327 - 336

Chapter 327: Secret Message That Passed Through The Continent (Part One)

The more discoveries he made, the more series Kaka's expression got.

He was fine before-hand, but he couldn't calm himself down after knowing all this.

As one of the most popular [God's Favorite Children], Kaka knew a lot more secret information about the Holy Church compared to normal priests, Godly Servants, and cavaliers.

After numerous years of murderous operations, the Holy Church had killed off most of the Undead Mages. Since the Undead Saint Palace was conquered by the Holy Church more than 20 years ago, the Undead Mages were pretty much eliminated. The spells, books, scrolls, and techniques of the Undead were all burned, and only a few Undead Mages escaped. Currently, it was rare to see Undead Mages, and the existing Undead Mages didn't know much powerful spells and techniques.

However, the Undead Mage that appeared here today didn't only have the purest Undead Magic Power but also knew a lot of high-level Undead Spells and Techniques. The meaning of this was enough to make the Pope who was on the Holy Mountain nervous.

An Undead Mage who had such power and knowledge meant that the branch of Undead Mage could be revived at any time.

"Must find this person and kill him!"

Kaka quickly came to this conclusion.

If he wasn't concerned about the pureness of that Undead Magic Power and if he didn't hesitate after Moon-Class Elite Balesi's defeat, he might have tried to battle against that Undead Mage.

After thinking about that, he was a little ashamed.

"I was scared of an Undead Mage at that critical moment?"

"Gods, please forgive me for my timidity!" Kaka kneeled on the ground and prayed to the gods. He also asked himself, "Who is that guy? Why do I feel a little familiarity? Maybe Teacher Balesi knows something about him; after all, that guy was here for him. Too bad..."

Kaka looked at Balesi and thought, "Teacher Balesi's heart was exploded by that Undead Mage's [Bone Spear]. He is going to die at any time, and even the gods can't save him."



Under the golden sunshine, the white defense wall of the magnificent St. Petersburg reflected off a saint and pure light; it looked like a place where the gods lived.

When the sun was above the Moro Mountains, all four main gates of the Capital opened up. There were a lot more people crowed at the southern gate as it was the closest to the camp area of the affiliated kingdoms. The people were all rushing towards the Sword-Testing Stages like a fast-current river.

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The amount of attention the competition received during the last few days was at an all-time peak. The battles between the top-7 warriors made the citizens of Zenit who loved wars and battles go crazy, especially since the quality of the masters was the highest in recent years.

Chambord attracted the most attention among all affiliated kingdoms.

Among 244 affiliated kingdoms, this little level 6 affiliated kingdom had two seats out of the seven seats in today's competition. It was the best demonstration of a black-horse.

Chambord's campsite was shiny under the sunshine. There was less than an hour before the start of today's matches, and the campsite was already busy and chaotic. The flag of Chambord which had a two-headed dog, an ax, and a sword on it fluttered in the wind loudly as if it was going to break away and soar into the sky.

Almost everyone's attention was on two tents.

The smaller tent was located near the river that was passing through Chambord's campsite. The white tent looked like a pure white lotus that was peaceful and calm, but no one dared to stand within 10 meters from it. That was where the master warrior [Goddess of Archery] Elena lived. Even though a lot of Chambordians didn't know where this beautiful and powerful female master warrior came from, it didn't stop them from liking Elena. After all, Elena gained a lot of fans recently.

In the center of the campsite, there was the biggest and most majestic tent. The person who lived in it was the spiritual pillar of Chambord – the king of Chambord.

Alexander was like the lord of all Chambordians, and they thought of him as a god.

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At this moment, a light buzzing noise sounded as a blue light flashed. The blue oval sphere had been inside this tent for about half an hour, and a person with a black mask just walked out of it. As soon as this man walked out of the sphere, it disappeared and quietness returned to the tent.

After taking off the mash, Fei let go of his breath.

Chapter 327: Secret Message That Passed Through The Continent (Part Two)

He had already switched back to Barbarian Mode, and that familiar and powerful sensation could be felt in his body. Fei took out a bottle of purple [Full Rejuvenation Potion] and chugged it down. After he quickly burned away his bloody armor, he used skill [Summon] and entered Diablo World next without hesitation.

It was the morning in [Rogue Encampment] as well, and the scenery was beautiful.

Fei went into both the Amazon Character's and the Necromancer Character's parallel universe. After he took off the armors that were all completely damaged from the battle, he sold them for scrap to the merchant in [Lut Gholein]. Even though a lot of the items were magic items and [Level 6 Rare Items], he didn't mind at all. After he purchased new sets of armors and items for both characters and destroyed all traces of his battle with Balesi, he calmed down and returned to the real world.

The assassin who tried to kill Balesi 250 kilometers away from here was Fei.

Ever since Balesi invited Angela to join the Holy Church, Fei had murderous thoughts about this old priest who was up to no good. The thing that pushed Fei over the edge was the unwillingness displayed in Balesi's eyes when the people of the Holy Church were about to get onto the road.

At that moment, Fei knew that this sly priest wasn't going to let go of Angela. Even if Kaka rejected that idea or even if Fei forced Balesi to back off this time with his domination, this old priest would come back and try his best to get Angela into the Shrine Choir. Perhaps the next time won't be as simple as tonight.

Therefore, Balesi had to die!

When he was seeing Kaka off, Fei secretly put a [Town Portal Scroll] under the saddle of the weakest cavalier in the group. Fei had one strand of his spiritual power on the scroll, and he was able to activate the scroll and create the portal as long as it was within 500 kilometers.

[Town Portal Scroll] was something that Fei finally was able to convert out of Diablo World after he entered the Third Map [Kurast Docks].

When Fei wanted to use [Town Portal Scroll] in the real world, he needed to set up a location for the temporary portal beforehand. Afterward, the scroll would instantly open a portal between where it was and connect it to the temporary portal that was previously set up. After that, the portal would be able to bring Fei back to the central tent from the vicious battleground.

Any [Town Portal Scroll] could be activated twice; once going away and once coming back. Fei had already calculated the distance that Kaka's group traveled, and he activated the scroll after Kaka's group was around 250 kilometers away from St. Petersburg. That was how he was able to appear suddenly beside Balesi and execute on his assassination.

Since his Barbarian battle style was really well known by others, he would be instantly exposed if he used his Barbarian Mode. Just to make sure that his identity would be sealed, he used Assassin Mode and Amazon Mode that were great at sneak attacks. He also considered the fact that light and darkness countered each other, and he incorporated Necromancer Mode into the plan as well.

Fei rarely used these three modes, and it was really unlikely that he would be discovered.

Of course, he understood the huge risk involved with using Necromancer Mode since the Holy Church had zero tolerance for Undead Mages and would kill all of them as soon as they appeared. This was actually why Fei wanted to use it. This "Undead Mage" would be a huge smoke bomb, and it would be the top priority for the Holy Church so they couldn't have time to come to Zenit and look for Angela who Balesi said was the best candidate for Saintess.

Fei was really careful and considerate about this assassination plan.

The only thing that he didn't think about was the possibility that this old Balesi was actually a Moon-Class Elite; it was way beyond Fei's expectation. He used both Assassin Mode and Amazon Mode, and he wasn't able to defeat Balesi. Instant, he was beaten by that old priest like a weak bug.

Chapter 328: Really Lucky (Part One)

The battle was really intense.

Fei used Assassin Mode at the beginning of the assassination.

However, his Assassin Character was only level 66 which was equivalent to a Seven-Star Warrior. After incorporating the special techniques of the Assassin Character, Fei was able to assassinate Eight-Star and Nine-Star Warriors. Although Fei was able to get really close to Balesi, he was discovered by his opponent.

He should still be able to have the advantage, but the huge difference in their strengths made him lose that.

After he was knocked into the mountain, Fei realized that his Assassin Character was too weak to injure a Moon-Class Elite. Therefore, he switched to his Amazon Character.

Amazon fighters specialized in many different areas including archery and javelin throwing. This character was good at range-attacks as well as some magic.

Fei also had done proper preparation the night before.

He trained hard in Diablo World, and he used the accumulated experience points and resources to level up the Amazon Character to level 68. Then, he purchased a lot of [Level 6 Rare Items] to greatly improve the combat ability of the Amazon Character.

In fact, Fei's Amazon Character did give Balesi, who was a lot powerful than him, some pressure.

Fei used a series of Amazon Skills such as [Power Strike], [Lighting Bolt] and [Exploding Arrow]. Even when facing Balesi's Moon-Class Technique [Holy Dragon Lance Shower], Fei was able to use the skill [Decoy] to scatter the dragon lances, and he was able to use [Avoid] and [Evade] to dodge the Moon-Class Elite's killer strike.

Unfortunately, the gap in strengths was just too big.

The only mistake Fei made was not expecting Balesi's Moon-Class Elite strength.

In the end, Fei had to use a shield that was a level 6 Rare Item that gave a 90+ defense, but he was pressed into the ground by Balesi's strikes.

Therefore, Fei had to use his trump card – Necromancer Mode.

When Balesi dashed into the pit with two wings formed by his Holy Power, Fei was already waiting for him. As soon as they battled each other, Fei used one of the curses which was [Terror].

[Terror] was similar to Barbarian's [Howl]. The skills could force powerful opponents to sense fear for a few seconds and lower their reaction speed.

When facing a Moon-Class Elite like Balesi, Fei's [Terror] couldn't make him sense fear. However, Balesi's reaction speed was lowered.

