238 - 245

Chapter 238: Darkness Self Sacrifice Skill (1)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

Every Heavenly Jewel Master had their own rhythm, and when Jiang Fei was struck by Zhou Weiqing's Absolute Delay, she did not know what happened that her speed would be affected like that. The Absolute Delay skill was just too well hidden, and was not a well known skill; even the 9-Jeweled Ming Wu had been affected by it without know what happened. In any outsider's eyes, even in Jiang Fei's own eyes, it was the Thousand Lightning Strikes that caused her to slow down.

Crow's power was finally able to be unleashed to its maximum potential, and the 'Heaven Destruction' effect on the Legendary Axes made its already powerful strikes even more formidable. The huge axes in her hands were swirling and dancing around like two huge fans; Wu Zhengyang's Heavy Sword was also strong, with his Elemental Jewel Skills in combination… but paled in front of the two legendary axes.

Originally, Wu Zhengyang was already unable to keep up with Crow's attacks, no matter in terms of speed or power. Now that he was abruptly struck and numbed by the Thousand Lightning Strikes from Zhou Weiqing, the victory was easily decided.

*BOOM* The 'Heaven Destruction' and Legendary Axes smashed apart the Shimmering Light Shield once more.

This time, Zhou Weiqing did not make any mistakes. Once more, the lightning fast drawing and release of the Overlord Bow, as arrow after arrow streamed towards Jiang Fei. As long as they won this 2v2 match, they would take this entire series and finish it today. As such, Zhou Weiqing did not hold back at all, circulating his Heavenly Energy to its maximum, and placing the Spatial Shackles skill onto the arrows.

If Jiang Fei was not affected by the Absolute Delay, with her power, she could easily handle his incoming attacks. Alas, the three seconds duration of the Absolute Delay played its critical part in this time-sensitive fight, and the arrows struck.

Earlier, Jiang Fei could still use her own attacks to take them down, but with her speed slowed down considerably, she was finally hit by an arrow. Although it wasn't able to damage her at all, protected by her considerable Heavenly Energy as she was, the effect of the Spatial Shackles still landed upon her. That was the entire lynchpin of Zhou Weiqing's plan; to not allow her to rescue Wu Zhengyang from Crow.

Right after Crow had destroyed his Shimmering Light Shield, Wu Zhengyang recovered from his paralysis. After all, his cultivation level was higher than Zhou Weiqing's, and the Thousand Lightning Strikes' offense wasn't great, thus the paralysis wouldn't last for long. Alas, by that time it was already too late, as Crow had already charged in front of him, her axes hurtling down towards him.

Wu Zhengyang had already experienced Crow's terrifying strength first hand in his previous fight, and he immediately knew he could not take that blow head on. Immediately, he backpedalled, the Heavy Sword in his hands striking upwards in an attempted parry. At the same time, he also unleashed a protective skill, as gold light shone forth from his body and covering him.

Unfortunately, all his efforts were to no avail. As Crow's axes smashed down, Wu Zhengyang's Consolidated Heavy Sword was knocked out of his hands, and Crow swiftly took another step forward and launched a heavy kick. History seemed to repeat itself, as her foot lashed out and struck his shield. Next, the exact same 'deja vu' moment recycled itself as the sorrowful Wu Zhengyang flew back like a cannon ball, landing in same spot he had in the first fight. The protective skill had indeed protected him, especially since Crow had not tried to deal any lethal damage, but it definitely did not protect his 'face'. This time, he had not been taken by surprise, and it was Crow who had overpowered him totally.

Crow had just finished dealing with Wu Zhengyang, and at the other side, the Absolute Delay on Jiang Fei had just worn off when she was enveloped in the silver glow of the Spatial Shackles.

The eyes of this young lady, with her ice cold countenance, flashed with an even colder light as a resolute glow filled them. Just as the Absolute Delay effect ended, and she was still in the Spatial Shackles, the black staff in her hands shattered into pieces.

That was right. Shattered. Not withdrawn. As soon as the staff shattered, it split into a large mass of swirling thick black light, gathering around her palms.

With a soft pop, blood spurted out of Jiang Fei's mouth, spraying onto the black light in front of her. The next moment, the other four Consolidated Equipment she was wearing glowed with a brilliant light, and the Spatial Shackles dissolved instantly. Zhou Weiqing's following arrows seemed to be steered by a mysterious force, melding into the black light and dissolving as well, and none of the Skills imbued within were even given the chance to activate.

In the corner of the stage, the judge's expression suddenly changed. Lifting his left hand, six brilliant glowing Star Sapphires appeared as he quickly summoned his Elemental Jewels, instantly releasing twelve solid Ice Shields in front of himself.

"Crow, come back now!" Zhou Weiqing shouted, instantly keeping his Overlord Bow.

Crow had lifted her axes in preparation to attack, but hearing Zhou Weiqing's voice, she started, looking back at him puzzledly.

Zhou Weiqing shouted: "Quick, jump off the stage." As he said that, he was afraid Crow wouldn't react in time, and his right leg struck the ground, leaping towards her and grabbing her arm before jumping off the stage and dragging her along.

Crow did not know why Zhou Weiqing was doing this, but she did not resist his pull as he jumped down. Their feet had just touched the ground when they felt an unbelievably thick, cold aura blaze into air right above their heads, filled with the scent of blood and darkness. The entire plaza seemed to darken for a moment, before the sun once again shone upon them.

Looking back at the stage, they saw Jiang Fei with an ashen pale face, standing dazedly, swaying as if she was about to faint at any moment. The Consolidated Equipment she had worn had now disappeared. On the stage, a huge, nearly thirty yard diameter hole had appeared, and the entire stage was now nearly destroyed.

Without Zhou Weiqing's explanation, Crow immediately understood why he had pulled her down. That attack of Jiang Fei's was just too fiercely terrifying. If they had not jumped off the stage in time, even if they had managed to survive that blow, they would definitely be heavily injured.

"So fierce?" Crow muttered to herself.

Zhou Weiqing shuddered in trepidation as he thought back retrospectively, before saying: "The Darkness Attribute's most overbearing self sacrifice skill… just like Xiao Yan's Flame of Life where he burned his life force. How can it not be fierce? She was already putting her life on the line, if we didn't run, we would just be waiting for death."

At the other side of the competitors stage, the judge was also in bad shape. Although he at the six-Jeweled cultivation level, and Jiang Fei had not targeted the skill at him, he was still caught by the backlash. All twelve of his ice shields had been shattered, and his face was pale as he forcefully restrained himself from vomiting blood. Just like Xiao Yan, this was a five-Jeweled level of self sacrifice skill… but do not forget that Jiang Fei's Attribute was a greater attribute, and she was also an ultimate offense type Heavenly Jewel Master!

Zhou Weiqing made a quick comparison in his heart, and estimated that this Jiang Fei's offensive capabilities were even greater than Xiao Yan's, although her combat expertise and experience were perhaps lower than Xiao Yan. Overall, their total strength might be somewhat equal. If he had to deal with her on a one vs one fight, he might actually have an eighty percent chance of losing, unless he used his Demonic Change to secure the win. With the huge difference in power, Control Skills had limits on their power. Zhou Weiqing was starting to understand why Tang Xian had said his Absolute Delay was so unbelievable after all.

The judge finally suppressed his injuries, and he said solemnly: "Third match, 2 vs 2. Mi'Ou Battle Team's victory."

Jiang Fei looked coldly at Zhou Weiqing standing below before saying coldly: "Coward."

Zhou Weiqing grinned and said: "Heh, beautiful lady, the saying goes that bimbos have large breasts and no brains, but your breasts aren't large but your brains aren't much to speak off! Why should I be so reckless as to take your blow for no reason? Earlier, we already won two fights, so we can afford to lose this one. Since you already used the Self Sacrifice skill, you will not be able to join the future fights. If you have the ability, you can always send out another member of your Mi'Ou Battle Team as powerful as yourself. Since I am confident of winning anyway, why should I risk potential injury or death to take your bow? Do I look that stupid to you? I'm very scared of dying you know? Anyway, come on, who's fighting the fourth fight."

"You….. shameless!" Jiang Fei's face turned even whiter, as she vomited another mouthful of blood with a *Wah* sound.

Wu Zhengyang and Zhu HeiSan quickly jumped up onto the stage, supporting Jiang Fei as they glared at Zhou Weiqing.

Zhou Weiqing gave an innocent look as he shrugged: "What… is being scared of death against the law? You've already won this fight, why do you still say I'm shameless? That's called strategy!"

"Both sides, please get off the stage, we will need to repair it." The judge's rather gloomy voice sounded out.

Zhou Weiqing smiled at Jiang Fei and said: "Beautiful lady, I'll see you later then." As such, he headed back to the Rest House.

As soon as he entered the Rest House, the smile on his face vanished as he sucked in a deep breath, saying to the other three members: "What a terrifying self sacrifice skill… what a powerful ultimate offense Heavenly jewel Master. Just now, I saw that the stage was still being corroded and eaten away constantly, lucky we dodged the attack just now."

Crow said curiously: "Weiqing, do you also know this Self Sacrifice skill?" She knew that Zhou Weiqing also had the Darkness Attribute. 1"

Zhou Weiqing said with a bitter smile: "No, I do not. Each and every self sacrifice type skill are all secret techniques, they are a learned skill, not Elemental Jewel Stored Skills. I do not have any teachers in that matter, nor have I researched into it myself, so I naturally do not know. I am sure that my dad knows though, in the future I will learn it from him. Earlier, when I dragged you down the stage, it was actually because of the judge's reactions. His shocked face, his quick summoning of his defenses… as a six-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master trusted to be the judge, if he has such a reaction, naturally it will be something we will find extremely difficult to handle. That was the main reason why I guessed it was a self sacrifice skill."

