343 - 350

Chapter 343: Darkness Consolidated Fate Denying Seal! (2)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

Standing at the edge of the crowd, Ming Hua couldn't help but stare dazedly at Zhou Weiqing. It had been a few months since she had last seen him, and he seemed taller and more muscled. As compared to before, his face did not wear his customary smile, and his eyes seemed to hide a deep sorrow. He did not look that much different on the surface, but to a mature and ripe young woman in her prime, the current Zhou Weiqing definitely had much more attraction.

"Is everyone okay?" Zhou Weiqing put an arm around Kou Rui's shoulder. Sensing the warmth and enthusiasm from his classmates, a faint smile appeared on Zhou Weiqing's face. At least, his efforts had not gone to waste; even after leaving for several months, his classmates had not forgotten him.

Kou Rui laughed heartily and said: "Boss, we have never been better. Our Commoner Class One is unrivalled in the Academy, and even those higher level noble classes do not dare provoke us. We are a full team, an ensemble, and if anyone dares touch any one of us, we will all work together and retaliate as one. This is what you taught us, unity is strength!"

Yan Zhexi also squeezed his way to Zhou Weiqing, saying: "Leader, you are finally back. We have not let you down! Currently, out of all twenty nine of our students, besides you and sister in law, the twenty seven of us remaining, no matter Heavenly Jewel Master, Physical Jewel Master or Elemental Jewel Master, we have all broken through to the Two-Jeweled stage. Amongst that, eleven of us have at least one Consolidated Equipment, and three Elemental Jewel Masters have also Stored one Skill. The Consolidating Equipment Scrolls and money you left behind has not been fully used, I will pass you the remaining left."

Zhou Weiqing fell silent for a moment, then said: "Alright, how about this, all of you return to the class to wait for me. I have only just returned, and I need to report to Principal Cai Cai first. After that, I need to speak to all of you."

Kou Rui laughed and said: "Okay, no problem at all. We will return to the classroom to wait for you, even if they need to go to toilet, they'll have to hold it in!"

Yan Zhexi shouted out loud: "Commoner Class One, everyone, turnabout, return to class!"

A united voice of agreement rang out, and under the leadership of Yan Zhexi and Kou Rui, the entire class returned back to their classroom. However, Zhou Weiqing could clearly see a glow, a fire, in each and every one of his classmates' eyes.

They have not forgotten me indeed… alas… it's a shame but I have to leave soon.

Zhou Weiqing sighed inwardly. He believed that if he had even just one more year with them, he could totally win these classmates of his over to the Heavenly Bow Empire, to become his loyal men, and with their help, it would not be difficult to build up the Heavenly Bow Empire into a force to be reckoned with.

Alas, everything had changed so quickly, so suddenly.

Discarding those random thoughts, Zhou Weiqing focused in front of him, spotting Ming Hua. She nodded towards him and said: "You're back. I've heard all about it, this time you have really proven yourself in the Heavenly Jewel Tournament."

Zhou Weiqing smiled passively and said: "We'll speak later, I need to go speak to the Principal first." As he said that, he pulled Dou Dou along towards the stairway.

Watching his retreating figure, only then did Ming Hua react. What, I'm the teacher, but his tone is like ordering a maid around. This little fellow is even more arrogant than before!

Reaching Cai Cai's office, Zhou Weiqing knocked on the door and waited. Soon, her voice rang out again, that noble yet slightly lazy sounding voice, comforting to the ears but seemingly always causing others to look up to her. "Come in."

Zhou Weiqing opened the door and walked in along with Dou Dou.

Cai Cai was currently sitting behind her large office table, reading something, her brows furrowed slightly as if she were pondering hard about something. She was still as beautiful as she had been the last time he saw her, the noble regal beauty as if the mundane world could never touch her.

"What is it?" Cai Cai did not even look up as she asked.

"Principal Cai Cai, I am back." Zhou Weiqing said solemnly.

"En?" Only then did Cai Cai look up subconsciously. When she saw Zhou Weiqing in front of her, a surprised but happy look crossed her face. "You're finally back. Don't you know that these few days, the entire Royal Family of the Fei Li Empire has been shaken by news from you?" A complicated look appeared on her face.

"Shaken because of me?" Zhou Weiqing started a little before asking curiously. "Why so?"

Cai Cai heaved a loud sigh, walking out from behind her desk. Pointing to the couch at the side, she motioned for Zhou Weiqing to sit down.

Standing beside Zhou Weiqing, Dou Dou had been staring transfixed at Cai Cai. When she walked to the front, Dou Dou immediately exclaimed in praise: "Big sister, you are so beautiful!"

Cai Cai couldn't help but laugh in spite of herself: "Big sister? Weiqing, you still haven't made introductions, this is?"

Zhou Weiqing said: "This is my friend Dou Dou, she came back with me this time. Principal Cai Cai, how is the situation in the Heavenly Bow Empire?" He could not help but to question her directly about the question that had been plaguing him the most, not even bothering about the other pleasantries.

After asking that question, Zhou Weiqing's heart was trembling as he stood still. Originally, when Shangguan Xue'er had told him the terrible news, she had mentioned that the Heavenly Bow Empire was being surrounded and invaded, but not what happened after that for sure. Now that so many days had passed, whatever had happened would have already happened. No matter the guesses and expectations of what had already happened, but he would still maintain hope in his heart before everything was confirmed.

Cai Cai looked at Zhou Weiqing, but remained silent. Seeing her eyes, Zhou Weiqing's heart sank to the depths. He knew that what he feared worst had likely happened.

Cai Cai sighed and said: "Originally, your father and the Heavenly Bow Empire Emperor had a chance to escape. They could have easily broken through the encirclement at the first chance before the Kalise Empire could fully surround them. However, they did not choose to do so, instead standing to fight to the end in the Heavenly Bow City."

Zhou Weiqing felt as if he was blacking out, and he sat down heavily on the couch, his teeth chattering and his fists clenched hard.

Cai Cai said: "Weiqing, wait, hear me out first. Things are not at the worst possible yet."

"En?" Hearing her words, Zhou Weiqing immediately opened his eyes wide.

Cai Cai said: "The Heavenly Bow City has already been captured, and the Heavenly Bow Empire destroyed. However, your father and the Heavenly Bow Empire Emperor are both still alive, at least for now."

"Is what you said really true? Have they been imprisoned?" Zhou Weiqing was delighted, his eyes gleaming as he exclaimed loudly.

Cai Cai shook her head and said: "No, they are not imprisoned. With your father's stubborn character, you know he would rather break than bend; how could he possibly be taken prisoner? At that time, when the Palace was about to fall, your father used all his power to unleash his most powerful Skill yet, something he had never used before – the Darkness Self Sacrificial Skill. Perhaps the stress and pressure he was facing was just too huge, and in that instance, Admiral Zhou actually broke through the nine-Jeweled stage, allowing him to use that final, most powerful skill of the Darkness Self Sacrificial Skills, the Darkness Consolidated Fate Denying Seal."

Darkness Consolidated Fate Denying Seal?! Zhou Weiqing's heart was filled with questions, as he had never ever heard of such a skill.

Cai Cai explained: "The Darkness Consolidated Fate Denying Seal is the highest grade seal amongst all the Darkness Self Sacrificial Skills. Even if a Heavenly King Stage powerhouse unleashes it, they may not succeed. With your father's cultivation level, the success rate of it was actually less than twenty percent; perhaps the heaven's had smiled down upon him at that moment, or perhaps your father's sheer tenacity and determination then had pulled him through and he had actually succeeded."

With the Darkness Consolidated Fate Denying Seal, your father actually formed an Absolute Seal around the entire Heavenly Bow City Palace, and a hundred metre radius around it. That Seal has an Absolute effect, and in that entire area, everything is Consolidated and frozen, including time, space and even life. It will last for a whole ten years."

"Once this Seal has been unleashed, there is only two ways to break through it. The first, is to use at least ten times the power used for Sealing, in order to forcibly destroy it. In doing so, everything within the Seal will be destroyed, disintegrated into nothingness. The second would be to wait. In ten years, the Seal will be automatically cancelled, and all life forms within the Seal will be in a feeble, weakened state. In order to restore their life force, one would require the Divine Attribute's restorative capabilities. That is to say, your father has made use of that Skill to stall for time, to leave a last hope and dignity for the Heavenly Bow Empire. I can only say that I have the utmost respect for your father indeed."

Hearing Cai Cai's words, a spark of hope was once again ignited within Zhou Weiqing's heart. This time, it was a fiery blaze as he finally saw a possibility. At least, his father and godfather had not yet perished, and if father was there, it was highly likely that his mother was as well. No matter what, they were still alive, and his father had even managed to give him ten years of time to work with.

Ten years… ten years… It sounded long, but to Zhou Weiqing, it was just too short. In that ten years, he had to come up with enough strength and power to counter invade the Heavenly Bow City, occupy it. At the same time, he would also have to find a Heavenly Jewel Master with the Divine Attribute to help him, to save his father, godfather and others trapped within.

"Principal Cai Cai, will there be anyone from the Bai Da Empire who can destroy the Seal forcibly?" Zhou Weiqing asked worriedly.

Cai Cai shook her head and said: "No, your father had already broken through the nine Jeweled stage before unleashing the Seal. In order to have ten times more power than him, it will at least require a Top Level Heavenly King Stage powerhouse, or even a Heavenly Emperor Stage powerhouses. Furthermore, when destroying such a Seal, the backlash from it is extremely powerful. The Bai Da Empire does not have a powerhouse like that, and even if they did, it would be highly unlikely that they would do so and risk severe injury to themselves. To the Bai Da Empire, just a mere hundred metre radius of a city block around the Palace is nothing, since they already have control of the rest of the Heavenly Bow Empire. Furthermore, they just need to wait ten years, and they can easily kill off your father and the rest. Why would they bother to find a powerhouse to take such a risk?"

Hearing her words, Zhou Weiqing heaved a sigh of relief. Looking at Cai Cai, his eyes sparkled with hope once more, and he said gratefully: "Thank you Principal Cai Cai, this is the best news I have heard in the last few days."

