constant pace.

"Little Fatty, your right leg?" Shangguan Bing'er Consolidated her second Physical Jewel into her Wind Wielding Boots, and instantly a pair of green boots coalesced around her feet, allowing her to move a lot faster than Zhou Weiqing.

Zhou Weiqing turned his head to look at Shangguan Bing'er who was running beside him.

He grinned and said: "Heh, isn't is so awesome? My leg is really powerful now. It seems to be a bonus ability that came from that black pearl. Remember that time in the forest when I was suddenly struck down with my whole body in pain when I was with Company Leader Xiao, and I had to hug you for a while before I got better? After that time, my right leg seems to have evolved, and became a lot stronger." Towards Shangguan Bing'er whom he thought of as his own lady, he naturally would not hide anything about his abilities, and he quickly described the abilities of his new leg and the training he did.

Only then did realisation strike Shangguan Bing'er. No wonder along the way he had refused to ride on his warhorse, and had instead gone on foot beside the main body of troops. It was actually to get used to his right leg.

Originally, she had some qualms about this surprise attack, and was feeling nervous. After all, she thought that Zhou Weiqing's speed was insufficient to escape if things went south. However, it now seemed like her worries were for naught, and they had a higher chance of success.

A distance of three hundred li was not far for Heavenly Jewel Masters like them, and under their maximum effort, it took they about two hours to reach their target destination.

"Little Fatty, if we go any further, we will start reaching the enemy's sentry posts already." Shangguan Bing'er stopped and looked towards Zhou Weiqing.

Zhou Weiqing nodded and said: "Let's rest for a while first, you should recover some of your Heavenly Energy as well."

The pair looked for a hidden corner to get a rest, and to recover their Heavenly Energy. Although Zhou Weiqing's cultivation level was much lower than Shangguan Bing'er, he had the advantage of the Immortal Deity Technique's amazing power, which allowed him to continue absorbing Heavenly Energy from the surroundings even while running with his Jewels Activated. As such, his actual usage of Heavenly Energy was not very high, and he managed to fully recover in a short amount of time.

During the last few days of training, Zhou Weiqing had basically tested and found out the limits of the recovery speed of his Immortal Deity Technique. When he manipulated the energy whirlpools to spin at maximum speeds, it took about an hour for him to fully recover his entire depleted Heavenly Energy pool. This was a truly astonishing speed of recovery. After all, other Heavenly Jewel Masters would normally take two hours or more. This was not even counting the bonus of him being able to lower the Heavenly Energy consumption by drawing from the atmosphere while using.

After both of them had fully recovered their Heavenly Energy, they stood up.

"According to the news that we have received, the Kalise Empire's sentry posts usually change shifts every four hours. It's almost 11pm 1. They should be changing shifts in about an hour." Shangguan Bing'er said.

Zhou Weiqing thought about it for a bit and said: "Then let's wait for an hour, and we can move out when they are changing shifts. If we sneak past the obvious sentry post, and launch a sneak attack on the hidden posts, with your Silent Tracking Arrow coupled with my assistance on the side, we should be able to get through without anyone discovering us. We'll sneak through into their camp, launch a quick salvo of attacks, then retreat straight away."

"Alright, that sounds good." This would be the first time that the two of them would be truly coordinating together, furthermore it was only the two of them launching the sneak attack. As such, Shangguan Bing'er was rather nervous. Taking a furtive glance at Zhou Weiqing beside her, she found that although this was also his first time, he was clearly a lot calmer than she was, looking extremely steady. Faintly, you could see an evil light occasionally flash in his eyes.

Undoubtedly, Zhou Weiqing had gotten many benefits from the black pearl. At the same time, his natural disposition had also been somewhat influenced by the powerful black pearl as well. When he thought of the killing he was about to do, this newbie on the battlefield did not feel any fear or nervousness, instead feeling a sense of excitement.

One hour later, two shadowy figures started moving in the dark.

It was relatively easy to avoid the obvious sentry posts; they just needed to move swiftly and silently alongside the boundary between hills and the path, making a detour and circling around the posts, while ensuring they made no noise.

After they had detoured around two of the obvious sentry posts, Zhou Weiqing suddenly halted, grabbing hold of Shangguan Bing'er and pulling her down in a crouch. "Wait a while."

"En?" Shangguan Bing'er quickly took down the Purple Dawn Bow from her back.

Zhou Weiqing said in a low tone: "On the left, above 50 yards ahead, there is a hidden sentry post. There are three soldiers there, I'll sneak there. Once I'm there, you deal with the leftmost one, and I will deal with the remaining two."

Such excellent senses! Shangguan Bing'er was secretly rather surprised. She had not been able to detect them despite her higher cultivation level, yet Zhou Weiqing had managed to do so. After all, the hillside was filled with thick brush and vegetation, making it rather difficult to spot or discover anything beyond a distance of 30 yards.

After Zhou Weiqing had told Shangguan Bing'er his plan, he started to circle around the hidden sentry post and approached it silently from the side. At the same time, Shangguan Bing'er moved slowly, vaulting up a tree and moving silently from above the treetops like a green ghost. After leaping across three large trees, she finally managed to get a good vantage position to see the three dark-clothed soldiers in the hidden sentry post.

In order to not make any sound, she took a long time to draw her Purple Dawn Bow, taking aim at the leftmost soldier. Readying herself, she waited for Zhou Weiqing to take action before she did so as well.

Right at that moment, she suddenly saw a crouching figure moving at lightning speed, bounding forth like a cheetah and pouncing towards the back of the soldiers in the hidden sentry post.

In that very instance, Shangguan Bing'er felt as if there was somehow a nebulous voice of fate was directing her actions then; the call of destiny. At that moment, she released her bowstring and with a *Swoosh*, the arrow shot out.

With Shangguan Bing'er's archery skills, adding on the fact that it was a sneak attack in the night, how could an ordinary soldier possibly dodge the arrow. With a light *puff* sound, the arrow slammed into his head, piercing right through the brain. Before the leftmost soldier could give out any cry of alarm, his body moved in a crooked fashion before falling down onto the ground.

By the time the other two soldiers in the hidden sentry post realised that something was wrong, a large hand appeared around their necks respectively. An immense strength was instantly applied, smashing their faces viciously into the soil on the ground, and the sound of their neck vertebra smashing sounded out.

Chapter 84: Surprise Attack (4)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

The arrow striking and the other two sentries' neck being caught happened nearly at the same time. In that short period of time, the three sentries of the Kalise Empire had been killed off just like that. Although it could not be said to have been totally silent, but the light sounds which had arisen were hidden by the various insect noises in the forest. Their coordination had been perfect for their first time working together, and was indeed astonishing.

Without doubt, the one who had pounced from behind to finish off the two sentries was naturally Zhou Weiqing. What he had done was actually rather simple, circling behind the sentry post, and with the power of his right leg, he had leapt forth in an amazing burst of speed to grab hold of both sentries' necks. Before they could react and make any sound, he had smashed their heads into the ground and broken their necks. His Physical Jewel was after all that of strength – let alone the weaker neck vertebra, he could probably even break the thicker thigh bone if he wanted to.

However, even he had not imagined that Shangguan Bing'er would have such a perfect understanding and coordination with him. 1

He had originally prepared his right leg in advance. If Shangguan Bing'er's arrow had been late, he would sweep his leg forth to kill the leftmost soldier; even if that would create a disturbance, he had to risk it.

The feeling in his hands as the bones shattered, coupled with the sound, and the feeling of the life in his hands ebbing away caused a hint of bloodlust to fill Zhou Weiqing's eyes. This was his first time killing someone, and it was at such a personal, close range, and yet his inner heart was trembling with an inexplicable excitement.