Ye Paopao furrowed his brow and said: "This Mi'Ou Battle Team is surprisingly tough, if their other team members are just as strong, we will be in deep trouble."

Zhou Weiqing smiled faintly and said: "The Mi'Ou Empire might be stronger than my Heavenly Bow Empire, but not by such a huge margin, and is definitely weaker than the Fei Li Empire. For it to have one or two geniuses is not surprising, but if a large number of geniuses appear, I'm sure that their surrounding empires will be the first to react. Do not worry, I am very confident that Jiang Fei is their strongest member, and none of their other members will be as powerful as even Wu Zhengyang.

That fight was probably the most exciting, most violent fight of the tournament thus far; having even the entire stage destroyed!

In all the battle teams' respective Rest Houses, all the members were discussing the fight. Without question, Jiang Fei's power had totally eclipsed Zhou Weiqing and Crow's light, and could be said to have overshadowed everyone thus far. A Darkness Attribute Heavenly Jewel Master who knew the self sacrifice skill was definitely a terrifying force, furthermore she was an ultimate offense type Heavenly Jewel Master.

Chapter 239: Darkness Self Sacrifice Skill (2)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

However, any discerning observer could tell that this was likely the end of the Mi'Ou Battle Team's run in this tournament. Jiang Fei had been too rash, using the self sacrifice skill in the first round. Although it might not be as damaging to oneself as the Flame of Life Skill, it would still take her at least half a month to fully recover. Without her power as the mainstay, how could the Mi'Ou Battle Team possibly reach second in the group, especially with this round likely being a loss.

An old man abruptly appeared out of nowhere, dressed in the robes of the ZhongTian Skill Storing Palace, but with a purple-gold crown on his head. Walking slowly, almost casually, he stepped into the air as if walking up the stairs, and in moments he stood above the tournament stage.

Lifting his right hand, he pressed downwards in the air towards the stage, and it was clear to the observers that the air seemed to twist violently as a silver light flashed. In the next instant, the huge stage that was still being corroded suddenly vanished, with not even a speck of dust to show it was once there.

All the battle team members who had been chatting animatedly amongst themselves were suddenly silenced by that sight, as if their necks had been gripped by an invisible vice. The entire plaza fell into a strange silence as they watched in fascination.

Next, several men dressed in the ZhongTian Skill Storing Palace uniform came out one after the other, supporting a huge Diamond Rock. Within the time taken to brew a pot of tea, a brand new stage had been built.

The old man floating in the air said passively: "Let the tournament continue then." After saying that, he seemed to take a step forward in midair, vanishing instantly.

If one observed very carefully, one might discover that in the corner of the VIP Stage, a person appeared suddenly.

Ye Paopao swallowed hard, saying with some difficulty: "What sort of power level is that?"

Zhou Weiqing sighed and said: "Spatial Attribute… If I've not guessed wrongly, he is likely a King Stage Heavenly Jewel Master with the Spatial Attribute. Ahhh, damn, just too strong! No wonder they say that from the nine Jeweled cultivation level onwards, it's a whole new frontier. Just like that old man just now, I��m sure he could take out all of us twenty four battle teams easily without breaking a sweat."

After saying that, Zhou Weiqing stood back up and headed towards the stage, while a short, plump youth walked forward from the Mi'Ou Battle Team at the same time.

The judge had also changed, and the new one said solemnly: "Fei Li Battle Team versus Mi'Ou Battle Team, fourth fight, one versus one, both participants please introduce yourselves."

"Fei Li Battle Team, Zhou Weiqing."

"Mi'Ou Battle Team, Little Worm."

On hearing his opponent's name, Zhou Weiqing almost laughed, thinking to himself: With your size, you're still called Little Worm? You should be called Meat Worm!


As the judge shouted, the fight officially started, and both sides sprang into action. Little Worm took two abrupt steps back, his stubby arms lifting up as a thick yellow light shone forth. Instantly, a tall earth wall sprang up in front of him like an immense shield, and his next movement was actually to push this three yard wide, 2 yard tall wall as he charged towards Zhou Weiqing with it in front of him.

What was that about? Zhou Weiqing couldn't help but think curiously as he released his own Heavenly Jewels.

Little Worm ran rather quickly, and wall after wall rose rapidly on the stage, closing in from both sides of Zhou Weiqing, boxing him in and restricting his movement.

As Little Worm unleashed his earth walls, Zhou Weiqing saw the Physical Jewels around his right hand; similar to his own, there were three Icy Jade signifying the Strength Attribute. As Zhou Weiqing had expected, the three members who had appeared in the first three fights were already the most powerful amongst the Mi'Ou Battle Team.

Watching Little Worm push the earth walls towards him, Zhou Weiqing suddenly understood what he was trying to do.

Obviously, he was afraid of his arrows, and was using these earth walls to restrict his movement and his arrows. As for pushing the wall towards him in a charge, it was likely to use that to knock him off the platform. Although this plan was rather strange, against an ordinary archer and with the rules of the tournament of fighting on the platform, it would have some chance of success.

Alas, Zhou Weiqing was no ordinary archer, and was also a Strength Heavenly Jewel Master. Furthermore, just like Crow, his strength was far beyond any normal Strength Heavenly Jewel Master!

As Little Worm's wall reached almost ten yards from Zhou Weiqing, and just as Zhou Weiqing was about to react, he suddenly felt his body dip down in a strong sense of pressure. The entire platform seemed to be filled with a strange power drawing his body down, impeding all his movement.

What is this? Increased Gravity? Zhou Weiqing was caught by surprise. After all, amongst all the Earth Attribute Skills, this was a powerful nine star rated skill. Just a single Jeweled level was able to double gravity, and each Jewel would increase it by another 100% 1. With three Jewels, Little Worm could already increase gravity by threefold. Although this Skill had a huge drain on Heavenly Energy and also with an area of effect, it was extremely rare to be found on a three-Jeweled cultivation level Heavenly Jewel Master. It could be seen as a yellow glow around Zhou Weiqing's feet.

When the increased gravity was activated, Little Worm abruptly accelerated, using his full power, hoping to seize the chance to quickly knock Zhou Weiqing off the platform.

Impressive, this increased gravity Skill! Zhou Weiqing praised in his heart. Clearly, Little Worm had noticed that he was also a Strength Attribute Heavenly Jewel Master, and just using his own strength behind the Earth Wall alone would likely be insufficient to deal with Zhou Weiqing. However, this Increased Gravity was something like a surprise attack.

However, once again, the phrase was 'Great plan, but alas, he had met Zhou Weiqing.'

Taking a step forward and dipping his shoulder to brace himself, Zhou Weiqing prepared to take the incoming wall directly. Although he was under all the increase gravity, it did not affect Zhou Weiqing from preparing himself in such a stance.

*BANG* A loud crash resounded across the plaza as the earth wall slammed savagely onto Zhou Weiqing's shoulder, as Little Worm exerted all his power. However, the wall still held still, not moving a single inch further.

On the other side of the earth wall, Little Worm had exerted his considerable strength to his absolute maximum, but still found that he could not budge the wall any further. As for Zhou Weiqing, he also had a look of absolute concentration and strain, his forehead full of sweat, as if he was having the worst time of his life but holding on through sheer resolve.

Back in the Rest House, Crow who was seated beside Shangguan Bing'er said: "Bing'er, your man sure knows how to act." After all, it was just a mere Earth Wall and a Three-Jeweled opponent, how could he possibly have so much trouble holding on? If that was his strength, she would definitely not have lost to him!

Shangguan Bing'er giggled, and Ye Paopao shook his head at the other side, saying: "Sister Crow, this is a tactic. After all, the Mi'Ou Battle Team isn't our real opponent. Didn't you also hide your true power; you didn't even unleash your Elemental Jewels."

The two on the stage were stuck in a stalemate situation, but the other members of the Mi'Ou Battle Team had an ugly expression on their faces. After all, even though both sides seemed to be struggling at their maximum, they were clear that with the extra use of the Increase Gravity Skill and Earth Walls, Little Worm's drain on Heavenly Energy was definitely a lot greater. Such a stalemate situation actually already signified his loss. In truth, Little Worm's combat abilities weren't that strong, but he had been lucky enough to Store the Increase Gravity Skill, earning him a spot on the team.

As expected, as time went past, both men stood locked in the same stalemate, their faces almost warped from the exertions. Little Worm's pushing power slowly grew weaker, while Zhou Weiqing's resistance also grew weaker at nearly the same rate. As such, they both maintained the stalemate!

For this victory, Little Worm was putting in everything he had, almost willing to lay his life down. Alas, sometimes, the heart is strong but the body is weak, and eventually his Heavenly Energy ran out. By that time, he was unable to maintain the Increase Gravity and Earth Walls, collapsing to the ground on his butt, panting heavily as sweat covered soaked his entire shirt.

Zhou Weiqing's acting was top notch as usual. When his opponent's skills vanished, he even stumbled to the front before 'barely' regaining his balance, panting just as heavily. However, he still stood there, hands to his hips, looking the very picture of 'I'm on the verge of dropping as well, but I will hold on!'