Cai Cai shook her head and said: "You do not need to thank me, I'm afraid that you will hate me in a while. I'm really sorry Weiqing, although I am the Princess of the Fei Li Empire, I was not able to help you."

Chapter 344: Darkness Consolidated Fate Denying Seal! (3)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

Zhou Weiqing's gaze froze. Since he heard that his father and godfather were still alive, he had recovered quite a lot, and his mind was racing at top speed. Instantly, he said solemnly: "Just now you said that I have caused a shockwave through the Royal Family of the Fei Li Empire… so I guess… Can you tell me about it now?"

Cai Cai nodded, saying: "Not long ago, Ye Paopao rushed back and informed us regarding your efforts and results in this year's Heavenly Jewel Tournament. Without question, by defeating and killing the Bai Da Battle Team, beating the Dan Dun Empire and even gaining the final champion, you all are heroes of the Empire. Such an honour, no one has ever gained before. His Majesty was overjoyed, and wanted to confer a noble title to all of you, granting each of you the greatest honours. After all, you all have brought back the Heavenly Jewel Plaque and also brought much honour to the Empire. It could be said that in the entire history of the Fei Li Empire, no one has ever done anything that could match your accomplishments. Indeed, if you were not in the Fei Li Battle Team, this would have happened… Alas, when the Heavenly Bow Empire was suddenly destroyed, it caused much trouble…"

"You are the son of Admiral Zhou from the Heavenly Bow Empire, and more so you have proven your outstanding talent during the Heavenly Jewel Tournament. If our Fei Li Empire gives you a huge reward, then your draw and appeal will reach a terrifying state. When the Heavenly Bow Empire was destroyed… our Empire had decided to guard our own borders and not counter attack the Bai Dai Empire… Do you understand what I mean?"

Zhou Weiqing's eyes turned cold, and he slowly nodded, saying: "So… that is to say… the Fei Li Royal Family is afraid that I will have a bad effect on the Fei Li Empire, and for the sake of revenge, draw too many of their talents right?"

Cai Cai smiled bitterly and sighed, before nodding as she said: "Yes, that is the gist of the matter. Because of this matter, the Royal Family has been embroiled in a massive debate. A portion thinks that you have already done so much for our Empire, and you have to be rewarded. However, another portion things that if you continue staying in the Academy, learning too much and perhaps enter our Fei Li Empire Army, it will have severe repercussions for us in the future. You are after all not a Fei Li Empire citizen…"

Zhou Weiqing smiled passively. Towards all of that, he did not want to argue. The moment he had heard the news regarding his father and that he was still alive, his heart had already brightened.

"That is alright, Principal Cai Cai, just tell me the result, I can accept it."

Cai Cai said: "The final result of all the debate was… two choices for you… Firstly, you proclaim to the world that you have left the Heavenly Bow Empire and joined our Fei Li Empire as a citizen. Your reward for the Heavenly Jewel Tournament will be given out to you, but you must leave the Academy, and also will never be able to join the Army. The second choice… is you do not join our Empire as a citizen, you will get a million gold coins, but you must also leave the Academy."

Zhou Weiqing smiled passively and said: "I am only seventeen years old this year, is it necessary for the Fei Li Empire to be so nervous? Ally… this is our Heavenly Bow Empire's Ally…"

Cai Cai lowered her head in shame. "I'm sorry Weiqing. Each Empire has their own troubles… The WanShou Empire border has much conflict, and their armies have been attacking in greater strength this year. We just do not have the resources and manpower to counter attack the Bai Da Empire, and we can only guard ourselves against them. This is also the reason why they have been so daring as to attack your Heavenly Bow Empire… they have exactly seen that happening and seized the opportunity. In the Heavenly Jewel Tournament, you may have created many miracles, but at the same time, you also offended the Blood Red Hell…"

Zhou Weiqing stood up and said: "Principal, I understand, you do not need to say anymore. I will leave the Academy. In a while, I will bid farewell to my classmates, then I will leave. I will never give up my own nationality, even if my Empire is already gone for now. As for that million gold coins, it is not necessary. However, please help me inform the Royal Family that from today onwards, our Heavenly Bow Empire will no longer be allies to the Fei Li Empire."

After saying that, he pulled up Dou Dou, who had been listening at the side, confused. Turning around, he walked out of the office.

Cai Cai looked at Zhou Weiqing's disappearing back and couldn't help but sigh. She did not tell Zhou Weiqing that she had fought so hard for him, and this was the best she could do. In the Fei Li Empire, there were actually many who were against him, with a few even wanting to imprison him or kill him, to prevent any future problems.

Regarding Zhou Weiqing, Cai Cai knew that deep within, she admitted to herself that she could not read this young man. She did not know exactly how far he could go in the future, but she knew it would be far indeed. Alas, no matter what, she was just a woman. Despite all her talents, she did not have a status that matched it in the Fei Li Empire, especially regarding the policy decisions of the Empire; she was just not given a say, and it was all she could do to influence it as best she could. And now, all she could do was stand there and watch as a young man with unlimited potential be given up just like that, just for the short sighted, short term gain of the Empire.

To give up on Zhou Weiqing, it would seem to be of great benefit to the Fei Li Empire now. First, and perhaps most importantly, it would get the Blood Red Hell off their backs. Next, they would not need to worry that Zhou Weiqing would grow in influence within the Fei Li Empire, and perhaps have a negative impact on them in the future. If Zhou Weiqing was just an ordinary Heavenly Jewel Master, perhaps they would not care so much, no matter how powerful he grew. Alas, he was not of ordinary background. As the son of Admiral Zhou, it was without question that he would step on the path of revenge.

What Zhou Weiqing did not know was that one of the main reasons why the Fei Li Empire had finally gone on this path in treating him like this was because of Ye Paopao's father, the Premier of the Empire. Indeed, it was he who had been a greatest influence in having this decision set in stone. That was also because Ye Paopao had been by Zhou Weiqing's side for so long, and he was quite familiar with his character. It was he who had described the possible threat Zhou Weiqing might pose to his father.

Without a doubt, Ye Paopao admired, even respected Zhou Weiqing. However, with the interests of his Empire in mind, and perhaps more so because of that ugly jealousy in his heart, he had finally chosen to describe Zhou Weiqing as a threat.

Cai Cai did not tell Zhou Weiqing all of that, as she was hoping that he would not regard the Fei Li Empire as an enemy. Alas, from the way things were going, her hopes were just too naive on her part.

Cai Cai did not blame Zhou Weiqing for making such a decision. If it had been her, she might not been able to remain as calm as him.

As he walked out of the office, a cold smile touched the lips of Zhou Weiqing. Fei Li Empire, very good indeed, Fei Li Empire!

In truth, Zhou Weiqing was not disappointed. That was because, on their way back to the Fei Li Empire, he had already lost hope in them.

The Heavenly Bow Empire had been invaded by the combined armies of the Kalise and Bai Da Empire for so long, if the Fei Li Empire had truly wanted to help the Heavenly Bow Empire, they would have started taken action long ago. However, they did not even seem to have the intention of moving at all.

So what if I do not have the help of the Fei Li Empire? In fact, Zhou Weiqing had never planned to stay on at the Fei Li Military Academy, and his current feelings were not disappointed at all. On the contrary, he was overjoyed; hearing that the Heavenly Bow Palace was still intact, his father, godfather, and possibly his mother all still alive. There was still hope for the Heavenly Bow Empire, and at least, there was still a hundred metre radius of land that was still, in name, under the Heavenly Bow Empire. To Zhou Weiqing, this was enough.

Pulling Dou Dou along with him back down the stairs, Zhou Weiqing soon reached the Commoner Class One's classroom. Although Cai Cai did not say much, he could easily guess that since the Fei Li Empire did not welcome him any longer, it would be best for him to leave as quickly as possible.

When Zhou Weiqing entered the Commoner Class One, he saw that besides his entire class and Ming Hua, there were two others in the room as well. The first was Yun Li, his Lifetime Follower that had entered the school as a temporary teacher, and the other was the leader of the senior classes, Zang Lang.

When they had heard that Zhou Weiqing had returned, these two had rushed to find him as soon as they could.

Zhou Weiqing bade Dou Dou to sit at his original seat, and he walked up to the teaching platform at the front of the class, ignoring Ming Hua who had been standing there.

Ming Hua was speechless with anger, but she could not say anything at that point. With a humph, she backed to the side to stand together with Yun Li.

Behind the podium, Zhou Weiqing looked down to see a sea of heated gazes looking excitedly at him. All of a sudden, Zhou Weiqing bowed down in a ninety degree angle towards all his classmates.

"Boss, what are you doing?" All of the students were shocked, and Kou Rui couldn't help but jump up and exclaim loudly. The rest of the students also stood up.

"Everyone, sit down…" Zhou Weiqing stood up straight once more, and said solemnly.

What was prestige and status? At this moment, Zhou Weiqing's status truly showed itself. All the students who had stood up sat down, and the entire class fell into silence.

Zhou Weiqing sighed and said: "I bowed to everyone because I have to apologise to all of you. I'm afraid that I will not be able to fulfil my previous promise to you all. In a moment, I will be leaving the Academy, and I'm afraid I can no longer study with all of you again. I will leave a sum of money behind, and if you all scrimp and do not waste it, it should be enough for most of your Consolidating and Skill Storing needs. I'm sorry, all of you."

"Boss, you… you are leaving?" This time, even the normally quiet Yan Zhexi exclaimed urgently, and the rest of the students also showed a shocked look on their faces.

Zhou Weiqing nodded and said: "I'm sure you have all heard… my homeland… the Heavenly Bow Empire has been invaded and conquered by the Kalise and Bai Da Empire. The Fei Li Empire has already decided not to counter attack on our behalf, and have also forbidden me to continue studying here in the Academy. As such, I can only leave. There is nothing much else to say, but no matter what, you will all still be my good brothers. At least, we have all sat in the same classroom, and studied together before. Please do not forget what I have said to you all, although we are commoners, but we need to stand up straight. I cannot bear to leave you all, but this is a path I have to take. I hope that in the future, I will be able to meet with you and fight with you all together on the battlefield. Zhexi, come here…"

Yan Zhexi walked up the Zhou Weiqing, still in a daze.

