391 - 398

Chapter 391: Demonic Dragon God Seal! (2)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

At that point, the quartermaster abruptly turned around and shouted out loud. "Alright, our mission is complete. Leave the supplies and head back to camp."

Instantly, the logistic soldiers quickly left the carts and formed back into a group, jogging back towards the northern camp.

This time, all the Peerless Battalion soldiers were stunned. No one could understand how Zhou Weiqing managed to pull that off.

They sat there watching the retreating backs of the quartermaster and his soldiers, and only when they finally disappeared into the horizon did Zhou Weiqing finally stand up. Laughing heartily, he said: "Brothers, what are you waiting for! All of these are ours now, let's get them back. Your Father, I, promised that we would all get to eat meat tomorrow, and I have kept my promise. You haven't sat in this freezing wind for half the night for nothing right?"

Cheers erupted from all the Peerless Battalion soldiers. Five hundred of them charged forward, swarming towards the supplies.

Zhou Weiqing grabbed hold of Wei Feng, who had been about to charge forward as well. Pointing towards two unassuming looking carts in the middle of the pack, he gave some instructions in a low tone. Wei Feng nodded and headed down swiftly.

With all those carts in tow, their speed was naturally much slower. It was only dawn of the next morning that Zhou Weiqing and the five hundred men finally returned to the Peerless Battalion camp.

However, even though the five hundred soldiers had laboured and suffered through the entire night, they were all in great condition, high spirited. They did not even feel the cold anymore, each and everyone of them well dressed in cotton winter clothing from the supplies, and even their tattered army uniforms were now all new.

More importantly, the various food supplies that they had brought back this time was more than enough for the entire Peerless Battalion to eat well and drink well for more than three months.

When the supplies finally reached the camp, the cheers from all one thousand two hundred men rang out. This time, not a single person even remembered to ask Zhou Weiqing for this night's operation reward. Zhou Weiqing also returned to his own tent and fell into a deep sleep.

As for the northern command side with the quartermaster, Zhou Weiqing handled the situation with a simple method. After all, the entire granary zone was to support four Regiments, and although the number of supplies they had received seemed like a lot, it was barely a tip of the iceberg to the massive granary. The quartermaster only told his subordinates that the mission that night was absolute top secret, and anyone who spoke anything about it would be executed by martial law. As such, the entire thing was suppressed. At least, before anyone from above did any audit of the supplies, there was no need for worry.

As for clearing up and settling everything in camp, Zhou Weiqing did not handle it himself, just heading to sleep directly. He left that too Wei Feng to settle properly. As a leader, one did not need to do everything himself, otherwise he would have no possible rest.

Zhou Weiqing slept all the way til noon before he finally awoke. As soon as he did so, he could smell the thick fragrance of well cooked meat from outside. He had also not had a good meal in a few days, and he followed the fragrance out of the tent.

In the middle of the camp, several large cauldron had been set up, firewood burning brightly below them, and a stew bubbling within. He could see large chunks of meat in the stew, and the fragrance of it combined with the cold fresh morning air gave this wilderness a unique flavour.

The Peerless Battalion officers' ability to take a beating was indeed not bad. After having been beaten up so much by Shangguan Fei'er yesterday, these Company Leaders were now all seated outside.

All around on the hill surroundings were the over thousand Peerless Battalion soldiers, but strangely enough, they were all silent, surrounding the cauldrons and watching them. Besides the occasional sound of swallowing saliva, there was only the bubbling sound of the boiling stew. Zhou Weiqing looked closer, and he could see a few tears glistening in many of their eyes.

Shangguan Fei'er also sat beside the Company Leaders that she had beaten up. Currently, she too was extremely silent.

All of a sudden, someone spotted Zhou Weiqing's appearance, and he immediately stood up, looking directly at Zhou Weiqing and calling out sincerely: "Boss."

The shout instantly broke the silence, and everyone's gazes focused on Zhou Weiqing instantly. At once, all of them stood up as one.

"Boss… Boss…"

The cries rang out in rise and fall. They did not call Zhou Weiqing Battalion Commander, but the word Boss just seemed so much more sincere and heartfelt.

Green Wolf stood up beside Shanggun Fei'er and shouted out loud: "Boss, as long as we follow you, I believe we will have clothes to wear and food to eat. This brother's 200 jin body is all yours."

Zhou Weiqing said exasperatedly: "Damn it, Your Father, I, has no interest in men. Shoo Shoo."

"HAHAHAHA—" An explosion of laughter rang throughout the entire camp, rolling across the hills.

Wei Feng stood there in a daze. Since the time he had come to the Ruffian Battalion, he had never seen all the brothers with such bright smiles on their faces. Looking at Zhou Weiqing, with a roguish grin on his face, he thought to himself: This young man, will he bring a fresh life to our brothers?

"Alright, everyone sit down. It's more important to feast on the meat now, it has been a while since I have eaten meat as well. Once we have eaten, I will give out the money for yesterday's operation; everyone five gold as promised."

From the back, someone shouted: "Boss, as long as there is meat to eat, we do not need the gold!"

Zhou Weiqing pursed his lips and said: "Is that all the aspirations you all have? Just some meat and you all are satisfied? Let me tell you all, gold is extremely important for many things. Without gold, what will you use to buy good equipment in the future? Don't expect Your Father, I, to give it to you for free. Ordinary equipment, food, that is what I, as your brother and Battalion Commander, will do, and should do. However, if you want to grow and enrich yourselves, then you all have to think hard and plan for yourselves. Of course, buying things from me is still much cheaper than normal. For example, a set of ordinary Physical Jewel Consolidating Equipment Scrolls, I will only charge a mere five hundred gold coins. So, earn hard. When I said profit is all important, I was serious, and that is not just for you all. I am not opening a charity… if you want to grow strong and powerful, to earn more, to live a better life, then you will need to work hard."

If he were to give them everything, it was actually not too tough for Zhou Weiqing to do. However, if that were so, then these men would have nothing to work towards, no propelling force. That was not what Zhou Weiqing wanted for them, hence his speech to them.

Five hundred gold coins per set of Consolidating Equipment Scrolls. Such a price could be said to be almost like giving it away, when compared to the market price. However, to these Ruffian Battalion soldiers, five hundred gold coins was no small amount. Their only method of earning gold was also extremely limited; that was to listen to Zhou Weiqing.

In that moment, the more intelligent of the ruffians lapsed into deep thought. Or perhaps, to become a ruffian soldier, to have caused trouble and be sent here instead of being executed… how many of them could be true fools?

Zhou Weiqing walked over to Shangguan Fei'er and pulled her up. Currently, she had reverted back to her female attire. However, no one dared to stare at her beauty.

Zhou Weiqing's hand encircled Shangguan Fei'er's shoulders, a scoundrelly look on his face as he looked around at his men, saying: "Let me introduce her officially. This beautiful lady is called Shangguan Fei'er. From now on, she will be the overall drill master in charge of our Peerless Battalion. Whoever wants to learn from her can apply to do so on your own accord, we will not force you to do so. Her training fees are a gold coin per month. As I said, there is no free lunch in this world. Only if you spend the money will you really work hard on your training right? Of course, whether or not you want to learn is your own business. However, there are a few exceptions… the Company Leaders… this month's training fees I will pay for you. Fei'er, I leave them to you, you are in charge."

Having Zhou Weiqing's arms around her like that, Shangguan Fei'er felt her heart skip a beat before racing. She did not even know why she did not just shake his arms away, allowing him to get away with this. However, as the Heaven's Expanse Palace Little Demon Girl, she quickly transferred her bashfulness into violence. After Zhou Weiqing's last words, her wicked smile and gaze landed on the ten Company Leaders.

"Boss… nooo!" No one knew who was the first to cry out sadly, and the ten Company Leaders look at Zhou Weiqing with pleading looks.

Zhou Weiqing smiled faintly and said: "Just now who was the one who cried out first, you will have one more month added. Of course, if you all together can defeat our drill master, then you all do not need to go through training."

Although they were the Company Leaders, the other ruffian soldiers only looked on happily. Who would help them out as such a time?

"Let's eat!" Zhou Weiqing shouted out, grabbing a large bowl and filling it full of meat and stew before running to the side to eat.

Instantly, the entire Peerless Battalion erupted into action, bustling with life as the men swarmed towards the cauldrons to snatch their portion of meat.

By the time Zhou Weiqing finished his bowl and wanted to get a second bowl, the cauldrons were all empty.

When he saw the empty metal cauldrons, our dear Battalion Commander Zhou Little Fatty's voice rang out throughout the entire camp. "You all have no heart!!!"

In truth, under Wei Feng's instructions, there was actually not much meat cooked for all to eat. After all, these men normally ate some wild plants and wheat or bran to barely fill their stomach. If they ate too much meat, it would actually have an adverse reaction on their bodies. Most of them only had a few small pieces of meat and drinking a bowl of stew.

Even so, by the time afternoon came, almost half of the soldiers had an upset stomach.

However, by that time, Zhou Weiqing was already in the secret tunnels of the Peerless Battalion.

Although he had barely been with them for two days, all of the Peerless Battalion soldiers had seen what he had done for them. He had brought food, clothing, weapons, and his temper was well suited to them. At least for now, he had gained their acceptance.

"Battalion Commander, the food has been stored in our underground storage. There, the temperature fluctuation will not be too great, no matter summer or winter, and there will be less chance of spoilage. If we eat sparingly, this can last us almost half a year." Wei Feng said excitedly.

Zhou Weiqing shook his head and said: "Why should we eat sparingly? This few days, you help everyone's stomachs get used to it, increase the amount of porridge of vegetables, and we can slowly increase the amount of meat."

"When everyone's stomach has recovered and adapted, we must let everyone eat well everyday. As for supplies, you do not need to worry. Since I can get this once, I can arrange it again. That said… when the WanShou Empire armies come, you all just hide here in these tunnels?"

Chapter 392: Demonic Dragon God Seal! (3)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

The tunnel in front of him was one of the many that the Ruffian Battalion had dug over all these years, only about a metre tall, and they had to bend in an extremely uncomfortable position to climb in. The entrance was extremely well hidden, very hard to see from outside.

