200 - 207

Chapter 200 Fight for Chambord! (Part One)

A hint of surprise passed through the Elder Princess's blue eyes.

It seemed that she never expected Fei would ask such a weird question. After a moment of silence, she chose not to answer. Instead, she turned around and walked towards the magic carriage in the distance. Then, the arrogant and callous Silver-Armor Knight troops that were waiting for the princess rushed into Chambord's battalion. Very cautiously, they escorted the princess onto the magical carriage, not bothering to greet Fei nor linger in the battalion, and spurred forward to the Hot Spring Gate.

As the troops passed by, the air resounded with smoke and dust.

However, when the magical carriage gently passed by Fei, the tightly closed window opened for him. The Elder princess looked at Fei through the window with a strange smile. Her lips were slightly open and she wordlessly exclaimed—-


Or at least this was what Fei concluded by looking at her lips.


The scar-faced knight leader looked to where the magic arrow flew from and shouted angrily "Who's there? Show yourself!"

An extremely beautiful figure was approaching from the distant golden grassland as if a goddess descended from the sky. It seemed like she was walking in slow motion when in fact she was moving at a great speed. She arrived at the Mountain of the Hills in an instant with her hands holding a mysteriously powerful bow with the form of the branches of a dead rose. Without a word, she went and stood behind Brooke.

The scar-facedd knight leader was surprised by how young she was.

The strange woman looked to be in her twenties. She was gorgeous and had a great figure. Her legs are slim and long, her waist was soft and flexible and her fair skin blemish free as if it was delicately made by jade. Her fiery red hair flowed like a flame burning in the wind. The armour on her appeared unbelievably strong. It was engraved with some mysterious and profound inscriptions, covered by marvelous light and it emanated an aura of great mystical power. He likened her to a sacred goddess of martial prowess

"Who are you?" he said ambivalently.

Within such a short period of time, he was shocked that he was not capable of perceiving how strong this young woman was. Even more curiously, it appeared her magic element power was constantly changing. It was sometimes cold as ice, sometimes hot as fire, sometimes swift as lightning, sometimes gloomy as poison. What kind of power was this?

"Elena, soldier of Chambord!"

The woman responded calmly.

Although Gordon Brooke was covered in blood, he felt less restless after her appearance.

He knew this stunning and powerful female rogue archer for sure, because he had seen Fei accompanied by her a lot. Though he had no idea where this woman came from, he knew that she was the king's most trusted person and her archery was unbeatable. Brooke remembered once Fei spoke about her and sighed that even the king himself was no match for her.

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A truely benevolent force to be reckoned with!

"Your honor, be careful! He is a really tough one!" Brooke warmed Elena cautiously.

Brooked didn't know her position in Chambord but she was always with the king. Since he respected the king, he chose to refer to her respectfully.

"Hmm," Elena raised her Lethal Rose Bow without a backward glance and said, "You be careful as well!"

Then she concentrated on bending her bow. Three arrows made of frost magic appeared on her pale blue bowstring. The tips of her deadly arrows shining brightly. The body of her arrows were extremely cold, spilling white cold condensation in all directions and lowering the temperature rapidly.


Her magic arrows shot swift as lightening and as powerful as thunder.

The battle has begun.

"Damn! This woman is also a soldier of the King of Chambord…Who the hell is this king of Chambord?! Where the hell did he come from! Why on earth does he have such a beautiful and powerful soldier?" The scar-faced knight leader swore beneath his breath. He dared not to be off guard. Powering up his silver qi, he fired his silver sword pulses towards the enemy.


The frost arrow clashed with the silver sword pulses again. The fusion was creating tremendous bursts of energy which destroyed everything it encountered.

Elena bent her bow calmly with her beautiful hands, as elegantly as if she was playing a harp. When she plucked, various magic arrows were fired at an incredible speed, no one could ever trace their passage. It was hard to believe that even a man like the scar-faced knight leader who possessed a four-star premium Swift Edge qi and twenty years of battlefield experience still could not get within ten meters of her.

The silver sword pulses and the magic frost arrows were constantly colliding and bursting.

"This woman, she's not only strangely powerful. Her control of pace is unbelievably accurate too? It's like she's been through thousands of battles. Her moves are so cold blooded, striking fear with every blow."

Little did he know, Elena, as a female rogue fighter, had survived the world of Diablo. From the day she was able to defend the Rogue Encampment with her bow, she had to fight against thousands of devils and monsters. There were countless moments that she was about to die but eventually she fought back and survived. That's why an "experienced soldier" like him who had only fought against humans could never compare with her.

For the moment, neither could gain the upper hand.


Chapter 200 Fight for Chambord! (Part Two)

In the meantime, around four hundred black knights, led by their kings, who barely survived the fire had mounted the hill and were going in to attack Chambord.


Brooke shouted angrily and was the first to charge.

His body was enhanced by a large dose of Hulk Potion, augmenting his healing ability to extraordinary levels. He regained more than half of his strength just from resting briefly . It might still be quite meaningless when facing a master like the scar-faced knight but he would be a god when fighting against normal soldiers. He brandished his sword, beheading two knights simultaneously. The knights' blood was splattered everywhere.


"Destroy the enemy! Leave no survivors!"

Brooke's heroic energy sent the blood of those twenty something Bylaw Enforcement Officers pulsing through their veins. Each wielded a huge axe used as both weapon and shield, and then pushed forward. Although the enemy was several times greater in number , they fought them zealously like the wind.

All of a sudden, a shower of blood fell on the hill and the ground was covered with corpses and broken weapons.

These Bylaw Enforcement Officers had never experienced such a brutal slaughter scene, but they had been in a battle before and had some inklings of such a deadly atmosphere. Also, Fei built an arena in the mysterious city of the grotto located in the back of Chambord mountain where he summoned Fallens and Fallen Priests. Each Bylaw Enforcement Officer, secretly enhanced with the hulk potion, had to fight against these monsters in the arena. As a result, when they finally stepped into the real battlefield, they were proud, strong and fearless.

Where once there were twenty-three men brandishing axes suddenly became twenty-three furious sharks killing anything that's in their way.

The four hundred black knights could not defeat these twenty-three sharks in a short period of time, so the fight was bogged down to a dreary stalemate.

"Charge! Charge forward! Conquer Chambord City!" Under the protection of his guard, the leader shouted wildly.

"F*ck you! " A Bylaw Enforcement Officer covered in blood yelled and brandished his axe, cutting the guards protecting the leader in half.

"Well done! " Another Bylaw Enforcement Officer whose body was still pierced by an arrow turned around and swung at the black knights. The blood of the two black knights and their horses who were coming at him bursted as they were cut into eight pieces.

Brooke was in the frontlines of the fight. He kept brandishing his Sword of the King bestowed by Fei. An enemy was slain every time he swung his sword. He wouldn't stop until he killed all the enemy who came within the sweep of his sword. No one could ever counter him. He exhausted his energy furiously and it was getting easier, showing a sign of overcoming the two-star level.

"Soldiers of Chambord! Destroy the enemy with me! We'd rather die than give up!" Brooke shouted madly.

"Rather die than give up!" Bylaw Enforcement Officers responded to their general by shouting out their determination, even in the midst of the intense fight.

These twenty three people sounded even more powerful than their enemy. The whole world was drenched in blood. The sun could not bear the slaughter any longer. It gradually went down and disappeared. The time of darkness would begin.

The black knights gradually started to retreat in a disorderly fashion.

Shocked by the madness of the enemy, they could no longer be brave. These people of Chambord were crazy. They didn't feel pain when they got hurt. Instead they laughed, shouted loudly and swung their axes. Even if they were all covered in blood and wounds, they would not back off as long as they were still alive.

There was no difference between fighting this kind of enemy and fighting devils.

These three kings were under great pressure now even though their guards were still protecting them. They looked at each other, then their faces started to turn pale. They were afraid as they couldn't help but start to think that they shouldn't have provoked this enemy. The King of Chambord and his soldiers were all aberrant barbarians!

Suddenly there came an unpleasant angry voice. "Rather die than give up? Just a group of contemptible criminals. All of you shall die here!"

Accompanying the voice was someone storming out of the dark remains of the fire.

He,enveloped in the light of his orange energy, was flying towards the battlefield with a sound that resembled thunder reverberating across the sky. Before him, arrived the pulses of his sword. The world split apart and the air is loaded with smoke and dust. Brooke, who was in the frontline of the fight, bore the brunt of his power. Brooke felt like a mountain was going to smash him in the face as the ground trembled. He became overcome by the stranger's poweress.

Chapter 201: The Battle is Won (Part One)

Brook's pupils contract. The approaching enemy was another Four-Star elite!

What was even more exciting was that on top of the Four-Star Master, there were hundreds of unharmed, energetic black cavaliers whistling and bolting towards him, with steel glimmering in their hands.

"Finally here!"

