445 - 454

Chapter 445: A Ton of Masters (Part One)

"Yes... Your Highness, the food supplies... the soldiers of Zenit raided our troop that was guarding the food supplies 25 kilometers from here... General Dene who was leading the troop was killed, and most of the 100 carts of food supplies were burned..." that scout reported in his shaky voice; there were a lot of injuries on his body.

"What? How?" as if he was shocked, Fairenton's face changed color.

The food supplies of his soldiers got burned by King Alexander once already, and the left-over food could barely last his troops for a day. The food supplies that were on their way to the campsites were life-saving treasures, and the logistics and supply paths were top secrets in the military.

"Only a few people know about the paths... how did Zenit know about that? How did they arrange this raid?" Fairenton thought desperately.

"Sh*t! It must be Alexander! It must be him..." Fairenton felt like he was inside a freezer as his heart was cold as ever. Without enough food, these 60,000 soldiers could die in the desert if no miracle happened.

At this moment, a few more scouts rushed towards him; their speed was even faster than this scout in front of Fairenton. As soon as they got to the prince, they jumped off their mounts and cried, "Your Highness!! The soldiers of Zenit ambushed the 12,000 elite Sand Tiger Cavaliers, and they got crushed! General Kendo died with more than 7,000 Sand Tiger Cavaliers, and General Erdous is coming back with the rest of the men..."

"Ah..." Fairenton screamed and fainted on the spot...



"Damn it! Why is it like this? I'm only 500 meters away from the bottom, yet I couldn't get to those buildings... the water pressure here is insane..."

Deep down in the underground ocean, Fei stared at those magnificent structures at the bottom of the ocean and sighed. The closer he was to the bottom of the ocean, the stronger the water pressure got. However, the increase in water pressure was beyond the explanation of physics as if there was an invisible power repelling all external entities. Even though Fei had quite a few items from Diablo World on him, he could only get to this point. It was impossible for him to get closer to the bottom of the ocean even for one more centimeter.

Right now, Fei was able to clearly "see" the mermaid-like creatures swimming around rapidly 200 meters below him using his Spirit Energy. There were a ton of these creatures, and each of them contained a ton of power; Fei felt like the powerful magic surge around them could easily defeat an Eight-Star Warrior. However, it seemed like these creatures were imprisoned in a specific area by a mysterious force as they couldn't get more than 300 meters away from the bottom of the ocean. Otherwise, if all of them charged at Fei, Fei could have died.

Currently, Fei was able to scan the structures at the bottom of the ocean. What made him excited was that the style of the structures at the bottom was almost identical to the style of that Mythical Altar recorded in [Demon King's Wisdom].

"Looks like I'm too weak... I probably only could get to the bottom of the ocean if I completed all the quests in [Rogue Encampment] in Nightmare Mode."

After several failed attempts to get to the bottom of the ocean, Fei decided to go back to Dual-Flags City to increase his strength.

When Fei swam up about 1,500 meters, a powerful Warrior Energy suddenly appeared from afar and spread around the area; it felt like a mighty warrior was scanning the region.

"What? There are other people here?" Fei was shocked.

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He instantly thought of some of the Spirit Energy Techniques recorded on the purple scroll, and his Spirit Energy immediately wrapped around him. His Spirit Energy blended in with the water, and it easily fooled that Warrior Energy and didn't let Fei to be discovered.

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Chapter 445: A Ton of Masters (Part Two)

Fei only started to swim upward after that Warrior Energy disappeared.

"This Warrior Energy feels familiar... wait, he is that man in red! He knows about the secret in this underground ocean as well? Sh*t! If he gets to the structures first..."

Fei realized that the situation was headed towards a direction that he didn't want to see.

When he was close to the water wells, there was another powerful energy spreading around and scanning the water. Like a huge fish net, it seemed like this person was searching for something as well.

Fei's face changed color as he used his Spirit Energy to wrap around him again.

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The Spirit Energy was great! Although these two people were much more powerful than Fei, they weren't able to discover his existence at all!

When Fei returned to the ground, he wasn't in a good mood.

Except for those two powerful people, Fei sensed six more powerful energies in the underground ocean in just ten minutes! There were Warrior Energies and Magic Energies, indicating that there were at least eight powerful Moon-Class Elites in the region. They were all searching for something, and it seemed like they were worried about something and had their guards up.

Using the mysterious Spirit Energy, Fei was able to sense these powerful energies without being discovered. However, after he carefully sensed the situation for a bit, he felt like these people knew each other well, and their energies separated after lightly colliding with each other; there wasn't any death battle as Fei hoped.

It seemed like they were following some kind of implied agreement.

"What is going on?" Fei frowned.

Each energy represented a powerful master. Except for that man in red and the mysterious mage in the city, Fei had never met the other Moon-Class Elites. However, he was sure that they were hiding in Dual-Flags City, and they were waiting for a critical moment to arrive.

"Looks like something important is going to occur, and it must be connected to the underground ocean and those structures at the bottom," Fei thought.

All of these people were powerful! Fei felt like each one of them had the strength comparable to that man in red and that mysterious mage. He couldn't defeat any of them, and increasing his power was his top priority.

Fei decided to focus on his Barbarian Character. After he completed the last quest in Diablo World in Normal Mode, he didn't advance into the realm of Moon-Class; it seemed like he lacked something.

After he got out of the underground ocean through a water well, Fei went to the Mayor's Mansion to check up on Angela and Elena.

Fei had a mix of emotions on his mind when he saw the two beauties lying on the bed without consciousness; he was touched, worried, and angry at the same time.

"After I purify the [Worldstone] and save them, I will let that man in red pay for what he did! He will suffer 100 times the pain!" Fei thought to himself. Every time he thought about that man, he would be enraged. Ever since he came to Azeroth Continent, Fei had been getting all sorts of advantages; no one had made him lose so much in a day. Although the anger didn't show on his face, it was boiling in his mind; it was waiting for the perfect moment to erupt.

After he walked out of the Mayor's Mansion, he marched towards the watchtower on the west gate with Torres behind him.

It was already dark, and the sun was about to fall below the horizon.

After the siege during the day, the calmness and quietness of the city felt more precious. Fortunately, the residents in the city were used to this intense lifestyle. There were still pedestrians on the street chatting with each other. Most of them didn't know about the hard battle that was fought today; they only knew that King Alexander won again and defeated the invaders of Jax in the siege.

Chapter 446: Strange Event on the Way Back (Part One)

"Hey, Jim! Did you hear? We won another battle!"

"Of course! With King Alexander in Dual-Flags City, those bastards of Jax couldn't move forward anymore! Did you see that huge spear extending from the clouds? Those bastards of Jax made His Majesty mad, and His Majesty summoned the punishment from the gods and destroyed 30,000 enemies... My older brother is an archer, and he saw it with his own eyes..."

"Really? No wonder... Only His Majesty could use this level of strikes! Ay, when could we participate in defense of the city? We have been training for several days now... I really want to get on the defense wall and battle alongside His Majesty... If I can see His Majesty's dominating presence in battle, I can die happy..."

"Hahaha! Relax! We are now a part of the militia, and we will get to fight the enemies one day. I heard that the invaders of Jax are increasing the number of soldiers they are sending here..."

When Fei walked by a few young men who were wearing the uniform of the militia, he overheard their conversations. Those young men were chatting with each other in excitement, and they didn't know that they just walked by their idol. A smile appeared on Fei's face as he thought, "After several battles, the atmosphere in the city is still better than I thought. The residents aren't scared of the war... it is a great thing... at least I don't need to worry about the spirit of the residents collapsing."

"Fernando," Fei suddenly thought of something and said, "Note this down; remember to tell Cech to select 100 to 200 clever soldiers and order them to spread the official news about the battles each day. Of course, try to let them spread more of the good news rather than the bad. Make sure that the news gets delivered to the residents quickly and transparently. This is the only way that we could stop rumors and fears."

"As you wish, Your Majesty!" Torres noted this down on a scroll that he had with him.

As the first personal guard of the King, Torres' backstory was quite extraordinary as well. After he stepped out and protected the future queen of Chambord, this young man from a poor neighborhood in Chambord got his life turned around. He got favored by the King of Chambord, and he became one of the few people with real influence in Chambord. Of course, he got where he was at today through hard work. Just like the other warriors of Chambord who started from the bottom, Torres was strict on himself. He would put a lot of time and effort into cultivation every day, and he was able to battle a Six-Star Warrior now.

In the last while, Torres had been trying to study the etiquettes of nobles. This young man knew that he was the personal guard of Fei, so he couldn't only show his tough sides like Drogba and Pierce. He would be following Fei around, and his actions would reflect on the image of Chambord and Fei. Although Fei never asked him to do anything, Torres had been trying to progress both strength and wisdom. In a short time, this young man who was weak and close to illiterate became a smart and mighty warrior.

