288 - 297

Chapter 288: First Battle of Chambord (Part One)

The chilly wind of the winter roared, and it pulled on thousands of long flags in the air. These long flags were like dragons that were about to break free and fly away.

The arrival of Emperor Yassin didn't mean that the sacrificial ceremony would start right away.

The bishop of the branch of Holy Church in Zenit wasn't there yet.

This ceremony felt very strange from the beginning.

From the tradition, the bishop should have arrived before the emperor to show respect and good faith. After all, although the Holy Church was overbearing on the continent, they were really rigid in terms of keeping the traditions and etiquettes. However, the bishop had broken this unspoken rule today unexpectedly by not showing up on time.

The silence of the long wait was unbearable.

The chilling winter made some of the weaker warriors shiver in the cold.


As everyone thought that the wait was going to continue, a light voice sounded from the ninth-floor of the stage.

The voice sounded majestic and unyielding. Although it was full of power, Fei could feel the tiredness and loneliness. Also, there was a slight aging tone in the voice, and that made Fei a little sad.


A fist mark dashed out of the throne as the emperor said that.

The white bulls that were lying on the white blankets comfortably were cut in half. They didn't get the chance to scream, and none of the blood was spilled. The hearts were also cut in half; although heat came off of them as they continued to pump, they soon froze!

"Rest of ... you two can take care of it." The voice sounded again on the throne.

"Yes, as you wish!" The two princes on the eighth-floor of the stage kneeled down and replied.

In the next moment, the golden throne suddenly soared into the sky.

The dragon beast that was flying in the sky sensed it and dashed down. An intense pressure came down from the sky, and the dragon beast perfectly caught the throne. Then, the four six-star royal mages flew up and guarded the beast as well as the emperor. Just like how they came, they left in the same manner. Like dashes of light, they soon disappeared into the Royal Palace that was far inside St. Petersburg.

10 Types of Women You Should Never Marry


Emperor Yassin left like that?

No one expected this.

This was something that had never happened before!

A ton of chatters and murmured sounded among the formations of soldiers. However, they soon disappeared.

The reason was that the two princes had already started to proceed with the rest of the sacrificial ceremony and the competition.

Fei, on the other hand, lost all interests in continue watching. He was completely focused on the image of Emperor Yassin. What did the invincible emperor who dominated the empires around Zenit look like now?

From all of the strange things that had happened, it seemed like the emperor was really in a bad condition. He stayed less than ten minutes. Perhaps his body wasn't able to take it, and he had to leave quickly to rest.

Fei was more powerful than the people around him, and he vaguely heard a few light coughs followed by a series of light fast-breathings.

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That sounded like a patient who was struggling to stay alive.

Was the pillar of the empire going to collapse?



After three hours, the sacrificial ceremony finished under the hosting of the two princes. The first round of ranking matches was going to take place in the afternoon.

There were fifty Sword Testing Stages, and there were five regions. Each of the battle regions received ten stages.

The first round of the matches was going to take place soon.

Chambord got its first opponent in a randomized draw – the Gude Kingdom who had the number of 42.

The Gude Kingdom was also located in the northern region of Zenit; it was a level 3 affiliated kingdom. Since the two kingdoms weren't adjacent to each other, there weren't any relationships between them. This Gude Kingdom was a top-tier level 3 affiliated kingdom. Its prince Drenthe was one of the [Seven Wolves] named [Black Wolf]. He had a good individual strength, and the power level of the kingdom was good as well with three hundred elite soldiers.

Many people thought that the Gude Kingdom had a chance to advance to a level 2 affiliated kingdom in this competition; no one expected them to face Chambord so early on. Now, their outlook wasn't as bright.

Chapter 288: First Battle of Chambord (Part Two)

Sword Testing Stage No.44.

Numerous people surrounding the stage. Popular stages where kingdoms such as Chambord would fight on were all crowded. Except for the two resting areas of the two kingdoms as well as a VIP viewing area, everywhere else was packed. All of the crowd were looking up and waiting for the individual ranking matches between Chambord and Gude.

"Hehe, I think this Gude Kingdom can just surrender after seeing the king of Chambord. As long as they save their strength, they might have a better chance of going through the losers' bracket and getting a good ranking. If they fight with Chambord, they would lose and suffer casualties."

"Eh, from the look of it, surrendering is the best alternative. Facing a tough opponent like Chambord, no one would laugh at them for doing so."

"Huh? Someone got on the stage... Look, Gude sent someone up..."

"They chose to battle Chambord? Could it be that they have some trump cards as well?"

Most of the people in the crowd were here to witness the battles. Some of them were warriors who wanted to see the fights between master warriors and better themselves, some of them were mercenaries, and some of them were scouts from other kingdoms... merchants who wanted to sell stuff, gamblers who wanted to win bets, traveling poets who wanted inspirations for their stories... there were all kinds of people.

There were people who thought that the Gude Kingdom would surrender, but they were surprised by the first warrior from the Gude Kingdom who jumped onto the stage from the resting area. The crowd started to chatter.

The first Gude Warrior was a tough-looking bearded man who was bulky and wearing a black chain armor. He was also wearing a bone helmet and held a pair of huge clubs with iron spikes on them.

After he jumped onto the stage, he swung his clubs and created a series of terrifying air-piercing noise.

Boom! He smashed his clubs against the floor of the stage, and sparks appeared and loud noises sounded. This ignited the excitement of the crowd. The crowd cheered on as the man patted his chest, showed off his muscular body, and provoked at Chambord.

"Provocation? Who is going to take care of him for us?" Fei sat on the tallest stone throne in the resting area as he asked.

"Your majesty, let me go!" Fatty Oleg grinned. He walked up and volunteered as his fat wiggled on his body.

"Let me go instead. I will go first!" Other master warriors of Chambord stood up and all wanted to go.

Finally, Fei's eyes landed on Peter-Cech.

The strength of this commander couldn't be ignored. However, this general had been working hard and taking care of everything at the military. That was the reason why the king could live such a chaos-free life.

The commander didn't get the chance to show off his power all this time. On Azeroth Continent, it would be hard for a commander to control a force if he or she couldn't convince his or her subordinates using his or her strength.

Fei decided to give this opportunity to this low-key commander.

"Remember! Be clean, but don't kill." Fei reminded the commander; he didn't want to create a lot of new enemies from this competition.

"Glory represents my life!" Cech understood Fei's intent for letting him go first. He kneeled down to thank the king, and then he stood up and appeared on the 44th Sword Testing Stage.

Such a fast moving technique!

All of the cheerings for the warrior of Gude paused. This simple way that Cech used to get onto the stage showed the crowd what he was capable of. The crowd knew that Chambord also sent a powerful warrior.

In the same time, the warrior from Gude who was showing off and provoking stopped as well; he observed Cech with his vicious eyes.

"Battle! Battle! Battle! Battle! Battle! Battle! Battle!!!"

The crowd started to cheer again. Everyone was shouting with their hands in the air, and they were waiting for hyped battles to occur. The fight between these two master warriors was about to occur! A light blue sphere covered the stage; it meant that the protective magic array around the stage got activated! The battle began!

"Haha, take this! Tiny Chambordian!"

A light yellow warrior energy flame appeared on this bearded Gude warrior. This warrior had an earth-elemental warrior energy, and it represented a ton of defense as well as strength. This man with the black chain armor charged at Cech ferociously like a demon beast.


Two huge clubs that were about six to seven hundred pounds each smashed down at Cech's head viciously one after another. They were being swung so fast that they looked like two dark clouds.

Chapter 289: Piece of Cake (Part One)

Although the wind created by this ferocious strike moved Cech's hair, Cech was really calm; no emotion could be read from his face.

Woooo! As the strike came closer, some of the audience closed their eyes; they had already foreseen the bloody scene where Cech's head exploded. The spiked clubs were going to hit Cech's head; the two clubs were about a centimeter away.

At this moment –

Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!

A series of light crackling noises sounded

The battle turned around in this split second.

Everything seemed to be frozen at this moment on the Sword Testing Stage.

The tough Gude Warrior who was charging at Cech like a beast suddenly paused completely. The two clubs that were swung at Cech also froze in mid-air.

The two clubs couldn't move forward anymore.

What was stopping them were two fingers.

Two fingers that weren't thick.

Peter-Cech who was calm raised his arms and pointed out his fingers. The two fingers pressed against the tip of the clubs and eliminated this strike from this vicious Gude Warrior.

Actually, it did not just eliminate the strike.

It actually defeated the Gude warrior.

Soon, the audiences' mouths opened wide as they witnessed something unbelievable.

A crack slowly appeared on the two clubs where Cech's fingers were at. Like spider webs, the cracks enlarged in the same pattern. Gradually, this pair of clubs that were made from top-quality iron got turned into a pile of iron dust.


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The bearded warrior from the Gude Kingdom gasped as he looked at the handles in his hand. His face paled as if he saw a ghost, and his legs started to shake out of fear.