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Then, Fei quickly cast two more curses – [Dim Vision] and [Lower Resist].

These two curses made Balesi have a hard time seeing his surroundings and lowered his defensive abilities.

As soon as Balesi was about to recover from [Terror], Fei quickly cast the curse [Confused].

[Confused] made Balesi cast random spells and lowered his reaction time as well.

Then, Fei used all of his dirty little tricks.

He utilized the fact that the skills in Diablo World didn't have cooldowns. Before his mana was depleted, he threw a series of curses at Balesi including [Amplify Damage], [Iron Maiden], [Life Tap], and [Weaken]. He used all of the curse skills he had learned.

The Necromancer's power was called [Death Energy] in Diablo World, and it was called [Undead Magic Power] on Azeroth Continent. In fact, Necromancer's [Undead Magic Power] was in the purest form, and it was a natural counter of [Holy Power]. Unless it was the Pope's [Godly Holy Power], even the golden Holy Power of [God's Favorite Children] couldn't be as pure as Necromancer's power.

With this counter-effect, Fei would be always at an advantage.

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This was the reason why Fei could finally turn things around.

After Balesi sensed the series of curses, he finally knew who he was dealing with and understood what those chilling energies inside his body were. He screamed out of anger and fear as he sensed the dramatic drop in his condition.

This scream was the scream that Kaka and the others heard on the ground.

Chapter 328: Really Lucky (Part Two)

Using this opportunity, Fei chugged down a bottle of [Mana Potion] and summoned [Bone Armor] to start attacking.

He chose one of the Poisons and Bones Spells – [Bone Spear]. This spell had powerful penetration force and dealt a lot of damage. Balesi who was cursed and in a terrible condition was no longer on the level of Moon-Class Elite. In order to escape that pit, he was pierced through by six Bone Spears. However, he was finally able to use that impulse force from the Bone Spears and his own weak Holy power to fly out of the pit.

All that happened afterward were all seen by others.

Balesi who was in a terrible condition got pierced by a Bone Spear through his left chest, and he immediately fainted.

Fei was really lucky to win that fight.

If it wasn't for the natural counter [Death Energy], Fei won't win this easily against Balesi. If Fei had to face any other Moon-Class Elites who weren't from the Holy Church, he might only stand a chance if he used Barbarian Mode.

It was fortunate for Fei that Balesi's heart was exploded. Even if the gods showed mercy, he couldn't be saved.

Balesi's death meant that Fei's plan was accomplished.

Fei had calculated every step and used [Town Portal Scroll] to not be a suspect. No one in Zenit Empire had ever heard of items similar to [Town Portal Scroll]. Even if the bigger empires had similar items, they were hard to use; they couldn't be as stealth as [Town Portal Scroll]. With the 250 kilometers distance between Fei and the location of assassination, even a Moon-Class Elite had to fly for at least two hours using full strength. As long as Fei showed himself in front of everyone from all affiliated kingdoms, he couldn't be a suspect.

Of course, taking such huge risk wasn't in line with Fei's principle of "be quiet and get rich".

But to Fei, this risk was worth it, and he won't regret it.

If he was given the chance, he would still destroy Balesi's heart.

When that old priest asked Angela to join the Shrine Choir, Fei's heart skipped a beat. He felt like something more important than his own life was being stripped away from him, and that uncontrollable chilly murderous intent filled his mind instantly.

Fei didn't want to experience that feeling again.

After thinking back to the whole process and making sure that there weren't traces left behind or loopholes in his plan, he opened the curtain of the central tent and walked out with a big smile on his face. He wanted to enjoy the bright morning sunshine.

In the camp area, everyone saw the king of Chambord's appearance.


The deep and loud bugle sounded again in the center of the camp area.

Under the stare of 50,000 to 60,000 people, the top-7 masters appeared on the stage to draw a number that determined their opponents. The top-7 masters were [Sky Covering Fist] the King of Chambord, [Goddess of Archery] Elena, [One Sword], [Wind Thunder Stuff] Kanort, [Silver Armored Vicious Sword], [No.1 Goddess] Magic Princess Cindy, and that special [Lucky Prince] Shevchenko.

Everyone was quiet at this moment.

They all wanted to know which masters would be paired together.

As time passed by, names appeared on the magic crystal screen to the right of the stage.

[Sky Covering Fist] the king of Chambord VS [No.1 Goddess] Cindy.

[Goddess of Archery] Elena VS [Wind Thunder Staff] Kanort.

Most low-key [One Sword] VS Most arrogant [Silver Armored Vicious Sword].

[Lucky Prince] Shevchenko... still moved on to the next round without an opponent.


Loud tornado-like gasps and murmurs sounded in the audience. Except for expressing their excitement for the three battles of the day, they were also questioning the luck of that prince. Luck existed, that that good of a luck was too rare! Could it be that this Prince Shevchenko was the son of the Goddess of Destiny or the son of the God of War? He was the only one who didn't need to fight in the last three rounds to get into the top-4 list.

Even Fei was a little curious about this prince named Shevchenko.

Chapter 329: Crushing Victory (Part One)

From the booklet that Zenit's No.1 Traveling Poet Matt Razi created, Fei felt like this young prince named Shevchenko was really average. From the comments Matt Razi wrote, it seemed like there was nothing special about this prince; he was only ranked 32 out of the top-50 masters of the competition.

In a normal setting, it was impossible for him to get into the top-4.

Actually, it would even be hard for him to get into the top-13. However, no one expected that a small character like this young prince was going to get three free passes after only winning his first match and get into the top-4 list.

"Is someone manipulating the match-making process?"

Almost everyone had this question on their minds. After the initial surprise, almost everyone in the audience started to question how Shevchenko got a free pass again. Except for the seven masters on the stage, all other people started to chant.

Since a lot of people were booing and a lot of people were questioning the process, the head judge for the competition had to pause the competition and asked Second Princess Dominguez to quickly investigate into the match-making process.

Many people in the audience were thrilled as they felt like they busted the biggest cheating in the history of this competition, but the result of the official investigation was surprising.

There was nothing wrong with the match-making process, and the reason why Shevchenko got another free pass was purely due to his good luck.

After the official investigation was completed, the uproar died down a lot.

People started to be curious about Shevchenko.

This young man's luck wasn't just good; it was insane. There was a good chance that he would get a great position in the new battle legion that was about to be formed.

There were many warriors looking at Shevchenko who was sitting in the audience with envy and jealousy. After thinking that there would be no free passes after this round of the competition, the jealous warriors couldn't wait for this Shevchenko to be smashed by the other masters.


Since there were only three matches and they were all high-profile matches, they didn't happen at the same time. Instead, they were all going to take place on the No.1 Sword-Testing Stage sequentially.

The first match was between [Goddess of Archery] Elena who was really popular and [Wind Thunder Staff] Kanort who was from the Gudong Kingdom.

Except for Shevchenko who was somehow really lucky, everyone agreed that [Wind Thunder Staff] Kanort was the weakest among all seven masters. From just the look of it, [Goddess of Archery] Elena got a good match.

The reality wasn't too far off from the hypothesis.

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Elena who was stronger than a peak Six-Star Warrior was able to penetrate through the protective magic array around the stage with her arrow. Kanort who was only a low-tier Six-Star Warrior wasn't her match.

Although this savage-like master warrior tried to take the initiation and attacked proactively, he wasn't able to get the advantage. He tried to get within the close-range and use the weakness of all archers, but Elena who was an experienced archer from Diablo World didn't let him get close at all. After all, Elena had danced around numerous monsters and demons in Diablo World and had fleet footwork.

In a few fast dashes, Elena had already gotten out of her opponent's attack range like a phantom.

While she was moving, her arrows didn't decrease in power. After a few frost arrows were shot out, the temperature on the No.1 Sword-Testing Stage dropped dramatically. Kanort tried his best to smash away all the arrows, but the frost energy still got into his body silently. The frost energy suddenly exploded and reduced his reaction speed and movement speed.


After 30 seconds into the battle, Elena shot out an arrow and destroyed the staff Kanort was using.

When Elena pulled on the bowstring again, three sharp and chilling frost arrows appeared on the bow with a blue death glare. The three arrows were targeted at Kanort who had lost his weapon, and this master of the Gudong Kingdom felt like he was targeted by a terrifying beast as he sensed a chill on his forehead.

"I surrender!" After knowing that he was no match to Elena, this warrior surrendered as he jumped off of the Sword-Testing Stage.

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It was like an instant win!

This match was very one-sided.

After a short moment of pause, loud and explosive cheers sounded around the stage.

Elena who was powerful and beautiful had more fans than Kanort to begin with, and all the men in the audience felt an adrenaline rush after seeing their secret crush win so dominantly. They all shouted Elena's name, and they were as passionate as fire.

Chapter 329: Crushing Victory (Part Two)

However, Elena didn't show much excitement after getting the victory.

After she packed up her bow, she jumped off of the Sword-Testing Stage and went to the resting area. To her, it felt no different from killing a monster in Diablo World.

However, all her fans liked her cold and noble presence, and they cheered on even louder after seeing her reaction.

After this battle, Chambord already secured one spot in the top-4 list.


After half an hour, the royal mages finished checking up on the magic array and runes around the No.1 Sword-Testing Stage.

The second match was about to begin. It was between [One Sword] and [Silver Armored Vicious Sword].

Most people favored the former No.1 Warrior among all affiliated kingdom [One Sword]. Although [Sky Covering Fist] the king of Chambord's growth speed made people question [One Sword]'s No.1 Warrior status, no one doubted [One Sword]'s strength.

