558 - 567

Chapter 558: Stories on The Way Back (Part One)

-Three days later-

The cold winter had passed by, and the feeling of spring was spreading on the northern land.

This was a region where there were quite a few hills.

The yellow and dry grasses started to get a faint of greenness in them, and it was quite refreshing.

The wind wasn't that dry anymore; instead, it was a little humid.

Suddenly, a flag that had an image of a two-headed dog which bit onto an ax and a blade on it appeared in a valley. The spring wind fluttered this strange-looking yet majestic flag, and it looked like a black dragon that was trying to break away.

Then, the muscular cavalier who was holding the flag appeared.

This man was huge, and he was riding a level 4 roaring flame beast that was howling. Its eyes were bloody-red, and its teeth were sharp. The red hair on its body lightly concealed the shiny scales under it, and flames could be seen around its hooves. When it ran, it looked like it was flying on top of red clouds.

After the cavalier made an appearance, a team of more than 300 cavaliers appeared.

There were 20 other cavaliers who were just as muscular and big as the first cavalier, and they were also riding level 4 roaring flame beast. They were in a V-shape formation, and they protected the cavaliers on horses in the center.

Closer to the front of the team, there was a giant black beast that was more than six meters tall and about 16 meters long from head to tail walking with them.

On the back of this huge dragon-like beast, there was a majestic silver throne with statues of warriors and goddesses around it. A handsome young man was sitting on the throne, and he had a beautiful black-haired girl in his arms. As a small animal danced in front of them, this young man leaned over to the girl and whispered something into her ear, making she giggle continuously.

The chubby raccoon-like animal was wearing a grass skirt, and it was wriggling its butt and hula dancing unwillingly.

Three huge beasts that were more than 10 meters long flew in the sky. They were red, blue, and green, and they were letting out cheerful cries as they enjoyed the wind. Their voices contained a little pressure and holiness, and the animals in the forests all shivered and fled at the sound of them

It was clear that this was Chambord's troop.

Trump's IQ is Finally Revealed - Try Not to Gasp!


After the war in the Jax Battle Zone was over, they were finally on their way home after leaving the Chambord Kingdom for about five months.

"Angela, tell those three little over-energetic idiots to quiet it down. If they continue, our horses will be terrified and have mental issues," Fei said to Angela.

Sitting on [The Throne of Chaos] that was temporarily set on Blacky's back, Fei raised his head and looked at the three small dragons in the sky. Then, he turned around and looked at the war horses that were so terrified that white foams came out of their mouths.

There had been more than a dozen horses that were experiencing mental issues because of the three dragons' irregular roars.

That was right! Three dragons!

When Hazel Bank saw the three creatures three days ago, he also screamed. As someone who had been around for more than 400 years, he instantly identified them as dragons that had been extinct on the continent. So far, they only made appearances in the stories told by the traveling poets.

This information shocked the king at first, but he was soon thrilled.

"Who knew that the three stone eggs I bought from an old man who was shivering in the cold could give life to these three dragons! I only paid a few hundred gold coins! Dragon! Dragons! Hahaha, after Thug, Chick, and Hooligan grow up, I can train them and create three dragon knights, right?"

"Wait, isn't Chick a female dragon? If Chick could mate with Thug or Hooligan, they could create a bunch of little dragons. Eh, but are they siblings? I hope not..." the king thought to himself, and he felt like his idea was too much. Therefore, he had to give up the idea of creating hundreds of dragon knights.

"They just learned how to fly, and they want to have more fun," Angela replied as she covered her snickering with her hand. Then, she waved at the sky.

10 Types of Women You Should Never Marry


Boom! Boom! Boom!

The three dragons flew down. However, since their landing skills weren't that good, they smashed onto the ground. Three deep pits were created, and clouds of dust appeared.

This kind of smashes was nothing to these three, and they weren't injured at all. They crawled out of the pits and all squatted down, reaching out their front limbs and sticking out their tongues. With their tails wriggling, they looked like three big dogs that were begging for treats.

Fei covered his eyes; he was at a loss for words.

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Chapter 558: Stories on The Way Back (Part Two)

Having no parents, they learned everything from Blacky, and they were behaving just like dogs. They didn't seem like dominating dragons at all.

Angela took out four low-tier magic gems, and she threw them into the air. One magic gem fell into Thug, Chick, and Hooligan's mouths each, and Blacky stuck out its tongue and licked away the last one.

These four creatures didn't know how expensive it was to feed them, and they chewed on the magic gems like delicious bones.

Fei's heart was bleeding.

In the last few days, the number of magic gems entered their stomachs was enough to create at least ten three-star mages.

It was such a luxury to feed pets with magic gems, and it could be considered a crime.

In order to fully activate [The Throne of Chaos], Cain used up all of the magic gems Fei accumulated, and Fei turned from a millionaire into a broke man. Therefore, he had to create a few top-tier magic gems using Horadric Cube, and he converted them into about 10,000 low-tier magic gems to keep up with the spending.

However, these four beasts almost ate all the low-tier magic gems these days.

In the end, the energy and investment didn't go to waste.

After eating the magic gems, the three dragons' body sizes increased a lot. Their strengths were comparable to New Moon Elites, and they were almost the top fighters in Chambord.

Blacky, on the other hand, could now spit fire after consuming many magic gems. Under the empowerment of [Hulk Potion] and the magic gems, this dog was evolving in an unknown direction.

After eating, the three dragons followed Blacky as they stuck out their tongues and wriggled their tails.

"The sun is about to set. There is a lake in the front, and we can camp here tonight..." Fei waved his hand and called over Torres. "Fernando, pass my order to set up the camp."

"As you wish!"


The night quickly enveloped the world.

Even though it was already spring, the night was still cold.

However, compared with the chilliness in the desert, it was a lot better.

There were still ice pieces flowing on the lake, and the surface of the lake reflected the campfires and the people around it.

Not too far away, Blacky and the three dragons were still playing in the lake and splashing water around; it seems like they didn't have enough fun yet.

"Jessica, you must be tired. His Majesty asked me to bring you some delicious food." As the flames flickered, a dark-skinned and muscular man walked to a green square rock by the lake with a food box in his hand. A young girl was sitting on the rock, looking absent-minded.

"Emile, it is ok. I'm not tired, and please thank His Majesty for me," the girl replied. She was wearing a very expensive coat made from the fur of a white Snow Mink King, and the soft coat emphasized her delicate skin and beautiful face. When she looked at the surface of the lake with her crystal-like eyes, her expression was a little sad.

She was Jessica, the only female manager of Soros' Merchant Group in Dual-Flags City.

After becoming one of the most influential people in the branch, this girl who used to live in the poor neighborhood turned from an ugly duckling to a swan. Like a polished diamond, her brilliance was eye-catching. She was beautiful, smart, and capable, making her the most popular girl in Dual-Flags City.

Some imaginative traveling poets wrote poems after seeing Jessica, saying that out of more than 60,000 males in Dual-Flags City, except for the babies who were still drinking milk, at least 40,000 males viewed Jessica as their dream lover.

In the last while, it was heard that many young noblemen and successful warriors drooled over her, and the people who wanted to propose to her once filled and blocked the pub she was working at. There were also more powerful people who ignored Manager Abramovich and tried to get Jessica for themselves by using their influence.

However, the story took a 180-degree turn after some people said that Jessica's brother was working as the King of Chambord's guard, and the king cared about Jessica.

Instantly, everyone stopped their actions and held back their desires; none of them dared to provoke this dominating young king who just killed the leaders of the seven top-tier noble families not too long ago.

In fact, most of the influential figures in Dual-Flags City saw Jessica as the King of Chambord's woman.

Chapter 559: Stories on The Way Back (2) (Part One)

It was clear that the dark-skinned and muscular man was Husky Emile who was recruited by Fei.

When the troop of Chambord left Dual-Flags City, Fei brought this simple-minded but pure young man with him after getting consent. Jessica, his sister, was being sent to Chambord by Manager Abramovich to establish a new branch.

Abramovich had his plans. By sending Jessica, who was already friends with the King of Chambord, to the Chambord Kingdom, it would maintain the relationship between him and Fei. Instead of growing apart due to the long distance, he was helping Chambord's economy by investing in it, making their relationship tighter.

This way, Husky and Jessica didn't need to separate as brother and sister, and it wasn't a bad arrangement.

"Brother, why did the royal family and the Military Headquarter pull away His Majesty's title as the Legion Commander of [Wolf Teeth Legion]? Didn't His Majesty do a good job? They didn't give His Majesty that many soldiers... If His Majesty didn't stop the invaders of Jax, Dual-Flags City might have been conquered... Every single person in Dual-Flags City is thankful for His Majesty's work... What the royal family and the Military Headquarter did is truly disappointing."

Jessica said as she pouted. She threw a small piece of rock into the lake, and it created a series of ripples.

Husky laughed and scratched his head.

Although he had been following Fei for the last while, he didn't pay attention to anything else except for Fei's safety. In Fei's words, Husky's head was filled with muscle and a tiny bit of brain. He was too simple to think about all the complicated matter.

"I heard that... Crown Prince Arshavin and His Majesty have some conflicts. Therefore, he ordered the military headquarter to mess with His Majesty." Husky used all he got and vaguely came up with a reasonable explanation.

