94 - 100

Chapter 94: Greatly Increased Strength

A burst of autumn wind blew up the autumn leaves, sending it flying in the wind.

"Uh… not even one followed? Are they kidding me? Sigh, you can never guess what girls are thinking. It doesn't matter how many guesses you take, since you'll never get it right…"

Noticing that these young and beautiful rogues didn't follow him here, Fei looked sadly at the flying yellow sand and autumn leaves for a while. He thought that the girls suddenly changed their mind and decided not to travel, so he had no choice but to hum a little song as he walked across the big and small streets inside [Lut Gholein] and found the NPC Farah inside the city – she played the same role in [Lut Gholein] as the big chested beauty Charsi at [Rogue Encampment], a blacksmith. From her, Fei could buy higher level and more lethal weapons.

Fei opened the trade dialog box and began to sweep the goods.

He started with armor.

The [Arctic Furs] monster drop from before only had 48 defense and was now a little out of date. It was difficult to resist the sharp teeth and claws of higher level monsters and demons, so it was time to upgrade.

He carefully looked through everything and selected a set of 95 defense red color insect-patterned plate armor. This [Splint Mail] had double the defense of [Arctic Fur], but the price was also staggeringly high, costing Fei a full 20000 gold coins.

Aside from the plate armor, Fei also chose a Spartan-style high-level helmet with a T-shaped nose-guard. At the top of the helmet, there was a golden feather standing up, and the design abnormally looked fine. The helmet had 13 defense and +18% resistance to fire damage. There was also a pair of [Heavy Chain Boots] blue color level equipment that had +12 defense and a lot of other additional special effects against fire, thunder, and poison.

Armor, helmets, and heavy boots – Fei got all of them, and now he just needed a pair of powerful gloves to have a basic set. Unfortunately, after looking for a long time, Fei found that the gloves sold by NPC Farah here were all not up to his standard.

After a slight sigh, he quickly thought of a method – select and purchase a pair of white-scale beginner steel gloves, and then get [Rogue Encampment]'s female blacksmith Charsi to imbue it later. Previously after completing the mission of finding the magical iron hammer, Fei hadn't used the enhancement reward up until now. Now, he would be able to get a pair of powerful gloves with high stats.

It was now time to replace his weapons.

Fei took his time and picked for a while, replacing the two-handed axe from before. He selected one purple and one greed broad sword that had the same length, separately called [Soul's Massacre Claymore] and [Soul Gear's Crystal Sword]. These two swords' damage were all between 8-25. Even when comparing to the original exaggerated two-handed axe from before, the new combination was still stronger, and they were all blue color level equipment, so they had special effects of the 4 types of resistance and weapon accuracy. The two swords costed Fei a total of 19000 gold coins. Now, his barbarian character had already learned the [Double Swing] skill capable of using two swords at the same time. Not only was the effect of skill pretty sexy, but the damage was also more than doubled.

These two swords were the primary weapons Fei prepared for his barbarian character.

For his secondary weapon, the [Storm Sabre] and [Azure's Spiked Shield] were all unequipped and sold by Fei. He chose a [Enhanced Light Iron Shield] with a cool holy knight's iron cross-like symbol that had 22 defense and came with +3 resistance to all effects and 2 sockets, as well as a double-edged short axe called [Blood Splitting Double-edged Axe]. It had a single handed damage of 7-20, with an additional fire damage effect, +2 max damage, +41% max damage, and +32 weapon accuracy.

As a result, with the left handed shield and right handed axe, the secondary weapons' damage was also more than doubled in attack power, and the effects that came with the weapons were simply amazing.

Finally, Fei spent 3000 gold coins and bought a 3 layer 16 grid large inventory. This way, transporting things from the real world to the Diablo world would be much easier.

This shopping trip costed Fei close to 60,000 gold coins, but he was compensated a bit for selling his old equipment, so now he had 35,000 gold coins left and could still be regarded as a slightly wealthy man.

10 Places All Men Must Visit While They're Single


Unfortunately, the NPCs here rarely sold rings, amulets and other small items, so Fei had no choice but to dismiss that desire. Right now, he had two rings and one amulet on him, but unfortunately they all had effects like increasing lighting area and weapon accuracy, so it wasn't that useful, but at least it was better than nothing.

During this process, Fei finally confirmed one thing…

The NPCs at [Lut Gholein] didn't have their own intelligence at all. If the people at [Rogue Encampment] gave him a feeling of it being a lively world, the feeling that this desert pearl gave to Fei was the complete opposite; it was like a single player version of the Diablo game. Every NPC dialogue and content was completely the same as his previous life's video game, without the slightest difference, and not even a slight change in the tone. And in addition to the fixed dialogue, their facial expression was rigid, their emotions were stagnant, and they wouldn't answer you anything, just like robots with a preset program.

"Why is that?"

No wonder why [Lut Gholein] gave off a lifeless feeling like a dead city… so that was actually the real reason. But as to the actual reason for the emergence of this phenomenon, Fei was puzzled, and he ultimately gave up and decided to just wait and see.

After putting on a brand new set of equipment, Fei suddenly felt that every pore on his body was surging out vigorous strength. Whether it was defense or attack, the stats had more than doubled with this new equipment. The effect was simply amazing after putting on the new set of equipment, achieving high standings in both aesthetics and utility.

Fei couldn't help but think of the iconic anime "Saint Saiya" from his past life and all kinds of sacred clothing from the magical zodiacs. Thinking about that, he got an idea, making all the armor on his body become invisible, and then shouted, "Show-off Zodiac Cloth, fall on me", and then he controlled all the armor on his body to show up piece by piece. This scene was almost exactly like in the anime when the bronze Saints summoned their clothes; bright lights shot out of the armor, and such a magnificent scene greatly satisfied Fei's sick psychology.

With his hands reaching into the void, one green and one purple light flashed, and then two lethal giant swords appeared in Fei's hands, making him feel like an elegant saint swordsman.

"Haha, these two swords, I will call them purple green duo swords from now on!"

Fei was fully armed, and with [Purple Green Duo Swords] he swept out of [Lut Gholein]'s city gate like a whirlwind and started a massacre in the wilderness, and those monsters that usually had to take 3 or 4 axe swings to kill now only needed one swing to eliminate them. The [Double Swing] skill raged a bladestorm, and he left behind a trail of bodies.

"With the current strength of the barbarian character, even if I faced with those 4-star elites, I would still have a big chance of winning."

After about 10 minutes of killing and testing, Han fully understood his true strength at that time.

After finishing all this, without delay he went directly back to the city to find the blue clothed Warriv, chose [Go West], and then with a flash of blue light Fei returned to the [Rogue Encampment].

"Sir Fei, you are not a man of your words!"

"Sir, we just want to go see big city's scenery, we definitely won't bring you trouble, so just take us there once!"

"Sir, you can't be so eccentric. You already took big sister Elena there once, why not take us too? Whatever sister Elena can do, we can also do for you!"

[Rogue Encampment].

At the place where Fei and Warriv disappeared half an hour ago, the young and beautiful female rogues saw Fei's return and suddenly got excited and came around him.

He didn't know when, but the beautiful lotus Elena also appeared here.

She tried to get past all the sisters surrounding Fei and looked at him who was a bit stunned, hesitated, and then softly said, "Sir, if it is convenient, please take the sisters there to see it. They grew up here and every day they face countless demons, "overcast" skies and the black wilderness, and they are yearning for the bustling city…"


Fei stopped everyone from talking, then inexplicably looked at the group of thorny roses, and asked in surprise, "So… You guys didn't decide last minute to stay?"

"Stay?" The girls were shocked, "Why would we decide to stay? It was obviously Sir Fei who didn't want to take us and ran off by yourself!"

Uh… did that turn out to be the case?

Fei was a bit confused, thought for a second and said, "That's strange… Well, let's try again… Maybe we just didn't cooperate well last time. Everyone hold hands and close your eyes."

The girls did what they were told.

After a humming sound, a blue light flashed past.

Fei disappeared in place, and Elena also disappeared with Fei, but the other female rogues were all just standing in place looking at each other.


Fei soon came back.

"What hapepened? Can I actually only take Elena there?" Fei was shocked, and it didn't make sense. If he could bring someone there then he should've been able to bring everyone there. They were all rogues and Elena could travel with him, but why couldn't the other girls?

The group of people just looked at each other in an awkward silence.


Chapter on the house~ sorry for the slow speed. Also had to do GDN throughout the week and got two midterms next week.

Chapter 95: Crazy Summoning

"I just don't believe it, let's try it a few more times… Humph, this time let's just try one at a time." Fei said as he grabbed a purple-haired little loli's small hands. Then, there was a buzzing blue flash of light. He disappeared with Warriv, but the little loli was still there.

After a flash of blue light, Fei angrily returned.

"Try again…"

Fei disappeared again.

He came back again.

He disappeared again.

Ten minutes later.

