538 - 547

Chapter 538: The Huge Change in Zenit (Part One)

Ever since Zolasc and Modric founded Chambord's Intelligence Agency, the Letter Office, they had sent Fei a ton of secret letters. However, this was Fei's first time seeing a letter with the red wax seal on it.

It meant that something super important occurred.

Fei quickly opened the letter and read it carefully.

Soon, he finished reading it, and he exhaled deeply with a serious expression on his face.

"Damn! Zenit's God of War... Andrew Arshavin... It looks like I underestimated you... After the initial test battles, you were able to completely obliterate the forces of Spartax and conquer and destroy a level 1 Empire. Such power... Such dominance... A man like you does deserve the title of 'God of War.'"

This letter talked about the changes in the war in the southern regions of Zenit.

Although the words were simple, Fei was able to sense the drastic change that occurred in the region far from where he was. Also, he sensed Zenit's God of War's terrifying calculations and decisiveness.

There were only a few thousand words on the letter, but they perfectly described the horrifying scene where blood stained thousands of square kilometers of land and Arshavin's dominating presence as the Head Commander.

Fei remembered that the Elder Prince went to the southern region of Zenit to defend against the invaders. With everyone's hope on him, he did win a few crucial battles earlier on and calmed people down.

But in the next while, there were many small battles that were insignificant. There were wins and losses, but Zenit wasn't in the advantage. Therefore, in the people's eyes, this God of War already lost his sharpness and aggressiveness.

The higher the expectation, the higher the disappointment.

Recently, the situation happening in St. Petersburg was chaotic. Since rumors stated that Emperor Yassin was on the verge of death, many people jumped out and tried to bend the situation in their favor. A lot of ministers wrote reports and advised Emperor Yassin to take away Arshavin's position as the Head Commander in the southern regions. It was heard that these letters and reports stacked on the tables of Emperor Yassin's office and the Military Headquarter.

There were a lot of people hoping that Arshavin would fall, and a lot of people were gloating over the Elder Prince's bad luck.

It was imaginable that if it weren't for Elder Princess Tanasha who stayed in St. Petersburg and took care of all these matters, Arshavin might not have the time to plan out and execute this huge victory.

However, everything changed now.

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Elder Prince Arshavin suddenly launched an attack after more than half a month of waiting and concentrating control. His troops instantly defeated more than 100,000 soldiers of Spartax and beheaded more than 60,000 of them in the battle.

After that, like a landslide, the momentum got carried forward.

In just two days, Zenit's God of War, Arshavin, led the elite soldiers of his [Iron Blood Legion] and 50,000 elite cavaliers of Zenit into the territory of Spartax. They traveled more than 1,000 kilometers, conquered the Capital of the Spartax Empire, and wiped out the royal family of Spartax.

In this war, they captured more than 10,000 noblemen and royal members of Spartax, and Arshavin brought doom to the old nemesis of Zenit, the Spartax Empire.

This was a glorious victory. It would be recorded in history books as one of the most brilliant wars that Zenit had ever fought.

Andrew Arshavin would be admired and looked up to by a lot more citizens of Zenit as well.

It was predictable that Arshavin was now at an advantage in the battle for the throne after this victory. Compared with him, Second Prince Dominguez, who didn't get a chance to lead troops and earn military merits, was already at a huge disadvantage.

At this moment, Fei suddenly felt like he had underestimated this Zenit's God of War just like a lot of other people.

Of course, since Fei's strength increased a lot, and Arshavin was only a Six-Star Warrior, he didn't see this elder prince as a potential threat. However, this huge victory Arshavin got alarmed Fei and made him see this elder prince as a powerful opponent.

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Chapter 538: The Huge Change in Zenit (Part Two)

In Fei's mind, he already positioned Arshavin as his opponent.

After all, he was able to sense the hostility this elder prince had toward him.

After comprehending the information in the letter, Fei started to think about the potential changes that were going to occur in Zenit.

First of all, the changes in the battle for the throne were going to happen for sure.

In the foreseeable future, Arshavin would have the advantage.

However, Fei now knew that Emperor Yassin already recovered from his injuries and was back at his prime. Therefore, the emperor of the empire wouldn't change in the short while, and the battle for the throne would still be going on for a long time. Second Prince Dominguez had enough time to make a potential come back.

Second of all, after this victory in the southern regions, Zenit had more energy and more soldiers to focus on Eindhoven and Jax Battle Zones.

With Emperor Yassin who was a super powerful master and Arshavin who was a talented commander, it seemed like the Eindhoven Empire was going to be conquered soon as well. After all, Emperor Kromkamp of Eindhoven got killed by Royal Mage Domenech of the Leon Empire, and the Eindhoven Empire was probably in a mess right now.

In comparison to Arshavin's grand victory, Fei looked a lot weaker and useless.

The [Wolf Teeth Legion] had arrived at Dual-Flags City for more than half a month, but no real progress was made.

Except for two offensive battles and one defensive battle, there weren't much that would be shown to the Military Headquarter.

Fei suddenly realized something. Since some ministers wanted to fire Arshavin from his Head Commander position when he didn't get many wins in the short run, then he himself was probably getting a lot of oppositions in St. Petersburg as well.

There were probably more letters and reports on the tables in the Military Headquarter about firing him.

"But why didn't I get any instructions or letters from the Military Headquarter? Could it be that someone helped me like how Tanasha helped Arshavin? Could it be Paris? Or Dominguez? Only these two could be counted as my friends in the Capital."

Fei thought about it and shook his head. He knew that he would know it one day.

In fact, Fei didn't care about being fired. The King didn't treasure the position as the Head Commander of the Jax Battle Zone. If someone were going to replace him, he would love that! He wanted to be back at Chambord and have his chill life.

As long as Zenit wasn't in so much danger that it harmed his promise to Martial Saint Krasic, Fei wouldn't care about wars.

"Tell Modric to continue the monitoring on the war in the southern regions, especially the movements of Elder Prince's [Iron Blood Legion]."

Modric oversaw the Letter Office's operations in the southern regions of Zenit.

After Kashya got Fei's command, she nodded and went back into the portal, disappearing.

This military leader was powerful. Even though she was silent, she was extremely trustworthy.

A cloud of energy appeared in Fei's palm and turned the letter in his hand into a pile of white powder.

This letter came in at the right time.

Before most of the nobles and officials in Zenit got the news, Fei already learned about it and was able to plan ahead of time.

Soon, multiple orders were sent out from the watchtower on the west gate.

After half an hour, Fei's henchmen such as the warriors of Chambord and Strategist Old Aryang all came in.

Fei didn't hide anything and told them about the information on the letter.

Even though they were all stunned, they discussed the information intensively.

Even if a person were smart, he or she would miss out on some of the details. Even if a bunch of people was dumb, they would be able to come up with something useful together. Fei liked discussing everything in a group. He didn't think he was that smart, and some of his subordinates such as Old Aryang were extremely intelligent.

In addition, Fei was trying to help his generals and commanders get into the habit of discussing matters as a group instead of making rash decisions.

"In this situation, Your Majesty should quickly end the war with Jax. Your Majesty could only get more out of Zenit in the upcoming division of power if you get a splendid victory here. It is easy for us to do that. If you wish, I could wipe out the 60,000 soldiers of Jax in half a day," Strategist Old Aryang said after some thinking.

In the last while, the intelligence and experience Old Aryang showcased had allowed him to conquer Fei and the warriors of Chambord. The fact that he was able to make [Wolf Teeth Legion], which was made from a bunch of random warriors and soldiers, into a troop that could battle efficiently with enemies displayed his abilities.

Since there were a lot of things happening outside of the battlefield, Old Aryang couldn't completely showcase his skills.

Therefore, the advice he just gave was his way of showing appreciation for Fei's trust; he wanted to show everyone just how good he was.

Almost everyone supported his plan.

A smooth victory was crucial to Chambord if the kingdom wanted to expand even more and get stronger before the real chaos.

However, Fei shook his head and rejected this plan.

Chapter 539: Mad Scientists' Laboratory (Part One)

If Old Aryang brought this up a few days ago, Fei would have agreed to it and approved the plan.

The Strategist's plan made sense. At the moment, Zenit had soldiers in Dual-Flags City and Death Ancient City, and Fei was a mighty warrior. The Zenit Empire was at an advantage, and it could quickly destroy the troops of Jax when Fairenton wasn't around.

This was a perfect opportunity to gain a ton of military merits.

However, Fei had been to the level 36 region in the Mythical Palace and met Emperor Yassin and that 'Royal Master of Jax.' He felt the chemistry between them, and he felt like a huge secret was hidden behind what was going on.

The Zenit Empire and the Jax Empire didn't have a simple hostile relationship, and the hidden forces that the royal family of Jax had were beyond the level of Spartax and Eindhoven.

When the war between Zenit and Jax was announced, Emperor Yassin went against all objections and chose Fei, who had no experience, to led [Wolf Teeth Legion] that was comprised of people from all sorts of affiliated kingdoms, which lacked high combat abilities. On the other side, Emperor Fuji of Jax chose Prince Fairenton, a prince who had never led troops, as the Head Commander. Perhaps there was a huge mystery hidden here.

Therefore, the war in the Jax Battle Zone was a lot more complicated compared with the wars in the Eindhoven Battle Zone and the Spartax Battle Zone.

Like a huge underwater swirl, it was waiting for the perfect opportunity to showcase itself.

