291 - 297

Chapter 291: Heavenly Jewel Island! (1)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

As compared to the wide eyed curiosity the Fei Li Battle Team members had when they first entered the ZhongTian Skill Storing Palace, these other seeded teams with Great Saint Lands background seemed to be used to it. They did not look around, instead staying together and waiting to leave.

Shangguan Longyin patted Zhou Weiqing on the shoulder warmly, saying: "Alright, let's go. It's time to gather and head towards the Heavenly Jewel Island."

From a detached point of view, Zhou Weiqing noticed that for the other three teams, the WanShou Battle Team were all dressed in white, the ZhongTian Battle Team in light blue, and the BaoPo Battle Team in yellow. Along with the dark green uniforms of the Fei Li Battle Team, there was certainly a contrast in colours today.

Yesterday, when they had officially entered the top four, they had been just too excited and overjoyed that they had not had the time to actually observe the other three seeded teams, and now he took the time and opportunity to observe them closely.

Currently, as he set his gaze upon them, Zhou Weiqing noticed that the two youths leading the WanShou Battle Team were about twenty six or twenty seven of age, and they actually looked exactly the same, clearly a set of twins. The two of them had cold looks upon their rather handsome faces, and the only way to differentiate them seemed to be a white lock of hair upon their heads. Both had the same white lock, but one had it on the left, while the other had it on the right.

As for the ZhongTian Empire, the leader also looked to be a youth of around twenty seven years old. Tall, well built and handsome, he looked calm and peaceful, but his eyes were deep and soulful like looking into a bottomless pool.

As for the Passion Valley team, it was another pair leading the team. This time, it was a young man and lady pair, and they stood there hand in hand, smiles on their faces. From the intimate way they acted, they were clearly a couple. The strangest thing about the Passion Valley was that out of the five main team members and three reserve members, all eight of them were made up of four couples! They truly lived up to their name of Passion Valley indeed.

Seeing that Shangguan Longyin had arrived, the other members of the Fei Li Battle Team hastily gathered. Lin TianAo stood at the front, with Zhou Weiqing standing just behind him.

After the series of fights in the preliminary heats, Zhou Weiqing's status in the Fei Li Battle Team was second only to Lin TianAo. If Lin TianAo was the symbol of strength, power and steadiness, the bedrock of their team, then Zhou Weiqing was the brains of the entire team. Of course, in their words, he was called their 'Dog Head Military Advisor'… 1

Shangguan Longyin stood in front of the four Battle Teams, the smile on his face when speaking with Zhou Weiqing had vanished, he did not elaborate much, just saying a quick and simple line: "Follow me."

Led by Shangguan Longyin, all of them headed out of the Skill Storing Palace. There was a line of five large horse carriages waiting for them on the road outside, each grand and luxurious, even more so than the one that the Heavenly Bow Unit Leader Hua Feng had used to 'earn money' in the past. Each of them had a team of eight gallant steeds harnessed to the carriage to pull them.

Shangguan Longyin motioned to them to get on, and he took the first horse carriage. The teams followed suit, each of them taking a horse carriage. As the horses galloped away, the five horse carriages sped away out of the ZhongTian City.

Sinking back into the comfortable seats of the luxurious carriage, Zhou Weiqing relaxed, his face showing his enjoyment as he turned to Lin TianAo, who was sitting beside him, and asked: "Leader, do you know anything about this upcoming semifinals and finals? Any secrets perhaps?"

Lin TianAo shook his head, saying: "The four seeded teams have been the only ones to enter the top four for many decades, and they have always kept silent on the issue. After so many years of the Heavenly Jewel Tournament being held, I have actually never heard of the semifinal and final fixtures being passed around." As he said that, he glanced subconsciously towards Little Witch. Without question, since she was from one of the Great Saint Lands, she was probably in a better position to have some knowledge about this.

Little Witch shrugged, saying: "Unfortunately, even though we are also a Great Saint Lands, we have never been through the top four personally as well. Although we have managed to get some news, it is definitely incomplete. As for the exact rules and fixtures, I do not know, but I have heard that this upcoming 'fight' will be held by all four teams at once, and may not be separated into a semifinals and finals fight. As for what exactly lies ahead, I do not know for sure."

Upon hearing that it would be an all out battle amongst the four team at once, the faces of the Fei Li Battle Team members changed. Although they knew that their overall strength had increased by a large amount due to Little Witch joining them, but they knew there was still a large gap between them and the other three seeded teams. No matter any one of the other seeded teams would be a large threat to them, let alone all of them.

Little Witch giggled and said: "Do not worry so much. I have said that our Battle Team will definitely get at least second, with the potential to even get the champion, and I truly meant it. Still, let's wait and see when we get to the Heavenly Jewel Island and hear the actual rule. In any case, whatever happens, we have at least entered the top four, entered the Heavenly Jewel Island right?"

Although the rest of the team was still wary of Little Witch, but hearing her words, they all relaxed a little. Indeed, what she said was true. No matter what happened, they had already exceeded all their hopes and expectations, created history, and entered the Heavenly Jewel Island! In the future fights, they did not need to have any stress or pressure about doing well, and could just concentrate on doing their best.

The horse carriages traveled for almost two hours before they finally left the ZhongTian City and headed down the official road. It was another hour of traveling before the speed finally started slowing down.

As the horse carriage stopped, they all disembarked. Right in front of them, they could see one of the huge rock pillars which supported the entire Heavenly Jewel Island.

Although they were already quite close to the pillar, one look could tell them that there was still some distance to it. Right below the pillar was a massive encampment, which surrounded the entire pillar.

Shangguan Longyin stood at the front, saying passively: "The sixteen grand pillars which support the Heavenly Jewel Island are each guarded by four Regiments of our ZhongTian Central Army. The Heavenly Jewel Island can be accessed by any of the sixteen pillars, but if anyone tries to break through to it by force… hmph–!"

Hearing his words, the ZhongTian Battle Team members showed respectful looks on her face, while the four couples of the Passion Valley had faint smiles on their face. Only the Heavenly Snow Mountain members had a rather deprecating look on their faces.

Thirty two streaks of light shot forth from Shangguan Longyin in the next instant, separating immediately and reaching each and every one of the thirty members of the four Battle Teams. Subconsciously, everyone raised their hands to meet it, and in their palms a small plaque appeared.

None of them had even seen Shangguan Longyin move, and the thirty plaques had already been distributed to their targets. This was a show of power indeed!

Naturally, Zhou Weiqing also had a plaque, and as he examined it, he saw its top half was round in shape with a sharpened bottom half. It was a warm jade of a pale blue shade, and on it were inscribed the three words Heavenly Jewel Plaque. He could faintly sense a swirl of energy within the plaque itself, though he was unable to tell what material it was made out of.

"Let's go." Throwing down those two words, Shangguan Longyin soared into the air like a cloud as he headed towards the army camp.

Four Army Regiments was forty thousand soldiers, and guarding sixteen pillars meant an entire six hundred and forty thousand soldiers to guard them all! Just the central army of the ZhongTian Empire alone had so many soldiers, let alone the rest of its army!

As Zhou Weiqing flew along with his companions towards their destination, he couldn't help but feel shocked in his heart.

In his eyes, the ZhongTian Empire was just too powerful, and yet, what did that entail for the power of the WanShou Empire? After all, the WanShou Empire alone was the entire north of the mainland, and was able to fight with almost all the other empires at once without losing. What sort of astonishing power did they have?!

Lost in his thoughts, Zhou Weiqing followed robotically behind the group as they entered the army camp in front. With Shangguan Longyin at the lead, and with the Heavenly Jewel Plaques in hand, they had no problems entering the heavily guarded encampment.

Observing coldly from the side, Zhou Weiqing noted that all the soldiers here were actually in full armour, and according to their different type of service arms, they had a different armor as well. For example, the archers were dressed in leather armour, scouts in light chain mail, and there were others with split mail, heavy armour and all sorts of different scale armours. It could be said that these ZhongTian Empire soldiers were armed to the teeth. Their personal strength aside, just their superior equipment already caused Zhou Weiqing's eyes to lit up.

When will our Heavenly Bow Empire ever have an army like that! At this time, the urgency in Zhou Weiqing's heart was at a highest possible point, and his hands gripped together tightly in fists.

The more he wandered the world, the more he saw, and the more he realised how little time he had. Compared to all these powerful Empires, or even some of the 'weaker' ones, his own Heavenly Bow Empire's gap between them was more like an uncrossable chasm. How he wished that he could bring his Empire to as strong as them!

Zhou Weiqing had made the decision that besides buying some necessities, he would save the rest of the bulk of his winnings to bring back to the Heavenly Bow Empire. With this several millions of gold coins, it would at least be able to gear up their army, improve recruitment, and especially aid in training and improving their Jewel Masters. No matter what, it would be a great boost to his Empire's growth. When he returned from the Fei Li Military Academy, he would join the army. Dad, just wait and see, when I finally return for good, I will replace you, and lead our Heavenly Bow Empire to become one of the strong empires of the world!

The supporting pillars were not actually fully straight all the way up, but with a slight incline in the centre. When they got very close to the pillar, they were able to see that steps had actually been carved into the pillar side.

In front of the steps, there were eight men guarding it, dressed in the white uniform of the ZhongTian Skill Storing Palace. They saluted and bowed towards Shangguan Longyin, before examining each and every one of the team members' Heavenly Jewel Plaques before letting them through.

