308 - 317

Chapter 308: A Series of Events (Part One)

Everyone was looking at Fei.

Fei took out a red bottle and chugged the red blood-like potion into Inzagi's mouth. Then, the terrifying wounds on Inzagi's body started to "move". Numerous flesh started to grow out as the wounds were recovering at an impressive speed.

The atmosphere was really intense. It was so intense that many people didn't even spot the changes that were taking place on Inzagi's body.

When Fei put the bottle back to his storage space and looked at the warrior with the wind-elemental warrior energy, the atmosphere got most intense. Everyone knew that the king of Chambord could easily kill this warrior as if he was crushing an ant.

However, no one wanted the king of Chambord to actually do it. The people in the crowd all wanted the king of Chambord to let this warrior go so the king of Chambord could still be that heroic idol in their minds.

The fact that the king of Chambord dared to fight against the Executive Knights won over many fans. Fei was deemed by others as a rebellious hero, and numerous warriors from other kingdoms viewed Fei as their idol. If he actually killed this warrior on the stage, it would be bullying. His glorious image in numerous grassroots warriors' heads would collapse.

Fei's blade-like stares locked onto this warrior. Although this warrior believed that he did the right things, he was still nervous. He felt the pressure that one could only feel when facing a master warrior on the king of Chambord's level. The warrior felt like he was a sheep that was standing in front of a dragon. If the king of Chambord exerted a bit more pressure, he would collapse onto the ground.

It was a fear on the spiritual level.

"What is your name?" Fei asked: "Which affiliated kingdom are you from?"

The atmosphere was still that intense.

Although Fei's tone was calm, many people felt a chill as they listened to the calm voice. The crowd believed that the king of Chambord was not only going to kill this poor warrior but also wipe out the affiliated kingdom that he was from.

However, it seemed like that warrior didn't think that way.

"My name is Aryang Robbin. In terms of my kingdom, you can get the name from the judge. Don't think that you can get the name from me." After Robbin looked at the judge who was hesitating to interfere, he straightened his back and said loudly: "It is normal that warriors would get injured and perhaps killed on the stage, and I already went easy on him. If you really want to vent your selfish anger onto me or my kingdom, we shall fight to the death."

Aryang Robbin said in a decisive and fearless tone, and he immediately won over the cheers of the warriors that were standing around the stage.

However, not everyone agreed with Robbin's response.

"How dare you say stuff like this? Aryang Robbin, you arrogant bastard! Quickly apologize to the king of Chambord! You dumbass..." A fat mid-aged man with a crown that was decorated with red, green, and blue gems stood up in the viewing area. He pointed at Robbin and shouted; his body was literally trembling.

After he did that, he turned around to Fei and smiled with a flatter expression. "Your Majesty, please accept my apologies. From now on, our Tudor Kingdom doesn't have a person called Robbin. Since he offended you, I will cut off the connection between us. His behavior would have nothing to do with us anymore. Actually, I really admire your majesty..." He said.

10 Types of Women You Should Never Marry


After seeing Fei's frowning, the king of the level 3 affiliated kingdom Tudor didn't dare to continue to talk. This king turned around to Aryang Robbin and shouted: "Dumbass, all you know is to cause trouble. Take your dying father with you and get out of my kingdom. From now on, Tudor doesn't welcome you two idiots..."

This fat guy was the king of the Tudor Kingdom.

This warrior called Robbin was a homeless warrior who just sworn his loyalty to the king of Tudor.

Robbin was broke and his father was really ill. Under a coincidence, he encountered the king of Tudor. The king of Tudor accepted Robbin because Robbin was a powerful warrior, and the Tudor Kingdom was able to get a seat in the kingdom ranking matches because of Robbin.

The king of Tudor thought he found a treasure and he was still smiling in his dreams, but he didn't expect the treasure to cause such trouble.

The fact that Robbin almost killed the disciple of the king of Chambord scared the crap out of this king. He quickly separated himself from Robbin under the fear that the king of Chambord would vent off his anger at the Tudor Kingdom.

As soon as the king of Tudor finished talking, many people in the crowd laughed and mocked him.

Almost everyone felt sorry for Robbin.

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This warrior with wind-elemental warrior energy was powerful and just. Didn't matter if it was the strength he showed when fighting Inzagi or the three reasons he stated for not killing Inzagi, they all showed how great a warrior Robbin was. Too bad that he was loyal to such a weak and timid king.

"As long as you kneel down and apologize, I won't punish you further." Fei said slowly and calmly. Robbin heard everything clearly.

Chapter 308: A Series of Events (Part Two)


A long silence.

Robbin didn't say anything. His legs rooted into the ground, his back straightened, and the light green wind-elemental warrior energy flame started to burn. His low-tier five-star strength was utilized to the maximum, and he was about to advance to the level under Fei's great pressure.

This was his decision.

He would rather die than kneeling down.

The flashing warrior energy gave off a solemn and stirring sensation. Both the people in the crowd and Robbin himself knew that he can't even take one strike from the king of Chambord.

But it wasn't about winning or losing at this moment.

This was about the dignity of a warrior.

Fei suddenly laughed: "You are no match for me. Think about it... if you die here, who is going to take care of your ill father?"

Fei already knew all the detailed information about Robbin.

After hearing this, the flashing warrior energy flames around Robbin dimmed a little.

Like the sharpest dagger in the world, Fei's words pierced the softest part of Robbin's heart.

However, everything returned to normal in the next second.

"If I chose to kneel down, my father would never forgive me. In between death and dignity, both my father and I would choose the latter."

Robbin's words were decisive and firm like the iron.

"Great, just great. You are a real warrior, but too bad that a pearl like you was placed in the dust!" Just as everyone thought Robbin was going be killed, Fei suddenly sighed and continued: "A real warrior like you need a real king to serve. Don't you think it is a waste for you to serve that idiot?"

Fei pointed at the flattering king of Tudor as he said that.

The king of Tudor's face paled.

Robbin didn't expect Fei to say such things. A thought lit up in his head like a light bulb. He felt unbelievable, and he didn't know what to say.

Tens of thousands of people in the crowd all gasped at what Fei had said.

"That pig doesn't deserve your loyalty, and I think Chambord is a better place for you. Aryang Robbin, I really admire an honorable warrior like you. How about joining Chambord?"

An earnest expression appeared on Fei's face, and he continued as Robbin was dumbfounded: "Of course, I'm not pressuring you to make the decision today. Doesn't matter what your decision is, I would want to have a friendship with a true warrior like you. You will always be welcomed as a guest at Chambord."


The people in the crowd gasped and murmured to each other. No one anticipated such a dramatic change. Many grassroots warriors relaxed. The king of Chambord didn't bully this warrior and didn't disappoint them. The idol-like image in their minds didn't collapse.

But soon, they held onto their breath again.

Would a manly warrior like Aryang Robbin sworn loyalty to the king of Chambord?

Many people were hoping for a happy ending. They all believed that only a powerful and just king like Fei deserved the service of a real warrior like Aryang Robbin. Since the dumb king of Tudor already cut off the connection between him and Robbin, Robbin was free to choose who he would serve.

"I, Aryang Robbin, swear my loyalty to my lord the King of Chambord! I would place your honor above my life until my death!..."

Under the stares of tens of thousands of people, Robbin single-kneeled on the ground and stated his oath. It was so clear and sincere that it felt like he was reciting a poem.

This wasn't a hard decision.

The man standing in front of him was an unparalleled king, a king that deserved his loyalty.

"Hahaha, I accept your loyalty in front of the God of War..." Fei laughed as he responded to Robbin's oath in a traditional way. Everyone knew that the king of Chambord viewed this grassroots warrior as someone important. At the last moment, Fei joked with the embarrassed king of Tudor: "Your majesty, thank you for giving me a true warrior. I appreciate your generosity!" He said.

The fat face of the king of Tudor was so red that it looked like a monkey's butt.

Chapter 309: A Dangerous Opponent (Part One)

Thunder-like applauses and cheers sounded around the stage.

Some of the traveling warriors were somehow touched by this. When they saw how Robbin, who was a powerful warrior, got pushed around by the fat idiot king of Tudor, they felt a sadness; they felt like they saw their own fates. They had the warrior strength, but they couldn't get the proper social status. In order to survive, they had to dance between blades and step between life and death. However, the fat and lazy nobles who couldn't even pick up a blade were able to enjoy everything. Many people sighed as they thought that life was unfair.

But after seeing Robbin getting admired by a powerful king like the king of Chambord, these warriors felt like they were validated by the king of Chambord as well. Even the lowest people had some dignities that they were willing to use their lives to protect. At this moment, the dignities in their hearts were indirectly honored by the king of Chambord.

The king of Chambord wasn't just a normal king; he was a super powerful king who had a limitless future.

Only getting validated by such a man would make the low-level grassroots warriors who had to serve idiot-like nobles to survive feel touched.

"Aryang, go pack your belongings. Afterward, bring your father to my campsite to see me." Fei patted Robbin's shoulder before he turned around to the king of Tudor who was really embarrassed and didn't know what to do. "You are now one of my generals. Let me know if anyone dares to mess with you." Fei said that to Robbin, but everyone knew that he was saying that to the king of Tudor.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah... Congratulations, Mr. Robbin. Wait, no... General Robbin is now under the king of Chambord. I will prepare the carriages so you can get to Chambord's campsite easier..." Although the king of Tudor was not a good king, he knew what he needed to do in a situation like this. He understood the threat in Fei's word, so he quickly guaranteed to make Robbin's trip smoother. The "dumbass" was now "General Robbin" in his mind, and his tone was very sincere.