Although Fei didn't say anything, he witnessed all of this.

He liked this young man who was honest, humble, organized, goal-orientated, and eager to learn.

"Also, Fernando, go to the west gate right now and order the nobles to set up a feast and party in the watchtower. I'm going to celebrate the success with the 300 warriors who are about to be back!" Fei turned around and said to Torres after he looked at the darkening sky and calculated the time.

"As you wish, Your Majesty."



"Haha! Legion Commander Alexander is such a genius! Andrew, how did His Majesty know about the logistics path of these sand ghosts of Jax?��� Ribry who had a shocking scar on his face asked Shevchenko beside him in excitement. His armor was stained by blood and dust, and from his point of view, Dual-Flags City was within in his sight.

Sand ghost was a mockery term that the citizens of Zenit in this region referred to the people of Jax.

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"Haha! I think you should ask what His Majesty doesn't know?" Shevchenko laughed and responded. At the moment, his appearance wasn't better than Ribry's. In fact, every one of them who participated in this mission was bathed in blood.

"Too bad we only burned half of the food supplies, and more than 60 brothers died... we couldn't even bring their corpses back, and we had to cremate them on the spot..." sadness appeared on Ribry's face when he mentioned those soldiers who died in the mission.

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Chapter 446: Strange Event on the Way Back (Part Two)

He chose each of the 300 soldiers who were on this mission, and they were the most elite soldiers in Dual-Flags City. He led these men and hid on the logistics path of Jax for a day and a night. Two of the soldiers died in the cold, and they didn't even let out a sound as they were afraid that they might blow the cover. The other 64 soldiers were killed in battle. All the carts that Jax had were treated and were hard to set on fire. To successfully burn the food supplies of Jax, a lot of them blocked the blades of their enemies using their bodies.

After thinking back to the soldiers who died on the mission, both Ribry and Shevchenko looked at each other and weren't excited anymore. If they could revive their comrades, they would ditch the military merits they earned. However, during a war, their enemies won't show any mercy towards them.

"We are close to the campsites of Jax... tell everyone to be more careful. After the sun sets, we could get through them secretly. King Alexander should be on the other side to assist us," Ribry said to his assistant, and the 236 of them carefully approached Dual-Flags City on their tiptoes.

"General, look! There are two people..." a soldier suddenly said.

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Ribry and Shevchenko looked in the direction that this soldier was pointing at, and their pupil instantly contracted.

On a sand hill that was about 60 meters tall, two people were sitting on top of it quietly. One of them was a mid-aged man who looked like he was in his 30s; he looked like a mage as he was wearing a white mage robe. Although his face couldn't be clearly seen, he looked extraordinary. At the moment, he had a huge wine bag in his hand, and he was chugging it down his throat. Beside him, there was a child who was about nine years old. His long blonde hair was shiny under the sunlight, and he was wearing a warrior suit. At the moment, he was giving the mid-aged man a massage, and he looked adorable.

Ribry and Shevchenko looked at each other, and they saw a sense of concern in each other's eyes.

The Jax Battle Zone was really chaotic. Except for Dual-Flags City, everywhere else in the region was under the control of Jax. The sudden appearance of this bizarre combination of two people was really strange in this environment. A mysterious atmosphere appeared as Ribry and Shevchenko noticed that the sandstorm that was happening couldn't get within 20 meters of these two people; it felt like an invisible force shielded them.

"Masters!" Ribry and Shevchenko were shocked.

After seeing that those two people paid no attention to his team of soldiers, Ribry calmed down a little. He knew that a lot of masters had strange personalities and didn't like to be disturbed by others. Therefore, he signaled the soldiers not to make any noise, and they continued to travel back to Dual-Flags City.

Since the sand hill that mid-aged man and child were on was in the way, the distance between these two people and the soldiers of Zenit got closer and closer.

Gradually, Ribry and Shevchenko saw the faces of these two. The mid-aged man wasn't that handsome, but his eyes and brows gave off a righteous sensation. The child beside him looked really cute, and his red cheeks and white skin made him look like a doll.

"Hey, be careful! There is a war going on! It is dangerous here! Leave when you can!" since that child was so adorable and one of the soldiers didn't want to see him die, this soldier yelled subconsciously.

"Oh crap!" Shevchenko's and Ribry's faces changed color.

Chapter: 447: Dangerous Child (Part One)

Instantly, that child who was messaging the mid-aged man turned around and looked at the soldiers. There wasn't any white matter in his eyes; his eyes were completely black as if they were pure black crystals. Ribry and Shevchenko were at the very front, and their bodies instantly froze. Sweats started to fell from their foreheads as if the Grim Reaper was sneering at them. They felt like many needles were poking their necks, and they had a hard time breathing.

Such a dangerous boy!

His single stare was enough to scare and freeze more than 200 elite soldiers, and they felt like their deaths were approaching.

The chilly wind blew by.

"Arthur! You are playing again! Don't scare these Uncles! The Uncle said that because he is worried about you," in this fearful moment, that mid-aged mage who was enjoying the wine suddenly spoke.

He sounded like he was joking, but his words were sufficient.

That little boy looked away and continued to massage that mid-aged mage using his small hands as a cute smile appeared on his face. From his smooth techniques, it seemed like he had done it numerous times before.


Ribry and Shevchenko felt like they survived a disaster.

Although they guessed that these two were masters, they didn't expect this young boy to be so dangerous as well. More than 200 soldiers of Zenit who weren't even afraid of the vicious enemies of Jax had fears in their eyes as they looked at this boy named Arthur. Like a devil, it seemed like this boy was able to grasp onto their brains and read their thoughts. Even though this boy still looked cute, he was no longer adorable in the eyes of these soldiers.

"Whatever. Arthur, you have scared them! Let's switch spots and enjoy the moon in the sky."

The mid-aged mage looked disappointed after his mood was disrupted. He put away his large wine bag and shook his head. After he waved his hand, a black flame appeared, and these two people disappeared from the sand hill; there was no trace around, and no one knew where they went.

All the soldiers of Zenit on the sand hill were shocked; they felt like they all had a nightmare.

"Quick! Let's move! The sun already set, and King Alexander His Majesty is waiting for us to go back! Keep your guards up and hurry up!" Shevchenko shook his head and forced himself to calm down as he ordered the soldiers to move forward.


At the same time, a team of people from the Holy Church appeared in a collapsed shrine in the desert that was about three kilometers away from Dual-Flags City.

The person in the lead was an elder who had a body full of wrinkles. His eyes were cloudy, his face was full of age spots, and he was wearing a luxurious battle robe with red edges. Even though his hair was white, it was combed nicely, and there was a five-point crown on it. Also, he had a golden wand that was about two meters tall in his hand; this wand looked like a huge cross.

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This elder was staggering as he walked; it felt like he was going to fall at any second. However, he was walking in the center of the team; 16 fully armored Holy Knights who were wearing Holy Church Style silver armors with a red cross on their chest plate were walking around this elder as they tried to protect him.

These Holy Knights were all giving off a robust and powerful sensation; this sensation was indeed the pressure created after someone's Holy Power got to a high level.

Except for these Holy Knights, there were also a dozen Priests in robes. With Holy Power around them, they were able to block the sandstorm from entering within ten meters of them.

It was obvious that this team of people was powerful, and they could easily handle tens of thousands of ordinary soldiers.

"The sensation of that devil disappeared..." a young Priest suddenly frowned as he said to one of his peers beside him, "I could no longer sense the evil energy of Undead Mage Hazel Bank. It feels like he disappeared in this world."

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Chapter: 447: Dangerous Child (Part Two)

"That sly bastard! He led us around the desert in a full circle! If we catch him, I will make sure that he would be burned alive on the cross until his body turns into ashes!" a mid-aged Priest cursed.

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"We have to capture him this time! There is no way that this evil bastard could escape from an Execution Team!"

"We will torture him and make sure he pays the price."

These Priests and Holy Knights who enjoyed high statuses couldn't take it anymore after their enemy tricked them and led them around the desert. Even though they were influential and mighty people, being exposed to the heat during the day and the chilliness during the night caused a lot of trouble and pain for them. They all had a ton of resentment on their minds, and they couldn't wait to torture this Undead Mage Hazel Bank.

"Cough... Cough..." after hearing the curses and complains, the elder who had the golden cross wand in his hand coughed severely; it felt like he was going to die if the wind was going to blow at him. However, his weak dry coughs instantly made the Holy Knights and Priests around him shut up, and they waited for him to speak respectfully.