Breaking two clubs made from top-quality iron using two fingers signified the different in the power levels between them. The warrior from Gude knew that he would be dead if his opponent wanted to.

"You lost." Cech pulled back his fingers as he said: "I don't want to kill anyone. Jump off of the stage!"

"I..." The bearded warrior wanted to say something, but all of his courage disappeared as he looked at the iron dust on the ground. He paused and jumped off of the stage.

"Winner of this individual ranking match is Peter-Cech from Chambord!"

The judge announced the result loud and clear using the special magic array on the stage that could project his voice. Everyone heard that.

"Cech! Cech! Peter-Cech!!!"

No one expected such a fantastic battle early on. Although there weren't explosive warrior energies, chipped flooring, and flying dust, Cech who was in a light leather armor and easily destroyed the iron clubs shocked the audiences.

Here's the Purpose of That Little Pocket in Women's Underwear


This shock was far stronger than the shock that any other kinds of fancy fights could bring. The judge's announcement woke up the people who were shocked and dumbfounded, and these people in the audiences started to cheer Cech's name. The scene was really moving.

On the Sword Testing Stage, Cech completely demonstrated the presence and the style of a warrior and a commander. His leather armor was bright under the sun, and his cape fluttered in the wind as well as his long hair.

Fei who was sitting in the resting area laughed and clapped his hands.

The fifty soldiers from Chambord were also excited. They knocked their weapons against their iron shields to make a lot of metal-colliding noises; they were doing what they could to cheer on their commander.

This was the first time that these soldiers saw Cech battle.

They didn't expect their commander who was low-key and rarely engaged in fights to be so powerful; they thought that Cech was weaker than Pierce, Drogba, Torres, and others leaders. After seeing their silent commander standing on the stage in such a cool fashion, all of the soldiers felt like their blood was boiling.


Chapter 289: Piece of Cake (Part Two)

"Another master warrior from Chambord?"

"Peter-Cech? Why haven't we heard of this man before? It felt like he didn't even use warrior energy, and he was able to shatter the iron clubs. From the look of it, this man can easily become one of the top ten warriors in the northern battle region!"

"Such power... Eh, he is probably a five-star warrior."

"Eh, a nice warrior. Look into it and see if we can get him on our side!"

A lot of people who were sitting in the VIP area were shocked upon seeing this. In the chattering and cheering, some of the influential figures had already planned to recruit Cech.

Actually, this military competition was also a chance for the noble families and major forces in St, Petersburg to recruit powerful warrior and mages. Many forces would try to use methods such as money or threats to get these people into their party.

Although these actions were hidden, they were implied to be acceptable since the higher-ups in the empire didn't stop them. Many people referred to this as a "harvest". There was a three-year gap in between each of the competition. The major forces would wait for these potential warriors and mages to grow, and they would be "harvested" when they were ready every three years.

The cause of this was very complicated.

The empire didn't have 100% trust in the affiliated kingdoms. After all, incidents where affiliated kingdoms that were strong overthrowing the empires they were in happened all the time. Even Zenit was founded after betraying Spartax Empire. By "harvesting", it would allow the empire to get stronger while decreasing the strength of the affiliated kingdoms. This was one of the ways where the empire controlled the tempo of everything.

Also, the "harvest" wasn't 100% successful all the time.

Normally on Azeroth Continent, a warrior who swore to stay loyal to a king would never change his or her master.

This was one of the ancient beliefs and honors of warriors and mages.

However, on the Azeroth Continent that was ruled by the law of jungle, some people chose to be loyal while others chose money and status. There were also times where kings would end their relationship with their loyal warriors and mages just to hand them over to the forces and nobles families in St. Petersburg. They were often encouraged and threatened by the empire.

These types of incidents happened too many times.

The fact that the king of Chambord soared into popularity brought a lot of attention to Chambord. Although the Chambordians jumped in strength, they were also seen as delicious meats. People who were capable all wanted to eat these meats and absorb the power.

These people were like patient yet vicious wolves; they were all waiting for the perfect opportunity.

Now, the opportunity was here.

They would identify each of the master warriors of Chambord, and they would then lure them in or threaten them in private.

No one believed that Chambord was unified as a whole. They believed that the warriors from remote regions where resources were scarce would definitely be moved by money and status.

The "fruits" were ripe, and it was about time for the "harvest".


In the next five battles, the warriors of Chambord took care of their opponents so fast that it looked like they were eating pieces of cake.

Pierce, Drogba, Torres, Oleg, and Inzagi each appeared on the stage and won.

Among all opponents, the prince of the Gude Kingdom who had the title of [Black Wolf] and was a character in the [Seven Wolves] lasted the longest. He battled with Torres for more than twenty minutes, but he was still no match for the arrows that shoot out of Torres' bow. His left shoulder got pierced, and he lost most of his combat abilities; he had to surrender by jumping off of the stage.

All six individual ranking battles were great shows.

The power the Chambord warriors showcased did shock all of the audiences around the No. 44 Sword Testing Stage.

Pierce and Drogba's viciousness and power, Oleg's insane defense and strange technique, Torres' agility and god-tier archery skills, and thin boy Inzagi's chilling assassination skills...

Each of the Chambord warriors demonstrated a new battle style. A lot of the audiences were happy that they chose to watch this stage rather than others.

Some of the more talkative traveling poets already gave cool nicknames to the six warriors, and these names were passed around before the matches were over...

"[White Haired Fast Sword] Paul-Pierce. He is a cold-blooded swordsman under the king of Chambord. He is tough as a bull, and his sword is faster than lightning... God, no one can see the path of his sword. If you feel a wind passing through you, that means you are dead..."

"[Black Haired Vicious Fist] Didier-Drogba. He is a tough warrior under the king of the North – Alexander. He is stronger than a beast, and his fists can crush anything. Poor souls, don't trigger this warrior. His fists will destroy you..."

"[Desperation Creator] Fatty Oleg. He is a huge monster of war. Even dragons would feel a desperation in front of him. His body can defend again all attacks, and his fists can tear the land. If you stand against him, your desperation would be as deep as an abyss.

"[Destructive Fingers] Peter-Cech. His fingers can crush metals as well as everything in front of him..."

"[Son of Wind] Fernando-Torres. His arrows are faster than wind, and his grace figure is cooler than wind..."

"[Deadly Assassin of Shadow] Philip-Inzagi. His enemies would pray to not encounter him. When you see him, his dagger would have already pierced your heart..."

Chapter 290: Situations at the Five Battle Regions (Part One)

The next rounds of team matches were easy as well.

On the No. 44 Sword Testing Stage, the fifty Saint Seiyas from Chambord charged four times, and they rushed the soldiers from the Gude Kingdom off of the stage and won the four rounds of battles.

When they charged, when the fifty Saint Seiyas changed from casual positions into a real formation and charged at the soldiers of Gude, they were like heavy cavalries. Although the heavy and huge black iron shields looked light in the hands of the Saint Seiyas, the soldiers who got hit by them felt like they were hit by hammers that were more than tens of thousands of pounds. The soldiers of Gude got knocked off of the stage like dummies...

Chambord VS Gude, Chambord won all ten battles.

The judge's voice was clearly heard by all the audiences through the voice-amplifying magic array. It represented the end of Chambord's first round of battles.

This result was within everyone's expectation.

However, the people who saw all the battles were still shocked by what Chambord was capable of. The king of Chambord who dominated the Executive Knights didn't even show himself and his warriors were able to destroy the Gude Kingdom who was a top-tier level 3 affiliated kingdom.

Six individual matches and four team matches only took less than one hour! It was lightning fast!

When the Chambordians left the resting area and went back to their campsite, cheers soared into the sky behind them like a tornado.

"We did all we can. They have observed Chambord's strength. Whatever is going to happen next is irrelevant to us..." The old king of Gude shook his head as he sighed. He patted the elder prince's shoulder and continued with a relieved expression on his serious-looking face: "It is unfortunate and somewhat fortunate for us to meet Chambord in the first round. Chambordians aren't as murderous as they were rumored to be. We didn't suffer any casualties, and we still have hope via the losers' bracket!"

[Black Wolf] nodded.

The old king was right. Chambord wasn't a kingdom that Gude could defeat.

After recalling how powerful and destructive the storm-like arrows that the blonde young man shot out were, he relived the feeling of being breathtaking; it was pure domination. The prince here was a notable warrior among the affiliated kingdoms, but he was powerfulness in front of the no-name warrior of Chambord. If his opponent wanted to, he would be dead by now!

"Use your own power to deal with the king of Chambord! Our Gude won't be used by you as a tool next time!"



After five hours.

Here's the Purpose of That Little Pocket in Women's Underwear


The first day of the competition was over before the sunset.

Chambord defeated its opponent and moved onto the next round. The kingdom would be battling with the twenty-four other kingdoms in the northern region who won today tomorrow. After the top ten masters and the limited winning kingdoms of the region were set, the Kingdom Ranking Matches would begin.

In the one hundred and twenty matches today, a lot of master warriors and mages had appeared.