From the start of the Heavenly Jewel Tournament, this could be said to be the weirdest series. The unbelievably violent Crow, the Darkness Self Sacrifice Skill, two sides pushing on a wall… each and every fight was just so strange, so weird…

The judge looked at the two panting participants, almost speechless, before he finally proclaimed the result: "The fourth fight, Fei Li Battle Team's victory. Third Group, First Series, Fei Li Battle Team defeats the Mi'Ou Battle Team."

Zhou Weiqing raised his hands smugly, before generously offering his hand to help Little Worm up, saying with a sigh of sympathy: "Bro, it was a close fight. Great fight indeed! Good luck in your next fight." After saying that, he descended the stage and returned to the Rest House.

On the VIP stage, the ZhongTian Emperor Shangguan Tianxin looked towards Shangguan Longyin beside him and smiled faintly, saying: "Longyin, what do you think of that little rascal just now?"

Shangguan Longyin said: "Earlier, he used at least the Spatial and Lightning Attributes, combined with his Consolidated Bow, he certainly has something going for him. That Spatial Rend Skill is from the Silver Emperor, and I heard that not longer ago the Fei Li Skill Storing Palace managed to capture one… but I really do not know how they managed to get this little High Level Shi Master to actually succeed in Storing the Skill."

Shangguan Tianxin smiled and said: "I have the feeling that the little rascal is not as simple as he looks. Earlier, that little girl from the Mi'Ou Empire lost control inexplicably… From what I see, there has to be some connection with him."

Shangguan Longyin's expression changed slightly as his brow arched: "Your Majesty is indeed observant. I will observe him carefully for the next few rounds, let's see what he has up his sleeve."

At this point, on the two sides of the Fei Li Battle Team Rest House, the members of the seeded teams had a rather disdainful look on their faces.

A pale faced, frail looking youth said: "The Fei Li Battle Team this year is at such a level this year? Three members, two of them three-Jeweled and one four-Jeweled. They are even weaker than last Tournament. Looks like, this year they will not even be able to keep their fifth position. It looks like it will be likely that the Bai Da Battle Team will ascend together with us then."

Chapter 240: Darkness Self Sacrifice Skill (3)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

Right in the middle of the Dan Dun Rest House sat a long haired beautiful young lady, looking about eighteen years of age, but with a calm expression on her face. Despite that, she had a faint smile on her face, and she seemed so at peace, as if nothing could make her flustered.

"Do not judge their entire team so quickly. Furthermore, these two three-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Masters of theirs are rather interesting… one with some impressive physical strength, the other with superb archery. More importantly, he is very clever. Also, they definitely will not be the only four sent by the Fei Li Empire. The tournament has just begun, and nothing is set in stone yet. Alas, in this preliminary fight, we will be unable to see ZhongTian, BaoPo and WanShou Battle Teams' fights. This year, we cannot place fourth any longer!"

When the ashen faced youth heard the young lady speak, a look of respect crossed his face as he said: "Leader, you're right. From what we see so far, when we get first in the group, after the top eight, during the top four we might meet the WanShou Battle Team."

The young lady furrowed her brow as she said: "WanShou Battle Team… they are indeed a problem."

Having passed the first round smoothly, Zhou Weiqing and team were extremely happy. No matter what, they had earned three days of rest for Lin TianAo and the other injured members. Their second round would also be a relatively weak from a small Empire, but the critical moment would be the third round when they had to fight with the Bai Da Battle Team. As for the seeded team, DanDun Empire, would be their last fight. That was decent luck, but not great; if they could meet the Bai Da Battle Team on the last fight, then Lin TianAo and the other injured members would have time to fully recover. Still, it was good enough, at least they did not have to meet them in the first round.

"Come on, let's head back and tell leader and the rest the good news." Zhou Weiqing stretched lazily as he said.

Ye Paopao said: "Don't we want to see the other teams? Especially the Bai Da Empire."

Zhou Weiqing laughed and said: "No, let's not. If we watch, we will be misled easily. After all, just like ourselves, the Bai Da Battle Team will be treating us as their main opponent, and they will also hold many things back during this fight. We might as well not watch, and when our fight comes, we shall just fight to our best abilities. Furthermore, there is another round three days later for us to watch. Since we scarcely have the opportunity to come to this ZhongTian City, I'm going to walk around with Bing'er, we need to strike a proper balance between work and leisure after all, heh heh. If you guys do not want to walk around, then you can head back to the inn to let leader know about the news."

Ye Paopao couldn't help but chuckle, saying: "I've never seen anyone as carefree as you. Alright, you two go ahead and enjoy, I will head back to report to leader. Crow, how about you?"

Crow grinned and said: "Yesterday, we saw so much good food near the inn, I want to go and enjoy myself, I feel like I have lost weight recently. Sigh… when can my weight go above a thousand jin!"

Zhou Weiqing and the rest stared at her helplessly. A thousand jin… are these Gold Crow Tribe members really human??

By now, another fight had started on the stage, but many of the teams still noticed the four members of the Fei Li Battle Team leaving. Although everyone was free to go after their own fight was over, but most, if not all, of the other teams would stay to watch the other fights. As the saying goes, 'Only by knowing one's own strength and the enemy's strength, can there be a sure way to victory', the Fei Li Battle Team was definitely the only one who left the plaza.

However, at this point, nobody really felt that they were being arrogant any longer. Although they had won their previous match, but the power they displayed wasn't overbearing, and they had even lost a fight. In most of their eyes, the victory earlier had some overtones of luck, perhaps even a large proportion. Especially for the last fight of Zhou Weiqing versus Little Worm, with Zhou Weiqing barely winning by exhausting his opponent's Heavenly Energy. As such, them leaving just sealed the impression in most of the team's minds that the Fei Li Battle Team members were just out of their minds, and no one had a good outlook on them. Even the other weaker teams in their groups were rubbing their hands in glee internally, thinking they had a chance to beat them. As for the Bai Da Battle Team, they were even more delighted, their confidence bursting at the seams, a cold smirk on their faces as they watched the four members of the Fei Li Battle Team walking away.

Leaving via the tunnel for participants, they exited the plaza before separating. Ye Paopao and Crow headed back towards the inn together, while Zhou Weiqing held onto Shangguan Bing'er's little hand before walking onto the street.

The usual bustling streets of the ZhongTian City were a lot quieter than normal, as most of the population of the inner city had went to watch the Heavenly Jewel Tournament, naturally causing the amount of pedestrians to be reduced drastically.

Holding on to Shangguan Bing'er's soft warm little hand, he led them aimlessly for a bit before finally stopping a passerby to ask: "Big bro, could you please tell me where I can find the area to purchase Consolidating Equipment Scrolls or the materials for Consolidating Equipment Scrolls?" As the largest city in the entire mainland, Zhou Weiqing expected it to have quite an impressive selection of materials and scrolls. Although he was not lacking in materials currently, he still wanted to visit and experience the sights for himself, and perhaps collect some rare materials if possible. After all, he wanted to make this rare trip worth his while.

The passerby looked rather strangely at Zhou Weiqing and said: "Little bro, you two are definitely not our ZhongTian Empire citizens right?"

Zhou Weiqing asked curiously: "Yes, how did you know that?"

The passerby said laughingly: "If you were a ZhongTian citizen, you wouldn't have asked that question. Our ZhongTian Empire has our Consolidating Equipment Pavilion, and everything to do with Consolidating Equipment Scrolls can be found there. Its status for Consolidating Equipment is akin to the Skill Storing Palace for Skill Storing. Of course, this is only for our ZhongTian Empire, no other empire has the power to do so. If you want to go to the Consolidating Equipment Pavilion, just follow this road down all the way until you reach the third right crossing, then follow that down a short distance. It is the largest building in sight from there."

After saying that, the passerby left, leaving the rather stunned Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Bing'er.

Consolidating Equipment Pavilion? In this ZhongTian Empire, there actually was a specific place to buy and sell Consolidating Equipment Scrolls and materials! In other countries, to buy Consolidating Equipment Scrolls was not a matter of having money, but rather a lack of supply… what kind of power did this empire have? 1

More importantly, Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Bing'er could deeply sense the sheer pride of that passerby. Pride for his empire, in his empire, and in being a citizen! That was just a normal citizen, not a Jewel Master… the strength of the empire had given even an ordinary citizen such pride, the ability to hold their head up high!

Shangguan Bing'er could feel Zhou Weiqing's grip around her hand tighten slightly, as he said softly: "One day, in my lifetime, I will definitely make our Heavenly Bow Empire citizens proud, just like that."

Shangguan Bing��er pulled his hand up, placing it on her face, saying gently: "I believe that my Little Fatty will definitely be able to do that."

Following the passerby's directions, Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Bing'er quickly found the Consolidating Equipment Pavilion.

Just like the passerby had said, the Pavilion was the largest building on the entire street, equal on sight to the Fei Li Empire's Skill Storing Palace, needing to ascend nearly thirty large steps before reaching the huge, ancient styled building. The Pavilion had six levels, with elaborate carvings decorating it 2, glowing in the sun like they were treasures, and could be said to be one of the top architectures of the world.

There were guards in the front of the door, requiring all visitors to register and be issued with an identity plaque before entering, although that did not require any fees. In that, it was much kinder than the Fei Li Trading Center.

Upon entering, the ancient beauty of the wide hall struck them, simple and tasteful yet full of beauty. It did not seem to be a place for buying and selling, but more like a grand library. Zhou Weiqing examined the wood of the ornaments, and was surprised to see that not only were the ornaments made of the same wood, the pillars and even walls were also… More importantly, the wood was extremely familiar to him, the extremely rare Stars Wood that was only produced in the Heavenly Bow Empire!