The elder wiped his lips using a white handkerchief that had red edges around it, and he said weakly, "God said... under the Holy Light, no evil could hide. We are all servants of the God, and we travel around the continent to spread the Holy Light. We need to let the people who had fallen into evil wake up and realize their sins and accept our punishment. We shouldn't promote violence and hatred..."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah... You are right, Mr. Pellegrini. We misread the God's instructions," all the Priests around this elder bowed and apologized for their wrong behavior.

The elder nodded and raised his left hand that was shaking a little uncontrollably. Suddenly, silver lights appeared in the air, and a snow-white crystal ball appeared in his hand. At this moment, this elder's weak body emitted a powerful sensation as if he became a giant. As the silver light flashed, ripples appeared on that crystal ball. Soon, a clear image appeared; there were two people in this image, and they were that mysterious mid-aged mage and that boy named Arthur!

"They are still in the desert. Emmm, judging from the landscape and the direction of the wind, they should be less than six kilometers away from Zenit's Dual-Flags City. That evil mage is there, and his evil dragon is there as well. They couldn't escape from the God's punishment! Let's enter Dual-Flags City and rest up for tonight. The Mythical Gate is going to open in three days, and numerous masters are gathering here. The Holy Church is sending more masters here, and I'm sure that is why this Undead Mage Hazel Bank is here as well. He won't run from this opportunity, and we can try to kill him when we enter the Mythical Palace."

The thin elder with white hair decided after he observed the image in the crystal ball.

"Yes, Mr. Pellegrini."

Everyone on the team listened to this elder's words. They all jumped onto their mounts, and a silver-armored Holy Knight helped this elder to get onto a magic carriage that was levitating off of the ground. After they double checked the direction, they headed towards Dual-Flags City.



In the watchtower on the west gate of Dual-Flags City.

The building was lit up, and there were a lot of people chatting and cheering in there.

Less than 30 minutes ago, Ribry and Shevchenko successfully returned with the soldiers after raiding and destroying the food supplies of the enemies. The Head Commander King Alexander went out of the city to greet them, and a party was hosted in their name to celebrate their success.

After he pressed down his hands and signaled everyone to quiet down a bit, Fei raised the wine cup in his hand as he stood up and said with a smile, "Everyone, General Ribry and General Shevchenko dived deep into the territory of Jax and burned more than 100 carts of food supplies of the enemies. They crushed the morale of the soldiers of Jax, and they deserve a lot of merits! I will be reporting this event to the Military Headquarter and the Royal Family to get all of the warriors rewarded! I'm sure that the tale of the 302 warriors of Zenit killing the enemies in their own territory would be recorded in the history book!"

Loud claps sounded in the building, and the people in there cheered in excitement.

After a short pause, Fei continued, "This first toast is for the 66 brave warriors who sacrificed their lives for this operation! They proved their honor using their lives, and they protected hundreds of thousands of residents in Dual-Flags City. They are our role models, and I shall cheer them on! Although their souls are able to return to the homeland, their corpses couldn't come back! Therefore, let's pay our respect to them!"

All of the soldiers who participated in this raid picked up their wine cups with tears in their eyes after hearing the high praises coming from the Head Commander.

Chapter 448: The Man with the Holy Sensation (Part One)

It was a soldier's dream to get a commander and leader who was clear on the reward and the punishment. Although these soldiers were at the bottom of the military ladder, and not a lot of people cared for them, they still wanted to be respected and be recognized. They didn't need much; simple praises and simple smiles would them feel like they weren't wasting their lives.

The soldiers chugged the wine with tears flowing down their faces.

The wine never tasted so good.

"This second toast is for the 236 warriors who made it back alive! Your bleeding won't be for nothing, and your achievements won't be forgotten!" Fei cheered, "Everyone will get the merits on the book, and you will get 50 gold coins each!"

The warriors chugged down the second cup of wine.

"This third toast..." Fei suddenly paused for a second and continued, "This thirst toast is for this damn war. Just like you all, I hope it will end sometime soon. No one likes war... Maybe some people want to prove themselves and get credits by stepping on the corpses of others, but I'm not about that life. I hope my soldiers and warriors could live peaceful lives with their loved ones and not sleep with sharp blades in their hands. I hope I can still drink with you all after the war is over."

After Fei said that, he chugged the third cup of wine.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became silent. However, this silence wasn't negative. Instead, all the soldiers were staring at the tall and handsome figure with admiration in their eyes. Even commanders like Ribry and Shevchenko chugged their wine and looked at Fei as if he was a massive mountain in their sights.


The inside of the building was still lit, and the cheering and playing noises were still sounding.

Fei already walked out of the watchtower; as the Head Commander, his presence would tense up the atmosphere, and the soldiers wouldn't be able to enjoy themselves to the fullest.

As he sensed the cold wind blowing on his face outside the watchtower, he had many thoughts on his mind. Although he shouldn't let his men to get wasted like this as it would create a bad example, he couldn't help but feel bad for them as some of them lost their limbs and would be disabled for the rest of their lives. He allowed them to party this time, and what he said were all from his heart.

Footsteps sounded behind him.

"Sir, we encountered something strange on the way back, and I have to report to you," Shevchenko followed Fei out of the building and said.

He told Fei everything about that mysterious mid-aged mage and that cute yet dangerous boy named Arthur.

"They disappeared after a wave of a hand?" Fei frowned and asked, "According to your description, that man is at least a Moon-Class Elite... that cute boy must be powerful as well. Were his eyes all black? That is strange..."

"I think so too. However, they were too strange, and they are so close to the city... Although they don't seem like bad people, I think we should be aware of them," Shevchenko suggested carefully.

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"Masters on this level wouldn't get themselves involved in wars between empires unless they belong to one party. Besides, even if we are aware, we couldn't do anything against them; they are just too powerful!" Fei already connected those two people with the masters that he sensed in the underground ocean.

"Maybe they were among the powerful energies that I sensed in the water..." the King had a feeling that something big was going to happen as there were too many powerful masters around.

"However, we still need to know what is going on. Tell the soldiers to report back to me immediately if these two people are seen in the city," Fei said after he gave it some thoughts. According to tales and books, these masters all had strange personalities and behaviors. If the soldiers went up to them and questioned them, that might cause a lot of trouble.

Shevchenko nodded and understood the situation.

The King realized that he was still too weak, and he had to pretend to be a dumbass.

His current top priority was to increase his strength. After all, only the influential people had the right to talk; if Fei was powerful enough, he could easily wipe out all the threats around him.

At this moment, the noises made by the hooves of horses sounded from afar.

The lights from a few torches could be seen in the night, and they were approaching Dual-Flags City quickly. Fei already spread out his Spirit Energy, and he saw who they were. It was a team of more than 30 people, and it was shocking how they went through the campsites of Jax. After the initial chaos, the invaders of Jax moved aside and made a path for these people to get through.

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Chapter 448: The Man with the Holy Sensation (Part Two)

Shevchenko's expression turned serious as he waved at the soldiers around him; he signaled them to keep their guards up.

Everyone was nervous as they observed this team of people.

When this team of people got closer, Fei realized that they had the flags of the Holy Church with them.

The Holy Knights on the horses were wearing the silver armors that only the members of the Holy Church could wear, and there were also more than a dozen Priests in the team. Behind these people, there was a carriage levitating off of the ground as a powerful wind-elemental magic array was at work. Although these people were all powerful, Fei's eyes locked onto the carriage. The person in the carriage didn't reveal himself, but the King sensed the most amount of threat from him.

"They are from the Holy Church, no wonder..." Shevchenko who was standing behind Fei murmured.

Only the Holy Church could make the vicious soldiers of Jax obedient and afraid. If they were from any other forces, these soldiers of Jax wouldn't let them go through their campsites and defense line like that.

Soon, this team from the Holy Church arrived outside of Dual-Flags City.

"Listen up! Red-Robed Deacon Pellegrini from the Execution Team in the West Region of the Holy Church has arrived! Why aren't you opening up the gate and welcoming him?" a Holy Knight rode up on his mount and shouted.

Shevchenko and the soldiers on the defense wall all looked at Fei for an answer.

Opening up the gate of the city at this moment was very dangerous. If the invaders of Jax decided to charge up and attack, the city could be potentially conquered. If that happened, all the defense the soldiers of Zenit put up would be wasted. Besides, who could be sure that these people weren't enemies of Jax in disguises?

After all, the soldiers of Zenit who completed the mission all came back by climbing up the defense wall using ropes, and the corpses of the soldiers who died on the battlefield outside the city were taken back into the city via carts that were tied onto ropes. Except for the two times when the gate was open to let in the reinforcement of [Wolf Teeth Legion], it was never opened!

"You dumb idiots! Open up the gate immediately!" after seeing that the soldiers on the defense wall didn't make a move upon hearing the name of the Holy Church, that Holy Knight got mad and yelled, "You pigs! How dare you hesitate after seeing the arrival of an Execution Team from the Holy Church? Do you want to die?"