Zhou Weiqing smiled faintly, clapping on the shoulders as he said: "It looks like in the few months I have gone, you have done a good job in leading the rest, and everyone is able to accept you. In that case, once I leave, you will be the class leader of our Commoner Class One. Do not forget our legacy, unity is strength. As long as you all work together as one, no one can bully us. Here, this card has ten million gold coins stored within, and it is all I can leave for you all. Although I can no longer fulfil my full promise, and cannot continue creating Consolidating Equipment Scrolls for you all, but at least I can do this much. I trust that you will use this wisely for everyone…"

As he said that, Zhou Weiqing shoved the card that he had prepared into Yan Zhexi's hands. Once more, he swept his gaze around to look at all his erstwhile classmates. Taking a deep breath, he spun around to take his leave.

Chapter 345: and, a, Half Year Promise. (1)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

"Wait, Boss!" Kou Rui jumped up and leaped to the front, blocking Zhou Weiqing from leaving.

Zhou Weiqing looked at him, a bitter smile on his face: "Good bro, don't make it so hard for me."

Kou Rui shook his head, his eyes glittering in a sharp look as he said: "Boss, I will not make things difficult for you. However, I said that I will follow you, and I trust in my vision. Since you are leaving the Academy, I will leave together with you. It was you who taught me how to stand up straight, you who gave me the chance to actually gain my Consolidating Equipment. No matter where you go, I will follow you, and trust in my choice. Without Boss, there is no point staying here and studying."

Looking at Kou Rou's determined eyes, Zhou Weiqing couldn't help but be in a daze. He had not expected that this young man, Kou Rui, who had not really spent that much time together with him had actually so much confidence and trust in him. Even knowing the reason why Zhou Weiqing was leaving, he was resolute in leaving together with him, and fighting together with him.

"Ahhh, this is so vexing!!" Right at that moment, a sorrowful voice rang out, and the huge Ma Qun charged forth as well. I am so vexed, it is tough to be large and tall. Having to sit behind, and my movement is just too slow, even though I charged forward so quickly, I am still behind you again. Kou Rui, you rascal, you actually came first again. Boss, you can't play favourites! I also want to follow you, this time I am resolute about this, no matter how much you beat me I will still follow you!"

Ma Qun sidled up closer brazenly, shamelessly grabbing onto Zhou Weiqing's sleeve, as if nothing would cause him to let go.

Zhou Weiqing couldn't help but feel as if he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "Since when have you so much confidence in me?"

Ma Qun grinned and said: "Heh heh, of course, it is because of power. Boss, in terms of understanding what the Heavenly Jewel Tournament is, I am likely the one who knows the most amongst all our classmates. The Heavenly Jewel Tournament top four has always been taken by the four Great Saint Lands, yet you managed to wrest victory from their grasp, and more so become the champion. They are also saying that you are not just a mere substitute, but the key to victory. What this means, how can I not know… Furthermore, you are also a Consolidating Equipment Master. I can't go wrong following you right?"

Pausing, Ma Qun spotted Zhou Weiqing's look of disbelief. Finally, he scratched his head sheepishly and said with a bitter smile: "Alright alright, I'll tell the truth. This year, I have failed all of the theory classes and exams thus far… If I continue like this, I am going to be expelled from school, and I might as well follow Boss." This fellow had joined the Academy because of his Heavenly Jewel Master status, but his knowledge and theory was even worse than Zhou Weiqing's.

Zhou Weiqing shook his head helplessly, and just as he was about to say something, Yan Zhexi walked forward once more, pushing the gold coin storage card he had been handed in front of Zhou Weiqing.

"Boss, we cannot take your money. At this moment, your homeland has been invaded, occupied, and this is a critical moment. You will have just too much expenditure for so many different things, and you definitely need it more than us. I will not accept your money, and I believe that everyone of us here will not accept it as well. You have already given us more than enough help. It can be said that, in the path of life, you are our most important teacher, and you are also the first person that I have truly respected. However, I will not follow you. I will continue staying in the Academy, to continue studying and learning all that I can. When I graduate, no matter what the others decide, no matter where you are, I will come to look for you. This is a promise of a man."

In the Commoner Class One, it was without doubt that Yan Zhexi was the top student, and with the best results in almost every class; definitely a student that excelled in both character and studies. Besides his cultivation level and power which was far below Zhou Weiqing's, in terms of military knowledge, he was far beyond Zhou Weiqing.

Their eyes met, and Zhou Weiqing could see the sincerity and resolution in Yan Zhexi's eyes, something within that was almost indescribable. Spreading his arms, he gave Yan Zhexi a warm embrace and said: "Good bro, I understand. This money, please take it, I have enough from the Heavenly Jewel Tournament. As commoner students, the thing you lack most is money, and I trust that you will use it to its best value."

Yan Zhexi looked at Zhou Weiqing deeply before finally nodding in agreement. "Just Three and a half years."

"Boss! We also want to follow you!" Very soon, student after student started standing up, exclaiming excitedly.

Zhou Weiqing raised both hands and said: "Everyone sit down, listen to me please."

"I am really touched by all of you, and I am glad that my efforts have not been ignored. I truly believe that our Commoner Class One is a true team, united as one. Of course, I do wish to always be together with each and everyone of you, but not now. Zhexi is right, what you all need now is to study, to learn what you can in an age where you can best absorb it. Besides Ma Qun, I will not bring any of you along. There are three and a half years before graduation, and this will be our time of promise and agreement. I want you all to have the time to think things through and not jump into danger. In this three and a half years, all of you must work hard, to enrich yourselves and to learn all you can, and of course cultivate as hard as you can. At the same time, I will also strive hard, and you all will hear of my deeds in some other part of the world. If, on the day of your graduation, you still decide to follow me, then I will sincerely wait for your arrival."

Zhou Weiqing knew it was useless to just speak empty words. Although the Commoner Class One students respected him, and perhaps even idolize him, but not to the point of worshipping him. He did not want them to blindly follow him and regret it, but at the same time, if he wanted them to follow him after three and a half years, then he would have to gain enough power and strength by then. Three and a half years, it was the time he would give to them, but more so, a time limit for himself. These classmates of his were currently very limited in both power and knowledge, and it would be best for them to continue studying and training in this Fei Li Military Academy, but at the same time he too had a long road ahead to grow.

Zhou Weiqing's gaze fell upon Kou Rui and he said: "My post of official reconnoitre leader will always be open for you. However, now is not the time for you to follow me."

A struggle showed in Kou Rui's eyes, but as he looked at the resolute look in Zhou Weiqing's eyes, he knew that this boss of his had already made his decision.

"Okay, I will remain."

Zhou Weiqing smiled faintly before turning to Ming Hua, saying: "Teacher Ming Hua, I leave them in your capable hands. I'll take my leave now. Farewell."

As he said that, he finally stepped out of the Commoner Class One, and perhaps forever leaving the Fei Li Military Academy.

Dou Dou and Ma Qun followed behind him, followed quickly by Yun Li. Since Zhou Weiqing was leaving for good, there was no reason for him to stay behind any longer.

As the three left the main building, Zang Lang rushed out from behind. "Zhou Weiqing, have you forgotten our agreement?"

Zhou Weiqing stopped in his tracks, saying with a hint of surprise: "You know my current situation… you are still willing to follow me?"

Zang Lang nodded and said: "I am willing to follow you, I trust in you."

When Zhou Weiqing had arrived at the Academy, he had only used barely a month to unite the entire Commoner Class One, to make them a true whole unit. The other commoner students had witnessed all of it for themselves.

Zhou Weiqing smiled faintly before saying: "How many are there with the same feelings as you?"

Zang Lang said: "Including myself, there are sixteen of us. We are all willing to follow you."

"So many? My future days will not be easy at all, you should know that." Zhou Weiqing looked at him simply.

A fire lit in Zang Lang's eyes and he said: "Towards those classmates who may not even join you in the future, you are able to treat them so well. What do we have to worry about?! I am willing to be your Lifetime Follower. After all, following you is much better than following those noble fellows. I have always wished to have an exciting, fulfilling life, not lead a mediocre existence. We are Jewel Masters, trained for war, and we want to best use our abilities, not hide away from danger."

Zhou Weiqing nodded and said: "Very good. You know where my house is right? Bring them to look for me. I will only be waiting for one night. Tomorrow morning, I will be leaving the Fei Li City.

Zang Lang nodded before he turned to leave.

Yun Li looked at Zang Lang's retreating figure before saying: "They have not had a good time at all. Your Commoner Class One has been assertive enough, and the nobles have left them alone. However, the price of that was that the other commoner students have suffered doubly in place. Perhaps that is the reason why they are so resolute in following you."

Zhou Weiqing said: "No matter what their reason for joining me is, at least they will be a good boost to our strength, and that is something I sorely lack now. Yun Li, you have already reached the Grandmaster stage?"

Yun Li said proudly: "Of course. In the future, please call me Grandmaster Yun Li."

Zhou Weiqing laughed heartily and said: "Very good, Grandmaster Yun Li! You stay at the Academy for now, you remember Lin TianAo right? Later on, he will be bringing a few people to look for me, and when they arrive, you just bring them to our house."

Yun Li said: "What is your plan after what happened to the Heavenly Bow Empire? Are we heading back there?"

Zhou Weiqing shook his head and said: "No, I will not return just yet, it is not the right time for that just yet. This time, there should be many people who have an eye on me after I returned to the Fei Li City, so we need to leave as soon as possible and disappear without a trace. The Kalise Empire and Bai Da Empire have both entered the Heavenly Jewel Tournament, so they are very clear about my existence. The news of my return should reach them soon, and they will definitely not want to let me continue living."

Yun Li nodded and said: "Be careful."

The house they had rented when they first came to the Fei Li City was still unchanged, and when Zhou Weiqing returned there, he stopped for a moment. His eyes fixed upon Shangguan Bing'er's room.

It had just been a few short months, but so many things had happened. Bing'er had left, Tian'er had also left, and even his home, the Heavenly Bow Empire had been conquered. All of this had indeed forced Zhou Weiqing to grow up quickly.