Shangguan Longyin said passively: "All of you Battle Teams should not cause trouble on the way up, not even with each other, if not your Tournament entry will be revoked." After saying that, he vanished into a puff of green smoke as he sped up the pillar.

The four Battle Teams did not dare to be tardy, and they immediately followed suit up the steps.

From the distance, the rock pillar did not seem particularly large, but when they were right front of it, it was clearly as immense as a mountain. The ones to move out ahead were the ZhongTian Empire and the WanShou Empire, as the sixteen members of the two large Battle Teams soared into the air almost at the same time, rushing up to steps as if unwilling to play second fiddle to the other.

The BaoPo Battle Team members also followed suit right on their heels, but the Fei Li Battle Team members hurried along calmly.

"Leader, should we rush up as well?" Little Four said, clearly itching to go.

Lin TianAo shook his head, saying: "No, do not try to chase them. Firstly, we do not even know if we have the power and speed to catch up to them. This is just the trip to get up there, not part of the tournament, and we do not need to expend too much energy in doing so. Remember, Senior Shangguan said no getting into trouble as well. We'll go up together, quickly but not hastily."

The stairs or path up the pillar was rather precipitous, and Lin TianAo got Xiao Yan and Drunken Bao, who had the next highest cultivation levels in the team, to stay at the back as a precaution, while he himself took the front spot. In that formation, the team ascended the steps swiftly.

No matter what they heard about it previously, it was only when they started climbing the pillars when they couldn't help but sigh inwardly at the amazing miracles of nature, and what wonders it could conjure up with.

As the ground got further and further away, and the view got hazier, the steps up the pillar got steeper and even more dangerous. They could almost raise their hands and touch the step in front. It was almost impossible to estimate how much man-hours of effort, how much work and materials had been expended into cutting these steps into the pillars by the Heaven's Expanse Palace, and to imagine they had done so for all sixteen pillars could almost blow one's mind!

Chapter 292: Heavenly Jewel Island! (2)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

After a thousand metres or so, they were totally surrounded by mist. Once again, Lin TianAo warned his companions to be careful as they all slowed down their climbing speed due to the lack of visibility. As they ascended higher, the temperature also dropped. Xiao Yan was forced to release his Fire Attribute Heavenly Energy in order to dissipate the mist directly surrounding them, and to provide some measure of heat for his companions. Every thousand metres or so they climbed meant about a six degree drop in temperature, but with Xiao Yan's help and the strong physiques as Heavenly Jewel Masters, it was not a huge problem. They had heard that the pillars extended more than five thousand metres high, but they did not know the exact height. Since it was their first time climbing it, they wanted to be as careful as possible.

Slowly, the mist surrounding them grew thinner. After another hour of climbing, the sight before them changed almost abruptly, as they had broken past the bank of clouds and could actually see them below!

An amazing sight filled the eyes of the Fei Li Battle Team members. They could clearly see the skies right in front of them, a clear brilliant beautiful blue, the almost piercing sunlight, and at their feet was a huge mass of clouds that seemed almost impenetrable. Such a vision, it was as if they had wandered into another realm altogether, causing a strange feeling in their hearts.

This was, however, not the end of the road. Right above their heads, about two thousand metres away estimatedly, loomed the massive presence of the Heavenly Jewel Island. They could also see the other fifteen pillars supporting the huge island, painting a breathtaking picture before their eyes.

Heavenly Jewel Island. This was the Heavenly Jewel Island of legend!

Little Witch muttered to herself: "For the Heavenly Jewel Island to be called the greatest miracle of the entire mainland… It truly deserves its name. This is like a saintly paradise amongst the mortal world!"

She was not the only one who felt that way. This was also the first time seeing such a sight for each and every one of the Fei Li Battle Team members, and that sight sparked an awe and excitement in their hearts that couldn't be expressed in words alone. Not even mentioning what they could possibly gain materially on this Heavenly Jewel Island, just the sheer view and majesty of this miraculous island was enough to shock their hearts and satisfy them.

The size of the Heavenly Jewel Island itself was large, but not overly massive, at least in comparison to the sixteen pillars supporting it. Looking at it from the distance, they estimated jt was about the size of the ZhongTian City. From their view, the bottom of the island was entire pitch black, but as for what was on top, they would only be able to find out when they reached their destination.

Zhou Weiqing sucked in a deep breath, saying: "Wow indeed. But what happens if the Heavenly Jewel Island falls to the ground one day, wouldn't it totally destroy the ZhongTian City below?"

Lin TianAo gave him a silencing gesture, saying: ���Do not speak of that, not even as a joke. We are almost reaching the top, and I must warn all of you. When we reach the actual Heavenly Jewel Island, you all have to watch your words. This is the Heaven's Expanse Palace, and there are power houses galore here. Safety first is of the utmost importance, and you should not cause any trouble. When there is nothing on, I want everyone to stick together as a group."

All of them nodded in agreement, and finally Lin TianAo continued up, leading the way, satisfied.

At this height, the temperature was naturally even lower. However, without the clouds blocking their vision, they were actually able to move at a much faster pace. They could see that the other three Battle Teams had already almost reached the Heavenly Jewel Island, and since it was relatively safer now, they decided to accelerate their pace as well.

Finally, after slightly under an hour, they reached the five thousand metre high Heavenly Jewel Island. After another check of their Heavenly Jewel Plaques, they went through a round of registration before entering the Heavenly Jewel Island.

The other three Battle Teams had long since reached, and many of them looked on impatiently while they waited for the Fei Li Battle Team to reach.

Shangguan Longyin said: "Alright, now that all of you are here, you can go ahead to take a break and have a good rest. The actual finals fight will begin three days later. In this three days, you can move about freely the island as you wish. However, be warned that there are some areas that are restricted, and if you are stopped, do not try to enter forcibly, otherwise you will be treated as a hostile invader. If you need anything or have any queries about the Heavenly Jewel Island, you can ask any of the employees here, and there will be someone assigned to bring all of you to your respective accommodations."

After saying that, Shangguan Longyin seemed to meld into the air, disappearing in a flash.

Naturally, the members of the Fei Li Battle Team had heard Shangguan Longyin's words clearly. However, they did not rush off into things, instead taking the time to take in the entirety of the sights and sounds of this new environment they were in.

As soon as they had entered the Heavenly Jewel Island, they realised that they no longer felt the biting cold that had been prevalent on their way up. Even the humidity level 1 was actually higher than when they were climbing the pillars, being only slightly lower than ground level.

The surrounding area was full of grass and greenery, with many different types of plants flourishing. In the distance, there were several peaks forming a mountain range series, dotting the landscape. If not for the fact that they had just climbed up the rock pillars to reach this place, and could still it behind them, they could hardly belief that this was five thousand metres up in the sky!

As compared to the Fei Li Battle Team's surprise and curiosity, the other three Battle Teams were much better. After all, many of them had actually been here before.

The four assigned employees went to their respective Battle Teams to bring them to their accommodations, though strangely they did not head in the same direction, instead splitting up soon after. Clearly, their accommodations were all separate.

The white clad guide leading the Fei Li Battle Team looked to be about thirty years old of age, and Zhou Weiqing sidled up closer to him as they walked, asking curiously: "This Big Brother, for all of us, this is our first time on the Heavenly Jewel Island. Could you please introduce the entire island briefly to us?"

The white clad man smiled faintly, saying: "Of course I can. First of all, congratulations to you all for entering the top four. It has been many decades since a non seeded team has actually accomplished that. Alas, I was on duty during that period on the Island and wasn't able to watch all the matches."

"As for our Heavenly Jewel Island, there are actually three places which are the most famous. The Heaven's Expanse Palace, the Consolidating Equipment Pavilion, and the Skill Storing Palace. The Heaven's Expanse Palace is usually not open to the public, and is considered sacred ground in our entire Island. As such, most of the guests on the Island will visit the Consolidating Equipment Pavilion and the Skill Storing Palace; it can be said that both our Consolidating Equipment Pavilion and the Skill Storing Palace are considered top notch in the entire continent, literally unmatched. Later, when we reach your accommodations, you will see that it is not far from those two famed areas, as it is all in the central zone of the Island. For all of you, the central zone of the Island is the only place open for access, and the other zones, especially the Wild Zone on the outside, are not to be accessed or you will be treated as hostile invaders.

Hearing their guide's simple introduction, Zhou Weiqing had a rough picture of the entire Heavenly Jewel Island. Without question, the Wild Zone that was restricted to them definitely held many secrets. Perhaps the thirteen dragon caves or even other plant, animal treasures or rare ores could be found there. Of course, this Heavenly Jewel Island was the Heaven's Expanse Palace's, the heart of the ZhongTian Empire, and no one would mess around here for nothing.

As they walked deeper into the Island, the air became fresher, wetter, more comfortable; full of the faint fragrance of plants. Combined with the pure, soft rays of the sunshine bathing upon them, it was just like Little Witch had described previously –

Within the entire Fei Li Battle Team, the one who was the most intoxicated by the scene, almost deep in a reverie, was Little Witch. That was because she had the Life Attribute, and immersed in such a natural environment, she had a deep, profound sensation.

Led by the employee, they travelled almost for fifteen minutes before they reached the central zone that he had mentioned.

It was almost like a little 'City' in its own right, just without any city gates. After all, it was on the Heavenly Jewel Island, what need was there of tall walls and gates.

Along the broad lanes were shops lined on either side, and all the shopkeepers were dressed similarly to their guide. However, those shops were actually nothing to do with Heavenly Jewel Masters, either selling food, clothing or some necessities.

