496 - 502

Chapter 496: Peerless in the World! (2)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

Without question, the two Battalions of Eagle Tribesmen were specially here against the Peerless Battalion. With the supreme eyesight of the Eagle Tribesmen, even at the height of a thousand metres, they would still be able to clearly find their targets on the ground.

Regarding the Peerless Battalion, the WanShou Empire were definitely well prepared. After all, when the Swift Wolf Regiment's Commander Butler was wounded, the Heavenly Snow Mountain had learned about it. Furthermore, the other Wolf Cavalry Regiment and Unicorn Cavalry Regiment had been critically damaged previously, how could the Peerless Battalion not stirred up the full attention of the WanShou Empire? The two Eagle Tribesmen Regiment were specially sent to take care of the Peerless Battalion.

However, the WanShou Empire had made a mistake… an error in judgement regarding the true numbers of the Peerless Battalion. According to their reports, the Peerless Battalion numbered about a normal Battalion and maybe a little more. How could they possibly know that the Peerless Battalion had long since grown to more than five thousand men!

As they watched the incoming flying air troops, the Drunken Rogue Luo Ke Di said with a strange expression on his face: "Those… in the skies… they are here for us right?"

Hua Feng said with an ugly expression on his face: "What else could it be. Heavy Infantry Regiment, prepare a defensive formation against the top. Everyone, slow down, safety first."

The two Battalions of Eagle Tribesmen Air Force had come just too quickly. Before the Peerless Battalion could even reach the left wing, they had already risen into the air, and a rain of arrows descended from the skies, targeting the Peerless Battalion. The titanium mail of the Peerless Battalion might be strong, but their brilliant glow was also rather obvious, making them an easy target visually.

Without hesitation, the Peerless Battalion soldiers raised their Consolidated Bows and returned fire. Alas, much to their vexation, even with their archery skills and powerful Consolidated Bows, it was extremely difficult to strike a target in mid air especially at the height of more than a thousand metres… even if they found their mark, many of them had lost momentum and were easily batted aside by the claws of the War Eagles.

Along with the string of *ding**ding**dang**dang* sounds of metal clashing on metal, the Heavy Infantry Regiment soldiers' towwer shields easily blocked the rain of arrows from the skies. However, the next salvo that descended was no longer arrows, but the javelins thrown down from above.

The *ding**dang* sounds warped into a thunderous roar. If the previous rain of arrows could perhaps be said to be easily blocked by the Peerless Battalion titanium mail alone, the javelins would have totally destroyed them.

At this point, everybody, including Hua Feng, felt an unbelievable sense of admiration and respect for Zhou Weiqing. His foresight and preparation in this… had indeed avoided the greatest critical danger to the Peerless Battalion since it was set up.

"Battalion Commander, let my First Main Company go up and greet them. Air force against air force… we can teach them a lesson." Lei Zi piped out.

Hua Feng glanced at him and said: "Stop talking rubbish, listen to orders. You want your men to fly up and give their lives for nothing? They already have the high ground advantage far above us… before you all can even get halfway the distance to them, their javelins would have nailed you all."

The momentum of falling from a thousand metres height… let alone being thrown at full strength, even the thick tower shields were dented from the sheer smashing impact. Even though the First Main Company were the top elites of the Peerless Battalion and wearing their titanium mail, if they were not careful they could be totally wiped out. The Peerless Battalion could not afford such a major loss! As such, Hua Feng definitely would not take such a massive risk. Zhou Weiqing had left him with a Peerless Battalion at full strength, and he wanted to return it to his command in perfect condition.

Mu En sidled up closer to Hua Feng and said softly: "Let's wait a while, let them continue throwing the javelins. I do not believe that they can hold that many of such javelins on an airborne mount. Once they have finished throwing all their javelins… then we can deal with them. For now, we can just be careful and go according to our original plan to deal with the Unicorn Cavalry Regiment… and catch us some Unicorn Heavenly Beasts."

Hua Feng exchanged a look with Mu En, an appreciative look of two cunning geniuses recognizing and appreciating each other. Very soon, he issued out a series of orders down. The Heavy Infantry soldiers lifted up their thick and heavy tower shields in an interlocking formation towards the skies, forming an impenetrable from above. Under the protection of such a moving metal fortress, the Peerless Battalion ignored the threat of the airborne Eagle Tribe Battalions, instead continuing to move slowly and steadily towards the left flank, though they had slowed down by a lot.

Just like what Mu En had said, the javelins of the Eagle Tribesmen soldiers were extremely limited, and they could not possibly continue such an onslaught forever. After several rounds of the javelins raining down, they slowed down and stopped, seeking a better opportunity to take out the Peerless Battalion.

Very quickly, the Peerless Battalion reached the left flank. Instantly, the shrill cries of arrows in flight rang out once more. The Eagle Tribesmen soldiers above were extremely vexed to see from their vantage point wave after wave of arrows fly out towards their allies, and accompanying the shrill cries they could only watch and see the Dog Tribe Scimitar Infantry Regiment soldiers and Unicorn Cavalry soldiers get mowed down like wheat during harvest season.

In terms of continued sustained fighting capabilities in the air, the Peerless Battalion was undoubtedly no match for the Eagle Tribesmen Battalions. After all, the Eagle Tribesmen were mounted upon their trust War Eagles and had their support. However, in terms of sheer destructive power, being all Jewel Masters with Consolidated Bows, the Peerless Battalion was far beyond the Eagle Tribesmen Air Force.

As the slaughter started once again, Hua Feng stealthily called Lei Zi to his side and gave him some instructions in a low tone. Soon after, the Peerless Battalion First Main Company stopped their firing, lying low under the protection of the Heavy Infantry soldiers as they took a rest, recovering their Heavenly Energy as they prepared for the next incoming order.

Ever since the Eagle Tribesmen Regiment was set up, it could be said that everything had gone smoothly for them, and they had never been defeated in battle. Currently, they were actually being blocked by the tower shields of the Heavy Infantry Soldiers, how could they not be furious. Another flurry of javelins and arrows descended from the skies; alas the force from the arrows was insufficient, and while the javelins were rather powerful, and even for the Heavy Infantry soldiers' strength and physique, being struck by them continuously was almost too much for them, having to make use of the interlocking formation to rest their tower shields on the edge of their companions to increase the holding power. As a result, the firing of the Peerless Battalion was affected, and their offensive power dropped somewhat.

Beastmen Warriors did not fear death, and in this moment, it was truly displayed out. Although the Peerless Battalion had slain quite a number, they still continued charging in an ever greater frenzy. From the ten Regiments at the back, four more charged out. Amongst them, two charged directly to the right wing to replace the charge there. As for the other two, they headed to the left wing to reinforce it. Of the two headed to the left wing, one was particularly attention catching.

This Regiment obviously did not number ten thousand. To be more accurate, they only numbered that of a Battalion, yet, they were considered an entire Legion within the army.

They were all over four metres tall, their muscles bulging far beyond even that of those Bear Tribe Heavy Infantry Soldiers. They all had brownish yellow hair, and as they started charging from a distance, the entire earth seemed to shake, the pounding reverberating through the ground like an earthquake, from far to near as they charged at a speed belying their huge forms.

The Mammoth Regiment, the ultimate elite and ace of the WanShou Empire. In the entire WanShou Empire, the number of Mammoth Berserkers only totalled two thousand forming two Regiments of a thousand each. The reason why they were still known as a Regiment even though they only numbered a thousand was because even with such a number their combat strength was beyond ten thousand of any other Beastman Tribe.

The Mammoth Berserkers were known as the meat grinders of the battlefield. Their weapons were Mammoth Totemic Poles over six metres long and with a diameter of about half a metre. They were crafted from a unique wood from the north, known as the Metal Strength Wood, and each weighed over a thousand jin.

Every time the Mammoth Berserker Warriors appeared on the battlefield of the north, it would normally be in the Central North lines, and they would be met by the ZhongTian Heavenly Jewel Master Battalion. In terms of Beastmen soldiers and their individual personal strengths, the Mammoth Beastmen could be said to be at the very top.

The WanShou Empire armies had controlled any spread of news just too perfectly, and up until the point that the Mammoth Berserker Regiment entered the battlefield, only then did the ZhongTian Northwest Armies learn that the WanShou Empire had actually dispatched this terrifying force to this side.

For the Peerless Battalion, the WanShou Empire had actually sent out both their aces, the Eagle Tribe and Mammoth Tribe Regiments… one could see the sheer importance they placed on the Peerless Battalion.

Of course, as the WanShou Empire started their own movement of troops, the ZhongTian empire side were not idle. Previously, the Peerless Battalion had cleared out all the enemies on the left flank, and it was a huge disruption to the WanShou Empire's attack and formations, and it stabilized their own defensive formations.

On the right flank, they swiftly reinforced with a Heavenly Infantry Regiment and two ordinary Infantry Regiments, while the center lines were also reinforced with two Heavy Infantry soldiers to help hold back the defensive formation, blocking the crazed onslaught from the Tyrannical Bear Regiment and the two Raging Bull Regiments.