Everyone knew that the warrior with the wind-elemental warrior energy was going to become someone important. A lot of people looked at Robbin with envious and jealous expressions. The king of Chambord was known for his shielding of the shortcomings and mistakes of his men. From now on, even the kings of level 1 affiliated kingdoms and normal nobles had to address Robbin by called him – General Robbin.

It was like winning a lottery.

"Thank you, your majesty. I swear loyalty to your majesty for the rest of my life." Robbin couldn't believe what had just happened. As if he was dreaming, the goddess of fortune reached out to him when he thought he was about to die.

Robbin was about to single-kneel on the ground again as he said that.

Fei laughed as he waved his hand. An invisible force held Robbin up before he kneeled down. Then, Fei held onto Inzagi and disappeared.

From Robbin's perspective, he sensed an indefensible force around his knees, and he was propped up like an adult was propping up an infant. He felt the power of the king of Chambord again. When he looked up, he saw the king of Chambord walking away from the stage with other warriors from Chambord.

Robbin felt like he was still in a dream as he heard the cheers and applause.

"Gen... General Robbin. Are you going back to pack your belongings? I already sent someone to notify your father. I'm sure he would be happy for you..."

A flattering voice sounded.

Robbin turned around and saw the fat king of Tudor carefully walking towards him. After seeing the flattering expression on the king's face now and thinking back to the arrogant and mocking expression on this king's face a moment ago, Robbin left the stage without saying a word back.

10 Places All Men Must Visit While They're Single




Inzagi was seriously injured.

Although the wounds were almost all recovered under the effect of the [Health Potion], he was depleted of spiritual energy and mental power from that battle. He had lost his conscious for the moment being, and the damage that was causing was more severe the injuries on his body.

After the initial inspection and treatments, Cech and Oleg carried Inzagi back to his tent to rest. The four orphans from Hot Spring Gate also followed Inzagi back to the tent anxiously.

Out of everyone from that tight family in Hot Spring Gate, only the five of them survived. They could only rely on each other for warmth, and they needed each other to avenge for their loved ones.

Fei and others stayed around the stages for other matches.

Everyone who Matt Razi stated was a powerful candidate for the number one warrior title in the booklet got Fei's attention. Fei wasn't worried about the future matches. Rather, Robbin's incident gave him an idea. He realized that this was a great place to discover and recruit talent.

10 Places All Men Must Visit While They're Single


Chambord was too small of a kingdom, and it was hard to find many talents. The only talented warriors Chambord had were all created by Fei using his "golden finger". If one wanted to survive on this continent ruled by the law of the jungle, he or she needed both individual strength and influence. Talented people were needed to expand the influence of a kingdom.

Chapter 309: A Dangerous Opponent (Part Two)

In the last while, warriors of Chambord such as Cech and Lampard all received invitations and recruitment letters from all kinds of superpowers. This made Fei understand that this competition was a great opportunity to "rob" talent from others.

Soon, the news about Chambord's first loss got around the entire camp area. All of the noble families and superpowers heard the news as well.

Although it was only a small loss, it was really significant.

In all the stories told by the traveling poets, the king of Chambord and his warriors were painted into invincible legends. But after [Deadly Assassin of Shadow] lost the match today, the invincible legends of Chambord were cracked a little. People started to speculate about Chambord's future.

Rumors were powerful. Everything seemed to have been flipped around.

"Did you hear that? Chambord lost a fight?"

"You heard about it too? Yeah... after all, a level 6 affiliated kingdom doesn't have too much accumulation. Maybe this loss is the prologue of the downfall of Chambord."

"Hahaha, it is normal for them to lose. The so-called legend was created by men. Only the king of Chambord was a master warrior, and the rest of his warriors were all exaggerated. [Desperation Creator]? [Destructive Finger]? Bullsh*t!"

"Did you know? The legends of Chambord are fake! I heard that the king of Chambord would threat the opponents of his warriors and force them to surrender to his warriors..."

Many people were talking about this. When Fei and his men walked around them, the people would close their mouths and stop talking. But when Fei and his men walked away, they would start talking and pointing at the Chambordians. Pierce and Drogba were extremely mad, but they couldn't do anything to the bystanders.

Fei's expression was really calm.

Although Inzagi's lose had some negative effect, it wasn't negative to this degree. If Fei was correct, there was a force or multiple forces behind all these rumors. The king didn't want to waste time on investigating them. He was sure that they were from the same forces as the ones who tried to frame Chambord by using the treasures of Blood-Edge.

Fei watched most of the matches.

Huerk and Kanort from the Gudong Kingdom were really strong. Their weapons were sticks, and their techniques weren't delicate. However, due to their pure impressive physical strength, their strikes were extremely powerful. Fei even suspected that they were level 50 Barbarians from Diablo World.

The both of them defeated their opponents using pure strength.

[Bloody Dual Blades] was still someone who was ruthless. After every battle, a new skeleton would appear on the stage. His lightning-fast blades technique didn't just leave his opponents terrified; anyone who watched his matches all had nightmares. It was heard that more than a dozen people died because they were terrified by what they saw. This man was the cruelest one in this competition, and many people tried to disqualify him by reporting on him. However, he was acting within the rules of the competition, and fairness needed to be kept.

Many people hoped that this man would encounter more powerful warriors like [Sky Covering Fist], [One Sword], and [Goddess of Archery] so he would lose.

Fei didn't watch every single battle, but he knew about the outcomes after hearing the chatters among the crowd. People like [One Sword], [Silver Armored Vicious Sword], and Princess Cindy all won their matches.

As time passed, most of the first-round battles were all completed.

"Look, [Goddess of Archery] Elena from Chambord is going to be on..."

"Ah? That beauty who won the previous three matches using only three arrows? She is a master from Chambord."

"[Deadly Assassin of Shadow] already lost. I think [Goddess of Archery] is in danger!"

"Bullsh*t! [Goddess of Archery] is only a character painted by the king of Chambord. I'm sure that this woman would lose for sure... Her opponent is one of the [Two Hiddens] who are just less powerful than [One Sword]; he is [Mad Hidden] Bowyer..."

"Ah? Bowyer? She sure is in danger..."

People started to murmur to each other. Chambord's last battle in the first-round matches was about to take place on No. 1 Sword-Testing Stage. Beauty always attracted attention. Although a lot of people already guessed the outcome of this battle, they all wanted to see [Goddess of Archery]'s beauty.

Chapter 310: He Was Here to Kill (Part One)

Fei and his men all moved to the No. 1 Sword-Testing Stage with the crowd.

The reason why this match was placed in No. 1 Sword-Testing Stage was that Elena's opponent Bowyer was a famous warrior among the affiliated kingdoms. This level of warriors dealt a lot of damages, and the matches with them in it had to be placed in the most secured stage.

No. 1 Sword-Testing Stage was where Fei battled with the four Executive Knights. After the battle destroyed the stage, it was rebuilt and reinforced by even more powerful magic arrays. Currently, this stage had the most powerful defense array out there.

[Mad Hidden] Bowyer was wearing a light metal armor. He didn't wear a helmet, and his messy yellow hair was fluttering in the air. He had tiny bead-like eyes, uneven lips, and a flat nose. Although he was a famous master warrior, he didn't look like one. His body wasn't big, and he had a bit of obscene sensation around him.

Bowyer was from the western battle region, and he was the prince of a level 1 affiliated kingdom. He made news when he lasted more than ten strikes under [One Sword]'s sword. Before Fei's appearance, many people believed that Bowyer was the only person who could take the title of the number one warrior from [One Sword].

However, this man was famous for his arrogance as well. In addition to that, he loved money, women, and wines. It was heard that he loved women to a disgusting degree. One traveling poet said that any young women over the age of 18 in his kingdom all got stained by Bowyer. This disgusting prince even passed laws to make all the women give him their virginity before their weddings. If they did not, they would be charged with treason and their families would all be killed.

In that kingdom, numerous women's lives got ruined, many lovers had to flee their homes, and many families had to live in pain and shame. But since Bowyer was the prince of the kingdom and a master warrior, no one could deal with him.

However, due to his bad fetishes, his strength didn't increase much over the years. He was now really far behind [One Sword], and he was less famous now.

He rarely battled nowadays, and that was why he got the nickname [Mad Hidden].

Despite all of these, Bowyer was still a powerful warrior. His performance in the western battle region was impressive. He defeated six opponents in a row and got into the kingdom ranking matches easily.

Both Elena and Bowyer were now on the stage.

Elena was in her dark red magic armor; the mysterious gold decors on the armor looked like vines. Her wrists, elbows, shoulders, knees, and feet were also protected by protective components. Light red magic energy flowed around the shoulders of Elena, and her slender waist was exposed in the air. She looked like a Valkyrie, and her beauty made a lot of people swallow their drools.

The wind fluttered Elena's red ponytail as well as the light blue hair band. She was standing on the stage quietly, and she had an unparalleled presence. She was just like a goddess.

As if all men were struck by lightning, some of them swallowed saliva, some of them bleed from their nose, and some of them lost the ability to speak as they all looked at Elena.

Bowyer who was standing on the other side of the stage started to breathe heavily; obscene lights flashed by in his tiny eye. He shouted in his mind: "This woman is mine! Mine! Damn, there is such a beautiful female warrior in this world? I will for sure strip her and see what kind of a body she is hiding... I swear I will get her..."

