1127.1 - 1138.1

Chapter 1127: Death Trap (Part One)

After knocking away the Empress of the Sea Tribe and turning the tables, Fei healed Buckingham's injuries and then appeared on [Alexander] that had been missing for a long time.


Luffy woke up from the shock and quickly tore off the long robe and the golden crown of the Sea Tribe. While hot tears rolled down his face, he knelt on the deck of the ship.

"Please get up. You have suffered."

Seeing the energetic Luffy in front of him, Fei's heart finally fell back into his chest.

[One Sword] and his wife were now in the stars, and they could finally rest in peace.

"Master, on that day, [Alexander] was damaged, and we sunk into the bottom of the sea and couldn't get out. The ship moved underwater for ten days, and we encountered the Sea Tribe. We fought hard but got captured…" Luffy was worried that his master might misunderstand the situation and scold him, so he quickly explained what had happened in the last while.

Fei was about to say something with a smile, but his face suddenly changed color. He said, "Don't say those things right now. Leave here as soon as possible!"

"[No.1], bring everyone out of here!" Fei detected something and quickly ordered.

"As you wish!"

[No.1] and the other three silver crystal battle soul warriors moved and unleashed the power of supreme masters. Their energies engulfed Luffy and other Leonians as well as their ships, and they all rose into the sky. Like arrows that were loaded on bows, they were about to dash away.

At this moment, a violent and crazy voice suddenly sounded in the sky.

"Hahaha! Go? Where? Today, none of you can get away! All stay here!"

Before this voice could die down, a mass of black mist suddenly crushed down from above, covering the sun and the sky like the destructive force of the Grim Reaper. [No.1] and the other three silver crystal battle soul warriors already tore open space, but the air suddenly got dense. The terrifying law of spatial imprisonment locked down the area within 500 kilometers.

"Humph! You are only an insignificant figure who can only hide. How dare you try to keep my people?" Fei sneered, and his voice created magnificent and thunderous sound waves. Like tangible objects, the sound waves expanded outward as golden ripples, and the black mist melted away like snowflakes that got hot water poured on them.

The frozen space suddenly opened again.

[No.1] and the others took the opportunity and turned into light beams before disappearing.

"Alexander, you are on the verge of death, and you still dare to be so arrogant? Look at who I am!"

That voice roared in the sky, and masses of black mist permeated the air and covered the area. The area above the sea turned completely dark.

In the black mist, a giant demonic figure stood tall.

Fei slowly rose into the sky, and his body was covered in a layer of faint golden energy. When the destructive black mist got within 1,000 meters of him, it instantly disappeared like a snowflake on a hot summer day.

"You already lost to me. How dare you act so recklessly?" Fei laughed and said, "Kluivert, you are only a small god of another race. You got away last time with luck. Today, I will end you."

This demonic figure was Evil Sea God Kluivert who got revived more than a year ago.

"Hahaha! King of Chambord! You are only a young warrior who just walked over the threshold between mortals and gods. How dare you be so arrogant?" Kluivert raised his head and laughed, and the black mist rolled and expanded, covering more space.

This demonic god sneered and continued, "You will die today. Others, come out now!"

Chapter 1127: Death Trap (Part Two)

Before Kluivert could finish, a golden light beam broke the surface of the ocean and divided the black mist before soaring into the sky.

It was the Empress of the Sea Tribe at the Sea of Fragrance who was knocked into the water by Fei.

Although this woman looked a little messy, it seemed like she had used a terrifying secret technique. Her golden armor which was a god-tier combat weapon shined brightly like the sun, and the golden scepter in her hand that had a disk on the top also seemed powerful. This woman's presence continued to rise, and she soon reached the level of a true god.

At the same time, a streak of great power appeared 1,000 meters behind Fei. This power contained terrifying corrosive and violent presence.

While black mist expanded outward, a demonic god that was dark, covered with vicious bone spikes, and looked like a bull appeared in the mist. Its four giant red eyes released thick bloody light, targeting Fei.

To the east, shrill screams sounded, and a streak of power filled with resentment and hatred appeared.

In the black mist, tens of thousands of vicious souls that were in pain appeared in the form of faces. These faces flew around and encircled a vague and small figure who was only a little over one meter tall. Its figure was flashing, and streaks of terrifying laws of nature were released from the soul power, locking down Fei.

To the north, a warm and gentle voice sounded.

"King of Chambord, we finally met."

A young man in blue and red armor appeared. This man wasn't tall, and he wasn't that handsome. However, he stood in the black mist quietly with a desolate presence, and he smiled and greeted Fei like an old friend.

This man was [God's Son] Messi, the legendary master of Barcelona.

Three demonic gods of the Sea Tribe, the Empress of the Sea Tribe who activated her god-tier golden armor, and [God's Son] Messi appeared to the east, west, north, south, and upward of Fei, blocking all paths. Fei was surrounded in the middle.

This was a carefully created death trap, and Fei was the target.

"Let's see where you can escape to today!"

Kluivert laughed proudly and said, "Arrogant little one! You are able to pull over the three demonic gods of the Sea Tribe, Eusébio, Deco, and I. Also, [God's Son] Messi of Barcelona came here as well. Even though you are going to die, you should be proud!"

The giant bull-like monster and the small figure who was encircled by many resentful souls were also two demonic gods of the Sea Tribe. From the evil energies that were around them, it was clear that they weren't kind figures.

"King of Chambord! Today, I'm going to make you pay back the blood debt of killing countless members of our Sea Tribe over a year ago!" The Empress of the Sea Tribe at the Sea of Fragrance roared, and her red split tongue flickered. Under the empowerment of the golden armor and golden scepter, her strength was able to rival that of a god, so she dared to directly face Fei.

"Don't worry, after you die, I will be kind to Chambord City and the magic craftsmen of Zenit, asking them to create invincible magic war puppets for Barcelona!"

[God's Son] Messi still had the kind smile on his face, but murderous spirit was shooting out of his eyes.

These five powerful beings released their energies, and the laws of nature seemed to create chains of order. These chains flowed in the area like transparent dragons, locking down every inch of space and stopping all possibilities of escaping.

Except for battling to the death, Fei had no other options.

Chapter 1128: Thunderous Anger (Part One)

Being attacked by five figures who were on his level, it was clear that Fei fell into a meticulously created death trap.

The entire area around Fei was locked down.

Messi, Kluivert, and others released chains of order which were created by the laws of nature, completely sealing the space. Only those who reached level 10 True God Realm could break the seal, but Fei was only at level 8 right now.

Although the king was only two levels away, the difference was like the distance between stars. Perhaps the distance was tens of millions of lightyears away.

Kluivert laughed proudly; he wanted to see the terrified expression on this human true god who just advanced, and he wanted to hear Fei's begs and screams. Only this could make him redeem himself and wash off the shame more than a year ago when he was defeated in the Sea of Fragrance and had to escape.

However, except for the beginning when Fei glanced around, the king's eyes didn't move. Fei locked his eyes onto [God's Son] Messi.

The king's eyes were filled with unhidden anger and murderous spirit, and he completely ignored the other four opponents who could threaten his life and focused on Messi.

From the beginning to the end, only the signature smile could be seen on Messi's face. This smile didn't change even though Fei's stare turned murderous.

"I can still find a reason, given that you killed Emperor Yassin. After all, Barcelona and Zenit were in a war, and you two held different positions. However, I can't understand why you, a god of humans, are standing with the evil sea gods who are mortal enemies of humans?"

Fei suppressed his anger and hatred, and he stared at Messi and asked calmly.

A sense of mockery appeared in Messi's smile, and he shook his head and said coldly, "I'm surprised that even though you walked over the threshold between mortals and gods, your vision and scale are still so low. You sure disappoint me. To gods, there aren't differences between evil and good. There are only differences between powerful and weak. I'm only working with the demonic gods of the Sea Tribe since our goals are aligned.

"Your goals are aligned?"

"That is right. We have a common enemy, and that is you, the Human Emperor of the North."

Instead of getting angry, Fei laughed and said, "Such a statement; goals are aligned. Is that why you ditched the honor of a human god and are working with the gods of another race to kill a member of your own race?"

"That is right." Messi nodded and said, "All methods can be used to achieve a great goal. This is nothing. In this world, only the powerful can stay alive, and the weak will die. This is the most primitive law of nature. It is you who are stubborn and stuck in the old ways, and that is why you will die today."

"Such an exciting argument."

The anger and hatred in Fei's eyes suddenly turned into pity.

After looking at Messi for a while, Fei lowered his head and thought for a moment before asking again, "I'm curious. If one day, what you need clashes with the needs of the Barcelona Empire, will you, [God's Son] of Barcelona, destroy Barcelona without mercy?"

Messi smiled and didn't say anything, and the mockery on his face intensified.

"Alexander, you are going to die! Why are you asking so many questions? Trying to delay time? Forget it! You will die for sure today!"

Evil Sea God Kluivert interrupted Fei and Messi's conversation impatiently, and he laughed viciously like a madman.

"I suddenly remembered many ancient tortures in the Sea Tribe, and I will use all of them on you today! Hahaha! More than 1,000 years ago during the Mythical Era, I had used such methods and tortured countless low-level human gods to death! Hahaha!"