Of course, Brook recognized this Four-Star Master. It was the Energy Combat Master whom the head of the Scarface Knights sent to fight off the tailing Chambord archers. His name was Gulo. Apparently, he had gotten rid of the harassment of the archers, and made his way up.

With the addition of this Four-Star Master into the game, the subtle balance between the two forces of the battle was instantly shattered.

The chances for the Chambord Army just took a direct downward turn.

The only ones capable of holding off Gulo were Frank Lampard and the Two Joke Brothers who were not able to make it here yet. Plus the "Valkyrie" Elena was being stalled by Scarface knight. All the aces of the Chambord city were occupied. There was no one left who could withstand the powerful enemy, let alone this enemy that brought hundreds of riders with him. Judging from the circumstances, no matter how ingenious Brook was, they stood no chance of getting out of it at all.

It was hopeless.

The chances for the Chambord army became hopeless in an instant.

The situation did not leave Brook even one moment to think.

He slowed down and took a deep breath while wiping his blood-covered forehead. His hands tightly gripped the King's Excalibur, his sight as focused and firm as ever.

"To our deaths!!!! Charge!!!"

This Chambord City's military official roared as he charged towards the Four Star Master Gulo. His eyes were stalwart, his sword without any hesitation. He charged with all his life, like a moth towards the flames.

"Caged beast! How hopeless! Come to die!" Gulo swung his sword with deadly force.

As Brook was getting consumed by the enormous sword, all of a sudden, something weird happened.

A black mysterious shadow came out of nowhere, quiet as a ghost. You could not see him, only the aura of a blade in the middle of the battlefield, intercepting each of Gulo's offenses.

"Who is this?" Gulo's rage was rising. He recognized this opponent was powerful.

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The mysterious black shadows dove and slid around each attack with incredible speed like lightening. He leapt and a blinding golden light was emitted from the sword in his hand. The light was so intense that it tore the sky apart. Gulo immediately twisted his sword to avoid it. He focused the medallion colored energy and focused on defense instead of offense, desperately trying to block the sudden assault. However, the golden fumed energy completely smashed the earth element energy. Abruptly, an icy light stroke, and blood splattered. Gulo froze, and stood still for an eternity. His face was full of disbelieve and devastation.


The shadow sped past Gulo's frozen carcass, effortlessly like picking an apple. He laughed while picking up the head of the Four Star Master. And he left, as sudden as the way he arrived. His figure slowly dimming into transparency, as if it was melting into the endless sky, until it was completely gone.

Instant kill!

It was instant!

Who was that man? How could he had killed a Four Star Master so effortlessly? How could he just come and go like that? The most mysterious thing was the piercing golden energy that went through Gulo's body! The ones lucky enough to witness the whole thing were left astounded. The image of the mysterious shadow would be something that could never be erased from their minds.

The entire battlefield was silenced and amazed. No one had any idea where he came from and where he went.

Brook's head was blanked for a moment and then he woke himself up.

"He seemed to be on Chambord's side. But then, why have I had never seen him around his majesty? Well, it's actually for the best I guess. Now that Gulo is dead, the last ace his majesty prepared before he left could remain anonymous… The battle is won now."

The twenty surrounding guards had fought to exhaustion, and there seemed to be no more variables that could change the results. Gordon Brook raised his sword and signaled the code.

Whosh whosh!

Coming from the bushes a hundred feet away, colorful enchanted arrows were shot out. So fast they cut through the air making eery sounds. Landing on the hundreds of charging Black Riders.

Boom Boom Boom!

Distant explosions shook the ground, the surging magic elements took over the earth.

Flesh and blood were splattering and broken limbs and steel were flying everywhere.


Chapter 201: The Battle is Won (Part Two)

This was a one-sided massacre. The hundreds of riders had nowhere to hide and were covered in sorcerous arrows. The tough black armor was not able to provide any kind of barrier between them and death. The burning flames, freezing frost, sizzling electricity and omnipotent poison took all of their lives in an instant.

In the distant hills, two dozen strangely armored young girls appeared. They were holding bows, and their bodies were covered in first and second stars of magical elements. There were fire, electricity, ice and poison. Their eyes expressed nothing but indifference. Within a tremble on the bow strings and less than ten inhales and exhales, hundreds of trained riders were killed.

Sorcery archers were indeed the nemesis of cavalries.

Not only were these young and lovely sorcery archers capable of unbelievably powerful magic, they were unbelievably accurate as well. Each arrow was shot with incredible precision and shot through the air to hit the intended targets. Although the Black Riders were entangled with the Chambord guards, the guards were not harmed by a hair.

God tier powerful sorcery archers.

In an instant, all of the intruding Black Rider army was eradicated.

"How did this happen? Why does Chambord harbor so many elites?"

Three golden crown wearing kings were devastated and started screaming. They attempted to escape with the help of diligent guards but the rain of arrows simultaneously killed all the guards. The Chambord soldiers swam in, beating the shit out of the three and tied them up with rope, like animals.

The chaotic and violent battlefield finally started to die down.

A flash of silver raced in, powerful energy radiating out of Frank Lampard who just finished his victim.

Soon, two howling level four, Roaring Flame Beasts came hurling like unstoppable fire. On the back of the beasts, were the Brothers, Drogba and Pierce.

Meanwhile, the fighting between the rest of the guards had also stopped. They were covered in blood and holding their axes. Everybody was looking in the same direction.

In the entire battle field, there was only one fight still fiercely going on, the fight between the leader of the Scarface Knights and the "Valkyrie" Elena. Swords were vigorously attacking each other and there was no telling who had the upper hand.

Four independent sorcerous powers were interchanging around Elena's body. The image was indescribable. No one as young as her could embody all four of the elements and interchange them at will.

However, having an advantage did not mean she was winning. Although the rival was not able to get close to her due to the intense magical offense, the leader of Scarface was in no grave danger either.

The man was the strongest of the four Four-star elites. His capabilities were exceeding the peak of Four Stars, reaching Five Stars. If "Valkyrie" Elena had not been able to combine the other six profession mercenaries' powers, and embodying ice, electricity, fire and poison, the four elements of magic, on top of accomplishing all of the missions with Fei in [Lut Gholein] and reaching level 35, she would not had been able to match this Scarface warrior.

The two were pretty much equally matched but Elena was slightly more experienced, enabling her to slightly suppress her opponent. But finishing the fight soon was very difficult.

Bang bang bang bang…

The Scarfaced cavalry leader bursted out with silver sword energy, dispersing the incoming flame arrows. Immediately, he backed up and gestured a pause. He withheld his sword and smiled arrogantly while glaring at the surrounding Chambord Bylaw Enforcement officers. He slowly proceeded to say, "You bold, ignorant men. How dare you attack the Imperial Knights. Are you all so desperate to be wiped out by the Execution Knights?"

"Execution Knights?" Brook was a little shocked, "You are one of the Execution Knights?"

The Scarfaced threw a black belt on the ground, "Open your pitiful eyes and look who you're attacking. How dare you murder Dick, Allen and Gulo, the three sacred knights and kidnap the three kings of Blackstone, Lake and Thrace? Making a mistake like this, even the Chambord king cannot escape punishment of the Execution Knights. Hahahahaha…."

Was he really a member of the Execution Knights?

Brook and the crowd examined the black belt on the ground. It was engraved with a double-headed bear and a metal armored knight riding on a horse. Anybody who was anybody would know very clearly that it was the sigil of the Execution Knights.

The crime of attacking an Execution Knight was not to be taken lightly. Even for a king.

On that thought, the faces of the few who understood the gravity of the matter turned pale.

"If you really are an Execution Knight, why would you invade us Chambord? Did you have an direct order from Emperor Yasin?" A doubt crossed Brook's mind and he started to interrogate.

"Who the hell are you?" the Scarfaced smirked, yelling angrily, "Who the hell are you to demand answers from me? I give you ten seconds to release the kings, bind yourself in rope and hand over the murderers who killed the knights in chains, and come with me to be trialed. Otherwise, in ten days, I promise the Execution Knights will turn your Chambord city into ashes. Even the king of Chambord will be sent to the fire pillar."

The Scarfaced cavalry leader smirked again.

He was obviously bluffing under such dangerous situation. What else could he do other than trying to scare the pressing Chambord fighters? Moreover, he was the esteemed Execution Knight, with a bright future following the Golden Sun Knight, Chris Sutton. Killing a few civilians of a colony was like killing a few chickens. What could they possibly do? Would they dare to kill an honorable Execution Knight of the Imperial Knight Palace?

Even when completely surrounded, he had no fear at all.

HTK Chapter 202 (Part One)

Seeing how the desperate invader was still awfully arrogant, the people of Chambord became exceptionally pissed. Drogba came out first to provoke the scar-faced knight, "F*ck your mom. Where the f*ck are you even from? Have you even look at your disgusting scarred-face? Did your mom give birth to you from sh*itting?"