Even though Chambord used less than one hour to finish the battles, it wasn't the fastest.

In the northern battle region, the opponents of level 1 affiliated kingdoms Meixi and Cather, as well as the level 2 affiliated kingdoms Sens and Zeno, all decided to surrender; they knew that they had no chance, and they could still compete in the losers' bracket. Therefore, the four kingdoms who were the traditional winners all moved on without a fight.

If what happened in the northern battle region was within expectation as the stronger kingdoms won, the other four battle regions had some surprises.

Southern battle region.

Level 6 affiliated kingdom Byzantine defeated level 3 affiliated kingdom Kejin. Byzantine won three out of the six individual matches as well as three out of four team matches. With a record of six to four, they moved onto the next round. The young king Constantine used his unique technique of [Seven Injure Fist] and defeated the prince of Kejin, [Mad Wolf]. The [Seven Injure Fist] was powerful and destructive. Many masters believed that Constantine had a chance of becoming one of the top ten masters in the southern battle region if he performed well!

10 Types of Women You Should Never Marry


Chapter 290: Situations at the Five Battle Regions (Part Two)

Eastern battle region.

The Gudong Kingdom that was laughed by others for being to barbaric surprised a lot of people. In their tribes, two genius warriors Huerk and Kanort appeared, and these two warriors used two wooden sticks and defeated six master warriors from the Jiapeng Kingdom. After that, they led thirty barbarian soldiers, defeated the troops of Jiapeng Kingdom four times, and advanced to the next round.

These two barbarian warriors were simple yet brutal. They were so physically strong that no one could take one strike from them. Even the four-star warriors of Jiapeng Kingdom couldn't last a second...

The Gudong Kingdom was deemed as the dark horse of the eastern battle region.

The two warriors were also deemed as the top warriors of their generation.

Western battle region.

The level 1 affiliated Maze Kingdom that the super warrior [One Sword] was in wasn't that lucky. In the first round, they encountered another level 1 affiliated kingdom, Deck Kingdom. The battles between the two kingdoms were ferocious. Although the Maze Kingdom ended up winning, [One Sword] didn't appear in the matches. That made a lot of [One Sword]'s fans who were waiting to see the warrior's skills disappointed.

However, this also made a lot of people wonder how powerful [One Sword] really was.

Many elder warriors believed that [One Sword] was the only person who was able to compete with the king of Chambord for that number one warrior title.

Central battle region.

The central battle region had six out of the ten level 1 affiliated kingdoms, and the number of level 2 and level 3 affiliated kingdoms were a lot higher as well compared with other regions. The battles here were the most vicious, and the first day for kingdoms in this region was more competitive than the other four regions.

The four level 1 affiliated kingdoms advanced with no major hiccups, and there weren't any dark horses. The only surprise came from the level 4 affiliated kingdom Ghana defeating a level 2 affiliated kingdom and advancing.


After the first day of competition, the camp area got very noisy.

The empire had stopped the curfew and the complete military control of the camp area. A lot of small merchants, homeless warriors, mercenary groups, prostitutes, blacksmiths, potion makers, fallen mages, broke noblemen, slave traders, and various other people filled the camp area.

In a short time, the number of people in the camp area doubled.

If someone looked down at the camp area from the top of Moro Mountains, they would see the entire area lit up by campfires and torches. These light sources were like bright stars.

After a day of battles, some people were happy and some people were sad.

The warriors who were tense throughout the day were finally able to sit down in front of campfires, eat roasted meat, and drink delicious wine. The rough and wild warriors' shouts and women's giggles mixed together, and some primitive sensation dispersed in the air.

Drunken fights happened all the time, and some of the drunken warriors sleep directly by the campfire.

All sorts of events were happening.

These warriors might lose their lives the next day; it was the destiny of warriors. Dancing between blades, their endings were strikingly similar; most of them died on battlegrounds or in gladiator rings. Therefore, some people went all out on alcohols and women, and some people training and meditated to gain a better chance at survival the next day.

In Chambord's campsite.

Chambordians were also celebrating their victory. The party was at its climax, and the best food and wines were being enjoyed. People's laughers and chatters resonated in the area.

The yellow light from the fire lit up the smiles even more, and the light highlighted the strong and muscular bodies of the warriors who were unarmoured.

Also, the two campfires that were more than ten meters high emphasized the women who were dancing around them.

Outside of Chambord's campsite, many people were looking at Chambordians' party in jealousy and envy.

Most of these stares were on the women who were dancing seductively.

Those women were thin, their waists were slender, and their skins were smooth as silk. Compared with those hot women, the prostitutes who were wearing rough clothes and cheap perfumes in the camp area were ugly as ever in people's eyes.

Those women were the most expensive prostitutes from St. Petersburg.

After the matches today, the king of Chambord invited them to the campsite of Chambord using his connections.

Chapter 291: Mysterious and Beautiful Woman (Part One)

The king of Chambord wasn't the only one who did this within the 244 affiliated kingdoms.

Helping the soldiers to find women was a method that many kings believed to be the most effective in terms of relieving stress and raising morale.

On Azeroth Continent, satisfying the soldiers was one of the ancient traditions. Many powerful empires would have a number of so-called "Comfort Women" in the military. These women were there either voluntarily or being forced. Some of them were from poor households, some of them were from big families that had collapsed, and some of them were slaves of wars. The military would compensate them in little amounts for letting the soldiers and low-level officials venting off their stress.

Even though this was a tradition, a lot of people in the camp area were shocked by the king of Chambord's generosity.

The women in the campsite of Chambord were from a place called "Golden Cave". The king of Chambord had spent hundreds of thousands of gold coins to invite them here. It was heard that these women would stay at Chambord's campsite until the competition was over. Before that, they would be comforting the soldiers of Chambord who were in a state of high-stress.

After seeing this, even the princes of various affiliated kingdoms wanted to become a part of Chambord to indulge themselves in these seductive women.

The "Golden Cave" in St. Petersburg was a place that many men wanted to visit, but most of them weren't qualified and rich enough to enter.


In Chambord's campsite.

After one dance was over, the drummer changed the music.

The passionate women started to invite the soldiers who were sitting on the side clapping to dance with them.

Faced with the invitation, the northern men who were from the remote region were a little shy. After the encouragement from everyone, a few brave Bylaw Enforcement Officers got up and participated in the dances with a blush on their faces.

Faced with the beautiful, nicely-dressed, and sweet-scented women, the brave men of Chambord who weren't afraid of charging into enemies were "timid". Even Pierce and Drogba who were bold were a little stiff when they were dancing.

Fei who was half-lying on the central stone throne tried his best to hold back his prankster-like smile after seeing this.

This idea wasn't Fei's.

The first person who made this recommendation was the old man Zolasc; he was the person who had the most experience with everything.

When Fei first heard it, he was shocked. "Wouldn't I be like a pimp?" He thought.

Trump's IQ is Finally Revealed - Try Not to Gasp!


After Zolasc explained the "honor" tradition of Azeroth Continent to Fei, Fei really thought about it. With the medical knowledge he got from his previous life, he was afraid that the soldiers of Chambord might get STDs if they couldn't hold back and went for the cheap prostitutes in the camp area; there would be more issues associated with that. Also, if he ordered the soldiers from stop engaging in such activity, it would be too "cruel" for his men.

After some thoughts, Fei decided to go all in and invited a lot of women from the "Golden Cave" by using a lot of money and the connection with Manager Redknapp of Soros' Merchant Group. He decided to take care of this issue once-for-all.

"Our men can defeat the strongest enemies, and they can also enjoy the most expensive women.

When Redknapp first heard the request, he was stunned for a while. Afterward, he had to double confirm with Fei about his requests before it was taken care of.

The crackling noises of the fire were loud, and the party was at its climax. Gradually, the northern men got comfortable with some help from the alcohol, and the atmosphere was lively as it was filled with laughter.

Fei was smiling like a kid as he watched.

At this moment, he felt like he wasn't a king who enjoyed the nobles status in the empire, but rather an old folk who liked to gossip with neighbors.

Angela was wearing the furry coat made from the fur of the blue fox, and she was sitting next to Fei quietly.

10 Types of Women You Should Never Marry


The big coat fitted her well. It didn't look fat; rather, it contrasted with the long and white neck of the girl. The sweet smile on the girl's beautiful white face was mesmerizing in the light of the campfire.

The future queen was picking out fruits from the basket in from of her and feeding them into Fei's mouth.

Chapter 291: Mysterious and Beautiful Woman (Part Two)

Originally, a lot of women from the "Golden Cave" wanted to seduce the king who was rich and handsome. If they were liked by this king who just got really famous, their fate as prostitutes would change forever. But after they saw the girl who was so beautiful that it was breath-taking, they all gave up on the idea of inviting the king to a dance.

Behind a wooden table on the right-hand-side of the king, there was a girl who had long curly brown hair; her hair looked smooth and soft. The girl was mysterious as the lower half of her face was covered with a white veil that was decorated with golden strands. Her eyes were bright as stars in the night, her hairpin had red, green, and blue gems on it, and there was a golden butterfly badge on her silver silk crown...

