405 - 414

Chapter 405: I Need A Mask (Part One)

"Haha! Not bad, not bad! What a surprise. The reward for this quest is satisfactory," Fei felt great after he put on the new fantastic helmet.

"Alexander, I also need a mask," Elena who always stood by Fei's side quietly suddenly opened her mouth and asked.

"Ah? A mask? Why?" Fei was surprised and felt curious; this was the first time that Elena asked him for anything.

"I only want you to see my face," Elena answered directly; her response was just like her – simple, concise, and didn't need anything else to be beautiful.

Fei was a little shocked; he didn't expect this answer.

After he gave it some more thoughts, he realized that he had been ignoring one thing.

Elena was known as the [Flower of Rogue], and she was gorgeous. Since she grew up fighting monsters in Diablo World, she had a valiant aura around her.

A girl like Elena would be considered a goddess in the real world, and it was normal that she was in the center of the attention.

During the competition among the affiliated kingdoms, Elena got a lot of fans because of her unique aura and gorgeous look.

However, since Elena grew up in Diablo World, she only had contact with the few people and was an introvert. She didn't like talking to strangers and being stared at by them. She was used to being left alone, and she was only comfortable being around the people who she was familiar with.

Being in the center of the attention was something that bothered this Valkyrie.

After she saw the mask on Fei's face, she suddenly realized that it was a good solution.

When the king heard Elena say that she only wanted him to see her face, he felt a sense of achievement, proud, and loved. Numerous positive emotions rushed into Fei's head, and he held onto Elena's small cold hands and smiled, "Alright. I will do anything to make you happy," he said.

It was rare to get items like masks in Diablo World, and most of them were ugly; they didn't fit with Elena's image.

Fei had a few masks that were made by Charsi, the busty blacksmith in [Rogue Encampment]; these masks were made from [Black Iron Cores] and [Devil's Remains] and were quite good. However, they were made for Fei to hide the identities of his other characters in the real world, and they didn't fit Elena's face...

"Huh? This?" Fei suddenly found a simple and retro-looking black mask.

It was way too simple; it was made from an unknown black material, its shape was a half-oval, and it only had three holes in it... Fei suddenly recalled that he got this mysterious mask after he defeated boss Andariel in [Rogue Encampment].

You Won't Believe What the World's Most Beautiful Girl Looks Like Today


This mask didn't have a name, and Fei couldn't see its properties.

It was very different from the items Fei got from other monsters in Diablo World, and he didn't know what this mask was for. He believed that this mask was the mask Andariel used after her face got destroyed and before she became a demon, but he couldn't find any evidence to confirm that hypothesis.

"Elena, take a look at this..." Fei somehow took out this hideous mask and gave it to Elena.

A curious expression appeared on Elena's face. She didn't mind this black mask that looked quite ugly; anything from Fei was like a precious treasure in her eyes. After she looked at it for a bit, she put it onto her face happily without hesitation.

"Huh? This mask... it gives me a strange feeling..."

As Elena opened her mouth and wanted to say something, something strange happened.

As soon as that black mask touched Elena's face, it started to wriggle and move around as if it got a life of its own. That strange black material softened and turned from a dry piece of solid into a dark liquid. It flowed on Elena's white face and perfectly covered it.

Elena didn't seem to feel this process.

10 Places All Men Must Visit While They're Single


Chapter 405: I Need A Mask (Part Two)

After a while, this dark liquid started to solidify, and a brand-new mask appeared on Elena's face. This mask kept the original simple appearance, and it didn't contain too many patterns and decorations. But now, it perfectly laid on Elena's face as if this mask was personalized for Elena; it looked another layer of Elena's skin.

"I feel like this mask is something I lost a long time ago; I feel great having it back!" Elena poked her face and said; she looked a little confused and joyous at the same time. Overall, it seemed like she was delighted to get this mask.

Now, Fei finally saw a line of words that Elena couldn't see; it showed the name of this mask: [Bless to Flower of Rogue].

However, Fei could only see its name and not its properties.

"I feel like I can control this mask..." as Elena said that, a black fire appeared on her face, and then the entire mask disappeared as if it never existed.

Fei was so shocked that his mouth opened wide subconsciously.

"Thank you, Alexander. I really like this mask."

As she said that, Elena coiled her arms around Fei's neck and kissed him on the cheek. After that, she looked at Fei with her big eyes that were filled with love and gratitude.


The next quest was called [Betrayal of Harrogath].

Elder Nihlathak did betray Harrogath, and he stole the Relic of the Ancients. This was terrible news for everyone in Diablo World; if Nihlathak surrendered to Demon Lord Baal, then Baal would be able to pass through Mount Arreat without needing to defeat the three powerful Barbarian Guardians.

Fei's and Elena's quest were to stop Nihlathak.

This quest took another two hours. On the way there, both Fei and Elena showed off their masks. What made Fei a little jealous was that Elena's new mask could alter its shape as Elena wished, and it was fancier than Fei's new item.

After they passed through [Halls of Anguish], [Halls of Pain], and [Halls of Vaught], they finally found this elder in [Nihlathak's Temple].

This elder who betrayed the Barbarians learned [Corpse Explosion] which was a skill of Necromancer, but he was still too weak for Fei. After Fei and Elena fought with this boss, they quickly killed him.

However, they didn't find the Relic of the Ancients.

Fei did anticipate this outcome as he knew that Nihlathak already gave it to Baal.

This didn't stop Fei from getting the rewards.

After they returned to [Harrogath], Fei found Anya. Too bad that the reward was a little trash; Anya could help Fei to put his name on an item.

Fei didn't claim this prize; he was going to come to Anya after he could find an item worthy of this reward.

Fei's Barbarian Character was still level 90, but that meant Fei was pretty much the strongest warrior in the realm of Star-level. If Fei wasn't wrong, his Barbarian Character was enough to handle level 1 low-tier New Moon Warriors.

This was the most valuable thing that Fei got in the last five hours.

After this was done, Fei no longer continued to kill monsters to level up. He returned to [Rogue Encampment], listened to the report about the rest of [Wolf Teeth Legion] from Elena, and returned to Dual-Flags City.


It was dawn when Fei returned.

It was the darkest moment in the day.

He was used to sleeping with his fiancée in his arms during this time, and he was a little sleepless as he sat inside the cold watchtower on the west gate.

The truth was that ever since he came to this world, he slept very little every night; he got less than four hours of sleep every night. He was the king of Chambord during the daytime, and he had to use all of his time to think of ways to help Chambord survived on this continent that was ruled by the law of the jungle. When it was night, and everyone around him fell asleep, he had to enter Diablo World to kill monsters and increase his strength.

It was fortunate that he had enough stamina to maintain this lifestyle after his strength increased.

If this was on Earth, Fei would be in a terrible condition and look like a refugee.

Although he only slept a little before, the qualities were excellent. But now, his brain was more awake when he closed his eyes. Even though he felt a bit tired, he couldn't go to sleep.

Chapter 406: Sensation of [Dragon Fist] (Part One)

Fei quickly found the cause of his insomnia; when he lied on the bed that wasn't too hard, he was missing that warm and soft female body.

Fei realized that as soon as he closed his eyes, he would start thinking about his fiancée. He couldn't help but start worrying, "Angela is with the rest of [Wolf Teeth Legion] ... is she safe right now? Is she missing me as well?"

Fei arrived at Dual-Flags City with the 6,000 soldiers in the herald brigade beforehand, and the rest of [Wolf Teeth Legion] that had 34,000 soldiers in it was being led by people like old Aryang, Lampard, [Magic Princess], and [Silver Armored Vicious Sword]. The rest of [Wolf Teeth Legion] was approaching Dual-Flags City at a steady pace, and they were doing their best to integrate properly.

Angela, Emma, [Fallen Princess] Isabella, and the four maids who were named Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter were all in that group.

Initially, both Elder Princess and Paris recommended Fei to leave Angela and the girls at St. Petersburg. After all, the Royal Guards and the master warriors in the Capital could better protect the civilians, and St. Petersburg should be much safer than the war zones. With the extra protection from the two most influential women in the Capital, Angela and the girls didn't need to worry about getting bullied. Also, before Fei left the Capital, he talked with the handsome Second Prince, and Dominguez promised Fei that he would take care of the girls for Fei...

However, Fei rejected their help.

For one, Angela didn't want to separate from Fei. Although she would be cared for in St. Petersburg, the people there weren't her family members, and she might feel lonely. Second of all, Fei somehow felt like in this chaotic situation, the Capital of Zenit might not be as safe as it seemed.

Fei was planning to go back to Chambord with Angela and the girls once the war in the Jax Battle Zone toned down a bit; he was only comfortable leaving Angela and the girls in Chambord, their home kingdom.

The sky gradually got brighter, and the moonlight and the starlight dimmed.

Since Fei couldn't go to sleep, he started to practice the methods documented in the Godly Chapter in the purple scroll. Fei's spiritual power was now level 350, and he had already wiped away the spiritual seal Amauri left on him.

His spiritual power was terrifying, and he had experienced the benefits of having a lot of spiritual power.