"Arshavin His Highness? Really? A genius like Arshavin His Highness should appreciate someone like Mr. Alexander, no? They are the two most talented young man in Zenit! People are saying that although Emperor Yassin is ill, Zenit is lucky to have them two. After Arshavin His Highness becomes the emperor, Mr. Alexander could become the No.1 Warrior of the empire and help him!" Jessica looked at her brother and asked, "Brother, did you hear it wrong?"

"No, no." Husky quickly shook his head. After he looked around and made sure that no one was close by, he walked up and whispered, "Three days ago, when the special envoy from the Military Headquarter arrived at Dual-Flags City, I was with His Majesty and witnessed the whole thing. That damn envoy was very arrogant, and he was not polite at all. He said that the Military Headquarter was very displeased by the progress at the Jax Battle Zone; his tone was very stern. After he stripped away His Majesty's titles, he told other people in private that Emperor Yassin no longer values His Majesty, and Second Prince Dominguez who supports His Majesty also lost in the battle of the throne. Except for Crown Prince Arshavin who has issues with His Majesty, a few noble families and Fourth Prince Chrystal are also trying to cause trouble for His Majesty; they hate His Majesty. Since His Majesty killed the leaders of the seven noble families, they are going to use that against him. Once His Majesty is convicted, the consequences might be too severe to overcome."

"What? That serious?" Jessica was shocked. She jumped up and said anxiously, "Does His Majesty know about this? No, I need to tell him..."

Before she could finish, she rushed toward the King's Tent.

Husky was surprised. He grabbed onto his sister's wrist and said, "Jessica, wait. His Majesty already knows about it. Think about it; this is something that even I know. How could His Majesty not know about it?"

Jessica thought about it and flushed.

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She was a smart girl. Although she only got into the affluent circle recently, her mind was a lot broader. Manager Abramovich taught her well, so she was able to think everything through in a short moment.

For some reason, as soon as she heard that Fei might be in danger, she lost her cool and logic. Her heart raced, and she got very worried. She wanted to tell that person all about it.

Touching her burning cheeks, she peeked at her simple-minded brother and realized that he didn't discover anything. She calmed down a little, and she couldn't help but ask, "Does His Majesty have a way to deal with it? If... If..."

Chapter 559: Stories on The Way Back (2) (Part Two)

Husky scratched his head habitually and laughed, "I'm not sure if His Majesty has solutions, but I feel like His Majesty isn't worried... Just like how a giant won't worry about the provocation coming from ants, it feels like His Majesty is too great for them. If the giant wants, he could destroy the ants easily. Hehe, I'm not sure if my analogy is appropriate, but I think it is right."

Jessica laughed and shook her head after seeing her brother's naïve expression.

Although Husky's analogy was exaggerating, it brought this girl a strong sense of security.

She felt like she was over-concerned. "Alexander His Majesty is extremely talented; how could he be hindered by the corrupt and stupid nobles?" she thought.

She looked back at the reflections on the surface of the lake, and she went back to her deep thoughts.

For some reason even unknown to herself, she felt a little sad.

Here's the Purpose of That Little Pocket in Women's Underwear


"Jessica, eat the food first. The dishes will be cold..." Husky didn't sense his beautiful sister's mind, so he simply took out the dishes from the magic food box that could keep everything warm and placed them in front of Jessica.


In the campsite, campfires lit up the sky.

The warriors and soldiers of Chambord sat around the campfire, and their loud laughter resonated in the area.

Priest Jessie, the most talented young priest in Black-Cloth Shrine, was sitting by the campfire that was closest to the lake.

This brown short-haired young man was using a tree branch, that was more than a meter long, to play with the burning campfire. As the fire flickered, his face was illuminated differently at every moment.

It seemed like he was thinking about a very difficult problem.

Beside him, Holy Knight Alan was quite relaxed. He was eating a roasted fish, and the aroma of the white fish meat was intriguing, adding flavor to the night.

Jessie and Alan were both lucky and unfortunately.

They were lucky enough to enter the core region of the Mythical Palace, but Domenech injured them before they could get any treasures. Also, Fei took them out of the core region before it closed, so their strengths also didn't increase that much.

Three days ago, when Fei met with Batistuta and agreed to join Black-Cloth Shrine, the king got a new identity; he was now the bishop of this shrine that was once glorious and powerful. Before Batistuta went back to the headquarter of Black-Cloth Shrine to prepare for the official coronation, he asked Jessie and Alan to stay with Fei and act as the bishop's servants.

Fei was happy to have two more powerful masters with him.

Jessie was now a mid-tier Half Moon Elite, and his addition to Chambord was a great thing.

"Jessie, don't frown all the time. Eat something; you haven't eaten for the whole day." Alan had white hair just like Pierce, and the short hair stood on his head like iron spikes. He looked energetic, and he passed a sauced up roasted cod to Jessie as he smiled.

"Alan, I think the headquarter of the shrine is going to be moved to the Chambord Castle once Alexander His Majesty is coronated. I'm afraid that the other shrines in the northern region would pay a lot of attention to us by then... All sorts of obstacles and issues will come... Also, Platini, the bishop of the Northern Regional Church, and the Senate need to approve the coronation. Huh... There are a lot of issues ahead of us!"

Jessie took a bit of the roasted fish, but he didn't have the appetite.

"Jessie, you are overthinking it. Mr. Batistuta and the elders will handle all of this, and Alexander His Majesty isn't dumb either." Alan lowered his voice and whispered, "I think in the end, you are just not confident in our new bishop, right?"

A bitter smile appeared on Jessie's face; Alan was right.

Chapter 560: Night Talk (Part One)

Jessie was the child of a family of Black-Cloth Shrine's believers, and he demonstrated talent in cultivating holy power since a young age. Black-Cloth Shrine paid attention to him since he was four years old, and he was taught by elders in the shrine such as Batistuta and Totti. He was taught the code of the Black-Cloth Shrine, and he tightly measured his actions and words according to the code.

Therefore, you could say that Jessie was a person who held others to high standards, but his standards for himself was even higher.

Therefore, having a wild [God Favorite Child] like the King of Chambord to become the bishop of Black-Cloth Shrine was too much for him to take in at once. Even though people like Batistuta tried to open his mind, but he still couldn't accept it that easily.

However, he had to listen to the orders of the elders.

Besides, the oracle stated that the [God Favorite Children] had the qualification of becoming bishops of the shrines. The only thing that confused Jessie was that why did the gods choose the King of Chambord, who never behaved according to the code of the Holy Church, as a [God Favorite Child].

To Jessie, the conflict in terms of beliefs felt worse than losing his life.

"The gods are never wrong. Perhaps my understanding of the code isn't good enough. My path of cultivation is still long, and I might be able to grasp the truth by following Alexander His Majesty."


As the young priest was still bothered by his thoughts, the warriors of Chambord such as Drogba and Pierce were swearing and insulting Andrew Arshavin, Zenit's God of War who was being loved by the people in the empire.

"Humph! F*ck that man; he is only a con artist! If the five main battle legions were given to His Majesty, His Majesty would be able to conquer the Spartax Empire and the Eindhoven Empire easily. After all, there are 150,000 elite soldiers there!" Drogba said ferociously as he bit into the delicious roast boar leg in his hand. He was furious, and he was calling Arshavin names.

"You are right! Alexander His Majesty is able to stop for 70,000 elite soldiers of Jax for 40 days with a legion that is recently made. He even killed a powerful master called [Snow Mountain Hermit] and suppressed all the masters who were there for the Mythical Palace. Can he, the Crown Prince, do it?" the other tough man of Chambord, Pierce, also raised his voice and shouted.

"Humph! I heard that Crown Prince Arshavin let his subordinates handle the southwest battle zone, and he went back to the Capital; he is planning to use this victory momentum to fight for the throne with Dominguez His Highness. People are saying that he accused Alexander His Majesty of prolonging the war, ruling the Dual-Flags City like an emperor, killing nobles of Zenit, and secretly getting in touch with the enemies of Jax..." Torres said. After hearing all kinds of rumors recently, he who was usually calm couldn't hold back as well.

"The Crown Prince is trying to fight with His Majesty clearly! Damn! What an ungrateful pig! If His Majesty didn't save him on the peak of the east mountain at Chambord, he would have been killed by Paris..."

"I heard that the situation at St. Petersburg is a mess; almost all the nobles are supporting the Crown Prince. Under the planning of the Elder Princess, Arshavin is pretty much in control, and the Second Prince is in danger; he experienced quite a few assassination-attempts now already.

"Damn! This Elder Princess! What is she thinking? His Majesty treated her well, and she is helping Arshavin to fight Chambord?"

10 Types of Women You Should Never Marry


"Eh? The Elder Princess? She didn't do anything..."

"What do you know? If the Elder Princess didn't allow it, how could so many noble families jump out and accuse His Majesty of wrongdoings? Hehe, in my opinion, we should go back to St. Petersburg! With His Majesty's strength, who could stop us? We shall kill all those nobles who dare to bully us! After that, we can see who else dares to accuse us!"

The discussion soon got out of hand, and all sorts of treasonous things were said.