Bowyer scanned Elena's body repeatedly and especially focused on some body parts; he zapped his mouth as he did that, and everyone knew what he was thinking.

Elena frowned as she raised her arm. A battle bow appeared in her hand as if the bow had its own life.

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At the same time, a cold murderous stare passed through the protective magic array and landed on Bowyer.

After feeling this deadly stare, Bowyer woke up from his fantasies. He turned around and saw a handsome young man staring at him as if he was a weak sheep that was waiting to be slaughtered. The coldness in this man's eyes was enough to freeze him.

"Oh, I heard that this woman is from Chambord. The king of Chambord is known for his over-protectiveness... It would be hard for me to get this beauty... I need to take it slow... Hehe, I'm not even scared of [One Sword]! Would I be scared of you?" Bowyer thought.

Chapter 310: He Was Here to Kill (Part Two)

Bowyer gave it some thought and stopped paying attention to Fei. He turned around and smiled at Elena.

"Beauty, how about we change the place of battle? Hehe, I will let you know how good I am..." Bowyer moved his waist back and forth repeatedly with an obscene expression.


Some of the people in the crowd started to laugh. They all knew what Bowyer meant.

10 Types of Women You Should Never Marry


However, since Elena grew up in Diablo World and didn't interact with men a lot, she didn't understand the tease and flirt in Bowyer's words. She just knew that her opponent's stares were uncomfortable, and she frowned again.

Just a light frowning expression of Elena made Bowyer very thirsty. He felt like this female warrior from Chambord was a masterpiece from God; any of her expressions was attractive.

Bowyer was demonstrating how impulse would give one too much courage.

At the moment, Bowyer was consumed by Elena's beauty. He felt like all of the women he slept with before were like pigs compared to Elena, and he didn't even sense Fei's intense murderous spirit that made the people who were laughing in the crowd shut their mouths and shiver in fear.

"Hehe. Beauty, I'm sure that you don't know about the feel of a man. Hahaha, how about I show it to you?"

Disgust and confusion appeared on Elena's white and valiant face.

Bowyer continued to say a lot of inappropriate things. He was planning to tease Elena now and try to touch her in the upcoming battle. When the match was over, he would try to get this woman from Chambord by all means.

Soon, he realized that he had the wrong idea.

When Elena pulled on the bow, a stream of golden light appeared on the bowstring before a red arrow of fire appeared. This arrow was made from pure fire magic elements, but it had a metal glare to it. It was unimaginable how dense the magic elements were packed together.

Such a powerful technique!

"This woman is a powerful magic archer!"

Bowyer sensed a bit of danger; he hadn't felt this way for a long time.

He no longer underestimated his opponent. He knew that this female warrior from Chambord wasn't as simple as he thought.

When Elena actually shot out the arrow, Bowyer realized how wrong he was.


The air-piercing noise only sounded after he sensed a burning sensation on his shoulder. Without the chance of dodging, the warrior who was known to be just a bit inferior to [One Sword] got his shoulder pierced through by Elena's arrow, and his body fell back due to the momentum from the impact.


The blue water curtain-like magic shield shattered like glass.

The magic array that could defend against six-star warriors' full-blown attacks got pierced through by Elena's arrow.

This unimaginable scene shocked everyone.

One arrow!

It meant that Elena was more than a top-tier six-star warrior.

"How can she be a seven-star warrior? How?"

A lot of people in the crowd almost peed their pants after seeing this.

[Mad Hidden] Bowyer who just got up from the ground was also scared.

"I was teasing a seven-star warrior? But this woman is so perfect..." After knowing that he couldn't get this woman anymore, Bowyer felt as much sadness as if his parents died...

"The match is over, Chambord won!" The first person who woke up from the surprise was the judge. He announced the outcome with his shaky voice; his legs were shivering, and he didn't even dare to look at Elena anymore.

As soon as the judge finished speaking, changes occurred –

A person dashed onto the No. 1 Sword-Testing Stage like a flash of light. It was Fei.

Everyone could feel the cold murderous sensation that was coming from Fei.

He was here to kill.

Chapter 311: Ruthless King of Chambord (Part One)

"Alexander." A bright smile appeared on Elena's face. For a moment, people in the crowd felt like an iceberg had belted and revealed the flower inside of it. Everyone's eyes lit up.

From the name that came out of [Goddess of Archery]'s mouth, people in the crowd who were confused knew that this young man was the legendary king of Chambord.

From the rumors that were going around, many of them knew that the king of Chambord showed rare generosity and kindness two hours ago and recruited Robbin who severely injured his disciple. "Is he going to display his kindness again here?" Some people thought.

"You are the king of Chambord?" [Mad Hidden] Bowyer who got half of his shoulder burned by the arrow of fire got up from the ground. He used his warrior energy to alleviate the pain as he asked. His tone was filled with suspicion and surprise as he carefully observed Fei. He was sure that the murderous stare he sensed earlier came from this man.

"You didn't kill him because I told you guys to try not to kill anyone during this competition?" Fei didn't even look at this so-called number two warrior among the affiliated kingdoms. He held onto Elena's white hand and asked while thousands of people watched.

"Eh." Elena nodded. She didn't blush when Fei held her hand; she was used to this since Fei would do intimate things like this in Diablo World. Perhaps in this Valkyrie's eyes, anyone who was not Fei was like a monster and demon in Diablo World. If Fei told her to not kill them, she will do what Fei said.

"You..." Bowyer was enraged; he was completely ignored. From the conversation of these two, it felt like he was a pig that could be slaughtered easily by them. He hadn't been offended to this degree in a long time.

"Just kill these kinds of trash in the future." Fei reminded Elena with a smile.

"Eh, I got it." Elena nodded back.

"You..." [Mad Hidden] Bowyer was so mad that he couldn't hold himself back. He would no longer watch the woman who he was obsessed with act so lovingly toward another man. The fire of jealousy burned in his heart, and his mind was filled with rage. "Although you are the king of Chambord, you can't offend me like this. I'm the prince of level 1 Affiliated Kingdom, Gulo. Are you trying to start a war with Gulo?" He shouted in anger.

However, Fei still didn't look at him. He smiled at Elena and said: "This time, I will kill him for you."

As soon as he said that, he slowly moved his palm in Bowyer's direction without looking at him.

This strike didn't look powerful at all; there was no noise, no energy, and no light.

As the crowd was confused, a "bam" noise sounded. The "number two warrior among all affiliated kingdoms" and the man who could last ten strikes under [One Sword]'s sword didn't get the chance to react. Like a watermelon that got struck by a huge hammer, his head exploded. Blood mist filled the air, and the headless corpse fell onto the ground after standing up straight a while.


Gasps sounded around the stage.

The temperature around the stage also decreased by more than a dozen degrees. Everyone shivered as if they were placed in a fridge, especially the ones who had an obscene expression on their faces when they looked at Elena. They knew why Bowyer was killed – He looked at this woman in the wrong way and said a few inappropriate things.

10 Places All Men Must Visit While They're Single


No expected the king of Chambord to be so moody. He struck Bowyer without hesitation, and the prince of a level 1 affiliated kingdom was killed like a fly.

Such a ruthless king!

"If the Gulo Kingdom wants an explanation, they can come to Chambord's campsite to find me."

Fei's voice was still resonating around the stage, but he and Elena both disappeared after a red light flashed by. It was obvious that they both returned to the campsite.

The people in the crowd started to come back to their senses. They looked at each other and left while shaking their heads; they didn't dare to say anything or comment on anything. The two events that took place told everyone that the king of Chambord can be kind and ruthless at the same time.

After summing everything up, there was this one golden rule – Don't offend the king of Chambord, or you are dead.

Soon, the people around the stage left.

Chapter 311: Ruthless King of Chambord (Part Two)

Here's the Purpose of That Little Pocket in Women's Underwear


No one noticed a magic carriage that was parked a distance away from the No. 1 Sword-Testing Stage. The carriage had the symbol of a two-headed polar bear on it; that was the symbol for the royal family of Zenit.

A pair of beautiful crystal eyes was closely watching everything that took place on the stage. When Fei held onto Elena's hand, almost all of her attention was drawn. After the people around the stage left, the curtain on the carriage that was slightly open closed.

There seemed to be a light sigh.

Inside this fancy carriage, the atmosphere was a little dreary and strange despite the fragrance.

Elder Princess Tanasha looked at Angela who was sitting beside her with her blue ocean-like eyes. Although the beautiful girl beside her didn't show any expression and looked calm, Tanasha seemed to have sensed the racing heart inside Angela's body.

"Angela, Alexander didn't..." Tanasha opened her mouth, but she quickly fell back to silence. She was really intelligent, but she didn't know what to say at a moment like this; perhaps it was because she was never in a situation like this and didn't know how it felt. However, for some reason, Tanasha also felt a little unpleasant and a little lonely.

"Sister Tanasha, are you trying to comfort me?" The beautiful girl suddenly smiled. No worries or concerns could be seen in her crystal-like eyes. "You don't have to. I believe no one in this world knows him more than I do. I trust him, and I'm willing to accept everything about him."

Angela's words were so decisive and her eyes were so clear that Tanasha knew she wasn't faking it. The wind blew by and lifted the curtain of the carriage. Golden sunlight shone onto Angela's face through the decorations on the window, and Angela's face gave off a mysterious glare. It was so pure and beautiful that even Tanasha was stunned.

After a moment, the carriage started to move towards Chambord's direction.