Ma Qun looked around curiously, saying tentatively: "Boss, I remember you said that you will introduce a teacher to me? When?! Where are we heading next?"

Zhou Weiqing said: "You will meet the teacher I mentioned soon, you better learn well from him, and if you do so, I guarantee that you will become a powerful defensive Heavenly Jewel Master. As for where we are going, I will keep that a secret for now, you just need to follow me. Dou Dou, you go rest in the room for now. Ma Qun, come with me."

"En." Dou Dou made a sound of agreement, before entering Shangguan Bing'er's original room. After all, Xing Tianyi had told her to listen to Zhou Weiqing before they left the Heavenly Jewel Island.

Zhou Weiqing brought Ma Qun to his room and said: "You rest here for a while, make preparations as we should be leaving tonight. Perhaps, we will not be able to wait until tomorrow."

Ma Qun looked at Zhou Weiqing. He did not know why, but he suddenly felt a sense of pressure in his heart. Just a few months back, even though there had been a huge gap between him and Zhou Weiqing, but at that time, he did not have such a feeling.

Chapter 346: and, a, Half Year Promise. (2)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

The current Zhou Weiqing was much more stable, matured than that time. He could sense an occasional cold light in Zhou Weiqing's eyes, giving him a chill down his spine, even if it weren't directed at him.

Originally, Ma Qun had thought that in breaking through to the second-Jeweled stage, he would be able to close the gap between himself and Zhou Weiqing. Alas, now, he realised that this was not true at all. From the pressure he sensed from Zhou Weiqing, the gap had not closed at all, and the reverse was true instead, with the gap between them widening further. This gave him a chill in his heart, as a slight fear towards his young leader was added to the respect he had.

Zhou Weiqing stood at the doorway, looking out into the small yard outside. His hands behind his back, he stood silently with his eyes closed.

Sixteenth Level of Heavenly Energy, his energy whirlpools spinning silently automatically, the atmospheric energy from all around drawn into his body. At that moment, Zhou Weiqing felt as if he was totally one with the environment, as if the world's energy was part of him.

Is this the feeling of the Zun Stage? Zhou Weiqing thought to himself curiously. However, when his mind wandered, that feeling of being integrated with nature disappeared.

All of a sudden, his eyes snapped open, his gaze focusing on a spot in the distance. In a biting cold tone, he said: "Since you are already here, why are you hiding yourselves?"

As if responding to his words, six men jumped out from all around the yard, forming a semicircle around Zhou Weiqing.

They were all dressed in black, with black cloth covering their faces, looking at Zhou Weiqing with clear killing intent in their eyes.

Hearing the noise outside, Ma Qun dashed out. When he peered out from behind Zhou Weiqing, he couldn't help but draw a cold breath as he saw the six men outside. All of them were actually Heavenly Jewel Masters, and more so, with all of them at the six-Jeweled cultivation level, depicted clearly by the pure coloured Physical Jewels revolving around their right wrists.

Six Upper Level Zun Stage Heavenly Jewel Masters. In any ordinary empire, this was already considered a force to be reckoned with. Yet, now, this force was right in front of them, and their target was clearly Zhou Weiqing.

Just a few moments ago, Ma Qun had thought Zhou Weiqing had been exaggerating about the dangers, and hadn't thought much about it. However, it seemed like his judgement was unfortunately just too accurate. In fact, their enemies had moved even faster than Zhou Weiqing's expectations, appearing not long after they had returned to the house.

Of the six black clad men surrounding them, the one who seemed to be their leader said coldly: "You're the remaining spawn of the Heavenly Bow Empire, Zhou Weiqing?'

Zhou Weiqing pursed his lips disdainfully, saying mockingly: "You are the trash of the Bai Da Empire, six disreputable little rats hiding in the shadows?"

The black clad leader said coldly: "You sure are full of wind for someone about to die."

Zhou Weiqing laughed heartily: "Mere trash like you think you can kill me?"

"Take action!" The leader knew that a long night was fraught with many dreams 1 This was after all the Fei Li Empire, and they did not want to risk failure. With that command, the six black clad men sprung into action, striking out directly at Zhou Weiqing together.

Zhou Weiqing's first action was not to retaliate, instead kicking out backwards right onto Ma Qun's chest, sending him flying back into the room. Facing so many six-Jeweled powerhouses, Ma Qun would not be of any aid, and would only be a free kill.

The six black clad men were extremely good teamwork, with the tacit understanding of a team which had worked together for a long time. To send such a strike team of so many Upper Level Zun Stage Heavenly Jewel Masters against Zhou Weiqing, they truly had a high opinion of him.

The two centermost black clad men charged forward directly towards Zhou Weiqing, while two others jumped up into the air to strike down from above. The last two remained at a distance, both with staves in their hands. One of them waved his staff, and a bolt of green light flew out towards Zhou Weiqing. That was an extremely familiar Skill to Zhou Weiqing, one that he had Stored as well, the Fetters of Wind. The other man also held out his staff, fire bursting out from it as an array of fireballs flew out towards Zhou Weiqing.

Close combat, Ranged combat, aerial combat. In that moment, Zhou Weiqing was facing attacks from every corner.

If it were the Zhou Weiqing from the past, facing so many powerful enemies, his instinct would definitely be to think of a plan how to flee. However, the current Zhou Weiqing was totally different; not only was his power at a whole new level, just the sheer hatred in his heart towards the Kalise and Bai Da Empire had already reached a boiling maximum, and he would not retreat so easily without a fight.

In a flash step, Zhou Weiqing did not retreat, but advanced instead, shooting forward like a cannonball towards the two incoming close combat enemies.

In the next moment, an aura of light twisting about appeared around Zhou Weiqing's body, at the same time that the Fetters of Wind hit him, causing it to lose effect. That was Zhou Weiqing's powerful Time Attribute Skill, the Time Disorder Skill.

To the black clad men, with the six of them versus a single opponent, all at a higher cultivation level to boot, the only option left for Zhou Weiqing was to retreat back into the house, to make use of the restricted space of the rooms to flee. In truth, this was what they had expected and planned for, as the actual team sent this time was eight men, not six! These Heavenly Jewel Masters were all from the Bai Da Empire; due to Zhou Weiqing's astounding display in the Heavenly Jewel Tournament, they were resolute in killing him off. As such, they had sent eight powerful Heavenly Jewel Masters, with the highest one being at the seven-Jeweled stage! Once Zhou Weiqing retreated into the house and fled from the other side, the two had already set an ambush at the back of the house, ready to deal the final blow. Even if they couldn't kill him off straight away, they could easily hold him off and allow the other six to surround him in the shortest possible moment.

Alas, things had not gone according to their plan at all. Even facing six powerhouses, Zhou Weiqing had made the unbelievable choice of taking them head on. Who could have ever imagined that he would do such a thing instead of the sensible option?

Four Icy Jade Physical Jewels appeared instantly around Zhou Weiqing's right wrist, and as his Time Disorder Skill blocked off the Fetters of Wind, the two sides had already clashed.

These two men had a pretty complementary set of skills, one with the Strength Attribute and the other with the Flexibility Attribute. The one of the left, with the Flexibility Attribute, directly stuck close to Zhou Weiqing, a short blade in each hand, striking out towards Zhou Weiqing's vital points. As for the other man, he charged towards Zhou Weiqing with lowered shoulders ahead, around which was surrounded by a thick Consolidated Equipment pauldrons. At the same time, the two men in the air were dove downwards at him, fully surrounding him.

Immediately, Zhou Weiqing's already large and robust body bulked up drastically, as he entered the Demonic Change State. The change was most obvious in his arms and legs, almost bursting out from his sleeves and pants, revealing the black tiger tattoos on his skin and the terrifying looking muscles.

At this moment, his battle experience combined with his top rated Skills showed their nigh unparalleled powers.

The Curse of Doom landed instantly on the black clad man charging at him with his shoulder. At the same time, his right hand struck downwards at him.

His target was indeed powerful; his Elemental Jewel Attribute was the Earth Attribute, and when Zhou Weiqing unleashed the Curse of Doom on him, he quickly responded with a quick protective Stone Skin Skill.

Alas, Zhou Weiqing was after all Zhou Weiqing, and in the next moment, the familiar dark gold glow of the Consolidating Equipment God Protective Aura sprang forth around him.

Almost immediately, the incoming fireballs from the other ranged enemy smashed ineffectively onto the Consolidating Equipment God Protective Aura, the difference between their cultivation level and power was insufficient to break through it. That short split second was enough to decide that black clad, Strength Attribute man's fate.

Chapter 347: Legendary Set! Yin Yang Giant Spirit Palm! (1)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

The timing of Zhou Weiqing's Consolidating Equipment God Protective Aura was indeed immaculate. It alone had not just blocked the chain of fireballs, but also the attacks of the Flexibility Attribute Physical Jewel enemy. As he did so, his right hand had smashed down onto the Strength Attribute Heavenly Jewel Master's shoulder.

Under the glow of the Consolidating Equipment God Protective Aura, Zhou Weiqing's entire right forearm was covered with a dark gold armoured bracer-gloves, covering the entire area from his elbow to his palm.

On the outer layer of the bracer-gloves were a series of diamond studs, tough and strong, and at the hand area, each finger was tipped with a gleaming inch-long claw

Despite some similarities, his bracers were different from Shangguan Fei'er's, after all she had the Mutated Duo Physical Jewels, and her bracers extended all the way up to her shoulders. Yet, Zhou Weiqing's God Tier Consolidated Equipment, though part of his Legendary Set, only reached up to his elbow. Even so, it gave a very steady, solid feel. Shangguan Fei'er's claws were extremely long, and could be used as an offensive weapon, while Zhou Weiqing's one inch claws were slightly curved inwards, looking like a wild beast's claws

*Peng* A loud explosion ensued, and a startling image presented itself to all the shocked black clad men. Their companion, who had already used his Stone Skin Skill in addition to the Consolidated shoulder pauldrons, had actually gotten his entire shoulder pauldrons smashed into smithereens by Zhou Weiqing's blow, the claws digging savagely into his shoulder.