Fei almost felt every girl's little hands. In the beginning, this shameless pervert actually had the thought of searching why the teleport didn't work, but by the end he basically used it as an excuse to take advantage and touch the soft little hands of all the girls. The female rogues were all beautiful young girls… so it would be stupid to not take advantage when there was a chance.

However, the teleportation to [Lut Gholein] didn't work even once, aside from with Elena.

"This is strange, there must be an important reason I overlooked…"

Fei lowered his head in contemplation and began to think of some reasons.

Why is it that although they're all female rogues, only Elena can be successfully brought to [Lut Gholein], while other people can't? Fei suddenly noticed that this occasion was kind of similar to the situation before when he accidently triggered one of the godly skills [Summon]. Similarly, under the effects of the skill [Summon], only Elena could be summoned to the real world, while no one else could.

Thinking about it, Fei's eyes eventually stopped at the key figure, blue clothed Warriv.

A hint of a narrow smile surfaced on Warriv's face.

"Warriv, do you know what's going on?" Fei seemed to have guessed something.

"Yes sir, the reason is very simple. Ms. Elena is your mercenary; she signed the [Contract of Employment] with you, so she can use the power of employment to follow you through space-time teleportation. However, the other girls didn't enter a contract with you, so I'm afraid that I cannot take advantage of the power of contract to take them with you to [Lut Gholein]."

10 Places All Men Must Visit While They're Single


"[Contract of Employment]?"

A flash of lightning flashed passed Fei's mind.

Suddenly, he felt that he caught a crucial point, and the mystery behind the [Summon] skill also began to uncover its true face behind the mysterious veil.


Fei suddenly realized.

The reason why he could only summon Elena from the Diablo world to the real world was due to the existence of the employment contract between them. This contract was automatically signed after he finished the mercenary leader Kashya's mission of killing blood crows. That was the reward for completing the mission, and that was also the secret factor that had been overlooked by him. If he could sign these kind of contracts with other people at the [Rogue Encampment], would that mean that he could also summon other people into the real world?

Fei couldn't wait to verify that idea.

He bid farewell to Warriv and the reluctant female rogues, passed through several tents, and then at the southeast corner of the encampment's broken tent, he found the nun aunt Ankara who was crafting potions.


After listening to Fei's speculation, a light flashed in Ankara's eyes as if she had a sudden epiphany, and then she slowly said, "Your guess is right, this might be the reason why Elena is the only one that can follow you to your world."

"Then can I sign the [Employment Contract] with other people?" That was the question Fei cared the most about.

"Uh… I'm afraid that you can't." Ankara shook his head.

"What… That… Why?" Fei became really impatient.

"On the rogue continent, the [Employment Contract] is the most special type among all types of contract types, and it has the feature of being single and exclusive. Since you have already signed the contract with Elena, you will not be able to sign this kind of contract with anyone else, unless you take the initiative to lift the contract with Elena…"

Ankara's words slowly made Fei's heart sink, and the color of his face became uglier.

Could it be destined that he could only summon one person from the Diablo world to the real world? Damn!

However, in any case, lifting the contract with Elena was something Fei could never do. Elena already told him long ago that for a female rogue, being fired by the employer was equivalent to losing her glory, which was even worse than death. In addition, after cooperating with this beautiful mercenary for so long, the pair had reached the state where their hearts were connected, and Fei started having inseparable feelings towards this beautiful and soft female rogue.

But at that moment, with a mysterious smile on her face, aunt Ankara continued, "However, on the rogue continent, besides the employment contract, there are many other contract types that have similar effects, like the [Friendship Contract], [Servant Contract], [Part Contract], [Apprentice Contract], [Clan Contract], and so on. If I didn't guess wrong, after signing these contracts, you can also achieve the effect you want. Why not give it a try?"

White foam started coming out of Fei's mouth, "...…"

At this point he was finally 100% sure that he was just played by this mischievous old nun that loved pranking others.

In the rear mountains in Chambord City, the underground cave maze.


With a familiar light noise, something seemed to be trembling and struggling in the air, and then at the next moment, a huge sky blue colored teleportation portal suddenly appeared in the stone hall.

Fei strode out from the portal.

Then, behind him, a thin figure enveloped in a purple robe soon followed and appeared, and soon after, a beautiful archer in fine armor with flame-burning red colored hair appeared, and her whole body was surging with a strong atmosphere.

Those two were aunty nun Ankara and Elena.

"Ah! How fresh, this air, how pure, this natural energy…" Ankara sat in the stone hall with her eyes closed, took a deep breath of the air on Azeroth Continent, and with an excited expression she said, "This is the feeling of a bright world… finally!"

Fei and Elena looked at the emotional Ankara and neither said anything.

As the [Rogue Encampment]'s spiritual leader, nun Ankara would rarely lose her calm. When darkness shrouded the Rogue continent, she used her thin shoulders and held everyone's hope and became the Rogue Continent's prophet. Like a beacon in the night, she guided everyone's path forward and brought a weak trace of light and hope to the rogues. In everyone's eyes, all this time, Ankara had been the definition of calm management. But today, finally being able to feel the pure world energy in this stone hall which was similar to the rogue continent's energy before it was invaded by darkness made the leader a bit emotional.

After a while, Ankara's feelings finally slowly stabilized.

"Sir Fei, is this your country? The mysterious underground cave maze Elena was talking about? Why do I have a feeling of déjà vu?" Ankara felt the surrounding energy and asked in confusion.

"I will first send someone to take you on a tour. Outside of this cave is an extremely beautiful city; I think you will definitely fall in love with this world." Fei smiled and said, "As for the strange feeling, Elena and I also had it before, but unfortunately we couldn't find the reason."

Ankara thought for a moment and nodded to show approval.

Fei made a move in his thought, instantly consuming all MP of his barbarian character. He opened three teleportation portals and summoned a dozen young beautiful female rogues and the big chest beauty Charsi to the stone hall. After carefully instructing them with a few things, he walked out of the stone hall, called over the prison official Oleg in the distance that was in charge of demolition work, and ordered him to take the aunt nun and the others on a tour around the city.

"Understood, your Majesty."

Seeing how more than 10 people just suddenly came out of nowhere, Oleg simply felt that he didn't have enough brain cells to comprehend the situation. He didn't know how these guys avoid his and the soldiers patrolling outside sight and got into the stone hall, but His Majesty clearly knew them very well. Oleg didn't dare to ask, so he respectfully took Ankara and the others and walked out of the stone hall.

At that moment, Fei suddenly grabbed Elena's little hand from behind.

He whispered beside her ear, "You're already very familiar with this world, so take good care of aunty nun and the girls. Recently, there's been many outsiders coming into the city, so don't get into any conflicts with others. If there's anything that goes wrong, you can consult that fat guy." Fei pointed at the prison official Oleg; that fat guy was very experienced when dealing with people and situations.

When whispering, Elena's hair above the edge of her ear gently brushed over Fei's cheek, and played with his heartstrings.

Elena lowered her head and felt the warmth from Fei's hand, as if she was already accustomed to Fei holding her small hands; she was no longer shy and just smile and nodded.

"You're not coming out with us?" She asked quietly.

Fei smiled and said, "I still have something else to take care of."

At this moment, the two people were like a little boy and girl that were trying to avoid the teacher's sight and secretly whispering at the back of the classroom. The atmosphere was charming, and there was a feeling of blushing and heart-beating.

At last, Elena left happily.

Chapter 96: Shocked Once Again

The contract signed between Elena and Fei was the [Employment Contract], and the ones signed by other female rogues and Fei were more equal [Friendship Contracts].

As for the aunty nun Ankara, she just forced Fei to sign an [Apprenticeship Contract] with her.

This meant that Fei had to take some time every day to study the mysterious pharmacology, magic scroll manufacturing and other complex and profound knowledge. He didn't know why, but aunty nun Ankara had very high hopes for Fei, believing that this brave adventurer could inherit her mysterious skills.

After sending away all the people, Fei came back to the stone hall.

Sitting down on his stone chair, he placed his hand on the smooth desktop.

Fei thought about his future plans in his head – if he could kidnap Ankara and Charsi who had magical potion-making and forging skills into the real world, this would definitely have a significant effect on the future development of Chambord city. He decided to select a batch of talented kids from the [Chambord Civil and Military School] and let them become Ankara and Charsi's apprentices to learn their skills. It would be best to acquire these magical skills for use in Chambord city.

A great man had once said that education must start with babies.

The series of facts had already verified Fei's guess, and it also solved all the problems – after signing a variety of contracts, he could now freely summon other people from [Rogue Encampment] under his own magical points' support.

Except this time, the mercenary leader Kasha, the wretched white beard uncle Kane and some other people did not come with them to the real world, because [Rogue Encampment] still needed someone to stay and guard it. Although the demon boss Andariel of the Rogue Continent had already been killed by Fei, the demons that wandered the wilderness had not completely disappeared. Their strength was weakened, but they could still post a threat to [Rogue Encampment].

