461 - 467

Chapter 461: Heavenly Snow Mountain Mountain Lord! (1)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

However, the new Peerless Battalion soldiers had already started Consolidating their Consolidated Bows, with some lucky ones already successful. Besides that, all of them were already equipped with the longbows that all the older soldiers had as well.

However, the thing that had shocked the new recruits the most would definitely be when Shangguan Fei'er and the strongest hundred of the older Peerless Battalion soldiers had started helping those new recruits who had not Awakened their Personal Jewels to do so.

In just the mere short two months of time, the entire Peerless Battalion, all five thousand odd of them had already Awakened their Power Jewels. Such a magnificent feat was truly unbelievable. After completing that, Shangguan Fei'er had been so exhausted that she fell ill for three days before recovering. By this time, her prestige in the Peerless Battalion had reached such a height that rivaled or perhaps even exceeded Zhou Weiqing, who had not appeared for two months. No matter how arrogant or unbridled ruffians were, they were still humans with feelings, and the gratitude they held for Shangguan Fei'er was in their hearts. Furthermore, this military instructor of theirs was so beautiful, and it could be said that she had become the Goddess in the hearts of the entire Peerless Battalion.

Despite their advancements, the Peerless Battalion definitely still needed much time to continue growing. The current five thousand men were still far from the unity that the original one thousand five hundred held, and what they needed was time to work together and develop feelings. Of course, time waited for no man… according to reports from scouts, the WanShou Empire was already starting to gather their troops. The time for the annual attacks would soon come, and it would also be the time for the Peerless Battalion to truly ascend their stage for the first time.

The snow gleamed white, covering the entire mountain peaks. The temperature was extremely cold, more than forty degrees below zero.

One did not even need to drip water to form ice, even exhaling a breath could form little ice particles that dropped down to the ground.

Right on the top of the snowy mountain peak, there was a massive old castle. The castle was totally white, as if it had been fully carved out of ice.

The castle seemed to be conjoined with the peak itself, rising far up and above. From the distance, when there was sunlight, it seemed as if it was adorned with a halo of gold.

The tranquil peak of this majestic snowy mountain, with only the shrill sound of wind around. This was the heart of the entire WanShou Empire… the grand temple and sanctuary of the WanShou Empire hearts. The Heavenly Snow Mountain.

Indeed, this was the Heavenly Snow Mountain, one of the five Great Saint Lands. Here, the Strongest in the world resided.

No one dared to come here easily to offend the owner of the castle. In the WanShou Empire, the Heavenly Snow Mountain Mountain Lord was like a god. In fact, he did have the power of the Heavenly God Tier… amongst the entire Heavenly Jewel Master powerhouses of the land, he was the only one who had reached the Heavenly God Tier! Undefeated!

The Heavenly Snow Mountain Mountain Lord had already reached such a stage for several dozen years. Legend spoke that if not for the Heaven's Expanse Palace having a large number of powerhouses, as well as the Blood Red Hell and Passion Valley supporting the Heaven's Expanse Palace, along with the Boundless Infinitum Set and the sheer wealth of the Heaven's Expanse Palace… perhaps the Heavenly Snow Mountain would be the First amongst the Great Saint Lands. More so… the WanShou Empire would have been led by them to conquer the entire world.

There was a saying in the WanShou Empire: In the hearts of the WanShou Empire citizens, there was a mountain in everyone's heart, a Heavenly Snow Mountain. From that, one could imagine what kind of status the Heavenly Snow Mountain held in the WanShou Empire.

In any case, currently, this stately Heavenly Snow Mountain had two visitors, and they were climbing up towards the peak with much difficulty.

To be more accurate, it was not two men climbing, but one climbing as he carried the other on his back.

The two men were extremely large and muscular, with faint greenish grey fur barely visible around their bodies. The one climbing looked to be rather old, his ears show what Tribe he was – the Wolfman Tribe. Indeed, he was a Wolfman, and along his head fur, there was a mix of gold, clearly showing his noble status.

Similarly, the one on his back was also a Wolfman, even stouter and more muscular than himself, though his features held some similarities to this old Wolfman. However, he was currently ashen and with an ugly expression on his face. His eyes were closed, his entire body shuddering violently uncontrollably. Yet, it was somehow clear that this shivering was not due to the cold, as his face constantly flickered with three different colours… black, grey and blue.

This Wolfman was none other than the Regiment Commander of the Swift Wolf Regiment, the heir to the Wolfman Tribe, Prince of the Wolves, Butler. And the old Wolfman carrying him up was none other than the current Wolfman Tribe Leader, Batulu.

That day, when the Swift Wolf Regiment had received their first utter defeat and returned, Butler had not even had the time for regrets and heartache from it. That was because he had to deal with his own current physical condition.

When he had first been struck with Zhou Weiqing's Dark Demon God Lightning, Butler had not thought much about it. Although he could sense that this energy was extremely strange, it was after all from a mere four-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master. No matter how strong his attack was, Butler believed that it was only a four-Jeweled offense, and with his own Heavenly Energy, at most it would take a large expense of energy to deal with and to force it out.

As such, when he returned to his tent, Butler had quickly started to force out the venom with his Heavenly Energy.

Very soon, Butler realised that something was wrong… his Heavenly Energy was unable to influence the venom at all. His cultivation level was extremely powerful, and his Nine-Jeweled Heavenly Energy was able to greatly slow the advance of the Tri-Attribute Venom of the Dark Demon God Lightning. Alas, slowing was one matter… but he was unable to get rid of it!

Butler had been shocked to find that as time passed, although the venom did not move faster, it continued slowly eating away at his body, a slow but unstoppable juggernaut of invasion. Even his Heavenly Energy was slowly being eroded by this strange venom, and no matter what he tried, he was unable to force it out of his body. This was extremely shocking; after all, he was not only a Wolfman, but also with Royal Blood, and his physique was much tougher and stronger than any human. Despite all that, he was slowly falling under the power of the Tri-Attribute Venom.

When his subordinates found that Butler was unable to make it, they did not dare delay, hurriedly sending him back to the Wolfman Tribe. The Wolf King had no time to blame his son for the loss, and he sent all around for the best doctors in his tribe to come and heal Butler. Alas, was the Dark Demon God Lightning so easily removed?

The Wolf King Batulu had many children, but of them all, only his eldest son was the most promising, the most talented and outstanding one. He was already old, and he had planned to pass the mantle of Wolf King to his son after another few years. Who knew such a thing would happen at this point. He no longer had the time to lament over the great loss of the Swift Wolf Regiment, and could only hope that his son could recover.

For this matter, Batulu did not even care about his old face, going to some of the stronger Beastmen tribes of the WanShou Empire to beg for help, even to the noble tribes. Alas, even as they examined Butler's body, the only answer Batulu got was a shaking head. No one was able to remove this strange fusion Tri-Attribute Venom.

Batulu could not afford to lose this son, his chosen heir. After an entire month of seeking help, Butler's body was getting worse every day, his Heavenly Energy also weakening constantly, and more so, it was visible that his Life Force was slowly draining from him. At last, after begging the WanShou Empire Royal Family, he was given the chance to seek help in the Heavenly Snow Mountain.

In the eyes of the Beastmen, the Heavenly Snow Mountain Mountain Lord was their greatest leader, all powerful, almighty, even omnipotent. For this eldest son of his, Batulu would risk everything to come to beg for help, even if it might draw the ire of their greatest leader.

Batulu's cultivation level was actually the same as his eldest son, Butler, at the nine-Jeweled stage. He had been stuck at this stage for a long time, never managing to break through to the Heavenly King Stage.

The weather at the Heavenly Snow Mountain was just too cold, and as they ascended the slopes, the lower the temperature grew. This was a major contrast from the Ten Thousand Beast Heavens right below with its warm and welcoming temperature. The highest peak of the Heavenly Snow Mountain was about six thousand metres, even higher than the Heavenly Jewel Island. Although Batulu was a powerful Heavenly Jewel Master, but carrying his son on his back while having to constantly use his Heavenly Energy to protect his son and keep him alive, it was getting tougher and tougher for me to climb up.

"Halt."" A low, magnetic sounding voice rang out abruptly. The voice was not loud, but it seemed to explode in Batulu's ears like a bomb.

Batulu looked up quickly in shock, only the realise that not far ahead from him, there stood a man, though he did not know when that man had appeared.

Dressed in snow white robes, with a closer look he seemed to only be wearing those, a single layer of clothing. A head full of fiery red, gold hair with natural curls, a stark contrast from the cold white world around him. He was tall and slender, seeming to be not particularly muscular, but as he stood there, it gave the feeling as if he was the core of the universe.

Looking at the luscious head of long gold-red hair that seemed to twirl around against the backdrop of snow like the dancing of flames, Batulu's body began to shiver. Such a hair colour… in the entire WanShou Empire, only one Tribe had that. It was the current Royal Lion Tribe, the ruler of the WanShou Empire, the Heavenly Divine Earth Spirit Lion Tribe!

In the WanShou Empire, there was a rule passed down from the beginning – the Mountain Lord of the Heavenly Snow Mountain could only be from two Tribes. One was naturally the current Lord's Divine Heavenly Spirit Tiger Tribe, and the other was Heavenly Divine Earth Spirit Lion Tribe. However, since the Divine Heavenly Spirit Tiger Tribe had been so powerful for so many generations, many had already forgotten that the Heavenly Divine Earth Spirit Lion Tribe could also inherit the position of Mountain Lord. They, too, had highly noble bloodlines amongst all the Beastmen. As tradition went, when the Divine Heavenly Spirit Tiger Tribe held the position of Mountain Lord, then the Heavenly Divine Earth Spirit Lion Tribe would hold the position of ruler of the WanShou Empire; and vice versa.