It didn't just increase the control of his physical strength and his understanding of cultivation; Fei felt like this spiritual power was his new eye. He could scan his surroundings, and it was much more effective and much subtler than scanning using Warrior Energy or Magic Power.

Fei discovered that he was the only person who specialized in spiritual power thus far.

Using his level 350 spiritual power, he was able to scan an area of 1,500-meter radius around him, and Costakarta, Huntelaar, and Amauri who were all Moon-Class Elites didn't escape from his scanning.

Ever since he experienced the benefits of the spiritual power, Fei had been training it regularly.


Three hours later, the sun appeared on the horizon and brought a little liveliness to the world. The temperature also started to rise.

10 Places All Men Must Visit While They're Single


What surprised the commanders in Dual-Flag City was that it seemed like the enemies weren't going to siege the city. The soldiers of Jax had moved back their campsites for five kilometers and only surrounded the east, west, and south side of the city. They left a small opening in the north direction, and it seemed like they were planning to drag on this war for as long as possible.

The anxiety and the fear that had been looming around the city toned down a little.

However, no one dared to relax completely. As long as the enemies were still close to Dual-Flags City, those fierce battles could arrive at any time, and blood and corpses could cover every corner of the aged defense wall.

For the whole day, Ribry was busy recruiting young men and training them for the militia.

Fei had to admit that this former head commander of the native military forces was well-respected. In just one day, he was able to get more than 8,000 young men to join the militia. After these men got their armors and weapons, they were put into eight battalions and got trained by experienced veterans and injured veterans.

"Sweat a lot during practice, and you can bleed less during battle!"

Chapter 406: Sensation of [Dragon Fist] (Part Two)

What Fei told Ribry in the watchtower last night became the phrase that motivated these rookies. That phrase was engraved on a massive piece of rock in the center of the training field by the craftsmen last night, and these words were painted in a bright red color. The instructors of these rookies would lead them, and they would shout this phrase before and after training together.

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Except for the militia, the mercenary groups in the city also got visited by the military. During critical times like this, the mercenaries were summoned to participate in the defense. Of course, they would be paid by the military for their services.

Most of the mercenaries had battle experiences and battle techniques, and they were able to coordinate with each other well. As a result, they didn't need to be trained like the rookies.

At the same time, the military in the city started to purchase food and store them in safe places quietly; Fei was preparing to fight a prolonged war.

The military also started to promote the idea of treasuring food; they recommended the civilians to start consuming a little bit less food so that they could wait until the winter wheat and crops were ready for harvest.

The military created all the detailed plans around food.

Fei had to remind the commanders under him that only the military was allowed to purchase and store food; anyone else who wanted to buy and save food in large quantities had to be warned, and anyone who ignored the warning should be severally punished.

When the atmosphere in the city was anxious and chaotic, crimes were more likely to be committed.

Fei hated these incidents, and he selected the elite soldiers from the herald brigade and established the patrol force. Crimes of all sorts were punished! In just a day, two thief groups and one evil mercenary group where all their members committed rape were killed; their heads were hung in the center of the city to serve as a deterrent.

Fei was busy all day as well.

He went to the Mage Union in the morning to thank the mages for the help. Of course, he also politely asked them to continue supporting Dual-Flags City in the upcoming defenses.

Fei thought that these haughty mages should be friendly towards him since they were willing to help the city, but it was the complete opposite.

Even though Ribry who was a respected figure in the city brought Fei here and introduced him, the king only got to meet the president of the Mage Union.

The president was a white-haired and white-breaded elder in his 60s, and he waited for Fei in front of the Magic Tower with two of his servants.

Unfortunately, this elder wasn't as nice and friendly as the elders in the stories told by the traveling poets. His face was stiff, and he only chatted with Fei for less than 30 seconds superficially. He didn't invite Fei to go in his Magic Tower, and he closed the door after that chat was done.

Fei felt like the "dominating presence" he had since he came to this world disappeared.

"This old man is just too rude! Your Majesty, let me break his windows using some rocks!" both Pierce and Drogba were angry after seeing how the king got treated.

Fei started at the two strongmen viciously, and the two of them instantly shut their mouths.

Fei didn't hurry and go back to the camp after he left the Magic Tower. After he sent away his guards, he started to wander around the city alone.

He hadn't had the chance to see the sceneries in this beautiful city in the desert. Every time he thought about how Emperor Yassin created more than 100 water wells using [Dragon Fist], he got stimulated; his heart would race, and his blood would boil.

Soon, he found those water wells to the east of the city center.

They were on a piece of flat land, and this flat land occupied quite a lot of space. The water wells were scattered around the area like the stars in the sky.

Each water well was about four meters in diameter, and the walls of the wells were piled up using green stones that were all smooth like mirrors. When looking down inside these ancient-looking water wells, Fei saw flashes of silver light in the dark; those were all the lights that got reflected off of the water.

There were mists on top of each water well, and they looked like clouds from afar; this scenery was unique and beautiful.

Beside these water wells, there were sophisticated channels and pipe systems. The water was being pulled out of the wells by simple magic arrays, and it was distributed to all the reservoirs and the tanks in the city for the civilians to use.

Fei slowly caressed the edge of one of the water wells, and he suddenly sensed a strong aura.

It was very familiar.

This light yet terrifying aura made Fei feel like there was a very majestic Emperor standing in front of him right now.

"This... is the sensation of [Dragon Fist]!"

Chapter 407: Similar to Angela (Part One)

Fei was able to see how mighty the legendary [Dragon Fist] was.

That strike was enough to shock the gods and scare the demons.

At that critical moment when everyone thought Emperor Yassin was the brink of death, he punched out in the Royal Palace that was quite far away from the Martial Saint Mountain, and the golden flames covered the sky and destroyed the three Moon-Class Elites who were on Griffins 5,000 meters up in the air.

That strike was the most powerful strike Fei had ever seen on this continent.

Compared to Emperor Yassin, a lot of Moon-Class Elites were too weak. Comparing them with Emperor Yassin was like comparing fireflies to the sun.

Today, Fei sensed the residual power of that strike again.

However, there were some differences. Compared to the aura of the [Dragon Fist] he experienced in St. Petersburg, this one was much more lively and energetic; it felt like a sun that was on the rise. Although the one he experienced in St. Petersburg was still powerful, it felt like a sun that was setting and aging.

The two different auras seemed to prove people's hypothesis – Emperor Yassin was really about to pass away.

Fei didn't know how to feel about that.


When Emperor Yassin used his supreme power and created more than 100 water wells here, he concentrated all the residual energies and made them into Fist Spatial Spiritual Seals; otherwise, this place might a restricted zone. If those residual energies were not controlled, even Moon-Class Elites couldn't get close to this place, let alone civilians.

After Fei visited this place, he wandered towards other locations.

Although the king of Chambord's name was already well known in the city, not a lot of people knew what he looked like. As Fei walked around, no one recognized that this young man who was wearing a blue robe was King Alexander who terrified the nobles in the city.

Fei asked for directions and proceeded towards the farmlands at the northeast region of the city.

The defense walls of Dual-Flags City were empowered by many magic arrays when the city was built, and they were strong enough to handle the 10,000-pound rocks that were shot out of catapults. There were also numerous magic arrays on the ground in front of the defense walls that could block the damage of low-level magic spells. With the strong defense walls like these, 70,000 soldiers and hundreds of thousands of civilians could defend the city and prolong the war for at least three years as long as there were enough water and food.

Therefore, after Fei checked up on the water sources, he had to inspect the farmlands.

Since Dual-Flags City was located in the desert, 90% of the farmlands could be found inside the city; they needed to be irrigated by the water from the water wells. These farmlands inside the city weren't destroyed in the war yet, and Fei ordered some of the soldiers to strengthen the protection of these farmlands.

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The farmlands occupied a massive area in the northeast.

After more than 20 years of cultivation and irrigation, these farmlands were very fertile. Fei was always curious as to how the crops could survive from the vast temperature difference in the region, and he finally understood the mechanisms behind it when he saw the farmlands.

Between the farmlands, there were huge rocks with magic arrays engraved on them.

These all simple three-pointed star magic arrays with 21 magic pathing, and they were modified by someone who had a deep understanding of magic. The only job for these magic arrays was to add some heat to the surroundings when the night arrives so the crops won't freeze to death.

The desert didn't lack sunshine, and the crops in Dual-Flags City had higher quality compared with the crops in the mainland.

There was a total of 400 rocks that had these magic arrays on them in these farmlands, and each of them only required one piece of low-tier Magic Gem to last the whole year... Fei had to admit that some of the products and designs using magic were more effective and more ingenious compared with the technologies in his previous life.

Fei had to thank the officials in Zenit who had paid a lot of attention to these precious farmlands.

It was heard that the Executive Knights would come and visit every year, and that was why Soroyov and the nobles haven't destroyed most of the farmlands and built amusement parks.

You Won't Believe What the World's Most Beautiful Girl Looks Like Today


Fei felt great after seeing all the green crops that were thriving.

