597 - 603

Chapter 597: Bloody Battle in Crescent City! (1)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

The benefit of throwing javelins like this was that even if they didn't use much strength, the sheer weight, the balance of the tail fin, and the piercing power of the titanium tip would mean an overall terrifying downward piercing thrust.

Originally, when they completed research and development on these throwing javelins, the goal was to reduce the Heavenly Energy expenditure of the Peerless Air Force. After all, though they were all Jewel Masters, their cultivation level was still not considered very high yet. Just maintaining flight with their Consolidated Wings alone was no small consumption. With these javelins, they could still ensure their killing power even while saving as much Heavenly Energy as possible.

Currently, the large patch of black dots descending down upon the Kalise soldiers were naturally the javelins that had been thrown down. Their targets were simple – the Kalise Heavy Infantry and Heavy Cavalry in the front.

The Heavy Infantry subconsciously reacted swiftly, raising the tower shields in their hands. As for the Heavy Cavalry, though their reactions were just as quick, they could only use the small round shields bound to their left hands.

Throwing javelins down from a height of five hundred yards was definitely not the same as shooting arrows, and naturally accuracy suffered. However, one could not dismiss the fact of their sheer numbers! Two hundred javelins raining down, and the enemy formation was so tightly packed. Even if they wanted to miss, it would be extremely difficult.

*Puu**Puu**Puu**Puu* A series of grating, harsh and horrific sounds rang out, along with screams of agony that were often cut off abruptly.

The Heavy Infantry soldiers were relatively okay. Even facing such powerful javelins, their tower shields were barely able to hold on. Although the javelins were able to pierce through the shields, by the time they did so the remaining force was much smaller, with only the front titanium tip able to pierce through. Besides a few that were unlucky enough to have it land directly at their head and killing them, most of them only received minor injuries.

Alas, for the Heavy Cavalry soldiers, misery befell them. The small round shields in their hands, how could they possibly withstand the javelins thrown from a height of five hundred yards! Clouds of bloody mist rose from the backs of the horses as the soldiers were lanced right through, some even piercing right through the human and deep into their warhorses.

Although their heavy armour weighed at least twenty jin, with those terrifying javelins that were thrown from such a height, the armour was torn through like paper, not having any use at all.

Originally, each of the Peerless Regiment Air Force soldiers were equipped with six throwing javelins, and after several volleys of such javelin rain, several dozens of Heavy Infantry soldiers had fallen, while the Heavy Cavalry was nearly wiped out.

Furthermore, having prepared for this battle for so long, how could Zhou Weiqing still leave his men with only six throwing javelins? Out of the two hundred Peerless Air Force soldiers, there were at least ten Spatial Rings, filled with large numbers of javelins. From just a rough estimate, they had at least two thousand more.

The owners of the rings did not even need to pass them to the other warriors, only needing to toss the javelins down as soon as they took them out of the Spatial Rings. The javelins would automatically fall down tip first, still resulting in the terrifying piercing effect.

Zhou Weiqing remained floating in midair. He was actually the busiest one of all. Right by his side, there was a member of the Peerless Air Force with one of the Spatial Rings, specially passing him javelins one after the other. In fact, the several dozen Heavy Infantry soldiers that had been killed were mostly all slain by him. He did not even need to use Heavenly Energy, just using his powerful natural strength and accuracy of throwing… how could their tower shields hold out against him?

By the time the Kalise Empire soldiers advanced another two hundred yards, the two Battalions of Heavy Cavalry had been wiped out. More than a hundred Heavy Infantry soldiers had also lost their lives.

At this point, Zhou Weiqing stopped the others from wasting their javelins, ordering them to 'gift' their final throws to the mass of infantry behind. As for himself, after taking a few more lives of the Heavy Infantry soldiers, he gathered his Air Force to return to the city walls.

Cheers erupted like a volcano's explosion, all around the Crescent City walls. In just this burst of attacks, more than two thousand Kalise Empire soldiers had died. More importantly, most of those were the most elite and 'expensive' Heavy Cavalry soldiers! One could imagine the current expression on the Kalise Empire Army Commander.

"Boss, let us go again. Even if we just bring some rocks, we can smash those fellows to bits." One of the Peerless Regiment soldiers said excitedly.

A notion rose its head in Zhou Weiqing's heart, but he shook his head and said: "No, all your Heavenly Energy is not sufficient. Especially when the load is too heavy, the expenditure of Heavenly Energy is just too huge for you. Hurry up and recover your Heavenly Energy. Prepare to start shooting. I want all of you to focus on the soldiers who are manning the siege weapons. Your goal is to stop them all before they reach five hundred yards from the city walls."

The Peerless Regiment First Main Company was the strongest elites of the entire Regiment, and their members all had ranges absolutely accurate up to eight hundred yards. After Zhou Weiqing gave his orders and arranged everything, he immediately went to look for two massive rocks, grabbing them as he flew up into the skies once more.

These rocks were part of a collection of fallen logs and rocks that were prepared for use in dealing with enemies who came closer. With that reminder from the Peerless Regiment soldier earlier, Zhou Weiqing flew up with the two giant rocks. Naturally, his targets now were the trebuchets.

Soon, the Kalise soldiers below could only stare in shock as two trebuchets were just smashed into smithereens by the two giant rocks. It had to be known that they only had a total of eight trebuchets for this entire battle!

However, when Zhou Weiqing returned to the city walls and rose again with another batch of rocks, he no longer had the opportunity to repeat his feat once again. The Kalise Empire powerhouses were not there just too look pretty, especially since most of them were not even from the Kalise Empire, but from the Bai Da Empire. This time, they worked together to block the falling rocks, protecting the trebuchets.

Foiled once more, Zhou Weiqing could only return to the city walls. He was not at all excited by their achievements thus far, as he knew that this was only the beginning. The hidden aces that he had were slowly being flipped open, but the attack of the enemy was only just beginning.

Just on this frontal assault on the south wall, the Kalise Empire still had at least twenty thousand soldiers. For just a small city, once their attack actually started, it would be wave after wave crashing against them. Furthermore, if the giant battering ram cart actually reached the gates, how long could the weak gates of the Crescent City hold out?

Come then! Zhou Weiqing yelled in his heart. At this moment, he suddenly thought about how the Kalise Empire had invaded his homeland, and how his father had fought to the end, almost sacrificing his life to Seal the Royal Palace. His eyes turned red slowly. The true battle was about to begin.

The Peerless Regiment archers began to display their true strength. They began to focus on firing at those soldiers that were pushing the various siege weapons. At this point, they did not even need to use their Consolidated Bows, each using their personal longbows, causing the movement of the siege weapons to drop dramatically.

However, the Kalise Empire commander also reacted quickly. They still had more than a thousand Heavy Infantry soldiers remaining, and they quickly stepped forward with their tower shields to protect the soldiers pushing the siege weapons. Once again, the siege weapons resumed their slow march towards the city walls.

From the vision up on the city walls, at least fifty sets of sieging ladders were prepared right behind the rest of the siege weapons. Once they all reached the two hundred yard range, the true offense would begin.

"Summon your Consolidated Bows. Fire!" Zhou Weiqing shouted angrily. The enemies had finally reached the five hundred yard range. At this moment, it was time to show another ace. It was imperative that these siege weapons were stopped!

Once again, the Peerless Regiment soldiers showed their power. The Consolidated Bows sprang into existence one after the other in bright light. Soon, the earsplitting sounds rang out explosively as they fired as one.

The tower shields of the Heavy Infantry truly had an amazing defense. Even with the explosive effect of the Consolidated Bows, they still weren't able to destroy them with a single shot. However, the explosive effect was still stunning, able to knock them back or even send them flying.

For a time, the Heavy Infantry soldiers at the front were under great pressure. The explosive power of the arrows caused their neat formation to stumble and be thrown into disarray. Furthermore, for some of the skilled Peerless Regiment archers, their Consolidated Bows did not have the explosive effect, instead with a powerful piercing effect. The arrows that these fired out were not stopped by the tower shields, each claiming a life upon hitting.

At this point, the defensive line that had been the sturdy bedrock of the Kalise soldiers finally suffered a catastrophic loss. With the Peerless Regiment soldiers no longer sparing their Heavenly Energy, the remaining thousand Heavy Infantry soldiers all perished by the time the formation reached the three hundred yard mark.

Three hundred yards. At last, the Kalise Empire soldiers began to come into range to return fire as well, and a large number of arrows began flying up in an arc towards the city. In such a large scale battle, there weren't many soldiers who could be as accurate in their archery as the Peerless Regiment soldiers. However, they just had too great of numbers, and they just needed to shoot upwards in an arc towards the Crescent City walls.

A large patch of arrows fell upon them. The Peerless Regiment archers and Heavy Cavalry were naturally not afraid due to their armour, but for the ordinary soldiers, the injuries and death were starting to add up. Although they were all equipped with shields, they were after all still fresh recruits with minimal training! Facing such a battle, how could panic not ensue?

*Bang**Boom**Bang**Boom* The ballista turrets on the walls also began their fire. One by one, the siege vehicles were smashed apart by the heavy bolts of the ballista. Although they weren't as effective as Zhou Weiqing's previous arrows, even down to killing the soldiers within, but at least the main goal of taking down the siege vehicles had been met. For a time, the death toll on the Kalise side continued rising higher.

Out of the fifty siege vehicles at the start, the number which had actually reached the three hundred yard range now was only about twenty or so. Just from that alone, one could imagine how crazy the fight for the Crescent City had been thus far.