In the Heavenly Bow Empire, it was considered a valuable strategic material, reserved for crafting bows and arrows. Yet, here, it was merely a building material.

Shangguan Bing'er had clearly also discovered the same thing, and was equally surprised. Just as the two of them were staring in shock, a tall youth dressed in white robes walked up to them, bowing slightly before saying: "Hello honoured customers, what are you looking for? I am a guide in the Consolidating Equipment Pavilion, and I can introduce you and bring you to what you require."

Zhou Weiqing laughed and said: "I wish to purchase some materials for Consolidating Equipment Scrolls, may I know where I can find them?"

The white robed youth said politely: "Sir, this is your first time in our Consolidating Equipment Pavilion right? Let me give you a quick introduction. There are six levels in total for our Pavilion. The sixth level is our auction level, and an auction is held every week. As for the other levels, they are all selling Consolidating Equipment Scrolls or materials. Each level is separated into five zones, respectively selling Consolidating Paper, Consolidating Ink Materials, Completed Consolidating Ink, Completed Consolidating Equipment Scrolls, and advice or counsel with Consolidating Equipment Masters. All five levels are the same in that regard, with each level having different limits, naturally the higher the level, the higher level the items sold."

Zhou Weiqing couldn't help but praise admiringly in his heart as he asked the youth: "Alright, for us, what level are we able to ascend to?"

The white robed youth said: "Currently, both of you may only shop at the first level. Only after spending more than a million gold coins can you enter the second level, the third level would be ten million gold coins."

Zhou Weiqing was dumbfounded. "So much? Is there any preferential treatment?"

The white robed youth continued: "Of course there is. If both of you are Heavenly Jewel Masters or Consolidating Equipment Masters and join our Empire's Skill Storing Palace or Consolidating Equipment Pavilion, you can enter the first three levels without any limits."

Zhou Weiqing sighed inwardly. It was clear that the more powerful the Empire, the greater and wiser their methods of drawing powerhouses to join them. Of course, they had the resources, ability, and power to do so!

Shangguan Bing'er asked curiously: "What about the fourth and fifth level? Who can enter?"

The youth smiled faintly and said: "The fourth level and fifth level are the VIP areas, and the requirements for entry are a lot more stringent. Only members of our Empire's Skill Storing Palace or Consolidating Equipment Palace are able to ascend to the fourth level, and they must be Heavenly Jewel Masters of at least Lower Level Zong Stage and above, otherwise no matter how much spent, you will still not be able to enter the fourth level. As for the fifth, it is even more stringent, with only Higher Level Zong Stage Heavenly Jewel Masters and above being able to enter, with the addition of having contributed significantly to the empire, and with two current level five VIP guests to introduce you."

Chapter 241: Heaven's Expense Infinitum Set (1)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

Hearing the guide's introduction, both Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Bing'er sucked in a cold breath. The requirements to enter the fourth and fifth level of the Pavilion were actually the seventh and ninth Heavenly Jewel, with an additional caveat of them being members of the ZhongTian Skill Storing Palace or Consolidating Equipment Pavilion! Such an overbearing requirement, yet they could easily do it.

Seeing their surprise, the white robed youth continued: "Both of you should not feel uncomfortable about not being able to enter the higher levels. In truth, our first three levels are all top quality products that are sufficient for most needs. Although their prices may be slightly higher than outside, the quality is definitely guaranteed.

After a brief moment of surprise, Zhou Weiqing recovered and continued asking: "What about the auction level? Are we able to enter? What sort of items are sold there?"

The youth replied: "Definitely, only the best items are sold there, top quality guaranteed. Most of the times, each auction is only a single or two items, but to enter the auction level, one needs to be able to at least enter the fourth VIP level or higher."

Hearing his words, Zhou Weiqing understood instantly. Indeed! If he were the leader of the Consolidating Equipment Pavilion, or part of the ZhongTian government, he would also do something similar. After all, that was the only way to ensure that the best resources and talents would be kept within the Empire, and also best able to recruit the top talents from outside.

Looking at Zhou Weiqing who seemed deep in thought, the youth asked: "Sir, do you have any other questions?"

Zhou Weiqing shook his head and said: "No, thank you very much. We will head to the first level and look around."

Their guide continued giving them some simple introductions as he led them to the first level, pointing out the various zones before turning to leave so they could look around on their own.

Shangguan Bing'er muttered: "Little Fatty, no wonder so many people want to enter the Heavenly Jewel Island. In the ZhongTian City alone, there is already such an amazing place like this Consolidating Equipment Pavilion… can you imagine what sort of quality items and power they have on the Heavenly Jewel Island? I think that the items sold on the fourth and fifth level are likely to be from the Heavenly Jewel Island."

Zhou Weiqing nodded and said: "You are right indeed, that is a high possibility. The ZhongTian Empire's ability and method of recruiting talent is indeed much more brilliant than most other empires. Come on, let's go around to have a look."

As the two of them walked around the first level of the Pavilion, wandering around the various zones. Before looking, he hadn't had a huge expectation, after all it was just the first level, but after much walking around, Zhou Weiqing was stunned, sucking in a deep breath. All along, he had thought that Consolidating Equipment Scrolls were extremely expensive, but exploring the Pavilion, he realised he had been a frog in the well. 1

Here, not even counting the completed Consolidating Equipment Scrolls, even a set of Consolidating Ink for a low level Consolidating Equipment Masters cost a sky high price of three thousand gold coins, while a set of Consolidating Ink for High Level Consolidating Equipment Masters cost over twenty thousand gold coins! As for the completed scrolls, their prices were even more absurdly high, with even low level Consolidating Equipment Scrolls costing more than a hundred thousand gold coins.

As the saying goes, when something is rare it becomes more valuable. However, this was just the first level, and he could already see several hundred different Consolidating Equipment Scrolls for sale. Naturally, most were low level ones, with some mid level and even a few high level ones.

After a simple look around,. They both finally stopped at a shop selling complete scrolls. Shangguan Bing'er said softly: "Little Fatty, the scrolls here are just too expensive, at such a price that is so unbelievable. Look, the only High Level Consolidating Equipment Scroll they have here is actually eight hundred thousand gold coins! Now I feel that Senior Huyan's prices were so cheap!"

Originally, when Zhou Weiqing had been trying to buy his socketed Overlord Bow from Huyan Aobo, he had quoted them a price of three hundred thousand… and it was a Grandmaster Level Consolidating Equipment Scroll!

Zhou Weiqing furrowed his brow and said: "The prices here are a little too absurd, there's something strange here. Let me ask."

As he said that, he walked to the counter, asking the middle aged man who was also dressed in a similar white robe as the guide earlier. "Hi, are you the boss here?"

The middle aged man had been sitting behind the counter with his eyes closed, meditating. On hearing Zhou Weiqing's question, he lifted an eyelid to look at the pair, before nodding and saying: "Yes, I am the boss here. What are you looking for?"

Zhou Weiqing said: "I just wanted to ask a question. Aren't your Consolidating Equipment Scrolls a little too expensive? Your High Level Consolidating Equipment Scroll actually costs eight hundred thousand gold coins, and the Low Level scrolls a hundred thousand gold coins?"

The middle aged man was not as courteous as the guide earlier, and he twisted his lips as he said: "Our scrolls here are all priced officially. Both of you aren't ZhongTian citizens right? Let me tell you, this is because we are in ZhongTian City… in any other city, even if you looked for their Empire's Royal Family, you would not be able to find so many scrolls. Our prices might be expensive, but our quantity and quality is assured."

A notion struck Zhou Weiqing and he asked: "Boss, do you accept Consolidating Equipment Scrolls here? I am a Consolidating Equipment Master."

"…Oh? You are a Consolidating Equipment Master?!" On hearing that Zhou Weiqing was a Consolidating Equipment Master, the middle aged man's attitude improved, and he stood up. "Yes, we do accept them, of course we do. We will accept as many as you have. Low Level scrolls at fifty thousand gold coins, mid level scrolls and above would depend on the quality, ranging from one hundred to one hundred and fifty thousand gold coins. High level ones would be around one hundred and fifty thousand to three hundred thousand gold coins. Little bro, since you are a Consolidating Equipment Master, you should know that High Level scrolls and Grandmaster Scrolls have a huge difference… once you reach the Grandmaster stage, the price will be more than five hundred thousand gold coins."

Hearing the boss' words, Shangguan Bing'er couldn't help but exclaim: "Boss, your profit margin is just too insane. Buying high level scrolls at one hundred and fifty thousand to three hundred thousand gold coins, but you are selling them at eight hundred thousand gold coins! This…"

The white robed middle aged man laughed heartily and said: "That's why I mentioned that you both are foreigners. The prices stated here are all targeted at foreigners. After all, if our prices are too cheap, all the other empires would run over here to buy up all our scrolls. If it's our Skill Storing Palace or Consolidating Equipment Pavilion members, they only need to pay 30 percent of the price. As such, the price I'm offering is definitely a standard price, our normal profits are not that high, but only huge on foreigners."

Shangguan Bing'er furrowed her brow and said: "Isn't that bullying people?"

The middle aged man looked at her and grinned, saying: "That isn't bullying, it is called protectionism. Although our ZhongTian Empire is a powerful Empire with many resources, we aren't just going to allow others to gain from us so easily right…" As he said that, he suddenly noticed Shangguan Bing'er's features, and was suddenly shocked into silence.

Zhou Weiqing pulled Shangguan Bing'er and said: "Come on, let's go. Let's see if we can buy anything in this Consolidating Equipment Pavilion." As he said that, they turned to leave.