"Don't waste more time on him! Let's all attack together and finish this damn human!" The Empress of the Sea Tribe laughed crazily. Her hatred toward Fei was deep in her bones.

The battle was imminent, and the situation was extremely dangerous for Fei.

Chapter 1128: Thunderous Anger (Part Two)

At this moment, Fei suddenly started to laugh.

"A bunch of clowns! Do you really think that I'm afraid of you? Today, I will wipe out all of you!" While saying that, two beams of golden light shot out of Fei's eyes and engulfed Messi. Then, he shouted, "I will take out a traitor like you!"

These two beams of golden light contained mystical power. The law of spatial imprisonment was enacted, freezing Messi on the spot.

In the next moment, Fei suddenly opened his palm.

A holy silver light blinked and turned into a small, ancient, silver scepter. Then, it grew in the wind and quickly became more than two meters tall.

Golden runes flashed on the body of the scepter, and it looked holy and noble. The head of the scepter was round, and a black spherical gem was inlaid in it. It was hard to tell the material of this gem, but streaks of starlight could be seen inside the gem. It seemed like it contained the truth behind the changes in the universe and the creation of all beings, and others had a hard time directly looking at it.

With this scepter in hand, Fei suddenly roared.

A sword energy that contained both golden and silver colors shot out of the scepter.


Just as Messi broke away from the two light beams that came out of Fei's eyes, this golden and silver sword energy instantly got close and penetrated his chest before he could dodge.

"No!" Messi struggled like crazy, and he looked incredulous. However, all the struggle was meaningless.

The sword energy turned into two chains of order, one golden and one silver. The two chains moved around Messi's chest and sealed this body that contained impressive power.

"When did… this isn't your power! Damn it! Ahhhhh!" Messi let out a series of screams of pain. He never imagined that he would be instantly defeated! Although he was also a god, he wasn't able to block a single strike, and the situation turned irreversible.

This was a huge shame!

"What is that silver scepter in the Human Emperor of the North's hand? Why do I feel like an insignificant ant facing a giant dragon? We are both gods!" Messi tried to struggle and break free, but he realized that he couldn't even self-detonate!

In a flash, the golden and silver chains of order began to tighten mercilessly, and Messi's moderate body started to deform and shrink under this pressure. His expression was vicious and terrifying.

In the end, Messi's godly body was refined into a red energy bead. Then, it was turned into a beam of light and sealed into the black gem on the silver scepter in Fei's hand.

This process only took a few seconds. It happened so fast that the three evil sea gods such as Kluivert and the Empress of the Sea Tribe at the Sea of Fragrance didn't have time to react and help before [God's Son] Messi was killed.

"How is this possible?" The Empress of the Sea Tribe trembled, and it was hard to tell if she was fearful or angry.

Evil Sea God Kluivert roared, "It is that thing… it is this power…"

About a year ago, Kluivert was more than 1,000 times more powerful than Fei, and he should be able to easily crush the king. However, a streak of mystical energy rushed out of Fei's body and almost killed Kluivert. That power had an identical presence when compared to the power that Fei just used, but the power just now was many times stronger.

Suddenly, a burst of cold yet angry laughter sounded in the sky.

"Hahaha! Alexander! You sure have a trump card! You made me lose a doppelganger! We will meet again!"

It was [God's Son] Messi's voice; he wasn't dead.

It turned out that even though Fei moved fast and attacked, he only killed one of Messi's doppelgangers.

However, this doppelganger contained one-third of Messi's strength, and this portion of his strength was refined by Fei. This was an unbearable loss for Messi, and that was why the [God's Son] who never showed his emotion was extremely angry right now.

Chapter 1129: Homeless Dog (Part One)

The [God's Son] of Barcelona was extremely calculative and careful. He secretly got in contact with the Sea Tribe and planned this trap to kill Fei. Such a trap was like a lion using its full strength to kill a rabbit.

However, even though he was this prepared, Messi still only sent a doppelganger. It showed how careful Messi was when dealing with Fei. He didn't underestimate the king like others.

Fortunately for Messi, only one of his doppelgangers got refined into an energy bead. Otherwise, the strike that came from the silver scepter could have killed him if he was there in person.

Messi's voice resonated in the sky.

Fei sighed in his mind and knew that he couldn't take out Messi this time.


The scepter in Fei's hand flashed again, and other golden and silver sword energies flew out, dashing toward the Empress of the Sea Tribe who was the weakest among the remaining four enemies.

"Save me!" The Empress of the Sea Tribe was terrified. She felt like this golden and silver sword energy wasn't fast, but the area around her seemed to have been frozen by the radiant golden light emitting from Fei. She couldn't move, and she could only watch the golden and silver sword energy that obliterated one of Messi's doppelgangers dashing toward her. She was about to end up having the same fate as that doppelganger of Messi.


The golden scepter in this woman's hand suddenly unleashed the surging noises of waves.

The sea under the battleground suddenly also became turbulent, and the water rushed up and transformed into a blue giant, blocking in front of the Empress of the Sea Tribe.

"Huh?" Fei was surprised, and a smile appeared on his face. "Interesting. This golden scepter isn't an ordinary item. It can actually automatically protect its master. It is probably a god-tier item with a godly soul inside."


The golden and silver sword energy instantly collided with the water giant.

Streaks of golden and silver chains of order flowed out of the water giant's body. Just like how the chains of order condensed Messi's doppelganger, they instantly compressed this water giant that was more than 100 meters tall into a blue energy sphere that was about the size of a fist. Radiant light appeared on this sphere, and it dashed into the silver scepter in Fei's hand.

"Hahaha! Let's see which one of you can escape?"

Fei laughed and waved his scepter, and air-piercing noises sounded in all directions.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Four sword energies that were both golden and silver dashed in four directions, instantly engulfing Kluivert, Eusébio, Deco, and the Empress of the Sea Tribe.

"Do you really think that you are invincible? How dare you attack the four of us together?" Kluivert woke up from his shock, and he screamed on top of his lungs.

Since Messi only sent a doppelganger, Kluivert felt like he was betrayed and schemed against. However, this evil sea god didn't think that he would be easily defeated by one strike from Fei as Messi's doppelganger had.

"Besides, I still have two demonic gods here to help me," Kluivert thought to himself.

While vicious and hysterical laughter sounded, Kluivert pulled his hands away from each other in thin air, and a black weapon that contained endless destructive power was condensed. It looked like a dragon lance.

At the same time, Kluivert's body enlarged. In just a flash, he became a monster that was more than 1,000 meters tall. Black smoke engulfed him, and he pierced his weapon at the golden and silver sword energy.

At the same time, surges of evil presence appeared.

Deco and Eusébio both moved.

Eusébio looked like a bull-type demon beast. His hands pulled down the pair of curly horns on his head, and the two horns turned into two strangely shaped circular sabers with red runes covering their bodies.

Then, he dashed forward like a lightning bolt and attacked Fei.

Chapter 1129: Homeless Dog (Part Two)

On the other hand, Deco was only about a meter tall, and he formed several hand seals. His body instantly went invisible, and the ear-piercing shrill laugh resonated in the sky. Grey ghosts appeared and turned into black light beams before dashing toward Fei like demons.

The Empress of the Sea Tribe also tried her best. Her godly power permeated the air, freezing thousands of square kilometers of the sea surface. The chilly air almost froze and cracked space, and it concentrated toward Fei.

The four masters moved together.

Tink! Tink! Tink! Tink!

Eusébio was the first to get close to Fei and battle the latter up-close. This demonic god was into close-range combat, and his pair of curly sabers contained the law of imprisonment and law of slaughter. These two laws of nature intertwined in the sabers.

In a flash, Eusébio's sabers collided with Fei's silver scepter numerous times.

"Getting into close-range combat with me? You are seeking death…" Fei laughed and waved his hand.

This wave looked casual, but Fei tore apart the chains of order that wrapped around Eusébio's god-tier weapons which were made from his own horns. Eusébio couldn't believe his eyes!

In the next second, a fist landed on Eusébio's chest from an impossible angle without warning.

"Puff!" Eusébio opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of dark-green blood, and he quickly fell back.

At the same time, Fei turned around and punched out, hitting Kluivert's dark dragon lance on the tip. Then, this giant lance that was more than 1,000 meters long was shattered into a mass of black mist.

"Hahaha! You fell into the trap!" Kluivert laughed crazily.

The black mist that was turned from the lance howled and wrapped around Fei's fist and arm like worms, wiggling and trying to break Fei's skin and get into his body.

"Hahaha! My god-slaying demonic essence! Even a godly king will be corroded! Human Emperor of the North! Die!"

Kluivert was thousands of meters tall, and he casually opened his hand. Then, countless black dragon lances shot down like an arrow rain.

��Really? This is child's play! Are you trying to bring shame to yourself?" Fei shook his arm, and the mist that wrapped around his arm completely disappeared. It couldn't pose any threat to him.

"It is you who fell into the trap!"

Before Fei could finish speaking, Kluivert's giant body suddenly stopped moving, and his vicious smile froze on his face. He looked down and was shocked.