The tunnel extended deep more than over a dozen metres before it reached a larger space carved out, barely able to stand up, but still not considered too spacious. Furthermore, the ventilation was pretty bad.

Wei Feng gave a bitter smile as he said: "These hills are all hard rock, mostly granite. Our brothers barely have enough food to fill themselves… being able to dig to such an extent is already amazing. In any case, this is just enough to barely keep ourselves alive."

Zhou Weiqing furrowed his brow and said: "This will not do… this is leaving everything up to fate. If you are discovered, there is only death awaiting. Furthermore, what happens if the fight outside lasts for a long time? What do we do? In the end we will just starve to death in here."

Wei Feng looked at Zhou Weiqing and said: "What do you say we do then?"

Zhou Weiqing thought for a moment before saying: "Dig deeper holes, accumulate greater stores of food. The hills being granite rock has bad points, but also good points. If we can carve an underground world for ourselves down here, fortifying it well, no matter how many enemies come at us, we do not need to be afraid. We have only just entered spring, so we do not need to rush into this. Let me think about it more and design it better… we need to extend and expand all these original tunnels and join them together. An underground world needs to have sufficient space for us to move around, and also sufficient ventilation, entrances and exits. This is the bare minimum. Vice Commander Wei Feng, how does everyone train and cultivate normally?"

Wei Feng smiled bitterly once more and said: "Living in such a place, in such conditions, who still has the heart and mind to cultivate or train? In truth, there are many here who have very good talents, but they are buried here, only living their lives and waiting for death."

A wicked light gleamed in Zhou Weiqing's eyes and he said: "No problem, let everyone get well fed and warm first. When the time comes, I have my ways to let them develop their talents."

By now, his position as the Peerless Battalion Battalion Commander was stable, but Zhou Weiqing knew that things had to be done step by step, and not rush into things.

If he were to force these men to train now, the effect would not be good at all. After all, they had suffered in the biting cold and starvation for so long, and that had a strong effect, no matter how good their physiques were. The important thing for them now was to let their bodies recover before he took any further steps.

"Vice Commander Wei, tonight I will be going to the TianBei City. You take care of the money." As he said that, Zhou Weiqing pointed to the two carts that he had specially asked Wei Feng to take care of. The contents of the carts were very well sealed, and what was contained within was about two hundred thousand gold coins. It was part of the soldiers' pay stored in the warehouses, and Zhou Weiqing had gotten the quartermaster to bring some. After all, he did not have much gold on hand, and if he wanted to use profit and gain on these ruffian soldiers, he needed to have gold in hand to do so. Just today, he had already given out several thousand gold for the previous night's operation reward.

This time, he planned to go to the TianBei City for a few reasons. Firstly, he needed to contact Lin TianAo and the others, secondly, to get more gold to use. Of course, there were a few other smaller errands he had to run too. Zhou Weiqing's plan for the near future was that within the next three months, he wanted to bring the Peerless Battalion to the right path, to lead them in a benign circle.

Wei Feng nodded and said: "Alright." He would not ask a silly question like how would Zhou Weiqing get through all the army lines. After the past few days, Zhou Weiqing had already left an imprint in his heart that he could do anything.

"Battalion Commander, Battalion Commander, the Sixteenth Regiment has sent some people." All of a sudden, they were interrupted by an urgent call as a Peerless Battalion soldier rushed in.

"Oh? They sure are quick!" Zhou Weiqing said with some surprise. Exchanging looks with Wei Feng, he walked out quickly.

"Zhou Little Fatty, you come out now." As soon as Zhou Weiqing reached the hill, he saw Shen Bu immediately.

Shen Bu was not dressed in her Regiment Commander attire, just a normal attire. She did not have any of her personal guards with her, with just eight other people just like her, in ordinary attire and without armour.

Although it was just nine of them in total, when Zhou Weiqing saw them, his heart sank. He understood that Shen Bu had found a way to deal with him after all. Sending her troops was definitely not a possibility, so this time, she was depending on personal power to deal with him.

"Regiment Commander Shen Bu, it's been a long time." Although Zhou Weiqing had already made the judgement in his heart, he still smiled faintly as he spoke, strolling down casually from the hillside.

The Ruffian Battalion soldiers were currently down on morale, half of them with a terrible upset stomach, and the entire hills were still permeated with the stench. The other half were gathered there to just watch the show. After all, Zhou Weiqing had said before that they would not act without profit… furthermore there were only nine opponents.

If looks could kill, Zhou Weiqing would have been dead several times over by the time he walked down from the hillside, as Shen Bu glared at him all the way down.

A few days ago, when she had sent Zhou Weiqing to the Ruffian Battalion, she had never in her wildest dreams thought that this Zhou Little Fatty would be so troublesome to deal with, actually daring to rob all her personal guards of everything. Even worse, when she had sent her heavy cavalry Company the next day, he had still dared to do the same to them, even stripping her little sister of her equipment. That was truly an unprecedented humiliation and galling insult.

When Shen Bu saw her Company of heavy cavalry soldiers pale and shivering in the cold, their lips blue as they trudged back to the Sixteenth Regiment camp in their underpants, she grit her teeth so hard that they almost shattered. One could imagine the hate in her heart. Shen Yi had even told her that Zhou Weiqing had dared ask her to pay gold to redeem back the equipment. Such a bastard, a trash of society!

However, just like Zhou Weiqing had judged, Shen Bu did not dare to amass her entire Regiment to attack the Peerless Battalion. Towards these ruffian soldiers, Shen Bu at least had a basic understanding of their strength. If she wanted to kill them all, she would likely lose more than a Battalion worth of soldiers. Furthermore, in doing so, it was almost definite that the northern command would find out. Although she would likely not be punished for doing so, she did not want to lose face if everyone knew about what happened.

After some thought, Shen Bu finally decided to invite some of her closer friends to go forth and take revenge.

"Zhou Little Fatty, I won't beat around the bush, if you return all the equipment that you stole from us in the last few days, I won't pursue the matter further. Otherwise, today, I will wipe out your entire Ruffian Battalion."

Zhou Weiqing looked at her with a look of surprise, saying: "I'm so afraid, Regiment Commander Shen Bu! However, we are all part of the same army… if you do that, you'll be court martialed. Our Ruffian Battalion might be in exile here, but we are still part of the army, the First Unique Battalion. It is not too good for you come here to cause trouble right?"

With a *Swoosh*, Shen Bu leaped down from her horse in a swift motion, pointing at Zhou Weiqing threateningly as she exclaimed: "Don't try to sidetrack and waste my time. Do you really think the army command will care so much about you ruffians? I will give you one last chance, otherwise I will let this entire hill flow with a river of blood."

Zhou Weiqing grinned and said: "Don't! Regiment Commander, calm down. Like you said, we are just a bunch of ruffians, getting angry with us is pointless right. However, the equipment you mentioned… I cannot just return it like that, you'll have to pay to get it back. After all, I can't let my brothers waste all their efforts like that right? What do you say?"

"Bu Bu, why are you still wasting time talking to him?" The other eight that had come along with Shen Bu had also dismounted, standing behind her. The one who had just spoke was a middle aged man who looked about forty years old. His skin was dark from years in the sun, and with a dignified, stately look that suggested he was a high ranking officer, though Zhou Weiqing did not know what rank he was.

"Big brother, if we take action, everyone should be discreet. If possible, try not to kill anyone. After all, they are still part of our army." Shen Bu was clearly very respectful to this stout, ebony faced man, as she said in a low tone.

"Ahh, you… such a little Ruffian Battalion can cause you so much trouble. If Teacher knows about it, you can expect to be beaten. You are almost about to be promoted to the Vice Legion Commander level already, you need to think through everything you do, understand?"

Shen Bu agreed, feeling rather wronged, and she glared savagely at Zhou Weiqing once more.

The man took a large step forward past Shen Bu and looked at Zhou Weiqing coldly before saying: "Zhou Little Fatty right? This time, Shen Bu sent you to this Ruffian Battalion without consideration, and she is wrong in that. If you return the equipment, you can come back with us as well, and I will give you a different post."

Zhou Weiqing started momentarily. "You can take charge of that?"

At this point, the Ruffian Battalion soldiers which had been watching interestedly were on the edge of their seats, their amused looks turning worried. No matter what, though this Zhou Little Fatty had only been their Battalion Commander for a mere two days, he had given them an unprecedented gain. Hearing that Zhou Weiqing might be posted away, they suddenly felt unwilling to part with him.

The man said passively: "I am the Seventh Legion Legion Commander Shen Ji. Now, do you think I can take charge?"

The Sixteenth Regiment belonged to the Seventh Legion, and hearing his words, Zhou Weiqing's expression changed. A Legion Commander, that was a general who led an army of a hundred thousand. His own Ruffian Battalion was merely a thousand men. This Shen Ji was far beyond Shen Bu, and if he really wanted to cause trouble for the Ruffian Battalion, he could easily do so.

"So it's Lord Legion Commander. This subordinate is the First Unique Battalion Battalion Commander, Zhou Little Fatty. Greetings." Zhou Weiqing quickly saluted Shen Ji.

Shen Ji waved his hands and said: "Hurry up and prepare everything, and head back with us."

Zhou Weiqing said in an abashed tone: "But… you see… Regiment Commander Shen Bu already has such an attitude towards me. If I were to go back, how can I have any good end?"

"En?" Shen Ji was already considered one of the top few in the command structure of the entire northern army, and even in the entire ZhongTian Empire army, an officer like him commanding an entire Legion of a hundred thousand men was definitely at the upper echelons. He had never had one of his men below him dare to haggle with him like that.

"What do you want then?" A cold light flashed in Shen Ji's eyes, and the aura of a high ranked personal burst out, pressuring down on Zhou Weiqing with domineering force.

Chapter 393: Fighting Together! (1)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

Facing such a pressure from Shen Ji, Zhou Weiqing spaced out for a second; it was as if he saw his father for a moment. After all, didn't his father often give forth such pressure on him whenever he made mistakes?

