345 - 353

Chapter 345: Battle on The Peak (1) (Part One)

"As you wish, Your Majesty."

Although a lot of people had questions on their minds and they all wanted to know the conversation that made the king trust this mysterious old Aryang so much, no one objected as they all kneeled down to take the order. After all, they all worshipped Fei and completely trusted him.

Robbin was the most excited person.

It wasn't because his father got the king's trust and was now very powerful; it was because he saw the bright smile on his father face that was filled with despair and hopelessness for the last six years. It felt like an old and dried tree got revived as a new branch grew out of it.


To Fei, old Aryang's appearance was perfect. It felt like someone gave him a heated bag when he was cold and a pillow when he was tired.

In the scroll, old Aryang talked about how to construct the [Wolf Teeth Legion] including who to use as Team Commanders, Battalion Commanders, and Brigade Commanders. He gave reasons why he chose them, and he also mentioned some of his bold ideas. If everything went according to the plan, this [Wolf Teeth Legion] would be Fei's own troop in less than half a year.

Although Fei didn't really want this new legion, he realized that old Aryang was a real talent.

After he read the scroll, he talked with the old man for more than an hour. Although Fei didn't know anything about the military, he was able to tell that this old man whose legs were still injured had a lot of experience in this field.

When old Aryang talked about the military, pride and confidence couldn't be hidden in his eyes. That dominating aura that leaked out when he was talking told Fei that this ordinary-looking man was a famous general who had control of a huge number of soldiers.

Perhaps this old man was an influential figure before, but some tragedy happened and caused him to have severe leg injuries, lose his family, and be homeless. He was only able to hide away with his son Robbin, and Robbin who was a Five-Star Warrior had to serve the little Tudor Kingdom to survive.

Fei didn't want to ask old Aryang what happened to him.

He only knew that Chambord was in desperate need of talents, and old Aryang was such a talent.

At the same time, Fei wasn't worried that old Aryang would betray him.

Since Fei used some [Hulk Potion] when treating this old man's leg injuries, it somehow placed a seal in this old man's mind. It would somehow make him more loyal to Fei, and Fei was able to sense his change in emotion through this mystic spiritual connection ever so slightly.

On top of that, Fei didn't feel like old Aryang and Robbin were people who would betray others.

The trust between men all originated from a gut feeling, and Fei trusted his won instinct.

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That was why he didn't ask Robbin and his father about their backgrounds and didn't inspect them. He trusted them, and that was why he allowed this mysterious old man to have complete control over the construction of [Wolf Teeth Legion].

Now, Fei can act as a hands-off commander.

To be honest, the field of the military wasn't something that Fei who was an "otaku" could get around in; there was just so much information.

He was more interested in the upcoming Martial Saints Battle.

This battle wasn't just monitored by Zenit and Spartax. Other big adjacent empires such as the Jax Empire, the Eindhoven Empire, and the St. Germain Empire were closely monitoring the battle between Martial Saint Krasic and Martial Saint Lkunta as well.

It was heard that except for the Martial Saint of Spartax who was a participating party, No.1 Swordsman of the Jax Empire – Huntelaar, No.1 General of the Eindhoven Empire – Costakarta, and Crown Prince of the St. Germain Empire – Girano, all came to St. Petersburg with envoys to spectate this battle.

As the day of the battle approached, everyone had questions about viewing qualifications.

Normal traveling warriors and citizens of Zenit won't get the chance.

She Was the Most Beautiful Girl in the World. What She Looks Like Now is Insane


Chapter 345: Battle on The Peak (1) (Part Two)

It was heard that both Martial Saints didn't want people to spectate, but the pressures from the adjacent empires made them agree that 100 people could appear on the Martial Saint Mountain and view their battle. These 100 viewing spots were something that numerous warriors wanted, and it was heard that some people were willing to pay 1,000,000 gold coins for a seat.

After all, it was the battle between two Martial Saints that were rarely seen by people.

For warriors who were stuck at thresholds, they might be inspired by something in the battle and get to level up. Also, being able to view the battle between two Martial Saints was a great honor, and it was something that people could brag about. Therefore, other than the warriors, nobles and leaders of big families also were willing to pay for the seats.

Fei wasn't too worried about it.

The Royal Family of Zenit and the Military Headquarter of Zenit both agreed that the top 25 masters in the competition were able to receive a viewing seat each. The Jax Empire, the Eindhoven Empire, and the St. Germain Empire each would get five viewing seats, the Regional Church – Summer Palace was able to get 10 seats, and the final 50 seats were distributed among noble families and powerful soldiers and commanders who had enough military merits. Of courses, the powerful soldiers and commanders were typically from noble families as well.

In this case, Chambord received six viewing seats, and Fei was able to patiently wait for the day of the battle.

During this period, old Aryang was constructing the [Wolf Teeth Legion] under Fei's order.

The king of Chambord's fame and charisma was completely showcased.

In a short time, numerous kings of affiliated kingdoms joined the [Wolf Teeth Legion] with their elite force, and they included the Byzantine Kingdom that was now level 4 and the Gudong Kingdom that was now level 2. In just one day, three out of the five brigades were filled.

"However, out the masters that I recommended, there are a few who agreed to join the legion but then later hesitated." Old Aryang reported this to Fei on the night of the second day; it felt like there was a deeper meaning behind his words.

"It is ok if we can't fill up the legion. We don't need to force anyone." Fei wasn't worried about it.

Old Aryang wanted to say something, but he also felt like the king had some other meanings behind his words. He thought the king was testing his ability, so he held himself back and quietly exited the tent.


In the evening, Fei entered Diablo World to kill monsters and level up.

After two previous nights' hard work, Fei completed the first two quests in [The Pandemonium Fortress]. He didn't just kill the Fallen Angel; he also found the Hellforge Hammer from the [River of Flame] and broke the Soul Stone of [Mephisto], one of the three lords of the hell. After this, Diablo the final boss was the only boss left.

Currently, the third quest in [The Pandemonium Fortress] named [Terror's End] was half completed.

This quest was very hard to complete as the final boss Diablo was the target. After traveling through [River of Flames], Fei was able to enter [Chaos Sanctuary]. After entering the palace, opening the five seals, and killing a huge number of monsters and demons, Diablo would appear after a huge earthquake. Fei's mission was to kill Diablo.

In the last two nights, Fei already opened three seals and killed a lot of monsters.

Fei's Barbarian Character was now level 83, and he was very strong. He also got a few level 5 Orange Items, but they weren't as good as the items Fei bought from the NPCs with a lot of money. Therefore, Fei kept a few good ones in his storage space and sold the rest.

Since a huge number of dangerous elite monsters would appear after one seal was opened, Fei didn't dare to open all five seals at one time. He chose to take it slow, and he finally opened all five seals and killed all monsters after four hours.

In the palace that was filled with dark red stone pillar and lava of hell, a series of loud and angry roars sounded after a huge earthquake. Diablo appeared!

This evil lord of hell had a lot of red muscles on it, and there were eight huge bone spikes on its back. It had insane damage as well as fast health regeneration speed. With the powerful aura around him, one of his loud roars could instantly kill a Six-Star Warrior in the real world.

After Fei and Elena danced around and tried their best, they were finally able to kill this super boss.

A lot of colorful items were dropped onto the ground after Diablo was killed, and there were two green Set Items. However, Fei didn't have time to pick them up; his gaming time for the day was up. Since Elena was a resident of Diablo World, she wasn't able to see the items on the ground and pick them up for Fei. It looked like Fei could only come back and pick up these items next time.

Now, the Barbarian Character was level 84.


The weather wasn't too good in the camp area. It was already 8'o clock in the morning, but the sky was still dark. It felt like the dark clouds was an evil veil that blocked all the sunlight. Without any sunlight and any wind, a frightening atmosphere appeared.

After Fei woke up with Angela and got washed up with the help of the future queen, he walked out of the tent. However, he instantly frowned as he felt something ominous.

After half an hour, a set of caravans lead by cavaliers who were in golden helmets and golden armors appeared in the camp area. After waiting for another half an hour, they brought the top 25 masters to the Martial Saint Mountain.

The time of the battle was at sunset, and the location of the battle was at the peak of Martial Saint Mountain.

The lucky people who got viewing seats were supposed to arrive before sunset and stay in the specified viewing area.

This was a rare opportunity, and even [One Sword] who was conceited listened to the arrangement of the Royal Guards and got his rusty sword taken away from him. After everyone got their weapons and armors taken away from them, they went through tight inspections and arrived at the foot of Martial Saint Mountain at 3'o Clock in the afternoon.

Chapter 346: Battle on The Peak (2) (Part One)

The Martial Saint Mountain was located within St. Petersburg. Looking from afar, it looked like a blossoming lotus. There were in total 11 mountain peaks; 10 lower peaks circled around one sword-like peak that soared into the clouds. Although there were many peaks, the mountain didn't occupy too much space; its horizontal dissection area only occupied less than five square kilometers.

As if these 11 peaks grew from the ground, they looked very abrupt as there were no other mountains besides them. The 10 peaks on the outside were all very steep as a few mountains were even tilted to one side, and they were all covered with white rocks.

A famous traveling poet made a metaphor and said that the Martial Saint Mountain of Zenit looked like a pair of God's hand that carefully held a sharp sword.

This metaphor accurately reflected the direct impression that the citizens of St. Petersburg had about the Martial Saint Mountain.

A bunch of people including Fei was led to the third peak on the south by the royal guards. This third peak on the south was about 600 meters tall, and it was tilting outwards a little. When people were on the edge of the peak, they would feel like the mountain was about to fall and collapse. Despite that, this peak was still one of the flatter peaks compared to the other nine.