Without even asking, Batulu was able to guess the status of this young man in front of him. With his own cultivation level, a person of that age who could remain undetected by himself in the entire Divine Spirit Flame Lion Tribe of the Heavenly Snow Mountain could only be one person.

"You, you are the Lion Prince, Your Highness right? This old wolf Batulu greets His Highness." As he said that, Batulu bowed respectfully towards him, helping his son down from his back.

Hearing the words Batulu, the Lion Price's face eased up. "So it is you, the Wolf King. My Father has already sent word to me previously about your situation, and I have come here to wait for you." Naturally, with his rank and status in the Heavenly Snow Mountain, he would not come to the middle of the mountain side for no reason.

Hearing those words, Batulu was immediately filled with gratitude, tears sliding down his cheeks. The Beastmen were normally all very straightforward in character, and seeing how the Lion Prince, the future ruler of the Empire, would actually wait for the two of them here in the cold windy mountain side, although Batulu knew that he was trying to draw them to his side, it did not stop him from feeling gratitude.

Chapter 462: Heavenly Snow Mountain Mountain Lord! (2)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

"Your Highness, how can I trouble you to wait here for me. I… I…" As he said that, the old Wolfman King's eyes reddened.

The Lion Prince said passively: "Wolf King, Master already knows you are here. He does not like to wait for others. I have already reported to him regarding your issues, come with me quickly." As he said that, he took Butler from Batulu's hands, and instantly, a faint reddish gold light sprang from his hands to envelop Butler's body, whose ashen face turned slightly better.

Upon hearing that the Heavenly Snow Mountain Mountain Lord would receive them, Batulu felt slightly dizzy, and he fell to his knees with a loud thud, kowtowing towards the peak of the Heavenly Snow Mountain several times before standing up once more, following the Lion Prince to the peak.

Soon, the Lion Prince brought the Wolf King directly to the inner hall of the Heavenly Snow Mountain Castle, which was where the main matters of the Heavenly Snow Mountain were processed every day. The Heavenly Snow Mountain Mountain Lord seldom appeared normally, and most of the ordinary internal matters of the Heavenly Snow Mountain was handled by the Lion Price. As such, though his cultivation level was nothing compared to most of the powerhouses in the Heavenly Snow Mountain, due to his rank and status, added on to the fact that he was the top of his generation, having reached the eight-Jeweled stage at a young age of thirty one, only a single stage of Heavenly Energy from breaking through to the Nine-Jeweled stage, he was definitely not one to be underestimated. After all, his future was bright indeed, with limitless possibilities… as the main disciple of the Heavenly Snow Mountain Mountain Lord and the possible heir to the WanShou Empire, one could imagine that as long as no unforeseen circumstances cropped up, he would definitely breakthrough to the Heavenly King Stage, and perhaps even the Heavenly Emperor Stage.

"Wolf King, please wait here for a moment, I will request for Master to receive you."

"Thank you, Your Highness." The Wolf King said, overwhelmed with tears of gratitude. With the Lion Prince's Divine Healing, Butler had somewhat stabilized.

The Lion Prince disappeared for a while before returning. Looking at Batulu's hopeful gaze, he said: "Master will be out in a while. Later, when Master asks you any questions, just tell him the truth simply and directly, do not beat around the bush or exaggerate things. He does not like those who speak too much."

"Yes." Batulu quickly agreed. Although the Lion Prince only spoke that few lines, it was guidance of utmost importance.

Batulu waited for nearly an hour before he suddenly felt as if the entire atmosphere around him changed in a strange way. Subconsciously, he moved his gaze where it had been resting upon his son's face which was twisted in agony, and he realised that before he knew it, there were two more people in the hall.

Both were dressed in white, the one on the left a young lady with silvery white hair cascading down her shoulders to the back. Her brilliant purple eyes were cold, indifferent, almost apathetic… as if the entire world meant nothing to her. If one examined those eyes closely, they would feel as if those seemingly beautiful eyes did not have any light of life within them, as if they were dead inside, like a zombie.

The young lady was positioned slightly behind the one on the right, who looked to be a youth about the same age as the Lion Prince. He, too, had a head full of silver hair, but much shorter, only an inch long. His eyes were purple as well, a much deeper colour. He was also dressed in clean, snow white clothes, without any ornaments or decorations. To the Wolf King Batulu's surprise, this youth did not seem to have any aura of power about him, with only his looks similar to the young lady behind him.

The Lion Prince was standing right there, his gaze fixed upon the white clad young lady. His eyes were slightly dazed, with a complicated look within, and for a moment, he actually forgot to speak out.

The youth furrowed his brow, glancing at the Lion Prince. There was no obvious aura or energy, but the Lion Prince seemed to be jolted awake suddenly, and he said respectfully: "Greetings, Master."

Batulu was caught by surprise. He had never seen the paramount of the WanShou Empire, the Heavenly Snow Mountain Mountain Lord, but he had never in his wildest dreams imagined that he would look so young. Who would think that the strongest powerhouse in the world, Xue AoTian, would actually be that young.

Batulu did not dare hesitate, and with a loud thud, he knelt onto the ground with both knees, kowtowing down so hard that his head made several thumping sounds.

"Enough." The white clad youth said passively. As he said that, he lifted his hands slightly, and Butler, who was originally lying in Batulu's arms before he knelt down, had flown up into the air, before Batulu even had a chance to react. He did not sense any Heavenly Energy reverberations; it was as if the surrounding air was gently lifting his son away from him.

In a split second, Butler had arrived before Xue AoTian, his entire body levitating horizontally above ground, as if he could fly.

Xue AoTian swept his gaze over Butler's face, before he gave an abrupt soft curious sound. "Eh, what a strange power."

Hearing those words, the Lion Prince's gaze finally snapped away from the white clad young lady, his face full of shock. For his Master to actually be surprised, what kind of strange power was that? Was it really that strong? After all, in his eyes, Xue AoTian was invincible and omnipotent!

Xue AoTian slowly lifted one hand, and Batulu could see that the hand was transparent, as if carved from a block of ice… not even looking like a human hand.

Xue AoTian placed his hand on Butler's head, and instantly, his entire body turned a brilliant gold colour, as if he had been abruptly injected full of gold.

Batulu continued kneeling down there, his eyes fixed on the scene unblinkingly. At the same time, his heart had finally relaxed. Now that the Heavenly Snow Mountain Mountain Lord was willing to help, what couldn't he accomplish?

However, in the next instant, that settled heart leaped to his throat once more. He actually saw the Heavenly Snow Mountain Mountain Lord, even nicknamed as the Old God in the WanShou Empire, actually furrowed his brow.

The Lion Prince at the side was even more shocked. Xue AoTian had helped heal others before, and no injury, wound or illness was a match for his boundless spiritual energy, with just a single look sufficient for him to diagnose everything easily. Yet, this time, his Master had taken such a long look, yet seemingly still unable to fully confirm what was the ailment. Such a situation, it was the first time the Lion Prince had witnessed it. Still, he dared not interrupt Xue AoTian's judgement.

The gold light disappeared, and Xue AoTian slowly put down his hand, murmuring slightly to himself: "How strange. Such a fusion of energies, this is truly the first time I have seen it. Could it be… the Heavenly Demon Sect? Even so… hmm… let's see then."

As he said that, his hand extended out once more, this time pressing upon Butler's forehead.A strange, faint gold light slowly appeared, seeming to twist the air all around. At the same time, a tall Heavenly Skill Image appeared behind Xue AoTian's back; it was of himself.

If Zhou Weiqing were here, he would definitely be able to recognize that was the sign of a Heavenly God Tier Skill that was self created, and this was what his teacher Long Shiya was most skilled at. Of course, it was clear that this self created Heavenly God Tier Heavenly Skill was somewhat different from what Long Shiya used.

When the Skill was unleashed, Xue AoTian''s' entire body was enveloped in a layer of faint gold light. Silver hair, gold light, the entire image combined to frame him in a divine, saintly light that one could not directly stare at.

Xue AoTian slowly moved his hand back, and a gold speck of light was left glowing in the middle of Butler's forehead. The next moment, bright gold light flashed from Xue AoTian's eyes, shooting directly into Butler's eyes.

The next moment, Butler started to tremble violently, as if in extreme pain.

Batulu, anxious for his son, couldn't help but stand up at that. The Lion Prince glanced at him and said: "Wolf King, hold still. Master has his own ways."

Only then did Batulu realise that his actions could be read as mistrust for Xue TianAo. Even if Xue TianAo wanted to kill Butler, what could he do? Resisting would only bring ultimate disaster to the entire Wolfman Tribe. He quickly knelt down, trembling with fear and deference.

"Here it is." Xue AoTian muttered to himself. All of a sudden, the gold speck of light in Butler's forehead glowed brightly, shooting forth a ray of light into the air, forming a circular image resembling a panel.

Batulu's eyes widened in shock. Such a miraculous sight, he had never experienced before.

The eyes of the entire room, even the listless eyes of the beautiful young lady beside Xue AoTian, were suddenly drawn to the circular image that had appeared.

The image was hazy at first, but it slowly turned clear… showing a tall muscular youth who was naked from waist up, his upper body rippling with nearly perfect muscles.