The white-haired Pierce didn't want to be outdone by his companion. He looked at the scar-faced knight like someone looking at an idiot and said, "I know right? Even though it is day time, he can still scare monsters with that face. Invading our country without any intention is already an enormous crime. Additionally he even pretended to be part of our country's execution knights. I'm laughing my ass off! Why didn���t you just say you're emperor Yaxin?"

The way these two were mocking the scar-faced knight was vicious enough itself that it could kill a person.

However, ignorance was often the key to fearlessness. Swearing and looking down at a knight from the holy kingdom could be a small or big punishable crime depending on how you looked at it. Getting burned on the pole was not at all impossible. From the way these two were treating the holy knight, it seemed like they were heavily affected by their rogue king.

"Guess you two want to die!"

The scar-faced knight became extremely irritated, his body shaking from sheer anger. His arm slightly fidgeted, and two sword energies appeared and flew towards Drogba's and Pierce's throats like a fierce comet. The very next moment, their heads will come off of their necks.


Lighting struck and forces exploded.

The silent Lampard flashed out and gave one punch. Two plasma poles with the width of his wrists went up against the sword-energy. With the two energies meeting, both exploded, shaking the earth around the area. People that were beside the blast, even with just a trivial deficiency in skill were blown away. For them, it felt like a tornado was blown right in front of them, forcing them to step back unconsciously.

And it was at this moment that Brook had an idea.

The two's none-thinking and stupid statements lit up the light bulb in Brook's head.

He walked up one step and gave one kick out, as if unintentional, in front of the dumbfounded face of the bystanders, kicking away the Black Knight's badge. It flew into the bushes far away. Afterward, Brook said with a cunning smile on his face, "You said you are a knight from the empire? Do you have anything at all that can prove it? I guess not? Hah how fearless are you, pretending to be the holy empire's knight. Everyone, take down this imposter with me with everything you have!

He was obviously lying, but in no way was he going to admit it!

"This is so shameless…" Drogba sighed, feeling ashamed looking at Brook.

"I know right, his shamelessness, has the same poise as your previous style as well." Pierce stroked his chin.

"You…" The scar-faced knights' leader looked at them with disbelief, almost being driven mad.

These worthless peasants, how dare they act this way.

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Even in his dreams, he couldn't imagine that after showing his badge from the holy empire, not only did they not beg for their lives, they even gathered the courage to bite him back, saying he was a fake. The leader's prestige was being challenged by these ignorant peasants. Lost in the moment from his anger, he bit so hard that his golden teeth were about to break in at any moment.

These were really a group of bandits.

But currently, it was not the time for him to showcase his "Holy knight's prestigious image".

Because the Chambord elites all came charging at him, circling him in the center.

Elena struck first. With her slender seductive fingers, thousands of thunderbolts flew out, finding their way to the scar-faced knights' leader's vital spots. Lampard's thunder strikes were so dense that they exploded like water. With a strike from his fist, it lit up the sky and struck relentlessly. Furthermore, Drogba and Pierce, both wearing their Taurus and Capricorn cloths, were both preparing their own ultimate abilities.

The pressure increased exponentially.

"You peasants, just you wait, in a really short time, you are going to pay for what you have done today!" The scar-faced knight leader knew that he could not deal with all of this so he flew away, leaving behind an area of shattered ground.

He could only run.

Even if his emotion was filled with anger, wanting to slaughter the crowd in front of him into minced meat, he could only run away. Keeping his mind clear, as clear as a mirror, he realized that if the peasants were not scared of the empire's badge, then staying here for any bit longer was really asking for his own death. The opposing group's goddess-like archer and the warrior that was covered in liquidized-lighting, both had the skill to threaten him. Instead of fighting them head on, he could only run first and bring back reinforcements to destroy this trivial country.

"Quick, don't let him run away!" Brook's face frowned, he didn't think the scar-faced knight leader would be so calm and decide to run away.

Zoom zoom zoom.

Multiple icy-slowing-arrows, linking to each other by their ends and heads, like a thread, went straight to the scar-faced knight leader in the sky. Elena's swiftness in her archery, created a phantom of movement, faster than what the naked eye could capture.

"Lightning…Speed… Fists!!"

Lampard screamed. Multiple strikes with silver light exploded from his fists. Bursts of plasma homed for the knight in the sky, filling the sky with sounds from the end of the world, frightening the viewers.

The two Chambord masters also reacted quickly.

Both released their ultimate abilities at the exact moment, forcing the knight to stay instead of running away.

The scar-faced knight leader laughed at their petty attempts and struck back. Strokes of sword-energy screeched in the air, broke the arrows and the plasma with lightning speed, keeping it a meter away from him.

The leader's skill was high. In addition to his rich battle experience and his will to leave, stopping him was proving to be too hard.

HTK Chapter 202 (Part Two)

Within a few steps, he was already 200 meters out.

"Hah hah, the next time I come back here, all of you are going to die…" The scar-faced knight leader's devilish laugh came from the horizon. It was obvious that he was too far to be chased down.

"It is unfortunate that we let him get away…" Brook sighed, already planning how to solve the situation. Preferably, he didn't want to create any disturbances for Fei, who was currently heading to the capital.

"You won't have a next time." A calm female voice suddenly emerged.

As the voice ended, a sudden blue light flashed. With it came a portal that was two meters high. The next moment a light red shadow came out from the portal. Unexpectedly, the body flickered with movements that could not be captured with the human eye, moves that have never been seen before, and devastating explosions that came from energy. With the sound of scar-faced knight leader screaming, he fell to the ground like a wooden doll, motionless.

And the red light figure flashed, flying into the portal and disappearing. As a blue flame revolved around the portal, it dissipated.

This all happened, in a blink of an eye.

Quick to the point that no one could react.

Only a few were able to see the mysterious woman.

Elena, Lampard, the two saint knights, and Brook were all shocked by the woman. She was someone who appeared at the mountain behind Chambord city, Chambord's Hero's University, as a modest professor that taught martial arts; teaching only the basics of basics. No one could believe that her actual skill was extremely high. Even someone who was at the peak of four stars could not survive the damage from just one blow from her. Remembering their negligence while studying under her, Drogba and Pierce looked at each other, shaking and rustling down with cold sweat.

After a few moments of silence, Lampard flew into the sky. Just after a brief moment, he carried back the scar-faced knight leader. .

"He is not dead yet." Lampard said. He threw the last-second-threatening-but-now-like-a-p*ssy knight onto the ground.

The scar-faced knight leader was horrified.

The mysterious figure that appeared out of nowhere, not only was her strength incredible, but her moves were also inexplicable. With his own strength, he couldn't even react to one strike of the mysterious woman, which locked down his energy and limited his movements. Apart from talking from his mouth, he couldn't move a single finger.

"How should we deal with him?" Lampard said.

Brook pondered at the crowd. This was a rather hard question.

He knew, this scar-faced knight was probably a real knight from the empire because the whole Zenit Empire, apart from the empire, there were only a few that had the power to command four four-stars knight to work for them. But these four knights surprising followed the Black Stone King, Chishui King, and Slace King to attack Chambord city. Does the empire want to destroy Chambord City? But then after serious thinking, they didn't seem serious. If they really wanted to destroy Chambord City, then the whole Execution Knight Palace would have appeared in front of Chambord City, not just the dark cavalry led by the three kings. There must be some sort of special reason behind it.

Ignoring scar-faced knight leader, he eyed the two jokesters, Drogba and Pierce.

Drogba and Pierce understood his intention.

Both cracking their knuckles, smiling with a bad intention, they lifted the tangled up Slace King, Black Stone King, and Chishui King. Ignoring their screaming, like dragging dead pigs, they dragged the three into the little bushes behind the hill.

In just a short moment, sounds and movements echoed out.

It was first a fury of fists mixed with the sound of storm-like slapping. Next came the sounds of crying and begging form the three kings, mixed with laughs and screams, creeping out of the crowd.

After few moments, the two jokester knights dragged the three nose-broken-face-puffed-lip-ripped-teeth-cracked kings on top of the hill.

Drogba whispered to Brook's ear, told him everything he got from torturing the three, with great detail.

Brook nodded and the rock in his heart finally dropped.

Things were similar to what he thought originally. These four knights didn't come from the command of the empire. Instead, they were being commanded by one of the ten Execution Knights of the Imperial Knight Palace, the Golden Sun Knight Sutton's trusted follower to come assist the three kings. Their actions didn't represent the Imperial Knight Palace.

The facts were not as bad as he thought, but, after knowing the truth, how should he deal with the four prisoners?

Feeling the ice cold glaze of Brook, even though the scar-faced knight leader couldn't move his hands, he still kept his fierce attitude. But the three that were tortured by the two jokesters were regretting and crying like there was no tomorrow.

"Kill them!" Brook said with fearlessness, coming to his decision rather quick.

"You…you dare?" The scar-faced knight leader screamed, threatening with his voice.

But his skull was soon broken by Drogba. Without the protection of energy, it was easily smashed. The Taurus knight cleaned the club by wiping the brains of the dead onto his foot. Ignoring the disgusted look of the crowd, he said with an arrogant voice, "Apparently rocks are harder than the skull of masters!"