Due to the long-term blockage of the sunlight, it was very humid under this peak. There were a ton of mosses, a lot of grey vines, and numerous poisonous bugs and snakes. This area was usually restricted by the Royal Family of Zenit, and it was very quiet.

At the bottom of this peak, there was a dark and narrow path. It was heard that it formed naturally, and it was refined later artificially. Now, this path led directly to the top of this peak, and all the lucky people who could spectate this Martial Saint Battle all went on this peak through this path.

Before the masters from the affiliated kingdoms came, there were already seven groups of people who walked on this path.

This order represented the difference in status. Fei and the people around him were only masters from affiliated kingdoms, and their statuses were a lot lower than the envoys of the other empires, the Regional Church, and the nobles in the Capital. However, since they were lucky enough to view the battle, there was nothing to complain about.

At the bottom of this peak, Fei and other masters were tightly inspected by a team of royal guards and royal mages again. Only after they reconfirmed the identities of these people and took away everyone's storage rings, they allowed this group of people to proceed forward.

This inspection was really tight.

At the entrance of the path, Fei saw a royal guard holding a purple circular item. This item sent out dashes of purple lights as it scanned everyone. Somehow, the purple light brightened a lot when it landed on one master from an affiliated kingdom, and he was instantly tackled onto the ground and put into handcuffs.

Before they made onto the Martial Saint Mountain, one out of the 25 masters was already gone.

The path inside the peak was a lot drier compared to the bottom of the peak, and there were orange-yellow magic lights that were sound activated every five meters apart. As they walked by, the lights would light up and show the path; after they walked past the area, the lights would turn off themselves.

The path itself had many turns. After passing by a few, it was hard to tell the direction. However, they all knew that they were moving up as the path was on an incline. In fact, some parts of the path were connected with iron chains horizontally, and people had no other ways to get past them except climbing.

Fortunately, the weakest person in the group was a Four-Star Warrior, and path like this wasn't difficult to get by.

With the lead of three royal guards, Fei's group finally saw some natural lights and heard wind whistling sounds after 30 minutes. After a few more minutes, they visions broadened as they saw a circular open field that was about 100 meters in diameter.

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There were more than a dozen mid-aged men in brown robes standing in the field. Also, they had long swords and wooden shields on their backs.

Chapter 346: Battle on The Peak (2) (Part Two)

After the three royal guards who were emotionless talked to the eldest man, they turned around and left; it was clear that they finished their tasks as guides.

Fei sensed the importance Zenit placed on this Martial Saint Battle.

The three royal guards were all top-tier Four-Star Warriors, and the dozen mid-aged men on the field were all Five-Star Warriors. Their movements were steadily but firm, and it felt like they had earth-elemental warrior energies. The way these people dressed were very different as well; they didn't look like soldiers nor royal guards. If Fei wasn't wrong, these people were masters from the Martial Saint Mountain.

Tink! Tink! Tink! Tink! Tink!

A series of rapid and quick metal-colliding noises sounded, and the crowd looked around. They realized that they were at the top of the third peak on the south, and there were 20-meter tall statues of the God of War who was raising the sword and the shield all around the field. Behind these statues, it was the cliff that was more than 600 meters tall. Clouds blocked a lot of people's vision, and the strong wind made it hard for people to hear each other.

The metal-colliding noises sounded from all the black iron chains that were on the edge of the field.

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Numerous black iron chains were connected to one side of the field where a statue of the God of War stood, and the other end of the iron chains were extended into the clouds. While the wind blew by, these metal chains hit each other and made the noise.

"Please follow me." The leading mid-aged man who had a short beard nodded at the crowd and said. He walked to the edge of the field and jumped on the moving iron chains. With a smooth and firm footwork, he dashed towards the clouds as he stepped on the chains.

Everyone was surprised.

The peak was high, and the wind was strong. If something happened and a person fell off, he or she would be killed.

"Does everyone have to go through the chains? Where do these chains lead to?"

Many people hesitated.

After a moment of silence, [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] placed his hands on his waist and mocked, "You guys are chickens. Let me show you."

After he said that, he instantly jumped onto the chains and disappeared into the clouds like a flash of lightning.

Since someone took the lead, the others followed suit.

This time, Princess Cindy was envied by others. After a short chant, a pair of green translucent magic wings appeared on her back, and she disappeared into the clouds after a few flutters. It seemed like mages had advantages here.

Soon, there were only a few masters here; most of them they were the weakest ones in the group. After they looked at each other in unison, they couldn't resist the desire of wanting to spectate the Martial Saint Battle and all jumped onto the chains while gritting their teeth.

Fei was the last person who jumped on the chains; he only moved after everyone else disappeared into the clouds.

He was thinking about something. After he saw those mid-aged men with the swords and shields, he had a very strange feeling; it felt familiar yet different. Fei had an ominous feeling since he woke up, and he felt like something bad was going to happen. NOw, that feeling was stronger.

However, this was no place to think about that.

He jumped onto the chains and moved fast; these chain bridges weren't a challenge for him.

At this moment, a scream sounded.


There was stone square on the other end of the iron chains. It was bigger than the field on the third peak on the south, and it was located in between the clouds. Its actual distance was less than 1,000 meters away from the third peak on the south, and it only took the masters a few minutes to get here. Soon, only a few people were missing.

But since one of the missing people was the king of Chambord, it was a little strange.

Just as everyone was curious, fluttering noises sounded as the king of Chambord appeared with one person in each of his hands.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, thank you for saving my life!"

As soon as those two people landed, they quickly bowed and thanked Fei. It turned out that these two people almost fell into the cliff when the strong wind blew by, and they were saved by the king of Chambord. These two people were very grateful for the help.

The only thing was that the path the group needed to take next was still iron chains, so these two people didn't dare to continue anymore. They had to stay at the first peak on the east for now, and people would help them to get down.

After six more iron chain bridges, the group finally arrived at the halfway point on the central sword peak.

The terrain at the Martial Saint Mountain was too dangerous, and it was even hard for Four-Star Warriors to get up here; it was impossible for normal troops or normal people to conquer the Martial Saint Mountain.

It was fortunate that there was a path inside the central sword peak from the halfway point on, and it was a lot safer.

After one hour of walking in the curly and long path, natural lights appeared just as everyone was about to get impatient. Everyone rushed forward and exited the tunnel.

They were all surprised when they walked out.

There were hills, green grasses, blossoming flowers, tall trees, light breezes, flowing rivers, smart animals... it was supposed to be the cold winter in the Zenit, but it felt like the spring here.

It felt like this place was isolated from all the noises and conflicts in the outside world, and even just breathing the air in here made the people feel like they had already forgotten all about the worries and troubles they had before.

Chapter 347: Battle on The Peak (3) (Part One)

"The viewing area is just in the front. Please follow me." After the dozen master of the Martial Saint Mountain escorted the group here, they returned immediately. Two younger warriors in white robes who had swords on their back appeared in front of the group and greet them. They smiled at the group as if they were used to this reaction, and they woke up the surprised crowd.

Everyone looked at each other, they all saw the surprise in each other's eyes; no one expected the top of the tall sword peak to be like this. It was great for cultivations as absorbable energies flowed in the air.

Since the two young warriors were leading the way, the crowd just followed in dizziness.

Martial Saint's name was like an unclimbable mountain and a monument. The title Martial Saint was sealed in the mind of every warrior of Zenit, and even arrogant warriors like [Silver Armored Vicious Sword] was docile like a puppy as he followed everyone.

Of course, Fei knew that it wasn't due to fear but respect.

Martial Saint Krasic had resided on the Martial Saint Mountain for the last 26 years, and he gave the citizens of Zenit Empire 26 years of peace. Even though the nobles of the empire were corrupt, the lowest and poorest citizens were able to sense the peaceful life this quiet Martial Saint brought them.

In the history books, there was an important record. Just when Zenit Empire was established, it was still weak and was invaded by mortal energy Spartax Empire. Emperor Yassin personally led the troops to battle the enemies both in the south and in the north, and a lot of affiliated kingdoms also started trying to overthrow Zenit under the instigation of the enemies at this time. For a while, the flames of chaos burned in Zenit. Many farmlands were turned into burned grounds, murders and robberies were committed everywhere, and the citizens of the empire cried in pain. It was Martial Saint Krasic who got furious. Using his individual strength, he traveled more than tens of thousands of kilometers in three days and killed the royal families of the 36 rebel kingdoms and 18 bandit organizations. He instantly shocked the entire empire using his brutal methods.

After that, the rebellions were stopped and no affiliated kingdom dared to rebel again for the last 26 years. Zenit became peaceful, the royal family of Zenit became impeccable, and the Martial Saint Mountain became the Holy Land in the minds of warriors and citizens of Zenit.

The ugly history created the glory of Martial Saint Krasic.

Although the scenery on the Martial Saint Mountain was as beautiful as a painting, it had a solemn and holy aura; it made people feel a sense of respect and some fear. Even Fei respected this Martial Saint that he never met before a lot.

"The viewing area is right here. Please wait here and don't move around."

After ten minutes of walking, the group saw an open space. There were more than a dozen stone chairs that had people on them, and there were still a lot of people standing around. There were more than 70 of them, and they could be divided into more than a dozen smaller groups by looking at who they walked to.

These people looked up as they noticed new arrivals.

There were a lot of people who Fei was familiar with, and these people include Tanasha, Paris, Ziene, Dominguez, Chrystal, and Beyonce; Fei even saw Manager Redknapp of Soros' Merchant Group and his daughter Shirley.

