722 - 730

Chapter 722

With the Palace Master of the Mysterious Heavenly Palace, Dongfang in lead, twelve people including the four Supreme Elders, six Heavenly Elders, and God Tier Master Nie Han, cast the Ward of Darkness Sealing Spell.

The spell assembled the power of five Heavenly Emperor tier and seven Heavenly King tier powerhouses! With such powerful energy, even if they faced the Dreadfiend Sea Naga, they would still be able to hold their own for a while. Not to mention, they had used a lot of rare ingredients for the sole reason of destroying the Dreadfiend Sea Naga.

The Dreadfiend Sea Naga was sent flying back into the sea. However, this time, it felt completely different from the previous time.

The sea was completely black, without a hint of its previous transparency. As the Dreadfiend Sea Naga fell into the ink-like sea, he could feel his body being constricted by an enormous dark energy. A suffocating pressure came crashing down from all sides. The rich Water attribute had completely been driven away. What used to be the sea had completely turned into a seemingly liquidized Darkness attribute.

Without the Water attribute and the support of the sea, not even the massive Ocean's Prison could restrain the Blackfiend Dragon.

"Ha ha ha! Unexpected, isn't it? I can't lure you onto land like that other time, but I still manage to get you inside the Ward of Darkness. How much of your original power will you be able to wield without the sea?"

The Blackfiend Dragon giggled smugly. The Dreadfiend Sea Naga was tricked and walked right into their trap. With so many powerhouses supporting the Ward of Darkness, even without the Blackfiend Dragon, it would take a while before the Dreadfiend Sea Naga could break through.

In the range of this spell, the abundance of Darkness attribute raised the Blackfiend Dragon's power sharply. It turned the tide of the battle almost immediately.

"Splash!" The water made a sound as the Dreadfiend Sea Naga's humongous body lunged out of the sea. His body had become transparent, turning into a bluish crystalline texture. That was the indication that he had attained the ultimate stage in his cultivation. With his Heavenly God tier power, even without the support of the sea, it was still formidable. At the same time, an ear-splitting roar came out from his mouth.

What surprised the powerhouses from Mysterious Heavenly Palace was that despite being caught in a difficult situation, the Dreadfiend Sea Naga did not even look slightly fazed, if at all.

The Ward of Darkness could restrain his body as well as drive all the Water attributes away, leaving only Darkness attribute. However, it could not stop the dragon's piercing voice.

"This is bad. Quick, kill it! It may have comrades," Meng Xing urged. Her masked face changed suddenly. With her wisdom and intellect, how would she not be able to figure it out?

The Dreadfiend Sea Naga did not panic even in such a dire situation, and it even let out a roar. That could only mean one thing. Furthermore, his comrade must be pretty strong, or else it would not be so calm.

The Blackfiend Dragon and Meng Xing's thoughts were in sync. Utilizing dark energy, they charged toward the Dreadfiend Sea Naga like a bolt of lightning.

In battles of this tier, most abilities had lost their significance, as the fighters' indomitable physiques could withstand even Heavenly God tier abilities without so much as a scratch on them. Only when they invoke their fusion skills that they could hurt their opponents.


Two massive bodies collided once again in mid-air.

The Ward of Darkness was indeed potent. As the duo's attack sent the insufferably arrogant Dreadfiend Sea Naga flying, Meng Xing's Blackfiend Devastation Dragon Slaying Spear was even able to leave a trail of puncture marks on his body.

However, the naga's vitality was not to be underestimated. With an enraged roar, the Dreadfiend Sea Naga sent a flurry of blows at the Blackfiend Dragon and Meng Xing in its crazed state.

Heavenly God tier powerhouses were named such for a reason, after all. As the Dreadfiend Sea Naga attacked with a flurry of blows, there was no easy way for the Blackfiend Dragon and Meng Xing to kill it even after gaining the upper hand through the Ward of Darkness. If they were allowed more time, they could definitely slowly hack it to death. Without the support of Atmospheric Energy, his outburst could not have lasted long. With that being said, since he chose to attack with such ferocity, he must have a trick up his sleeve! At that realization, everyone, including Meng Xing, the Blackfiend Dragon, and the Mysterious Heavenly Palace powerhouses, felt a little uneasy.

Energy rolled around violently within the Ward of Darkness, causing the twelve black pillars of light to waver ever so slightly with every burst of power.

Outside of the ward, Zhou Weiqing was feeling much better. With the Ward of Darkness containing the energies inside, he was not affected by the battle at all.

He leaped out of the sea and flew close enough to watch the battle. It was finally starting to feel like he was sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight.

Even though the Dreadfiend Sea Naga was fighting for his life, his power inside the ward was noticeably weaker. Zhou Weiqing was also a little disappointed, it looked like the Dreadfiend Sea Naga would not be able to hold on for much longer.

The key was that the Blackfiend Devastation Dragon Slaying Spear was far too strong. With every attack, it would leave a scar on the Dreadfiend Sea Naga's torso. Just how strong could this thing be? Zhou Weiqing could not imagine it at all. Following the trend, it would seem the Dreadfiend Sea Naga was sure to be defeated. That would mean he would not be able to witness the appearance of the Spatial Teleportation Stone.

Suddenly, Zhou Weiqing shuddered from deep within his soul and subconsciously stole a glance at the horizon. Immediately, he gasped in surprise and broke out in cold sweat.

All the way from the horizon, there was an eye-catching line of water speeding towards them. Upon closer inspection, Zhou Weiqing noticed it wasn't just any wave, it was clearly a massive tidal wave! Zhou Weiqing, being outside of the Ward of Darkness, could feel it the most as the terrifying aura washed past him. It was weaker than the one the Dreadfiend Sea Naga emitted, of course. However, without the aura from the Blackfiend Dragon to counterbalance it, Zhou Weiqing could not even breathe from the pressure that the aura emitted.

If it was any other time before this battle, Zhou Weiqing might still be a little unsure. However, he had just witnessed a battle between two Heavenly God tier powerhouses, how could he forget that feeling that was carved so deeply into him?

'Heavenly God tier! That pressure was from another Heavenly God tier powerhouse. How- How is this possible?' He thought.

However, the reality was that there was nothing impossible in this world. The tide that was as high as the sky was zooming towards them at breakneck speed.

If Zhou Weiqing saw it, then the fighters inside the Ward of Darkness would naturally have noticed it as well.

"Damn it. What's going on? How can there be another Dreadfiend Sea Naga?" The Blackfiend Dragon roared in shock and irritation. With a boom, he swiped his tail and exchanged a blow with the Dreadfiend Sea Naga inside the ward, successfully slamming it against the barrier of the ward.

"Ha ha ha! You didn't expect this, did you? Today will be the day of your death. How can I repeat the same mistake my father made when he was killed by you filthy humans and your trickery? I have it all planned out. If it wasn't because I was waiting for my younger brother to attain the Heavenly God tier, why would I even wait until now? Of course, he has only reached Heavenly God tier not too long ago and he's not too stable in that state yet. However, that's enough to crush you both. This ward of yours is hard to break from the inside, but how does it fare from the outside? Haha! You're dead!"

The Dreadfiend Sea Naga howled in hysteria as his behavior became even more frenzied. Even if that would deplete his vigor really quickly, if he could just hold on until his brother's arrival and the destruction of the Ward of Darkness, the duo could easily pulverize the Blackfiend Dragon and Meng Xing and kill them.

The trapped Dreadfiend Sea Naga had guessed correctly. The Ward of Darkness was designed to withstand attacks from the inside. Even Heavenly God tier powerhouses would not be able to break through easily. However, from the outside, it was a completely different story.

To increase the defense on the inside, the ward was designed to direct most of its energy to focus on the inside. If someone attacked it from the outside, it would be much easier to damage the construct. If the other Dreadfiend Sea Naga arrived, everyone else would be sacrificed. Without the help of the ward, the trapped Dreadfiend Sea Naga would immediately regain all his strength. He was injured, but Meng Xing and the Blackfiend Dragon had also lost a large amount of energy too. If they were to face the Heavenly God tier powerhouses in that situation, they would not even be able to run unless they used the Spatial Teleportation Stone.

The mantis stalks the cicada, but unbeknownst to it, the oriole lurks behind. The Dreadfiend Sea Naga had this trick up his sleeve, plunging everyone from the Mysterious Heavenly Palace, who had spent long hours coming up with this plan, into facing an imminent death.

If the two Dreadfiend Sea Naga had their way, the current strongest powers of the Mysterious Heavenly Mainland would have been wiped out. Just like how he said he wanted to. By that time, they could even rule the Mysterious Heavenly Mainland as Sea Monsters. After all, they wielded the power of a Heavenly God tier!

Heavenly God tier powerhouses were fast. In this short amount of time, the younger brother of the Dreadfiend Sea Naga had already covered half the distance. If he was not trying to conceal his presence from the Blackfiend Dragon and the powerhouses from the Mysterious Heavenly Palace, he would have lurked even closer, and everyone would have been in danger at that point.

Meng Xing clenched her jaw and cooperated closely with the Blackfiend Dragon to attack, and asked, "What now?"

The Blackfiend Dragon had also started to panic. Even though he had lived for almost ten thousand years, he did not want to die

Chapter 23

"Let's give it our all and try our best to deliver a heavy blow to this creature before the other one arrives. It'll be much better if we have more time. Once the Ward of Darkness has been destroyed, don't hesitate and quickly leave this place with the Spatial Teleportation Stone. While there's life, there's hope. It'll be too late if we're one step slower."

Meng Xing was having contradictory feelings. Under the condition that the main component of the Spatial Teleportation Stone remained functional, it could simultaneously transport no more than ten living beings. Furthermore, they could only teleport within a certain range. Other than the few elders who would be abandoned, the faraway Zhou Weiqing had no chance of surviving as he was not within the Spatial Transportation Stone's coverage.

Once the Ward of Darkness had been broken, unless Meng Xing and the Blackfiend Dragon rushed over immediately to get Zhou Weiqing within the stone's coverage, he was bound to die.