On the other side, the Bylaw Enforcement Officers lifted their knives and sliced down. With that, the bodies of the three kings that were begging a second ago, were sliced into two.

HTK Chapter 203 (Part One)

Lampard didn't stop Brook's order. The three kings and the leader of the Scarface Knights were already killed before he asked, "Do you think it will affect the trip of his Majesty since we killed them?"

"It's the same to kill one or two." Brook put the bloody sword back in the sheath, slightly shaking his head. After the burning of the prairie, the whole area laid in ruins. He watched the scene of this devastation, frowned and said, "If we didn't kill those three Knights before, it might not be a problem to let them go, but unfortunately … the Knights will not care about our explanation. No matter whose fault it was, those domineering Execution Knights will only see one thing— that we killed their people. If we let him leave now, after he turns back, the revenge from the Knights will only come faster. Also, killing these people is my consideration for his Majesty's visit to the Imperial Capital."

Lampard just sighed but did not speak any more. He understood what Brook said.

With the wind blowing away the grass, everyone had a sudden feeling of anger and oppression. They knew a storm was brewing, but they couldn't do anything. Chambord did not have the ambition to conquer any city. The only thing they wanted was to live in a safe and peaceful environment. However, the Azeroth Continent was full of chaos and killing. Even if they didn't want to be involved in the trouble, they will be engulfed in this havoc.

"Fortunately, it's only a few people who know about this."

Brook looked at the soldiers who were distributed around. There were less than one hundred people that joined the battle, of which more than eight people had been sent away to distract the black cavalries before. The people who really knew about the status of those four four-star Empire Knights were only around twenty and all of them were innocent and staunch people from Chambord. Brook turned around and sternly ordered that no one was allowed to divulge information about this event. Once someone let out any rumors, they would be killed.

Soon, the body of the two experts, Dick and Alan who were killed by Lampard and the jokester duo knights Drogba and Pierce, the three kings, Gullo, and the leaders of the Scarface Knights had been burned to ash. Their armors and weapons were transported into the blacksmith Samuel's furnace that was located in the back hill of Chambord and was scrapped. The traces of the fighting also had been cleaned up carefully. Brook was very considerate. The work of cleaning the marks was well done. Nothing was left of this battle.

"However, we have to let His Majesty know about what happened here as soon as possible. Frank, take a night off and return to His Majesty tomorrow immediately!"

The next day, Lampard and the jokester duo knights left Chambord City with 50 Bylaw Enforcement Officers so hastily that they left a dust trail behind them.

In the early sunshine of the morning, there were two people, who had once sent Fei away, standing under the drawbridge gate. The two magnates of the army and politics in Chambord City, Brook and Bast were standing on the rampart, watching Lampard and the others leave the city quietly, until they disappeared in the distant horizon.

"Unbelievable, the Zenit Empire had been stabilized for more than twenty years. A chaotic time is coming so soon again." The old white faced Bast sighed, worrying inside.

"I heard that Emperor Yasin's body is getting worse and worse. He is too sick, not even being able to ride horses now. His princes are keen on jockeying for the throne. Those decadent nobles only know how to crazily seek money and the two hundred and fifty dependent kingdoms are ready to strive for the empire. The worse thing is, according to the news from the Priest Ma Zola, the empire's old enemy, Spartac, has started to mobilize their troops at the border three months ago, seemingly like they want to invade. The dark chaotic time is already showing a few signs." Brook rubbed the chilled crenellations on the wall, "The three kings would not dare to attack us if these chaotic signs didn't appear. Nowadays, even the Empire Knights are starting to have some plans."

"Once the war comes, there will be many kingdoms that will be destroyed, people will be killed and royal families will be annihilated. Although Chambord is located in the North, we probably won't be able to stay out of this. There is only a little time for us to prepare." Bast had special experiences, seemingly like he already imagined a scene of a miserable world.

"The only thing we need to do is work on the things that His Majesty left us. I believe that he already noticed the signs, and had been prepared." Brook was a soldier. He had heroic bones, so he was not really pessimistic about the war.

Bast showed a smile, suddenly changing the topic, "Oh, right, did you find out the identity of the mysterious black master that appeared and killed Knight Gullo in a split second?"

"I have only a little clue, but am not certain yet."

"Well, Gordon, you need to thank this mysterious man, I heard from Frank that without this mysterious guy's help, you would have been stuck in a dangerous position."

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"Even if he didn't appear, I would not have died." In front of his old friend, Brook didn't hide too much. He smiled towards the wall and said, "When His Majesty left, he did leave something for me. Before I could use it, this guy just appeared and killed the four-star warrior."


HTK Chapter 203 (Part Two)

After the Elder Princess and her people left, the Chambord Expeditionary Force did not set off on the second day, but simply stationed themselves on the outside of the Ernst capital Hot Spring Gate.

The Hot Spring Gate was one of the most famous ten cities in the Zenit Empire. It was not only the metropolis of Ernst, but also a well-known economic and cultural hub in the Northern region of the empire. More importantly, it's a solid fortress. Whether it was the size of the city or the military forces, it's impossible for the Black Stone Kingdom's fortress to compare with it. Also, the Hot Spring Gate was just like a gate that was located in the middle of Chambord City, guarding the road to the outside. It had extreme strategic significance. Therefore, Fei wanted to stay here to observe more and wait for Lampard and the others to return to the army.

The second day was sunny and crisp in the morning.

After Fei arranged the camp matters, he called off the guards' accompanying him and took Angela and Emma with him before leaving the campsite of the Expeditionary Forces to visit the Hot Spring Gate. A big city like this, it was much more flourishing and grand than Chambord City. For Fei–a homeboy in his previous life who only knew about the Azeroth Continent from books and legends, and the two little girls, who never came to such a big city before, this city had a fatal attraction.

"Hey! You three, Stop! Foreigners need to pay a tax to get into the city."

Just after reaching the city gate, the guards became baffled like they found peerless treasures, avariciously staring at Angela and Emma's bodies. One barred the gate with his spear, blocking the way to stop them. With their elegant outfits and temperament, the soldier knew that these three people were not common peasants. It was hard to say what would happen if Fei and the two girls didn't seem like nobles.

"Tax? How much?" Fei smiled not feeling angry.

He knew that these soldiers were "princess" soldiers when he saw the scruffy armors and the untidy formation of these soldiers. They didn't join the war and0 see death. These soldiers could never be opponents to the Bylaw Enforcement Officers of Chambord. It was easy to imagine how their peaceful lives made them lose their vigilance. Even the garrison in Hot Spring Gate – one of the most famous ten cities in the empire – was not that strict.

"One empire standard silver coin for each person."

"One silver coin? Really?! How could it be so expensive?" Emma couldn't help but ask back. An empire standard silver coin could provide for a poor family in Chambord for more than one month.

Fei shook his head. He knew that these soldiers were rambling about the price, but he was not willing to talk too much with these people. He threw three silver coins out, and walked into the city with the two girls. The coins fell on the ground and those soldiers grabbed like a bunch of dogs trying to get their bones.

After passing the city gate, it was an outer district designed to defend during a siege. Past the outer district, they finally made it to the main city.

When they walked into the main city, a new world appeared.

There were wide, clean streets in the city. Although it was early in the morning, not too many people were on the street. It was much more busy than Chambord City. There were a few hawkers already starting to prepare their stalls. Caravans were in a hurry, mercenaries and excursionists were grimy, everyone started to work for a new day. Most buildings that were along the streets were made by stones, colorful signs were swinging with the wind. There were so many shops opening one by one, and the whole street was filled with the appetizing smell of food.

Angela and Emma were suddenly attracted by the bustling scenes and they gasped, just like two oriole birds. They took a look at everything, all the things here were so fresh and beautiful.

Fei walked behind them with a smile, observing the city while he protected the two girls.

For the longest time, Fei was really curious about the reason why all the empires were so tirelessly keen to build fortress walls and castles. In the Azeroth Continent, where top tier experts like the Sun-class Lord could move a mountain with their hands and even split the sky, all these walls were not even stronger than a top tier expert's hair. No matter how stable or grand your walls were, it wouldn't cause any problems to a Moon-class Elite or a Sun-class Lord. Even a capable star-class warrior could just jump over that. So, the creation of walls seemed like a futile project to waste money and materials.

But just now, Fei found some interesting things.

Each brick that was on the walls of the Hot Spring Gate was covered with some magic runes. These runes were not really difficult to understand. With the magician knowledge that Fei learned from the Nun Akara and the wretched Uncle Kane, he could resolve out that they were some simple magic transmission and soil reinforcement spells. He secretly used his palm to push the wall and found out that once the thrust stopped, the magic power would appear inside the wall, and any damage below a 3-star rating wouldn't be able to damage the walls.

