1182.1 - 1193.4

Chapter 1182: The Goblin Realm? (Part One)

Almost as soon as Fei and Elena moved, that mass of god-level goblin energy seemed to have detected something, and it instantly flew toward the south.

Fei and Elena weren't in a hurry, and they followed this mass of energy at a measured pace.

With these two's strength, now that they locked their senses onto that goblin god, the latter couldn't get away.

Fei didn't directly take this goblin god down; he wanted to know where it was escaping to.

The goblins first appeared at the most southern place on the Southern Continent.

It was hard to pinpoint where these murderous and violent goblins came from.

Some people said that the goblins were from the Goblin Realm which was another dimension, and some said that they were from the Sea of Mist to the south of the Southern Region.

Comparatively, most people accepted the first theory. From the looks of it, the goblins, dwarfs, and gnomes all had their own dimensions and planes, and they had been living there and reproducing for at least the last 1,000 years.

Where was the entrance to the Goblin Realm?

What kinds of secrets were hidden in the Goblin Realm?

No one knew the answers to these questions.

Since the beginning of the war in the Southern Region, the people here had been trying to find the Goblin Realm and destroy it. This would solve the issue with the goblins from the roots.

However, the result was disappointing. The human masters who tried to find the entrance to the Goblin Realm all disappeared.

Fei believed that this goblin god who was escaping must know where the entrance to the Goblin Realm was.

It would be great if the emperor could follow this goblin god and figure out the answer to this question.

While flying, Fei released his aura irregularly, giving more pressure to the goblin god who was fleeing. Like an invisible whip, Fei's pressure forced this goblin god to escape faster. While periodically speeding up and slowing down, the goblin god continued to fly south.

The Southern Region was vast, and some people joked and said that even gods couldn't travel to all the places in the region. Although this state was exaggerated, it showed how big this piece of land was.

After flying for three days, Fei and Elena finally got to the edge of the Southern Region.

On the way, many goblins could be seen on the land. The beautiful and fertile land was destroyed by these violent beings, forests were chopped down, and rivers were polluted. The green mountains now looked bald, and smoke filled the grasslands. Human blood dried on the land, and the chilly white bones glared under the sun, looking tragic and terrifying.

The entire Southern Region was ruined by these murderous creatures, and Fei was even more determined to wipe out this vicious race.

Except for destruction and conquering, this ugly green-skinned race didn't know anything else! They didn't have concepts such as protection and love; they didn't deserve to live in this world.

"Disappeared…" The Valkyrie suddenly opened her mouth and reminded Fei.

"You are right. Since it disappeared, it means that the entrance to the Goblin Realm is somewhere close." Fei nodded and looked pleased.

This was the most southern place on the Southern Continent. This was the location where the land, ocean, and void merged.

Looking from afar, many giant strange rocks could be seen standing on the edge of the land that stopped abruptly. The endless ocean was divided into two as water vapor permeated the air.

Chapter 1182: The Goblin Realm? (Part Two)

One portion of the ocean poured down into the bottomless abyss; no one knew where that led to. The other half 'fell' into the sky. It seemed like the laws of nature on the Azeroth Continent stopped working at this place.

This was a shocking phenomenon; it felt like this was where the Godly Realm and Demonic Realm met.

Only the gods could come here. The normal supreme masters would have died before getting within 1,000 kilometers of this place, and their bodies would turn into blood mist and meat paste.

Fei was extremely curious; he wanted to know what kind of a world was inside the bottomless abyss, the depths of the ocean, and the river in the sky.

However, it wasn't the time for the emperor to go on adventures.

Fei released his spirit energy, and he used the secret techniques recorded in the mysterious purple scroll, looking at the energy frequencies of every inch of space and trying to figure out where the entrance to the Goblin Realm was.

Surprising to Fei, the spatial barrier at this place was hundreds of times stronger than any other places on the continent, but the energy frequencies were extremely active and chaotic; no patterns could be spotted.

"Found it!" Fei's eyes lit up after he carefully searched for about half an hour.

While dragging Elena, Fei jumped forward and leaped down the bottomless abyss by the edge of the continent.

This abyss was terrifying; the strong suction force could even bend light beams.

While jumping down, the two felt like their bodies tightened as if the gods were tearing their bodies apart.

Then, their visions darkened, and they felt like they were passing through a spatial tunnel as the tearing force disappeared.

In the next second, green light shot toward them.

Fei and Elena appeared inside a mystical space

It looked like Hell; it was a destroyed world.

The sky looked green, but Fei didn't know where the source of light came from.

The ground was made of half-dried green liquid; it looked like wriggling mud as if creatures were struggling underneath.

A stinky odor could be smelled, and many strong goblin warriors were running around in the disgusting liquid.

Fei and Elena hid their presence and blocked off their bodies. Therefore, these low-level cannon-fodder-like goblins couldn't see them.

This mystical space was vast and seemed endless.

Right now, Fei and Elena could still sense the aura of that goblin god who was escaping. Therefore, these two went into stealth and continued to move forward.

After traveling for close to 1,000 kilometers, Fei and Elena saw hundreds of millions of goblins moving around like ocean waves.

The disgusting green liquid on the ground surged up sometimes and devoured hundreds if not thousands of goblins, forming a pocket. Then, after green flames flashed by, the green pockets disappeared.

"It seems like a type of random teleportation array, sending these creatures out of here." Elena discovered something.

Fei nodded and said, "That is right. I think the Goblin Realm is using this method to send goblins onto the Southern Region. Otherwise, if leaving through that entrance, these weak beings would be instantly broken down into primary elements of nature by the suction force of the abyss."

"It is a type of strange teleportation magic. It isn't any type of spatial magic that I know. For some reason, I feel like it is familiar…" The Valkyrie slightly frowned as if she thought of something.

"You find it familiar since this process is unique. Instead of being teleported, this is more like being summoned." Fei clearly sensed something, and he laughed, "I have a feeling that by coming to the Goblin Realm, the origin of goblins and everything behind them will be revealed."

Chapter 1183: Incubation Factory (Part One)

While Fei and Elena talked with each other, they moved forward for about 200 kilometers.

Now, the simplistic and monotone world finally changed. Some strange structures appeared before the two.

Looking from afar, these structures looked like hills, castles, and cliffs on the side of tall mountains. They were low in the front and started to rise as Fei and Elena moved forward.

These structures stood on the green land that was half-liquid, and they seemed endless and extended to the horizon, looking like ladders as they got higher and higher.

At the very front, some black openings looked like that of a beehive.

Many goblins who were covered in viscous green liquid were pushed out of these openings like water flowing out of an opened dam.

"This place seems to be the birthplace of the goblins."

Fei and Elena chose a giant opening and ventured into the corridor.

This was a circular pathway, and it had a cross-sectional diameter of about ten meters. The wall of the pathway was made of an unknown rock, and the surface was crude and uneven. The color made it seem like this pathway was made from concrete, and some random thin lines could be seen on the wall.

While loud, wave-like roars and cries resonated in the pathway, many goblins that were engulfed in green liquid grabbed onto the wall with their sharp claws and rushed out like geckos.

The deeper that Fei and Elena got, the wider the pathway became. Many forked roads appeared as the adjacent pathways merged and became one.

It felt like this was a maze created by an underground river.

On the way, Fei and Elena could sense the aura that goblin god left along the way, so they wouldn't get lost in this maze-like place. They moved forward rapidly.

Time passed, and the pathway ahead grew wider and wider. Gradually, the cross-sectional diameter became more than 1,000 meters. This space became vast and looked like an underground palace.

"Do you feel it? The laws of nature are becoming weaker, and natural elements are also less active." The Valkyrie frowned and felt like something wasn't right.

Fei nodded and said, "Eh, there also seems to be a restrictive force. We must be careful. The deeper we go, the more suppressive it is. Therefore, our strength will be reduced."

This was a strange space.

Anyone in here would experience a strength reduction.

As the suppression became stronger, it was possible to temporarily drop by one level in this place.

The more bizarre was that this suppression was completely natural. It wasn't created by an engraved magic array or other artificial methods.

This was a strange space with hidden danger.

"Look over there! What is that?" The Valkyrie suddenly saw something that shocked her.

"I already saw it. It seems to be… Damn! Could it be some kind of incubation system?" Fei spat out a term that was common on Earth but foreign on the Azeroth Continent.

In fact, this scene was also shocking for the emperor.

The already spacious pathway led to an even bigger space!

This spherical space had a diameter of at least 10,000 meters.

In this space, many giant green trees grew from the ground, and at least ten people were needed to hug around the trunk of the thinnest tree.

Enormous green leaves fluttered even though there was no wind, creating a series of slashing noises.

Tunnels that were the thickness of an adult arm were everywhere on the trunks of the trees, and they surged with a mystical rhythm as if they were alive. Every time one of them moved, a visible bulge would appear and move along the tunnel, clearly transporting something.

Chapter 1183: Incubation Factory (Part Two)

Many such mystical trees filled this space, forming a large forest.

Of course, this wasn't the most shocking thing.

The most shocking things were the big bags that were about one-meter-tall and hung on the branches of these trees, looking like cocoons and fruits. The things that were being transported through the tunnels in the trunks were delivered to these green 'fruits'. It could be vaguely seen that lifeforms were being incubated inside.

The answer was soon revealed.

Fei and Elena clearly saw the green 'fruits' being torn apart from the inside, and many goblins who were covered in green liquid staggered and crawled out. After roaring for a few times, they soon got used to the external environment. Then, under the control of a mysterious force, they moved towards the outside through the pathways.