Chapter 407: Similar to Angela (Part Two)

If everything went according to plan, these crops would be ready for harvest in May, and that would be enough food for everyone in the city for a whole year.

The king suddenly felt like Emperor Yassin had already foreseen what was about to happen when he was building this city. He created all these water wells and farmlands, and these served as a line of defense on the border.


On the way back, Fei was walking relatively slow and enjoying the rare relaxed atmosphere in the city. The chanting of the merchants who were selling small items on the street, the laughter of children who were playing, the sounds of women who were busy making dinner, and the noises made by the dogs and cats that were running around by the white buildings and colossal warrior statues... all these made Fei feel very relaxed.

"Huh? Is it you?" a surprised voice sounded behind him.

Fei turned around and saw Emile Husky who had a bag of flour on his shoulder; this simple-minded low-level commander was looking at him with a big surprised smile.

"What a coincident! Emile, you are..." Fei smiled and asked this man who was sweating a ton.

"Hehe, the military had paid me the salary that I was owed for the last three months, and I bought a bag of winter wheat flour for my little sister..." the big man scratched his head and laughed. After he looked around and made sure that no one was close by, he got close to Fei and whispered, "Hey, the military is busy right now! Where did you find the time to wander around aimlessly? If your superior finds out about this, you will be in trouble! I heard that the new No.1 Commander King Alexander is very strict! The mayor and the nobles are all dominated by him, and a lot of nobles are killed! You are only a little commander, don't get punished because you are slacking off!"

Fei found it funny. He smiled and said, "Don't worry, I already got the permission of my superior."

"Good, good. Alright, come with me to my sister's place then. Haha! I just bought some flour, and my sister is going to make some honey bread; I can eat at least 40 pieces!" Husky was very friendly, and he asked Fei to be his guest immediately.

Since it was still quite early, Fei didn't reject the offer.

He followed this simple-minded commander along the fancy streets for a while, and the buildings along the sides of the road started to decrease in number. After another 20 minutes, they finally arrived at a simple courtyard that was fenced off by some bamboo sticks.

This was a typical courtyard.

A white female sheep was lying on the ground, two baby sheep were playing with each other, and a few hens were cackling as they were eating a few plants.

There were two small houses made from green stones, and the roofs were made from straws. Some dried meats were hanging from the walls, and two cats that wanted to eat these meats wandered around them...

"Hey, Jessica! I'm back! Sister, I got a guest here!" Emile pushed open the gate to the courtyard and shouted; he was so loud that it sounded like thunder.

Fei smiled; this Husky was quite funny.

Crack! The wooden door of a house opened, and Fei's eyes lit up.

A girl who was wearing a rough brown jacket that had many patches on it and a blue floral headscarf walked out of the house.

This girl looked like she was 18 years old, and she was quite pretty. Although her body was still young and immature, her figure was perfect. She was about 1.7 meters tall, and her legs were longer than other girls; that made her look much more elegant. Her eyebrows were thin and sharp, and her perfect crystal-like black eyes were flashy and attractive.

For some reason, Fei felt like he had seen this girl before.

He was shocked by her appearance.

He didn't expect a tough and simple-minded guy like Husky to have such a pretty sister. Soon, he realized that the reason he felt like Jessica was familiar was that her eyes and her aura were too similar to Angela's. If he closed his eyes, he could have thought that his fiancée was standing in front of him.

"Ah, Emile, you are back?" the girl rushed over with a bright smile on her face. She grabbed onto her brother's hands and laughed, "Haha! Did you bring flour? Such a big bag! I can make enough honey bread to feed a cow like you!"

"Hey, how can you call you brother a cow?" Husky murmured as he put the bag of flour on the ground. Suddenly, he thought of something and asked, "Jessica, did those bastards like Arno and Knite come and bother you?"

Chapter 408: Unwelcomed Guests (Part One)

"No, they all responded to Mr. Ribry's call and joined the militia..." Jessica smiled and explained as she dusted some of the flour off her brother's shoulder. "I heard that Mr. Alexander asked most of the males who are between 18 and 50 of age to get trained so that those hooligans won't be back soon."

"Great," Husky looked at his sister in a spoiling way and replied. After he scratched his head, he added with a proud expression on his face, "Those guys are all bad eggs, especially that monkey-like Knite. How dare he dream of having my sister? Is he delusional?"

The two siblings hadn't seen each other for over a month, and they had a lot of chat about.

Although Jessica looked and felt very similar to Angela, she was a lot more outgoing. She liked laughing out loud, and her laughter was crisp and ear-pleasing.

However, Husky got so into talking with his sister that he completely forgot about Fei, his guest.

"Huh? Who are you? Emile, is this handsome commander your comrade?" after chatting with her brother for a while, Jessica suddenly saw Fei and realized that a bright young man was standing beside her.

"Ah! Damn it, I forgot to introduce my friend. His name is... is..." Husky suddenly realized that he still didn't know Fei's name, so he walked to Fei and patted Fei's shoulder as he asked, "Right, brother. What is your name?"

Fei laughed; he thought that Husky was a simple-minded person since he invited a person to his sister's place without knowing this person's name. After some hesitation, the king laughed and said, "You can call me Fei."

"Fei? Such a strange name..." Husky grabbed his sister's hand and introduced, "Jessica, this is Fei, a new friend that I made yesterday. He is a commander under King Alexander, and he is very nice to me. I ran into him on my way here, and I invited him to come and try your honey bread."

"Fei? You must be a nice person since you can befriend my dumb brother. Hi, my name is Jessica, Emile's little sister. My big brother is a clumsy person, so please don't mind him. Come on in..." this girl was amiable, and she was not shy at all; Fei liked her personality a lot. After he thought about it, it made sense. Since Husky and his sister were born into a poor neighborhood, they matured at an early age. As a result, Jessica didn't have that arrogance that most of the pretty girls in her age have.

Jessica was a very hard-working girl. After she took out a wooden chair for Fei, she took out a plate of green apples that were a little dry but very clean. After that, she bought two bottles of ale with the money her big brother gave her, and she went into the kitchen and started to make her "renowned" honey bread as Husky asked her again and again.

"Emile, you have a great little sister!" Fei was a little envious towards Husky; this man had a lovely family.

The green apples and the bottles of ales on the table weren't good food in the eyes of the average families, but Fei knew that these were the best treatment this family could give to its guests. Perhaps that this girl named Jessica treasured these apples a lot and didn't want to eat them alone; maybe she was saving them and was going to eat them with her brother after he came back. In the cold winter in the desert, fruits were "delicacies" in the eyes of the poor people.

"Hehe, of course! My sister is known as the Pearl in the Northern Malta Poor Neighbourhood, haha," this simple-minded man was proud of his sister.

"Emile, you will scare our guest away if you boast even more!" Jessica shouted in the kitchen; it seemed like she liked to call Husky by his first name rather than calling him brother.

"Haha! Everyone in the neighborhood knows that my sister Jessica's honey bread is a delicious treat that even the nobles don't get to eat," Husky replied.

Fei was a little speechless. "Maybe in this guy's simple-mind, anything his sister makes is a delicacy," he thought.

You Won't Believe What the World's Most Beautiful Girl Looks Like Today


Fei and Husky chatted a lot in the yard.

Husky wasn't a person who liked to hold back; he would say whatever was on his mind. Most of the time, Husky was the one talking, and Fei would listen with a smile on his face as he played with the cats in the yard. Although Husky was going all over the place and talked about things like gossips involving nobles and famous stories in Dual-Flags City, Fei enjoyed it.

Fei's parents in his previous life were farmers, and he had a great childhood in the countryside before his parents passed away. Therefore, his was genuinely in love with this atmosphere including these kinds of bamboo stick fences and all these animals.

Chapter 408: Unwelcomed Guests (Part Two)

Time passed by quickly.

The sun was already lower than the defense wall, but the sky wasn't that dark. The cooking smoke soared into the air via the chimneys, and the noises made by the children, their parents, and the cats and dogs somehow added to the rare and peaceful countryside atmosphere.

"Wow! Smells delicious!" Husky finished the last bit of ale and shouted as he took a deep breath.

A sweet aroma flowed in the air, and Fei felt hungry after he took a deep breath as well. It was evident that the delicacy that the nobles couldn't even enjoy, Jessica's honey bread, was about to be done.

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Soon, Jessica walked into the yard with a loaf of freshly baked golden honey bread.

As the aroma dispersed into the surroundings, a lot of the neighbors walked out of their houses and looked in this direction.

"Haha! I smell Jessica's honey bread again!"

"Look, it is Emile! No wonder Jessica made honey bread again. It is the best treat in the world!"

"Hehe, Sister Jessica, you have to teach me how to make it."

It was clear that this brother and sister had great relationships with the neighbors, and Husky immediately shouted and invited all the neighbors to taste the food. This simple-minded man was hospitable; otherwise, he won't invite Fei to his sister's place when he only met Fei once. Soon, the yard was filled with more than a dozen people who were in different age groups.

"Sister Jessica, who is this handsome commander? Is he your fiancé?" a girl who had freckles and was one to two years younger than Jessica joked with her.