After finishing sorting out his ideas, Fei opened up the portal and returned to the diablo world. |This time, he didn't choose the barbarian class. On the 3D holographic projection screen, he picked a brand new job – druid.

According to the plan, in the next few days, Fei decided to take full advantage of the four hours a day that he could enter the diablo world. He would let all the other characters beat the first small map [Rogue Encampment] to see if he could get any mysterious rewards from the mysterious cold voice when all 7 classes beat the map.

When Fei entered the Diablo to crazily increase his own strength, Chambord city had become increasingly lively because of the king's ascension ceremony.

Visitors from other countries could be seen along the street.

Some small traders had a keen sense of smell for business opportunities, so they formed small business groups, bustled to the city, and all the streets in Chambord city became filled selling the voice of gods. The city suddenly became incomparably bustling, and the flow of people had more than doubled from before, and even the spacious [Golden Road] had become crowded up.

At this moment, a wave of beautiful young girls attracted a lot of people's attention.

10 Places All Men Must Visit While They're Single


Among these girls, other than one person completely covered in a purple robe with a covered face, the other people were all wearing simple armor, exposing large areas of white skin. They were dressed simply and humbly, and all of them had an extremely pretty face, like a bunch of little fairies bouncing in the flow of people. As if they had never seen anything before, they asked about this and that and were curious of whatever they saw. The young faces didn't have the slightest sense of precaution, appearing really naïve, lovely, and innocent, like a group of innocent silly girls.

But with many people coming and going on the streets, although a lot of people were having some kinds of thoughts, no one really dared to go up and chat with the girls.

The reason was very simple.

Although these girls seemed to be very silly, the atmosphere leaked out from their body was not weak at all. This was especially the case for the 20 year old or so girl with flame-like red hair, unparalleled beauty, a jade bone and icy white skin, just like a goddess from heaven. The strangely designed golden color long bow on her back leaked traces of terrifying demonic power, and what was scarier was the insuppressible powerful atmosphere on her body – that was an extremely dangerous feeling, as if a moon crescent blade was out of its sheath.

Moreover, there was one of King Alexander's favorite "minions" Prison Official Oleg, who was following these girls around like a servant.

There was just too much information revealed from this, so these beautiful girls were likely good friends of King Alexander from outside of Chambord city coming here to congratulate His Majesty for the ascension.

The rogues were happily shopping and enjoying a moment of relaxation.

On the rogue continent, they never enjoyed such a lively scene, and every day they had to be nervous and cautious, ready to face devils and monsters at any time and face the threat of death under the shroud of darkness. They also witnessed their sisters dying miserably in front of them numerous times… But at this moment, the girls finally relaxed the pressure in their hearts, freely enjoying the novelty of the scene that they had never experienced before, just like little birds that were just let out of their cage, beginning to fly around carelessly.

As they were walking, a sudden loud voice sounded in the front.

A lot of people were crowded there looking at something, and from time to time waves of laughter sounded, making the scene exceptionally lively. The girls saw this and became curious and happily went up to watch.

What the joyful girls didn't notice was that not very far behind them, a few pair of eyes had quietly locked onto them.

"His Royal Highness, they went over. What do we do?"

"Follow them first, do not easily provoke them, find out their background first."

Underground Cave Maze.

Stone hall.

A deep blue colored portal ripped the space and suddenly appeared, and Fei came out from inside.

He had reached the 4-hour time limit, so he had no choice but to leave the Diablo world.

In the past two hours and a bit, because Fei had already accumulated a lot of experience and skills when playing the other characters, he leveled up quickly and was actually able to incredibly get his Druid's level to 10, completing three missions: clear out the evil cave, eliminate the traitor blood crow, save the pervert grandpa Kane, in one breath, leaving only three more missions left to beat the first map.

"If I manage my time well, I'll just need tomorrow to complete these three tasks."

Fei was full of confidence in leveling up.

At this point, he was still in his [Druid mode], so when he casually waved his hand, the Druid class's unique chaos elemental energy fluctuation flashed past, and within it, a giant white wolf appeared out of thin air. It came to Fei's side, and as if it saw its friend, it intimately and gently clung onto Fei's leg.

The white wolf's body exuded a thick sense of danger.

This was the Druid's skill [Summon Wolf Spirit].

This skill had been powered up to level 3 by Fei, so now he could summon 3 white wolves at the same time to battle for him. What was mentionable was that each white wolf had the overall battle power of a one-star warrior and couldn't be overlooked. Beast summoning skills were one of the Druid's most powerful skills.

In addition, Fei also had the ability to directly shapeshift into a [Werewolf] and a [Werebear]. After transforming, he would have the wolf's agility, attack, speed, and the bear's power and defense.

Currently, he picked the Druid's summon skills and shapeshift skills, leaving only the elemental skills category blank, mainly because the skills were magic skills, and it was a bit repetitive with the sorcerer class.

After getting a feel of the Druid's features, Fei held back the urge to turn into a werewolf and run around naked. He switched back to barbarian mode, took out a few high grade gems from his inventory, directly left the underground cave maze and came to the base of Chambord city's Holy Church.


"Your Majesty, I didn't expect you to actually come in person. We feel incredibly honored."

Towards Fei's arrival, priest Zola and knight leader Luciano were all very surprised and a little afraid. For the ascension ceremony in three days, these two could be said to have put in strenuous effort, as they spent a lot of financial and material resources to please Fei and receive his favor. Now, it seemed to be effective.

"Well, you two have been working hard recently."

Fei saw the two men's servant-like faces and was delighted, but he didn't show any expression on his face. Despite being a guest, he sat down on the only chair in the room like the owner and looked at the two people as they lightly said, "No trouble, no trouble at all. To be able to serve Your Majesty is our honor!" The bearded Luciano was finally clever and hastily replied.

"Well, I will remember you guys."

Fei looked past the two's faces. A pure and holy majestic force deliberately emerged from his body, as if a holy god descended from heaven, and then he slowly said, "I came to you guys today because I have something here that need you guys to help me with."

"Your Majesty, please give us your order, we are willing to give up our lives to serve you."

The two people heard Fei's request and were suddenly very happy. What they were most afraid of was if Fei had no need for them. Since he now opened his mouth for help, that was best for them, and it showed that the king was beginning to slowly accept them.

"Well, okay then. I will be blunt," Fei said, and with a flip of his palm, four high quality gems appeared in his hands, containing a sparking attractive light. "Use the church's channels, and convert these high quality sorcerer stones all into the lowest level of low quality sorcerer stones."

"Oh god, these are actually high tier sorcerer stones… my lord, and this pierce of sorcerer stone with surging fire elemental energy, could this be the rare perfect sorcerer stones? Your Majesty, this…" Mazola couldn't help but exclaimed. The only thing Mazola could feel were his dry lips and his blanks eyes.

Fei couldn't blame these two for reacting this way, since it's just that the value of these stones in his hands were way too high.

The worst one among them could already be exchanged for at least 100 low grade sorcerer stones, and just two of them alone was enough to beat the whole box of low grade sorcerer stones' values which the two contributed to Fei a few days ago. Not mentioning the other one high-tier sorcerer's stone and one perfect quality sorcerer stone, even if they were to be exchanged, the value was still going to be incredible, almost reaching millions of low grade sorcerer stones. For people like the duo that would even feel bad for a few days about a box of sorcerer stones, this was no doubt an incredible wealth.

"So? Could it be… you guys can't do it?" Looking at the way the dumbfounded duo, Fei frowned and asked.

"Ah… No, no, it can be converted, it can definitely be converted! It's just going to take time, maybe a little more time." Mazola seemed to have woken up from a dream and hastily replied.

His heart was still currently beating crazily, as this was definitely a golden opportunity for him. The high grade sorcerer stones, especially the perfect ones, were extremely scarce. If they could use the church's channel to exchange for it, it would definitely be a great merit, and it could leave a good image in Pope Sergiyeli's mind.

Chapter 97: Face Color Changed

"Need time?"

Fei slightly frowned, which made both Mazola and Luciano's heart race, and then they heard Fei continue asking, "How much more time do you need?"

"Your Majesty, if we fully convert the four gems in your hands, it will be worth more than one million low-grade sorcerer stones. This quantity, even if performed by Pope Sergiyeli's Zenit Holy Palace's Isaac Cathedral, it is still impossible to prepare within one or two days." Mazola carefully answered, trying his best to sound more convincing, "In addition to the round trip, it will also require a lot of knights or mercenaries to guard, and the whole process will take at least 4 to 5 months to complete."

"4 to 5 months? That's too long!" Fei shook his hand.

"I wonder what Your Majesty is exchanging low-grade sorcerer stones for…" Mazola carefully asked.

Fei's look suddenly changed, and his eyes landed on Mazola's face-like sharp swords.