The golden and silver sword energy of order already created a giant hole in his chest without him noticing, and the chains looked like many godly dragons and quickly coiled around him. In just a flash, more than one-tenth of his body was covered.

"No…" Kluivert let out crazy and desperate screams and roars.

The terrifying power of the golden and silver sword energy was already demonstrated on Messi's doppelganger and the water giant. Once their bodies were pierced, their only fate was death and destruction.

Now experiencing it himself, Kluivert got to feel the terrifying power of this sword energy. As if his godly power was gasoline and the sword energy was burning wood, the more that he used his godly power, the stronger the chains of order became. Soon, the chains were so strong that he couldn't defend against them.

In just a flash, more than half of this evil sea god's giant body that was more than 1,000 meters tall was wrapped in chains.

Once the golden and silver sword energies of order started to move, it was impossible to get away.


After getting punched by Fei, Eusébio fled like a homeless dog. Borrowing the momentum of being knocked back, he was about to merge into the void and flee.

Right now, Eusébio was regretting his decision.

"I shouldn't have listened to Kluivert's words! After I woke up from the 1,000-year-old seal, I ran into such a terrifying opponent."

"This human god titled the Human Emperor of the North is shockingly terrifying! Even if I was in my prime, I might not be able to battle him, let alone the fact that he has a terrifying god-tier combat weapon!"

Eusébio was already terrified, and he no longer worried about Kluivert's life.

Chapter 1130: Light of Creation! No One Can Block It! (Part One)

However, escaping was already a luxury at this moment.

When Eusébio's upper body merged into the void, he suddenly froze. He wasn't sure when, but a thumb-sized small hole appeared on his back.

Then, many golden and silver chains of order started to appear like many pythons as they crawled out of the hole. The chains quickly wrapped around Eusébio and pulled on his core godly energy, burning it without holding back.

"No! I don't want to die… No! Forgive me!" Eusébio screamed like someone who was on the verge of death. His mind was filled with desperation.

Thud! Eusébio dropped the dignity of a supreme demonic god and knelt in the sky, begging for mercy.

Fei froze and thought, "I'm surprised that as a demonic god of the Sea Tribe, this noble existence is so afraid of death…"

A mocking smile appeared on the king's face. "So, they are the so-called demonic gods. They aren't that much different from the mortals. Except for their unparalleled strength, their characters and courage might not be on par with mortal warriors."

Suddenly, a small figure appeared behind Fei as he was in a daze.

Like a ghost, this figure appeared behind Fei in silence. With a vicious smile on his face, he reached out his hand and struck forward. The vicious and resentful face of a soul appeared in the center of his palm, and the grey fangs bit toward Fei's back like a viper.

This was Demonic God Deco, the last remaining enemy.

Different from Eusébio who loved close-range combat, Deco was great at sneak-attacks and ranged combat.

Deco's power was extremely vicious. Every time he sneak-attacked an enemy, he would directly pull the latter's soul out from the body. The tens of millions of resentful souls encircling him were all his enemies. The weakest one among them was a demi-god, and there were the souls of true gods. These souls were tortured by Deco day and night, and hatred and resentment stimulated the power of these souls further.

Even if a godly king were bitten by the fangs of these resentful souls, this being would be severely injured.

"Hahahaha!" Deco laughed with pride; the bet worked in his favor.

In reality, Deco could have instantly escaped.

After seeing Fei demonstrate unparalleled power and knocking away Eusébio, who was great with close-range combat, with one powerful punch, Deco instantly thought about escaping. After all, with his strength, he wasn't Fei's match if they fought head-on. He would be crushed in such a fair battle.

However, when Deco glanced at the silver scepter in Fei's hand, he didn't want to go anymore. He vaguely felt like this silver scepter was extremely similar to a legendary saint item.

Although the shape was a little different, the power was almost identical.

"If I can get my hands on this saint item…"

Deco's heart lurched just thinking about this. If he could grasp this scepter, he could jump up from the rank of a low-tier demonic god, and he might even become a godly king or a supreme god!

The greed forced Deco to carefully observe on the side of the battle, waiting for the perfect opportunity to appear.

To demonic gods, their peers were there for them to betray.

Kluivert and Eusébio's lives had nothing to do with Deco. If he could use the lives of his two peers to trade for a perfect opportunity to strike, Deco wouldn't be sad and would rather think that it was a great deal.

Deco's strength was in sneak-attacks. His stealth technique and sneak-attack abilities were god-tier, and he had once assassinated a female godly king of humans thousands of years ago during the Mythical Era.

Therefore, when Fei looked at Eusébio who knelt and begged for mercy, Deco realized that the moment he was waiting for was here.

Without hesitation, Deco captured this opportunity and attacked. And just as he expected, he hit his target!

"Hahaha!" Deco laughed viciously and shouted, "It is mine! The scepter is mine! Ahahaha! Huh?"

Chapter 1130: Light of Creation! No One Can Block It! (Part Two)

Before Deco could finish laughing, he suddenly felt like his heart was cold. When he looked down, he saw a small hole on the left side of his chest. Many golden and silver chains of order transformed from the sword energy crawled out of the hole and coiled around his body.

Fei slowly turned around with a mocking smile on his face.

A thin layer of faint golden light flashed on Fei's body. Although it seemed like the fangs of the resentful soul bit Fei's back, it only bit the layer of golden light. In reality, Fei wasn't injured at all.

"How… how is this possible?" Seeing the smile on Fei's face, Deco suddenly realized something. His opponent long discovered him, and this human only showed an opening to lure him in.

With his eyes wide open, Deco asked, "How… how did you do it?"

Deco's strength was in sneak-attacks. Therefore, he was extremely unwilling to accept the fact that his opponent defeated his strength.

Fei laughed and thought, "Do you think I will tell you that the profession of assassin is way below my level? In Diablo World, my assassin character learned numerous skills."

In fact, in terms of assassination skills, there was probably no one who was better at it than Fei in this world.

Deco? If it weren't for his demonic godly power, Deco's assassination skills would be even weaker than those of Inzagi.

���I regret…" Deco roared in desperation, and he suddenly remembered a terrifying rumor on the verge of death. It was a phrase that terrified everyone during the Mythical Era.

"The Light of Creation, no one can block it! Golden and silver sword energy, it never misses!"

These words represented the forbidden secrets of the God Clan and Demon Clan, and they described the power of the saint item in Fei's hand. Anyone who could grasp and control this saint item would be able to realize the power in this phrase.

Now, Deco realized how dumb his earlier decision was.

"I deserve to die! My greed overtook my logic! Before I attacked, this human god released four streaks of Light of Creation, but I overlooked them and thought that it would be fine if I dodged…"

"Damn… great… the legend sure is… haha… I shouldn't have targeted you as an enemy…"

Before Deco could finish speaking, his body that was only one meter tall was completely covered by the golden and silver chains of order.

These golden and silver chains of order transformed from the sword energy were terrifying! They could absorb the godly power in Deco's body and harm him. The stronger the opponents were, the faster they would die!

In just a flash, Deco and Eusébio's bodies were compressed by the golden and silver chains of order. While they screamed, they were turned into two grey spheres of light. Then, the two spheres of light flew across the sky and dashed into the black sphere on the top of the silver scepter after leaving long tails in the air.

At the same time, Kluivert's giant body was being compressed by the golden and silver chains of order further away. Right now, more than half of his body was wrapped up.

Compared to Deco and Eusébio, Kluivert woke up a year earlier, and his strength had returned to his prime. Therefore, he was able to last longer in this situation. However, he was running out of energy. Even though he used all his abilities, he couldn't rival the golden and silver chains of order and was about to die.

"Forgive me… forgive me! I'm willing to become your servant…" Kluivert begged for mercy. At this moment, he could no longer act arrogant.

Kluivert had obtained the demonic godly body, and he didn't die 1,000 years ago. Instead, he was only sealed, and he couldn't be killed.

However, he ran into Fei, and it seemed like this human obtained a terrifying ability that could slay gods and exterminate demons. These demonic gods had met their nemesis.

Kluivert had lived for numerous years. The longer someone lives, the more fearful of death they become.

The fear of death made Kluivert ditch the honor of a demonic god and beg for mercy, just like Eusébio.

Chapter 1131: 11 Imperial Zones (Part One)

Fei slowly shook his head.

Since the beginning of the world, humans and the Sea Tribe were mortal enemies.

Different from other races such as goblins, dwarfs, elves, and orcs, the Sea Tribe viewed all intelligent creatures on land as enemies, and they treated humans as food. There was no way that humans and the Sea Tribe could co-exist in peace.

Besides, as an evil sea god, Kluivert was extremely violent and created many catastrophes, killing countless humans. When he woke up more than a year ago, he devoured tens of millions of humans to absorb life energy and recover his strength.

Fei couldn't let such an evil god stay alive.

In just a few seconds, the last evil sea god, Kluivert, was refined and compressed by the golden and silver chains of order as he screamed and cursed in desperation. He turned into a pure black energy sphere, and it dashed into the black sphere on top of the silver scepter.

Inside the black sphere, it seemed like stars were rotating. Starlight flashed, and it seemed like nebulae were evolving and creating the universe at the beginning of time.

The silver scepter became even more holy and majestic.

