914 - 924

Chapter 914: Expansion of the Black-Cloth Shrine (Part One)

Over the cheers of the Alanians in Marton City, Fei returned to the temporary campsite of Chambord.

The expeditionary troop of Chambord followed Fei's policy of not taking anything from the nice people and didn't even demand a needle and a string from any Alanians.

During yesterday's battle and clean up, the soldiers of Chambord didn't do anything bad to Alanians and didn't accept the expensive gifts from the righteous rich people and nobles in the city.

The strict military discipline of the expeditionary troop of Chambord earned the respect of close to 70,000 Alanians in the city. The Alanian resistance force that was afraid that Chambordians might become the new invader after defeating the Anjians even gradually had high trust in this powerful ally.

Right now, after one night of busyness, people like Charles Adam were still trying to complete the new institution and power structure of Marton City. At the same time, they were recruiting soldiers on a mass scale. Almost all the young men within the age group were recruited into the Alanian resistance force. They received a lot of military training and were preparing for the upcoming war.

In just one night, the rapid liberation of Marton City allowed Alanians to see the hope of re-establishing the Alania Empire. If they did things correctly and got the continued support from Chambord, it was no longer a vague and unattainable dream.

The massive victory that the Alanians obtained against the Anjians in the dark last night was no different to a torch in dark desperation, pointing out the direction of survival. This made Alanians' passion for the future to skyrocket, and civilians and nobles worked together and did everything that they could to defeat the Anji Empire in the future.

Fei was pleased to see this.

In fact, back when the king decided to take only 1,000 soldiers to go on this expedition, he had thought about this area already.

The rapid rise of the Anji Empire was stunning, but it also meant that its foundation was no longer stable.

Before they could completely digest the land and resources that they took and assimilate the new population, they robbed the people on their new land and forcefully extracted wealth. It was an incredibly short-sighted order, and it was cruel and vicious. Like depleting all the water in a lake before catching the fish, this action was foolish. The bloody and brutal suppression coming from the Anjians already triggered the aggressive resistance of the natives on the land, and all kinds of complicated issues arose.

As long as Fei could rally the natives of this land and add more fuel to the fire, giving Alanians the hope of overthrowing the cruel dictatorship of Anji, these people would gather themselves and do whatever they could to weaken the Anji Empire's strength. This way, the Zenit Empire and the Chambord Kingdom wouldn't need to use many resources. After all, before the real chaos arrived, accumulating strength was the best strategy.

Therefore, Fei had to give Alanians necessary support.

After returning to the military campsite, the king summoned the commanders of various levels and got a better idea of the current situation. Also, he took some time to meet the members of the interim government that Alanians voted on, and he selectively agreed to Alanians' request of military reinforcements and resources.

Soon, more than ten super long-range teleportation arrays were built in the military campsite of Chambord. As magic energy flames flashed, resources were transported to Marton City from Chambord City.

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Since Marton City was the first city that Alania won back from Anji, Fei was going to test many of his ideas here. Therefore, the expeditionary troop of Chambord didn't leave right away. Instead, it stayed here for three days.

Chapter 914: Expansion of the Black-Cloth Shrine (Part Two)

In these three days, except for physical assistance such as items and resources, Fei also did something that wasn't planned but had profound effects on the power dynamics of the Northern Region and the rise of Chambord – some priests of the [Black-Cloth Shrine] teleported to Marton City and started to act as missionaries to promote the religion.

Fei was extremely busy. After becoming the bishop of [Black-Cloth Shrine] with his Paladin character, except for moving the headquarters of this fallen shrine in the Holy Church to Chambord City, Fei didn't manage the internal affairs of the shrine that much. Instead, he delegated all those duties to Deacon Batistuta and other elders in the shrine.

Of course, during this process, the young Priest Jessie received the training he needed.

With Fei's influence and prestige in Chambord, the teaching of the [Black-Cloth Shrine] quickly spread throughout the kingdom and became the only religion.

However, the spreading of the [Black-Cloth Shrine] became harder after that.

After all, the other areas on the continent were already divided up by other shrines of the Holy Church.

Now, the chaos created by Anji gave Fei and [Black-Cloth Shrine] a perfect opportunity.

Taking Marton City as an example. Due to the bloody crimes committed by Anjians and the Undead Creature Catastrophe, the members of the Holy Church already escape from the area, leaving out this area that was lacking religious teaching. Now, according to the rules of the Holy Church, any shrine could spread their religion in an empty area. Therefore, there was nothing wrong with the [Black-Cloth Shrine] coming here.

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Also, the residents of the city were displeased when those priests of another shrine escaped in the face of danger, and they all ditched their previous religion, making [Black-Cloth Shrine] have an easier time spreading its influence here.

The 20 elite priests of [Black-Cloth Shrine] arrived at Marton City on the second day after the liberation.

Although low-level priests couldn't counter the dark power of Hell, they were experienced at healing people's injuries and comforting their minds. Without holding back their holy power, these priests healed the injured Alanians and helped with the Alanian resistance force, quickly turning close to 70,000 Alanians in the city to believers of [Black-Cloth Shrine].

The teaching of [Black-Cloth Shrine] did fit with Fei's worldview. Also, as the bishop, Fei had the power to change the doctrine of [Black-Cloth Shrine] as long as it wasn't in conflict with the [Code of God]. After becoming the bishop, Fei spent some time and studied the doctrine of [Black-Cloth Shrine], so he wasn't worried about having any adverse effect or giving other shrines in the Northern Region Church the chance to come back and take the fruits of their labor.

Most importantly, as the bishop of [Black-Cloth Shrine], Fei was greatly promoted by the priests. Soon, real and fake tales about Fei's nobility, bravery, generosity spread around Marton City in an unstoppable manner.

What Fei did before the arrival of these priests already made Alanians in the city view him as their savior, and even little kids knew his new title as the Human Emperor of the North. After the work of the priests, Alanians in Marton City all became the king's loyal followers.

While testing his ideas in Marton City, Fei also paid close attention to other events that were happening in the Northern Region, Southern Region, Western Region, Eastern Region, and Central Region of Azeroth. All the information that he learned told him one thing: the real chaos era had truly arrived.

Chapter 915: Young Lords (Part One)

From the information that Fei obtained in the last few days, it seemed like the situation on the continent had drastically worsened recently.

In the Eastern Region, the four legendary level 9 empires, Manchester United, Arsenal, Liverpool, and Chelsea, were in a grand war against each other, almost flipping the Eastern Region of Azeroth upside-down. With the Manchester City Empire that rose to the top with the arrival of the Chaos Era, it was heard that there wasn't a single inch of land in the Eastern Region that wasn't enveloped by the war.

In the Western Region, the war between the level 9 Madrid Empire and the level 9 Barcelona Empire came to a climax. Under the leadership of the unrivaled genius, Leo Messi, the Barcelona Empire defeated the Madrid Empire in the beginning, forcing the latter to pay a hefty price and hire the famous general, José Mourinho, who was said to be the No.1 Military Commander on the continent. Then, they were able to hold up against the attack of the Barcelona Empire.

The war in the Southern Region surprised Fei a little. The dominating empire in the Southern Region was defeated repeatedly by the Ormond Empire, which was only a level 7 empire on the rise. The Ormond Empire also had two genius masters, Götze and Reus, and it was in its prime state right now.

Chaos was also overtaking the Central Region. The Holy Church could no longer suppress the Inter Milan Empire and the AC Milan Empire. These two empires together with the Juventus Empire that was trying to redeem itself in this chaos went to war, and talented geniuses appeared in all these empires.

This was an era where talented geniuses would appear, a period with many stars. This was the best era for some people, but it was also the worst time for others.

During this time, all the intelligence networks on the continent worked overtime and were all overloaded.

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All kinds of intelligence reports flew around, and the famous geniuses who appeared in the five regions were well-known in the upper-circle; all the forces memorized their names and their backgrounds. There were people like Red Demon Warrior Rooney, Lance King Van Persie, Assassination God Hernández, Wind-Dancer Hazard, Sniper King Suárez, Little Giant Cazorla, King Warrior Ronaldo, Super Genius Messi, Genius Prince Götze, Wind-Chasing Sword Reus, Fantasy King Kroos, Little Pharaoh Shaarawy, and Unique Jovetić. They became the brightest stars in this Chaos Era, replacing the masters of older generations and becoming the main characters in their own legendary stories.

Of course, King Alexander of Chambord was the most famous young warrior in the relatively weak Northern Region, and he was placed among those super geniuses, getting known by all the intelligence networks and many empires and becoming one of the few young people who were closely monitored by the powerful forces and figures at the top of the pyramid.

These super geniuses of the young generation all had unparalleled influence, and they were known as 'Young Lords'. Many people believed that these young lords were the key figures in changing the power dynamics on Azeroth in the foreseeable future.

Naturally, with more attention, all kinds of comments and comparisons got spread around.

It was heard that even Continental Martial Saint Maradona commented on these young lords. However, not many people knew the detailed discussion, so many people got curious and pandered. They wanted to know which young lord that the most powerful human on the continent favored. However, in the lists made by other influential figures and super forces, people such as Messi of Barcelona, Ronaldo of Madrid, Götze and Reus of Ormond, and Shaarawy of AC Milan all ranked above Fei for obvious reasons.

Chapter 915: Young Lords (Part Two)

Clearly, compared to the young lords who had great control in the super empires, Fei was only the king of a level 1 affiliated kingdom of a level 1 empire. Even though his individual strength might be outstanding, his background and influence were way too inferior. In fact, he was more like a hillbilly compared to other young lords who were nobles and aristocrats. On the Azeroth Continent, influence and background in most cases were representations of one's strength.

When the [Letter Office] delivered this news to Fei, the king laughed and ignored them.

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However, the king memorized the names of all these young lords. Sooner or later, he was going to meet them, and there would probably be battles between them.