[One Sword] only used one strike when facing his opponents.

This was a wild and arrogant statement that made a lot of warriors' blood boil.

However, this was an accurate representation of this average-looking prince.

In comparison, [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] was only a warrior who got famous after he entered this year's competition. Although he did make his way to the top-7 list, he wasn't as strong as [One Sword] in a lot of people's mind. After all, a lot of people remembered that he battled with [Destructive Finger] Cech for a while before winning using one secret strike.

How could a man who was on the similar level as Cech Peter defeat someone like [One Sword]?

The only question people had was about that final "white light" strike this [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] used. How powerful was that strike? That was the only trump card this warrior had.

This intense battle was about to begin as everyone focused their attention on the stage.

"Hahahaha, I can defeat [One Sword] with one hand! It is too unfortunate for him..."

The loud and arrogant voice sounded on the stage. The silver armor was shiny under the sun, and his white cape was fluttering in the wind like a girl's dress.

With everyone's eyes on him, [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] jumped onto the stage using a very fancy pose as he tried to show off his strength.

Just judging from the look, this most arrogant participant [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] was tall, slender, and muscular. He also had white skin, sharp eyebrows, big eyes, and thin lips. He could be considered as one very handsome man.

On top of all that, he was the prince of the level 1 affiliated kingdom, Polo, from the eastern battle region. With his background, look, and strength, he had a lot of fans. However, most of his fans were girls in between the age of 15 and 18. These girls wanted their Prince Charming, and [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] fitted that description very well. They were crazy about him since he was young, handsome, powerful, and "brave".

Therefore, ear-piercing high pitch screams of young girls sounded around the stage as [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] showed up.

In comparison, [One Sword] who was wearing a rough robe and carrying a rusty sword looked like a bystander. He looked very calm, and he didn't receive much cheering.

This low-key and cold swordsman was just like his rusty sword. They all had shortcomings and looked very average.

"Hahaha, you dare to accept the challenge? You are not my match. It is better to surrender."

[Silver Armored Vicious Sword] rubbed his chin and flipped his smooth long hair. He maintained his perfect image in the eyes of his female fans, and he didn't seem scared of this famous [One Sword] at all as a casual smile appeared on his face.

"Draw your sword." [One Sword] said as he moved his eyebrows.

"Hey? You really want to fight? There are a lot of people watching the fight. If you lose, it would look really bad! How about you just surrender?" [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] tried his best to explain the situation to [One Sword].

His voice was clearly heard by everyone through the Amplifying Magic Array on the stage.

Many people almost fell to the ground after hearing that. "This guy is really arrogant! He dares to say that to [One Sword] with no shame on his face?"


[One Sword]'s response was one dash of Sword Energy.

Chapter 330: Joy Sorrow Separate Gather Sword Array (Part One)

The foggy Sword Energy looked like it had its own life. It traveled in the air via an irregular trajectory. It moved up, down, left, and right quietly. As it left a series of silver afterimages in the air, it approached [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] who was still talking rapidly. In a few moments, the entire space inside the protective magic array was filled with Sword Spirits.

"Eh? You really want to..." [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] shouted angrily.

Like a scared rabbit, this young man ran around the stage to dodge this Sword Energy from [One Sword]. Although his moves looked messy, he was able to dodge the Sword Energy repeatedly. He continued to run and scream, and his shoes almost fell off his feet. It was very funny, and a lot of people in the audience laughed at him.

"How can someone that arrogant be so bad?" they all thought.

However, [One Sword] didn't laugh or smile.

His eyes gradually got brighter and brighter, and his lips lightly curved up.

He raised his rusty sword half way. After he lightly shook the sword, the Sword Spirits on the stage got more vicious. Just like the light rain in the spring; the water droplet-like Sword Spirits were tiny, but they were everywhere. The Sword Spirits would destroy someone's life if they touched them.

As long as people looked at the magic array around the stage that shone brightly and the thin yet deep sword marks on the ground of the stage, they would know how powerful these Sword Spirits were.

"Hey, you are too ferocious! We can talk it out... Hey, this is a sneak attack!... Damn, my butt..."

[Silver Armored Vicious Sword] was taken by surprise. As he tried his best to avoid the rain-like Sword Spirits on the stage, he still didn't stop talking and provoking. However, he didn't successfully dodge one thin strand of Sword Spirits, and it pierced through his silver armor and left a wound on his butt.

"Don't force me to defeat you!" [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] jumped around as he threatened.

However, this kind of "counter-attack" was useless against [One Sword].

The rusty sword in [One Sword]'s hand started to shake more violently, and the rain-like Sword Spirits on the stage got thinner and more compact. It felt like the sunlight was even cut off by this endless Sword Spirits Rain, and the audience really felt like it was raining inside the stage.

Only [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] could really experience how terrifying these Sword Spirits were, and he got into worse conditions by the second as more wounds appeared on his body.

"Damn! I'm really going to let loose!"

[Silver Armored Vicious Sword] ran around and shouted like a rabbit that was pressed into a corner. Just as everyone thought he was going to lose, this "rabbit" showed its fangs.

Just like what happened the other day when he was fighting Cech, a bright silver light shone on his armor. The light was so eye-piercing that everyone had to close their eyes subconsciously. When they opened their eyes again, the rain-like Sword Spirits on the stage were gone...

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"This arrogant warrior actually broke through [One Sword]'s Sword Spirits?" Fei who was watching the battle in the VIP area was a little surprised.

The king didn't really understand how [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] broke through [One Sword]'s Sword Spirits coverage, and he didn't clearly see what that silver light was. However, he felt like his mind was triggered a little. At that moment, all of the emotional moments such as happy and sad moments that he had experienced in his life rushed into his head and replayed themselves vividly.

Such a strange technique!

"Haha, I countered your technique! You name is [One Sword], and you would never strike twice against the same opponent! Since you failed to defeat me in one strike, is it time for you to surrender?" [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] placed his hands on his waist as he laughed out loud. He was really proud, and it felt like the person who was running around on the stage a few seconds ago wasn't him.

"I didn't really use my sword." [One Sword] lightly shook his head as a smile flashed on his face.

A smile? It was very rare to see that on [One Sword]'s face.

"What? You are going to go back on your words?" [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] got very angry after he heard that.

"It is only a rumor. When there is an opponent who deserves more than one strike from me, I will use more than one strike." It felt like [One Sword] was unprecedently patient today. Rather than ignoring [Silver Armored Vicious Sword]'s words, he continued to explain, "Also, I didn't really strike earlier. I was just practicing the new Sword Spirits that I acquired."

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"You... I..." [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] was a little speechless after seeing [One Sword] joking with him. He couldn't hold in his anger and said, "You forced me to do this. Hehe, don't regret it!"

As he was speaking, a white light flashed by on the stage.

Chapter 330: Joy Sorrow Separate Gather Sword Array (Part Two)

In the next moment, a silver chest appeared in front of [Silver Armored Vicious Sword]. It was about 1.6 meter in length and less than 30 centimeters in width and height.

The chest was in style with [Silver Armored Vicious Sword]'s armor. It was delicate and had a lot of runes and magic arrays engraved on it. Except for a lot of animals and plants symbols that added esthetics to the chest, there were more than 100 silver magic gems inlaid in the chest. Under the sun, it looked flashy, luxurious, and fancy.

Everyone could tell that this silver chest was precious from the look alone.

What weapon was this?


[Silver Armored Vicious Sword] laughed as he suddenly tapped the side of the silver chest. After a series of gear-cranking noises, the chest opened to two sides, and three dashes of silver lights shot out of the chest as if a peacock opened its feathers.

At that moment, [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] reached out and grabbed onto the dash of silver light in the middle. He shook his wrist, and the "silver light" in his hand collided with the other two dashes of silver lights.

Tink! Think!

Two metal-colliding noises sounded.

It turned out that what he had in his hand was a silver sword that looked luxurious; there were rubies inlaid in both the handle and the guard of the sword. The other two dashes of silver lights that were knocked away by this young man were also two luxurious-looking silver swords that had different designs.

As the two silver swords traveled in the air, they left a series of afterimages.

Tink! Tink!

One of them landed five meters to the left of [One Sword], and other one landed five meters on the right of [One Sword]. Half of their bodies were deep into the hard ground of the stage, and the other halves were lightly vibrating in the air.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

With this silver sword in his hand, it felt like [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] was a new person; he no longer looked casual and careless. His facial expression looked serious as the silvers swords started to vibrate. Silver flames started to appear, and [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] started to chant a spell that sounded like a heart-breaking love song.

"Gather because of joy, separate because of sorrow. Joy sorrow separate gather are unpredictable... Joy Sorrow Separate Gather Sword Array!"

The two silver swords in the ground started to react. The blades of the swords emitted strands of silver lights.

As if the lights had lives of their own, they didn't strike at [One Sword] but rather drew a circle that was 10 meters in diameter around [One Sword]. Looking from above, [One Sword] was right at the center of the circle.

In the meanwhile, a desolate atmosphere appeared on the stage as [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] continued to chant. It felt like it was autumn and everything was falling and dying.

All the audiences were affected too! Their expressions all dimmed as they felt lonely and sad.

Fei was very curious about all of this.

He was very surprised by this warrior who acted arrogantly on the stage. The performance of [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] had already made a lot of master warriors squint their eyes. Although this Joy Sorrow Separate Gather Sword Array hadn't shown its true power, it already shocked a lot of people. It seemed like it was able to have an effect on people's souls and change people's moods; that was really strange.