As per their guide's introduction, the Fei Li Battle Team members realised that all those shops were actually not selling ordinary food or clothing, but actually rare treasures. For example, the food could be exotic Heavenly Beasts and/or rare plants, while the clothes were also made out of precious materials and unique handicraft. There were also specialised inns for those guests with the Heavenly Jewel Plaque. Of course, all those things were extremely expensive indeed.

According to their guide, even the cheapest inn would cost more than a thousand gold coins per night, and that wasn't inclusive of meals. Of course, this time, as they were attending the Heavenly Jewel Tournament, their accommodations would be free, but that would only be during the period of the Heavenly Jewel Tournament.

As for the Heavenly Jewel Island, it was forbidden for anyone to spend the night in the streets, and they had to find some kind of accommodation, be it inns, hotels or whatnot. As such, if someone wanted to stay here for a long period of time to cultivate and make full use of their Skill Storing Palace and Consolidating Equipment Pavilion, they would have to prepare a colossal amount of gold coins first. This was one way for the Heavenly Jewel Island to restrict or limit their guests, at the same time a great way to profit greatly.

Very quickly, the members saw the Consolidating Equipment Pavilion and Skill Storing Palace in their sights, situated at the side of the zone, not far from each other. As for the other side of the central zone, it was covered with a cloudy mist, giving zero visibility. Clearly, that was the Heaven's Expanse Palace, and they had some sort of unknown seal or protection which made use of the mist to hide themselves.

As compared to the ZhongTian City's Skill Storing Palace and Consolidating Equipment Pavilion, the size of the ones on the Heavenly Jewel Island was much smaller, only about the size of the one that Zhou Weiqing had been to in the Flying Hill City. However, without a doubt, it was likely they were going for quality over quantity here.

The Fei Li Battle Team was housed in a nameless inn on the side, not far from the Consolidating Equipment Pavilion and Skill Storing Palace. It wasn't particularly luxurious or grand, but was clean and neat. Even staying at such an inn alone cost at least a thousand gold coins per person per day, and that wasn't even with individual rooms. The price was definitely insane.

Before the guide left, he told them that during the period of the Heavenly Jewel Tournament, their stay would be free, but it would not include their meals. As for what they wanted to eat, that would be up to them to handle themselves.

As per usual, they gathered in Lin TianAo's room. It had been early morning when they had set out from the ZhongTian City, and by now it was already in the afternoon, and they had to face the problem of lunch.

Ye Paopao couldn't help but say: "Luckily we all won quite some money, otherwise we would have to starve all the way through this tournament. Earlier, when we were walking, I took a look at their prices and they were indeed terrifying."

For Ye Paopao, a son of the Premier of the Fei Li Empire, to say that the food was expensive, and terrifyingly so, one could just imagine the sheer prices.

Drunken Bao patted Zhou Weiqing on the shoulder and grinned wickedly, saying: "No problem, we have our rich man here to treat us!"

Zhou Weiqing looked at him exasperatedly and said: "No way, I'm not treating you guys anymore."

Chapter 293: Heavenly Jewel Island! (3)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

Little Four grinned, saying: "Heh heh, Weiqing, you aren't going to be so stingy right? During the tournament period, it'll be at most a few tens of thousands of gold coins only, nothing much for you!"

Zhou Weiqing gave a humph, saying: "Keep dreaming, if you want me to feed you guys, that is no problem at all. I have loads of food in my Spatial Necklace to feed all of you for a month at least. I'm well prepared indeed. Heh heh." As he said that, he quickly dug out a bunch of dry rations and fruits and placed them on the table.

"Ughh…. Weiqing, you are too sly!"

Zhou Weiqing laughed, saying: "Alright, everyone eat up quickly. After eating, we can head to the Consolidating Equipment Pavilion. I'll settle all your gifts first, lest some people keep complaining that I'm stingy!"

Hearing that they were about to purchase the Consolidating Equipment Scrolls, everyone perked up, energized. They took barely half the time they usually took to eat, gorging everything down as they settled their lunch. After which, they rushed out of the inn and headed straight towards the Heavenly Jewel Island Consolidating Equipment Pavilion.

To any Heavenly Jewel Master, the Heavenly Jewel Island's Consolidating Equipment Pavilion and Skill Storing Palace was considered a long cherished dream, perhaps even a place of legend. Here was where the true items of quality could be found.

From the outside, the Consolidating Equipment Pavilion in front of them looked so much smaller than the one in the ZhongTian City. Although it had four levels, they estimated that its total surface area was about a third of that of the ZhongTian City Consolidating Equipment Pavilion.

Surprisingly, there were no guards at the entrance, and the members of the Fei Li Battle Team walked in directly.

Within, the interior decorations of both Consolidating Equipment Pavilions were rather similarly, an old-school look that was simple but beautiful. As they entered the Pavilion, two white-clad employees came forward to greet them.

The two employees looked to be about twenty odd years of age, though they gave a vibe of a deep, steady, grounded feel, clearly no simple or ordinary people.

"Welcome guests, may I know what you require?" The white clad youth on the left said with a respectful smile.

Lin TianAo replied respectfully: "Thank you, we are here to look for Consolidating Equipment Scrolls. May I know if there are works by Zong Stage Consolidating Equipment Masters?"

Hearing his question, a smile crossed the two white clad employees faces involuntarily, and the one on the left said: "Honoured guests, this must be your first time here at our Consolidating Equipment Pavilion. Let me give a simple introduction of our Pavilion over here, each level is separated into two zones. The left zone are all completed Consolidating Equipment Scrolls, while the right zone are all the various materials for creating Consolidating Equipment Scrolls. This is the same for every level."

"Amongst that, the first level is mostly Grandmaster and Zong Stage Consolidating Equipment Scrolls and their corresponding materials. At that level, we will not sell any Scrolls without Sockets. As for the second level, they are also still Grandmaster and Zong Stage Consolidating Equipment Scrolls, but the difference is that only Set Equipment are sold there, and not individual pieces. The third level would be God Level Consolidating Equipment Scrolls and their corresponding materials."

Hearing his simple introduction, the members of the entire Battle Team were shocked. Although they already had a high evaluation of the Heavenly Jewel Consolidating Equipment Pavilion, they had still somewhat underestimated its sheer power.

Even their lowest quality Scrolls were Socketed Grandmaster Consolidating Equipment Master Scrolls, followed by Zong Stage ones, populating two entire levels… even more so was the fact that they had entire Consolidating Equipment Sets for sale! After all, an entire Set could mean making an ordinary Heavenly Jewel Master into a powerhouse! Furthermore, this wasn't even counting the higher quality ones that the Heaven's Expanse Palace would likely keep for themselves… what kind of unbelievable foundation and wealth they had to be able to do something like that.

The most surprising thing was that just the third level alone of the Consolidating Equipment Scroll was already selling God Tier Consolidating Equipment Scrolls. Such news caused them all to suck in deep cold breaths on shock.

Zhou Weiqing couldn't help but ask: "What about the fourth level? Does that mean… the fourth level is selling God Tier… Legendary Consolidating Equipment Sets?!

The guide shook his head, saying: "Not exactly; after all, those Legendary Consolidating Equipment Sets are considered priceless. Our Consolidating Equipment Pavilion has seven different type of Legendary Set designs, of which only the completed Scrolls of four of those can be sold. However, we only do equivalent barter trade for these, and will not sell them for gold coins, as they are much too valuable. As such, the fourth level is actually for custom made Consolidating Equipment Scrolls, and is open for all levels of Consolidating Equipment Masters from Zong Stage and above to customize any particular Equipment for you. Of course, the price for custom Scrolls are much more expensive, at least three times that of any ordinary Consolidating Equipment Scrolls of the same level."

Without even caring about the price, as soon as the Fei Li Battle Team members heard that Legendary Sets could actually be traded for, all of them were totally stunned speechless. No matter whether or not someone could afford it, at least they now knew that it was available for trade!

Little Witch stood at the side muttering to herself: "No wonder the Heavenly Jewel Island is called the richest place on the entire mainland…"

Little Four's eyes lit up with glee as he exclaimed: "If only I had the money to buy an entire Legendary Set… ahhh… I'd be a super powerhouse in the future as well!"

Drunken Bao glared at him exasperatedly, saying: "Alright, stop daydreaming. That's not even close to being realistic, do you think they are worth nothing? Those aren't things that we can buy. Come on, let's go look at the Zong Stage Consolidating Equipment Scrolls. If we can manage to get a good Zong Stage Consolidating Equipment Scroll, it will be truly worth the trip here indeed."

In truth, the others were all somewhat daydreaming longingly, however silently, but they were all pulled back to reality by Drunken Bao's words. An entire Legendary Set was so expensive that even a small or medium Empire would not be able to afford it no matter how hard they tried, let alone lone Heavenly Jewel Masters like themselves without any powerful backgrounds.

Without any further delay, they decided to head quickly to the first level and choose their Zong Stage Consolidating Equipment Scrolls.

Zhou Weiqing grabbed hold of Lin TianAo before he could follow the rest. Turning to Drunken Bao and the others, he said: "All of you go ahead and take your time choosing, and I will settle the bill when I come back down. Leader, let's head up to the fourth floor to choose. After all, your situation is very different from them. In order to continue with your Assembly Set Shield, it definitely has to be a custom made Consolidating Equipment Scroll."

Lin TianAo started, furrowing his brow as he said: "But… the price…"

Zhou Weiqing laughed heartily, saying: "From what I see, you are very close to reaching the six-Jeweled Cultivation level right? I know that it will be quite a long time before I can reach the Zong Stage Consolidating Equipment Master level, and there is no point wasting time waiting. Come, let's go." As he said that, he dragged Lin TianAo along with him.