The first level of the Consolidating Equipment Pavilion was not much more well stocked than the Fei Li Trading Center, furthermore their prices were just too high, and Zhou Weiqing wasn't willing to pay the exorbitant prices. After all, if he bought materials from here, it would not be easy for even him to make a good profit.

After the two of them had left, only then did the boss of the shop recover, rubbing his eyes as he muttered to himself: "Did I see wrongly? Just now… just now… that was… Oh my god!" In that moment, his originally smug face had turned ashen, as cold sweat streamed down his face, causing his shirt to be soaked.

"No way, I have to report up quickly. Damn, why did I have to meet her." As he said that, he quickly rushed to the back of the shop.

Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Bing'er did not know what transpired behind them as they walked slowly towards the exit. As they moved, they exchanged helpless glances, seeing the look of resignations in each other's' eyes.

Indeed, this Consolidating Equipment Pavilion had given them a helpless feel.

"What the boss had said was indeed true. Consolidating Equipment Scrolls and their materials were extremely important strategic materials… if they were in the position of the ZhongTian Empire, they would also not allow such important resources to easily leave their hands. Selling them at high prices was indeed a good option. Every scroll they sold, they could purchase raw materials from other empires, and with their power and status, they could easily get a lower price for the materials. This was why the large, powerful empires grew stronger, while small empires like our Heavenly Bow Empire had things so tough."

As Zhou Weiqing said that, he shook his head helplessly.

There weren't many customers in the Consolidating Equipment Pavilion, and they quickly reached the main hall and were prepared to leave.

Right at that moment, an abrupt, urgent voice sounded out from behind them. "Wait… Wait…"

They both turned around to look, and accompanying the sound of running feet, they saw the white robed middle aged man from earlier accompanying an old man who was also wearing a white robe, but with gold embroidery. Before long, they had reached Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Bing'er.

The old man in front was extremely fast, and before they could blink, he had appeared in front of them. Even Shangguan Bing'er, who was well versed in speed, could only stare in amazement. The two of them could sense a strong pressure from the old man; this was definitely a powerhouse with a cultivation level way above their own.

The old man did not look at Zhou Weiqing, and as he stopped, his gaze landed on Shangguan Bing'er. The next moment, they heard him draw a sharp breath as he took two steps back swiftly, bowing down to the waist. "Your subordinate, Consolidating Equipment Pavilion Level One In Charge, Wu Wenjie, is ready to serve miss."

The boss of the shop they had met earlier was even more exaggerated, dropping down to both knees instantly, shivering as he kowtowed to Shangguan Bing'er. "This subordinate was blind, please punish me Miss."

Seeing the respectful duo in front of them, Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Bing'er were taken aback, at a total loss. Zhou Weiqing looked to Shangguan Bing'er and asked: "You know them?"

Chapter 242: Heaven's Expense Infinitum Set (2)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

Shangguan Bing'er shook her head in confusion, before saying: "You both, please stand up. I do not recognize you!"

The in-charge of the level, Wu Wenjie, seeing the confusion in Shangguan Bing'er's eyes, actually revealed a look of realization before saying: "Yes, of course. Miss would not recognize us naturally. Since Miss is here to inspect the Pavilion, you can instruct us if you have any requirements, this subordinate will do his best to complete any tasks."

Shangguan Bing'er stepped closer to Zhou Weiqing, saying: "But… I really do not recognize you two!"

Wu Wenjie said respectfully: "Yes… yes… Of course Miss doesn't recognize us. Uh, perhaps we have made a mistake. Since that is so, since you have already come to our Consolidating Equipment Pavilion, and this subordinate has been blind and rude, please take this plaque with you. With it, you can enter any of the levels. If you or your friend has anything you need, you can just take it directly."

As he said that, he respectfully held out a gold plaque in both hands, holding it in front of Shangguan Bing'er.

The gold plaque was embedded with ten gemstones of different sizes, shapes and colours, forming a 'Consolidated' word, and it seemed to give forth an aura of Heavenly Energy itself.

Shangguan Bing'er was about to reject it, but Zhou Weiqing abruptly took the plaque on her behalf, giving her a meaningful look. Shangguan Bing'er could only say: "Thank you then."

Wu Wenjie said respectfully, with some trepidation: "No need, no need. It is this subordinate's great honour to be able to serve you. I shall not disturb you any further and take my leave now, you can inform any of our staff if you have any requirements. Thank you." After saying that, he bowed deeply towards Shangguan Bing'er again, before leaving with the middle aged man.

Looking at that valuable plaque in Zhou Weiqing's hands, Shanguan Bing'er said in confusion: "What is going on? Why did they call me Young Miss 1?"

Zhou Weiqing laughed heartily and said: "I do not know either, that fast switch from arrogance to deference, they sure changed faces quickly. My guess is that they have recognized the wrong person… perhaps some important person in the Consolidating Equipment Pavilion looks like you."

Shangguan Bing'er: "Then are we really going to use the plaque? Won't that get us into trouble?"

Zhou Weiqing said: "Of course we should use it, after all they gifted it to us, we did not steal or rob it. Even if we are found out, it is their mistake, not ours."

Shangguan Bing'er giggled and said: "They even said to let us take anything we want."

Zhou Weiqing: "As for taking things, that would be too far, and if we're found out that would truly cause trouble. We can go and have a look and expand our horizons, but we better not take anything; such advantages are not to be taken easily." Although he had never thought himself to be a good person, but taking advantage of such situations so easily was not something he wanted to do. Furthermore, this was the ZhongTian Empire… it was better to play safe.

The stairway from the first level to the second level was at the main hall, guarded by two white robed guards. Perhaps they had seen Wu Wenjie bowing politely to the two of them, as such they weren't even stopped or asked for any identification.

When the two of them had ascended the stairs, only then did Wu Wenjie and the white robed man appear once more from the corner.

The white robed man said: "Manager, is that really Young Miss? I knew it, I had seen Young Miss once before, and with her looks, I couldn't possibly be mistaken."

Wu Wenjie's dignified air returned as he said solemnly: "This time, you did very well. That is undoubtedly Young Miss."

The white robed man continued asking curiously: "But… why did Young Miss not admit it? She should definitely recognize you!"

Wu Wenjie glanced at him and said: "You wouldn't know this but that was probably Second Young Miss just now. Her character is lively and vivacious, mischievous even. Not even counting us here, even if it were on the Heavenly Jewel Island, even the Palace Masters have a headache dealing with her, known as their dear little demonic girl. I heard that her favourite game is to act out roles, who knows what she is acting as this time. The only thing I do not know is who that youth beside Second Young Miss is… for her to hold his hand, that is something I have never heard of."

The white robed man said respectfully: "Should we report this to the higher ups?"

Wu Wenjie glared at him and said: "Report what? Let alone you, I myself would be in deep trouble if we anger Second Young Miss. Although First Young Miss is rather cold, but she at least listens to reason. Second Young Miss wouldn't care what our reasons were if she was angry. For you, today just never happened, understood?"

The white robed man started, staring blankly for a while before recovering, and he nodded quickly as he said: "I understand."

Right at that moment, from the entrance of the Pavilion, a young lady walked in. She was dressed in a white gown, with the sleeves and neck embroidered with purple-gold thread. Her hair was black, tied up neatly with a gold hair tie. Her expression was slightly cold as she walked in.

Seeing the young lady walk in, both Wu Wenjie and the white robed man started, and Wu Wenjie waved his hand saying: "See? That is our First Young Miss, only she has noble grace and aura of a goddess. You head back first, I shall greet her." The white robed man glanced once more at the young lady before rushing away.

Wu Wenjie straightened his clothes before walking forward.

The young lady's gaze was naturally drawn to Wu Wenjie who was walking towards her, and she stopped.

After walking to about five yards from her, Wu Wenjie stopped as well, bowing down as he greeted: "Subordinate, First Floor Manager greets First Young Miss."

The young lady said passively: "No need to be so polite Manager Wu, I am just here to head to the fifth level to see if there are some materials I require. Please go ahead." Her voice was emotionless, although it could not be said to be distancing, it sparked a pressure and respect instantly. Wu Wenjie nodded and bowed respectfully again. Just as the young lady was about to continue to head up the stairs, he quickly remembered something and said: "Oh, right, First Young Miss, Second Young Miss was just here as well."

"Oh?" Hearing his words, signs of emotion appeared on her gentle face. "Second sis is here? Where is she?"

Wu Wenjie said: "Second Young Miss went up the stairs with her companion."

"Understood." The young lady said passively, before heading up the stairs, almost as if she were gliding like smoke from a fire.

Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Bing'er naturally did not know what happened below them. As they reached the second level and beyond, although there were guards, with the plaque from Wu Wenjie, they easily passed the guards to head upwards.

Before long, they had reached the fourth level. As soon as they passed the third level to the fourth, the scene in front of them changed. The stairs of the first three floors were constructed of ordinary Stars Wood, but at the fourth level, it was made out of Purple Dawn Wood 2. At the entrance of the fourth level, a large screen blocked it, made out of a huge green jade, with carvings of mountains, rivers and animals upon it, giving a rather gentle imperssion.

"Little Fatty, I am going to the toilet first, wait for me here." Shangguan Bing'er said softly, a little shy.

Zhou Weiqing released her hand and grinned, saying: "You take the plaque then, I'll stand here and wait for you, and admire this jade screen while waiting for you." The carvings on the jade screen gave him a strange feeling, as if each line was so natural, as if it were inborn and not carved by man. It was as if the entire carving was part of nature, and there was no sign or markings as if it had been done by the human hand. Zhou Weiqing had the strange feeling that these markings had something to do with Consolidating Equipment, and more so, held some strange similarities with the designs he had seen previously on his Legendary Consolidating Equipment Designs.