Except for these familiar faces, Fei also saw some new faces.

There were 10 figures standing by one edge of the open space. Fei could tell their identities by looking at their clothes; he didn't need an introduction. The black and white priest robes and the silver armors with the short red capes that had crosses on them told everyone that they were from the Holy Church.

Six priests and four cavaliers; they were the selected few from the Holy Church who were lucky enough to watch this battle. One elder who looked warm with his white hair and a lightly bolding head was circled around by others; it was obvious that his status was the highest. Fei could tell that this elder was at least on the level of low-tier Seven-Star, and he was a powerful master.

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The other priests and cavaliers beside him were a lot younger, and the oldest of the bunch was younger than 30 years old. However, none of them were weak despite their young ages.

There were five strangers who were close to the people from the Holy Church; their clothes clearly said that they weren't from Zenit. There was a mid-aged man in his 30s. He looked determined, and his body was big. His yellow short hair was going straight up, and it was held together by a golden hairband. His cheeks were fluff, and his eyes were deep into his head. In addition, he had a big noise and a lot of hair on his body. Looking from afar, it looked like he was an ape. He was sitting on a stone chair while occupying a lot of space, and his eyes were closed. With one of his hands holding onto the sword that was resting on his knees, it felt like he had grasped the entire world.

Chapter 347: Battle on The Peak (3) (Part Two)

This man was the No.1 Swordsman Huntelaar of the Jax Empire.

The four men behind Huntelaar all got their armors and weapons stripped away. They were only wearing simple inner shirts and long pants that were tucked in their boots. Most of their muscles were exposed in the air, and their muscles looked defined as if they were sculpted by knives. Unlike Huntelaar who was resting, there four men stood as straight as spears and looked around cautiously.

Fei got the reports from the [Letter Office] and knew about three envoy groups from the three empires. He remembered the features of the No.1 Swordsman of the Jax Empire clearly, and he was able to recognize him instantly. However, Fei didn't know that this man was able to come here with his silver sword; that said enough about his status.

Subconsciously, Fei tried to use his spiritual power and the sensitive Barbarian senses to observe this Huntelaar. However, he realized that the warrior energy surge on Huntelaar changed rapidly; it was sometimes high and sometimes low, and it was sometimes powerful and sometimes weak. Like a spring that was bring pressed randomly, there was no pattern to find. Fei was pretty surprised when he realized that he could detect this man's strength.

At this moment, Huntelaar seemed to have sensed something and suddenly opened his eyes. A cold light flashed in his eyes as he looked at Fei, and he then turned around and closed his eyes again.

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Fei didn't react; he looked at another direction instead.

On a stone chair 10 meters away from Huntelaar, there was an elder in his 50s.

He was dressed in a dark red iron commander armor, and its style was really simple. However, there was a murderous aura on the armor as if the dark red color was the stains of blood. His white and thick hair was combed nicely, and his square face looked energetic with the pair of shiny eyes. It was clear that this man was handsome when he was young, and his current aura was as firm as a mountain.

"This must be Costakarta, the No.1 General of level 3 Empire – Eindhoven."

Fei compared the features of this elder with the information he had, and he soon came to a conclusion.

There were three powerful guards standing behind Costakarta, and they were all wearing black metal armors. There was also a female standing behind Costakarta in a black metal armor that had the same style. She was pretty, but her skin was dark as if the sunlight shined on her skin constantly. Her eyebrows were as sharp as knives, and a tough and murderous aura that was rarely seen on a female could be sensed from her.

This woman was definitely not simple as she got a seat to view the Martial Saint Battle.

Not too far away from Costakarta, a mid-aged man in a fancy armor and a gold cape was sitting on the third stone chair. He was really handsome, and he had a pair of tapered eyes that seemed very attractive.

Fei had never encountered a man with tapered eyes in his life, and he thought it would look a little ridiculous. However, when he saw this man, he realized that they fitted him perfectly. With his tapered eyes, long brown hair, and natural smile, his charm was indefensible for the noble ladies who were dreaming about the perfect man.

This handsome man didn't bring any guards; he brought four beautiful girls.

These four girls were all different; one of them was seductive, one of them was haughty, one of them was cute, and the last one was cold. These four girls would be treated as unparalleled beauties anywhere else, but they only had this handsome man in their eyes; they didn't care about the people around them, and it seemed like they didn't even care about the Martial Saint Battle that was about to take place. They only surrounded this man and fed him fruits and wines.

"This handsome man must be the Crown Prince Girano of the St. Germain Empire. I heard that this Crown Prince is extremely licentious and promiscuous. Looks like those rumors are true..."

Fei shook his head as he found a place closer to the edge of the field and sat down on the grass with warriors of Chambord such as Elena and Cech. Compared to other masters from other affiliated kingdoms, Chambord was a "big force".

The last bunch of people was the 10 young men from Zenit's military. Since they were all from the military, they had clean backgrounds and were completely loyal to the empire; they were permitted to have their armors and weapons.

Chapter 348: Battle on The Peak (4) (Part One)

Other than these people, the rest were people from the royal family of Zenit and noble families in the Capital.

When the masters from the affiliated kingdoms arrived, they attracted a lot of attention, especially Fei.

Since Fei was the champion of the competition and gained control of the [Wolf Teeth Legion], he was a new political star in Zenit; there were a lot more people trying to figure out the likings and the characteristics of the king. For a moment, all kinds of looks were cast at him including surprised, jealous, intimate, hostile...

The Elder Princess sat on one of the few stone chairs and nodded at Fei with the guard of purple-dressed Ziene.

Ziene who was usually very cold also nodded at Fei to greet him.

"Hehe, Alexander, you are late!" A coquettish giggle sounded, and Paris walked over as she moved her slender and sexy waist. Without hesitation, she put her beautiful and white index finger on Fei's chest and smiled, "I was just taking with Oka His Highness about you..."

Fei had a headache, and he had to respond to that in a stiff manner.

It seemed like this girl loved to flirt with Fei more and more. She dragged Fei to Dominguez and started talking with them. Dominguez left a good impression in Fei's mind, and they chatted intimately for a while. Afterward, Fei returned to where the masters from the affiliated kingdoms were at.

However, what happened was misinterpreted by others. Since the king of Chambord walked with Dominguez and Paris intimately, a lot of people thought that he was on the side of the Second Prince for sure.

After thinking about this, a lot of people looked at the Elder Princess.

They knew that the Elder Princess was on the side of the Elder Prince in this battle for the throne.

However, they couldn't find anything on the Elder Princess' face as this woman called [Goddess of Intelligence] looked calm. With nobles who favored the Elder Prince by her side, she was sitting on the stone chair with a black fur cover, and she was reading an old book that had more than a thousand pages in it.

However, those nobles around the Elder Princess were looking at Fei with hostility.

As if she sensed something, purple-dressed Ziene frowned and walked up to Fei as everyone looked at her in surprise. After she murmured something into Fei's ear intimately, she pointed at the Elder Princess who was sitting far away.

Fei didn't know how he should feel, and he nodded and agreed to her suggestions.

This scene made the people who were observing the situation a little confused. "Could it be that the king of Chambord actually has a good relationship with the Elder Princess and the Elder Prince as well? Otherwise, why is the Elder Princess' bodyguard Ziene so close to this king?"

The younger noblemen beside Tanasha were in shock! Ziene's coldness was known in St. Petersburg; she even rejected the marriage proposal after the Fourth Prince Chrystal brought up to her. "Why is she so close to the king of Chambord?" many people wondered.

She Was the Most Beautiful Girl in the World. What She Looks Like Now is Insane


Chrystal's face instantly turned gloomy after he saw this.


Time slowly passed by in this strange and subtle atmosphere, and the people who led everyone to the viewing area all disappeared.

However, everyone knew that the Martial Saint Mountain was tightly guarded. Although everything looked calm, if anyone dared to move around without permission, he or she would be in big trouble. Fei actually already sensed all the hidden auras of the powerful warriors around here.

It was close to sunset soon.

From the rumors, the Martial Saint Battle should be taking place. However, both Martial Saints were nowhere to be seen.

Fei had been closely observing the surroundings.

Where everyone was at as an open grass field, and it wasn't the highest place on this central sword peak. 100 meters away, there was a huge cylinder-shaped stone pillar that was about 100 meters tall and 50 meters in diameter. It soared into the clouds, and it was the tallest place on the Martial Saint Mountain.

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If Fei wasn't wrong, the two Martial Saints were going to battle there.

Where everyone was standing right now was a great spot; people standing here could have a complete view of the battle without worrying about getting injured by the residual forces from the battle.

As Fei continued to observe, he unintendedly turned his head and saw the Fourth Prince Chrystal talking to some other young noblemen. They were laughing and chatting as they pointed at Fei's direction with disdainful looks on their faces.

Chapter 348: Battle on The Peak (4) (Part Two)

Fei shook his head as he didn't know how to feel about this prince.

After the inception of the [Letter Office], Fei got a better understanding of Zenit. He knew that this Fourth Prince wasn't willing to be overshadowed by the Elder Prince and the Second Prince and also wanted to fight for the throne. Although he believed he was the choose one, he lacked the talent. He thought he was a child of the gods and the next righteous emperor of Zenit, but he didn't know that he was like a clown in other people's eyes.


The people who appeared on this open field all had honorable statuses. In comparison, the 22 masters from the competition had the lowest statuses. They were discriminated against by some of the nobles; getting pointed at was light, and it wasn't uncommon to get mocked at. Gradually, the masters from the affiliated kingdoms who previously shattered around all came back with blushes on their faces.