However, if they were to do that, how would the people from the Mysterious Heavenly Palace deal with these strong opponents here? Even if they had five Heavenly Emperors among them, faced with two Heavenly God-tier Dreadfiend Sea Nagas would mean death for them as well!

The other Dreadfiend Sea Naga was getting closer. Although the wounds on his body were increasing every moment under the effect of the Ward of Darkness, there was no longer enough time for the Blackfiend Dragon and Meng Xing to deliver a vital blow to the creature. At that moment, the elders in the Mysterious Heavenly Palace who were casting spells had fear on their faces. However, the few Supreme Elders were in slightly better condition as they knew that they would not be abandoned upon the activation of the Spatial Transportation Stone. However, things were different for six normal elders. If someone were to be abandoned, the choices would be made among them! The instant change in mentality made the Ward of Darkness unstable for a moment.

Meng Xing was troubled. However, what she did not know was that there was someone else who was far more troubled than her.

What Meng Xing only had to consider was whether or not Zhou Weiqing should be saved. On the other hand, Zhou Wei Qing had a lot more to consider.

At the moment, he could already see the visitor approaching from afar. Amidst the vicious waves of the ocean, another Dreadfiend Sea Naga appeared in his line of sight. Compared to the previous Dreadfiend Sea Naga, this one was obviously much weaker. Its height was not more than eighty meters. However, even with the mere height of eighty meters, the fact that it was Heavenly God Tier remained the same. Even if it was just one step in the Heavenly God-tier, Heavenly Emperor Tiers were no match for it.

What to do? Zhou Weiqing was in a panic. Another Dreadfiend Sea Naga came. There was no doubt that it was another chance for him to obtain the Spatial Transportation Stone. However, even if he managed to obtain the Spatial Transportation Stone, would he be able to leave this place alive? Even if he succeeded in leaving alive, Meng Xing and the other people would be left for dead here!

At that very moment, Zhou Weiqing's feelings were contradicting each other. What was even worse was that there was not much time for him to ponder about it.

As Zhou Weiqing inhaled deeply, he made up his mind. Even though he understood that the decision was somehow irrational, he knew very well that this was the only way for him to not have any regrets.

The huge pair of wings on his back flapped hard as six dark golden rays of light shone from his body. Propelled by the wings, his body flew towards the torrential ocean like a stream of light.

Simultaneously, Zhou Weiqing's voice sounded at the direction of the Ward of Darkness.

"Meng Xing, hurry up and kill that Dreadfiend Sea Naga while I distract this one for you."

Zhou Weiqing sounded calm and emotionally stable. However, when the Mysterious Heavenly Palace powerhouses heard his voice, everyone's eyes went red, including Meng Xing.

A friend in need was a friend indeed. In their eyes, Zhou Weiqing was nothing more than a Heavenly Jewel Master with a cultivation base of six jewels! In the face of adversity, neither was he frightened nor did he selfishly escape. What he did was gather up his courage and flew towards the most dangerous direction. All so that he could buy them more time.

Zhou Weiqing's voice had never been powerful. Before today, the elders might have treated him with the utmost respect. However, that was only in regards to his equipment consolidating abilities. But now their impression of Zhou Weiqing was different. Regardless of his cultivation, whether or not he would succeed in stopping the Dreadfiend Sea Naga would all be decided in an instant. His words at that time had managed to reignite the willpower of each and every one of the Mysterious Heavenly Palace powerhouses.

The few elders who had been overwhelmed by their fear and worries had regained their momentum instantly. If a mere Heavenly Jewel Master with a cultivation base at the Sixth Jewels could look death in the eyes as he charged forward to face the other Dreadfiend Sea Naga with all his might, what else was there for them to fear?

Meng Xing bit her lips. She, who had always been gentle and elegant, let out a hysterical shout, "Bastard, you better stay alive -" Her voice was loud, even sharp. However, she sounded tired at that moment.

A Heavenly Jewel Master at the Sixth Jewel cultivation base facing a Heavenly God-tier Dreadfiend Sea Naga directly. Would he still be able to return alive?

Meng Xing could not control the tears that flooded her eyes, and her heart was overwhelmed with foreign emotions.

Meng Xing felt regretful. She regretted that she did not fulfill her promise. She still remembered her vow of clarity. If she was given the chance to start anew, she would not hesitate to give herself to that man. She liked him. Why did she insist on preserving her dignity? Why!

Could it be that everything that was happening then was a punishment because she broke her promise?

'No–, no–, Weiqing, you must come back alive, ' she thought.

Her pain transformed itself into energy. At that moment, in within the boundary of the Ward of Darkness, the Dreadfiend Sea Naga, who was struggling for survival, was not the only one who went crazy. Meng Xing went insane as well and exploded along with the Dreadfiend Sea Naga.

Black turned to red instantly. From Meng Xing's location, blood red color spread downwards along the Blackfiend Dragon' body. It seemed to spread to every corner of the dragon's being in an instant.

The terrifying atmosphere caused the dark energy in the Ward of Darkness to focus in the direction of the Blackfiend Dragon. The powerful Ward of Darkness was also weakening due to the extraction.

The Dreadfiend Sea Naga halted his movements. Insane! They were all insane! What they were doing was clearly burning the Blackfiend Dragon's life force! The Blackfiend Dragon was burning. He had already advanced into the aging stage and the combustion would reduce his life by hundreds of years in an instant!

The dark red color almost instantly locked onto the Dreadfiend Sea Naga.

Meng Xing bit her lips as she thought to herself, 'If he dies, then all of you, shall die along with him!'

Was Zhou Weiqing dead? No, he had yet to die, at least for now.

At the very moment he made up his mind, he had abandoned all other thoughts from his mind. When he flew out, there was no longer anything that held him back.

Among the Mysterious Heavenly Palace powerhouses, nobody landed their gaze on Zhou Weiqing. In their eyes, he had no way of escaping death. Thus, nobody saw that a beam of silverish white light, gleaming like a galaxy of stars, shone from Zhou Weiqing's body. The tiger tattoo on his body completely transformed into scales. Under the terrifying pressure of the torrential ocean, a wave of mighty aura rose to the skies. Like a sharp blade, he knocked against the Dreadfiend Sea Naga who was closing in fast.

Zhou Weiqing was facing a Heavenly God Tier being so how could he not give his all? At that moment, he was in peak condition. When the silver light rose to the skies, the ocean that was under the control of the Dreadfiend Sea Naga started to stir. The torrential waves were split into two by the silverish white ray of light. The intimidating aura of a Heavenly God Tier could not hurt him and it only flowed past him.

Zhou Weiqing's gaze turned stern. This might very well be the most challenging battle in his entire life. He did not know how much longer he could stand and tried his best to secure as much time as possible for the people in the Ward of Darkness. Of course, he would not bet on his life. If he felt that he could no longer stand his opponent, he would definitely leave this place at his fastest speed. But now was not the time. No matter what, he had to give things a try.

For unknown reasons, when he made the choice to charge towards the second Dreadfiend Sea Naga, his whole being and mind became clearer than ever. It was as if, at that instant, his spiritual realm had broken through to the next level. No words could describe how wonderful he felt then. It no longer felt that terrifying to face the almighty Heavenly God-tier being.

The Dreadfiend Sea Naga was momentarily stunned by Zhou Weiqing's interference as its charging stance came to a halt.

The flowing powers of the Saint Energy threatened the sea naga. In the boundaries of Zhou Weiqing's Saint Energy, the sea naga realized that the water element between the heavens and the earth was no longer under his command.

How was this possible? Our Dreadfiend Sea Naga was the ruler of the seas! 'How is it possible for the human's energy to influence the water element to the extent that I can no longer control them?'

Of course, the Dreadfiend Sea Naga did not know that the energy was the Saint Energy which surpassed all the other attributes. The powers of Saint Energy could merge with any attribute. After Zhou Weiqing's cultivation had reached the level of the Heavenly Dao Energy, the true powers of Saint Energy had taken effect. Never mind the ocean which was filled with water, Zhou Weiqing was capable of transforming the Darkness Attribute to his own even within the boundaries of the Ward of Darkness. This was the wonder of Saint Energy. It was suitable for any kinds of battle, and it could bring out one's abilities to the fullest.

Even though he was a Heavenly God Tier powerhouse, he would not dare to act carelessly with his suppressed attributes. Judging by Zhou Weiqing's physical appearance, the Dreadfiend Sea Naga had no way of identifying his cultivation. He was a human, that much was obvious as he had arrived along with the other Mysterious Heavenly Palace powerhouses. The human was standing before him alone, it was obvious that he was not an easy opponent.

Chapter 724

Zhou Weiqing noticed the Dreadfiend Sea Naga opposite him had lowered its advancement speed, affected by the Saint Energy he released. He knew that his opponent must have been frightened. The most he could do was to intimidate his opponent as much as possible to the extent that the Dreadfiend Sea Naga would not dare to act lightly. If there was to be a serious battle, judging from his current level of cultivation, and even with the support of Saint Energy, how could he be on the same standing with a Heavenly God-tier powerhouse?

Thus, Zhou Weiqing had no hesitations and proceeded to activate his skill.

A gigantic shadow of a dark angel appeared above his head. Within an instant of its appearance, horrid waves of energy exploded from the Purgatory Angel with six wings, succumbed in darkness.

Zhou Weiqing forced all his Saint Energy into his skill without holding back, the body of the Purgatory Angel solidified into physical existence, half the skies seemed to transformed into a shade of blackish purple in an instant. Now, half of the ocean which had initially been under the control of the Dreadfiend Sea Naga had turned black.

At that moment, the aura released from Zhou Weiqing would not be any weaker compared to any Heavenly God-tier powerhouse. Even the people in the Ward of Darkness on the other side noticed the changes here.

No matter if it was the Mysterious Heavenly Palace Master Dongfang or the Elders, upon witnessing the scenes from afar, they all had their mouths wide open. Oh heavens! What kind of power was that? Was it from Zhou Weiqing? How did he possess powers of such caliber?