Shangguan Bing'er turned and left, while Zhou Weiqing continued standing there admiring the carving. The more he looked, the more he felt as if something was sparked in his heart, as if his Consolidating Equipment Master accumulated knowledge was being raised. This wasn't something that could be described, but he knew in his heart that these lines were sparking a change in his understanding towards Consolidating Equipment and their designs.

Right at that moment, Zhou Weiqing suddenly felt a strange coldness in his body, as if a block of ice was approaching him. Involuntarily, he turned back to look, and couldn't help but start in surprise.

Shangguan Bing'er was walking up the stairs, but she wasn't wearing the Fei Li Battle Team uniform anymore, having changed to a set of beautiful white robes.

With the accentuation from the white robes, Shangguan Bing'er looked like a beautiful white orchid rising from the stairs.

Zhou Weiqing did not think much, as a fire lit in his heart. Seeing that no one was around, he suddenly used the Blink skill, appearing right in front of Shangguan Bing'er, holding her in his embrace and kissing her soft red lips.

Walking slowly up the stairs, 'Shangguan Bing'er' was caught by surprise by this sudden 'ambush', and her entire body stiffened as she stared in shock, her eyes widened. Looking at Zhou Weiqing right in front of her, his eyes filled with fiery hot passion, it was as if her body had turned into an ice statue, frozen in place. At that moment, her mind blanked. From young, no male had ever done that to her. No one but her relatives had even gone near three yards of her, let alone hug and kiss her!

Chapter 243: Heaven's Expense Infinitum Set (3)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

Kissing 'Shangguan Bing'er's red lips, Zhou Weiqing suddenly felt something was wrong. This was not his first time kissing her after all, and they were usually sneak attacks like this, he still remembered the taste and feel of her lips very clearly… soft, warm, and with a faint fragrance.

Yet, currently, the lips had a strange coldness, and the fragrance was rather different as well. More importantly, they were stiffened and frozen, and the wide eyes of shock caused Zhou Weiqing to realise something was wrong.

Subconsciously licking the cold with his tongue, only then did Zhou Weiqing feel the coldness seem to melt a little. However, that also caused the owner of the lips to awaken.

A huge irresistible force surged forth from the beauty in his arms, and Zhou Weiqing, who had never expected that "Shangguan Bing'er" would attack him, had his arms knocked back. In the next instant, a snow white palm blurred into a shadow as it had intimate contact with his face. Hard.

*Pak* A loud sound rang out, and Zhou Weiqing's body flew into the air in an amazing 180 degree turn, before slamming savagely into the huge jade screen. Even the white little tiger Fat Cat was thrown out of his bosom as he flew out.

Although Zhou Weiqing's face and skin was much thicker than any normal person, that strike still caused his face to feel numb on the side!

That was also because after "Shangguan Bing'er" had been 'assaulted' by him, she was in an unsteady state, and did not manage to use her full strength in that hit. If not, perhaps our dear Little Fatty would have perished on the spot there and then.

"I'll kill you!" A cold voice rang out, almost as if it could freeze the entire world itself. An awe-inspiring, cold light shot forth from "Shangguan Bing'er's" hands, as if a bolt of frozen lightning, striking out towards Zhou Weiqing's heart. Her speed was just too fast, and the entire air was seemingly sealed by the blow, constraining Zhou Weiqing's body as well. Furthermore, he was still stunned by the slap, how could he possibly react in time?

In such a time of danger, Fat Cat once again saved his life again. The moment she had been flung out, she had woken up from her sleep, and seeing Shangguan Bing'er trying to kill Zhou Weiqing, she was surprised, but seeing the strong incoming blow, she knew that not only would the current dazed Zhou Weiqing not be able to react in time, even if he were at full capacity, he might not be able to dodge or block it.

Fat Cat's body froze in midair, a gold light shooting from her mouth to strike the incoming cold light. *Ding* a loud crisp sound rang out as they clashed, reverberating around the room.

At that point, only then did they clearly see a snow white sword in "Shangguan Bing'er"'s hand. It was three chi long, one inch wide, its snow white body was unadorned, but giving forth a chilling aura of death, causing anyone who looked upon to shiver. Right after the clash, "Shangguan Bing'er"'s body flashed in a dark gold light… a light that Zhou Weiqing was extremely familiar with, the light that only appeared when a God Tier Consolidated Equipment was being summoned!

After Fat Cat had spat out the gold light, she had quickly grown into her large three metre long form, standing in front of Zhou Weiqing, her purple eyes glowing as she stared at "Shangguan Bing'er" in surprise.

By now, Zhou Weiqing had been startled out of his shock, his hand flying to his cheek as he clutched it. His entire left face was swollen, and even his mouth was a little crooked as he exclaimed in a mix of confusion and anger: "Bing'er, are you mad? Why did you hit me?" Seeing the snow white longsword in "Shangguan Bing'er"'s hand, another look of surprise flashed on his face.

"Shangguan Bing'er" was now full of killing intent, causing Zhou Weiqing to feel as if his very blood was being curdled. She raised up her sword, pointing it at Fat Cat, saying coldly: "Heavenly Snow Mountain, I do not care who you are, but please get out of my way now. If you insist in protecting him, then our Heaven's Expanse Palace will declare war on the Heavenly Snow Mountain. To. The. Death."

Since young, she had never been so vexed, so wronged and humiliated by anyone, and she had never been so angry before. That… that was her first kiss! And it had been stolen in such a ridiculous fashion by that pervert! "Shangguan Bing'er"'s heart was aggrieved and filled with rage.

Hearing her words, Fat Cat's eyes grew serious. She could sense that the sword this "Shangguan Bing'er" was holding was from the Heaven's Expanse Palace… their Legendary Set Heaven's Expense Infinitum that only the Palace Master or the heir could Consolidate.

In the Heavenly Jewel Island, the entire Heaven's Expense Palace, this was the top Legendary Set!

On the Heavenly Jewel Island, there was a Chart, known as the Consolidated Equipment Chart, which listed all the strongest and most powerful known Consolidated Equipment in the world. This Heaven's Expense Infinitum was ranked top of the Consolidated Equipment Sets, and had been so since the Chart was ranked. It was said that the complete Heaven's Expense Infinitum Set was eleven pieces, and was the only completed eleven piece Legendary Set in the world today.

If an Eleven-Jeweled Heavenly Emperor Powerhouse wore such a Set, they would even be able to challenge a Twelve-Jeweled Heavenly Shen top-end Powerhouse!

It was exactly because of this Heaven's Expense Infinitum Set that gave the Heaven's Expanse Palace their fame, and it was this set that also allowed them to suppress the Wanshou Empire and the Heavenly Snow Mountain to become the strongest amongst the six Great Saint Lands.

As such, when this "Shangguan Bing'er" wearing the set stated that line, it wasn't just a simple threat, but a truth. She was probably not the Palace Master, but highly likely to be the heir!

"Bing'er, you… you want to kill me?!" Zhou Weiqing stared at her in shock. By now, he had finally woken up from his dazed reverie, and abruptly he cried out. "No! You're not Bing'er. Seven Jewels?!"

Indeed, around "Shangguan Bing'er"'s right wrist, seven Icy Jade Physical Jewels were glowing brightly, accentuating the snow white blade she was holding, completing the chilling picture of death.

Naturally, this white robed young lady in front of them was not Shangguan Bing'er. After all, Shangguan Bing'er was only at the three-Jeweled cultivation level, and in comparison with this young lady in front of them, it was heaven and earth. Yet… her looks, it was exactly the same as Bing'er! As familiar as Zhou Weiqing was with Shangguan Bing'er, how could he make a mistake so easily?

The white robed young lady saw that Fat Cat did not move, and the icy aura around her grew. She ignored Zhou Weiqing totally; in her eyes he was already a dead man. "Move aside. I do not want to have to order a war between our two Great Saint Lands. From your aura, I can tell you definitely are not stronger than me. Furthermore, this is the ZhongTian City, in the Consolidating Equipment Pavilion. You know you cannot stop me." The chilling aura around her grew continuously, so much so that even Fat Cat's fur was covered in a thin layer of ice.

Right at that moment, a figure walked over from the side. Seeing the scene in front of her, she was stunned. "Little Fatty!"

That cry caused Zhou Weiqing, the white robed young lady, and Fat Cat, to all turn towards the newcomer. Instantly, all three of their gazes turned weird; another Shangguan Bing'er had appeared, this time in the Fei Li Battle Team Uniform. As she stared in shock at the scene in front of them, she naturally saw Zhou Weiqing first. Seeing his face swollen like that, she quickly leapt forward, a look of heartache on her face. "Little Fatty, your.. Your face. What happened? Who beat you up?" She stroked her face lightly, a rare light of anger sparking in her beautiful eyes as a light killing intent arose. She spun around, glaring at the white robed young lady.

Earlier, when Shangguan Bing'er had arrived, besides Fat Cat, she had noticed that there was someone else. However, as she had been focusing on Zhou Weiqing, and the wound on his face, she had not really paid attention to the third person. However, since there was only one outsider in the area besides Zhou Weiqing and Fat Cat, she naturally guessed it was that person who had taken action. As such, she spun around towards the person.

As soon as she took a closer look, she stopped in her tracks, stunned. No matter who it was, seeing someone looking exactly like herself, as if she were staring into a mirror, would have that exact same expression.