However, by this point, a large majority of Zhou Weiqing's hidden aces had already been revealed. Yet, there were still six more trebuchets, and they were closing in soon. The remaining siege weaponry were also reaching soon.

This was especially so for the giant battering ram cart, the lumbering giant which seemed to be the next greatest threat soon. Those things were just too huge, and Zhou Weiqing had tried using a massive rock to smash one earlier, but it did not have a big effect. It seemed to difficult to destroy them outright. At this point, Zhou Weiqing did not dare to spend too much Heavenly Energy. After all, those Kalise Empire powerhouses were not to be trifled with, and when the actual onslaught began, they would charge forth as well. On his own side, there was only Lin TianAo and Xiao Yan who could help him deal with those powerhouses, so it could be said that the majority of enemies had to be dealt by Zhou Weiqing.

As such, standing on the city walls, Zhou Weiqing could only continuously fire arrows with his Overlord Bow at the Heavy Infantry soldiers, not even using much Heavenly Energy. At such a range, even his ordinary arrows were not so easily blocked.

It wasn't just the Heavy Infantry soldiers who suffered. Even some of the Kalise powerhouses who tried to charge forward were sent on a retreat by Zhou Weiqing's Overlord Bow.

Since the fight had already reached such a point, it was already infinitely close to the most savage and ruthless point, hand to hand combat. It wasn't just the frontal south wall though, all the other three walls of the Crescent city were also facing the frenzied attacks of their respective enemies.

Currently, this Crescent City was just the first stop in Zhou Weiqing's revival of his Empire, and just like a boat in the torrential winds of the fifty thousand Kalise Empire armies, on the verge of capsizing at anytime.

Chapter 598: Bloody Battle in Crescent City! (2)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

Closer… closer… closer… As the siege vehicles entered the two hundred yard range, so did the trebuchets, which were already primed and ready.


Six Trebuchets. Almost as one, they launched their loads with an angry roar. The trebuchets did not launch a single large rock, instead each of them having six decent sized rocks. As they were flung up into the air in an arc, all in the same direction but spreading out as they flew. For these rocks, thrown at a distance of two hundred yards, even ordinary Heavy Cavalry soldiers would be severely wounded or even killed if struck.

The greatest weakness of the trebuchet was its accuracy. For the first volley, the majority of the rocks smashed ineffectually onto the city walls, causing a round of explosions. However, just the small percentage that actually hit the top of the walls managed to take the lives of eight ordinary Heavenly Bow Empire soldiers.

This was time for the show of the Peerless Regiment Heavy Cavalry once more. Out of all the soldiers, these rocks from the trebuchets posed the least threat to them. For a time, the large spiked maces or giant battle axes waved in the air, and any of the large rocks that came near them were smashed into bits instantly.

F**k your sister! Zhou Weiqing screamed angrily in his heart. All around his body, a bluish purple light burst forth as he nocked another arrow. This time, his arrow was not shot at any particular target, instead towards the skies. Instantly, along with a chain of explosions, a large patch of lightning struck down from the skies, fully enveloping the six trebuchets. Immediately, many of the soldiers in charge of reloading the trebuchets fell to the ground.

Thousand Lightning Strikes.

The destructive power of this Skill was not strong, definitely not sufficient to destroy the trebuchets. However, it was enough to disable the Kalise Empire soldiers who were manning it. Left with no choice, Zhou Weiqing could only use such a method to delay the attacks from the trebuchets.

However, since the Kalise soldiers had reached the two hundred yards, they could also begin their actual charge. No matter how skillful the Peerless Regiment soldiers were, they only numbered two hundred. Facing the charge of several thousands at once, even with their firing rates they could only take down a portion of enemies. They could only watch as the rest of the Kalise Empire armies charged to the walls despite their best efforts.

One by one, siege climbing ladders were placed onto the walls as soldiers scrambled to climb up. Right behind them, the plodding giant battering ram cart still moved on, advancing slowly and steadily like an unstoppable force.

This was the first time Zhou Weiqing truly felt the terror of the battlefield. No matter how powerful he was individually, he still could not take care of everything that was happening. When he tried to deal with the trebuchets, the battering ram cart moved on unimpeded. Even the delay on the trebuchets did not last long, as more soldiers ran forward to continue reloading them. Taking a deep breath, a thick purplish black light began to gather crazily about him, and with an explosive shout, Zhou Weiqing flew up once more.

Ten days ago, the purplish black light which had shocked everyone, taking thousands of lives instantly, it appeared once more. When the six giant wings spread out and the illusory light spread across the entire field with the oppressive pressure… the charging Kalise soldiers suddenly stalled, stunned.

All of a sudden, some of the soldiers just turned and ran, not even caring about their orders. In their haste to flee, they did not even care about their siege ladders, just dumping them on the ground in the sudden trample of movement.

This was something that Zhou Weiqing did not expect. The fear the Hell's Angel caused even before he unleashed it was actually at such a level.

For the first time since the battle had started, a cold smile flashed across Zhou Weiqing's face. However, it was not one of happiness, but one filled with a cold killing intent.

This time, the Hell's Angel Skill did not show any signs of coming to life. Naturally, Zhou Weiqing did not dare to infuse Saint Energy within once more, and it was just an ordinary Skill that was close to the Heavenly God Tier stage. A thick darkness aura welled up, and with the powerful control of his Six Ultimate Godly Light Formation, the terrifying skill that had been stored into his Six Ultimate Godly Light Formation was not transformed into a purplish black arrow nocked to his Overlord Bow.

Above Zhou Weiqing's head, the illusory figure of the Hell's Angel flapped its wings hard, and along with the explosive release of the Overlord Bow and the shrill screech, the arrow flew towards the trebuchets.

This time, none of the Kalise powerhouses dared to block it. When they saw the image of the Hell's Angel above Zhou Weiqing's head, they had been scared silly. After all, it was just too similar to what had happened ten days ago, and they did not even care to be curious why the Heavenly Emperor on the Heavenly Bow Empire side would actually dare to break the rules again. The powerhouses were the ones who fled the fastest, and within moments they were back at the end of the army lines.

One could clearly see that currently, all of the Kalise soldiers who had been charging forward were now retreating like the waves which had crashed upon a shore. Indeed! Who would be willing to withstand the terrifying force of nature they had witnessed ten days ago?!

Even Zhou Weiqing did not realise the awe and deterrent power his Hell's Angel Skill suddenly had. In that moment, he felt laugher almost bubbling up to the front. Without question, as the enemy started retreating, the pressure on their defense was greatly reduced.


Once again the explosive effect of the Overlord Bow caused another violent detonation. Next, the six trebuchets were totally swallowed by the purplish grey swirls of air that rose from the very earth, the terrifying corrosive nature and destructive power causing the six trebuchets to disintegrate into thin air. Some of the slower Kalise Empire soldiers who did not flee in time were also swallowed up.

Once again, the Kalise Empire soldiers were stunned silly, but this time for a totally different reason. Indeed, the Hell's Angel Skill of Zhou Weiqing's was extremely powerful, and the area of effect was not small at all; otherwise it couldn't have swallowed all six trebuchets at once. However, when compared to the horrifying image ten days ago and the deep impression it left, this current Hell's Angel was like child's play! The Hell's Angel that had been brought to life was just at a whole different level, and the force that defied nature did not appear once more. However, by the time they realised it, the Kalise forces had already retreated back past the three hundred yard range.

With that, the Peerless Regiment soldiers on the wall burst out laughing at the sight. They did not hesitate to make full use of the opportunity, arrow after arrow chasing after their enemies' butts, and wave after wave of Kalise soldiers fell like wheat harvested in the fields.

From the start of the battle until now, out of the twenty thousand Kalise soldiers on this front, at least three thousand would never witness the dawn tomorrow. In stark contrast, the Heavenly Bow Empire had only lost a few dozen soldiers. Such a huge difference in death and wounded could only be found in a siege battle.

The Kalise Empire army command were no fools, after a short moment of shock, they immediately reacted. Indeed! Since the Heavenly Bow Empire had already received strong warnings, how could they possibly dare to use the same terrifying Skill again? Instantly, a series of strict orders were issued again, and only then did the Kalise soldiers barely stabilize and begin to turn back, charging back towards the Crescent City once more.

However, in just the matter of retreating and returning, the Kalise had left behind another thousand or so corpses before they reached the city walls again. The Peerless Regiment soldiers were all godly archers, and they might not be able to take down the Heavy Infantry soldiers in the front, but that did not stop them from focusing on the backlines. Furthermore, there were still the ballista turrets. In the extra time given, it was sufficient for four more salvos from them. Once again, they focused on the siege vehicles, and by now only a dozen or so actually remained fully intact.

However, despite all of the success, this also spelled the end of some of the main defensive advantages of the Crescent City. The true siege had begun, and once again siege ladders were thrown against the wall, arrows flying up and towards them like swarms of locusts.

Without a doubt, the destruction of the trebuchets meant they were facing much less pressure, but the waves of attacks from their enemies were just as crazy as before.

The Heavy Infantry soldiers had accomplished their goals. Actually attacking the walls were not their forte indeed, as climbing would be difficult. As such, they slowly moved back to continue escorting other Kalise soldiers to charge to the front once more.