"Hey, I will stuff your mouth if you repeat such things," Jessica pinched the cheeks of this girl and said, "He is Emile's friend."

However, Jessica's explanation wasn't accepted by the friendly neighbors. Although these neighbors were poor, they could tell that this young man was extraordinary. Even though he was wearing regular clothes, looked different to the nobles, and was smiling brightly, he had a majestic aura around him; those nobles who were corroded by comfort and lust couldn't be compared with him.

"Jessica is a nice girl; young man, you are lucky if you get to marry her."

"Yeah, although our Jessica is born in our poor neighborhood, a priest from the Holy Church said that she would become an influential person that the noble ladies couldn't even reach. Young man, I think you two are compatible!"

A lot of people who were uncles and aunts to Jessica told Fei a lot of Jessica; they all misunderstood the relationship.

"Hey, you don't say! Fei, I think you are qualified to be my brother-in-law! Haha!" after Husky scratched his head and looked at his sister and Fei, he spoke up as if he discovered something.

Fei only smiled and didn't say anything.

"Ah, hahaha! So many people here! Huh? Do you guys know that Jessica and I are getting engaged today? And you are all here to see it? I have to thank you guys in advance..." a loud and ear-piercing voice sounded, and it immediately broke the pleasant atmosphere.

Everyone's face changed color.

Fei looked in the direction of that voice and saw five men walking into the courtyard wearing soldier uniforms.

They all had smiles on their faces; they weren't uncomfortable even though they weren't invited.

The man in the lead was skinny, and his back was a little hunched. With a reckless expression on his face, he did look like a monkey. Also, he had a bloody boar leg in his hand.

"Damn it! Monkey Knite! You bastard! Weren't you in the militia? Why are you in my place? Get the fu*k out! Otherwise, I won't be polite towards you anymore!" Husky's reaction was aggressive. He stood up and shouted at the five guys who ran into the courtyard.

"Hey, Husky! Why are you still aggressive? Today, I'm here to purpose to Jessica. Look at my gift! What do you think?"

Monkey-like Knite lightly pushed Husky, and Husky instantly fell back despite his big size.

Chapter 409: Same Kind of Pure Soul (Part One)


Knite threw the boar leg in front of Jessica and said proudly, "I was lucky. Today was the first day of training, and I was appointed as a team commander in the militia. I'm in charge of 100 people, and I think the time for me to marry you is here! Therefore, I advanced half of my monthly salary and bought this Desert Boar's leg. The poor people in the city couldn't even see the hair of Desert Boars on a regular day, let alone eating its meat during a war. Haha! Jessica, my dear fiancée. You can prepare the boar leg, and we can invite all the neighbors in the area to come here for a feast and announce our engagement."

"You think too much," Jessica threw the boar leg back and sneered, "Go and get engaged to the Desert Boar!"

"Haha, Jessica, you are not fair. Before, you said that I don't have a proper job and rejected me because of it. Also, since your brother is a soldier, I couldn't do much. But now, the situation is different. I'm a team commander in the militia constructed by King Alexander, and I'm going to be battling with the invaders of Jax soon. I'm already a changed man! Jessica, why won't you accept me?"

Monkey-like Knite zapped his mouth and explained. He completely ignored Jessica's provocation, and he glanced at Jessica's body.

"Knite, you are too late! Stop bothering Sister Jessica! She already has a fiancé; it is him!" that girl who had freckles on her face pointed at Fei and declared, "Mr. Fei is much more handsome than you!"

Knite looked in the direction that this girl was pointing at, and he saw Fei.

He immediately became hostile towards Fei.

The man in front of him was 100 times more handsome than him, and this man's presence was also much better. Even Knite had to admit that he would choose this man if he was Jessica.

"Who... are you?" Knite asked carefully.

"I'm Emile's friend, and I'm here as a guest," Fei said as continued to eat a piece of delicious honey bread in his hand; he didn't raise his head because he didn't want to be recognized.

"So... you are a part of the military?" Knite squinted his eyes and tried to get to know Fei more.

"Yeah, you can say that. I don't have much power in the military."

After they chatted a bit, Fei relaxed; he found out that this monkey-like Knite didn't know who he was. He liked talking and listening to these people who were like his uncles and aunts; if his identity got exposed, these people wouldn't feel at ease in front of him, and this rare atmosphere that he enjoyed would disappear.

Knite nodded and let go of the breath he was holding in.

Then, this new team commander who was feeling good about himself started to boast.

"Eh, I thought so. Look at you; you are so weak that you couldn't even lift up a blade. Since you can't kill enemies on the frontline and gain military merits, you could only get a small position in the military with no real influence..." as Knite said that, his expression got happier. In his mind, this man in front of him was no longer a threat. He turned around and said to Jessica, "This guy isn't that good. Although he looks good, he might be in the business of scamming young girls like you...."

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Jessica spat at him and interrupted his insult of Fei, "Knite, shut up! I won't allow you to insult my brother's friend."


Knite felt like he was belittled after Jessica acted rudely towards him for several times.

After all, he had a few of his subordinates with him today, and he as their commander was being shamed. On top of that, Jessica was protecting Fei, and Knite thought that Fei was luring this girl; as a result, his jealousy burned vigorously inside of him.

He picked up that boar leg and threw it towards Jessica.

"Hehe, what I said won't change. I'm getting engaged with you today for sure, and no one can stop me. The war already broke out, and the situation in the city is very different. Before, I thought this dumb Emile is a high-level official in the military, but now I know that he is almost like a groom and a servant. I'm not afraid of him anymore! Don't you value your big brother? If you don't accept me today, I will move Emile onto the defense wall tomorrow. If the invaders decide to attack, I'm not sure if Emile can make it back alive," Knite said in anger.

Knite was bullsh*ting.

Chapter 409: Same Kind of Pure Soul (Part Two)

You Won't Believe What the World's Most Beautiful Girl Looks Like Today


He was only a team commander in the militia; how could he command Husky who was a formal soldier in Dual-Flags City? Even though Husky had a low-level position and was like a groom and a servant to other high-level commanders, he was still a part of the native defense force. Even a brigade commander of the militia who had control over 10,000 militia members couldn't command Husky, let alone a little team commander like Knite.

However, the other people didn't know about this; their faces all changed color after hearing that.

The neighbors all started to worry. They all watched Husky grow up, and they knew that he was too simple-minded and a little slow. Even though he had a lot of physical strength, he never learned any fighting techniques; if Husky went on the defense wall, he would probably die under the blade of the invaders.

Jessica's body froze after she heard that.

"Even if I die on the defense wall, I won't allow my sister to marry you! You are just a hooligan! How are you worthy enough for my sister? Even the priest from the Holy Church said that she would become an influential figure one day..." Husky shouted as he protected his sister with his back; he was too slow to figure out the errors in what Knite had said. This simple-minded man cared about his sister a lot, and he believed in what that priest from the Holy Church had said many years ago; he wasn't going to let his goddess-like sister marry a hooligan like Knite.

"Haha? You believe the words of that old beggar? A beggar and an idiot! Hahaha!" Knite laughed out loud with his subordinates behind him as if they heard the funniest joke.

On this continent that was ruled by the law of the jungle, the good looks of a girl would only bring her tragedy if she wasn't powerful enough. If Husky didn't serve under Ribry who was an overprotective general and if Jessica was a few years older and her body fully matured, she would have been kidnapped by the nobles and got ruined by them.

Becoming an influential figure? That possibility seemed slim.

However, Fei suddenly realized something.

"A poor priest of the Holy Church said that Jessica is going to become an influential figure? Normally, even the lowest priests in the Holy Church won't be broke enough to beg for food on the street, unless he was a scammer... Or there is something else? Could it be that there is a secret around Jessica?"

Fei suddenly thought about how Jessica felt similar to Angela, and Priest Balesi said that Angela had the purest soul in the world and almost forced her to join the Shrine Choir.

"Could it be that... Jessica's soul is as pure as Angela's? And a mysterious priest came to this city many years ago to check up on her?"

Fei felt like that possibility was high; after all, Jessica and Angela were way too similar.

"Emile, you are such an idiot! Your identity as a low-level commander in the military is worthless in my eyes! You can no longer protect your sister! Look at her hands! They are rough and thick like carrots! In a few more years, she would look like prostitutes who have thick waists and a full face of freckles. Hehe, if you die on the defense wall, who is going to take care of her?"

Knite laughed as he mocked Husky.

"I, Knite, is now a team commander in the militia under King Alexander His Majesty! If I get enough military merits, I will be rewarded by King Alexander and might even become a noble. Jessica, you are only a girl living in a poor neighborhood; if you marry me, you might become a noble lady one day! Also, Husky, I might also promote you, so you no longer need to work as a groom!"

The more Knite talked, the prouder he was.

"Girl, don't reject our commander! Otherwise, your brother will die on the defense wall!"

"Yeah! If you let this opportunity go, you might have to open your legs for our commander when you run out of food, and he might not even look at you! Right now, even the women in the rich neighborhoods want to get themselves a commander in the military."