[One Sword] was already experiencing something unprecedented on the stage.

The two silver swords on his two sides were lightly vibrating, and the decorations and gems on them were making a series of chime sounds. The sounds were crisp and refreshing in the ears of the audience, but they were like the roars of demons in the ears of [One Sword].

These sounds made him very emotional. All of the emotions and emotional moments he had ever experienced in his life rushed into his mind like waves of the ocean, and the focused and clean Cultivation Path in his mind was stained by these clouds of "dust".

The events that were being replayed in his mind were slowly becoming more and more real. He felt like he was seeing them again with his owns eyes and hearing them again with his own ears. He could no longer suppress his past in his head.

His eyes gradually couldn't see the surroundings; they felt a pain.

His ears gradually couldn't hear the surroundings; he could only hear thunders.

"[One Sword] closed his eyes... what is he doing? Does he think that he could defeat [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] with his eyes closed?"

"Wait, it feels like he is being disrupted by something..."

All the audience members were surprised. They chattered among each other as they tried to figure it out. Why did the two people who were about to battle feel very different? They were just standing on the opposite side of each other without moving as if no one wanted to attack first. [One Sword]'s behavior was especially strange.

Chapter 331: Can You Still Use Swords after Your Arms Are Broken? (Part One)

Only a few master warriors knew what [One Sword] was experiencing, and they couldn't keep calm.

Could it be that this [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] was actually a mage who mastered Soul Magic Spells? It felt like what [One Sword] was experiencing could be only caused by Soul Magics!

Fei turned around and looked at Princess Cindy who was also sitting in the VIP area. He knew that this opponent of his was a magic genius, and he wondered if she had more insights into what was going on!

However, Fei discovered that the cold and noble Magic Princess was also looking at him! Above the veil, her crystal-like eyes were staring right at him.

When their eyes met, it seemed to have created sparks in the air.

It was subtle, but they both read some undescribed feelings from each other.

After seeing Fei looking at her, the Magic Princess lightly nodded and continued to watch the competition.


Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

[Silver Armored Vicious Sword] finally started his attack.

With the silver sword in his hand, he leaped into the air and was as fast as lighting. He was close to the realm of "being one with the sword", and it felt like this silver sword in his hand was everywhere.

The fast strikes left a series of afterimages in the air, and it looked like a white feathered peacock was opening up its feathers; some people in the audience also felt like the afterimages together looked like a bunch of crystal flowers; beautiful yet lethal.

These strikes from all directions were targeted at [One Sword] who still had his eyes closed.

The two silvers swords on the ground vibrated even faster, and the silver sword in [Silver Armored Vicious Sword]'s hand was also merciless. The sword turned into a phantom, and it quietly cut towards [One Sword]'s throat.

[One Sword]'s eyes were still closed. It felt like he wasn't aware of what was going on.

Gasps sounded around the stage. Numerous people already foresaw [One Sword] getting his head cut off; numerous people foresaw the most powerful warrior in this competition die under this strike.

As the blade of the silver sword was about to pierce into [One Sword]'s body, he reacted by lightly tilting his body backward.

Donald Trump IQ Finally Revealed... Obama's IQ is Jaw Dropping


The silver blade barely missed [One Sword]'s throat.

After missing the strike, [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] rotated his body in mid-air like a windmill and somehow pulled his body back to where he was standing before; it felt like he disobeyed the laws of Physics.

He then swung his sword in a circle and leaped into the air again. This time, he chopped down at [One Sword] who still hadn't fully woken up yet; his movement looked like he was chopping down with an ax.

This change in strikes was unimaginably fast.

[One Sword], on the other hand, seemed to have been stuck on the ground. He didn't move away, and big sweat drops started to appear on his forehead. It seemed like he had detected dangers as he tried to tilt his body backward even more. In the last second, he finally moved his left foot to the left a bit more.


[Silver Armored Vicious Sword]'s sword landed in between [One Sword]'s feet.

Sword Energies instantly dashed out of the sword, and blood appeared.

Donald Trump IQ Finally Revealed... Obama's IQ is Jaw Dropping


One of [One Sword]'s ankles was wounded by one dash of Sword Energy, and blood spurted out of the wound.

"Ah! [One Sword] is injured!"

"Impossible! What did I just witness... [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] actually got the advantage? He even injured [One Sword]? If I remembered everything correctly, this is the first time that [One Sword] is injured in the competition. Is it also the first time [One Sword] got injured in his life?"

"Damn! Is the result going to be shocking?"


All the people around the stage instantly started to murmur among themselves. Some people's jaws dropped, and some people rubbed their eyes to see if they were hallucinating. No one expected [One Sword] to get injured in this match. But now, it seemed like he might even lose and die!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Chapter 331: Can You Still Use Swords after Your Arms Are Broken? (Part Two)

The Sword Energies flew around on the stage. [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] was "being one with the sword", and he started to attack even more aggressively. On No.1 Sword-Testing Stage, [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] leaped into the air again and moved his sword in a very strange manner. As if a peacock opened its feathers, the dashes of Sword Energies shot out in all directions. They made no sounds, but they were lethal.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

As noise sounded, wounds started to appear on [One Sword]'s body as the Sword Energies started to leave wounds on his body and almost shredded his clothes.

All the master warriors in the audience were shocked to see this.

Fei tightly stared at the match that was taking place on No.1 Sword-Testing Stage. He thought this was going to be one-sided, but it took a very unexpected turn. Fei could tell that [One Sword] was in a disadvantageous situation. As he was inside Joy Sorrow Separate Gather Sword Array, [One Sword] could no longer predict the path of his opponent, and he could no longer catch his opponent's movements. He could only use the instinct of a master warrior to dodge, and injuries were unavoidable.

This was probably the toughest match [One Sword] was ever involved in.

Fei believed that [One Sword] also noticed the hidden power in [Silver Armored Vicious Sword]'s body and was very interested in it. [One Sword] didn't use his killer strike at the beginning and used his rain-like Sword Spirits to force out [Silver Armored Vicious Sword]'s real power.

However, that little curiosity placed him in a corner.

"Where is [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] from?"

The Joy Sorrow Separate Gather Sword Array was really strange, and the speed and sword technique [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] was demonstrating was also very surprising. It was different from mainstream techniques as it was fast, created illusions, and made no sounds. That was why [One Sword] had a hard time dealing with it.

Except for Fei, masters like Magic Princess Cindy, Shevchenko, and [Wind and Fire Dual Warriors] were all shocked as well. Many of them previously felt like this [Silver Armored Vicious Sword]'s strength was mediocre; they believed that he had a good look but was too arrogant to be a real master.

But now, it seemed like they were all fooled by [Silver Armored Vicious Sword]'s act!


On No.1 Sword-Testing Stage.

[One Sword] finally showed impatience and anxiety on his face.

This was the first time that he was in such a bad situation. He was angry, and all the sweats on his body were mixed with the blood. All of the emotions re-appeared in his mind again, and his eyes and ears were feeling even more pain. Finally, he was able to gain back some control of his warrior energy. His warrior energy dashed out of his body and soared into the sky. The huge airflows created by this was like a tornado that was swirling around [One Sword].


[Silver Armored Vicious Sword] was charging forward at [One Sword] with his silver sword, but he was hit by this powerful force. As if he was hit by a huge hammer, he opened his mouth and puked out mouthfuls of blood. After he staggered and took more than a dozen steps back, he finally stabilized his body.


Gasps sounded around the stage again.

"Too bad that your strength doesn't match up with your techniques!"

Although [One Sword]'s eyes were still closed, although his clothes were torn in so many areas, although he looked defeated with all the sweats and blood on him, his calm expression and confident tone made a lot of people fear him.

"Surrender, and I will let you live." [One Sword] opened his eyes and said to [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] who repeatedly puked up blood.

"Yuck! You want me to surrender? Beat me first! Do you think you are the king of Chambord?" [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] spat out.

[One Sword]'s expression changed. He sneered: "The king of Chambord? So what? You are not my match!"

"Yuck! Defeat me first!"

[Silver Armored Vicious Sword] mocked. As he said that, he moved the silver sword in his hand. Silver flames re-appeared, and the [Joy Sorrow Sword] and [Separate Gather Sword] that were stabbed in the ground started to vibrate again. The silver rings and engravings on them made a series of chime sounds, and the sounds all rushed into [One Sword]'s ears.

[One Sword] had to close his eyes after he heard that.

"Hahaha, as soon as I strike, you would need to close your eyes. And you want me to surrender?" [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] knew that his opponent was really powerful and the same techniques would be useless in front of him, and that was why he suddenly changed to another set of technique that was even more strange.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Blood appeared on [One Sword] as he was injured again.

"I didn't want to kill you." [One Sword] sighed. Knowing that his opponent was weaker than him, [One Sword] didn't even use his sword. He directly broke through the technique using his pure warrior energy.

After a noise, [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] was knocked away again. His arms were down and looked boneless; it seemed like [One Sword] broke his arms.

"Can you still use swords after your arms are broken?"

[One Sword] was very proud of himself. After his offer was rejected, he won't ask again. [One Sword] who showed his hostility towards Fei in the battle with Torres didn't show any mercy towards [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] after this young man brought up the king of Chambord.

[One Sword], wanted to kill!

Chapter 332: Blood on The Sword (Part One)

"Hahaha….. of course! My arms are broken, but I can still use my feet!"