Upon thinking about his father, Sealed and in danger, Zhou Weiqing instantly felt a rush of rage welling up within. The pressure he had been under suddenly seemed to vanish.

"I would like to make a bet with Legion Commander." Zhou Weiqing said solemnly.

"Bet? Do you think you have the qualification to do so?" Shen Ji's gaze was like a sword, piercing right into Zhou Weiqing's heart.

However, Zhou Weiqing did not back down at all. "Legion Commander Shen Ji, if I do not remember wrongly, our Ruffian Battalion is part of the northern armies, but not directly under your Seventh Legion. As for qualification, today you are all here in civilian attire, not your army attire… that means you are here to resolve this in a personal level. In such a case, how can there be any sort of qualification needed?"

A hint of surprise flashed in Shen Ji's eyes. "No wonder Shen Bu was forced into such a tight corner, you little fellow is quite somebody. Alright, speak then, what sort of bet do you want?"

Zhou Weiqing said: "Very simple. I'm sure all of you here today are Heavenly Jewel Master powerhouses right? In that case, send your strongest to fight with me. If you win, I will do as you say, returning everything to you, and you can also deal with me as you please. However, if he or she loses, then we'll bury this incident. The heavy cavalry soldier and horses equipment I will return, but you will have to pay for it, and the horses and bows I will keep."

"Alright." Shen Ji laughed heartily. "It has been a long time since I had a good workout. I'll play with you today then."

"Little Fatty, let me." A flash, and Shangguan Fei'er appeared beside Zhou Weiqing. However, at this time, she had already changed back to her male disguise.Although Shangguan Fei'er had not seen this Shen Ji before, he was still a high ranking officer, and she would not want to be discovered so easily.

"En?" Zhou Weiqing looked curiously at Shangguan Fei'er. For her to intervene at such a time, that could only mean one thing – even she did not think he could defeat this Legion Commander Shen Ji.

"How about both of you at once?" Shen Ji beamed.

Zhou Weiqing'''s eyes lit up. "That's your own words… Fei'er, let's go together then."

Shangguan Fei''er started at that, pinching him on the waist as she said: "Can you be more shameless? Don't you have any face?"

Zhou Weiqing did not feel any sense of shame as he said: "What is face worth? I have to think for my over thousand brothers. This is not the time to think about face. Wait until we win then we can think about such things."

Shen Bu smile coldly: "You two puny fleas, clowns, you dare challenge my senior elder brother, humph, you are asking for your own death. My senior elder brother is a eight Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master, a Mid Level Zong Stage Master, not someone you can strike so easily."

What kind of temper did Shangguan Fei'er have?" Upon hearing that, she said disdainfully: "Mid Level Zong Stage Heavenly Jewel Master, so what, do you think that means he is invincible already? If so, what does a Heavenly King Stage Master or beyond count for?"

Shen Ji said: "Enough. Empty talk is useless. Since this is a bet, let''s begin." Although he said that, he did not have any notion of taking action first. In his eyes, both Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Fei'er were juniors, not of the same generation, and with his own status and rank in mind, how could he possibly attack first?

Zhou Weiqing gave Shangguan Fei'er a meaningful look. They had traveled together for quite some time, and seeing the wicked look in his eyes, Shangguan Fei''er knew that he was going to do. She made a face at him, then in the next instant, she charged towards Shen Ji in a flash.

Seeing that Shangguan Fei'er had already taken action, Zhou Weiqing did not rush, casually releasing his Overlord Bow, as if their teamwork had already disjointed.

At this point, the rest of the Peerless Battalion, soldiers, Squad Leaders, Company Leaders, everyone rushed over.

They had all seen Shangguan Fei'er's strength, but none of them knew what this peerless beauty's strength could truly reach. Seeing them all fight, how could these violent fellows not be interested. Furthermore, this concerned whether or not the equipment they had gotten the last few days would be returned or not.

Shen Ji did not look down on Shangguan Fei''er, as an army officer, he would not underestimate any opponent, as that was the worst mistake. As such, when he said for the fight to begin, though he did not attack first, he unleashed his Heavenly Jewels.

Eight of the similar type Physical Jewels like Zhou Weiqing's, Icy Jade glimmering in the light. Shen Ji did not attempt to conceal his arms, and the Elemental Jewels on his left wrist was clearly the gold coloured diamond of the Earth Attribute. He was clearly a Strength / Earth type Mid Level Zong Stage Heavenly Jewel Master.

Shangguan Fei'er's sleeves covered her right Physical Jewels, instead revealing the Wind Attribute Elemental Jewels on the left. When Shen Ji saw the six Elemental Jewels around her right wrist, a hint of surprise appeared in his eyes. Although Shangguan Fei'er was in disguise, 'he' still looked around over twenty years old, even younger than Shen Bu.

Six Jewels?!

Shen Ji did not have more time to think, as Shangguan Fei'e'r had already reached him.

However, his reaction was swift and direct, striking out with his right fist, a thick Heavenly Energy covering it along with the yellow glint of Earth Attribute. Without even using any Skills, his fist had already created a one metre long yellow light barrier in the air, clearly a mix of offense and defense.

Towards such a powerful fist, Shangguan Fei'er once again showed her shocking close combat talent. Just as it seemed like she would be struck by the fist, no one knew how she did it, but her body actually stopped in mid air, and the next instant she actually spun off to the side.

A thin glimmer of white light appeared around Shangguan Fei'er, and the position that she stopped was just exactly at the furthest distance of Shen Ji's attack. With that spin, it was as if she glided across the yellow light barrier.

Shangguan Fei'er's movement was just too quick, and for most of the audience, they just felt a dazzle in front of their eyes, and she had already appeared beside Shen Ji, her hands in a claw striking out towards his head.

Shen Ji was also startled by Shangguan Fei'er, as he had never met with anyone dealing with his direct punch in such a fashion. More importantly, Shangguan Fei'er's actions were just too quick and harmonized, with everything done so smoothly to completion, and even he had not seen clearly.

Although his cultivation level was higher than Shangguan Fei'er and he was confident that 'he' would not be able to harm him, just being struck by a six-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master was definitely not something that was a good thing. Furthermore, this was in front of so many of his subordinates, and he could not lose face like that.

Shen Ji's right leg struck down hard on the ground, and with a loud explosion, a thick yellow light rose from below his feet, wrapping his entire body in a light barrier. It was one of the powerful Earth Attribute defensive Skills, the Jingang Shield. He planned to use this Jingang Shield Skill to knock Shangguan Fei'er away, to pressure her with his own higher cultivation level. Alas, that was actually putting himself on the disadvantage, as Shangguan Fei'er's strength was far beyond his expectation. Just as his foot had stomped on the ground, Shangguan Fei'er had also struck her feet on the ground lightly, her entire body leaving the ground, her right hand still in claw fashion. At this moment, a thick dark-gold light burst forth from her body; it was the Consolidating Equipment God Protective Aura.

The dark gold light and the yellow light clashed right together. The Jingang Shield and Consolidating Equipment God Protective Aura were both defensive Skills, and in theory, they should not interfere with each other. However, at this point, Shangguan Fei'er's right hand was just so close to Shen Ji's head, and the two masses of energy just clashed together.

The result was clear. The Consolidating Equipment God Protective Aura was a protective one, not offensive, and Shangguan Fei'er could not use it to destroy the Jingang Shield. However, Shen Ji's cultivation level was not more than twelve stages above hers, and the Jinggang Shield was also unable to affect the Consolidating Equipment God Protective Aura.

As such, the Jingang shield formed, but Shangguan Fei'er was not thrown back by it. At this point, from her right hand to shoulder, her Consolidated bracer-claw appeared.

Shangguan Fei'er''s claws were not the same as Zhou Weiqing; just the claw on the dark gold gloves alone were more than seven inches long.

Shen Ji was after all an experienced fighter on the battlefield, and when he saw the brilliant light of the Consolidating Equipment God Protective Aura, he instantly realised that things were not going well.

A God Tier Consolidated Equipment! That was definitely not something that an ordinary person could have! Even though he was a Legion Commander commanding a hundred thousand troops, he did not have a single piece of Consolidated Equipment at that level.

Seeing the dark gold light, he did not care about face any longer, and instantly reacted. He jumped backward swiftly, circulating his Heavenly Energy to the maximum, and releasing all his Consolidated Equipment as well. At the same time, he also unleashed a Rock Armour Skill.

A thick, earth-yellow armour appeared around him. Besides the long warhammer in his hands, the other seven were a full set.

Helmet, twin shoulder pauldrons, chest armour, girdle, twin greaves. A seven piece Set. This was already a Zong Stage Consolidating Equipment Set.

Another layer of thick yellow light also emanated forth as the Consolidating Equipment Set was released, blocking Shangguan Fei'er's right hand claw momentarily. At the same time, the Rock Armour appeared around the Consolidated Armour.

Despite that, the entire audience still heard an earsplitting chafing sound. Shangguan Fei'er's body was forcefully pushed back by the yellow light of Shen Ji's Consolidated Equipment Set effect. At the same time, Shen Ji also made use of the impact to fall back. Even so, Shangguan Fei'er's right claw had already left a mark on him.

The Rock Armour was forcefully torn apart, and on five deep, terrifying claw marks were left on his Consolidated chest armour and girdle. Who knew what would have happened if that strike had not been blocked by his Rock Armour, if the Consolidated Equipment would have been shredded apart.

Shen Ji stumbled back four, almost five feet before he finally regained his balance.

Chapter 394: Fighting Together! (2)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

Although Shangguan Fei'er's claw had not actually broken through his Consolidated Armour, some of the energy from the attack had still bored into his body, causing his entire chest area to feel cold. He couldn't help but feel a chill down his spine; if he had not reacted quickly enough, that claw would have been sufficient to slice his chest. His hair stood on its ends, and his spirit tensed nervously.

Shen Ji, in the midst of the fight, was shocked, but how could the audience not be more so?

When Shen Bu had heard that Shen Ji would be fighting, she was extremely excited. Previously, although she had lost to Zhou Weiqing, in her eyes that was an accident, a mistake due to her own carelessness. In terms of absolute strength, Zhou Weiqing should not be a match for her, let alone her own senior elder brother, already at the eight Jeweled stage. Even if he was joined by a mere little follower, what could they do?