Everything which had been demonstrated by Zhou Weiqing had surpassed their imagination. However, at that moment, why would it matter? There was only endless joy in the hearts of these Mysterious Heavenly Palace powerhouses. Under such a drastic circumstance, for Zhou Weiqing to display such capabilities, it seemed to them like the descent of a savior!

The only ones who failed to sense the situation on the other side were the Blackfiend Dragon and Meng Xing, as they had their minds concentrated on their battle. They were going all out in attacking the Dreadfiend Sea Naga in the Ward of Darkness.

The powers of the Blackfiend Dragon, with its entire being showered in red doubled at least one fold. It was not only its own strength, but it also absorbed most of the energies available from the Ward of Darkness, which meant that the twelve Mysterious Heavenly Palace powerhouses had most of their energies extracted as well.

Under such conditions, the powers of the Blackfiend Dragon reached its peak, on top of Meng Xing's oppression, the opposite Dreadfiend Sea Naga received heavy blows one after the other. Even in a physical battle, the Dreadfiend Sea Naga was no longer the Blackfiend Dragon's match.

From his outer appearance, Zhou Weiqing seemed like he had entirely overpowered the Dreadfiend Sea Naga opposite him, but only he himself knew that he was just a paper tiger who would be torn apart any moment.

Well, Zhou Weiqing's luck was not that bad. He was fortunate as the Dreadfiend Sea Naga had just recently joined the ranks of Heavenly God-tier; it had yet to familiarize itself with Heavenly God-tier abilities. In addition, the father of the two Dreadfiend Sea Nagas was killed in the hands of the Mysterious Heavenly Palace. Therefore, the sea nagas were still quite wary of the Mysterious Heavenly Palace powerhouses.

Thus, upon sensing the explosive surges of Zhou Weiqing's energy, the Dreadfiend Sea Naga did not dare to act rashly. It released its dominating aura, resulting in a stagnant confrontation with Zhou Weiqing.

The Purgatory Angel fully transformed itself into a physical being, gradually floating to Zhou Weiqing's side, and froze. Zhou Weiqing's Saint Energy had been stronger than ever, it was no problem for him to sustain the revival of the Purgatory Angel.

"My lord, I'm willing to fight for you," the voice of the Purgatory Angel sounded within Zhou Weiqing. Sensing the erratic energy movements of the angel, Zhou Weiqing had also lost his focus.

He originally intended to only utilize the Purgatory Angel's powers to his aid but had never imagined that the Purgatory Angel he had summoned to be so powerful to such an extent.

Due to their internal connection, Zhou Weiqing was able to feel in clarity that the Purgatory Angel he had summoned possessed a great deal of Heavenly Emperor-tier abilities. It was also possible that its powers could not be sustained for long and could only battle for a short duration, but to Zhou Weiqing, it meant that his powers had heightened by several folds.

This was the creation of Saint Energy! With great elation, Zhou Weiqing locked his gaze on to the faraway Dreadfiend Sea Naga. He would not be rash to urge the Purgatory Angel to launch attacks. As long as he could continue withstanding the Dreadfiend Sea Naga's oppression and deter it from affecting the Ward of Darkness, he had accomplished his goal. He would absolutely not believe that he had the qualifications to engage the Heavenly God-tier powerhouse in a true battle merely with his Saint Energy.

The Dreadfiend Sea Naga halted its movement on the torrential ocean, and observed the Purgatory Angel from afar – it was indeed hesitating. The aura flowing from the Purgatory Angel was quite powerful, and the most important thing was not the angel, but the human who had summoned it.

The Dreadfiend Sea Naga could not see Zhou Weiqing clearly while he was completely engulfed by silver white rays. Due to the blockage of Saint Energy, it had no way of identifying the cultivation base of Zhou Weiqing. However, it could feel that the silverish white light rays definitely had its own destructive powers, the type of attribute that shivered even its soul.

What exactly was that energy? The Dreadfiend Sea Naga had lived in the oceans for countless of years but it was its first encounter with Saint Energy.

Ten seconds had passed within the water dragon's moment of hesitation. It could be said that Zhou Weiqing had already secured much precious time for the Blackfiend Dragon and Meng Xing, who were in the Darkness Spelling Seal.

Loud raging roars sounded from the Ward of Darkness as the gigantic body of the Dreadfiend Sea Naga clashed onto the Ward of Darkness, and a scarlet beam punctured its head. Highly concentrated energy waves exploded in the Ward of Darkness. That was only when the Dreadfiend Sea Naga adjusted its life force origin, had it not been destroyed by the incoming assault.

"Rrraaaaa—" From across Zhou Weiqing, the Dreadfiend Sea Naga could no longer bear the situation. If it did not come to its brother's rescue, the latter would be killed in the Ward of Darkness. By then, what would happen to it if it were to be the only one left for the people to direct their offenses to?

The waves roared, and a tidal wave of a thousand meters swirled in the air, displaying the image of a Dreadfiend Sea Naga created by the waters. It hurled its jaw and claws at Zhou Weiqing and the Purgatory Angel that he had summoned.

The skill which the Dreadfiend Sea Naga had activated was one of his greatest skills; the water dragon was not comprised of simple seawater, but water elements which were completely purified. Only a Heavenly God-tier powerhouse was capable of managing a creation of such a scale.

Zhou Weiqing's expression soured; the Dreadfiend Sea Naga had launched its attack. He had no other choice.

The Purgatory Angel leaped out. With a flash of black light, the angel had flown up a thousand meters before Zhou Weiqing. With the gesture of its arms, down came the rain clouds from the skies in an instant and the concentrated Darkness Attribute energy waves exploded. Huge dark purple light spheres with the radius of ten meters descended from the skies one after another, hitting the monstrous water dragon straight on its head like a meteor shower.

With a deafening roar, every descent of those humongous dark purple light spheres would splash a huge ripple on the water dragon, effectively destructing parts of its body.

However, the water dragon was overtly large. No matter how many dark purple light spheres had fallen, they did nothing to harm the main part of its body.

In a blink of an eye, it had reached the Purgatory Angel.

At that moment, it was only when the Purgatory Angel summoned by Zhou Weiqing showed its true terror.

The huge body appeared like a kind angel in the air, while concentrated colors of blackish purple rose like horrifying clouds without a sound. However, the Purgatory Angel's body started to expand all of a sudden, transforming itself into a dark black light sphere with the radius of hundreds of meters, and clashed violently against the water dragon.


The sharp cries made Zhou Weiqing dizzy, he could see clearly that the water dragon in the distance melted like ice, vanishing within the horrid dark purple-like energies. The Purgatory Angel sacrificed its body and life to shield the attack coming towards Zhou Weiqing.

Judging by how it looked, it seemed like the battle ended equally. However, it was different in reality. Zhou Weiqing had given his all in summoning the Purgatory Angel. On the other hand, the Dreadfiend Sea Naga was only testing the waters by launching the water dragon attack. Its greatest strength was its body itself.

Upon realization that the Purgatory Angel summoned by its opponent had been eliminated as easily as that, the Dreadfiend Sea Naga was stunned momentarily. After regaining its senses, it thought, "It seemed like this human wasn't as powerful as I imagined him to be!"

Its gigantic body started moving. To a powerhouse like the Dreadfiend Sea Naga, traveling through thousands of meters only took an instant.

However, just as it was about to muster all its might to annihilate Zhou Weiqing and rush to attack the Ward of Darkness, a weird feeling crept up in his might, making the sea naga tremble.

It was still Zhou Weiqing who was emitting the horrifying energy. It was a fearless aura, one that felt like it was about to destroy the entire world with his bare hands.

The large body of hundreds of feet stood on the waves. Its entire being was grey in color, seemingly an illusion. However, the instant it appeared, the colors of the heavens and earth too, had changed.

The whole ocean had turned grey; even the skies were similar. Grey, endless grey, and that incomparable chilling menace.

The ocean which had been torrential calmed instantly upon the appearance of the huge grey shadow. It became as calm as a massive mirror – not even the slightest of waves could be seen.

The Dreadfiend Sea Naga, which had initially appeared to be hovering in the air due to the waves, fell straight into the ocean. All its willpower had collapsed; affected by the chills from its soul.

Chapter 725

Zhou Weiqing's body floated in the air. His location was now in the middle of the chest of the massive grey shadow. That humongous grey shadow seemed like it had blended with him in the background.

The skies and earth were grey and the day was dim. At that moment, the sea was only filled with endless evil.

Indeed, Zhou Weiqing launched his summons once again, and the Demon God descended.

The Demon God, summoned by the Ward of the Demon God. Zhou Weiqing's Saint Energy in his body was close to depletion. However, he himself could clearly feel that this Demon God differed from the one he had summoned previously.

The previous summon was only an instantaneous appearance of the evil god's projection. However, this time, he had literally summoned the real evil god, and not just its mere or brief appearance.

The huge evil god projection just stood in utter silence behind Zhou Weiqing, but that was already sufficient to him.

What surprised Zhou Weiqing was that the moment the evil god arrived, the Saint Energy in his body had completely vanished and had poured itself into the evil god. However, as the projection had completed its appearance, all the Atmospheric Energy from the heavens and earth gathered toward the evil god's body in a manner which was incomprehensible to Zhou Weiqing. At the same time, he was also affected; the Saint Energy in his body absorbed these highly concentrated and purified Atmospheric Energy, insanely replenishing his energy.

The Saint Energy within him seemed to be purified once again, just like how a galaxy of stars would be brightened. The 36 Death Acupuncture Points seemed to have stopped spinning crazily, and transformed to 36 devouring mouths, effectively blending these Atmospheric Energy into his own body.

In fact, even Zhou Weiqing himself was not aware that the reason he was capable of such feats was not only because of the resurrection abilities of his Saint Energy. More importantly, it was due to this own bloodline.

Within Zhou Weiqing, lay the Dark Demon God Tiger Bloodlines. The Dark Demon God Tiger Bloodline was at the same level as the Dragon Emperor Bloodline. Within the Dark Demon God Tiger Bloodline, the strongest would be the stream of Demon God Bloodline. In other words, his inner potential had been released completely under a great deal of stress. It was due to the blending of these Demon God Bloodlines and his Saint Energy, that he was able to summon the true Demon God's projection.