Overall, the chaos on the continent made Fei sense even more danger and urgency.

Compared to other places, the Northern Region was relatively peaceful. However, a sense of terrifying strangeness hid behind the calm surface. The violent rise of Anji and the appearance of dark power of Hell made the perceived peacefulness even more chilly. If the entire Northern Region were seen as a river that seemed peaceful, terrifying undercurrents might be flowing under the surface. Once the undercurrents collided and exploded, all the boats on the river would be flipped over.

Except for the information about humans, Fei paid close attention and wanted to know more about the emergence of the Sea Tribe, but there wasn't that much news.

There were some incidents where the Sea Tribe raided merchant ships and fishing boats, but they weren't large in scale nor coordinated. Only low-level members of the Sea Tribe participated in these incidents, and the navy of the Leon Empire soon took care of it. The massive invasion of the Sea Tribe that Fei expected didn't occur, and he didn't know what conspiracy that golden-masked princess of the Sea Tribe at [Sea of Fragrance] was planning.

Also, Fei didn't get much information on the golden skeleton. The king wasn't able to make a judgment and determine where this terrifying opponent was hiding from the small pieces of information.

Three days quickly passed by.

On the morning of the third day, the expeditionary troop of Chambord moved toward the south.

Charles Adam of the Alanian resistance force brought 1,000 cavaliers with him and followed Fei; they could help the king communicate and coordinate with other Alanians and take care of minor things. Most of the people in the team of Alanian survivors that got to Marton City with Fei stayed in the city. However, Warrior Anna, Mercenary Edward, Leo, and his two sisters moved with Fei.

Anna and Edward wanted to stay with Fei so that they could learn from the king, advancing further on the path of cultivation. In terms of Leo and his two sisters, Fei decided to bring them with him. Fei liked Leo who was kind, brave, and considerate. Since the king loved talented and good people, he wanted to build this young man up.

In the last three days, Fei also pushed his Assassin character to Hell Mode level 20, and his plan of killing monsters and leveling up was continuing. With this speed, he needed about one year to make all his characters pass Hell Mode in Diablo World.

The expeditionary troop of Chambord had a smooth journey.

In the beginning, the Alanian resistance force that traveled with Fei were all cavaliers, and Chambord had two Xuan'ge, so their speed was fast.

However, one day later, they saved quite a few Alanian survivors on the way. With more survivors and refugees joining them, their speed slowed down again.

Chapter 916: New Emperor of Alania (Part One)

The thing that the Alanian resistance force was glad about was that they didn't need to battle zombies and mutated demon beasts; even the warriors of Chambord rarely moved. King of Chambord took care of it himself most of the time.

Since titles such as 'Savior', 'Human Emperor of the North', and 'Bishop of the Holy Shrine' were already placed on him, Fei didn't need to stay low-key anymore. Therefore, he used Paladin Skill – [Cleansing] openly.

Wherever the golden flames went through, the evil energy was completely wiped out, and light returned to the land. Like a sun that was moving extremely close to the surface of the ground, Fei emitted light and heat, easily shattering evil and turning it into nothing.

In ordinary people's eyes, this was no different from a miracle, so Fei's fame spread around the region at an incredible speed.

Later on, many survivors rushed through many blockages and obstacles daily, going through all kinds of hardships and trying their best to be protected by the Human Emperor of the North.

As a result, like sunlight, Fei's name and his title as Human Emperor of the North were passed around the ancient land that used to belong to the Alania Empire.

In the following month, the expeditionary troop of Chambord moved south smoothly like pressing a hot knife through butter. With Fei and Chambord's help, the six critical military cities that used to belong to the Alania Empire were liberated, and the zombies and mutated demon beasts in the region were also wiped out. It seemed like everything was returning to normal.

In terms of the military, the four main battle legions that Anji stationed inside the former Alania Empire were obliterated, losing more than 60,000 elite soldiers and a lot of resources. Also, the Alanian resistance force that was a joke in the eyes of Anji quickly transformed, becoming the official Alanian army that could battle with Anji head-on. With all Alanians rallied up, the Alanian army had almost 200,000 soldiers, not counting all the militias and other small forces. In a short time, Alania's strength skyrocketed.

This process was like rolling a snowball. Almost every single Alanian had deep hatred toward Anjians. As soon as they could pick up a weapon, their first choice was to join the army and get their revenge on Anjians.

Time slowly passed by.

In less than two months, more than 70 percent of the land that used to belong to the Alania Empire was recovered, and the re-establishment of the Alania Empire was within Alania's sight.

This series of rapid-lightning-like movements and achievements shocked the entire Northern Region.

Human Emperor Alexander of the North; this name soon rose in prestige and power. Now, Fei was viewed on the same level as Emperor Juninho of Leon and Emperor Yassin of Zenit.

Gradually, people no longer looked at Fei simply as the king of an affiliated kingdom. With Fei getting more attention, the Chambord Kingdom that was remote and had a low-profile also attracted the attention of the forces in the Northern Region as well as other regions.

Of course, Fei's title as 'Human Emperor of the North' which was renowned to Alanians also caused him a lot of trouble back in the Zenit Empire. However, those things happened later, so we won't go into details now.

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After taking control of the six crucial cities, Fei's invincible and rapid progression finally slowed down. The expeditionary troop of Chambord temporarily stationed at the sixth city, which was the former Capital City of Alania, Dixie City.

Chapter 916: New Emperor of Alania (Part Two)

The land that Alanians took back had to be digested for a while. Also, even though the [Black-Cloth Shrine] grew a lot recently, it was one of the fallen shrines of the Holy Church, and it couldn't swallow this giant piece of cake so quickly. The good thing was that the churches in these giant cities were still usable, so Fei didn't have to use a lot of resources to build churches in these cities.

Warrior Anna and Mercenary Edward who had been following Fei successfully became Two-Star Warriors, getting more powerful by the day. On the other hand, Leo was meticulously looked after by Fei. With a bottle of [Hulk Potion] and a godly herb, Fei elevated Leo's strength to Three-Star. Also, half a month ago, Fei took this young man in as an in-name disciple, bring the latter ultimate glory and pride.

Due to the Human Emperor of the North's favor and Leo's outstanding performance in the recent months, this young man who was going to be 15 years old in half a year also got famous among Alanians.

Since Alanians now took back a lot of the land and re-established the empire physically, they started to try to re-establish the empire according to tradition. People from nobles to ordinary civilians all showed great passion for re-establishing the empire in the right way.

Now, they only had to find the people with the royal bloodline and re-establish the Royal Family of Alania first. However, this task that seemed a lot easier compared to war troubled all Alanians.

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It turned out that all the members of the Royal Family of Alania were killed by the cruel Anjians after the Capital City of Alania was conquered; not a single trace of the royal bloodline was left. The other nobles who had the privilege to inherit the throne were either killed by Anjians or got turned into zombies by the evil power. Within the area of close to 500,000 square kilometers, no one could really inherit the throne according to tradition.

If Alanians couldn't find a proper person to become the new emperor and rebuild the empire, re-establishing Alania could only be a beautiful joke.

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At this moment, a message suddenly appeared. Someone jumped out and claimed that he was sure of one thing – Human Emperor Alexander of the North's in-name disciple, Leo, was actually a distant member of the Royal Family of Alania, and he had a little bit of the royal bloodline in him.

Soon, more and more evidence popped up.

Some people 'coincidentally' saw Leo having an accessory of the Royal Family of Alania that was lost. A few experienced and wise seniors looked at this accessory, and they confirmed that it was the gift that one of the former emperors of Alania gave to one of his sons whose mom wasn't of high status, but this prince later disappeared. To some degree, this accessory proved that Leo might be a descendant of this missing prince.

Therefore, Leo seemed to be the only person who was qualified to inherit the throne of Alania.

Although there were many undercurrents which were forces that wanted to get in power, and they presented all kinds of doubts, the huge influence that Human Emperor Alexander of the North and the expeditionary troop of Chambord accumulated over the last few months had a dominating effect.

Also, the [Black-Cloth Shrine] which was the new religion in the area had been promoting the idea and swaying the public.

As Fei's in-name disciple, Leo was embraced by Fei's power and had a competitive advantage. In the end, most of the Alanian civilians believed in the rumor, and Chambord helped out a lot. Leo became the new emperor of Alania who was going to lead the empire and bring it back from the dead; he was now Emperor Leo.

Chapter 917: New Leader, New Plan (Part One)

Leo had never expected this. Less than four months ago, he was still an ant-like figure who was struggling for survival. No one cared about his life, and even a zombie or a mutated demon beast could easily wipe out him and his two sisters from this world. When he was hungry, eating a piece of bread and drinking milk were luxurious wishes. However, four months later, he rose to the top of the power ladder of the Alania Empire. He was now Emperor Leo, and he had close to one million soldiers and controlled about six million square kilometers of fertile land. He was the emperor who was going to lead the Alania Empire and turn the situation around.

Thinking back to everything, this young man felt like he was still dreaming.

No! In fact, to this young man who just started to understand the cruel law of the jungle, this experience was more bizarre than a strange dream.

He knew that he was where he was all due to the gift from his in-name master, Human Emperor Alexander of the North.

Also, he was clear that if he wanted to stay stable on the heated throne where he had many targets on his back, he knew who he could rely on. There were many nobles who flattered him every day, wealthy merchants who gifted him beautiful women, new officials who would respectfully chant and cheer when seeing him, and powerful military commanders who had control over legions and helped him get onto the throne on the surface. In his mind, he knew that he couldn't trust them that much; he would need to rely on his in-name master, Human Emperor Alexander of the North.

Therefore, on the first day that he got canonized and became the emperor, the young Emperor Leo made a series of decisions.