Some of them wanted to use this opportunity to establish friendships with some higher nobles, but they all failed. Except for a few top-tier masters, most of them didn't even get a response as the higher-up nobles didn't view them as people on their level.

Fei smiled; he had already predicted this outcome.

At this moment, a series of footsteps sounded. Three masters from the Martial Saint Mountain who were wearing brown robes and carrying swords on their back led a group of more than a dozen people to the area.

Fei saw a few familiar faces; they were the Spartax warriors he encountered during the parade. One of them threw a rock at him, and that warrior's shoulder got pierced after Fei knocked the rock back. From the look of it, it seemed like this warrior fully recovered; he was moving around with vitality and didn't look injured at all.

However, it seemed like Martial Saint Lkunta of Spartax wasn't with them.

"Spartax people are here..."

"They are the people who were with the Martial Saint of Spartax. How dare these bastards to show themselves here?"

"Don't stop me! Let me kill these damn butchers!"

The people of Zenit got emotional after they saw the appearance of the Spartax warriors. Didn't matter if it was a nobleman or a master from an affiliated kingdom, they were all angry. At this moment, the citizens of Zenit showed their unity.

However, they were all blocked by the masters of the Martial Saint Mountain.

The atmosphere instantly got intense. However, the warriors of Spartax were still very arrogant and very provoking. The few warriors in the lead said a lot of provoking phrases and laughed recklessly...

Fei lightly frowned.

Elena and Fei were like connected by hearts. She instantly understood Fei's thoughts and walked over to the Spartax warriors. "King Alexander wants you guys to shut up!" she said to them lightly.

"Yo? A beauty?"

"Hey, beauty, who is that King Alexander? Call him over and let me see."

After seeing Elena's beautiful face and sexy figure, obscene ideas popped into their heads. Since they were technically enemies, a few warriors of Spartax even tried to flirt with Elena and make her angry.

"You guys are looking for me?" Fei appeared behind Elena and stopped her from attacking.

"It's him?"

The warriors of Spartax suddenly froze and shivered. "Is he the person who instantly injured Bother Barton? Damn! Why is he here again?" they thought.

With Fei's appearance, these warriors of Spartax toned it down and walked away quickly; they didn't dare to say anything else.

A lot of people saw this, and some masters of affiliated kingdoms were looking at Fei as if he was their idol. Scaring off the enemies with one phrase! That was the aura of the No.1 Master Warrior among all affiliated kingdoms! Even those young noblemen who were looking at Fei with hostility were now looking at him a lot friendlier.

At this moment –

"Look! Quick! It is... Mr. Martial Saint!"

Someone shouted and pointed in the sky, and everyone followed the direction of his finger and saw two figures standing quietly on the huge stone pillar. It felt like these two had been standing there forever and the people in the view area just didn't discover them.

The sun was set, and the moon was rising into the sky.

The two Martial Saints were about to battle.

It was close to the evening, and the moon was just on the level of the central sword peak. With the huge moon in the background, the two figures were clearly showcased. It felt like these two people were the gods as their clothes fluttered in the wind as the moonlight shined on them. The whole scene was beautiful.

Martial Saint Lkunta's body was tall and big like a mountain. He was wearing an ordinary leather armor, and his arms were crossed in front of his chest. As his long hair lightly moved in the wind, he gave off an insane amount of pressure.

On the other side...

Fei was shocked when he saw that figure. His jaw dropped as he couldn't believe that the Martial Saint Krasic of Zenit was him!

Chapter 349: Battle on The Peak (5) (Part One)

On the pinnacle of the central sword peak under the moonlight, Fei found out that the thin figure standing on the other side of Lkunta was the mysterious man who had been teaching Fei at the [Huge Pit Battlefield] in Moro Mountains.

Martial Saint of Zenit – Krasic!

An honorable and glorious name! This name represented a legend, and this name represented an era.

Fei had been guessing who that mysterious man was. Emperor Yassin? A hidden master? Or that mysterious No.1 Executive Knight Captain, Akinfeev? He knew that the mysterious man had to be powerful as he was able to access the Royal Library and the notes written by Emperor Yasin himself.

However, Fei never expected that man to be the Martial Saint of Zenit!

Fei stood up subconsciously and shouted, "Elder!"

"Eh." Krasic who was standing on top of the huge stone pillar looked down at Fei and lightly nodded. The strong wind messed up Krasic's long hair, and he looked a little frenzy as dashes of invisible warrior energy circled around him. His power let everyone sensed a huge pressure as if a real Demon Deity arrived on the continent.

Fei's mood got a lot better after he received the response.

Fei didn't care about Krasic's identity; he only cared about the attention that this silent yet protective elder gave him.

When Fei was being assassinated by that mysterious assassin in the camp area, it was Martial Saint Krasic who came to help him. Although he didn't directly save Fei, he did chase after that assassin and fought him in the Moro Mountains. After Krasic defeated the assassin and created the [Huge Pit Battlefield], he left quietly without taking any credits. After that, he appeared every night to teach Fei about cultivation, and he even gave Fei the technique notes written by Emperor Yassin.

Although that training only went on for less than 20 days, it solidified Fei's cultivation foundation. After that, Fei was able to restructure the techniques of his characters in Diablo World and condensed their damage abilities using the fundamental Krasic taught him.

To Fei, Krasic wasn't the high-up Martial Saint but a fatherly figure and a great teacher.

Fei only felt grateful and respectful towards this Martial Saint of Zenit.

He was wondering when he could meet this mysterious man again, and fate quickly rearranged it and allowed for this quick re-encounter.

"Elder, be careful!" Fei knew that worrying too much at this moment was a bad thing, but he couldn't help shouting that out as he was anxious.

"Eh." Krasic was still cold and only nodded.

However, these two "Ehs" were enough for the people around Fei to drop their jaws, especially those nobles. Although it was rare for them to see the Martial Saint, they all knew his stories clearly as they heard it hundreds of times. It was heard that this Martial Saint was very cold, and the famous Bishop Sergiyeli of Zenit Regional Church asked him three questions and didn't get any responses. In comparison, although the king of Chambord was famous, he was still far below Bishop Sergiyeli's level. "Why is he able to get favored by the Martial Saint?" everyone thought.

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For a moment, even both Tanasha and Paris looked at Fei with a huge shock.

The Fourth Prince Chrystal and his noble friends were even more shocked. Chrystal's lips twitched as he felt like he did something wrong; he didn't know if it was too late to fix.

However, the Second Prince Dominguez wasn't surprised. As if he didn't hear anything, he just kept on playing with the disabled little dog named Oka in his arms. The little Oka kept on licking Dominguez's cheeks with its pink tongue, and its eyes were filled with intimacy as it looked at its master.

"This young man is your disciple?" Martial Saint Lkunta who was standing on the tall stone pillar suddenly frowned and asked. His eyes were completely red and shot out heated glares.

"No." Krasic lightly shook his head and wasn't concerned about Lkunta's weird eyes.

"Master, he is the one who injured Brother Barton!" One warrior of Spartax suddenly shouted in the viewing area.

"Huh?" Lkunta was surprised. He looked at Fei with his eyes, and it felt like a lighthouse was shining lights on Fei.

It was almost the evening, and the sky was dark. As a result, these two dashes of lights looked even more terrifying.

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The Martial Saint of Spartax had a strange aura, and two lights that shone out of his eyes were like two powerful red bolts of lightning. There was so much power in just his stares that people with weaker strength were all forced to kneel down. Even if they roared angrily and wanted to get up, they couldn't.

Fei was completely enveloped by these two lights.

"Hahaha, you old guy, do you think you are a lighthouse? What are you looking at?" Fei suddenly thought of something and suddenly started to swear at the Lkunta. He stood straight and slowly unleashed his physical strength. Layers of invisible force were emitted to the surroundings, and some soils and dried grasses slowly levitated into the air as if gravity no longer existed.

Chapter 349: Battle on The Peak (5) (Part Two)

"Huh?" After realizing that this warrior of Zenit dared to resist his pressure, the Martial Saint of Spartax was a little stunned. Then, he lightly drew in the air using his finger and said, "You dumbass! Since you broke one of my disciple Barton's arms, I will do the same to you."

After Lkunta finished drawing in the air, clouds changed shapes and wind changed directions. After a powerful energy surge, a red beam of light appeared out of nowhere and struck at Fei's right arm with a speed faster than light.

The Martial Saint of Spartax was going to attack the king of Chambord first?

"Why did the king of Chambord provoke a real Martial Saint? He is seeking his own death!"

Even the weakest person sensed Lkunta's power. Although they couldn't see the trace of the finger strike, they sensed death. The masters who liked the king of Chambord were all shocked, but they couldn't react in time to warn Fei.

This seemed to be what that warrior of Spartax was hoping for when he shouted out, and he couldn't wait for his god-like master to teach this "arrogant" warrior of Zenit a lesson.

However –


Fei's movement was faster than light as well. His arms left a series of vivid afterimages in the air, and there was already a thin layer of transparent flames around his right fist when people reacted to what happened. Although it felt like this thin layer of flame was going to explode at any second, it did completely block the red beam of light that carried a very dangerous sensation.

"Yuck! Only can use a little finger? Who are you scaring with your little fire?" Fei sneered and continued to provoke.

With a disdainful look on his face, Fei stood still and didn't move. However, the power of the level 84 Barbarian shot out from his right fist and instantly broke Lkunta's red beam of light with the skill [Bash] after a loud booming noise sounded.

It was completely quiet on the peak after that.

Numerous shocked stares landed on Fei.

The Second Prince Dominguez who instantly stood up after witnessing that slowly sat back down as a strange expression appeared on his face.