This girl's presence had mystery written all over it.

There were four warriors in shiny armors standing behind her. The Milan Armors were made from steel, and their helmets covered most of their faces. Their eyes that were behind the T-shaped nose guards seemed chilling. It was obvious that these men were powerful.

They were the guards of this girl.

When Fei first met the girl, he thought she was a noble lady. It wasn't just because of the way she dressed; her presence was also on-par with all kinds of noble lady Fei had met. Although her face was veiled, people who met her all felt like she was a beauty.

However, after Redknapp introduced Fei to her, Fei realized that this girl was a madam. (A.K.A. Female pimp) It was quite shocking.

Fei had observed the girl for a while, and he could tell that this girl's identity was very special. During the whole time, she sat quietly behind the table; it was quite different from the type of madams Fei knew that were toady and snobbish.

The party was still continuing.

Fei called Cech over and reminded him of a few important things. After that, Fei stood up and went back to the central tent with Angela, Emma, and the eight girls.

By him sitting there as the king, the soldiers were a little constrained. Therefore, he decided to go back first.

What Fei didn't find out was that the mysterious madam who was sitting behind the table stared at his back with a strange emotion in her pretty eyes when he went back to the tent.


After returning to the central tent, Fei chatted with Angela a bit more. After his fiancée fell asleep, Fei started his training in Diablo World again.

Both Akara and Cain were busy alternating between the mysterious stone room and Chambord University in the back mountains of Chambord.

During this time, Chambord's construction was taking place slowly and steadily. A portion of the content of [Demon King's Wisdom] was translated by Akara, and the construction plan of Chambord was greatly altered. Chambord was being built in a way that was unimaginable before. After reading the letter that Brook and Bast sent to him, Fei got the idea that Chambord was going to become a pearl of the north!

The study and decryption of the mysterious symbols in the stone room was still on-going.

Akara and Cain spent a lot of time on this, and they were making good progress. However, since it was still quite far from total decryption, Fei only asked some simple questions to understand what was going on. He was able to wait until the mystery was unveiled and then ask more questions.

After learning about potions from Akara for fifteen minutes and learning about the magic theories of Diablo World and the real world from Cain for fifteen minutes, Fei spent the leftover four hours with Elena on killing monsters and leveling up.

After four hours, Fei's Barbarian character got to level 54.

Fei's strength was increasing at an insane speed.

During battles, Fei had been carefully practicing control, spiral force, hidden force overlay, and the skills of the barbarian. The fifth strike of [Sky Frost Fist] was being completed and perfected gradually, and Fei was able to defeat demons faster; some of the ordinary barbarian skills deal extra damage in Fei's hands. All of these contributed to his fast cultivation.

Even Fei felt like his talent in terms of cultivation was a little too sick.

Chapter 292: One Other Man (Part One)

On both notes from Emperor Yassin, they emphasized that patience was important as it was hard to get all of the key points easily; it was also hard to pass through all the thresholds. However, when Fei tried, it was easy. As soon as he read the notes, his body was able to do exactly what the notes said. There was nothing in his way.

Fei also tried to teach Elena about the granular control and spiral force, but it seemed like Elena had a hard time understanding and comprehending the information.

Fei was confused since Elena was really smart, but he couldn't figure it out.

When Fei left Diablo World, it was already late at night.

Angela and Emma were in their deep sleep, so were the eight girls who acted as maids.

Fei walked out of the central tent, and a cold wind blew at him. The winter was getting colder and colder. The camp area was finally getting quiet, and only a few lights and torches were on. There were still some people walking on the street at this time though.

The party in Chambord's campsite was over.

There were a few more fancy and golden new tents in the campsite; those were the temporary residence of the women from St. Petersburg.

Although these tents weren't magic items, they weren't cheaper than Chambord's tents. Golden patterns and symbols filled the tents, and the tents looked luxurious. There was one tent that was smaller and more luxurious than the others; it was the residence of that mysterious "madam".

Even at this time, Chambord's guard didn't go down.

There were fifty Bylaw Enforcement Officers who were patrolling the campsite with armors and weapons, and the checkpoints and watchtowers were filled with soldiers. The protection of Chambord didn't fall back because of the victory during the day and the party during the night. Fei saw Cech-Peter who was in a black cape watching the night, and he also saw Pierce and Drogba who were patrolling around the river in the cold.

Fei was satisfied with what he saw.

He nodded and switched to Assassin Mode. Without catching anyone's attention, he dashed towards Moro Mountains as he passed through numerous checkpoints and campsites.


Moro Mountains, [Huge Pit] Battlefield.

Under the starlight, the mysterious warrior stood on a huge piece of rock on the edge of the battlefield. Behind him, there were a ton of beautiful, firework-like, colliding warrior energies. This peaceful yet explosive scenery looked strangely mesmerizing.

Without moving, the mysterious man watched Fei as he tried to get through the most powerful magic array in the area by using that "ugly dance".

10 Types of Women You Should Never Marry


Although this mysterious man was used to the king of Chambord getting through magic arrays this way, he still had to praise Fei in his mind.

What Fei didn't know was that the mysterious warrior returned to the battlefield last night after he left. The man tried to mimic Fei's strange movement and get pass a magic array. Although this man was much more powerful than Fei, he was only able to last one minute. After that, he couldn't control his muscles granularly and triggered a magic pathing...

The mysterious warrior had many ways of getting into the [Huge Pit] Battlefield without triggering the magic arrays, but they were very different from Fei's method which was insane and unimaginable.

This made the mysterious man rate Fei even higher.

A cold breeze blew by.

After Fei got through the magic array, he forced himself to use the methods in the purple scroll to train his spiritual power, despite the fact that his body was sore and his head hurt a little from depleting the spiritual power. Also, he was sitting in front of the mysterious man; he was showing all of his vulnerability points.

However, the mysterious man was shocked once more. Although his expression looked calm, he carefully observed Fei numerous times as if he was looking at a monster.

He did that because he found out that the king of Chambord's strength increased again!

10 Places All Men Must Visit While They're Single


It was unbelievable.

It seemed like all of the barriers and thresholds that normal warriors faced during the path of cultivation didn't exist! It seemed like if this king wanted, he could get stronger rapidly!

The mysterious man had only seen one other man achieve this kind of unimaginable results!

Now, the king of Chambord was the second.

Chapter 292: One Other Man (Part Two)

This discovery made the mysterious man's lips twitch sub-consciously.

He started to wonder if what he was doing was right. Was what he was doing beneficial to the empire? This king was going to mature in little time, and what was going to happen? Would what happened twenty years ago re-occur? Would the history repeat itself? "Should I just listen to one of my friends and cut the wings off of this eagle before it soars into the sky and dominates it?" The man thought.

At this moment, this mysterious and powerful man hesitated a little and doubted his choice for the first time.

The king of Chambord's speed of cultivation scared him.

The more he knew about this young king, the more he was terrified by the hidden potential in that young body. It was hard to imagine how much impact this young king would have on the empire and the entire continent if he unleashed all of his potentials!

"Elder? Sorry for keep you waiting."

As the mysterious man was doubting himself, Fei's surprised and intimate voice disturbed him.

The mysterious man looked up and saw Fei's clear and pure eyes.

The eyes were clear like the river, and the mysterious man didn't see any dominating ambitions, and he didn't see any fear and fawn people would have towards powerful masters. There was only completely trust that a disciple would have towards his master.

"How long has it been since I saw a pair of eyes like this?"

The mysterious man asked himself.

For some reason, a strange feeling hit him, and his heart that was always cool, calm, and collected felt a little guilty all of a sudden.

"The fact that this young king trained and rested in front of me was enough to show his trust in me. Why did I have that kind of idea all of a sudden? What is going on?"

"Sit." After a moment of distraction, the mysterious man pointed at a huge piece of rock that was one meter tall beside him and said. Before Fei could react, the man sat on one side of it first.

The man felt like he had to talk to the king a little bit more.

This was the first time that this mysterious man made a gesture.

This surprised Fei a little, and Fei sat beside the mysterious man happily.

Actually, Fei had a lot of questions that he wanted to ask. However, his attitude towards the mysterious man changed from the initial hostility to fear and to respect. He lowered his guards unconsciously, and he treated this man as his teacher. After all, his level 54 barbarian instinct told him that the powerful and mysterious man in front of him wasn't an enemy.

"Elder, thank you for your two notes. They led me into a new world..." After seeing that the mysterious man was silent and didn't say anything for a while, Fei initiated the conversation as he took out the two notes from his storage space and handed them to the mysterious man.

"Eh?" The man frowned.

"Oh, I already remembered all the techniques recorded in the notes. So..."

"You can keep them.���

"Thanks, but since they were written by Emperor Yassin, they are extremely valuable. Although I don't know how you got them, I know that it would be a lot of trouble for you if the emperor found out that his notes in the royal library went missing. Plus, I already learned most of the techniques, so I shouldn't be greedy and keep them to myself."