The death of the three demonic gods meant that the space that was sealed and locked down was restored.

The dark clouds and the howling resentful souls quickly disappeared, and the beautiful scenery of blue sky and clear ocean reappeared.

It seemed like everything that just took place never actually occurred.

Fei turned around and looked at his last opponent, the Empress of the Sea Tribe.

This empress of the Sea Tribe came back to the Sea of Fragrance with a giant military and desire for revenge. Right now, she was overtaken by fear, and her cold and noble face was pale.

Right now, golden and silver chains of order also wrapped around her body.

At the beginning of the battle, Fei unleashed four golden and silver sword energies.

Except for the three evil sea gods, the last one was targeting this empress.

The Light of Creation, no one can block it!

Even the three evil sea gods who were in the True God Realm couldn't defend against the golden and silver chains of order. Therefore, the Empress of the Sea Tribe who was only a demi-god and was strengthened by the golden armor and scepter couldn't block the chains as well.

However, Fei didn't instantly use the golden and silver chains of order to refine this woman, and that was why she was still alive.

At the same time, as if they sensed that their empress was about to die, countless warriors of the Sea Tribe appeared on the surface of the sea, making the sea turn dark. These warriors roared like crazy, and they wanted to dash into the sky and attack Fei.

Unfortunately for them, under the suppression of a true god, they couldn't fly up at all.

"Kill me! However, they are only the ordinary members of the Sea Tribe; they cant' threaten you."

The Empress of the Sea Tribe looked at Fei with fear and stubbornness in her eyes. However, she didn't beg for mercy due to fear. Instead, she tried to save her peers.

Right now, this woman understood that if this human god wanted to, he could easily turn millions of warriors of the Sea Tribe into dust.

"You are indeed a royal of the Sea Tribe." Fei slightly nodded.

Compared to the three evil sea gods, this woman was more like a ruler and had the presence of a lord. No wonder this woman was able to command the countless members of the Sea Tribe of the Sea of Fragrance. Except for her rare bloodline, she was a talented figure with a great vision.

After thinking for a bit, Fei said, "If you answer a few questions, I will let your tribe in the Sea of Fragrance survive."

The Empress of the Sea Tribe looked up in surprise and thought that she heard it wrong. She didn't expect that the Human Emperor of the North was still willing to let her go at this moment. She thought for a second calmly and slowly replied, "It depends on what you want to know."

Chapter 1131: 11 Imperial Zones (Part Two)

Although her words seemed confrontational, her tone was much softer.

"First question – why is the Sea Tribe involved with Barcelona? Did the two forces establish a relationship long before?" Fei asked.

The Empress of the Sea Tribe shook her head and replied, "I'm not too sure about this. Kluivert seemed to know [God's Son] of Barcelona before, and they planned this trap at the Sea of Fragrance. We were planning to use that kid Luffy and [Alexander] as bait to lure you here. Running into the Leonian fleet was a pure coincidence."

Seeing the casual expression on this woman's face, Fei knew that she wasn't lying.

"Second question – where did the Sea Tribe of the Sea of Fragrance go in the last year? Why did you decide to come back now?"

"In this world, the sea area isn't smaller than the land area. The number of forces in the sea isn't less than the number of forces on land. There are many giant oceans and outland abysses, and the forces are countless. Based on zones, the Sea Tribe could be divided into four oceans and seven abysses, and they are occupied by nine Royal Clans of the Sea Tribe. My tribe at the Sea of Fragrance is only a weak branch force. More than a year ago, in order to avoid disasters, we traveled to other zones to seek help and help other branches of the Sea Tribe to break the seals. Also, we looked for the sea gods who were sealed in various locations…" this woman slowly told Fei everything, "However, for every branch of the Sea Tribe, roaming around represented decay. Due to different environments and customs in different sea areas, my people might not be able to adapt and die. We can only become prosperous in our own base. After wandering around for a year, I have accumulated enough strength, so of course, I'm going to come back with my people. It is that simple."

Fei nodded, but he was shocked to his core.

For the first time, the king learned about the division of zones and forces in the Sea Tribe.

The division of the four oceans and seven abysses was seldom mentioned in the documents of humans. Now, it seemed like the Sea of Fragrance to the entire Sea Tribe was even less significant compared to how the former Chambord Kingdom was to the human race.

Fei once thought that the Sea Tribe of the Sea of Fragrance was all there was to the Sea Tribe. Now, it seemed like he couldn't be more wrong.

The true power of the Sea Tribe was unimaginable!

If it wasn't for the unique body composition of the members of the Sea Tribe, making them unable to survive on land for a long time, this giant race with vicious soldiers would have wiped out all other intelligent races such as humans, elves, and dwarfs on land.

Fei suddenly thought of a question. "Is this vicious and barbaric race connected to the 'polluters' in legends?"

While Fei was thinking, he showed nothing on his face, and he continued to ask, "Is the Sea Tribe of the Sea of Fragrance only appearing now to return home? Now that the laws of nature changed, and all other races appeared, don't the Royal Clans at the four oceans and seven abysses have any ambitions?"

A mocking smile appeared on this woman's face, and she said, "I'm only the empress of the Sea Tribe of the Sea of Fragrance, a small inland sea. I'm not qualified to know such things. However, I can tell you one thing. The Sea Tribe in the 11 Imperial Zones are making moves, and internal wars have been happening in the last year. The atmosphere in the Sea Tribe is intense, and big moves will be made."

Fei nodded and thought, "It seems like once this world became chaotic, it went to the extreme. Although this woman didn't say much, it is clear that the Royal Clans in the 11 Imperial Zones are anxious and are trying to conspire about something."

"Have you heard of polluters?" Fei continued to ask.

Hearing this, this woman's face changed color.

Chapter 1132: Cruelty! Plane Farm! (Part One)

"You know about them?" From the expression that the Empress of the Sea Tribe of the Sea of Fragrance had, Fei saw surprise, but more of it was fear and panic. The fear and panic came from the bottom of her heart, and they made her soul and bones tremble.

It was clear that this woman knew something.

"Human, how come you know about the Polluters? Could it be… they are already on this land?" this woman asked Fei the question in fear.

Fei stared at the eyes of this woman of the Sea Tribe, and he shook his head while he said in surprise, "So, you do know about the Polluters. Then, can you tell me who they are? Are they connected to the Sea Tribe?"

"How can they be connected to the Sea Tribe?" this empress instantly explained, "If the Sea Tribe is connected to the Polluters, the Sea Tribe wouldn't suffer the biggest catastrophe in its history 1,000 years ago. More than 70 percent of the members of the Sea Tribe died, and many sea gods fell. The rest all sealed and banished themselves to survive through that world-ending disaster. Polluters… they are devils from another dimension! They are true devils! They spread like a plague, and there is an unlimited number of them. They are more terrifying than the Undead Creature Catastrophes. They don't have life energy, and they aren't afraid of death. They have no emotions, and they only know destruction and murder…"

This woman fell into a memory that made her shiver in fear, and an expression of pain appeared on her face.

For some reason, Fei sensed a suffocating and murderous presence from the words of this woman of the Sea Tribe. It seemed like a group of ghost-like eliminators rushed toward the king through this woman's words, making him tremble in fear and desperation.

"So, the Sea Tribe disappeared 1,000 years ago also because of the Polluters. Are they like a plague from the death realm of another dimension?"

"Even the God Clan and Demon Clan along with all their affiliated races were almost wiped out by these terrifying enemies. They are from the death realm of another dimension… so, the Polluters aren't natives of Azeroth?"

"Such description is aligned with the information documented in the bloody journal of the Emperor of the Dwarf Empire that I found in the Last Ancestral Place."

Then, Fei asked a few more questions.

However, it was clear that this empress was afraid of the Polluters and didn't want to talk about them.

Also, it seemed like this woman didn't know too much about the mysterious enemies. She could only vaguely describe the catastrophe that took place 1,000 years ago, and the appearances of the Polluters sounded like vicious monsters and aliens.

"Then, where did they all go?" Fei asked.

"Where did they go? Haha! Who knows?" It seemed like this empress was stimulated by something in her memory, and her expression became wicked. She laughed hysterically and said, "To the Sea Tribe, humans are delicious meat. However, to the Polluters, all living beings are their food! They travel between different planes and worlds, and they slaughter the living beings like animals. The Azeroth Continent is like a farmland to them. 1,000 years ago, they appeared and harvested most of the living beings, leaving only some intelligent races to survive and reproduce offspring. When they think that this farmland is full and due for another harvest, they will come back."

Such a description would give chills to anyone!

Fei shook his head and stopped asking questions. It was clear that this woman only knew this much.

The king reached out his hand, and the golden and silver chains of order that wrapped around this woman transformed back into a sword energy before dashing back into his body through his palm.

Chapter 1132: Cruelty! Plane Farm! (Part Two)

"You can go now. I need the Sea Tribe of the Sea of Fragrance to not be enemies with humans. As long as we don't attack each other, I will let your tribe survive. Otherwise, if I learn that your tribe harmed humans, I will wipe out the Sea Tribe of the Sea of Fragrance in a day." Fei threatened with a stern expression.