First, he announced that he was taking Fei as the 'Father of the Nation', which was a prestigious title which was even above the level of the emperor. Even though Fei would have no obligations and no legitimate power in law, he could move everything in the newly re-established Alania Empire.

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At the same time, Empire Leo also announced an alliance with the Zenit Empire, and he sent envoys to St. Petersburg in high-profile and brought gifts.

By now, the [Black-Cloth Shrine] had won over the hearts of ordinary Alanians, becoming the largest religion in the newly re-established empire. In fact, it was the only religion in the region so far. With this background, Emperor Leo directly announced that he was making the [Black-Cloth Shrine] into the Imperial Religion of the Alania Empire, the only shrine of the Holy Church that the empire officially supported.

The young emperor's new orders were quickly passed through the new political system without much push back.

Even an idiot knew that the new Alania Empire which was just established was still not that stable. If they wanted to survive in this chaotic world, they had to establish an alliance with powerful forces. Both Human Emperor of the North and the Zenit Empire were powerful forces that were worthy of allying with.

Of course, the process of turning from a homeless orphan to an emperor was challenging.

To Leo, all the complicated etiquette of the Royal Family and the complex managing of the empire quickly calmed him down from the thrill of becoming the emperor. In fact, he even felt a little powerless.

Fortunately, Fei expected this to happen from the beginning.

On the third day after Emperor Leo's canonization, using the super-long-distance portable magic teleportation array, Fei summoned the royal etiquettes experts who his father-in-law, Bast, had selected and trained in Chambord City. Together with some Alanian seniors who knew a lot about the Alania Empire's history, traditions, and customs, they created the unique Emperor Shortcut Class which was one of a kind in the history of the Northern Region of Azeroth, helping the young emperor to quickly transform from a homeless orphan to a majestic ruler of the land.

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At the same time, Fei didn't disappoint the people who were worshipping him and praising his generosity. As the Father of the Nation, Fei showed his kindness in a friendly fashion.

Chapter 917: New Leader, New Plan (Part Two)

The king dropped a lot of resources and helped the Alania Empire to build eight comprehensive academies and one military academy. Also, Chambord offered all the teaching resources in the beginning for free, using Chambord's way to help Alanians train all kinds of exceptional talents such as warriors, military officers, blacksmiths, mages, combat engineers, poets, and diplomats.

The power of Chambord Kingdom was well-known in the Northern Region, and Chambord's unique talent cultivation method was renowned. To the Alania Empire that was just crushed and had to rebuild from the ground-up, this was no different from offering water to a person who was dying from thirst.

Civilians could enroll in the academies that Chambord built, and they could get a lot of scholarship. In fact, the outstanding students could even go 'study abroad' at Chambord. All these great treatments that Alanians had never heard about made the academies that Chambord opened get insanely popular.

It was heard that on the first day of school, the students packed up the eight comprehensive academies and the military academy named Alexander, and the walls almost collapsed.

In terms of other administrative duties of the newly established empire, Fei also had to help his in-name disciple to manage a few things. As a result, the expeditionary troop of Chambord stopped in Dixie City for more than half a month and paused its marching steps.

All kinds of people wandered in front of the gate of Chambord's campsite; they wanted to see the 'Father of the Nation'.

Even if they could only get a casual greeting or a polite smile, they would be able to be smug for a long time.

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During this time, the reliance that the young emperor of Alania showed toward Fei made many spectators realize that if they wanted to get a piece of the pie in the new Alania Empire where many things weren't divided yet, getting the appreciation from the 'Father of the Nation' was more important than the favor of Emperor Leo.

Unfortunately, Fei wasn't interested in these boring things.

The king didn't show anything toward these spectators who only had their eyes on profit, and he declined all their meeting requests.

These days, not many people could see Fei. Except for the young Emperor Leo and the cute and naïve Princess Keeley and Princess Dilly, only a few acquaintances could meet Fei.

The leader of the Alanian resistance force, Charles Adam, was now the commander of the Alanian Royal Guard, [Revenge Legion]; he was only lower than Emperor Leo and above many.

The sexy Warrior Anna and the tough Mercenary Edward were also in power. As people who were close to the young emperor, they had significant influence, and many people tried to please them.

On top of these people, most of the young men in that team of Alanian survivors who had interactions with Emperor Leo and were taught by the 'Father of the Nation' became the foundation of the military forces.

However, a few of these people were a little smart.

It didn't matter how busy they were. When it was close to sunset, Adam would come to the campsite of Chambord with Anna and Edward, practicing a little with Fei.

To them right now, the pursuit of cultivation was no longer that passionate. Since their talents were average, and they passed the age where training was the most effective, they didn't have high hopes in this regard. The reason that they came to Fei every day was for their future. If they could stay beside the 'Father of the Nation' a second longer, their political future in the Alania Empire would become brighter and broader.

Fei already saw through their minds, but he didn't point it out. However, he wasn't going to teach them and try to elevate their strengths anymore.

This is life; people make their own decisions and walk their own paths. Since people like Adam and Anna chose to pursue the wealth in mortal life, Fei let them be.

Since they spent some time together, and these people weren't bad, Fei was willing to help them and give them some blessings.

Chapter 918: The King's Plan (Part One)

It was between summer and autumn, but the weather was still hot.

As the sun lowered into the horizon, Fei said farewells to Adam, Anna, and Edward, and he returned to his tent. Like always, he entered Diablo World and started to kill monsters and level up with every free second that he had.

After three months, Fei's Assassin character reached Hell Mode level 100 and passed Diablo World.

Now, Fei was working on getting his Necromancer character up to speed.

Fei had a feeling that the undead magic was going to be crucial in the next portion of the expedition, and it was going to shine. Right now, his Necromancer character was Hell Mode level 10. If other things wouldn't take too much of his time, his Necromancer character was going to pass Hell Mode in about two months.

As the night got darker, Dixie City, which was the Capital of Alania, was still as bright as daytime, and it was noisy there.

However, Chambord's campsite appeared to be extremely quiet.

Time passed by quickly.

Soon, the dawn was coming, and a new day was about to begin.

After exiting Diablo World and training his spirit energy, Fei walked out of King's Tent with his upper body naked. He was sweating, and it was visible that heat was coming off his body.

While he stretched his back, a guard brought him buckets of water. Fei dumped several buckets of cold water onto his head, washing away the sweat and feeling refreshed.

Although he accomplished many things while staying in Dixie City, he had to get on the road again.

Fei looked at the bright clouds in the sky and suddenly got a little sentimental. He thought of something and said, "Pass my order! Get ready, and we will leave Dixie City and be on the road of the expedition to the Anji Empire tomorrow."

At that moment, for some reason, Fei suddenly decided that before he got onto the path of conquering and battling, he had to return to Chambord City to spend some time with his loved ones.

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With the existence of the super-long-distance portable teleportation array, Fei only needed to take six stops, and he got back to Chambord City in less than three hours.

It was about noon.

Fei's return gave a huge surprise to the two queens.

After having their lovely alone time, Fei quickly ate some stuff with the two beauties in his arms. Right now, he really didn't want to get up and do stuff.

The king only reluctantly got up when it was close to sunset. After thinking for a bit, he asked someone to invite his father-in-law, Bast, and Brook to come here.

Then, together with his two beautiful queens, they cooked up a table full of delicious food.

"Hehehe. It has been a while since I last cooked; I'm getting a little clumsy."

When all the dishes were placed on the table, Bast who was wearing a noble robe and Brook who was wearing casual clothes arrived.

Since the messenger already told them that this was a private dinner arrangement, and the two were used to the king's chill style, they were quite casual and didn't put up formalities.

When Angela took bottles of wine from the Royal Wine Cell, the dinner began.

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"Your Majesty, what you did in the Alania Empire sure is big! The entire Northern Region is moving because of it."

Soon, the conversation went back to the issues concerning the kingdom. Fei's father-in-law was someone who showed the grace and etiquette of a noble all the time. While he cut the steak on his plate into small pieces and put the special sauce on it, Bast looked up and said to Fei.

"Eh, things are smoother than we expected." Fei nodded as he raised his head and drank all the wine in the wineglass like a cow. His move wasn't classy at all, and his father-in-law who strictly followed the standards of nobles rolled his eyes and shook his head. However, this handsome old man couldn't say anything to the king about this.

Chapter 918: The King's Plan (Part Two)

"While we are on this topic… Your Majesty, it was your idea to push that little guy named Leo onto the throne, right?" Brook had been with Fei for a long time, and he was the king's friend and teacher. In public settings, this military leader was very polite and formal. In private settings, he was able to relax and talk like a friend after Fei's multiple requests.

In reality, many people didn't understand why Fei valued Brook so much. In terms of individual strength, he was inferior to people like Drogba, Torres, and Cech. In terms of intelligence and strategy, he was not as good as people like Old Aryang and a few new commanders. In terms of civil management, he wasn't as good as Bast… From all angles, this man who was once the Captain of the King's Guard was quite average.

It made sense that Brook was leading the military when Chambord City was weak and lacked talent. But now, Chambord was full of talents, mighty warriors, and intelligent advisors. Even the Zenit Empire might not be able to suppress Chambord, let alone other affiliated kingdoms. In this situation, it seemed unreasonable to keep Brook as the leader of the military.

In fact, since Chambord started rising in a stable manner, Brook realized this as well. He had asked Fei many times to replace him with someone more talented, but Fei seriously declined his request and raised Brook's status in the military even more.

Right now, on top of the military and King's Guard, Brook even had the power to command the Gold Saints on the 12 Golden Saint Mountains.

This level of trust was unique in the kingdom, not inferior to Fei's trust in his father-in-law, Bast.

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However, others didn't know that on top of Brook's loyalty, Fei also valued this man's righteousness, justice, kindness, and the never-changing character. Regardless of what status he had, he never slighted anyone because of it, and he never selfishly used his power. He viewed all the generals under him fairly, and he never promoted or demoted generals due to his whims of favor. Even when he talked to ordinary civilians and street vendors, he was friendly and kind.