On top of the city walls, the piles of fallen logs and large rocks which had been prepared over the past months were now put to good use, thrown down to smash into the climbing foes. This also caused many casualties on the Kalise side. However, there were elites mixed within those soldiers, especially some of the powerhouses who had reached the front along with the ordinary soldiers. Although the Heavy Cavalry soldiers were still pushing down and destroying ladder after ladder, they just couldn't take care of the entire section of wall.

As soon as the enemies reached the top of the walls, the arrows of the Peerless Regiment soldiers would no longer be as effective, and they would have to resort to hand to hand combat. Still, their effectiveness had proven itself. More than four thousand enemies had fallen by the time the first Kalise soldier reached the top of the walls, and this was under the fact that they still had a large number of siege weapons

The Peerless Regiment only numbered seven hundred in total, and on this wall alone, Zhou Weiqing and his men only totalled two hundred and fifty. With just this two hundred and fifty core of elite soldiers, they had actually already managed to kill a total of more than ten times their number. For any defending army, that was already something to be proud of.

However, despite all their resistance, their enemies had still reached the top of the wall. At this moment, the terrifying combat prowess of the Heavy Cavalry soldiers truly came into play.

The fifty Peerless Heavy Cavalry soldiers were spread out along the wall, so thinly spread that there was only one of them every hundred metres. However, as soon as any enemy broke through the barricade and reached the top of the walls, the destructive force of the Heavy Cavalry soldiers would greet them.

This was especially so for the Berserker Tribe warriors, whose performance stood out strikingly. In terms of destructive powers, perhaps they were slightly inferior to the Gold Crow Tribe members; after all the large spiked maces and massive battle axes could not be compared in terms of destructive power.

However, the length of the spiked maces were far beyond the battle axes, and these Berserker Tribe members who had inherited a hint of the ancient Titan Bloodlines, they all stood even taller with a startling arm reach. Even if they stood there unmoving, the pair of supreme spiked maces in their hands could reach and area of more than a dozen square metres. As long as enemies climbed up to the city walls, before they could take action, a terrifying blow would greet them.

From below the city, it was an even scarier sight. For those Kalise soldiers, they could clearly see their fellow soldiers who had painstaking climbed all the way to the top, and within moments, it was as if an entire cart had slammed into them, their bodies exploding out from the city walls and smashed several dozen metres away before falling to the ground. Before they could even land on the ground, they were already mangled corpses.

The Peerless Heavy Cavalry stood there on the city walls, just like gods of war. Unmoving bedrocks of the defense which could not fall. As for the rest of the Peerless Regiment archers, they had long since switched to long spears, and for some time at least, they were still barely able to hold their own and defend the city walls. However, they no longer had any excess energy or time to spare with regards to the enemies outside the wall.

When the enemies had reached the the city walls, Zhou Weiqing had instantly changed his weapon. Although the Overlord Bow was powerful, it was no longer important now that they were climbing up. The most important thing now was to stop them from actually overwhelming the top of the walls.

The two Legendary Hammers in hand, the rest of his 'Hate Ground no Handle' Legendary Set worn around him, along with the Dragon-Tiger Transformation and the wings behind his back. Where there was the most enemies, Zhou Weiqing would appear there, slaughtering countless numbers of enemies. Even he did not know how many he had killed, having lost count long ago, and before his eyes was just a sea of red.

Chapter 599: Bloody Battle in Crescent City! (3)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

In any war, the most horrifying part was when both sides were fully embroiled in hand to hand combat. Once that happened, it was usually a matter of only one side surviving. Furthermore, the Kalise armies had expended so much to actually charge up the city walls, and this was their greatest chance. If they actually retreated to recover and try again, wouldn't that mean an even greater loss? As such, the Kalise Empire commander had given the death order. No matter what the cost, they had to take the Crescent City today!

In a full scale, mass battle, Zhou Weiqing's combat effectiveness was definitely terrifying. No one would believe he was just a six-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master from all he had done.

It could be said that for the entire section of the wall, nearly a third of it was covered by Zhou Weiqing alone. The dual Legendary Hammers in his hands were like cannon turrets, constantly spitting out large amounts of lightning pearls, which spread out to knock down countless of enemies.

With the Six Ultimate Godly Light Formation, Zhou Weiqing could maintain such attacks for a long time, but the Kalise army would not give him the chance to keep doing so. In that moment, more than a dozen figures appeared on the city walls like the wind, all directed at Zhou Weiqing. All of them could tell how important Zhou Weiqing was to the Heavenly Bow Empire, and as long as they could kill him, there would be no longer any suspense about the outcome of the war. Even if they could not kill him, they could at least prevent him from attacking their ordinary troops.

When the over dozen figures appeared on the city walls, the pressure the frontal wall was under increased greatly. The reason was simple, the Bai Da Regiment had finally joined the battle. They had treated the Kalise soldiers like cannon fodder, and now that they had reached the city walls, they had also begun their own attacks.

Although the Bai Da Regiment had lost their Heavy Cavalry soldiers and a large number of Heavy Infantry soldiers, their ordinary infantry soldiers' fighting capabilities were already far beyond that of the Kalise Empire soldiers.

Even for their ordinary light infantry soldiers, these Bai Da Empire fighters had a full set of leather equipment and helmet, even their left hands had a small round shield buckled on.

This allowed them to have a greater survivability on the battlefield, not to mention their better training. Furthermore, the officers of the Bai Da Empire were all Jewel Masters, and for their Company Leaders and above, they had to be at least a two-Jeweled Physical Jewel Master or higher. Battalion Commanders and above had to be Heavenly Jewel Masters.

With these powerhouses joining the fight, the pressure the Peerless Regiment faced instantly increased.

Firstly, the fresh recruits of the Heavenly Bow Empire were being injured or even killed rapidly. Although they had been given basic training, and with Zhou Weiqing's actions and words inspiring them to bloodlust and they were just giving it their all, but they were still fresh recruits with no real combat experience. Unfortunately, facing the crazed onslaught of their enemies, these fresh recruits were the first to perish.

On the frontal wall, there were only a total of a thousand fresh recruits, and under such a circumstance, the injury and death toll began to rise. Only those luckier ones who were right beside the Peerless Regiment warriors were saved.

At this moment, the rest of the Peerless Regiment soldiers also showed their considerable fighting abilities.

By now, the two hundred Peerless Regiment archers had morphed into close combat fighters. Not long after this bloody battle began, they started to truly feel so much gratitude for their beloved drillmaster Shanggaun Fei'er. It was her merciless training and spurring that had given them their current skill in hand to hand combat.

All of the Peerless Regiment soldiers were dressed in titanium mail, light, flexible but extremely tough. Ordinary arrows, swords and sabres could not harm them easily. This allowed them to fight on without too many distractions. Furthermore, all of them were Jewel Masters. To be able to enter the First Main Company, they were at least four-Jeweled Physical Jewel Masters or higher. Even if a lot of their Heavenly Energy had been expended earlier with their Consolidated Wings and Consolidated Bows, as Jewel Masters their physique, physical attributes and even toughness were far beyond any ordinary soldiers.

In the hands of the Peerless Regiment soldiers, the long spears thrust, pierced, flick, dodged, all the various simple yet effective techniques working wonders in their hands. Even for the Bai Da Empire soldiers, none could last around them. Almost every time they took action, the Peerless Regiment soldiers could severely injure or kill an enemy, and already a large number of enemy troops had been sent off the wall.

Melee combat had barely started for more than fifteen minutes, and the Peerless Regiment soldiers, including the Heavy Cavalry soldiers were all drenched in blood. However, none of them were injured yet, and they even had to intervene or take blows to protect the fresh recruits beside them. It was their powerful presence and performance that kept the Crescent City from falling there and then.

Without a doubt, the pressure that Zhou Weiqing was under was the greatest. Lin TianAo and Xiao Yan had both been dispatched by him to protect the other sides of their wall. Currently, more than a dozen Bai Da Empire Heavenly Jewel Masters were surrounding Zhou Weiqing on his side of the wall. This was a war, not an arena fight, and there was no such thing as being 'fair' on the battlefield. As soon as these Heavenly Jewel Masters appeared atop the wall, they instantly surrounded Zhou Weiqing and began attacking crazily together.


The crying-face hammer savagely smashed one of the Bai Da Heavenly Jewel Masters into meat paste, but at the same time, Zhou Weiqing had took take blows from two enemies at his back.

With the wings behind his back, Zhou Weiqing's speed was extremely fast. However, amongst the surrounding Bai Da Empire Heavenly Jewel Masters, two of them were at the eight-Jeweled cultivation level, while the rest were at least four Jewel or higher, with some six and seven Jeweled respectively. This force gathered together was definitely a formidable one.

Despite his speed and agility, Zhou Weiqing could not dodge everything and still go on the offensive. As such, he had done his best, accepting the hits from the weakest four-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Masters, while forcefully killing one of the six-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Masters.

At this point, Zhou Weiqing's tremendous physique and constitution proved its true use in actual combat.

As the two four-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Masters struck Zhou Weiqing, they felt as if his body was just like a tough and flexible rubber. Not only did their attacks seem to lose strength immediately, there was a return counter-force.

Furthermore, Zhou Weiqing's body was surrounded by lightning, and his Dual Legendary Hammers continued to constantly spit out large amounts of lightning pearls which spread out in the area, causing the Bai Da Empire powerhouses to have to react to them. This barely allowed him to hold his on for now, but Zhou Weiqing had definitely been contained by his foes, and would not be able to affect the rest of the battle.

More and more enemies climbed up the walls, and the stacks of corpses piled up there was already so much that there was barely space for more to stand.