Lin TianAo was an Ultimate Defense Heavenly Jewel Master, and one of outstanding talent and skill. More importantly, he was Zhou Weiqing's Follower, and towards his own people, Zhou Weiqing had always been extremely generous. Increasing Lin TianAo's power was in a way increasing his own power, and he would not skimp on spending on him. Lin TianAo had already started on this path of the Assembly Set Shield, the extreme method, and if he did not continue on the path, it would perhaps limit his growth and waste his talents. Zhou Weiqing definitely did not want that to happen, to waste such potential by saving some money and causing his Assembly Shield Set to 'break' from now on.

Lin TianAo did not continue protesting, following Zhou Weiqing's lead. In his eyes, a warm smile could be faintly seen.

When he had first lost to Zhou Weiqing and became his Follower, it was undoubtedly with an unwilling heart. Being vexed, disappointed and resigned … those emotions barely scratched the surface of the turmoil in his heart. However, he was a man of his word, and he stuck to it no matter how he felt about it. Yet… as time went by, and the more time he spent together with Zhou Weiqing, that feeling slowly dissipated. It wasn't just the unbelievable talent that Zhou Weiqing had displayed, his quick wit, character, all of which showed he would be a good leader to follow. But more importantly, it was the respect that Zhou Weiqing showed him.

In this Heavenly Jewel Tournament, he had been the leader in name, yet he had been Zhou Weiqing's Follower. Naturally, one could imagine how conflicted he felt at the start. However, Zhou Weiqing had not tried to use that against him or displayed any sign of it, instead calling him Leader respectfully like a little brother. That, and more, had slowly caused any unpleasant feelings in his heart to slowly dissolve away in the sands of time.

They still had quite a lot of time, thus Zhou Weiqing did not rush to the fourth floor, instead bringing Lin TianAo to the right zone. Naturally, he was not there to buy any completed Consolidating Equipment Scrolls. As a Consolidating Equipment Master himself, he would not waste the money on buying completed Scrolls unless absolutely necessary. After all, his target was to become a Grandmaster, Zong Stage Master, and even God Tier Master in the future! As such, he needed to purchase some rarer materials required for those future stages in advance, in preparation for his future needs. Anyway, he had the money to spend currently, and he might as well use this opportunity the purchase what he needed now; those materials would not drop in value in any case, and could only go higher. From the ever-increasing prices of the Consolidating Equipment Scrolls in the market, he clearly realised that point.

Walking to the right zone of the first level, what entered Zhou Weiqing and Lin TianAo's eyes was a dazzling array of goods, from Consolidating Equipment Paper, Ink, to the many varied materials required. From just a quick glance, Zhou Weiqing could tell they were all rare treasures indeed.

"What?! Damn! That Black Voodoo Grass is at least 500 years old! Wait, what? Heavens! Is that a Green Jade Agave?! Ahhh… to use that to create a Zong Stage Consolidating Equipment Scroll would be rather a waste…"

Muttering crazily to himself, Zhou Weiqing looked around the entire zone, examining the amazing rare treasures and plants before his eyes. However, he also saw the prices listed under the items. The price was directly proportional to the rarity and quality of the items, and looking at all the various zeroes behind the prices, Zhou Weiqing couldn't help but flinch with a bitter smile.

Up until this point, he had not even seen any item less than five thousand gold coins, and these were just merely single materials. From those prices, one could imagine how high the completed Scrolls would be. To describe the Heavenly Jewel Island Consolidating Equipment Pavilion's prices as daylight robbery would not be an exaggeration.

At the same time, you could not complain a whit about those prices, and you could only pay those prices obediently. After all, they were not forcing anyone to buy the goods, yet these materials were so rare in the outside world, that the only possible place you might even have a chance of coming across them would be in an auction house. And in an auction, the prices might even be higher than the prices stated here!

After looking for a while, Zhou Weiqing couldn't help but heave a huge sigh inwardly. So… a hundred million gold coins was really nothing! Luckily, this time, I'm able to trade the Immortal Deity Technique for God Tier Consolidating Equipment Scrolls.

After a quick look of all the various materials, Zhou Weiqing decided not to rush into purchasing the materials he wanted. After all, they still had a lot of time, and these materials were all so expensive. His mind was full of information that he had memorised from Huyan Aobo's teachings, and he decided to process everything first before deciding. After all, he wanted to make full efficient use of these expensive materials, and by mixing them with some cheaper auxiliary materials when creating Consolidating Ink, he could save a rather drastic amount. However, in order to do that, he would need to take time and plan things out carefully. At the same time, he would have to think of what he needed to buy for Yun Li. Money was there to be spent, but he would definitely spend every cent of it wisely.

As such, Zhou Weiqing decided to put off his decision til later, and head upwards to see the higher levels first. When he got back, he could slowly plan what he wanted to buy, especially since he might want some materials from the higher levels as well. Of course, he would also have to plan his finances on how much he had left after buying the Zong Stage Consolidating Equipment Scrolls for his friends.

Leaving the first level, they entered the second one. Similarly, Zhou Weiqing led Lin TianAo to the right zone where the materials were being sold. When he entered the hall, he was surprised to see someone standing in front of a small shoot of grass, muttering softly to herself.

It was an old lady dressed in a long grey robe. She was not particularly tall, slightly plump, with a head of wild white hair cascading onto her shoulders messily. Not only was she muttering under her breath, she was also pointing at the shoot of grass, giving a rather strange and unusual.

Chapter 294: Triplets… (1)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

Looking at the weird old lady, Zhou Weiqing couldn't help but walk up closer to her.

As every material was extremely valuable and expensive, they were all placed there with a transparent crystal cover protecting it. Buyers could only use their eyes to examine it, but not touch it, lest they damage or destroy it.

Yet, this strange old lady before him, the crystal cover over the stalk of grass had actually been moved to the side, and the stalk of grass was exposed to the air. She was even muttering and pointing at it, yet none of the employees seemed to come for her.

As he got closer, Zhou Weiqing could clearly hear what she was muttering about, as she seemed to speak directly to the little stalk of grass: "Little Bi'er, be good, hurry up and grow up, grow up, grandmother will find a good husband for you."

Hearing her words, Zhou Weiqing almost laughed out loud, thinking to himself: This grandma, is she alright? Mental problems? But… if that's the case, how could she possibly be in this Consolidating Equipment Pavilion?

That feeling of welling laughter only lasted for a few seconds. The next moment, his entire body shook, his eyes widening in shock as he stared at the old lady.

The reason for that sudden change was because Zhou Weiqing could clearly see what had just happened. The little stalk of grass that the old lady was in front of was a Nether Jade Grass, a valuable plant 1, and it was actually swaying along with the old lady's voice! Zhou Weiqing could vaguely see that around the Nether Jade Grass was a faint warping of light around it. The most stunning thing was that the Nether Jade Grass was actually growing swiftly as it swayed along, at such a speed that could actually be seen by the naked eye!

She… Wha… How did she do that? Zhou Weiqing was totally shocked. He could not believe his eyes, that a human could actually control the growth of such plants.

Even a Heavenly Jewel Master with the Life Attribute should not be able to do something like that, as the Life Attribute could only allow them to borrow a plant's Life Aura, at most using it to control or improve their Personal Plant. Yet, for this Nether Jade Grass to be sold here, how could it possibly be her Personal Plant? If that was so, how could she possibly do that? For a moment, besides being stunned, Zhou Weiqing was left curious.

Nether Jade Grass. A highly poisonous plant, but it also had another unique attribute. When ground into powder and mixed with some other materials, it would improve the miscibility, allowing items that would not mix together to do so. In creating those top quality Consolidating Ink, it was a rare and exceptional ingredient indeed. With it, the failure rate of creating Consolidating Ink dropped drastically, and the quality would also improve sharply.

Zhou Weiqing had seen a fully grown Nether Jade Grass earlier in the first level, and it was definitely one of the 'must-buy' materials that he had targeted in his plan.

Very quickly, he saw the difference between this stalk of Nether Jade Grass and the one he had see on the first level. As it grew swiftly before his eyes, a slender gold thread as thin as a bull's fur slowly grew on its leaves.

The gold thread spread out across the entire leaf, almost covering it entirely, and its contrast with the original emerald green colour of the Nether Jade Grass was bright and fresh.

This … this is? Gold Fur Nether Jade Grass?! Once more, Zhou Weiqing's heart was given a rude shock.

As compared to ordinary Nether Jade Grass, the Gold Fur Nether Jade Grass was considered cream of the crop, a treasure amongst all treasures. It was no longer just a mere material for Consolidating Ink, instead used to create the prime fusion agent that was required in creating Consolidating Equipment Sets. When any Scroll which was part of a Consolidating Equipment Set was completed, no matter what level or rank it was, it needed a form of fusion in order to link the pieces to form the set.

There were many types of fusion agents, and this Gold Fur Nether Jade Grass was one of the highest quality ones, and even Legendary Sets required them as well as some other valuable materials to create. Zhou Weiqing had not expected to see it here in the second level of the Consolidating Equipment Pavilion.

Just as Zhou Weiqing was lost in deep thought, all of a sudden, the old lady beside him shuddered, a soft exclamation crying out from her mouth. The slow and steady growth of the Gold Fur Nether Jade Grass suddenly rose sharply in a burst, and the gold thread on its surface grew erratically instead of the previous orderly patterns.