He lifted his hand and gave a big thumbs up towards Shangguan Bing'er hidden in the distance. He then casually plucked out the arrow from the leftmost sentry's head, wiping it clean of all bloodstains on their clothes, before heading back to rejoin her.

"Bing'er, that was timely! That's three in total." As he said that, Zhou Weiqing stuck the arrow back into Shangguan Bing'er's quiver.

Shangguan Bing'er closed her eyes, a look of compassion flashing through her face, as she seemed a little unable to bear it. Luckily, she had killed from a distance, otherwise the pain from killing someone might have been even more obvious.

Zhou Weiqing patted her back comfortingly, saying: "Being kind to an enemy is being cruel to yourself. Think of all our soldiers who died, who were injured. Every Kalise Empire soldier who dies, is almost equal to saving one of our Heavenly Bow Empire's soldiers. Anyway, we have to go now."

"En." Shangguan Bing'er braced herself, thinking to herself. How can I be inferior to Zhou Little Fatty who is younger than me? He hasn't even reached fourteen years of age yet Right?

Very quickly, Zhou Weiqing managed to find a second hidden sentry post. The sentries who were in charge of the sentry posts were usually elite light infantry soldiers who had also been trained as scouts. Amongst the ordinary infantry soldiers, they were outstanding. However, in front of two Heavenly Jewel Masters, they were frail and delicate.

Perhaps it was because Shangguan Bing'er had helped Zhou Weiqing to Awaken his Heavenly Jewels by being Sacrifice, and in the process forging a connection between them. The two of them had a stunning level of cooperation and tacit understanding between them; with Shangguan Bing'er focusing on long ranged attacks and Zhou Weiqing focusing on close combat. Hidden sentry posts fell one after the other as they continued forth.

When they finally tore through and got past all the sentry posts of the Kalise Empire, they had already killed 34 sentries from the various hidden sentry posts. Of that, the majority had been slain by Zhou Weiqing.

As they lay down hidden in the darkness, watching the enemy camp from a distance, Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Bing'er both took the opportunity to recover their expended Heavenly Energy.

"Little Fatty, what do you have planned?" After a full night of cooperating in battle, the two of them were getting more coordinated and in tune with each other. Strangely enough, the one having the dominating and leadership role was not the Two-Jewelled Shangguan Bing'er, instead with Zhou Weiqing shouldering the responsibility.

Shangguan Bing'er realised that as soon as Zhou Weiqing entered the forest, it was like a fish entering water. He took care of many minute details in such a way that she found impossible, and his unbelievably strong senses were able to easily detect enemies from incomparable distances. This was the main reason why they had managed to always get the upper hand against their enemies thus far, and the reason why they had managed to sneak through the whole enemy lines and reach the military camp without any issues.

Zhou Weiqing asked Shangguan Bing'er to take out her map once again, and with the pale moonlight as a light source, he examined the map and pointed at where they were: "Look here, this is our target's position. Although the enemy camp has quite a few patrolling soldiers, but at the moment is already past the 1am mark, and is the time when humans are easily tired. In a moment, I will be in charge of launching a sneak attack upon them, and you can cover me in case anything goes wrong."

"However, once we start the attack, we cannot return via the route we came. Instead, I think we should go via this route instead. I have examined all possible routes carefully earlier, and chosen it. Returning back to base via this route will allow us to reduce the distance by almost 50 li. Furthermore, you mentioned that the patch of forested hills that this route takes is populated by Heavenly Beasts, this will help in greatly deterring pursuit when we are making our escape too."

To Shangguan Bing'er's surprise, as Zhou Weiqing pointed out his chosen route on the map, his finger swiftly moved across the map and pointed to the various positions extremely accurately, showing also an especially firm grasp upon the distance to cover. The new route of retreat that he was pointing out was not a direct straight line, but instead curved and swerved a lot, but ensuring that the distance travelled would be the minimum, with also fewer obstructions while still trying to keep as far from the Kalise Empire's campsites as possible. Clearly, this was what he had been calculating when he was holding the map before they had left earlier.

"Bing'er, are you listening to me?" Zhou Weiqing waved his hand in front of her dazed eyes.

Shangguan Bing'er gave him a rather complicated look, thinking to herself: So, it turns out that you are actually really a genius. Even if you did not Awaken your Heavenly Jewels, you should be able to become an outstanding commander. 2

"I'm listening. However, what happens if we meet a Heavenly Beast blocking our way instead? With our current cultivation levels, even the weakest Shi Stage Heavenly Beast will give us a lot of problems, and will definitely be extremely dangerous for us to face. Heavenly Beasts have their own unique skills and talents, which are extremely strong. Most of these Heavenly Beasts have a very strong sense of territory, and as soon as we enter their territory, they will not hesitate to attack us."

Zhou Weiqing smiled and said confidently: "You do not have to worry about that part, I have it all planned out. Haven't you always wanted to know why it is so easily for me to Store Skills in my Elemental Jewels? Let me tell you the reason now. The black pearl that I swallowed should be the Neidan of a huge winged black tiger, and this black tiger's aura seems to cause most creatures to feel fear, and Heavenly Beasts are no different. My Skills were all Stored from Zong Stage Heavenly Beasts, and are all mostly Control-type Skills. However, during the Skill Storing process, none of them actually resisted at all. Although it can be said that it is also due to the fact that they have all been sealed, but it is clear that the aura from my body has definitely affected them in a large way. If we meet any Heavenly Beasts, as long as we do not attack them first, they should leave us alone once they sense the aura emitting from me."

"Furthermore, the reason why I chose the route is basically because it is on the relative edges of the forested hills. In general, the stronger the Heavenly Beast, the more it will prefer to have its territory in a central position. As such, we shouldn't meet any overly strong Heavenly Beasts. As for meeting with Shi Stage Heavenly Beasts, even if my plan doesn't work, with our speed, it should not be too difficult for us to just escape. With this as a double insurance, I have deemed that this should be our safest route of retreat."

Shangguan Bing'er nodded, looking convinced, and said: "Alright, let's follow your plan." In the darkness of the night, she did not realise that the red bloodlust in Zhou Weiqing's eyes was getting stronger. Even Zhou Weiqing himself did not realise that his emotions were starting to get increasingly affected by this sense of bloodlust.

Great strength was often accompanied by great risk. Just like the great risk that accompanied the Immortal Deity Technique when breaking through Death Acupuncture Points, the black pearl's side effects were slowly showing themselves upon Zhou Weiqing.

A short while later, the duo had recovered their Heavenly Energy to their maximum capacity, and Zhou Weiqing gave Shangguan Bing'er a predesignated hand signal as he stealthily moved ahead.

The Kalise Empire Army Camp's main entrance was rather wide, almost 40 metres wide, ensuring that if there was any large scale military movement, the troops would be able to leave the camp easily. To both sides of gates, there each stood a 20 metre tall watchtower, while the borders of the camp were surrounded by many bright lamps, flickering in the wind, illuminating the entire camp. On each of the watchtowers, there stood an archer sentry posted to keep guard at night. As long as they spotted anything untoward, they could ring the gongs at the top of the watchtowers to sound off the alarm and alert the patrolling soldiers for quick response.

At this point, Shangguan Bing'er was hidden about 500 yards from the Kalise Empire's main camp. Her right hand's little finger and ring finger were grasping an arrow, while in between her index finger and ring finger was another. Her Purple Dawn Bow was drawn slowly with the arrow between her index and ring fingers nocked, ready and aiming towards the one of the Watchtowers in the distance.