The Bai Da and Kalise soldiers that climbed up the walls after were forced to actually clear some of their fallen comrades before they could continue fighting.

The intensity and viciousness of the fight far surpassed the expectations on both sides. For Zhou Weiqing's side, he had never imagined that the Kalise Empire would be so resolute in their efforts to take down the Crescent City, and to bring so many forces into play now. There were no probing attacks or exploratory moves like he had expected, instead this all-in attack with more than fifty thousand soldiers. The sheer amount of resources and powerhouses channeled into this was astonishing. Although Zhou Weiqing knew that the frontal assault was the toughest, he could imagine that the other three walls were also facing their own uphill battles.

At this point, there was no time for regrets, nor was there any meaning in doing so. All they could do was to fight, to put everything on the line and fight. There was no chance left to retreat, as everyone was full of bloodlust. Now, it was kill or be killed.

As for the Kalise Empire side, they had never imagined that this tiny force of Heavenly Bow Empire soldiers would actually cause them so much trouble, so many casualties. Unlike the various other Heavenly Bow rebellions that they had quelled, the Peerless Regiment's terrifying combat abilities had just caused them far too much death and losses.

The battle raged on from dawn all the way to high noon, and the city walls were bathed in a river of blood.

The Peerless Regiment soldiers were still hanging on. However, even their titanium mail was mostly in tatters, not a single piece of their armour was fully intact. Although their wounds were not serious, the remaining fresh recruits by their side had dropped drastically.

Of course, the death toll on their enemies were far greater, and none of the Peerless Regiment soldiers actually knew how many they had killed. All they could see before them was a spread of blood red.

The Peerless Regiment soldiers might have the best training, the best equipment, being powerful Jewel Masters… but they were still human, not machines. They could still feel exhausted; by now all the Heavenly Energy in their bodies had long been used up. Even for the Berserker and Gold Crow Tribe warriors, with their powerful physiques and constitutions, they were barely even able to hold their massive weapons any longer. Luckily, their armour was just too thick and strong, for the moment no matter how their enemies struck at them, they were unable to break through their defense; otherwise they might have already suffered casualties.

After these several hours of fighting, there were still seven powerhouse enemies surrounding Zhou Weiqing. They were the strongest of all the Heavenly Jewel Masters who had come from the Bai Da Empire. All of the others had died to the Dual Legendary Hammers. With his own six-Jeweled cultivation level, to have done so much up until now, that was already close to the limit for Zhou Weiqing.

The Six Ultimate Godly Light Formation was indeed powerful, especially in terms of sustainability. Even so, an entire morning of constant high pressure fighting had pushed Zhou Weiqing's body to the limit.

By now, he couldn't even maintain the Dragon-Tiger Transformation. All about his body, where the 'Hate Ground no Handle' Legendary Set did not cover, countless wounds covered him. If not for the fact his constitution was so strong, with the bloodlines of the dragon and tigers mixed within him, perhaps he would have fallen by now.

No! I can't fall here. I mustn't fall here! At this point, all that held Zhou Weiqing up was his own willpower. He was no longer able to use any Skills, just using the strength that was brought to him by the 'Hate Ground no Handle' Legendary Set to keep fighting… fighting. He was extremely clear that if he fell down now, then the war would be over, and all would be lost.

He had long since witnessed many of his Peerless Regiment soldiers wounded, but these soldiers who had come from the Ruffian Battalion had a strong sense of survival, able to cover and protect each other as best they could. All of the injured Peerless Regiment soldiers gathered together in a defensive bunch. Zhou Weiqing did not know if any of them had died, or if so, how many. However, he could see that barely a third of them were still able to continue fighting.

As for the Berserker and Gold Crow Tribe warriors, they were now just resorting to using their weight to shove enemies down the walls. Most of them could not even lift their weapons anymore, let alone fight.

For a battle to reach such an intense, horrifying state, one could use the word 'meat-grinder' to describe it.

Chapter 600: To be confirmed! (1)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

However, the exploits and results of these Peerless Regiment soldiers was glorious indeed. From the start of the fight until now, the Kalise and Bai Da soldiers had all been thrown into the fight, but no one could even know the current death and injury toll. No matter atop the city walls or below, all that could be seen was a sea of corpses.

*BANG* One of the eight-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Masters slammed his weapon savagely into Zhou Weiqing's back, causing his entire body to smash into the city wall, almost sinking in with an explosive sound. At last, the Six Ultimate Godly Light Formation below Zhou Weiqing's feet dissipated with the final violent blow.

"Bastard!" Zhou Weiqing howled angrily, abruptly turning around and giving a furious swing with his Legendary Hammers, causing his enemies to step back momentarily.

Perhaps it was because they saw the Six Ultimate Godly Light Formation below Zhou Weiqing's feet dissipate, the Bai Da powerhouses surrounding him finally heaved a sigh of relief, their attacks stopping momentarily.

These enemies were not in particularly great condition either, none of them remained injury free. More than a dozen Heavenly Jewel Masters! All of them had been surrounding a single person, Zhou Weiqing, all this time, and more so right on top of the city wall that was not wide at all… more than half of them had actually died at his hands.

Besides the strong killing intent they had, all of the Bai Da Empire powerhouses couldn't help but look at Zhou Weiqing with a hint respect.

This youth in front of them was just too powerful. Amongst any Heavenly Jewel Master they had seen before, in terms of six-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Masters, no one could compare with him.

The Mid Level Zong Stage Heavenly Jewel Master who had just struck Zhou Weiqing continued panting as he said: "Young man, surrender yourself. Your future is just too bright, with limitless potential behind you. Why do you need to sacrifice your life for an impossible dream, working to revive your empire… that is an empty and illusory dream for you. As long as you can bring your men and surrender to us, our Bai Da Empire will definitely welcome you with open arms, and treat you with top honours."

With a temporary halt from his enemies, naturally Zhou Weiqing was more than happy for the delay. His personal regeneration speed for his Heavenly Energy and even his body was far beyond anyone else, and currently his twenty five energy whirlpools of his Death Acupuncture Points were working overtime, whirling at maximum to recover as much as possible before the fight started once more.

These Bai Da Empire Heavenly Jewel Masters were far strong, far more persistent than he had imagined. Clearly, these were not just Heavenly Jewel Masters who were flowers grown in a greenhouse, each of them having a lot of battle experience. After one of their numbers had been destroyed by Zhou Weiqing's Devour Skill, none of the other stronger powerhouses had given him the opportunity to Devour anyone else.

"Surrender?" A faint, disdainful smirk crossed Zhou Weiqing's lips. His voice was hoarse as he said: "I am very afraid of death, and I truly do not want to die. However, if I surrender now, I might as well just die. Haha, come on then, I don't know if you believe me or not, but I will tell you now, even if you can kill me, I will ensure that all of you accompany me in death." At this moment, a sudden figure appeared in Zhou Weiqing's mind, his father's broad figure, and it was as if he could see his father Admiral Zhou before his very eyes.

Father, do not worry. No matter how afraid of death I am, I will never surrender to them. I am your son! Just like you, I can have a steel backbone. How could I possibly surrender to these fellows who caused you to end up like that?

"Kill him." Hearing those words, the Mid Level Zong Stage Heavenly Jewel Master did not want to give Zhou Weiqing any other chance to rest. Having fought this youth for so long, how could he not know that his recovery rate was just so astonishing? In the previous fighting, if not for the fact they had been able to cover each other, either helping each other take or soften Zhou Weiqing's blows, or just striking him to disrupt some of his blows, perhaps the fight would have already ended in Zhou Weiqing's favour.

These Heavenly Jewel Masters from the Bai Da Empire were actually from the Bai Da Empire's Hundred Killer Hall. They had undergone the strictest training and many cruel, inhuman battles. Compared to most ordinary Heavenly Jewel Masters, their actual fighting capabilities were much stronger. Yet, this youth before them had caused them so much trouble, even causing them all to feel an unprecedented spark of fear in their hearts.

Once again, all the Bai Da Empire powerhouses sprang towards Zhou Weiqing again. At the same time, a piercing light shot forth from Zhou Weiqing's eyes, a silver white replacing the originally bloodshot eyes. Our dear Little Fatty was about to pit his life on the line. Even if there was just a single thread of chance for survival, he did not want to give it up. He still had one last ace up his sleeve, one that he dared not use previously… the last few drops, slightly more than a dozen, of Saint Energy. Zhou Weiqing believed that if he burst forth with the full potential of the Saint Energy, even if he was to be crippled or killed finally, he could bring these enemies down before he fell.

Right at this very instant, all of a sudden a gold light descended from the skies out of nowhere, enveloping Zhou Weiqing's body. Zhou Weiqing felt a gentle warmth around his entire body, and his drained and exhausted body and Heavenly Energy actually started recovering rapidly in this warmth.

A violent explosion, and the gold light shattered. The Bai Da Empire powerhouses had struck out, but the gold light had managed to stop their blows, and had actually knocked them back with the backlash.

A figure appeared silently out of nowhere to land right beside Zhou Weiqing. It was Tian'er!

Currently, Tian'er looked far better than Zhou Weiqing did. At least, she wasn't totally covered with blood. Even so, her white clothes had blood specks all over them, and her face looked pale and ashen.

"Tian'er why have you come? Could it be… the north gate has fallen?" Zhou Weiqing was caught by surprise.

Tian'er grabbed onto Zhou Weiqing's left hand with her own right. "Let's face these enemies first. The north gate is fine."