The goblins that were just born were extremely weak.

However, in less than ten minutes, they became a lot stronger. They could walk and run with great balance, and their sharp claws turned them into murderous monsters.

"This is how the goblins are born!" Fei was surprised. "No wonder goblins are being reproduced at such high speed! When I tried to search their memories using my secret technique, I got no useful information. After they are born, it seems like their memories are wiped out by the suppressive force in this mysterious Goblin Realm!"

After giving birth to the goblins, the green 'fruits' quickly withered and fell from the tree. After landing at the roots of the trees, they slowly melted and merged into the green liquid underneath. Then, they were transported onto the trees through the tunnels and formed green cocoons before bumping like hearts and incubating new goblins.

This entire process took about four minutes.

With these pieces of information, it was clear that countless goblins were being created in this giant space! The reproduction speed of this species was shocking and unheard of!

"Is this the origin of the goblin-sea tactic? The tactic that this species is the most familiar with and most powerful at?"

Fei pointed out his finger, and a green 'fruit' that was in the process of incubating a goblin opened on the side in silence.

The green liquid flowed throughout the 'fruit' and wrapped around a goblin embryo. The green liquid that was being delivered into this 'fruit' from the bottom of the tree continued to nurture the embryo and quickly made it grow.

"Is this an incubation machine, or it is a part of the mystical nature?"

Fei almost instantly linked this scene to a sci-fi and horror movie, Resident Evil. This was extremely similar to the giant factory in the movie where countless green zombies were created.

"Are these goblins being born under the laws of nature, or is someone behind all this?"

While thinking about that, Fei unleashed a streak of hidden force. Like a tsunami, this force instantly destroyed everything in this giant space. All the trees, fruits, and goblins were turned into smoke.

However, countless goblins were still being created in other places, and they rushed out of this place through the pathways and charged toward the outside world.

"Let's continue forward."

Fei temporarily gave up the idea of destroying everything and killing all goblins here. He continued to move forward.

There was something more important for him to do now.

It was hard to imagine how much time and effort was placed into creating this giant underground structure. However, if this was created by nature, it would be hard to believe.

On the way, Fei and Elena saw tens of thousands of giant spaces with green trees like the one before, and many green 'fruits' on the trees were giving birth to goblins.

After about an hour, Fei and Elena saw something even more surprising.

Chapter 1184: The Origins of the Goblin Masters (Part One)

In an even larger space, there were many giant red trees. The goblins that leaped out of the red-and-green 'fruits' were strong warriors who were engulfed in warrior energy flames. They were born as One-Star Warriors, which was extremely strong for any being who was just born.

These goblin warriors were divided into two groups.

One group of goblin warriors rushed out through the pathways like those ordinary goblins.

The other group of goblin warriors was sent to a giant colosseum-like structure. There were many white bones and goblin corpses. Many red-eyed goblin warriors were fighting and killing each other.

"Hiss." A goblin warrior killed his peer. Then, he started to devour the corpse of his own kind.

Fei had sharp senses, and he noticed that after a goblin warrior killed and devoured another goblin warrior, the former's strength increased by a lot. When a goblin warrior devoured another goblin warrior who was on its level, its strength would double. For example, after a One-Star goblin warrior devoured another One-Star goblin warrior, the first warrior became a Two-Star goblin warrior.

If this trend continued, while devouring each other, more powerful goblin warriors would appear.

"No wonder it feels like we can't kill all the goblins, and the goblin masters are like chives. After cutting them down, another batch would grow out. This is how they are born! It feels like it is how the Miao people used to cultivate venomous creatures in China. To create a bug king, the bugs and worms must fight and devour each other. The last one standing would be the most fierce and powerful!"

Fei became more shocked the longer he watched.

If this was the natural process that was created by the world, then nature was truly wondrous.

However, Fei wanted to believe that this was a 'factory' that someone created.

The pathway seemed endless. The further Fei ventured inside, the larger it became.

After a while, the roof started to become green, and this place looked like a realm of its own. The suppressive force grew stronger, and the laws of nature on the Azeroth Continent were weakened to the extreme. If a demi-godly human master came here, he would be instantly suppressed to the Sun-Class Realm.

Like many incubation centers for goblins, goblin warriors, and evolved goblins, these places were connected by pathways, and it felt like there were countless locations.


Suddenly, thousands of emperor-level goblins who were equivalent to Sun-Class Lords somehow discovered Fei and Elena, and they rushed over and surrounded the two.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Fei didn't even need to move, and the Valkyrie didn't take out her bow and arrows. Wherever Elena looked, many ice arrows appeared and nailed the emperor-level goblins onto the walls.

"They actually discovered us?" The Valkyrie was surprised. It was impossible for peak Burning Sun Lords to spot them.

Fei smiled and said, "Perhaps these weak creatures didn't discover us; the entity behind them discovered us."

"What should we do now?" Elena frowned and asked.

Vaguely, Elena felt like she went back in time, and she and Fei were inside the Diablo World, fighting monsters. Those memories were unforgettable.

In those terrifying environments and underground caves, Fei and Elena faced many monsters from Hell and battled alongside each other.

Chapter 1184: The Origins of the Goblin Masters (Part Two)

Every time they killed a herd of monsters, Elena would ask Fei that question.

Fei also had the same feeling.

"Haha! Let's continue! I want to know what secrets are hidden in this place!" the emperor said heroically.

The two continued to move forward.

Ten minutes later, something similar happened.

Thousands of peak emperor-level goblins noticed where these two were, and they attacked.

This time, Elena spent a bit more time in dealing with these murderous creatures.

Now, these creatures were coordinating with each other. More strangely, it seemed like these creatures learned a mystical array, and they could unleash a level of power thousands of times stronger than their own.

"This is interesting. However, you aren't very proficient with this array. Did you just learn it?" Fei laughed while shaking his head, and a streak of power gushed out and sucked all the energies in the corpses of these goblins back into Fei's body for him to refine.

The two moved forward again.

Just like before, many high-level goblins would appear in intervals, and Fei would accept their core energies without error.

Every time, the emperor would refine all the energies on the spot, and he was even willing to stay still for a while to do so.

When the 11th group of goblins attacked, they were all goblin gods.

Hundreds of goblin gods rushed over and attacked fiercely. Although this place was spacious, it wasn't large enough for so many gods to fight in. It wasn't simple for Elena to take care of all enemies on her own, so Fei finally used his power as well.

To Fei's surprise, when these goblin gods died, they instantly turned into nothingness and wouldn't leave behind any energy, so he couldn't absorb any to increase his own strength.

"Hehe, they discovered it? They are using counter-measures?" Fei thought to himself but didn't dwell on it for too long. He used powerful strikes and took out all the goblin gods in the area.

This happened repeatedly for the next four hours. Fei was shocked to find that he and Elena had killed thousands of goblin gods in this short time! This number was stunning!

A year ago, this force was enough to wipe through the entire continent. But now, these thousands of gods were killed by him.

This was a god-slain path!

During this process, Fei carefully observed the unity array of the goblins. It was interesting, making him recall something that happened to him.

"Something is changing in the front," the Valkyrie reminded Fei.

The two moved forward on the pathway and entered an enormous space.

This space seemed endless; it felt like it had reached the horizon. When looking up, they saw a faint-green light source pouring light beams down from above. The omnipresent suppressive force was even stronger here. If a human god came here, he would be turned into a demi-god.

However, those goblin masters weren't affected. It seemed like they could still unleash 100 percent their full strength.

In the center of this space, there was a giant green mountain.

Instead of calling it a mountain, it was more like a huge boulder. It was one piece! There was no crack nor openings, and its surface was smooth. However, this boulder was too big! It was thousands of meters tall, looking more like a mountain.

Chapter 1185: The Sudden Tough Battle (Part One)

The mountain was overall green, looking like a piece of jade. It was beautiful and radiated an indescribable charming glamor.

Also, terrifying pressure was coming from this mountain.

Even though Fei and Elena were powerful, they could only fly about 100 meters off the ground in this place. When they were 1,000 meters away from this mountain, they had to descend onto the ground.

"What is this thing? How come I feel waves of incredible life energy from it?"

Elena was surprised. Everything in this place felt strange and bizarre, and the shocking suppressive force made it full of danger.

"This boulder seems to be alive."

Fei released his spirit energy and sensed traces of surging life energy inside. It felt like a horrifying beast was imprisoned in this boulder! The life energy that was inside this boulder was far beyond what Fei was capable of!

The only thing was that this life energy was a little horrifying and contained a chilly death sensation.

"What is it? It seems to be shaking and struggling."

Fei carefully observed for a while but still couldn't figure out what this giant boulder was.

Everything seemed strange and creepy here.

At this moment, something unexpected occurred.

Four streaks of murderous spirits appeared on the left, right, front, and back, surrounding Fei and Elena. Then, four green and short figures who were extremely fast dashed over and attacked like light beams.

"Be careful!" Fei roared in anger, and golden flames burned around his fists. Then, two golden light beams shot out.

Boom! Boom!

Two dense mushroom clouds exploded in mid-air, and dust flew everywhere in this space. Even the void was shocked by this terrifying energy wave as transparent ripples appeared.

"Creak…" While shrill screams and roars sounded, two green figures flew out but weren't injured.

At this moment, a muffled snort sounded as well.