"'Trying to help the shoots grow by pulling them upward' 2 is truly not the way to go! Sigh… I overdid it…" The old lady said dejectedly.

Perhaps lady luck was smiling upon him, perhaps he had been focusing too hard on the Gold Fur Nether Jade Grass, when Zhou Weiqing saw its sudden burst of growth coupled with the draining of its life force, he almost subconsciously lifted his hand and waved towards the little plant, and without knowing why, he unleashed a quick Absolute Delay on it.

Almost instantly, the rapidly growing Gold Fur Nether Jade Grass paused for a moment, before resuming its growth at a much slower rate.

"Ehh?" The old lady, who had been ready to give up, cried out in sudden surprise, and she quickly gestured towards the little plant. Instantly, a gold light shone from the gold threads, and the previously scattered and messy threads realigned themselves neatly, with each leaf shining forth with a brilliant gold light. It was actually fully grown now!

*Phew* The old lady let loose a loud breath, a happy look on her face. With a twist of her wrist, a white jade box appeared in her hand. At the same time, her other hand waved towards the Gold Fur Nether Jade Grass, and the glowing plant floated up, performing a strange dance-somersault into the box. Even as the old lady closed the box, a faint glow could still be seen from within.

After doing that, only then did the old lady turn to look at Zhou Weiqing, and he was surprised to that this white haired old lady did not have any wrinkles, her skin smooth like a baby, with surprisingly beautiful features. One could imagine that she was once a top beauty when she was young.

"Little fellow, not bad at all, thank you for your Absolute Delay, or Little Bi'er might have not made it."

Zhou Weiqing said respectfully: "I was just lucky enough to be there, it was a mere coincidence. Senior, can I ask you something, how did you manage to stimulate plants into growing quickly, especially such a top quality one like the Gold Fur Nether Jade Grass?"

A faint smile crossed the old lady's face as she said: "Little Bi'er isn't that top quality, but its growth speed is just too slow, and there is never enough to use. You have the Time Attribute, didn't the other old fellows tell you how to control the growth of plants using that? As long as you do not overdo it like me earlier, with the Time Attribute, you usually will not fail."

"Eh? What old fellows?" Zhou Weiqing asked in surprise.

The old lady examined him closely, saying: "You do not know who I am?"

Zhou Weiqing started, then said: "This is the first time I have seen Senior. This junior is Zhou Weiqing, may I know Senior's name?"

The old lady gave a soft hmmm sound, then abruptly, she lifted her hands, grabbing out at Zhou Weiqing's left hand.

It seemed like her hand moved extremely slowly, but neither Zhou Weiqing nor the closeby Lin TianAo could react in time to stop her. It was as if as soon as she lifted her hands, Zhou Weiqing's hand was already in her palm.

Zhou Weiqing did not feel any restrictions or seals on his body, but when the old lady held hold of his wrist, he felt a faint energy flow through his wrist.

"Ahh?" The old lady let go, surprise in her eyes. "Little fellow, you really aren't a disciple of one of those old fellows?"

Zhou Weiqing gave a abashed smile, saying: "Senior, I do not even know who you are talking about!"

Furrowing her brow, the old lady said: "Then how did you get on the Heavenly Jewel Island? I haven't seen anyone with such a low cultivation level before on this Island, it's been a long time since I've seen a little fellow with three Jewels. A Five-Jeweled little fellow like the one beside you is more common."

Zhou Weiqing blushed, thinking to himself. This low cultivation level is really embarrassing, anyone can look down upon it.

"Senior, I am a member of the Fei Li Battle Team, here to attend the Heavenly Jewel Tournament finals." He had his own guess about the status of this old lady, and he naturally did not try to hide anything as he replied respectfully.

The old lady stared blankly at Zhou Weiqing, a strange, unsteady look on her face. The next moment, she actually burst out laughing, looking towards Zhou Weiqing with a strange, predatory look, like a wolf looking at a sheep.

Zhou Weiqing shuddered involuntarily, quickly saying: "Senior, if you have nothing else, I'm heading off to choose materials to buy. Goodbye."

Just as he was about to turn to leave, the old lady interrupted him quickly: "Wait a moment. It looks like you are a Consolidating Equipment Master right? What level are you?"

Zhou Weiqing replied: "I'm almost reaching the High Level Consolidating Equipment Master stage." Indeed, as his cultivation level had raised to the Three-Jeweled stage, his Heavenly Energy, vitality and Spirit Energy had all improved, and with his creating capabilities of Consolidating Equipment Scrolls, he could definitely be at the level of High Level Consolidating Equipment Master.

The old lady continued asking: "Then, who is your teacher?"

Zhou Weiqing replied: "My teacher is Huyan Aobo."

The old lady started, as if confused, before finally saying: "Huyan Aobo? Hmm… I've never heard of the name. Sigh… What am I thinking! How could a Consolidating Equipment Master not have a teacher? What a shame, what a shame."

As she said that, something appeared in the old lady's palm in a flash, and she moved her hand in front of his face, saying: "Little fellow, since you have helped me earlier, I will gift you with this. With this, you can get a discount in buying anything from the Consolidating Equipment Pavilion."

The item was was a silver ring, inlaid with a few small red rubies forming two words. When Zhou Weiqing looked at it closely, he could see that the two words were Wei Yang.

The old lady smiled faintly, saying: "That is my name. If you need to order any custom Scrolls, you can come to the fourth level to look for me."

Zhou Weiqing took the ring, wearing it on his finger, happiness in his heart. He knew that his earlier guess was accurate, and this old lady was likely a Zong Stage Consolidating Equipment Master or higher.

"Senior Wei Yang, I was just about to head to the fourth level to order a Consolidating Equipment Scroll Set for this friend of mine. I will have to trouble you then." As he said that, he pointed towards Lin TianAo at his side.

Wei Yang glanced at Lin TianAo for a moment, then said: "What about yourself? Don't you want to customize a Consolidating Equipment Scroll? Seeing as you helped me earlier, if it is for yourself, I will give it a half price discount."

Zhou Weiqing hesitated a moment before finally saying: "I am currently not in need for that so I will not need to trouble Senior in that regard. In the future, when I do need it, I will definitely look for you. So… how about my friend…"

Chapter 295: Triplets… (2)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

Wei Yang did not even look at Lin TianAo, staring piercingly at Zhou Weiqing as she said: "Child, I have lived a long life, but your talent is something I have never seen before. I hope you will not waste this chance. As you should already know, Consolidated Equipment are of utmost importance to any Heavenly Jewel Master, and even more so for one with talent like yours. I do not know if you have already Consolidated all three Jewels or not, but if you want to become a future great powerhouse, you must not waste any further Physical Jewels. To fully make use of your six Attribute Elemental Jewels, only a Legendary Set can truly match that."

Hearing her words, Zhou Weiqing couldn't help but be utterly shocked. After all, this old lady called Wei Yang had just held his wrist for a few seconds, and she already knew his secret of having six Attributes?!

What sort of power was that?

As if sensing his shock, Wei Yang smiled faintly, saying: "You do not need to be so surprised, my senses are far more attuned and receptive than most others. Ahh, what a shame! You already have a teacher, otherwise I will definitely take you as my disciple, no matter what it takes."

Although she spoke with a smiling face, but when she spoke those words, Zhou Weiqing did not doubt the resolve and seriousness of her intent.

Watching at the side, Lin TianAo's shock was no lesser than Zhou Weiqing. He was not a Consolidating Equipment Master and did not understand some of what was said, but his cultivation level was much higher than Zhou Weiqing's. As such, in observing this old lady, his senses told him a lot more. She gave him the impression as if she wasn't real, as his senses couldn't even detect a hint of her presence. Yet, she was definitely standing right in front of him, not an illusion at all. What did that mean? This old lady's power was already far beyond either Zhou Weiqing or his own!

"Sis Wei Yang, is your Gold Fur Nether Jade Grass ready yet? Hurry up, we are only just waiting for that last one." Right at that moment, they were abruptly interrupted by a deep resonant voice coming from outside. In the next instant, a tall, well built old man walked in.

The old man was dressed in a purple long robe, his greyish white spiky short hair stood up like porcupine needles. His features were good looking, an honest squarish feel, and he had an aura of stateliness about him. He was extremely well built, his physique almost rivalling Lin TianAo and Zhou Weiqing. However, he had a pair of very slim and slender hands, and they were the only part of him which were snow white, a strange contrast from the rest of his body.

Hearing the old man's voice, Wei Yang did not even look back, instantly throwing the box with the Gold Fur Nether Jade Grass behind her."

"You take it first, I have something to take care of."

The old man caught the jade box easily, and as he did so, he swept his gaze across Zhou Weiqing and Lin TianAo. With some surprise, he said: "Wei Yang, are these some new little fellows that just arrived? When have you taken an interest in these little fellows? That is not the style of you, the Raksha of the Netherworld!"

Wei Yang spun around suddenly, glaring at the purple robed old man. In a serious tone, she said: "Ye RuiChen, if you want to die you can just tell me. If you dare call me by that ancient nickname again, this old lady will make sure you won't be a man any longer."

The purple clad old man's expression froze, looking warily at Wei Yang. "Have you gone mad? Hmm, it seems like these two little fellows have quite some status in your heart huh? Let me see."

Both Zhou Weiqing and Lin TianAo felt their vision blur before their eyes in a dazzle of purple flew towards them. However, Wei Yang also reacted instantly, and the very air around them seemed to warp violently, and a soft pushing force sent both of them further back. In the next instant, the air reverberated strongly in violent tremors, and they could see a grey shadow and purple shadow clashing at unbelievable speeds, flashing around like 2 beams of light. In just that short period of time, they had clashed an unknown amount of times.