It was the legitimate Demon God, surpassing even the ranks of those who were at the Heavenly God-tier and above, Although it was just a projection and thus, could not fight for Zhou Weiqing, the heavens and earth were bounded by its command after it appeared, unless a powerful presence of another being of the same level was also present.

It was true that this Demon God would be unable to launch an attack like the previous Demon God that Zhou Weiqing had summoned when his cultivation was still insufficient. However, the aura and intimidation it possessed were those of a true Demon God. It was not required to attack in any form, but the instant it appeared, the Dreadfiend Sea Naga, which had fallen into the ocean, was overcome by fear. It no longer dared to launch its attack toward Zhou Weiqing.

At that moment, Zhou Weiqing himself was immersed in a mysterious state. In just a span of a few breathes, he had fully replenished all the Saint Energy he had consumed previously. Furthermore, there was another elevation to his abilities. The more important thing was that the Saint Energy had been purified again. Subconsciously, he found out that he could touch the boundaries of the 38th-tier.

'Demon God, did I really resurrect the Demon God?' he thought.

Yet, he soon realized he was wrong. He had no way of contacting the resurrected Demon God behind him. There was no way of communication even by sound, the last time.

Zhou Weiqing was a little puzzled, but the whole battlefield had changed upon the presence of the Demon God that he had summoned.

First, was the Dreadfiend Sea Naga which had been aiming for rescue falling abruptly into the deep sea – it did not even dare to escape. It curled itself into a ball in the waters, emitting all its internal energy to refrain itself from being eroded by the evil terrifying powers.

On the other side, the Ward of Darkness had the Evil Attribute encompassed in itself. When the outside world had been filled with the Evil Attribute, the powers of the Ward of Darkness were boosted instantly.

The Dreadfiend Sea Naga, already in a disadvantageous position, had its momentum suppressed. Its situation had become more dangerous than ever.

However, Zhou Weiqing's changes had finally been discovered by the Blackfiend Dragon and Meng Xing. When they saw the world outside the Ward of Darkness being engulfed in grey and his body floating amidst the grey shadow, they could not help but halt their offenses.

'He, he really stopped the Dreadfiend Sea Naga. What power is this? How can it be so frightening?' thought Meng Xing.

Neither he nor anyone among the Mysterious Heavenly Palace powerhouses knew how Zhou Weiqing did it, nor could they deduce his true capabilities any further.

It was then that the Dreadfiend Sea Naga trapped within the Ward of Darkness had raged.

Regardless of the species of living beings, one would never just wait for death or willingly surrender one's life when faced with inescapable death, let alone a Heavenly God-tier powerhouse.

Within the instant of the Blackfiend Dragon and Meng Xing losing their focus, a highly concentrated dark blue beam exploded from the center of its body.

The layer of blue ray looked so special. It was a shade of blue that nobody had ever come across. The blue gave people feelings of comfort and transparency. The horrifying energy waves seemed to have escalated all of a sudden, and the Dreadfiend Sea Naga would shiver each time the great amount of energy changed. Circular blue light rays exploded from its body one after another. The terrifying atmosphere seemed to be attempting to break through the empowered Ward of Darkness.

"What's this?" Meng Xing thought.

The Blackfiend Dragon was shocked, "Oh no, it's going to self-explode from its Nucleus Core. Hurry, stop it."

At that time, Meng Xing and the Blackfiend Dragon no longer dared to hold back. If the Dreadfiend Sea Naga were to succeed in self-exploding its Nucleus Core, it was very likely that nobody in the Ward of Darkness would come out alive.

A concentrated scarlet beam shot to the skies and the Blackfiend Dragon's body immediately lost its colors. However, the whole scarlet beam entered Meng Xing's body at once and flowed into the Blackfiend Devastation Dragon Slaying Spear.

"Die!" Meng Xing screamed, and blinding colors exploded from the Blackfiend Dragon Armor Set.

The crimson light expanded, and the Blackfiend Devastation Dragon Slaying Spear flew from Meng Xing's grasp, instantly transforming into a huge fifty-meter-long Dragon Spear. The crimson beam vanished as soon as it shone.

The Dreadfiend Sea Naga intended to self-explode at the very end, while the Blackfiend Dragon and Meng Xing launched their attack: Devastation.

Before this, they had refrained from activating the attack, even if another Dreadfiend Sea Naga had headed their way and posed a big threat, they would still not use that technique. The reason was that upon its launch, Meng Xing and the Blackfiend Dragon would immediately have ninety percent of their powers reduced. To them, this was an attack from their origins.

The moment Devastation was launched, one could imagine the extent of destruction of an attack which encompassed all of the Blackfiend Dragon and Meng Xing's energies.

While a deafening shriek sounded, the Dreadfiend Sea Naga reacted instantaneously. Although it had yet to release all its energy from its Nucleus Core, it still chose to self-explode right there and then. Otherwise, if it were to be struck byDevastation , it would even lose its chance to self-destruct.

From afar, one could see the whole surface of the sea vibrating violently all of a sudden. In the massive Ward of Darkness, all black rays shrunk for a moment, and then, terrifying sounds of explosion shot out.

Although there was the assault of Devastation and the barriers of the Ward of Darkness, it was still a self-explosion of a Heavenly God-tier powerhouse!

The mighty explosive power made every living being shiver. It was at that moment that a humongous mushroom-shaped cloud of a thousand meters formed by the erratic waves appeared at sea.

Within the radius of a hundred miles, all the living beings in the ocean were annihilated to nothing but mere dust at that very instant – no lives were spared.

The projection of the Demon God was meant to possess only the aura and would not be able to withstand any attacks. With Zhou Weiqing's cultivation, even with the aid of Saint Energy, it would be impossible for him to even activate the skills of the Demon God. The Demon God's projection was intended to make the opponents fearful of attacking itself.

However, the Demon God's projection disappeared along with the Dreadfiend Sea Naga's self-explosion. Fortunately, it had been summoned by Zhou Weiqing by using the Ward of the Demon God. When the explosion occurred, all the evil energies immediately surrounded Zhou Weiqing's body, ultimately shielding him.

At this time, Zhou Weiqing's strength was demonstrated. He possessed the Dragon-Tiger Transformation, a solid defense with the Immortal Deity Shield and the protections by the Ward of the Demon God. Although his whole being had been flung away by the horrifying power, he did not really sustain any injuries. Of course, this was also due to the Dreadfiend Sea Naga's failure in releasing all the energies of the Nucleus Core. It was struck by Devastation and the concurrent barriers of the Ward of Darkness. Otherwise, it would not be as simple as living in misery within a hundred miles.

The Heavenly God-tier was an almighty existence! It would not be easy to picture the destruction brought by the death of such a mighty figure.

In simpler words, if a powerhouse such as the Dreadfiend Sea Naga was to self-detonate its Nucleus Core in the Fei Li Empire, at least half of the beautiful empire would be reduced to nothing. One could only imagine the extent of its destruction.

Chapter 726

The terrifying energies rose and grew in the atmosphere. The huge energy waves made everyone shiver from the depths of their hearts.

At the instant of explosion, the damage to the Blackfiend Dragon and Meng Xing were obviously the greatest, as they were the nearest to the scene. At the very last moment, the Blackfiend Dragon shielded Meng Xing with its wings and protected her as best as it could with its Heavenly God-tier body. The complete set of the Blackfiend Dragon Armor Set on Meng Xing also played its key role which prevented Meng Xing from being torn to pieces.

Nevertheless, the terrifying explosion still flung everyone away, and the huge shockwaves caused them to be scattered across the ocean within a hundred miles.

The six Heavenly King-tier elders turned into dust immediately. It was at this time that the strengths and weaknesses of one's cultivations were being demonstrated. The five Heavenly Emperor-tier elders survived. Although they were all gravely injured, they managed to stay alive thanks to the protection of the Ward of Darkness.

Similarly, another who survived was Nie Han. Although he did not possess the cultivation base of Heavenly God-tier, he was still on a level of Heavenly King-tier. Most importantly, he was wearing a nine-piece legendary armor set In terms of defense, he far surpassed the regular elders.

However, from the horrifying explosion, even the other Dreadfiend Sea Naga had been flung away, it was only normal for them to be thrown to different directions by the explosion, with all of them being separated from each other.

Also during this horrifying explosion, at the core area of the explosion, the ocean seemed to have instantly plummeted hundreds of feet. Even the sand on the seabed had sunken, followed by huge, tidal waves.

With the powerful shockwaves along with the huge waves, it happened in an instant. Even if there were to be anyone who was still partly conscious, they would not be able to see anyone anymore.

Although Zhou Weiqing was not really injured by the fearsome explosion, the Demon God he had summoned had vanished into nothingness. At the same time, he felt as if he had lost the connection with that particular bloodline, thus rendering him unable to summon the Demon God once again, no matter how much he managed to channel his Saint Energy in a short amount of time.

In the same manner, the final powers of the Demon God had protected his body but were unable to stop the explosion from flinging his body away. Everything in the surroundings had turned unrealistic — being on the sea surface at a second and under the torrential waves at the very next. After an unknown amount of time had passed, the surroundings calmed down.

The strong concussion may not have caused grave damage to Zhou Weiqing, but he still slumbered into unconsciousness due to the stress that affected his body.

Regardless of how fearful the previous explosion had been, the sea was still the great ol' sea. Even with the destructive force of such a scale, it was insignificant to the vast ocean.

Not long after, the ocean had regained its serenity. Everything had quieted down while things were now tranquil.

After an unknown amount of time, Zhou Weiqing felt like something was touching its face. He gradually recovered his senses and subconsciously opened his eyes.

In the next instant, he shut it because when he had his eyes opened, the first thing he saw was the blinding sunlight.

Shielding his face with his palm, Zhou Weiqing opened his eyes again once he had familiarized himself with that blinding light. Blocked by his hands, he could not clearly see what was happening outside. Right then, he had recovered his consciousness as well as his memories and had recalled the previous events. What surprised him was that he felt as if he was on land, and not floating on the sea.