At this moment, a person slowly walked by and dried coughed to get their attention.

After he got everyone's attention, he stared at the few warriors of Chambord who said outrageous things and scolded, "Do you even know what you are talking about? If there are spies around, and what you said are passed back to the Imperial Knight Palace, all of you would be captured and hung in the black prison! Do you think that the situation is not chaotic enough? Don't get His Majesty into more troubles!"

The person speaking was the strategist for Chambord, Old Aryang.

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Chapter 560: Night Talk (Part Two)

Although Old Aryang joined Chambord pretty late, all of the leaders of Chambord respected him and listened to him after spending time with him in the Jax Battle Zone; his military knowledge and charisma drew them over. In addition, since Fei showed his respect to him and relied on him, he had a lot of influence over the warriors of Chambord. After hearing what he said, people like Drogba and Pierce knew that they went over the line, and they giggled and lowered their heads.

"If I could only describe the situation of Zenit with only one word, it would be chaotic! If I need to describe it with two words, it would be super chaotic! No one knows what is going to happen next! His Majesty is wise and patient, and that was why His Majesty chose to hold back his anger three days ago. His Majesty is kind, and he doesn't want to drag Chambord into wars. You guys are the earliest followers of His Majesty, and His Majesty trusts you guys the most. Therefore, you need to be extra-patient at a time like this and not ruin His Majesty's plans."

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Old Aryang felt like his tone earlier was a bit too stern, so he changed to a gentler tone as he reminded the warriors of Chambord.

People like Drogba and Pierce were all straight-forwarded, and they didn't mind the scolding at all.

Fatty Oleg instantly moved a little and made a spot for Old Aryang to sit down.; they all wanted to listen to the strategist's analysis of the situation.

"Out of the three battle zones, Jax Battle Zone is the only battle zone where the troops of Zenit didn't make a counter-invade. Therefore, it made His Majesty look bad. Also, in order to unite the forces in Dual-Flags City early on, His Majesty killed the leaders of the seven biggest noble families, and that created some weaknesses for ill-intended people to exploit. If the people who are hostile toward His Majesty could control the public opinion and influence the narrative in the elite circles, there will be a lot of issues for Chambord in the future."

Old Aryang said down and analyzed in detail.

"Right now, Arshavin, Zenit's God of War, got the victory in the southern battle zone, and he is now the hero in the minds of the citizens. Many nobles favor him, and his influence greatly increased. Also, he got the support of the Military Headquarter. Out of the ten old main battle legions, he controls six of them, and he is going to control four out of the ten new battle legions. He is in a dominating position in the fight for the throne. If nothing else happens, after Emperor Yassin, who has been ill, passes away, the Crown Prince is going to become the emperor."

"However, this hero of the empire is hostile toward His Majesty. If Arshavin actually becomes the emperor, Chambord would be in trouble."

"The reason why His Majesty got the title of the Head Commander of the Jax Battle Zone and the Legion Commander of [Wolf Teeth Legion] stripped away is that Arshavin accused His Majesty of wrongdoings in the most recent conference in the Military Headquarter. Since the Crown Prince has so much influence over the military at the moment, his opinions could instantly become orders. Therefore, the Head Commander of the Jax Battle Zone is now Arshavin's loyal subordinate Abonla. The native soldiers in Dual-Flags City are going to be reorganized, and people like Mr. Ribry who strongly favored His Majesty aren't going to be in a good situation. Also, the [Wolf Teeth Legion] who was created and led by His Majesty will be reorganized as well. The chance of all the soldiers and commanders being discharged is quite high..."

"In fact, it is heard that Mr. Ribry has been discharged from his position as the Head Commander of the native troops, and the Military Headquarter is going to appoint someone else to take his position. Also, high-level commanders in [Wolf Teeth Legion] who favored Chambord such as Mr. Shevchenko, Mr. Reyes, and Ms. Cindy were all ordered to go back to their affiliated kingdoms to reflect on their mistakes... Everything is showing that some people have detected the threats His Majesty posed, and they wanted to get rid of the threats immediately. I'm afraid that what is happening right now is only the foreplay. More despicable and dirty tricks are going to be used!"

Old Aryang paused after saying all that.

The warriors of Chambord looked at each other and didn't know how to respond. After a while, Torres asked as he played with his bowstring while a flash of cold light appeared in his eyes, "Mr. Advisor, what should we do?"

"Nothing at the moment." Lights of wisdom appeared in Old Aryang's eyes as he said lightly, "Although the situation looks dangerous, as long as you guys don't cause more trouble for His Majesty, there won't be any big problems. Although it seems like His Majesty is backing off, we aren't in the disadvantage. Almost no one in Zenit could threaten His Majesty! If I'm not wrong, His Majesty's strength is on an unimaginable level! He is pretty much invincible at Zenit!"

Chapter 561: You Forgot About A Person (Part One)

Old Aryang sighed as he said that.

This young king, whom he decided to follow at his lowest point in life, turned out to be the most unique person ever

The situation at Zenit was very special; nothing similar to it happened in the last 60 years. If this were any other affiliated kingdom, the only solution would be to surrender to Crown Prince Arshavin. However, to Chambord, it felt like child's play.

The absolute individual strength allowed the king to jump out of the game and observe everything as a bystander. He was in control, and he could rewrite rules if he wanted to. Therefore, Zenit's God of War was like a clown in Fei's eyes.

This was true power!

When a person's individual strength reached a certain level, he or she would be able to ignore the military and masters of an empire. All sorts of conspiracies and traps would be useless.

Unfortunately, there were just too many things that Old Aryang couldn't predict.

If he knew that Emperor Yassin, who was rumored to be very ill, almost killed a Sun-Class Lord in the Mythical Palace, his judgment would change; at least he would know that Fei wasn't invincible in Zenit yet.

Of course, the king had many trump cards that other people couldn't even imagine!

If Chambord and Zenit had to go separate ways, even though Emperor Yassin was powerful, Chambord wouldn't be at a disadvantage.

The only thing was that Fei was thinking about the bigger picture, and he didn't want the situation to worsen.

In addition, Crown Prince Arshavin's will didn't represent the Royal Family's will. The person who was still in control of the empire was the actor named Yassin. He fooled everyone with his act, but he no longer could continue the act after the trip to the Mythical Altar.

What Old Aryang said to the warriors of Chambord was good. He warned these guys who were simple-minded not to cause more troubles for the king, and he also didn't hinder the morale. Instead, the warriors of Chambord actually got even more confident. It achieved three objectives at the same time.

As they continued to chat, the conversation went back to their old comrades.

"Ah, after fighting alongside guys like Shevchenko and Ribry, I sure do miss them. Too bad that they aren't apart of Chambord. Otherwise, if we could all serve His Majesty, it would be a lot better than getting individually bullied by that damn crown prince..." Drogba scratched his head and said emotionally.

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What he said resonated with the other warriors.

For the last while, the warriors of Chambord, the native commanders in Dual-Flags City, and the commanders in the [Wolf Teeth Legion] fought alongside each other, and they developed a friendship that only belonged to men. Therefore, suddenly separating from those great people made the warriors of Chambord a little sad.

"Eh, that is unfortunate. If they could come back with us, it would be awesome."

"I think His Majesty is also missing them."

In the end, the atmosphere was so sad that even Old Aryang, who was usually calm and collected, fell quiet.

However, no one noticed that what they said were all heard by Angela who walked out of the central tent coincidentally.

"Is Alexander having this much pressure?" Angela thought, and her heart shivered.

She never paid much attention to the situation of Chambord.

Except for when she was at St. Petersburg and tried to help Fei out with the construction of the [Wolf Teeth Legion], she never wanted to participate in the management of Chambord because she didn't want to cause more trouble for her lover.

This was the first time that she realized how much pressure Fei was dealing with.

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"But, what can I do for Alexander?" Angela stood in front of the central tent and lightly bit her lower lips with her pearl-white teeth. She felt like she was useless; except for feeding and clothing Fei, she felt like she couldn't do anything else.

This conclusion made this girl a little depressed.

"Hehehe, dumb girl, you don't need to do anything for me..." Someone hugged her from behind, and a familiar voice sounded beside her ears, "As long as I could embrace you like this for a few minutes every day, my life would be full of happiness and color."

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Chapter 561: You Forgot About A Person (Part Two)

"Ah, Alexander..." Although she was used to Fei's intimate contact, she would still blush, and her heart would still race. She held onto the big hands that were around her waist with her own and said, "But Alexander, I want to do things for you."

"Huh? Eh, if that is the case, you could take care of the pets and train them properly. After they grow up, our Chambord will have three powerful dragons to protect the kingdom. It is very important!" Fei comforted Angela and took her back into the central tent.

Angela nodded earnestly and said, "That is no problem. I think I can manage that."

The issue that was bothering this girl was easily put down by Fei's sweet words.

"Angela..." Fei hugged Angela tight.


"Marry me. Let's get our wedding set up."

"Eh?" the girl was surprised; her voice was even shaking.