Zhou Weiqing and Lin TianAo glanced at each other helplessly, not sure what exactly was going on, and why the two elders were fighting with each other.

"Hahaha! I knew there was something wrong with your reaction. For one of these young men to catch Wei Yan's critical eye, hmmm… could it be that he has the talent to inherit our legacy and skills? The more you do not want me to have a look, the more I am determined in doing so!" The purple clad old man's loud voice laughed out.

Wei Yang said angrily: "Ye RuiChen, are you asking for death? Hmph. That little fellow already has a master."

"So what if he has a master? As if his master can be stronger than me? That is not a problem at all!" Ye RuiChen said, grinning. "Wei Yang, you might have a higher cultivation level than me, but we both have the Spatial Attribute, and you know that if I am determined, it will not be that difficult for me to test them out. At the most, I might sustain some minor injuries. Why must you insist on stopping me? Heh, it seems that their talent must be really something for you to react so strongly!"

"Enough with the nonsense. If you really dare to charge forward insistently, this old lady will cripple you like promised. I will not let you force this child."

"Force? What is there to force? How old can these two little rascals be? So what if they have a master, this old man can go accept his teacher as my disciple, then he will become my grand-disciple right? Heh heh."

Another flash, and the two separated from their clash, each standing at the side panting a little. Wei Yang glared angrily at Ye RuiChen, saying: "You are literally full of bullshit, so smelly. As if his master wouldn't have his own master? You already have a few disciples, this old lady has finally found someone favourable, and you dare try to snatch from me?"

Ye RuiChen grinned, saying: "Heh, your fox's tail has revealed itself now right? What 'he has a master', all excuses! Who made a rule that a person can only have one master or teacher anyway? If you don't want me to see, then fine, just be honest with me, which of the two is the one you have taken a fancy to, and what so outstanding about his talent?"

Right at that moment, a sudden low raspy voice interrupted them, traveling from beyond. "What are the two of you doing?! Hurry back up here, it's almost the critical moment!"

Hearing that voice, both Wei Yang and Ye RuiChen's face changed. They glanced at each other, and did not delay any further. In a flash, they both vanished, leaving the two youths standing there stupefied.

Lin TianAo turned towards Zhou Weiqing, saying in an uncertain tone: "Those two were so powerful, I couldn't even tell what level they were at. Weiqing, what were they saying just now?"

Towards Wei Yang and Ye RuiChen's conversation, Zhou Weiqing could understand the gist of it, and it seemed like it was an argument born out of his own talent. Without question, those two were definitely Zong Stage Consolidating Equipment Masters or higher!

After some thought, Zhou Weiqing grinned and said: "I'm not a hundred percent sure myself, Leader, but let's head to the fourth level to join in the fun!"

Lin TianAo furrowed his brow, saying: "Weiqing, they were fighting over you earlier, why would you send yourself into the tiger's mouth? With their power levels, either of them could kill us with a single finger."

Zhou Weiqing laughed heartily, saying: "There is only improvement when there is competition, it might even be better than they are fighting over me. Relax, I guarantee that there will be no danger; who knows if something good might even happen. Come on, let's go have a look." As he said that, he quickly moved towards the exit to the third level.

Although Lin TianAo was still wary, but he was no Consolidating Equipment Master, and did not understand much about that world, and he followed suit behind Zhou Weiqing.

After climbing up to the third level, just as they were about the ascend to the fourth level, they were halted.

The ones who stopped them were four old men dressed in white, looking to be about sixty to seventy years. The one in the lead held up a hand to stop the two of them from continuing up the stairs, saying solemnly: "I'm sorry guests, the fourth level is temporarily closed. If both of you require custom made Scrolls, you will need to wait some time before you can enter. Unfortunately, I am unable to give an estimate of how long is required."

Hearing their words, a disappointed look flashed across Zhou Weiqing's face, and he shook his head helplessly and said to Lin TianAo: "In that case, let's go back down to look for materials. We can also have a look at the third level, perhaps we might find some good completed Scrolls."

Just as he was about to turn around with Lin TianAo and leave, a familiar voice rang out from behind the four white clad guards. "Who is that making all the noise. Be quiet, do not disturb the Masters."

Hearing that voice, it was as if Zhou Weiqing was struck by a bolt of lightning. Spinning around abruptly, he saw a young girl walk out from behind the four guards, a girl who had plagued his dreams. Wasn't it just Shangguan Bing'er?!

"Bing'er!" Zhou Weiqing cried out excitedly.

Shangguan Bing'er was wearing a white dress, and hearing Zhou Weiqing call her, she started, calling out in surprise: "Zhou Little Fatty?" As she said that, she walked out from behind the white clad guards.

When Zhou Weiqing had called out Bing'er, he had been a little wary at first. After all, the memory of being slapped by Shangguan Xue'er was still imprinted in his mind, especially the memory of the lasting pain.

However, upon looking closely, this Shangguan Bing'er did not have that cold aura of Shangguan Xue'er. Furthermore, she had called him Little Fatty on seeing him, and he did not hesitate any longer. He took a quick step forward, hugging her unhesitatingly.

As the saying goes, loss causes one to truly realise how important something is. When with the other members of the Fei Li Battle Team, Zhou Weiqing had not revealed how much he had been affected, how much he was missing her, for fear of affecting his teammates. But in truth, it had been plaguing him the whole time; otherwise, he wouldn't have risked his life to fight Shen Little Demon with his all, to even reveal his hand against all his instincts.

At this time, finally getting to see Bing'er again, he was overjoyed and just hugged her instantly.

Seeing Zhou Weiqing charge at her, Shangguan Bing'er was startled, lifting her hands as if to block him, but a little mischievous glint in her eyes.

However, this 'Shangguan Bing'er' had underestimated Zhou Weiqing's strength. She did not want to really hurt Zhou Weiqing, and thus did not put in much strength, whereas had been overeager and used a little too much. He never thought that Shangguan Bing'er would reject his embrace, and as such he had just hugged her without thinking.

The result was that this 'Shangguan Bing'er''s arms had not managed to block Zhou Weiqing at all, instead having them trapped between them in the embrace.

Zhou Weiqing had been yearning for Shangguan Bing'er too much, and as soon as he hugged her, he kissed her full on the lips.

On being kissed, 'Shangguan Bing'er started, totally shocked as she was kissed deeply.

Chapter 296: Triplets… (3)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

Soft… wet… fragrant… but wait… something was wrong? Zhou Weiqing was so lost in the kiss that his emotions were all in a mess, so much so that he almost did not sense something was wrong.

The four white-clad guards behind 'Shangguan Bing'er' were totally shocked, the only thing in their minds was one single question. Who … who is this? To even dare kiss this little devil girl of their Heaven's Expanse Palace…

Being kissed by Zhou Weiqing, this 'Shangguan Bing'er''s eyes widened, her body shuddering. The next moment, a strange scene occurred.

'Shangguan Bing'er' started moving about in Zhou Weiqing's arms, and in the next instant, her arms snaked out from between them like some flexible eels. Soon after, her left leg stomped hard on Zhou Weiqing's right foot, causing him to look up in pained surprise.

Next, she grabbed hold of his shoulder, using her own left shoulder to strike him in the chest, and Zhou Weiqing was sent flying back in the air.

That was indeed an amazing feat. After all, Zhou Weiqing's strength was unbelievably powerful, and even if he had no vigilance against Shangguan Bing'er, that basic strength was still there, as well as a considerable body weight. Yet, this 'Shangguan Bing'er' had thrown him away without even using a bit of Heavenly Energy, clearly her strength, flexibility, coordination, was at a stunning level.

Seeing Zhou Weiqing getting thrown away, Lin TianAo was startled, quickly jumping in front to catch him. At the same time, that 'Shangguan Bing'er' charged forward in a leap, striking towards Zhou Weiqing in mid air, shouting: "Zhou Little Fatty, you're asking for death!"

"Second sis! Be lenient!" Right at point, a voice rang out, and another white figure dashed down from the fourth level of the Consolidating Equipment Pavilion.

On hearing the voice, the 'Shangguan Bing'er' in midair hesitated, and her hands which had almost reached Zhou Weiqing drew back.

Only then was Zhou Weiqing safely caught by Lin TianAo, but at that point he was both shocked and angry in his heart. Shock that Shangguan Bing'er would actually strike him, and that the area where he had been grabbed was exactly the Clavicle Acupuncture Point, and the instant it had been grabbed, he felt two swirling cones of Heavenly Energy invading his Acupuncture Point, and although a large portion of it was blocked off by his energy whirlpool, it still caused his entire shoulder to go numb, otherwise he wouldn't have been thrown so easily.

As Lin TianAo placed Zhou Weiqing back onto a ground, a figure flashed down, soaring through the air and right into his arms.

"Little Fatty!" A cry, full of surprise, yearning, longing and love, and Shangguan Bing'er appeared right in front of Zhou Weiqing.

However, this time, Zhou Weiqing did not dare hug her. Subconsciously, he took a step back, his arms lifted warily in front of him. "You…"

Just as Zhou Weiqing was about to ask why Shangguan Bing'er had treated him like that, he was cut off, staring blankly ahead as he suddenly saw that on the stairs, not far away, there was another 'Shangguan Bing'er' glaring at him angrily.

"Wha… Heavens… Who can tell me what is going on?!" Zhou Weiqing looked helplessly between the two Shangguan Bing'ers, his face muscles twitching.