Chapter 410: I Hope You Guys Are Still Alive (Part One)

"Team commander, why are you so polite towards her? If you want, we can kidnap her and throw her into your room. As long as you two sleep together for a night, she would be yours, haha!"

The few members of the militia behind Knite suggest as they tried to threaten Jessica even more; as they said that, they grinned at Jessica viciously.

For a moment, the casual and relaxed atmosphere instantly got covered by dark clouds. Although the neighbors hated Knite, they couldn't express their anger as this man was now a commander in the military.

Husky was furious after he was shouted at, but he didn't know how to respond to that. His head was a little slow, and perhaps he was thinking about who was going to protect his sister after he dies on the defense wall.

Fei's sharp sense told him that the simple-minded man was looking at him.

At the moment, Jessica got her weakness pointed out by Knite; this girl was afraid that her big brother would die because of her.

After seeing the expression on everyone's face, Knite laughed and walked forward; he was reaching for Jessica's hand.

Suddenly –

"Hey, you have laughed for too long. Catch your breath; otherwise, you might choke."

After Fei finished the last piece of the honey bread, he wiped his lips, stood up, and slapped away Knite's hand.

Then, he looked at Knite and said earnestly, "Ok, let me interrupt a little. I might be wrong, but Mr. Knite, aren't you a team commander in the militia? I believe Emile is a formal soldier of Zenit, so your status is technically lower than him. How can you command him and move him onto the defense wall?"

The smile froze on Knite's face; he didn't know how to respond.

Jessica was the person who reacted the fastest.

Her beautiful big eyes lit up, and she asked as she grabbed onto Fei's arm, "Is it true?" her voice was shaking.

"Of course. The militia is only temporary, and some of the members of the militia are given titles to make it easier to organize. Although they could also accumulate military merits, they couldn't get promoted to nobles. Besides, the militia might get disbanded after the war; it is all up to the Military Headquarter of Zenit."

Fei pointed at Knite and continued, "These guys are just trying to make themselves look more powerful! They are like dragons that are made from paper; nothing to be scared of!"

"Ah! Great!" Jessica was so relieved that she jumped into the air.

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To this girl, the last few minutes was the darkest moment in her life, and Fei's words brought energy and hope back into her life.

30 seconds ago, she was thinking about accepting Knite's proposal, so her brother didn't have to be in great danger; she was planning to use herself to save her brother. Although her big brother was a little simple-minded, he was her only family. She couldn't even imagine how desperate it would feel if she sees her brother's broke corpse on the defense wall.

What Fei said pretty much saved her life.

However, Fei's appearance destroyed Knite's plan.

Knite walked up and grabbed onto Fei's finger that was pointing at him.

He shouted angrily, "Hey, you weak man! How dare you point at me and disrespect me? Do you want to die? I will break this finger of yours to teach you a lesson!"

"No!" all the people in the yard screamed in fear.

However, Knite wasn't going to listen to them.

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As he sneered, he used all of his strength and tried to break that finger; he was going to make this handsome man pay for destroying his plan.

Soon, the vicious grin froze on his face.

He felt like he wasn't trying to break a finger but an iron spear.

It didn't matter how hard he tried; he couldn't even move this man's hand a little, let alone breaking his finger.

After a while, Knite suddenly felt a tremendous amount of force coming at him from this finger; as if a mountain was thrown onto his shoulders, his knees instantly bend, and he couldn't help but kneel onto the ground.

"Huh? Why are you kneeling down? Are you trying to apologize?"

Fei laughed and moved aside. In the eyes of others, Knite suddenly kneeled down towards Fei as if he was apologizing.

Chapter 410: I Hope You Guys Are Still Alive (Part Two)


Knite used all of his strength and tried to stand up; his face turned red, and his veins bulged. However, didn't matter how hard he worked, he couldn't even move for one millimeter; that force was just too dominating.

Soon, his knees sunk into the ground. It was fortunate that there weren't tiles on the ground; otherwise, his knees would have been destroyed.

The four people behind Knite realized that something was wrong; they rushed over and tried to help.

Fei just looked at them and released the power of his Barbarian Character a little. Without pause, all those four men also kneeled down and couldn't move anymore.

Knite suddenly realized what was happening after he looked at Fei who was still smiling calmly.

He knew that he ran into a master warrior.

"This man's power is just unimaginable! He must be a Star-level Warrior!"

Knite sighed in his mind and thought, "Damn! This beautiful Jessica got to know a Star-level Warrior and got engaged to him? It looks like I can't have this beautiful girl to myself."

Although he felt regretful, he had been living on the street for a long time and knew what he should do and what he shouldn't do. Therefore, he immediately apologized to Jessica and begged for forgiveness.

Jessica didn't know what was happening, and she didn't know how to respond.

"Alright, Jessica forgives you. Stand up."

Fei smiled and waved his hand, and the huge pressure on these five men disappeared. Knite and his four subordinates could finally breathe freely, and they quickly got up; there were ten deep circular kneeling marks on the ground.

"Thank... thank you! Thank you for your mercy!" Knite quickly thanked Fei.

He understood the situation now.

"Since this man is in the military, he must be a high-level commander with this level of strength. If this is the case, I should try to get to know him. In many stories told by the traveling poets, from an exchange of blows friendship grows! This is the perfect opportunity!" he thought.

"Let me give you some recommendations. If you really like Jessica, you should pursue her like a real man and protect her like a real man. Threatening others like bandits won't work..." Fei was planning to teach Knite some proper concepts around love, but he felt like he was talking to a cow.

After he said a few words, he waved his hand impatiently and said, "Overall, don't come and bother Jessica again! Also, I will let you guys in on a secret; Emile is going to become King Alexander His Majesty's guard! Don't bully him anymore! Otherwise, the consequences will be severe!"

"Ah? Emile this idiot is going to become the guard of the No.1 Commander of the Battle Zone?"

Knite couldn't believe his ears.

"It is obvious that this powerful man won't lie to me. So... if this idiot wants to, he could go anywhere in Dual-Flags City without being troubled? Also, it looks like this mysterious man likes Jessica... This family is going to take off!"

After thinking about that, Knite looked at Husky differently.

He knew that he probably couldn't get close to this mysterious man, but he was able to flatter Husky and befriend him.

"If I get the chance to meet the legendary King Alexander of Chambord through Husky, I would be able to die happy on the defense wall!" he thought.

"Ok, that's all for today. You guys can leave now."

Fei waved his hand and asked them to leave.

Knite wanted to stay a little longer, but he had to leave quietly since Fei said so.

"Huh? Wait up!" Fei thought of something and shouted.

Whoosh! A dash of gold light shot into Knite's hand.

As Knite was wondering about what happened, he saw that mysterious man pointing at the boar leg on the ground and heard him say, "You can leave the meat here; I will treat it as if I bought it from you. Since you actively joined the militia, your courage should be praised. Half a month of salary shouldn't be thrown away like this. The situation in Dual-Flags City isn't that great, so the militia might have to help with the defense of the city soon. Make sure that you guys eat full meals and accumulate enough stamina; try your best to survive this war!"

Knite and his subordinates were stunned a little.

They looked at Fei and saluted. Perhaps they just learned it, their salute wasn't that proper. Even though that was the case, their spirits were there.

After that, they turned around and left with the gold coin.

Fei looked at the five of them and sighed in his mind, "I hope you guys are still alive after the war."

Chapter 411: Mystic Ocean (Part One)

This time, Fei didn't kill Knite and the four men; he treated them differently compared with the corrupt nobles.

The lives inside this desert city were already fragile. Like winter wheat in a storm, they could be blown away effortlessly. Although Knite wasn't a great person, he wasn't guilty enough to be killed. At least this hooligan advanced half of his monthly salary and purchased a boar leg; he was putting some effort into the love he had for Jessica.

Also, Knite didn't try to harm any of the neighbors; he only exaggerated his power and used the name of King Alexander to threaten them.

Of course, if Fei knew that he was thought of as a pretty boy and a gigolo, he would have treated those five men a little differently.

After those five men disappeared, Jessica, Emile, and the neighbors still couldn't believe what had happened.

"Those hooligans are gone?"

This outcome was better than the happy ending they could wish for; they felt like they were dreaming.

"From what they said, it seems like Knite won't be bothering Jessica anymore in the future, and even Emile is about to get promoted," all the neighbors thought as they looked at Fei with curiosity and respect.

"Haha, don't look at me like that! I just fooled them! I know a little bit more than you guys, and that was how I saw through Knite's trick."

Fei laughed and explained as he made a few exaggerated poses.

Most of the people in the neighborhood were poor and didn't much knowledge, and Husky who had some understanding of what was going on accepted Fei's explanation. Only Jessica who had a pair of beautiful eyes was curious, but she held back her curiosity as she smiled and thanked Fei.

At this moment, Fei realized that this girl's hands were rough; the skin of her hands was like the skin of a carrot. Different from the white and the smooth skin of her face, there were a lot of rough calluses on her hands; they were even rougher than the hands of some of the women in their 40s.