Alas, who could have thought that in just that first clash, Shen Ji had almost taken a huge loss, with his defenses almost penetrated by that seemingly insignificant little follower. Furthermore, that follower actually had a God Tier Consolidated Equipment, and more so, one that was unbelievably huge! How was that possible! Everything that had happened before her was totally against what she knew about Zhou Weiqing.

As for the Peerless Battalion, they were not much better, their eyeballs almost popping out. An eight-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master; that was already one of the top powerhouses in their eyes. Who knew that this seemingly slim drillmaster of theirs could have such power in her, almost taking him out with just a single claw, sending him into a fluster.

The Ruffian Battalion soldiers had never had a good impression of the officers of the army, and seeing Shangguan Fei'er succeed like that, after a short dazed moment, they all burst out in cheers.

"What a close shave!" Shen Ji exclaimed in his heart. The loud cheers from the outside did not affect him, but by now he treated Shangguan Fei'er as a mortal enemy.

Shangguan Fei'er did not follow up on the attack, instead blowing lightly on the sharp claws of her Consolidated Equipment before turning to Zhou Weiqing and saying: "I don't need your help, he doesn't even have a piece of God Tier Consolidated Equipment, I can handle it by myself."

At that moment, Zhou Weiqing's Overlord Bow was already drawn to a full crescent, but hearing her words, he relaxed and let it go. Confidence came from strength, and seeing the pride in her eyes, he couldn't help but feel a strange feeling in his heart. Although Shangguan Fei'er and Shangguan Bing'er looked exactly the same, in his eyes, they were now totally different and separate now.

Eight Jewels against Six Jewels. That seemed like insurmountable odds. However, Shangguan Fei'er had four God Tier Consolidated Equipment, and she also had her mutated Duo Physical Jewels. In terms of personal power, she had absolute confidence of defeating Shen Ji.

"Who are you?" Shen Ji did not continue taking action, his gaze focused on the bracer-claws around her arms, his brow furrowed deeply.

He totally ignored the insulting words of Shangguan Fei'er, only taking to heart her identity. If it was just a single God Tier Consolidated Equipment, perhaps he might not pay such attention. However, the problem was, the sheer combat skill that 'he' had shown just now was just too terrifying. 'His' actions might seem very simple and straightforward, but in truth, every minute detail of what Shangguan Fei'er did was focused fully on his own weak points, and completed in such a smooth flowing fashion, as if it had been done without much difficulty and thought before managing to find his weak points. Such a close combat skill, how could any ordinary Heavenly Jewel Master have it?

"I'm just an ordinary little soldier, follower of Battalion Commander Zhou Little Fatty." Shangguan Fei'er said passively.

Shen Ji's eyes narrowed. "It looks like you are spies from the WanShou Empire. Perhaps, you have the power to defeat me alone, but for the sake of our northern armies and citizens, I am sorry. The bet is over. Today, I must arrest you both." As he said that, he waved towards his group, and all eight of them including Shen Bu charged forward, unleashing their Heavenly Energy.

Without any exception, all of them were Heavenly Jewel Masters, all at the six-Jeweled stage. Along with the eight-Jeweled Shen Ji, their overall power was far superior to the group of black clad enemies that had ambushed Zhou Weiqing in the Fei Li City back then.

"Battalion Commander." Wei Feng led the group of Company Leaders to the front, and the other soldiers of the Peerless Battalion also stood up.

Zhou Weiqing waved his hands and said: "Stay back, leave it to me and your drillmaster."

Although there were many Physical and Elemental Jewel Masters amongst the Peerless Battalion soldiers, facing such six-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Masters was almost impossible for them. Facing the nine enemies in front of him, Zhou Weiqing did not panic or get flustered. After all, this was not the first time he had been surrounded by greater odds. Furthermore, this time, he had a terrifyingly powerful Shangguan Fei'er on his side.

Both he and Shangguan Fei'er were Heavenly Jewel Master with unique abilities, and although Zhou Weiqing was not from a Great Saint Lands, he was no inferior to any Great Saint Lands disciple, perhaps even greater. Facing such ordinary Heavenly Jewel Masters, he was not afraid at all. His worry was more about how they would affect his plan.

After a moment of hesitation, Wei Feng waved his hands and the group retreated slowly. In truth, they too wanted to see how powerful Shangguan Fei'er and Zhou Weiqing really were.

A cold killing intent flashed in Zhou Weiqing's eyes, and in a flash, he appeared beside Shangguan Fei'er.

Shangguan Fei'er turned her head to look at him, and she was surprised to see that his expression was impassive, but the cold light in his eyes caused her to almost not recognize him.

"Fei'er, if you do not have any better plan, then don't blame me." Zhou Weiqing said passively.

Shangguan Fei'er felt her heart skip a beat. In that instant, it was as if she was once again in the Lustre Spatial Realm, that Zhou Weiqing who dared face all those Great Saint Land powerhouses all by himself was back, the one who fought and defeated both herself and Zhan Lingtian with the help of that unbelievable Skill which could display a Heavenly Skill Image, delaying the fight until the male dragon could return.

Zhou Weiqing in such a state was definitely extremely terrifying. She could clearly remember that power and resolve in killing he displayed when he had been ambushed in the Fei Li City. At that time, she had been hidden at the side, ready to help when necessary. In terms of close combat prowess, Zhou Weiqing was absolutely no match for her, but if they were to pit total strength against each other, even Shangguan Fei'er did not have absolute confidence in beating Zhou Weiqing. He just had too many powerful Skills, and he could combine them in various myriad different ways, with the Demonic Change State to boot.

"Don't kill anyone." Shangguan Fei'er said in a low tone. She could clearly tell that Zhou Weiqing was already prepared to kill them all to silence them. Although the eight-Jeweled stage was very powerful, but in front of that terrifying Dragon Silencing Seal, how much of his strength could he actually use? Yet, these people were elite of the ZhongTian Empire army, and she did not want Zhou Weiqing to kill them off.

Zhou Weiqing glanced at her, his eyes softening. Since Shangguan Fei'er said not to kill anyone, that meant she had some way to get out of their current predicament.

With a winsome smile, Shangguan Fei'er said: "Let's use them to train ourselves, isn't that a good thing? Just treat it as valuable combat experience… it's been a long time since I've fought to my heart's contents, you always refuse to join me…" She used Heavenly Energy to project her own voice to Zhou Weiqing's ears, and thus, our Dear Little Fatty's mind started floating away…

"Jingang Binding, Cage of Hell." Shen Ji shouted out loud as he jumped up abruptly, his arms bulging out as they could see two of the Earth Elemental Attribute Jewels around his wrist lighting up. The next instant, he landed on the ground like a huge gorilla, his hands smashing down savagely on the ground.

A massive explosion, and a brilliant gold light blasted out. However, it was quickly proved to be not an attack, instead forming a shield around Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Fei'er.

At this moment, our dear Zhou Little Fatty was still slightly dazed from the saccharine sweet voice earlier. All of a sudden, he felt that violent reverberations of energy striking at them, and he was quickly shaken awake. Looking to Shangguan Fei'er, he asked: "What's the plan?"

Shangguan Fei'er said: "Do whatever you want."

"As long as I don't kill anyone right?" Zhou Weiqing grinned.

Shangguan Fei'er gave a humph and said: "Don't ruin anyone either. The Empire still needs to depend on them."

Zhou Weiqing nodded and said: "Fei'er, the word 'Kao' you used very well."1

"Are you trying to die!"

The two of them exchanged words swiftly, but they did not jump into action. Shangguan Fei'er had her own backup plans, and she was extremely confident, even if they lost she was not afraid. Zhou Weiqing was also confident in her, after all she was the second princess of the Heaven's Expanse Palace; furthermore she was the Little Demon Girl causing headaches to the entire Heaven's Expanse Palace, how could this little situation in front of them be a big problem to her?

At that moment, the gold light that Shen Ji had released finally came into effect. Along with the shockwaves on the ground, four rock walls rose up abruptly, each measuring about five metres tall, surrounding both Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Fei'er.

The four rock walls encompassed several dozen square metres, and when they rose up, the entire air was filled with a thick earth energy, pressure collapsing in from all around. At the same time, after the walls rose up, several intersecting lights instantly interlocked around the air above the walls, clearly targeted at preventing them from escaping from above. In the next moment, nine figures appeared at the top of the walls.

What is that? Zhou Weiqing was startled deep in his heart. That was clearly meant to surround, entrap and kill Shangguan Fei'er and himself! Of course, perhaps it was not exactly meant to kill them, but to prevent them from escaping. In order to maintain such a Skill, it was definitely a large expenditure of Heavenly Energy on Shen Ji's part.

At this point, they could not afford to wait any longer. Their nine opponents had already ascended the walls, and if they were allowed to attack at will, neither Zhou Weiqing nor Shangguan Fei'er could block all of it easily.

His right leg exerting a sudden explosive strength, Zhou Weiqing shot up like an arrow released from a bow.

"Go down!" Shen Bu shouted out loud, her hands forming a circle as dozens of fireballs of various sizes flew out towards him. She truly hated this fellow who had caused her to lose face so many times, and she instantly launched her attacks at him.

Chapter 395: Fighting Together! (3)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

Of course, she was not the only one who targeted him, with at least four others launching their attacks at Zhou Weiqing. All of them selected a Skill from their arsenal that was both ranged and could be unleashed as quickly as possible. Although such Skills might be slightly lower in power, but speed was of the essence. As long as they could keep Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Fei'er contained in this Jingang walls, the two would eventually be overwhelmed and seized without problems.

Two bouts of dark gold light sprang forth from Zhou Weiqing's body one after the other, each half a second apart as he released his Yin Yang Giant Spirit Palm.

The two Consolidating Equipment God Protective Auras were sufficient to block off all of his enemies' attacks, and naturally Zhou Weiqing's target was Shen Bu.