The Shangguan Bing'er right in front of him cried out tearily: "Silly Little Fatty, I am your Bing'er! That is my second sister, Shangguan Fei'er!"

Zhou Weiqing stared, jaw agape: "You… you really are my Bing'er? How did your parents give birth to you all! You three sisters look so alike…"

As he said that, both his arms which had been held up guardedly fell down, and Shangguan Bing'er leaped into his embrace, hugging him by the waist tightly.

That familiar scent, that slightly quivering soft body in his arms, it finally seemed so real at last as Zhou Weiqing slowly tightened his arms around Shangguan Bing'er, muttering to himself: "Bing'er… my Bing'er…"

All of a sudden, a cold voice rang out from beyond: "Why is it so noisy." Another white figure appeared at the entrance of the fourth level stairway. Another similar feature, with an icy cold expression – it was Shangguan Xue'er.

Xue'er, Fei'er, Bing'er. The three sisters looked exactly alike, and when the three triplets appeared right in front of them, even Lin TianAo had no choice but to stare in shock. In his heart, he muttered to himself: Weiqing getting slapped previously and thrown this time, it was truly not his fault I guess! Perhaps if I were in his shoes, I would have done the same thing.

Hearing Shangguan Xue'er's voice, Shangguan Bing'er quickly looked up, a blush tinging her beautiful face, but she could not bear to let go of Zhou Weiqing, leaning into his embrace. Just like him, she had felt the torment of being parted, and having finally seen her Little Fatty once more, how could she bear to leave him so quickly again?

Seeing Zhou Weiqing, Shangguan Xue'er started, her face growing even colder. Turning to Zhou Weiqing she said passively: "I once promised you that if your Fei Li Battle Team managed to enter the top four of the Heavenly Jewel Tournament, I would let you see Bing'er. Now, you both have met… you can leave now."

"Big sis…" Shangguan Bing'er immediately cried out urgently.

Looking at her, the cold on Shangguan Xue'er's face actually thawed a little, growing gentler as she said: "Bing'er, you are at the critical moment. The Masters have been labouring hard for several days for your sake, in order to help you remould your Physical Jewels, you cannot waste everyone's effort at this point. Come back in now, the Remoulding Scroll is almost complete now."

Shangguan Bing'er held Zhou Weiqing's hands, not wanting to leave.

Shangguan Xue'er furrowed her brow slightly, saying: "Come on Bing'er, we have to go. How about this, let him wait here, and when you finish remoulding your Physical Jewels, you can come back out here and chat with him. Just be sure to return to the Palace at night."

Hearing her words, Shangguan bing'er was overjoyed, smiling happily as she said: "Thanks Big Sis. Little Fatty, you wait here for me okay, I'll be right back here as soon as I'm done."

Zhou Weiqing held her hands stubbornly, saying: "No, I don't want you to leave."

Shangguan Bing'er started, but Shangguan Xue'er said coldly: "If you want the best for her, you better let go of her. The Remoulding Scroll can only be used on the instant it is created, and it will allow Bing'er's Physical Jewels to be cleansed, remoulded and wiped to a clean slate, so she can Consolidate them again.

Hearing Shangguan Xue'er's words, although he was still in an emotional state, Zhou Weiqing was greatly surprised. Remould Physical Jewels? Was that even possible? Weren't Physical Jewels fixed forever once they had been Consolidated?!

Shangguan Bing'er looked pleadingly at Zhou Weiqing, saying: "Little Fatty, we have troubled so many people and spent so much in order to help me Remould my Physical Jewels, I cannot waste all the effort of these Masters. Just wait for me a while, I will be back as soon as possible."

No matter how much he did not want her to leave, Zhou Weiqing could not allow Shangguan Bing'er to lose such an opportunity. Without question, with the Heaven's Expanse Palace wealth, after Remoulding her Physical Jewels, Bing'er would be able to Consolidate top quality Consolidating Equipment Scrolls, likely God Tier ones, or even a Legendary Set! Shangguan Tianyue loved his daughters so much, and especially so for Shangguan Bing'er, who he felt he had let down for so many years, and he would definitely do all he could to give her the very best.

Thinking about all that, he finally let go of his hands unwillingly.

Shangguan Bing'er blushed as she tip toed closer to him, giving him a light kiss on his face before running lightly up the steps again.

Shangguan Xue'er glared coldly at Zhou Weiqing before turning back inside again, and only Shangguan Fei'er remained outside.

The white-clad guards who had stopped Zhou Weiqing and Lin TianAo were now looking upon him with a different look, mostly curiosity. They were all guessing who this youth was, who had kissed both Second and Third Miss!

Seeing that her Big Sis and Little Sis had left, Shangguan Fei'er gritted her teeth as she glared at Zhou Weiqing. "Zhou Lttle Fatty, you dared to steal my first kiss, you're dead now!"

Zhou Weiqing said with a wronged look on his face: "Can I be blamed for that?! Besides my mum and dad, only Bing'er ever calls me Little Fatty. Who asked you all to look exactly alike, and you also called me by that name, how could I guess it wasn't Bing'er? Furthermore, you already stomped on my foot and threw me back, we should be even now right."

Shangguan Fei'er's beautiful big eyes glared angrily at him, as she looked at him in surprise, saying: "Even?! You stole this young lady's first kiss, and you think we're even so easily? Dream on! Even if you are third sis' boyfriend, I will still torture you until you are begging for death, if not I will not be called Shangguan Fei'er!"

Zhou Weiqing laughed heartily, saying: "That's not a good thing, after all you are Bing'er's sister, if we are playing around in bed until I'm begging to die, ahh… such an awesome feeling… but that would be letting Bin'er down! Even if Bing'er won't blame me, I would feel terrible in my heart! After all, I am a gentleman! Do not think that just because you look like Bing'er, I will fall in love with you."

Shangguan Fei'er was totally shocked into silence by Zhou Weiqing's teasing. From young, she had been notorious as the mischievous young miss of the Heaven's Expanse Palace, and no one could do anything about her, as she became known as the Little Devil Girl. When she pranked any of the Heaven's Expanse Palace disciples, how could they possibly dare retort or retaliate? Yet, this fellow in front of her had taken advantage of her, and still dared to retort back. All of a sudden, she felt a strange sense of freshness, a novel feeling that she had not experienced before, and she was surprised to find that some of her anger had dissipated.

Her eyes swirling, a cunning plot came to her mind, and she pointed at Zhou Weiqing and said: "Fine, Zhou Weiqing, you just wait. Remember your words to me today, and you'll live to regret it, I await the day you beg for my forgiveness."

Zhou Weiqing said with a serious look on his face: "That's no problem! As long as you say – 'I want more', I will likely be begging for forgiveness."

Just having to watch his Bing'er leave his side, Zhou Weiqing was already in a bad mood. Furthermore, he did not have any favourable impression of Shangguan Tianyue or Shangguan Xue'er, and with Shangguan Fei'er provoking him now, how could he possibly stay quiet and still be Zhou Weiqing? In terms of glibness, how could Shangguan Fei'er be a match for him?

Shangguan Fei'er was so angry that she was almost shivering: "Today Bing'er is nearby, and I won't argue with you further. You just wait! Hmph!" As she said that, she turned and left.

Chapter 297: Zhou Weiqing's Coming of Age 'Ceremony! (1)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

The four white clad guards looked at Zhou Weiqing with pitying gazes. Offending the Heaven's Expanse Little Devil Girl, he would definitely have a tough time ahead.

Zhou Weiqing turned to Lin TianAo and said: "I guess Bing'er will take while more, let's go down and see how the rest are doing first. If they have already finished choosing their Consolidating Equipment Scrolls, I'll settle their payments first before returning here by myself to wait for Bing'er. Leader, as for your Scroll, we'll wait until tomorrow before coming here alright?"

Lin TianAo knew that it would be a rare chance for Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Bing'er to meet up today, and he did not want to waste any time of it. Nodding, he said: "No problems, there is no rush for my Consolidating Equipment Scroll."

Both of them returned to the first level to look for the other members of the Fei Li Battle Team, and they had already chosen their Scrolls. As a Consolidating Equipment Master, Zhou Weiqing helped them look through to see if their choices were good, and soon after, they made the purchases at the Consolidating Equipment Pavilion.

Although the members of the Fei Li Battle Team had all 'conned' Zhou Weiqing, they did not overdo it. Besides Lin TianAo, the other five had spent a total of sixteen million gold coins. Of course, this was after a ten percent discount.

As for Little Witch, Zhou Weiqing would naturally not pay for her. Currently, she was nowhere to be seen; after all, she was here this time on behalf of the Heavenly Demon Sect to purchase a large amount of Scrolls and Materials, and would likely be carrying a large amount of gold coins. As for what exactly she bought, Zhou Weiqing had no interest in finding out. It was the business of the Heavenly Demon Sect, and not a secret that he wanted to know, but no matter what, it was likely a massive purchase.

Zhou Weiqing turned to Lin TianAo and said: "You guys go ahead first, if you want to head back or explore the area further. I'll be waiting for Bing'er."

Lin TianAo said: "Do you want me to go with you?" This was after all the Heavenly Jewel Island, and could be said to be populated by many powerhouses. He was afraid that Zhou Weiqing might encounter any problems.

Zhou Weiqing laughed and said: "That shouldn't be necessary. In this place, I'm certain that any Heaven's Expanse Palace disciple will be stronger than us; if anything really happens, even if you are there, it will not make any difference. Do not worry, I will be fine, I'll just be waiting for Bing'er. We are after all guests for the Heavenly Jewel Tournament."