Also, after entering the city of the Hot Spring Gate, Fei instantly felt a very active magic element fluctuation in the city. It was almost more than twice as much as he felt outside of the city. It was really incredible. These few steps could create such a huge gap!

But just another few minutes, he found out the source of this bizarre phenomenon.

Chapter 204 Big Events in the Empire (Part one)

In the splendid land of Hot Spring Gate, there stood six heaven-touching cylindrical towers, hundreds of meters in the air.

From where those towers were located, however, Fei clearly felt a stronger kind of magical fluctuation, as if there were multiple layers of waves radiating outwards endlessly. The power was so strong that it was no less than the effect of the magic elements caused by a full breakout from a Five-Star Magician. It seemed like the existence of those towers was the reason for the abnormal fluctuations of magic elements.

"Is it the legendary Mage Tower?"

Fei soon noticed that the six mage towers in the Hot Spring Gate were located respectively at every point of a hexagon, and he was already familiar with this kind of location, which obviously formed a tremendous Magic Array division. It was implicitly releasing a sort of strange transparent enchantment that trapped the Hot Spring Gate within. However, the strength of the enchantment was too weak to be noticed by most people; that might be also why, so far, the giant Magic Array still remained hidden.

"I see… the entire city is located on an already built giant Magic Array. Even the walls around are part of it. Once invaders show up, the power of the mage tower, as well as all the magicians in the city, can be used to stimulate this Magic Array. After enhancing the power of the enchantment, it might be able to defend itself against those gallant warriors; or even to fight them back."

Fei gradually figured out many things.

He suddenly realized that the world was way more complicated than he expected. Fierce competition to survive as well as the history accumulated over thousands of years would only make this world even more fantastic. Fei was already shocked by the single wall in Hot Spring Gate, but it also delighted him with a perfect plan for reconstructing the defense of Chambord.

Along with Angela and Emma's laughter, the whole trip did not only shock Fei, but was also eye-opening.

Hot Spring Gate was the economic and cultural hub of the empire's northern region. Its population was ten times larger than Chambord.

As it was getting close to noon, more and more people from various industries such as vendors, artists, mercenary and trade caravans all showed up on the street. The crowd made the street so packed that you could hear all the noise from peddling and talking right beside your ears.

Two girls were hopping around, amazed by the bustling scenes that they had never seen before and totally forgot about the rest of the world. They just could not help buying all the fancy stuff they saw. As it was about noon, they finally decided to rest at a pub called Ivy League. It was now that Fei realized that his storage ring was almost full.

Ivy League was a popular pub among the lower classes in Hot Spring Gate. People from various backgrounds would like to gather there, especially the busy mercenaries. Fei picked a place like that with the purpose of getting some useful clues from those who traveled extensively.

Moreover, what surprised Fei more was the food provided by the pub. It was his first time to taste the amazing food from other parts of the world, not the flavorless stuff from Chambord. The feeling of being part of the cheerful and boisterous scene reminded Fei of his last life back in university, hanging out with a couple of friends, grabbing as much beer as they wanted in a tiny messy restaurant near the university, enjoying being youthful and fearless.

Fei had a sip of the rye beer and was reminded of the sour bitter taste, yet calming while going down the throat. Fei took a breath with pleasure, then glanced around in the pub.

Most of the men in the pub were mercenaries, dressed in some old but neat leather armor. The armor looked like it was polished a lot, making the leather look polished and shiny. It sounded like thunder when they were talking, sitting together in little groups and bursting into laughter from time to time. There were also some guys liked to enjoy their beer while waiting for a chance to grab the ass of the curvy waitresses, then everyone started to laugh again. People had their own groups. If you paid more attention, you could find different kinds of badges on them showing off their status to others. Although Hot Spring did not allow the subsidiary kingdom's troops to get in the city, this mercenary seemed like an exception. Fei keenly noticed that almost every one of them had a weapon on them.

Compared to those mercenaries in the pub, Fei and the two girls looked totally out of place, not only the way they dressed but also their temperament showed unconsciously. From the beginning when Fei brought Angela and Emma into the pub, some people stared at them with curiosity, or to be precise, they stared at the two girls. The innocence and beauty of Angela and Emma definitely were refreshing the pub that only used to be filled with rudeness and boorishness.

"Hey, beautiful ladies, please allow I, Old Sang, a chance to buy you some drinks."

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"Oh my God, I see my charming goddess. Hahaha, have a drink. I barely see such beautiful ladies here."

Once a while, there were some excited and hasty dudes from far away raising their steel cups to present their compliments along with laughter.

As for receiving this nice invitation, Angela did not get mad. Instead, she chose to be enthusiastic as well as elegant. She would hold the cup with a sweet smile on her face and had a sip in response to the mercenaries' guffaw. You could not find any affectation on her, but only a deep elegance.

Chapter 204 Big Events in the Empire (Part Two)

Fei was surprised to find out that the appetency his fiancée was born with did not only have an influence on animals. Even those rude mercenaries were unbelievably affected, and they were friendly when they were with her. Fei could tell, it was the kindness from deep inside of their tough hearts. It was the emotion that people only had for their families.

"That is strange, is that because Angela has the spirit of a protagonist?"

The wooden door was pushed open as Fei was snickering. The shadows of two appeared in the doorway, one tall and the other short.

"Haha, look who is here! Old York, when the hell did you come back from the empire?"

"Haha, I just came back, I cannot wait to come here and have a drink with my buddies…" The tall one replied as he looked around, eventually heading to Fei's table with the short tiny fellow, saying "Hey young man, can I have a seat here? Everywhere else is full. "

Fei smiled and pushed two wooden chairs towards him, "Have a seat please."

"Thanks, man…" The tall man named York sat down gladly.

All of a sudden Fei felt that things turned dark in front of him, as if a giant mountain stood ahead of him. This guy was exceptionally strong. Even the barbarians in the Diablo world were inferior to him. He was about thirty or forty years old, but his fire red beard drew a lot of attention, making him look like a bold and forthright man. His fellow, on the other hand, was a lot skinnier with a tanned skin tone, but you can still tell that he was quite good-looking. Not a while Fei noticed that this tanned skinny guy seemed very shy. Most of the time he just looked down, but when he lifted his head up, there was a shy smile, together with his white teeth and dimples on his face, made him look like a stunning young man.

"Hey man, get me two large premium rye beers! Hurry up…" the big guy York was knocking on the table and yelling, looking like he couldn't wait for a second longer.

His voice was rumbling like muffled thunder in the pub. However, the other mercenaries were already used to this, and all burst out into a guffaw. Someone asked in a high pitch, "Hmmm premium rye beer?Old York, seems like you made a good fortune after going to the empire… "

"Emmm, a bit, but only a bit." The big guy scratched his head with a smile hanging on the face, not even trying to hide the fact that he did make a fortune.

"Oh come on man, you have to get us drinks since you got some money in your hands." Someone shouted.

"Ok guys, drinks for everybody… I mean, regular rye beer, I can't afford the premium for so many people." The big guy said passionately without a hesitation.

The crowd responded with loud applause and cheering. The pub was full of noise and excitement again.

However, this fellow did not seem too happy about it. No matter how hard he winked at the big guy trying to stop him, he just did not get any hint at all. So he gave up, and could not help but shake his head and stare at the big guy with an awkward smile.

Seeing this, Fei started laughing at himself.

Fei had been observing those two guys the entire time. They made quite a strange mercenary group. As he could tell, they were definitely not from the best tier. The big guy might be a one-star peak samurai, but the young fellow might not even be close to a one-star. However, the strange feeling and sharp sensitivity of someone like Fei who had the[Barbarian Mode]told him that this young black guy was not as innocent as he thought. Fei could tell there were some potential dangers deep inside of the guy, and his scent was familiar to Fei, as if he encountered that somewhere before.

"Hey Old York, tell us about your trip to the empire, anything interesting?" Someone shouted in the pub.

"Ok fine, speaking about the big events in the empire, the one that draws the most attention must be the military contest among the 250 subsidiary countries. There are only 10 days left, and 80 or 90 percent of the subsidiary country troops had stationed outside the empire. Not to mention that the top ten first-class subsidiary countries are already there." The big guy did not continue talking until he took a nice big drink, "All the chambers of commerce, private banks and casinos had set historically high odds and payouts in the market. Tons of aristocrats and businessmen were betting crazily on this contest… "

"Stop here man, that's out of date now, we all know about this event already. Everyone in the empire knows that only those from the first-class subsidiary countries have a chance to be the final winner." Someone contradicted.

"Then you just don't have any clue, I'm afraid it might be different this time." The big guy laughed while shaking his head, "I heard that a few days ago among the kings of the subsidiary countries, there was an amazing young master that showed up out of nowhere going to the contest, who shocked the entire empire by beating the Golden Sun Knight – Chris-Sutton, one of the top ten Execution Knights from the Imperial Knight Palace, in the battle at the twin peaks tower."

Chapter 205: An Even More Shocking News (Part One)


"Old York, are you kidding me?"