The strongest reaction was naturally to the left flank, where three entire Heavy Cavalry Regiments charged to reinforce it. That was not all; with another Cavalry Regiment riding to join in, dressed fully in a light mail, wearing helmets with purple red coloured tassels. Their speed was extremely fast, and they soon reached quickly. They were all wielding long spears, and amazingly, all the javelins and arrows that rained down from above were easily dodged or parried with those spears. The WanShou Empire had their ace forces, how could the ZhongTian Empire not have their own ace up the sleeve? This Purple Tasseled Regiment was Admiral Brando's Personal Guard Regiment, and they were the finest elite force in the entire Northwest Armies.

With the Purple Tasseled Regiment at the lead, supplemented by the three other Heavy Cavalry Regiments, their only goal now was to protect the Peerless Battalion.

No matter what they thought about the Peerless Battalion or their previous actions, when they heard the shrill cries of the arrows and the effect of their slaughter of the enemies, all the Northwest Army forces couldn't help but feel respect for them. Even the Purple Tasseled Regiment would not dare to boast of such unbelievable offensive capabilities.

After so many years of warring against the WanShou Empire, both small and large scale battles alike, but for the ZhongTian Empire, for them to actually kill off almost two entire Regiments of Beastmen soldiers was nearly unheard of totally. Yet, just the five thousand soldiers of the Peerless Battalion had already nearly wiped out three whole Battalions of WanShou Empire armies since winter had begun, and it looked like the number was steadily increasing.

"Battalion Commander, Tribe Leader Ma Long has brought his Berserker Tribe brothers to the front lines." One of the Peerless Battalion soldiers ran over to report to Hua Feng.

Hua Feng nodded and said: "Tell Tribe Leader Ma Long not to rush to join the battle. Ask him to wait for us to start suppressing the Eagle Tribe Regiment before they head out to collect those Unicorn Heavenly Beasts.

As the Peerless Battalion entered the fray, the Dog Tribesmen Infantry soldiers and Unicorn Cavalry soldiers were starting to sustain heavy injuries and casualties, and from the looks of things, they would not be able to hold on for long.

At this point, the Mammoth Regiment and the supporting Nimble Panther Regiment still had some distance to close before reaching the front lines. It was clear that they would not be in time to reinforce the now-belaboured left flank.

The battle had already entered a white hot stage, and every minute both sides lost large amounts of soldiers, leaving their lives forever on this battleground. By now, the total kill-count of the entire Peerless Battalion alone had already surpassed the grand total of all the other ZhongTian Empire Northwest Armies added together. On the left flank, besides the Eagle Tribesmen Air Force Regiment, the rest of the WanShou Empire armies were on the verge of breakdown.

"Battalion Commander, please let us set out now!"

Lei Zi urged Hua Feng to give the order, rather impatiently.

Chapter 497: Peerless in the World! (3)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

All this while, Hua Feng had been fully focused on observing the Eagle Tribesmen Air Force Regiment high up in the skies. As for the Mammoth Regiment, he did not seem to worry about them at all. Seeing that the Northwest Army Command had actually sent four Cavalry Regiments to their aid, especially with three elite Heavy Cavalry Regiments… it was clear that they had already realised the importance of the Peerless Battalion to this war. Perhaps all those reinforcements added together might not be able to defeat the Mammoth Regiment, but he was confident that it was definitely sufficient to protect the Peerless Battalion. The only worry Hua Feng had was the Eagle Tribesmen Air Force Regiment high up in the sky… After all, being suppressed was not a good feeling at all. The destructive power of the Eagle Tribesmen soldiers were not to be underestimated at all, and besides the Heavy Infantry soldiers and the Purple Tasseled Regiments, the rest of the Northwest Army Regiments would not likely be able to block their attacks.

"Wait a while more." Hua Feng said solemnly.

Lei Zi said urgently: "Battalion Commander, let us go. They do not have any more javelins, they haven't thrown any in quite some time. Our Brothers can hold up their shields as we charge up… there should not be any big danger. Once we reach a sufficient distance, we will be able to exchange fire, and show them our own strength."

Hua Feng hesitated a moment, eyeing the skies calmly. Finally, he turned to Shangguan Fei'er and said: "Chief Drill Instructor, please lead the First Main Company up. I leave them in your capable hands."

Shangguan Fei'er had long since been aching to join the fight, and she nodded before turning to Lei Zi, saying: "I'll lead the way to draw their fire and cause them some trouble first. You all follow suit."

As she said that, two dark gold lights sprang out in an aura around Shangguan Fei'er's body. At the same time, a green light spread out from her body, sweeping up several dozen of the fallen Eagle Tribesmen javelins that had fallen to the ground. As Shangguan Fei'er flew up into air at lightning speed, those javelins flew up right behind her, and the massive gold and green ray flew towards Eagle Tribesmen Air Force Regiment.

The massive dark gold Consolidated Wings and her sheer speed caused Shangguan Fei'er to look like a strange dark–gold meteor smashing towards the Eagle Tribesmen Air Force.

The greatest strength and advantage of the Eagle Tribesmen Air Force was that they were airborne. In terms of pure defensive capabilities, they were perhaps no match for even the Wolf Cavalry soldiers.

As Shangguan Fei'er flew up into air, dozens of blood mist sprayed out in mid air. The javelins that Shangguan Fei'er had thrown up with her powerful Heavenly Xu Energy and Wind Attribute force was not something that ordinary War Eagle mounts or Eagle Tribesmen could handle. As for Shangguan Fei'er, she had already charged into the midst of the Eagle Tribesmen, like a war goddess smashing into them.

She had long since been bursting with impatience, itching to join the fight. After all, she was most adept at air combat… it was what she had trained for all her life… being suppressed by an enemy air force, how could she feel happy at all? She did not use her other Consolidated Equipment, not even her bracer-claws, just with her pair of dark gold Consolidated Wings, and she was like an unstoppable spear stabbing savagely deep into the formation of the Eagle Tribesmen. Where she flew to, the corpses of the War Eagles and Eagle Tribesmen fell, and the Eagle Tribesmen Regiment which had been enjoying their unparalleled easy life high in the skies were suddenly put in disorder and disarray.

In truth, the Eagle Tribesmen Regiment knew about the Peerless Battalion having several hundred Air Force troops of their own. As such, they had saved a portion of the javelins in preparation of their attack which they had expected at any time. Alas, they had never in their wildest imaginations dreamed that it would only be a single person flying up first… a single but deadly person indeed.

Soon after, Lei Zi led his First Main Company behind Shangguan Fei'er, all of them using their small round shields held protectively in front of them as they flew at top speeds high up into the skies.

When the Northwest Armies soldiers saw five hundred men actually fly up into the skies and charging towards Eagle Tribesmen Regiment, their jaws almost dropped in shock. They only had one thought in mind: Since when did we have an Air Force?!

The facts had indeed proved themselves… What Lei Zi promised to Hua Feng earlier was no exaggeration. As the gap between the two Air Forces drew close, the first salvo of the Peerless Battalion First Main Company Air Force once again rang out with the familiar shrill ringing of arrows flying through the sky, and what resulted was a tragedy for the Eagle Tribesmen.

It wasn't that the Eagle Tribesmen lacked powerhouses, but when Shangguan Fei'er had charged in at the front, all of the powerhouses had gone after her.

At this point, the superiority of personal flight versus mounted flight showed itself. In midair, Shangguan Fei'er moved around at lightning speed, and the sheer speed and agility was not something that the War Eagles could match, especially while carrying their riders. Amongst the Eagle Tribesmen Air Force Battalion, there were a few dozen Heavenly Jewel Masters, and out of them there were a few Six and Seven Jeweled ones. However, even for them, against Shangguan Fei'er's terrifying offensive power, they did not have a chance at all.

Along with the shrill sounds of the Consolidated Bows and arrows, a large cloud of blood mist appeared in the skies. Below, the four thousand and five hundred Peerless Battalion soldiers on the ground shouted in unison: "Peerless… Peerless!" This time, even the Northwest Army soldiers were infected, shouting out loud together with them. Under the leadership of the Purple Tasseled Regiment, the four Cavalry Regiment reinforcements charged towards their foes.

When armies met on the battlefield, one of the most important things that would influence outcome was definitely morale. With the invincible Eagle Tribesmen Air Force suffering an unforeseen beating, it was like injecting an extra boost of stimulants to the entire ZhongTian Northwest Army. More importantly, the Peerless Battalion had proven to them that the Beastmen were not unbeatable. In a short amount of time, soldiers used their lives to start pushing back against the berserking Tyrannical Bear Regiment, and for once with some measure of success.

The Eagle Tribesmen Regiment realised things were not going well, but by the time they wanted to react better against the Peerless Battalion, they had already reached the same level height as them.

Being at equal height meant that only arrows could be of any use, and the javelins would no longer be effective.

Even for the finest javelin thrower, being able to throw a distance of a hundred yards accurately was already a miracle. Normally, the effective killing distance of a thrown javelin was about forty to fifty metres, but in mid air, what was a mere forty or fifty yards?

Next, the true clash would be the archery skills and defensive capabilities of both sides.