When Angela returned, Fei finally relaxed his nerves.

The party at Tanasha's palace last night was too intense. A lot of noble ladies came to the party uninvited when they heard that the queen of Chambord would be present; they all wanted to get to know this new influential force in Zenit. Angela wasn't used to rejecting people, so she met and connected with a lot of people from other influential forces after Tanasha introduced her to everyone. However, she also drank a bit too much wine and was a little drunk.

Tanasha was worried that Angela might catch a cold on the way back to Chambord's campsite, so she let Angela stay over for the night. It was already late and the gate of St. Petersburg was closed, so Tanasha didn't send messages to Fei.

Since Tanasha treated Angela like her real sister and Fei's "viciousness" was known by everyone, Angela was the star of the party and wasn't bothered by anyone

After Tanasha explained everything to Fei, all of Fei's questions were answered.

The Elder Princess didn't need to lie, and Fei knew that the relationship he and Tanasha had was not bad. There was no reason for Tanasha to trick him.


With the appearance of the Elder Princess, Chambord got really busy again.

[Zenit's Goddess of Intelligence] didn't leave right away. She made a high-profile appearance as she walked around the campsite and chatted with a few Chambord soldiers patiently. She also stated that she would be staying for Chambord's celebration party tonight.

Fei shook his head with a bitter smile on his face.

If he wasn't wrong, someone had already reported everything to the Second Prince Dominguez.

The Elder Princess acted this way for Paris and Dominguez to see. Even if this won't kill off the friendship Fei and they had, it might create a small crack in it.

When it was sunset, Aryang Robbin and his father arrived at Chambord's campsite. Robbin only brought his blade, and he was carrying his father on his back. His father was white-haired and couldn't walk. Fei greeted them and arranged a separate tent for them.

Robbin was a low-tier five-star warrior. His blade was fast, and his strength couldn't be ignored. On top of all this, Fei really like his character.

Since Robbin just arrived and hadn't contributed to Chambord, Fei didn't give him a big title. Fei gave him the position of a small captain of Bylaw Enforcement Officers. Fei was planning to give him higher-up roles after he accumulated the merits. With Robbin's strength, Fei knew that won't be too long.

Fei also checked Robbin's father's illness. Robbin's father's legs got severely injured long time ago. The energy connections in his legs were damaged, and there was an unknown poison in his bloodstream. Some of the leg muscles already started to die, and he could no longer walk or take care of himself.

[Health Potion] couldn't heal these kinds of old injuries.

Therefore, Fei switched to Paladin mode and used his aura to perform some basic healings. It was effective, but it couldn't clear the poison and heal up the injuries immediately. He had to take it slow.

Robbin, on the other hand, was very thankful; he finally saw some hope that wasn't there before.

Chapter 312: The End of the Moro Practice (Part One)

After Fei arranged everything for Robbin and his father, it was already night time. The stars in the dark sky were like bright flowers.

After the first day of the kingdom ranking matches, only Inzagi lost his battle. All seven others advanced, and it was a good news. According to Chambord's tradition, there would be a celebration.

Soon, campfires were lit up, and people started to sing and dance. The women from the [Golden Cave] appeared again.

This celebration attracted a lot of people's attention. A lot of warriors and soldiers of other kingdoms stood outside of Chambord's campsite and watched through the fence.

Elder Princess Tanasha made a high-profile appearance at the celebration with her bodyguard Ziene.

[Zenit's Goddess of Intelligence] sat beside Angela and intimately chatted with both the king and the queen of Chambord. This scene beside the campfire was clearly witnessed by everyone. Through these people, the Elder Princess would get the message passed to "that person".

After the celebration party was over, the Elder Princess still didn't leave. Surprisingly, she chose to stay at Chambord's campsite for the night.

Fei smiled as he shook his head.

It was already late at night, and even breathing would result in white "fogs". People who were walking outside the warm tents would get frost on their hairs and beards. It was so cold that Fei felt like he was in the ice age.

This was Fei's first winter on Azeroth Continent.

After he used his aura to heal Robbin's father again, he switched to Assassin Mode and left Chambord's campsite. He disappeared from the camp area and entered Moro Mountains.

Moro Mountains was completely white in the winter. Snow was on every tree branch, and all the trees looked like they were made from crystals. Under the moonlight, this crystalized forest felt like it should only exist in the legends if the terrifying roars of the demon beasts were muted.

The Fist Spiritual Spatial Seals of the two master warriors were still flowing around on the battlefield, but they were a lot weaker than half a month ago. Fei easily got passed the surrounding magic arrays and saw the mysterious man standing beside the Fist Spiritual Spatial Seals.

The man was standing as straight as a spear, and his brown robe was fluttering in the wind loudly.

The mysterious man's eyes were as bright as stars, and there was a strange sensation looming around him. Fei couldn't understand it; it was lonely, above-all, yet intimate. This mysterious man had a special character that made Fei completely trust him.

Fei was overjoyed when he saw the man.

The mysterious man didn't say anything after Fei murmured that he wanted to see the scroll of [Dragon Fist] last night.

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"Did he actually bring the scroll of [Dragon Fist]?" Fei thought to himself. Even just the thought of viewing the number one technique among hundreds of empires made Fei excited. Although his power was from Diablo World, the chance of checking out such a technique was still very rare.


The mysterious man flicked his wrist after seeing Fei, and a green light dashed at Fei. Fei lifted his hand and grabbed onto thin booklet. The texture was soft yet sturdy; it was really magical.

Fei couldn't believe it!

"Could it be that this mysterious man actually brought the scroll of [Dragon Fist]?"

As Fei was about to open up the booklet, the mysterious man waved his hand and stopped Fei. After he carefully observed Fei, he slowly said: "Remember, humans harness power and energy in order to protect and guard the people and things that they love."

Before Fei could react, the man continued: "I have nothing to teach you anymore."

After he said that, a light whizzing sounded as a green light flashed by.

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The man disappeared and was nowhere to be found.

This time, Fei caught a little of the mysterious man's trace. The man was like a green meteor. The speed of the man was so fast that Fei felt like he was dreaming. In just a split second, the mysterious man almost already disappeared from the horizon.

"Left directly?"

Fei fell into a moment of silence. He understood what the man had said. Since there was nothing that the man can teach Fei, he won't be meeting up with Fei here every night anymore. This strange yet valuable relationship Fei and this man had ended here.

Chapter 312: The End of the Moro Practice (Part Two)

Fei didn't expect this man to still hide his identity at the last second.

Fei was planning to ask the man who he was, but he didn't expect this mysterious man to say his farewells so soon and so suddenly. Although Fei only encountered this man less than a month ago, this man played a special role; he was like Fei's father and teacher.

This mysterious man saved Fei from that mysterious assassin, and he tried his best to teach and instruct Fei these days. It was obvious that this man left so suddenly to avoid getting asked by Fei who he was.

"Brush clothes after things are done, hide away the identity and associated fame." (Tried my best to translate this. Might have butchered it…)

This was a part of a poem written by a famous ancient poet in Fei's previous life, and it suddenly appeared in Fei's head because it was so relatable. He felt a little sad knowing that he won't see the mysterious man again.

After he waited a bit longer and was sure that the man wasn't going to return, Fei looked back at the booklet in his hand. [Dragon Fist] was written on the title page.

Fei was really excited.

"This man really brought me the scroll of [Dragon Fist]?

This was unbelievable!

"Who is this man? He is able to take out the scroll of [Dragon Fist]? Even the princes of Zenit hadn't seen it yet. He is just too mysterious... Unless that man is Emperor Yassin himself... there are no other explanations!"

Fei was shocked by his own thoughts.

It was impossible, but it made some sense. That seemed to be the only explanation for all the questions in Fei's head.

"But why would Emperor Yassin do this for me? From the rumors, the emperor himself should be really ill right now. He shouldn't be able to get off his bed, but this mysterious man is still really powerful and didn't look ill at all!"

Fei thought about it a bit more, and he couldn't tie up all the loose ends in his head. He stopped thinking and opened the booklet. He wanted to see what was so special about this [Dragon Fist]. He wanted to know why this was the number one technique among hundreds of empires.

There weren't any words on the first page; there was only the drawing of mountains.

The mountains were so tall that they were all in the clouds. The drawer of the mountains only used a few lines, but the firmness and the denseness of the mountains were illustrated perfectly. Although the mountains felt like swords to Fei, he wasn't able to get any hints about [Dragon Fist].

After looking at the mountains for a while, he flipped to the next page.

Fei was fine before reading the second page, but he spat out a mouthful of drools and almost fell to the ground after reading it.

There was only one line on the second page –

"Greedy little one, you have been tricked. I hadn't even seen the scroll of [Dragon Fist]."



After Fei returned to Chambord's campsite, he still couldn't believe what had happened. The mysterious man who was always serious and cold joked with him?

Although he didn't get to see the famous scroll of [Dragon Fist], he was still a little happy. The words "Greedy little one" gave off a very intimate feeling, and Fei was happy that the mysterious man showed a sliver of his emotion.

Perhaps Fei was able to discover who that man was using the network of Paris or the Elder Princess since the man was so powerful, but he didn't want to do it. Since the mysterious man didn't want him to know about his identity temporarily, Fei believed that there were reasons behind it. Otherwise, the mysterious man won't ask him to meet him in Moro Mountains at night; there was no way that anyone would show up at that location at that time.

The reason why Fei believed it was temporary was that Fei had a strange feeling that they would meet again.