"You must be drunk. These kinds of things would never happen…."

People in the tavern started to shout. Although, being mercenaries, they had seen many bizarre things, they still couldn't believe what this big, burly man just said. What kind of man was the Golden Sun Knight, one of the ten Execution Knights of the Imperial Knight Palace? The extremely talented and utterly gorgeous, renowned throughout the empire, Golden Sun Knight that had slayed countless challengers with his golden spear. Rumors had it that the Golden Sun Knight possessed strong powers that almost rivaled a six-star warrior at such a young age. How could this so called "Best fighter of the young generation" be defeated by the king of an subsidiary kingdom?

This almost sounded like a story from the fairytale compilation "One Thousand and One Nights".

The tall burly guy took another sip of the wine, stretching out his neck and retorted, "How is it not possible? This isn't a secret. It has already been spreading in the Holy Capital. Some people even witnessed the Golden Knight get beaten unconscious and was carried by his Knight retinue back into the Knight Palace. They say that the Head of the Knights Akinfeev was furious. And nowadays, every single prominent force from the Holy Capital, at least the ones who deemed themselves to have a decent shot, started to secretly prepare to win this unparalleled mighty king of the subsidiary kingdom over…."

"How come?"

"Maybe it's real?"

People saw that Old York was telling the story in a convincing way and gradually became less dubious.

"Oh, I know! It must be "One Sword"! Only "One Sword" has the power to defeat the Golden Knight…" Someone was suddenly enlightened, thought he figured out the "right answer" and proudly yelled it out. Other people in the retinue heard him and echoed along. They also agreed with this answer–if out of the whole empire, you had to name one from an subsidiary kingdom that could defeat the Golden Sun Knight, that person must be "One Sword".

"Hahaha, no, you are dead wrong. Jim, is your head broken? I've already told you, it's the King of a subsidiary kingdom that defeated the Golden Knight. "One Sword" wasn't enthroned as a King yet, he's just a prince…Tee-hee, okay forget about it, don't even try because you aren't gonna get it. The guy who routed the Golden Knight, actually was just a level six subsidiary kingdom's king who had never revealed his talent." The tall man finally unveiled the truth.

"The King of a tier 6 subsidiary kingdom?"

"Old York, did you become retarded after being beaten by your wife?"

The big man became apparently agitated, stretching out his neck and yelling, " No, your brain was the one that got smashed! Heck, your whole family's brains are damaged! This can't be more real. I would never get it wrong…"

However, the mercenary audience bursted out into nothing but guffaws and gloats. The man's words seemed so outrageous. Hardly, no one trusted him anymore.

Sitting quietly just next to the laughing crowd, Fei on the contrary could hardly enjoy the humor. Instead, he became more and more anxious along the unfolding of the story. In a vain attempt to calm himself, he stroked his chin repeatedly and was truly astonished, "It has only been four days since my battle with the Golden Knight at Dual-tower Mountain. How could the news have spread out so fast? What is more bizarre was that the words originated from St. Petersburg, all the way back to the Hot Spring Gate. This was indeed uncanny."

Angela and the blond loli Emma could not suppress themselves and chuckled on the side. The two girls surely knew all about the whole Dual-tower Mountain Battle. Seeing that the people in the tavern wouldn't believe it, Emma, with wide open eyes and raised eyebrows, almost jumped out of her seat in an attempt to advocate for the truth, but was stopped by Angela who clasped Emma's hands and subtly shook her head. Emma had no choice but to sit down grudgingly with her teeth gnashing, fiercely staring at the people around them with rage, as if all those who didn't believe that Fei defeated that Golden Knight were all her enemies.

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"Hey bro, if you don't mind me asking, where did you hear all these stories? Was it all a rumor?" Fei, in an effort to probe, deliberately beat around the bush to ask this simple and honest guy.

"How can it be a rumor?! Little brother, this was publicly announced by the Soros' Merchant Group at St. Petersburg…" York's face flushed red from impatience. He slapped at the table and stood up raising his voice, "You guys, if you don't believe what I said, the source, the Soros' Merchant Group, should earn your trust. Just a few more days, the news will definitely get passed to the Hot Spring Gate. And the news released by the Soros' Merchant Group was very detailed–The mysterious master who has vanquished the Golden Sun Knight was the King of the level six subsidiary kingdom, Chambord, whose name is Alexander!"

"Wow, the Soros' Merchant Group announced the news?"

"It seems legit, sounds more convincing now…"

"If it was released by the Soros' Merchant Group, then it might be true. I can't believe that just from a little level six subsidiary kingdom comes such a heroic figure."

Upon York stately backing up his story with the Soros' Merchant Group, the crowd in the tavern finally became progressively convinced. Indeed, an organization as powerful and authoritative like the Soros' Merchant Group, would never blab or gossip with issues as important as this. After all, the ultimate virtue that merchants valued was being reliable. No merchant group could be considered reliable if they were ever caught spreading untrue crucial information. Not even once! For the hundreds of years of establishment of the Soros' Merchant Group, no such scandal had ever happened before.

Until now, Fei finally figured out the knack.


Chapter 205: An Even More Shocking News (Part Two)

The Manager of Soros' Merchant Group, Harry Redknapp, and the Soros Caravan had followed the Chambord's expedition army, and witnessed the Dual-tower Mountain Battle. There was no doubt that reason the story went around so elaborately from St. Petersburg to the Hot Spring Gate, was all because of Redknapp's special "Soros' Merchant Group exclusive" pipelines.

The only weird thing was, why the Soros' Merchant Group had to trumpet and advertise this story? Maybe as greedy businessman, they saw the potential to make a profit out of it?

Fei captured the oddball exquisitely.

As the discussion in the tavern was becoming more intense, everyone's interests were pointed towards the mysterious master, the Chambord King. The two girls sitting beside Fei chuckled with their mouths covered, listening to all the gasps of admiration from the crowd and feeling so proud seeing Fei calmly smiling by the table. It was hard for them to control themselves and not tell everyone that the "mysterious master" who defeated the Golden Knight was just sitting here right in front of everyone's eyes.

Seeing that people had finally trusted him, York smiled with complacence. He lowered his head and took a big sip of almost half a glass of beer. He wiped the beer on his beard and suddenly rapped on the table heavily. He didn't start to speak out until he had fully caught everyone's attention, "Actually the Golden Knight getting beaten up was not the most sensational news from the Holy Capital. There was another event that had happened at the Capital. If I told ya, you will all feel astounded."

"Wow there was more shocking news? Tell us, tell us, C'mon!" Someone urged him impatiently.

York was contented and appeased. He leered around, patiently waited for the tension to build. Then he skimmed his smirk and finally started talking, in a deliberate moderate tone: "about ten days ago, the Martial Saint Guardian of the Spartac, out of blue, officially declared the 'Martial Saint Letter of Challenge' to Master Krasic…."

"What? 'Martial Saint Letter of Challenge?"

"No way! What do those stupid Spartac bastards want to do? Do they want to provoke the war?"

"Quick quick, old York, how did Mr. Krasic reply?"

"May God bless us, something big like this happened. Maybe the war will actually break out?"

The tall burly man York's words could be truly qualified as breathtaking. The already noisy tavern now became blustering, just as if someone splashed a handful of salt into a greasy boiling pot – a sudden and massive explosion. Even the groups who were more reserved before and reticent could no longer maintain their postures, their jaws dropping and eyes opening.

This piece of information was truly astonishing.

The appearance of the "Martial Saint Letter of Challenge" was an absolute astonishing event all around the empire. It not only represented the arrival of a final duel between two superpowers, but also implied a face-to-face rivalry conflict at an unprecedented level, between the mighty empire of Zenit and the great empire of Spartac. Following upon the tradition of the ancient Azeroth Continent, the fate of the two empires was now hinging upon the ultimate battle between their Martial Saint Guardians. The "Martial Saint Invitation" was like a providence or a whimsy from the Gods, – mighty, unchallengeable and deadly. No one in the continent could resist contemplating the results. In comparison, the fiasco of the Golden Knight was no longer as significant as it used to be.

"The Spartac Empire really went too far. Mr. Krasic will definitely decapitate that reckless challenger…"

Zenit's Martial Saint Guardian Krasic who had been promoted as a Moon-class Elite for as long as ten years was no doubt the No.1 powerful fighter in the empire, the Guardian God of the Empire and the absolute idol within millions of warriors' hearts. All other empires were in awe of the Martial Saint Mountain because of him and no one dared to compete. And yet, finally, Krasic was challenged by another empire.

"Two months later, at the summit of St. Petersburg Martial Saint Mountain, the demon moon hangs in the sky, and the two Saints will fight to the death!" York finished his glass of beer, heavily placed it down on the wooden table and then yelled to the crowd, "News of this event has already been spread out near the Capital. I believe that any fighter who has courage will be there to observe and cheer for the empire's Martial Saint."

"When the time comes, I will certainly be there!" Someone was already impatient.