Once Fei was walking around the city in disguise, he saw Brook, who was the military leader of Chambord, helping an older woman, who lost her 18-year-old son when the Ormond Empire attacked, to carry big bags of flour and rice while sweating in his rough robe.

People like Brook were like screws. When they were there, you wouldn't see them shine. However, nothing would work without them there.

Ordinary people had no idea that Fei didn't just value this man who was born and raised in Chambord; the king respected and even admired this man. On top of treating Brook as a loyal subject, the king also saw him as a trustworthy friend.

In Chambord, only people like Bast, Lampard, and Drogba who were here since the beginning saw through the king's mind. These people could be counted as influential figures in the Zenit Empire, and they usually didn't show anything to others. However, they were all respectful towards Brook.

Only the people close to him could sense the charming charisma from this average-looking Chambordian.

After hearing Brook's question, Fei laughed out loud.

"Hahaha! A lot of people probably saw through it. After all, Alanians aren't dumb; there are wise people among them."

Fei didn't need to hide anything in front of his people. While eating a piece of roasted meat that Angela fed him, Fei smiled shamelessly like a cunning fox and told them everything.

"I asked the [Letter Office] to do a detailed investigation of Leo's background. It is clear that he is the descendant of a little merchant, and his parents both died in the Undead Creature Catastrophe. He is now an orphan, and he doesn't have relatives. Charsi made that so-called royal accessory. I got the blueprint in the ruins of the Royal Palace of Alania, and Charsi' forging skill is on the grandmaster-level. Others would have a hard time telling this accessory apart from the real one. Also, even if someone saw through it, what can they do? All the members of the Royal Family of Alania died. As long as the ordinary Alanians believe this story. Those smart ones don't want to offend me, so they know what they should do!"

Chapter 919: Mysterious, Arrogant Challenger (Part One)

"What damn Human Emperor of the North? He is just an ignorant hillbilly! How dare he name himself Human Emperor? Our master can kill him with one finger!"

"The King of Chambord directed this drama and created this disaster to fool you poor Alanians. He is only a clown who is trying to get fame and power, and he is vicious and cunning. Compared to our master, he is like a worm next to a dragon. Without having our master to do anything, I can kill him with one exhale of air!"

"Hahaha! He is the trash king of an affiliated kingdom. How dare he be ranked on the same list as a young lord? He doesn't know his place! Get the f*ck out! If you get naked and crawl around Dixie City, our master might get into a good mood. If he chuckles, he might spare your life!"

"Is the title 'Human Emperor' something that everyone can take? You are a dirty low-life; how dare you act all noble?"

"Hahahaha! He is still hiding! He is probably terrified and had fled. He is nothing but a coward; he doesn't qualify to battle our master! Haha!"

One day ago, less than an hour after Fei left Dixie City, more than a dozen masters from another region of Azeroth appeared. They were all powerful, and they arrogantly announced that they wanted to challenge King Alexander of Chambord. They barged into the campsite of Chambord, and the two sides engaged in a battle after their continuous provocation.

These foreign masters were indeed powerful; even the weakest one among them could battle with Gold Saint Torres of Sagittarius without losing. The other people were all top-tier Moon-Class Elites. If the super powerful Hazel Bank weren't inside the campsite, the campsite of Chambord might have been obliterated by these people.

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However, the campsite of Chambord was still in big trouble.

The mysterious master of these foreigners was mighty. Although he didn't show himself, he was able to lightly snort from somewhere that was unknown and severely injure the Undead Mage, making the latter puke up blood repeatedly. At the same time, an indescribable pressure engulfed the campsite of Chambord, pressing down on everyone in the campsite and immobilizing them. If Fei didn't set up defensive magic arrays around the campsite, and these Chambordians didn't have the protection from the high-level magic devices made by the Mad Scientists' Laboratory, all of them would have been severely injured and lost consciousness under the snort.

"Huh? Where is the King of Chambord?"

That mysterious master's aura covered the entire campsite, and he soon discovered that Fei wasn't in. Perhaps he looked down on the people of Chambord such as Hazel Bank and Torres, the mysterious and powerful master didn't do anything else for more than a full day. It was clear that he waited for Fei's return.

However, his tsunami-like aura enveloped the campsite of Chambord, and the suffocating pressure made everyone in the campsite suffer in pain; they all felt like heavy mountains were weighing down on them, and they were slowly being injured more and more.

Although other masters who were arrogant and weren't from the Northern Region didn't barge into the campsite of Chambord again, they started to promote this incident in Dixie City smugly. They made various bold statements and provoked people by saying that Fei was scared and fled beforehand, and the king would never return while they were here.

Such behaviors enraged and displeased the civilians and soldiers of Alania.

Fei's prestige and influence among Alanians were no different from a god's. In fact, many Alanians worshipped Fei and prayed to him daily; Fei was like their spiritual pillar. Therefore, even though Alanians feared the dominating power of these foreigners, they counterattacked when these mysterious people defamed their idol.

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Chapter 919: Mysterious, Arrogant Challenger (Part Two)

As Fei's in-name disciple, the young Emperor Leo couldn't sit still and watch this happen. He ordered his trusted subordinates such as Adam, Anna, and Edward to surround these people with the elite Royal Guards.

Sharp conflicts broke out. Even though there were a lot more Alanians, they lacked top-tier combat forces. Once the battle began, they suffered heavy losses. Adam who was the legion commander of [Revenge Legion], Anna, and Edward were all severely injured.

These mysterious foreign masters were too powerful. They could go anywhere in the Alania Empire, and even the military couldn't do anything to them. In fact, they also destroyed half of the Royal Palace of Alania, and they stated that if the King of Chambord didn't show up in one day, they would lose patience and start slaughtering the people in the city!

"Hahaha! Dirty low-lives! Listen carefully! From now on, if the King of Chambord doesn't appear, we will kill 1,000 Alanians and 10 Chambordian soldiers every half an hour! Hahaha! Isn't it known that the damn King of Chambord loves his citizens? Don't you all trust and believe in this hillbilly king? I want to see if he dares to come out and save you!"

A foreign master who was wearing light-yellow armor stood at the high point in the Royal Palace of Alania, and he arrogantly shouted with his poor Alanian language. His strength was high, and his voice clearly traveled through Dixie City with the help of warrior energy.

At this moment, a bright light suddenly flashed in the campsite of Chambord further away.

In the next moment, the terrifying aura of that mysterious master completely disappeared. Instead, it was replaced by a holy and gentle aura that seemed like it was from a god.

"Clown! Die!"

An angry roar sounded from the campsite of Chambord, and a beam of holy light suddenly shot down from the sky without any warning. The lightning bolt struck the foreign master who was jumping around and laughing wickedly and arrogantly. Before this poor b*stard could do anything, he got turned into a streak of white smoke and disappeared into the air.

[Fist of the Heavens]; this was one of the most powerful judgment fists of the Paladin.

With a thought, Fei could summon the fist of judgment from Heaven.

This strike was the most powerful combat skill of the Paladin, and it was also known as Angel's Murdering Strike; it was the combat skill of the Paladin that had the most intense murderous spirit. It was rarely used, and it was heard that the gentle and kind Paladin would only use this skill when dealing with demons that were extraordinarily evil and couldn't be forgiven.

The appearance of this murderous judgment fist signified the return of Alexander, the Human Emperor of the North.

The terrifying power of the [Fist of the Heavens] made all the foreign masters who were shouting arrogantly shut their mouths while shivering; they knew that they couldn't deal with this level of power.

"King of Chambord, you finally appeared. I have been waiting for you."

Finally, the mysterious voice sounded again. A series of transparent ripples appeared 1,000 meters above the Royal Palace of Alania. Then, a tall and proud figure slowly showed himself.

His long orange hair fluttered without wind, looking like an almighty god who was descending from Heaven.

Without doing anything spectacular, he opened his eyes, and two beams of yellow light dashed through space and shot toward the campsite of Chambord with unparalleled power and murderous spirit.

Chapter 920: Terrifying Strength (Part One)


Fei snorted in anger, and the golden holy flames burned around him more aggressively.

A huge, mysterious cross that was more than 100 meters tall suddenly appeared from the flames. The golden flames flew around the cross in circles, making it look like a giant godly pillar. Instantly, godly murmurs sounded in the area, and the holy aura expanded outward with Fei at the center. Right now, it seemed like he was summoning something with his head lowered while chanting.

In the next moment, a series of horrifying shrieks sounded from not too far away. Under the illumination of the holy light, a vague shadow suddenly appeared in mid-air, and it started to blink like a shiny bubble while it struggled. It was that arrogant foreign master who got killed. This wasn't his physical body but soul. Under the illumination, his soul was revealed, and it got sucked into the huge cross. In the end, the giant cross melted his soul, turning it into a pure streak of energy before spreading it onto the soldiers in the campsite of Chambord like the shower in spring.

A series of gasps sounded. The Chambordians who had been severely injured by the mysterious master's suffocating pressure suddenly felt that a vast streak of life energy dashed into them alongside the holy power, and they instantly healed.

It was shocking! The huge cross turned the soul of that Moon-Class Elite into pure life energy before injecting it into the bodies of the injured people. This technique was shocking yet terrifying. The concept of reincarnation existed in this world. Even if they couldn't reincarnate, people wished that their souls could rest in peace after they died. If that huge cross weren't golden and didn't have the holy aura around it, this technique could be interpreted to be aligned with the side of evil.

Paladin Skill – [Redemption].

This was a high-level defensive aura of the Paladin; it could use the souls of the enemies to help the Paladin and his teammates to restore life energy and mana.

Fei was no longer worried after he healed everyone.

The king looked up and sneered, not doing anything to the two godly-sword-like light beams that shot toward him from his opponent's eyes.