Behind the youth, there was a hazy looking, purple Heavenly Skill Image, and he was in the midst of leaping up in midair, his right foot smashing down like a battle axe. Without doubt, this youth was an image from Butler's memory, and it was from his perspective that was being showed to the rest of the room. The Heavenly Snow Mountain Mountain Lord Xue AoTian had created a Spirit Attribute Skill with his own considerable power to show the image of what had happened previously.

"Ahhh!" An involuntary cry of shock rang out from the beautiful young lady's mouth, and her body started shivering uncontrollably.

Xue AoTian started slightly, his brow furrowed, but he said gently: "Tian'er, what''s wrong?"

Indeed, that silver haired young lady was Tian'er, who had snuck off from Zhou Weiqing previously. Naturally, the image that was shown was Zhou Weiqing, in the midst of using the Dark Demon God Lightning to strike Butler.

Seeing Zhou Weiqing appear suddenly in the image, how could Tian'er not be shocked. Subconsciously, she brought her hand to her mouth, but tears streamed down her cheeks uncontrollably.

It's him, it's him! My love! He… why is he in the north… how could this be…

The image on the round light screen was indeed the exact scene when Zhou Weiqing had knocked Butler back.

Xue AoTian's brow was furrowed, but he ignored his daughter. The image changed slowly, and under his control, the image resumed back to the previous scene before playing out once more.

Without knowing when, the Lion Prince's hands had balled into fists. With his inteligence, how could he not see that the youth in the image had a unique connection to Tian'er.

He was the fiance that Tian'er had mentioned previously. Xue AoTian only had a single child, and he had gained this daughter at a rather old age, and he truly loved her very much. However, according to the rules of the Heavenly Snow Mountain, females were not allowed to inherit the position of the Heavenly Snow Mountain Mountain Lord. As such, with the condition that the Lion Prince would swear to give up the position of future King of the WanShou Empire, leaving the future King to be chosen from the Tigermen Tribe instead, Xue AoTian had betrothed Tian'er to him. This was an absolute secret in the WanShou Empire, and only the few of them knew about it.

Chapter 463: Heavenly Snow Mountain Mountain Lord! (3)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

Alas, who knew that when Tian'er heard about the betrothal, she fled from home to escape that marriage.

More so… when she had finally returned, both Xue AoTian and the lion prince Xin had discovered that she was no longer… untouched.

Flying into a rage, Xue AoTian almost killed his own daughter with his own hands. However, in the end, he only had this one daughter, and he could not land the final blow.

As for the Lion Prince, he could only swallow his pride and anger to accept it. For the sake of the Heavenly Snow Mountain Mountain Lord position, as well as for the fact that he truly liked Tian'er, he could only endure it, telling Xue AoTian that he was still willing to take Tian'er as his bride. Feeling guilty towards him, Xue AoTian ended up doting more on this disciple of his.

Half a year had already passed, and the engagement ceremony was already complete despite all of Tian'er's protests. Even when she threatened to take her own life, she was unable to change Xue AoTian's mind, and he brought his daughter alongside himself. The stubborn Mountain Lord truly believed that time could change everything, and such an outstanding talent like the Lion Prince Gu Yingbing would eventually move his daughter and enter her heart.

In order to sever Tian'er's remaining fantasies, Xue AoTian personally set their wedding date, which was three months from the current day.

"This is the Dragon Silencing Seal from the Demonic Dragon Lady." Xue AoTian said solemnly as he analyzed the image. "… Underestimating your enemy is always the worst flaw. Nine-Jewels against Four-Jewels, and he could still be tricked. Batulu, how did you teach your son?" Although he did not release his aura, Xue AoTian's words caused Batulu to start sweating profusely despite the icy cold temperature.

"Demonic Change State… Dragon Silencing Seal… And this… Darkness, Demonic and Lightning Attribute Fusion Skill… Hmm… a tri-Attribute Venom made from those energies." As he spoke to that point, Xue AoTian's eyes narrowed.

"YingBing, arrange for a place for Batulu to get some rest, he can come collect his son in three days time." The Dark Demon God Lightning might be too much for a Heavenly King Stage powerhouse like Shangguan Longyin to handle, but it was unable to stop the strongest man in the world, who held the Divine Attribute. Of course, Butler had already been suffering from the venom for such a long time, and even for Xue AoTian, it would not be an easy feat to totally remove the poison.

Batulu felt so lucky, as if he had struck the jackpot. He did not know what to say or do, and could only kneel there kowtowing in gratitude.

The light image finally disappeared, and Tian'er stood there as if her soul had been drained out of her. The next instant, a brilliant flash shone forth, and both Xue AoTian and Tian'er disappeared. Along with them, the unconscious Butler also disappeared.

When his Master had finally disappeared, the Lion Prince Gu Yingbing abruptly punched out viciously, his fist stabbing into the empty air, causing a loud explosion. His entire body seemed to be vibrating with sheer rage, his head of golden red hair whipping about in the wind.

"Bastard, it must be that bastard!" Gu Yingbing felt as if his rage was about to erupt out of his body. Abruptly, he took a step forward, grabbing the Wolf King Batulu and howling angrily: "Tell me, where did your son meet this youth? Tell me everything in detail, don't leave anything out, not even the most insignificant thing."

Batulu was given a fright by the sudden outburst of the Lion Prince Gu Yingbing, and he dared not delay, hurriedly telling everything he knew.

"ZhongTian Empire… Northern borders… the North West Armies… Good, very good." The words were spat out through gritted teeth, grinding so hard that the sound was audible. He felt as if the blood was about the burst out of his body with anger, and his eyes danced with rage and the light of mania, killing intent clear as day in the atmosphere.

Deep in the Heavenly Snow Castle… a room that was almost sealed airtight with sculpted ice… the Heavenly Snow Mountain Mountain Lord appeared with his daughter. As for Butler, he had disappeared to another area.

Currently, Tian'er's heart was still shaken. She had not seen Zhou Weiqing for more than half a year, and seeing him so suddenly without warning, how could her heart be at peace? The emotions and feelings she had buried deep within erupted like an active volcano, uncontrollable despite her best efforts. Alas, she could only lower her head in silence, not daring to look at her father.

"Is it him?" Xue AoTian said passively.

Tian'er did not reply, biting her lower lip softly. She did not dare make a sound, as fear and dread rose slowly from her heart, sinking deep into the pits of her stomach.

"Is it him?" Xue AoTian's voice grew sterner.

With a sudden thud, Tian'er knelt down in front of her father. Tears streaming down her cheeks, she said in a trembling voice: "Father, please, I beg you, let him go. I will marry Bro Gu, I won't look for him anymore, okay? Please, let him go." She was clear that if her father wanted to kill someone, no matter even if the person was the leader of a Great Saint Lands, he or she might not be able to escape… let alone Zhou Weiqing. To be able to find him, that was an easy task for Xue AoTian.

To her immense surprise, Xue AoTian actually sighed. "Get up, I won't kill him, and I won't blame you anymore." He held her and helped her up, a strange look of being deep in thought on his face.

A flick of his fingers, and the tears on his daughter's face disappeared. "Silly girl, why did you not tell me about him? If I knew that was so… father would not be so strict with you. Indeed, this cannot be blamed on you."

"Ahh?" By now, Tian'er was totally confused, not knowing what her father was speaking about. She could only stare in surprise at Xue AoTian, whose face had a hint of regret and apology.

Xue AoTian said: "No wonder you would be so attracted to him, that is not your fault, but it is a certainty due to the Attributes he has. Who would think… that someone like that would actually exist in this world… to have both the Demonic Attribute and Time Attribute at the same time! More so, his Demonic Attribute looks to be of the purest kind, a first generation who Awakened it. Both you and he have two Saint Attributes, added to the fact that his Demonic Change State is also of a tiger bloodline… naturally he would hold a great attraction to you. Being together with him… that should have a strong benefit to your cultivation right?"

Tian'er nodded subconsciously. Naturally, she remembered how they had met in the first place, and she had known about the Saint Attributes being a benefit to her cultivation. It had been that strange aura that had drawn her to him in the first place, and being together with him all that time had indeed sped up her cultivation greatly. She had even originally thought about staying with him all the way until she broke through the Heavenly King Stage to make full use of him.

Xue AoTian sighed once more. "What a shame… if I had met him ten years earlier��� perhaps I would not have opposed you marrying him."

Tian'er stared at her father with her jaw agape. She had never imagined that her father would actually show such a sudden change after watching Zhou Weiqing's fight in the image.

"How old is he?" Xue AoTian thought for a moment before asking.

Tian'er said: "Seventeen years old… not even eighteen I think."

Another look of shock appeared on Xue AoTian's face, and he exclaimed: "Seventeen years old only…" His brow furrowed deeply, as if he had met with a problem he could not solve.

Light flashed in his eyes, but no one could tell what he was thinking about.

Tian'er did not hold any hope about the sudden change in her father's attitude. In all her memory, as long as her father had made a decision, it could never be changed.

"Father, you really won't kill him?" Tian'er asked tentatively once more.

Xue AoTian nodded and said: "This could be a chance, a turning point, for our Heavenly Snow Mountain��� for you. If you had told me about him earlier, perhaps there might still have been a chance to deal with things between you and Yingbing, to turn things around. Alas, it is too late, you have already gone through the engagement ceremony. Things are troublesome then."

"Turn things around?" As soon as she heard that, Tian'er felt joy overwhelm her, and she asked excitedly.