At the same time as Zhou Weiqing took action, Shangguan Fei'er also burst into movement. She did almost the same as Zhou Weiqing, rising up swiftly into the air as she released her second Consolidating Equipment God Protective Aura, and her bracer-claw appeared around her left arm. In a flash, both of them reached the top of the wall at the same time.

Although Zhou Weiqing pounced towards Shen Bu, his hands actually waved towards his back. The two six-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Masters who were just about to move over to support Shen Bu suddenly felt a strong sense of danger, and they quickly stopped to take a defensive position.

Two bright silver lights appeared right in front of them, and with an earsplitting rending sound, the two of them grunted as they fell off the wall.

The combination of Blink and Spatial Rend. Towards the Spatial Rend, Zhou Weiqing's control was already near the maximum, and having the Yin Yang Giant Spirit Palms to boost his Skills meant that not only did it greatly reduce the amount of Heavenly Energy expended, the strength was also almost doubled. This was the great benefit of a God Tier Consolidated Equipment.

At the same time, Zhou Weiqing's right foot swept out towards Shen Bu. Facing so many enemies, he could not afford to hide his own abilities any longer.

Shen Bu shouted an exclamation, her hands moving up as a blade of flame appeared in each hand, interlocking swiftly towards his incoming right leg in order to shred it apart.

Right at that moment, she was surprised to see his entire right leg expand suddenly, and with a ripping sound, his entire right pant leg flew apart, revealing a black, muscled right leg.

The twin flame blades struck down hard on Zhou Weiqing's right leg, but to her shock, it was as if she had struck down on a rock. Not only were the flames unable to penetrate his leg, the blades weren't even able to cut his skin. When she looked up at Zhou Weiqing, she saw that his face was lined with black tattoos, and there was a large 'King' word on his forehead.

Blocked by Shen Bu's blades, Zhou Weiqing's right leg had landed back on the ground, and she could only spin her blades to strike down on his foot. Facing such a strange sight, she could only try again with all her Heavenly Energy, going all out.

Another loud crash, and Zhou Weiqing's body bounced back as his foot sent Shen Bu flying off the wall as well.

From the short time that Zhou Weiqing had taken action, he had already knocked three enemies off the wall. Naturally, that was because of his sudden powerful skills, but it was without question that after all the constant sparring with Shangguan Fei'er, his close combat abilities, mastery of timing, judgement and overall smoothness of fighting had improved to the next level.

Including Shen Bu, four enemies had attacked Zhou Weiqing. By now, three had been knocked down, so only one was remaining on the wall. As things had happened just so quickly, the three had been knocked down almost in an instant. As such, currently he only had one more to face. Instantly activating his Tornado Strike Skill, he charged forward at full speed towards his lone enemy.

Shangguan Fei'er did not have an easier time. After all, she had shown her six-Jeweled cultivation stage! At the same time, she had only unleashed one more God Tier Consolidated Equipment, so the pressure she was facing was actually much higher than Zhou Weiqing.

Shen Ji had already targeted her, his long warhammer leaving a series of afterimages in the air as he tried to lock Shangguan Fei'er in.

The other four also launched their attacks simultaneously at Shangguan Fei'er from all around, causing her lone Consolidating Equipment God Protective Aura to shatter instantly from the five attacks.

Alas, Shangguan Fei'er was Shangguan Fei'er after all. Facing five simultaneous attacks, she did not back down, making full use of her powerful close combat abilities to maximum effect. Her claws struck out, making use of the anti-energy effect of her God Tier Consolidated Equipment, she forcibly shredded apart two of her enemy's Skills. At the same time, her body seemed to contort strangely in the air, dodging yet another attack by the skin of her teeth.

Her right leg twisted forward, lashing out in a manoeuvre that did not seem humanly possible, the tip of her feet landing on Shen Ji's warhammer, using it as a pivot to launch herself in another flip, spinning around in a 180 degree turn to dodge the last attack, landing back down on the top of the wall despite all five enemy attacks.

If we were to say that Zhou Weiqing had made use of the surprise factor of his various Skills and the explosive power of his Demonic Change State, then Shangguan Fei'er had just depended on her absolutely terrifying close combat skills in that last few seconds.

Flexibility and Coordination, Mutated Duo Physical Jewels. That allowed her to have an incomparable body and physique. As she landed on the wall, the tip of her foot struck down on the ground, and her entire body flashed in an afterimage. Having dealt with all the incoming attacks, it was her turn to strike, and in a burst of speed with the Wind Attribute, her body flew towards Shen Ji like a wisp of green smoke.

On the other side, Zhou Weiqing charged forward towards the lone Upper Level Zun Stage Heavenly Jewel Master. Although he was facing Zhou Weiqing alone, he remained calm and unflustered. This was a powerhouse officer in the army, and they not only had much combat experience, they would not back down easily from any fight.

Zhou Weiqing knew that he only had a few seconds before hen Bu and the other two would recover and come back. After all, he had not injured them at all. As such, he had to accomplish something in this few seconds.

Along with the Tornado Strike on himself, Zhou Weiqing also released the Curse of Doom. Curse Type Skills were almost impossible to dodge, and the dark red symbol appeared instantly over the Upper Level Zun Stage enemy's head. With the boost from the Yin Yang Giant Spirit Palms, it greatly reduced both his offense and defensive capabilities.

If he could kill, Zhou Weiqing would have easily finished this enemy off with his claw. However, he had already promised Shangguan Fei'er not to kill them. As such, he sent his right hand in a fist towards his enemy, at the same time, his left hand gathered a thick blue-purple light before slapping out.

That Upper Level Zun Stage enemy was no newbie, and his Physical Jewel was the Strength Attribute, while his Elemental Attribute that of water. Quickly reacting, his left hand struck out towards Zhou Weiqing's right fist, while his right hand formed an ice shield towards Zhou Weiqing's glowing blue-purple left hand. In his view, although Zhou Weiqing had two God Tier Consolidated Equipment, he was still only a four-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master, and he was confident that his strength would beat Zhou Weiqing's. His own hands were also covered by gloves, his own Consolidated Equipment, which had a certain boost to strength as well. As long as he could block Zhou Weiqing for some time, his companions would return.

The Ice Shield did manage to block Zhou Weiqing's left hand as he planned, but… alas, it did not manage to block the purple-blue light, which penetrated the ice shield without any problems and struck him right away.

Lightning Suffering. Multiple paralysis effect.

Before he could react, the Upper Level Zun Stage enemy felt his entire body shudder violently, his strength draining out of him. At the same time, Zhou Weiqing's right fist opened wide, his body, despite the effects of the Tornado Strike, coming to a screeching halt. That seemingly powerful right punch turned soft, catching hold onto his left hand instead.

This was the Yin Yang Giant Spirit Palm, a God Tier Consolidated Equipment, and more so, part of the 'Hate Ground No Handle' Legendary Set. In addition to that, Zhou Weiqing was already in the Demonic Change State. How could the Upper Level Zun Stage enemy's strength compare with his?!

If Zhou Weiqing had completed his punch earlier, he had absolute confidence that with his Curse of Doom and Lightning Suffering already in effect, he could knock away his opponent and totally disable his right arm. However, that was not Zhou Weiqing's goal; what he needed now was to replenish his energy.

A terrifying suction force abruptly appeared from Zhou Weiqing's right hand, and the Upper Level Zun Stage enemy felt his own Heavenly Energy swarm out of his body uncontrollably through his left hand to Zhou Weiqing.

Zhou Weiqing's biggest problem now was that he did not have sufficient Heavenly Energy. After using the Yin Yang Giant Spirit Palms, Demonic Change State and a whole bunch of powerful Skills in rapid succession, he had already expended almost sixty percent of his Heavenly Energy reserves. After all, he was after all still a Four-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master facing a group of Six-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Masters, and more so with the restriction of not being able to kill. As such, he had purposely left this person alone in his primary flurry of attacks, with the aim of replenishing his energy through the Devour Technique to continue fighting. This was Zhou Weiqing's fighting style indeed. Coupled with the insane regeneration of the Immortal Deity Technique, it allowed him to have an incomparable sustained combat effectiveness on the battlefield.

"You!" The Upper Level Zun Stage enemy cried out in shock. Alas, his voice was soon stalled as Zhou Weiqing added on a Fetters of Wind.

The Devour Skill was already normally quite a fast speed, and now Zhou Weiqing was using his Yin Yang Giant Spirit Palm to boost it. Not only was the Devouring speed faster, even the Fetters of Wind was stronger, instantly stopping any hopes of struggle on his enemy's part. As time passed by and more Heavenly Energy was drained, the Upper Level Zun Stage enemy's hopes would diminish further.

In a flash, Zhou Weiqing disappeared, grabbing onto his enemy's right arm as he reappeared behind him. That was because Shen Bu and the other two enemies he had knocked down had jumped back up, and they were currently gathering energy to release their own powerful attacks.

"Zhou Weiqing, you're asking for death!" Seeing that Zhou Weiqing had one of their own in a lock hold, Shen Bu did not care to think why he was that strong. Filled with rage, she summoned the Wings of Flames she had once used before, with her six Consolidated Equipment instantly appearing around her. At the same time, a huge green-gold fireball appeared before her.

"Careful!" Right at that moment, Shangguan Fei'er's warning rang out.

Hearing her voice, Zhou Weiqing did not even turn to look. He had absolute trust in Shangguan Fei'er, and in that moment, he released another Consolidating Equipment God Protective Aura at once.

Alas, this time, Zhou Weiqing had miscalculated. He felt something tighten around his waist, and when he looked down, he was shocked to see a yellow chain had pierced through his Consolidating Equipment God Protective Aura to encircle his waist.

Chapter 396: Green Gold Flame! (1)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

That yellow chain had been released by Shen Ji, two in total, one towards Zhou Weiqing and the other towards Shangguan Fei'er, whose reaction had actually been the same as Zhou Weiqing, to release another Consolidating Equipment God Protective Aura.

Seeing the two of them summon yet another Consolidating Equipment God Protective Aura for the third time respectively, everyone was shocked, even the watching Peerless Battalion Soldiers. They couldn't help but think to themselves: How many God Tier Consolidated Equipment did these two have?!