Mazola felt a huge wave of pressure instantly blow towards him, suffocating him for a moment before he quickly kneeled down and explained, "Your Majesty, please don't misunderstand me, I don't intend to inquire about your plans. It's just that I think that if you don't need that many low-grade sorcerer stones in one go, we can exchange it slowly in batches. For example, we can trade 1000 stones at a time, and that way the speed will be quicker and it also avoid the risk of a large-scale delivery."

Fei's eyes lit up after hearing that suggestion.

Exchanging for 1000 sorcerer stones at once and trading 3 to 4 times every month would be enough to support his expenses in the Diablo world. Selling these gems to the NPC could ensure that the seven classes he played would have no obstacles in meeting the demand for gold coins, and that way his leveling speed would inevitably be many times faster.

"Very well. For this task, you can make the arrangements for me."

Fei gently flicked his fingers, and the [Flawed Ruby Gem] and the [Regular Sapphire Gem] flew into Mazola's hands. "This is a medium and high grade sorcerer stone, worth about 11000 low grade sorcerer gems. I just need 10,000 of them; the remaining 1000 will just be the compensation for your hard work."

"Your Majesty, to serve you is our glory. We both don't dare to ask for compensation." Although the 1000 low-grade sorcerer stones' value was far more than their salary together with some desperately plundered wealth, the two didn't dare to have the slightest greed this time.

"For the reward that I give out, no one dares to refuse." Fei said in a cold voice.

Mazola and Luciano looked at each other for a second and both saw the insuppressible ecstasy in each other's pupils, and their hearts of greed finally overcame the fear, and then they both quickly knelt down and thanked Fei for the reward.

"Yes, that's how things should be," Fei's tone warmed up. "These are the 1000 low-grade sorcerer stones that you deserve. I have never ill-treated any of my loyal followers. If you two get the job done well, your future rewards will obviously increase. However, if you two dare to disobey my orders behind my back, hehe…"

His voice had hardly finished before a pure gold holy force emerged from Fei's body like a ball of burning holy flame. After a subtle flash, the stone chair below him silently turned into a ball of dust and dissipated in the air as if it had never been there.

Paladin's skill [Holy Flame].

10 Places All Men Must Visit While They're Single


In the Azeroth continent's Holy Church, this skill also had another name, [Evil-Washing Holy Flame], which was an extremely high-tier skill that combined offense with defense, and only those big name figures in the Holy Church was qualified to master this kind of power. As for the little 3-star priests stationed in small remote countries like Mazola, being able to master the simple skill [Light Out] which was similar to the Paladin's [Holy Bolt] was considered to be the peak.

This scene made both people's heart cover in cold sweat, as they felt a biting chilly air directly surging from tailbone to head, like being in a freezer. They didn't even dare to take big breaths.

"If you try to disobey me, your end will be just like this stone chair."

Fei finished, and then he directly got up and left the church.

Soon, only Mazola and Luciano were left in the room.

They awkwardly got up from the ground and took a look at each other, and the expression on their faces were especially rich. They were both trying very hard to cover up the fear in their hearts.

"We can't be wrong now, he must be a [God's Favorite Child]." The rattlesnake Mazola stared at the place where the stone chair was, which was now just a pile of fine white powder as he exclaimed, "Otherwise, how could he master such high level magic [Evil-Washing Holy Flame], and even take out master grade sorcerer stones? Aside from this kind of big figure, who else could do it? Luckily, we were smart and already buttered up to this big figure."

"But why is this big figure converting high tier sorcerer stones to large number of low grade sorcerer stones? This seems to be an unprofitable trade…" Luciano was puzzled.

"How can we guess what these high-ups are thinking?" Mazola rubbed his temples, stared at the two sorcerer stones in his hands and said, "Let's just think about how to quickly convert these two stones into low-grade sorcerer stones. You have to personally take care of this task, and make sure to keep it confidential. Don't let those big figures in St. Petersburg know for the time being.

"Ah, how cute these little things are."

The female rogues squeezed through the crowd and finally got to the front, where a little shop was surrounded by the crowd, and a few mercenary-looking young men and women were desperately shouting. In the dozens of fine little iron cages by their feet contained many bizarre, lovely and cute baby magic beast cubs.

"Ohhh, come take a look, Giant Tail Lemming's cub, just weaned, it has a gentle temperament, and it's very easy to maintain…"

"One-year old Wind-Wing parrot, it can learn the hardest to pronounce fairy language!"

"Haha, hurry and look at this shivering little guy, man, you absolutely wouldn't have guessed that it's the cub of a tier-6 magic beast Golden Hair Roar! My teammates and I tried everything and finally stole it from its mother, and in adult stage it can grow 6 wings and its flying speed is unparalleled!"

"Hehe, a real white-tiger, descendant of the Light Emperor!"

The mercenaries desperately shouted at the crowd to introduce their goods, and some of those little cubs were scared by the huge crowd to the point of shivering. Some were just quietly growling, and some just closed their eyes and lazily laid in the cage, looking cute like a bunch of little fairy tale creatures. It was just that the mercenaries' price tags were a bit high so no one really took out their wallet to make a purchase. They crowded this place just to take a look for fun.

The female rogues pushed to the front and all of their eyes lit up.

As people that had to deal with ugly demonic monsters from birth in the Diablo world, the cutest things they've seen were just grey-haired big mice. The little cuties inside the cages in front of them could instantly win their heart. Elena took out a little chubby fishing cat that was taking a nap out of the cage, placed it in her arms as she gently stroked it. The other female rogues all had their harvest, smiling as they picked up other furry little animals, and even aunty nun Ankara's love was flooding, staring at a pure white feather owl beast and refusing to move her eyes.

"You should buy them, just look at how cute they are."

A clever female mercenary saw the hope to make money and began to encourage them to make the decision.

The female rogues heard and looked towards Elena, and Elena looked at nun Ankara, and Ankara seemed to have felt something too. She reached inside her purple robe, but then her face blushed because she didn't have any money on her. In addition, she didn't know if the money from the Diablo world would still work in this world.

The few men that had been tailing these girls saw this scene and they suddenly felt brightness ahead. The leading muscular warrior with long blond hair gave a hinting look, and the handsome but a little gloomy young man on his side pushed through the crowd and shouted, "These little guys, my Royal Highness will buy them all…"

The handsome young man spilled at least a hundred gold coins, and then turned around to smile and look at Elena, and then said, "My Royal Highness ordered me to come and buy these little guys to give them to you ladies as gifts. We intend to befriend you beautiful ladies; I don't know whether you can grant our request?"

Elena and the others surprisingly followed the handsome young man's eyes and looked towards the outside of the crowd, and they saw a muscular warrior with long blonde hair being surrounded by several well-dressed guards who were smiling towards them. The so-called Royal Highness was probably referring to this person.

This blond hair warrior stood tall and proudly. He was pretty handsome, had cold and bright eyes, but his snarling nose with a slightly violent and domineering feeling undermined his entire impression.

Although Elena hadn't come into contact with strangers outside of the [Rogue Encampment] in the Diablo world, from facing demons and monsters every day, they grew very sensitive to power. Although this blond hair warrior's strength was contained, they can still feel that this man's combat strength was probably not below Sir Fei, and he should be the four-star level that Fei referred to.

Thinking of how Sir Fei was recently officially ascending the throne and a lot of guests from other countries came to congratulate Fei, Elena didn't want to bring any trouble for Fei so she smiled at the blonde-hair warrior and said, "Thank you to this Highness, but we don't know each other, so we will pay for them this time."

Then, Elena looked at prison official Oleg.

This fat man was smart, so how would he not understand this meaning? In his heart, he had already planned these beautiful rogues into Fei's future imperial harem formation, and seeing the scene today, he really wanted to ask what kind of retarded dead fools these people were that actually dared to fight for women with King Alexander. It was the same as a dog asking to get beaten by biting its blacksmith owner. He immediately shook his fat *ss and walked up with his wallet, provocatively looked at the handsome young man and the blonde-hair warrior, and then said loudly to those young mercenaries, "These magic beast cubs, we will pay twice the price and buy them all."

The handsome young man's face immediately changed.

Even the blonde-hair warrior in the distance had a trace of haze flash through his eyes, but he masked it really well and laughed, "If that's the case, I will leave these little guys with you ladies. My name is Aobina, I will be in Chambord city these days, so I hope we can meet again."

Then, with no further inquiries, he turned around with the guards and left.

The blonde-hair warrior's action and words made many people sigh in admiration; he had a good temperament that wasn't too warm or too cold. It didn't arouse feelings of disgust and exclusion from Elena and the others, and it also left a good impression for the ladies, setting up a perfect opportunity for their next "coincidental" meet.

But it seemed that this handsome young man didn't want to forget it.

He felt that he was humiliated, a pernicious look began flowing in his eyes. He looked at the show off fat man Oleg, and then his eyes glanced past Elena and the others, but when his eyes swept past the golden long bow on Elena's back, his pupils immediately contracted, as if he thought of something. He picked up the gold coins he dropped on the ground, hastily caught up with the blonde hair warrior and whispered something into his ears…

The blonde-hair warrior stopped his steps, and his eyes fell on Elena's long golden bow that was emitting a dim light as he carefully observed for a moment…

Then, his face changed.