The white robed young lady recovered quickly, saying angrily to Shangguan Bing'er: "Second sis, stop playing? Move aside, I want to kill him!"

Shangguan Bing'er was startled out of her reverie by the scolding. No matter how similar this girl looked like her, it wouldn't change the fact that she had hurt her Little Fatty. As such, she got angry as well as she exclaimed: "Who's your sister? If you want to kill my Little Fatty, you'll have to get through me first."

As she said that, Shangguan Bing'er released her Heavenly Energy. As green light surrounded her body, three Dragonstone Jade Physical Jewels and three Tourmaline Elemental Jewels appeared around her wrists, and with a flick of her wrist, five Wind Blades sped towards the young lady.

When the white robed young lady saw the Physical and Elemental Jewels on Shangguan Bing'er's, it was her turn to be dazed as her expression turned even stranger. As the five Wind Blades sped right in front of her, a flash of white light appeared as her Heavenly Energy released in front of her and the five Wind Blades disappeared like a raindrop into the sea.

"You.. you're not Fei'Er?" The white robed lady stared as she exclaimed.

Chapter 244: Shangguan Xue'er (1)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

The sheer shock had caused her to temporarily forget the humiliation she had just suffered at the hands of Zhou Weiqing. Although the look and attributes of Elemental and Physical Jewels could be disguised by items like the Ring of Concealment, their numbers could never be hidden by any means, not even a twelve-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master could change that. Seeing the three sets of Heavenly Jewels around Shangguan Bing'er's wrists, she was muddled. This was definitely not her sister, who had six sets of Heavenly Jewels; furthermore Shangguan Bing'er's Elemental Jewels were only ordinary Wind Attributes. "Wait!" The white robed young lady shouted, taking a step forward, attempting to step around Fat Cat.

Fat Cat gave a low howl, a thick gold light emitting from its body, forming a shield which forcibly blocked the white clad young lady from stepping forward. At the same time, the 'King' tattoo on Fat Cat's forehead lit up brightly, and right in the middle of the word, a dark purple gemstone floated out from where it was hidden, as a rich purple light shone forth along with it, slowly surrounding Fat Cat's head and turning into a purple crown which nestled onto her proud head.

As the crown appeared, Fat Cat was surrounded by a brilliant purple treasure light that rose constantly, as the gold shield around her was stained with a strange tinge of purple, looking gorgeously magnificent.

The white clad lady's eyes narrowed as she exclaimed: "Divine Descent Heavens Set! You are…"

"Rooarr" Fat Cat gave a low growl, interrupting the white robed girl's words, her eyes filled with a warning look.

Just as the two were facing off, tension in the air as they prepared to fight, Zhou Weiqing suddenly cleared his throat. With one hand, he pulled Shangguan Bing'er back, walking to the front and looking at the white clad young lady with an embarrassed look on his face. Smiling bitterly, he said: "Wait, everyone. Don't fight. This… this is a misunderstanding."

Shangguan Bing'er looked at him inquiringly: "Misunderstanding? Little Fatty, what's going on?"

Zhou Weiqing had a gloomy look on his face as he said helplessly: "Just now, I was admiring this jade screen when I suddenly felt a cold behind me. When I turned around, I saw her walking up towards me, and I thought you had changed clothes. So I… I… uh… wanted to be intimate with you… and so I took advantage of her… and thus my face became like this."

As soon as the real Shangguan Bing'er appeared, Zhou Weiqing had immediately understood what happened, and realised that he had recognized the wrong person, causing the dramatic scene to take place before them. Although it was technically his fault, he was also rather helpless. After all, if even he couldn't tell them apart, who could?!

The white clad young lady also understood what had happened, and her face changed rapidly, turning red and white in succession. Her right hand gripping her sword turned almost green as she exerted too much strength.

Indeed, this was a misunderstanding, and she was also extremely curious about this young girl in front of her who looked exactly like her. Did they have some connection? But… that was her first kiss! For it to be stolen away just like that in such a ridiculous scenario, she was even more vexed and gloomy than Zhou Weiqing.

Hearing Zhou Weiqing's explanation, the anger in Shangguan Bing'er's eyes immediately vanished. With her understanding of Zhou Weiqing, though he was stuttering a little, she immediately understood what had happened. She said exasperatedly: "Hmph, who asked you to always be so bad. Serves you right!"

However, though she said that, Shangguan Bing'er immediately turned to the white clad young lady. The enmity on her face had disappeared, replaced with curiosity. After all, no matter who it was, seeing someone looking exactly like them, that would be the natural reaction.

"This lady, I'm really really sorry. This is truly a misunderstanding. Little Fatty definitely did not take advantage of you on purpose. As you see, you look exactly like me, and he recognized the wrong person. Although he did take advantage of you, I'm sure he did not take things too far. Since you have already beaten him up, could we let bygones be bygones please?"

At that point, Shangguan Bing'er showed her grace. Although Zhou Weiqing had been beaten up, it was him at fault after all. Of course, it was due to a misunderstanding, but it did not change the fact that he had taken advantage of a girl.

The white clad young lady's breathing was rather ragged as she visibly restrained herself, glaring hard at Zhou Weiqing as the killing intent was almost piercing, causing him to feel a large pressure on his chest.

"What is your name?" She asked. Of course, that question was directed at Shangguan Bing'er, and when she asked the question, she finally kept her sword and reined in her aura. Although she did not state things clearly, her actions showed that she had agreed to Shangguan Bing'er's suggestion. Although her nature was cold, she was not an unreasonable person. This time she had indeed lost out, but it was truly a misunderstanding. However, although she restrained herself, her impression of Zhou Weiqing was still terrible..

Shangguan Bing'er said: "My name is Shangguan Bing'er. What about you? Why do we look so alike?"

The white clad young lady's eyes revealed surprise as she said: "My name is Shangguan Xue'er."

"Shangguan Xue'er?" Both Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Bing'er both exclaimed at the same time. At the same time, Fat Cat quickly released the crown and gold light, as she leapt back into Zhou Weiqing's embrace, her body turning small in midair as she snuggled back into her usual spot.

Shangguan Bing'er and Shangguan Xue'er. The two names were just too close. Hearing Shangguan Xue'er's words, Zhou Weiqing revealed a thoughtful look, while Shangguan Bing'er grew excited.

"Shangguan Bing'er? You… you…" Shangguan Xue'er also had an excited look on her face, as she examined Shangguan Bing'er's face closely, as if her gaze could penetrate skin. When she confirmed to herself that it was no disguise or makeup, the surprise in her eyes grew stronger.

As both girls stood there staring in shock at each other, they were rendered speechless.

Zhou Weiqing also stood at the side, looking left and right, trying to find any difference between the two. Alas, he was still unable to make out any difference, both girls looked exactly the same, from face to figure, with only the nature in their eyes having some difference.

Shangguan Bing'er's eyes were gentle, with a soft, warm aura. Shangguan Xue'er's eyes were rather cold, with their brilliance and essence hidden, giving others a 'Strangers, keep away' sort of feel. Perhaps, the only way to tell them apart was that aura.

Shangguan Xue'er bit her lip as she said abruptly: "Could I please ask if your mother's surname is Tang?"

Shangguan Bing'er said in surprise: "How did you know?!"

Shangguan Xue'er's body shuddered, and her voice was shaking as she said: "You… you…"

Shangguan Bing'er asked hurriedly: "Lady Xue'er, do you know my mother?"

Shangguan Xue'er took a deep breath, her eyes reddening as she muttered: "How heartless of you, mother! Bing'er, you are my sister! We are triplets 1, you are my third sister! Please, stay here a moment, I'll be right back, this is regarding your birth background!"

Shangguan Bing'er was rather dazed, a hint of resistance in her eyes. "I… I don't know."

Shangguan Xue'er stepped forward towards her, holding her hand and saying seriously: "Please, I beg you, wait for me. You must definitely wait for me to come back."

"Alright, we will wait here for you." This time, the one who spoke was Zhou Weiqing. He agreed on behalf on Shangguan Bing'er.

Hearing Zhou Weiqing's words, Shangguan Xue'er nodded towards him, before disappearing in a flash.

After watching her leave, Zhou Weiqing extended his arms and enveloped Shangguan Bing'er slowly into his embrace, comforting her shocked heart. "Bing'er, calm down. No matter what, I'll be beside you."

Shangguan Bing'er lowered her head and said: "Little Fatty, you know, since I was young, every time I tried to mention my father, mother would always be extremely angry, shouting that he was disloyal. I… I do not know if I should go on with this, I'm afraid that mother will not be happy. After all, it must have been father's fault that caused mother to be so angry and leave."

Zhou Weiqing asked: "Did aunty ever mention you have sisters?"

Shangguan Bing'er shook her head lightly, saying: "No, mother never spoke of it. However, I often saw her sitting by herself crying. Little Fatty, I really do not want my mother to be heartbroken. How about let's leave now, I would rather not find my father if that is so."

With their looks so alike, with her intelligence, how could Shangguan Bing'er not know that what Shangguan Xue'er said was true, and that they were sisters. However, at that point, her kind heart could only think of her mother.

Zhou Weiqing smiled and said: "Bing'er, trust me, it will all be fine. As the saying goes, 'In order to untie the bell, it is best for the person who tied it to do so.' No matter what happened in the past, since aunty often cries by herself, it shows that she truly loves uncle. At this time, you should not run and hide, but face everything bravely. As a daughter, what you should do is to try to resolve the issues between uncle and aunty, to let them come together again so that your family can be whole once more. If you run away today, in the future, aunty will not be the only miserable one, you will also be in the same state. As such, I agreed on your behalf. Let's wait here for her, I believe that the truth will come to light. As long as uncle still loves aunty, no matter what problems they have between them, I believe it can be resolved."