The book that the Elder Princess was holding on fell to the ground, and she didn't even notice.

Paris fixed her hair subconsciously as she was deeply shocked.

On the other hand, all the warriors of Spartax were so shocked that their jaws almost fell out of their mouths and their eyeballs almost popped out of their heads!

"Huh? Damn you! Idiotic Zenit's trash! Die!"

Lkunta didn't expect this warrior of Zenit to be this powerful, and he was furious after a short moment of stun. He felt like his honor of the Martial Saint was challenged, and he felt like he was a huge dragon that was shamed by a little dog.

Fire energy surged on his body, and it felt like his entire body turned into a red jade as flame appeared.

Even the sky changed color because of Lkunta's movement.

As Lkunta was about to use all of his force to deal with this powerful warrior of Zenit, he was stopped.

"Your opponent is me."

Krasic who was in silence suddenly raised his voice and showed his palm that was behind his back. Then, he pressed it forward quietly as if he was removing some dust. In the next moment, green flames appeared and condensed into a huge palm that was more than 20 meters wide as it pressed down at Lkunta mercilessly.

"Hahaha, great!!! Krasic, let me kill you in front of these people of Zenit! I will let them use their own eyes to see that you are just a little bug who couldn't even save yourself! I will kill that little bug afterward!"

Lkunta laughed as he raised his palm as well.

A huge red palm of the same size appeared, and it smashed onto the green palm. For a moment, loud booming noise resonated in the sky, and the mountain shook as a consequence as well. The two strikes canceled out each other, and the green and red energy flames dispersed into the area.

This signified the beginning of the battle!

At this moment, everyone at St. Petersburg, everyone at the camp area, and even almost everyone at Zenit looked at the direction of the sword peak. They all prayed as they looked at the green and red flames in the air, and they all wished that Martial Saint Krasic was going to get the final laugh.

Fei, on the other hand, let go of his breath.

He carefully observed the battle, and he just hoped that what he did was helpful for the Martial Saint of Zenit, Krasic.

Chapter 350: Battle at the Peak (6) (Part One)

Fei who was under Barbarian Mode was on the level of Nine-Star, and Martial Saint Lkunta was at least a Moon-Class Elite. However, it was a secret to the people of Zenit as to which moon level Lkunta was on.

Since the difference in strength was huge between Fei and Lkunta, Fei was sure that he couldn't even take 10 strikes from Lkunta.

It was fortunate that Fei accumulated some experience dealing with Moon-Class Elites when he fought Balesi, and Lkunta didn't attack Fei with full strength earlier. That was why Fei was able to take those two strikes.

Also, the reason why Fei swore at Lkunta and provoked Lkunta to attack him wasn't that he was an idiot and tried to show-off. Instead, he wanted to move Lkunta's emotion and also cancel out some of Lkunta's momentum.

To master warriors who were fighting with others on the same level, both mental state and the momentum were very important.

The stability of the metal state would determine if one could use his or her full strength in a battle. Real masters would adjust their mental state before a battle and calm themselves down; that was the only way that one could have complete control of himself or herself.

Momentum was like the morale.

It was intangible, but it was really important to accumulate it so the battle can be smoother.

Real masters would try to accumulate momentum before striking. Although it was hard to grasp, it did exist. Fei remembered a story he read when he was on earth. In the story "Military strategies of CaoGui", it mentioned that the morale of soldiers was at the peak at the beginning of the battle; the morale would fall down when it wasn't used, and it would be depleted after it wasn't used for a long time. The morale of the soldiers was like the momentum of the master warriors.

A person would be daring to do anything when he or she was angry, but he or she won't be able to do such things when the anger was gone.

The anger of ordinary people was similar to the momentum of master warriors like Lkunta as well.

Without thinking, Fei knew that both Krasic and Lkunta used a long time to prepare for this battle. Before the battle, their mental state and momentum were both at the peak, As soon as the battle started, all hell would break loose.

Fei's aggressive provocation first affected Lkunta's mental state a little bit. Also, as long as Lkunta struck at him, didn't matter which technique and to what degree, a part of the accumulated momentum would be shifted off.

These were all knowledge covered in the notes written by Emperor Yassin. Fei tried to use the knowledge he acquired creatively, and he hoped that his tiny help was useful.

Fei didn't know if what he did was meaningful or not. He only knew that he had an ominous feeling since he woke up today, and he felt like he was going to lose a loved one. Fei didn't understand why he was feeling that way until he met Krasic.

"Could it because of Martial Saint Krasic?"

Fei asked himself that, but he then smiled. The battle of this level wasn't something that he could have control over, and he should just focus on observing.

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Boom! Boom!! Boom!!!

The green and red flames dashed in the dark night like colorful fireworks, and it was mesmerizing.

"Strike of Sword!"

A cold shout sounded as Krasic lightly moved his hands. A sword that was more than 20 meters long and filled with runes appeared. Waves of green energy circles expanded outward, and it felt like space was going to tear open by it.

"Fire Creation!"

Lkunta's long hair fluttered in the wind, and red and thick flames directly floated out of his body with the moon in the background. A huge fire shield that looked like the head of a demon instantly appeared after the flames burned off.

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The green sword instantly surpassed the limit of space and time and appeared in front of Lkunta.

"Open!" Lkunta shouted, and the fire shield smashed forward at the sharp tip of the green sword.


The entire peak started to shake again.

Chapter 350: Battle at the Peak (6) (Part Two)

Numerous flames dropped down the peak like destructive grenades.

At the moment of collision, the fire shield was cracked into pieces. After the huge green sword dimmed down and lighted up again, it dashed at Lkunta at an even faster speed. In the split second, the merciless blade of the sword passed through Lkunta's body.

"Is it over?"

Many people opened their eyes widely as they looked at what just happened. Even the God of War would be greatly injured if such a huge sword passed through his body, let alone a Martial Saint of Spartax. However, why was this Martial Saint so weak?

Fei felt joy only for one second. After that, he realized that the huge green sword only passed through the vivid afterimage Ikunta left in the air. Because Lkunta's speed was too fast, his realistic afterimage fooled all the audience.

Fei looked around in the dark sky and tried to spot where Lkunta really was.

Just as Fei's eyes shone, numerous metal-colliding noises sounded.

Tink! Tink! Tink! Tink! Tink!

A special scene appeared in the sky.

Krasic was standing there quietly, but numerous fire swords appeared around him. All angles around him were covered by fire swords, and there was no place that Krasic could move to in order to dodge the attack. However, when these fire swords that each represented the full-strike of a Six-Star Warrior were five centimeters away from Krasic's body, they couldn't move forward anymore. A green translucent shield appeared outside Krasic's body and tightly protected him.

"Hahaha, great! After 26 years, your strength still didn't disappoint me!"

All the fire swords exploded, and all the released fire lighted up the dark sky. Lkunta's appeared in the flames, and he stood across from Krasic on the peak. With a battle-hunger expression on his face, his red eyes that were still shooting out red light beams locked onto Krasic.

Krasic didn't say anything. With a calm expression, he waved his hand and put out all the fire in the air.

The two real masters only used a few strikes in the last few seconds, but all the audience were drunk over the battle.

These were real masters! This was a battle between Martial Saints. The battle was as fancy as legends, and the battle was as mesmerizing as dreams. It felt like even space was being torn apart by these super techniques, and the invisible energy waves made it impossible for anyone who wasn't a Moon-Class Elite to get within 100 meters from them.

The people in the viewing area were stunned.

All the warriors were sensing the overflowing aura in the air. These special auras of Moon-Class Elites could help warriors who were stuck on thresholds, and they could let these lower-level warriors experience a higher energy form.

No.1 Swordsman of the Jax Empire, Huntelaar, closed his eyes and was rubbing his thin silver sword. He sometimes frowned and sometimes relaxed; it felt like he was being inspired by something.

No.1 General of Eindhoven Empire, Costakarta, was still sitting on his stone chair baldly while staring at the two Martial Saints. With a serious expression on his face, no one knew what he was thinking about.

The Crown Prince of St. Germain Empire, Girano, was still enjoying his time with the four maids. With delicious wine in his hand and beauties around him, it felt like the two Martial Saints were performing for his entertainment. However, the fact that Girano was willing to give the four viewing seats to his four maids explained why he was known for his promiscuousness.

The warriors of Chambord such as Drogba and Pierce were also trying to sense the auras of the two Martial Saints. They lacked experiences and had never spectated the battle between real masters; this was a great opportunity for them to do so.

However, all of this was boring for Elena. Her strength could only increase after she killed monsters with Fei in Diablo World, and she couldn't practice the scrolls and techniques in this world. Therefore, the two Martial Saints were like two powerful Boss-level monsters in her eyes.

Fei was closely monitoring the battle.

He was determined that he would instantly make his moves if Krasic looked like he was struggling. There weren't a lot of people who Fei treasured in this world, but Krasic was definitely one of them. Fei had already planned out his moves, and he was confident that he could at least cause some trouble for Martial Saint Lkunta.

The only thing that made Fei feel good was that Krasic seemed to have obtained the advantage in the last strike.

Krasic didn't move his feet since the beginning, but Lkunta was forced to move around already. When one of them attacked, the other one defended, and vice versa. It seemed like Krasic's emotionless aura and strikes completely dominated over Lkunta's.

This discovery made Fei relax a little, but he knew he shouldn't be too joyful too soon. In the battle between Moon-Class Elites, it was usually very close. In the beginning, both parties would only try to figure out where the opponent was at. Moon-Class Elites had insane amounts of warrior energies, and the ultimate combat techniques they could use were probably too powerful to demonstrate!