The sharp intuition of the Nightmare Mode level 43 Barbarian told Fei that it wasn't the best time to initiate the attack. At the moment, fighting was the dumbest option.

Therefore, he decided to wait and see.

Although they didn't understand why the king made such a decision, the warriors of Chambord and Old Aryang stopped discussing and obeyed the order.

After they went away, Fei thought for a while before going into Diablo World.


It was raining.

After three hours, Fei finished helping Elena going through all the locations in the map, [Rogue Encampment], to kill monsters.

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Elena's strength increased drastically and was now on the Nightmare Mode level 17.

It was an elevation speed that most of the masters on the Azeroth Continent had to be envious about. She was already equivalent to a level 7 mid-tier New Moon Elite, and she was a few days away from becoming a Half Moon Elite.

However, since Elena was a Magic Archer who had high damage but low defense, Fei recommended her to balance everything out. One-third of the skills points were put into Paladin Skills such as [Prayer] that would help with healing and recovery.

Once Elena could leave Diablo World again, she would be able to go back to the real world and detect the natural laws. After going through the challenges posed by nature, she would become a real Moon-Class Elite.

After completing the first map in the Nightmare Mode with Elena, they didn't go to [Lut Gholein]. Instead, they went to Akara and Cain's Laboratory.

For a while now, the mysterious stone room that Fei discovered in the underground cave in Blood-Edge Mercenary Group's Headquarter had become Akara and Cain's magic laboratory.

This stone room that was created in the void by mysterious runes had strong stability. The runes on the walls would greatly suppress any magic energy or warrior energy that entered this room, making theses energies more concentrated and clearer; it was a lot easier for the two mad scientists to observe and study them. In addition, this place was well hidden; no one else knew where it was.

It was the perfect location for a laboratory.

"You damn kid is finally back! This time, you can finally tell us what happened, right? I'm been waiting..."

As soon as he saw Fei, Cain dropped what he was working on and hopped over, even though he might be a bit too old for vigorous activities like that. He was only one step away from grabbing Fei by the neck and shaking him.

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Chapter 539: Mad Scientists' Laboratory (Part Two)

Cain asked anxiously, "Tell us! Right now! What did you encounter in the Mythical Palace? Tell us how the [Worldstone] got purified in detail..."

With an emotionless expression, Akara stared at Fei viciously and said, "Don't tell us that nothing happened. What existence could consume more than two-thirds of the energy stored in the [Worldstone]?"

Fei giggled.

He knew that he would be 'interrogated' by these two as soon as he showed up.

It was Elena's first time being in this stone room, so Fei told her about how he discovered this place slowly by whispering into her ear. Then, as the two mad scientists stared at him fiercely, he told them about what happened in the core region in the Mythical Palace.

He focused on how he discovered the Sky Castle and used the Mythical Altar in the belly of the mountain to purify the [Worldstone].

He didn't tell them about the battle between Emperor Yassin and others. To these two mad scientists, that portion of the story would be boring and a waste of time.

In their minds, the most important thing was to pursue magic knowledge and get close to the natural laws of the world. People like Emperor Yassin and Domenech were no different to dogs and cats to them.

Although this was Elena's first time being here, she wasn't interested in any of it. She didn't walk and look around; instead, she stood behind Fei and listened to the story as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"So that is what happened..."

After hearing what Fei said, Akara and Cain looked at each other and saw the shock on each other's face.

"The [Worldstone] is the energy core that supported Diablo World, and it contained a vast amount of energy. Even if Diablo, an entity that was close to the level of god, consumed two-thirds of the energy in the [Worldstone], it would instantly explode. What is that stone pillar you mentioned? It requires that much energy to heal itself?" Cain sighed after hearing the story.

"Fei, can you summon that stone pillar from your body? Maybe we could discover something on it..." Akara said with excitement in her eyes. At the moment, she looked like a cat that couldn't wait to eat some fish.

This expression of hers would appear whenever she chose a new research topic.

"I can give it a try." Fei nodded.

He also wanted to figure out what that stone pillar was.

Although he wasn't sensing anything wrong, the fact that he had a thick stone pillar inside of his body, which was out of his control, made him feel weird.

Fei closed his eyes, adjusted his spirit energy, and tried to summon it.

In the next moment, he saw an image of a huge stone pillar, that connected the heaven with the earth, in his head. Even though it was an item and not a living creature, the aura around it was dominating enough to scar gods and demons, and there was a ton of life energy on it.

This stone pillar shivered a little when Fei tried to summon it.

Then, it didn't matter how hard Fei tried, he got no response.

After half a minute, Fei exhaled deeply, opened his eyes, and sighed, "I can't do it. That thing is dead! It doesn't matter how hard I tried; there was no response."

The two mad scientists were greatly disappointed.

From the looks on their faces, it felt like they had the urge of opening Fei's stomach up if they were able to defeat him.

"However, you two could study this item first," Fei said as he summoned the mysterious stone throne from his body.

It looked the same. It was ancient and was made from a material that was similar rough stones. It looked like it was made from silver, but it didn't have that metal glare on it. It was about two meters tall, two meters wide, and two meters thick. It looked like the throne of an emperor, and there was a two-step stair on it.

When it floated in mid-air, there was no energy surge coming from it.

"What is it made from?" Cain instantly rushed over and started to caress it like a thirsty man when he had a hot woman in his arms. He sometimes knocked the throne and tried to estimate the density.

"From the color, it looks like it is made from mithril. Wait, the texture is a lot worse... Star Mithril? No, the sound isn't right... Could it be Bright Godly Gold? But it doesn't have any energy surge..."

"It is an unknown material..." Akara said and shook her head after a while of observation, "It is not metal, stone, and wood. It isn't even made from the five basic elements in nature. It is hard to believe that such a material exists... But what is its use? It shouldn't be as simple as floating in mid-air."

At this moment, Fei chimed in and said, "When I sat on this throne, I felt like I could travel through space easily. It could allow me to teleport myself, and its flying speed is fast too... Of course, it does consume a lot of energy. If you pay attention, you will see two magic engravings on the inner side of the armrests..."

Chapter 540: Long-Distance Teleportation Station (Part One)

After hearing what Fei said, they both gasped and grabbed onto an armrest each to study.

There were magic runes engraved on each armrest, and they looked like the product of grandmasters. Each of the engravings followed the natural texture of the throne, and they were well hidden as if they were a natural part of the throne. Unless a master carefully studied the armrests, he or she wouldn't be able to discover them.

"What kind of runes are these" Cain exclaimed, "I have never seen these before! I couldn't understand the principles behind them... Simple magic principles couldn't explain some of the magic engravings. They are different from the magic structure in Diablo World and the real world!"

Akara frowned and added, "Just like the material of this throne, these runes aren't even recorded in books... They are similar to the runes in this stone room but more advanced... Could they be..."

"Could it be that they are the legendary godly runes?"

As if the two mad scientists thought of something, they both yelled with excitement on their faces. Their old bodies even started to shake.

Godly runes!

They were the writings of the real gods!

It was heard that anyone who understood and comprehended the godly runes would be able to create, alter, and change the natural laws in the world! They could even create a new species if they wanted to! If an average person learned the godly runes, he or she would be able to battle against ultimate masters!

The two mad scientists entered a berserk mode. They found a pen and a board to record down the runes in details.

These two held a sacred attitude toward magic.

Their hands that were shivered a moment ago were now stable and controlled as soon as they grabbed onto the pen and the carving knife. They looked like warriors who were holding onto their weapons before a huge battle. As they started to record down the runes, a slight energy surge could be sensed on them.

Although the runes on the armrests were smaller than the size of two palms, they were extremely complex, and there were a ton of magic engravings contained in them. Although Akara and Cain could be considered as masters in this field, they had to be careful and pay a lot of attention to what they were doing.

Fei observed them for a while and found it boring.

After yawning, he started to wander around the stone room.

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Compared with before, this stone room was completely reorganized. All the random stuff in the room was placed in a corner, and 16 huge bookshelves were placed by the wall in the south. There were more than 1,000 books in these two mad scientists' collections, and [Demon King's Wisdom] was placed at an eye-catching spot.

Three meters to these bookshelves, there was a strangely-shaped station.

The busty beauty, Charsi, created this station, and Fei had a lot of inputs in it as well. He borrowed some concepts from his previous world and gave this station more than 20 tabletops that were of various sizes. On the tabletops, there were all kinds of bottles and jars giving off unique and weird smells.

This station occupied about one-fourth the area of the stone room.

The golden skeleton that also came with the room occupied another one-fourth of the room.

This skeleton was untouchable! Fei couldn't get within ten meters of it, so he could only stand there and watch it.

Other than that, there was also another small room built within the stone room. It was made from [Black Stone Essences] and [Demons' Remains]. It was sturdy and durable, and it was the testing room for a lot of dangerous experiments.

This stone room was divided into many functional areas, and it looked very scientific. All in all, it was a perfect laboratory.

"Huh? What is that?"

Fei's eyes suddenly focused on a small stone plate that had a diameter of two meters and a thickness of 30 centimeters.

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Chapter 540: Long-Distance Teleportation Station (Part Two)

When he got closer to it, he realized that this stone plate on the ground was made from six different kinds of materials. Five of them connected and formed a circle, and the sixth material was placed in the center of the circle. The six pieces of stone materials had a ton of magic runes on them, and a silver metal connected them; it was giving off a mystic glare.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. After listening to you last time, we ran many experiments and finally understood the principles behind long-distance teleportation arrays. In your words, it is a... eh, it is a small portable long-distance teleportation station. It is still a prototype, and it could only teleport three to four people within 100 kilometers..."