Indeed, with the protection of their War Eagle mounts, the Eagle Tribesmen had a pretty decent defense. However, when compared to the Peerless Battalion all dressed in titanium mail, their defense was definitely not on the same league. More importantly, the killing power of the Peerless Battalion's Consolidated Bows were far superior to the ordinary, if well crafted, long bows of the Eagle Tribesmen warriors.

In just four rounds of exchanging shots, several hundred out of the two thousand Eagle Tribesmen Air Force fell to the ground. Seeing that things were not going well, the Eagle Tribesmen Regiment did not dare continue fighting against the Peerless Battalion, fleeing back towards their side. The Peerless Battalion Air Force gave chase, and in the end barely a hundred of the strongest Eagle Tribesmen managed to escape with their lives. The two thousand strong Eagle Tribesmen Air Force had been almost wiped out.

The Peerless Battalion Air Force were not done with that. After all, throwing javelins was not just something the Eagle Tribesmen could do. Soon after, the first salvo of javelins from the Peerless Battalion descended upon the Mammoth Regiment.

Alas, the Mammoth Regiment truly lived up to their names as the aces and ultimate elites of the WanShou Empire. Their huge and tough bodies, along with the massive wooden totem poles in their hands… even the javelins thrown by the Peerless Battalion did not manage to harm them, with only a few causing some minor injuries.

From the air, it was extremely clear to see everything on the ground and the situation. Shangguan Fei'er did not continue chasing the remnants of the Eagle Tribesmen Regiment, instead turning around and leading the Eagle Tribesmen Air Force back towards the center lines of the ZhongTian Army formations. She knew that not all of the Beastmen would be as powerful or tough as the Mammoth Tribesmen, being able to withstand the onslaught of the javelins.

By this time, each of the Peerless Battalion Air Force soldiers only had about three javelins each, and they were all 'gifted' to the currently berserking Tyrannical Bear Regiment.

At least a thousand Bear Tribesmen Heavy Infantry soldiers were savagely pinned to the ground, and the Peerless Battalion soldiers on the ground also started targeting the Raging Bull Regiments with their arrows.

It could be said that once the Peerless Battalion Air Force had taken down the Eagle Tribesmen, the tide of the battle was fully turned at last, and for the first time the ZhongTian Northwest Army were not on the back foot.

On the other side, the Purple Tasseled Regiment had also started clashing against the Mammoth Regiment. The strongest part of the Purple Tasseled Regiment was that they had an entire Squad of Physical Jewel Masters with cultivation levels of Six Jewels and above. These hundred men had personal strength that was at least able to hold their own against the Mammoth Tribesmen warrior. Under their leadership, although the four Cavalry Regiments had serious losses, at least they were managing to block the offense of the two Regiments.

By now, the destructive power of the Peerless Battalion was beginning to drop substantially. The main reason was because the ordinary Peerless Battalion soldiers on the ground had the majority of their Heavenly Energy expended, and they had no choice but to switch to their ordinary longbows and arrows. Such arrows when against the Raging Bull and Tyrannical Bear Regiment soldiers, they were not able to do much damage.

Of course, the Peerless Battalion Air Force was still going well. After all, previously on the battleground, they had been conserving their strength, and this was their time to shine.

Who knows if it was because she had been exposed to Zhou Weiqing for too long a time, Shangguan Fei'er had become so much craftier than before. She did not get the Peerless Battalion Air Force to continue firing arrows with their Consolidated Bows, instead flying down to the ground and gathering up more javelins that the Eagle Tribesmen had thrown down previously. With that, each of them gathered up a bunch of javelins and flew back into the sky… and once again, tragedy struck the Tyrannical Bear and Raging Bull Regiments.

Ma Long led a group of his Tribesmen, and as the Peerless Battalion Air Force rose back into the air again, they charged into the battlefield. Their target was naturally the scattered Heavenly Beast Unicorns that were now wondering amiss after their riders had been killed. The current biggest problem that the Peerless Battalion faced was their lack of movement and transportation, so how could they let go of so many Unicorns Heavenly Beasts? After all, these Unicorns were able to withstand even the weight of the heavy female warriors of the Gold Crow Tribe!

When the Peerless Battalion descended once again to collect another round of javelins, the WanShou Empire Armies finally decided they had enough, and the order to retreat was given. The remaining WanShou Empire Beastmen soldiers retreated like a tidal wave, with the last one to retreat being the powerful Mammoth Regiment. Although the WanShou Empire had indeed taken a big loss here, the Mammoth Regiment's sheer power still sent shivers down the spines of all the ZhongTian Army soldiers.

With aid and support from the Nimble Panther Regiment, the thousand Mammoth Berserker Soldiers had actually managed to take down almost a third of the elite Purple Tasseled Regiment, and the other three Heavy Cavalry Soldiers lost almost half their men forever on this battlefield. This was also because the fight had not lasted too long. Perhaps if they had continued fighting on longer, even the Purple Tasseled Regiment was at the risk of being wiped out. The scary thing was that when the Mammoth Regiment finally retreated, they did not even leave behind a single corpse… their massive, terrifying bodies like that of a steel fortress, and even after such a tough fight, they had only sustained injuries, without a single death. In fact, most of the injuries had been either caused by the Physical Jewel Master Squad of the Purple Tasseled Regiment, or the javelins thrown previously by the Peerless Battalion Air Force.

The Northwest Armies did not give any order to give chase… attempting to strike out at Beastmen on the open fields was always a choice that ended in a tragedy of blood and tears.

When the Peerless Battalion Air Force descended back to the ground, the entire Northwest Army, from soldier to officer, raised the weapons in their hands. The slogan of the Peerless Battalion had somehow become that of the entire Northwest Arrmy… "Peerless in the world!" The four words rang out throughout the entire battlefield… throughout the entire north west zone…

Despite the fact that during this battle, the Northwest Armies had lost more than a hundred thousand of their soldiers' lives, this was still considered a major victory in the fight between both Empires… an unprecedented victory in the history of their war indeed.

Chapter 498: Dragon and Tiger, Bloodlines Merge! (1)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

Fire Spirit Mountain.

If at this moment, one was standing at the circular rings atop of the Fire Spirit Mountain, he would be able to see a strange ball of red light appearing and disappearing right in the center of the Fire Spirit Mountain, even through all the thick billowing smoke that obscured the vision… as if a massive precious gem was glowing right in the middle of the broiling volcano.

Of course, the truth of the matter was that it was not possible for such a gemstone to exist here… in the unbelievable heat of the magma here, even the toughest gemstone would have melted.

Within the thick, sticky and scorching lava, a gleaming,, slippery bald head popped out like a sore thumb, looking extremely strange and out of place. After all, having a bald head there seemingly floating on such a terribly hot lava, what kind of picture did that paint?

The flickering light was indeed coming from the surroundings of this bald head, and the staining red of it was naturally due to the colour of the magma.

To be more accurate, it was the body connected to that bald head, submerged deep in the magma, that was shining so brightly… along with the refraction from the magma… that caused this rather peculiar sight.

This day would be the thirty sixth day since Zhou Weiqing had been submerged in the magma. Looking at the Little Fatty still submerged in the lava, Long Big Fatty who had also been here for thirty six days couldn't help but occasionally give a big grin… a grin that showed his happiness and satisfaction.

Right above where Zhou Weiqing's now-bald head was, a clear black tiger was there, its huge twin wings spread apart. At the same time, coiled around was a massive red dragon. Both looked unbelievably realistic, vivid and lifelike, and though their sizes were perhaps not what they were supposed to be, at only a metre long, but they just seemed just so real.

If Long Shiya had to describe Zhou Weiqing's current state, perhaps the words Dragon-Tiger Integration was the most suitable.

Within this thirty six days, the Four Saint Attributes which had appeared without warning had helped merge the two stubborn forces which had originally been at odds with each other. The power of the Solidified Dragon Spirit and the Dark Demon God Tiger bloodline had finally been fused together to form a single entity, accepting of each other… becoming a whole new bloodline power that was the sum of both… and perhaps more.

Even with Long Shiya's cultivation level of Heavenly Emperor, he could not clearly sense what this power was, but the only thing he was sure about was that with these two unbelievably powerful bloodline powers integrated together, it was not just so simple as a matter of one plus one equals two.

In this thirty six days, Zhou Weiqing had grown greyish black hair, almost fur… and he had also grown some fiery red scales, while his body had gone through the multiple changes intermittently. However, the most obvious thing was that the pain shown on his face had never dropped. After eighteen days, nothing else grew on the head, as the two powerful energies in his body finally settled down and started a stable merging process.

At last, after the next eighteen days, Long Shiya could finally sense that the bloodline power in Zhou Weiqing had reached a perfect state, and it looked like the fusion of the two was finally reaching completion.

However, that did not mean that Long Shiya could feel relaxed by any means. Instead, his expression grew more serious and imposing. He knew that when the two powerful bloodlines finally merged for good, it would definitely evoke another evolving of Zhou Weiqing's body. That was to say, for this Awakening of Zhou Weiqing's to succeed, there was the last hurdle he had to get past… and that was his body had to actually withstand the evolving power of the bloodlines.

The stronger the final fused bloodline was, the more difficult it would be withstand the final step. Although Zhou Weiqing had already evolved twice due to his Demonic Change State, and his body was already extremely strong, but the bloodline power would be even more terrifying. More importantly, in Long Shiya's memory, this was something that he had never met with before, or even heard of, so everything was unknown. Many times, it was the unknown that was the most terrifying thing.