Fei turned around and saw Valkyrie Elena fighting two enemies on her own. Although she knocked away these two goblin masters, her own blood started to roll and turn, and her presence became unstable while her face paled.

Godly kings! These goblin masters were in the Godly King Realm!

Fei and Elena looked at each other in shock!

"Godly-king-level goblins finally appeared, but four of them showed up at the same time?"

"This is unbelievable! Could it be that the Goblin Clan is so powerful that goblin godly kings are everywhere? Does it mean that there are also goblin supreme gods?"

In this mystical space, the strength of human masters would be greatly suppressed, yet the goblins wouldn't be affected. While fighting two enemies on her own, Valkyrie Elena fell into a disadvantage.

However, Fei and Elena had a profound mental connection and unparalleled teamwork.

After glancing at each other for a second, they divided the tasks at hand.

Elena waved her arm, and her slender hand grasped onto her longbow that she just summoned. Instantly, the temperature in this space dropped, and sky-blue arrows howled in the air. She quickly tied down one of the goblin godly kings.

"Roar!" On the other side, Fei let out a b—–l roar and used his summoning skills. Soon, a bear, a wolf, a raven, and a vine appeared around him.

The summoning skills of the Druid, one of the seven classes in Diablo World, were powerful.

Now that Fei was a godly king, he could easily use all the abilities and skills of all seven characters in Diablo World. The b—–l partners that Fei summoned had impressive power, and they could tie down one goblin godly king for a short time.

Then, Fei took out the last two goblin godly kings himself.

The battle broke out at this instant; there was no way around it.

Chapter 1185: The Sudden Tough Battle (Part Two)

Aggressive energy explosions appeared in this mystical space repeatedly.

Since the four goblin godly kings were divided, they couldn't use their unique coordination technique. For a moment, the battle was in a stalemate.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Fei raised his hand and shot out a golden and silver sword energy of order.

It was clear that the two goblin godly kings who were battling Fei knew the terrifying power of this sword energy. While roaring repeatedly, they each created a doppelganger that contained the same level of life energy and laws of nature as themselves. Then, the doppelgangers jumped toward the sword energy and got turned into two masses of pure energy.

This killing strike was broken!

To the goblin godly kings, they only lost a portion of their energy.

Godly kings could already create laws of nature, and these goblin godly kings used a unique method and fooled Fei's golden and silver sword energy of order!

At this moment, the shrill screams of a bear sounded on the side.


The giant bear that Fei summoned was torn into pieces by the goblin godly king. Since it was severely injured, it couldn't hold up and got turned into a mass of white light dots before disappearing.

The combat force of these goblin godly kings was beyond Fei's imagination.

Without the bear to tank all the damage, the other creatures that Fei summoned couldn't last long. Soon, they were taken down and dismantled. The giant raven, the white wild wolf, and the sneaky man-eating vine were all torn apart.

The goblin godly king who was freed didn't reinforce its two peers that were struggling under Fei's strikes.

This creature was cunning; he dashed toward Valkyrie Elena who was barely able to stay undefeated in the battle against the goblin godly king.

Instantly, Elena had to fight two enemies at the same time, and she fell into a huge disadvantage.

After a short moment, Elena snorted in pain, and the goblin godly king who turned into a green light beam breached her defense and almost tore off one of her arms.

"Damn it!" Fei became enraged.

Like a spinning top, the emperor dashed over and spun, instantly sending out 12 golden and silver sword energies of order. Like dragons, these sword energies flew across the air and dashed toward the four goblin godly kings.

At the same time, Fei got to Elena and placed one of his hands on one of her shoulders. Then, a streak of golden holy power rushed into her body and got rid of the evil green energy that one of the goblin godly kings had left in her body.

On the other side, the goblin godly kings used the old trick. They created doppelgangers that were like mirror images of themselves, distracting the sword energies of order and sacrificing a portion of their strength to save their lives.

"Be careful; don't get too far away from me." Fei started to look grim.

The suppressive power in this space made Fei and Elena only able to unleash about 70 percent of their full strength, but the goblin godly kings weren't affected and could do anything they wanted to.

More importantly, if Fei and Elena couldn't separate these four goblins, they could get together and use the coordination technique.

Just as Fei expected, these four goblin godly kings dashed around in the air with great speed, creating many phantoms. It was impossible to separate the mirror images from the real goblins, and both the mirror images and the real goblins could unleash powerful attacks.

Like a giant green tornado, the four goblin godly kings surrounded Fei and Elena.

This was going to be a tough battle.

Chapter 1186: The Appearance of the Person Behind All This (Part One)

Fei and Elena were at a great disadvantage.

Whenever they were in critical danger, Fei had to unleash the power of the [Scepter of Creation] and use a large amount of his godly power. Only the golden and silver sword energies of order could help them survive the dangerous moments.

Time gradually passed by.

For Fei and Elena, this situation made them feel like they were back in the Diablo World. Whenever they challenged the bosses in each map, those dangerous yet thrilling moments made them excited as their blood boiled.

The intense battle continued.

The only advantage that Fei had was that he studied the [Demon King's Sword], and he was a grandmaster in understanding coordination techniques. After observing how those weaker goblins coordinated with each other while attacking dozens of times earlier, Fei paid closer attention to these four goblin godly kings and slowly figured out the secret in this coordination technique that was being used.

"Great opportunity! Now…" Fei grasped onto a split-second opening, and he suddenly jumped up and attacked.


A terrifying energy fist appeared and dashed forward. Like a light beam, this energy fist instantly shattered the head of one of the goblin godly kings.

At the same time, the attacks from the other three goblin godly kings arrived.

Fei's body shivered as he moved in high speed at the same location. Although it seemed like he didn't move, he somehow dodged the attacks from two of the goblin godly kings.

Bam! The sharp claws of the last goblin godly king struck Fei's back.

"Puff!" Fei got knocked away, and he smashed into that giant green boulder.

While being sent flying, Fei laughed and shot out a golden and silver sword energy of order, turning that goblin godly king who lost its head and was trying to recover into a mass of pure energy. Then, this mass of pure energy flew back into Fei's hand like an obedient little bird.

At this moment, it seemed like a gasp sounded in this space, and it was filled with pity.

One of the four goblin godly kings was taken down, and their coordination technique was instantly broken.

Fei was hit by the claws, and it only left an external wound. The emperor instantly turned into a golden light beam and flew back, protecting Valkyrie Elena who was on the side.

After Fei killed one of the enemies, the tables had been turned! Fei and Elena finally started to obtain the advantage.

As time passed by, Fei killed another goblin godly king and absorbed the latter's pure energy. However, that didn't come easy. Fei almost got one of his arms torn into pieces.

This was the most tragic battle that Fei had ever engaged in since he became a godly king. He had to face four enemies who were on his level, and his strength was suppressed.

There was no way that Fei could stay intact through this battle. Golden blood flowed out of his body and dripped down the sky and onto the ground.

Elena was also injured quite a bit.

The goblin godly kings were cunning. They knew that Elena was the weak point, and they attacked her the most. Seeing this, Fei didn't dare to use all his abilities and power, afraid that he might get too far away from Elena and cause the latter to be injured.


After seeing another opening, Fei lured his enemies close by intentionally showing weaknesses and risked being injured. Then, he traded one more injury on his body with the life of another goblin godly king.

"Puff…" Fei opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of golden blood.

The last remaining goblin godly king almost tore Fei's belly open and left a giant hole there.

Chapter 1186: The Appearance of the Person Behind All This (Part Two)

Fortunately, the battle came to an end.

The last goblin godly king couldn't pose threats to Fei, and it was instantly killed. Enraged, Fei used a thunderous and powerful strike, shattering the ugly green body and absorbing this goblin's energy.

"It is finally over!" Fei panted heavily.

This was a tragic battle! Both Fei and Elena were quite injured.

Just as Fei was about to use his golden holy power to cure their injuries, something incredulous occurred.

The giant jade-like boulder in the center of the space let out a series of bumping noises without warning, and it sounded like a heart was pumping.

These noises contained unimaginable power!

Fei and Elena both felt a suffocating pressure. The omnipresent suppressive force in this space intensified! The two felt like their hearts were grasped by a giant invisible hand and were about to be crushed.

"Huh?" Fei suddenly noticed that his holy power was slowing down and unable to perform. The healing speed dropped so much that it was comparable to the movement of a snail.

At the same time, a series of proud and reckless laughter sounded in this space.

"Hahaha! Today finally came? There is a path to Heaven, but you won't take it. There is no gate to Hell, but you must break into it. Human Emperor Alexander of the North, hahaha! It is over! All your legends and glories ended as soon as you stepped into this space! Haha!"

This voice contained a magical power; it was complicated as light and darkness intertwined and mingled.

The more shocking was that this voice didn't come from a goblin; it was from a human master!

"What is going on?"

Masses of eye-piercing green flames instantly shot out of the green boulder in the center, filling this space. Many green light beams shot down from the giant mountain-like boulder, and many bulky figures could be seen in the light beams.

They were all human bodies.

When the light beams disappeared, these bulky figures became more visible. They were all human masters.

These people were wearing silver armor; the style of the armor was mystical. Like a wave of light, the armor completely covered these human masters as if liquefied silver metal was poured over them. There weren't even any holes at the locations of eyes, noses, and mouths.

There were altogether 12 bulky figures, and they stood there quietly like lifeless silver statues.

However, Fei and Elena sensed terrifying auras from these bodies; they weren't weaker compared to the four goblin godly kings.