After hearing Fei's surprised gasp, Cain, who was copying down the mysterious runes on the stone throne, looked up proudly and said as if he was showing off.

However, Akara instantly stared at him, and he went back to the great project of copying down the runes.

"It is made?"

Fei was thrilled. This item came just in time. He had been investing in these two mad scientists, and he finally saw returns. As he looked at the stone plate in front of him, green lights shone in his eyes.

In less than four minutes, the king took it apart and put it back together more than a dozen times. After getting familiar with the process, he put the four sets of teleportation stations into his storage ring.

Since Akara and Cain only copied less than 10% of the runes on the mysterious throne, Fei knew what was up and left with Elena quietly.


The first thing Fei did when he returned was to test the long-distance teleportation station.

Fei took out the components and put two teleportation stations together in the watchtower on the west gate. After he placed a magic gem into each of the core sections of the stations, five blue magic energy flames appeared by the edges of each station as buzzing noises sounded.

They were identical to the portals in Diablo World.

Since the long-distance teleportation stations were prototypes, he didn't get other people to test them. Instead, he placed the two stations 100 meters apart and decided to check them out himself.

After he took a deep breath, he stepped onto the teleportation station to the right of the watchtower.


As the familiar cold and gravityless sensation emerged, Fei's eyes lit up as he appeared on the teleportation station 100 meters away in the next moment.

He traveled across 100 meters in the blink of an eye.

The entire process was identical to the ancient portals in Diablo World, and it meant that the products from 'Mad Scientists Magic Laboratory' were trustworthy. The users wouldn't be negatively affected by the portals and wouldn't be lost in the void.

"But why do I feel like something is missing?"

Fei rubbed his chin and wondered.

It wasn't about safety but functionality.

"Oh right! It is missing a dial system!"

As if a light bulb lit up in his head, he suddenly realized where the issue was.

The portals in Diablo World would offer the user a selection screen before teleportation so that the user could choose where to go. However, the portable long-distance teleportation station in front of Fei lacked this feature. Before Fei could make any choices, he was teleported to the other station.

"Hmmmm... This item still needs some improvements. Otherwise, it will be quite chaotic."

Fei thought for a while and didn't know what would happen if he constructed four stations. Which one of the stations would he be teleported to?

After discovering this flaw, Fei decided not to show off this product to his subordinates.

Of course, it didn't mean that Fei wasn't going to use it. This long-distance teleportation station was something that even a lot of the super powerful empires didn't have. If it were used correctly, it would be very effective in critical situations.

In addition, since Akara and Cain had already created the prototype, it wouldn't be too hard to refine. In fact, the king already came up with a potential solution: magic frequencies.

If each station could come with its unique magic frequency like the cell phone numbers on Earth, it would be easy to connect to the right station.


Nothing special happened in the next few days.

The three people of the Black-Cloth Shrine didn't come to visit Fei, but he knew that they were still inside Dual-Flags City, waiting for his answer.

Also, Bishop Boyd of the church in the city also didn't jump out to bother him.

Undead Bone Dragon Arthur was still wandering around and would appear sometimes. Most of the time, he was drinking at the bars and pubs.

After the incident at the Mayor's Mansion, this little guy swore that he was going to stop drinking. However, it was clearly not happening. Fei had been wondering where the liquor would go since this little guy was only a bone dragon and didn't have internal organs.

In these few days, Fei had combined some of the high-level combat techniques he got from the [Martial Statues] in the Mythical Palace and the techniques he got from [Demon King's Sword]. After refining them, he taught them to the warriors of Chambord.

Chapter 541: New Discovery (Part One)

In these few days, Fei spent a lot of time in both the real world and Diablo World, accompanying Angela and Elena.

After this dangerous experience, Fei thought through a lot of stuff.

He was no longer solely focused on chasing after the elevation in strength. Instead, he also paid more attention to the people around him.

Of course, the king didn't just slack off.

As he was spending time with Elena and killing monsters in Diablo World casually, his level increased as well. The two of them got even closer, and they got their seamless coordination back.

Right now, they already finished the third quest [The Tainted Sun] in the second map [Lut Gholein]. The Barbarian was now Nightmare Mode level 46, and Elena was now Nightmare Mode level 27. Both of them experienced an increase in strength.

Except for leveling up in Diablo World, Fei put a lot of effort into reading [Demon King's Sword].

This book was just like an encyclopedia of cultivation and techniques from the ancient times. It contained the powerful techniques that were either lost and partial on the continent. Some of them are Moon-Class and Sun-Class Techniques, and there were a few Legendary and Mythical Techniques.

To Fei's surprise, there were some techniques suitable for him! It was beyond his understanding of the cultivation and technique structure on Azeroth Continent.

His strength originated from Diablo World. His most powerful character, the barbarian, had little magic energy, and 99% of his power was physical strength.

After Fei learned granular control from Martial Saint Krasic, he was able to use the physical strength in a magical way. He was able to exert his physical strength to the area around him and create tangible stuff. It was not too different from warrior energy.

However, it was still different from warrior energy, and he couldn't use the combat techniques in this world.

Fei tried to cultivate warrior energy before, but it seemed like his body was a little defective and couldn't store warrior energy and form star swirls.

If it were for Diablo World, Fei would be a useless person in this world that was ruled by the law of the jungle.

Therefore, Fei was surprised to find techniques that were based on insane physical strength and could be used by him.

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After reading a bit more, he was surprised again.

In the book, he discovered a unique technique of using physical strength. It allowed Fei to mimic warrior energy and use high-level combat techniques that otherwise could only be powered by warrior energy.

It reminded Fei of the traditional wuxia novel named 'Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils' by Jin Yong. In the book, a master was able to use a technique to mimic the internal force of Shaolin Temple and use the unique techniques of Shalin Temple.

To Fei, if he were able to master this technique, he would be able to use 90% of the combat techniques recorded on [Demon King's Sword] and on Azeroth Continent.

To Fei who had the golden finger, Diablo World, he had a lot of time to study and learn the technique.

Thinking about how he could learn his enemies' techniques in battle and defeat them with it, giving them a taste of their own medicine, the king was extremely motivated.

"Such a showy scene!" the king thought. It was one of the driving forces behind the effort he put into studying [Demon King's Sword].


Three days later, Fei received another letter from the Letter Office in the afternoon.

In the letter, it mentioned that Arshavin, Zenit's God of War, didn't stop after conquering the Spartax Empire. Instead, he led 50,000 elite cavaliers and his own [Iron Blood Legion] toward the Eindhoven Battle Zone.

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In just two days, Arshavin led the troops and traveled for more than 500 kilometers, killed 70,000 enemies, conquered seven cities, defeated the four main battle legions of Eindhoven, and kill more than 20 royal masters and legion commanders of Eindhoven. Then, he combined forces with the troops of Zenit already in the region and surrounded the Capital of Eindhoven. It wouldn't take long for the city to be conquered.

Once the Capital of Eindhoven was conquered, the Eindhoven Empire would be wiped out.

Fei was shocked again.

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Chapter 541: New Discovery (Part Two)

In just less than ten days, Arshavin was able to push two level 1 empires this far. The long-time enemy of Zenit, Spartax, was wiped out with only a small and weak rebel force still around, and the Eindhoven Empire got its Capital surrounded.

"Could it be that the masters in both empires couldn't deal with Arshavin and his [Iron Blood Legion]? Could it be that there are powerful masters under Arshavin's command?" Fei suddenly thought back to the two guards Emperor Yassin had and the two Ghost Guards Emperor Kromkamp had. He suddenly realized that all the empires had their own hidden Moon-Class forces. Therefore, there must be powerful masters around Arshavin to defeat them.

Otherwise, the ordinary soldiers wouldn't be able to push forward so fast and smooth.

Also, in the letter, it mentioned that the Jax Battle Zone, which was insignificant before, was getting a lot more attention since the other two wars were almost done. A lot of nobles and officials in the Military Headquarter were displeased with the fact that Fei still hadn't defeated the invaders of Jax yet. They were planning to make Arshavin the head commander of the Jax Battle Zone.

If Fei couldn't get a big win in a short time, he might be replaced.

Everything was going in the direction that Strategist Old Aryang predicted.

"Humph! F*ck this position of head commander. I don't like it anyways. It would be great if I can get out of here."

Fei thought as he flicked his wrists and turned the letter into a cloud of powder. He was already dreaming about his life in Chambord where he walked his pets, lived with beauties, leveled up his strength, and made a lot of money secretly.

-The fourth day-

Fei sneaked into the underground ocean. After he passed through the Mythical Gate, he traveled through the first 34 levels again.

Several days had passed, and there were a lot of new faces. However, most of them were people with strength from Six-Star to New Moon; no one was super powerful. These people were here, risking their lives to find treasures.

Since most of them were weak, the casualties were high.

Some people were killed because they triggered magic traps, some of them experienced the backlash from the [Martial Statues] and got their life energies sucked away, and some of them were killed by assassins who were there to kill people and get their treasures.

These people who were all elites in the outside world were killed in the Mythical Palace like animals. In this cruel world, lives were cheap and not valuable.

However, even though this was the case, a lot of masters came here from afar just to bet on their luck.

In the last while, a Nine-Star Warrior found a level 7 combat weapon, an Eight-Star Warrior found a Moon-Class Technique, a level 1 low-tier New Moon Elite found the blueprint of a magic array that could kill a Full Moon Elite, and many people were able to break through their long-time thresholds and advance into new realms...