Just as Long Shiya was examining Zhou Weiqing's face and expression, all of a sudden, Zhou Weiqing opened his eyes, that had been closed for all this time.

Two brilliant and dazzling rays of light shone from Zhou Weiqing's eyes, and it pierced through all the fire and thick smoke easily, all the way up into the skies.

A strange vortex of air appeared right above Zhou Weiqing's head, and the black tiger and red dragon which had originally been hovering above seemed to be sucked right into the whirling winds, before they all bored right into his head from the top.

Long Shiya could clearly see that currently Zhou Weiqing's eyes had changed colours, one was a total pitch black, while the other was an eerie crimson red, the strange beams of bright light still emitting from them was also now one icy cold and one fiery hot, but there seemed to be no emotion within.

Not good, he has lost hold of his mind's core! Long Shiya was taken aback, and a light flashed in his eyes as his powerful spiritual force pressured down upon Zhou Weiqing instantly. At the same time, he shouted out loud: "Little Fatty, calm down! Regain control!"

As he shouted, his spiritual energy swarmed into Zhou Weiqing's mind to help him pacify the scattered and messy internal spiritual reverberations.

However, to Long Shiya's great surprise, as soon as his spiritual energy entered Zhou Weiqing's brain, he sensed an unbelievably crazed aura bursting forth from Zhou Weiqing. Although his spiritual energy was far from being close to being as strong as Long Shiya's, Long Shiya could sense that if he tried to forcefully help, it could actually cause Zhou Weiqing's entire mind and spirit to crumple instead, destroying him.

As a result, he had no choice but to retreat out of Zhou Weiqing's mind.

Right at this moment, Zhou Weiqing's body started to change and evolve.

A moment ago, he was still submerged in the magma, but now his body started levitating upwards, floating up from within the lava to hover in mid air.

The greyish black tiger tattoos instantly covered his entire body, and at the same time, on Zhou Weiqing's back, two strange protrusions suddenly appeared as his entire body seemed to give a weird creaking sound that resounded from his very bones… a sound that could almost cause one's teeth to ache.

At this point, Zhou Weiqing's face was twisted and warped, showing that he was enduring massive pain. Even the tiger tattoos on his body seemed to be writhing violently, extremely unstable, and the red and black light in his eyes shone bright in an intermittent, interchanging way. Every time the light changed, the tiger tattoos on his body would undulate even more violently, almost frantically.

The next instant, crimson red scales seemed to slowly break out of ZHou Weiqing's skin, and his hands and left foot seemed to be warping shape… changing from a tiger's palm to a dragon's claws constantly as if it couldn't decide upon a shape.

One had to know that such a changing of shape was not just a mere illusion, but an actual warping of skin, flesh, bones, muscles and even down to his meridian channels… and one could imagine the sheer agony that this constant change was bringing to Zhou Weiqing. The dark red scales and the greyish black tiger tattoos were now clashing violently, and the two protrusions on his back seemed to grow larger as the bloodline power aura from his body seemed to be even more chaotic, violent, complex and … crazed.

Long Shiya started worrying once more. He knew that Zhou Weiqing was on the verge of succession, and by Awakening his Solidified Dragon Spirit and merging it with his bloodlines, this was at the last stage… but also the most dangerous stage. If he failed now, then Zhou Weiqing would implode from the sheer power and die… even if he somehow survived, he would become an inhuman creature, an existence perhaps lesser than even a Heavenly Beast, no longer able to resume his human form.

As he could not use his spiritual energy to intervene after failing previously, Long Shiya could only watch and wait anxiously, not able to do anything. What could he do besides wait? The only thing Zhou Weiqing could depend on now was himself and his own willpower. Only if he could protect the last bit of clarity in his own mind's core would he be able to wake up at the last critical moment. For now, Long Shiya could only attempt to comfort himself with the thought of the Four Saint Attributes that had appeared earlier.

Chapter 499: Dragon and Tiger, Bloodlines Merge! (2)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

Another hour passed, and Zhou Weiqing's body continued in that seemingly ever-changing state, only his right leg had changed into the black scorpion hook of his Demonic Right Leg, and that seemed to be the only stable part of his entire body, remaining constant all this while, as the rest of his body morphed constantly between the two states.

All of a sudden, with an abrupt sickening sound, a cloud of blood mist burst forth from Zhou Weiqing's back, giving Long Shiya a fright. He almost thought that in that instant, Zhou Weiqing had been unable to withstand the bloodline power and imploded.

However, just as he was about to react, a pair of huge wings sprouted out from the freshly opened wounds on Zhou Weiqing's back, unfurling in a jerky, almost childish way, as if it was learning how to do so as it went along, slowing opening up to its full width.

Long Shiya's eyes opened wide. He had never heard of a bloodline power allowing humans to grow wings… not even the Heavenly Snow Mountain Lord's Divine Heavenly Spirit Tiger bloodline had such a possible change, even though the Heavenly Snow Mountain Lord was born a Heavenly Beast.

Black Tiger with two pairs of wings?!

At last, the two pair of wings spread out, each almost two metres long, curling back and unfurling out constantly behind Zhou Weiqing's back. Every Time they did so, they seemed to become smoother, more familiarized. The two contrasting colours and light of crimson red and greyish black was also slowly drawn to the wings.

At this point, the highly pained expression of Zhou Weiqing's face that had remained in that state for so long seemed to finally smooth out, and the scary looking wounds on his back that was the result of the wings seemed to be healing rapidly. Right at the point of those wounds, the crimson red and greyish black seemed to gather… fusing together, finally turning into strange looking purplish scales covering Zhou Weiqing's skin in that area, before slowly spreading out.

The scales were shaped similar to those of dragonkind, a diamond like structure, and looked to be only a very thin layer without popping out awkwardly, instead extremely fine and densely compacted, as if a type of satin fabric covering every inch of Zhou Weiqing's body… all the way to his face and the freshly bald head.

Even though these scales were as thin and fine as they could possibly be, but being fully covered by them from top to toe even down to the huge wings on his back, Zhou Weiqing looked absolutely nothing like he did before. His now dark reddish purple face was not ugly at all, but it was clear that his looks had changed subtly after this fusion of his bloodline and evolving of his body. The change was not much, but his previous innocent / honest look was definitely lessened, replaced with a slightly colder, powerful and more dignified look. The black and red orbs respectively had both been replaced with a final purple colour, a deeper purple than even the Divine Heavenly Spirit Tigers like Tian'er, glowing almost with a strange demonic light.

A raw coldness, darkness, evil… fiery heat, scorching fury… all sorts of different auras burst forth in succession intermittently constantly.

In the end, he still maintained human form, no matter all his other changes. This final result could be called the third evolving of his Demonic Change State, and also the final result of his Solidified Dragon Spirit Awakening.

*Poof**Poof**Poof**Poof* Four explosive sounds rang out from Zhou Weiqing's body, as all of a sudden, four new Death Acupuncture Points of his body broke through instantly, as his Immortal Deity Technique actually broke through four stages almost simultaneously. A fresh new Physical Jewel and Elemental Jewel immediately formed around his wrist right after that.

Has the fusion succeeded? Alas… no… it had not fully succeeded yet.

Long Shiya's heart abruptly skipped a beat. His face had just started showing a hint of wild joy, and it was suddenly replaced by worry once more.

Without question, the changes in Zhou Weiqing body showed that the fusion of the bloodlines had already been basically completed, and the terrifying power of the fused bloodline was accepted by his body, and it had endured through the beginnings of this new merger. The last thirty six had not been wasted at all, and the unique combined power of the Four Saint Attributes had indeed been able to harmonize and allow Zhou Weiqing's body to endure the sheer power of the two combined bloodlines.

However, there was currently something very wrong with Zhou Weiqing's current eyes and look in them. The previous cold craziness which had appeared when Consolidating his Sixth set of Heavenly Jewels had slowly turned into a wild brutish ferocity… and more so… his 'lower body' was slowly expanding… standing up…

"This… this…"

Sacrifice… he needs a sacrificial offering. This strange fusion requires a 'sacrifice' to complete the fusion and Awakening… and also to awaken his suppressed consciousness.

Who was Long Shiya? With a single look, he could tell what Zhou Weiqing needed for the final touch.

What do I do? Do I have to actually charge up the Heavenly Snow Mountain to grab Tian'er over here to be the 'sacrifice' for Little Fatty's Awakening? But.. that isn't realistic at all! Distance was not a problem, but no matter how high an opinion Long Shiya held of himself, he did not think he would be able to grab someone from the hands of the Heavenly Snow Mountain Lord.

Alright, I don't care anymore! After pondering for awhile, Long Shiya finally made a decision. No matter what, he would have to look around for a 'sacrificial offering' first for Little Fatty before thinking about anything else. There was still some time before Zhou Weiqing's final fusion had to complete, and he needed to find a 'sacrificial offering' in a short period of time so that the Awakening would be complete and perfect. At the worst, he would greatly compensate whichever young lady he grabbed.