It was evident that this woman was terrified of Fei, and she instantly returned to the surface of the sea. Then, she dove into the water and disappeared like a water snake.

However, a few seconds later, she re-emerged on the surface of the sea and asked with a grim expression, "Honorable Majesty of Humans, I want to ask you a question. In terms of the Polluters, did you learn about something recently?"

This woman's tone was extremely respectful, and she looked at Fei nervously, hoping for a good answer.

Many thoughts flashed across Fei's mind. Then, he nodded and replied with honesty, "I only know that the Polluters will be in this world soon."

As soon as this empress heard Fei's words, her face paled as if a prisoner on death row heard the final conviction. It just went to show how terrified she was when it came to the Polluters.

Even when this woman was captured by the golden and silver chains of order, she didn't look this desperate.

It seemed like this woman was struggling with some thoughts. After a while, she gritted her teeth and said, "I agree to your conditions. From now on, I will strictly restrict the Sea Tribe of the Sea of Fragrance, and we will be in peace with the humans in the Northern Region of Azeroth. Human Emperor of the North, if the Polluters really descend in this world one day, I hope the Sea Tribe of the Sea of Fragrance and the humans can battle the enemies alongside each other.

After saying that, she turned around and dashed into the endless ocean.

At the same time, the countless warriors of the Sea Tribe who extended to the horizon also disappeared.

The sea became peaceful again.

Fei moved and disappeared as well.

In the next second, Fei appeared inside the grand godly realm.

As soon as Fei showed up in this place, his face paled, and his breathing became irregular.

"Damn it! Although I can now use the Scepter of Creation, and its power is insane, the amount of godly power needed to use it is too much! Now that I'm at level 8 True God Realm, I only managed to cast five golden and silver sword energies, and I was almost sucked dry and left as a corpse. However, if I didn't have this scepter, I would have had to engage in a tough battle to get out of the trap that [God's Son] Messi of Barcelona created."

In the blink of an eye, endless godly power rushed into Fei's body from all directions, replenishing his power and making his pale face look a bit more normal.

The silver scepter that Fei used was the mysterious giant stone pillar which he discovered on the Mythical Altar in the belly of the mountain under the Godly King Palace in Sky City.

In the last half a year, Fei placed all 21 Worldstones that he obtained with all seven of his characters in the three difficulty levels inside the Mythical Altar, and he purified them all. As a result, Sky City absorbed enough energy and revealed all its functions. The nine golden lotus plants were all blooming, and this legendary city went back to its prime.

Chapter 1133: Continue to Plan (Part One)

At the same time, the Scepter of Creation also restored its former glory. Right now, Fei could use it on his own.

Unfortunately, Fei's current strength didn't allow him to use the Scepter of Creation freely; his godly power wasn't enough. He used this scepter when he battled Messi's Doppelganger, the three evil sea gods, and the Empress of the Sea Tribe of the Sea of Fragrance, and he almost got sucked dry.

The good thing was that Fei had the grand godly realm.

Fei's degree of fusion with the grand godly realm already reached 15 percent, so he could freely absorb the energy of this world and recover his godly power.

When the degree of fusion reached 100 percent, Fei would become a supreme god, and he could absorb the endless energy in the grand godly realm at will. It would mean that he could use the Scepter of Creation freely and become invincible.

There were two reasons why Fei didn't kill that empress. Aside from a lack of godly power, another important factor was the potential riot of the Sea Tribe.

An organized and disciplined Sea Tribe was better for Fei's future plans in the Northern Region compared to a chaotic Sea Tribe that had no leader.

With this empress controlling the tens of millions of members of the Sea Tribe in the Sea of Fragrance, it might be more peaceful for humans.

If Fei killed this woman, more than ten million soldiers of the Sea Tribe would become resentful and fall into a state of frenzy, attacking human territories all around the coastline. Although it wouldn't affect Zenit's control over its territory, it would be annoying and increase the anxiety of the humans in the Northern Region of Azeroth.

Also, facts proved that Fei's decision was correct.

Under the pressure of the Polluters, the Empress of the Sea Tribe of the Sea of Fragrance accepted the rare peace treaty and was even willing to stand with humans and fight the potential enemies. Having one more ally was always better than having one more enemy.

After recovering his godly power, Fei used the Scepter of Creation again.

Four masses of light dashed out of the black crystal sphere that looked like a mini-cosmos at the top of the scepter, and they hovered in the sky.

These four masses of energy were purified from Messi's Doppelganger and the three evil sea gods' core godly power after their consciousnesses were wiped out. They were enormous!

Fei moved his mind, and streaks of power of faith flew out of his body and turned into golden strings before wrapping around these four masses of energies.

Just as what he had done to the core energies of those four demi-gods of Barcelona, Fei was going to refine these four masses of energies and merge them into the grand godly realm, increasing his degree of fusion with it.

These four masses of energies were from those who broke through the threshold of mortals and became gods, and they were many times stronger than those from people like Busquets. Therefore, the process of refining them took longer.

Time passed by.

After spending eight hours, Fei finally completely refined these four masses of energies.

The king opened his eyes and laughed, "After refining these four gods' energies, my degree of fusion with the grand godly realm reached 18 percent! I'm now at level 9 True God Realm, and I'm only one step away from becoming a godly king! It would be great if a few more demonic gods of the Sea Tribe come to me now!"

Chapter 1133: Continue to Plan (Part Two)

When Fei returned to Zenit, Bast and others were waiting with impatience.

[No.1] and others returned and brought back the news that Fei was being trapped and attacked by demonic gods of another race. Bast and other new nobles of the empire were terrified, and they quickly sent many silver crystal battle soul warriors to reinforce the emperor.

However, when [No.1] and others returned to the battleground at the Sea of Fragrance, the battle was already over. Fei and his enemies all disappeared.

Therefore, these Zenitians could only wait.

Bast and others didn't dare to pass this news to Chambord City and inform the two queens, and they also didn't want others to know about this.

The Zenit Empire and the Northern Region of Azeroth looked calm on the surface, and it was all because of Fei's dominance. If anything happened to Fei, giant waves and turbulence would occur, and the entire Northern Region of Azeroth would fall back into great chaos again.

Finally, when Bast and others were about to go crazy, Fei returned!

"Your Majesty!" Seeing that Fei was intact, Bast, Old Aryang, and others were overjoyed.

"Let's all sit down and talk." Fei knew that these people were worried about him, so he didn't hide anything. He briefly told them about what happened at the Sea of Fragrance, and he smiled and said, "The incident with the Sea Tribe happened abruptly, but since we already reached the agreement, there shouldn't be new wars for a short time. Pass orders to all empires in the Northern Region! Tell them to discipline their troops and not get into conflicts with the Sea Tribe."

Old Aryang nodded and took notes.

"What is the progress with the creation of the ten military districts and the migration of the behemoth orcs? What is the progress in the last couple of days?" Fei was more worried about these two things.

"From the information that the [Letter Office] collected, the creation of the ten military districts is going smoothly. The Jax Empire, Eindhoven Empire, Alania Empire, and St. Germain Empire are the first to side with us. They expressed a strong willingness to hand over their military and follow Your Majesty's orders. Other empires, big and small, are a bit more unwilling, but they had to cooperate under the threat of the silver crystal battle soul warriors. Right now, only six to seven giant empires such as Leon, Marse, and Bordeaux are agreeing on the surface while intentionally delaying the progress of the reforms," Bast reported to Fei in detail.

The Head Minister's Office had many advisors who analyzed the situation in the Northern Region of Azeroth, and the [Letter Office] made sure that all information flowed into St. Petersburg, now the Capital of the Northern Region, as fast and accurately as possible. Therefore, Fei's father-in-law knew everything in this aspect.

"Except for the Leon Empire, give other empires three days. Regardless of their reasons, they have to hand over their military in three days and do what we command. Otherwise, they can prepare for war."

Fei wasn't fond of these empires. When the Ten-Empire United Troops attacked Zenit, several of these empires were on the list.

"Ok, I got it." Bast understood Fei's bottom line, and he nodded, showing that he knew what to do next. Then, he continued with his reporting, "According to the information that Priest Nash of the Beast God Palace passed to us, more than 80 percent of the behemoth orcs have migrated, and the remaining clans will start the migration in half a month at most. In the last few months, there hasn't been a tragedy like the Ancient Path of Blood of Behemoth collapsing. Although demon beasts in the Endless Sea of Forests are attacking the path, nothing too serious occurred."

Fei nodded.

Once the Behemoth Orc Tribe completed the mass migration back to the Azeroth Continent, one huge rock that was weighing on Fei's shoulders would disappear.

"The Settlement Project for the Behemoth Orc Tribe is also proceeding smoothly. With close to 400,000 Barcelonan captives working day and night, help from the Alanians, and the hard work of behemoth orcs themselves, thousands of towns and cities are being built in the former Anji Empire. Also, large pieces of land are being fertilized and readied for use. Just as Your Majesty asked, Chambord has sent military officers into the Behemoth Orc Tribe and started the construction of orc troops. The behemoth orcs are born as tough warriors. I believe that in less than six months, an iron troop of one million soldiers will be formed," Bast continued speaking.