This was the Mythical Palace.

It was a combination of heaven and hell, and death and extreme fortunate co-existed. Only the strong-minded cultivators could harvest the fruits of their actions.

Fei didn't find anything when he wandered around, and he soon arrived at the [Elemental Altar]. Since it was used, the energy surge on it was gone. The people outside of it could no longer use it to bypass the dangerous level 35 region and enter the core region.

However, there were a lot of masters around here, and most of them were vicious and ill-intended.

They were all waiting for the people to come out of the level 36 region so that they could rob them.

It was heard that in the past, a few lucky cultivators who got to enter the level 36 region were attacked by many people and were assassinated by others. If the people who entered the core region weren't powerful, even if they could get precious herbs and powerful combat weapons, they might lose their lives let alone losing their treasures.

The danger was everywhere.

Fei already saw more than a dozen broke corpses around the [Elemental Altar]. They were powerful masters when they were alive, but now, even the items of little value were taken away.

Also, he sensed a few murderous spirits hidden around the area.

After calculating the time, he realized that the Mythical Gate would only close in a few more days, and people like Hazel Bank would only be kicked out of that small world by then. Therefore, Fei turned around and decided to return to Dual-Flags City for now.

At this moment, several sharp murderous spirits revealed themselves.

Fei was surprised to find that he was targeted.

Chapter 542: Practice and Little Raccoon (Part One)

"Huh? Interesting. I'm the prey now?"

Fei sneered; he didn't expect that people would want to rob him.

It was clear that these people wanted to kill him first before robbing all the treasures from his storage ring. They probably didn't know what was in his ring, but they would rather kill him and find out than let him go. It was their habit.

The king didn't have any warrior energy surge or magic energy surge on him, so these people probably thought that he was a weak person.

Fei sneered but didn't do anything strange. He walked toward the outskirts of the area slowly.

As he expected, those murderous spirits moved slowly and followed him tightly.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Before he could walk out of the level 34 region, four people dashed out of an alleyway and blocked Fei's way.

These four people were dressed in a similar fashion. They were all wearing black inner shirts with white light armors on top. Even though they were of different heights, they all had dense murderous spirits. It was clear that they just killed someone earlier.

Also, they weren't wearing any masks; it seemed like they were confident in their abilities and thought that they didn't need to hide their identities.

"Kill him!" One of them shouted, "The treasure-seeking beast reacted! He has great treasures on him!"

This man was thin, and his hair was white. Greed flashed in his tiny eyes, and he had a small golden cage in his hand. In the cage, there was a raccoon-like creature. This little guy had big eyes, and it looked anxious and worried. It squeaked loudly, looking like it was fearful of the person who was holding the cage.

According to what this man said, this raccoon-like creature was a unique beast that was sensitive to treasures. It was quite interesting.

After hearing this man's order, the other three people revealed their weapons. They dashed toward Fei like lightning bolts and sneered.

These three people were all mid-tier New Moon Elites, and they were influential figures in the outside world. In addition, it seemed like they were able to coordinate quite well. They moved in a pattern and blocked off all of Fei's possible escape routes.

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"Hahaha! Since you have treasures on you, then die! Wind Strike!"

The person who attacked Fei first was holding a huge sword that was more than two and a half meters long and half a meter wide with both hands. It looked heavy like an iron plate.

However, in this man's hands, this sword was swung around easily. As he chopped down, the body of the blade left a series of afterimages in the air, and his body started to spin because of the momentum of the sword. He dashed at Fei like a bladestorm.

This was a powerful high-level Moon-Class Technique.

The sword was like a whirlwind, turning around and becoming more powerful after each rotation.

This man used his Moon-Class Combat Technique right off the bat, meaning that he wanted to end this battle as soon as he could. At the same time, a casual expression appeared on his face, showing others that he was at ease. In fact, his other three peers didn't follow up with more attacks. It was clear that they didn't think Fei, who had no energy surge on him, could pose threats to them.

Fei moved aside and staggered; it looked like he dodged the first attack by luck. At the same time, he asked them, "Are the people around the [Elemental Altar] killed by you guys?"

"Hahaha! Kid, you are going to die soon! Why are you worried about those dead people? You are right; I killed three of them... You will be the fourth!"

Since the Wind Strike was initiated, it wouldn't stop in a short time. As this man sneered, his huge sword swung faster and faster in the air, drawing a series of red lines in the space around him. The energy coming off the blade was powerful, and the momentum was great as well. It looked like Fei was going to be chopped by this sword very soon.

"Humph! Since that is the case, then die!"

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After experiencing the incident caused by the Blood-Edge Mercenary Group, Fei hated bandits who killed people and robbed their properties. Therefore, he wasn't going to hold back after learning about what happened.

He unleashed his insane physical strength! He stomped on the ground, and two huge spider-web-like cracks appeared. Then, his body turned into a series of phantoms that were hard to catch with the human eyes.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!


When the sword shredded the last phantom, the Wind Strike finally slowed down before stopping. The crazy wind created by it slowly disappeared, and the huge sword stabbed into the ground and shook violently.

Not sure when, but Fei was already inside the inner circle created by this strike, and one of his hands was on this attacker's neck as if he was holding up a chicken.

Although this man was muscular, he couldn't do anything. He felt like the hand around his neck was a metal clench, locking him down with indefensible power! In his eyes, Fei would see fear and regret.


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Chapter 542: Practice and Little Raccoon (Part Two)

Before the other three people could react, Fei turned his wrist, and this person who attacked him first got his neck broken.

"AHHHHH! He actually... killed our fourth brother? Go! Let's go and kill him! We need to avenge for our fourth brother!"

After a moment of pause, the elder who led the group roared as the murderous spirit on him intensified. Then, the three of them all dashed forward at Fei aggressively.

"Eh, such a rare opportunity. Let's see if the technique documented in [Demon King's Sword] is that magical," Fei thought to himself as he grasped his hand, pulling over the huge sword that was now stabbed on the ground.

After he got the sword in his hand, he lightly knocked it and heard a series of deep muffled noises.

He got a little used to the weight of the sword, and he nodded at the two people who were about to land their weapons on his forehead.

He raised his arm and shook his wrist, moving the blade upward.

Tink! Tink!

After two loud metal-colliding noises, the two people, who charged at Fei in the front, felt like huge waves hit them. As their faces changed color, their bodies flew backward.

"Wind Strike!"

Fei swung the sword, and his body moved in a circle gracefully under the momentum of the sword.

The blade also drew red lines in the air, and huge winds blew in all directions.

The strike that Fei used was no different to the Wind Strike that was used previously.

In fact, when Fei used this technique, it was more controlled and looked a lot more beautiful. The movements of the sword seemed as if they followed the natural laws, and it was dazzling!

Puff! Puff!

Two light noises sounded. The two charging at Fei didn't react in time, and the sword instantly hit them; their bodies got cut in half from the waistline. However, since the sword was so fast, they didn't realize what happened for a few seconds. When the sword finally landed on the ground, blood spurted out of their wounds. By then, they finally looked down and saw the injuries. They didn't die right away; they whined and regretted their decisions.

"You also know the Wind Strike? Who are you? Did you lure us here intentionally? You are so vicious..." the thin elder who had the golden cage with him was terrified. He knew that he was no match for Fei, and he wanted to turn around and run away.

Fei waved his hand.


The huge sword dashed out of his hand and turned into a phantom. Before that elder could get away, the sword pierced through his body, nailing his corpse onto the wall of a palace.

Three of them were all mid-tier New Moon Elites, and this elder was the most powerful, reaching the level of top-tier New Moon.

However, they were all too weak for Fei.

To Fei, this kind of battle wasn't even challenging.

The only thing he got from it was the proof that the unique technique recorded in [Demon King's Sword] was useful. Fei only saw that person use the Wind Strike once, and he was able to mimic it. In fact, the technique was more powerful in his hands.

"It is probably dependant on my opponent's level. That person was only at mid-tier New Moon, a lot weaker than me. That is probably why I was able to see through his technique thoroughly. It is probably harder to mimic a more powerful person's technique... This technique is a little useless, but it good for showing off! Haha!"

Fei commented after the battle. As he was about to leave, a series of squeaking noises sounded.

He turned around in surprise and saw that the raccoon-like creature already got out of the golden cage. When Fei killed that elder, this golden cage fell onto the ground and broke; that was how this creature got out.

At the moment, with fear and anxiousness in its eyes, it was bowing at Fei, thanking him for saving it.

"This little guy is able to get within three meters of me, and I didn't notice it?" Fei was surprised. Even a Half Moon Elite couldn't get this close to him without being discovered.

From the look on this little guy's face, it seemed like it wanted to stay with him, even though it was a bit scared of him.

Fei laughed and reached out his hand.

The little creature squeaked happily and climbed up Fei's arm. After it sat on Fei's shoulder, it squeaked again, showing its gratitude. This little creature was quite smart and knew how to behave.

Also, it had a unique fragrance, making Fei feel refreshed.

To show its appreciation, it even licked Fei's ear intimately.

Fei instantly liked this little creature.

Perhaps he saw a lot of cartoons with raccoons in them when he was little, but this creature did make him remember his childhood. This little creature on his shoulder was like a chubby furry dark-red ball with a tail that had black and white strips on it. It looked just like a cartoon character.