As he thought that, Long Shiya sprang into action. Zhou Weiqing's Heavenly Energy had abruptly broken through four stages to consolidate his Sixth set of Heavenly Jewels, and he had some time to look for a perfect 'sacrificial offering' to help Zhou Weiqing Awaken.

Green light surrounded his body and Long Shiya soared into the air, disappearing into the distance. At the same time, he extended his spiritual energy to the maximum distance, using his powerful strength to continuously sense for any signs of life in his surroundings.

As he looked around, Long Shiya couldn't help but think to himself: Little Fatty, you better pray that this Big Fatty will be able to find a beauty for you… otherwise, if your luck is really bad, if I really can't find any woman, then maybe I'll have no choice but to bring back some female Heavenly Beast. Ugh, that Little Fatty… what a little brat, hmph, but his 'package' isn't too bad… could it be this bloodline fusion and evolving this time has let 'that place' grown bigger?

Despite having his mind filled with strange and weirdly wandering thoughts, Long Shiya's speed did not slow at all, and he flew swiftly into the distance.

Not much time passed, and all of a sudden, a light flickered in Long Shiya's eyes. He had spotted a target within his spiritual energy senses just several li away… with three people headed towards the WanShou Empire Ten Thousand Beast Heavens, at not a slow speed either. Amongst the three of them, he could sense that one had a finer breathing, also smaller and lighter of form, clearly a woman, and more so, a young woman.

Little Fatty, looks like your luck isn't too bad! At least I don't have to consider a female Heavenly Beast.

If Zhou Weiqing knew what his Master had been thinking, perhaps he would rather not be Awakened by that 'alternative'.

"Ohh, actually Heavenly King Stages…" As he got closer, Long Shiya could better sense the three clearly. He was surprised to discover that amongst the other two men of the three were actually both Heavenly King Stage powerhouses.

However, so what if they were Heavenly King Stage powerhouses? That did not change Long Shiya's plan at all. Time waited for no man, and it was definitely of vital importance to Zhou Weiqing, and he could not possibly just leave them to attempt to look for another target just because there were two Heavenly King powerhouses.

In the distance, the three figures appeared in Long Shiya's sight, running and jumping along at high speeds.

Before Long Shiya reached them, an overbearingly powerful aura pressured down upon the three of them, a terrifying presence causing the three of them to halt abruptly, shock on his face.

Two men and one lady. The two men were both around the age of sixty, clearly the two Heavenly King Stage powerhouses than Long Shiya had sensed from a distance away. As for the young lady in the middle, she was all dressed in black, her head of black hair streaming behind her back in the wind. Her cultivation level was much lower in comparison, about six to seven Jewels or so. Though it was definitely pretty good for her age, but facing the pressure from the Six Ultimate Heavenly Emperor, her face turned pale and ashen.

Seeing a massive fat man descending from the skies, the two Heavenly King Stage powerhouses did not hesitate to step in front of the black clothed young lady, their expressions serious as she looked at Long Shiya.

Long Shiya's character had always been doing things according to his wishes, and now that it had to do with his own precious disciple's life and safety, he did not even bother wasting time with small talk. With a solemn voice, he said: "Get lost, or I'll kill you both."

The old man on the left had his expression change and he said: "Senior… I'm sorry… how have we offended you, what do you need from us?"

Long Shiya said coldly: "I am taking this young lady away, and if you know what's good for you, you would get lost… otherwise, don't blame this old man for being merciless." As he said that, a strange sight occurred.

All they saw next was Long Shiya waving his hand, and eleven glittering Alexandrite Cat's Eye Jewels swirling around his wrists. As they twirled one round, six of them landed around Long Shiya's feet, forming a hexagon shape. The other five floated above Long Shiya's head, forming a pentagon shape. As they spun, the hexagon at Long Shiya's feet started changing colours, each glowing with the respective colours of water, fire, earth, wind, light and darkness attributes, forming a layer of light slowly rising from the ground, covering his entire massive body with a glow.

The two Heavenly King Stage powerhouses cried out involuntarily in alarm almost simultaneously: "Six … Six Ultimate Heavenly Formation… Six Ultimate Heavenly Emperor…!!!"

Indeed, what was below Long Shiya's feet was his famed Six Ultimate Skill Manipulation Arts. This was also the reason why he told Zhou Weiqing that the Six Ultimate Skill Manipulation Arts could only be properly used when at the Six-Jeweled cultivation level as a base. Once one like them had Six Heavenly Jewels, they would be able to use the true Six Ultimate Skill Manipulation Formation, using the Six Ultimate Skill Manipulation Arts to its true effect.

Facing two Heavenly King Stage powerhouses, in order to save time, Long Shiya unleashed his strongest Six Ultimate Skill Manipulation Formation without hesitation.

The two Heavenly King Stage powerhouses' faces were filled with shock and fear. Naturally, they knew of the famed Six Ultimate Skill Manipulation Formation; they knew who the Six Ultimate Heavenly Emperor was and what that meant.

"As I said, if you know what is good for you, get lost, don't make this old man take action. Since my Six Ultimate Skill Manipulation Formation was complete, I have never used it against any foe lower than a Heavenly Emperor. How? You two want to be the honoured exceptions today?"

The two Heavenly King Stage powerhouses exchanged looks. They knew that with their cultivation level, they would not be able to do anything against the Six Ultimate Heavenly Emperor no matter how hard they tried. The one on the left swallowed hard and braced himself, saying: "Heavenly Emperor, we are from the Heavenly Demon Sect. Please, for the sake of our Demonic Emperor, we beg that you show mercy. This is our little princess. If the Heavenly Emperor needs women, we can go catch them for you right now, as many as you need we will provide them all." As he said that, he couldn't help but think to himself: I've never heard about this Six Ultimate Heavenly Emperor was that fond of women!

Long Shiya growled angrily: "Nonsense, what bullshit. This old man has lived for more than a hundred years and am still a pure virgin, and every morning I will still have 'one pillar to prop up the sky'1. Why would I need women? Get lost!!"

Chapter 500: Sacrifice! Wu Yuehan! (1)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

Long Big Fatty's purity had been questioned, so how could he not be enraged. With a wave of his right hand, two blades of light flew towards the two Heavenly King Stage powerhouses. Behind his back, an even larger illusory image of Long Big Fatty rose up behind… the Heavenly Skill Image of himself!

The two blades of light looked very similar to an ordinary Wind Blade, but as soon as they flew out, the two Heavenly King Stage powerhouses' faces changed… Because, the two blades of light were actually both glowing with six different colours!

With simultaneous shouts, the two Heavenly King Stage powerhouses took a step back swiftly, their Heavenly Energy bursting forth immediately as all their Consolidated Equipment appeared on them. Both were geared in seven pieces of a Zong Stage Consolidating Equipment Set.

Once someone reached the Heavenly King Stage cultivation level, things were very different. At that point, they could instantly complete wearing all their Consolidated Equipment at once. Both their weapons were swords, and simultaneously they slashed forward towards the blade of lights. One of them shouted out: "Yue Han, run!"

The two blades of light were struck by the two Heavenly King Stage powerhouses' Consolidated Swords. However, to their shock, none of the expectation clash of energies of explosions occurred.

Wearing their full Consolidated Equipment Set, the two Heavenly King Stage powerhouses felt as if their eyes blurred, everything turning illusory around them. As for the black clad young lady behind them, all she saw was that they were now covered by a layer of six lights.

One step, and Long Shiya seemed to descend down from the heavens. With a wave of his large hand, the black clad young lady felt as if the very air around her body consolidated, like an invisible huge hand was holding her body. A thick green light rose about them abruptly, and she had already left the ground, soaring high into the sky together with Long Big Fatty.

*Poof**Poof* The six-coloured shield around the two Heavenly King Stage powerhouses disappeared instantly. When the two managed to break lose, all they managed to see was Long Shiya soar off into the sky with the black clad young lady in tow.

Both of them howled angrily into the sky, soaring into the air as well. As Heavenly King Stage powerhouses, they could still manage flight for a short period of time, and the two of them circulated their Heavenly Energy to the max, and their eyes started turning bloodshot.

"Don't even try the Demonic Change State in front of me. Normally, with my temper, neither of you would have a chance to live." Long Shiya's disdainful voice rang out in the air. Next, a huge shield of light, six coloured once more, appeared in the skies. In a huge clashing sound, the two Heavenly King Stage powerhouses were knocked back down by the intense impact.

Heavenly King Stage and Heavenly Emperor Stage. It might only seem to be the simple difference of just one stage, a difference of title or designation. However, in truth, these two Heavenly King Stage powerhouses were only at the Mid Level of the Heavenly King Stage, while Long Shiya had long since been at the High Level, probably Maximum level of the Heavenly Emperor Stage. Heavenly King High, Maximum, Heavenly Emperor Low, Mid, High, Maximum Levels… six whole levels!

Once at the Heavenly King Stage and above, the gap between each level was massive, almost similar to the gap for every Jewel of a Heavenly Jewel Master. For them, facing Long Shiya was tantamount to a two Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master facing an eight Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master. They would not stand a chance.