Lin TianAo nodded, and the rest of them left. Just as Zhou Weiqing was about to head back up to the fourth level, Shangguan Longyin entered the Pavilion and spotted him.

"You all sure do not waste any time. After reporting to the Palace Masters about your requests, I returned to your inn to look for you, but you had already came to the Consolidating Equipment Pavilion. How was it? Did you find any suitable scrolls?" Shangguan Longyin asked sincerely.

Zhou Weiqing laughed heartily and said: "My companions have already chosen and purchased their own, and as for myself, I was of course waiting for you."

Shangguan Longyin said: "Weiqing, the two Palace Masters have said, since the Heavenly Jewel Tournament is about to start, there isn't sufficient time. We hope that you will go through the Tournament with all your power, and once the Tournament is over, no matter what the result is, we will go through the trade according to the terms you have mentioned. Is that alright?"

Zhou Weiqing said: "That sounds great. It's a deal then."

Shangguan Longyin said: "You still have two more days to prepare yourselves, and I hope you make use of that time wisely. The finals is a very different ball game from the preliminary heats, and everything will be decided in this one single 'fight'. The other three teams have all entered the finals before, and they have some idea about the finals. Let me give you a simple idea about it – in the finals, you will be going through a massive free-for-all in a unique environment, you will find out more when it actually starts. I truly look forward to you pulling off a miracle once more."

After saying that, Shangguan Longyin patted Zhou Weiqing on the shoulder before turning to leave.

One should not underestimate just that short and simple explanation that Shangguan Longyin had given Zhou Weiqing. To the Fei Li Battle Team, this being their first time at the finals of the Heavenly Jewel Tournament, and with their opponents all experienced, this could spell the difference between a swift defeat and some hope of success. In any case, it would at least give them two days of preparation.

Zhou Weiqing hurried back down, managing to catch up with Lin TianAo at the first level, and told him about Shangguan Longyin's description. After which, he headed back to the fourth level to wait for Shangguan Bing'er.

At the same time as Zhou Weiqing was anxiously waiting for Shangguan Bing'er, Shangguan Fei'er had already left the Consolidating Equipment Pavilion and had walked over to one of the inns on the Heavenly Jewel Island.

"Hello, Young Miss." All the employees of the various establishments around the entire Heavenly Jewel Island were actually outer disciples of the Heaven's Expanse Palace, and naturally they recognized Shangguan Fei'er, and most of them could differentiate the two Young Miss from their expressions and airs. As for Shangguan Bing'er, their Third Young Miss, she had just returned, and not many knew about her just yet.

Shangguan Fei'er looked to be in a huffy, irritable mood, and she said: "Where are the members of the ZhongTian Battle Team? Call them out, I want to see them."

Seeing her in such a mood, the employee did not dare to question her, and quickly headed in to comply with her request.

In moments, the eight members of the ZhongTian Battle Team had gathered at the main hall of the inn, including the youth leader who had caught the attention of Zhou Weiqing previously.

"Second Miss, what is the matter? Who angered you?" As soon as the youth saw Shangguan Fei'er, his eyes lit up and he quickly approached her.

Shangguan Fei'er gave a humph, and said: "That is none of your concern, Zhan LingTian, I need your help to do something."

This Zhan LingTian was naturally the leader of the ZhongTian Battle Team, and was also one of the core disciples of this generation of the Heaven's Expanse Palace, and he had training with the First Palace Master Shangguan Tianyang since a young age, and could be said to be one of the top few of the core disciples of their generation currently. In terms of cultivation level, he was also the cream of the crop.

When he saw Shangguan Fei'er, he had gotten a headache. Even though Shangguan Fei'er and Shangguan Xue'er looked exactly the same, in Zhan LingTian's heart, they were of totally different status. Since a young age, he had fallen for Shangguan Xue'er, but kept a respectful distance from the Little Devil Girl Shangguan Fei'er. Of course, seeing her here now, he could easily guess that it wouldn't bode well for them.

Shangguan Fei'er glanced at the only female member of the ZhongTian Battle Team, then turned to Zhan LingTian and said: "Zhan LingTian, let me swap with her, I want to join the Battle Team and attend the Heavenly Jewel Tournament!"

"Whaa??" Zhan LingTian was caught by surprise. "Second Miss, please don't joke around with me. How can that be possible? You are of exalted rank and status, and no harm must come to you. Should anything happen to you in the finals, how can I possibly take the responsibility for that? Furthermore, there are rules to the Tournament, and it is strictly forbidden to change team members after entering the Finals. Even though we are the organisers, we cannot break our own rules."

Shangguan Fei'er said angrily: "Don't talk to me about all those principles and rules. Is my power not strong enough? I do not care, I want to join! None of you really fought much in the preliminary heats, I'm sure no one will have even taken much note of the members, what's wrong with just a quick swap. Nobody will notice!"

Originally, Zhan LingTian had gotten a slight headache when he saw her, but looking at her stubborn expression, it now grew into a severe migraine. He was clear on how difficult it was to get this Second Miss to change her mind once she had set her sights on something.

"Second Miss, this is a matter of principle. I'm sorry, but I definitely cannot agree to it. If you really insist on it, I will have to report to the Palace Masters." As one of the leading disciples of the Heaven's Expanse Palace, he would not give in so easily.

Hearing him bring up her father and uncle, Shangguan Fei'er knew she couldn't continue forcing him. A mischievous look flashed in her eyes as she thought quickly, then she suddenly gave a loud sigh, saying: "Big Brother Zhan, don't you know why I suddenly insist on joining the Heavenly Jewel Tournament?"

Zhan LingTian had also been curious about that, and he asked uncertainly: "Why is that?"

Shangguan Fei'er's eyes reddened, and she said pitiably: "Because… because big sis was bullied…"

"What did you say?!" Zhan LingTian exclaimed, a cold light flashing in his eyes. His stable countenance warped into a heavy killing intent, surprising even the other members of the ZhongTian Battle Team. None of them had ever seen their leader in such an enraged state.

Shangguan Fei'er continued sadly: "I am speaking the truth. In the Fei Li Battle Team, there is a little rascal called Zhou Weiqing, and he was the one who brought back my Third Sis, and is also my Third Sis' boyfriend. However, that time in the ZhongTian City Consolidating Equipment Pavilion, he mistook Big Sis for Third Sis, and kissed her without warning… he just stole away Big Sis' first kiss like that!"

"Big Sis actually wanted to kill him, but Third Sis appeared, and for her sake, she held back. However, I can still see that Big Sis was not happy, but with her character, you know she would never take action against that Zhou Weiqing. After all, he is Third Sis' man! But… I won't take it so easily, hmph, how can that fellow just steal Big Sis' first kiss like that! Big Bro Zhan, I want to join the ZhongTian Battle Team in order to teach that rascal a lesson, to help Big Sis get some revenge. As long as we don't kill or severely injure him, then we will be fine."

Although Zhan LingTian knew very well what Shangguan Fei'er's character was like, her mischevious desire to stir up trouble notorious amongst the core disciples, but when he heard her words, he still fell for it, his eyes reddening in rage. After all, it was his idol, his love's first kiss!

As the saying goes, caring causes mistakes 1. Even though Zhan LingTian was one of the top disciples in the Heaven's Expanse Palace, perhaps one of the top of his generation in the entire mainland even, but he was still no exception to that. In his heart, Shangguan Xue'er was like his goddess, and for her first kiss to be stolen by some stranger, the rage and jealousy in his heart burned fiery hot.

Seeing the fiery rage in Zhan LingTian's eyes, Shangguan Fei'er smirked to herself inwardly. She knew that as long as she mentioned her Big Sis, she could easily manipulate this stubborn blockhead. This Zhan LingTian was so infatuated by her Big Sis, alas she did not have any reciprocal feelings for him.

"Alright! I'll let you join!" Zhan LingTian said curtly, his words filled with killing intent.

Shangguan Fei'er started, furrowing her brow, before saying in a low tone: "Big Bro Zhan, that Zhou Weiqing is hateful, but he is after all Third Sis' fiance. You can teach him a lesson, but you better not try to kill him!"

Zhan LingTian looked at her, a cold light in his eyes, but he did not say anything else, instead turning back into his room.

Consolidating Equipment Pavilion.

Zhou Weiqing sat quietly cross-legged at the entrance of the stairway to the fourth level, his eyes closed as he cultivated his Immortal Deity Technique. His emotions were still in turmoil from seeing Shangguan Bing'er earlier, and he was barely able to concentrate.

Defeat Shangguan Xue'er, only then can you marry Bing'er. That was the condition that the Heaven's Expanse Palace had set for him.

Naturally, Zhou Weiqing did not think that just because he had barely beaten Shen Little Demon from the Blood Red Hell, that he would be able to take on Shangguan Xue'er. He had personally experienced the sheer presence she had, and the overwhelming power he could sense from her.

Seven Jewels. Low Level Zong Stage Heavenly Jewel Master. Just her Heavenly Energy alone was more than twelve levels above his own. Furthermore, Shangguan Xue'er was from the Heaven's Expanse Palace. Without even needing to verify, Zhou Weiqing was certain that she was using God Tier Consolidated Equipment, likely Legendary Sets. And unlike him or Shen Little Demon, she probably already had several pieces completed! The only advantage he would have over her would be his Elemental Jewels, but everything else he had would definitely pale in comparison, or perhaps even totally useless against her!