Chapter 98: If the Rain Wants to Come the Wind is Already Here

That's actually a 4-star magic bone?

The blonde-hair warrior finally recognized it and swallowed a deep breath.

Although he was standing very far away, he could still clearly feel the volatile fluctuation of magic from that golden bow. The cold chill shot up into the sky, just like a 4-star sorcerer standing there in the distance. Such force and atmosphere could only be exerted by a 4-star magic weapon.

Such 4-star magic weapons, for the star-level warriors, were absolute peerless treasures.

On the Azeroth continent, magic equipment and weapons could be divided into 9 star-levels according to their quality.

Levels 1 to 3, the bottom 3 star levels of magic weapons were relatively common and also very average, but levels 4-6, the middle 3 star levels and levels 7-9, the top 3 star levels of magic weapons were a lot rarer. In general, only high-level blacksmiths and magicians could forge 3-star level or higher magic weapons, and to all star-level warriors, a 3-star level and above magic weapon was even more important than their own life, and it was closely related to the warrior's personal strength level-up.

If a warrior broke past the star-levels and evolve into moon-level elites, if he wanted to make further progress, there were three options – weapon leveling, beast leveling and physical body leveling.

Among these three moon-level elite's training methods, weapon leveling was the most common one, and it was also the easiest and most effective one.

But if one wanted to pursue the weapon leveling path, he had to choose a high quality weapon as his spiritual weapon and train both the weapon and himself. To a moon-level elite, how far they could travel on their path of training depended on the quality and property of the chosen spiritual weapon, and the relationship between the man and weapon was complementary. Therefore, it was clear how important a high star-level weapon was. Although Aobina's identity was the prince of a third-tier subsidiary city Thracian, even he didn't have a 4-star level weapon, and that was why his face changed when Elena's weapon appeared in his sight.

"If I can get that 4-star level long bow into my hands…"

Aobina's mind started quickly running, his heart was about to beat out of his chest, and all of a sudden, the gentle and friendly image he originally gave to other people disappeared and his entire body exuded a violent atmosphere.

However, Aobina was an extremely cautious man.

That was why Thracian city sent him to Chambord City this time to execute a plan.

After staring at that group of female rogues for a long time, Aobina quickly estimated this group of females' background, hesitated for a second, and finally this rationality overcame his greed. A 3-star level archer with a 4-star level high-quality longbow, her background was absolutely not simple, not to mention that in addition to that 3-star level red-haired peerless beauty, the other dozen girls were also exuding an atmosphere of warriors that weren't below 1-star level. Such a force couldn't be ignored; maybe, they came from a heavenly background.

The blonde-haired warrior Aobina eventually decided to be cautious and investigate a bit first.

He whispered a few words to a middle-aged guard beside him, and that guard turned around and disappeared into the crowd. Then, their group left, leaving behind two guards that were a bit clever to quietly follow Elena and the others.

10 Places All Men Must Visit While They're Single


Three hours later.

"These little guys, they were left behind by the girls?"

In the underground stone maze in the back mountains of Chambord city, Fei looked at the dozen of all kinds of starving baby cubs in the stone hall. His eyeballs were almost falling out from staring too much… Women ah, women, they are really strange creatures with maternal love.

"Yes, Your Highness. Before Miss Elena and the others left, they left these little guys here."

Oleg, with an embarrassed face, was running around in circles like a nanny, feeding an active small golden hair Denglong fresh goat milk.

This Denglong's appearance was just like a tiger, except the addition of two small wings on the back. It had a hairy, yet very cute look. It was just that the black and gem-like eyes always had a glint of vigilance, and regardless of how Oleg tried to appease it, it still refused to lick that fresh goat milk in the shallow plate.

Poor fatty, when had he ever encountered such a situation? He couldn't beat the animals, and all he could do was sweat profusely.

Fei saw the scene and couldn't help but laugh.

Elena and the others could only stay in the real world for about 4 hours, and when the time was up, they had to return to the Diablo world, but they couldn't bring things from the real world to the Diablo world like Fei, so they could only leave these little guys at Oleg's place. It's just that although the fat man Oleg was indeed skilled at licking butts and buttering up to people, he was still far from being experienced in feeding these little cuties, which were even worse than those naked butt little kids on the Chambord City streets. No matter how much he tried, these little bastards just didn't want to cooperate.

"Let me give it a try."

Fei found it pretty interesting, so he took over the shallow plate of food from Oleg, smiled and came up to the golden hair Denglong to feed it. Who knew that the little guy didn't even respect the king His Majesty, as it opened its black eyes, bared out its little tiger teeth, shivered its chubby body, and then turned in disdain. Making a very human-like action, it stuck out its ass, kicked its hind leg and kicked away the silver plate, splashing all the white goat milk onto Fei.

Seeing this scene, even the blacksmiths and soldiers working in the distance secretly laughed.

Fei got angry from the embarrassment, and he was just about to raise his hand to give this guy a slap…

But, after seeing this little thing lying on the ground with a lowered head and its ears down and its eyes getting teary, Fei couldn't bear to slap it, and reluctantly sighed, picked up the silver plate on the ground and looked around at the other small animals.

Fei had to admit that these little magic beasts were indeed very cute and "lethal" to him.

This Fishing Cat was like a small ball of fur with squinting eyes. It was said that this docile kitten, after reaching adult age, could reach about half a meter in size and could dive down hundreds of meters under water to capture giant fish. It was worthy of being called the king of the underwater world. There was also a little thing that looked nothing different from a normal parrot, but it had four legs and was covered with colorful feathers, with a sharp barb on its beak. It was said to be a type of extremely wise magic beast, and as long as it was trained properly, it could become proficient in languages of all the races in the world.

These little guys were colorful and all very furry, but they had timid looks, shrank into little balls, watching everyone with caution and doubt, and refusing to lick the fresh milk in front of them in any case.

Fei was getting close to opening up their mouth and pouring it in.

At that moment, Fei suddenly thought of something. Taking a new approach, he switched to [Druid Mode]. According to legends, Druids had the power of nature and were capable of getting close to any animals and plants, so it should be able to appease these little guys.

Sure enough, after Fei switched to [Druid Mode], something magical happened.

Fei felt as if he was merged with the air and was capable of clearly feeling the emotions of the small animals. The winged golden Denglong's hostility was the most serious with a trace of fear, just like a lost little girl looking for its mom. The Fishing Cat was full of vigilance, the wind-wing parrot was considering a hunger strike or even suicide, and that white feather Owl beast was just like a philosopher, looking at everything with its cold eyes…

This was a very subtle feeling.

The small animals didn't talk, but Fei was able to easily distinguish their emotions, like an open body of consciousness, and Fei became like their kind and merged into their group.

Fei tried using his most sincere mood to communicate with the little guys.

Then, something happened that left the prison official Oleg and many other soldiers staggered.

They just saw that those timid little creatures suddenly act as if they saw their own parents, cheering and intimately rushing towards Fei. The snow white Owl beast and Wind-Wing Parrot beast each occupied one of Fei's shoulders, the chubby little Fishing Cat extended its sharp claws, climbed along Fei's leg and easily got to the top and squatted in Fei's hair. As for the cutest winged golden Denglong, it was already hungry to the point of almost fainting; it stumbled and bit onto Fei's pants and didn't want to let go no matter what.

Then, spending less than a minute or two, the little guys already cleaned up all the food that was brought to them, just as if they could understand Fei's words or something. They became abnormally well-behaved, and the four little beats even brawled a bit just to fight for the comfiest spot on Fei…

This was the magical power of Druid.

The prison official Oleg just blankly stared as everything happened.

The unexpected discovery made Fei's heart rejoice.

Being able to domesticate magic beasts had an extraordinary significance to him. If used properly, he could even try to build a magic beast army or form a magic beast knight legion. That way, Chambord city could significantly improve its strength and rule the world.

Fei happily teased the small animals, but just at that moment, his personal guard Fernando – Torres who had recently been following Drogba and the others with extreme training suddenly rushed out from the corridor over in the distance, and from afar he was already panting and shouting, "Your Majesty, hurry… Something happened at the palace, sir Best was injured, Miss Angela… she…"

The blonde haired teen's face had panic written all over it.

A whirlwind in the air drew a sharp piercing roar, tearing the sky and suddenly coming out from the back mountains of Chambord city, shooting itself towards the palace's direction. It attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone looked up.

A man's silhouette was vaguely visible among the whirlwind, flashing on and off in the sky, and instantly charged into the palace. After the silhouette disappeared, the path it traveled left an irresistible and lingering pressure, and everyone in the city couldn't help but get a chill down their spines.

In a dark corner of Chambord city, a figure that hid his whole body in a black cloak looked up at the powerful atmosphere in the sky and then bowed down into deep thought, "It's him, it's definitely him. Damn, this idiot indeed became stronger, it looks like I have to make some changes to my plan…"

At the same time, at the ex-military official Kongka's mansion.