The time of that meeting won't be too long from now.

When Fei returned to Chambord's campsite, Torres walked up and reported that the Elder Princess had come to find Fei several times. After she was unsuccessful, she chatted with Angela in the central tent and fell asleep there.

Ziene who was standing in front of the central tent looked a little troubled. Behind her, there were 20 warriors who were all powerful. Since the Elder Princess was in the king's tent, they couldn't allow Fei to enter. Although it was a little weird for them to stop Fei since the Elder Princess was the one who took Fei's bedroom, they couldn't let Fei in and allow him to stay with the princess of Zenit for the night!

After seeing Fei's appearance, Tanasha's guards all got a little nervous.

They all knew about Fei's dominating character. If the king wanted to enter his own tent, they couldn't stop him even though they were powerful warriors and Ziene was even on a higher level.

However, they didn't expect Fei to smile and nod at Ziene before walking into a small tent that was close to the gate of the campsite.

"The ruthless king in the rumors is so easy to talk to?" The guards were all surprised as they watched Fei enter the small tent.

Since the Gulo Kingdom didn't come to Fei to question him about [Mad Hidden] Bowyer's death during the daytime, Fei made sure that all of Chambord soldiers were paying extra attention at night when patrolling around.

Afterward, he opened up a portal and entered Diablo World to start another leveling up journey.

Chapter 313: Boost in Strength (Part One)

It was sunset in Diablo World.

The sun was as red as blood on the horizon.

The tall fences around the [Rogue Encampment] were like the defense walls of Chambord. They circled out a huge area for the people in Diablo World to live and protected them from the attacks of the demons and monsters. Still, the roars and screams of the demons and monsters outside the camp resonated in the sky.

Fei and Elena went to [Kurast Docks] through the portal and took on the next quest [The Blackened Temple]

This quest required Fei to go to [Travincal], the godly temples that had fallen to the side of the darkness, and kill the members of the High Council. After that, Fei would be able to find the Compelling Orb. By using the item [Khalim's Will] that Fei got from the previous quest, he would be able to break the Compelling Orb and open the entrance to the [Durance of Hate]. That was the place where the final boss of the third map [Mephisto] resided

Since the portal to [Travincal] wasn't activated, Fei and Elena had to walk. After they killing monsters along the way, they finally reached [Travincal] after two hours.

There were a lot of ancient temple structures.

Every single structure looked mysterious and magnificent. They were all made from huge blocks of stones, and delicate patterns and symbols were engraved all over the walls and pillars.

All the temples were built in a special pattern, and they conveyed an ancient sensation.

These were the places where the resident of Diablo World worshipped the gods. But after the long-term corrosion of the evil force, the original servants of gods had all fallen. They became monsters and demons, and the godly temples were enveloped in darkness and death energy.

As soon as Fei and Elena stepped on [Travincal], they were attacked aggressively by the monsters.

There were a lot of [Zakarum Zealots]. They were the guards of the temples who had lost consciousness, and the only thing that was on their minds was to kill. In addition, there were [Council Member] who were the fallen members of the temples' council. Their bodies were covered in hard scales, and these scales were as sharp as knives.

Of course, the most powerful enemies in [Travincal] were [Ismail Vilehand], [Geleb Flamefinger], and [Toorc Icefist]. The three of them were originally executive council members, and they had fallen into boss-level monsters.

From Fei's previous life's gaming knowledge, these monsters were really powerful. When he was playing Diablo in his previous life, he would always die a few times and his mercenary would always die as well when he entered [Travincal].

With this knowledge, Fei was extra careful. As soon as he got into one temple, he used a [Town Portal Scroll] to create a portal. If things got ugly, he would carry Elena on his back and escape as fast as he could.

After seeing how careful Fei was, Elena also got her guards up.

But after 20 minutes, Elena's cautiousness turned into a surprise.

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A shocked yet thoughtful look also appeared on Fei's face.

Who could have expected that the monsters Fei thought were huge threats didn't cause any trouble at all?

The stressful and dangerous situation in Fei's head didn't take place. Rather, the process was really easy. Even if Fei didn't do anything, Elena would be able to easily kill all the monsters. The three bosses that Fei was worried about were very weak. Elena used three of her arrows, and the three bosses died as their bodies were frozen into ice and got turned into clouds of ice dust.

This [Travincal] trip made Fei realized one thing that he neglected for a long time.

The increase in his own strength had surpassed the designed increase of a Barbarian in the Diablo World.

Due to his training in the real world, the increase of his strength had tilted the original balance of the Diablo World. The monsters that were threats to Fei before in the game were no longer threats to him anymore.

Especially after that mysterious man taught him the fundamentals of being a warrior, Fei was able to exert way more damage using the same techniques compared to before. Put it in another term, Fei's level 65 Barbarian was way more powerful than a normal level 65 Barbarian in Diablo World.

The person who also broke the balance was Elena.

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Compared to the dull mercenaries Fei had in the game, Elena was completely different. She was on a path of cultivation that Fei was never aware of.

Chapter 313: Boost in Strength (Part Two)

After activating the second Paladin Bloodline, Elena who now had the power of Paladin and the four elemental arrows was way more powerful beyond Fei's imagine. She was no longer like a dull mercenary in the original Diablo game who could only act like a meat shield and a bait; she was Fei's partner.

To be honest, Fei even suspected that Elena had the strength of taking on some of the bosses in the third map herself.

The massacre continued after the bosses in [Travincal] were killed.

In the next four hours, the two of them killed numerous monsters. The experiences points the Barbarian had skyrocketed. Before the time limit of the day was up, Fei was already level 70.

Also, the first five quests in the third map were complete as well.

The fourth quest [Lam Esen's Tome] didn't take too long. Fei found the ancient book that was required for the quest in [Kurast Causeway] and returned it to the NPC. He received five attribute points as a reward.

Elena was now level 67.

Under Fei's recommendation, the beautiful mercenary didn't enhance her offense abilities. Rather, she gave most of the new attribute points to her second bloodline. The focus on Paladin gave her more defense and better healing abilities. Since her offense abilities didn't change much, her ranking on Azeroth Continent was still around low-tier seven star.

Fei left Diablo World before the time limit was up.

Elena temporairliy stayed at [Rogue Encampment].

Although Fei's spiritual power had increased a lot and he was able to stay in Diablo World and let the people of Diablo World stay in the real world for five hours a day, Elena won't use the five hours right now. There were still kingdom ranking matches, and she would need to spend the time there.



When the sun just came up in the real world, the Elder Princess said farewell to Fei and Angela and went back to St. Petersburg under the protection of Ziene and her powerful guards.

Compared with the high-profile appearance yesterday, the Elder Princess left in a low-key manner. Many people didn't notice Tanasha and thought that she was still sleeping in the central tent of Chambord. After all, many people saw the Elder Princess of Zenit enter the central tent in Chambord's campsite last night.

Time was passing by fast.

The sun kept on rising to the sky.

When the morning sunlight shone on the camp area beside the Moro Mountains, it felt like everything woke up and restored their vitality. The camp area started to get noisy, and the white "fog" that came out of people's and horses' mouths got rid of some of the coldness of the winter.

Fei went into Robbin's tent at the pre-scheduled time. He was planning to treat Robbin's father's legs every day. But when Fei got there, Robbin was nowhere to be found. After asking old Aryang, A.K.A Robbin's father, Fei learned that Robbin was at Inzagi's tent all night. Robbin didn't feel good about injuring Inzagi on the stage yesterday, and he felt even more guilty later on when he started to serve under Fei as well. Because of it, Robbin went to take care of Inzagi rather than his father since last night.

Robbin's actions made Fei appreciate him even more.

After Fei switched to Paladin Mode and used the aura power to heal up some of old Aryang's leg muscles and energy channels, he heard some loud and rough laughter from the outside. It sounded like Pierce's and Drogba's, but Robbin's voice was mixed in there as well.

Fei felt a little strange.

After Robbin injured Inzagi, both Pierce and Drogba were hostile toward him. Both of them didn't even talk to Robbin after this man swore loyalty to Chambord.

"Why are they so friendly now? It feels like they are long-time pals."

As Fei was thinking, Pierce and Drogba walked into the tent.

Chapter 314: Good News from the Battlefront (Part One)

Pierce and Drogba were surprised when they walked in; their smiles froze on their faces. It was obvious that they didn't expect the king to show up here this early. The two of them quickly saluted at Fei and started to try their best to show their friendliness toward old Aryang. They also apologized afterward; they said that they shouldn't be so cold and mean toward Robbin and his father yesterday.

Fei understood the situation now.

After Robbin served and took care of Inzagi last night, Inzagi finally woke up from his "sleep". Robbin's actions and earnestness touched Inzagi, Pierce, and Drogba. They started to have a conversation, and they realized that they were similar people.

Especially after hearing Robbin's story about him being homeless before and traveling around the continent as well as his life in the Tudor Kingdom, the three Chambordians felt very empathetic toward him. They were all straightforward man, they had similar stories, and they soon became good friends who talked about everything with each other.

Out of the four, Robbin was the most powerful. He also had been to many empires and experienced many things. After they chatted and practiced a little, they soon started to address each other as brothers.

Fei was planning to create an opportunity for Robbin to get along with the Chambordians, but they solved it on their own. Now, Inzagi and the four other orphans from Hot Spring Gate were all friendly towards Robbin, and Pierce and Drogba who were the most loved warriors of Chambord were also now buddies with Robbin. Soon, Robbin would be accepted by all Chambordians.