In fact, the situation wasn't as clear as it seemed to be.

Chapter 351: Battle on the Peak (7) (Part One)

"Hahaha, I have been waiting for too long..." A frenzied expression appeared on Lkunta's face as he shouted. The blue leather armor on him was torn to pieces by his warrior energy, and his muscular upper-body was exposed.

Fei saw a tattoo of a vicious-looking beast on Lkunta's body, and he suddenly remembered the rumors about the cultivation paths of Moon-Class Elites.

"Krasic, I will kill you, the spiritual pillar of Zenit, today on this mountain! As long as you are killed, that weak and so-called [Zenit's God of War] will be wiped out easily as well. Spartax Empire will move all the troops into Zenit and conquer this little empire easily! After we kill everyone at St. Petersburg, I will make sure to turn that biggest rebel Yassin's head skull into a wine cup as a memorial to the previous emperors of our Spartax!"

As Lkunta's expression got more and more ferocious, the red energy flame around his body got brighter and brighter; it felt like fire was shooting out of his pores. Soon, he became a ��fire man".

All the people in the viewing area felt the heat, and even the grasses under their feet were being dried up. Some weaker warriors' hairs got burned, and the color of their clothes was turning to a burned yellow. It felt like there was another sun very close to them.

Everyone used their warrior energy and tried to defend against this insane heat.

Ziene released an energy sphere around her and Tanasha, and the Second Prince Dominguez and Paris were protected by the guards around them. No.1 Swordsman of Jax Empire, Huntelaar, held onto his sword, and a silver energy glare shot out of it; it protected himself and the four guards around him. No.1 General of Eindhoven Empire, Costakarta, and the four people behind him didn't move; it felt like they couldn't even feel the heat. The Crown Prince of St. Germain Empire, Girano, was the most casual. He placed a blue magic wand on the ground in front of him, and a cool magic sphere appeared and shielded him and his four maids.

On the pinnacle of the central sword peak.

Krasic still looked emotionless when his opponent unleashed such power. Krasic's hair fluttered in the wind, and his calmness mixed with the mountain-like aura on him had a very undescribed magic!

His hands were on behind him, but a dragon-roar-like noise started to sound within his body. Then, a huge sword that looked ancient and was 2 meters long appeared behind him. As if it had its own life, it floated behind Krasic and lightly buzzed; it felt like this sword was spoil child that was crying for attention.

Fei's eyes lighted up as he saw that.

He was able to tell that the sword behind Krasic wasn't made from warrior energy; it was, in fact, a real sword made from metal. However, this huge sword appeared out of Krasic's body! When it slowly pulled itself out of Krasic's body, Krasic's body looked like a scabbard. It was very strange!

Wait! This sword was actually a [Combat Weapon]!

Everyone realized what this sword was; only the legendary [Combat Weapons] could be kept within warriors' bodies to level up.

When a warrior advanced into the realm of Moon-Class, there were a lot more paths of cultivation that he or she could choose.

There were three main paths.

First, there was hard training. Most warriors who choose to hard train were grassroots warriors who didn't have many resources and weren't backed up by powerful forces. Since these warriors typically didn't want to become the retinues of big forces, they weren't able to get access to Combat Weapons and Demon Beasts; they could only try to cultivate using their own bodies and try to maximize their potentials.

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Second, there were Combat Weapons. Combat Weapon Warriors tried to utilize the connection between warriors and Combat Weapons, and they could deal damage that was multiples times more than their own bodies. When these warriors reached the perfect level of compatibility with their Combat Weapons, they could potentially even advance and become Sun-Class Lords!

Lastly, there were Demon Beasts. By signing a Soul Contract with a powerful Demon Beast, these Beast Soul Warriors were able to utilize strengths that were multiples times of their own. Sometimes, these warriors were able to share the growth potential and the bloodline of these Demon Beasts, and they could acquire supernatural powers that didn't belong to humans. Of course, the level of strength and potential depended on how powerful the Demon Beasts were.

On Azeroth Continent, most people who were from royal families and large forces like the Beast Soul Warrior path a lot more. This was a shortcut, and it could even save them up to a dozen years of hard work. As long as their families spent the resources and captured powerful Demon Beasts, there were ways of forcing these Demon Beasts to agree to the Soul Contracts. With the instant gain of strength and power, an ordinary person could even become a master!


Chapter 351: Battle on the Peak (7) (Part Two)


A loud and terrifying roar sounded, and some of the rocks and plants on the central sword peak fell off the cliff as the peak itself shook violently. Red fire magic elements surged in the air as a bear-like Demon Beast that was more than 10 meters tall appeared behind Lkunta; it looked like an ancient fire demon from afar!

"Flame Destruction Bear!!" Someone shouted.

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"So this Martial Saint of Spartax is a Beast Soul Warrior?" Although he already guessed that, Fei was still surprised when he found out. [Flame Destruction Bear] was a bear-form Demon Beast, but it was special. Most of the bear-form Demon Beasts were earth elemental and specialized in physical strength, but [Flame Destruction Bears] were fire-elemental and had magic powers. Most of [Flame Destruction Bears] were born as High-level Demon Beasts, and the one that appeared on the peak looked like it was a level 10 Demon Beast.

Level 10 Demon Beast; that was equivalent to a Moon-Class Elite.

With the addition of bloodline, longer lifespan, tougher physical body, and naturally high sensitivity to magic elements, this bear alone was tougher to deal with compared to a low-tier Moon-Class Elite.

This Martial Saint Battle turned out to be a battle between a Beast Soul Warrior and a Combat Weapon Warrior.


The crisp cry of the sword resonated in the sky.


The wild and dominating shouts of the bear also sounded in the area.

"Hahaha, Krasic! The resentment from 26 years ago, the collapse of Zenit now... let's resolve all of that in this battle! I will take back what belonged to me, and you have to die today!!"

Lkunta laughed loudly, and he looked a little bit insane. As he shouted, [Fire Destruction Bear] roared and charged at Krasic like a burning meteor. Although the bear looked slow as it was 10 meters tall, it was actually very agile.


After a cold shout, Krasic took a step back and formed a hand sign. The ancient sword behind him moved. Like a peacock that showed its feathers, the sword turned into 100 swords, and these swords formed an indestructible wall.


The Demon Beasts shouted as its mountain-like body smashed onto the wall of swords, and that "fire meteor" looked a little bit shaky. The bear was knocked back by the repulsive force, but that wall of swords that was only four meters tall didn't even shake.


Krasic formed another hand sigh, and the sword moved again.

Krasic was the Martial Saint after all, and he was able to grasp opportunities perfectly. After a loud cry and metal-colliding noise, that wall of swords reformed into a huge sword as it dashed forward after a short moment of pause.


The sword was as fast as lighting! It ditched the bear that was falling backward and targeted Lkunta instead.

A splash of blood appeared in the sky.

Although Lkunta was moving in the air using a strange technique and his body was disappearing from time to time, he wasn't able to dodge this fast sword. When he finally stabilized his body, there were four deep wounds that revealed his bones on his shoulder, abdomen, arm, and neck.

Blood spurted out of the wounds, and Lkunta was turned into a "blood man".

When the blood landed on the ground, steam came off of it; it seemed like Lkunta's blood was insanely hot as well.

"You injured me? Haha, great! I finally felt pain after 26 years! I was waiting for this..."

Lkunta looked crazier after he was injured. Clouds of fire appeared on his wounds, and strands of green warrior energy were pushed out of the wounds; these were the warrior energies Krasic left in Lkunta's body. After the fire burned off, all the wounds on Lkunta's body healed up without a trace.

"Ah, too bad your sword can't kill me instantly. If you can't do that, I can heal up numerous times. But as for you, you can't heal up this fast. Even if you are a demon, you will die here today! Ahahaha, after I lost to you 26 years ago, I risked my life and barely got this level 10 [Fire Destruction Bear]. I can finally see the results of my hard work today!"

Although Lkunta was injured and lost a lot of blood, he looked even more powerful after he recovered.

Everyone in the viewing area was shocked.

This was one of the terrifying abilities of Beast Soul Warriors. [Fire Destruction Bear]'s special fire-healing technique, recovery speed, and vitality were all shared with Lkunta, and Lkunta was almost invincible!

For most regular Moon-Class Elites, the injuries Lkunta just got would instantly decrease their strength. But for Lkunta, it was not a problem at all.

"You talk too much!" Krasic grabbed onto his sword with an under-grip and said calmly, "This sword is named Heavenly Sword. Didn't you want the technique Heavenly Sword Three Strikes for the last 26 years? Watch closely then! First strike, [Condemn From Heaven]!!"

Chapter 352: Battle on the Peak – Heavenly Sword Three Strikes (Part One)

"Heavenly Sword Three Strikes?"

Fei's Barbarian instinct told him that there was a story between Lkunta and Krasic, and these two definitely knew each other very well. This [Heavenly Sword Three Strikes] was obviously a combat technique. As Krasic said its name lightly, a prideful expression appeared on his face.

Fei also sensed that Lkunta's expression also changed after he heard the name [Heavenly Sword Three Strikes]. Not only Lkunta, the three most powerful people in the audience, Huntelaar, Costakarta, and Girano, were also surprised.

Of course, all these took place in a split second.

Most of the people were intrigued by the battle and didn't notice these details.

"[Condemn from Heaven]? Hahaha, Condemn? Let me see how you can use Heavenly Sword Three Strikes to defeat me." Lkunta stood on the head of the [Fire Destruction Bear] as he laughed. In the next moment, the fire around him enveloped him and the bear, and there was one huge human-shaped fire that was more than 30 meters tall. With an insane heat, more fires swirled out in the air and soon surrounded Krasic as if they had their own lives.