Zhou Weiqing was steadily closing in on the Kalise Empire campsite, and he was gradually running out of cover to hide behind. In that instance, Shangguan Bing'er's Purple Dawn Bow moved.

"Swoosh* *Swoosh* Two sounds softly rang out, and two arrows shot out almost right after the other. When shooting forth these two arrows, she had used a rather ingenious little trick, using a slightly varying strength when shooting both arrows, with the second arrow having a little more strength than the first. By doing so, both arrows actually struck their targets at the same time. To ensure a one hit kill at such a distance, Shangguan Bing'er had used her Wind Attribute Heavenly Energy to boost the power of the shots.

*Puff* *Puff* Another two light sounds rang out. Even at such a range, both arrows slammed into the heads of the sentries, one directly hitting the Taiyang Acupuncture Point and piercing through, while the other struck right smack in the mouth and piercing through into the brain. Although the explosive power of the Wind Attribute was not very strong, but to a soft target like the brains, it was still extremely terrifying. Without much sound, their bodies crumpled to the ground of the watchtowers.

As this was happening, Zhou Weiqing also burst forth instantaneously, circulating his Heavenly Energy to the max. The distance of 300 yards was cleared in five bounds, and seizing the opportunity that there weren't any patrols about, his right leg slammed onto the ground. With the formidable strength of his right foot, he was able to leap up five metres, jumping over the fence of the entrance, and he leapt his way up one of the watchtowers like a leopard.

In the distance, Shangguan Bing'er's heart was in her throat as she nocked another arrow to her drawn bow, ready to support Zhou Weiqing at any time.

The plan was a success. When Zhou Weiqing ascended the watchtower, he still had not been discovered by any enemies. He felt like his heart was racing, the palpitations quickly increasing as his excitement grew.

Including the two archers on the watchtower, they had already killed 36 people this night, and were just 60 away from their goal of revenge. Zhou Weiqing took a deep breath as he looked down from the watchtower deeper into the camp. Due to the lights from the lanterns, he was able to get a good look of it with such a panoramic view.

The Kalise Empire Camp and the Heavenly Bow Empire camps were actually rather similar; with Heavy Infantry being 10 men to a tent, while the light infantry were 30 people to a tent. Zhou Weiqing did not have any particular fixed target, and after some careful observation, he found a target to lock on.

He had after all just joined the army not long ago, and he was not very familiar with the situation in military camps. Furthermore, due to the limitation on the amount of Heavenly Energy he had, he only had one chance to strike before he had to withdraw. After all, he had to retain enough Heavenly Energy to beat a retreat. As such, his choice of target was one of the largest tents. That tent was actually almost a whole kilometer away from the watchtower he was in, but it was brilliantly illuminated and was actually being patrolled by an entire company of soldiers, and was obviously a very important place.

That's it. Zhou Weiqing lifted his right hand, and the sole Icy Jade Physical Jewel around his right wrist shone forth brightly, as he released his Overlord Bow quickly. At the same time, the attribute wheel in his eye revolved to the blue region, and immediately above his left hand sparked out a rich electrical light.

Amongst all of Zhou Weiqing's Stored Skills, among the six attributes, he only had a single attack skill, and it was of the lightning attribute…

Chapter 85: Sharing Life and Death (1)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

As the Overlord Bow formed amidst a cloud of icy mist, Zhou Weiqing shifted it to his left hand, his arm holding steady as he lifted it up. At that time, the rose coloured Alexandrite Cat's Eye around his left wrist could clearly be seen to be surrounded by bright crackling blue electricity.

As Zhou Weiqing focused his will, the Alexandrite Cat's Eye Jewel quietly moved and slid into the socket on the Overlord Bow. Instantly, the misty white bow turned into a brilliant blue, even down to the bowstring. Zhou Weiqing felt a sense of numbness in his body as if he were being given a minor electric shock, as bolts of electricity crackled around his wrist, and flowing towards the body of the bow in a brilliant light.

"Who's there?!" A sudden loud shout came from below, followed by hurried footsteps from the distance heading towards the watchtower.

Now that Zhou Weiqing was standing high up on the watchtower to have a good view, it also meant that others would be able to spot him easily. Normally, the dark of the night would be sufficient cover for him. However, now that he was preparing to use his Elemental and Physical Jewel Fusion Technique, causing the Overlord Bow to glow so brightly, how could he not be seen?

Taking in a deep breath, with the four energy whirlpools at his Death Acupuncture Points spinning at full speed, he slowly drew back the extremely tough bowstring of the Overlord Bow. The Stars Wood body of the arrow he was nocking at this point was actually affected, and turned into a piercing blue colour.

As Zhou Weiqing drew the Overlord Bow, he felt as though his entire body had a strong suction force on his surroundings. The force seemed to draw in the Lightning energy from the surroundings, and the sheer destructive force of it seemed to be a primed explosive ready to blow up at any second.

The patrolling soldiers were now charging over. Alas for them, there weren't any archers amongst the patrolling soldiers, and they could only climb up the watchtower as fast as they could.

The Overlord Bow stretched to its limit, its bright light reflecting and contrasting with the moonlight and starlight in the skies. Shangguan Bing'er could see everything clearly from the distance, and with Zhou Weiqing perched vulnerably atop the the watchtower, she did not stay idle. Shooting forth arrow after arrow from a long distance, she was picking off the soldiers individually as they attempted to climb up the watchtower to get to him.

*Clang* *Clang* *Clang* The piercing sound of an alarm gong rang out, and the entire Kalise Empire camp was instantly roused up, this campsite of several tens of thousands of soldiers riled up in a mess due to just Zhou Weiqing alone.

Right at that moment, an immense roar that shook everyone's soul rang out suddenly. The entire sky was filled with a immense bolt of blue lightning, so very clear in the pitch black night. Like a descending meteor, the blue lightning bolt flew right straight into the midst of the Kalise Empire Camp.

Zhou Weiqing did not even look at the results of his strike, as he swiftly shot three more ordinary arrows to pick off the climbing soldiers, then with his right foot stamping hard onto the watchtower floor, he launched himself into the air.

*BANG——* The explosion that rang out first was from the bolt of blue lightning. Although the target was a kilometer away, the power and speed of the arrow shot from the Overlord Bow was just too terrifying.

In the ensuing violent blast, the large tent a kilometer away which Zhou Weiqing had targeted instantly exploded with a deafening sound. If one were to observe from above, the tent's explosion causing a ring of blue light to spread out from the ground zero of the explosion. Flames sprang forth and screams and cries were heard.

It was quickly followed by four smaller explosions, three of which were caused by the latter three arrows Zhou Weiqing fired. He did not even bother aiming, and just shot them into where there were more soldiers massed. With the explosive effect of the Overlord Bow, even though Zhou Weiqing did not make use of any Elemental Jewel skills, the arrows were still extremely deadly, exploding right in the midst of all the incoming Kalise soldiers and causing at least ten or so casualties per strike.

As for the last rumbling sound, it was actually due to Zhou Weiqing destroying the watchtower. The floor of the top part of the watchtower actually disintegrated as he stomped hard onto it, while he made use of the opposing force to launch himself away.

By this time, Shangguan Bing'er had already stood up in the distance, the Purple Dawn Bow in her hands launching out arrows unceasingly, wielding the Rapid Fire skill to its maximum possibility. In that short amount of time, she had shot forth more than 30 arrows, single-handedly suppressing the soldiers from chasing Zhou Weiqing.

"Let's go!" Zhou Weiqing charged forth and signaled to Shangguan Bing'er. Both of them immediately turned and fled at top speed, not even looking back.