Since this Holy Knight was so arrogant, Fei lightly released the strength of his level 99 Barbarian as he looked at that Holy Knight. As if he suddenly felt a mountain on his shoulders, this Holy Knight instantly shut his mouth and didn't dare to say anything else.

"Open the gate," Fei smiled and gave the order as he looked back.

"Sir, we shouldn't. If..." Shevchenko was a cautious person. After hearing Fei's order, he quickly suggested, "We can tell the soldiers to drop down some baskets and pull them up that way."

"How would these high-up people in the Holy Church be willing to enter the city using baskets? They won't agree for sure! These people are dressed fancily and are all powerful; they shouldn't be the invaders of Jax in disguise, and Fairenton doesn't dare to ask his soldiers to pretend to be from the Holy Church. After all, anyone who dared to pretend to be from the Holy Church were all hunt down by the Execution Teams, and they were burned alive on the cross in the Headquarter of the Execution Branch of the Holy Church... there is even a Red-Robe Deacon among them... hehe, we can let them in; they could even potentially benefit our defense," Fei said after he thought for a bit.

"As you wish!" Shevchenko calmed down a little after seeing Fei's confident demeanor. He turned around and ordered, "The Legion Commander had spoken! Open the gate!"

Crank! Crank! Crank! Crank! Crank!

The ear-piercing gear gliding noises sounded as more than 20 small magic arrays shone. Then, the steel fence in front of the gate weighing more than five tons was slowly pulled up, and the iron gate slowly opened to the two sides.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

A series of clip-clopping noises sounded as this Execution Team from the Holy Church entered the city.

"Close the gate!" the commanders on the defense wall shouted. Instantly, the gate started to close, and the steel fence began to drop down slowly.

Fei and Shevchenko walked down the defense wall; they weren't walking fast as the King was still trying to figure out the intent of these people and wanted to see if they could be used to defend against the invaders of Jax. Before they reached the ground, they heard a series of screams followed by cursing and whipping noise.

Chapter 449: BS! (Part One)

Fei's face changed color as he dashed down the defense wall.

"I asked you to open the gate faster, and you dare to speak back to me? I will fu*king kill you! Go tell that damn Head Commander of yours to come here and see me..." a Holy Knight shouted with an angry expression as he sat on his mount and whipped the few soldiers who were guarding the gate mercilessly. As if they were getting burned in a fire, the soldiers rolled and screamed in pain on the ground.

This Holy Knight had the strength of Eight-Star, and he was very vicious. Every single whip from him would destroy the soldiers' armors, and the skin on the soldiers' bodies got whipped open. In just a second, one soldier got whipped five times, and he was close to dying. Even though this Holy Knight was mighty and could kill these ordinary soldiers easily, he controlled his force and wanted to torture these soldiers on purpose.

"How dare you!" a shout sounded as someone dashed towards this Holy Knight.


A dash of silver sword energy collided with the horsewhip in this Holy Knight 's hand.

Then, a young and handsome figure appeared. He helped the soldier who was fainting to stand up as he stared at this Holy Knight with a furious expression.

"How dare you? Who are you? How dare you attack an Execution Team of the Holy Church? Humph! You must be an evil entity, and you must be friends with the evil Undead Mage Hazel Bank! You shall be burned alive on the cross!" that Holy Knight shouted.

He knew that dash of sword energy was powerful, and he would have been killed if it went directly at him. However, as a member of the Holy Church, he had been spoiled by others. Even though Fei was a lot more powerful than him, he opened his mouth and gave Fei the title of evil arrogantly.

"Humph! How dare he attack me? There are too many masters who are more powerful than me but still got tortured by me! You will be next!" this Holy Knight thought to himself.

As he was still thinking about how he would torture this young man and planning to signal his peers, this arrogant Holy Knight suddenly saw a flash of golden light with his peripheral vision. As if he was struck by lightning, his body froze, and his eyes almost popped out of his face as they opened wide. His peers who were joking and laughing beside him had the same reaction as well.

The young man who just appeared had a Golden Battle Ring under his feet, and Golden Holy Power had been spreading out like waves in the ocean...

"God! This... Golden Holy Power!?"

The members of the Holy Church who cultivated Holy Power couldn't be more sensitive to this unique Holy Power, and they all knew what it meant.

It was the unique symbol of [God's Favorite Children]! These people were the most influential in the Holy Church, and they all had bright futures! The God loved everyone who had Golden Holy Power, and they had the potential of becoming the next Pope of the Holy Church!

As the Golden Holy Power shined, the entire area was filled with the divine and gentle energy. The soldiers who were whipped and severely injured gradually woke up; they felt like there were several dashes of warm energy flowing around in their bodies, and the pain they were sensing was almost gone. As they opened their blurry eyes, they saw a tall figure and a handsome face that they could never forget.

Healing injury was one of the critical uses of the Holy Power. After all, other elemental powers such as water-elemental magic energy couldn't heal others as effectively

Here's Why You Should Never Squash a Centipede


"Sir... King Alexander!" the soldiers in the area realized what was going on and all yelled as they kneeled.

"You... you are...?"

The Holy Knights of the Holy Church got off of their mounts and slowly walked over. Although they weren't sure about Fei's identity, they were a lot politer than before as they looked at Fei with some fear and respect in their eyes.

"God said he loves all creatures the same. As the followers of God, we need to spread this message across the continent and make everyone experience the love and kindness of the Lord. However, as Holy Knights, what you did are against the God's will! You are bringing shame to the Holy Church!" after Fei healed the soldiers using the skill [Prayer], he turned around and scolded the Holy Knights using the mission statement of the Holy Church that he learned from traveling poets. However, the Holy Knights of the Holy Church who were vicious a moment ago didn't dare to argue, and they all lowered their heads. After all, Fei's Golden Holy Power and sharp stares were putting too much pressure on them.

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Chapter 449: BS! (Part Two)

If Fei didn't have other plans and if he weren't in public, he would have destroyed these Holy Knights who had no sense of respect for other people. The King hated people who bullied others, especially the ones from the Holy Church. When that Priest Balesi tried to semi-kidnap Angela, Fei used his Necromancer Power and sent him into the heavens!

"Uh... we..." The Holy Knights didn't know what to say; they were all shocked by Fei's presence.

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At this moment, the levitating magic carriage that was being pulled by a handsome horse that had all pure white fur slowly floated over, and a priest opened the gate of the carriage respectfully. This priest then helped an old man, who was wearing a black and red robe and holding a golden cross wand, to get out of the carriage.

"Huh? This old man must be Red-Robe Deacon Pellegrini, and he must be influential! Although he looks like he is going to die at any second, the hidden power in his body is terrifying and far beyond the realm of everyone else in the team... Eh, he must have been a Moon-Class Elite for many years!" Fei didn't say anything, but he got more cautious.

"Cough, cough, cough... you guys! Why aren't you apologizing to [God's Favorite Child] His Highness? Do you guys really want to die on the burning cross?" that old man coughed and scolded. When he started speaking, his chest moved up and down rapidly as if he was going to die, but he voice was loud and clear. A dash of light appeared in his eyes when he stared at the Holy Knights furiously, and he then turned around and said to Fei with a smile, "Your Highness, which shrine are you from? Why are you here training in a little remote city?"

"Are you trying to figure out my background?" Fei sneered in his mind.

After he used his Paladin Mode and easily fooled that little priest named Zola in Chambord, Fei realized the value of this identity. After he read some books about the Holy Church, he already knew what it meant to have a Golden Battle Ring under his feet. Therefore, he had been planning to utilize his Paladin Mode and continue this scam.

The King knew that this identity was critical in some situations. How could he perfect this lie? Fei had many ideas but ended up choosing the most secure option – keeping up the mysteriousness.

The identity of [God's Favorite Child] was a secret! Except for the Golden Battle Ring that would appear when someone uses Holy Power, all other information on these important people were well kept in the Holy Mountain, Waulu Mountain. Other than the supreme Pope and a few top-tier Priests and Holy Knights, no one had access to these documents that were stored in the Holy Library. Perhaps gods really existed in this world as no one in the history was able to fake this identity. After all, only the members of the Holy Church had the ability to cultivate Holy Power, and the Golden Battle Ring couldn't be mimicked even if someone tried. Therefore, the Holy Church never had its guards up around people with Golden Holy Powers.

However, Fei with the help of the Paladin Mode was able to exploit this loophole in the system.

After Red-Robe Deacon Pellegrini asked him that question, Fei frowned and said with an arrogant tone, "I'm King Alexander of Chambord, a level 1 affiliated kingdom of Zenit."

Pellegrini's expression froze for a second when he heard the answer.