Under the fragrant flowers under the tree, the wind blew up an elegant woman's chrysanthemum-like soft long hair. She sat on the stone chair and looked up. A touch of joy quickly flashed across her eyes as she softly asked, "Roman, this scent…"

"It's that guy, he became stronger again. That speed, it's truly incredible." Behind that woman, under the wooden frame which the long vines spread, the blonde knight who had a baby face and a charming smile on his always-placid face, showed a trace of surprise.

At this moment, a mighty female warrior came in from the courtyard, leaned over the woman's side and said a few words.

"Oh? Those demons and monsters indeed all came? Very well, you guys go and prepare too." The woman listened, smiled, and confidently said, "This time, let him break an arm."

"Understood, Your Highness."

The two were about to leave with orders when they heard the woman suddenly say, "Oh right, remember to tell little prince, let him better not go out these days and just stay in the mansion peacefully… Also, pass on my command, let that guy come and see me. As a courtier, it's time for him to visit his master."

"Understood, Your Highness."

The female warrior and the blonde knight walked out of the yard.

The elegant woman sat quietly on the stone chair and felt that clear scent of pressure in the air. No one knew what kind of storm was brewing inside that terrifying head of hers that scared countless St. Petersburg's nobles.

A few pieces of yellow leaves were blown off from the branches, looking very lonely and floating in front of the woman's eyes.

"My time is running out, big brother, let me help you once again for the last time."

At the same time.

At the guest house of Chambord City.

In a quiet little courtyard, Trace's prince Aobina looked shockingly at the lingering powerful breath in the air, "Who is this? What a powerful strength, it must be at least 4-stars of power… He went to the palace's direction. Could it be a master of the Chambord City?"

"Okocha, quickly investigate that man's origin." Aobina ordered a guard beside him.

The guard named Okocha immediately took the order and left the yard.

"Teacher, do you think this mysterious master will affect our plan?" After dismissing all the guards around him, Aobina suddenly thought of something and started asking towards the air in front of him.

The next second, a group of visible ripples formed in the air, and slowly, a thin and short figure came out from thin air in front of him.

This mysterious person was wrapped in a white cloth, and even his face was covered up in it. With a hoarse voice, he said, "A mysterious 4 star-level master will indeed become a variable. Investigate him, and before the event takes place, if necessary, kill him."

"This mysterious master revealed a very powerful strength. I don't have complete certainty to kill him. After investigating his background, I hope that teacher can personally take care of it." Aobina was always revealing his cautious character.


Saving words like it was gold, after saying a single word, the ripples in the air once again swung open, and this white figure disappeared into the air. Even the strange powerful atmosphere that came with him also disappeared without a trace.

A horrifying stealth technique.

Behind the Chambord City church, inside a very secluded garden.

A young blonde young man also felt the powerful thrilling breath in the air. He tightly locked his brows and asked, "Who is it? It originated from the back mountain, could it be…"

The thought of this shocked this young blonde beautiful man.

In silence.

As if making some kind of decision.

Chambord city was still lively.

However, an invisible storm was quietly and secretly brewing.

The rain storm was coming and the wind was already here.

Chapter 99: The Black-dog-riding King

The person that stormed through the sky was of course his Majesty the King.

Not waiting for his personal bodyguard officer Torres to finish, the moment Fei heard that Best was injured, he instantly switched to Barbarian mode. Not caring about the mana consumption, he continuously used the Barbarian skill [Leap], leaving the underground stone cave maze after a few flashes, not hiding his level 21 barbarian's domineering force in the slightest as he flew back to the King's Hall.

What happened in the palace?

How did his father-in-law actually get injured?

What happened to Angela?


Fei was anxious like a ticking time bomb as he crash landed onto the stone steps before the palace. The giant boulder steps under Fei's feet began to crack like a spider net with Fei at the center, as if a meteor crashed into the ground from the sky… This was the result of him not controlling his terrifying power.

The four little beasts on Fei were all tightly clutching onto his clothes and hair, shouting "wow wow" during the high-speed flight. Fei didn't pause at all as he kept on using the skill [Leap]. His figure flashed again, leaving behind a series of after-images in the sky, and he instantly arrived at the palace's back garden.

There was the sound of a riot.

"Which bastard dares to make trouble in my f*cking palace?"

Fei was furious and he rushed inside like a storm.

But after stepping into the back garden, the scene in front of him suddenly stunned him in place.

He saw that his future father-in-law's originally combed, meticulous black hair was now a weedy chicken coup, with strands of bloodstains trickling down his arm. His chest was violently moving up and down as he breathed heavily… However, his father-in-law's situation wasn't bad, because he was the one doing the "murdering" right now.

The old white face Best right now, how was there any trace of an elegant aristocratic appearance left?

His feet were bare; he didn't know where one shoe flew to, but the other one was gripped in his hand as if he saw the murderer of his father or something. He used the shoe as a weapon, roaring frantically and chasing a black big horse that Fei didn't know where it came from.

This old handsome man did indeed get hurt, but it was just a little skin injury, and there was completely no need to worry. Otherwise, how could this old white face still have the spirit to rage around the garden to catch that black horse, jumping and running like the wind.

Angela and the blonde little loli Ji Ma were unharmed. They didn't know whether they should cry or laugh as they led the guards and followed the old handsome man, trying their best to calm down the Best in his berserker state.

10 Places All Men Must Visit While They're Single


But this crazy old man's strength surprised a lot of people. Coupled with the guards who didn't dare to use too much force, this royal official who didn't learn the slightest martial arts had actually easily gotten out from the "net" formed by the guards and continued to chase that big black horse.

"Uh… This… What is really happening right now?"

Fei finally relaxed, but then black lines ran down his forehead like a waterfall. Just as he was asking, he saw that the big black horse finally got forced into a dead corner between the garden rockery and the wall by the old handsome man Best. With no way to run, seeing the old man's murderous approach accompanied by a "hey hey" sneer, the big black horse finally made noise from its mouth.

Bark bark bark… Whine*

What the f*ck? Fei was shocked, is that a dog barking? He almost thought that he had a problem with his ears.

Even the white feather owl beast, winged parrot beast, little fishing cat and double-winged golden hair Denglong that were all tightly lying on his shoulders had their hairs suddenly become erect, as if they encountered great danger. The small fishing cat hid itself inside Fei's hair, and the golden hair Denglong directly covered its eyes with its paws.

Fei took a closer look.

Amitabha the f*cking Buddha, ah, what a guy, the beast that was forced into the corner, how was that a big dark horse? It was clearly a giant disobedient black dog. Its powerful legs firmly grasped onto the ground, and between its toes were sharp snow white claws. Its huge body tilted backwards like a giant bow that was fully extended, and from its throat it issued a threatening roar. Its whole body of muscles flexed, fully demonstrating its wild power.

At this moment, Fei thought there was something wrong with its eyes.

Too cruel, too strong, too violent!

Such a look, how did that belong to a dog? It was clearly a beast from the abyss of hell… But who could f*cking tell me why the f*ck was there a horse-sized super black dog in my palace?!

Just when Fei was wondering, something even more bizarre happened…

He saw his old father-in-law not caring at all about that giant black terrifying beast's threat and fearlessly going up to it and smacking that big black dog's forehead with his shoe.

That big black dog had a hateful face and growled threateningly for a long time. While it just needed one bite to cut Best into three pieces, it actually didn't dare to fight back at all. It also did a very humanly action, using its forelimbs to hold his head, swallowing and whining. Its big eyes were full of grievances.

"I will let you dead dog bite me, let you bite me, ungrateful bastard…" The old man fiercely slapped the dog, while acting like an angry kindergarten child, whirring in his mouth.


Angela cried and laughed as she led the guards to drag Best to the side.

Fei felt like he was looking at a world that he was completely unfamiliar of.

Best got dragged away by the guards, and that giant black dog was still using its forelimbs to cover its forehead which was covered in shoe prints. Its watery eyes rolled around a few circles, and it finally saw Fei who was standing in the distance.

Wang Wang Wang! (TL: Dog barking)

The black dog excitedly barked a few times, then putting force onto its hind legs, it leaped into the air, transforming into a black whirlwind, and suddenly rushed in front of Fei. Fei saw that this beast squatted down on the floor, its tail wagging like a windmill, breathing loudly, and its black eyes filled with an aggrieved and pleased look. Its long pink tongue hanged out; it was like a child that saw its parents, rubbing its head against Fei's shoulder, and he just needed to give Fei a few licks on his face now.

After this dog had its short intimate moment with Fei for a while, it then acted as if it was in power, squatting to the side of Fei, and barking a few times at the old handsome man in the distance whose anger still didn't completely go away yet…

This was the standard sample of the idiom, dog threatening based on its master's power!

Fei's mouth opened up to an O shape.