At this moment, ten figures flew ahead from the Kalise Army, and one of them could be heard shouting: "The granary is burning! Xiao Ye Ye, go and organize a team to put out the fires and save as much as you can! The rest of you, follow me. We must not allow them to escape!"

The person who spoke was naturally the 9th Prince of the Kalise Empire, Bai Jiu, and the ten other figures were the other Jewel Masters in the camp. No one could possibly be in a good mood after being awakened from deep sleep suddenly, not to mention being startled awake in fear. Bai Jiu's tent was rather close to the large tent that was Zhou Weiqing's target, and the immense explosion had not only given him such a huge shock that he was awakened, but he had even wet his pants. As a result, he was angered so much that his face turned pale, and he had quickly changed his pants and rushed out, leading the Jewel Masters to give chase crazily.

"Little Fatty, what was that skill you used just now? Why was there such a massive effect?" Shangguan Bing'er asked curiously as they ran along in retreat. Even though she was so far away, the immense explosion had given her a shock.

Zhou Weiqing grinned and said: "Heh, I have successfully completed Storing all the Skills for my first Elemental Jewel. Remember that arrow which saved your life? That was using the Darkness Skill, named 'Touch of Darkness', and you have already seen how it is compatible with the Overlord Bow's fusion technique."

"The one that I used today is the only attacking skill I have, and I managed to get it from a Zong Stage Heavenly Beast that I do not know the name of, and was found in the last door which have various unknown or mutated Heavenly Beast. The skill name is called 'Lightning Explosive Palm', and is originally a strong melee skill. However, when used together with the Overlord Bow, it actually has an impressive change. Just think, the 'Lightning Explosive Palm' has a strong explosive effect of its own coupled with the lightning attribute. The explosive effect of my Overlord Bow compounds it, and with this double explosive effect, how can it not have a huge explosion?

"Alas, with the limited Heavenly Energy that I have, I can only use a single fusion technique no matter which skill I use. If not, I would repeatedly fire skills and wreak havoc on them."

Listening to his words, a cold thrill ran through Shangguan Bing'er's heart. She knew that if she fought with Zhou Weiqing in a one versus one battle now, he would likely lose to her. After all, she had a huge advantage in terms of amount of Heavenly Energy, and also had the boost of an additional set of Heavenly Jewels. However, she could just imagine once Zhou Weiqing cultivated more and got sufficient energy to sustain all his skills, that would be extremely terrifying. With the advantage he had from having multiple elemental attributes, he did not even need to cooperate with anyone, and could just do so himself by combining skills with synergy.

Chapter 86: Sharing Life and Death (2)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

Zhou Weiqing grinned and said: "Heh, isn't that awesome! I named the two fusion skills too. 'Overlord Binding Arrow 1' and 'Overlord Lightning Explosive Arrow'."

Shangguan Bing'er said curiously: "What are your other skills then?"

Zhou Weiqing said: "I was unable to find an Evil Alignment Heavenly Beast to Store Skills, but it seems like my Elemental Jewel somehow came originally with the Evil Alignment Skill Stored within already. As for Wind Attribute, I have Stored the 'Fetters of Wind' Skill, and for the Spatial Attribute, it is the 'Blink' Skill."

"Fetters of Wind?! Blink?!" Shangguan Bing'er cried out in surprise. The two skill names were like extremely famous and she had definitely heard of them before. After all, they were high quality skills that could only be obtained from Zong Stage Heavenly Beasts! One was a Control Type Skill, while the other was an extremely formidable life saving skill. These high quality skills were extremely hard to store, and in general only Zong Level Jewel Masters would be able to even try.

Adding on to that those Skills she hadn't even heard of, like the 'Touch of Darkness', 'Lightning Explosive Palm', down to the unknown Evil Attribute Skill. Perhaps because Zhou Weiqing was only at the first set of Jewels, his strength was not obvious yet. However, the more he cultivated, the more those skills would grow and evolve together with him. In the future, when he reached the Zong Level and got his 6th set of Heavenly Jewels…

As she thought up to this point, there was only one phrase left in Shangguan Bing'er's mind to describe him: Absolutely Terrifying.

"Little Fatty, you shouldn't have told me. To us Heavenly Jewel Masters, our Elemental Jewel Skills are our greatest secrets. Furthermore, your skills are all so strong. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked." Shangguan Bing'er said apologetically.

Zhou Weiqing laughed and said: "Keeping a secret is against outsiders. Why would I need to keep secrets from you?" Just as he finished his sentence, he suddenly grabbed Shangguan Bing'er, and pounced onto her, dropping them both to the ground. Because of the sheer sudden motion, both of them rolled for a distance. In that instance when he pounced onto her, a Silent Arrow flew past right where they had been and disappeared into the darkness.

"It's that fellow again. Zhou Weiqing immediately identified the attacker. No matter archery skills or cultivation level, this person was higher than them. That Silent Arrow was really just so hateful.

By the time he had jumped off from the watchtowers earlier, he only had about 20% of his Heavenly Energy remaining. Even with the energy whirlpools at his four Death Acupuncture Points spinning at top speed, he had only recovered a little, and was still far from being able to use his Overlord Bow.

As Shangguan Bing'er rolled on the ground, she had already released her Consolidated Equipment the Silent Tracking Arrow. As soon as she stabilized, she drew the Purple Dawn Bow and let loose, sending the Silent Tracking Arrow forth into the distance.

To the two of them, what posed the greatest threat was the Silent Arrow of Bai Jiu. Although some of the other Kalise Jewel Masters might actually be stronger than Bai Jiu, in terms of speed they could not compare to him. Not only was his firing rate extremely quick, the Silent Arrow was even deadlier in the dark of the night. With his harassment, Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Bing'er were unable to flee at their maximum speed.

Shangguan Bing'er's Silent Tracking Arrow flew in a straight beeline towards Bai Jiu. However, Bai Jiu just reacted calmly, the fourth Jewel on his wrist shining forth with a sudden brilliance, a pale green round shield which seemed rather light appeared in front of him. With a loud clanging sound, it blocked the SIlent Tracking Arrow.

The ten or so Jewel Masters who had followed Bai Jiu in pursuing them were mostly 3 to 4 Jewelled, but there were two 5-Jewelled Jewel Masters. Alas, the two 5-Jewelled Jewelled Masters were not agility or speed based, although they were strong, but they were still not in range yet. Only 5 Speed/Agility based Jewel Masters were still able to keep up with Bai Jiu at this point.

Shangguan Bing'er did not hesitate at all; after firing her arrow, she started running once again together with Zhou Weiqing, constantly making use of the trees and the brush around as cover.

Bai Jiu kept close pursuit. Ignoring everything else, just the fact that he had been scared into pissing his pants was stoking the flames of his rage. That was just too humiliating. Even though he had wet his bed til 10 years old, but hadn't he not done so for 10 years? If he didn't take revenge, how could he call himself a man? Furthermore, he had instantly recognized Shanggang Bing'er, and knew this was a great opportunity for them to kill her. Unfortunately, his teacher had not arrived yet, otherwise…

Just comparing speeds alone, Shangguan Bing'er was a dual agility Heavenly Jewel Master, while Zhou Weiqing had his mysterious Demonic Right Leg. Both of their speeds could be considered extremely impressive. However, the problem was that their cultivation level was just too low, with a single set and two sets of Heavenly Jewels respectively, with Shangguan Bing'er's Heavenly Energy only at the 8th level Heavenly Jing Stage.