"That old guy said you are a treasure-seeking beast. Since you aren't affected by the natural pressure in this space, it means that you are unique indeed. It will be tragic if you die in here. Let me take you out! Sit still!"


As soon as Fei said that, he exerted force through his feet, and he dashed toward the exit.

The little creature on Fei's shoulder squeaked cheerfully as it held onto Fei's hair tightly. It seemed like it was used to this high speed.

Chapter 543: [The Throne of Chaos] (Part One)

"Ah! Such a cute animal!"

When they returned onto the land, the raccoon still didn't want to leave Fei. Therefore, Fei brought it back to his temporary home. All the girls including Angela fell in love with this raccoon, and they all wanted to rub it.

This little guy was very unwilling, and it squeaked and struggled.

However, it still couldn't get away from the girls.

Although it was able to survive under the massive amount of natural pressure in the level 34 region in the Mythical Palace, it didn't seem to have any unique power. Like a furry ball, it wasn't able to get away from the girls who were loving it.

In the end, it had to accept its fate. With a wronged expression on its face, it lied in Spring's palm with its front paws cupping its chin. As it stared at Fei with its big round eyes, it had to endure the rubs of the girls.

Fei was a little surprised.

He thought that this little raccoon would be intimate toward Angela, but that didn't seem to be the case.

This was the first time that a creature was more intimate toward him instead of Angela who seemed to have a unique ability to communicate with animals.

Fei laughed at this raccoon's 'misfortunate.'

There was Blacky at first, and then Thug, Chick, and Hooligan joined. Now, there was this raccoon-like treasure-seeking beast. If this trend continued, his home was going to be turned into a zoo.

However, since Angela now was happy every day with the animals around her, Fei didn't mind getting more pets.

After playing for a while, Fei thought about the time and decided to leave. Suddenly, that raccoon squeaked and jumped out of Spring's hands. Like a brown flash of lightning, it jumped onto Fei's shoulder agilely.

It grabbed onto Fei's hair and wasn't willing to let go.

With tears in its eyes, it looked at the girls as if they were terrifying demon beasts. It looked like it was scared by the girls' rubbings.

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"Hahaha! Since you like to stay with me, then you can follow me anywhere!"

This satisfied Fei's vanity; after getting so many pets, this creature was the only one that liked to stay with him and not Angela.

��Hey, you ungrateful little guy!" Emma stared at the raccoon 'viciously.'

"Squeak, squeak!" As if this creature knew that it was able to follow Fei around, it was no longer scared. With one of its paws on Fei's hair, it turned around and stuck out its tongue at Emma. It looked just like a playful child.

After saying goodbye to the girls, he headed toward the watchtower on the west gate.

Then, Fei opened the portal and went into the mysterious stone room with Little Raccoon; this was the name Fei gave it.

"Huh? All of the runes on this stone throne are copied down?"

Fei walked in and saw that the two mad scientists were no longer around the throne. Cain was walking around the throne with a magnifying glass as if he was trying to find something, and Akara was busy working on something at the multi-purpose laboratory station.

"Eh. We finally finished after three days. I almost died! Copying down the godly runes sure is a huge project...." Cain said exhaustedly. When he turned around, his eyes lit up.

He asked, "Where did you get this little guy?"

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He was pointing at Little Raccoon.

"The Mythical Palace..." Fei told him about what happened. He then asked, "Why? Does this little guy have a great background?"

Anything that was able to get Cain's attention should be special.

"My a*s! It is just a little unique demon beast that is very timid; it would run away at any sign of danger. Although it is rare, it doesn't have any combat power. Its only strength is at escaping... Eh, it is also sensitive to gold, treasures, and energy surges... In simple terms, it is only a weak and unless creature."

Cain was obviously trying to tease Fei, and Fei didn't know how to reply.

"Squeak! Squeak!!!! Squeak!!!!!"

Little Raccoon was really smart.

After hearing Cain's comments about it, it squeaked angrily to protest. Also, it showed it two shiny fangs, trying to scare the old man.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you," Cain added after seeing Little Raccoon's expression, "This type of demon beasts is smart; they could understand the human language even though they couldn't speak it. Also... it is useless. It has no sense of loyalty; it would escape first in the face of danger."

"Squeak!!" Little Raccoon held onto Fei's hair and waved its other front paw, trying to tell Fei that it was wronged. It was trying to tell Fei that Cain was lying and didn't want Fei to ditch it.

"Hahaha! I know. Don't worry; I won't abandon you." Fei rubbed Little Raccoon's head. He felt like there was a unique bond between him and this little creature, and he really liked it.

Only then did Little Raccoon calm down. It turned around and made faces at Cain.

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Chapter 543: [The Throne of Chaos] (Part Two)

"Let's talk about the important matter; we discovered something interesting. Come and take a look..." Cain ignored Little Raccoon and waved at Fei, asking him to come over.

Fei looked at the top of the throne and murmured, "These... These patterns... Are they words?"

After observing where Cain was pointing, he felt like the patterns and texture on the top of the throne resembled the characteristics of words

"That is right! After I went through several ancient books, I found that these are ancient texts!" Cain became excited as he explained, "You can't imagine what they mean! Haha! They mean [The Throne of Chaos]!"

"[The Throne of Chaos]?" Fei asked quickly, "What does it mean?"

"Eh... mean..." Cain nodded and replied confidently, "I don't know."

Fei was at a loss for words.

Little Raccoon still remembered about the comments Cain made about it, so it took this opportunity to give Cain a few disdainful stares.

"All of the books I read and the legends I heard never mentioned anything like this. However, from the look of it, you got a great treasure.... Look here! See that? It is a dent! Look closer at the size of it; don't you think it is familiar? That is right! It is perfect for inlaying magic gems. Hehe..."

Cain pointed at a dent on the throne and said proudly.

"You are right. Why don't you place a magic gem in there to test it out?" Fei asked as he rubbed that dent with his finger.

"Hahaha, I already tied. Look there..." Cain said as he pointed at a pile of white dust that was beside the throne; it was at least 30 centimeters tall.

Fei was confused.

Cain smiled so brightly that he showed his teeth, even though he was missing one front tooth. He took out a chipped ruby and placed it into the dent carefully.


The magic gem instantly made a sound.

Fei was able to tell that the energy inside the gem was instantly sucked away by the throne. Then, the magic gem turned from a ruby into an ordinary grey stone. Under a mysterious force, it was then crushed into a pile of sand-like dust.

After devouring the energy inside the magic gem, no change took place on [The Throne of Chaos]. It felt like a few sand grains were thrown into the ocean, not affecting anything.

"No change?" Fei looked at Cain with a confused expression.

"There must be a change, but it too minuscule. Like a void that couldn't be filled, this throne's demand for energy is on another level. I'm sure that this isn't its final form. If there is enough energy, it might undergo a shocking transformation. Hehehe, do you think these few words were here before? No! They only showed up after I used a ton of magic gems," Cain said proudly.

Fei's face froze. He murmured, "You mean..."

Cain nodded and said, "Bingo! You are right! Haha, the magic gems you gave me before are all used up; that ruby was the last one. Fei, you need to think of a way to get another load of magic gems. Otherwise, this laboratory couldn't continue forward."

"You..." Fei felt the impulse of beating this careless old man.

After a few deep breaths, he controlled himself and said as he gritted his teeth, "Oh, damn! You are going to turn me, a millionaire, into a beggar who couldn't even afford toilet paper!"

"Hehe, you know; once I encounter something interesting, I couldn't hold myself back..." Although Cain said that, he didn't look ashamed. "However, I promise you that once [The Throne of Chaos] get its energy, it will demonstrate abilities that you couldn't even imagine..."

"Huh? Energy?" Fei suddenly thought of something.

He reached into his storage ring and took out the [Worldstone] that was only one-fourth of its original size. The blue light it emitted lit up the whole room, and a holy and gentle energy surge filled the space.

Chapter 544: Return – Small World (Part One)

���No... The energy inside the [Worldstone] is too vast. [The Throne of Chaos] couldn't handle it..."

Before Cain could finish, Fei already stuffed the [Worldstone] into the dent in [The Throne of Chaos].

Instantly, all the gentle blue light that filled the stone room got sucked into the dent on the throne. Thin lines around the dent lit up with a blue color, and they looked like the blood vessels of a human body. They expanded and contracted rhythmically as they sucked the energy from the [Worldstone].

Both Fei and Cain were mesmerized by this scene.

Even Little Raccoon and Akara who was working on something mystic at the station were attracted by the changes occurring on the throne.

A huge amount of energy was rushing into the throne from the [Worldstone], and Fei felt like he heard loud noises made by gigantic waves in the ocean. Gradually, the thin lines on the throne grew larger. If they were capillaries before, they were now veins and arteries.

There were two main blue 'vessels' that were as thick as thumbs, and they branched out into many smaller 'vessels.'

In the end, dense blue lines almost completely wrapped around [The Throne of Chaos].

This scene was really strange; it felt like a dried-up corpse was revived. Every time the 'vessels' expanded and contracted, it felt like a heart that had been frozen for tens of thousands of years pumped.

In the meantime, the [Worldstone] that was placed inside the dent was getting smaller at a visible speed.

This process continued for about ten minutes.

In the end, as if the throne was full, it stopped sucking in energy. The [Worldstone] now reduced to the size of a small coin.

Then, the [Worldstone] slowly floated back into Fei's hand.

At this moment, [The Throne of Chaos] underwent some spectacular changes.