After puking up another mouthful of blood, [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] leaped into the air. The silver sword that was knocked away from his hands was squeezed in between his feet. He lightly kicked the sword, and he was able to hold onto the handle of the sword using his feet properly. Again, he was in the state of "being one with the sword", and his body rotated in the air like a huge Beyblade. The strike came fast, and the strike came cold.

Tink! Tink! Tink! Tink!

Joy Sorrow Separate Gather Sword Array started to make sounds again, and the chime sounds were long yet beautiful.

Only [One Sword] who was within Joy Sorrow Separate Gather Sword Array knew how dangerous these chime sounds were.

Too bad that [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] was greatly injured. He wasn't able to defeat [One Sword] when he was in his peak condition, and there was no chance for him to win now.

All of the masters in the audience could tell that [Silver Armored Vicious Sword]'s techniques were mystic and miraculous, but they weren't backed up with the required level of warrior energy. If [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] was a Six-Star Warrior, [One Sword] would have been defeated already. However, he was only a Four-Star Warrior, and he couldn't utilize the techniques and this Joy Sorrow Separate Gather Sword Array effectively.


[One Sword] finally used his sword.

That dash of Sword Energy was as bright as a star, and it somehow showcased eternity at that moment.

"Puff….. Eh...."

[Silver Armored Vicious Sword] who was spreading the silver flame in the air was forced back.

More blood came out of his mouth, and the silver sword that was held tightly in his legs was knocked away as well. It flew 20 meters in the air and stabbed into the ground. The body of the sword was vibrating violently, and [Silver Armored Vicious Sword]'s legs were severely damaged; the leg bones could even be seen, and some of the audiences were scared.

This was the lightest injury [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] could ask for.

If [One Sword] wasn't inside the Joy Sorrow Separate Gather Sword Array and his strength didn't decrease dramatically, [Silver Armored Vicious Sword]'s legs might have been chopped off already. Everyone knew that [One Sword] didn't hold back at all.

Tink! Tink!

Two flashes of silver lights appeared on the stage.

You Won't Believe What the World's Most Beautiful Girl Looks Like Today


Joy Sorrow Separate Gather Sword Array got broke apart by [One Sword]'s supreme Sword Energy. Like two birds, [Joy Sorrow Sword] and [Separate Gather Sword] let out a cry as they flew into the air and lightly stabbed into the ground beside [Silver Armored Vicious Sword]!



After falling to the ground, blood rushed out of [Silver Armored Vicious Sword]'s leg wounds like fountains. It was clear that [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] couldn't stand anymore.

Even though this was the case, he still held up and didn't want to completely lie down on the ground. With insane pains in his arms and legs, his expression still didn't change. He appeared to be even wilder as he laughed, "Hahaha, what? You are finally murderous? Hahaha, [One Sword], only one sword? Yuck! You only use one strike in battle? You finally took off your musk? You are not as good as the king of Chambord! There, I said it! Hahaha, what can you do? Kill me?"

Even though he was on the ground with blood all over him, [Silver Armored Vicious Sword]'s viciousness and wildness couldn't be held back. He appeared haughty, and he wasn't willing to step down.

"Can you still use swords with your arms and legs broke?"

[One Sword] sneered as he carefully wiped off the blood on his rusty sword with his finger, and he then blew at his finger to get the blood off there as well. His movement looked light, but the murderous intent in his voice made all the audience members sense chills in their spines.

She Was the Most Beautiful Girl in the World. What She Looks Like Now is Insane


"Just surrender!"

"Quickly! Just do it!"

"You already proved yourself! No one will call you an arrogant idiot anymore!"

Some people in the audience already started to yell.

For some reason, a lot of people who disliked [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] already changed their perception of this warrior after seeing this match. They were now all on the side of this arrogant prince, and they all wanted [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] to surrender to save his life. Those young girls who were fans of [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] had tears in their eyes as their hearts raced.

However, the young man on the stage demonstrated his wildness.

"Haha, of course I can!"

Chapter 332: Blood on The Sword (Part Two)

After a laugh, [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] hit the ground with one of his broke arms. As bone crackling noise sounded, this young man used this repulsive force to move his body. His body flew in the air, and he was able to bite onto his silver sword that was previously knocked away. He turned his head forcefully, and the silver sword that was held by his teeth commanded [Joy Sorrow Sword] and [Separate Gather Sword]. These two silvers swords flew into the air and struck at [One Sword] like two arrows.


[One Sword]'s eyes shone, and he struck out without hesitation.

The Sword Energy from [One Sword] looked terrifying as it tore through space and hit both [Joy Sorrow Sword] and [Separate Gather Sword] at the same time. The two swords were knocked back and directly smashed onto the protective magic array. Shockingly, the swords shattered the array and flew into the sky; no one knew where the swords went.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

After seeing this, [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] turned around and flew at [One Sword]. With the sword in his mouth, his body rotated fiercely in the air. Looking from afar, it looked like he was a fast drill.

It was obvious that he was willing to injure [One Sword] by putting his own life on the line.

"Too bad... I didn't want to kill you."

[One Sword] sighed, but his expression didn't show the same message. Without hesitation, he shook his arm. Instantly, that rusty sword looked crystal-like; it looked perfect and majesty as if it was a shiny god's weapon.

After the technique was initiated, the chilling Sword Energy appear again.

This was really a killing move.

No one could describe the feel of this strike, no one could describe the power of this strike, and no one could describe the perfectness of this strike.

Anyone who was facing this strike would feel desperate.

This strike wasn't something that [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] could handle. Even regular civilians could tell that [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] and his sword would be torn apart by this strike as if they went through a mincer. They would be turned into clouds of blood mists and iron dust.

Tink! Tink! Tink! Tink!

The silver sword and the unparalleled Sword Energy encountered.

Instantly, the sparks created by this was so bright that some people had to close their eyes. Waves of energy were emitted to the surroundings as if this was doomsday. The tragic atmosphere appeared on the stage, and No.1 Sword-Testing Stage started to shake as if it was going to collapse. Clouds of dust were everywhere, and bright flowers of blood would appear here and there. It was beautiful yet cruel.

After a long while, the sparks disappeared and the dust stopped fly up.

There was no sound on the stage, but no one knew that result as the clouds of dust blocked everyone's vision.

"Is it over? Is it finished?" Someone in the audience suddenly asked.

"Is he dead? No... An arrogant bastard like him can't die like this." Some people didn't want to see the tragic ending.

"[One Sword] is [One Sword] after all. Although he used more than one strike, the result is the same. However, despite the result, no one predicted this would occur on the stage."

Some people murmured to each other, but the area was overall quiet.

Almost all of the masters in the VIP area had stood up, and they all stared at the stage and wanted the clouds of dust to settle.

Only Fei and Magic Princess Cindy were sitting in their seats. Princess Cindy looked at Fei with a curious expression, but Fei only had a smile on his face.

After a while, the clouds of dust finally settled.


There was blood on the sword!

The blood wasn't his opponent's but his

The body of the sword was shaking and whining as if it was hit by something powerful.

The hand that was on the sword was bleeding as it was wounded. Blood slowly slid down his hand and dripped onto the ground after passing through the handle, the guard, the blade, and the tip of the sword. When the blood dripped down on the ground, it sent a few small dust flowers into the air.

It was [One Sword]'s hand.

[One Sword] was injured?

The quiet audience exploded as they talked with each other.

Only the more observant people realized that [One Sword]'s expression was very strange.

His body was shaking; it seemed like he was extremely angry, but he was suppressing something. However, he appeared to be in shock as well. All kinds of emotions appeared on his face, and it was even more complicated than when [One Sword] was inside Joy Sorrow Separate Gather Sword Array!

30 meters behind [One Sword], [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] was lying on the ground face down. His blood had quietly stained all the rock tiles around him.

Chapter 333: Three Strikes (Part One)

"Second match in the quarterfinals... winner, [One Sword]!"

After the judge walked up to [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] and did some checkups, he stood up and announced the result. Also, this judge waved at the Polo Kingdom and signaled them to send people to the stage to save their prince.

Although [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] was severely injured and lost his conscious, he didn't die yet.

A few people jumped onto the stage. One of them was a man in his fifties. He looked strong and majestic, and he was wearing a golden crown; it was obvious that he was the king of Polo.

He quickly dashed to [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] and ordered the doctors and mages to start healing his son.

[One Sword], on the other hand, slowly put the rusty sword back into the scabbard on his back. After he shook his hand and got rid of the blood, he looked at the VIP area and stared at Fei. "Why did you get involved?" he suddenly asked.

"He praised me, so I saved him." Fei laughed, "Just like how he mocked you and you tried to kill him."

Fei didn't try to hide at all.

"This is a fair competition that Emperor Yassin set up himself. How dare you get involved?" [One Sword] continued to ask patiently.

"I only got involved after the result was finalized. So technically, I wasn't involved in your match." Fei also answered patiently.

Of course, if what Fei said was within reason, what he said after was just next level. "What can you do if I did intervene?" [One Sword]'s expression changed, but he didn't follow up with anything.

"You..." Anger appeared on [One Sword]'s face, but it quickly disappeared. He looked down at Fei as he stood on the tall stage and shook his head, "You are just a jerk who is unreasonable. I overestimated you."

After he said that, he turned around and walked away.

He was afraid that he could pull out his sword if he stood there any longer.

He had to admit that he wasn't as calm as he seemed.