"I'll go as well…"

"Me too…"

"Only those who were raised by goblins will miss such a matter…."

Fei saw the roused atmosphere in the tavern, suddenly felt excited for the battle of the Two-Saints that will happen at the Martial Saint Mountain two months after. This will be a battle to the death between Moon-class Elites and a great chance to get to know the exact level of strength of all the experts within the continent. It was exciting to anticipate what kind of astonishing scene will happen then.

After listening to the crowd for a while, Fei saw that the time was almost up. He called the owner of the tavern to pay for the bill and was ready to leave.

"Hey little brother, thanks so much for letting me sitting here, or else I couldn't enjoy today's good wine…. How about I invite you and those two beautiful girls for another round of drinks?" York said and stood up, called the waitress to bring four glasses of dark beers–three in front of Fei and the two girls. The fourth one was pushed in front of a dark-skinned little boy who had been sitting there quietly for a while. York hustled this little boy, "Philip, don't be nuts, be a man. Stand up and finish this glass!"

The little boy didn't know what to do and showed a shy smile. He grabbed the iron glass and stood up.

At this moment…. Duang! …A raspy sound occurred.

The tavern's wooden door was pushed open hard. Behind the door entered several rampant figures. They went in recklessly.

The head of the group looked like he was seeking something. He looked around quickly, turned and whispered something, after seeing Fei and two girls, he whispered to the well-dressed young man behind him with twinkle in his eyes. With a smile, the young man strode to the table, sniffed with distaste, and stared at both York and the shy little boy. He shouted dismissively: "Go away, you two inferior mercenaries! Who the hell were you to sit with such beautiful ladies at one table?"

Chapter 206: He is the legendary Master? (Part One)

It was quiet in the Ivy League Pub.

This young man who was dressed fancily didn't hesitate to swear and include everyone in the pub. However, Fei was able to sense that most of the mercenaries in the pub were mad, and they didn't dare to speak out, as if this young man was like a terrifying demon. The person who was murmuring into the young man's ear was someone who Fei knew; he was the captain of the soldiers who were guarding the gate, and was still wearing his uniform.

Fei knew what was going on in almost a second.

The captain seemed like that he was leading the young man to find Fei and the other two. The reason? Fei could guess by how this fancy dressed young man was staring at Angela thirstily.

The tall and strong man York who was excited a moment ago was really embarrassed. His face was all red when he was being pointed at the nose and swore at. He didn't know if it was better to continue holding the iron cup in his hands or not. Although he was very angry, he hesitated and finally lowered his head and didn't voice out as he dragged the shy dark young boy and wanted to leave. It was obvious that he knew the identity of this young man.

"York, wait up."

Angela spoke. She smiled, and the atmosphere in the pub relaxed. She reached out her white hands and grabbed onto the iron cup on the table and said to York, "Thank you for telling us all these stories. You are a passionate and straightforward man, I have to toast to you."

After she said that, she raised her head and bent her swan like beautiful neck to drink all of the beer in the iron cup. She drunk the beer in such a manly way that the gulping sound resonated in the pub. After drinking everything in the cup in one go, Angela wiped the beer on her lips with her hand. This rough action combined with Angela's beautiful face made her look very elegant somehow, and everyone in the pub was stunned by her.

The tall and strong York was so excited that his body started to shiver.

He didn't expect this beautiful girl who looked like an untouchable goddess was willing to toast to him at this awkward situation. The shame and anger that resulted from the mocking fancily dressed young man disappeared instantly!

York grabbed the iron cup that he put down a moment ago and gulp down the beer as he was very thankful; he completely ignored the threatening looking that he fancily dressed young man was giving him. What was surprising was that the dark skinned young man who was very shy also walked up quietly and chugged down the beer that belonged to him.

After the drinks, York hesitated and said "Be careful" before leaving with a thankful and semi-embarrassed expression, accompanied by the young man Philip. Both of them soon disappeared on the street outside of the pub.

Fei rubbed his chin as if he understood something.

With a smile on his face, Fei gave Angela a praising look. For the first time, he realized that his soft and gentle Fiancee also had a valiant side to her.

The fancily dressed young man's face was so gloomy that water could be squeezed out of his face. He looked in the direction that York and Philip left viciously and then looked at Fei and asked suddenly, "Name your price, how many gold coins?"

"Huh?" Fei frowned.

"Hehe, come on, man. From the way you dress, I can tell that you have some status. What? Playing dumb? You really don't know what I mean?" The fancily dressed young man smiled impatiently and signaled one of his henchmen, "You tell him what I want."

"Yes, young master. Hehe, kiddo, let me tell you. Young master Lulun wants the two girls that you got. Be smart and name your price..." A tough man with a beard and warrior suit walked up and said to Fei arrogantly while pointing at Fei's nose.

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"Oh?" Fei laughed instant of being mad. "What if I'm not willing to?"

"Yuck! Are you fucking blind, dog? Who dares to reject young master Lulun at Hot Spring Gate?" Like a rabbit that got stepped on the tail, the man threw two copper coins onto the table and shouted: "You dumb fuck, take the money and get the fuck out!"

"Two copper coins?" Fei frowned again.

"What about them? Too little? The fact that young master Lulun is willing to pay you is a great gift for you..." The bearded henchman laughed: "This is the way that young master Lulun likes to buy stuff. If you don't want two copper coins, then I will just give one."

With a mocking expression on his face, the henchman took back a copper coin and put it back to his pocket.

Everyone in the pub didn't dare to say anything due to the fear of Lulun. They all looked at Fei and Angela with pity and thought, "What a beautiful girl, too bad that she is going to fall into that demon's hands again."

"I can tell that you have some strength to you." Fei sighed: "But you want to be someone else's dog. You don't deserve to wear a warrior's attire, so let me take it off for you."

As soon as he finished, he waved his hands. Before anyone could react, his hand smacked onto the bearded guard's head like a lightning.


Everyone felt like their eyesight fuzzed. They blinked their eyes and saw this guard getting smashed into the ground by this hand. Like a carrot, his entire body was in the ground except his head. Blood floated out of his mouth and nose; it was obvious that he was no longer alive. What was the most shocking was that his warrior's clothes was taken off and piled beside the head. The entire scene was very strange.


Chapter 206: He is the legendary Master? (Part Two)

A series of gasping sounds filled the pub as some of the mercenaries' chins almost smashed down on the tables.

"You..." the fancily dressed young man was mad, he shouted: "How dare you! Do you know who I am? My father is Hot Spring Gate's..."

"Shut up..." Fei frowned and waved his hand again as if he was trying to get rid of a fly. Pia! The crisp sound was followed by a few teeth flying into the air; the blood was still on them. Then, the young man smashed into the gate of the pub like a sandbag, and he broke quite a few tables and chairs along the way. At this point, the fancily dressed young man was lying on the ground half dead. There was an obvious palm mark on his face, and his face was swollen like a monkey's ass. His eyes were forced shut, and blood leaked out of his mouth. His entire appearance looked terrifying...

Everyone at the pub was so shocked with their mouths wide open; they couldn't believe what they were seeing.

While looking at that "demon", some people subconsciously rubbed their own faced as they felt a chill down their spines. "Who could've guessed, this gentle black-haired man who was so polite when he was chatting was so violent when he attacks..."

Of course, more people realized that this black haired young man was a rare master.

Smashing the bearded guard who was a one-star warrior into the ground like a stake; no one under the rank of a four-star warrior could do that. This made many mercenaries yell out and scream.

"You... how dare..." The captain who led that fancily dressed young man into the pub knew he fucked up. His legs trembled as he screamed and ran off. He saw this monster beating the young master Lulun, and knew this monster would beat him as well.

"You must be a bad guy as well. It's too late to run now!"

Fei grabbed the air, and this captain struggled as his body flew back to Fei. Fei smacked his head, and he was smashed into ground as well. His ending was identical to the bearded henchman.

Fei didn't hold back at all.

Everyone in the pub was dumbfounded. "This young man is like the Grim Reaper. He took their lives without hesitation, and among them was one of the captains of Hot Spring Gate. Where is he from? He doesn't seem to be scared of the troops at Hot Spring Gate at all?" They thought.

Fei on the other hand smiled and nodded out of satisfaction.

For the last couple days, he was studying how to use the strength of the barbarian better, and he was getting more and more used to the advance techniques of using his strength. If he did this a few days ago, he could only smash the two into blood paste, and he could never just smash them into the ground as a whole.

"Let's go." Fei smiled at Angela as he threw three gold coins on the table; they were the compensation to the owner of the pub for destroying the tables and such. Fei walked out with Angela and Emma, but he stopped and went back to tell everyone who was still in shock: "Oh, one more thing. If anyone want to investigate this, tell them to come and find me at the camp of Chambord Expeditionary Force outside of Hot Spring Gate."

After he said that, the three of them disappeared on the sunny and bright street.

It was still scary quiet in the pub.