After a moment of silence, the mysterious man lightly waved his hand, and the two notes in Fei's hand flew back to him after a dash of green light.

"Offended Imperial Knight Palace, slapped Prince Chrystal, shamed big families, wiped out Blood-Edge..." The mysterious said slowly after another long silence. It seemed like that all of Fei's activities were known by the man... Before the man finished talking, he asked Fei a question: "You are not a murderous person, why not use smarter and clever methods to deal with these issues?"

"Too troublesome." Fei answered honestly after he thought about it for a while. "Since I'm already the underdog, any other kinds of response would be seen as signs of weakness. If I backed off one step, they would walk up ten steps."

"Eh." The mysterious man wasn't surprised by Fei's answer; it seemed like he already knew this was what Fei was going to say. However, the man didn't say anything else; he was waiting for Fei to continue.

Chapter 293: The Courage to Fight Back (Part One)

"Hedgehogs have spikes around their bodies, and porcupines have poisons on their backs. These animals have these defense mechanisms to scare off some of their enemies. These are the only methods that the weak animals have. My image in other people's eyes is crazy, like a beast that is not scared of any kind of consequences. This would scare the people who want to reach their claws into Chambord. People who want to do that would need to prepare for the counterattack."

Fei paused a little when he said that. After seeing the mysterious man didn't get angry, he continued: "From my perspective, the only weapon the weak people have is the courage to fight back and the willingness to go down together with the enemies. This would make the powerful people really think before they do anything."

"Be willing to go down together with the enemies?" The mysterious man murmured. A long period of silence followed.

After some time has passed, a strange smiled appeared on the mysterious man's face. It was the first time that Fei saw an emotion on this man's face. The mysterious man looked up at the sky, and his eyes wandered around the stars. As if he was thinking back to a long time ago, he murmured slowly and quietly: "Yeah, the courage to fight back... The time passed by too fast. Another person said similar words many years ago. Just like you, he said it me in a similar situation. In addition, he actually followed through, and he was more impressive..."

"Elder, are you talking about Emperor Yassin?" For some reason, the word "Yassin" jumped out of Fei's mouth sub-consciously as he heard that.

"Eh?" The mysterious man was surprised. "Yeah, it was him."

The man was silent after he said that.

He didn't expect the young king to be so similar to that man. Maybe the young king and the emperor were the same kinds of people. No one would know that when the mysterious man was watching over Fei for the last while, he felt like the time flowed backward for 30 years and he was witnessing that genius warrior's climb.

"I'm similar to Emperor Yassin?" Fei was a little surprised. It was the first time that he heard such a comment.

"Eh." The mysterious man nodded. After that, it was another long silence.

But after the man looked up again and saw the young king's confused yet proud expression, he suddenly realized something. His expression turned serious as he said: "You can't act like him!"

"Ah?" Fei was confused even more.

It was the first time that the mysterious man emphasized on something; the tone was really commanding.

However, Fei didn't find that off-putting. He could feel a vague caring attitude behind the serious and commanding words. That touched Fei a little.

The mysterious man lightly shook his head and suddenly stood up.

In the next moment, a murderous spirit shot out of his body. As if he changed into another person, no more intimacy could be felt from him. Dashes of green warrior energies circled around him as his body enlarged a little.

He returned to the emotionless state that he was in when Fei first met him on the battlefield, and he said lightly: "Attack! Same thing, 10 strikes. This time, I'm going to unleash all of my power."

She Was the Most Beautiful Girl in the World. What She Looks Like Now is Insane


Fei was a little surprised, but he nodded as he stood up.

He knew that since the man didn't want to talk anymore, he couldn't get anything out of him even if he tried.

What happened tonight already surprised Fei.

He thought that he would never be able to have a conversation with this mysterious man who only said one to two words at a time, but who knew that this mysterious man actively engaged in a conversation with him. Although the conversation was controlled by the mysterious man and Fei didn't get all of the information that he wanted, this conversation did give him some hints. At least Fei now knew that this man was very close to Emperor Yassin, and this man knew the emperor for a long time.

Who was this man?

Fei was still asking himself that question before he punched out.


Chapter 293: The Courage to Fight Back (Part Two)

At 29, Here Is The Car Emma Watson Drives


The second day.

The sun was up, and there were no clouds in the sky. The weather itself was much better.

Northern battle region.

The opponent of Chambord today was the level 3 affiliated kingdom Kedis.

The Kedis Kingdom wasn't strong. They only advanced yesterday because they were lucky enough to get a level 6 affiliated kingdom as an opponent.

However, their luck today wasn't that great.

Soon, it was proved that the outcomes of the matches were within everyone's expectation.

Even though the Kedis Kingdom was brave and didn't surrender to Chambord who was stronger than them, they weren't able to take one match off of Chambord.

It was good that the warriors of Chambord were peaceful and didn't kill anyone; some of the warriors from other kingdoms would kill when they got the chance. The Kedis Kingdom entered the losers' bracket and would try their luck there.

The matches only took about 50 minutes.

Chambord won again in the second day cleanly and advanced to the top 12 in the region.

Since the performance of Chambord was so outstanding yesterday and there were a lot of mysteries surrounding Chambord and its king, many traveling poets decided to retell the stories using their usual exaggerating ways in pubs and areas where there were a lot of people. Today, a lot of people already heard of the nicknames such as [White Haired Fast Sword], [Black Haired Vicious Fist], [Desperation Creator], [Destructive Fingers], [Son of Wind], and [Deadly Assassin of Shadow], and there were more than 2,000 people here today watching Chambord's matches. The number of people here was even more than some of the matches between level 1 affiliated kingdoms.

The people in the crowd were squished against one another, and the atmosphere was hyped.

"God, who can tell me where is [White Haired Fast Sword]'s sword? Too fast! I can't..." A swordsman looked at his own sword depressed. He couldn't imagine how fast a sword needed to be so that the opponent can't even see it.

"Aha, [Son of Wind] is too cool! He looks like an elf when he pulled on his bow. He is my idol!" An archer with a full-beard shouted after he watched Torres' battle.

Scenes like these occurred all the time in the crowd.

Some of these people thought that the stories told by the traveling poets were a little exaggerated, but they now all believed that the poets were telling the truth.

Most of the people in the crowd were low-level warriors, and some of them weren't even star-warriors yet. These people were all from low-level affiliated kingdoms, and the fact that Chambord who was also a low-level affiliated kingdom had such strong power won over their acceptance.

Especially after they saw Chambord's soldiers knocking the soldiers of Kedis Kingdom off of the stage using the heavy shields, the people in the crowd exploded in cheers; they felt like they won the matches themselves, and their blood was boiling.

The only thing that disappointed the crowd was that the legendary king of Chambord didn't participate in the matches today.

They didn't even see the young king in the resting area.

Where was the king of Chambord?


Fei was watching another match.

With a black cloak, he was able to cover his identity, and he was watching a heated match in the western battle region with Angela who was also in a cloak. The level 1 affiliated kingdom Maze was really unlucky. They countered a level 1 affiliated kingdom yesterday, and they encountered another level 1 affiliated kingdom, Lodi, today.

After the tough matches in the first day, the strength of Maze decreased dramatically. The first three master warriors who participated in the individual matches today didn't win; one died, and the other two were severely injured.

Hey guys, here is the third release of the week. Enjoy!

Chapter 294: [One Sword] (Part One)

It seemed like there was a lot of resentment between the Lodi Kingdom and the Maze Kingdom; the warriors of Lodi were very cruel when attacking.

The fourth individual match.

The warrior from Lodi's side was Planic, the man who was named the number one warrior of Lodi.

He was a handsome and tall swordsman. He was in a blue suit, and his long hair fluttered in the wind. With a heavy sword on his shoulder, he walked up and dashed onto the Sword Testing Stage in the loud cheers of the Lodi soldiers.

The handsome swordsman had a very arrogant expression on his face, and the red warrior energy flame that enveloped his body soared into the sky. Aside from turning the stage into the color red, there were five star-swirls inside the flame. These five star-swirls circled around Planic, and they represented the five-star warrior identity of him.

A five-star warrior who was less than 30 years old? He would be considered a genius warrior on Azeroth.

The more powerful Planic was, the more pressure Maze Kingdom faced.

Planic stood on the stage with his heavy sword, and he pointed his thumb down to provoke at Maze even more. After that, he spat onto the ground in the direction of Maze and stepped it. His flaming tactic worked.

For a moment, no one at Maze dared to go on stage to battle.

Under the lead of some of the Lodi warriors, thousands of people in the audience started to laugh, and some of them even started booing

"I don't like that guy." Angela suddenly got close to Fei and whispered it into Fei's ear. Her sweet scent went into Fei's nose, and it was little ticklish.

She was holding onto Fei's hand with her smooth and soft hands, and she must have felt that Planic wasn't behaving like a true warrior.

"Of course, you can't like him. You can only like me!" Fei squeezed Angela's hands a little as he joked.