Ah god, ah buddha, are you serious? What a human-like big black dog. It gave people the illusion as if the dog's intelligence suddenly reached enlightenment and became like a living person, instead of a beast.

Fei carefully observed it.

The more he looked at the black dog, the more familiar it felt.

In the end he suddenly realized.

What the f*ck, isn't this the wild dog Angela picked up from the back mountains? It's just that its size suddenly grew numerous times to an incredibly huge state. It wasl a bit taller than Fei when completely lying down. When standing, it was at least two meters tall and 4 meters long… was this still a dog?

Fei almost didn't need to think, this must be the after effect of giving it the [Hulk potion].

Looks like this lucky big black dog finally persevered through the painful experience when the drug was transforming its body, and it bravely survived. Under the power of the drug, an incredible mutation occurred to its body, and the magical spiritual fluctuation contained by the [Hulk Potion] also affected the big black dog's soul, letting him be filled with affection and loyalty towards Fei, otherwise this bastard would be like before, gritting its teeth and growling and chasing Fei all over the palace, instead of being this intimate in front of Fei with its tail wagging like a windmill.

And after seeing the big black dog, the four little beasts on Fei also reacted.

Maybe it was due to the natural nature of being enemies between cats and dogs, but the chubby and meatball-like little fishing cat had all its hair shot up, curving its body as it stepped on Fei's head to demonstrate to the black dog; the duo-winged golden hair Denglong looked around, and finally decided to side with fishing cat, revealing two bright snow white tiger teeth and showing deep hostility in its little eyes; but the white feather owl beast and wind-wing parrot shamelessly betrayed their little friends as they circled around the black dog, and after feeling that there was no danger, they landed on the black dog's shoulder, helping it comb its fur to butter up to it.

What a group of animals, they all became geniuses.

"Wow, look at those two beautiful kittens."

"Look, this little kitten also has wings…"

Angela and the blond loli Jima also noticed Fei's arrival. The two girls' eyes brightened up as they warmly and cheerfully ran towards Fei. Fei saw this scene and felt rejoiced. Since when did these two chicks become so open and passionate? He smiled with open arms to ask for a sweet hug, but who knew that these two girls stormed over, only to grab the fat fishing cat and duo-winged golden hair Denglong, completely ignoring Fei.

Fei's mouth twitched.

His wide arms were only met with the wind, and became stiff in the air…

Only the duo-winged Denglong was desperately struggling in loli Jima's arms, turning its eyes in dissatisfaction as if saying, "ah, stupid, who said I'm a cat. I'm the great magic beast golden Denglong… Golden Denglong, idiot girl, do you understand?"


One minute later.

A golden [battle ring] vaguely appearing under Fei's foot. His hand was completely enveloped in a massive of golden flame, and he gently pressed his future father-in-law's arm. With a shine of flame, instantly the two blooly marks on Best's forearm left by the big black dog disappeared, not even leaving behind any scars.

"Damn that bastard, I swear, from now on I will only eat dog meat!"

The old handsome man still didn't recover from this anger as he looked at the big black dog like looking at the murderer of his father and fiercely cursed.

It was a shame to just think about it; the dignified majestic official's first wound turned out to be his daughter's dog's bite… If this embarrassing story got out, how could he still maintain his majestic appearance in front his colleagues?

Best's old white face was now dark green due to the anger.

Reputation was a problem, and it could be fatal too!

And at this moment Fei also finally figured out what happened.

It turned out that Best finished taking care of the recent administrative documents within the city and also went through the hard work of settling down all the messengers and princes from the guest countries. He came to the palace wanting to talk to Fei about how to welcome Lake City's Prince Modric, but who knew that Fei wasn't in palace. However, he got to see his daughter Angela instead. The old man rarely had relaxation time, so he thought that it was a great opportunity to chat with daughter and give his innocent daughter some tips to tightly grasp King Alexander's heart, but who knew that the always sleeping big dog in the back garden suddenly woke up, and sleepily stumbled upon Best and took a bite…

"Haha, uncle Best, why are you angry with a beast!"

Fei laughed with his body bending back and forward, not bothering to hide his rejoice in the calamity of others, thinking that the old father-in-law should quickly pray to the god of war that he wouldn't get rabies, otherwise…

Out of embarrassment, the old handsome man raged again, and was about to unleash it until…

At that moment, they heard a guard hurriedly coming in to report, "My king, Zenit Empire's Princess Highness sent someone to meet us at the main hall."


That mysterious princess finally couldn't wait anymore and actually came to invite me first?

Fei felt rejoice in his heart.

At the same time, the future father-in-law Best on his side also stood up.

At that instant, Best seemed to have completely transformed. All of his anger disappeared without a trace. Although he was still barefoot and his feet were covered in dirt, and his hair was messy too, his entire temperament changed. An elegant and royal demeanor showed off his face, giving a completely bizarre feeling to those that were at the scene. He frowned in contemplation, and then said to Fei, "Alexander, you should go see this princess. There are less than 3 days until your ascension ceremony to the throne, so you must not offend that women, otherwise things will get troublesome."

Fei nodded.

He lifted his foot and was about to walk to the main hall, but the big black dog actually blocked off Fei's path as if trying to please him, kneeling on its forelimbs, wagging its tail. By the look and demeanor of it, it seemed to actually want Fei to ride on its back.

The people around them were stunned.

This big black dog, whether in size or strength, was indeed beyond an average horse, so using it as a mount was also a suitable choice. But… the problem was, Fei was the dignified king of the country, so what would riding on a big black dog make him? A black dog knight?

But Fei didn't hesitate.

He laughed and jumped on top of the back of the big black dog. The dog was extremely supernatural and it was very understanding of Fei's mind, and it swaggeringly walked towards the king's main hall, full of a king's force.

Originally, Fei rode on its back just for fun, but who knew that gradually, Fei's face became serious. It was a strange feeling, as if he was completely spiritually connected to the dog, and any one of his intentions were understood by the big black dog instantly, whether it was to run, jump, or suddenly stop. The one person and one dog seemed to have combined into one, without the slightest difficulty in cooperation.

This was much easier than horse riding.

It looks like this big dog was really a perfect mount choice.

So now, King Fei's future mount was a vicious mutt.

Chapter 100: The First Meet between Him and Her (Part 1)

The former military judge Conca's estate covered more than 10 hectares, and it was a self-contained stone castle.

Inside the manor, there were streams, forests, birds and flowers, and the most amazing thing was the towering incense tree that stood in the most central spot of the garden. Every autumn season, it would grow little fine beige flowers, just like a giant yellow umbrella opened in between heaven and Earth, with a rich aroma, covering Chambord City in the sweet scent. It could be said that the origin of the name Chambord City (TL: means waves of aroma in Chinese) could have come in part from this incense tree.

Fei jumped off the big black dog and pat it on the head to tell it to obediently go to the side and play. He then followed the female warrior Susan through the tree-lined trail in front of the manor, passing through layers of layers of guard posts. After being searched by the Princess Highness's bodyguards a total of six times, he finally arrived at the small and quiet, central-most yard in the manor, and saw Princess Tanasha who was sitting on a rocking chair napping below the giant incense tree.

This was Fei's first time seeing this mysterious Princess.

This woman in front of Fei's eyes was skinnier than Fei imagined, and wasn't all that beautiful, at least being far off from Angela and Elena who would give people a stunning feeling when seeing them for the first time. She could only be considered normal looking; her lips were full, which wasn't too suitable with her thin body and pale white face. The red color gave people an indescribable feeling of temptation, and her hair is soft and beautiful, shining under the sun.

Hearing Fei come in, Princess Tanasha didn't open her eyes.

This woman just sat quietly on the delicate rocking chair made out of bamboo and green vine. Her thin fingers gently tapped to an unknown beat, and after glancing at Fei, her whole body seemed to be immersed in the leisurely atmosphere. She was like a drawing, with her slightly closed eyes and tightly shut mouth.

After the female warrior Susan took Fei in, she also left without saying anything.

Now, only Fei and the Princess were left in the courtyard.

The atmosphere was very silent.

However, Fei didn't have the slightest feeling of awkwardness. He swaggeringly walked over, sat down on a stone chair not too far away from Princess Tanasha, and checked out the giant tree in front of him. There was a casual expression on his face, unlike any normal expression a prince should have when sitting with a monarch country's Princess Highness.

But on the inside, Fei was secretly surprised.

This was because the melee combat experts' keen sense from Fei's Barbarian mode told him that in this seemingly quite small yard, there were at least 20 sources of powerful existences. In addition to all those strict guard points along the way, Fei had a very strange feeling —- it seemed like this mysterious princess was currently defending against some kind of threat, and that was why she set up all these intangible steel walls around her. Under such careful protection, not to mention humans, even a little fly wouldn't think about getting close to this skinny and fragile-looking princess without permission.

Fei had a feeling – the entire Zenit Imperial's Crowning Emissary group (TL: the people sent by the Imperial to deliver the crowning ceremony for Fei) and this pale and fragile looking Princess Highness were all in the state of extreme vigilance.