Shangguan Fei'er had released two bouts of Consolidating Equipment God Protective Auras, and her two Consolidated Wings and chest armour appeared. Due to the fact that her cultivation level was not more than twelve stages below Shen Ji, the yellow chain was forcibly blocked by the two Consolidating Equipment God Protective Auras.

Alas, Zhou Weiqing was not so lucky. Four Jewels vs Eight Jewels cultivation level. With such a massive cultivation level difference, the yellow chain instantly pierced through his Consolidating Equipment God Protective Aura, not even delaying it for a second as it encircled his waist.

Next, Zhou Weiqing felt a powerful burst of energy from the yellow chain exerting upon him, attempting to drag him away.

"Haaa–" Zhou Weiqing shouted out loud explosively, his head smashing forward into the back of the Upper Level Zun Stage enemy that he had in a lock, knocking him out instantly. With a firm shove of his left foot, his flung the unconscious body out towards the others, while his Yin Yang Giant Spirit Gloves had already grasped the Dual Legendary Hammers firmly. Bending his knees in a stooping position to bring his center of gravity low, he concentrated all his might in a focused burst. The three God Tier Consolidated Equipment set pieces and the Demonic Change State's boost had brought Zhou Weiqing's strength to a terrifying height, and even Shen Ji's mighty pull was unable to bring him away.

Even despite his efforts, after being restricted by the yellow chain, Zhou Weiqing realised that he was unable to use his Blink Skill, and in a short time he was also unable to break free of the chain. That was to say, his movement was totally restricted now.

"That's one of the most irritating Skills of the Earth Attribute – Chains of War. Once you have been caught by it, unless his Heavenly Energy has been fully expended or he is dead, otherwise it will not dissolve, a highly rated nine Star Skill." Shangguan Fei'er shouted out to him.

"Hmph, you are forcing me." Zhou Weiqing muttered to himself exasperatedly.

Without question, if he were to be continually restricted by this Chains of War, it would greatly reduce his overall fighting capability, and he would definitely be caught in the end. Once he lost his mobility, he would be left to face Shen Bu and the other two enemies in a bad position, and he knew his defense would not be able to hold in such a case.

A powerful, thick wave of Heavenly Energy rose forth from Zhou Weiqing's body instantly, a purple red Heavenly Skill Image of the Demonic Dragon Lady appearing silently, hovering over his head.

A awe-inspiring majesty. At the same time, Zhou Weiqing's body was still, as if nailed down in that position. Although he was still unable to break free from the Chains of War, Shen Ji was still unable to drag him away.

Seeing the Heavenly Skill Image above Zhou Weiqing's head, everyone lapsed into a daze. Only one person was exception – that was Shen Bu. 0

Shen Bu and Shen Ji were fellow apprentices of their Master, and as soon as she saw Zhou Weiqing trapped by the Chains of War, she subconsciously launched her attack. This was the tacit understanding and cooperation of a senior brother and junior sister who have trained and worked together for so long.

The massive green gold coloured fireball sped towards Zhou Weiqing with a shrill roar, and by the time the Heavenly Skill Image rose above his head, it was already less than three chi from him.

With the Chains of War restricting him, Zhou Weiqing had no chance of dodging it, especially since he was still in the midst of releasing his Dragon Silencing Seal. The Dragon Silencing Seal was undoubtedly extremely powerful, but it required a short moment to activate, at the minimum a second for his Attribute Wheel to reach its position. One second might seem like a very short time, but in the middle of combat, it could mean the difference between victory and difference. Alas, at this moment, Zhou Weiqing was facing this exact problem.

With a single look, he could tell that this huge fireball from Shen Bu definitely had some sort of lock-on targeting effect. That was to say, even if he tried to dodge it by moving the Chains of War with all his might, it would still follow him, and if he did so, it would interrupt his Dragon Silencing Seal. It might all be a coincidence, but this time, luck was on Shen Bu's side.

Since he did not want to give up on his Dragon Silencing Seal, Zhou Weiqing made his decision right at that moment. He still had quite some confidence in his own defense, and he held his crying-head warhammer in front of him, striking towards the green-gold fireball. His own Dragon Silencing Seal completed right at the exact same time as the fireball reached him.

"This time, let's see how you block this!" Shen Bu was absolutely confident in her attack. The green-gold fireball was her absolute strongest offensive Skill, and even a seven-Jeweled powerhouse would be heavily injured as long as they were not an absolute defense type. No matter how disgustingly powerful Zhou Weiqing's Skills were, he was still a Four-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master; how could he possibly block her attack?

At the same time as the hammer and fireball connected, Zhou Weiqing circulated his sixteen energy whirlpool at his Death Acupuncture Points to the maximum, focusing on his Immortal Deity Technique to bring up his Immortal Deity Shield, and even under the Demonic Change State, his entire body was shimmering with a pale white light.


The green gold fireball slammed savagely into the long warhammer of Zhou Weiqing's, and a cold smirk crossed Shen Bu's lips.

So what if it was a God Tier Consolidated Equipment? You will not be able to block my attack, my green gold flame attack has a corrosive effect.

As per her expectations, as soon as the green gold fireball clashed with the warhammer, it exploded instantly. However, it did not dissipate into the air, instead spreading down along the warhammer. Before anyone could react, Zhou Weiqing had been totally swallowed by the roaring green gold flames.

"Little— Fatty–!" A shrill cry rang out. Seeing Zhou Weiqing's body totally swallowed by the powerful green gold flames, Shangguan Fei'er went crazy.

In that instant, she felt as if all the blood in her entire body was boiling, and all the qualms she had previously disappeared. At that moment, she felt as if she had lost something important to her, something part of her life. Logic disappeared swiftly, and her eyes actually turned as bloodshot as Zhou Weiqing's during his Demonic Change State.

In midair, her slim figure shuddered, and Shen Ji who was in the midst of fighting her suddenly saw a bright white flame instantly rise up from her body. The white flame was rather unique, with a hint of blood red mixed within as well. This strange white flame spread swiftly to every inch of Shangguan Fei'er's body within a split second, and the pressure and aura she let forth doubled right then.

Shen Ji had seen such a flame before, and subconsciously, he cried out in utter shock. "Heaven's Expanse Ultimate Skill, Infinite Saint Flame!"

Indeed, in that moment, Shangguan Fei'er had unleashed the Ultimate Skill of the Heaven's Expanse Palace. This Infinite Saint Flame was similar to the self immolation of one's own life for those of the Life Attribute, or the Flame of Life of the Fire Attribute, allowing them to raise their cultivation level and power to a terrifying level in a short period of time. In fact, this secret skill of the Heaven's Expanse Palace actually had a much lesser side effect without sacrificing much power boost. This was indeed one of the top legacies of the Heaven's Expanse Palace, only the core members were allowed to learn it.


Without any more dodging, Shangguan Fei'er actually struck out hard towards Shen Ji head on. With two swipes, she tore apart one of the rock walls, before smashing towards Shen Ji with a savage fist.

Shen Ji felt a massive power overwhelming him, causing the bracers around his arms to shatter instantly. This was not just pure power alone, but also the terrifying explosive effect that the Infinite Saint Flame added to her attacks, causing him to be knocked back instantly.

Without any hesitation, Shangguan Fei'er's wings spread apart, flapping in the air as she flew at top speed towards Zhou Weiqing, eyes bloodshot.

At this moment, she had steeled her resolve. If anything happened to Zhou Weiqing, she would slaughter all of these people in front of her at all costs. She was filled with regret, regret that she had made Zhou Weiqing promise not to kill anyone, otherwise this would have never happened. Naturally, she knew what that green-gold fireball was, and Shen Bu was after all a Six-Jeweled powerhouse. She knew that even with the Demonic Change State, Zhou Weiqing would not be able to defend against being enveloped by those flames. After all, he did not have any defensive Consolidated Equipment.

Little Fatty, my Little Fatty, you must survive…

Tears streamed out, sparkling as they flew gently behind her in the sky. In that instance, Shangguan Fei'er did not doubt how important Zhou Weiqing had become in her heart.

However, as her tear-streaked face charged forward, the next moment, her eyes opened wide in shock.

She had no choice but to do so. That was because, the Zhou Weiqing that she had imagined to be dead or severely injured was standing right there, totally unharmed, and the green-gold flames actually disappeared without a trace.

Above the heads of his three attackers rose a small swirling purple-red symbol.

Shangguan Fei'er was not the only one staring with jaw agape. The one who was most shocked was undoubtedly the user of the Skill, Shen Bu.

The green-gold flames might seem like just a bigger fireball, but it had actually been boosted by the Consolidated flame wings behind her back. It had been unleashed with more than forty percent of all her Heavenly Energy! Forty percent of a Six-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master's Heavenly Energy, that was even more than Zhou Weiqing's total Heavenly Energy reserves!

But… what did she just witness?

When the green gold flames had enveloped Zhou Weiqing, Shen Bu had thought she had won. In her heart, she felt a hint of regret. After all, the sheer destructive power of the green gold flames was just too oppressive, and striking Zhou Weiqing like that, it was likely that nothing would remain of him, not even his bones. It would be such a shame for someone of his talent and power to die like that, especially with three God Tier Consolidating Equipment.

However, that hint of pride and regret lasted barely a second. In the next moment, she was shocked to see the flames vanish from around him.

That was right. Vanished totally as if absorbed into his skin. Zhou Weiqing stood there, totally unharmed, and even he himself was surprised and shocked.

If one examined closely, they would discover that under his original Demonic Change State, the swirling black-grey tiger tattoos had actually undergone some changes, with an additional layer of dim red light. Of course, since the tattoos were so intertwined and undulating, if one did not look very closely, it was impossible to spot.

Zhou Weiqing's personal experience was indeed vivid and distinct. When he saw the green gold flames sweep down his hammer and envelop him, he knew he was in deep trouble. He had severely underestimated Shen Bu's attack.

Chapter 397: Green Gold Flame! (2)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

The terrifying flames and heat had caused him to feel an intense pain. Although the Immortal Deity Shield managed to block off a portion of it, it was shattered almost instantly, and could not block it all.