Jessica saw Fei looking at her hands, and a dejected expression appeared on her face. She put her hands behind her back in a hurry, and she turned around and talked to the neighbors with a smile on her face.

Fei felt a heartache after seeing this subtle movement.

From what Knite had said, Fei knew that this girl had been doing a lot of hard labor work, and that was how her hands that should be smooth and soft turned rough and wrinkly. This girl must have gone through a lot of trials and tribulations, but she was still able to keep up her optimism; Fei's impression of her got even better.

Laughter reappeared in the yard.

After Fei bought that boar leg from Knite, he asked Jessica and a few aunties in the neighborhood to cook it. The delicious smell of grilled meat dispersed in the yard; the people in this poor neighborhood rarely got to see meat, let alone eating it. Today, they got to eat a lot of meat, and they felt like they were living in the dreams...

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A ton of cooking smokes was slowly rising into the sky, and red clouds could be seen from afar.

Fei felt like he was back on Earth, back to his childhood home.

At this moment, Fei realized how lonely he was since he came to the Azeroth Continent. Although he was the king of a kingdom, he didn't have parents and siblings in this world. Although he was the king of a kingdom, he had never integrated himself into other people's personal lives like today.

Time flies when you are having fun!

Soon, the night arrived, and people started fires in the yard. The smile on Fei's handsome face was lit up by the light of the flames, and it attracted a lot of attention of the young girls...

Suddenly, a loud explosion sounded, and the ground shook violently.

"What is going on?"

"What happened?"

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"God! This direction... the water wells' direction? Are the water wells alright?"


Chapter 411: Mystic Ocean (Part Two)

The people in the yard were shocked; they got really anxious. If something happened to the water wells, it would be terrible. It was hard to find water in the desert, and it would be hard to dig through the ground to find the groundwater if those water wells collapsed. Without water, the people in Dual-Flags City would die in about ten days.

"Guys, I have something going on, and I'm going to leave now," Fei said farewells to the people in the yard and walked out. Although it looked slow, he disappeared in just a few seconds; he was really anxious as well.

Among the people in the yard, only Jessica looked in the direction where Fei went.

Only she knew that her simple-minded brother had a unique ability. Although he was straightforward, he had a strong instinct like the Demon Beasts.

He was more likely to get close to people who had good intentions and powerful. Also, his instinct would immediately tell him who had bad intentions, and he would directly express his dislike of those people.

That was a secret that Jessica figured out after years of observations.

"Emile had never been so friendly and intimate towards any strangers who he only met a few times... but now... it feels like Emile is treating him like a family member! Who is this man? Although he isn't that handsome, he makes others feel very comfortable..." Jessica thought to herself.



"What is going on?"

After Fei left that yard, he switched to Assassin Mode and instantly used all of his power. Like a dash of shadow, he sprinted through streets and alleyways and arrived at the water wells in the shortest amount of time.

Although soldiers were protecting this area, they were in a state of chaos.

The water wells that were calm and peaceful during the day were making a lot of rumbling noises. Like fountains, a lot of water was being jetted into the sky for more than 20 meters tall.

"Pause! Who are you?" a commander shouted as he spotted Fei.

Fei flashed the No.1 Commander's Token, and that commander immediately knew who Fei was.

"King Alexander!" he said as he was about to single-kneel down.

Fei raised his hand, and an invisible power stopped that commander from kneeling down and following the complicated greeting process.

"Tell me what happened!" Fei quickly asked.

Fei had to be anxious! These water wells were the lifelines of the city! If something wrong happened here, he would be in big trouble!

"We don't know yet! This had never happened before! Half a minute ago, strange noises sounded in all the water wells, and water started to jet out..." the water was falling from the sky after it was jetted into the air, and that commander quickly reported to Fei as he got soaked.

"Pass my order! Move all the people to the outside of the zone! No one is allowed to enter or leave! Anyone who disobeys this order shall be executed!"

Fei commanded.

Soon, a lot of soldiers appeared and blocked off the paths leading to where the water wells were at; they were tightly questioning and inspecting all the civilians. Also, the soldiers who were guarding the water wells moved to the entryways of the zone.

Fei switched to Barbarian Mode and spread out his spiritual power, and his spiritual power went down into the groundwater through the water wells.

He wanted to know if something strange happened in the groundwater.

After all, what was happening was too strange; it felt like there was a monster in the groundwater making a mess.

As Fei's spiritual power got deeper and deeper into the groundwater, he had a better understanding of the underground structure.

The water wells were all about 400 meters deep, and the walls on the inside of the water wells were made from a sand mixture. After more than 20 years of being pressured by the water, the walls were all solid. When the water jetted out of the water wells at a fast pace, they were still crystal clear and not muddy at all.

Fei's spiritual power continued to dive deeper into the water well; the water well was like a long tunnel that led to nowhere.

Deeper... Deeper...

Suddenly, the walls disappeared, and Fei's spiritual power arrived at somewhere broad.

The spiritual power didn't have things blocking its way anymore.

Fei suddenly realized that the groundwater connected to the water wells was vast! In fact, it shouldn't be called groundwater but rather underground ocean! Even though Fei's spiritual power was massive, he still couldn't tell how big this ocean was.

It was unimaginable!

It was a miracle!

After some more scanning, Fei realized that there was a force coming from the bottom of the ocean, and that created a ton of undercurrents; these undercurrents moved the water around rapidly, and the water that hit the walls of the water wells were jetted upward.

Chapter 412: The Secret of the Underground Ocean (Part One)

Unfortunately, Fei's spiritual power could only scan an area of 1,500-meter radius around him. It seemed like the ocean was still a lot deeper, and something at the bottom was stirring up this underground ocean that was calm for more than 20 years.

Fei was unprecedentedly shocked; he could never have imagined that the groundwater under Dual-Flags City was like an ocean.

"How can there be an ocean like this under the desert? Did Emperor Yassin know about this ocean when he built Dual-Flags City 26 years ago?"

Fei had a ton of questions on his mind, and they buzzed and flew around in his mind like flies.



"What is going on?" Prince Fairenton's shout sounded inside the campsite of Jax.

Loud rumbling noises sounded from the five water wells the soldiers of Jax created, and water jetted out of them and wetted the entire campsite; there was so much water that the dry sand couldn't absorb it in time, and small ponds formed on the ground.

What happened in Dual-Flags City happened here as well.

If the scouts of Jax paid a bit more attention, they would realize that water was jetting out of the six water wells in the previous campsites that they ditched a day ago.

Unfortunately, Prince Fairenton didn't have a spiritual power that was on Fei's level, and he didn't discover what was going on.

As a result, the soldiers of Jax had to back out of their campsite and wait for the water to calm down.

"Your Highness, maybe a creature is causing trouble in the groundwater," that mid-aged man who looked like a noble of Zenit suggested, "Maybe a water-elemental Demon Beast is under there. Maybe we should send a few powerful warriors into the water and see what is going on."

"Water elemental Demon Beast?" Fairenton shook his head and said earnestly, "It is rare that a water-elemental Demon Beast would live in the groundwater that is 400 meters down in the ground. Even if there is one, it must be a king-level Demon Beast. It is too dangerous to send someone down there!"

"But Your Highness! Nothing like this had ever happened in this region! It isn't a good sign! I think we need to figure out what is going on," surprisingly, that mid-aged man wasn't too afraid and persisted on his recommendation.

What was also surprising was that Fairenton valued this man's opinion. After some thinking, he listened and followed that recommendation.

The prince turned around and called over a tall and robust man.

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Most of the people of Jax weren't that tall; they were usually shorter, and their bones were generally thicker. However, this man here was almost two meters tall! That was rare!

Although it was cold in the night and spit would be frozen into ice pieces in just a few seconds, this man wasn't wearing anything to protect his upper-body. His defined muscles that had a dark tone looked like an iron armor, and the hideous scars on his body added to his vicious presence.

"Inle, you are the best swimmer we have. Do you have the courage to investigate the groundwater?" Fairenton asked with a smile on his face as he patted the shoulder of this man who was almost 30 centimeters taller than him.

"I'm not scared of anything, and I'm willing to do anything for Your Highness," that man patted his chest and roared.

"Great! Put on this rope. Remember! Come back up if anything goes wrong! Don't force yourself!"

"As you wish, Your Highness!"



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"Your Majesty! We are here, what is going on?"

Shevchenko, Ribry, and Cech all quickly arrived at the east of the city where the water wells were located. Like Fei, they all understood the importance of these water wells, and they were anxious as well.

"Not sure yet, but I discovered something interesting," Fei gradually opened his eyes and shook his head as he said, "Ribry, you have been here for many years. Do you know if anything strange happened when Dual-Flags City was being constructed?"

"I was born and raised in this city. When I was born, the city was already constructed. From the stories my parents told me, I don't think anything strange happened. Why do you say that, sir?" Ribry answered to the best of his ability

Chapter 412: The Secret of the Underground Ocean (Part Two)

"Huh, nothing?" Fei's intuition told him that he discovered something others didn't know. Since there were a lot of people here and he didn't want everyone to know, he didn't tell these subordinates of his about his discovery right away.