When the light beams were about ten meters away from Fei, they suddenly paused. It didn't matter how hard they tried to push forward; as if they met the toughest obstacles, they couldn't move forward anymore.

"Tell me, Kid, who are you?" Fei slowly left the ground and floated toward the high sky

However, that mysterious person fixed his eyes onto Fei. As if his eyes were shooting out beams of flames, the sharp murderous spirit wasn't hidden at all. At the same time, a layer of light-golden curved shield gradually showed itself; it was this barrier that blocked out the godly-sword-like stares.

Even though the stare of this mysterious master grew more intense, and the light beams created a series of ripples on the barrier, they couldn't get any closer to Fei.

Paladin Skill – [Defiance]

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This scene was magnificent.

These two people's techniques went beyond the understanding and comprehension of ordinary warriors. To many people, this was a battle between gods. It was similar to the fascinating and legendary scenes that should only exist in traveling poets' stories.

Finally, Fei elevated high enough and stood at the same height as that mysterious master.

"Not bad, you can defend my [Eyes of Murder] which I cast at 50 percent of my power. King of Chambord, you aren't as bad as I expected, and you can barely get into the list of young lords; you should be proud!" This mysterious master sounded haughty and arrogant as if he were the love child of the god who created the world. He continued, "It seems like I didn't come to the Northern Region for nothing. If your performance in the next while still doesn't disappoint me, you will be qualified to know my name."

Chapter 920: Terrifying Strength (Part Two)

Fei froze for a second before he suddenly started laughing out of anger. He said, "God damn! After all this time, it turns out that you are a moron. Is your brain damaged? Did you come all the way here to show off? I don't even care to know your dumb name! You are arrogant and foolish! Come here! I will wake you up!"

Before he finished speaking, the energy flames on Fei burned more aggressively, and the [Griswold's Legacy] Item Set appeared on him.

Wearing the Ornate Armor and the Valor Corona and holding the Redemption Caduceus and the Honor Shield, Fei became the representative of the gods.

He took a step forward, and many holy light beams struck down like a world-destroying lightning sea, instantly engulfing the mysterious master.

[Fist of the Heavens]

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Many judgment fists fell from the sky like light beams.

Fei used his ultimate strike as soon as he moved.

From the short battle that they had so far, Fei sensed that even though this mysterious person was arrogant, his strength was not ordinary. Although the king had never heard of him before, he was not weaker compared to Continental Martial Saint's second disciple, D'Alessandro. Also, his [Eyes of Murder] was terrifying, containing the murderous spirit of an asura who was destroying the world. The penetration ability of this technique was so strong that this mysterious person could kill Sun-Class Lords easily.

For a moment, golden light beams struck down from the sky in silence as if the angry gods were casting world-ending lightning bolts. Even the space in the high sky couldn't hold still and shattered under the power of the many light beams before combining back to normal and getting broken again.

One single [Fist of the Heavens] could kill a Burning Sun Lord, and all these light beams together could slay gods and exterminate demons.

Even god-tier combat weapons might break inside this golden sea of lightning bolts, let alone the human body that was made of flesh.


"King of Chambord, if this is all you've got, I will be greatly disappointed."

The calm and cold voice sounded from the golden sea of lightning bolts. Next, the mysterious master slowly walked out of it while stepping in space. The lightning beams created by the [Fist of the Heavens] continued to strike him, but not even a strand of his long orange hair was broken. From his expression, it seemed like he had a chill shower inside the golden sea of lightning bolts.

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This mysterious person's strength was beyond everyone's imagination.

"This egomaniac's strength seems to be above D'Alessandro's, extremely close to the Demi-God Realm. Damn it! How come such a young and powerful figure appeared? From the looks of it, it seems like he is less than 30 years old. Are demi-gods like cabbages that can be found easily on the street?" Fei quickly thought to himself, but he didn't slow down at all.

His shoulders lightly shrugged, and wind-whistling noises resonated in the high sky. Suddenly, five giant spinning hammers appeared out of nowhere, and each hammer had many mystic runes engraved on its surface. Like agile fish in water, these hammers traveled in mysterious trajectories and flashed, attacking the mysterious master from all angles. These hammers were alluring yet tricky to locate.

Paladin Skill – [Blessed Hammer].

Fei summoned powerful magic hammers that could travel through space and attack enemies by spinning.

The previous [Fist of the Heavens] was a magic attack. Since the magic attack was useless, Fei chose to test out the physical attack. Fei was confident that the [Fist of the Heavens] was powerful enough to destroy everything in the world, but it couldn't affect his opponent at all. Therefore, he thought that his opponent might be immune to magic.

Fei's hypothesis wasn't wrong.

This time, the mysterious master's face changed color, and he dodged instead of letting the hammers hit him.

This mysterious master only lightly tilted his body. Like an electric signal that was disturbed a little, his body flashed as if he didn't really exist, and he easily dodged the strange attacks of the [Blessed Hammers]. Only the real masters could tell that those few blinks represented hundreds of movements that this man performed in a flash; it was the only way that he could have dodged the hammers that locked down nearly all the area around him.

Chapter 920: Terrifying Strength (Part Three)

This man's movements were smooth and ethereal, going above the limit of speed that ordinary people's eyes could catch.

However, it didn't matter how fast he was; dodging had some impact on his tempo and combat rhythm.

To young lords like Fei, such negligible impact was a huge opportunity.

As soon as the mysterious master stopped flashing, Fei already appeared in front of him.

The two of them looked like their faces were touching. More strangely, it seemed like the mysterious master tried to collide with Fei.

At the same time, Fei's attack was completed. With the Redemption Caduceus and the Honor Shield in hand, he completed the signature move of the Paladin.

The mysterious master wanted to dodge using the same technique, but he was shocked. Then, he was hit and got knocked back.

In the next moment, he couldn't stay ethereal and dashing anymore. Like a ballroom dancer who got a stick jammed up his butt, his body shivered, and he flew back, falling into the golden sea of lightning bolts that hadn't completely disappeared yet.

Fei's series of movements and skills were put together meticulously. With movements and skills connecting perfectly, the mysterious master was taken by surprise.

The last skill that Fei used was Paladin Skill – [Charge].

It allowed the Paladin to dash into the battlefield and strike the opponent without missing while ignoring all armor. This was why the mysterious master looked shocked; he realized that he couldn't dodge when he was about to, and this was beyond his understanding.

With one skill connecting, Fei struck the mysterious master repeatedly. The Chambordians and Alanians who were intensely watching the battle on the ground heaved sighs of relief, and they cheered in excitement.

Those dozens of foreign masters were shocked; this was their first time seeing their invincible and mighty master getting knocked away. Even that murderous god in their empire wasn't able to put their master in such a passive situation.

However, Fei didn't look that smug in the air.

He could tell that his attacks didn't injure his opponent that much.

Also, the golden sea of lightning bolts also drastically disappeared, and it seemed like it got devoured by something. The level of threat that his opponent brought him didn't decrease. Instead, the threat increased rapidly.

Even though Fei was standing far away from his opponent, he still felt like chilly needles were poking his skin and causing pain.

His opponent's aura didn't drop but skyrocketed.

The real battle was about to occur.

Fei didn't continue chasing. Instead, he concentrated and used many skills of the Paladin, increasing his armor and all kinds of resistances.

This was the king's first time battling a top-tier master as a Paladin. Although he accumulated a lot of experience in Diablo World, he didn't dare to be overconfident and wanted to be safe. He couldn't always rely on his Barbarian character, so he had to battle using other characters. That was the only way that he could master all seven classes and reach another level.

However, this battle appeared out of nowhere.

Fei wasn't sure where this powerful yet brain-damaged master came from.

The king got a quick update on what happened in the city, and he was angry. From this mysterious master's temperament and his dozens of Moon-Class followers, the king was sure that he was also a young lord.

Technically speaking, this was Fei's first-time fighting a young lord.

While Fei pondered, loud noises rumbled, and the golden sea of lightning bolts exploded. The holy power disintegrated in the air, and the mysterious master walked forward with an indescribable, angry expression with blue energy flames burning around him while ocean-wave-like noises sounded.

Now, he unleashed his full strength.

While he walked in the air, it seemed like a dragon was walking on a small ship. The entire space shook because of him!

Every time he stepped forward, spider-web-like black cracks would appear in space under his feet before quickly recovering! The space shattered under his feet!

Such a terrifying power.

It felt like this mysterious master was beyond the mortal world, and even the space of this world wasn't qualified to contain him.

Chapter 921: Strangeness and the Passive Situation (Part One)

"Hillbilly, you have really angered me. Seriously angered me! Haha! Now, start praying!"

After being knocked away by Fei's shield strike, this mysterious master fell into an uncontrollable rage. His voice resonated in the region, making the sky and ground shake.

When he spoke, visible sound waves dashed out of his mouth and expanded in all directions, creating transparent ripples through the area and making it look like the surface of the lake that was fluttered by the wind.

Even Fei was a little concerned about this master's strength, let alone other Sun-Class Lords. If they were here in Fei's place, they wouldn't be able to bear anything. Their bodies would have been shattered into dust by the soundwaves by now.

"It is clear that this guy suppressed his strength. Right now, his strength level… is extremely close to the Demi-God Realm. I wonder if he has comprehended the power of realms," Fei thought to himself, and he also noticed something that he overlooked before.

As a lightbulb went off in his head, he frowned as murderous spirit flashed in his eyes. He asked in a deep voice, "Are you an Ormondian?"

This mysterious master used his native language in rage; his roars earlier were in the Ormondian language.

"Of course! My name is Reus!" the mysterious master said while emphasizing each word, "You now know my name. However, the price you have to pay is… death!"

"He is Reus!"