However, as if nothing happened, this old man smiled and replied, "Oh I see. Your Majesty, we are on a mission, and we need to stay in the city for a period. Please don't mind us."

In fact, this old man was fooled by Fei. Every single [God's Favorite Child] was tied to one or multiple influential figures in the Holy Church and was connected to multiple forces. The Holy Church wasn't as tight and organized as people had thought. Since the Holy Church pretty much covered the area of the entire continent, each of the Bishops had power in their own regions, and there were multiple branches and forces in the Holy Church. Usually, these branches of power were known as 'shrines' in the Holy Church, and each of the powerful shrines would choose a [God's Favorite Child] to support. If their [God's Favorite Child] could become the Pope, then their shrine could dominate over other shrines for at least more than 20 years.

Chapter 450: Golden Finger Upgrade – Nightmare Mode (Part One)

Pellegrini was sure that the mysterious [God's Favorite Child] in front of him wasn't from his shrine, but he still had to give Fei enough respect on the surface. If he offended a [God's Favorite Child] and triggered the forces behind him, he won't be able to bear the anger even though he was a Red-Robe Deacon. In the northern region of the Holy Church, there were more than 100 Red-Robe Deacons, but there were only four [God's Favorite Children].

Fei's mysterious presence fooled him, and he didn't know which shrine this '[God's Favorite Child]' was from and why this '[God's Favorite Child]' took on the role of the king of a level 1 affiliated kingdom.

Even though he was suspecting that it was related to the opening of the Mythical Gate, Pellegrini who was old and sly didn't want to ask anymore; the more he knew, the more dangerous the situation would be. After all, he didn't want to become the sacrificial lamb between the battles of the shrines.

"There is a church in the city, and you guys could go there to rest. However..." Fei nodded and continued after he turned around to look at those arrogant Holy Knights, "These few people stained the glory of the God, and they injured the subjects of the Lord because they misunderstood the Lord's intent. I think they should pay for their cruel actions."

Those Holy Knights were terrified after they heard Fei.

The punishments the Holy Church had were cruel and painful, and these Holy Knights knew about it well. Even if a metal statue went through the punishment process, it would be able to open its mouth and cry in pain. If this '[God's Favorite Child]' wanted to punish them, they would die painfully without having the ability to fight back.

"Your Highness, there is no need to get so angry. These Holy Knights are just too tired from executing the mission, and they lost control of their temper for a moment. God said that forgiveness is a virtue, and we should accept the apologies of poor fallen souls. How about we ask these Holy Knights to compensate these soldiers 100 gold coins each and apologize under the watch of the god?" Pellegrini smiled and suggested after he bowed with the help of a few priests, "They are all here to kill the evil Undead Mage Hazel Bank."

"Undead Mage Hazel Bank?" Fei thought; he heard of this name before.

Many books and tales mentioned Undead Mage Hazel Bank. This man was described as an evil monster, and he was one of the few elders of the Undead Mage Union [Undead Shrine] who survived the massacre put on by the Holy Church. It was heard that this man was very powerful; rumors said that he was a Sun-Class Lord, and he had summoned an evil Undead Bone Dragon that was invincible during battle. This combination of man and dragon was extremely powerful and evil, and living beings would be turned into skeletons wherever they went.

"But isn't he already killed by a Saint Knight? Why is he around here? And how could these 30 people defeat a man like that? Kill Hazel Bank? That man could kill them all with his finger!... Or, is Hazel Bank just a cover-up? And they are here for something else?" the more Fei thought about it, and more he linked it to the frequent appearances of the mysterious masters in the area. Although he was confused, he didn't ask more questions. Instead, he sneered and waved his hand impatiently as if he barely agreed with Pellegrini's suggestion.

Even though Pellegrini was mad at the rudeness of Fei, Fei's arrogant appearance made him believe that Fei was indeed a real [God's Favorite Child]. He looked back at the Holy Knights, and the terrified Holy Knights quickly took out the money from their pockets and gave them to the injured soldiers respectfully; in their minds, they just survived a disaster. After that, they hid behind the carriage and didn't dare to look at Fei again.

After Pellegrini smiled and said thanks to Fei, he returned to his carriage. However, before he got into the carriage and went to the church in the city, he looked back at Fei with a sharp and vicious light in his eyes. That light flashed by quickly, and most people didn't notice it.

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Chapter 450: Golden Finger Upgrade – Nightmare Mode (Part Two)

Fei looked at the direction of the church with a smirk on his face; he was the only person who noticed that light and sensed the murderous spirit. However, since these people of the Holy Church was now inside the city, Fei had many ways of dealing with them. He had the Necromancer Character, and the Death Energy was the Holy Power Cultivators' kryptonite. Even though this Red-Robe Deacon was more powerful than Priest Balesi who was with Kaka, Fei's strength increased dramatically in the last while.

"Sir, thank you for saving us!"

After this Execution Team of the Holy Church disappeared into afar, the soldiers around the west gate kneeled and expressed their gratitude. That situation was extremely dangerous for them; it was no different to walking around a Grim Reaper. The members of the Holy Church didn't care about others' lives, and these soldiers could have been killed without justification.

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It wasn't an exaggeration to say that Fei saved their lives.

At the moment, they were looking at Fei as if he was a real god.

"The Legion Commander is willing to scold the high-up priests and members of the Holy Church for us? And those people are terrified of him?" these soldiers thought to themselves as they looked at Fei as if they were worshipping a god.

Even the Six-Star Warrior Shevchenko could only barely hold himself back.

When he lost to Fei during the competition in St. Petersburg, he already respected Fei. After he saw Fei battling with the Moon-Class Elite from Eindhoven Empire, Costakarta, on the Martial Saint Mountain, he was brought to submission. Therefore, he rejected the recruitment from all other powerful forces and joined Fei's [Wolf Teeth Legion]. For the last while, he had been shocked by Fei again and again. Whenever he thought he had seen all the cards Fei had, he would realize how wrong he was. What just happened followed that pattern; the King's image was completely redrawn in his head.

He felt like he could understand the King of Chambord less and less.

"Chaos is approaching... Would the empire be able to survive through this? Many people are looking for new directions, and it is time for me to make a pick as well... King Alexander, you could even order the people of the Holy Church around... Are you the man who deserves my complete loyalty?" Shevchenko thought as he quietly clenched his fist.

Although he had two personalities and was sometimes dull, it didn't mean that he was stupid. In fact, since he didn't talk much and was great at observing, he would always make the better decisions.

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"Tightly monitor the church and report to me when they make any moves. I want to see if they are really here to kill Hazel Bank or they have other motives," Fei walked up the defense wall as he sneered.

"As you wish, Your Majesty," as if he made a decision, Shevchenko replied respectfully.

"Huh?" Fei realized the change in how Shevchenko addressed him. He turned around, carefully observed this bright and tough man, and smiled. "Ok," he nodded.


After he organized the matter with the defense, he went back to the Mayor's Mansion to check up on Angela and Elena. After he fed them some healing porridge and spent some time with them, he chatted with Emma a little and made sure that everything was secure around here.

When he went back to the watchtower on the west gate, it was already the latter half of the night.

The party was over, and most of the soldiers showed the discipline and didn't get wasted. When Fei returned, the soldiers were all gone; some of them went back to rest, and some of them even picked up their weapons and went to participate in the patrol. Fei's influence and charisma were demonstrated in this situation. Since he, the Legion Commander, would join in the patrol, the regular soldiers were more motivated to do more.

Pierce, Drogba, Huerk, and Kanort were now guarding the Mayor's Mansion, and only Torres was with Fei in the watchtower on the west gate.

After calculating the time and making sure that the time limit got refreshed, Fei walked into the watchtower and traveled through a portal to enter Diablo World.


After the buzzing noise sounded, Fei vision blurred,

What surprised him was that he didn't go into Diablo World directly. It felt like he was standing in space with the projection of the seven characters around him. These characters had different auras around them, and they were wearing the corresponding items in the game.

The Barbarian who had [Bul-Kathos' Children] in his hands and [Immortal King's Soul Cage – Sacred Armor] on his body looked the most dominating.

"As I expected... after I went through all the quests as the Barbarian, something changed..." Fei thought about it and decided to go into Diablo World as the Barbarian.

He didn't enter Diablo World directly this time; a dash of flame appeared before his eyes.

"Normal Mode."

"Nightmare Mode."

Chapter 451: Elevation in the Lifeform (Part One)

Fei clenched his fists tightly as he thought in excitement, "Looks like I can finally enter Nightmare Mode! So, my hypothesis was correct! After I get through Nightmare Mode, it should be the ultimate Hell Mode, right?"

As he thought about this, he chose Nightmare Mode without hesitation.