In that moment, Zhou Weiqing's mind blanked. He suddenly understood something. Although he had so many powerful Skills, managing to defeat so many opponents with greater power than himself, he was still only a Four-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master! As long as he was truly hit by an enemy's powerful Skill, he could not do anything about it. The Immortal Deity Shield and the Demonic Change State gave him a defense that was far beyond any ordinary four-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master, but there was still a limit, and clearly this was it. All he could do was to focus on his energy whirlpools and circulate them at maximum speed in hopes to just stay alive barely.

Will I be disfigured? Bing'er, Tian'er… the beautiful women of the world… I don't want to be disfigured! Ahhh!!

Even at such a time, he could not forget to self ridicule a little, in order to keep himself from falling into a panic; otherwise he would only die faster.

However, the pain only lasted for a second, before a strange wave of heat seemed to rise up from within his four limbs, bones and body, spreading outwards, and Zhou Weiqing soon felt as if all the pores on his skin had a strange suction force as the heat continued spreading throughout his body. The next moment, the green-gold flames that had caused him so much pain vanished.

Did I somehow absorb it? That was Zhou Weiqing's feeling right at that moment. It was not from the Devour Skill, but directly absorbed by his skin…

Absorbing an attack that was more than sufficient to destroy him totally. What… what was going on?!

After a moment of stunned silence, Zhou Weiqing was the first to rise to clear-headedness. His Dragon Silencing Seal had successfully been unleashed, and at this point, how could he be nice. Four Dragon Silencing Seal thrown out unhesitatingly, three to the enemies in front of him, and one for Shen Ji, who had still been restricting him with the Chains of War.

As such, when Shangguan Fei'er charged over, that was the first sight that entered her eyes.

Shen Ji's luck was still considered rather good. If Zhou Weiqing's Dragon Silencing Seal had landed a second earlier, he would have lost his Consolidated Equipment and Stored Skills right as Shangguan Fei'er's attack with the Infinite Saint Flame. If that was so, that blow would likely have taken his life.

Luckily for him, Zhou Weiqing's Dragon Silencing Seal landed a little late, as such he survived.

As soon as his Dragon Silencing Seal succeeded, Zhou Weiqing's body disappeared in a flash, the two Legendary Hammers in his hands ready to mercilessly beat down his enemies, especially that Shen Bu… she had almost killed him!

However, a blur before his eyes, and a soft body embraced him. "Little Fatty, Little Fatty… are you okay?"

That figure had just moved too quickly, and Zhou Weiqing could not react even if he wanted to. Of course, when he heard the voice, he naturally did not have any thoughts of resisting.

As he looked up, he saw Shangguan Fei'er's face. Worried, anxious, heartache. He too was stunned as he saw that. As their eyes met, both their hearts trembled suddenly.

"Stop! Everyone, stop!" Shen Ji's angry cry rang out. Although his Consolidated Equipment and Stored Skills had been restricted by Zhou Weiqing's Dragon Silencing Seal, his Heavenly Energy was still usable, and that shout of his was not soft at all. Originally, the few who had been surrounding Shangguan Fei'er were just about to continue attacking, but they stopped instantly after his shout.

"Don't touch me!" Zhou Weiqing's scream rang out at the same time as Shen Ji's howl. The reason was simple, Shangguan Fei'er was worried that something had happened to him, and lifted her hand to touch his face. Alas, she had forgotten that she was still wearing her Consolidated Claws… if she really strokd his face, Zhou Weiqing's 'suave face' would be totally destroyed.

Only then did Shangguan Fei'er realise what was happening and quickly put down her hand, holding onto Zhou Weiqing's wrist before turning towards Shen Ji. Since Zhou Weiqing was alright, her heart settled down and she released her Infinite Saint Flame.

The purple symbol of the Dragon Silencing Seal was still above Shen Ji's head as he took a quickly stepped forward. By now, the Jingang Wall had disappeared, and he walked to about five yards from Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Fei'er before stopping, his eyes filled with curiosity as he looked at Shangguan Fei'er, saying: "You…You…" 1

Shangguan Fei'er took a deep breath, calming herself down as she released her four Consolidated Equipment. With a cold humph, her mouth moved slightly as she said something hidden to him. With a flick of her wrist, she waved it in front of him for a moment, clearly showing him something.

Instantly, Shen Ji's face changed, looking at Shangguan Fei'er respectfully as he bowed in agreement.

Shen Bu and the others were at a loss, not knowing what had happened, and they gathered behind Shen Ji, exchanging looks.

"Alright, enough, you all can go now." Shangguan Fei'er waved her hands, like chasing a fly away, motioning for them to leave.

Shen Ji said respectfully: "In that case, you take care. We will take our leave now. Let's go." As soon as he said that, he turned to leave. Although Shen Bu was not happy about that, she would definitely listen to her senior elder brother. Filled with uncertainty, she could only follow Shen Ji and leave.

Zhou Weiqing looked at Shangguan Fei'er and asked in a low tone: "You told them your identity?"

Shangguan Fei'er nodded slightly and turned to him, saying: "I only told them that I am from the Heaven's Expanse Palace, and that we are on a secret mission, and that they are not to harrass your Ruffian Battalion from now. After seeing my identity plaque and Infinite Saint Flames, naturally he would not have any suspicion."

"That's good too. I believe he will not go to try and verify it with the Heaven's Expanse Palace. After all, you from the Great Saint Lands are not supposed to to join in ordinary fights. Coming here should definitely be a secret mission." Zhou Weiqing said in a sudden realisation.

"Zhou Little Fatty, don't you know that you almost scared me to death just now." Shangguan Fei'er said with gritted teeth.

Zhou Weiqing started momentarily, looking at Shangguan Fei��er still with tears sparkling. Before he could say anything to reassure her, she suddenly grabbed hold of his arm, with a flip threw him him onto the ground before turning to run away, dashing into her tent.

Zhou Weiqing was totally stunned and confused by that throw, lying there, he thought back to her eyes just now and his heart trembled. Could it be she has fallen for this suave young me? She is truly the Little Demon Girl of the Heaven's Expanse Palace, even her method of expressing love is so different.

Face after face appeared above Zhou Weiqing, blocking the sky.

"Battalion Commander, are you alright?" Wei Feng asked.

Zhou Weiqing said exasperatedly: "Hurry up and pull me up."

Wei Feng said with a serious look, shaking his head: "Boss, we have realised one problem. Offending you is not a problem, but offending our drillmaster is a big problem. You better get up by yourself."

A series of explosive laughter rang out, including Wei Feng's, and the bunch of inglorious ruffians scattered away.

Zhou Weiqing jumped up, scolding laughingly: "All of you have no conscience, only violence can make you cooperate huh!"

After this, the threat from the Sixteenth Regiment was totally relieved. Although the Peerless Battalion soldiers did not know how Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Fei'er had pulled that off, they had seen the two of them fight against nine Six-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Masters and higher, including Shen Ji, a Legion Commander! Such strength, it was enough to leave anyone speechless, especially with their God Tier Consolidated Equipment, that truly left a deep impression on all the ruffian soldiers. One thing was clear, that these ruffians would never dream of using violence against Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Fei'er… who would try to ask for trouble like that right?

After dinner, Zhou Weiqing sneaked to Shangguan Fei'er's tent, saying: "Fei'er, Fei'er…"

"What?" Shangguan Fei'er's voice came from the tent, clearly stiff and rigid.

She was currently sitting down in her own tent quietly. Today, after dealing with Shen Ji and the others, although she had beaten Zhou Weiqing up, her heart was still in disorder.

No, that's not possible. How can I like that little scoundrel. He is my little sister's man!

That line had been repeated in her heart more than a hundred times, as the struggle in her heart caused this Little Demon Girl of the Heaven's Expanse Palace to be at her wit's end for once. She did not know how she was going to face Zhou Weiqing outside, and for the entire day she had not even left her tent, not even to eat.

"Fei'er, let's go out to play!"

"Not going." Shangguan Fei'er did not even think about it and rejected him directly.

Zhou Weiqing said helplessly: "That's not your style right… not even to play? I'll bring you to the TianBei City, okay?"

"Not going."

Zhou Weiqing furrowed his brow, thinking to himself that this was not a good sign indeed! If she bottled everything up for too long, what happened if she blew up some other time or place, that would be a problem.

"Feier, you have to at least tell me what happened. Did I offend you?" Zhou Weiqing asked hesitatingly.

This time, Shangguan Fei'er did not make any sound.

Zhou Weiqing lowered his voice and said: "Did you really fall for me? Looks like my suave charm is just too great!"

"Get lost!" Shangguan Fei'er's obviously muffled shout rang out.

Zhou Weiqing thought to himself that he had to use some stronger medicine to deal with this, and he said: "Fei'er, this is not like you at all. Liking someone is liking someone, what is there to be afraid of? Your character is definitely a frank, straightforward one, one who dares to face her emotions head-on. In truth… actually… well… besides Bing'er, I also love Tian'er, and we have also promised to marry each other as well."

"What did you say?!" A flash, and Shangguan Fei'er charged out, grabbing hold of Zhou Weiqing's shirt angrily as she exclaimed: "You dare to let down my sister?!"

Seeing Shangguan Fei'er's red eyes, Zhou Weiqing started. This fiery and vivacious young lady, although she did not have the gentle nature of Shangguan Bing'er, had her own attraction. In terms of emotions, Zhou Weiqing was like many other men, with a very weak resistance against beautiful women, let alone a top beauty like Shangguan Fei'er who looked exactly like his love Shangguan Bing'er.

However, before today, Zhou Weiqing only had an appreciation for her beauty, not any untoward feelings.

Yet, after that fight today, and how she had jumped at all costs to save him when he had been in danger… and now seeing her teary red eyes, it all tugged on his heartstrings.

Chapter 398: Green Gold Flame! (3)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

Zhou Weiqing had always been a passionate person, one whose affections were spread, but he was no indiscriminate playboy, otherwise he would have accepted Little Witch that time. His greatest love was undoubtedly Shangguan Bing'er, and between he and Tian'er was a relationship that had sparked after years of being together. Now, with Shangguan Fei'er, it was a confusing, rather indescribable thing between the two.