With her words, Zhou Weiqing heaved a sigh of relief. As the two of them held hands, the remaining Heavenly Energy in their bodies reacted almost automatically, fusing together with the four Saint Attributes, forming the familiar large Saint Energy whirlpool almost instantly.

They had been training together for such a long period of time, and their tacit understanding of each other was extremely strong. Even their respective circulation of Heavenly Energy, how they reacted with each other, all of them was just too familiar to them, and with the four Saint Attributes drawing upon each other, there was no hint of any rejection possible.

With Tian'er by his side, it was without question that Zhou Weiqing's fighting capabilities were magnified severalfold. The Saint Energy whirlpool did not only just help them refine and transform Saint Energy, it also greatly increased the recovery rate of both their Heavenly Energy.

The Bai Da Empire powerhouses senses were definitely clearest. Seeing Zhou Weiqing and Tian'er hold hands, they sensed the Heavenly Energy reverberation in the air around grow stronger. Despite their own cultivation level, it was as if they had been abandoned by the atmospheric Heavenly Energy, all of which were gushing towards Zhou Weiqing and Tian'er. At the same time, they could clearly see that around their linked hands, there was a faint silvery white light glowing.

The seven Bai Da Empire powerhouses exchanged glances, seeing the shock in each other's eyes. Due to Zhou Weiqing's sheer power and performance in the past few hours, even though they could clearly see that Tian'er only had seven Heavenly Jewels around her wrist, but Zhou Weiqing was already so strong… Furthermore, Tian'er's Elemental Jewels seemed to also be that of the Alexandrite Cat's Eye, and her cultivation level was even higher. With these two joining forces, what kind of level would they reach? More importantly, it seemed like as they joined hands, they clearly had some sort of ability to fight together!

"Attack! Even if we can't kill them now, as long as we hold them back, we will still win the battle. Their soldiers cannot hold on for much longer."

Indeed, the fighting on the city walls was reaching its end. By now, most of the Peerless Regiment soldiers were driven to gather together, making their last desperate stand.

The Kalise armies on the frontal onslaught were not just the strongest amongst all walls, but also numbered the most. Furthermore, all of the siege weapons and powerhouses were gathered here, especially the Bai Da Regiment. To be able to hold on for such a long time, the Peerless Regiment had already gone far and beyond their usual strength.

Perhaps the only thing saving them now was the fact that there wasn't much space to stand anymore. Many of the Bai Da soldiers were now clearing some corpses away so they could properly surround the Peerless Regiment soldiers gathered together on the city walls.

Still, pushed to such a corner, the Peerless Regiment soldiers showed their firm and unyielding spirit. Those too critically injured to fight were right in the middle of their formation resting, while those with light injuries were relatively outside, still resting for now to await their turn to fight. Gathered together, they were able to use this method to take turns resting before slaughtering their enemies once more. Although every time their resistance grew weaker and weaker, they were still the Peerless Regiment soldiers after all! And they continued killing … and killing.

All of them cherished their lives so much. As long as there was still a chance to hold on, no one would give up easily!

Naturally, Zhou Weiqing had seen the danger the Peerless Regiment were in. Currently, with Tian'er by his side, he suddenly drew in a deep breath, forcefully suppressing his own injuries. With some Heavenly Energy recovered, he pushed himself to enter the Dragon-Tiger Transformation once more, and the powerful aura burst free again.

"Come here!" A silvery white light flashed in Zhou Weiqing��s eyes, and his right hand grabbed out at one of the Bai Da Upper Level Zun Stage powerhouses closest to him.

This Upper Level Zun Stage powerhouse was the most injured out of the remaining seven Bai Da enemies, his entire right arm had been destroyed by one of Zhou Weiqing's hammer blows earlier, flopping uselessly at the side. With such a critical injury, he had also not participated as much in the surrounding fight. Currently, he suddenly felt an unbelievable suction force on him, and he stumbled, falling towards Zhou Weiqing.

"Hold!" Just as the other Bai Da Empire powerhouses were about to spring to his aid, all of a sudden, Tian'er shouted out loud. A thick purple light sprang from her beautiful eyes, enveloping the other Bai Da Heavenly Jewel Masters in an instant, covering them totally.

Although Tian'er was also exhausted, the Saint Energy whirlpool had given her Heavenly Energy a quick recovery boost in the last few seconds. With this shred of energy, she was able to use this spiritual attack to cause the other Bai Da Empire powerhouses to black out for a split second, delaying their rescue for that critical moment.

In that moment, Zhou Weiqing had seized the chance and sprang into action. The wings behind his back flapped hard, and he carried Tian'er along as they appeared in a flash right in front of the six-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master.

The terrifying suction force caused the Upper Level Zun Stage to have no chance of resistance. He could clearly sense that the suction force was not just devouring his Heavenly Energy, but his life force and soul! He could only try his best to struggle, to do his best not to be Devoured, but he could no longer fight anymore.

Zhou Weiqing was actually currently more than ten yards from him. For him to be able to use the Devour Skill at such a range, it was without question that he had used a drop of Saint Energy and infused it within his Devour Skill.

Previously, when Zhou Weiqing was alone, he dared not do such a thing. After all, he was not confidence in success, and it might instead put him in peril as the other enemies struck out at him. However, it was far different now. With Tian'er here to stop the others momentarily, and with the support of the Saint Energy whirlpool, using a drop of Saint Energy was no problem for him.

Chapter 601: To be confirmed! (2)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

Right before this, when Zhou Weiqing had taken the major blow, and because he had run out of Heavenly Energy, his Dual Legendary Hammers had vanished. Now, his hands still had the Yin Yang Giant Spirit Palms on them, and his right palm savagely struck out towards the shoulder of the Upper Level Zun Stage powerhouse who had lost the ability to resist. With the Saint Energy powering the Devour Skill, it was truly just too strong. All his attempts to resist were futile.

With Zhou Weiqing's terrifying strength, his other arm was also instantly shattered. What followed next was the increase of the shocking suction force from Zhou Weiqing's right palm as contact was made, not even giving him time to scream in agony.

This was truly the first time since Zhou Weiqing had gained the actual Saint Energy that he could use the Devour Skill without holding back at all, with the aid of his Saint Energy!

The Bai Da powerhouse in his hands was trembling violently, and a strange sight occurred. Everyone could clearly see him actually growing old right in front of them as not just his Heavenly Energy, life force and even soul was drained out of him. The speed of Devouring was just too terrifying when it was powered with the drop of Saint Energy. When the other Bai Da Empire powerhouses recovered from Tian'er's spirit attack, the Heavenly Jewel Master in Zhou Weiqing's hand had already become a dessicated corpse, and in the next instant the corpse actually disintegrated into dust, blown away by the wind.

This time, the Devour Skill gave Zhou Weiqing a totally different feeling. He found that when the Heavenly Energy mixed with life force and soul energy entered his body, it instantly entered the Saint Energy whirlpool automatically, and drops of Saint Energy were transformed quickly, directly entering his own personal little Saint Energy whirlpool.

For this six-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master, with his Heavenly Energy expended to a certain degree, he had only given Zhou Weiqing a total of seven drops of Saint Energy. It had to be known that this was also having his entire life force and soul drained. Similarly at the six-Jeweled cultivation level, Zhou Weiqing's own Heavenly Energy alone had been transformed into more than twenty drops of Saint Energy. This was the massive difference between those who had the Saint Attributes and those without.

Despite the fact that the Devour Skill in its current state would only bring him Saint Energy, the addition of the seven drops of Saint Energy instantly perked Zhou Weiqing up, giving his entire mind and spirit a huge boost.

At this point, he did not transfer any Saint Energy back to Tian'er. Currently, he needed to fight, and they could balance things out after he had dealt with all these enemies in front of him.

He quickly infused a drop of Heavenly Energy directly into his QiHai Acupuncture Point. With the fusion of the Saint Energy, it was as if a fresh breath of life was blown into the QiHai Acupuncture Point, drawing in more Heavenly Energy from outside, with the absorption rate greatly increased, Zhou Weiqing's ordinary Heavenly Energy also began to recover at a even more terrifying pace.

"All of you, come meet your maker at I, Your Father's hands!" Zhou Weiqing shoutedly loudly. However, his actions were contrary to his words, as he abruptly sprang upwards, still holding on to Tian'er tightly. His wings flapped hard, and instantly the pair of them shot up into the skies. Above his head, a purplish red light appeared at once… forming an illusory image… it was the Demonic Dragon Lady!

Previously, during the hours of fighting, Zhou Weiqing had to take into account the entire battlefield, and he had too many enemies surrounding him. As such, he did not have any chance to use the Dragon Silencing Seal. Furthermore, in the first place he had not even prepared the Dragon Silencing Seal in his Six Ultimate Godly Light Formation, as it took too long to prepare this powerful Skill.

Currently, with Tian'er's assistance and the additional fresh new seven drops of Saint Energy, coupled with the fact that there were much fewer enemies left, he could finally fully flourish this extremely useful Skill.

Of course, Zhou Weiqing would not infuse his Saint Energy directly into the Dragon Silencing Seal. He did not want the Demonic Dragon Lady to come to live. It wasn't that he was too afraid of any Heavenly Emperor powerhouse questioning him, though that was also a consideration. However, the main point was that with both his own and Tian'er's current state, if they tried to bring a Heavenly Skill Image to life like the previous time, it would be their turn to be drained to death.