"No….. I mean he is too arrogant." Angela explained herself with a blush.

"But many people said that I'm arrogant as well." Fei continued to tease her: "So you don't like me as well?"

Angela was a little surprised, and then she squeezed Fei's hand as hard as she could.

In the crowd, the big and the little figure were both covered in the black cloaks. The hat on the cloaks covered over two-thirds of their faces, and they were able to tease each other and play with each other freely. It felt like they were a young couple in high school.

She Was the Most Beautiful Girl in the World. What She Looks Like Now is Insane


Fei suddenly felt like he was back to his previous life and he was standing next to the girl who he had a crush on in high school; that little nervousness, that little excitement, and that little blush...

The only thing was that the girl who Fei had a crush on didn't really pay attention to him. Now, the beautiful girl beside him was completely focused on him. Under such comparison, Fei felt like the pure girl beside him right now was even more important to his life.

The first time Fei felt good about coming to this world was when he first saw Angela. Although he never told her that, Fei had made a promise to himself that he would be around this girl and protect her for the rest of his life.

As the two of them were intoxicated in the sweet feelings between them, changes occurred.

Suddenly, all of the noises around the stage disappeared. Everyone in the crowd closed their mouths, including the warriors of Lodi who started it all. In fact, these warriors didn't even dare to look up at the stage.

Fei was surprised by all of this, and he looked up.

A person in a rough robe slowly walked out of Maze Kingdom's resting area.

This man wasn't tall, and he wasn't big. He was carrying a normal sized sword on his back; the sword was half-rusted and had chipped blades. As he walked toward the stage, no power sensation could be felt from him, let alone warrior energy flames. Like an ordinary person, he used the stairs on the stage and slowly climbed up.

10 Places All Men Must Visit While They're Single


He looked like a powerless civilian.

The half-rusted sword also looked more like a blade for cutting firewood rather than enemies.

However, no one dared to treat this man as an ordinary person, and no one dared to treat this blade as a tool of a lumberjack.

Everyone knew who he was.

Everyone knew who that blade had killed.

Fei's pupil contracted as he recognized the man.

[One Sword].

He was [One Sword].

Chapter 294: [One Sword] (Part Two)

The elder prince of Maze Kingdom, and the number one warrior among all affiliated kingdoms.

Even Arshavin and Dominguez who were both princes of the empire tried to get this man on their sides.

On the Peak of East Mountain in Chambord, this man broke the devastating killer trap set up by Paris and five master warriors using only one strike.

Before the rise of Fei, [One Sword] was the only legend.

Everyone knew that his level was high, but no one knew exactly how powerful this man was. Since [One Sword] only used one strike in every battle he was involved in, and no one was ever able to survive that one strike from that one sword, no one was able to estimate his strength. That was also where his nickname [One Sword] came from.

Now, [One Sword] was finally up on the Sword-Testing Stage.

The fame and invincible stories about this man made everyone in the crowd stay quiet.

Fei laughed.

He knew that the outcome of this battle was already determined.

On the Peak of East Mountain at Chambord, [One Sword] was already able to easily defeat the five-star warrior Dani whose nickname was [Hidden at Snowpeak] and other four assassins who were strong as well. Currently, the swordsman in blue was only a five-star warrior, and he was no match to [One Sword].

However, no one anticipated [One Sword]'s first movement when he got onto the stage.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

More than a dozen sword-shaped warrior energies flew out of [One Sword]'s body as he lightly shook his shoulders.


After a series of screams, more than a dozen heads soared into the sky. At the same time, more than a dozen streams of blood spurted out in the audience.

People in the crowd were terrified, and they made space for the headless corpses.

The people who were killed were the Lodi soldiers who made the most noise when mocking the Maze Kingdom. All sixteen of them were headless, and their limbs were still twitching. They were really weak, and they couldn't defend against [One Sword]'s sudden attack.

A noise-piercing bloody smell dispersed around the stage.

When Fei saw Angela covering her nose, he frowned and waved his hand. The sixteen corpses got lifted by an invisible force, and they were placed back into Lodi Kingdom's resting area. All of the blood on the ground was cleansed, and the nose-piercing smell was mostly gone.

[One Sword] who was on the stage sensed something and looked down at Fei and Angela who were still hidden in the audience. [One Sword]'s eyes lit up as if he was thinking about something.

"Hey, you are [One Sword]?" Planic moved his sword off of his shoulder as he observed his opponent carefully. He suddenly laughed: "I thought you are much more powerful, but you seem alright. Hehe, make your move! Let me see if you really don't use the second strike."

As he finished speaking, the power sensation coming off of his body got more intense. The red warrior energy flame grew bigger.

"Eh?" Fei's pupil contracted again.

Although what happened was sudden, he was still able to tell that Planic's sensation got strange. It felt like Planic had taken some substance that increased his power in the short term. However, Fei who was a half-ass potion maker could even tell that the side-effects of this kind of substances were serious.

It looked like the Lodi Kingdom had really tried to win this match.

"Hahaha, [One Sword], your legend ends today!" Planic slowly walked toward [One Sword] as he adjusted his internal state. His warrior energy got more and more vicious as his warrior energy flame got less transparent and more vigorous. Soon, the audience could only see a blurry figure.

Chapter 295: I Look Forward to Battling You (Part One)

In comparison, [One Sword] was really average.

He was just standing there without any warrior energy surges or energy flames.

He didn't even look at the opponent who was charging at him; rather, he was focused on the two figures who were under the cover of two black cloaks. It seemed like [One Sword] was thinking about something else that was irrelevant to this battle.

"Idiot! Getting distracted during battle? Underestimating me? DIE!"

Planic roared as he dashed forward even faster. He instantly got over the 20-meter distance and struck his huge mountain-like sword at [One Sword].

In the split second, it seemed like the tip of the sword was about to pierce into [One Sword]'s forehead. The wind created by this powerful strike already blew on [One Sword]'s hair, and the hair that was tied together by a rough rope fluttered.

It was a really lethal attack.

Fei could tell that this was a powerful combat technique. It allowed Planic to instantly get close to the opponent and unleash all of his force in one strike.

As [One Sword] was about to get his head penetrated, he lightly raised his right arm. The movement looked extremely slow, but it created a series of afterimages in the air.

In the next second, [One Sword]'s right hand touched the handle of the half-rusted sword on his back.


As soon as the hand touched the handle, a sword-shaped energy dashed out.

All of the red warrior energy flames that came with Planic's attack suddenly froze in mid-air.

The tip of Planic's sword was only about one inch away from killing [One Sword]. With all of his power, Planic was so close to killing this famous warrior and becoming the new number one warrior among all affiliated kingdoms.

However, this one-inch distance looked like it was going to take an eternity to get through.

"You... This... No..." A stream of blood slid down Planic's lips, and the red color contrasted with the pale face. The life energy was leaking out of his body in an uncontrollable manner.


10 Places All Men Must Visit While They're Single


Blood exploded out of Planic's chest, and he got turned into a blood man. He shouted as his body started to shake: "I wore... Treasury Battle Armor... no weapon could penetrate it... You didn't ... you didn't even pull your sword, you..." He stuttered as he couldn't believe what had happened.

"You are not worthy enough."

After [One Sword] said that, he turned around and walked down the stage as if nothing had happened.

The man only touched his sword and didn't even pull out the sword... that alone was enough to destroy his opponent who carefully prepared for this for a while. This kind of power was unheard of.


After [One Sword] took his fourth step, a cloud of blood mist appeared on the stage.

The former number one warrior of the Lodi Kingdom, Planic, died. His body exploded, and his blood and flesh spilled everywhere. The heavy sword that belonged to Planic fell to the ground, and the sword itself got split in half from the tip to the handle cleanly as a metal-colliding noise sounded; it almost sounded like the sword was crying.

Actually, the sword energy from [One Sword] cut the heavy sword in half from the beginning. But because it was so fast, the body of the heavy sword still held together. It only broke in half when it landed on the ground.

Here's the Purpose of That Little Pocket in Women's Underwear


Fei closed his eyes and replayed that strike from [One Sword] again and again in his head.

There was only one feeling – Fast!

It was unbelievably fast!

Among everyone in the crowd, Fei was the only person who saw what went down.

[One Sword] touched his sword and pulled it out half-way. A dash of sword energy that wasn't eye-catching shot out from the half-rusted sword and cut through everything. It first cut through the heavy sword made from purified iron that was forged over a hundred times, and it then cut into Planic's body. Although this former number one warrior of Lodi was wearing a Treasury Battle Armor that was made from gold strings and was supposed to block damage from ultra-sharp weapons and warrior energies, it wasn't able to block [One Sword]'s sword energy.

That dash of sword energy looked really ordinary.

Just like [One Sword] and his rusty sword, it wasn't surprising nor special in terms of its appearance; it looked like a dash of candlelight at best. However, it was capable of cutting through everything.

Such a terrifying person,

Such a terrifying sword.

Such a terrifying sword energy.