The reason why Long Shiya did not just kill them off and showed mercy was because he was still rather embarrassed in his heart. After all, he was about to snatch a young lady as a 'sacrifice' for his own precious disciple, and it was nothing to be proud of at all. After all, if it was just about the Heavenly Demon Sect, he was not afraid of them at all. Of the Five Great Saint Lands, besides the Heavenly Snow Mountain with the Heavenly God Tier Heavenly Snow Mountain Lord, Long Shiya did not respect the other four Great Saint Lands.

Of course, that did not mean that he could take on an entire Great Saint Lands just by himself, but do not forget that he was just a lone person, and a maximum level Heavenly Emperor powerhouse to boot. As long as he was willing to do so, no one could surround him and attack him. Once he wanted to cause trouble to any side, even if it were a Great Saint Lands, they would not be able to handle it. This was one of the benefits of being a lone wolf. Of course, one had to be an extremely powerful lone wolf to be able to enjoy such benefits.

The two Heavenly King Stage powerhouse slammed back down savagely onto the ground after knocking into the shield. Long Shiya's voice came from all around them: "I'm taking this girl, I have something extremely important that I need her help with, and I will not harm her life. You two just wait here, it will take minimum one day, maximum three days of time. I will bring her back here when it is over."

As the two Heavenly King Stage powerhouses landed on the ground, the red in their eyes faded away. When they had smashed into that six-coloured shield of light, they felt as if their connection with the world's atmospheric energy vanish in that instant, stealing their power to fly and also forcefully stop the Demonic Change occurring in their body and cutting it off.

They had inherited the Demonic Change State that had been in their families for generations, and it was only when they reached the Heavenly King Stage that they had been able to maintain a clear mind when in the Demonic Change State. Even so, it would take them some time to fully enter the Demonic Change State, just like unleashing any powerful Skill. This was the difference between their Demonic Change State and a First Generation Demonic Change State like Zhou Weiqing's… a gap that was nigh insurmountable.

The two Heavenly King Stage powerhouses exchanged looks, seeing the helplessness in each others' eyes. They had come here with Wu Yuehan in order to sneak into the Ten Thousand Beast Heavens to catch a few powerful Heavenly Beasts for the Heavenly Demon Sect to meet their Skill Storing needs.

Who would have thought that before they even reached the Ten Thousand Beast Heavens, they would meet with such a person, and worse still, that Wu Yuehan would be taken by him.

To both of them, it was currently too far from the Heavenly Demon Sect, and they had no way for calling for any reinforcements. The two of them were no match for Long Shiya by themselves, and even if they could get reinforcements, they wouldn't be able to match up against him. As such, what else could they do but wait for him? After all, not only were they unable to catch up with Long Shiya, even if they did catch up, what could they do. If the Six Ultimate Heavenly Emperor really wanted to kill the two of them, it would not be difficult for him.

Long Shiya looked at the black clad young lady being controlled by his powerful strength and sighed, thinking to himself: Little Fatty, Little Fatty, you little brat, your luck is not bad huh! Such a beautiful little lady, and the daughter of the Heavenly Demon Sect Master to boot… well you can't say I'm treating you badly for that. Originally, I was still thinking that worse case scenario I would have to catch some female Heavenly Beast sow or something for you… heh heh heh.

Without question, this young lady that had been caught by Long Shiya was the Little Witch, Wu Yuehan, that Zhou Weiqing had met long ago… the daughter of the Heavenly Demon Sect Master. Although she was not able to move or speak, she could still listen and see everything that was going on around.

She had never met a powerhouse quite like Long Shiya. After all, even her father could not dealt with the two Heavenly King Stage powerhouse elders of the Heavenly Demon Sect so easily like that! This was the first time she had ever heard of the name of the Six Ultimate Heavenly Emperor.

Seeing Long Big Fatty's eyes fixed upon her, Little Witch felt a chill run down her spine. The unknown was always the most terrifying, and she did not know what Long Shiya had snatched her up for. Terror gripped her heart, an uncontrollable terror causing her heart to tremble as rare tears threatened to well up.

"Little young lady, do not be afraid. I have grabbed you because I need your help. Hmm.. that said, my little disciple has some sort of connection with your Heavenly Demon Sect after all. Although this time, you will lose something precious to you, I will also compensate you for it, and I promise that you will not be in any danger or have any threat to your life."

Seeing the sheer terror in Wu Yuehan's eyes, Long Shiya felt rather embarrassed and guilty, even slightly unwilling. However, for the sake of his precious disciple, he had no choice, and he could only clumsily try to comfort the young lady.

Naturally, Little Witch would not be so easily comforted by a few words. On the contrary, the terror in her heart increased several fold. Lose something precious to her? She was merely a six Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master, at most about to break through to the seventh Jewel stage… in any ordinary person's eyes, she might be someone high up above… but to a Heavenly Emperor like this man in front of her, what kind of precious thing could she have that could interest him…. unless….

I'm doomed… In that instant, Little Witch felt as if she was blacking out. However, at the same time, she suddenly thought of someone, a man who roused so many complicated feelings within her.

Ever since she left the Heavenly Jewel Island and found out about what had happened to the Heavenly Bow Empire, especially since the Heavenly Demon Sect was hiding in the Bai Da Empire and supporting it… she knew that perhaps the Heavenly Demon Sect would never be able to gain that person's support ever again. How could she and he then…

She had tried her very best to forget him, but somehow all her efforts were to no avail, and she found herself thinking of him at the most random of times. At the same time, she could never forget what had happened in the Lustre Spatial Realm, what they had gone through, and how that shameless scoundrel had suddenly seemed so tall, grand and noble as he stood before the mother dragon protectively. However, after their parting in the Heavenly Jewel Island, she had lost all contact with him, and even all knowledge of where he was. She only knew that he had returned to the Fei Li City, and after that, no one knew where he went. The Heavenly Demon Sect had been looking for him ever since, especially after she had sent word back about all he had done in the Heavenly Jewel Tournament. Her father, the current Heavenly Demon Sect Master, had already deemed this young man that had left such a lasting impression on her to be extremely important to the Heavenly Demon Sect.

However, up until now, none of them knew anything about his whereabouts. Upon seeing that she was about to reach the seven-Jeweled stage, she had decided to come to the Ten Thousand Beast Heavens to catch some Heavenly Beasts for Skill Storing. Who knew that she would actually meet with something like this. If this Heavenly Emperor powerhouse actually took what was most precious to her, or his disciple did, then… she would no longer have face to meet with 'him'.

Tears started to stream down Little Witch's eyes uncontrollably. It's the end… it's all over…

Long Shiya's flying speed was extremely fast, and the distance from the place he met with the three from the Heavenly Demon Sect was not that far from the Fire Spirit Mountain. In a few moments, he had brought Little Witch back to the top of the volcano.

Just as they rose up to the top of the Fire Spirit Mountain, a figure with a strange purple light about it flashed in front of them before leaping towards them. At the same time, it howled out with a wild abandon.

The howl had the melodious roar of a dragon, the overbearing tyranny of a tiger's howl, and a more basic, a wild berserker's fury.

His Heavenly Jewels have already finished Consolidating? Luckily I returned much earlier than expected. Long Shiya instantly knew what that purple covered figure was, and that wild aura that he was emitting gave even Long Shiya a surprise. It was a terrifying burst of bloodline power that even he had not seen before.

The six coloured shield of light rose forth from Long Shiya's body, somehow enveloping the purple blur of the figure which was moving so quickly that it could not be followed by the ordinary naked eye. Instantly, it was fully wrapped in a glowing bubble of six coloured lights.

The purple figure had clearly lost consciousness and was only moving on instinct, launching a series of crazed attacks at the six coloured shield of light covering and restricting him, causing constant ripples in the bubble.

Chapter 501: Sacrifice! Wu Yuehan! (2)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

Long Shiya's jaw dropped slightly, a hint of surprise on his face. The six-coloured shield of light was of his creation, on the basis of his Six Ultimate Skill Manipulation Arts, and it had the effect of the fusion of six Attributes. He could clearly sense the changes within his shield, and the purple figure of Zhou Little Fatty and his attacks were much more terrifying that he had expected. That was not a power that a six-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master could have.

A Zhou Little Fatty who had lost consciousness could only use the most basic attacks, both his hands extended out in a claw shape, almost like a dragon's claws, glowing with a chilling purple light. Every time he attacks, it contained a powerful piercing effect. The scariest was the purple hook that his right leg had warped into, and it was the blows from it that actually managed to shake the six coloured shield of light that Long Shiya had summoned, even causing a tiny crack.

Have I helped to raise up a true monster now? That strength… that is unbelievable indeed.

Long Shiya couldn't help but think to himself.

Currently, Zhou Weiqing was fully consumed by a primeval instinct, a wild and raw craziness that showed his consciousness was not awakened, and now that was the final process he had to go through. Long Shiya sighed inwardly, his right hand jabbing at Little Witch several times lightly, sending her into the shield of light. At the same time, he used a powerful Fetters of Wind to temporarily bind Zhou Weiqing's body.

When she saw that purple figure pouncing at her, Little Witch closed her eyes. In that instant, her heart had died. She knew that there was no more chance of her escaping.

Right at that moment, she was astonished to suddenly discover she had recovered her ability to move. However, all her Heavenly Energy had been sealed away.