Even without the infusion of Saint Energy, the Dragon Silencing Seal was undoubtedly an extremely powerful Skill. The remaining six Bai Da Empire powerhouses could only stand there and watch Zhou Weiqing fly away. They did not have their own Consolidated Wings, and before the Heavenly King stage, how could they chase him?

"Not good…!"

Alas, by the time they wanted to react, it was too late. Zhou Weiqing's eyes were filled with a strong killing intent. The Dragon Silencing Seal unleashed… with his current six-Jeweled stage, he was able to use the it six times daily, and without holding anything back, he used them all at once.

One of the greatest benefit of the Dragon Silencing Seal was that it did not consume any of his Heavenly Energy at all. Six bouts of Dragon Silencing Seals, and the six Ba Da Empire powerhouses were instantly struck with it. Their Consolidated Equipment, Stored Skills, were all Sealed away. At this point, Zhou Weiqing had also recovered some of his Heavenly Energy with the aid of his scary regenerative rate and the Saint Energy whirlpool, and he at least had the strength to fight once more.

His heart was currently bleeding! He had personally built the Peerless Regiment from ground up, all the way from when it was just a mere Ruffian Battalion, and he had deep feelings for these brothers of his. The Peerless Regiment was also his greatest dependence towards his dream of reviving his homeland. Now, looking at things, he did not even know how many of the Peerless Regiment soldiers still survived, how could he not be enraged?

At this moment, Zhou Weiqing had long forgotten any of those useless sayings about killing too much being against the heavens. This was war! War! If he did not destroy his enemies, then his enemies would destroy him.

In Zhou Weiqing's heart, there was not even the slightest bit of pity or mercy left for these enemies before him.

The effect of the Dragon Silencing Seal gave the six Bai Da Empire powerhouses a huge shock. Facing this 'fresh' Zhou Weiqing who had suddenly become so powerful, they no longer felt the need to stubbornly continue fighting. However, their fighting experience was extremely abundant, and they did not panic. Instantly, the six of them flew off in different directions.

Zhou Weiqing's reactions were just as quick. He immediately chose one of the eight-Jeweled Mid Level Zong Stage Heavenly Jewel Masters as his prey, pouncing upon him instantly. At this point, he was no longer using the Six Ultimate Godly Light Formation, and he just swept his hand and unleashed a Fetters of Wind.

A Blink Skill, Absolute Delay, and Touch of Darkness. Instantly, he appeared next to his restricted foe, and two more powerful Control Skills followed suit. This poor Mid Level Zong Stage powerhouse who had already expended so much energy in the past hours, and no longer had access to his Stored Skills and Consolidated Equipment… how could he possibly withstand for long, especially now that his mind was fully on retreat? Even when he tried to put up a last minute resistance, Tian'er quickly dealt with him using another Spirit Attack.

Zhou Weiqing's right palm clapped savagely on his throat, and the Devour Skill activated once more. This time, due to the fact that he did not infuse his Saint Energy, the Devouring process was much slower. However, this eight-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master was still unable to escape from Zhou Weiqing's grasp.

Drop after drop of Saint Energy formed in Zhou Weiqing's body. An eight-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master was just different! By the time he crumbled into dust, he had 'gifted' Zhou Weiqing with twenty six drops of Saint Energy!

By now, the other five enemies had fled down the city walls and away. Naturally, Zhou Weiqing used the opportunity to share half the Saint Energy with Tian'er.

With the additional dozen or so drops of Saint Energy, both of them could clearly sense the life force in their bodies brimming and thriving, their original sense of exhaustion weakening greatly.

However, though they had killed most of the enemy powerhouses and sent the rest fleeing, the battle was still not over.

"Little Fatty, help me." Tian'er abruptly said to Zhou Weiqing before he could decide what to do. Next, he instantly sensed a great suction force from Tian'er, directed at the Saint Energy whirlpool.

Tian'er's entire body started glowing a brilliant gold, and she was soon covered in a layer of gold light. A thick Heavenly Energy reverberation began to emanate from her along with the rising gold light.

Their minds were so connected that Zhou Weiqing instantly knew what she wanted to do. Besides the ten drops of Saint Energy that was required to maintain his personal little Saint Energy whirlpool, he quickly sent all of his remaining Saint Energy, including the freshly devoured ones, into Tian'er's body through their connected hands.

Towards any other person, he might need to use his mouth to transfer Saint Energy. However, for Tian'er, it was no longer necessary. With the support of the large Saint Energy whirlpool, it was as if their bodies were like one.

With the over thirty drops of Saint Energy he had just Devoured, along with the remaining usable from both of them, they had more than fifty drops of Saint Energy total. As Tian'er unleashed her Skill, it was diminishing quickly.

Above Tian'er's head, a cloud of gold light was slowly forming. Next, a streak of gold light rose into the skies, as if the illumination of dawn. Under this streak of gold light, the cloud of gold also began to expand rapidly.

Seeing such a strange sight, the warriors on both sides couldn't help but lift their heads, their eyes filled with surprise as they gazed upon it. However, in a stark contrast from the terror that Zhou Weiqing's Hell's Angel brought, this patch of gold light only gave them a peaceful feeling, a holy, divine aura that was calming and peaceful.

Currently, Tian'er had been fully covered with this gold colour, and she looked just like a goddess descended from the heavens, causing anyone who looked at her to have the urge to kneel down and pay obeisance.

After more than twenty drops of Saint Energy had been expended, the streak of gold light finally disappeared, and the gold cloud in the skies suddenly trembled slightly as it began to rain… golden droplets of rain.

This gold rain did not differentiate between friend or foe, covering the entire south walls. It wasn't just the Peerless Regiment soldiers, even the enemy soldiers were bathed in the light gold rain.

The rain painted the entire city walls a gold hue, the brilliant light giving everyone a sense of awe and beauty.

When a drop of rain fell upon one of the soldier's, no matter how thick his armour was, it did not stop the rain.

This small, thin, weak looking rain, yet what it brought to them was an endless pleasant surprise.

No matter any kind of wound, soaked in this gentle gold rain, they just healed as such a rapid pace that could be seen with the naked eye. Not only that, everyone could clearly sense their physical strength and vigor being restored even as their wounds healed, even the Heavenly Energy in their bodies was being regenerated at a greatly boosted pace, their connection with the atmospheric energy increased.

This Skill was called the Holy Light Skill, an area of effect type recovery and restorative Skill. The gold light in the air earlier was actually its Heavenly Skill Image. Within the area of effect of the Skill, it was able to heal any wounds, even clearing some of the negative influences that other skills or attributes might have brought, even undoing some light Seals. At the same time, it would also boost the recovery of vigor and even Heavenly Energy. This was one of the strongest support Skills in the world, in terms of healing and restoration.

Chapter 602: To be confirmed! (3)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

With Tian'er's current cultivation level, when she used the Skill without any Saint Energy, it would be a good day for her if she could cover a hundred square metres. However, with the infusion of the Saint Energy and Zhou Weiqing's aid, she had increased the area of effect by more than five times, managing to cover all of the Peerless Regiment soldiers, almost enveloping the majority of the south city wall. The regenerative and restoration powers were also at least thirty percent stronger than her normal usage of the Skill.

Zhou Weiqing's judgement of the Saint Energy had indeed been accurate. One of the underlying profound secrets of the Saint Energy was in Creation, not Destruction. As such, even though both times the Heavenly Skill Image had change induced in them, this Holy Light Skill that Tian'er had unleashed had taken up far less Saint Energy than Zhou Weiqing's Hell's Angel Skill. When the Skill ended, both of them still ended up with an average of more than twenty drops of Saint Energy.

Although using an area of effect restoration Skill would also bring their enemies much benefit, do not forget that it would not have any effect on the dead, nor could it cause severed limbs to grow back again.

As such, though more than a thousand enemy soldiers had also benefited from the restoration, but more importantly, the Peerless Regiment soldiers on the city walls could stand up tall once more.

To the Peerless Regiment archers, perhaps the restoration of their physical strength and vigor was still far from bringing them back to their full power. However, to the Peerless Heavy Cavalry, it was like a second life.

The long spiked maces and massive battle axes which had drooped down were now raised up high against, while those previously injured Peerless Regiment soldiers also grabbed weapons from the ground and sprang to their feet again. The tides of the battle were finally turning.

Zhou Weiqing did not dare to slack off. However, the sheer exhaustion he was in was not something that even Tian'er's restorative Skill could help him fully recover. Holding on tight to Tian'er's hands, both of them began circulating their Heavenly Energy with full strength, concentrating on recovering as best they could. In using more than twenty drops of Saint Energy just now with Tian'er's Skill, it had also drained them dry of the Heavenly Energy they had just regenerated.

However, with the aid of the Holy Light Skill, the Peerless Regiment warriors who had recovered some of their combat abilities were once again rejuvenated, once again charging into the fray like tigers into a flock of sheep. At least for a short period of time, there should not be any large problems.

After an entire morning of fighting, the Kalise Empire soldiers were just as exhausted and drained. For now, it looked like an uphill task for them to actually conquer this south wall.

"Tian'er, what actually happened over at your end?" Zhou Weiqing was urgent to hear news about the north wall, and couldn't help but ask as soon as he regained enough breath. After all, Tian'er had been the only powerhouse on that side.