These 12 human masters were still not the most eye-catching thing in this space.

On the peak of the giant green boulder that was still emitting powerful energy surges, there was another human. He was wearing a white godly robe and a golden mask, holding a golden scepter, and had long blond hair that was fluttering in the wind.

Fei didn't know when this person appeared, but the latter stood at the peak and looked down at Fei and Elena like an overbearing lord.

Fei's pupils contracted and focused onto the scepter that this ethereal-looking man in white was holding.

This was a golden scepter that had a thickness similar to the forearm of a child. Although it was shorter than two meters, all kinds of images of gods in battle were engraved on it; there were at least 1,000 gods engraved on this scepter.

At the top of this scepter, there was a relatively big god statue with his arms open, holding an arc that had a diameter of about 30 centimeters. A terrifying golden fire was floating in the arc, shining on all gods like the sun.

"The Scepter of Ragnarok? The Twilight of the Gods?"

Chapter 1187: The Demonified Deputy Pope (Part One)

Fei almost instantly recognized this scepter.

This was the supreme scepter of the Holy Church, and it represented the unparalleled and unique power. Only that person who sat on the Holy Throne and glanced down at the continent was qualified to hold this scepter.

"You are… Platini?" A name instantly jumped into Fei's mind.

Deafening laughter sounded in this space again.

"Haha! That is right! It is me! However, poor soul! You should call me the great Pope Platini. Now, kneel and worship me. Also, kiss the land that I'm standing on. Perhaps I will show mercy and pardon your sins!" The man in white confirmed his identity.

Platini! A man who was almost standing on the top of the Azeroth Continent!

The word 'almost' was used since he wasn't the real pope of the Holy Church. Above him, there was a man who was even more mysterious and majestic – Blatter!

Platini was a legendary and influential figure of the Holy Church, yet he was quite controversial.

This man rose up in the [Black-Cloth Shrine], and this shrine that was falling out of the power center saw Platini as their hope of redemption. At a young age, Platini showcased unparalleled talent, especially in the area of holy power. His cultivation speed of holy power was insanely fast! The [Black-Cloth Shrine] poured almost all its wealth and resources into Platini.

However, this man who became powerful and famous through the [Black-Cloth Shrine] killed the hope that this shrine had on his own.

After depleting most of the resources that the [Black-Cloth Shrine] could offer, Platini decided to betray this shrine and joined Pope Blatter in the name of the gods.

Many followers and believers of the [Black-Cloth Shrine] hated this man to their cores, but they couldn't do anything.

After joining Pope Blatter's side, Platini quickly obtained Blatter's full trust using mysterious methods, and he soon jumped into the power circle of the Holy Church, becoming the Deputy Pope who led the Northern Regional Church. Soon, he was promoted again and moved to the Central Region. He was a figure who was only below Pope Blatter but above everyone else.

In the last dozens of years, it seemed like Pope Blatter was gradually retiring, and Platini tightly grasped onto the Holy Church. He promoted his henchmen and punished his oppositions, almost controlling the headquarters of the Holy Church. Now, many people saw him as the next pope; there were no other qualified candidates for this position.

Today, this figure who could make the continent shake under his feet appeared at a place that he shouldn't be at.

Too many issues were highlighted when Platini appeared like this and had an impressive presence.



The [Black-Cloth Shrine] saw both these men as the hope for its redemption, and these two men who were the most famous and influential met at this place for the first time.

When the four eyes met, a series of invisible sparks appeared.

Rumors said that Platini arrived at the Southern Region with the most elite force, and he was going to ambush the Human Emperor of the North and end the confrontation between the Holy Church and the Northern Region Empire.

It seemed like the rumors were proven true today.

Platini was planning to kill Fei, and he was going to kill Fei in such an unimaginable fashion!

"As the Deputy Pope, why are you here?" Fei asked with a frown.

Chapter 1187: The Demonified Deputy Pope (Part Two)

"Hahaha! Alexander, since you already guessed everything, why are you still asking? Why waste time and energy?" Standing on the top of the mountain, Platini slowly pulled off the golden mask and revealed a young and handsome face underneath. He looked young as if he was in his twenties, and he mocked with a contemptuous smile, "What? Do you want to drag on the conversation to buy time for your recovery? Hahaha!"

Fei's face changed color, and he thought, "No wonder this man is one of the most powerful people in the world. He is intelligent, and he saw through my plan in a flash."

Platini continued, "However, even if you can buy more time and recover, what can you do? You are going to die today! There is no way around it! Hahaha! Don't look at me like that! Human Emperor of the North, you are too conceited! Do you think that you can go anywhere in the world after becoming a godly king? That is why you got lured here by a simple bait! You fell into this trap that is especially prepared for you! You can only accept the fate of dying here!"

No emotion could be observed from Fei's face, and he continued to slowly recover his strength.

"I have to admit that you brought me a ton of pressure, and my plan was almost obliterated." Platini couldn't help it! While he was at an absolute advantage, he vented his smugness at will like all the villains in movies.

Platini said with a smile, "In the beginning, I thought that you are only a little disobedient bug, and I could easily wipe you out if I wanted to. In fact, I even used you as a saber! I arranged those masters of the Holy Church, who were disobedient toward me, to die in your hands, again and again, building up your reputation."

Fei was slightly surprised by what he heard, and he must admit that if the Holy Church used lightning-like strikes against him, there wouldn't be the Northern Region Empire and the Human Emperor of the North.

Unfortunately, regardless of how powerful and intelligent people were, they always habitually ignored those weak threats due to their pride and big ego, and they would only get serious when the weak threats became big issues.

"Hahaha! I will tell you more. Don't be surprised! You guessed right! Everything you saw is real! I'm only here for one reason; I'm the lord of this place. Everything here is under my control! Hahaha!" At this moment, Platini was like an elementary schooler who worked hard and obtained a full-mark on an exam, and he was venting his joy and smugness without holding back. His calm laughter gradually became hysterical.

"Goblins? They are only my toys! That is right! I created them, I now control them, and I need them to serve me. Rob, kill, and create chaos on the continent to let fear spread. Believing in the Holy Church will be the only way out, and what I need will accumulate…"

Fei's brows twisted together.

With one of his hands on one of Elena's shoulders, Fei's golden holy power continued to heal the injuries on their bodies. However, under the illumination of the green light coming from the giant green boulder, this healing process was as slow as the moving speed of snails.

Seeing this, the mocking smile on Platini's face intensified.

Chapter 1188: A Shocking Secret (Part One)

It didn't seem like Platini was trying to stop Fei. He only asked with a little displeasure, "What? Aren't you going to be angry and accuse me of wrongdoings? Aren't you going to ask me why I would do such sickening things? As a human, why would I create a catastrophe in the Southern Region and kill billions upon billions of people? Aren't you mad after hearing what I said? Or, are you just like me? Not caring about those dead humans at all?"

Fei didn't say anything and only pouted. He thought to himself, "Why would I be angry or surprised? These lines and such plots are already too common, and I've seen too many already."

In Diablo World, Andariel was a righteous female rogue, but she became one of the demons. Also, Paladin Griswold fell and turned evil. These heroes were looked up to by many people, but they became evil and helped the devils.

On top of all this, Fei had seen many movies and TV dramas on Earth where the righteous, heroic, and holy figures turned into villains.

Perhaps tens of thousands of reasons are needed to become a hero, but only one is needed to become a villain, and that is greed.

Fei saw too much desire and greed in Platini's eyes.

In fact, before coming here, Fei had gotten a ton of information from the [Letter Office], and he detected many clues that showed some connections between the Holy Church and the Goblin Clan.

"What? Why aren't you talking? Are you trying to put up the last fight?" Platini was angered by Fei's silence, and he sneered, "Or do you think that you can get out of here alive?"

"Who can block me if I want to leave?" Fei finally spoke.

"Hahaha! You are too naïve! Where do you think this place is? Why do you think I lured you here?" Platini laughed in excitement. While he laughed, a series of muffled bumping noises sounded from within the giant green boulder.

Both Fei and Elena puked up mouthfuls of blood.

"What is this giant green boulder? How can it release noises that are able to injure godly kings? Anyone below the level 8 True God Realm would be shattered into dust by this noise!"

At the same time, a layer of green light appeared in this space and completely engulfed Fei and Elena like a giant balloon. This sphere of light had a diameter of hundreds of kilometers.

Platini lightly waved the Scepter of Ragnarok in his hand.

A golden sword of light flew out and struck the green sphere of light.

Boom! The golden sword of light that was able to kill a goblin godly king wasn't even able to create some ripples on the sphere!

"Did you see that? This is the light prison created by the power of a supreme god, and it is the firmest obstacle in the world. Its toughness is tens of millions of times of ordinary spatial barriers. Anyone below the peak Godly King Realm can't break it. What do you think?" Platini asked with a mocking smile while looking down at Fei, "Do you still think that you can get away?"

At this moment, Fei was shocked. Platini mentioned one term – supreme god!

"This giant green light prison is created by the godly power of a supreme god?"

Chapter 1188: A Shocking Secret (Part Two)

"Could it be that his strength reached the Supreme God Realm? No, it can't be. If Platini is already a supreme god, he can kill me easily and won't lure me to this place. The only explanation is that…"

"This green boulder hides a secret!"

"What do you think? Did you notice it now? That is right! This boulder isn't ordinary! It is the heart of a fallen supreme god after many years passed. Are you shocked?" Platini revealed his advantage in front of his enemies.