"Are all the documentation and the records of the construction kept somewhere?" Fei asked.

"All of them are stored in the Mayor's Mansion. If you want, you can read them at any time."

"Eh, great. Temporarily lock down this zone and send people to put up posters in the city to make sure the civilians know that the water source is fine. You guys guard this zone; I'm going to go down the water well to check up on what is going."

Shevchenko, Cech, and Ribry were all shocked; they all tried to stop Fei.

"Sir, we don't know what is going on down there, and it might be hazardous. You need to look after the hundreds of thousands of people in the city, and you shouldn't place yourself in such a dangerous situation," they said.

After they said that, they fought amongst themselves; they all tried to be the person who would take Fei's place and explore the groundwater.

Fei was a little moved by this.

It could be explained easily if Pierce, Drogba, and Cech were doing this; Fei was their king, and it would make sense for them to be worried. However, Shevchenko and Ribry only got to know him for a few days, but they were also very worried about his safety; it didn't look like they were pretending to care.

With these leaders around him, Fei was more confident in fending off the enemies.

"Don't fight! Since I want to go down there, I know what I am capable of, and I won't place myself in danger. You guys pay attention and guard this place. Also, make sure that the soldiers on the defense wall are aware; don't let the invaders capitalize on this opportunity."

The subordinates of Fei were still shocked, but they were too late to stop Fei. Before they could react, Fei already got into the water.



The water in the wells was cold.

As soon as Fei entered the water, he lightly released some of the power of his Barbarian Character, and a sphere that was three meters in diameter appeared. This sphere was filled with air and blocked out the cold water, and Fei himself stood inside this sphere to avoid getting wet.

As he controlled his power and allowed himself to sink deeper into the water slowly, he used his spiritual power to scan the area around him; that would allow him to react fast once something was wrong.

Fei sensed the undercurrents in the water and understood how water was still getting shot into the sky.

After about ten minutes, Fei finally got through the water well and entered the vast underground ocean.

It was extremely dark in there; it felt like the water was black ink.

With the ability of the level 90 Barbarian, Fei could only see about 10 meters away. The darkness around him swallowed all the light, and the undercurrents around him made loud noises like thunders.

However, Fei's spiritual power acted as his eyes, and he was able to "see" 1,500 meters around him.

Despite his spiritual power, that "vision" was still tiny compared with the size of the underground ocean.

Except for the ceiling above him, all that Fei could sense was the cold water around him. He didn't detect any lifeforms, and he felt like this cold, desolate, vast, and unknown underground ocean was the

kingdom of the Grim Reaper.

"Maybe the water temperature is too low for any creature to survive."

Fei thought about it and didn't move around. After he memorized where the bottom entrance of that water well was, he continued to sink down.

"Doesn't matter how big this ocean is, there must be a bottom," he thought.

After another ten minutes of sinking and balancing his body around the undercurrents, Fei felt like he was 300 meters deeper, and he was sensing a lot more pressure.

At this point, he had to completely unleash the power of his level 90 Barbarian to maintain and keep up that sphere around him.

After another 100 meters, the pressure got stronger.

In the end, Fei had to summon all of his items from Diablo World, borrow the strength and the power from those items, and use everything he had to fight against enormous water pressure.

Now, Fei was about 1,500 meters deep in this ocean.

"I can't keep going anymore. The water pressure is too high; I might be in danger..." Fei shook his head and thought, "This ocean is just way to big! It is strange that I couldn't sense any lifeforms. Nature is just full of miracles!"

Chapter 413: Path of an Emperor (Part One)

Fei was inside the massive and mysterious underground ocean.

He closed eyes and fully expanded his spiritual power. Like invisible tentacles, the spiritual power reached out in all directions, but it wasn't able to detect anything.

After doing some calculations, Fei knew that he could only last about 20 minutes in here.

"I have to leave."

Even though he was at the peak of Nine-Star, he would be in trouble if he ran out of oxygen for an hour. Although he was very curious, he didn't want to risk his life; he clearly remembered the idiom – Curiosity killed the cat.

After he sighed in disappointment, he controlled the sphere he was in and followed the current of the water to move back up.

At this moment, something changed. The underground ocean that was berserk gradually calmed down and the invisible force that was stirring up this ocean suddenly disappeared.

This change shocked Fei, and he subconsciously "looked down" with his spiritual power.

Instantly, his eyes almost popped out of his head.

He suddenly discovered that many mermaid-like creatures were swimming around 1,500 meters below. These creatures were swimming at a fast pace; they would disappear in just a few seconds.

Under these creatures, Fei "saw" a magnificent landscape, and there seemed to a pattern to it.

"Wait... palaces at the bottom of the ocean!? WTF?"

Fei was so shocked that he swore habitually.

He changed his mind and tried to dive deeper to have a better look.

However, his spiritual power was being unleashed at full capacity, and it was depleting since the king had used it for a long time. Fei felt like the area he was able to scan was shrinking, and the water pressure was increasing. As light crackling noises sounded inside the sphere, Fei could no longer sense those creatures and the palaces at the bottom of the ocean.

After some thinking, Fei decided to give up for now; he won't be able to dive down for another 1,500 meters with his current strength. If he forced himself to go down that deep, his body might be crashed into meat paste. If he wanted to figure out what was at the bottom of the ocean, he had to increase his spiritual power. If he wanted to get to the bottom of the ocean and explore the secrets in this ocean, he would have to become a Moon-Class Elite first.

Fei quickly followed the current and went back up to the top.

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Prince Fairenton and his subordinates were waiting anxiously by a water well that was about three meters in diameter.

Inle jumped into this water well 20 minutes ago with a rope around his waist; he was in charge of figuring out what was going on.

"Are the people of Zenit playing a trick? Didn't something change in the groundwater? Or is there a Demon Beast in the groundwater?" Fairenton thought.

20 minutes had passed, and the water stopped jetting up into the sky.

However, Inle still hadn't returned. If he pulled on the rope, the people on the ground would drag him out of the water.

The water was calm, yet the quietness was killing Fairenton. The only thing that calmed him down was that the water hadn't turned bloody-red yet.

Fairenton was worried because Inle was one of his guards.

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Inle was an orphan, and he had been accompanying Fairenton since they were both kids. When Fairenton was sent to the Big Snow Mountain to learn to cultivate as a warrior, Inle was with him as well. Although Inle's official status was Fairenton's guard, he was like a brother in Fairenton's mind.

Inle wasn't that talented; even though he also cultivated in Big Snow Mountain, one of the Cultivation Holy Land, for more than ten years, he was only a peak Three-Star Warrior. However, he was born with a lot of physical strength, and he was good in the water. He was extremely loyal to Fairenton, and this prince always brought him along.

Chapter 413: Path of an Emperor (Part Two)

"Don't wait anymore! Pull on the rope and drag Inle up!" Fairenton couldn't remain calm after a while, and he ordered the soldiers to pull Inle up.

"Sh*t! Look! The rope broke..." a soldier shouted.

The rope got pulled out of the water, and everyone realized that it was cut; the edge was clean, so something sharp like a knife probably cut it.

"Damn it!" a lot of soldiers were shocked.


Water splashed around in the next second.

Before anyone could react, Prince Fairenton jumped into the water well without saying anything.

"Your Highness?"



The generals who were standing around the water well were stunned. "The prince is willing to put himself in danger for a guard? Who knows if there is a monster down there. If something happened to the prince, Emperor Fuji would be mad, and none of us can live through the punishment," they thought.

Some of the short-tempered generals were getting ready to jump into the water as well.

"Wait," that mid-aged man who looked like a noble of Zenit stopped them. He shouted, "His Highness is powerful, and he would be able to return safely. If you guys go down, you would only be His Highness' burden. Do you want to kill Fairenton His Highness?"

The emotional generals looked at each other in unison and calmed down a little.

"Yuck! Damn you! I don't know how you got the trust of His Highness as a member of Zenit, but I will cut off your head and use it as a toilet for the Sand Tigers if His Highness doesn't come back in 30 minutes!" the Deputy Commander of the troops of Jax grabbed onto the collar of this mid-aged man and threatened. After he was done, he pushed this mid-aged man to aside.

This man staggered after he got pushed back; he almost fell onto the ground.

However, he didn't look mad.

He straightened his collar that was wrinkled as he smiled; it looked like he wasn't affected by the bloody threats at all.


At this moment, a ton of water splashed out as a red energy flame appeared.

"Call over the best doctors and healing mages!"

This person was Prince Fairenton. His red energy flames burned vigorously around him, and all the water on him evaporated. Due to the overuse of his Warrior Energy, his face paled.

He had Inle in his hand; this man had already fainted.

Soon, the doctors and mages came over and started the inspection.

"Don't worry, Your Highness! Mr. Inle only fainted due to the lack of oxygen. It looks like his rope got cut by a rock, and he wasn't able to find the exit in time. Although he is injured a little after his body hit against the walls of the water well, it is not a big deal. He should recover in a few days," a white-haired doctor said after the inspection.