This man's information instantly appeared in Fei's head. From the intelligence reports that the [Letter Office] gathered, Fei learned that Reus was a talented genius of the Ormond Empire. Together with Prince Götze of Ormond, they were known as Dual Geniuses of Ormond. Both these men were young lords who were recognized by all the forces on the continent.

In the Southern Region of Azeroth, level 9 Bayern Empire that had dominated over the region for many years was defeated in multiple fronts, and it was heard that Reus and Götze of Ormond were the main reasons.

According to the reports, Reus was a wind-elemental genius warrior, and he had reached peak Burning Sun Realm many years ago. Now, no one knew what level he was on.

"So, you are a member of the Ormond Empire? This is great! You appeared in front of me without me looking! Now, it would be perfect if I take the blood of a young lord of Ormond as revenge for the death of my Chambordian citizens."

Fei licked his lips and looked eager for battle.

When Prince Xanchua of Ormond ordered his giant Xuan'ge to attack Chambord City, it resulted in huge casualty for Chambord. That incident negatively impacted more than 100 families. Although Prince Xanchua, the perpetrator, was executed, Chambordians still remembered the pain that the Ormond Empire brought to them; this grudge stuck in the hearts of Chambordians like a thorn.

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Since Fei had been busy, he didn't have time to deal with it. But now, Reus came to provoke him, so Fei was planning to use this opportunity to teach the Ormondians a hard lesson.

At this thought, Fei grew murderous as well.

"Great! I will take care of the revenge for Prince Xanchua and Prince Gundogan today!"

As soon as Reus said that, he appeared right in front of Fei in a flash.

At that moment, he punched out many times. It was so fast that ordinary people couldn't even see his fists move.

Feeling like a wind was blowing by, Fei only had time to lift the shield in his hand. Then, he was sent flying back, and the dense punching noises sounded afterward.

"So fast!" Fei was a little surprised.

Out of the seven classes in Diablo World, the Paladin character followed the path of powerful attack with lacked agility. Therefore, facing Reus who was a wind-elemental warrior that focused on agility and speed, Fei's Paladin character was at a disadvantage.

All of this was within Fei's expectation. Even though this was the case, Fei was still shocked by Reus' speed.

While Fei was still falling from the sky, Reus already caught up and appeared in front of the king again.

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Many green energy fists flew down like meteorites, repeatedly striking Fei. On the surface, it seemed like Fei was a passive punching bag. He was knocked back by his opponent continuously, and he fell into his opponent's battle rhythm, unable to adjust and reset.

Chapter 921: Strangeness and the Passive Situation (Part Two)

Reus' control of his own fists was very sharp; not even the tiniest bit of energy was spilled. He instantly punched out tens of thousands of times, and each punch accurately hit Fei's body; no energy was wasted.

To the people who were watching the battle on the ground, Reus' control saved their lives. If any bit of Reus' strength was sent to the ground, half of Dixie City would have collapsed, and more than half of Alanians would have died in this incident.

However, it seemed like no one noticed that now. Everyone on the ground looked up and paid close attention to the god-level battle that was happening in the sky. Right now, Human Emperor Alexander of the North was in a passive situation, and all the soldiers of Chambord and Alanians watched the battle with their hearts in their throats.

Unfortunately, this battle was too quick. The scenes that the people on the ground caught happened four to five seconds ago.

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The only person on the ground who could barely catch up with the battle in the sky was Undead Mage Hazel Bank. This elder of the [Undead Godly Palace], who used to be far more powerful than Fei, didn't even have time to admit that these two masters of the younger generation had surpassed him. Right now, he was thinking to himself, trying to figure out one thing.

"Why is this happening? Theoretically, even if Alexander is slower compared to Reus, he shouldn't be in such a passive state. What is he waiting for?"

Hazel Bank found that Fei's combat style was completely different from before. Instead of the wild, violent, and destructive combat style from before, Fei's aura was holy and righteous, looking like a young god.

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"Why is this happening? If I didn't know that he is Alexander, I would think that he is a different person after sensing his aura after closing my eyes. Although he showcased the [God's Favorite Child]'s aura, it was far weaker than this; it is like comparing small stars to the bright moon in the dark… This young man is mysterious. Although Reus is a famous young lord on the continent, and he is talented, he is going to have a hard time suppressing Alexander."

After thinking about that, the Undead Mage wasn't that worried about the man who was being chased in the sky and beaten like a punching bag.

"Hahaha! Is this all your strength? How can you be a young lord and be on the same level as me? Hahaha! What a joke!" Reus laughed hysterically, and a wicked expression appeared on his handsome face.

This young man seemed to have two personalities. He was cold and arrogant in most cases, but he was violent and crazy like a mad dragon when in battle.

While he spoke, many green energy fists dashed out of Reus' shoulders. Since this young lord punched out so fast, it was hard to tell his arms apart from his shoulders, and the trajectories of his fists couldn't be detected. Therefore, it seemed like his arms disappeared, and the energy fists flew out of his shoulders. It was tough to dodge his attacks.

"Hahahaha! What a poor hillbilly! I will completely obliterate you in front of your believers, putting an end to your pathetic life! Hahaha! How can a garbage like you be a young lord like me?"

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

Many energy fists flew toward Fei like raindrops in a storm, completely enveloping the king. In the end, the energy fists dashed at Fei from all directions, and Reus' crazy and wicked laughter also sounded from all directions.

"Hahaha! Why aren't you fighting back? You are way too slow! How does it feel to get beaten? Does it hurt? Hahaha! Cry if you feel the pain!"

"Hahaha! I'm only using 70 percent of my strength, yet you can't even fight back! Don't disappoint me! I thought that I found an interesting toy, but who knew that you are so useless! You are no different from other masters who were famous but got destroyed by me!"

"Since you can't make me feel any excitement, then die, trash toy!"

It seemed like Reus fell into an extremely violent state.

Chapter 922: Real Strength (Part One)

The real battle only began less than ten minutes ago, yet Fei had been punched more than 10,000 times. Blood spilled out, looking like blooming bloodflowers. Also, the king was pushed back repeatedly.

One retreating and one chasing, the two of them turned into two beams of light and dashed around in the sky, leaving many chaotic and messy afterimages in the clear blue sky. It was clear that Reus wanted to make Fei look bad in front of everyone who admired and worshipped him, so he made sure that the battlefield was above Dixie City.

"Hahaha! That is enough! Is this everything you have?"

"You sure disappoint me. I'm already growing annoyed with a trash toy like you. Game over! Now, let me take you out of this world!"

Reus seemed to have lost interest in this battle.

This man's movement slowed down for a moment; it looked like he was about to unleash an ultimate strike. At this second, Fei's eyes could finally capture Reus' fists and arms.

The green flames on Reus' fists gradually condensed, extending outward like vicious icicles. All his hands were covered, including most of his forearms.

As Reus clenched his hands and formed fists, an even sharper and pointier green spike grew out. With a metallic texture, it seemed like the weapon of the Grim Reaper, instantly making Fei sense imminent danger as if a sharp blade were pressing on his back.

As soon as Fei saw this, he was hit before he could even try to dodge.

An indescribable streak of sharp energy penetrated the [Honor Shield] in Fei's hand, instantly dashing into Fei's arm and reaching his shoulder. Next, it traveled through the blood vessels inside Fei's body and harmed his internal organs. As if an invisible explosion went off in Fei's body, all the weak organs on the inside shattered.

"Egh… puff!"

Fei raised his head and spat out a mouthful of blood. Mixed in with the blood were broken pieces of organs.

In the next moment, blood flowed out of Fei's eyes, nose, ears, and mouth without stopping.

A streak of violent wind-elemental energy continued to explode inside Fei's body, damaging it further.

On the ground, the warriors who saw this scene gasped in shock.

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Inside the campsite of Chambord, [Son of Wind] Torres was about to drop everything and dash into the sky, but he was instantly pulled back by the Undead Mage beside him. Hazel Bank shook his head and told Torres not to worry for now and observe for a bit longer.

"Game over!" Reus made the judgment.

He didn't continue to chase. Seeing Fei who was staggering in the air and about to fall off, unhidden disdain appeared in Reus' eyes. The violent energy slowly dispersed from his body, and he said while shaking his head in disappointment, "Unfortunately, I thought that you, the Human Emperor of the North, could give me a pleasant surprise. Now, it seems like a character like you doesn't deserve my attention. You are meant to be the stepping stone for the real geniuses who are on the path to the realm of gods. Your story ends here!"

"It is still too early to end. Hahaha… Eh, puff!" Fei raised his head and laughed. Since he used too much force, he spat out another mouthful of blood that was mixed with chunks of his internal organs. After a short pause, he laughed slowly and said, "Really? Do you want to put an end to my legend? Your strength is far from enough!"

"Huh?" A strange light flashed in Reus' eyes, and he mocked, "What, Poor Bug. Do you still have the strength to fight back? With such severe injuries, you can't even defeat the energy in my finger."

Chapter 922: Real Strength (Part Two)

Right now, Fei was in a terrible condition.

Many dents and injuries were on his body, looking like the surface of the Earth after many meteorites struck and left deep craters. Blood was flowing out of his eyes, nose, ears, and mouth, and his entire right arm almost only had the white bones left; only a few pieces of flesh hung on his bones after the explosion.

[Griswold's Honor – Vortex Shield] that Fei was holding onto was almost shattered after blocking so many strikes, and spider-web-like cracks were all over it. Right now, it was translucent, looking like it was going to break apart after the wind blew at it. This was the sign that the durability of the items from Diablo World reached the lower limit. This shield was going to become trash if it were used in battle again before it was repaired.

This was the most severe and tragic condition that Fei had ever been in since he came to the Azeroth Continent. Even when he was in that dangerous battle at the bottom of the sea, he was doing better.

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Reus was the most terrifying opponent that Fei had encountered so far.

While ignoring other things, his speed alone completely suppressed Fei.

However, this didn't mean that Fei was completely defeated.