On the other hand, for those who were chasing them, even if their speed boosts were lower, but they had the advantage of having a higher cultivation level, as they had at least broken through the Heavenly Shen Energy stage. With such additional boosts, their speed was no lower than Zhou Weiqing or Shangguan Bing'er.

As the chase continued, arrows were exchanged constantly. Although Shangguan Bing'er and Zhou Weiqing managed to occasionally retaliate with some arrows, the 3-4 Jewelled Jewel Masters basically all had life-saving skills. Despite succeeding in injuring some, but it was mostly minor injuries, and Bai Jiu continued leading the chase on, and were in fact slowly gaining ground.

The only relatively good news for the pair was that Zhou Weiqing's Heavenly Energy had mostly recovered. When he ran, most of his speed burst came from the Demonic Right Leg, thus allowing him to save a lot of Heavenly Energy. Coupled with the insane regeneration rate of the Immortal Deity Technique, he had already regained another 70% of his Heavenly Energy in just the hour they had been fleeing.

Right at this moment, right ahead of them at a relatively close distance, a low roar suddenly sounded out. A pair of ghostly green eyes appeared in their vision.

Shangguan Bing'er cried out in startlement: "It's a Forest Direwolf! They are one of the most dangerous and troublesome amongst all the Shi Stage Heavenly Beasts. Although their individual strength are not very strong, but they run in packs. Meeting them now, this is going to be a problem."

"Climb a tree!" Zhou Weiqing made a snap decision. Wolves generally did not have the ability to climb trees, and when facing them, climbing up a tree was generally the best choice. Of course, these Forest Direwolves were Heavenly Beasts, and you couldn't always judge them by the abilities of normal wolves.

"Wuuuuuu ——' A loud wolf's howl sounded out, and whizzing sounds appeared all around. In that moment of chaos, no one could tell how many Forest Direwolves appeared all of a sudden, charging forth and gathering to this point.

These Forest Direwolves did not all charge forth brainlessly. It seemed as if they had prepared for this and knew how to coordinate; some were charging in from the front, while others flanking from the side. They did not just surround Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Bing'er, but also the 6 enemies who were chasing them from behind.

"F***!" Bai Jiu couldn't help but curse in repressed anger and despair. "Hurry up! We have to finish them off before the direwolves completely surround us! Remember, do not attack those damn direwolves! If any of them are injured, they will never give up hunting us to the death." Although chasing and kill Shangguan Bing'er was important, but how could it compare to his own life! Bai Jiu immediately turned and ran.

Chapter 87: Sharing Life and Death (3)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

Naturally, Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Bing'er did not have the time to care about the fate of the Kalise Jewel Masters. The Forest Direwolves had successfully cut off their escape route, and the two of them were now trapped in the large tree they had climbed.

Zhou Weiqing drew his Purple Dawn Bow and was about to test the defence of one of the Forest Direwolves, but was quickly stopped by Shangguan Bing'er. "No! Don't shoot them. These Forest Direwolves are very good at holding grudges. As long as you injure or kill one of their own kind, then we will be in deep trouble. Wait a while, perhaps they might give up and leave."

Right at this point, below their tree, there were many Forest Direwolves gathered and milling around. Zhou Weiqing was also finally able to see their features in the moonlight.

These Forest Direwolves' bodies were around 1.5 metres long, and were entirely greenish grey in colour. Their pair of ghostly green eyes were particularly prominent, but the most obvious trait was the collar of green fur standing up on its back. Their movements were extremely fast, and they were currently jumping around at the bottom of the tree. However, they were also very organised; besides few which had broken off to chase Bai Jiu and the rest of the Kalise Jewel Masters, there were still at least a hundred of the Forest Direwolves gathered around the tree.

Zhou Weiqing came up with a quick idea, and started circulating his Heavenly Energy slowly into his right leg, and instantly he felt the explosive power gather in his leg. Without looking, he knew that the black tattoos would definitely be back on his leg.

He was very clear that the aura of the black pearl would have a restraining effect on Heavenly Beasts. Unfortunately, he had no idea how to control the aura, and the only way he could currently think of was to make use of the black tattoos that appeared once he circulated his Heavenly Energy into his Demonic Right Leg.

Zhou Weiqing's test was rather successful; when his Heavenly Energy circulated to his right leg, an invisible aura extended out. All of a sudden, the direwolves below which had been restlessly moving around suddenly froze and started moving backwards, whimpering, their glowing green eyes showing they were on their guard.

Zhou Weiqing beamed and said: "Yes, it worked! When these bastard wolves retreat, we can head back through the small path."

Right at this moment, a sudden resonant wolf howl rang out, and in a flash of green light, it seemed as if the whole forest was lit up.

It was an extremely huge Forest Direwolf with a body of almost 3 metres in length. The strangest thing was its fur, which wasn't greenish grey like the ordinary direwolves, but a very bright green, as if its huge body was entirely carved out of jade. Its pair of cold eyes glowed with a dim red light, and it was covered in a shimmering green aura.

Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Bing'er exchanged helpless looks: "This wouldn't be a Direwolf King right?"

Shangguan Bing'er's gorgeous face turned pale: "It really is a Direwolf King! Gods! It is a Zun Stage Heavenly Beast. Not to mention us, even 4 or 5-Jewelled Jewel Masters would have problems dealing with it!"

"Wuuuu——" Another loud howl issued out as the Direwolf King looked atop the tree, a anxious and doubtful expression on its face. It could sense the menacing aura from Zhou Weiqing. However, it did not have any sign of retreating, instead taking several careful steps forward.

Zhou Weiqing was after all still young and inexperienced, and he had made an error in judgement. The main reason why he dared to bring Shangguan Bing'er to brave the forests where the Heavenly Beasts lived was the courage brought to him by the Zong Stage Heavenly Beasts' submission when he was Storing Skills. In his mind, if even Zong Stage Heavenly Beasts were afraid of the aura he emitted, how could there be any issues with entering the forest?

Alas, things would not be as simple as he had imagined. Indeed, those Zong Stage Heavenly Beasts had submitted to him when he was Storing Skills, and did not resist at all. He had guessed correctly that it was mainly due to the aura he emitted, but what he did not factor in was that they were all not only sealed, but also extremely weakened. In such a weakened state coupled with being sealed, the aura from the black pearl that Zhou Weiqing emitted indeed held a rather unique power that frightened them. All of that combined to cause them to fear him, bringing the unique scene of their submission to Zhou Weiqing and allowing him to succeed in Skill Storing.

However, the Direwolf King in front of them was very different. Although it was only at the Zun Stage, it was definitely the Lord of this section of the jungle. Though the aura from Zhou Weiqing was terrifying, but it still didn't feel overbearingly strong. An ordinary Forest Direwolf would have retreated from fear, but as a Direwolf King, its pride would not allow it to just retreat like that. At least, not without Zhou Weiqing proving he had the strength that was worthy of its fear.

As the Direwolf King howled out loud, the hundred or so Forest Direwolves which had been backing away stopped doing so, resuming their encircling positions around the tree where Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Bing'er were.

Women are usually timid by nature, and Shangguan Bing'er subconsciously clutched Zhou Weiqing's hands. "Little Fatty, what do we do now?"

The expression on Zhou Weiqing's face was very ugly now; he was the one who had came up with the idea, and brought Shangguan Bing'er here as a changed escape route. In fact, even the whole idea of the night's sneak attack was his plan. There was no such thing as a medicine for curing regret, and he could tell that the Forest Direwolves were about to launch their attack.

At this moment, the memory of his father rose up in his mind, telling him sternly: "Men cannot be afraid of committing mistakes. But once you do so, you must face up to your mistake bravely, and take responsibility."