It was a very strange feeling. When he was the No.1 Master Warrior among all affiliated kingdoms, he was able to treat everyone with calmness. He was like the tallest mountain, and all other mountains were inferior to him.

With that sense of superiority, despite his common appearance with the rough robe and rusty sword, he was still the unnamed king who was wearing golden armors and using god-tier weapons in other people's eyes.

You Won't Believe What the World's Most Beautiful Girl Looks Like Today


Anyone who heard his name had to praise him and look up at him.

However, all of that changed after the king of Chambord appeared.

[Sky Covering Fist] ... Under the sky, was there still a place where he, [One Sword], could stand?

One mountain couldn't contain two tigers! The king of Chambord's appearance destroyed [One Sword]'s feelings of superiority. Especially after the king of Chambord got more famous and showed more strength, more and more people thought that [One Sword]'s No.1 Master Warrior title was already taken by the king of Chambord.

Before, [One Sword] believed that he could ignore all the comments and judgment others had about him; he thought he could laugh all of those things off, but that wasn't the case. Not sure when, but the hostility toward the king of Chambord already started to build inside of him even though they never met.

As the king of Chambord got more powerful and dominating, the hostility [One Sword] had grown stronger.

[One Sword]'s complicated emotions were displayed in his last match when he fought Torres. His murderous intent told him that he couldn't keep calm anymore. Like a huge hand, Fei's appearance dragged him down from the cloud nine.

If he wanted to return to the usual place, he would need to cut off this hand.

Donald Trump IQ Finally Revealed... Obama's IQ is Jaw Dropping



Chapter 333: Three Strikes (Part Two)

The second match was finally over as people in the audience murmured among themselves.

The next match was the match that most people looked forward to. Although the king of Chambord and the Magic Princess hadn't start battling, all the people around the stage felt like the blood inside of them was boiling as they were all very excited.

The king of Chambord, a new warrior who wasn't even scared of the Imperial Knight Palace, and a young king who had miraculous stories. Was there anyone that can stop this young man who had shocked the audience again and again? Many people didn't think he was going to be stopped by anyone at the competition.

Magic Princess Cindy, the princess of resourceful and powerful Bulan Kingdom. Her beautiful face and haughty appearance got her a lot of fans from the beginning, and her magic power, her spells, and her sheer confidence even made Matt Razi state that she was on the level of the king of Chambord and [One Sword].

The king and the princess... who was going to be in the semi-finals?

Tens of thousands of people got very close to the stage as they all wanted to witness this match carefully. Even the royal mages who were here to fix the No.1 Sword-Testing Stage that was damaged in the previous match didn't leave; they all stood around the stage.

These mages with gold-gilded red mage robes stood here for two reasons. One, they were here to prevent the audience from getting injured if the battle on the stage got too heated. Two, they also wanted to watch the battle that was deemed as the No.1 Battle between warrior energy and magic power by older-generation masters. After all, the magic power Princess Cindy demonstrated even moved these royal mages.

As magic elements surged, [No.1 Goddess] who was in a long black dress flew into the air. With a pair of wings created by wind magic elements, she looked like a pretty butterfly. She flew from the VIP area and slowly landed on the stage.

The way she moved made a lot of men who were watching this get nosebleeds.

Princess Cindy looked majestic at this moment, and she looked impeccable. However, almost every man had evil thoughts in their subconscious about destroying beautify and purity. That was why their blood was boiling.

It was heard that Magic Princess' beautify had attracted the attention of some influential figures.

A lot of powerful forces in St. Petersburg had visited the old king of Bulan Kingdom and asked for marriage arrangements; they all wanted to establish an alliance with the Bulan Kingdom. Even though Princess Cindy was powerful, she might not be able to resist the political forces.

Fei only smiled.

Ever since this princess killed [Bloody Dual Blades] using his own methods, Fei had a good impression of her. Of course, it wasn't love; Fei just felt like this cold Magic Princess had good morals and knew what to do in different situations, and Fei admired those characteristics of her.

After calling Torres over and giving him a bottle of [Health Potion], Fei told his bodyguard to give this to the Polo Kingdom to save [Silver Armored Vicious Sword]'s life. He then slapped the armrest of his stone throne and appeared on the stage in a flash.

After the judge announced the beginning of the match, blue lights flashed by and a "water curtain" covered the stage in all directions. It completely enveloped the stage and kept the audience safe.

The protective magic array was altered, and it can now defend against the strike of an Eight-Star Warrior.

All the cheers of the audience were blocked off, and it was completely quiet inside the stage. The two of them looked at each other, and the match was about to begin.

This was Fei's first time standing so close to Princess Cindy.

Although her magic power hadn't been shown yet, Fei could still sense the terrifying amount of magic power inside the thin body of this girl. She was like a nuclear bomb that could explode at any time; pretty yet dangerous.

"You intervened the previous match?" Magic Princess took off her veil as she lightly asked.

Her face was smooth like the best porcelain and had a white glare to it, and all of her facial features were perfect. She wasn't as pure as Angela, she wasn't as valiant as Elena, she wasn't as wise as Tanasha, and she wasn't as seductive as Paris. However, she had a charm of her own; she was quiet and independent like an orchid flower.

"Yeah." Fei didn't try to hide it.

"[One Sword] is no match for you." As if she recalled the superior aura Fei showed when he saved [Silver Armored Vicious Sword], she said after a moment of silence, "I am not your match either."

Fei only smiled back.

This girl's instinct was too sharp. When Fei hurried to save [Silver Armored Vicious Sword]'s life, he used a power that was close to Nine-Star to break [One Sword]'s killing strike.

A small knife was filled with Fei's power as it was sent flying towards [One Sword]'s sword by Fei's finger. Although the knife knocked away [One Sword]'s sword, it also exploded to dust as it couldn't handle Fei's explosive power for long. Except for [One Sword], Fei thought no one else noticed. It seemed like Magic Princess took a notice of that and even compared the power in that knife with [One Sword]'s and hers. Fei's impression of her got even better.

"However, I won't surrender. My master told me that I can only advance if I battled with other powerful people. I want to know how powerful you are, so let's determine the outcome of the battle in three strikes."

As she said that, she grabbed onto that huge battle wand. Her hair started to flutter as her body slowly elevated into the air.

Chapter 334: [Burning Beauty of Flames] (Part One)

"Three strikes? Ok!"

Fei stepped forward, and his Barbarian strength was unleashed from his body and expanded outward like a tornado.

This force made the air on the stage dense. As if it was a transparent swamp, it was hard to move in it. People on the outside also had a hard time observing what was happening as if all the lights on the stage were bent.

"Ah? Seven-Star? He advanced again?"

A royal mage who was wearing a mage hat gasped. He was standing on the edge of the stage, and he clearly sensed what was happening inside the array.

Although his gasp wasn't loud, the people around him were shocked! This mage was white-haired and was clearly an elder; his words were trusted by many.

"So the king of Chambord is already a Seven-Star Warrior?" other warriors in the audience felt a numb sensation. The distance between Six-Star and Seven Star was huge, and some warriors couldn't leap through the threshold in their lifetime. However, the king of Chambord walked pass this threshold in half a month!

A lot of people in the VIP area were disappointed. There were a lot of warriors who thought they weren't too different from the king of Chambord and wanted to challenge him. But now, their expressions were all gloomy.


Both Elena and [One Sword] had left the area and went back to their own campsites; this was their habit.

The only person who was on the top-4 list and didn't leave was Prince Shevchenko. When people looked at him, they realized that this prince wasn't nervous at all. His face looked emotionless as his lips tightly pressed against each other, and no one can tell what this prince was thinking about.

Fei only showcased a little bit of his strength, and the entire audience was set off!

The people in the audience didn't know that Fei didn't show all of his power. His Barbarian Character was on the peak of Nine-Star, and it was only one step away from becoming a Moon-Class Elite.

Fei purposefully showed a mid-tier Seven-Star strength as he didn't want this girl in front of him to lose so badly.

After a light roar, Fei clenched his fist and moved it to his waist; this was the simple movement that most people would do before punching out. However, when Fei did it, it felt like all of the energies in the area were sucked into his right hand. It felt like Fei had grasped the essence of a punch and could be using any kinds of technique from this point on.

The three-strike agreement Fei and Cindy made caused Fei to think back to that mysterious master. That father-like and teacher-like mysterious warrior made ten-strike agreements with Fei, and Fei's strength jumped in levels after training with him. Now, Fei had granular control of his power, and there were no leakages as he clenched his fist.

A transparent energy flame covered Fei's right fist.

Here's the Purpose of That Little Pocket in Women's Underwear


Princess Cindy on the other side of him was also preparing her ultimate strikes. With the Elevation Spell, she was floating two meters above the ground. Although there was no wind, her long black hair was fluttering in the air like flames. Her arms were open as if she was trying to hug something, and a haughty yet dangerous aura appeared around her. Her eyes somehow started to appear more and more silver as if an eternity of coldness was stored there, and her hairs gradually turned silver as well.

Crack, crack...

Ice freezing noises sounded in the air, and the temperature around the stage dropped. Frosts appeared on the ground from nowhere, and more and more frosts stacked up. Princess Cindy was the center, and frosts expanded in all directions.

Ice gradually formed, and it soon reached Fei's feet. After that, it started to climb up and froze Fei's legs, waist, chest... in the end, frosts even appeared on Fei's eyebrows and hair.

"Sh*t! I'm a little too overconfident." Fei said to himself.