"Let's do our wedding as soon as we go back to the kingdom, what do you think?" Fei's voice sounded dreamy to Angela, "Our wedding will be hosted in front of tens of thousands of citizens of Chambord as beautiful flow pedals fall from the sky. We will stay in a castle in the sky while our citizens celebrate it with us, and all intelligent beasts in the area will come and congratulate us. I will design your wedding dress personally, and you will become the happiest, luckiest, and prettiest bride in the world!"

The feeling of happiness overtook Angela, and she felt a little numb. The feeling was strange, and her heart raced.

The breaths by her ear made her feel like passing out.

She bit her lips as another beautiful figure flashed by in her mind. After a little hesitation, she turned around and looked at Fei with a unique earnest expression on her face.

At this moment, the atmosphere got a little strange.

Angela's expression scared Fei a little. As he was about to say something, the girl suddenly laughed and pressed her slender and white finger onto Fei's lips. As a playful expression flashed on her face, she laughed, "Alexander, you forgot about a person!"

"Ah?" Fei felt a little guilty; he knew who Angela was talking about.

"Sister Elena told me about the stories about you guys. I didn't know that Elena accompanied you on so many dangerous missions. You guys fought alongside each other and experienced so much... I truly envy Elena; she is powerful, and she could help you in battles..." Angela caressed Fei's cheeks as she continued, "I didn't know that you were in so much danger in the other world..."

"Angela, I..."

"I know, Alexander. I know you didn't tell me because you don't want me to worry. You don't have to blame Sister Elena. When we both fell into unconsciousness about a month ago, we thought that we would never see you again. In that strange dark space, there were only the two of us. In order to distract me and care for me, she told me about the stories..."

This naïve girl would always think for other people.

"Therefore, Alexander, you can't just marry me. During our wedding, you couldn't just hold onto my hand. Sister Elena didn't sacrifice any less compared with me, and I hope that both Elena and I could wear the wedding dresses that you design, stand beside you, and get blessed by all the citizens of Chambord!"

Fei was stunned; he felt both touched and guilty.

On the Azeroth Continent that was ruled by the law of the jungle, males had a higher status than females. Therefore, it was common to see a man with several wives. The nobles who were even more powerful had hundreds of lovers. Almost all the kings of the affiliated kingdoms had a harem, and even the holy and powerful Holy Church implicitly allowed for a terrifying law called [Virginity Rights]. In the kingdoms and empires where this law existed, all the girls would have to give their virginity to the ruler before getting married.

Therefore, marry two girls at once was a common thing, and Angela wasn't opposed to it.

Angela was an empathic person. After she knew about the dangerous experiences Fei and Elena had in the other world, understood the inseverable relationships the two of them developed over time, and got close to Elena in that mysterious dark space, Angela completely accepted Elena, and that last bit of mental barrier disappeared.

In a sense, what happened to Angela and Elena helped the three of them open up to each other and create harmony.

Fei didn't say anything; he only hugged onto the girl in his arms tighter.



-Diablo World-

Fei and Elena stood outside the tomb where the final boss in [Lut Gholein] was hiding.

Chapter 562: God-tier Weapon – [Immortal King's Stone Crusher] (Part One)

This was Fei's second time fighting the [Lord of Pain] Duriel, that looked like a huge bug, as a Barbarian.

The gloomy and dark underground passage was filled with a nose-piercing smell of blood, and the air was moist. The blood of monsters was everywhere and formed puddles, and it stained the magic battle boots that Fei and Elena were wearing. The corpses of the monsters they killed were lying around them. Under the illumination of the ancient magic lights, the terrifying battleground could rival with hell.

Fei inserted the Horadric Staff, the item he got from completing the previous quests, into the Orifice in the center of the circle of seven symbols, and a secret passage to where Duriel was hiding opened.

"Duriel, this fat bug, is one of the top figures in hell. I hope that we could get some great items from it. Other components of the [Immortal King] set would be best..." Fei prayed in his mind before he looked at the Valkyrie beside him and said, "Elena, let's go!"

As they stepped into the portal, they entered a special place, and the angry roars sounded before the powerful winds came at him.

"Haha, this fat bug sure is lovely!" Fei laughed.

Since Elena was behind him, he didn't try to dodge. Instead, he held onto two crystal swords that he got from killing monsters and charged at it.


The energy waves almost destroyed this tomb. The space started to shake, and clouds of dust fell from the ceiling and reduced the visibility.

A huge force got passed onto the two swords, and Fei was forced back one step. The crystal swords in his hands cried and cracked, and the huge bug, Duriel, roared angrily as its huge body got knocked away.

The benefit of giving all attribute points to [Strength] showed. Compared with Fei who specialized in physical strength, even the boss Duriel couldn't rival him in this aspect.

"Wow! This boss' physical strength is even weaker than Blacky!"

Fei got more confident as his understanding of the bosses in the Nightmare Mode got clearer.

However, the two blue crystal swords Fei used also got destroyed in the process.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Here's Why You Should Never Squash a Centipede


A series of air-piercing noises sounded, and many magic arrows flew pass Fei and targeted Duriel that was still flying in mid-air.

The beautiful mercenary started her fierce attacks as well.

Even though Duriel was angry and went berserk, its attacks such as ice blast didn't pose any threats to the two invaders. Fei and Elena coordinated too well, and they clearly had the advantage.

-Ten minutes later-

"Huh? Ahahahaha! Damn, I'm lucky! I got what I wanted..." Fei stood in front of Duriel's huge corpse and laughed out loud even though Elena was right there with him.

He was holding onto a huge hammer that was longer than himself!

[Immortal King's Stone Crusher]!!!

It was a component of the [Immortal King] item set.

This hammer was black, and its style was simple. It was made from an unknown metal, and it felt very thick and powerful. Just by looking at it, one could tell that it had a history with it. Just the handle of this hammer was about two meters long. The end of the handle was about the circumference of an egg, and the handle got thicker as it approached the huge metal hammer head. Ancient patterns were engraved onto the handle, and they looked like coiled dragons. The handle felt warm, but it wasn't slippery.

The hammer head was like a huge barrel, and fist-sized spikes were placed in an orderly fashion on the body of the hammer head. One side of the hammer head was flat, and the other side was pointy like a nail. The tip of this end was giving off a silver light, and it felt like it was going to penetrate through people's souls. It looked blood-thirsty and destructive.

Here's Why You Should Never Squash a Centipede


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Chapter 562: God-tier Weapon – [Immortal King's Stone Crusher] (Part Two)

No wonder it was the legendary weapon of the Immortal King, Bul-Kathos. The visuals alone were enough to scare people.

A star-level warrior wouldn't even be able to lift up this heavy metal hammer, let alone using it in battle.

Even though Fei's barbarian character had a ton of physical strength, this hammer wasn't that light in his hands; it felt just right.

Almost all of Fei's weapons were destroyed in the battle with Domenech. Even his dual swords, [Bul-Kathos' Children] were shattered by the [Sword of Fire Judgment].

Fei lacked a proper weapon, and this [Immortal King's Stone Crusher] came just in time. Fei had added a few skill points into [Polearm Mastery] in Normal Mode, so he didn't find it difficult to use this hammer. Instead, he felt like he could better unleash the violent and ferocious force of a barbarian.

After laughing, Fei calmed down and started to check out the detail statistics of this weapon.

[Immortal King's Stone Crusher] was also known as Ogre Maul.

Damage: 431 – 538. This meant that every strike was equivalent to the full-on strike of a low-tier New Moon Elite. This was the most powerful magic weapon Fei had seen so far.

[Required level: Nightmare Mode Level 40

Required strength: Nightmare Mode 100

+250% damage to undead

+200% damage to demons

+200% enhanced damage

+ 40% attack speed

+ 211-397 fire damage with 2 set items.

+ 7-477 lightning damage with 3set items

+ 127-364 cold damage for 6 seconds with 4 set items

+ 204 poison damage over 6 seconds with 5 set items

+ 250-361 magic damage with a complete set]

The additional power of this weapon almost made Fei's eyeballs pop out of his eye sockets.

Although he didn't know what kind of statistics Semi-God-tier Combat Weapons and God-tier Combat Weapons would have if they were converted into the metrics in Diablo World, Fei knew that these statistics for [Immortal King's Stone Crusher] was insane!

Unfortunately, including [Immortal King's Stone Crusher], Fei only had two set items. Therefore, the additive lightning, cold, poison, and magic damages couldn't be realized. So far, only 211-397 fire damage could be used in battle.

However, Fei attention was soon attracted by something else.


It meant that the durability of this weapon was infinite! It could handle all types of attacks and wouldn't break!

It was an insane attribute!

If Fei had this hammer in his hand when fighting against Domenech's [Sword of Fire Judgment], he might be able to block that strike using this hammer. His weapon wouldn't be destroyed, and he wouldn't be placed in the dangerous situation where he didn't have anything to use to block the strike.

This weapon was the perfect god-tier item for the barbarian!

Only the great and violent physical strength of the barbarian could unleash its power to the maximum. With this hammer in hand, the barbarian would be able to use the fundamental physical strength to swing the hammer and destroy enemies. Even the gods couldn't harm this weapon!

With the hammer in hand, Fei closed his eyes and caressed it. He felt like he had sensed its eagerness for battle. This weapon had its own soul, and it was made for combat.

"Don't worry. In my hand, you will get to drink the blood of powerful masters!"