Turning his head to look at Shangguan Bing'er, he saw her frightened look and the despair in her eyes. Reaching out with his left hand, he softly wrapped her in his arms, embracing her and kissing her rather cold forehead softly.

"I'm sorry, Bing'er. This is all my fault. No matter what, I will ensure your safety. I will cause a distraction and draw their attention, you run from the side and head down the path, and you should reach back to the main path in around 10 li." 1

"Little Fatty, you…" Shangguan Bing'er's vision blurred. Was this really the Zhou Little Fatty who feared death so much?

Zhou Weiqing smiled faintly, taking off the quiver, taking out the arrows within and placing them in Shangguan Bing'er's quiver. He then took off his Purple Dawn Bow and hung it on a branch.

Looking at his gentle but firm actions, the look in Shangguan Bing'er's eyes began to change gradually. She did not try to stop him, and just watched him silently. However, in that instance, her heart had already affirmed him; this was her man. No matter how or why the danger had came about, but when it came, this man who was usually so afraid of death was willing to sacrifice his own life for hers. That was enough, truly enough. 2

In that very instance, the Direwolf King howled once again, and green light emitted from all the various Forest Direwolves, joining together and coalescing together. As Wind Aligned Heavenly Beasts, though these common Forest Direwolves were just at an ordinary Shi Stage, they all had the basic Wind Blades skill. With at least a hundred of these Forest Direwolves using Wind Blades at the same time, without question, the huge tree which Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Bing'er was perched on would soon be shredded into pieces.

Chapter 88: Sharing Life and Death (4)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

"I might be afraid of death, but I will still protect my woman. When men die, their 'bird' has to be facing the sky, otherwise, they will live in shame for a long time 1. I'll fight to the end!" Zhou Weiqing's foot tapped upon the tree branch and his whole body pounced downwards. He definitely would not allow the Forest Direwolves to destroy the large tree where Shangguan Bing'er was hiding.

As his body leapt forth from the large tree, the Alexandrite Cat's Eye on his left write shone forth with a deep black as his attribute wheel spun to the black area.

The 'Touch of Darkness' instantly spread out, the tentacles reaching out towards the Forest Direwolves below, as he circulated his Heavenly Energy to the maximum, putting forth his aura to its full range…

The Forest Direwolves which had been gathering their power together were instantly scattered around in a mess. With the exception of the Direwolf King, all of them were frightened by the sudden increase in aura, the aura of the King of Beasts.

12 black lights flashed out, almost instantly finding 12 Forest Direwolves close by. With an almost plaintive howl, they were quickly bound by the strong control effect of the Touch of Darkness, and brought together.

At almost the same time, Zhou Weiqing came descending from above, his right leg lifted up high and slamming down with all his considerable might.

With a *Puff* sound, three of the twelve bound Forest Direwolves were struck by his sweeping leg. Instantly, their supposedly tough bodies split apart just like a watermelon, and blood spurted out everywhere, covering Zhou Weiqing all over.

Feeling the stench of fresh blood, the red in Zhou Weiqing's eyes thickened as bloodlust overtook him. His confidence rose, and with a flash of his body, he had spun to the side. He needed to charge forth as far as he could with all his effort and lure all the Forest Direwolves away, to allow Shangguan Bing'er some breathing room. As she had mentioned earlier, as long as he injured or killed these Forest Direwolves, they would seek revenge upon him til either side was dead. Since that is so, come on!

With Zhou Weiqing's current level of power, unless he used his Overlord Bow, it should be hard for him to actually kill these Forest Direwolves in a one versus one fight. However, the strength of his Demonic Right Leg was just too overpowering, and he actually managed to kill three in one single blow.

Just as Zhou Weiqing landed his blow, a cold light shot down from the tree. With a loud *swoosh*, it drilled right through the eye of one of the bound Forest Direwolves. A pained cry ensued, as it struggled in its death throes.

"You fool! What are you doing?!" Although Zhou Weiqing was in the midst of running, with his powerful senses, how could he possibly miss that arrow? How could she shoot an arrow at this time?! She should have waited for him to draw away these damn direwolves before making her escape!

Shangguan Bing'er did not reply him. At this time, she could only feel the warmth on her forehead that Zhou Weiqing had left behind.

You foolish Little Fatty, even you who are so afraid of death, have the courage to charge into the direwolves to save my life. How could I possibly abandon you and run off on my own? If we must die today, then let's die together. Since you were willing to sacrifice yourself for me, I will not feel wronged to die together with you.

With such a feeling fortifying her heart, Shangguan Bing'er was no longer afraid. Every arrow she shot out was infused with Wind Attribute Heavenly Energy, and her Purple Dawn Bow fired repeatedly like lightning, and in a blink of an eye, she had slain five of the bound Forest Direwolves.

It was normally very difficult for an archer to hit these Forest Direwolves, as they were Wind Attribute Heavenly Beasts known for their speed. However, with the bindings from the Touch of Darkness, it was much easier, and within that short period of time, the duo had actually finished off eight.

At this moment, the Direwolf King suddenly moved, and over thirty of the Forest Direwolves also spat out the Wind Blades they had been charging, aimed towards the large tree where Shangguan Bing'er was.

In the direction where Zhou Weiqing had leapt towards, the ordinary Forest Direwolves subconsciously retreated due to the aura from him. However, right in that instant, Zhou Weiqing felt a blur in front of him, and the huge Direwolf King appeared all of a sudden just 10 yards ahead of him; that speed was even faster than Shangguan Bing'er when she was using her Wind Wielding Boots!

This Direwolf King's intelligence was rather high, and it was very wary about Zhou Weiqing's aura as well as his Demonic Right Leg. As such, it chose not to move into close combat with Zhou Weiqing, and instead shot forth twelve green Wind Blade from its body, spreading out like a beautiful and deadly green flower, slicing forth at Zhou Weiqing from many different angles.

Dammit, twelve Wind Blades! Is this the power of a Zun Stage Heavenly Beast? An immense pressure fell upon Zhou Weiqing as the unbelievably quick Wind Blades swiftly reached him at the different angles, and it seemed like it was a hopeless situation for him!

The Direwolf King' Wind Blades were each about one metre long, and as they spread out in a fan shape, the sharp shrill sound of them slicing through the air was bone chilling. Zhou Weiqing had no doubts that these Wind Blades would be able to dismember him, and more.

The strength of having multiple-skills in his Alexandrite Cat's Eye showed itself at this point, and in a quick, silver flash, Zhou Weiqing vanished from his original position just as the twelve Wind Blades swept across the air where he had been standing. In the next moment, he had not retreated but instead Blinked and appeared 3 yards closer to the Direwolf King. At the same time, he raised his left hand once again, and another green flash lit up as he activated his Fetters of Wind.

This could be said to be Zhou Weiqing going all out! Facing the threat of death, saving his Heavenly Energy was the last thing on his mind.

As expected, the Direwolf King's body froze, bound instantly by the Fetters of Wind. With a huge lunge, Zhou Weiqing closed the gap, his right leg striking out towards the Direwolf King's head.

Alas, just as his right leg was about to hit the Direwolf King, with a green flash it had dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding his leg.

The Fetters of Wind did not work? Zhou Weiqing was in shock. After all, amongst all his Skills, the Fetters of Wind was the strongest in terms of control ability.

In actual fact, the Fetters of Wind did not fail him, instead its duration had been shortened considerably. After all, the Direwolf King was a Wind Attribute Heavenly Beast itself, and had a very strong resistance against Wind Attribute Skills. Furthermore, Zhou Weiqing's true strength was not even on the same level as the Direwolf King. Even if it was considered one of the weakest of all the Zun Stage Heavenly Beasts, but it was still Zun Stage! Zhou Weiqing was merely a low level Shi Jewel Master, and their basic levels were just too far apart.