This braver-gloves of Zhou Weiqing's was the second piece of his Legendary Set, and combined with his third piece of the Legendary Set, it was called the Yin Yang Giant Spirit Palm.

The right hand was the Giant Spirit Yang Palm; similarly it was a huge boost to his strength. Although it was not as overbearing and savage as the Twin Legendary Hammers, the piercing power it held was far beyond the hammers'.

In the Demonic Change State, Zhou Weiqing's strength was already at a terrifying level. Now, boosted even further with his Legendary Set, along with the Giant Spirit Yang Palm's destructive effect, even a six-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master could not withstand the single blow.

The heavy palm shattered the enemy's right shoulder totally, and Zhou Weiqing's Giant Spirit Yang Palm energy was sent deep into his shoulder bones, and a powerful suction force abruptly burst forth from his right palm deep into his enemy's body. After sustaining such a huge blow, the black clad man had been in intense pain, and how could he properly control his Heavenly Energy then. As such, his Heavenly Energy flowed like water bursting from a dam, streaming into Zhou Weiqing.

With a sudden flex of his right arm, Zhou Weiqing flung outwards, using the black clad man in his hands like a weapon, striking and shoving the other close combat black clad man aside, then throwing him up into the air.

As his cultivation level reached the four-Jeweled stage, his Skills had all evolved as well. Although he had only Devoured for only a few seconds, it was already sufficient to give him a large amount of Heavenly Energy. When he flung the black clad man up into the sky, he had already infused his body with a large amount of Immortal Deity Technique's swirling Heavenly Energy; along with the previous Curse of Doom and a freshly infused Lightning Explosive Palm, he had mixed them all to turn the black clad man's body into a bomb.

Accompanying the massive explosion, blood and gore was splattered everywhere. Zhou Weiqing sprung backwards in an explosive motion, at the same time throwing out a Thousand Lightning Strikes into the midst of his enemies.

With his current level and remaining Heavenly Energy, Zhou Weiqing's Thousand Lightning Strikes was not sufficient to deal any damage to those black clad men. However, it was more than sufficient to help delay them for a few moments.

Although they were all six-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Masters, these black clad men were far less powerful than Shen Little Demon, who had been trained well in the Great Saint Lands she had come from. Just with the Devour Skill he used just now, Zhou Weiqing had already replenished most of the Heavenly Energy he had used previously.

It was clear that these black clad men were from the Bai Da Empire, as the Kalise Empire did not have the power or finances to send such powerhouses.

Previously, when the Bai Da Battle Team had entered the Heavenly Jewel Tournament, most of their main team members had actually been killed off, and the remaining members had rushed back to the Bai Da Empire as soon as possible. As such, they did not know that the Fei Li Battle Team had actually become the champion of the Heavenly Jewel Tournament, and more so they did not know about Zhou Weiqing's accomplishments in the Finals. As such, though the Bai Da Empire had already placed much importance on Zhou Weiqing, highly estimating him in their eyes, but that was still according to his power in the preliminary heats. This time, sending eight powerful Heavenly Jewel Masters to assassinate him, it was already far beyond necessary in their eyes.

Alas, they could never have imagined that Zhou Weiqing's power was even greater than they had expected. More so, they did not know that he was no longer at the three-Jeweled stage, but with four Jewels now! In just that short instant they had fought, Zhou Weiqing had already killed off one of their own!

Retreating swiftly, Zhou Weiqing's movement did not slow down at all. As he flew backwards through the door, the Overlord Bow had already been summoned into his left hand, and almost instantly, two arrows flew out towards the two black clad men in the skies.

The two black clad men had been blocked by their companion's exploding body, and their momentum had been diminished. Zhou Weiqing's movement had just been too fast, and they had no choice but to change from offense to defense. After all, that strike of Zhou Weiqing's had killed off one of their companions instantly, giving them all a shock. At this point, they could only hope to block this attack and survive, and think about offense later.

At the same time, the two ranged attackers, one Wind and one Fire Attribute Heavenly Jewel Masters, unleashed their second round of attacks. Having one of their companions killed off, one could imagine how angry they could be now.

The Wind Attribute Heavenly Jewel Master pointed his staff at Zhou Weiqing, and circles of green light reverberated out of it, from large to small, speeding out towards Zhou Weiqing.

This Skill was called the Demonic Wind Ring, a very rare type of Skill; not only was it a mix of a Control and Offensive Skill, it was also a sustained one that lasted a while. Once struck by it, not only would the victim's movement be restricted, the rings of Wind Energy would continually slice at his body until he was totally cut into bits. As long as the user had sufficient Heavenly Energy to sustain it, it would continue going! It was definitely a powerful Skill indeed.

The Fire Attribute Heavenly Jewel Master was no inferior, shooting forth a purple flame from his staff, looking like a little purple snake, darting towards Zhou Weiqing. From a simple surface look, this purple flame was inferior to the large and brilliant Demonic Wind Ring, but in truth, this purple flame was filled with Yin Flame Energy, once struck by it, it would worm its way into its target's body, destroying it from within.

Surprisingly, the only remaining close combat Heavenly Jewel Master reacted slightly slowly. Previously, when Zhou Weiqing had killed his companion in a single blow, he had been the closest, and had clearly seen the terrifying effect of that claw of Zhou Weiqing's. Even against that double protection of Stone Skin and the Consolidated shoulder pauldrons, that dark gold claws had sliced through both like knife through a butter. Such a sight had unnerved even an experienced fighter like him.

In the Demonic Change State, Zhou Weiqing was cold in his heart, the absolute calmness he was feeling allowing his senses to extend out to the maximum. Without even needing to use his eyes, he could somehow form a three dimensional image of the surroundings in his mind of everything going on about him.

The two arrows that he had not shot out were not imbued with any Heavenly Energy or Skills, but was fired out with the Twisting Bowstring Archery Skill. At the four-Jeweled cultivation level, added on to the effect of the Overlord Bow and the powerful Archery Skills, and more so the close range that it was fired from, even though his enemies were at the six-Jeweled stage, it was sufficient to block them, though not to damage them. Still, it had given Zhou Weiqing the opportunity to charge forward once more, unimpeded.

The Tornado Strike Skill came into effect, launching Zhou Weiqing into a sudden surge of speed, as if his entire body was warped into a black lightning bolt as he charged forward towards the last close combat Heavenly Jewel Master.

His target was shocked. Previously, Zhou Weiqing's close combat abilities had definitely left a deep impression on him, but he had worked with his team for so many years, and he would not dodge aside at such a time, otherwise he would open his ranged specialist teammates to Zhou Weiqing's terrifying attacks.

The twin short blades in his hands immediately wove in a dance of death, the Flexibility Attribute joining with his Wind Attribute Elemental Jewel to criss cross the blades to form a razor thin net of light in order to block Zhou Weiqing. No matter what, Zhou Weiqing was only at the four-Jeweled stage, and he was confident that even with Zhou Weiqing's God Tier Consolidated Equipment, as long as he could use his weapons, skills and Heavenly Energy in a direct clash, he would be able to hold his own for a while, to delay Zhou Weiqing enough for his teammates to finish him off.

Alas, Zhou Weiqing's target was not him. Just as both sides were about to collide, and the Demonic Wind Ring and Purple Yin Flames were also reaching at the same time, a silver light flashed out bright, and the charging Zhou Weiqing vanished abruptly.


A simple Blink Skill, but once again with impeccable timing. Zhou Weiqing appeared five yards behind the close combat Heavenly Jewel Master, the inertia of his charging body still full. With this simple but highly rated, highly useful support Skill of the Spatial Attribute, he had once again dodged three of his enemies' attacks.

Of course, the ranged attacks were locked on to him. Although he had dodged them momentarily with the Blink Skill, the two attacks spun around and continued following him, striking forth towards his back.

Under the effect of the Tornado Strike, Zhou Weiqing was just too fast. In barely the time to take a breath, he had already reached the two ranged enemies.

The two were experienced powerhouses in their own right, and facing Zhou Weiqing's sudden closing in, they reacted swiftly as well.

Both black clad men retreated in different directions, pulling apart the distance between them so that Zhou Weiqing could only attack one of them at a single time. At the same time, the staves in their hands waved in a blur, as they simultaneously released a shield of light in front of them. Ranged combat specialists like them would always have a good defense prepared; besides this Elemental Jewel Defensive Skill, they also each released a Consolidated Equipment Shield in front of them.

Chapter 348: Legendary Set! Yin Yang Giant Spirit Palm! (2)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

Right at that moment, Zhou Weiqing's body burst forth with a brilliant silver light, as if his entire body had turned into a beam of silver. Originally, under the Tornado Strike, his speed had already been extremely fast. However, when the silver light enveloped him, his speed actually rose to a whole new level, his entire body like a shuttle, piercing through the air.

The Wind Attribute Zun Stage Heavenly Jewel Master had just released his Consolidated Shield, and a silver light flashed before his eyes. He had not even seen what had happened clearly, and all he felt as a sudden cold invading his entire body.

Breaking Shield, Instant Death.

Zhou Weiqing's body appeared behind the Wind Attribute Heavenly Jewel Master. His speed had just been too fast, and he had only activated it when he was already near the Wind Attribute Heavenly Jewel Master. As such, the two Skills from his enemies that had been locked onto Zhou Weiqing actually smashed onto the Wind Attribute Heavenly Jewel Master as well.

An ear splitting slicing sound rang out, but no screams of pain resounded together. In truth, the Wind Attribute Heavenly Jewel Master had already lost the ability to scream as soon as Zhou Weiqing passed right through him.

Struck by both the Demonic Wind Ring and Purple Yin Flames, the final end of the Wind Attribute Heavenly Jewel Master was no better than the previous Strength Attribute Heavenly Jewel Master, with nothing much left of him but pieces.

The Skill that Zhou Weiqing had used was the Silver Emperor Lightning Pierce, and it was the Fourth Wind Attribute Skill that he had Stored. 1

Ever since Zhou Weiqing had met with the Silver Emperor in the Fei Li City's Skill Storing Palace, he had been greatly attracted by the Silver Emperor Lightning Pierce; it was after all one of the Silver Emperor's three great skills. Alas, at that time, he could only choose two out of its three Skills, and he had no choice but to give it up then. This time, when he had reached the Four-Jeweled cultivation level, he had managed to find another Silver Emperor in the Heavenly Jewel Island Skill Storing Palace, and he had succeeded in Storing it this time. As such, he now had all three of a Silver Emperor's greatest skills.