Fei opened his eyes and placed [Immortal King's Stone Crusher] into his weapon slot. He instantly felt like he became one with the hammer, and he could summon it easily.

When he lightly swung the hammer, a series of thunder-like and dragon roar-like noises sounded, and it felt like even the space was being torn open.

Chapter 563: Shouldn't Be Able to Get You This Easily (Part One)

With the hammer in his hand, Fei felt heroic and invincible.

He felt like defeating all the powerful masters in the world.

After enjoying that marvelous feeling, the king reluctantly put [Immortal King's Stone Crusher] away. Then, he started to check out the other items that Duriel dropped. There were four other items; three of them were enveloped by orange lights, indicating that they were level 6 items. They weren't bad, but they could no longer excite Fei unless they got unique properties.

These three orange items were a pair of metal gauntlets, a big belt, and a delicate hawk helmet.

Fei picked them up and used three [Identify Scrolls]. After reading their properties, he realized that they were average. Since Domenech destroyed Fei's gauntlets in battle, this pair of gauntlets named [Finder's Touch] was equipped by him; the other two items were put inside his storage space. He was planning to sell them when he got back to the city.

Except for these three orange items, there was a green level 7 set item!

It was an ancient silver bow.

Fei was excited, and he used an [Identify Scroll]. The name and properties of this bow were instantly revealed.

[M'avina's Caster – Grand Matron Bow]!!!

It was a component of another top-tier item set!

This bow was the weapon component of the best item set for the Amazon Character, [M'avina���s Battle Hymn]. In terms of preciousness, it wasn't inferior to [Immortal King's Stone Crusher].

"Eh, could it be that I have been acting low-key recently and accumulated enough luck? Damn, I'm lucky! Two components of top-tier item sets?" As Fei viewed the properties of the [Grand Matron Bow], he sighed and commented on his insane luck.

[Grand Matron Bow] was silver, and it was crystal-like, making it look a little dreamy. The bow was thicker than ordinary bows, and vine-like patterns were engraved on it; it allowed the user to have a firmer grip. The two ends of the bow were as sharp as blades, and it seemed like they were meant for close-range combat. Also, the bowstring would only appear when the user used it; otherwise, nothing else would be seen except for the body of the bow.

Based on the numbers alone, the arrows this bow shot out would deal a damage between 60-307. If a magic archer used it, its damage would be even higher. Three arrows would be able to kill a low-tier New Moon Elite.

Of course, the required level, strength, and dexterity were high as well.

She Was the Most Beautiful Girl in the World. What She Looks Like Now is Insane


After Fei observed this bow, he gave it to the Valkyrie beside him. Elena's abilities had increased a ton, and her current bow no longer matched her; it was hindering Elena's combat abilities.

Elena fit all the criteria that were required by this bow, and it was a good fit.

"Eh," the Valkyrie nodded and took over the [Grand Matron Bow]. After she pulled on the mystic bowstring, she commented, "It is good."

Fei felt like crying; he thought, "This is the top-tier weapon for archers in Diablo World! Why did Elena only say that it is good?... Why do I feel like smashing my head against a wall?"

Fortunately, Fei was now used to Elena's calmness, and he quickly got over it.

Fei then summarized the other benefits and rewards he got.

After passing the second map [Lut Gholein], Fei was now a Nightmare Mode level 56 Barbarian, and he accumulated almost 30 attribute points and more than a dozen skill points. Since he got [Immortal King's Stone Crusher] and his battle style was going to change, he put all the skill points into [Mace Mastery] and [Polearm Mastery], and the attribute points were added to [Strength].

After Elena finished distributing her points, today's time limit hadn't arrived yet.

Although Fei wanted to go into the next map to test out [Immortal King's Stone Crusher], he held back his thirst and brought the Valkyrie back to [Rogue Encampment] in Normal Mode.

"Come on, Elena, stand there. Don't move; I have something to show you," Fei said mysteriously.

Emma Watson Won't Apologize For Her New Car


Elena was a little confused, but she listened to Fei and stood at an empty space in the center of the camp. For some reason, her good friends who would usually be practicing their archery skills weren't there, and the loud metal-colliding noises that should be coming from Charsi's workshop was nowhere to be heard. It felt like no one else was in the camp except for herself and Fei.

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Chapter 563: Shouldn't Be Able to Get You This Easily (Part Two)

After seeing Fei standing close to her and staring at her with a gentle and loving expression, Elena felt a little shy, and she lightly lowered her head.

"Hahaha, huh? My icy goddess is finally shy for once?" Fei laughed as if he discovered a new continent, and he snapped his finger.


After a crisp sound, fire suddenly appeared on the ground.

As Elena looked at the fire in surprise, the fire started to travel on the grass field and quickly drew out a heart shape around the two of them.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Then, more than a dozen lights of various bright colors flew into the sky and exploded. The lights painted flowers in the sky, and it was a beautiful firework show.

The green stems and leaves, the colorful pedals... The fireworks made the dark and gloomy sky in Diablo World look gorgeous and fancy.

These flames were the products of magic, so they worked a lot better. The colors were more vibrant, and they stayed in the sky much longer. In fact, it felt like they were permanently sealed into the sky.

The bright lights in the sky illuminated Elena's face, and she looked even more beautiful, enough to move the gods in heaven.

As Fei looked at this icy beauty who experienced a lot of things with him, he got emotional as well.

Fei suddenly thought back to when they both almost died under the arrows of skeleton archers in [Tristram] and when Elena cried helplessly after seeing the corpses of some of her friends in the tunnel before fighting Andariel in [Catacombs].

Although these things only happened about half a year ago, Fei felt like it had been centuries.

Right now, both Fei and Elena were powerful enough to clear those levels in the Normal Mode easily; they grew and became better versions of themselves. At this moment, Fei was going to ask this beautiful girl to marry him. Even though they were meant to be, Fei got a little nervous for some reason.

As a rare and cute expression appeared on Elena's face, Fei took out a bunch of fresh red roses, and the fragrance instantly dispersed into the area. The king single-kneeled in front of Elena, raised his head, and said with the most earnest expression on his face, "Elena, please marry this handsome, cute, and sincere young man in front of you!!"

The Valkyrie's grip on the [Grand Matron Bow] loosened, but she then instantly tightened it habitually. As she was at a loss for words, cheers sounded behind the empty tents.

The young and pretty female rogues ran out, and everyone else in the camp walked out and showed themselves such as Charsi the blacksmith, Gheed the merchant, and Warriv the caravan leader. They all surrounded Fei and Elena.

"Sis, what are you waiting for?" a small yet playful female rogue named Maria winked at Elena and said, "Accept it!"

"Hehe, Elena, I'm so envious of you~"

"No, don't accept yet. We need gifts! 10,000 magic gems, a set of M'avina's items! Hehe, of course, also a queen's crown!"

"Yeah! Elena, you are the [Flower of Rogue]. The supreme leader shouldn't be able to get you this easily."

"Yeah, let's inspect him a little. Hehe, isn't this the trend going on at Chambord right now? Hehehe..."

"Oh, right. I heard that in the other world, if a man wants to ask a woman to marry him, he needs a diamond ring. I have a ring here; it is 100% gold, and an ancient master forged it. After 10,000 years passed by, there is only this one ring left. It is invaluable! Look at the color, the style, and the engravings. Also, it is empowered by magic arrays. What do you think, Fei? In this situation, you should buy it and gifted it to your lover. Eh, since you are the supreme leader, I will give you a 60% discount. 100,000 gold coins. What do you think?"

The sly Gheed took out a rusted ring that lost its magic power out of nowhere, and he handed it to Fei with a bright smile on his face.

Chapter 564: The Kelun Town (Part One)

Tears appeared in the king's eyes.

"These girls used to be so pure and nice. Why are they all like this after staying at Chambord for a while?" he thought.

Regarding Gheed, Fei raised his leg and kicked him out of the crowd.


After the initial surprise, the Valkyrie calmed down. She lightly took the flowers Fei handed to her, and she nodded. There was only one word as the response, and it felt like it was an easy decision. However, this response fit her style.

Even though Elena acted calm, Fei still saw that the roses in her hands were getting crush. She was actually so nervous that she didn't notice how much force she was putting on the flowers.

"Ah!!!!!! You went too easy on him!" Elena's good friends all booed at her easy 'surrender'.

"Ah, it is so boring. I told you guys; a silly girl like Elena would instantly say yes to Fei's proposal. There is no difficulty at all, and it will only waste time. If I believed in myself more, I would be researching the third magic engraving in the godly rune right now." Cain shook his head as if he knew this was going to happen.

"I finally know why you are this old but still a virgin," Akara stated calmly.

"Eh... Why?!" Cain also spat out a mouthful of blood.

"First of all, your look... In Fei's words, your look is very creative and brave. However, that isn't the key. The primary reason is that you are not interesting and don't understand love!" Akara was very 'critical' and 'vicious".

"Puff!" Cain instantly felt very depressed.

Fei, on the other hand, grabbed onto Elena's cold hand.

He had been preparing for this for a while, and he wanted to give Elena a big surprise. However, the Valkyrie's calm and collected reply disappointed Fei a little. However, on another thought, Elena was always like this. Fei should be happy that he caught her rare moment of surprise.