As such, his Fetters of Wind was only able to bind the Direwolf King for just a short period of time. No matter how powerful the Alexandrite Cat's Eye Elemental Jewel was, it was after all still Zhou Weiqing's first and only Jewel.

At the same time, on the other side of the battlefield, alongside the shrill cutting sound, the huge tree which Shangguan Bing'er had been on totally disintegrated.

In a green blur, Shangguan Bing'er had leapt forth at the last second, the Wind Wielding Boots already Consolidated on her feet, pushing her speed to its very maximum. While in midair, she managed to shoot forth another two more arrows. Alas, against the moving Forest Direwolves, they were able to better protect their weak points. Although she still managed to hit two of them, but it struck harmlessly off their bodies, their thick and resilient fur full of stopping power. Even with the strength of the Purple Dawn Bow, she only managed to deal minor injuries.

These Forest Direwolves were afraid of the aura from Zhou Weiqing, but they were definitely not afraid of Shangguan Bing'er. Instantly, a large number of Forest Direwolves sprang up and pounced towards her. As a result, she no longer had any more time and leeway to fire off anymore arrows, and could only depend on her Wind Wielding Boots mounted with one of her Elemental Jewels in order to constantly dodge, as she attempted to make her way towards Zhou Weiqing.

Chapter 89: Demonic Change (1)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

"Run quickly!" Zhou Weiqing shouted at Shangguan Bing'er in anger and anxiety. Alas, at this time, the Direwolf King once again released 12 Wind Blades to attack him.

Against this sort of multi-directional attack, with Zhou Weiqing's current speed, there was no possibility that he could just dodge it. As such, he had no choice but to use another Blink to save himself.

Shangguan Bing'er ignored Zhou Weiqing's shout once again. By now, she was about five yards from him, and with a wave of her left hand, three Wind Blades flew out and knocked back three of the Forest Direwolves. As her body blurred and flashed once again, she had arrived at Zhou Weiqing's side. Speaking clearly and unhurriedly: "We… shall… share… life …and… death… together. 1"

Zhou Weiqing was now nearing the end of his limits, he was after all only at the 4th level of Heavenly Energy, and although he had not been using his Overlord Bow, but repeated use of his skills had drained a huge amount of Heavenly Energy. However, upon hearing Shangguan Bing'er's words, it was as if his blood started boiling.

It's worth it, truly worth it. Even if I just have this one woman in my life, for that one time, but being able to die for her, it is worth it.

The Direwolf King's eyes were cold and cruel. After the few times it had exchanged blows with Zhou Weiqing, it had already seized up his true strength. Besides his right leg, that human was not of any other threat to it, and he would also not be able to sustain his Heavenly Energy much longer. As such, it had a plan to deal with Zhou Weiqing easily. and was not feeling any sense of urgency. It did not need to use any other skills, nor did it give Zhou Weiqing any chance to get near, and just sent forth another twelve Wind Blades. This time, it was even more cunning; instead of targeting Zhou Weiqing, it targeted Shangguan Bing'er.

No matter how good the Blink Skill was, it wouldn't allow him to bring someone along with him. At least, not at Zhou Weiqing's current power levels.

Looking at the twelve Wind Blades assailing her from all directions, blocking off all possible escape routes, Shangguan Bing'er closed her eyes in despair. She was resigned to a fate; at least she had managed to reach his side before she died.

"Damn it! You silly girl!" Zhou Weiqing swiftly lifted his right and swept across, blocking six of the Wind Blades, while leaping onto Shangguan Bing'er and pushing her to the ground.

The Wind Blades struck Zhou Weiqing's right leg, causing a string of *Puff* sounds, and his trousers leg was also shredded into pieces, revealing the leg inside with the black tiger tattoos.

The Demonic Right Leg was indeed tyrannical. Under such a flurry of attacks, it was still totally undamaged. Alas, that was only true for his right leg…

With the sweep of his leg and the leap, his right leg had been hit by six Wind Blades, and he had successfully dodged three, but the last three still hit solidly onto his body.

A grating scraping sound sounded out as they struck him, and Zhou Weiqing felt his back heat up, and the Titanium Alloy inner armour was torn into bits. Although Titanium Alloy was strong, the inner armour was rather thin, and the Magic Tenacious Snake was merely a Shi Stage Heavenly Beast, and its sinew was not able to withstand the power of the Wind Blades of the Direwolf King. Although it had blocked off most of the impact and offensive power of the Wind Blades from Zhou Weiqing, it had shattered in doing so.

With a muffled grunt, Zhou Weiqing almost spat out blood with the huge impact along with the strong cutting sensation on his back, as three deep lines of blood were marked on his back.

With a buzzing sound, Zhou Weiqing felt as if something had invaded his brain, the entire attribute wheel seemed to turn totally blood red, and the Heavenly Energy in his Dantian seemed to rush out explosively. An incomparably cruel, evil mood seemed to strike him, causing him to experience all sorts of negative feelings.

Shangguan Bing'er was pressed down to the ground by Zhou Weiqing, and also gave out a muffled grunt as the air was knocked out of her. Subconsciously, she opened her eyes again, only to see that Zhou Weiqing's eyes, which had turned totally bloodshot again, with an even deeper red than the night he had taken her. An incomparably cold aura exploded forth from him suddenly, that freezing cold, evil feeling making her tremble.

As a breath of hot air blasted onto Shangguan Bing'er's face, and there was a tremor in her heart. All of a sudden, Zhou Weiqing's right hand slammed into the ground savagely, just right in front of her face.

With a dull *Peng* sound, the ground caved in about three feet down, causing Shangguan Bing'er to tumble down along with it, though she was not actually injured at all. Zhou Weiqing, on the other hand, used the impact from him striking the ground to vault up and leap away.

Zhou Weiqing's body tumbled crosswise, and in the process, his clothes were totally shredded, his entire body's bones crackling with a strange explosion sound, while his muscles grew and expanded very obviously, his entire skin surface covered completely by the fierce black tiger tattoo. The most terrifying thing was that at this moment, those tattoos were acting like they were alive, unceasingly moving and wriggling around on his skin.

Zhou Weiqing's Heavenly Jewels around both his wrists also seemed to go through a change, the Ice Jade becoming a lot clearer and transparent as it whirled around his wrist. The Alexandrite Cat's Eye on the other wrist also went through a similar change; its original bright rose red color became brighter and fresher, as if it were dripping blood, while the originally bright sparkle surrounding it had turned into a grey light.

His body tumbling for three revolutions in midair, Zhou Weiqing finally fell to the ground in a loud crash, landing hard on his hands and left foot to support his entire body, while his right leg was lifted up high in the sky. It could clearly be seen that his whole right leg was now completely black, a thick grey air swirling around it. His whole head of short black hair had also turned grey, and his bloodshot eyes just looked so terrifying.

"Demonic – Change – !" The words suddenly presented themselves in Shangguan Bing'er's heart. At this very moment, her entire heart clenched tightly in sudden fear. Without a doubt, Zhou Weiqing's current appearance was very similar to that of the Demonic Change of legend. To her knowledge, there were two possible situations for the Demonic Change to occur.

The first was when a Heavenly Jewel Master with the Evil Attribute received an intense external stimulation, causing them to go through a temporary Demonic Change. During the Demonic Change, the Heavenly Jewel Master would go berserk, gaining a huge boost in strength but at the cost of sanity and presence of mind, going around in mindless slaughter until nothing around was left alive. This situation, while it sounded bad, was actually relatively better. This was because after this bout of slaughter, the Heavenly Jewel Master would actually regain control of his mind, although he would be weakened for a period of time.