Today, Platini wasn't the righteous and kind figure who normally appeared before everyone. He was no longer mature and stable, and he didn't have his gentle smile.

Perhaps this man had been wearing a fake mask for too long. After feeling like he was in complete control, he showed his true nature and personality.

Fei was shocked to his core!

"The green boulder? The heart of a fallen supreme god?"

A lightning bolt flashed across Fei's mind, getting rid of all mist of confusion. Many questions on his mind that troubled him were answered.

"Hahaha! Did you think it through? Now you know where we are?" Platini noticed the changes to Fei's expression, and he laughed, "You are smart! No wonder you are someone who can trouble me! That is right! We are inside a corpse! Haha! You understand it now? Those pathways are the blood vessels in this corpse, and these spaces are the joints! Right now, we are in the chest of this corpse where the heart is! Hahaha! This is the corpse of a supreme god who died countless years ago!"

"A corpse! The corpse of a fallen supreme god!"

At this moment, Fei couldn't hide the shock on his face.

"No wonder! I felt like no force in this world could have create such a giant maze and enormous spaces. These places weren't artificially created. It is the corpse of a fallen supreme god. These endless and countless pathways are the dried blood vessels of this corpse…"

"This giant green boulder is the dried heart of a supreme god?"

"It can still create bumping noises… is this god not truly dead?"

Fei thought to himself.

"Even though this supreme god died countless years ago, a portion of its godly power remains. Its heart already dried up in the wind and is like a boulder, yet it still contains a level of power that we can't imagine! This is the power of a supreme god! Standing above all things! Aren't you envious of such power?" Platini's tone was filled with seduction.

He laughed with an intoxicating smile on his face, "Did you know? When I accidentally discovered the corpse of this goblin supreme god, I knew that I opened a treasure chest that contains endless possibilities. I slowly understood the power of this corpse, and I was able to recreate a new goblin race. I obtained a level of power that others couldn't imagine, and I learned the secret to becoming a supreme god. My plan is almost successfully executed! By then, the entire Azeroth Continent will shiver under my feet! Nothing can challenge my prestige! Your Northern Region Empire will disappear with a thought!"

It was clear that Platini didn't think that Fei could escape, so he vented all the pent-up excitement and frustration like a patient with prostatitis finally urinating without pain.

Platini told Fei some of his secrets. After all, his plan was about to succeed.

Chapter 1189: The Reverse of the Situation (Part One)

Ambushing and killing Fei was only a part of Platini's plan.

The Southern Region was going to be the beginning of his grand and ambitious plan.

Fei didn't know why Platini had to use this corpse of a goblin supreme god to create those defective goblins that knew nothing but killing, and he also didn't know why Platini had to use these goblins to wipe out humans in the Southern Region and wash the land with blood.

Fei didn't know the details and theories behind this mad human genius' plan, so everything was still temporarily a mystery.

However, based on the information so far, it was clear that becoming a supreme god was one of Platini's ambitions, and it seemed like he had found the way to achieve it.

The corpse of a supreme god was indeed the most valuable treasure in this world; it contained endless possibilities and secrets.

If this news got out, the entire continent would be shocked.

"Do you know who they are?" Platini pointed at the 12 giant figures in silver armor who stood around the great green boulder. He laughed proudly, "Perhaps you will recognize a few of them!"

Before he finished speaking, the mercury-like metal that covered these 12 giant figures' faces slowly wriggled and moved away, revealing the silverish-grey faces that looked dead.

They were all the faces of human masters.

Fei instantly recognized one of the faces, and his head almost exploded in anger.

Pato! The young lord who appeared in the Endless Sea of Forests behind Chambord and became brothers with Fei. Although Fei only met Pato a few times, they were the same kind of people. In the battle against the Holy Church and Juventus, Pato self-detonated to push away the enemy masters and save the last troop of AC Milan and Inter Milan. However, he appeared before Fei today.

"Damn it!"

Almost without hesitation, Fei turned into a beam of light and dashed forward, grabbing toward 'Pato' and trying to save the latter from this situation.

At this moment, 'Pato' who had his eyes closed suddenly opened them.

Two streaks of beast-like red light shot out of his eyes.

Then, he raised one of his arms and punched toward Fei.


The giant sound waves expanded outward in all directions as an explosion appeared in this green space, looking as if many tornadoes appeared.

Fei was knocked back, and the injuries on his body that were healing opened again. Streaks of golden blood jetted out.

The shock on Fei's face soon turned into calmness and anger.

"Yeah, Pato, that clever young lord who liked to smile, is already dead. He loved his empire and his people, and he also loved the Central Region. His blood was spilled on the fertile Central Region, and he gave up everything for his beliefs."

It was clear that Pato who died in battle couldn't appear here.

Also, even though this 'Pato' looked the same, everything else about him changed. His power, body composition, and presence all became different. Now, Fei could already tell that these 12 giant figures in silver armor were monsters pieced together with an evil alchemy technique and black magic. Intense death energy was coming out of their bodies, and they could unleash terrifying strength.

These figures were similar to Fei's silver crystal battle soul warrior, but one group was evil and the other group was righteous. They weren't the same at all.

Chapter 1189: The Reverse of the Situation (Part Two)

If these 12 figures appeared on the Azeroth Continent, they should be hunted down by the Holy Church immediately. Now, they were Platini's tools.

"Hahaha! Pato! The most talented young general of AC Milan, and he is one of the cleverest young lords. Also, it is heard that he is your brother! Less than half a year ago, he was turned into a meat pie when fighting with the troops of the Holy Church. His body completely disappeared in this world, and his soul even shattered. Only his head remained, which is a usable material. I used his head as the head of one of the [Godly Warriors]. Perfect art pieces… such grace! Haha! Alexander, what do you think?"

Platini was excited to see a trace of anger appearing in the depths of Fei's eyes.

It seemed like angering Fei was something that Platini enjoyed and found thrill in.

"Do you know how much materials that these 12 [Godly Warriors] cost me? Hahaha! A total of 1,100 peak Burning Sun Lords and 35 demi-gods… these raw materials are from the two empires in the Central Regions and the various empires in the Southern Region! They tried to fight the goblins for those poor and stupid civilians, and they were slain by me like animals… did you see how those goblin masters were born? Hahaha! The [Godly Warriors] have a similar origin. I captured most of them, and they were forced to kill each other inside the corpse of this goblin supreme god that still had godly power remaining. Only the strongest human masters survived. Then, I destroyed their souls and used black magic and alchemy to piece the corpses of those poor bugs together and created these perfect bodies…"

"Enough!" Fei suddenly shouted and interrupted Platini who was recalling everything with an intoxicated expression on his face.

"What did you say? What? Say it again! I didn't hear you!" Platini had a cruel smile on his face.

"I said that you are scum, and you should be killed tens of thousands of times!" Fei looked calm, yet the sharp murderous spirits leaked out of his body and permeated the air, almost solidifying around him.

"This is the biggest joke that I've ever heard! You are now only a poor bug who is crawling before my feet. You can't even save yourself. What qualification do you have to say this?" Platini laughed when he heard Fei's words.

Suddenly, a cold grin appeared on Fei's face, and he said, "Scum Platini Your Holiness, I guess that you haven't reached the Supreme God Realm, right?"

Platini replied with mockery, "Even if I'm not a supreme god, I'm not someone who you can challenge. You are already this injured, and you can't recover. On top of that, you have a heavy burden with you. You can't even escape! You are like a caged tiger that got its fangs and claws cut off! You can only wait for your death!"

The smile on Fei's face became strange, and he said, "You talk too much. Since you aren't a supreme god, it means that you can't escape this green light prison as well, right?"

"What do you mean?" Platini suddenly felt like something wasn't right.

"I mean, Scumbag, you are dead! You are really dead!" Fei suddenly roared, and a streak of unparalleled golden holy power flashed. All the injuries on his body instantly recovered.

Then, a golden light flashed on Elena, and she instantly healed up as well.

"This… impossible!" Platini's pupils instantly contracted.

[TL Note: It was at this moment that he knew… he f*cked up.]

Chapter 1190: The Appearance of the Continental Martial Saint (Part One)

"You have been scheming against me. Haha! Why can't I do it against you?" Fei's presence suddenly rose, no longer looking dispirited and lost.

Then, the emperor dashed into the sky and stood on the same level as Platini who was standing on the top of the giant green boulder.

"This is impossible… how did you do it?" The mockery on Platini's face instantly disappeared. While roaring, he activated the dried heart of this goblin supreme god.


Bump! Bump! Bump!

A series of strong and rhythmic noises sounded like the rhythm of the world, and green ripples appeared and expanded like giant waves, surging toward Fei and Elena.

"Haha! Do you really think that I can't block the power of a corpse?" Fei laughed and tore open the space around him as if he was tearing a piece of fabric. The terrifying green sound waves that could instantly kill gods got turned into pieces as if they were paper, passing by Fei and Elena.

"Humph! So you were pretending all along! You wanted to get information out of me?" Platini's expression turned ugly, and he stared at Fei in anger. "Although I don't know why you aren't affected by the suppression of a supreme god's laws of nature, what can you do? Hehe, now that you recovered, what can you do? I have 12 godly-king-level [Godly Warriors], and there are only two of you. Today, you have to die!"

"It seems like I need to tell you the story of someone being asked to enter a boiling pot." Fei looked at his opponent in pity and said, "Don't you want to know why I knew something about this place?"