The Silver Emperor Lightning Pierce: Wind Attribute Skill of the Silver Emperor. Able to warp into a silver point, instantly piercing through anything. At the same time, moving at 300% speed. This is a skill that can be used for both offense and defense, and the Silver Emperor uses it for both attacking and fleeing

The reason why Zhou Weiqing chose it was not just because of its unbelievable piercing powers, but also because of that instantaneous burst of speed it granted. Of course, at his power levels, that would only last for an extremely short period, but in a critical moment, it could actually help save his life as well if used to flee.

Zhou Weiqing was very clear about his own situation, and the sheer danger he was in. He knew that he had to plan for the worst, and as such, when he reached the Four-Jeweled stage, in choosing his new Skills to Store, he had placed a greater importance on Skill that could help protect himself, especially when being hunted down by his enemies.

The Tornado Strike in addition to the Silver Emperor Lightning Pierce was an unbelievable boost to his speed and offensive capabilities, and with the Giant Spirit Yang Palm spearheading the attack, it was not something that could be easily taken on head-on by any ordinary six-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master, unless one had a powerful offensive or defensive Skill to deal with it. Alas, his enemy was neither a close combat or defensive specialist. Their attacks were still chasing Zhou Weiqing, and needed to be controlled, but before they could hit, Zhou Weiqing had actually managed to kill a second enemy.

Zhou Weiqing naturally had his reasons for choosing the Wind Attribute Heavenly Jewel Master – he was the one who gave him the sense of being a greatest threat, especially after seeing that he had a Control Skill, and not just one. Zhou Weiqing might seem to be on the upper hand, with his myriad of powerful Skills, but he was also a careful person. He knew that if he got caught by any Control Skill, then he would be easily brought down and killed by an onslaught of attacks, outnumbered as he was. As such, after taking down his first enemy, he had quickly decided to finish off this Wind Attribute Heavenly Jewel Master next.

The four remaining black clad men were dumbfounded. From the start of the fight, though so many things had happened, it had been only slightly more than ten seconds, and already two of their companions had been slaughtered. What Zhou Weiqing brought to them was a feeling that he could not be stopped.

Of course, Zhou Weiqing's actions would not stop at that; after killing off the Wind Attribute Heavenly Jewel Master, he was not that far off from the Ranged Fire Attribute Heavenly Jewel Master, though they had tried to separate themselves.

However, after using so many powerful Skills in rapid succession, the Heavenly Energy he had Devoured previously had been fully depleted, and even his own Heavenly Energy was almost used up.

The Devour Skill was known as the most powerful Skill of the entire Demonic Attribute, and it truly deserved its name. Although it did not seem to have a great offensive power, it was without a doubt that it was this Skill alone that had helped Zhou Weiqing to face so many powerful enemies. Without it, the only choice he would have would be to run for his life. After all, no matter how powerful he was, he was at a lower level than them. Even if he could kill off one or two enemies with his many powerful highly rated Skills, he would quickly run out of Heavenly Energy. Despite having so many Skills at his disposal, once he ran out of Heavenly Energy, they would all be useless. Yet, with the Devour Skill, Zhou Weiqing was able to constantly replenish his energy in the midst of combat. As long as he managed to activate it on his enemies, he would be able to continuously fight at peak power and use these high powered Skills.

Stamping his right foot on the ground, Zhou Weiqing shot forth like a cannonball towards his target, the Ranged Fire Attribute Heavenly Jewel Master.

Zhou Weiqing's performance earlier had just been too impressive, and the Fire Attribute Heavenly Jewel Master was shocked and afraid. Quickly pointing his staff at the rapidly advancing Zhou Weiqing, he did not care about saving Heavenly Energy, swiftly launching three powerful Fire Attribute Skills one after the other at him.

Previously, the two airborne enemies who had been blocked by Zhou Weiqing's arrows finally landed onto the ground, and they charged forth from the back together with the melee Heavenly Jewel Master. In their eyes, Zhou Weiqing was only at the Four-Jeweled stage, and despite all his power, after unleashing so many powerful Skills, he had to be running low on Heavenly Energy. At this point, their confidence in killing off Zhou Weiqing was even higher.

These three black clad men were obviously not well versed in ranged combat. Most Heavenly Jewel Masters would only specialize in one; taking Zhou Weiqing as an example, if one only considered his Skills alone, he did not have much ranged Skills at all. However, he had his outstanding archery to complement him, and with the Overlord Bow, he was able to more than offset this 'weak point' of his.

The explosive power of the Demonic Right Leg was so strong, and it sent Zhou Weiqing's body hurtling almost instantly into the midst of the Fire Attribute Skill, and he was just about to be struck by it without chance of evasion.

Right at that moment, all the remaining black clad men were surprised to see another dark glow aura spring up around Zhou Weiqing's body, blocking all the Fire Attribute Skills. It was another Consolidating Equipment God Protective Aura!

This time, what appeared was the Giant Spirit Yin Palm of the Yin Yang Giant Spirit Palms around his left arm. From the surface, it looked exactly the same as the Giant Spirit Yang Palm, dark gold coloured armor, with the glove area tipped with the sharp thick claws.

With the aid of his second Consolidating Equipment God Protective Aura, Zhou Weiqing was able to charge to the front of the Fire Attribute Heavenly Jewel Master. Once a melee specialist Heavenly Jewel Master managed to close in onto a ranged specialist Heavenly Jewel Master, one could imagine the result; let alone with them having a prior example.

However, it was Zhou Weiqing's turn to be surprised. The Fire Attribute Heavenly Jewel Master did not look surprised or afraid, instead his lips turned upwards in a cold smirk. At that point, a thick burst of fire exploded out from his body, warping into a ring spreading outwards in all directions.

The golden flames brought an intense heat, but more so a repulsive force that pushed backwards violently. It was the rare Fire Attribute protective Skill, shoving enemies away from oneself, one of the prime skills for ranged combat Fire Attribute Heavenly Jewel Masters. The Fire Ring of Repulsion Skill.

A huge backward-pushing force repulsing all assailed him from all directions. This was a highly rated Skill powered by the six-Jeweled cultivation stage after all! With enemies behind him, and the Fire Ring of Repulsion blocking him from the front, Zhou Weiqing was momentarily in a dangerous state.

A piercing silver light appeared without warning from Zhou Weiqing's right palm, along with an earsplitting tearing sound across the air, reverberating across the area as a silver tear appeared, almost four yards along, ripping into the Fire Ring of Repulsion, causing the powerful backward force to slide past Zhou Weiqing harmlessly instead.

Leaping up and contorting his body to squeeze through in a flash, Zhou Weiqing was abruptly in front of the Fire Attribute Heavenly Jewel Master, his hands in front of his opponent's horrified face. His palms smashed down onto each shoulder, and with the Giant Spirit Palm's piercing power and sheer strength, along with the Demonic Change State's physique, he instantly broke through the shield, and with an accompanying shriek of agony from the Fire Attribute Heavenly Jewel Master, he grabbed onto his shoulders forcibly.

By now, the Fire Ring of Repulsion, originally meant to knock Zhou Weiqing away, was now a detriment and downfall to the Fire Attribute Heavenly Jewel Master, instead helping to keep his companions away, blocking the three black clad men. At this point, no one could save his life any longer.

Such a massive expenditure of energy, Zhou Weiqing needed to replenish it as soon as possible in order to keep fighting, and immediately he activated the Devour Skill.

Both side's Heavenly Energy had a certain gap between them, but the Demonic Change State and Devour Skills had both been raised up to the four-Jeweled stage, and the Devour Skill's draining rate had been raised drastically. Adding to that the boost from Zhou Weiqing's Legendary Set's Yin Yang Giant Spirit Palm, as well as the momentary dazed senses of the Fire Attribute Heavenly Jewel Master from having both shoulders smashed, he was not able to resist the Devour Skill.

A large amount of Heavenly Energy flowed into Zhou Weiqing, re-nourishing his body and replenishing the substantial Heavenly Energy that he had already used in this short fight, almost topping him to full again. Although this Heavenly Energy did not belong to him, as long as he used it in a short period of time, it would be no different in terms of his combat strength.

It was not just his Heavenly Energy which was Devoured, along with it came the black clad man's life force as well. As the time passed, the difference in power between the two grew, and they could clearly see the black clad man's body withering, starting from his shoulders. When that withering effect reached his chest, his heart was instantly torn apart by the two suction forces from both sides, and with a spurt of blood, the black clad man died.

Zhou Weiqing's hatred for these Bai Da Empire enemies were at an all time high, and his attacks were savage and vicious. The Yin Yang Giant Spirit Palm pulled apart in an outward motion, tearing the enemy into two, before tossing his remains behind casually.

Six versus one. Seemingly insurmountable odds. Yet, in just a short period of time, Zhou Weiqing had already killed off three enemies. What kind of terrifying power was that? As compared to when he had been in the Heavenly Jewel Tournament, Zhou Weiqing's power had already increased by leaps and bounds, and facing these ordinary six-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Masters, he was no longer had to fear them.

Chapter 349: Legendary Set! Yin Yang Giant Spirit Palm!! (3)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

After killing three enemies in rapid succession, Zhou Weiqing's eyes were bloodshot and filled with violent emotion. The past few days, the worry, pain, sorrow, all the negative emotions that had been plaguing him were all expunged in this process of killing.

His hands held up in front of his chest, Zhou Weiqing yelled out loudly. Turning around to the three enemies who had finally broken free of the Fire Ring of Repulsion, he cried out loudly: "Come then!"

Seeing the torn body of their companion right in front of them, his dead limbs still twitching, a chill ran down the spines of the remaining three black clad men. At this point, their blood ran cold with fear. In their eyes, Zhou Weiqing was no longer just a mere Four-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master, but a demon. That explosive, violent strength of his, that was already far beyond what they had dreamed possible, more than able to bridge the gap between their Heavenly Energy levels. Added to that those strange, powerful, unknown Skills that he used, it was far beyond their imaginations.