"The real battle is about to begin!" A strange smile appeared on Fei's face; he didn't look to be in pain at all.

In the next moment, streaks of golden light rings flashed on Fei. Every time a golden light ring flashed, Fei's injuries healed up a bit. This frequency seemed slow, but it was actually rapid. In just a few seconds, all of Fei's injuries were completely healed. Even his damaged and destroyed internal organs all recovered.

The vitality of Sun-Class Lords was insane! They could easily regrow their body parts. However, Fei was so injured that his heart was even broken. The fact that he quickly healed in such a short time was stunning and unimaginable even for Sun-Class Lords. Reus who looked down on Fei seemed surprised as well.

However, this proud young lord quickly smiled carelessly.

"Self-heal? It is an interesting technique, but what can you do? Even if you go back to your prime, you can only receive beating a few more times. I was able to almost kill you for the first time, so I can do it again and again. I wonder how many times you can self-heal like this?"

Reus guessed that Fei's rapid self-heal used some of his Sun-Class core energy, so he couldn't do it too many times.

Unfortunately, Reus didn't know that Fei just used [Prayer]. As long as Fei had enough mana, he could use this Paladin skill as many times as he wanted; there was no limit to it.

Here's Why You Should Never Kill a Centipede


"You will know soon. However, before that, I need to exercise for a bit." Fei stretched a little, and a series of cracking noises sounded from his body. Then, he put away the shield and the caduceus, going back to barehand.

"What? You don't want to hide behind your shield like a turtle anymore?" With his hands crossed in front of his chest, Reus stared at Fei calmly and said with a mocking smile as if he were a big cat and Fei were a little mouse, "Barehand? You want to shame yourself further?"

"You will soon know what I'm up to." The smile on Fei's face didn't change. After stretching, he fully exhaled and said, "Great, my body is properly warmed up. You had a good time punching me, right? It is my turn now."

As soon as he said that, the smile on Fei's face disappeared. Instead, a cold murderous spirit appeared in the king's eyes.

"Continue. Let me see what you are relying on…" The mocking expression on Reus' face intensified.


Before he could finish speaking, a loud snapping noise sounded in the air.

Chapter 922: Real Strength (Part Three)

Then, flames appeared and engulfed Fei, and the king dashed toward Reus like a beam of light and punched out with both fists that looked like lightning bolts.

"So slow. It is impossible to strike me…" Reus shook his head with the mocking expression.

"Really?" Fei sneered.

In the next moment, Reus' mocking smile suddenly froze on his face.

Just as he were about to show off his speed, which was his pride, and counterattack, he somehow found that his body was as stiff as a piece of rotting wood; he could hardly move it!

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

Before he could wake up from the surprise, a series of punching noises sounded.

Fei's fists 'greeted' Reus' handsome face without mercy. As if everything were happening in slow motion, Fei's fists struck Reus' face forcefully, and the muscles on Reus' face unstoppably vibrated in waves. Then, Reus' head turned backward in a terrifying angle, and a white tooth flew out of his mouth that was uncontrollably open with a streak of blood behind it!

Unstoppable cheers exploded on the ground.

The situation turned in a direction that almost no one expected. It felt like Goddess of Victory teased Reus for a while before shifting her interest and trying to flirt with Fei.

"You…" Reus was angry and shocked.

"You, you, you… what? How did my fists taste? Haha! F*ck you!"

Fei roared and vented all his pent-up anger. He instantly switched to his Barbarian character, and the iron fists of the Hell Mode level 100 Barbarian were too much to take. Each fist contained unparalleled strength that could move mountains and shift seas, and now Fei was unleashing his full force.

Reus felt like a huge hammer of the gods struck his head, and his head buzzed continuously. Under such explosive impact to his head, all his thoughts and reactions slowed down instantly. Like a puppet that had broken strings, he couldn't do anything as he was struck repeatedly and pushed back.

Seizing the opportunity, Fei didn't give Reus any time or space to react. Like Reus' shadow, the king followed him tightly and continued to punch out; his fists looked like raindrops in a storm.

This scene was extremely similar to before. The only difference was that the offense and defense… To put it more clearly, the person throwing punches and the person getting beat switched places.

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"What… is… going on?"

After close to a minute, Reus, who got punched many times and now looked like a pig, was barely able to react. The tempo of the battle was in Fei's control.

When Reus tried to ignite his hidden strength to turn the situation around, he was terrified to find that a streak of cold and chilly energy appeared in his body.

It was this chilly energy that froze his body. It made him lose the speed advantage and get beat by Fei.

"What is going on? How come this streak of chilly energy appeared in my body?"

"Did the King of Chambord inject it into my body earlier?"

"This is impossible! Why didn't I sense anything? The King of Chambord… he couldn't have this level of strength. When did it happen?"

"Damn it. This streak of energy completely immobilized me. Such terrifying chilly energy! It was able to invade my body without me knowing and restrict my movements…"

Reus gradually realized what was happening. Although he didn't know what method Fei used, he was sure that he somehow fell into the trap.

He instantly felt a sense of shame and anger that was hard to describe, and this violent emotion shot out of his heart. He never expected that he would be put in such a terrible situation by someone who he mocked and described as trash in the weakest Northern Region.

Chapter 923: The Turn in the Situation (Part One)

Now, the situation made a strange turn.

"Are demi-gods like cabbage that can be seen everywhere?" After laying low for many years, Emperor Yassin finally passed nature's challenge and advanced to the Demi-God Realm with D'Alessandro and Emperor Kerimov helping him bear a portion of the pressure. Right now, he was still resting in the Royal Palace of Zenit, trying to firm up his realm.

"How come this young Reus is also a demi-god? Isn't it said that demi-gods haven't appeared on the continent for many years?" Fei was confused by what he was seeing. The information that he obtained was contradicting what he previously thought he knew.

Of course, there were a few things that Fei didn't know. Although Reus looked like he was younger than 30 years old, it was due to his mighty strength and prolonged life span. After all, powerful strength could help people maintain their youth. In reality, Reus was more than 50 years old; he was in the same generation as Emperor Yassin.

Fei was able to see through his opponents' ages before since they were all weaker than him. Now that Reus was much stronger, the king couldn't tell.

None of this presented any real issue.

The issue was how he could deal with the current situation.

Although Fei never had battled a demi-god before, and he didn't have any direct understanding of their power, he was sure of one thing; he was no match for a true demi-god.

On the other side of the sky, streaks of green light mist gradually dispersed around Reus, and the greenness quickly replaced the original blue color of the sky. Although the green light was as fancy as the northern lights, and it didn't carry any pressure or murderous spirit, Fei sensed extreme danger.

Fei quickly dashed back, avoiding being engulfed by the green light.

Fortunately, the coverage of the green light was only a bit less than 1,000 meters around Reus.

"Oh! This is his realm!" At this moment, it suddenly dawned on Fei that the area covered by the calm and gentle green light was Reus' unique realm. Inside the realms of demi-gods, they could create and alter everything as they pleased; they were like real gods in their realms. Any of their opponents who fell into their realms would be like puppets that were controlled by them, having no way of fighting back.

"Now, this game should really be over." Reus' voice resonated in the sky.

Without the prior mockery and disdain, he sounded like an emotionless robot. Also, he looked like a bright sun with his entire body engulfed by the eye-piercing green light.

While he spoke, Reus suddenly appeared less than 100 meters away from Fei without any prior indication.

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Fei was instantly engulfed by Reus' Green Light Realm without having the chance to dodge.

The king's heart raced. That wasn't traveling at a fast speed, and it wasn't space-travel. At that moment, time seemed to have stopped around the king, and Reus already appeared in front of him when everything became normal again.

"Is this the unique power of Reus' realm? According to Physics that I learned in my previous life, when an object's speed surpasses the speed of light to a certain degree, time could be reversed. Reus is a wind-elemental energy cultivator. After becoming a demi-god, even though he could master all elements, he should still have the highest proficiency with wind-elements which excel in speed. Therefore, his speed should surpass the speed of light in his realm. Then…" While Fei thought to himself, he tried to dodge instinctively; it was the automatic reflex of a master.

Chapter 923: The Turn in the Situation (Part Two)

However, it was useless.

"Exterminate!" Reus' voice sounded emotionless like the judgment of a god.

It seemed like the Grim Reaper was sneering viciously and trying to kiss Fei on the cheek.

This time, Reus didn't throw a punch, and no warrior energy was used. In fact, there was no contact.

Fei couldn't feel anything attacking him, but the process of death already greeted him. Fei felt like he was a porcelain doll that was struck by an iron hammer, quickly shattering and breaking apart. Like a sand sculpture that was being blown into a cloud of sand by a gale, each cell in the king's body was disintegrating. The Grim Reaper had never been closer.

Without thinking, Fei tried to communicate with the mysterious stone pillar in his body.

Here's Why You Should Never Kill a Centipede


Right now, only the mysterious stone pillar named the [Scepter of Creation] could defend the terrifying power of a realm. If not, the king could only end his trip to the Azeroth Continent in regret like this. Demi-gods were beyond the level of mortals; human warriors couldn't battle them.

Just like when Fei was in every other desperate situation, the [Scepter of Creation] that stayed in Fei's body and treated it like a cozy home reacted to this. Sensing that Fei's body was close to disintegrating into nothingness, this pillar reacted aggressively as if someone were trying to demolish its house by force.

A streak of faint-silver light flashed on the stone pillar, and it was divided into many smaller light dots. Like small fireflies, these light dots scattered inside Fei's body that was breaking apart and disappearing. Then, Fei detected a strange sensation, and the disintegration started to reverse. The cells that collapsed begun to reform, and the broken bones began to combine and heal themselves.

It looked like a magical hand lightly pushed back on the hand of the clock, making time reverse for a little bit.