"You…" Platini suddenly thought of something, and a terrified expression appeared on his face.

"Hahaha! Did you think it through? It is too late! Let's compare the number of people on each side again! Come out! The Throne of Creation!" Fei laughed loudly.

Before the emperor could finish, a series of brilliant silver ripples appeared in the air. Then, a giant beautiful silver throne slowly showed up. This throne looked majestic like a descending overlord, and it was engraved with all kinds of images of the gods. As streaks of light flashed around it, this throne seemed to have come to life, and many holy spiritual battle songs resonated and surged around it.

This was the treasure that Fei obtained from Sky City – the Throne of Creation.

This throne also had another name – the Throne of Destruction.

Although the Throne of Destruction was the name that it had, it was later proved that Cain and Akara made a mistake in terms of knowledge, which was rare. Their translation was off, and they translated the word 'creation' into 'destruction'. Now, this throne finally got its proper name.

Of course, this wasn't the important part.

As the Throne of Creation appeared, another figure also showed up in this giant space.

This figure was slightly short and chubby, and he had thick black curly hair and a big grey beard. He had big eyes and thick brows, and his big nose added to his character.

This man was wearing an ordinary-looking sky-blue robe, and he was standing beside the Throne of Creation with a smile on his face.

Just judging from his appearance alone, this man was an ordinary middle-aged man. He didn't have an overbearing presence and a dominant aura. In fact, he didn't even look like a charismatic uncle.

He was more like a casual and calm farmer. If he were within a large group of people, he wouldn't be picked out by masters.

Chapter 1190: The Appearance of the Continental Martial Saint (Part Two)

However, when Platini saw this man, his expression completely froze!

"Maradona!" Platini said this man's name slowly, syllable by syllable.

Regardless of who it was, their heads would buzz once they heard this name.

On the entire Azeroth Continent, there was only one man with the name Maradona!

This man was the strongest human under the stars, and he resided on the Continental Martial Saint Mountain and dominated the continent for 1,000 years. No master dared to challenge his prestige and power! Although he was a mysterious figure who almost no one had seen before, he was powerful enough to rival the Holy Church on his own! He was the Continental Martial Saint!

A man who lived in legends!

A man who was almost like a supreme god in many people's eyes!

A man who Platini hated to the core!

"We meet again, Scumbag!" Maradona smiled and greeted Platini. It was clear that the relationship between these two wasn't friendly; everyone could see that.

Intense murderous spirits hid under the smiles on the surface. It seemed like Fei wasn't the first person to call Platini a scumbag.

"Why are you here? Aren't you…" Platini was stunned!

"Shouldn't I be blocked at the Dragon Island in the Central Region, right?" Maradona casually grabbed in the air, and a cigar appeared in his hand. He placed it in between his lips, and sparks appeared on the end when he sucked on the butt of the cigar. Then, the fragrance of the cigar slowly permeated the air.

"If I didn't release the fake appearance of me being blocked at the Dragon Island in the Central Region, would an old fox like you decide to come to the Southern Region to ambush Alexander?"

Platini finally realized something, and he said with hatred, "It seems like you two already partnered up a while ago?"

Fei smiled and said, "Of course. Do you really think that I'm an ignorant fool? Do you think that I'm someone who thinks that I'm invincible and can go anywhere in the world after I became a god? I knew that underestimating enemies is equivalent to committing suicide. Without knowing that I will win for sure, would I come into this trap recklessly?"

Platini's expression turned livid and extremely ugly. "When did you start working together? How come my intelligence network didn't even get a single clue?"

"When?" Maradona casually blew a smoke ring and said, "Long, long ago. Before Barcelona waged the war against Zenit, we were already in touch. You should know that little ones such as Milito, Cassano, and Shaarawy are under me. Since they are familiar with Alexander, there is no communicate blockage between us."

"I see…" Platini sighed and said, "I should have thought about that. I should have known… those damn wastrels in the Godly Clergy Group! They didn't provide any relevant information to me…"

"Wastrels? The Godly Clergy Group has no wastrels. As to why you didn't receive any reports? Perhaps some people don't want you to know too much. Hahaha!" Maradona soon finished smoking the entire cigar.

Platini sharply captured the information that Maradona revealed, and glints flashed in his eyes. "Blatter? That old fart? He is scheming behind my back?"

Fei also realized something at this moment, and he thought to himself, "It seems like there are conflicts within the Holy Church. The relationship between Pope Blatter and Deputy Pope Platini isn't as great as it seems. These two magnates are fighting behind everyone's back. This time, it seems like Platini got pinched by Blatter."

Chapter 1191: The Appearance of the Continental Martial Saint (2) (Part One)

"Since everything is clear now, what are we waiting for? Haha! Let's battle! Let's see who can walk out of here alive!" Maradona laughed.

"This battle is meaningless." Platini shook his head with great disappointment. "It is me who miscalculated this time. Alexander, you are lucky this time! You are lucky that you can get away. One day, I will turn you into one of my [Godly Warriors]!"

"Don't say one day. Let's do it today. Since I prepared for so long, how can I be willing if I don't kill a scumbag like you?" Fei floated into the air and waved his hand, summoning the Throne of Creation again.

Without this saint item, Maradona wouldn't be able to pass through the light prison created by the godly power of a supreme god and arrive at this place.

"Haha! Kill me? Kill me here? If I want to leave, who can stop me?" Platini laughed.

Platini already had a complete understanding of this corpse of a supreme god, and he grasped onto all the secrets of this dried heart. Right now, he was the ruler of this space. Although he couldn't kill Fei and Maradona, it was too easy for him to get away.

Maradona said slowly, "Perhaps I can stop you."

With that said, Maradona suddenly flashed in this space, and his body changed several positions. Fei and Platini didn't know what he did, but the green light prison that engulfed this space became even stronger, and a series of mystical laws of nature appeared, bringing with them indescribable changes.

"You…" Platini was terrified, and his soul almost left his body. He somehow felt like he was slowly losing control of the giant boulder-like green heart underneath his feet.


Platini turned into a streak of light and tried to dash into the void, but he was troubled by the green light that was everywhere. He realized that he couldn't open the space anymore, and he no longer had full control of the green light prison. He was completely imprisoned inside this space as well.

"Hahaha! Although I recently discovered this corpse, I still managed to grasp some of the secrets. Now, you finally reaped the fruit of your own action! The trap that you set up is now your tomb! Haha!" Maradona couldn't help but laugh.

After fighting in secret for many years, Maradona was finally at the advantage. Now that he was about to take care of this opponent, his battle-hunger skyrocketed.

"Little Guy, we only have 12 minutes. You can battle this scumbag; I'm too old and can't battle that well. I will help you pull back these 12 little dogs." With that said, a streak of shocking power dashed out of Maradona's body.

This man slightly shook his body in mid-air, and 12 doppelgangers appeared. Each of them had the same strength as Maradona, and they dashed toward Platini's 12 [Godly Warriors] while creating a series of afterimages in the air.

At this moment, the Continental Martial Saint who was said to be the most powerful human under the stars finally showed his terrifying strength.

Godly King!

All 12 of Maradona's doppelgangers were godly kings!

The surging chaotic elemental energy showed that Maradona had become a godly king for some years. He already completely merged the five elements into one, achieving the perfect primal chaos. His energy could take any shape and form. It was impossible to find patterns in his moves, and he could unleash world-destroying power.

Fei's heart lurched a little.

Chapter 1191: The Appearance of the Continental Martial Saint (2) (Part Two)

The entire continent underestimated the power of this master who had been famous for a long time. Putting other things aside, just these 12 godly-king-level doppelgangers were invincible on the continent in the last 1,000 years where the gods were asleep. No wonder a giant force like the Holy Church couldn't do anything to this man while they wiped out many powerful forces in the last 1,000 years.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Loud energy explosions appeared in this space.

Maradona's doppelgangers that were engulfed in chaotic energy battled with the 12 so-called [Godly Warriors] who were made with black magic and alchemy. The residual energy dashed in all directions, and the laws of chaos and flames almost destroyed everything.

Valkyrie Elena who had recovered stood on the side and calmly watched the battle.

That was right! Since Fei and Elena's strength came from Diablo World, they weren't affected by the residual laws of nature that were coming out of the dried heart of this goblin supreme god. All the injuries and suppressions were a part of an act that they put on to fool Platini and make him use the green light prison.

Now, they no longer needed to act.

Fei roared and summoned the [Immortal King] Item Set onto his body. The giant war-beast-like blackish-silver armor gave others a shocking visual impact, and the [Immortal King's Stone Crusher] emitted ancient and primal forces. This giant war hammer shot out rings of runes that were red like blood.

Fully equipped, Fei dashed toward Platini as fast as a flash of lightning, looking like a prehistoric beast walking out of a time portal.

This was the first time that Fei battled with full force since he became a godly king!

He almost didn't hold back any force. The reason was simple; his opponent was a man who was almost standing on the peak of the continent! The real controller of the giant Holy Church!


With rings of red runes surging around it, the [Immortal King's Stone Crusher] smashed onto Platini's head. Platini shattered like a broken mirror before disappearing. The green boulder got struck by the giant hammer, and the collision created a series of flames and sparks.

Platini's true self appeared behind Fei, and the Scepter of Ragnarok was waved. Many golden sword energies pierced Fei's body.

This was also an afterimage.