Elena was just like that; she didn't even ask him questions such as "What about Angela?"

10 Places All Men Must Visit While They're Single


Her simple answer, "Ok", showed her trust in Fei. That one word showed more determination and faith than anything else. When Fei heard that response, he also sensed the firmness in this pure and beautiful Valkyrie's decision.


When Fei exited Diablo World, he felt an unprecedented excitement and was somewhat relaxed.

Fei put a lot of effort into this proposal; it was a lot more planned out, and it was a way for Fei to compensate her. After all, Elena had a tougher upbringing, and she had accompanied Fei through all kinds of dangerous situations. In a sense, she offered and risked a lot more.

Anyone who was in a good mood felt wonderful.

Therefore, Fei had the best sleep he ever had since he came to this world. He even woke up late! It never happened before! When he yawned and walked out of the tent, the sun was already high up in the sky. The troop of Chambord was delayed and behind schedule.

At noon, the troop finally entered the territory of Chambord.

Technically, the new territory of Chambord.

Due to Fei's excellent performance during the affiliated kingdom competition at St. Petersburg, Chambord jumped from a level 6 affiliated kingdom to a level 1 affiliated kingdom. All the small affiliated kingdoms such as the Blackstone Kingdom, the Chishui Kingdom, and the Laisi Kingdom were all given to Chambord as the reward. Therefore, Chambord's territory increased by more than five folds.

Currently, the troop was at the former Blackstone Kingdom's territory.

10 Places All Men Must Visit While They're Single


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Chapter 564: The Kelun Town (Part Two)

Kingdom expansion was something that all affiliated kingdoms wanted to see. However, the issue of management of the large territory gave the ministers and leaders of Chambord headaches.

The kingdom suddenly got so much land and so many citizens; there weren't enough human resources to manage all of this. Fei's father-in-law, Bast, and the military leader, Brook, had sent multiple letters to Fei to report this issue, but Fei's response was shameless. Since he was used to being worry-free, he told them to do whatever they felt appropriate.

Therefore, he wasn't sure if the two of them solved this issue or not.

Although Fei liked being worry-free, he wasn't an irresponsible king. He wanted to have the most realistic view of his kingdom, so the troop slowed down when it entered Chambord's territory, giving Fei the opportunity to observe everything.

What pleased Fei was that nothing chaotic took place on the way.

Before sunset, the troop came to the outskirts of a town.


This town named Kelun was an ordinary farmers' town.

This town was a part of the old level 4 Blackstone Kingdom.

Three months ago, the King of Chambord showed his power at St. Petersburg and earned his name, and the Blackstone Kingdom underperformed. Therefore, the royal family of Blackstone Kingdom got its title stripped away, and the entire kingdom got rewarded to Chambord. Thus, this Kelun Town naturally became a part of Chambord.

The ordinary farmers whose families had been living here for ages didn't care too much about which kingdom owned this town.

After all, they were struggling to survive. Rather than worrying about who ruled over the town, they were more concerned over if they could get grain seeds in the spring, if they could successfully rent land from the landlord, and if they could pay less taxes. Those things affected their lives way more.

It was about 7 PM, and the sun had set. Clouds of mist started to envelop the town, and the sounds made by dogs and chickens resonated in the area.

The farmers who were worried about planting the seeds in the spring gathered in the only pub in the town. They sat down in groups as they waited for the only noble in the town to announce the newest information on the taxes and land rentals.

This pub had been around for a while, and it wasn't kept too well. However, it was the only place of entertainment in the town, and it was sometimes used as a temporary meeting room.

The wooden gate of the pub squeaked continuously as it was being opened and closed repeatedly.

More and more dark-skinned and thin men walked into the pub. They were wearing coarse clothes and worn-out black boots, and they had bitter expressions on their faces. They greeted their friends and sat down at the available spots.

The only nobleman in the town, Mr. Babel, told everyone that he was going to tell them the seed distribution plan for the upcoming spring and the new taxation system. Therefore, the man in each of the families gathered here and waited for Mr. Babel; their expressions were bitter because they knew that Mr. Babel was going to use this opportunity to get as much money from them as possible.


The ragged wooden gate was pushed open, and the person who walked in was a blond, guard-looking young man. He looked fresh, and he was holding a strangely-shaped bow. Behind him, there was a long black-haired, handsome young man and a long black-haired, beautiful girl.

Their appearances instantly attracted everyone's attention.

These good-looking people didn't belong to this Kelun Town; it was clear that they were from another place. Although this town was remote, merchant caravans and mercenary groups passed by frequently. Therefore, it wasn't unusual to see strangers. However, these three people were too good-looking, and the people in the pub were all stunned.

Behind these three people, there was a short brown-haired young man and a short white-haired knight.

These five people looked around and found a spot by the right-side window to sit down.

Chapter 565: Tyrant Alexander (Part One)

After a moment of silence, the pub got noisy again.

The alcohol could make these farmers forget about their worries temporarily. Even though they were concerned about the news that Mr. Babel might bring them, and they only had a few copper coins in their pockets, they didn't mind drinking one pint of beer to relax.

The only waitress, Jenny, and the fat female owner of the pub walked around and served these people with the low-quality ale. As these two average-looking women with fat butts were walking around, a man reached out and lightly squeezed Jenny's butt, and this chubby girl with freckles on her face screamed exaggeratedly, causing everyone to laugh.

This was a standard pub in a farmers' town, and this was a typical day here.

Some people couldn't hold back their curiosity and peeked at the five strangers; Of course, they wanted to see the beautiful and pure girl who came with them. This girl was so gorgeous that she looked like a goddess, and these men who are in their 40s and 50s would blush when peeking at her. Her beauty was beyond their imagination, and they didn't even dare to have any dirty thoughts when looking at her.

Compared with her, the wife of Mr. Babel, who was the dream woman for a lot of the men in this town, looked ugly as ever.

People were chatting among themselves and wondering about these five people's statuses, but they didn't dare to walk up and strike a conversation.

"Eh, interesting. I like this atmosphere." Fei sat down beside the window and looked out to the nightly sky where stars shone. The slight chaotic atmosphere reminded him of his previous life. When he was in university, after playing games in the internet café, he and his friends would go to some roadside BBQ restaurants at 12 in the midnight to chill.

For some reason, Fei felt like he was becoming more and more nostalgic.

Perhaps it was because he was gradually becoming a part of this world, and his memory from his previous life was fading away; he instinctively wanted to keep some.

Angela had never been in such an environment before. However, she didn't hate it. The two things that were repelling her was the thick smell of the tobacco and the stinky feet. She leaned against Fei tighter, and she winked her noise instinctively.

Her charm was undeniable.

Her subconscious movement instantly made the men sitting close to them put out their cigarettes and put their feet back into their old boots.

Torres set to the left of Fei. He sat a little further behind, and he observed everyone in the pub, judging if they were dangerous or not. Even the thin, poor prostitutes who only had a few pieces of clothes on and were trying to get customers were inspected.

Even though Torres knew that the king was mighty, and probably no one in this town could threaten him. However, as a guard, his instinct and habit made him highly aware.

Here's the Purpose of That Little Pocket in Women's Underwear


Jessie and Alan were sitting on the opposite side of the table.

Jessie was born in a poor neighborhood, and his life in Black-Cloth Shrine was simple and ascetic. Therefore, he got used to this little pub really quick. He saw there quietly and even called over the chubby waitress Jenny to order a plate of salt water-boiled beans, a pint of bitter ale, and a few pieces of local whole-wheat bread.


At this moment, the wooden door of the pub was kicked open.

Everyone turned their heads and saw an arrogant figure. He was more than two meters tall, bald, and wearing two metal bracelets.

After he glanced around viciously, a proud smile on his face. It was clear that he was pleased with the fact that everyone in the pub stopped talking when he made his appearance.

Then, he turned around and put on a flattering smile, bending his back and making a respectful gesture.

Then, a thin, pale mid-aged man walked in; he was wearing a fancy robe. Beside him, there was a mid-aged woman who was hanging onto his arms. This woman was wearing a ton of makeup; she wasn't bad-looking and had a voluptuous body, but her age made her look a little bloated. Also, she was wearing a ton of jewelry; even though it was fancy, it felt a little vulgar.

As soon as these two people stepped into the pub, a disgusted look appeared on their face. They both took out a white cloth to cover their noses, clearing displeased with the air quality there.

This thin, pale mid-aged man was Mr. Babel, the ruler of the town and the only noble around; he could determine the fate of every person in the town. He was a little noble in the former Blackstone Kingdom, and his title got kept after the kingdom was rewarded to Chambord. The woman beside him was his wife, Kelly, and the vicious bald man was his guard, Derek.

10 Places All Men Must Visit While They're Single


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Chapter 565: Tyrant Alexander (Part Two)

"I'm sure you all know the reason why you are here. The spring is about to arrive, so according to the tradition of our town, we will distribute the land rental agreement tomorrow and sale the seeds as well. As you know, the entire Blackstone Kingdom is rewarded to King Alexander His Majesty of Chambord! Therefore, the previous rules are changing."