Hearing Zhou Weiqing's words, Shangguan Bing'er was comforted, her expression relaxing a little. She rested her head on his shoulders, listening to his heartbeat. At this moment, they no longer had any interest in touring the Consolidating Equipment Pavilion any longer.

Chapter 245: Shangguan Xue'er (2)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

Zhou Weiqing could clearly feel that Shangguan Bing'er's heartbeat was still very erratic; showing how much turmoil her heart was in.

The fourth level of the Consolidating Equipment Pavilion was very quiet. Normally, there weren't many customers, and at this time, no one came to disturb them. Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Bing'er stood there for almost an hour without seeing anyone pass.

As the time came by, Shangguan Bing'er slowly calmed down. She knew that what Zhou Weiqing said was right, no matter what happened between her parents, as their daughter, she would have to try her best to help them.

All of a sudden, two bright white lights flashed up like a bolt of lightning striking from below, and the two of them felt a flash before their eyes as two people appeared abruptly before them.

One of them was naturally Shangguan Xue'er, her hand held by the other person. It was a man, looking around thirty years of age, dressed in a plain long white robe. A head of black hair neatly combed behind his head, and his handsome features were enough to cause Zhou Weiqing to have a bout of envy. This man gave Zhou Weiqing a sense of familiarity, as if he had seen him somewhere before.

The middle aged man was clearly emotionally agitated, his white robe seeming to reflect his feelings as it rippled in massive waves. He felt as if he was an ordinary person, not giving forth any aura or signs of power, but that somehow gave Zhou Weiqing an even scarier feeling.

"You… you're Bing'er?" The middle aged man's voice was quavering as he spoke, and Zhou Weiqing could clearly see that his lips were also quivering as he stared at Shangguan Bing'er, who was in Zhou Weiqing's arms. His eyes were red, as if the tears within were brimming and on the verge of falling out.

Shangguan Bing'er seemed to sense something, and stood up from Zhou Weiqing's embrace, staring blankly at the middle aged man as she said softly: "Yes, I … I am Shangguan Bing'er."

"Bing'er, Bing'er, my daughter!" The middle aged man abruptly took a step forward, enveloping Shangguan Bing'er in his embrace as tears streamed down his cheeks.

As soon as he started crying, Zhou Weiqing was startled to find that the entire atmosphere seemed to be filled with a sorrowful air, as if thousands of people were gathered there solemnly sorrowful. His own body felt as if it was being affected by the atmosphere, moving his emotions as well, and he almost teared as well.

What kind of power was that? Was that even in the realms of human possibility? Zhou Weiqing stared at the middle aged man. At the same time, he could sense Fat Cat squirming deeper into his embrace, as if trying to hide, and could sense its terror.

Shangguan Xue'er, who was standing behind the man, was also crying, her eyes blood red.

"Let… let go of me." Shangguan Bing'er protested softly. Before this middle aged man, she had only been hugged by another man, Zhou Weiqing, and she was not used to being in a stranger's embrace.

The middle aged man stiffened, slowly releasing his arms as he looked at Shangguan Bing'er agitatedly. "Bing'er, I am your Father, I am your Father! Did your mother ever tell you that your father's name is Shangguan Tianyue. I was wrong, all of it, it is all my fault. Years ago, I let down your mother! Quick, tell me, where is your mother staying? I have been looking for you both for nineteen years!"

Hearing the words Shangguan Tianyue, comprehension suddenly dawned upon Zhou Weiqing. He finally understood why the middle aged man in front of him looked so familiar. His looks were very similar to the ZhongTian Emperor, Shangguan Tianxin! No, it could be said to be almost exactly the same, but that day they had been just too far from the VIP stage in the plaza, and Shangguan Tianxin had been wearing a dragon robe, which looked so different from the one Shangguan Tianyue was wearing now, and he had not recognized him right away.

Without question, this Shangguan Tianyue and Shangguan Tianxin were related, perhaps even brothers… does that mean my Bing'er is actually a princess? And… a princess of the ZhongTian Empire!?

Shangguan Bing'er took a step back, leaning onto Zhou Weiqing as she stared at Shangguan Tianyue in front of her, her eyes filled with a confused, complicated look as tears streamed down from them. Logic told her that this was indeed her father, but she somehow couldn't call out the word 'Father'.

Shangguan Tianyue ignored Zhou Weiqing, as if he were air, instead asking urgently: "Bing'er, I've finally found you. How about your mother? Did she come as well? Is she finally willing to forgive me?"

Right at that moment, a dozen or so people rushed up and down the stairs, reaching them before kneeling at a distance, saying respectfully: "Greetings, Second Palace Master." Amongst them was the first level manager they had seen earlier, Wu Wenjie.

Shangguan Tianyue furrowed his brow, a little irritated at the interruption. "Please, get up, we do not need you here. Carry on."

The dozen or so powerhouses who were clearly the managers of the Consolidating Equipment Pavilion vanished quickly.

Shangguan Tianyue took in a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down as he turned back to Shangguan Bing'er, who was still staring dazedly as she cried. In a gentle tone, he said: "Bing'er, this isn't the place to talk, come back home with father? We can talk when we're home, okay?"

As he said that, he lifted his hand to pull on Shangguan Bing'er, but she was like a startled little bird, and in a flash she had moved behind Zhou Weiqing.

"Senior, please calm down, do not scare Bing'er." Zhou Weiqing quickly moved his body to shelter Shangguan Bing'er behind her. Although he knew that his cultivation level was likely impossibly far from this father-in-law-to-be of his, he still stood in front of Shangguan Bing'er. As a man, even if he was afraid of death, if his woman was in danger, he would not hesitate to protect her.

"Who are you?!" Shangguan Tianyue saw a stranger standing in front of his daughter, and his voice turned icy instantly.

Zhou Weiqing smiled faintly and said: "Senior, I am Bing'er's fiance."

"Fiance?" Shangguan Tianyue's voice raised up much higher, as he swept a fierce gaze on Zhou Weiqing. He then said rudely: "You? A mere Higher Level Shi Stage Heavenly Jewel Master, barely breaking thirteen level of Heavenly Energy? You? Want to be my daughter's fiance?"

Hearing his words, Zhou Weiqing was shocked. He was not using any Heavenly Energy, and with just a single look, Shangguan Tianyue had been able to tell his cultivation level so accurately.

"Senior, my cultivation level has nothing to do with the feelings between Shangguan Bing'er and I." Zhou Weiqing said simply. neither servile nor overbearing. 1

Shangguan Tianyue said coldly: "How can there be no connection? To be my Shangguan Tianyue's daughter in law, you must be a dragon or phoenix amongst men. What are you? No looks, no cultivation, and you want to marry into my Heaven's Expanse Palace?!"

Zhou Weiqing's face turned cold. If anyone else looked down upon him, insulted him, if his power was sufficient, he would definitely leave them with an unforgettable experience, and if his power wasn't sufficient, he would hold back, remember that, and show them in the future. However, this person in front of him was Shangguan Bing'er's father, his future father-in-law, this could possibly determine whether or not he could be with Shangguan Bing'er in the future. Furthermore, he said that in front of Shangguan Bing'er; as such, our dear Little Fatty was unable to hold himself back from retorting.

"Senior, you are right. I do not have the looks, nor do I have the cultivation level. In your eyes, I may be nothing, just a small fry. However, I love Bing'er, and am willing to do anything for her. Furthermore, Bing'er is already mine, we have already been intimate, and there is nothing you can do to change that. You are so obstinate and conceited, I can understand why Aunty Tang Xian left you." 2

"What did you say?" Shangguan Tianyue said angrily.

Zhou Weiqing felt his entire body tighten, and before he knew what happened, he was in Shangguan Tianyue's hands, held by the neck and unable to breathe, and it was as if he had lost connection with his Heavenly Energy, and unable to do anything at all.

Shangguan Tianyue held Zhou Weiqing with one hand, while he looked at Shangguan Bing'er. His entire body shivered in rage, as he could easily see that she was no longer a virgin.

"Let go! Let go of him!" Shangguan Bing'er was extremely urgent, and she quickly flew forward to clutch at Shangguan Tianyue's arm.

A profound meaning flashed, hidden, as he said solemnly: "Bing'er, follow me home and I'll let him go. Otherwise, I'll kill him now."

Without hesitation, Shangguan Bing'er said: "I'll follow you home, quick, let go of him."

Shangguan Tianyue flung his right hand back out, and Zhou Weiqing's body flew and landed right at the spot he was in earlier, as if he had not moved before.

Shangguan Tianyue pulled Shangguan Bing'er as he glared coldly at Zhou Weiqing and said: "Even if you stole my daughter's virginity, that does not mean you can become my son in law." After saying that, he did not allow the two to speak any further, and in a flash of bright light which enveloped both him and Shangguan Bing'er, they vanished.

Shangguan Xue'er glanced at Zhou Weiqing, hate in her eyes, before she chased after Shangguan Tianyue. Zhou Weiqing was left alone in the chamber, panting hard.

In the next moment, Shangguan Tianyue appeared outside the Consolidating Equipment Pavilion. Shangguan Bing'er's beautiful eyes were filled with rage. "Why did you treat Little Fatty like that? This life, I will only love Little Fatty."