Xue AoTian continued: "He has the Demonic and Time Attributes, and you have the Divine and Spirit Attributes. The four Saint Attributes, when gathered together and cultivating, both of you would have an extremely high chance of breaking through the Heavenly King Stage before the age of thirty. If that was so, you two might actually reach the Heavenly God Stage in the future, perhaps even breaking through together… and more importantly, have the chance to break through to a stage that I have never reached and beyond."

"If you had told me details about him earlier and brought him back, perhaps I could have taken him as disciple and maybe even allow you two to be together. Although our Heavenly Snow Mountain rules disallow passing on the position of Lord to females, but if you can truly raise to the cultivation level of Heavenly God Tier and beyond, who would dare speak otherwise, not even the other powerful Tribes of the WanShou Empire."

Tian'er was stunned, totally stunned. She had never in her wildest dreams imagine that her father would speak of such to her. Clearly, in her father's eyes, Zhou Weiqing's talent was truly important, perhaps even causing him to regret making the deal between the Divine Heavenly Spirit Tiger Tribe and Heavenly Divine Earth Spirit Lion Tribe.

"Father, let me go look for him now and bring him back, okay?" Tian'er said urgently.

Xue AoTian shook his head sternly and said: "No, it is too late for that. One cannot go back on their word. You have already been betrothed to Yingbing, and you will be married to him soon. Although that little boyfriend of yours is extremely talented, but he is still after all just one person. Unless he has sufficient powers behind him that can awe the lions, and after that, able to snatch you away from Yingbing in a fair fight… otherwise, even I cannot change such a decision that has already been made."

The hope that had just risen up in Tian'er's heart was once again cruelly dashed, her heart turning ice cold in despair. What force or influence did Zhou Weiqing have behind him? Even if he had some connection with the Heaven's Expanse Palace, it was not enough for them to support him in such a matter. Let alone the fact that the Heaven's Expanse Palace were mortal enemies with the Heavenly Snow Mountain, whether or not their aid would be of any help in such a matter… just the fact that his connection was through his relationship with Shangguan Bing'er, how could that possibly be of use? How could the Heaven's Expanse Palace possibly help him come seek her hand in marriage?

Xue AoTian sighed and said: "Alright, enough, don't think so much about this. Go back and prepare to be a bride… Yingbing truly likes you alot, no matter what you had done previously, he still does not reject you. Such a husband, what do you have to be dissatisfied with? Go then, Father needs to cultivate now."

When Tian'er left, she had resumed her previous zombie-like semblance, causing Xue AoTian to furrow his brow in worry. Despite his adamant stance, he did love his daughter very much. At the same time, in his heart, he started to feel curious about Zhou Weiqing, wanting to have a look at this youth who had stolen his daughter's heart so strongly, to attract her so much.

Should I arrange things in secret? What a troublesome mess.

At this point, it was extremely rare, nearly impossible to find something to cause trouble to the Heavenly Snow Mountain Mountain Lord. Yet, such a thing had just appeared right now. With his status, how could he possibly allow his daughter to secretly cultivate together with Zhou Weiqing. Yet, the two Saint Attributes that Zhou Weiqing had caused even Xue AoTian's heart to itch on his daughter's behalf. This was an unbelievable opportunity after all. The Thirteenth Heavenly Jewel. What would that be like? The legendary Heavenly Jewel Change Stage!

Chapter 464: Five Jewels! (1)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

"Battalion Commander, Legion Commander Shen Ji requests your presence at the headquarters military conference." Wei Feng told Zhou Weiqing.

Three days ago, Zhou Weiqing had finally completed his closed door cultivation. His entire body had shrank a notch, and when Shangguan Fei'er saw him like that, her heart ached for him, and these two days she had stewed some meat soup which was extremely nourishing.

As soon as Zhou Weiqing had finished his closed door cultivation, the first thing he had checked on was the status and progress of the Peerless Battalion. Luckily, things had progressed close to his expectations, and the Peerless Battalion training was on the right track. Although it was still quite some distance from the true, peerless and matchless elite force in his heart, he knew it was not an easy feat to actually get to such a height, and such immense progress was already more than satisfactory.

"Ask me to join a military conference?" Zhou Weiqing said curiously.

Ever since the previous event, none of the Seventh Legion soldiers had dared to come provoke the Peerless Battalion, and even Shen Ji had not come looking for him since.

Wei Feng nodded his head and said: "Perhaps it has something to do with the WanShou Empire armies. I have heard the rumour that this year, the WanShou Empire armies are far greater than past years, and the situation at the border is extremely tense. The higher ups in the headquarters must be contemplating whether or not to clash against them head on or to retreat to the TianBei City to hold the defense."

Zhou Weiqing furrowed his brow deeply: "Retreat to the TianBei City? How could that be possible? What about the surrounding little towns and villages, wouldn't they be left out cold to die? Fine, I shall go to this conference then."

After saying that, Zhou Weiqing changed into his Battalion Commander armour before following Wei Feng out.

As they exited the large tent, they bumped into a man. He was extremely large and muscular, his eyes radiating with vigour and power. The titanium mail of the Peerless Battalion allowed him to cut a dashing and valiant figure, but with a roguish brigand air about him, just like a hunting panther ready to strike at any time. His head of short, inch long black hair accentuated his manly features.

Seeing Wei Feng and Zhou Weiqing, he did not show any signs of respect, striding towards them with large steps.

"Vice Battalion Commander Wei, this is?" The youth looked towards Zhou Weiqing with curiosity, his gaze drawn to the helmet with the yellow feathers denoting the Battalion Commander rank.

Wei Feng laughed heartily and said: "Lei Zi, let me introduce you. This is our Peerless Battalion Battalion Commander Zhou. Battalion Commander, this is our new First Main Company's Company Leader, Lei Zi. He achieved victory in the last Battalion martial Competition. Mammoth is now his vice commander."

"Oh? Welcome to the Peerless Battalion." Zhou Weiqing said politely. However, in Lei Zi's eyes, this youth who looked to be several years younger than himself actually extended his hand with an honest look on his face, to shake hands with himself, and his heart was filled with disdain.This young fellow, how could he be qualified to be the Battalion Commander of the Peerless Battalion!

Lei Zi grasped Zhou Weiqing's hand, a mirthless grin on his face as he said: "Battalion Commander Zhou, I have already been with the Peerless Battalion for some time. I think your policy and rules are very well set, allowing us to be united together. However, may I know if the rules that you set also apply to yourself? If I defeat you, does that mean I can become the Battalion Commander?"

After more than two months, the over three thousand new Peerless Battalion soldiers had almost fully integrated into the entire unit. The many impressive means of the Peerless Battalion had impressed even those wild and intractable people like Lei Zi, but he was undoubtedly curious about this so-called legendary Battalion Commander Zhou Weiqing. If Zhou Weiqing was powerful enough, then he would accept it, but right in front him was such a young fellow, looking to be honest and naive. Instantly, that recalcitrant nature within him rushed out, his ruffian nature out to the core and he could not resist challenging Zhou Weiqing right at that moment.

Wei Feng said solemnly: "Lei Zi, do not cause trouble. Battalion Commander Zhou has to attend a meeting at the Seventh Legion now."

Lei Zi glanced at him dismissively. Wei Feng's power was actually no match for him, but he had no interest in the position of Vice Battalion Commander, feeling he would rather lead a main Company of his own, which was the reason why he had not challenged Wei Feng. However, it also meant he did not fear or respect Wei Feng at all.

Pursing his lips, he said: "Vice Battalion Commander Wei, that is not correct for you to say. Since the army rules are for everyone, then if I defeat him, I will be the Battalion Commander, and I would be the one going to the Seventh Legion meeting."

For the three of them to be standing in the center of the Battalion camp and speaking so loudly, several of the Peerless Battalion soldiers passing by had seen it. Naturally, they stealthily walked closer to watch. The older soldiers all knew Zhou Weiqing well, but the newer soldiers were all extremely curious. Lei Zi's position and prestige in the Peerless Battalion was not low, especially after the Battalion Competition, and he was extremely hardworking in his training as well. Furthermore, his character was extremely valiant and he loved to fight, and he had definitely garnered much respect amongst his peers. More so, he had actually dared to do something that caused everyone to take a second look at him, actually attempting to chase after Shangguan Fei'er. Although that had resulted in him being beaten up severely, but at least he was the only one who had ever dared to do such a thing. As a result, his prestige in the entire Peerless Battalion was extremely high, especially in his own First Main Company.

Seeing the wild arrogance and obstinate look in Lei Zi's eyes, Zhou Weiqing smiled faintly. Shaking Lei Zi's hand, he looked to Wei Feng and said: "No problem, it shouldn't take much time. Alright, you want to challenge me right? Very well, if you win, the Peerless Battalion Battalion Commander position is yours. However, challenging me has a price. What if you lose?"

As Zhou Weiqing spoke, the gentle smiling look of his gave Wei Feng a chill down his spine. He had been working with Zhou Weiqing for almost a year now, and he definitely understood this young Battalion Commander of his. The happier he smiled, the more honest he looked, the more evil thoughts he was up to…Lei Zi ahh Lei Zi, you are asking for trouble yourself!

Lei Zi gave a humph and said: "If I lose, you can deal with me however you wish." He was originally a person who feared nothing in the heavens or earth, and he couldn't help but think to himself:Even when the chief instructor herself beat me up, I was still find. What more can you do?

Zhou Weiqing nodded to him and smiled, saying: "Very good. Come on then."

As he said that, he released Lei Zi's hand. However, right at the instant that Zhou Weiqing loosened his grip, Lei Zi had charged forth abruptly. He did not pull back his hand, instead using it to strike upwards towards Zhou Weiqing's throat.