Alas, the second situation was much more terrifying and detrimental to the Heavenly Jewel Master. It was an irreversible Demonic change. This type of Demonic Change had a very low probability of happening, but once it appeared, only the word 'disaster' could describe it.

When the Heavenly Jewel Master went through the irreversible Demonic Change, his entire body would be completely turned into a demon, until he was no longer human. The process of going berserk and kill hungry would last forever, indulging in slaughter until he died, and such a change would also bring an even greater increase in strength and destructive power, almost up to several times that of the other Demonic Change. This was also why in the past, all of the Skill-Storing Palaces of the various large countries in the entire Boundless Mainland had joined forces to hunt down all of the Evil Attribute Heavenly Jewel Masters.

Chapter 90: Demonic Change(2)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

Without a doubt, having faced a life threatening situation, adding on the bloodlust he had been influenced with throughout the night, Zhou Weiqing had somehow entered the Demonic Change. At this point, Shangguan Bing'er's mind was entirely blank. She knew that no matter what happened, the final outcome for her would not change. Whether Zhou Little Fatty in his Demonic Change state could kill off all the Forest Direwolves or the Forest Direwolves overcoming him, the final result would also lead to her death. Having lost control of his own state of mind, Zhou Little Fatty would end up killing her. However, she still hoped that he could win, at least dying at his hands would be better as compared to becoming the food of the Forest Direwolves.

Crouching down on the ground, Zhou Weiqing's body repeatedly released layer upon layer of the grey air currents. If his previous aura caused the Forest Direwolves to just feel some fear, then at this point in time, besides the Direwolf King, all of the ordinary Forest Direwolves were all lying down on the ground, having lost even the courage to stand up after feeling the aura.

The Direwolf King gave out hurried and rapid howls repeatedly, but its fellow direwolves did not react at all, not paying any attention to its as they cowered.

The Direwolf King was also trembling, was that really a human in front of it? The aura it was giving forth was something that not even the king of beasts was able to compare!

Under the stress of both anger and fear, the Direwolf King gave an enraged roar, as it lifted its two front claws, the green light surrounding it doubled in power, painting the surrounding forests in an emerald hue. As its front claws struck towards the front, a shade which looked exactly like a duplicate of itself soared towards Zhou Weiqing.

This was the Direwolf King's strongest skill, and it was called 'Shattering Heavens Wolf Clone', and was known as one of the strongest Wind Attribute Skills amongst the first six Jewels. It had the sheer cutting force tantamount to that of a tornado, and was not just unbelievably quick, but also able to lock onto a target within 50 yards, and would continue attacking the target until death.

At this moment, a low roar resounded from Zhou Weiqing, sounding deep and rumbling, just like a tiger's roar. The grey air around his body seemed to spread outwards, and the Forest Direwolves cowering on the ground actually foamed at the mouth and flopped down unconscious, some even letting lose excrement and urine in their fear.

Zhou Weiqing moved once again, his right leg which was lifted up high behind him swept the ground suddenly, his entire body shooting forth horizontally like a bolt of black lightning, dodging past the 'Shattering Heavens Wolf Clone''s direct charge, and with a midair flip, he appeared above two Forest Direwolves. As he stretched out both his hands and pressed upon their heads, and with two cracking sounds, the Forest Direwolves' skulls were smashed apart.

Wolves were known for their tough heads and soft waists, in general the hardest part of their whole bodies was actually their heads, but under Zhou Weiqing's hands, which were now fully covered by the evil looking tiger tattoos, the two Forest Direwolves' skulls actually caved in so easily.

Zhou Weiqing did not pause a second, as his body dipped down, once again barely dodging the pursuit from the 'Shattering Heavens Wolf Clone'. Moving at an incomparable speed, with seemingly perfect coordination and balance, the most frightening thing was his pair of ice-cold bloodshot eyes, like a demon lord of eternity.

Something strange occurred then, when Zhou Weiqing sprang up from the corpses of the two Forest Direwolves, two green lights simultaneously floated out from the heads of the two Forest Direwolves, and Zhou Weiqing gaped his mouth open and the two green lights were swallowed by him. Immediately after, he brandished his right leg and struck the 'Shattering Heavens Wolf Clone'.

As the jet black right leg drew back in a hook, an explosion rang out, as the 'Shattering Heavens Wolf Clone' broke apart in mid air, scattering Wind Attribute Heavenly Energy in all directions in a succession of soft sounds. Some of it landed on Zhou Weiqing's body, causing dozens of small bloody wounds.

But, once again, another terrifying sight appeared, as the lacerations and wounds on Zhou Weiqing's body just started healing themselves at an astonishing rate unexpectedly. However, he did not launch an attack on the Direwolf King, instead dodging to the side and once again smashing two Forest Direwolves. As the Forest Direwolves did not put up any resistances, killing them was as easy as breaking open a watermelon. Furthermore, every time he killed a Forest Direwolf, another green light would appear and be absorbed by him. Whenever that happened, the black-grey light surrounding Zhou Weiqing's body would grow stronger.

If Zhou Weiqing were in his right senses currently, he would have discovered that his attribute wheel was now set in that mysterious evil grey area. The Skill he was using now was the Skill that had somehow came originally with his Heavenly Jewel, that he had never been able to use previously. The Skill was Devour.

This was a Skill from the black pearl, and could be said to be a technique inherited. This was the reason why his Evil Attribute did not need to go through Skill-Storing previously.

The Zhou Weiqing who was now in his Demonic Change, was actually still the original Zhou Weiqing, though his power and senses were several times that of his normal state. More frighteningly, his Demonic Change seemed to be different from any other ordinary Evil Attribute Heavenly Jewel Master's Demonic Change, not only did he indulge in slaughter, but it also allowed him to improve and strengthen himself at the same time.

When he had gone into the Demonic Change state, he had almost finished up all the Heavenly Energy in his body, even if he had been strengthened by the Demonic Change, it was definitely insufficient to support all his slaughtering. As a result, he did not attack the Direwolf King, instead constantly killing the ordinary Forest Direwolves, Devouring their Wind Attribute Heavenly Energy to strengthen himself.

That was exactly how he broke the ''Shattering Heavens Wolf Clone' with a single strike – he had swallowed the two Forest Direwolves' Wind Attribute Heavenly Energy, coupled with the Demonic Right Leg's power in order to do so.

In the Demonic Change state, Zhou Weiqing was not only able to use the Evil Devour Skill to Devour energy, but was even able to Devour his enemy's life force. This was the reason why his injuries suddenly started healing so rapidly.

Almost in an instant, several more Forest Direwolves died in Zhou Weiqing's hands, his aura also gradually becoming more terrifying.

The Direwolf King did not continue attacking Zhou Weiqing any further, its bright green eyes stubbornly staring steadily at him. However, its body was actually slowly retreating step by step, as Zhou Weiqing's terrifying aura was making it hard for the Direwolf King to even think of fighting back. If not for its unwillingness to give up its subordinate direwolves, it would probably already have fled.

The Direwolf King gave out long and loud howls unceasingly, trying to communicate with Zhou Weiqing. Unfortunately, in such a state of Demonic Change, how could Zhou Weiqing possibly communicate?

When the 20th Forest Direwolf was killed by Zhou Weiqing, and he had swallowed the enemy's energy, Zhou Weiqings' body suddenly fell to the ground with a loud thump, and he suddenly raised his head fiercely, a deafening tiger's roar resounding from his mouth.