Fei joked with Pierce and Drogba a little and walked out of the tent.

His eyes lit up as a dash of beauty appeared in front of him.

It was the future queen of Chambord, Angela. Like a goddess that was walking in the clouds, she was wearing a light blue leather dress as she walked up to the tent. The two maids behind her were carrying two brand-new leather armors. The two sets of armors looked delicate, and they were gifts that Angela made and prepared for Robbin and his father.

Robbin and his father didn't expect to be treated this well by the beautiful goddess-like queen. They expressed their gratitude and thanked Fei and Angela again.

Outside the tent, the chilly wind blew.

The king and the future queen wandered along the river in the campsite while holding hands.

The river was still flowing; the surface of the river didn't freeze up yet. Angela was in a good mood; she smiled and described to Fei the interesting things that happened at the Elder Princess' party last night. Fei felt really calm. He was a great listener as he smiled and nodded along. The golden sunlight shone on them, and the scene looked as beautiful as ever.

Fei tightly held Angela's soft hand as he felt unprecedently gentle.

Although he wasn't sure if this pure beauty saw him holding Elena's hand on the No. 1 Sword-Testing Stage, he knew that he had to explain what was going on between him and Elena to Angela. Fei wasn't planning to hide that away from Angela, but he hadn't had the chance. After all, he was facing huge pressure from that mysterious assassination, and he had to use most of his time on cultivation.

In front of Fei, the current that was fast sometimes created splashes with the river bank.

Fei was trying to tell his future queen about the story between him and Elena, but he would always hesitate a little before he spoke as he didn't know where to begin. After some serious thoughts, he took a deep breath and was about to tell Angela everything.

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Suddenly, thunder-like clip-clop noises sounded from the Moro Mountains. More than a dozen fast horses appeared and send a ton of dust and snow into the air.

"Good news! Good news! Good news from the battlefront!"

The cavaliers dashed through the camp area like sharp swords, and their shouts resonated in the area; everyone heard them clearly. This news immediately created waves as if a rock was dropped into a pond.

Many people were worried ever since [Zenit's God of War] Arshavin led the battle legions to the southern regions. Now after one day, good news came. Although this was in line with a lot of people's expectation, many people were still joyous after hearing it.

Like a magical potion, this good news calmed a lot of anxious minds in this chaotic time.

For a moment, everyone stopped whatever they were doing and looked up. The people in the camp area all watched as the cavaliers rushed into the south gate of St. Petersburg.

"Good news so soon? What level of success did Arshavin get? Did this 'god of war' defeat all of the invaders in just one day?"

Fei shook his head as he thought about it. It was not possible.

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Chapter 314: Good News from the Battlefront (Part Two)

The so-called good news was probably about the first win that Zenit got. After all, Spartax Empire had done a lot of preparation and sent 70,000 to 80,000 soldiers. Different from the small battles that Zenit and Spartax had, this was a full-on war! Even if Elder Prince Arshavin was born to be a great general, he couldn't defeat Spartax Empire in just one day.

With this interruption, Fei no longer had the time to explain things to the beauty beside him. The deep and loud bugle sounded, and the second day of kingdom ranking matches was about to start.

Fei looked at Angela and knew that he couldn't explain everything in a short moment. Therefore, he held onto his thoughts and returned to the central tent. He had to plan and strategize with the other six participants of Chambord.



The second day of the competition started, and the hype was real.

On the No. 8 Sword-Testing Stage, Fei encountered a low-tier five-star warrior with the earth-elemental warrior energy. This warrior was a noble from a level 1 affiliated kingdom in the eastern battle region. Although he had a lot of physical strength, he had a sketchy character. In Matt Razi's booklet, the comments about him weren't positive. Fei didn't want to deal with people like this and ended the fight with one punch. That punch sent his opponent flying, and the opponent landed outside the stage.

The king of Chambord won easily with one strike.

Some of the people in the crowd just blinked their eyes and didn't even see what had happened. They could only open their eyes wide and quickly ask the people around them how the king of Chambord won...

The other matches were a lot more exciting as they took more than just one strike to finish.

The other Chambord warriors performed well.

[Destructive Finger] Cech, [Goddess of Archery] Elena, and [Son of Wind] Torres only encountered opponents who were on the four-star level. They easily won their matches and moved on.

Pierce and Drogba were weaker than the previous three, and they also encountered more powerful opponents. After long battles, they all got injured. Close to the end of their battles, they had to summon their Star Saint Sets. By using the superior protection of the Star Saint Sets and the ultimate techniques of their constellations, they barely defeated their opponents and moved on as well.

The toughness and cruelness of the kingdom ranking matches started to show.

Of course, Pierce and Drogba weren't the unluckiest. That person was Warden Oleg who loved to flatter people.

Perhaps he spent too much time around dead corpses and the death energy corroded his luck, this fatty encountered one of the [Fire and Wind Dual Warriors] of the Gudong Kingdom, [Burning Fire Staff] Huerk. In less than 10 strikes, Oleg got smashed in the waist by his opponent's staff. He flew out of the stage and lose the qualification for the next round.

"Such a terrifying control of force."

Fei rushed to the stage Oleg was competing on after hearing the news. After he examined Oleg's injuries, he knew that Huerk went easy on Oleg. The strike that knocked Oleg off the stage didn't damage his bones nor internal organs.

Of course, a part of the reason why the [Burning Fire Staff] didn't do any real damage to Oleg was that Oleg's fat on his body got turned into a meat armor by himself. Oleg was only dizzy after falling off the high stage.

After knowing the situation, Fei found it really funny. He kicked this flatterer's butt as he joked with him. Then, he called over a dozen Bylaw Enforcement Officers of Chambord to lift Oleg back to Chambord's campsite.

The second day of the competition finished after six hours. Through the cruel, bloody, and intense battles, the top 13 master warriors were determined.

In the second day of the competition, one participant was extremely lucky.

He was a prince named Andrew- Shevchenko from a level 2 affiliated kingdom in the southern battle region. Because there were 25 participants in today's competition, one participant would move on automatically by luck. This prince got the lucky number and didn't get an opponent. Although a lot of people didn't think this prince was a qualified warrior in the top 13 list, they had to admit that sometimes lucky was a huge part of one's strength.

Chapter 315: Cruel Matches (Part One)

Compared with that prince, King Constantine of Byzantine who was also from the southern battle region wasn't that lucky; he encountered Princess Cindy of the Bulan Kingdom. Although he got gifted [Seven Injures Fist] and the new wooden-elemental warrior energy training scroll from Fei, he was still no match to Princess Cindy. After taking three strikes from her, Constantine was knocked out of the stage.

It was fortunate that Princess Cindy was gentle and rarely injured people. Constantine ended his journey here in a good condition.

The master warrior who people felt the most empathic for was Robbin.

Because he ended his connection with the Tudor Kingdom yesterday, he couldn't represent the Tudor Kingdom and was automatically disqualified.

This made a lot of grassroots warriors who were rooting for Robbin disappointed. A lot of older warriors and traveling poets said that Robbin with the low-tier five-star strength could get into the top 13 list and earn better titles and positions at the new legion that was about to be formed.

But after considering the fact that Robbin got the chance to serve the king of Chambord, perhaps he wasn't unlucky at all.


The master warriors in the top 13 list didn't surprise people.

As everyone expected, people like [Sky Covering Fist] the king of Chambord, [One Sword], Princess Cindy from the Bulan Kingdom, [Wind and Fire Dual Warriors] from the Gudong Kingdom, the [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] who was extremely arrogant, and [Bloody Duel Blade] who would turn his opponent into a skeleton in every match all made onto the list.

What was really shocking was that Chambord had six out of the 13 seats. This was the most seats a kingdom had since the creation of this competition. Although this was within expectation, it still made a lot of people afraid. Chambord's growing speed was just way too fast; it was even faster than the most optimistic outlook people gave them.

As the kingdom ranking matches were getting most heated, the news that the cavaliers delivered to St. Petersburg this morning was released by the empire.

The first battle between the two empires happened when [Zenit's God of War] Arshavin raided the camp of [Snow Armor Legion] at night. [Snow Armor Legion] was the first troop of Spartax Empire that invaded Zenit, and it was staying at the Haishi Bay Region of Zenit. On that night, 10,000 enemies were killed, including 300 Spartax nobles and more than 100 mages. The general of [Snow Armor Legion] Rudick who was known as the third most famous general and one of the top ten master warriors of Spartax was captured alive. He would be sent back to St. Petersburg in a few days.

Everyone at Zenit was hyped by the news.

Like a dash of lightning, this news got rid of the darkness that was on top of everyone's head.

Even the nobles and officials who were keen on the method of negotiation and tried to keep everything peaceful became passionate citizens who promoted the method of battle and war. Many voices were shouting "counterattack". Many people wanted to counter-invade Spartax Empire and conquer this evil and bloody enemy empire once for all.

Literally, almost everyone worshipped Elder Prince Arshavin. The younger people all promoted and praised Arshavin didn't matter if they were from a poor or noble background. In comparison, Second Prince Dominguez looked more and more insignificant.

Everyone in St. Petersburg was calling for the counter-invade of Spartax Empire.

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Before the sunset, a more shocking news came out of the capital.

The empire was going to draft soldiers for a counter-invade. Emperor Yassin who was ill to his bones personally ordered a conscription. The content of this order made of a lot of people excited. This time, Emperor Yassin was going to recruit 100,000 young men to form five brand-new legions and engage in a dead-or-alive war with Spartax Empire.