Chapter 295: I Look Forward to Battling You (Part Two)

Fei gasped sub-consciously and felt like he had underestimated the geniuses on this continent.

"I look forward to battling you!" [One Sword] who was in the spotlight suddenly stopped as he said that. He looked at one person in the audience and shook his shoulder. A dash of sword energy that didn't contain any murderous spirit shot at the person.


A hand grasped the sword energy.

When the sword energy and the hand met each other, a metal-colliding noise sounded. In the next second, the hand squeezed the energy forcefully and broke it. Fei lifted the part of the cloak that was covering his face, and he responded: "Want to challenge me? Get to the kingdom ranking matches first!"

"AH? He is... [Sky Covering Fist] – the king of Chambord?" Some people in the crowd gasped.

Many people were wondering why [One Sword] who didn't see anyone as an opponent would actively challenge someone, and many people were shocked after seeing a hand breaking [One Sword]'s sword energy.

But after people heard the gasps, they all understood what was going on.

They realized that the man in the black cloak beside them was the king of Chambord who was rumored to be the new number one warrior among all affiliated kingdoms.

No wonder the king's nickname was [Sky Covering Fist].

Everyone knew that the king's strength was on another level after he broke [One Sword]'s sword energy with one hand.

Many people knew that there would be a fight between the king of Chambord and [One Sword] ... it was the destiny of warriors.

But from the look of it, the battle that everyone was thinking about was going to arrive soon.

After his identity was revealed by [One Sword], it didn't make much sense for Fei to stay here and be looked at like a rare animal. After all, he already saw the magnificence of [One Sword]'s techniques. Therefore, he held onto Angela's hands and walked away. The people in front of them all moved aside and made a path for them as the people stared at Fei in fear, respect, and curiosity.

The two of them were walking really slow, but they suddenly disappeared after they walked out of the crowd. Everyone opened their eyes wide, and they couldn't spot them anymore.

[One Sword] was silent as he watched Fei and Angela walk away. He then turned around and looked at the resting area of Lodi, and no Lodi warrior dared to look back at him.

This simple look destroyed the morale and momentum of the Lodi Kingdom.

In the next two individual matches, the Maze Kingdom turned them around and won both matches.

In the team matches, [One Sword] who rarely showed himself took on the role of the general and participated in the matches. With the presence of [One Sword], the 49 soldiers of Maze were overjoyed, and they easily won the four team matches.

After this, the Maze Kingdom became one of the top 12 kingdoms in the western battle region.

[One Sword] and [Sky Covering Fist] were going to meet each other soon.



When Fei and Angela left the western battle region, it was still early; it wasn't even lunchtime yet. Since this was the first time that Fei and Angela spent time alone, they were having a great time. They didn't rush back to Chambord's campsite; they wandered around in the camp area. Angela liked noisy and busy areas where there were a ton of merchants selling different stuff, and she dragged Fei around to try to see everything.

After some time, Angela dragged Fei towards the eastern battle region where a lot of intense battles were taking place; she knew that Fei's purpose today wasn't just to chill.

"Hahahaha, you ant-like low-life, how dare you challenge me..." An ear-piercing and arrogant voice sounded from a Sword-Testing Stage close by. Fei and Angela both looked that way, and they saw a man in a fancy silver armor standing on the stage with both of his hands on his waist. In front of him, a hulky warrior was on the ground facing up; the warrior's throat was sliced.

"Listen, I can easily kill the king of Chambord and [One Sword]. Anyone who challenges me would die! My goal is to become the number one warrior of the empire!" The young man didn't hide his arrogance at all as he made that announcement to the crowd.

"Easily kill the king of Chambord and [One Sword]? Are you high? Where are you when they made their names heard?" Someone sneered in the crowd.

Chapter 296: [One Punch Seven Injuries] (Part One)

"Who was that? Stand the fu*k out!"

The young man was infuriated. He looked down at the crowd and locked his eyes onto Fei and Angela. "Hey, you two, yeah, you guys. Stop right there. What are you looking at? It must be you guys who said that. All dressed in black... you guys don't look like some nice people. How dare you guys slander me?"

This arrogant, violent, and rude warrior was really short-tempered. As he said that, he was about to jump off of the stage and attack. But in a split second, he couldn't spot the two people anymore. As if they used some unknown magic, they were nowhere to be seen.


"Why are we leaving? I thought you are going to teach him a lesson?" After they left, Angela leaned her soft body against Fei and asked.

"My mission today is to spend time with my beautiful queen; I'm not here to fight." Fei laughed as he tapped the girl's nose.

Although that young man in fancy silver armor was extremely arrogant, Fei could tell that his strength was not bad; Fei even sensed a little danger as if that young man had some hidden power.

The idiotic arrogance that young man put out was probably a fake persona. If Fei wasn't wrong, that young man was able to get into the final kingdom ranking matches. There was a high chance that Fei will encounter him there, and Fei would have all the time in the world to teach him lessons.

Fei and Angela wandered around the battle region.

After about ten minutes, a series of sharp screams sounded in front of them.

These screams were like the screams of a beast who was about to die; it sounded terrifying and horrific. Afterward, loud gasps of the crowd sounded. Then, nose-piercing blood smell dispersed into the area. It was so thick that it felt like it was blood flowing in the air rather than the smell of it.

"Ah, what is this smell? It stinks! What happened?" Angela frowned.

Fei looked forward at a Sword-Testing Stage.

There was a battle going on.

A purple figure was dashing around in a circle, and his footwork was so fast that he left dashes of phantoms in the air. The two strangely shaped blades in his hands flashed around as they cut at a cloud of blood mist that was in the center of the circle...

After Fei took a closer look, he was shocked.

Inside of the blood mist, there was a person who had no more skin on his body.

Trump's IQ is Finally Revealed - Try Not to Gasp!


Every time the purple figure waved the blades, a small piece of flesh that was about the size of the fingernail would fly out of his opponent's body. In less than ten seconds, the purple figure already struck out more than a hundred times. The opponent wanted to dodge, but he wasn't able to get away from the tornado-like blades. The battle was in complete control of the purple figure, and the man in the center of the blood mist can only scream, cry, and die!

After 20 seconds, the purple figure finally stopped and drew back his blades.

Now, the man that was in the center of the blood mist and rotating around stopped as well. He was more than just dead. He got turned into a clean and white skeleton; not a bit of blood or flesh could be seen on it.

Clank! The skeleton fell to the ground and broke into many pieces.

Such a cruel technique.

Fei lightly frowned.

That purple figure was extremely fast, and his technique was also strange. His control of the blades was on another level as he was able to clean all of the flesh off of that person that fast... It was obvious that this purple figure was much stronger than his opponent, and he was able to win this match using only one strike. However, he used the cruelest way of all, and he made more than a hundred cuts on his opponent. This man was a sick psycho!

But undoubtedly, he was also a master warrior.

She Was the Most Beautiful Girl in the World. What She Looks Like Now is Insane


Fei didn't stay at this stage for too long, and he left with Angela soon.

The scene there was too bloody, and he was afraid that his fiancée would get frightened.

This was the destiny of warriors on the Azeroth Continent. You either kill others or get killed by others. If one wanted to survive on this continent, he or she would have to get stronger and stronger. That was the only way to protect the people and things that he or she loved.

After Fei and Angela walked forward for a little, they saw another Sword-Testing Stage that was crowded with many people. People were cheering, and thunder-liking clapping noises resonated in the area. Fei took a look, and the person on the stage was the young king of Byzantine – Constantine.

Fei stopped and watched from afar.

Chapter 296: [One Punch Seven Injuries] (Part Two)

The opponent was a tall and bulky warrior. The man was using a pair of cast-iron hammers, and the stage would shake every time the hammers hit the ground.

Even though the warrior was powerful, Constantine was not having a hard time.

This young king was stable yet agile. He was wearing a light silver armor, and he had a pair of iron gloves that had backward hooks on them. Although his punching speed wasn't fast, beast roaring noises would sound alone side it.

"Uh? I didn't expect Constantine to achieve this level in such a short time. His [Seven Injures Fist] has contained a little tiger howls and dragon roars – it represents the first level mastery – [One Punch Seven Injuries]. Although that [Hulk Potion] improved his body, he was a talented warrior!" Fei thought.

He was a little surprised by how far Constantine got with the [Seven Injures Fist].

However, this [Seven Injure Fist] was a technique that would injure one's self before injuring the opponent. To achieve this level of mastery, Constantine's internal organs must have suffered some damage. Fei told everything to Constantine from the beginning, and this young king still chose to cultivate using this technique. There must have been something that he wanted to protect dearly, and that was the reason why he wanted to get strong very fast.

As Fei was thinking, the scale of victory already tilted towards one side.

Constantine punched onto the opponent's chest, and the raised hammers of the opponent couldn't strike down as a tiger howling and dragon roaring noise sounded. Blood flowed out of the seven opening on the opponent's face including mouth, nostrils, ears, and eyes. After a short pause, the man fell down to the ground like a tree that got chopped down.