Through the gaps between his fingers, he saw the body of a female. Naturally, it was clothed!

He sat up abruptly and Saint Energy seemed to flow through his entire being instantly. Zhou Weiqing's cultivation had not weakened. A layer of silverish white light seemed to completely engulf his body in an instant.

The person adjacent to him was unperturbed despite his reactions, and after Zhou Weiqing had taken a good look, he could not help but exclaim, "It's you."

Sitting not far from him, a pale pretty face laced with surprise and other complicated emotions appeared before Zhou Weiqing. "Isn't this Meng Xing," he thought.

Furthermore, other than Meng Xing, there was no one else.

Meng Xing had changed into a set of clean clothes but her face was shockingly pale which demonstrated that she was definitely unhealthy. Her whole being laid on the beach, making her look feminine and vulnerable. It seemed like even a gust of wind could blow away the female dragon-slaying warrior.

Looking at the shining silverish white Saint Energy radiating from Zhou Weiqing, the corner of Meng Xing's lips curled, with evident sarcasm, "You're finally awake."

Staring at her weak but energetic gaze, Zhou Weiqing suddenly felt his face heating up. During that time, there was no longer any reason for him to conceal his cultivation.

"Where are we?" Zhou Weiqing stood up and looked around. He then realized that they were on an island.

The island did not look big, but it was only because the entire island could not be seen due to the rocks and reefs behind them, in comparison to the vast ocean right in front of them. At this point, the ocean looked really calm as if nothing had occurred before.

The sun had begun to set in the West. It was still morning when they were fighting against the Dreadfiend Sea Naga. It seemed that he had been unconscious for four to six hours.

"This should be a small island out in the sea, as for its distance from the mainland, I'm not sure either. I've only woken up an hour before you did."

Meng Xing spoke blandly, there were no emotions and her frigid words were uncomfortable to the ear.

Zhou Weiqing forced a smile and said, "You're indeed a Heavenly Emperor-tier powerhouse. Your adaptability is much stronger than mine."

Meng Xing suddenly laughed, although her face was pale and her hair was messy, nothing could conceal her beauty and elegance, "A Heavenly Emperor-tier powerhouse? I'll be easily killed even by a Heavenly Jewel Master with a Three Jewel cultivation base right now. At least sixty percent of my meridians have been destroyed, and I have less than twenty percent of my powers left."

Upon registering her words, Zhou Weiqing was stunned. Although he had guessed that Meng Xing's injuries were not minor, he had never expected them to be so serious.

Meng Xing's gaze suddenly turned sharp as she stared hard at Zhou Weiqing, "You, it's you who's the strong one! Facing a Heavenly God-tier Dreadfiend Sea Naga all by yourself without any support, you not only managed to delay your opponent but was able to retreat in one piece. How should I address you? Dear Mister Undercover?"

Zhou Weiqing's facial muscles twitched slightly, "What Mister Undercover? I don't understand. That's right, I did hide some of my true powers, but it was only by means of self-defense."

Meng Xing sat up abruptly. Due to her movements affecting her injuries, the pain was evident on her pretty face. Zhou Weiqing hurried to help her, but Meng Xing shrieked loudly, "Don't come close."

Zhou Weiqing could only halt his steps.

Meng Xing lifted one arm slowly and opened up her palm, revealing a ring. Zhou Weiqing was stunned and quickly lowered his head to look. It was then he realized that his Sumeru Ring had switched places.

Meng Xing said furiously, "Do you still want to lie to me? You should know better than I do about the content of this ring. I may not know the others, but how could I not know the Neptune Shuttle? Years ago, the Neptune Shuttle had long been lost on the Boundless Mainland, do I still need to elaborate?"

Zhou Weiqing's face froze. No matter how he would quibble, the evidence was right before them – he had no other choice.

With a bitter laugh, Zhou Weiqing shook his head helplessly and said, "Alright, since you've found out, there's no meaning for me to continue concealing the truth. You're right, Bing'er and I came from the Boundless Mainland, and we've arrived here by the Neptune Shuttle."

Meng Xing stared coldly at Zhou Weiqing, "That despicable saint land in the Boundless Mainland… Have you forgotten the vow that year? Is it really just the both of you who came this time?"

Zhou Weiqing answered, "It's only the two of us, and you've misunderstood. We don't belong to any of the saint lands."

"You're still trying to lie your way out." Meng Xing was infuriated.

Zhou Weiqing shrugged, "What reason do I have to lie to you? You've said so yourself, even a Heavenly Jewel Master of a cultivation base of three jewels can easily take your life. How am I inferior to an Upper Shi Tier Heavenly Jewel Master? If it wasn't for the vow that year, the creatures which came this time around won't be of our levels. You've seen it yourself, I may have concealed my powers but my cultivation base is only of nine jewels. If the promise was to be ignored, it wouldn't be a problem for our Five Great Saint Lands of the Boundless Mainland to send a few Heavenly Emperor-tier powerhouses."

Looking at the serious look on Zhou Weiqing's face, Meng Xing could not help but partially believe his words.

"Alright, even if you're not from the Five Great Saint Lands of the Boundless Mainland, what's your purpose then? What's your motive for joining the Mysterious Heavenly Palace? You still dare to say that you're not undercover?"

Zhou Weiqing sighed, walked to Meng Xing and sat adjacent to her, "Yes, I'm here undercover. That's right, I've fooled you. I'm here for the Spatial Transportation Stone."

Meng Xing's iris shrank instantly, and just as she was about to let out her rage, the words from Zhou Weiqing's mouth had stunned her.

"How about you? Do you dare say you haven't lied to me? Should I call you Meng Xing, or the Mysterious Heavenly Palace Master?" Zhou Weiqing sounded cool, and at this moment, his demeanor had calmed down as well.

Zhou Weiqing chuckled, "I'm no fool. It was obvious that your words were much powerful than those of the Palace Master named Dongfang. The elders below may not know, but the four Supreme Elders and God Tier Master Nie Han must've known. For every crucial decision, your words have always been the final conclusion. Furthermore, during conflicts, they'll subconsciously direct their gaze toward you."

Chapter 727

"If these can't be solid evidence, even Palace Master Dongfang have gone to set up the ward during the fight against the Dreadfiend Sea Naga. You, who have fused with the Blackfiend Dragon, had become a key force in the battles. Other things can be faked but you can't feign the Blackfiend Dragon Armor Set – an eleven-piece legendary armor set! On the Boundless Mainland, there's only one Heavenly Expanse Infinitum which can compare to it. That Palace Master Dongfang didn't have it on him, but you did. Is this still insufficient to prove your identity? I think, Meng Xing isn't your real name either. I may have lied to you, but I'm really Zhou Weiqing. The truth is that both of us happen to be liars… so, it's now fair game, alright?"

Listening to Zhou Weiqing's analysis, Meng Xing turned her head to look. She did not deny his words but only looked at him with a serious demeanor.

"Can you tell me, at that time, why did you choose to save us? Those exaggerated abilities of yours, could they really stop the Dreadfiend Sea Naga?"

Zhou Weiqing stared at her with slight stubbornness, and said bitterly, "Do you want to hear the truth or a lie?"

"Of course I'd like to know the truth," Meng Xing said.

Zhou Weiqing chuckled, and said, "You tell me your true name, and I'll tell you."

Meng Xing was in a daze. She bit her lips gently, and said softly, "I'm Dongfang Hanyue."

"Dongfang Hanyue? That's a good name. It matches you." Zhou Weiqing complimented.

Dongfang Hanyue said, "It's your turn."

'I don't know," Zhou Weiqing clarified

Dongfang Hanyue stared at him in shock, "Is this the answer you're giving me?"

Zhou Weiqing said, "This is my honest answer. I don't know why I chose to save you guys either. To me, the most advantageous situation would be for both your people and the Dreadfiend Sea Naga to suffer from injuries. In times of danger, to use the Spatial Transportation Stone, that'll be my greatest chance. I'm seventy percent confident that I'm able to escape once I've retrieved the Spatial Transportation Stone. You can regard me as a fool then. However, I won't regret it."

Upon registering the four words "I don't regret it" uttered by Zhou Weiqing, the sternness and fury in Dongfang Hanyue's eyes had melted. She stared at him, stupefied.

"I'll go and get something to eat," Zhou Weiqing stood and walked toward the seaside. He needed to calm himself down as well. Thus, it was a situation which required him to make his second choice. Furthermore, it could very well be his last chance too.

He was eighty percent sure that the Spatial Transportation Stone was with Dongfang Hanyue. 'She's the true ruler of the Mysterious Heavenly Palace!' he thought. On the abandoned island, she was so weak. Without hurting her, he would also be able to snatch the Spatial Transportation Stone from her so that he could return with Bing'er, and his mission here would come to an end.

However, could he really make such a decision? If he could, he would not have told Meng Xing so much.

Reaching the seaside and allowing his feet to be immersed in the seawater, Zhou Weiqing expanded his senses. However, he discovered that in the vast ocean, he could not detect any life.

"F*ck! I can't even have some seafood to stabilize my emotions. Where's your sense of humanity?" Zhou Weiqing shouted at the sea with fury.

Retreating a few steps, he squatted down on the beach helplessly and drew circles on the sand with his hands, "Little Fatty Zhou, you coward! Please be soft-hearted… Please be soft-hearted…"

The circles had been drawn to a mess, but the helplessness still lingered on his face. For him to bully a gravely injured girl, more so a girl who treated him quite well, he could not do it — he simply could not! If the Mysterious Heavenly Palace treated him badly, and Dongfang Hanyue treated him just as badly, he would have made his move long ago. However, he still remembered clearly that when danger struck. she did not forget to protect him despite the odds they were in, even with the risk of her being injured.

Standing up abruptly, Zhou Weiqing walked toward Dongfang Hanyue with big steps.

Noticing his aggressiveness, Dongfang Hanyue's pretty face turned a shade paler. She subconsciously hugged her chest and her petite body retreated a few steps on the beach.

Zhou Weiqing stopped directly in front of her.

Dongfang Hanyue, like a kitten in shock, "What, what do you want?"