Chapter 1134: The Dragon Clan's Defeat (Part One)

Fei nodded and thought for a moment. Then, he said, "The construction of the orc troop is crucial. Strategist Aryang should take over this project. I will inform Great Priest Nash of the Behemoth Orc Tribe. From now on, everything that the orc troop needs will be provided by the ten military districts and Zenit. In half a year, make sure that an invincible iron troop is formed. Remember, half of the Chambordian elites must be arranged into the orc troop as political commissars, the new position that we created. This system has to be well-accepted by the orc troop."

Everyone sensed the emphasis that the emperor placed on the orc troop.

Strategist Old Aryang nodded and accepted the task.

Fei was still a little worried, and he reminded them a bit more, "The behemoth orcs have different habits and customs than humans, and they are much bigger. When orcs and humans live together, some conflicts will arise. You guys would need to take care of this aspect for me. Regardless of what situation, any instigation of conflicts between the two races isn't allowed, and no discrimination and provocation toward the orcs should occur. If such a thing takes place, the perpetrator needs to be strictly prosecuted regardless of this person's status!"

"As you wish!" Seeing the emperor's serious expression, everyone knew that this was His Majesty's 'reverse scale', and they didn't dare to slack off in this area.

"Order the [Letter Office] to keep an eye on all forces on the continent and prevent Barcelonan spies from entering the Northern Region and causing more trouble. In the next six months, I need the Northern Region to be peaceful. Any resistance needs to be wiped out and cleaned up! No potential risk is allowed!" Fei sounded murderous as he stated. It was rare for him to show such a strict side in front of his Chambordian henchmen.

However, the Polluters brought too much pressure to Fei.

Especially after talking with the Empress of the Sea Tribe of the Sea of Fragrance, Fei confirmed the terrifying power of the Polluters. Since the situation was so dire, Fei had to use rapid methods to clean up the Northern Region of Azeroth, uniting the humans and orcs and creating a top-tier combat force.

In such a situation, Fei had to give up on his humanitarian beliefs and use some necessary methods.

Soon, all issues were discussed and planned for.

Then, Fei ordered people to bring over King Buckingham of Leon. After comforting the latter and telling him a few things, Fei asked [No.1] to protect this envoy group of Leon back to the City of Gerland and discuss the creation of the ten military districts in the Northern Region of Azeroth with Emperor Juninho of Leon.

The Leon Empire was the former ruler of the Northern Region. Although Fei wasn't afraid of this nation, he didn't want a full-on war.

In the current environment, an internal war between humans would create an unbearable loss of strength.

After taking care of the administrative duties of the empire, Fei brought Luffy back to the central Martial Saint Mountain in St. Petersburg.

After the Zenit Empire was redeemed, a heroes' cemetery was constructed on the Martial Saint Mountain. Those brave warriors who battled to the death and weren't willing to surrender when St. Petersburg was broken were buried here.

Except for the tombs for Emperor Yassin and Second Prince Dominguez that only contained their personal possessions which represented their existences, there was also a memorial for the fallen soldiers and generals and the tombs for Golden Sun Knight Sutton, Krasic's disciples, and Luffy's mother.

Seeing Luffy crying his heart out before his mother's tomb, Fei couldn't help but sigh in his mind.

During the war with the Barcelona Empire, if Emperor Yassin weren't prepared and saved the elite military of Zenit with a secret plan, the combat force of Zenit would have been wiped out, and the Zenit Empire wouldn't have been able to form a powerful military in a short time.

Even though Emperor Yassin planned ahead, Zenit still suffered great casualties.

Many brave human warriors bleed and died in this internal conflict, and it was pitiful and sad.

Chapter 1134: The Dragon Clan's Defeat (Part Two)

Also, [God's Son] Messi of Barcelona who was known as the No.1 Young Lord of Azeroth decided to abandon his honor and work with the evil sea gods, which was despicable.

Fei had a vague feeling and was almost sure that Messi knew about the existence of Polluters. Even though this was the case, he was still ignoring the future of humans and seemed to be planning something secretive.

"It is such a pity! Why would he do this? If Messi could have worked with me to deal with the Polluters, wouldn't humans have a higher chance of winning?" Fei thought to himself randomly on the Martial Saint Mountain.

After Luffy finished paying tribute to his mother, Fei and this boy who almost fainted from crying turned into a streak of light and instantly arrived at Chambord City.

"Your Majesty, the plan that we made earlier is completely executed! The 20,000 Chambordians, the various schools, Chambord's Civil and Military University, and the important departments in the [City of Heroes] under the back mountain are all moved to Sky City. According to Your Majesty's order, Queen Angela Her Highness also directed thousands of king-level demon beasts into Sky City."

In the Administrative Center of Chambord, Golden Saint Brook of Libra was reporting to Fei.

Everything that took place was planned by Fei before he left.

"Ok." Fei nodded and was about to say something…

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Streaks of vast energy shot into the sky from the Endless Sea of Forests behind Chambord.

A joyous expression appeared on Fei's face as he thought, "Huh? Great! It is Palacio and others. Also, the Undead Mage and Batistuta made breakthroughs!"

These streaks of energy belonged to the supreme masters who were cultivating in seclusion.

Fei thought of something, and Brook and Luffy felt like their surroundings flashed. In the next second, their visions returned to normal, and they were already at the Endless Sea of Forests.

Below them, Pato and others looked at each other and smiled, and they dashed into the sky and went to Fei.

"Your Majesty!" Palacio cupped his hands together and bowed at Fei with respect. He finally made the breakthrough and condensed his power of faith. Stepping into the True God Realm was no longer a dream!

Others such as Lampard and Hazel Bank were also smiling. It was clear that they all benefited greatly from the cultivation.

While they spoke, a silver light traveled through the void and landed in Palacio's hand. It was an agile spiritual beast similar to the hummingbirds that the [Letter Office] used. This little beast was cute, and it was chirping as if it was saying something.

After hearing this little beast's chirps, Palacio's face changed color. "What? The Dragon Clan got defeated?"

Now, Palacio didn't have time to chat with Fei. After quickly thanking Fei, Palacio rushed toward the Central Region of Azeroth.

The Holy Church waged the so-called Holy War in the Central Region, and it was in a fierce and heated conflict with the Inter Milan Empire and the AC Milan Empire. The other empire in the Holy Alliance trinity, the Juventus Empire, decided to join the Holy Church. As a result, the Inter Milan Empire and the AC Milan Empire had to work with the Dragon Clan to battle the Holy Church.

Now that the Dragon Clan was defeated, it meant that the Holy Church had a dominating advantage in the Central Region, and the Inter Milan Empire and the AC Milan Empire were in great danger.

This wasn't good news for Fei either.

Aside from the old grudges between Chambord and the Holy Church, in the most recent war between Chambord and Barcelona, the Holy Church sent high-level priests to summon battle angels to assist Barcelona. It meant that Fei and the Holy Church ripped off all disguises and became enemies.

The strengthening of the Holy Church meant that Fei had a stronger opponent.

Now that the laws of nature on the Azeroth Continent changed, and all other races returned, the Holy Church's stance became more and more unclear. It seemed like this organization was becoming evil, so Fei had to be aware.

"Should I reinforce the Inter Milan Empire and the AC Milan Empire? At least, they need to be strong enough to tie down the Holy Church in the Central Region." While Fei thought to himself, he returned to Sky City with Luffy and others.

Chapter 1135: The Last Plan (Part One)

According to the previous plan, many citizens of Chambord entered Sky City, making it livelier. Many stone buildings and pavilions were assigned to families, and this miracle city became more friendly.

The citizens of Chambord were already pleased with their new home. Many of them had never imagined that they could one day live in such a perfect godly city!

The beautiful statues, the suitable environment, the fresh air, the powerful defensive power, and the magical daily items and infrastructures that could be controlled by voice. Everyone felt like they had become gods who could control everything in the legends.

The majority of the people who entered Sky City were the old residents of Chambord before Fei arrived, so their loyalty toward Chambord was unrivaled. The other group of people who moved into the city was composed of warriors who showed honor and bravery during battles and accumulated military merits as well as their families.

The selection process for the new residents of Sky City was strict. From the beginning to the end, there had been more than ten stages. This plan started before Fei got married, and many requirements and tests were established. The background of everyone who entered Sky City was investigated and checked, and zero errors were made.

All these efforts were to prevent enemy spies from sneaking into this legendary city.

After this small migration process was over, Sky City was going to become the center of the Northern Region. This would be the Human Emperor of the North's godly city and residence, and this city would represent the center of Fei's power and highest-level of authority.

Even the 12 Golden Saint Mountains behind Chambord were moved to the area around the Godly King Mountain where the Godly King Palace sat. Fei moved the mountains into the Sky City using his great power, and these 12 mountains housed the 12 palaces leading to the Godly King Palace with the 12 Gold Saints guarding them.

Besides, thousands of kinds of demon beasts moved from the Endless Sea of Forests into Sky City, and the ecosystem of Sky City was complete.

When Fei returned to the Godly King Palace, the final security measure in this migration to Sky City was being performed.

Under Angela, Elena, and Paris's watch, all the various functions of the city were used. The safeguarding mechanisms, alert systems, and detection godly arrays were all activated, and they were under the control of the Inspection Department of Chambord.