After that, a mage in a white robe chanted a spell, and a dash of warm blue energy was injected into Inle's body. Inle's face instantly turned red from pale, and he coughed up the cold water he swallowed.

"It is fortunate that Your Highness found him in time; otherwise, he would be in danger," that mage sighed with an admiring expression, "As a prince, Your Highness' status is truly prestigious. However, you are willing to place yourself in danger for a guard. I, Alahan, really need to praise you for what you did."

This mage was also a white-haired elder, and he had been with the military for a long time. Although he never participated in battles and was only a Two-Star Mage, he had healed a lot of soldiers, and he was well-known and well-respected by them. When he praised Fairenton, it was clear that he truly meant it, and what he said resonated with a lot of soldiers.

The Jax Empire had a strict hierarchy and a lot of slaves. Fairenton was a prestigious prince, and he was willing to put himself in danger for a guard; in the eyes of many low-level soldiers, this prince had the generosity and the kindness that royal members rarely had, and they were all moved by it.

"I'm just... doing what a commander, a general, and a friend should do."

Fairenton lightly frowned and replied with that haughty and cold tone; he didn't expect this old mage to say this, and he didn't like earning respect this way.

"Your Highness! Long live Your Highness! We are willing to battle to the death for Your Highness!" all the soldiers around him kneeled down and chanted.

"We are willing to follow Your Highness and battle for Emperor Fuji His Majesty and Your Highness! We are going to conquer Dual-Flags City for you and take back our Royal Flag! We will make sure that Your Highness' name is heard at every corner and every oasis in Jax!"

All the generals in the area also kneeled down and expressed their loyalty.

Under the bright moonlight, Fairenton's shadow dragged on the sand alongside his dark red cape. With tens of thousands of soldiers kneeling around him, it felt like he was standing on the path of an emperor.

Chapter 414: Traces in History (Part One)

What happened in Dual-Flags City shocked the civilians. They were anxious and worried at first, but Fei was able to anticipate this, and the military put up posters and explained what was going.

After the water stopped shooting into the air and the rumbling noises disappeared, they finally relaxed and went back to whatever they were doing before.

The darkness enveloped the sky. With the curfew still active, there weren't a lot of people on the streets, and the huge Dual-Flags City felt a little desolate.

After Fei roughly figured out what was going on, he resumed the activities around the water wells. More than 40 elite soldiers were placed around the water wells to guard them, and the other soldiers went back to their original spots.

Fei was the No.1 Master Warrior in Dual-Flags City, and he wasn't even able to get to the bottom of the underground ocean. If someone sneaked into Dual-Flags City through the underground ocean, then he or she must be a mighty warrior. In that case, even if Fei placed all of the soldiers in Dual-Flags City here, it would be useless.

The mermaid-like creatures and the palaces at the bottom of the underground ocean left an indelible mark on Fei's mind.

"When I become a Moon-Class Elite, I need to go down to the underground ocean again and check out what is going on down there."

Fei felt like Emperor Yassin chose to construct this city here for a particular purpose, and he felt like he had discovered a secret that had been sealed up for decades. His Barbarian instinct told him that he had found something significant and was now involved in this upcoming storm.

Fei didn't go back to the watchtower on the west gate.

He went to the Mayor's Mansion for the night.

Soroyov was already locked up by Fei, and he was waiting for the sentencing from the Military Headquarter once the war was over. Currently, there were only a few maids and servants in here keeping this place clean; Soroyov's family and relatives were moved out of this place and got relocated into another smaller mansion, and they were carefully monitored.

Fei entered the library in the Mayor's Mansion and started to read the documentation and files from 26 years ago.

There were piles after piles of files in the library. It was evident that Soroyov didn't like reading this stuff; most of the records and scrolls had a ton of dust of them.

Fei patiently went through one file after another, and he hoped to find some records that had documented the construction of Dual-Flags City; he wanted to see if he could find traces and records of those creatures and palaces.

However, it seemed like Fei had underestimated the number of records in this library.

After four hours, Fei had looked over more than 100 records, and he still didn't find anything.

He stretched his back and sighed. Out of habit, he picked up an ordinary yellow scroll made from sheepskin. When he opened it up and skimmed it over, he was shocked to find a drawing.

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This simple drawing looked like those mysterious mermaid-looking creatures.

"Huh?... who drew this?"

He flipped back to the front page and found that this was an ordinary scroll; both the material used and the manufacturing process were not fancy, and it was yellow and was about to rot after about 20 years.

"Is it just a coincidence? Or is this scroll trying to express something?"

The more Fei looked, the more he was sure that the five drawings on this scroll were painting the scene he saw in the underground ocean; everything seemed too similar.

"The rough edges and the auras of those creatures are perfectly illustrated... it couldn't be wrong."

There were writings on the scroll as well.

However, they were only tales that were told by traveling poets; they weren't connected to the construction of Dual-Flags City and the underground ocean.

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Fei carefully inspected this scroll; he even tried to see if there were hidden pages, but he wasn't able to find anything.

Therefore, he had to place that scroll down on the ground and continue to flip through other files.

He read a lot about the history of Dual-Flags City.

Chapter 414: Traces in History (Part Two)

Dual-Flags City was constructed 26 years ago. It was said that the person who came up with the idea of building a city here was Emperor Yassin; at the time, he just conquered the Capital City of Jax and was in his prime. The selection of location and the design of the city were all done by Emperor Yassin; this man displayed extraordinary patience and ordered the troops of Zenit to camp around the construction site for more than half a month. In the end, the troops were running low on food, and they had to retreat and go back to St. Petersburg.

However, after he left with the troops, it seemed like Emperor Yassin completely forgot about Dual-Flags City; he rarely brought it up again.

In the beginning, the officials and the ministers were putting a lot of attention on the construction of Dual-Flags City. After a year's time, this mega-city was built after a lot of resources were spent. Even though the Mayor's Mansion was set up and the native defense force was created, the attention Zenit paid to this city decreased as Emperor Yassin strangely ignored it.

Fei found it fishy.

"Emperor Yassin was very into building this city earlier, and he even ordered the troops to camp around the construction site... why did he stop mentioning Dual-Flags City after he returned?"

Fei recalled that Zenit's territory grew to its maximum after the Jax Empire was conquered, but it then started to contract. After Emperor Yassin went back to St. Petersburg, he rarely showed himself, and Zenit that once scared a lot of its neighboring empires stopped its conquering path. As a result, the Zenit Empire that was becoming the No.1 Empire in the region started to decline in power.

What happened?

Fei didn't know the answer.

Fei still didn't find the answer after four more hours of flipping through the files.

Out of all the files Fei went through, the recording of that situation was remarkably similar, and they all stopped after Emperor Yassin went back to the Capital.

However, Fei did find a lot of interesting information from the unofficial history books.

In these books, it was said that fish-formed Demon Beasts had jumped out of the water wells before and injured some people, and it was reported that Emperor Yassin had dived into the groundwater to inspect it. In some ancient tales, it was said that this region was a vast and limitless ocean before, and the Sea Tribe was associated with the Demons was the ruler of the area. But after the war between the Gods and Demons broke out, the Sea Tribe wasn't able to survive through it, and they all died...

Fei felt like these unofficial history records were more indicative of what happened before.

Perhaps the underground ocean under Dual-Flags City contained secrets that were tens of thousands of years old.

"When I become a Moon-Class Elite, I must go down and figure it out... It feels like something is calling for me down there."

Fei made his decision.


The second day.

The invaders of Jax still didn't siege.

Shevchenko and Ribry were shocked and worried at the same time; they thought the cruel invaders of Jax were conspiring against Zenit, and they recommended Fei to order a raid against the campsite of Jax.

Fei rejected the idea.

The king knew that Prince Fairenton wasn't conspiring against him but rather waiting for the food supplies and his Senior Fellow Disciple from Big Snow Mountain to get here. After all, pushing the soldiers to siege a city without adequately feeding them might cause an uproar, and sieging a city without having a powerful master to back the soldiers was useless as well.

Fei opened up a big map in the watchtower on the west gate.

"Frank, you and Andrew lead 200 Star-level soldiers out of the city tonight in secrecy; dress in black armors, prepare flammable fuels, and go out using ropes on the defense wall. Quietly get through the opening in the north direction, and camp this location..." Fei pointed at a location on the map and continued, "If you guys see a troop of Jax with food supplies going by, raid them and burn all the food supplies. Make sure you guys come back after the sunset and before the temperature gets extremely cold tomorrow. I will be waiting for you guys."

Shevchenko and Ribry were excited to hear new commands.

However, Ribry asked after seeing where Fei was pointing, "Sir, if you don't mind me asking, I don't know of a path in that area that troops could use. Why are we camping there?"

Fei smiled and replied, "You guys would know when you come back. Remember, if you guys don't see a troop of Jax that is carrying food supplies or if a powerful master warrior is guarding this troop, come back immediately! Make sure you guys don't get caught in the temperature drop. Also, when selecting soldiers, make sure they are One-Star Warriors or extremely close to one; they need to be able to have some resistance against the cold. Go get the necessary equipment and items from the logistic department; you guys don't need to ask me again."