As the blue 'vessels' slowly disappeared one by one, the surface of the throne started to ripple. The unknown silver-colored material began to decompose, and many runes that were unseen before appeared and flowed around the throne. As if a pair of invisible hands were recreating the throne, the grey and coarse throne became glamorous! The rough surface became smooth and shiny with detailed patterns on it.

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As if an ugly duckling turned into a swan, [The Throne of Chaos] became completely different.

Two dragon-like beast statues were on the two sides of the throne. Their muscular bodies were beside the armrests, and their heads lied on top of the armrest with their mouths wide open, revealing the sharp teeth; it felt like they were alive. Also, there were many heads of beasts sculptured on the stairs below the throne, and their eyes were like the eyes of the demons.

Beside the armrests and the beasts, there were two goddess statues where their facial features were unclear. They were both kneeling with a plate in their hands, and the statues were less than one meter tall. Behind these two statues, there were two life-size warrior statues. They were fully armored, and they looked like two war gods who were serving the master of the throne loyally.

These four statues were all life-like, and their eyes were all closed. It made Fei feel like they were going to come to life if their eyes opened.

The only thing that was a little surprising was that Fei felt like the two plates the two goddesses were holding and the two flat hands the two warriors were extending out were supposed to have things on them. Right now, they gave off the feeling of emptiness.

The overall color of the throne was still silver, but it was a lot more refined and smooth, feeling prestigious and majestic.

"Is this the final form of [The Throne of Chaos]?"

Fei suppressed the shock he was experiencing and walked to the throne.

As if the throne sensed Fei's approach, it slowly landed on the ground. When it landed on the ground, it didn't send a single speck of dust into the air, as light as a feather.


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Tap! Tap!

Fei stepped onto the stairs of the throne, turned around, and sat on it.

"This feeling... I feel like I'm becoming one with the throne..."

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Chapter 544: Return – Small World (Part Two)

Fei sat onto the throne and placed his arms on the armrests. He felt a warm and smooth sensation, and it was really comfortable. He felt like he and this throne was connected by blood, and he was sitting at the peak of the world, looking down at everything in this world like a supreme god.

Little Raccoon was sitting on Fei's shoulder, and it was looking around with its eyes squinted; it was feeling very comfortable as well.

It was clear that this little guy enjoyed the feeling of sitting on this throne.

"Hahahah! This is the real throne! Hahaha! Interesting..." Cain stroked his long white goatee and commented. To him, what happened was no different to solving a complicated magic problem. He was very excited, and he wanted to touch the new throne with his own hands.

He said, "Fei, I told you that you got a great treasure. This item is no different to a god-tier item. Haha... Ouch!"

Before Cain could even touch the throne, an invisible force appeared and pushed him away. He wasn't prepared, and he fell onto the ground.

Fei was surprised. He quickly jumped down the throne to help Cain to get up. He said, "What happened? I didn't do anything. Could it be that this throne rejects others?"

"Don't worry. Hahaha, interesting." Cain was still in his knowledge-seeking mode. He ignored the dust and swelling on his body as he stared at Fei and shouted, "Why did you get off? Quick! Go back and see what this throne is capable of! Didn't you say that you think it could travel through space and time? Go give it a try!"

Fei was speechless.

Although Cain was a little greedy sometimes, his professional and devoted attitude was something that Fei couldn't complain about.

No wonder this greedy and timid old man could become the living history book and the encyclopedia in Diablo World. His enthusiastic attitude and work ethic allowed him to know all the mysteries and secrets in the past and present in Diablo World. In terms of knowledge, even Akara couldn't be compared to him.

After he returned to [The Throne of Chaos], Fei placed his hands on the two godly beasts' heads on top of the armrests.

He suddenly thought about the level 36 region in the Mythical Palace, and he wondered if this throne could travel through space and bring him back to that small world.

As soon as he thought of that, the throne lightly vibrated.

"Huh?... Uh... Disappeared?" Cain was so shocked that his mouth opened wide.

After a series of tiny transparent ripples appeared in the air, Fei, Little Raccoon, and [The Throne of Chaos] all disappeared. There was no energy surge or anything strange; it felt like they dissolved into the air.

"God! That throne... What kind of god-tier item is that? It is able to penetrate through this room that is constructed using semi-godly runes? Is there any place in the world that it couldn't get to?"

Cain was stunned after he saw the floating light runes on the wall of the laboratory.

The building blocks of this room were actually created by condensing semi-godly runes. They were able to block the insane chaotic energies in the void, but [The Throne of Chaos] was able to get through it easily. That was truly shocking! It seemed like nothing in the world could block Fei.

"Not necessarily; look there."

Akara, who was busy with her research, pointed at the blue portal in the room. She said, "This portal didn't need to penetrate the semi-godly runes to be here. Although [The Throne of Chaos] is extraordinary, Fei couldn't use its full power yet. Therefore, it shouldn't be able to penetrate the walls created by semi-godly runes."



-The Mythical Palace-

-The level 36 region-

A dash of red light and a dash of golden light shot across the sky, but ordinary warriors wouldn't be able to detect them. The golden light was chasing after the red light non-stop.

"Yassin! How dare you pressure me like this? I swear! If I get out, I will lead the Royal Mage Legion of the Leon Empire and conquer your little Zenit! No one can live..." an angry roar resonated in the sky.

The red light that was running away was the Sun-Class Lord Domenech who lost to Emperor Yassin several days ago.

Chapter 545: Fire Giant (Part One)

"Hahaha! Do you think you can get away today? Impossible!"

A loud and majestic voice sounded next.

It was Emperor Yassin who came up with the famous phrase, "Yassin is inferior to no one."

Although he was only a peak Full Moon Elite, he was chasing after Sun-Class Lord Domenech.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Several dashes of golden energy traveled faster and hammered onto the red energy sphere dashing away in the front.

Every time a dash of golden energy collided with the red energy sphere in the front, that energy sphere would dim a little. Soon, it was about to break.

"Yassin! Don't try to push me over the edge!" Domenech shouted back angrily as he pulled the fire elements in nature to replenish his own.

He was a Sun-Class Lord, and his magic energy was on a higher level than the energy of the Moon-Class Elites. However, as those dashes of golden energy hit his energy sphere that was made of his own superior magic energy, his magic energy got depleted fast. It felt like Yassin's energy naturally countered his.

"You talk too much!"

Yassin replied coldly and didn't go easy. Several powerful dashes of golden energy hammered onto the red energy sphere, not giving Domenech a moment to breathe.

"You have chased me for ten days and ten nights. You are crossing the line! I'm not going to run anymore. Hehehe, I will risk it all and let you experience the real anger of a Sun-Class Lord!"

As if he reached the tipping pointed, Domenech turned around and stayed still in the air. He knew that he wasn't going to escape from the look of things, and he was going to fight back. As he started to chant loudly, it felt like all the fire elements in this world was being pulled to him.

"Huh? Are you going to put up the last fight? I look forward to your performance!"

Emperor Yassin also paused himself, and he stood 100 meters away from Domenech. As the bright golden warrior energy flame burned around him vigorously, he sneered and didn't make a move; he looked composed and confident like a real emperor.

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"Something darker than the sunset and tastier than the blood. Power of the dark abyss….. Awake! Let me..."

As Domenech chanted and summoned the fire elements, it felt like another sun was being created in the sky. The air became hot and dry, and the green grasses and trees more than 1,000 meters down on the ground were set on fire. As the heat increased, even the ground started to crack. In an area of one square kilometer, it felt like a new world of fire emerged.

Finally, the chanting stopped.

"Hahahaha! Yassin! You are overconfident! You are conceited! I told you that the Moon-Class Elites couldn't imagine the power of Sun-Class Lords! Hahaha! I might not be able to defeat you in battle, but you will pay dearly if I risk my life to fight you! Hahaha! Die! Burn! My core... [Kiss of The Fire God]!"

As soon as he said that, something terrifying happened.

A giant that was more than 1,000 meters tall and was created by flames appeared out of nowhere. It was wearing a crown of thorns and holding a huge wand; both items were made from the fire as well. As two dashes of flames shot out of its eyes, it tilted its body forward and opened its mouth, trying to suck Yassin into its mouth and devour him.

"Huh? Burning of the core?"

Emperor Yassin turned serious as well.

He instantly dashed back, and the golden warrior energy burned violently around him. As he waved his hands, huge blades and swords were created by his golden energy. Soon, there were so many of them that they covered the entire sky. Emperor Yassin pushed his palms forward, and all the golden weapons dashed at the fire giant like a meteor shower.

"Hahaha! Useless! Do you think the energy released from the burning of the core is defensible by you?"

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As Domenech's arrogant laughter sounded, all of the golden weapons were sucked into the fire giant's mouth, and nothing was left. The powerful suction force was still there, and all the trees, rocks, and soil were being sucked into its mouth like dust.

Even a huge mountain broke off from its base and got sucked into the giant's mouth.

Emperor Yassin, who was quite close to the giant, was targeted by the suction force. He wasn't able to get away even though he unleashed all of his warrior energy. His body shivered, and it slowly moved toward the giant's mouth.

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Chapter 545: Fire Giant (Part Two)

"Hahaha! I burned more than half of my Sun-Class Core! Even though my strength will fall for more than 50% when I get out, it is worth it! Once I kill you, my nemesis, my future progress will be very smooth!"

Since Emperor Yassin was locked down by the suction force, Domenech was surprised for a few seconds before he tried to burn more of his core to increase the suction force. Soon, like a tornado, everything close by was being sucked into the giant's mouth.