Without exaggeration, every corner of Sky City was under the monitoring of the Inspection Godly Palace.

"This moment is finally here!" Fei couldn't hold back and was excited. He had been waiting for this day for a long time.

Finally, Sky City recovered all of its functionalities and displayed the power of its prime.

While sitting on the throne in the Godly King Palace, Fei reached out his hand and pointed his finger forward. A streak of golden light dashed into a blooming golden lotus flower in the square pond in the palace.

The lotus flower slowly extended its petals, and it was a beautiful scene as if a beauty was dancing.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

In the next moment, a series of weak quakes occurred throughout Sky City.

The residents all rushed out of their homes and got onto the streets.

However, after a short moment of panic, their mouths opened wide as they couldn't believe what they were seeing.

Chapter 1135: The Last Plan (Part Two)

Stunning to them, this city that they lived in was slowly rising into the sky and flew in the air. Although the city was protected by the silver defense wall, the people in the city could still clearly see that the mountains in the area were lowering, and white clouds soon appeared around the city.

In each residential zone, there were many magic panels. Through these panels, the residents could receive the most recent notices and updates from the Royal Family of Chambord, get information about the city, and see the views around and below the city.

Through these magic panels, the residents saw the ancient Chambord City below them, the fast and roaring Zuli River, the carpet-like green grassland, the prosperous new city on the south bank of Zuli, the rolling mountains, the Endless Sea of Forests, and the ant-like people on the ground…

Except for cheering and chanting, these residents didn't know how they could express their excitement and thrill.

"We… we are actually living in this city? A city that can fly?"

"Is this real? Why don't I feel any turbulence from flying?"

"It is exactly the same as on the ground…"

After gasps and exclamations, people bowed toward the direction of the Godly King Palace and hailed the king!

Everyone knew that the king brought them all this. Although Fei was now the Emperor of Zenit and the Lord of the Northern Region in name, the native residents of Chambord were still used to calling him the king. These people only felt intimate with this title.

In this chaotic world, a flying city clearly could bring people a greater sense of security.

Besides, before these people moved into the city, the kingdom already promoted the powerful offensive and defensive systems of this city. Also, the king had said that even a group of gods couldn't break into this city, making everyone feel 100 percent secure.

When had the king lied to them? Never!

Sky City slowly moved up from the ground and flew at a moderate speed. After a short period for the residents to adapt, the giant city shook slightly and completely merged into the void, entering its super-speed flying mode.

Everyone in the city felt like their visions blurred, and the beautiful cosmos appeared outside the faint-silver energy sphere that surrounded the city.

This sudden change went beyond their imaginations!

-In Godly King Palace-

Except for Fei who knew how miraculous Sky City was, his two queens, Demonic Woman Paris, and the various officials were stunned by what they saw.

Although they had guessed that this city was unique and extraordinary, they had never imagined that it was a godly city that could fly and merge into the void.

After a long pause, loud cheers sounded in this palace as well.

"From now on, this city will be my traveling palace and the Capital of the Northern Region of Azeroth! I can move this city and inspect the citizens and troops at any location in the Northern Region!" Fei announced with a smile.

Sky City was the last fortress and line of defense against the Polluters.

If the situation on the Azeroth Continent really greatly worsened and became irreversible, and humans and other races had to go through what the God Clan and Demon Clan went through 1,000 years ago, Fei would have to rely on this city. If that was the case, Fei planned to carry his loved ones and friends in this city and leave this world before wandering around and trying to find a new home.

That was the worst-case scenario.

Chapter 1136: The Arrival of the Giant City (Part One)

-The territory of the former Anji Empire-

After Fei cast a miracle with his godly power, this land that was stained by the Undead Creature Catastrophe recovered its vitality and liveliness.

Also, with the arrival of the Behemoth Orc Tribe, this territory that was desolate and deserted changed.

In just a short time, many majestic orc cities appeared on this rich and fertile land.

From now on, this land got a new name – the Orc Empire!

This land was going to belong to the behemoth orcs, and it was a beautiful new home that supreme Beast Emperor Alexander gifted to every behemoth orc.

The behemoth orcs were already used to the poor living conditions with dry soil, terrible environment, and strong winds in the [Banished Land]. Now, they felt like they were in Heaven which only existed in legends. Simply breathing the air that was filled with the smell of grass and moisture would make them happy for a few days.

Only after going through the worst and most torturous conditions could one truly treasure the good things in life.

The satisfied and joyous smile could be seen on every orc's face. Although Chambordians and Alanians didn't understand it, it didn't stop them from becoming friends with the orcs.

Although small conflicts and collisions occurred, the orcs and humans merged and lived alongside each other well under Fei's strict policies. At least there weren't any more ridiculous cases where orc children pretended to be ghosts at midnight and scared humans.

The former Capital of Anji was the new Capital that Fei gave to the behemoth orcs, and it was where the Beast God Palace situated.

There were already millions of Zenitian refugees here. Now, with the additional behemoth orcs and merchant caravans, mercenary groups, and adventure groups coming here for business opportunities, this city that was once dead became prosperous again and recovered its vitality.

About half a month ago, the military of the orcs took control of the city, and the name of the city was changed to St. Stanford. When directly translated from the language of the orcs, it meant the City of the Supreme Beast Emperor Alexander. The behemoth orcs used this name to remember Fei, the new Beast Emperor who shined the brightest in the Behemoth Orc Tribe's journey of redemption.

Around St. Stanford and on the defense walls, the newly structured orc troops patrolled around.

Right now, the behemoth orcs were still trying to fix and utilize all the land in their territory. This process was filled with hope, but some public security incidents could occur.

These troops and patrol teams that were constructed under the help of Chambordians were trying their best to protect the peace of this land.

To the orcs, living in peace was their biggest dream. If anyone dared to mess around in their new homeland, these people would have to bear their volcanic eruption-like fury.

The humans who were the closest to the orcs were undoubtedly Chambordians, and Hazard was one of them.

Hazard was one of the most talented young bronze saint of Chambord. Due to his outstanding performance in killing the spies in the City of Heroes in the underground maze-like cave below the back mountain of Chambord, he was appointed as the Bronze Saint of Cygnus. He was given warrior energy training scrolls, and he received a ton of resources.

Now, this man was already a powerful mid-tier Moon-Class Elite, and he was a famous master in the Zenit Empire. Many Zenitians knew who Bronze Saint of Cygnus was.

Chapter 1136: The Arrival of the Giant City (Part Two)

This time, Hazard was one of the people who was in charge of constructing the military troops of orcs. It showed how much trust and value the king placed in him.

Today, after finishing the tasks in the morning, Hazard got the rare chance to patrol on the defense wall of St. Stanford. Looking into the distance, the homeland of the orcs was transforming in a great direction under the bright sunlight. All this made him feel proud.

At this moment, Hazard suddenly sensed something mystical.

"Sir! Look!" a soldier called out to him while pointing at the sky with a stunned expression.

Hazard looked up and was stunned as well.

In the blue sky, a series of soft ripples appeared. Then, a giant magnificent city that was beyond words slowly appeared through the ripples.

Soon, a silver city appeared in the sky next to St. Stanford.

What a magical and dreamy city this was!

A thin silver light screen surrounded the city, and the silver defense walls looked like they were directly cast from silver and were perfectly connected. The buildings and palaces in the city looked grand and noble, emitting holy light. It looked like a godly city, and anyone who saw it would have the urge of kneeling on all fours and worshipping it.

At this moment, Hazard almost dropped on his knees and bowed. However, the last bit of consciousness in his mind instantly woke him up. He ordered the soldiers, "Quick! Pass my order! Make the entire city go on alert!"

Then, the soldiers around Hazard woke up from the shock as well, and they shouted and passed down the command.

Soon, a series of bugle noises and sirens resonated in the area. The troops of orcs and Chambordians also reacted, and they gathered in formations and got ready for battle. Then, streaks of radiant light shot into the sky with great presence. The supreme masters of the Behemoth Orc Tribe and the masters of Chambord stood in mid-air, getting ready for powerful enemies.

"Strange… how come this city looks a bit familiar?" While Hazard flew into the air, he thought to himself in confusion.

At the same time, other masters of Chambord also thought of the same thing.

Before, Sky City was hidden in the Five Sword Sky Mountains, and no one could see this magnificent city through the godly array that helped it achieve stealth. Although loyal warriors of Chambord such as Hazard entered Sky City a few times, they were directly teleported inside through the portals in the City of Heroes.

Therefore, now looking at this city from afar, they couldn't instantly recognize it.

"Honorable guest, where are you from? Why are you here in our St. Stanford?" Great Priest Nash of the Fox Clan led the orc masters and asked in a loud voice as a grim expression appeared. Even though this fox-man was alert, he was still respectful. After all, the appearance and presence of this godly city were too stunning.

At this moment, tens of millions of beings in and outside St. Stanford could only hold their breaths and wait for the answer.

Finally, a familiar voice sounded from this godly city.

"Hahaha! Who can it be other than me?"