After he slowly walked into the table at the center of the pub, which looked the cleanest, Waitress Jenny quickly rushed over and cleaned this table even more. Then, the lady, Kelly, pinched her nose and sat down.

However, Mr. Babel continued to stand. In a calm yet determinate tone, he looked around and announced, "According to the new laws created by King Alexander His Majesty, the tax is going to increase for the coming year. There is the seed tax, justice tax, and the war tax. Each tax is one silver coin, and will be based on head counts..."

Before Babel could finish, the people in the hub started to shout.

"God! Three more taxes? Can we still live?"

"One silver coin per tax per person? After working hard for a full year, I can only make five to six silver coins. That isn't enough for the taxes! What should we eat? What can we wear then?"

"Damn! King Alexander of Chambord! Is he trying to kill us?"

"Damn! We can't live anymore! Justice tax? War Tax? There is no justice! There are no wars around here! We wouldn't be able to afford food, but we need to pay for wars?"

"Just let the enemies of Jax come here! By then, we might be able to have some money left over for food!"

"Tyrant Alexander! I hate you!"

Although these farmers were used to being disappointed once every year and knew that the nobles wouldn't stop getting wealth from them, the new taxes placed a heavy burden on their minds, and they couldn't hold back their anger.

Instantly, the pub got chaotic, and the farmers were enraged.

When Angela and other looked at him with surprise, Fei shrugged and said, "Don't look at me; I never gave such order. I don't think Uncle Bast and Brook would do something like this."

"Quiet down! Quiet!" Mr. Babel knocked the table forcefully.

That tough, bald guard looked around viciously, and his knuckles made a series of popping noises. Then, he smashed his fist against a wooden beam, causing the dust on the ceiling to fell off.

His ferocious presence instantly scared the farmers, making them very quiet.

They had no power and influence. Except for getting angry, they couldn't do anything else.

"You need to know that King Alexander His Majesty is fighting with the enemies of Jax in the frontline! He is protecting the empire! We need to contribute as much as we can! If the military doesn't get enough funds, the empire might get conquered! The Sand Ghosts' blades aren't easy to talk to! They will kill all the men and assault all women! This town would be turned into a living hell! Therefore, you need to pay the taxes!" Babel paused for a second after seeing that his words scared these farmers and extinguished their will for rebellion. He nodded and continued, "Except for the taxes, the rental cost will increase three times. Also, the price for the seeds will increase three times as well. You all need to pay up in ten days. If you can't, you won't get seeds and lands this year..."

Before he could finish, the pub got noisy again.

"What? That is impossible! We don't have that much money!"

"How? None of us can! Tyrant! That Tyrant! Who is going to come and save us?"

"We would rather be ruled by the royal family of the Blackstone Kingdom! This damn king of Chambord! He doesn't care about our lives! Kick the people of Chambord out! Alexander is a vampire! He is a greedy devil!"

"Chambordians! Get out of Kelun and the Blackstone Kingdom!"

The angry people knocked the tables, and some of them even broke the metal cups. The cussing and shouts almost destroyed the roof!

The atmosphere in the pub was intense; anything might trigger an explosion!

What Babel said went through the bottom line. If everything was calculated according to what he said, then no one in this town could afford growing crops for the next year.

"I'm empathic about the situation, but I couldn't do anything. These are the orders from King Alexander of Chambord. No one can go against it."

Mr. Babel intentionally threw all the blames onto Chambord, and the angry crowd started to chant things like, "Alexander is a devil."

Torres instantly stood up and grabbed onto his bow. However, Fei nodded and signaled his guard to sit down. It was clear that the king realized something.

At this moment, a young man suddenly stood up and refuted, "You are lying! King Alexander His Majesty never gave out such orders!"

Chapter 566: It's Her! (Part One)

People turned around and looked in the direction of that voice.

There was a dark, thin young man who looked quite dirty. He was small, and he was wearing cheap clothes. His hair was messy, and straws and dry grasses were in there.

His name was Monet, and he was one of the poorest people in the town. Before he said anything, he was standing by the door, not even able to afford a cup of the cheap ale. He was silent and timid before, but for some reason, he suddenly stepped forward and refuted Mr. Babel.

"Monet? Do you know what you are saying?" Babel frowned and stared at this young man viciously.

"I... I know you are not right. King Alexander His Majesty didn't make those rules." After being questioned by the most powerful person in the town, Monet who should be timid and back off didn't do so. Even though he understood the underlying meaning in Babel's question, he thought of that person and straightened his back, speaking his mind.

"Really? Are you sure, Monet? How do you know?"

"What is going on?"

"Monet, who told you that? What else do you know?"

The farmers in the pub grasped onto what Monet said as if they were drowning and grabbed onto a straw.

They started to ask questions, and a few more anxious ones instantly surrounded Monet. Although they knew that this young man who was usually not that hard working could be lying, they still hoped that he was telling the truth.

"Monet, are you doubting me? Doubting the words of a noble? Do you know what that means?" Babel frowned so much that his eyebrows were almost connected. Everyone in this town knew that this nobleman was really mad.

After seeing this expression, that bald guard sneered and walked toward Monet.

Monet had a friend beside him who lightly pulled his sleeve, trying to tell him to apologize and beg for forgiveness.

However, this usually timid young man had a stubborn expression on his face. He straightened his back and stated, "You are lying! I met the envoy from Chambord, and she said that King Alexander His Majesty removed all taxes for farmers, and the land rental is also going to be free. Lastly, the seeds will be distributed at no cost as well..."

"What? There are such things?"

She Was the Most Beautiful Girl in the World. What She Looks Like Now is Insane


"Envoy from Chambord? Where? Why didn't I see anyone? Are you sure you met the envoy from Chambord, Monet?"

The farmers in the pub screamed. The information Monet told them was no different to the information about a lake in the eyes of travelers in the desert who were dying of thirst.

"I'm not lying; it is real... Ah!"


Before Monet could finish, he screamed out in pain.

After that bald guard punched Monet to the ground, he gave him another stomp.

Monet's body instantly curled up like a cooked shrimp. He was in so much pain that his face paled, and he couldn't make a sound.

The farmers in the pub were terrified, and no one dared to go up and help Monet to stand up.

This bald guard was almost a One-Star Warrior and practically obtained warrior energy; he could easily defeat everyone in the pub. Due to his existence, no one in the town dared to doubt Mr. Babel's orders.

"Yuck! You dirty pig! How dare you lie and throw dirt on me? How dare you doubt the words of Mr. Babel?" the bald guard spat on the ground, and he sneered even more. As he glanced around, he laughed, "You low-lives! This is the consequences of doubting Mr. Babel!"

Here's the Purpose of That Little Pocket in Women's Underwear


"Tie him up! When the sun appears in the sky tomorrow, hang him in the center of the town! Let everyone know that death will be given to anyone who dares to disobey King Alexander His Majesty!" Babel relaxed and looked at Monet as if he was a nasty bug. It felt like this nobleman didn't even want to stomp on this poor young man because his shoes might get dirty, but his words were chilling.

Sitting close to the window, Fei stopped Torres and Jessie from helping again.

When Monet was knocked to the ground, the king saw that Monet's friend who tried to stop him from speaking escaped from the pub. It was clear that he was planning to find a person.

If Fei wasn't wrong, the person should be the envoy from Chambord.

(* Support the translators and read on Noodletown Translations for free as soon as the chapters come out! Make sure that you subscribe to us on – noodletowntranslated dot com! You will get the most recent update in your email!)

Chapter 566: It's Her! (Part Two)

Nobleman Babel was vicious and continued to throw all the blame onto the King of Chambord, and Fei was almost sure that all the increased taxes and expenses were tricks played by this man. If the king showed his identity right now, he could solve the issues instantly. However, he was interested in this envoy Monet talked about, so he wanted to see how this envoy was going to deal with this problem.

-Inside the pub-

Poor Monet was tied to the wooden beam in the center of the pub, and a ragged cloth stuffed his mouth. He was now half unconscious.

After Babel threatened the farmers a bit more, no one dared to go against him.

The noble lady named Kelly was covering her nose with a white handkerchief that had a faint fragrance on it, and she was bored and looking around. Suddenly, her pupil contracted when she saw the five strangers. After she showed hostility toward Angela who was a lot more beautiful than her, she focused on Fei, Torres, and Jessie who were all good-looking.

A thirsty woman!

Fei observed her already. He had seen a lot of Japanese Adult Videos, so he understood the intention of this mid-aged woman who had heavy makeup on and felt good about herself.

Perhaps Fei was the king and had a special aura around him, Kelly's eyes locked onto him.

With the sixth sense of a woman, she instantly ranked these three handsome young men in order.

At this time, Babel finally turned around, followed his wife's gaze, and saw the five strangers. As a man, his eyes instantly focused on Angela.

A strong sense of possessiveness appeared in his mind. As he was about to do something, he suddenly froze.

He rubbed his eyes and got confused.

At that moment, for some reason, his vision blurred. When he looked at the five strangers, he could only make out the rough outer shapes. When he focused back onto the goddess-like girl, he couldn't see her face clearly anymore; he could only see the dark edges. However, when he turned around and looked at other people, his eyes went back to normal.