Conscription of 100,000 people!

This number shocked many people.

Chapter 315: Cruel Matches (Part Two)

This was the biggest conscription in Zenit's history. Even the most insensitive person could feel the deep murderous intent in this order.

This pretty much represented the prequel to the war that would only end when one empire ended. Everyone was talking among themselves. There were all kinds of rumors, but the one that many people think was the likeliest was that Emperor Yassin wanted to destroy Zenit's mortal enemy Spartax Empire before he dies.

Everyone knew that Emperor Yassin was a heroic figure. The proudest thing he had done in his life was to destroy the former level 3 Spartax Empire using his strength and establish level 1 Empire Zenit. His dream in life was also to destroy the new Spartax Empire that was formed by the survived Spartax nobles and royals.

Here's the Purpose of That Little Pocket in Women's Underwear


Too bad Emperor Yassin hadn't realized this dream yet.

Heroes would age as well. Even though Emperor Yassin was talented and heroic, he was getting weaker by the day. It felt like he was finally going to gamble using his life's work and try his best to realize his dream.

What fueled this rumor were the news that kept on coming from the battlefront in the south.

Ever since the first good news about the first win came to St. Petersburg, the good news kept on coming back to the capital non-stop. The thunder-like clip-clop noises and the "Good News" shouts never stopped; it sounded all day and all night.

Fei even started to suspect if Arshavin had already destroyed all the invaders in the southern regions of Zenit, and the massagers' speed can't catch up with the speed of victories Arshavin was having.

It wasn't until the night of the second day that the frequency of appearance of the massagers slowed down.

On that night, lights were on throughout the camp area and St. Petersburg. Many people couldn't sleep as they couldn't comprehend what was happening. All of the stuff that had happened in a short time created a lot of uncertainty. Anxiousness was like a dark cloud that loomed above a lot of people's head.

All the good news from the battlefront stimulated a lot of citizens. The third day of kingdom ranking matches got more than 100,000 audiences. When the morning sunlight shone on Moro Mountains, the south gate of St. Petersburg opened. People flooded out like the fast current of a river and occupied the area around the Sword-Testing Stages. They all waited for the top seven master warriors to be determined.

Although the situation changed a lot and Arshavin won over a lot of fans and gained a lot of merits, Dominguez still smiled and hosted the competition to fill in Emperor Yassin's place.

As consecutive good news came from the battlefront, it made a lot of people in the capital interested in kingdom ranking matches that were at the latest stage. They were interested in bloody battles and powerful warriors as a dense battle-ready atmosphere appeared in the capital.

The 13 master warriors appeared in the center of the camp area. With everyone watching, they drew their opponents.

As time passed, the battles were finalized. On a magic screen, everything was shown.

The results of the draw were very interesting in the eyes of the audience.

"Hahaha, Chambord is going to have an internal battle?"

"Magic Princess Cindy is going to meet that sick man? She is in danger..."

"[Son of Wind] is facing that man? Looks like Chambord's luck isn't that good today!"

"So dramatic! The matches would be entertaining."


People in the crowd murmured among themselves.


Fei wasn't too lucky.

His opponent was [White Haired Fast Sword] Pierce.

This match would mean that one of Chambord warriors would end his journey here.

Of course, no one thought that the king of Chambord was going to lose to his subordinate.

"Your majesty, should I jump off the stage myself or should we act a little before I jump off?" Pierce asked in a joking tone.


Fei punched out.

The match began.

The result wasn't too different from people's expectation. After 10 strikes, Pierce got knocked out of the No. 1 Sword-Testing Stage. Fei obviously went easy on his subordinate. Otherwise, the man couldn't even handle one strike.


[Black Haired Vicious Fist] Drogba wasn't lucky as well.

His opponent was [Wind Thunder Staff] Kanort of the Gudong Kingdom.

Both of them were used to the upfront fighting style. Using the Star Saint Set, Drogba was able to defend against Kanort's attacks. They both used at least 100 strikes, and snow, dust, and thunder noises filled the stage. The No. 4 Sword-Testing Stage almost got destroyed, and the audiences who were watching this shocking battle felt like their blood was boiling. They cheered on the two warriors loudly.

"Hahaha, take this! Take this punch from me!"

"Good, let me see if your fist is harder or my staff is harder."

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

This was a battle between two real men.

There weren't any fancy techniques; there were only directly collisions of strength!

Near the end of the battle, more than 10,000 audiences held onto their breath and stopped blinking as they waited for the final showdown.

The battle ended in loud colliding noises. Drogba was a little weaker and didn't successfully defend against Kanort's ultimate technique [ Wind and Thunder Strike]. Blood spurted out of Drogba's mouth and his internal organs even moved locations. He directly fainted on the stage.

Hey guys, here is the chapter for the day. As a reminder, we will be posting the chapters on weekdays from now on. Talk to you guys again tmr!

Chapter 316: Cruel Battle (Part One)

Even though Drogba was defeated, he showed his iron will. Despite the fact that he fainted, his body was reluctant to fall down. This heroic and tragic scene moved a lot of audiences.

His opponent [Wind Thunder Staff] Kanort didn't have an easy fight as well; fists marks were all over his body. His metal armor and leather inner-armor were all cracked by Drogba's fists, and the staff that was made from hard metal was twisted into the shape of a licorice candy. He was staggering on stage as blood flowed out of his nose, mouth, and ears.

Kanort was more powerful than Drogba, but he decided to use this upfront fighting style to respect Drogba and got injured pretty severely.

Both of them were real warriors.


On the No.6 Sword-Testing Stage.

Elena who was very popular already made all her fans scream.

Her opponent was the other [Fire and Wind Dual Warriors] – [Burning Fire Staff] Huerk.

Many traveling poets stated that this strong opponent who defeated Oleg yesterday was capable of making it into the top-7 list. However, under the arrows of Elena, he lost in less than 20 strikes. Elena used one of her arrows to pierce through both Huerk's metal staff and his left shoulder. Huerk knew that he wasn't able to defeat Elena and backed out of the stage.

"Such terrifying damage. [Burning Fire Staff ] Huerk isn't even her match?"

"Huh, [Goddess of Archery] had pierced through the water curtain-like magic array around the stage using her arrows! She is at least a seven-star warrior! How can Huerk win against that?"


Not far from this stage, [Destructive Finger] Cech encountered the most arrogant and most high-profile contestant, [Silver Armored Vicious Sword].

This match was the weirdest out of the matches today. Both parties had similar strength, and the match was dead even with no one getting the upper-hand in the first 40 minutes.

However, the silver armor on [Silver Armored Vicious Sword]'s body suddenly shone at the 41st minute. Dashes of silver light appeared on his body in a strange pattern, and the lights caused pain for audiences who were looking right at them. After a split second, the silver lights disappeared, and Cech fell onto the stage; no one knew if he was dead or alive...

Like an idiot, [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] placed his hands around his waist and laughed arrogantly. "[One Sword] and the king of Chambord both can't defeat me!" He claimed.

"Who can tell me how that arrogant bastard won that?"

You Won't Believe What the World's Most Beautiful Girl Looks Like Today


"What were those silver lights?"

"[Destructive Finger] lost right after the silver lights flashed by..."

People in the audience started to murmur among themselves. After the judge announced the formal results, a few Bylaw Officers of Chambord rushed onto the stage. They stared at [Silver Armored Vicious Sword], who was still laughing like an idiot, angrily as they carried Cech back to Chambord's campsite.


On the No.10 Sword-Testing Stage.

This was a battle that everyone knew who the winner would be. However, a lot of people were still concerned about it.

[Son of Wind] Fernando-Torres who had a lot of female fans was facing off the most powerful opponent yet – [One Sword].

The battle was not too different from people's speculations.

10 Types of Women You Should Never Marry


Torres had no chance of winning while facing [One Sword] who was known for using only one strike. A dash of sword energy rushed out of [One Sword]'s rusty sword. It turned more than a dozen flying arrows into specks of iron dust, and ut turned the magic item [Eagle Bow] in Torres' hand into halves. If the blonde young man wasn't wearing the Star Saint Set, his body would be cut in half as well.

His name was [One Sword]; therefore, he won't strike again.

It was because of this strange rule [One Sword] upheld that allowed Torres to survive. Otherwise, Torres who was already severely injured would be easily killed if [One Sword] struck again.

However, what took place was a little different from what everyone had guessed.

[One Sword] was a little different than usual; he had a strong murderous intent when he struck out the first time, and it was very different from the chill temperament he had in previous matches. It was obvious that he tried to kill Torres, and he didn't expect Torres to have such a magical armor that was able to cancel out his unparalleled sword energy.

After he dealt the first strike, he actually even hesitated a little as he really wanted to strike again. In the end, he held back and allowed [Son of Wind] Torres to live.

Chapter 316: Cruel Battle (Part Two)

"Looks like [One Sword] is becoming hostile toward us Chambord."

Oleg who recovered from his injuries saw everything that took place on the stage. He quickly ordered the Bylaw Officers to carry Torres back to Chambord's campsite as he discussed the situation with Inzagi and Robbin who were beside him.

"Doesn't matter. He is no match for my master!" Inzagi stated firmly as he watched [One Sword] walk away.


A most hyped match was taking place on the No.2 Sword-Testing Stage.

[No.1 Goddess Among All Affiliated Kingdom] Princess Cindy was facing off the bloodiest and cruelest contestant [Bloody Duel Blades].