The space he was in changed, and he felt like he was traveling through a temporal and spatial portal. Different from how he entered Diablo World for the first time, this trip was much longer and much more significant. He felt like more than ten centuries passed by him, and he realized that he got to [Rogue Encampment] after everything settled.

The sky was dark and gloomy, and Fei appeared in front of a campfire. About 20 meters away from him, there was the familiar [Personal Storage Space]. Everything seemed so familiar!

According to his gaming experience in his previous life, except for the strength of the demons and monsters, everything was the same in the Nightmare Mode compared to the Normal Mode including plots, quests, and maps.

With his current strength, Fei was able to kill the final boss Baal in the Normal Mode easily as long as he dragged on the battle. However, it was different in the Nightmare Mode. The strength of the monsters and demons increased by multiple folds, and even a [Fallen Shaman] outside [Rogue Encampment] was a significant threat to Fei. If multiple monsters charged at him, he couldn't do anything but to run away! If he got surrounded by them, he would die for sure.

Of course, the benefit of these powerful monsters was that the experience points they gave when they died increased a ton as well. Also, these monsters would drop a lot more gold coins and better items. To Fei who needed to improve his strength rapidly, the Nightmare Mode was like a freshwater lake in the eyes of a person who was dying of thirst in the desert.

The only thing that Fei wasn't sure about was the identity of the NPCs.

"Would they have intelligence? Would I meet another Elena in [Rogue Encampment]? Would I meet another Akara and another Cain... Would the NPCs in the Normal Mode appear here, or new NPCs would appear...?"

In reality, Fei didn't want to meet the same NPCs again; in his mind, all of those NPCs in [Rogue Encampment] were unique. Just like how it was in the real world, it didn't matter how weak and insignificant a person was, he or she was unique, and he or she couldn't be cloned.

The people in [Rogue Encampment] in the Normal Mode were beyond the realm of NPCs. Greedy, stringy, and strict Priestess Akara, obscene, timid, yet knowledgeable old man Cain, cold, loyal, and powerful Military Leader Kashya, passionate, hardworking, and busty blacksmith Charsi, and beautiful and valiant Valkyrie Elena... in Fei's mind, these NPCs were all real people; he never treated them as NPCs who operated according to codes.

Fei hoped that the friends he made in Diablo World were living beings and not NPCs that could be easily copied and cloned.

As Fei was thinking about all this, a familiar voice sounded by his ears.

"Greetings, stranger. I'm not surprised to see your kind here. Many adventurers have traveled this way since the recent troubles began. No doubt you've heard about the tragedy that befell the town of Tristram. Some say that Diablo, the Lord of Terror, walks the world again..."

This man who had a blue Arabic robe on was caravan master, Warriv.

Fei looked at this man nervously as he tried to see if this NPC had intelligence like the Warriv in the Normal Mode.

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After a while, Fei let go of the breath he was holding in.

This Warriv wasn't that Warriv.

He didn't have the intelligence that Warriv possessed in the Normal Mode. In fact, except for the Warriv in [Rogue Encampment], the other NPCs on the other maps in the Normal Mode all lacked intelligence and were just there to push the plot forward.

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Chapter 451: Elevation in the Lifeform (Part Two)

"Great! This means that I won't encounter another Elena," Fei relaxed after he got to this conclusion. However, to be sure, he walked around [Rogue Encampment] and double checked with all other NPCs. In the end, the same conclusion held; the NPCs were all dull and lifeless like the NPCs in the actual game. As he walked around the camp, he got his first quest in the Nightmare Mode from a new dull Akara, which was [The Den of Evil].

The sky in this world was extra-gloomy, and this world was stained by the power of evil even more compared to the world in the Normal Mode.

As soon as Fei stepped outside the camp, the intense evil energy rushed at him.

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Fei quickly encountered the first monster in the Nightmare Mode, a [Spike Fiend].

Compared with the same monster in the Normal Mode, this [Spike Fiend] was twice the size; it looked like a calf. What shocked Fei the most was that this monster which could be counted as the weakest monster in Diablo World had the strength that was equivalent to a peak Nine-Star Warrior. Its strength was 100 times stronger than its counterpart in the Normal Mode!


Fei struck this monster with his blade, and the [Spike Fiend] instantly died.

At the moment, Fei could easily take care of Nine-Star Warriors.

In the next second, something magnificent happened. A drop of a type of golden liquid flowed out of this monster's corpse, and it quickly dashed into Fei's body.

"This..." As a heated current flowed through his body, it gave Fei an enjoyable and comfortable sensation.

This was very different compared to the Normal Mode. Fei recalled that a vague white fog would appear after he killed a monster and would enter his body, and the pleasant and comfortable sensation he just experienced would only occur when he was leveling up in the Normal Mode.

Fei thought about this as he started to kill monsters to level up.

He soon encountered two more types of monsters, [Fallen Shaman] and [Zombie]. Compared with their counterparts in the Normal Mode, these monsters were 100 times stronger in terms of damage and defense. Even though Fei was very cautious, he was injured and had to use several bottles of [Full Rejuvenation Potion].

When he was finally about to arrive at [The Den of Evil], he already killed about 50 monsters, and about 50 drops of the golden liquid entered his body.

When the 50th drop of the golden liquid entered his body, something magical occurred.

As if time paused in this world, a beam of golden light dashed down from the gloomy sky and enveloped Fei completely. Like a unique catalyst, an explosive 'chemical change' took place in Fei's body; every single cell in his body was collapsing and exploding. After everything returned to the origin state, the energy started to shoot outward and formed numerous new cells.

At this moment, two clouds of golden mist flowed out of Fei's body and bathed his body in them thoroughly.

The 50 drops of the golden liquid combined with these two clouds of golden mist. Together, they rushed through every single Warrior Energy Channel in Fei's body and continued to reform and nurture his bones and flesh. Like the sand grains on the beach that were being washed by the waves of the ocean, Fei's body would change every time this energy flowed through.

Fei clearly sensed that his body was becoming stronger and more powerful by the second.

It was a change in quality.

It was a complete elevation in the lifeform.

After the golden energy went through Fei's body for the 99th time, an unprecedented energy appeared in the deepest part of Fei's soul.

Chapter 452: Change in the Nightmare Mode (Part One)

An unprecedented energy appeared in the deepest part of Fei's soul. Compared with the golden liquid droplets and the two clouds of golden mist, this energy was thicker and more powerful. It even had a faint spirit and flowed around Fei intimately as if it was his lover. To Fei, this energy wasn't unfamiliar; he had interacted with this energy before.

"Those two clouds of golden mist are the essences of Ancient Talic and Korlic after I defeated them on the summit of Mount Arreat in the Normal Mode. I thought they only contained the understanding that the Ancients had towards skill [Whirlwind] and [Leap Attack], but it seems like I was wrong. They seem like two seeds, and they are the catalyst to the body transformation that I experienced just now. No wonder I had to battle those Barbarian Ancients; at the time, I was wondering why I, a Barbarian, had to battle my ancestors. This must be the reason! It is an indirect way of power inheritance. Only the Barbarians who could defeat the Ancients could inherit the god-tier techniques of the Barbarian Clan."

Many thoughts flashed in Fei's head.

"Except for the energy from the two Ancients and the 50 drops of the golden liquid... this intimate sensation... it is from Angela!" Fei was shocked.

He was already concerned about this when Angela fainted; there were too many secrets on her, and she didn't even know about them! Her ability to communicate with Demon Beasts and command them, the purest soul, and how she summoned a higher power to heal Fei yesterday in battle... Fei had no idea where he should start.

"This sensation is not hostile at all! It feels like it is going to work together with the other two powers to push my body onto another level!"

After sensing that, Fei opened his body to those energies without any hesitation.

Time passed by quickly yet slowly. Everything around Fei was frozen in time, yet, Fei was able to sense the river of time flowing through his body rapidly. As if he was watching a game of chess, he felt like he was watching time passing by him as an outsider, and he wasn't affected by it at all.

After god knows how long, that beam of golden light finally disappeared.

Fei's body returned to normal, and the screams and roars of monsters sounded beside him. Also, the evil energy wrapped around his body again. He was standing in front of the entrance to [The Den of Devil] on the [Blood Boor] outside of [Rogue Encampment], and he felt like he was dreaming a moment ago.

Fei stretched his body, and he felt a lot of power.

The King felt like he was hallucinating; he felt like he could punch a hole in the sky, create numerous cracks in the ground using his feet, and blow mountains away using his breath.

The world in front of him was clearer as if he changed an old black-and-white television to the most advanced 4K television. It was strange; Fei felt like this world slowly opened up its arms towards him. A lot of things and incidents he couldn't understand before were slowly revealing themselves in front of him, and he could get to the truth as long as he was willing to dig.

Two dark-red buttons appeared in his peripherals; one was [Character Status], and the other one was [Skill Tree]. Fei was extremely familiar with the two already.