Tian'er smiled faintly, saying excitedly: "It is the Fei Li Empire, we have some reinforcements from the Fei Li Empire. In the first place, the amount of pressure on us was much smaller than on this south wall. With my smaller and controlled area of effect healing and recovery Skills and my own help, the scale of fighting there was far easier than over here. After all, the enemies there do not include any powerhouses or even any siege vehicles. They could only depend on swarming us with numbers, charging us endlessly and spending lives to reach us. We repulsed them many times, but we were just too few. After such a long time fighting, just as they were about to overwhelm the gates with just numbers alone, the Fei Li Empire reinforcements arrived."

"How many reinforcements?" When Zhou Weiqing heard that news, to be honest, he was extremely surprised. He did not think that the Fei Li Empire had such a good opinion of him, that they would actually send military reinforcements even despite not promising any."

"Just a thousand men. However, they are extremely powerful indeed. With just a single charge, they pierced right through the enemy formation at the north gates and out all the way. They did so several times over, and by that time the Kalise soldiers were no longer able to attack us properly any longer. Even if they could, it had already bought us more than enough time to handle things for now. If I did not see wrongly, it should be those fellows that fought against us on the Fei Li City drilling grounds."

Hearing her words, understanding finally dawned upon Zhou Weiqing. In joy, he exclaimed: "So, it is actually Ming Yu! Haha, he has really come at the right time!"

Tian'er nodded and said: "Since I didn't see much problems at my side, I asked those reinforcements to head to the west gate. After all, Lei Zi's strength is not comparable to Xue'er or mine, and they should be in the next greatest danger. After that, I also ran over here by myself. Luckily, you were alright. These Kalise fellows are truly crazy, they are really going all out, not caring about the cost it takes to take the city no matter what."

Looking at Tian'er's worried expression and her slightly reddened eyes, the bloodlust in Zhou Weiqing's eyes faded slightly. "The Kalise army no longer has any chance. We have killed more than ten thousand of them here on this south wall alone, and now that everyone has recovered some measure of strength, the longer we drag it out, the greater our chances of victory."

Both their Heavenly Energy was recovering bit by bit. Although it would be impossible for them to recover fully in a short period of time, they would have no problems recovering enough Heavenly Energy to just fight. With their cultivation level, as long as they recovered sufficient Heavenly Energy to re-enter the fight, the Kalise army would no longer have any chance, especially with no more powerhouses left on their side. At that point, victory would be sealed.

The large Saint Energy whirlpool had just too great a draw on Heavenly Energy. Even when it was compared to Zhou Weiqing's Immortal Deity Technique, Dragon-Tiger Transformation and Six Ultimate Godly Light Formation added together, it was still slightly stronger.

If one could magnify their vision, they might be able to see the Heavenly Energy in the atmosphere actually gathering around them and swarming into their bodies… one could imagine how thickly gathered it was for them to almost be able to see it with their naked eyes.

"Weiqing." An exhausted voice rang out, and Zhou Weiqing turned to see Lin TianAo carrying Xiao Yan, who had clearly fainted, towards them in a slow pace. Even with Lin TianAo's power and defensive capabilities, his titanium mail was almost fully destroyed, the wounds on his body could clearly be seen.

Zhou Weiqing quickly headed towards him with Tian'er. "Bro Lin, how are you both."

Although Lin TianAo was clearly exhausted, the spark of excitement in his eyes was dancing. "I am fine. This was a great fight indeed! I never expected that at the last moment, we would still have the chance to turn the tides. Weiqing, this time you must give Xiao Yan top merits. At the time when you had drawn the attention of all the Bai Da Empire Heavenly Jewel Masters, he unleashed his secret arts and burned his own life force with his Flame of Life, forcefully destroying the giant battering ram cart. Otherwise, our gate and wall might have been destroyed a long time ago."

Hearing Lin TianAo's words, Zhou Weiqing was indeed shocked. He turned, leaning over the walls to look down, only to see the remnants of the giant battering ram cart still burning, a large portion of it already burnt down to ash.

Previously, he had been just too overwhelmed by the large numbers of powerhouses surrounding him, preventing him from doing anything else on the battlefield. He had to spend every single bit of energy and focus just to survive and destroy his enemies, and could no longer take care of other things on the battlefield. Looking at the burning remains of the cart, he couldn't help but feel a chill run down his spine, and he thought to himself: What a narrow escape we had!

It had to be known that this battering ram cart was finely crafted using the toughest thousand-year metalwoods. Not only was it lined with metal plates, cured cow leather, it was extremely tough and solid. Ordinary flames would not stand a chance of even harming it.

Lin TianAo was indeed right. If not for Xiao Yan risking his life to destroy this battering ram cart, perhaps it would have been destroyed long ago.

"How is Xiao Yan?" Zhou Weiqing asked urgently.

Lin TianAo gave a bitter smile and said: "He is not injured, but his vigor and life force have been greatly drained. Still, it is relatively alright, he exceeded his limit and fainted, but he should be fine. Earlier, some of our Peerless Regiment soldiers were protecting him."

Zhou Weiqing took a deep breath, asking the question he feared the most. "Big Bro Lin, our Peerless Regiment soldiers… what is the death toll?"

The light in Lin TianAo's dimmed as he said softly: "There are definitely some heavy injuries and deaths, but I'm not sure exactly how many. Although we killed more than a dozen times our numbers of enemies, it is definitely impossible to go without death or injury. Luckily, everyone was vigilant in protecting each other, though we have many injured, but not too many dead."

Zhou Weiqing heaved a sigh of relief. As long as they were not dead, it was alright. With Tian'er's Divine Attribute, in terms of healing, she was definitely unparallelled.

"Big Bro Lin, you protect Xiao Yan and rest here for awhile. I'll bring Tian'er to fight once more." In this short period of time, Zhou Weiqing's Heavenly Energy had recovered slightly, and he was confident of at least being able to fight.

"Be careful."

Lin TianAo nodded towards Zhou Weiqing. Currently, his emotions were highly agitated and excited. He knew that a miraculous victory was about to come to the Heavenly Bow Empire. And the key to the victory had definitely been Zhou Weiqing himself!

If not for Zhou Weiqing holding out against all the enemy powerhouses… if not for him dealing such major damage to the enemies and their siege weapons, how could the Crescent City possibly hold against such hordes of enemies?

Even if the majority of siege weapons had not been able to come into play, most of the Crescent City walls were already greatly broken down.

With three thousand seven hundred men against fifty thousand enemies, to be able to hold on like that, how could it not be described as a miracle?

Zhou Weiqing held onto Tian'er, and both of them charged directly into the thick of battle. At this point, Tian'er did not even bother trying to attack, fully concentrating on circulating the Saint Energy whirlpool and recovering energy for both of them. As for Zhou Weiqing, though that meant he could only use one hand to fight, that was already a weapon of mass destruction.

Zhou Weiqing's fighting style was a nightmare to the Kalise Empire soldiers. He focused on looking for those officers, especially the Bai Da ones. These army officers all had some form of Heavenly Energy cultivation level, but in front of Zhou Weiqing, they could not even put up any resistance. As long as Zhou Weiqing's right hand grabbed hold of one, within moments they would be drained dry, turning into dust.

Their Heavenly Energy would directly become food for Zhou Weiqing's large Saint Energy whirlpool.

Although these were only mere two or three Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Masters, almost useless for Zhou Weiqing and Tian'er, every little bit counted for something. Every seven or eight he killed actually managed to give them one drop of Saint Energy. With this additional replenishment of energy, Zhou Weiqing did not even have much expenditure of energy, instead his reserves growing larger and larger, allowing him to unleash an AOE Skill once in awhile, killing the enemies in drove.

Under his leadership, the enemies on the city wall grew lesser and lesser, until they were starting to be pushed back.

Right at that moment, a disturbance sounded out below the city walls.

After Zhou Weiqing finished off another Bai Da Company Leader, he looked down to see what the noise was, only to find a triangle formation of black armoured cavalry troops charging deep into the enemy formations below the city, forcing the constantly climbing foes to have to stop.

Chapter 603: To be confirmed! (1)

Translator: Zen Translations Editor: Zen Translations

This cavalry force that had arrived so suddenly, right in front of them was the Fei Li God General, Ming Yu. Under his leadership, his thousand personal guard wheeled and moved about, constantly changing formations. Even facing the Bai Da elite troops, they mowed them down without any problems, cutting through the enemy lines like a knife through hot butter. As they passed by, they just left a large patch of corpses behind.

At this point, the surviving enemy forces who still could fight at the south gate numbered less than ten thousand. With this fresh new force of a thousand breaking their lines so suddenly, they were immediately thrown into disarray.

All of a sudden, the sounds of drums and gongs rang out from behind the Kalise Empire lines.

Instantly, the enemies on top the city wall and also below the city wall began to retreat, like the receding tide from a shore. The thousand black armoured cavalry did not give chase, only killing off the few enemies who passed them in their retreat, before forming up with their long lances pointed towards the retreating Kalise Empire armies.

Ming Yu jumped off his mount, his feet striking the broken down wall several times for momentum, and soon he had reached the top of the wall.

Fully dressed in military attire, Ming Yu looked especially handsome and fresh. The first person to entire his sight was Zhou Weiqing, totally drenched in blood.

"Impressive. Very very impressive. I cannot help but be impressed… I defer to you in this truly!" As soon as Ming Yu saw that Zhou Weiqing was alright, he laughed heartily, giving him a big thumbs up.

Zhou Weiqing gave a bitter smile and said: "What so impressive! If you had come a few minutes later, we would have all perished. You have my everlasting thanks, and I will repay you in future, no need for me to speak about that.