After a period of preparation, it seemed like the spell Princess Cindy was about to cast surpassed her level and reached peak Seven-Star. This was the terrifying side of mages. As long as there were enough time and enough magic power, they could deal damages far beyond their own strength.

Of course, the consequences of casting these kinds of Forbidden Spells were huge damages to ones' own body.

"King of Chambord! Take this first strike!" Magic Princess shouted with her crisp voice, "[Goddess of Snow's Embrace]!"

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As soon as she finished speaking, the sound of a snowstorm and strong wind resonated on the stage. A lot of cracking noises also sounded as if ice burgs started to fall. The temperature on the stage dropped dramatically, and even the hard rock tiles on the ground started to crack.

At this moment, snow finally appeared.

As Princess Cindy opened ups her arm as if she was about to hug someone, all of the snow in the air organized themselves into a huge female figure. This huge female figure made from snow also opened its arm and hugged toward Fei.

Chapter 334: [Burning Beauty of Flames] (Part Two)

As soon as the figure touched Fei, all the snow turned into silver ice; Fei was directly frozen in this ice.

Under such coldness, even the magic elements on the water curtain-like magic array lost their agility.

Everyone in the audience was surprised. Under the lights from the blue magic array, they all saw the king of Chambord inside the ice. He was still in his pose where his clenched fist was beside his waist, but it seemed like he couldn't move anymore.

"The king of Chambord lost?"

Even the royal mages around the stage were shocked.

As mages, they were able to sense how terrifying Princess Cindy's [Goddess of Snow's Embrace] was. The spell reached the peak of Seven-Star, and it was obvious that it was only successfully cast by Cindy with the help of her wand and some other items.

It was because of this powerful Forbidden Spell that people started to doubt the king of Chambord. Although the name [Sky Covering Fist] was heard around the empire, they all knew that he let go of his advantage and allowed Princess Cindy to finish her spell. Could this be the end of the king of Chambord?

It was strangely quietly outside the stage as everyone held onto their breath.

On the stage, no joy could be seen on Princess Cindy's face. With her hands on the huge battle wand, she lightly waved it as she continued to recite a series of ear-pleasing yet strange chants. It sounded like the singing of the Goddess of Snow, and many people were mesmerized by it.

Everyone knew that she was preparing another even more powerful spell.

At this moment, the huge ice on the stage shone; the light was so bright that it felt like it was a fire in the dark night. Before people in the audience reacted, a huge booming noise sounded as cracked ice pieces flew in all directions.

What was even more surprised was that all these ice pieces evaporated in to thin air after traveling for a few meters.

In the next moment, the temperature on the stage returned to normal.

It felt like the ice and the snow was never there before

In the center of the stage, the king of Chambord was standing there quietly. No change could be seen on him as there were no traces of ice and snow. His black hair fluttered in the wind with no moisture in it, and it felt like the person who was frozen in the ice wasn't him.

That [Goddess of Snow's Embrace] was able to destroy a peak Seven-Star Warrior, but it didn't even harm one single strand of his hair.

"How powerful is he?"

The people in the VIP area and the royal mages around the stage were still shocked. They saw a lot more information – they found that the ice and snow Princess Cindy created using her magic power was completely dismantled by the king of Chambord's physical strength. How powerful and how terrifying did the physical strength needed to be before it could dismantle the connections between each of the magic elements? After all, if the bonds and connections between the magic elements were cut off, they would return to their purest form and disperse back into the air.

As they looked at the man who was standing on the stage, all of the master warriors of Zenit knew that this man wasn't someone they could challenge.

They had lost the qualification to challenge him.

"Could Princess Cindy who brought us a lot of shocks continue to shock us with her second spell?"

The passionate fans of Princess Cindy all hoped that the goddess in their hearts could recreate miracles.


"Second Strike..." It was still her crisp voice. The Magic Princess who was floating in the air held onto the huge battle wand. She raised it above her head like a sword, and the fluttering black dress added more esthetics to her appearance. Her movement was slow, it felt like she was raising a mountain and not a wand.

"[Burning Beauty of Flames]!"

Chapter 335: You Can't Win (Part One)

As Princess Cindy shouted, the sounds of fire suddenly appeared on the stage.

At the same time, blood slowly slid down her lips. Her white skin contrasted with the red blood, and she looked extra fragile yet extra beautiful at that moment.

The huge battle wand struck down.

Instantly, a huge amount of indefensible power rushed out of the wand.


Fire beam!

Eye-piercing thick fire beam!

As if it torn apart space and didn't belong in this universe, it shot out of the tip of the wand and dashed at Fei rapidly.

The thick fire beam was very bright, and it caused a burn to people's eyes.

No one expected such a powerful fire spell from Princess Cindy. She had been only showing and using her smooth ice spells in the past, and no one thought she also mastered spells on the other end of the spectrum.

The burning fire felt like it was going to destroy the land, and the ground of the Sword-Testing Stage was heated to the maximum. The sunlight was bent, and white fogs started to appear on the stage. This scene would only appear if the protective "water curtain" magic array was about to collapse due to the terrifying fire magic elements.

Fei's face changed color.

He didn't know that this girl could play with both ice and fire.

Clench the fist, grasp the energy, concentrate the energy, and punch-out...

This series of movements were almost completed in a second, and the people in the audience could only see a series of blurry afterimages. The movements themselves were aesthetically pleasing as well, and the afterimages looked like a crystalized lotus.

When this lotus bloomed, Fei punched out.


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The crystalized fist mark that had a transparent flame around it smashed into the red fire beam that was coming at it.

As soon as they encountered each other, the fire power of the fire beam and the physical force of the crystal fist mark started to devour each other. The victory didn't immediately show itself. The red fire continued to eat away at Fei. Gradually, Fei's entire right arm was covered by the red fire beam. In addition, this red fire beam was gradually moving towards other areas of Fei's body.

Princess Cindy, on the other hand, was barely able to maintain her position. The huge magic gem on the tip of the wand was the source of this fire beam, and the fire beam continuously rushed out of it like a laser.

The only thing was that her face was extremely pale. Under her silver flowery crown, sweats covered her head. More and more blood slid down the edge of her mouth. After the blood slid down her long and beautiful neck, it slid into her black dress.

She forcefully activated the magic power that was beyond her control, and she recited the spell that she hadn't mastered. Although she had help from magic items, the damage to her own body couldn't be avoided. Currently, the Magic Princess was in a terrible condition as well.


After this went on for another 10 minutes, Fei's expression changed as he shook his right arm.

Strands of transparent physical energy expanded outward like waves, and the thick fire beam finally started to whine. As if it was a snake that got its tender spot grasped, it started to cry and continued to shrink in size. Soon, all the fire in the air disappeared.

Here's the Purpose of That Little Pocket in Women's Underwear


The white sleeve of Fei's shirt and Fei's black wristband were all burned into ashes.

[Burning Beauty of Flames] did pose some threats to Fei. After all, Princess Cindy did risk getting injured to cast this spell that was beyond her control. This spell was on the level of Eight-Star, and Fei couldn't really dismantle it when he was in a passive position. Fei suspected that Magic Princess Cindy had one or more magic items on her that helped her, and he suspected that there was at least one item that was on the level of Sub-God-tier. Otherwise, a mage who was on the level of Six-Star couldn't deal so much damage above her capacity.

It seemed like everyone had their own trump cards.

Everyone was the protagonist in their own lives; everyone had their own opportunities and their own pride.

After a short moment of silence, unprecedented cheers erupted around the stage. Like an erupting volcano, loud thunders, and tsunami, the cheers soared into the sky and even temporarily deafened some people. This was the best match the audience had witnessed so far in the competition.

There weren't any fancy and fluff fillers; there were only direct battles. This was a real match, and the two participants demonstrated what it meant to be masters.

Chapter 335: You Can't Win (Part Two)

Even people who had no power could sense the terrifying energies from the match. Although they couldn't tell how powerful those snowstorm, crystalized fist mark, and thick fire beam were, their souls subconsciously worshiped the two participants. Even though only a tiny bit of pressure was passed through the magic array, their souls were trembling.

All of the royal mages around the stage no longer had time to be surprised. They tried their best to inject more and more magic power into the array so it didn't break down. Otherwise, if the power inside the array was leaked out, more than half of the audience would be killed, and it would be the biggest tragedy in the history of Zenit!

Everyone in the VIP area stood up and stared at the match closely. Some people were surprised, some people were joyous, some people were shocked, and some people were dumbfounded... The king of Chambord was very significant in the eyes of the big forces. Even if the big influential figures didn't like the king of Chambord, they had to start being more careful when dealing with the Chambord Kingdom.

Many people looked at Luck Prince Shevchenko again.

This time, this young man no longer looked calm. His was shocked as he slowly sat down on his seat. He didn't say anything, and no one could observe his expressions as he lowered his head.

On the stage.

Magic Princess Cindy started to shake a little in the air. Her face looked even paler, but her eyes were still shiny as ever. With decisiveness in her eyes and a stubborn smile on her face, it felt like this girl made a tragic decision. For a moment, Fei felt like there were tears in this girl's eyes, and he felt like this princess was a moth that was about to fly into a flame.

"Last strike..." Princess Cindy wiped the blood off of the corner of her mouth. She took out a white silk band from her storage ring and tied her hair into a ponytail. After that, she grabbed her wand and started chanting again using her goddess-like crisp voice.

As the chant sounded, all the magic elements on the stage started to surge. A terrifying sensation started to appear, and everyone could tell that Princess Cindy was preparing a spell that was more powerful than the previous two.