He leveled up.

"The Barbarian Character is already level 99, and that should be the highest level there is. If I continue to level up, would I reach level 100? What would happen if I reach level 100?"

Fei thought about that as he opened up the status panel of the Barbarian.

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He looked at it and froze.

"Name: Fei. Level: Nightmare Mode level 1. Strength: 30, Vitality: 20, Dexterity: 25, Energy: 10. Fire Resistance: 0, Cold Resistance: 0, Lightning Resistance: 0, Poison Resistance: 0. Residual attribute points: 5..."

Also, as a side discovery, Fei realized that the words on the status panel turned silver in the Nightmare Mode.

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Chapter 452: Change in the Nightmare Mode (Part Two)

"What is going on? All of my statistics got cleared? How did this happen?"

Fei was shocked. If everything got cleared, then his hard work since he came to this world would be wasted.

"But I still sense a ton of power in my body, and this power is even mightier than before?"

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Fei closed this digital panel and started to sense the power in his body carefully. He summoned [Bul-Kathos' Children] and used his most powerful technique, [Whirlwind]. A dash of silver sword energy rushed forward, and it dug out a trail that was more than ten meters deep on the ground. The dominant sensation dispersed into the area, and silver mists flowed in the air.

"Although my levels and statistics are gone, the power and energy are still in my body. In fact, they got even stronger!"

All of Fei's worries disappeared after he made this discovery.

"If I'm not wrong, my power underwent a change in quality after I entered the Nightmare Mode. Before, my strength took on the form of transparent crystal when it left my body, now..." as Fei thought about that, he used Sky Frost Fist and punched out fiercely. Instantly, a silver fist mark that was the size of one cubic meter appeared and dashed into the sky.

This proved Fei's hypothesis. After his power leveled up, the color of it changed as well.

The silver energy was a form of energy that was more than 100 times more powerful than the transparent crystal energy.

"Haha! What a surprise! Since my power level changed, then I should change the name of this technique. From now on, Sky Frost Fist will be changed to..." Fei thought about it in a good mood and came up with a cool name. He laughed and said to himself, "It will be called Invincible Emperor Fist!"

This name somewhat reflected Fei's ambition. Since it was called Emperor Fist, it showed Fei's desire to be a great ruler, and it implicitly went against Emperor Yassin's legendary technique – Dragon Fist.

Currently, Fei's technique was still being perfected and refined, and it couldn't match against the legendary Dragon Fist. However, Fei believed that Invincible Emperor Fist would one day become a legend as well.

"Yassin is not inferior to any other! Such a heroic declaration!"

After thinking back to Yassin's famous phrase, Fei was incredibly moved by it. Emperor Yassin's fists defeated a ton of masters, and anyone who thought about that scene would feel like their blood was boiling.

After he calmed himself down, Fei opened up the panel that indicated his status. After giving it some thoughts, he put all five new attribute points into [Strength]. After going through the Normal Mode, Fei had new plans in his head regarding the directions of each of the characters. Since he could use all seven characters as he wished, he didn't need to consider balancing a character, and he could try his best to emphasize the advantages of each character. As for his Barbarian Character, the invincible physical strength was the advantage it had.

On the other hand, Fei reserved the skill point he got from this level up, and he didn't add it onto his skill tree.

As he stepped into [The Den of Evil] and started the first quest in the Nightmare Mode, Fei was a level 1 Barbarian.

Although the strength of the monsters increased dramatically, Fei also underwent the mystic change as well. In addition, he had completed this quest in the Normal Mode, and he knew where to go; in fact, he could go around [The Den of Evil] with his eye closed. In less than 20 minutes, Fei killed all the monsters in the den, and he got more than 70 drops of the golden liquid in his body.

After he left the den, he killed a few more monsters. When he got 80 drops of the golden liquid, he leveled up again.

As a beam of the golden light dashed down from the sky, the 80 drops of the golden liquid turned into a warm current and merged with all the cells in Fei's body. After Fei's combat ability increased again, he put all of the five attribute points into [Strength], and he didn't touch the skill point.

Chapter 453: The Phenomenon (Part One)

After four hours, Fei already completed the first five quests in [Rogue Encampment] in the Nightmare Mode, and his Barbarian Character was now Nightmare Mode level 16.

He already had 110 points in [Strength], and his damage was at least six times more powerful than his previous level 99 Barbarian in the Normal Mode.

Right now, his Barbarian Character finally reached Moon-Class; his strength was equivalent to a level 6 low-tier New Moon Warrior.

After thinking about the fact that the gaming time of the day was almost up, Fei stopped killing monsters in the Monastery on the [Tamoe Highlands] and didn't end up battling the boss Andariel on the first map. Instead, he opened up a portal and went back to the real world.



The moment before dawn was usually the darkest, and Torres had been waiting for Fei in the main hall in the watchtower on the west gate.

Usually, this trustworthy assistant of the King would be cultivating at this time. After his body was reformed by the [Hulk Potion], he had an insane amount of vitality just like the other warriors of Chambord. He was able to cultivate all night and still be energetic the next day without any sleep.

However, Torres wasn't able to focus on cultivation tonight.

What happened today during the day was really depressing for all the soldiers and commanders on the side of Zenit. Especially since the future Queen of Chambord was injured and fainted, and the warriors of Chambord wanted to charge into the enemies and kill as many of them as possible. They couldn't do anything at that moment, and they were all ashamed of themselves.

Torres was one of them.

He has been with the King for a while, and he understood Fei's personality; he knew how much anger Fei was holding back.

"Damn it! What can I do to help His Majesty at this moment?" Torres knocked his head and thought to himself angrily. He knew he was too weak to help, but he was anxious and couldn't concentrate on his cultivation.

It was dark in the night, and the lights in and out of the city decorated this darkness.

Except for the noise made by the wind blowing on the sand, there was no other sound.

After a while, Torres sighed and felt very powerless in front of the current situation. As he was about to force himself to concentrate and cultivate, he suddenly sensed something, and he turned around to look at the back room in shock.

A powerful energy sensation was radiating from there.

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It was so mighty that Torres had the feeling of kneeling and worshipping it. He opened his eyes wide and murmured, "So powerful... indefensible! This is familiar yet strange... it feels like His Majesty's sensation, but it isn't the same... who is this? What is going on?"

He stood up and wanted to go into the back room to check it out.

Only the King was inside the back room, but this sensation was different from his.

Torres wasn't able to enter the back room; the silver energy waves shooting out of the back room was like a tornado, and he, a Six-Star Warrior, couldn't even resist this energy and move forward.

The wild and powerful sensation radiated to the surrounding from the watchtower on the west gate.

In the next moment, more phenomenon appeared.

As if it was a response to the changes in the back room, a huge cloud vortex appeared on top of the watchtower and rotated rapidly.

It looked like a pair of godly hands had been moving things around, and this phenomenon was breathtaking.

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Then, dashes of silver light shot out of the watchtower, and they lit up the nightly sky.

As people become uneasy when they saw this phenomenon, a sudden change occurred. A thick beam of silver light, that was so bright that people couldn't even look directly at it, went through the ceiling of the watchtower, dashed into the sky, and connected with the clouds. When the light beam met the center of the cloud vortex, only the silver light could be seen in the area.

Powerful energy surge appeared and dispersed to the surroundings from that silver light beam like waves of the ocean.

This scene looked majestic and explosive; no one was able to make fun of it.


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Chapter 453: The Phenomenon (Part Two)

Inside the quiet campsites of Jax.

[Snow Mountain Hermit] who was meditating and resting in his tent suddenly opened his eyes as he was stunned.

Two dashes of red fire-like energy shot out of his eyes, and they penetrated through the wall of the tent and focused in the direction of Dual-Flags City.

"This... This phenomenon... Did someone successfully become a Moon-Class Elite? Such an extraordinary phenomenon... Who could it be? Such impressiveness just from advancing into the Moon-Class. Even people who are Sun-Class Lords right now probably didn't have such an impressive phenomenon when they advanced to the realm of Moon-Class. Could it be.... King Alexander?!" he instantly thought of this name.

Even though he gained dominating advantage during the battle today, the persistence and the power beyond Nine-Star Fei showed left a significant mark in his mind.

"It must be him! It could only be him! He has accumulated a ton of momentum; he is even able to battle Moon-Class Elites as a Star-level Warrior! It was shocking! Now he is a Moon-Class Elite, how powerful could he be? Such a terrifying young man... Too bad that there is a grudge between us now... There would be endless trouble now!"

[Snow Mountain Hermit] stopped looking at Dual-Flags City, and his eyes returned to normal. However, different emotions were flashing in his eyes, and no one knew what he was thinking about.