Fei curled his lips; he was using his power to disturb others' visions. If he didn't want to wait for the envoy from Chambord to show up, he could have waved his finger and eliminated this vicious and greedy little nobleman.

Babel lowered his head and whispered something into the bald guard's ear, then this guard turned to look at Fei's group and nodded flatteringly. As this guard was about to walk over to Fei, the wooden door of the pub squeaked opened. The sharp noise sounded ear-piercing in this now quiet pub.

"Please! Please! Monet got beat by them! He couldn't hold it any longer..." An anxious voice sounded, and the people in the pub heard it alongside the noises made by the wind.

Everyone in the pub looked at the door.

A figure that was about 1.6 meters tall appeared. This person was wearing a long red robe and a golden belt. The youthful body seemed pressing, and the red fire-like hair was fluttering in the wind. Together with the robe, it made this person look like a cloud of burning flame.

It was a woman.

To be exact, she was a girl who looked about 15 to 16 years old.

Besides this girl, there were three young men. Two of them were wearing black armors and looked like they were 16 to 17 years old, and the third person was the young man who was with Monet and escaped not too long ago.

The girl in the red robe ignored everyone's surprise. With her head raised, she looked around and locked her eyes onto Babel. She sneered and asked haughtily, "Are you the little noble who dared to lie and defame King Alexander His Majesty?"

Such a domineering tone!

This girl completely ignored Babel's title.

"Who are you?" Babel frowned and asked. His thick eyebrows furrowed and were almost connecting.

"I'm the envoy from Chambord, a second-year student in Chambord's Civil and Military University. Also, I'm a Tri-Merit Student and a student official in the university! Remember my name! I'm Louise!" the girl in red responded proudly and told everyone a bunch of obscure titles.

(TL Note: Tri-Merit Students are titles given to students who demonstrate great grades, great physical abilities, and great morals and values.)

"Puff..." Fei almost spat out the ale he was drinking.

He finally recognized who this girl was! He didn't expect that the envoy from Chambord would be her!

Chapter 567: Fire-like Girl (Part One)

Fei and Angela looked at each other and saw the smile on each other's face.

They all knew this fire-like and bright girl. In fact, she was treasured by almost everyone in Chambord's military.

"Are you King Alexander? If you can save my father, I'm willing to be your lover forever..." This was the first thing that Louise said to Fei when they met.

Back then, Fei merely discovered the existence of Diablo World, and he just started experimenting with this 'golden finger'. During that time, Chambord Castle was under siege, and the black-armored enemies surrounded it. In order to destroy the siege ladders in battle, Pierce risked his life and got severely injured, dancing on the verge of death.

When Fei successfully got a bottle of [Minor Health Potion] from Diablo World, and before he saved Pierce, he encountered Pierce's daughter, who was this red-haired Louise.

Back then, Louise was still little; she was just a little over ten years old. Now, the time only passed by for about a year, and that girl, who cried beside her injured father, looked like she was six to seven years older. Her thin and weak body had grown a lot, and she looked more like a young woman now.

Her hip and chest bulged up, filling up the loose red magic robe. However, her facial features were delicate but a little immature. Therefore, the contrast between the cuteness and semi-mature body made her the perfect loli.

No wonder when she walked in, almost everyone felt like this fire-like girl stole all their attention.

Fei didn't expect that Bast and Brook would be comfortable enough to send the students of Chambord's Civil and Military University to inspect the new territory of Chambord. The two young men behind Louise were also wearing the uniforms of Chambord's Civil and Military University, so they must be students as well.

What pleased Fei was that this university he established less than a year ago when he felt like joking actually worked pretty well.

At the moment, Louise was already a Two-Star Mage, and a faint cloud of fire elements was floating around her. The other two students looked thin, but Fei could tell that they had warrior energies flowing inside their bodies. They were both One-Star Warriors.

The three of them were invincible in this small town; they could deal with the current situation easily.

Therefore, Fei lightly squeezed Angela's hand and started to observe the performance of Chambord's students; he wanted to know how these three people were going to solve the current problem.


"You are the envoy from Chambord?"

She Was the Most Beautiful Girl in the World. What She Looks Like Now is Insane


Babel's brows twisted frequently like poisonous snakes, causing his expression to change continuously.

This little nobleman felt like something was wrong. When he turned his head and looked at his bald guard, he saw that his guard wasn't afraid. Therefore, he calmed down and mocked, "Do you have any proof? Little girl, can you prove your identity?"

"We knew that shameless people like you would say something like this! Therefore, the Head Minister of Chambord, Mr. Bast, give us these scrolls! I will show this one scroll to people like you who are trying to defame King Alexander His Majesty so that you will finally surrender! Humph!" Louise sneered and took out a red scroll that had golden edges from her inner pocket. She lightly flicked her wrist, and the scroll opened. Then, a surge of energy appeared when the vivid image of a two-headed dog with an ax and a blade in its mouths got displayed. The image was created by magic energy, and it was bright and eye-catching.

It was the symbol of Chambord!

This was the [Scroll of the King's Order], and these scrolls were created by powerful mages, contained anti-forging seals, and were extremely hard to copy. An ordinary level 1 affiliated kingdom shouldn't have the power to create such scrolls.

Three months ago, it was announced that these scrolls would represent the will of King Alexander His Majesty.

Therefore, the farmers in the hub all stood up in excitement as they stared at the bright image on the scroll.

At this moment, almost everyone believed Louise's identity.

(* Support the translators and read on Noodletown Translations for free as soon as the chapters come out! Make sure that you subscribe to us on – noodletowntranslated dot com! You will get the most recent update in your email!)

Chapter 567: Fire-like Girl (Part Two)

Trump's IQ is Finally Revealed - Try Not to Gasp!


Babel's expression froze as well.

"Hahaha! What a joke!" Babel's wife, Kelly, who had been silent suddenly laughed, "Little girl, you want to show off a scroll that you stole from somewhere? What a silly girl! Everyone, just think about it. How could King Alexander His Majesty, someone who is talented and wise, send a little girl as his envoy? Also, from your looks, you guys aren't even adults yet. How could His Majesty trust kids like you? This is ridiculous! Little girl, lying about your identity as the envoy of the king could potentially result in you guys being hung!"

One had to admit that women's sixth sense was sharp. This chubby mid-aged woman instantly saw through Louise's real age and grabbed onto this 'loophole' in the argument.

After hearing Kelly's words, the farmers who believed Louise started to doubt her.

"Hahaha! I almost got fooled by you! Little girl, you sure are daring! How dare you steal one of Chambord's [Scrolls of the King's Order] and try to fool the people of Kelun? Tell me, who told you to do this? Monet is your co-conspirator, right? Hehe, the real envoy from Chambord is resting in my mansion, and he has been worrying since his [Scroll of the King's Order] was stolen. Come here! Guards, arrest this scammer and her peers! Lock them up and interrogate them! I need to know all of the participants in this scheme!"

Kelly's words reminded Babel, so he opened his mouth and instantly threw dirt on Louise and her peers habitually. Using words along, he turned them into thieves who stole this precious and powerful scroll.

A series of footsteps sounded.

More than a dozen guards rushed into the pub from the outside with weapons in their hands. As vicious smiles appeared on their faces, they surrounded Louise and her peers. The farmers in the pub were terrified as they moved further away so that they wouldn't be affected. The young man, who brought Louise and the other two students of the university here, fell onto the ground, and his face paled.

"Humph! I knew that you would try the last-ditch effort!" Louise sneered.

She shook her hands and carefully put away the scroll as if it was the most precious treasure. Then, she pointed at Babel in the nose and stated loudly and aggressively, "I took out the [Scroll of the King's Order] to show you that I have it, and it doesn't matter if you believe it or not. Nobleman Babel of the Kelun Town, I, the envoy from Chambord, suspect that you are trying to cooperate with the enemies of Jax and defame King Alexander His Majesty. You also disobeyed the orders from the king, acted dishonestly, and plotted conspiracies! You better give up and wait for the ruling of the Kingdom's Court! If you dare to resist arrest, as the envoy from Chambord, I have the right of killing treasonous suspects on the spot!"

Louise was tougher than both Babel and Kelly. She opened her mouth and made Babel into someone who committed treason; her determination and courage stunned Jessie and Alan. These two men turned around and looked at Fei, thinking, "No wonder she is the envoy from Chambord. Her domineering and straightforward behaviors are almost identical to King Alexander!"

"What? How dare you? Do you want to die?" Babel shouted furiously, "Quickly arrest these three scammers! Quick!"

The guards sneered and stepped forward.

As the people worried about this fire-like girl, they heard a series of crisp, wind-chime-like chants. Louise placed her hands in front of her chest, and waves of flames appeared in between her palms, instantly increasing the temperature in the pub.

Then, more than a dozen dashes of flames shot out and struck every single guard.

Bam! Bam!

As if they were electrocuted, these guards fell onto the ground while their bodies turned black. Their hairs were burned, and streaks of black smokes came out of their mouths. They couldn't even hold onto their weapons since all of them fell unconscious.

"Ma... mage?!?! This girl is a powerful mage?" Babel and Kelly were stunned.

They realized that the situation went out of their control, and they sensed a chill going up their spines. At the same time, cold sweats covered their foreheads.