However, Krasic looked calm as he held the Heavenly Sword in his hand. The sword that was two meters long greatly contrasted with his thin body, but this image somehow looked very powerful. With his right hand on the sword and pointing the sword at the direction of his opponent, Krasic tapped his index finger and ring finger on his left hand together and swiped the body of the sword. Instantly, four dashes of green warrior energy shot through the fire in front of him and into that human-shaped fire.


What was surprising was that these four dashes of green warrior energy passed through the fire easily and disappeared into afar like meteors.

It was obvious that these four dashes of energy didn't hurt Lkunta and his bear. It seemed like the man and the bear was turned into fire magic elements, and they were immune to all physical damage.

"Hahaha, you disappointed me too much, Krasic! This is your [Condemn from Heaven]?" Lkunta's arrogant laughter sounded within the fire, "If Heavenly Sword Three Strikes are like this, then I would be greatly disappointed."

However, it seemed like everything was within Krasic's control.

He suddenly flickered his right wrist, and a huge image that had the Heavenly Sword as its center appeared in the sky. Like a mystic magic array, numerous green energy swords appeared within it before anyone would react. Soon, the sky was filled with all these green energy swords, and it felt like these swords could destroy the sword.

Energies surged like tornadoes, and it felt like smoke appeared out of nowhere and covered the moonlight.

With his black hair fluttering in the air, Krasic raised his head and lightly stated with cold glares in his eyes, "Condemn from Heaven!"

Before he finished speaking, he slapped the body of Heavenly Sword with his right hand, and all the green energy swords were commanded to move. As they dashed through the sky and flew towards the human-shaped fire, the loud air-piercing noise sounded.

This time, the swords didn't just pass by. Instead, they disappeared into the fire.

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"Aaaaaa..." A series of angry shouts sounded, and the roar of the [Fire Destruction Bear] was even clearer. It was obvious that Lkunta was in trouble.

At this moment, a green light flashed by as Krasic turned into one dash of light with his sword and followed all the other green energy swords. In a split second, Heavenly Sword actually pierced into the fire.

"Ah! No!" Another shout sounded.

Lkunta was immune to physical damage, and he overestimated himself. As a result, Krasic's swords easily injured him.

However, Lkunta's reaction speed was fast.

As he shouted, the blood-red fire grew even more violently, and Heavenly Sword couldn't enter the fire more after it traveled 20 centimeters into the fire. With his hands on the sword, Krasic's body was parallel to the ground, and the green flames on him kept all the red flames that were trying to get to him one meter away.

In the next moment, the human-shaped fire looked more distinct as two arms made from fire appeared. Each of the arms was 10 meters long, and they struck at Krasic with a fast speed.

Just before the fire fists hit him, Krasic still looked calm. He lightly shouted and shook the sword in his hands. His body started to rotate rapidly, and Heavenly Sword was like a drill head. The terrifying energy waves dispersed to the surroundings, and audience members who were on the level of Four-Star couldn't even stand still. They rolled around on the ground like water bottles in strong wind, and they grabbed onto trees and huge rocks to prevent themselves from being blown away.

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A dash of light flashed by.

An even higher-pitched air-piercing noise sounded.

Chapter 352: Battle on the Peak – Heavenly Sword Three Strikes (Part Two)

Krasic passed through the human-shaped fire with his swords, and a huge hole that was three meters in diameter was left in the human-shaped fire. It felt like this hole couldn't be filled back for a long time.

As a beast-like roar sounded, the red fire started to decrease in size. Lkunta's big body appeared in the fire, and there was a hole that was the size of a bowl on this Martial Saint's abdominal region. Blood spurted out of the wound, and the rock that the blood dripped on turned black and smoked.

"Ah... I am willing to obey the ancient contract. The injuries on my body can be shifted, the blood in my body can be replaced, my startled soul can be calmed. I'm a loyal subject of the god, the honorable and kind..." Lkunta quickly chanted a series of ancient vows.

Strange things occurred.

The [Fire Destruction Bear] under Lkunta's feet started to cry in pain as a huge bloody hole appeared on its body, but the injuries on Lkunta's body disappeared. His injuries were shifted onto the Demon Beast that had signed the Soul Contract with him, and he instantly recovered! His pale face even looked normal now.

This was a terrifying power of the Beast Soul Warriors.

The lethal injuries to humans were only small injuries to the Demon Beasts. The level 10 Demon Beats [Fire Destruction Bear] could only feel the pain of the hole in its body, but this injury wasn't life-threatening. However, it allowed Martial Saint Lkunta to completely recover.

"You made me angry!" Lkunta shouted angrily as he was being oppressed and injured for the last while, "Take the anger of the Beast Soul Warrior – [Whip of the God of Fire]!!"

Fire wipes appeared in the air, and they were all the thickness of a finger. They were bright red, and they were like red snakes that were 50 meters long. They looked flashy in the dark sky, and they were coiling at Krasic at a fast speed.

"Second Strike – [Punishment from Heaven]!"

Krasic's powerful attack also arrived at this time. He struck horizontally downward, and a huge green sword that was more than 100 meters long appeared in the sky. With energy waves coming off of it, it struck at Lkunta mercilessly.

Although the huge sword wasn't moving as fast, it felt indefensible.

All the fire wipes were cut in halves by this sword quietly. Although Lkunta tried his best to create more fire wipes, these wipes that could easily kill Six-Star Warriors were as soft as butter under the huge green sword.

"Damn it!"

Since he couldn't defend against it, Lkunta tried to dodge. The huge [Fire Destruction Bear] also sensed the danger and jumped up...


The huge green sword that was traveling at a moderate speed cut off one of [Fire Destruction Bear]'s forearms.

Fire-like blood spurted out of the wound as the Demon Beast roared. A few warriors of Spartax who were watching the fight couldn't move in time and got poured on. They instantly cried in pain and tried to defend against it, but they were burned into ashes soon after.


The green sword was too powerful, and Krasic couldn't even pull it back. This sword struck onto a peak, and the peak that was more than 100 meters tall was cut in half. Huge rocks rolled off of the peak as if it was about to collapse. After the sword disappeared, the two halves of the peak were ten meters apart.

Such a powerful strike!

No wonder its name was [Punishment from Heaven]!

Heavenly Sword!

Everyone was shocked. Krasic's strength was beyond a lot of people's expectations! A lot of people thought that this was going to be an even match, but it looked like Lkunta was useless in front of Krasic. Even though he had a level 10 [Fire Destruction Bear], Lkunta wasn't able to threaten the Martial Saint of Zenit who had Heavenly Sword Three Strikes.

Since he was at the advantage, Krasic didn't show any mercy. With Heavenly Sword in his hand, he chased after Lkunta and struck down.

Lkunta grasped into thin air, but two long blades made from fire appeared in his hands. With a powerful aura, the two blades went against Heavenly Sword.

Tink! Tink! Tink! Tink! Tink!

Numerous sparks and sword energies appeared in the sky, and the battle between the two Martial Saints had entered its climax as they both started to fight in close-range. One green and one red; the murderous spirits and surging warrior powers created an insane scene.

Red blade energies were flying in all directions, and deep marks were appearing on the peaks around the two Martial Saints as if invisible knives were doing some carving.

Green sword energies were dashing in the air as well. Although Krasic was fighting in close range, he was still creating these sword energies. Each of the sword energy was sealed into the air, and they all shone in the darkness as they were all waiting to be triggered.

This scene made all the audience members forget the noise around them and pulled them into the excitement.

"Lkunta, use all your strength!" Krasic finally looked like he was in a battle-hunger state.

Unlike how emotionless he was at the beginning of the battle, he waved his sword and left terrifying murderous spirits in the air. The sword energies from Krasic pierced through the defense of the fire blades and left deep wounds on Lkunta's body one after another.

"Ahahah! Krasic, too bad your Heavenly Sword can't kill me!" As he laughed loudly, Lkunta changed his style and no longer defended against anything. He completely focused on the offense, and he was able to leave a deep wound on Krasic' shoulder as his body was pierced through by a sword energy.

With the backing of the level 10 Demon Beast, Lkunta could instantly heal up and maintain his combat ability.

But as a Combat Weapon Warrior, Krasic couldn't shift his injuries anywhere. Every time he got injured, his combat ability would decrease a little.

"Hahaha, Krasic, you are the one who should use all your strength!"

As he laughed, Lkunta began attacking even more aggressively. It felt like he wasn't planning to live, and he used all of his techniques. Soon, although his body was full of blood, the actual injuries were transferred to the level 10 Demon Beast, and he was still able to maintain his strength. On the other hand, Krasic got six injuries on him permanently.

His shoulders, arms, and legs were all injured, and the fire energy from Lkunta continued to rush into his energy channels through the wounds. Krasic felt like his warrior energy was having a hard time flowing through his body.

"One last strike for the win!"

After Krasic knocked away Lkunta with his sword, he backed off for 100 meters. He stood still in the air, and Heavenly Sword started to shake violently in his hand. Green energies floated out of the blade of Heavenly Sword, and the Heavenly Sword itself started to rotate like a tornado after Krasic formed a hand sign.

"Third strike – [Forgiveness from Heaven]!"

The green energy that was formless started to rushed out of Krasic's body, and even the environment around him started to change. The clouds and winds were changing, and thunders appeared within the clouds of green energy. The clouds in the sky slowly formed a swirl around Krasic, and it seemed like Krasic's third strike was connecting with nature!