In order to become the ZhongTian Central Army Ruffian Battalion Battalion Commander, Lei Zi had definitely forged his own way up the ranks through fights. Although he was only thirty years old, he was already battle hardened and experienced. It could be said that after joining the army, he had earned his power and rank by clambering through the ranks of the dead powerhouses.

His actual combat experience was just too abundant, definitely not like ordinary Heavenly Jewel Masters who might have the cultivation level but not the wherewithal to use it. He had always been chasing the fight, and as long as he could win, no matter what the method was, he would use it.

Due to his sheer speed, even Zhou Weiqing did not have time to react, and he could only move his head slightly in an attempt to dodge Lei Zi's strike.

Sweeping his right hand forward, Lei Zi struck out once more at Zhou Weiqing's neck. At the same time, his entire body of Heavenly Energy was already circulating at the max, a thick white light covering his palm. He was not using any Stored Skills, just purely Heavenly Energy. After all, the two of them were originally already at such a close distance, and with his Heavenly Energy unleashed, it almost instantaneously reached Zhou Weiqing's neck.

If this palm really hit, perhaps Zhou Weiqing's head might be sliced off. Around Lei Zi's wrist, six Icy Jade Physical Jewels shone brilliant, showing his powerful status as a six Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master.

However, even as Lei Zi felt his sudden attack had succeeded and was about to soften the blow slightly, he abruptly realised that his hand was suddenly unable to move. The air around his hand seemed to have coalesced into something, actually binding his hand and causing it to halt in midair. Although it was just a very simple block, Lei Zi's Heavenly Energy was also successfully stalled by it.

With just that short instant, Zhou Weiqing had spun around to face Lei Zi's palm. He did not try to dodge again, instead lowering his head abruptly and slamming his forehead onto Lei Zi's palm. At the same time, his own right hand lifted up towards Lei Zi, a bright silver light flashed out towards his face.

Lei Zi lifted his left hand, an earth shield consolidating in front of him to block Zhou Weiqing's attack, while his right hand slammed into Zhou Weiqing's forehead.

*Peng**Peng* Two collision sounds rang out simultaneously. Lei Zi's earth shield in his left hand shattered. At the same time, he felt a sudden pain from his right hand as an immense force slammed into his entire body, causing him to spin around and almost fall down.

"Careful!" Zhou Weiqing's voice rang out in his ears. The next moment, he saw a green blade of light, a purple-blue ball of light and a silver blade of light fly towards him from different directions. Their speeds did not seem fast, but the sheer pressure from them instantly hit Lei Zi's entire body.

Three Attribute Elemental Jewel? Lei Zi's heart was filled with shock. Although he could see that Zhou Weiqing's Heavenly Jewels only had five sets, one less than his own, but if Zhou Weiqing had three Attributes, then he would have many more Skills than his own. Furthermore, with just that single strike of Zhou Weiqing's forehead on his own hand, he could sense that this young Battalion Commander's physical strength was not to be underestimated.

There was no time to think, and Lei Zi instantly struck the ground with the tip of his feet, his entire body lunging back in a quick retreat. Before defeating an enemy, one had to protect oneself, this was the law of survival on the battlefield. Still, Lei Zi's retreat was not unplanned, and every time he took a step back, the previous position he was at would shoot up with an earth spike, accurately striking forth towards the three Skills that Zhou Weiqing had launched.

Alas, to Lei Zi's surprise, the three seemingly unassuming Skills seemed to come to live, easily dodging his earth spikes. Although their speed did not increase, not fast or slow, they still managed to continue chasing his retreating body.

Lei Zi's had a discerning vision after all from all his battle experience, and with a look, he could easily tell that these three Skills were highly compressed. If any of them landed on him, it would definitely not be a good feeling. As such, with the stress of the three advancing Skills, he had no choice but to keep retreating.

Zhou Weiqing did not chase forward after him, his hands weaving out in a gesture before striking out once more, and another three bouts of lights shot forth towards Lei Zi. One was a grey whirlwind, one a dark green ball of light, and the last a twisting ball of light, forming a triangular symbol of transparent energy.

These Skills were all unleashed directly from his hands, without any preparation time, instantly unleashed. Six Skills all at once, six different Attributes, and all six of these Skills all came flying into different directions and attacking Lei Zi from different directions. Wei Feng had been standing at the side, and all he saw was Zhou Weiqing's fingers dancing in a rhythmetic movement, like butterflies dancing through a sea of flowers. At the same time, the six Skills were like puppets, following his instructions, constantly dodging Lei Zi's attempts at blocking, chasing him unrelentingly and getting closer all the while.

Chapter 465: Five Jewels! (2)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

Lei Zi flew into a rage. Being chased like this was definitely not a good feeling, and he was being completely suppressed so easily.

With an angry howl, he stopped retreating abruptly. With a sudden motion, a brown rock armour appeared around him, and his right foot stomped hard on the ground. At the same time, a large earth spike appeared under him, abruptly pushing him forward in the opposite direction instead of the retreat, causing him to shoot forth like a cannonball towards Zhou Weiqing. At the same time, sixteen earth spikes erupted from all around Zhou Weiqing's position, each striking towards different positions of his body.

The smile on Zhou Weiqing's face did not lessen, and all he did was a simple motion, lifting his right foot and placing back down.

A massive explosion, right below Zhou Weiqing's feet and his surroundings. All the earth spikes which had been striking out at him vanished abruptly, the combination of sheer physical strength and powerful Heavenly Energy reverberations causing a shockwave that dissipated all the Earth Attribute energy, causing them to lose their form and being unable to sustain the attack. At the same time, the six Skills that had originally been chasing Lei Zi also changed suddenly.

The green wind blade and the grey whirlpool clashed into each other, and the wind blade actually melded into whirlpool, following the direction of the spin. The other four Skills separated out into the surroundings, as if turning into audience, watching the now green-grey whirlpool move into Lei Zi's path.

By this time, Lei Zi was unable to dodge even if he wanted to. Furthermore, in his eyes, what could a mere single whirlpool do to him?

An earsplitting sound of chafing rang out. A Wind Blade was just a one-Star rated Skill, and even if it were compressed, it was normally at most two-Star. The Rock Armour that Lei Zi had summoned to protect himself was much higher Rated, and under normal circumstances, a Wind Blade could never break its defense.

However, along with the earsplitting sound, Lei Zi felt a sudden cold on his chest, and he was shocked to see that the Rock Armour at his chest was totally unable to block the swift slash of the Wind Blade, which had clearly been boosted severely by the grey whirlpool.

Not good!

It was too late to dodge, and at this moment, Lei Zi's ferocious nature showed itself. He howled angrily into the air, ignoring his own chest and the attack on it, instead lifting his hands into the sky. Instantly, a thick yellow light burst forth, and dozens of massive rocks consolidated in midair, smashing down savagely onto Zhou Weiqing.

Rock shower. One of the most useful and pragmatic of the Earth Attribute offensive Skills, an area of effect attack to boot. With Lei Zi's six-Jeweled cultivation level, despite that attack being summoned hastily and without preparation, its power was not to be underestimated.

Alas, just as he unleashed the Skill, an icy cold sensation invaded his entire body, as if he had been plunged into ice, and the momentum of his forward charge plummeted drastically. When he lowered his head to look, he was surprised to see that without knowing when, the blue-purple ball of light that had shot off in another direction earlier had actually somehow reached the front of his chest, entering the Rock Armour through the cut the Wind Blade had opened.

*BANG* The blue-purple light exploded, causing Lei Zi to be sent flying up into the air. There was not much pain, just a strong numbing sensation, as well as an icy cold Demonic Attribute invading his body, causing his entire body to be in a paralyzed state momentarily.

Such powerful control! That was the only thought in Lei Zi's mind currently. For such a direct combat specialist Heavenly Jewel Master like himself, it was not easy to be controlled by just a few low rated Skills, yet Zhou Weiqing had managed to do so.

However, Lei Zi did not think that this would mean his loss. His Rock Shower Skill had already been put into action, and that was the key for him to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. Even if Zhou Weiqing could deal with it, it would not be easy for him to do so while controlling so many Skills. As long as it gave him enough time to force out the Demonic Attribute Heavenly Energy and wait out the numbing effect of the Control Skill, he would still have a chance of victory.

Alas for Lei Zi, still in midair where he had been sent from the explosion, his next sight was a miraculous one. His Rock Shower Skill had just sent over thirty, almost forty falling rocks down, but as they flew to about five yards from Zhou Weiqing, they all halted in midair.

The reason was simple. Under each and every single rock, a small Wind Shield appeared.

In normal circumstances, it was impossible for a Wind Shield to block the Rock Shower. After all, the Rock Shower was Five-Star rated, a powerful Earth Attribute offense Skill. However, if it was several dozen Wind Shields, each blocking a rock with perfect timing? That was a major difference. Not only were the falling rocks stopped from falling by the Wind Shields, they slowly wrapped around the Rocks and gently set them onto the ground, without even making a sound.

The Wind Shields that Zhou Weiqing had unleashed were merely two-Star Rated Skills. After Long Shiya's teaching, he truly understood that it was not that low Star Rated Skills were useless. Although their power might be small, they also did not have much drain on Heavenly Energy. If one was able to make use of these lower rated Skills to just accomplish a task, what was the point of using a more powerful Skill? That would just be a waste of extra Heavenly Energy!