Zhou Weiqing lowered his head menacingly, and said, "Hand over the Spatial Transportation Stone."

Dongfang Hanyue's eyes glinted with stubbornness, "No. Kill me if you want to."

"If you aren't handing it over, fine," Zhou Weiqing let out a long sigh. A helpless smile could be seen on his face. He turned his body and proceed to lie down beside Dongfang Hanyue.

Dongfang Hanyue was thrown into a daze again. One must know, that the moment Zhou Weiqing had urged for the Spatial Transportation Stone, her heart had leaped to her throat. However, this guy had only uttered that one sentence.

"What on earth do you want?" Dongfang Hanyue could not contain herself. She did not understand even the slightest of what the bastard was thinking of.

Zhou Weiqing laid there, with his hands pillowing his head, and said, "It'll be such a waste for me to give up just like that without trying when I have such a good chance. I did ask, and it proves that I've tried. I have no choice if you refuse to hand it over. So, it's fine. I'm a man, It isn't right for me to bully a vulnerable girl like you on an abandoned island. Hurry up and recover your cultivation. Once you've recovered, I'll be on my way."

Don't you want the Spatial Transportation Stone anymore?" Dongfang Hanyue asked, puzzled.

Zhou Weiqing laughed bitterly, "Of course I want it; this is my mission. However, I'll come up with other plans. You better look after your precious item well. Don't let me take it away."

"Hmph," Dongfang Hanyue grunted. With great struggles, she supported her body up into a sitting position. She closed her eyes and started cultivating. The instant she sat up, a faint smile could be seen in the corner of her mouth. It was just that Zhou Weiqing, who had been lying down, could not see it.

Sensing that the Dongfang Hanyue beside him had entered the state of cultivation, Zhou Weiqing laid there and stared at the sky in boredom. He chastised himself, "Little Fatty Zhou, you're too good of a person. If she wasn't a beauty, will you still act like this? No, you won't. You're a damned dirty-minded guy. Nevertheless, no matter what, I'm still a genuine person, better than hypocrites, I guess. Ah, Beauty Hanyue, you've disappointed me. You don't have to give me your body… shouldn't you have at least given me a kiss? I've treated you so nicely. Would kill for you to be touched even the slightest bit?"

Although he was filled with such despicable thoughts, he sat himself up after Dongfang Hanyue had settled down. He moved behind her and placed both his palms on her back.

"I'm not doing this to aid her recovery. I just intend to feel her attractive body figure," Little Fatty Zhou convinced himself internally. The next instant, a silverish white glow had engulfed the two individuals.

"I shall be a good person to the core," he thought.

Dongfang Hanyue had not exaggerated her injuries. The meridians in her body not only had been gravely damaged, they were scattered too. If a normal person were to sustain these injuries, he would be dead, but she was a Heavenly God-tier powerhouse and was still able to hold herself together.

It was obvious that her recovery could not be sped up, but things were different with Zhou Weiqing.

Smooth Saint Energy was channeled into Dongfang Hanyue's body. Her petite body shivered momentarily. The warm energy being channeled into her body through a pair of large lukewarm hands was a unique sensation. Dongfang Hanyue only felt her petite body wobbling. Once the warm energy had entered her body, the disorganized energies in her meridians were easily assimilated.

Along with the advancing of the warm energy, the damaged meridians were gradually being engulfed by the silverish white rays. There was no pain and Dongfang Hanyue only felt as if her body was being submerged in lukewarm water. It was indeed comfortable.

She gave up her self-recovery, and without the slightest bit of alertness, she completely opened up her body to Zhou Weiqing, allowing his Saint Energy to flow freely within her.

Slowly, in the comfortable setting, Dongfang Hanyue fell into a peaceful sleep. Ever since she bore the weight of the responsibilities of the Mysterious Heavenly Palace Master on her shoulders, she had not been sleeping too well.

"You dumb f*ck, it shouldn't' be like this. I'm not a good person," Sitting behind Dongfang Hanyue, Zhou Weiqing was puzzled. 'Won't she be worried if I did something to her in times like this? Even if he had hidden the Spatial Transportation Stone, she can't be like this. Isn't she aware of the great damages to a man when he is being exposed to a girl's vulnerability? I can't let it affect me, I can't' he thought.

Nightfall then enveloped the island and brought about darkness and silence.

A bonfire became the island's only source of light. Zhou Weiqing sat beside the bonfire, roasting dry food.

The Sumeru Ring had been returned to him. The food and water in there were not of a small amount. Therefore, he did not have to starve even if there was no seafood for him.

There were occasional crackling sounds of fire. Dry food may be simple, but its taste after being roasted was not bad either.

Zhou Weiqing restrained himself from directing his gaze to the other side of the bonfire. Dongfang Hanyue's pretty features were like an apple, too alluring under the illumination of the bonfire.

No matter how much dirty thoughts Zhou Weiqing had, he could not overcome the pressure of his principles and conscience. It was definitely not a good feeling.

While he was healing Dongfang Hanyue's meridians, he had wanted to go. However, upon realizing the possibilities of another Dreadfiend Sea Naga being around, he could not just leave Dongfang Hanyue behind to go by himself.

"I shall wait for her to wake up I do anything," he decided. It had been a long time since he lost control of himself. However, Zhou Weiqing had no choice but to admit that his mission here was no longer within his control.

Chapter 728

She was unsure if it was due to the overly strong fragrance of the roasted dry food, Dongfang Hanyue's nose twitched, and she opened her eyes gradually.

Surveying the conditions of her meridians, Dongfang Hanyue was shocked. All of the damaged meridians had been healed from her cultivation, even though there was no training. Most of her Heavenly Energy had recovered by itself. Subconsciously, she also felt that her limits, initially imposed due to raising her powers with a special method had decreased. The meridians in her body were bathed in faint silverish white rays and were stronger than before.

"Ugh…" stretching her body with might, Dongfang Hanyue let out a soft moan. The powers in her limbs made her feel comfortable and expressions of enjoyment could be seen from her pretty face.

Pfft. The dry food in Zhou Weiqing's hands fell into the firepit; his eyes almost falling off from its sockets. Dongfang Hanyue's stretching motions fully emphasized her alluring body lines. In addition to the attractive moan, it made the beast within a certain someone boil in an instant.

"Can you please not do this? You're seducing people to commit crimes." Zhou Weiqing said while swallowing his saliva.

"Nope," Dongfang Hanyue rolled her eyes.

Dongfang Hanyue sat on the other side of the bonfire, her arms hugging her knees. Without sparing a glance at Zhou Weiqing, she mumbled, "Tell me stories of your Boundless Mainland, and yourself too."

"Okay," Zhou Weiqing responded. From his eyes, he seemed to be recalling his memories. He was not hiding, and there was nothing to hide either. He gradually started recounting his experiences.

"I was born in a small country named the Heavenly Bow Empire on the Boundless Mainland. In the beginning, I could never become a Heavenly Jewel Master, until one fine day…"

Even though he was only in this twenties, his experiences were so rich. Zhou Weiqing's stories took four hours although it was already his summarized version.

It was now late night and the two had eaten much of the dry food. Zhou Weiqing had lost count of the times he had added the firewood obtained from the woods behind him into the bonfire.

"Why did you want our Spatial Transportation Stone then?" Dongfang Hanyue inquired with curiosity.

Zhou Weiqing had told almost all of his important experiences, including those of his romantic affairs. However, he did not see the need to explain his purpose of obtaining the Spatial Transportation Stone.

Zhou Weiqing shook his head, and smiled softly, "This is a secret. I'll tell you if you give me the Spatial Transportation Stone."

"Dream on," Dongfang Hanyue replied with a grunt, "If you're not telling, that's fine with me too."

The two fell into a momentary silence; only the crackling sounds of the fire could be heard.

"Compared to you, my experiences are far simpler. Aren't you curious about how I got to possess the powers of a Heavenly Emperor or the reputation of being a God Tier Master?" Dongfang Hanyue asked in a low voice.

Zhou Weiqing nodded; he was curious indeed.

Dongfang Hanyue mumbled, "Actually, you don't need to doubt yourself. Your talents are far superior to mine. I'm sure that if it was only self-cultivation, I would never possess powers the way you do, despite being several years older than you. Most of my cultivation is external."

"External?" Zhou Weiqing asked in disbelief.

Dongfang Hanyue replied, "You should've noticed. The higher ranks of our Mysterious Heavenly Palace have all inherited the powers of Darkness Attribute. In fact, this is the Blackfiend Dagon Bloodline flowing in our body. The bloodlines of the Mysterious Heavenly Palace, especially for me as the Palace Master's heir is a result of our ancestor being an offspring formed by the fusion of the Blackfiend Dragon and a human. So, in a sense, I'm not a pure human being, but a dragon-human hybrid."

"My ancestor, transformed into a human being through the cultivation of the transfiguration technique, married a human woman, and then had descendants like us. Combined with the physique of Blackfiend Dragon as well as the wisdom and talents of humans, the foundation of the Mysterious Heavenly Palace was formed. This was how the Mysterious Heavenly Palace was built. There was also the Blackfiend Dragon's protection along the way. This was how the Darkness Attribute came about."

"Therefore, we call ourselves the Dragon Clan. Among the Dragon Clan, there's an unwritten rule, one that has been passed down. When the former Palace Master is about to die, he'll be able to channel his cultivation base to the next Palace Master. Although the complete cultivation base cannot be received, with this inheritance, it allows the next Palace Master to possess the greatest power possible in the shortest amount of time. This inheritance is only possible within the purest bloodline of our Dragon Clan. I'm the inheritor of his generation. My father had forcefully made his way to the Heavenly God-tier but failed and gravely injured himself. Before he died, he channeled the cultivation base he had accumulated through his whole life to me."

"This form of inheritance may allow me to promptly possess the powers of Heavenly God-tier, but since it came too easily and I haven't accumulated sufficient experience, I'm only limited to the cultivation base of a Heavenly God Tier in my life."