A wild and incandescent aura overwhelmed her, provoking her entire body to shudder, and she subconsciously opened her eyes.

The first thing that entered her eyes, causing her heart to tremble violently in fear, was a pair of wild and invasive purple orbs. The deep purple gave one an impression that these orbs came from hell itself, giving forth an irresistibly scorching heat, as if the gaze was about to melt her body.

On his face, there was a layer of fine scales, yet they did not protrude out, and alongside the pair of wild purple orbs that were his eyes, it seemed to have a strange attraction or glamour.

His upper body was totally naked, with not even hair or fur on his body. His powerful body gleamed, the lines of his muscles well defined, full of power and beauty as he glowed in that eerie purple light, as if he was perfectly sculpted from a unique gemstone.

Such a strange looking person, and it could be said that Little Witch had never seen or heard of such a person. Yet, as she looked upon his countenance, there was a strong sense of strange familiarity.

"I'm really sorry, little girl, I have no choice but to use you as a sacrifice to awaken his consciousness. However, do not worry, I will ensure you are safe from harm." At the side, Long Shiya waved his arm, and the six-coloured shield of light brought both Zhou Weiqing and Little Witch onto a small plateau of level ground.

Although Long Shiya was very open minded and liberal, he would not possibly just watch his disciple do 'that'.

It was no surprise that Little Witch did not recognize Zhou Weiqing. Currently, he looked just too unbelievably different from previously, not just the purple hue around him, even his figure and stature was larger and more muscular than the previous time Little Witch had seen him, and he definitely looked more mature as well. More importantly, the tattoos and scales on his body from the two powerful bloodline powers had changed his looks in many small but myriad ways.

All these changes added together, coupled with the terror in Little Witch's heart, naturally she was not able to recognize him with a single look. In truth, having that small sense of familiarity was already rather impressive, after all Zhou Weiqing's aura was extremely different from his previous one as well.

Hearing Long Shiya say the word 'Sacrifice', Little Witch almost fainted. As a member of the Heavenly Demon Sect, how could she not know what that entailed? Originally, the Demonic Attribute was so ostracized because of such an issue in Awakening the Attribute, often causing a huge change in character for the Demonic Jewel Master in question.

This is it…it's really over for me… Seeing Zhou Weiqing's magnificently robust body, and the dragon claws that seemed to threaten to tear her apart at anytime… as well as that large and thick, ferocious looking 'weapon' at the 'particular place', Little Witch's mind blanked out.

Right at that moment, Long Shiya released his restriction on Zhou Weiqing. The scent of a female instantly filled Zhou Weiqing's nose. Currently, he was controlled only by his base instincts, and almost subconsciously he pounced upon Little Witch, bringing her to the ground.

Little Witch did not even struggle; she knew that it would be futile, and only bring her more pain or injury. Perhaps more accurately speaking would be that she was currently in a totally stunned and muddled state, filled with an unprecedented sense of weakness, helplessness, humiliation and pain, and if given a choice she would rather die now. However, though she had regained her ability to move, but under Long Shiya's control, she had no strength left; even if she wanted to take her own life, she was not able to do so.

Heat. Scorching heat. As Zhou Weiqing embraced Little Witch's body, the first thing she felt was an intense heat emanating from his body, as if she would be instantly melted. Yet, there was no pain, instead the wild ferocity and strange aura from him caused her blanked out mind to suddenly have a strange feeling.

The scent from Zhou Weiqing's body was not unpleasant, instead having a strange attraction, a faint fragrance even, a sort of elegance that clashed with the aura he was giving off. Even so, after smelling it, Little Witch felt as if her entire blood vessels were ignited, the heat rising from within her body.

Previously, when Zhou Weiqing had first Awakened his Power Jewels, entering the Demonic Change State for the first time, he had used Shangguan Bing'er as his Sacrifice, becoming a Heavenly Jewel Master that day. At that time, a black mist had emanated from his mouth, filled with a type of aphrodisiac of sorts, causing Shangguan Bing'er to lose herself. At this point, he now held both the Dark Demon God Tiger bloodline and the Dragon bloodline fused together, and no matter each of these powerful Heavenly Beasts had been lustful creatures. Fused together, how could their auras be any lesser? This was perhaps even stronger than any of the most powerful natural medicines, especially since Little Witch was still a poor little innocent girl. In her current state of mind, being inflicted by such a strong stimulation, how could she possibly fight against this?

A loud tearing sound. The dragon claws which Zhou Weiqing's hands had turned into did not vanish, but strangely they were currently flying about at an unbelievable speed, but at such accuracy and unerring movement that did not touch Little Witch's skin at all. However, within a few moments, the two were both naked.

A low howl and soft cries and moans, intertwining into the most base and stirring of melodies. As compared to the first time he needed a Sacrifice, it was without a question that even cultivation level aside, Zhou Weiqing's body and physique was far stronger and superior now. However, at the same time, Little Witch was almost at the seven-Jeweled cultivation level, and her body and endurance was also much superior to Shangguan Bing'er at that time. Furthermore, she had the Life Attribute, and her own recovery rate was far superior due to that.

Little Witch only managed to keep her wits about her for a few moments before finally falling to the onslaught, unable to resist that strange scent aura from Zhou Weiqing. The massive wings behind his back spread out fully, wrapping around the entwined duo. As they merged together, Zhou Weiqing's hands and legs slowly returned to their original state, as if even in his unconscious state, he was still able to maintain some level of tenderness.

Long Big Fatty sat at the entrance to the volcano. Naturally, though he did not eavesdrop, he could stay too far away, as he needed to monitor the changes in Zhou Weiqing, and more importantly to be able to react in case of any danger to any of the two. Of course, at the same time, he needed to keep his promise to Little Witch to keep her safe at all costs; after all she was already having her most precious thing stolen from her, and if she were further injured or lost her life, that would not be good.

Long Big Fatty had been contemplating what sort of compensation he could give her.

However, at this current moment, he was extremely vexed indeed. Although the billowing smoke from the volcano covered him from seeing anything, but the loud hoarse cries of Zhou Weiqing and the sweet tender moans of Little Witch continuously clashed against his keen senses.

"Damn Little Fatty, don't you have any conscience and humanity! Continuously provoking this hundred year old virgin… how can you bear to do it to your poor master! You little brat!" Long Shiya couldn't help but mutter to himself.

After a while, he burst out laughing at himself, shaking his head helplessly. "Dann it, this little brat is vigorous indeed. He hasn't even solved his problem in the Heavenly Snow Mountain, and now he is incurring a new problem with the Heavenly Demon Sect. Very good, very good, with another Heaven's Expanse Palace one at home. Maybe this little brat can conquer the five Great Saint Lands and unite them as one with his crotch, hahahahahaha. Sigh… I have spent too much time with this little brat, even my mind and thinking have been contaminated by him. Tcheh Tcheh."

If Zhou Weiqing was awake to hear Long Big Fatty's mutterings, he would have immediately protested. How could he possibly have 'contaminated' others with dirty thoughts!

The 'activity' around the volcano entrance would continue on, abruptly loud and sonorous, suddenly soft moaning and whimpers… a perfect description of highs and lows, as if the billowing smoke of the volcano was following the rise and fall of the sounds.

An entire day and night. The activity at the top of the volcano did not cease for a long time, and this most primeval of sounds gave Long Big Fatty a bigger headache than even the thirty six days of constant watch and vigilance on Zhou Weiqing when he was fusing his bloodline powers.

Without knowing when, the huge wings had wrapped around both their bodies, the thick purple light pulsing rhythmically about them. Around the purple mist that formed around them, there were a faint layer of green, but it was clearly on the weaker side.

Little Witch's nubile young body had turned a faint pink, wrapped in Zhou Weiqing's embrace. She had not fully lost consciousness, as she reached her peak time after time, substantiated and satiation filling her time and time again; all of this far from what she had expected and feared. If she died like this now, perhaps it would not be a bad thing… or so she thought.

Chapter 502: Sacrifice! Wu Yuehan! (3)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

At last, no one knew how many times they had reached the peak of bliss, but at last, the two of them slowly fell into the depths of slumber, still intertwined in an embrace.

At Zhou Weiqing's chest area, a ball of gentle light rose slowly all the way up to his forehead before disappearing. At last, the entire area fell into a dead silence.

At this moment, a powerful ray of Light Attribute Energy suddenly descended from the skies, pushing Zhou Weiqing to the side and enveloping Little Witch's body. At the same time, a long robe floated down, covering her naked body.

Only then did Long Big Fatty appear from outside the smoke. Naturally, it was his Light Attribute Healing Skills that fell upon Wu Yuehan, not holding back as he helped to heal her wounds and renourish her exhausted body. As he did so, there was a forced smile on his face. Up until now, he still did not know how he could compensate this young lady in front of him.

With the healing and aid of such powerful Light Attribute Healing Skills, it wasn't long before Little Witch opened her eyes. No longer affected by the strange scent and aura that Zhou Weiqing previously had, she quickly regained full consciousness and awareness.

The first thing Little Witch felt was the the warm and comfortable Light Attribute Heavenly Energy enveloping her entire body. As a Life Attribute Heavenly Jewel Master, the Heavenly Energy Attribute that they liked the most was definitely the Light Attribute, although the Demonic Attribute in her body was suppressed by the Light Attribute.