The real Fei instantly flashed to the right of Platini, and the giant hammer struck out horizontally like a wild dragon.

Seeing this, Platini tilted his body and swung the Scepter of Ragnarok to block it.


A loud bell-like noise resonated in the area.

When the scepter and the giant hammer collided with each other, the spatial barrier at the center of the collision exploded like the windshield of a vehicle that got smashed. However, the spatial fragments were pulled by the laws of nature of the goblin supreme god, not dispersing into the area.

Both Fei and Platini were knocked away by the impulsive force.

Fei was slightly surprised. He was a barbarian, and barbarians were known for their great strength. On the other hand, Platini looked like a weak scholar and was a priest, so he shouldn't be great at melee combat. However, Platini did block Fei's strike. Furthermore, from the repulsive force coming from the Scepter of Ragnarok, it seemed like Platini's physical strength wasn't much weaker compared to that of Fei.

"Haha! Little Guy! Platini is an unparalleled genius! This scumbag isn't just a priest! He is also a godly knight. Both in terms of holy power and warrior energy, he is a godly king! Don't underestimate him." Maradona laughed and reminded Fei while smoking another cigar.

"I see!" Fei finally understood the situation.


On the other side, Platini tore off the long robe on his body, revealing a set of extremely fancy silver battle armor underneath. Then, he placed a golden mask onto his face.

Platini's presence instantly changed; he looked much tougher. Then, golden energy flames appeared around him, turning him into a golden sun.

Chapter 1192: Using All Killing Methods (Part One)

A series of godly songs sounded from within Platini's body.

Many eight-winged battle angels walked out of the gate of light that appeared behind Platini. While swinging their terrifying lightsabres, they rushed over and encircled Fei like a flood.

"Haha! Scumbag! Fight me head-on! Don't summon these weak toys to shame yourself!" Fei laughed and waved his giant hammer, and these eight-winged battle angels that were capable of low-tier godly-king-level strength fell back and shattered like porcelain dolls.

However, more and more eight-winged battle angels were rushing over.

Fei howled and shot toward Platini.

"God said that all evil will be imprisoned, disappearing under the blades of the godly warriors!" This sentence that contained the mystical laws of nature flowed out of Platini's mouth.

Fei was dashing forward, but an invisible force suddenly appeared around him, slowing him down.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

At the same time, many swords of light, sabers of light, and spears of light struck toward Fei. The eight-winged battle angels used their most powerful strikes and unleashed all kinds of spells and energies of various colors onto Fei.

Engulfed in golden energy flames, a smile appeared on Platini's face.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

However, streaks of golden flames appeared in the explosion that took place in the center of the battle angels. Like sharp swords, the flames pierced the eight-winged battle angels that were covered in godly armor. Regardless of how they howled and struggled, they couldn't get away. Soon, giant holes appeared on their bodies as the flames burned.

Endless golden light beams shone on Fei's body as he slowly floated up.

"This is useless. Don't use these tricks to bring shame to yourself." Like a battle god, Fei looked at his opponent and mocked, "If the Deputy Pope of the Holy Church only has this level of strength, then the battle is about to be over!"

Platini's expression froze for a second.

The Human Emperor of the North's strength was far beyond Platini's estimations and what was shown in the intelligence reports. Platini thought that Fei was only a small character who just broke into the Godly King Realm. However, Fei was already at level 6 Godly King Realm.

"This kid… how did he cultivate?"

In the next moment, Fei and Platini went back to the fierce battle.

Under Platini's full force, the Scepter of Ragnarok transformed into a fancy and golden dragon lance. Platini used the close-ranged lance technique of the godly kings to the extreme! Even though Fei's barbarian character was a melee combat master, he couldn't completely suppress Platini.

Genius! Platini was indeed a rare genius!

On the side, Maradona's 12 doppelgangers were battling the 12 [Godly Warriors]. Right now, Maradona himself was casually sitting on the green boulder that was transformed from the heart of the goblin supreme god. While crossing his legs, he smoked the cigar and watched.

Regardless of how powerful and destructive the energy surges in this space were, they couldn't get within 100 meters of him.

On the other side, Valkyrie Elena was covered in a layer of blue magic energy flames, blocking out all residual energy waves. She was watching Fei battle patiently. Due to the deep understanding between the two, Elena knew what Fei wanted and didn't participate in this battle.

After advancing into the Godly King Realm, these masters' combat styles had turned to their roots and became extremely simple. The fancy-looking techniques and spells were useless.

Chapter 1192: Using All Killing Methods (Part Two)

While changing positions in the air at a speed that no mortals could comprehend, Fei and Platini attacked each other with simple moves head-on.

The hammer and the lance collided with each other repeatedly, creating deafening noises.

Also, these two left many afterimages in the air as they battled. It felt like there were thousands of Fei and Platini at a given time.

The attacks that these two used were simple; even ordinary warriors could use them.

However, each strike contained terrifying laws of nature, able to strike down and destroy the land. If this space wasn't maintained by the residual laws of nature that belonged to this goblin supreme god, it would have shattered a long time ago.

"Hey, be careful. You have to hurry up; the 12 minutes is almost up." Maradona who was casually watching on the side reminded Fei.

Maradona had comprehended a portion of the secrets regarding the heart of this fallen goblin supreme god, so he was able to barely control this green light prison for 12 minutes. Once this time passed, it was highly likely that Platini would be able to reclaim the control over this space. Even if he couldn't turn the tables around, he could escape.

Once Platini escaped and returned to the headquarters of the Holy Church, it would be almost impossible to kill him again as he would be protected by countless masters of the Holy Church.

"Got it!" Fei shouted, and the giant hammer in his hand shot out a series of red runes and knocked Platini away.

In the next second, a light flashed in Fei's hand. The [Immortal King's Stone Crusher] was replaced by a simple-looking silver scepter.


Fei pointed out with this scepter, and Platini instantly flew back while puking up golden blood.

The situation was instantly turned around.

"The Scepter of Creation?!!" Platini screamed on top of his lungs as an incredulous expression appeared on his face. The stalemate was instantly broken!

Platini sensed the terrifying power contained inside the silver scepter! This scepter left a mark on the Scepter of Ragnarok, a god-tier combat weapon, in his hands.

"That is right. Now, let everything end!" With the Scepter of Creation in his hands, Fei quickly flew higher into the sky. Endless godly-king-level core energy was injected into the scepter, and unimaginable power started to surge.

Although Platini was a top-tier godly king, his body started to crack and collapse when he slightly touched this presence.

"Damn it! You actually fully comprehended the secrets of the Scepter of Creation?" Platini was shocked to his core.

Fei didn't reply. Instead, he unleashed his full force and empowered the Scepter of Creation.

An immense amount of godly power was required to fully energize this legendary and invincible scepter. Although Fei was already a level 6 godly king, he was still having trouble to do so.

This was why he saved this hidden card to the last moment.

If something went wrong, Fei would be sucked into a dry corpse.

Platini was completely suppressed, and many bloody cracks appeared on his body as if he was a porcelain jar that was dropped onto the ground. Even though the scene looked terrifying and gruesome, Platini's godly-king-level power allowed him to defend for a while.

"Human Emperor of the North! You forced me to do this!"

Platini's expression suddenly turned vicious, and he no longer looked cold and graceful. Like a beast that was severely injured, he roared loudly as if he made an important decision.

Chapter 1193: The Struggle Before Death (Part One)

[TL Note: This is a four-parter.]

In the next moment, Platini did something shocking to everyone.

He suddenly pointed the Scepter of Ragnarok at himself and pierced it into his body. The sharp end of the scepter instantly stabbed into his chest, and golden blood that contained terrifying power rushed out like a fountain.

Fei was shocked as he thought, "Could it be that this guy can't beat me, so he is going to harm himself in frustration?"

At this moment, a streak of indescribable creepy presence leaked out of the Scepter of Ragnarok in the form of blackish-red mist.

This streak of energy was completely different from that of the Scepter of Creation. The latter had a majestic, noble, and unquestionable presence, but the former seemed dark, gloomy, and murderous. It was all negative emotions and urges.

However, the energy that appeared in the Scepter of Ragnarok nearly went above the Godly King Realm as well, almost reaching the level of the Scepter of Creation.

"What is going on? Platini is cultivating the holy power, and the Scepter of Ragnarok is a holy item of the Holy Church. How come such an evil presence appeared when the two combined?" Fei was shocked.

At this moment, he couldn't think too much. Either he was going to die or Platini was going to die. Therefore, Fei had to unleash all his core energy and push the Scepter of Creation, releasing an even stronger streak of power. The emperor was trying to completely kill Platini before the 12-minute mark.

However, the blackish-red evil presence was getting more and more powerful; it gradually seemed to be able to rival the Scepter of Creation.

A serious expression also appeared on Maradona's face. He already ditched the cigar, and he looked hesitant for the first time. It seemed like he was wondering if he should attack or not.

Right now, Valkyrie Elena couldn't get involved at all.

Both Fei and Platini unleashed a level of power beyond the Godly King Realm. Elena could only unleash her full force and barely stay alive.

"Hahaha! You can't do anything to me… you just can't!" Platini laughed crazily and said, "You forced me to do this. After merging with the Scepter of Ragnarok, I lost my soul but obtained eternal life. Alexander, you will regret pressuring me to this degree. Soon, what happened to Pato will also happen to you…"

What Platini said revealed some important pieces of information.