At this point, Zhou Weiqing finally understood the origins of the Mysterious Heavenly Palace. The information Dongfang Hanyue had told him was the secrets of the Mysterious Heavenly Palace. However, she had revealed everything without hesitation.

"What about the Palace Master Dongfang? Who is he? Is he also a Supreme Elder?" Zhou Weiqing asked.

Dongfang Hanyue shook her head and said, "She's my mother. My mother is ruling the Mysterious Heavenly Palace alongside me to aid me in holding down the elders. Nevertheless, I'm the key ruler. The first Palace Master you met was me, and the next was my mother as I was then required to show myself as the God Tier Master Meng Xing."

Realization dawned on Zhou Weiqing, "No wonder I felt a difference the during the second meeting. It was because there was a change in the person I was meeting. Nonetheless, the mask of your Mysterious Heavenly Palace is magical indeed. I can't even distinguish between male and female."

Dongfang Hanyue's eyes turned blurry, "For most people, the Mysterious Heavenly Palace is always an untouchable existence. What they don't know is the loneliness of being a Palace Master. Your experiences can take up a few hours, but mine could just be summarized within these few sentences. Had I been given the choice, I'd rather become an ordinary human being."

Zhou Weiqing said, "Destiny may have chosen you, but you can attempt to alter it."

Dongfang Hanyue smiled bitterly, "Change? How? I'm responsible for ensuring the legacy of our bloodline and sustaining the ruling position of the Mysterious Heavenly Palace. All I can do is to let the Mysterious Heavenly Palace remain strong."

At this point, all of a sudden, a surge of powerful aura exploded from her body, Dongfang Hanyue stood up slowly and directed her stern gaze at Zhou Weiqing, "My powers have now fully recovered."

Chapter 729

"My powers have recovered completely."

Along with her icy voice, Dongfang Hanyue stood up gradually. The aura of the Heavenly God-tier powerhouse almost pressured Zhou Weiqing onto the ground in an instant.

It could be said that Zhou Weiqing was not prepared at that point. Never had he thought that Dongfang Hanyue would make her move against him at this moment. During their previous conversation, her Heavenly Energy had fully recovered.

Zhou Weiqing remained perfectly seated as he could clearly feel under the pressure of her energy, that any of his movements would bring a bout of Dongfang Hanyue's attacks like a torrential storm.

With a bitter smile, Zhou Weiqing looked at her and said, "Isn't this ingratitude?"

Dongfang Hanyue grunted, "What good deeds have you done for me? So what if it's ingratitude? This is an abandoned island, who's watching?"

Zhou Weiqing said painstakingly, "Ah, it was never a good idea to be kind! However, are you giving me the excuse to snatch the Spatial Transportation Stone as well?"

Dongfang Hanyue looked at him in surprise, "You're confident in yourself, aren't you?"

Zhou Weiqing chuckled, and said, "Aside from being confident, I think I've other chances as well. If I haven't any confidence, what else can I do?"

A strong killing intent flowed from Dongfang Hanyue instantly, and the terrifying pressure sinked the sand around Zhou Weiqing.

The pressure from the Heavenly God-tier powerhouse was still quite horrifying. However, Zhou Weiqing was no longer feigning his cultivation base of a mere six jewels.

Facing the pressure form Dongfang Hanyue, he still remained seated and observed her calmly. No hostility could be seen from his eyes, and his gaze was extremely gentle, as if he was staring at his wife throwing fits.

"I'll be making my move," Dongfang Hanyue said menacingly and stepped forward at the same time, strengthening her aura.

"Come," Zhou Weiqing stretched his arms out wide with a smile on his face, as though extending his generosity.

"Do you really not fear death?" Dongfang Hanyue raised her right arm gradually and gestured toward Zhou Weiqing from afar, with unstable Darkness Heavenly Energy concentrating in her palm. It would not be difficult for the mighty strike of a Heavenly God-tier powerhouse to destroy the whole beach.

"Of course I do, why wouldn't I? I fear death very much. Who wouldn't be afraid of dying?" I've yet to live enough. There's still tons of beauties waiting for me. However, you won't kill me. You can't bring yourself to do so," Zhou Weiqing looked at Dongfang Hanyue cheekily.

Inhaling a deep breath, confusion filled Dongfang Hanyue's eyes. Her raised arm was gradually lowered and placed on her chest. Her pearly white teeth bit her bottom lip softly.

It was also at this moment that the rain clouds in the skies had dispersed, and a bright moon hung high up in the sky. The gentle moonlight shone, and under the illumination of the moonlight along with the background of the ocean, Zhou Weiqing's gaze was dazed.

The lovely moon shining onto the ocean along with a beauty on the beach — the alluring scene making his heart throb subconsciously.

Dongfang Hanyue stepped forward once more and finally made her move.

However, that move was not directed at Zhou Weiqing.

"Shraa—" the sound of something breaking was not ear-piercing. Instead, it sounded like a barrier between the two being torn apart.

The next instant, under the luminosity of the bright moonlight, what appeared before Zhou Weiqing was a body like white jade and suet; beautiful without imperfections, as if it was radiating holy light.

With another stride forward, her legs had already stepped onto the gravel near his feet. Both her legs were bent, and she sat kneeling between his legs just like that. Ten long slender fingers shot out abruptly, grabbing his chest and pulling him closer.

Little Fatty Zhou swallowed a gulp of saliva. Even he himself felt that the events unfolding before him were unrealistic. He mumbled, "Don't be too rough, okay?"

Dongfang Hanyue stared at him, clenching her teeth, "No!"

With several violent sideway strips of her hands, the shrill sound could be heard again. This time, what was exposed was his wide bronze chest, which was as solid as an iron wall. Her lips met his almost in an insane manner.

However, when the two pairs of lips truly made contact, he clearly felt that her cold lips were shivering. 'Now, these are her true feelings' he thought.

Dongfang Hanyue's movements were crazy. She even pushed Zhou Weiqing's body onto the beach and gripped his wrists tightly. However, for someone who had far richer battles, her kiss was very inexperienced.

This kiss had shaken the heavens and earth, dried up oceans and melted rocks, and got the primal blood of a certain someone boiling.

It was only until the two had to part after an extended period of suffocation, had the embrace come to a halt.

Dongfang Hanyue pressed her petite body onto Zhou Weiqing, the smooth and flexible body had almost made someone moan.

The two were panting, and because of the incessant gasps, the intimate contact between certain body parts grew closer to one another.

After her panting subsided, there was no movement from Dongfang Hanyue, whereas a certain someone who was already in a climatic blood-boiling state could no longer contain himself. It felt good to be pushed in such a rough manner, but to stop midway rendered him speechless.

"About that, shall we continue?" Little Fatty Zhou tested the waters.

Dongfang Hanyue stuck her face close to his chest, and said, sightly panting, "Didn't you tell me not to be too rough?"

"Um…" Zhou Weiqing chuckled, "Actually, what I wanted to say was for the storm to be more violent."

With a sudden rise of her head, Zhou Weiqing spotted how Dongfang Hanyue's face grew as red as a fully ripe apple. She stared at him with blurring focus, and said, "But, I, don't know what to do…" While she was uttering the sentence, her hands, previously holding onto Zhou Weiqing tightly, had loosened its grip.

'How were the primal characteristics of men invoked?' he pondered. He was not clear of what the others had experienced, but he felt as if he had really transformed into a Dark Demon God Tiger at that very moment…

The next moment, the offending party and the defending party had switched sides, and the Blackfiend Dragon-woman had finally switched places to be on the receiving end. The Dark Demon God Tiger felt exactly like he had captured the most delicious prey, and all of a sudden, thunder roared and lightning struck. The storm really did come…

Rain clouds drifted, blocking the shy moon, and among the heavens and earth in the dark, only the ocean, abandoned island, beach and the alluring, seductive sounds of a dragon's moan and a tiger's roar could be heard.

Even though she had lived for 29 years, he was her first man. The first man to walk into her heart and capture her body.

'This is what I owe him, I've lost that day,' she thought. In the beginning, Dongfang Hanyue kept repeating her reasons in her heart. However, when a certain heated masculine body had conquered her everything, other than the looming sounds of a dragon's moans – sometimes loud and sometimes soft – she was incapable of any other thoughts.

'He had said what he said, but he does not regret. What about her?' she wondered. Similarly, she did not regret it either.

Even if she knew very well that there was no future for her, and that she might lose this man in the next instant, she still surrendered herself to him without hesitation.

It might sound absurd, but in Dongfang Hanyue's life, her most beautiful memory might very well be this scene of insanity. Sometimes, not everything requires a conclusion. To enjoy the process and preserve the indelible memories might even be better than a well-planned ending.

Dongfang Hanyue had never thought that she would become so vulnerable, like a tiny boat succumbing to the torrential waves of the ocean; continuously being flung up and down, up and down.

The madness of the night continued until sunrise.

Dongfang Hanyue held onto Zhou Weiqing's solid arms and fell into a deep slumber. She was too exhausted. However, a sweet smile lingered on her lovely, vulnerable face.

Zhou Weiqing did not fall asleep, despite the soft blankets spread beneath them. They were initially prepared by Zhou Weiqing and Bing'er when they first came to the Mysterious Heavenly Palace by the Neptune Shuttle. He would never have expected for the blanket to be of use in this setting.

Zhou Weiqing was experiencing complete sensual gratification with his unquenchable libido. To describe Zhou Weiqing at this moment in this manner would be more than apt.

However, his facial expression was weird. It was impossible to not feel strange! The objective of his travel here was for the Spatial Transportation Stone. It could be said that his stand was directly against the Mysterious Heavenly Palace, but now, the Mysterious Heavenly Palace Master was lying in his arms.