Although he had successfully lured Shangguan Fei'er out of her tent, Zhou Weiqing did not know how to continue with the conversation. Staring at her blankly, he remained silent.

"I'm asking you a question! You actually still fell for that little girl of the Heavenly Snow Mountain?!" Shangguan Fei'er continued asking angrily. However, the hand that was grabbing onto Zhou Weiqing's shirt released it. She had never seen such a befuddled look in his normally cunning eyes.

"Sometimes, feelings cannot be controlled. When they come, whether or not they are logical or not, no matter how much you try to suppress them, they will still come. I love Bing'er so much, but I also love Tian'er."

"No doubt, I admit, I am a bastard, but I will not let go of any one of them." As he said that, Zhou Weiqing paused, looking at Shangguan Fei'er with a heated gaze. "Just like how after I saw you cry on my behalf, I won't give you up either."


Shangguan Fei'er's flames of anger were suddenly doused by that last line of his.

"Fei'er…" Zhou Weiqing took a step forward and held onto her hands.

Shangguan Fei'er felt as if a bolt of lightning had coursed through her, and she quickly snatched her hand back, a rather flurried look on her face. "You… you… didn't you say you wanted to go to the TianBei City? Let's go then." As she said that, she jumped up, releasing her Ghost Demon Horse in mid air and landing neatly on its back, galloping away in a hurry.

Zhou Weiqing gave himself a slap, muttering to himself: "Zhou Weiqing, you are truly an asshole. A man whose heart is not content is like a snake which tries to swallow an elephant 1, you are just too greedy. But… I really do like them… how? Instead of causing them pain by rejecting them, isn't it better to spread the love, I don't mind labouring harder… An able man is a busy man.2"

Scratching his head, even he himself felt that his logic was rather shameless. However, to chose between face and having his wives, who cared about face!? Being bold, attentive, shameless… those were keys to chasing girls!

The single horned Ghost Demon Horse appeared, looking stronger and fiercer in the night, and Zhou Weiqing swiftly mounted it, chasing after Shangguan Fei'er.

All the way, Shangguan Fei'er concentrated on galloping at top speed. Although Zhou Weiqing tried initiating conversation a few times, she ignored him, refusing to speak at all.

Over two hundred li of traveling, but with the sheer speed of their Ghost Demon Horses, they soon neared the TianBei City. In the distance, they could see the bright lights of the northern camp. When they were about ten li from the main camp, Shangguan Fei'er finally stopped, and Zhou Weiqing reined in his Ghost Demon Horse behind her. If they continued forward, they would be spotted by the guards on the watchtower.

Both of them dismounted, and without speaking, they sent their Ghost Demon Horses back into their Spatial Rings as if with uncanny tacit agreement. Shangguan Fei'er said in an exasperated tone: "You, shameless one, how are we getting across?"

Zhou Weiqing couldn't help but say huffily: "What do you mean Shameless One?!"

Shangguan Fei'er gave a humph and said: "That's right, you are shameless indeed."

Zhou Weiqing said: "Don't you have wings? Carry me and fly us across, that would be the easiest way. Otherwise, it will be a trouble to cross the army camp."

"Carry your head. Hmph, snatching you up is more like it.3" As she said that, she released out her two God Tier Consolidated Wings, and before Zhou Weiqing could even react, she appeared behind him, grabbing him by the side and holding his entire body away from her. With a flap of her powerful wings and circulation of Heavenly Energy, she soared away in the night skies with Zhou Weiqing.

In such a position, as long as Zhou Weiqing did not try and reach out, he would not be able to touch Shangguan Fei'er at all. However, suspended in midair in such a position, that was not a comfortable feeling at all.

"Oei, beautiful lady, hold on steadily…" Zhou Weiqing's heart raced fast. He had a slight fear of heights, and as the biting cold northern winds blew on him, and with suspended like that with no place to grab onto, that was indeed a horrible feeling for him.

"Hmph. Don't worry, you won't die. In truth, this young lady's greatest capability is not close combat, but aerial combat." Shangguan Fei'er's cold voice rang out from above.

"En? Aerial combat?" Zhou Weiqing exclaimed in surprise. "Aerial combat against who?"

Shangguan Fei'er said: "Of course it's those people from the Heavenly Snow Mountain. In terms of individual power, the members of the Heavenly Snow Mountain are actually top notch amongst all the Great Saint Lands… that is because they are all not human, a group of top end Heavenly Beast who have cultivated to human form. As such, besides the ordinary Heavenly Jewel Master power, they are still able to resume their original forms to fight. One of their greatest advantages is their aerial combat superiority due to that. In fact, when the three great God Tier Masters custom designed this Legendary Set for my Duo Physical Jewels, their focus was aerial combat. This Legendary Set of mine is also named for that, the Illustrious Aerial Tyrant Set, and with its help, the three Great Masters hope that I can be a tyrant in the skies, to fight on equal terms with the Heavenly Snow Mountain in that area."

Zhou Weiqing laughed heartily and said: "Looks like your aerial combat skills are indeed powerful. When we get back, show me a bit."

Shangguan Fei'er gave a cold humph and said: "Why should I show you? You don't have any wings of your own, can your Legendary Set let you fly? Hmmm… how about I show you now?"

"Don't, okay, I'm scared of you… I have Acrophobia!" Zhou Weiqing said helplessly.

By this point, Shangguan Fei'er had already brought him soaring high in the air, at least five hundred metres above the ground. In the dark of the night, it was almost impossible to spot them. Even if they were spotted, what could be done about them? At such a distance, ordinary archers would not be able to reach them.

A mischievous smile suddenly appeared over Shangguan Fei'er's face, and she thought to herself: I'll show you little scoundrel, making me all flustered, let me teach you a lesson! Once again, the Little Demon Girl of the Heaven's Expanse Palace had resurfaced.

Abruptly, Zhou Weiqing felt his body turn upside down, starting to fall downwards, causing him to yell out in shock.

"Fei'er, what are you doing?"

Shangguan Fei'er's calm voice, laced with a hint of mischief, rang out. "I'm showing you my aerial tyrant powers! Be careful! Here comes the '18 Dragon Shadow Roll'!"

As she said that, the twin wings behind her back underwent a strange change. Under the control of her will, the wings folded in abruptly, and with just a tiny movement, her entire person flipped over along with Zhou Weiqing. As they dropped down in a falling motion, they actually started spinning in a whirlwind fashion.

At that point, Zhou Weiqing could not even differentiate where was the sky and the earth, feeling everything turn about around him at top speed, it was as if his heart was in his throat as his face turned ashen.

The instant the eighteen 'rolls' were complete, Shangguan Fei'er's wings spread apart at once, and they stopped in midair, levelling again in a perfectly executed, beautiful motion. Next, she lifted her head, pushing Zhou Weiqing's body outwards once more before executing another ninety degree roll upwards before starting her rise back high into the sky once more.

Although she was carrying someone, her movements were still unbelievably quick, and more so, steady, coordinated and agile. As for Zhou Weiqing, at this point he was almost scared senseless. They were after all at a height of several hundred metres up in the sky! Even with his cultivation level, if they were to drop from this point, he would still be smashed into bits. Despite the fact that in his heart he knew that with Shangguan Fei'er's control and skill, she would never let him fall, it was still nearly impossible for a person to control such a fear, especially since this was the first time he was being spun around in midair like that.

In the end, Shangguan Fei'er did not want to overdo it, and as she rose up in the air, she did so stably. "Next time, see if you dare try to be funny with me again. In the future, I won't beat you up anymore… in front of your bunch of brothers, I must let you save some face. However, this midair game is so exciting and fun right! We can do that more instead."

Zhou Weiqing did not make any sound, or even move at all.

Shangguan Fei'er was slightly startled, and said: "Hey, are you okay? You haven't been scared silly yet right? Or did you faint?!"

Still no sound, or movement.

"Little Fatty… Little Fatty!" Shangguan Fei'er's voice grew louder, and more urgent. He wouldn't be scared to death right?

Right at that moment, Shangguan Fei'er suddenly felt Zhou Weiqing's body go through an abrupt change, starting to shudder violently, the tremors growing as a strange icy cold Evil aura reached her arms, causing her to shiver as well.

What's going on? This time, Shangguan Fei'er was shocked. Due to the cold, evil aura, she almost dropped Zhou Weiqing, but luckily she gritted her teeth and held on.

At the same time, along with the icy cold evil aura, another burst of extreme heat suddenly burst forth in an instance. This time, Shangguan Fei'er could not hold on, and in a shocked cry, her arms went numb, and Zhou Weiqing's body fell from her hands.

"Little Fatty!" Shangguan Fei'er accelerated at once, chasing after the falling Zhou Weiqing. At this point, they had barely passed the northern camp, and were still about seven hundred metres above the ground. One could just imagine what would happen if he were to fall right down from that height.

Shangguan Fei'er had not been bragging or exaggerating about her aerial capabilities. In a matter of moments, she had already caught up with Zhou Weiqing's falling body. However, when she looked upon his face, she was given a big fright.

Currently, the colour of Zhou Weiqing's face was constantly changing. Suddenly bright red, then pale white, changing at a terrifying rate, almost once a second. His eyes were tightly shut, his fists gripped tightly as he continued shuddering violently in fits, as if in deep pain.

How could this happen? What is going on? Pain and regret lanced through Shangguan Fei'er's heart, and she grabbed onto Zhou Weiqing's clothes in an attempt to hold him without being invaded by the twin cold and heat auras. Alas, when she did so, his clothes actually evaporated into ash, dissipating into the sky.

Indeed! Even Shangguan Fei'er could not withstand that intense heat and cold… how could the ordinary army uniform he was wearing do so?

Their falling speed was extremely fast, and by this point, they had already fell more than two hundred metres, and they were continually accelerating.

Gritting her teeth down hard, Shangguan Fei'er took a deep breath, and once again, the Heaven's Expanse Ultimate Skill, Infinite Saint Flame, which she had used earlier in the day appeared around her once more. At the same time, she did not hesitate and hugged Zhou Weiqing.