Emperor Yassin was getting closer and closer to the giant's mouth; the speed was accelerating.

Finally, after more than ten minutes, the golden warrior energy flame on Emperor Yassin dimmed considerably; it was only about two meters around him. As the fire giant roared again, Emperor Yassin was instantly swallowed by it.

"Hahaha! Yassin, you dead! Fire Giant! Hell Fire! Melt him!"

Dashes of golden light were being shot out of the giant's mouth, but it was useless. As the origin of the golden light moved from the mouth of the giant to the throat and then to the stomach, the golden light gradually disappeared.

"Hahaha! Yassin! You are finally dead! Hahaha! I killed you! The sad part is that you are so arrogant that you challenged me when you aren't a Sun-Class Lord yet! Although I burned through a lot of my core, it is worth it!"

Domenech stood in mid-air and laughed crazily.

He wasn't in that much of a better position himself.

His white robe was torn and chopped, and there were streaks of blood by his mouth. He looked spiritless, and his long curly hair was wet and stuck to his body... He didn't look like that dominating and powerful mage from a few days ago.

However, he killed Emperor Yassin; it was all worth it.

But at this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded from the belly of the fire giant; it was filled with confidence and power. "Are you getting this naïve after 26 years? You disappointed me. Do you think you can kill me this easily?"

Before it finished, a mythical-level pressure appeared as if a holy dragon showed itself. The pressure dispersed into the area from the stomach of the fire giant.

"[Dragon Fist – Dragon's Determination]!"

Instantly, the fire giant let out a series of cries as golden dragons that were more than 100 meters long dashed out of its belly one after another.

As if a nuclear bomb exploded inside the fire giant's stomach, its body was instantly crushed and torn apart.

"Dragon Fist? Are you still not dead? AH!"

Domenech screamed as a desperate expression appeared on his face. His fear of Emperor Yassin reached the climax, and he was about to collapse mentally.


Domenech burned his Sun-Class Core. He no longer wanted to fight; instead, he tried to escape immediately.



As he dashed away and disappeared into afar, the fire giant that was more than 1,000 meters tall was destroyed. Its body broke into pieces, and clouds of fire and big chunks of rocks fell down the sky like meteors. The scene looked like the end of the world.

With golden warrior energy flame around him, Emperor Yassin stood in mid-air majestically. However, he wasn't intact. Most of his robe turned burned-brown, and his right sleeve disappeared, revealing his right arm that had cracked skin on it.

It was clear that Emperor Yassin wasn't as dominating as he said to be.

Domenech's final strike did some harm to him.

"This should be enough for the message. I will let you live and use your mouth to pass out the message. Tell that coward Juninho about what happened. You dared to attack a [God's Favorite Child] and kill a Red-Robed Deacon... You will be punished one day!"

As he looked at the direction that Domenech escaped, a confident smile appeared on Emperor Yassin's face.

If Domenech were still here, he would be able to figure out some information from this smile.

"It is about time for me to go." Emperor Yassin clenched his right hand. A dash of golden energy flashed by, and the injuries on his right arm were instantly healed.

As he turned around and was about to leave, he suddenly detected something and looked in the north direction. As he tried to listen carefully, he murmured to himself, "Huh? Strange... Is it my illusion?"

He detected some spatial fluctuation a second ago, but he couldn't sense anything once he tried again.

"This small world has abundant natural elements and treasures. It is like heaven! Too bad that it only opens once in 20 years, and only a maximum of 40 people can enter at once. If I can control this place, I would be able to cultivate a dominating army that could sweep through the continent!"

Emperor Yassin was very ambitious.

However, he knew that no one could control this place. There had been many masters who explored this world; even the Continental Martial Saint, Maradona, had tried to break through the invisible energy barrier and failed. Many conspirators and schemers tried to get access to this small world, and they all failed as well.

"This space belongs to the gods and not humans," Emperor Yassin sighed.

His body blurred as the golden warrior energy flame burned more vigorously. Then, he suddenly disappeared.

After Emperor Yassin was gone, spatial ripples appeared 100 meters away. Then, a huge and majestic throne slowly appeared.

Chapter 546: Core Crystal (Part One)

A long black-haired handsome young man was sitting on the throne. On his shoulder, there was a cute raccoon-like creature that had white eyes, brownish-red fur, and a black and white striped tail. At the moment, this young man's right elbow was resting on the armrest, and his head was resting on his right palm. He looked at the direction where Emperor Yassin took off and pondered.

"Damn! [The Throne of Chaos] could really penetrate through the invisible energy barrier of the Mythical Palace! I came to this small world without having to rely on the [Elemental Altar] and the [Elemental Gates]... Does this mean that I could come and go from this place as I wish?"

This ability alone meant that the throne was priceless!

There were all kinds of natural treasures hidden in this place. It didn't matter how bad the masters in the outside world wanted, they had to wait for 20 years before fighting for the 40 spots on the [Elemental Altar]. However, from now on, Fei would be able to come and go from this place with ease! Like his backyard garden, he could get any of the natural treasures in this small world!

He pretty much had a gold mine!

"Squeak! Squeak!" Little Raccoon on Fei's shoulder suddenly started to make noises.

It jumped around and pointed at the pit on the ground. It was the deepest pit created by the body parts of the fire giant after it got obliterated by Emperor Yassin.

"Huh? Could it be that there is a treasure here?"

Fei thought as he moved [The Throne of Chaos] into the pit using his mind control.

The king knew that Little Raccoon was known as the treasure-seeking beast; it was ultra-sensitive to treasures. The fact that it was this anxious meant it discovered something significant.

In the deepest part of this pit, there was an orange fire that continued to burn.

The fire was about the size of a fist, and what was strange about it was that the flame was at the room temperature; no extra heat could be sensed from it.

"What is this? You mean this is the treasure?" Fei turned around and asked Little Raccoon that was jumping around on his shoulders.

The little guy nodded and pointed at the fire with its paws; the way it looked like this fire was similar to how men looked like beautiful women.

However, it seemed like it was a little fearful of this fire; it didn't dare to approach it.

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"Let me see what it is." Fei walked down the throne. He covered his hands with a layer of silver energy before reaching out for the fire cautiously.

When he grabbed onto the orange fire, he still didn't feel any burning sensation.

Instead, it was warm and smooth; it made Fei feel like he was in a hot spring.

"This should be... The core crystal of a Sun-Class Lord?"

Fei realized that there was a red crystal-like matter in the center of the fire; it was about the size of half a fist, and it was a little soft like hard jelly. Fei was very familiar with the energy contained in it; it was very similar to the power of the fire giant that Domenech just summoned.

As soon as Fei returned to this small world, he first followed Emperor Yassin and Domenech and watched their battle from not too far away. By using the powerful stealth ability of [The Throne of Chaos], he was able to hide less than 1,000 meters away and view the ferocious battle.

His barbarian character was very sensitive to energy surges, especially when the energies were at a high-level. Therefore, he still had a vivid memory of the energy the fire giant showcased.

Fei was almost sure that the red crystal in his hand was the core of that fire giant.

"Domenech said that he burned his Sun-Class Core. After he got defeated by Emperor Yassin's dragon fist, he didn't have time to ignite the Sun-Class Core fully and had to escape in a hurry. The remaining Sun-Class Core was ditched and fell onto the ground alongside the body parts of the fire giant."

Fei almost instantly guessed the origin of this red crystal.

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He wasn't far off from the truth.

"This is the core of a Sun-Class Lord. It is a high-level energy source, and it also contains the understanding of the natural laws from the perspective of a Sun-Class Lord. It is very rare. If a Full Moon Elite got his or her hands on this, they would be able to acquire the energy and the understanding of the natural laws, instantly becoming a Sun-Class Lord themselves without having to cultivate for dozens or even hundreds of years."

Too bad that Fei couldn't cultivate warrior energy or magic energy. Therefore, this item was useless to him.

"However, I can keep it for the warriors of Chambord. Once someone reaches peak Full Moon, they would be able to use it... Wait, Emperor Yassin stayed here for several minutes; why didn't he discover this crystal? Did he not sense it, or is this below him?" Fei thought.

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Chapter 546: Core Crystal (Part Two)

"Whatever; it is useless thinking about them." Fei shook his head and decided not to try to understand the minds of people like Emperor Yassin.

As he was about to seal this core crystal up using the methods that Akara taught him and place it into his storage ring, Little Raccoon that squatted on Fei's shoulder suddenly made its move. After carefully observing the situation and realizing that this core crystal wasn't dangerous, it jumped onto Fei's hand and took a bit out of it as if it was a pine nut.


Small dashes of fire instantly jetted out of this little guy's ears, mouth, and nostrils. It rolled its eyes and staggered before falling on Fei's hand as if it was drunk.

"Huh? This little guy can directly consume core crystals?"

Fei discovered that although this little guy was 'drunk', it wasn't in danger.

After eating a small portion of the core crystal, its fur became smoother and shinier as if it bathed in olive oil, and its chubby body became even fatter.

"Damn! Such a greedy little guy! You deserve it!" Fei laughed and 'scolded' Little Raccoon since it couldn't even move; it just looked at him with blurry eyes.

Since it was Little Raccoon that discovered this core crystal, a small portion belonged to it.

After returning to [The Throne of Chaos], Fei suddenly sensed two energy surges about 100 kilometers to the west.

"This surge... Sh*t!"