Within the cloud of green energy, Krasic grabbed onto the handle of Heavenly Sword and said with a dreamy voice, "No desire and no greed, no self and no existence, forget me and save the sword... forgive all sins!!"

With a light wave of Heavenly Sword, the cloud of green energy moved towards Lkunta like fogs.

Blood spurted out of Lkunta's body as soon as the cloud of green energy touched him, even though he tried his best to defend against it. The [Fire Destruction Bear] under his feet was soon enveloped by the cloud of green energy, and it started to roar out of fear. Although it tried its best, it was no use. Its huge body exploded, and a rain made from blood, flesh, and chipped bones fell onto the peak.

"Ah, [Fire Destruction Bear]!!" Lkunta was terrified.

The third strike [Forgiveness from Heaven] killed a level 10 Demon Beast, and it pretty much took away half of Lkunta's power.

With the bear dead, it seemed like the battle was over.

Lkunta was severely injured by [Forgiveness from Heaven], and he could no longer battle Krasic. The battle was going to be over! All the warriors from Zenit cheered loudly...

At this moment –


A dash of silver sword energy shot through the sky like a meteor and pierced through Krasic's right chest. Krasic was very weak after he used his super ultimate technique [Forgiveness from Heaven], and he wasn't able to defend against it at all. His body shook in the air, and it seemed like he was going to fall down at any second.

Chapter 353: Battle on the Peak – Sudden Change (Part One)

The sudden change stunned everyone; they couldn't believe their eyes.

The person who attacked Krasic was Huntelaar, the No.1 Swordsman of the Jax Empire.

This tough and tall ape-like swordsman already stood up from the stone chair, and his height of 2.3 meters gave people surrounding him a lot of pressure. The thin silver sword that had the width of a thumb and was 2 meters long was shaking with a rhythm, and a dash of silver light would shot into the sky every time after it shook.

"What are you doing?"

"Sh*t! How dare you get involved in the battle between the Martial Saints?"

"Ah! Mr. Krasic is injured!"

The shouts of the audience members sounded on the open field; no one expected Huntelaar, who was treated as an honorable guest of Zenit, to sneak attack the Martial Saint Krasic when the battle was about to be over.

This was something that was not permitted. Getting involved in the battle between two Martial Saints was like disdaining the honor and dignity of the warriors of Zenit. What Huntelaar did would start up another war – if this news got out, Zenit had to declare a war against the Jax Empire! On Azeroth Continent, no empire would do nothing when its Martial Saint was sneak attacked in a Martial Saint Battle by another warrior.

"Humph!" Cold sneer sounded in the sky. Krasic's injured body that was shaking in the air suddenly stopped moving. With his hand on the Heavenly Sword, Krasic struck downward, and a green sword energy shot out of Heavenly Sword and chopped the 33 dashes of silver sword energies apart.

The green sword energy was still powerful, and it continued to dash at Huntelaar.

Huntelaar didn't dare to take this strike head-on. He turned his waist, and his bulky body dodged this green sword energy swiftly. Then, he suddenly stepped onto the ground. After a booming noise, a deep hole appeared on the ground. In the next second, he already appeared three meters away from Krasic in the sky after an air-piercing noise.

The thin silver sword danced in his hand crazily.

The sword didn't look like a sword; it was more like a silver whip.

As more air-piercing noises sounded, the blade of the sword traveled in strange trajectories as it struck at Krasic. In one second, Huntelaar already struck out 100 times.

Krasic looked pale. With his left hand covering the wound on his right chest and his right hand on Heavenly Sword, his body moved around his sword rapidly. Every time he moved, Heavenly Sword would block one strike from Huntelaar like a shield.

As this took place, sparks appeared in the dark night like a firework.

"Ahahaha, Krasic! I told you that you are going to die today!"

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Martial Saint of Spartax, Lkunta, who was still a little bit terrified by [Forgiveness from Heaven], suddenly laughed loudly. As he looked at the blood rain made from [Fire Destruction Bear]'s body, the smile on Lkunta's face got vicious. As fires started to appear from the fleshes and the bones of the level 10 Demon Beast, Lkunta glanced at the viewing area and suddenly shouted, "Move!"

Before he could finish his word, changes occurred.

Costakarta, who was sitting still on the stone chair, suddenly stood up. His dark red metal armor made a series of metal-colliding noises as metal plates on it hit each other, and it sounded like tens of thousands of soldiers had appeared on this central sword peak. A terrifying murderous spirit appeared on the peak, and this was the unique murderous spirit this famous general had after numerous years of experience in battles and wars. Just like [Zenit's God of War] Arshavin, their murderous spirits weren't something that normal warrior can rival against.


Costakarta drew out the blade from the scabbard on his waist and struck out. Instantly, a huge red blade energy that was more than 50 meters along appeared in the sky.

This was a blade energy filled with the unique murderous spirit from the battleground, and its target was the Martial Saint of Zenit, Krasic, who was still not at a disadvantage when facing the current two enemies.


Krasic couldn't dodge it with two enemies around him, and his body was knocked away by 50 meters after he took this strike head-on.

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No one expected this quiet and yet trustworthy famous elderly general would do something like this; he had dropped and abandoned all the honor and glory he was living up to all these years as a famous general and attacked a Martial Saint who was still in a Martial Saint Battle... When he did that, his hand that was holding his blade didn't even shake; he was very decisive and firm.

"You... Fu*k! Die!"

At this moment, Fei had woken up from the huge shock. He was no longer worried about hiding his strength, and he grabbed onto the thin air. His dual blades [Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge] and [Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian] appeared in his hands, and he instantly used the skill [Leap Attack] and turned into a rapid bladestorm.

Chapter 353: Battle on the Peak – Sudden Change (Part Two)

The green and red energies felt like they were about to tear the space apart, and the two blades struck at Costakarta like two roaring dragons.

"Back off!" The four black-armored guards behind Costakarta drew their weapons and struck at Fei, and four dark red energy flames dashed at Fei.

Tink! Tink! Tink! Tink! Tink!

After a series of metal-colliding noises, the four blades in the four guards' hands were turned into halves. The green and red lights flashed by, and three heads flew into the air.

These guards were too weak in front of Fei who was in a state of fury. After one strike, three guards were turned into corpses. Only the female warrior who was a bit more powerful survived. She survived didn't because of her power; Costakarta was closest to her, and he was able to protect her at that moment.

After one strike, Fei got even closer to them.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Three blue lights flashed by.

Elena, who was standing far away, pulled on her bow and shot her arrows. With the temperature in the area dropping dramatically, three magic arrows dashed by Fei's ears and hair and targeted Costakarta's vitals spots such as the heart and the throat mercilessly.

After spending a lot of time together in Diablo World killing monsters, Fei and Elena knew what each other was thinking about by just looking at the situation. With the perfect coordination, Fei's two swords stabbed at Costakarta's heart as Elena's arrows arriving at the same time.

The famous elderly general of the Eindhoven Empire wasn't scared at all. With no expression change, he waved his blade and chopped away the three arrows. However, chilly energy got onto his blade, and even his arm was being covered by the blue frost energy.


Costakarta frowned; he was very surprised by Elena's arrows as he didn't expect them to contain such strange energies. Although his right arm was frozen, he reacted fast. He quickly grabbed the blade of the female warrior who he just saved, and he used it to block Fei's dual swords confidently.


The terrifying energy wave dispersed to the area. Costakarta couldn't stand still, and he quickly took a few steps back. At the same time, Fei felt weak as he was hit by the repulsive force from this collision, and he took two steps back as well.

"This old bastard is also a Moon-Class Elite?"

Fei instantly detected the level of his opponent.

Although he was surprised by the strength of this general, he was more battle-hunger as he was really worried about Krasic. He looked at Krasic who was fighting two enemies at the same time with calmness, and he knew that Krasic would be fine as long as he was able to hold back Costakarta himself.

As Fei turned around and was about to tell Cech and other masters from the affiliated kingdoms to back off before they were injured by this level of chaos, his eyes suddenly landed on the Crown Prince of the St. Germain Empire, Girano.

With the servings from the four beautiful maids, this handsome and promiscuous man was looking at the battle in the air with a weird smile on his face.

"There are representatives from three empires here, and both Huntelaar and Costakarta attacked. Who knows if this man would make his move as well?"

Fei suddenly thought about this, and he was even more shocked.

As he thought about that, the Crown Prince of the St. Germain Empire finished the wine in his golden cup. Afterward, he threw the wine cup on the ground and grabbed onto the black wand that was in front of him. A series of mysterious chants sounded from his mouth, and golden magic runes appeared in the air and circled around him. With the terrifying pressure of the magic runes, people around him started to have a hard time breathing.

"Damn! He is going to attack!"

Fei got anxious. From the surging magic elements, he could tell that this Crown Prince of the St. Germain Empire was almost on the level of Moon-Class.

The spell this man was preparing was definitely on the level of Forbidden Spell, and no one knew what it could do to the current situation. Although Krasic was powerful, he was injured, he was fighting two powerful warriors at the same time, and he was short on warrior energy as he spent a lot of it on [Heavenly Sword Three Strikes].

"How did this happen? Since these envoy groups from these three empires are permitted to come, why would they try to kill Krasic at the same time?"

"What is going on?"


All these questions appeared in Fei's head, but these questions all turned into one thought after 0.01 second – "I have to stop Girano from chanting and block this spell!"

Before Fei could do anything, someone else did that for him.

Purple energy flames appeared, and a thin purple blade that was as thin as the wings of a bee struck at the Crown Prince of the St. Germain Empire who was chanting the magic spell.