After Zhou Weiqing had trained for the past two months on the Six Ultimate Skill Manipulation Arts, even the strict Long Shiya had finally said that he had some initial success in it, and was through the gates of the first level of the Skill. Currently, as he used it in actual combat, it seemed to come so easily to him. All of the Skills that he had used thus far were not Stored Skills, but just skillful manipulation of Heavenly Energy to consolidate them.

The various Rocks disappeared soon after they landed on the ground, after all they were part of a Skill formed by Heavenly Energy. At the same time, Lei Zi fell hard on the ground with a muffled grunt. In the end, Zhou Weiqing did not hit him with the rest of the six Skills. Although those Skills might not be very powerful by itself, he did not plan on actually hurting Lei Zi, just breaking all of his attacks and knocking him down.

In terms of absolute strength, due to the fact that Lei Zi did not have Consolidated Equipment, he was just slightly stronger overall than Wei Feng. Facing Zhou Weiqing with all his Consolidated Equipment and Stored Skills, what chance did he have?

Lei Zi executed a roll on the ground to break his fall and jumped up to his feet. With his powerful Heavenly Energy circulating, the numbness of the Control Skill had ended, and the Icy Cold Demonic Energy had also been purged from his body. Lifting his head, he saw Zhou Weiqing smiling at him.

In truth, although he knew he had lost, he totally did not know how he had lost. It was just a few puny little Skills, yet he had been forced into such a tight corner like that, and he chalked it up to him being too over eager and underestimating his opponent. Lei Zi was still not convinced, vexed at this loss. He was no gentleman, to admit his defeat just like that. With a low howl, he suddenly squatted down, both fists slamming down hard on the ground.

Another massive explosion, and an earth dragon rose into the air accompanying the powerful shockwaves, charging threateningly towards Zhou Weiqing. This was Lei Zi's strongest Skill, Earth Dragon Transmigration. Zhou Weiqing responded immediately, the Alexandrite Cat's Eye Elemental Jewel on his left wrist lighting up as he struck his palm towards it. A ball of silver light flew out, striking the earth dragon on its forehead accurately. He no longer planned to waste any more time fighting with Lei Zi, and if he only used the Six Ultimate Skill Manipulation Arts, it would take some time to take down Lei Zi whose cultivation level was higher than his own.

With a soft thud, that originally ferocious charging earth dragon that looked like it could take down an entire hill stopped abruptly. A large hole opened in its forehead, and as the silver light vanished, the entire earth dragon fell apart.

Before Lei Zi could react, he was shocked to find that Zhou Weiqing had appeared right in front of him. He did not even know how that had happened, and before he could do anything, he found he was unable to move.

A simple Blink, followed by the combination of Absolute Delay and Fetters of Wind. Even if Lei Zi's cultivation level was higher than Zhou Weiqing's, he was totally unable to break free within three seconds. The next thing that flew into him was the Lightning Suffering, with its multiple paralysis effects.

His entire body paralyzed, Lei Zi could only watch and see as Zhou Weiqing's left hand moved slowly to his own forehead. The next instant, a terrifying Darkness Energy flowed directly into his mind, invading his very thoughts.

His spirit wavered as he somehow lost focus, and within a blink of an eye, Lei Zi could tell that it was a Darkness Sealing Technique.No! I cannot be Sealed like that, or I'll end up a mere slave!His spirit and consciousness struggled with all his might.

Alas, at this moment, he saw a pair of purple red eyes staring right into his own. Two flashes of purple red light shot forth into his own orbs, and his struggling spirit energy was dispersed. The next moment, he felt a cold sensation on his forehead, followed by a sudden heat. A drop of blood appeared on Zhou Weiqing's fingers, forming a symbol seared there… It was the Blood Rites – Seal of Darkness!

Under ordinary circumstances, Zhou Weiqing could only use the Blood Rites – Seal of Darkness to seal a person if he was willing and cooperative. Otherwise, it would be easy for him to suffer from backlash. This was especially so since Lei Zi's Heavenly Energy and cultivation level was higher than his own.

However, with just the spiritual oppression and crashing from the an overpowering Skill like the Demonic Dragon God Seal, he was already able to break through his opponent's defenses, allowing the Blood Rites – Seal of Darkness to succeed.

Using these two Skills in tandem was a suggestion that Long Shiya had made to him. Under his guidance, Zhou Weiqing was now able to fully control the Demonic Dragon God Seal to unleash a powerful spiritual attack. This was tantamount to making this single Skill have two purposes. Facing enemies with stronger cultivation levels, he was able to use it as a spiritual attack, while facing those weaker than him, he could use it for the original 'controlling' purpose. Now, even when compared to the Dragon Silencing Seal, it had become just as useful.

Withdrawing his left hand, Zhou Weiqing beckoned to Wei Feng and said: "Big Bro Wei, let's go then…"

Lei Zi remained standing there, stunned. It was only after a few minutes that he finally came to his senses, subconsciously touching his forehead. With his memory coming back to him, he was suddenly filled with regret.

He had been Sealed just like that, forcefully Sealed just so easily. Why did this happen? How could this happen?

In truth, he was muddled by the forceful win by Zhou Weiqing. In truth, the entire series of Skills that Zhou Weiqing had unleashed was extremely draining on his Heavenly Energy. He had made use of a highly concentrated and focused Spatial Rend to destroy the Earth Dragon Transmigration. The Earth Dragon Transmigration was a seven-Rated Skill, but the Spatial Rend was a ten-Star Rated, basically remedying the difference in their Heavenly Energy. Furthermore, Zhou Weiqing had used his powerful control abilities to compress the Spatial Rend into a single point, thus destroying the Earth Dragon Transmigration had seemed so easy.

Chapter 466: Five Jewels! (3)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

Right after that, Zhou Weiqing had used the Blink Skill to get right next to Lei Zi, before combining the Absolute Delay, Fetters of Wind and Lightning Suffering, three powerful Control Skills to restrict Lei Zi, before ending with the near-Heavenly God Tier Skill Demonic Dragon God Seal and the Blood Rites – Seal of Darkness.

Let alone Lei Zi, even if it were a more powerful six-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Masters with all Consolidated Equipment and Stored Skills, it was unlikely he or she would be able to withstand that flurry of Skills.

Of course, Zhou Weiqing did not really want him to become his Follower, but was just teaching this wild and intractable fellow a painful lesson. If the lesson was not strict enough, and he kept coming to challenge him in the future, wouldn't that be a bother? As such, he had used such a show of force to take down Lei Zi so seemingly easily, at the same time it was also a display for the other newer soldiers to awe them into submission.

Seventh Legion Command Headquarters.

When Zhou Weiqing and Wei Feng reached, the headquarters was already full of the senior officers of the Seventh Legion. Those who were there were at least of the Vice Regiment Commander rank or higher, with their armour clearly depicting their status.

Zhou Weiqing and Wei Feng's arrival did not rouse anyone's attention, as they were currently listening to Shen Ji.

However, Shen Ji glanced towards Zhou Weiqing, and his originally strict face smiled faintly for a moment, and he nodded to Zhou Weiqing before continuing.

Although he was a little afraid of Zhou Weiqing's background, at this moment, Shen Ji would not give him any special treatment. After all, that would easily reveal his identity and status.

Zhou Weiqing also nodded back to Shen Ji in greeting, before standing right behind the rest of the other officers.

Due to Shen Ji's attention, the officers in front also subconsciously turned back to look at Zhou Weiqing. For the others, it was still alright, but when Shen Bu saw Zhou Weiqing, her expression changed and she quickly turned her head away. To Zhou Weiqing's great surprise, he saw a blush stain her face as she did so.

Zhou Weiqing blinked in surprise before turning to Wei Feng beside him and saying in a low tone: "Old Wei, that Shen Bu girl is a little… strange today? Why did she blush when she saw me?"

Wei Feng gave a low snigger and said: "Battalion Commander, for this… no matter how intelligent you are, I am sure you will never guess the reason."

Zhou Weiqing started momentarily before saying: "What… could it be that she has also fallen for me? That can't be right… even though I am extremely suave, attractive and charismatic, I will not like women of her age!"

Wei Feng almost burst out laughing, restraining himself into a smothered giggle, and he shook his head at Zhou Weiqing. Some of the officers closer to them turned to give them an angry look. In their eyes, it was already very strange that these two low ranked officers were attending this meeting, and they actually dared to chat and laugh in such a serious meeting.

Zhou Weiqing did not appear to see their angry glares, asking softly: "Quick tell me, what is going on?" He was also extremely curious to find out.

Wei Feng grinned and said: "Heh heh, ever since they had taken such a huge disadvantage from us at the start, Shen Bu was indeed well behaved for some time. Anyway, as you know, Bro Lin is very hardworking, and he would go outside of the camp every single day to train in his martial skills. One day, he bumped into Shen Bu… due to the fact that they had both clashed before, and Shen Bu did not dare take revenge against you… when she saw Bro Lin, they ended up fighting. Naturally, the result was her being taken down by Bro Lin. She knew that Bro Lin would train there every day, and she also ended up looking for him to fight every day. Bro Lin fought with her everyday, but did not injure here. Who knew… after a period of time, it seems like their connection is a little…"

Zhou Weiqing's eyes widened in surprise, and he muttered to himself: "Well, I'd be damn, even if you had beaten me to death I could never have guessed it! That is a thing?" Due to his shock, his voice had gone a little too loud, and this time, almost all the officers turned back to glare at them.