As if Fei realized something, his face changed color. [The Throne of Chaos] lightly shivered, and Fei, Little Raccoon, and the throne all disappeared.


"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Yassin! I, Domenech, swear that I will make you pay! I guarantee it with the honor of my family name!"

As soon as Domenech escaped, he ran like a lunatic. He feared everything he saw since he felt like Yassin was everywhere around him.

Therefore, this fear of Yassin made him burn his remaining Sun-Class Core even more, and he dashed away at an insane speed.

After he traveled for more than several hundred kilometers and could no longer sense the familiar energy surge behind him, he finally calmed down a little.

"Damn! I lost so much this trip. More than half of my Sun-Class Core is used; if I didn't suck in pure fire elements along the way, I might have dropped below the realm of Sun-Class. Why! Why! Why is this b*stard, Yassin, this strong? How can he battle against a Sun-Class Lord as a peak Full Moon Elite?" he thought.

Domenech thought that he would be able to defeat his nemesis after advancing into Sun-Class, but he was beaten like a homeless dog. Although he was angry, he was more confused.

It was rare for a peak Full Moon Elite to defeat a Sun-Class Lord without using any external help such god-tier combat weapons.

"Fortunately, this is the core region in the Mythical Palace. The natural elements are abundant here, and the natural laws are very clear. I should be able to recover after ten days of cultivation. Humph! Once I return to the Leon Empire, I will inform Emperor Juninho. The troops of the empire will move north and easily wipe out Zenit!"

As he thought about that, he slowed down and looked for a hidden place to cultivate.

Suddenly, a subtle yet gloomy energy surge attracted his attention.

"Someone is trying to advance into Sun-Class here? This power.... Terrifying. It is gloomy as an abyss and deadly... What is this? Undead Energy? Not exactly... Who is it?"

He was intrigued by this unique energy surge.

He used a stealth technique and tried to move closer to the mountain in front of him.

He saw all the masters who entered this small world, but he didn't spot anyone who was on the verge of advancing to Sun-Class.

"Who is it? Who has so much accumulation that he or she is confident in advancing? From the look of it, it seems like this person is about to succeed. Is another Sun-Class Lord going to be born?"

Domenech felt lucky. He was a Sun-Class Lord, and he knew a lot of secret techniques for Sun-Class Lords. If he could entice this person who was about to become a Sun-Class Lord and promise this person a lot of rewards using the name of the Leon Empire, he might be able to convince this person to join him. If they could coordinate well, there was still the possibility that he could kill Emperor Yassin in this small world.

Chapter 547: Confrontation and Delay (Part One)

With this idea on his mind, Domenech carefully approached the mountain. He was trying to befriend this person, so he didn't interrupt the advancement process.

However, when Domenech got within 100 meters of the mountain, he finally saw the person sitting on the platform on the summit.

"Huh? It is him?"

With clouds of black smoke around him, this mid-aged man was wearing a black robe, a light armor, and a strange kitty half-mask... This person was the mysterious master who was very close to the King of Chambord.

Domenech's plan instantly changed.

"That b*stard of a king... He forced me to take on the crime of attacking a [God's Favorite Child], and that bad luck continued when Yassin chased after me. That ant-like nobody put me in such a terrible situation. This mysterious master is very close with the King of Chambord. If he successfully becomes a Sun-Class Lord, he might come after me first!"

After thinking about that, dangerous thoughts appeared in this vicious white-robed mage's head.

"I can't keep him around! If he becomes a Sun-Class Lord, there will only be more trouble in the future!"

During the advancement process, one had to transform the body structure before the elevation in the energy level. This process shouldn't be interrupted. Otherwise, the warrior energy or magic energy would turn chaotic, breaking loose within one's body and destroying the energy connections and internal organs. The result of that would be deadly.

Therefore, if Domenech attacked this person and made this person lose concentration, then this person would be killed.

"Hehehe; please don't blame me for killing you when you are weak. If you want to blame someone, blame the King of Chambord for trying to mess with me!"

A vicious and cruel expression appeared on Domenech's face as he gathered his magic energy and waved his wand. Six dashes of fire blades appeared, and they targeted Hazel Bank who was in the process of returning to the realm of Sun-Class.

"Hahaha! Die!" Domenech laughed cruelly.

As the fire blades dashed toward Hazel Bank who couldn't move at the moment, changes occurred.

Silver ripples appeared in the air, and a huge silver throne that was about two meters in each dimension appeared in the path of the fire blades. The figure sitting in the throne stood up abruptly and reached out his hand, crushing the six fire blades easily.

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"It is you! The King of Chambord! Hahaha! How dare you appear in front of me?" after the initial surprise, Domenech got excited and shouted; the murderous spirit could be seen in his eyes.

He didn't know that Fei had left this small world and returned, so he wasn't too shocked.

"Hey, long-haired old b*stard! We met again so soon! However, you don't look so good," Fei said with a smile on his face. As he stood still on [The Throne of Chaos], he calmly 'greeted' Domenech.

"I'm not in a great condition, but your condition will be terrible soon." As if he saw the person who killed his parents, Domenech locked his eyes onto Fei as he approached. The thick murderous spirit could even freeze the air.

"What? You want to kill me?" Fei didn't back off. Instead, he asked with a strange smile on his face.

A layer of silver energy enveloped him; it even protected Little Raccoon that was still half 'drunk' and [The Throne of Chaos] under his feet against the sharp murderous spirit.

"Kill you? I just want to crush a disgusting bug in front of me!" Domenech replied coldly.

Crisp crackling noises sounded as if the strong murderous spirit from Domenech was breaking the space like glass.

Fei shrugged and said, "Really? If I remember correctly, you said similar things last time and got beat up hard. Aren't you afraid that the same thing will happen again? Hey, to be honest, I truly admired the legendary Sun-Class Lords before. However, your performance sucked! I really feel bad for other Sun-Class Lords whom you share the title with!"

"You still want to provoke me? Do you want to die faster?"

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Chapter 547: Confrontation and Delay (Part Two)

The murderous spirit in Domenech's eyes reached a peak.

At this time, strands of red light had already formed a huge net around Fei. It felt like a poisonous spider had created a trap for its prey.

"Pitiful... Bug! You will experience my anger! You will pay for what you said!"

Before Domenech could finish speaking, he waved his wand, and the thin strands of red light brightened up. At the same time, the net contracted with heat that could burn through anything. If thick iron plates were in the way, they would be quietly cut into pieces.


Fei raised his arm and punched out.

The silver fist mark passed through the red-light net and couldn't do anything to it.

"This is so sad! Kid! You are weaker than a bug! Your pitiful strength couldn't delay the approaching of the Grim Reaper!" Domenech said as he was in no hurry to kill Fei.

With resentment and hatred in his green eyes, he was enjoying the desperate and fear on his opponent's face. It was the only way that he could vent his anger about Fei.

However, the king was still calm. He continued to punch out one strike after another.

The silver fist marks that could easily break mountains were useless against the net.

"It is useless! King of Chambord! Your strength couldn't stop the [Death Fire Net] from contracting. In a minute or so, the strands of red light will touch your body. They will slowly cut through your head, neck, arms, legs, bones, organs, and more... You will slowly enjoy the dying process! Hahaha! If your willpower is strong though, you might get to see how your body would be turned into pieces of flesh!"

A mocking smile appeared on Domenech's face.

At this moment, a bit of anxiousness appeared in Fei's eyes.

Domenech saw this, and he became more and more excited.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Fei took out a strong bow from his storage ring. He placed several arrows onto the bow and shot them at the connection points of the net.

Although the arrows hit their targets, they were each split into four equal parts by the crossing strands of red light. However, since the strands of red light were so thin, the arrows didn't break apart until they flew 300 meters past the red net.

The strands of red light were too sharp. Even the arrows made from [Demons' Remains] couldn't affect them.

"Except for god-tier combat weapons and semi-god-tier combat weapons, nothing else could break my [Death Fire Net]! Haha! Just wait for your death patiently! Once I kill you, I will leave this small world with your head. With your head in my hand, I will then kill everyone at the Chambord Kingdom! Including children and elderlies! Hahaha! I will put an end to Chambord once for all!"

Fei frowned.

He didn't say anything. Instead, he took out a huge door-sized blade from his storage ring and chopped forward with it fiercely.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

A series of tearing noises sounded.

The huge blade that was also made from [Demons' Remains] got turned into many small pieces as it passed through the red net, and those pieces fell to the ground.

Fei was shocked and instantly stopped himself from moving forward.

The difference between mid-tier Half Moon and Sun-Class was uncalculatable! Even if Fei summoned the dual swords, [Bul-Kathos' Children], he might not be able to break the strands of red light. Also, the pair of combat weapons Manager Abramovich gifted him couldn't do anything at this moment as well.

"Summon [Immortal King's Soul Cage]?" Fei frowned and shook his head.

Even if the strands of red light couldn't cut through this legendary armor of the Barbarian Tribe, it didn't protect Fei's entire body.

At the moment like this, Fei sensed the power of the most talented warrior of Zenit, Emperor Yassin.

This emperor was able to defeat this Sun-Class Lord easily as a Moon-Class Elite! Probably only people like him could solve the problem that Fei was facing.

"It is useless. Just stop struggling and experience the death!" Domenech was feeling too good about himself after seeing how his opponent ran out of tactics.

"Really?" Fei who had been frowning suddenly smiled. "Old b*stard, your net sure is powerful, but I'm not a dumb fish. You can't catch me!"