After quite a while, someone said with a shaky tone: "He…��� that man... what did he say? Chambord Expeditionary force... outside of Hot Spring Gate? Chambord....Cham..."

"Could he be... is he….. Alexander, the king of Chambord?" Someone murmured.

"That young man... is King Alexander who defeated the Golden Sun Knight? He is the mysterious master who defeated Chris-Sutton, one of the ten Executive Knight?"

"He is this young?"

This time, everyone at the pub reacted, and the atmosphere exploded.

All the mercenaries jumped out of their chairs and chased after. They couldn't believe that they were able to see the mysterious man in person. They felt like they were dreaming when they thought about the fact that they drank with this man.

Chapter 207: Re-encounter (Part One)

Fei didn't know about the huge reaction among the mercenaries back in the pub. After getting out of the pub, the three of them pondered on the street since it was still early in the day and both Angela and Emma wanted to check different places out. It was noon, and there weren't that many people on the street at this time. The autumn's sun wasn't hot. In fact, the weather was chill and comfortable. They went to many stores, and saw many interesting scenes. Soon, they forgot about what happened in the pub and the mood brightened up again.

Hot Spring Gate was named as the northern economical and political pivot hub of the Zenit Empire, and it had all the functional areas that a city could hope for. Fei picked out a few areas that interested him, and the three of them headed over there. The first place they went was a mid-tier auction house that was hosting an auction at the moment. Fei paid close attention to the process, but none of the items in the auction interested him. After spending some time in there, they left.

After the auction, Fei asked for direction to the biggest Money Window in the Hot Spring Gate.

Money Window was like the bank on Earth. They were all backed by the Royal Family or Huge Noble Families. These facilities were responsible for creating liquidity in the gold coins made by the empire, and they were also responsible for converting magic gems and rare items. Since these facilities were very important to the economy of the Azeroth Continent, the magic civilization and its effects were demonstrated here. The connectedness of these Money Windows were so great that if you had enough properties or status, you could become a VIP instantly. A Crystal Magic Card would guarantee you the ability to take out money from any Money Window in the empire, so the trouble of bringing a huge amount of money with you would be avoided.

However, to Fei, the benefit offered by these Money Windows was close to none since he had the huge storage space from the Diablo World. However, since having a VIP Crystal Magic Card from the biggest Money Window chain in the empire meant status and could be used to show off, Fei took out 10 high quality fire magic gems, which were [Ordinary Rubies], and exchanged for 100,000 gold coins to deposit into the account without hesitation. He instantly received a Purple Crystal Magic Card. It looked impressive, so it was perfect for showing off. Fei felt like it would come in handy when he participate in upper class parties in the future.

After leaving the Money Window, Fei felt like he suddenly become very rich. After all, ten [Ordinary Rubies] weren't the same as 100,000 gold coins. The feeling of putting the Purple Crystal Magic Card into his pocket was very addicting. The King started to hum his little song shamelessly: "Yo, I'm rich, and I don't even know where I should ditch. I got a Samsung in my left, and I got an IPhone in my right, I'm riding a BMW and ..." As Fei laughed out loud, he had a dumb impulse of hugging Angela by his left arm and hugging Emma by his right arm.

Then, the three of them went to many other places, including the Mage Union, Mercenary Palace, Mage Tower, Defense Wall, Blacksmith Shop, tailor shop, Soros' Merchant Group's Hot Spring Division, the Church, slave market, trading market, and the black market from the rumors. Fei got a lot of the info that he was looking for in this trip. His understanding of this world was increasing at an insane speed. Finally, they arrived at the camp of [Rapid Wind Legion]. The defense troop of Hot Spring Gate was tightly guarded and prohibited unauthorized personnel from access. The king would sneak into the camp and see what was the difference of between his 300 bylaw enforcement officers and the [Rapid Wind Legion] which was one of the top ten legions of the empire.

By around 3'o clock in the afternoon, Angela and Emma were very tired. Their feet were at the verge of swelling, but they still wanted to walk around and take in the sights. Women were persistent monsters when it came down to the few things that they actually care about, so Fei purchased a comfortable horse carriage to take the two girls around; Fei himself acted as the groom.

The thrilling experience of riding with beauties in a nice car that Fei didn't experience in his previous life was realized today. The king of Chambord wasn't the mysterious master who defeated the Golden Sun Knight or a majestic lord of a Kingdom; at this moment, he was a young man who loved to show off. As he sensed the envy coming from pedestrians who were looking at him and the carriage, Fei felt great. He even wanted to open the window to show everyone that he had two beauties inside.

However, the king's face turned green when he was feeling the proudest.

Chapter 207: Re-encounter (Part Two)

"Uh... Where am I?"

Fei realized that after letting the horse walk freely for a while, he didn't know where he was. There was no one in these streets, and his expert level anti-directional skill kicked in. He couldn't tell north from south at all. His horse carriage wandered on the road that was getting tighter and tighter, but Fei couldn't find the way out. In fact, he couldn't even remember where he came from.

After about 10 minutes, the horse carriage entered an area that was dirty and quiet. In the maze like area, the air was filled with the stinky smell. It was like a different world compared with the lavish lifestyle of the other areas.

There were almost no one walking on the streets, and there weren't any stores. There were only small and short houses made from wood and dry grass. The only people that Fei saw where thin, dirty, and in torn clothes. Black stinky water floated on the ground, and rotten garbage was filed up on the sides of the streets; Fei even saw some human corpses in the garbage piles. Dirty and vicious wild dogs and cats ran in the garbage piles in groups and tried to dig out food. From their dirty fur and thin bodies, Fei could tell that their lives were horrible as well.

"This must be the ghetto of Hot Spring Gate….." Fei thought.

Fei didn't try to leave right away after he saw everything. He sensed the familiar dark sensation that came off of the dark skinned young man at the Ivy League Pub. After some thinking, he rode the carriage towards that direction.

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On the way, he saw some women who were thin and had a dull expression walking to the side of the street when they heard some noise.

It was quite chilly in late autumn, but they were wearing very little clothes. Their thin bodies were exposed as they shivered in cold. They eyes shone and waved as they saw people walking by. They were prostitutes.

The trade with these prostitutes were very simple. Fei saw some rough and violent mercenaries pick a few women who weren't that thin among all the women as they pushed others away and started to do it on the street by just pulling down their pants. The payment that these women received were just a piece of dry black bread. One of the women was perhaps too hungry; she threw the bread into her mouth despite the fact that the mercenary was on top of her...

Fei sighed; he couldn't really do much as an individual in this situation.

Of course, this area wasn't a stranger to crimes. After a few minutes of proceeding, a scream and begging sounded on the side of the street, and Fei was just in time to witness the killing. A white haired elder got half of his head chopped off by two teenage boys around fifteen years old. As the elder fell down, the two half naked boys grabbed onto the pickled carrot in the elder's hand and started to bite onto it like animals. When they saw Fei, they swung their rusty blades that were still dripping blood while their eyes shone a vicious light...

After about another ten minutes, the sensation of that dark skinned boy got stronger and stronger. After a turn, a cleaner clear area appeared in front of Fei. This space was fenced off by wood, and more than two dozen small wooden fences were built on the west side in an organized manner. In the middle of the clear space, Fei saw both York and the young man Philip who he met at the Ivy league Pub. The two of them were leading more than twenty kids who were about twelve years old to practice combat skills.

"Straighten your body... be steady...suck your stomach in….. Yeah, that's right!"

Old York was standing in front of the kids with his back towards Fei. He was instructing the kids a very basic punching technique. He was frowning as if something was bothering him; but after he saw the thankful and admiring look on these kids' face, he relaxed a little and forced a smile onto his face as he continued to instruct the kids.

The dark skinned young man Philip was also practicing among the kids earnestly.

The familiar chilly sensation that Fei felt came from him. Fei felt it so clearly that he knew this dark skinned young man had secrets that others didn't know about.

The clip-clop noise of the hooves sounded, and the kids all stopped. They blinked their eyes as they saw the luxurious magic horse carriage. They all had an envious, surprised, and scared expression on their faces. A kid that had a mushroom hair cut lightly pulled one of York's sleeves.

"Little Andrew, why aren't you practicing... Huh?"

When York turned around and saw the magic horse carriage, he shouted in surprise. It was rare for a luxurious horse carriage to appear in the ghetto. But when he saw the person sitting on the spot of the groom, he was shocked. He gasped and rubbed his eyes as he didn't know what to do.

"Hey, Uncle York, don't recognize me anymore?" Fei jumped off of the carriage and laughed.

Behind him, the door to the carriage opened, and both Emma and Angela peek out their heads. When Emma saw York, she got mad. She still hadn't forgot how this man left the pub without any courage. It was obvious how York and the dark skinned young man acted this morning didn't fit Emma's moral code.

"I do, I do! You... You are King Alexander?" York said with an ashamed expression. He didn't know what to do for a moment. Then, he walked up and suddenly kneeled in front of Fei. That action alone scared both Fei and the two girls.