Ming Yu laughed once more and said: "It is not me who saved you, but you who saved yourselves."

Zhou Weiqing started, saying: "What do you mean?"

Ming Yu smiled and said: "As a general, I would never bring my soldiers into a fight in which I deem there is no chance at all, a fight that is certain death. In truth, I reached the outskirts of the Crescent City three days ago. However, due to the fact that the fifty thousand Kalise soldiers were camped there, I did not approach too closely. Furthermore, since they were about to attack, I did not try to meet up with you. In my eyes, with the mere numbers you had, it would be impossible for you to hold out against the Kalise forces. This Crescent City, I had deemed lost for sure. As such, I had never even thought about coming to join the fight. All this time, I was waiting until you all failed the defense and tried to escape, then I would come to your aid in helping you escape back to the Fei Li Empire before we think of our next step."

"Yet, who could have guessed that you… this fellow… would actually create such a miracle. I have to admit that your Peerless Regiment is truly the finest… the strongest troop that I have ever seen in my life… to even be able to hold on for so long, to do so much… it could be said that ninety percent of the work had already been done by you all, so how could I not come join in for the last ten percent. Even without my aid, if the Kalise army really wanted to totally capture the Crescent City, the price they would have to pay would truly be unbelievably huge.

Zhou Weiqing was an intelligent man, and upon hearing Ming Yu's words, he couldn't help but laugh in understanding: "You cunning fellow!"

Ming Yu did not mind at all as he said seriously: "This is not cunning, it is the rule of survival on the battlefield. I only have a thousand men, and while I am confident in them, saving you and helping you escape is no problem at all. However, clashing against the Kalise armies in such numbers was pointless. That was the reason why I said it was you who had saved yourselves. By fighting off these Kalise armies for an entire morning, killing off more than a dozen times your numbers… If I still did not seize such an opportunity to appear at this point, I would not deserve the name of the Fei Li God General.

"Now, at least, the Kalise Empire has been crippled. Even if they wanted to launch an attack like this again in the near future, it will be impossible. If their commander is smart enough, the best path for them now is to retreat."

Not caring about how they looked then, Zhou Weiqing held onto Tian'er as he flopped down on his ass onto the floor with a satisfied sigh, giving Ming Yu a bitter smile as he said: "I'm afraid my men will not have any energy left to open the city gates for you. Why don't you just pop over down there to open the gates yourself, let your men come in."

Ming Yu laughed out, shaking his head as he said: "No, we'll pass for now. I'm still not part of your team yet, and such rules I still do know. I'll get my man to keep watch, send out scouts to see what they are up to, and clear up the battlefield. You all get some rest first."

After saying that, Ming Yu waved towards Zhou Weiqing and turned around, jumping right off the city walls.

In doing so, he was avoiding any possible suspicions. After all, currently the Peerless Regiment was totally helpless, without any fighting capabilities left, while his thousand men were still rather fresh. At the same time, he was not just simply a Fei Li General, and also represented the Heavenly Demon Sect. Avoiding any possible suspicions would help improve overall relations with the Peerless Regiment, and also let Zhou Weiqing feel his good faith and sincerity.

By this time, Lin TianAo had already settled Xiao Yan and returned to Zhou Weiqing's side. "What do we do now?"

Zhou Weiqing said: "Let all our brothers rest right here. Send someone who is in relatively better condition to get the logistics personnel to send some meat soup and other food here. Also, get all the medical personnel to come here as quickly as possible and start treating everyone. Everything else, we can wait to discuss later.

Compiling stats of injuries and death, all of that could be done later. Everyone was just too tired, and they had earned their rest. Once they had recovered, they could speak of all the other admin matters.

Of course, though they had all just fought through an entire morning, and everyone was exhausted to the maximum, they had after all won, and their spirits were still extremely high. The logistic troops had already made some preparations, and before long large cauldrons of meat soup were being carried to the city walls. At the same time, the medical personnel were starting to treat the wounded.

The logistics troops that the Fei Li Empire had provided was extremely complete, from smelting and smithing, medical, cooks… pretty much everything was covered. These were also experienced veterans who had battlefield experience; it was something that Zhou Weiqing had specially requested. Of course, they would not be of help in combat, but having such a complete logistical support would bring the Peerless Regiment to another level.

Drinking the meat soup, having some simple food, along with the treatment of the medical troops… soon, the city walls rang with the sound of snoring. The soldiers were just too tired, and though there were corpses all about, they could not even summon the energy to care, just falling asleep directly on the city walls.

Zhou Weiqing was no exception. With one hand holding Tian'er, they leaned on the stairs of the walls, falling deep into sleep. Just like the rest of his soldiers, he was not only exhausted physically, but mentally as well. The pressure he had been under in his heart was far beyond any others.

Although they had definitely won this battle, Zhou Weiqing did not feel happy at all. Previously, even when he had been in the northern borders facing off against the WanShou Empire, no matter the enemies he faced, the Peerless Regiment had been victorious without any losses. As such, he still had not been used to the full cruelties of war, at least towards his own side.

However, in the intense and horrifying battle just now, he was truly exposed to the brutal cruelty of war. He may not be clear of the exacts of the other three walls, but at least on the south side, out of the thousand fresh recruits, less than a hundred still survived. All of them had families! Let alone he still did not know how many of his Peerless Regiment brothers had perished. This weight on his heart greatly diluted the joy of victory of defeating his enemies. No matter that this battle, this victory, could be considered a miraculous win. No matter that their deaths had caused so many times more deaths of their enemies. All of that would not change the fact that these soldiers had paid the final price, and would forever leave this world.

Their sleep lasted all the way until deep in the evening, and only then did Zhou Weiqing finally rouse up. The Dragon-Tiger bloodline showed its power in a subtle form here… anyone else who had been in such a frantic battle would definitely be aching everywhere after the sleep, but Zhou Weiqing felt in tip top condition, full of energy. All his wounds had already healed fully by now, and his Heavenly Energy had actually been fully restored by the automatic regeneration of the Immortal Deity Technique. Only the Saint Energy was still in the same state as before his sleep, as the amount of energy required to be drawn in to form the Saint Energy was just too large.

The situation on the city walls had been greatly improved since Zhou Weiqing was last conscious. At least, all the corpses had been cleared off the walls to the grounds outside. Of course, to completely clear the battlefield would take quite some more time.

Only some of Peerless Regiment soldiers who had lighter injuries were still on the city walls, working together with the Peerless Regiment Heavy Cavalry to continue standing guard. Naturally, the Heavy Cavalry soldiers were uninjured due to their heavy armour.

Tian'er was no longer in Zhou Weiqing's arms, and standing by his side were two Peerless Regiment soldiers guarding him. He also realised that unknowingly, someone had placed a mat below him, allowing him to sleep more comfortably.

Zhou Weiqing climbed to his feet, stretching himself fully with all his strength, feeling his muscles and tendons stretch fully in comfort. At last, he said: "What is the situation now?"

"Commander." The two Peerless Regiment soldiers instantly saluted towards Zhou Weiqing.

Zhou Weiqing waved his hands, looking out beyond the city walls. In the distance, the Kalise army camp was still there, lit brightly. However, as he looked directly below the city walls, Zhou Weiqing couldn't help but furrow his brows. The piercing scent of blood was enough to make him remember the bloody battle this morning.

"Commander, Report. The allies from the Fei Li Empire are helping us clear the battlefield outside the walls. Most of our men are back in the city getting medical treatment for their wounds. Sir Yan Zhexi is handling most of the aftermath administration.

Zhou Weiqing nodded his head. With Ming Yu and his men outside, the enemies would not dare to easily attack again, at least not anytime soon. "I will be returning to the governor's mansion first. One of you, go notify Zhexi to come look for me there."

After saying that, Zhou Weiqing headed off the city walls and into the city.

As he walked deep into the city, his heart sank deeper. He could hear sounds of crying all about him, clearly the families of the departed soldiers were in sorrow for the warriors who had sacrificed themselves for their sakes.

Zhou Weiqing gripped his fist tightly, swearing in his heart that in future, he would do all he could to reduce any deaths on his side. For him, victory should not be at the price of his soldiers' blood!

As he walked into the governor's mansion, Zhou Weiqing was given a small fright. The mansion was crowded and bustling with noise. All about, the Peerless Regiment soldiers and the remaining fresh recruits who had survived were crowded in the once-wide courtyard of the mansion.

Soon after, he saw two busy figures. No matter looking at them from the back, he could clearly sense their shocking beauty. It was Shangguan Xue'er and Tian'er.

Shangguan Xue'er was examining all the wounds of the wounded, and by her side, Tian'er was truly like an angel in white, using her Heavenly Energy to form the gold light of healing, aiding the wounded soldiers.

When Zhou Weiqing walked near the two beautiful ladies, he could clearly see exhaustion in their eyes and face, and on their foreheads, there was a layer of perspiration. However, without question, they looked unbelievably beautiful then.

"Tian'er, let me help you." Zhou Weiqing quickly stepped forward, holding onto Tian'er's hand. If she had the support of the Saint Energy whirlpool, it would undoubtedly be of great aid for her in recovery, and even in using her healing Skills.

Tian'er turned her head to see Zhou Weiqing, and her ashen face brightened up in a faint smile. She slowly stood up from her squatting position, and before she could even stand firmly, her legs buckled before her, and she toppled into Zhou Weiqing's arms.

"Tian'er… Tian'er…!" Zhou Weiqing was startled, exclaiming at once.