Shen Ji also heard Zhou Weiqing's voice, and his brow furrowed slightly before he said: "Battalion Commander Zhou, please come to the front…"

Zhou Weiqing immediately restrained himself, hiding the surprise in his heart, before taking large strides to the front. When he passed by Shen Bu, he gave her a strange look. Well, this lady's looks and cultivation level were not bad indeed, definitely a good match for Lin TianAo.Well, this was a little unexpected! Such a stable and silent person like Bro Lin, silently finding a wife like that so easily!He thought to himself.

As he stepped to the front, Zhou Weiqing bowed slightly to Shen Ji with a greeting. "Legion Commander Shen Ji."

Shen Ji also nodded back to him before turning to the other officers and saying: "Let me introduce him to everyone. This is the Battalion Commander of the Peerless Battalion. The Peerless Battalion is a unique existence in our Legion, a special forces unit, and they will be attending this year's battle. They are fully consistent of archers. Although Battalion Commander Zhou is only at the Battalion Commander rank, his Peerless Battalion numbers over five thousand troops.

As he said that, understanding dawned upon the officers present. No wonder a Battalion Commander ranked officer was able to attend this high level meeting; he was leading a much larger number of troops, and had the right to be here.

Shen Ji continued: "Alright, back to the main topic. This year's situation does not look good at all. Normally, every year's WanShou Empire forces are mainly focused at the Central North region, and the pressure there is the greatest. However, this year, their forces are extremely huge, and our pressure will not be small as well. According to preliminary reports from our scouts, the northwest border already has seventeen Regiments of the WanShou Empire soldiers gathered. This is a truly unprecedented show of force. After all, the WanShou Empire only has a total of fifty eight Regiments that we know of. This time, it can be said that they are sallying forth in full strength, attacking us from all fronts. As for our Northwest Army, besides the normal Fourth, Seventh, Eighth Legions stationed here with around three hundred thousand troops, we can also link up with the Ninth and Tenth Legions who are stationed in the TianBei City. Along with some reserve forces, our total strength is slightly over six hundred thousand. Although our fighting forces number about four times that of our enemies, but as you all know, that is not sufficient. The circumstances this year does not look good at all."

Hearing Shen Ji describe the relative military strength between both sides, Zhou Weiqing couldn't help but feel shock in his heart. No wonder that every year the WanShou Empire was able to loot some from the ZhongTian Empire… The difference in strength was truly large!

Although it would be an exaggeration to say that one Regiment of the WanShou Empire could take on a Legion of the ZhongTian Empire, after all the ZhongTian Empire also had some extremely powerful units. Even so, it would already be a stretch for the six hundred thousand troops on their side to fight against ten Regiments of the WanShou Empire, and to do so would already be extremely good. In terms of fighting directly in a clash on terrain like the vast open plains, the WanShou Empire troops were at a greater advantage, being better able to make full use of their abilities. Let alone now that there were seventeen Regiments of enemies… After a couple of fights, perhaps the Northwest Armies might not even be able to stop their advance.

"Seventeen Regiments? Boss, could it be that the scouts are wrong? Every year, our Northwest Armies face at most six to seven Regiments, and that is about our limit as well. How could they double the numbers this year?" One of the Regiment Commanders, the yellow feather in his cap denoting his rank, seated in the front row exclaimed in surprise.

Shen Ji said solemnly: "Wrong? I also wish it was wrong… Alas, the facts are now before us, and we have to deal with it. This year's situation is extremely strange… the Central Northern armies are facing only fifteen Regiments of the WanShou Empire, about their usual amount. The Northeastern Armies, only five, also their usual amount or less. Even the Bao Po Empire and Fei Li Empire are only facing five Regiments of the WanShou armies each. On the other hand, it is us who have the face the greatest number of enemies. This time, the WanShou Empire actually sent out more than forty Legions, and more than a third of them are gathered at our side. Our headquarters have already sent word to the Central North Command to request for reinforcements, and hopefully they can spare us some forces."

Shen Bu said: "Legion Commander, I'm afraid that is extremely difficult right. They are also facing great pressure… perhaps it would be better to request for reinforcements from the Northeastern Armies?"

Shen Ji did not reply, but the atmosphere in the large tent had become extremely oppressive. All of them knew that the chances of gaining reinforcements was extremely low, almost impossible. After all, the WanShou Empire forces were just too strong, and even five Regiments could not be underestimated. Each of them were officers, commanders, and who would be willing to send out their troops to help others when they still had their own battles to fight? If that caused their own defenses to break, it would be a serious offense.

After a moment of silence, Shen Ji finally said: "Now, the Northwest Command has not yet decided whether or not to retreat to the TianBei City. In any case, while we are waiting for our orders, I want everyone to start preparing for a tough fight, every bit of preparation is of utmost importance, as the WanShou Empire could attack at any time. Do not be disheartened, I still have a piece of good news to share. The Central North Armies have already agreed to send us some aid. Although the numbers are small, but they will be lending us their strongest elite team, the Special Forces Battalion. This way, no matter what, we should still be able to hold on for some time."

What followed next was Shen Ji arranging his subordinates and handing out tasks and assignments. Generally, preparations like digging trenches and other battle preparations. There were also other military deployments that Zhou Weiqing did not understand.

At last, after giving out the commands, Shen Ji said: "Alright, we shall end the meeting here today. Everyone, go back and get prepared. Prepare your soldiers to be able to fight at any time."

"Yes Sir!" The officers gave a salute in unison before heading out of the tent. Before he could leave, Zhou Weiqing was stopped by Shen Ji. "Battalion Commander Zhou, please stay for a while."

"Legion Commander, do you have any instructions?" Zhou Weiqing stopped and asked.

Shen Ji looked at Zhou Weiqing, hesitating for a moment before asking tentatively: "Battalion Commander Zhou, may I know if your teacher is still together with your Battalion?"

How intelligent was Zhou Weiqing; hearing that question he instantly knew what Shen Ji was trying to get at. With a faint smile on his face, he said: "I'm sorry, Legion Commander Shen Ji. As you know, my teacher is a powerhouse who cannot join such fights, or it might lead to worse ramifications. However, our Peerless Battalion is part of the Seventh Legion after all, and no matter what, we are willing to fight and carry out any requested assignments."

A hint of disappointment flickered in Shen Ji's eyes as he said: "Thank you for your support, Battalion Commander Zhou. Your Peerless Battalion soldiers are all archers, and when the fight starts, I will definitely need you to support our main forces."

In truth, Shen Ji did not have much hopes for the Peerless Battalion. Although he had already personally witnessed some great changes in the Peerless Battalion, they were after all still a bunch of ruffians, and he dared not easily let such a troop enter the battlefield. What if any problems occurred, it could possibly affect the rest of their allies and cause their downfall. As such, he could not easily set his mind at ease towards the over five thousand ruffian soldiers.

The person Shen Ji truly regarded highly was naturally Zhou Weiqing's teacher. If he had not guessed wrongly, he would be a Heavenly King Stage powerhouse, perhaps even a Heavenly Emperor powerhouse. With the help of such a powerhouse, it could at least threaten one of the enemy's Regiments, greatly helping their side. In critical moments, such a person might even be the key to victory on their end. Alas, from the way things were going, it seemed like it would not be easy to make use of such a powerhouse.

Support the main forces? Hearing Shen Ji's words, Zhou Weiqing also felt a little disappointed. From Shen Ji��s tone and words, it was clear that he did not plan on letting them be part of the main fight. Yet, if they did not fight, how could he accomplish his goal of training his Peerless Battalion?

Just as the two of them were lost in thought, they were abruptly interrupted by an urgent voice coming from outside. "Sir, Reporting!"

Chapter 467: Arrival of the two powerful Tribes! (1)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

"Come in." Shen Ji said solemnly.

The tent flap raised, and a scout rushed in, kneeling down on a knee as he said urgently: "Legion Commander, Sir, reports have come in from the front that two of the WanShou Empire Regiments have already entered our borders. However, they have met up against an unknown force and both sides are in the midst of battle."

Upon hearing such a news, Shen Ji started. "Outside force? Unknown? What could this force be? Where is it from?"

"I'm sorry sir, I do not know. These outsiders seem to be extremely valiant. They are currently in a defensive position, and even though they are facing two Regiments of the WanShou Empire, they actually haven't been run over yet. Furthermore, they seem to have many large carts in tow… from the looks of it, they might be migrating."

A sudden thought gripped Zhou Weiqing's heart, and his expression changed as he cried out involuntarily: "Oh no! Could it be them?"

Right at that moment, a charming yet annoyed voice rang out from outside: "Get out of my way, or don't blame me if I take you down."

"Fei'er!" Zhou Weiqing no longer had time to care about Shen Ji, rushing out of the tent immediately, only to see Shangguan Fei'er trying to force her way in but being blocked by a group of Shen Ji's personal guards. By now, she had already knocked out a few of them, and was making her way towards him.

Seeing Zhou Weiqing, Shangguan Fei'er immediately cried out urgently: "Little Fatty, things aren't good. Ma Qun and Crow's Tribes have reached our previous Peerless Battalion camp site to look for us, and they met the two vanguard Regiments of the WanShou Empire armies. Both sides have already started fighting. We just received word of this… quick, think of something."

Zhou Weiqing's guess had indeed been proven right, but he was definitely not happy about it as he furrowed his brow. This was two Regiments after all, and it was not a battleground they had prepared like in their previous fight, nor could they fight and retreat at the same time as in the previous case if they wanted to rescue the two tribes. Fighting to the end was the only choice if they wanted to rescue the two tribes. However, even dismissing the possibility of WanShou Empire reinforcement, just finishing off two entire WanShou Empire Regiments was definitely not an easy task.