"Huh? This sensation? Hahaha! This kiddo finally broke through!"

On a platform that was outside an ordinary magic tower that was only about 100 meters tall, a person who was meditating there opened his eyes in the darkness as a mysterious smile appeared on his face.

The silver light coming from the watchtower on the west gate shined in the area, and it roughly drew out the outline of this figure. His long eyebrow and loose skin told others that he was quite old, and there were two items besides him, a broom and a dustpan. This elder was wearing a crappy mage robe, and it was filthy; it looked like it wasn't' washed in a long time.

From the look of it, it seemed like this elder was a low-tier mage apprentice who was in charge of cleaning the area around this magic tower. However, it wasn't that simple.

His aura could only be sensed by the people who were within half a meter of him, and the magic elements in that half a meter around him were dense and compact like the water in the ocean.

"Hahaha! Damn, King Alexander, I didn't misjudge you. You broke through this quick! Great! It looks like my plan could work even better now!"

After a surprised expression appeared on this elder's face, he closed his eyes and went back to meditation.

Negligible yellow lights were flashing around him, but they were within half a meter of him; nothing could be sensed outside of that. This elder's control was on another level!


A voice sounded in the desert.

"Hahaha! Arthur! Are you see this silver light beam? Such power! It looks like there is one more righteous warrior in this world who could kill us, the devils!"

On a tall sand hill that was less than 1.5 kilometers away from Dual-Flags City, a mid-aged man who had two sharp eyebrows said as he chugged down more wine. As if he was drunk, a lot of the wine landed on his beard and robe. The aroma of the wine instantly dispersed into the surroundings, and one could tell from the smell alone that it was a top-tier wine! People who didn't drink could get drunk just by breathing in the air.

Chapter 454: Especially Powerful (Part One)

That mid-aged man only took one peek at that silver light beam, and he looked away afterward as if it was quite boring. He looked up at the moon in the sky with sadness as if he had many things on his mind.

The cute boy beside this mid-aged man completely ignored what the man had said.

The boy sniffed the aroma of the wine in the air and stared at the large-size wine bag in the mid-aged man's hands with his big cute eyes that could make anyone like him instantly. He looked greedy and wanted to steal the wine bag, but something was holding him back.

"Hey, what is that expression? What did I tell you? You are not allowed to drink! You would go crazy every time you drink, and I'm the one who has to take the blame for you. I'm very upset right now, but you aren't even trying to comfort me! Are you trying to steal my wine right now? You aren't even humane! Why did I create you? I'm regretting my decision now!" The mid-aged man got mad after seeing how the boy was looking at his wine bag.

"You old bastard, stop that crap! I'm not a human, how can I be humane?" the boy licked his lips and refuted in disdain, "Have I not taken blames for you? Ten years ago, you got drunk and killed that so-called strongest Saint Knight. In the end, I was the one who had to take the blame for it. 50 years ago, for some odd reason, you wanted to go to the Regional Church in the Marse Empire and peep on the Saintess who was taking a bath. When you were discovered, you killed the Bishop there and blamed it all on me. 100 years ago..."

Hearing this boy spitting out his dark history, the mid-aged man froze for a second before yelling, "Damn it! I was wondering why I'm getting more and more perverted! You are the only thing that is willing to hang around me, and you aren't a human! Ay! I must be too lonely..."

As he said that, his expression suddenly got serious as he added, "But all in all, that man who just advanced is quite powerful. I sensed something special in his aura, so we have to be careful. Our strengths are greatly reduced, and we are even being chased around like dogs by a few ant-like bugs."

The boy sniffed the aroma even more and replied in disdain, "Let me make it clear; you are being chased like a dog, and I'm just keeping you company. I won't mess around that man; do you think I couldn't sense his potential and power? You said that the key principle of being rogue is that we need to fight the weak opponents, run from the powerful ones, be shameless, and act sneaky. How about we go and work for him? Haha, he might be willing to shield us."

"We are now hated by many, and many people would flee when seeing us. Why would he be willing to help us? I think he would try to kill us right away if we go to him..."

"Ah! It is my bad luck that I have to hang out with you. If you aren't my dad, I would have ditched you a long time ago..."

"Yuck! If I knew you are going to be like this, I couldn't have created you. You can only cause trouble! I was living my life to the fullest when you aren't around. After you appeared, I was hated by all..."

Under the moonlight, these two actually started to fight each other.

However, in the end, the boy still couldn't get any wine from the mid-aged man.


Inside Dual-Flags City, the magnificent phenomenon woke up everyone. The residents ignored the curfew and all walked out of their homes and into the street, and the patrolling soldiers were shocked as well when they saw the thick silver light beam. Even the animals in the city lied on the ground as they shivered in fear.

"God! What is that? A ladder to heaven? What is going on? Is this doomsday?"

"That is in the direction of the west gate. Could it be that our Legion Commander King Alexander is using a god-like technique to kill the Sand Ghosts?"

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"This is a miracle! The God of War has shown himself and is protecting Dual-Flags City! Thank God!"

The residents all kneeled on the street and kowtowed. With high emotion, they sensed the terrifying energy from the silver light beam and thanked the blessing from the God of War...

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Chapter 454: Especially Powerful (Part Two)

At this time, a man murmured to himself inside an ordinary building in the city, "This is unexpected.... This is really unexpected. Among the people of Zenit who have fallen, there is a genius who could trigger such an extraordinary phenomenon when advancing into the realm of Moon-Class... More than 20 years had passed, and that man is still great at spotting talents and using them correctly."

This man who was muscular and about 1.7 meters tall looked in the direction of the west gate with his hands behind his back.

He wasn't tall, and he wasn't handsome. However, the aura around him was special. Anyone who stood behind him would want to kneel and worship him. It was a prestigious presence that was born with; others couldn't copy it even if they tried.

Two servant-like men were standing behind him in silence.

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These two also had a prestigious presence around them, and their vitality could be seen through their eyes. The murderous spirits around them indicated that they were soldiers, and they were looking at the man in front of them with craziness in their eyes. It was obvious that they were willing to die for him.

At the same time, there was also a tall man standing with his hands behind his back. He was wearing a long black cloak, and the hood of the cloak covered more than half of his face. His nose and lips could be seen, and one could tell that he was very handsome from these facial features alone. When the silver light radiated from the light beam in the watchtower, it couldn't get within half a meter of this man as if there was an invisible power shielding him.

Behind him, there was a mid-aged man who was dressed in a set of flashy golden clothes sitting down beside a stone table and drinking casually.

However, when he squinted his eyes and peaked at the light beam far away, some concerns appeared in his eyes.



All of this was too sudden for Fei.

When he stepped into the real world through the portal, he felt like he was being rejected. This world became very strange to him, and the clouds rumbled as an invisible force landed on him from the sky; it felt like it wanted to defeat Fei.

After a moment of surprise, Fei was thrilled.

He realized that this was the mandatory process for a Star-level Warrior to advance to a Moon-Class Elite; the elements in this world were going to try to stop him.

According to many cultivation books, the stronger the warrior, the more destructive this process would be. Warriors tried to escape and stay above the natural laws of the universe, and the energy and magic elements in the world would naturally try to put a stop to it.

This process was quite dangerous and challenging.

It was heard that many Star-level Warriors tried to climb too fast and tried to advance to the realm of Moon-Class without accumulating enough Warrior Energy. After the repulsive force of the world defeated them, the better outcome was that they could never get to a higher realm again, and the worst result was that they were killed and turned into blood mist by the backlash.

However, once a master endured this process, their power structure would change completely.

The nine star-swirls inside a warrior's or a mage's body that represented their Nine-Star strength would combine into one Energy Core that looked like a curly new moon. As the New Moon Masters continue to cultivate, this Energy Core would gradually be filled up. It would turn from a New Moon to a Half Moon until it reaches the shape of a Full Moon; that was also where the names of the three ranks came from.

Of course, associated with the danger of the transformation process, there were countless benefits.

One of them was that the Warrior Energy or the Magic Energy would turn from a gas form into a liquid form; it was a massive jump in quality. On top of that, the body of the cultivators would also be strengthened in the process. The structure of their muscles would get firmer, and the elements in the world would nurture their internal organs. With this empowered vitality, a Moon-Class Elite would be able to live more than 300 years as long as they didn't get killed or severely injured in battles.

However, this process wasn't dangerous for Fei at all; it was simply a part of the advancement process.

Fei had already undergone this process in Diablo World, and his power originated from there. Unlike the warriors and mages in this world where they had to accumulate Warrior Energy or Magic Energy, Fei's Barbarian Character only had pure physical strength! Therefore, the challenge of the elements in this world wasn't threatening at all. If normal masters had to endure the challenge of the elements and compromise with them, Fei used his insane physical strength and forced the elements to become submissive towards him.