*Swoosh**Swoosh* Two figures flew in from behind the house; it was the other two black clad team members who had been preparing to ambush Zhou Weiqing from the other side. They had clearly heard the clashes and cries from the front and had been extremely confused. According to the large difference in power levels, they had thought that the fight should have been over by now, yet the sounds of fighting still continued. Furthermore, the pained cries did not seem to come from anyone else, but their own familiar teammates.

As clash after clash sounded out, the two finally could not bear to wait there any longer, rushing to check what had happened. Now, they appeared before Zhou Weiqing… one six-Jeweled and one seven-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Masters, with a strong reverberation of Heavenly Energy about them as they reunited with their three remaining companions.

"What is going on?!" Seeing the blood and gore splattered about the ground, the seven-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master cried out in shock and rage.

"Boss, be careful. There is something off about that little brat… Second Bro and the rest are all dead…" The other melee specialist with the Flexibility Attribute spoke, his voice clearly trembling with a hint of fear.

With a single glance, the seven-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master spotted the two Consolidated Equipment, the Yin Yang Giant Spirit Palm, of Zhou Weiqing's. He was clear what that dark-gold glow about it signified, and his pupils contracted. "… All of you, concentrate on ranged attacks. Do not go near him, do not care about wasting Heavenly Energy, throw everything you have at him! You bunch of trash, so many of you attacking a four-Jeweled brat, and three of you can still die…"

With that look, he had immediately noticed Zhou Weiqing's weak point. While it was true that the difference between Heavenly Energy levels could be bridged by physical strength, Consolidated Equipment and Stored Skills, but as long as they did not give him a chance to use his Skills, assailing him with their powerful Skills from afar, how could Zhou Weiqing possibly block them?

As he said that, the seven-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master took action first. Abruptly, he struck the ground with his foot, and a thick layer of yellow light sprang forth from his foot, swiftly following the ground in a straight path towards Zhou Weiqing. As it travelled along its path, thick earth spikes continually shot out from the ground. This was an area of effect Skill, and one could only dodge it by jumping into the air. Alas, if Zhou Weiqing did so… it would undoubtedly turn him into an easy target for the other enemies.

A disdainful smirk touched Zhou Weiqing's lips. The next instant, a noble, arrogant aura seemed to appear abruptly, a five metre tall shadowy image appearing behind him, looking down upon the earth like a Queen. Human body, snake tail, long flowing hair… it was the Demonic Dragon Lady!

Among all of Zhou Weiqing's Skills, the only one which could cause a Heavenly Skill Image to appear was just this single one. When he had reached the four-Jeweled stage, he had thought of looking for a Heavenly God Tier Heavenly Beast to Skill Store, but in the end he had not succeeded. Alas, Heavenly God Tier Heavenly Beasts were just too terrifying, and at his current power levels, even with Tian'er's assistance, he would not be able to succeed. Furthermore, the rules of the Heavenly Jewel Island was clear; without the permission of the Heaven's Expanse Palace Palace Master, there was no price that would allow one to Skill Store from a Heavenly God Tier Heavenly Beast.

Indeed, a Heavenly God Tier Heavenly Beast's Skill was just at a totally different level. That could already be seen from Zhou Weiqing's Dragon Silencing Seal. In fact, the Dragon Silencing Seal was technically not at the Heavenly God Tier yet, and could only be considered Half Heavenly God Tier, a step below. Even so, it was already so powerful, easily able to turn the tides of any fight. One could imagine how truly terrifying a real Heavenly God Tier would be.

Seeing more hidden enemies come out, Zhou Weiqing could no longer hold anything back, and as the Heavenly Skill Image of the Demonic Dragon Lady appeared, all the enemies were shocked to the core.

If Zhou Weiqing was at the six-Jeweled stage, he was confident that he could kill off all these enemies in front of him without any problems. After all, his advantage in terms of his Physique and Elemental Jewels was just too huge. Added to that, his Demonic Change State, Devour Skill and Legendary Set pieces, how could any ordinary Heavenly Jewel Master compete with that? For any Heavenly Jewel Master of the same level to be able to fight with him head on, he or she had to be at least a core disciple of one of the Great Saint Lands, and have equal or more God Tier Consolidated Equipment! Zhou Weiqing's Dragon Silencing Seal was just too overbearing, and it was nigh impossible to dodge as well, with only some unique skills giving the possibility, and even then, it would depend on how both sides used and controlled their Skills.

However, the current Zhou Weiqing was after all only at the four-Jeweled stage, and more so had only just reached it not long ago. Although he could continue fighting and sustaining himself for a long period of time with the help of his Devour Skill, it was after all borrowed energy that did not belong to him, and his own Heavenly Energy was constantly being depleted to an extreme low. In this process, it would be also taking a huge toll on his body, and he would not be able to do this forever.

Heavenly Skill Image. A Skill that reached the state of Gods. How could an ordinary six or seven Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master have witnessed something like that before? It was a sight from tales and legends!

As such, these Heavenly Jewel Masters from the Bai Da Empire were, on the contrary, not as impressed and shocked as those members of the Battle Teams in the Heavenly Jewel Tournament finals. As the saying goes, the ignorant are fearless, and this was a prime example indeed.

A purple-red vortex symbol appeared above the head of the seven-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master immediately. In the next moment, the encroaching earth spikes Skill disappeared in a flash of purple.

This low level Zong Stage Heavenly Jewel Master, who had been arrogantly planning to kill Zhou Weiqing in a single swoop just a moment ago, was filled with shock.

Not only did the Skill he unleashed earlier vanish abruptly, even the Consolidated Equipment he had summoned had disappeared as well, and he felt as if he was spinning in middle of some strange whirlwind, unable to contact his own Physical and Elemental Jewels.

When the Dragon Silencing Seal struck him and disrupted his earth spike Skill, his other four companions immediately realised something was wrong. When they looked at their strongest companion, they were immediately given a fright by his look, as he was totally bathed in that purple-red colour. Alas, in that moment of shock, Zhou Weiqing had moved once more.

With the Dragon Silencing Seal activated, it was without a doubt that this was Zhou Weiqing's best opportunity. In a flash, the Tornado Strike Skill was activated once more.

With an abrupt burst of speed, it was as if he was totally ignoring the other four black clad enemies, charging straight towards the seven-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master. That aura of pressing forward with indomitable will, along with that heavy killing intent, and the still-fresh imagery of how he had slaughtered their three other companions, caused a chill to run across the hearts of his enemies.

Still, they had after all been fighting together for so many years, and their teamwork was tacit indeed. Despite the fear and shock in their hearts, it did not slow them down at all, each launching their strongest Skills towards Zhou Weiqing.

The Tornado Strike's advantages were obvious; with the sudden burst of speed and boost to offense in doubling strength. However, it also had its disadvantages. Once activated, the user would be charging in a straight path, and was not able to change directions easily.

Towards all the varied high rated, powerful Skills that Zhou Weiqing used, most of them were not known by the black clad men. However, the Tornado Strike Skill was a relatively common one that they could still recognize. As such, since Zhou Weiqing was charging forth at such high speeds, they were confident that when they launched their attacks, it would be in Zhou Weiqing's path of movement.

Sadly for them, when they had decided to come here to assassinate Zhou Weiqing, they had already been doomed to failure. That was because they just did not know enough about Zhou Weiqing, the number of Skills he had, and what effect they had.

The Tornado Strike brought Zhou Weiqing's body in a charge for about five yards, but he did not launch any attacks. Instead, before he even reached his original target, his body abruptly changed directions, as his right foot stomped hard on the ground in an angle.

According to the effects of the Tornado Strike Skill, if Zhou Weiqing forcibly did that, he would sustain heavy self-injuries. However, he had wisely made use of a Skill that was normally deemed difficult to use well, due to its effect working on both friends and self as well. The Time Interrupt Skill.

With the Time Interrupt Skill, Zhou Weiqing had actually disrupted his own Skill, thus managing to change directions easily, totally going counter to what the original Tornado Strike Skill should do. In such a way, he had managed to catch all his enemies unawares.

The sudden switch in direction at such high speeds had totally disrupted the judgement of the four six-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Masters, while the seven-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master was still in shock from the Dragon Silencing Seal; even if he could break free from his shocked state, without only the use of his Heavenly Energy, and being so far from Zhou Weiqing, he would not be able to do anything anyway.

The Yin Yang Giant Spirit Palms struck towards one of the black clad enemies that had originally attacked from the air, and without hesitation, Zhou Weiqing had already unleashed his prepared Skill.

From the start of the fight up to now, Zhou Weiqing had not stopped moving. This was not only to continuously bring the fight to the enemy, to not let them regain the upper hand, but also because the Devoured Heavenly Energy was better to be used as swiftly as possible if he wasn't planning on cleansing and melding it as his own. Otherwise, if it stayed in his body for too long, it would take a toll on him.

The Fetters of Wind instantly landed on the enemy; with the boost from the Yin Yang Giant Spirit Palms, even with the difference of two Jewels worth of cultivation level, it was still able to cause the black clad enemy to halt in his tracks for an instant. That moment, was sufficient for Zhou Weiqing to do many things.

Following the Fetters of Wind Skill was the Absolute Delay Skill landing. Zhou Weiqing usually tried to refrain from using the same Skill repeatedly in a fight. Naturally, there were advantages to doing so, keeping the enemy on his toes with unexpected surprises, and also to prevent himself from being caught at a bad time with the skill cooldowns.

Chapter 350: The power of Little Miss Muddle. (1)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

With the Absolute Delay landing on his chosen target, the first effect was that he no longer had any chance to dodge or escape, and Zhou Weiqing's Yin Yang Giant Spirit Palms had forcibly smacked down upon him. When a person was faced with impending danger, it might spark a subconscious reaction to save himself. Although the black clad man was struck by both the Fetters of Wind and Absolute Delay, as a Upper Level Zun Stage Heavenly Jewel Master, when his life was in critical danger, he somehow managed to explode forth with all his hidden potential, his hands held up in a defensive posture, turning totally red. It was clearly a type of melee Skill of the Fire Attribute. Although his movements were slowed drastically, he was still able to barely block Zhou Weiqing's blow.