They seemed to be nervously preparing for a coming danger…

But… how was that possible?

The Crowning Emissary group came to Chambord, a tier 6 little subsidiary country, to crown a little king who just turned into an adult, so it was more like a tour and certainly not something adventurous. The bosses from Zenit capital could just come relax, do some sightseeing, and then finish the ascension ceremony… But, the situation Fei saw was clearly not the case. Such a heavily guarded place made King Alexander raise doubt, that perhaps soon, Chambord city would face a brutal war.

10 Places All Men Must Visit While They're Single


Exactly, what happened… what was going to happen?

Time quietly passed.

The Princess had been lying on the bamboo chair swinging slowly back and forth. She didn't open her sapphire-like eyes, nor did she speak. She just kept on tapping on the chair's arm in a rhythm that was sometimes fast and sometimes slow, as if Fei who was sitting on the side was just an optical illusion and not a real existence.

Fei also didn't want to talk first.

It was as if the two were playing a kid's game called whoever speaks first loses.

After another dozen minutes, Fei felt bored, so he closed his eyes to relax. Who knew that after a while, from the quiet yard came a faint snoring sound, and this snoring sound was like a sh*t stick stirring a pot of soup, ruthlessly crushing the quiet and picturesque courtyard.

The princess on the bamboo chair finally opened her eyes.

She took a look at Fei crookedly lying on the stone bench, and a look of surprise flashed in her eyes. Her slender fingers that were tapping on the bamboo chair finally came to a stop. She straightened up, carefully observed for awhile, and after confirming that this young king in front of her was really asleep, a glimmer of mixed facial expressions emerged on her face.

She was stunned for a second, and then stopped minding Fei's snores which were gradually getting louder. Princess Highness seemed to be used to it now.

She lied back down onto the bamboo chair.

But this time, she didn't close her eyes. Her sky-blue sapphire-like eyes started coldly at the blue sky, and no one could tell what she was thinking. The yellow fragrant petals slowly drifted down from the branches of the giant tree, scattering its aroma across the floor.

The snoring sound beside her was ear-piercing, yet harmonious.

The guards hiding in the shadows saw this scene, and all of them were jaw-droppingly shocked.

"This little king, ignorance really does make him fearless. He's actually being this rude in front of our First Princess Highness… At Zenit capital Saint Petersburg, not even Emperor Yashin of the Zenit Empire would dare to do this, right?"

It's just that they didn't know that at the moment, Fei had already travelled to another world.

Chapter 100: The First Meet between Him and Her (Part 2)

[Rogue Encampment]

The boiling hot flame sparked up and down in the furnace.

The big chest beauty blacksmith Charsi's magical iron hammer drew beautiful residual shadows in the air one after another. "Ding ding dong dong" sounds landed on a burning red big sword that was on the forging anvil at a strange rhythm, and droplets of sweat dropped onto it, turning into vapor.

On the other side of the iron furnace, Barbarian Fei was pulling on the lever of the bellows, forcefully feeding into it to make sure the demon-tongue-like flame could fully lick the metal in the fire every time.


When Charsi's last hammer fell on the sword, it was like drawing the period on the beautiful storm-like symphony. In the next instant, a hint of magic started distributing out of the sword, and then the orchid-colored flame started blinking. The sword started issuing waves of noise, and it actually started vibrating.

"God bless, it's finally done!"

The big chested beauty Charsi got really excited and didn't even bother wiping the cluster of sweat on her forehead as she picked up the still-blazing hot blade and waved it forcefully. A blue flame flashed out, and the blue air force actually opened a big gap on the whole blacksmith wood shed.

"It really worked?"

Fei saw the scene and was also pleasantly surprised. He took over the blue broad sword, felt the temperature coming from the hilt, looked at it, and then he saw the stats of the sword in his eyes: One-handed damage: 4 – 9, double-handed damage: 8-14, +3 ice damage, durability 16/16, no level requirement, no strength point requirement.

"Although the damage isn't as high as [Purple Green Dual Blades], the quality definitely isn't low, and it actually doesn't have any requirements on strength points and level, so this is a completely sharp weapon for low level characters!"

Fei felt ecstatic.

Half an hour ago, Fei really couldn't be more patient. He really felt bored sitting beside the First Princess, so he might as well take advantage of this opportunity to choose the option to enter the Diablo World in his dream. He went to [Rogue Encampment], found blacksmith Charsi in [Barbarian Mode], and asked her about the progress on using gems to forge magic weapons. He coincidently came when Charsi was conducting the last experiment, and decided to lend a hand, and finally got to witness the whole process of successfully using [Chipped Gems] to forge the first magic sword.

Although this blue magic sword served no useful purpose for Fei, its meaning was extraordinary.

First, the birth of this ice-style magic sword meant that blacksmith Charsi's forging skills finally leveled up, capable of using gems to forge higher level magic weapons. As long as she continued working hard and practicing, she would definitely be able to forge an even sharper magic weapon. Under Fei's almost limitless supply of gems, maybe one day, Charsi would be able to forge a super weapon beyond yellow or golden equipment. That way, Fei wouldn't need to clear bosses daily to collect all the equipment.

Second, for Fei, all the equipment and weapons in the past were acquired from killing monsters or purchased from NPCS. These weapons were all finished goods, so Fei only had the right to choose, but now it was different. Whatever style of weapon or magic property, Fei could directly let Charsi forge it. The range of selection was much bigger, and the degree of focus was also stronger, and it was even possible to invent new weapons.

"Haha, this is awesome! I swear, I can see the birth of a great forging master on the Rogue Continent…" Fei buttered up to Charsi, and then took out 20 pieces or so of all kinds of gems and a dozen already prepared sheepskin manuscript scrolls and handed them to Charsi, and then smiled. "This time I will need you to forge me some armor, you just have to follow these drawings…"

"These are…. armor blueprints?"

Charsi opened up the goatskin scrolls, carefully looked over them once, and frowned as she said, "These are beautiful armors… But armor is harder to forge than weapons. Master Fei, with my current forging skill level, I'm afraid that I won't have a 100% success rate. To complete the forging of these armors, I might need to waste a bit more elemental gems."

"That's no problem, you can use however many you want," Fei said with full confidence.

With the Horadric Cube, Fei just needed 3 [Chipped Gems] to make one [Flawed Gem], and then exchange the one [Flawed gem] to exchange for 100 [Chipped Gems] in the real world. Fei felt like he was sitting on a gold mountain, and he never had to worry about money in the future anymore.

"Yes. Oh right, Charsi, in fact, you can go to the real world to try to build these weapons. Chambord City has a few quite skilled blacksmiths, and maybe they can help you." Fei suggested.

Charsi wiped off the sweat on her forehead, then thought about what she saw in the stone maze like those big and perfect furnace facilities. Her eyes brightened and was pleasantly surprised after hearing it. "That's right, how did I not think of it? Master Fei, I will go find them right now…"

This female blacksmith had a short temper.

After sending away the big chested beauty Charsi, Fei stored the ice sword into his inventory, and then found aunt Akara, and started following her to study how to identify herbs, configure agents and produce magic scrolls.

Of course, the things he learned in the beginning were all very basic knowledge.

Fei was originally quite impatient for these things, and aunt Akara was extremely sneaky, forcing him to sign the [apprenticeship contract], so now he had to force himself to learn these things. However, as he gained more knowledge, Fei surprisingly found himself actually starting to getting interested in the knowledge. It was just that his memory was still as blurry as his past life, and often he remembered things wrong…

He spent very little time studying with Akara, around half an hour. After that, Fei logged out of his Barbarian mode, and then came to the 3D holographic projection screen and selected Druid mode, entering another parallel universe of the Diablo World, and began to challenge the first little map.

In this space, the mercenary Fei had the female flame archer Kayle.

Ultimately, there were some differences with Barbarian mode, and that was that the mercenary was a lot less agile and vivid than Elena, appearing a bit stiff and having rusty cooperation while fighting. Actually, aside from the flame archer Kayle, in his Druid mode, even the other NPCs in [Rogue Encampment] looked more like a computer program, far different from that dimension under his Barbarian mode where the NPCs had emotions.

This situation was very similar to Fei's experience in the second map [Lut Gholein], making Fei very confused again, not knowing what caused this weird situation.

Under all the modes, only the NPCs in [Rogue Encampment] under Barbarian mode were real flesh-and-blood people.

With his doubts, during the next three hours, Fei actually cleared Druid mode's final challenge in one go, eliminating Rogue Continent's final boss Andalier in the temple's basement. He also got a few nice golden gears.

At this time, his Druid had leveled up to 16.

After getting fully geared, Fei's real combat strength in the real world was approximately at an intermediate 3-star level warrior. Of course, if his Druid character had all kinds of magical summoning and transforming skills, maybe it could bring a challenge even when facing beginner 4-star elites.