Reus' face had lost all human emotions, but he suddenly looked surprised under the illumination of the green light. Although he only made a quiet sound, it was enough to show this demi-god's shock.

Reus could detect even the most minuscule changes in his Green Light Realm.

Now, there was a force that he couldn't control in his realm! This was his first time experiencing such a thing ever since he became a demi-god.

Usually, there was only one explanation for this according to the iron martial laws of Azeroth; such a thing would only occur if the opponent in his realm were someone who was at least a demi-god and stronger than him. However, Reus was sure that the King of Chambord wasn't a demi-god right now.

"Could it be that there is a secret treasure on him?"

Just as Reus was wondering to himself and uncontrollably froze, Fei did something that shocked him even further.

After the king's body was repaired, instead of fleeing this extremely dangerous Green Light Realm, he dashed toward Reus like a moth to the flame! Since the two were close to begin with, Fei dashed within ten meters of Reus while the latter froze for the split second.

"Arrogance! How dare you challenge a demi-god?"

Reus was instantly enraged by Fei's provocative decision. Ever since he became a demi-god, he started to suppress and remove his human emotions. The power of a 'god' could only be fully used when it wasn't affected by emotions. But now, Reus had been angered by Fei multiple times.

"Exterminate!" Reus chanted this law again, unleashing the power of his realm.

But this time, the scene where the King of Chambord got shattered didn't occur. Instead, something even stranger happened.

Reus's vision suddenly blacked out. Then, he felt like the air around him became thick like flowing blood, and strange pressure fell on him like a giant mountain, making his expression change dramatically.

Everything around him changed.

Chapter 924: The Power of the Throne of Destruction (Part One – 1)

[TL Note: This chapter is a 3 in 1 from the author, so we decided to divide it into 2 to better reflect the work of the translator and also provide more content. Thanks for the understanding]

This change was something that Reus never expected.

The blue sky, white clouds, giant and magnificent Dixie City, and close to one million people all disappeared. Instead, it was replaced by ancient stone walls written with vicissitude. The black walls looked horrifying and tragic under the illumination of the blood-red air. They were full of marks left by swords and sabers, and the black color came from layers of dried blood. The ground was full of dents and potholes, and strange liquid filled them. At the same time, dripping noises sounded frequently. Together with the roars of demons that seemed vague from where he was, this space looked terrifying and vicious.

"Where am I? Where is this place? How come I suddenly appeared here?" Reus slightly frowned.

Even though he was confident in his own strength, he had to be cautious and aware while observing the surroundings since he suddenly came to this strange space.

This place seemed like an underground palace or a tomb, and he didn't know how long it had been around. Like a senior who was corroded by the passage of life and was holding on for bare survival, everything in this place seemed aged. Some mysterious engravings could be seen on the uneven surface of the walls, but the technique used and the content were already too vague to see, making Reus feel like it was mysterious and ancient.

In the giant hall, the stone pillars were either standing or had fallen over. Streaks of wind of unknown origin blew in the hall while screaming and howling. A suppressive and cold bloody sensation permeated the air, making Reus feel like this wasn't the mortal world but the legendary Hell!

Engulfed in the green light, Reus floated half a meter above the ground, and he was highly aware of his surroundings. While observing the area, he pondered and thought about what had caused this sudden change.

This vicious and terrifying underground stone palace wasn't that big, and its internal structure wasn't that complicated. Reus quickly searched through every inch of this space. To his disappointment, he didn't discover any exits. He punched the walls and tried to break them, but he was shocked to find out that his powerful energy couldn't even leave a light mark on the walls that looked like they were going to collapse at any moment now. As if he punched the air, nothing was changing or happening.

"What is going on? Did the King of Chambord cast a spell using the help of a magic scroll and somehow threw me into a mysterious space in the void?" Reus thought to himself about the potential possibilities.

Suddenly, the roar of a type of ancient creature sounded not too far away from Reus, making the entire mystical blood-color palace buzz loudly. The powerful soundwaves created a strong gale, disturbing the peace in this place. All the puddles of liquid and small stone pieces were blown into the air.

"Stupid human! You are a poor ant! How dare you barge into the [Throne of Destruction]? Are you trying to instigate a war between humans and Hell?"

After the initial wave of spiritual energy struck, heavy footsteps sounded behind Reus as if a massive beast were running toward him.

Reus turned around and gasped uncontrollably.

By the turn of a bloody corridor, a giant monster that was more than 100 meters tall walked out. The dark-red bone-like scales tightly wrapped around this monster's body, and it roughly had the human shape even though almost no flesh could be seen on it. Tough bones were all over its body, and it had two long horns on its forehead like a giant undead knight. Spiral bone spikes grew out of its shoulders, and a pair of enormous wings created by mysterious dark bones could be seen on its back. Its lower body was enveloped in a cloud of white mist, and terrifying screams could be heard from it as if many grieving souls were shrieking. Even though Reus was a demi-god, he couldn't see through that layer of white mist.

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"What is this? Hell? Demon?" Reus' heart raced.

Combining the spiritual energy wave that this monster released and its appearance which was full of bones, Reus instantly thought back to [Hell] which was the death realm in the legends on the Azeroth Continent. After all, this monster that was primarily made of bones was very similar to the descriptions of demons in Hell.

While Reus was surprised, the monster let out the second roar, and a ton of ice shards and snow shot out of this monster's mouth, creating a blizzard and occupying the entire corridor. The bone-freezing chill instantly permeated the air, and the howling wind and spinning ice blades left deep marks on the walls and stone pillars.

Chapter 924: The Power of the Throne of Destruction (Part One – 2)

Reus couldn't dodge such a massive area attack in this limited space.

Therefore, he had to unleash his full strength. He instantly opened his Green Light Realm, and the gentle green light engulfed his body. Reus was very confident in his own realm. After all, it was the power of the gods.

However, he was stunned as soon as he opened his realm.

In the normal world, his Green Light Realm could cover an area close to 1,000 meters around him. But now, it could barely cover the area of several hundred meters around him. Inside this mysterious space where even air looked blood-red, the laws of nature and power were different from the normal world. The strange suppression in this blood-red space decreased his strength by at least 30 percent.


In the next moment, the howling blizzard collided with the Green Light Realm.

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The strong gale that carried snowflakes and ice blades instantly became gentle and docile once it entered the Green Light Realm, and the snow and ice started to quickly melt and disappear as if they were inside a heated oven. The blizzard that filled this entire corridor couldn't do much to Reus' realm. The ice storm was blazing outside the Green Light Realm, but the ice and snow quickly reduced in size inside the realm. When they ventured deeper into the realm, they completely disappeared.

Even though this was the case, it was shocking to say the least.

The realms of the demi-gods were invincible to anyone who was weaker. Reus' realm was filled with exterminating power; the law of extermination continued to cycle and operate.

Anything that entered the realm was disintegrated into the basic elements before disappearing. However, the ice and snow still existed inside the edge of the Green Light Realm; it meant that the blizzard penetrated the power of Reus' realm to a slight degree; it would be shocking to any demi-god!

"Damn it! This blizzard contains a trace of godly power! Only godly power can penetrate my realm. Law of Extermination!" Reus��� face changed color, and he instantly unleashed the power of the Green Light Realm without hesitation once he detected threats.

The laws inside the realm moved with Reus' will and words. As soon as he finished, those ice and snow inside the edge of the realm completely disappeared.

Before Reus could completely relax, he suddenly sensed an unprecedented level of danger. Suddenly, his neck felt a cold sensation before he could react, and this coldness turned into pain.

In the next moment, a black shadow flashed by him in silence like a gust of smoke.

"It is you… King of Chambord?"

Reus shouted in anger as if he were a male lion that got its mating partner taken away. He instantly recognized that this black shadow was Fei. Although the outfit wasn't the same, and that looming, ghost-like aura was different from before, Reus was 100 percent sure that this lightning-like fast shadow was King Alexander of Chambord.

When the King of Chambord flashed by him, terrifying injuries appeared on Reus' neck.

"Hahaha! How does this strike feel?"

The familiar mocking laughter resonated in the entire blood-red space.

The black lightning was Fei who switched to Assassin Mode. While moving extremely fast, the king turned his head and smiled at the angry Reus, showing the ladder his white teeth.

Right now, the king was wearing a skull-like, scary helmet and a set of faint-black loricated mail. As if his body were transparent, he swiftly moved in the Green Light Realm, and he waved a strange, claw-shaped weapon on his hand to provoke Reus further. Right now, the tips of the sharp, tri-blade scissors katar still had Reus' blood flowing on them.

This set of items were named [Natalya's Odium] and came from Diablo World.

In the next moment, Fei merged with that terrifying ice storm like air, completely disappearing.

"Damn it! It is you! How did you do it?"

Reus roared in anger. Suddenly, three streaks of blood shot out of his neck. Under the pressure of the blood, the wounds that couldn't be seen became visible, revealing three bloody grooves on his neck; the wounds on his flesh all blew out. These wounds were so big that it seemed like his neck was cut into three chunks, and they were about to fall off his torso.

Unfortunately for Fei, the vitality of a demi-god was way too strong. In addition, Reus was inside his Green Light Realm so that such injuries couldn't kill him.

"Growth!" After Reus shouted this word, the flesh around the terrifying wounds started to wiggle. In the blink of an eye, only three light scars could be seen.

"Wait! That tri-blade scissors katar contains godly power! Otherwise, how come light scars would be left on my body after the growth power of my realm healed me up?"

Reus lightly caressed his neck and felt the light bumps that were created by the scars, and he was shocked. Then, he quickly thought back to what took place. The King of Chambord was able to move inside his Green Light Realm freely, and the power of 'exterminate' didn't damage this man.

"What is going on?" Reus couldn't wrap his head around the entire situation.

Everything was strange and mystical like clouds of mysteries, and they slowly corroded and chipped away Reus' confidence.