Nash froze. Before he could say anything, Hazard on the side already reacted and gasped, "It is Sky City? Alexander His Majesty…"

The Bronze Saint of Cygnus was so excited that he directly knelt in mid-air. His gasp wasn't loud, but all orc masters heard him clearly.

P.S. The current power levels above the Sun-Class Realm are the following: Demi-God Realm, True God Realm, Godly King Realm, and Supreme God Realm.

Chapter 1137: The New Ruler of the North (Part One)

Instantly, all the masters in the sky single-knelt in mid-air.

The orc masters all chanted 'Hail the Beast Emperor' while the masters of Chambord chanted 'Hail the King'. The chants sounded like thunder and resonated in the sky, making the ordinary orcs and humans on the ground realize what was going on.

For a moment, a large amount of power of faith flew toward the Godly King Palace in the center of Sky City like a tsunami.

When Fei appeared above St. Stanford, the cheers reached a climax, and everyone worshipped him.

Sky City stayed beside St. Stanford for six days.

The arsenal of Chambord and other crucial departments that were big secrets all moved from the Royal Palace of Anji into Sky City in these six days. Only the infrastructure for the factories remained, and these factories could continue to operate.

On the other hand, Fei ventured deep into the sealed space underground. Using a ton of godly power, Fei transferred the few giant seal eggs that were transformed by the Mad Scientists' Laboratory into the side palaces on the Godly King Mountain.

This was the main reason why Fei drove Sky City to St. Stanford.

The real hidden cards that Chambord had were inside these giant sealed eggs that were transformed.

Of course, before the king left, he didn't forget to strengthen godly blood seals on the close to 100 intact sealed eggs to prevent the demons inside from breaking out and adding more chaos to the Azeroth Continent that was already messy to begin with.

On the seventh day, Fei controlled Sky City and left.

Then, the new emperor went on his path of conquest in the Northern Region.

This time, Fei didn't activate the stealth ability of Sky City. This majestic and magnificent giant city frequently appeared at the royal cities of various empires; these places were Fei's favorite spots.

When Sky City appeared above them and cast the giant shadow by blocking the sun, the royal families in empires such as Marse and Bordeaux who had the optimism bias and wanted to rebel instantly collapsed.

Also, some masters were blinded by greed. They drooled over this legendary city that could fly, and they tried to block it and rob it.

However, before they could get within 1,000 meters of the city, they collided into the external defense field and were turned into smoke. Not even a strand of hair remained.

In less than half a month, more than ten Moon-Class Elites, three Sun-Class Lords, and a demi-god from somewhere died in front of this city, and no one dared to try to rob this city in the open anymore.

Gradually, legends about this flying city spread in the Northern Region. Also, rumors about Human Emperor Alexander of the North, the owner of this flying city, became popular.

This trip was to establish dominance. Therefore, Fei didn't hide his trail and power. Conquering was the only thing on the schedule regardless of where the city went.

On the 11th day, the Maze Empire that wasn't willing to surrender gathered about 600,000 elite soldiers around the Royal City. Under the support and instigation of Barcelonan spies, the Royal Family of Maze went against Zenit's order and stated that they were going to knock down the Human Emperor of the North's flying fortress.

Chapter 1137: The New Ruler of the North (Part Two)

However, Fei didn't kill these soldiers. Before the 600,000 soldiers, Fei commanded the defensive magic cannons in Sky City and easily put a bottomless crater that had a diameter of more than ten kilometers in the rolling mountains outside the Capital of Maze with one strike. Then, endless underground water flowed out of the underground caves and created a 'natural lake'.

The 600,000 soldiers of Maze instantly collapsed after seeing this.

The Royal Family of Maze that taxed its people greatly was pushed down by its citizens and military.

The Barcelonan spies who were mixed in the crowds only created small ripples before they were taken out by the silver crystal battle soul warriors of Chambord. Then, the Maze Empire became one of the military districts of the Northern Region.

In this month, Fei used the space-traveling ability of Sky City and almost appeared in the territory of every empire in the Northern Region regardless of its size.

Every time that Sky City made an appearance, people were shocked, and territories were conquered.

In just one month, the creation of the ten military districts of Zenit was smoothly completed.

With the Maze Empire and a few other empires that tried to rebel as the precedents, no royal families and nobles dared to joke around with their lives.

By surrendering to the Human Emperor of the North, they could still save their nobility and honor. In fact, they could still retain some privileges and control of their royal guards. However, if they chose to resist, only destruction and failure awaited them.

Right now, the Human Emperor of the North was pushing all kinds of policies that were beneficial toward civilians and people at the bottom of the social ladder. Therefore, the people who were the foundations of these empires welcomed Fei's policies and new governance. This shook the royal families' control on a fundamental level.

The shift in the mindset of their citizens forced these royal families to resign from their roles as rulers even though they were unwilling. After all, they were powerless.

Fei's control of the Northern Region of Azeroth was stable and firm from the very beginning.

In just one month, the Northern Region underwent a shocking transformation that many people couldn't even dream of.

A giant new force appeared on the stage of Azeroth in the Chaos Era, and its momentum was unstoppable.

It could be said that Fei did something that hadn't been done on the continent in the last 1,000 years. It was incredible!

For the first time in 1,000 years, someone united one of the five regions of Azeroth, turning a giant region with close to 100 empires into one giant force.

The Northern Region was known as the weakest region among the five, but it transformed and was becoming the most powerful due to Fei's existence.

Regardless of the Northern Region Empire's true strength, its territory was the largest among all human forces.

All kinds of rumors and news spread on the Azeroth Continent like a plague, and Fei's fame and reputation were rising at an unimaginable rate!

Many people once thought that Fei was a new generational warrior who couldn't even be ranked on the top of the List of Young Lords. Then, Fei's fame rose after the battle at Chambord.

Now, Fei was no longer a genius warrior of a small empire. In many people's eyes, he was the ruler of a force that could stand with super human empires such as Barcelona, Manchester, and Liverpool and rival other races such as the Elf Empire, Dwarf Empire, Gnome Empire, Goblin Empire, and Dragon Clan.

Chapter 1138: Huge Changes on the Continent (Part One)

Some masters even predicted that in a short time, the Human Emperor of the North's strength and influence was going to be able to rival that of the Holy Church which had dominated the continent for more than 1,000 years.

For a moment, all kinds of changes took place on the Azeroth Continent.

While Fei conquered the entire Northern Region with his unstoppable imperial presence, huge changes also took place in other regions of Azeroth.

The most eye-catching place was the Central Region.

The long war between the Holy Church and the Dragon Clan finally ended with the Dragon Clan's defeat. The temporary headquarters of the Dragon Clan that was stationed on an island in the Mediterranean Sea was shattered by the united force of the Holy Church, Juventus, and the Sea Tribe of the Mediterranean Sea. Many giant dragons were imprisoned and slain, and fewer than one-third of the dragons escaped the Mediterranean Sea under the leadership of their leader, Laudrup.

No one knew what method that the Holy Church used to convince the Sea Tribe of the Mediterranean Sea to join its side, but it was a fact that the Sea Tribe helped the Holy Church in this war.

With the help of the abyss giant beasts of the Sea Tribe, the Holy Church was finally able to quickly defeat the Dragon Clan.

At the same time, the Inter Milan Empire and the AC Milan Empire that were allies to the Dragon Clan were also wiped out.

The royal families of these two empires were almost completely killed by the Godly Execution Knight Legion, and more than ten million soldiers were slain. Blood formed lakes, and corpses piled into mountains. The entire Central Region was almost covered in blood. When looking into afar, only redness could be seen within thousands of kilometers. A ton of blood evaporated and became red mist and red clouds, lingering around and unwilling to leave. The Central Region was a living hell.

If young lords such as Shaarawy, Pato, Milito, and Palacio didn't risk their lives, the young forces and middle-to-high-level warriors of the two empires would have been wiped out by the troops of the Holy Church and Juventus.

In this war, these two giant empires were eliminated.

On the other hand, the reputation of young lords such as Shaarawy skyrocketed. They showed a level of strength that far exceeded ordinary demi-gods. More than 40 supreme masters of the Holy Church died in their hands, and the entire Holy Church was shocked. It was these young lords who bought time for the young forces and middle-to-high-level warriors of the two empires to escape.

When the enraged Holy Church finally defeated the Dragon Clan, they pulled many supreme masters back to attack the young lords, but it was impossible to find these people in the Central Region.

Some people guessed that people like Shaarawy broke through during the war, walking over the threshold between mortals and gods and becoming gods themselves.

In the past chaotic eras, heroes who created legends were everywhere. This point was somewhat proven by Shaarawy and others' advancements in strength.

Many famous traveling poets stated that this represented the future breakthroughs of many masters who had been suppressed by the laws of nature. With the changing laws of nature, more and more gods would appear. Also, some people would choose the evil path and become demons. The Mythical Era was about to continue with gods and demons appearing.

Except for the Northern Region and the Central Region, huge changes were taking place in the other three regions as well.

-In the Western Region-

The Barcelona Empire was at an absolute advantage. It secretly worked with the Holy Church and almost destroyed its mortal enemy, the Madrid Empire. However, the Elf Empire that had been silent throughout all this announced its alliance with the Madrid Empire and fought against Barcelona.

This change was something that no one expected.