A feeling of heaviness soon followed, as if her limbs had been injected by lead, and even lifting her arm seemed so difficult. She felt like all the strength and energy had been drained out of her body.

As compared to the sheer fatigue and weakness in her physical body, her Heavenly Energy was a stark contrast. Little Witch was astonished to find that her Heavenly Energy was actually full and bountiful. More so, she had somehow actually broken through to the seven-Jeweled stage without knowing when!

Contrary to her expectations, her bottom was not hurting, instead feeling numb. After all, after an entire day and night, no matter how tough and flexible her body was, a young maiden like herself with no prior experience being sent to the peak over and over… it undoubtedly was a huge toll on her body.

Long Shiya looked at her with an apologetic expression on his face as he said: "Little girl, I'm sorry. If i did not do this, my disciple would have gone crazy and died. At that time, even if it were a female pig, I would have brought it back for him, but it is your misfortune that I stumbled across you at that particular time. Do you have any requests? As long as I can do it, I will fulfil any requests you have."

Little Witch's eyes were a little hollow, empty. Even though the entire 'sacrifice' process she did not feel any pain, in fact giving her a previously unknown, marvelous feeling, but she had lost her most precious virtue against her will after all! To any girl, this was a blow far worse than anything, perhaps even more than her own life itself.

Long Shiya's mouth twitched slightly as he looked on helplessly. Finally, he waved his hand, and Zhou Weiqing, who had been lying at the side, was dragged into his hands. Currently, Zhou Weiqing had lost that purple hue, and the wings behind his back had disappeared into his body, and he had finally resumed his normal look and features. Of course, all of his hair that had been burnt away in the magma could not be regrown so quickly, and his features did contain some differences from his previous look. At this moment, his eyes were closed, sleeping peacefully with a satisfied look on his face.

"How about this, little lady, I have a proposition for you and you can see whether or not you want to accept it. Anyway, this little brat has already taken your body, how about you make do with him and marry him. If you want to take revenge for that one day and night and how roughly he treated you, you have a lifetime ahead of you to do so."

Throughout his entire long life, Long Shiya had stood upright on his legs between heaven and earth, upstanding and dauntless, and though he might do things according to his own likes and dislikes, he could hold his head up high and say he had never done anything against his conscience. However, this time, catching Little Witch as a Sacrifice for Zhou Weiqing, he had been torn by both anxiety and worry and his conscience. Now that all of it was over, he felt an unprecedented apologetic feeling towards this young lady.

Subconsciously, Little Witch raised her head. As she slowly calmed down, she knew that she could not seek death so easily. After all, the entire Heavenly Demon Sect only had her as a direct bloodline heir. If she died like that, who would be able to inherit the Heavenly Demon Sect and help direct it… to help it grow? Furthermore, she had so many things left undone. She started to look up, wanting to see this man who had stolen her virtue, to see what he looked like, and remember that image. Since he had already taken her body, perhaps what this Heavenly Emperor powerhouse said was true, and it would not be a bad thing to marry his disciple. Feelings aside, at least it would bring a strong and powerful Heavenly Emperor ally to the Heavenly Demon Sect.

As she thought about all that, Little Witch's tears couldn't help but stream down her cheeks uncontrollable. However, when she slowly raised her head once more to look upon that man, and that familiar face entered her eyes, in that instant, her eyes widened fully.

"What?!" Despite still feeling weak and feeble, Little Witch sat up fully upright instantly, her eyes filled with disbelief as her lips trembled violently in sheer shock.

"Errr…." Long Shiya looked at Little Witch, then looked back at his precious disciple, a helpless look on his face as he said: "As the saying goes, if one marries a chicken, one should follow the chicken; if one marries a dog, then one should follow the dog [1. A very awkward direct translation of an old chinese idiom, basically means to persuade a girl to be content with her husband no matter what his lot is]. My disciple might not be the most handsome or suave, but you two already have that connection… so, perhaps you can make do with him?"

Long Big Fatty had also thought things through rather clearly. Only by bringing his precious disciple and this little young lady from the Heavenly Demon Sect together could the knot in his heart be eased. Although his disciple had done wrong to her, but at least if he took responsibility for it, then he wouldn't feel as guilty.

"Zhou… Zhou Weiqing?!" Little Witch's voice was filled with uncertainty. If a second ago, she had been filled with despair and hopelessness in her future, with all her negative emotions buried deep within her heart with a mask… then now, in this very instant, powerful fires of hope sprang forth. She had never thought that this man who had forcefully stolen her virtue would actually… actually be … him. If… If she had to be forced to make a choice of a man in this world, then our dear Zhou Little Fatty would definitely be the first choice. Currently, Little Witch felt as if the heavens had played a cruel joke on her… first letting her lose her most precious virtue, turning everything into a living hell for her, before springing such a strong hope on her once more, as if the sheer agony she was in wasn't as bad as she thought after all.

"Oh?! You… you know him?" This time, it was Long Shiya's turn to be surprised.

A ray green light lit up brightly. It was Little Witch, using her Life Attribute Skills to heal herself, even as she eyed Zhou Weiqing, who was being supported by Long Shiya… a complicated look on her face as her heart was mired with a myriad confused thoughts.

It was… How could it be him? Since when did he have a Heavenly Emperor powerhouse as teacher? More so… what was he doing here? How did they all end up like this? This is too much of a coincidence?! Thinking back to their entire day and night of embarrassing joining, Little Witch's pale face turned beet red instantly. At the same time, she couldn't help but think to herself: Thank the heavens… in such a terrible scenario of pain and suffering, at least this is the best possible outcome already.

Slowly supporting herself as she stood up shakily, Little Witch nodded her head lightly. "Indeed, Senior, I know him. We are actually friends. I… I…."

Speaking up to this point, Little Witch's eyes reddened. No matter what, she had been forced against her will to lose her most precious virtue, and more so, so abruptly… so out of the blue!

Long Shiya started momentarily. "Recognize? You recognize that little brat? That is great, even better than I thought! What a great coincidence! Heh heh, then… can I consider it as you being relatively voluntary in helping out rather than me forcing you? After all, this old man has not done anything against my conscience all my life, sigh… this time, for that damn little brat's sake, I have…" As he said that, he rubbed his hands together, a rather embarrassed look on his face.

How intelligent was Little Witch. She immediately understood what Long Shiya meant from his words, and she couldn't help but look at him scornfully in her heart momentarily. However, as her consciousness fully awakened and she knew that the man who had stolen her virtue was actually Zhou Weiqing, she was now extremely clear-headed.

At this point, what was the point of crying or causing a commotion? The only true thing to do now was to find a way to gain the most. That fellow Zhou Weiqing did not just have a single woman!

"Senior…" Wu Yuehan said grievously: "This is too much of a coincidence. Sigh… yes, I am willing. If I knew it was him beforehand, could I possibly leave him in the lurch and watch him die?"

Long Shiya was delighted. He had not expected that Wu Yuehan would be so understanding and considerate. In fact, looking at how she was now, it seemed like she had some feelings for his precious disciple, and he couldn't help but heave an internal sigh of relief, thinking to himself: Such luck! Heh heh! What a good girl indeed! "Don't worry, I know about your circumstance, and you have given your most precious body to this little brat. If he dares not want you, I will beat him all his skin off! Don't worry, I will make sure that this little brat marries you. Oh right, child, I still do not know your name."

Little Witch lowered his head and said: "This Junior is Wu Yuehan."

Long Shiya nodded repeatedly and said: "Very good, in that case, you might as well not leave. When that little brat wakes up, I'll make the decision for you two."

"No… no need, Senior." Little Witch quickly looked up, a complicated look in her eyes as she said: "Senior, I do not want to meet him under such a circumstance. Please do not force him, after all it was just to save his life. He originally never liked me. Please can I trouble you to send me back?"

"What like or dislike. Hmph. He has already taken your body, and you are willing to let it go like that? Child, do not worry, in this matter, this old man will settle it for you. You are from the Heavenly Demon Sect right, later on I will bring that little brat and personally go to your Heavenly Demon Sect to propose marriage."

Wu Yuehan was delighted in her heart, looking at Long Shiya with a face full of hope. "Senior, is that for real?"

Long Shiya thumped his own chest steadily and said: "Since when have I, Long Shiya, told any lie. However, I must first tell you that this little brat is a don juan in his own right, and I'm afraid you will not be his only woman."

Wu Yuehan gave a bitter smile and said: "How can I not know that? As long as he still has a place for me in his heart in the future, I will be satisfied. Senior, can you please send me back now?"

"You still want to leave now?" Long Shiya started momentarily.

Wu Yuehan flushed deeply and said: "I truly do not want to meet him under such circumstances. I need to calm down and think through things. Senior, can you please tell me where I can find him in the future?"

Long Shiya sighed. He was not familiar with what had exactly gone on between Zhou Weiqing and Little Witch before this, and subconsciously he thought it was this current situation and that the shade in her heart from this incident was still deep in her mind, and time was needed for her to process it. As such, he nodded to her and said: "You change your clothes first, and I will send you back."