Bam! Bam! The hammers of the tough man fell to the ground, and the noise woke up the people who were still in shock. Suddenly, cheering and clapping erupted like a volcano.

The audiences favored this young king.

Constantine bowed at the audiences politely, picked up the hammers that were on the ground, and walked down the stage.

It was this young king's little hobby to collect his opponents' weapons.

Before this battle, he got the spear of another warrior from another kingdom.

Although these weapons were not god-tier weapons, they were treated by Constantine like treasures. Maybe one day when he had the word "emperor" in his name, there would be a huge library that would showcase these weapons that represented his cultivation path.

Constantine walked toward the resting area of Byzantine, and he didn't spot Fei and Angela who were cheering him on in the crowd.

In the resting area, the beautiful queen Izabella rushed out and hugged her husband. Then, she wiped the sweat off of Constantine's forehead. She was worried and glad at the same time.

Every time Constantine went on the Sword-Testing Stage, Izabella would feel like the time passed by extremely slowly, and her heart would race as fast as it could.

She knew that her lover was the king and he had to represent and bring honor to his loyal subjects. But as a wife, she wished her lover would never have to step on that vicious and dangerous Sword-Testing Stage again.

Those were two really contradicting mentalities. No one can be certain that the young king would win all the battles he was in; after all, Constantine wasn't the two legendary warriors – [One Sword] who only use one strike, nor [Sky Covering Fist] who was mysteriously powerful.

After thinking of the king of Chambord, Izabella can't thank him enough.

She remembered clearly that it was a chilly night with a heavy snowfall. If it wasn't for the king of Chambord, she might have become the toy of Blood-Edge, and her lover might have died in battles. It was because of the king of Chambord's generosity that her and Constantine's fate changed... So did the fate of Byzantine Kingdom.


Fei and Angela didn't walk up and say hi to Constantine. After they watched this match, they walked towards another battle region like ordinary people.

"Let's go! The number one goddess of the affiliated kingdoms is going to appear on No. 14 Stage!"

"Number one goddess? Is it the iceberg-like Princess Cindy from the Bulan Kingdom?"

"Of course it is her. Who else can be called the number one goddess of the affiliated kingdoms? Ah, don't pull on me, I need to get a good spot..."

Chapter 297: Sudden Change (Part One)

The noisy crowd started to rush toward one particular Sword-Testing Stage.

Fei only saw this before in his previous life when a celebrity appeared on the street. Many people in the crowd got stepped on and lost their shoes, and some traveling poets who were leading the rush got pulled back by people and got their robes ripped. The least fortunate people fell down and got stepped over by many other; they almost died. It was chaotic.

"Let's see who dares to call herself the number one goddess of affiliated kingdoms? Eh, it is definitely my Angela who deserves that name!" Fei teased his fiancée as he pulled on her hands. A light invisible force emitted from his body, and no one could get too close to them.

Soon, the two of them got to the No. 14 Sword-Testing Stage.

The stage itself was surrounded by more than 4,000 people, and it was packed! This was more than the audience at Chambord's and other level 1 affiliated kingdoms' battles. Some of the over-confident young men already had gifts and roses in their hands as they cheered on Cindy's name.

Fei lightly exerted some of his force and created some space; he didn't want Angela to get squeezed.

Before the match began and before Cindy got on stage, the atmosphere was already at a climax. From the chatters around him, Fei heard that the Bulan Kingdom was a mid-tier level 3 affiliated kingdom, and they weren't the crowd favorite. But during the match yesterday, Princess Cindy of Bulan unbelievably killed a master warrior of a level 2 affiliated kingdom with one strike.

That shocked a lot of people, and Matt Razi who was the number one traveling poet of the empire walked by and commented that Princess Cindy would be a top 3 candidate in the kingdom ranking matches.

Matt Razi was never wrong, and that made Princess Cindy who was already pretty gain a lot of fame. Some of the traveling poets gave her the name [Number One Goddess of Affiliated Kingdoms], and many men got a crush on her. In a short time, she gained a lot of popularity, and her fame was on par with the two legends – [One Sword] and the King of Chambord.

"Matt Razi said that she is going to be in the top 3?"

Fei was a little surprised.

Matt Razi appeared when Fei was battling the Executive Knights. Although the man didn't show much of himself, Fei knew that this man was very powerful with hidden strength. The man who was named as the number one traveling poet of the empire must have a great observation and identification skill. Since Matt Razi gave such high praise, this princess of Bulan must have got some tricks up her sleeves.

As people around him talked more and more, Fei got a little interested in this girl.

Soon, the matches started. In the first few rounds, the participants from the Bulan Kingdom were all men. They won two out of the five individual matches. The performance was really average, and Fei was getting a little impatient.

Suddenly, a red figure appeared on the stage.

Princess Cindy.

She was absolutely beautiful. Like a goddess, even her frowning expression moved a lot of men.

You Won't Believe What the World's Most Beautiful Girl Looks Like Today


The red magic armor protected her arms and torso, and her slender waist was exposed. Her red skirt covered her butt and one-third of her legs, and the rest of her legs were naked but protected by the red magic energy emitting from the armor. Most of her red hair was tied behind her head by a white silky band, and some of the hair beside her face fluttered in the wind. What was the most eye-catching was a red wand that was about 150 centimeters long. There was a red magic gem inlaid in the wand, and it was about the size of a dragon's eye.

A mage!

Fei was surprised again. It was the first time that he saw a mage on the Sword-Testing Stages.

Although mage was one of the dominating professions, there were a lot fewer mages than warriors. Mage was an expensive and noble profession; a lot of resources were needed to cultivate a mage as the amount was comparable to equipping and maintaining a heavy cavalry troop. Therefore, there were a lot fewer mages in this competition as any loss would be devastating. Fei didn't expect the Bulan Kingdom to have such a powerful mage!

The armor this girl was wearing was a powerful magic set. Circles of red magic energies surged around Princess Cindy like the waves in the ocean, and Fei who was a level 54 Barbarian couldn't clearly detect the level of her.

She was someone who Fei had to respect.

As if she sensed the stare, Cindy looked at Fei as lights flashed in her eyes. It was an advanced detection magic. Although the powerful magic rapidly scanned Fei's body, the princess of Bulan shook her head. She thought she was hallucinating since she didn't discover anything.

Fei who was under the cover of the cloak smiled.

Here's the Purpose of That Little Pocket in Women's Underwear


Chapter 297: Sudden Change (Part Two)

Only a master warrior like that mysterious man can see through his Barbarian Force Field. In addition, there was a lot of difference between the power structure of the warriors and mages on Azeroth and the seven professions in Diablo World. The seven different kinds of power from Diablo world didn't contain any warrior energy or magic energy surge, so they were hard to detect.

Fei soon left the No. 14 Stage with Angela; he didn't stay for the battle.

The king was sure that Matt Razi was correct – this princess would definitely be able to get into the top 3. No one in the battle region posed a threat to her.

"Didn't expect to encounter so many powerful people when I just wanted to spend some time with Angela. Looks like this competition isn't as boring as I thought."

Fei slowly got interested in the competition.

After they wandered around other stages, it was already noon. Fei and Angela got to a nice restaurant and was planning to enjoy a peaceful lunch.

As they sat down, the four main battle legions of the empire – [Whip of the Thunderlord], [Anger of the Fire Lord], [Gigantic Wood Legion], [Blizzard Legion], that surrounded the camp area started to make moves as sky-shaking bugle noise sounded. Everyone in the camp area hard it.

"This bugle..." Fei's expression changed color: "This is the warning signal for a full-on war. What happened? This noise... could it be that the battle between Spartax and Zenit on the frontier changed?"

Thunder-like bugle noise sounded throughout the camp area and the capital.

Fei no longer was in the mood for a chill lunch. After he and Angela quickly ate some food, they returned to Chambord's campsite.

Soon, a shocking news spread in the camp area.

After more than half a month of battle around the border, the situation suddenly worsened. The troops of Spartax Empire suddenly broke through the defense line Zenit sat up at the southern key location – Razer City, and one of the ten main battle legions [Night Snow Legion] which had 20,000 elite soldiers got wiped out. The second most famous general at Zenit – Bolun Zhang was not willing to retreat; he felt like he had failed the emperor's trust. He battled the enemy with his 100 guards and stayed at Razor City. Now, no one knew if he was dead or alive.

In one night, Spartax Empire suddenly sent in reinforcement, and more than 60,000 elite Spartax soldiers pushed 150 kilometers into Zenit's territories. Three southern regions of Zenit fell into the hands of Spartax. The political structure of the three regions got torn, and tens of thousands of officials and noble people got killed. The war had spread into the core of Zenit, and numerous homeless people and defeated soldiers rushed toward the capital. Without proper defense and hard terrain, Spartax soldiers pushed into Zenit like a hot iron stick that stabbed into a block of cheese.

To Zenit, the situation turned to the worst.

If the Spartax soldiers pushed forward for 150 more kilometers, they would be at St, Petersburg.

The news shocked and scared a lot of people.