Fei shook his head and said: "Stop, you are already injured."

The only response to Fei's recommendation was more chanting. Even the magic elements outside the Sword-Testing Stage rushed in, and people in the audience felt like magic elements flowed pass them like invisible water. It felt like an illusion, but it felt real as well.

"You will die if you continue to use Forbidden Spells." Fei frowned and said after he sensed the stubbornness of his opponent.

The chanting didn't stop, and stubbornness was still written all over Princess Cindy's face.

A terrifying amount of magic element surrounded her body, and these magic elements were so dense that they created a huge windstorm 10 meters around her. As the wind blew in all directions, the people in the audience all fell backward as if they were crops in a windy field. For a moment, gasps sounded from all directions.

"Please stop."

Fei lightly shook his head and instantly appeared in front of this Magic Princess. Those powerful magic elements couldn't stop Fei at all, and Fei's palm was already on the forehead of [No. 1 Goddess].

Even a kid knew what it meant to have a warrior standing next to a mage.

If Fei moved his hand, he would be able to destroy the beautiful yet stubborn girl.

People around the stage started to scream, especially the elderly king and the young princes of the Bulan Kingdom; they looked terrified as they shouted.

However, the Magic Princess still didn't stop chanting.

Decisiveness could still be seen in her eyes, but Fei saw a bit of relief on her stubborn face. It felt like she thought she would be relieved if Fei killed her. Despite all these thoughts, forcefully chanting a powerful Forbidden Spell made her condition even worse as more blood slid down her nostrils and mouth.

"You can't win. Go back and rest."

Fei lightly tapped Cindy's head, and the force was just enough to make this Magic Princess faint. Without the support of magic power, her body dropped down from the air. To avoid more injuries, Fei reached out and kept this [No.1 Goddess] in his arms.

The king of Chambord won!

Chapter 336: Two Letters (Part One)

After the judge announced the result of the match, the royal mages who were injected all of their magic powers into the protective magic array finally stopped.

After running-water noise sounded, the water curtain-like array was taken down.

A few figures quickly dashed onto the stage.

It was the old king and the three princes of Bulan.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" the old king of Bulan was thin and had white hair and white beard, but he looked energetic. After he looked at Fei, he bowed and thanked Fei for going easy on his daughter.

A handsome young man who had curly hair took Princess Cindy from Fei's arms nervously. He looked valiant and a bit haughty, and he was probably Princess Cindy's younger brother.

Although Princess Cindy lost to Fei, the people from the Bulan Kingdom were very polite and respectful towards Fei.

They all knew that Princess Cindy tried to use spells that she couldn't handle without caring about the injuries they would do to her body. If the king of Chambord didn't use his superior strength to forcefully stop Princess Cindy, this beautiful yet talented young girl might have been killed by the backlash of the magic elements instead of fainting.

The people of Bulan quickly left with Princess Cindy as the audience murmured among themselves.

"King of Chambord! King of Chambord! King of Chambord!"

Someone started to cheer for Fei. Gradually, everyone around the stage started to chant the same thing. This high-level battle was something that a lot of people wanted to see, and a lot of people's life dreams were satisfied as they watched two master warriors battle through the "water curtain". After all, a lot of civilians who had no power rarely saw master warriors on this level.

The king of Chambord also shown the generosity of a king.

Compared to [One Sword] who tried to kill [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] when he had the upper-hand, Fei who saved Princess Cindy at the critical moment was more in-line with people's heroic fantasies.

At this moment, a lot of Princess Cindy's fans were chanting on the king of Chambord, and some of them even thought, "Perhaps only a super powerful king like the king of Chambord is suitable for a talented female mage like Magic Princess."

After this battle, the top-4 list was finalized. The king of Chambord and [Goddess of Archery] secured two spots for Chambord and looked dominating, and [One Sword]'s advancement was within expectation as well. In comparison, Luck Prince Shevchenko was believed to be the weakest of the bunch. Almost everyone believed that he would not make into the final match.

Didn't matter how lucky he was, there wasn't a free pass next round.

Luck was useless in front of real strength.

She Was the Most Beautiful Girl in the World. What She Looks Like Now is Insane



After the matches were over, it was already the afternoon.

When Fei returned to the campsite of Chambord, the maid named Autumn came up and reported that the Elder Princess had invited Angela to her place, and three other maids, Spring, Summer, and Winter also went with Angela.

Fei lightly frowned and nodded.

Autumn was one of the girls who was gifted to Fei by Blood-Edge. Fei saved them from the cruel punishment of the Imperial Knight Palace and let them obtain residency at Chambord since they could no longer find their families. Angela pitied them and let them become her maids as they were cute and smart.

However, Fei suddenly thought about a famous movie in his previous life called "Flirting Scholar" at the time and gave them the names of the four maids in the movie.

Even though no one understood Fei's sense of humor and everyone thought the names were weird, they were given by the king, and the four maids were honored by it.

Although the names were weird, they sounded good and people started calling them Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter.

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As Fei was wondering why Tanasha invited Angela over again, he walked into the central tent.

However, he saw a beautiful figure lying on the carpet made from the white fur of a demon beast; this carpet was placed under the stone throne that Fei always sat on. When Fei walked in, this girl was putting a purple grape in her mouth. She was very relaxed, her silver long hair was resting on the soft carpet, and her white dress couldn't completely cover her white legs that would make all men thirsty.

"Ah, Your Majesty, you are back... I... I..."

This girl was terrified when she saw Fei walk in. She quickly jumped off of the carpet made from level 6 Demon Beast – Cloud Leopard's fur, but she hit her head on the stone table above her. Although it was painful and that area did swell, she looked at Fei with a scared expression as she tried to find her shoes. There were tears in her eyes, and her hair was all messy.

Chapter 336: Two Letters (Part Two)

"Damn, you like to enjoy comfort and being lazy. So you are a real princess, huh?" Fei was a little mad, but he also found it a little funny. Therefore, he kept a straight face and scolded her.

"Ah, I... I was here to put down some fruits.... Angela Her Highness... She told me that before she left." This girl quickly tried to explain herself as she covered the swelling area on her head; she didn't dare to look at Fei.

"Ok, leave now." Fei intentionally shouted with a straight face, and the girl quickly rushed towards the curtain-door. However, she accidentally stepped on her dress and exposed more of her legs as she fell down. After that, she screamed as she quickly got up and rushed out of the tent like a little rabbit.

Fei shook his head with a bitter smile on his face.

This girl was one of the girls that Lampard saved from Blood-Edge on the night of the operation. She didn't speak the language of Zenit, but she was smart and soon got the hang of it; after all, the language systems on this continent were all similar.

After talking with her, she said that her name was Victories and she was a princess of a level 4 Empire. She gave her reasons for why she was captured and why she can't go back home currently. Therefore, she asked Fei to temporarily protect her.

Fei vaguely felt like this girl's identity was not common since her aura was different and she looked very beautiful. Her bone structure was different from the people of Zenit, and her silver hair was even rarer. In addition, she always stated information that everyone at Chambord didn't know about.

As Fei allowed her to say in Chambord's campsite, he ordered people to investigate the background of this Victoria.

However, all of her small problems were completely exposed as she got familiar with the people of Chambord. She was lazy and liked comfort. She was also hot-tempered and liked treasures. However, her worse problem was her gossips ability. Anything she heard would be turned into 10 versions and spread around Chambord and the camp area.

After Fei tolerated her a few times, he decided to punish her by making her into a maid just like Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. After getting scolded and punished, she got a lot better. However, her bad habits such as being lazy were still there.

What happened earlier was obvious. After seeing that no one was around, she lied on the fur of the level 6 Demon Beast – Cloud Leopard. She wanted this fur for a long time, and she decided to enjoy being a princess a for a little while. However, she was too into it and didn't even notice Fei's footsteps.

Fei shook his head again and thought, "This girl Victoria is really a special one."

He could tell that this girl knew the limits and wasn't a bad person despite having bad habits, and that was why Fei allowed this girl to continue to stay here.

After inspection, Fei knew that Victoria only enjoyed Cloud Leopard's fur and a few grapes; she didn't touch the confidential information of Chambord that were kept in the back.


Fei sat on his throne and rested his head on his palms. After thinking back to the assassination of Balesi, he knew that the Holy Church must have reacted. After all, the appearance of an Undead Mage was shocking.

Even if the Holy Church didn't know that he was the assassin, he would be on the preliminary suspect list. At this point, his actions and movements must have been reported to the Church already.

As he was wondering, Torres suddenly reported that a soldier from Imperial Patrol was here. The soldier walked in and carefully handed over a letter to Fei. It had a red rose on it, and it was Paris' signature.

After sending away the solider, Fei opened the letter and read it.

Paris wanted to tell Fei that some mysterious people appeared in the camp area around 10'o clock in the morning. After Imperial Patrol investigate them, they found out that they were all spying on Fei.

Paris wasn't concerned in the beginning as there were too many forces monitoring Chambord. However, she discovered that these people were from the Holy Church by accident, and she quickly notified Fei secretly.

After Fei finished reading it, he rolled it into a ball; the fragrance on the letter was the same as Paris' bodily fragrance.

What happened were all within Fei's expectation, so he shook his hand and turned the letter into some fine dust.

At this time, something triggered Fei. He opened up a blue portal, and a person walked out of it. This person handed a letter to Fei and walked back.

Fei opened the letter and found that the content of this letter was similar to Paris'.

He was reassured.