After a brief moment of thought, a resolute look crossed Zhou Weiqing's face. At the same time, Shen Ji had come out from the tent, motioning his personal guards to retreat before heading up to ask: "Battalion Commander Zhou, what is wrong?"

Zhou Weiqing replied solemnly: "The unknown forces being surrounded by the WanShou Empire forces you were speaking of in the report are my Peerless Battalion men. Legion Commander Shen Ji, can you please lend me five thousand war horses?"

Looking at Zhou Weiqing's keen gaze, Shen Ji couldn't help but feel surprised. Peerless Battalion men? Those unknown outside forces belonged to the Peerless Battalion? Driving carts? What was going on?Even more so, Zhou Weiqing was only borrowing war horses from him, not troops to make the rescue.

"Things are extremely urgent, legion Commander Shen Ji." Zhou Weiqing prompted once more urgently.

All of a sudden, he had realised that it was truly impossible to not have warhorses. Even though his target for the Peerless Battalion soldiers was to gear them with Consolidated Wings, with their cultivation level, it was impossible for them to fly for long periods of time, even if all of them were equipped with it now. It looks like they would have to take care of this neglect and start to prepare warhorses for the entire Peerless Battalion.

Shen Ji furrowed his brow tightly and said: "Battalion Commander Zhou, it is no small matter to mobilize five thousand warhorses. Even for myself, I have to get permission from above."

"Don't you know, saving lives is like putting out a fire, urgency is of the utmost importance! What asking for permission bullshit. Let's go." Zhou Weiqing was extremely furious, pulling Shangguan Fei'er and turning to leave instantly, Wei Feng following closely behind as they rushed towards the Peerless Battalion.

The surrounding personal guards of Shen Ji couldn't help but stare in shock, their eyes wide open.What kind of Battalion Commander was this? He even dared to scold the Legion Commander like that?

Shen Ji was also angered by Zhou Weiqing's scolding, but he was after all a wise commander of an entire Legion, and he quickly calmed himself down. He immediately called for his warhorse, personally heading to the Northwest Army Headquarters to report the situation.

On the other side, as the three rushed towards the Peerless Battalion, Zhou Weiqing asked Wei Feng: "Old Wei, how many warhorses do we have?"

The entire internal affairs of the Peerless Battalion was handled by Wei Feng, and without hesitation he replied: "We have eighteen Ghost Demon Horses and around six hundred ordinary warhorses."

Hearing those words, Zhou Weiqing was given a pleasant surprise: "So many?"

Wei Feng replied: "Originally, we managed to get over a hundred warhorses from the Sixteenth Regiment. Furthermore, after that, several times when Senior Mu En and Luo Ke Di went to requisition resources from the quartermaster, they managed to get warhorses a few times.

A few times? That was nearly five hundred more warhorses! The Scoundrel Rogue pair of the Heavenly Bow Unit truly lived up to their name!

"That's great. When we return, immediately give the orders to prepare to move out. Of all the Main Companies, I want all Main Company Leaders, Ordinary Company Leaders, Vice Company Leaders, all officers to gather. All the Peerless Battalion soldiers with Consolidated Equipment Wings are also to gear up fully, with sufficient arrows and javelins, before gathering. We will be leaving as soon as they gear up. Big Bro Wei, I will personally lead them as a speedy vanguard, and I want you to lead the rest of them men to back us up as quickly as possible."

In order to rush to the rescue of the Gold Crow Tribe and the Berserker Tribe, Zhou Weiqing could no longer sit and make a perfect plan with all details mapped out. Although he had wanted to train his newly replenished and equipped Peerless Battalion with a fight against the WanShou Empire armies, he had not expected the fight to come so soon and so urgently.

Wei Feng quickly agreed.

As soon as they returned to the Peerless Battalion, the orders were immediately passed down. The speed of gathering was extremely impressive, and it was barely fifteen minutes before all the warriors Zhou Weiqing had requested for were gathered.

After such a long period of training, these Ruffian soldiers were after all eager to fight, and by this time they were eager to test the fruits of their training. The older soldiers had already told the newer ones about how their Peerless Battalion's fighting was always aimed at having zero losses. This was a great chance for them to make a fortune! This was especially true now, as before entering the battle times, the Northwest Armies had already made the announcement that once the battle started, a single Beastman soldier head was worth ten gold in bounty!

Zhou Weiqing stood in the central open space of the Peerless Battalion camp awaiting his men to gather.

When he had first received news, he only had worry and urgency in his heart. However, by now, he had calmed down. His character had always been rather emotional, but he would never lose sight of logic due to emotions. This was also why one of his first plans had been to create the Peerless Battalion Air Force, to eventually gear all his soldiers with the Consolidated Wings. As soon as they met with powerful enemies beyond their power, at least he had the confidence they would be able to retreat safely.

"Battalion Commander." Wei Feng quickly walked up to him and gave him a salute. "Reporting, the First Main Company is fully gathered, all five hundred of the Air Force troops. Please give the orders."

Although the officers had tried to divide the troops so that all the Main Companies had a relatively equal strength, but after some discussion, they still decided to concentrate the Air Force into the First Main Company, at least for the time being. This would allow them to be better directed in a fight.

Zhou Weiqing nodded and said: "Everyone mount up, get ready to move out."

Wei Feng replied: "Yes Sir." However, he did not pass down the orders immediately, instead lowering his voice and asking: "Do you want to bring the Special Forces unit along as well?" The Special Forces unit was totally made out of the Heavenly Jewel Masters and Elemental Jewel Masters, mostly Elemental Jewels, and was under the personal control of Hua Feng and the other Heavenly Bow Unit archers, currently number slightly over two hundred men.

Zhou Weiqing shook his head and said: "No need, you bring them along with the main forces to back us up. I estimate that you can set an ambush about a hundred li from where the current battle is. Do not advance too far out, but also not too little. You will need to move out as fast as possible after us."

If they advanced too far, it would put them at risk of being surrounded and taken down by their enemies. However, if they were not far out enough, and too close to the Northwest Armies encampment, the enemies might not chase them as well. It was a tricky balance indeed.

After giving the simple instructions to Wei Feng, Zhou Weiqing mounted his own Single-Horned Ghost Demon Horse. The rest of the Peerless Battalion powerhouses and the First Main Company also mounted their horses and they galloped out of the camp towards the northern border.

This time, it could be said that all the top forces of the Peerless Battalion had followed Zhou Weiqing out. Shangguan Fei'er, Lin TianAo, the seven God Archers of the Heavenly Bow Unit, as well as all the Main Company Leaders, Company Leaders and other officers. The only officers he did not bring along were the Squad Leaders, and the only reason for that was because he was afraid Wei Feng might have trouble controlling the entire army if he did so. The current Peerless Battalion had five Main Companies and a special forces unit, thus numbering six Main Company Leaders and twenty seven Company Leaders. These officers were generally at least six-Jeweled Physical Jewel Masters or higher, with some Heavenly Jewel Masters like Lei Zi. It could be said that these were the absolute pillars of the entire Peerless Battalion. Including the most elite forces of the First Main Company, the five hundred men whose combat abilities could be said to be at least a third of the entire Peerless Battalion's power.

Zhou Weiqing did not disturb his teacher who was cultivation in his tent. Let alone the fact that Long Shiya had already made it clear previously that he would not join in such fights, he would find it embarrassing to have to ask his teacher for help in this matter.

From the time that the Peerless Battalion scouts had sent word back, to the time that Zhou Weiqing led his men out, it had barely taken an hour. About fifteen minutes after the five hundred elite had left, the rest of the entire Peerless Battalion started moving out under Wei Feng's command, heading steadily towards the north. The daily strict movement and training came into absolute great use here, as the men gathered quickly and in neat formations, almost incomparable to the other Regiments of the Seventh Legion. It could be said that the Peerless Battalion had already grown to be the strongest troop in the entire Northwest Armies!

At the Seventh legion, Shen Ji rushed back to his own headquarters and quickly sent ordesr down for all the Light and Heavy Cavalry troops within his Legion to gather, and prepare for battle.

When he had reported the news to the Northwest Headquarters, he had been given a scolding by his Master and Godfather. That had been such a great opportunity to grant a favour to the Peerless Battalion and get back on their good side, and he had not seized it immediately. The WanShou Empire armies had not fully attacked yet, and this was merely a probing attack. Furthermore, who knew who those people were that Zhou Weiqing had mentioned? What if they came from the Heaven's Expanse Palace?

As such, as soon as Shen Ji returned to his Legion, he quickly sent orders for his Cavalry troops to assemble.

The Seventh Legion's troops were well geared, and they had about ten thousand Light Cavalry Troops, and there were also four Battalions of Heavy Cavalry, and the total cavalry troops numbered fourteen thousand men, at least thirty percent more than most Legions.

Besides the Seventh Legion, the Northwest Army Command also dispatched Five Regiments from the Eighth Legion to the front lines as backup. However, by the time the Seventh Legion's Cavalry gathered and started moving out, the infantry of the Peerless Battalion had already moved out for more than two hours.

As Zhou Weiqing and his vanguard continued galloping, he continued receiving reports from the frontline scouts.

The Gold Crow tribe and the Berserker Tribe had truly come at a bad time. Although the two Tribes were not large tribes, added together they still numbered more than ten thousand. They had streamed in from the Fei Li Empire through the border between the WanShou and ZhongTian Empires, with nearly a thousand horse carts in tow with all their belongings.

When they had arrived at the old camp of the Peerless Battalion, they had unfortunately met with the two Regiments vanguard of the WanShou Empire.