[No.1 Goddess Among All Affiliated Kingdom] Princess Cindy was loved by all. She was known as the Magic Princess who was beautiful and valiant. On the other hand, [Bloody Duel Blades] was a mysterious warrior who loved to turn his opponents into skeletons; no one ever survived under his blades.

Everyone wanted to know if the cruel and evil warrior would get his punishment or the beautiful Magic Princess would get turned into a skeleton by the end of the match.

This match was the most anticipated since no one knew exactly how powerful they were.

Although Matt Razi, the No.1 Traveling Poet of Zenit, stated that Magic Princess Cindy could rival against the king of Chambord and [One Sword], this beautiful prince hasn't demonstrated any strength that could back up that comment yet in this battle.

[Bloody Duel Blades] was using two blades that were strangely shaped. The blades along with his body were moving so fast that the audience couldn't tell where they were; all the audience could see was a vague black shadow.

As the bloody warrior struck at the beautiful figure in the center of the stage, Princess Cindy stood still. She opened her mouth and chant a series of mysterious sounds.

Immediately, a silver ice magic sphere enveloped her from the damage.

As if she fell asleep, Princess Cindy closed her eyes. However, she was still holding onto the huge wand using her left hand.

On the stage, the wind created by the blades of the bloody warrior fluttered Princess Cindy's hair and her loose-fit mage robe through the magic sphere. As the wind blew at her, her robe was pressed against the front of her body. Her chest, belly, legs were all perfectly traced out. Under the light of the magic spell, she looked even more beautiful and unparalleled.

The battle turned to a competition for stamina.

The strange blades of [Bloody Duel Blades] created a blade tornado and continued to attack Princess Cindy. However, the ice magic sphere tightly protected her. Although cracks would appear on the sphere from time to time, they would be sealed as Princess Cindy poured magic energy into it. The pair of blades that had tortured so many warriors and the ice sphere made a series of metal-colliding noises and created some sparks; it felt like this ice sphere was actually made from metal.

The situation stayed the same after one hour.

Tens of thousands of people in the audience weren't getting impatient. Rather, they were all nervous and watched the battle closely. They all knew that the calmer it looked, the more dangerous it was. Anyone who made a small mistake would be immediately punished if not killed!

The people in the crowd would gasp from time to time. The battle no longer depended on how many trump cards each party had; it was depended on the endurance and the stamina of the parties.

As time passed, all other matches of the day finished. Everyone in the camp area came here to witness this battle.

People like Fei, Kanort, and [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] all appeared and watched quietly in the audience.

In the late stage of the competition, anyone who won their match was a top-tier master warrior. They had to observe each other carefully and try to find weaknesses that they could exploit. They had to especially focus on Princess Cindy who got such a high praise from Matt Razi.

Everyone knew that the masters who would be in the top-7 list got there not because of luck – Oh, except for one. That prince named Andrew- Shevchenko from the level 2 affiliated kingdom was lucky enough to not get an opponent this round as well! If the regulation around the competition wasn't tight, people would think that he was cheating.

With 40,000 to 50,000 people watching, the match continued to the fourth hour; no one expected this from happening.

Fei left when two hours had passed.

He already knew the outcome of this special battle.

[Bloody Duel Blades] who was in black was running out of stamina; Fei saw his legs shiver. Gradually, the black shadow that couldn't be spotted started to slow down. Some master warriors started to be able to see where he was, and his blades moved slower as well.

Although normal warriors and most of the audience couldn't notice this, Princess Cindy who was a top-tier master would surely use this opportunity to turn things around.

Chapter 317: Skeleton (Part One)

Just like how Fei predicted, [Bloody Dual Blades] could no longer keep his terrifying attacks up after another hour. He was forced to stop for a split second.

At this moment, the Magic Princess who had her eyes closed for a long time made her move. After meditating for so long, she cast the powerful spell [Ice Blade-Storm]. Instantly, the ice magic sphere around her beautiful body shattered and got turned into numerous pieces of ice blades. These ice blades instantly covered [Bloody Dual Blades].

The complete turn of defense to offense was magical, and the ice storm created by Princess Cindy looked beautiful.

[Bloody Dual Blades]'s defense was nowhere near his level of offense. Under the attack of the magic spell that the Magic Princess prepared for a long time, he didn't even last ten seconds.

His defense got broke, and numerous sharp ice blades screamed as they pierced into his body. A cloud of blood mist appeared on the stage, and bone crackling noises also sounded. After a while, all the flying ice blades disappeared as if they evaporated into thin air. The two strangely-shaped blades made a noise as they landed on the ground. Other than the two blades, the only thing that the audience could see was a perfect white skeleton!

[Bloody Dual Blades] got sliced and diced by the ice blades, and all of his flesh got removed from his bones. After everything was done, the skeleton was the only thing that was left.

It was how he liked to kill his opponents.

No one expected that the bloody warrior would die under the same torturous method that he used. Could this be the punishment from gods for being so cruel?

Also, no one expected that calm and graceful Magic Princess Cindy could have this cold and cruel side to her. Everyone knew that the Magic Princess deliberately chose this method to torture her opponent.

It was obvious that this beautiful princess was very angry at the [Bloody Dual Blades] for his merciless cruel killings.

After the judge announced the formal results, a huge pair of wings made from wind magic elements appeared behind this Magic Princess. Like a real goddess, the wings fluttered as she disappeared from the stage. After she was gone, everyone in the crowd woke up from the shock. A lot of people started to cry, cheer, chant Princess Cindy's name; a lot of people's loved ones had died in the hands of [Bloody Dual Blades], and a lot of people hated him...

People who were in the top-7 list such as [Wind Thunder Staff], [Silver Armored Vicious Sword], and [Lucky Prince] Shevchenko left the crowd with seriousness written all over their faces. Princess Cindy did indeed bring them a lot of pressure. As the crowd started to break off, some people rubbed their eyes to make sure that they weren't hallucinating... they saw a figure how looked like [One Sword] ... same loneliness... same proudness.

Could it be that the calm and invincible [One Sword] also sensed some pressure from his competitors? He had never paid attention to any of his potential opponents before...


After returning to Chambord's campsite, Fei turned into a professional doctor and started treating the Chambordians who got injured during the competition.

Drogba was completely knocked out by [Wind Thunder Staff] Kanort. Although he had the protection of his Star Saint Set, he wasn't powerful enough to utilize all of the functionalities of it. His internal organs all shifted out of their places due to the huge impact force, and his bones and muscles were being damaged by Kanort's wind and thunder energy that contained in the [Wind and Thunder Strike]. Fei used the [Health Potion] to heal the bodily injuries and the aura of his Paladin Character to get rid of the wind and thunder energy. In terms of the dislocation of Drogba's internal organs, he had to take time to let his body slowly recover on its own.

Chapter 317: Skeleton (Part Two)

10 Types of Women You Should Never Marry


Cech's injury was very special. There weren't any clear wounds on his body; it felt like he was either poisoned or he was in a deep sleep. He was in a deep level of unconsciousness that no one could wake him up. After Fei did a lot of checks, he couldn't make any new discoveries. It was fortunate that all Cech's bodily organs were functioning properly and there weren't immediate dangers. Fei had to take it slow.

Fernando-Torres was the one who got most injured.

[One Sword]'s strike easily chopped his weapon in half. If it wasn't for the Star Saint Set, he would have died on the stage. However, the injuries caused by the sword energy could be easily healed by the aura of Fei's Paladin Character. After Fei got rid of the sword energy inside Torres' body and gave Torres a bottle of [Health Potion] to drink, the young guard of Fei was able to walk around. Torres would be able to completely recover with some light rest.

After he was done treating Torres, Fei's expression got very gloomy.

He could tell that [One Sword] wanted to kill Torres on the spot by just examining Torres' injuries. However, Fei didn't understand why [One Sword] would do this... there weren't any real grudges between Chambord and [One Sword], so why was [One Sword] being so cruel? Could it be that [One Sword] was actually a short-tempered person who can't even endure being compared to the king of Chambord?

Fei realized that he knew too little about [One Sword].


The results of today's matches weren't good for Chambord. Out of the warriors of Chambord who made into the top-13 list, most of them lost. Except for Fei and Elena, all other Chambord warriors lost on the stage. Although it was a setback for Chambord, Fei wasn't too disappointed.

You Won't Believe What the World's Most Beautiful Girl Looks Like Today


This was, in fact, within his expectations.

Except for Elena who continued to level up and cultivate with the similar speed as him, the other master warriors of Chambord were all boosted by the [Hulk Potion]. Although their talent for cultivation did improve, they only had limited time to practice and train. In less than half a year, they made some real progress. But compared with the master warriors who were naturally talented and had years of training, they were all too weak.

For Chambord who was a weak and crappy level 6 affiliated kingdom to make it thus far in the competition, it was already a great achievement. It was already enough to shock the whole empire with a result like this.

The warriors of Chambord had done their parts, and it won't affect the situation too much with them out of the competition.

To be honest, Fei was hoping for them to lose and get out of the competition at this time. The battles between the top 7 masters would get more fierce and dangerous. Masters like [One Sword], [Silver Armored Vicious Sword], and Princess Cindy were all too powerful. Warriors like Drogba couldn't win at all, and getting knocked out here would only help Chambord reduce its casualties.

Hey guys, here is the chapter for the day. As a reminder, we will be posting the chapters on weekdays from now on. Talk to you guys again tmr!