Furthermore, the Yin energy of the Heavenly God-tier beauty was pushing the Saint Energy in his body to a sharp increase. Dongfang Hanyue also possessed four Heavenly Jewel attributes, and she herself was very powerful. It could be observed from her fusion with the Blackfiend Dragon against the Dreadfiend Sea Naga. Once he received her virgin Yin energy, it was impossible for his cultivation to not experience an upgrade. He even reached the stage where he was near to breaking through the boundaries of the 38th-tier. Under normal cultivation circumstances, even if Saint Energy had the powerful natural abilities to unify Atmospheric Energy of various attributes, it was not easy to break through that tier, especially without half a year's accumulation,

However, the benefits Dongfang Hanyue received from Zhou Weiqing were even greater. As she had inherited Heavenly Energy from her father to be upgraded to Heavenly God Tier, the bottleneck imposed on her was much greater than the normal Heavenly God-tier powerhouses. After Zhou Weiqing's healing with his Saint Energy on top of the prior connection of their souls and body, her bottleneck has weakened a lot after receiving the Saint Energy. At this point, she would never have thought of it on her own.

"Um…" Dongfang Hanyue groaned, which had almost ignited the flames within Zhou Weiqing. She moved closer to his embrace and found a more comfortable position.

'Hmm, what's this?'

Suddenly, Zhou Weiqing noticed something touching his arm softly. Subconsciously, he lowered his head and saw that it was a pendant not very large in size,

The pendant was a silverish white metal, in the shape of a diamond. It was large, hanging around the beautiful, slender neck of Dongfang Hanyue by a fine silver chain.

Chapter 730

As he had been distracted by a certain someone's petite body which was as beautiful as a jade carving, he did not notice a thing. It was only at this moment that Dongfang Hanyue was donning the accessory.

He subconsciously touched it with his hand. The touch did not mean much, but Zhou Weiqing quick-wittedly sneezed.

It could not be felt from the outside, but when he touched the pendant with his hands, he discovered in shock that the diamond-shaped pendant actually encompassed great amounts of energy waves of the Spatial Attribute.

Zhou Weiqing himself possessed the Spatial Attribute as well as Saint Energy. Therefore, his ability to sense energy was extremely strong. Although the materials of the metallic outer layer of the pendant were unknown, it had shielded the Spatial Attribute energy inside it from being detected. However, when he touched it with his hand, he immediately felt the uniqueness of it.

'What's… what's this?' he pondered.

Zhou Weiqing was in a daze and eyed the penchant suspiciously. His hand fell from the penchant and caressed Dongfang Hanyue's chest. Even in his thoughts, his despicable characteristics would never change.

With a soft sigh, Zhou Weiqing mumbled to himself, "Ah, you're the Mysterious Heavenly Palace Master but I must return. There's no way you would be willing to come with me. Since we're together for a day, I've to leave you something. Just treat it as a memento; only God will know if we'll ever have the chance to meet again in this life."

While saying that, Zhou Weiqing's hand stopped its motions on Dongfang Hanyue's chest. A concentrated wave of Saint Energy flowed from his palm into Dongfang Hanyue's body along her meridians, before gathering in her pubic region.

If it were to be someone else, they would experience strong repulsion of the Heavenly Energy from Dongfang Hanyue. Especially with Zhou Weiqing, he could feel that in the centremost position of Dongfang Hanyue's chest, there seemed to be a large energy sphere.

"That should be the Heavenly Nucleus Core!" he thought.

However, he had no such time to appreciate the wonders of the Heavenly Nucleus Core. Furthermore, the Heavenly Nucleus Core was different from the Saint Nucleus Core he was aiming for. Thus, he just proceeded to guide the Saint Energy to gather in Dongfang Hanyue's body.

One of the distinct characteristics of Saint Energy was that it would be repelled by energies of other attributes as pure Saint Energy was not destructive. Only when it was channeled into a technique and had its attribute transformed, there would be heightened power upon the release of the technique.

Thus, when the Saint Energy had been injected into Dongfang Hanyue's body, her own energies did not repel it. On the contrary, they accommodated for Saint Energy which made it easier for Zhou Weiqing to channel his Saint Energy to concentrate in her Dantian.

With Zhou Weiqing's current cultivation, injecting Saint Energy into a person felt different than it was in the beginning. Furthermore, he was not stingy with the amount of Saint Energy he was giving Dongfang Hanyue. He immediately activated his purest Saint Energy, which was like a galaxy.

This Saint Energy in Dongfang Hanyue's Dantian gradually formed a tiny galaxy-like whirlpool, spinning and establishing itself into a system. Although it could not upgrade itself like Zhou Weiqing can, but with the pure Saint Energy Whirlpool, as Dongfang Hanyue breaks through the bottleneck of the Heavenly God Tier in the near future, this whirlpool would surely aid her in her breakthrough as a tonic that would give her a huge boost. The initially impossible breakthrough of her bottleneck will no longer be difficult.

Guarding the shaping of the whirlpool with caution, Zhou Weiqing's forehead was already drenched with beads of fine sweat when he had finished everything. It was his first time constructing a Saint Energy Whirlpool for others by channeling the most essential part of his Saint Energy. It may not be all of his energy, but it was quite a large portion of it. Without a duration of anywhere from ten days to half a month, Zhou Weiqing would not be able to recover to his most ideal condition.

After completing everything, a soft smile could be seen on Zhou Weiqing's face, "You're now my woman. I've not treated you badly and this is my gift to you. It wouldn't be too much for me to take something from you as a memento, would it?"

He was speaking to himself the whole time, Dongfang Hanyue had been sleeping well in his embrace.

While speaking, Zhou Weiqing carefully extracted the pendant from Dongfang Hanyue's neck and wore it around his own. He smiled as if his actions were justifiable and mumbled, "There are some things in this world which may be found in other places, but my Saint Energy is unique."

While he was mumbling, he lifted Dongfang Hanyue from his embrace cautiously and gently placed her on the blanket.

Letting out a breath and changing into new clothes, he was about to leave but he could not bring himself to do so. He returned to Dongfang Hanyue's side and pecked her on her cheek. After caressing some exceptionally soft parts of her body, he then turned toward the ocean and walked toward that direction.

He released his Dragon-Tiger Transformation wings. In an instant, two wings spread open. With a soft flap, the wings propelled his body u to the sky and flew toward the sea.

Right when he had just left, Dongfang Hanyue who had been sleeping soundly on the blanket opened her eyes slowly.

Slight fury was evident on her pretty face as she spoke to herself, "Bastard, he never forgets to freeload even before leaving. Such a bad guy. A bastard and a dirty-minded fellow."

She sat up and redressed herself. Sitting on the blanket, her glance fell onto the pool of red on the blanket, and two red blushes appeared on her lovely face.

"Bastard, you know what? I don't regret it. Really, I don't." She manipulated her senses and immediately detected the galaxy-like whirlpool in her Dantian. The energy encompassed in it may not be that much, but the purity, especially the attribute which seemed like it could engulf everything, was so touching.

Dongfang Hanyue's eyes were dazed. To become the Mysterious Heavenly Palace master, she had been exposed to the best education possible as a child, and she herself was extremely smart as well. However, in front of the bastard, she could not help but lower herself.

At the first time she had met him, she had been attracted by the confidence radiating from his core. Although he was not that handsome, the concentration he displayed while he was creating the God Tier Consolidating Equipment Scroll along with his talents and confidence had left a vivid impression on her.

In their following moments of contact, he displayed his extraordinary talents in various fields. Even she herself who had been addressed as a genius could not help but feel inferior. If not for her inheritance from her father, she might not even be close to being compatible with him in any aspect.

Until that day, the bastard had freeloaded from her when he had jumped off the cliff. In the beginning, she really had the intention to kill him. However, she could not bring herself to do it. At that point, she had convinced herself with the excuse that she could not have murdered the genius, but was it really that simple? The truth should be that he was the only man she ever had her eyes on.

Maybe, most ladies had their eyes locked on a man's physical appearance. However, the Mysterious Heavenly Palace Master Dongfang Hanyue had seen too many handsome men, so the only thing she placed her interest in was inner beauty. Regardless of Zhou Weiqing's later behaviors which were either despicable or dirty-minded, those behaviors had done nothing to make her disregard the extraordinary talents he possessed.

After that, Dongfang Hanyue had ignored Zhou Weiqing for a long time, not because she was angry, but also because she felt lost.

The battle they had where she had brought him to another place might very well be the source which had led to the changes.

Dongfang Hanyue had never thought that she would lose in the only aspect she had thought to surpass Zhou Weiqing. In fact, she had already sensed part of the abilities in Zhou Weiqing's meridians. She had genuinely felt fear, especially during the final Demonic Devour.

Thus, she lost the bet. Even by early last night, she still could not figure her own heart out. She had only thought of the bet and surrendered her body so that she did not owe him anything.

However, it was clear to her now.

Dongfang Hanyue started developing feelings for him during the battle for the bet. Zhou Weiqing had won and had also helped something within Dongfang Hanyue to emerge victoriously.

What made Dongfang Hanyue fell in love with him was the battle against the two ferocious Dreadfiend Sea Naga. During the pinch, he had flown toward the other Dreadfiend Sea Naga without hesitation.

Sometimes, falling in love with someone takes only an instant and Dongfang Hanyue had been conquered by Zhou Weiqing at that very instant.

A man, regardless of his usual behaviors, in times of life and death, if he were to be able to voluntarily sacrifice himself for his woman, he would be considered the most responsible man who deserved all her love.

At that moment, concealed by her mask, Dongfang Hanyue was crying. She also understood her heart, realizing that she had already helplessly fallen in love with the bastard.

Even if the powers he had displayed later on had far surpassed her imaginations, and even if she came to know the true purpose of his arrival in Mysterious Heavenly Palace, Dongfang Hanyue will not be infuriated by his lies – not even the slightest. On the contrary, she had fallen deeper for him.

He was here for the Spatial Transportation Stone. At that time, he was not required to make a move. Even if he did not escape, he could remain as a bystander. Without other options, Dongfang Hanyue would have no choice but to use the Spatial Transportation Stone and would even take care of him. That would be his best chance of snatching the stone.

However, he did not do that. Instead, he chose the silliest course of action and even proceeded to tell her the truth after coming here.

At that point, he was not completely safe, and this could be seen when the huge shadow he had summoned was destroyed with ease. 'He was gambling!' she thought. If the Dreadfiend Sea Naga was to launch his assault blindly, it would be difficult for him to even escape alive.