Zhou Weiqing did not change tactics; if he did so, he had absolute confidence in killing off this enemy delayed by Absolute Delay. However, at the same time, if he did so, it would open him up to the other three six-Jeweled enemies.

To take attacks from three enemies, or to just clash head on with a single enemy, with the advantage of two Legendary Set God Tier Consolidated Equipment. The choice was clear.

As the saying goes, one has to seize the opportunity, as once it is gone, it may not come back again. Having created such an opportunity with the Dragon Silencing Seal, it was definitely one that did not come by easily, and he would not give it up like that. Even though when he reached the Four-Jeweled stage, he could now use the Dragon Silencing Seal four times per day, with his character he would not easily use them all out. After all, he always preferred to keep an ace up his sleeve for desperate times, especially to save his life. Furthermore, he did not know if there were any other hidden enemies besides these few.

*BANG* Four palms slammed hard into each other, and Zhou Weiqing immediately sensed something was wrong. Although with his Demonic Change State and the boost from two Legendary Set pieces he should have been able to more than rival his enemy's greater Heavenly Energy, he was meeting with unexpected resistance.

The black clad man's palms seemed like a red hot molten soldering iron, and even though he had the Yin Yang Giant Spirit Palms to protect his hands, Zhou Weiqing could still sense the searing heat. That was not the only thing; the more critical issue was that there was a strange suction force emitting from his enemy's palms, causing Zhou Weiqing to slow down. At that point, he could see the ferocious grin on his enemy's face.

With so many enemies surrounding him, Zhou Weiqing knew he could not let himself be cornered, and if he was slowed, it would undoubtedly be a harbinger of doom for himself. WIthout question, this black clad enemy wanted to be the one who brought it to him.

However, that smirk on the black clad enemy's face only lasted for an instant. After all, Zhou Weiqing's pure physical strength was just too terrifying. As their four palms pushed against each other, although the black clad enemy had been able to forcibly stop Zhou Weiqing's Yin Yang Giant Spirit Palms for a moment due to the sudden burst of power from his Skills, but as their palms continued to press against each other, he realised that with the Absolute Delay in effect, he couldn't even break free if he wanted to.

In the next instant, Zhou Weiqing reacted in the best possible way. Ignoring the intense heat from his palms, he changed swiftly from a palm strike to a death grip, gripping down hard on his enemy's hands.

Ultimately, Zhou Weiqing was wearing the Yin Yang Giant Spirit Palms, and the sharp claw tips of the fingers and their sheer piercing power came into effect right then. With Zhou Weiqing's strength, he did not even need to use another Skill, and with that sudden burst of power, an ear-piercing sound of bone shattering accompanied by the cries of agony from the black clad men rang out simultaneously. Instantly, Zhou Weiqing activated the Devour Skill, as he continued gripping onto the shatter hands of his enemy.

However, the black clad man had indeed bought his companions enough time, and the three others' Skills were flying out at Zhou Weiqing. This time, they went all out, bursting forth with all their maximum effort and power, sparing no costs as they launched their strongest attacks. Even the seven-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master, though unable to use any Skills or Consolidated Equipment, charged forward, his hands glowing with white Heavenly Energy as he struck towards Zhou Weiqing's head.

After totally crushing his enemy's hands, Zhou Weiqing started Devouring his Heavenly Energy, and at the same time, he did an abrupt Suplex Move 1

Just like that, the large black clad enemy in his hands was thrown backwards behind him, and at the same time, the third and last Consolidating Equipment God Protective Aura sprang forth around Zhou Weiqing.


The sounds of explosions came in an almost continuous stream at Zhou Weiqing, the Consolidating Equipment God Protective Aura successfully blocking the attacks from the three black clad enemies. At the same time, Zhou Weiqing infused a Lightning Explosive Palm into the body of the black clad enemy in his hands, throwing him out as he exploded in an attempt to block the three behind him.

After fighting for so long, Zhou Weiqing was already an arrow at the end of its flight 2. At this point, it was down to see which side could burst forth with that last bit of killing power.

Alas, Zhou Weiqing's plan had finally failed. The Consolidating Equipment God Protective Aura had successfully blocked the ranged attacks from the three enemies, but was unable to block the strike from the incoming seven-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master.

Although he had been struck with the Dragon Silencing Seal, his powerful Heavenly Energy was still there, full as ever. Seeing the dark gold aura spring out around Zhou Weiqing, this low level Zong Stage Master actually managed to forcibly pull himself back from his attack, striking the air to let himself stall in midair for a moment, managing to wait out the Consolidating Equipment God Protective Aura before striking downwards once more.

In such a way, it would undoubtedly weaken his own attack, but at the same time, he had successfully avoided the Consolidating Equipment God Protective Aura and struck down at a point where Zhou Weiqing was no longer able to dodge it.

Still in the middle of the suplex throw position, Zhou Weiqing was struck hard by his enemy's palm right smack on the chest.

At that moment, Zhou Weiqing's Demonic Change State and Immortal Deity Shield showed their effects, as a thick white vortex of light appeared below the low level Zong Stage Heavenly Jewel Master's palms. At the same time, Zhou Weiqing's chest muscles rippled, doing his best to weaken the blow as much as possible.

Despite all of that, Zhou Weiqing was still smashed down hard onto the ground, savagely crashing into the ground, cracking it. Even the dual Legendary Hammers that he had just summoned was actually disrupted by the sudden flux of energy and disappeared almost as fast as they appeared.

Fresh blood erupted from his mouth as Zhou Weiqing fell onto the ground. However, he was extremely stubborn and indomitable, especially when it came to his fear of death. At any point of time, his survival instincts were incomparable to any others, even in such an unbelievably unfavourable situation. Instantly, Zhou Weiqing used a Blink Skill at the last second, sending himself ten feet away, barely dodging the next strike from the low level Zong Stage enemy.

If not for the Dragon Silencing Seal, that low level Zong Stage powerhouse would have severely injured or even killed Zhou Weiqing in that single blow.

However, one could not underestimate the importance of Zhou Weiqing killing off another opponent at the expense of taking an injury. In truth, he was already at the end of his sustaining capabilities, and dared not Devour any more Heavenly Energy. His own Heavenly Energy was already at such a low that he could barely control any more of the Devoured Heavenly Energy. According to his original plan, with the Dragon Silencing Seal and a last burst of effort, he should be able to kill off three of the remaining five enemies. Alas, he had met with unexpected resistance from the first target, and the swift actions of the other enemies had also caused him to lose that chance. Still, being able to kill off one was already the best result after all the surprises. After all, do not forget that our dear Zhou Little Fatty was only at the four Jeweled stage!

Blinking ten yards away, Zhou Weiqing could no longer contain himself, and spat out another mouthful of fresh blood. Although the low level Zong Stage Heavenly Jewel Master could not use any Skills or Consolidated Equipment, his Heavenly Energy level was still at the Heavenly Xu Stage, far beyond Zhou Weiqing's level. Furthermore, Zhou Weiqing's current Legendary Consolidated Equipment Set was mostly boosting his strength and offensive capabilities, and not his defense. Currently, Zhou Weiqing felt as if his internal organs were all inflamed, his insides churning as the pain struck him. The energy whirlpools of the Death Acupuncture Points at the chest area were also slowing drastically, as the injury was truly no mere trifle.

"Boss, I'm here to help!" A tall figure suddenly charged forth from behind, standing in front of Zhou Weiqing. It was Ma Qun.

Even Zhou Weiqing had not imagined that Ma Qun, this cunning wily fellow, would actually be so loyal. Currently, Ma Qun had charged forward, his eyes bloodshot, breathing heavily, but with a resolute look on his face. Standing in front of Zhou Weiqing, the yellow glow of the Earth Attribute shining forth around his body, his arms extended in a protective stance in front of Zhou Weiqing.

In truth, when the fight had first started, Ma Qun had been sent flying back into the house before he could react. Startled, he had climbed up and thought to jump out to help.

Alas, when he saw that the enemies were all at the six-Jeweled stage, he was stunned silly. Even in the entire Fei Li Military Academy, it would not be easy to see so many powerhouses together at once, yet he managed to see six of them here, and being enemies to boot. At least, Ma Qun knew his own limits, and facing enemies of such capabilities, he knew that he would not only be useless, but a detriment to Zhou Weiqing if he tried to help.

Just as Ma Qun had been left confused, overwhelmed and at a loss, trying to think how Zhou Weiqing could possibly offend so many powerhouses, the fight had already started.

As compared to the appearance of the six Upper Level Zun Stage Heavenly Jewel Masters, Ma Qun was even more surprised when he saw Zhou Weiqing's four sets of hEavenly Jewels. He was even more so when Zhou Weiqing actually started fighting against the six powerful opponents!

Ma Qun had witnessed with his own eyes how Zhou Weiqing, only at the four-Jeweled Stage, had actually managed to kill six-Jeweled powerhouses one after the other, in such a bloody, savage fashion. Although Zhou Weiqing did look rather scary in his Demonic Change State, to someone like Ma Qun who highly regarded strength as the most important, that was all he was concerned about. He was after all still a young man, and his feelings were easily infected, and seeing Zhou Weiqing tear apart enemy after enemy, though Ma Qun knew he could not help, his blood was already boiling with excitement.

He did not know why Zhou Weiqing was so powerful, but he was definitely rejoicing that he had made such a choice months ago, and more so now to Follow Zhou Weiqing. Originally, he had not been fully willing to do so, but seeing the rest of the class do so, he had not wanted to be left behind and jumped out to make such a decision. After all, he knew that he would never be able to graduate from Fei Li Military Academy with his results.

Of course, by that point, Ma Qun did not feel any sense of regret. Having seen Zhou Weiqing killing his enemies like some demon god, he knew that he had made the right choice. His Boss Zhou was already so powerful at the four-Jeweled stage, what would he be like at the six, nine stage or even higher? Would he be invincible? With such a boss, if they survived today, what would he have to be afraid of in the future? He would definitely have a good life ahead of him! 3