It was clear that the Scepter of Ragnarok wasn't only a symbol of status and power, and it also wasn't only a simple god-tier combat weapon. It had hidden powers and abilities.

Fei cussed in his mind. "Damn it! Such a magnate-like figure sure has hidden cards. This situation is too f*cking frustrating."

"I didn't think that things would come to this degree."

"It seems like it is hard to take down Platini today."

At this moment, something that no one expected occurred.

The Scepter of Ragnarok that was about to completely merge with Platini's body seemed to be suddenly summoned by a mysterious force, shaking violently.

As Platini looked terrified, this invisible force slowly 'pulled' the Scepter of Ragnarok out of his body.

The blackish-red mist coming out of the Scepter of Ragnarok that could rival the Scepter of Creation gradually disappeared, and the evil energy that was protecting Platini also started to lose power and disappear.

Chapter 1193: The Struggle Before Death (Part Two)

"No… why is this happening? No!" Platini shouted like a madman. He tried to struggle and fight back. He grabbed onto the scepter and tried to resist the pulling force, but he couldn't stop this from happening.

In just a flash, the golden scepter was completely pulled out of his body and hovered above Platini.


Then, the Scepter of Ragnarok shook and turned into a golden light beam, instantly breaking the green light prison that was created by the goblin supreme god's partial laws of nature. Afterward, the scepter completely disappeared.

Without the Scepter of Ragnarok, Platini's power instantly dropped back to his prior level.

Except for the bowl-sized blood hole in his chest, Platini returned to his old form. He could no longer rival Fei's power.

Now, many spider-web-like thin cracks appeared on Platini's body, and blood flowed out, turning him into a blood man.

"Damn it! Blatter! You old fart! You demon… it is you who have been scheming behind my back! I got tricked!"

Platini seemed to have understood something at this moment.

After igniting the last bit of power in his body, Platini turned into a light beam and roared, trying to escape from the opening that the Scepter of Ragnarok created in the green light prison.

However, Fei wouldn't let Platini get what he wanted.

Waving the Scepter of Creation, Fei shot out a streak of terrifying silver light. Although Platini lightly touched it, he screamed as he lost all his power.

Bam! Platini fell from the sky and exploded into blood foam.

A mass of pure and eye-piercing golden flames escaped from the blood foam, containing intense spirit energy fluctuations.

This was Platini's core energy.

For those existences in the Godly King Realm, even if they turned into dust, their consciousness wouldn't disappear, and they could still revive as long as they safeguarded their core energies.

However, when in such a state, these masters would be extremely fragile, and they couldn't use any bit of their superpowers.

Fei pointed out his fingers, and a golden and silver sword energy of order flew out, turning into many thin chains and wrapping around this mass of golden flames.

Platini's core energy was instantly imprisoned.

"No, you can't treat me like this!" Platini's terrified spirit energy fluctuations were transmitted through the golden flames.

Fei pulled this mass of golden flames into his hand.

Seeing the 12 [Godly Warriors] who stopped moving and turned silent due to Platini's body's destruction, especially Pato's pale yet lifelike face, Fei couldn't hold back the murderous spirit on his mind. He sneered and said, "Why can't I treat you like this? You are a scumbag! Do you still want to live in this world?"

"No… no… listen to me! I can tell you everything that I know. I can tell you the secrets about this goblin supreme god's corpse and how to control it. I can even tell you how to control the goblins and all the secrets in the Holy Church. I…"

Platini almost instantly collapsed at this moment. He was no longer the Deputy Pope of the Holy Church who controlled countless people's lives, and he also wasn't an overlord who dominated the continent.

Right now, this man could only beg for mercy and try his best to survive.

Before death, he was even weaker than an ordinary member of the Holy Church.

Chapter 1193: The Struggle Before Death (Part Three)

Platini put many attractive and valuable offers on the table.

"If you don't kill me; if you promise not to kill me, I can tell you everything. I can even serve you…" Platini begged, "The Azeroth Continent is facing a catastrophe. You can't imagine what is happening in this dimension! I can tell you…."

Further away, Continental Martial Saint Maradona pondered to himself. It was clear that he wasn't distracted by what Platini said. Instead, he stared at the direction that the Scepter of Ragnarok took off and thought hard about something.

Almost without hesitation, Fei shook his head and declined all offers. "Platini, you didn't only betray those faithful believers, you also betrayed the [Black-Cloth Shrine] and the Azeroth Continent. I won't make a deal with someone like you. Therefore, disappear from this world!"

Before Fei finished speaking, he tightened his hands and crushed this mass of flames. Then, a massive amount of spirit energy appeared and shattered Platini's last bit of consciousness in this world.

A heavyweight magnate of the Holy Church instantly disappeared from this world! It was unbelievable that Platini died like this.

Once the news got out, the entire continent would shake violently.

Even at this moment, Fei couldn't believe what just took place.

"Platini is someone who lived in legends. This troublesome opponent only fought me one, and he died just like this? Did I only kill one of his mirror images or doppelgangers?" Fei thought to himself.

However, the mass of godly-king-level energy flames in Fei's hand told him that there was no mistake. Except for Platini, no one could have such a massive amount of pure holy power.

Gradually, the emperor refined this mass of energy and sucked it into his grand godly realm.

Continental Martial Saint Maradona observed the entire process, and his eyelids twitched repeatedly.

"Devouring his opponents' core energies? Is this the reason behind the Human Emperor of the North's rise?"

"This is a terrifying secret technique. Devouring the enemy's core energy and using it as his own… this is unheard of! As long as he can kill enough masters, his realm will continue to increase without limit! Ordinary people have to cultivate diligently and face bottlenecks and thresholds, but he is free of all these issues?"

"This is insane!"

Maradona thought to himself.

"Thank you, Senior! Your help is greatly appreciated." After devouring Platini's energy, Fei smiled and showed his gratitude toward Maradona.

"Hahaha! It should me who need to thank you. Fighting with Platini, this scumbag, for many years, I couldn't do anything to him. Today, by borrowing your strength, this scumbag finally met his end…" The Continental Martial Saint talked like a little hooligan, which was easy for others to feel intimate and trust him.

What Maradona said was true. He fought Platini many years both in the dark and in public, and he knew Platini's true self. The latter seemed honorable, but he was despicable. However, Platini's status and influence were great, and many masters followed him. Even though Maradona was the Continental Martial Saint, he couldn't do anything to Platini.

Throughout the years, Maradona and Platini only had small skirmishes, and Maradona could only watch as Platini's force grew stronger.

This time, Maradona got to partner with the Human Emperor of the North in secret. They created this trap, and Platini was also betrayed by someone on his side.

Chapter 1193: The Struggle Before Death (Part Four)

The Human Emperor of the North placed himself in danger and act accordingly, finally killing this ambitious conspirator.

The only thing that Maradona felt pitiful about was that he discovered this goblin supreme god's corpse too late. Otherwise, he could have stopped this crazy plan, helping hundreds of millions of humans in the Southern Region to avoid the fate of being slaughtered.

The tragedy already struck.

Now that the "beheading" mission was successful, Fei and Maradona only had to use this momentum and clear all the remaining goblins in the Southern Region of Azeroth, wiping out this violent race.

Maradona couldn't do this on his own. Only a giant force like the Northern Region Empire had the manpower, resources, and energy to complete this mission.

"These 12 [Godly Warriors] are no longer in Platini's control, and they are puppets. With the powerful magic civilization of the Northern Region Empire, I believe that you can make some modifications and use them. You can take them all." Maradona was kind and generous.

Fei glanced at these 12 [Godly Warriors] who were all godly kings. He would be lying if he said that he didn't want them. These were 12 godly-king-level battle machines! With them, the Northern Region Empire could instantly dominate the continent.

However, Fei shook his head in the end.

"These people were all the honorable and loyal protectors of humans. Before they died, they used their lives and souls to guard humans, showing the responsibility and honor of warriors. Now, their souls are being controlled by Platini's evil spell. I can't let them continue to be battle machines and not able to rest in peace after death."

While saying that, Fei raised his hand and shot out 12 streaks of golden holy power.

The golden light beams engulfed the 12 [Godly Warriors] who froze in the air, washing away the evil energy in their bodies and getting rid of the evil black magic that controlled them. Also, the curses and complicated spiritual magic runes were removed.

The mercury-like metal surface on these warriors gradually turned into pieces and fell off, revealing pieces of muscles and bones underneath that were pieced together. There were so many components that it seemed like they were bio-robots.

While being purified by the golden light, the darkened bones and muscles started to return to their normal colors, and a ton of black mist gushed out of these 12 giant bodies before being dissolved in the light.

Then, masses of white light flew out of these [Godly Warriors], releasing a series of spirit energy fluctuations while bathing in the golden light.

"The kind and generous emperor of humans! You released our souls!"

"May the stars bless you!"

"You will be the lord of the continent!"

"We are finally free!"

"Human Emperor, you will receive our purest blessings!"

The masses of white light flew around Fei, and the weak energies turned into many different faces; they were the last marks that these dead human masters left in this world. They were thanking Fei and offering blessings.

Fei was surprised to find that a ton of pure and strong power of faith rushed to him and engulfed him like a flood.

"My Brother, we meet again…" Before Fei, Pato's face slowly appeared. He was quiet, peaceful, and intimate. It seemed like the tragedy didn't occur.

Pato smiled and said, "Ever since I fell into darkness, I knew that you, my dear brother, will save me and let my soul rest in peace. I didn't wait that long; you did it!"